> Power Rangers: Rails of Reality > by RuinQueenofOblivion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Riding the Rails > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imagination. In all the worlds that I've visited, there is no word that carries so much power. Imagination inspires you to create, to build, to make a better world. Imagination is the very spark of creation itself, and it is from imagination that the world we live in is created. They say that worlds are born from dreams, and the problem then comes in that sometimes the dreamer can create a nightmare. I've been tracking one such nightmare from reality to reality, monsters that seek to take energy from the universes they enter for their own purposes, and cause destruction on a grand scale because of it. But I can't do it alone anymore. If I have to keep fighting this war I'm going to need help, I just hope that I can get that help before it's too late. I've been riding these rails for so long that I'm starting to wonder if it really is worth it, but I know that if I don't, there is a real threat to the multiverse. The problem is that I don't know if I'm going to wind up doing more damage than good. The train I take still has to draw on energy just like the bad guys, and I'm afraid that if I keep going like this I may have to start resorting to the same methods they do. Hopefully I'll be able to find some help before I reach that point. My world is gone, but maybe I can help keep more worlds from suffering the same horrible fate. Its time for a new generation of heroes to ride the rails. -From the journal of Amethyst Shard, Conductor of the Quantum Reality Express. 00000 It was a normal day in Sweet Apple Acres. "BOOM!" Okay, as normal a day as you can have when you're talking about the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The three ponies were trying to clear the smoke from the latest attempt to help a foal get their cutie mark. "Okay, maybe fireworks were not the best idea we had for an attempt to get a cutie mark..." Scootaloo said as she shook her head. "Who's brilliant idea was that again?" "Uh, that would be yours Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said with a chuckle as the colt looked up at them. "What happened?" He asked still a little dazed. "I think we set off the firework wrong," Scootaloo said with a chuckle. "Don't worry, nopony's hurt. We're just a little stunned is all." "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to..." the colt said with a shake of his head. "Yeah, this was a bad idea, how about yah head home and we'll pick this up again tomorrow," Apple Bloom said and the colt nodded as he headed off towards town. Apple Bloom looked back at her friends and shook her head a little. "Ah told yah that was a bad idea." "Yeah, yeah," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "You can stop with the I told you so's, we'll be more careful next time. Lets just head back to the clubhouse, I'm sure everything will be okay." "Yeah," Sweetie Belle said as the three friends headed back towards the treehouse. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had been friends ever since Elementary School, and despite their occasional problems you couldn't find three closer friends than them. They were growing into young mares now, but hadn't lost their focus on helping ponies figure out who they are. That was something that they hoped would never change no matter how hard things got. "Okay, so definitely not that," Scootaloo said as she crossed it off the list of possible talents for their latest client. "Sorry, I really thought that was a good idea." "Well, they can't all be winners," Sweetie Belle said with a shake of her head. "Come on, lets just relax and start tomorrow fresh, I'm sure we'll come up with something." "Hopefully," Apple Bloom said. "Ah was thinkin'..." She paused in mid-sentence as her ears twitched a little, she could've sworn she heard something. She looked back at her friends concerned for a moment. "Did ya'll hear that?" "Hear what?" Scootaloo asked as she and Sweetie Belle looked at her confused. "It sounded almost like..." Apple Bloom started to say before they heard a loud rumbling followed by what they could've sworn sounded like a train whistle coming from outside. "What tha, we're nowhere near tha train tracks." They looked out the window just as a large portal opened up in the sky above the field. Then a large train made up of several cars of different colors comes barreling out of it and hits the ground hard, crumpling over as it fell in a heap on the ground. "Ya'll saw that too right?" Apple Bloom asked as she looked at her friends. "You mean the train crashing in the field despite having no tracks to run on?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah, I definitely noticed it... what do we do?" "I, don't know, maybe make sure nopony was hurt?" Sweetie Belle suggested. "It doesn't look like its on fire or anything." Her friends nodded as they headed out of the treehouse and down the steps towards where the train was laying in the field. 00000 "Report!" A tall humanoid figure dressed in a black coat with gold crossing it with a black and gold top hat and a hooked beak-like nose ordered as he steadied himself, leaning slightly on a cane. "We've landed it seems, rather unpleasantly I might add," a woman with pale skin and purple and black hair dressed in a long flowing black and purple dress retorted as she righted herself and brushed off her dress. "I told you I should've been the one controlling it Baron, this reality is still uncharted." Baron Nero just shook his head as he walked over to the gauges on the wall and tapped them with his cane. The fiendish looking nobleman shook his head as he looked back at the woman who was helping a dark purple skinned girl with red eyes and dressed in white up to her feet. "Noir, this is not the time to complain about how well I can steer the Kuliner, we're running out of our energy stores and you know what will happen if we run out." "We can still tap into the reservoir," Noir said as she straightened the younger woman's dress out and shot a look at Baron Nero. "And we may yet be able to draw energy from this universe, I would not completely discount it. I get a strong feeling from this world, as if the air itself is filled with the energy we need." Nero shook his head a moment and looked at the young woman and then back at the equipment. "It doesn't matter as long as we're not up and running," he said with a shake of his head. "We've lost contact with the Emperor, the impact must have severed the connection to the Shadow Reality." "Then re-establish it, in the meantime we have to try and salvage this as best we can," Noir said with a shake of her head. "Come Gritta, I'll get you back to our quarters, the last thing we need is something happening to you too." Nero pulled his hat down slightly over his eyes as he watched the two go and returned to looking at the instruments. The Kuliner wasn't going anywhere soon and once the energy completely ran out this universe's atmosphere would start to seep into it, and he and the rest of those aboard the train would die. Madame Noir knew that of course, its why she had suggested tapping into the special reservoir that was set up in the Imperial Kulinar's systems. That was something Baron Nero believed should only be done as an absolute last resort though, the less energy the reservoir had the less they could use when they made it back to the Shadow Reality. "So, what am I going to do with you," he said as he ran his gloved hand over the controls. "Perhaps Noir is right and there is power to be found here after all. I hate sending my troops into uncharted territory, but it seems we have no choice." He raised his cane and slammed it down on the black metal floor of the engine. Shadows formed around him and out jumped several figures dressed in black outfits with hats covering white metal faces appeared carrying axes. "Crows, you have served your Empire well so far," he said with a ghastly smile as he looked up at the footsoldiers. "You will serve it again on this day. We are in need of power to move towards home once more, and I task you with finding a source of that power so that we may tap into it." The crows tipped their hats and nodded in understanding as Nero tapped his cane again and the creatures vanished. He reached into his pocket and took out a silver pocket watch and read the time on it. "You have 4 hours my servants, the future of the Shadow Line is in your hands," he said and returned to his controls and started working on getting the engine ready. 00000 "Hello, is anypony in here?" Apple Bloom asked as they finally managed to force the door to the train open. Inside the train was in bad shape, it looked like a tornado had blown through it as there was equipment and other things strewn everywhere by the controls. "Oww!" A mare's voice said from nearby and they looked to see a dark purple Unicorn mare with a white mane and a cutie mark of a purple gem broken into pieces rubbing her head. "Think you could be any louder? I've just had a really, really bad landing, or a bad hangover I'm not sure which." "I think its the first one," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head as she looked at the strange Unicorn mare confused for a moment as she righted herself and looked at the three young mares. "You kind of appeared out of a portal, what's going on here?" "Right, you're ponies, this must be one of those universes..." The purple mare said as she shook her head and looked at the three of them. "Welcome aboard the Quantum Reality Express, she moves from universe to universe in pursuit of the Shadow Line and its Court of Darkness. Which means absolutely nothing to you three so I have no idea why I told you that..." "Real subtle name you know that right?" Sweetie Belle asked and shook her head at the strange mare's behavior. "You really expect us to believe that this train can move from world to world?" "No, but its the truth," the mare said as she shook her head and levitated a hat onto her head and gave it a tip. "Amethyst Shard is the name, I'm the conductor of this here train. Now that we've had our introductions, would you please get off my train?" "Hey, we came here to help," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "You've got a big train here, what if the passengers in other cars were hurt or something?" "Passengers? Oh no, I'm the only being aboard," Amethyst Star said and glanced at a robotic looking bird. "Well, the only living being aboard, but my companion here is a bit out of it after that crash so I'm stuck putting this thing back together on my own. So, unless you happen to be an expert on repairing trains that can travel between universes, I don't think I'll be needing your help." "Hey, what's this?" Apple Bloom asked as she picked up a strange looking red train engine that had been thrown off of a pedestal in the center of the engine. "That's mine!" The mare said as she pulled it away from the Earth Pony. "You really shouldn't touch things that don't belong to you, didn't your parents ever teach you any manners?" "They, uh, didn't get ta teach me much of anythin'..." Apple Bloom said with a shake of her head as she looked away from Amethyst Shard who flinched a little when she realized what she meant. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said as she pulled her hat down over her eyes a little. "I didn't mean anything by it, honestly I lost my family too not too long ago." "Oh, I'm sorry," Sweetie Belle said with a sigh. "They were good ponies, there's not a lot I can do now," Amethyst Shard said and looked back at them. "Like I said you really should get off this train, once I get it back up and running I need to leave again." "What do you think we should do?" Scootaloo whispered to her friends as the strange Unicorn got to work on trying to repair the train. "She's either crazy or she really is tracking some sort of, Shadow Line..." "I think we should leave her alone, she's clearly busy and doesn't need our help," Sweetie whispered back with a sigh. "Yeah, Ah have ta agree," Apple Bloom said with a sigh as they looked back at the mare who was going through some equipment. "Alright, we'll get out of yer mane, if yah ever need anythin' Ah live not too far away." "I'm sure I won't, but I'll keep it in mind," the conductor said as she took off her hat and wiped her forehead. "I'm sorry, I have to make sure this train is running in case, they're here." "Right, good luck with that," Scootaloo said though she was still not sure what to believe about this strange mare and they headed back out of the train and looked at the strange train. "What do you think about this? That's an awfully big train for just one pony." "Honestly, Ah have no idea," Apple Bloom said with a shake of her head. "Somethin' about that pony feels weird, almost like she's sad about somethin'." "Yeah..." Sweetie said as she looked back at the entrance to the train's engine. "Something about this feels weird, like we're not done here yet." Her friends nodded and they headed off. The mare stood in the door and watched them go as she levitated up the small train engine that Apple Bloom had picked up before. She looked at it sadly as she sighed and shook her head a little. "I'm sorry ponies, but I don't want to put you in danger," she said softly as she examined the train carefully and a tear ran down her face. "I can't risk putting anypony else in danger right now. I just hope that the Shadow Line isn't here yet." She shut the door to the train as she went back inside and gently placed the train on a pedestal next to four others. She sighed and went back to work, she had to get this train up and running so she could continue on her journey. 00000 "No, can't say I've never read anything about trains falling out of the sky," Twilight said as she flipped through a book on train history. "Are you certain that it came out of a portal?" "Yeah, pretty certain, its not really the kind of thing you can miss," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "I know it sounds crazy." "No, I found a report of a report of a blue box falling out of the sky once, but nothing about trains," Twilight said as she closed the book up and put it away. "What did it look like?" "Well, it was, a train, the engine was kind of a steam engine and the other cars were different though," Sweetie Belle said. "And they were all different colors, red, blue, yellow, green, and pink." "Odd, sounds like some sort of Rainbow Train," Twilight said with a shake of her head. "Sorry, but if its like anything Equestria's ever seen before its not in any of my history books." "Alright, well, thanks anyway," Apple Bloom said with a sigh as they headed back out of the library. "Well, that was a bust." "Yeah, you'd think if it had happened before, or anything like it really," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head as they pushed open the door to the castle. "Well, lets just..." There was a scream from outside as they saw ponies running around. The three ponies stopped as they saw figures dressed in black with white faces and carrying axes appeared in the middle of town. "Okay, that's not normal..." Scootaloo said as they watched the strange figures. "Of course this was going to happen when Rainbow and the others are out of town..." They exchanged a long look, it didn't feel like a coincidence that this happened not long after the strange encounter with Amethyst Shard. But these things were endangering the ponies in Ponyville and they weren't about to let them get away with it. They nodded and headed towards the strange figures. 00000 "Come on Archie, wake up," Amethyst said as she worked on getting the robot owl repaired. "Come on, you're not going to leave me alone are you?" The robotic owl finally let out a mechanical squawk as its glowing yellow eyes opened and blinked before turning red. "ALERT, ALERT!" "What's going on, snap out of it," Amethyst said as the owl hopped up and looked around. "Sorry Lady Amethyst, I just got a reading of Tenebraean Energy," Archie said as he blinked his eyes and flexed his metal wings a little. "Its coming from a nearby town inhabited by Equine life forms." "The Shadow Line is here..." Amethyst said as she got to her hooves and grabbed the red train off its pedestal along with a strange looking attachment that she put into her bags. She paused a moment as she looked at the others for a long moment as if trying to decide what to do with them. She looked at Archie for a moment. "You're going to have to trust somepony sometime lady Amethyst," Archie said. "I know," she said as she grabbed the remaining equipment and trains and looked at Archie who projected a map of the area showing where they were going. "Hold down the fort for me, lets hope we can catch them before the monster comes." She opened the door and jumped out of the train as she ran towards where the map was leading to. She wasn't about to let another universe be consumed by the Shadow Line. 00000 "What even are these things?" Scootaloo asked as she ducked as one of the strange soldiers swung its axe at her as it hit the ground next to her. She swung her hoof and hit the strange figure and it sprawled out before getting back to its feet quickly and she let out a groan. "These guys won't go down..." "Ah've got it!" Apple Bloom said and kicked one of them hard and it vanished into a pool of shadow. "Yah just have ta hit 'em hard enough." "Scootaloo nodded a little and swung her hoof and hit it again, this time knocking the axe from its hand which she quickly grabbed and tossed to Sweetie Belle who took another one down with it. "This isn't so bad..." Sweetie said with a a nod as she saw the monster melting into a puddle of darkness. "Come on, we don't have all day!" As the next one fell there was a sound of a whistle as the last of them melted away. The three Crusaders looked towards the sound of the whistle to see a humanoid figure dressed in black armor and chains with a large black and gold military hat pulled down over his features. "You've fought well for equines," he said in a deep cold voice as he eyed the three ponies up and down with glowing yellow eyes. "But its far too late, we have set our sights on this world's energy and you will not stop us. Enjoy your lives while you can, we will take what we need from your world." "What do yah..." Apple Bloom started to say as the strange figure just laughed as he vanished much like the strange figures from before. "What's going on here?" "I'm guessing that was related to the Shadow Line," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head as she looked back at Sweetie Belle. "Are you okay Sweetie?" "Yeah, I'm fine," she said as she dropped the axe and it vanished. "What should we do now? Maybe we should go tell that pony, if she knows what these things are she might be able to..." "She already knows," a familiar voice said from behind them and they jumped before turning to see Amethyst Shard standing there. "The Shadow Line has set their sights on your world, and you're going to need help if you're going to stop them." "What kind of help?" Scootaloo asked as she looked at the pony strangely for a moment. "What does the Shadow Line even want from Equestria?" "Come with me and I'll show you," Amethyst said as she headed back towards Sweet Apple Acres. The Crusaders looked confused for a moment and exchanged a look before they followed her close behind. They wanted answers, and right now they were the only ones who knew what was going on. 00000 "Okay, Ah didn't expect it ta be repaired that easily," Apple Bloom said as she looked at the train confused for a moment and then back at Amethyst. The train was upright and resting on the ground with the door wide open. "How'd you manage it so fast?" "I had a little help," Amethyst said as she gestured for the three ponies to climb inside. "Before it was in bad shape, but welcome back aboard the Quantum Reality Express." "Thanks, I..." Scootaloo said and poked her head inside and blinked in surprise. The inside of the train was much larger than she remembered. It was made up of an elaborate room with the controls on the far side along with doorways leading off into other parts of the train. The decorations were elaborate with several paintings lining the walls and furniture that looked more like they belonged in the Canterlot castle than on a train. An ornate balcony was above them, she had no idea how they had missed it before. She blinked a little and went back out and circled around the first car of the train for a moment before looking back at the strange mare. "How is that possible?" She asked. "Its bigger on the inside." "Before you were here when it was in emergency mode, its complicated," Amethyst said as they climbed aboard the train again and the robotic owl landed next to her. "Lady Amethyst, I've detected the Kuliner in a nearby forest area," the owl said and looked at the three ponies confused for a moment. "Who are they?" "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't get your names before," Amethyst said. "Well Ah'm Apple Bloom." "Scootaloo." "Sweetie Belle." "So, yah said yah would explain everythin' when we got here?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yes, yes, sorry," Amethyst said with a sigh. "I've never really done this before, I've been to quite a few universes but I've never needed to enlist local help." "Despite my suggestions," the owl said. "Yes, yes, Archie, don't get your metal feathers in a twist," Amethyst said with a roll of her eyes. "But I saw the way you handled yourselves out there. I, don't want to admit it but I'm going to need help here, this world is unfamiliar to me and I don't know what to expect from their plans." "What were those things anyway?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Crows, they're the footsoldiers of the Shadow Line's Empire," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "And you crossed paths with General Schwarz, one of their top field commanders. You're fortunate to have crossed paths with him on the tail end of his protection." "Protection?" All three of them asked in unison. "The Shadow Line and their monsters can't survive in most universes, its toxic to them so they can only remain for about 4 of your hours," Archie explained as it looked at the ponies. "They're here looking for energy to convert into Tenebraean Energy which is what powers their life support systems. The problem is that it's damaging to the universes around them if they draw on it, mostly because it requires monsters to siphon it from the inhabitants and the land itself." "That is seriously messed up, but how can we help?" Sweetie Belle asked. Amethyst reached into her bags and took out the same three devices she had put away before. "Put these on your forelegs, they are... the best weapon we have against the Shadow Line when combined with these. But this is only temporary while we stop them from overrunning your home universe. You've shown skill in a fight, I think I can trust you with these for now." They looked at them for a moment before fitting them onto their forelegs. She levitated three small trains, one red, one yellow, and one pink over to them and gave them a nod. "What are we supposed ta do with these?" Apple Bloom asked, she recognized the train from before. "These are your Rail Morphers, put the train in and hit the little button on the side and you'll become Rail Rider Power Rangers, this is just to get you used to them at the moment," Amethyst said and gave them a nod. "Don't worry, its painless, you'll be fine." "Okay," Scootaloo said as she slid the yellow one onto her wrist attachment while her friends did the same and hit the button as a feminine voice was heard from the morphers. "All Rangers prepare for boarding," the voice said. Energy flowed around the three mares, each with the same color as the trains on their morphers. Red energy flew into Apple Bloom and a red skintight outfit appeared over her with a helmet. A circle with branching sections appeared on its flank with a number 1 in the center along with a black circle on her head. Finally a white train track appeared along the helmet. Scootaloo's was yellow with the number 3 while Sweetie Belle's was pink with the number 5. A voice "Ranger 1-Red!" Apple Bloom said. "Ranger 3-Yellow!" Scootaloo said. Ranger 5-Pink!" Sweetie said "ALL ABOARD!" The morphers rang out after a moment and a loud whistling sound was heard from them as they struck a pose and explosions went off behind them. "I told you you shouldn't have them use that in here milady," Archie said as he put out the flames from the explosions of energy. "We just got this thing repaired." "You worry too much Archie, this train was built to take it," Amethyst said with a roll of her eyes as she turned back to the three of them. "Welcome Rangers, you've just taken your first step into a much bigger world." She smiled softly as the three of them checked themselves out. They reminded her so much of her family, she just hoped that this wasn't going to be the end of them. "Well, as they said, all aboard," she said with a chuckle. "Come on, lets see if we can track down the Shadow Line." > Chapter 1: Friends Forever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Baron Nero, I come with good news," General Schwarz said as he knelt down before the Baron in the engine of the Kuliner. "You had better, we are running out of energy here," Baron Nero said as he pulled his hat down a little. "You best have some good news for me General or you'll be the first to go." "Yes sir, it seems that there is an abundance of Tenebraean Energy in this universe, we simply need to tap into it," Schwarz said with a nod. "The only problem is..." "Please don't tell me that fool Amethyst Shard followed us here," Nero said as he checked his watch again for a moment. "We do not need her giving us trouble right now." "No, but three of the local Equines fought against the Crows and were able to defeat them," Schwarz said and Nero narrowed his eyes a little and looked at him. "You're telling me that three mere Equines, small horses, managed to defeat our Crows?" He asked as his mouth went into a sneer. "That is unlikely." "They lacked refinement, if I had a chance I would be able to..." Schwarz started to say. "Your supply of energy is too low, we'll need to do something else," Nero said as he leaned on his cane a little and looked at Schwarz. "You're lucky General, for now this failure will be excused because you gave us information on what we needed. Report to your troops and get them ready, I'll get Madame Noir in here." "No need, I'm already here," the noblewoman said as she walked in and gave Nero a look as Gritta came in behind her and waved a little at Schwarz. "You're going to send another one of our Shades out then?" "We need the energy to live Madame Noir, unless you have another suggestion as to what to do," Nero said as he leaned on his cane a little. "Are you ready for this, or am I going to have to handle this on my own?" "Of course, but I will have to tap into the reservoir in order to draw enough energy for the summoning," Noir said with a nod. "We will be on a time limit unless you want to draw more energy from it." "We will be fine, as long as the energy is claimed within the time limit," Nero said as he gave her a nod. "Bring forth a Shade, the time has come to take what we need from this universe." Madame Noir nodded as she reached into her dress and extracted an old quill pen. She made motions in the air with it as if drawing and chanted out loud in their native tongue. The pen glowed with energy as a creature started to take form with two heads visible but still hidden by the shadows. "Snatcher, be a dear and go to the nearby town," Noir said with a wicked smile as she looked back at Baron Nero. "Take all the energy you can, lets make these equines suffer." "Yes milady," the monster said with a slight bow as it vanished into a pool of darkness. "This had better work," Nero said as he took his watch out again and checked it. "We have four hours before this universe kills us all, if your little purse monster doesn't get the job done then I will make sure that you die first." "Don't worry Baron, we will be just fine," Noir said with a smile as she looked back at Gritta. "We all have things to preserve. Perhaps you should remember that before you believe that I would do something as callous as send a Shade that can't do the job." Nero just pulled his hat down over his eyes for a moment before he turned and looked back at the energy gauges. They were now running on empty and the Reservoir had been partially depleted, they were going to have to split the drained energy between their systems and the reservoir to make up for that, and that wasn't going to make things easy. "Very well, let's just wait and see what happens," he said as the lights around them shut off one by one. The Shadow Line was now on a timer, and they were going to have to make sure that they didn't run out of time. 00000 "Okay, that was not what I expected," Scootaloo said as she pressed a button and de-morphed followed by the others. "I just have to ask, what's a Power Ranger? It sounds like a Power Pony or something." "That's a long story," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "It would take way too long to explain, but what you have to know is that you're far from the first group to bear that name. As I said, you're stepping into a Much bigger world right now because of what's been happening." "Yeah, Ah'm still confused," Apple Bloom said with a shake of her head. "How exactly is this gonna help us fight tha Shadow Line?" "You have access to powers that you've never had before, each Ranger form comes with weapons and extra tactics to use in battle," Amethyst said. "You might want to tell them about the color change option," Archie pointed out. "I was just getting to that," Amethyst said with a groan and a shake of her head. "Yes, you can change your color based on what train you place in your morpher during battle. Its not a technique that is often used because of how tricky it can be to pull off, but it can be used to confused an enemy. Do not use it unless absolutely necessary." "So, are there more of these, Power Rangers out there?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yes, but that's a long story, I have been to other realities where Power Rangers have risen to fight great threats to their worlds," Amethyst said with a sigh. "I, made these after my reality's Rangers failed. But I've always been afraid to try and use them again because I was afraid the same thing might happen to the new team." Scootaloo paused a moment as she lifted her foreleg and looked at the morpher for a long moment. The strange piece of equipment was like nothing she had ever seen before, or ever experienced before. She examined the sort of boxy yellow train that was part of it, she had no idea exactly what to think of it, she was still processing the fact that she was now something called a Power Ranger, even temporarily. Sweetie Belle was just as shocked and confused as Scootaloo was as she looked at her own. It looked a little like Scootaloo's only with a heart as the front window instead. It was a strange thought, she had no idea what to expect from this kind of power or why Amethyst wanted them to use it. "So, uh, why couldn't you just use it?" She asked curiously as she looked at Amethyst. "I mean, you've been traveling around with these things for how long?" "Too long, and I... have my reasons," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "Wait a second, I'm Ranger 3 and she's Ranger 5," Scootaloo said as she pointed over at Sweetie Belle confused for a moment. "Shouldn't there be two more?" "Well, yes, I do have five Morphers and chargers," Amethyst said with a sigh. "For now the three of you will have to do, I'll compensate if we need to. For now, you three should get back to town, I'll contact you on your Morphers if there's any more signs of Shadow Line activity." "Just, be careful okay Amethyst?" Scootaloo said with a nod. "We don't want to lose a new friend." The three Crusaders headed out of the train and shut the door behind them which left Amethyst standing there in silence with Archie. "Friend?" "You know, an acquaintance that you're not involved with," Archie said with a roll of his mechanical eyes. "I know what a friend is," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "But, I didn't think they were mine, they're just ponies that are helping me out right?" "That's up to you to decide Lady Amethyst," the robotic owl said as it flew up to its perch and started to scan for any signs of the Shadow Line out there. Amethyst looked back out the window at the three ponies and sighed a little as she shook her head and pulled her hat down a little. She didn't know what to think about having those three mares as friends, for now, she just had to worry about saving this universe. Before it was too late. 00000 "Ah'll see ya'll tomorrow," Apple Bloom said as she waved to her friends and headed off towards the Apple Family house in Sweet Apple Acres. "See you later Apple Bloom," Scootaloo said with a smile as she waved to her friend and two mares started down the road back to Ponyville. "So, what are we supposed to do now? Let our lives go on as if nothing happened, waiting for this, Shadow Line to attack us?" Sweetie asked as she looked over at the Pegasus worried for a moment. "I mean, we're not exactly cut out to save the world, we fought those Crows sure but that doesn't mean we can fight everything they throw at us." "Yeah, I know, we're not our sisters or whatever, but maybe we should try, if we need to at least," Scootaloo said as she raised her foreleg and looked at the Rail Morpher for a long moment. "I still have to figure out this Power Rangers thing honestly, and it feels kind of like Amethyst isn't telling us everything." "Yeah, I know, I don't really like it," Sweetie Belle said with a shake of her head. "Though, it actually felt kind of cool, to be a Ranger you know? Maybe we should try and help a bit, especially if there really is a threat to Equestria, we can probably figure this out." "Yeah, maybe," Scootaloo said and nodded a little. "It did feel cool though I do have to agree. Do, you think we should talk to our sisters about this when they get home tomorrow?" "Might be a good idea," Sweetie said with a nod as she looked down at her own Rail Morpher. The two of them had been sharing a house in Ponyville ever since they had finished school, but Rarity and Rainbow Dash had said that if they ever needed anything they'd be willing to help as best they could. Mind you, they doubted they meant they'd help with this kind of situation, but it wouldn't hurt to at least see if they could think of something. "Hey you two, where have you been all day?" A voice asked as they entered town and they looked over to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon coming out of a nearby building. "Oh, you know, the usual, helping ponies figure out their cutie marks, nothing different really," Scootaloo said with a shrug. "What about you two?" "Just checking on some things at the shop," Diamond Tiara said with a shrug. "Dad said he thought he saw something by the shop's back door earlier and he wanted us to check and make sure everything was okay." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle exchanged a brief look. They didn't actually know if it might be connected to what was happening, but it was probably nothing. For the moment they had to just hope that it was unconnected. "Did you see anything weird in there?" Scootaloo asked and the two Earth Pony mares just shrugged a little. "No, nothing more than usual," Silver Spoon said with a shake of her head. "We think we may have seen something, but it kind of vanished before we could do anything." "Okay, thank you," Sweetie said as she looked down at the Rail Morpher for a moment. If there was anything they probably would've heard something from Amethyst by now anyway. "Okay, well thank you anyway." They were about to walk away when there was a sudden beeping sound coming from their Morphers. "What's that?" Diamond Tiara asked as Scootaloo lifted her foreleg. "Long story," she said as she hit a button on it. "What's the word?" "I've got a reading of Tenebraean Energy coming from a nearby store," Amethyst's voice said from the morpher. "I've got Apple Bloom on her way to meet up with you two. I'll send what assistance I can from here, let me know what you see in there." "Alright," Scootaloo said with a nod as she looked back at the other two. "Can you let us in there? It might be nothing, but we need to make sure. It could be a big problem if we don't that will threaten all of Equestria." "Yeah, sure," Diamond Tiara said as she blinked in surprise. She wasn't sure what to think of this, but if the stakes really were that high then she shouldn't risk it. So she headed back and unlocked the front door as they headed inside. 