Power Rangers: Sky Strike

by The Bricklayer

First published

Pony Power Rangers, take flight! An evil tyrant threatens all that's well and good, and only you can stop them. Take off... in a headwind!

Pony Power Rangers: Take Flight! An evil tyrant threatens all that's well and good, and only you can stop them. Well, as soon as you get your acts together and get past your own self doubts that is... Thankfully, Starswirl the Bearded might have a few ways to help you. Take off... in a headwind!

Not all of them wanted this job, really, but it doesn't mean they won't do it to the best of their abilities.

(Chōjin Sentai Jetman Adaption)

1: Ranger Red

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The platform was next to empty, except all for a few. One last train for the night was coming, with several ponies quite pleased to get home to their families after long and exhausting days.

A whistle echoed out through the valley, and the sound of a train thundered through the mountains filtering down to the station platform.

Then, a light in the distance. They could see it coming closer, and finally but slowly and surely the train pulled to a halt. Brakes screeched out, sparks flying before a blast of steam covered the platform. Then, the doors opened, and a scream cut through the chilly late-night air. A body thudded to the station floor, as magma monsters filtered out from the train cars.

Blades were drawn from the monsters and they quickly filtered out into the station platform ready to cut down any who stood in their way. But it was not to be, as several teal green magic blasts peppered their way, the bug-like creatures chittering in confusion.

Fast-paced techno music was audible, along with the sound of hoof steps. A figure stepped into view, lights casting a silhouette across the darkened platform. A voice said: “Take off, wings rise!”

A bright red glow covered the platform, accompanied by a bird’s shriek. The monsters had to shield their eyes to avoid being blinded. A warrior stepped into view, red and white with a black opaque visor hiding their face.

“Look, it’s one of the PR!” someone called.

“What, public relations?” a second asked, and the first replied.

“No, dummy. The Power Rangers!”

A sword was drawn, and in a swift motion and a green flash, several of the bug creatures fell to the ground. Now spurred into action, the battle began as the crowds scattered to safety. The sound of blades ringing out was heard, the red figure ducking low to avoid a slash. The red warrior knocked one of the bugs to the ground with a leg sweep before flipping behind another. One saber strike later, and the creature was history.

Leaping forwards, the red-hued warrior summoned a gauntlet and a beak of energy formed around their fist. Striking swift and true, the warrior plowed through a series of the bug creatures. She swung around and took down another with a neck chop before another fell to a punch to the head.

Sliding along the ground, the red warrior charged her sword before crying out: “Burning Reign!” taking down a squadron of the bug beasts with a flash of flame.

A soft clap was heard accompanied by metallic footsteps. “Most impressive, you played pest controller.”

The voice was polite but somewhat condescending at the same time. Lighting up a smoke, a metallic man stepped into view. He drew a blade of his own as he tossed the spent cigarette inside.

“You know that’s a bad habit right?” the red warrior asked, her helm themed after a hawk or falcon.

“Oh yes, they do tell me to stop,” the metal man returned. “But alas, like most bad habits it’s hard to give up.”

“I suppose you’ll tell me your next bad habit is killing hapless Rangers right?” the red warrior snarked locking blades with her opponent.

“Perhaps,” the robot answered politely with a soft sad sigh. “But bad habits are just that, bad habits.”

The battle continued, blades being met again and again. Neither side seemed to gain an edge. This was, of course, right up until the robot villain shifted parts, and missile racks came into view. He fired and the Red Ranger spun in mid-air to avoid several missile explosions all around her. Others, well, they managed to lock onto her. She teleported behind her foe in hopes of catching him in the blast. Indeed, the missiles swerved right around, but their intended target just raised a shield to protect himself from the explosion. The Red Ranger swore under her breath.

Grabbing the Red by the neck, the robot tossed her into and through the ticket booth. The battle spilled into the train station. The robot’s sword glowed and an arc of blue energy was sent at his foe. The Red Ranger charged up her sword and called out: “Burning Reign!” once more.

Sending a flaming slash at her enemy, she met the arc in mid-air utterly decimating it. Equipping her gauntlet once more, the red surged forwards. Her opponent sighed, saying: “Utterly disappointing and frankly rather predictable.”

He grabbed her by the wrist and twisted. The red ranger screamed out in pain -her blade dropping to the floor with a clatter- before she was kicked in the stomach. She slid back along the tile floor, before drawing a pistol. Firing off several shots, she scored several to her foe’s chest.

The robot kicked her in the head, or tried to anyways as Red spun away. She ran, firing off more and more pistol shots which were deflected by her opponent’s blade. Rolling along the floor, she grabbed her sword once more and leaped forwards with a shout of: “Falconic Break!”

The blade glowed red with energy, the ‘eyes’ on its user’s helmet glowing a faint yellow. This looked to be the slash that settled matters once and for all.

What’s that you say? It’s not to be? Well, you’d be exactly… right. The red’s opponent met the blade strike once again, before drawing back and ducking to avoid a wide slash. One of his arms changed to a laser cannon, and the Red Ranger had to backflip to avoid laser strikes.

She blocked the next few with her sword.

“I think we’ll call it a night for now, hmm? What do you say Red?” the robot asked. “You’ve already shown me what I want, and really you foiled my plot! There’s no need to continue this senseless violence. Besides…”

Red was barely standing, using her sword for support. “I can barely stand?” she answered. “I can still defeat you.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. But I don’t intend to test that little theory of yours, ta-ta for now. I hope to see you again soon!” the robot said with a polite smile before teleporting off in a flash of blue light.

Leaving the Red to exclaim a single, but simple enough word to sum it up: “Damn!”

Sunset groaned as she slipped into her bed that night, her whole body aching. She was going to need a long hot bath, like a really good one in the morning. Maybe breakfast in the bath. Yeah, she could easily do that with her magic. For now… sleep called.

Memories came to her that night.

“So, ask me again, why am I here?” Sunset said. “Isn’t this, you know more of a Twilight thing?”

“Twilight is busy learning the magic of friendship,” Celestia stated, her long flowing dress trailing along the floor, her mane somehow blowing in a non-existent breeze.

“I mean, so shouldn’t I be doing the exact same thing?” Sunset asked looking at the guards surrounding her. Gesturing to the nearest ones, she deadpanned: “I mean, tall, feathered and golden here isn’t just for show. I’m on parole remember? Turns out, taking a tome of ancient magic? Not good for your social status.”

“If I had my way, you’d be thrown in the dungeon,” Shining said poking her with his spear to move her forwards.

“See, real encouragement. Constantly having the threat of being punished does wonders in making you do good,” Sunset drawled. “Though if you ask me…”

“We’re not!” Shining said.

“...As I said, if you ask me I’m not quite sure having him around is a good idea. Antagonizing the prisoner and all that,” Sunset went on still in complete deadpan.

“Hey, I can still toss you back in the dungeon…” Shining said.

“Well, lucky your marefriend had her way and decided I should be on house arrest instead of, say, in prison,” Sunset commented. “She’s fond of me, you know!”

“Not sure why…” Shining muttered.

“Shining, Sunset!” Celestia barked. “Both of you, behave yourselves. Sunset, do not antagonize my finest Captain. Shining, please treat Sunset with more respect.”

“I’ll give her respect when she has earned it,” Shining said. “Are we clear, Ma’am?”

“Are we clear Captain?” Celestia asked. Sunset swallowed, despite all these years Celestia somehow still carried that ability to make everyone feel like scolded foals and fillies. “Sunset is working to repay her debt to society, however I choose. Punishment of the highest degree will not encourage it. She is not a rapist, nor is she a killer. She is just a very troubled young mare. Understood?”

“Y-Yes M-Ma’am…” Shining swallowed. “Understood.”

Sunset almost smirked seeing her guard cowed. Almost, for a glare from Celestia stopped that thought dead in its tracks.

“So again, I ask why I’m here?” Sunset questioned as they rounded another corner. She was so tempted just to put her earbuds back in, and listen to some Wicked Young Mare. Again, a look from Celestia stopped that thought in its tracks.

“I believed you would like to see this,” Celestia said as they stepped inside a very large room, pillars on every side and busts of the Pillars of Equestria in every corner. “Our librarians have discovered some of Starswirl’s last notes, speaking of a beast of shadows and how he had to seal himself and the other Pillars away.”

“...you mean…?” Sunset gasped in shock as she saw mages draw ancient sigils and symbols on the floor and on the chamber walls.

“Yes, quite,” Celestia smiled now knowing her student was interested. “I believe we can retrieve them.”

“One question,” Shining had to ask. “What of this beast of shadows?”

“Yes, I was about to pose that question myself!” Sunset piped in. “What if you… Oh, I don’t know, accidentally summon this beast? The Pillars had to seal themselves away with it. That implies that they…”

“Couldn’t defeat it!” Shining finished for her.

“We have magical signatures of the Pillars, or at least Starswirl’s. I committed my old teacher’s signature to memory, just in case… Well, that’s neither here nor there,” Celestia said looking wistful at times long since past. “The point being, we can summon him here all by himself, and then he can help us summon his friends.”

“Interesting…” Shining said. “No no, that’s not the word for it. More like awesome! Simply awesome. We’re going to be in the presence of actual freakin’ Legends of Magic!”

He was nearly jumping around the chamber in sheer glee. Sunset pulled him away before he could knock over a truly ancient bust of Clover the Clever.

“Careful now,” the fiery-maned mare drawled. “I don’t think they heard your fanboying all the way on the other side of the continent.”

“Oh. Oh. Um… yes, right sorry. Restraint must be shown,” Shining said, quickly regaining his composure. Celestia hid a smile.

“I’m sorry, but did you just agree with me?” Sunset asked with a smile, raising an eyebrow.

“I did no such thing!” Shining said a little too quickly to be actually believable. Everyone apparently knew it, given the smiles they were trying to hold back. Sunset snickered and she looked at Celestia who chortled a bit. Okay, yeah, truth be told Sunset would have been lying if she said she wasn’t excited herself. Starswirl the fucking Bearded. The stallion was an honest to Faust legend! During her days at Celestia’s Magic School, she’d heard so many stories about the warlock, she was nearly a fangirl. Okay, maybe not just nearly. She was a fangirl.

Oh, if Celestia got him back, she’d have so many questions to ask. They’d all have questions. Though, Sunset thought with a sour expression cast upon her muzzle. She doubted Starswirl would even speak to a mare like her. Someone who went temporarily power hungry was probably not exactly someone whom he’d be interested in. Yeah, Sunset knew she’d messed up, and was everyday working to re-earn Celestia’s approval. Though quite honestly, Sunset doubted she ever would. Celestia’s love had its limits after all. The best Sunset could do was hope to be her friend again.

“We’re all ready on our end, Princess,” one of the archmages said. “Just awaiting your command.”

“Come on Starswirl, time to bring you home…” Celestia said sadly, but with a hopeful note in her voice as well. “I think you’ve waited long enough.”

She began to chant in a truly ancient language, one nobody had heard in a thousand years, perhaps far longer. Enochian, Sunset vaguely remembered. She knew a few basic words, but that was about it. The runes and sigils all around the room began to glow a bright gold, the same hue as Celestia’s magic. A low hum filled the room, and then a thunderclap as a bright flash of light filled the room. Sunset averted her eyes and was thrown back against a wall by a wave of sheer pure magic. Several other thuds followed her, confirming she was not the only one to lose her footing.

“Ooof, well that was a bitch and a half…” Sunset muttered as she picked herself off the dusty floor, dusting off her jacket. She then joked: “Anypony get the number of that chariot?”

That was then, this was now.

“Well, as all things go,” Sunset said as she soaked in her bath, laying back and letting the cool refreshing waters soothe her. A golem walked up, with a plate of fruit in hand. Bowing to its master, it rested the plate on the side of the tub. “Last night wasn’t a total waste. I kicked some Reverse Empire flank, and showed off how much of a hero I am. Yeah, I got this!”

Okay, truth be told Sunset wasn’t sure if she had this at all. There were only two Rangers, her and Shining and neither would be enough to take down the Reverse Empire. They could put out small fires here and there, but what if the Empire decided to go on the offensive? What then?

They needed three more Rangers. Three more people who had been hit by the Birdonic Waves -as Celestia called them, stupid name as it was- and three more people who could morph into Rangers. Granted, when the Empire came to call all of Equestria was hit by Birdonic Waves, but only a select few could actually harness it into a Ranger form.

And that… was the tricky bit, wasn’t it? “Well Sunny, you’re in one sticky wicket, aren’t you? Well, at least Celestia’s loosened your leash a little. I’m allowed to stay in Ponyville, I just can’t leave unless asked, such as to stop the Reverse Empire whenever they come to call.” the mare thought.

So the obvious question was… what did she do now? Well, okay, what she did now was just soak in her own personal heaven. A mare had to do what a mare had to do, right?


“Okay then, yeah everybody okay?” Shining asked. “Sign off!”

Several voices called out, and Shining nodded as he helped his Princess up. The smoke began to clear, and an elderly stallion with a truly fantastic beard was soon seen, with the most wonderful robes. Shining nearly dropped his sword.

“S-Starswirl…” Celestia whispered.

Starswirl groaning in pain, slowly opening his eyes. The last thing he remembered was… Oh, Stygian. Oh, the poor kid. He should have… Wait, where was he? Was… was this Canterlot? Wait, that voice! It couldn’t be! She sounded older, but it was! Celestia!

“So, I see you’ve all grown up,” Starswirl said before flicking her on the forehead. She had been naught but a teenager when he was sealed away, her and her sister. “Still doing dangerous stunts I see.”

“A-Anything to get you back…” Celestia said her eyes watery as she embraced her old teacher in a hug. “When you went missing, me and Luna…”

“You didn’t know we were to go missing. Neither did I for that matter. For even the very wise cannot see all ends. Oh, Celestia, you know these old bones…” Starswirl said half-heartedly. He looked around the room, where all the guards were bowing to the ancient legend. He spotted a young mare -her fur a bright striking shade of yellow- off to the side, suddenly looking rather shy and fiddling with her clothing. “I assume this is your student?”

“I’m… I’m not her student…” the mare mumbled.

“Oh, nonsense!” Starswirl scoffed. “You are a young enough pony, with Celestia and obviously very close to her. Therefore, I deduce you are her student! Tell me, young mare, what is your name?”

“S-Sunset…” the mare said in this small voice suddenly feeling like a little kid again. Starswirl chuckled, truly she was overcome by his greatness!

“Go on, speak up, I did not hear your name,” Starswirl encouraged. “A great wizard such as I does not have time for foolishness. We are all friends here, no need to be shy.”

“Yeah, not sure if us being all friends here is an accurate enough statement…” Sunset said looking at Shining before speaking again. “Sunset. Sunset Shimmer. That’s my name.”

“It is a beautiful name,” Starswirl said. “I assume Celestia has taught you well?”

He eyed his old student with a critical gaze as if to say: ‘you better have passed on all I have taught you or I will take you over my knee.’

“I… yes, she did. But I’ve made mistakes, and I…”

“Enough self-pity. We all make mistakes,” Starswirl said. “So do all who live their lives. We are, after all, only mortals. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. Nobody is truly evil in my opinion, just… misguided. Or perhaps they were not evil by choice.”

“Always the teacher…” Celestia breathed.

“You’re quite correct! Different time or no, I will always be a-” Starswirl started before the room began to glow once more. “Oh no…”

“What’s oh no?” Sunset asked nervously. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“I just remembered,” Starswirl said, summoning a staff to his side. “While I was trapped in this world between worlds, I was not alone.”

“S-Sure you weren’t,” Shining said motioning for his guard to prepare themselves. “You had your fellow Pillars.”

“Not just them,” Starswirl said the tip of his staff glowing with pure magical power. “Something else.”

“Got that right old man!” an armored figure said as he emerged from the gloom, bearing bright shining white armor, and shockingly blue reptilian skin. With a wave of his hand, the guards were thrown up against the wall. Celestia fired off a gold beam of magic before the figure raised his hand and grabbed the bolt before closing his hands around it. He threw his hand upwards and fired the beam up through the roof of the chamber, laughing all the while. “Honey, I’m hommmmmmmmmmeeeeee!”

“Who are you?” Sunset said readying her own magic, not that she was wondering if it would do much good. After all, if her former teacher couldn’t do anything, what could she do?

“Oh, pleased to make your acquaintance young miss,” the figure said, doing a mock bow. “My name is Count Radiguet, of the Reverse Empire! AKA your new master!”

“Yeah, well, we’re sending you home. Pack your bags!” Shining said as he drew his sword, motioning for Sunset to get behind him. “My name is Shining Armor of the Canterlot Royal Guard, and your ‘empire’ will not be tolerated here.”

“Oh lookee, a kid with a big mouth. Not much has changed in 6,000 years. Annnnnnnnnnd oh, Starswirl my old friend! Nice to see you up and around. I’m assuming the punk is your little descendent? He’s got that fire in him, that’s for sure.”

“You haven't changed, Radiguet. You're still picking on creatures smaller than yourself,” Starswirl said. He turned to explain to his rescuers. “You see, while I was trapped in limbo, I ran across this one. He and his empire had laid waste to the dimension. Time went much slower in there, so 6,000 years for him is piecemeal for us.”

“Exactly, it feels like barely yesterday I was locked away! Ten minutes out of the can, and I'm already listening to one of your lectures. Do you have any idea what it's like to be locked up in a stinking back dimension for 6,000 years? It's boring! Not to mention I had a Charley horse since god knows when!” Radiguet said. “But enough of that! I need to make a proper introduction! You want to know what the difference between a normal villain and me is right? Let me show you. It’s all about PRESENTATION!”

All across Equestria, a massive head was projected. Radiguet’s head, actually as the clouds turned a deep pitch black, lightning striking. “Greeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttings Equestria, I am your new ruler. My empire is vast, now including your land. Do not pass go, do not collect your 200 dollars! From this moment forth the world as you know it shall cease to exist. Welcome to my nightmare!”

Screams erupted across the kingdom, Radiguet laughing like a madman as he listened before dancing in place. Oh, it was music to his ears. Well, at least he was honest about his intentions, he wasn’t a corporate shyster! He had standards!

“Annnnnnnnnnnd now for you…” Radiguet cackled as he advanced upon Starswirl. He fired off a bolt of energy, but the wizard leaped in front of the blast, holding it back with his staff. The energy was continually fired and Starswirl continued to deflect it. In a fit of frustration, Radiguet changed into a far more monstrous form -it would certainly haunt Sunset’s dreams, that was for sure- and unleashed an energy wave. Starswirl was knocked to the floor as the wave went all throughout Equestria.

Far and away in the hills and valleys of the hidden villages, a young kirin tended to her garden before she too was knocked to the ground by this wave. Her farm had been caught ablaze -not even by her this time!- and she looked to the sky asking: “Why me…?”

She failed to notice her wrist glowing with a distinct yellow hue…

Back in Canterlot, Starswirl and Celestia picked themselves off the floor, and launched Radiguet out through a wall and into the gardens.

“See now, that’s just rude,” Radiguet said as he resumed his normal form. “Sorry if you had to see my other half, by the way. I can’t control myself, beardo over there just made me so angry! Fighting mad, you see!”

He summoned his lightning and it wrapped around the two like a cage. “Oooooh, ponies in a cage. Just what I always wanted, must have been a good boy this year!”

Sunset flew out of nowhere and kicked him square in the face, before flipping in front of her teacher. She snarked: “Yeah, I doubt that very much. The gift-givers don’t really take kindly to entrapment.”

“Oh look, a hero! My favorite!” Radiguet said.

“She really is your student…” Starswirl murmured to Celestia, who nodded.

“Sunset, get out of there!” Celestia shouted. “Save yourself!”

“Yeah, fat chance!” Sunset said, not noticing her wrist glowing a bright crimson color. “I failed you once teach, and I’m not failing you again!”

She round-house kicked Radiguet in the face, and then tried again only for Radiguet to grab her by the leg. She was swiftly thrown into the ground. “Heroes, always so… predictable,” Radiguet said. “Such a senseless waste of life, and to think I was going to take you as my concubine!”

He then had a duck to avoid a flying sword which boomeranged back into Shining’s grip. “Yeah, pretty sure polygamy has been outlawed since… oh, forever?” the stallion stated. “Come on then, let’s see you face a real soldier!”

“Oh, the knight in literal shining armor,” Radiguet said. “Men, always rushing to the rescue. How sexist!”

“I actually have to agree with him,” Sunset said as both Radiguet and Shining stared at her. “What, I was just saying! I could handle myself!”

“Let’s see about that, shall we?” Radiguet said as he charged up a ball of energy in his hands. “This is my Eiffel Tower. This is my Rachmaninoff's Third. My Pietà. I call it your destruction!”

Both Shining and Sunset just barely dodged the blast, their manes smoking and Shining’s helmet clattering to the floor. A huge tower on the Castle came crumbling down.

“Rats, and I was going to remodel that section,” Radiguet said.” “Turn it into my prison tower of doomy doom!”

“You shall not have my castle!” Celestia shouted.

“Oh, I think I will. Far be it from me to pass up perfectly good real-estate. Besides, it’s not like you’re going to have need of it soon. How do you plan to get out of that prison and stop me anyway?”

He was soon punched in the face by Sunset.

“Oooh, think you broke his nose,” Shining winced as he watched the monster stagger about.

“I hope I did,” Sunset snarled, tossing her flaming jacket aside. “This was my favorite jacket! And he ruined it!”

“So what you plan to do now?” Radiguet asked. “Kick me in the balls while you’re at it?”

“Don’t tempt me…” Sunset said before she noticed, and I mean finally noticed her glowing wrist. Shining noticed his wrist was glowing as well. They shared a look, and on a feeling flicked it. Twin bracers appeared on their wrists, fast-paced techno music coming from them. They resembled birds ready to take flight in a way. Sunset shared a confused look with Shining. “So… Uh, what? Do we just say something stupid? Like, hmmm… I don’t know, take off?”

Radiguet’s eyes widened, oh no. What had he created? He had to act, fast!

Then with a bright flash of light Sunset was transformed just as Radiguet shot an energy ball at her. Even as fireballs landed all around her, exploding behind her, Sunset felt a strange new power surge into her body. Shrugging, Shining said: “Take off!”

A bright blue flash, and he was covered in a similar uniform only seemingly themed after a swallow. Sunset had to stop herself from giggling, he looked so stupid. Then again, so did she! Oh, this was a fashion do not!

“Well, come on then!” Radiguet said. “You’re Power Rangers now, you’re supposed to stop me!”

Inwardly, he was seething. Of all the luck, Rangers, here!

“How about you get lost, and go back to your own dimension?” Sunset said slashing forwards with her sword. “Oooh! Oooh, if you want to be a real villain, go with 11 items at the ten items or less counter! Now that is evil!”

“It is!” Radiguet said before he frowned, realizing something. “Wait, is that a serious suggestion or are you just mocking me?”

“Oh, I’d say 30% serious, 70% mock…” Sunset drawled as she struck again with Radiguet whirling out of the way.

Shining leaped out of nowhere, calling: “Swallow Strike!” his blade charged with blue energy.

Radiguet was struck across the chest and he staggered back.

“Swallow Strike?” Sunset asked, raising an eyebrow under her helmet. “You know how ridiculous you sound right now, right?”

“We’re superheroes now right?” Shining asked as he ducked to avoid an energy blast from his foe.

“Mhmm, fair point,” Sunset said, punching Radiguet in the stomach with one gauntlet covered fist. She had called out: “Bird strike!”

“R-Really?” Radiguet criticized as he regained his bearings. “That’s the best you have?”

“You seem to be doubling over, so yeah I think it was pretty good.” Sunset snarked.

“Eh, I was talking more on the name!” Radiguet said throwing his hand out and flooring the two Rangers with an energy wave. Sunset was swift to recover and leaped forwards, her blade charged with red energy.

“Here, try this one then! Burning Reign!” Sunset yelled out her blade ablaze with flame. Radiguet staggered back before he thrust his hand upwards. Energy spikes erupted from the ground towards Sunset and Shining pulled her out of their path.

He rolled along the ground and pulled out a pistol, firing off several shots. Radiguet dodged them all with ease and whirled around to catch a sword strike from Sunset in his hand. He kicked her away with an evil laugh.

“Okay a bit slow starting out of the gate but I’m getting it together,” he monologued sending Shining doubling over with a punch to the stomach. Perfect revenge for earlier. “You just caught me by surprise, that’s all. Power Rangers? Please. More like Power Pukes! You couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag! I meanwhile, am kicking all of your asses! I defeated your Princess, and your greatest warlock! What hope do you have!”

“For one!” came a voice and in came Princess Luna with a whole platoon of her Royal Guard. “They don’t talk as much!”

She looked at both “Rest easy little Sun, and little Armor. I am here now.”

“So… there is a second…” Radiguet said before chastising himself with a comment of: “Sister! I always forget about the sister!”

Then, he felt a great force pressing him into the ground, growing stronger with each passing moment.

“Gravity is such a harsh mistress, don’t you think?” Luna asked with a twinkle in her eye just as Celestia finally broke free.

Radiguet managed to cough out a defiant: “How?” even if he felt like his insides were being crushed to bean paste.

“Oh, I should have mentioned. Me and my sister share this special bond,” Celestia said her mane flickering like a fire. “The closer we are to each other, the stronger we get. Meaning I can now do… this!”

She opened her mouth wide and just as Luna released Radiguet he was besieged by a hot blast of streaming fire. With a snarl of: “Another time!” Radiguet teleported off.

“Another time indeed…” Celestia mused.

Now, under Luna’s moon, Sunset searched. She’d detected a faint energy signal just outside of Ponyville in the Everfree. Of course, it was the Everfree, it was always the Everfree. Why couldn’t it be the forest of puppies and kittens? Sunset loved puppies and kittens!

But nope, it wasn’t the White Tail Woods. It had to be the stinkin’ Everfree. Where nature seemed to have a mind of its own, so awash with magic and so awash with life energy. It was the one place in all of the Kingdom where nobody could control anything, not even bring the weather under heel.

Sunset, after the battle with Radiguet, was praised, she and Shining anointed the Kingdom’s new defenders against the Reverse Empire. They were symbols of hope, symbols of love and peace and symbols of… Well, symbols of how out of her depth Sunset truly was. She was a simple unicorn, not a goddamn superhero! She needed help. Hopefully, this trip would be worth it and another Ranger would be found. Of course, that question was who would live all the way out here? This deep in the forest, where wild things frolicked and earth and nature reclaimed the planet.

Green as far as the eyes could see, wilderness and undergrowth. Sunset knew she was being watched, something just out of her field of vision. Briefly, she saw it. Twin glowing yellow eyes. They vanished back into the undergrowth just as quickly as they had appeared.

Sunset shuddered, there was something… unnatural about those eyes. Of course, this whole forest was unnatural to some degree but those eyes? They were thinking, calculating. A dark intelligence belonged to their owner. All of her flight or fight senses were screaming out alarm bells. The quicker she was out of here, the better.

Her horn glowed, glowing steadily brighter with each passing moment. She was nearing the energy source. Her jaw dropped as she clambered over some rocks. In front of her was this truly massive falcon. Metallic in nature, and yet by the look in it’s truly ancient eyes it was as thinking and feeling as you or I. How… how had nobody noticed this?

“Who are you…?” Sunset asked as she ran a hand along the falcon’s beak. “Where did you come from?”

“An ancient kingdom. Long since forgotten,” a voice said and Sunset whirled around with sword in hand, and horn alight. The owner stepped into view, and Sunset couldn’t help herself. She gasped. It was a wolf. Except not really. He stood on two legs, and had this horn jutting out of his skull like a rhino. Twin swords were strapped to his back, one red and the other this unusual half-moon shape. But that wasn’t the most frightening part, oh no. Those were his eyes. They were this unnaturally gold shade seemingly permanently judging her.

“It was only a matter of time, I suppose until this place was found.” the wolf sighed.

“Who are you?” Sunset said, her voice a-quiver with fear.

“An old wolf warrior, and guardian of this sanctum. This… paradise,” the wolf trailed off. Sadness and solemnity laced his voice. But protective at the same time, and quite willing to defend his territory. “Once I was a danger to this land, and now I guard it in repentance. Now, I ask, who are you? Do not lie, or I will cut you down where you stand!”

“Sunset Shimmer, Red Ranger,” Sunset said showing her Morpher as proof.

“So it’s time then,” the wolf warrior said a small smile on his face. Sunset shuddered, those teeth were way too sharp for her liking. “I saw the great blue idiot’s face, just as everyone else did. I knew it was only a matter of time before new Rangers arose to meet this threat.”

“New Rangers?” Sunset asked. “What are you…?”

“Implying? Oh, you think you’re the first?” the wolf asked. “No, you hardly are. You’re just the latest in a long line of heroes. I sense a fire in you, that’s good!”

He struck and Sunset rose to meet his blade, the two clashing several times as their blades rang out in the gloom. Finally, the wolf relented, placing the red-hued sword deep in a rock.

“Good, you’ll do just fine I think!” the wolf said with another frightening smile. “The falcon, he wants you, you know. He wants you to take his power, use it to fight this new threat. His current form is weak, but transformed… Well, that’s another matter entirely isn’t it?”

