> Between Bassdrops and Bowstrings > by Quillian Inkheart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Discovering Destiny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Discovering Destiny “My name is Octavia Melody.” The filly stood tall under the curious eyes of her new classmates. Her teacher, Miss Glimmerstep, stood not far away, urging her on with a smile. "I just moved to Ponyville from Manehattan with my parents. The city was always filled with ponies, politeness and, above all else, class." Scanning over the classroom, she saw two of the three. Class was incidentally absent. She saw nopony of particular note, but rather, a sea of normality, which wasn't a terrible thing; just terribly boring. Being the new filly in the neighborhood, everypony seemed to show an uncanny interest in her life. As she opened her mouth to say something in reply to all the good wishes, she became aware of the shivering she felt pressed up against her flank. The light olive coat of her half-sister, Fiddlesticks, trembled against her back, as she hid as best as she could from all the curious eyes. Smiling to the class, Octavia stepped aside, leaning against her sister for support. “And this is Fiddlesticks, my little sister.” Reinforced by Octavia and the polite welcome of the class, Fiddlesticks slowly uncurled, peeking out from under the bundle of her tail. The two of them styled their manes the same way these days and looked very much alike, all except for Fiddlestick’s hat; she wore it all the time, a white cowboy hat her father had given her. She was an Apple through and through, and while the two had different fathers, the pair of sisters were inseparable. Fiddlesticks was a blank-flank, just like her; the two had been terrified about starting at this new school like this. It was with some relief that Octavia noticed a few other little fillies and colts that hadn’t gotten their Cutie Marks either. It wasn’t common, but Octavia was happy she and her sister weren’t the only ones. A small filly with a white coat and a blue mane near the front of the class lifted her hoof, drawing Octavia's attention. "What kind of things do you like?" "An excellent question, Rarity. Octavia, if you would, please." Glimmerstep looked to her with a matronly smile. "What do I like?" Octavia was quiet as she thought, giving a nod to herself and a smile once she decided on what to say. "My mom is Melodious Pitch, a singer. She always sang lullabies to help me sleep. It was like listening to an angel. She always used to say that life is full of music. It's everywhere; she said it's the wind blowing through the leaves and the sound of rocks rolling down a hill. Music is… music is hard to put into words myself...” Her heart swelled with every word; even if many of them were taken from her mother's mouth, she felt them just as strongly. She was met by a stream of comments and compliments and – Octavia was pretty sure – one loud whistle and cheer from somewhere in the back. She couldn’t really place where. When Fiddle was asked the same question, she just shifted uncomfortably and mumbled, but after some time and encouragement from Octavia, she gave way to shy and modest answers about the Apple family gatherings she enjoyed going to. Applejack, one of the other fillies in the class, hooted proudly at that, making Fiddle blush. Octavia would be sure her sister sat beside that one. Slowly, the country filly opened up even more. "Octi's mom met my dad in Manehattan. My dad's Cameo Apple, a member of the Apple family." Fiddle stood a little stronger, bolstered by family ties. "He and mom moved here, hopin' to become a part of a quiet, simple place at Granny Smith's suggestion. I ain't much, but one day, I hope to be a great rodeo pony, just like my da!" After a few more questions, which bored Octavia to no end, the two were permitted to take their seats. Octavia walked Fiddlesticks over to where Applejack was, happy to find an open seat beside her rowdy half-relative. After she saw Fiddle safely seated, she looked around. Rarity, the pony who had spoken up, had no open seats nearby and Octavia really hadn't taken note of anypony else. Just as she was starting to fret, a pony spoke up. “There’s a spare seat back here, Miss Glimmerstep!” Octavia turned to find the speaker and was met by the sight of a flashy, wild mane on a short unicorn in the way back. Judging by her voice, she was also likely the source of the loudest of the earlier cheers, and was waving her hoof in an exaggerated greeting. Octavia tilted her head as she studied her, thinking. Why had she spoken out? She looked like an absolute ruffian, with her mane styled into wild spikes. But Octavia didn’t complain. She trotted over to the seat, sitting down quietly and preparing for class. “Hey there!” The filly shouted much too loudly, given they were already side-by-side. “My name’s Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch.” She proudly puffed out her upper torso, beaming. Well, she certainly was confident that she’d impress. Octavia tipped her head in greeting, to which Vinyl snatched her hoof and gave it a little-too-hardy shake. “Hey, hey, don’t be so stuffy!” Vinyl cheered, getting a few glances from the other students. "We're not so formal, here in Ponyville, you know. We're way chill! So loosen up a bit and relax, alright?" "Shh." The colt on Vinyl's other side quickly blurted to her. "Shh yourself." Vinyl looked to the speaker. "I'm just gettin' the new filly introduced to some Ponyville grade love-and-tolerance here!" Vinyl looked back to Octavia, but paused when she noticed Glimmerstep behind her, tapping a hoof and staring sternly. The wildcat pony smiled an immodest smile and Glimmerstep walked back to the front of the class to start the lesson. “Hey, find me when school’s over, okay? I really wanna talk to you. Please?” Octavia just sighed and nodded. Well, Octavia thought as she picked up her pencil with her teeth. The first day is off to a real rocky start. The bell rang to signal the end of class, giving Octavia the cue to try and sneak away. Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain. Vinyl had sighted her long before she had the chance to escape. “Tryin’ to run away?” Vinyl joked. Octavia wasn’t laughing. Octavia spoke quickly, before Vinyl could get the wrong idea. “Look, I don’t know what you wanted to talk abou—“ “That’s right!” Vinyl perked up, laughing to herself. Octavia sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. It was obvious this was going to be a longer day than she imagined. “I wanted you to meet my father!” “Oh joy...” Octavia hoped she laced her words with enough sarcasm to breach Vinyl’s clearly thick skull. “I know, right?” Vinyl said proudly, if obliviously. “Right when I heard you liked music, I knew you had to meet him.” With a tilt of her head, Vinyl started walking, leading Octavia along. Running wouldn’t save her, she knew. Instead, she used this time to sum up her unusually bright and noisy guide. Vinyl was younger than most of the fillies in class, even Octavia. Despite this, a Cutie Mark was already visible on her tiny flank, making Octavia instantly envious. The mark was a symbol she recognized, a pair of bridged eighth notes. It was plenty to make her more curious than annoyed about Vinyl’s unusual personality. As they talked, Octavia found herself caught up in Vinyl's eyes. Even though they were just chatting about inconsequential nonsense, those magenta eyes were filled with energy. She had a feeling that life would never be dull with this filly around. Curiouser and curiouser… Octavia thought to herself, keeping an eye on Vinyl, who simply continued to babble. While she wasn’t the sort Octavia would normally be seen with, she certainly seemed the most interesting within the school's usual lineup, insofar as her first day told her. “You're one strange, hyperactive little pony…” Octavia lamented, eventually giving in. “So, who is your father?” Octavia asked, slipping the question into one of the pauses in Vinyl’s non-stop talking. She decided to tone down her sarcasm as well, not wanting to drive Vinyl away. “Echo Scratch,” Vinyl replied, without a pause. Octavia stopped mid-step, blinking several times. “Echo Scratch,” she mirrored. “As in the Echo Scratch. DJ X-Fader?” She felt her eyes widen. She couldn’t help herself. It was impolite to stare – she knew that – but nothing could stop it. “The one and only!” Vinyl replied with a hint of triumph in her voice. Echo Scratch, or DJ X-Fader as he was also known, was a musical legend of the last generation. He rose to fame overnight after advancing the technology used in turntables and revolutionizing the genre of electronica. He even played in Canterlot for several big events, often at the request of very prestigious ponies. Any music lover of any age worth half their salt knew about him. Octavia's ears drooped and she slumped her head slightly; here she was, looking down her nose at Vinyl and she happens to be the daughter of a musical revolutionary. Vinyl seemed to read Octavia’s mind, stopping and smiling back over her shoulder. “I know I don’t look like much, but dad’s been raisin’ me on his music my whole life. Not too many ponies in Ponyville can spin a track like me!” Her voice wound down a bit as she added, “But, I don’t want to just copy my father. I want to be something different—” Octavia held her opinions on Vinyl’s uniqueness tightly, “—and blow the world away the world.” A big hope, coming from one so young and small. Octavia smiled a warm smile. She decided she liked Vinyl, for all her flaws. She was a like a fresh pearl. She was not yet polished; but with some effort, she would really shine. Octavia only hoped she wouldn’t be dwarfed under her greatness, should Vinyl accomplish her goals. She would stick close and watch the creation of a star. And she would see it all from the best seat in the house. Maybe she could learn something from Vinyl after all. Vinyl’s home wasn’t entirely what Octavia had expected. For the master of techno, she had expected a manor, or at least something more retro. Why wouldn’t somepony as famous as DJ X-Fader live in the lap of luxury? But the home before her was nothing of the sort; a two-story affair with the same style as the rest of Ponyville’s quaint houses. Ironically, the house of possibly the loudest musician in pony history was right across the street from the town's library. The only defining features that set the house apart from the rest was a sign on the door in the shape of a vinyl record and a doorknob shaped like a turntable’s tone-arm. Within the ring of the sign were the words ‘X-Fader DJing Service’ in big, white font. When the door was opened, the needle of tone-arm was right above the record, a design choice that left Octavia smiling. Vinyl hopped her way into the building, bouncing with every step. Every second with Vinyl made Octavia reconsider just how much energy could be stuffed into such a tiny body. While Octavia wasn’t much bigger than Vinyl, there was a canyon of a difference between their actions. After being invited in – a concept Vinyl didn’t seem to grasp entirely nor easily – Octavia stopped to wipe her hooves off on the rug before entering, while Vinyl bounded right on in, shouting at the top of her lungs. “Daaaaaaad! I’m home! And I brought home a new friend! Come on, come on, come on! I want you to meet her!” Vinyl bounded around the stairs, calling up for her father. Octavia flinched, suddenly aware of her pent up anxiety. She was about to meet a musical icon; a legend who crafted the genre of this generation with his own two hooves. What if he didn’t like her? What if he only proved her fears true; that she wasn’t gifted in music? That was the only reason she’d never picked up an instrument herself or tested her own musical talent. She feared the possibility of failure too much. She wanted to run, hide and forget all this ever happened. She wanted to tell Vinyl she had to go somewhere and slip out before any damage could be done. But Octavia also felt like she was rooted to the spot. Her tongue was dry, sticking to the roof of her mouth and keeping the words from flowing. She trembled and whimpered, but if Vinyl noticed she paid no mind. She was too busy with her father. Octavia hadn't even seen him approaching. Echo Scratch wasn’t an old pony. Yes, he had a daughter, but he was still so youthful and full of life. His coat was the same color as Vinyl’s, maybe closer to white than his daughter. His mane, a spiked tangle in the same style as Vinyl, was a flourish of red and crimson. He sported a golden earring and a pair of black shades, resting down on his nose as he looked over the two fillies with calm eyes. “Hey, my lil’ Scratch,” he said, ruffling Vinyl's mane. His voice was smooth, using slang as freely as his daughter. “Who’s this?” Octavia opened her mouth to try and introduce herself, but Vinyl spoke first. “She’s my new friend, dad. Her name’s Octavia! Octavia Melody!” Octavia frowned at not being able to introduce herself, worrying that it would damage her first impression. She was plenty surprised then, when Echo turned his eyes to her and studied her with a knowing smile. “Octavia Melody, eh? Nice to meet you.” Echo tilted his head slightly, observing her as some would observe a painting. He started pacing around her, humming thoughtfully. “Have you ever played an instrument before, Octavia?” Octavia finally found her voice. “Y-Yes sir,” she lied, worried about failing to meet his expectations. After a second, she felt a twang of regret. “A-Actually, no sir. My mother loved to play and I her heard music all the time, but I was always… unable to play.” She looked down slightly, an action that didn’t go unnoticed. The older pony gave a slight nod, stopping his observation to stand in front of her. “Have you ever read sheet music before, then?” To this, Octavia could truthfully nod, with enthusiasm even. “Oh, yes sir, I have! I love reading the music. Sometimes I can even hear the songs in my head, as if my mother was playing them.” Octavia almost shocked even herself with the passion in her voice. Echo simply smiled. Vinyl might as well have not been there, for all her presence. Octavia saw nopony but Echo, a musical legend, smiling at her like she was more than a nopony. “I wanna take a moment of your time, Miss Melody,” Echo smiled, lowering his head politely to the filly. Suddenly Octavia felt very unsure. “I don’t want to disappoint, sir.” Suddenly, her sullen demeanor returned. “B-But please, call me Octavia.” Echo gave another slight chuckle and just kept smiling. “Ah, the uncertainty of youth.” Echo shook his head as Octavia tried to wrap her head around all this. “When I look at you, I see possibilities, Octavia. I see a perfectly blank canvas, awaiting paint. I see a chance, a fork in the road, a little filly with a destiny. I’m curious: would you like to learn to play?” Octavia felt her throat tighten. She kept her head down, struggling against her apprehension. Finally, she won over it and took a deep breath, letting it all out, along with her barriers. “Yes, if you would be so kind as to teach me.” As she spoke, she heard Vinyl let out a similar breath to her own. Octavia had completely forgotten she was there. “Of course I would, or I wouldn’t have asked,” Echo responded, laughing after his statement. “Please, come this way.” He turned, heading down a hall into what Octavia assumed was the living room; she could only assume, because any furniture was buried under scattered musical equipment. Turntables, speakers, a drum set, an experimental guitar and, resting over the fireplace, possibly the most immaculate cello Octavia had ever laid eyes on. Echo walked straight to the cello, his horn shimmering, levitating the instrument gingerly off its plaque. It hovered in front of him for a few moments, before he turned to start back towards the two fillies. With a flick of the head and a spark of magic, he pulled a stool over, placing the cello’s point in front of it, holding it up. “It’s a little big, but it’ll give you a general kinda feel.” Octavia immediately began to battle with her reluctance. “S-Sir, it’s much too—“ “Call me Echo.” “Mister Echo,” Octavia settled on, “that instrument is far too valuable. I’ve never seen one so beautiful…” She let her words trail, looking about the room and silently praying there was another, less glamorous cello for her to play. Of course, there wasn’t. “Come on, Tavi; give it a shot, will you?” Octavia had, once again, forgotten Vinyl. Now, she turned her head, looking over her fellow filly. “What did you call me?” Octavia raised an eyebrow, hoping she managed to look upset in all this chaos. “Tavi. Yanno, a nickname. Octavia. Tavi. I think it’s a cute nickname.” Vinyl smiled widely. “Come on, play. I knew, from the minute I saw you, you were special. Just like dad said I had it, I can tell you have it; a gift for music.” She nudged her head towards her father. “Right dad?” Echo chuckled a bit. “Yes. I was planning on not saying that till after she finished, Vinyl.” “Oops.” Vinyl's grin was non-penitent, her eyes glimmering with mischief. Echo sighed. “Yes, Octavia, you’ve got music in your blood. I can feel it, but I can’t let it out for you. Go on. Play.” Octavia felt bolstered by the words of confidence and climbed onto the stool. With some help from Echo, she took a deep breath and began to play. Her tune wasn’t anything special. On the contrary, she had no sheet music, so it was actually rather poor, she thought. But it was a tune none the less. The limit of her reach made some notes difficult or impossible to hit, but she made due however she could. A smile slowly crept over her face and she felt her eyes close. She lost herself in the simple music, so much so that she didn’t notice Echo leave her side to go stand beside his daughter. She heard him talking, but she didn’t comprehend his words. They had nothing to do with the music, so they were inconsequential. Her melody drifted, like a flitting breeze, until it slowly trailed off. When Octavia opened her eyes again, Echo was smiling and Vinyl was trying, without success, to keep from crying. Octavia gave a frown, instantly worried about her new friend. “Vinyl?” “Don’t worry,” Vinyl said, wiping a tear away. “Happy tears.” “The cello suits you nicely.” Echo put a hoof over his daughter’s shoulder, giving her a small pat. “Not that one, exactly – a little too big – but you look very natural with a cello.” Octavia felt inclined to agree. “I’ve never felt so… So full of…” The words escaped her. Floundering, Octavia worked her jaw. “Creation. So full of the ability to create.” Echo plucked the words right from her heart. She nodded, smiling warmly. "Well. My daughter brought you to me. Now it’s my turn to drag you around Ponyville.” Echo walked to the stool, plucking up the cello with his magic as he went and returned it to its plaque with such care that Octavia just had to ask. “Is that cello yours? You don’t really seem the classical sort,” Octavia asked, quickly adding, “no offense, naturally.” Echo hesitated to reply, turning to look from the cello to Octavia and finally, Vinyl. “It belonged to my wife, Cellia Goldenchord. Vinyl’s mother.” Octavia gasped. With her family's history, Octavia recognized the name. Cellia Goldenchord was a savant with the cello, one of the greatest classical musicians to ever walk on Equestrian soil. She left the music industry to raise a family, but Octavia hadn’t known with whom. She remembered a few years earlier, when news of Goldenchord’s passing reached her mother’s ears. Her mother had played Cellia’s albums for weeks, in memory of her. “And you let me play it? It was improper of me to handle a memento like that.” She felt herself frown, shifting on her hooves. Echo just shook his head. “It’s fine. She’d have wanted it played, not left to sit and collect dust, y'know? Besides, I bet she’d have been real happy to know her cello was being used to spark off the next generation.” Echo grinned at the end of his statement, trotting back over to the kids, then past them into the hallway. “Come on, slowpokes. Time’s a-wastin’!” This was the first real walk Octavia had taken through Ponyville. Yes, she’d seen her neighbors and walked to school, but she hadn’t gone around meeting anypony yet. The town was alive with midday activity. Octavia took in the sights as she went, gathering her own understanding of a daily life in the town of Ponyville. She saw Granny Smith and Big Macintosh, two ponies her step-father had talked about on the way here, selling their wares; succulent looking apples. Apparently, the Apple family was among the first ponies to settle Ponyville, a fact that her step-father mentioned over and over again to Fiddlesticks, who would always beam with family pride. Octavia, for one, was just glad her sister was happy. She noticed Sugarcube Corner, testing her self-restraint as they passed. The building tempted her with the smell of freshly baked delicacies, and Octavia nearly started drooling. The group hurried along, passing several more shops and landmarks before winding up at their destination; Pitch Perfect, a music store. Octavia was whisked inside before she even had time to wonder why they were there. The building was wide and well kept, giving off a welcoming aura. A counter at the far end of the room separated customers from some of the more expensive products – finely crafted masterpieces that had more zeroes in their prices than Octavia knew how to deal with. Also behind the counter was a door, a display case, and a very old looking unicorn. His coat was sea blue; his squinted eyes a well contrasted green. Whatever color his mane had been was replaced with wisps of grey and white, clinging desperately to his scalp. “Yo, Grandpa Maestro!” Vinyl’s loudness caught Octavia off guard, making her jump. She wondered if she would ever be used to Vinyl’s bright, boisterous personality. The shopkeeper, Maestro, blinked once, rising from his seat. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite little customer.” A smile creased Maestro’s weary face. “What brings the two of you here? Oops! Pardon my old eyes. The three of you. Who might this be?” Once Vinyl had, yet again, announced Octavia before she could introduce herself, she started to introduce the pony behind the counter. It was Octavia’s turn to catch her off guard. “You’re Maestro. Your more expensive instruments are sought after all across Equestria,” Octavia spoke matter-of-factly. “My mother has a cello with your seal on it. It’s always played the most beautiful symphonies, though she only ever takes it off the mantle on special occasions.” This brought a bigger smile to Maestro’s face, while Vinyl was looking a little huffy about being shown up. Echo was just shaking his head and laughing. “You also helped make the first turntable. Your partnership with Echo completely changed the music world. I hadn’t realized you were related though.” Octavia looked between the two, proud of her knowledge. “Huh. This little filly has done her homework. We aren’t related by blood, though.” Maestro laughed a weak, yet heartfelt laugh. “I imagine she’s the reason I’ve been blessed with a visit from you both today?” “Perceptive as ever, you old stallion.” Echo trotted over to the counter, resting a hoof on it. “Lil’ Melody here is a natural with the cello.” Maestro offered a curious look at Octavia, accompanied by a gleeful smile. “Oh, is she? Wait right here. I have just the thing.” With a fresh spirit in his hooves, Maestro hurried to the door behind him, shutting it behind him. Octavia took this time to look over to Echo. “Why are you doing all this for me? Cellos are very expensive, Mister Echo.” She was a little uncomfortable, accepting a gift with such a high price tag, but she also didn’t want to offend Echo Scratch by turning it down. “Price ain’t a problem.” He waved a dismissive hoof to that, giving a shrug at the same time. “As for the why, there are a few reasons.” He motioned with his head to his daughter, who was eyeing a turntable with shimmering eyes. “For one, you’re my daughter’s friend. New friend or not, I don’t really care – you get the best for making her smile.” Octavia suddenly regretted all her negative thoughts about Vinyl up till now. Seeing her father’s smile made Octavia realize her passion was his passion, amplified. She couldn’t fault that, even if Vinyl was a little… much. “And secondly,” Echo continued, “your musical talent needs to be cultivated. You could become famous, with dedication and skill. You’re brimming with potential, Octavia, and I want to see that potential bloom.” Octavia was rendered speechless. Echo Scratch – the Echo Scratch – had just told her she had potential. Octavia was starting to think this all might just be a dream – that she might just wake up to find out she fell asleep at her desk at school and drooled all over herself. But no matter how much she blinked, she wouldn’t wake up. She felt like she needed somepony to pinch her, just to make sure this was all real. However, she was afraid that, if she asked, Vinyl would be all too quick to fulfill her request. But she got the feeling she wasn’t dreaming. Maestro returned, levitating a small cello in the air beside him. It wasn’t his finest work, but it was still beautiful, crafted with the same care and love as every other instrument around them. “For the little one.” He lowered the cello onto the counter just as Echo drew out a pouch for bits. “How much?” Echo opened the pouch as he spoke, but Maestro held up a hoof. “Free of charge. Even if you weren’t family, you’re the reason my music has spread so far. You’ve helped fill every corner with beautiful sound. Besides,” He turned, looking at Octavia. “I want to see her blossom just as much as you.” Octavia lost her breath to his kindness. She felt tears in her eyes. “Thank you, Sir.” Vinyl, not overjoyed about being forgotten, took this chance to get back into the spotlight. She bounced over in her usual manner, grinning wildly. “Tavi, just take it and let’s go play! You ‘n me! I know the perfect place!” Octavia struggled to keep her excitement from showing. She couldn’t have dreamed this could happen. As Vinyl asked her dad if she could use his turntables, Octavia eyed the cello she was being offered. Offers like this didn’t come more than once in a lifetime. Taking a gentle breath, she took the instrument and started out behind Vinyl. Echo watched silently as the two fillies departed, letting out a sigh of contentment. He was seeing a time long ago; a different little filly with a different cello, going off to embrace her own destiny. “She reminds me of my little Cellia.” Maestro’s voice startled Echo from his memories. “That’s why you’re helping her so much, isn’t it, son? It's at least one of the reasons, yes?” Echo thought on that a moment, then shrugged. “Am I really that easy to read, old man?” He was right, of course. Octavia’s drive and desires reminded Echo of a small, yellow-coated unicorn with music in her hooves and passion in her eyes. She never needed her magic to play; her hooves were her greatest tools. “She’d be happy to see you like this, Echo. I think she’d like that little one too.” Maestro waved a hoof towards the door. “Go on. Tell me how she does.” With a smirk, Echo trotted out to see if a star was being born. Vinyl trotted ahead of Octavia, carrying a stool on her back and her father’s turntable with her magic. It seemed Vinyl’s "perfect place" was one of several possible places. This one in particular was the fountain at the center of town. So far, they had stopped outside her father’s home, at town hall, and in the marketplace; all the places Vinyl dubbed "too loud" with an irony that Octavia found it hard to not comment on. It seemed the fountain was her final choice. The legs on the floating turntable flipped open as it lowered down to rest. Vinyl moved along beside it, setting the stool down just to the left. Octavia’s twittering nerves were back. She moved to Vinyl’s side, but Vinyl shooed her off with a hoof while she climbed onto the stool. “You should be in front. After all, this is your show.” Octavia felt a rush of blood to her face, warming her instantly. She lowered her head to hide her nervous blush and wordlessly set up her cello. The instrument fit smoothly in her grasp, like it was made specifically for her. She trailed her hoof over the fine craftsmanship and felt her blush fade. She was finally getting to play! Peering around, she saw ponies going about their daily lives. Some had taken an obvious interest at the sight of two fillies with instruments, making Octavia shaky all over again. Then she heard Vinyl start up a gentle tune. It was a simple beat, easy to augment with her personal touch. She closed her eyes, imagining that she was standing at the head of the class again, ready to introduce herself to the world for the first time. “I am Octavia Melody. And I am a cellist.” And then Octavia played. The music was more full – more wholesome – from a cello her size. No note was beyond her reach, no pitch beyond her comprehension. She was the music and the music was her. Rocking her body slightly, she moved to the haunting melody she produced. She imagined a thin stream – like water – flowing over her cello, fluttering into the air and taking flight as her music. She felt as if she were adrift on that flow of musical waves, floating through the air over Ponyville, over all of Equestria, basking in her own majesty and grace – the grace of the song. She was, for the first time, truly alive. She didn’t hear Vinyl’s music stop. She missed Echo approaching the two. She certainly didn’t hear the crowd around her, ponies who had abandoned their chores or tasks to watch this little pony make glorious music. All she heard was her composition; her very first composition. Slowly, but with haunting certainty, the last note drew out over the strings. And then there was silence. Octavia’s breaths came out in ragged gasps, as if she had been running full-tilt. Her hair was slightly disheveled and, when she opened her eyes, she realized she had been crying. Fixing her hair and wiping her eyes, she steadied her breathing and returned to normalcy. It was only then that she became aware of her surroundings. The streets of Ponyville were dead quiet. Eyes from all around focused on her, more than ever before, waiting for her to either continue or bow. Windows had been drawn open, ponies leaning out to find the source of the beautiful harmony. Vinyl and Echo stood among the crowd, side by side. Echo looked to be close to tears while Vinyl was bouncing excitedly, the most frantic movement in the entire square. “That. Was. Awesome!” Vinyl shouted, hopping even higher to punctuate the last word. "And look! Look!” The excited pony pointed with a hoof to Octavia, or more accurately, her flank. A mark had appeared; a smooth, flowing, purple treble clef rested as her Cutie Mark. Octavia’s prim-and-proper demeanor melted away into pure joy. Bouncing with excitement, Octavia spun in circles, trying to get a better look at the Mark. Her Mark! She had her Cutie Mark! “W-When did—? How did—?” She was having trouble finishing her questions. “While you were playing.” Echo spoke softly as he approached. “Looks like you’re every bit the musician I thought you would be, lil’ Melody.” Octavia felt her throat tighten again, joy stealing her breath. She started to cry, but held it in, clearing her throat and fixing her posture. This was her time to shine! “I need to go tell my family. They’ll all be so excited.” While she had reigned in her excitement, she couldn’t contain her smile, which spread over her face. “Of course.” Echo looked around the crowd and made a little motion. “Let the little filly head home, everypony.” After a second to overcome the trance this event had put them in, the crowd parted for Octavia as she started to run off. “Hold on!” A new voice rang out – one of the spectators. Looking towards the speaker, Octavia saw a light-coated filly from her class. Octavia remembered her name as Bon-Bon. She was pointing back towards the fountain with her hoof, drawing Octavia’s eyes. “Ah! My cello!” Octavia had left it behind in her haste. Shouting a thank you to Bon-Bon, Octavia sprinted back, snatched up the instrument and turned to head home. She stopped to thank Echo and Vinyl again before hurrying on her way. She couldn’t wait to tell her parents and sister the good news. Echo put a hoof over his daughter as Octavia rounded a corner. The crowd slowly dispersed, leaving them nearly alone in the square. He patted her fondly, nodding and turning to look at her. “You did good today, squirt.” He told his daughter, a sparkle in his eyes. “You did too, dad.” She responded with a small, radiant smile. He felt his heart swell and turned to look at the spot where Octavia had vanished. "Yeah..." He said with a soft sigh. > Chapter 2: Octavia's Overture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Octavia's Overture [v] “Yo, Tavi!” Vinyl waved her hoof, grinning as her friend trotted into sight. The two weren’t fillies anymore; it had been several years since the two had met and much had changed. Octavia was still loved by everypony whenever she played, and plenty of ponies thought she should play in the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. Princess Celestia would even be there, making it a very tempting offer for the rising star. She had insisted Vinyl practice with her regularly, though Vinyl clearly couldn’t really understand why. The unicorn still wasn’t confident in her music at all. All these years had done nothing to help her find her own way; if anything, it only disheartened the normally unflinching pony. With the sheer number of instruments she'd tried and turned down, Vinyl had started outright questioning Octavia about if her Cutie Mark could be wrong. Violin, piano, turntables, drums, trombone, harp, flute, didgeridoo, lyre, harp, even one of her father’s prototype guitars; no matter what she tried, her picky nature shot it down. None of it was right, she insisted. The music had to be just right. Octavia understood. She couldn’t have used any other instrument than her precious cello; nothing else seemed to feel right. As she approached, she noticed the electric piano in front of Vinyl. Judging by how the light-coated unicorn stopped to glare at the instrument before running to her friend’s side, Octavia assumed this was another failure. Octavia needed to admit, it wasn’t that different from the piano she'd tried last month. “Hey! How’re you doin’, Tavi? Is everythin’ alright at home?” Vinyl asked, letting her usual cheer come back. Time had done little to change Vinyl; in fact, the only real change had been in her appearance. Her father had left Ponyville – all of Equestria even – to create a new genre he called ‘Heavy Metal’ roughly a year before. He'd said he would be departing for the Griffon Empire, as griffons had individual digits on their claws, making them the best players for his guitars. For years, he had been struggling with how to put his new instruments to good use and it seemed he had finally found the answer. Vinyl had reign of the house now, but with how often she either stayed outside or invited Octavia over, the cellist could tell her friend was extremely lonely. This was the real reason she insisted on these practices; not only to improve her skill, but to give Vinyl some company. But today was more than a practice day; today was the day she'd decided to tell Vinyl her grand plan. “Things are well. My step-father is still ecstatic about Fiddle’s progress.” Octavia didn’t sound bitter or jealous about this, simply because she wasn’t; she never would be. She was happy for her sister, who had earned her Cutie Mark playing the fiddle at an Apple family reunion. What bothered Octavia more was how her father expressed his happiness. She understood that boisterous and proud was the Apple way, but she did wish he wouldn’t wake her up from her midday nap, hooting and hollering like a timber-wolf with its paw stuck in a tar pit. Octavia had begun making an income – playing small concerts in the town hall – and sleep was more important now than ever. It didn’t bring in as much money as she wanted, but it was better than nothing. “How about you, Vinyl? Are you well? And no jokes now, I’m serious.” Octavia was truly worried about her friend. In her every action, Octavia saw Vinyl’s sadness. Vinyl knew she saw it; like always, Vinyl had trouble hiding the small, tell-tale signs of her sorrow from her oldest, dearest friend. Octavia was certain that she knew Vinyl almost as well as she knew her cello. Vinyl opened her mouth to say something, but instead cleared her throat and looked away. Octavia watched the lie fall apart on Vinyl's tongue. “Well, anyway…” Octavia changed the topic quickly. “Let us get to practicing. I see you’ve chosen the electric piano this time. Is it any more agreeable?” Vinyl scoffed, something she picked up from Octavia. “What do you think?” She shook her head and rubbed her forehead with a hoof. “About as well as expected. I mean, I didn’t like the piano, did I?” She looked over to Octavia, who was doing her best to hide a grimace from the news. “Should we get started?” The practice went smoothly; at least, as smoothly as it could with Vinyl stopping every now-and-then to scream at her piano and stomp her hooves in frustration. “I just can’t do it, Tavi. I just can’t!” Vinyl confessed, tossing her hooves up in surrender. She stepped away from the piano as if it was diseased. “The music just ain’t right. It ain’t mine, you know?” Vinyl shook her head and covered her eyes with her hooves, leaning on the piano for support. Octavia stood in silence for a few minutes, giving Vinyl some time to think before she spoke. “Hey Vinyl, I’ve been considering… What do you think about the two of us going to Canterlot?” “Eh. Not my first choice for a vacation spot,” Vinyl responded, not taking her hooves from her eyes. Octavia took a deep breath and steeled herself. “No, I meant… I meant more along the lines of us moving there.” Vinyl’s reaction wasn’t entirely what Octavia had expected. “What?” An incredulous tone slipped into the wild pony's voice, though it wasn’t angry. She uncovered her eyes and raised an eyebrow, giving Octavia a quizzical stare. “Why would we leave Ponyville? It’s been our home for years.” Vinyl leaned off her piano, giving her head a small shake. “It’s just…” Octavia muttered, trying to tread carefully over eggshells. “With the Summer Sun Celebration, I could come to Princess Celestia’s attention. Who knows what will happen after that! I want to play the world an overture it’ll never forget, Vinyl.” Octavia shifted on her hooves a bit, trying to avoid Vinyl’s gaze. “But, it’s just that Ponyville isn’t really a place where ponies become famous; Canterlot is. Ponies here aren’t as cultured and don’t respect the classical genre like they do there. I just—” “You know my father became famous from here, right?” The anger in Vinyl’s voice surprised Octavia, but there was more worry than anger – perhaps a hint of sorrow? With a sudden, brief epiphany, she came to realize that she'd never seen Vinyl truly angry before. “Oh, I know that, Vinyl. But techno isn’t classical," she said, trying to laugh the tension away. "It’s a lot like Ponyville, really; loud, uncultured, and…” Octavia trailed off under Vinyl’s glare. Those angry eyes made a shiver run through her whole body. “Don’t stop ‘cause of me. And what?” Vinyl sounded oddly cold. Octavia swallowed and continued. “… and just a touch uncouth.” Octavia finished meekly. She regretted the words instantly. “Uncouth!?” This time, Vinyl’s voice was heated and, to Octavia’s horror, even furious. With a scowl, Vinyl stormed from the piano. “You know what? I’m done with this conversation. I’m outta here, before I say somethin’ I’ll regret.” Octavia took a few steps towards her. “Vinyl, please don’t—” “Don’t what, Tavi? Be too uncouth for you?” Vinyl said with her back still turned. She sounded hurt now, another step in a flurry of confused emotions. Anger took back over. “Did you hear about Fluttershy?” Vinyl asked without turning to face her friend. “She was teaching birds to sing on the road near town hall. The mayor said she wanted her to build a bird orchestra for the Princess. I asked; you won’t be playing at the celebration.” Vinyl's voice broke at the end of her sentence, as if she was fighting back tears. Octavia froze. Pain, anger, and not a little loss warred for dominance in her heart. She felt like her greatest chance was being pulled out from under her, like some cheap rug. She'd been right all along. The ponies here didn’t appreciate her musical talent. How could they? “That’s all the more reason to leave, isn’t it?” Her voice came out emotionless, but Octavia was anything but. She felt like her heart was about to explode in her chest. Vinyl groaned and wiped her eyes, turning back and walking to the piano, folding it up in silence. “Come on, Vinyl. We could go to Canterlot University, if we wanted. Learn to play music under the guidance of the greatest of musicians. We don’t need to be stuck here, miles from nowhere. I just want to see you shine, Vinyl. Not hide in this backwater town where ponies don’t respect our talents.” Vinyl strapped the piano onto her back with deliberate slowness and without a single sound, turning to look at her friend once she was done. “You’re kidding, right?” Vinyl's anger had passed into a strange kind of cold that Octavia had never seen before. “We both know this has nothing to do with me. I can’t believe you’re asking me to move away from my home to chase your dreams. Do you have any idea how petty and selfish that is?” “Petty? Selfish!?” Now it was Octavia’s turn to be angry. The bubble that had grown in her heart burst and Vinyl was the nearest target. “I’m suggesting this for you, so your talent won’t be limited by this town! I’m thinking of you, Vinyl! You’re crippling yourself by staying in this place!” “‘This place?’ You mean the place where I was raised? The place my dad met my mom? Where he became famous? Where everythin’ I know and love is? Where I met you? And all this before I even understand myself? But it's okay, because you're thinking of me, right? How’s trying to guilt me into movin’ away not selfish?” Octavia kept her scowl. She was getting tired of arguing. “Vinyl,” She began as she picked up her cello, placing it on her back. “I’m leaving for Canterlot tonight. I’ve decided and I won’t change my mind. If you want to join me, I’ll be at the train station. Please, reconsider my offer.” Before Vinyl could reply, Octavia turned and trotted off, fighting off stinging tears of agitation. Or at least, that's what she told herself they were. Octavia returned home, her anger simmering down into the embers of annoyance. Avoiding her family, Octavia hurried to her room, placing her cello beside the door before she began packing her saddlebags. Emotions like dominoes began falling through her mind, one after the other, until she was weeping into her blankets, unsure of her own decision. What if she made the wrong choice? What if she wasn’t cut out for Canterlot? What if— A knock at her door snapped her out of her contemplation. She quickly sniffed away her tears and pulled her blankets over her saddlebags. “Yes?” She tried to keep the tears out of her voice, but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t. “Octavia, dear? Is everything all right?” Octavia’s mother opened the door, frowning slightly. Octavia took strongly after her mother, sharing the same color coat and mane. Melodious Pitch’s Cutie Mark was a green musical coda, resting beside a treble clef. She wore her hair in a less conservative style than her daughter, pinned up with accessories shaped like musical notes clipped in. “You’re not normally so distant.” “Everything is fine, mother.” Octavia looked to her bed, trying to keep her mother from noticing the residue of her tears. She had tried to hold in her emotions, but she needed to cry. After that, she’d be just fine. “I’m no foal, Octavia. I know when something is wrong with my little darling.” Pitch trotted to her daughter’s side, smiling a soft, motherly smile. “What’s the matter?” Octavia bit the inside of her cheek, knowing she wouldn’t be able to lie to her mother. She slid the blanket off her saddlebags, earning a surprised gasp. “I wasn’t going to worry you all.” “Octavia, where are you going?” Concern filled her mother’s voice, her eyes brimming with the same emotion. “Canterlot. The ponies here don’t respect my music, mother. They’re all, if you’ll excuse my rudeness, bumpkins. The Apples are at least respectable and care for their own, but most of Ponyville’s masses are…” Octavia trailed off and shook her head. “Incompetent, unworthy and terribly uncouth. I wish to be among real ponies, mother, like you were back when you met father. Back in Canterlot.” Melodious Pitch stared at Octavia, sadness brimming over her normally collected demeanor. “So, you are ready. I suppose a part of me knew this day was coming.” During a pause, she moved to Octavia’s side, helping her fold her clothes. “Your sister will be devastated, you know.” Octavia felt a pang of regret. Fiddlesticks was still as reliant on her as she always had been. Octavia often worried how her half-sister would learn to survive in the world if she kept clinging to her. “Fiddle will be fine, mother. Between you, her father, and the other Apples, she has plenty of family support. I’ve just been a crutch for her all these years. Better she’s thrust out now, rather than fumble through life trying to hold on to my tail.” Pitch didn’t answer at first, but just stared at her daughter while she folded. “You aren’t going to tell her, are you?” Octavia was silent, but finally let out a sigh of defeat. Her mother could almost read her mind sometimes. “No. How can I face her, telling her I’m going to leave? I wouldn’t be able to do it and go through with it. But I have to go, mother. My fame lies elsewhere, not in this place. I don’t want to hurt Fiddlesticks, but no matter what I do, she’ll suffer for it. This is the best way.” Melodious Pitch placed a hoof on Octavia’s side. “Look, I know it isn’t much, but I have a few old contacts in Canterlot. If you go to them and tell them you’re my daughter, it should give your career a kick-start and get you a place to stay that’s cheap and decent. But sweetheart, you can’t just leave Fiddlesticks without saying goodbye. That would be far too cruel. She’s always looked up to you and the least you can do for her is tell her you’re leaving.” The truth stung Octavia harshly. She closed her eyes and forced back her emotions. “I… suppose you’re right. Could you go get her, please?” “I will in just a second.” Pitch stepped up to her daughter's front, looking her up and down. “You’ve grown too fast, my little symphony. It seems like just yesterday that you were still just a tiny foal. Please, be careful, okay? I’ll worry about you every day.” Octavia rested her head below her mothers, hugging her close. “I know, mom. I’ll be careful, I promise. I need to see Fiddle now. If I stay too long, I don’t think I’ll be able to go.” “I understand, Octavia. You’ll always have a place here, don’t forget. I love you,” Pitch said softly, giving Octavia a quick kiss on the top of her head before leaning back from the hug. “I know, mom. I love you, too. Thank you.” As she watched her mother go, Octavia let her emotions follow. For now, she would be empty. This night had no room for emotions, no place for hesitation. She knew that this conversation with her sister would be the hardest thing she'd ever done. Octavia sighed as she sat at the train station. She’d forgotten in the heat of everything that it was scheduled to rain tonight. The train was still running, though, and she wouldn’t let a little rain stop her from her destiny. As the train pulled into view the dark clouds started to weep and she took a few steps back to place herself under the awning that covered the train station. She wasn’t watching the train however. Her eyes were fixed on the spot Vinyl would come from, hopeful but not expectant. The sound of the conductor calling everypony aboard made her wince. It was the final nail in the proverbial coffin, so to speak. With one last glimpse at Ponyville, Octavia got on the train, her cello resting on her back. She refused to watch out the window. The rain made her think of Fiddlesticks. The conversation hadn’t been a pleasant one. In the coming days, Fiddle would learn to live her life without help. She would feel so alone, so sad. But she wasn't alone. Octavia had made her sister cry. Silently shifting in her seat, she wondered if Vinyl was crying for her too. The trip was uneventful, though Octavia used the time to craft new compositions. She would be well-prepared when she arrived in Canterlot; she couldn’t go into this half-baked or she’d get chewed up and spat out. Playing the songs over and over in her head, she deemed them worthy of Canterlot’s refined pallet. Night had long fallen and Octavia found the sleeping car. Climbing into an empty cot, she allowed herself to drift to sleep for the rest of her trip, not a thought of the home she left behind fluttering through her mind. She thought only of the fame that awaited her in Canterlot. It was daylight when the horn of the train woke her up. Rolling up the blinds of her window, Octavia saw they had arrived at their destination. Her breath was stolen by this sudden reality; she was here. She climbed from the cot, composed herself on the train and retrieved her saddlebags. She ordered a small rental cart from a spot near the station to carry it all, along with her cello. Wasting no time, Octavia hurried towards her mother’s contact. She wandered the streets, soaking in the grandeur of the city, while keeping her eyes peeled for what she was looking for. Eventually, she found it. The offices of the producer Gerald Flaxenmane was where she purchased her residence, a small apartment not far from that location. As it turned out, Flaxenmane was related to Melodious' old producer and was a producer himself; he easily pointed Octavia to a few key locations to ply her talents and possibly make a name for herself. With a wish of luck and the first steps behind her, Octavia went proudly on her way. Her first appointment was the most promising; a budding composer by the name of Noteworthy was looking for musicians of skill to join into his orchestra. Octavia was one of many performing at the open audition and, with some skill and a little bit of luck, might be one of the two ponies chosen to join Noteworthy’s crew. Noteworthy was a blue earth pony with even darker blue hair, and carried a dignified air of a refined Canterlot pony. Octavia could barely keep from trotting in place; she was eager to get onto the stage and show her worth. As each pony went up, Octavia kept her eyes glued on Noteworthy, in the front row of the amphitheater he was using for his auditions. While he listened to the music, his expressions shifted notably. Through careful observation, Octavia was able to narrow down her music to a symphony she was certain he would like. After a sousaphone player named Beauty Brass exited the stage, it was Octavia’s turn. Taking a deep breath, she made her way out in front of the composer. Placing her cello down gingerly in front of her, she took up her bow and prepared herself with a deep breath and a slow, soft sigh. She flowed into the soft composition she had chosen – one of the ones she'd written on the train – rocking her body slowly as the music leaked from her cello like stars showering from the sky. She had planned on watching Noteworthy’s face, but she found herself lost in the music yet again, eyes closed and body entranced by her own sound. This was by no means uncommon. She often lost herself into the hypnotic rhythm of her own music. Creation – pure creation – flowed from her heart, through her brain and out of her hooves, channeling through her cello to create the most magnificent sounds. Her music was like a newborn foal, just entering the world, brimming with potential and promise. The song rang in her ears, making the sensations heighten and drop as she swayed and placed her head closer to her instrument of creation, like a mother coddling her child. The song slowly drew to a close and Octavia was brought back to reality again. Her eyes opened and looked quickly to Noteworthy, whose jaw looked as if it was about to unhinge. Octavia couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, despite how rude it was. She at least turned her head and covered her mouth, so it might be harder to notice. Every pony had moved closer, looking at her with a mixture of fascination and curiosity. She suddenly felt very vulnerable under all those eyes. Bowing, she started off the stage, knowing she’d stolen the show. It came as no surprise to her when Noteworthy spoke to her after the others had performed. “My dear, your performance was très magnifique! Tell me, Miss Melody, would you care to join my orchestra as lead cellist?” Octavia expected the offer, but it didn’t make her heart beat any less quickly. Lead cellist! “Of course, Mister Noteworthy! Oh,” she trailed off slightly. “But you’ll have to give me some time. I only just arrived in Canterlot and I’ll need some time to adjust.” “Nonsense,” Noteworthy said with a dismissive flick of his hoof. “Once I’m finished here, you and I will make plans to attend several gatherings. We will have your name spread across Canterlot by the week’s end.” Octavia couldn’t have hoped for better. She forced herself to contain her excitement, nodding to Noteworthy. The wait wasn’t very long and soon, Noteworthy was leading Octavia and her cart of belongings through Canterlot. After visiting several of Noteworthy’s close associates and scheduling a few dinners and meetings, the two ended at Octavia’s new apartment. It was a fine building, but what caught Octavia’s eye was a music store across the street, named ‘Hoof-Spun Records.’ It was a rather small store with a rather big sign; a massive vinyl record. Octavia couldn’t stop herself, the sight of the sign drew tears from her eyes until she forced her attention onto Noteworthy, to the exclusion of all else. “Ah, are you staying here? I know the landlord of this complex. He owns the music store across the way.” Noteworthy politely opened the door for Octavia, who began carrying her belongings up. “Please, Miss Melody, allow me to help you carry your things. I’ll have you settled in your new home before the Princess raises the moon.” As much of a gentlepony as Noteworthy seemed, Octavia couldn’t help but feel that, perhaps he was being nicer than he usually was. She was, after all, his new cellist and he needed to win her over completely. His flowery words about her apartment were pleasant; however the nicer her home, the better it would reflect on him of course. Longing stabbed at her heart; Ponyville was simple, uncomplicated. You knew what everypony around you felt without much thought. Briefly, she looked over her shoulder at the giant record and considered fate again. Maybe this was fate’s way of scolding her for what she’d given up. Time seemed to blend together, each day another drop of water into a vast pool. In the week after her audition, Octavia met her fellow members in the ensemble: A mare named Concerto, a violinist with a brown coat and mane; Frederick Horseshoepin, a pianist with a teal coat and a mane so blonde, it shined in the light; Parish Nanderman, a harp player with a purple coat and a blue mane; A yellow-coated violinist mare named Symphony, who had a vibrant-purple mane and, lastly, Beauty Brass, the sousaphone-playing mare she had seen at the audition. With a turquoise coat and a light-brown mane, she was Octavia’s personal favorite. She had an intense passion for her instrument – much like Octavia had – that other ponies couldn’t seem to completely understand. If somepony insulted brass instruments of any kind – especially the sousaphone – with her nearby, they quickly learned how sharp a formal mare’s tongue could be. After acquainting herself with her team, Octavia began to make herself better known throughout Canterlot. As Noteworthy had promised, he helped spread her name like wildfire through dense brush. It was no time at all before he helped land her a solo concert, giving her a chance to truly shine. All the better for his orchestra, of course. Four days before her performance, Octavia discovered the incident at Ponyville’s Summer Sun Celebration; the return of Nightmare Moon – now Princess Luna – and the rumors floating around that the Princess’ star pupil had moved to Ponyville. It seemed that little town held more promise than Octavia could have ever anticipated. But, it still wasn’t for her, clearly. Eyeing the vinyl sign across the street, Octavia began thinking back to the friend she left behind. She hadn’t gotten a single letter from Vinyl in over a month. She had asked that Noteworthy contact her old friend with her information so letters could be sent, and Noteworthy swore he'd done just that, but there was no word. Octavia couldn’t hide the pain that stabbed at her heart; Vinyl hadn’t even written her to come home, or even to tell her she was missed. But still, she held hope that she could still convince her to move to Canterlot. Perhaps if she saw her concert, she would realize the potential of this wonderful city and join her. Even if she didn’t, seeing her would be nice. Moving to her desk, Octavia dug out an ink pen and started to write. No going through Noteworthy this time; she would send it directly to Vinyl, along with a ticket for her friend. With hope, she sent the letter off with the mailpony. She spent the next three days in a flurry of practice and preparation. She wanted Vinyl's first concert to be perfect. The day of the concert came and went. Vinyl didn’t show. No letter came back, no contact was even attempted. Lamenting over their last conversation, Octavia was heartbroken by the silence. She hadn’t stopped to think about how she’d acted in that last meeting between the two of them. How quickly she had made her decision, without thinking about the consequences. “I pushed too hard…” She buried her head into her pillow that night, crying softly to herself over her loss. “I pushed too hard and now… now she’s gone…” The next month passed slowly as a snail, but pass it did. Octavia’s first concert was a huge success and soon, she found herself swamped with venues to play, invitations to events, and even a few offers to romantic dinners. She had caught Canterlot by storm with her passionate playing and beautiful compositions. Every time she was set to perform, she wrote Vinyl, including a front-row ticket with every letter, but Vinyl never came. Eventually, Octavia gave up completely at trying to contact her old friend. It was hopeless. She had burned and buried the bridges between them in an effort to grow and now, she could only see her friend in memories. She considered a temporary trip to Ponyville, but with her ever-increasing amount of attention and work, she was pressed to find time even for simple things anymore, let alone the emotional and time-consuming complexity of returning to Ponyville. And what would she say to Vinyl when she saw her? I told you so? She had become famous – lived her dream – just as she said she would; just as she hoped she would. Her name was known by everypony who was anypony in Canterlot’s musical circle and beyond. Why then, Octavia wondered to herself one night, staring out her window at the sign across the street, am I so miserable…? It was mid-way through her fifth month in Canterlot when the thought crossed her mind. Her life was everything she could’ve wanted. She was famous, an overnight sensation – the face of the classical genre to some. But even surrounded by crowds of fans, friends, and associates, she felt almost painfully alone. Through the rest of the year, she became acutely aware that hardly anypony in Canterlot was truly her friend. Beauty Brass and a few others aside, everypony here only liked her for her fame, not for who she herself was. They used her to impress others or entertain themselves for a while, but none of them truly appreciated her like Vinyl had. Octavia’s only consolation was her stardom. She had everything she ever wanted, right? Right? Octavia shut her door loudly and walked into her apartment with a weary sigh. It was the night after her single greatest and most unquestionable failure: the Grand Galloping Gala. What should have been the best night of her life, tarnished by a pink pony with no sense of class, a stampede of animals, and flying cakes! She couldn’t have made this madness up if she’d tried! The Gala was a phenomenal disaster – not just for her, but for many ponies that had gone. Her dreams of being personally noticed by Princess Celestia were, once again, shattered. Tossing her bowtie and collar onto her bed, Octavia took up her usual spot by the window, where she always went when she was feeling down. Yes, she'd remembered Pinkie Pie and her antics. Yes, she'd seen Applejack and thought immediately of her sister. She hadn't forgotten Ponyville one little bit. But she had avoided them. She had ignored them. She'd pretended they weren't there, because it was easier than staring her past in the face, on the day of her – obviously questionable – success, when she'd finally draw Celestia's eye and become the greatest musician in Equestria. Success... Octavia thought to herself with a defeated sigh. Some success that was... The sign hadn’t changed one bit in all this time, still a reminder of the past she had left behind so willingly. And for what? A lonely limelight? Was fame really all it was cracked up to be? Octavia truly wasn’t sure of that anymore. The only thing she was sure of was that she could never go back. She sighed and stared at the sign. Several times, Noteworthy had hinted that she should upgrade her apartment and find a larger place in a better part of the city. Octavia always refused though. She wouldn’t leave that sign, or all that it stood for, behind. She could never return to Ponyville, never face the ponies she abandoned, but she wouldn’t abandon her memories. What would she say to her family? What would Vinyl say to her? Would she even say anything at all? Octavia hadn’t heard from her friend in over a year and, now more than ever, she wished she had gotten even one letter from her dear friend, just so she would know she still cared. Just then, something caught her eye, a spot of white-ish on the dark windows of the music store. It wasn’t unusual for new posters to be placed up in the store, sponsoring the newest musical trend – Octavia had even been in that window once or twice – but this sign was different; it dwarfed all the others with its intensity, not reserved in any way, so opposite from Canterlot’s usual fair. But that wasn’t what caught Octavia’s eye. She leaned out the window as much as she safely could, trying to get a closer look and make sure her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her. She squinted and, with some effort, was finally able to get a good look. There – on that explosive poster – was Vinyl, wearing a pair of outlandish glasses that only she could pull off. She was exactly as Octavia remembered, grinning as usual, surrounded by massive speakers and musical notes. The boisterous words, massive beside Vinyl, reminded Octavia of her loud presence and commanding personality. Octavia couldn’t help but smile, despite her shock, at seeing her friend. The words read simply; ‘DJ-Pon3! Bringer of the Bass! Buy her first, hit CD today!’ Octavia closed her eyes, thinking over what she’d just seen. Vinyl Scratch, her friend, had done exactly what she said couldn’t be done. She’d made music, made a name for herself, right from her home in Ponyville. Drawing in a breath, Octavia started to steel herself. She leaned back into the window, trying to stop the shivering that had taken over her body. She was living a lie. Her dreams were a sham. She whimpered, and then she started to cry. > Chapter 3: This is Vinyl Scratch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: This is Vinyl Scratch [v] Vinyl looked out her window into the rain. She hadn't meant anything she'd said earlier; not a single cruel word. Her empty house only seemed emptier on a cold night like this one. Nothing could undo what she had done; in one swoop, Vinyl had turned her own life upside-down. Octavia had left. She’d be getting on her train to Canterlot any minute now. Staring out at the rain, Vinyl silently steeled herself and decided to go to her friend. She'd try to talk her out of this... If she couldn’t convince her, she would at least go with her until she could get her back to Ponyville where she belonged. She didn’t need to go to Canterlot to be famous. The place shouldn’t make the pony, the pony should make the place – or something like that. She turned and started towards the door with a confident stride, but just as she reached to open it, there was a knock. She opened the door with a curious eyebrow raised and was greeted by a shower of confetti and a horn, blown by the party pony of Ponyville, Pinkie Pie. No doubt, Pinkie was inviting people to yet another party, not even letting the rain stop her from delivering invitations. She was wearing a rainbow-colored umbrella hat and was bouncing in place. Normally, Vinyl would have loved to listen to Pinkie’s hair-brained ideas, but right now she needed to hurry to Octavia. “Sorry Pinkie, but I don’t have time to chat right now.” Vinyl kept her voice calm, even though she wanted to bolt right past Pinkie and not look back. “Well, I wanted to talk to you, so you don’t need to chat, just listen. I’m throwing another party soon,” Vinyl rolled her eyes at the redundant statement. When wasn’t Pinkie partying? Not that Vinyl didn’t appreciate that. “It's gonna be huge and I wanted you to be the DJ for it.” That made Vinyl pause for a second. She’d never been asked to DJ before; it was always her dad's thing. “You sure?” Vinyl tilted her head a bit. The idea sounded really fun to her. “I ain’t my dad. I don’t have his experience.” “Pffffff.” Pinkie waved a hoof, as if Vinyl’s statement was pointless. “It’s in your veins. You and Octavia always make awesome music.” Leave it to Pinkie to hit the one sour note in all this. Vinyl twitched as she remembered Octavia, alone at the train station. She had completely forgotten for a second there, with the offer to DJ. “Sorry Pinkie, I can’t… I need to be somewhere.” She stood there, not sure if she should close the door or go outside with Pinkie. The whole situation was getting more and more awkward by the second. “Is everything okay, Vinyl?” Pinkie sounded worried, something Vinyl hadn’t witnessed too often. She wasn't really in the mood to appreciate the rarity of it though. “I don’t want any of my friends to be sad.” Vinyl felt a little warmer inside, hearing that. She briefly summarized Octavia’s ultimatum and her own decision. “I don’t plan on making her face this alone. I think she’s making a terrible choice and I gotta help her.” “Why?” Pinkie asked only a second after Vinyl finished talking. Vinyl, to her dismay, found the answer not as simple as the question. “Because I… I just don’t think… Ugh!” She shook her head, as if trying to rattle an idea into her head. “I have no idea! I just don’t want her to go!” “Vinyl, if she wants to go, it’s her decision. You can’t tie her to your flank and drag her around forever, can you?” Pinkie paused. “Can you?” After another second to contemplate the idea, Pinkie continued. “Well, it’s her choice and you can’t really stop her. If it’s a mistake, she’ll learn for herself and come back, right?” Pinkie, ever bubbly Pinkie, was making a great deal of sense right then; right when Vinyl wished she hadn’t. Slumping in defeat, Vinyl sighed. “… So, when’s this party?” She asked, not sure if she should feel happy for Octavia or miserable for herself. “I’m so glad you asked!” The party was the next day and had ‘Pinkie Pie’ written all over it. It was at Sugarcube Corner, with tons of balloons, cake, and half of Ponyville, if not more, in attendance. Now that the party was stretched out in front of her, Vinyl felt bolder. It was too late to stop Octavia – she was probably in Canterlot by now – but Vinyl wasn’t about to give in to despair. Taking a deep breath, she levitated the microphone headset up and put it into her ear. “Yo, wazzup Po-ny-ville~!” She dragged out the word for effect and was greeted by a roaring cheer from the crowd. “You all know me! Vinyl Scratch is in the house! Now, let's kick it with the next track!” Another cheer. This felt awesome; nothing like the practice concerts she and Octavia had held. This was less formal – wild and free. What did Octavia say? Invigorating? That’s how this felt; invigorating. “Alright, all you ponies!” Vinyl spun a record on her hoof, a trick her father taught her. “I’m here to rock your world. Who’s ready to par-tay~!” The music was a loud techno remix of an old song she'd played, one of her attempts to mimic her father’s style. It wasn’t as good as his music, but it had its own charm, she supposed. The thrum of the crowd hit her like a wave. Soon, she was caught up in their emotions, pumping her hoof into the air and tossing the ponies into a frenzy. So this was how her father felt, DJing all these years. The beat of the music pounding in her chest was more than enough to make her troubles soar away. “Come on, ponies! I wanna let Celestia hear this party all the way in Canterlot!” And Octavia too, Vinyl added silently to herself. Wrapped up in the chaos of it all, loving every second of it, Vinyl leaned up onto the turntable to shout out to the crowd. She stood above everypony, like a ruler over a kingdom – a kingdom of sound. And Vinyl was the cause of it all. With a loud cheer, she leaned too far in one direction, accidentally shifting the bass on the turntable up to ten. Blood boiled in her veins. The pounding bass ripped away everything but the music, matching the beat of the song with her heart. It was like a geyser of pure power had burst from the speakers and shot straight into her brain. She had to look absolutely silly, because everypony at the party was staring at her, even as she fixed the settings back to where they were supposed to be. The bass faded, lifting the cloud from her mind. It was only then that she heard Pinkie. "— stupendous, amazing, astounding, cool, crazy, awesomeness!” Pinkie bounced among the crowd, who were starting to get their senses back. “Do it again! Do it again!” Eager eyes surrounded her. Everypony wanted to see what happened next. Not wanting to disappoint her audience, she cranked the bass back up, playing her song again. And then again. It was hardly perfect. There wasn’t enough attention on the bass and some notes sounded wrong with all the distortion, but it was enough to light a fire in Vinyl’s mind. She could finally say she had found her calling; she was certain of it. All along, her music had been one dial-turn away from perfection and she’d never known. The party continued, but frankly, Vinyl was only half there. She couldn’t wait until it was over. No offense to Pinkie, but she had to get home and start working on this, as soon as possible. This was how she could live up to her father’s legacy; build a legacy of her own, just as big! That night, Vinyl’s home was a cacophony of sound. She tested the sound of something she was calling a ‘bass drop’ in her music, a loud explosion of blood-boiling sound. The buildup to it was the key; hyping the listener up, making them both dread and anticipate the drop. She began composing, but not in any way Octavia had. Sounds, everyday sounds, mixed into her music; her own personal calling-card to this genre. She spent weeks, delving into her creations. It was about two weeks when the food ran out and she had to venture back out into Ponyville to buy more. It was only after the first month that she actually paid attention while she was while out wandering. The letter had been left on her front step, unusual to be sure. Curious, Vinyl opened her mailbox to find it completely filled. She was a little embarrassed; she had been so absorbed in her music that she’d neglected to check the mail. With a bit of guilt, she pulled a letter out of the mailbox and turned it over to see the sender. Octavia Melody. Vinyl’s heart skipped a beat, then sped up. She snagged another letter from the mailbox at random. Octavia. Another. Octavia. After four letters, she finally found one not sent by her friend. How long had they been here? What did she say? She hastily opened the first letter that she grabbed. Silently, a ticket fluttered out of the envelope. Vinyl blinked down at it. “Uh oh.” It was an invitation to one of Octavia’s concerts, about a week late. Opening older letters she found scores of similar tickets, along with letters written in Octavia’s style. The letters were polite – not surprising – but seemed a little sad. Vinyl grimaced when she realized they had gotten shorter and shorter until the last few letters had nothing but the ticket, a date, and location inside. Vinyl knew she had to be furious. Though, if she was already playing concerts, she must be popular. Vinyl immediately began to feel insecure. Had Octavia been right? Guilt clawed at Vinyl and she pushed away the letters. She couldn’t reply to them. She just couldn’t. She felt absolutely terrible, but what would she say? With a hoof, she split the letters by who sent them. She would… deal with Octavia’s letters later. She’d feel better about it then, she was sure. Flipping through the stack of letters, she found most of them were from Octavia, with a few from her father, some invitations from Pinkie Pie, and one letter offering horn extensions. She grabbed one from her dad at random, opening it with a smile, hoping to clear her head. The letter was simple enough. The Griffon Empire had been a harsh place at first. Griffons were bossy, loud and demanding, but once they'd heard Echo’s music, he'd managed to sway them. They took to his new instrument, the electric guitar, wholeheartedly. They played them like the instruments were made for them. Perhaps they were. But Echo had a long way before he finished building his new genre. His note went on to ask how she was and why she hadn’t written. She had plenty of things to tell him, but it became clearer and clearer that she wasn’t sure what to say. A lot had changed since he'd left; from Octavia leaving, to discovering her own genre, to Princess Luna returning. She had a lot of work to do before she could send him a proper letter, but she knew when she did, she would make him proud. Vinyl made her way around Ponyville, stocking up on everything she’d need for the next few weeks, from food to electronics. All thoughts of Octavia's letters had been pushed to the back of her mind and chained there for the time being. But, whenever she didn't think too hard, they'd pick the locks and climb to the forefront. How was she supposed to handle something like this? Octavia had left with smoke practically coming out of her ears – now this? How was she supposed to fix this? She pushed those frightening and confusing thoughts away and started by looking for appliances she needed to alter some of her father’s hardware – the expendable stuff at least. She finished by swinging by the market for food, drinks, and maybe a cupcake or three. On her way back to her house, she stopped at a store window bearing a sign reading ‘The Seeing-Eye-Glasses,’ her worries about Octavia forgotten in the bustle of shopping. A pair of glasses matched up with her reflection, a pair of purple-tinted glasses that were a familiar and much-loved color; the same color as Octavia’s eyes. Yeah, they were a little gaudy – no doubt Octavia would scoff at them hardcore – but Vinyl walked right into the store and purchased them on the spot. Looking in the mirror, she couldn’t help but grin. She was looking wilder every day, just like her old man. “Watch out, Equestria. DJ-Pon3 is in the house!” Weeks bled into months, and Vinyl was watching the spread of her first CD. The CD, titled ‘Wubpocalypse’ was the first dub-trot CD to hit the market, and hit it hard it did. Ponies all over Equestria, especially in cities like Las Pegasus, adored this powerful new genre. It took the modern style of techno, slapped a new rhythm into its soul, and cast it back into the sky as a heart-pounding, spine-shaking thump of bass. Vinyl climbed the charts swiftly, just like her father, rivaling even his first-year sales in no time flat. She spent week after week holed up in her studio, a new expansion off her father’s store, creating new albums and sending them out to the world at large. 