00000 The shop was quiet as the four ponies entered the store as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked around. There didn't seem to be anything going on right now, though the room seemed, darker than they expected. Scootaloo tried to turn on the lights but nothing happened. "Is there something wrong with the lights?" Sweetie asked as they looked back at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "No, it wasn't like this before," Diamond said with a shake of her head. "Something about this is weird." "Yeah," Scootaloo said as she shook her head and they stepped forward into the store proper. Scootaloo brushed against a display which knocked a few things over as their eyes adjusted to the darkness, and forms started to become visible. The same bipedal forms with the hats and axes from before, Crows. Scootaloo groaned as she ducked out of the way of an axe as it swung at her head and kicked the Crow that had tried to attack her with her hind legs. "What are these things?" Silver Spoon said as she backed up with Diamond Tiara. "Crows, its a long story!" Sweetie called back as she levitated a large box over the crows and dropped it on the unsuspecting footsoldier as it collapsed into a heap. "Well, at least we know they fall for the old levitating something behind them trick." "Yeah, just would be nice if we could all do that..." Scootaloo said with a roll of her eyes as she kicked another Crow as hard as she could. "Think we should try morphing?" "I don't think they'll let us," Sweetie pointed out as she hit another one with an axe that had been discarded. "Maybe if we can force them out of the..." There was a loud crashing sound as a set of shelves came falling down on the Crows that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had pushed over onto them. "Your dad's gonna kill us for that you know..." Silver Spoon said as the Crows melted into pools of shadow. "I think given the alternative, its acceptable," Diamond Tiara said as she looked back at the two Crusaders before taking out another one of them with a swift strike from her forehood. "Do you mind telling us what's going on here?" "Long story short, they're invaders from another universe trying to take energy from Equestria," Scootaloo said as she kicked one Crow into another one. "They're called Crows, we fought them before and ouch!" She felt the ax of one of them graze her taking off part of her tail as it did and shook her head as she kicked it with the full force of her hind legs. "You okay Scoots?" Sweetie asked and Scootaloo nodded a little. "Like I was saying, we fought them earlier, they're trouble but nothing we can't handle," Scootaloo said as the Crows started to be forced back out of the store until they were finally pushed out of the open front door and sprawling in the streets. "Well, well, it seems four little ponies are causing us some trouble," a voice said from up ahead and the shadows coalesced to form a strange creature. It at first glance looked like a black purse with a golden handle and clasp, only the clasp had tow heads and it was carrying a golden staff weapon. "You're too late, we've already put everything in place for our real plan! This world's energy belongs to the Shadow Line!" "Not yet," Scootaloo said as she took a battle stance. "What in Celestia's name are you?" "I'm a Shade, a servant of the Darkness known as Snatcher, and it'll take more than a few clever moves to take me down!" The strange monster said with a cackle as it swung its weapon at the mares and they jumped back. "You're nothing more than children to me!" "We'll see about that," Scootaloo said and looked over at Sweetie Belle who gave her a nod. "You ready for this Sweetie?" "I am," Sweetie replied as they both raised their forelegs and took out the train chargers. "All rangers, prepare for boarding," the computerized woman's voice said from the Rail Morphers. "All combatants are to remain behind the white line." "What?" Snatcher said as suddenly a glowing white line appeared in front of it and the Crows. One of the Crows jumped back behind the line just in time. "What are you doing." Like before energy flowed into the two mares as their suits formed over them with a loud whistle. The railroad lines and numbers 3 and 5 appeared on their helmets as they had before. "Ranger 3 - Yellow!" Scootaloo said. "Ranger 5 - Pink!" Sweetie Belle added as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon just looked at the two in shock. "ALL ABOARD!" The computerized voice said as a loud train whistle was heard coming from it again. "So you've become Power Rangers, it won't help you!" Snatcher said as it ran forward and swung its weapon at them again, surprised to have it connect with a large hammer Scootaloo was holding in her foreleg that blocked the strike. "Yeah, go Scoots!" Sweetie said with a smirk as her friend spun around and knocked the purse monster back with her weapon. "We're not going to let these things take away our town!" "You're just delaying the inevitable!" Snatcher said with a growl. "Crows, attack them!" The Crows charged forward at the two Rangers as they swung their axes at them, a few of them connected sending sparks flying. Sweetie Belle rolled out of the way of another attack as she drew a strange pink claw like weapon. "What's this?" She wondered as she looked at it, but didn't have much time to dwell on it as another Crow attacked her with its axe. "Well, take this!" She swung the claw weapon at the strange creature and slashed at it which sent the footsoldier flying back and just barely able to get up. "What is going on?" Silver Spoon whispered to her friend as the two watched in surprise. "I honestly have no idea, but I'm starting to think we need to stay out of their way," Diamond Tiara said as they started to back up a little. Diamond stopped after a moment when she saw that Snatcher was quietly moving over towards Sweetie Belle as if preparing to grab her. The Unicorn wasn't suspecting anything because she was too distracted fighting the Crows, but Diamond Tiara knew she had to do something to save her friend. The pink Earth Pony ran forward and caught the purse monster by surprise when she slammed her hooves right into the monster's back. Snatcher looked back in surprise as it saw Diamond and Silver Spoon joining the fight as best they could, ducking and fighting the monsters as they did. "You're no fun anymore," Snatcher said with a growl as it tried to attack Scootaloo this time, only to get hit hard in the stomach by the large hammer. It raised its staff and fired several fireballs at the Pegasus who was thrown back by them. "Fine, you want to play rough, this isn't over yet!" "Yeah, but we're not letting you go down easily," Scootaloo said as she looked at the monster. "You're not going to destroy our home, not on our watch!" "You'd like that wouldn't you, but I've already taken some of the power I need!" Snatcher said as it pointed its staff at Scootaloo and then at Sweetie Belle and their friends. "You may have the power, but I'm not about to let you take me down so easily!" The strange monster cackled as it melted into a pool of shadow and vanished before their eyes. 00000 "Excellent work Snatcher," Madame Noir said as she spoke to the monster on a screen in the main engine of the Kuliner. "You've managed to restore part of our energy here." "It was an honor to serve you my mistress," Snatcher said as it bowed a little. "I exist to serve the Shadow Line and our glorious Emperor." "As do all Shades," Baron Nero said as he walked in with General Schwarz behind him. Gritta looked at Schwarz for a moment before she looked away back at her mother. "We still do not have the ability to communicate with the Emperor I'm afraid, but this is a good start." "There is, another situation," Snatcher said as it paused a moment. "In my time in this strange, Equine dominated world, I've encountered Power Rangers." "Curious, I was not aware that this world had even figured out how to tap into their Morphing Grid," Madame Noir said thoughtfully. "Perhaps they're getting some outside help however. How many of them did you encounter?" "Just two, a yellow and a pink one," Snatcher replied. "They seemed to be equines as well, one was orange and purple with wings and the other was white and pink and purple with a horn." "That was two of the ponies that defeated our Crows earlier," Schwarz said with a scowl. "They must've made contact with our pursuers in the Quantum Reality Train." "General, do you think they're going to hurt our friends?" Gritta asked meekly as she tried not to look the General in the eye. "Perhaps, but for now we have to make sure that our forces are prepared," Schwarz said. "What are your orders Baron Nero?" "Snatcher, continue to draw energy from this world, at any cost necessary," Baron Nero said as he took out his watch and examined it. "You have just a little over three hours left, do not fail me or we will not bring you back in when your time is up." "Yes Baron, I will not fail you," Snatcher said and shut off the communicator. "You're being a bit harsh aren't you?" Madame Noir asked as she looked back at Nero who just adjusted his hat a little. "I mean, Snatcher is more than capable of handling Rangers. It wouldn't be the first time we've crossed paths with them and succeeded." "Yes, but there is something about this that worries me," Baron Nero said as he examined the screen for a long moment. "If they are working for that blasted mare, then they are going to have a lot of tricks at their disposal. I want to be out of this universe as soon as Snatcher is done." "Of course, it shall be done," Madame Noir said and nodded to Gritta. "We need to get back home as soon as possible still. The Emperor is growing restless, and he still wishes to see his new consort." "Of course," Baron Nero said and shook his head as he looked at the gauges. "We have only a fraction of the energy we need however. He will have to wait until everything is ready, and then when the time comes we will ride this Kuliner into the streets of the Imperial City victorious. Nothing will stand in our way, certainly not mere equines that fancy themselves heroes." "Of course," Madame Noir said with a soft smile. "And the Emperor shall reward us all greatly for our commitment to the cause." "Indeed," Nero said as he took a seat and examined his cane. It crackled with dark energy as it prepared for its task ahead, it was almost time to leave. 00000 "What happened?" Amethyst Shard said as she came in with Apple Bloom. They had come to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's house in Ponyville where the two mares were talking with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and getting them both up to speed on what was going on. "We were attacked by something calling itself a Shade," Sweetie Belle said as she looked over at Amethyst who's eyes went wide. "I'm guessing that means something to you." "Shades are the servants of the Shadow Line," Amethyst said as she pushed her conductor's cap back a little and shook her head. "They're summoned by the Court of Darkness itself to come to a world and drain its energy to power it. You were able to defeat it then?" "No, more like drive it off," Diamond Tiara said with a shake of her head. "And, who are these two?" Amethyst asked as she examined the two Earth Pony mares closely for a moment. "This is Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they're our friends, the Crows were in her father's store," Scootaloo said as she gave Diamond a nod. "We were able to stop them, but we don't know where they went off to now." "Wherever the greatest source of dark energy is around here probably," Amethyst Shard said with a shake of her head. "Which in a world like this, which is predominantly ruled by magic, that could be anywhere. I mean for all we know it could be..." "What about tha Everfree Forest?" Apple Bloom suggested which cut Amethyst off for a moment as she looked at the yellow Earth Pony in surprise. "Or more specifically tha Castle of tha Two Sisters? Ah heard from Rarity and Applejack that there's somethin' about that place that's got a lot of dark energy or somethin'." "That, actually might be it," Amethyst said. "But we'll have to wait until there's another spike of Tenebraean energy before we know for sure." "Of course," Scootaloo said with a sigh and shook her head a little. "So, what do we do in the meantime? Just wait and see what happens?" "We'll need to work fast, the Shadow Line are going to have to do the same," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "This Shade is being sent out because they need that energy. It feeds their Kuliner as well as whatever their reserves are for, I'm afraid that if we don't stop them they may take too much energy for Equestria to fully recover from." They let that thought hang over the conversation for a long moment. None of them really wanted to think about what might happen if they did that. "Well, we want to help," Silver Spoon said. "No, I'm already putting these three at risk by getting them involved," Amethyst said as she looked at the two mares with a frown. "This is only a temporary arrangement, once your world is saved there won't be any reason to continue this anyway." "Then why not let us help?" Diamond asked. "If you're only doing this temporarily we can help and we were able to fight off those Crows and the Snatcher thing earlier." "Its true, they did," Scootaloo said as she gave her friends a nod. "Look, you said you had two more Morphers right? I know you're reluctant to take our help, but if the Shadow Line is really this much of a threat shouldn't we go at full strength?" Amethyst paused a moment, she hated to admit it but Scootaloo did have a point. She sighed and looked back at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and nodded a little as she took out the two remaining Morphers and train chargers. "Be careful with these, you've got a lot of responsibility in your hooves. We need to make sure that the Shadow Line is stopped before its too late." "How does this work?" Diamond asked as she put her morpher on and looked at it curiously for a moment as she looked at the green charger that looked like a sleek and pointed train. "You put it into your Rail Morpher, it should work, you will be Rangers 2 and 4 with the default colors of blue and green," Amethyst said with a nod. "If the Shadow Line is in this castle, then you need to get there fast." "And how do you suggest we do that?" Scootaloo asked. "Its not exactly a short walk over there," Apple Bloom said with a shake of her head. "Do yah have any suggestions on what we need ta do?" "Don't worry, I'll take care of that," Amethyst said as they headed back out of the house together. She took out a whistle and blew into it and after a moment the Quantum Reality Express came out of a portal. "Welcome aboard the Quantum Reality Express, it'll take us right where we need to go." "Well, at least you know how to travel in style," Diamond said as she looked into the train and then back at Amethyst. "So, this is going to take us into the forest? How? There's not exactly any rails leading in there." "Don't worry, this train is built to go anywhere, on land, sea, air, and even space if we need to," Amethyst said as they looked at her confused. "Long story, this train was built to be pretty advanced so there are very few limits to what it can do." "What is it, really powerful magic or something?" Sweetie asked as she looked around at it a bit surprised. "I've never even heard of something like this before." "Its, complicated, but you shouldn't worry about it," Amethyst said as the train came in for a stop. "Alright, here we are the Castle of the Two sisters." "No morphing on the train, we don't want any more damage," Archie said as he returned to his perch. "Good luck though, you're going to need it." "Archimedes, this isn't the time to lecture them on that," Amethyst said as she rolled her eyes at Archie. "Don't worry, you five are going to be just fine. Just get out there and do your best, your weapons come with the suits. There should be enough data in there to make sure you at least have an idea of what you're doing." "You're not filling us with confidence," Scootaloo said as she looked down at her Rail Morpher. "Are yah sure yah can't teach us how ta use these?" Apple Bloom asked concerned. "Sure I can, but we don't have time before its too late," Amethyst said with a sigh and shook her head a little. "Its hard to explain, but its tied into your connection to the Morphing Grid itself. Its complicated and I don't quite understand it myself, but you should be able to at least draw on that knowledge." "Okay," Scootaloo said as she looked at the Morpher confused for a moment. It was true, while she had been morphed she had acted almost instinctively on how to use the Signal Hammer. She hadn't really known how to wield it but it seemed to come naturally, maybe Amethyst actually was right but it was still a bit weird the more she thought about it. "Just get out there, I'll monitor you from here," Amethyst said as she looked back out at the castle through a window. "The future of your world is in your hooves Rangers." "But no pressure right?" Sweetie asked with a roll of her eyes. "Yeah, no pressure, you just are the only thing standing between your universe and destruction," Amethyst said as she opened the door. "You five just get out there already, we're all on a timer here." The younger mares nodded and headed out of the train and towards the castle. 00000 "Yes, yes, so much energy!" Snatcher cackled as energy flew around it and into the monster. "We will have more than enough energy once we're done here!" "Do not be so overconfident Snatcher, this world may have defenders that will cause problems yet," Madame Noir said as she fanned herself lightly. "We still have a lot of work to do before we're ready to return home. Bring all the Tenebraean Energy back to the Kuliner." "By your command," the Shade said as it bowed a little before the fiendish noblewoman. "Inform Baron Nero that I shall have everything requested of me shortly." "Make sure that you do, this world's energy is abundant, we will take what we need," Noir said with a smile as she looked back at the Shade. "If you succeed, you are to return to the train with your stolen energy. If you fail, you will be remembered for your sacrifice." "Yes milady, I exist to serve," Snatcher said with a bow. "You will not be disappointed in my work." "Excellent," Madame Noir said as there was a rumbling sound followed by a loud train whistle. "And that would be the Quantum Reality Express I'm afraid." "Don't worry, if those Rangers show up again, we can handle it," Snatcher said. "They just surprised me before, I won't let them get the jump on me again." "Excellent, excellent, we will send more Crows to assist you," Madame Noir said with a smirk as she waved her fan and vanished into a puddle of shadows as more Crows appeared along with the others. The door to the ruined castle was pushed open as the Crusaders and their friends headed inside. "Excellent, that's two of them now, I'll deal with them and the Court will be happy," Snatcher said as it gestured to the Crows as they started to blend in with the Shadows. "There doesn't seem ta be anythin' in here," Apple Bloom commented as she looked around. "Do yah think this might be a wild goose chase?" "I don't know, something about this feels, off, and familiar," Diamond Tiara said as she looked over at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "What do you two think?" "Yeah, it does kind of feel like back at the store..." Scootaloo said with a nod as she looked around, there was certainly that same darkness. "What's with all the darkness anyway? Its, almost like they're not just powered by it..." "More like its part of them?" Sweetie asked and Scootaloo nodded a little. "Ah'm sure that there's..." Apple Bloom started to say as suddenly an axe swung at her head and she dodged it just in time to see a Crow coming out of the shadows with more behind it. "Okay, that's not what Ah was expectin' ta happen." "You're going to have to try a lot harder than that if you want to destroy our home!" Diamond said as she dodged another axe swung at her. "You're just a bunch of bullies trying to steal what isn't yours!" "You shouldn't comment on things you do not understand little Equine," the cold voice of the Shade Snatcher said as the strange purse like monster came into view. "We need this energy, it is not our concern what happens to the universes we take it from." "But yer hurtin' ponies, or worse!" Apple Bloom said as she kicked at one of the Crows. "We ain't gonna let yah hurt more of 'em!" "Yes, I'm sure you'll try, but that doesn't mean you'll succeed!" Snatcher said with a cackle as it fired lasers at the mares. "This is your last stand, and the Shadow Line will be riding the rails of reality all the way home!" "I think we're going to need to do a bit more than just fight them like this," Silver Spoon commented as she raised her Morpher. "What do you girls think?" "Lets do this," Scootaloo said with a nod as she raised her own Rail Morpher and slid the train into it while her friends did the same. "All Rangers prepare for boarding, stay behind the White Line!" The female computerized voice said as the same barrier from before blocked off the monsters. The Crusaders underwent the same transformation as before. But at the same time suits appeared on Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, the former being blue and the latter being green as they struck a pose. "Ranger 1 - Red!" "Ranger 2 - Blue!" "Ranger 3 - Yellow!" "Ranger 4 - Green!" "Ranger 5 - Pink!" "ALL ABOARD!" The computerized voice said followed by a loud train whistle. "So you've gotten some more of your little Power Rangers, this is far from over and you'll need more than that to take me down!" Snatcher said with a laugh. "You don't know how to use your powers yet do you? It was just a fluke earlier!" "We'll see about that, Rail Sword!" Apple Bloom said as she drew a sword and swung it at one of the Crows which was knocked back. "Ah think Ah can get used ta this." "Yeah, this is kind of cool," Scootaloo admitted as she blocked another Crow's ax with her hammer. "Come on, we can do this, I hope." "Just keep telling yourselves that, this is still my fight!" Snatcher said as it fired more lasers at the Rangers. "You're not about to win just because you have some fancy gimmicks and spandex." "You know, I don't think this is spandex..." Sweetie commented. "I mean Rarity works with that kind of material all the time, this is probably not spandex." She ducked another attack from a Crow that she countered with a swipe of her claw, only to have it get caught by the Crow's ax. The footsoldier kicked at her a little and pushed her back and she nearly ran into Scootaloo. "Oops, sorry about that!" "These things are learning," Scootaloo said with a nod as she looked back at Sweetie Belle. "They know how our tactics work, do you have any ideas?" "Maybe," Sweetie said as she looked thoughtful for a moment before she raised her Morpher again. "Hey, do you remember what Amethyst mentioned about these things?" "That could work," Scootaloo said as she hit a button on her Morpher and Sweetie did the same. "Are you sure about this?" "Hey, I should be asking you that, you're not exactly the biggest fan of the color pink," Sweetie said with a giggle as she tossed the charger over to Scootaloo who caught it and she did the same with her own. "Changing tracks now," the computerized voice said after a moment. "All Rangers please change within the allotted time." Scootaloo slid the charger onto her Morpher and Sweetie did the same. After a moment the same rails appeared and they switched colors. "Yellow line switched to pink line." "Pink line switched to yellow line." "Okay, this is really not my color," Scootaloo said with a groan, but she raised the claw and rushed forward, using it to slash through a crow while Sweetie levitated up the hammer and started hitting the Crows with it hard. "Did you know they could do that?" Diamond Tiara asked as she looked back at Silver Spoon who was firing at Snatcher with a pistol that came out of the side of her suit. "I didn't know they could do that..." "Yeah, me neither," Silver said with a shrug as Diamond swung her axe at a nearby Crow. "Exactly how are these things supposed to work anyway?" "I guess we just go with the flow, at least they seem to work," Diamond said as she hit the Crow hard with her ax and sent the footsoldier flying. "I don't like these things, they're starting to get on my nerves." Apple Bloom swung her sword at Snatcher as the monster, sending sparks along its chest as it sent another attack at the Earth Pony. Apple Bloom just barely avoided the attack as Snatcher swung its staff at her and she barely stopped it with her rail sword. "Ah ain't gonna let yah take us down that easily," Apple Bloom said as she pushed Snatcher back. "We're tha Power Rangers Ah guess, so we're gonna make sure that ya'll get stopped and don't hurt another universe!" "Crows, fall back to me," Snatcher said as the Crows fell back to where the monster was standing. "You don't stand a chance Rangers, we will take what we need from this world! We need the Tenebraean Energy and you know it!" "But you're taking so much that there's nothing left!" Scootaloo countered. "Amethyst Shard told us about what happens when you take energy from universes." "You're not going to get away with it even if we have to chase you and your Court of Darkness all the way back to whatever Tartarus you come from," Sweetie Belle added as she moved next to her friends. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon exchanged a brief look before nodding and walking up next to the Crusaders and drew their own weapons. "Come on, lets take this freak down," Diamond Tiara said and Silver Spoon nodded in agreement. "Come on, lets do this!" They nodded and ran forward, Scootaloo taking her claw and slashing wildly at some of the Crows that fell back. Sweetie Belle was still getting a little used to the weight of the hammer but she struck as many of the Crows as she could, sending them flying. "Geez, how do you wield this thing?" Sweetie asked as she and Scootaloo backed up against each other again. "I don't know, but you'll get the hang of it," Scootaloo said as she slashed through a Crow with the claw on her hoof and it fell back and vanished as the five Rangers turned their attention on the monster itself. "Lets take this thing down!" Snatcher growled as it fired several lasers at the five Rangers which sent them back a little before they ran forward. Apple Bloom slashed at it with her sword and knocked the staff out of its hands as the other attacks hit it hard and sent it back as it tried to get to its feet. "Okay, you need to put your weapons together to form the Quantum Rail Bazooka," Amethyst's voice said over the suit's communication systems. "It'll finish the enemy off but be careful, it might react badly to it or worse." "Do Ah want ta know what she means by that?" Apple Bloom asked as she looked at their weapons. "Come on, lets at least try this and see if it'll work." They nodded as they took their weapons and connected it together into a large weapon that looked like some sort of cannon was made. A strange train appeared in Scootaloo's hoof and she placed it in there as they fired it at the monster who let out a cry as it hit it and exploded. "Okay, that seems to have done the..." Diamond Tiara started to say as they lowered the bazooka and then dark energy flew out of Snatcher and into the distance. "What the heck was that?" "That's what I was afraid of," Amethyst's voice said on the other end. "Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, trade back and get to the train, we're going to need some extra help." As the five friends started to head out of the castle there was a rumbling as they turned around to see Snatcher growing larger. It now towered over the ruins of the castle as they managed to make it out and headed towards the train not far away. "How did it even do that?" Silver Spoon asked as she looked back at the others. "Did Amethyst mention anything about that to you?" "No, definitely not," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "I think I'd remember if she mentioned that these things can grow larger. Amethyst, is there something you wanted to tell us?" "Its a side effect of releasing Tenebraean Energy to be sent to the Shadow Line," Amethyst said after a long moment. "Get to the train, we already have a means to fight it. You need to enter the train cars and use your chargers to trigger it, you'll see what I mean soon enough." "Okay, uh, sure," Scootaloo said with a strange look as they opened up the doors to the train and climbed in. 00000 In the front of the train there were chairs that had special terminals in front of them. There were slots for something that looked like the chargers on their Morphers would fit into them. They took their seats and slid the small trains into the slots as they activated them. "Megazord mode activated," the same mare voice that came from the terminals as their chairs started to move. "Entering Express Train formation." "What tha hay is a..." Apple Bloom started to say as readings suddenly showed in front of her as the train cars appeared on it. The cars came together to form a large bulky robot that was made up of the different train pieces. A head formed from the red piece as the blue and green pieces formed the legs and the pink and yellow pieces formed the arms as a sword appeared in its hand. The chairs slid into a cockpit where all five of them were now and a screen showed an image of the massive monster ahead of them. A readout showed a large strange bipedal machine as it swung a sword. "Alright, how does this thing work..." Apple Bloom said as they started moving forward, the robot nearly tripping as Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara struggled to move the legs in sync. "I've got this," Scootaloo said as she controlled the arm that held the sword aloft. After a moment of testing it out, the Megazord pushed forward towards the giant purse like monster as it swung the sword only to have it get caught by Snatcher's staff. "So you have your own tricks Rangers, but I won't let you beat me yet!" Snatcher said as it pushed the Megazord back as it stumbled a little. The monster snarled as it tried to take out the mecha with its staff only to have it be caught by the machine's free hand. "Yeah, you go Sweetie!" Scootaloo said as she gave the Unicorn a nod and a smile behind her helmet. "Lets take this big ugly monster down." "Yeah!" Sweetie said as she swung a fist at the monster and hit the monster with its fist. A green leg hit Snatcher hard in what would be its stomach as it fell back. "Curse you, you won't stop us, you'll all cry when we're done!" Snatcher said as it fired a laser into the mecha as it went back before holding up its sword. "You need to activate your finishing move, place all your trains in the center console and activate the rail sword slasher," Amethyst said and they nodded. "Okay, lets try this," Apple Bloom said as they each placed their chargers in the center console as they started to glow brightly. Outside the Megazord's sword started glowing brightly as it lit on fire. It held it aloft and ran forward and slashed at the giant monster as it fell back and landed hard in the forest around them. After a moment it melted into the ground and with that it was gone other than the flattened trees. "Yeah, we did it!" Scootaloo said as the five of them cheered. "The Shadow Line isn't going to stand a chance against us at this rate!" They all just hoped that everything they did had been the right thing. 00000 Baron Nero slammed his fist into the side of the Kuliner as he leaned on his cane. While they had gotten more than enough Tenebraean Energy for their needs, they hadn't gotten nearly as much as they had hoped in order to get them even closer to their home world. "You said that Snatcher would be able to do the job," Nero said with a sneer as he looked back at Madame Noir who fanned herself a little. "We only have enough to get a few more universes ahead at best." "Yes, well we underestimated the local equines," Noir said as she fanned herself lightly and shook her head. "These Power Rangers are more tricky than we could have anticipated. I had hoped that it was going to be enough, but we are going to have to keep going as planned then." "You don't tell me what to do Noir, we need to send another..." Nero said before he was interrupted by a woman's voice. "You will do no such thing," a woman said as they turned to see a woman wearing a green and gold dress and a tall black headdress with white lines crossing it as she carried a staff. "We have done more than enough in this world to get what we need and need to focus on moving forward." "Marchioness Morc, how good of you to join us finally," Baron Nero said as he narrowed his red eyes a little at the woman. "We still have a lot we can do here." "Yes, but the Rangers used a lot of their own energy to do that job," Morc pointed out as she walked closer to Nero. "They are not ready to pursue us, while if we stay here we will be vulnerable. We need to proceed if we are to get back to our home anytime soon." "I see," Nero said with a frown as he shook his head and looked back at the controls and started to input commands and frowned a little. "We're still having problems connecting with the Emperor. For now we will do as you suggest, what is the nearest charted universe?" "This one I believe," Noir said as she pointed at one on the screen. "The last reports suggest that its got a lot of inter-dimensional activity lately. We should at the very least be able to move in and out quickly and quietly if there are not any further problems." "Lord Drakkon, I see..." Nero said as he looked at the data and nodded. "Very well, lets get going then." He put in the commands and the Kuliner started up again as a vortex appeared in front of it. The demonic looking train let out a long whistle as it moved forward through it, and off into the unknown. 00000 "You five did well out there," Amethyst said as the 5 young mares took off their Morphers regretfully and gave them over to the purple mare. "You fought off that Shade very effectively for being new to this kind of thing." "Its, not exactly the first time our world has been threatened," Scootaloo said as she rubbed the back of her head a little. "Its kind of a shame that we can't come with you." "Yeah, Ah know Ah would like ta try and help stop tha Shadow Line if its goin' after other universes," Apple Bloom said. "Yah can't do this on yer own can you?" "Well..." Amethyst started to say as she looked at them for a moment. "No, no she cannot," Archie said as he came in for a landing next to Amethyst. "She's good but not that good." "I'm not going to ask you to do this," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "I'm not going to lie, if you were to go with me you would be taking on a big task. There's not even any guarantee that you'd make it back home anytime soon, or at all." "We're starting to figure that out," Sweetie said. "But we want to help," Scootaloo said. "You're our friend now, and we know the stakes. If there's anything we can do to help, we'd like to do it." She looked back at the others who nodded in agreement. "We can't go anywhere yet anyway," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "All of you need to think about this long and hard if you do want to come. Don't go into this without thinking it through and consulting your families, that's all I ask for now." "We will," Apple Bloom said with a nod as they headed out of the train. They looked back at the train for a long moment. They had yet to uncover all the secrets of this strange train, they just hoped that they really were doing the right thing by going along. Now they just had to make the decision as whether or not they wanted to go. > Chapter 2: To Boldly Go... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh hey Sweetie darling, what brings you here?" Rarity asked as she looked up to see Sweetie Belle walking into Carousel Boutique. "Is everything alright? Is there any problems with Scootaloo?" "No, no," Sweetie said with a shake of her head. "She's great, its just, well its complicated." "Oh, I'm sure its not that complicated, you can tell your big sister anything," Rarity said with a chuckle. "I can?" Sweetie asked. "Of course, if you and Scootaloo want to date then more power to you, though it'll make things awkward if..." Rarity started to say and Sweetie's face went red with embarrassment at her sister's suggestion. "We're not dating, its something else entirely," Sweetie said and shook her head. "Look, uh, we kind of met this mare in a train, it was kind of weird because..." "A train?" Rarity asked as she looked at Sweetie confused for a moment. "We have a train station here, we get trains all the time darling." "Well, this one apparently can travel between worlds or something," Sweetie said and Rarity looked at her strangely for a moment. "Yeah, I know it sounds crazy to me too. Did you hear about those strange creatures that showed up in town before?" "Oh, yes, those dreadful things, though they did give me some inspiration for a new clothing line," Rarity said and shook her head as she walked over to Sweetie. "What happened? You can tell me anything you know." "Well, me and my friends fought them both here and over by the Castle of the Two Sisters," Sweetie said and shook her head a little. "They were stopped before they could do anything too bad, but they've jumped to another world and are threatening them. Amethyst Shard, the pony in the train I mentioned before, said we could come with her and help stop them, protect other worlds but..." "But you're not sure if you should go?" Rarity asked and Sweetie nodded a little. "What do your friends think?" "Well, they're not really sure either," Sweetie said with a shake of her head. "Its not that I don't want to go, I want to help ponies, these things the Shadow Line are a big threat to anyone. But, I don't want to leave home either." "Sweetie, you should follow your heart and do whatever you feel is right," Rarity said with a soft smile. "You're a grown mare, you're old enough to make your own choices. And if you want to run off and save other worlds with your friends, well, I'll be here waiting for you. I know you're going to do great things, you're my little sister, and in my experience nopony chooses to be a hero, they get chosen. If you think you can stop this Shadow Line, then I say go for it." "Really?" Sweetie asked and looked at Rarity who nodded. "Do you really think I'll be able to help?" "Of course," Rarity said with a smile. "You've got your friends backing you up all the way, and there's nothing in any world that is more powerful than that. I think you should go if your friends do, just promise me that you'll come back. I don't want to lose my little sister." Sweetie looked into Rarity's eyes for a moment, she wasn't sure if she could make that promise or even keep it if she did. She had to make a choice now though, so she smiled and nodded a little. "I promise Rarity," she said with a smile. "I'll do everything I can to make sure I get back in one piece, that we all do." "Good, I knew you would," Rarity said with a smile. "So, why don't you tell me a bit more about this thing? I would love to know what my little sister is going to be up to while she's gone." Sweetie smiled as she started to tell Rarity everything. 