“T-Transformed?” Sunset asked. “What? Why?”

“His powers have long since been used up, it’s all he can do to stay awake as it is. Please, take this,” the wolf said, handing over a rather unique bow. It resembled the falcon in many ways. “It contains his spirit!”

“I-If you say so…” Sunset whispered taking the bow with an element of caution. Then, right before her eyes the falcon transformed. No longer was he this massive animal, but a flying machine bearing his features.

“Now, he is reborn. The red falcon will be forever by your side,” the wolf said. “The last great guardian of the Kingdom of Animaria is your partner now.”

Something struck a chord in Sunset’s mind. Animaria, but that was… No, it couldn’t be. This place, this forest it simply couldn’t be. And this wolf, his features, his weapon… No. No way.

“It is exactly what you think,” the wolf said. “And I am exactly who you think I am. Zen-Aku, Duke Org and now the guardian of the wilds. Now go forth, and protect your Kingdom, Ranger Red!”

With that, he snapped his fingers and Sunset found herself in her bed. Could it all have been just a dream? No, it couldn’t have been, she mused as she spied the Falcon Summoner on her bedside table. Far and away, Zen-Aku ventured into the forest, and into a great temple where a woman in white lay. Running a finger through her hair, Zen-Aku said: “As always, I am at your service… Princess.”

2: Ranger Yellow

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Laser shots rang out through the forest, Rangers red and blue in pursuit of the Reverse Empire’s minions. Sunset leaped off a rock and slashed downwards creating an arc of energy sent directly at several of the foot soldiers. Drawing her pistol, Sunset rolled to the left and fired off a series of shots at several more thugs, before Grey leaped out of the darkened forest.

“You again?” Sunset gasped leaping backwards to avoid the robot’s sword slash. She met his blade several times, the blades clashing again and again until Grey kicked her in the chest making Sunset stumble back. He then kicked leaves into her face temporarily blinding her. A laser cannon popped up out of Grey’s wrist, and Sunset was knocked to the ground by several little shots.

She quickly recovered, leaping into a tree and then gliding down, small ‘wings’ unfurling from her arms. Calling out: “Falconic Break!” she managed to score a slash across the chest, before coming around for another pass. This time Grey was ready, and reached out and grabbed her by the ankle, throwing the unicorn into a tree. Sunset groaned as she impacted the old alderwood.

“...Okay, yeah that smarts, going to feel that one tomorrow....” She mumbled. Out of nowhere came Shining, slamming a gauntlet covered fist into Grey’s chest plates. He stumbled back and Shining managed a slash across the chest. Another came, but Grey side-stepped it only to be hit in the face by a fireball thrown by Sunset.

“Lesson number one, there’s two of us this time,” Sunset said readying her blade, before leveling it and charging forwards. Grey sidestepped the strike and kicked Sunset in the back making her stumble forwards. Shining attempted to get in another blow, but was sent flying by a series of missile strikes.

“Lesson number two, don’t get cocky,” Grey said, lighting a cigarette with one hand and using the other to hold off Shining’s sword strikes. Tossing the cigarette into the forest floor, he resumed his attack.

“Hey, no littering!” Shining lectured only to be punched in the face by Grey.

“Are you really one to lecture me about all that?” Grey said, surprisingly snarky for a robot. “In case you haven’t got it yet, I’m evil. Hello?”

He spun and dodged a powerful side kick from Sunset grabbing her by her suit and throwing her into Shining. The two Rangers picked themselves up off the forest floor and launched duel slashes at Grey knocking him back. Shining closed the distance dealing several devastating blows before Sunset punched Grey in the face. He was swift to recover and went on the defensive matching Sunset’s sword blows. Sunset grinned under her helmet and twisted her blade, knocking Grey’s own sword up and out of his hands. Grey blinked in shock only to send Sunset into Shining’s arms with a palm strike.

“I’ll give you this, with two of you standing against me, there’s less of a slim margin for failure,” Grey complimented. “To get even this far, well it’s impressive. You actually damaged some of my systems.”

“We’ll be damaging all of your systems here in a minute,” Sunset said, readying a fireball.

“How… witty,” Grey drawled sidestepping the blazing ball of flame. He picked up his sword and advanced, even as laser shots from the two ranger’s pistols bounced off his metallic casings. His blade glowing, he launched a devastating slash of energy at the two Rangers, only allowing them the smallest fraction of a second to dodge. Dodge they did, but just barely. So Grey did something else, opening up his other wrist and launching a rocket at them.

Sunset ducked and shouted: “Must have messed up your targeting system, you missed!”

Shining facepalmed. “...Sunset, experience has taught me you never say that. Ever.”

“...why?” Sunset asked, suddenly feeling very nervous with the smug look on Grey’s face. Then she heard it, a loud rumbling sound.

“Oh yes, you’d do well to listen to your comrade,” Grey half-mocked, half advised. “It seems he has more of a good head on his shoulders. Thing is, I never miss.”

Both Shining and Sunset turned and let out shouts of shock as massive boulders came tumbling down a hillside. They broke into sprints running through the forest as the boulders rumbled close behind. Then they saw it, a massive cliff with the only way to go being down into the rushing rivers below.

“Oh boy…” Sunset said before she got an idea, pressing a button on her communicator. “When I say jump, we jump!”

“Are you crazy?” Shining asked. “We’d never be able to make it, even if we glide the winds rushing up from the chasm would send us flying right up into a cliff wall!”

“Just trust me!” Sunset said as the edge of the cliff came up fast. “Now jump!”

A piercing shriek rang out through the air and Shining surprisingly didn’t feel the cracking of bone. No, instead he found himself inside of what looked to be a very fancy airship.

“...you’re certifiable, you know that right?” Shining deadpanned as he looked at Sunset, fiddling with the controls of the strange air vehicle.

“Hey, if it works, it works,” Sunset shrugged, the Falcon Zord at her command. “...Hey, shouldn’t we all have one of these?”

“I’ll… I’ll gladly take you up on that, soon as I find one,” Shining said. “Good grief, think you took several years off my lifespan back there.”

“So I’m guessing you’re not into crazy mares are you?” Sunset joked.

“Nor am I into getting my ass beat by that rust bucket,” Shining said. “I think one thing is becoming rapidly clear. We need another Ranger…”

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed as they soared off into the skies. Already, the coordinates had been set for Ponyville. There was no place like home indeed. “The question is, where do we find one…?”

Unknown to them, one auburn-maned kirin watched from the clifftops, and looked down at her wrist where a familiar type of morpher rested…

“Concentrate, focus!” Starswirl said as he clashed blades with Sunset. “Shining may be well trained but you are not!”

As it seemed, after being partially responsible for Radiguet’s return, Starswirl took it upon himself to train the Rangers for what was to come. Special attention was given to Sunset, who’s fighting style was more wild and untamed than anything else. Her rage wasn’t tempered, unlike Shining who managed to keep a cool head during battle and had years of training to back him up.

“Crazy stunts like the one you pulled yesterday will not keep you alive in battle,” the aged wizard said. “Only a calm mind and a cool head will do that. Your enemy is relentless! Unflinching! And quite unstoppable at this rate!”

He peppered each phrase with a sword strike, before whirling around and firing a magical fireball at Sunset. She after a short second threw up a shield of teal green magic.

“Impressive, but still too slow,” Starswirl said. “Not to mention…” he said before tossing another fireball shattering the shield. “Easily cracked.”

“Yes, well,” Sunset muttered. “Not all of us are supreme mages are we? I’m doing my best here, Starswirl. I’m a student of Princess Celestia, shouldn’t that be enough?”

“All the same,” Starswirl said. “The enemy is not going to be as merciful as I am. Sometimes our lives require us to do things that may not seem immediately possible to us. My advice is thus follows. If your best is not good enough, then find a new ‘best’ and then surpass that. Otherwise, you may have to live with the consequences, your team is relying on you.”

“But… but what if I can’t…?” Sunset asked. “I didn’t ask for any of this, I was hoping to just live out my sentence peacefully. Not… not become a part of a superhero team!”

“Ifs? There are no ifs. Wondering about what you can or cannot do is the path to ruin. Self-doubt is the path to ruin!” Starswirl lectured, setting his blade aside for the moment. “I understand your fear. All have it. All live to see such times have these worries. All who see such times wish these things would just go away. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. And all we have to do is decide how to break the chains that bind us! So, I ask… what will you do?”

“I… Well, first things first,” Sunset said. “It is fairly evident that as I am now… no, as we are now we cannot defeat the Reverse Empire. Celestia detected three others with enough power to morph, correct?”

“Yes, this is quite so,” Starswirl said stroking his beard. “Even if she could put a name or a face to those who were gifted with Birdonic Waves, as she calls them.”

“I believe the first order of business around here is to find them,” Sunset said. “The stronger we are together, the better hope we have of defeating the Reverse Empire.”

“That’s the spirit!” Starswirl praised. “You may make a fine leader yet…”

Bringing out a scroll of paper, he unfurled and it revealed a map of Equestria and her surrounding kingdoms. In the back of the room, Shining frowned as he leaned up against a pillar.

“So why was she chosen again…? I have more years of experience, and I’m battle-ready, so why not me? Why her…?” Shining wondered to himself. He frowned. Was he… jealous? No, he wasn’t jealous. Just concerned for the state of the team. If a common criminal was leading, what was the world coming to?

Starswirl noticed Shining’s expression and frowned to himself, even as he adjusted his reading glasses. Shining didn’t know why he had been passed over, but Starswirl did. Sunset, ill-trained as she was was more… flexible. Shining was too by the book for Starswirl’s tastes. A good team leader required a bit more… creativity. Hopefully, Shining would realize this and soon. Otherwise, he may have to step in and deal with things himself!

Far and away, Radiguet had settled into an old castle, driving out the resident changeling queen. Her warriors had put up a fight, but in the end, they all fell to him and Grey. “Yes, all is moving according to plan. Not even the Power Rangers can stop us now. All the same though… I know there are three other potentials out there and if they are to join with the Rangers… Well, there is a small chance they may be able to defeat me. The dimensional bug mother has yet to fully settle in, so she can only just produce Reversers and not dimensional bugs to create true warriors.”

This was not ideal in the slightest. At one point he was the most powerful ruler in all of the universe, and now he was reduced to hiding out in castles! He hadn’t anticipated how powerful the Two Sisters truly were, nor had he expected to run into Power Rangers here of all places. Then again, Radiguet thought with a snarl. Rangers always showed up, they were just so heroic like that. Always with twelve legs and coming in assorted colors. Always. That idiot Lothor hadn’t asked for his evil ninja powers from him and not expected to get something to challenge him right? The fool.

He had a good plan though, Radiguet mused. Opening up the Abyss of Evil, or at least one of it’s cracks and unleashing every monster from the underworld onto Blue Bay Harbor? Truly inspired. It was just a shame every other part of his plans fell apart at the seams. Still, he had the right idea. It seemed nobody knew anything villain-wise. Rangers had to be defeated in their true Ranger forms. It was the only right thing to do! It was showing them the respect they deserved, Rangers at least deserved that much given how many evil tyrants they’ve defeated over the years. “But then again…” Radiguet thought, an evil smile forming on his lips. “They haven’t met me yet have they…?”

He threw his hand up and lightning split the sky, Radiguet laughing maniacally all the while. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..!”

Meanwhile, Sunset and Shining searched. Taking the train to the eastern regions of Equestria, the two pulled into a very old station. Mists covered the station platform, with only a small ticket teller’s building nearby. Ramshackle and nearly falling apart, calling it a building might have been generous actually.

“Guess nopony else is going out as far as we are. I can kinda see why,” Shining muttered. “Good grief, I can barely see a thing in this mist! It’s almost as thick as pea soup out here!”

“Speak for yourself, it’s cold and it’s damp and I don’t even want to begin to think what that’ll do to my mane…” Sunset said as she nervously stepped forwards, hearing the boards creaking underneath her hooves. Shivering, she zipped up her jacket.

“Didn’t know you could be such a girly girl…” Shining remarked.

“Hey, you think looks this good come naturally?” Sunset asked. “Hell no! If I want to keep my badass bitchness I have to work at it, work at everything. And that includes my appearance.”

“Speak for yourself, I’m more worried about getting jumped,” Shining said a hand on his sword, ready to draw it if it came to that.

“You’re overly paranoid,” Sunset said to him. “I doubt there’s anything out here to be scared of!”

“Welllllllllllcoooooommmme,” a voice said from out of the gloom, with an old stallion wobbling into view. His mane was unkempt, and he looked as if he was half-crazed. Sunset and Shining shared a nervous look. “Apologies if I scared you all. Oh, it's just that I'm not used to seeing anypony taking the train to... the end of the line. The final destination. The last stop!”

At this, he burst into maniacal laughter as he vanished into the gloom. Sunset then said to Shining: “...well, okay, I guess there’s a little something to be scared of out here.”

Eventually, the mist cleared. Through a series of wanderings, some circle backs and a walk through the woods, the two Rangers came across a farmhouse, the fields peppered with scorch marks and practically destroyed.

“Well, that’s not ominous at all is it?” Sunset asked, wondering if she should go for her morpher.

“Hiiiiiiii!” a voice came from behind Sunset and she jumped. Right into Shining’s arms in fact.

“Gah! Don’t do that, I nearly blasted you!” Sunset shouted as Shining let her down, and the two found themselves face to face with… well, to be honest, they weren’t sure. It had the features of a pony, but it looked as if it bore a lion’s mane and resembled vaguely draconic as well. In the back of their minds, the two knew they’d read of something like this before but couldn’t place exactly where. Turning to Shining as he let her down, Sunset said: “Speak to nobody about this.”

“I won’t say a word,” Shining said a grin threatening to break free. He turned back to the newcomer. “Sorry, who are you?”

No answer.

“Can you at least tell us where we are?” Shining pressed.

Again, there was no answer.

“Can she even speak…? Was that one time a fluke?” Sunset murmured, leaning over to Shining. “...well, I assume she’s a she. I mean, she’s flat as a board.”

At this, the creature looked rather insulted.

“Oh for the love of…” Shining muttered at Sunset’s snarky remark before turning back to their new ‘friend’. “Can’t you say at least something?”

Finally, the creature burst out laughing. “Gotcha! Sorry, sorry, but that was too good. Oh, you don't know how much I missed jokes. Hi-larity! Am I pronouncing that right? Some words I haven't said in a will. While! While. Hi, I'm Autumn Blaze!” the creature began to babble. “You've just arrived, and perhaps you're tired or hungry or reflective and want to sleep and eat and journal? Which you should do, of course! But first— Oh! Oh, what joy to talk with another creature! It's been so long! You must tell me everything about you! There's so much to say, so much to do! Oh, look at me. I'm going on, and you haven't seen— I mean, have you seen—? W-What am I saying? Of course, you haven't. Sorry, it’s just been so long since I’ve talked to anyone, oh of course I already said that! Haha, silly me! Sorry, so sorry. It's a lot for me to pro-cess. Process? Uh, deal with.”

Sunset bit back a comment of how of course it had been so long since Autumn talked to anyone, she doubted anyone could even get in a word edgewise!

“What are you anyway, I mean I can’t just keep calling you a ‘thing’,” Sunset said. “Because I’m pretty sure that’s racist. Or something. Speciest?”

“I’m a kirin! Remember it! Commit it to memory, cause there’s nothing quite like us!” Autumn said excitedly, though her voice quickly took on a bitter note. Sunset may not have noticed it, but Shining did.

“Interesting, that’s interesting. The way she said that last part…” Shining thought to himself. “Clearly there’s something we’re not being told here. Curiouser and curiouser. We could press her for details, but on the other hand, she may not want to tell us straight out. As much of a talker as she is, well… Some things are never really shared in public.”

He’d also taken notice of the yellow glow that faded in and out along Autumn’s wrist. Okay, now that was interesting. So she was the yellow Ranger? Huh, well Shining supposed they couldn’t exactly be picky in a crisis, could they? And make no mistake, it was a crisis that they faced with Radiguet looming down on the kingdom. But how could they make Autumn understand? For that matter, would she even want to be part of the team?

“Wait, a kirin!” Sunset said as she snapped her fingers in recognition. “Now I remember! You used to be allies with Equestria, but a few odd years ago your nation suddenly went dark on everyone. My teacher, Princess Celestia, she’s been wanting to find out what happened to her friend Rain Shine for the past several years!”

Sunset noticed the dark look on Autumn’s face -not to mention the flickers of flame in her mane- when she said ‘her nation’. Okay, yeah something was off here. “Yes, well, I… uh, well I wasn’t party to any of that, I wasn’t aware that…” Autumn trailed off. It was clearly obvious she was lying. “Buuuuuuuuut anyways, did you say the great great great super great Princess Celestia was your teacher?”

“Well, emphasis on ‘was’. She’s not now, and pretty sure she doesn’t want to take me back,” Sunset sighed sitting down upon a rock. “I… kinda maybe sorta screwed up majorly. Turns out, temporarily going mad with power is a real downer for your relationships!”

“Ooof, full-on supervillain?” Autumn asked. “So, uh, did you imprison your teacher in a cage of your own making? Take over the kingdo… oh, I’m being insensitive aren’t I?”

“Yeah, uh you think?” Sunset asked. Actually, she didn’t even know why she was pouring her heart and soul out to this kirin, she barely even knew her! “Doy!”

Autumn facepalmed. “...and now you see why I stick to farming, much less troublesome than managing relationships,” she went on before looking out over the farm. “Or, at least I used to farm anyways…”

“Can you tell us what happened here?” Shining asked. “Vandals? Bandits? Maybe we can catch them for you. It’s the least we can do. Mother always said you find friends in the most unusual places.”

“Ooooh, momma’s boy huh?” Autumn giggled.

“Oh, he totally is!” Sunset teased. “He still sends her postcards, letters! And they’re in the same city!”

“Shuddup…” Shining said his cheeks flushing a bright red.

“Anyways, not sure you can ‘catch’ the guys that did this. Well, not guys as in guys in plural. Guy as in just one, singular. Well, at least I think he was a guy. Hard to tell with that lipstick. Anyways, his great blue floatingness appeared over the kingdom and send down lightning. Caught my entire farm ablaze! I was just glad I had the foresight not to build a wooden hut, let me tell you!”

“Wait wait wait, back up,” Shining said. “Great blue floatingness? He didn’t say anything about welcoming you to his nightmare and not passing go?”

“Oh yeah, he totally did say that now that you mention it!” Autumn said snapping her fingers in remembrance. “I thought he was just being uber-dramatic and referencing pop culture like some big goofball until he brought down the lightning. Talk about a dick, right?”

“Oh, uh, yeah, totally!” Sunset nodded along in agreement. “But he’s not just going to stop at farms. He’s going to…”

“Take over the whole world?” Autumn asked. “Oh yeah, I figured, standard supervillain procedure and all that. But not my problem, I gotta worry about how to take care of the next season’s crops! Good grief! This is such a setback, am I right?”

“...well, at least she has her priorities straight…” Shining uttered before looking Autumn dead in the eye. He took on his best ‘I am the Captain of the Royal Guard and you will listen to me’ voice. He said: “He’s going to destroy more than just your crops. He’s going to destroy everything, or did you miss that part? You may not have noticed, and Sunset may not have but I did. See that power now, the one coursing through your veins and the one you feel in your very soul? You’re a Ranger now, a Power Ranger. It’s your responsibility to protect Equestria, and your home!. This isn’t just something you can just back out of.”

“I… see,” Autumn said. “But… but what if I don’t want to?”

Shining’s jaw dropped. “What if you don’t want to? You can’t just lay back as Radiguet lays waste to your home. And he will come here again, once he’s done with Equestria he’ll come here. And when you hear us fighting, screaming, and dying… Just know you could ha- OW!”

Sunset smacked him over the head. “I’m sorry, he’s an idiot,” she apologized before looking at Shining. “Can’t you see she’s scared out of her mind? I’d be too if you just told me all of that. I didn’t have the luxury of a choice. She does. We can find the other Rangers, maybe we don’t need five of us. Four or maybe just three will do. No need to guilt-trip her.”

“I wasn’t guilt-tripping her!” Shining hissed as he pulled her aside. “I was informing her of her responsibilities. She’s a Ranger now, saving the world is a bit more important than tending to your farm I should think!”

“True, but your approach needs work,” Sunset said before going back to Autumn. Gently, she grasped the kirin’s hand. “I’m sorry about him, he’s a good fighter but not the best pony person. Or kirin person I guess in this case. But he’s right, even if his approach needs work. You do have a responsibility now. Radiguet will come for you. Once he figures out where his power went, who it empowered, well… Your people are going to be in grave danger.”

Autumn wanted to scream how they weren’t her people, and indeed she almost did. Flames licked at her mane. But then she thought to herself, did they really deserve even that? Even after how they kicked her out? ...well, she supposed her own approach could have used some work. But she needed to make them understand. Stripping themselves of all emotions, including love was… it was horrible. Hell, without the ability to fall in love they may not reproduce and the village would die out. But they certainly didn’t deserve to be conquered by a madman, even if it would probably be a good solid rightful blow to their prideful stupidity.

“I… I need time to think on this....” Autumn said before a laser blast nearly relieved her of her head. Sunset and Shining whirled around and drew their swords, Grey walking up. He strode through the burnt crops, hand charged with energy.

“Oh great, it’s him again…” Shining said.

“I do deeply apologize, but I think you just ran out of time, Ranger. You will submit…” Grey said, leveling his blade at Autumn. “...or be destroyed.”

“Stand back,” Shining said as Reversers swarmed the area, the magma-infused bug minions swarming the area. “We’ll handle him. Just get to safety, okay?”

“No… no, I’m done running,” Autumn said. “Question though, first of all. Did he have a part in destroying my crops?”

“More or less, considering he’s Radiguet’s right-hand minion,” Shining answered. “Why?”

“Good to know…” Autumn growled before looking directly at Grey. “I needed someone to beat up for that. You. You destroyed my crops, you and your empire!”

Flicking her wrist, a morpher appeared. Grey’s optics widened. Uh-oh.

“Nice to see you’ve finally come around,” Shining said.

“Oh, just shut up and let me deal with this soon to be scrap pile. How does it go?” Autumn asked and both of her fellow Rangers looked at her strangely. “Doy! The little morphing call, the transformation phrase!”

“Take off, wings rise!” Sunset and Shining answered as they morphed dodging a sword swing from Grey. Autumn nodded before kicking Grey in the back, making him stumble forwards.

Striking a pose, she called: “Take off, wings rise!”

“No!” Grey called as Autumn and company leaped atop a hill to avoid sword swings from him and his minions.

“Oh yes,” Autumn said looking over her new suit. “So what do you call yourselves? Like Bird Force or something? No, that’s dumb. Sky Strike sounds oh so much better!”

“Well, uh… we haven’t really thought about it…” Shining admitted sheepishly. “Though now that you mention it…”

“I like it. Now… With the reach of a Falcon! Power Ranger Red!”

“With the speed of a swallow! Power Ranger Blue!”

“With the strength of an owl. Power Ranger Yellow!” Autumn shouted before they all completed the role call as explosions erupted in the background. Thank Grey’s missiles for that actually. “Power Rangers Sky Strike!”

The trio quickly set about dispatching the minions, Autumn kicking a rock towards several of the Reversers.

“Shouldn’t… shouldn’t she be using a weapon?” Sunset asked as she and Shining held back Grey.

“I don’t think she needs it!” Shining answered watching the Reversers topple down all over the place, complete with comical pinfall sounds.

“Strrrrrriiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeee!” Autumn said grabbing a Reverser and spinning him over her head and then throwing him into his comrades. “...or is that only for Baseball?”

Punching the air, she then rocketed towards several more of the minions like a freight train. She plowed through them like one as well, the Reversers not even able to hold her back.

“Cannonball!” Autumn cried as she jumped into the air and off a hill into another crowd of minions. Slamming a hoof into the ground, a massive gaping fissure appeared sucking all of the mooks inside. Atop a hill, Grey, Sunset, and Shining all dueled the three giving it their all. Grey swung an arc of energy wide before both Shining and Sunset leaped over it kicking him in the face. Grey staggered before unleashing a torrent of missiles. Sunset, remembering her training created a shield to knock them right back at Grey.

The robot rolled out of the way, and then sent another slash of energy at the two. Shining held it back, before slicing right through it with a call of: “Swallow Strike!”

He punched Grey with a call of: “Bird Strike!” and one gauntlet-powered fist. Grey staggered but headbutted Shining in return.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Autumn said grabbing Grey by the chest and tossing him head over heel into the dirt. “That’s for being party to ruining my crops! And this…”

Here, she tossed him through several trees ripping them up like toothpicks. “...is for hurting my new friends!”

Grey staggered, but in the force that was the nigh-unstoppable powerhouse of Autumn Blaze -not to mention the two other Rangers- he knew when to make a tactical retreat. “Another time!”

He teleported off, and Autumn de-transformed and embraced her two new comrades in a tackle hug, the much larger Kirin squeezing hard. Sunset and Shining were left gasping for air as Autumn released them. It was obvious the fireball didn’t know her own strength, for good or for ill. “Oh my gosh, did you see that? I was so awesome. Oh, I so gotta blog about this. I actually fended off a supervillain! Like, an actual honest to Mystic Mother supervillain!”

“Yeah, I think you’ll do,” Shining decided. “I think you’ll do just fine. No more hugs okay?”

“But I like hugs!” Autumn nearly whined. “I’m a cuddle bug, so sue me!”

"I may very well do so!" Shining shouted. Autumn, she was hugging Shining again while Sunset just shook her head and smiled. Yeah, she’d fit in just fine into their little group. Just fine. Or at least, that was her hope. There was, after all, something she wasn’t exactly telling them about…

Back at the base, reconverted from the Castle of the Two Sisters, Starswirl would have this to say. “She’ll tell us when she’s good and ready. For now, we give her time. If she wants to elaborate, she will. It’s her secret to tell after all. For now, we focus our efforts on finding the other two Rangers…”

Little did they know, but one would come to them sooner than they thought. The black condor was soon to arrive in their midst. The question was, would he accept his responsibility?

Newtech City:

A monument to technology, the city on the east coast had stood tall and proud, always ahead of the curb. Already, the new Earth headquarters for Space Patrol Delta was being constructed, recruits being set loose onto the mean city streets. Some, it was said, would become Rangers. Some would go on to become legends. Others would work the beat.

Guess what happened to one Robert Williams?

Not that he was complaining. Alien criminals who would cut you up and throw your remains in a dumpster, or blast you with water or god only knew what else? No thank you. Humans were difficult enough to arrest. Some said he had no ambition. Robert personally thought he valued his life and limbs more. Being a regular cop was already dangerous enough thank you! No wearing multi-colored spandex for him.

Okay, technically it wasn’t spandex but rather a self-expanding nanofiber but you get the idea. There were fashion do-nots and fashion do-nots.

“Bil, Bil, Bil,” Robert said as he walked his daily beat down Fifth and Main. “...why do I have to keep coming back here, just to reassure you?”

Looking up into an apartment, he saw a pug-nosed alien looking down at him. “But I swear, I really saw it this time!”

“Righhhhhtttt,” Robert said leaning on his car. “Okay, aliens I can believe. Elves I can believe, I mean Briarwood exists. But magical little horses dressed like strippers? This isn’t Death Metal Barbie! I’ve got more important things to be concerned about than your rambling conspiracy theories.”

“You're not gonna do something about this, you're not gonna do change this?” the alien refuted. “I mean, prostitution is illegal, right? You're going to leave this, you’re not going to do something about this?”

“Yes, I’m not going to do anything about this. I’m not going to change this, I’m not going to do something about this. I’m going to leave this as is,” Robert deadpanned. “Please don’t call me about this again, if you’re really desperate to get material for sex go look on the internet. Don’t just imagine it in your head!”

“Oh, so you think I’m imagining this?” the alien asked.

“Well duh, why do you think I’m breaking out the sarcasm?” Robert said. “I only break it out for abject stupidity. Which granted, is my day to day life. Thanks for that, life. But no, I don’t think there’s a magical little horse busking on a street corner soliciting others for sex. It’s like say… Oh, I don’t know, a puppy dog shooting up demonic hell beasts. This isn’t the internet!”

Then, shouting as across the street a mugger ran out of a diamond store.

“Now if you excuse me, I have actual real-life crimes to worry about!” Robert shouted before running off after the mugger. Charlie, the SPD Red in Training joined him, out on her daily jog.

“So, business as usual?” the cadet asked having seen the whole thing. “Magical horse sex, really?”

“Oh shut up,” Robert grumbled. “You go ahead and cut him off, I’ll follow him!”

Rounding a corner he chased the thug into a warehouse where a knife was pulled on him. Robert pulled out a baton and blocked the blade before walloping the thug with an elbow to the face. The thug staggered and lunged. Charlie showed up about then and watched in horror as the knife went straight and true. She pulled out her gun, but in her panic shot her fellow officer in the shoulder.

From her perspective, it seemed Robert had been stabbed. But it was not to be, as the knife had missed him, Charlie’s shot nicking him in the shoulder. Despite his pain, he managed to take down the thug with a baton strike.

