> The Joker Tapes > by DanishDash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tape 1: Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scratching noise. "Uhm, ahem.. My name.. uhm.." Small background noises. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, princess of friendship.. Still getting used to that title.. Uhm, I am 20 years old, I am a uni, Alicorn... Uhm.." Sound of a glass of water being sipped on. "About a year ago, a pony, a stallion, known only to us as Joker, showed up out of nowhere and started a crusade of madness and crime, the likes Equestria has never seen. He hurt a lot of ponies, including.." Sigh. "Including me and my best friends.. It has taken a lot of time to get over, many are still affected by his actions.. We still don't understand his motives, we tried to find out, but he simply laughs and gives no real answers.. Even with magic, Princess Luna tried to reach his dreams, to see who he was, but she pulled out with a shocked expression. Explaining his mind was like a raging storm, she would not be able to enter his mind without the risk of going mad herself.." "..." "Being a princess I have requested to see him and conduct these interviews. Before I was denied, but now, finally, after a whole year I can get my answers.. Hopefully.." Sound of magic and then a pile of papers hitting the table with a small thud. "This is what we know about him so far.. Name, unknown. Age, estimated to be around 27 or 29. Gender, male. Scarring on certain parts of his body. Cutie mark... Burned over, branded some sort of smiling symbol instead.. Fur, a sort of orange coat. Mane and tail, dyed green, but was originally brown... Alias, Joker." Sigh. "Tomorrow I will go to Iron Frost prison, I've told my friends I am going to visit the royal library in Canterlot.. I don't like lying to them, but they would not want me to talk to him. I don't blame them, he hurt them worse than any of the villains we have faced ever have.. Still.. There are still many questions that needs to be answered and tomorrow I will attempt to get him talking, to answer how and why. Not to mention who he is and wha, Spike! Uhm, sorry, I am just stu-." > Tape 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So.. Here we are.. Today is Monday, 4th of May, 3412 AU. Time is 09:32 AM, present is interviewer, me, Twilight Sparkle and prisoner 408, alias, Joker." "...." "Ahem, Joker.. Let me start by asking y-." "Tell me, princess, how's Rainbow Dash? Can she fly again?" Sharp inhale. "Y-yes.. She CAN." "I like the glare you give me princess, it's so commanding. How's Pinkie doing by the way?" "Don't. We will get to all of that, but you will not talk about my friends unless I ask something relating to them." "Touchy subject?" "Yes, you hurt them, and I am only here to get answers from you, not to play whatever sick games you have up in your head." "I say, that is not what I expected to hear from the 'princess of friendship.' I thought you would be all, friendship, forgiveness, hugs and song, all that fluffy stuff." "You killed a lot of ponies, injured many more, you tortured my friend, manipulated another, tricked her into helping you and.. Are you finding this funny?!" "Hee, hee, I do, hehehehe.." "...." "Hehe, sorry princess, you were saying?" Sigh. "Is 'Joker' your real name?" Sounds of some chains being moved ever so slightly. "It is now.." "But it wasn't always.. Which means you had life before you became.. This.. Can you tell me about it?" "Hmm, I couldn't tell you, it has all become so jumbled up there.. Hehe.." "You don't remember?" "No, I remember pieces, snapshots really, pain, pain that you never would have experienced, not without me." "Is that why you wanted to kill me?" "Hehehaha! I don't wanna kill you, Twilight. No, I wanted you to live, wanted you to feel pain, the sort of pain I have felt. To see the world is not all full of songs, hugs and friendship." "..." "Heh.. Hehe... Your expression is all I need, Twilight.. Yes, I did this because it was going to be fun to see you in pain, to see your friends hurting, that was why I did it, for fun.." "....!" "How about a joke Twilight?" A chair is pushed back and the sound of twilight walking towards the padded cell door. "Why couldn't the Pegasus fly? Because I broke her wings, get it? Hihihihahaha!" The cell door open, her hoof steps vanishes out of range of the mic and several other heavy hoof steps enters. "Was it something I said? Hehe." > Investigation Tape 1: Police Interview of Joker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Sunday, second of may, 3411 AU. Time is 01:26 AM, present is detective Night Flash and detective Beacon Light. We are conducting the first interview of the stallion known only to us as 'Joker'." "Alright, let's start with the easy one. What's your real name?" "...." "...." "Answer us clown, we know you're not injured enough not to speak, though we wish you were." Long exhale. "Tell me, detective, have you ever wanted to be somepony else? Somepony who could simply let loose? Heh.. Yeah, all those emotions we