00000 Diamond Tiara looked out the window towards where the Quantum Reality Express was waiting, she was already packing up her things. Just the essentials, her clothes, whatever else she could bring, she had already made up her mind, she was going. After she had spent most of her foalhood bullying other ponies, maybe this was her way to try and make up for her own mistakes. She was going to be a superhero, a Power Ranger, whatever that meant, and she was going to help protect other worlds like she had been asked to. Her parents wouldn't know, she'd just run away and maybe someday come back a different mare. Her mom wouldn't really care that much, she didn't like her mom anyway, she had done nothing but make her life difficult for years. But still, she wished she could at least say good-bye to her father. She sighed as she put the last of the stuff in her bags and slipped them on as she looked back at her bedroom for a long moment. Was this going to be the last time she'd ever see it? She hoped not, but she had to get going now if she was going to meet up with Silver Spoon. "Well room, its been fun, I'll see you again soon," she said with a soft smile as she started out quietly and headed down the stairs towards the front door of Rich manor. "Diamond Tiara, where are you going this late at night?" A stallion's voice said and she jumped before turning around to see her father Filthy Rich standing there. "Oh, hi dad," she said and tried to smile but she found it hard to do. "I was just, going to meet with Silver Spoon about something." "This late at night?" "We were hoping to, uh..." Diamond said as she tried to explain herself with no real luck. "How'd you even know I was down here?" "I didn't, I just got home a few minutes ago after finishing cleaning up the mess you and your friends made of my store," Filthy said with a shake of his head. "What happened in there anyway? It looked like a tornado went through it." "Dad, you wouldn't believe me if I told you," Diamond said with a shake of her head. "Try me, or you're not going anywhere young lady," Filthy said as he narrowed his eyes a little at his daughter. Diamond sighed a moment and told him everything that had happened earlier. Starting with the encounter with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in town and the attack on the store and then meeting Amethyst Shard and going to fight Snatcher out in the Everfree Forest. Filthy listened to her carefully, asking a few questions here and there that Diamond answered to the best of her ability before he sighed. "You don't believe me do you?" Diamond asked. "This is Ponyville, we've seen a lot of strange things, but that's definitely one of the strangest," Filthy said with a shake of his head. "But at the same time it sounds too hard not to believe. You're off to join this, Amethyst Shard on a journey to stop the Shadow Line then?" "Yeah, that's right," Diamond said. "But if you don't want me to go, there's not much I can do." "Diamond, you're a grown mare its time you made your own choices anyway," Filthy said. "If you think this is best, then I give you my blessing. Just promise me you'll remember us when things get bad, even your mom, she cares about you in her own way." "I will," Diamond said and rubbed her foreleg a little. "I'm going to miss you dad." "I'll miss you too Diamond," Filthy Rich said as he hugged his daughter tightly. "Just promise me you'll stay safe, I don't want to lose you." "I promise, I'll be back as soon as I can," Diamond said as she hugged her dad tightly for a moment. "Though, what are you going to tell mom?" "I'll tell her you and Silver Spoon ran off and got married and are living together in Manehattan," Filthy said with a smirk as Diamond rolled her eyes. "Not funny daddy," Diamond said with a shake of her head. "You know we're not ready for that yet, think of something else." "Oh fine, I'll think of something, just get going," Filthy said with a laugh as he released the hug. "Good luck out there." Diamond smiled a little and nodded as she headed out of the front door. Filthy sighed a little and watched her go before he headed back up to his office. 00000 Scootaloo yawned a little as she stretched her wings out as she laid back on the couch in the living room of the house she and Sweetie shared. She picked up her copy of the latest Daring Do book and started reading it. She sighed a little and set it back down after a few minutes. She was having a hard time focusing on the book as she tried to think about everything that had happened today. She didn't have any family she could talk to, well other than Rainbow Dash, but she wasn't sure how she'd even talk to her about this. She sighed a little and laid back and stared up at the ceiling. She closed her eyes, Sweetie Belle had gone off to talk to Rarity so she honestly wasn't really sure what she was going to do, she was just stuck alone in this quiet house and she hated to admit it but she was a little unnerved by that. She nearly jumped out of her fur when she heard a knock on the door. She got to her hooves and walked over to the door and looked through the window and blinked a little when she saw Rainbow Dash standing there. "Hey Rainbow, what's up?" She asked with a soft smile as she let the older Pegasus in. "What are you doing here?" "Can't I come to visit my little sister?" Rainbow asked with a chuckle. "But, uh really Sweetie Belle swung by my place earlier on her way to the boutique. She said that I should come talk to you." "Oh," Scootaloo said with a frown. "How much did she tell you?" "Some stuff about trains that travel between worlds or something and a group that nearly destroyed Equestria," Rainbow Dash said and looked at Scootaloo worried for a moment. "Look Scoots, I'm not sure why she wanted me to talk to you, are you really going to run off and fight this, Shadow Line thing?" "I, honestly don't know," Scootaloo admitted as she sighed a little. "I'm still kind of figuring it out, I mean we've gone on crazy adventures before but this, this is something else entirely. I'm afraid that we might not make it back." "Scoots, you're going to be just fine," Rainbow Dash said and hugged the younger Pegasus tightly for a moment which surprised her. "You're one of the bravest ponies in Equestria, and one of the strongest too. Do you think you can do this if it comes down to it?" "Well, yeah as long as I have my friends with me," Scootaloo said with a nod. "I don't even know if they're all going though, I don't want to be the only one who winds up going and leave them behind in Equestria." "Your friends aren't just going to not go," Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle. "If there is something out there that needs stopping and you and your friends can do something about it, I have no doubt that you'd all go. I just wish I could go with you." "I wish you could too," Scootaloo said with a sigh. "I don't even know what I'm going to do out there, I'm not much of a hero or a fighter. We won by a total fluke." "You won because you worked together," Rainbow said with a shake of her head. "I think you should do whatever your heart tells you is the right thing to do. You're stronger than you think Scootaloo, you've been through things that I could only imagine and you've persevered. You can go out there and kick some serious flank, and that's no joke, and if you ever need help, you've got your friends just like I do." "Yeah, you're right," Scootaloo said with a smile. "I never thought I'd actually go on an adventure like this though, you know? I mean, I've always kind of dreamed of having my own adventures with my friends, fighting bad guys, finding treasures, this isn't exactly what I had in mind." "You think what I've done was what I had in mind?" Rainbow said with a chuckle. "I just wanted to get into the Wonderbolts and maybe date Fluttershy." "Yeah, but you got both of those things," Scootaloo pointed out with a chuckle as she slugged Rainbow a little. "You really should use examples that didn't actually happen." "Hey, don't sell yourself short," Rainbow said with a chuckle. "You've got four really good friends, your cutie mark, me for an awesome big sister, and you're sharing a house with the mare you've..." "Lets, not talk about that," Scootaloo said as she cut Rainbow Dash off with a hoof on her muzzle. "I like Sweetie, but I'm not ready to take that step, I don't know if I ever will be ready to take that step." "You never know Scoots, I'd say do whatever you can and try to do it before its too late," Rainbow said with a chuckle. "You and Sweetie would be cute together anyway." "Since when do you care about things like that?" "Blame Fluttershy, she keeps getting me to read romance novels," Rainbow said with a shake of her head. "But seriously, you're going to be just fine. Do whatever you feel is right of course, but I think you should go out there and fight this Shadow Line thing with all you've got." "But what if I never make it back home?" Scootaloo asked. "What if I never see you again?" "Then that's what'll happen, and we'll miss you terribly," Rainbow said with a shake of her head. "But you're a strong pony, and if I'm being honest, you're more awesome than even I am. You're going to be just fine." "My hearing must be going out from the battle, did you just say I'm more awesome than you are?" Scootaloo asked with a smirk as she looked at her adopted big sister. "Did Rainbow Dash actually just admit that somepony is bigger than her?" "Yeah, yeah, it had to happen eventually," Rainbow said with a laugh. "But its true, just keep true to yourself and fight the good fight and you're going to be just fine, I promise. And all of us will be here waiting for you to get back." "Thanks Rainbow," Scootaloo said and hugged the mare tightly. Rainbow smiled and hugged her back for a long moment, Scootaloo didn't want to let her go, knowing that if she did she might not see her again. "I'll be back, I promise," she said softly. "And I'll make sure she keeps that promise," Sweetie said from behind them and they turned to see the Unicorn mare closing the front door. "We're all coming back, once the Shadow Line is stopped once and for all." "So, you're coming too?" Scootaloo asked. "Of course I am," Sweetie said with a grin. "And Diamond and Silver Spoon passed me while heading for the train, so they're in too. Lets just hope that Apple Bloom stays on as well." "Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone," Rainbow Dash said with a grin as she headed out the front door despite the two's protests. "They enjoy doing that don't they?" Sweetie asked with a shake of her head. "Rarity giving it to you too?" "Oh yeah, I think they're in cahoots to get us together," Sweetie said with a laugh and shook her head a little. "So, we're really going to do this huh?" "Yeah," Scootaloo said as she gave Sweetie a nod. "We, should go get everything together I guess. Are we really ready for this?" "I don't think we'll ever really be ready to save all realities from the Shadow Line," Sweetie Belle pointed out. "I mean, how do you get ready for that kind of thing?" "Good point," Scootaloo said with a laugh as she looked over to where her scooter was resting. "Come on, lets get packed, its time to save the world, or worlds I guess." 00000 "Are yah sure yah want ta go Apple Bloom?" Applejack asked as she watched her sister pack up her bags. "Ah mean, it sounds so..." "Crazy?" Apple Bloom asked as she looked back at her big sister with a shake of her head. "Ah know it sounds crazy, honestly if Ah hadn't been through it Ah wouldn't believe it mahself. But there's ponies out there that need help, Ah want ta get out there and help them." "Alright," Applejack said with a sigh as she hugged Apple Bloom. "Ah don't want anythin' ta happen ta yah." "Applejack, Ah'm a grown mare, Ah'm gonna be just fine," Apple Bloom said with a smile as she hugged her sister back for a long moment. "Besides, Ah'm sure Ah ain't goin' alone, tha others are gonna be there with me the whole time." "Ah know, but..." Applejack said and sighed a little for a moment. "That doesn't mean Ah ain't gonna worry about yah. Yer runnin' off on some great adventure, but this time Ah don't know if ya'll will make it back. Ah'm scared, and Ah don't want anythin' ta happen ta yah Apple Bloom." "Applejack, its time ta let her go," a stallion's voice said from behind them and they turned to see Big Mac standing there. "She's goin' ta have ta make her own decisions eventually and this is her chance ta do something great. Ah say give her tha chance ta get out there and do what she feels is right." "Alright, yah have a point," Applejack said as she released the hug after a moment. "But yah better make it back home, and see if yah can find some sort of interdimensional postal service or somethin'." Apple Bloom laughed at that and hugged her big sister tightly. "Ah promise, Ah'll see what Ah can do ta stay in touch," she said with a shake of her head. "Ah'm gonna make yah and mom and dad proud, Ah promise." "Yah already have Apple Bloom," Applejack said softly as she hugged the younger mare tightly for a moment. "Eyup," Big Mac said with a smile. "Here, yah should take this with yah," Applejack said as she reached up and took the hat off her head and put it on Apple Bloom's head. "Pa's hat? But, this is yer most prized possession," Apple Bloom said as she looked at Applejack shocked for a moment. "Why are yah givin' this ta me?" "Because if yah ever need somethin' ta remind yah of home, this is it," Applejack said with a smile. "Yer gonna be out there fightin' fer ponies yah don't even know. Doin' everythin' yah can ta stop these Shadow Line varmints, and Ah think yer gonna need it. Just make sure yah bring it back okay?" Apple Bloom laughed a little at that and adjusted the hat a little, it actually felt pretty nice on her. She nodded a little and smiled as she looked up at her big sister. "Ah'll take good care of it, Ah promise." "Good, and make sure yah bring everythin' yah need," Applejack added with a chuckle. "We don't want yah out in some strange world and not have clean underwear or somethin'." "Applejack..." Big Mac said with a facehoof. "Sorry, force of habit," Applejack said with a shake of her head. "But still, Ah love yah Apple Bloom and Ah know that our folks would be proud of yah fer what yer doin'. Ah know Ah am." "Thanks," Apple Bloom said and smiled as she finished packing up her things and looked back at her older siblings. "And Ah promise Ah'll do everythin' Ah can ta make it home alive. Just promise me one thing." "What's that?" Applejack asked. "That yah finally propose ta Rarity, ya'll have been datin' fer years now, do somethin' about it already," Apple Bloom said with a laugh. "Ah certainly won't miss yer interferin' with mah love life," Applejack said with a laugh as she pushed Apple Bloom's hat down a little. "Ah'll see what Ah can do, but Ah want yah back fer tha weddin' if Ah do." "Deal," Apple Bloom said with a laugh as she hugged them both. "Ah'm gonna miss ya'll so much, Applejack smiled a little as she held Apple Bloom close and gave her a nod. She was still worried about her, especially after everything that she had told them about what was going on, but she was certain that Apple Bloom and her friends were on the right track. She also mentally kicked herself for that pun, but she wasn't going to let it get to her. "Besides, now yah can focus on teasin' yer friends," Applejack said with a laugh. "Just don't give them too hard a time." "We'll see," Apple Bloom said with a laugh as she went back to her bed, this was going to be her last night sleeping in her own bed for awhile and she wanted to make the most of it. Before they had to get up the next morning and leave Equestria behind. 00000 "That, was an embarrassment," Baron Nero said with a snarl as he looked at Madam Noir with a glare. "Its bad enough that we've had to deal with one group of Rangers, but we barely got enough Tenebraean energy from that one to compensate for the costs." "Baron Nero, we got more than enough from our outing into Equestria, we will be fine for now," Noir said as she fanned herself a little and rolled her eyes at the Baron's behavior. "You were the one that believed that it was the right location." "Yes, well this time we are going to have to be a bit more, selective," Nero said as he leaned on his cane and walked forward towards the display screens. "Perhaps something a bit more, low tech than we've been dealing with. There will be little risk in encountering Rangers there." "Assuming the ones from Equestria don't follow us," Schwarz said with a shake of his head. "That was a fluke," Nero said with a shake of his head. "Amethyst Shard has not yet gathered a permanent team to fight us. We will be fine once we are gone as they will not pose any further threat." "I'm sure you are right Baron, but we should still be careful," Noir said as she fanned herself a little more. "We cannot afford to make further mistakes if we are to make it back home." "Then we will make sure that we go to the right universe in order to draw out energy," Nero said as he flipped through the universes for a moment. "Its also a matter of picking the right world, perhaps something more out of the way that most would miss." "Do you have any ideas?" Noir said as she looked at Nero with a raised eyebrow. "You know that we have to approach this with caution." "Yes, I'm sure of it I've found a world that will work," Nero said as he input the commands as the Kuliner started to adjust its course through the void. "They only have rudimentary technology and we should have no real threat from the locals, I hope." "We will see," Noir said as she spun the quill pen around in her hand a little. "Perhaps we should give very careful consideration to what Shade we send into this universe. We have to make sure that it will be able to gather up as much Tenebraean Energy as we can get." "Yes, indeed," Nero said and leaned on his cane. "Alright, well lets get this done then. We still have enough power to last awhile in the universe, but we have to be careful. Prepare the Crows for a recon mission, I want to know what kind of world we are up against." "Of course," Schwarz said with a nod. "I will make sure that everything goes smoothly." "Excellent," Nero said as he leaned on his cane a little. 00000 "Well, this is our last chance to turn back," Scootaloo said as they approached the Quantum Reality Express the next day. She looked back at her bags, it was time to finally go on this crazy adventure. "Do you think we're doing the right thing?" "I think so, yes," Sweetie said as she gave Scootaloo a smile. "Come on, we're all here because we want to help Amethyst right? We're going to be just fine." "Yeah," Apple Bloom said with a nod as they knocked on the door to the main engine which slid open. "Amethyst, we're here." "Glad to see you all came," Amethyst said as she looked up. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are getting settled into their quarters. Did you tell your families what's going on?" "Well, since the alternative was vanish for Celestia knows how long we didn't have much of a choice," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "Is this thing safe?" "Yeah, don't worry about that, I've been flying around in this train for awhile," Amethyst said as she shut the train door and looked back at the three Crusaders. "I know this isn't going to be easy for the three of you, I wouldn't have even made the offer if I didn't believe that it was the right thing to do. You're going to have to get used to a lot of things though." "Like a train that's bigger on the inside?" Scootaloo asked with a chuckle. "Yeah, like that," Amethyst said as she nodded down the corridor as Archie landed on her back. "Come with me, I'll show you your rooms." The three friends followed them down the corridor. It was as nice as the rest of the train that they had seen, though it was still going to take some getting used to. Scootaloo wondered if she'd ever get used to this strange train, but for now she knew that she had to figure things out for herself. "Each train car has a room that you will call home," Amethyst continued. "There are also intercom systems that allow you to communicate with the cars and the main engine." "Where are we going ta eat?" Apple Bloom asked. "There's a kitchen and dining area in the first car," Archie answered. "Don't worry, we've got everything figured out, just don't eat anything Amethyst cooks." "Hey, I'm not that bad!" Amethyst said and Archie just chuckled mechanically. "Don't listen to him, I wasn't exactly a master chef back in my home universe but I'm at least passable." "Can't be any worse than Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom said with a chuckle. "Hey, I'm not that bad!" Sweetie said and the friends just laughed a little. Amethyst smiled softly as she watched the three friends. They reminded her so much of the Ranger team back in her home universe, the one that had been lost to the Shadow Line. She wished that she could go back and change things, but for now, all she could do is fight to make sure that nopony else suffered that fate. "Alright you three," she said as she nodded to the first room. "This is your room Apple Bloom, make yourself comfortable." Apple Bloom nodded as she opened the door to the room. It was pretty barren other than a bed and some basic furniture lying around. She set her bag down on the floor and looked around. "It ain't much ta look at, but Ah've stayed in worse," she said and looked back at Amethyst. "Don't worry, these are just the base designs, I'm sure we can get them decorated however you'd like," Amethyst said with a nod as she looked back at the other two. "I know this is all very strange to you, I don't blame you if you have questions, so I'd ask them now before we get under way." "What happened to your home universe? You said that the Shadow Line destroyed it, but you didn't really go into detail," Scootaloo asked. "I mean, if we're fighting them we kind of need to know what we're up against here." Amethyst sighed a little and shook her head. "Its complicated and hard to explain," she admitted. "But the Tenebraean Energy that the Shadow Line needs is very important to the universe apparently. When too much of it is drained, it will start to degrade and fall apart, that's what happened to my home. So many lives snuffed away just because they wanted energy." "Oh, I'm sorry," Sweetie Belle said softly as her ears drooped a little. "Did you have any family?" "Yeah, I did," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "But I don't want to talk about that. After they destroyed my home, I knew that I had to stop them. This train was an experimental one developed by our scientists before the attack, so I left on it to fight them. I'm still trying to figure everything out honestly, there are systems that even I don't completely understand." "Great, Ah'm guessin' they didn't just leave an operator's manual," Apple Bloom said aid Amethyst just shook her head. "Well, we're here ta help yah, don't forget that. We're yer friends, or whatever yah want ta call us, and we're gonna make sure that tha Shadow Line is stopped once and fer all." "Good to know," Amethyst said with a smile. "I know its not an easy task that I've asked of you, but this is what needs to be done. There is even a risk that they may come back and threaten Equestria, so you need to be prepared to take the fight to them no matter where they are." "We are," Scootaloo said with a confident nod. "I'm not sure about this myself, but I do know that they need to be stopped, I just hope we can." "Don't worry, I'll make sure all of you have the proper training," Amethyst said with a nod. "Once we depart, I want you all to report to the training room in car 3." "Geez, another room? How big is this thing?" Sweetie Belle asked and Amethyst just laughed. "I'll tell you when I find out!" She said and started down the corridor with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in tow. 00000 Scootaloo sighed a little as she laid back in her bed and looked up at the ceiling and then over at the Rail Morpher on the table next to her. She was still having a hard time believing that she was actually here, it was strange to think of this place as home, but she had lived in less nice places before. Still, this was kind of weird for her, she was laying on a bed in a train that was about to leave her home behind. She didn't know if she was doing the right thing here honestly, it was like everything about it was weird and she sighed. "Hey Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle's voice said from the nearby intercom. "Is everything okay over there?" Scootaloo got up and hit the button with a soft smile. "About as okay as things can be, this is pretty crazy huh?" She asked with a shake of her head. "Yeah, crazy," Sweetie said with a sigh. "Its weird really, its not going to be easy to be away from our families but at the same time..." "Its good to have a chance to be out there and have our own adventures?" Scootaloo asked. "Like we've always talked about." "Yeah," Sweetie said. "I never thought it would be something like this though," Sweetie said with a chuckle. "At least our families know where we're going, kinda. But that's not really going to stop them from worrying about us, heck I'm worried about us." "Sweetie, as long as we have each other, we're going to be fine," Scootaloo said, though she was having the same doubts her friend did. "I'm sure that we'll be fine, we have a lot of weird things to see out there too I'm sure." "Like what?" Sweetie asked. "I don't know, remember when Twilight told us about that other world with the hairless bipedal apes, Humans or whatever?" Scootaloo said with a chuckle. "I'm sure we'll see something like that, and I'll bet it'll be weird." "How exactly are we supposed to blend into that kind of world?" Sweetie Belle pointed out. "I mean, the Shadow Line didn't turn into ponies in Equestria." "That's, actually a good question," Scootaloo said, she hadn't really thought of that. "I'm sure Amethyst has this kind of thing figured out. This whole thing is still kinda weird to me though, I mean alternate realities, creatures trying to drain energy from them... What kind of weird adventure have we gotten ourselves into?" "Yeah, I know," Sweetie said. "Though, you looked pretty good in pink, kinda cute actually." Scootaloo blushed a little, she was thankful that Sweetie Belle couldn't see her right now. The two of them had been friends for as long as either could remember, she didn't want to ruin that friendship especially if they were going to be in this together. But she had to admit, Sweetie Belle was really cute, she'd never say it out loud of course. "Thanks, but it looks better on you, I'll stick with Yellow most of the time," Scootaloo said with a chuckle as she looked at the yellow train charger that had been given to her. "We've got a long journey ahead of us don't we?" "Yeah," Sweetie said with a sigh. "I just hope that we'll make it home." "Me too Sweetie, me too," Scootaloo said with a sigh as she sat back down on the bed. "Sweetie, I..." They were interrupted with Amethyst's voice coming over the intercom. "We're about to depart, this is your last chance to back out. I don't want any of you to go unless you're absolutely certain. If you're still coming, hit the intercom button in your rooms twice." Scootaloo thought about it for a moment before leaning forward and pressing the button twice. She was in this for the long haul, and she wasn't going to let her friends down. 00000 "So, you said that the train was in some sort of, repair mode before?" Sweetie Belle asked as they sat down for dinner. "How exactly does all of this work?" "The Quantum Reality Express has several modes," Amethyst said as she levitated a forkfull of her salad up and took a bite of it. "Right now we're in travel mode, then there's repair mode yes, and finally Megazord more as you used against the Shade. Its a pretty advanced piece of equipment." "Okay, so how do we know when we find the Shadow Line?" Silver Spoon asked. "I mean, we're tracking them or something right?" "Yes, well its not as easy as just flipping some switches, but we have special equipment tracking their signature," Amethyst said with a nod. "Archie is keeping an eye on it now, one advantage to traveling with a robot is that they don't have to eat." "Yeah, I'm sure," Diamond Tiara said with a shrug. "We thought Sweetie Belle over there was a robot once." "Hey, I told you I'm not a robot a hundred times!" Sweetie protested and her friends just chuckled a little at that. "Believe me, I've seen stranger things," Amethyst said as she kept eating. "For now I'm just hoping that we can catch up to them soon. We already got a trace of their signal from a nearby universe but they're long gone from that one already, looks like whatever they tried to do there didn't exactly pan out. I think they ran afoul of other Rangers or something." "Well, at least we're not the only ones out there fighting them," Scootaloo said with a nod. "Lets just hope we can pick up their trail. Is there any way we can stop them for good?" "The Court of Darkness keeps themselves well protected, and we don't even know if you can survive in their train," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "For now we need to focus on stopping their operations, there's not a lot more we can do." "Okay," Sweetie Belle said as they continued eating. "Is there any pattern to the ones they go after? Maybe it can help us narrow down where they go next." "No, honestly there's not much of a pattern to everything that's going on," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "They basically just wind up wherever they think they can get a lot of energy from. Sometimes it works out for them, sometimes it doesn't. But we can always track them at least." Scootaloo nodded a little and looked over at Sweetie Belle for a moment. She shook her head a little and sighed as she took another bite of food, they had to try and figure out what she was going to do next as they hunted down the Shadow Line and their leadership. She just shrugged, she just hoped that they were going to be able to figure this out. "Alert, alert," Archie said as he flew into the dining room. "I've picked up a reading from the Shadow Line in a nearby universe." "Lets see what you've got," Amethyst said as she raised her hoof and the mechanical owl landed on her foreleg. She narrowed her eyes when she got the data and gave him a nod. "Thank you Archie, set a course for it." "On it," Archie said as he flew off towards the engine again. "What's going on?" Diamond Tiara asked looking a bit worried all of a sudden. "What kind of universe are we going into?" "You're going to need to get used to this one, it might not be easy," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "Its not a world inhabited by ponies so you're going to have to get used to that kind of thing." "Uh, exactly how is that going to work?" Silver Spoon asked. "I mean, we're not exactly inconspicuous." "Don't worry about that, that's already been taken care of," Amethyst said with a chuckle. "Come on, lets finish eating and I'll give you the full briefing after that." The ponies nodded as they went back to eating. They weren't sure exactly what to expect out of everything that was going on, but they were sure that Amethyst knew what she was doing. At least they hoped she did. 00000 "Alright, this universe has varying levels of technology that varies from planet to planet," Amethyst explained as she pulled up a readout. "But we're focusing on a specific planet called Ehthannya, or Athena when run through a translator." "That's a weird name," Diamond commented. "It was given to the planet by the locals, they're a mostly low tech race," Amethyst continued and an image of a tall bipedal figure dressed in a small fur outfit and a large, uh, chest, appeared. "They're a race of Hunters that mostly live on the coastal areas of the planet's landmasses." "Wait, so they hunt and eat animals?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Apparently it makes up most of their diet along with fish and a few local fruits and vegetables," Amethyst said. "They're capable of space travel but they very rarely use it except for reproduction from what I can tell. There's not a lot of information on them otherwise I'm afraid, you're going to have to learn as you go." "Of course," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "This is going to be weird isn't it?" "Yeah, probably," Amethyst said with a sigh. "You have a lot of work ahead of you, the train will be far enough away to not be noticed, I hope." "You don't know for sure?" Diamond Tiara asked as she looked at Amethyst worriedly. "You're not exactly giving us a lot to work on here you know." "I know, I know, but this isn't a very well documented in this universe given its not part of any of the local major governments," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "Despite being close to the borders of two of the governments at that. I'm more worried about the local wildlife, but we should be fine." "So, what do we do when we get out there?" Scootaloo asked. "Get to the coast, its west from here," Amethyst said and took out several small earpieces. "Put these in your ears, they'll be inconspicuous wherever you go and we'll be able to talk." They nodded and put them on before she gave them a nod. "Alright, I'll be monitoring you from here, be careful out there, this place does not look safe." "Okay, we will," Scootaloo said with a nod as they headed to the door of the train. She looked back at Amethyst, she wasn't sure what to expect when she stepped out of there but she just had to assume that Amethyst knew what she was doing. At least she hoped so. 00000 Apple Bloom was thrown a bit off balance when her hooves made contact with the ground, only they were no longer hooves. They looked like Spike's feet, but instead were fleshy and not covered with fur but had the same yellow color as her coat. "What tha heck?" She said out loud as she examined herself. She was dressed in what looked like some sort of furs and had gone from her familiar pony form to a tall lithe bipedal form, she checked her mane to make sure it was still there and it was, but she brushed her strange new appendage against a pointed tip of an ear. "Okay, what tha hay is goin' on here?" "I don't know, but I don't like it," Diamond Tiara said as she helped Silver Spoon up. The two were in the strange new bodies that they remembered looked like the projection from the briefing, only mixed with their normal colors. "Amethyst, why didn't you tell us about this?" "Its better to experience it for yourself," Amethyst said over their communicators. "It allows you to blend into your new surroundings better. Multi-colored talking ponies are not something that you usually see on planets, but you should automatically adjust to it." "Yeah, like we can really get used to walking with these things," Scootaloo said as she looked down at herself. "You better be talking about your feet," Amethyst said. "I was, but now that you mention it..." Scootaloo said as she looked at herself and her friends strangely for a moment and placed a hand on her alien chest. "So, where's the nearest town?" "Head west from here until you reach the coast, then head north," Amethyst said. "There's a town in that direction, though I'm also detecting a large outlying building. It looks like it could be some sort of Temple based on the size and design. Interesting, I haven't seen a lot of religious iconography in space faring cultures, even one as..." "Alright, we'll check it out," Scootaloo said as Amethyst kind of kept going. "We'll let you know if anything happens." They shut off their communicators and started walking through the jungle. The area was wild and harder to get through as they managed to duck and avoid vines and loose branches. "You'd think the locals would do more to keep this area clear," Diamond Tiara said as she shivered a little at the feeling of strange plants rubbing against her bare legs. "Or at least wear more clothing." "Who knows, Ah remember Zecora tellin' me that there are parts of Zebrica like this," Apple Bloom said with a shrug. "Not everycreature does what ponies do yah know?" "Still kind of weird that they don't at least move inland," Silver Spoon points out. "There's a lot of space around..." Before she could finish that sentence there was the sound of a roar as something came bursting out of the jungle in front of them. It looked like a bear but it was massive, it was bigger than any bear they had ever seen except for maybe an Ursa MInor. "Crap, that's not good," Scootaloo said as they reached for their satchels to grab their Morphers, only to have to duck out of the way as the massive bear swung at them with their claw. "Not good, not good, not good..." Just then there was a loud whistle as something flew through the air and hit the bear in the side. It roared and turned its head towards the source of the attack and another projectile flew out and hit it in the chest. It let out one final roar as the projectiles, they could now see as arrows, pierced its heart and it fell over. "Where did that come from?" Sweetie asked as they looked to the source of the arrows. A tall woman with the same pointed ears but tanned skin and a short yellow mane was standing there. She was dressed similarly to the ponies, but she had a quiver slung over her shoulder and was holding a bow as she stood on a branch. "You five shouldn't be out here," she said, they were surprised to hear here speaking in plain and simple Ponish as she hopped down and drew a knife. "What are yah gonna do with that?" Apple Bloom asked, she was suddenly afraid. Amethyst had said that the locals were meat eaters, did that mean they ate each other too? The woman just walked over to the bear and plunged the knife into it and started carving out meat. She put some in her own satchel and gave the five of them a nod. "So, where are you five from?" "We're, from the other side of the continent," Sweetie said. "We were on our way to the nearby town." "Really? Most people choose to take a boat or go on foot around the coast," the blonde native said as she cleaned off her knife and put it back in its sheath. "You're unarmed too, seems a bit suspicious to me." "Yeah, well, we'll just be on our way," Sweetie Belle said with a nod as they started to walk back into the jungle. "Thank you for saving our lives back there and all but I think we can handle it." "That was a Vorgiv Bear," the blonde said as she shook her head a little. "You're lucky it was only hunting and not protecting its young. The five of you are lucky to be alive, Athena's jungles are not safe, especially for newcomers." "Wait, how did you..." Scootaloo started to ask as the woman reached around her neck and raised a strange necklace with a red stone with a bird-like symbol on it. "My name is Tilani," she said and raised her eyebrow a little. "The Goddess Adra informed me you would be coming today, I've been looking for you, Power Rangers." > Chapter 3: Forest Primeval > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm confused, exactly how did you know we were coming?" Scootaloo asked as they made their way through the jungle, following the strange blonde haired woman down a trail in the jungle. "We didn't exactly send out messages, you know?" "And who is Adra?" Sweetie Belle added. "Adra is the Goddess of the Earth," Tilani said as she looked back at the five of them. "She's one of the Goddesses that taught the first Athenans how to survive on this planet. That was, over 2000 years ago." "That's, a long time," Scootaloo said and blinked a little. "Wait, you said she told you, does she talk to you or something?" Diamond Tiara asked a bit confused by everything. "What is going on here?" "Come, let's go to Nareis and I'll explain everything," Tilani said as she looked back at them. "Unless you'd rather spend some more time in the Jungle. And I assure you, that Vorgiv is the least of your worries out here." The five friends nodded as they followed the woman down the trail. They looked around curiously, there was the occasional animal that crossed the path, but most of what they could see were plants. They had to wonder if the entire planet was like this, one big sea of green. And that's when the trees opened up and they felt the warm sun on their skin. They were on a beach facing an ocean that seemed to stretch for as far as the eye could see. There were a few boats out on the water and Tilani looked back at them and smiled. "Welcome to Athena travelers, let's see how you like it here," she said with a smile and nodded down the beach towards what looked like a gathering of buildings in the distance. The five friends exchanged a look, they weren't sure what to expect of this strange new world. But they didn't have much of a choice as they followed her close behind. 