“You’re a terrible shot, you know that right?” Robert said clutching his shoulder.

“I panicked, okay?” Charlie stammered. “What would you have done in my place?”

“I don’t know, actually hit the guy?” Robert said as he cuffed his quarry. He began to rant and rave, rather… annoyed about the pain of getting shot. “When you shoot, you don’t hit your partner! Nor do you take your sweet time about the shot, I counted at least five seconds between the attempted stab and the shot. You don't wait for a special occasion to shoot someone after they nearly gut check your partner! Birthdays, or friggin' President's Day! Honestly! Oi!”

“I’m sorry, okay?” Charlie said. “As I said, I panicked. Not future red ranger material, I know, but I panicked.”

“Your apology is noted. Acceptance is still pending. Oh god, this hurts like a bitch!” Robert howled. “Oh god, this is humiliating!”

“I could have shot you in the ass,” Charlie noted with a deadpan look.

“This is true,” Robert admitted. “Oh well, at least I won’t be the laughing stock of the precinct.”

“Beer and a burger after your shift ends?” Charlie asked.

“I’m… I’m sorry, is little miss by the rules no dating on the job asking me on a date?” Robert asked.

“No. More like an apology for getting you shot,” Charlie said. “Though if you don’t want it, I can take someone else. Beevor or Cliff perhaps.”

“Okay, point taken. It’s a date,” Robert teased. “But first… can we get this bullet out of my shoulder? Like, oh dear god in heaven it’s starting to hurt now…”

“How long have you two been married?” the knife-wielding thug asked before Robert shut him up with a glare.

“You’re lucky I’m not authorized for a confinement card…” Robert muttered as he helped his capture up. “Like, seriously, you so are. You got me shot!”

“Going power-mad already?” Charlie teased. “Wow we are lucky you never wanted to go for a morpher…”

“Hah!” Robert snorted. “Me in a ranger suit? That’ll be the day!”

And yet neither he nor Charlie noticed the sorta distinct black glow emanating from his wrist at any time...

3: Ranger Blue

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“You’re obstinate, Shining Armor,” Sunset said in a huff as the two returned to base. Autumn Blaze following behind. “You do know that right? I could have dealt with Grey right then and there!”

“Yes, except your battle would have spilled into the civilians. There are rules and regulations to be followed. I did not get to my position by taking unnecessary risks.”

“I could have stopped Grey right then and there!” Sunset snarled, grabbing Shining by the chestplates, the unicorn pulling himself out of her grip. He noted Sunset’s mane starting to be licked by embers. “Reward outweighs the risk, right?”

“Not exactly. As much as I’d like to see Grey defeated, there are rules and regulations that MUST be followed,” Shining said. “I did not get to my position by being foolish. I followed the rules to the letter, and the kingdom is all the safer for it.”

“Bet you’re real fun at parties,” Sunset grumbled. “Yeah, sure rules are good and all but I prefer to think of them as guidelines you know?”

“And that is exactly why you’re under house arrest,” Shining said. “As much faith as Celestia puts in you, I believe she is willfully blind to a lot of things. You are a delinquent Sunset Shimmer, and in no way should be the leader of this team.”

“Guys, guys!” Autumn put in. “Well, okay, guy and girl. Don’t you think you should simmer down a notch? Look, as much as I’d like to see Grey and Radiguet defeated, there is no need to turn this into some form of dick measuring contest. You both have your strengths I’m sure, can’t you find this… nice balance?”

“She is a child who was only handed the team leader position because Celestia and Starswirl see something in her. It’s nepotism if you ask me,” Shining said. “I have the training, I have the discipline!”

“Funny, you’re pretty childish yourself…” Autumn muttered.

“Well, you’re probably not wrong about the nepotism bit…” Sunset sourly admitted. “However, I think you have a little too much discipline. You’re very stubborn, y’know?”

“And you’re-”

“OKAY!” Autumn barked, her mane starting to glow with embers as well. She took a few deep calming breaths, the embers disappearing. Placing her hands on her hips, she began to lecture her teammates. “Now there’s no need to resort to petty insults. I can see why I was brought on this team, I have to play mediator between you two. I pity any other Rangers who join up if you two are going to be like this all the time.”

“You’re… you’re right,” Sunset admitted. “We are acting sorta childish aren’t we?”

“Yeah, you sorta are,” Autumn said -hands still on hips- before turning to Shining and then back to Sunset. “Shining, while you do raise a great point, you are too stubborn and set in your ways. It needs to be something you need to work on. However, Sunset, Shining is absolutely right. You’re too much of a cowbo… er, cowgirl I guess. You’re needlessly flashy, you take way too many risks. There needs to be a middle ground for the two of you. Try to find it, this is the only way we’re going to beat this guy.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Starswirl said, the ancient wizard walking in. “Petty infighting and the like will not get anyone anywhere. It has been a long day for all three of you, I suggest you return home and get some rest. The fight against evil is not waged on a tired mind and an exhausted body.”

Sunset let out a low yawn: “Y-Yeah, I totally agree. I think I need a hot bath after all of this anyways. Sooth the muscles, plus I think I’ve what Radiguet called a ‘charley horse’. Yeah, a nice hot bath. That sounds good.”

With that, she strode out the doors and out of the base for the night.

Shining collapsed in his berth that night, as soon as he teleported home. He was amazed he didn’t teleport himself into a brick wall with how tired he was. And to think, this was just a collection of foot soldiers, who knew what the Reverse Empire really had lurking just out of sight?

Music was coming from the next house over, blues music as evidenced by the harmonica. Shining shut the window just to try and drown out the sound, but not before a wind blew into the room. Shining shivered even as he discarded his armor, going for his pajamas. Sunset -or his marefriend for that matter- would probably never let him hear the end of it if they saw them.

So what? Footie pajamas were very cool, and very comfortable. Even if they didn’t quite give off the threatening very cool Royal Guard Captain aura Shining usually tried to go for. Nervously… no, cautiously he went for his sword. Royal Guards didn’t get nervous, not at all. He felt like he was being watched.

He turned slowly on his hooves blade ready to strike. There, in the corner of the room was a set of glowing gold eyes.

“Step out of the shadows, drop your weapons,” Shining warned. “Hands behind your head.”

“I come in good faith,” the rather… tall and rather muscled unicorn -Shining swallowed- said, his fur a deep midnight black, with a scraggly gray mane. Shining desperately wanted to avert his eyes, those eyes… Nobody had eyes that gold! They looked almost canine, befitting the pony’s rather feral appearance.

“Yes, well, hiding in the shadows doesn’t give off that impression,” Shining said. “You know, I could have you arrested for trespassing.”

“I… apologize. Social graces are not my strong suite.” the pony replied.

“Clearly,” Shining said. “If you’re an assassin, you’re not very good at it. You got caught way too easily for that. And you haven’t attacked me yet, and you’ve had every chance to. No, what are you really after…?”

“To pass on some advice,” the pony said. “You’re worried about what the Reverse Empire will do next, right?”

“How did you…?” Shining trailed off.

“It was easy enough to guess,” the black stallion said. “You have only seen the tip of the iceberg, as the saying goes when it comes to them.”

“I gathered,” Shining said. “Master of the obvious, aren’t you?”

“I do not mince words,” the other stallion returned. “But you will need… special. equipment if you are to fight the Empire on even ground. Go see this man, he will be able to assist you.”

And with that, he was gone leaving only a simple card on Shining’s bedside table. It read: “Andrew Hartford, 518-2568-478.”

NewTech City:

“We’ve got another one for you,” said a voice as a stack of papers was slammed down on Robert’s desk. The plaque on the desk now read Detective Williams, having been promoted a few days before. Phone calls rang out in the background, a sea of desks covering the room. A radio played music, nobody bothering to turn it off for it functioned as an escape from the daily grind and the hot summer sun. “Sarah Stern. Kidnapped from her home just this morning. Mother said when she went to sleep, she was still there.”

The detective looked up, rubbing his chin in thought. Several empty cartons of Chinese noodles sat scattered about his desk. One fell into the trash from the force of the papers hitting the desk, chopsticks rolling away into the trash can shortly thereafter.

“So it happened in the middle of the night…” Robert mused. “Is the area cordoned off? I want to talk to everyone there, don’t care who they are or what they do. I want to know where everyone was last night.”

“Yeah, local officers have already got the entire block cordoned off,” Charlie said. She took a deep long sigh, rubbing her forehead. “Fifth kidnapping in a month, boy makes you wonder what this city is heading towards. Supposed to be the greatest in human achievements.”

“Yes, well, I’ve found in my experience that human nature doesn’t get better,” Robert said turning the radio down, ‘She Caught the Katy’ fading out. His shirt was drenched in sweat, a small fan blowing on him. It helped, but only marginally. “It just gets worse. You can try to hide it behind all of the glitz and glam as much as you like, but people still manage to surprise you.”

“Bit of a cynical view innit?” Charlie asked eying her friend, the SPD officer rather concerned.

“I’m a cop, cynicism comes with the job,” Robert drawled as he grabbed his badge, stuffing it in his pocket. “And moreover, a detective meaning I get to see the worst in people. Murder, rape, kidnapping. I think you get the picture. You’re the lucky one Charlie, you get to see space and all that dressed up in that fancy spandex. The rest of us? We don’t get to be so lucky.”

Charlie was struck silent, and for the next few minutes stayed that way…

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Radiguet schemed. She had finally arrived, the Dimensional Bug Mother. Now she could begin her work, and create the Empire a proper army. This was where the fun began!

“Sire,” Grey said as he entered the throne room, bowing when appropriate. “You have a visitor.”

“Ooooh, someone to torture? Someone who’s postulating themselves before my greatness? Well, it’s about damn time I say! Please tell me that she’s at least pretty!” Radiguet cackled.

“Well, it’s a she alright, though I’m not sure if she’s pretty,” Grey said, lighting up a smoke. “I’m not one to understand pony beauty standards, and nor do I care to. They’re all meatbags in the end anyways, only good for conquering.”

“Well, send her in!” Radiguet said. “Tell me if she’s at least cute. Also, Grey? Make mental notes about our wedding. She’s a princess right? After all, Princesses are the only ones worthy of me. But really, make a note. After I sweep her off her hooves, we will be married immediately in a quiet civil ceremony. It will not be a lavish spectacle in three weeks' time during which the final phase of my plan will be carried out.

“Cute, maybe,” Grey said. “But legal… No.”

Radiguet blinked and then his jaw dropped as a filly stepped into the room, curtsying before looking back at the Reversers. Whom, Radiguet noted, would be fired for such incompetence. Then again, she was a child so… But wait, why was a child here in the first place?

“Your guards need work,” the filly said. “If they don’t shoot on sight…”

“Well, you are a filly…” Radiguet pointed out.

“Fair point!” the filly returned.

“Oh well, at least this ties into another part of this book I’ve been reading. Passage 12, page 20. “One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.” You dig?”

“Oh, that book,” the filly said. “It does beg one to wonder why it was published in the first place, I mean… does Celestia want to encourage usurpers?”

“And I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you’re one of those usurpers, right?” Radiguet said. “Because I’m not going to go out and become your evil adoptive father. Passage 19. “I will not have a daughter. She would be as beautiful as she was evil, but one look at the hero's rugged countenance and she'd betray her own father.” Hahahahahahahahah! I LOVE THIS BOOK!”

“Passage 20. “Despite its proven stress-relieving effect, I will not indulge in maniacal laughter. When so occupied, it's too easy to miss unexpected developments that a more attentive individual could adjust to accordingly.” the filly stated.

“Oh come on, I’m a villain! At least let me have this…” Radiguet practically whined. “Who are you anyways, I never did catch your name!”

An absolutely evil and conniving smirk came onto the filly’s face, before it changed into an all too innocent expression. “I’m Cozy Glow, and I think we’ll be the best of friends!”

“Heartford… Heartford!” Shining mumbled on his daily patrol over the castle, the sound of hammers against stone coming from nearby. Two ponies passed him, carrying a pane of glass. The rebuilding process of Canterlot Castle was still underway, even a month or so on from the attack.

“Who’s Heartford?” Celestia teased peering over his shoulder. “New marefriend? Because I’d hate to have to be the one to tell my niece…”

“Not a new marefriend,” Shining mumbled a little too quickly, his creamy white face flushing a bright red shade. “In fact, she’s not even a she. She’s a he. Andrew Heartford, odd name. Some strange stallion got into my quarters last night and-”

“Security seems lax,” Celestia mused. “Or are you just taking gentlemen callers now?”

“Oh, shut up!” Shining grumbled before he realized who he just said that to. “W-With all due respect… ma’am.”

Celestia waved it off dismissively, she had been getting a little too annoying perhaps. But a Princess was entitled to tease her subjects from time to time wasn’t she?

“Sounds like a human name,” Starswirl said walking up, the aged wizard running a finger though his chin in thought. “I have wondered how humans have gotten on since I left Equestria…”

“Hoo-mans?” Shining asked. “Odd name.”

“Oh yes, I should have told you long ago,” Celestia said ushering her two friends out of hearing range. “Long ago, the magical world and the human world were part of one whole. We lived in harmony. Until…”

She sighed sadly, and Starswirl picked up the story.

“Until they grew fearful of us and the realms had to be separated for everyone’s safety. But now, I do wonder if the time for us to return is at hand. Radiguet won’t just stop at our kingdom, you know. He’ll move onto the next realm, and then the next, and then the next. The human realm will be on his list eventually, you know!”

“Yes, quite,” Celestia said in agreement. “Which is why I believe it is time to send an envoy. Everything happens for a reason, I believe. If you were told to see this Heartford, then there has to be a purpose for it.”

“Yes, well, the stallion -if that’s what he really was- said he could help us with the Reverse Empire…” Shining mused.

“Then that settles that then!” Celestia commanded. “Shining, I have a special task for you. Go to the human world, and find this Andrew Heartford. Seek out his aid. Go now, and may the light of our sun protect you!”

And with that and a snap of Celestia’s fingers, Shining found the whole world becoming a blur. He was outside the castle, and in front of a strange tree. On it was the symbol of a phoenix. Shining found himself drawn to the tree, and then the world blurred again. He felt a tug in his gut, and then he found himself outside a forest near a road. A sign read: “San Angeles, 3 miles.”

Another read “Newtech City, 20 miles.”

Shining then got a good look at himself in a nearby puddle, oh sweet Mystic Mother he looked like some sort of hairless ape. Not to be insulting, but that was the only proper comparison. “...wish the Princess had told me about this. Now how do I find this Andrew Heartford?”

He pulled out the business card, and noticed it had San Angeles hastily scribbled on it. Well, that answered that then. Shining sighed as he looked off into the direction of San Angeles. Guess he’d better start walking then.

He’d had worse really, being put through boot camp required ten mile runs or even more at times. This, well this was just like a leisurely stroll compared to that. Trekking through the wilderness? Yeah, it was going to be just fine.

Shining then tripped over a fallen log and tumbled down a hill landing square in a mud puddle. Several pigs squealed and sniffed him with their snouts. Strike that, this was going to be humiliating.

Meanwhile, in Equestria, Sunset and Celestia paid a visit to the Wonderbolts Academy. Shapes darted through the sky, leaving streaks of color.

“Royalty on deck!” came a shout from Soarin’ as he landed next to Sunset and…

….and she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “I’m sorry, is that a kilt?”

Sure enough, it was, with Soarin adjusting it. “It’s very manly,”

“Yeah, and it also shows off ‘dem legs!” Sunset said, nearly falling over herself in laughter. Celestia gave her a disapproving look which she didn’t seem to notice. “Well, ‘least it gives you a healthy breeze around your privates I suppose…”

“Is she always like this?” Soarin’ asked Celestia, who rubbed her temples and nodded. Right about then, Captain Spitfire landed wings spread wide before she tucked them back in as she walked forwards.

“Princess Celestia, what a surprise. Along with…. Someone I don’t know!” Spitfire said upon seeing Sunset, who nearly fell over at this.

“There goes my dignity, buh-bye now…” Sunset mumbled in shame, hanging her head.

“Here to check up on the new recruits?” Spitfire asked. “Let me assure you, what I have here? They are the best of the best. Come next month’s airshow, you’ll be seeing I’m not just bragging!”

“You never brag,” Celestia said politely. “But yes. In a way, I am here to check up on your newest recruits. One in particular actually. Is there a ‘Vapor Trail’ around?”

“Right this way!” Spitfire beckoned.

“...hey, does this really show off my legs too much?” Soarin’ asked as he leaned over to his Captain. He gestured to his utilikilt.

“Yes, yes it does, And we allllllll appreciate it!” Spitfire said, licking her lips.

“...yeah, that’s what I thought,” Soarin’ mumbled.

“Hey, Vapes!” Spitfire said as she walked over to a mare, head buried in a comic book with headphones around her ears. Pulling them off as her wingpony -one Lightning Dust- scampered off knowing someone was probably about to be in trouble. “You should be honored, you have a royal problem!”

Somehow, Vapor Trail got that sinking feeling everything was about to change for her. And how right she was! For now the White Swan was about to take flight…

Back in NewTech City, both Charlie and Robert had returned to the scene of the crime and had already interviewed several witnesses and one potential suspect.

“Well, that’s a bust,” Robert muttered, setting himself down on a bench. He pulled a soft rag out of his pocket, and began wiping the beads of sweat off his face. “Seriously! Interviewed the ex, and he’s got an alibi for the time of the disappearance. Several collaborations as well. Who goes to a bar at seven in the morning anyways?”

“Me, if this case keeps up,” Charlie muttered soon to join him. “No, I don’t care if I’m on duty. This spree of kidnappings is getting exhausting!”

A robot dog, his face lighting up in a series of red flashes walked over. Robert petted him, making his ears perk up.

“Hey RIC, command send you out here just to get you out of Cruger’s hair?” Robert asked.

“Cruger has hair?” Charlie asked. “News to me. I thought he was just covered in those little scale things!”

“He’s got those dreadlocks, right?” Robert asked. “I think those count as hair. ...I think.”

“So, this is our life now,” Charlie muttered. “Chasing after dead ends, or well technically it’s your life. I’ve got the whole spandex-clad superhero chasing after aliens gig going for me, right?”

“...this is a thing now, isn’t it?” Robert asked. “This is definitely a thing now!”

“It is if you make it a thing,” Charlie said. “Honestly, I don’t see what the big deal is. You dress up in tights, kick alien butt halfway across the galaxy and then come back home. It’s pretty damn awesome, right?”

“Hey, someone’s got to keep an eye on Earth crime. You may be caught up in the whole romance of seeing the stars, but me?” Robert asked. “Earth’s got plenty of problems as it is without people abandoning it to go off see the stars. I was born here, and I’m going to die here. Is that so wrong?”

Charlie knew better, Robert had other reasons for wanting to stay on Earth. Back when Terra Venture was a thing, his sister was one of the first to hop on. In his words, she’d fucked off to another galaxy entirely and left him alone to fend for himself. He was… understandably bitter.

“You’re not going to turn out like your sister you know,” Charlie said broaching the subject carefully. “You’re completely different from Carolyn.”

“Yeah, she got the looks, the talent, the praise, the everything,” Robert grumbled. “Said she was going to be a model, and a movie star. Probably is off on that planet of theirs that they found. Meanwhile, I’m stuck here on Earth.”

“Well, for what it’s worth?” Charlie asked. “If you did leave Earth, it’d be losing a very good detective. So yeah, you keep on doing what you’re doing here.”

A click and then a flash.

“Selfies?” Robert deadpanned. “Really?”

“Hey, when I leave for the stars,” Charlie said, putting up her phone. “I just want something to remember Earth by, who I’m fighting for.”

“Coming from anyone else, that’d almost be sweet,” Robert ribbed her before a scream split the air. The two at once ran towards the source and found a young woman being dragged up into a… well, they weren’t sure. Was it a portal, was it a wormhole, was it someone’s space ass? Not sure. All they knew was a giant tongue had wrapped itself around the woman’s neck and she was currently in danger.

“SPD, Emergency!” Charlie called morphing into A-Squad Red drawing her weapon before out of the portal sprang several creepy crawlies, almost like cockroaches. They then changed to a more humanoid shape, seemingly covered in magma.

“....Okay, um yeah, I’mma going to go out on a limb here and say this is related to the kidnappings,” Robert deadpanned running up and along a wall, before jumping off to kick one of the bugs in the face. “This just became a ‘you’ thing didn’t it?”

Charlie said, even as she gunned down several of the bugs with her rifle: “Good guess, and no it’s an ‘us’ thing. Your case, not mine.”

Robert floored a bug with a hard punch to the face. “Intermixing of departments? I mean, pretty sure this is mostly out of my hands now.”

“Oh no!” Charlie said, knocking a bug away with her elbow. “Your case, so you get the honors of cuffing him, her, it, whatever!”

“Fair enough!” Robert said before calling out: “Halt! SPD, you’re under arrest!”

He judo-flipped one of the bugs, as Charlie gunned down the last one. She commented: “Anyone got a can of Raid?”

“Pretty sure you’d need a bigger can,” Robert drawled. “Now help me get her down!”

Leaping up to a fire escape, he clambered up the ladder even as it slid down. He went for his baton, but was blasted away from the wormhole by a lightning bolt. Falling into a set of trashbags, Robert groaned out in pain. Ow.

Charlie kicked a barrel towards the tongue, and it’s owner let out a sharp squeal of pain. The woman it’d latched onto fell forwards before Charlie hurriedly caught her in her arms.

“So this going to be a rescue romance thing?” Robert deadpanned as he looked up to the rapidly closing portal. Damn and blast, and they’d almost caught the creature as well!

“Who knows, it might,” Charlie said. “Not sure if we’re allowed to date inside our departments anyways.”

“Shame really, that burger and beer date?” Robert teased. “I was hoping it’d become a recurring thing.”

“Just book that creature Robert-o,” Charlie drawled as she demorphed. “Then we’ll talk.”

Shining eventually found himself in front of a large-scale mansion, whispering: “Um, okay wow. Snob hill. Then again, if this Heartford guy is supposed to help us, well I guess it helps us for him to have a large fortune,” Shining said not really caring he was covered in dried mud. He wandered about in half a daze, muttering and mumbling to himself. “Heartford… Heartford. Talk about a pony name, wonder if this guy is Cadence’s distant cousin or something? I mean, I suppose it’s possible. Genealogy and all that… and now I’m rambling. Great. My drill sarge would have been so disappointed in me, yep he was a hardass old Galaxy Swirls.”

“Yes, um, excuse me sir, but would you mind not trodding your muck all over the drive?” came a voice and Shining looked to see an elderly gentleman walking up. He noted Shining’s armor. “While you’re rambling on about what I can only presume is your LARPing I have to clean this up for Master Andrew.”

“Oh yes, um… sorry,” Shining had the decency to blush. “I may have fallen in a pigsty while I was hiking over here.”

Spencer sniffed him. “...Oh yes, that does explain the smell.” he deadpanned.

“Um… sorry?” Shining said. “I mean, I can put on some deodorant and stuff, but I’m not quite sure I’d be able to help with the mud.”

“I don’t think there’s any armor specialist in the world who can get all that out,” Spencer remarked. “Nobody’s that good. But as I suppose you’re here for Master Mack and he’ll be entertaining guests I suppose it is only polite to try!”

“Oh, I’m not here for anyone named Mack,” Shining corrected, holding up the mud-covered business card. “I’m here for Andrew Heartford.”

“Of course you are…” Spencer muttered. “And it’s Hartford. Spelled with an ‘a’ and a ‘r’.”

“See, I thought it was Heartford!” Shining said. “Silly me!”

As his armor was removed, and a nice clean shirt was provided, Shining was led into the house. “Butlers. You know, you guys are so under-appreciated in your line of work.”

“...if only my paycheck reflected that one sir,” Spencer deadpanned.

“No, I’m serious,” Shining said. “My ma… er, a friend of mine, she has butlers okay? Hell, the whole block where I grew up has them. It’s very rare you actually see them get treated with proper respect!”

“Yes, it is a lost art,” Spencer deadpanned again. “But alas, sadly it is our lot in life!:

Back at the Reverse Empire’s keep, Radiguet had flown into a great rage. “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE KIDNAPPING PEOPLE WHO WOULDN’T BE MISSED! But no, you got an actual RED RANGER on top of you!”

“Gee golly. What a temper! Maybe he should try some more of that maniacal laughter hmm?” Cozy Glow said as she sipped a cup of tea. She watched Radiguet rant and rave at the Dimensional Bug Mother. “Heard it does wonders to relieve the stress!”

Grey nodded. Personally, he was of the mind that something was amiss with the young mare. Aside from the obvious of course, no normal child just waltzed in and proclaimed their would-be conqueror their new best friend! Simply put, he didn’t trust her. There was something in her eyes, really. Something dark and something dangerous.

“He does have a point,” Grey agreed with his master. “You could have kidnapped the homeless, people nobody would care for even if they did suddenly vanish. It was kidnapping the working class where you screwed up.”

The Bug Mother chittered angrily, she was doing more to expand the Reverse Empire than these two louts! They couldn’t even keep three Power Rangers from rising up to stand in her way.

Cozy Glow watched. Interesting, it seemed nobody around here trusted anyone else, that was a piece of news. What she could do with that little piece of news was another question entirely.

“Here, have some tea,” she said to Radiguet. “It does wonders for the stress. If you can’t laugh maniacally then have some of this. Much more refined, anyways!”

“The young madam, she does have a point…” Grey noted.

“Since when were you on her side?” Radiguet fumed.

“I am on your side,” Grey said. “Your heart, it doesn’t need the stress. So drink the tea.”

“Bah!” Radiguet said as he knocked the dishware out of Grey’s hands, it crashing to the floor and shattering. Cozy Glow fought back a sob, that was her mother’s! Radiguet picked up one of the many bugs crawling around the Mother and tossed it into a portal. “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself! Now my evil little bug, go out and find something to infect! Evilize them, and bring them to our Empire!”

Grey decided against telling his master that the last time he did things himself, it ended in abject failure.

“So run this by me one more time,” Andrew said as he and Shining gathered in his personal study. Andrew paced back and forth, running a hand through his hair trying desperately to understand all of this. “You’re a magical pony from this land called Equestria, right? And you recently freed an ancient sorcerer who, by accident, brought a world conqueror to your lands with him? And you were sent here by this wolf stallion who said I could help you, right? And you’re part of a team of three Power Rangers?”

“Four, technically, if Princess Celestia and Sunset’s search pans out,” Shining corrected before shrugging. “But yeah, that about sums it up!”

“Ugh… I… I’ll see what I can do,” Andrew said rubbing a hand across his brow. “But this will take time, alright? I can’t just make Zords in a day. And trust me, from the sounds of things you will need your Zords soon. After all, one fighter jet will only get you so far!”

“I assume you want me to open a file, sir?” Spencer asked.

“Um… y-yeah. Yeah. Open a file and put it under Project Jetman. Then another file, Icarus. I think Time Force may have had an idea that could prove rather inspirational down the line.”

Shining didn’t bother asking who this Time Force was. He was pretty sure he’d probably only get more confused if he did. Then he heard the roar of a jet engine, and the whole house rattled. It shook and it quaked and Shining was nearly knocked off his hooves.

“What the fu…” he trailed off as Andrew ran to a nearby window and saw a fighter jet pulling up back into the clouds.

“Okay, that’s not… supposed to happen,” Andrew said. “No jet is authorized to fly that low!”

“You may want to tell him that sir,” Spencer said.

“No… Something’s wrong…” Shining said, his fur standing on end.

“Oh yes, I should say so!” Andrew said before his eyes widened as the jet came around for another pass. Over the hills was a pilot parachuting out.

“If I may inquire sir, if that was the pilot…” Spencer trailed off only for Andrew to realize what he was thinking.

“...Then who’s flying that jet!”

All three ran outside as the jet seemed to narrow in on them. “Uh oh…”

Suddenly it swerved off as Red Falcon flew out of nowhere firing a series of lasers at it.

“Detected a surge of magic in the area,” Sunset’s voice came in over the communicator. “Kinda figured you’d be needing this. Now hop in! Just like riding a bike, simple and easy to learn!”

Shining never bothered to correct her that he needed training wheels for several years even as he teleported inside the cockpit. He morphed, and gripped the controls. Chasing down the enemy fighter through a series of mountain passes and peaks, he watched as it circled around back towards him missiles at the ready. Shining reacted fast and spun his jet 180 degrees. He was granted a view inside his enemy’s cockpit, and to his shock saw nobody at the controls.

“What the hell…?” Shining asked as he flew around, the jet's auto-targeting coming into play. His eyes narrowed. The Reverse Empire, of course. It would be them, wouldn’t it? Pulling the jet into a climb, he dared for his opponent to follow.

And follow it did, climbing higher and higher and it was so high by now that Shining was afraid his wings would ice over. So he cut off the engines and went into freefall, only re-igniting them just before he crash-landed. Leveling out, he created a massive wake over a lake, his opponent still hot on his metaphorical heels like a bat out of hell. Shining tilted, just as missiles rocketed right by.