keep bottled up inside, sometimes we just want to scream out to get it all out.. Heh heh, yes, I know you both want to simply beat me up, maybe even kill me. What's stopping you? Nopony would now if you did it? You could simply say I put up a fight and you had no choice! Hah! Wouldn't that be a riot?" "We are not like you, we have self control." "Oh yes yes yes, of course you do, detective, but what happens when that last string of control snaps? Hm? Heh heh.. That's me, i'm the pony that snapped, that saw this world for it truly is, one big joke." "Why did you do it?" "And what the hay is so funny? Why are you smiling, freak." "Heh heh, I just thought about a joke. Two ponies walk into a bar, you know you think the second pony would have ducked! Hihihaha!" Somepony's hoof slaps the table. "Stop joking around, did the mare, Pinkamena Diane Pie, know about the bombs?!" "Heh, you know detective, if she really did know about them, do you think your princess sunbutt would have taken her in so easily? No, we all know i'm the one who will alone bare the punishment, hehe, because i'm a villain, and villains loose, the heroes win.. Well, that's almost always the case.. Rainbow Dash might not think so." "You tortured her for hours, you sick fuck.. She may never fly again because of you." "Heh, you wanna know what she feared the most in that moment? Death? Or her never flying again? It was pretty funny, to see how long her bravado lasted. I made her feel something she had never felt before, truly felt. Pure fear...." "...." "....!" "Bet you've never have seen the strong and brave Rainbow Dash cry like a little filly calling for her mommy, eh? HehhihihohohohHAHAHAHAHAHA!" "You sick bastard!" Loud clanging noises. "Night Flash! Stop!" "Arh-ahaha! Do it!" "Night Flash! Somepony, get in here!" > Tape 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Tuesday, 5th of May, 3412 AU. Time is 10:02 AM." "It's so good to see you again Twilight, I was worried I might have offended you~." "Let's stick to my questions, first off, what happened to your eye? You didn't look like that yesterday." "Some of the guards did not take kindly to me after you left in tears, we simply sat down, talked about our feelings and then hugged. Then I threw myself down some stairs, clumsy me." "You're lying, you-." "Oh how could you tell? Is it the chains?" "You injured two guards, one of them had to go to the hospital... They assaulted you?" "What if they did? Will they face punishment? Do you suddenly feel bad for me? No, you don't, you hate me with every fiber of your body. I can tell, Twilight, I can tell." Sigh. "What did you do to Discord? He told us he could not help us, but he never said why. You must have done something." "Heh.. Wouldn't you like to know?" "I'm serious, you did something to him, didn't you? Maybe blackmailed him into not helping us." "Come now princess, you really think Discord, the lord of chaos could be blackmailed or bribed?" "Then how?" "Oh.. Nothing really, I just made a bet with him, that's all. If I won, he could never interfere with me, ever" "What? How is that even possible, he could simply had gone back on his word." "That's the thing about making deals with the likes of him. They tend to be, binding.. Heh heh.." "How?" Sounds of the chair being leaned back a little, chains rattling just slightly. "Tell me." "Oh, so assertive. Very well.. I simply made a bet with him. I told him in a few hours I could make more chaos than he had done over an entire day. If I won, he would never interfere with me, if he won, well it doesn't matter, because I knew I was gonna win." Gasp. "The bombs, you did it the day of the bombings..." "Ding ding ding! Right you are, princess! After getting Pinkie Pie's help wrapping the presents up and sending them off, I contacted Discord near your shy friend's place and made the bet. You should have seen the expression when he found out what I had done. Haha! He was blown away! Just like those ponies I blew up, hah!" "You tricked Discord, you lied to Pinkie Pie, she had no idea what she helped you with." "Hehhehehe, I am sure if you say it sternly enough you even start believing that." "What do you mean?" "Are you absolutely sure she had no idea? Are you sure she did not have some idea, but simply did not care, because it was, fun?" "That's not.. That's not possible, Pinkie would never.." "You sure? Are you sure you completely trust that? Trust her?" "Yes! She would never help you if she knew what you were doing, I trust her." "And Rainbow Dash? Does she still trust her? Completely I mean." "......" "....." "That's what I thought.. So much for friendship is magic, hm?" "....!" Bells ringing in the distance. "Seems like our time is up for today, princess. I hope to see you again." Heavy metal door opening and the sound of two ponies walking in. Chair being moved away, shuffling of hooves, then a heavy sound of hoof steps and chains. "It was fun, Twily." "......" Click. > Investigation Tape 2: Police Interview of Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Monday, third of