00000 "This world is, certainly unique," Madame Noir said as she examined the screens in the Kuliner's engine that showed images of the jungle around them. "A curious species, you would think one with this long a history would be more, advanced." "Now, now they can't all be like us," Baron Nero said with a shake of his head as he played with the summoning quill pen and looked at the screen for a moment. "What is the best source of Tenebraean Energy we can find on the planet?" "Here, Vendar Island," General Schwarz said as he pointed at a map of the planet that zoomed in on a small island off the coast of one of the continents. "It has one of the highest sources of energy that I've ever seen, we should investigate it." "Agreed," Nero said as he inputs commands into the controls and the evil train hummed with energy as it went through another portal and came to a stop after a moment. Nero turned and raised the quill as he prepared to summon another Shade when the train suddenly began to shake. "What in the Emperor's name..." A shadowy form started t coalesce in the engine and a form appeared. It was feminine and dressed in robes that were covered with animal skins and feathers. She had hands with long fingers that ended in claws and a strange, distorted head with a crown that sat upon it and pointed teeth. "Who are you?" Nero demanded as he managed to pull himself up to his feet and pointed his cane at her. "You have a lot of nerve to..." "You, are trespassing on the territory of the Unnamed Ones," the woman said in a chilling voice that even made the fiendish nobleman stop. "You're a fool if you think you can just waltz into our territory." "Really?" Nero said as he pulled his hat down a little and pulled on his cane as he removed a long sword as he rushed forward and pressed it against the woman's neck as dark energy ran along the blade. "This is the Imperial Kuliner of the Shadow Line, you are not in your backwater planet anymore. Our power here is greater than anything some backwater monster can conjure up while here." "The Shadow Line, I see," the woman said as her eyes glowed and she looked at him hard for a moment. "You picked the wrong world to mess with then if not the wrong reality. This one has a long history with your typical enemies." "As do you if these reports are anything to go by," Madame Noir said as she looked up from a screen. "It seems to me you have your own problems around here Draiva. Perhaps we can work out some sort of deal." "I'm listening," the now identified Draiva said as she glowered at the masked man. "You should listen to your better, she's clearly smarter than you are." Nero growled a little but didn't remove the blade from the woman's neck as Noir moved forward and gave her a smile. "You have your own subjects of course, don't you Draiva?" The noblewoman asked as she gave her a nod. "We will provide a Shade and you will provide one of your subjects. If we use our forces in combination, then our mutual enemies will barely stand a chance." "Perhaps," Draiva said as she looked back at Nero. "Are you in agreement, male? Or do I have to show you your intestines instead?" Nero growled but removed his blade from the woman's neck. "Yes, we are in agreement," he said as he held up the summoning pen. "We will summon one of our Shades shortly. We also would like to take some, energy from your area." "Of course, this is a mutually beneficial agreement to both of us," Draiva said as she smiled and backed away before she vanished in much the same way she appeared. "You shouldn't have done that, I had the situation under control," Nero said as he returned the blade to his cane. "She would have been receptive eventually." "You really should pay more attention to the files on the worlds," Noir said with a laugh as she pointed her fan at Nero. "This world is Matriarchal, they don't respond well to male posturing. Some situations require a woman's touch as you just saw." Nero just shook his head and held the summoning quill up as it began to glow with dark energy. "Then I will summon the Shade," he said and drew a symbol in the air as it began to glow and a new body formed. It looked metallic and held two swords aloft as it bowed before the two of them. "My lords, what is your bidding?" The Shade asked. "Bring us the energy from this world," Nero said as he gave the creature a nod. "You will have allies in this endeavor, but do not take them lightly." "Yes my lord, I will prepare now," the Shade said before it vanished. "You don't trust Draiva do you?" Noir said with a smirk. "Of course not," Nero said as he leaned on his cane and took out the pocket watch again. "After all, I don't trust a shark, she's a dangerous individual. We must do what we can to leave this world behind us as soon as possible." "Agreed," Noir said as she fanned herself a little. "Perhaps I'll take some time and scout Athena for myself. This could be an interesting world." And with a laugh, she vanished into a pool of shadows. Nero just shook his head and walked to the front of the Kuliner and watched the screens. They had enough energy to last a while, but he wanted to leave as soon as he could, this world made him uneasy. The countdown had begun. 00000 "Wow, this place is pretty nice," Scootaloo commented as they reached the town. It was a collection of well-constructed buildings that were made mostly of wood and stone. They looked around and noticed more of the native Athenans walking around the town. A few of them noticed them and waved, Sweetie was a bit surprised to see that most of them didn't look that similar to each other, having a variety of colors and sometimes other traits, but they all had one thing in common. "Where are all the stallions?" She whispered to Scootaloo as they walked past a group of younger Athenans who were playing a game with a ball. "What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked as she looked at her friend. "Look at them, unless I'm missing something they're all female," she pointed out. It was true, the locals didn't seem to have anything that could be considered masculine traits. "I mean, maybe its just because we're not familiar with..." "We can hear you, you know," Tilani said as she stopped and looked at the two of them. "There is a reason behind this, but this isn't the place to discuss it." "Right," Scootaloo said as they continued walking through the town towards a large building in the distance. As they reached the building, it looked like a large building with pillars made of stone. It looked like it was made of some earth-toned rock as they made their way into the building. "Hang on," Amethyst's voice said on the other end. "What now?" Diamond asked as she pressed her hand up against her ear for a moment. "I'm getting a very strong reading from the other side of that door," Amethyst replied. "I haven't seen anything like this in a while. I can't tell you if it's friendly or not, so I would approach with caution." "Understood," Apple Bloom said as Tilani pushed the door open and they walked into the large building. They found themselves on the edge of a courtyard that had several plants and a cleared area in the center. It was mostly empty as they entered save for several other Athenans that were waiting for them. "Excellent, I was hoping that you wouldn't have much trouble Tilani," a soft feminine voice said from around them. "Okay, who are you and how did you know we were coming?" Scootaloo asked as she looked around for the source of the voice. "You're not fooling anyone with your tricks." "Very well," the feminine voice said as energy started to coalesce. A form appeared in front of them, it was of a woman with tanned skin and wild long red hair. She was dressed in white clothes that ran along her body, and she had the familiar pointed ears of the locals. The five ponies turned Athenans could only think of one thing when they saw her, they were in the presence of a being beyond their understanding. "I am Adra, and I knew you were coming because I know a great many things." "Adra is one of our Goddesses," a woman with short blonde hair and dressed in white and gold robes said as she stepped forward. "She informed us of the arrival of yourselves and your... what did you call it?" "Train," Adra said with a nod. "I saw your arrival and sent Tilani to find you." "Okay, this is unexpected," Amethyst's voice said on the other end. "I'm getting readings as I've never seen before, you're talking to a class 9 ascended being who..." The voice on the other end of their communicators was cut off for a moment as Adra vanished and returned with another Athenan woman, this one had the same colors as Amethyst and deposited the shocked woman on the ground. "It's not polite to spy on potential new friends you know," Adra said with a chuckle as Amethyst got to her feet, still looking shocked. "Amethyst Shard, am I right?" "Yes, that's me," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "You're the class 9 ascended being..." "We prefer Goddesses," Adra said with a laugh. "I don't see why we need their help," one of the women spoke up, she was dark skinned with red hair that was tied into a braid. "They're not exactly much to look at, I'd hardly even call them hunters or fighters." "Hey, we've held our own against the Shadow Line, what can you do?" Scootaloo said in protest as she looked at the taller woman who smirked a little. "I've wrestled the greatest beasts the oceans of this world have to offer," she said with a chuckle. "Unless you want to prove me wrong." "Sanshai, I don't think..." The Priestess from before started to say as Adra placed her hand on her shoulder. "Let them fight," she said simply. "We need to know if these five are capable of helping us. Let's see if they are as skilled as they say." "Of course," the Priestess said as she nodded to the cleared out area. "Sanshai, you know the rules, do not hurt her." "I won't, badly," Sanshai said with a smirk as they moved into the cleared area and Scootaloo gulped a little. "No weapons, just our fists, first one to be knocked out of the ring loses, do you agree?" "Yeah, if that's how you want it I can do that," Scootaloo said as she removed her Rail Morpher from her wrist and gave it to Sweetie Belle. At the same time, Sanshai removed a good sized dagger from her waist and threw it into the ground followed by a necklace with a blue stone on it. "I'm sure your mate there will gladly help you lick your wounds when we're done," Sanshai said with a laugh as she looked at Sweetie Belle. "If there's anything left!" "We're not... oh forget it," Scootaloo said with a groan. She wished she had the chance to get used to fighting in this body before she had to fight a native, but she didn't have a choice at this point. "Let's get this over with then." Sanshai laughed as she took a combat pose, but she didn't do anything. Scootaloo groaned and then ran forward, swinging her fist at the Athenan who just caught it with the palm of her hand and swung Scootaloo over, throwing her on the ground. "Come on, you're better than this, show me what beat the Shadow Line," Sanshai said with a chuckle as she dodged another blow from the girl. "I've fought tougher opponents than you in my sleep." "Okay, this is really, really getting on my nerves..." Scootaloo said as she tried to kick the woman's legs out from under her only to have her jump out of the way. "Oh come on, stop jumping out of the way and fight me!" "Your mate is hotheaded," a voice said from behind Sweetie and she turned to see an Athenan with black hair and dressed similarly to the Priestess from before with slight ridges on her forehead. "She's not my mate, I mean marefriend, I mean girlfriend..." Sweetie said with a blush that just made her laugh. "And yeah, she's a bit reckless at times, but she's not that bad in a fight when she has to be." "Sanshai is one of the best fisherwomen in this part of Athena," the woman said with a shake of her head. "She's fought the ocean waves and has adapted her fighting style to using the strength of an opponent against her. If your friend gets too reckless, she's going to make mistakes, and she can't afford that." Sweetie paused a moment as she looked back at the newcomer. She noticed that around her neck was a necklace similar to the ones Tilani and Sanshai had but she couldn't make out anything more about it. She made a note to ask more about them later as she turned her attention back to the fight. "Come on Scoots, I know you can do this..." Sweetie said as she clenched her fist a little. Scootaloo was not as sure as her friend was, she was no stranger to a good fight and had even taken some classes back in Equestria, but she was completely unfamiliar with this new body. She gritted her teeth and just as Sanshai was about to swing a fist at her she ducked instinctively and slammed her elbow into the taller woman's stomach. "Now that's more like it," Sanshai said through the pain as she righted herself and grinned a little. "Maybe you're not so bad after all." "Hey, I just needed to get used to these things," Scootaloo said with a grin as she righted herself and swung a punch at Sanshai which the woman caught but was surprised by a kick that hit her in the legs. The fight went on for a little bit longer, Scootaloo got in a few good hits and managed to push Sanshai closer to the edge of the circle. She took a few hits herself, but the older Athenan was having a harder time fighting her now. Finally, Sanshai grabbed Scootaloo by the arms and pulled her down and the two tumbled out of the circle. "And it's over," the priestess said with a nod. "What do you think Adra, have they proven themselves?" "Indeed, they may yet prove to be skilled allies," Adra said as Sanshai got to her feet and offered a hand to Scootaloo. "You fought well," Sanshai said with a grin. "A shame your friend there doesn't want you, she doesn't know what she's missing." "Look, I..." Scootaloo said with a blush which was cut off when Sanshai pulled her in close and kissed her straight on the lips. Scootaloo's eyes went wide, but she was surprised that the woman's embrace felt soft, almost loving, it wasn't so bad after all. Sweetie just stared on in shock. "Alright Sanshai, if you're done kissing our new ally, I think its time we got them fully up to speed," the Priestess said as she shook her head a little as Sanshai retrieved her things. "I am Kairis, you already know Tilani and Sanshai. Its time you learned more about what's happening here, and why we need each other's help." "Yes, of course," Amethyst said as she gestured to them. "We'd be glad to hear you out of course." "Then come with us, there is much to discuss," Adra said as they headed out of the courtyard together. 00000 "Athena's history goes back over 2000 years," Kairis said as they entered a large room with fancy ornamental designs as Adra vanished. "Our ancestors left from a distant planet that was torn apart by war to flee from persecution. They eventually found this planet and made it their home." "I see," Amethyst said as she sat down across from Kairis and the others sat down around them. "I think I know what planet you mean." "When they came to this world, survival was hard," Kairis continued. "Our ancestors could barely survive in the harsh jungles of Athena until we got some help. The Goddesses appeared before them and began to teach the first Athenans how to survive in the harsh jungles of their new homeworld. We learned to respect the land, to build without harming the environment and to hunt." "So, you all just, what?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Hunt or worship the goddesses?" "No, we all have our own roles and can do whatever we desire," Sanshai said with a laugh. "Athena is a world that has always known peace because we have all been unified by a common cause. Survival in the harshest environments we've ever seen." "Unfortunately, it's not always so simple," Kairis said. "The Goddesses are not the only group here, there are also ones we call The Unnamed Ones. To name them is considered taboo, and risks bringing them down on us. Unfortunately, that's the crisis that we now face." "Ah see," Apple Bloom said as she looked at them curiously. "Yer sayin' that these, Unnamed Ones are back or somethin'?" "Their cult has been attacking this area for some time," Tilani said. "They send their Mutants to try and break the temple for the most part. We're the only ones that have been able to fight them and it hasn't been easy." "Ah see," Apple Bloom said, it sounded familiar to her, almost like what she and her friends were going through with the Shadow Line. "Well, Ah mean we're here in pursuit of a new threat ta yer world Ah'm afraid. They call themselves tha Shadow Line, they're nothin' but trouble." "Adra told us to expect a new threat," the black haired girl from before said with a frown. "So, you're telling us that they are as bad as the cult?" "If not worse," Amethyst said with a sigh as she told the Athenans everything that she had told the Crusaders and their friends. They listened carefully as Kairis frowned a little and sighed. "Basically, we need to stop the Shadow Line and whatever Shade they send before they can take too much energy." "Ah know its a lot ta take in," Apple Bloom said. "We're still getting used to the whole thing ourselves," Silver Spoon added. "But if there's anything we can do to help we're more than willing to lend a hoof... or hand I guess," Scootaloo said as she looked down at her hand and shook her head. "Sorry, I'm not really used to this body." "Don't worry about it, we appreciate the help," Kairis said with a smile. "There are a lot of things about this world that we are only now starting to understand since Adra re-appeared to us. Hopefully, we will be able to help you before it is too late." "Yeah," Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. "So, what's the plan?" "Well, we have ta find tha strongest source of what tha Shadow Line could draw on right?" Apple Bloom asked. "What would that be in Athena?" "That might be a problem," a new voice said as they turned to see a pale skinned Athenan with white hair walking in. "If you're looking for the strongest source of dark energy, that would probably be the Cult's base." "Unfortunately Jesari is right," Kairis said with a shake of her head. "We can't just walk into that place either, and whatever technology you have won't be able to penetrate it." "So, what should we do?" Amethyst asked as she looked between them. "They are going to need to do more than just go there to get energy." "We have to wait," Kairis said. "And pray to whatever deities you worship that our situation hasn't already gotten worse." Scootaloo's eyes went a little wide at that. She realized that if this cult really was as dangerous as they claimed if they made some sort of deal with the Shadow Line then there was going to be a much greater threat going on. She just hoped that everything was going to be okay. 00000 "I hope you don't mind staying here overnight," Sanshai said as she leads the Crusaders and Amethyst to another building. "We can't escort you back to your craft tonight and Kairis said that she would prefer if you stayed close." "Of course, its no problem," Amethyst said. "Archie can hold down the fort while we're gone. And perhaps there are some things we can learn from you and your friends." Sanshai laughed a little and looked back at Scootaloo with a soft smile as she leads each of them to a different room until there was only the two of them left. "Are you sure that the pink haired one is not your mate?" Sanshai asked with a laugh. "I've seen the way you two look at each other and your pheromones. I haven't sensed something that strong in a long time." "No, no we're just friends!" Scootaloo tried to protest as she shook her head a little. "We've known each other for a long time, I don't... I don't want to risk pushing her away." "On Athena, if there is someone we want we don't wait," Sanshai said with a chuckle. "You and your friend would make a cute couple. But in the meantime..." "Look, I..." Scootaloo started to say as she blushed a little as they stopped in front of her room as she realized what the Athenan woman wanted. "I'm not really looking for anyone right now... I've got a lot to focus on with fighting the Shadow Line and I don't think I should get into a relationship with someone I'll probably never see again." She hated to admit it but she was very much tempted to take her up on that offer. Maybe it was something to do with this planet or being in this body but she found herself strangely, interested in that offer. She shook her head and laid back on the bed that had been set up for her. "Okay Scootaloo, you're on a weird planet inhabited entirely by women with your best friends," she said out loud to herself as she shook her head. "This place is weird... I hope we can help them soon." "Hey Scoots," a voice said and she looked up to see Sweetie Belle standing there in the doorway. "How are you feeling?" "I've felt better," she admitted as she gave her friend a smile. "Do you think the Shadow Line is going to attack soon?" "It's getting late, I doubt it at this point," Sweetie said with a shake of her head as she sat down on the bed. "Or maybe they will, it depends on how much energy they have I guess." "Yeah, I guess," Scootaloo said with a sigh as she sat up and looked at Sweetie. "What do you think about all of this? These weird bodies and everything." "Yeah, they're weird, kinda reminds me of what Twilight said about humans though I don't think she mentioned these ears," Sweetie said with a chuckle as she rubbed her finger along her ear's and shivered a little. "Scootaloo, I..." "Yes?" Scootaloo asked as she looked at Sweetie expectantly for a long moment. "Is everything okay?" "Ever since we got here, I've felt, some urges..." she admitted with a blush. "All of them directed at you..." Scootaloo blushed deeply and was about to say something when Sweetie leaned in and gave her a kiss directly on the lips. She fell back onto the bed as she felt Sweetie's hands running along her front and starting to untie the strings on the animal skins a little. 00000 "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Amethyst asked as she looked over at Kairis. The two of them were sitting in the main room of the temple and drinking tea. "I mean, they're not used to living their lives as other species like this, and I can always summon the train." "The presence of your craft will draw attention to yourselves," Kairis said with a shake of her head. "Your charges are smart, they won't do anything that will get them into too much trouble. I'm sure that will be disappointing for Sanshai though." "Yeah, probably," Amethyst said with a chuckle as she shook her head a little. "How have you survived this long on this world if it is as dangerous as you claim?" "One day at a time," Kairis said with a shake of her head. "The Cult of the Unnamed Ones is a threat though. If it wasn't for Tilani and the others, we wouldn't be here having this conversation." "Perhaps we can help you," Amethyst said. "We're still new to this whole thing, but my charges..." "Your charges have enough to worry about with the Shadow Line," Kairis pointed out with a shake of her head. "Athena can take care of herself and so can her people. We have survived on this world for over 2000 years, endured things that no species should, and we've done what we can to survive." "Have you done enough though?" Amethyst asked. "When I came through this universe before I met a group called the Federation if you reached out to them I am sure that they would..." "That's not my call to make," Kairis said with a shake of her head. "You would have to take that sort of proposal to the capitol and the Ministers. I am just a Priestess and even with how deeply religious our people are, the clergy only has so much authority." "Of course," Amethyst said with a shake of her head. "Still, maybe there is some way we can make Athena prosper without having to..." "Go out and seduce males just so we can have daughters?" Kairis asked as she raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, that." "Its something that we have certainly considered," the Priestess said with a shake of her head. "The fact of the matter is that we need to, but we have to deal with our own internal problems first. The Cultists are only one of many things, there are others who believe their presence is proof that Goddesses have abandoned us." "But you don't?" "Of course not, the Sacred Texts speak of many things, including the possibility that they may escape," Kairis said with a shake of her head. "The fact that Adra has come to us is also proof. She knows that things must be done to protect Athena." "I just hope that we haven't put your world at risk of destruction," Amethyst said with a sigh and a shake of her head. "We've always been at risk of destruction, you are here because you want to stop it," Kairis said with a smile. "My species believes strongly that in times of great need, the Goddesses will choose protectors. My charges are some of them, I believe so are yours." Amethyst sighed a little as she nodded. She had taken a big risk by letting the Crusaders and their friends join her, but she was starting to feel like it may have been the right choice. She hoped it was the right choice. 00000 "Scootaloo, wake up, we're lookin' fer Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom said as she knocked on the door to Scootaloo's room the next morning. "Huh, what's goin' on?" Scootaloo called back with a yawn as she pulled the blanket up over her and looked at the door sleepily. "What about Sweetie Belle?" "She ain't in her room, come on," Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo yawned a little and looked over. Her eyes went wide when she saw Sweetie Belle laying there fast asleep, naked. She blushed deeply when she realized what must've happened last night, but the details were all a bit hazy. "Scoots, are you awake?" Sweetie asked with a yawn as she sat up, her pink and purple hair was a mess. "Did, last night actually happen?" "I, think so," Scootaloo said, Sweetie blushed a little, her usually pale coloring had turned a strange green color. "What are we going to do about it?" "I think, we can both agree that last night was a result of the hormones of these strange new bodies or something..." Sweetie Belle said with a blush. "Yeah, definitely," Scootaloo said as she blushed more and shook her head. "Lets, just not talk about it okay? You and I both know our friends won't let us hear the end of it." "So, how do we cover up the fact that I'm in your room?" Sweetie asked with a smirk. "You, were, uh..." Scootaloo said. "Lonely, you couldn't sleep so you came into my room, that's all." "Yeah, okay," Sweetie said and they started to get up when there was a sound of a horn coming from somewhere outside. "What's going on?" "I don't know, let's find out," Scootaloo said as they got their clothes on and started out of the room and met up with the others. “What’s going on?” “I don’t know,” Kairis said as she frowned a little. “That’s coming from Naeris, its the alert horn. It likely means that there is a Mutant attacking the town. However, if the Shadow Line is here, it could be just about anything…” “I think you should go investigate,” Amethyst said as she gave the Rangers a nod. “If there is a chance that there is a Shade there or even just a Mutant we need to stop them. Should we know anything about the Mutants just in case that it is one?” “There isn’t much that we can predict about them,” Kairis said with a shake of her head. “They’re a mixture of animals and Athenans that are either willingly or unwillingly transformed. They could honestly be just about anything, I would recommend being careful either way.” “We’re coming too,” Tilani said as she approached with Sanshai and Laoni. “We know the town better and if there’s a risk of the Mutants showing up…” “Shouldn’t we wait for Jeseri and Selria?” Laoni asked as she frowned a little. “I mean, don’t we need the whole team?” “Unfortunately if the planet is at risk we need to make a move now, we cannot wait for the others,” Adra said with a shake of her head. “Get going, we might not have a lot of time right now.” They nodded and ran out of the temple together. They had to figure out what was going on in town and just hope that whatever it was they’d be fine. 00000 “Okay, we should be able to see the…” Tilani started to say as they reached the town and stopped in mid-stride as they saw what was going on. The previously peaceful town was in the middle of a state of chaos, but what was more confusing was that there wasn’t any of the Crows or anything else fighting. Instead, the peaceful town seemed to have devolved into a state of chaos with the inhabitants fighting each other. “Okay, that’s not right,” Scootaloo said as she looked back at the others. “I’m guessing this isn’t usual behavior when a monster attack is going on.” “No, the Mutants haven’t really caused anything like this before,” Laoni said. “You said these things drain dark energy right? I’m betting they’re trying to do that with negative emotions here… that would explain a lot.” “Great,” Apple Bloom said as they walked forward. “So, any ideas on what we should…” “Hey, the lot of you, what do you think you’re doing?” A voice shouted at them and they turned to see a large monster made of silver metal with large basket-like shoulder pads and holding two swords in his hands. “Everyone here knows they’re supposed to be fighting!” “Okay, that’s definitely a Shade,” Diamond said as they stepped forward a little. “We’re not going to let you destroy this world… Whatever you are! This world falls under the protection of the Power Rangers!” “Oh crap, well then I’ll just have to do something about that, Crows assemble!” The Shade said as he pointed his right sword into the air and dark energy crackled from it as the Crows appeared around him. “We will take the energy we want from this world to fuel the Shadow Line!” “We’ll see about that,” Sweetie Belle said as she nodded to her friends. “Ready for this?” “Ready,” they said as they took out the chargers and activated their morphers. “All Rangers prepare for boarding, stay behind the white line,” the computerized voice said from their morphers. Energy flew out of the Morphers into the five of them as their suits appeared over them. “Ranger 1 - Red!” “Ranger 2 - Blue!” “Ranger 3 - Yellow!” “Ranger 4 - Green!” “Ranger 5 - Pink!” “ALL ABOARD!” The computerized voice said again as the loud train whistle was sound as they drew their weapons. “I’m afraid that’s not going to be enough,” a new feminine voice said as a shape stepped forward. It looked vaguely like an Athenan, only its body was distorted and covered with fur with a lupine shaped head as it drew a sword from its back. “Crystanoids, assemble!” The ground beneath them cracked as strange creatures leaped out next to the Crows. They were a vaguely humanoid shape that looked like they were made of stone and they let out an inhuman growl as they moved in front of the two monsters. “Crap, that’s not good, now there are two of them,” Scootaloo said with a gulp as she gripped her hammer. “Any ideas on what to do?” “Looks like you need some help,” Tilani said as she and the others stepped forward and placed her hand on the gemstone on the necklace around her neck. “It’s time to face the fury of the jungle!” The gemstones on the three Athenan’s necklaces glowed brightly. A firey bird flew up and into Tilani as a red suit formed around her with a bird-like helmet and a firey pattern crossing it. She drew out two swords made of firey energy and her arms formed into wings. “Flying on the fiery winds, Forest Primeval Red!” Next, a watery form of a shark jumped out of the water near the village and flew into Sanshai. A blue suit appeared over her with a helmet with a shark fin. Her suit had dark blue water symbols covering it with attachments that resembled fins on her arms. “Diving into the depths of the sea, Forest Primeval Blue!” The earth cracked open as a yellow horned animal made of energy burst out and flew into Laoni. A yellow suit formed over her with a helmet that looked like it had horns coming out of it. Her suit had black symbols that looked like cracks crossing it. “Powered by the earth itself, Forest Primeval Yellow!” “Forest Primeval Power Rangers, protect the Jungle!” The three said in unison. “Just great, now there are 8 of them,” the sword Shade said as he swung his swords around a little. “But no matter, Crows attack!” The Crows pulled their hats down for a moment before they ran forward at the Rangers with their axes and swung them at them. Apple Bloom just barely ducked an attack from one of the Crows before she swung her sword and hit him hard. “Ah ain’t gonna let yah “What is even going on here?” Silver Spoon asked as she swung her blaster around and hit a few Crows as they dissolved into the shadows. “Why make the locals fight each other like this at all?” “Athenans keep negative emotions suppressed most of the time, however when we break down, well… it can have some nasty reprecussions,” Sanshai said as she drew a curved blade and slashed through a Crystanoid with it. “It must be drawing on those negative emotions to draw out the energy they need.” “Smart for a primitive species,” the sword-wielding monster said as he moved to the side to avoid a Crow that had been kicked in his direction. “But we are here to take what we need, you cannot stop progress! Even in a backwater planet like this, progress is inevitable! And we will make sure that nothing stops us!” “Progress? You’ve been destroying universes!” Scootaloo said as she slammed her hammer into a Crystanoid that was about to attack Sweetie. “What kind of progress is that?” “There is no price that is too high, the Shadow Line must succeed!” The Shade said as he pushed forward and swung his swords at Apple Bloom only to have her catch it with her own sword. “And we will not let you Rangers stand in our way.” “Mind if I cut in, Slash?” The Mutant said with a grin as she kicked at Apple Bloom in the chest and pushed her back. “You Rangers are pathetic, I can’t imagine why anyone would ever have a hard time beating you.” “Yes, perhaps Snatcher’s failure was just a fluke,” Slash said with a grin as he crossed his swords and gave the mutant a nod. “Hardly worthy of a fight.” “Hey, mutant!” Diamond Tiara said as she struck another Crystanoid with her ax. “You’re not buying any of this, are you? You and your cult want to take over the world or something, don’t you?” “Of course,” the female mutant said as she swung her sword at Tilani who caught it with her own and kicked her back. “This planet is our birthright, we’re not about to let these weaklings keep it for themselves.” “Then tell me,” Diamond Tiara continued as she jumped over Tilani and pushed her ax blade against the mutant’s sword. “What do you think will happen if the Shadow Line stay here much longer? They’ve made it very clear that they don’t care about other universes.” “What’s your point?” The mutant asked as she narrowed her eyes a bit at Diamond as she pushed farther back. “You’re trying to deceive me!” “No, I’m really not,” Diamond said as she kicked at the Mutant hard. “I’m the only one here who’s actually been honest to your bosses. They don’t care about you or your goals, they just want their energy and will leave your world to die!” The Mutant cursed under her breath and pulled back. “Crystanoids, fall back!” She said as the ground opened and they vanished into it. “What?” Slash said as his metal head was suddenly hit by an energy arrow as they looked up to see a green ranger with a cat-shaped helmet and wind symbols and a black ranger with a bear-shaped helmet and strange swirling symbols standing on top of a building. The Green Ranger drew her bow back and fired more arrows into the Crows. “Oh come on, that’s not fair!” “We’re not about to let you hurt this world!” Scootaloo said as she swung her hammer around and hit Slash hard across the face. “Get out of here, it’s over for you and the Shadow Line!” Slash rubbed his chin and growled. “This is far from over Rangers, I will be back,” he said as he vanished into the shadows with his surviving Crows. “Sorry, we were late,” the Black Ranger said as she powered down to reveal a young woman with pale skin and white hair. “We ran into a little bit of trouble outside of town.” “Yeah, looks like you just about had everything in hand,” the Green Ranger said as she powered down to reveal a blue-skinned Athenan with a darker blue-haired woman whose body was covered with tattoos. “What in the Goddess’ name was that thing and who are these rangers?” “It’s a long story,” Scootaloo said. “Rail Rider Power Rangers, meet Selria and Jesiri,” Tilani said with a nod. “They’re the other two members of the Forest Primeval Rangers.” “A pleasure,” Apple Bloom said as they introduced each other and shook hands. As the fight had ended the fighting in the town had finally calmed down. The inhabitants were looking around confused and exhausted as they tried to figure out what had happened. “We should get back to the Temple,” Sanshai said as the others nodded a little. “Come on, there’s a lot we need to figure out.” “Right,” Diamond Tiara said as they ran off back towards the temple. 00000 “You incompetent fool!” Nero said in anger as he hit Slash across the face with his cane. “You let them get away. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the Cult now knows what our goals are. We are in a precarious situation here and you could’ve screwed it up!” “Yes, but he didn’t,” Noir said as she fanned herself. “I’ve already talked with Draiva and explained the situation that Slash was a rogue element within the Shadow Line. We have given her our assurances that he will not repeat that mistake. Isn’t that right, Slash?” “Of course, yes Madame Noir,” Slash said with a terrified gulp. “But it worked, the Tenebraean Energy I was able to gather from the locals is quite a lot. Please, give me another chance and I will be able to get us even more.” “I think that Slash has a point,” a smooth cold voice said that sent chills up and down the spines of the nobles. “Athena is a planet with a lot of potential Tenebraean Energy, we will have to study it further.” They turned to see the screens at the front of the train had been replaced with a man with short black hair and pale skin staring back at them. He was dressed in a long white coat with purple highlights as the nobles bowed slightly. “My Emperor, I was not expecting to hear from you so soon,” Nero said with a slight tremor in his voice. “Our connection to the Shadow Reality had been severed.” “A simple miscalculation on my part,” the Emperor said as he stroked his chin thoughtfully for a moment. “Fortunately I was able to re-establish the connection not long ago. We are in great need of Tenebraean Energy after all, and I believe that Slash is more than capable of drawing more out of this, Athena.” “Of course my Emperor,” Slash said. “I will not fail you again, I will draw out as much energy as I can to power the Kuliner. All I need is another chance.” “Give it to him then,” the Emperor said. “And keep up the ruse with this Cult as long as possible. I want this energy, understood?” “As you command my Emperor,” Nero said as he bowed again. “We will make sure that we get the energy you request.” “As you should,” the Emperor said before his image vanished again. “Did you know the connection had been re-established?” Noir asked Nero as he gripped his cane a little. “No, I honestly did not,” Nero said. “But we have our orders from the Emperor himself. We will not fail here, understood?” The others nodded as Slash vanished into a pool of shadow. He would soon draw out more energy for his Emperor, and make them strong. “What do we do about the cult?” Noir asked. “We’ve got enough energy here, for now, let’s move into the jungle,” Nero said as he went and input commands into the Kuliner’s controls. “We can still communicate with them at least. For now, we have to make sure they don’t know our true motives.” “Indeed,” Noir said as the Kuliner started up again and flew into the sky towards the jungle near Naeris. > Chapter 4: Primal Instinct > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Have the five of you had any problems getting used to these bodies?” Amethyst asked as they returned to the temple. “I mean, I can’t imagine that everything is easy. You are an entirely different species after all.” “We’re, fine,” Scootaloo said as she looked at Sweetie, the two tried not to blush after what had happened the night before. “It’s a little weird, sure, but I think I’ve got the hang of it.” “Yeah, definitely,” Sweetie said quickly. “Absolutely nothing weird going on.” “Ah find that oddly specific ta say,” Apple Bloom said with a chuckle as she looked at the others. “What do y'all think?” “Oh definitely,” Silver Spoon said with a grin. “So what do you think they did? I’ll bet they made out somewhere…” “No, not based on the looks on their faces, I’d say did something else,” Amethyst said as she stroked her chin thoughtfully. “Then again, a basic scan of Athenans suggest that their hormones are higher than most species. It's possible that if they did anything they were under the influence of their hormones more than anything.” “Plus we didn’t find Sweetie this morning and I swear I saw her coming out of Scootaloo’s room, do you two mind explaining that?” Diamond Tiara asked with a chuckle as they headed towards the dining hall. “I couldn’t sleep, nothing more than that,” Sweetie said quickly, probably a bit too quickly. “So I stayed in Scootaloo’s room. I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal about this.” “Well… since we don’t know everything about the biology of this species it's entirely possible that they don’t require males to reproduce and if you did you could get pregnant,” Amethyst said thoughtfully for a moment which made the two of them stumble. “But then again I do recall her saying that they need to go out and find males so you’re probably fine. Assuming you two actually did it of course.” “You’re just as bad as the rest of them,” Scootaloo said with a groan as she exchanged a look with Sweetie Belle. What she didn’t want to admit was that she had enjoyed the night before. She had to admit she had feelings for Sweetie Belle, but with everything that was going on and the fact that they were living together on a train, she was afraid of what would happen if she actually tried to tell her. She sighed a little as she gave Sweetie a soft smile. She reached over and placed her hand on Sweetie’s and gave her a nod. “What do you think we should do?” Scootaloo asked quietly to Sweetie. “Let’s just move on for now and pretend nothing happened, that’s probably for the best,” Sweetie whispered back. “I mean unless last night meant something more than just our hormones going out of control.” “Yeah, definitely just that,” Scootaloo said as she looked away from Sweetie Belle. She didn’t want to admit that she was lying to her and herself. They had fallen behind her their friends and started to walk faster to catch up to them. “Don’t say one word, we were just talking.” “Don’t say a word about what?” Tilani asked as they entered the dining room. “What happened?” Scootaloo blushed a little when she realized that Sanshai was standing there and smirking a little. She tried to hide her blush from the Forest Primeval Blue Ranger who just laughed a little. “Nothing, nothing at all,” Scootaloo said quickly as they took a seat on the cushions that were seated around the dining area. “So, what do we have to eat?” “We have a few things, mostly fish and some of the local wildlife,” Tilani said as she drew out her knife and impaled a slice of meat with it. She picked it up and took a bite of it, tearing it a bit as she eyed the ponies. “Well, what are you waiting for?” Scootaloo and the others eyed the meat nervously for a moment. It wasn’t like they hadn’t tried meat before, but it was rarely eaten by ponies. “So, you're from another reality or something?" Jeseri asked curiously as she looked at the friends who slowly started to eat. "As in, another planet?" "Not exactly," Apple Bloom said with a shrug. "More like another reality itself. Ah don't know if any of that makes sense ta ya'll though." "We're fighting against monsters created by beings on par with our Goddesses," Tilani pointed out as she took another bite and ripped off a chunk of meat. "At this point, I don't think much would actually surprise us." "Well yeah, but they look like Athenans," Laoni pointed out as she looked them over. "You don't have scales or something under that skin do you?" "Not exactly," Diamond Tiara said as she eyed the food strangely for a moment. "We're not actually Athenans. I don't really get how this works either, to be honest." "A necessity in order to blend into other universes," Amethyst said as she eagerly took a bite of the meat. "The train was built to travel to universes that don't have members of our species. We had to do this in order to blend in properly. Basically, we're... what's the closest thing to our species on this planet... four legs, hooves, fur sometimes have horns or wings..." "What are you, talking Najara or something?" Selria said with a chuckle. "Because that's what you sound like to me. Odd species really." “A, Najara?” Apple Bloom asked as she tried to figure out what the Athenan was talking about. “I’ve never heard of anything like that before.” "It's likely a species that's native to this planet," Amethyst said as she took another bit of her food. "So, what can you tell us about this Cult of the Unnamed Ones that you're fighting? They've been around here for a while right?" "Yes, well there are a few things that we don't quite understand about them," Kairis admitted. "They've been causing trouble in town for a few months now. They worship beings like Adra, only evil. Given that most of us worship the Goddesses, it puts us in conflict with them more than anything else." "So in other words, they're trying to take over the world?" Silver Spoon asked. "Yeah, pretty much," Kairis said. "There's not a lot we can do beyond fight them though. Actually getting onto the island that they call home is impossible because of unusual storms that surround it. Even our Zords aren't nearly powerful enough to reach it." "That figures," Amethyst said with a sigh. "And it also means that we can't get at the Shadow Line's Imperial Kuliner since I'm sure that's where they're at. Well, this just made our job a lot more difficult." "I've already shown that we can strain the alliance between the two of them," Diamond pointed out. "I'm sure that if we could convince the Cult that the Shadow Line has nothing but their own interests in mind it may help us out at least. The fact of the matter is that we have to deal with two enemies at the same time. If we cut them down to just one and the Crows, it might help us out." "Yeah, but that's easier said than done," Sanshai said with a shake of her head. "Assuming that they haven't already patched up the damage you caused, the Cult is going to work with the Shadow Line as long as they are convinced that it will help them out. They're only in it for themselves after all." "So, then we have to figure out how to let them know once and for all that they're in danger," Amethyst said. "Honestly, I have no idea how we're going to do that here. There aren't a lot of options technology-wise." "Well, do yah have any footage of what they've done ta past universes maybe?" Apple Bloom suggested. "Ah mean, if we can prove that tha Shadow Line has been doin' this in tha past it should help. And yah have that fancy projection tech, right? So shouldn't yah have tha ability ta project that kinda thing?" "Well, yeah that would work," Amethyst said with a slight nod. "But I'll have to go back to the train to go find it. Can one of you give me an escort back after we're done eating?" "Of course," Selria said with a smile. "I'd be glad to show you back to your, train thing. What even is that, is it some sort of ship?" "Well, this should be interesting," Amethyst said as she chuckled a little bit at that. "You'll see what it is soon enough. For now, we should just finish eating, okay? I think right now we need to relax." "Agreed," Kairis said with a nod. "So, why don't you tell us a little more about your world? I would be curious to know more about it." The two groups talked about their respective homeworlds for a while. The Athenans were surprised and fascinated by the idea of magic. The ponies were a bit surprised by that, but they realized that they wouldn’t always run into universes with magic in them. “You come from an interesting world,” Jeseri commented. “I have to say I wasn’t expecting something like that to exist out there.” “Yeah, I mean, magic and talking… ponies?” Sanshai added as she seemed to be testing the word on her tongue. “You’re very... interesting.” "Yeah, we're starting to get that impression," Scootaloo said as she took a bite of the food. "So, what are we going to do next?" "There's not much else we can do right now," Amethyst said. "Since we can't just go to the place where the Shadow Line has set up shop, we're going to have to wait until they come to us." "Yeah," Sweetie Belle said with a slight nod. "I guess we don't have a lot of choice in the matter." 00000 "I don't like dealing with these, things," a woman with a canine-like design and dressed in furs with a spear in her hand commented as she looked at Draiva. "We all know that they're hardly trustworthy. I don't buy what that Madame Noir told us." "Me neither, Heali," Draiva commented as she frowned a little from her throne. "The Shadow Line is hardly trustworthy. So, we have to figure out what they're up to before it's too late. "The gods are hardly pleased," a strange being made of twisted plant material said as energy flowed through vines. "I don't like this either. They showed up out of nowhere in our territory and offered a deal? I don't like this, we need to prepare for any eventuality." "Sarila, we have a lot to worry about right now," Draiva said with a shake of her head. "The fact of the matter is that we don't even know if we can completely trust what that woman said. After all, we've had to deal with Power Rangers before and they are just another team like the Forest Primeval Rangers we're dealing with." "I'm sure you're right," Sarila said with a shake of her head. "But the gods are still displeased. So, you had better be right about this. The last thing we need is to cause more problems than we're already dealing with." "Is Jaira finished with her energy replenishment?" Draiva asked as she looked at Heali. "Yes milady, she is ready whenever you want to send her out," Heali said as she bowed slightly. "The fact of the matter is that we don't know anything about these things. What do the gods say about these visitors?" "The Shadow Line come from a dying world," Sarila said as she closed her eyes. The energy continued to flow along the vines that made up most of her body. "They are here seeking that which reality itself cannot exist without. That being said, they do pose interesting possibilities if we can take their technology. So much power, things that we can take and use to our advantage." "Yes, that certainly does sound appealing," Draiva said as she stroked her chin thoughtfully for a moment. "And what about these new Power Rangers?" "That is... curious..." Sarila said as she frowned a little. "One of them comes from a dead world. The others come from a world of magic and harmony. That is not something that I expected, they are not even Athenans apparently. I suppose that isn't completely unexpected though." "Well, we'll have to deal with them somehow," Draiva said. "If nothing else we need to get them all out of our world so we can get back to just fighting those blasted Forest Primeval Rangers." "Yes, well we'll have to figure out how to deal with the Shadow Line if we're going to do that," Heali commented as she thought on it for a long moment. "For now, I believe we should see what happens next. There's not a lot else we can do." "Agreed," Draiva said as she stroked her chin thoughtfully for a moment. "Once Jaira is ready, send her to the town. We're going to have to do what we can to deal with this nuisance. Regardless of whether or not the Shadow Line is there." "Agreed," Heali said. "I'll make sure she's ready." The canine woman walked off as she headed deeper into the temple. They weren't about to let them get away with this kind of thing. 00000 "So, why is your train out in the middle of the jungle?" Selria asked as they made their way through the jungle towards the location the Quantum Reality Express had landed. "We didn't want to draw attention to ourselves," Amethyst commented as she looked around at the jungle. "I didn't exactly walk back through here since Adra teleported me to your Temple. But we shouldn't be too far away." "Of course," Selria said as she cut through another vine with her sword. "So, are you from the same world as the others?" "No, not exactly," Amethyst said with a sigh. "But it's the same reason I'm chasing after the Shadow Line. I lost my world because of the Shadow Line. I lost a lot of good ponies that I cared about at the same time." "I'm sorry," Selria said as she flinched a little. "But thank you for doing everything you can to stop them from doing the same to our world. We've got enough problems without having to deal with those things. And I've heard more than a few stories about the other species out there from Athenans that went out into the Galaxy." "Yeah, it's a crazy place out there," Amethyst replied as she shook her head a little bit. "I haven't been to this part of the universe before, but I have traveled to other planets. Really I was surprised to find a civilization in this universe that is warp capable and is so, uh, under-developed." "We only use the technology we need," Selria said with a shake of her head as she slashed through another vine. "The Goddesses taught us to respect the jungle. Everything on this planet is sacred and deserves a chance at life." She raised her hand as a butterfly landed on her finger. She smiled a little as it held its wings out, the light of Athena's sun shining through it and sending a strange light around it. "Wow, I've never seen anything like that before," Amethyst said. "What do you call this?" "Alishar, they use the lights that reflect off their wings to attract mates and ward off predators," Selria said as the insect flapped its wings and took off from her hand. "Athena is a world of wonder, but also of great danger as your friends found out before. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to move your train closer to the village?" "Maybe, let's see when we... ah, here we are," Amethyst said as they reached the spot where the train was in the jungle. she stepped up to it and opened the door. "I should be able to... are you okay?" "Well, that's certainly not anything I've ever seen before," Selria said as she looked at the train for a moment. "Is something like this normal where you come from?" "Trains? Yeah, we have... had plenty of them," Amethyst answered as she started up the stairs. "But this one is special. She's the Quantum Reality Express. We made her be able to travel across the multiverse in search of the Shadow Line." "What are you going to do when it's over?" Selria asked. "Honestly, I have no idea," Amethyst admitted as she sighed a little. "I've never really thought about the long term I guess. The first priority has always been to stop the Shadow Line. Now, come on inside, it's not going to bite." She chuckled a little as she pulled herself in, her body changing back into her pony form as Selria entered next. She blinked a little as she looked around at the large interior of the train. "Uh, isn't this thing..." She started to say. "Bigger on the inside?" Amethyst chuckled as they started walking together. "Yeah, it is. This thing was built to be comfortable." "Odd really since you were the only one aboard at the beginning," Archimedes added as he landed on Amethyst's back and looked at Sevira. "And who's this? A local? A new passenger?" “Local,” Amethyst said as she glanced back at Selria who just stared at the robotic owl. “Selria, meet Archimedes. He’s my companion. Archie, this is Selria, she’s part of the local Power Rangers team.” “Huh, that explains a lot, actually,” Archie commented as he eyed Selria curiously. “Curious really, I wasn’t expecting to run into Power Rangers here. We hadn’t documented them in any other versions of this universe.” “Yeah, my guess is we found a fairly unique one,” Amethyst said as they started heading towards her quarters. “I admit I’ve never seen anything like this before. I find it rather interesting actually.” "Exactly how many Power Rangers teams have you met out there?" Selria asked. "I thought we were unique to this planet." "In this universe maybe, but given the Morphing Grid who knows," Amethyst answered. "Other than that we've seen... how many would you say we've seen Archie?" "Around half a dozen, not counting the Rail Riders and the one from our home universe," Archie answered. "And given the multiverse suggests the existence of..." "So, yeah there's probably a lot out there," Amethyst said. "I know its weird to realize that you're not quite so unique in the multiverse, but this is the first time I've seen a team like yours at least. And what matters is that you're doing what you can to help this planet." "Right," Selria said as Amethyst started to work on putting something together. "So, why are they called the Unnamed Ones if I may ask," Amethyst said as she kept working. "That's a rather odd name for a pantheon of gods. I assume none of them have names?" "Names have power to our gods, to take away their name is to strip them of their power," Selria answered. "The stories go that they tried to rebel against the Goddesses. So Adra and the others trapped them away in a prison on the far edge of the star system. At least that's how the story goes, we've typically avoided that planet and consider it taboo." "The power of words, that's certainly something I've heard of before," Amethyst commented as she kept working. "Unfortunately this is not anything new, at least from what I've experienced. Beings like this have a tendency to reach out and try to escape." "Yeah, we're realizing that," Selria sighed. "Do you ever think about your home universe?" "Every day," Amethyst admitted as she looked down at the object she was working on. "Some days I wonder why me of all ponies was picked to survive. I lost everypony that was ever important to me. I guess in a way I've been running from my own past more than chasing after the Shadow Line, at least I used to." "What changed?" "I met those five," Amethyst smiled. "They didn't have to come with me you know. They decided that they would after stopping the Shadow Line from destroying their own world. With everything that happened, I don't really blame them for that. They're good ponies, but I didn't actually think that anypony would come along with me. I guess I've always been alone, at least until they came along" Archie ruffled his metal feathers a little which made her chuckle before adding. "Well, I did have Archie at least." "Thank you!" Archie hooted indignantly. "You really shouldn't forget about me, you know?" "I know, I know," Amethyst laughed a little. "You two have an interesting relationship," Selria said as she examined Archie closely for a moment. "I've never seen anything like you before. Heck, this whole train is like nothing I've ever seen before." "How do you move from town to town?" Amethyst asked curiously. "All towns on Athena are on the coast," Selria answered with a shrug. "So we travel by foot or by boat depending on where we're going. There's really not much need for anything else, not that either route is very safe given the wildlife of this planet. Still, we do what we can to make it." "I guess I'm not used to this kind of place," Amethyst said. "I almost wish I could spend more time on this planet and learn more about you and your culture. But once we deal with the Shadow Line, we'll have to chase them to the next universe. Feels like I'm pushing a rock up a mountain at times." "Yeah, tell me about it, feels like no matter how many times we beat the Cultists they just send more of their mutants after us," Selria sighed. "It's not easy for us to be honest. I think Tilani takes it the hardest. She was just out of her rite of passage when she found her necklace" "Well, I'm sure you'll be fine," Amethyst reassured her as she finished working. "You're at least doing better than we are." "So, do you really think this is going to work?" Selria asked. "Yeah, it should," Amethyst said as she examined the device for a long moment. "It should give them a view of just what happens when the Shadow Line wins. Whether or not its actually going to be enough to convince them, I have no idea, what do you think?" "I think we'll find out when we try it," Selria said with a shrug as they headed forward towards the engine. "So, what now?" "This'll just take a moment," Amethyst said as she inputs commands into the train's navigation as a portal appeared before them and they went through it. 00000 "So, what do we do now?" Tilani asked as they sat around the courtyard. "I mean, Selria and Amethyst should be back at any time. We can't just wait for something to happen." "Yeah, but Ah can't really think of anythin' we can do right now," Apple Bloom said as she adjusted her hat a little and looked back up towards the sky for a moment. "Tha Shadow Line and tha Cult could come back at any time at this point, right?" "Right," Sanshai said. "Which drives me crazy. It feels like we're just waiting for something to happen." "Yeah," Apple Bloom said as she closed her eyes for a moment. This planet was strange to her, and the body felt even stranger. She sighed a little as she opened her eyes again and stared up at the sky as clouds went by above them. "We're gonna have ta lure them out somehow probably." "And how do you suggest we do that?" Diamond asked. "We can't just send them an invitation to come and hang out or something." "Maybe, maybe not," Apple Bloom said as she thought for a long moment. "We know that tha Shadow Line came here before because of an abundance of Tenebraean Energy. Is there anything we can do to attract the attention of the Cult?" "Yeah, why do they keep attacking here over and over again?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I mean, this has to be a big planet, right? Why go after this town specifically." "Buried deep under the Temple of Adra is a source of great power that the Goddesses placed here," Laoni answered. "They called it the Heart of the Earth Goddess. To wield it means to be able to control the power of an Earth Goddess like Adra. We believe that is why they've been going after us." "Interesting," Diamond said as she looked at Silver Spoon for a moment. "That might give us an advantage after all. If we can draw out the Cult's minion, it may give us a chance to convince them separately from the Shadow Line." "Or at the very least get them both in one place so we can deal with them," Silver Spoon added. "And I'll bet that the Shadow Line would relish an opportunity to destroy such an important object." "So, what, you think we should just parade it around the town or something?" Laoni asked. "My mother will never agree to that. We can't put the Heart at risk, even if it might draw them out." "Oh don't worry about that," Diamond said with a slight grin. "Something tells me that we won't need to put it in any danger at all. I'll talk to the Priestess and see if I can convince her to go along with my plan." "I don't like this," Jeseri said as she shook her head a little as Diamond and Silver Spoon walked off together. "You're outsiders, you don't know anything about our traditions or planet. Do you really think that this plan will be accepted?" "I don't know," Scootaloo pointed out as she sat up and looked at the other Rangers for a long moment. "But I do know that the alternative is we sit around and wait for something to happen. This way we get to fight their monsters on our terms and not theirs." "Yeah, I guess you're right, but I still don't like it," Jeseri sighed. "Your friends better know what they're doing then. If they can't convince the Priestess and Adra that this is the best course of action, we may have to wait." "Then we'll hope that they are successful," Sweetie Belle said with a nod. "Because right now it might be the only chance we have of winning this before it's too late." 00000 "I can't believe we're actually doing this," Tilani commented as they wheeled a large object covered with a cloth out of the temple. "There is no way that this is going to work." "It'll work," Diamond Tiara said with a confidence that she wasn't even sure she actually felt. "It has to work if we're going to have any chance of winning this thing." "Yeah, that really fills me with confidence," Tilani snarked as she kept pulling it along. “How do you even know they’re going to fall for this?” “It’s all about the presentation,” Silver Spoon assured her. “If they think it’s the real thing, then so will our enemies. I hope.” They walked out into the center of town with the object as Kairis stepped forward. She was holding an ancient looking book under her arm as they pulled the object into the center. Silver Spoon glanced around the crowd, the others were all hiding amongst the buildings and locals. They just needed to buy enough time for them all to get into position. And that was where Kairis came in. Diamond gave her a nod as the Priestess stepped forward and began to speak to the gathered crowd who looked confused. "Today I come before you to celebrate the future of Athena," Kairis spoke as she opened the book. "The Goddesses came to us millennia ago, they taught us how to live, how to survive, and how to respect the land. But at the same time, they left behind a great gift for us here in Naeris. They believed that someday the time would come that we would need this Heart of the Earth Goddess, and as such the Goddess Adra in her wisdom entrusted it into our care. But as of late, we've been faced with a great enemy that threatens our very way of life." A murmur went up from the crowd. If there really was something that could protect them from the Mutants that had been attacking, why had it taken them so long to bring it out? "I know, I know you have questions about this, my sisters, I would feel the same way," Kairis reassured them. "This ancient artifact is only to be used in the most extreme of situations, however. And I believe that the time has come given the new threat that has arisen from beyond our world. This Shadow Line and their monster Slash has threatened us, tried to turn us against one another, all for their own selfish reasons. Not even the Cult who threatens us deserves such a fate. We will use this power to ensure that the threat is dealt with. Even if it requires we call on our enemies for help. For Athena is strongest when it stands united." A murmur went up from the crowd for a moment. They were about to say something when a slow clapping sound was heard. "Well, you certainly know how to put on a good speech," a female voice said as the crowd parted to allow Madame Noir to walk forward fanning herself lightly. Slash and the Athenan Mutant from before were close behind as she smiled wickedly. "You Athenans are a hardy bunch, I'll give you that. But I'm afraid that we'll be taking that from you now." "Really, and what are you going to do to take it away?" Tilani asked as she placed her hand on the necklace around her neck and glanced at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who gave her a nod. "This artifact belongs to the people of Athena. We're not about to let you take it away." "Well, I was hoping you'd be willing to do this the easy way, but I see that's not going to happen, such a shame," Noir said as she closed up her fan and pointed it at the three Rangers. "You two, take them out, now." "Yes, milady, Crows, come to me!" Slash said as he drew his two swords and dark energy flowed around him as Crows appeared. "Crystanoids come forth!" Jaria said as the rocky monsters appeared around her and fell into line with the Crows. "Well, there goes doing this the easy way," Tilani said as she stepped forward. "I didn't think it would go any other way," Diamond said with a chuckle as she raised her arm and took the green train charger out of a pouch on her belt. "You two ready for this?" "Ready," the two said in unison. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon hit the buttons on their morphers in unison as a white line appeared in front of them just as the combined foot soldiers started to walk towards them. "All Rangers prepare for boarding, stay behind the white line!" The computerized voice said from their morphers. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon slid the train chargers into their morphers as the suits formed around them. "Ranger 2 - Blue!" "Ranger 4 - Green!" "ALL ABOARD!" At the same time, Tilani gripped her necklace's gemstone as it glowed bright red. The fiery red bird flew up and into her as the red suit appeared over her. "Flying on the fiery winds, Forest Primeval Red!" “Only three of you this time?” Slash said with a laugh as he pointed his swords at them. “You’ve made a big mistake. We’re going to beat you all and take the relic from you!” “We’re not going to let that happen,” Diamond Tiara said as she gripped her axe in her hands and gave the other two a nod. “You’ve caused enough trouble for these good people. I’m not about to let you get away with doing any more.” “You haven’t seen the darkness of this world,” Jaria said with a fanged grin. “Athena puts on a good facade, but the truth is that there is darkness under the surface. We’re just that facade stripped away.” “Crows, attack!” Slash said as the Crows tipped their hats and ran forward, two of them swung their axes around at Diamond Tiara only to have her catch them and push back. The others shot at Silver Spoon and Tilani. “These things are kind of annoying,” Tilani said as she ran forward and slashed at the Crows that had shot at her. “But nothing I can’t handle.” “We’ll see about that,” Slash said as he held his swords out and ran right at the cart that was holding the object. He was about to reach it when several energy blasts from Silver Spoon’s gun caught him in the chest. “Why you little…” “Silver, switch!” Diamond said as she grabbed the charger off her morpher and tossed it over to Silver who did the same with her’s. They slid the chargers into their morphers as they pressed the buttons again. “Blue Line switched to Green Line.” “Green Line switched to Blue Line.” Their suits changed with Diamond’s becoming blue as the pistol appeared in her hand while Silver’s became green and the axe appeared in her hands. Silver swung the axe around and caught the Crows across the chest and sent them flying back. “This is handy,” She said with a chuckle as she held the axe in her hands. “I may have to keep it for myself.” “We’ll see,” Diamond said as she pointed her pistol at some of the Crystanoids and fired at them. Tilani was fighting with Jaria at the same time. Their swords were clashing as the Mutant smiled a fanged smile as she pushed the Ranger back towards the object. “You Rangers have made a big mistake letting that out, soon it will belong to the true Athenans,” Jaria said with a laugh as she kicked hard at Tilani. The Red Athenan Ranger was sent back into the sand while the Mutant ran at the cart. “Wait, don’t!” Tilani said as she tried to get to her feet, but it was too late as the Mutant grabbed the cloth and pulled it off with a triumphant smile on her face. That smile faded when she saw that all was under the cloth was an empty box. Or at least what looked like an empty box for the moment. She bent down and picked up a strange device that she didn’t recognize and held it in her hands. “What in the name of the Goddesses is this…” She said as she held the object in her hands and let out a startled cry when it activated. A projection of images played around them as it revealed a ruined landscape. The sky above looked like it might if it was night time, but the stars had vanished. It was grey as the ground was cracking open. It was a world torn asunder by something horrific. And then there was an image of the Imperial Kuliner and Baron Nero and Madame Noir standing there looking out at the ruins of the world. They exchanged a silent look before nodding and returning to the dark train and taking off. “What is the meaning of this?” Jaria demanded as she turned around angrily and stared Slash down. “That was your masters, what did you do to that world?” “This is what they do, it’s just like we told yah before,” Apple Bloom said as she walked into view with the others. “You’re being used and we’re here to stop the Shadow Line from succeeding,” Scootaloo added as she raised her morpher and the Charger. “And their operations on Athena end here and now.” “Let’s do this,” Sweetie Belle said as she nodded to her friends and they pressed the buttons on their morphers. “All Rangers prepare for boarding, stay behind the white line,” the female computerized voice said from their morphers as the line appeared before them. “Ranger 1 - Red!” “Ranger 3 - Yellow!” “Ranger 5 - Pink!” “ALL ABOARD!” “And we’re here to protect our planet, from either the cult or from the likes of you,” Sanshai said as her necklace glowed and the water shark flew out of the ocean and into her. The blue suit appeared over her as knives appeared in her hands. “Diving into the depths of the sea, Forest Primeval Blue!” “We are the guardians of Athena, and we’re not going to let you destroy this universe,” Laoni said as her necklace glowed. The Yellow horned animal burst out of the earth and flew into her as the yellow horned suit appeared over her. “Powered by the Earth itself, Forest Primeval Yellow!” “The jungle itself is on our side, and we will not falter,” Selria said as she held her stone in her hand. A wind blew around them as a green cat came bounding up and flew into her. The green suit with the cat hair appeared over her as her bow appeared in her hands. “Striking with the force of the storm, Forest Primeval Green!” “And you are not welcome in our world,” Jeseri said as her stone glowed brightly. Shadows coalesced into the form of a large bear that let out a roar as it ran into her. The black bear based suit appeared over her as claws grew from her hands. “Walking in the shadows to protect the light, Forest Primeval Black!” “Forest Primeval Rangers, protect the Jungle!” The Athenan Rangers said in unison. “Crystanoids…” Jaria said as she pointed her sword at Slash and his Crows. “Attack!” And with that, the fight was joined once more as the Crystanoids and Rangers attacked the Crows together. 