They then came around, and Shining’s eyes widened. Heat-seekers! Of course, but of course… He shot around a mountain, and heard the sound of an explosion as rubble rained down all around him. Then a roar, an unearthly inhuman roar and Shining’s eyes widened. The jet. He watched as arms and legs erupted from its shell. It seemed to be wearing the jet as a jetpa… no, that was wrong, the monster was the jet. He swallowed hard. Oh boy.

Then a howl cut through the air, and a massive metallic silver wolf tackled the monster into a lake before it leaped away. A flute sung through the hills, as a truly massive alligator erupted from the lake waters shaking the monster around a bit. It was soon tossed, the jet-monster landing with a thud that made the very earth shake and shiver.

Shining peered out over the lake and to a nearby hilltop where that strange stallion from before was playing a flute, seemingly controlling these beasts. No, not a stallion. His form shifted and he was a wolf. The moon eclipsed itself over the sun and the two beasts merged with a third -a purple hammerhead- and in front of Shining was this massive chimera of a mech.

“I will hold him,” a voice said inside Shining’s mind. “But you must be the one to defeat this Dimensional Beast, Ranger Blue.”

“How do I know I can trust you?” Shining asked.

“You can’t.” the voice replied, sounding a little sad before the figure teleported inside his mech. “Predazord, awaken!”

The chimera mech’s eyes shot open, and it seemed to be laughing madly, a horn jutting from its forehead. It charged forwards, grabbing the Jet Dimensional Beast by the stomach, grappling with it briefly before bringing down its fist several times.

The dimensional beast staggered back, but the punishment was not over. The Predazord tossed a mighty boomerang slicing into it several times. Shining took the opening, and fired upon the twisted shell of a jet.

“Exactly!” Zen-Aku praised. Shining didn’t know how he knew the creature’s name, but suddenly he did. “Now finish the job!”

The Predazord grabbed the dimensional beast and tossed it, leaving it wide open for an attack from Shining. “Now!”

“Got it! Though don’t give me orders!” Shining barked over the comms.

“Fine, then I may suggest you finish this creature?”

“Gladly! Falconic Surge!” Shining said, the jet zord being overlaid with the image of the Falcon Wild Zord before rushing forwards. It catapulted itself though the dimensional beast, leaving a massive gaping hole. Shining went into a climb, and watched from his cockpit as the beast fell forwards and exploded in a huge fireball.

“Do… do they all do that?” he asked himself.

“Essentially, yes…” Zen-Aku confirmed with a weary sigh. “The more things change, the more they stay the same…”

Andrew, of course, had been watching this whole spectacle. He’d never imagined a zord battle in his own backyard, or that the infamous Dark Predazord would come to his aid. He was left with only one thought. He needed to get to work on those zords!

4: Ranger Black

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“Oooooh, so this is where Celestia’s little team hangs out?” Vapor Trail asked as she walked into the base, twirling around in place, and trying to spot every little thing. “Men, and mares with guts! All in multiple colors! And eeeeeeeee! Oh, now I’m one of them. Praise the Fruit Jesus! Oh, I think I’m gonna faint, someone catch me…”

“She’s… excitable,” Shining said as Vapor began to hyperventilate. Wordlessly, and with a deadpan expression he handed her a bag.

“Certainly brings a bit more color to the team doesn’t she?” Sunset commented.

“That’s one way of putting it,” Shining remarked. “She’ll be fast friends with Autumn, just you watch.”

“Oh, to be young again,” Starswirl said with a tone of distinctive fondness. He watched as Vapor basically bounced around the room looking at every little thing.

“Ooooooh! Haha, is this? Yes it is!” Vapor squealed as she almost ran face first into a suit of armor. “Princess Luna’s battle armor! With authentic battle damage! And oooh, the Scythe of Souls! It’s said it’s supposed to be so sharp you could cut yourself by just looki… OW! Oh, okay! Myth confirmed!”

“Well, from the sounds of it, looks like you didn’t have to talk her into this,” Starswirl commented with a chuckle, running a hand through his beard. “Oh, small miracles, hmm?”

“Indeed,” Sunset noted as she pulled Vapor away from an urn before she could knock it over. Vapor, wrapped in teal-green magic was made to sit down. “Barely got into it before Vapor practically tackled me in excitement! Oh, ow, think I’m going to be feeling that tomorrow...”

“Hey, what’s all the ruckus?” Autumn said as she walked in, the kirin looking around in confusion. “I heard all the commotion, a little bit of shouting. Did I miss a sparring match, and nobody told me?”

“Who’s she?” Vapor asked after she was done with her fangirling.

“Who’s she?” Autumn asked in return.

“No, no, I asked who she was first!” Vapor replied. “I think my question takes priority. It’s like certain things in Ogre and Oubliettes right? Now again, I’m asking who she is!”

“Are… are you pointing at me?” Autumn asked.

“You, you were pointing first!” Vapor returned. “I swear you were! Don’t you know it’s rude to point?”

“Hypocrite,” Autumn drawled.

“No no, I’m only pointing at you because you were pointing at me!” Vapor said. “Was I not pointing at her because she was pointing at me? Right… guys?”

“You're pointing. I've been pointing at your pointing. It's different from normal pointing!” Autumn replied as Shining facepalmed. Starswirl suppressed a sigh. Sunset wondered if it was too late to back out yet.

“OKAY!” Shining shouted holding up his hands. “You were both pointing at each other, I think it’s been established! Has it not been established?”

“I think it has been, yes,” Sunset nodded. “You’re both idiots, you know that right? Autumn, meet Vapor. Vapor, meet Autumn. Me, meet my headache medication.”

Grumbling, she walked off into another part of the castle.

“Oh wait, don’t tell me you are…” Autumn said, eyes slowly widening in realization.

Vapor’s eyes were soon to follow. “...Noooooooo, you’re not. You can’t be!”

“But I can,” Autumn said. “And I suspect you can be as well.”

“Well, obviously, or I wouldn’t even be here!” Vapor snarked.

“...well, this is awkward,” Autumn admitted before holding up her morpher. “Yellow Owl Ranger, you?”

“White Swan!” Vapor said excitedly, practically prancing in place. “So, I gotta ask, the morpher. Is it just for awesomeness points or can you play games on it?”

“You know, I never asked,” Autumn admitted turning to Shining. “Shining…?”

“I never bothered,” Shining said before deadpanning: “Besides, I’m pretty sure when these were designed, family game night was never on the agenda.”

“Oh…” both trailed off before Autumn muttered: “Drat!”

Shining turned to Starswirl murmuring under his breath: “...are you sure these two are the defenders of the galaxy?”

“I often find it is the least suspecting you should watch out for,” Starswirl mused. “For they, the seemingly foolish, are often the most dangerous to their enemies.”

“If you say so…” Shining replied in a rather nervous tone of voice, sounding rather unconvinced.

“Why the worry?” Starswirl asked. “They may seem… odd, but they’re both committed to defending the world. Vapor, because she loves her new job and Autumn, because she wants to plant next season’s crops. I don’t think there are any better wants than that!”

“I suppose…” Shining admitted.

“By the way,” Starswirl asked. “How did your little venture to Hartford Manor go?”

“Well, I got someone to design us new weapons of war, so…” Shining shrugged. “I guess it’s a success? I say I guess because I don’t know what Andrew is designing for us. He’s rather mum on the subject.”

“You say you were… aided while Hartford was under attack?” Starswirl asked taking Shining aside. “Explain your meaning.”

“I’m not sure myself honestly,” Shining admitted. “One moment I was alone in my fight, and the next these giant mechanical animals came out of nowhere. They seemed to be… controlled, I guess by this wolf with a flute.”

“Hmm, Sunset said she encountered this wolf as well one night,” Starswirl mused. “Very intriguing.”

“More like very disturbing,” Shining returned. “What is this guy doing, stalking us?”

“It is too soon to gauge his intent, even if it seems to veer towards the benevolent,” Starswirl explained. “I would suggest caution, let the wolf show his true nature. He will, in time. For now, we watch and wait.”

“And if the wolf’s nature is hostile?” Shining said. “Between you and me I’m not sure I can take him on…”

“But there is no I in team is there now?” Starswirl pointed out. “You are no longer alone, Shining Armor. Maybe you should be keen on remembering that! For now though, as I have said, let this wolf show his nature first. Then we will judge and decide what to do next, hmm?”

Meanwhile, in NewTech City…

Another ring of kidnappings ran through the city, and this time Robert knew who was responsible. The obvious question was, well, how did this creature choose its victims? There had to be a rhyme, a reason to it all. Serial killers, they had a pattern. Every type of criminal did. Even insectoid monsters like this one.

So he found himself working long and hard into the night to find an answer, Miles Davis on the radio.

“You too, huh?” Charlie asked as the saxophone trailed off into the evening air. “You could go home you know, come back in the morning with a pair of fresh eyes.”

“Yes, well, I could but I don’t think I’m going to do that,” Robert replied. “It’s not right. Those people may have been left forgotten by society, but not me. Someone has to do right by them!”

“Wow, you sure you don’t want to be a Ranger?” Charlie asked. “We could probably slot you in last-minute.”

“It’s not for me,” Robert said. “I’ll say it again and I’ll say it now. It’s just…”

“Not for you, yeah I get it,” Charlie said. “You’re a good cop Williams, you’d make a great Ranger.”

Robert took a long deep sigh. Rubbing his forehead, he replied: “C’mon, I don't belong up here, fighting monsters and aliens and god knows what else. Robots! Of course, I always forget about the alien robots. I just help the little guy. And a big old club like the one you’re asking me to join? You tend to forget all about him. So okay yeah, I'm flattered to be asked and all. But read my lips. No thanks.”

“Suit yourself,” Charlie replied with a shrug as she walked off. “But just sayin’. Those alien robots you don't fight? They tend to step on the little guys.”

After she left, Robert was left wondering. Was she right? Was being a simple detective really the best usage of his time? I mean, sure, he helped people and all that, but on the other hand… No. No, he was happy where he was. He didn’t need to switch up from a pistol and handcuffs to spandex and a morpher. It simply wasn’t him.

He raised his watch and looked at the time, before wincing. Yeah, maybe Charlie had a point. It was getting late, and coming back to this case with a fresh set of eyes would probably do him good.

Robert walked home to his apartment, thankfully just up the road and slipped in. It was… well, yeah. It wasn’t exactly the last word in luxury to be honest now was it? It was basic, spartan even. But in this city -it was like New York, New York just down the road in that regard- beggars couldn’t be choosers.

Well, Robert wouldn’t exactly be inviting anymore back to his place any time soon. Taking a sip of vodka -even if he knew his head would be regretting it in the morning- he fell back into his bed. His job didn’t even leave that much time for a personal life. Yeah, sure he had Charlie as a friend. But they could only be ‘just friends’. There was a strict rule at SPD about internal fraternization. Plus… Charlie really deserved much better than him anyways. He could barely provide for himself. Hah, him providing for a wife was just a really bad joke, or some sort of delusional fantasy.

Something caught his eye, moving in the distance just outside his window. Robert ran outside to the balcony, and saw something… a something dashing off into the darkness of an alleyway.

“...local vagrants,” he muttered to himself, the detective going back inside. Robert began to slip into the realm of dreams. Then, a scream cut sharp through the night air, and Robert shot awake. He ran back out onto the balcony, and saw a water pipe leading downwards. Well, beggars couldn’t be choosers, he supposed. Hopping onto the pipe, wincing nervously as it groaned in protest, Robert slid. Down the pipe he went, and just before it could give way he jumped off. Leaping onto a fire escape, the ladder came down with a clatter. Robert gripped it tightly, and hit the ground running. Following the scream, Robert ran water splashing below as he did so. He rounded a corner and… well, what he saw was kinda hard to process at first. A tentacle, much like the one before had wrapped itself around a woman. Well, not a woman. A mare. A bat-winged mare and… oh god, Bil was right all along wasn’t he?

Yeah, he’d never hear the end of this one. Robert went for his gun, and fired. The owner of the tentacle shrieked out in pain -nearly driving Robert deaf in the process- and retracted into a portal. The mare fell forwards, and Robert caught her in his arms. He blushed brightly, and helped the mare stable herself.

“Th… thank you,” she said with a distinct European accent, gentle but low all the same. A seemingly permanent phone se… okay, he really did need a date. Not her, exotic as she was, not her. So not her! But a date, all the same. “What was that…?”

“Let you know as soon as I figure it out myself,” Robert muttered taking in her appearance. Oh, this was so wrong. It was just… weird. Like, really weird. A pastel-colored horse, cartoony almost, dressed up like a hooker. This was beyond weird. It was like Barbie hanging out on a street corner, a perversion of someone’s childhood. But here it was, real and in front of him. So, okay, yeah. “...you alright? Like, you’re alright enough so you can march yourself back home? Like, I want to forget all about this little incident, cause trust me arresting a cartoon horse for prostituion? I don’t want it to be the highlight of my night.”

“Then what would be the highlight of your night hmm?” The mare asked, wrapping an arm around him, fingers climbing up his chest. “Surely not little old me? You wanna ride this little pony?”

She then folded her arms, emphasizing her bust. It wasn’t a noticeable one but it was th… Oh, for God’s sake! Eyes up, man!

Robert snorted, this was so completely ridiculous he couldn’t help but laugh. He’d just saved a cartoon horse from a tentacle monster and now said cartoon horse was soliciting him -an officer of the law!- for thank you sex. Just… what? Like, was he not completely 100% sure he wasn’t dreaming? A very bad sorta stupid dream, but it had to be a dream. This was totally not real. Like, it just couldn’t be. Not even he was that desperate! And the line was so corny! Like out of a bad porno!

Cautiously, Robert treaded the waters. “...that line was terrible,” he deadpanned. “You sure you’re not new to this?”

“So what would you suggest I do then? What would you suggest I say, Mr. Experience?” the mare said, still in that low tone. Robert facepalmed, he walked right into that one didn’t he?

“Just go home before I bust your ass for prostitution,” Robert drawled before making a little shooing motion with his hands. “Go on, get along home little pony!”

“No offence, but I feel so much safer with you,” the mare replied. “You’re the one with a badge and the gun.

“Yeah, and this badge? See it right here?” Robert asked, holding it up. “It allows me to take you in for solicitation!”

“You’re no fun, Mr. By the Book. You’re a devourer of hope. You eat it,” the mare said turning on the waterworks. Obviously fake, but it was getting to Robert. “You're like a little Manticore! In denim jeans and a tie!”

“Fine fine, come on,” Robert said, feeling so wrong about all of this. He knew the mare was smirking, he could just see it. “Come on home little pony. Don’t make me lasso you. One night, just one night and then I’m shoving you in a cell. So what do I call you? Cause, obviously, I can’t just keep calling you ‘mare’.”

“Nutter Butter,” the mare told him and Robert snorted. “...what?”

“I’m sorry, you’re just… it’s just… well, it’s kinda ridiculous and all. You’re a cartoony pastel mare, with a very girly name, and you’re… well, look at you!”

“I’ll have you know this is a very common name where I come from!” the mare said. Frowning, Nutter said: “...is it not a common name where you live?”

“I won’t even dignify that incredibly obvious answer with a response,” Robert replied.

“You sorta just did,” Nutter Butter returned. Robert facepalmed, that he did. Well, the name sorta fit he supposed. She was the right color. He might as well call her Peanut. “So, Mr. By the Book…”

“This is going to be a thing now, isn’t it?” Robert asked. “Like, this is really going to be a thing.”

“Probably,” Nutter replied as she was led inside his apartment, Robert really trying not too hard to think about the possible implications of all this.

“You do know Nutter Butter is slang for an insane lunatic where I come from, right?” Robert asked.

“Yes, well, where I come from it’s considered a very cute name,” Nutter frowned.

“Where do you come from, anyways?” Robert asked. “...you’re not from Briarwood are you? Moved out here to get a taste of the big city life did you? ‘Cause, fair warning? It sucks.”

“You’re a barrel of laughs aren’t you?” Nutter replied.

“I’m a cop, it’s my job to be a professional fun-killer,” Robert replied. “You still haven’t answered my original question, though. Where are you from?”

“Of course, how rude of me!” Nutter replied. “Equestria!”

“But of course!” Robert replied. “Equestria. ...I was half expecting Ponyland or something like that.”

“It’s called that as well,” Nutter replied. Robert blinked before he sighed.

“...just get in bed okay?” he grumbled.

“Oh, is that a proposition?” Nutter flirted.

“NO!” Robert said, laying on the carpet. “You take the bed, I’ll take the floor. You’re a guest in my home, so you will get treated as such. That clear? Now go to bed!”

He shut off the light, plunging the room into darkness. Morning came, and with it a whole new headache. See, as nice as Nutter was, Robert still needed to interview her. And, of course, that meant taking her to headquarters.

And, of course, that meant subjecting himself to the stares of his colleagues. More importantly, that meant subjecting Nutter Butter to the stares of his colleagues.

“Yes, yes, I know,” Robert deadpanned to his fellow officers. “Get your free peep show in! Treat her like a sideshow attraction! Yes, she exists! Okay, got that out of your systems? Okay, good.”

“Thank you,” Nutter said in a whispered tone. “Not sure how much more of that I could take.”

“Thought you liked to be stared at,” Robert said. “I mean, I would think a mare who’s used to putting herself on display for all to see would…”

“Not like that,” Nutter replied. “Not… like that. Being seen as attractive is one thing, makes me feel wanted. But being seen as some sort of carnival attraction? That’s another.”

“Yes, well, you have my personal assurances that the next person who stares? I’ll toss them out a window,” Robert said and Nutter snorted.

“...wouldn’t that get you arrested for assault and battery?” Nutter asked through her giggles.

“So, this is the mare who has the whole precinct up in a storm,” Charlie remarked as she walked up. “Like, I heard the rumors but this I just had to see for myself. Didn’t take you for a swinger Rob. I thought you and me were a thing!”

“Oh, hush!” Robert shushed her, his face flushed red.

“So how long have you two been dating?” Nutter asked. “I mean, I didn’t want to intrude… but if I knew you were taken I wouldn’t have…”

“Flirted so blatantly?” Robert deadpanned.

“Yes, that,” Nutter admitted. “I do have standards. Like, yeah, sure I may dress like a whore but-”

“You are a whore.” Charlie pointed out.

“That’s besides the point!” Nutter replied. “I have some sense of honor, you know! A little bit of integrity!”

“A hooker with a heart of gold. Huh,” Charlie replied. “Must be a rare thing.”

“You’d be surprised,” Nutter replied. “So what’s with you? Am I intruding on your boyfriend? Your… space? Cause I didn’t mean to, just for the record.”

“We’re… we’re not dating,” both Robert and Charlie stammered out. Nutter blinked.

“Huh, well you coulda fooled me!” she decided.

Nutter was placed inside a small room, and interviewed. Turns out she knew about as much as the rest of them. She’d just barely escaped being kidnapped by the tentacle creature and that was it. She didn’t even know where it had come from, though she had sensed a whiff of magic in the air.

So, that narrowed down by… well, it didn’t narrow it down at all really. But Robert had a new theory. See, once this creature ran out of the homeless and the desperate to prey upon it would need a new target. And Robert had a feeling exactly where it’d strike next. Well, see, it was probably the criminal underworld’s worst kept secret that NewTech was a hub for smugglers. Human traffickers, to be exact.

A sting operation had been originated, not just to get these scum off the street. But to get their ‘cargo’ somewhere safe.

Everything had gone well for the most part, and now one of the head honchos of the ring sat in the bullpen.

“Okay then,” Robert said pushing a glass of water towards the man across from him. Santiago Cruz, lowest of the low in his eyes. “There’s two ways we can do this. The nice way, or the quite frankly ugly way I’d rather not resort to. Now, let me make something quite clear. I’m not just doing this to get your sorry ass off the streets -even if I’m doing the world a favor- I’m doing this to save lives.”

“Ah yes, the bug monster I’ve been hearing so much about,” Santiago said. “You think he’s coming after… well, you’re sadly mistaken. And even if it is, my men can handle him.”

“Your men are rotting in cells, they won’t be handling anything for a long while to come,” Robert drawled. “So yeah, just wanted to make something clear. You have a kid right?”

“What’s it to you?” Santiago asked before his gaze sharpened. “You leave him out of this, okay? He’s got nothing to do with it!”

“Oh, I know. But I wonder what he thinks of his pa,” Robert asked. “Probably thinks the world of him, thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. You know, I wonder what he's gonna think when he finds out that Daddy takes kids just like him. I wonder what he thinks when his father shoves them on the street to be pumped full of heroin, and then sold to strangers like animals. I wonder what exactly! You're going to jail. That part isn't up for negotiation. But what is up for negotiation is how often you can see your boy. Because I’m willing to be nice about this. Who knows, maybe if you help me… I help you.”

Here, he laid a picture of Santiago’s son in front of his quarry. Santiago sighed. “...what do you need?”

“Your ‘stock’,” Robert asked. “Where do you keep it?”

In Equestria...

“Still no luck?” Starswirl asked.

“Yeah, really that about sums it up,” Shining said, throwing a dart at the wall. “Pretty much searched all over Equestria for the final Ranger. If they’re here, or… well, not here I suppose, tough luck on the finding them front.”

“Well, who’s to say they’re here?” Starswirl asked, theorizing. “A theory if you will offer an old man his time.”

“Alright, fire away,” Shining said.

“Who says your final teammate is in Equestria itself?” Starswirl asked. Postulating a theory, he pondered: “Consider, if you will, the possibility of your final team member elsewhere. Radiguet’s powers reached as far as the kirins correct? Who’s to say they couldn’t reach anywhere farther?”

“So you’re saying…” Shining trailed off, eyes widened in realization.

“Exactly that!” Starswirl said. “You may need to go back to the non-magical realms to find your final teammate.”

“But there’s a problem with your theory,” Shining pointed out. “The non-magical realms are huge. It’d be like picking a needle out of a haystack!”

“Would it now?” Starswirl asked. “From my understanding, humanity has advanced perhaps far beyond us. It would be a simple matter to find concentrated traces of Radiguet’s powers. Perhaps this Hartford fellow could aid you in your quest?”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Shining admitted. “Perhaps he could. Wow, I’m not really thinking outside the box these days that much am I?”

“And now you see,” Starswirl said. “This is why you were never made the leader of your team. Reckless as she is, -and even that can be tempered- Sunset thinks with a unique form of creativity. You, unfortunately, do not think as creatively as I would have liked. Which is why you are the second in command. I do not mean to come across as smug or condescending, I am merely stating the factual.”

“Agreed,” Shining admitted wearily. “I am too set in my ways to make a good leader. I can provide wisdom and experience, but not everything this team needs.”

“Then provide what you can,” Starswirl said. “You will help Sunset learn what she needs to learn, and in turn perhaps you will help yourself. Is that not the way of things, as I understand it?”

“It… yeah, it is,” Shining said. “Thank you, Master Starswirl. It seems I have much to learn.”

“Enough babbling,” Starswirl said. “Find your teammate, and stop Radiguet!”

“Yes sir!” Shining saluted.

NewTech City, again. The docks.

Robert had left only a vague notice of where he was going and why, reasoning Charlie could figure out where he was going. That was how much faith he had in her, really. Stepping up to a door that led into one of many non-descript warehouses, he tried the knob. A ship’s bell tolled in the background, a thick fog rushing up from the waters. As Robert entered the warehouse, a flashlight in hand, he heard footsteps.

He stopped. The footsteps stopped. He started up again, and so did the footsteps. He stopped, and so did the footsteps again. It was almost comical. He started again, and when the footsteps did, Robert whirled around. A fist met face, and Shining stumbled back clutching his nose.

“How long have you been following me?” Robert asked.

“Long enough. Admittedly, that was not one of my brighter decisions,” Shining said.

“Gee, you think?” Robert drawled.

“Still, it at least proved a working theory of mine,” Shining said, his attention drawn to Robert’s wrist, which was glowing with a distinctive purple light. Robert hadn’t seemed to have noticed.

“A… working theory?” Robert asked. He cast a glance upwards to Shining’s horn.

“I mean, I could narrow down the general area, but well, finding the exact person who’d been hit with Birdonic Rays was… tricky to say the least. Then I remembered this,” Shining said, holding up his morpher, which Robert groaned at. He recognized the type of device. Just what he needed to get involved with. “See, you may not have activated it yet, but it’s still there. All I had to do was follow the energies back to their source.”

“So you’re saying I’m a Ranger then? I don’t know it yet, but you’re saying I’m one?” Robert asked. “...rrrriiiiiggghhht. What’s your name again, so I can book you for stalking?”

“Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard,” Shining said.

“Well, that explains the armor at least,” Robert deadpanned. “The epitome of subtlety, you are. I actually thought you were a cosplayer or something.”

“A cosplayer? Really? I’m almost offended,” Shining said. “Seriously, you actually thought I was a cosplayer. This is real gold!”

“You get all types. Also, really? That’s real gold?” Robert asked as he continued into the warehouse. He, as he reached a shipping container, knocked on it. Every time he reached one, he knocked on it. “...bet that offers a lot of protection.”

“It’s gold-plated.” Shining corrected him.

“Oh,” Robert said. “...well, you’re still not very subtle.”

“It’s not meant to be subtle. It’s meant to be intimidating,” Shining said gruffly.

“Do you stand in front of a mirror practicing that every morning?” Robert asked. “All I’m getting is you’re compensating for something.”

“Do you stand in front of the mirror every morning practicing how to be an asshole?” Shining deadpanned. “Cause that’s what I’m getting.”

“Hold up…” Robert murmured as he heard the sound of footsteps. Shining’s ears perked up before he shoved the detective to the floor. An army of Reversers poured into the room, and Shining’s eyes narrowed as he saw who was in the lead.

“Well, fancy seeing you here,” Gray commented, the Mother Bug at his side. Already, the Mother Bug was ripping open containers, one by one. “Ranger Blue, it’s always a pleasure.”

“Wish I could say the same about you,” Shining said, flicking his wrist to reveal his morpher. “Sadly, well, you’re… you.”

“Ooooh, such witty repartee,” Gray said drawing his sword as Shining drew his own. “I’m going to miss that.”

“I’m not,” Shining said before they clashed blades. Robert took cover behind several crates, knowing this was a little beyond him at the moment. “Seriously, the day I get you off my back, is the day I celebrate.”

“Oh, is that all?” Gray said slashing forwards, Shining watching the movements of the blade before ducking low to avoid it. Another strike, and Shining leaped behind Gray, before Gray spun around to kick him in the chest. Shining stumbled with Gray managing to score another slash across the chest. “Me, when you’re in the grave well I think I’ll smoke a cigarette in remembrance of such a worthy foe. You at least deserve that respect for managing to amuse me this long!”

“I doubt I’ll give you the same respects,” Shining said, blocking another slash from Gray as Reversers swarmed around him. “The day you decided to threaten Equestria is the day you lost any semblance of mercy from me.”

“That include last respects?” Gray asked, dodging a punch and throwing one of his own. Shining was soon behind him, poised to strike before Gray whirled around to deflect the blow. “My my!”

Shining took a running leap forwards before slashing downwards, Gray staggering. But Gray was quick to recover and grabbed Shining before spinning him around in a brutal lariat. Shining crashed to the ground, rolling along the floor demorphing in a blue flash of light.

“I believe the proper phrase is… sic ‘em boy!” Gray called snapping his finger, before the Mother Bug leaped on top of Shining, sickle-like claws ready to rip him open. A gunshot rang out through the warehouse, the Mother Bug staggering backwards. Green ooze was dripping to the floor from a hole in her side. Several more bullets ripped through her, Robert with gun in hand peeking out from behind a container.

“Oh, a hero. Always my type of guy,” Gray commented as Robert rushed out from cover to help Shining up. Gray applauded Robert even as Reversers swarmed the area. Robert’s eyes darted right and left, way too many for them to easily handle. Or at all, realistically. “I really got to say, I have to thank you for all this!”

“I’ll pass on the thank you, thank you very much,” Robert deadpanned.

“No really!” Gray said. “If you hadn’t figured out Santiago’s game, I probably wouldn’t have learned that there was fresh prey ripe for the Mother Bug under our very noses! I knew ‘bugging’ the SPD would lead somewhere!”

Robert’s eyes widened before they narrowed. He looked inside a shipping container, the container having been ripped open by the Mother Bug’s sickles. Inside were people, quivering and shaking.

“You said I have the power to be a Ranger, right?” Robert asked Shining.

“Yeah, but you’re outmatched!” Shining said.

“Maybe, but when I put on this badge right here, it was to protect people. That still stands,” Robert said flicking his wrist. “Am I right? When you put on that armor, it was for the same purpose?”

“Yeah… yes it was,” Shining said as he recovered his bearings, standing up and gripping his sword. He looked, following Robert’s gaze. “And I don’t care what species you are. Pony, griffin, dragon, human. If evil threatens you, it’s my job to protect you. Take off, wings rise!”

“Take off, wings rise!” Robert followed feeling a warm energy overtake him, and when the glow faded he was in a black and white bodysuit. A blade, similar to Shining’s was in a holster on his hip, with a laser pistol on the other hip.

Drawing their swords, together the two rangers raced into the oncoming onslaught. Little by little, they managed to thin out the herd of Reversers as much as they could.