'Refined' cities, like Canterlot and Manehattan, were slow to embrace the new sound, but Vinyl knew it was only a matter of time. Fame came to her like the rising of the summer sun, stealing her breath and blinding her with glory. DJ-Pon3 was a star. Vinyl Scratch was a star. And yet, she was missing something. Constantly, she would stop and stare at the cello hanging over the fireplace. Her father had agreed to give the cello to Octavia once she was on her way to stardom, but she’d left before that’d happened. Vinyl missed Octavia so much and made more than one song that pounded out her sorrow though the bass, wordlessly screaming her loneliness to the world at large. When the letters from Octavia had stopped, Vinyl had been heartbroken, but had expected it. She wasn’t just limited in her time, but her emotions as well. When she tried to write back, she found herself just staring at the blank page, afraid to write anything that might upset her old friend; like mentioning the concerts she missed, her newfound fame, or even their past together. She wasn’t sure if there was anything she could safely say now. So instead, regret poured from Vinyl as she ignored her desire to see her dearest friend and drown herself in her work. Octavia was happy in Canterlot – famous even – and it was far beyond Vinyl to take her from that happiness, even if she’d found her fame despite her. Fame could be found in Ponyville, even if that fame was filled with regret. Time pressed on, a year swiftly approaching. Vinyl heard of the chaos that enveloped the Grand Galloping Gala. Ironically, Vinyl was more than pleased to know the ponies that caused the supposed "disaster" in Canterlot. In her opinion, the whole idea of the Gala was a little boring. She thought a bit of excitement would give that party an ounce of life. Over the past few months, Vinyl had honed her talent into an art, making music that didn’t sway the hearts of Equestria, but made them beat harder than ever before. She had gone so far as to develop new magical spells with some help from Twilight Sparkle, the local magical prodigy, to loosely control and conjure electricity to power and augment her instruments. She also made a spell to help her harness and alter sound waves, letting her amplify her voice and songs while playing at a concert to give the bass that extra kick. She had played concerts in Las Pegasus, Fillydelphia, and – much to her surprise – Manehattan. The normally stuffy city had actually been her most profitable concert ever, in an interesting twist. The turnout grew more with every day and soon, even Canterlot was under her spell, though reluctantly. Vinyl even heard rumors that Princess Luna had purchased all of her albums and was an avid DJ-Pon3 fan. The praises warmed Vinyl, aiding her belief that she’d made the right choices in her life. She sent out a proper letter to her father that night, better detailing the events of the past year. She had sent him several letters, hinting at wild changes and a big surprise that would make him very proud. Nothing made her feel better than to finally tell him about dub-trot. As she slipped the letter into her mailbox, she sighed to herself. She had one last big step to take if she was going to ground herself into musical history. She needed to find a way to premier publicly in Canterlot. For the next day and a half, Vinyl pondered this question: how would she bring the bass to a place so stingy and uptight? Would her crowd be nearly big enough to justify the expense and effort it would take? Or did she dare try to do something drastic and extreme, something to blow the lid off Canterlot and catch the legendary city off guard? As she paced in her home, she thought hard about the questions swimming in her mind. She stared at her father’s albums, silently praying for his advice. Interestingly enough, she got it in the form of a trophy. A trophy Echo had created to help spread DJing all over Equestria and beyond. A trophy for a contest held between two or more DJs. A grin spread over Vinyl’s face as she muttered to herself. “I think it’s time for DJ-Pon3’s first scratch-off...” > Chapter 4: I Am Octavia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: I Am Octavia [v] Eyes closed, Octavia swayed as the bowstring glided over her cello. The crowd before her was silent as her music trickled through the air, the symphony filling the void in more than one heart or mind, like an empty glass filled to overflowing. Slowly opening her eyes, she gazed out over the gathered ponies, each of them soaking in rapture, trapped in her song with barely contained awe. She felt a sting of pride, knowing she moved people to such adoration. But then, her eyes fell on the lone, empty seat in the dead center of the front row. It was Vinyl’s seat, a reminder Octavia kept for herself: never forget. For a moment, a somber note slipped into her music, but she returned her vigor into her playing instantly. She wouldn’t let her tears show in her music, not ever. She was Octavia Melody, the greatest cellist in all of Canterlot, and she would never let the world see her cry. The final measure drew to a haunting close and Octavia gingerly lowered her bow. The crowd burst into a politely measured applause and Octavia bowed before exiting the stage. Slowly, a frown creased her lips. Her performance for the day finished, Octavia hurried back towards home, where she could finally relax. In her own space, she could be herself again, not the crème-de-la-crème of Canterlot music she was forced to be around others. While she had been raised with class, she felt smothered by this place now. Growing up in Ponyville, she had been around more free-minded ponies; not the judgmental, bigoted ponies that surrounded her here. In Canterlot, everything was turned on its head. With time, the glitter and glamour of Canterlot had been replaced with stiffness like glue. Ever since the Gala, the obtrusiveness had crashed down on her shoulders, leaving her changed, and Octavia wasn’t sure if it was for the better or not. “What are you letting fame do to you, Octavia?” She whispered to herself, walking towards the stoop of her complex. She passed another poster of Vinyl – a new one, announcing her latest CD – and walked by her friend’s image without pause. However, once she reached the steps to her home, she glimpsed back, like looking into the past and seeing the world anew. With a resigned sigh, she crossed the street. Hoof-Spun-Records was a small little store for varying musical tastes. It boasted CDs, cassettes, and records of many genres and held none of the single-minded bigotry that permeated the rest of Canterlot. Octavia had come to respect the owner, Charles Hoofspin, and his desire to respect music in all its forms, even if it meant being frowned upon for thinking differently. Charles – who was also her landlord – knew Octavia on sight, but she had no desire to stop and chat. She was there with a purpose, the first purpose she’d had in a long, long time. Finding Vinyl’s CDs, she purchased each and every one. Despite her best efforts, Charles started chatting with her at the register. “Octavia Melody, buying DJ-Pon3? Now I’ve seen everything.” The shopkeeper gave a laugh, smiling. “Not that I’m complaining. I like seeing you Canterlot types expand your horizons. Not being so stuffy about music, you know?” Octavia knew if she let him continue, she would be here all night. “Thank you, Charles. I heard from an associate of mine that Vinyl Scratch was a rather unique musician. I wanted to see if that was true. I'm eager to get home and listen to them.” She placed the bits onto the counter, hoping she’d ended the conversation. She’d hoped in vain. “Unique? An understatement, if you ask me. DJ-Pon3 is a revolutionary, is what she is. She’s so much like her father, it’s almost like seeing double. The entire world is in for a musical revolution, just you watch.” Octavia knew that all too well. She smiled and said her thanks, not replying to his words, fearing that it would spark another topic. She retreated back across the street to the serenity of her small abode, putting Canterlot and all its troubles out of her mind. She hurried up the stairs like greased lightning, shutting the door behind her quickly. Once the stillness of her room enveloped and calmed her, Octavia deposited her cello on its stand beside her bed. She took a seat on the cloud-soft mattress, depositing the small stack of CDs down beside her. She was astounded at how many tracks Vinyl had produced in just under a year. Opening the first one, – Wubpocalypse, it was called – Octavia placed the disk onto her player and started up the first song. Right away, the music screamed ‘Vinyl Scratch’ in every way. It was loud and obnoxious, but strangely addictive. It made Octavia want to charge through the streets at full tilt and shout, not caring who was watching. It made her want to dance; jump up and down like nothing else mattered. Octavia found herself bobbing her head to the beat more than once and felt her blood boil through the whole album. She could easily imagine Vinyl producing music like this. “It’s so… her.” Octavia whispered to herself as the last song ended. She felt something warm on her face, wiping away the tear she’d shed as she plucked out the disk, putting in the next. This one, called The Leaving, was vastly different. The music was still in the same style, boisterous and loud, with a flair for loud kicks of sound. It still made Octavia think of Vinyl, that hadn’t changed one bit, but there was a shift in tone that only a keen musical ear – attached to somepony who knew Vinyl well – would be able to catch. The music was slower, with low rumbling bass and chaotic, uncontrolled drops. It gave Octavia the mental image of somepony moving through a dark forest or fighting a swarm of monsters by herself. The music gave Octavia the chills. It was good music, that she wouldn’t and couldn’t deny, but what many ponies didn’t catch was the subtle leaking of the creator’s emotions into the song. To many, music was just that: music. It was fun to listen to and the best songs could make you dance, but to Vinyl and Octavia, it was more. It was expressionism; art and spirit and beauty and passion. Vinyl was lonely, and this fact caused Octavia both immense heartache and a small degree of guilty pleasure. She hoped against hope that it wasn’t just her imagination. A flicker of desire she hadn’t felt in months burned in her chest, making her feel sick at herself for feeling it. Maybe Vinyl will accept me again. Maybe we could be friends again, she thought, even as self-loathing boiled in her chest. She closed her eyes, losing herself in Vinyl’s music again, imagining a time when the two of them could play together. Yes, there was guilt in feeling joy at her friend’s misery, but that misery was a chance. She remembered Vinyl’s uproarious laughter, warming her heart when she was sad. She thought of a future where true passion would flow through her music again, not this masquerade – this mockery of feeling. She wasn’t honest with anypony in Canterlot, not even herself. She wasn’t really all that happy here, was she? She dreamed and played and dreamed and played, and when the songs ended, so did the dreams. However, she had duties here she had to fulfill. Noteworthy was holding another audition to expand his orchestra tomorrow. With his growing fame, he could afford a larger crew. He had asked the rest of the ensemble to sit in on the auditions this time, at Octavia’s suggestion. An idea struck Octavia, a revelation that was an immense relief in it's simplicity. She would ask Noteworthy for a vacation at some point during the auditions. She swore it to herself, as she switched to the next CD. She had to return to Ponyville, there was no avoiding it anymore. Octavia didn’t sleep till late that night, listening to all of Vinyl’s songs, one after another. While she had to admit that dub-trot wasn’t fitting to her tastes, the raw energy Vinyl put into each note of every song bled through to Octavia and warmed her senses. It was like having Vinyl right there by her side again. The feeling was not unwelcome. When the final track on the final CD drew to a close, the weariness the music had been masking struck her all at once. Hugging a pillow close, Octavia drifted to sleep, dreaming of long-ago sleepovers and music sessions filled with smiles and hopes. She dreamed of her first symphony in Ponyville square, Vinyl urging her on with her father’s turntables. Lastly, she dreamed of leaving it all behind, returning to Ponyville and rushing to hug Vinyl; for a hug she’d craved for over a year now. When she woke up, she was as well rested as she’d ever been, as well as more determined. The auditorium was silent, except for the muttering of Octavia and her ensemble. Thanks to their growing fame, this audition was packed to the brim with possibilities. Octavia shifted uneasily in her seat, eager. She had decided to speak to Noteworthy after the audition, when he was in a good mood with the prospect of new talent. Now, all she wanted was for things to hurry up and get underway. Her desire to go home had only gotten stronger after she’d woken up properly. It was all she could think about. She even had all of her bags packed back at her apartment, waiting to head out. “Philip Hoofsworth.” Noteworthy called out the first name, ushering the pony in question onto the stage. He brought with him a cello of fine make. It was up to Octavia to judge if he was fit to play on the cello section of the orchestra, under her. As the auditions rolled by, Octavia lost herself in the musicians. She could tell some of them were less passionate than others, a fact that Noteworthy seemed to catch as well. He shooed those she silently marked as indifferent or dispassionate off the stage with a less than satisfied expression; once their symphonies were complete, of course. He never openly scorned any of them, just muttered to himself how they were insufficient for his orchestra. In truth, none of them were poor quality, but Noteworthy would only have the best of the best. Minutes dragged and Octavia grew more patient as music filled her. She became excited to hear the next pony – to soak in their heart and soul, regardless of the level of their passion. It all reminded her of her first night in Canterlot, when Noteworthy had taken her in and given her this new life. Back then, it had all been so simple; come to Canterlot and become famous. There were no complex problems like maintaining her fame through constant public exposure to spreading word of her talents through her performances. In the end, it was all very lonely work. “Violina.” Noteworthy’s voice broke Octavia from her reverie. She felt herself sigh in joy. A violinist was just what she wanted to hear right now. As the pony took the stage, Octavia noticed a slight err to her step, a sign of a pony new to this style of dressing. Her hooves caught on her dress every few steps and she’d recover quickly, muttering to herself under her breath. That aside, she looked beautiful, if oddly familiar. She had a light olive yellow coat, finely brushed, hidden under a cobalt dress that matched her braided and adorned mane. Her arctic-blue eyes were what made Octavia shiver the most, flashing in her mind’s eye. She saw a different face smiling back than the one she saw now. “No way…” She leaned forward, but the pony pushed herself up to play before Octavia had a chance to speak. Gentle tones flowed from the violin, searing the air with sorrow. It made Octavia want to weep; the song was so sad and so filled with loneliness. It reminded her of that night, over a year ago, when she'd made a grave mistake. To those other than Octavia, the melody wasn’t as enthralling as the ones before it. It was obviously an amateur’s hoof playing the song, even if the song was powerful. Octavia closed her eyes, heaving a conflicted sigh. “What are you doing here…? Why are you here, Fiddlesticks?” > Chapter 5: Defying Destiny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Defying Destiny “But you still ain’t given me one good reason, Octavia!” Fiddlesticks stomped her hoof down as she cried out. Her voice was choked with impending tears as Octavia double-checked her saddlebags. When their mother had told her Octavia was leaving, Fiddle hadn’t believed it. It was too sudden. She'd rushed in here, determined to not let her sister leave. Not without a very good reason, at least. “Why Canterlot? You can just stay here, with us. Please don’t go.” She felt like her world was crumbling, rotting like an apple from the inside. “What about Vinyl? Does she—” Octavia cut Fiddle off by slamming her cello case shut loudly. Fiddlesticks shied back and whimpered as a few tears leaked out from her eyes. “Don’t talk about that… traitor.” Octavia spat the last word with more conviction and emotion than she’d shown in this entire conversation. Her mother had convinced Octavia to speak with her before she left. She said it would be wrong to leave without a word, but now Fiddle was wishing she’d left it at just that. For a few seconds, the room was quiet as Octavia rearranged the contents of her bags, hoping to make them easier to carry. The only sound was of Fiddle struggling – and failing – to hold back her tears. Finally, Octavia spoke again. “Please don’t cry, Fiddle. You’ll be fine. Ever since you got your cutie-mark, you’ve been the talk of the Apple family. Granny Smith told mother that you played the fiddle better than any pony she’d ever heard before. You’re not alone. You don’t need me anymore.” Fiddlesticks choked a bit as Octavia finished, punctuating the sentence by closing her saddlebags with a soft click. Her sister’s voice was hollow and empty; she was bottling her emotions, hiding how she truly felt. To a stranger, she’d seem normal, if a little bit rude, but Fiddlesticks knew her well enough to know the truth. She was hurting badly. She was alone and nothing Fiddle did would make her feel any less so. “Even if I don’t – and I do – that doesn’t mean I want you to leave. You’re my sister and I love you.” Fiddlesticks’ voice sounded desperate, even to herself, as she tried to soften her sister’s damaged emotions. She was on her last hooves now, searching for scraps to hold on to. "Come on, Octi. Break out that cello and let me hear you play again. Please?" Octavia didn’t speak. She didn’t even turn to face her sister. She just stared at her saddlebags, like they held her entire future. “Fine then," Fiddle said clearly. Steadfast, she turned back towards the door. “I’m goin’ to pack my bags. I ain’t lettin’ you do this alone, sis. I’m comin’ with you.” She started off, but Octavia stopped her. “No.” The one word was enough. Octavia’s voice was cold as ice, and as lonely as a stranded duckling. Fiddlesticks looked over her shoulder at her sister, fighting off the powerful urge to run over and hug her. She couldn’t imagine what had driven her and Vinyl apart, but Octavia had never looked so tired before. She looked like she was tired of everything. “You’re not coming.” Her voice had a harsh edge, but her eyes shimmered with sadness. “Canterlot isn’t a place for the fiddle. It’s a city of class – no offense – and you’d be eaten alive there. I wouldn’t be able to protect you, Fiddle.” With a sigh that encompassed all her solitude, Octavia slid on her saddlebags and pulled her cello onto her back. She locked eyes with her sister and tried to smile; it wasn’t very convincing. “You’ll be fine, my sister dear.” Deep down, Fiddlesticks knew she wouldn’t be, but she didn’t tell her sister. Looking down as Octavia passed, she refused to crush her sister any more than she already was. Alone in her sister’s abandoned room, Fiddlesticks cried until her body hurt, she grew weak and eventually fell asleep on her sister’s bed. The year after Octavia had left was as cold and lonely as Octavia’s words had been. Surrounded by her family, she played her fiddle to forget her sister, but every time she looked in a mirror she saw her sister’s reflection staring back. Octavia had always shared beauty tips and Fiddle couldn’t bring herself to wear her hair in any other way than how she'd showed her. She even shared a cutie-mark – her very destiny – with her sister. They were linked irrevocably. Vinyl was becoming a big name around Ponyville lately – just another reason Fiddle couldn’t forget. She could never bring herself to talk to Vinyl about that night, or even before that. She would always feel too lonely or too afraid. Besides, she was sure Vinyl was far too busy becoming a musical superstar. Without her sister, Fiddlesticks felt half-complete, like an unfinished painting or a puzzle missing pieces. Her depression started to worry those around her. Applejack would drag her along to harvest apples from time to time, forcing her to be around the rest of the family and spend time with others. She enjoyed their company, of course, but regardless of the efforts she withdrew more and more each day, missing her sister and all that she did for her. The night of the Gala came and went. Fiddlesticks only cared at all about the event because Applejack had gone. She did her best to not think about the event in Canterlot, for obvious reasons. She kept to herself every day, practicing her fiddle outside Sweet Apple Acres for Granny Smith and Big Macintosh. Fiddle was profoundly relieved when Applejack returned, feeling the pressure of her absence lift from her mind. She felt like she could always talk to Applejack with genuine happiness, though only to a point. She was a good friend and a great cousin, but she wasn’t Octavia. She wasn’t her sister, no matter what she tried. Setting her fiddle down, she rushed out to meet her cousin on the road towards the farm, tipping her hat as she approached. Applejack looked stunning in her Gala dress; Rarity had really outdone herself with her designs this time. “Well, howdy Fiddle! Ain’t you just as bright as a spring morning today?” Applejack seemed happy, but Fiddle noticed a few nips and tears in her dress. “Yer lookin' a little worse-for-wear, cousin. What happened at the Gala?” Applejack grinned at the question and began into the tale of the Grand Galloping Gala and what was possibly the worst night ever. She explained how everything started off well, but quickly spiraled downhill, going wrong in all the worst ways, leading to the catastrophic buildup. In the end, she was left laughing, explaining the end of the night with joy; of time spent with friends, regardless of what they were doing. Fiddle loved that about Applejack. She was sweet and simple, but not at all stupid. She knew what she wanted from the world and seized it. “Y'know Fiddle... I, uh, saw Octavia there,” Applejack said with a small smile, obviously hoping to cheer her cousin up. Fiddle just tensed, keeping her face as straight as possible. “She was the lead cellist. Pinkie Pie made a right mess ‘a her performance, I tell you.” Applejack chuckled to herself, trying to lull Fiddle out of her stupor. “She didn’t seem to remember us, though. It was too bad, really. I wanted to tell her how you’ve been missin’— Fiddle?” Fiddlesticks couldn’t hold it in anymore. She lowered her head and hat to hide her face from her cousin, crying all the tears she’d bottled up. At first, Applejack hesitated. Fiddle hadn't ever cried in front of her; she'd never wanted to burden her family with this pain. She tried to talk but she could only sob, so she closed her mouth and shed her tears in silence. Suddenly, she felt a hoof on her side. Applejack led Fiddle to the orchard to let her get it all out of her system. After a good, long cry, Fiddle pulled herself together. She felt much better actually, and was sure to tell Applejack that fact. She thanked her cousin for helping, even if it wasn’t in the way she’d intended, and started home. Despite her relief, she kept her face hidden under the brim of her hat. She was sure her tears would still show. Her home was silent as she entered, her parents in the kitchen, talking to one-another quietly. As she started up the stairs, she couldn’t help but overhear some of the conversation. “… Ain’t right, just up and leavin’ so suddenly.” Her father’s voice was low, but was tinged with agitation. “She’s an Apple. We Apples always stick together.” “That’s just it, dear.” Her mother’s refined voice was laced with sadness. Fiddle leaned closer, keeping hidden on the stairs. “Being an Apple is more than just keeping your family close; it's about being a good family, dear. Big Macintosh stopped by last night and told me about how Fiddlesticks is acting.” Fiddlesticks leaned closer still, curious as to why they were talking about her while they didn't think she was here. “Ponyville just hasn’t been the same for her since Octavia left," her mother continued. "She’s been very depressed and I feel like Ponyville just holds too much pain for her right now. We don’t need to leave the Apple family. I just feel like we need to go somewhere else. We could go live with the Fillydelphia Apples, with their apple cider factory. I would even consider a town like Appleloosa, if it meant making Fiddlesticks happy.” Her mother sighed, a familiar sound that Fiddle could barely hear from where she was. “I just don’t know what’s best for her anymore. I’m so worried about her.” Suddenly, Fiddlesticks was overcome. But where she had expected sympathy or sorrow, she only felt anger. How could her family want to move her away? Why hadn’t they spoken to her about it? Why be so shady and secretive? Her emotions were a mess already, but this was just too much. Overwhelmed, she made a sudden, rash decision. They wanted her to leave Ponyville? She'd leave Ponyville, all right! She would run away to be with her sister in Canterlot. Her thoughts were selfish, childish, and not a little unfair, but Fiddlesticks didn’t care. She just wanted her sister back. Sneaking up to her room, she quickly and quietly packed her saddlebags. Her parents – assuming she was still at the farm spending time with her cousin – never even imagined she would be upstairs, preparing to run away. Taking very little – her fiddle along with a few spare strings and a spare bow, as well as a spare change of clothes and her savings she earned from working at the farm and playing her fiddle at events – Fiddlesticks crept back out of her home and into the darkening streets of a Ponyville evening, silent and determined. She paid Rarity a visit at Carousel Boutique, spending a good hoof-full of her hard earned bits to dress herself up. Of course, Rarity gave her a discount, her being Applejack’s cousin and with her limited budget Fiddlesticks didn’t dare turn her down. The fashionista made her into somepony entirely new, braiding up her mane, offering her a beautiful dress to match her colors and tending to her coat in ways Fiddlesticks had never even considered. When she looked into the mirror, she was amazed at the difference in the pony staring back. The color of her eyes was drawn out by her defined eyelashes and the color of her dress. She couldn’t believe this well-dressed pony was her, looking ready to walk the streets of Canterlot. Behind her, Rarity complimented her as she double-checked her work. “Darling, you look positively marvelous! Absolutely beautiful, my dear. Who would have guessed that under all that dirt and sweat would lay a pony with such a distinct look. Well, your mother is quite a classy pony, after all. And your sister was no joke either, if I remember.” Fiddlesticks heard none of it. She didn’t mean to ignore her, but she was completely enthralled with the reflection staring back at her. Rarity was a rather loud pony when she wanted to be, but very respectful and well-mannered. She had a lot to say and a ranted a lot, but Fiddle didn’t care about that at all. What did bother her was how intrusive she tended to be, especially with her opinions on fashion. She was one of Applejack’s best friends but she knew that even her kindhearted cousin got tired of Rarity every once-in-a-while. All too suddenly, Rarity shifted topics, drawing Fiddlesticks from her reverie. “You know, dear, I don’t mean to pry, but why would an Apple like yourself want a dress like this? It’s rather unusual. Is some special event coming up?” Fiddle felt sweat bead on her neck as she rushed to think up an excuse. “I might be an Apple, Rarity, but I’m also my mom’s daughter, ain’t I?” She forced a smile, hoping it looked convincing enough. Rarity stared at her in silence, unreadable. Finally, she nodded. “A little heavier on the eye shadow…” She leaned in to finish her work. Once she was finished, Fiddle thanked Rarity and hurried out of the boutique with not a moment of hesitation. Without realizing it, she found herself comparing her sister to the pony she’d just left the company of. Octavia was a pony of class, like Rarity, and both were kindhearted, yes. Rarity was supposedly the Element of Generosity, and Fiddlesticks could see that being the case, but she found the fashionista to be a little too stuffy. Her sister had grown up beside Vinyl and knew how to loosen her bow-tie and just have good old fun. More than once, Fiddle had watched Octavia dance at an Apple get-together, just cutting loose for the thrill of it. Fiddle had never seen that in Rarity, though she admittedly didn’t spend much time around her. With a smile and a skip, she decided to give the fashion-fanatic the benefit of the doubt. If she was one of Applejack’s friends, surely she could learn to like her too, despite any faults she might have. Nopony was perfect. Waiting for the train, Fiddlesticks decided dresses and gowns were the bane of her existence; constantly getting under her hooves and snagging on this or that. She worked hard to keep the dress clean, but already it had one or two small, barely noticeable stains. Rarity would’ve had her mane for a coat if she saw them. It was nighttime now and Fiddlesticks was the only pony waiting for the train to Canterlot. Standing straighter she slipped her fiddle off her side-holder, shifting to hold it more like a violin. She would need to learn to play classical if she was going to survive in Canterlot. She'd have to impress Octavia too and prove to her that Canterlot was just as much a place for her as anyplace else. She began to practice right there at the dark train station, swaying slightly as she’d seen Octavia do all the time. It was difficult to perform the slower, more intricate, and subtle style of classical music. However, as the train pulled up, Fiddle felt like she was already getting the hang of it. Smiling, she trotted onto the train car, passing the pony at the door her ticket. She smiled to him and winked. “Canterlot 'r bust.” Daylight shined into Fiddlestick’s eyes as she woke, drawing a yawn from her. It was a warm kind of light, the kind of light you only feel on days of grand change. It was early and the train was drawing close to Canterlot. Leaning over to the window, Fiddle soaked in the sights. She gasped, seeing the massive city for the first time. She had been born in Manehattan, but this was nothing like there. The buildings were majestic, breathtaking, and best of all, beautiful. It was a drastic contrast to the concrete jungle of her far-away home. She saw why Octavia loved this place so much. Ducking through tunnels, and riding up the mountain, Canterlot drew ever closer to her. Once the train pulled into the station, Fiddle felt her heart leap. She was here, where her sister was. With so little in her possession, she did the first thing she could think of; she looked for family. There was a family of Oranges in Canterlot, Fiddlesticks knew that. Finding them wasn’t difficult either. Just asking around brought her to their door in a few hours time, a smile on her face and her heart in her throat. She shifted on her hooves – nervous but excited – and eventually knocked. She couldn’t let fear unmake all that she’d accomplished so far. She’d come too far to turn back now. After a few seconds, the door swung open. There stood a mature mare, sporting a light olive coat and a dark amber mane. Her eyes were a strong green, burrowing into Fiddlesticks. She felt like those eyes were tearing away all her illusions, exposing her as the country bumpkin she really must be. The mare raised an eyebrow as she stared, trapping Fiddle into silence under her scrutiny. “When one knocks on somepony else’s door, it’s customary to introduce oneself. To not is rather rude, don’t you think?” The words snapped some sense into Fiddlesticks, who bit the inside of her mouth. “Oh, sorry. I ain’t too good with this yet.” The mare’s eyes went wide at her southern drawl, but she continued. “Are you Valencia Orange?” The mare nodded with a disapproving look on her face. “I’m still workin’ on my manners. The name’s Fiddlesticks and you n' I are relatives. Cousins, I think. You’re my cousin’s-aunt’s-daughter or somethin', so I don’t rightly know what that makes us. I came all this way from Ponyville and I wanna start learnin’—“ “Stop. Just stop.” Valencia interrupted, shaking her head and stomping a hoof. “Your accent tells me who you are. No amount of dress-up can cover an Apple. You are – how do you bumpkin’s say it? – Apples to the core. None of you country ponies do well around ponies with class. You say we’re related, but you don’t know what it makes us? I’ll tell you – it makes us nothing. So turn around right now and leave, before you humiliate yourself.” The insults stung Fiddlesticks harshly. Family ties had always been important to her, of course; a family was where you were never judged, but accepted for who you were. But now, here was a member of her family, distant though that family was, insulting her before she even knew her. Regardless, she bit the inside of her cheek harder and tried her best to reign in her accent. “Sorry. Let me try again. I’m Fiddlesticks, a relative from Ponyville.” She spoke slowly, rolling the words carefully off her tongue. “I ran away from home ‘cause I ain’t… because I am not happy there anymore. I want to get away from the country life.” She loathed saying the words, especially since they were a lie, but she knew it was a step she’d need to take to win Valencia over. Valencia looked genuinely shocked and re-examined her with newfound respect. “Well, you do look quite nice in that dress. And while your barbaric accent makes it hard to notice, you seem a polite and genuine pony.” She stepped back a bit, giving Fiddle admission to the house. As she entered, Valencia continued. “But there are some things that simply must be changed – some, more urgent than others. For one, your clothes. You only have the one dress?” Fiddle nodded. “Then we simply must buy you more. Secondly, your name.” Fiddlestick’s heart sank. What was wrong with her name? She opened her mouth to protest, but Valencia didn’t let her speak. “If you wish to give up that bumpkin lifestyle, you need to leave you bumpkin name behind. Understand? Canterlot is not a place for fiddles.” Fiddlesticks nearly choked, hearing her sister’s words come from Valencia’s lips. She wanted to cry, but buckled down and forced back her tears. “I don’t wanna play- I don’t want to play the fiddle anymore. I want to play classical music. I want to play the violin.” This seemed to please Valencia, who nodded. “It’s for the best. Though barbaric, the fiddle should have given you the basics of the violin, at least. Well, a new name it is then. One that suits the new you. Perhaps something like Silken Strings?” She closed the door, looking to Fiddlesticks for input. Fiddle was silent for a long time, thinking hard on this. Her life wouldn’t be the same, once her name was behind her. She wanted her new name to speak from the heart. She was a simple pony and a subtle, symbolic name wasn’t really her style. Drawing in a slow breath, she looked to Valencia. “Violina. I’ll be Violina from now on.” Valencia smiled, clapping her hooves a few times and nodding. “Brilliant! Come, my husband and I have a spare guest room you can stay in. Next, we simply must do something about that accent. If you keep slipping, people are sure to find out about your… upbringing.” She spat out the last word, as if it was garbage on her tongue, making Fiddle – Violina – shiver. All this for Octavia. For her sister, she would bear all this, and more. Octavia watched as Violina – as Fiddlesticks – played a genre she had never imagined she would see her play. Her eyes watered with pride at her half-sister. While Fiddle wasn’t the greatest violinist, she was very good for somepony who was raised on folk music. She must have practiced so hard, fighting outside her comfort zone, to get even this good. Octavia felt like her heart would burst with pride, but just as she was about to address her sister, Noteworthy stood up. “Stop! Stop stop stop!” He slammed his hoof down on the floor, making Fiddlesticks jump, cutting her song off. Octavia instinctively rose to protect her sister, but Noteworthy continued without pause. “I don’t know who you think you are, but this is a formal audition for a prestigious orchestra, not a foal’s talent show! You don’t belong here, with such plebeian music. What we are looking for is far beyond the talent of the likes of you. Get out of here!” Octavia’s heart – swelling with pride just moments ago – was fit to bursting with rage now. Somewhere to her left, Beauty Brass gasped. She hated conflict like this; hated – irrationally enough – hatred. Noteworthy hadn’t interrupted any other performance, except for this one. “We already have a skilled violinist, little foal. Run along now.” Concerto said with a haughty air, wagging her hoof dismissively at the mare on stage. She lifted her head with pride, sneering at Fiddlesticks. Octavia wanted to slap the look right off her face. She turned back to her sister, only to find herself locking eyes with her, watching as tears rolled down Fiddle's face. She felt her heart split in half in her chest, her own tears finding their way into her eyes. Fiddlesticks bolted from the stage, dropping her fiddle as she went. Her sobs echoed through the auditorium as she charged for the door, bursting out into the Canterlot night with the jeers of Noteworthy and Concerto following her. “Fiddle, wait!” Octavia jumped towards her sister, but she was already gone before Octavia could react. She felt her heart freeze, then melt with the heat of fury. She spun, staring harshly at Noteworthy and Concerto, her eyes swimming with unbridled anger. Her fellow musicians had only then noticed her outburst and silence had taken over the auditorium again. Noteworthy, however, was still wrapped up in the drama. "Every rehearsal has at least one bad egg. I was starting to wonder where this one would crop up." Noteworthy muttered as he finally looked to his orchestra. He froze, noticing Octavia's glare. “Octavia?” Beauty Brass spoke, sounding worried. “Did you know that pony?” Octavia calmed slightly. Beauty was her friend and she would show her the politeness and respect she had earned. “Yes, Beauty. Her name isn’t Violina; it’s Fiddlesticks. She’s my little sister.” Beauty gasped. Concerto paled. Noteworthy couldn’t contain his shock, sputtering as he struggled to speak. “O-Octavia, I’m truly sorry. If I had known—” He began, but Octavia cut him off ruthlessly. “You would have what!?” She shouted, stomping a hoof down towards Noteworthy. “Treated her better? You wouldn’t want to do anything to upset your precious star, would you, Noteworthy?" She laced the words with as much mockery and venom as she could muster. "You’ve only ever cared about yourself and your little orchestra – anything else can buck apples! You’ll do anything, trot over anypony, to help inflate that swollen ego of yours more and more! Noteworthy, you’d still be a nopony if it weren’t for me.” Octavia’s own anger surprised her. Worn out and calming down, she spat out the last bit of venom in a powerful coup de grâce. “You sicken me, Noteworthy. You always have. You’re nothing but a filthy reprobate.” She turned, leaving the ensemble in stunned silence. Ponies from behind the curtain were peeking out or had taken to the stage to find out what was happening, but if any of them said anything, Octavia hadn’t heard it. Out in the street, she tried to find some trace of where Fiddle could have gone. “120 Mane Ave.” Octavia jumped at Beauty’s voice. Her friend walked up alongside Octavia, a solemn, but supportive presence. She was carrying a clipboard filled with the names and addresses of all the applicants. “That’s where Violina – I mean Fiddlesticks – registered herself. Are you all right, Octavia?” Octavia just nodded. “After what you said to Noteworthy, I imagine you’re leaving the ensemble, huh?” Right then, the impact of what she’d said actually reached Octavia’s brain. For several seconds, she had no idea what to say to Beauty. But eventually reality reasserted itself and Octavia found her words. “I’m fine, thank you. And no, Beauty, I won’t be leaving. I imagine working with those two will be a lot more awkward after this, but I’m not going anywhere. This is my destiny, playing beside you and the others. I’ve known that from the very first note we played together. Despite the faults, you are all my ensemble – my team.” She looked around at the buildings. “No, it’s just that I can’t stand this place; what it does to me.” Canterlot’s warm night surrounded her, filled with magnificent architecture, beautiful gardens, and the crushed dreams of hundreds of ponies. “And I can’t leave Fiddlesticks now. Something brought her here and I’ve got a pretty good idea what it is.” She looked back to Beauty Brass, finding her smile for a few seconds. “Thank you for being my friend, Beauty. You’re certainly the classiest pony, among all these simpletons.” With a smile and blush, Beauty swelled slightly. “Go see your sister, Octavia. I’ll run damage control here.” She nudged her head back towards the auditorium. “If I know Noteworthy, he’s probably bracing himself for the loss of his star, weeping dramatically into his chair and gnawing his own hoof off in worry. I’ll let him stew with that for a while before I let him know you’re staying.” Octavia chuckled. “Thank you again.” With a nod to her friend, she galloped off into the Canterlot night, thinking only of Fiddle. One-twenty Mane Avenue was a two-story building deep in the Canterlot underbelly. It was no glorious affair, considering Canterlot’s usual fair; a simple home with simple patrons. Walking up the small stoop, Octavia took a breath and knocked. After a moment of bustling, a mare opened the door. Octavia didn’t recognize her, but the lack of recognition only went one way. “Octavia Melody?!” The mare’s shock showed, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping. “At my doorstep? Please, come inside, have some tea and—“ “Sorry, but not right now. Perhaps later. Where is Fiddlesticks?” The pony in front of her raised an eyebrow, looking confused. As she opened her mouth to speak, Octavia corrected herself. “Sorry, I meant Violina.” Suddenly, recognition dawned on the mare’s face. She frowned, stepping back a little. “Up the stairs, second door on the right. She just came back, crying her heart out, the poor dear.” Octavia bowed in silent thanks her head and cleaned her hooves off as she crossed into the threshold of the house. She hurried up the stairs, not even pausing to further talk with the mare, who was staring at the floorboards, whispering something. “I only wanted to help the poor thing… Why did it go so wrong? Perhaps she wasn't cut out for Canterlot after all...” On her way up, Octavia passed the remains of a tattered, torn dress in the hallway, the one Fiddle has been wearing at the rehearsal, torn to rags in her flight from Noteworthy. Moving to the bedroom door, Octavia took a deep breath and knocked. “Go away!” Fiddle’s voice made Octavia flinch. She had never heard her sister like this; so filled with pain and misery. “I ain’t talkin’ to nopony! Just leave me alone!” “Fiddle?” Octavia placed a hoof on the door, but didn’t push. “Fiddle, it’s me. It’s Octavia.” A long silence followed where Octavia wasn’t sure if Fiddlesticks heard her. Just as she was about to speak again, she heard the click of a lock opening. She leaned off the door just as it opened slightly – just a crack – with Fiddlesticks peering out. Her mane was a mess, her makeup running from her tears. She gulped down a sob, big eyes fixed on Octavia. “How’d you find me?” Fiddle sniffed after she spoke, wiping her face with the side of her hoof, smearing her makeup further. Octavia leaned onto the door, opening it a little more. “Fiddle, you wrote your address in the logbook,” Octavia said with a small smile, as Fiddlesticks blushed despite her tears. “Oh, right…” “May I come in?” Octavia waited, letting her half-sister open the door before entering. The room was meticulous and simple, though Fiddlesticks had added her own personal touches. One such thing was her white cowboy hat, resting on a peg on the wall; the very same hat her father had given her when they moved to Ponyville. Other than that, Octavia noticed, there was nothing here from Ponyville at all. Fiddle had purchased many of Octavia’s records, a few CDs to help learn classical, and a large poster of Octavia, heralding her as the ‘Symphonic Siren,’ a title she had seen once or twice in a few reviews. It hadn’t really caught on. Fiddle was without any clothes, an unusual thing for her sister, who normally wore the green shirt and red bandanna she had purchased back home. She was disheveled and miserable and, as far as Octavia could tell, laid bare for her. Octavia walked over, putting her head against her sister’s. “Oh, Fiddle… Why did you come here?” Octavia worked to wipe her sister’s tears, only to have more fill the space. “How can you ask that, Octi? How can you not see how much you leavin’ changed things? How it changed more than your life? How it changed more than your destiny?” Fiddlesticks shied back, shaking her head. “Ponyville just wasn’t the same without you there. And after mom and dad decided to move away…” Octavia nodded. She hadn’t written her family often, but she had heard about their decision and had actually supported the idea. She had been just as worried about Fiddle as they were. “I reckon I just wasn’t happy there no more.” As Fiddle spoke, she had begun shaking. By the time she was done her whole body was trembling, her eyes were closed, and tears were running down her face. Before Octavia could even speak, Fiddle started again, faster now, as if she was spilling her heart out. “So I ran! I ran away from home and came here, to be with you, sis. Was that so wrong? I couldn’t help it, Octi. Without you, I’m as lonely as a pup without his tail. I just had to come. And I knew; I knew I couldn’t come here with my fiddle. I’d be the laughin’ stock of Canterlot. So I learned classical. So I became Violina and moved in with Valencia. I just wanted to make you proud of me.” Fiddle slumped as she spoke. “Not like it mattered. I just got laughed at anyway.” She dropped her head and started crying again, but this time Octavia rushed to support her. “Fiddle, I am proud of you. And don’t you listen to Noteworthy and Concerto. They’re nothing but selfish, stuck-up plebeians.” Fiddle couldn’t help but giggle at the word, but sniffed loudly after. Octavia smiled a little more genuinely at that small victory. “Your place is in Ponyville. Your destiny is there.” She helped Fiddle fix her mane, smoothing it out with a hoof. “Yours is too, Octi.” Fiddle sniffed once more, recovering a little better this time. “Vinyl misses you a lot, you know.” Octavia tensed, but forced herself to nod. “Vinyl…” Octavia hesitated, but forced herself to go on. “Vinyl was right all along. She captured her fame and fortune in Ponyville only a year after I left. I left everything I had behind, because I was convinced it would all just hold me back, but Vinyl proved everything I did wrong; she made me look like a selfish fool. Her fame marked the end to all my ambitions in Canterlot, even if nopony ever saw it.” She paused a moment, blinking as Fiddle moved to her side, pressing herself up against her sister for support. With a silent signal only Octavia would be able to understand, she urged her to go on. “After the Gala,” Octavia continued, “everything fell apart. But Vinyl just kept on growing. She’s the real star, not me. I’m just a usurper to the throne.” Fiddle gave her head a little shake. “That ain’t true and you know it.” Like the old days, now it was Fiddle’s turn to support her sister. She leaned a little closer, hugging her. “You’re the best pony I know, Octavia. You ain’t no ‘usurper,’ whatever that is.” Octavia chuckled a little, hugging her sister back. “You need to follow your own destiny, Fiddle. Not mine. Go back to Ponyville. If anypony knows about destiny, it would be Vinyl. She was right this whole time about her own destiny, after all.” Octavia wanted to stop there, but her tongue ran faster than her mind. “And I’m going with you.” Her lips went dry, but her heart raced with purpose. “I need to speak to Vinyl. And she understands destiny better than either of us – perhaps better than both of us combined. Canterlot isn’t what I thought it would be.” “You’re leavin’ your orchestra?” Fiddle sounded appalled, but Octavia shook her head. “No, never. Noteworthy may be an unreasonable snob, but that doesn’t change the truth of what I bring to Equestria: beautiful, glorious music. I just refuse to live here any longer. It will be a longer commute and I’ll need to stay with Beauty Brass – a friend of mine – before our concerts, but I won’t live in this accursed city one more night than I have to. Pack up your things. We’ll leave tomorrow morning.” Fiddle seemed to beam with joy. She nodded and wiped her face down – cleaning it rather than smearing it this time – and fixed her mane a little better, talking to Octavia all the while. They talked about what to pack, about one-another, and about what they wanted from now on. Gradually, Fiddle started to sound like her old self again. Valencia was there, waiting at the bottom of the stairs. She looked at Fiddlesticks with a disapproving eye for a moment, then sighed and smiled. She didn't say anything, but gave the country mare a small, formal bow. Fiddle tipped her hat, not speaking either, but Octavia felt something pass between the two; something greater than the actions they'd performed. “So, I’ll be seein’ you at the train station bright ‘n early?” Fiddle asked her, as the two approached the front door. “Yes. Ten AM, sharp. Don’t be late, Fiddle.” Octavia said, smiling to her sister and opening the door. She blinked as a piece of paper fluttered down off the door and landed on the steps. Normally, Octavia wasn’t one to look through other people’s things, but something about the paper caught her eye. She picked it up and examined it, her eyes widening. “It seems we won’t be leaving tomorrow after all, Fiddle.” Octavia shifted, showing her confused sister the paper – or rather, the poster. It read: DJ-Pon3 (Vinyl Scratch) V.S. MC-W1SH (Neon Lights)! The scratch-off of the century! Club Canterlot; Tonight! Stuck below the message, a ticket blew in the breeze. It was dated for tomorrow night. > Chapter 6: When Vinyl Scratch Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: When Vinyl Scratch Dreams [v] Vinyl grinned, looking over the party inside Ponyville’s town hall. It was all for her this time; her big kick off, a going away party and a good luck party blended into one. Naturally, Pinkie Pie had done an astounding job hosting the party and everypony was having a blast. Vinyl had insisted on playing at her own party, despite Pinkie arguing that she’d ‘miss the fun,’ as if playing to a crowd like this wasn’t Vinyl’s idea of a great time. Dropping the bass hard, she threw the crowd into a frenzy of action; it was a pit of thrashing, shouting, and dancing. Hooves stomped on the floor and tails bobbed in the air. It all made Vinyl grin that much harder. “Awwww yeahhhh~!” Throwing her head back, Vinyl shouted over the din of the crowd, slamming into the next part of her song, sound ripping through the air like a head being smashed through glass. This was the life! As Vinyl cranked the bass up to eleven, she felt her blood boil and her pulse race. She was alive, more than ever, among these ponies who chanted her name. The night progressed, as nights tend to do, and ponies left the dance floor covered in sweat and breathing heavy, but satisfied and smiling. Vinyl picked Pinkie out of the shrinking crowd, one of the ponies left still on the dance floor. She danced recklessly, slamming into other ponies and shouting at the top of her lungs, cheering Vinyl on. Vinyl loved all of Ponyville’s ponies, but if she absolutely had to pick a favorite, it would be the pink party animal. No pony partied like Pinkie Pie partied, not even her or her father, or anypony else in Equestria for that matter – at least, none that she knew of. That was why Vinyl was determined to recruit her. Keeping her eyes on Pinkie, she called a break in the mixing, setting the turntables to play a song she’d made special for this party. As the music blared over the crowd, Vinyl made her way down to the hostess. The crowd still danced, though with less ferocity than when Vinyl was up there egging them on, giving them reasons to really party. Shockingly, Vinyl managed to get close to Pinkie Pie without being slammed into too hard. “Yo, Party Pie. Sup?” She held out a hoof, which Pinkie promptly bumped. “Not too much! Rockin’ out with Gummy!” The toothless alligator stood nearby, wagging his tail in an off-beat rhythm. Clearing her throat, Vinyl continued. “Alright, check it, here’s the thing. I got an offer for you, Pinkie.” “An offer? Ooh ooh, lemme guess!” Pinkie bounced a bit. “Are you offering me a bigger part in the next season? Because I totally don’t need any role bigger than this, thank you. I mean, a spotlight here, a little joke there, I think I’m good. Any more and I bet I'd burn right out from exhaustion.” Vinyl tilted her head, trying to figure out what she meant. Unconcerned, Pinkie continued. “Oh, or is it a treat for Gummy? He can do tricks for treats, you know?” Happy to put the first guess behind her, Vinyl peered down at Gummy, who peered back at her and very slowly licked his own eyeball. “Or is it a new car? I mean, I know everypony gets a new car, but—“ At that point, Vinyl started drowning her out. She knew listening at this point would only hurt her brain. After a few seconds of letting Pinkie work the energy out of her system, Vinyl held up a hoof to stall her. “Nah, none of those things. I need your help, actually.” “Ooooo. With what?” Before Pinkie could start guessing, Vinyl rushed out an answer. “My scratch-off! I mean, I want you to host it. You are, like…” She paused, thinking. “The one and only true party pony. Accept no substitutes, yanno?” Vinyl grinned, Pinkie joining her. “I’d love to set up your party! I’ll make it the awesomest party ever! Can my friends help too?” Vinyl thought of the crew; Pinkie and her five friends. The Elements of Harmony themselves: the Princess’ student, the fastest pony in Equestria, one of the hardest workers Vinyl had ever seen, a fashion designer with Canterlot-grade class, and a cute, silent type, to attract some attention. Vinyl nodded her head with real enthusiasm. “Of course. You’ve got full say on this, Pinkie. I’m just gonna throw some ideas your way that I’ve got bouncing around in my head, ‘kay?” Vinyl tapped her head for emphasis and Pinkie nodded. “Sure thing, Cap’n Vinyl!” Pinkie saluted. Vinyl didn’t question it. ‘See?’ she thought to herself. ‘You are learning.’ “We’ll be headed out in a day or two, so get your stuff together. Your friends too, eh? Lets shake Canterlot until the walls come tumblin’ down! What do you say, Pinkie?” “That we should make sure they fall outside, not in.” Pinkie replied. Vinyl spent the next two days productively, gathering supplies, preparing what songs she would play, and working on the finer details of renting a location in Canterlot. It was a bigger pain than she imagined it would have been, but thankfully Pinkie had a few locations already lined up. Eventually, Vinyl settled on a club: Club Canterlot. Pinkie had assured her that it was a premier location in Canterlot’s night life. Vinyl had to admit, the more she wrote back and fourth with the club's sponsor the more she liked what she heard. While it wasn’t the greatest of locations, it was still a very popular establishment. They were eager to host her scratch-off, hoping to use it to boost their popularity with the event. She was trotting back towards her house after another shopping run, levitating a box laden with party supplies that Pinkie had helped her select, when she stopped by her mail box. As usual, it was crammed with fan mail, but one letter stood out, styled more dramatically than the others. Vinyl knew it was a letter from Neon Lights – she had been writing back and forth with him for a while now. Also known as MC-W1SH, Neon was the one she’d decided to challenge to her scratch-off. He was number-two on record sales, closely behind Vinyl. The two had created a mock-rivalry a few weeks ago to help boost their record sales and saw this as a great opportunity to milk that angle. With a wide grin, Vinyl tore open the letter and red the large-printed letters on the lone page. ‘It is on!’ The train was crowded but lively, packed with Pinkie and her friends; alongside boxes and boxes of party supplies, electronics, and other various bits-and-bobs that Pinkie had dubbed so super important that Vinyl didn’t dare leave them behind. It had been a long time since she had been around such camaraderie outside of a party. Vinyl joined in the laughter and conversation, asking the girls what they personally wanted to see at the scratch-off. “I can hardly wait!” Twilight Sparkle – Miss Magic herself – clapped her hooves excitedly. “I’ve never been to a nightclub before! Is it very different from your usual parties?” “You’re in for a great time! It’s super fun,” Pinkie responded for Vinyl, blowing up a balloon after she finished. To Vinyl’s amazement – not surprise; she had been around Pinkie long enough now – it drifted up to the roof of the car. ‘By Celestia,’ Vinyl thought to herself, staring at the balloon. ‘She really is full of hot air!’ “Hey, Vinyl.” Rainbow Dash walked over, nudging the DJ with an elbow. Aside from Pinkie, Rainbow was Vinyl’s favorite of the Ponyville ponies. She was brash, fierce and dedicated; Element of Loyalty indeed. “I haven’t heard who you’re going up against yet. So tell me, who’s the unlucky pony?” Vinyl grinned and nudged Rainbow back. “You know, RD, I’m glad you asked. I’m gonna be dueling MC-W1SH, a.k.a. Neon Lights. He’s a rising star in the dub-trot world and from what I hear his special effects are epic.” Twilight tilted her head to the side, leaning over the back of her seat to join the conversation. “Neon Lights? I’ve heard of him. A thesis on magical practicality I read some time ago talked about his magic. Apparently, he’s developed a new kind of light-based magic for his shows, using derivatives of Fauxenhoof’s light spells. He turned an unusual style of offensive and illusion magic into flashy show-stoppers.” “Oh?” Vinyl hadn’t expected this information. So, Neon Lights used magic to augment his shows, huh? “Well, it’s pretty clear that we’ll need to think up a way to one-up him in his own game. I’ll need my own special effects.” Vinyl had never really cared about special effects. She normally played local parties in Ponyville and made her fame off her CDs, not through public performances. At a party, the music held the crowd’s attention, not flashing lights and pyrotechnics. This was her first time on a stage this big and she hadn’t thought about adding any flair to her performance, until now. The more she dwelled on it, the more she realized just how horribly outclassed she was in that field. If she didn’t close that gap, she would lose the scratch-off for sure. She needed something new, something fresh. Something that involved the crowd. She voiced this thought to Pinkie and her friends, whom she was starting to consider her friends as well. “So, what do you all think I should do?” Twilight, who looked deep in thought, spoke first. “I have an idea. It might not work – I’ve never tried it before – but if it does, it could be what you’re looking for. When we get to Canterlot, we’ll need to buy a bunch of small plastic tubes." “You mean like these?” Pinkie Pie stepped to the seat that separated Vinyl and Twilight, holding a box full of long, thin plastic tubes. “Pinkie,” Applejack began, trotting over. Vinyl had been glad for Applejack’s company. Ever since she’d learned Fiddlesticks had run away from home, Vinyl had heard that Applejack was almost as worried as Fiddle’s own parents about her well-being. It was pretty certain that, even if she hadn’t been invited, Applejack would have muscled her way into joining, so she could get to Canterlot and look for Fiddle. “Now, I ain’t tryin’ to seem ungrateful or nothin’, but why in tarnation do you have a box full o’ plastic tubes?” “Well, duh,” Pinkie said, putting the box down on the train floor. “You never know when you’ll need them. They’re like feathers!” She opened up a nearby box, filled with bright and gaudy feathers. Vinyl made a mental note that the two boxes were just one of several that Pinkie had purchased on her own. Another one such box was leaking some unknown goo onto the floor. “I’m not cleaning that,” Rainbow Dash said, motioning to the puddle with a hoof. Twilight studied the tubes with a satisfied look. With a single, confident nod, she closed her eyes. Her horn faintly glowing, the tube levitated up off the ground, holding midair right in front of her. With a slow release of breath, she rested her horn against it, charging it with magical energy. In a flash of bright light, the plastic was brilliantly illuminated, making Vinyl tilt her head and squint to stave off the sudden light despite her glasses. “This will keep its glow for at least a whole day. The magic is self-sustaining.” Twilight righted her head as she spoke, seeming proud – and rightly so. She had just invented a spell on the spot, albeit a simple one. “You’ll need to teach me that one.” Vinyl said as she levitated the glowing stick of plastic closer to her. “Hm… I could easily change the style; make them thicker and less bendy. But, there’s something…” She turned the object this way and that, staring at it. “Yo, Fluttershy.” Vinyl addressed the shy pony without taking her glasses-covered eyes off the object in her power. “Could you turn off the lights real quick? I wanna test somethin’.” As Fluttershy went to turn off the lights, Vinyl looked over to Twilight. “And can you shut those blinds? I want it really dark in here.” With a magical glimmer, the whole car was thrust into night. Twilight shut each blind with a quick burst of levitation magic, pulling them down just as Fluttershy flipped the lights on the car off. The glowing stick highlighted Vinyl’s face, making her glasses glow like alien eyes. She tipped her head, moving the object this way and that, picking up speed. As she thought, the stick was leaving behind a glowing trail of light. All of the girls exclaimed in surprise and joy. Twilight leaned in just as Pinkie made a sound like a vacuum sucking in air. “It’s so pretty,” Fluttershy whispered, which Vinyl had begun to realize was a normal tone for her. It was the first full sentence the withdrawn pony had said so far. Vinyl was glad she’d finally decided to open up. “I will admit,” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow at the stick. “I hadn’t expected that outcome. I had only planned on illuminating the stick, not giving it such a strange effect. I’ll need to study one more closely, later.” “It’s perfect.” Vinyl bent the stick a little, marveling at its flexibility. “How hard will it be to change its color?” The soft white glow was nice, but Vinyl wanted more flash than that. “Not too hard, I would imagine," Rarity said softly, always an expert on the finer details. "If the glow comes from inside, you could just use a different piece of plastic, correct?” She looked to Twilight for an answer, starting to smile as she got involved in the inventing. “It isn’t as simple as an interior glow. The entire stick is the source of the light, meaning it can be broken up and manipulated without damaging the spell’s composition.” Twilight expounded, picking up and illuminating another stick. “Well, magic might not be my greatest specialty, but beauty certainly is. I can already see several ways to beautify this even more.” Rarity levitated over the second stick and Twilight made a third – this one purple. Vinyl was admittedly hesitant about asking Rarity for advice. She enjoyed the stylistic mare’s company, but their tastes in fashion and beauty rarely crossed over. Luckily, this was one of those rare times. With a shimmer of her magic, Rarity spun the stick in on itself and, with a little concentration, merged the two ends. Vinyl exclaimed loudly when she realized Rarity’s idea. “A bracelet! You’re a genius, Rarity!” Vinyl shouted, snatching the bracelet out of Rarity’s magical hold with a burst of her own magic, overcome with excitement. She slipped the bracelet on her hoof, staring at it. “I know, darling, but feel free to flatter me.” Rarity laughed a little, smiling. “Beauty is just what I do.” Twilight passed over a neon-green stick of light and Rarity made the appropriate fold and merge. ‘Beat that, Neon Lights!’ Vinyl thought to herself, grinning. “Glowsticks. We’ll call them glowsticks. Or, at least the straight, thicker ones I was talking about. We’ll call these glow bracelets.” It was simple, but when you were rockin’ out in a crowd of frenzied ponies, complicated was a luxury nopony could afford. Vinyl thought it fit the style rather well. There was a general agreement as every one of the girls got a different glow bracelet, each matching their coats or manes. Rainbow Dash sported two, one on each wing, while Rarity turned hers into a pair of clip-on earrings she put onto her ears. Watching everypony enjoy the new creation, Vinyl felt a profound sense of completion. This was another piece of who she was. She had taken up some inventing, but had only ever really tinkered. Inventing was more her father’s gimmick, but now she found herself empathizing with him. Watching ponies enjoy your creation was one of the best feelings she’d ever felt. She vowed right then and there to keep creating, not just music, but also things to augment her music; to change the world with the bass of her soul. The inventions she had home were personal flights of fancy – silly things she got bored and put together. Now, she was certain she would continue to invent. “How many do you guys think you can make before the scratch-off?” Vinyl asked as she hung her own glow bracelet from her neck. “The magic to make them is minimal. With a little augmentation, I could easily redesign the spell to enchant that entire box all at once.” Twilight answered, her bracelet wrapped around her horn, making it look like she was casting a spell right then. “Good. We’ll need to add a bunch of these to our shopping list.” Vinyl said as she swirled an unbent stick in front of her with magic, making a flowing circular pattern. “These will be my secret weapon. And they’re not just big for this competition. I need to think up some ways to put these to good use.” “Maybe you could find a way to make it so you can sell them? I bet, even if they’re cheap, you could make a nice bit off these.” Applejack chimed in from where she’d taken a seat, always a savvy businessmare. “Difficult,” Twilight muttered, her eyelids shutting slightly as she thought. “A runic spell, etched into the plastic might let a buyer activate the magic whenever they wanted, but it’ll be really difficult.” “No rush. I was thinkin’ that, for the scratch-off, let’s try to get the most out of these. First, how do we make sure everypony gets one?” Vinyl flicked her glowstick around, watching it as she talked. It was hypnotizing to watch after a while. “Well, that’s easy. Hand ‘em out while everypony is coming into the club. That way, they all get at least one. Selling them at the club for a bit might be good too. When the magic runs out, people will just want more.” Rainbow, who had taken a seat behind Applejack, chimed in. “What’ll be real tough will be using them to get people to root for you.” Vinyl thought about that, chewing on her bottom lip. “I was considering shooting some out of Pinkie’s party cannon or something. Yanno, make a box full of special ones, maybe autographed or somethin’, and fire them out over the crowd.” “Oh yeah, do that. That sounds awesome,” Rainbow voiced her opinion, laughing. “Um… excuse me…” Fluttershy whispered from not far away, though everypony was so lost in thought, she was overlooked. “That should work. My cannons can take it. But how would you autograph little plastic tubes?” Pinkie asked as she stared at a box. Then, she completely forgot that question and asked another. “Hey Twilight, could we use that spell on balloons?” “I'm afraid not. At least, not yet. The spell gives off some excess energy and I don’t think something as fragile as a balloon could take it,” Twilight responded. “M-Maybe we could…” Fluttershy attempted again. “Maybe we could put them under the seats? It would be an easier way to make sure everypony gets one.” Twilight offered, though Pinkie was quick to respond. “Other than the VIP booths, we won’t have many seats.” Twilight raised an eyebrow at that. “No seats?” “Nope!” Pinkie had been spending the past several seconds fiddling with a few glowsticks and feathers. Now she bore a peacock tail of feathers coming off the back of her head, wrapped interestingly with bright pink glowsticks. “It’ll take away from the dance floor, silly.” “We could hand them out after the show…” Fluttershy shied back into her seat a little. “What if ponies get tired?” Twilight continued, not noticing her meek friend. “Well, then they’re obviously at the wrong party. We'll be going all night long!” Pinkie tossed up her hooves, giving a sudden cheer before toppling backwards onto the goopy box. There was a sickly squickly sound. “Whoopsie.” Twilight stuck her tongue out in disgust. “Still not cleaning that,” Rainbow muttered under her breath. Rarity, who had at some point noticed Fluttershy, cleared her throat, drawing attention from Pinkie. “Fluttershy, dear, I believe you had an idea?” She moved to her friend’s side, offering support. “Y-Yes… um… well, it won't be a huge deal at the show itself, but we could hand the glowsticks out after the party too, s-so ponies will be carrying the fresh sticks with them on their way home. That way, other ponies can see them and it’ll spread the word.” Vinyl blinked a bit. “When did you become a businessmare, Flutters? Seriously, I need to make you my agent or something.” Fluttershy blushed, which was acutely visible with her yellow-pink glowing bracelet tied into her mane. Vinyl trotted over, putting a hoof over Fluttershy’s shoulder, pulling her close. She'd hoped beyond hope that the shy pony would accept her, and now seemed like the perfect chance. “Do you wanna be the one to hand them out?” Fluttershy shifted under the attention, but nodded and smiled. “Mmhm. I would.” “Then I’ll leave it up to you,” Vinyl said confidently, giving Fluttershy a little pat and heading back across the cart. “Alright then,” Vinyl looked around at everypony in the crew around her, grinning wildly. “Who’s ready to rock Canterlot to its core?” A collective cheer filled the train car. Club Canterlot caught Vinyl’s eye, even before they arrived on it's street. From the train station, she could make it out from the bustle of nearby buildings; it's large, decorative lighting set it apart from the other, more reserved buildings on the Canterlot skyline. The club’s interior, however, Vinyl couldn’t have foresaw. The dance floor was enormous, flanked on both sides by bars which served hard cider, among other drinks. Above the main door were four or five VIP booths, hosting their own dance floors, speakers, and a clear, unobstructed view of the stage. The stage itself dominated the far side of the club; clearly a place where greatness had been born more than once. Vinyl could feel a kind of energy in the air around her. It was the tingling charge of untapped potential, surrounding her, holding her close. After talking to the owner about the matter of payment, Vinyl and the others began work on their preparations. The day was young and Vinyl was eager to get going. “Neon’s been informed and will get all day tomorrow to set up his sound system, along with his effects. We have until then to do what we need to do.” Vinyl rolled her head, cracking her neck. She had planned on this event being a surprise, giving ponies only one day prior to its announcement before it's start. It wasn’t so much the event itself that would help spread Vinyl’s influence in Canterlot, but rather the aftermath. The event was large and flashy, so far from Canterlot’s usual fare that it should carry itself on the winds like lightning. The mystique of a sudden surprise party would fan the flames of rumor, driving everything to new heights. “Let’s get to it, ponies! “Applejack, Rainbow Dash; can I get the two of you to go shopping?” Vinyl asked, turning to look at the ponies in question. “We won’t be supplied with anything but the food and drinks, and I want to be sure we’ve got everything we need.” She paused for a second, and then continued. “You two seem the best for this job. The fastest and strongest should do what’ll take the most time and energy. Sorry it’s not more exciting.” Rainbow Dash and Applejack agreed, though in Dash’s case, it was a grudging agreement. She'd made it very clear that she'd wanted to help set up. “Look at it this way,” Vinyl said with a nudge in Rainbow Dash's side. “You’ll be more surprised when you see the show. Plus, without this job, the show can’t go on. We’ll be counting on you two.” Rainbow seemed to brighten slightly at that as she and Applejack hurried off to purchase the list of supplies. “Fluttershy, Rarity; you two will have a big job too.” She turned to them, and then nudged her head towards Pinkie. “You’ll be helping the party animal here decorate. Follow her advice on this. I know you’re both artistic, but—” “Darling, Pinkie is the party expert. You talk like we don’t already know it,” Rarity said with a chuckle and a wink. “It isn’t our first time helping Pinkie set up a party. We would be honored to help her.” Vinyl smiled happily and nodded to the pair. “Pinkie.” Vinyl turned towards the pink pony, who was currently digging through a box of balloons, pulling out all the light blue ones. “Uh… What are you doing?” Pinkie looked back to Vinyl, a balloon sticking from her lips. With a big puff, she blew the balloon up and let it fly around the large room, blowing out all its air. “Oh, I’m just looking for— Oh, there it is!” In a flash, she snatched one of the balloons from the pile, slapping it onto her flank. Vinyl only then realized that Pinkie’s cutie-mark had been short one balloon. The pink pony hopped away from the box, saluting dramatically, balloons hanging off her. “What are your orders, mon capitaine?” Vinyl felt her glasses slip as she tilted her head to the side. She was literally at a loss for words, a rare feeling for somepony like her. “Huh…" she said in a faint whisper, "so that’s what I’ve been doing to everypony all these years...” Pinkie’s strangeness had been ramping up ever since they left Ponyville and Vinyl was getting a little overloaded, even from the little things. “Uh… oh yeah, right right.” The musician quickly recovered, smiling and fixing her glasses. “I want you to set up my sound system and help these two out. You’ve set up my system a ton of times, so you’re the best one to do it. Remember, we need to add those special effects we talked about.” “No problem, Vinyl! I’ll have it all up and running before you think to ask why your sound stage has legs.” With that, she bounced off to open boxes, getting ready for the grand decorating. “And last, but not least, I need your help with something personally, Sparkly.” Vinyl leaned her head towards a box she herself packed. With a flick of magical energy, she opened the box; it was filled with posters, tickets, and cards. “You know Canterlot better than any of us. Not to mention, you’re super-awesome with organizing things. I need to get the fastest route I can around town, to get the most use out of these posters. We need to hit as many doors as possible, all over the city, as fast as we can. You think you can help?” Twilight nodded, considering the box carefully. “I could sketch out a plan on a map of Canterlot, given a few minutes. We’ll need to plan carefully though; once Applejack and Rainbow Dash get back with the un-enchanted glowsticks, we’ll need to spend time on those too.” She looked up, not really staring at anything in particular. “I couldn’t say my calculations are perfect – I’d much rather that I can write them down – but they’re close enough, I’m sure. We should be able to get them put up in only a couple hours, if we get Rainbow's help.” “Good. We won’t be doin’ that till tomorrow night. The party’s in three days, and I want one day between the posters and the event. We’ll do some work around here, then go on a practice walk until AJ and RD get back.” Vinyl walked over to Twilight, nodding as she spoke. “That alright with you?” “Of course, Vinyl. It’s your show.” Twilight nodded back and then turned, moving off to help the others. Vinyl sighed, seeing the party already start to take shape in her head. It’d be epic; she’d make sure of that. Time seemed to have no meaning. The decorations spread over the club, changing it before Vinyl’s eyes. Twilight and her friends exceeded anything she could have imagined. Pinkie was the party master, but she really shined when her friends worked by her side. Vinyl was genuinely impressed. It was with amazing confidence that she set off with Twilight to plan their route. Twilight was long-since finished with the map and was triple-checking her calculations as they walked, looking for any late additions to cut time. “I hadn’t considered that alley… if we take that corner instead, we can add two houses…” The inkpen flicked over the page as Twilight spoke. “Done!” She smiled suddenly, rolling up the map. “I’m confident I’ve gotten us the most houses in the least amount of time. Rainbow will cover the other side of town by herself.” Vinyl had been excited about this walk from the minute they started preparing. It was the final step for her. After she put out those posters, there was no going back. The city opened its arms to Vinyl as she walked, the night showing another side of Canterlot. It was quiet, but not like Ponyville’s night life. This silence waited to be broken, making Vinyl eager to give her music to the night. She felt like she was brimming with energy. She could hardly contain herself at the idea of it all; her first scratch-off was tomorrow night! Rounding a corner, Vinyl gave a contented sigh. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she nearly jumped out of her glasses when Twilight shouted. Twilight had fallen behind while Vinyl was lost in thought, making Vinyl turn to look over her shoulder. A familiar pony charged towards them, blue dress torn and cobalt mane a mess. Both of the Ponyville ponies recognized her, but the charging pony ignored their shouts and kept going, her eyes filled with tears. She probably hadn’t even recognized them. “Vinyl, that was Fiddlesticks, wasn’t it?” Twilight rushed to meet up with Vinyl, concern for her friend’s cousin written all over her face. “Yeah…” Vinyl said, a little too quietly. “Let’s go, Twi.” Without any other cue, the two chased after the fleeing Fiddle. No one had been certain where Fiddlesticks had gone, but most everypony was confident she had gone to find Octavia. Vinyl was relieved to know where she was, but other emotions started to creep in along with that relief. If Fiddle was here, that meant Octavia wouldn’t be far off. It was probably where she was going, most likely. A knot wrapped itself around Vinyl’s heart. While the biggest part of it tugged after Fiddle and towards her friend, that knot held her back, rooting her to the spot. ‘What would you even say to her?’ It asked, like a vice on her desires, clamping down more and more. ‘She stopped writing you.’ It's pain reminded her. ‘I bet she hates you. She’ll never want to see you again.’ Vinyl slowed her trot to a walk, then stopped, watching Fiddle swerve down a nearby road. Twilight skidded to a stop beside her. “Vinyl, what’s wrong? She’s getting away. Vinyl!” Vinyl heard Twilight urging her on, but her hooves felt like lead weights. She was scared – terrified – of what meeting Octavia again might entail. Silence, she could endure, but open hatred? Rejection? Vinyl felt her legs shake. Vinyl turned slightly, but froze. Another shape was further down the road, hurrying towards them. Vinyl wasted no time hiding down an alley, ignoring the questioning Twilight, who followed her with a confused look. A grey pony charged after Fiddle, a splash of pink and white around her neck marking a bowtie and collar. Vinyl felt her throat tighten, just as she felt the urge to cry out. She wanted to run, but her legs wouldn’t move. Octavia was chasing Fiddle. Vinyl watched, frozen, as Octavia charged past, chasing her half-sister. Twilight froze as well, but her eyes were on Vinyl, not where Octavia had just been. “Vinyl? Are you okay? You look a little sick.” Vinyl didn’t answer. The knot in her chest tightened, trying with all its might to hold her back. But the sight of her friend eventually won out and, with a great burst of energy, she chased after Octavia. In that moment, the world became a little clearer. She could hear herself muttering Octavia’s name under her breath. She heard Twilight, right behind her, shouting for her to slow down. She felt her glasses fall off at some point, but she didn’t even pause to think about it. Rounding a corner, Vinyl caught sight of Octavia finally. However, seeing her clearly again dragged all her fears back into the open. Octavia was standing on a stoop two houses down, basked in the light from the doorway. She was talking to a pony inside, but Vinyl only heard ‘Fiddlesticks,’ after which, she went inside. Twilight observed from Vinyl’s side, seeing more than most ponies would. “That was Octavia Melody.” She peeked over to Vinyl, who winced. “Your old friend. Applejack told me about her; how she left Ponyville and became a big classical musician. Fiddlesticks must have come here to stay with her.” She was silent for a second, turning to look Vinyl in the eyes. “Why didn’t you go up to her just now? She’s your friend, right?” Vinyl looked down, shaking her head. “Nah. She used to be, but we had a falling out a little over year or so ago and… well, now we’re completely different ponies. She wants nothing to do with me.” Vinyl knew it wasn’t the whole truth, but it was how she felt. The knot was back, strangling her drive to continue with this. She was having trouble admitting that she wanted to rekindle their friendship. It would make it all the more crushing if there wasn’t any chance. “So, why did you run after her?” Twilight moved to Vinyl’s front, looking into her eyes. Vinyl looked away, kicking a hoof idly. “Don’t know.” “I think you do. You want to be her friend again, don’t you?” Twilight smiled a bit, levitating Vinyl’s glasses back onto her face. “You dropped these.” Once Vinyl’s glasses were properly adjusted, Twilight continued. “You know, a little under a year ago, I wouldn’t have known that. But, seeing you like this, I think it’s how I would react if I got into a fight with one of my friends. Scared, maybe a little angry, but wanting nothing more than to fix the problem.” Vinyl couldn’t move. She couldn’t even run from Twilight’s words. They were true, of course, but they tore at Vinyl’s heart and made her fear that much worse. Was she really so obvious? She bit her lip, her impotence turning to anger, boiling over from the depths of her divided heart. “Yeah? And what do you know about me? You may be my new friend, but that doesn't give you permission to butt into my private life!” Vinyl felt her eyes water, thankful for her glasses. She felt a pang of guilt for shouting at Twilight. The purple unicorn’s eyes showed a flash of hurt, quickly replaced with concern. “You couldn’t understand how I feel.” Vinyl hated the words, even as they left her lips. She sniffed, wiping some tears that had gone past the rims of her glasses. She turned, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Twilight didn’t deserve this anger. “I-I'm sorry... Come on. Your route is perfect. We’ll go around and hang up the posters tomorrow night.” As Vinyl turned around, taking the first corner she could, Twilight looked back at the door Octavia had gone into. Moving quickly, Twilight hurried to the door, drawing a ticket and poster out of her bag. She had brought them along to gauge how tiring it would be, carrying them on the walk. Levitating the two items up, she stuck them to the door, sealing the poster on with a quick splash of glue. She stuck the ticket into its holding-place on the bottom corner of the poster, stepping back to be sure it all stayed in the light breeze. With a confident nod, she galloped after Vinyl, before she was missed. Neon Lights trotted towards Club Canterlot with a smirk, using his magic to lighten the load of his sound system and supplies as he pulled along the rest in a cart. Tipping his shades, he whistled. “Looks like Vinyl’s pullin’ out all the stops. Sweet.” As a resident of Canterlot, Neon had seen Club Canterlot here and there; he’d even played there once. But now, the club looked really different, styled up for the biggest scratch-off this city had ever seen. Maybe it's first ever. It was that point between ‘early’ and ‘late,’ when the night was turning to morning, two nights before the scratch-off. Neon was pretty sure the time of day was called twilight. He had been told he’d have all tomorrow to set up his gear, with the next day to rest. Slipping inside the club, he was surprised to see the interior was just as different as the exterior. The club was decorated with all the bells and whistles he had expected, as well as many he hadn’t. A group of ponies were working on Vinyl’s sound system and special effects with a space set on the opposite side of the stage for him. Vinyl had, apparently, gone out. He pulled over one of the ponies, a Pegasus with a rainbow mane that looked vaguely familiar. "Hey... You know where I can find Vinyl Scratch around here?" “Vinyl?" The Pegasus asked. "She’s out with Twilight right now, picking out the route for the posters and stuff. She shouldn’t be long.” Neon nodded, looking the Pegasus over more critically. "Have we... met before?" The pony shook her head. "Nah, I'd remember you. The name's Rainbow Dash; nice to meet ya." Hearing her name confirmed his suspicions. While he'd never met her in person, who hadn’t at least heard of the name Rainbow Dash over the past year? She was the Pegasus who had saved the Wonderbolts and performed a ‘sonic rainboom’ to win the Young Flier’s Competition. Keeping his eyes hidden by his shades, he looked her over. Neon had to admit, he approved. “Thanks loads, Rainboom.” With a smile, he walked from the conversation, starting to his spot on the stage and unloading his gear. Eyeing Vinyl’s systems, he picked out a few large-scale special effects. He was no stranger to the wilder side of music, but… was that a cannon? He chuckled to himself. Clearly, this wouldn’t be as easy as he hoped. Honestly, he’d known all along it wouldn’t be easy in the first place. Vinyl Scratch was his idol, the Princess of the Bass. He’d brought out everything he had for this scratch-off; his first and, as far as he knew, the only one so far to ever use exclusively dub-trot and EDM. Just as he was about to get closer to check out Vinyl’s goods, a bright pink pony hopped in his way, her hooves out to either side to block him. “Hey! No peeking! That’s cheating.” Neon was confused at first, but then it dawned on him. “You must be Pinkie Pie. Vinyl said you’d be hosting this party.” Of course she was Pinkie Pie; she was the only pink pony in the room. The name was a real give-away. Pinkie nodded.”Yuppers! Vinyl asked me to set up her gear. And that means I’m on guard duty to be sure you don’t peek or saccharine her stuff!” Neon raised an eyebrow over his glasses, trying to find how that made any sense at all. “Did you mean sabotage?” “Did I? But that doesn’t sound nearly as delicious.” Pinkie blinked a few times, seemingly lost in thought. Neon used this time to quietly slip away. ‘Crazy pony,’ he thought to himself, going back to building up his gear. He wanted plenty of time to test it out and make sure everything ran smooth. Couldn’t have a malfunction during the show. After several minutes, Vinyl returned, walking beside a purple unicorn, both wearing saddlebags filled with rolled-up posters. “Yo, Vinyl!” Neon shouted, waving from his place on the stage. “Sup?” For a second, Vinyl didn’t reply. She worked her jaw for a moment more, before seemingly coming to live all at once, hurrying forward. “Neon! Hey-hey-hey! You ready to get stomped?” “Keep dreamin’, Princess.” Neon responded, waving a dismissive hoof. “If anypony is gonna do some stomping, it’ll be me.” “Vinyl, you’re a princess?” Pinkie peeked out from behind Vinyl’s turntables. “I had no idea!” The playful verbal battle continued on for a few more jabs, before the two rivals broke out into laughter, wishing one another good luck. Vinyl and the others helped bring in his gear and, with one final check over her system, the group started out for lodgings. By that time it was morning, and everypony was tired from all the hard work. “You know, I just realized something,” Rarity mused, looking to Vinyl as they stepped out the doors of the club. She walked straighter here in Canterlot than she did in Ponyville, Vinyl noted with a smile. “Where will we be staying?” “Ah, right. I meant to tell you sooner; my bad.” Vinyl chuckled a bit. “We’ll be chillin’ up at my dad’s old studio. It’s got a few bedrooms for when he and his crew needed to stay overnight. It won’t be the most comfortable place, but it’s free and roomy.” The others agreed, all having apparently wondered about that same question at some point or another. That day was spent relaxing, and when night fell, Vinyl and Twilight started out to post the invitations and posters. They walked along the assigned path, putting the invitations on nearly every door, a poster on every wall. It was an interesting sight, in Canterlot’s neat landscape; posters placed haphazardly here and there, with no organization, beyond their route. As they came up on the spot the two had seen Octavia, Twilight was relieved to see the poster and the ticket missing from the door. She hoped the musician got the message and showed up. She felt a pang of worry as Vinyl stopped in front of the door’s stoop, then completely passed over it. Silently, Twilight hoped she’d done the right thing. > Chapter 7: Pony Rock Anthem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Pony Rock Anthem [v] As night fell, Club Canterlot filled with party-goers from all over the city and – curiously – some from beyond. Vinyl’s surprise scratch-off was already promising to be the second biggest event in Canterlot this year, next to the Grand Galloping Gala itself. From her spot on the stage, Vinyl peeked around the curtains that Pinkie Pie had set up the night prior. The red silk felt cool on her face as she gazed out over the crowd. She’d never played for a crowd this large and, she had to admit, she was extremely nervous. She saw Pinkie and her friends all sitting in one of the large VIP booths. Vinyl hadn’t known many ponies around Canterlot, so she hadn’t given out any VIP tickets. This time. However, one other VIP booth was occupied by a lone pony. If she hadn’t handed out any other VIP tickets – and she was sure she hadn’t – then whoever that pony was, they were either a big name, or there for Neon. The pony in question was sitting in shadows, making them impossible to make out. That made Vinyl a little cautious, but she shook it off. Whoever it was, they must be just another fan. She was about to step back when a voice from behind startled her. “Hey, yo. Glad I found you,” Neon said, trotting over as Vinyl drew her head back behind the curtains with a jolt. “I just wanna wish you the best of luck. You’re like, my mentor, kinda. You’re the pony who made the music that inspired me to play. It’s a huge honor that you chose me for your first scratch-off.” Vinyl honestly hadn’t expected that. Blinking behind her glasses, she smiled. “Well, thanks Neon. I hear you’re revolutionizing special effects, so don’t give me all the credit.” “But I wouldn’t have even tried, if it hadn’t been for you.” Neon offered a hoof, which Vinyl bumped with gusto. “Let’s give 'em a show.” “And may the best pony win.” The club burst to life as the curtains raised, music ripping through the crowd’s expectant silence. Vinyl had studied Neon’s system from afar, but now that it was active her amazement was doubled. Smoke ran from the machinery at the base and lasers wavered over the crowd, lighting the dark club along with Vinyl’s glowsticks. “Are you ponies ready?” Pinkie’s voice broke through the music and over the cheers of the crowd. She earned a loud shout, many ponies stomping their hooves and tossing around glowsticks. Vinyl liked how popular those things were becoming. Pinkie had gotten Vinyl’s permission to be the MC from the VIP booth, as well as judge the results. The rules of the scratch-off were simple and sweet; the challenged pony goes first in a ten round duel. Other than that, it was a no-holds battle of sound. “Then lets! Get! Started!” Vinyl laughed aloud at the sight of Pinkie, hopping up and down excitedly in the booth. With little more than a pink blur and a shining line of a pink glowstick, Pinkie was down on the dance floor, followed at a more normal pace by some of the other girls. While the booths offered the best – and only – seats, it wasn’t where the action was. Neon started the show off low; a techno dance beat that transitioned into a hard-hitting bass. His music was inspired, but not quite up to Vinyl’s level. She noted several spots where the sounds could have been further edited to add to the effect, as well as a few places where the drop was either poorly placed or wasn’t done just right itself. But for all the flaws in his music, his special effects were flawless. Vinyl had known from the very beginning that it would be those that truly won the hearts of the crowd. His effects made them a part of the music; explosions of flame, lasers, and flashing lights emphasizing his chaotic rhythm. Before she could really appreciate the beauty of it, it was Vinyl’s turn. Dropping her biggest, most memorable track from the Wubpocolypse CD, Vinyl gave the crowd a blast of nostalgia as she played a new remix of her first hit song. Her talent had grown immensely since that day over a year ago, and it showed in the new style. The sound, roaring like a mechanical gryphon, pierced through the air and made the crowd go wild. Like flowing blood, the dance floor turned into a full-on mosh pit; chaos erupted like Vinyl had never seen before. Hooves were thrown up as mob mentality drove her crowd to new heights of musical mayhem. Ponies smashed into one-another, tails bounced and heads thrashed to the music. And then, the drop crashed; the musical equivalent to an electrical shock. Ponies roared in excitement and the dancing broke out anew. Slowly, the music drew to a close and it was Neon’s turn again. Back and forth, the two musicians battled. Neck-n'-neck, the night swelled into a cacophony of sounds, shouts, and explosions. Soon, Vinyl was lost in the music, her heart and soul blaring through the speakers and out over the crowd. This was her at her purest. She couldn’t have asked for more. After several rebuttals, it was time for Neon’s grand finale. Vinyl knew, this would be really awesome, the clincher in this battle. Neon’s music didn’t start slow. It didn’t build up. Kicking straight into a heart-pounding drop, a platform raised behind Neon. His horn, as well as the stage, shimmered as Neon stepped up and abandoned his table, which kept playing without him. Awed, Vinyl watched as a massive creature, like some alien or techno-beast, burst to life on the stage. It was at least four times Neon’s size, with a black coat, covered with jagged red lines, like veins that pumped light through it, rather than blood. Its horn was a jagged, twisted affair and its mane was a flowing sea of neon crimson and black. The magical illusion mimicked Neon’s movements even as his powers also manipulated his sound systems. Flames accented the creature as Neon moved to the music, the beast dancing along to his tune like a puppeteer. His music howled, the apparition opening its mouth as if it were bellowing out the music itself. Vinyl was dumbstruck by the display, even as her own turn approached. She knew her own finale was just as good, but now she knew why Neon was the king of special effects. As soon as the beats of Neon’s soul faded, Vinyl threw hers to life, riding off the momentum of his own music. She had no giant, dramatic figure. She had no explosions or fire bursting from firepots. What few lasers she had, paled in comparison to the show Neon had just put on. But, her music – chilling enough to freeze a wendigo, powerful enough to petrify a cockatrice – throbbed from her heart, down through her hooves, into her machines, and out through her speakers as a wail of her spirit. This song – this glorious song – had taken her so long to perfect. It was her magnum opus, her greatest accomplishment to date. The crowd cheered even louder, their voices hoarse from their screams. Listening to it all, Vinyl suddenly didn’t care if she won or lost. The competition, it meant nothing to her so long as she could play music like this forever – music filled with passion and love for what she did. As long as she could do that, she’d be happy. The song slowed, seemly at an end, until one final drop caught the crowd unaware, matching with the sudden explosions from the hidden cannons on her set. The glowsticks – special rainbow sticks exclusive to that moment – rained onto the crowd. Ponies scrambled to get the merchandise and in a blink, they were gone. Vinyl’s performance was over, as was the battle. “Well ponies,” Pinkie, trotted up onto the stage from her place in the crowd. Her hair was a frizzy mess, even more than normal, and she was panting with exhaustion. Vinyl never dreamed she would ever see Pinkie worn out. “It’s time for the voting.” The pink hostess vanished behind a secondary curtain, returning with a strange-looking machine labeled the ‘Cheer-O-Matic’ in tow. Vinyl was skeptical, but Pinkie wasn’t the type to fool around – at least not too much – at a time like this. “Let me hear you roar, Canterlot! Who thinks MC-W1SH won the day with his awesome effects and sick jams? Give it up for Neon Lights!” A collective roar burst up through the club. A small bar raised up on Pinkie’s machine, with Neon’s face placed on the top of it. It rose to about the mid-way marker on the scale and stopped slowly. Vinyl was impressed; leave it to Pinkie to find a way to gauge cheers. “And who here thinks DJ-PON3 is the hardest-rocking pony in all of Equestria? With her bad beats and big drops; let me hear it for Vinyl Scratch!” Another vicious round of cheering, Vinyl smiled, hearing so many voices chanting her name. She watched her bar raise, petering close to Neon’s, almost tied. She