00000 "Do you think they're telling the truth?" Heali asked as she looked at Draiva. They were watching the fight on their base on Vendar Island. "I've never seen anything like that before. What kind of power can create images like that?" "They're either trying too hard to convince us of a lie, or they're telling the truth," Draiva said as she stroked her chin thoughtfully for a moment. "The fact of the matter is that we can't risk the possibility that they're telling the truth. All this does is confirm our worst fears." "The gods agree with you," Sarila said as the energy flowed through her vines once more. "The Shadow Line is not trustworthy at this point. We have to drive them off before it's too late." "Agreed," Draiva said as she took a crystal out of her animal furs. "Vendess, I want you and Heali to take a force of Crystanoids to the Shadow Line's Imperial Kuliner. They are to be removed from our island immediately." "Yes Priestess," a voice said from the crystal as Draiva put it away again. She nodded to the canine woman and gestured towards the exit to the temple. "Drive these interlopers out of our lands. The Shadow Line will not destroy this world if that truly is their intention," she said as she smiled wickedly. "They will learn that you do not mess with the followers of the true Goddesses of this world." "Yes Priestess, I will make sure of it," Heali said as she walked off. Sarila stood there for a moment as she leaned on her staff. She certainly hadn't expected things to go this far, but she knew that Draiva was right. For now, they had a mutual enemy with the Power Rangers, but that wasn't going to last. And so soon the war would begin once more. 00000 "I wasn't expecting to be sent on this so soon," a tall lanky woman with furs and strange scaled features said as she and Heali walked towards the Imperial Kuliner with more Crystanoids behind them. "Why has the High Priestess decided to do this?" "We have seen the threat that they pose to all of us now," Heali answered as she looked at the woman. "The Goddesses also have agreed to this course of action. There is no other option left to us but to drive them from our Island. You do not question their decision, do you, Vendress?" "No, of course not," Vendress said as she placed her hand on her sword. "The Shadow Line will rue the day they crossed us. However, I was not expecting our move to be so soon." "It is better than the alternative," Heali said as they stopped in front of the Imperial Kuliner. The door opened and General Schwarz stepped out and eyed the two of them and the gathered Crystanoids. "We're here for the Shadow Line's leadership." "I know," Schwarz said as he narrowed his eyes. "The two of you are making a big mistake, as is your Priestess. I would turn back and let things play out." "No, not when you're trying to destroy our world," Heali said as she pointed her sword at the General. "Athena belongs to us, it is our right as dictated by the Goddesses. We are not going to let you destroy it." "Strong words for such primitive creatures," Schwarz said as he tipped his hat down a little. "I can respect that, but I am not about to let you drive us off. Crows, come to me!" Darkness coalesced around him as Crows appeared. He placed his hand on a saber on his belt and drew it as he pointed the obsidian blade at the two. "Two on one with armies backing each other up, not the best odds," Heali said. "I know, perhaps you should go get more," Schwarz said with a laugh as he waved his hand. "Attack!" The Crows ran forward with their axes held low and swung their weapons at the Crystanoids. Some of them hung back and fired at them with the gun options with the Crystanoids fighting back with rocks and fists. At the same time, Schwarz ran forward at the two women and swung his sword at Heali. The wolf woman raised her blade to catch the dark General's saber with her own and snarled. "You think you're so clever don't you?" she growled. "But I've been trained by some of the finest swordswomen on Athena. You are nothing compared to me!" "We'll see won't we?" Schwarz asked with a laugh as he caught Vendress' own blade with the cuff of his uniform. "After all, I've been trained by the finest swordsmen on my own world too. You're going to have to try much harder than that if you want to beat me." He kicked at her chest and sent her falling back as she pulled herself up. He swung his sword around and caught Vendress' sword with his own as he gave her a smirk. "Such a shame you couldn't come with us, you'd have been quite the asset," he laughed as the two crossed swords once more. "I guess I'll just have to cut you down here and now." "I'm not going to let some male beat me," Vendress hissed at Schwarz as she swung her fist around and caught him across the cheek. He stumbled back for a moment before turning his attention back to her with a throaty laugh. "Well, you've certainly got a lot of fight in you," he said as he held his sword out. "You have to if you want to survive on this world," Vendress scowled. "And we're going to make this world ours soon enough. You're hardly a threat to us, even with your technology." "Then, we'll settle this the old fashioned way," Schwarz said as he raised his hand. "Crows, stand down." "What are you doing?" Heali asked as she finally pulled herself together and pointed her sword at Schwarz as the Crows vanished from around him. "You must be deluding yourself if you think you can take us all on at once." "No, just one of you," he said as he pointed his sword at Vendress. "You and me, we'll fight like the warriors of old, single combat. First to fall loses, and we'll leave your Island if you can best me." "And if you win, I'm sure you'll stay here until your job is done," Vendress said as she held her sword out. "I didn't expect you to make such a wager. What is your name?" "I am General Schwarz of the Empire of the Shadow Line!" Schwarz said as he held his sword up towards the sky. "Field Commander of the Imperial Army in the service of His Imperial Majesty." "Grandiose titles, let's see if you can back them up," Vendress said as she raised her hand. "Crystanoids, disperse. I will accept his challenge." "What are you doing, Schwarz?" Nero's voice said through a communication device. "You weren't supposed to make deals with these primitives." "Hardly a wager I am incapable of winning," Schwarz replied. "Baron, you and your ilk may have forgotten the ways of honorable combat, but I am not about to let a fellow warrior die needlessly." "Fine, whatever, we have more than enough energy at this point," Nero sneered. "You had better know what you're doing, General." Schwarz scowled and turned off the communicator as he raised his sword. "Well, then Lady Vendress, en garde!" There was the sound of metal against metal as the two swordmasters clashed. Schwarz's black saber cut against the gleaming metal of Vendress' sword as they clashed. Vendress was smaller, but Schwarz had the advantage of strength behind his blows. As his saber struck at the mutant's blade, she was having a harder time keeping up. She finally managed to dodge another attack and swung her sword around, catching the general across the chest as he stumbled back a little. Heali watched with a frown on her face. She didn't like that they were wagering the entire future of their operation on one sword fight with this thing. While Vendress was certainly skilled, she had her doubts that she'd actually be able to defeat the General, at least not without some sort of plan. She glanced back towards the temple that dominated the horizon for a moment as she thought about what her next move was going to be. For now, she'd let them play their little game, but she would have a plan B in case this failed. Vendress caught Schwarz's black sword with her own as she grunted a little. She hadn't expected the General to be this skilled, he hadn't been exaggerating earlier that was for sure. Still, she wasn't about to take this defeat lying down, she was going to give it her all. With another strike, her hand began to glow as reptilian claws grew out of her free hand. She slashed hard at Schwarz, leaving grooves in his armor as she then kicked him hard, sending him falling back. He grunted and slashed his sword at her as the two blades clashed once more. "You are quite the opponent," Schwarz said with a throaty chuckle. "I have to say, I wasn't expecting such skill from a primitive." "You're not bad yourself," Vendress admitted with a laugh as she swung her sword around again, only to be met with his sword once more. "But don't take that to mean I'm going to lose. I've got a lot riding on this fight." "So do I," Schwarz said with a scowl as he kicked at her hard and sent her sprawling. Before she could get up again, she felt the tip of the blade against her throat. "You're beaten." "So I am," Vendress said with a laugh. "Then strike me down, send me to my Goddesses." Schwarz stood there for a long moment as he thought about what to do next. He raised his sword for a moment before sliding it back into its sheath. “Hardly worth dulling my blade on.” “What are you doing?” Nero demanded. “She defied us, why are you sparing her?” “Because there is hardly a point,” Schwarz pointed as he adjusted his hat. “Everything here is falling apart anyway. It’s only a matter of time before the Rangers deal with Slash. I suggest we cut our losses, a good General knows when to retreat.” “I don’t like this,” Nero replied. “But you have a point. Don’t expect this to happen often however, General.” “I won’t let you win next time,” Vendress said as she got to her feet and replaced her sword. “I want you back for a rematch when I’m stronger.” “Perhaps some day, we shall see,” Schwarz said as he pulled himself into the train. “If we come back this way, I would like to see how you’ve improved.” He shut the door to the Imperial Kuliner and after a moment there was a haunting whistle as the train started up again and flew off towards the coast. 00000 "You're really starting to get on my nerves..." Slash said as his crossed swords with Apple Bloom. "You think just because you managed to beat one of us it means that you can stop us every time." "Yer nothin' more than a bad joke," Apple Bloom said as she kicked at him, holding her sword out and staring him down. "Yah come ta worlds and take what yah want from them in order ta further some mad plan of yers. Well, this is a reminder that we're gonna be fightin' back as often as we can!” She spun around and caught him across the chest as he took a step backwards. The Crows were all in the middle of fighting with the other Rangers and the Crystonaughts. Slash held his swords out and ran forward at Apple Bloom only to get hit with several energy bullets. “Looks like you need a hand,” Diamond said as she moved next to Apple Bloom still in the blue suit. “Let’s take this metal freak down.” "Yeah," Apple Bloom said with a nod as her friends broke through the lines and stood with them. "Slash, you're goin' down right here, right now!" "I'd like to see some hick like you try," Slash said with a laugh as he pointed his swords at the Rangers. "It's time to take you all down. This world's energy will be all ours!" He ran forward at the five of them and swung his swords around as he caught them off guard for a moment. Scootaloo quickly recovered though and swung her signal hammer around and hit him in the face. She breathed heavily as she stared him down. "You're going to have to try harder than that if you want to beat us," she said as she prepared to swing the hammer at him again. "This is bad..." Slash said as he started to back up. His forces were falling apart around him as the combined Crystanoids and Forest Primeval Rangers cut them down one by one. There was a sudden loud haunting whistle as they looked up to see the sinister shape of the Imperial Kuliner flying through the air and bearing down on them. It came in for a landing, crashing through a building and mowing down Crows and Crystanoids alike with the Rangers just barely getting out of the way. "What in the name of the Goddesses is that?" Laoni exclaimed as Slash made a run for the train and grabbed onto the ladder on the side of it. "Ha, you weak Rangers won't stand a chance now!" He said as he stood on top of the train. "You now have to face me and the full might of the Imperial Kuliner!" "Yeah, I think this is where we bow out, have fun!" Jaria said as she vanished with a twirl followed by her Crystanoids. "Great, just what we needed," Tilani said as she looked at the other group of Rangers as the Kuliner started up again and flew up into the sky. "Do you have any ideas?" "Maybe," Sweetie Belle said as she pressed the side of her helmet. "Hey Amethyst, we've kind of got a problem out here." "Yeah, I see it," Amethyst replied over her communicator. "This is going to be tricky but I think I can manage it. Just give me a moment." "What are you going to do?" Sweetie asked. "Whatever it is it better be good." There was a loud whistle as a portal appeared followed by tracks as the Quantum Reality Express came out of it and rested on it. Amethyst threw the door open and called to them. "All of you, get on the roof!" She called. "I'm taking this thing up after it." "What? Are you insane?" Scootaloo asked. "We can't stay on that thing as long as it's in the air!" "Trust me, your suits are built for this kind of thing," Amethyst said as she pointed at a ladder that went up to the train's engine. "You're going to be just fine, just hang in there." "We'll deal with the leftover Crows down here," Sanshai called to them as the Forest Primeval Rangers ran at the remaining Crows. "You five deal with that metalhead, got it?" "Okay, I guess it's our only option," Scootaloo said as the five friends climbed the ladder up onto the top of the multi-colored train. "Now what? Can this thing fly or... WHOAH!" As she said that the Quantum Reality Express blew its whistle once more and the tracks appeared again, but this time pointing up into the sky. It sped up along them as it flew towards where the Imperial Kuliner was circling around above the ground. "This is crazy!" Sweetie Belle said as they instinctively grabbed hold of the metal on the train itself as they realized exactly what Amethyst wanted them to do. "Are you trying to get us killed?" "Your boots are magnetized for this kind of thing, this whole train was designed to fight the Imperial Kuliner," Amethyst replied. "I'm going to get you as close as I can and I need you to jump aboard. I didn't expect Nero and the others to get involved in this fight, but you have to do everything you can to stop them." "Right," Silver Spoon said as they slowly steadied themselves. They took a few practice steps and were surprised to find that even as the train moved they were able to walk pretty easily. "Alright, let's do this then." The Quantum Reality Express snaked around as it neared the Imperial Kuliner. Slash looked over and spotted the Rangers as they got closer and sneered at them. "You don't give up do you?" He shouted at them over the blowing winds. "No, but that's what makes us Rangers isn't it?" Apple Bloom asked with a chuckle as the trains rammed against one another. "And we're about ta show yah just what that means." She nodded to her friends as they took a running leap off the Quantum Reality Express. For a moment it seemed almost like they were going to miss their target and plummet to the ground below, but they managed to stick the landing and rolled forward before steadying themselves on top of the Kuliner. "You dare set foot on his Majesty's train?" Slash thundered as he held his swords outright. "You will pay for your desecration!" "Yeah, yeah, just keep talking," Scootaloo said as she raised her hammer. "Hey Apple Bloom, feel like giving this a try?" "Yeah, sure, why not?" Apple Bloom asked as she removed her charger and tossed it to Scootaloo as she did the same with her's and they both pressed the buttons on their morphers. "Red Line changes to Yellow Line." "Yellow Line changes to Red Line." "Alright, now this is more like it," Scootaloo said with a grin as she held the sword outright. "Huh, funny, this just feels appropriate somehow. Oh well, let's take care of this thing!" And with that, the battle was joined once more as they ran forward at the monster. Scootaloo swung her sword around as it crossed with Slash's two blades, only for him to be blindsided by Sweetie Belle's Claws. "You'll pay for that..." Slash exclaimed as he slashed at her only to have it be caught by Scootaloo's sword again. "Why you little... I'm not about to let you get away with that!" "Yeah, yeah, put it on my tab," Scootaloo said as she slashed upwards with her sword, pushing him back a little. "Whoa, this thing is heavy..." Apple Bloom said as she gripped the signal hammer tightly and swung it around only to be stopped by Slash's two swords. "Ah must say, at least yah have some skill." "Oh, this is far from over," Slash said as he kicked at the Rangers and pushed them back. "You Rangers think you're so strong and good. Well, everyone has inner darkness, and that includes you!" "Maybe," Diamond Tiara said as she fired several more shots at Slash. "But if it comes to the light, then we are going to fight it or embrace it." "Then let's show them what we're made of," Silver Spoon said as she swung her axe around and caught him hard in the chest before they fell back together as Slash tried to stand up again. "Let's finish him off, girls!" They nodded as they quickly connected their weapons together to form the Quantum Rail Bazooka and aimed it right at Slash who's eyes went wide. A train appeared in Sweetie Belle's hoof and she placed it in the rail and they fired it right at Slash who went flying off the top of the train as it hit him. "Get back on the train before he grows!" Amethyst's voice said over their coms as they jumped off the Kuliner back onto the Quantum Reality Express as dark energy flowed out of the monster and into the Imperial Kuliner as it circled around it before flying off through a portal. Slash let out a roar as he grew larger, his two swords sweeping over the trees of the jungle as he swung at the Quantum Reality Express as it flew around it and out of the way. "Guess that means we gotta go into Megazord mode again," Apple Bloom said as they made their way to their respective cars and quickly moved into them. They pressed the buttons on the side of the consoles after taking their seats and the familiar female voice sounded. "Megazord mode activated," it said as the consoles started to move into their usual positions. "Entering Express Train Formation." As the cars came apart and flew together to form into the humanoid robot configuration the five rangers found themselves sitting in the familiar cockpit of the Express Train Megazord. They looked at each other for a moment before nodding and turning their attention back towards the giant monster that was staring them down. "Looks like you're not the only one that can fight giant-sized," Scootaloo said with a laugh as the Megazord drew its sword and swung it at Slash who caught it with his two swords. "And we're not going to let you destroy this town or this planet!" "You really think that it's that simple at this point?" Slash laughed. "I may not survive this, but my masters have already gotten what they needed. Now I'm just going to make sure you don't get away!" The Express Train Megazord got hit with a double slash across the chest from the monster's swords as it stumbled back a moment. The Rangers swung their sword again, but it wasn't doing them much good as Slash just blocked the hit again. "Looks to me like they could use some help," Sanshai said as the Forest Primeval Rangers finished off the last of the Crows. "What do you say? Should we give it to them?" "Yeah, let's," Tilani said as she placed her hand on her neck where the necklace would've been. "Come to me, Valkesh Zord!" A massive red metal eagle flew out of a mountain in the distance and bore down on Slash as it raked the large monster with its talons. "Come to me, Siaris Zord!" Sanshai added. There was a burst out of the water as a blue metal shark burst out and bit down on Slash before moving to its place next to the bird. "Teronk Zord!" "Vorgiv Zord!" "Rilnas Zord!" Three more large robotic animals came bursting into view. One was a yellow horned animal, another was a large black bear, and finally, a green cat that let out a howl as it bore its metal teeth at the sword-wielding monster. "Okay, wow, that's impressive," Scootaloo said as they saw the five Zords as they stood together. "Yeah, it is," Sweetie Belle said as they turned to look back at Slash. "And we're not standing alone anymore! You're going down once and for all!" "Spirits of the jungle, come together to form a beast that protects the forest!" Tilani said as they jumped onto their Zords together. The Zords came together and started to change. The red bird became the chest piece as two massive wings appeared on its back. The yellow horned animal became one of the arms with long horned claws on it as it swung it around. The blue shark became the other arm with a large jaw jutting out of it Finally the cat and the bear became the legs as a metal head formed out of the torso. Inside the Megazord itself, the five Athenan Rangers took their positions as they held onto the swords that made up the controls. "Primal Fury Megazord!" Tilani said as a large sword appeared in the Megazord's horned hand as she pointed her blade at Slash. "And your time is up, Slash! You're not going to be able to defeat all of us!" "We'll see about that," Slash sneered as the two Megazords ran forward and swung their swords at the large monster. Slash tried to block them with his swords but only managed to block the Primal Fury Megazord as the Express train's rail sword caught him across the chest. "Why you little..." "That hurt, huh?" Jeseri growled. "Well, it's going to be nothing compared to the fate that awaits you when we're done with you!" The animal-based Megazord's shark arm came swinging around and bit down hard on Slash's right arm causing him to drop his sword. He cried out as he tried to cut at the Megazord with his free hand but without much luck. "You... think you're so strong..." Slash panted as he struggled to escape their grip. "But there will be more after me, and you won't be able to defeat them all..." "But we'll try," Sweetie Belle said as they pointed their Megazord's sword at the monster. "And as long as they keep coming back, we'll keep fighting for the future of everyone." "Couldn't have said it better myself," Tilani said with a chuckle as the Primal Fury Megazord kicked at Slash and sent it flying back. "So, you girls want to do the honors?" "Gladly," Apple Bloom said as they took out their trains and placed them in the center console. "No, this can't be happening..." Slash said. "But the Emperor's Grand Design... it will be completed..." The Express Train Megazord's sword was ablaze as they swung it around and caught Slash across the chest. The monster fell hard into the ocean as it evaporated into shadow. "That's another one down," Scootaloo said as she breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, but how many to go?" Diamond Tiara asked as they stared at the spot where Slash had once been. 00000 “So, are you sure you can’t hang around much longer?” Sanshai asked as she and Scootaloo walked towards the Quantum Reality Express with the others. “I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we’d love to have you stay.” “Yeah, well unfortunately we’ve got to chase after the Shadow Line again,” Scootaloo said as they stopped in front of the door to the Engine. “It’s a shame really, I would’ve loved to learn more about your planet.” “Well who knows, someday you might be able to come back,” Sanshai offered as she leaned on the engine for a moment. “Perhaps by then you will finally have Sweetie Belle as your mate.” “Don’t you get started on that again,” Scootaloo sighed. “Right now that’s the last thing I want to think about.” “Why, because you two did it the other night?” Sanshai asked as she raised an eyebrow. “How’d you know?” “Athenan hearing, and I smelled it on you the next morning,” Sanshai laughed. “But I’m hardly one to pry.” “Maybe someday,” Scootaloo said as she looked at Sweetie Belle for a long moment. “But not today. I have other things to worry about right now.” “Yeah, I understand that,” Sanshai said. “Being a Power Ranger gets in the way of a lot of things. But don’t let the chance et away from you. If you ask me, those feelings weren’t created, they were just enhanced.” “Yeah, thanks for not worrying me at all,” Scootaloo said with a roll of her eyes. “But still, it was interesting meeting you Sanshai. Perhaps we’ll come back through here someday.” “I’d like that,” Sanshai said with a smile as Scootaloo pulled herself onto the train and her friends followed suit. There was a moment of disorientation as they went from their two legged forms back to their normal pony selves. Amethyst was already at the controls getting ready to leave with Archie. “So, are you all ready to go?” Amethyst asked as she looked at the others. “No lingering feelings you need to work out?” “No, we’re fine,” Apple Bloom said with a nod as the door shut behind them. “So, where are we off ta next?” “Not sure yet,” Amethyst admitted as she flipped a few switches on the consoles. “The Shadow Line left in quite a hurry so we have to figure out where they went. Tracking them isn’t going to be easy, but we’ll manage.” “Right,” Diamond Tiara said as they looked out at the jungle for a moment. “So, into the unknown then?” “Into the unknown,” Amethyst nodded as she finally put in the last commands. The portal appeared in front of them as the train started up and entered the vortex as they headed towards their next destination. Back in Naeris as the rebuilding process had begun, a figure walked through the sandy streets before it stopped at a disturbance. She leaned down with a scaly hand and picked up a purple stone that she brushed off. It glowed with energy for a moment before she slid it into her robes. “Well, it looks like this wasn’t a complete waste,” Vendress said as she looked back at Naeris for a moment. “This will certainly help our goals. Let’s see those Power Rangers win now.” And with that she vanished into thin air. > Chapter 5: Tatters of the King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thou seek the true authority and power of the King?” A young woman said as she read off a script. “Thy quest is most foolish if you believe you can succeed.” “The King is dead and he lacks a true heir, the throne sits empty save for quarreling nobles,” a man said from another script. “I hath as much claim to the throne as any of them. What right have you to stop me?” “You are foolish if you believe that it shall be that simple,” the actress said with a laugh. “The King is not yet ready to pass on. There are those who say his ghost still haunts these halls to this day.” “Hardly the truth, sounds merely like stories of the servants,” the actor recited with a shake of his head. “The Dead are hardly interested in the affairs of the living. I am certain that these are nothing more than tales.” “Perhaps, but I would be weary if I were you,” the actress countered. “There have been many a death within these walls among those who seek the throne. I believe that you may yet meet such a fate if you are not careful.” “Alright, well done you two,” the director interrupted as he got up from his chair in the theater and got up on the stage. “Maggie, you have good energy but you need to act more nervous. Antonia is the estranged Niece of the Dead King. She knows that the Royal Family and Nobles have no love for her. She is trying to fit in and she’s heard the stories. She’s afraid that her Uncle will come after her too.” “Yes Mr. Richards,” Maggie said as she held the script to her chest. “I just thought maybe she had a nervous laugh or something?” “We’ll discuss it later,” Mr. Richards said before turning to her fellow actor. “Isaac, you’re doing better so there is that. You did a good job of playing Cattivo and his intricacies. But you should be careful not to go too over the top. Cattivo wants power, but he’s sneaky about it. Especially when he finds out that Antonia is the deceased King’s Niece, he’s going to see that as a potential way onto the Throne. You want to be subtle, pass it off as stories sure, but make sure that you be more subtle at times.” “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind,” Isaac said as he gave Maggie a nod. “Do you want to do another read through?” “One more, then I need to work with Sarah on our scene together,” Maggie answered as she held the script back up. “So, should we begin again?” Isaac nodded as he held up his script and began to read his lines again. “Milady, I must say I have not seen such a lovely face in these walls before. What bringith you to this Castle?” A light chuckling sound came from backstage as a strange creature watched the actors and actresses from the curtains. It resembled a vaguely humanoid shape with a head made out of a rusty chain. It had a long chain for an arm and it pulled a coffin behind it. Dark energy flowed from the stage into it as it pulled the coffin and vanished into the shadows 00000 Sweetie Belle sat in the common room of the Quantum Reality Express as she examined the pink train charger for a moment. She had been wondering about this thing ever since Amethyst had given it to her. Why did Amethyst even have these? "Hey, Sweetie," Scootaloo said, snapping her out of her thoughts as she took a seat next to Sweetie Belle. "What are you thinking about?" "Just wondering about these things, you know?" Sweetie said as she levitated up the small train. "It seems like kind of an odd thing for her to have, let alone something that can be used like we use them. What do you think?" "Yeah, that is kind of odd," Scootaloo said as she took out her own charger and looked at for a moment. "I honestly have no idea. At first, I thought maybe they were built to go with the train, I mean they do look like the train's cars." "True," Sweetie Belle said as she looked out the window. "But at the same time, I'm not sure," Scootaloo continued. "Amethyst is kind of odd so it's hard to tell what exactly her reason is. I doubt she would just tell us either if we asked her." "So, what do we do?" Sweetie Belle asked. "That I'm not sure about," Scootaloo admitted. "I guess she'll tell us whenever she's ready. For now, we just have to trust that she has a reason behind what she's doing. But thinking back to the way we saw them the first time we were here, I almost have to wonder if it's something more personal." "Maybe," Sweetie lamented. "I don't like this, she's keeping secrets from us." "Yeah, that's never a good sign, but for now all we can do is hope she'll open up to us in the future," Scootaloo replied. "I don't think she means us any harm. I trust her, we all must, otherwise I don't think any of us would've agreed to go with her. So, now we just have to hope she can trust us in the long run." "Yeah," Sweetie Belle said as an alarm went off causing them both to jump. "Oh great, now what?" "We're picking up Shadow Line activity in an adjoining universe and changing course," Amethyst's voice said over the train's intercoms as if to answer the question. "Please report to the briefing room immediately." "Well, there goes our relaxing time," Sweetie Belle chuckled as the two mares got to their hooves and headed towards the briefing room in the front car. When they got there the others were already waiting for them as Amethyst was getting everything together. She looked up and smiled a little when she saw them arrive. "Okay good, you're all here," Amethyst said as she nodded to Archie. "It seems that we've finally caught up to the Shadow Line, that's the good news at least. The bad news is that they're in a universe that may cause problems." "Problems?" Diamond Tiara asked. "What kind of problems are we talking about?" "Well, let's start with the locals," Amethyst said as a projection turned on. It revealed a bipedal figure with short hair and dressed in simple clothing. "They're called Humans. Bipedal species, similar to Athenans in some regards so at least you won't have to get used to that." "Yeah, we heard about them from Twilight," Apple Bloom said. "She's been to another world with Humans a few times." "Okay, then that makes this a bit simpler," Amethyst said with a chuckle. "But here's the thing. While there are a number of universes out there with both Humans and things like Power Rangers. This is not one of them, which means that you are going to attract attention if you have to fight the Shadow Line here." "So, what are yah thinkin' they'll capture us and experiment on us or somethin'?" Apple Bloom asked. "That or put you on the internet, I'm not sure which is worse," Amethyst said, which caused them all to blink in confusion. "Sorry, a bit of bad humor there. But yes, that is a possibility. I've been to a few universes like this one, and the good news is that this one seems to only have a few minor divergences. I wouldn't worry about that, to be honest, what you need to worry about is dealing with the Shade and whatever it is they have planned." "So, we have to stop a Shade without drawing too much attention to ourselves," Silver Spoon said. "Great, anything else you want us to do while we're there that's impossible?" “The fact of the matter is that we don’t know a lot about this world,” Amethyst replied. “I’ve been to worlds like this before. Humans are a peculiar species in my experience. I’d approach with caution if I were you at least.” “Figures, of course things aren’t going to be nearly that easy,” Sweetie Belle said with a sigh. “So, what are we going to do now?” “You five are going in there alone, we’ll get as close to the source of the signal as we can,” Amethyst replied as she hit a button. A projection of a building appeared in front of them. It was two stories and looked like it was made of red brick “As far as we can tell, this is their target this time. It looks like a high school of some sort.” “So, uh, why are they going after a school?” Diamond Tiara asked. “That seems like an odd thing for the Shadow Line to target.” “I don’t know, I remember High School,” Scootaloo commented with a shiver. “Makes sense to me to get some darkness from that kind of place.” “So, how long until we get there?” Silver Spoon asked. “Not long,” Amethyst replied as she checked the clock on the wall. “Traveling through the void between realities isn’t an exact science. Time is relative in the void, but it shouldn’t be too long from now.” Scootaloo glanced out the window towards the void outside. There was a strange sensation as she stared out there. There was the sensation of going through a tunnel, but the walls were transparent with points of light out in the distance. Was the multiverse really infinite? If that was the case, then how many universes were they going to have to visit in pursuit of the Shadow Line? That was not something she wanted to think about right now. What else was out there waiting for them? At least this didn’t sound like it would be too bad, she hoped so at least. “Alright, get ready,” Amethyst said and started out. “Oh, and you’re going to need aliases while you’re in most human worlds.” “Aliases?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Why would we need those?” “Trust me on this one, you’ll need them,” Amethyst answered. “Your names would raise some questions that I don’t think you can answer.” “Why does that sound ominous ta me?” Apple Bloom asked as the young mares headed out of the briefing room together. 00000 "Well, I have to say that your plan seems to be working well this time," Nero said as he watched the Chain monster make his way around the backstage of the theater. "But I don't completely agree with the idea of sending Locke to do this. He failed once before already." "Unfortunately, he is also the only one who is capable of utilizing the play to its fullest," Noire said as she fanned herself lightly. "After all, he was the one who wrote it originally. We don't usually give second chances, but given the power of his play I believed that it was the best option." "Perhaps, but he will have to do a lot in order to prove himself to me and the Emperor," Nero countered as he leaned on his cane a little for a moment. "Failure this time will not be tolerated." "He knows this, and he will not fail us," Noire replied. "Locke knows the stakes just as well as any of us do. I believe that you will find that he is properly motivated to finish his mission this time. There will be no further failures from him, that I can assure you." "Just in case, I want to be ready for the Power Rangers," Nero said as he looked at his pocket watch for a moment. "Locke's time is almost up, he should be returning to the Kuliner any time now." "Yes, indeed," Noire said as she turned to look at the screen once more. "We have work to complete for his Majesty still, after all. These humans are such, simple creatures if they don't even believe that such beings as ourselves would exist." "Yes, very simple," Nero said as he leaned on his cane a moment. "But that simple-mindedness will also work to our advantage. Our mistake before was that we drew too much attention to ourselves. Such a simple plan will be much harder to detect." "Indeed, that is why I suggested it of course," Noire pointed out as Schwarz came in accompanied by the chain monster. "General, Locke, what is the latest report?" "I've managed to gather a lot of energy by using the play as a conduit, milady," Locke said in a ghastly voice. "The shadow power I wove into the words is doing its job wonderfully. Once the opening night is here, the true nature of the play will come to light." "Excellent," Nero said as he eyed the two of them for a moment. "Locke, you had better not fail us again. Very few Shades get a second chance, and we are not in the business of giving thirds." "Yes Baron Nero, I won't fail you again," Locke said as he bowed slightly before the Baron. "I will not let anything get in the way of my mission." "Excellent," Nero said as a red light started flashing. He frowned a little and waved his hand as the image of the Quantum Reality Express coming out of a vortex appeared on the screen. They looked like they were in a forest of some sort. "Of course it wouldn't be that simple. The Power Rangers have followed us here too." "Hardly a real concern, Nero," Noire said as she fanned herself a little. "Locke." "Yes, milady?" The Chain monster asked. "Keep to the shadows, continue your work in this universe but we must not alert the Power Rangers to our presence," Noire replied. "Our mission is not about to be jeopardized by some equines again. Make sure that you don't get discovered, understood?" "Yes milady, I will do everything in my power to do so," Locke said as he bowed. "I want to thank you for this second chance to serve my Emperor. I will not fail in making sure that my piece of the Grand Design is..." "You can save your speech for later," Nero interrupted. "Right now your mission is to get Tenebraean Energy. Though if the Rangers met with an... unfortunate end then I wouldn't exactly complain. Just make sure that you are careful about it. Recharge and go back out there." "Yes milord, I will make sure that everything is in place," Locke said. "All that is left is to complete the construction of props and sets. The actors are almost ready and Dress Rehearsal is coming up. I will make sure that everything goes perfectly." "Good," Schwarz said. "We'll make sure that you do." "Yes... yes, I think I have a plan already to deal with those pesky Rangers," Locke said thoughtfully for a moment. "I'll get right on planning it. Thank you again." He walked off into the depths of the Kuliner, still dragging the coffin behind him. "You certainly have interesting taste in Shades, Noire," Nero commented as he turned back to look at the screen. "You had better be right about this." "I am," Noire smiled as she turned around. "Now, I have some things of my own to deal with. Inform me when everything is in place." Nero just grumbled as the dark noblewoman walked off. 00000 "Are you five going to be okay going out there?" Amethyst asked as they headed to the front of the train shortly after their arrival on Earth. "I mean, this is unknown territory right now." "Yeah, we'll be fine," Scootaloo said as she looked at the door for a moment. "Anything else you think we should know before we go out there?" "Well, you're about to step into the unknown, the Shadow Line is up to who knows what, and there's a lot that could go wrong in a place like this," Amethyst sighed. "But, no, probably nothing that I can tell you just based on what little information we know." "We are gonna be able ta transform out there, right?