Rolling to the left, Shining dodged a swing from the Mother Bug’s sickles before leaping back to avoid a swing from Gray. Then he heard the sound of boots against metal, and looked upwards to see Robert taking a leap off a container. The black condor Ranger leaped off the container, and swung forwards on a chain, before leaping off that and drawing his sword. Slashing downwards, he scored a powerful strike across Gray’s chest.

The robot staggered, before his wrist opened up, and he fired off a rocket. Robert rolled to the left and was thrown clear of the explosion. Reversers swarmed him, and Robert spun, scoring several powerful slashes. Shining slashed downwards sending an energy arc careening towards the bugs, obliterating several.

But for every Reverser they struck down, several more took their place. Gray laughed. “You don’t get it do you? You’ve been spending so long trying to find us we’ve had plenty of time to convert others into energy for the Mother Bug. And the more energy she has… well, the more of her children she can create!”

Desperately, the two Rangers tried to thin the herd some more only to be mobbed again and again. The Mother Bug joined in the fray, striking the Rangers again and again. She grabbed Robert with her claws and tossed him through a container. Shining soon landed atop him with the Mother Bug leaping forwards ready to score another powerful blow. She kicked Shining in the chest, and then did the same to Robert before she grabbed them both, tossing them towards Gray. Gray struck, flooring the two Rangers before they had a chance to recover.

“And now it en-WHAT!?!” Gray suddenly bellowed as glass shattered and all five A-Squad members descended into the warehouse, rappelling in on lines.

Charlie whacked Gray with the butt of her rifle before shoving him backwards into the Mother Bug. Shouting: “A-Squad, let’s do this! SPD Emergency!” she and her team morphed.

The team trained their rifles onto the Reverser army and lit them up in a sea of laser fire.

“Thought we'd never see you in spandex, eh?" Charlie said as she helped her friend up.

“Oh, hush now!” Robert said with a little roll of the eyes. “Thanks, by the way.”

“I’ve got your back,” Charlie said. “Always. You go ahead, you and your new friend. We can handle these creeps.”

“Hey now! Don’t forget about us!” Vapor called as she and the rest of Shining’s team flew in through the skylight, gliding past Gray with each team member managing to get in a blow. Sunset actually just drew back her fist and punched him in the face.

Landing next to Shining, Autumn wrapped an arm around Robert. “Hey now little buddy, so you’re the final Ranger? Oh, you must tell me how you got here, and please don’t leave anything out. Anything.”

“Right, later okay?” Robert said as the five Rangers chased the Mother Bug into another section of the warehouse, landing blow after blow. “Don’t we have something else to do right now?”

“Oh yes, her,” Autumn said, slashing the Mother Bug across the chest. Sunset fired the Falcon Summoner and made it stagger. “Bug-bitch is going down! You hear that? You’re going d. o. w .n!”

“I think she can spell, Autumn,” Sunset deadpanned. “But yeah, basically that. And I know just how to do it. Striker Cannon!”

A dune buggy smashed through the wall and transformed into a massive cannon that only all five could hold. One of Andrew’s little gifts, actually. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Fire!”

The cannon shook, and the earth quaked under its fire. The Mother Bug was blown to hit dead-on, but not before Grey took a grave risk. He slashed with his sword, and in the confusion managed to separate the Mother’s egg sack and escape with it. Meanwhile, the Mother Bug was thrown through several walls one by one before the blast curved and knocked her into the upper atmosphere. The Mother was practically incinerated by the blast, and erupted into a shower of light and flame. Embers scattered all over the ground as the Rangers demorphed.

“This flight is over!” Sunset called. Later, everyone found in the warehouse was let free, families being reunited and tears of joy shed.

“So, what now?” Charlie said before looking to the celebrating team. “I assume you’ll be going with them?”

“Well… I mean, I probably should…” Robert said before a jacket, much like the SPD ones was handed to him. But at the same time, it was different. Normally, it would sport red or green detailings, but this one sported white. A condor symbol was on both arms replacing the normal SPD badge. “...how?”

“Shining came to me earlier,” Charlie explained, and when Robert opened his mouth she said: “Don’t say anything. This is where you belong. You know you can’t argue with me, so don’t even try.”

Robert opened his mouth to try, but decided against it and saluted his friend. And she saluted right back.

5: Ranger White

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“So, you were saying?” Cozy Glow said with an innocent smile as she watched the now united team destroy the Bug Mother. She was only half paying attention really, as on another viewing globe was this episode of She-Ra Princesses of Power. She had to love Catra really, such a perfect villain. Unlike that nasty-wasty Adora, who turned her back on the Hoard. “...About how the mother could never be defeated?”

“They got lucky,” Radiguet snarled quietly.

“Clearly, these Rangers are starting to become more than just simple pests, eh boss?” Gray remarked lighting up a smoke. “I suggested before that we treat them as the threat that they are. Power Rangers have had a track record in destroying tyrants. Remember Lord Draven? He was one of us, until he got it in his head that all the dimensions were his to conquer and we had to toss him out. The Rangers destroyed him, against all odds.”

“Yes, but not these Rangers. These, I assumed, would still be new to their fancy suits and new to their abilities,” Radiguet replied. “That they would take time to become thorns in my side. That we could defeat them easily.”

“Well gee golly, it’s not like newbies haven’t gotten lucky before!” Cozy Glow said tossing a recent paper in front of Radiguet. On it was a story of six mares cleansing the legendary Mare in the Moon of her evil and returning Celestia’s sister to her. “Never bet against the underdog, my parents always said.”

“Such a disappointing loss,” Gray reminisced, holding up a glass of wine in memoriam. “Nightmare Moon was quite the villain. Making the night last forever? A spectacular goal if I do say so myself. She was an inspiration to the forces of darkness. I had planned on inviting all my friends to her new kingdom.”

“I didn’t know you had friends,” Cozy said, turning to stare at the robot.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, young miss,” Gray replied. “But alas, my plans for a nightclub in a kingdom of evil have been thwarted. Such a loss.”

“A nightclub?” Radiguet said. “That was your ultimate dream?”

“Not all of us forgo appreciating the finer things in life,” Gray replied. “Yes, we can conquer the world, but we should be able to have fun after we’re done doing that.”

Cozy Glow never had really understood why the robot even understood the concept of hedonic pleasure. And she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to.

“I vote for a rethink,” she piped up. “Clearly, striking at the Rangers right now is a terrible idea. We need to weaken them, and I suggest-”

“You’re a child,” Gray refuted. “The only reason you’re still here and not out on your knees is because you’ve amused me and Lord Radiguet thus far. That’ll soon probably change.”

“So I’m just a sweet little filly to you huh?” Cozy Glow said, pulling a face. “But golly, would a sweet little filly have any dreams of conquering the world?”

“I say we let her speak!” Radiguet cackled. “Just for a laugh! So kiddy, what is your evil plan?”

“Well, the Rangers draw their strength for the people that they protect right?” Cozy said getting up out of her chair, and plunging her hand into a cocoon of the bug mother’s children. “Remove that strength, and they’ll just give up! We cause mass chaos! The Rangers will be so busy dealing with this, they can’t stop you, My Lord!”

“I hate to say it boss, but… That’s actually a pretty good idea,” Gray replied. “It’s quite logical.”

Radiguet grumbled something under his breath. “Yeah, well even a blind man strikes out once in a while!”

Radiguet was really beginning to think that part of the manual which spoke of having a five-year-old child around. This Cozy Glow was really starting to get on his nerves. Oh well, he just had to follow this one plan of hers, humor her, and then he could toss her out on her rear. All the same though, if the Rangers caught wind of something going on, it’d be game over. No good plan went to waste after all.

So, true to form he sent out some Reversers to cause some trouble. Distract the rangers while Cozy planted a dimensional bug on… well, whatever she wanted to plant it on. He didn’t care, it could have been a garden hose or a rubber ducky for all he knew. Something childish and stupid.

While the Rangers trashed more of his minions, -Radiguet watching the black one sweeping his minions away with a wall of wind from his sword- Cozy tiptoed into a bank vault on another viewing orb. Using a spell seal created by yours truly, she busted open a locker and placed the bug on what had to be the world’s largest diamond.

Well, at least it’d be hard to destroy when the bug matured. So she had that going for her monster. A diamond monster, well okay then. It’d be a real shining example of failure on her part.

Or who knows, maybe she’d dazzle the Rangers with their defeat. Right now though, it didn’t look like this train was going to be stopped any time soon, given how easily the multicolored nuisances were at slicing up poor defenseless bugs.

He turned his attention back to the first viewing orb and watched the battle with a hint of boredom. Maybe he should send down a few lightning strikes just to spice things up.

Nah. He’d let them rest on the laurels of their latest victory, grow fat with pride, and then when they eventually slipped up? That was when he’d strike.

“Winged Victory Final Slash!” the rangers called out as they charged up their blades, before striking with a multicolored slash of energy striking down the small army of Reversers. An explosion, as ever, was soon to follow. Oh well, another day then. And what was with the constant explosions anyways? This wasn’t a TV show!

Vapor groaned as she flopped down on the couch, her new apartment just barely looking ‘lived in’. A few Wonderbolts posters here and there, some comics lying scattered about the floor. But mostly boxes still wrapped up in packing tape. Yeah, she’d get to those later.

Celestia, she never imagined becoming a superhero would entail all this! Still, she could see the logic. It was quicker to get to the site of the battle if she lived in Ponyville, which was basically in the middle of everything.

Poor Robert though, he had to pack up his whole job and get reassigned to a civilization he barely knew. Even now he was standing out in the hot sun on his shift guarding Sunset Shimmer. Why did Sunset even need a guard anyways? What’d she even do? Oh, was this a Princess Celestia’s Personal Student type of thing? Seemed kind of pointless, given if she was Celestia’s personal student, she could probably defend herself quite well!

Vapor tossed another glance to the unpacked boxes. Yeah, no, just staying in here reminded her of all the work she still had to do.

Ugh, she needed to take a walk and clear her head. She’d tackle this problem later. What was that about procrastinators uniting?

Vapor smiled as she strode out into the sun, the warmth raining down on her feathers and she extended her wings in spite of herself to catch some rays.

“You seem to be fitting in well,” Autumn commented as the two went on their now daily jog, one little lap around the town. “See, see I was worried that you’d feel a bit out of place really. Having to pack up from the only life you’ve ever known and then…”

“Are we sure we’re not talking about someone else now?” Vapor asked, the two running up a hillside, unsurprisingly the muscled kirin mare easily outpacing the wonderbolt in training. Hey, she was made for flying fast, not running fast. “Cause I’m pretty sure I’m fitting in, no real regrets here.”

“What no, pshaw! Nonsense!” Autumn said a little too quickly. “You’re projecting! I’m happy as can be! See, I feel like I want to sing~! You ponies do plenty of that right, or is that just a rumor I’ve been hearing? C-Cause I heard from a mare who knows a mare that someone did a little ditty about how it was great to be a baker not too long ago…”

“Yep, that’s Equestria for you,” Vapor said, the two taking a brief break to catch their breath. The hill they were on overlooked Ponyville, the small country town not seeming so small from up here. “See, and nobody knows why, but there’s this thing about breaking into song and dance. Everybody’s going to join in, and the music comes from… somewhere. I don’t know where, so I’ll just say a wizard’s doing it. Maybe Starswirl. He probably enchanted the land long ago. Yeah, that makes sense right?”

“Oh, I thought it was just a kirin thing…” Autumn muttered to herself, sitting down on a bench. Vapor had laid her bottle of water aside for the moment and was sporting a look of concern at the farmer’s tone. She laid a pale hand on her friend’s shoulder.

“Hey, you sure you’re alright?” Vapor asked, sitting beside her. “Whenever you speak about your people, you’re…”

“It’s nothing you should be concerned about, alright?” Autumn said a bit too quickly, said a bit too snappishly for Vapor to believe her.

“If you say so…” the pegasus relented, for now anyways. “But this isn’t the end of this, you understand?”

Autumn very quickly changed the subject. “So, how you likin’ your new powers?”

“I mean, they’re not bad, and like holy crap I have ABS. Like, I’ve never been pudgy, Wonderbolt in training and all that, but I’ve always had this swimmer’s build. Like Rainbow Dash and all of them, right? But woke up this morning, and looked myself in the mirror, and I. had. Abs. Like, seriously toned. Okay, so yeah I’m fighting an insane conqueror, but I look good! Wow!” Vapor babbled. “One question though, is it really strictly necessary to scream out ‘wings rise!’ when morphing? Or is that something we have to do? I sound like a dork.”

“You are a dork,” Autumn pointed out.

“I know, I know! But another thing! When we morph, is it just me or do you notice the six-foot tall high fireball behind us sometimes?” Vapor continued to babble.

“Breathe Vapor,” Autumn said, oh the irony.

“Because I thought it was just me, but seriously!” Vapor finally stopped her ramblings. Her ears perked up at conversations coming from the streets below, something exciting was going on! Grabbing her near Amazonian partner by the shoulder, she shouted: “Come on!” as she dragged her off.

“Uh, Vapes,” Autumn tried to protest. “You do realize some of us aren’t in as big of a rush as you. I like to take things slow, it comes with the territory you know. Whatever this is, it can wait!”

“No no, you don’t understand!” Vapor said, pointing ahead of them. “Look ahead, look directly ahead! That’s the freakin’ Siren’s Allure, one of the purest diamonds in the world. They rarely take it out of the bank!”

“Uh-huh,” Autumn said, not really sure why she should care. “I’m not one for fancy things, Vapes. Just give me a flannel shirt and some jeans, and I’ll be happy. That’s the height of fashion for me.”

“Come on, at least fake that excitement, eh?” Vapor asked. “I thought every mare loved diamonds! They’re your best friend right?”

“That’s just a stereotype, and you know it! See this?” Autumn said gesturing to herself. “These clothes I’ve got, that’s all I need.”

Vapor grumbled something under her breath about how near Amazonian farmer goddesses didn’t need much to make themselves look good. Autumn caught it.

“Oh my, are we jealous?” Autumn teased, booping her friend on the nose.

“Shut up…” Vapor muttered, punching her friend in the arm.

“Okay, I’ll admit it’s pretty,” Autumn said as she gently brushed aside the many gaggling mares trying to get a peek at the gemstone through the shop window. “But can you imagine wearing that thing?”

“I know, right…?” Vapor replied dreamily. Autumn gave her a look.

“You’ll fall right on over just trying to wear it!” Autumn replied, giving her a reality check.

“But what a great falling over it’d be…” Vapor replied. Then, screams filled the air, and they weren’t ones of excitement. Reversers popped themselves out of the woodwork, smashing up stalls and slicing through shop windows.

The crowd scattered, and both Vapor and Autumn shared a look.

“Just one day out, just one… is that all I can ask?” Vapor grumbled, flicking her wrist and summoning her Morpher. Autumn didn’t even bother to change to ranger form, pummeling a Reverser with her fist and sending it flying.

Vapor blinked seeing this, muttering: “Wow, I do need to work out…” before letting out a yelp as one of the insectoid creatures slashed at her with its sword. Flying backward to avoid the strike, -her Morpher falling off in the process- she kicked herself off a brick wall and crashed into the mook with a flying tackle.

Kicking some dust and dirt into another Reverser’s face, she flipped it over her shoulder. Autumn meanwhile lifted another of the mooks skywards before bringing it down over her knee in a sickening crack. Vapor couldn’t help but wince at the action.

She herself grabbed a Reverser and spanked it several times, shouting: “Clean up your act!”

The mook whimpered and sobbed, letting out a soft: “Okay!” before scampering off. Vapor nodded to herself, before whirling around to roundhouse kick another mook in the face.

Vapor ran behind a stall and began pelting another Reverser with fruit, before kicking a crate into its face. Another two ran up before Vapor slammed twin haymakers into their faces. Autumn nearby was wrestling another mook into the ground, shouting: “Commander Gray ain’t gonna help you, ol Lord Radiguet ain’t gonna help you, no monster he ain’t gonna help you!”

Flipping backwards onto a roof, she pulled out her Ranger form’s laser pistol, shooting down several of the minions. With another war cry, she leaped back down into the fray, a flurry of motion as she clobbered the minions grabbing several and slamming them into a wall.

Vapor meanwhile grabbed another Reverser rushing towards her, and with a flick of the wrist, he was down. As the minions swarmed around the two mares, Vapor shared a look with Autumn.

“Hey, what you say we take this up a notch?” Vapor said, flicking her wrist to summon her Morpher once more. “I’ve about had it with these clowns!”

“Agreed!” Autumn said. “Playtime’s over! Take off, wings rise! Owl Ranger Power!”

“That catchphrase is still horrible, but…” Vapor muttered before shouting her proclamation: “Take off, wings rise! Swan Ranger Power!”

With an explosion, they were morphed.

“See, just like that!” Vapor said pointing to the scorched earth beneath their hooves. “Just like that! That’s what I’m talking about!”

Autumn ignored her, just pummeling a mook with her Bird Buster.

Then, lightning bolts floored the both of them as what looked to be a fusion of a clown and a diamond walked up, a little dimensional bug skittering inside it. “I’ll smash and bash you rangers, and pay you cash!”

“Hey, no clowning around!” Autumn barked out as she and Vapor ran towards the creature, blades drawn. It drew a staff of its own and blocked the blades as sparks flew. As Vapor defended against the onslaught, Autumn took a running jump off a wall and slashed into its armor with a heavy glowing golden strike. The Diamond Beast only whirled around with its staff, striking Autumn in the stomach.

Vapor shouted: “Get off her!” and kicked it in the side. The Diamond Beast let out a low growl, only for Autumn to take a jump off Vapor and fire a few shots into its armor.

“I don’t know Vapor, you think we should cash in on this monster?”

Both were knocked back by lightning bolts from the monster, who could only say: “I normally do my shopping with my cards, but today I’m just using cash. I want to make a change!”

Both Rangers groaned at the incredibly lame pun.

Vapor dealt out several slashes to the monster, and Autumn leaped in her fist drawn back in a powerful right cross. Sending the monster staggering, the diamond-themed monster headbutted her as soon as it recovered its wits.

“You know, soon as you die, I’m converting your ashes into diamonds. That is…”

“Oh, don’t say it!” Vapor moaned.

“...a lot of pressure!” the Diamond Beast crowed slamming the tip of its staff into the earth, and it shook with both rangers toppling over.

“Hey, we’re the only ones allowed to make puns! We’re the superheroes, not you!”

“And superheroes are supposed to fight villains right?” said the Diamond Beast. Vapor and Autumn both gave him a flat look.

“Um… yes?” Autumn replied not sure where this was leading.

“Then how can you be busy fighting me, if you’re too busy fighting amongst yourselves?” the monster called zapping Autumn with this strange red beam. Vapor didn’t know what it was going to do, but right then, the other Rangers showed up.

“Sorry we took so long,” Sunset said. “But we had to buy some diamond guitars, make some real hard rock! Now, let’s crush this rhinestone!”

“Agreed,” Vapor nodded. “He zapped Autumn with something, not sure what!”

“We’ll figure it out later,” Shining said as the five rangers charged their swords with glowing energy. “For now… Winged Victory Final Slash!”

Five arcs of energy were sent towards the monster, but Gray leaped in front of the beams and tanked the blow. “Apologies, but I can’t have you doing that. Come along, Diamond Beast. We’ve got work to do.”

And with that, they were gone in a flash of light.

Vapor swore, even as the Rangers demorphed. “So what was that all about?” Sunset had to wonder.

“...I don’t know, but something tells me we’re going to find out…” murmured Robert.

“So, doesn’t seem to be anything actually physically wrong with her,” Sunset commented, her horn glowing as she ran every scanning spell she could think up on Autumn. “If something was supposed to happen, it’s obvious it’s not an immediate effect. Probably some sort of delayed reaction. My best guess is keeping an eye on her, watching what happens.”

So Vapor did.

“So, what’d you think that was all about?” Vapor had to ask as she and Autumn walked home. “Like, what was the Reverse Empire hoping to even accomplish?”

“I dunno, make this unstoppable monster?” Autumn pondered. “My sword barely even scratched him! And I’m me!” she ranted, flexing her muscles just for good measure.

“Yeah, yeah, we get it,” Vapor teased. “You’re a musclehead.”

“Mhmm, and proud of it,” Autumn said before smelling her sleeves. “Ooof, yeah I think it’s time for a change of clothes. Like, I need a whole new set. Starting to stink like a pig in heat.”

“...okay, chalk up one for images I didn’t need today,” Vapor muttered before taking a whiff and wrinkling her nose. “But yeah, I see what you mean. By Celestia, you stink! Tell you what, I’ll go back to my house, won’t even be five minutes, and I’ll bring you a spare change of clothes while you head off to the laundromat, okay?”

“That’ll take too long, and besides, I’m a mare right?” Autumn said grabbing Vapor by the arm. “No, I’m going to buy a whole new set of clothes.”

“Wait, I’m sorry, but did you say you were going to buy a new set of clothes?” Vapor piped up.

“You’re not going deaf on me, yes I said I was going to buy a new change of clothes!” Autumn replied.

“Oh, I heard you, but you’re… well, you! You live off worn-out jeans and sweaty t-shirts!” Vapor balked.

“What, I’m not allowed to feel like a mare from time to time?” Autumn asked, hand on hips.

“Fair enough…” Vapor muttered. When they got to Rarity’s boutique, however, that’s where things got… weird. Vapor had to balk as Autumn put down orders for several new sets of clothing. Rarity, for her part, was over the moon.

“Ooooh, never fitted for a kirin before!” Rarity giggled, even as she continued her measurements. “Oh, don’t you worry dear. As it happens, rustic happens to be ‘in’ this year. Suddenly, it’s very very cool to look like a farmhand. Oh, now if only I could get Applejack in here…”

Vapor had to snort. “Yeah, fat chance of that happening.”

“A mare can dream, can’t she?” Rarity said, measuring Autumn’s stomach. “But no, she just likes her old hand me downs. So trust me, having you in here is like a dream come true! Normally, ponies… er, kirins like you couldn’t even begin to care about fashion!”

“We’re all mares here right?” Autumn said with a little girlish giggle. Vapor raised an eyebrow at that, okay now that was really odd.

“Er, Autumn, is there something I don’t know about? Or a someone? You tryin’ to impress someone on the side or something?” Vapor asked in a concerned tone. “Because this really isn’t you.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” Autumn said and Vapor could only nod.

“Apparently so…” she agreed and began to wonder if she should be really worried. Maybe this was all some sort of weird fever dream, because really!

“Oh, I have to agree with Vapor Trail,” Rarity said. “Nobody ever buys this much clothing from me unless they’re trying to impress someone. Okay, so who is it? Who’s the lucky stallion? Or mare, I don’t judge.”

“...is everything romance with you?” Autumn asked in an exhausted tone of voice.

“Uh-huh!” Rarity agreed. “Now that should be it, come back later this week! I’ll send you the bill in the mail.”

Life went on, such as it did. The next day, nothing much seemed to be going on with Autumn either. The rest of Ponyville however, now that was a different story. Vapor woke up, had her daily run, and walked right into what could only be described as mass chaos.

She’d walked into the local grocery, and saw ole Miss Granny Smith haggling with the cashier for a lot of money. Soon, Granny began smacking the poor cashier over the head with her bag and ran off with the cash cackling like a loon.

“Okay then…” Vapor said taking a few steps right back out of the store, only for her eyes to widen as similar scenes began repeating themselves all around her. Bulk Biceps was threatening poor Roseluck for her cash, only for Roseluck to turn around and rob him of his bits. “...yep, this is all a bad dream Vapor. You’ll wake up in a few minutes and then everything will be right back to normal.”

“Give me your money little girl!” Granny Smith said, hitting Vapor over the head with her bag.

“What the hell?” Vapor said breaking into a sprint as she hid in an alleyway. Then, a bird flew down from the sky and stole her bits from her pocket. “...Seriously? Even the birds are obsessed with money!”

“Please please let this all be some dream I’m having from eating one too many tuna sandwiches before I went to bed last night!” Vapor thought frantically. “Because I’m so not ready to handle this kind of crazy!”

Eventually, she managed to run smack dab into Autumn Blaze.

“Oh thank Celestia, Autumn!” Vapor shouted, wiping her brow in relief before she took notice of what exactly her friend was wearing. Gone was the flannel shirt and cut off jeans, and in its place was a rather expensive looking purple tracksuit.

“So, like my new clothes?” Autumn said, as ponies gathered. “You wouldn’t be alone…”

“....bwuh,” Vapor said temporarily at a loss for words. Eventually, she managed to find the gift of speech again. “Autumn, your new clothes from Rarity haven’t even been made yet!”

“But I couldn’t wait!” Autumn said. “So I went out and bought a new tracksuit, first thing!”

“This whole town’s gone crazy…” Vapor muttered as the two started up their daily run.

“Can I confess?” Autumn started. “I hate bills, and no matter how many cabbages I grow out in the fields, they keep on piling up!”

“That’s what bills do, yeah,” Vapor agreed, taking a sip from her water bottle. “Your point?”

“Money! Lucre! Bread! Di Nero! Smackeroos! Bits! Scratch! Do-re-mi! Moolah! Stash! Simoleons! It's the bane of my existence, right?” Autumn continued to complain as their route took them into the park.

“Pretty sure it’s the bane of everyone’s existence,” Vapor agreed wearily. Something was definitely off here, and given how the rest of the town was behaving, Vapor couldn’t help but worry. “Hey Autumn is it just me or has the whole town gone… a wee bit nutty?”

“How’d you figure?” Autumn panted out, beads of sweat rolling down her face.

“Well, earlier today I saw Roseluck -Roseluck!- smacking Bulk Biceps around!”

“Maybe it’s a slap slap kiss type of thing,” Autumn shrugged. “I mean, that’s generally how it works right? Slap, slap, then kiss each other until you need to breathe? Ponies are weird!”

“I’m a pony!” Vapor balked. “And Roseluck then stole Bulk’s bits! You don’t think something’s gone wrong here?”

“Maybe it’s a foreplay type thing, I dunno. Romance is weird…” Autumn shrugged, taking a breather.

Vapor wanted to scream.

In any event, again Autumn surprised her by going jewelry shopping. For both of them, actually. When questioned, Autumn only had this to say.

“Hey, you look good, you feel good, am I right?”

“I dunno…” Vapor said looking over some of the jewelry. “This stuff looks awfully expensive…”

“You said it yourself right, diamonds are a mare’s best friend!” Autumn said holding up a nice necklace. “And if worse comes to worst, I can sell it all back. Who knows, maybe I’ll get more money for it!”

Vapor’s jaw dropped. Okay, something was definitely wrong here.

“Uh, Autumn, you sure you don’t need to sit down? You don’t look so hot…” Vapor said slowly.

“I’m a kirin, I’m always hot. You know I can turn into an angry flaming rage monster right?” Autumn said in reply, seemingly misunderstanding the question even as the shopkeeper took a few understandable steps back. Autumn held up two pairs of earrings encrusted with gems. “Now, what do you think? Emerald, or ruby?”

From their castle, Radiguet, Gray, and Cozy all watched the show laughing up a storm.

“I can’t believe it! You even got one of the rangers with your new monster!” Radiguet cackled. “This is too perfect! I take back every bad thing I ever said about you!”

“You said bad things about me?” Cozy said, faking a little lip quiver and turning on the puppy dog eyes.

“Well, no, I…” Radiguet stammered trying to save face as Gray facepalmed.

Vapor meanwhile, had to talk her friend out of buying the more expensive sets.

“Just think of your bills!” she babbled. “Your expenses are going to go through the roof!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll have enough money to pay them off somehow!” Autumn nodded before holding out a hand. “Loan me a bit or two?”

Vapor facepalmed, this was fruitless. Okay, that did it, she had to get Sunset or someone. Only they could reverse this!

So she beat feet to where she knew Sunset lived, this nice gold-domed structure that stood out amongst the rest of the village’s quaint victorian village stylings. Even if she was under house arrest, Sunset was gifted only the best from her teacher.

“Sunset?” Vapor asked warily, not really sure what she’d find as she entered the house. “It’s Autumn, she’s become obsessed with money! I think it had something to do with that beam that diamond monster hit her with!”


“I’m going to be rich!” Sunset cried, rubbing off some lottery tickets. Vapor gaped, no not her as well!

“...not you too…” Vapor whispered, tears stinging her eyes. Laughter filled the air as from out of nowhere appeared the Diamond Beast.

“Hahaha, this is all too rich! All of Ponyville is obsessed with getting rich!” the monster punned, which Vapor was in no mood for. “Even some of you guys! Oh, I cannot believe I just saw Shining Armor giving away his marefriend’s jewelry for cash, and now this! The great Sunset Shimmer playing the lottery in hopes of striking it gold!”

“I knew it…” Vapor seethed before she wrenched Sunset into the picture by pulling her arm. “See, look! That’s what did this to you, and to Autumn and to Shining and to everyone else! Now help me fight this guy!”

“I will if you pay me, how much are you asking for?” Sunset asked and Vapor facepalmed as the monster cackled up a storm.

“This is too rich!” the Diamond Beast howled. “Or rather, they’re not rich enough!”