may, 3411 AU. Time is 09:32 AM, present is detective Beacon Light, conducting interview of Rarity." "...." "I know this can be a little uncomfortable, if you feel like taking a break or you want to stop or wait we can. Uhm, do you need anything? Coffee? Water?" "No, thank you darling, but that won't be necessary." "Okay then.." Shuffling of paper. "You met 'Joker' when he first arrived in Ponyville?" "Yes.." "What was he like?" Sigh. "Well.. He was quite the charming young stallion, well spoken, social, a little strange, but he seemed no more strange than any other pony." "Aha.. You say he was charming, so you did not suspect he was up to something?" "Darling, I meet strange ponies every week. Did I expect him to do what he did? Of course not, no pony did.. He lived with us, got a house, made friends and worked as a party clown. To us, he was just a friendly pony who had moved to the village." "Mm.." Page being turned. "So how did he meet Pinkamena Diane Pie?" "Pinkie Pie, we call her Pinkie Pie." "Of course, but I need to use her legal name for the sake of this." "..." "So do you know when they met?" Sigh. "Like every newcomer to Ponyville, Pinkie is the first to meet and greet them. When he arrived she was the first pony he met." "How can you be so sure about that?" "If you ever came to Ponyville, you would understand..." Page turning. "Okay.. So can you describe her relationship with 'Joker'? My understanding is you know all the gossip in town." "They were... Close..." "How close? Friendly? Close friends? Maybe even infatuated with one another?" "I.. I'm not sure.." Sigh. "Come now miss Rarity. You're telling me a mare who knows about all the gossip in town knows, or notices nothing about one of her best friends spending a lot of time with a new stallion?" "Well, darling I... Well.. Maybe I did get some sort of impression they liked one another, or, she liked him.. But that doesn't mean she knew about what he was planning!" "I never said it did, miss Rarity." Another page is flipped. "You made his outfit, yes?" "Yes.. He came in one day, said he wanted a suit to present a new look he had been working on.. He gave me the details, inner pockets, hidden pockets, color, all sorts of details.." "And you never suspe-" "No. Never, he told me the pockets were for his magic tricks, gags and so on. It was supposed to be a suit for his clown work.. If I had known, I would have.. I would have.." "It's okay miss Rarity, I think we got what we needed for now. Do you have something to add?" "No.. Nothing other than.. He lied, and tricked his way into our lives, we thought he was our friend.. We never knew..." "Interview ending, time is 09:56 AM." Click. > Tape 4: Report 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Tuesday, 5th of May, 3412 AU. 07:02 PM." Clears throat. "Today was.. Trying.. Joker seems intend on playing games with me, I know he is trying to get into my head, but what he said.. Pinkie.." Sigh. "To make sure I get the story straight I've decided to go over the facts as we know them. Joker came into our lives about a year ago, he arrived with train, and like any other pony, he met Pinkie Pie. She, as Pinkie Pie always do, bid him welcome, and of course, promised to make a welcome party if he was moving in." Moving some papers around. "I first heard of this about an hour later, I think it was about an hour? Uhm.. Yes, I believe so. Ahem.. At any rate, Pinkie Pie send me an invitation and I of course attended. That is where we all met, Joker, for the first time, like the rest of Ponyville." Takes a sip of water. "He was a little strange, but he was very kind. Joking around, got a long swimmingly with Pinkie, even made a small prank on Rainbow Dash which got us all laughing. It was then he told us he was moving to Ponyville to get some peace and quiet. He also told us about his job as a party clown, which was an odd profession in my opinion, but Pinkie Pie seemed to love it." "I think Pinkie liked the fact that somepony seemed as happy as she was, always willing to laugh and have fun. At any rate, he got a small apartment, worked as a clown. Performed magic tricks on the streets, was hired at birthday parties or at one of Pinkie's many parties." "As he was friends with Pinkie he slowly started to come into our lives, even performing at Apple Bloom's birthday.. He was.. Is.. Quite an intelligent pony, even to the point where I doubt he is even insane at all, but how can that even be possible? Only a sick and insane pony could do what he did, right? I just don't know.. Yet." Papers being moved yet again. "At any rate, he became a member of our town, ponies liked him, he behaved like a kind and generous pony, nopony suspected his intentions back then. As far as we know, Pinkie won't talk much about it, he convinced Pinkie to help him wrap up some, presents, for some very important ponies. These were of course his first victims, which included my brother, Shining Armor.." "He.. He was the lucky one, the only survivor.. I didn't even have any idea that Shining was staying in Canterlot at the