felt her heart leap into her throat as one voice tore over the others, a booming voice filled to the brim with power and authority, shouting Vinyl’s name. The bar shot over Neon’s, stopping well over the stallion’s. “Looks like we have a winner, folks!” Pinkie grinned, motioning to Vinyl, who was trying to pick out where that voice had come from. She was fairly certain it had been the shadowy pony in the VIP booth, but… The cheers from the crowd distracted her, making her drop her curiosity. She looked over the ponies gathered before her, then over to Neon, who was smirking, clapping for her. The bespectacled mare grinned wide and pumped her hoof, earning a loud cheer. Within a minute, the curtain had dropped and the two were alone. Vinyl sighed, levitating off her glasses and was surprised to see Neon doing the same, trotting towards her. “That was awesome, Vinyl! I’ve never heard music like that.” Grinning, he stopped not far from her. “You’re not too bad yourself, you know,” Vinyl replied, smiling back and hopping down from the rise her sound system was set on. “Your effects were totally wild.” “Takes someone wild to truly appreciate something wild.” Neon nodded, laughing. “Those glowing bands were genius. They’re one of the reasons you won, I think.” “I think I may’ve just gotten lucky. That illusion you made was amazing. I’d have cheered for you, if I was in that crowd.” Vinyl looked over her shoulder at her system. “I feel like you should’ve won, really. Your music had just as much heart as mine.” “Well, if you’re offering…” Neon winked, getting a laugh from Vinyl. It proved contagious and soon the two were laughing together, Vinyl wiping a tear from her eye. The joy flowed off into sighs and the two fell silent. Neither of them seemed to know what to say, until Neon broke the silence. “Say, would you be willing to, like… go out to dinner, or a movie or something, sometime?” Vinyl blinked, a little shocked. She was used to getting love letters, with both mares and stallions asking similar questions. At concerts, ponies would shout their affection to her, though she’d hardly notice amidst all the music. Neon was the first pony who actually had come up to her and asked her face-to-face. She was equally shocked to find that an answer was harder to come up with than she imagined. She knew she had to be blushing and levitated her glasses back on. “A date, huh? Give me a bit to think about it, ‘kay? That’s kinda sudden. We just met, after all.” Neon nodded, understanding. He didn’t look hurt, which gave Vinyl some relief. As she considered all this, Pinkie Pie burst out from around the curtains. “Hey, you two! The crowd’s calling for an encore! And did you two know about our super-special guest?” Vinyl raised an eyebrow, thoughts of Neon’s request vanishing. “Special guest?” Had Octavia shown up? She hurried to the curtain and peeked out, scanning the crowd. Pinkie peered out from beside Vinyl. “No, over there.” Pinkie nudged her nose in the direction of the VIP booths. “The second balcony.” The pony who had been resting in the shadows had stepped forward. Almost all eyes were on her, shocked expressions all around. Vinyl herself was stricken dumb, her jaw dropping as the Princess of the Night relaxed in her booth. Princess Luna was here! Vinyl felt her throat dry. She had been in Ponyville when Nightmare Moon kidnapped Princess Celestia. She had stayed behind in the frightened town, while Twilight and her friends rushed off to save Equestria. It had been a terrifying night, for sure. Now, here was the Princess herself, freed from the evil that had held her. Or was she? Vinyl wasn’t sure. What she was sure about, however, was that the Princess was cheering. She was calling for an encore in the very same booming voice that had won Vinyl the scratch-off. Suddenly, Vinyl felt very self-conscious. “Is that Princess Luna?” Neon’s head peeked out between Vinyl and Pinkie. He seemed more enthusiastic by the idea of the Princess of the Night rooting them on. “Sweet! We got royalty here! You know, I heard she was a big fan of yours, Vinyl, but I didn’t know it was true. Heh, guess I didn’t stand a chance, with her rooting for you.” Vinyl felt her blush return. The Princess was here to cheer her on? She leaned back behind the curtain, thinking. “I say we give them an encore, Neon.” She grinned, a grand idea coming over her. “We should mix our skills. My music. Your special effects. We’ll blow this crowd away.” “Oh, yeah, that’ll be awesome!” Neon flicked his glasses back onto his face, nodding. “Pinkie, can you give me a hoof?” Hurrying, the three ponies merged the two systems. The massive combination took up the center of the stage with a multi-tier appearance; Neon’s control box below Vinyl’s turntables and sound systems. Above all that, Neon’s devices flickered and flashed, as if eager to brighten the night with their light. Vinyl surveyed the design and gave an appreciable nod. "Hit it." The music started; the curtain rose. Vinyl and Neon were greeted by the excited screams of the crowd. Together, they did just as Vinyl wanted: they rocked Canterlot to its core. Even the Princess was thrilled, clapping enthusiastically from her seat. Vinyl drowned herself in the song – feeling strangely complete – with the special effects going off around her. As the lights flashed, flickering off her glasses, she became enthralled in a new world where rhythms could be seen by the naked eye, flowing through the air like leaves. In her eyes, shockwaves blasted out from the speakers, rippling over the crowd and rebounding off the walls, curling back to collide with the next wave. Bodies glowed with the blaze of the pyrotechnics, warming her heart and body. Almost without thinking Vinyl looked over her shoulder, and was supercharged by the sight of a monstrous version of herself; the same illusion Neon had finished with, linked to her instead. It had a style more geared towards her, with a blazing blue mane of fire and veins of white and cerise. It wore glasses like hers, with blazing purple lenses that swirled like a pair of vortexes. She grinned from ear to ear, throwing her head back and cheering. The alien likeness copied her, roaring out her music. The crowd shouted, drown out by the thrum of the beat. Vinyl felt like her heart would explode, both from happiness and the sheer power of the music she was making. A particularly vicious drop left her trembling from horn to hoof, her tail twitching as she shifted in place. By the time the song was over, Vinyl was sweating, completely out of breath. She had been jumping around and using magic to bolster her performance, wearing her out quickly. She was exhausted, but deeply satisfied that she had played the best concert of her life. The curtains dropped after the final bow and Vinyl dismounted her musical throne. Neon wasn’t far away, turning to speak with her. Whatever words he'd been meaning to say left him as a confused, jumbled sound as Vinyl darted over, drunk with excitement, and kissed him. He made a few muffled noises, but eventually gave up, returning the affection. When the kiss finally broke, Vinyl leaned back a bit, laughing at the surprised look on Neon’s face. “You’ve got a date.” She winked from behind her glasses, looking over the stallion again. Neon was disheveled, his glasses hanging halfway off his face. His jaw looked unhinged, hanging open like it was. Vinyl leaned forward again, aiming to kiss him back out of his stupor. “Vinyl?” Vinyl jumped and leaned back from Neon quickly, as if she could mask what they’d been doing. Neon turned slowly, looking lazy with happiness, to look at the speaker. Vinyl, also seeing who had spoken, looked more confused and shocked than anything. Octavia stood at the corner of the curtain, an unreadable expression on her face. Fiddlesticks was just behind her, blushing furiously with a hoof covering her mouth. “Tavi? Holy Celestia, Tavi!” Vinyl found the bounce in her step again, heading towards her old friend. She was still riding the high from her concert and never even considered the growing knot in her chest. “I didn’t see you in the crowd. I wondered if you’d—“ “You invited me,” Octavia said sharply, cutting Vinyl off. She flicked a hoof, a ticket fluttering to the floor between them. “Why did you give me this then, hm? I expected you wanted to talk to me, but you never really looked for me, did you? You just assumed I wouldn’t show. And, like pouring lemon juice on a cut, when I come to find you – hoping this was all just a misunderstanding or you were just occupied – you’re busy flirting with… whoever he is.” Octavia motioned disdainfully at Neon, who was looking more and more uncomfortable. “But Tavi, I didn’t… I had no idea you…” Vinyl trailed off, withering under Octavia’s glare. Her friend had changed a lot in Canterlot. Oh, she looked the same, but the Octavia that Vinyl remembered had never acted like this before. There was a spite in her tone that Vinyl wouldn't have ever imagined leaving her friend's lips, and a scorn in her eyes that made Vinyl feel like a foal again. The knot swelled and it became impossible to not feel it. “You didn’t what, Vinyl?” Octavia stomped a hoof loudly, her voice rising. The crowd, still cheering behind her, was quieting down now as the club emptied. Vinyl was shocked to see tears in her friend's eyes, slowly forming twin lines down her face. “You didn’t think I’d come when you invited me? Did you really think I’d reject your invitation, like you rejected all of mine? Did you seriously think I was even half as petty as you?” Fiddle gasped and hurried forward, putting a hoof on Octavia’s side, whispering to her half-sister. Vinyl heard none of it; she was staring at Octavia in a mixture of hurt and confusion, while her mind started to piece this horrible situation together. She cursed under her breath, even as Fiddle stepped away from her sister and Octavia calmed down. She didn’t stop glaring, however, tears burning her eyes. “I shouldn’t have come here," Octavia said coldly. "Take Fiddlesticks back to Ponyville with you. I’m sure our parents are worried sick about her.” The words stung Fiddlesticks, Vinyl could tell. “Octi, you’re comin’ with me, right? You said we’d all go back together,” Fiddlesticks countered quickly, putting her hoof back onto Octavia’s shoulder, but her sister shrugged it off and backed away from the other ponies. “Go home with Vinyl, Fiddle. My home is here, in Canterlot. I suppose it took this to remind me of where I belong.” Fiddle started to say something, as did Vinyl, but Octavia turned and darted off, galloping faster than Vinyl had ever seen her move. With a flutter of curtains, she was gone. Vinyl swore louder this time, charging after her friend. Her sweat from the concert had turned cold, chilling her body with fear. She couldn’t let things end like this. She wouldn’t let things fall apart so completely. If Octavia turned her away, so be it, but Vinyl refused to go down without a fight. Just as she was about to reach the door, she saw Twilight out of the corner of her eye. Overcome with anger Vinyl slowed, growling in her throat, and diverted her path towards the unicorn. “Vinyl, that show was—“ “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” Vinyl cut Twilight off, shouting. She wasn’t stupid, despite her normally erratic attitude. She had realized what Twilight had done the minute Octavia dropped the ticket. Twilight faltered, stepping back a step. “You put the invitation on Octavia’s door without telling me.” Vinyl didn’t shout now, her anger simmering into the embers of calm, collected rage. Twilight stared at Vinyl, and then looked down, ashamed. “I just wanted to help…” Twilight’s voice wavered as she realized just who had sprinted past her only moments before. Vinyl wanted to be angry. She wanted to vent and rage and make Twilight feel as bad as she did, but she knew Twilight had genuinely only meant to help. Heaving an agitated sigh, Vinyl decided to focus her anger elsewhere, like turning it into energy to chase down Octavia. “Fine. I forgive you. But next time you do something that big, just tell me, ‘kay?” She didn’t wait for a reply, hurrying around Twilight, who watched after her sadly. Outside, Vinyl looked down the streets, trying to guess where Octavia had gone. Back to the house she’d seen her at before? “Twenty-four Saddle Road. Apartment two.” Vinyl looked over her shoulder to see Fiddlesticks walking towards her. Her eyes were huge, filled with pain and hope. “Please help my sister. Please.” Vinyl could only nod, listening as Fiddle gave her directions to Octavia’s apartment. She had never been in that area herself, but this wasn’t the first time she’d gone somewhere on directions alone. As she ran, all thoughts of Neon and Fiddle faded – an image of Octavia, crying, burned into her mind. She needed to fix this; she refused to let their friendship crumble away completely. Canterlot was empty so late at night, so close to the rising of the sun. She made good time, rushing towards the end of her directions and soon she reached the apartment. Vinyl had been shocked when Fiddle had told her Octavia lived in an apartment complex. With Octavia’s fame, she had expected a mansion or at least a small house. She was panting as she climbed the steps of the stoop, worn out from her heated gallop. She hadn’t even considered setting a pace for herself and now she was paying for it. As she started inside and rushed up the stairs, her muscles screamed in protest. Stopping outside apartment two, Vinyl steeled herself. She paused to let her breathing settle, then knocked. No answer. Vinyl wasn’t shocked. “Tavi, it’s me. Open up.” She leaned her head on the door, willing it open. “I didn’t leave that invite, Tavi. Twilight, a friend of mine, did.” She paused, feeling the truth bubble up in her throat. “I saw you go into that house, but I was too scared to give you a ticket. I was terrified you’d turn me down. So, yeah, I thought you’d ignore an invite, if I gave you one. Why wouldn’t you? I screwed up bad, and I knew it.” She brought her head against the door with a soft thump. “I was stupid to not come with you. I was stupid to be so scared, but you’re my best friend, Tavi. After all this time, I don’t think of you as anything less. It’s because of you that I even made dub-trot. I wanted to make you proud of me; to be even half the musician you are. I never wanted to do anything to hurt you, Tavi. I’m dumb, I was selfish, and I’m really, really sorry. Please, open the door. Please, Tavi.” The silence that followed was grating. Vinyl felt like every second that leaked past was a second truly lost off her life. A lock clicked. A door opened. Vinyl tackled Octavia the minute she saw her. She knew it was stupid, but she didn’t care. She hugged her friend with all the strength her protesting muscles could offer. “I’m so very sorry, Vinyl.” Vinyl felt Octavia hug her back, shaking violently. She was sobbing, hiding her head against Vinyl’s shoulder. “I was the selfish one, not you. I stormed off a-and… I’ve never in my life regretted anything as much as I regret leaving you behind.” Oddly, Vinyl found herself offering comfort where she expected a tongue-lashing. She pulled herself off Octavia, looking into the room. It pained her to see how simple Octavia’s home was. Octavia, the legendary classical diva of Canterlot; if only ponies knew where she laid her head every night. Everything was so average, aside from Octavia’s cello, immaculate on its stand in the corner. Vinyl silently wondered where all the bits from Octavia’s performances and album sales went. Looking back to Octavia, she saw her friend drying her tears. She trotted over, hugging her more properly now. “Tavi, you could’ve just said something, you know. I wouldn’t have cared. I’d be too busy being happy you were back.” Octavia gave her head a shake. “You don’t understand. At first, Canterlot was all I ever dreamed. It was absolutely splendid, almost too good to be true. I suppose it really was too good to be true.” She sniffed and trotted across the room to grab a tissue, blowing her nose daintily. “I’m sorry I acted like that. I said such hurtful things. I don’t know what came over me, Vinyl.” “Come back to Ponyville,” Vinyl said, not bothering to accept her apology; her smile said plenty about that. She genuinely didn’t care about anything but Octavia going home right then and there. “Dad's still in the Griffon Empire, so I’ve got plenty of space for you to move in with me, if you want. You can come back here for your performances, but come home with me, Tavi.” Octavia’s eyes welled with tears again. She nodded, smiling. “I… think that would be wonderful. Thank you.” She looked oddly refreshed, tears streaming down her face, over a warm smile. Vinyl felt like she was about to finally collapse from relief – or maybe that was her muscles finally giving out. “You know,” Vinyl said, chuckling. “I’ll get you back one day for crashing my scratch-off.” Despite the joke, Octavia didn’t laugh, but just kept smiling. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” The return to the club was slow, but Vinyl had no problem with that at all. The two reunited friends had worked together to pack up everything Octavia absolutely couldn’t leave without, informing the landlord of her impending move. He seemed rather sad to see her go, but wished her luck. Octavia shook his hoof, thanking him profusely, feeling her own small wave of sadness. He was a good friend. Side by side, the two mares caught up, explaining their subsequent rises to fame. Vinyl insisted on meeting Octavia’s band one day, though Octavia was clearly hesitant. Vinyl had made it very clear that she wanted to do unpleasant things to Noteworthy, and Octavia couldn't for the life of her tell if she was joking or not. “I wouldn’t mind you meeting Beauty Brass, but… you’d have to promise to not hurt Noteworthy.” Octavia also had some trouble imagining Concerto enjoying Vinyl’s company. Symphony would probably just storm off in a huff, though Nandermane was versatile and charismatic enough that Octavia thought that would be bearable. “No deal. He made Fiddle cry,” Vinyl said simply and shrugged. “I promise it won’t be permanent.” Octavia sighed, but hid a smile. Vinyl hadn't changed one iota. The club was empty, aside from the ponies Vinyl had brought along, as well as Neon and Fiddlesticks. “Vinyl!” Twilight hurried over, noticing them first. “I’m so sorry! Fiddlesticks told me everything that happened. I never—” “Water under the bridge, Sparkly. Just don’t make the same mistake twice, ‘kay? Might not turn out so cool next time.” Vinyl watched as Fiddle rushed over to Octavia and the two started comforting one another, Fiddle telling her sister that Neon was sorry and Octavia telling Fiddle that she was, in fact, going home to Ponyville. Neon kept his distance, until Vinyl motioned him over to her. As he approached, Vinyl looked over to Octavia. “You two had a really awkward first meeting, so how about a do-over? Tavi, this is Neon Lights, a dub-trot musician and a master of special effects. He just won a date from me, lucky stallion that he is.” Vinyl grinned and puffed her chest out jokingly. Octavia was silent for a few moments, then patted Fiddle on the shoulder and walked closer to Neon and Vinyl. She smiled to Neon, who seemed uncertain how to take the simple expression; if it was a silent threat or a polite gesture. “Mr. Lights,” Octavia began, her calm voice relaxed Neon. “I’ll expect you to treat Vinyl like the wonderful mare that she is. She’s my best friend after all, and I won’t have any stallion treat her poorly.” Neon grinned. “I’d never mistreat someone as awesome as Vinyl. She’s my idol.” “What happened to the Princess?” Vinyl decided now would be a good time to bring that up. She had been worried about meeting the Princess once she got back here, but clearly she had left. “Nopony knows,” Pinkie responded from above Vinyl. She was floating with the aid of some balloons, picking streamers off the ceiling, while Rainbow and Fluttershy helped. “She vanished after you ran out.” “I could mail Princess Celestia a letter for her, if you’d like. Maybe send her a special gift for supporting you?” Twilight added, smiling graciously. “It’s the least I can do to apologize for messing things up so bad.” Octavia answered for Vinyl, turning to Twilight with a little laugh. “Messing things up? I do believe you have things seriously confused.” She inclined her head. “You’re Twilight Sparkle, correct?” Twilight nodded, looking a little embarrassed. “Vinyl told me all about you, while we were walking. She said you were a rather big fan of mine.” Twilight kicked her hoof anxiously. “Well, not as much of a fan as ponies like Rarity.” “Oh come, darling.” Rarity spoke at the mention of her name. She was lightening the weight of the heavier equipment with her magic, helping Applejack pack it for moving. “When I introduced you to her music, you couldn’t stop listening. I was forced to loan you the records until you bought some of your own.” The group laughed and Twilight blushed, fidgeting some more. “Well then.” Octavia nodded to herself, and then bowed her head to Twilight more formally. “You say you owe us, but I believe the truth to be that I owe you, Miss Sparkle. If you hadn’t taken such a bold action, the events of this night never would have happened. It’s very probable that Vinyl would have simply come and gone, and nopony would have been the wiser.” Vinyl noticed Fiddle looking slightly confused at Octavia's statement, before covering the expression up. Vinyl tilted her head, not really sure what to make the brief flicker of emotion, but she imagined it wasn't that serious. Twilight blinked in surprise, waving a hoof nervously. “Oh no, no. Don’t worry about it. I just didn’t want a friendship like yours to fall apart so easily, is all. Applejack always told me about you two, since you were Fiddlesticks’ sister.” “All the same, I would like to repay you. Never let it be said that Octavia Melody doesn’t show her thanks to those who help her. Perhaps I could play live for you sometime. I won’t be too far away so it’s not such a farfetched idea.” Despite Twilight’s adamant requests that Octavia needn’t pay her back, Vinyl knew that Octavia was as stone in this. She was deeply grateful for the help Twilight had given them and would strive to repay that kindness, whether Twilight wanted her to or not. “That’s all of 'em,” Rainbow said plainly, drifting from the ceiling with the last of the decorations. The sound system, only half dismantled by Rarity, was all that was left to pack up. “I can get those, if you all want,” Neon said to the room at large, suddenly acutely aware that he was the only stallion in a room full of mares. Vinyl laughed a little at his anxiety. “I’ll give you a hoof, Neon. You girls can head to the train station; I’ll be there before it leaves.” Bumping Neon with her flank, Vinyl grinned and walked off to the stage, Neon staring after her. He tipped his shades down, whistling and whispering under his breath. “I never imagined I’d be so lucky.” Octavia smiled as she overheard him, watching him follow after Vinyl. Lucky indeed… Octavia thought to herself, sighing. She felt a slight pang in her chest, an ounce of jealousy at having to share her best friend. When the pain in her chest didn’t lessen, Octavia frowned, turning so the others wouldn’t notice her discomfort. She walked outside to get her cello, running a hoof over the instrument fondly. She was happy, but deep down, a part of her cried that things had only gotten so much more complicated. > Chapter 8: Dubstep Dishwasher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: Dub-step Dishwasher [v] The first night back home had been relaxing for Octavia. She had returned to Ponyville after midday, her traveling companions going off to their respective homes. She'd personally walked Fiddlesticks back home, sharing the happiness of the reunion with her parents and her sister. She stayed an hour or so in their company, before telling them she had a lot to do. She informed them that she was moving in with Vinyl, despite the offer from her mother to move back into her old room. Her family lavished her with praises for her musical career, but told her more seriously that they were happy to have her back. As she left, Octavia felt a pang of guilt. During her time in Canterlot, she had rarely wondered how her parents had really taken her sudden departure. Despite her mother’s acceptance when she left, she could see the relief and joy her return had brought her mother. The selfishness of her decision only then truly became evident. Eager for a good night’s rest, Octavia returned to Vinyl’s home. The building was just as she remembered it. This was the place where it all began. She reached out her hoof to knock, but paused, then opened the door quietly; a resident, not a guest. Inside, the house was vastly different and some of the changes appeared to be very recent. Machines rested here and there, things that hadn’t been there when Octavia had left. She saw very little of Echo Scratch’s handiwork in these creations and found herself sleepily wondering if Vinyl had taken up inventing. Not bothering to dwell on it, she walked up the steps. Passing by Vinyl’s room, she walked to her own, a guest room that Vinyl had happily offered as Octavia’s new living quarters. Her saddlebags and cello had been brought up at some point, waiting to be unpacked. Octavia was enthused to be out of the apartment she had called home for over a year. While that place held some fond memories, it had felt like a chain – something she found herself unable to move on from, for fear of abandoning some unnamed important thing. She had trouble understanding it, let alone explaining it, but she had always been worried about leaving that apartment. With this move, she felt a new sense of freedom. Trotting to the corner, she ran a hoof over her cello, sighing contentedly. She was home, after all this time. Moving to the bed and climbing up the sheets, she let her head hit the pillow and yawned, letting weariness finally flow over her. She was at the whim of her tired eyes in seconds, falling into a deep slumber. She dreamed of what was to come, the happy days with Vinyl and the goodness that their revived companionship would produce. Morning hit Octavia like a club. It had been several days since she’d moved in, but never before had she had a morning like this. It wasn’t so much the time she woke up, but the manner. She didn’t wake up confused, tired, or nervous; she was far too busy holding her ears closed for that. The music that woke her was loud enough to shake her bed, shuffling her covers around her. The clock next to her bed toppled off its stand, clattering to the floor. Simple words couldn’t begin to describe Octavia’s mood right then. The sudden wake-up had left Octavia dazed, making the staircase an adventure she would’ve rather lived without. She felt like the steps were shaking under her which – with the music still blaring – was a distinct possibility. Following the ever-increasing volume of the music, Octavia found her way to the kitchen. Vinyl was there, bobbing her head to the pounding bass, cooking breakfast over the stove. The machine that had ruined Octavia’s peaceful sleep rested level with the counter, looking vaguely like a sub-woofer. Upon closer inspection, various things proved different; knobs, a handle and a few lights. It dawned on Octavia that this had to be another one of Vinyl’s hare-brained inventions. Ever since their return from Canterlot, Vinyl had spent several hours a day in her study, tinkering with this or that. Explosions and shouts punctuated those times, making a task even as simple as reading into a chore. Fighting against the ridiculous force the machine gave off, Octavia eventually managed to reach it, but most importantly, she managed reach the off button. With a click, silence fell on the house and Octavia finally felt like her ears weren’t exploding. “Wha-hey!” Vinyl peered over her shoulder at Octavia. “Awww; Tavi, you killed the wubs.” Vinyl sounded mockingly upset, but grinned. “Mornin’ sleepyhead.” For a moment, Octavia was speechless. She had no idea just how to respond. She looked between her friend and her contraption and decided on keeping things simple. “Is that a… dishwasher?” “Yup!” Vinyl proudly announced, turning more properly from the stove. “When you crank the bass up to eleven, it washes the dishes on a sub-atomic level.” And now Octavia was even more speechless, if that was at all possible. She just stared at Vinyl, trying to muster the words she knew she wanted to say. “Why not… just wash them less… loudly?” “Well, isn’t it obvious? If I turned it down, the dishes wouldn’t get cleaned, now would they?” Vinyl responded with a laugh, then raised an eyebrow. "Yo Tavi, did you look in a mirror before you came down here? Your mane’s a mess! You look seriously crazy.” Vinyl chuckled as she returned to her food. “Go on, get cleaned up. Breakfast will be ready by the time you’re done.” Thankful for the distraction, Octavia turned to leave, planning on using this time to settle her ever-growing uncertainty about Vinyl’s unusual living conditions. The dishwasher started up again. Octavia groaned. Over the past several weeks, Octavia was forced to admit that Vinyl was quite a good chef. Breakfast was both delicious and a welcome calm after the morning’s earlier chaos. Vinyl’s company was much appreciated as the two shared the eggs, toast, and jam. The dishwasher was finally silent – much to Octavia’s satisfaction – and now she felt more inclined to actually talk about it. “So, you invented a dishwasher?” She asked, between bites of toast. “Mmhm, that’s what I’ve been working on since we got back. Before that, I made a few other dub-trot inventions: a lawnmower, a blender, a back-massager, a lighting system, and a record-player that turns any record it plays into dub-trot. Your songs come out rather nicely, you know,” Vinyl said matter-of-factly, giving a little grin. “A lawnmower?” Octavia raised an eyebrow, leaning back from the straw sticking out of her orange juice. “Uh, you were supposed to listen to all the cool things after that one.” “How did you make a dub-trot lawnmower work?” Octavia asked, genuinely curious. “It’s simple, really. It worked by trimming the yard by exploding and setting the grass on fire. That was totally my plan, yeah.” She levitated her glass of milk over to her, laughing. “I never said they were very good inventions. The dishwasher is the only one that didn’t explode, fly apart, give me terrible back cramps, or hurt my ears with terrible distortion. But hey, if dad could invent things, why can’t I?” Octavia held her opinions, but she was pretty certain that wasn’t how inventing worked. “Did you invent any other things?” “Just a few prototypes: the dub-trot toothbrush, mane-trimmer, alarm clock, and one secret project.” Vinyl added that last one so suddenly, Octavia felt herself grow more curious. “May I see it? The secret one, I mean. I’d love to be the first.” Driven by the intense – if morbid – desire to see Vinyl’s creations, this morning’s escapade with the dishwasher had been utterly eradicated from her mind. “Hmmm.” Vinyl forced a plotting look, pretending to think it over, then nodded. “Of course you can. I wouldn’t let anypony else near it.” Levitating her toast into her mouth, she nudged her head off towards the other room. “Comf awn, less guu.” She mumbled around her toast, trotting off. Octavia hurried, but she refused to either leave food on her plate or carry it around like a barbarian. She couldn’t pull that look off as nicely Vinyl could. Finishing her food swiftly, Octavia followed her friend with newfound haste. The pair climbed the stairs, Vinyl munching as she walked, and started down the hall until they reached what was Echo’s old study – now Vinyl’s. Upon opening the door, Octavia was greeted by the sight of Vinyl’s workshop and studio. The place was a littler of strewn papers, papers tacked to the walls, muddled machines, a writing desk, her mixing equipment, and – oddly enough – a ton of candy wrappers. Octavia held one up and raised an eyebrow at Vinyl. “Old habits die hard,” Vinyl said, noticing the look. “I need one every time I write music. I can’t think without sugar.” Laughing to herself, she levitated one of the candies from a nearby bowl, unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth. Smiling, she tossed the wrapper aside and rolled the candy around in her mouth, trotting over to a large black box. “This here,” She mumbled around the sweets, “is my big secret.” “It’s a box.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. Octavia tilted her head, trying to see some secret in the odd thing. It looked like a speaker, only the front was flat and painted on. The whole contraption was about the size of a pony and was up on wheels. A single button was on the top, near the back, filling Octavia with the strong urge to press it and see what happened. “It’s way more than a box.” Vinyl responded triumphantly, but when she didn’t say anymore, Octavia glimpsed over at her. Only in the rarest occasions did Vinyl reign in her tongue. It was obvious to Octavia that her friend wouldn’t say any more until asked. The victorious grin, the shimmer in her eyes, and the slight bounce to her hooves gave it all away. Octavia found herself strangely comforted by Vinyl’s rowdiness. “All right, I give up,” Octavia conceded, giggling happily. “What is it, Vinyl?” “Oh,” Vinyl started, as if she hadn’t been expecting the question. “It’s nothin’ special. It’s just my bass cannon!” By the end of the sentence, Vinyl voice had risen to a shout. Octavia’s eyebrows went up. “I got the idea a while ago when Pinkie was showing off her Party Cannon. I got this sick idea for a cannon like hers, but for music.” “What does it do? If it just played music, it’d just be a speaker, right?” Octavia asked, already knowing the answer deep in her twitching brain. “It does way more than play music. It launches musical awesomeness in whatever direction it’s facing. I cranked this baby so far into the red in terms of power, that... well...” Vinyl cleared her throat and patted the box. After a long pause she looked over to her creation. “At least, I think that's what it does...” Octavia felt her brain twitch again and it became a struggle to keep the twitch out of her eyes and ears. Her lip however, gave a slight twitch as she spoke. “You aren’t even sure what it does?” “Well,” Vinyl rubbed a hoof over the back of her neck. “After the lawnmower…” Vinyl trailed off, then patted the cannon a few more times, almost sympathetically. “Yeah, I haven’t used it. I was considering takin’ it off into the Everfree one of these days and givin’ it a try, but the time never really seemed right.” Octavia’s nerves settled. Vinyl was, it seemed, more sensible than Octavia had imagined. She silently scolded herself for doubting her friend’s integrity. “Perhaps we could try it out sometime, but Vinyl, something like this could easily be dangerous. Perhaps we should consider that some things are best left unmade.” Octavia had to admit, if only to herself, that this machine bothered her. Could it be used to damage things? To her music was a force of creation, not destruction. “Maybe you’ve got a point there…” Sighing, Vinyl patted the cannon one more time before walking back over to Octavia. “I might just convert it into a new kind of speaker or somethin’.” The two started to leave, but Octavia peered back over her shoulder again at the bass cannon. It truly was astounding, she thought with no irony, what one could accomplish with music. “Vinyl, do we have to?” Yet, even as Octavia asked, she followed Vinyl closely through the hallway. “You need to get out, Tavi. It’s been days since you’ve gone out and I know, for a fact, you’ve only ever gone to see Fiddle and your parents.” The DJ stopped, turning to face her friend. “Ponyville’s changed a lot, you know? Ever since Twi rolled into town, things have been nuckin’ buts.” Octavia gasped internally. She had been a year away from Vinyl and her language. The past few weeks had hardly done anything to get her used to it; she was far too used to the Canterlot lifestyle. “You remember Lyra Heartstrings?” Vinyl’s voice dragged Octavia back to the present. “I believe so, yes. She moved to Ponyville while we were still fillies, correct?” “Mmhm. She’s married now.” “What? Really?” Octavia was genuinely shocked. Lyra had never shown much interest in romance, from what she could remember; and she had no trouble remembering Lyra Heartstrings. She had been Octavia’s second friend, not as close as Vinyl, but still a very important part of her early years in Ponyville. Part of her felt bad, for having missed such a monumental event. “To whom?” “Bon-Bon,” Vinyl said simply, with a small chuckle. “Bon-Bon?” Octavia thought back. “I don’t remember any stallions named…” Slowly, her eyes widened. “Wait – Bon-Bon. As in, the Bon-Bon from our class? That Bon-Bon?” “Yup.” Vinyl levitated her glasses over from the table they were resting on. “Caught everypony by surprise.” Octavia was certainly surprised. “A mare? I never imagined Lyra to be that sort.” “Well, that’s how it is with love, I guess. They make a cute couple, I gotta say.” Canterlot had been a place of silent judgment and intense bigotry. To be different in Canterlot was to be an outcast, tossed aside by everypony. Mares and stallions who found love in the same gender were among those Canterlot’s elite refused to acknowledge. The Princesses didn’t like it, Octavia was sure, but what could they do? Force their subjects to accept those around them? Canterlot ponies were – by their very nature – cruel and judgmental. And Octavia had been one of them, much to her shame. She scolded herself for her knee-jerk reaction to hearing about Lyra’s decision. She was her friend and Octavia would support her, no matter what. But along with this realization came questions – questions Octavia had been trying to avoid – swirling around in her mind. “Tavi?” Vinyl's voice snapped Octavia from her thoughts. She looked up to the DJ, blinking a bit. “You alright?” Octavia shook off her lethargy and nodded. “Sorry, I was just dusting off the last bit of sleepiness is all.” How could Octavia explain what was breezing through her mind? She barely understood it herself. There was another long pause between the two of them, before Vinyl spoke. “Another big change was over at Pitch Perfect, Grandpa Maestro’s shop. He retired and now his grandson, my cousin, runs the place.” “Oh? Is he well?” Octavia tried to hide her worry for the elderly stallion, but she couldn’t forget the kindly pony who had given her that first, precious cello. “The old stallion? He’s fine, don’t worry. He just felt like it was time to pass the store on to the next generation, is all.” Vinyl waved a hoof dismissively. “He really missed you after you left. I bet he’ll be glad to see you back.” Octavia couldn’t hide her smile at that, nor would she have tried. “Fine, you win,” Octavia said with a playful eye roll. "Duh," Vinyl countered. "I always win." For the past several weeks, she had been scared to leave the sanctity of Vinyl’s home. She had been scared of Vinyl’s own words; Ponyville had changed. She feared those changes, feared that in only a little over a year, that her old home would be unrecognizable. Did she still belong here? Feeling a stirring in her gut, Octavia fought the urge to return to her room and practice. Vinyl had her by the tail this time, however – both figuratively and literally. She was at least happy to have her friend there to support her. Resigning herself to her fate, she trotted out with her friend close behind, a soft sigh and a smile on her lips. She would go see Maestro and his grandson first. She wasn’t sure if she could confront Lyra and Bon-Bon just yet. > Chapter 9: Disaccorded Beats > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: Disaccorded Beats Octavia returned silently to Vinyl’s home with the DJ close on her heels. She was exhausted from the day and found herself falling onto the couch sleepily, not even wanting to bother with the stairs. The pair had spent the day parading all over Ponyville, meeting several old classmates – including Cheerilee, who had become a teacher herself. She had enjoyed the company of Maestro’s grandson and had spoken to him at length about instruments – her cello specifically. He had happily proclaimed himself a fan of both hers and Vinyl’s music, saying that he enjoyed music in all its forms; every genre he had ever heard. Octavia didn’t doubt it and respected the pony for his wide tastes. The two had seen some odd things on their way back, but Octavia and Vinyl just chocked it up to being so tired. Vinyl trotted into the room behind her, giving her a smile and levitating her glasses aside. “Busy day, eh?” She muttered, shaking her head to get some hair from her eye, her mane bouncing slightly from the motion. “Quite.” Octavia’s voice was a low whisper, already halfway to sleep's doorstep. She lolled her head sideways, snuggling into a pillow as she hummed to herself, a joyful song that was filling her mind. Sleep won out and soon Vinyl covered Octavia up and started up the stairs to find her own bed. Peace and harmony ruled over the starlit night, but little to the knowledge of the sleeping ponies of Ponyville, a storm of chaos was brewing elsewhere. Discord’s madness settled on Ponyville like a wave. Few had any chance to respond. The six defenders of Harmony were nowhere to be found. Chaos spread through the humble town, turning everything upside-down, sometimes literally. The Spirit of Chaos wasn’t benevolent in his reforming of Ponyville. The ponies residing in the quaint town were drastically affected, but some escaped the madness mostly unscathed. In the disorder of chaos, there would always be some who weren’t affected. Some resisted the Discording, for chaos cannot be truly appreciated – cannot be truly respected – without at least a shred of order. Fiddlesticks watched sadly as Big Macintosh dug holes like a dog not far away. Her family had descended into insanity and Applejack was nowhere to be found. As Granny Smith danced an impossible jig off to the side, Fiddle thought about how the rest of Ponyville could've been affected. Even now, she could see the chaos consuming her home: the sun and moon were acting strange, cotton-candy clouds rained chocolate milk randomly onto the landscape, and Fiddle could have sworn she saw ballerina buffalos earlier. And Octavia. She hadn’t seen hide-nor-hair of her beloved half-sister. She was one of the few whose coat hadn’t been grayed by the ascent of Discord, but that hardly mattered. With so many changed, she might as well have been alone. Her worry for Octavia and the rest of her family threw Fiddle into a fit, making her pace with ever-increasing speed. She kept her eyes clamped shut, wishing order back into a world gone horribly wrong. Her prayers weren't answered. “Please Celestia, if you’re out there, help my sister…” Even as she said it, she realized how foolish it was. Celestia wouldn’t hear her plea, and even if she did – given the circumstances – she likely had her hooves full. Looking from her grey-coated family to the altered town not too far away, Fiddle came to the decision to go find Octavia herself. She was terrified as she started out, fear and conviction battling for control in her heart. She wouldn’t leave Octavia – or even Vinyl – in this insanity. She’d get them out of there, if she had to hogtie them both to do it. Traversing the chaos-scape of Discord’s realm was harder than Fiddle had imagined it would be. Roads were unstable and prone to suddenly transforming into slippery substances, like soap or oil. One time, a rock she stepped on decided to turn into a banana peel, sending her screaming into a nearby bush. The bush then promptly stood up on a pair of hooves, scolded her for being so rude, and marched away indignantly. Fiddle was without words. Day and night blended; what should have been a short walk felt like an eternity. Perhaps it was. Maybe she wasn’t even moving at all. Fear stabbed at Fiddle’s heart and mind, making her hurry faster. Soon, she arrived at the border to the chaos capital of Equestria. Nothing of her home remained anymore. A checkered, chess board-like ground, covered the familiar roads of Ponyville. Buildings were either gone entirely, flipped upside-down, or somehow deformed into a mockery of what they should be. Staring at it, Fiddle felt her sanity waver. She caught herself laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. She faintly began to wonder why she was even trying this. Why did she even need Octavia? What had her sister ever done for her? Looking down to think on this, Fiddle saw the graying of her hoof. With a frightened jolt, she forced those thoughts away, focusing on her sister’s kind words in Canterlot. Color returned to her coat and she was left trembling. Was this what disharmony wrought? “Fiddle!” Fiddlesticks looked up, seeing a pony she certainly hadn’t expected to see. Neon Lights was stumbling towards her, panting heavily. She could tell from how he looked that he was absolutely worn out. He was sweating profusely, his hooves were trembling, and his mane was a wild mess, along with his clothes. “Neon, what’re you doin’ here?” Fiddle tipped back her hat, watching the unicorn approach. "Princesses are missing… Discord on the loose… Everyone panicking in Canterlot... Used magic to get here…” He was gasping between sentences, hunched a bit as he tried to pull himself together. “Took more energy than I thought…” “You traveled all the way here from Canterlot?” Fiddle adopted a worried expression. “You’re lucky you didn’t keel over.” “Practically did,” Neon gasped out. After several minutes, Neon forced a laugh and straightening himself out. He was still sweating, but looked much better after a breather. “So, Vinyl and Octavia?” Fiddle shook her head, motioning towards Ponyville. Neon rested his face in his hoof. “Everything there is nuts. I’ve been wandering around for, like, an hour now. I came here to find Vinyl, but after I got here, I realized… I’d never been to her pad before.” Fiddle had to giggle at Neon’s blind conviction. Slowly she asked, “Have you felt anything strange since you got here?” She paused, searching for the right words. “Wrong would be just as good a word, I suppose?” “Where your coat goes grey? I saw a ton of ponies in there, lookin’ like that,” Neon replied with a nod. “Yeah, it started to happen to me alright. It wasn’t like anything I’ve ever felt. I still get chills, thinkin’ about it. Thankfully, I got it together before it got a hold.” “What’d it do to you?” Fiddle asked curiously, starting towards Ponyville. She was careful to not stare directly at any of the weirdness, looking towards her goal rather than any one bit of strangeness in general. Neon laughed behind her. “It made me stop and wonder why I wasn’t chasin’ stallions instead of mares, among other things.” Fiddle pulled a full turn, staring at Neon with big, shocked, innocent eyes. Mirth danced behind those eyes, though. Neon just shrugged. “What?” “Nothin’…” Fiddle shook her head with a tiny giggle and continued. Without another word, the two ventured into the madness. Mutated animals trampled over the chaotic scenery. A pony flying upside-down blew raspberries at them. Somewhere, an owl made a rooster call. Distance became relative. Time was dead and meaning had no meaning. Existence was upside-down and chaos reigned supreme. Just as Fiddle was beginning to see into the fourth dimension, she walked smack into a door. Thankfully, it was the door she wanted. Kind of. Like all the other buildings, the disharmony had ravaged Vinyl’s home. It looked like a surrealist paining; the geometry didn’t seem physically possibly, bending at impossible angles that hurt the eyes to follow. The door – mockingly normal – read ‘Vinyl Scratch’s Classical Emporium and Tea Shop.’ Fiddle and Neon shared a worried look and then opened the door. They were assailed by an unusually normal room, both disquieting and a welcome departure from the madness outside. What was once filled with the clutter of machines was now clean and tidy. Somewhere inside, classical music was playing softly through the air. “Well, at least we know Octavia will be happy, right?” Neon chuckled, but Fiddle wasn’t too sure. She certainly wasn’t able to laugh about this like Neon was. As the two progressed into the living room, the pair stumbled upon the source of the slow, haunting melody. Vinyl, wearing a bow and collar not unlike Octavia’s, turned to look at them. Her mane was styled neatly into a bun, a wisp of hair flicking over one ear. On top of all this, her coat was heavily grayed, muting her normally bright colors with a film of bleak mundanity. She smiled a lazy smile, leaning back from the cello she was playing. “Ah, guests,” Vinyl said, shifting to lean the cello more appropriately against its stand and sitting up from her chair. “Hello Fiddlesticks. Hello Neon. I didn’t hear either of you come in.” “Vinyl?” Neon stepped forward, frowning. “Ah buck, we were too late.” Vinyl gasped. “Neon! Language.” “Well, she was in Ponyville when things went south. It was chaos-ground-zero.” Fiddle looked from Neon over to her DJ friend, frowning. “You feelin’ okay, Vinyl?” “Why, of course I am, dear Fiddlesticks. Come, have some tea.” She motioned beside her, to a dainty cup holding some steaming tea. “I made it myself. It's lavender.” “Okay, this is super weird. How do we fix this?” Neon turned to Fiddlesticks for advice, but she simply shrugged. Vinyl rose, dusting her coat carefully. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about me like I wasn’t here, ruffian. Neon, I truly expected better of you.” Neon frown, shaking his head. “Ugh. Vinyl wouldn’t say this kinda stuff. It’s so…” “… Unlike her.” Fiddle finished for him, thinking. “Her opposite.” Finally, she began to understand exactly what being discorded meant. It was more than negative thoughts or strange actions; it was inversion. “Well, if you two are quite finished and aren't going to have tea, I would rather you leave. I have to finish my practice and I don’t wish to be disturbed. Shoo shoo.” Neon shook his head. “No way am I playin’ along with this little game,” he said, taking a step forward. “Don’t you get it, Vinyl? This isn’t you. You’re the greatest dub-trot musician in all of Equestria. You beat me in our spin-off. We’re…” Neon trailed off, but moved closer. “You’re my special somepony and I’m not leaving here without you.” Vinyl backed away, looking a little uncertain. “D-don’t touch me, cretin.” “Oh, stop being so posh, Vinyl! Remember!” Neon lurched forward the few steps, his horn shimmering. Illusions were his specialty and it was hardly difficult to make Vinyl relive the time at Club Canterlot. Vinyl’s eyes screwed shut, but from how she was shaking her head, she couldn’t avoid what she was seeing. “I just… I can’t… I’m sorry… Get out. Both of you get out!” Vinyl jumped back from Neon, breaking the spell. “No!” Neon closed the gap faster than Fiddle thought he could, pressing his lips to Vinyl’s. Fiddle blushed, looking down and to the side, giving the two at least an ounce of privacy. This time, Vinyl didn’t retreat. The cello clattered to its side, shattering like glass, vanishing. As Vinyl stepped back from the kiss, color began to return to her, from her tail up. “Neon…” She put a hoof to her lips, eyes shimmering, color spreading from there as well. The grayish discordance fought, but soon, Vinyl was grinning like herself once more. “I ain’t some songbird, locked up in her house practicing.” Neon smiled as Vinyl stood up straighter, prouder. Vinyl’s glasses were resting where the cello had been and – just as Fiddle looked back – Vinyl levitated them back over her eyes. With a cheer, she reared onto her hind legs, spinning her hooves in front of her. “Vinyl Scratch is back, baby! Yeeeaaaahhh!” With a stomp, she landed back on all fours, her horn shimmering as it amplified her voice; Vinyl wanted the whole town to know she was back. In a bright flare of energy, Vinyl's hair unwound from it's bun, flaring back to it's usual spiked shape. “Well, that wasn’t too hard,” Neon muttered sarcastically. “If the worst we need to worry about is a lazy, dub-trot loving Octavia, then I don’t think we—“ Neon was interrupted by a loud crashing sound. All eyes snapped to the ceiling, towards the source of the noise. “Tavi…” Vinyl muttered under her breath. Another crash filled the air, this one louder. Without the need for any more words, the group dashed for the stairs. Neon and Fiddle felt weightless under the joy of Vinyl’s recovery. If Vinyl could be cured, so could the rest of Ponyville! The Discording wasn’t permanent. But the DJ was far too worried to be so cheery. She knew Octavia better than Neon and – while Fiddlesticks knew her well – she was naive to a lot of Octavia’s more complicated aspects. Vinyl was very worried, to say the least. “Tavi!” Vinyl noticed Octavia’s door was ajar and shouldered right through, not even pausing before the entrance. Her eyes darted under her glasses, scanning the room for her warped friend, but the room was empty. Something on the floor, however, caught Vinyl’s eye. “Where is she?” Fiddlesticks asked, walking in behind Vinyl as Neon stayed out in the hall. “Vinyl? What’s wrong?” Vinyl frown, motioning with her head. Octavia’s cello, her long time companion, was smashed to bits on the floor. Vinyl had given up trying to count the pieces once she'd passed forty. “Why would she do this?” Fiddle asked, looking back to Neon, who just shrugged. Admittedly, he didn’t know Octavia very well. “Well, we know she isn’t just a dup-trot junkie now,” Vinyl concluded. She had hoped to find Octavia here, jamming out or something. A part of her knew better, though. Octaiva wouldn't simply change genres like she had. A crash from the hall made the whole group turn. It had come from Vinyl’s study. “Octi!” Fiddle darted out, quickly followed by her two companions. Bursting into the next room, they found who they were looking for. Octavia sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by destroyed objects; tables, chairs and more than one of Vinyl’s inventions. Unlike much of the house, this room seemed to have hardly changed at all. Fiddle stepped forward, sighing with relief. “Oh Octi, I’m so glad we found you.” “Glad?” Octavia’s voice was wispy and frigid. Vinyl shivered; she had never heard Octavia talk with such a lack of any devotion. Even when she'd announced she was leaving for Canterlot, she'd been determined through all the pain. “Y-yeah. Glad.” Fiddle was trying to sound confident, but she'd clearly noticed her sister’s odd tone as well. Fear and doubt was creeping past the relief in her voice. From behind, wrapped in shadows, it was hard to see Octavia. Her mane was a mess, but her old style was still somewhat maintained. Her collar was open, a splash of white in the darkness, the bow hanging limply from one side of her neck. She turned, still in the dark, looking at them with sunken, dark stare. She scowled, shaking her head to herself. “Glad. You’re glad. My, isn’t that just wonderful.” “Octi?” Fiddle’s voice sounded like a mouse’s final squeak. “You’re pathetic, Fiddle.” Fiddlesticks twitched. “You're a talent-less chump who clings to my flank so you can ride my coattails to stardom. Of course you’re happy you’ve found me. How else could you survive without me?” Octavia laughed a heartless and cruel laugh. “I don’t know how I didn’t see it all sooner.” “Octi, that ain’t true.” Fiddle’s voice waved and Vinyl was certain she would break into tears soon. “Stop lying, sister dear. It’s unbecoming of you.” Octavia frowned, walking a semi-circle around them. “I can see a lot more clearly now. Things I was blind to before make perfect sense now. Like your music, Vinyl.” She nudged her head towards her roommate, her scowl turning into a twisted smile. “Dub-trot; I always thought it was a loud, unseemly, and uncouth genre, ever since I first heard it. But now, I realize that we really are on the cusp of a musical revolution. It’s like no other genre I know. “Music." Her voice turned bitter. "I thought it was the power to create. What a joke. I used to think music was all about inspiring and building; about turning a bleak silence into something more.” Everypony was silent, wrapped up in the horror before them. Only Fiddle made any noise: a slight, frightened whimpering. “Equestria is rotten. Buck, this whole world is rotten, right down to its filthy core.” Octavia kicked a piece of scrap out of her way, watching it as it tumbled. “But music is forever, isn’t it?” She laughed again, manic and mad, making Vinyl break out in a cold sweat. She didn’t like where this was going. “My eyes are wide open now. Music isn’t just about creation.” A hoof rested on the destroyed fragments of a lawnmower. “It’s about destruction too, isn’t it Vinyl?” Vinyl swallowed the bile in her throat. She shook her head slowly, not wanting to take her eyes from her friend. “No, you’re wrong, Tavi.” “Pull the other one, Vinyl. It’s got bells on it.” Octavia spat the words, stomping her hoof on the metal of Vinyl’s dead invention. “You, the very pony who taught me that, can’t deny it.” She shook her head. “Destruction is how we feel most alive, isn't it? Watching something unique, something frail and small, crumble under the weight of our hooves lets us know we're still breathing. You can't deny that anymore. Don’t make me laugh.” Truly, Vinyl didn’t want to. Octavia's laugh was still haunting her mind. “Tavi, let’s get outta here. You’re not yourself.” “Of course I’m not.” Octavia’s smile was half covered in darkness. “I’m much better now. I can see. I can see everything so clearly.” “You guys, I’m getting’ a real bad feeling about this.” Neon muttered under his breath, taking a few steps back to the door. Vinyl wanted to scream at him. No, really, a bad feeling? What was the first hint? “Octi, please, come with us.” Fiddle said, just a little too loudly. Fear and sorrow was getting a hold of her. The little pony was shaking in her scarf, eyes wild. “No.” Octavia was blunt, moving more to the side, resting her hoof on the large black box she had been working her way towards. “Uh oh…” Vinyl paled. She hadn’t realized how close Octavia was to that. “Guys, we should go. Like, now.” “Why, Vinyl. Don’t you want to see what music can really do?” Octavia stepped around the box, entering a brightened section of the room. Her grey coat was stained down to a darker, blackish color, her eyes wild, furious and not a little twisted. She started to laugh and this time, there was no control to it. It sounded like the kind of laughter the truly insane need to take years to perfect. Vinyl was suddenly overcome with a sense of intense wrongness. She wanted to run, hide and never look back. “What is that?” Neon made the mistake of asking. “Oh, it’s not mine. It’s Vinyl’s.” Octavia patted the box, a grim look stealing over her face. “It’s nothing special, really. It’s just her bass cannon.” Vinyl tensed in preparation. Fiddle trembled, having no idea what was happening. Neon was confused, uncertain about what was going on. Octavia hit the button. The box seemed to unfold, flowing outward and glowing with a bright blue light. Lightning danced over the mouth of the cannon as it appeared, building up to firing. Vinyl shouted over the sound of the cannon’s warming. “Run! Go!” The others didn't need a single second to consider it. They made it to the middle of the stairs just as the ripple of power struck the space behind them. Suddenly, there was no hallway. No second floor, for that matter. Fiddle shouted as the sound hit her, making her grab her ears in pain. Vinyl and Neon, more used to loud noises, seemed mostly unaffected. Vinyl looked back up at the space behind them. With a disheartened sigh, she realized she could see sky, a pink raincloud showering chocolate milk where her father’s bedroom had been. Hurriedly, she bolted back up the steps, looking across the way to Octavia. She had collapsed beside the cannon, but was laughing as she held her pained ears. The sight made Vinyl’s skin crawl. The floor had been damaged, ripped up by the sonic blast of the cannon, leaving it unstable and rickety. Below the destroyed floor was a chaotic sea of blackness; the already unstable structure of the fabricated home was disintegrating back into chaos. There was no telling what would happen if somepony fell into it, but Vinyl hardly cared. If she fell, she fell. She heard Neon and Fiddle say something behind her, but her eyes were locked on Octavia and nothing else mattered. She stared at her friend – suffering, fighting against her own nature – rolling on the ground, and forced herself to her hooves. Fiddle and Neon had helped her out of her own discorded state. Now it was her turn to help Octavia. Leaping forward, she cleared a small distance and landed in what was, at one time, the hallway. The floor creaked and groaned and as Vinyl rushed ahead it gave way. Fiddle and Neon couldn’t follow her now. Leaping from spot to spot, Vinyl tempted fate, daring the ground to fall out below her, double-daring it to even consider slowing her down. With the feeling of ripped carpet and splintered wood under her hooves, Vinyl landed in what was once her studio, not too far from Octavia. Her friend was pushing herself with one hoof and Vinyl noticed a thin line of red leaking from Octavia’s uncovered ear. “Tavi, listen to me,” Vinyl said quietly. Honestly, she wasn’t sure if her friend could even hear her right now – if she’d ever hear anything again. Guilt wrenched at her heart; her own invention had done this. “You’re not alright. You’d never use music to destroy, Tavi. I remember seeing your face when I showed you my cannon.” She motioned with a hoof towards the invention in question, which had reverted back to its box shape after firing. “You wanted to get rid of it, I know, but you didn’t say anything because I’d made it. I should’ve just trashed the stupid thing when I had the chance.” She trotted towards Octavia, who was pushing herself up now, glaring at her. “You make the most beautiful music. My music rocks hard and makes your heart pound. My music rips up the ears and shreds the mind until you’re lost in it; until nothing else matters but the raw bass, sinking into your soul.” Vinyl closed her eyes, sighing and swaying, as if to the unseen call of the cello. “But, your music is different… “Your music is so beautiful – whenever I hear it, I can’t help but smile. You once told me your music was the gateway to your soul, but I think it’s the gateway into everypony’s soul. Your music moves ponies. It's inspirational and calming. Your music creates and mine… well, mine destroys.” Vinyl paused to look at the destruction around her. “We’re a balance, the two of us. Remember the first time we played together?” Vinyl reached out to Octavia, who was snarling now, backing away like a feral animal. The expression was so unlike her friend, Vinyl felt for a moment that this couldn’t be Octavia in front of her. She caught up to her friend and rested her horn on her head. “Remember how happy you were. How you ran home to tell your parents. Remember how we stayed up, all night – every night – practicing to be the best. Even though I didn’t know what I wanted to do yet, I practiced with you. I loved your music so much. I still do. Tavi, I want to hear you play again. Please, remember who you are.” Vinyl’s horn started giving off a faint glow, her magic seeping into Octavia. Octavia fought back, trying to push Vinyl’s magic aside, but soon her face scrunched up into an anguished expression. A brighter hue returned to her tainted coat for a moment before she snapped away from Vinyl, her eyes wide. The darkness swarmed back over her body, but Vinyl pressured her, stepping up to match her retreat. There wasn’t much space for Octavia to run, so she changed tactics, grabbing a nearby object and hurtling it at her friend. Vinyl simply redirected objects with a flick of her horn, advancing with a slow, determined march. Eventually, Octavia ran out of things to throw, her flank pressed against the wall. “Get back! Get away from me, you scum!” Octavia searched around for a weapon, but found nothing worthwhile. “You don’t understand anything, Vinyl! You couldn’t possibly understand what I’ve gone through! The pain, the confusion, the anger! You have no idea what seeing you with…” She trailed off, gasping as tears jumped into her eyes. She snarled them away, her coat darkening even more. “You never worry about anything but your next big thrill! It. Makes. Me. Sick!” Octavia stomped her hoof, overcome by rage. “You sicken me, Vinyl. I don’t want to see you ever again!” Vinyl just ignored her. She closed her eyes – glasses slightly lopsided – and continued towards Octavia, who braced herself to fight. Magic danced over Vinyl’s horn as she got close enough to affect her friend. Just as Vinyl was about to start the spell, a hoof collided with her muzzle, making her shout. Vinyl immediately regretted the self-defense lessons she'd convinced Octavia to take with her. Her face stung as she tried to move in, taking another hit. She gritted her teeth, lunged forward, and pressed her horn to Octavia’s head once more. Octavia gasped, trying to leap back again, but there was nowhere to go. The truth struck her like the weight of the world making tears pour from her eyes as color returned to her body, harmony finding its place in her heart again. Visions of her time with Vinyl flashed through her mind, flaring behind her eyes like a slide-show of her happiest times, all seen from Vinyl’s own eyes. She saw Vinyl, staring in the mirror after Octavia left, crying and alone. She gazed through the crowd at Club Canterlot, genuinely not seeing herself among all those ponies. Vinyl poured everything into Octavia, hoping, praying, wishing her friend would remember who she was. And remember, Octavia did. Sobs shook her as she collapsed, the weight of her own actions making it impossible for her to stand. Her precious cello, smashed by her own hooves. Vinyl’s home, a place where she'd spent so much time growing up, torn apart by her actions. She had even damaged her ears, though she hoped it wasn’t too serious. Sick to her stomach, she remembered the happiness she felt, using music as a tool of destruction. Now she wanted nothing more than to retreat into herself and never come out. “Octavia?” Vinyl nudged Octavia with her head, making her look up. Vinyl was the picture of worry. She gazed down at her friend, having lost her glasses during that final scuffle. “Please tell me you’re you again.” “I’m sorry.” Octavia’s voice was a hoarse whisper, strained through her tight throat. “I’m so very, very sorry.” Vinyl hugged her, picking her up off the floor. Octavia found it hard to cry under such attention, so she focused on not meeting Vinyl’s eyes instead. Behind Vinyl, Neon and Fiddle had relaxed. Neon was guiding a still-hurt Fiddle back down the steps towards the ground floor. He looked over his shoulder at the two and gave a small smile, perhaps a little jealous of their friendship. Octavia had gotten the impression from Vinyl that Neon didn’t have many friends back in Canterlot. Finally, the ringing in Octavia’s ears faded, at least enough that she could hear her friend when she spoke normally. There was still, however, a faint buzzing, just beyond the edge of her perceptions. If she focused, she could still hear it. After a few seconds, Octavia leaned back from the hug to look at Vinyl. “Vinyl, about your house…” “Don’t worry about it, Tavi.” Vinyl cut her off, setting her friend back down. “We can fix it. All that stuff’s replaceable. I’m just glad you’re back. I couldn’t lose you again.” Octavia was forced to turn away, but not because of her shame. She felt herself blushing, though she had trouble understanding why. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Neon shout. “Vinyl! Octavia! Get over here! You two have got to see this!” The stallion’s voice rang from somewhere around the front of the building. Unsure how they would get past the missing section of floor, the two rushed to the nearest hole in the wall and stared out. The chaos-scape around the house took on an entirely different appearance from even a single story up. The chaos had descended over Ponyville so swiftly, Vinyl and Octavia hadn’t had a chance to see the damage it had done to their home. It paled in comparison to what was happening in the distance, though. Lights flashed in every direction, shimmering bursts of prismatic colors. Squinting, Vinyl and Octavia could make out several figures in the distance, six standing together and one set apart. The lights were bursting from the six, towards the lone figure. The pair of friends quickly made their own internal assumptions about to what was happening, but neither were very close to the truth. In this case, fact was certainly stranger than fiction. In a burst of bright light, a bridging rainbow exploded from the six, engulfing the lone figure. Everything beyond that seemed to all happen at once, so swiftly that Vinyl and Octavia were left speechless by the result. As the rainbow consumed the lone figure, there was a loud shout, echoing over the chaos-scape. Octavia felt her skin crawl. Then, in the period of a blink, normalcy was returned. The magic of harmony, a dome of light around the chaos, brought reality crashing back to the insanity. Damage still lingered here and there, but at least it was understandable damage – not the madness that had prevailed only moment earlier. A sense of relief washed over the pair of onlookers and Octavia made note of ponies from all over Ponyville, walking from their homes to find out what had just happened. “We should go.” Octavia spoke, relaxed that the danger was past. “I’m still very sorry.” She turned to face her friend, and then leaned over, hugging Vinyl tightly. “You saved me from becoming something despicable. I would never have forgiven myself if I had hurt anypony seriously… Thank you.” She felt Vinyl return the hug, her heart thumping in her chest. “No worries, Tavi. You woulda done the same for me, I know.” The two leaned apart, and went about trying to find a way across the gap. Much to their relief, with the return to normalcy the darkness on the floor below had faded, letting them simply drop down to the first floor, amid the rubble. Vinyl cleared the hall away with her magic as Octavia toyed with her ears. The bleeding had stopped and Octavia wanted to get them looked at, as soon as possible. “Vinyl?” Octavia hurried to Vinyl’s side, as the two left the building. “Yeah?” “You saw my cello, right?” Octavia asked quietly. Vinyl tensed, but nodded slowly. “What should I do?” Octavia was torn, her voice strained and miserable. She had purchased that cello with her own hard-earned bits. She'd had it long before her trip to Canterlot. That cello had been there, by her side, for years. As she thought more about it, a profound sense of loss came over her, as if she’d lost a dear friend. She had to assume Vinyl felt the same way; she had lost a chunk of her childhood home, after all. “Don’t worry.” Vinyl tried to sound chipper, but Octavia felt she sounded more like she was trying too hard. “I’ll help you replace it. It’ll all be fine, I promise.” She grinned, looking far more like her usual self as she did. The sight made Octavia smile. Perhaps things would turn out alright... > Chapter 10: Re-Discovering Destiny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: Re-Discovering Destiny After the fall of Discord, Ponyville was returned to its natural harmonic state. Buildings were rebuilt, including Vinyl’s home, and the community came together as a whole to repair, expand, and celebrate. Weeks filled up with work, taking the time of everypony in town. After it was mostly over, Vinyl and Octavia were personally asked to play at a huge celebration to thank Twilight and her friends for, once again, saving Equestria. Even though she was a guest of honor, Pinkie Pie insisted on hosting, of course. Vinyl was ecstatic at the prospect of another big party, while Octavia found it more daunting. Aside from the fact that she would be playing in front of all her old Ponyville acquaintances, she also would be playing specifically for the Elements of Harmony, the six ponies who – truth be told – were like national heroes. And then there was Twilight Sparkle, a Canterlot born pony who was not only the Element of Magic, but also the Princess’ number-one student, and one of the most important ponies in all of Equestria. Honored and grateful went right beside terrified and nervous in Octavia’s heart despite all she'd said to Twilight in Canterlot. The two friends had, of course, accepted the offer. Vinyl suggested gathering the other Ponyville musicians, hoping to expand their range of sound. Fiddlesticks was the first and obvious choice, but Octavia struggled to think up others. As she sat down to breakfast, – pancakes and juice – Vinyl spoke up. Her roommate had prepared the food again, making sure to wash the dishes on the ‘normal’ setting this morning. “Well, you remember Maestro’s grandson, right? He plays the some pretty smooth jazz on the saxophone, and he ain’t all that uptight.” Vinyl rolled her hoof in a slight gesture as she spoke. “And then there’s Lyra, of course. She’s real good with her lyre and I bet she’d sound great playing beside your cello.” Octavia paused for a moment in mid-bite, but Vinyl was too distracted to notice. She hastily took a large bite of her pancake, trying to look nonchalant. “I’ll go around and see who I can get together," She replied after swallowing. "You should go talk to Pinkie about the details of the party. Can you think of any other ponies with musical talents around here?” Vinyl paused, before scooping her own pancakes out of the frying pan and onto her plate. “I think Derpy Hooves plays the cowbell, of something. Or was that Dinky?” It was pretty clear to Octavia that, aside from the three Vinyl had already mentioned, Ponyville was rather short on musical talent. Octavia had heard Pinkie Pie sing before, but she was fairly certain that if she heard the ‘Pony-Pokey’ one more time, she’d cry. Soon, breakfast was behind her and Octavia started out. Before anything, she went to Pitch Perfect and was pleased to see the old stallion, Maestro, working on a lute with the careful focus of a master artist. His grandson – Harmonic Flare – tended the store passively, waving to Octavia as she entered. “Hello there, Miss Melody. Are you here about the materials we got in yesterday? Brand new strings for your cello and a nice, new greenwood cello; it’s assured to repair itself of any minor damages within two days. Within reason, of course.” Harmonic Flare shared the blue color of his coat with his grandfather, but his mane was a soft white, streaked with lines of yellow. His eyes were a matching yellow, setting off their color nicely when he styled his mane right. Flare sported a cutie-mark of a simple eighth note, with flames trailing off its flag. “Hm. Well, I may need to speak to you about that anon, but no, I didn’t come here to shop. I’m sure you heard that Vinyl and I are playing at the party to celebrate the fall of Discord. We were wondering if other ponies of musical skill wanted to join us. You included, Flare,” Octavia said, smiled at the young stallion. “I would love to!” He rose up, his front hooves on the shop's countertop, but froze and dropped back down. “… But I need to mind the store during the party. Sorry, Octavia.” “Nonsense,” Maestro spoke up from nearby. “I’ll watch the store, young one. You go play. I’ll close early and come watch you.” The elderly pony winked at Octavia, offering a wide smile. “Thank you, grandfather!” Flare hopped back from the counter. “I can’t wait to start practicing!” Octavia nodded and bid the two farewell, trotting along seemingly at random. However, before she really stopped to think about it, she found herself at Lyra’s doorstep, staring at the beautiful flowerbed maintained out front. Her mind was racing like a stampede and she felt her heart speed up to match. “Why am I so nervous?” Octavia asked the flowers. They weren't very responsive. “It’s just Lyra and Bon-Bon. I know them both, even if it’s been a while. A long while… Nothing has changed.” But, something had, hadn't it? Octavia was still staring at the flowers when the door opened. Bon-Bon gave a startled jump at seeing a pony on her doorstep. “Oh! Hellon” Bon-Bon said with a fast smile, recovering just as quickly. She stared, as if tying to remember the mare in front of her. “Can I help you?” Octavia paused a moment, then nodded. “Yes, I’m here looking for Lyra? Lyra Heartstrings?” Bon-Bon looked at Octavia for a minute more, her expression deepening. She gasped suddenly. “Octavia? How could I have not recognized you!” Bon-Bon laughed, her smile becoming wider and filled with joy. “Lyra will be glad to see you.” Octavia nodded, keeping patient. “I sure hope so. May I come in?” Bon-Bon nodded. “Oh, of course. Lyra, dear! You’ve got a very important guest!” “One minute, Bon-Bon.” Lyra strolled from a door down the hall, muzzle deep in a book she was levitating with her magic, unable to see Octavia. The book was titled ‘Myths Explored: Humans’ and was a large, dictionary-sized affair. Bon-Bon cleared her throat loudly and slouched in disappointment. Instantly, Lyra lowered the book, looking somewhat fearful. Octavia couldn’t help but giggle at her old friend’s expression. Lyra recovered, but simply stared at Octavia for a few seconds, before dropping her book entirely. “Octavia!” Lyra shouted, grinning wildly and hopping over her precious tome to join the two by the door. “It’s been so long! I heard rumors you were back, but I didn’t see you anywhere. I was starting to think they weren’t true.” “I have taken up residence with Vinyl at her—“ “I should’ve guessed you’d move in with Vinyl.” Lyra excitedly interrupted Octavia. Octavia was used to this kind of excitement; Lyra must be a fan of her music. “Sorry, come on in. Are you about to water your flowers, Bonnie?” She asked Bon-Bon, who was giggling and nodding. “Shouldn’t be long. Take care of our guest and have fun, Lyra.” Bon-Bon had a slight blush on her face from the pet name Lyra had used as she stepped around Octavia, moving to tend to her flowers with a mother’s love. Quickly, Lyra turned and picked up the discarded book with a quick spell, depositing it on a nearby shelf. “… Put that where it belongs later…” She muttered to herself, turning to beam at Octavia again. “Sorry about the mess. If I’d known we were having company…” Octavia raised a hoof to stall Lyra’s apology. “Really, it’s fine. You don’t need to worry so much. I mean, have you seen the inside of Vinyl’s home?” Octavia chuckled as she trotted inside, stopping near her friend. “But I do. I mean, do you get how important you are to me? What your rise to fame meant?” In retrospect, Octavia didn’t. She’d hardly considered the impact of her fame on other ponies. “You were a pony from Ponyville, taking Canterlot by storm and becoming a musical legend. You gave ponies like me hope.” Lyra’s smile became less like that of a manic fan and more sincere. “I’m not Canterlot material, I know that. It’s part of why I moved here. I felt so small in Canterlot and came here to get away from all that. But, when you became famous…” Lyra trailed off, turning to look out a nearby window. Bon-Bon was there, smiling as she lavished the flowers with her delicate attention. Octavia noticed her mouth moving, fancying that she was either talking or singing to the flowers. “It’s because of you that I felt less small. And it’s because of that, that I got the courage to ask Bon-Bon to marry me. I owe you so much.” Octavia was awash with embarrassment at this news. She'd been the catalyst for a marriage proposal? She'd never imagined something like that could happen. “Thank you, Lyra. That really means a lot to me to hear that I gave you such strength. I would very much like to hear the story of how you proposed sometime, but I came here to ask you a question.” “Oh? What’s up?” Lyra trotted over to a chair, taking a seat. The way Lyra sat gave Octavia pause; a slightly risqué position, with her hooves dangling down towards the ground. It looked very uncomfortable to Octavia, but Lyra seemed content. Octavia paused to mull over how to word the question about Lyra playing. She worked her jaw and wondered why this question was proving so hard to pull together. Taking a deep breath, she stilled herself. She felt absolutely foolish. She charged right into the question, without thinking any more. “Lyra, aside from my help, how did you find the strength to tell Bon-Bon your feelings?” ‘What?’ Octavia questioned herself in her mind, blinking a few times in confusion at her own words. Lyra likewise looked confused by the sudden question. “Uh. Well, it just kinda happened, actually. We had always been close friends, ever since I moved here, but after you left, I thought 'I need to make something of my life too,’ and I asked Bon-Bon out on a date. I suppose I didn’t really think about courage or any of that until after I’d asked.” Lyra seemed to think about that for a while longer, and then chuckled. “I never thought about it like that before...” Octavia listened, enthralled in the story of what she'd caused. “Sorry to pry at your life. I've a friend who asked me for advice on the topic and I was horribly under-prepared to answer her.” Octavia kept her face straight, but her mind was a flurry of self-doubt. Why was she lying to Lyra about the question? Why did she feel the need to defend herself? Why did she even ask it in the first place? She felt like an absolute foal, throwing herself into this situation. Lyra was quiet as the thoughts raged through Octavia’s head. She scanned her over with questioning eyes, searching for something. Then, she smiled a small, knowing smile. “Well, I would tell your friend to follow her heart.” Lyra nodded a bit, confident in her words. “It sounds like a cliché, but we always let our brains get the better of our hearts. We always stumble over our words and let our hooves trip over themselves like foals on stilts.” The more Lyra spoke, the more nervous Octavia became. And she didn’t even know why! “In the end,” Lyra continued, “only your friend,” Lyra raised an eyebrow as she emphasized the word, “can do what needs to be done. A wise pony once said; ‘good things come to those who wait’ – but I’m fairly certain that pony knew nothing about love. Chances will rise for the patient pony, yeah, but your heart will be empty forever if you don’t follow it and seize your chances. At least, that’s what I've learned.” Lyra wasn’t accusatory, haughty, or rude, but Octavia still felt as if she’d been placed in the spotlight. Her mouth felt oddly dry and her eyes felt moist. “I-I… uh… That’s very nice, Lyra, but I don’t think my friend can use that advice.” Octavia took a step or two away, back towards the door. “Her heart is a very confusing place right about now.” Lyra hopped off the seat and stepped up the distance. “Octavia, I’m nopony’s fool. Except for maybe Bon-Bon’s.” Lyra added the last bit with a chuckle. “I know a friend didn’t ask for help; that’s the oldest trick in the book. You need the advice, right?” Octavia felt her gut twist, her heart throb, and her dry mouth suddenly become much too moist; she was certain she would be sick. While Octavia had known it all along, hearing it was like a physical blow, straight to her heart. Octavia wasn’t ready for this, she wasn’t ready at all. “It’s Vinyl, right? No other reason you’d be so nervous.” Lyra pointed out, adopting a concerned look. Of course it was Vinyl. Who else could it be? She mentally cursed Lyra for catching on. She cursed herself for ever opening her big mouth. She cursed Vinyl for being a wonderful idiot. She cursed Equestria, just because she could. Nerves crumbling, Octavia turned, determined to leave, wanting to be gone. “Wait.” Lyra’s voice was quiet, but insistent. Octavia stopped, not able to leave after hearing her tone. Something about it made her realize that running now would only make things worse. Slowly, she turned to look back at Lyra, who was gazing at her sorrowfully. “Octavia, you can’t run from this. Look at what it’s doing to you.” “I am just fine, when I don’t think about it,” Octavia countered, suddenly becoming very interested in the floor. “You live with Vinyl. You see her every day. Try again; maybe it’ll be believable this time.” Lyra closed the distance again, frowning. “It must be eating you up inside, Octavia.” “Not any more than the jealousy and pride that ate away at me in Canterlot. I'm no stranger to repressing emotions.” Octavia kept her voice to a whisper, not sure if Lyra even heard her. If she did, Lyra didn’t react. But, just as Octavia was about to turn and go, Lyra did something Octavia couldn’t handle; she hugged her. Slowly, very slowly, Octavia began to cry. She couldn’t stop it, but she certainly tried. All her defenses, all her shields, crumbled like a dam holding too much water. Her hooves gave way and she started to fall, but Lyra lowered her down, making sure the decent didn’t hurt. As she wept she heard Lyra speaking, but she wasn’t aware of what she was saying. Shortly after, Bon-Bon’s voice joined the chorus of meaningless noise. The two ushered Octavia into the next room, helping her onto the couch. Once she was there, everything came loose and she released all of her pent-up emotions; emotions that she had denied since longer than she could remember. Her heart crumbled, melted and was smelted anew as her walls completely collapsed for the first real time. After what felt like ages, the tears stopped and her sobs faded. She looked over to her hostesses, wiping her tears away, taking her makeup with them. “I-I’m so very sorry about this.” Her voice was hoarse from crying, so much so that, for a moment, she hadn’t realized it had been her that had spoken. “Don’t be,” Bon-Bon said in a soothing tone, a sad, knowing look on her face. “Lyra explained everything to me. Are you okay?” Lyra was off to the side, still wearing the same worried expression. Using her magic, she drifted a tissue over to Octavia, who gratefully accepted it. “I’m fine, honest.” Octavia shifted, sitting more upright, sniffing, and blowing her nose. For once, she didn’t try to be dainty about it. “You’re right, you know,” she muttered, looking to Lyra out of the corner of her eye. “About all of it. Everything.” She looked back down, trying to not cry again. “I'd never imagined I could have anything more than Vinyl’s friendship. But, I suppose that I’ve always wanted more... to be somepony special in her life – unique, her one and only.” She refused to cry, though she doubted she had any tears left anyway. “What should I do? I came here because I felt like, if anypony could help me…” All thoughts of the concert had fled at this point. “… but now I am starting to think it is too late. None of it matters anymore.” Lyra sat down on a nearby loveseat, shaking her head. “Octavia, don’t think like that. You need to have courage if you want things to change. You need to—“ “She has a boyfriend, Lyra.” Octavia rushed out the words, cutting Lyra off. “Oh.” Lyra fell silent for a second after that. “Does she love him?” “I have no idea.” Octavia gave a weary sigh, laying her head back down on the couch. “He’s a nice enough guy, I suppose. They share a lot in common and I’m almost Vinyl’s opposite.” “Opposites attract sometimes.” Bon-Bon took a seat next to Lyra, adopting a small smile. “You should talk to her about it. Tell her how you feel. You might just be surprised at her reaction.” “And it might just break my heart. Or ruin our friendship.” “We both know Vinyl wouldn’t let that get in the way of your friendship,” Bon-Bon scolded gently. “Besides, are you really any better off right now?” Octavia flinched slightly at that. She couldn’t deny that point. “But the time is never right,” Octavia argued. “Is there ever a right time?” Lyra asked softly. “Yes, there is.” Bon-Bon answered before Octavia could. “I know exactly what she means. But you shouldn’t let that stop you forever. You need to make chances, if one won’t arise.” Octavia nodded a little as Bon-Bon mirrored her wife's words, trying to look as grateful as she felt. She wiped her eye clear of the last of its irritation, wiped away her stained make-up and cleared her throat. “I need to go.” She slid from the couch, fixing her bow-tie and collar with her hoof. She gave a small chuckle, looking to the couple sitting together nearby as her thoughts realigned themselves. “You know, originally I came here to invite Lyra to play at Ponyville’s celebration for the fall of Discord. It’ll be the day after tomorrow.” “I’d love to,” Lyra said, obviously trying to sound upbeat. “Just promise me you’ll come back and talk about this when you feel up to it. Okay?” Octavia gave a nod. “I promise.” She meant it, too. For the first time in forever, she wasn’t running, wasn’t hiding, and truly had somepony who understood. There was a sense of true companionship she had found in the unlikely couple. She couldn't deny, as she walked out the door, that she would be back. Often. Walking the streets of Ponyville, she found her mind roaming back to what Lyra and Bon-Bon had told her. For all her class and talent, in the war of love Octavia was as weak and timid as a newborn foal. She needed to be stronger. She needed to make something happen. But the more she thought about it, the more nervous she became. Thankfully, her wanderings soon brought her to her parent’s house. There was one other pony she knew she could talk to about this. Fiddlesticks had been excited to see Octavia; so much so that she didn’t notice her sister’s obvious stress. She hurried her half-sister into the living room to see their parents and spend some time as a family. It took several minutes of idle conversation before Fiddlesticks began to catch on that something was wrong. “Hey Octi, can you give me a hoof with somethin’ in my room?” Fiddle asked as she rose from her seat. Octavia just nodded, standing as well. Without another word, the two started upstairs. Fiddle had noticed her parent’s expressions; they also knew something was wrong, but they were obviously having trouble asking about it. It had been like this ever since Octavia had come back. Their parents were excited to have her back, but the two of them seemed to have no idea how to be her parents anymore, as if her rise to stardom made her somepony else. It looked like it would fall on Fiddlesticks to do something. “Alright Octi, you’re wound tighter than a ten-day clock. What’s wrong?” Fiddle asked as she shut the door behind them. Octavia sighed, gathering her courage. “I had a talk with Lyra Heartstrings. We talked about a rather serious topic and… well, I’m not sure where I stand emotionally anymore.” Fiddle whistled as she walked more into the room, finding a seat on her bed. “Sounds like a big deal. But that don’t really tell me much, sis.” “I… may have made the decision that I like mares over stallions.” Octavia blushed as she spoke. This was less difficult and more embarrassing now. Fiddlesticks blinked a few times, and then blushed right along with her. “O-Oh. Wow, that is a big deal.” She cleared her throat, pushing past the embarrassment. “Is it Vinyl?” Octavia blushed more. First Lyra and now Fiddlesticks; was it really that obvious? “You gonna tell her? It ain’t easy, but you know it's right.” “I know,” Octavia said, finding a seat beside her sister, “but it’s easier said than done. With Neon in her life, I suppose I’m a little… afraid.” She laid her head down, sighing. The bed smelt familiar, reminding Octavia of the days of her fillyhood, when the two would play in this room together. They were the times when life wasn’t nearly so complicated; beautifully simple times. “I can’t do it. I just can’t.” “Then nothin’ll ever change,” Fiddle said gently, but her sister still winced. She sat more upright, trying to looking confident. Octavia had always been there for her and now it was her chance to be strong, for her sister. “Octi, you ain’t yourself. You’re sufferin’. You’re beatin’ yourself up over a possibility, without even really stoppin’ to think about it all that much.” Octavia turned, spotting herself in Fiddle’s mirror. She'd wiped away the streaks of mascara and, but her eyes were still very faintly puffy from crying earlier. She forced her self to look down and away down, shivering. She didn’t like how accusing those eyes were as they stared back at her. “I just don’t know, Fiddle… I don’t know how I can approach this.” Octavia looked to her sister, feeling tears return to her eyes. “Oh Fiddlesticks, what should I do?” Fiddlesticks looked surprised and maybe a little nervous. She had always come to Octavia for advice, not the other way around. This turn of events quickly snuffed out Fiddle's confidence as indecisiveness took hold. “I-I don’t know, sis. You just gotta tell her, somehow.” Fiddle frowned, shaking her head as Octavia looked down at the bed. “I ain’t no expert on love. Ain’t had a special somepony my whole life.” Fiddle kicked her hoof, embarrassed and shy. “But, I would say, you should listen to your heart, right?” Octavia turned to look at Fiddle again, but her sister refused to look back. Listen to her heart. She nearly laughed at the idea when Lyra had suggested it to her, but here was her sister saying the same thing. She would've called it rubbish, but she knew that would only be out of denial. She was spiteful because she knew that this was all easier than she was making it. It just scared her so much. Solemnly, she placed a hoof over her heart, closing her eyes. What did her heart tell her? The rhythmic thump met her in the void, the sound of life. In that rhythm that she felt all her music, everything she had ever played or written, thumping ceaselessly in her breast. The music was bound to her, as it was to Vinyl. Octavia had never really liked the idea of fate or destiny, even before her stint in Canterlot. Why should some greater plan decide what happens in her life? Why couldn’t she make her own destiny? Deep in her soul, Octavia believed that fate was nothing more than a guideline a pony must follow, but that their destinies were their own. If one tried hard enough, the very fabric of one’s life could be rewritten to make all your dreams a reality. But some things are beyond changing. Some things were simply meant to be. In her heartbeat, she heard a gentle love song. She wondered if Vinyl’s heart played the same tune. And if so, did it play for her, or for Neon Lights? For what felt like an eternity, Octavia felt the beat of her heart against her hoof. She dug deep within herself and listened to her own thoughts and emotions, forcing aside the fear; the fear of what she might find. All roads lead to Vinyl; her dearest friend, her truest companion, and her greatest rival. Her breathing became insubstantial, her body lighter than air, as each of her senses vanished with her fears. She cared for Vinyl. She adored Vinyl. She envied Vinyl. But she also envied Neon Lights. Ever since the day she saw him kissing Vinyl, she had been fighting a battle deep within herself against primal envy and more refined jealousy. She had been too afraid to admit why, too blinded by doubt and societal views. But now, the blinds were ripped away and she was forced to look upon things as they truly were. She cared and adored and envied Vinyl; but more than anything else, she loved her. She was in love with Vinyl Scratch. She repeated the phrase in her head, curling her lips into a smile as she did. Her senses began to return, the world imposing itself on her again. She was fairly certain she was crying, but she wasn’t positive. The world regained its color once more as Octavia opened her eyes. It had only been a few seconds and Fiddlesticks hadn’t moved, still looking away from her. Octavia reached out, placing a hoof on Fiddle’s shoulder, making her sister turn to look at her with large, worrisome, and hopeful eyes. “Thank you, Fiddle… Thank you so much.” She leaned in, hugging her sister tightly. “I love her, Fiddle. I love Vinyl.” Thinking it and saying it were two different extremes. She choked on Vinyl’s name, tears blurring her vision again. However, as the world returned, the facts fell back into place. “But she has Neon. And I won’t ruin somepony else’s happiness, all because of my own selfish desires.” Fiddle pushed back from the hug, looking at her sister with a spark of hope in her eyes. “You’re assumin’ Vinyl doesn’t love you too.” “I wish it were so easy, Fiddlesticks, but what evidence has there ever been of Vinyl liking mares?” Octavia asked bluntly. Fiddle had no answer, deflating a little. “I thought so.” Octavia let out a dejected sigh. “I’d only break my heart, Fiddle. And then I’d be worse off than I am now.” Octavia saw the sorrow in her sister’s eyes and hugged her again. “I’ll be fine. I just need to distract myself, that’s all. Once I do that, it’ll all be fine." Music. Blaring, ear-shattering music. Octavia groaned and pulled her pillow over her head. Vinyl was washing the dishes again. She rolled over, trying to pin her head between the pillow and the bed, but the vibrations from the bass shook the entire bed frame. Finally she gave up, climbed from her blankets, fixed her mane, and went downstairs. Vinyl was at the stove – cooking eggs, Octavia assumed. They were Vinyl’s favorite. Her eccentric roommate was dancing, swaying her flank back and forth as she waved the spatula like a deranged conductor’s wand. She was completely unaware of the world around her; the cooking and music had all of her attention in an iron grip. For once, Octavia didn’t interrupt, leaning onto the doorframe leading to the kitchen, looking a little smug. Eventually, while she was reaching for some seasonings, Vinyl caught sight of her roommate as she watched her silently. “Oh yeah. Oops.” Vinyl slowly moved over to the dishwasher without breaking eye-contact with Octavia, as if she was in a staring contest with some violent animal. With a flick of her hoof, she set the machine to silent washing. “Hehe… Sorry Tavi. Old habits, yanno?” Octavia tried to be mad – she really did – but after the previous night’s revelations, she was starting to view Vinyl differently. Even in her flaws, Vinyl was everything Octavia adored. Everything she did, she did for her passions; from cooking to music. Even her odd inventions, bothersome as they were. Octavia had always respected that about Vinyl. Now, that respect had turned to love. “Don’t worry about it, Vinyl. I was already awake when it started.” Octavia deftly lied as she moved over to the table, taking a seat. “Well, that’s good to know. I always feel kinda bad when I wake you up like that,” Vinyl shot back with a small chuckle, swapping the eggs over to a plate. “Oh, you got some mail. It’s from somepony named Beauty Brass in Canterlot. A friend of yours?” With a flicker of magic, Vinyl flipped a letter off the counter, landing it on the table in front of Octavia. After a second, a plate of eggs and orange juice followed. Octavia was overjoyed to see the letter from her friend, but she kept her excitement from showing. “Indeed. She’s one of the only ponies I would really call a friend in that dreadful city.” Octavia responded as she opened the letter. Without another word, she started to read. Beauty missed her. The thought made Octavia smile a bit. According to the letter, Noteworthy had tried playing a concert without her, but the lack of their star proved devastating to their sales. Beauty showed no small amount of amusement at Noteworthy’s distress. After finishing her drink, Octavia started reading out loud. “Noteworthy has been improving, though not much. Humility is a strong medicine,” Octavia read with a chuckle. “We are holding another concert this upcoming week and Noteworthy ask that you attend. And I would love to see my friend, too. Ever awaiting your reply; your friend, Beauty Brass.” Octavia was smiling, her chest warm with happiness. Vinyl, sitting across from her, dipped some toast into the broken yolk of her egg, watching her as she read through the letter again. “Nice letter. That Noteworthy pony is the one who made Fiddlesticks cry, right?” Vinyl asked as she took a bite of the soaked toast, eyes visible for once. She never put on her glasses this early; they made it hard to cook, she said. They looked calm to the casual observer, but Octavia could see the faint glint of anger in them. “Yes, but I already gave him his just desserts for that.” Octavia folded the letter as she spoke. “You can never have too much dessert. Besides, you and I have a very different idea of what needs to be done.” Vinyl countered, levitating her glass over, taking a sip of orange juice. “Well, I’m at least glad to hear about the concert. You’ve been cooped up way too long. You need to get out there. Maybe meet a special somepony or somethin’. Anything.” Octavia went to say something, but trailed off. She looked up down to the letter in her hooves, thinking. “I’ll be fine, Vinyl.” She pulled up her walls, blocking any emotions out. “Never said you wouldn’t.” The DJ sipped the last of her drink. She was silent for a moment as she levitated the dirty dishes off the table. “But, it’s like… hard to say. You’ve been actin’ really weird lately. It’s not bad – nothin’ like that – but it ain’t like the old days. I’m worried about you, Tavi.” Octavia looked back up from the letter, her defenses melting like ice under the sun. She had never meant to worry Vinyl. “I’m sorry. I’ve just got a lot on my mind lately,” She said with a weary sigh. “And maybe the old ways are best left as that. We should make new ways, don’t you think?” From her spot at the sink, Vinyl looked up to the ceiling. “Yeah, I suppose so. I guess a part of me thought it would all be like before, only we’d be livin’ together now.” She looked back over her shoulder at Octavia with a smile. “But we’re, like, so far off topic now. Your band – or ensemble, or whatever – needs you, right? I think it’s a good idea that you start playin’ with 'em again.” She turned back, starting to rinse the dishes, preparing them for the washer. “Besides, if you don’t like it, just give Noteworthy a good kick in the muzzle, maybe two for me, and come back. I bet groups from all over Equestria would take you in. You’re super famous.” Octavia faked a groan, smirking at Vinyl’s praise. She felt her face heat up and chuckled. “Fine. Fine, you win. I’ll head to Canterlot tomorrow and get ready for the concert. And if I kick Noteworthy, I won’t be aiming for his muzzle, Vinyl. Get it right.” She rolled her eyes dramatically as Vinyl looked back at her, sharing a laugh with her roommate. The tension inside her broke and she rose from her seat, pushing the chair back in. “Happy now?” “Very,” Vinyl responded, as she started emptying the dishwasher. As Octavia watched Vinyl levitate the dishes around the room, she let all her reservations about the previous night go. If she could keep living beside Vinyl like this, then nothing else mattered. She was happy right where she was. > Chapter 11: The Things We Do For Wub > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: The Things We Do For Wub [v] Octavia fell onto the couch with a relieved sigh. She was back in Ponyville, at last. One thing she had learned to hate about her trips to Canterlot: riding the train for a whole day was very uncomfortable. She rolled over on the couch, basking in the silence of Vinyl’s home. In fact, it was a little too quiet. “Vinyl?” Octavia sat up, looking over the back of the couch. “Are you home, Vinyl?” No answer. Octavia shrugged, falling back onto the comfy support of the couch. She must be out shopping or something. It had been weeks since her talk with Lyra; between all her concerts, traveling back and forth between Canterlot and crafting more compositions for her latest Opus, Octavia hadn’t the time to stress over her unrequited love. Deciding she had rested enough, Octavia flipped off the couch, ready to get some food and get started on her next composition. On her way to the kitchen, however, she heard a familiar voice, coming in through the window. “— Always nice to get away from Canterlot for a while. Everypony there is just so… I dunno; boring, I guess.” Neon Light’s familiar voice made Octavia sigh. So that was where Vinyl had been. These visits from Neon were always difficult for Octavia. She tended to lock herself in her room with the excuse of wanting to compose in solitude, but Vinyl was starting to catch on. “Eh, some are, some aren’t. Well, most are in Canterlot, but that ain’t my point.” Vinyl’s voice came from just outside. “The point is, Ponyville ain’t better or worse than Canterlot for shows. No matter where you play, your fans will come to you, usually.” Octavia lost the conversation for a few seconds, and then heard the door open down the hall. “Yo, Tavi, you here?” Vinyl shouted, accompanied by the sound of the door closing. “I’m in the kitchen, Vinyl. Hello Neon!” “I’m startin’ to think you’re spyin’ on me, Octavia.” Neon Lights trotted into the room, grinning a wide grin. “Sup?” Octavia forced a smile as she drew a leftover daffodil sandwich from the fridge. “Oh, nothing much really. I’m about to go upstairs and prepare my latest composition.” She kicked the door shut with her hind leg, carrying the plate along towards the hall again. She nearly bumped into Vinyl as she came into the room. “Whoa there, Tavi.” Vinyl hopped out of the way just in time, grinning. “Gonna go vanish upstairs again?” She raised an eyebrow from under her glasses, smirking. “You don’t need to. Me and Neon are goin’ out.” Octavia blinked, lifting her eyebrow in mirror to Vinyl's. “Well, that’s unusual for you two. What’s the occasion?” Vinyl stared at Octavia for a second, and then chuckled. “Seriously, you’re out of it, Tavi. Don’t you remember what today is?” Octavia, much to her shame, had no idea. Days had blended rather neatly for her and she was left clueless. “No, I’m afraid not… I’ve just been so busy…” “It’s Hearts and Hooves day, Tavi. This brave stallion decided to treat me to a fancy dinner after a day of rockin’ out together. He has no idea how picky of an eater I am.” Vinyl nudged Neon, who chuckled and shrugged. “Can’t be that hard.” Neon supplemented the sentence with a smile, though it looked a little nervous. “Right?” “You’re doomed,” Octavia said bluntly, taking a bite of her sandwich. After she swallowed, she sighed. “So, you’ll be out all night then?” “Nah, we should be back before dark.” Neon smirked a bit to himself, peering over to Vinyl. Octavia was instantly cautious; Neon rarely smirked like that and when he did, it rarely meant anything Octavia enjoyed. She set her sandwich down on a small table in the hall, nodding. “Well, you two enjoy yourselves.” She was struggling to keep her smile now. She’d never really enjoyed Hearts and Hooves day like every other pony. She’d never had somepony special to spend it with. It had usually been her and Vinyl, practicing together, keeping one another company. But now… “You too, Tavi. Here.” Vinyl passed several bits to her friend, giving her an understanding smile. “Go out and get something nice for yourself, as a gift from me. You’re special to me, Tavi. Don’t forget that.” Octavia’s smile suddenly became less difficult to maintain. She accepted the bits, nodding. “Thank you, Vinyl. That means a lot.” She didn’t have much in the way of pocket change these days. She was still paying off the cello she had bought recently, her third one. Vinyl had, as promised, helped her pay off the first one and even had offered to help her with the other cellos she’d decided to buy, but Octavia refused to burden her friend with her monetary troubles. She wasn’t without bits, after all. Watching Neon and Vinyl leave, Octavia felt a familiar pang of jealousy. She forced it down without reservation, biting her lip. What would she get for herself? She peered down at the bits, smiling. “This should be just enough for a nice bottle of champagne.” Octavia nodded, sealing her decisions. Perhaps she would ask Vinyl to share it with her, once Neon had gone home later that night. Ponyville was alive with lovers, a sight that dug into Octavia’s heart. However, she bore it with her head held high. After all, nopony was truly alone on Hearts and Hooves day, right? Even if they didn’t have lovers, they had friends or families that were just as important. Octavia repeated that to herself like a mantra until she reached Pitch Perfect. Seeing the store was still open, she slipped inside, waving to Harmonic Flare as she entered. She was here for a reason, after all. “Good Evening, Flare. I’m here to make the next payment on the cello and to pick up a few spare strings.” “Can do, ‘Tavia.” Flare smiled to her, slipping into the back. While she waited, she heard him call back out to her. “Hey, why aren’t you doing something today?” He trotted back into the room, carrying a box of spare strings. “I mean, given what day it is…” Octavia frowned slightly, making the stallion trail off. “It’s rather impolite to ask a lady why she’s alone on Hearts and Hooves day, Flare. Usually the most obvious answer is the right one.” “Obvious?” Flare sets the strings down on the counter, raising an eyebrow. “Octavia, you’re excellent. You’ve got to have so many stallions looking for your attention.” He tilted his head at her blank stare, frowning himself. “You don’t?” Octavia groaned. “No, it’s not that. I’m sure I could find somepony, but…” She pulled her bits out of her saddlebag, rolling one of them around on her hoof, staring at it. “I suppose I just haven’t found the right one yet.” Flare stared at her, and then nodded, letting his smile fade. “Then there’s no reason to be down, ‘Tavia. You’ll find your special somepony, someday. It’s only a matter of time.” Octavia chuckled, but it was a forced chuckle, laced with uncertainty. Accepting the strings and paying her bits, she turned to leave. “Thank you, Flare.” She stopped in the doorway, looking over her shoulder. “Why aren’t you doing something today, if you don’t mind me asking?” “Same as you, I guess.” He chuckled, running a hoof over the back of his head. “I just haven’t found that special somepony. It’ll happen eventually, I’m sure.” Octavia felt a pang of guilt for how rude she was. Turning, she gave him her undivided attention. “Flare, you’re a great pony and I’m sure that, when you find that special mare, you’ll make her the happiest pony in all of Equestria. We both need only continue to fight, till we eventually succeed.” She bowed her head and chuckled. “Until then, keep up the hard work. You’re a big help to everypony in Ponyville.” Flare flushed, still rubbing the back of his head. “Thanks, Octavia. Have a nice day.” Octavia nodded. “You too, Flare.” She smiled, turning to head out. Octavia had no idea who this pony was. One second, Octavia was deciding on which champagne to buy, and the next, this mare calling herself Berry Punch was right there beside her, helping her choose out the best one. And, even more curious, with everything Octavia knew about fine wines, this mare made her look absolutely ignorant. She couldn’t have been more accurate with her knowledge of the brands and types if she’d drank them all herself. Finally deciding on a fine brand from the Crystal Empire, Octavia hurried out the store. She didn’t want to seem rude, but it was only a little after midday and the mare had been… rather intoxicated. She started home with the champagne in her saddlebag, but stopped, smiling to herself. The day was still young and, despite all she said, she would really rather be outside than locked in her stuffy old room. She redirected herself towards her favorite restaurant, humming as she walked along. The day was young and she was determined to enjoy it. Octavia returned home long after Luna had raised the moon. Content, she trotted inside, pulling off her saddlebags and looking around. The house was empty, as far as she could tell, and the door had been locked still. She'd expected Vinyl and Neon to be back by now. it was unlike them to lock the door... A noise upstairs drew her attention. Frowning, she envisioned intruders in the house, though it was probably unwarranted. Still, Octavia cautiously picked up the champagne bottle by its neck, holding it like a small club. If she were wrong and the couple had simply decided to lock the door, then this would all just be a funny conversation for later. But if it wasn't them... Quietly, she snuck up the stairs towards the source of the sound. She lowered the improvised weapon when she found herself staring at Vinyl’s door, hearing other, quieter sounds now. Curiosity and jealousy won out over her common sense and dignity. Her heart twisted violently in her chest as she crept closer, putting an ear to the door. She flushed instantly at the sounds she heard within; a secret that could only be shared between lovers. She jumped back from the door, feeling vile for more reasons than she could count. She felt tears sting her eyes, making her vision blur to incomprehensibility. It hurt so much. Why did she let it hurt her so much? Her legs went weak and she was forced to sit, wiping her eyes clear. She dropped the champagne, which thudded to the ground. She doubted the two in the bedroom even noticed the noise. She wanted to leave. She didn’t want to hear those two any longer. But she was so tired of hiding her emotions. Everything had crashed into her at once and now she just couldn’t stand it. After several seconds, which felt like an eternity, Octavia scooped up the bottle and walked back down the stairs. She sat on the couch, setting the bottle on the table in front of her. She stared at it for a long moment, before removing the top and standing to find a glass. She only searched for a few seconds before she grew agitated and simply decided to drink from the bottle. Gulping down the burning drink, Octavia felt some measure of relief. Pain was blurred into insensibility as the alcohol flowed through her bloodstream. As she drank, her tears stopped, the pain faded, but it was replaced with a new, irrational anger. She cursed Neon, and Vinyl too for that matter. Snarling, she lifted the bottle, only to find it was empty. She glared at the bottle, giving it a similar curse for being empty, hefting it to throw it but deciding to not. In any other situation, she would have been appalled with herself for drinking so much. Right now, however, she just wanted more. Forcing herself to stand, Octavia wobbled on her hooves and set the bottle down, before making her way to the kitchen. Vinyl was a casual drinker; she never really got drunk so much as she got buzzed. However, the things she drank were rather extreme. Octavia opened the cabinet she knew Vinyl kept her drinks in, picking out the strongest one the DJ had in stock – Everfree: a rye-and-wheat based alcohol made here in Ponyville. Without any ceremony, she pulled the cork from the bottle, walking back out into the living room as she drank. Everfree was nothing like champagne. After the first gulp, Octavia coughed, spilling a good portion of the bottle. She growled under her breath, muttering oaths at the drink, as if it was somehow its fault. Anger bubbled in her like a seething mass. How could Vinyl be so insensitive? Even if though she had no idea how Octavia felt, didn’t she consider the fact that she was alone on Hearts and Hooves day? Why would she do this where Octavia would have to hear it? Irrational anger gave way to resentment and rage. She wouldn’t stay here. She would go stay with Fiddle. She always had a room at home. She set the bottle down, starting for the door, but after three steps, she stopped, turned around and picked the bottle back up, bringing it with her. If she was leaving, she was leaving drunk and she was staying drunk. Had Octavia been sober, she might have decided against such an action. Had she been sober, she would have likely just gone out for a while and come back later. Had she been sober, things wouldn’t have continued to escalate. Unfortunately, Octavia never really had very much experience with being truly drunk; which is probably why it’s so reasonable that she ended up at the wrong house. “Fiddle? You in there?” Octavia leaned heavily on the door, knocking. “Fiddle, its Octi. I need ta… ta do the thing. Stay over.” The bottle of Everfree was empty now, discarded somewhere on the road to where she was now. “F – *Hic* – Fiddle, I know you’re there!” She knocked again, harder. “Open the do—” She groaned, trailing off as she suddenly felt very unwell. Just as she was about to turn and leave, the door opened. “Octavia?” The voice wasn’t Fiddle's. In fact, it wasn’t even a mare. Harmonic Flare watched Octavia from the doorway, eyes swimming with concern. “What’s happened? You look awful…” He trotted out to her, just as Octavia doubled over, becoming violently ill. After recovering, she looked over to Flare, blinking with alcohol-blurred eyes. “Fiddle, I need ta… ta stay here. Dumb Vinyl, being so… dumb.” She started into Flare's house, too drunk to even wait for an invitation, the stallion walking beside her. “Octavia, first off, I’m not your sister. Secondly, I’m not letting you wander around Ponyville like this to find her. You’re an absolute mess.” Flare put a hoof over her, guiding her along. Octavia blinked a few times, wobbling, then looked over to Flare. “Oh. Hello Flare. Where’s Fiddle, I need ta talk to her.” “At your parent’s house, I imagine.” Flare helped Octavia to the couch, lowering her down onto it. “Are you okay? You’re… drunk.” “I’m not drunk. I’m just really… melty.” Octavia drooped into the couch. “And angry.” “Well, that answers everything then. What would bring all this about?” Flare asked, trotting through a doorframe. He came back, levitating a glass of water. “Here, this’ll get rid of the taste in your mouth.” Octavia took the glass, taking a sip. She stared at the ceiling, the world spinning around her. “Vinyl’s dumb.” “Well, that’s not what you’d usually say.” Flare took a seat beside her, catching the water glass as it slipped out of Octavia’s hoof. The mare grumbled something and Flare sighed. “You can stay here for the night, until you’re better, okay? But it’s late and I was just about to get to sleep.” He slid off the couch, taking the glass from Octavia's shaky hooves, and setting it down on a nearby table. Trotting over to a closet, he levitated out a spare pillow and blanket. “If we can get you up the stairs, you can have my bed.” Octavia nodded, a decision she instantly regretted, as it made the world spin even faster. “Mmhm… Stairs.” The walk to the bedroom was uncomfortable for both ponies involved. Octavia seemed to do fine, when she was sitting or laying down, but the minute she tried to walk, one hoof seemed to get in the way of the other. Flare had to help her the whole way, but eventually, Octavia flopped onto the bed with a chuckle. “Well, that was fun…” Octavia said, pulling herself further up onto the bed. Flare said something, but she didn’t hear it really. “Hey Flare.” She rolled over, looking at the stallion from her stomach. “You were... blushing when I talked to you earlier. Whyzat?” Flare blinked, face slowly getting darker with a fresh blush. “Um… well, who wouldn’t? You’re a very beautiful and talented mare, Octavia… Now, I really should be getting to—” “Don’t go.” Octavia reached out towards him with her hooves, eyelids drooping slightly. “Stay with me.” Flare hesitated. He knew this was a powder keg and a single wrong choice could be disastrous. He figured he could stay, so long as he was careful. “Alright Octavia.” He trotted in, sitting on the end of the bed. Octavia slid over, wrapping her forearms around him, pulling herself close in to snuggle herself against his side. “Call me ‘Tavia again. Please?” Flare instantly regretted sitting down. Care had already failed him. Without forcefully pushing her off, there was no escape now. “Fine; ‘Tavia, you’re drunk—” “I ain’t drunk” she interjected, getting completely bowled over as Flare kept talking. “—and I don’t think you’d be so… this… if you were sober.” Flare leaned away from her, but Octavia simply pulled in tighter. She was so sick of being like this; of being unloved. She looked to Flare and her eyes filled with hope and sadness. “I’m so tired, Flare. I don’t want to be alone anymore.” The unicorn flushed, shaking his head. “Look, I like you, ‘Tavia but you’re drunk and I don’t think you’re—” Flare was cut off as Octavia lunged at him, pinning him onto his back with her two front hooves. She leaned in, pressing her lips to his. As she leaned back, she felt the heat rush to her face. “Flare…" The stallion just stared at her in shock, his face completely red. "Shut the buck up.” “Yes ma’am…” He said mechanically, then grinned. It was the grin of any young man put into a situation like this one, as he decided to just... embrace this. Octavia smirked and licked her lips, letting the night take them both. Octavia groaned as she she woke up, putting a hoof to her head. It felt like somepony had been using her skull to bash nails through metal. She reached a hoof down to slide the blankets off herself, but paused when she realized the blankets weren’t her own. She looked around, almost frantic, seeing the unfamiliar room. Sunlight shined in through a nearby window, painting everything in a warm shade of white. Octavia tried to jump from the bed, but a weakness shivered up her hind legs and she fell to the floor on her rear, sitting with a very confused look on her face. As she sat, panting and shivering, vague images flashed in her head; scenes of a night she barely remembered, like a half-forgotten dream. But she knew it wasn’t a dream; sweat and heat and passion filled her memories of the previous night. Or what passed for passion, when you’re drunk and lonely and desperate. Octavia bit her lip so hard she thought it’d bleed. 'Flare…' “Good morning.” Almost as if summoned by her thoughts of him, the unicorn leaned his head into the room. “You… uh… want some breakfast?” Octavia felt shame wash over her, her face flushing brightly and her whole body shaking. What had she let herself do last night? “I… I am, uh…” She struggled, but no words came to her. She couldn’t look at Flare – couldn’t bear to look at the pony she’d used so flagrantly last night. She heard him walk closer, flinching when he put a hoof against her side. “It’s kinda awkward, huh?” Octavia barked out a sharp laugh at the understatement, an action which left her groaning and holding her head again. “Just a teeny bit. I’m very sorry about last night, Flare. I was not in a very good place, emotionally. Oh, my head...” The stallion lifted her chin with a hoof, so she looked at him. “I know and it’s okay. Apology accepted. I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t attracted to you, Octavia, but I’ve always been terrified that if I told you, it would ruin our friendship. I’m certainly not happy about how last night went… but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it.” He chuckled meekly, getting a faint smile from Octavia. “I also get that this was a one-night thing. So don’t worry about telling me it.” “I… Thank you, Flare. I do think I’ll take that breakfast now.” Octavia found she could stand again, rising and nodding. “And then, I really should get home. I bet Vinyl is worried about me. I didn’t tell her where I was going.” Harmonic Flare nodded in understanding, taking a few steps back. “Let’s not let last night get in the way of us being friends.” Octavia felt a pang of emotion in her chest. Flare looked at her a lot like how she looked at Vinyl. Smiling a genuine smile, she nodded. “Never, Flare. But… let’s not make a habit of this, alright? Last night, I made a colossal mistake. I won’t say I didn’t enjoy it either—” What of it she could remember anyway. “—but I didn’t really want my first time to be so…” Flare flushed scarlet again. “Your first time?” “You didn’t notice?” Octavia chuckled and nodded. “Yes, I’ve never been with anypony before. You were my first, Flare.” The stallion chuckled and looked down. “It was mine too, actually. Come on. I made some grilled-cheese sandwiches for breakfast.” Octavia crept into the house carefully, unsure what the reaction would be to her vanishing all night. Just as she was about to reach the stairs, she smelt the familiar scent of Vinyl’s cooking. Heading towards the kitchen, she started to hear voices. “I’m sure she’s fine, Vinyl. She’s a grown mare, not some little filly, lost in a city or something.” Neon sounded just a little annoyed, but a trace of concern laced his voice. “You don’t get it, Neon. Tavi just doesn’t do this kinda thing. She never stays out overnight without sayin’ something. I hope nothin’ happened.” Octavia listened to the worry in Vinyl’s voice and stood straighter, ignoring her pounding headache. Neon sighed, just as Octavia walked into the kitchen. Vinyl was sitting with her back to her, Neon staring right at her when she walked in. “See? What’d I tell you.” Vinyl’s head snapped around, but she quickly seemed to deflate with relief. “By Celestia, where did you go last night, Tavi? I was worried sick.” “Out,” Octavia said simply, walking into the kitchen. “When I heard the late-night excitement you two were having, I thought it would be best to give you some privacy. That’s all.” Neon smirked to himself and Vinyl slowly blushed, her white coat turning a shade of pink. “Oh… Oh! You uh… heard that?” Octavia wanted to smack the smirk right off Neon’s face. “Who wouldn’t? You two weren’t exactly quiet.” She got herself a glass of water, turning and leaning against the counter, facing the pair of ponies. “You know, I was wondering where that empty bottle of champagne came from. Did you drink all that yourself?” Neon asked, making Octavia twitch. What she would give to have him in punching distance. “Yes, that was mine,” Octavia responded, deadpan. “Why? What does it matter to you what I do?” “Well, you’re Vinyl’s best friend and that means I care about you, even if you don’t seem to realize it yet.” Neon shrugged. Vinyl, interrupting the conversation before it got worse, set a hoof on the table. “Wait, you drank all that yourself?” “Yes. It was my Hearts and Hooves day present. I had hoped to share it with you, but you were otherwise occupied, so I simply drank it all myself.” Octavia summed up, trying to keep from sounding accusatory. She really didn’t blame Vinyl. It was natural for special someponies to be together like that. “Did you take my Everfree too? I noticed the cabinet was open and a bottle was missing.” Vinyl asked, raising an eyebrow. Her eyes, not yet blocked by her glasses for the day, looked concerned. Octavia found this a little harder to justify, floundering for a second for a reason. “Well, I decided to try something different, after. I suppose I was acting a little recklessly at that point.” She settled on a half-truth, praying for them to drop it. “Well… Looks like I underestimated you, Miss Priss.” Neon smiled, tipping an invisible hat. “You really do know how to party.” Octavia felt the imagined ropes of her restraint strain. “It was no party, I assure you, Neon. All-in-all, it was actually quite regrettable.” She leaned off the counter, finishing her drink. “Can we please talk about something else?” “Sure sure.” Neon nodded, tilting his head forward with a small smirk. “How’s about tellin’ us who you were with last night?” Octavia narrowed her eyes, but Neon kept smiling. “You smell like we did, before we cleaned up. And then there’s the defensiveness. Nopony just goes ‘out’ when they’re that drunk. Believe me, I would know.” Neon chuckled, shaking his head. “I’ve been to enough parties and seen it enough times. So, who’s the lucky stallion?” The imagined ropes snapped and Octavia snarled at Neon, just as Vinyl – who was getting redder by the second – was about to intervene. “Oh, shut the buck up, you ass!” Octavia slammed the glass of water down to punctuate the last word, flaring her nostrils in rage. There was a very long moment of silence. Octavia withdrew her anger, ashamed with herself. Vinyl looked absolutely speechless, something Octavia had never once seen before – not like this at least. Neon looked just a little smug. “Well… I suppose even refined ponies like you are entitled to a few mistakes in life, Octavia. Don’t take it so seriously. I didn’t mean to make you so mad.” Neon wagged a dismissive hoof. He looked to Vinyl, but had to nudge her to get her attention. “I think I’ll head out. It’s a long ride back to Canterlot. Later.” The two shared a brief kiss and Neon rose, bowing his head to Octavia in passing. He door shut behind him with a soft click, that sounded like a hammer in the silence. > Chapter 12: The Argument > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: The Argument [v] Lyra sat on a stool, trailing her hoof gracefully over her lyre, using sputtering bursts of magic to cut a particular string's haunting note off early, or pluck a note she couldn’t reach without digits. The effect was as beautiful as Octavia had envisioned it would be, when she had suggested it to the unicorn. Octavia had decided to give the musical mare a few lessons, not only to bring the two closer as friends, but to talk to her as much as possible about the situation with Vinyl. She’d found that speaking with Lyra and Bon-Bon about her pent-up secrets made her feel that much better. Slowly, the song ended and Lyra lowered her instrument, smiling broadly. “Wow, that sounded much better than usual,” she said, laughing to herself. “And you don’t usually sound too bad, regardless.” Bon-Bon put in, stomping a hoof down in appreciation from just across the room. Lyra blushed, running a hoof over the back of her mane. “Thanks Bonnie. And thanks for teaching me some tricks, Octavia.” “Think nothing of it.” Octavia waggled a hoof dismissively. “They aren’t my tricks. I know a few harpists and lyre players in Canterlot and this is a very common practice there. I’m honestly surprised you’d never heard of it before.” Lyra chuckled weakly, embarrassed. “I don’t practice as much as I should.” “Well, that is going to change as of today.” Octavia used a no-nonsense tone, raising an eyebrow. “Right, Lyra?” Lyra fidgeted, looking uncertain. “I’m always so busy, and…” “Right, Bon-Bon?” Octavia turned to the cavalry, who responded with a solid nod. “I’ll make sure she has time.” Bon-Bon winked and laughed, eliciting a blush from her special somepony. Lyra quickly changed the topic, quick to shake off her embarrassment. “You said something happened on Hearts and Hooves day?” Apart from the practice, that was the big reason Octavia had come over. Yes, she loved talking to her friends, but this was serious. She started her explanation slow, mentioning the peaceful beginning to the afternoon; the arrival of Neon and Vinyl’s gift to her. However, when she began talking about later that night, the regret and jealousy found its way into her voice. She recounted the incident with Flare, only leaving out the unnecessary details. Lastly, she talked about her confrontation with Neon Lights once she came home the next morning. By the end of the story, Lyra had her face in both her hooves, shaking her head. Without even uncovering her eyes, Lyra levitated several papers, rolled them up together behind Octavia, and whapped her lightly on the back of the head. “That was really stupid, Octavia.” Lyra groaned as she came out from behind her hooves. “I know that, Lyra. Everything I did that night was stupid. Ever since then, I’ve been doing my best to avoid Vinyl. I can’t look her in the eyes, now that she knows what I did.” Octavia looked down, ashamed. “That’s the worst thing you can do.” Bon-Bon chimed in, trotting into the room to take a seat with Lyra. “You can’t just let things like this sit and rot. You need to pull this up at the roots, or you’ll end up losing it all.” Octavia had noticed over her conversations with Bon-Bon that the lovable mare had a tendency to compare many of life’s problems to her flower garden. Octavia silently wondered if she was a rose or a daisy. She shook the useless thought away, nodding at Bon-Bon's advice. “Alright. I’ll talk to Vinyl.” “Not just her,” Bon-Bon said sternly, shaking her head. “With Neon, too. For now, at least, Neon is a huge part of Vinyl’s life. You want things to go well with him, or your friendship with Vinyl will suffer. I’m not saying you need to be his friend, but you at least need to come to a truce with him, or you’ll be putting Vinyl in a very hard position.” Octavia looked down, thinking on that. As she thought, her eyes wandered to her newest cello, the gift Vinyl had given her. It'd been long overdue, and that just made the present all the sweeter. Closing her eyes, she thought back to the night after Hearts and Hooves Day, a warm feeling spreading through her. It was several minutes before Octavia and Vinyl spoke. Neon had just departed and there was an air of unease all around them. Once the conflicting emotions faded, Vinyl looked up to her friend, levitating her glasses off her face. “Tavi, what was all that?” She shook her head a little bit, frowning. “That was so… unlike you.” Octavia scoffed, trotting over to the table Vinyl was sitting at. “Oh, and I suppose Neon was completely fine, asking such personal questions?” Vinyl shook her head again, but never broke her eye contact with Octavia. “Oh, believe me, I’ll be talking to Neon soon enough. But you’re here now and he’s not. So, explain.” Octavia heaved a sigh, falling into a chair. “I was jealous that you had somepony special, so I got drunk and made a really huge mistake. Please, just leave it at that, Vinyl.” She let the altered truth slip through her lips effortlessly as she turned to the side, not able to meet Vinyl's eyes as she lied. Vinyl stared at Octavia intently, as if that would somehow weasel more answers out of her friend. Eventually, she broke her burrowing stare, turning to look down at the table. “Well, I’m sorry. I hadn’t considered you when all that stuff happened between me and Neon, but he surprised me with it.” Octavia lowered her own eyes, copying Vinyl’s pose out of instinct. “But don’t ever think you’re alone on Hearts and Hooves Day. In fact, don’t think you’re ever alone, ever. I’ll be here for you, no matter what, Tavi. You’re the best friend a DJ could ask for.” Octavia smiled, feeling a faint blush win its way onto her face. “And you’re mine, Vinyl. Now and forever; my dearest friend.” Vinyl rose, walking over to Octavia and the two embraced, all transgressions forgiven. Vinyl leaned back from the hug, smiling vibrantly. “I got something for you. It was really hard, sneaking it out whenever you were away to get the work done, so I expect you to appreciate it. I was going to give it to you another time, but you could use a pick-me-up right about now.” Vinyl chuckled, trotting from the room. Octavia noticed she had an excited bounce in her step, something Vinyl only ever did when she was planning something big. However, the cellist stayed where she was. She knew very well that Vinyl adored bringing her gifts to whomever she was giving them to. For her friend, that was part of the experience. It did also leave Octavia fidgeting, wondering what the gift could be. Vinyl enjoyed that part too. Vinyl returned, levitating a narrow box, a little longer than her straightened forehoof and about the same width. It was gilded, adorned with subtle jewels and entrancing designs of inlaid gold. Octavia raised an eyebrow at her friend and Vinyl chuckled. “Oh, don’t look at me like that! It’s been ages since I got you a gift, so I went big this time.” Octavia rolled her eyes, smirking slightly. And to think, some ponies wondered why she adored Vinyl so much. Her friend wore a giant grin as she waved the box around. “So, you wanna guess what it is?” Vinyl looked about ready to hop up and down. Thankfully, Octavia was used to both her friend’s eccentric personality and excessive mood swings. She shook her head slightly, but kept smirking. It had been a long morning and she was in no way eager to guess what her strange friend had gotten her now. Vinyl was caught off guard for a second, but recovered quickly. “Ah, well. I know you’ll love it anyway.” Vinyl levitated the box over, setting it on the table in front of Octavia. Taking her time, the cellist admired the box for a few seconds, trailing a hoof over its designs. She was, however, aware of Vinyl in the corner of her eye, actually bouncing in place now. “Come on, quit being such a slowpoke! Open it!” Octavia sighed, but complied, tilting back the lid of the box. Vinyl needed to learn to appreciate the value of savoring a gift. Inside the box was a magnificent cello bow, recently restrung and stylized to match Octavia’s coat and mane. The grip was a solid black, like her hair, while the body was the same grey as her coat. Her cutie mark was branded on the grip where her hoof would usually be. Octavia felt joy swell in her chest. It was beautiful! “Oh Vinyl! You were right, I love it!” “That ain’t all.” Vinyl puffed herself up proudly. “Close your eyes.” “Vinyl, there’s really no need—” “Close your eyes,” Vinyl repeated, leaning forward, trying hard to look stern. On Vinyl, a stern face made her look constipated. Octavia stifled a laugh, rolled her eyes for effect and closed them, smiling happily. With her eyes closed, she slipped the bow behind her ear, making it easier to walk. This whole day had just been salvaged. Octavia felt Vinyl wrap a forehoof around her, guiding her along through the house. Octavia knew the house by memory, however, and could easily pinpoint where they were going. Down the hall fifteen steps, a turn to the right to go into the study. Octavia couldn’t imagine what was in here that Vinyl would want to give her. After a little bit of shimmying this way and that, Vinyl left her side and Octavia knew she had been positioned for maximum effect. Tapping a hoof anxiously, she waited. “Alright. Open your eyes, Tavi.” Octavia opened her eyes slowly, soaking in what she saw. Vinyl was going through a lot for this surprise, so she might as well play along. But when she saw what she was facing, Octavia's eyes snapped wide open. She had been positioned to face the fireplace, her eyes drawn to the plaque above it and the instrument mounted over that. “Vinyl, you couldn’t mean…” Octavia started, but trailed off as Vinyl’s magic encased the immaculate cello, drifting it off its stand. “I do mean it. I want you to have this, Octavia.” The cello drifted towards Octavia, who held out a hoof, as if to stop it. “Vinyl, I can’t take that. Your mother’s cello…” Octavia held her breath for a moment, letting it all out in a rush of words. “Vinyl, I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. This is your mother’s cello. Your mother, Vinyl! I… No, no I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be right, not right at all.” As Octavia wound down, Vinyl waited patiently, holding the cello out with her magic. Once Octavia had run out of words and breath, Vinyl spoke, drifting the cello a little closer. “Dad and I agreed before he left that, once you were ready, you could have it. I wanted to give it to you before you left for Canterlot, but I never got the chance. After that, things were just a little crazy. But now, I think it’s perfect. It’s not just a gift from me; it’s a gift from dad too.” Octavia felt tears filling her eyes. She was crying entirely too much, lately. She was sure she’d run out of tears. She tried to object, but how could anypony object to that? So, she swallowed her complaints and gingerly accepted the cello in her hooves, holding it as if she were about to play. The instrument was masterfully made. When she was a filly, Octavia hadn’t been able to truly appreciate the beauty of this instrument. Its swells and curves were simple, yet elegant; it was perfect in its simplicity. The important details, however, we things only a skilled eye would notice. The wood was of the finest quality, bearing smoothness comparable to skin. The strings, also of high quality, were made from the best materials. She took her new bow from behind her ear, drawing it over the strings, testing the sound. She felt a shiver shoot up her spine, goose-bumps crawling all over her, as the siren-song of the instrument filled the room. This cello had no equal she'd ever seen. Octavia felt strangely complete. As much as she’d loved her cello, the one she’d shattered in her discorded fit, this cello was meant for her hooves. As much as she hated to admit it, it was her destiny to take up this cello and continue its legacy. She felt it in her bones. Drawing the bow back across the strings, she began to play. She played the same song she always played on a new cello. Her first song, played on that memorable first day when she discovered her Cutie Mark; the tune she played straight from her heart. It was rough around the edges, refined yet faulted, just like she was. This song fit her perfectly. Vinyl watched from nearby, smiling contentedly. The hug she gave Octavia after the song was over was tighter than any hug she’d ever been given before. The two roommates and friends cried and laughed and smiled until night fell. Some ponies would claim they accomplished nothing that day, but to the two of them, they’d done everything they needed to do. Octavia sighed as reality reasserted itself over her happy memories. “I’ll talk to Neon… For Vinyl.” She reached over, trailing a hoof down the side of the precious gift. Lyra smiled at the cello, knowing its history well. “If it’s any consolation, I think you have a chance. Maybe not a huge chance, but don’t give up hope.” Lyra adjusted herself, leaning over onto Bon-Bon. “Confidence is important, when you’re looking for love. But, it’ll be tricky, with her still dating Neon…” Octavia nodded, staring at her precious cello as she thought. Neon and Vinyl had played several joint concerts since their time in Club Canterlot. They had become a kind of celebrity power-couple in the bigger cities, from Las Pegasus to Manehattan, climbing the charts side by side. Quietly, she began packing up the cello as Lyra did the same for her lyre. “It’s complicated…” Lyra continued, shrugging as she closed her lyre case with a spattering of magic. “But that’s life.” “Yes, well, life is hard.” Octavia clicked her cello case closed right after, pausing to look out the window. It was getting late and Vinyl was probably making dinner by now. “I need to go. I’ll come back over tomorrow to continue the lesson.” “Alright, Octavia. And listen; be careful, okay? This whole situation is dangerous, for Vinyl as well as you.” Lyra nodded to herself, smiling. “But I get the feeling you’ll be okay. After all, you’re Octavia Melody. You’ll know what to do.” As she walked out the door, cello on her back, Octavia chuckled. She’d know what to do? If it were that simple, she wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. Letting out a sigh like bellows releasing air, Octavia went home. Neon was there. Octavia knew he was, before she even got close to the house. The MC did everything in one style: loudly. Octavia hated to admit it, but he really was a good match for Vinyl. The two could almost be one person. She stopped outside the door and took a deep breath, clearing away her negative emotions. She would fix the damage tonight. Plastering on a fake smile, Octavia walked inside to find the two DJs in the living room, just inside the door. Neon was sitting back on the couch, while Vinyl danced in a cleared space on the floor, her headphones clasped over her ears. Octavia always loved how Vinyl danced; as if nopony in the world were watching. She was bad at it, and she knew it, but she never cared one bit. Neon looked over to her before Vinyl noticed, giving her a wink and a wave. Octavia bit the inside of her cheek. “Hey Tavi!” Vinyl said, stopping her one-pony-party to greet her friend, lowering the headphones down. “Welcome back. How were the lessons?” “Rather nice, actually. Lyra shows great promise. With some guidance, I think she’ll be Canterlot material in no time.” Octavia set down her cello by the door, trotting into the room. Vinyl looked to Neon, who was reclining his head back. She cleared her throat and Neon sat up properly, snapping from whatever he was thinking. “Oh, yeah…” He intoned, before giving his head a small shake to clear away mental cobwebs. The stallion stood up, chuckling. “So, I wanted to apologize. I wasn’t really thinking when I asked that stuff on Hearts and Hooves Day. Vinyl here set me straight.” He slid over to Vinyl’s side, smiling. “So, I’m sorry. In fact, I thought up a way to give you a helping hoof.” Octavia’s eyebrow rose dubiously. She was glad for his apology – it saved her the trouble of making her own right away – but something about the way he said the last part made her nervous. “Oh really? How so?” “Well, I was thinkin’ you hang around here alone way too much. I was plannin’ on introducing you to a few stallions I know. I know one guy who—” “Absolutely not.” Octavia said bluntly, cutting him off. “I will not be somepony’s blind date.” “It ain’t a blind date if you two know about each-other beforehoof, is it?” Neon tipped his glasses forward and chuckled a little bit. Octavia didn’t find this funny at all. “Vinyl, you agree with this nonsense?” Octavia turned to her friend, making sure she reigned in her temper. She wasn’t mad at Vinyl; this was probably Neon’s bright idea. Vinyl worked her jaw for a few seconds, and then levitated her glasses off, staring into Octavia’s eyes. “Yeah, I do. Tavi, you always look so… lonely. And after this past Hearts and Hooves Day, I just… I wanna make you happy, no matter what. If getting you a date does it, then I’m all for it.” “I assure you, this is no way to make me less lonely or happier.” Octavia stood straighter, eyes pinned to Vinyl’s. Neon shook his head, chuckling. “Huh, you’re one stubborn mare. How do you know it won’t work if you haven’t tried it?” He levitated his shades off too, smirking confidently. “I mean, one drunken night doesn’t exactly qualify as a romantic experience.” Octavia gritted her teeth, an action that wasn’t lost on Vinyl, and broke eye contact with her friend to glare daggers at Neon. “Don’t be such a snob, Octavia. Just try it.” “I am no snob. I said no, Neon.” Octavia was growing agitated again. She had grown up beside Vinyl, so the DJ knew Octavia’s limits well enough, but Neon had no idea the fires he was lighting in her mind. “I’ve never known a pony so against finding a special somepony. Sheesh, what, are you into mares or something?” Neon shrugged, laughing and smiling at his own joke. Octavia felt her last restraints snap. Neon had hit far too close to home. Her face immediately went red with both embarrassment and anger. Vinyl noticed this and moved to interject herself, but Octavia, her voice as cold as ice, gave her no room to interrupt. She locked eyes with Neon, holding them to hers with invisible tethers of emotion. “You are absolutely intolerable, do you know that? Frankly, it’s beyond me that someone as crude and obnoxious as yourself managed to survive in Canterlot. You sit here and lord over me, just because you have Vinyl and I’m alone. How, in Celestia’s great name, does Vinyl deal with you; a moronic half-wit who can’t seem to understand even a simple concept like the word ‘No!’ You. Make. Me. Sick!” Octavia was trembling all over by the end of her rant. As the world around her became clear again, she realized that her temper had gotten the better of her. Nervously, she looked to Vinyl. Her friend’s jaw was hanging open, a look of absolute shock in her eyes. She had even dropped her glasses at some point. Neon was just staring at Octavia, fury in his eyes. After a second, he snorted, giving his head a slow shake. “You done whining now, you prissy, stuck-up, bourgeois pig?” He stepped forward, putting himself nose to nose with her, his eyes burrowing into her. The mare stepped back reflexively, shrinking a bit under his intensity. “You don’t know how I survived in Canterlot? Then let me teach you something, you judgmental little filly; I survived by being myself, no matter what the snooty, ‘upper-class’ ponies – with their bigotry and cruelty – said about me. Your kind of pony, if my eyes don’t deceive me. You’ve got all their arrogance and selfishness down-pat. “I made it through Canterlot on sheer determination, talent, and pride in who I am. What about you, Octavia Melody?” He did a rather good impression of her scoff. “You had everything handed to you. You had all the skill, all the knowledge and yet, ran away from Ponyville to chase your dreams. And now, you’re back at square one. If you ask me, you wouldn’t know what your dreams were if they cracked you over your thick head with your own precious cello.” Neon advanced again, forcing Octavia to step back, her eyes wide and braced for a fight. “You; you’re as stuck up as they come. A Canterlot pony, right down to your blood. You’re no different than those money-bags who looked down on me, just because of my tastes in music. To use your own words; frankly, it’s beyond me that someone as crude and obnoxious as yourself – end quote – could ever be considered Vinyl’s friend. And yet, she puts up with your bull.” He huffed out another snort, backing up several steps. “All I did today was try to help you get your sorry flank out of the house and maybe make your life a little better.” Octavia felt herself start to cry a little. She hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. She was just so angry, not with Neon, but with everything in general. Neon had just said the wrong thing at the wrong time. “When Vinyl told me how we hurt you on Hearts and Hooves Day, I just wanted to help. I struggled and strove to be your friend, to care about you as much as Vinyl does, but now? Heh, now I see I was right from the beginning; you’re just another Canterlot pony. You remind me so much of the filthy scum that walked all over me. More so now than ever before. I make you sick, Miss Priss? Because I think another day in your presence might be fatal to me.” Vinyl, who had been trying all along to stop Neon, finally got a word in edgewise. She pushed him further back, moving in between her two friends. “Yo, Neon, back off dude.” Neon looked over to her, and then backed off a few more steps, putting ample space between him and Octavia. “Sorry Vinyl.” He notably didn’t apologize to Octavia. Vinyl looked back at Octavia, frowning. Octavia recognized that as far as Vinyl could tell, Octavia had thrown the first stone and she certainly had no idea what had set her friend off. Octavia watched, almost able to read the thoughts in Vinyl's head: she knew this was nothing like Octavia usually was. It had to have been brought on by something. She wasn’t sure what to do, but bridges needed to be mended. Vinyl moved over to Octavia's side, whispering to her. “Look, Tavi, I know you. I know fighting isn’t your thing, but you started this. You need to end it by apologizing first.” Octavia sniffed, forcing down her tears. She stood up straighter, putting her eyes on Neon’s again. “No.” Neon had hurt her deeply; struck at her very core. She wouldn’t – she couldn’t – back down now. “Neon, you think me weak? You wish to know why Vinyl and I are so close? Fine. Let me show you.” Octavia trotted past Vinyl, stopping just in front of Neon. Without giving herself time to think, she slapped Neon across the face with her hoof. “I challenge you to a duel, Neon Lights. A musical duel, between you and me, to be held immediately. Win or lose, this will be the end of it and we will call a truce. Agreed?” The slap wasn’t hard, but Neon rubbed his face anyway, not quite sure how to react. After a moment to recover, he nodded. “Alright, you’re on, money-bags. You and me.” A flurry of emotions passed over Vinyl's face. Things were clearly getting progressively worse and worse, and she was terrified she would be forced to pick sides. Octavia could see in the way she stood silently, her lip trembling, her DJ friend was terrified about how this would all turn out. Neon and Octavia wasted no time; Town Hall was commissioned within the hour to set up for the duel. The Mayor was overjoyed to host an event like this, even on such short notice. Pinkie was contacted and a speed-party was prepared. While he didn’t have time to bring in any of his flashier effects, Neon kept a basic sound and lighting system at Vinyl’s house. He wheeled those over to the Town Hall, aided by a few ponies, recruited from the streets. Neon offered them all front-row seats in payment for their help. By the time his gear was in place, his side of the stage was packed with his speakers, turntable and lights. But, despite the lack of effects, Neon was satisfied. This was a battle of music, not a casual spin-off. He wouldn’t really use effects like he normally did. Octavia’s half of the stage was far less crowded, having only her cello and a stool for her to sit on, as well as a microphone to amplify her song through the whole hall. She had no sheet music; she would be playing songs straight from her heart, mind, and soul for this. A crowd gathered quickly. Half of Ponyville arrived at Pinkie’s beck-and-call to watch a battle between genres. Vinyl, among the crowd, watched with worried eyes. She hoped, with all of her being, that this would truly be the end of their fighting. Slowly, Octavia lifted her bow and began to play over the crowd’s clamor. Silence fell and the battle began. Octavia opened with a slow, teasing melody. Within its notes laid the faint impression that more was there. The ears of all the gathered ponies heard more than was being played, a subtle undertone of a message that only Octavia’s purest songs could maintain. The cello rang through the hall pleasantly, the acoustics augmenting her song perfectly. She was flooded with confidence as well as defiance, the two ringing out through her song. Neon would not win. She would make him understand her motivations. Neon’s reply, however, was instantly mocking. It was similar enough to Octavia’s beat to be confused for it, but was charged with the power of Neon’s sound system. With his magic flickering, turning knobs and adjusting the pitch control, Neon played a warped version of her melody, which exploded into a roaring bass drop. The crowd, previously humbled by the beauty of her song, was thrown into a cheering frenzy. The music, Octavia was loathe to admit, did make her want to dance and cheer. It was a simple beat, using hers as a mere frame for the song as a whole. Octavia needed to admit; perhaps she underestimated Neon’s musical talent. She had made that song up on the spot, but here he was, repeating a remixed version of it, only a minute or so after she played it. The audio rippled, sounding like a powerful beast on the prowl, making Octavia’s skin crawl. With a sound like a screaming hydra, Neon’s song snapped to a close. He held a hoof to his ear, listening to the crowd cheer, then rolled it to Octavia mockingly. The mare, however, waited in silence. She knew that if she tried to play to the crowd while they were this riled up, she wouldn’t get her music through to them. As the crowd calmed and turned their attention to her, Octavia began to play once more. This time, the song was not slow, but was carried at a fevered pitch. Her bow danced over the strings like snow on a breeze and her body rocked like the cradle to the very foundations of Equestria. She felt the music overcome her, surround her, suffuse her. She sighed out a low breath, closing her eyes. Gently, without realizing she was doing it right away, Octavia began to sing. She spoke no words, but simply added the melody of her voice to the symphony. She had never really considered singing along with the song before, but this just felt… right. The harmony between her voice and the cello was so complete that she felt as if she were truly one with the instrument. As she continued, she realized that she’d placed another part of herself, her voice now, into her music. Jokingly, she wondered when it would consume her completely. As if it already hadn’t. The pause after the song lingered for longer than any Octavia had heard before. Everypony was waiting, eyes wide and expectant, for more. Once they realized that was the end, they cheered and stomped their hooves, a more rowdy crowd than Octavia was used to, but it still made her blush. Neon’s kick drew the crowd’s attention with a blaze of sound. This was one of his more popular songs; a loud, boisterous cacophony of noise, that shook the mind to its core. Octavia noted less cheering in the crowd, but far more dancing. Octavia couldn’t blame them for that; she felt her own hoof tapping to Neon’s beat, even as she planned her counter-song. Back and forth, the two played, well into the night. Song after song rang out over the crowd, who cheered and danced for Neon and listened attentively, wrapped in awe, for Octavia. Soon, the finale drew near. Octavia took a deep breath, then started her crescendo. Ever since her second song, Octavia hadn’t added her voice to her music. Now she did again, and this time, she sang actual words. The lyrics were made up on the spot, a tale of her journey through life; she sang of her moving to Ponyville and finding her destiny in the cello. This transitioned into a brief spin of friendship and what she’d learned. Most all of Ponyville gathered there had known Octavia and Vinyl as they’d grown. Octavia saw tears being shed at the memories she was bringing to life. Gradually, she shifted tones, and her song becoming sad as she sang of the foolishness of moving away to Canterlot. She sang of lonely streets and empty smiles. She transitioned back to her return to Ponyville, the sorrow fading from the music. As she sang of the ponies she’d met, of the great things she’d accomplished, Octavia slowly recognized her own tune. It was her song; that first magical song that had given her destiny to her. She hadn’t begun playing it consciously, but now her hooves moved, as if on their own accord, continuing that melodic perfection. It was a brand new tempo, familiar, yet new; filled to the brim potential, happiness, and all of her hard-earned skill. The crowd was beyond words, all staring at her, enraptured. All of them had heard the song before at one time or another, all of them knew its importance. Neon, who had never heard the song until now, stared in amazement, his glasses tipping off his muzzle in his lack of attentiveness. In this song, Octavia was whole. The song slowly ended and Octavia was herself again; incomplete, but content. She drew a hoof over the cello, panting. It was only then that she realized she was sweating; her breath was ragged and her hooves felt heavy. Her hair, still somewhat in its original style, was slightly frazzled here and there from a particularly harsh whip of her head during her composition. The silence that washed over her was absolute. At first, she began to worry that perhaps she’d done something wrong. Had everypony else heard something she had missed? But when she looked more closely, even Neon’s eyes flickered with the moisture of tears. Fear gave way to relief and Octavia slumped on her stool, letting her bow drop to her side. She smirked at Neon and rolled her other hoof at him, urging his eyes back to his turntable. Neon looked back to his instrument and hesitated. For a moment more, he was silent. With a great sigh, he reached up a hoof and turned off his system. “There’s no way I could follow up a song like that," Neon announced into his microphone. "I give.” Neon held a hoof up in defeat. The crowd exploded to life around them, cheering loudly and stamping their hooves. They chanted Octavia’s name, shouting for her to play her song again. Vinyl was up in the front, stomping her hooves louder than most, whistling and waving to Octavia. Tears were running down from under her glasses. Octavia felt pride flow through her body; she had moved Vinyl to tears. Neon made his way over, the defeated pony approaching the winner. He sighed and ran a hoof over the back of his head. “Look, I’m really sorry about what I said earlier. I haven’t had very good experiences with Canterlot ponies and… you look and act a lot like they do.” He stood more properly, putting his hoof back on the stage. “I said a lot of junk I can’t take back and I’ll work to make it up to you, I promise. Tonight, you showed me that not all refined ponies are terrible. Or maybe not…” Neon grinned, punching Octavia lightly in the shoulder. “I think you actually proved that you ain’t no wallflower, Miss Priss. You’re a perfect musician, but you ain’t no Canterlot mare. You’re a Ponyville mare, through and through. And that was the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard.” He smiled, offering the hoof he’d just tapped her with. “Forgive me?” Octavia looked from his hoof, up to his face. She smiled back, nodding. “Only if you’ll forgive me for being so… jealous. I was rather rude myself. I’m not normally so prickly.” She gave his hoof a bump, making the crowd cheer even louder. “Just… don’t try to set me up on any dates, okay?” “Fine, fine.” Neon grinned. “I’ll just set you up to make some more friends. That reasonable?” “Very much so.” Octavia nodded, looking out into the crowd at Vinyl. “You know, in all our time talking, I don’t think I’ve ever said this. If you hurt Vinyl, I will introduce you to just how vicious a mare can be.” She shifted to look like she was shaking his hoof from afar, locking it into a hold and shocking him with her strength. When you got right down to it, as proper as she was, Octavia was still and Earth Pony. She was much stronger physically than Neon would ever be. “Message received.” Neon laughed, then turned, holding up their crossed hooves, earning another loud cheer. Vinyl was smiling and, to Octavia, that was all that mattered. > (Bonus) Chapter 13: What You Wanna Hear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Bonus) Chapter 13: What You Wanna Hear [v] Canterlot soared over the head of Neon as he roamed the streets, headed towards his next gig. He stayed silent, ignoring the crowds around him as he walked through the hustle and bustle of Canterlot's busy late-midday roads. Truly, he'd learned to hate Canterlot with a whole new light. Without Vinyl to play beside, concerts in this city were just... hardly worth the effort and strain. Despite his newfound respect for Vinyl's cellist roomie, Neon couldn't look at these prissy ponies around him without feeling an intense wave of disgust, and after tasting what it was like to play beside his special somepony, it only added a bitter taste to what was already nearly vomit. It was fine, when his fans came out to play, but more often than not, he faced more hardship than help. Case in point. The club his agent had managed to land wasn't his normal fair; a more uptight establishment with a very fixed clientele. They were hoping to broaden their horizons a bit, by calling MC-W1SH to DJ for them and drum up some unique business, but quite frankly, Neon just wished they'd stayed in their own lane. Far be it from him to tell somepony what to think, especially when they were paying him, but he'd known how all this would go the moment he heard the name of the club. The Shining Jewel was less a nightclub and more a gathering spot for the bored elite of Canterlot. They came here and, he assumed, sipped fancy wines and talked about how much they hated those less than them. The sign above the club came into view ahead – a white diamond on a field of black, shimmering in the dark. Outside the club was the usual crowd, and by that, Neon mean part one of this night's stress. Ponies who normally frequented the club were gathered outside, protesting this unfair change and complaining about how this shift in dynamic had completely ruined their nights. Neon tried to not smile as he walked around them; it'd only make things worse. "You!" Neon ignored the voice and kept walking, but it closed on him quickly. He felt a hoof rest on his shoulder, and knew retreat wasn't really an option. "You're the one hosting tonight's show, correct?" Neon heaved a long-suffering sigh and trailed a hoof over his face, then turned and plastered on a smile. The stallion in front of him stood up straight as a reed; Neon assumed so he could look down his nose at everypony else, with those beady little blue eyes. His dull-grey coat was wrapped in a fanciful outfit, one that certainly wouldn't survive a night in his mosh pits. "Yeah, my name's—" "Inconsequential," the stallion interrupted, shaking his head. "You simply must speak with the owner of this establishment. Hosting your music will no doubt drop her earnings drastically, and I don't wish to see my favorite destination soiled by a dip in revenue. No offense, but there are places around Canterlot much more suited to your style; this is not one of them." Neon waited, grinding his jaw just slightly. He kept it small enough to not be seen, but his teeth wouldn't thank him. "Well, it ain't my call to make, sir. I've already gotten paid, a contract has already been signed, and I'm here for the next three nights. Don't like it? You can go find the owner yourself." He turned, paused, then laughed. "Unless they won't let you in, given all the ruckus you're making. Might wanna tone that back, if you want to enjoy the show." Not waiting for a response, Neon headed inside, getting a small smirk at the sound of frustrated sputtering behind him. Sure, he might have just made trouble for the ponies at the door, but he didn't really care. It was always satisfying to get one-up on these money-bags. The Shining Jewel was odd. From the outside, it looked like a cross between a café and a night club, and the interior suggested the same. The owner had mentioned something about club hours, starting after night fell. It wasn't as small as your typical café, with it's own dedicated dance floor and DJ booth, but it wasn't as large as your typical nightclub either, falling somewhere in the middle. The floor was hardwood, except for where ponies danced. That, strangely enough, looked like marble or some kind of smooth stone. Wondering about how safe it was, the stallion ignored the patrons and walked over, testing it with his hooves. He gave another victorious little smirk: it was fake. In actuality, the floor was probably made of some non-slip material, made to look like fancy marble. But it wasn't quite as good at keeping in the cold, making it vaguely warm to the touch, and wasn't nearly as stiff as it's actual counterpart. This was, ultimately, a good thing – Neon didn't want anyone busting their flanks while he was playing – but he loved how even the floors in this place were just a mockery of what they claimed to be. Just as he was about to head up to the booth and see what he was working with, the owner of the establishment, a pegasus mare named Flickering Gemstone, according to his contract, came up alongside him and gave him an expectant smile. "So, what do you think?" "It's about what my agent said," Neon responded with a non-committal tone. If he spoke his mind, it'd only make the next several days more complicated. "I might need a bit to bring in some effects; looks like you don't even have a fog machine in here." "Oh, we don't go too crazy with the special effects here, sorry." The mare chuckled, wagging a hoof. "We get too many customers who are adverse to flashing lights or smoke, so we lean more into classic neon, since it's softer on the eyes." Neon turned to look at her, then back to the stage. You hired the King of Special Effects and then denied him special effects. Clearly, Neon thought to himself with no small amount of spite, you just wanted me because I'm a big name, not because you actually care about what I do. Giving a sigh to let out his bubbling anger, he turned to look at the mare. She was petite, smaller than Vinyl even, which was an accomplishment in itself. Her blonde mane was tied up in a no-nonsense ponytail, and she had a stern look in her green eyes. Her coat was the same whitish-blue as the diamond on the sign outside, which almost made Neon laugh at her sense of entitlement. But, despite all this, something about her felt different than the stuffy suits complaining at her doorstep. Maybe it was that fire in her eye or maybe it was the way she carried herself, but... This mare vaguely reminded Neon of Octavia. "Listen," he said softly, turning to face her. "Half my whole draw is my special effects. If fans of mine swing in here on day one, and see only cheap neon lights on the stage, they'll spread the word that it isn't worth coming, and your business will tank over the next few days. If you really wanna get the most out of me being here, you need to give me some room to work." Gem thought this over silently, then gave a small nod. "Alright. I, uh..." She kicks her hoof lightly, chuckling. "Admittedly the lack of flashing lights is for me, not my customers. I've got a medical condition, and flashing lights could... well, it wouldn't be pretty. It's embarrassing to talk about." Neon nodded, he could respect her looking out for her own health. "But I think a fog machine or two wouldn't go amiss. And I heard you've done a few neat tricks with illusion magic. Keep the flashing to a minimum, and I think we've got something." Neon tapped his chin, looking around the room. "I could put some facing away from the tables, inwards towards the dance floor. If I put them up on the booth or stage, your other patrons would have smoke around their hooves while they ate." Gem gives a little nod. "That's very considerate. I'll admit, the café and restaurant side of things tend to die down at night, though we do have some regulars who swing by for some solitude." She looks off to the side, smiling. "Ah, speak of Nightmares and they shall arrive." The stallion from before was headed into the building, looking around with a disgruntled expression. When he noticed Gemstone, he started towards her, only sparing Neon a sidelong glance. "Gemstone, we need to speak about the personality of the people you feel the need to hire," the stallion somehow stood up even straighter, dwarfing the miniature Gem with his stature alone. "This one was making snide remarks at your stoop, and the lack of respect for his fellow ponies makes me uncertain that he's a fine fit for your lovely establishment." "Perhaps you two just got off on the wrong hoof," Gem was quick to interject, but Neon was fairly certain it wasn't that. Left or right, front or back; he'd probably put each and every one of his hooves on this prick's unsuspecting face. "Neon, this is one of my regulars – and an old friend from way back – Falsetto." The stallion in question stared down his nose at Neon. "Falsetto, this is Neon. He's not a bad guy Fal, I promise." Falsetto snorted faintly and shook his head. "I tried being polite outside, but it seems more blunt action is required. I come here to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of this fine establishment, and to support my dear friend, Gemstone. It's my belief that her desire to expand her clientele is entirely unwarranted, and will only drive a wedge between her and her already established clients." He turned to look to Gemstone with a slightly softer expression. "My dear Flick, this will only harm your business. I implore you, cancel the contract with this... ruffian, and return to your regular musicians. He isn't worth your time, your bits, or your breath." Neon felt himself bubble over, taking off his glasses and hanging them from his collar. "You've got a problem with me, old man?" It didn't matter one lick if this stallion was friend's with his employer, he was still being insulted by one of these upper-crust assholes, and Neon wasn't here for that. "Because I'm just itching for a reason: give me one, I'm beggin' ya." Falsetto turned to look at Neon, leveling a sneer his way. "Child, if you raised a hoof at me, I would have everything you are strewn about Equestria and beyond. I'm not somepony to be judged by some two-bit show-pony who dares to call himself a musician. You wouldn't know the grace of an instrument if it bashed you upside your head." Gemstone quickly got between the two, chuckling nervously and waving down Falsetto. Unfortunately, this also kept Neon from punching him, without tripping over the miniature matron. "Hey, enough of that, Fal. No insulting the help, okay?" The pompous prick drew in a deep breath and let it out as a long, deep sigh. "Fine. If only for you, Flick." The stallion tugged his outfit tighter, giving Neon one final, disgusted stare. "I'll redact my statements, but don't expect an apology." Before waiting for Neon to reply, the stallion looked back to his friend. "I won't be present for the next few nights, due to obvious reasons. However, I will still give my usual payment. I would not like for your revenue to suffer, due to a single poor decision." Gem shook her head, still chuckling nervously. "Fal, I'll be fine. I prepared for a potential, temporary dip. If there's one thing I know about the ponies of this city, it's how much they hate change. I know it'll be a brief rough patch, but I'm hoping I can get more attention in the long run. I'm nothing but a shrewd businessmare, you know. Besides, I don't want you paying for something you aren't getting." The pony smiled more genuinely and gave his head a shake. "Then bring me some tea and a few croissants after you close up. It has been quite some time since we last spent time together outside your establishment, and I do believe some catching up is in order. Is that fair?" Gem blinked a bit, nodding. "Yeah. I'd like that, Fal." After a few more tense moments of Falsetto completely ignoring Neon's existence, the stallion passed a small pouch of bits to Gemstone and headed on his way. The mare let out a heavy sigh and wiped her forehead. "I am so sorry for that. Falsetto Melody is probably the most abrasive pony I've ever known, but he's got a good heart. Most of the time." Neon raised an eyebrow at that, and stared after the pompous stallion as he left. Yeah, he could see some resemblance. The color of his coat, the haughty attitude, he could see a little bit of Octavia in him. But only the worst bits; the stuff that really pissed him off. "Well, I don't like 'em. Sorry if that ruffles your feathers." Neon kept his words crisp and looked back towards the stage. It was drawing closer to the appointed time, and he'd need to get his effects ready soon. "No, it's fine." Gem's voice sounded a little sad, and Neon looked back to her, curious. "Fal wasn't always like this. There was a time when he... He used to have this infectious smile. He was always a bit rude, but he never meant anything by it. But as time went on, and life happened, he got colder. I don't pretend like he's an easy pony to like, and even I hate some things about him. But I look at him and I see who he was, and... what kind of a friend would I be, if I abandoned him?" Neon hadn't really expected Gemstone to open up to him like that. He clicked his glasses open and reapplied them onto his face, letting himself cool off. "Look, I'm no expert on friendships or nothin' like that, but... You can't be held responsible for his attitude. You aren't his mother, his wife, or his keeper. You're his friend; that doesn't mean you need to try and help him if he isn't willing to help himself." He looks to the door where Falsetto had been. "If he won't change, then maybe he isn't worth helping anymore. Maybe that pony you knew is already long gone." Gemstone stood in silence for a moment, thinking over those words, then gave her head a shake. "Not how I wanted to start our first night of partnership. I'm still really sorry." She lifts a hoof, wiping some lingering moisture out of her eyes. She hadn't cried, but she'd come close. "But thank you. You've given me some stuff to think about." She takes a sharp breath in, revitalizing almost instantly. "Now then! Lets get those effects set up. We've only got about thirty minutes before the rush, and I'm kinda interested to see what you've got. Wow me, show-pony." Neon grinned a bit and tipped his glasses down. "Gem, I got more than your little fluffy self can handle. Come on, lets get those basics set up. We can probably toss in some lasers, if we keep them facing the dance floor. No strobes though; don't want you spazzing out on me." Neon and Gem shared a small laugh as they set to work. This wouldn't, Neon considered, be a very long partnership. This place wasn't really his style, but it's owner seemed like a pretty cool pony, despite living in this cesspool of a city. Maybe not all Canterlot ponies were so bad. If nothing else, this partnership had opened the doors to a friendship. A friendship that Neon had never really expected would ever happen. Neon also came to the decision that he'd keep this little experience to himself. With any luck, he'd never had the displeasure of meeting Octavia's old man again, and if he ever did, he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. He'd just smoothed things out with Octavia, and wasn't super eager to toss a wrench into the gears this soon. He wasn't too sure how the cellist would take him calling her father exactly what he was: a filthy, uptight, snobbish rat. > Chapter 14: Once Upon a Time in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: Once Upon a Time in Canterlot [v] The day of the Royal Wedding was here; a day Vinyl had been waiting for, ever since she got the letter seven days prior. It had been simple enough; the groom had asked Vinyl to play at the after-party for his wedding. According to the sender, the groom – Shining Armor – had attended the school where Vinyl’s father had played at; where he went on his first date with the princess he was marrying. Vinyl had been awed by the way fate seemed to work. Her father brought them together and now she was sealing the deal. She didn’t let herself ponder if the groom would’ve called upon her father instead of her, were he here. No, this was her moment of glory. The implications of this party were far-reaching. She would be playing for three princesses, as well as a whole crew of Canterlot ponies. She was a bundle of frayed nerves and messy hair, but that was nothing new to her. She hoped, beyond hope, that she could finally speak with Princess Luna, her supposed reclusive royal fan. The preparations were tedious and boring. She had asked Neon for advice on special effects, but she also stressed that she wanted to do this gig solo. Having her there was special to the groom, and she’d make sure it stayed that way. Now, however, she found the task incredibly daunting. She constantly wondered if everything was just right; if it was perfect. Part of her wished she had Octavia’s flair for classical, elegant beauty. It was all very unlike her, but this was no simple party. ‘All Three princesses,’ Vinyl thought as she levitated a few lights onto their stands. ‘I’m so totally doomed.’ At the thought of Octavia, Vinyl paused for a moment. She hadn’t told her friends about this request. She knew Octavia had a concert today at Carneighgie Hall and Vinyl didn’t want to dampen her friend’s mood by waving around a royal invitation. As Vinyl connected two plugs, there was a spark of electricity and the lights flicked to life. One at a time, Vinyl tested the lights and their varying settings, wondering what would be the best combination for the party itself. She had heard Twilight Sparkle and her friends were here, a fact that made Vinyl a little more relaxed. If she really needed to, she could always turn to Pinkie’s impromptu party powers. What had really shocked her was why Twilight was here. She’d have never guessed she was related to the groom and the head of the Canterlot Royal Guard. She gave a small chuckle, considering fate again, and continued with her work. One thing Vinyl was having trouble understanding was the defenses. She gazed up to the glowing barrier surrounding the city, somewhat awed by the power Shining Armor wielded. She genuinely hoped it didn’t put a damper on the wedding. Time ticked away and soon, Vinyl saw the end of her long project. With a contented sigh, she began to wonder if she’d be able to swing down to Octavia’s concert. It should have only started a little while ago and Octavia always kept an open seat reserved for her. But, then again, how would she explain her sudden arrival in Canterlot? “Eh. It’ll work out somehow.” Vinyl assured herself, giving the lights one quick look before heading out to the concert. However, as she was staring up, something strange caught her eyes. Stopping and turning, Vinyl gave up on checking the light. “What the…?” Vinyl lifted her glasses, squinting into the horizon. The barrier made seeing things difficult, but she could swear a black storm cloud was coming straight towards Canterlot. Vinyl was certain it was supposed to be sunny; Princess Celestia had postponed the thunderstorm till the day after tomorrow, in honor of the wedding. But, there was no denying that cloud. Vinyl sighed and groaned, dropping her glasses back over her eyes. “Aw, come on! Now I need to get a tarp or something…” As she went to turn, the cloud did something new; it began to split. Vinyl brought her head back around, taking her glasses off more completely this time. With a gasp, Vinyl realized the truth; it wasn’t a cloud at all. She dropped her glasses back onto her face as her spell sputtered in her shock. There was an army descending on Canterlot. “Mother of Celestia…” Vinyl felt her heart clench in her chest, fear gripping her as the army of black creatures swarmed over the protective barrier. For a moment, they simply hovered or crawled over the shield, getting a sigh from Vinyl. Shining Armor wouldn’t let anything interfere with his wedding, not even an army. But then, one of them smashed itself down into the barrier. Vinyl took a step back on pure instinct at the sight. Another followed the first, then another and another, cracks spreading over the protective bubble. Terror gripped Vinyl once more. With a sound like shattering glass, the barrier was ripped away, exposing the city to the unknown invaders. The attackers suddenly bolted down towards the ground below like glowing green comets, tearing through rooftops, windows, and sometimes entire buildings. Vinyl felt a thought – a single name – run through her mind like liquid fire. “Octavia!” Her voice was filled with fear, surprising even herself. Ignoring the chaos beginning to erupt in the city below, she abandoned all thoughts of caution and charged from the castle gardens, down into the city. She pushed herself harder than ever before, racing to be at her friend’s side. Silently, she prayed to Celestia and Luna for protection. The loud sound of shattering glass had dragged the concert screeching to a halt. Everypony sat in silence, staring up at the ceiling, where the sound had originated. A moment passed, a moment that seemed to drag for hours, and there was no more sounds. Then, without any warning, the first crash echoed through the Hall, making everypony jump. Another crash came, followed by one right after, like endless thunder. Before ponies could even get the chance to become frightened by the sounds, a flash of green light shot through the roof with a bang and tore a hole in the ceiling. The green streak landed on the stage, creating a crater and a ring of green flames not too far from Noteworthy. The blue pony jumped back as a black creature pulled itself from the crater and gazed from him to the crowd. It reminded Octavia like nothing more than a pony-sized insect. It hissed, its arctic eyes flashing a lime green. Noteworthy screamed. Panic erupted through the hall. Ponies scrambled for the exits and, after only a second, the ensemble was alone on stage. The fire of the creature’s entrance had quickly spread, consuming the dry wood of the stage hungrily. There was no way they were getting across to the main exits. Octavia glimpsed behind her, not turning her defensive stance from the creature, peering backstage and at her ensemble. “Go! Run away! I’ll keep this thing busy.” Noteworthy and the others were more than happy to save their own hides. Beauty Brass wasn’t so quick to run, stopping beside Octavia to be sure she was certain. The creature was staring at them now, seeming interested in Octavia’s sudden sacrifice. “I’ll be fine.” Octavia explained quietly to her friend, who was looking worried and confused. “I promise. Between growing up with an Apple and Vinyl's self-defense lessons, I've got plenty of skill to protect myself. Just go, Beauty.” With an ounce of hesitation, Beauty seemed to accept that. “… Just be careful, Octavia…” However, she was worried about more than Octavia. In fact, the cellist herself was sharing her fears. Those explosions were other creatures landing; it had to be. She could still hear the crashes as more monsters rained down on Canterlot. An army, she assumed, was attacking. Beauty vanished, rushing after her ensemble-mates, leaving Octavia alone with her cello, the fire, and the monster. As she examined the creature over again, she decided she found it disgusting; a bug, waiting to be squashed. The creature – studying her as she studied it – started to move around her, putting its back to the flames. Octavia braced herself with her cello, kicking the stool she’d been sitting on away. Then, the creature charged her. Time seemed to slow for Octavia. The creature was in mid-air, leaping from its previous position, mouth open to reveal a set of sharp, pointed fangs. Its curved horn shimmered with tainted energy, ready to blast Octavia from afar. As it soared through the air towards her, Octavia subtly shifted her hoof, holding the neck of her cello at a new angle. She kept her expression level, showing no fear or anticipation. Then, right when the creature was close enough, Octavia swung. Normally, Octavia would never use her cello for something so barbaric, but the situation, Octavia noted, was rather dire. The instrument collided with the creature’s torso, just below its neck, sending it soaring like a baseball off the stage, beyond the green flames its entry had created. The cello bore a new crack in its wood, but nothing beyond repair. For a moment, Octavia stopped to inspect the damage, silently fretting over her instrument. It was one of four she owned, a new and not a very important one, but she’d just finished paying it all off. She spotted a flicker of movement from the corner of her eye and turned from her inspection. The creature was back on its feet, though it was wobbly and stunned. It shook it’s head and launched a spell from its horn; a green ball of energy that shot out of the hole in the ceiling and erupted midair into a burst of light and roaring sound. Octavia only had a moment to question the point of the magic when another creature flew through the opening. Hovering, it hissed at Octavia, more of its unnatural kin following. Soon, four of the abominations were touching down on the stage, at varying distances from Octavia. She began to truly grow worried at the severity of this situation. The first attacker, the one she had clubbed with her cello, dove at her, still dizzy from the first strike. Octavia simply ducked, letting the monster soar over her, tangling itself in the corner of the velvet curtains. It seemed it didn’t realize that charging hadn’t worked the first time. Another dove at her from above, hooves extended out to tackle the mare. This time, Octavia swung her cello up in an arc, the solid oak base of her instrument cracking into the monster’s chin. It flipped backwards once, dazed and confused, landing in a heap on the ground. The last two creatures had worked their way to either side of Octavia, moving like predators stalking prey. They rushed from both sides, hoping to offset the value of Octavia’s strange weapon, but Octavia had her own ideas. She twisted on her hoof, putting her cello between herself and the enemy on the left, bucking out with her hooves to the one on the right. As she felt herself contact with her first target, she heard the sound of splintering wood. The impact on the opposite side of her cello drove Octavia harder into the beast on her hoof, sending it flying back. Skidding to the ground, Octavia paused to take stock of her surroundings again. In an instant, she noticed the stunned changeling she had struck in the chin was gone. Her first enemy was just managing to get itself untangled from the curtains. The one she’d just kicked was probably out of the fight, knocked behind the flames and rolling around in pain. And the last one… The creature tugged its hoof from the cello suddenly, making Octavia jerk towards it and start spouting a string of not-very-refined things she had picked up. Vinyl, she decided, was a rather bad influence on her; even if she did love every second of it. Suddenly, the creature darted around her cello, aiming to bite her. She introduced it to her hoof. The two kicked things off smashingly, Octavia thought. So much so, that she introduced them several more times, before the creature decided it would be wiser to stay down. More of the creatures were coming into the auditorium and Octavia was starting to get the feeling that she would need to run very shortly. Hearing a hiss from behind her, Octavia turned her head and was startled to see Beauty Brass standing between her and another monster. Thankful for the support, she turned back towards two more oncoming monsters. “Beauty, I told you to run. But, I’m not ungrateful for the help.” She backed up slowly, planning her next strike. Bump. Octavia turned, confused. Beauty was staring at her from mere inches away, her mouth open to reveal a set of sharp fangs, about to sink into Octavia's hide. The second monster, the one she had been standing off with, was right beside her, grinning evilly. Octavia screamed, hopping back just in time and swinging her cello in a wide arc, warding the two monsters back. The one that still looked like Beauty rushed in, aiming to sink its teeth into her, but it failed to notice that the cello hadn’t stopped its movement yet. Having spun around Octavia once, the cello was now held firmly over the musician’s head. The creature gave one slight whimper before the cello smashed down on it. The sound of cello meeting creature was satisfying, however it was accompanied by the finite sound of wood shattering. The lower half of the cello sailed across the stage and the neck snapped off at the base. How it had lasted this long, Octavia had no idea, but she wasn’t shocked when the cello split. The vibrations shot up to her shoulders and sent the neck flying from her hoof, cracking a nearby creature in the face humorously. Three down, an army to go. Two fresh monsters approached from either side, flanking Octavia with malicious glares. They seemed rather upset that Octavia wasn’t just rolling over for them. While she tried her best to keep an eye on each of them, this time she didn’t have the defense of her cello. Not wanting to be caught off guard, Octavia focused her hearing, a trick she’d picked up during years of musical practice, and listened for their hooves. The one behind her charged first, confident that she was blind to it. Rearing back, Octavia met its charge with both hooves, sending it flying backwards, off the left side of the stage. The other one, seeing her momentarily distracted, rushed in and got a good bite into Octavia’s forehoof before she could beat it back. The creatures were becoming dreadfully cautious now, playing with distract-and-strike styles of fighting. Octavia was making them afraid. Confident, Octavia went of the offensive, charging the nearest monster and driving her hoof from the ground, up towards its chin in an uppercut. Octavia was many things, but she was not fast. The creature blocked the strike. However, this placed the mare on her hind legs, a stance she’d learned to stand in, thanks to days and days worth of cello practice. She dangled her hooves in front of her, using them for balance, as she stared at the confused creature. Before it could really understand what she was doing, she jabbed out with her front hooves, punching it square in the jaw. One; two; three times her hooves struck. The monster couldn’t predict the strange fighting style and Octavia finished it by slamming both hooves down on its head, standing on top of it like a stepping stone. Just as she was getting confident, another monster tackled her from the side, bearing her to the stage. She flailed, pushing it back slightly with her hooves, keeping its snapping teeth from reaching her. She could see the other monsters closing in from the sides, thinking she was beaten. She quickly revised their opinions, using a burst of energy to flip herself atop the monstrosity, driving her head down with intense force. She heard a satisfying crack, followed by a ringing in her ears as she smashed her forehead into the monster below her. She was dizzied, but watched as the beast slumped down, unconscious. “Who else wants some?!” Octavia snarled, trying to not show her disorientation. “Come on! I’ve got all bloody day!” A clanking sound drew Octavia’s eyes up to the hole in the ceiling. Entering was a new monster, clad in thick, dark-green armor. By its side levitated a spear, held by the sickly green glow of its magic. It hissed slightly, like releasing a held breath, and leveled the lance into a striking position. Octavia’s worry began to return. The bite in her leg was starting to numb her and she knew she couldn’t let her adrenaline fade. Charging at the new enemy, Octavia let out a war cry, praying to the Princesses for help as she did. Changelings. Vinyl wasn’t sure who had screamed the name, but she didn’t think too much on it. The invaders, these Changelings, swarmed over Canterlot like some disgusting plague. Vinyl ran through the streets, dodging small skirmishes – often leaning in the Changeling’s favor – that were breaking out everywhere. It had only been several minutes since the fighting began, but Canterlot was in chaos. The ponies of Canterlot, naturally, weren’t prepared for this kind of fighting. Here and there were pockets of effective resistance, but it was clear which side was winning. Vinyl was in no mood to stop and help, though. She only had one goal; Octavia. She rounded a corner, stopping outside Carneighhgie Hall, panting. The street was, more or less, abandoned. There was a massive crater just outside the Hall, and a hole where a Changeling had exploded through the second floor of the building, after tearing through the roof. Vinyl stared at the hole in the wall, fear pulsing through her blood. Slowly, she composed herself and moved to the double doors, forcing herself to push them open. “Tavi? Yo, Tavi, you in there? It’s Vinyl!” Vinyl trotted into the entry hall, eyes searching underneath her glasses. It was completely empty. Without another word, she went directly to the specific auditorium that her friend was playing in, swallowing down bile. The hall was completely trashed, seats thrown about, a ton of broken wood on the stage and a small fire burning through the whole place. Broken wood… Vinyl’s eyes wandered back to them, and she gasped when she noticed the broken fragments of Octavia’s cello. She rushed towards the stage, but yelped when she kicked something that groaned among the seating. The Changeling at her hooves was unconscious, only awake enough to groan as Vinyl kicked it again, lightly. When Vinyl saw even more fallen Changelings strewn about, she approached the stage with a certain degree of awe. “Vinyl?” Octavia’s voice came from behind the curtain, leading backstage. Just as Vinyl was about to reply, Octavia emerged, carrying a strange looking lance in one hoof. She was bleeding slightly from a few minor wounds, but nothing serious. “Oh, thank Celestia. I’m glad you’re safe. These things are everywhere.” Octavia tossed the spear aside, giving it a disgusted look. Vinyl, overcome with relief, hurried to her side. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? You’re bleeding.” She spoke quickly, looking over her friends injuries. “I’m fine. Vinyl, just calm down.” Octavia squirmed and shifted, chuckling under Vinyl’s scrutiny. “You did all this?” Vinyl looked around again, chuckling. “I’m impressed. Shame about your cello though.” “Yes, well… It probably saved my life today.” Octavia gave a small laugh, trotting over to the cello’s remains. “Well, it’s not so bad.” She turned, opening her mouth to say something else. However, she slowly shut her jaw, staring at a point somewhere beside Vinyl’s head. Vinyl turned, but there was nothing there. “Tavi, you alright? You didn’t, like, hit your head or somethin’?” “I don’t believe I did, no.” Octavia gave her head a small shake, and then laughed a small laugh. “Say, Vinyl?” “Yeah?” Vinyl watched as Octavia walked closer, her eyes drifting to a half-closed stare. “It just dawned on me… You ran all the way here to save me, didn’t you?” Octavia’s smile and stare were far more than friendly. Vinyl felt herself blush and cleared her throat. “Nah nah, I knew you could handle yourself just fine.” She took a step back, chuckling. “Guess I was right. I mean, I was in the area already, and—“ “—Wanted to be sure I was okay.” Octavia finished for her, now within hoof-distance from her. Vinyl gulped and nodded. What was with Octavia’s tone? She had to have hit her head on something. “Vinyl… What am I to you?” Octavia tilted her head slightly to the side, her eyes melting Vinyl’s heart into paste. What was happening? “Am I a friend? Like a sister? Or perhaps…" The cellist leaned in, her muzzle close to Vinyl's, "... more?” Vinyl could feel Octavia’s breath on her skin. She shivered and gave her head a slight shake, confusion burrowing itself in her mind. “Tavi, you’re actin’ really off. This ain’t like you at all.” “Do you love me, Vinyl?” Octavia asked with a voice like frosted honey. Vinyl felt herself shiver, but tried to cover it up by backing away a step. “N-nah, I wouldn’t want to… put you in a position like that, Tavi.” Vinyl struggled to make up some reasonable excuse. It was far harder than she felt it should’ve been. She was beginning to question everything she thought she knew about her cellist roommate. How did she feel about Octavia? She was so busy, lost in thought, that she missed the spark of green light in Octavia’s eyes. Far above, attached to the ceiling, the real Octavia watched the two, wrapped in the Changeling’s cocoon. She couldn’t hear a word of what was happening down below, but fear had gripped her the moment Vinyl had walked in. The armored monster had knocked her out without any real effort and she’d woken up here. She’d watched the creature turn into her and had remembered a long-forgotten bit of lore; these bug-creatures were called Changelings. She had been too wrapped up in the fight before to recognize their power, but now… Now, she stared down at Vinyl, watching the Changeling that was wearing her form walk towards her oldest friend. If anypony could tell this was a fake, it would be Vinyl. But as Octavia watched, the Changeling mimicked her convincingly; well enough to fool even her best friend. For a few moments, everything seemed disturbingly normal. However, after a strange moment where the Changeling stared at nothing, Vinyl was on the defensive, backing away and looking confused – flustered even. What had the Changeling said to her? Vinyl shook her head, saying something else Octavia couldn’t hear. The two were right up to one another now. Octavia wanted to scream, to make Vinyl run and save herself. And then the Changeling did something Octavia hadn’t expected. The Changeling kissed Vinyl. Vinyl was surprised, but she didn’t jump back. She relaxed, feeling the blood rush to her face. She leaned in, adding her own feelings into the kiss, hoping to express when she didn’t understand herself. This kiss felt nothing like any of the ones Neon had given her. It was… It was… Vinyl’s eyes snapped open as she felt a surge of something profoundly wrong in her. Her strength drained and she pushed Octavia away, panting heavily. Octavia’s eyes were a blazing green color; the same green that Vinyl had seen all over Canterlot, burning around craters and shimmering on the horns of the invading Changelings. Suddenly, their name made a lot more sense. The pseudo-cellist leaned her head back, sighing out a pleasured sigh. “Yesssssss…” The Changeling hissed out, looking back to Vinyl with Octavia’s eyes. “The Queen will be very pleased when I bring you to her. You have so much love inside you. You and the other one.” The Changeling dropped the act, but didn’t remove Octavia’s form. With a twitch of it's head, the spear it'd discarded skittered back across the stage and floated beside it, coated in it's magical aura. “Where is she?” Vinyl demanded, fear and desperation filling her body with adrenaline. She stood strong, staring down the beast that wore her friend’s face. “You wish to know where she is? Become my prisoner, and you’ll find out.” The Changeling grinned, then rushed Vinyl, the spear spinning beside it in a distracting flurry. Vinyl jumped to the Changeling’s side, opposite the spear, her horn shimmering as she picked up stray objects for projectiles. The Changeling quickly redirected, smashing its body into her. It was hard as metal, as if it was wearing armor. Vinyl gasped as she was toppled, but rolled back into a standing position quickly. The Changeling stood tall over Vinyl, on top of a destroyed piece of the stage. Its grin made Octavia look vicious. Vinyl silently vowed to make it pay for giving Octavia such a disgusting expression. One by one, Vinyl flung objects at the Changeling, but the creature just batted them away with its spear, as if the objects were just so many flies. What did get through was insubstantial enough to be totally useless. Vinyl was starting to realize that she would need a new method of attack. If the Changeling really was wearing armor under Octavia’s form, she wouldn’t hurt it by throwing rocks at it. She needed to fight smart. Something that was sure to hit. Something that was impossible to block. Something that would make that armor more of a burden than a help. An idea made her mirror the monster’s morbid grin. This time it was her that led the charge, her horn shimmering with magical light. About halfway to the Changeling, the light broke off and drifted to her throat, vanishing. Still flinging small objects, Vinyl kept the creature occupied, keeping it from noticing what she was really doing. Closer. Closer. Just a little closer. Vinyl dropped down to her haunches, ducking under a swipe from the spear. The world slowed, with the weapon moving directly over her head. Now! “Drop it!” The words, cranked up to eleven, blasted the air around her. The burst of sound, her own voice amplified with magic, shook the stage under her. The spell was stronger than Vinyl had planned, causing the Changeling to screech loudly, flinging its weapon into the air. Propelled by the Changeling, as well as the sonic blast from below, the spear shot off towards the ceiling, striking something with a soft thunk and sticking up there. The Changeling stumbled back, having trouble maintaining Octavia’s shape. It was distorted until it vanished completely. “What is this magic?” The Changeling hissed, spitting out the words like acid. Vinyl stood proudly, smirking. “The Magic of Music!” She shifted her glasses on her muzzle with a little flick of levitation magic, then re-powered the vocal amplification magic. “Now then,” she said, cracking her neck, her voice loudly ringing through the auditorium. “Are you ready for these Wubs of Destruction!” When the fight had begun, Octavia had been cheering for her friend. She knew Vinyl couldn’t hear her, but she hoped, somehow, that her words would reach her. She was amazed to find that, in truth, it was Vinyl’s words that reached her first. “Drop it!” The words shook the small cocoon Octavia was imprisoned in, breaching the layers and reaching her ears. Vinyl’s voice was so comforting right then, Octavia started to sigh in relief. Then the spear struck the cocoon right in front of Octavia’s face. Vinyl couldn’t have prepared for everything. She certainly hadn’t planned for Octavia being within ‘flying spear’ range and stuck to the ceiling. The pointed tip of the weapon sliced through the thick membrane of her prison like a hot knife through butter. Feeling the cocoon start to give way, Octavia stood very still and shouted out to her friend. “Vinyl! Vinyl, I’m up here! Be careful!” She pushed on the spear, trying to dislodge it while keep her weight off the damaged part of the cocoon. It was a long way down. Vinyl heard her, looking up in joy. She snapped her eyes back to her enemy, violent eyes hidden behind her glasses. “Wub-a-dub-dub, motherbucker!” She shouted, charging the creature. She blasted it with sonic cheers, knocking the Changeling from one side of the auditorium to the other, deafening it with her own degree of awesome. Octavia watched, amazed. She felt a blush crawl onto her face, now that she had a second to think. Why was Vinyl here? Had she come to save her? She didn’t even bother to wonder why Vinyl was in Canterlot. She didn’t care. And the kiss… Octavia was fairly certain Vinyl hadn’t fought back until the Changeling revealed itself. Was she just seeing what she wanted to see, or… No. She had hope again. Down below, the fight continued. Vinyl was winning, but quickly growing tired. The new spell used up far more power than something as simple as levitation. After about the tenth blast of sound, Vinyl felt her legs tremble in weakness. Standing was a chore. Her vision was starting to get blurry and her lungs felt like they were collapsing. She needed to end this, fast. Octavia leaned out from the cocoon, curiosity making her reckless. “Vinyl? Are you okay?” She couldn’t help but ask a stupid question. She was starting to grow very uncomfortable, dangling this far off the ground. Luckily for her, the cocoon fully understood her plight and split wide open in an effort to return her to the ground. Octavia heard herself scream, the world spinning around her as she tumbled down. She flailed her hooves, praying to find something, anything, she could hold on to. Unfortunately, she was hanging on open ceiling, leaving nothing between her and the floor below. And with nothing to hold herself up with, Octavia fell. “Octavia!” Vinyl’s adrenaline and fear charged her friend’s name with power, smashing the Changeling back away from her, off the stage and into the seats. She jumped over the monster – which hissed in anger – but she didn’t care about it right now. All thoughts were on her friend, plummeting down from the ceiling. Vinyl felt her body regain some strength, desperation bringing energy to worn and battered hooves. Octavia’s screaming, flailing form slowed, glowing with a faint blue aura, until she plopped down onto a chair harmlessly. She kept screaming for a second longer, before she realized she'd landed safely. As Vinyl collapsed, spent, Octavia rushed to her side. “Vinyl! Oh, thank you, Vinyl!” She pulled her friend up for a hug, squeezing her tightly. "Don't," Vinyl huffed, her eyes heavy behind her glasses. "Don't thank me yet..." She closed her eyes, shivering all over. Looking over her friend’s shoulder, Octavia watched the Changeling push itself up, furious. It had landed not far from where its spear had landed, and it quickly snatched it up, eyes burning with rage. Octavia felt her stomach tighten. They were both far too weak to fight the Changeling any longer. It would capture them, if they were lucky. If not… Octavia could easily picture that spear running through them both, just as easily as it had torn up the cocoon. She held Vinyl tighter as the Changeling walked towards them. “You were very courageous, Vinyl.” She ran a hoof over her friend’s mane, hoping it was comforting. “I’ll always be grateful.” The look in the Changeling’s eyes told her she wouldn’t live to be grateful for very long. She closed her eyes and kissed Vinyl on the cheek. “I love you, more than anything, Vinyl.” The sound was difficult to describe. At first, Octavia flinched, thinking it was the sound of the spear, flying towards them. When she heard the Changeling scream, however, she opened one eye to see that the auditorium was completely empty. The green flames had gone out. The defeated Changelings weren’t on the floor any longer. The captain and his pointy weapon were nowhere to be seen. She looked up at the hole in the ceiling just in time to see black specks, careening off into the distance. “Thank Celestia…” She felt relief wash over her as she leaned back from her friend. Vinyl was dazed; groaning and rubbing her head. “Tavi? That you?” Vinyl flinched, then quickly pushed off her, putting distance between the two of them. “P-prove it’s you!” She leveled her horn at Octavia, but she was clearly in no position to use any magic. “Of course. You’re Vinyl Scratch. You live in Ponyville, in your father’s old studio. You like your eggs sunny-side up and make the most adorable squeaking noise if somepony pokes you just right.” Vinyl blushed at the last comment, lifting her head. "Okay, okay. I believe you.” Vinyl smiled, but started to show her exhaustion. “And,” Octavia continued as she closed the distance. “You are the most amazing pony I’ve ever known. Thank you.” She kissed Vinyl’s other cheek, giving her another hug. Vinyl hugged her back, chuckling. “Aw shucks, Tavi. Don’t give me all the credit. You whooped all kinds of flank before I got here.” Her voice was hoarse and she seemed to be having trouble standing, but she made a show of not being weak. Octavia laughed, nodding a little, just enjoying the calm after the storm and Vinyl’s company. After a second, she cleared her throat. “Vinyl… did you hear anything I said right after you saved me?” Octavia asked, swallowing a fearful knot in her throat. “Huh? Oh yeah, bits and pieces. I was really out of it. I’m sure it’ll come back to me eventually. Why, was it something important?” Vinyl leaned back from the hug, looking a little worried. “Oh no, no, nothing like that.” Octavia forced a laugh, waving a hoof. Part of her was relieved Vinyl hadn’t heard her. Part of her, however, was crushed. Fidgeting, Octavia rushed to change the subject. “Well, it seems I was wise to buy extra cellos.” Vinyl shrugged. “This is, what, the second one you lost? You're gettin' reckless with these, Tavi. But don't worry, I’ll help you pay off a fresh one.” Octavia smiled, then paused. She thought for a moment, as an odd question came to her mind. “Hey, Vinyl…” She tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow as she stared at her friend. “What were you doing in Canterlot anyway?” Vinyl flinched and chuckled. “Oh. Hehe… Nothin’ much.” > Interlude: Wish I May, Wish I Mite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interlude: Wish I May, Wish I Mite The sunset of Ponyville was Octavia’s favorite part of the little town. In Canterlot, buildings got in the way and you weren’t ever able to really enjoy the splendor of Celestia’s grand work. And after the events in Canterlot a week ago, Octavia had taken to enjoying everything she possibly could about each day. Octavia's day had been one of the most relaxing in weeks; she had taken a bath, listened to her favorite composer and practiced her latest composition until her hoof ached. After all that, she went to see Flare, spending a few hours hearing about how the store was progressing and how he was doing. He’d been excited to hear about the incident in Canterlot. Octavia even told Flare about the more sensitive topics as the two shared a few glasses of wine. “So, you told her, huh?” Flare had chuckled, making Octavia choke on her wine. Did everypony know about how she felt about Vinyl?! The two played it safe, not even letting themselves get buzzed on the drinks, and parted ways shortly after. When she’d gotten home, Vinyl had been fast asleep on the couch, her notebook plastered to her face with drool. Octavia, struggling to not burst out laughing, had woke her up and helped her friend up to bed. Not entirely tired, Octavia had taken her spot at the windowsill to watch the night. Overall Octavia felt better than she had in a long time. Finally, she had hope that this wasn’t all her life would ever be. Maybe, just maybe, she could be with Vinyl after all. The stars filled the sky, flickering with iridescent beauty. Octavia adored the night’s sky; it was so full of majesty and grace. Sighing as she sat at the windowsill, she watched the stars come out and the night grow in beauty. A flickering of light, a shooting star, darted across the sky. Octavia smiled and closed her eyes, making a wish. ‘I wish, more than anything, that I will have Vinyl as my special somepony someday.’ Opening her eyes, Octavia was confused to see the star still streaking through the sky. It seemed to shift, still a star but something… more. She watched, confused and awed, as the star careened down, crashing to Equestrian soil not far from Ponyville. She rose, standing at the window, staring where the star had fallen. Without really knowing why, she grabbed her coat and slipped out into the chill night air. Life. Eyes opened for the first time, staring out of a hole in the ground, up at the night's sky. Sensations rushed in like a tidal wave. The little Mite, a creature of legend, drifted up from its landing place, looking around at the world with newborn eyes. However, the Mite wasn’t ignorant; it had been born with knowledge. It knew what it was, a creature born from the magic of a heartfelt wish made on a star and charged with the power to grant wishes. It knew that it wouldn’t survive beyond the light of the sunrise; the dawn would burn away it's magic. And it also knew its creator and where she was. The little Mite thought, drifting in the air over the crater that had bore it. Resigned, it decided to find its creator and grant her wish. After bringing joy to the one who made it, the Mite could rest happy. The wilderness was not Octavia’s favorite place to be. Jagged stones made her hooves ache, her body was worn from all this climbing and the wind’s howling was starting to give her a headache. Yet, she could see the star’s crater in the distance, giving off a faint glow. She sped her hooves, using a burst of excitement to grant her strength. As she crested the last hill, she got a proper look into the crater. It was empty. Octavia tilted her head, frowning. No, that couldn’t be it, could it? She slid down the hill, making sure she didn’t trip and fall. The edge of the crater was still warm, making Octavia’s hooves sweat a little. As she leaned over to peer into the hole, a glimmer of light made her turn her head. Not far away was a small glowing sphere of light, drifting at eye-level as if it was watching Octavia. It was no larger than Octavia’s eye and appeared to be a tiny crystal inside of a glowing light. A pair of eyes reflected from the crystal, watching Octavia with curiosity. The mare stared at the sphere of light curiously, reaching a hoof out. “What are you?” The light began to dim as the sphere drew closer to Octavia. As it alighted on the edge of Octavia’s hoof, the pony got a better look at the object. It appeared to be made of an uncut diamond, with a pair of golden eyes spiraling through its many facets and a pair of tiny glowing wings. It wasn't a thing; it was some kind of creature. The little creature blinked, examining Octavia even as it was examined. “What am I.” The voice resonated from the creature’s body. It simply stated the question, not adding any particular emphasis. “I am a wish. I am a Mite.” Octavia blinked back, thinking through every old textbook she had ever read. She couldn’t recall any kind of creature named a Mite. “Maybe Twilight will know what you are…” Twilight did indeed. The unicorn was shocked to see the little ball of crystal and light, immediately going into an overjoyed fit. “It’s a Mite! They’re exceptionally rare! Where did you find it?” The purple unicorn seemed to have produced a notebook and quill out of nowhere, levitating both beside her. Spike was well behind her, yawning pointedly. Octavia had burst into the library without considering that she might have been waking them up, and was feeling rather bad about that fact. “I found him just outside of town. I watched a star fall and land there and—” “A star?” Twilight asked suddenly, scribbling in her notebook. “Nopony has ever been able to discover where Mites come from. They have notoriously short life spans and never interact with any pony that tries to communicate with them.” “Um… But, it spoke to me, Twilight.” Octavia was nervous about mentioning that. She wanted information, not to throw Twilight into one of her ‘fits’. She’d rather not spend all night answering a million questions. Twilight just stared at her, looking curious. “What did it say?” “When I asked what it was, it said it was a wish.” Octavia looked to Mite, which had taken to sitting on her back. It was a strange sensation, like having a weightless ball of warmth resting on your bare skin. “How can that be true?” “It is true.” The Mite said, making Twilight gasp. “I am a wish. Your wish.” Twilight began writing furiously. “What do you mean, you’re her wish? Why doesn’t your kind converse with ponies normally? Why did you come out of a falling star? What…?” Twilight trailed off, noticing that the Mite wasn’t answering, but was just simply staring at Octavia. Octavia looked between Twilight and the Mite, then sighed. “Why won’t you talk to her?” “Because I am your wish. It is you I seek. It is you who I will speak to.” The Mite blinked, tilting as if confused. “Do you not want your wish?” Octavia felt her heart skip a beat. “What do you mean?” “I am here to grant your wish. That is why I was born. It’s the only reason for me to exist.” Twilight was lost to her notes now, scribbling furiously; Octavia might as well have been alone with the Mite. She reached out a hoof, picking the creature off her back, and held it in front of her. “You grant wishes…?” The Mite bobbed. “Yes.” Octavia’s breath caught in her throat. She could wish that Vinyl loved her! She could be with her friend as early as tomorrow! “What do I do? How do you grant my wish?” “Just wish it and it will be so.” The Mite blinked again, as if confused. “Okay…” Octavia took a deep breath, closing her eyes. “I wish…” Octavia trailed off, frowning. “What will happen after I make my wish? Will it be granted instantly?” “I will perish and your wish will become reality.” The Mite said with a hint of sadness. Octavia suddenly felt distressed. She had nearly taken this creature’s life away. “And you’re okay with that?” Octavia set the creature on a nearby table, looking at it, concerned. “I neither am nor am not okay with this turn of events. It doesn’t matter, either way.” Twilight moved up beside Octavia, lowering her notebook. “A wish-granting creature… From the sounds of it, they’re born from the wishes of those who wish on falling stars. I’m assuming that’s what it means by ‘your wish’, right?” Octavia gave a small nod, not looking from the Mite. The creature was small and pitiful, but precious in its own way. Twilight had said they had a short life span and Octavia could understand why. Who wouldn’t pass up a free wish? Who wouldn’t pass up a chance to have anything you wanted? Images of Vinyl flashed in her mind. She wanted her friend to love her so deeply, but… Would it be worth sacrificing this creature’s life? Furthermore, would it be right to wish love onto somepony? Would that be taking away their free will? Like a love potion... Octavia frown at the little Mite, which stared back at her, completely ambivalent. “What’s wrong?” Octavia was startled by Twilight’s voice. She had forgotten the unicorn was there. “Oh, I just… I couldn’t make a wish, knowing it would destroy this little guy.” Octavia smiled, holding out a hoof for the Mite. As it drifted to her hoof, it spoke again. “I will perish with the rising sun regardless. Please, make a wish and be happy. That way, maybe my life will not be in vain." Octavia felt her heart clench. She sighed out, looking to Twilight. The mare had no answers in her concerned eyes. Looking back to the Mite, Octavia made a decision. “Very well then, little one. I’ll make a wish, sure enough.” She smiled warmly, nodding to the Mite. “I wish you are able to live a long, full and profitable life, filled with joy and happiness. I wouldn’t wish for anything other than that.” The Mite blinked, froze and blinked again, as if it was shocked. Slowly, its glow intensified. “As you wish.” And then, in a bright flash, the Mite was gone. Octavia stood, waiting for something more, but when nothing seemed to happen, she began to get panicked. Was her contradictory wish impossible? Had she just destroyed that creature? Just as she was about to actually show her panic, lights began to flicker to life all around Twilight’s library. Twilight, who had been writing frantically up to this point, stopped, looking around in wonder. The lights began to spin, gathering at a point in front of Octavia. She stepped back, a little worried and a little amazed, her breath quickening in excitement. Slowly, a form rose from the light, a pony-shaped creature made from what appeared to be crystallized light. Within its many-faceted body, Octavia saw things; things she couldn’t explain. She saw fame, love, bits, anything she could have ever wanted, reflected back onto her eyes. The Mite stared at her, perhaps with a smile on its face. It was difficult to tell. “Thank you, Mother.” Octavia blinked, a little shocked by that title, but realized that, if this creature had been born from her wish, it was actually rather fitting. She had never considered herself ‘mother’ material, but she found that she enjoyed the idea of the Mite looking up to her like a mother. The Mite was obviously a stallion – or the equivalent for it's kind, Octavia supposed – but she couldn’t keep calling him Mite for another moment. “You are most welcome.” Octavia bowed her head politely. “Do you have a name?” “A name?” The Mite tilted its head, then gave it a rueful shake. “I do not believe I do. How strange.” The Mite blinked a few times and smiled. “Dolus. I believe I will be Dolus.” Octavia felt strangely content. She had given Dolus this gift and now… now it was free. Twilight looked like she was about ready to foam at the mouth. “Dolus, can you speak to me now?” “Indeed. What is your name?” Dolus responded. Twilight looked like she was about to pass out with excitement. “Twilight. Twilight Sparkle. May I ask you some questions about Mites? We know next to nothing about your people.” Dolus looked to Octavia, who nodded. Turning to Twilight, he copied Octavia’s nod. “Of course, Miss Sparkle.” He smiled, then looked to Octavia again. “And I’m afraid that, after this, I must go. I wish to stay, but I realized many things, when I bonded myself to you, Mother. I have things I must do.” Octavia felt her eyes go a little wide. “Bonded with me?” “Yes. By forming a bond with you, I was able to grant your wish. It was the only way. So long as you breathe, so will I. Through you, I learned more emotions than despair and what they mean. In your memories, I learned what it means to live, learn, and grow.” Dolus smiled. “And I also learned what I must do to show you how thankful I am for all of this.” Octavia smiled back, waving a dismissive hoof. “You don’t need to do anything for me, Dolus. Anypony who knew anything about Mites would have done the same, I’m sure.” “But I do. As far as I know, I am the first Mite who will ever survive the rising of the sun.” The Mite bowed low to Octavia. “I promise, I will repay you.” Octavia looked up to the sky, which was beginning to glow orange with the coming dawn. Surprisingly, she wasn’t at all tired. Sitting at the windowsill, she stared out over Canterlot in the distance, thinking about everything that had happened. She smiled, remembering the look on Dolus’ face as he was given emotions. He was, in a way, her creation, her child. She smiled as she backed off from the window, the sunrise basking her in its radiant glow. Dolus would be leaving Twilight’s library right about now, wandering off to do whatever it was he felt he needed to do to repay her. Today, Octavia had changed the fate of a life; she had never imagined she would ever do something so beautiful, but the very idea of it made her smile in pure joy. She heard a sound from behind her, looking over her shoulder as Vinyl walked down the steps, rubbing her eyes. “Tavi? What’re you doin’ up so early?” She trotted over, looking out the window from beside her roommate. “Looks like it’ll be a good day.” Octavia nodded, putting a hoof over her friend’s shoulder, pulling her close. She thought she felt Vinyl lean into her, but maybe that was just wishful thinking. “I couldn’t agree more, Vinyl. And, while we eat, I have quite a story to tell you.” The DJ smiled, nodding as she leaned out of her friend’s hold. “Eggs sound good?” Vinyl asked, grinning. “The same as every morning?” Octavia leveled a stare at Vinyl, who scrunched her face up slightly. Octavia let out a pleasant laugh, nodding. “Eggs sounds wonderful, Vinyl. Thank you.” “What for?” Vinyl asked, turning to head into the kitchen. “It’s not anything new.” Octavia watched as she levitated her cooking apron on. She smiled, resting a hoof over her heart. “For being you, Vinyl.” She whispered, mostly to herself. > Chapter 15: Final Night; Nightmare Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: Final Night; Nightmare Night [v] Shadows clung over Ponyville as Nightmare Night began. Vinyl and Octavia had been otherwise indisposed when the holiday swept over Ponyville last, bringing with it the Princess of the Night. Fiddlesticks had given the pair of mares a particularly detailed account of the terror that night had spread over Ponyville, much to the delight of the thrill-seeking ponies who experienced it. Vinyl had been greatly disappointed that she’d missed out. This time, Vinyl decided, would be different! So, she had sent out a personal invitation to Princess Luna herself, determined to get the Lunar Princess here for the festivities. The Princess had been mysteriously absent during the chaos in Canterlot, something that bothered Vinyl to no end, and when she did finally arrive, Vinyl had been too wrapped up in her work to actually speak to her! This, she hoped, would be the big chance to finally learn the truth about the princess’ supposed infatuation with her music. “Come on, Tavi! Let’s go! Time is candy and we're wastin’ time!” Vinyl shouted at Octavia’s door, decked out in her costume. She was a vampire, dressed in a flowing black cape and accented with fake blood and fangs. She even had her glasses off for the day and was wearing a pair of red contact-lenses. “Vinyl, do I really have to? This all seems so… childish…” Octavia sounded reluctant. The eccentric mare just laughed. “Pinkie Pie’s been doin’ this for years now!” There was a long pause. “I rest my case…” Octavia replied, but the door opened. Vinyl had chosen her costume; she was a werewolf, her mane and coat elongated with various accessories and highlighted in certain places with makeup. She had fake sharpened teeth in, which made it hard to speak sometimes. “How do I look?” “Spooky,” Vinyl answered, winking. Octavia gave a doubtful little smile, but her eyes twinkled all the same. “Did you hear back from the Princess?” Normally, Octavia had been mortified at the idea of appearing before a Princess dressed as she was. However, Vinyl had brought up a very good point; this was Luna’s holiday, so it would be rude to not dress up for it. “No, nothing.” Vinyl sighed, shaking her head. “But I get the feeling she wouldn’t write back. She’ll either show up, or she won’t.” Octavia agreed. Very little she knew about the Princess of the Night, but her anti-social behavior was common knowledge. “Well, Fiddlesticks is hosting a ho-down at the town square. Why don’t we go enjoy her company while we wait?” Octavia said idly. “Great idea! I’m interested to see you dance.” Vinyl smirked, showing her fangs. She clearly saw the moment where Octavia realized she'd gotten herself into a bad position and snickered, nudging her friend towards the stairs. “Come on! No ifs, ands, or buts about it! After all, you’re the one who suggested it!” Octavia groaned. "I hate my life." Octavia loved her life. The party was lively and she was fairly certain she hadn’t seen her sister this happy in ages. The fiddling mare was dressed as the Headless Pony, wearing a carved pumpkin for her head. She played her fiddle with a certain stylistic grace only she herself could manage, and Vinyl had found not dancing to be impossible. Octavia watched, but her hooves were tapping and she could barely contain the urge to dance. She was however, robbed of the decision, as Vinyl swept her up into the mix, grabbing her hoof and pulling her into the dance with her. “You ain’t sittin’ on the sidelines tonight, Tavi!” Octavia was glad for her makeup, which did a decent job hiding her blush. She danced with Vinyl, feeling her face heat as the two of them held hooves. Sure, it was like dancing with a creature from another planet, but her lack of coordination aside, Vinyl’s eyes were shining with happiness. She felt a surge of happiness all her own as she spun with her friend. Vinyl was more used to the crowded mosh-pits her concerts attracted and lacked the subtle grace of actual dancing. Her motions were far too erratic and, more than once, she smashed into somepony nearby, sputtering apologies as she tried to keep her footing. Octavia was, on the other hoof, nearly as bad of a dancer as her friend. Having never really danced all that much, Octavia was as nervous as can be. She was far too slow, worried about every step and not wanting to make a fool of herself. The air of caution had the opposite effect, making her into a hazard for the faster ponies all around her. The pair of mares were an absolute dance floor disaster. And neither of them - dancing side by side or holding the other so close - really seemed to care. “I saw you two out there.” Fiddlesticks giggled, trotting towards the two once her segment was over. “You were like a pair of pony-shaped wreckin’ balls, tied together with rubber bands.” Vinyl shared in Fiddle’s mirth, laughing right alongside Octavia’s half-sister, while the were-pony in question struggled to not whimper and hide. “Were we really that bad? Wow, that’s a new record, I think.” Vinyl said between chuckles. “What’s next?” Vinyl asked Octavia, drawing her mind from the embarrassment. She just shrugged in response, unsure. “How about some games?” Fiddle looked between the two of them, her eyes settling on Octavia. “The Pumpkin-Pult is as fun as always.” She nudged her head towards Vinyl while she wasn’t looking. “You two should go have some fun. I might see about getting back on stage for a while longer.” Octavia caught a wink as Fiddle turned to leave. She smiled, both in pride and happiness. Fiddle had grown quite a bit since the Discord incident. She didn’t cling to Octavia quite as tightly now and had started to become her own mare. Perhaps what Fiddle had needed more than anything was to see that her invincible sister could be just as fragile as she assumed she herself was. Turning to Vinyl, Octavia motioned her towards the games. “I would say bobbing for apples, but with our fangs…” Octavia opened her mouth and growled slightly, laughing along with Vinyl at the playful action. “How about the spider toss?” Vinyl pointed to the game, wagging her hoof like an excited child. “Or maybe we could get something to eat! Or go gather some candy!" She paused, then brightened. "Or we could pull some pranks!” Vinyl hopped at her own suggestion, a wild grin spreading on her face. “I don’t know, Vinyl…” Octavia shook her head, giving her friend and uncomfortable look. “I’d rather not cause trouble for anypony.” “Trouble? Pranks are a huge part of Nightmare Night! Come on, it’s all in good fun! You just need to pick your targets wisely. One time, I scared Fluttershy on accident and felt like a total… Well, you know what I mean.” Octavia nodded, deciding that, as long as she was with Vinyl, she didn’t care what she did. Silently, she scoped out possible targets. Out of the crowd, she noticed Lyra and Bon-Bon. Lyra was dressed in odd, restrictive clothing that looked impossible to get out of. It was segmented at her torso, and each part was made up of a different fabric. Obviously, she was dressed up in ‘humans’ clothes, from her fanciful tales. She even had little ‘hands’ on her hooves, gloves with little digits sewn in. Bon-Bon was, interestingly, dressed in what looked like rather authentic armor. From where Octavia was, it was styled to look like it was made up from various monster parts and hides. She wasn’t really sure what to think about the armor, but it certainly looked nice. “Well… perhaps we can do some pranking. But only a little bit.” Octavia consented, already planning what to do. “That’s the spirit!” Vinyl shouted, losing her fangs in the process. She was quiet for a few seconds as she cleaned off the false teeth and popped them back in place. “Who should we go for? I’m thinkin’ maybe the Mayor, personally. Or Spike. He’s always a good laugh.” “Lyra and Bon-Bon.” Octavia suggested, feeling mischievous. “They should be fair game. Maybe we can even rope a few other ponies in. I’ve got a real big idea for the prank.” Vinyl chuckled, smirking as she spoke. “Alright, Vinyl. So, what do you have in mind?” Octavia asked. Vinyl looked back to the stage, where Fiddle had once again started to play. “I’m thinking we might need a hoof from a certain headless pony.” “And you’re both sure about this?” Fiddle asked, looking between the two pranksters. Octavia was feeling an odd thrill from all of this. Perhaps Vinyl’s craziness was finally starting to rub off on her. Maybe, just maybe, it had done so a long, long time ago. “We’re pretty sure.” Vinyl nodded to Fiddle, who looked to Octavia for confirmation. The were-mare smirked and nodded with Vinyl. “But the Everfree Forest? You know how dangerous that is.” Fiddle frowned, shaking her head. “Well, that’s the point.” Vinyl gave that vampire grin again. “Nopony will be scared if it happens in the town. And what most ponies don’t seem to get is that it’s only dangerous deep in the forest. There are a few small things that wander around the edges, but nothing we can’t handle. You feelin’ me?” Fiddle was very clearly not "feelin’" her. However, as she looked to her sister’s eager face, then back to Vinyl’s excited one, she gave a sigh of defeat. “’Kay, you got my help.” She pulled her pumpkin mask off, obviously glad to be free of it for a few seconds. “So, what do you want me to do, exactly?” Vinyl rubbed her hooves together like a mad genius. “Just go to the spot we talked about and wait for our signal. Once our victims come along, you jump out and scare the tails off them. It’s simple, clean, and effective.” As Fiddle nodded, Octavia felt that same rush of excitement she had been feeling all night. Yes, she was certain now, Vinyl was certainly affecting her judgment. And she loved every second of it. The Everfree Forest; a place that had gained infamy for its disharmony. The weather controlled itself, the plants grew in unusual ways, and powerful monsters and animals roamed the wilds ~ vicious and territorial; many of them powerful enough to endanger anypony who got too close. It was a dark and forbidden place where nopony dared to tread lightly. It was also where Vinyl and Octavia were leading their hapless victims. “A treasure hunt?” Bon-Bon asked, looking to Lyra, who looked at Rainbow Dash, who looked at nopony in particular. Vinyl and Octavia had managed to rope her along with the promise of a contest, while they hooked Twilight with the riddles in the scavenger hunt. For some reason, Twilight seemed overjoyed at the concept. Vinyl would have dragged the whole Twilight party along, but Applejack was helping run some games, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were both busy leading the Cutie Mark Crusaders out trick-or-treating, and Fluttershy was… Fluttershy. Vinyl wasn’t about to subject that poor mare to two of her pranks in one lifetime. “Yup. The rules are easy,” Vinyl said, shifting in her vampire cloak. “Me and Tavi have hid a bunch of treasure in the Everfree. We gave all of you a clue where to find the first bit of it, and the next hint; ‘Here in the forest, the clue does lie, resting in the place where Nightmares do fly.’ The clue was easy enough that they wouldn’t be too long figuring it out. The only place in the Everfree where Nightmares 'flew' was at the statue of Nightmare Moon, where fillies and colts dumped their candy offerings. “If you find them all and bring them to us, we’ll have a special reward prepared.” Octavia spoke clearly, drawing everypony’s attention. Not surprisingly, nopony expected foul play; after all, Octavia was going along with it, and she would never prank anypony, right? “Good luck, everypony!” Vinyl raised a hoof. “The hunt starts now!” As the group walked along the dirt path, Vinyl turned to Octavia and nudged her head to the side. With Vinyl hiking up her cloak, the two galloped to the statue before anypony could figure out the answer. Waiting in the Everfree was a sobering experience for Octavia. The prank had sounded like good fun, when she was surrounded by the buildings of Ponyville and all the familiar faces of its residents. Now, surrounded by the eerie dank of the Everfree Forest, it was hard to not be afraid. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all…” Octavia muttered to Vinyl quietly. Vinyl peered over to her, her red eyes seeming to shimmer in the faint moonlight. “Don’t worry. They’ll be here any minute, and we can get this show on the road.” The signal Vinyl had planned was a simple illumination spell, which she would cast onto the statue’s eyes, to make them glow. Fiddlesticks should be waiting in the bushes near the road, watching the statue and waiting for her cue. Silence dominated the night as Octavia waited, punctuated by the occasional chirp of an insect. Speaking of, within an hour, Octavia found herself cursing bugs everywhere. She'd be chewed up before this prank was over! She had developed an irritable itch on her hoof, but no matter how much she scratched at it, it wouldn’t go away. Idly, she wondered if she’d stepped in something she shouldn’t have. In short, Octavia came to the conclusion that nature was beautiful; but too much of it, as Vinyl would say, sucked. Voices – at first distant, but drawing closer – broke Octavia out of her brooding. She stood up as straight as she could, trying to see over the brush they were using for cover. The group had arrived, walking out of the tree-line, following the dirt path that lead between Ponyville and the statue. “You’re sure this is the first spot?” Rainbow asked Twilight, who was nodding. “The line ‘where Nightmares do fly’ is obviously referencing the statue of Nightmare Moon. What else could it mean? I can’t believe I didn’t solve it sooner.” Twilight chuckled as she approached. Lyra and Bon-Bon, not as accustomed to coming into the Everfree Forest as the other two competitors, were lagging behind, huddled together for comfort. Eventually, all of them reached the statue, splitting up to search for the non-existent clue. Vinyl smirked and, once nopony was looking, leaned her horn through the brush, firing her spell at the statue. For a brief moment, the statue’s eyes gave off a dark and foreboding blue glow, before flicking back to their usual stone grey. “Do you think she saw it?” Octavia asked, quietly. “Hope so. Or this whole thing is a bust.” Vinyl shrugged as she sat back. Together, they waited. And waited. Just as Octavia was about to give up, there was a sound – like a breaking twig, only louder. All of the ponies around the statue snapped to attention, looking towards the direction the noise had come from. A pony, perfectly cloaked in shadows, trotted from the trees; a pumpkin with blazing red eyes where its head should be. Vinyl whistled in appreciation. “Remind me to ask her how she did the glowey-eye thing.” She said with obvious approval. Bon-Bon and Lyra screamed first, darting behind the other, more capable ponies. However, even Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked terrified, shivering from head to hoof, but trying to hide it. It wasn’t every day you saw a nightmare come to life. The pumpkin-headed pony advanced slowly, swaying slightly, as if in a trance. Octavia was starting to grow worried; Fiddle was really hamming it up, and that wasn't like her. Maybe whatever she did to make her eyes glow made it so she couldn’t see through the eye-holes. Twilight stood in front of the others, obviously scared but not wanting to back down. As she braced herself to fight the terror in front of her, the nightmare threw its hooves up and then slammed them back down, fire billowing from the eyes, nose and mouth of the pumpkin. Octavia felt herself grow cold. Vinyl just tilted her head. “Huh. Wonder how she managed that one. It was pretty cool.” Vinyl wondered out loud. Octavia, however, knew. She knew there was no way Fiddle could have done that. The treasure hunters shouted at the horrifying sight, scattering in every direction before – under the guidance of Twilight, charging back towards town – screaming in fear. “Awesome! She did better than I could’ve ever hoped!” Vinyl shouted and jumped up from the bush before Octavia could stop her. Some nightmares are best ignored. “Hey, Fiddle!” Vinyl waved her hoof wildly, laughing. “Nice job! You scared them right outta their costumes!” The mysterious pony gave a low growl, a sound no pony should be able to make. Vinyl shifted a bit and laughed. “Heh. Come on, drop the act. They’re gone. Prank’s over.” The unknown pony stepped closer, fire licking out of the pumpkin head. Vinyl shivered, clearly starting to feel the same way as Octavia. “Tavi? C-Can you come out here and calm down your sister, please?” Vinyl asked, a tinge of fear in her voice. “That’s not my sister…” Octavia whispered, her entire body shivering. With a flick of its head, the nightmare pony reared back, before flinging the still flaming pumpkin at Vinyl. The DJ shouted, diving out of the way just as the flaming gourd struck a tree near Octavia and immediately set it alight. Octavia scrambled out of the cover of highly flammable leaves, right into the clearing where Vinyl was now both trembling and petrified with fear. With the pumpkin gone, the two could see that the pony was indeed headless. Not a costume, but really, truly, genuinely headless. Octavia felt a scream trap itself in her throat, strangling her breath. Vinyl was just as terrified, scrambling to Octavia’s side. Now, Octavia found she couldn’t even run. Staring at that sheered-flat neck, fear turned her bones to jelly and her hooves to glue. It took Vinyl shaking her violently to snap her out of it. “We need to run! Run!” Octavia obeyed, hardly able to do anything but. She raced after Vinyl as the two dove into the woods, fleeing from the headless monstrosity behind them. They sprinted through the trees wildly, not looking where they were going, overcome by an immense, primal fear. Vinyl barely even noticed how she was almost tripping over her cape. Finally the two stopped to gather their breath. “You’re kidding? The Headless Pony is real?!” Vinyl shouted, gasping for air. She sat on her haunches, wrapping her cloak around her torso and tying it off so she wouldn't fall. “I have no idea! But you saw that, didn’t you?” Octavia was beyond calm, quiet speech. She trembled as she paced, her horror making it hard to think clearly. “What do we do? Go back to town?” She asked, with a shaking voice. “Town?” Vinyl jumped as she realized something. She jumped to her hooves, looking around frantically. “Oh crap! Where are we?” The two had abandoned the road in their flight and were now hopelessly lost. In the Everfree Forest. Very few stories with happy endings began like that. “V-Vinyl, can you do anything with magic?” Octavia grasped for straws, feeling defeated when Vinyl shook her head. “Nothing that won’t bring it to us.” Vinyl said in a shaky voice, eyes troubled. "We're helpless..." “Maybe it’s not chasing us. It didn’t chase the others.” Octavia was hopeful, but not very. Vinyl looked to her, then hurried to her side, worry written all over her face. “Tavi, you’re trembling…” So was she, but it was it was likely that she didn’t even notice. The vamp-mare frowned, hugging Octavia close. “We’ll get outta here. Just watch.” The logical part of Octavia’s brain shunned further hope. If it really was the Headless Pony, then they stood no chance of survival. All the old tales and myths ended in tragedy and pain. But, deep down, a part of her gave into Vinyl’s words. Relief spread through her. Hugging her friend back, she rested her cheek against her the other pony’s. “I know, Vinyl… And we’ll play music together, every night. Maybe we can practice dancing too.” “I’d like that.” Vinyl’s voice was tinged with a fear that she couldn’t hide. It stung Octavia to hear that tone in Vinyl’s voice. The two leaned away, letting that fear grip them again as they began to walk through the Everfree. “Do you think it really was… you know?” Octavia asked, also not wanting to give a name to the thing that could be chasing them. “I don’t see how it wasn’t.” Vinyl answered, giving a shivering noise. “What do you think happened to Fiddle?” Octavia paused mid-step, upset with herself for not considering her sister before now. Vinyl, noticing this, moved back to her. “Hey. Listen. You know Fiddle even better than I do. She wouldn’t let that thing get the jump on her. She’s an Apple and the Apples are all hardcore.” The stupid pun made Octavia giggle, despite her fear. Vinyl’s humor was a bit dry and other ponies might groan when they hear a bad pun, but to Octavia, it always brought a smile or a laugh. She nodded a bit, looking around, hoping to see something familiar. “Vinyl, just in case we don’t make it back home, I just—" “Shh…” Vinyl tensed up suddenly, then dropped down, pulling Octavia down with her. This close, Octavia could see just how tired and afraid Vinyl really was. “I saw something move.” Vinyl whispered into her friend's ear. Octavia frowned and looked in the direction Vinyl was looking. The trees swayed slightly in the wind, a storm growing over the forest. Octavia genuinely hoped they were back home before that unnatural storm started. A twig snapped. A hoof clicked on stone. The Headless Pony came into view. It moved like a ghost over the landscape, every step filled with an unearthly grace that no other pony shared. It seemed to stare around, even without it's eyes, sending a chill of horror down Octavia’s spine. “Maybe we could sneak away?” Octavia whispered to Vinyl. “It can’t see us, right? It doesn’t have eyes.” Then, her mind answered, how did it see Vinyl to throw the pumpkin at her? Just as her thoughts confirmed this, Vinyl shook her head. They wouldn’t get away so easily. The headless gaze snapped to them and Octavia felt a wave of fear wash over her. “But it’s not real. It’s just an old mare’s tale…” Octavia muttered under her breath. However, the Headless Pony failed to agree with her epiphany. The very real monster took a step towards them and Vinyl jumped up. “Run!” She shouted, tugging Octavia hard to follow her. The two bolted into the trees, the sound of fast hooves chasing them. Octavia wanted to cry, but she knew the tears would only make running harder. She heard a shout of pain and quickly flicked her head to where Vinyl was. Or had been. Vinyl was several feet back, her hoof snagged on a rock, a small trickle of blood leaking from a cut the rock had given her. “Ow ow ow… Stupid cape!” Vinyl tried to stand, stumbled and fell, looking terrified. She looked up to Octavia with wide eyes. “Run, Tavi! Don't stop!” Octavia didn’t even think about it. She rushed back to Vinyl, using her side to push her friend up and hold her off her bad hoof. “Come on. We can’t be too far from safety.” It was an empty hope. Every part of this forest looked exactly the same to Octavia. They could be miles from Ponyville by now, for all she knew. The sound of hooves was fast approaching. Octavia doubled her speed, helping Vinyl along as best as she could manage, driven by an ever-increasing fear of the unknown that was closing in behind them. The two skidded to a halt, gazing up at a massive cliff-face, towering over them. “Which way?” Octavia looked to either side, along the face of the cliff. Vinyl leaned off her. “We should split up. That way, it can only chase one of us.” “No, Vinyl. And you can’t make me. It will either catch us together or not at all.” Octavia stood proudly, blushing at Vinyl’s smile. “Fine, fine…” Vinyl nodded, getting a blush of her own. Finally, they decided on going to the left; it was just as good as the right. As they began running, Octavia realized that it had been some time since they heard the sounds of pursuit. She didn’t, however, let that calm her down. Survival to her meant continued caution. “Tavi, slow down. I gotta get my breath, here.” Vinyl was panting as she spoke, hardly able to stand. Time had become insubstantial in the unforgiving night, and the two felt like they’d been running for ages. Octavia was forced to relent, slowing their pace to let Vinyl rest. Only then did she realize how tired she was herself. Panting, she collapsed beside her friend, resting her head on her for comfort. “We ain’t gonna make it, are we?” Vinyl sounded terrified and Octavia could feel her trembling. “Nopony knows we’re out here, except Fiddle… And we aren’t even sure if she’s okay.” Octavia placed a hoof on Vinyl’s side, at a loss for words. Even Vinyl’s boundless optimism was crumbling. She wasn’t sure if she could even convince herself they’d be okay, let alone somepony else. “Let me see your leg. I want to be sure it isn’t broken.” Much to Octavia’s relief, the wound wasn’t that serious; a light cut that had weakened the leg. If Vinyl had more energy, she would’ve been galloping without a problem. The two sat in silence as Octavia tore some of Vinyl’s cloak to wrap the cut. “We need to think up a plan.” Octavia suggested, breaking the silence. “A plan? Against the Headless Pony?” Vinyl asked, her voice laced with doubt. “It’s not like a Timberwolf, where you just kick it apart and run away. It’s the Headless Pony, Tavi! A thing of, like… nightmares.” Vinyl shivered all over, dropping her head down to rest in her hooves while Octavia worked on her back hoof. “So that’s it then? We just roll over and perish? I think not, Vinyl,” Octavia said with mock confidence, right as she tightened the knot on Vinyl's makeshift wrappings. She stood up, offering a hoof to her dearest friend. “You yourself taught me to go down kicking and make sure they remember your name.” Octavia smiled as her friend’s eyes lit up with her usual spark of life. “So, we need a plan. If it fails, it fails and we can go down with our dignity and pride still intact.” Vinyl was silent a moment, staring at Octavia with hopeful eyes. “You’re right,” she said finally. “But what can we do? If it catches us…” She trailed off, rubbing her hoof over her neck, as if in pain. “I have a few ideas. I don’t know if any of them will work.” Octavia trotted over to a nearby tree, snapping a heavy branch down and held it in one hoof, slinging it over her back like a club. “But I’ll be a foal if I give up.” Vinyl almost cheered, but quickly remembered to keep silent. The night seemed to last forever. Octavia began to ponder the possibility that perhaps they were in some kind of strange shared nightmare. When she offered this idea to Vinyl, the mare shook her head. “Nah. This cut hurts way too much for this to be a nightmare.” She had recovered enough to walk on her own, but galloping would still prove to be a challenge. The two had a few fleeting glimpses of the Headless Pony, but had managed to keep it from noticing them. That, in a way, was a huge relief. It didn’t know everything. It could be tricked. The pair of mares found themselves at the top of the cliff that had blocked them before, looking down at the treetops below. Octavia, insisting that she had an idea, had forced the long walk up around and up to the cliff. Once the pair of mares had reached the top, Octavia explained her plan. “And you’re sure you can do it? You’re not too hurt?” Octavia asked her friend, concerned. She pulled her weapon close to her; a large branch they'd found to use as a makeshift club. “I’m sure, Tavi. A cut on the hoof doesn’t do anything to my magic, you know.” Vinyl sounded confident and was wearing a wide smile. “This might just actually work…” Bolstered by Vinyl’s raised hopes, Octavia looked out over the Everfree Forest. From up here, the two could see Ponyville in the distance. They had gone quite a ways into the forest, and getting back unseen was highly unlikely. The cliff didn’t have much in the way of foliage, but it had enough for what Octavia had in mind. Vinyl hurried to the bushes, while Octavia dragged her impromptu club over to the cliff, taking a deep breath for courage. “Hey! You brainless buffoon! You eyeless freak! I’m up here! Come and get me!” She cracked her stick onto the rocks just off the cliff, making as much noise as she could possibly muster. It was only a matter of seconds before she heard the unnatural baying of the Headless Pony. As it walked from the foliage further down the hill, Octavia felt herself back towards the cliff, fear filling her body. Fighting back the terror, she envisioned Vinyl and Fiddlesticks and all of her friends back in Ponyville. She gripped the stick tightly as she focused on Beauty and Neon, on her ensemble and on Echo. She thought of the cello Vinyl had given her, and what a shame it would be to never get to play it again. These thoughts helped her stand her ground as the Headless Pony began to charge her. Seeming to have little regard for its own safety, the galloping nightmare barreled towards Octavia, seeming to not see the cliff right behind her. Perhaps it could stop on a dime and keep from falling. Octavia hoped to rectify that situation. Just as the headless creature was about to reach her, Octavia jumped - a silent cue - and Vinyl used her magic to wrap Octavia in a faint blue glow. The sensation scared Octavia at first. The last time Vinyl had used magic on her, she hadn’t quite been paying attention to just how the magic made her feel. There was a terrible sense of vertigo as she became weightless, drifting over the Headless Pony. She watched with some amusement as it passed under her, its neck turning, as if following her with an invisible gaze. It was impossible to not imagine that, if it had a face, it would have looked shocked right then. Just was she was about to touch down, Octavia swung out with her stick, aiming for the Headless Pony’s flank. There was a strange resistance, like hitting something made of very flexible rubber, but the effect was much the same as she imagined it. The Headless Pony lost control of its momentum, growling like an animal as it flew off the side of the cliff and out of sight. Octavia touched to the ground without any force behind her landing and peered over her shoulder towards the cliff, as the magic faded. With a relieved sigh, she hurried back to the bushes to meet up with Vinyl. “You did it, Tavi!” Vinyl rushed out from the bushes, beaming with joy. “That was awesome! You’re awesome!” Octavia chuckled as Vinyl half-tackled her, hugging her tightly. The two spun around once, ending with Vinyl’s back to the cliff, her face buried into Octavia’s coat. Octavia wrapped a forehoof around her friend, smiling. “Heh... We both did it, Vinyl.” She closed her eyes, letting out a relieved sigh. A low growl made her eyes snap back open. The Headless Pony was there, hovering off the edge of the cliff, basked in a shadowy glow, like the blackest part of the night, made physically real. Octavia’s throat tightened. She couldn’t scream, only tremble. She heard Vinyl ask her what was wrong, but she couldn’t answer. She could only stare and shake as the Headless Pony drifted back onto the ledge, its hooves touching down noiselessly. Vinyl turned, her eyes going wide and all hope draining from her. She started to run, but Octavia stopped her. “You won’t get far without it being distracted. And I know if I asked you to go on without me…” Octavia trailed off and Vinyl’s features softened. "Either together or not at all.” Vinyl moved back and wrapped her friend in another hug. “Thanks Tavi, for everything. You mean way more to me than I think you know.” The Headless Pony advanced. Vinyl closed her eyes, hugging Octavia tighter. As Octavia stared at what she was certain would be their end, she felt tears come to her eyes. There wouldn’t be any burst of magic to save them from this. So many things were left unsaid; so many things had been left undone. She shook her head to her friend’s words, but Vinyl couldn’t see. “No. I do know, I think. Because you mean even more to me, Vinyl Scratch.” Vinyl wasn’t dazed this time. Octavia really didn’t care. Just as Vinyl was about to ask her what she meant, Octavia shifted drastically and kissed the DJ forcefully, an action filled with equal measures of desperation and despair. While Vinyl was still stunned, Octavia dove away from the hug, charging the Headless Pony. “You won’t have her!” She was determined to buy Vinyl some time. She knew the DJ wouldn’t leave so long as she was still there, so… so Octavia would jump off that cliff and drag that headless monster down with her. That should buy Vinyl a few moments to run away. Even if the price was her life, no price was too large for Vinyl. Behind her, Vinyl rose to cast a spell. She couldn’t know what Octavia was planning, but she could have a good idea. Her horn shimmered with the last of her magic, preparing for the fight. Suddenly, time stopped for them alone. Able to move only their eyes, Octavia and Vinyl gazed at the Headless pony in confusion and horror. However, the creature wasn’t moving; it was just standing there, facing towards them, as if hesitant. “Oh… Oh dear, it appears We took this a tad too far…” The voice seemed to come from nowhere. “We had no idea you were injured or quite this frightened; We should have been more attentive. We... No, I am so very sorry for that.” The air around the monster distorted, a bright white light encasing its form. Once it faded, Princess Luna stood in place of the monster, a worried look on her face. “What…?” Octavia growled out through gritted, frozen teeth. The Princess merely giggled. “Well, when I saw you were playing a prank, I decided that I wanted to join in the fun.” Still frozen in place, Vinyl groaned, and then fainted. The walk back to Ponyville was demeaning, in its own way. The Princess watched over the two, guiding them back carefully. “When We arrived at Ponyville, We were told that you had hosted a treasure hunt in the Everfree Forest. Enthused, We went to find you. Upon arriving at the designated location, We found your sister,—” Luna looked to Octavia and smiled, “—Fiddlesticks, hiding in the bushes. She was scared to see Us and started explaining everything you had planned. Quite a good prank, if I do say so.” Luna giggled to herself, dropping out the 'Royal We' once more. “But I decided to prank the pranksters, and then some. Perhaps I got a little carried away.” “You think!?” Octavia snapped, but scrunched her face up when she remembered just who she was screaming at. “My apologies, truly. I hadn’t had much time to plan and what I threw together was rather… primal.” Luna had a small blush of embarrassment on her face when she finished. “I never meant to let things get that out of hoof. I should have changed back, right when you knocked me off that cliff, but I hadn’t yet realized how bad the situation had become.” Vinyl, who had been silent for quite some time, finally spoke up from her place at the back of the procession. “So, I’m guessin’ you got my invitation?” She didn’t look up from the ground as she spoke, making Octavia’s gut twist with worry. “Indeed. My sister was reluctant to allow me to go, as I have other duties to attend to, but when she found that it was you that invited me, she relented.” Luna gave a heartfelt laugh, a joyous sound that almost made up for everything that had happened. Almost. “So… What happened to Fiddlesticks?” Octavia asked, forcing a change of topic. She was still very worried about Fiddle, regardless of her desire to leave the current topic behind. “She was sent back to Ponyville with stern instructions to not ruin my prank.” Luna smiled a bit more. Fiddle had gotten off easy. Lucky her. “You know,” Luna started, looking over her shoulder at Vinyl and Octavia. “I hadn’t known you two were an item. Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch… I was genuinely caught off guard by that.” The makeup couldn’t really properly hide Octavia’s blush this time. She was really hoping that, with everything going on, everypony had forgotten about that kiss. “I-I…” Vinyl cleared her throat and lifted her head up to look at Luna. “We’re just roommates, your Majesty…” Luna looked to Octavia, then back to Vinyl, frowning. “I… see.” She clearly didn’t see at all. How could Princess Luna ever hope to understand the strange happenings between the two of them? Octavia wasn’t sure how she felt about Vinyl’s reply. She wasn’t surprised, per-say, but she felt... something else. Perhaps hurt? What did Vinyl think about her now? Had she done something she couldn’t ever take back? She looked back to Vinyl as they walked, but her friend was back to staring at the ground. Though many wouldn’t understand, Octavia was far more interested in what might be running through her friend’s head, than the Princess who was walking just ahead of her and addressing her by her full name. Truly, it was an odd night. After several minutes of silence, Vinyl began probing the Princess for information, learning with much glee that Luna was, in fact, a giant fan of her music. “I own every album you’ve ever released,” Luna said proudly, grinning, “and several you didn’t.” She winked and chuckled. “Your producer was willing to share a few unreleased tracks for a royal favor; a few bits or a ticket to the Gala.” Vinyl laughed at that. "I'll be sure to scold him later. Or thank him. I have no idea which, really." “And your music,” Luna continued, looking to Octavia, who had been walking in silence ever since the discussion about her relationship with Vinyl. “My sister truly appreciates your music. It was why she called upon you to play for the Gala, even though it didn’t quite go as planned. The two of you are our favorite musicians in your respective genres.” The news was enough to shock Octavia out of her depression. Blinking, she stared at the Princess for even the slightest hint that this was untrue. “Princess Celestia likes my music?” She asked, absolutely astonished. " I thought I was hired for the Gala on my status alone." “Truly. Why would I lie about this? She says it’s filled with your heart and soul. In it, she says she can hear your love for music and everything that encompasses that love. She listens to a song every day, while she reads.” Luna giggled again, smiling as they approached Vinyl’s home. “Not a day goes by that one of your songs isn’t playing in the castle over in Canterlot.” Luna looked between the two musicians, and then gave a small sigh. “I am still very sorry. I never intended for anypony to be hurt, physically or otherwise.” The look she gave Octavia was rather pointed. “We know, Princess,” Vinyl said, waving her injured hoof dismissively. “It’s just a scratch anyway.” Luna looked thoughtful for a moment, and then nodded to herself. “Regardless, as an apology, I’ve a special gift in mind for you. I cannot give it to you now, but I promise, the two of you will receive it very shortly. And please, make me a promise, the both of you.” The two musicians leaned in, listening to the Princess’ next words. “Don’t stop doing what you love. Be who you are meant to be. You both make the whole of Equestria a better place with your music.” Ponyville was none the wiser for Vinyl and Octavia’s misadventure. A whisper was going around the small town about the Headless Pony, but most ponies didn’t believe it, no matter what anypony said they saw. But now, now the two musicians were home. Luna had departed and the night was over. As Vinyl closed the door behind her, Octavia found it hard to turn and face her friend. She felt Vinyl’s eyes on her, the unanswered question on her lips. Her lips… Octavia shook her head violently, forcing the thoughts away. Just as she was about to give in and turn around, Vinyl walked past her, levitating her cloak off. “Best. Nightmare Night. Ever!” She tossed her hooves up and cheered loudly. Silently, Octavia agreed. She touched a hoof to her lips as Vinyl vanished into the next room to remove the rest of her costume. Yes, she most certainly agreed. > Chapter 16: Remorse - Run to Her > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: Remorse - Run to Her [v] “Tavi! Tavi, wake up!” Octavia groaned. It was very rare to have Vinyl shout her awake. Sitting up, she stared at her excited roommate, who was repeatedly bouncing her front hooves on the bottom of her bed, her rear ones planted firmly on the floor. It was a weekend and Octavia’s usual day to sleep in and rest. Apparently, that was not going to happen tonight. “Don’t glare at me like that," Vinyl said without her excitement waning at all. "Look at this!” Vinyl levitated a letter right up against Octavia’s muzzle, completely overcome with excitement. Groggily, Octavia wiped sleep from her eyes, took the letter, and started to read. Flashes of Nightmare Night returned to her. It had been weeks since that frightful night and Vinyl had never mentioned the kiss again. Octavia had let the pain fade along with memory, but now it all came flooding back. The letter, bearing a royal seal, was an invitation to the maiden voyage of Equestria’s first public cruise vessel; it was to be launched from Las Pegasus a week from today. Luna, true to her word, had provided them – and two guests – VIP passes and permission to play shows on board the ship. The wording of Luna’s letter even went so far as to imply that many different genres would be appreciated, including country in a brief lineup; the Princess already knew who Octavia’s choice would be. As for Vinyl’s choice… “Awesome! This is, like, the coolest thing! It’s even got its own special-effects coordinator and everything! Neon’s gonna flip when he sees this…” … That was obvious. Octavia had known from the second she saw that they could bring guests who Vinyl would be bringing, but she kept her cool; she refused to her herself be upset about it. Ever since the duel, Octavia had truly grown to respect Neon, and he her. The two had forged a truce, even a friendship, on their mutual love for music and, on a smaller note, Vinyl. If anypony was with Vinyl, Octavia would prefer it be Neon. Or, at least that’s what she told herself when things got too painful. “We should get to work right away.” Octavia said, sliding the blankets off herself, hopping off the bed, and moving towards the bathroom to clean up. “We need to make sure our schedules are cleared and that nothing with interfere with this trip.” With an affirmative shout, Vinyl darted from the room, ready to get a message to Neon as quickly as she could. Octavia glared at the mirror, her reflection not showing any amusement at being glared at. Her hair was a disheveled mess, her eyes were bloodshot from her rude awakening, and her mouth tasted like one giant ball of cotton. And, despite how she told herself it didn’t bother her, she saw the misery and inner turmoil drilling into her spirit. What was it Fiddle had said? That her emotions were destroying her? Staring into the mirror, Octavia started to really consider her sister’s words more clearly. She reached for her makeup, hoping to mask her irritation from her roommate’s eyes. She would go and see her sister later. Fiddlesticks had, of course, accepted. She bounced excitedly around the room at the idea of a cruise. “I’ve never been on the water before! Do you think we’ll see any rare fish?” Octavia hadn’t wanted to spoil her fun, but she didn't think that fish-watching wasn’t on the list of events for the cruise. At least, she was fairly certain it wasn’t. As she walked home, Octavia considered her thoughts from this morning. Seeing her sister only made her think harder about those accusing eyes in the mirror. She sighed, looking over to the side and pausing mid-step, spotting the road that lead to Lyra and Bon-Bon’s home. Without another sound or another thought, she turned and started walking down the road. The night after Nightmare Night, Octavia had gone and told the pair of mares everything that had happened. Lyra, as always, supplied her with a moving speech about the passion within one’s heart and the power of fighting for what you love, while Bon-Bon provided level-headed, down-to-Equus advice, along with the most delicious honey tea Octavia had tasted in ages. Now, she sat before them, head hung and body slumped. “I just can’t do this anymore. I hold it all in and tell myself it’s okay, but…” “It’s eating you inside,” Bon-Bon said clinically, moving to Octavia’s side and guiding her to a seat. “You look terrible. Can I make you some tea?” Octavia wanted to say yes, but her emotions stamped out her desires. “I don’t think I could stomach it right now, Bon-Bon. But thank you.” Lyra sat not far away, looking over her friend with obvious concern. “You can’t stay there anymore, Octavia…” Lyra said the words quietly, but they still stung. “I hate to say it, but living with Vinyl is… not really an option, apparently.” Octavia looked down to the floor, nodding her head. “Did you ever talk to her about what happened on Nightmare Night?” Bon-Bon asked from Octavia’s side, sharing the seat with her friend. “No. Why bother? Vinyl pretends like it never happened. It’s obvious how she feels about it all.” She felt the tears creeping into her eyes. She knew that, in this home – with these ponies – she was always free to let her emotions out. It was the only place she felt safe to do so. “Is it? Really?” Bon-Bon’s voice was skeptical and Octavia looked over to her. The mare was smiling a little bit, giving her head a small shake. “You were ignoring your own feelings not too long ago, Octavia. You were confused, maybe a little scared, and you let that control you. Who’s to say she’s not just as nervous as you were?” “You know, she makes a good point, Octavia.” Lyra smiled, sitting in a nearby seat. “You should talk to her. If nothing else, it’ll make explaining why you need to move out easier, right?” Bon-Bon gave Lyra a glare, making her lover quickly scrunch her face and fold back her ears. It was rare for Lyra to say something hurtful and she never did it on purpose, but she always regretted it all the same. Octavia drew into herself a little more, thinking. Fear batted against its cage in her mind, roaring to her sensibilities and dreams. She shook her head harshly, disrupting her carefully prepared mane. “She doesn’t love me, you two. I just need to accept that.” She whimpered as she said it, feeling her walls crumble. “Vinyl… Just doesn’t love me.” The slap wasn’t something Octavia would have ever expected, especially not out of such a kind mare as Bon-Bon. It wasn't a gentle nor harsh slap; enough to sting but not enough to bruise. Octavia was stunned for a second – not in really pain, but more in shock – as she stared at her friend. “That’s not the Octavia I know talking. That is fear and fatalism. You don’t surrender, Octavia; not when there's even a sliver of a chance. You never have before now.” Bon-Bon stared at her harshly, making her lean away. Slowly, the mare softened and patted Octavia’s muzzle where she’d hit her. “Do you feel better now?” Octavia was amazed to find that she did. She had needed some sense slapped into her right then. “Thank you… I guess.” The cellist rubbed her face, chuckling. “I think you two are right. I need to tell her why I acted like I did. I won’t be able to look at myself in the mirror until I do.” Both Lyra and Bon-Bon smiled, the former leaning back in her seat, letting her lower hooves hang. “I think the cruise might be the best time.” She said, looking at the ceiling. “But, Neon and Fiddle will be there. How can I talk to her alone if Neon is always with her?” Octavia asked, frowning. "Don’t make up excuses, Octavia.” Bon-Bon gave Octavia a slight nudge. “You know as well as I do that you’d only need to ask to speak with her alone, and Vinyl would make sure you two had privacy. Don’t run from this anymore, Octavia.” Octavia took in a deep breath, already thinking about what she’d say. “Make a way, Octavia.” Lyra said, smiling from her chair. “That’s how the war of love is. You need to earn your victories; they rarely ever come to you on their own.” Octavia nodded, letting out the breath through her nose. She looked over to Bon-Bon, smiling warmly. “I think I’ll have that tea now, please.” Fear and hope danced a tango in her brain. Could this really be her big chance? The week flew past, anticipation speeding the days into a blur of planning and preparation. Concerts were delayed, tickets were purchased, instruments were packed, and promises of souvenirs were given. All the while, Octavia pondered over her relationship with Vinyl and where it could possibly go. She composed new songs, playing tunes that sang of inner conflict and drastic reformation. Soon enough, it was time to leave. The train to Las Pegasus was long, taking over a day and a half. The two musical mares, along with Neon and Fiddle, did everything but sleep throughout the whole ride; they were far too excited to close their eyes for even a moment. As the train pulled into the station, her first glimpse of Las Pegasus stole Octavia’s breath away. Vinyl, who had been to this city multiple times for concerts, gave a friendly laugh at her friend’s reaction. She admitted openly that it was exactly how she had expected Octavia to react. This city was, quite possibly, Canterlot’s antithesis; filled to the brink with loud, boisterous ponies, gaudy buildings, and loud, loud music. Casinos, night clubs and towering places of business made up the buildings, drawing Octavia’s eyes all over. This truly was, as Vinyl said, a city that never slept. It was one big party that never, ever ended. Under the light of the moon, ponies trotted this way and that along the city's bridged walkways, talking loudly and enjoying the company of this nocturnal wonderland. Lights and sound dominated the night, drawing one’s attention this way and that. As they walked the streets, Fiddle kept close to Octavia, gaping and gasping in her cowpony hat, shirt, and scarf, drawing more attention than her inwardly awed sister. Neon looked the most at home here; ponies shouted his name, waved their hooves at him and, Octavia was pretty sure, several mares were purposefully wiggling their flanks in his direction. If Vinyl noticed, she didn’t comment. In Neon’s defense, he tried really hard to not stare. “Our stuff is being delivered to the ship, right?” Neon asked, waving to a stallion who hoof-pumped and shouted his name. “Yeah, the help should be getting it to the ship any minute now. They won’t go so far as to set it up, but it should be ready for us to add the finishing touches tomorrow morning.” Vinyl replied. She lagged back for a second, giving Octavia a little bump with her side and a reassuring smile. The cellist had been extremely uncomfortable leaving her cello in the hooves of some pony she didn’t know personally. The stallion, whose name Octavia had forgotten already, was a stagehand for Vinyl in this city and was, according to her, trustworthy. Octavia trusted Vinyl, but the idea still made her uneasy. She forced such thoughts out of her mind by looking over the sights, soaking in this unique city. “This place is truly amazing,” she nodded as she spoke, mostly to herself. She examined a building, loosely shaped like a glowing triangle with a diamond tip. “If a tad unusual.” She peered over at her friend and gave a wry smile. “Just like a certain pony I know and adore.” Vinyl chuckled, giving her a rakish grin. “I’ve always liked Las Pegasus.” Vinyl said, looking around and taking in a deep breath through her nostrils. “It’s the only city that ever sang back at me while I played there. Manehattan was nice, and I ain’t got nothin’ against Phillydelphia, but this place, it feels like…” “You?” Octavia finished, letting her grin melt into a warm smile. Vinyl smiled back, giving an affirmative nod. “Whoa, check that out, Octi!” Fiddle gripped her sister around the shoulders, pointing to a street performer who bellowed out a gout of fire at just that moment. A nearby sign proclaimed him to be ‘The Dragon’, next to an overturned hat that was collecting bits. Octavia chuckled at her sister’s enthusiasm, watching as Fiddle rushed over to deposit two bits in the hat, earning a firy thanks in the form of a fireball over her head. Vinyl spoke up suddenly, motioning the group down another street. “We should really get goin’. We’re stayin’ with a friend of mine until tomorrow.” After Vinyl finished, a mare across the road shouted her name, waving both hooves. Vinyl rose up on her hind legs, pumping her hoof up into the air, making the mare – and all her friends – cheer. Needless to say, Octavia was already slightly uncertain. Many of Vinyl’s friends tended to be as eccentric as her and, in many cases, were impossible to deal with. Case in point: Neon. “So, what is this friend’s name?” Octavia asked, cautious but hopeful. Vinyl dropped back to all fours, looking over to Octavia. “He’s called DJ-F8ted. Like, with an eight in there.” “His real name, Vinyl. What should we all call him?” Octavia prodded, only a little irritable. Vinyl stopped mid-step blinking a few times. “Huh… I uh… I have no idea, actually.” Octavia sighed, resigned to her fate, and followed Vinyl as her friend picked up her step. It was, Octavia surmised, inevitable. She would follow this mare anywhere, regardless of who she had to deal with along the way. Fated was a rather interesting pony, as it turned out. Octavia refused to use the eight in his name, as Vinyl did. Even if the only difference was in her own head, she didn’t much care. He lived in a two-story building, a personal party palace taking up the entirety of the lower level. Their host was a flighty, enigmatic soul – rarely seen and never heard. Octavia quickly understood why Vinyl had never heard this pony’s name; getting even one word out of him edgewise was next to impossible. It was several hours before Octavia even met their host; a dark-colored stallion with a black, spiked mane, tipped with flares of bright red. At least, Octavia was fairly certain it was the enigmatic DJ she passed in one of the house’s halls. When she had said his stage name, he had looked at her, nodded without a single change of expression, and kept walking. Octavia wasn’t really certain what to say about that. The DJ did however, play music regularly. The genre was a kind of electronic jazz, filled with both soul and sparks. After listening to his music, Octavia decided that she liked the mysterious, reclusive DJ as well; anypony who could make music filled with such passion needed to be an alright pony. The night went by peacefully, the smooth music lulling Octavia into a comfortable sleep. Just before she passed out, she vowed to buy one of Fated’s CDs, for those nights when sleeping was just too difficult. The next morning, after a quick snack, the group slipped out of the DJ’s house. Octavia looked ruefully over her shoulder. “I feel bad, leaving without saying goodbye…” Neon chuckled. “Not about stayin’ without sayin’ hello? F8ted is a cool dude; he doesn’t give two shakes who stays, as long as they clean up after themselves and leave him to his music.” The cellist chuckled, looking over to her roommate. Yes, she could see why Vinyl made friends with ponies like Fated. They complimented each other’s strengths, making them both shine brighter. “Well… Who’s up for a little boating today, hm?” Octavia bumped Fiddlesticks lightly, the mare giving a loud, overly-excited cheer – a western whoop that drew tons of attention from all around them. “Let’s get this buckin’ party started!” Fiddle shouted, blushing afterwards and hiding under her hat. The ship – the S.S. Siren – was an impressive sight. It towered over some of the smaller buildings resting beside the water, ghost white and larger than any boat Octavia had ever heard of, in books or otherwise. “Wo-o-ow~!” Fiddle gaped at the sight, pulling off her hat in respect. “It’s awesome lookin’…” She whispered, getting a smile from all of her friends. “It is quite magnificent, isn’t it? We’ll need to remember to thank her Highness when we get back.” Octavia said, starting towards the ramp. The cruise was six days long, slipping around the San Palomino Desert Peninsula and out into the South Luna Ocean. They would drift down into the uncharted waters of the mysterious south, and then ride along the coastline on their return journey. Octavia started up the empty ramp, thankful they were VIPs. One of the perks of this position was the choice to come on board early, avoiding the hustle of ship’s casual boarding. “Screw waiting,” Vinyl said, shaking her head. “I’ll write her while we’re on board! I wonder if they have a way to send letters off-ship.” Octavia chuckled and shook her head. “Unlikely, Vinyl.” The group presented their VIP passes at the top of the ramp, were given a brief rundown of the rules, and were directed towards their rooms. The four ponies had been given two rooms total, each with two beds. Neon was quick to suggest the room layout; him and Vinyl getting a room together, of course. Octavia was quick to interject, though she tried to not seem rude about it. “Actually Neon, I was hoping I could steal Vinyl. The three of us,” she motioned to Fiddle and Vinyl, “haven’t had a girl’s night in ages. Several of them in a row sounds like the perfect way to make up for lost time.” Neon looked slightly annoyed, but Vinyl peered over at Octavia and nodded as she returned her eyes to Neon. “At least for a few nights, okay Neon? I’ll spend three with them, three with you, then back again. How does that sound? And we can chill during the day, whenever you want.” The stallion grumbled, but nodded. “It’s fair, really… I shouldn’t try to hog you all to myself.” He gave a slight chuckle and lifted his shades, resting them on his horn. “I’m gonna go check on my sound system. I’ve got a lot of setting up to do, to make sure all the special effects are running smoothly.” Parting ways with Neon, the three mares went to explore their domain for the next three days. The room was spacious and beautiful, a VIP suite, courtesy of the Princess. It even had a balcony off one side of the ship, overlooking the water. Octavia could easily compare it to the suites in a few famous Canterlot hotels, only on the water. There were a few couches sprinkled about the room, one of which Vinyl happily claimed as her place to sleep. When Fiddle started to protest, Vinyl waved a hoof at her. “Listen, I don’t got a single problem, sleepin’ on the couch. It’s no biggie.” She chuckled, bouncing on her makeshift bed. “Man, this is just like the old days. We should totally stay up late and do all the old stuff we used to do.” “Talk about stallions?” Fiddle asked. “Smack each-other with pillows?” Octavia asked in unison with her sister. “All that and more!” Vinyl tossed up her hooves, bouncing off the couch and landing with a thump. “This is gonna be so awesome!” The three ponies spent the day doing various small things. Most notably, they stood out on the balcony, watching as the passengers boarded the ship. Neon joined them, after guessing Vinyl’s secret pass-phrase: Wubalicious. Given that he had no hints what-so-ever, and got it on his first try, Octavia was fairly certain this was a regular thing between them. The four friends sat together after the ship was boarded, sharing in light conversation, enjoying a few games, and playing some music. Neon took the chance to dance to Fiddle’s music for the first time, grinning like mad as he stepped to the frantic, yet measured, rhythm of her fiddle. Vinyl and Octavia simply watched; they didn’t feel like paying to replace any broken furniture. Octavia played next, calming her friends into a peaceful state of rapture with her haunting melody. The song wasn’t anything special, a symphony she had made in her head while walking through the lively night-streets of Las Pegasus. It was a dragging melody, accompanied by her voice, telling a lyric-less song of a city that never rests. It was, Octavia had to confess, not up to snuff in comparison to her other material, but it was a very good leaping point for symphonies to come. Around the time Octavia’s melody ended, the ship’s horn blared, signaling its departure. Everypony in the room bustled to the balcony, looking over the city as it distanced itself from the boat, growing smaller until it was lost to the horizon. Slowly, the ship turned, venturing out into the deep. Fiddle was bouncing with excitement once more, while Vinyl was merely trembling with it. Octavia gave a small laugh; never had she imagined she would see the day where anypony, let alone Fiddlesticks, was filled with more energy than Vinyl. Neon decided to start the ship’s departure off with a bang and suggested a joint concert between him and Vinyl. The mare gave an enthusiastic yes and the two left, Vinyl urging Octavia and Fiddle to enjoy themselves. As soon as the door shut, Fiddle turned to Octavia, lying on her stomach on one of the beds with her head on her hooves. “Octi, thank you so much for lettin’ me come along!” “It was nothing, Fiddle. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have with me, more than my dear sister.” Octavia felt a warm glow in her heart, as she saw her sister smile and fidget with her hat. “What do you think about the two of us going to mingle some? Perhaps go see how the ship’s cuisine holds up?” Fiddlesticks jumped up with a grin and a nod, rushing to the door with energy that, on a scale of one to ten, Octavia would give a score of Vinyl. Side-by-side, the two sisters trotted from the room, looking for the kitchen. The food, much to Octavia’s delight, was delicious. Everything was free of charge, set up as a twenty-four hour buffet, allowing the guests to eat whenever they saw fit. Fiddle helped herself to an array of foods she’d never even heard of before, while Octavia stuck to foods she knew she would enjoy. She poured herself a cup of tea, while Fiddlesticks made a thick cup of black coffee. The two shared in idle conversation, not talking about anything consequential. At least, not until Fiddle scooted closer to Octavia, munching on a cookie. “So,” she began, putting the munching on hold while she spoke. “Has anythin’ changed with you ‘n Vinyl?” Fiddle looked a tad worried, like she had asked a sour question. Perhaps, in a way, she had, but Octavia was determined to not show it. “Things are much the same, which is not entirely bad. Sure, it’s not exactly what I want, but perhaps it is what is best.” Octavia shrugged, turning her tea cup in her hooves in an attempt to distract herself and keep her voice level. “I would rather keep her friendship than overstep my bounds and lose her entirely.” Fiddle nodded a little, finishing her cookie. “If you say so, Octi…” After a brief pause where Octavia resumed sipping her tea, Fiddlesticks chuckled. “I may’ve found a special somepony of my own, you know.” That was news to Octavia. She inhaled some of her chamomile, throwing herself into a coughing fit. Fiddle whacked her on the back until the coughing stopped. “W-What? Who?” Octavia asked, perhaps a little more forcefully than she intended. She was feeling strangely protective in that moment. She had prayed to Celestia for the longest time, hoping her sister found someone worthy of her, but now that she had… Under her sister’s quizzical stare, Fiddlesticks quickly grew flustered. “N-Nopony. Forget I said anything!” She took a long sip from her coffee, eyes darting this way and that; anywhere but at her sister. Luckily, Octavia knew how to wear her sister down. Without speaking, Octavia continued to stare, tilting her head just slightly. A few minutes past of that; Fiddle hoping Octavia would breach a new topic, and Octavia staring her down. After several seconds of that – when Fiddle ran out of delaying methods – the southern pony heaved a sigh. “Sis, I really don’t wanna talk about it right now.” She gave her head a small shake. “Can I get you to just drop it this once?” Octavia raised an eyebrow, but nodded. “For now, sure. But I expect to talk more about this later, okay?” “All right, sis…” Fiddle consented, finishing her coffee with a big gulp. Octavia sat for a time, thinking about this turn of events. With a smile, she leaned over, and nudged her sister with a hoof. “Are they cute, at least?” Fiddle’s face immediately went red, and Octavia gave a soft chuckle. “Sis!” Fiddle tossed a hay fry at Octavia, who took the blow like a champion. Gasping dramatically and grasping at her ‘fatal wound’, Octavia leaned back in her chair, letting her tongue hang out in mock defeat. Fiddle giggled from her seat, and Octavia claimed this as a personal victory. The return to the room revealed that Vinyl and Neon had since come back, while the two sisters were out eating. The two stood on the balcony together, overlooking the ocean. It was roughly midday, the sun shining off the water in a fantastic display. Neon had his forehoof over Vinyl’s shoulders and was talking to her quietly when the two sisters walked in. Octavia shut the door just loud enough to be heard, not wanting to surprise them, nor eavesdrop. The two lovers on the balcony turned in unison and separated, trotting back into the room. “Hey you two! Have fun?” Vinyl asked the pair. Before either could reply, however, Vinyl just continued speaking. “The ponies here love us! They’re from all over Equestria and I bet they’ll enjoy all of our music equally. Finally.” Vinyl grinned and levitated her glasses off. Her eyes were twinkling with joy. “I told Neon that he should play some of his custom electronica tracks. And Fiddle, you gotta hit them with a good ho-down one of these days! And, of course, that’s when Tavi finishes them off with her classics!” Octavia simply chuckled under the verbal assault, letting Vinyl rant herself down from this emotional high. Once she was sure Vinyl was done, Octavia spoke up. “I do think we will, But for now, let’s get more acquainted with the ship, okay?” Neon tilted his head, looking at Fiddlesticks, who was carrying a bag of cookies she had brought to snack on. “So, how’s the food here?” Octavia waited, but when Fiddle didn’t answer, she looked over to her sister. Fiddlesticks was munching on a cookie, looking back at her with a strange expression. With a sigh, Octavia responded. “Quite astounding, actually. I’d suggest you try their pies. Apparently, they imported Zap-Apples from Ponyville to make a handful of special Zap-Apple pies.” Neon blinked, lowering his glasses to giving Octavia a doubtful stare. “Zap-Apples can be made into pies?” However, while Neon seemed doubtful, Vinyl was literally salivating on the rug. “Indeed. The results are, if you’ll pardon the pun, shockingly delicious.” Vinyl chuckled. Yes, her friend was certainly rubbing off on her. “Oh, we gotta try that.” Vinyl stated, wiping her lips with a forehoof. She idly wiped at the rug, until she gave up on that and looked over to Neon. “You game?” Neon wagged a hoof. “I hate to say it, but I never really liked Zap-Apples. They pack a little too much zest for me.” Vinyl looked absolutely flabbergasted. Fiddle, seeing a chance, looked between Vinyl and Octavia. “Why don’t you two go? Me ‘n Neon will hold down the fort.” Neon started to protest – he was hungry, just not for zap-apple pie – but before he could talk, Vinyl grinned. “Oh yeah, totally! Me and Tavi haven’t gotten to chat, just us, since we were back home.” Neon slowly shut his mouth, but smiled a genuine smile. “Just bring me back something, okay?” “Of course we will.” Octavia said, rolling her eyes dramatically. Shooting a look to Fiddlesticks – both thankful and upset – she turned and left the room with Vinyl right behind her. “You know…” Vinyl said, standing on the upper deck of the ship, a small basket with a Zap-Apple pie for her and a regular apple pie for Neon floating by her side. “I wouldn’t mind livin’ more like this. In a place without all that stupid genre bias, you know? Even Ponyville gets it from time to time...” Octavia glanced over to Vinyl and then nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. She turned back to the railing and put her front hooves up onto it, watching the water reflect the close-to-setting sun. Vinyl moved to Octavia’s side, smiling. “I mean, look at the distance in genres. I wish ponies could all just accept that music, as a whole, is awesome. Why pick and choose if the artist’s heart is in it, you feel me?” Vinyl joined Octavia in putting her hooves up on the railing, the ocean breeze making the spikes of her mane sway slightly. Vinyl saw Octavia turn and open her mouth to speak, but stop herself. She worked her jaw a bit, but Vinyl simply assumed she was feeling seasick or something. When Octavia did speak though, her words were silken, as if she was speaking to someone who was far more than a friend. “And then there are those, like Lyra and Bon-Bon, accused and ostracized because of their emotions…” The DJ looked over, staring at Octavia though her glasses. She silently nodded, then looked back out over the water. “Yeah. Ponies like Lyra and Bonnie deserve better. Those two are the happiest couple I've seen since Mr. and Mrs. Cake.” Vinyl chuckled and shook her head. “It’s disappointing, what ponies will let themselves believe sometimes… I mean, ponies who love same-gendered ponies…” Vinyl trailed off, at a loss for how to continue. When she looked over, Octavia was staring out over the water, unbiased and silent. Vinyl wished Octavia would say something – anything – but when nothing came but silence, Vinyl leaned off the railing. “Come on. We should get back.” Vinyl turned, starting to leave. She paused as Octavia whispered something, barely audible and incoherent. “Hm?” She looked over her shoulder at her friend, who hadn’t moved. “I… I like..." Octavia paused again, then took a big, slow breath. "I like other mares.” Octavia said the words softly but quickly, making them seem more like a fuzzy blur of sound than a coherent sentence. Vinyl hadn’t been entirely sure what she said at first, but after a second, the words finally fell into their proper places. The two sat in silence, Octavia looking out over the water and Vinyl looking at her. The silence felt oppressive, like a physical weight, but neither pony moved to break it. It lingered for a little while longer, making Vinyl nervous, until Octavia turned and spoke. “You’re my best friend, so I felt that you should know.” Octavia said with a sweet smile – maybe a little too sweet, but Vinyl was too surprised to notice. “I’ve never actually been attracted to any stallions. That thing with Flare was… alcohol, mostly.” She chuckled, a nervous sound that Octavia quickly masked with more words. “But I’ve been attracted to a mare... or two. “So, I’m glad you agree with me about same-gender relationships. And I agree with you.” Octavia gave a nod, kicking her hoof idly in an unusual sign of weakness. “I would prefer an Equestria without bias; where anypony, no matter how they lived or loved, could be who they wanted to be and not feel restricted by roles like gender or genre. Ponies may think Equestria is a land of peace, but that’s not entirely true; its wars are waged in the mind, not the body.” Vinyl saw tension melt from Octavia’s face as she spoke, opening her heart. The admissions of her friend made Vinyl feel unusual, but she didn’t stop to consider this feeling right now. After a long pause, Octavia spoke again. “The pies are probably getting cold. Let’s hurry back.” Only after Octavia had walked past her, had Vinyl realized she hadn’t spoken a single word. That had been only the third time in her entire life that Vinyl Scratch had been rendered completely speechless. Vinyl watched Neon as he ate, her mind miles away. The two were sitting in Neon’s room, where she and Octavia had found him. Finally stopping to think, Vinyl began to place scenes in her mind together, like pieces of a puzzle. It was difficult for her – she needed to switch her entire way of thinking – but she knew there was something she was missing. She closed her eyes as she turned the pieces, trying to find out what Octavia had been saying. From Octavia’s reaction at Club Canterlot, when she saw her and Neon kissing, to the kiss on Nightmare Night. And now this new, heartfelt statement. The pieces clicked instantly; the realization even sparked the memories of Octavia’s fearful confession during the attack on Canterlot. A jolt of shock flew through Vinyl’s mind. Octavia loved her. Vinyl tried to keep the surprise off her face, but she must have failed; Neon looked up at her, confused. “Y’alright, Vinyl?” “Yeah, yeah, I’m… I’m cool…” Vinyl was quick to stuff away her emotions, but had to stop and run a hoof over her mane. Neon was her special somepony. How in Celestia’s name could he talk to him about this? “A’ight.” Neon took a bite of the pie slice in front of him. After much prodding, he had tried a slice of Zap-Apple pie and had found that he liked it. “I can taste the zap…” “Packs a kick, eh?” Vinyl asked mechanically. Octavia had left, almost immediately after dropping off the pies. She had claimed she was tired and heading back to their room to sleep, but Vinyl only now noted that she had gone in the wrong direction. Vinyl rose from her laying position on the spare bed, deciding she needed to go find her wayward friend and have a good, long talk with her. “Hey Neon,” Vinyl started, hoping off the bed. “I gotta go. Tavi was actin’ really off and I wanna know why.” Neon looked over to her, and gave her a slight nod. “She did leave kinda fast. I’ll be here, if you need me.” Vinyl was thankful that Neon didn’t pry. She didn’t know how to explain what had happened or – even more daunting – how she felt about it all. And how did she feel about it? She cursed herself for being a moron, having not noticed all the signs before now. Vinyl had always had a thick skull, but up until now, it had been little more than a funny joke. As she trotted down the halls of the ship, she pondered on the question she had placed before herself. Octavia was her truest friend who, despite over a year of absence, had never really left her side. Theirs was a bond that transcended distance, as well as the understanding of any pony that wasn’t them. Neon certainly didn’t understand it and Vinyl guessed that even Fiddle fell short. But what was that bond, really? Friendship? Or was it more? Taking a sharp turn, she gazed about for her missing friend as she thought. “Do you love me?” The Changeling’s voice rang in Vinyl’s mind, masking Octavia’s voice. What had that question meant to her? She felt herself blush as she recalled the fake-Octavia’s lips pressed to hers. She stopped, leaning against the wall and frowning. If she had to be honest with herself, and she most certainly did, even way back then the answer was clear; yes, she had wanted that to be real. She wished Octavia had asked her that question, not some insect wearing her face. Maybe she should have gotten the guts and asked the question herself? An image of Neon floated into her mind, the two holding one another close after that Hearts and Hooves night. Could she have broken his heart then? Could she break his heart now, all for her own selfishness? She started walking again, thoughts whirling in her head uncomfortably. She hated it when things were so complicated. She wished things had happened differently. She had, in all her time, learned that everything happened for a reason, but she was having trouble finding a reason for this. However, she forced herself to embrace the fact that there had to be one; or else everything she had come to accept was all wrong. She walked past a door, one of many entrances to the club that rested at the heart of the S.S. Siren. Smooth jazz flowed over her, sounding distant; not filled with much heart, but calming none the less. She turned and looked into the room, hoping to spot the source of the tune. Instead, she found Octavia. Her friend was sitting at the bar not too far from the door, her back to the stage where a very relaxed looking pony was playing the saxophone. Octavia had her head on the bar-top and a drink cupped in one hoof, staring away from Vinyl. Vinyl had only known Octavia to have drunk like this one other time… and that had ended very poorly. “Tavi,” Vinyl said as she walked up to her friend, looking from her to the glass. If Vinyl’s eyes weren’t playing tricks on her, the drink was a Cannonball, a drink that even Vinyl herself stayed away from. She knew a pony that had gone walleyed from drinking a single glass. Thankfully, Octavia hadn’t drunk much of it yet. Octavia turned, her eyes red and puffy, strained from tears. She quickly turned away, hiding her face from her friend, giving a small sniff. Vinyl felt regret at her earlier silence flay her heart. “Vinyl? What’re you doing here?” “Looking for you.” Vinyl moved a little closer, quietly putting a hoof over the top of the drink Octavia was nursing, sliding it away from her. “I know.” Octavia groped for the drink, giving a slight groan. Vinyl’s voice sounded so sure, so hurt, so filled with concern, that Octavia wasn’t sure if she could meet her eyes. Instead, she turned her head back so she was facing her friend, but kept it down on the bar and kept her eyes on the fine wood it was made of. “You know what? That I’m a huge screw-up? No big surprise there.” A long silence filled the air; Octavia wishing Vinyl would talk, while Vinyl kept quiet, clearly giving her time to realize how silly that last statement was. After a moment, the DJ gave a comforting smile to her friend, putting a hoof on her friend's shoulder. “I know how you feel about me.” Octavia’s eyes widened and snapped to Vinyl’s, her mind loosing some of the drunken curtain she'd pulled over it. In that moment, Octavia knew that Vinyl had seen all the confirmation she could have ever needed. Octavia quickly averted her gaze again, but Vinyl had already seen the hope and fear shimmering behind her façade. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Octavia leaned away from her friend, tipping her stool slightly. Vinyl advanced another step. “I think you do. Actually, I know you do, Tavi.” “I-I… I need to go.” Octavia slid off her stool, wobbling a moment, before starting to back away. Trying to act casual, Octavia tried to walk around Vinyl, but her friend stopped her. “Don’t run from this anymore. You’ve been scared to talk to me about it, right? Well, I’m here now and I’m telling you, don’t be scared. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what, Tavi.” To Octavia, in her current state, those words sounded very much like an underhanded rejection. “I-I really need to go, Vinyl. Please, move out of my way.” Octavia was shivering now, fear taking hold of her heart. The cage was broken and the power of her bottled emotions was crashing through her mind like a ferocious dragon. “No.” Vinyl stood confidently. All around them, eyes were being drawn to the scene; but to the two friends, nopony else mattered. It was as if they were all alone – the whole ship was empty, except for them. Octavia lowered her head, her shiver turning into a full-body shake. “You couldn’t understand. You don’t know the half of this, Vinyl.” “Try me.” Vinyl smiled, reaching out a hoof to lift Octavia’s head. Octavia quickly pushed her, using her moment of unbalance to sprint past. “Tavi!” Vinyl shouted loudly, as if yelling her name would be enough to disarm this horrid situation. Octavia ignored her. She heard her friend start to chase after her, but only ran faster in response. She wanted to be away from all of this; away from Vinyl, away from Neon, away from her pain and her loneliness. But, no matter how much she ran, it always felt like Vinyl was just about to step on her tail. “Tavi, stop!” The second cry had even less of an impact than the first, spurring Octavia on faster. She glanced over her shoulder to see Vinyl lagging behind, her earth pony strength helping her outdistance her unicorn friend. “No!" Octavia shrieked through heavy breaths. "You don’t understand anything! You couldn’t possibly know how hard this has been for me! Just go away, Vinyl!” Octavia skidded, taking a hard turn. “Just leave me alone!” She brought her head back forward and darted ahead, not looking where she was going – tears blurring her vision. She was terrified; of rejection, of hurting Vinyl or Neon, or that things would change. She was even afraid that, even if things did go well, they would quickly fall apart. Her world was crumbling and she didn't know what to do. “Octavia! Stop! Look out!” Vinyl shouted suddenly. Octavia heard the words and looked back over her shoulder again to Vinyl. A terrified expression was dominating her friend's face as Octavia blinked away tears to see her; she couldn’t fathom why. Just then, her hooves met something wet and slipped forward, out of control. She couldn’t stop. She couldn’t slow down. She whipped her head forward to see the railing fast approaching. She didn’t even have time to scream. The railing met her side with an echoing thud and Octavia found herself tumbling over, falling over the side of the ship. The black water crashed against her and the world above vanished. Vinyl’s breath caught in her throat before she could scream. She skidded to a stop at the edge, struggling to find where her friend had landed. She shouted Octavia’s name over and over, wishing she would respond. Suddenly a patch of black and grey broke the surface of the dark waters, sputtering and struggling to keep above the ebb and flow of the ocean. Octavia was not a skilled swimmer and the thrashing waves from the boat’s wake were less than optimal waters for even the most advanced swimmers. “Tavi, hang on!” Vinyl looked around, struggling to find somepony – anypony – to help her save her friend. After several cries for help, Vinyl realized that, by the time anypony arrived to help, Octavia would be gone. This section of the deck was clear, everypony being down below; either sleeping, eating, or partying. Even the crew was busy, all of them working the systems down below. “No…” Vinyl looked down to her friend again, then over to a nearby wall. A flotation ring hung there, giving Vinyl a sliver of hope in this dark situation. Taking it off the wall with magic, she tossed it down to her friend. “Tavi, grab the ring! Hurry!” But her friend couldn’t hear her. Panic had set in and Octavia was scared beyond the world around her. She knocked the ring away, not even noticing it in her fear, making Vinyl curse under her breath. Options were slim. Octavia was sinking. The ship was leaving her behind. Vinyl refused to leave her behind. She'd let Octavia drift away from her life once before; she wouldn't let it happen again – literal or otherwise. She didn’t think anymore. She put a hoof up on the railing and jumped. The water hit with a vengeance. It was cold, stealing the air from Vinyl’s lungs. Hurrying, Vinyl put one hoof around the ring, swimming to her friend’s side. At some point during her impact, Vinyl's glasses had flown off. She would've taken a moment to lament loosing them, but something far more precious needed her attention. “Tavi, calm down. Octavia, I’m here. Take this. It’ll be okay.” Octavia put her hooves in the ring, calmed by Vinyl’s presence. She stared at Vinyl with wide, shocked eyes. Everything had happened too fast. “V-Vinyl…” Octavia leaned over, resting her head against her friend’s in a silent gesture of eternal gratitude. After a second, she leaned back, looking towards the ship. “W-Why did you…? W-What’s going to h-happen to us?” Vinyl followed her eyes, watching the ship drift away without them. She hoped that somepony would look out into the water and see them, but luck wasn’t on their side. Vinyl was too worn out and far too cold to concentrate enough for magic. Soon, the waves calmed somewhat as the ship’s wake faded. Vinyl found herself sitting in silence, unable to answer Octavia’s questions. She simply shook her head, looking around them, surveying their situation. Water, in every direction. Fear gripped her as well, but she hid it, for Octavia’s sake. “Do you believe in those old legends? The ones about sea-ponies, coming to save ponies lost in the water?” Vinyl asked the space over Octavia’s shoulder, staring blankly at the rolling waves. “Because, I’m starting to think the old legends being true might be our best chance right now.” Octavia choked out a sob, burying her face into the ring. Vinyl reached over, smoothing out her friend’s drenched and messy mane. She wanted to say everything would be okay, but she wasn’t sure if Octavia would believe her. How could she expect Octavia to believe it, when she couldn’t believe it herself? The night was long and Vinyl didn’t find sleep easily. She let Octavia climb into the ring and rest, while she wrapped a strap on the ring around a hoof, so she wouldn’t drift away from it. Fear had stripped away what little energy she had left and, once Octavia was fast asleep, Vinyl’s mind began to wander. She foresaw the two of them starving out here, or being eaten by things in the water. The hopelessness drained away her strength; soon Vinyl rested her head against Octavia’s warm coat and drifted to sleep, imagining the song of the sea-ponies from those age-old legends. > Chapter 17: Tropical Octav3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17: Tropical Octav3 [v] “Shoo-be-doo…?” Vinyl sputtered, coming out of a rather unusual and horrifying nightmare. She snapped her head this way and that, still half asleep, expecting to see strange pseudo-sea-ponies gathered around her, singing underwater, somehow. Instead, she was greeted with the sight of sand only inches from her hooves. Turning her eyes up, she found Octavia still asleep on the flotation ring, a beach spreading out in front of them. Vinyl couldn’t recall any known islands in the Southern Luna Ocean, but then again, it was mostly unexplored waters. She pushed the ring to shore and walked out of the water, onto the warm sand. She sighed loudly, feeling the warmth of the sun drying her coat and mane. She was coated in a layer of salt, felt grimy and achy, but she was alive! By Celestia, she was alive! Vinyl tossed her head back, laughing and cheering. She rolled over, kissing the sand, immediately sputtering and spitting out the tiny grains. “V-Vinyl?” Octavia’s trembling voice snapped Vinyl out of her excitement. The DJ looked back to her friend, who was staring around with wide, terrified eyes. “W-Where are we?” Octavia was pulling herself from the flotation ring, stepping into the water on shaky hooves. She snapped her head back out to the ocean. “Where’s the ship?! Didn’t they notice we were gone?” Octavia’s chest began to heave as she hyperventilated. “Tavi, it’s an island. I bet the ship’s long gone now.” Vinyl answered, as calmly as she could. She didn’t want to freak her friend out any more. “Calm down, okay? This is great.” “Calm down? Calm down?!” Octavia shouted, rounding on her friend. As she continued, she marched towards Vinyl, gradually getting louder. “How can I be calm right now? We’re stranded on an island in an ocean nopony has explored! We have no clue where we are! Nopony knows we’re here! And my mane is a mess!” Vinyl tried not to laugh. She really did. But in the end, she couldn’t help herself. “Tavi, chill. We’re better off than we were last night. We aren’t stuck on that tiny little ring anymore.” “Oh no, of course not; now we’re just stuck on a much larger pile of sand! That is so much more comforting!” Octavia’s voice slowly growing more frightened by the second, made Vinyl immediately shift her way of thinking. “We’ll be fine, you’ll see. The trees here are tropical and that means fruit.” Vinyl motioned to a tree-line not far from the beach. “And there’s bound to be water to clean up with and drink.” “And bugs. And predators. Probably monsters. Who knows what else…” Octavia shook her whole head, taking a step back. Soon, her entire body was trembling. “I-I… I won’t go in there, Vinyl. I-I need to… We need to get out of here!” She turned, charging back into the water frantically. Vinyl jumped to stop her, but Octavia was already flank-deep in the blue. She clearly either ignored or didn't hear Vinyl’s first and second shouts, but when she threw the words, ‘look out!’ into the mix, the grey mare paused and looked back. “For what?” Octavia asked, looking back to her friend and then followed her gaze off to the side. A large, grey fin glided closer, moving around her in a small circle. Something clicked in Octavia’s mind and she screamed, racing back to the shore. The shark angrily departed as it’s meal retreated. “T-T-That was a shark!” Octavia sputtered, hugging herself as she laid on the beach, trembling. “Still think we’re safer in the water?” Vinyl asked, a little too smugly. However, Octavia didn’t reply. She didn’t even stop trembling. She was staring at something on the horizon, but Vinyl didn’t see anything there. Perhaps she was looking back to a time when the world wasn’t so frightening. Vinyl sighed, giving up on the ‘holier than thou’ thing. “Hey, Tavi…” Vinyl sat beside her friend, nudging her face with her muzzle. “Have I ever lied to you? We’ll be fine. Please, trust me.” Octavia shifted, looking at Vinyl. After a few seconds, she calmed, smiling a very small smile. “Yes. You've lied plenty of times..." She paused, then took a deep breath. "But a-alright. I trust you, Vinyl.” “Good.” Vinyl leaned back up, offering a hoof to her friend. “Come on, let’s go exploring. Nothin’ in this forest would be able to handle the two of us, together.” Octavia gave another tiny smile and took the offered hoof. Despite her misgivings about forests, Octavia was forced to admit that this was probably the most beautiful forest she'd ever see. First off, it was brighter and more colorful than every forest she had ever been in or heard of. Plants grew large and strong, meaning fruit would be plentiful and more than likely delicious as well. Her friend looked up from her side, noticing coconuts, pineapples and mangoes, along with a few other fruits, like bananas. Octavia had, at one time or another, tried every fruit on display. “Jackpot.” Vinyl said with a wide grin. Octavia looked to Vinyl, thankful for the distraction. The forest around her was making her nervous. Ever since the Nightmare Night incident, Octavia had nightmares about being chased through the forest by the Headless Pony. Once, Luna had shown up to try and ease her fears, but seeing the Princess only dragged up even more memories, only making the nightmare worse. “Fruit? Good. Can we hurry up, get them and get back to the beach? Please?” Octavia couldn’t keep the fear out of her voice. Even with the sun warming her mane, Octavia couldn’t stand being among all these trees, not able to see very far through the meshing trunks. “Hold on.” Vinyl walked around a tree bearing coconuts. “These will be a real pain to get down with magic. They’re stuck tight to the tree… We’d be better off bucking them down and saving my magic for things like the bananas.” Vinyl looked over to Octavia and smiled. “Looks like this is a job for the Earth Pony. Show this tree who’s boss, Tavi.” Octavia was more than happy to help; anything to get her out of the woods faster. She looked up at the coconuts, turning away from the tree and kicked back, good and hard. Nothing fell, but the tree swayed a bit. “Again.” Vinyl urged her, watching the curious fruit closely. “You almost got ‘em.” Octavia sighed and braced herself, giving the tree another good, solid buck. She kicked with more force this time, angry at the tree for not giving them what they needed right away. All at once, a whole cluster of coconuts fell. Vinyl shouted, not having expected that. “Whoa! Tavi, watch it!” Vinyl scrambled to catch as many as she could with her magic, but it was just too much. Several slipped past her magical net and landed on her friend. Vinyl winced as three coconuts landed on Octavia’s back, flank, and head, making her friend stumble and fall over. “Yo, Tavi, y’alright?” Vinyl hurried over to her friend, depositing the coconuts off to the side. Octavia was dazed, and had a fresh, throbbing headache. She groaned in answer to Vinyl’s question, finding words to be a tad beyond her right now. She’d just lay there a while. Yes, that sounded nice. Some movement not far in front of Octavia caught her eye. She focused on that, since the rest of the world had decided to start spinning. The little object moved back and forth, coming ever closer. It was a few moments before Octavia realized what it was. The little snake flicked its tongue out, curious about the new scent; it had never smelt ponies before. It slithered a bit closer, wondering to itself how dangerous something so… silly looking could be. Octavia screamed, jumping up and back, putting her back against the neighbor to the tree she’d bucked. She huffed out her breath, watching the snake retreat. Whatever ponies were, it had decided, they were rather jumpy. Octavia sighed and began to relax. It was just a snake. It was more scared of her than she was of it. Besides, it had been kinda cute, once it was well out of hoofs reach... and hidden in the bushes. Octavia felt something tickle her shoulder. She swatted at her shoulder with a hoof, but the itch didn’t go away. She turned her head, peering at the offending spot. A spider, big and hairy, was crawling along her arm, finding it a convenient shortcut to the branch it was scurrying to. It looked at Octavia as she looked at it, its big eyes gazing expectantly, as if it was waiting for a treat of some kind. What it got instead was screams and a flailing hoof. “Off! Get off of me!” Octavia shouted. She heard Vinyl trying to convince her that nothing here would try to hurt them. Octavia wanted to laugh, and not because she thought it was funny. Thinking the danger was finally past, Octavia took a deep breath. She tried to find her center. She wouldn’t let some stupid forest beat her. She let out the breath and started counting to ten. At about seven, she felt something lick her face with a long, slimy tongue. Something inside Octavia broke right about then. It was unclear what she said, how loud she screamed, or even what direction she ran off in. She didn’t care, as long as she wasn’t there. The trees became one large blur as she darted through them; sprinting, ducking, jumping, and shouting aimlessly as she rushed through the brush, trying to find the safety of the open beach. At least there, nothing would try to crawl all over her or lick her. She saw a familiar sight, some part of the forest that she thought she remembered, and turned her head to look. Taking her eyes off the path in front of her, however, proved to be a terrible idea. Unable to stop or even slow down, Octavia’s hoof snagged on a root. There was a brief moment of clarity as she soared through the air. The world wound to a stop and she was forced to see her own folly. She could have been running deeper into the forest this whole time, trapping herself in the very thing she was afraid of. Had she only had time to think, she would— The grand epiphany was interrupted by that most rude of intruders; gravity. Her reunion with the ground was as spectacular as it was painful. When the dizzying tumble skidded to a halt, Octavia realized why things looked so familiar. She had skidded to a stop just behind Vinyl, right back where she started. Vinyl peered back at Octavia, giving a low whistle. “Whoa. Full circuit. Nice.” The DJ gave a little chuckle and turned, helping her friend up. “Tired out now? Come on, we’ve got coconuts to crack and pineapples to peel. Wait, do you peel pineapples?” Octavia felt anger flush her face red. How could Vinyl be so… nonchalant about all this? How could she not see the danger they were in right now? The torrent of emotions grew in her, threatening to explode. “Fruit? You’re still worried about the bucking fruit!?” Vinyl twitched, both at Octavia’s tone, and at her choice of words. “Tavi, chill out, I just—“ “Chill out? You want me to chill out? You always do this, Vinyl! You never think about the consequences of the world around you. You never bother to stop and look at the situation. You never plan ahead! You flit through life so casually and it just… just…” Octavia found she couldn’t contain her anger anymore. It was slipping through her hooves, like the sand she’d left back on the beach. She bit her lip, knowing her friend didn’t deserve this. Turning, she started to walk again. “Just… forget it, Vinyl. Let’s get back to the beach.” Vinyl trotted to her side, levitating the fruits she’d gathered in the air between them. “At least we’ve got food now, Tavi…” Octavia scoffed, heading back towards the isolation of the beach. Vinyl watched sadly as Octavia stared out at the setting sun. The first day had been eventful, but not particularly positive. Octavia hadn’t spoken to her for the rest of the day; she had accepted her food in silence and had eaten it alone. Vinyl knew Octavia well enough to know she hadn’t meant to snap and now she was punishing herself for it. This whole situation had been way too sudden for her sensibilities. As she watched her friend torment herself, Vinyl tried to think up some kind of plan. She wouldn’t let Octavia do this for another minute. An idea crept its way into her head just then; a strange, but interesting idea. “Hey Tavi.” Vinyl trotted out onto the sands. “Tavi, come ‘ere. I wanna show you something.” Octavia ignored her, shifting the sand around in front of her. “Don’t ignore me, Tavi. I’m warnin’ ya.” Vinyl was sure to keep her tone joking, trying to keep things lighthearted. Still, the grey pony ignored her, drawing a cello-shape in the sand. Suddenly, the cello trailed off as Octavia found herself sliding back, Vinyl pulling her along by her tail. “Vinyl, stop that! It hurts!” Octavia protested, tugging her tail loose from her friend’s mouth. “I warned ya. It got you to talk, though,” Vinyl said, chuckling. The two were off the sands now, on the grass between the beach and the trees. Octavia scowled harder – clearly upset at being forced from her moping – and rose to leave. Vinyl caught one of her front hooves as she stood. Before Octavia could even understand what was happening, Vinyl had pulled the cellist into a mock dance, their muzzles only inches apart, moving with that strange unison the two had found during Nightmare Night. Vinyl was humming the tune Fiddle had played as Octavia stared straight into Vinyl's eyes with a wide look that was filled with both confusion and mirth at the direction these events had taken. It was only seconds before a huge smile spread on her face. The two abandoned any sense of order – if any order was there to begin with – and began dancing more freely, Octavia joining her friend in the humming. The pair laughed, swinging together in the light of the setting sun. The more they danced, the happier they became, growing more impassioned with every second. Eventually, swinging her too hard, Octavia tossed Vinyl. The DJ, not as used to standing on two hooves as Octavia, couldn’t find her balance and fell into the grass with a grunt. “Oh no, Vinyl, I’m so sorry!” Octavia rushed over to her friend's side. Vinyl couldn't help but smile at Octavia's genuine worry about something so small. With a light chuckle, she held out a hoof, silently asking for help up. The second Octavia grabbed it, Vinyl tugged, pulling her friend down to the grass next to her with a cheerful laugh. The two tumbled, rolling out onto the sand and battering one another in a mock fight. They hadn’t played like this since they were fillies. The two wound down, both ponies heaving in exhaustion and laying side-by-side, staring up to the sky as the stars flickered to life. “Maybe… You were right, Vinyl. Maybe this place isn’t so bad after all. I mean, I’m not alone here; that means something.” She paused, and then rolled onto her side, staring at her friend. “But I shant spend the rest of my life here.” “Never said we would.” Vinyl leaned up on one hoof, staring over her friend. She was quite a sight; her mane and coat filled with salt and sand, her necktie untied and hanging loosely from her neck. Her smile was back, as radiant as the stars. Vinyl had to admit, Octavia’s beauty could rival the sun. Vinyl had to admit a lot of things, admittedly. The DJ scooted closer to her friend, her face growing serious. “Yo, Tavi; about what we were talking about on the ship…” “No; don’t worry about it.” Octavia chuckled, shaking her head. “I was being selfish and rather silly. This time with you made me realize something again; time with you is more important than anything else. It doesn’t matter that you turned me down. I know now you’ll always be my friend.” Vinyl let her finish, but raised an eyebrow before her sentence was through. She gave a small chuckle and leaned forward, their faces almost touching. Octavia blushed, feeling her friend’s breath on her face. “When did I ever say I turned you down, Tavi?” Before Octavia could react in any way, Vinyl kissed her friend gently, letting her eyes close. Unlike the kiss on Nightmare Night, this kiss lingered. Emotions surged between the two and Vinyl was reluctant to break it, even for a breath of air. When she finally relented, she left her friend in a blushing, dumfounded daze, her mouth half-open and her eyes wide. “Listen, and listen good, Tavi.” Vinyl sat up properly, paused and laughed. “And close your mouth. You’ll catch flies in there.” Octavia gave a sudden, embarrassed giggle, like a schoolgirl talking to her first crush. She sat up straight in the sand, ignoring Vinyl’s grin, clearing her throat. However she didn’t speak; only listened. “I won’t waste either of our time by lying to you. Ah hay, who am I kidding, I couldn’t lie to you. Not about this.” Vinyl shifted a hoof in the sand, kneading it under her. “I love you, Tavi. When we were little, you were like my mentor. You were the pony I dreamed of being like. When I got older and you moved away, to make you proud so I could see you again, without being ashamed at least, was what drove me to become the musician I am today. Through every danger, I’ve been scared witless about loosin’ you again. But, I guess, learning how you felt about me made me rethink how I felt. “I’ve been a real moron. I’ve been scared of hurtin’ Neon, being his idol and all. I get the impression love is a pretty rare thing for him and I was afraid of bein’ a bad special somepony. I tried to be half the idol you were to me for him, but I doubt I could ever manage that.” Octavia started to reply, but Vinyl stopped her, covering her mouth with a hoof. “Don’t stop me. I’m on a roll here.” She chuckled and tilted her head to the side slightly, staring deeply into Octavia’s violet eyes. “I gotta be honest with myself, for both our sakes. I love a mare, and her name is Octavia Melody. I’ve loved her since I was a little filly, but not in the same way I did later. And now?” Vinyl chuckled, blushing a little bit. “I don’t wanna hurt Neon too bad, but I ain’t about to miss out on life with you, Octavia. He’s a great guy and I wish him the luck in the world, but you’re the only pony for me. Call it fate, destiny, or just dumb luck or whatever. I think we were brought together for a reason. This reason. You and I, we’re livin’ proof that nothing can come between two ponies in love; not gender, genre or anything else. None of it matters when you’re in love. “I’m just so sorry I made you suffer so much.” Vinyl smiled, leaning over, touching her nose to Octavia’s. “I won’t tie any knots or anythin’ just yet – not till I’ve had a chance to leave Neon. He deserves no less than the best I can give him. But, as of now, another pony holds my heart in her hooves.” She gave Octavia a brief, passionate kiss, chuckling and blushing afterwards. “I’m pretty sure you always have, actually. It just took me this long to realize it.” Octavia scrunched up her face, trying hard to not cry, but halfway through Vinyl’s speech, two lines of joyful tears were running their way down her face. After Vinyl had finished, the cellist drew in a breath, and Vinyl realized that Octavia hadn't taken a single breath while Vinyl had been speaking. “This all… I just…” Octavia shook her head, floundering and laughing at her own ineptitude. “There aren’t any words, Vinyl. I don’t know how to express how happy I am. I never imagined this would happen.” “Me neither.” Vinyl smiled, putting herself right by Octavia’s side, leaning into her. “But it has. And I figure, you and I should make the best of it, don’t you? I mean, we’ve got a lot of missed time to make up for.” Vinyl grinned, and then gave Octavia a light bump with her head. “Come on. I know it’s late, but we should build some shelter and get some sleep. I’m thinkin’ a palm-tree mansion, right there.” Vinyl held up a hoof, sweeping it over a large space in an imperious gesture. Octavia chuckled, bumping her back. “Perhaps that’s a little grand. At least for tonight. Perhaps we should think up something more modest?” “Heh… Yeah, you’re probably right.” Island life quickly became more bearable, now that the two ponies had laid their emotions bare. Stress removed from the equation, Octavia found life on the island to be relaxing, in its own way. Here, there was no concerts. No noise – aside from all the noise Vinyl made. Just peace and – relative – quiet. In the calm, she found herself writing songs; new compositions filled with love and hope. She hadn’t written music like this since she was a filly and it made her heart soar to see such music come from her hooves once again. She couldn’t wait to get home and play them and share them with the world. Vinyl had also taken to composing music, but in a much louder way than her humming counterpart. She had found several hollowed out logs and rapped on them with strong branches, trying to find a certain pitch that she could use for an album she had in mind: ‘Tropical Octaves’ Octavia felt herself blush as she considered that she was the primary inspiration for the album, leading her to name the compositions she was making ‘The V-Scratch Sessions’ in response. It was the eleventh day of their sojourn from Equestria, the two mares adapting nicely to the life on the Island; they could enjoy it, so long as they were together. The two sat side by side, fishing on the bluff not far from their beach. “Got one!” Octavia shouted, her line jumping as a fish thrashed on the other end. The two hadn’t eaten any of the fish they’d caught, just letting them back into the water after they were done. The two mares simply enjoyed the chance to share in one-another’s company. “Hold on! I’ll give you… a…” Vinyl trailed off as she approached, stopping mid-step, staring out at the horizon. Octavia pulled the fish up, only cheering for a second longer before she noticed Vinyl’s silence. “Vinyl?” “A ship.” Vinyl whispered, a smile growing on her face. “A ship!” She motioned out to the water, bouncing on the rocks of the bluff. Her horn started shimmering, a small ball of light breaking off from the tip and drifting to her voice. She rushed to the very edge of the water and started shouting, her voice amplified to carry over the water. “Yo! Over here! Mayday! Ponies overboard!” Vinyl threw her head back, shouting as loudly as she could, lasers and exploding fireworks filling the air. In the morning light, the lasers wouldn’t be of much use, but Vinyl's excitement couldn't be contained. It was like too much water in a tiny jug. However, a bright flash of red light erupted over the ship in response, one of Neon’s signature spells. Vinyl cheered and jumped up and down, laughing. “Tavi, we’re saved! I told ya, it was only a matter of time!” Octavia found herself feeling slightly upset. She wished this little vacation with Vinyl had lasted just a little longer, but she was also glad at the prospect of returning to civilization. She honestly couldn’t say what her feelings were at the moment, but she was acutely aware that she hadn't had proper hygiene products in nearly two weeks. She pulled the fish off her hook, deposited him back into the ocean, set her fishing line aside, and stood to watch the ship. As the vessel drew closer, she smiled and walked over to Vinyl, leaning herself against her friend as the DJ charged down her magic. “I wonder if Fiddle is on there.” She wondered aloud. “No doubt, if Neon’s there.” Vinyl grinned from ear to ear, and then looked over to Octavia. Her grin faded to a soft, loving smile. “I’ll talk to Neon as soon as possible. Don’t worry, nothin’ll change my mind.” Vinyl hadn’t needed to say anything, but hearing it sent a wave of warmth through Octavia’s chest. “Good luck.” She whispered, pecking Vinyl on the cheek. Vinyl turned, giving a more liberal kiss. She ended it with a sigh, looking out to the ship. “I’ll need it. I’ve never broke up with somepony before. I hope I don’t hurt him too much.” The ship drew closer quickly and the pair of ponies rushed back to their camp, gathering up anything they wanted to bring with them. Octavia swept up her compositions – written onto palm leaves with a charcoal-like stone they'd found – while Vinyl picked out the log she’d chosen for her music, levitating it to her side. They snatched up a few other little things, like the grass skirts they’d made for a laugh and the makeshift instruments Vinyl had tried to make for her. They had sounded absolutely horrendous, but Octavia had appreciated the gesture. Octavia did stop to gingerly pick up one of the pairs of flimsy drums, carrying them with her as if they were her most prized possession. She wouldn’t take them all, but she wanted at least one instrument to remember the island by. The ship dispatched a small skiff, which made its way towards the beach. As it got closer, Vinyl and Octavia saw roughly five ponies on board, Neon and Fiddle included. When it drew up to the sand, everpony on board was met with the unusual sight of Vinyl and Octavia, dressed in leaves and dirt and sand, grinning at their loved ones happily. “It’s about time.” Vinyl said, trying to sound relaxed. “I’ll say. We were running out of fish to catch.” Octavia added, before they both broke into relieved laughter. Neon jumped off the boat first, splashing into the water before the ship had fully reached the shore. He rushed to them, laughing loudly and caught Vinyl in a hug. “By Celestia, I was so worried about you two!” He leaned in, kissing Vinyl before she had a chance to do anything. Vinyl’s eyes went wide, and then slid over to Octavia, who was looking at the ship, pointedly not looking in their direction. She understood how hard this would be for Vinyl, so she vowed to let her take her time. Neon broke the kiss, smiling happily. “We were both so worried you two had—” “Neon, look, hold on a sec, okay? We need to talk.” Vinyl said simply. Neon looked confused, but didn’t say anything about it. “’Kay... Well, when we learned you two were missing, we looked everywhere. We couldn’t call off the cruise, but we were given a ride back to shore and found someponies willing to help us find you. Are you two alright?” He blinked a bit. "Oh, yeah," he said suddenly, taking something from a small pouch he was wearing. "I figured you lost yours, so I snagged these from your stash." He levitated a pair of Vinyl's shades in front of her, grinning. "DJ-Pon3 can't not have her shades." Octavia peered over her shoulder as Vinyl started leading Neon off, looking back to the ship just in time to see Fiddlesticks hop down onto the sand. Octavia could see her little sister’s tears as she rushed over, only then realizing just how terrified she must have been. The two hugged tightly for a moment, leaning apart with smiles. “I-I was… I was worried sick, yanno.” Fiddle choked out, sniffing. “Don’t ya ever do that to me again…” She wiped her tears, and then smiled. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Octi. I was so scared that I’d never see ya again. It would’ve been all my fault…” Octavia hugged Fiddle, cutting her short. “Please, don’t blame yourself. How could any of this been your fault? It was my own pig-headedness that landed me in all this mess.” She looked over her shoulder at the two DJs, and then back to her sister. “Well, I’ll explain it all later. Come on, sis. Help me get some things onto the boat. I think Vinyl will want some privacy…” Vinyl watched as Octavia lead her sister back to the boat, carrying a random assortment of things. She even noticed the flotation wheel they arrived on among the pile. She was distracting herself, procrastinating. She didn’t want to do this, but she had to. She closed her eyes and levitated her glasses to rest on her horn. She couldn't be DJ-Pon3 right now; she needed to be just Vinyl Scratch. She took a deep breath, letting it out as a breath of pure confidence. She would be fine. She just hoped Neon would be too… “Listen, Neon, this is important…” Vinyl looked back to her somewhat-special-somepony, smiling a weak smile. “I… uh… How do I say it?” She asked herself, running a hoof over her mane. “I-I just… Neon, out here, I realized somethin’ about who I am. Something I hadn’t admitted ever before. You’re an awesome stallion, I want you to know that. You’re not only a great stallion, but a great friend. We make rockin’ music together and I never want that to change…” Vinyl trailed off, a knot forming in her chest. Neon frowned as he listened; obviously he knew where this conversation was going. Vinyl struggled for a second longer, before Neon urged her on. “But?” He offered sadly. Vinyl took a step back, upset that she’d been so predictable. This wasn’t going like she’d hoped. “B-but… On the ship, I realized somethin’. I like you a lot, but… somepony else won my heart a long, long time ago.” Vinyl turned, looking over Neon’s shoulder as Octavia helped Fiddle load one of her ratty drum sets onto the ship. Neon followed her gaze and sighed. “I turned you into a lesbian. Well, I think I’ve committed the most heinous act imaginable. Stallions everywhere are gonna hate me.” He paused, chuckling a weak, forced chuckle. “Mares‘ll be thankful enough though.” Vinyl laughs just as weakly, shaking her head. “I’m really sorry, Neon. I never wanted to hurt you. You’re a really awesome dude, the only one who can make club music as good as me. This decision had nothin’ to do with you. It had everything to do with her.” Vinyl nudged her head towards Octavia. “I never imagined this would happen… Could you have?” Vinyl asked him with a wry smirk. Neon didn’t return it as he looked back at Octavia. “Yeah. Yeah, I probably could have.” Neon muttered, making Vinyl’s smirk vanish. “You two were always so close. You know, I used to be so jealous of her. I was so sure she’d steal you from me, and that’s another reason I was so rude to her. Guess I was right.” He chuckled and looked back to his once-special-somepony. “So, this is it, huh?” “I… Yeah... We had a great time though. Don’t be sad, alright?” Vinyl said, hopefully. “Hard thing to ask, Vinyl. I know it ain’t your fault, I promise. I’m not mad or anythin’. Hay, I lucked out with all the good times we had, up till now. How many stallions can say they were with their hero?” Slowly, Neon smirked. “How many can say they were their hero’s first time.” Vinyl blushed. “Yeah, I’m a lucky stallion…” He reached out, patting Vinyl slightly. Everything Neon did was forced, Vinyl could tell. “Octavia’s a hard nut to crack, but I think you two fit together really well…” Neon nodded, this time looking more certain.”Yeah… You two really do make a cute couple.” He gave a small, resigned shrug. “Well… Lots of fish in the ocean, right?” He grinned a genuine grin at Vinyl, who returned it in kind. “Believe me, I know. We caught, like, half of them.” Octavia passed the drums up to Fiddle, feeling eyes on her back. She forced herself to not look, respecting Neon enough to not make this any harder on him. “What’s the matter, Octi?” Fiddle asked, accepting the drums. The crew behind her politely ignored the conversation, going about the preparations for departure. “Vinyl’s breaking up with Neon.” Octavia stated bluntly. Fiddle blinked once, peeked out at the pair, and then looked back. “To be with you?” Fiddle asked, setting the drums aside. She gave her head a small tilt, trying to not seem too intrusive. Octavia nodded and Fiddle let out a little squeal of joy. “That’s great news, Octi! So, when’s the weddin’?” Octavia nearly fell over at the question. It was shocking enough that her dreams had become a reality; she couldn’t handle the idea of even more right now! “Fiddle!” Octavia tossed one of the grass skirts at her sister, who dodged nimbly. Fiddlesticks giggled and snatched up the next item, the second of the skirts. “But seriously, I can’t said I ain’t glad.” She set the two skirts aside, leaning over the railing. “You two are perfect together.” Octavia blushed, but smiled. “Thanks Fiddle.” Octavia said as she passed up the last items, the leaves with both hers and Vinyl’s collective musical scores. “S’nothin.” Fiddle waved a hoof after she safely set down the bundle of leaves. “Besides, I reckon this means Neon’ll be up for grabs now.” She gave a mischievous little grin and giggled. Octavia paused for a moment, thinking back to Fiddle’s recent confession of affection. “Wait… You mean the pony you like…?” “Well, I ain’t told him yet! Come on, Octi, he was with Vinyl before this.” Fiddle put her hooves up on the railing, looking over the side of the boat to her sister. “But yeah, I like ‘im.” She blushed, looking out to Neon and Vinyl. “He’s a really sweet guy. A bit on the brash side, but no more 'n Vinyl is. Besides, who ain’t these days?” Fiddlesticks sighed happily, resting her head on her hooves. “And his music, ain’t it just so cool? It makes you wanna shake your flank when ya hear it.” Humming one of Neon’s tunes, Fiddle began swaying her flank from side to side, distracting one of the sailors so badly he fell off the side of the ship. “I think I’ll wait a bit before askin’ him out though. He’ll be pretty broken up over Vinyl, I’m sure. He really cared about her somethin’ fierce. You should’ve seen how he worried…” Fiddle smiled a hopeful, happy smile. “I wonder if he’ll feel the same about me?” Octavia felt herself smile too, happy to see her sister so happy. “Be careful, Fiddle.” Octavia said, climbing onto the ship. She bumped her sister with her flank playfully. “If the fact that he dated Vinyl is a sign of anything, I’d say he’s a wild one.” “Well, you’re datin’ Vinyl now, ain’tcha? And I’m your sister, so that means I can handle him just as good as you can Vinyl.” She puffed out her chest with pride, tossing back her head and laughing. “Good times ahead, sis.” Octavia looked over the sight of Neon and Vinyl, bumping hooves as friends. She felt her heart swell as Vinyl looked over to her and winked. Yes, she had to agree with her sister. Good times were, indeed, ahead. > Chapter 18: Forget Me Not > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18: Forget Me Not Vinyl yawned, sitting up in her bed, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She moved to slide off her bed, but stopped, feeling a slight tug. Octavia had her hoof around her lower torso, and was hugging to her while she slept. Vinyl smiled a little, slipping back into a comfortable position, resting her head on top of Octavia's and closing her eyes again. Life was good. No, it was better than good; it was nearly perfect in every way. Ever since they returned home, Octavia and Vinyl hadn't spent more than three hours apart at any one given time. Vinyl knew this wouldn't last forever - Octavia needed to eventually return to her concerts and Vinyl herself had some gigs to play - but as she held Octavia close, smelling the fragrance of her hair and feeling the warmth of her body, Vinyl found herself wishing that moments like this could last forever. Octavia awoke not long after, giving a very small, indelicate snort, before opening her eyes and yawning widely. She went to lift her head, but stopped when she felt Vinyl lying against her. The mare had fallen asleep again, but Octavia could tell she had already woken up once. The blankets were still covering her; Vinyl always kicked them off during the night. Shifting, she kissed the base of Vinyl's neck, slowly moving up until she was kissing the bottom of her chin. Vinyl had, of course, woken up through the course of this, but was feigning sleep. "Vinyl. Wake up, you lazy bum." Octavia giggled, giving her lover a faint push. Her lover. By Celestia, she never thought she would think those words in relation to Vinyl. Fear and doubt had been blown away, leaving only unbridled joy. Vinyl feigned a groan and shifted her body, pulling Octavia's face into the fur of her chest. "Mm... Five more minutes. Don't wanna move..." Octavia giggled, snuggling her face into her special mare. "Oh, alright, you win. But we've got to meet Twilight and the others at the train station by noon. We're going to the Trader's Exchange, don't forget." Vinyl snuggled back, smiling. "Yeah yeah... Her Highness can wait though. She may be royalty now, but she ain't a cellist and she isn't half as sexy as the pony I got right here." Octavia blushed, still not used to being complimented so liberally. Vinyl always lavished her in flattery, not that Octavia was complaining. The two had learned, rather suddenly upon their return to Ponyville that they had missed several events in their long stay in Las Pegasus ranging from extraordinary to calamitous. First, Twilight had become a Royal Princess. The news had floored Octavia, while Vinyl had just shrugged and stated that she'd seen it coming a mile away. On a less pleasant note, the Everfree had gone berserk, wreaking havoc on Ponyville. Vinyl had returned to find her father's house damaged, much of her equipment broken and more than one invention destroyed. Octavia had cradled her cello for hours, she was so happy it had been unscathed. "Well, we shouldn't keep her waiting, Vinyl. She's still our friend, Alicorn or not. It would be rude to not show her punctuality." Vinyl tilted her head, not moving it from its resting spot in Octavia's mane. "Well, fine... We'll just need to share the shower then." Vinyl snickered mischievously and Octavia flushed. "Oh, you perverted little..." Octavia whispered. "Ah, you know you love it." Vinyl laughed, kissing the top of Octavia's head. Octavia smiled. "Do I?" She pretended to think. "Yes. Yes I do... But not this morning, Vinyl. Please, I don't want to keep Twilight waiting. Your usual..." Octavia cleared her throat, feeling her face heat up more. "... Antics in the shower would make us late for sure." Vinyl let out a mock sigh, leaning back from Octavia. "What, has the Princess stolen you from me? Are wings really that attractive?" She grinned and hopped from the bed, Octavia following at a more leisurely speed. "Don't even joke." Octavia laughed, moving to her vanity. "Do you know how long I've been trying to rope you, Vinyl? Longer than even I knew. I'm not about to let you slip through my hooves now." "Oh, I'll slip through your hooves all you want, Octavia. I know you love that too." Octavia giggled, brushing her mane. "Vinyl, you are incorrigible." "I don't know the meaning of the word." Vinyl moved up behind Octavia, looking at her in the mirror. "No, seriously, what does that mean?" She slipped her head in beside Octavia's, nestling it under her chin, while Octavia continued to brush her mane. Seeking vengeance, Vinyl returned the kisses Octavia had placed on her neck, doing the same right back. The neck was Octavia's weakness, not Vinyl's. The grey mare shivered, setting the brush down. She tilted her head up, exposing more of her neck. "Vinyl, stop... We're going to be late... Vinyl?" Octavia shivered again, this time all over, as Vinyl started nibbling instead. "Oh... Dammit, Vinyl..." Octavia laughed and threw her hooves around the Unicorn, tackling her to the floor. The two raced, chests heaving, their stuffed packs weighing the both of them down. "I told you we needed to hurry!" Octavia complained, sweat leaking down her face. The shower they'd taken had been completely useless now! Well... maybe not completely useless... "Don't worry! We'll apologize when we get there, a'ight?" Vinyl heaved out, panting more than Octavia was. The Unicorm might have magic on her side, but her supplies had far more metal worked into them than Octavia's belongings, making them much, much heavier. Octavia rolled her eyes, but lagged back. "Give me one of those, you silly thing. I can carry one of them just fine." Vinyl levitated one of the bags over onto Octavia's back, thankful for the help. The cellist slowed, securing the bag, before rushing to catch up with her lover. The train station came into sight and the two slowed, stopping and looking for their company. "Ugh... They went on ahead, I bet. Let's go find them; I'm not looking forward to explaining why we were late..." Vinyl shrugged. "Like I said, just say you missed your alarm." "I don't have an alarm, Vinyl. You're practically my alarm." "But the Princess doesn't know that." Vinyl winked and grinned. Octavia gave a well-practiced scoff. "You're implying that I should lie, not only to a dear friend and fan, but to the newest Alicorn in Equestria? Vinyl, that is an absolutely terrible idea." Vinyl bumped her flank to Octavia's, her grin growing. "Oh? So you're going to tell her the truth then? I mean, I know you're bold and all, Tavi, but that right there is... interesting." Octavia flushed from what felt like head to hoof, shaking her head. "Nope! I mean... no, I most certainly missed my alarm." "Thought so." Vinyl snickered as they offered their tickets, purchased in advance, and entered the train. The ride to Rainbow Falls was uneventful. Vinyl and Octavia had decided last minute to accompany Twilight and her friends to the Trader's Exchange, mostly on a whim. Octavia had never gone before and was openly curious about what she would find, while Vinyl had been once prior and found the whole process rather daunting. The last time, all the jumping from pony to pony, hoping to find just the right thing at just the right time had made her head hurt. The two parted ways from the Princess and her friends almost instantly. Each of them seemed to split off into pairs and Octavia felt it would be rude to intrude on their time together. Smiling, she and Vinyl started among the stalls, her eyes roaming among the merchandise. "Is that a stall for stringed instruments?" Octavia slipped off, Vinyl watching her with amusement. She had the patience for a place like this. Vinyl was sure she'd find what she wanted. Vinyl, on the other hand, trotted off to find her booth. She had purchased a spot days ago, hoping to sell off an invention or two. She was eager to see how her latest attempt at a Dubtrot Mane-dryer sold. Octavia slipped between ponies on her way to the booth in question. As she was just about to reach it, Octavia blinked, hearing a faint, beautiful sound. Turning, Octavia spotted the source, a small bird perched at a booth not far away. The bird was like none Octavia had seen, a small creature with brownish feathers and a splash of white on each wing. It trilled happily, looking around at all the ponies, seeming excited. Octavia felt herself smile and turned her body from the Classical booth, heading over to the small critter. She had been considering a pet for some time now, but the idea of a bird hadn't ever occurred to her. She watched the little creature sing it's heart out, ponies stopping to look, but never showing much interest beyond soaking in the show. But for Octavia, this had become more. Could she raise a bird? She tilted her head and the bird, which looked her way, tilted it's head back. "Look, I'm like, super sorry..." Vinyl said quickly, once she'd finished helping the mare pat the flames out of her mane. "I-I've never had it do that before. Honest..." The mare glared at Vinyl, and then walked away, muttering angry, foul things under her breath. After that little display, Vinyl's booth was being given a rather wide berth. Sighing, she walked back behind her stand, putting up a small sign that read 'The DJ is Out' onto the counter. "Well, guess I might as well go see what I can