Vapor slammed a fist into his face. “Yeah, well, there’s still one Ranger you forgot about. Me!”

“What’s to know? There’s only one of you!” the Diamond Beast laughed. “One Ranger hardly makes a team!”

Vapor flicked her wrist, and morphed with a cry of: “Take off, wings rise! Swan Ranger Power!” and as her costume wrapped itself around her, Vapor drew her sword. “Yeah, well, I’m the Ranger you should be worried about.”

“We’ll see!” said the monster. “Let’s not write checks your body can’t cash!”

“And another thing!” Vapor said as their battle spilled out onto the streets, scoring several increasingly violent sword slashes. “I’m so tired of the cash puns!”

“What, are you starved for them?” the Diamond Beast laughed, and Vapor let out an enraged scream surging forwards. The beast grabbed her by the wrist and tossed her into some dumpsters.

Vapor dusted herself off, and let out a yelp as the creature hurled itself at her. She jumped back, flapping her wings and sent him flying with a blast of wind. As the Beast recovered, Vapor went for her sidearm, but the creature spun his staff deflecting the multitude of shots.

“Okay then… Feather Dance!” Vapor cried, sending a series of swan’s feathers at her opponent from her suit’s inbuilt glider wings.

“What’s that supposed to do, make me sneeze? Mama always told me to bring a hank-” the Beast started before Vapor snapped her fingers and sent him flying as all the feathers exploded.

“Mama said knock you out!” Vapor chuckled at her own dumb joke, before the battle began again. However, it was clear she was outmatched due to just how strong the Diamond Beast’s attacks really were. Each hit made her stagger, and she was barely standing even as her other teammates joined her.

“Okay, fine! I’ll pay you guys millions of bits if you just help me defeat this moron!” Vapor called, her tone one of exasperation.

Her team morphed, and then came the roll call.

“With the reach of a Falcon! Power Ranger Red!” Sunset said, still with lotto tickets in hand.

“With the speed of a swallow! Power Ranger Blue!” said Shining, clutching wads of bills.

“With the strength of an owl! Power Ranger Yellow!” said Autumn, eyeing a piece of jewelry laying forgotten.

“With the swiftness of a condor! Power Ranger Black!” Robert shouted before giggling like a fool as he ran his fingers through his bits.

“With the grace of a swan. Power Ranger White…” sighed Vapor at her ‘team’.

together they took on the creature, slashing away at his diamond exterior. Sunset landed a powerful Burning Reign attack, before following it up with a Falconic Break slash.

Breaking away, she let both Black and Blue surge forwards both scoring slashes across the chest. Yellow roundhouse kicked the monster.

Vapor and Shining tag-teamed it, leaping left and right respectively to blast it with their sidearms.

Sunset rolled out of the way of the creature’s staff and blasted it with her own laser pistol. Then, the Diamond Beast got an idea.

“Hey, I’ll pay you you double what she’s paying you if you just leave me alone!” he cried, and sure enough, the team dropped their weapons and just began relaxing on the ground. Vapor’s jaw dropped for what had to be the fifth time today before she was smacked across the face by the Diamond Beast’s staff.

She staggered back, with the beast punching her in the stomach again and again and again. “Autumn…” she whispered, sounding close to tears as the creature pummeled her.

And just like that, something snapped inside Autumn as small flickers ignited into an inferno. With a war cry, the Yellow Ranger barreled towards the Beast slamming a powerful right cross into his face.

The Beast went flying back, smashing into a nearby fountain. Small embers licked at Autumn’s costume, but she took several sharp breaths and regained her composure. Helping Vapor up, she asked: “Shall we take him together then?”

“Of course…” Vapor sniffled, before hugging her. “I’m so glad you’re back.”

“Save the hugs for later,” Autumn smiled under her helmet, before cracking her knuckles. “Let’s finish this guy.”

“Yeah, lets!” Vapor agreed as they drew their weapons. Vapor her sword, and Autumn her gauntlet.

“So, on a scale of one to ten, how much of an idiot was I?” Autumn asked smashing through Reversers, not caring about them, and heading right for the source. Vapor sucked in a breath. “...Oh, that bad?”

Vapor held back the creature’s staff with her sword, allowing Autumn to go in for a Bird Buster punch. Her fist glowed with yellow energy even as it slammed into the Diamond Beast’s stomach, making the monster stagger. Autumn grabbed his fallen weapon, breaking it in half over her knee.

Vapor scored a powerful slash with her weapon, before elbowing the monster in the face.

Sunset struck, scoring a flame infused slash as well, before leaping backward and calling out: “Striker Cannon!”

A dune buggy smashed through the bushes and transformed into a massive cannon, that like before, that only all five could hold. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Fire!”

With a loud ‘thunk’ and an earthshaking sound, the weapon fired and its beam bulldozed right through the Diamond Beast, cracking its armor.

“And because I’m just that mad and want to finish you off myself…” Autumn said leaping forwards and re-equipping her gauntlet. Drawing back her fist, she called out: “Bird Buster!”

The monster reeled, stumbling backward before it shattered completely, going up in a rather large explosion.

“This flight is over!” Sunset called, but it was too soon to call it, as the bug that gave the creature life still survived. It glowed with an eerie light, biting onto the monsters remains before the creature reformed and grew to the size of a small skyscraper.

“...You gotta be kidding me!” Autumn said. “Nobody told me they could do that! Seriously, nobody!”

“Actually, it’s kinda a regular thing…” Robert drawled. “Why do you think housing prices in Angel Grove are so low?”

“Please tell me you’ve got some finished Zords for us Shining…”

“Rangers, Heartford just called,” Starswirl’s aged voice crackled over the comms. “He says your remaining ‘zords’ are done. He gave us what’s called a command code, all you have to say is Scramble Wings. Curious phrase, but who am I to argue?”

“Well, you heard him Rangers!” Shining barked as their left wrists gained a new bracer, which flipped open to reveal a device to speak into. “Summon Zords, now scramble wings!”

Then supersonic shrieks split the air. From out of nowhere rocketed five jets, each themed after a bird of some sort.

With flashes of multicolored light, the Rangers teleported into their cockpits even as the Diamond Beast shot lightning bolts at them from his hand. The jets broke formation, scattering to the winds before Black and Blue came around for another pass.

The condor zord fired a series of lasers at the monster, before the swallow zord came zooming by, slashing into the monster with its wings.

“Locking on target…” Shining said as onboard targeting systems tracked the monster, before he flipped open a button on his joystick, pressing down on it. With a shriek, a missile whistled through the air, and toppled the monster into a mountainside sending trees flying like toothpicks.

The monster, as it struggled to regain its balance, sent a series of lightning bolts into the sky. Ionizing the air, storm clouds began to form and thunder roared. Then from out of the broiling clouds swooped in the swan zord, firing a missile of its own.

The monster rolled, and the mountainside exploded before he thrust his hand and the swan zord had to roll to the left to avoid an energy blast. Then, rising out of the timberlands was the owl zord, a massive boulder clutched in this claw machine-like grabber claw. Autumn, from inside the cockpit pressed a button and down came the boulder atop the Diamond Beast’s foot.

Hopping like mad and in furious pain, the creature stained the air blue with its swears. In swooped the falcon zord, peppering the monster with lasers even as the skies broke open.

Swooping back up into the clouds, the falcon zord sent out a signal for the others to converge on its location, even as the zords wings retracted into its body. Condor and swan’s wings folded up into their bodies even as their tail fins turned 180 degrees before their cockpits moved upwards. Owl and swallow had parts detach and their cockpits folded up into their bodies before all five jet zords converged and from out of the dark clouds came this truly massive craft.

“WHAT!? It can’t be!”

“It can, it is! Phoenix Flier, ready!” Sunset shouted, the massive craft going into a roll even as the Dimensional Beast fired energy blasts like mad intent on striking it from the sky. The craft shot upwards, spinning round and round and a whirlwind began ripping into the Diamond Beast’s armor. Then from out of the howling winds came the Flier, a flaming aura appearing all around it before it sliced straight through the beast, knocking it to the ground.

“Megazord mode, began transformation now!” Sunset said, taking a little chip from her Morpher with the others following suit. On little screens came up five images of birds, before another button was pressed on each console initiating the transformation sequence. Sunset was thrown back into her seat even as the zords decoupled, and flew ever higher. The falcon zord’s cockpit retracted into its body, even as black and white changed into legs. Masses of metal clanged together, a head popping out of the whole structure even as blue and yellow shifted to arms. A golden sword appeared, complimenting the massive golden bird -wings raised- detailed on the megazord’s chest.

“Sky Strike Megazord, ready!” The rangers called as the massive mecha marched forwards, slashing at the Diamond Beast, who blocked the strikes with his staff before dealing out vicious blows of his own.

The beast swung his staff low, hoping to cut the megazord off at the legs, before it simply leaped upwards. Coming back down, it scored a hard punch to the face, the Diamond Beast staggering. The Megazord strode forwards, even as the beast tossed energy blasts at it. It scored several vicious strikes, before the Diamond Beast made it stagger with a point-blank energy blast.

Next, the monster gathered lightning in his hands before he tossed it as a giant ball. The megazord toppled to the ground, the earth shaking and quaking. As it struggled to pull itself back up, the diamond beast hit it with his staff again and again laughing: “How do you like me now?”

So the megazord reached out, and pulled itself up and over the Diamond Beast actually managing to flip behind it. Retrieving its fallen sword, the Megazord lunged. The Diamond Beast whirled around just in time and caught the blow with his staff before their weapons met again and again, sparks flying.

The Diamond Beast went for a disarming maneuver, twisting the mecha’s arm with his own weapon before elbowing the massive mecha in the face making it stagger. Firing another energy blast at the mecha, the monster watched as it stumbled back into the remains of a mountain.

However, the Rangers were soon to regain their bearings and marched forwards blocking energy blasts with their mecha’s sword before scoring several vicious slashes. Then, the megazord leaped upwards before slashing downwards, making the Diamond Beast stagger.

But it was quick on the recovery, tossing another energy blast that nearly toppled the megazord. A lightning bolt ripped through the sky, and the Diamond Beast caught it with his staff, and redirected it towards the Megazord.

“Quickly!” Sunset ordered before Autumn nodded, using her controls to quickly make the megazord slash through the oncoming lightning bolt. The megazord charged forwards, sword pointed forwards like a lance. Impaling the monster, the megazord pulled the sword away before going for a sideways slash.

Elbowing the monster in the face, the Diamond Beast staggered.

The Megazord stood firm, its sword glowing white-hot with energy.

“Now, for a Blazing Final Strike!” the Rangers called out before with one powerful swing, down went the Diamond Beast with only a few final words to say.

“I thought I was going to be a glittering gem, but I guess I’m only just a lump of coal!” The monster cried, before down it went in a massive fireball even as cheers rose up from the now back to normal Ponyville.

“Power Rangers… victory is ours!” Sunset said as the Megazord stood in the sun.

“Well, I’m an idiot. Go on, you can go ahead and say it,” Autumn said as she slumped down against a wall. “I became… well, you know what I became.”

“Relax dearie,” Rarity said. “Nobody’s going to hold it against you!”

“But I spent so much money!” Autumn whined.

“So did everyone else, and well, refunds are a thing!” Rarity pointed out before handing Autumn’s finished clothes to her. To her surprise, they were nothing more but slightly fancier jeans and flannel shirts. “As for me? They’re free of charge. Consider this a future investment.”

Autumn sniffed a shirt, and her eyes widened as she hugged it close. “And they even smell like a pigsty!”

6: Reflections of You

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It was a rainy morning in Ponyville. The skies had been dark since Sunset had woken up and rain trickled down relentlessly. Endless droplets of water lashed against her window and the sounds of the wind outside were muffled by the walls. A miserable sight to wake up to, but one Sunset had to face regardless.

Yeah, it was official, she hated today already. Maybe she should just curl up and go back to sleep. Not like anyone would notice her skipping out on today…

Or at least they wouldn’t have had her morpher not started buzzing. Already, the sounds of the buzzing coupled with Sunset’s ringtone began to accompany the noises of the world outside.

Sunset groaned, and reached for her morpher resting on the bedside table. “...it’s not even 9 yet guys, can you just let me sleep in? Unless there’s a Reverse Empire attack, leave this channel alone okay? More importantly, leave me alone. Haven’t even had my coffee yet…”

“Fine, just trying to be friendly…” Vapor’s voice said, and Sunset groaned. Of course, the chipper mare would already be up at this time of day. “Get to know my fellow girl, eh? So, from ranger to ranger, just asking? Does the spandex feel a bit tight? Chafe a little maybe?”

“It’s not spandex…” Sunset grumbled.

“I call it like I see it, it’s brightly colored spandex,” Vapor replied. “It’s almost ghastly if it weren’t so fitting for superheroes? ...maybe a bit too fitting, I dunno.”

“Anyways, what’s up?” Sunset at least decided to ask, seeing as how this was a call for her, and not some other random freak in her house.

“Like I said, wanted to get to know you, mare to mare!” Vapor babbled. “I mean, that is a thing right? Where we hang out and talk about what’s going on in our lives, and try to fail or pass the Bechdel–Wallace test as much as possible?”

“Bechdel-Wallace?” Sunset cocked a brow, surprised the slightly ditzy mare even knew what that even was. “Did you swallow a dictionary or something?”

“...why does everyone think I’m a ditz?” Vapor said. “I can be smart! ...y’all have so little faith in me. So, I gotta ask, what’s it like to be under house arrest? You have some ankle monitor or something? Like, if you go too far outside the perimeter, do a bunch of hot stallions in armor come up to arrest you? ...so how do you ranger up then? Does the morph-run off destroy your monitor and then does Shining have to requisition a new one?”

“Hell if I know,” Sunset shrugged. Truth be told, she didn’t even think about the monitor whenever she morphed. Still, whatever that punk cop didn’t know wasn’t worth knowing. Sorry, punk cop teammate. “...so are you just calling for a reason, or do you want to annoy me?”

“You looked like you could use a friend, like… whenever I see you, you just look so lonely. It’s in the eyes. They always look so sad…”

Sunset’s eyes felt wet, before she dabbed at them. Goddess, she shouldn’t be crying this early in the morning. “...don’t presume to know me, okay? I’m fine just the way I am.”

Sunset looked outside her window, where she saw the guards, standing out there in the rain and the mud. She couldn’t decide how she felt about it, sympathy? Pity? Annoyance? Anger? Maybe Pride. Yeah, that worked. Pride, pride in herself that she seemed to be worth the trouble.

“Pfff, keep telling yourself that, and maybe one day you’ll start to believe it…”

Far and away, the Reverse Empire’s generals plotted. “Clearly, we need a new approach,” Gray remarked. “The Diamond Beast exposed a clear cut weakness in the Rangers, they’re all still new at this and while they’re friends, that is also their greatest failing.”

“Are you sure?” Cozy said, taking a sip of her juice. “Because, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but in this land friendship is quite literally magic…”

“Magic is a unquantifiable element, a ‘wild card’ if you will. It cannot be studied or controlled in a lab environment. So it’s not worth a thought. Logic however, is,” Gray replied with a ‘look’ at Cozy. “Logic dictates we strike at the Rangers themselves. Tear them apart. As the Diamond Beast has shown, they care for each other and cannot function as anything less than a team. We take that team apart, and our path to victory is assured.”

“And how do you suppose we do that? Just walk up to them and tell them to stop being friends? Not likely. There’s nothing that we can do that’ll break up their friendships,” Cozy remarked, kicking up her feet. “Not to mention, they’d probably try to smite us or whatever kind of stupid hero talk that they use instead of our lingo.”

“We don’t specifically have to destroy their friendships to send the entire team into disarray.” Gray pushed his hands together and cast a wicked gaze towards the corner of the room, where a new dimensional bug was ready to be used. “Just as long as we make sure that they’re not rubbing shoulders with each other, we have a fighting chance at crushing them.”

“So you’re saying we separate them?” Cozy asked the mechanical man.

“Exactly. Get a monster out on the field that stops the rangers from getting close to each other. Divide and conquer, as the humans always say.” Gray nodded.

“I think we can do one better,” Cozy said reaching into the cocoon and pulling out a dimensional bug “You know, for the smartest guy here, you lack a certain imagination! I say we steal a Ranger away!”

“Steal?” Gray tilted his head to the side. “How does one steal a ranger, little girl?”

“...you’re from another dimension right?” Cozy asked. “...I’m surprised it hasn’t hit you already. Maybe Blue gave you one too many knocks to the head! I’m saying, shove one or two off into their own little personal prison. Maybe that’ll cause them to reflect on their mistakes…”

With that, she tossed the dimensional bug through a portal and watched it infect a mirror. The mirror emanated an eerie glow of green light and lifted from the ground. The light enveloped the mirror and mangled its shape, making it grow larger and larger. Some new limbs burst out of the sides of the mirror, edged and sharp in design. Even the feet were a pair of bladed diamonds. The new creation finally landed before Cozy and Gray, with its large mirror body, reflective arms with points so sharp that it looked like they could puncture anything, and a face with small yellow dots for eyes and gargantuan fangs sticking out of its mouth.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” Cozy Glow swooned at her own diabolical creation. “This is Reflecto, one of my finest works. He has the power to trap anyone in a whole new world; one that they won’t be able to get out of!”

“...so we’re naming the monsters now? I always liked the Beast names, practical and to the point,” Gray remarked.

“Silly Gray. That’s what the stuffy, no-fun generals would always say. Learn to live a little and have fun when you’re taking over the world, why don’t you?” Cozy chuckled as she waltzed over to ‘Reflecto’.

“Now then, I trust you know what to do?” She asked the monster.

“Yes mistress, it is time for one or two Rangers to reflect on their mistakes!” Reflecto cackled before he walked into a portal and vanished. Gray sighed to himself.

“...I better go after him, make sure he actually does this right and doesn’t get distracted,” Gray muttered before following. It wasn’t long before the Rangers learned of the new monster. They found him just wandering the streets zapping ponies right and left.

“Sunset, we’ve got a new monster on the streets,” said Autumn, calling her through their morpher. “Be here soon!”

“Hey, you!” Vapor Trail stood proudly before the new monster. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but we’re putting a stop to it right now!”

“On the contrary, Rangers. This particular monster is putting a stop to your fun and games right now,” said Gray as he leered towards the team of heroes. “Reflecto—don’t even ask me where the name comes from—is going to make sure that you never see the light of day again.”

“BURNING REIGN!” called out Sunset, before Gray was forced to dodge a slash of fire.

“Great, so it’s not only cold and miserable, but you had to just appear and ruin my day even more?” Sunset asked, her helmet forming around her head to finish off the morph. She slammed a fist into her outstretched palm. “...anything else you want to do to tick me off even further?”

“This!” Reflecto fired a ray of energy from his hand at the team of Rangers. It struck the ground in between them and detonated, sending the entire team flying in all directions. Said team then tumbled to the ground like ragdolls in the cold, rainy wind.

“...okay then, ask a stupid question…” Sunset muttered, picking herself out of the mud. “And to make matters worse? Goddess, my boots are trashed!”

Summoning, well, the falcon summoner, she fired off a series of arrows at the mirror monster. Thunder rolled as the battle broke out with a new fever.

Gray managed to isolate Ranger Black, going with the former beat cop sword to sword.

“Oh, been looking for an excuse to deal with you again,” Robert said, jumping off a wall into the street below with Gray following as they dueled onto a set of train tracks, lightning flashing. “Okay, seriously, I gotta ask, Bender. Like, I do. How do you do it, drink and smoke? Doesn’t seem like a very robotic thing to do!”

“I’m highly advanced! Radiguet built me with only the most impressive of technology!” Gray shouted, slashing downwards with Robert cartwheeling to the left to avoid the strike. “Far more advanced than anything your puny human brain can imagine…”

“I dunno, I can imagine quite a fair bit,” Robert said, kicking him in the stomach before whirling around to score an energy infused slash. “Also, Radiguet? I’m sorry, but whenever I hear that, my brain just goes ‘Radagast’? Like, it really does.”

Their blades met, sparks flying. Gray twisted his sword, attempting to disarm his opponent but Robert reacted by twisting his sword as well, his blade scraping along Gray’s own. He elbowed the robot in the face before leaping forwards to score a downwards slash.

Gray staggered, before with a war cry he went on the offensive. Striking forwards with the force of lightning, Gray’s rapier became like a spear, striking several times a second. It was all Robert could do to stop himself from being impaled.

He ran up a wall, and rebounded off it to kick Gray in the head in a diving kick, but the robot grabbed him by the leg and slammed him into the ground with a sigh of: “So foolish…”

Robert recovered, and wrapped his legs around Gray’s neck, and pulled himself upwards drawing his blade again. He leaped up, before coming back down with a powerful slash. Gray was quicker though, and blocked the blade with his own. Gray then punched the black ranger into a wall.

Clutching his chest in pain, Robert groaned.

“Give up,” Gray said, leveling his blade at him as he strode onto the tracks. “I promise I’ll make your end swift and painless.”

“Yeah, got two words for you. Screw off!” Robert shouted before charging forwards and punching Gray. Hard. Equipping a certain gauntlet, he took a cue from Autumn with a cry of: “Bird Buster!”

Gray staggered back, but recovered and slashed Robert across the chest making him let out a cry of pain. Lightning flashed in the sky, ripping downwards with a jagged bolt, and Gray caught it with his blade before slashing again.

“I grow tired of this,” Gray leapt backwards, away from all of the rangers. The rest had been handling Reflecto quite nicely, I might add.

“Well, then, Reflecto. Do the honours, since that little squirt seems to think so highly of you,” He patted Reflecto on the back.

“Right away,” Reflecto shuffled forward to the other rangers. He planted his hands on the glass chest that he had, which caused it to emanate with a foul, dark energy.

“You need to take some time off. Really reflect on your lives!” As soon as he finished talking, a powerful surge of light erupted out, and it felt like he had become a giant vacuum with how the Rangers were fighting against the force he was projecting. For Sunset, Robert, Vapor, and Autumn, the struggle was too much. Soon, they all found themselves pulled from the ground, screaming as they were absorbed into the mirror chest of the beast, vanishing from the world.

“What the…” Shining Armour watched as he saw all of his teammates projected from the center of the monster, just like from that god-awful show that he remembered showing little Twily all those years ago.

“Guys! Are you alright?!” He asked.

“What do you think, dumbass?!” Robert yelled, his voice slightly muffled. “Now get us out of here!”

Shining gripped his sword, the blue ranger not quite sure what to do. He studied his opposition, before with a little “no.” implanted his sword into the ground.

“Shining!” Sunset breathed.

“...No, it’s too risky, I can’t do it. If I destroy the mirrors, I risk destroying you…” he said.

“A wise choice,” Gray seized the opportunity and dashed forward towards Shining Armour once again. Slashing his sword erratically, he was able to meet Shining’s blade with each strike. With his morale decreased, it wasn’t hard for Gray to find an opening in Shining’s defenses and deliver a horizontal slash to said weakness, knocking the blue ranger to his knees. “Without your allies, you are nothing.”

Then, a black shadowy form appeared in front of Shining, a crescent-shaped blade holding back Gray’s own. Zen-Aku’s golden eyes bored into Gray’s unfeeling optics. “He’s not alone, he’s still got one ally left. Now, I would suggest you flee, before I’m so inclined to drop all pretenses of being nice.”

“Very well then, but I still have your team, blue boy!” Gray laughed mechanically. “Think on that.”

With a snap of his fingers, he and Reflecto vanished.

“We… we need to talk to Starswirl…” Shining breathed out before he and Zen-Aku teleported out.

Back at Canterlot Castle, the group reconvened. Shining explained the situation to the wise old stallion…

“And…. and just like that, they were gone! Zapped into… well, they’re not dead, just putting it out there. But they’re somewhere. Just not sure where. I’ve studied magic, part of my royal guard training of course, so my best guess is they’ve been teleported into some dimension just a few steps away from our own…”

“Hmm, yes. I’ve long since theorized the existence of other dimensions, but proving it has been another matter entirely...” Starswirl replied, running a withered hand through his beard.

“Until you got sucked into one with the Reverse Empire,” Shining pointed out and Starswirl winced. Shining immediately felt guilty. “...I’m sorry, I’m an ass. I forgot, you still have friends trapped there. If I may ask, what happened? How did you and the Pillars get sent there?”

“When the Reverse Empire invaded my home, the assault was ruthless. They used not a monster to trap my compatriots in their world, but rather a machine. A device that sought us out and ensnared us in their pocket dimension,” Starswirl began. “I would call it a stroke of luck that your Princess Celestia managed to free me from limbo. I… I can be forever grateful to my former student for freeing me from that hell.”

Shining decided not to press, but there was that lingering feeling he wasn’t being told everything. History books, however rarely, spoke of a seventh pillar. A scholar of some sort, even if he was never named that always traveled with the other six. So why wasn’t Starswirl mentioning him…?

“So how do we free our friends from their hell?” Shining asked.

“That monster. Reflecto. It was the one that spirited away your friends. Not in the same way that the Reverse Generals did with their machines, but rather with a new kind of power.” Starswirl turned away and consulted his books for a way to combat a beast made purely out of mirrors. “The hardest thing about a mirror monster like this is that it has the potential to nullify and reverse any attacks back to the aggressor. But perhaps… we can turn that against it. Give me some time, Shining Armour. I’ll find something.”

“...you sound like you’ve faced something like this before.” Shining commented.

“I’m Starswirl the Bearded, of course I have,” Starswirl replied.

“...right,” Shining muttered. “I’m just not sure we have the time…”

“Of course you don’t,” Gray’s voice crackled as he appeared inside a crystal ball. Shining’s fists clenched and he let out a small snarl. “Your friends? Oh, they’re not going to last. They’ve got 48 hours before they… expire.”

“Give them back!” Shining shouted.

“Oh, I can. Just… not without a fight. See, if you can hold out against me for 24 hours? Well, I’ll gladly give you your friends back. One must have a sense of honor about these things yes? However, if you lose you die and so do your friends. So, I win. I’m just giving you a fair chance.”

“I’m taking it…” Shining said without even a moment’s hesitation. He was a Royal Guard and he’d failed in his duty, so now it was time to fix that. “It’s a deal!”

“Shining, wait!” Starswirl barked but it was too late. Shining had made his choice, and Gray knew it judging by the smirk he was wearing.

“Back to action!”

Meanwhile, inside Reflecto’s world, Sunset Shimmer found herself traversing a foggy void of dark purple light, with gray sand crunching beneath her feet and a harsh wind blowing against her face. The rest of her teammates had been separated from her and the air felt acrid. For miles around, nothingness surrounded her. Until at last a bipedal shadow came into view and stood over her, like a menacing mountain of gooey black mass.

“...Hello? W-Where am I?” Sunset said, shivering in the oppressing cold and finding herself on a dark cloudy beach, waves crashing at her hooves.

“You should know where you are,” A distorted voice echoed on the winds as the water on the beach crashed against her boots. “After all, you caused all of this, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset whipped her head around, trying to find the source of the voice. “Who are you? And what do you mean? I’ve never even seen this beach before!”

“This beach used to be our home,” said the voice, as the giant shadow looming over her warped and contorted into a face she knew all too well. It was Princess Celestia, one very disappointed looking Princess Celestia at that. “And then, you failed us.”

“She’s right you know,” another shadow said shifting and morphing as it changed into an orange stallion, with a very red beard. He adjusted his glasses. “Look at me sister! I don’t have strong magic and I barely passed school, but at least I didn’t take a grab for power!”

“I… I…”

“You know what you wanted,” Celestia said, shoving Sunset into the sand. “You wanted to be an alicorn like me! You wanted to be a Princess! I ask you, are you really the kind of Princess Equestria needs?”

“I don’t know why Celestia chose you as her personal student,” Sunburst added. “I would have been better, maybe she might have helped me focus my magic! I’m already pretty smart, top of my class!”

“Nononono…” Sunset said clutching her head to try to block out the voices. “I… I’m sorry! I didn’t know what I was doing, so just shut up! I was jealous! I get it okay! I’ve paid enough!”

“Have you?” Celestia asked, raising a critical eyebrow.

“I was replaced! I’m under house arrest! Half of Equestria hates me,” Sunset said as the rains set in, swamping her mane and her fur. Sunset was drenched from head to tail. “You don’t think I don’t hear the whispers when I’m out? That I’m a traitor, that I should have been locked up or banished! I have to live with that humiliation every day! That’s my punishment!”

“See, I’m inclined to disagree,” Sunburst said, flipping through the pages of a spellbook. “You haven’t paid enough. You live with your humiliation you say? How about you don’t live at all?”

His horn glowed, and glowing runes appeared at his hooves before a figure rose up out of the sand. Mechanical, dressed like an elegant lord complete with monocle to cover his glowing red eye and some very spiked hair. General Kilobyte lived again.

“A mare leads the Power Rangers?” he asked, in his distinctive english accent. “What a joke! I could do better, and I’m a villain! Then again, I suppose you would know a thing or two about being a villain, wouldn’t you? From the sounds of it, I’m doing your nation a favor…”

He drew his blade, and advanced before breaking into a sprint. Sunset went for her morpher, but to her shock and horror found it wasn’t there.