time. I simply received a letter from Princess Celestia that the barracks of the palace had been bombed, and it seemed it had been intended for my brother." "Soon enough we learned of other bombings, all of them in Canterlot, all the victims either ministers, guard officers or nobles. It is this that has made me suspect Joker might have a grudge against the Canterlot elite. I will elaborate later on." "I'm not sure, but I think Pinkie Pie might have known Joker was the bomber much earlier on than the rest of us.. Her whole being changed after the news officially hit Ponyville. Her whole personality changed, she seemed jumpy, nervous.. The reason I think she knows is because she might have seen who he was sending the presents to. I cannot confirm it however, it remains, just a theory.. All of this was of course just the beginning.. When me and my friends were called to Canterlo-" Smack! "Eep!" "There ya are, what in Celestia's mane are ya doing hidin' in here fer?" "Applejack! W-what are you doing here????" "Uhm, well, Spike said you have been acting mighty strange lately, so we decided to come over and have a look ourselfs." "What? But I-" Sounds of multiple hooves coming into the room. "Oh darling, you can't spend all your days in here, it's not good for you." "Yea! What's the deal Twilight, you've been acting strange, what's wrong? Forgot to pay the brain bill?" "No, but I really need to-" "Oooooh, what's this, are you making a secret diary? A secret song???!" Tap, TAP TAP. "Pinkie! Not so close!" "Whoops, sorry Twilight!" "We are not bothering you, are we?" "N-no, of course not, Fluttershy.." "You suuuuuuure~?" "Yes!" "...." "...." "...." "...." "....!" "Sorry, i'm sorry.. I just, have a lot on my mind..." "It's okay sugarcube, if ya want we can come back another time?" "No, i'm sorry. I think you might be right, some time out of this room might do me good.." "Great! Then let us go and get some air!" "Sure, just let me turn thi-" Click. > Tape 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Lady Luna, bring me a dream, bung bung bung bung~." "Wednesday, 6th of May, 3412 A- what are you doing?" "Make her the cutest that I've ever seen, bung bung bung bung~. Oh? Sorry, just remembered an old song I heard the other day." Tapping of a hoof. "You know, I always thought it was weird how we sometimes burst into song. I mean, song magic? Come on! If that's not a joke then I don't know what is! Heh-heh!" Sigh. "I have some questions, Joker. If you can please stay focused. I would like to ask you about why you involved Pinkie Pie? You could have sent the bombs without her help.." Groan. "Come now Twilight, that's not what you wanted to ask. You have something special on your mind today, I can tell." "....." "...Why?.... Why did you target my brother, was it to hurt me? Was it some personal grudge?" "....Heh...." "Answer me." "...." "Did he do something to you? Were you a guard under his command..?" "Does it matter?" "It does." "Why? It's not like he was killed or anything, lucky him, he was out smooching with a royal." "You may not have killed him, but four guards were caught in the blast and eleven more injured." "Oh don't worry, princess, they were just background fluff, nothing to worry about." "What are you talking about? They are living, breathing, feeling, ponies. You killed and hurt them, and those close to them." "Meh, you say that, but why do you care?" "What?" "Tell me Twilight, would you have cared if your brother was not targeted? Would you, REALLY, care?" "Of course I would!" "Heh, now there's a joke I've ever heard one. I targeted your brother to show you that I could, it didn't matter if I killed him or not, it got you girls to follow the trail of clues that I left you." "I care.." A pair of hooves banging on the table. "YOU CAN'T CARE ABOUT EVERYPONY TWILIGHT!!" Short scream of shock. Small growl. "If you did, you would know my name, you would know what kind of suffering you are so above.. Everypony is just supposed to smile, be happy, to go with the songs and dances.. Friendship..THAT, is the biggest joke in life, pretending you are somepony you're not.. We are only as good as this world allow us to be, Twilight. We all have secrets, we all lie, we all put on... A happy face." "You're wrong!" "I know you think so, that's why you are here, to prove me wrong, right?! To finally get answers! You want to repair the illusion I shattered for you! Because you finally see, ponies are nasty, lying, manipulative creatures! Friendship is ,NOTHING, but a joke! You're lying, even right now princess! Hah-hah!" "No! I don't lie to everypony, I don't lie to my friends, and I certainly don't give up, unlike you.." "Did you tell your friends about these meetings?" "....!" "Thought so, how about that tape I sent you back then? Did you ever tell Rainbow Dash about it? Did you tell anypony? Maybe you did, but certainly not her." "....!!!" "You see? Even you, the princess of friendship, you lie, you manipulate your friends, you came here to talk to the one pony that hurt you all, to get answers. But you