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ah mean, we don't know a lot about this universe, but if it really doesn't have anythin' like that, how do we even know it'll work?" "Every universe has a Morphing Grid, just not all of them know how to harness it," Amethyst answered. "It connects everything and binds it together." "No, that's the Force," Archie pointed out. "That's just splitting hairs, you know they're similar," Amethyst countered. "Uh, what's tha..." Apple Bloom started to ask. "Long story, I don't have time to tell it, you should just get going," Amethyst said. "You all have your new names, right?" "Yeah, but I still don't see why we need these," Scootaloo said as she shrugged a little. "I mean, what's wrong with our names?" "Trust me, you'll be much happier not knowing, things get weird in the multiverse," Amethyst said. "I'll be monitoring you from here. Good luck out there, let me know if you find anything." The ponies exchanged a weird look as they opened the door to the train and stepped out. There was a feeling of vertigo as they stepped out, moving onto two legs again as they straightened themselves out. "Well, at least it's easier to get used to this time," Diamond Tiara commented as she looked down at herself. She had light skin and was dressed in a green shirt and pants with a jacket pulled over it. "Though really, green?" "Tell me about it," Scootaloo agreed. She was much dark skinned with a yellow jacket pulled over a white tank top and jeans. "I swear, this is going to take some getting used to already." "Uh, is there any reason we seem ta be color-coded?" Apple Bloom asked as she looked at her own outfit. She was dressed in a red t-shirt and blue jeans as well with her cowboy hat pulled over her hair. "This didn't happen while we were on Athena." "That would be because Athena wears animal furs," Amethyst replied over their communicators. "I know that this feels weird, but it's pretty much standard. Don't ask me why there are a lot of weird things about being Power Rangers that even I don't completely understand." "Great, that didn't answer that question at all." Silver Spoon said as she looked at herself. She was dressed in a blue blazer with a white undershirt and a long skirt. "Well, at least we found a universe that Rarity would feel right at home." "Come on, we really should investigate this place," Sweetie Belle said. She was dressed in a pink dress and they all still had their Rail Morphers on their wrists, so at least there was still that. "Which way to the School, Amethyst?" "Head due west from your current position," Amethyst answered. "Don't worry, you should be able to blend in just fine. Just try not to draw too much attention, got it?" "Got it," Scootaloo said as they made their way through the forest towards the school. "Any idea how we're actually supposed to act normal here? I'm pretty sure they're going to notice five new students appearing out of nowhere." "Let's hope not," Apple Bloom answered. "Because this is the only chance we currently have to get anywhere close to dealing with this Shade." 00000 "Yeah... we definitely can blend in here," Scootaloo grumbled as they reached the entrance to the school. There was a mass of students talking to one another here and there without noticing them. "I'd be amazed if they even noticed that we were different." "Yeah, don't worry about it, we'll be fine," Sweetie Belle said as they went to join the crowd. She glanced up at her hair for a moment, she just had to hope that they weren't going to find that weird or anything. "Maybe we should split up, cover more ground." "Alright, sounds good," Diamond Tiara said with a nod. "Me and Silver Spoon will take the west half, you three..." "Ahem," Apple Bloom said and jerked her head towards her fellow crusaders for a moment. "Ah think it would be better if Ah went off alone fer tha moment." "Wait, are you going to leave the two of us alone?" Sweetie Belle protested. "Why are you doing this?" "We're not leavin' ya'll alone, we just feel like we need ta cover more ground," Apple Bloom replied with a chuckle. "We ain't tryin' anythin', Ah promise." "But, we're..." Scootaloo started to say before their friends ran off and left them alone. "They're definitely doing this on purpose." "Yeah, but they have a point about splitting up to cover more ground," Sweetie Belle reminded her. She placed her hand on her communicator and nodded a little. "Besides, they're not far so we can at least get in touch with them if we need." "Yeah, that's true," Scootaloo said as they walked down the hall together with the students. "So, what do we do if they realize that we're not actually students here?" “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,” Sweetie answered as the crowd started to disperse with the sound of the bell ringing. She looked around before spotting a ladies room on the other side of the hall. “Quick, let’s duck in there. If we’re lucky they won’t notice us there.” Scootaloo nodded a little as the two ducked into the bathroom. They listened for the sound of shoes on the ground outside. When finally things quieted down they let out a sigh of relief and Scootaloo leaned on the sink a little. “So, where should we actually start looking?” Scootaloo asked. “I mean, we don’t have a lot to go on right now. Should we just find a student and ask, ‘hey, have you seen any weird monsters around anywhere?’ Because I don’t think that would work.” “Probably it’s being subtle anyway,” Sweetie Belle said with a shrug. “I’m pretty sure that something like a Shade would stand out around here.” “Yeah, maybe it’s…” Scootaloo started to say when they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside the bathroom and she went quiet. There was the sound of hushed voices for a moment as the footsteps stopped in front of the bathroom. They exchanged a look, were they about to be caught out of class or something? They quickly tried looking around to see if they could get out of there quickly before the door opened and two girls their age came inside. "Did you hear about that thing that's..." One of them, a taller girl with short brown hair and dressed in a shirt with a long skirt said before seeing Scootoaloo and Sweetie Belle standing there. "Oh, uh, sorry, we just needed to use the bathroom..." "Really? That's the line you're going with, Kathy?" Her friend who had long red hair said with a chuckle. "Clearly we're not the only ones sneaking around the school to avoid rumors. What are you two doing here?" "Uh..." Scootaloo said as she shot Sweetie Belle a quick look. "We're new to the school and kind of got turned around is all. We stopped here to try and rethink things." "Ah, I see," Kathy said as she eyed the two of them for a moment before chuckling and looking back at her friend. "And you said my story was hard to believe." "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone you're here," the redhead said. "So, you two are new? I haven't seen you around here before and I think I'd recognize two girls with hair like that." "Yeah, our families just moved into town," Sweetie Belle said quickly. "We're mostly just trying to get the lay of the land around here." "Well I'm Izzy and this is Kathy," The redhead said with a slight smile as she pointed at her friend. "We're part of the theater class here and were just leaving the theater if you want the truth." "What were you talking about before?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously. "Have people been seeing something?" "You mean the Ghost of the Theater?" Kathy asked. "Oh yeah, you're new. It's mostly just rumors going around honestly. There are some people who say they've seen some sort of thing in the backstage and catwalks of the theater. I wouldn't give it much thought, probably just another story going around." "What kind of stories exactly?" Scootaloo asked. "Oh, you know, sounds of chains, something being dragged around, it's really nothing that special," Izzy replied. "Honestly I don't really know what to make of it. I think it's just some crazy stories the workers came up with while they were bored. I wouldn't give it much thought." "Yeah, uh, we should probably get going," Sweetie Belle said as she took Scootaloo's hand and headed out into the hall with her. "Okay, that's weird, do you think that's connected?" "Probably," Scootaloo replied with a sigh. "It would be a weird coincidence if we showed up when there was some sort of weird story going around not connected to a monster." "What should we do?" "I'll get in touch with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon," Scootaloo said as she took out her communicator. "I think they headed towards the theater so they can check it out while we look around the school." Sweetie Belle nodded as Scootaloo hit the button on it to call Diamond Tiara and raised it to her ear. 00000 "Alright, we'll check it out," Diamond said as she spoke into her communicator before putting it back away. "Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said they heard a story about something going on in the backstage of the theater." "They think it's our monster?" Silver Spoon asked as they headed down the hall towards where the theater was. "They think it's worth checking out at least, and at the moment it's the best lead we have," Diamond said with a shrug as she checked to make sure her morpher was secure on her wrist. "I don't like this, it feels like we know nothing about what we're walking into or what's up with this universe." "Yeah, it's weird," Silver agreed as they pushed the door to the theater open. The theater inside was empty with a few set pieces up on the stage but that was about it. "Not much to look at. They must all be in class." "Yeah, let's check it out," Diamond agreed as they headed down the aisle and up on the stage as they checked the stage sets. "There's not really much going on here, do you hear or see anything?" "No, I..." Silver started to say before her communicator started ringing and she answered it. "Yes?" "You're close to a very powerful source of Tenebraean Energy, be careful," Amethyst's voice said on the other end. "Do you see anything around there?" "No, just normal things you see for a play," Silver replied as she looked around. "At least I assume it's normal. These sets look kind of like something out of Canterlot." "Interesting, that could mean a lot of things," Amethyst replied. "See if you can find out what kind of play they are putting on." "Looks pretty ordinary to me, but I'll see what I can find..." Silver started to say when suddenly there was the sound of heavy footsteps from the backstage. "Hold that thought." "What's going on?" Amethyst asked. "I don't think we're alone here," Silver said quietly as she reached for the Charger in her pocket and nodded at Diamond. "We'll call you back in a minute." She hung up the phone and put it in her pocket as she took out the small train carefully while Diamond did the same. A whistling sound was heard from the backstage as if someone or something was whistling a tune. Before either of them could even say anything, there was the sound of a chain swinging around and they barely managed to avoid it as a chain made of shadows nearly wrapped around them. They exchanged a long look of fear before raising their Chargers and morphers. "Let's do this," Diamond said and Silver nodded in agreement as they activated their Morphers. "Now Transforming! All Rangers stay behind the white line," the female voice said from their morphers as the white line appeared in front of them as they slid the Chargers into their Morphers and closed them up as the Blue and Green suits appeared over them quickly. "Ranger 2 - Blue!" "Ranger 4 - Green!" "ALL ABOARD!" They raised their weapons just as a group of Crows burst out of the curtains and attacked them. Diamond dodged an ax from one of the Crows before she swung her own ax around and caught it across the chest, sending it flying back. "You know, I'm pretty sure that we found it!" Diamond said as she hit another Crow hard in the chest as she straightened up after a moment. "Just a theory!" "Very funny," Silver said as she aimed her pistol at the other crows, firing several energy bolts into them as they fell back and dissolved into shadows. "Where's the Shade anyway?" They didn't need to wonder much longer as the sound of something being dragged was heard. The bizarre rusty chain monster came in, still whistling that tune as he dragged his coffin behind him. He looked at the two Rangers with black and white soulless eyes as ee looked them over and laughed. "Two Power Rangers? I had thought they would send more," he laughed as he swung a chain around and threw it at Diamond, catching her on the leg and pulling her down. "You're not going to stand a chance, girls. You might as well run back to your home universe!" "Yeah, that's not gonna happen," Diamond said as she struggled to her feet and raised the ax as she stared the chain monster down. "We're not going to let you destroy another world." "Hah, we all know that won't be easy," the Chain monster laughed as he sent another chain out, wrapping it around the two of them. "The Emperor's Grand Design must be completed. This is the only way to make sure that everything is done!" "Yeah, yeah, the ends justify the means, you're talking to the daughter of a businesspony," Diamond countered with a roll of her eyes. "But not when the means requires destroying worlds. Silver, do you mind?" "Gladly," Silver said as she raised her pistol and fired several shots into the chain monster. The Chain Shade stumbled back a little as the energy bolts impacted it in the chest. He growled as he released his grip on the two of them and swung his chain around again, catching Diamond across the face as she stumbled back a little bit. "Diamond, are you okay?"Silver asked as she went over to her friend and fired several shots at the monster again. "Yeah, just caught me off guard a little," Diamond said as she rubbed the spot where it had hit her. "Come on, we're not going to let Rusty here take us down, are we?" "Definitely not," Silver said as Diamond drew a pistol off her belt and fired several shots into the chain monster before running forward and slashing at him hard with her ax. The rusted monster stumbled back a moment as he growled before kicking hard at Diamond, knocking her back on her butt. "I'm not going to let you Power Rangers ruin our plans again!" He said as he spun his chain around and wrapped it around Diamond before pulling her in close. "Hey, let me go!" Diamond protested as she struggled against the chains as Silver started towards her. "Silver, help me!" "Take one more step and you won't get her back," the chain monster said as his coffin opened up and he dropped her into it. "Give her back!" Silver demanded. "You can't just go around taking ponies!" "And who's going to stop me? You?" The monster asked with a laugh as he backed up. "Your friend is perfectly safe as long as I let her be. Oh, she's going to give us so much energy, and this is only the beginning." He let out a mad cackle as he vanished into the shadows once more. Silver Spoon growled angrily as she stomped her foot and powered down before raising her communicator back to her ear. "Amethyst, we have a problem," she said. "What happened?" Amethyst asked she was suddenly worried. "We found the Shade, he's some sort of freaky chain creature pulling a coffin," Silver answered. "But we have another problem. He took Diamond and trapped her in that coffin thing of his." "That's not good," Amethyst said. "Alright, I'll have the others meet up back at the train. See if you can find anything else while you're there, okay?" "Okay," Silver said as she walked around the stage area for a moment looking for any clues. She frowned a little when she saw a poster on the wall and tore it down before heading out. This thing had taken her best friend and she wasn't going to let him get away with that. 00000 "A Shade based on a chain? Interesting," Amethyst said as she stroked her chin thoughtfully. It was a little while later and they had all returned to the Quantum Reality Express. "I found it in the auditorium, so it at least seems like your tip was good," Silver said as she looked back at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "But I'm worried about Diamond. We don't really know what he's going to do to her." "Have there been any other missing students?" Scootaloo asked. "I mean, have any of you heard of any students going missing?" "Ah think Ah heard somethin' about some folks goin' missin', but they usually came back quickly," Apple Bloom answered. "But Ah don't really know anythin' else beyond that. Ah'm sorry, Ah know it ain't a lot ta go on." "It's fine," Amethyst said as she shook her head a little. "I do have some good news though." "What's that?" Silver asked. "Do you know how to get her out of there?" "No, but this Shade is a known quantity," Amethyst replied. "This isn't the first time that the Shadow Line has used him. Apparently, the Chain Shadow was used in a previous attack on a universe but was defeated by the local heroes." "So, what is it doing here?" Scootaloo asked. "It seems weird that they would give a monster a second chance like this. Is there something we're missing?" "It's possible that they have some sort of reason," Archie commented from his spot on Amethyst's back. "The Shadow Line doesn't just do things for no reason." "Did you find anything out about the play before you got attacked?" Amethyst asked. "Right now that's the only clue we have towards their plan given what's going on." "Uh yes," Silver Spoon answered as she took out the poster. It was an image of several figures in odd-looking costumes around an empty throne with the title "The Tragedy of the Night King" at the top. Amethyst examined it for a moment as she ran her hoof along it, trying to figure it out as she did. "I've never heard of this play before," she muttered to herself. "That might not mean anything, but I have seen a surprising number of plays. The name and style reminds me of one I came across in a universe once, but I don't know more than that." "So, what are we going to do about Diamond Tiara?" Sweetie Belle asked. "We can't just let this thing get away with taking her like that. And whatever his plan is it seems to already be in full swing if he's doing this kind of thing." "We'll get her back," Amethyst said with a nod. "But it won't be easy. In the meantime, I think you need to get jobs working on the play." "Wait, you want us to get a job that would get us close to the monster's target area?" Scootaloo asked confused. "Why?" "Because it's the best way to get information, see if you can get a copy of the script at least," Amethyst answered. "Whatever the monster is up to this time it's trouble," Archie reminded them. "If they have Diamond Tiara held captive, it's hard to tell what they'll actually do. Right now you need to continue getting information and try to get close to the play if that really is what's going on." "We need to save Diamond, that much is true," Amethyst continued. "Which is why I want you all getting involved with the play itself. Try not to attract too much attention though. You're technically not students there, but opening night is coming up in a few days." "And I'm guessing that will be the culmination of whatever they're planning," Scootaloo said and gave her a nod. "Alright, we'll get back on it. We do have some experience with set building, that might at least give us a way in." "Yeah, we'll save Diamond," Apple Bloom said as she placed her hoof gently on Silver Spoon's shoulder for a moment. "Ah promise yah we won't leave her behind." "Thanks," Silver said as they headed back out of the train together. "Why do you think the Shadow Line gave that Shade a second chance?" Archie commented as he looked back at Amethyst. "They don't normally give the Shades second chances like this. We haven't run into any more duplicates before this." "I know, and I don't like it," Amethyst said as she turned to the controls of the train. "Something about all of this feels off to me. A lot of what they're doing doesn't make sense, at least with how they normally work. I'm afraid that we might be in over our heads." "The Rangers will figure something out," Archie reminded her. "They've done it before after all. I have faith in them." "Me too," Amethyst said with a soft smile. "I believe that they'll figure this out. But that being said, I wish that they didn't have to go this pretty much alone. Having another team did help them out back there." "Yeah, but they have to stand on their own someday," Archie pointed out. "Perhaps this is for the best. It was inevitable since we don't always wind up in universes with Power Rangers or Kamen Riders or Justice Leagues or whatever. They are going to have to stand on their own, and right now is as good a time as any." "Agreed," Amethyst said as she pulled up a screen showing the school as she frowned a little bit. "I don't like dealing with worlds like this. It's one thing if they have their own heroes, but this is going to attract attention if we're not careful." "Maybe, but at the end of the day it beats the alternative," Archie reminded her. "Come on, let's see if we..." He was cut off as data started to flash in his eyes. He finally shook his head back and forth as he recovered from the data stream and looked at Amethyst. "I believe I found one." "You found one? One what?" Amethyst asked. "One of the lost trains," Archie answered as he flapped his wings for a moment. "They're in a nearby universe. This is the closest we've ever been to one!" Amethyst smiled a little as she used the computer systems to connect to Archie and try to find the source of the data stream. If they had actually found one of the lost trains, it would help their war with the Shadow Line greatly. It was just a matter of tracking it down now. 00000 "So, you four want to help with the set building?" The director asked as he examined a clipboard and eyed the four of them for a moment. "I don't think I've seen the four of you around the school before." "We're, uh..." Scootaloo started to say. "Our sisters go to school here actually," Silver Spoon quickly lied. "We're here to help with the play is all. We've done some work at our own school, and well, uh... yeah we felt we could help with the sets here." "Yeah, whatever, we could use the help anyway," the Director said as he waved his hand dismissively. "Just don't cause any problems or whatever." He walked off and the four friends blinked a little at that. "Okay, there is no way that should've worked," Sweetie Belle commented. "Their teachers must be really underpaid or something." "Yeah, well, at least it worked," Scootaloo said with a sigh of relief. "I swear, this whole school is crazy sometimes. I hate to see what the rest of the world is like." "Yeah, let's not focus on that, let's just find whoever is in charge of props around here," Sweetie Belle said as they started walking around the stage together. The Chain Shade stood on the catwalk high above looking down at the four Rangers with a frown. He didn't like that they were nosing around in his business, but Baron Nero had told him not to attack when the students were around. They didn't want to raise suspicion when they were this close to completing their mission. "You're doing well so far, Locke," Noir said as she appeared behind him. "You managed to capture one of the Rangers already. If you keep this up, they won't be able to stop you." "Indeed Madame Noir," Locke said as he bowed slightly. "What brings you here? I believed that I would be left alone for the time being." "Normally yes," Noir said as she fanned herself. "However I wanted to make sure that everything was ready here. You are ready for opening night, aren't you?" "Yes milady," Locke replied. "All we have to do is perform the play and the energy will be drained in no time. It will be no problem at all in order to carry out my duty to the Empire." "Make sure that you do," Noir said. "Removing these Rangers is a priority now, they have already stopped us twice and I am sure that if given the chance they will continue to ruin our operations. That being said we cannot neglect our duties to keep getting energy for the Emperor's Grand Design." "Indeed, I will not fail," Locke replied quickly. "This world is so simple, they know nothing of things like us. It shall be an easy task to drain their energy without drawing attention." "Good," Noir said as she fanned herself more. "Make sure that you do not fail, Locke. The future of our Empire rests in your hands. Failure this time will not be tolerated, and we will not give you a third chance. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes milady," Locke said with a bow. "I will have to return to the Kuliner soon though." "Of course, take what you can for now and then report back," Noir said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "By capturing the Green Ranger you have already exceeded our expectations. Make sure that you do not fail to get the others, understood?" "I understand, they will not escape my grasp," Locke said as he gripped his chains in his hands for a moment. "I will not fail you or our Emperor." "Excellent," Noir said as she patted him on the shoulder. "I will see you back at the Kuliner then." Locke nodded as Noir vanished into the shadows again. the chain monster leaned over the catwalk's railing and looked back down towards the stage. There was a lot of activity going on down there, and the power of the play was already drawing the energy off of them into him. He grinned a little as he watched them work. He was not going to disappoint them this time, this time he would stand victorious. 00000 Silver took a deep breath as she started working on a set piece. She glanced up as she saw some of the students who were practicing their lines. She just wished that she could warn them about what might be happening. She glanced at Scootaloo who was working on another piece of the set. She honestly had been surprised that this had worked, but right now they just needed to figure out how to save Diamond. It wasn’t like the monster was just going to walk out on to the stage after all. “I have heard that the Ambassador from Carcosa has arrived,” the first student said as he read from his script. “I have heard little of that land, what brings the Ambassador here?” The female student asked. “What brings someone from such a distant land here?” “The fate of the King has brought many to this Kingdom,” the first student said. “Especially with the reveal of his child. Perhaps the Ambassador knows more than he is letting on.” “Indeed, but I find him unsettling for some reason,” the second student read. “Perhaps his arrival means something more. I would be weary around him, there are many who seek power for themselves after the King’s Death.” “Yes, well let’s see…” The male started to say when he stopped. Silver and her friends stopped when they heard it too. There was the sound of heavy metal footsteps and the sound of something being dragged on the floor. Silver looked up and narrowed her eyes when she saw the body of the chain Shade Locke making his way across the stage. “Amethyst, we’ve got a visual on the Shade,” Silver said quietly as she activated the communicator. “Where is he?” Amethyst asked. “He’s right in front of me, walking across the stage,” Silver replied. There was a brief pause as if Amethyst was trying to figure out what to say. “What should we do?” “We can’t risk attracting attention,” Amethyst replied. “I want all of you to observe what it’s doing. It might give us a clue as to what they’re up to.” “Yeah, but I don’t think anyone’s going to just pass this off as normal,” Scootaloo’s voice said over the communicator. “I mean he just walked…” “The Ambassador arrives!” The male student said fearfully. The two students turned to see the approaching Shade, but it was clear they were more acting than anything else. “What bringith you here from Carcosa?” “Or they’ll think he’s in the play, that is weird,” Scootaloo finished. “What do you think?” “Be careful,” Amethyst replied. “We need to know what’s going on here. See if you can get a copy of the script too. We need to know what’s going on here.” Silver nodded a little. She glanced at the stage for a moment, there was a copy of the script lying there. Someone must have discarded it. She glanced around for a moment before slowly heading over to it and grabbing it, putting it in her back pocket. Right now, she needed to get this to Amethyst and hope that there was something they could do about it. 00000 “You said he was called the Ambassador from Carcosa?” Amethyst asked as she looked between the four of them. “Yeah, does that mean anything to you?” Scootaloo asked. “It’s a fictional city that was seen following its destruction,” Amethyst said as she lead them into another room. This room was a library and she looked through several books for a moment before taking down two. “Yes, here we are, it was first written about by Ambrose Bierce. Later writers mentioned it in their work including Robert Chambers and H.P. Lovecraft.” “So, it’s not a real place?” Sweetie Belle asked. “In the multiverse, any place that is imagined is real somewhere,” Archie pointed out. “But it is not native to this version of Earth, no.” “And this writing… it’s familiar somehow,” Amethyst commented as she flipped through the pages of the script. “The style is more Elizabethan however. Long before Bierce or Chambers wrote anything about Carcosa. In fact, Carcosa or its ambassador isn’t even mentioned in the script.” “But they reacted as if he was part of the play,” Silver pointed out. “Why would they do that if he wasn’t in the script?” “Honestly? I have no idea,” Amethyst admitted. “Something about this whole thing is incredibly unsettling. For now we need to stick to the plan. I’ll see what I can do about faking some records for you four in case they’re needed.” “Yah can do that?” Apple Bloom asked. “You’d be surprised at what this train can do,” Amethyst replied with a chuckle. “But really, the four of you have had a long day. I’d go back to your quarters for now, I’ll go over a few things and get back to you.” The four girls nodded and headed out of the library together. Amethyst and Archie sat together for a moment as she went over books. She frowned a little and sighed as she pushed another one to the side. “I don’t like this,” she finally said. “The Shadow Line doesn’t give second chances like this. There’s something we’re missing.” “What do you think?” Archie asked. “I need to go over some of the other files,” Amethyst sighed. “Where’s that note we found in London? The one to that playwright, what was his name again…” “Right here Archie said as he picked up a piece of paper and set it down in front of Amethyst. Amethyst unrolled it and looked it over for a moment. It was probably unrelated, but it unsettled her a little all the same. I beseech thee to burn that accurs'd Play7and return it to Ashe. Thy Patron seeks to corrupt and defile: Whence He cometh, there are Things that simply should not be. The Ambassador shall exploit thee, as they did us. I have seal'd the Janus Gate so that only the Enlighten'd may enter. May they have the Wisdom to see what I coulde not, and the Power to slay the wretch'd King within. > Chapter 6: Black Stars Rise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom kept her head down a little as she made her way through the school the next day. Amethyst had sent them back to try and investigate where the Chain Shade may be hiding when not in the theater. She had searched the theater first just to be sure with no sign of the monster. Then again he was on a timer so it probably made more sense for it to be gone. Still, they needed to be as thorough as possible. Finally the crowds dispersed as the students entered their classrooms. Apple Bloom took a deep breath as she started looking around again. She was pretty sure that they wouldn’t have a hiding place in one of the occupied classrooms, but she wasn’t about to rule anything out. “Anypony else find anythin’?” Apple Bloom asked into her communicator. “Not yet, I’m still keeping an eye on things in the theater,” Silver replied. Not that Apple Bloom blamed her, she was still trying to save Diamond from the Shade. “I’m taking another look at the script while I’m here. Something about all of this is still weird to me.” “We’re checking with some of the staff around here,” Scootaloo answered. “I just asked a janitor if there were any weird reports. He didn’t really mention anything new that we didn’t know before, but he did mention that something is up in one of the classrooms that they closed down for repairs. I’d check that out if I were you, it’s in your area Bloom.” “I’ll check it out then, what’s the number?” Apple Bloom asked quietly. “Room 102, you should be close,” Scootaloo answered and Apple Bloom nodded a little. She noticed the door and started towards it. “On mah way now,” she replied. “Be careful, Apple Bloom,” Amethyst said over the communicator. “I’ve been looking over what we have here on Locke. It’s not much to admit, but I have some records on the last time he was used by the Shadow Line. I’m not sure what his game is this time though, and this play isn’t helping matters either.” “What do we know about tha play?” Apple Bloom asked. “It’s written in a similar style to English literature, probably from the Victorian era,” Amethyst replied. “That is consistent with what we know about the Shadow Line. The story seems to be dedicated to the aftermath of the death of the King… very Shakespeare if you ask me. But still, it’s not giving me much insight into this. Which likely means that it’s just a means to draw in the Tenebraean Energy.” “Yeah, Ah agree,” Apple Bloom replied. She took a deep breath as she reached Room 102 which had a sign on it saying that it was closed. “Ah’m here now, what should Ah expect?” “I wish I could tell you,” Amethyst replied. “But it’s worth a try at least. Be careful and ready to transform at any time. We don’t want to lose you too. Use your morpher to unlock the door with the key option. Speak the word unlock into it.” “Ah’ll be careful,” Apple Bloom promised as she adjusted her morpher for a moment. She raised the morpher and spoke the word into it causing it to scan the lock and it opened up. “Ah just hope that this is actually what we’re lookin’ fer.” “Only one way to find out, good luck,” Sweetie Belle said. “We’ll head your way in case you need us, okay?” “Okay,” Apple Bloom replied as she pushed the door open. For a moment she didn’t think there was anything unusual about it until there was a strange purple haze. “What tha…” She coughed a little as she grabbed her throat. It was getting harder to breathe all of a sudden, she could barely hear Amethyst’s voice in her communicator. “Morph! They’ve changed the atmosphere of this room, it’ll protect you for a short time!” Apple Bloom grabbed her Charger and slid it into the Morpher as she pressed the button. The suit formed over her as she breathed normally again, panting to get as much oxygen as she could. “Are you okay?” Amethyst asked. “Yeah, I’m fine, just wasn’t expecting that is all,” Apple Bloom weezed out. “What happened?” “I should’ve seen this coming, they used the same technique in other worlds,” Amethyst replied. “They can set up equipment in order to survive past the four hour mark outside of the train. He must have set this up. Figures really, I’d be careful, but see if you can find anything out while you’re there. Do you see anything?” Apple Bloom adjusted herself as she looked around. There was some equipment lying around, some of which looked like terminals similar to what was in the train. Only they looked more archaic instead of the sleek computers she saw on the train. “Yeah, Ah’ve got some sort of odd computer terminals,” Apple Bloom answered as she examined them. “They’re in some odd language Ah don’t recognize. It ain’t Ponish or whatever tha language is here, shouldn’t it be translated?” “That has to be in the Shadow Line’s language, I’ve never gotten a close enough look at their alphabet to translate it,” Amethyst replied. “Use the device on your belt to take a picture of it and give me a moment and it will be translated.” “Alright,” Apple Bloom replied as she removed the device and took a picture of the keyboard of the computer. “If yah say so.” She looked down at the computer for a moment before the letters shimmered in her vision and turned into Equestrian letters. She shrugged a little and started checking over the computer before typing into it, going over the information on the computer in hopes of finding something interesting. “Ah think Ah have somethin’,” she finally said after a minute as she clicked on a file. “It seems ta be some sort of notes on tha play or somethin’.” “Oh? What does it say?” Amethyst asked. “It’s talkin’ about how tha play will…” Apple Bloom started to say before she narrowed her eyes at it. “It’s talkin’ about usin’ it ta affect folks mentally. Apparently there’s some sorta strange power in tha play that’s gonna cause them ta go insane or somethin’. Does that make any sense ta yah?” “It’s not without precedent,” Amethyst replied with a sigh. “Unfortunately I’ve seen this happen before, not from the Shadow Line, but from… other things. We need to keep an eye on this and rescue Diamond Tiara to stop the Shadow Line from hurting or killing people. See if there’s anything else there at least.” “Great, no pressure,” Apple Bloom sighed as she went back to looking at the computer. She was about to open another file when she suddenly heard the door start to open behind her. She dove behind the teacher’s desk and hid in the hole, hoping that whoever it was wouldn’t find her. “I do not see the necessity in checking over the equipment again, Madame Noir,” Locke said as he walked into the room with Madame Noir walking in behind him. “I can assure you that everything is in perfect working order.” “Baron Nero wants to be sure that everything is ready,” Madame Noir said. “Given you failed last time, he wanted to be sure you’re ready. I’m inclined to agree with him. Do you still have that meddlesome Ranger captive?” “Yes, of course I do,” Locke answered as he nodded to the coffin he had been pulling. “My Coffin prison is impenetrable and she’s locked up tight. And soon enough I’ll have all five of them and we won’t have to worry about that lot anymore.” “You had better, we haven’t been able to get the same amount of Tenebraean Energy since they started to be a thorn in our sides,” Noir said as she unfolded her fan and fanned herself as she typed on the computer’s keyboard. “You have only one chance to pull this off, Locke. Are you absolutely sure that it’s going to work?” Apple Bloom had to stifle a gasp. While she wasn’t surprised that the Shadow Line was after them, they were really wanting to take the out just to get more energy? Weren’t they getting enough on just their normal efforts? It was like they were actively trying to destroy universes at this point. “Once the play hits opening night, the full effects are going to come into play,” Locke said as he pointed at the screen. Images and text were shown on it in the same language as before, showing information on the play itself. “I made sure that it’s going to work personally. We just have to make sure everything is in place.” “Good,” Noir