As she dodged the robot’s swings, Sunset let out a shout of: “Princess, you have to stop him! I’m your student, you wouldn’t possibly let-”

“No, you’re not my student. I moved onto a better one,” Celestia said ruffling Twilight’s mane before the two walked off into the gloom. “Goodbye, my little pony…”

Sunset fought back a sob, even as she created a shield to block Kilobyte’s strikes.

She slid back, before summoning and redirecting a lightning blast at Kilobyte. He barely seemed fazed, thanks to his extreme durability. Sunset groaned, of course. She read he was able to take on a whole team at once and well… there was a reason for that. Flashing away in a teleport, she kicked him in the side, before teleporting away again only to come flying in with a magically enhanced punch. Kilobyte staggered only to slash at the air and Sunset had to teleport away again before tossing a fireball his direction.

Again, he didn’t seem fazed. “...well, at least deprived of Venjix, you can’t grow…” Sunset muttered.

Guess what happened?

She was promptly proven wrong.

“OH COME ON, YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!” Sunset yelled as she fled up the beach from the now skyscraper sized robot. Every single step that she made seemed like nothing as the titanic machine effortlessly reached down and scooped her up, without even needing to take a step. Fighting against the restrictive clutches of Kilobyte’s titanic claws, Sunset found it hard to breathe as the piercing eyes of Kilobyte pierced her soul.

“This is the end for you! Shame how you didn’t last as long as the last red falcon...” Kilobyte remarked as he charged up an attack that would erase Sunset from history. Particles materialised around him and assimilated themselves into his body, making his aura glow a harsher shade of red with each second.

Sunset’s eyes widened, before she teleported away only to slam into the dirt of a cavern. The laws of physics still did exist after all… Picking herself up off the ground, she broke into a sprint, her hooves splashing against a puddle. In the water’s reflection, she saw Autumn, also demorphed, battling against a crimson snake-themed Ranger in a burning village. Frighteningly, her mouth had completely vanished.

Sunset tried not to think about it too much, even as she ran. But to her shock and horror, she found herself on that exact same beach again, minus one Kilobyte. She let out a breathy whisper of: “...what the hell?”

Again, nothing came to greet her. Not even the shadows. Instead, she was all alone. Time seemed to pass faster than she could have fathomed. A single second seemed to her like a minute with how little was happening. All that was going on was the water raking the coast before her eyes, and the vast desert sands lying idle behind her. A true no man’s land wherein she was the lone mare inhabiting said land.

As she walked, she was hit by memories of a life she was trying to forget.

“So, is it true?” the memory Sunset asked. “Am I really going to be your personal student?”

“Congratulations Sunset, you’ve earned it,” said the memory Celestia, and the present day Sunset had to fight back a sob, wiping away her tears. She seemed so… happy, Celestia had seemed so proud of her. Her! Her of all ponies, the screw-up! That was what she’d given up, that was who she’d given up. And for what? Promises of power?

“No…” The real Sunset watched as the memory finished, leaving her in nothingness again. “I don’t deserve this. I haven’t earned anything. I was just chosen for something I wasn’t ready for. And now, because of it, everything’s going wrong.”

Again, a torrent of memories hit her like a tidal wave.

“Is it true?” Sunset asked, confronting her teacher. “Tell me! Is it true? Are you actually considering taking another student?”

Ah yes, the present Sunset mused. That was when it had all started to go horribly wrong.

“I am a Princess, I think I am allotted time to tutor more than just one young mare. You are not the only one with potential, I should think. Consider this a gift to you, you could help this young mare as well. She needs help in the area of friendship just as she needs help to control her magic.”

“I… I see,” the younger Sunset said. “But… why? Why should I?”

“Because it’s the right thing to do.”

Crap, ah yes. The ‘Princess Voice’, the disappointed mother tone Celestia was so good at. That one she only broke out when you’d really screwed up and she wanted you to know it. Sunset hadn’t heard it often, given how Celestia rarely showed her anger. But once was enough. Sunset swore she’d never make her mentor disappointed in her ever again. And yet, somehow she managed to do just exactly that! Goddess, Celestia did the right thing, throwing her away when she did. She was right, she was hardly Princess material and Sunset should have known better.

But, of course, the final memory and the ugliest of them all was still yet to come. Sunset knew she was going to have to face it again, face her failure. She wasn’t looking forward to it, she was terrified of it. And yet, run from it as much as you want, it still would arrive all the same. And it did.

“Sunset!” the past Princess Celestia shouted as she stormed into the library. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Around the past Sunset’s neck was a dark grey amulet, pulsing with an angry red energy crackling with power. Sunset didn’t even remember where she’d found the damn thing, maybe hidden away in some forbidden artifacts room. The memories were so fuzzy. In any event, Sunset? She’d put the so-called Alicorn Amulet on -named for the power it granted you- and she had every intent on using it.

“Getting what I so rightfully deserve!” Sunset had shouted. “You refused time and time again to recognize my potential! So I’m forcing the matter! If you won’t make me a Princess the usual way, well… there are alternatives…”

“You don’t know what you’re doing! The amulet! It’s dangerous, yes it’s a shortcut to power but I locked it away because it drives the user mad! Do you understand, Sunset, you have to take it off!”

“I will tell you a secret, all the best ponies are mad right? I mean, look at all the geniuses throughout history, if they weren’t anything but rich because of their efforts we’d be calling them something aside from eccentric!” Sunset snapped. “Am I right?”

Sunset didn’t want to watch, but like a train wreck she just couldn’t tear her eyes away even as her past self actually fired upon Princess Celestia. Obviously, the magic blast was caught, but the damage was done.

“Sunset, stop this!” Celestia shouted, tears in her eyes as she spun to avoid another magic blast. “We don’t have to do this! Listen to me Sunset, you’re better than this! This isn’t you!”

All that Present Sunset could do was watch in horror as she watched herself trying to eradicate the very alicorn who had taught her everything. With every single bolt of magic, dodge from Celestia, and the murderous look that Past Sunset gave, it was like a dagger to her heart. How could she have been so wrong? So stupid? So… weak?

“Well, you are only a mare,” came General Kilobyte’s voice. “You can’t expect to be as strong as everyone else…”

“Hey, for the record? Did you miss the Princess part? Cause sure seems like you did,” Sunset sassed the general. “Pretty sure she’d give your Lord Venjix a real asskicking. Power of the sun and all? It's not pretty.”

“Yes, but Celestia is not here and I am,” Kilobyte said, the moon at his back as he sent a series of three red energy slashes at Sunset, who rolled out of the way to dodge them. “What do you even expect to do? You don’t even have your Ranger powers!”

“I can still stop you!” Sunset said, summoning something to her. “Powers or no powers!”

In her hands now was the Super Ninja Steel Blaster, stupid name but it’s power couldn’t be denied. Pressing the trigger, she fired the rather large cannon weapon and Kilobyte was sent tumbling backwards. She tossed the weapon aside, and summoned Ranger Operator Series Red’s Street Saber, leaping forwards to slash Kilobyte across the chest.

“Even if you stop me, there’s no way you’re making it out of here!” Kilobyte shouted.

“One thing at a time,” Sunset drawled as she struck. “Street Saber Strike!”

Kilobyte was blown to scrap. But he was right, there was no way she was making it out of here. No, Sunset decided. She wasn’t going to give up. She was Sunset Motherbucking Shimmer, and a Power Ranger. This wasn’t going to stop her, she wouldn’t let it. With a loud war cry, she drew back her fist, and punched forwards. The world cracked, and it shook before it became consumed with a bright light…

Meanwhile, hours had passed since Sunset and the others had been sucked into Reflecto’s world. As the morning sun climbed into the sky, Shining nearly collapsed as he and Gray fought atop the rocks, crashing waves below them…

“It’s… it’s over,” Shining panted out, demorphing in a flash of blue light. “Face it, you’ve lost.”

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Gray said sorta smugly. “Your weak organic form is tired, it’s exhausted. Give up.”

“Not… not until I free my friends!” Shining said slashing at the air weakly, but Gray easily telegraphed the blow and slammed a fist into his gut. Shining tumbled to the ground.

“Oh, don’t you get it yet?” Gray said as he stood over Shining, who was clutching his chest in pain. Gray ripped away his armor with his hands. “That was what you organics call a lie. I had no intention of holding up my end of the bargain, you should have known from the beginning!”

“Then why…?”

“I just wanted a good battle, and you gave it to me. You of all ponies deserve a glorious end, even if your cause is really quite inglorious,” Gray said leveling his blade at him. “And now it does end!”

Then, there was an explosion and Gray’s optics widened as he ran down to the source of the sound. There, standing in front of Reflecto who was staggering about aimlessly, were the missing Rangers.

“WHAT!?!” he roared. This gave away his location and allowed Sunset to fire her side arm at him. So shocked was he, Gray didn’t even have a chance to block the blow.

“And there’s more where that came from…” Sunset practically snarled as she marched forwards, morphing in a flash of red energy with a bird’s cry accompanying it. “Now come on guys, let’s get some of our own back!”

“Oh, oh, we’re going after someone else now…?” Vapor said. For her and the other rangers, it didn’t feel like but only five minutes since they’d been captured. But evidently, it had been for far longer. “But there was this guy covered in gold and I… oh, he’s gone now. Never mind then! Well, I can’t say I’m opposed to doing this instead!”

“Oh, I’m so going to enjoy this one,” Sunset hissed out drawing back her fist and slamming it into Reflecto. “You made me relive my days as a bad guy? Well, I’m about to show you and your boss just how bad I can be!”

Slamming a boot into the monster, she made it stagger. Then, lightning flashed in the sky as Radiguet appeared and all the Rangers were sent flying by the white hot bolts of destruction.

“I think not,” Radiguet said, tossing Shining down to them. “I got to hand it to Cozy, she really did a lot of good work on you lot. But the time for playing around is over, I think it’s time I handle this one myself. Now, since a boy, I’ve dreamed of world domination since of a world where ultimate evil ruled over all. Is that so wrong? Now Sunset? Tell your teacher I’ve got a message for her. It thus follows. You’re an old woman, you obviously need a vacation. I think circumstances force us to choose a new leader and I pick... me! 10,000 years of darkness, now how does that sound?”

“It actually sounds terrible,” said Starswirl’s voice as he walked up, staff in hand. It was taller than him, actually, just barely reaching his pointy hat. “I think I’ll pass.”

“Oh, joy. It’s the wizard. I’ve got an offer for you, you and the rest of your sappy lot. Are you bored with your job? Are you bored with your life? Come down to my new Kingdom, Radiguetopia!”

“More like ego-opolis,” Starswirl said, catching the madman’s lightning in his hand and sending it right back at him.

“You impudent old warlock!” Radiguet snapped.

“Yes, well, if the fight for justice and peace includes impudence I’d be happy to oblige…” Starswirl said. “Now let us talk about this Cozy friend of yours!”

“Sorry, another time I think…” Radiguet decided, before vanishing. Zen-Aku meanwhile leaped up to face Gray, a bright red sword -different from the one he usually used- in his hands.

“Sunset, deal with the other nuisance, you and your team. I can handle this one,” the Duke Org said as he readied his blade. “By my master’s name and his honor, you shall stand no longer!”

“...since I don’t know when a wolf suddenly became ‘for great justice!’ and all that,” Sunset said slashing at Reflecto before teleporting away as both Robert and Vapor ran him through with their own swords. Autumn leaped out from behind them, and struck him with one solid fist. “...I’ll just try to cut down on the weird, or at least ignore it and do something I am good at. Namely, kicking ass and taking names.”

“And looking good doing it?” Vapor said as Sunset threw a fireball at her foe.

“That too!” Sunset commented as Autumn punched the mirror monster again.

“Oh, trust me, we’ve all got bones to pick with this guy! What he made me relive…” Autumn hissed, sounding very close to going full-on Nirik. “I don’t want to be reminded of ever again. Now take this! Bird Buster!”

She punched him again with an earthshaking strike, before Sunset’s horn glowed a brilliant opal and runic circles appeared. From these circles erupted blasts of energy. As Reflecto staggered, Sunset placed a hand on Shining, and transferred some of her energy to him.

“There, that should give you a bit of extra strength, enough to finish this guy,” she said kindly. “But you’re still going to need a nice long nap after this. You’re an idiot, you do know that right?”

“It may have occurred to me,” Shining admitted. “T-Thanks, you didn’t have to do that you know?”

“But I wanted to,” Sunset said, dodging a swing from Reflecto only to elbow him in the face. “I don’t want to be the bad guy anymore, I’ve seen where that leads. Nothing but pain and misery. All I want to do now… well, I guess I’ll figure it out as I go along.”

“I’m proud of you Sunset,” Shining said as together, they slashed the monster.

“Can we save it for later?” Sunset said. “Don’t we have something to do?”

“Oh yes, quite!” Sunset said. “How are you doing up there Zen?”

“I think incredibly well,” Zen-Aku replied as he locked blades with Gray. He broke the lock, twisting his sword before charging it up with flame. “But now it’s time to end this charade I think. In the name of Animaria, Blazing Storm Slash!”

With a single stroke, he sent Gray running.

“And now for you,” Sunset said, leveling her blade at her opponent. “You know, normally I’d let the others finish you, but I’m so mad at you right now? Guess I’m not thinking straight. You make people reflect on their mistakes, right? Two can play at that game right?”

She conjured a mirror, just as Reflecto was preparing an energy blast. It backfired on him, quite literally, and sent him flying before shattering. However, like before, his dimensional bug gave him a second chance at life.

“....Can’t they just know when to quit?” Sunset sighed before the Rangers summoned their zords and went right to Megazord mode. Scoring several slashes with the mecha’s massive saber, Sunset took the lead, before the mecha separated and went right into its other form.

The massive jet surged forwards, leaving a trail of fire in its wake as it blazed across the sky. Firing its lasers at Reflecto, he staggered into the sea.

“Now, the finale! Phoenix Flier Final Strike: Blaze Buster!” Sunset called out as the massive jet became consumed by an aura of flame, before slicing through the mirror monster. It stumbled, every inch of it buring, before shattering apart like glass.

Sunset sighed, and collapsed into her seat. Finally, the nightmare was over.

Sunset walked back to her home, the rain having finally passed and a bright new day shining on her. Yeah, that felt right. She felt as if a great weight had finally been lifted off her shoulders, she wasn’t ‘better’ but she was getting there.

...at least, that’s what she wanted to tell herself. Thinking back, what she’d seen inside that Mirror Dimension? It honestly scared her. Did she really have that much self-loathing that her mind would conjure up a past general to try and kill her? Honestly, she really wasn’t sure if she wanted to find out.

“Not like any therapist will take me…” Sunset said as she retreated into her books. Honestly, everything always felt so much… easier in them, Princesses were rescued and ponies fell in love and monsters were slain without much hassle.

The real world, sadly, wasn’t so easy.

“So now what am I supposed to do…?” Sunset asked before her eyes found themselves drifting to the morpher now resting on a nearby table. “...should I…?”

She sucked in a breath, and strapped it on, before calling Vapor.

“Hey Vapes, you there?”

“S-Sunset?” Vapor asked, sounding surprised. “I… I thought you didn’t want to use this channel for anything non-ranger related!”

“Yes, well, like I said, I hadn’t had my morning coffee yet!” Sunset snorted. “We’re all a little grumpy then, I think right? Plus… I kinda maybe sorta need someone to talk to?”

“Oh, I see,” Vapor said. “Something wrong?”

“A whole lot of somethings really…” Sunset replied, throwing her head back into her chair. “Goddesses above, I’m a wreck!”

“If it helps, I think Reflecto got to all of us. I… yeah, what he made me see, let’s just say I’ll have to really reconsider a few things. I’ve got this friend okay? He’s been… well, let’s just say I need to have a talk with him, tell him that I’ve been lying to him.”

“Failing the Bechdel-Wallace test aren’t we?” Sunset teased. Vapor laughed at the other end of the line.

“What that monster did, getting inside our heads like that? Gave me a bit of a wake up call I suppose,” Vapor replied. “Goddess only knows what Rob and Autumn saw, I’m not going to go pry. But seeing my best friend tell me that I’m lying scum? I… yeah.”

She sniffled.

“Damn that Radiguet, and who’s this Cozy who he and Gray mentioned? His queen? I want to find out!” Vapor hissed out angrily. “She sounds like a pony, which… actually kinda scares me. Just the possibility of someone betraying us like that! Ooooh, it really burns me up! And I don’t even have crazy phoenix style powers like you do!”

Sunset snorted. “Yeah, I want to find out as well. And when I do, you can bet someone’s going to get burned.”

“You go girl!”

“Thanks for this Vapor, you’re absolutely right. I did need a friend, and I’m happy to have one in you. Guess Celestia was right, friendship really is magic. Guess she was right about a lot of things…” Sunset whispered before perking up again. “Also, you’re totally right. Our uniforms are way too tight!”

Vapor could only laugh.

7: House Call

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For the record, Robert wasn’t opposed to cotton candy horse land. It was just… different. It was like walking into some little girl’s cartoon, except it was real and breathing and very very alive. And threatened by monsters who happened to also be a horrifying reality.

It was undeniably weird, to say the least. Like, when Robert thought of cotton candy-colored prancing ponies, he thought of them singing songs in the meadows and braiding their manes and…. And… well, he was sure they did other things as well, maybe lounged around in giant castles or something. Pink ones. Bright pink ones.

And yet here he was, a Power Ranger who also happened to be standing guard outside a sun-topped home with inside it, a mare under house arrest. What she exactly did, he could only guess. Maybe she stole one too many cookies from the cookie jar, for all he knew.

Whatever the case, here he was standing for a good few hours in the hot dry summer sun, in gold plated armor, and sweating in it. It’d still be an hour before the shift change, and he could retire for the day. From the police to the military.

He sighed to himself. He had to wonder what Charlie was doing right now. Probably arresting some alien criminal somewhere, or maybe teaming up with the latest Captain Chaku in the G5 Galaxy to bring an entire gang to justice. Meanwhile, he was sweltering in ponyland and side jobbing as a Power Ranger. He chuckled, well Charlie it seemed was right all along. He’d wear the spandex after all. Do the dance, and get a morpher of his own.

“So, what, do you just stand there all day?” a raspy voice asked as this sky blue pegasi walked by, in a sports bra and jogging pants. She waved a hand in front of his face, and Robert had to suppress a groan. He had a cousin who was in the Queen's Guard. They told him about annoying people… well, ponies in this case that liked to do this. “Do you even blink?”

Robert, perhaps wisely, didn’t answer. He never said a word, never indicated anything that would give away how inwardly peeved he actually was by being bothered by this mare.

“I mean, props to you for managing to stand out in this hot sun, but do you even get to have fun with yourself?” the mare went on, practically rambling. “And I do mean have fun with yourself. Also, wow, for a hairless ape, you’re not bad looking. Those muscles…”

Here, she felt his bare arms and Robert really wanted to tell her to ‘buzz off’ as professionally as he could. Granted, that meant for him, it wouldn’t have ended so professionally given it would have involved a certain gesture that probably would have gotten him a reprimand by his superior. It would have certainly made Robert feel better though!

“So, the Power Rangers right?” the mare went on, and Robert flinched hoping she hadn’t noticed. Thankfully, the mare didn’t seem to have. Throwing a few punches at some imaginary foe, she went on: “Like wow, actual superheroes. It’s like they’ve leaped out of the pages of the Power Pony comics! Mhmm, not so sure about the outfits though. They look like they’re wearing leotards.”

Inwardly, Robert had to agree. They were not that flattering at all. Mind you, there were worse costumes out there. Like, eeeeuuuuuggghh, the Ranger Operators looked impossibly silly!

“Rarity? You know Rarity right? Rarity Belle, runs Carousel Boutique where everything is chic and unique?” the mare went on, doing her mane up in this fancy style and putting on a faux-European accent. “I personally think she should say ‘sweet and unique’ but I digress. Just my personal opinion y’know? Annnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyways, she would have words to say about their uniforms!”

Well, hey, it’s not like he got to pick the uniform he wore!

“I don’t think she gets the point, they’re superheroes. They’re supposed to look kinda stupid!”

Well, now that was just rude!

“That’s half the fun, being able to be so badass that your uniforms somehow turn around to being awesome again, right?”

Okay, now when you put it like that, it was a compliment…

“But yeah, yeah! Actual superheroes in my town! God, I wish I could meet one of them, and get their autograph!” the mare babbled.

Robert had to suppress cracking a grin. Oh the irony…

“So what’d you think Sunny-Shim got put under house arrest for?” the mare had to ponder. “Like, did she steal some of the Princess’ precious cake? No, wait, if she’d done that, she wouldn’t even be alive to tell the tale!”

Well, now that this mare brought it up, Robert had been wondering the same thing himself. Not that he was ever rude enough to ask. It was above his pay grade anyways.

“But wow, never knew moving here could cost so much. Like, housing prices are through the roof! I’m trying to get my own cloud house, or cloudominium as we call it back home, but that takes time. You have to get the paperwork filled out for it and oh hell I’m terrible at that kind of thing!” the mare grumbled. “It’s like it was made to drive us all crazy!”

Well, Robert could certainly stand to agree with that.

“Anyways, thanks for listening I guess. Guess I needed someone to talk to, you know? Someone to vent with. I feel soooooo much better. Well, guess I’d better leave you onto your guarding like the guard you are,” the mare continued before flashing him a thumbs up. “Keep on being awesome, alright?”

As she began to walk off, Robert finally let out the sigh he’d been holding. Well, that was the most excruciating 5 and a half minutes of his life. Were all ponies in this town simply just this chatty? Or was it just a thing that mare did? God, she was bloody annoying.

Eventually, the shift change came, and Robert soon deprived himself of his armor and went for a walk. His legs had started to fall asleep just standing there.

He’d heard the whispers of course, and saw the pointing and the stares. He was a stranger in a strange land to them. He was almost like… he hesitated to say a zoo attraction but that’s what it felt like at times. These ponies had never even seen a human before, it was a miracle they weren’t poking and prodding at him.

Did Autumn get the same treatment? She was just different enough to raise a few eyebrows.

...then again, at least she looked a bit like a pony. She had hooves!

“Oh, Bonnie, look!” said an excited voice, and Robert sighed to himself. Yep, here we go. “See, I told you they were real, but did you believe me? Nooooooooooooo… You called me crazy!”

Robert was inclined to agree with ‘Bonnie’. This mare was mental.

“Like, there used to be legends about you, you know. Your kind!” the mare, Lyra said. Robert had heard the name tossed around a few times. Apparently, she and her wife ran one of the local candy stores. “There used to be hundreds of humans in Equestria, and suddenly they up and disappeared. Vamoosed! Flew the coop! It’s a mystery, anthropology!”

“I’m sorry about her,” Bon-Bon said apologetically, pulling her wife away. “She’s not entirely house-trained. Lyra! Be nice, can’t you see you’re freaking him out?”

“I’m right here you know…” Robert deadpanned. Bon-Bon blushed. “No, go on. Talk about me like I’m not here.”

“Again, I’m sorry,” Bon-Bon apologized before taking a whiff of Robert and recoiling. “Faust, you stink!”

She fished something out of her pants pockets. “Here, have a free coupon for the local spa. I was going to use it, but smells like you need it more. Plus, consider it my treat. Apologies for my wife.”

Well, Robert wasn’t one to turn down a free gift… even if he’d never been to the spa a day in his life. But getting out of the street, not to mention a nice bath sounded just right about now…

And so Robert went, and was treated to twin -literally- German-accented ponies quickly ushering him into a nearby aqua-jet tub, telling him to ‘relax and let all his troubles flow away’. At least, that’s what he thought they said. Their accents were so thick it could have been something else.

“Oh dear, it seemed you got here ahead of me,” said another voice, this European accented. “I was hoping I’d be the only one in the tubs today…”

“I’m sorry, Rarity,” said the pink spa twin. “But he just arrived here ahead of you, and well we obviously can’t turn down a customer in need! You understand! It’s just not good business sense!”

“I know, I know dears,” Rarity sighed. ‘I’ll go get changed…”

Soon, she joined him in the opposing aqua jet tub, and let out a long sigh as she sank into its aromatherapy oiled waters. Robert would be the first to admit, she looked strikingly gorgeous. Like a model. ...wait, Rarity. Now he knew why the name sounded familiar!

“Wait, don’t you run Carousel Boutique?” Robert said, turning back to look at her, the waters sloshing beneath him.

“Yes, I do! Pleased to hear you’ve heard of me,” said Rarity. “But I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen you in my store…”

“You haven’t, largely because I haven’t stepped foot in your store. There was this mare I met earlier, rainbow-maned? Not sure if that’s a common thing or not for you ponies, but she was laughing about how you probably wouldn’t like the costumes of a certain group of local superheroes… and oh I probably shouldn’t have said that!” Robert winced.

“Yes, this sounds like Rainbow Dash. If only her brain ran as fast as her mouth!” Rarity agreed. “But she’s quite right! I would have words to say to these Power Rangers -a terrible name, by the way, sounds ridiculously silly- about their uniforms! I dare to say so myself, but it looks like they’re wearing diapers with those uniforms. I suppose it’s a common superhero thing, to wear their underwear on the outside, but let me tell you it does them no favors!”

Robert snorted. If only she’d ever seen Superman’s older costumes! Or, god forbid, the black uniform complete with mullet! That was a true fashion disaster if there ever was one!

“And what is with the posing?” Rarity went on, and Robert had to flat out laugh at this. Yes, what was with all of the posing! “Some of that posing? I’ll have a camp with a side of some extra camp, thank you!”

“And there’s the explosions!” Robert joined in. “It feels like it’d have to be Micheal Bay’s wet dream at times! ...okay, yeah, that’s one reference that’ll fly over your head, but all the explosions seem a bit extreme at times…”

“I’ll forgive the quite crude phrasing because I completely agree! Like, what is with the six-story high fireballs behind them with each ‘morph’?” Rarity asked. “It all feels completely gratuitous!”

“Completely and utterly!” Robert agreed with a small nod and he and Rarity broke down into giggles. “Also, the whole calling the attacks bit? Like, everyone screaming out their attack? We sure they’re not overcompensating for something?”

“...I’m pretty sure we already established that long ago with the gratuitous explosions, dearie,” Rarity drawled. Again, Robert broke down into a fit of giggles.

“Suppose I never introduced myself properly. Robert Willaims,” he said reaching out his hand and Rarity shook it.

“Rarity Belle,” she said leaning over the wall of the tub. Robert struggled, like seriously struggled to avoid eying her rather generous bust barely covered by her towel. “You know something dearie?”

“Yeah?” Robert asked gruffly. “What’s that?”

“I do believe this is the beginning of a rather beautiful friendship!” Rarity proclaimed.

Robert groaned as he returned home, another long day over and accomplished. Shining had been nice enough to set him up with an apartment in the small town, saying he deserved at least to feel like not everything had changed. Well, that much was true. He still had some of the noisiest neighbors in the world!

Like, could they turn their music up any louder? He wasn’t sure his walls had been rocked enough!

Oh well, maybe if he put in some earbuds and turned on some jazz, he’d be able to block out the rampant Death Metal on the other side of the wall. ...it could have been worse he supposed, it could have been like his last set of neighbors who were constantly having sex! He snorted, there was having a happy sex life and then there was that!

Well, it wasn’t all bad, he supposed. Today, he’d made his first actual friend in Miss Rarity Belle. Well, first actual pony friend. He still had Charlie back in NewTech and… well, wow was that it? He was seriously struggling to actually think of anyone besides her. ...was she right? Had he always been that much of a stick in the mud?

Quality over quantity, he supposed!

Shining maybe was his friend. Maybe. He couldn’t honestly say. Half the time he wanted to strangle the bastard.

What was that old wisdom? Two people couldn’t get along if they were too alike? Maybe that was his and Shining’s problem…

And oh bloody hell, even with the sounds of Miles Davis in his ears, he couldn’t block out the Death Metal from the other side of the walls. Oh well, time to do the whole ‘knock on the door and complain one’s head off’ bit. Maybe flash his badge, that usually worked like a charm!

So, Robert did exactly this, heading over to the door next to his room and very politely knocked on the door. And by politely, I mean he rapped on it loud enough to wake the dead.

“Okay, really dude?” Rainbow Dash asked angrily as she popped her head out of her room, only half-dressed in a shirt and panties. She crossed her arms, emphasizing her rather small bust. “I was actually enjoying myself! Boy, you really do take this whole ‘no fun’ thing seriously!”

“Yeah, sorry, I couldn’t hear you over being half deaf! Like, seriously mate?” Robert asked angrily.

“Oh, so you want to mate do you?” Rainbow Dash said poking him in the chest. “Well, I’m not mating with you sunshine. You’re a jackass!”

“You’re no saint yourself, woman!” Robert snapped. “I’m probably going to have to see a doctor about my potential loss of hearing! And for another thing? Mate? It doesn't mean I want ‘to mate’, which by the way I certainly wouldn’t want to with you, shortstack.”

“Hey, what’s wrong with my height? I’m not short, I’m fun-sized!” Rainbow retorted but went ignored.

“It’s just British slang for people, ponies, snails, whatever that I happen to know! So ease up on the aggro, eh?” Robert snarked.