never, ever, told your friends... Because you, don't, trust them." "!!!!!" "See, friendship, what a joke.. Ahahaha--Uhuhuhhahahhihihihi-Ahahahahaha!" > Unknown Tape > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. Small humming. "Okaaaaay, that should do it. Testing." Tap Tap, Tap Tap. "Heh! Alright, greetings Twilight! Sorry if I sound a little weird, but I have been rather busy of late. By now I'm sure you noticed a certain pony missing, I am also sure that by now, you also know it was me who killed those ponies, planted those bombs and created all of this chaos." "Mmmmfh..." "You see, I have your brave little friend, yes indeed! She followed me, just like I knew she would, and just like I predicted she sprung my trap and got herself captured! I won't bore you with the details, but I have her here knocked out, a little tied up at the moment, but for now, unharmed. Hehehe." "Hmfh-mmmh..." "Shhhh, be quiet back there I'm trying to send a ransom tape. Sorry, where was I? OH YES! I have your friend, and if you want her back, I suggest you and the rest of your friends meet me at the castle of the two sisters. By the time you get this tape we should already be there, waiting." Microphone moving. "Oh, and I guess it goes without saying that you should come alone, heh. No guards, no Celestia or Luna, no one but you and the rest of your friends. And Twilight, don't try and be cute and bring the whole village, saying something cheesy like, 'I brought, ALL my friends, just like you asked.'If you do, then I'm afraid Rainbow will pay the price. Oh and just to show you i'm serious, let's do a demo tape, so stay tuned, the show is about to begin..." Mic is moved and sat down. "Oh Rainbow? Rainbow darling? Oh she looks so peaceful all knocked out like that, better be gentle.." SMACK! "MRRMMH!!???" "Sorry, did I wake you?" "Hmfh!? Mmmmfmhp! Mmmfmghrrmmmph!??" "Oh right, sorry, the gag." "Mmmmfh-phah! Joker! What the hell!? Are you insane!!" "Most ponies will probably think so, now, please state your name." "Fuck you!" Sigh. "Rainbow.. I said... State, your, name." Crack! "ARGHHH-AHHHHRGMMMMH!!!!! Ahhh...!!! FfFFF-fuckk....!!" "Ah ah ah. No blacking out on me. Now please, state your pretty little name." Painful panting. "Ah...nah...r-Rainbow...Rainbodash..." "See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Good girl." "....argh...w-why..? Why are you doing this...?" "Why? Because I want to prove a point my dear, I want you to experience fear and the pain of REAL life." Spit! "Oh? Ohohoho, still feisty I see, Rainbow... Mmmmh, kinky. Spit is not the worst thing I've been hit with. And trust me, it won't be the worst thing that will hit you. Ehehehehe.." "Go fuck yourself you... You murderer..." "Now.. Let us see what we have to work with.. Oh yes.." "What are you..? No.. NO! DON'T! DON-MFFFPPHMMM!!" "Shhhhhh, Rainbow, shhhhh." Whimpers, heavy breathing. "I'm not an expert Dashie, I admit that, this is the first time I've done this, i'm a bit scared I'll mess it up.. Though, as you always say, if you fail, try and try again and someday you will fly!" Small whimpers, breathing becomes more frantic and small sobs enter the mix of sounds. "Unfortunately.. I don't think you will fly for quite a while." CRACK-POP-GrrGH!!! "MMMMMMHHMHMHMHMHMHMHMMH!!!" "AHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!" Click. > Investigation Tape 2: Police Interview of Twilight Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Monday, third of may, 3411 AU. Time is 11:05, present is detective Beacon Light, conducting interview of Twilight Sparkle." Papers moving. "Let me start by asking you miss Sparkle, are you alright? I know you and your friends have been through a lot these past two weeks.. I know it must be horrible, so, thank you for coming in. I've already talked to your friend, Rarity, she was most helpful." "I'm.. Glad to hear it.." "You want something to drink miss Sparkle?" "No, i'm good.." "Well, you first met, 'Joker', when he came to Ponyville, yes?" "Mhmm, yes, that is correct. I met him in the evening, I had gotten an invitation from Pinkie Pie to one of her 'welcome to Ponyville' parties. I always go to those parties, bidding new ponies welcome has sort of become a big tradition.." "Did you like him?" "I think everypony liked him, he was funny, clever... Kind.... I don't know who this pony is.. He is not the Joker I met that evening or came to know.." "Ponies can, surprise you at times, miss Sparkle. At any rate, you were the first one to bring Joker to our attention, what made you suspect him?" "You asked me that when I first came to you." "I know, but now that we have him in custody and we have proof and a confession, we would like to get the full story. Now that we are starting to get the full picture, there is something about your statement that doesn't add up, miss Sparkle." "What?" "When you came to us, you simply said you did not trust him, that you had a bad feeling about him. Miss Sparkle, as far as we know, you're not a pony that goes around and fling accusations around without