said as she folded up her fan and pointed it at Locke as she walked around the desk, standing just a few inches away from the hiding Apple Bloom. “Are you certain that this will be enough? This world is weak in terms of the energy we actually need.” “I’m positive,” Locke answered as he placed his hands on the desk. “The fact of the matter is that there is a lot of underlying darkness here. This is about bringing that darkness to the surface, and make them unleash it upon each other. That will give us all the energy we need.” Apple Bloom’s eyes went wide at that and she had a hard time not saying something. They were using the humans here as a way to draw the energy out? While that was nothing new, this universe didn’t seem to have any other defenses. So they had to do what they could to stop them, somehow. “You had better be right about that, because we do not give third chances,” Noir said as she walked around the desk and got in close to Locke, shoving the fan into his face. “Do not fail us, or I will personally make sure that you are punished for your failure. Do I make myself clear, Locke?” “Crystal clear, madame,” Locke said as he looked at her nervously. “I have accounted for every possibility this time as I already told you.” “You better have…” Noir trailed off, her voice one of warning. “Because I will not tolerate a failure for the second time. “ 00000 Silver Spoon worried. She’d always been two of a kind with Diamond, for better or for worse. Bump! Bump! Sugar-lump, rump! That’s how it went, right? Seemed a bit silly at the time, a whimsy mocking rhyme from a bratty child. Now, she would have given to have Diamond by her side, even if only to recite that little rhyme. “Are you okay, Silver?” Sweetie asked as she looked over at the grey haired filly. The two of them were in the school’s library looking into anything that might help them. “You’re still worried about Diamond, huh?” “Yeah…” Silver said softly. “A lot of this isn’t making sense really. What does taking Diamond even have to do with what’s going on if it's related to the play? Why take her?” “I don’t know,” Sweetie admitted as she picked a book up off one of the shelves and flipped through it. “It probably wants us out of the way. I don’t like it, it might mean they’re going after the rest of us next. I promise, we’re going to figure out a way to get her out of there.” “I… I hope so…” Silver breathed out frantically. “I’ve never been without her you know? We’ve never been apart since we were fillies! Did you know that?” “I mean… I always knew you two were close,” Sweetie said as she rubbed the back of her head a little. “Ever since you two were fillies yeah. I guess I didn’t realize just how close you were… Silver, she’s going to be okay.” “Yeah, maybe if we keep telling ourselves that, we’ll believe it,” Silver mused. “She’s in a dimension inside a coffin. She’s the furthest thing from okay there is!” “Okay, good point,” Sweetie said with a sigh. “But at the same time, you know it’s no longer just the two of you right? We’re a team now so we’re here for each other. We’re going to rescue Diamond as a team, and you’re going to be there to help her. I promise that I’m going to make sure that she’s okay, we all are.” “I… yeah. Why you’re doing this for me, I don’t understand. Sisters, we were such little terrors to you throughout childhood weren’t we?” Silver muttered in self-disgust. “You were, but that was a long time ago, and you’ve both proven yourselves to have changed since then,” Sweetie answered. “Ponies can change, and now you’re our friends.” “T-Thanks…” Silver whispered, taking off her glasses to dab at her now wet eyes. Sweetie hugged her tightly. “Diamond’s lucky to have a good friend like you. Now, how about we see if we can find anything? Though I’m pretty sure this is all just normal books, I don’t think we’re going to find a book of weird plays created by monsters from another universe.” “So where do we look then?” Silver sighed, sliding down against a bookcase. “What, do we just go up to the Shade and ask if we can borrow his book collection?” “No, I guess that’s not an option,” Sweetie said as she picked up another book and flipped through it. She paused a moment at it as she read over some of the words. “‘After stumbling queerly upon the hellish and forbidden book of horrors the two learn, among other hideous things which no sane mortal should know, that this talisman is indeed the nameless Yellow Sign handed down from the accursed cult of Hastur—from primordial Carcosa, whereof the volume treats.’” “Sounds… well, yeah now that just sounds a bit disturbing really,” Silver mused. “Sounds like something out of HP Ponecraft!” Sweetie looked at her friend oddly. “...my dad was a fan, actually he fancies himself a bit of a literary critic. But yeah…” “Yeah… Carcosa again, this must be what Amethyst was talking about before,” Sweetie said as she looked it over. “It’s probably nothing really. Just happened to find it I guess. Never really read much of Ponecraft myself.” “Ponecraft was a xenophobe, like real summon down the windegos level of xenophobic. He apparently wrote a story, The Shadow Over Horsemaw just because as it turned out his mother was -gasp- a pegasus!” Silver explained. “He… yeah, he’s really kinda creepy to be honest. Him believing in Nihilism and all. Liked to say all that awaited us was nothing but existential terror. Apparently there was one photo of him smiling, just one and… yeah, it was kinda freaky. Like really unsettling.” “Yeah, wow… remind me not to put him on my to read list,” Sweetie said. “I read one of his books, and… eh, it was really kinda dull if you ask me,” Silver said. “Even putting aside the rampant racism, it really wasn’t all that entertaining. There’s much better writers for his whole Mythos.” “Well, until we can figure something out I guess there’s not much we can do,” Sweetie said. “It’s not like there’s some near infinite information resource where we can look up monsters and evil plays or something… is there?” “I heard some of the girls, oh… what were their names? Katie, Sarah?” Silver muttered before snapping her fingers. It came almost naturally to her, the act. “Yeah, that was it! They mentioned something called the ethernet?” “It’s worth a try, let’s check it out.” Silver pulled up a chair next to the computer, and after several minutes of fiddling and banging on the device she finally managed to boot up what was called ‘Google’. “Now how do I…?” “Here, Amethyst showed me how to use the computers on the train, let me see…” Sweetie said as she took the keyboard and typed in a few words before hitting the google search button. “And there we go… maybe… honestly that was probably kind of vague.” “Maybe you need to be more specific…” Silver theorized pushing her aside. “Here, let me… Okay magic all knowing library of things, what do you make of the Ambassador from Carcosa?” It didn’t take but a minute for several results to show up, like wildfire appearing before their very eyes. A list of monsters, madness and mayhem. “Oh… that’s bad…” Sweetie commented. “That is very bad.” “Gee, you think?” Silver squeaked. “The Hanged King (now SCP-2264-5) is still stationary within Alagadda, and cannot move. Because of this, he uses SCP-2264-4, also known as The Ambassador of Alagadda, as an mobile agent, who travels throughout the city and wider multiverse. The Ambassador has traveled as far as Adytum, where he met Grand Karcist Ion. Over eons many have come to the city, either in order to participate in the carnival and/or orgies of the twisted, vaguely humanoid inhabitants or in order seeking the boon of the King.” “You… you think the Chain Shade is the ambassador from Carcosa?” Sweetie asked nervously. “I don’t know,” Silver admitted. “This is just something on the ethernet. It sounds more like fiction, like more out of Ponecraft. But there’s probably weirder things out there. If the Chain Shade is anything like this then we need to stop it.” “Yeah…” “A-And save Diamond…” Silver started to panic. “She’s… inside that thing!” “Silver, it’s going to be okay, we can save her, we will save her, calm down,” Sweetie said, placing her hands on Silver’s shoulders. “We are going to save her, I promise.” “Promise me something else?” Silver asked, her gaze hardening as her eyes seemingly turned to ice. Her expression was positively frigid. “Y-Yeah?” Sweetie asked nervously as Silver slammed a fist into her outstretched palm. “First chance we get? Lend me some of your powers so I can turn that thing into molten slag.” Silver requested. “I promise,” Sweetie said. “Good, now let’s go save my best friend.” Sweetie smiled and nodded. “Let’s do it.” 00000 Meanwhile back aboard the zords, Apple Bloom had rushed back to Amethyst with the new information in hand. Amethyst looked down at her from where she was working and waved. “Glad to see you got away from the Shadow Line back there. Did you learn anything interesting?” Apple Bloom gave her a quick rundown of what she had heard from the Shade and Madame Noire. Amethyst frowned a little and sighed. “I was afraid of that, as I said I’ve seen this type of thing before. This is definitely not good news, and it just means our mission is even more important now.” “Now where have yah seen it before?” Apple Bloom asked critically, her eyes narrowed as she approached the woman. The farm mare crossed her arms, looking suspicious. “What are yah not tellin’ us? Yer awfully keen on keeping secrets really…” “I tell you what you need to know,” Amethyst said, unfazed. “Nothing more.” “Yeah, well what Ah need ta know right now is what yer not tellin’ me,” Apple Bloom stated slamming a hand down on top of Amethyst’s desk. It rattled a bit, and a drawer opened. Apple Bloom caught a flash of something purple, and she quickly pried it away before Amethyst could stop her. “...Like say, a morpher huh?” “I… You didn’t need to know,” Amethyst said. “It wasn’t important.” “Oh, Ah’d dare say it is!”Apple Bloom snorted. “Yah were a ranger this whole time huh? And yah didn’t think ta… oh, let us in on tha secret? We could have used your help! Diamond’s a prisoner of that thing and maybe if yah’d been there maybe she wouldn’t be! Think about that huh?” “I’m not a Ranger!” Amethyst said, standing up angrily and slamming her forehooves down on the desk. “I was a scientist, I helped build this train, back where I come from I mean. I never was a fighter I…” Amethyst said as she looked like he was about to cry. “I never could… I have to go… just…” She went around the desk and started for the door. Apple Bloom laid a hoof on her shoulder. “It’s okay, yah don’t have ta tell us. At least… Not yet,” she said, gently laying the morpher down. “You have to understand, if I could fight I would,” Amethyst sighed. “And someday, I promise I’ll tell you. It’s just really hard to talk about.” “Ah… Ah understand. Ah don’t like ta talk about what happened ta mah ma and pa,” Apple Bloom soothed, hugging the woman from behind, her arms ensnaking themselves around Amethyst’s waist. “Whoever yah lost, we can talk about them in time. Ah’ll be here fer yah. Pinkie Promise, cross mah heart and hope ta fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.” “Thanks, that actually means a lot,” Amethyst said with a weak smile. “I guess it’s not easy to trust others when I’ve been on my own so long.” “Well, yer not now,” Apple Bloom said clapping her on the back. “Never forget. So, tha question is now, what do we do now moving forwards?” “Your information is a good start, we need to find the Chain Shade and keep it from finishing its plan,” Amethyst said as she took a deep breath. “I will say this. From my experience with this kind of event, we need to stop it before it starts. The Chain Shade is messing with dark and dangerous powers. Our first objective will be to free Diamond Tiara.” “So what, do we just blast tha coffin?” Apple Bloom asked. “And what’s his ultimate goal?” It was then Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle rushed into the car, looking absolutely terrified. Their already pale faces were white as a ghost. They were sweating hard, and breathing even harder. “What happened?” Amethyst asked. Sweetie and Silver tried to explain, but ended up being a babbling shouting mess, each trying to explain over the other. “The Hanged King!” “The Ambassador!” “Doom, death, destruction!” “THE SCPS!” “Alagadda!” “Oh, you two found the Internet…” Amethyst deadpanned before her expression softened. “Look, the SCP Foundation is… well the good news is that it’s not real in this universe. It was created by a bunch of writers on the internet. At least, in this universe and some others. We are currently on a higher level of reality than the SCP Foundation at the moment, but it is out there. Unfortunately, you are right about one thing, what is happening here is very similar to the Hanged King’s Tragedy and the Ambassador. Which is why we have to be careful.” “So does that mean…” Sweetie asked, her voice low and terrified. “The students are going to become scared, suicidal? Starting to cut their own faces open and start slitting their own throats? How can we stop it?” “We stop it by stopping the Shade,” Amethyst answered. “And we have to stop it soon. Opening night is probably where it will manifest. This is what I’m talking about when I said I’ve seen it before. Now, it’s up to us to stop it.” “...is that a morpher?” Sweetie said looking towards the purple smartphone laying on the floor. “It’s nothing important,” Amethyst said. “Really, our main focus should be on…” “Ah just realized somethin’,” Apple Bloom said, her eyes slowly widening in horror. “Where’s Scootaloo?” 00000 Night had fallen over the city, and Scootaloo had found herself unceremoniously drafted into a party night by a certain duo. “I… Oh, I don’t know about this. If my sister finds out about this, she’s going to get mad…” Scootaloo stammered out as both Katie and Sarah pulled her towards a bar. “Relax, you need to live a little!” Katie said. “Besides, who better to help celebrate the success of our new play than with a friend?” “But the play hasn’t premiered yet…” Scootaloo tried to point out. “But when it does, oh it’ll be a smash!” Sarah decreed pointing to the sky. “Everyone loves a good medieval tragedy!” “Do you guys hear that?” Scootaloo asked, swearing she was hearing the sound of clanking chains. “Hear what? The crickets?” Sarah asked. “No, it sounds like…” Scootaloo said before her eyes widened. “...singing?” “I’ve got a coffin, just for you,” the voice came low over the darkened streets and out of the mist. “I’ve got a coffin just for you, and you won’t even have to pay a dime…” “Oh no…” Scootaloo realized in a single horrific moment. “Katie, Sarah, run!” “Run, why?” Katie asked. “Is it your sister, are you that scared of her learning about…” “Katie?” Sarah asked nervously as twin golden eyes appeared out of the gloom. “W-What’s that…?” A scream rose up from Sarah’s throat as the Chain Shade marched out of the mists, his coffin dragged along the streets and his golden eyes like lamplights. “I’ve got a coffin just for you, and you won’t even have to pay a dime…” “Katie, Sarah, run!” Scootaloo said. “I’ll be right behind you!” Neither girl needed to be told twice and ran off as Scootaloo went for her morpher. As ever, a feminine voice sung softly out of it, comforting the mare in the face of danger. “All Rangers prepare for boarding," the voice said. “Please stand behind the white line!” “Ranger 3-Yellow!” Scootaloo said as golden light covered her and she emerged from the morph weapon in hand. Chains erupted from the ground, ready to drag Scootaloo into the shade’s coffin, before she brought the hammer down. The ground cracked, before a steam pipe erupted and hot scaling steam exploded in the Shade’s face even as the yellow ranger came at him with a roar. Her hammer slammed into his face, the monster staggering before he snapped his fingers. Crows appeared from out of the darkness, guns lighting almost at once. Scootaloo rolled to the left, before two more jumped out of the shadows with axes in hand. She just barely held them back with the handle of her weapon. Pushing forwards, she knocked them to the ground with a show of force. Again, Scootaloo brought the hammer down, and sent rubble flying towards the minions with multiple swings. “Batter up!” she said, holding the hammer over her shoulder. Laughing, she said: “You guys are nothing compared to me! You should go back home and practice some more! Man, I doubt I’d ever need to be morphed to deal with you!” “Then what about me?” the Chain Shade asked, before with a wave of his hands chains erupted from the ground and rushed towards Scootaloo. She quickly went for her side arm, and blasted them out of existence with laser fire. Scootaloo ran towards the monster, keeping it off balance with more laser fire, before flipping over it and firing more shots at it in mid-air. Another wave of his hands, and chains bound themselves around Scootaloo dragging her forwards. Then, the blow of a train’s horn and train cars thundered past depositing her fellow Rangers who quickly slashed her free. “How about a coffin just for you then?” Silver Spoon asked pointing at the monster. “I’ll be having my friend back now, thank you very much.” “Go ahead and try!” the Chain Shade laughed patting his coffin. “But she’s mine now, and mine she’ll stay!” “We’ll have to see about that won’t we?” Silver said, readying her sword. However, before they could charge in, they were blasted backwards by a wave of dark energy. “I think not,” said Madame Noire as she stepped in front of her Shade. “My shade’s failed me once, and I intend to see he doesn’t fail again.” “So what?” Silver said as she stood up, using her sword as support. “I’m going to get my best friend back, and if I have to go through you… so be it!” “An admirable goal, but ultimately futile,” said the woman. “But, I cannot let you pass so…” Another wave of dark energy demorphed them, and Noire and the Chain Shadow made their escape. “Well, that was humiliating…” Scootaloo groaned out in pain as she lay on the pavement. “Okay, she’s really beginning to work my last nerve,” Silver agreed. “Maybe we can just blast her with our weapons in some new combination next time she shows!” “Uh, guys… I think we have bigger problems to worry about than that…” Sweetie said as both Katie and Sarah appeared from behind a tree, eyes widened in shock. “...I thought I told you to run!” Scootaloo shouted. “Yeah, and uh, leave you behind?” Katie asked. “I don’t think so!” “Though it looks like you can take care of yourself!” Sarah put in. “Like wow, you’re an actual regular day superhero!” “...well, this could be a big problem…” Sweetie muttered. “So who was that anyways?” Katie asked. “Mr. Chain Gang I mean?” “He’s… yeah, he’s a monster,” Scootaloo tried to explain. “Yeah, we kinda figured!” Sarah laughed. “But what exactly is he?” “He’s called a Shade. And I’m sorry to say, but your play is going to become a real tragedy if you don’t shut it down. I know the show must go on and all, but…” Scootaloo laughed. “This time you may want to make an exception!” “Uh…” both Katie and Sarah looked at each other nervously. “Why?” “That monster, he’s got a plan and if the play goes through and completes its final act? He’ll have more energy for his masters than he’ll know what to do with! He’s been influencing it from the shadows,” Scootaloo said. “I’m sorry I have to tell you all this, but…” “We understand,” Katie said nervously, nodding along. “But… I’m not sure you can stop it. Nor can we!” “Well,” Scootaloo said with a cocky little grin, spinning her blaster in her hands like an old western gunfighter. “Good thing I’m from a family that’s known for beating impossible odds!” 00000 “I don’t think they’re just going to cancel the play,” Amethyst commented as she looked at the others. “This world doesn’t have magic or monsters in it, at least outside of stories. They’re more skeptical than that, so they’ll have no reason to do anything about it without actual proof.” “And they looked at the Shade as if it was normal when they did see it,” Scootaloo remembered. “At least while on the stage.” “Alright, so then we’re going to have ta make our move before openin’ night,” Apple Bloom said as she looked at a flier for the play. “And that’s not gonna be easy since it’s tomorrow night.” “Because of course it is,” Silver Spoon said in complete deadpan. “How convenient…” Scootaloo groaned. “Alright, so we need a plan then. We know that the Chain Shade or Locke or whatever it’s called is in the theater. “We also know that they tend to grow giant when they get beaten,” Sweetie Belle commented. “And it’s not like this is a place with a bunch of empty buildings we can fight it in. We can’t put the students or the school at risk.” “Perhaps, and I know this sounds crazy, we should let the play just go on, and when the time is right…” Silver theorized. “We strike. Or… or is that not a viable option?” “Unfortunately if we can’t lure out the Shade then we may not have a choice in the matter,” Amethyst sighed. “But work on getting it out of the building. Sweetie is right we can’t put anyone at risk. Unfortunately at this point I don’t think we have much of a choice in the matter.” “So… luring out the Shade. What, do we just morph and hold up a big sign that says: “Kick our Asses”?” Scootaloo asked in a sarcastic tone. “We’ll have to figure something out, preferably before…” Amethyst said and her eyes suddenly lit up. “That computer system you saw in the classroom, Apple Bloom. He must need it for something, if we can take it out it might hurt his plans.” “Finally, a plan Ah like!” Apple Bloom said slamming a fist into her outstretched palm. “Nothin’ fancy about it, just simple smashing!” “Alright, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, you two will go and destroy the computer system, the rest of you will be at the theater,” Amethyst said. “Your morphers should protect you from the influence for a time if it starts before you can get the Shade out. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, once you’re done head for the theater, okay? We’ll adjust the plan as needed. Really, there are only 4 rules of planning. Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails and throw away the plan.” “Rail Rangers Riding to the Rescue!” Sweetie shouted, punching the air and when everyone looked at her, she laughed nervously. “...what, I thought we needed a catchphrase…” “We’ll work on it, but I don’t think it's going to stick,” Scootaloo said. 00000 "Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails and throw away the plan,” Scootaloo murmured as the two found the computer room again. “Yeah, seems simple enough.” “We may have ta morph,” Apple Bloom commented. “Last time Ah was in here tha room was filled with somethin’ that would’ve hurt me.” Scootaloo nervously pushed open the door, and her eyes widened. “...Yep, we need to morph!” For on the other side of the door were Crows. All looked up at the two Rangers, and pulled out their guns with audible clicks and clacks. “Yeah, let’s do this,” Apple Bloom said as they pressed the buttons on their morphers. “All Rangers prepare for boarding, stay behind the white line!” The computerized voice said as they slid their train chargers into the Morphers. “Ranger 1 - Red!” “Ranger 3 - Yellow!” “ALL ABOARD!” The Morpher finished as their suits finished forming around them. The crows were knocked back by the force of the morph, even as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo quickly got to work smashing up the computers. “...Oh, Ah do hope the school has a high enough budget ta replace all these.” Apple Bloom mused. “Vandalism, not what I thought I’d be doing as a superhero,” Scootaloo joked. “Oh, my sister would be so proud of me…” “Ah think that’s tha least of our problems right now, but yeah,” Apple Bloom chuckled as she brought her sword down on another computer. “But it beats leavin’ them fer what tha Shadow Line was up ta.” Meanwhile, the play was the thing! “...it’s not even a good play,” Sweetie said from the audience. “All tragedy, and no substance.” “It’s literally called the Tragedy of the Night King, I’m not sure what we were expecting,” Silver commented. “Less edge?” Sweetie asked. “If this was any edgier that one pony that tried to copyright the word edge would sue it.” Their communicators beeped at about then, and several people whispered at them to silence their ‘phones’. Sweetie and Silver quickly made their way to a corner of the room. “What’s going on?” Sweetie whispered. “Please tell us you have some good news, this play isn’t that great.” “All doom and gloom, really. Guess it just reflects my mood, sitting like this and feeling kinda hurt with all the darkness in my room,” Silver said in poetic fashion. “...Oh Celestia, it’s starting to get to me!” “Well, we got the computers taken care of,” Scootaloo said over the communicator. “So we just need to deal with the Shade now.” “I don’t think we’ll have to wait for long…” Silver mused. “Hear that?” “I’ve got a coffin, just for you,” the voice came low from out of the darkness. Something was audible, grinding itself up against the ground against the sounds of tell tale rattling chains. The audience broke out into whispers, hearing the sounds come from somewhere up above. “I’ve got a coffin just for you, and you won’t even have to pay a dime…” “From the sounds of it, it looks like we pissed him off,” Scootaloo said. “We’re on our way!” Silver and Sweetie made their way to the rafters up above the stage, and sure enough from out of the darkness came the Shade. “Throw out the plan?” Sweetie Belle asked and Silver nodded as they activated their morphers. “All Rangers prepare for boarding, stay behind the white line!” The computerized voice said as they slid their train chargers into the Morphers. "Ranger 2 - Blue!" "Ranger 5 - Pink!" “There’s only two of you,” the Chain Shade said with a little laugh. “How do you plan to take me down?” “Oh, we’ll figure something out…” Silver said as she raised her rather large blaster. She fired it up in the air, as the audience broke out into screams and began to scatter as she shouted: “Everyone, get out of here!” Sweetie meanwhile charged forwards with her claw weapon, slashing at the monster’s armor. Silver leaned out from behind her, firing her blaster again and again at rapid pace. As chains swirled out of the shadows, both Rangers leaped to another rafter, metal clanking beneath their boots. “Exchange?” Silver said as Sweetie nodded. “Blue line switched to Pink line!” “Pink line switched to blue line!” Sweetie fired the blaster into the monster’s body, before Silver sent twin slashes of energy towards the creature. Silver then swung from a rope to another rafter behind the creature as Sweetie tossed her a charger. Likewise, Silver tossed her own to Sweetie. “Pink line switched to blue line!” “Blue line switched to Pink line!” Silver fired as many shots as she could into the Chain Shade, while Sweetie fended off the crows with her blaster. But more came, this time armed with guns. “Switch, again!” Again, the chargers were tossed to each other. “Blue line switched to Pink line!” “Pink line switched to blue line!” Silver charged up an energy slash, before Sweetie spun to her left and then to her right each time firing off shots to down the footsoldiers. And with one single slash, Silver ripped the Chain Shad’s coffin away from him. It slipped away, and crashed to the floor smashing some of the seats below to splinters. With a roar of rage, the Chain Shade sent more chains towards both Rangers, each rolling out of the way to avoid them. Sweetie riddled the monster with laser fire. Silver leaped to another rafter, accidentally slicing through ropes in the process and sending lamps tumbling to the floor with loud crashes. However, she ran forwards and then leaped into a diving kick slamming her boot right into the Chain Shade’s face. Slicing through his armor over and over with wild abandon, she spun like a drill and the entire rafter came crashing down to the floor. Obviously, both ranger and monster were taken with it. As Silver recovered, Sweetie leaped down to join her as both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo finally joined them. “You’re late.” Silver said. “Got caught up in traffic,” Scootaloo said, holding up her smoking blaster. It was then Silver realized the two had switched colors. She fired into the coffin, and it exploded releasing all who had been trapped inside. “...uuuugh,” Diamond muttered as she dusted herself off. “Thought I was going to get claustrophobia if I was trapped there for any longer… Thanks Silver, for not giving up on me.” “It’s what friends are for,” Silver said with a smile. “Now, as friends I say we finish this creep together eh?” “Bump! Bump! Sugar-lump, rump.” Diamond grinned under her helmet. “Blue line switched to Green line!” “Green line switched to Blue line!” The two rushed the monster, Diamond shooting and Silver slashing. “Pink line switched to Red line!” “Red line switched to Pink line!” “...ugh, again with the pink?” Scootaloo muttered before she leaped atop Sweetie’s sword as it extended rails that Scootaloo ran along, slashing into the monster. She leaped off and watched as the rails bound themselves around the Shade before Sweetie slashed through the monster. Finally, Apple Bloom ran along the floor in a slide around the monster, shooting it full of laser fire. Sweetie used her sword like a whip, the ‘rails’ lashing into the monster’s skin. Silver used her borrowed axe to lift Diamond up, even as chains reached out to grab them. Diamond leaped forwards, covering the Shade in laser fire. The monster staggered back, even as the Rangers all returned to their normal colors. “Well, that’s about wrapped this one up, I’d say!” Sweetie said. “You… you know, because I literally wrapped him up in rails? Anyone?” “...I ought to get a slipper to slap you just for that one!” Scootaloo grumbled. “We can’t finish him here,” Diamond muttered. “The people!” “Follow me!” Sweetie shouted leading the monster on a merry chase through the halls and out the back door of the school. As luck would have it, and Sweetie’s keen eye had spotted this earlier, the school was directly in front of a forest. And so here, they could have their battle and finish the monster off. The Chain Shade sent sharp rusted chains in every other direction, the Rangers scattering into the brush. Then, from out of the forest came Sweetie with her claw weapon in hand, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo right behind her with sidearms in pistol mode. Sweetie slashed into the monster several times before breaking away with a backflip as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo riddled it with shots. Silver appeared, and Apple Bloom launched her sword, rails flying and Silver landing on them as she surged forwards firing shot after shot into the monster’s hide. She circled above the creature, still firing before landing next to the now reunited Rangers. “I say you deserve to get the final shot, right?” Diamond said as the Rangers combined weapons. “No, he captured you so…” Silver disagreed. “But you were the one having to worry over me!” Diamond argued. “Oh, someone just shoot him!” Apple Bloom groaned in exasperation. “This… is your last stop!” Silver said as she fired and down went the Shade in an explosion. And then up it grew in an explosion of Tenebraean energy. “I’ve got a coffin just for you all!” he roared, now the size of a giant. “I’m coming in with the train, prepare to go into Megazord mode after I arrive,” Amethyst’s voice said over their communicators as there was a familiar train whistle as the Quantum Reality Express snaked over the trees and stopped in front of them. The five quickly entered their trains and took their positions, pressing the console buttons. “Megazord mode activated,” the computerized voice said as the train cars moved into position. “Entering Express Train Formation.” The megazord marched forwards, much to the awe and amazement of the people below. Some whipped out their cameras and smartphones. Within the hour, YouTube would be flooded with footage of a real mech battle and conspiracy websites would be all abuzz talking if it was a promotional stunt, aliens, or the government hiding something. Chains erupted from the ground, only for the megazord to slash through them with its sword. Again, the monster tried this and again the chains were reduced to scrap metal. So therefore, the monster did something different. From out of the ground came wood on all sides, boxing the megazord in. “Like I said, I have a coffin just for you…” the shade growled out. The megazord’s energy levels began to drop exponentially. “Ah… Ah don’t know how, but he’s drainin’ all of our Tenebraean energy!” Apple Bloom shouted in fear, having checked the readings. “Consarn it! We gotta do something!” “You must break free, Rangers!” Amethyst shouted over the comms. “Otherwise we’ll be dead in the water!” “We… yeah, we need to do something drastic!” Scootaloo shouted. “Energy levels are continuing to drop! Wait, I have an idea!” She threw a switch, and the trains split apart rushing out of the smashed coffin on separate tracks before reforming behind the monster. “Genius!” Apple Bloom shouted. “Well, it was either that or do something extremely phallic…” Scootaloo said and all of the other rangers groaned. “...you’ve got a dirty mind, you know that right?” Silver said adjusting her glasses. “Hey, I didn’t say I was going to go through with it!” Scootaloo returned, holding up her hands in a defensive manner. “Besides, don’t we have a giant monster to fight?” “What she said,” Apple Bloom said as the megazord marched forwards. It delivered a series of front style kicks to the monster, making it stagger. “Now I believe it goes like this right…? Have at thee!” From the forest floor, both Nero and Noire watched. “I’m surprised you’re not helping him…” Nero tutted, leaning on his cane. “He’s a failed experiment,” Noire replied. “He’s proven useless to us once before, remember? And he’s just failed again.” “A fair point,” Nero agreed, raising a glass to his health. “Until next time then!” “Silver, Diamond, how about you do the honors,” Scootaloo said as they placed their chargers in the center console. “Yeah, let's finish this chain freak off,” Diamond said as she gripped her console and activated the finisher mode as the chargers began to glow with energy. The Megazord’s sword lit on fire as it swung it around a moment. Then it ran at the Chain Shade, swinging its sword around and slashing through it. It let out one last cry before melting into a puddle of darkness and finally vanishing. “This dimension is back on track!” Sweetie shouted, and everyone looked at her. “...what, I thought we needed a closing one liner?” “It’s… yeah, that’s actually pretty good!” Apple Bloom said. “...your earlier one still sucks though.” “Eh, give it time. I’ll make it stick.” 00000 It was now later after the Quantum Reality Express was on its way to its next destination. Silver Spoon was seated in the train’s dining room eating some ice cream. “Hey Silver,” a voice said from the entrance to the room and she looked up to see Diamond standing in the doorway. “Do you mind if I join you?” “Yeah, go ahead,” Silver said with a smile as she nodded to the chair next to her. “It’s really good to have you back.” “It’s good to be back,” Diamond said as she took a seat. “I’m just glad none of you got caught up in that thing. It wasn’t pleasant, I can tell you that.” “Yeah, I’m worried though,” Silver said as she took a deep breath. “The fact of the matter is that we cut it close this time. Next time we might not be so lucky. And I’m a bit worried about what Amethyst said before.” “About dangers in the multiverse?” Diamond asked and Silver nodded. “Well, we knew that there would be a lot of threats. If there is this, Alagadda out there somewhere or whatever, then I’m not sure that it’s the biggest threat we have to deal with. We’re chasing after the Shadow Line, and we only know a few things about them.” “So what do you suggest?” Silver asked. “What are we going to do if we run into more of these dangers?” “I don’t know honestly,” Diamond said. “But I do know that we’re going to do this, together. This is our chance to help people, ponies, whatever. We’re going to face it together as a team, you know?” “Yeah, I know,” Silver said and then chuckled. “That play really was terrible, you know? You’d think the Shadow Line would have better writers.” “Oh you think you had it bad, he read that thing out loud sometimes while dragging the coffin around and I heard every word,” Diamond said with a shudder. “I’d rather not think about it really. Let’s just take this one day at a time.” “Yeah, one day at a time,” Silver said as the two smiled and continued talking. They didn’t notice that Amethyst had stopped in the doorway and was watching. She smiled softly as she kept walking down the hallway and entered the library. She reached into her bags and took out the papers where the play was written on. She wasn’t going to let it be used again, not this one. She pulled a few books off the shelf and the shelf opened up to reveal a vault. She opened it up and went inside, placing the papers on a shelf next to many other items that she had locked away here. “Secure Contain Protect…” She muttered. “The Foundation isn’t the only one who knows the value of those words.” She closed the vault up and walked away. She had many secrets that she wasn’t ready to tell her charges about, but she knew deep down that the time would come soon that she had to. She just had to hope that it would be on her terms. 00000 In a distant universe, under a strange sky with black stars that dotted it, stood a towering fortress surrounded by a city. The city had long ago been lost to madness and destruction, with those who wanted to hold things together having left. At the center of the fortress, there was a sound. A sound of chains rattling and metal scraping against metal as a figure sat on a throne, chains binding him as he did. His head raised, a single eye visible from behind a hood as he did. He had felt power once more. And now something was going to happen. His forces had enemies, but they were not going to be enough. He waved a chained hand as a projected screen appeared before him, showing a figure. “Master, what is your bidding?” The shadowed figure asked in a feminine voice. “Prepare…” He said in a raspy voice. “We have much to prepare for. When you are ready, go to the Imperial Kuliner. These Rangers will not stand a chance.” “Yes Master,” the woman said with a slight bow before the screen vanished again. The form looked up and raised his hand again as a white and purple outfit appeared over him. He allowed his disguise of a young ruler to form over him. Only a few knew his true form. He closed his eyes and prepared to send new instructions to his servants. The Shadow Line would not fail again.