find. What a total bust." Vinyl would've at least liked to have stayed with Octavia for a little longer. Maybe she would still be where she left her... With a defeated sigh, Vinyl started out, walking easily along the thinning crowd. It was starting to get later in the day and many ponies already had exactly what they wanted. Spotting the String Booth, Vinyl frowned when she didn't see Octavia. She could be here all day, looking for her in this crowd. Shrugging, she turned and started off. "Eh... I think it's time for food..." "You hunger?" The voice was strange, enough to make Vinyl turn and face the speaker. The pony was tall, standing a little higher than Vinyl did. He wore a large cloak, covering all his features. Vinyl did notice, however, a light, golden glow coming from under the hood. "I asked you, little mare... Do you hunger?" "Uh... What, you a food vendor or somethin'?" Vinyl approached cautiously. This was really strange. Nopony else seemed to want anything to do with this booth. When they looked at it, they just turned away, like there wasn't anything there. "Or something," the hooded pony replied. Vinyl was finally able to pin down what was so off about his voice; whenever he spoke, Vinyl wasn't entirely sure she was hearing him speak. She was feeling him speak. It was a realization that made her shiver slightly. "You wonder about me. About why nopony else sees what you see. I am only visible to those who I wish to be visible to... To those who need my assistance..." "Assistance?" Vinyl tilted her head, frowning. "Sorry dude, but I don't have a single clue who you are or what you could help me with." "Oh, you wouldn't know me, Vinyl Scratch... But I know you. I know you well, deep down into your heart. You could say that I am already a part of you." The pony leaned forward, seeming to tilt his head in a same direction as Vinyl. "As for what I can do for you... I can make a trade, of course..." Vinyl rolled her eyes, sighing. "Oh joy... Let me guess, you want some ancient, antique jar filled with horn polish that I can find on the complete opposite side of the Exchange, right?" Vinyl wasn't normally so surly, but she was hungry, upset, and missed Octavia. This unfortunate pony was just dealing with her at the wrong time. However, if her attitude bothered him, the pony made no comment. He leaned back again, seeming to sit on his haunches. "No. What I desire is something you carry with you now. I seek your most prized possession." Vinyl raised an eyebrow, genuinely confused now. "What're you... What could you possibly give me that would be worth something like that?" "Anything." The pony sounded amused, giving a strong laugh. Vinyl felt the laugh shake her, vibrating her horn in a slightly painful manner. "I will fulfill your deepest desire. A fair trade, is it not?" Vinyl looked around at the ponies around her, all unable to see this shady merchant and, she only just noticed, her as well. They walked around her as if she wasn't there, eyes never quite focusing on her. It was a sobering thought, but she believed this pony. For some reason, she believed he could do exactly what he claimed. "Alright, big guy." Vinyl trotted right up to his stand, tilting her head. "My desire is simple, but big. I want Octavia to be happy. I want to make her the happiest mare in all of Equestria. Is that too much for you?" The merchant hesitated, and then nodded. "Yes. This, I can do." Vinyl nodded back and levitated her glasses off, setting them on the counter. "These are the first pair of glasses I ever purchased. They're the ones that made me who I am. Take 'em. Make Octavia smile." She pushed the glasses across the table with a hoof. "We've got a deal." The merchant tilted his head faintly, resting a covered hoof over the glasses. "The deal is sealed. I will claim what is mine." Vinyl blinked and took a step back. Something about the way he said that worried her. "Well, yeah... They're right there, in front of you. Take 'em." "No." The merchant pony pushed the glasses back. "They are not what you cherish most. There is something more." Vinyl felt herself tense. She couldn't move. She couldn't even blink. What was happening? The pony leaned forward, putting both hooves up on the counter. Vinyl heard a sound, like a whispered chant, only drawing inwards. A light glowed in her eyes, making the world fade to white. The light was siphoned up and out of her, drifting under the hood of the merchant. "The deal is struck." It had been a pleasant shock, stumbling on Fiddlesticks here, of all places. Apparently, Octavia's sister ran a booth here for the Apple Family, trading antique farming tools for newer, more effective tools. There was always somepony interested in a vintage pitchfork, Octavia swiftly learned. "An' what're you doin' here, sis? I ain't never seen you at one of these here Exchanges before." Fiddle asked, smiling to her sister from over her counter. "Well, I came here thinking I would spend my time perusing classical instruments, but..." Octavia smiled, looking up to the small bird, perched on the front of her mane. "When I heard this little one sing, I just couldn't help myself. She is beautiful, isn't she?" Fiddlesticks smiled, nodding. "I think that breed's called a Mimus. Ain't too certain though. You'd be better askin' Fluttershy." "A good suggestion... I think I will—" Octavia cut off abruptly, snapping a hoof to her head. She groaned, closing her eyes and shivering. She felt strange; not exactly in pain, but like a part of her was melting away. She couldn't explain it any better than that. As Octavia recovered, she held a hoof up to stall Fiddle, who was walking around the booth to check on her. "I'm fine. Don't worry." "If ya say so..." Fiddle went back to her seat, frowning a little. Just as she went to speak, a familiar voice drew her attention. "Yo, Fiddle! I got the stuff you were lookin' for." Neon Lights trotted over, offering Fiddlesticks a soda and Hay Fries. Octavia gave a knowing, triumphant smirk. Fiddle waited until Neon wasn't looking, and then stuck her tongue out at her sister in retribution. "Oh, yo Octavia. Cute bird. You here with Vinyl?" "Hello and thank you..." Octavia smiled, tilting her head and closing her eyes. When she didn't say any more, Fiddle blinked and adopted a worried expression. "Sis? Y'all right?" "Hm?" Octavia opened her eyes and frown. "Ugh... Sorry, it's that infernal ringing again..." "Ringin'?" Fiddle tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "I ain't hearin' nothin' like no ringin'" "No, you wouldn't. It seems only I can hear it. It's been a regular problem, ever since..." Octavia trailed off. "Huh... I... Can't seem to remember when. I remember hurting my ears and hearing this foul ringing sound, but everything else is... fuzzy." "Hurt your ears? You mean that time Discord attacked?" Neon asked, moving beside Fiddlesticks with a concerned look on his face. He had a few sinking suspicions about that ringing sound... "Yes... That's right. It was back then. I hurt my ears doing... something..." "When you fired the bass cannon." Neon offered. "Pardon? What is that?" Octavia tilted her head. "What's what?" Fiddle looked beside her, thinking Octavia was asking about something she was looking at. "A bass cannon. What is that? I don't recall ever hearing the term..." Octavia frowned now as well, looking worried. "At least... I don't think I have." "Of course you have." Fiddle trotted around her booth, ignoring Octavia's prompt this time. "It was one'a Vinyl's inventions. It went haywire and blew up her house. Remember?" Octavia shook her head. "No... In fact, while I'm at it... Who is Vinyl?" Vinyl's mouth tasted like she'd been licking up sawdust. The world came back into focus slowly, like she was just waking up from some weird nightmare. What had that merchant done to her? She looked around, suddenly frantic. He was gone. His booth was gone. How long had she been out? The sun hadn't moved very far; Vinyl put it at about five minutes. Maybe. She wasn't really great with all that astrology stuff. Levitating her glasses back on, Vinyl cracked her neck a few times. "Weirdo... Why was I even talkin' to him...?" She shook her head, her stomach grumbling in protest. "Right right, stop shoutin' at me, you. Food, I know." She trotted off, licking her lips and humming a tune she'd made up just then. "Who's Vin— Octi, you feelin' okay?" Fiddlesticks put a hoof on Octavia's head, though the cellist quickly pushed it away. "Yes, I'm fine... I feel a little uneasy, but I'm not hurt or sick. But something is wrong." Octavia shook her head, hoping to rattle something back into place. "I think I need to walk some and clear my head." "No, what you need is to think. What do you mean who's Vinyl? You're dating her. You stole her away from me." Neon didn't really sound accusatory; he was just talking like it was just the easiest way to sum it up. "Um... Neon, you've been single for as long as I've known you. I have no idea what you're talking about." Octavia took a step back. "I've never had anypony I care about enough to date..." "He's tellin' the truth, Octi. You'n Vinyl have been friends since you were fillies. She helped you get your Cutie Mark..." Fiddle attempted. "No... No, you're mistaking Echo Scratch's name, Fiddle. He was the one who helped me get my first cello." "And how did ya meet him, huh?" Fiddle asked, anger cropping up, due to her growing concern. Octavia looked down at the dirt, thinking. She stared until her pupils seemed to dilate and her body started trembling. "I can't remember. I can't remember how I met him. I was just... At his house. Why would I go there without...?" Octavia chuckled. "Oh... Now I remember..." She looked up, sweating, but looking less worried. "I went there because I idolized him. He was one of the best musicians in Equestria and he was in y neighborhood. Of course I'd look for him." Fiddle shook her head. "And how'd ya know he was in Ponyville in the first place, huh? Who'd you sit next to all the way through school?" Octavia wagged a hoof dismissively. "I knew he'd lived in Ponyville all along, just not where. I'm sure I must have just gotten directions. And how am I supposed to remember such a stupid, meaningless fact, Fiddle? Don't yell at me because you're confused." "I ain't confused! You're the confused one! Octi, you—" Fiddle cut off as Neon pushed her back. He moved in front of her, looking to Octavia. "How'd we meet?" He asked, plainly. "You were at some contest; a scratch off, I think. Fiddle was invited, so I went with her." Octavia responded, after a moment of thought. "Who did I play against?" Neon returned. "I don't know," Octavia replied without a second of thought. "It wasn't really important enough to remember, I guess." Neon gritted his teeth. He stamped a hoof towards Octavia, making her flinch. "Okay, this isn't funny anymore. You and Vinyl got together on that island, after you fell of the cruise ship. Remember that?" Octavia frowned, shaking her head. "I was alone on that island, Neon... What has gotten into you two? Is this some kind of sick joke?" Octavia took another step back. "Just because I've never found a special somepony doesn't mean you two can mock me over it." "We ain't mockin' you, sis. You don't seem to remember Vinyl at all!" Fiddlesticks said, walking around Neon. "Because she isn't real!" Octavia stamped her hoof forward, jarring the Mimus on her head. "I think I would remember if I'd fallen in love with somepony, don't you? Leave me alone!" Octavia was starting to cry, her eyes regaining that haunted quality. Neon scowled. "Something's fishy about this..." He looked over to Fiddlesticks. "Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't go anywhere. I'm gonna go see if I can find Vinyl around here somewhere." Vinyl burped, leaning back in her seat. She had been relieved; for a while there, she wasn't sure if she would need to exchange some weird item for her food too. Thankfully, the only exchange they wanted was good, hard bits. She closed her eyes, her sunglasses dimming the glare of the sun. The Exchange wouldn't be going on for too much longer and Vinyl could head back to Ponyville with her friends. Maybe she would go watch the Princess do her thing for a bit... Why did she feel so... bored? No, it wasn't boredom. She just felt no motivation to do anything. Even the song she'd made in her head was so sub-par that she'd trashed the entire idea. It wasn't like her... She sighed out through her nose, giving her head a small shake. "Come on, Vinyl... Get your shit together." "There you are!" Neon's voice made Vinyl jump, nearly falling out of her chair. "Hah! I knew you'd be around here somewhere!" "Uh... How?" Vinyl asked, raising an eyebrow. She paused, and then laughed. "Oh, right... I forgot I had my name on that booth... How're you doin, dude?" Vinyl stood, shaking herself off a bit, trotting over to Neon and giving him a rather liberal kiss. "Long time." Neon jumped back before the kiss got too liberal; he almost felt some tongue there. "Whoa, Vinyl... What about Octavia?" "Who?" Vinyl tilted her head, smirking. "What, you makin' up ponies for me to sleep with? You're filthy, Neon." She laughed, turning. "Come on, I was just about to go check up on the Princess." "No. No, you need to come with me." Neon took a few steps forward. "Fiddle was..." Neon trailed off, staring at Vinyl as she stared at him. This was his big chance... If Vinyl didn't remember Octavia, he could have her back again. He felt a knot constrict his heart as desire battled against the good in him. Evidently, he wasn't as selfish as he believed... "Fiddle has somepony for you to meet." Vinyl frowned a little and nodded. "Kay... I wouldn't mind talkin' to you a bit anyway... I've been feelin'... weird." "How so?" Neon asked as they started walking, keeping one eye on his ex-lover. How had he resisted that chance? "I dunno... I just feel... empty, you know? I tried writin' a song and... well, here." Vinyl levitated the crumpled ball of paper from her saddlebag and straightened it out, showing it to Neon. "I've never written something that... bad before. It doesn't have any soul in it..." Neon read the song, frowning. She was right. The song wasn't bad, but it also wasn't Vinyl. He stared past the paper to her, watching her stare ahead, as if she was staring at something only she could see. Suddenly, he was very glad he had resisted temptation. Vinyl had lost her muse. "Yeah, that's.... pretty bad..." Neon crumpled the paper again, tossing it off to the side. "You can do better." "That's just it, Neon... I really don't think I can. I was talkin' to this shady merchant guy and next thing I know, I wake up, I can't remember why I was talkin' to him, and I feel like... this." She gave her head a rueful shake. "It's been a really weird day..." "This merchant... What'd he look like?" "He wore a black cloak to hide himself. There was this weird glow under his hood." Vinyl looked over to Neon, smiling. "Say, after all this junk, you wanna go back to my place? We could have a little tumble, for old time's sake... Maybe that'll clear my head some." Neon bit his lip. This really wasn't like Vinyl. This wasn't the pony he'd fallen in love with. "No... No thanks, Vinyl. You aren't really up for somethin' so strenuous, I think." Neon tried to smirk, but he knew it probably looked forced. Vinyl raised an eyebrow and snorted. "What, are you still upset about me dumping you? I thought we put all that behind us?" "That's not it..." Neon shook his head and chuckled. "I... You just don't seem like yourself, Vinyl..." Vinyl stared at him for a second, and then lifted her head, staring at the sky. "No... This is me. I don't know, Neon. I know I wasn't this miserable this morning, but now? Now I just want to go home, lie down, and never wake up..." Neon watched her as he walked, speeding up his pace. Fear for his friend gripped his heart. "Don't worry, Vinyl. I'm sure it'll get better." Octavia stared at the bird in her hoof, the little creature singing merrily. However, for some reason, the music wasn't as beautiful as Octavia had remembered. She sighed, but smiled at the bird. "Calypso, do you think something is wrong with me?" The bird looked at her and tilted its head. Naturally, it didn't answer. "Sis, nothin's wrong with you," Fiddle said from her sister's side, leaning into her. "You just forgot somethin' important, is all." "No, it's far more than that, Fiddle. It's like a piece of who I am is just... gone. I don't remember why I fought to be who I am now. Without that, what's the point...?" Octavia rose, walking over to where she had placed her cello beside Fiddle's stand. She'd brought it with her, hoping she could find parts to further augment it. However, now she found it painful to look at it. She remembered where it had come from; it had belonged to Echo Scratch's wife. However, she couldn't remember how she earned it from him or why she cared about it so much. It was more than an instrument and she had no idea why. She felt herself starting to cry; more tears of fear than anything else. "Am I losing my mind, Fiddle?" "Oh, don't be so dramatic, sis," Fiddle replied, turning to watch her sister. Her lies had grown much more convincing over the past year or so. "You're fine." Octavia was silent for a time, and then smiled back to her sister. "So... You finally got the courage to ask out Neon?" "Oh... No, uh... He's just here to help me with the stand..." Fiddle fidgeted. She was glad to get Octavia's mind off her troubles, but her own were just as numerous, it felt. "I couldn' get it out, you know? I wanted to ask him, but it was just... I wish I was brave, like you, sis..." "Brave?" Octavia laughed. "I was never able to even feel love for another pony... I'm proud of you, Fiddle... I wanted you to know that. You've done nothing but make me proud, time and time again..." Fiddlesticks smiled, looking to Octavia with wide, worried eyes. What if her sister really was losing her mind? What if Vinyl got here and they couldn't help her? What if she lost her sister? Fiddle felt herself start to cry, but squashed the feeling down hard. She wouldn't show weakness in front of her sister right now. Without a word, Octavia trotted over to her cello, running a hoof over the immaculate wood. She rose into a playing position, Calypso nestling into her mane, peeking his head up curiously. She lifted the bow, took a deep breath and played. It was an old composition, but it was lacking a certain power that Octavia normally carried. Her heart wasn't in her music right now. It was searching for something else; a missing piece that had become so entwined with who she was that she was a completely different pony without it. "Yo!" Neon's voice made Fiddle turn her head, looking over to the two approaching Unicorns. "Yo, Fiddle!" Vinyl waved, making Fiddlesticks sigh with relief. Vinyl was their best chance at fixing Octavia's memory. "We have a small snag..." Neon said once he was right beside her. "Vinyl's in the same boat... She doesn't remember Octavia at all." Fiddle felt her hopes shatter. "What does that mean? That they're stuck like this? Neon, we can't—" Neon covered her mouth with a hoof. "I got a clue from Vinyl as to why this happened. We need to go speak with the Princess. A wrongful deal took place and it needs to be redacted." Neon smiled confidently. "That might solve this all..." "Who is that...?" Vinyl's voice drew their attention. She was staring at Octavia, head slightly tilted and a frown on her face. "That song's beautiful." "That's Octavia, Vinyl. The pony I've been telling you about..." Neon prodded, hopeful. "Never seen her before in my life..." Vinyl shook her head and looked back to Neon. "Sorry to disappoint, but I think you hit your head or somethin'..." Octavia's song drew to a close and the mare approached, slinging her cello over her back. "Hello... Who might you be?" Octavia smiled to Vinyl, who levitated her glasses off. "Vinyl Scratch... And you're Octavia Melody... Apparently, these two are convinced we're bucking or something." Vinyl laughed, getting a blush and scowl from Octavia. "Mind your language." Octavia lifted her head a little and looked to Neon. "I heard you say something about going to see Twilight. I know the way from here, if you'd like." "Language?" Vinyl muttered to herself, frowning. "I'll show you language, you stuck up little— Hey!" Fiddle gave Vinyl's tail a little tug. "Fiddle, what was that for?" "Stop, Vinyl... Just stop, okay? Trust me... Can you do that? Come with us; you made a bad deal and we need to get it undone." Fiddle pushed Vinyl a few inches before the DJ started walking on her own. Vinyl gave Fiddlesticks a confused look, but started walking regardless. Eventually, she was side by side with Octavia. "... Wait, whoa whoa..." Vinyl stopped Octavia with a flicker of magic, the other two stopping with her. "How... That's my mom's cello!" Vinyl glared from under her glasses. "How the hay did you get it?" Octavia looked over to Vinyl, blinking. "So... You really are Echo's daughter then?" "Of course! But dad wouldn't ever give that away! You must've stolen it." Vinyl accused. "Or... Well, maybe it's a replica..." "No, it is the original..." Octavia said bluntly."And how dare you accuse me of thievery? I knew your father well. He helped me earn my cutie mark in the cello. That is why he gave it to me, surely." "When?" Vinyl demanded. "Because it was in his house when he left and vanished at some point." Neon's eyes got a bit wide as an idea hit him. "And did it ever bother you before now?" Neon asked suddenly. Vinyl was suddenly struck dumb. It hadn't. Her mother's cello had vanished and she'd just... not cared? No, that couldn't be right. "By Celestia, what's happening to me...?" "Apparently, the same thing that is happening to me..." Octavia said carefully. "If they're to be believed," Octavia began, motioning to Neon and Fiddle, "then we're lovers." Vinyl looked Octavia up and down, shaking her head. "Sorry, I'm not big on classical so..." "Likewise for whatever music you play... I imagine that nose-bleed inducing Dubtrot..." Octavia said calmly. "It does make me want to dance though..." Vinyl was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly. "And classical is really calming, sometimes..." The two smiled at one another. "Uh... Ladies." Neon said abruptly. "Sun. Setting. Move. Now!" Twilight blinked in shock at the four ponies before her. "A memory erasing spell?" "It had to be," Neon said soundly, nodding. "How else could it have happened?" Twilight shook her head. "You don't understand... Erasing a memory or two isn't hard, but it's a very imprecise spell. You can't just erase one pony from someone's mind... It's impossible." "And yet..." Neon looked to Vinyl and Octavia, who were standing well apart. Twilight bit her lip. "We need to find this merchant. I'm extending this deal's unbinding period until—" "There is no need." The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. As if he'd been there all along, the robed figure stood off to the side, the faint glow still radiating from under his hood. Twilight leaned forward in her raised chair, lifting an eyebrow. "You're..." She blinked falling back into her chair, eyes wide. "Wait a minute, you mean you can still—" "Grant wishes? Indeed, Princess Sparkle..." The figure reached up with a hoof, flicking back the hood. Underneath was the strange, near crystalline body of Dolus, the Mite. He bowed to the Princesses, looking over to Octavia. "Good evening, Mother." "Dolus...? You did this to me?" Octavia asked, with a voice laced with deep-seeded hurt. She took a few steps towards the Mite, who simply stared at her. "Indeed, Mother. Though it is not what you think." Dolus looked back to Twilight, visions flaring through his crystal form. "I am able to grant limited wishes only, Princess. My magic is bound to the setting and rising of the sun. During these times of ending and renewal, my wishes are unmade." Dolus turned to Octavia, smiling. "Mother, you would have remembered everything within the hour. As would have Vinyl. I have been watching you from afar, sharing in the beautiful love Vinyl and you share. I decided I would best repay you by making Vinyl happy. So, I offered her a wish. "Little did I expect what that wish would be. So, I decided I would give you both something you would never experience otherwise; perspective." Dolus looked up to the sun, just as Celestia finished the spell to lower it. As night washed over the gathered ponies, a glow emanated from Dolus, drifting to Octavia and Vinyl. "Perspective is something many ponies all over Equestria live their lives without. I have seen them, not even knowing the true value of what it is they hold." Dolus looked between the two mares as the light suffused them. "Tell me, the both of you... With this new perspective, do you see anything new?" Octavia's eyes were wide, filling with tears. She choked, lowering her head, crying softly. "I-I..." Vinyl was in much of the same position, visibly trying to fight back tears. She failed in the end, gritting her teeth and lowering her head. "Yes... You both see now." Dolus took a few steps backwards, taking them both into his vision at once. "Two parts of one whole. You crafted the other, even from your childhood, making the other into who they are today. Without the other, you are incomplete. Without the other, you will not be whole." A light flickered over Dolus, originating from inside him. "I know you knew this already. I saw it in your souls. But I also saw that the gravity of your relationship was still unknown." Octavia looked to Vinyl, smiling through her crying, and rushed over, tackling down the mare. She kissed her passionately, ignoring everything else. Most every other pony present looked away, trying to offer the couple some privacy. Dolus showed no emotion as he watched them, giving a small nod. "I had to affect you both. Your destinies are entwined, thanks to the bond you share. To affect one, I had to affect the other. That is why I could remove your memories through Vinyl." Dolus kept talking, even as the couple finally broke the kiss. "Tell me... Was your wish granted? Are you happier now than before you lost your memories?" Octavia stared at Vinyl and nodded, trying to sniff back her tears. "Mmhm..." Speaking was clearly beyond the cellist right now. "Then it seems our debt is even, for the moment." Dolus bowed his head to Octavia, and then Twilight, before turning to depart. "Wait." Neon trotted over to Dolus, staring at the Mite angrily. "That's it? You cause them all this pain and then you just... No. I'm not havin' that you little...!" Neon snarled, swinging a hoof at the crystalline pony. Dolus didn't move, taking the punch without any sign of pain. Neon hopped back, shaking his hoof. "Like punching a damn rock!" "Your protectiveness of my mothers is admirable. You have earned my respect. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a place to be." Dolus bowed his head to Neon, before doing the same to Fiddle. "Be brave." The two words, so brief, made Fiddle's eyes fill with tears. She stared at Dolus as he turned, taking three more steps before fading, the crystals that made up his form shrinking until they vanished. The cloak fell to the ground, empty. "... We are never doing this again." Vinyl said sternly, hugging Octavia. After a second, she blinked, looking up at the top of Octavia's head. "Uh, Tavi... Why do you have bird poop in your mane...?" > Interlude: A Soundstage For Two - Be Brave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interlude: A Soundstage for Two - Be Brave Neon watched as the strange pony faded away, like some bad special effect or something. He felt he could've done better with a few mirrors, a smoke machine, and a trap door. Standing off his injured hoof, Neon looked over to Vinyl and Octavia. A part of him was proud – he had been faced with an opportunity and had made the right choice. However, a deeper part of him, his old, selfish self, mocked him. That could've been him holding Vinyl. He shook his head, taking in a deep breath. No, he wouldn't go back to being that selfish, self-serving pony again. At least, not around his friends... "Yo Fiddle..." Neon looked to the mare, who was staring at the ground in thought. Dolus' message to her had been cryptic for sure, but Neon didn't think too much on it. Her troubles were hers and his were his. She didn't need him butting into her private matters. "Lets get back to your stand and start packin' up. We ain't got all night." Fiddle looked up slowly, blinking as if she was in some kind of trance. She gave her head a sharp shake and nodded. "Y-Yeah, lets go." The country mare moved to Neon's side, peeking over at him from under her hat. "Ugh!" Fiddle tossed herself onto her bed, flopping facedown onto the covers. She pulled a pillow over, screamed into it, punched it a few times and felt instantly better. Rolling over, she stared at the ceiling. "Why can't you just talk ta him, ya coward." She picked her hat up from beside her, putting it over her face. "So stupid..." Be Brave, he'd said, but Fiddle was anything but brave. "Fiddle?" Fiddle jumped, lifting her hat again. She blinked, then blushed; she had forgotten to close the door! Her mother was there, a slightly knowing smirk on her face. "It seems we need to talk." "We already had the talk ma. I ain't really hopin' for a second one." Fiddle rolled over, turning away from her mother. "Thank ya kindly though." Melodious Pitch trotted into the room, taking a seat beside the bed. "Who is it?" She asked, knowing how to whittle her girls down. Fiddle sat in the silence, before sighing. She hated it when ponies left all that open silence. Rolling over, she faced her mother again. "Neon Lights, ma. Vinyl's old boyfriend." She felt her hat flop onto the bed and sat up, pulling it back on. "What do you like about him?" Pitch asked, patient. "A lot'a things." Fiddle avoided the question, looking at the bed. "But it's like I just ain't there. He talks to me, yeah, but it's like I'm just too small for someone big like him." "He said that, did he?" Pitch raised an eyebrow, faking a frown. "Do I need to get your father?" Fiddle chuckled, knowing her mother was only kidding. "No... No he never said that. But I feel that way." "And why is that?" The older mare stared at her daughter, eyes knowing. "It's funny, Fiddle... You and I are so much alike..." Fiddlesticks raised her own eyebrow at that. "Really? I always thought you'n I were real different. Not that it's bad or nothin', but Octavia's more like you than me." Pitch shook her head. "She gets her personality from her father; rigid and more than a little stuffy... You, it seems, got yours from me." Melodious Pitch climbed onto the bed, sitting beside her youngest daughter. "You've got it in your head that you aren't good enough for this Neon Lights... But you don't really have a reason for it. Whenever you're around him, you get anxious, weak, and uncertain... Right?" Fiddle looked to her mother, blinking wide eyes. "But how—" "I was the same way when I met Octavia's father, Falsetto. I was only just entering the music scene, where he was already popular for his magnum opus, a symphony that landed him in the ranks of the elite in Canterlot. He was a somepony; I was a nopony." Shifting to rest her head on top of Fiddle's hat, Pitch patted her daughter's side. "But I couldn't have been more wrong. It was a silly coincidence that brought us together as friends and as I fell for him and I thought that was all I would ever be. Not to mention, he was married. "Then his wife left him alone and I couldn't watch him suffer. I went to him and told him just how I felt. I decided that, even if he didn't love me, he would know that there were ponies out there who loved him. Would you believe he kissed me right there... Apparently, the arrangement with his wife had been a forced marriage, brought on by his parents. He'd never loved her and she'd never loved him. But he'd loved me. By Celestia, he'd loved me." She sighed and closed her eyes. "I remember being the happiest mare in Canterlot that day." Fiddle looked down at the floor, processing this. She leaned into her mother, a question bubbling in her chest. "What happened with you and Falsetto? You ain't never really told me about him." "It wasn't something you really needed to know. Cameo is your father and I love him just as much as I loved Falsetto; maybe even more." Pitch sighed and stared at nothing in particular. "We grew distant, each of us getting wrapped up in our careers. When I became pregnant, that changed for a time, but once Octavia was born he went right back to being himself – distant, aloof, but loving when he was near. I think Octavia was only two years old when she looked at me and asked why her daddy was never home. That was the last straw for me." Melodious Pitch shook her head, looking very tired all-of-a-sudden. "I loved Falsetto. I still love him, in a different way of course. But he was always so concerned with his performances and his rigid nature was... stifling... His ideals and performances were more important to him than his family. About a year after I left, I learned that he'd changed, but not for the better; losing me and Octavia had been hard for him and he'd withdrawn into a self-destructive stupor. I wrote him and, over another year or two, helped pull him back from that dark place. He begged me to give him another chance... But that time had passed and I was already with Cameo and pregnant with you by that point. The rest, as they say, is history." Fiddle nodded, snuggling her head against her mother. "Thanks for tellin' me, mom... I need ta go." "Where?" Pitch smiled, knowing the answer. "To Canterlot. Neon went home and I need to go to him." She tugged her hat down over her eyes, a determined look on her face. "Just gotta catch a train, is all." Canterlot loomed around Fiddle as she trotted down the street. She hadn't come to this city alone since her stint as 'Violina'. Sighing at those memories, she faintly wondered about her cousin Orange and how she was doing. Maybe she would— "No! No more distractin' yourself!" Fiddle scolded herself, getting an odd look from a pair of ponies not far away. "Now, where was Neon's place again...?" Canterlot was a far bigger place than Fiddle remembered. Where finding the home of her Cousin Orange had been easy enough, dressed as she was now, most of the 'Canterlot' ponies tended to ignore her, even when she asked them questions. Sighing and looking at the rising moon, Fiddle finally flopped down at Neon's door. It... wasn't what she'd expected... The apartment was in a bad neighborhood and was in rather poor condition. Sure, it was still better than any building you would see in Ponyville, but it was poor by Canterlot standards. Fiddle couldn't remember one time Neon had invited any of them over, not even Vinyl... Now she understood why. Fiddle gathered her courage and raised a hoof to knock. A laugh from inside made her hesitate. It wasn't Neon. It was clearly a mare. Guiltily, she leaned in and put her ear to the door. "Hehe... I was surprised when you wrote, Neon... It's been ages since we last... spoke." The voice was sultry and haughty. Fiddle knew what kind of pony used that holier-than-thou tone; she'd heard it regularly from her cousin Orange. "Well, yeah... I'm sorry Crust... I just..." Fiddle could hear Neon sigh, making her other ear fold against her head. "Well, I'm here now." "I just wish we didn't need to meet in this, no offense, dreadful place... Didn't your... job earn you enough bits for a better home? I hate to see an old friend live in such squalor..." "I ain't no prissy pony, Crust. No offense, but we're real different, you and I... I think this place suits me... Besides, special effects ain't cheap." Fiddle relaxed – or tried to – and knocked. "Hm? Hold on." Neon sounded a little confused. "Coming." After a second, the door opened and Neon, minus the shades, blinked at Fiddle. "Oh. Fiddlesticks? What're you doing here?" Neon raised an eyebrow and shifted the door so Fiddle couldn't see inside. "I already know ya got company, Neon." Fiddle put on her best smile. "Why don't you introduce me? I don't wanna be rude." Neon bit his lip and turned, opening the door more. "Hey Upper Crust." The mare further in the room looked over to Fiddlesticks and gave her an odd look. "This is—" "A country bumpkin, by the looks of her. Don't see many like her, here." The unicorn, Upper Crust looked to be the prissiest of the priss. She made her cousin Orange look like a homeless beggar, wearing her mane up in an elegant style and dressed in fine, fashionable clothes. The way she was staring at her, Fiddle wished she could melt into the floor. "Hey, watch it." Neon sounded slightly defensive, but let it drop fast. "She's Fiddlesticks, the younger sister of Octavia Melody. You know Octavia, right Crust?" Upper Crust twitched slightly, as if she'd stepped in something squishy, and tilted her head. She give Fiddle a second look, narrowing her eyes. "My... I wouldn't have noticed the resemblance, if you hadn't mentioned it but... Yes, it is quite uncanny, isn't it? They even have the same Cutie Mark..." Neon stood a little taller after that. "Fiddle, this is Upper Crust, an old childhood friend of mine. We dated back before I became a DJ." "Yes. As I recall, it was around that time you dumped me." Crust smiled a little victoriously. "Actually, you dumped me, Crust." Neon said bluntly, shaking his head. "Because you said I was 'changed' by my music." He gave a chuckle, though Fiddle could tell it was forced. Crust, obviously, was too wrapped up in herself to notice or care. "Yes well... That music was so... Well, that was before it was such a big deal. Now that Vinyl Scratch is around and changing the scene up, a lot of ponies in Canterlot are starting to appreciate your genre..." Upper Crust batted her eyelashes in a way that made Fiddle want to punch them off her face. "Myself included..." Neon gave another chuckle and looked back to Fiddle. "So... What brings you all the way out here?" Fiddle opened her mouth and tried to give him the truth. She rolled so many ways to say it over in her mind, but she just couldn't. It was obvious what was happening here. Fiddle took a step back out the door, tipping her hat to keep him from seeing her pain. "Nothin... I came at a bad time. I'll just be goin' Neon." Neon leaned his head down, trying to see under her hat, and frowned. "Fiddle...? You alright?" "Yeah. Never better. I'm glad ta see you're... recoverin' well." Neon glimpsed behind him, not turning his head all the way around. "Recovering, huh...? Is that what you call it?" He sighed and looked back to the country mare, giving her a genuine, if sad, smile. "Well, if you're still in the area tomorrow, swing on by... I always have time for you." Fiddle nodded, not trusting her mouth. She tipped her hat and turned, walking away, galloping once she was out of sight. She was weak. Why couldn't she be stronger than this? She stopped in Canterlot's street, staring up at the stars. 'Be Brave' What had he expected from her? Once a mouse, always a mouse. She was a coward, scampering away at the first sign of trouble. 'Fiddle...? You alright?' The thing with mice though... They fight when they get cornered... 'Recovering, huh...? Is that what you call it? Fiddlesticks sighed and pulled her hat off, staring at it. 'I always have time for you.' She breathed in deep and crammed the hat back on her head, turning and galloping back towards Neon's house. She skid around corners, not slowing down, breathing rapidly until she reached his door. Heaving, she knocked again. "By Celestia, what is it this time?" She heard Upper Crust complain. The door opened, Neon greeting her again. His tie was missing, his collar was unbuttoned. "Fiddle? What're you—" "You asked if I was alright. Well, I ain't Neon... I ain't alright at all. And I really, really need ta talk to you." She kept the fear out of her voice. She felt her heart trying to break through her rib cage. "Neon?" Upper Crust approached, putting a hoof around Neon's torso. Her clothes were a little disheveled as well. She looked at Fiddle with a look of challenge, and then turned, kissing Neon's jaw. "Come on. Stop getting distracted." Neon didn't pay her any mind, staring at Fiddle intently. The country mare, for her part, ignored Crust as well, returning his stare with heat in her eyes. Neon gave a small sigh and shrugged out from under Crust's forehoof. "I'm really sorry, but she must've rode all the way from Ponyville to see me. That means somethin' big is goin' on and I can't turn her away. Come back tomorrow, Crust... Sorry again..." Upper Crust looked a little wounded and not a little angry, but she turned, fixing her clothing and snatching up her purse with magic. "Very well. I will see you then." She walked around Neon, giving Fiddle a pointed, angry glare before trotting off. Neon stepped aside, inviting her in. "So, what's up?" "You were gonna sleep with her. She seemed an awful lot like the kinda pony you hate. She your girlfriend now?" Fiddle redirected his question quickly as she trotted inside. Neon laughed. "Crust? Date a DJ? She'd sooner saw off her hoof." He shut the door, trotting in. "More than likely, she would've done the deed, then bragged about it endlessly. Thanks to Vinyl, I'm a pretty big deal now. Besides..." Neon sighed a bit and shook his head. "I think she's married or somethin'..." Fiddlesticks gave a noncommittal sound, taking a seat on the couch. "So... Why do it then?" Neon sat nearby, sighing and fixing up his clothes. "Well, mainly... it makes me feel less empty, I suppose." He relaxed back, looking at the ceiling. Fiddle didn't talk. She'd learned well from the other women in her family. "Do you know what the hardest part of growing up in Canterlot was, Fiddle?" The DJ asked, out of the blue. "Nope." Fiddlesticks would've kept quiet longer, but Neon wasn't looking at her; shaking her head wouldn't have done anything. "Being different. My parents were two of the Canterlot elite. They were big-shots who hoped to get in with the Princess. Much to their shame, their son was a wild-child, who refused to accept their lifestyle. He was rambunctious, always playing loud music or casting useless spells to make lights and sounds. I got my cutie mark stargazing; not because it was my talent, but because I decided something as I saw all those flickering lights. One day, I thought to myself, I would be like them. I would soar above Equestria; a rising star, shining bright, high above the rest. I made my own star that night. It was my first special effect." He gave a small laugh, illuminating his horn and, Fiddlesticks assumed, cast the same spell. A little ball of light danced from his horn, hovering in the center of the room. Focusing, Neon made it change color, until a rainbow spectrum danced over them. The pair watched in silence for some time before Neon continued. "My parents were less than pleased with my choice. So much so that they disowned me almost right away." The light of the spell flickered out instantly. Fiddlesticks snapped up straighter in her seat, staring at Neon in shock. The unicorn stared back, looking tired and defeated. "Yeah, I'm not joking. I was sent to an orphanage within a week. They wanted nothing to do with a 'little rebellious troublemaker' anymore, once they knew what I was destined for... All my 'upper class' friends stopped talking to me, and I raised myself alone, surrounded by these frilly-necked ponies and their bigotry..." Neon sighed, standing and walking across the room, stopping at a minibar that was tucked away in a corner. He started mixing a drink for himself. "You want somethin'?" "Ya got hard cider?" "Who doesn't?" Neon smirked over his shoulder and poured her a glass. Slowly, he returned, passed it off, and sat back down. He kicked back a long sip, then continued. "I grew up alone. I made music alone. I tried to fill that loneliness with mares. I've been with more than I can remember, Fiddle. I just didn't care. Eventually, it just became a really bad habit. I remember, back in my college days, ponies said I would sleep with a bagel, if you warmed it up, buttered it, and put it in a wig." Fiddle giggled a bit, making Neon smile. "You know, you ain't alone, Neon." "I know, Fiddle. But when I sit here, in this crappy place I call home, it's hard to realize that." Neon kicked back the rest of his drink. Fiddle hadn't even taken a sip. "So... Sorry about that tangent." He cleared his throat, sitting more upright. "What brought you here. Everything okay at home?" "Mmhm..." Fiddle sipped a very small sip, then set the glass aside. "I need some advice from you." "Oh?" Neon raised an eyebrow and leaned back. "Advice that brought you all the way from Ponyville. This should be good." "Mm... Well, I like this stallion, ya see. He's cool, and sweet, but really sad. I wanna make him smile, but I've just been too scared to tell him how I feel. He makes me smile without even tryin' and I wanna do the same for him. Up till a little while ago, he was datin' but now he's single. When I saw him last, I learned that he's hurtin' a lot more than I ever realized. He is silently cryin' out, but I finally heard him... And now... Well, now I ain't got a clue how to tell him." Fiddle giggled to herself, looking over to the cider, taking it up for another sip. "What should I do, Neon?" Neon was staring at his empty glass, swirling the ice around inside it. "Just tell him. Quit being scared, Fiddle. You're an awesome pony and I bet you'll make anypony happy, if you get with them." "Ya think so?" Fiddle blushed a bit, taking a third sip. "Yeah. He'll be a lucky, lucky stallion. Be bold. Guys like that." Fiddle noticed, with a little bit of amusement that he was looking even more depressed. He was about to get a rude awakening. "Hm... Alright then. Bold, huh?" Fiddle pushed herself up, giving a little grunt. Neon looked over, blinking curiously. Fiddlesticks smiled at him, then tossed her hat aside, quickly followed by her bandanna. She shook out her mane, sighing. "So... Bold..." She trotted over to Neon, and grabbed his tie. "Wait a mi-MFPH!" Neon was interrupted as Fiddle pulled him down into a kiss, her face blazing a heated crimson. She let him go after a minute, shivering with adrenaline from facing her fear. "B-Bold enough for ya?" Neon's tie was skewed slightly, his hair a little messy and his eyes filled with surprise, shock, and not a little confusion. Fiddlesticks took a deep, deep breath and trotted over to pick up her hat. "I'll leave the bandanna here." She peered over her shoulder to Neon, winking. "So ya remember this." "Not gonna forget..." Neon whispered, putting a hoof to his lips. "Why don't you... You know... stay?" Fiddlesticks looked back to him, putting her hat back in it's proper place. "Well... One condition." "Anything." "No rollin' in the hay. I'm a classy country mare, not some prissy harlot – is the word harlot? – like Upper Crust. I ain't sleepin' with no pony without some time goin' by." Fiddle smirked. "Even if that somepony's had my eye for months now." Neon chuckled and shook his head. "Didn't cross my mind. Well, that's a lie, but..." Neon laughed, which proved infectious. Fiddlesticks was overjoyed to see a smile on his face again. She trotted over to him and kissed his cheek, rubbing her face along the side of his. "Be brave, Neon. You ain't alone. Don't ever think that, ever." Neon was a tough guy. He was a DJ and a star. He tried to fight back the tears, but one slipped through, rolling down his face. He wiped it up fast, hoping Fiddlesticks didn't see it. To her credit, Fiddle easily made him think that she hadn't. "I'll try to remember, Fiddles." He put a hoof around her, holding her close. "I'll try my hardest from now on..." > Chapter 19: Home Is Where The Hearth Is > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19: Home Is Where The Hearth Is Snow covered the ground of Ponyville and Vinyl couldn't be happier. Hearth's Warming Eve was here! Vinyl galloped into the bedroom, jumping onto the bed with a loud whoop. The result was Octavia, along with her blankets and pillow, going slightly airborne before landing back on the bed. The cellist groaned and sat up, scowling. "You couldn't have woken me up less... well, like that?" "Sorry, sorry. Anyway; Happy Hearth's Warmin' Eve!" Vinyl shouted, bouncing on the bed. "I've got all kinds of plans for us today. You kept your schedule clear like I asked?" Octavia rolled onto her side, rubbing her eye with a hoof, the other one supporting her. She looked around, blinking. "By Celestia, the Princess hasn't even raised the sun yet... Ugh..." Octavia flopped back down, pulling a pillow over her head. "Vinyl, this is—" "No sleeping!" Vinyl shouted, directly into her ear. "— ridiculous." The reaction wasn't as dramatic as Vinyl would have wished, but Octavia flicked the offended ear a few times in irritation. "Look, I need you to go get me some things, okay?" Vinyl levitated the blanket off Octavia, grinning. "You can nap when you get back, but this is super important." Octavia groaned again, but rolled the rest of the way off the bed, landing on her hooves. "All right... But only because you're so persistent." "And you love me." Vinyl dropped the blankets back on the bed, then made it with a flicker of magic. "Right?" "Goes without saying, Vinyl." Octavia yawned and trotted to her vanity to make herself presentable. "Can you make me some coffee?" A cup clicked down beside her, steam rising from the drink. Just the right amount of cream, too. Vinyl had made it just the way her special-somepony loved it. Octavia gave a more appreciative sound. "You're an angel, Vinyl." "Well, I was the one who woke you up in the first place, but..." "Ah, fair point. Demon then." Octavia giggled, taking a careful sip from the coffee as she brushed her mane. "So, what do you need? And this had better be good." "Well, I found out through a few friends of mine that Berry Punch just got her hooves on a really rare brand of wine. I figured we could bring her this and see if she'd be willin' to trade." Vinyl levitated an object off a nearby table, showing Octavia. "That's... High-grade Gin. Where in Equestria did you—" "Las Pegasus, remember? You came to my show and everything." Vinyl set the bottle beside Octavia. "Believe me, you'll love what she's got." Octavia blinked, clearly a bit skeptical. That, however, wasn't what she should've been skeptical of. With a waggle of her hoof, she shooed Vinyl away, finishing up her mane. "Okay... but I shouldn't be gone long." "Ah, no worries. Hurry back." Vinyl snickered as she sabotaged the door. Well, she didn't entirely sabotage it, so much as she re-hid the key and locked it. She had slipped Octavia's key out of her bag the previous night as well. "Phase three, done." Vinyl trotted back into the house, humming to herself. She would have a good twenty to thirty minutes before Octavia got home. She wouldn't want to keep her at the door for very long. That'd just make her mad. Hurrying up the stairs, Vinyl found what she was looking for hidden away in her studio. She'd traded Berry in advance for the Sparkling Crystal Champagne; getting her to part with something so rare had been quite a challenge. Luckily, Vinyl knew ponies. Trotting down the steps, Vinyl carefully spun the bottle of champagne beside her, humming a happy tune. She'd been planning this day for weeks, hoping to surprise Octavia with a romantic Hearth's Warming Eve together. It was, after all, their first major holiday as a couple. She ducked into the kitchen, digging into the freezer for ice, putting that in a small bucket, and putting the champagne inside. Walking back out to the living room, Vinyl started singing to herself, excited and nervous at the same time. Planning things ahead like this wasn't her strong suit and she was eager to make sure everything went perfectly. A knock made her nearly drop the bucket. There was no way Octavia had been that fast! And yet... Another knock. "H-Hold on!" Vinyl yelped out, setting the bucket onto the table beside the couch, quickly digging through the cushions. She laughed, pulling out the socks she'd bought from that... adult store over in Las Pegasus before they'd come home. Another knock, this one more insistent. "Holf awn!" Vinyl said, tugging the socks on with her teeth as she lit a few candles with magic. She hopped over to the couch, pulling another sock on, and flopped onto it. She rolled over, facing the door, and sighed. "Oh, yeah! I put the key under the left flowerpot! Come on in!" There was a long pause, the sound of a lock clicking and the door opened. "Surprise!" Vinyl shouted, tossing her hooves out towards the door. The couple in the doorway looked quite surprised indeed. Vinyl snapped up a pillow and covered herself on a pure knee-jerk reaction. "Y-Your not— Wait! Miss Pitch?" "Melodious, I can not see the surprise." The stallion of the pair said, sounding a little confused. "Good..." Octavia's mother sighed and spun the stallion around, pushing him back outside. "Wait out there." She looked back on Vinyl with a rueful little smile. "Ah, still the Vinyl I expect and adore. Waiting for a stallion friend?" Melodious Pitch trotted over and blinked when she saw the champagne. "Oh my... That's... quite an expensive brand." She was trying to ease the awkwardness in the room. It wasn't really working all that well. "Y-Yeah. I, uh... saved up." Vinyl was still covering herself, blushing beet red. "What're you... doin' here, if you don't mind me asking?" "Oh, sorry... Octavia's father came in from Canterlot and... Well, it's been along time since she'd last seen him, so we decided to swing by and surprise her." "O-Oh... Well, I'm surprised. Very surprised." Vinyl cleared her throat. "I imagine so. As were we." That only made Vinyl blush more. Pitch gave a slight chuckle, shaking her head. "Relax, Vinyl. I've known you since you were a filly; I'm practically like your second mother at this point. I've seen worse. If I might ask, where is my daughter?" "Out. I sent her out to get somethin' for me. She shouldn't be back for a bit." "Oh... I see you had this all quite planned out. Shall me and Otto head upstairs so you can set it all back up again?" Melodious Pitch looked to the door. "I might need to blindfold him..." "No, no that's cool..." Vinyl hopped up, quickly tugging off the stockings and flinging the pillow off to the side. "I don't think the one this is all for would really appreciate it when guests are here, you know?" She smiled, trying to recover. By Celestia, what do you say after something like this?! "Hello mother." Octavia said from the door, looking a little agitated. Salvation! "Hey Tavi, your father is—" "Right outside, I'm aware. Berry didn't have anything, so why did you...?" Octavia blinked, taking in the surroundings. "Ah... Well, that explains a few things." She cleared her throat and looked to her mother. "Bad first impression?" "Your father is a stallion." Melodious Pitch said, as if that explained everything, and started for the door. Vinyl scooted to Octavia's side, flushed. "Sorry, I thought it was you, so..." She whispered, trying to beat down her blush. "That's okay. Thank you for all this. But I think your plans will need to wait..." Octavia whispered back and sighed, frowning as her father trotted inside again. "It's going to be... a very difficult Hearth's Warming..." Vinyl nodded. Octavia had yet to tell her family about the two of them. As far as even Melodious Pitch knew, they were still just friends. Falsetto Melody – or Otto as his family called him – was a ridiculously rigid pony. Vinyl could see it in the way he carried himself, the way he dressed, the way he looked at her. "You must be Vinyl Scratch. Melodious Pitch told me about you..." His voice conveyed a faint degree of disapproval that made Vinyl worry. He was an Earth Pony, much like Octavia and his ex-wife, and had struggled to accomplish his musical feats, where Octavia had simply been a natural. If he held any resentment about this fact, it didn't show. "Otto, we talked about this." Melodious Pitch gave her ex-husband a harsh stare, to which he cleared his throat again, more nervously this time. "You are my daughter's oldest and dearest friend... Please, forgive me for judging you on appearances and reputation, without getting to know you myself." Falsetto offered Vinyl a hoof, smiling benignly. "My name is Falsetto Melody. It is a pleasure to meet you." Vinyl blinked, bumping her hoof to his, completely mistaking the gesture. "Well, it's awesome to meet you, Mr. Fal. I know I'm a little wild, but don't worry, I ain't that bad." Falsetto blinked and looked at his hoof, withdrawing it slowly. "Yes, well..." He stood back, looking around the room at the various candles. "You seem to have good taste in decor." Vinyl was about to say that this was all Octavia's stuff, but she nodded, smiling. "Y-Yeah, thanks. I work real hard to make this place look as nice as possible." Octavia let out a sigh of relief behind her, moving to her rescue. "Well, the day is still young. What do you all say to some breakfast?" Octavia asked, trotting towards the kitchen. "I can make something nice for the four of us in no time." "Fiddlesticks is off in Canterlot." Pitch said, sitting in the living room after breakfast. The meal had been silent, Vinyl still moping about her plans falling apart. She had munched her toast and tried to not let her disappointment show. "Her Special Somepony invited her over and I wasn't going to tell her no." "Neon's a nice stallion." Vinyl put in simply, smiling from her seat on the couch. "A little wild, and not a little selfish, but for his special somepony, he'd give the coat off his back." "I would hope," Falsetto said bluntly. "He's dating Melodious Pitch's daughter. Not some two-bit nopony." He sipped from a tea glass, along with his daughter and ex-wife. Vinyl was politely holding the glass, but not drinking. Tea made her gassy. "Well, since she wasn't here, we decided to come see you and Vinyl. It's been ages since we spent a holiday together as a family. And when your father showed up for a visit, I knew Celestia had to have blessed us with some of her own luck." Pitch nodded confidently. "We have presents." Vinyl's ears perked. She always loved presents. This almost made everything less crappy. "You cannot open them until tomorrow, of course." Falsetto said bluntly. "It wouldn't be proper." "Pfft..." Falsetto's eyes snapped to Vinyl at the noise, silent as it was, and the mare withered slightly under the glare, quickly turning the sound into a 'coughing fit.' She was glad she'd decided to put her glasses on after breakfast, or Falsetto might have seen her roll her eyes as well. Sighing, Falsetto looked back to his tea. "I suppose I shouldn't expect others to respect our own traditions." Pitch spoke up, after a sip of her own drink. "Actually Otto, we've changed our traditions up slightly. Everypony gets to open one gift the night before, to get them excited for the larger opening the next day." Falsetto gave his head a rueful shake, but said nothing. "Isn't that right, Octavia?" Octavia was simply staring at her drink, her ear flicking every now and then. She had this strange, vacant look in her eyes. "Octavia? Are you well?" Falsetto leaned forward, looking worried. It was the first expression Vinyl had seen on him other than smug superiority or contempt. It seemed his daughter was a soft spot in him. "Octavia!" Octavia jumped, snapping her head up. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I was... just thinking on things..." Her ear gave another flick, an action that didn't go unnoticed. Vinyl chewed on her lip, wondering what it meant. "No harm done, my little symphony." Pitch set her glass down. "I was just telling your father about our 'One Gift' tradition." Octavia nodded slightly. "It's a rather nice mixing up of the holiday's usual fare, father. You should give it a try this year and see what you think?" Falsetto looked a little put-off for a moment, but the expression melted away, as if it'd just been some wax mask. "I cannot pretend to be upset with you both... Fine, we will try this new tradition." Both mother and daughter broke into wide grins, fixated on Falsetto. "Don't do that. Your jaws will lock in place." He said, finishing with a loud sip of tea. "It's settled then. We'll each open one gift." Pitch nodded, then seemed to realize something. "Octavia, your father doesn't have any... We hadn't been expecting him, so..." Octavia nodded and stood. "Me and Vinyl will run out and find something he will appreciate. You two make yourselves at home." The two older ponies nodded, smiling to one-another. "Yes, I suppose we have some catching up to do. Has it been about two years since we last spoke?" Pitch asked the stallion. "Two and a half, roughly." Falsetto nodded and took a lingering sip of his drink, closing his eyes. As Vinyl and Octavia walked out the door, closing it behind them, they had just enough time to hear one last thing from Octavia's father. "So, how is that country pony treating you?" "Gotta say it; your dad pisses me off." "Vinyl!" Octavia gasped. "Would you rather I lied? He looks at me like I'm a stain on the rug or some animal droppings. He pretends to suck it up, but did you see how he glares at me?" Vinyl shook her head. "This is gonna be a terrible Hearth's Warming... And I'd worked so hard too..." "Vinyl, I'm thankful for all your hard work, believe me." Octavia bumped her special mare, giving a little giggle. "And father glares at everypony. He's a master at it. Where did you think I learned to be so salty?" Octavia winked to Vinyl, who couldn't help but smile. "You can be pretty bad, when you wanna be," Vinyl said, getting whacked in the face with Octavia's tail as she stepped on ahead. "You're supposed to pretend like I'm not and compliment me, Vinyl." Octavia tried to sound stern, but her smirk and giggling made it a little hard to believe. "Well, I swore I'd never lie to you. So there." Vinyl stuck her tongue out, hurrying to catch up. "Hey, Tavi... What's up with that ear-flick thing you did earlier? You've been doin' it more and more ever since that incident at the Rainbow Falls Exchange." "It's... nothing, really." Octavia chuckled, a weak sounding noise. Vinyl knew she was hiding something. "So, I swore I'd never lie to you... You make the same promise?" Vinyl raised an eyebrow over her glasses. "'Cause, if you did, I think you just broke it." Octavia sighed. "Some truths are best kept secret, until the teller better understands them for themselves. I don't know what it is, but I'll tell you once I do. You know I'd never give you any reason to worry without a good reason, Vinyl." She looked around, knowing they were getting close. "Father plays the viola, so we could easily buy him a new bow or set of strings. However, I think I'll splurge and buy him an entirely new instrument." "You sure?" Vinyl blinked, a little shocked. "You're normally a stickler with our bits..." Octavia gave her a sidelong glance. "Well, it's a holiday and I don't see father all that often. Is it so wrong to want to spend on him?" Vinyl raised her hooves. "No, I didn't mean that... Sorry, that came out really wrong." She dropped back to all fours, rushing to catch up as Octavia approached Pitch Perfect. Slipping inside, the pair was greeted by Flare, who's grandfather had passed away not long ago. Maestro was sorely missed by Octavia and Vinyl, but Flare was determined to not let his sadness show to his customers. The old stallion had not wanted his passing to mar the lives of those he'd left behind; his final words were that deceleration exactly. "Ah! My favorite musical duo; how are you two doing today?" Flare gave the couple his best smile, making Octavia feel a might guilty and quite embarrassed. Vinyl and Flare had met and talked a few times about Octavia and what had happened on Hearts and Hooves day. The unicorn had insisted on talking to Flare, but hadn't told Octavia what it was about. When Octavia asked how he'd guessed her feelings after the Changeling attack on Canterlot, he confessed a few... embarrassing little secrets that made Vinyl laugh to no end. Apparently, Octavia had been rather candid during the act with Flare, calling him by Vinyl's name more than once. It was a fact Vinyl never intended to let Octavia live down. "We're here to pick up a high-quality viola, Flare." Octavia supplied, moving through her emotions. "My father, Falsetto, is in town and we need a last minute Hearth's Warming present." Flare raised an eyebrow and nodded faintly. "Falsetto Melody, huh? I've heard his music. No offense, but I've never been a fan of him as a pony. His music is nice, but he's kinda stuffy." "By Celestia, thank you." Vinyl groaned out. "Shush you." Octavia bumped her again. "Well, I think I've got just the thing for a practical pony like him. One moment, please." Flare ducked into the back and Octavia turned to Vinyl. "You really should get used to my father, you know... We're going to have to tell him and mother about us at some point today." Octavia lowered her eyes, adopting a worried expression. "We can't keep it a secret forever..." Vinyl put a hoof around her special mare, kissing her cheek. "Hey... Chin up, Tavi. I'll be right there with you through it all." Octavia felt a smile steal it's way onto her face. It was hard to be worried so long as Vinyl was there. "I know you will, you silly mare." Octavia returned the kiss, giving Vinyl a quick hug. "And know that I'll love you, no matter what they say. You're mine, Vinyl Scratch." Vinyl blushed a little, hugging Octavia back. "And you're mine, you stuffy cellist." Vinyl chuckled, leaning back from the hug as Flare came back into the room. "Here you are. This may not be the best viola I have in stock, but it's an antique." Flare ceremoniously set the instrument on the counter, looking up to Octavia. "My grandfather made this for a customer when he was just starting his craft. The customer never payed and the instrument was put off to the side. Grandfather could never bring himself to sell it. He said that it helped him remember why he did what he did." Flare smiled, running a reverent hoof over the instrument. "To me, it's not so much valuable for that, as it is for it's incredible age and it's maker." "You're sure you want to part with it?" Octavia trotted over, examining the piece. It's age showed, but not in a bad way. The instrument had been well maintained, presumably by Maestro, all these years. It was of fine darkwood, cut straight from trees grown deep in the Everfree. Getting the wood alone must have been a trial, but shaping it equally so; wood from the Everfree was notoriously hard to work with. It seemed to resist any and all attempts to be shaped. "Yes. Grandfather would have wanted this passed on now that he's gone." Flare gave a small chuckle. "And I can't think of any pony I'd rather give it to than you, Octavia. I'm sure your father will adore it." "Thank you, Flare. Here." Octavia brought up her bag of bits and Flare tried waved it back down. "Oh, no. You aren't pulling that 'no charge' thing with me, Symphonic Flare." Octavia grinned and set the bag on the counter. "You'll take these bits and like it." Flare gave a small smile, shaking his head. "Vinyl, you are a terrible influence on her." "You kidding? She was always this bossy." Vinyl snickered, earning her another bump from her lover. "Quiet you. Lets get this home." Octavia was relieved to find her parents right where she left them. There had been no arguments, no snide remarks and no physical scuffles, so far as Octavia could tell. The two seemed to be actually having a fair time, which was strange for them. Octavia decided to not look a gift horse in the mouth and trotted into the room, Vinyl levitating her present along with her. "We're back," Vinyl said proudly, waggling the wrapped box, "and we got a sick present." Falsetto raised an eyebrow, but nodded. "Well, thank you for going out with my daughter, Miss Scratch. Having a unicorn along makes things much easier." "You don't need to be so formal with me. Call me Vinyl." "I would much prefer to maintain formality." Falsetto lifted his head. "It's what keeps us ponies separated from the animals." While her parents would miss it, Octavia could see the subtle signs of Vinyl's rising anger; the clenching of her jaw and the slight flutter to her tail. She quickly interjected herself, stepping forward. "Why don't you open it right now? We can start off with you and work our way around the room. Vinyl, pass it here." There was a brief moment where Vinyl worked her jaw a bit, but Octavia could see the stress drain from her. Vinyl was having a particularly rough day. She levitated the box over to her special mare and trotted to the couch, taking a seat again. Meanwhile, Octavia delivered the box to her father. Falsetto opened the box slowly – carefully – earning a very quiet groan from Vinyl. As he opened the box that held his new instrument, his eyes widening in silence. After a moment, he reached a hoof in, drawing out the instrument gingerly. "A darkwood viola? How...?" He trailed off, leaning in to inspect the finer details. "Maestro... That old coot..." He said the words with a particular fondness. "He always did make the best of the best... I heard of his recent passing, but..." He lowered the instrument and looked over to Octavia. "You knew him?" Octavia nodded, along with Vinyl. The two looked to one another and shared a brief smile, remembering the elderly stallion who helped to bring them together. "He was a treasure in this world. Equestria is worse off without him." The stallion said, closing his eyes briefly before opening them and smiling. Carefully, Falsetto replaced the instrument in it's box. "You've given me a gift with no comparison, Octavia..." "And Vinyl as well..." Octavia tilted her head towards Vinyl. "She chipped in to help pay." Turning his head, Falsetto examined the DJ for a moment before lowering his gaze. "It seems I owe you an apology for how I've been acting. Thank you for this beautiful gift." Vinyl bit back her immediate retort – wondering how much his kindness normally costed – instead opting to smile and nod back. She didn't trust herself to speak right then. Down the line, the family opened presents. Pitch giggled when she saw the photo album Octavia had put together; made special for her. Octavia had smiled when she saw Vinyl's present for her; a series of 'coupons' for everything from a back massage to a 'Make Vinyl Hoof-wash the Dishes' slip. Octavia knew that was only one of the gifts, but she felt like it would be her favorite. Vinyl grinned when her turn came, snatching a present up swiftly with her magic. "All right!" She shouted, just as Octavia gasped. "Vinyl, not that one!" But the unicorn had already pulled the present open, blushing at the contents. "Is that... Oh, my..." Pitch blushed faintly, clearing her throat. "Well, this certainly has been an interesting holiday..." The gift was a 'special' outfit, purchased at the same store Vinyl had purchased her socks from. Octavia had known about Vinyl's plan for some time now, but had been playing along silently, all the while planning a surprise of her own. Vinyl cleared her throat loudly, sliding the present off behind the chair she was sitting in. "Let's keep this simple; nopony saw that." "No, I think that we won't push that aside so simply..." Falsetto's voice made everypony in the room turn to him. He was sitting up straight, a blank look on his face. "Care to tell me why you were giving her something like that, Octavia?" Octavia had hoped her father and mother wouldn't notice her name on the box. She took a deep breath, feeling crowded all of a sudden. Her eyes darted around, as if looking for a physical escape from this. She blinked when she saw Vinyl at her side; she wasn't sure when she'd gotten there. Slowly, Octavia calmed, looking back to her parents. Her father looked much the same, only now his eyes had a look of strong disapproval, as if that alone could and would dissuade Octavia from what he had to have realized by now. Melodious Pitch had a look of surprise on her face; no doubt she had put the pieces together before her ex-husband. Unlike him, however, she looked more shocked than upset. Octavia drew in a deep breath. "Mother, father; I have a confession. Vinyl is more than just my roommate and friend. She's my—" "I won't stand for it!" Falsetto cut Octavia off, bringing his hoof down hard on the table in front of him, making the mare shy back. His calm demeanor had completely vanished, replaced by one of anger. "I didn't raise some gender-confused mare. I raised a mare with class, with the right morals! How could you—" "You didn't raise me at all, Dad!" Octavia interrupted him, shaking her head. "You weren't ever there. But that's hardly the point." Octavia scowled at him, stilling her head to stare straight at him. "I love Vinyl, father. She makes me whole and happy. Nopony else has ever made me feel even half as complete as she has, being only my friend... As my lover, she has completely rewired how I see the world." Octavia felt a hoof slide over her; a body pressing against her side. It was a thankful and supportive gesture... Octavia would need it. Her father's eyes were wide, his jaw clenched, and his body trembling. A long-buried emotion made Octavia feel like a filly again, looking up at her angry father with terror. He never let his temper show; that had always been the scariest part about him. Only one time had it ever come through and Octavia remembered it well. He'd screamed at her, a little filly, for damaging his viola. He scared her so badly, she cried until he came in hours later and apologized. There would be no apology this time, she was certain. Octavia braced herself, ready for anything he had to say about her. Pitch was saying something to him, trying to make him calm down, but Octavia knew her father. He would say what he wanted to say, no matter who he hurt. "You... You filthy, white-coated..." Falsetto began. Octavia looked over to Vinyl, the real target of her father's ire. "You perverted my daughter's mind with your..." He sputtered, trying to find the right words. "I will not have my daughter stay here, under the roof of some... some spiked-haired dyke an—" Vinyl had enough. She snarled, her horn shimmering with magic. "Father!" Octavia's voice made her stop. The cellist looked furious, almost a copy of her father's rage. Falsetto shied back slightly, but Octavia just took a step forward, approaching him. "Say whatever you want about me. Spit on my good name. Disown me. I don't care. But don't you ever say anything foul about Vinyl in my presence. She's been the best thing to ever happen to me; the complete opposite of a sire who was only there when it was convenient for him! Your ineptitude to raise me and care for Mother is what drove you from our lives. I will not have you pretend like you have any weight in any decision I make; I am my own mare, not some trophy for you to put on display." Falsetto was slowly leaning back into his chair, his eyes adopting a more shocked look with every word. "You come here, expecting something from me that I'll never give you; forgiveness. I love you, but I will never forgive you for how terrible of a father you were to me. I won't let you continue that pattern now." Octavia stood at the center of the room, close to her mother, her eyes riveted to her father. "Get out of my house. So long as this is your attitude towards Vinyl, I never want to see you again." The words shook Falsetto like a physical blow. He quickly stuffed his emotions away – something Octavia was all too familiar with – pretending like the words didn't affect him, but hurt still lingered in his eyes. Rising, he climbed from the chair. "I... Yes, I do think my involvement in your life has reached it's limit. My tolerance can't be stretched this far..." He glared over to Vinyl, who sat in silence. Octavia had said enough already. "You've destroyed my little filly. I hope you're happy." "She didn't do anything to me, father. I made this decision myself. If you're too blind to see that, then you've no place here." Octavia stepped aside, showing her father the door. With a sniff and a flick of the head, Falsetto stormed out, slamming the door loudly behind him. His gift lay forgotten on the floor beside where he had been sitting. There was a long period of silence; the only sound was Octavia's labored breathing. Then, Pitch spoke up, sliding closer to her daughter. "Octavia... Are you okay?" The question was too much. Tears rushed into Octavia's eyes and she collapsed, trembling all over. She wept, unable to pretend like it didn't hurt any longer. She knew – though she loathed to admit it – that she'd never see her father again. He'd never reconcile with this; he was a true-bred Canterlot pony, filled with all the bigotry and hatred that city bred. Pitch and Vinyl rushed to her side, helping her to a couch to let her emotions run their course. Once her tears were behind her, Octavia looked to her mother. "I am so very sorry I ruined the holiday..." Pitch shook her head sadly, running a hoof over her daughter's mane. "You didn't. My little symphony, I adore you and every decision you make. I support you, no matter what. I love you and Vinyl like my own daughters and seeing you together makes me happier than you know. I only wish you had told me this sooner, sweetheart. I could have worked with you to keep it a secret, or broke the news to your father a little less..." She peered over to where the outfit was hidden by the chair. "... poorly..." Octavia shook her head. "I was scared. I wasn't sure how you'd react." She looked to the door, feeling the tears return. "I just never imagined it would come to this." Vinyl put her head against Octavia's side, closing her eyes. She was silent, but her presence comforted Octavia all the same. Pitch stayed until Octavia felt better, rising once her daughter stopped crying. "I'm going to try and find your father... Maybe I can... do or say something to salvage this..." She galloped out of the house, hoping against hope that she could mend this broken relationship. Vinyl and Octavia moved to the couch, Octavia laying her head over Vinyl's hooves. She sighed out, pain still heavy in her mind. "Vinyl... Can I turn in that Back Massage coupon now?" "You get one free of charge..." Vinyl leaned down, kissing her special mare on the top of her head. "And later, once you feel better, we can have a nice glass of champagne and I'll try on that outfit you got me." Octavia gave a little chuckle, snuggling into Vinyl. She was starting to feel better already. As long as her mother supported her, she would be okay. Her father... She could live without his approval. She rolled over onto her back, staring up at Vinyl with sultry eyes. "Who said that outfit was for you to wear?" > Chapter 20: Strings Unbound > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20: Strings Unbound [v] Vinyl hummed to herself, bobbing her head to the pounding beat of the dishwasher. She swayed, flipping the eggs with a flick of her magic, using another burst to start the coffee. Octavia would be up shortly, give her usual spiel about the dishwasher waking her up, the two would laugh, eat breakfast, and start another day together. But as the toast finished and Vinyl turned to put the eggs on the table, there was still no sign of Octavia. Frowning, Vinyl placed down the food and went looking for her partner. The entire downstairs was empty; she must still be up getting ready. Vinyl smiled, deciding to bring breakfast up to her this morning. Octavia loved little surprises like that. Trotting up the steps with a bounce in her step, Vinyl thought about the past several weeks. Octavia had been acting stranger and stranger, zoning out more often and playing her music less and less. Vinyl was pretty sure it had to do with her father and had been working hard to make her happier whenever possible. When Octavia was ready, she would talk about it, Vinyl knew. She stopped, knocking on the door to their bedroom. "Tavi? You up?" No answer. Vinyl blinked, a little surprised. Was she still sleeping? That... was very strange. Vinyl opened the door, peering around the room. Sure enough, Octavia was still in bed, rolled onto her side. Vinyl trotted into the room, setting the plate and cup down on the vanity. "Man, you had me worried for a second there, Tavi. Get outta bed, you bum." Octavia didn't move, aside from the rise and fall of her body from her breathing. Vinyl turned more towards her, adopting a frown. "Tavi?" She trotted over, looking down at Octavia. The mare was still fast asleep, snuggling into the pillow Vinyl had left behind when she woke up. "Tavi, get up." Nothing. Vinyl felt a shiver run over her spine. "Tavi!" She reached out, jostling her lover. "Huh?!" Octavia snapped up, nearly cracking her head against Vinyl's. "Ugh... What? Why did you have to wake me up so rudely? I was having a lovely dream..." "You wouldn't wake up... Octavia, it's way late..." Vinyl smiled and turned, going to get her food. "You slept right through me cooking and washing the dishes. I don't think you've ever done that before." When she turned back, Octavia was staring at her with a concerned expression, her ear flicking slightly. "Octavia?" "Hm? Yes, I'm fine..." Octavia spoke quietly, putting a hoof on her ear. "Fine..." "I... Never said you weren't..." Vinyl levitated the food over to Octavia, but she just stared at it, like she wasn't even there. "Tavi, what's gotten into you? You're acting really weird..." She didn't reply right away, flicking her ear again. Giving a sigh, Octavia looked up to the ceiling. "I need to go out, Vinyl. I think I might be gone for the day." "Tavi, come on. What's going on with you?" Vinyl's voice grew increasingly edgy, Something was really wrong here, and she'd get to the bottom of it. When Octavia didn't reply, Vinyl nudged her. "Hey, I'm talkin' to... you..." When Octavia met her eyes, it dawned on Vinyl. She had a sinking feeling that she knew exactly what was wrong. "You can't hear me... Can you...?" Vinyl asked in a low whisper. Octavia blinked, tilting her head and smiling. "You just go on about your day, Vinyl. I'll be back later." Oblivious to the question Vinyl asked, Octavia slid from the bed. "I bet this is nothing serious. I'm sure I'm just overreacting..." Her ear flicked again, more fiercely this time. "I just... I just!" She raised her voice, eyes getting a bit wild. "I can't hear, Vinyl..." Tears gathered in her eyes as her façade faded. "I can barely hear anything!" Ponyville was a snowy blur around Vinyl as she rushed towards the Golden Oaks Library. The cold bit at her, but Vinyl didn't stop or slow. She hadn't put on her winter gear and, frankly, she didn't care. A little frostbite would be preferential to what was happening right now. She skid to a stop, nearly sliding into a snowbank, and pounded on Twilight's door. There was a sleepy response from inside and Vinyl stopped knocking, bouncing anxiously. When several seconds passed in silence, she knocked again, hearing Spike groan just inside the door. "Hold your horses, I'm coming!" The little dragon opened the door, blinking sleepily at Vinyl. "Vinyl Scratch? What're you—" "Where's Twilight?!" Vinyl darted into the Library, not waiting to be invited in. "Twilight! Princess Twilight!" Twilight appeared in a flash of purple energy, head darting around and her hair an absolute mess. "What? Is it a monster attack? Did Pinkie light Sugarcube Corner on fire again?" Vinyl blinked, taking a step back. "N-No, no... It's Octavia..." Twilight blinked, tilting her head. "What about her?" Vinyl felt the dread return. She dropped her head, looking at the floor. "She's losing her hearing, Princess... Please, you have to help her. I don't know who to turn to." Vinyl looked back up, tears in her eyes. "This is all my fault. I gotta fix this. Please, you gotta help me." With that, she dropped down, bowing to Twilight. "I'm begging you." Twilight trotted over, putting a hoof around Vinyl and helping her up. "Calm down... How is this your fault?" "It was my cannon," Vinyl said miserably, remaining seated and shaking her head. "My Bass Cannon is what damaged Octavia's ears, I just know it." Twilight had heard the story about what happened in Vinyl's home during Discord's attack over a year ago. She frowned, giving her head a little shake. "Tell me, Vinyl, do you think the Fletcher of an arrow is to blame for the damage an archer causes? Perhaps the bow itself?" Vinyl opened her mouth to answer, but found she couldn't honestly say yes to either. She shook her head, looking down again. "What happened was an accident; that's all. It wasn't your fault." Twilight stepped away from the DJ, sighing. "Unfortunately... I don't know of any magic that can heal something as complex as an eardrum. It's why we're unable to fix brain damage, blindness, or serious muscle trauma with magic. We can't perform miracles, Vinyl." Vinyl winced, feeling tears force their way past her closed eyes, dripping inside her glasses. "The best we can do is offer her mechanical aids. They're not perfect, but... They'll help her hear with a degree of normality..." Twilight looked sadly back to Vinyl and trotted back over, levitating the other pony's glasses off. She wiped the DJ's face, giving her a smile. "Octavia will be fine, Vinyl. She's stronger than any of us give her credit for. She has to be, to survive in Canterlot like she did." Vinyl sniffed, withholding the fact that Octavia only spent a year there. She nodded and stepped back from Twilight. "So... How long till we can get one of those aid things?" "I'll put in a rushed order... But even then, several days; a week most likely." Twilight tilted her head to the side, staring at Vinyl. "Are you going to be alright?" "I'll be fine. It's Octavia I'm worried about. What if this keeps getting worse? What if she goes completely deaf?" Vinyl was shaking, worried senseless over her special somepony. Twilight gave a small smile and shook her head. "That, I can prevent. Stopping erosion is much easier than repairing something. I wish we'd known of this sooner..." Twilight trailed off as Vinyl let out a very convincing scoff. It seemed the bad influences went both ways. "This has been a problem for over a year now. She's known and kept quiet, likely to spare the rest of us any worry for her... She never thinks that maybe it's best to let us worry..." Vinyl sighed, not able to be mad at Octavia right now. "Thank you, Twilight. Should I bring her here, or...?" "No, let me clean up a bit and we'll go to her. Better she be in a comfortable place when I start working." Octavia sat quietly as Twilight finished her spell. "That should do it." Twilight said directly into Octavia's ear, patting the cellist's side to let her know she was done. "How do you feel?" Octavia tilted her head a bit. "I can't hear the ringing anymore, but... I still can't hear much else." "It shouldn't continue to get any worse." Twilight said to Vinyl, before turning back to Octavia. "Next time, please tell me about things like this before they get this bad." Twilight spoke the last sentence close to Octavia's ear. The mare gave a solemn nod. "I didn't want to worry anypony. I just assumed it would go away, but..." Octavia closed her eyes, obviously holding in tears. "These aid devices; I'll still be able to hear music with them?" Twilight looked to Vinyl, then back again, nodding. "Yes. It'll be like nothing is wrong... You will need to maintain them though. They are... rather expensive." "Don't worry about that." Vinyl said a little too quickly. "I'm not letting Octavia lose her music." Twilight smiled and nodded, rising from where she'd been sitting, beside Octavia. "I know you won't, Vinyl." She started out, but stopped by the door. "I'll have the aids sent directly here. Until they get here, Vinyl, I want you to keep an eye on Octavia. She's very vulnerable right now." She lowered her voice, making sure Octavia couldn't hear. "In more way than one. Make her smile, Vinyl. She needs it." With that, Twilight waved to Octavia and slipped out of their home. Vinyl turned to look at her stricken lover, moving to her side and wrapping her hooves around her. "Hey. We'll get through this, okay?" "It's easy for you to say." Octavia whispered, but nodded after a second. "I... I'm sorry, that wasn't fair." She hugged Vinyl back, trembling. "Vinyl... What am I going to do?" "Easy. Get the ear thingies and go on like nothing changed. I'll pay for them... This was all my fault, after all." Vinyl's ears drooped. Despite Twilight's insistence, it was hard to accept that she wasn't to blame. "Your fault?" Octavia blinked, leaning back from the hug. "If I'd just told you sooner, then this could have all been avoided. I was to blame, Vinyl. It's nopony's fault but my own." Octavia took a few steps back and smiled, giving a little giggle. "But it is just like you, blaming yourself because you can't see the fault in others. That's the Vinyl I know and love." She leaned back in, kissing Vinyl on the cheek. "I... Think I'm going to just lay down for a while longer. It's been a stressful morning and I don't quite feel up to wandering around." Vinyl gave her a worried look, but nodded. "I'll bring you lunch. Go relax, Octavia. And remember, I love you, no matter what." Octavia nodded back, her smile seeming come a little more naturally after that. "Thank you, Vinyl. I love you too." Vinyl opened the door to the bedroom, peeking inside. Octavia was still in bed, laying with her back to the door. Slowly, she shut the door again, frowning. Three days. Octavia hadn't left the bed for three whole days, aside from going to the bathroom. Vinyl had tried luring her out by not bringing her food, but she'd skipped two whole meals and just stayed upstairs. She had tried to cheer Octavia up however she could: snuggling with her for hours, trying to dance with her, cooking her favorite foods, and bringing Fiddle over once. Octavia hadn't reacted well to seeing her sister. "I don't want to see her!" Octavia had shouted, pulling the pillows over her head. "I don't want her to see me... like this..." It had torn Vinyl's heart apart. Octavia was her music. Without it – without the sounds of the world – she was slowly emptying out. Vinyl wasn't one to give up, but this situation was starting to feel hopeless. She chewed on her lip, throwing ideas through her mind. Finally, she settled on a desperate plan. She just hoped it didn't make things worse... She slipped into the studio, returning with Octavia's cello floating beside her. She returned to the bedroom, moving up to Octavia without announcing herself. Gently, she prodded her lover. Octavia rolled over, looking to Vinyl with bloodshot eyes. She had been crying again, it seemed. She looked over to the cello, her eyes filling with pain. "I know you aren't the sort to mock me, Vinyl... So why?" "I want you to play for me, Tavi." Vinyl set the cello down, propping it up against the bed. She leaned over, nudging Octavia's torso with her head. "I miss your music. Please?" Octavia shook her head and rolled back over. "I can barely hear myself talk. I can't play, Vinyl." "That's a load, Tavi. You haven't tried... You've been playing music your whole life; who's to say that this will stop you? I doubt it'll even slow you down." Octavia looked over to Vinyl as she spoke, seeming to consider this. "I believe in you, Octavia. Your music is eternal." Octavia slowly sat up, flinching. She had been laying for so long, her muscles ached from inactivity. "I... I suppose I can try, for you. But I'm not expecting this to work." She scooted over to the cello, taking the bow from where Vinyl had placed it. The unicorn stepped back several steps, giving Octavia space. The cellist sighed and pushed herself off the bed, stretching for a few moments to get the dull ache from her muscles. Vinyl decided that, even if this failed, she would be happy that it'd got Octavia out of bed, even briefly. Taking a deep breath, Octavia took her cello in hoof and began to play. The music made Vinyl wince. It wasn't terrible, but it lacked Octavia's usual grace. The cellist snarled, throwing aside the bow after only a few seconds of playing. "Vinyl, this is... It's so stupid!" She shook her head, shaking. "I can't play! I just can't!" Vinyl frowned, levitating the bow back over to her lover. She got close, making sure Octavia could hear her. "Tavi, you can still play. This will just take some getting used to. Please, keep trying..." Octavia scowled in silence for a few seconds; not her joking scowl, either. Finally, she snatched the bow, giving a heavy sigh. "I hope you're right, Vinyl... I really do..." On the second day of Octavia playing, Vinyl noticed a drastic improvement. She eyed her lover speculatively, earning a little blush from Octavia. "Oh, fine... I crept downstairs after you fell asleep and practiced for a few hours. I still want to play, Vinyl... I feel it, in my hooves. I have to play, or I'm nothing." She sighed and looked up to the ceiling. "Without music, what am I?" She smiled, looking back down to Vinyl. "And you know what? I think you were right. I can beat this." She lifted the hoof from her cello and placed it over her heart, supporting the instrument with her rear left hoof. "I hear the music in my every heartbeat. It's in my blood, Vinyl. Losing my hearing won't stop me." Vinyl grinned ear to ear, sitting where she was. "Told ya!" She trotted over, hugging Octavia tightly. "Now, lets get a drink to celebrate. How's about some Everfree?" She asked, directly into Octavia's ear, before stepping back. Octavia groaned loudly. "Never again." She said, smiling the first effortless, genuine smile Vinyl had seen on her face in days. Vinyl laughed, not able to stop herself from rushing back to Octavia, hugging her again. It was so good to see that smile on her face. "Food then. I'll cook anythin' you want." Vinyl leaned back, but kept holding Octavia. "How about we switch and I cook for you?" Octavia touched her nose to Vinyl's, giggling. Vinyl, for all her fortitude, really wasn't too sure. "You do remember what happened... last time, right?" Vinyl sure did. "Oh, it'll be different this time... How could I have known something with a name like Marmite would taste so... unfortunate." Octavia gave a weak chuckle, before stepping back from the hug. "Besides, I'll make something simple. Eggs should be fine, right? I watch you make them all the time." Vinyl smiled at Octavia's eagerness, but shook her head. "Like it or not, you're still the injured one. I'll cook. No complaints." She leaned over, kissing Octavia lightly before turning towards the door. "So, eggs?" Octavia nodded, moving back to her cello. With a contended sigh, she continued to play. Vinyl watched for several seconds longer, before she slipped off to go cook. When Vinyl returned, Octavia was in full swing, her eyes closed, swing to the music as if hypnotized. The DJ set the plate down on the end table and watched in silence. It wasn't the same as before, but it was wonderful in it's own way. Vinyl had trouble placing what it was for several seconds, but finally settled; Octavia's heart and soul were back in her music. The music flowed beautifully, just as it always had before. The song wasn't without it's faults, but it was clearly the majestic sound of Octavia's soul. Reaching a crescendo, Octavia sped her pace, making Vinyl imaging a furious battle; a pony standing alone against time itself, defying mortality through the sound of her instrument. After several long minutes, Octavia's solo drew to a slow, enchanting close. Vinyl stomped on the floor in both joy and appreciation. "Tavi, that was awesome! I told you, you could beat this!" She hugged her special mare, who fumbled with both the hug and her cello. With a little reorganization, Octavia rested her head against Vinyl's withers. "I wouldn't have, if you hadn't been here, Vinyl. You saved me from myself. You're the greatest, Vinyl Scratch..." Octavia was silent for several second, then gave Vinyl a light nudge in the hug. "I... Well..." Octavia snuggled into Vinyl, giving a soft sigh. "Vinyl... I've been wanting to ask, but I was never really confident. But now seems just right... "Vinyl Scratch, will you marry me?" Vinyl felt her heart skip a beat and her mouth dry out. She leaned back, staring into Octavia's entrancing purple-ish eyes. That moment froze itself in Vinyl's mind – a moment she would never forget. Octavia looked terrified. The answer was obvious to Vinyl, but to Octavia, there was always room for doubt. The cellist's last five days had been an absolute nightmare, so why would things change now? Vinyl leaned back in, kissing Octavia softly. Normally, she wasn't a fan of 'slow and gentle' but she let this kiss linger, placing a hoof on the side of her lover's face. Slowly, she leaned back, nodding. "What do you think, hm? Of course, Octavia... The answer is yes. But," Vinyl patted Octavia's face, leaning back out of the hug, "it's waitin' until after all this is over and you're not so depressed, got it?" Octavia hardly looked depressed now. Vinyl hadn't seen her this radiant in a very, very long time. "As long as it takes." Her breath was short, her words wispy. She looked like she was about to fall over, but that smile made Vinyl think that, if she did fall over, she would just float up to the ceiling. "I'll wait till the end of time, if that's how long it takes, Vinyl..." "It won't. Just a few weeks, I think." Vinyl poked Octavia's torso lightly, breaking the spell and making her squeak. She quickly covered her sides, blushing and glaring daggers at her new fiance. The reality of it struck her. Fiance. With a sigh, Vinyl fell into the same kind of dazed reverie Octavia had just been in. Octavia waved a hoof in front of Vinyl's eyes, which she purposefully ignored. Octavia chuckled and shook her head. Yeah, they would both be just fine. Octavia placed the hearing aid into her ear, making an odd expression. "It feels strange, having something in my ear like this..." "Quit mopin' and turn it on." Vinyl was excited, maybe even more-so than Octavia. This hearing aid was really cool! It gave Vinyl all kinds of ideas for new inventions; if only she could figure out how the damn thing worked! "Don't rush me." Octavia waved a hoof at Vinyl, taking a deep breath. She lifted a hoof to her ear and pressed the button to activate the machine. She sat very still, eyes closed, and listened. "Did it work?" Vinyl asked. Octavia didn't move. "Did it work!?" Vinyl screamed, directly into Octavia's ear. The mare shouted, falling over onto her side, glaring up at Vinyl murderously once she'd recovered. "Guess it did, huh?" Vinyl grinned, offering Octavia a hoof. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself..." She chuckled as she pulled her lover back to all fours. "I'm happy, really. Don't get the whole joking thing wrong. I just-oof!" Vinyl cut off suddenly as Octavia flung a pillow at her. "Quit apologizing. It's not like you." Octavia smirked and trotted over, picking up the pillow. "I can actually hear better than before, it seems." Octavia ducked as a pillow soared towards her. Vinyl blinked, looking down to Octavia, who winked at her. "Nice try." Vinyl stuck her tongue out, earning a chuckle from her fiance. "What do you say we go thank Twilight?" Vinyl offered her hoof to Octavia, who took it happily. "I'd like little more." Octavia nodded to Vinyl, kissing her hoof before trotting towards the door. "Hey Vinyl?" "Hm?" "I love you." Octavia said with a voice like smooth silk, skipping out the door with a bounce to her step. "Love you too, you stuffy mare." Vinyl muttered, smirking. "I heard that!" Octavia shouted back. Vinyl gave a small curse. "That too!" Vinyl sighed and laughed, following after Octavia without another word. > Chapter 21: Griffonrock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21: Griffonrock Vinyl looked up at the heart of the Griffon Empire, Griffonstone. She heaved a sigh, levitating her bag across the latest gap in the path. "You know, when dad told us to meet him in the Griffon Empire, I hadn't expected such a..." "Arduous climb?" Octavia supplied from just in front of Vinyl, wrinkling her nose. "It smells odd up here. And why did your father send us on a trek through the mountains anyway?" She jumped the next gap, looking back to Vinyl. "Why couldn't he just meet us in Ponyville?" "I guess he's got some surprise for us there." Vinyl looked up at the long climb ahead, groaning. "Even I'm getting a little sick of rocks. Tavi, remind me to kick dad off Griffonstone when we get there." "You'll have to race me to it," Octavia replied with a smirk, holding out her hoof to help Vinyl over. The DJ graciously accepted, hopping the rest of the way. With a slight grunt of effort, she levitated her gear over too. "Why he asked me to bring all this is beyond me." "I'm sure we'll find out." Octavia said, walking on ahead. "And the reason had better be sound. I haven't forgotten your father's usual flights of fancy." "I doubt this is like that. I'm sure it's got something to do with his new genre." Vinyl followed, levitating her gear by her side. She gave it another examination, making sure nothing had fallen off: a pair of speakers, no bigger than her head, a couple of kits for pyrotechnics, various wires and chords that only her and her father seemed to know the purpose of, and a folding turntable – one of her father's personal favorites. "I can't imagine why he'd have us lug all this stuff up otherwise." "Maybe the old stallion's finally lost it." Octavia chuckled and walked around a particularly weak section of the cliff. Vinyl raised an eyebrow at her, holding it up until she looked back. "What? He raised you all those years, so he couldn't have been too far from the edge of sanity." Vinyl laughed, hefting her burden once more. "Well, if he's not crazy, he'll be getting a shock of his own once we tell him our little surprise. You know, I never told him about us." "What?" Octavia stopped, snapping her head back to glare at Vinyl. "Why not? Vinyl, this is—" "Whoa, calm down, Tavi. You know dad; he doesn't care what anypony does or who they love. Never has, never will. I wanted to tell him face to face, not in some letter." Octavia relaxed, nodding. "I suppose that makes sense..." "Heh. Now we get to shock him twice in one trip." Vinyl snickered loudly, walking around the unstable rock Octavia was waiting beyond. Octavia felt herself smirk a little at Vinyl's jovial attitude. "Okay, perhaps we won't kick him off Griffonstone. I would hate to miss out on seeing his face when we tell him..." The capital of the Griffon Empire was... not quite what Octavia had expected. "My word... And your father came to this place willingly?" Octavia peered around at the damaged buildings and crumbling architecture. She crinkled her nose as a griffon walked by, trying to look polite about it. "Well, at least I know why it smelt like bird now." Vinyl shook her head a little, looking around for the statue she was supposed to meet her father at. "I thought a capital was supposed to be a source of pride." "Maybe for you silly ponies." Both Vinyl and Octavia turned in unison to the speaker: a griffon who was standing not far away. She was leaning on a cart selling scones, eyeing them sourly. While Octavia was completely baffled and not a little offended, Vinyl was walking closer, narrowing her eyes. "Hm... You look really familiar." She tilted her head and hummed deep in her throat, before clicking her tongue in recognition. "Ah, right. You came to Ponyville ages ago. I remember RD and Ponkers got you good. What was your name again?" The griffon twitched, obviously angry. "My name's Gilda. Don't forget it. I won't remind you again. And if you're 'friends' with that little pink disaster, or her blue punk playmate, then I suggest you get away from me before I snap that pretty little horn off your head." "Good to see your attitude has improved so much since Rainbow chased your feathered behind out of Ponyville." Octavia stepped closer to Vinyl, pulling her friend back as Gilda's eyes widened and her face turned red with embarrassment and fury. "Please, excuse my friend. She's not very polite." Octavia said, trying to placate the griffon. "We're here looking for a pony by the—" "Ain't none of you little ponies here. So get out!" Gilda snarled out, stepping a little too close for comfort. Octavia kept quiet, but Vinyl tensed, ready for a scrap. The cellist wasn't keen on how rude this griffon was, but she wasn't about to start a fight for no good reason. After Gilda was done, Octavia continued as if she hadn't said anything. "A pony by the name of Echo Scratch. Have you heard of him?" Gilda stepped back, surprise registering in her eyes. "You mean that weird pony with the guitars? He's in town?" "He should be, yes." Octavia motioned back to Vinyl, who was far more relaxed now that Gilda had backed off. "Vinyl here is his daughter." Vinyl had tipped her glasses forward, giving Gilda a victorious smirk. "And he's not weird." At that, Vinyl turned her tipped glasses to Octavia, raising an eyebrow for effect. The cellist cleared her throat. "Okay, he is slightly strange, but we don't really say so out loud. It's rude." She looked back to Gilda, who was looking casual; like she hadn't been screaming at them only moments earlier. "We were supposed to meet him by King Grover's Statue." Gilda groaned and rolled her eyes. "Oh, that old heap of worthless stones..." She motioned with her claw, looking disinterested. "The statue is over there..." Trying to look nonchalant, Gilda looked back. "Do you know if Echo— I mean, your pony friend will be hosting a concert? I haven't seen one yet and it'd be kinda cool, I suppose..." Vinyl grinned, shrugging. "Ain't sure. He just called us here. But I imagine he's doing something of the sort, if he's keepin' hidden." Gilda nodded. "Well... You'd better be more careful. A less understanding griffon would've cut you to ribbons." She walked back to her scone stand, wheeling it away. "Well. That was a thing that happened..." Vinyl sighed, tipping her glasses back over her eyes. "Thanks Tavi. I doubt dad would've been too pleased if I showed up with my back hoof stuck up a griffon's flank." Octavia chuckled at the mental image, shaking her head. "No, I can't imagine he would have been. Do griffon's have flanks?" She scanned in the direction Gilda had pointed them, smiling when she saw the tip of the statue just peeking over the roof of a nearby building. "Ah-hah! There it is." "About time." The pair of ponies walked side by side, slipping around buildings and griffons together. Rounding a corner, both stopped, staring at the statue of King Grover, an ancient griffon ruler. And there, under the statue, a griffon was setting up a stage. "Yeah, dads in town alright." Vinyl rolled her eyes, trotting towards the stage. "Hey," Vinyl shouted to the griffon on stage, who turned to look at her. "You seen a unicorn named Echo Scratch around here?" The griffon was an unusual sight, wearing leather wrappings around his taloned forelegs, which were covered in tons of small metal spikes. Similar leather coverings ran up his hind legs and winding down his tail, hidden among his black fur. His feathers, a dark grey, were styled strangely, covering half his face and hanging down the side of his beak. "Maybe I have. Who's askin'?" The griffon's voice sounded like gravel, but Octavia caught something Vinyl easily missed. This griffon had talent; a mastery of his voice and a complete control over it. She silently respected this, letting Vinyl respond uninterrupted. "Vinyl Scratch, that's who. I'm his daughter." Vinyl puffed her chest out, standing tall. "So, I'll ask again. Have you seen my old man?" The griffon stared for a few seconds, skeptical, but grinned and laughed. "Man, he said you were a lot like him. I didn't believe that old pony had anything even close to his level of... whatever he is." "Weird?" Octavia supplemented, smirking. "I'm Octavia Melody, a friend of Echo's." "Yeah, he told me about you too. Said you were kinda stuffy." The griffon's grin only got broader as he walked to the edge of the stage. "The name's Gyro. And yeah, Echo's around here somewhere. Last I remember, he was gettin' stuff for the pyrotechnics." "So he is holding a show. Called it." Vinyl laughed, looking over the stage. "An odd place to hold an electronica concert though..." "Elect— Oh, no I'm the one holding the concert. It's our first gig here in the capital. Your old man made me the face of his music in the Empire and I'm here to show this place how it's done." "Aw sweet! A rock concert?" Vinyl grinned, suddenly very excited. Gyro raised an eyebrow at her. "Rock? Pft. That's old news. Me and your old man grew beyond that ages ago." Gyro trailed a claw over the stage, peeling off a thin line of wood. "We're gonna be showing this place what it means to be Metal." Vinyl blinked, a little confused, but a sound from a nearby building drew her attention. She looked over, seeing a pony clad in armor stroll out from a nearby door, his mane styled in vicious red spikes and his eyes obscured by a pair of pointed shades. "About time you got here, Scratch! I was getting worried." Echo grinned, hefting what looked like a battleaxe over his shoulder. Vinyl stared, a little slack-jawed, at her father for several long minutes. Octavia was covering her mouth with a hoof, trying to not laugh. "What? It suits the genre." "It's armor, dad. I don't really see the connection." Vinyl shook her head, sighing. "And is that an axe?" "Kinda." Echo cleared his throat, moving the weapon in front of him. Vinyl and Octavia were both struck speechless when they realized that the sharpened, well-maintained axe was doubling as a guitar! "Whoa! That's so cool!" Vinyl bounced a bit, grinning ear to ear. "And dangerous. What if you cut yourself while playing it?" Octavia asked far more clinically. "Octavia, sweetheart..." Echo held up a hoof. "Hoof. I don't play. This one's just for show." He spun the weapon a few times in the air and chuckled. "Well... Not even a hug for your old man?" Echo smiled, his expression softening as he stared at the two mares. Vinyl laughed and rushed over, hugging her father tightly. Echo waved Octavia over, but she shook her head. She'd give Vinyl a few moments alone before stepping in. However, before she could do that, she was coated in a combination of blue and red magic, tugged into the hug by the two unicorns. "That is astoundingly unfair, you know." Octavia grumbled as she hugged Echo. "And this armor is smelly..." Still, she snuggled into the hug a little, smiling a contented smile. "Gag. You ponies..." Gyro said from not far away, eyeing the bundle Vinyl had brought along. "Fun toys. They for us?" Vinyl looked out from the hug, nodding. "Yeah. Dad asked me to bring them." Gyro huffed, hopping off the stage to fiddle with the pile. "You go spend time with your daughter and her friend, Echo. I'll get this sorted out, get the others to run a sound test and we'll be set by tonight." He looked over at the three and smirked. "And try not to let yourself get to floofy. Don't forget, we're a Metal band, Echo." "Griffon's are rude," Octavia said blandly as she was turned away, yet again, while trying to get directions to a restaurant. "If you've got bits, a griffon'll be your best friend." Echo moved to Octavia's side, patting her sympathetically. "I learned that real quick. Suppose I had some time to get used to their... abrasive personalities. Forget about food. Lets just wander." "Why you'd want to get used to it, I have no idea, Echo." Octavia shook her head, smiling. The stallion had abandoned the armor and axe, opting to look far more casual as he walked with his daughter and Octavia. He had, however, changed. He sported a few new piercings and, if Octavia's eyes weren't deceiving her, a brand... "Oh this?" Echo lifted his rear hoof, showing the pair the mark that was scarred onto his skin. The symbol was of a griffon skull, with a space left open for the eyes, which were shaped to appear like they were on fire. The brand was on his rear foreleg, not far from his Cutie Mark. "Well, long story short, when I got Gyro and his band started, they all got the same brand. They said it was a sign of kinship and, well I wasn't about to turn down that offer of connection. In case you haven't noticed, griffons are rather stuck-up and don't really do friendship; getting one to consider you an ally or family is about as close to friendship as you'll get..." Echo shrugged, letting his leg drop. "So I got it too. Been 'part of the gang' ever since." Vinyl fell slightly back to examine the brand, then peeked over to Octavia. "You know... I bet it'd be pretty cool if I—" "No," Octavia cut her off, looking ahead. "Not happening." "You didn't even let me finish," Vinyl whined. "Don't need to. Preemptive no." Echo laughed, tossing his head back. "By Celestia, you two bicker like an old married couple." He sighed, completely missing the smile Vinyl got, which she tried to hide with a hoof. "Who's to say we aren't?" Vinyl asked, bumping his father as she moved to his side. "We could have decided to go for broke and get married. You never know." "Nah." Echo said, shaking his head. For a half second, Vinyl and Octavia shared a moment of dread. Would Echo seriously not approve? But, they were relieved when he continued. "You two would've invited me. Or at the very least told me about something like that." He paused, falling a little behind, before hurrying to catch up to the two mares. "You would, right?" "Of course, dad." Vinyl grinned, not a little mischievously. "No... We're only dating right now." Echo laughed, but trailed off when Vinyl just smiled. "Wait... You're serious? That's great!" Echo laughed, tossing his hooves around the two mares, one on either side of him. "We've gotta celebrate. My two favorite girls, dating!" "More than dating." Octavia said coolly, making Echo pause again. "I proposed a little while ago." Where Echo had been excited before, now he was flabbergasted. He froze again, flopping forward once the two mares got out of reach. He quickly recovered, shaking his head frantically, as if to dispel some illusion. "Sorry, I think I might be going deaf. You proposed?" Octavia nodded. Echo suddenly grinned, ear to ear, an expression that made it clear who his daughter was. He cheered, barreling ahead of the two, acting like an excited colt on his first field trip. He grabbed a nearby griffon, who tried to pull away, but Echo was clinging too tightly. "My little filly's getting married! Haha~!" The griffon, finally getting a claw loose, plucked Echo off by his head, setting him to the side. The stallion turned back, huffing and puffing, his hair a frazzled mess from the griffon's rough treatment. "When is it?" "We... haven't really decided yet." Octavia trotted over, fixing Echo's hair for him. "We've been really busy, and wanted to tell you before we planned anything." "Do your parents know already?" Echo asked, stepping back once Octavia was done with her ministration to his hair. Octavia nodded, looking up to her soon-to-be father-in-law. "My mother approves. My father, not so much." "Cameo never seemed that—..." Echo trailed off, blinking. "Oh... Your real dad..." Octavia nodded, backing up to Vinyl's side. Her special mare slipped a supportive hoof over her. Octavia was still coming to terms with her father's departure from her life. "Cameo supports us wholeheartedly. But my father... He found out on Hearth's Warming. I tried writing him, but I didn't hear anything back. And then, a week or so ago..." Octavia sighed and trailed off, not wanting to continue. "Her dumb father had the nerve to tell the papers up in Canterlot about us. Naturally, it sparked all kinds of crap." Vinyl grit her teeth. "I swear, if I see that stallion again..." "I got dibs," Echo said, sharing his daughter's expression. "Nopony messes with my girls." Octavia felt warmth spread through her. Giving a happy giggle, she shifted out from under Vinyl's hoof. "Thanks Echo." Echo smirked and winked at Octavia. "No trouble." Walking together, the ponies caught up. Together, they planned on a solid date for the wedding; two months from that very moment. "So, did we ever ask him what the difference between metal and rock was?" Octavia asked Vinyl, trying to shout over the excited crowd around them. The two had been given "front row seats," which apparently meant they stood at the front of a seething mass of cheering griffons, dwarfing them with their natural size. It wasn't anything like any concert Octavia or Vinyl had ever seen. When the three had arrived, the stage was complete; it was grafted into the side of a dilapidated building – the library as the two later learned – and was a strange mixture of too much and too little. Vinyl complained about the lack of flare while Octavia complained about the showy nature of the special effects. It seemed the visual element of this genre fell somewhere in between their respective styles. Lights were set up around an open spot around the statue of King Grover, where what seemed like the entire capital and then some had gathered, roaring and flaring their wings in excitement. Fury seemed to behind every shout, anger permeating the air; but not in a bad way. It was a direction for the anger, a funnel that seemed to be having a positive effect on the normally malicious griffons. While they weren't friendly, they were no longer hostile, leaning more towards a passive neutrality that Octavia was thankful for. "Uh... No, kinda slipped my mind." Vinyl looked over to one of the shouting griffons, blinking behind her shades. "But I get the feeling we'll find out." The lights dimmed, making the crowd slowly silence. Vinyl and Octavia were on the edge of their non-existent seats. They had heard all about rock –Echo's fledgling genre – but they both had no idea what metal might be. The curtains rose to fog, held back by a barrier of magic, obviously Echo's work. Slowly, the barrier raised, the thick fog rolling over the crowd as lights flashed from within. The first shriek of the guitar sent a shiver down Octavia's spine. Vinyl shivered beside her, clearly feeling the same. The rift rolled from low to high, then back again, tearing through the air like a dragon's roar. The crowd joined in, pumping their claws into the air, cheering almost as loudly as the guitar. The fog cleared just as the first song began, swept away by another flash of Echo's magic. The song made Octavia flinch from it's sudden ferocity, not even bothering to build up to the loud, crashing sound. Still, she felt odd, listening to it. It made her grin, wild and free. She found herself cheering with the crowd, throwing back her head and screaming as the song continued. For the first time in her life, through the power of Metal, Octavia felt herself wholly and truly cut loose. Vinyl was beside her, bobbing her head to the music, her mane flailing about as she shouted right along with the crowd. There was a ferocity in this music that was without any comparison. Gyro was on stage, along with a handful of other griffons. The sight made Octavia think of some kind of crazy orchestra, only far less organized. All the griffons were wearing outfits similar to the one Gyro had been wearing earlier, now bearing the emblem of 'Blackened Slayers,' the name of the band. The band played with a kind of violent, vicious passion, moving over the stage and accentuating their movements strongly. Gyro bobbed his head while playing the guitar, his feathers flipping out from over his eye and then back down again, lost in his music as Octavia and Vinyl had been many times before. As the next song rolled in, Octavia opened her bow-tie, feeling herself sweating already. Between the ferocity of her actions and the hot press of the crowd, Octavia was starting to see what set Metal apart. Song after song struck them like a physical blow, making the crowd roar with the music. Flames jetted out over the watching griffons, making them holler in vicious glee. This music was a vent for the rude race of greedy griffons; it was letting their fury out though the music. As time passed, the Blackened Slayers started involving the audience into the performance, playing songs the griffons chanted out or getting them to shout out a certain beat. Octavia and Vinyl, side by side, joined in with gusto. As the finale rolled in, Octavia was having trouble standing. Even Vinyl looked slightly wobbly, surely a shocking sight. The thrum of the music hadn't even begun to quell and the crowd, fueled by the energy in the air, wouldn't be silenced. The finale was a burst of energy, like a hoof to the face or an explosion. It surged through Octavia, giving her new energy, and she found herself screaming again, lost in the passion of these new songs. And then, the final chord was struck and the music ended. Octavia wobbled, only to be caught by Vinyl just before she fell. She smiled, sighing contentedly. "I think that is what makes Metal so unique." "I... Yeah, definitely." Vinyl smirked and booped her nose against Octavia's. The cellist smiled and kissed her lover, earning a loud whistle from up on the stage, where Echo was watching. > Chapter 22: My Special Somepony is a DJ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 22: My Special Somepony is a DJ [v] "In all my years, making music and spreading the sound of it all over Equestria – even beyond – I've never been happier than I was two months ago. When I called Vinyl and Octavia to meet me in Griffonstone, I had expected talk about their misadventures, perhaps about the music they've made and probably a little tidbit about their current relationships. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I wake up that morning, expecting to have those two tell me that they were dating! Aside from being knocked off my hooves and right onto my flank, I was also probably the happiest father in all of Equestria – perhaps in the entirety of the world. And, I feel the same way once again today. "But, back to two months ago. Not only did they drop that bombshell on me, the lovely couple had the audacity to knock me off my hooves again, by giving me this wonderful news; my daughter was getting married!" Echo Scratch shouted the last sentence into the microphone, eliciting a cheer from all the gathered ponies. The days leading up to this unconventional wedding had left Echo in a state of emotional high. When he had returned to speak with Gyro, the Griffon was upset that he was leaving, but understood, so long as he hurried back after the ceremony. They still had a tour to finish, after all. Echo had arrived in Ponyville and spent the past two months helping his two girls prepare for their big day. Now, standing before this grand crowd, the immense reality of it began to sink in. His little filly was all grown up. Twilight Sparkle, a Royal Princess who had ascended to the throne in Echo's absence, had arranged for the wedding to take place in the royal gardens of Canterlot Castle – a huge honor. She was apparently friends with the couple and had owed Vinyl for some previous mistake she had made. Not even knowing the quizzical, purple Princess, Echo just had to wonder what odd adventures the pair of mares had gotten into that they didn't tell him about. Echo had been amazed to see that Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and even Princess Cadence and her husband were all present. Each one offered their own blessings to the couple-to-be, as well as individualized, personalized gifts. Almost the entirety of Ponyville, as well as a good chunk of ponies from the rest of Equestria, sat behind the three Princesses and their company, packing the royal gardens to near bursting. However, it appeared that no one – except some of the more anti-social animals – much cared. Pinkie Pie, still the party animal he remembered, had insisted that she prepare the after party; rather intensely, in fact. Vinyl had asked – or rather, demanded – that the music playing be a swap-up between her father's DJing and either half of the newly-married couple, when and if they wanted to play. Echo's mind, however, was on everything but the music. He looked over to his daughter, standing to his left, garbed in a custom-made tuxedo. Echo had suggested a less-traditional approach to attire, but Vinyl had refused. Echo was fairly certain it was all an attempt to avoid wearing a dress. He gave her a light bump to get her attention, smiling at her. "Your mother would be so proud, Vinyl." Vinyl smiled at her father's words, nodding as she looked to him. She took a deep breath, looking back down the empty aisle with her nerves starting to bubble to the surface. She shifted, adjusting the tie on her tuxedo for the tenth time in the past minute. With a flick of magic, her hoof was pushed down. "Stop that." "Ugh... How do you stand this, Neon? It's like I'm being strangled." Vinyl complained, looking over to her friend, who was standing opposite her father. Neon smirked and tipped his shades down. "Well... Marriage feels like that sometimes, I hear." Vinyl chuckled, turning her eyes back to the aisle. Soon, she was fidgeting again, the minutes feeling like hours. She adjusted her tie, bit her lip, and shifted around on her hooves. The suspense was killing her. But, when the music finally started playing, it all seemed to be going too fast. She looked around, a little frantic, as if she could find the pony playing the organ and hit them with something until they stopped. She wasn't ready! The flowerfillies skipped down the aisle, heralding the approach of the bride. Vinyl found she couldn't remember their names, but she knew they were sisters of some of Twilight's friends. They were throwing the flowers with impressive gusto, like being flowerfillies was the purpose of their entire lives. One batch, thrown by the unicorn, hit one of the guests in the face. Not far behind walked Fiddlesticks, her head held high and her smile absolutely radiant. Vinyl caught her blush when Neon winked at her, giving a small chuckle. For the outfits in the ceremony, Vinyl and Octavia had turned to the shining gem of fashion in Ponyville, Rarity. The fashionista, for her part, had been overjoyed at the request. Octavia had stressed the desire to capture the essence of Ponyville in the outfits, wanting to make the town as much a part of the ceremony as the two brides would be. In the end, Rarity had decided on a theme of seasons, as the changing of the seasons are a time of great togetherness for the ponies of the small town. Fiddlesticks herself was dressed for simplicity, a short gown that was the color of fallen autumn leaves. Her insistence on keeping her cowboy hat had forced Rarity to build the dress around the concept. All-in-all, Vinyl liked the effect, thinking the colors matched her little soon-to-be-sister-in-law well. Not only that, but she appreciated the message it held. Her attention was stolen, however, by Octavia. Where Fiddlesticks was radiant, Octavia was positively blinding. She, unlike Vinyl, had been eager to get into her wedding gown. The flowing material was stylized after springtime, and bore a fade from auburn to green, starting with the colors of fallen leaves closer to her coat and filling with vibrant color and life as the tail of the dress grew farther away. The dress itself was styled in a classic style, making her look even more regal than she normally did. It bore a long tail, which was held up by a handful of birds, who Fluttershy had prepared for this event. The whole sight was enough to steal Vinyl's breath away, if that smile, hidden behind the thin veil, hadn't taken it already. Octavia was having trouble not laughing. Vinyl's jaw looked practically unhinged. She saw people giggling out in the crowd, but maintained her composure. She was the bride and she'd not let herself devolve into a giggling fit before she even reached the podium. Vinyl looked absolutely dashing in her tuxedo, a sharp ensemble that Rarity had given a color scheme to match the DJ own coat and mane. The tuxedo was primarily white – sticking to a winter theme – trimmed with purple and accented with blue and cyan. Rarity had even gone so far as to outsource, getting a special pair of shades custom made to match the outfit. A part of her still couldn't believe this was all happening. It was like a dream, a fantasy, and yet here she was, walking down the aisle towards Vinyl. Finally. Her mother, walking by her side, whispered to her, but she didn't hear her. She was lost in this moment, as if it were one of her songs. Nothing could take her from the feeling of joy that was flowing through her body. Behind her, the sun was lowering – Princess Celestia was using her magic even as she observed the ceremony. This was Vinyl's suggestion, that they have the ceremony right as the sun set. Octavia had been impressed at Vinyl's romantic suggestion and had fully supported it. Now, her gown was basked in the orange glow of the sunset, making her literally shine as she stepped up to the dias. As Twilight stepped forward, standing between the couple, a hush fell over the crowd. The ceremony had begun. "Fillies and Gentlecolts," Twilight began, looking out over the assembled crowd, "we are gathered here today to bear witness to a truly unique and powerful bonding." She looked between the two mares in front of her, offering a supportive smile. "I myself have been blessed enough to consider these two ponies my friends. That is why I can say, without a doubt, that this bond will be among the most magical that Equestria has ever known. Both of these ponies before me are well known for their contribution to the music of Equestria, each a legend within their own genre." Twilight paused faintly, for dramatic effect. "However, it's my firm belief that these two ponies are a shining example the truth of our differences; that they are insubstantial and easily overlooked, with the right mind. Be it tribe, gender, or even something as obscure as genre, no boundary is too great for those with the will to overcome it. I stand before you, humbled by the love displayed between these two mares." Twilight lowered her head in respect, taking a step back. It was time for the couple to say their vows. Octavia lifted her veil, still smiling, and turned out to face the crowd. "My roommate," she began, "is a 'bassist.' And perhaps we're not so different, she and I." She looked back to Vinyl, laughing. "Genre be damned. It's the music that drives us. The harmonies that bind us." She leaned in, resting her head against Vinyl's. "The friendship that found us." "The love that surrounds us." Vinyl finished, nuzzling into Octavia. The two stood silently for a few seconds and soon, Twilight started looking around, as if wondering if she should speak. Before she could, though, Vinyl stepped back, clearing her throat. "Tavi... Octavia... You know me. You know I don't do well with speeches and stuff... But we've known each-other since we were little fillies. In all our time together, I've wanted nothing more than to make you happy and healthy through anythin' that came our way. That hasn't changed one little bit. You mean the world to me, you stuffy grey cellist." Vinyl smirked, winking at Octavia, who found herself giggle a bit. "I promise, from this day on, nothin' will stop me from makin' you smile. Even if all of Equestria falls apart around us, I won't shake from that duty. Not in my entire life." Vinyl bowed her head and motioned to Octavia, signalling that it was her turn. The cellist hesitated for only a half second, before proudly stepping forward. "Vinyl, you are possibly the most unyielding, thick-headed, sporadic, manic, and unusual pony I have ever met. You're brash, impulsive, and have a way of overshadowing everypony around you, without even realizing it. "However, it's these things that make me love you so much." Octavia chuckled to herself, shifting on her hooves. "You are my opposite in many ways. I am overly confident, but skittish and afraid to be anything less than perfect. I don't like to put myself in risky situations without good cause, and only then if there is more to gain than to lose. I'm narrow-minded, quick to judge, and wholly ignorant of anything I feel uncomfortable with. I won't lie to myself, and claim that I'm perfect. Nopony is. But you and I: together, we are perfect. We balance the other, keep them steady in rocky times. We hold one another up when neither can walk. We hold one another close when we both feel like crying. We have always been there for for the other, no matter how much distance rested between us, to help in times of need. I vow, on this day, to keep you safe as well, Vinyl. Without you, I'd be little more than an imperfect and lonely musician. Together, we're something more than the sum of our parts. We're something grand, a gift to each-other and to those who would receive us." Octavia lifted her head proudly, looking up at the purple twilight sky. She was crying, tears of joy streaming down her face as she continued. "I will take care of you in sickness and in health; through storms, high waters and floods of chaos, I will be there for you, never far from your side. Unified, we are more blessed than we had ever dreamed of being. I know I certainly am." She placed a hoof to her chest, looking back down to her partner. Vinyl was starting to cry as well, fighting back the tears. "Never, in all my happiest dreams, could I have hoped for anything more than being with you. And I will repay this blessing tenfold, Vinyl. You have my word. I will love you forever." As Octavia stepped back, she became acutely aware of some in the crowd crying with her. Echo was silently wiping away tears from his place beside Vinyl, smiling warmly at Octavia. She felt her mother, at her own side, press up to her proudly. She could hear Fiddle trying to silently blow her nose. There was a brief moment while everypony recovered themselves. Twilight stepped forward, beaming with pride at being present for such a beautiful pair of proclamations. "While I don't imagine anypony here will object, I must, by tradition, ask..." Twilight looked over the collected crowd, face serious. "If there is anypony here who has anything to say, who feels these two should not be together or if there is a problem with their union, speak now or forever remain silent." There was a very brief pause. Near the front, Harmonic Flare shouted, "Get on with it!" He earned a few laughs, including one from Twilight. The Princess turned her eyes back to the couple, stepping back so they could see one another again. It was time for the final part of the ceremony. "Vinyl Scratch... Do you take Octavia Melody to be your loving mare; to care for her through the darkest of times and to hold her close to your heart and soul? Do you swear this, here in the royal gardens of Canterlot?" "I do." Vinyl said carefully, as if she was afraid to stumble over the two words. "And do you, Octavia Melody, take Vinyl Scratch to be your loving mare; to care for her through the darkest of times and to hold her close to your heart and soul? Do you swear this, here in the royal gardens of Canterlot?" "I do." Octavia replied instantly, her face heating with a blush. Twilight spread her wings, lifting her head. "Then, by the power vested in me, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and by my peers, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence, I hereby dub thee a happily married pair of mares." Twilight lowered her wings, looking at the couple. "You may kiss the bride." The moment of truth; Vinyl and Octavia closed the same number of steps until they were right in front of one another. Vinyl quickly felt her nerves rush back in, nearly smothering her. She'd never kissed Octavia with so many ponies watching. Was she seriously getting stage fright? Her? She hesitated for a half of a second, her nervousness creeping up into her eyes. Octavia, however, made sure there were no issues. She dove on Vinyl, kissing her passionately, earning cheers from the gathered guests. After the kiss was broken, Octavia chuckled at Vinyl, who gave her another quick kiss. "A new journey lies ahead." Octavia whispered to her wife. "Yeah. And we'll be side-by-side through it all." Vinyl replied. 𝄞♫𝄞♫ In lieu of the tradition, the couple had suggested an alternative to the normal items exchanged between couples; one that had been universally agreed upon as far superior. The couple cherished this idea far more than some flimsy metal bands. As the two started down the aisle, side by side, Flare slipped around the outside of the row of chairs, pushing something to the end of the aisle. A pair of items rested on a plaque, purely decorative, but beautiful all the same. The items, a golden cello bow, strung with a shimmering line of silver thread, and a glorious golden vinyl record spotted with various gemstones, sat crossed together, custom made by Flare. Payment for the pieces had been made by the four Princesses, after all of them agreed that such a gift could not be given for free. In the entirety of Pitch Perfect's history, never before had such a large payment been given. Quite simply, it was enough bits to keep Flare living in luxury for quite some time. However, the frugal pony wasn't likely to spend it on frivolous things. The couple approached the mantle, each drawing off their respective golden pieces, holding them high over their heads. The crowd gave another enthusiastic cheer as the couple swapped items, before placing them back onto the mantle. The two touched noses, smiling, before turning to bow their thanks to the Princesses. While Cadence comforted her husband – who was crying rather uproariously – Luna winked subtly at Vinyl, and Celestia inclined her head respectfully to Octavia. Twilight approached her peers, and just smiled, happy to see her friends together. She relaxed after a moment, then leaned before the newly-wed couple, bowing her head low to them. "What should we do now?" Octavia asked Vinyl as they walked past the mantelpiece and off towards the banquet hall they had rented. "Well, Pinkie's hosting the after-party, so you know I've got a few ideas on how to spice it up. Neon laid out the special effects, so it should be a good time." Vinyl snickered, bumping Octavia with her flank. "And after that, I say we go on our honeymoon. I hear Las Pegaus is kickin' this time of year." "I was thinking we could go to the Crystal Empire, actually. But, Las Pegasus sounds just as lovely." Octavia nodded, bumping her special mare back. "Say... What do you think Echo picked for out for our dance song?" "Who knows..." Vinyl laughed, looking over to her new wife with glee. "But I bet five bits that Neon's got the dance floor padded." The two shared a laugh as they slipped into the hall before the bustling crowd behind them. They walked close enough to touch, basking in the company the other gave them as the beginning of their futures, the next step in their destinies, came upon them. > (Bonus) Chapter 23: The Only Pirate at the Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23: The Only Pirate at the Party Octavia was positively giddy with excitement when Vinyl walked in the door. However, before the DJ could even ask why Octavia was dancing on the couch, her cellist wife tackled her to the floor. "Vinyl, she's coming here! Omigosh, omigosh!" Octavia jumped circles around Vinyl, making the unicorn's jaw almost hit the floor. "Dare I ask?" Vinyl said with a smirk as she pushed herself back to her hooves. "Who's coming here?" Octavia stopped, suddenly blushing as she realized just how silly she was acting and how excited she really was. She cleared her throat, walking over to a letter, sitting on the table. "I got a letter this morning from none other than Symphonic Stomp..." Vinyl raised an eyebrow curiously. "The dancing violinist?" Vinyl shrugged. "... The face of genre-blending music? Vinyl, she's been one of my heroes ever since she hit the music scene five years ago. By Celestia, I played you her music before." Vinyl blushed a little, but nodded. "Ooooh, yeah, now I remember... Sorta..." Octavia rolled her eyes. She motioned over to the table, where a letter sat open. "She's on tour, coming to Ponyville and we've been invited personally! Oh Vinyl, I'm so excited!" Again, Octavia stated prancing in place, making Vinyl snicker. "Well, anything that's got you this excited is okay by me." Vinyl walked past her wife, brushing her face with a flick of the tail. She made her way to the table, studying the letter idly. While she was glad to see Octavia so hyped, something was wrong. Vinyl kept up with the music scene, but she hadn't heard anything about anypony coming to Ponyville for a concert. She kept her uncertainty to herself, though. "Maybe we could get up on stage too. DubCello could be beastly." "Or, it could be a disaster." Despite her words however, Octavia was staring at her cello intently. "I think we should play it safe, Vinyl. I want to enjoy Stomp's company, not blow it by trying some experimental idea and having it explode in our faces." "This isn't one of my inventions, Tavi." Vinyl chuckled, moving to Octavia's side. She brushed her head alongside her wife's, flicking her with her tail. "It's music. It's what we do. Nopony can say we aren't good at that. So, why not? We'll do fine." Octavia smiled, closing her eyes and nuzzling Vinyl back. "We can't. I'm just so nervous, Vinyl. Stomp is... Well, I was always too busy to see her play. She lives in Manehattan, so it's not like I've ever gotten the chance. I'm always so busy..." "Well, now you've got your chance. What's the worst that could happen?" Vinyl recited the words with a smile, but Octavia paused, eyes a little wide with dread. It never boded well when Vinyl said those six words. The concert was taking place on an open-air stage, with minimal decorations, from what Octavia could see. It was all a little underwhelming in that aspect. Pinkie was hosting the reception; of this, Octavia wasn't surprised. What did surprise her was that, apparently, everypony was involved. As she looked around, Octavia noted Neon and Fiddle, the Pony Tones, Coloratura, just about every musical pony to be in Ponyville within the last several months was here, preparing for the stage. Octavia was at a complete loss for words. How could this have all been prepared on such short notice? Vinyl had said it was strange, but that was ridiculous. What was strange about a grand concert? "Dad?" Vinyl's voice snapped Octavia from her confused pondering. The white mare trotted away from Octavia towards a smaller section, quartered off from the others. Here, Echo Scratch was preparing something, which was almost as nerve-wracking as when his daughter did it. "Lil' Scratch!" Echo dove into a hug with his daughter, grinning like wild. "I missed you, little filly." "Dad, stop, seriously." "Sorry, sorry." Echo took to his own hooves, taking a few steps back. "So, how's married life treating you?" Vinyl looked over to Octavia, who was just now joining them. The cellist smirked, winking. "Mind your words carefully, Vinyl. We do still have a couch, you know." Echo burst into laughter right alongside his daughter, the two of them practically falling together in a heap. "Yeah, things are great, dad. Hey, what do you know about all this? The whole concert thing is... kinda sudden." "You didn't hear? Some mystery pony has been writing all these musicians to come here. Something about a huge concert, I dunno. Personally, I don't see how a cappella is going to sit beside metal, but I suppose somepony has something big planned." Echo shrugged. "I'm just here to try and play the guitar with my gang." As if on cue, the Blackened Slayers were there, talking among themselves, one of them carrying a hay sandwich like it was infected with something. "... just never understand pony food. I mean, apples are good and all, but—" "Oh, shut your beak and quit whining, Guy. It's making my ears want to bleed." A female griffon roared from the middle of the group. Vinyl and Octavia had met her once before, after the show in Griffonstone. Her name was Gunnel – she was the smallest, but clearly the most fiery, with a spiked collar and bracelets on her claws and paws. "Eat it or trash it, but stop complaining already." Guy gave the female griffon an injured look, but ate the sandwich. He made a face, but didn't say anything else about it. He wore bracelets similar to Gunnel – minus the collar – and his feathers on his head were slicked back in a wave. "Yo, quit making a scene!" Gryo walked over to the others, giving the female griffon a stern stare. She puffed out her chest, meeting his gaze. "I ain't sayin' sorry, so stop staring. He's been whining about the food since we got here." She clicked her beak at the end of the sentence, then looked around. "Ponies... All fluff and buttermilk, these ones." "Look, Gunnel," Echo said, breaking away from Vinyl and Octavia to approach the griffoness. "I know ponies are kinda lame, but we're awesome in our own way. I mean, look at me, right?" Gunnel gave Echo a sidelong look, then sighed. "Yeah, some ponies are cool. You an' your daughter are rockin'. I'm still convinced you might be half griffon, though." The third griffon shook his head, making his feathers sway around. "Again with the hippogriffs, Gun? It's a stupid kid's myth; grow up already." Gunnel rounded on him, growling. "I meant at heart, moron. He's a griffon at heart." "Calm down, guys," Echo waved a hoof, trying to placate the angry griffons. "Relax. I know being in Equestria is weird, but don't go around biting anypony's head off, okay?" "He's not anypony, he's a griffon." Gunnel growled, but relaxed a bit. "Sorry Echo. It's just... so weird here. Everypo—... All these ponies are just so... clingy." Echo shrugged. "That's just how ponies are." Echo looked around, blinking. "Hey, where's Giomar?" Gunnel barked out a laugh, which sounded vaguely like a roar. "Probably partaking in some of that pony clinginess. He'd rut with a tree, if the sap was warm enough." She looked over to the third griffon with a grin. "Who knows, maybe we'll see some hippogriffs after all, Gerwalt." Gerwalt rolled his eyes, but grinned. Only then did he seem to notice Vinyl and Octavia, standing not far away. "Well well, if it isn't the space pony, come to ground to visit." He broke off from the other griffons, walking over and offering a balled-up claw for Vinyl to bump. "Long time, little noisemaker." He was a little older than than the others, with feathers covering one of his eyes and piercings in his ears and tail. Vinyl bumped his claw enthusiastically. "You too, you old nesting crow. Still lead guitar, or did they replace you with my father yet?" Gerwalt laughed. "A pony? Nah, your father rocks, but not that hard. None of you can rock like us griffons." He looked over his shoulder, grinning at the other members of the band. "What, do I need to do all your talking? Get over here!" Octavia could barely follow the conversation that followed. The griffons, each more boisterous than the last, all wanted to talk at once. They asked for suggestions for sightseeing – but nothing too froofy, as Guy said. They plied Vinyl for the names of ponies of interest – females rule your kingdom? I could get used to this, was Gunnel's response. Octavia was content being an idle bystander, until Gunnel slid to her side. "So, how'd the wedding go?" She asked, giving Octavia a nudge with an elbow. "Very good, actually. Vinyl is a treat." Octavia replied, happily watching her lover banter with the birds. "Yeah, we were all super bummed that we couldn't go. We had a concert, and playin' without our manager was hard enough, you know? Gryo wouldn't hear it, even if it meant a new family member." Octavia turned to look at the griffon, who smiled – actually smiled – a strange expression on a griffon's face to be sure. It was then that the Blackened Slayers began to make more sense. They were a family, a unit, and Vinyl was one of them through her father. And now, Octavia was one of them through Vinyl. "Well, knowing you considered it is all that mattered. I'm happy to be a part of your family." Gunnel laughed, giving Octavia another, more forceful nudge. "Ah, don't lie. We're all a hot mess when it comes to you ponies. Ponies and griffons don't mix, that's the truth." "Is it though?" Octavia asked, looking back to the others, rubbing where she'd been nudged. "Is it, really?" The stage was set. The bands were gathered. Pinkie was partying with a bunch of ponies dressed as pirates and nopony could stop her. But Octavia still hadn't seen fore-hoof nor flank of Symphonic Stomp. She was just about to go to her seat when a familiar flash of metal caught her eye. "Wait..." She whispered, making Vinyl, who was walking beside her, stop. "Beauty?" Octavia broke off from her lover and headed back towards the stage, where a new group of musicians was just arriving: her orchestra. "Octi!" Beauty shouted with gusto, lowering her precious sousaphone to the ground with every ounce of tender loving care. "So good to see you! How's married life?" Octavia swept her long-time friend up in a hug, squeezing her so hard that Beauty gave a small squeak. "It's... life." She said simply as she released her friend. "Wonderful, pleasant life. I can't imagine how I lived without it." "Yeah, well..." Beauty chuckled, looking over to Parish Nandermane. "I'm hoping a certain somepony gets it in his head to propose to me someday." Octavia blinked, looking between her two bandmates. "Wait, you and Parish are a item?" "Heh, for about six months now. You've had your head in the clouds for so long, Octavia. We got together after your wedding; it just seemed... right." She sighed, giving her head a small shake. "He's such a gentlepony..." "Well, that's one word for him," Octavia said with a smirk. She didn't dislike Parish – on the contrary, she loved his company – but he was a little stuffy, even for her. "So, what're you all doing here? Did you get an invitation too?" "We did. Noteworthy told us we'd all been invited to this gathering of musicians and that attendance was mandatory." She said the last half of the sentence in a deeper voice, mimicking Noteworthy's deep baritone. She giggled at the end, shaking her head. "He's trying really hard to be a better pony, but he still has those moments where he tried to dominate us all, like a ruler of some kind. It's irksome, but we've come to appreciate it." Octavia blinked, feeling the stirrings of sorrow. Her orchestra was moving on without her. She'd been so occupied by her marriage that she had been going to fewer and fewer concerts. All these changes, these little things, were starting to pile up and Octavia was just now beginning to realize that maybe she was making a mistake after all. Not in getting married, never that, but perhaps she'd made an error in her other friendships. "Well, we've got to go get ready for the show. Will you be playing?" Beauty's eyes sparkled and Octavia felt the sorrow melt away. Beauty and the others would never judge her for her choices. "No, I believe we are meant to watch. It seems we are the only ones not asked to perform." Octavia shrugged and smiled. "But we may, regardless. After all, Symphonic Stomp might be the master of genre blending, but my wife and I might just be better." "I'm sorry, Symphonic who?" Beauty asked, raising her eyebrow. Octavia was confused, but before she could reply, Noteworthy called Beauty over to help unpack. Beauty apologized quickly, scooped up her sousaphone and darted off, leaving Octavia dazed and confused. If she'd been invited, how did she not know who was hosting the event? The concert began in a way nopony had expected. Pinkie Pie's Pirate Party all started singing from the back of the crowd; a thrumming sea shanty that got hooves stomping. So many ponies were convinced this wasn't a part of the show that they ignored Pinkie and her crew. Then, out of nowhere, one of the ponies in the back pulled a violin out of a chest and began playing. The stage split, revealing a large pool of water, shallow enough to dance in. Pinkie and her crew, along with the unknown pony stormed the stage, hooting and hollering, as the violin sang out it's wooden heart. And then, the pirate playing the sweet refrain tipped her hat up – Symphonic Stomp was here. The other pirates revealed themselves as backup dancers as Stomp went into full swing. Her hooves kicked and her body swayed as she played, difficult enough when you weren't dancing in water. Pillars of water sprayed up from the back of the stage, cresting well over the crowd, but not getting any of them wet. Suddenly, when the music hit a fever pitch, the wind seemed to pick up as well, flapping the rear curtains on the stage. In a transformation that boggled Octavia's eyes, the red curtains became a black flag, complete with skull and crossbones motif. The pillars of water became a fine mist and, inside the mist, tentacles and flying fish swirled, as the sound of thunder rocked the stage in time with the music. Octavia was on her hooves, staring in wonder, along with every other pony in the seats. It didn't feel like just her imagination; she could hear the sea; could see the fierce Kraken as it attacked a ship full of brave scalawags. She leaned forward, anything to be closer to the story unfolding before her. Pinkie, as the first mate, cheered on the captain, Stomp, as she battled with the Kraken, kicking and twirling, using her bow as a blade from time to time. Then, with a dramatic flourish of music, Stomp drew the song to a close, finishing the dreaded Kraken and saving her ship. The ponies around Octavia sat in silence for a few seconds, before bursting into applause. The whole crew bowed – Pinkie more than most – and sauntered off the stage, vanishing behind the curtain. Octavia sat back down, looking over to Vinyl, who was grinning like a foal in a toy store. "That was freakin' awesome!" Vinyl was still charged from the last performance when the second one fired up. Stomp stomped her way out onto the stage, wearing an entirely new outfit, carrying an entirely new violin. This one was older, more worn, looking like something from the wild south. The outfit matched, a southern style dress, with feathers in the hair and frill to match. Behind Stomp was Fiddlesticks and – amazingly – Concerto. All of them were dressed like Stomp, all of them looking like something fresh out of some Appaloosan tavern. The music was a moderate, hoof-stomping beat. It almost made you want to clap along with it, to be a part of this performance. The three came onto the stage, all playing their instruments like fiddles, dancing like no pony was watching. Vinyl was impressed; Stomp was famous for this and she'd seen Fiddle at the Apple ho-downs before, but Concerto – a stuck-up pony if there ever was one – was really cutting lose. Her mane was wild, loose, and free, whipping around her head with every twirl. At some point, somepony had entered from the other side. No, not only a pony; griffons. Two of the Blackened Slayers – Gunnel and a griffon they hadn't met earlier, whom she knew was the womanizer, Giomar – walked on from the opposite side of the stage, Echo Scratch at their head. The three were carrying guitars and were dressed similarly to the mares, decked out like southern cowponies. Cow-griffons? Vinyl, who knew these griffon's personalities, nearly choked on her laughter. They were probably hating every second of wearing those get-ups. And yet, somehow, they pulled it off. On some pre-determined signal, the fiddles were replaced by guitars, played by the griffons and Echo. There was less dancing on their side of things, but the music was incredible. Echo snapped his head towards Stomp with a confrontational look that seemed completely alien on her father's face. Well, except for his spin-offs. And right then, Vinyl got what was really happening. "Holy crap on a stick, it's a battle." "Hm?" Octavia asked from Vinyl's side, not tearing her eyes from the show. "It's a freakin' battle, Tavi. A battle of the genres." She leaned forward in her seat, suddenly even more interested as the guitars blared, issuing their challenge to the lighter, airier fiddles. The three mares stumbled, as if struck, when the loud chords hit certain key points – when it almost felt like a physical blow had been dealt. Then, it was the fiddle's turn. The three mares kicked things up, dancing with more fervor. Fiddle kicked her hooves in a skilled jig, while Concerto showed off that she knew more styles of dancing than ballroom. All three snapped their hips, making ponies in the audience gasp and cheer. The were like a whirlwinds of hooves and hair, their manes trailing behind them like the tails of comets. Stomp jumped at the very end, sliding on her knees towards the griffons, and the three guitarists hopped back, Echo making a rather believable sound of hurt. With a snap of her hip and a wink, it was the guitar's turn again. There was a long pause before they began and, for a moment, Vinyl wondered if the show was over. But, just when she was about to start booing the sudden end, a tarp fell away from what looked like nothing more than scenery, to reveal a pair of massive subwoofers. Vinyl nearly felt herself drooling. This time, the guitarists didn't hold back in the least, rocking the stage with their sound. Vinyl felt like she was at her first Metal concert again, her heart thumping and sweat beading on her forehead. It was all almost too much; she wanted to get out there and mosh. She squirmed in her seat, mildly amused to see Octavia doing the same. With a large gout of flames, the guitarists ended their finale, earning a sudden roar from the crowd. They were winning. But the fiddlers weren't done; now was their time to shine. The tempo increased. The ponies danced in almost flawless unison; Vinyl had to wonder how long they'd been practicing for this. The style became more furious, like the rage of a sweltering sun and the ferocity of a charging bull. She heard ponies around her – Apples, mostly – start stomping and clapping their hooves along to the song. Soon, everyone was doing it, urging the beat to new, untapped levels of greatness. And Stomp delivered; by Celestia, did she deliver. She bent her body, snapped her hips, dancing like a dust devil or a tornado. All the while, her playing never faltered; not one error, not even a small one. Even Echo looked impressed, and Giomar was staring at her with a particular gleam in his eye. Vinyl almost laughed; he was so out of his league. The song ended with uproarious applause for Stomp, leaving Echo and the griffons defeated. The six musicians bowed to the crowd and vanishing behind the curtains, even as a crew came out to prepare for the next set. Vinyl felt her breath explode out suddenly – she hadn't realized she'd been holding it – and looked over to Octavia, just as her lover was looking over to her. "So, yo," Vinyl said, panting just slightly from the adrenaline of the music. "We're buying Stomp's CDs. Like, all of them." Stomp was the first back onto the stage, but the way she arrived left the whole crowd speechless in anticipation. Dressed as a ballerina, lined with makeup to make her look like a clockwork creation, Stomp was raised onto the stage inside a massive snow-globe. She was perfectly still, slumped over like a doll with all her strings cut. The crew – dressed in overalls, smeared with grease and filth – all turned to face a mare wearing a cleaner outfit, almost as if waiting some order. Coloratura was that pony, her aquamarine coat smeared around her cheeks and hooves with oil and grease, a pair of goggles holding her mane from her eyes. She waved a hoof and the other ponies began turning a giant brass key in the side of the globe. Slowly, a haunting piano tune began as Stomp wound herself to life, raising the violin into the ready position. And then, only seconds after the bow met string, Coloratura sang. She sang more like her old stage persona than her true self, but rather than the restrictive style of Countess Coloratura, this pony was a blend of the two; it was who the Countess was meant to be. The song was deep and resonant, washing over the awed crowd as Stomp slowly stepped off the revolving podium to explore her glass prison. A single light shone down on her, as Coloratura sang about the fake face she'd worn; the lies she'd told to both herself and everypony around her. Octavia felt a stab in her chest at the lyrics, remembering all those wasted days, lying about her feelings. From the look on Vinyl's face, she was feeling much the same. Despite the sting of the past, the two mares drew closer, enjoying the music. Another light found Stomp, as – during a pause in her violin – she placed a hoof onto the glass of the globe, staring at the world outside. With a growing determination, she drew back her hoof and slammed it into the glass, shouting silently in defiance. The glass cracked, but held, and Stomp was thrown back, barely keeping her footing. She immediately began playing again, pacing and dancing through the globe, her eyes as wild as they would be if she were she truly trapped. More of Neon's handiwork became obvious as creatures began swirling around the globe; things from mythology and reality. Birds shifted into dragons, which shifted into bats and phoenixes. And Stomp, held apart from this world around her, cried. She remounted her podium and began to play more furiously. Dubtrot blended with her violin with every pivotal stroke of the strings, and the crack spread with it's powerful bass. Coloratura shouted her song, begging for help – for freedom – as the glass of the globe continued to break. Octavia leaned forward, mystified by the story in the song. It resonated with her and Vinyl, spoke to them at the basest of levels. Octavia almost predicted what came next, though no other pony in the audience – not even Vinyl – would have made the same call. Stomp's makeup began to crack, like porcelain, as the facade was damaged. A light shone from underneath; her true self, finally seeing the light of day. Octavia felt pretty sure she was about to cry. Stomp stopped, looking at her hoof – at the glowing cracks spreading over her skin. She looked worried, then suddenly certain. With a confidence that can only be reached by those willing to cast aside their fears, she began to play again. She accepted the risks – even embraced them – as she played louder, faster, ripping her false prison asunder. Accompanied by Coloratura's voice, she played her tiny clockwork heart out. All at once, everything shattered. Coloratura – up till now tinkering idly as she sang – snapped her head up, not breaking her song. She rushed up to meet the stumbling Stomp as the false face fell away. The glass turned to dust and the world spread out before her. Stomp and Coloratura sang and danced in unison then, like two lovers at a ball. Octavia felt a lump fill her throat as she began to truly understand something about this entire concert. It was meant for them; her and Vinyl. Why, she wasn't sure, but she could see it now. She was Stomp and Coloratura was Vinyl; one living in a pretty lie while the other lived in ignorance of the truth. Thrown together by happenstance, the world opened up to them both and they were both allowed to cast aside their masks and don their real faces. Octavia did cry then. She leaned into Vinyl, closing her eyes and letting the happy tears flow, even as the music wound to a close. "Tavi? You okay?" Vinyl's concerned voice was clear as day and was like a balm to an aching wound. "That was... a really pretty song." Octavia laughed a little, sniffling and wiping her eyes. She hadn't expected Vinyl to catch the subtle contrast to their lives – as much as she loved her wife, Vinyl was no master of the subtle arts – but the song certainly had been pretty. It was beautiful, yes, and moving. It held a narrative as well as it held a tune, delivering more than music, but a performance as well. Music was a medium for more than music itself; it can be something far greater than the sum of it's parts. "Really pretty," Octavia agreed, nuzzling into the crook of Vinyl's neck. "I love you, you goofball." Vinyl put a hoof around Octavia, pulling her closer. "I love you too, Tavi." She kissed the top of Octavia's muzzle. The two were so wrapped up in the moment that they missed the finale. Neither seemed to care, though. When they finally looked back to the stage, Countess Coloratura and Stomp were gone and the crew was clearing the stage. "I'm sure some of you have been wondering – why?" Stomp walked the stage, speaking into a microphone that was set onto a headset. Several other bands had played, from an a capella with the Pony Tones, to a Metal song with the Slayers, but now the show was winding to it's conclusion. "Why me? Why Ponyville? Why all these different musicians?" Stomp paced along the stage, addressing the silent audience. "Well, it all began with a letter. Not too glamorous of a beginning, but one that certainly caught me off guard. See, the letter was from one of my oldest friends, a mare I knew from way back when. She had a request for me; play today to celebrate an anniversary. That part was easy. The hard part was getting all the musicians together." She motioned to the side, beckoning somepony onto the stage. "Give it up for her, everypony – if she hadn't gotten a hold of me, none of this would've been possible." Octavia had been expecting the part about the anniversary, though she couldn't for the life of her think of what it was. Nothing lined up with the date. She was expecting somepony she knew from Canterlot to walk onto the stage – Neon or Beauty – but she was shocked when Lyra was the pony who walked onto the stage. Ponies around her stomped their hooves and Vinyl whistled loudly, but Octavia was so shocked, she had to strain to hear what was being said. "... long time since I'd seen her," Lyra was saying into a microphone of her own. "I wasn't sure if she'd even remember me. I mean, It'd been years since I'd lived in Canterlot, but she responded to that letter quick." She laughed a little, looking around the crowd. "I got this little performance together for a very special reason," she continued, pacing now. "See, today is a very special day, though most ponies wouldn't know it. I bet only one pony here really knows." When she said that, Lyra stared directly at Octavia. Then, it his her. This wasn't about her relationship with Vinyl; it was about their friendship. "Oh..." Octavia blinked away her tears, but was still forced to wipe one away with a hoof. "I'd... forgotten about that." "Hm?" Vinyl asked, looking over. "She looked at you, so I figured you'd know what this was about." "Heh, well... I didn't, till now." Octavia looked up to Lyra, smiling as her friend winked at her. "Today's the day my family moved to Ponyville. I met you on this very day, years ago." She felt herself choking up again, her eyes threatening to water. "Oh... You're right." Vinyl looked over to her, then smiled warmly. "That was a day that made both our lives, didn't it? It shaped us." Octavia went to reply, but was cut off by another voice on the microphone. "Now, I ain't one for a lot of words; if'n ya want that, listen to Neon rant. But, if there's one thing I can talk about, it's my big sis. My sister, she ain't one to let ponies know her feelin's." Fiddlesticks had joined the other two, looking over the crowd. Octavia was having trouble linking the Fiddlesticks of today to the scared little filly who couldn't introduce herself to the class without help. "All us Ponyville ponies were there for her weddin'. We all saw it comin' before even she did. But my sister, she ain't one to even let herself know what's in her heart. "She likely didn't want something special fer today, but I said horseapples to that." Fiddle blushed just slightly, but didn't slow down. "She's Ponyville's best cellist and the best sister a mare could ask for!" Octavia cheered right along with the ponies around her, feeling the occasional pat or getting the odd smile from ponies who noticed her. Vinyl was snuggled up close, nodding in agreement with Fiddlesticks's words. She opened her mouth to speak, but clicked her teeth together suddenly. Vinyl was speechless; Neon Lights was on the stage too. "I'm not a Ponyville pony. I can't claim that; not in a thousand years. But I know Vinyl; I know Vinyl better than almost anypony, and I gotta say that I loved her. I still do, but..." he trailed off, looking to Fiddlesticks with a smirk. "More like a sisterly thing." He looked back out, finding Vinyl in the crowd. "She's loud, blunt, not the brightest bunny in the bushel, but she makes up for it with spirit. Anypony who's anypony knows her knows that. "Nah, the big thing to talk about is her start. You all lived with her, but I dated her. Sorry Ponyville, but I one-up you when it comes to facts on the DJ." He laughed, along with some in the crowd. "She told me once that, if it hadn't been for Octavia pushing her to become great, she never would've reached the stars." He shifted to look at Octavia, eyes hidden behind his specs. "I guess we all owe her – big time – for making Vinyl who she is today." Vinyl snuggled in closer and Octavia could tell she was forcing herself to not cry. Memories were finding them both unguarded, their hearts open for assault. Octavia nuzzled in close to her wife, listening to the cheers as Neon gave the stage over to somepony else. "Standing out on purpose is one thing, but doing so without effort takes a surprising amount of energy and confidence." Symphonic Stomp held the microphone again, looking out over the crowd. "Some ponies might ask why – even if I knew Lyra – I came here for two ponies I've never met. Why I helped these ponies stage this concert for them." She smiled, looking around until she spotted Vinyl and Octavia. "But I did know them. Maybe not directly, no, but I know them in myself. In my friends. I see passion and beauty and I want to raise it up. "I've been following the careers of these two ponies since their debut; first as a fellow musician and then as a fan. Their love for music moved me to become more than I was, drove me to new heights. Yes, I think Octavia needs to tone down the orchestra face and smile a little while she performs," Stomp winked in Octavia's direction and continued, "but that doesn't make her any less of a great musician. "Life is kind, and full of great moments, but I think the greatest moment of our lives is always ahead of us. And, when we reach it, there will be another, greater moment to come.” Stomp lowered the microphone, then passed it off to a stagehand, who exited with it. Just as Octavia was expecting the curtain to fall – as Stomp turned away to depart – other ponies filtered out onto the stage. Octavia recognized her orchestra – Parish and Beauty and Concerto and Frederick and Symphony – but they were wearing costumes, rags that made them all look destitute. And they played; their instruments resembled little more than garbage, fancied up into instruments through both craftsmanship and ingenuity. The music was haunting and beautiful, speaking of change. Stomp played with them, forgoing her normal eclectic dance style for more reserved ballerina-esque motions. As the crowd watched, the band's clothing changed, their instruments becoming beautiful works of art – instruments so fine that only one artist could have produced them; Maestro. The orchestra played their hearts out, bodies swaying, eyes closed. Octavia could practically hear them sweating as they poured their souls into the performance; a performance, she realized, for her and Vinyl. She had never really included her orchestra in her relationship with her wife. She had felt a strange disconnect between those two worlds, given Canterlot's bigotry. But here, in front of her, she saw those two worlds merge, forming a perfect whole. Before this, Octavia had thought herself complete. Now, with tears in her eyes and music in her heart, as the encore wound to a close and the curtains finally fell, she realized just how wrong she'd been. > Epilogue: The Encore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue: The Encore [v] Vinyl licked some sweat from her lips, working the copper wires into place. She contorted her face in concentration as she poured every ounce of her attention into the piece. Her latest invention sputtered to life as electricity danced through it's circuits and Vinyl let out a relieved sigh, leaning back, glad that it hadn't exploded this time. She wiped her forehead with a hoof; using magic on something so precise always wore her out really quickly. She admired her handiwork, tilting her head to the side. Was that wire connected properly? Giving a faint shrug, she decided that the only way to find out would be to fire it up. Octavia snuggled into the pillow Vinyl had left behind when she'd woken up. She had grown to be a very heavy sleeper, ever since the wedding. It was like a burden had been lifted off her and now she was able to sleep more soundly. The first wave of dubtrot shook the floor, making the whole bed rattle. Octavia sat up, dazed. "Wha...?" The second drop was heavier and, by some unknown miracle, made Octavia go airborne. She landed with a grunt and grumbled heatedly under her breath. "Vinyl... Vinyl Scratch!" She shouted, but her voice was muffled by the blaring music. "Ugh! The dishes again!?" Groggy, she pulled herself up and started downstairs. As usual, the rocking pound of the bass reduced her attempts to walk down the stairs into a barrel roll of misery. Finally through that ordeal, Octavia pushed herself up and dusted herself off. She continued into the kitchen, expecting to see Vinyl at her usual place, cooking something – most likely eggs – with the dishwasher blaring out dubtrot. However, the kitchen was surprisingly empty and the dishwasher was, in fact, not on. Octavia raised an eyebrow, jumping when another loud drop hit from a few rooms over. Furniture had been pushed aside for Vinyl's work. The unicorn in question was in the middle of the room, head-banging to the pounding music all around her. As far as Octavia could tell, she was leaning towards the device making the music to keep herself from being bowled over by literal shock-waves that were coming off it. Octavia needed to turn her hearing-aids off; she was confident that her ears would bleed if she didn't. This latest creation was an odd one; despite the level of sound it produced, it was no bigger than Octavia's hoof. Vinyl had it sitting atop a small table, plugged into one of Vinyl's generators. Octavia made her way into the room, past her head-bobbing lover and over to her machine. She didn't hesitate, pressing the first button she saw. Unfortunately, all this accomplished was to change the song. "Huh? Oh, hey Tavi! Mornin'! How're you feelin'?" Octavia just gave Vinyl a level stare and tapped her ear with a hoof. "Oh, yeah." Closing the small distance, Vinyl hit a different button, stopping the music. She couldn't feign ignorance under Octavia's stare. Once Octavia could hear again, she chuckled meekly. "Sorry, I just had to be sure it worked." "Well, it does," Octavia responded, fixing her mane as best as she could. She peered over the object, morbidly curious. "What did you make this time?" "An alarm clock." Vinyl turned it around, showing Octavia the time, glowing on the front of the screen. "I was trying it out with max volume. It sounded pretty sick, so I got a little lost in it. Sorry for wakin' you up." Octavia observed the device with a more critical eye, then smiled. "No, it's okay. I suppose you know it does it's job now." Octavia turned to look at Vinyl, her soulmate, and chuckled. "You know, I think this might be your greatest invention yet. It actually puts your explosive music to good use." "My greatest invention? Even more great than the Dubtrot Sunglasses?" "Certainly more than the dubtrot sunglasses." Octavia waved a hoof, beckoning Vinyl closer. When the DJ obliged, Octavia draped a hoof over her, pulling her in even closer, kissing Vinyl lightly on the cheek. "If I may offer a suggestion, though?" "Yeah?" Vinyl asked, always happy to include Octavia in her inventing. "Try to make it wake somepony up without physically throwing them off the bed, okay?" Vinyl paused a moment, then started laughing uproariously. "But that's half the fun!" She patted Octavia and nodded her consent."All right, you win. I'll turn it down a bit. But I ain't compromising on the floor-shaking. That's my favorite part." "No doubt." Octavia chuckled, giving Vinyl another kiss. Just another day, Octavia thought. Another day in paradise.