proof, something must have gotten you to suspect him." "....I, don't know.." "I think you're lying to me, miss Sparkle." "....!" "What are you protecting? Is it evidence? Or somepony?" "...!!" "I guess you're afraid we arrest Pinkamena Diane Pie, also called Pinkie Pie." "She didn't know!" "...." "Pinkie.. She is a good friend, she thought... She thought he was our friend, like we all did. If she had known she would never have helped him. Please, detective, you have to believe me.." Sigh. "Calm down miss Sparkle.. Your loyalty to your friend is admirable, but if you don't tell me what went on, then you won't be helping her. You only make her seem more guilty." "...I'm sorry..." "Don't be, please, just answer my questions miss Sparkle and i'm sure everything will work out." Sigh. "After the bombings, Pinkie started to act really weird, well, weirder than she usually was. She was suddenly acting nervous, her poofy hair was no longer poofy, instead she seemed to close herself off from the rest of us. At first I thought she was just as shocked as the rest of us, but... No.. I just knew something was wrong.." "How did you link Joker to that?" "Well, she would not talk to us, but.. But she had no problem in talking to, him. At first I thought she sought comfort in him because he was her.. Erhg.." "Lover?" "....Yes..." "But that doesn't seem too strange though, seeking comfort in somepony you love during times of peril.." "I can't explain it detective, okay? I just knew something was off.. He didn't seem affected by the news, in fact, he just seemed to become more, uhm, giddy? It was also like he was actively trying to get Pinkie to avoid us, shut us off from her." "That still didn't prove anything, miss Sparkle." Sigh. "I know, but that is what led Rainbow Dash to follow him.." "But that was after miss Pie vanished, correct?" "Yes.. When we didn't see her for a while, and Joker seeming to try and avoid us, Rainbow decided to follow him. When I was sure he was away I went to his house, Applejack helped me get in.." "And then you found miss Pie?" "Yes.. I found her tied up and gagged in a locker, she looked like she had been..." "No, it's okay miss Sparkle, we know, I read her medical report. You don't need to talk about that." "...Thank you..." "But you didn't just find miss Pie, did you?" "..No... The basement was filled with weird things, chemicals, bomb making parts, knives... In effect, all the things you would need to build the kind of bombs he used." "So, let us go over this.. After the bombings, you noticed your friend acting strange along with Joker. You suspected something and then came to us. When you felt nothing happened you took matters into your own hooves. Miss Dash followed him, got foalnapped, you in the meantime along with miss Apples found miss Pie and his bomb workshop in his house." "...Yes" "Why didn't you contact us then?" "You know why.. He held my friend hostage." "Yes, you knew that because he contacted you... But, it was not until later that day you received that.... Dreadful tape.. You see that is what I don't understand, you couldn't know miss Dash was taken hostage until then, so why did you not report this to us when you found the evidence?" "I was to focused on Pinkie.. Afraid, alarmed, like we all were.." "....Okay miss Twilight.. I think I got what I needed from you. If there is anything else I will contact you." "Okay.. Thank you..." "Interview ending, time is 11:39." Sounds of a chair being moved and a pony walking out. Sigh. "Beacon?" "Flash? They let you back in already?" Hoofsteps walk closer. "Yea, the captain let me off with a warning.. Fucking freak deserved the beating I gave him.." "Yeah, his lawyer will love that you idiot." "Really? He confessed to everything, not much a lawyer can do for him at this point." "Except demand you being punished for assaulting a suspect." "Fuck off Beacon, it's gonna work out fine... I saw you talking with the mare, Twilight Sparkle." "Yea, so?" "Nothing, only, do you suspect she is hiding something?" "Probably, I think they are all hiding something, but do I suspect she is hiding anything that is illegal? No.. I think she simply wants to protect her friends, that's all.." "Hm, maybe.. Beacon I think we should consider, oh, wait you forgot to turn the recorder off." "Huh? Oh shit, yea, sorry, let me get that." "As I was saying, I think we should look at-" Click. > Tape 6: Report 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Wednesday, 6th of May, 3412 AU. 06:01 PM." Sigh.. "I'm not really sure where to begin, I've interviewed Joker for three days now and he seems to insist in going around and around, playing games and trying to confuse me.." "Not that I didn't expect this, but still.. His words, his insistence that friendship is only a joke, that I would not care if my brother wasn't involved.. What could have caused him to think that? What did he mean when he said if I cared I would know his name?" "Despite his dramatics, I think I am starting to see a picture form.. I think something hurt him, badly, something that made him snap, something that made Joker into... The monster he is now.. It makes me wonder, who was he before? Did he truly pretend when he was in Ponyville? There is so much we don't understand, and I think my time is running out. I fear Celestia and Luna may have heard about my interviews, they won't like it, neither would my friends.." "It's not like I don't want to tell them, but I don't think they would understand.. Not that I blame them, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, both of them got hurt the worst.. Despite the smiles they put on, I think Rainbow still has nightmares, Pinkie still having regrets.. What hurts worst? Broken wings, or a broken heart?" ".....I... Don't think there will ever be a way to fully repair the damage he has done to them. Like it or not, admitting it or not, he has changed us, changed everything... Shattered the illusion... That was his words... I think I need to get some answers from him, real answers, and soon.. If not, I think I will-" Knock knock knock. "Twilight?" "Y-yes, Spike?" "Could you lend a hoof downstairs?" "Oh, of course Spike." Hoofsteps, door opening and closing. ...... ............... ............................... .......................................... Sounds of something being opened. "Hm? Heh heeeh, I told you guys, she is still doing that secret project." Unintelligible speech. "Relax, just gonna take a peak." Wings flapping, coming closer and closer, until suddenly they stop. "Still recording, whatever she is recording.. Hehe!" Microphone being picked up. "Ahem... GOOOOOOD, EVENING PONYVILLE! My name is Rainbow Danger Dash, and i'm gonna be your host for the evening shift! We have a great show for you this evening, a few smooth jazz lines and then later we are gonna get a special guest, misses midgnight herself, princess Luna! Ooooooh~ Hehehahaha! A-and, and then later we're gonna...Hehe...We're gonna have... Have...?" Papers moving. Gasp! Microphone getting dropped, heavy breathing. "..no....Not...not again..." Breathing picking up, becoming more frantic. "No, no...I...I...." Door opens. "Rainbow!" Several hoofsteps approach. "Oh no, she is having a!" "It's okay Rainbow, it's okay... Take slow, deep breaths. Come on, with me, go in, slowly now.. That's it, and then slowly out, come on... That's it..." Somepony picks up the microphone. Gasp! "That's it.. That's it, it's okay Rainbow, you're okay.." "Fluttershy.. A'h think It might be best if ya take Rainbow there with ya downstairs and let her rest fer a bit.." "Uhm.. Yes, of course.. Come on Rainbow, here, lean on me.. Come on.. Rarity, can you please give me a hoof?" "Of course darling, come on then Rainbow, we're gonna take good care of you.." "....." Door closes. "What in tarnation are ya doin?" "Applejack, what are you-" "Don't, Twilight, don't even try." Papers being pushed down to the floor. "It's him, isn't it, HE is the one who has taken up ya time these last three days." "I... Y-yes..." "Why? Why are ya wasting ya time on scum like him? I thought it was over, that we all could move on." "But Rainbow hasn't moved on! He still affect our lives!" "Rainbow is different, Twilight. He never did what he did to her to us! He never did what he did to Pinkie to us!" "....!" "But, maybe we can finally get answers to why he did what he did, what triggered all of this, what-" "A'h don't care, Twilight." "...?" "A'h don't care why he did it, nothing can justify what he did. We're trying move on, trying to put it behind us, we don't need this.. You do." "...!" "Nopony asked ya fer this... If ya only had-" "You, saw him..?" ".. Uhm, yes..?" "How... How's he... Doing?" "...!?" "Pinkie! What are ya talking about?! He's a monster! Why would you care? After all he did to us, to YOU!?" "He never..." "Meant too? Pinkie, A'm sorry to say this, but, he raped you, he'd hurt you.." "No.." "....!?" "Pinkie, what do you mean?" "..." "Pinkie, please, we're here for you.." "He never did, that, to me.." "But he tied ya up! He beat you?!" "Yes, but.." "But nothing, he's a heartless, sick monster, that only did what he did to hurt us! He did all that to you in order to keep you silent!" "NO! That's not why he did it!" "?!" "?!" "He did that to keep me out of the way, to.. Protect me from his bad side!" Somepony running out. "Pinkie!" "Bad side..? Protect?" "What do ya reckon that means Twi?" "I have no idea, but I intend to find out.. Let's go down and check on Rainbow Dash first however.." Click. > Tape 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Thursday, 7th of May, 3412 AU. 06:00 AM." "So... I take it your friends found out..?" "How do you...?" "Please, you always get that wild mane whenever something is bothering you, Twi.. I've seen it so many times by now back in Ponyville." "It was your home.." "What's with the soft tone, Twilight? Are you so defeated you've chosen to give up on these conversations? Hhehe!" "No... But I am done.." "Oh?" "I don't think I will ever understand you, understand what you did, understand why you did it, but I think I have a theory.." "Oh do you now? This should be good, tell me princess, what is your theory then?" "First off, you didn't hurt Pinkie Pie, at least not like we first believed.. She found out yesterday that I was seeing you, she asked how you were.." "...." "The Pinkie I know would never care about anypony who were mean to her, somepony who were totally beyond.." "Redemption? Heh, I am beyond it. You would be a fool if you tried." "That being said, you did horrible things, you will face your punishment, but what Pinkie said intrigued me. She said you tried to protect her, she called it your bad side.. Now, what happened when she came to see you that day?" "...!" "So you won't tell? That's fine, I think I am starting to get the picture, so let me make an educated guess.. Her injuries, they did not come from you, Joker, they came from who you once was." "..!!" "The real you, the former you, the one who did not wish to do these things, the one who did the only thing he could to protect Pinkie, hurt her, hide her away. You did that because she saw you, the real you, and that scared you. If she saw you like the pony you were and not the monster you've become, then she would be in danger.. You wanted to save her, from him." "........" "That's what I thou-" Clap, clap, clap. "Very entertaining, Twilight. You should have become an author and not a librarian. Very good, very good indeed, but I'm afraid you're wrong.. There is NO other me, there is only what you see before you, what I was before is dead, YOU, killed him, you and the whole rotten system you represent." "Then tell me what happened! Tell me so we can fix it, tell me so we can make REAL change!" "You think it's that simple? Some smiles, some hugs, some heartfelt speech and then suddenly everything is fixed? No, villains goes to prison, the heroes get to live their life in light of the princesses and the glory of the ponies.. I am happy now, truly happy, because I hurt you, and no matter how much you wish it otherwise, those scars will stay with you forever.." "....." "....Unlike you Twilight, I had no friends to pick me up, no one to care..." "Pinkie is, she lov- AHHH!!" Table turned, crashes, mic drops to the floor! "ERghhhhh!" "Don't you dare princess, don't you dare lecture me.." "...errgggh..!!!" "Yea, you feel that? That burning sensation in your lungs? Your lungs wanting to breath? You feel that gasping sensation, your brain trying to figure a way out of this but your fear keeps you from reaching any conclusion?" ".....Erghg..." "It would be so simple, Twilight.. I could kill you right here and now, I would be sent to the darkest pits of tartarus or be hung, turned into stone, sealed away forever, but the pain will remain, I will remain with you all, forever." GASP! Heavy breathing and panting. "But I won't..." Panting slowly dies down. "It's to late, princess.. Here is the truth, I'm a damaged pony, there is NO redemption for me, no peace.. When I get out, our game will continue, and the whole circle will repeat itself, right until the day you have no other choice but to kill me.." "....." "You know what's funny? My time in Ponyville, with you guys, it was the only moment I've ever felt-" Door is opened with a slam! Several hoofsteps enter! "On the floor prisoner! Get down, now!" "No wait, I was just-!" "Hehehe-hhihihihi, see? Good guys win, bad guys loose, I'll be seeing you around, princess, one da-ARGHhhhh! Hehehe, what a punch officer! Hhihih-hahahahahaha!!" "Get the princess out of here, NOW!" "NO! Wait-" Several hits, punches, kicks. "HehERTGH! Ahhaha-Oufhg! Hihi-hahaha! AGrah! Ahaha...heh-hehe....ha..." CRUSH! > Tape 8: Final Report > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click. "Monday, 11th of May, 3412 AU. 10:00 AM." "It's been a few days since my last and final interview with Joker.. I don't know what to make of any of this, I've listened to the tapes several times, both from the police and myself.. Celestia was not happy, she scolded me for being so reckless, but then again she scolded the prison too for not making sure he could not hurt me.." "My injuries are minor, but I am told if he really wanted, he could have snapped my neck, strangled me, yet he chose not to.. What he said worried me, I think he spared me because, as he said, the game will continue.. I hope for our sake that will never happen.." "I've suggested Joker will be taken to a mental asylum, the guards have a habit of beating him and I don't think we will ever get any answers like that.. He will be sent there in a few days I am told.. I think that he.. Wants to... Die..." "I think he seeks redemption through death, however flawed that might seem.. For now however I will not continue my research, I am no longer sure it will benefit anypony... I thought this would bring some closure, but I fear it has only opened up wounds we didn't know we had, doubts we didn't know we had... Heh... Guess he got the final laugh in the end... He has changed us, all of us.... But we need to deal with that, become stronger and be there for one another.." "Twilight Sparkle, princess of friendship.." Click.