“No, how about you?” Rainbow said.

“Oh, real mature,” Robert drawled. “I bagsyed this night to myself, for the record. Just some peace and quiet, didn’t need you ruining it.”

“Oh, so you and your dick, dick?” Rainbow retorted, before giggling at her own dumb pun. Robert promptly slammed the door on her, grumbling something rude under his breath. Well, ruder. Predictably, the death metal started up again soon after, this time even louder than before.

“Oh well, maybe if I make a complaint that should shut her up…” Robert thought to himself, sticking his fingers in his ears in an admittedly admirable effort to block out the noise. “The sooner she gets that bloody cloudominium the better, I sooooo don’t want to have to deal with this every night. Hell, maybe I’ll send her some money to help her along! ...I wonder if it’s too late to go and get myself in a bender.”

Robert honestly liked the idea, plus the farther away he was from that ‘music’ the better.

Unknown to him, he was about to get involved in the Reverse Empire’s latest sinister plot! Gray, from Radiguet’s castle watched via a crystal ball as an old woman went about her business for the night, only pausing to feed her cats.

“Those poor fools don’t even realize what I’ve done to this apartment block,” Gray thought. “I honestly have to thank the Rangers for this one. With the constant megazord fights, the rent’s gone up so badly on a lot of houses, the ponies will take anything! Even my Apartment Beast!”

If he were capable of more emotion, he would have laughed maniacally.

“Now, our Black Ranger living in this apartment was an unexpected bonus, but no matter. His and everyone else’s life energy will fuel Master Radiguet’s latest machine. Soon, he will be able to assume his true form at will!”

Yes, right now, assuming his true form pained Master Radiguet. Soon, that would change. If Gray was a less loyal machine, he would think of using the life energy to power something else, like himself. But his loyalty was only to Lord Radiguet. He was the only thing that mattered.

“So, I assume the only thing I should do now is ‘kick back’ as the organics say with a nice glass of Chianti and watch the show?” Gray pondered, as he watched the wall behind the old mare open up to reveal gnashing teeth and a truly massive tongue. She failed to notice, only realizing as she was dragged into the jaws of death. Blood splattered the wall, before it was soaked into the walls and it was as if it was never there as the room fell silent. Gray smiled. “Yes, I think that’s exactly what I’ll do.”

As for the cat? She never noticed her master had gone missing, and instead continued to meow for food that would never come…

Rainbow Dash was not a happy mare. That jerk really wanted to yell to her about what music she should be listening to? Not cool!

“I’ll just play it even louder, then! That’ll teach him!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself. “Yeah!”

Cranking up the volume, she began headbanging as the screaming guitars began rocking the house. Oh hell yeah, Death to Celestia rocked! This had to be their greatest album yet, Death by A Thousand Tireks had to be their finest hour!

Underneath her, the floor creaked and groaned as she stamped her hooves to the sound of the beat, doing air guitar motions with her fingers. That royal guard didn’t even know what he was missing! He probably listened to country music or something equally lame! Like, classical! No offense to Octavia, but classical really wasn’t her jam. It was waaaaaaayyyyy too boring. Like, the last and for that matter only time she listened to classical music she nearly fell asleep doing it.

So caught up in her rocking out was she, her mane now swaying like mad as her head became a blur, she failed to notice the slimy tendril creeping up from behind. And then she did notice as her shoulder felt all cold and clammy.

“...oh for Celestia’s sake, don’t tell me this house is haunted…” Rainbow grumbled as she turned only to see nothing. “Maybe that’s why I got this place so darn cheap, somepony actually died here! Well, I suppose that’s kind of awesome when you think about it, this place is haunted! Oh yeah! And I’m literally playing loud enough to wake the dead!”

In his chamber, Gray had to laugh. For one of the so-called Elements of Harmony, she wasn’t all that bright was she? This was almost too easy! But he wouldn’t pass up a free gift when offered, because the lifeforce of one of these ‘Elements’ would surely increase Lord Radiguet’s powers a thousandfold!

Apparently, accidentally giving five Rangers the powers to morph really kept him from going back to full strength. He had to rely on ‘agents’ to conquer this dimension now, while if he was at full power, he could have done it with relative ease! Gray wanted to thank Celestia and her foolish mages for awakening the Reverse Empire from their long imprisonment. Harmony, peace, friendship, such abstract concepts. Hardly worth the time to study. Power, now that was something he could learn from!

These ponies were weak and so soft. They were easily conquered and they like all herd animals quickly gave way to fear. He’d admire his foes for finding the strength to transform into Power Rangers, but even they would fall in the end. It was an inevitability. Everyone died in the end, their weak organic bodies failed. They should embrace the power of cybernetics. Robots and cyborgs would be the ones to rule, like him and Lord Radiguet. Organics never understood, which was their chief failing. It was always their chief failing.

Rainbow felt her shoulder grow cold and clammy again, and this time she screamed as she saw tentacles burst out of her wall, and attempt to drag her to her doom.

“Oh no, I’ve seen enough neighponiese hentai to know where this is going!” Rainbow shouted slamming a fist into one of the tendrils, causing it to burst in a shower of blood. “This little pony ain’t going to go down so easily!”

She ripped one of the tendrils from the fleshy mass that was once her wall, and ran out the door. Rainbow’s eyes widened in horror as she saw one of her neighbors try to escape only to be dragged back into his room. A sickening ‘crunch’ followed. Rainbow’s eyes narrowed in rage. “Alright then, if that’s the way you want to play it… Alright apartment, Rainbow Dash is coming at you!”

As she ran, the floor fell out beneath her and it was only by taking to the skies did she avoid being enveloped by a gnashing mass of teeth. Tendrils ripped out of the Hellmouth and tried to drag her down. A scream rushed up from Rainbow’s throat and made it’s escape, only for a sword to slice through the tendrils freeing her from their grasp.

Landing on the other end of the hallway was the black ranger, wings folding up into his arms as he sheathed his sword.

Rainbow wrapped him in a hug, before pulling herself away and blushing. “There’s this royal guard right next to my room, I think he may have been eaten! The human! Goddess, I can’t believe the last word I said to him was calling him a…”

“Don’t worry, I got him out,” Robert said thanking the Morphing Grid that his voice was distorted that just enough. “...Think I saw a movie like this once.”

“Oh yeah?” Rainbow asked looking down the now fleshy hallway, a chandelier now looking suspiciously like a uvula. “How’d it end?”

“Pretty good, all things considered. The house got blown up, sadly I’m not sure I can get a hold of enough dynamite to do the same thing here…” Robert admitted. There was a roar coming from somewhere below, and honestly, neither man nor mare wanted to find out just what it belonged to.

“We’ve got to get out of here!” Rainbow shouted. “You just got to think bigger right? After all, you can use your zord or something to blow this place sky high!”

“Trust me, I was thinking the exact same thing!” Robert agreed as they broke into a run even as the floor fell out from under them exposing more gnashing teeth. They rounded a corner and saw a window coming up fast before they smashed right through it, glass shards cutting into Rainbow’s skin and drawing blood.

Then, what they saw truly terrified them, as the entire apartment block stood up and gained a gaping maw and soulless black orbs for eyes. It swiped at them with one massive arm, before they began to fall faster and faster and then…

A shriek filled the air, and the roar of a jet engine as Robert and Rainbow found themselves in the condor zord’s cockpit.

“So… you think the other Rangers noticed all this yet?” Rainbow joked weakly as the jet went into a climb, shoving her back into her seat.

“...you think they haven’t?” Robert snarked back. “It’s a walking house!”

Then, twin lasers hit the house making it stagger as the very earth shook. From out of the clouds came the swallow zord, Shining at the controls.

“Geez, talk about a house call…” Shining uttered as he rocketed around the monstrous house. Robert forced down a groan at the pun as down came the condor zord firing a missile at the massive apartment block. Fire erupted all over the structure before it charged out of the flames with an ear-splitting roar.

“See, now I just think you pissed it off,” Robert drawled, before firing yet another missile. His jet’s scanners were now reading life signals all over the apartment block. Guess it was so busy trying to eat them it forgot about far easier meals.

“Oh, I hadn’t realized…” Shining deadpanned in returned, using his zord’s wings to slice through steel and concrete, making the monster roar in pain. At this, the Apartment Beast reached out and attempted to grab him with one massive arm, but the swallow zord was far too quick for that.

Flying back up into the star-lit skies, it circled back around, before firing lasers once more at the monster. With a roar, the Apartment Beast reached out, and ripped a house out of the ground before tossing it right at the swallow zord. Shining pressed the trigger and fired a laser right through the house before flying through it.

Robert, meanwhile, drove the condor zord into a spin and flew round and round the Apartment Beast, creating a powerful whirlwind that began to lift it skywards higher and higher. As the monster roared in indignation, Shining flew in before he peppered the monster with laser fire. Finally, Robert broke away and the Apartment Beast dropped to the ground with an earthshaking thud. Cracks and fissures opened up in the ground below, ripping and tearing through the earth.

It was then the Apartment Beast displayed the ability to breath fire, enveloping both black and blue’s zords in flame. They charged out of the inferno, before firing twin missiles at the Apartment Beast making it fall backwards with another earthshaking thud, smashing into a hillside and sending chunks of rock and earth skywards. It was all the two fliers could do but to dodge the earthy chunks and blast them apart.

“Are your battles always like this?” Rainbow said as the jet turned sideways to avoid another massive section of earth.

“Nope, sometimes they’re actually challenging!” Robert laughed before smashing through another chunk of earth. Down below, the Apartment Beast was recovering, and let out an angry howl.

As it attempted to rip both jets out of the air, Robert had once again a snarky remark for every occasion. “...I feel a joke relating to King Kong is appropriate for this occasion.”

“Well, you’re certainly showing your age,” Rainbow remarked dryly. “...Wasn’t that movie really old?”

“Then how do you know about it?” Robert deadpanned in return before he let out a yelp, forcing the jet into a climb as the Apartment Beast nearly ripped him from the air. The condor zord went into a loop-da-loop before returning fire with more lasers. “Shi.. Blue! There’s still ponies trapped inside that beast!”

“...and I’m about to join them,” Shining radioed back as the monster had grabbed his zord and was trying to eat it alive. Shining leaped out of the cockpit, and with a cry of “Swallow Strike!” infused his sword with blue energy and struck.

“You may have outsmarted me, but I outsmarted your outsmarting!”

The Apartment Beast howled in pain as it let Shining free, the Blue Ranger willing his zord to go on autopilot and shoot open a window. Shining then leaped into the new opening, and drew his sidearm venturing into the monster’s disturbingly fleshy interior. If tendrils sprang up to drag him away, he was ready with laser fire. Creating a shield with his magic, he smashed through a wall, gore splattering his shield but he continued making his way through until he found the remaining tenants. Slicing them free, he pressed a button on his morpher before the swallow zord blasted open a new opening. The Apartment Beast howled in pain, even as the rescued ponies descended to the ground on a slide of light rose-colored magic.

Shining leaped back into his zord and once again the battle took to the skies. Condor and swallow sliced through the air with ease as they joined their fellow zords before parts began to shift and twist. Metal slammed together, wings combining into a shield that now rested on the fully-formed megazord’s back.

“Oh, hey Rainbow,” Vapor waved as the now very confused mare found herself in the cockpit alongside the Rangers. Rainbow narrowed her eyes, that voice sounded seriously familiar.

“Time to perform some demolition!” Robert shouted as the megazord marched forwards, frail in hand. Swinging the massive spiked ball above its head, the megazord then wrapped the chains around the apartment beast’s right arm. With a tug, the massive mecha pulled the monster forwards. Then, it pulled out a hammer and down it went atop the Apartment Beast’s head, before the megazord slammed the hammer into its face.

Pulling the frail away, the megazord went at the dimensional beast with hammer and shield. Leaping forwards, down went the hammer as the megazord struck with one final powerful blow. The Apartment Beast lurched forwards and then fell, collapsing in a truly massive explosion.

“Well, that’s the end of…” Robert started before the megazord was forced apart by an explosion. As the other zords went flying away, Robert attempted to guide the condor zord into a graceful crash, ripping up the earth as he slammed into a nearby hillside. What the hell had happened?

He didn’t have to wonder for very long.

Walking up was Gray, an empty bunker-buster missile pod retracting back into his armor.

“Oh, you mad bro?” Robert said, before rolling out of the way to avoid an arc of energy that sliced through the night air. Gray let out a roar of mechanical rage as their blades met.

“You ruined my plan, Black!” Gray snarled, sounding angrier than Robert had ever heard him.

“Oh, well, that’s kinda what I do…” Robert said, clocking him in the face with a fist. He spun away, readying his blade as he went in for a slash at the mechanical general.

“Oh, so you’re approaching me?” Gray asked, raising one arm and firing an energy beam that Robert just slashed through. And then Robert just slashed through him.

As Gray staggered, sparks flying, Robert turned back and smirked under his helmet. “Yeah, so I can come and kick your arse!”

“You can go ahead and try…” Gray said, before making a ‘come hither’ gesture. “Now, as I believe you humans say, can you get over here and ‘bring it’?”

“Oh well, you’re learning…” Robert said as their blades met again and again, sparks flying. Robert leaped forwards, and slashed downwards, only for Gray to meet his blade with his rapier.

Gray then lunged forwards, and tossed his opponent through a brick wall before launching several micro-missiles. Robert looked at his sidearm, and hesitated to draw it. “Never again…”

He probably should have though, given he was sent flying by several explosions before collapsing in a heap at Gray’s feet. “Pathetic…” the robot muttered. “I can’t believe you didn’t put up much of a fight. Oh well, as troublesome as you are, depriving the rangers of their Black will be a PLEASURE!”

“Oh no you don’t!” came a voice before Gray was hit by a flying dive kick, a hoof bucking him in the face. Gray let out a cry of pain, his armor now sporting and showing a rather large dent. “Hey, lay off him!”

Rainbow ran over to the black Ranger and helped him up.

“Rainbow, get out of here!” Robert snapped. “He’s too dangerous for you to face alone!”

“Ha, I laugh in the face of danger! That’s my middle name even!” Rainbow said. “Besides, I’m the Element of Loyalty right, can’t just leave ya hangin’. Plus, you saved my life so I save yours. It’s only fitting, right?”

Rainbow and Robert then dived into the dirt to avoid another beam blast from Gray.

“You… impudent… insolent… little… organics!” Gray steamed as he marched forwards. Rainbow gulped.

“On the other hand, maybe I should leave this to the professionals eh?” Rainbow said as she dived for cover. Gray launched another beam blast, and Robert began holding it back with his sword as he closed in, little step by step. He charged forwards, his sword like a spear before he drove it into Gray’s armor, oil splattering his suit.

Gray roared in rage, and sliced at the black ranger with his rapier, Robert rolling out of the way, before he drew back a gauntlet-adorned fist and punched Gray. Hard. His sword flew out of Gray’s chest, and returned to his grip only for Robert to score another slash.

“Oh, I definitely say I can ‘bring it’,” Robert said, as he blocked a sword slash from Gray. “You though, I’m not so sure about!”

“I am head of Radiguet’s personal guard,” Gray said. “I am his top general!”

“Oh well then, I really fear for the rest of his army then, if you’re considered the best of the best…” Robert deadpanned. “...oh wait, I’ve met the rest of his army. I’m far from impressed.”

Their blades met again and again, sparks flying. Their battle continued into a side street, Gray managing to score a powerful slice across Robert’s chest. Several jabs later, and Robert found himself up against a shop window. Gray punched him through it, glass shards flying. The battle continued inside the diner, confectionaries laying scattered about. Robert grabbed a series of cupcakes and began tossing them at Gray, covering his face in frosting. Robert struck, scoring another energy-infused slash.

Blades met again, Gray flicking his wrist in an attempt to disarm his opponent. But just like before, Robert twisted his blade and his sword ground up against Gray’s rapier, sparks flying. He elbowed the robot in the face, before scoring another strike.

“You’re outmatched,” Robert said. “I”m wise to your tricks by now, and I’m about to send you to the scrapheap!”

Again, blades met in a shower of sparks. “Are you?” Gray questioned. “Because so far, I seem to be holding my own. Credit where it’s due, I never expected you to actually make it this far. Maybe you are worth something after all.”

“That’s the thing isn’t it?” Robert said. “I may not have wanted to be a ranger, but I’ve noticed a trend with you guys. You always underestimate humanity. God forbid I come off as preachy as the Megaforce Rangers, but maybe it’s time you factor in something new. The human factor! We’ve been sending villains like you packing since Angel Grove! You’re just the latest in a long line of would-be conquerors. Let that sink in. What makes you think you’ll do any better?”

“Hmm, something worth considering. I applaud you for your spirit,” Gray admitted. “But even your race’s luck runs out. Earth will fall one day, and I intend to be the one that helps it along!”

He was then blasted out the window by an explosion, confetti filling the room. Standing in the doorway, with a cannon at her feet, was a very tired looking Pinkie Pie. Robert stared. “...what, he was beginning to bum me out! Such a meanie…”

Robert could only laugh. Maybe this town wasn’t so bad after all.

“Well, guess I’m going to have to set you up with somewhere else to live, right?” Shining laughed nervously as he looked at where the gaping hole where the apartment block used to be. Before it, you know, got up and walked away. And then blew up. “...so your apartment turned out to be alive, who’d have thought?”

Robert and Shining shared a laugh.

“...so I guess paying for damages is going to come out of our pocketbooks?” Robert asked.

“Probably,” Shining admitted, before both broke down into laughter again.

“Brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘house demolition’ don’t it?” Robert joked before his face turned sour. “I gotta hand it to Gray, he really caught us all flat-footed didn’t he?”

“Or flat-hoofed as the case may be,” Shining said with a tired look. “We’re still working out who’s missing.”

“Yeah, this is going to be fun,” Robert grumbled. “I remember the first time I had to show up at someone’s house, say that their husband’s never coming home. It never gets any easier.”

“The day it does, I think that’s the day you should hang up your badge,” Shining said and Robert nodded in agreement.

“Still can’t believe you had a fight with Gray,” Shining continued. “Like, you went sword to sword with him.”

“I think that makes all of us who’ve had a battle with him in some capacity,” Robert replied. “I still can’t believe you lasted a whole night against that mechanical menace.”

“Yeah, but he really seems to hate you,” Shining said. “Guess that’s because it’s two of his plots you’ve managed to foil. The one with the Dimensional Bug Mother and now this thing.”

“...I hate to see what Gray will come up with next,” Robert muttered. “Though something tells me we’re not going to have much choice in the matter!”

“Well, whatever it’ll be, I’ll be by your side,” Shining said. “We worked well together last night, like a well-oiled…”

“...please don’t say machine, I’ve still got the bruises from last night,” Robert muttered. “Ugh, think I’m going to just check into a motel and crash for the day. Like, don’t even bother to try and grab me for guarding Sunset’s house. Like, owwwwwwww…”

“You rest up,” Shining replied kindly, patting him on the shoulder. “I’ll see if I can poach a few men from Galaxy Swirls’ regiment and see if they’ll take over for you and Gallant Glave for the day. ...maybe that new Flash Sentry kid?”

Robert gave Shining an appreciative smile, before walking off. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. Yeah, maybe he could stand to make friends with his fellow Ranger. He didn’t like this job, nor did he like this town all that much, but he didn’t have to be completely miserable while he worked here.

As he walked, the nearest hotel in his sights, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

“Oh darling, wait up!” Rarity said as she managed to catch up to him, panting and sweating a little bit. “I just wanted to talk to you. See, I heard about your living arrangements, or lack thereof, and I thought I might extend you an offer of sorts!”

“Oh?” Robert asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, you will have to work for a living, you do have to earn your keep after all but it shouldn’t be nothing that interferes with your job as a Royal Guard. Just a little bit of extra help around the store now and again, you understand?” Rarity asked and Robert nodded. Yeah, that was fair. “But in exchange, I’ll offer you free room and board. Goodness knows you staying in one of those ghastly motels around town just won’t do! So unfashionable!”

Robert shuddered in agreement.

“Oh yes, quite!” he said. “But why you? I mean, why you?”

“Well, I am the Element of Generosity you know. I never let a friend in need stay that way for long!”

“You sound just like Rainbow…” Robert muttered.

“Well, great minds do think alike, darling,” Rarity said booping him on the nose. “So, you’ve got to tell me, how is Prince Blueblood? Tell me, is he really the Prince Charming everyone says he is?”

“I think he’s gay, actually…” Robert said. “No straight man spends that much time working on their hair! Let me tell you, I was guarding him while he was at a restaurant once okay? I had to spend a whole hour waiting for him in the carriage while he did his mane!”

Rarity sighed. “...why is it all the good men are either taken or gay?”

“Or Power Rangers.” Robert thought to himself with a little laugh.

“Maybe you’re setting your sights too high,” Robert suggested as they walked back to the Carousel Boutique. “Just a suggestion, a wild crazy thought but maybe you should try dating someone else?”

“Like you?” Rarity noticing his accidental slip up, even if Robert himself hadn’t.

“Well, maybe not me, pretty sure there’s a rule against dating who you work with somewhere,” Robert remarked. “But you get the idea really. Pretty sure this town’s got plenty of ponies chomping at the bit to date you! You are, after all, Rarity Belle. The Element of Fabulosity, was it?”

“Generosity, but same thing really. Yes, I am indeed the star of the show. I do often dream of ponies asking ‘who is that wonderful, mysterious mare?’ and then I answer, it is I, Rarity Belle!” the white mare proclaimed.

“Well, she thinks very highly of herself doesn’t she?” Robert thought with a snort.

“Well, if the apparel oft proclaims…” he remarked and Rarity laughed.

“See, I knew there was a reason I liked you!” Rarity chimed. “But, if I may say so? You stink!”

“...well, I guess that’s another double spa date for us!”

“Well, I have been looking for an excuse to get a massage…” Rarity trailed off and both burst out laughing.

8: Fashion and Passion

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Funny how the most extraordinary days start off so ordinarily. For Autumn, it was to wake up, go for a jog and then… well, she’d figure it out as she went along. Right now, she found herself leaning on a fence railing, watching the ponies toil away in the fields.

She watched for a while and remembered. How long had it been since she herself was tending to her crops?

Harvest season was coming up fast, and yet… she hadn’t even started on her farm work because of, well, the obvious. Briefly bringing her sky shift Morpher back into being, she glanced at it. At times, Autumn would admit to wishing it never came to her. But, alas, no choice now for her, really.

“Something on your mind?” came a voice, as Robert walked up. Autumn chuckled.

“You can’t just leave a pretty mare well enough alone, can you?” Autumn said twisting so she was now sitting atop the fence instead of actually leaning on it. “First Rainbow, then Rarity, and now me! My, you get around!”

“No!” Robert sputtered, flushing a bright red.

“Oh, good, because if you were I’d feel it was well within my rights to warn the mares of what a player you are,” Autumn teased. “...wait, that is the right word for it isn’t it? I’m… really not sure. Still a lot of new words I have to learn, and some I have to re-learn, and yeah I’m babbling again aren’t I?”

“No, you’re not,” Robert reassured.

“Right, sorry, I didn’t want to be the one to embarrass myself,” Autumn laughed nervously. “Not that I have a sense of shame, cause I don’t! I’m a free spirit!”

“Well, that’s one way to put it…” Robert thought to himself before speaking. “You looked like you had a lot on your mind. Thought I’d come over and see what’s what. But fine, if you don’t want me to be nice I can be just on my merry little way…”

“Ooooh, snarky!” Autumn laughed. “Sarcastic and snarky, whoo! Whatever mare lands you, you’re a keeper!”

“What makes you think I’ll end up with a mare?” Robert inquired.

“Oh, so you swing the other way then?” Autumn asked, eyes widening. “Let me correct myself then. Whatever stallion ends up with you, you’re a keeper!”

“Let me correct myself then,” Robert snorted. “What makes you think I’ll end up with a pony?”

“Well, unless you’re shuffled back off to the human part of the world, and I don’t see that happening anytime given Shining has you on a leash -arf arf!- so you’re stuck here. Basically, you’re like that Captain Kirk man, boldly coming where nobody’s come onto before!”

“It’s boldly going,” Robert sighed. “I don’t know what I should be more concerned over, you knowing who Captain Kirk is, you nerd, or your jokes you’re going to be making from now on.”

“Awwwwwww, you’re such a stick in the mud,” Autumn groaned. “No sense of humor whatsoever. Oh well, just means you’re going to be that much easier to tease!”

Robert sighed to himself, resigned to his fate. Placing his hands behind his head, he leaned back up against the fence posts, the wood creaking and groaning against his weight. As he did this, very briefly the sleeves on his jacket rolled up to reveal what looked like patches on his arms.

“Ooooh, are those marijuana patches?” Autumn inquired. “You know, for a guy who’s taking them, you don’t seem to be really all that chill!”

“Well, it’s hard to be chill around a mare like you,” Robert thought to himself, before with a red face, he tugged his sleeve back down. “Can she ever mind her own business?”

“Well, it’s not like I can smoke on the job,” Robert replied. “Way I see it, what Shining doesn’t know, well it won’t hurt him will it?”

“Ooooh, undermining your boss like this?” Autumn said. “What a little rebel! And here I thought you were this straight-laced officer of the law!”

“Yes, well sometimes being straight-laced comes with a few sacrifices,” Robert admitted. “Helps with the stress.”

“The stress of the job, or the stress of the town, or the stress of your extracurricular activities?” Autumn asked.

“What makes you think it’s the stress of the town?” Robert said. “I’m happy with the town, I’m a happy person!”

“Yeah, sure you are…” Autumn drawled. “And yet your whole apartment didn’t hear you arguing with Rainbow Dash. You know, before it turned into a huge angry rage monster.”

“Her music was too loud, and she was too loud,” Robert said simply.

“Oh, so you’re a happy person?” Autumn drawled.

“Okay, fine, I’m a grumpy person in way over his head,” Robert grumbled. “Honestly, not sure I feel at home here. It’s all pastels and ponies, not gritty streets and human beings. I apologize for how this sounds, heaven forbid I sound like a racist bastard, but…”

“Yeah, I know what you mean, and no you don’t sound like an elitist jerk,” Autumn sighed to herself. “Since I moved here, I’ve been feeling strangely out of place. Like, I’ve got friends, or well one of them anyways in Vapes, but… I’m a kirin, and these are all ponies. I’m a disruption to the usual herd dynamic and…”

“You make it sound like you’re in a harem,” Robert drawled, and Autumn smacked him over the head.

“Pervert…” she grumbled even if she looked as if she was two steps away from smiling herself.

“So we’re both fish out of water, right?” Robert muttered. “Guess that means we’ll have to be alone together then.”

“Careful now, if you keep that up, ponies might think you actually have a heart!” Autumn teased, punching him in the arm, Robert wincing slightly from her strength. He laughed anyways, rubbing his patch-covered arm. The aftereffects were starting to wear off, he’d have to replace the patches soon. Maybe see his doctor about a refill in a few days, yeah.

Then, Autumn’s ears twitched, hearing something that Robert obviously hadn’t. She let out a shout of “DIVE!” as she pulled him to the ground, practically wrenching him to the dirt as what looked to be senbon needles whistled over their heads. Then, in a second fluid motion, she activated her Sky Shift Morpher calling out “Take off, wings rise! Owl Ranger Power!” over the standby techno beats.

““Take off, wings rise. Condor Ranger Power,” Robert said in the most annoyed tone he could muster, quite a feat I should add as he had many annoyed tones. “Alright, who the…”

“Oh, look! It’s the Ranger of Patriarchy here to mansplain why I as a monster, suck!” said a feminine voice and Robert blinked, as it’s owner could only be described as a sewing machine on legs walked up. Okay, not senbon needles, but sewing needles then. “Well, you won’t get a chance to ruin my life, and explain to me about how my principled stand against hatred isn’t appropriate so-”

Autumn punched her in the face.

“...sorry, I just did that upon reflex,” Autumn said. “Not sure why. But something about her really offends me as a mare.”

“Oh, good,” Robert said as the two spun and flipped around to avoid the sewing needles, slashing through the hurricane with their swords. They, at one point, stood back to back slashing at the onslaught, before breaking apart again to send twin energy slashes at the new monster. “Nice to know you’re sane and not one of those nutters.”

“Those nutters?” Autumn said, ripping up the earth and tossing a rather large section of it at the monster, who dodged out of the way before nicking her in the side with sewing needles. Autumn let out a yelp of pain, before asking: “You mean there’s more like her? What, are they all this toxic?”

“I was going to go with stupid, but your explanation works as well,” Robert said.

“Your resistance to change is what powers the abusers and empowers the cultures of hate!” said the sewing machine monster.

“And you’re setting feminism back by several hundred years!” Autumn returned. “Now, let me remind you of who you’re facing off against! With the strength of an owl! Power Ranger Yellow!”

“With the swiftness of a condor. Power Ranger Black,” said Robert, completely unenthusiastic.

“Oh come on!” Autumn said as she locked blades with the walking sewing machine’s… well, scissors. “Show a little enthusiasm, why don’t you? At least act like you’re happy to be doing your job!”

“I’ll be happy when the job’s over.” Robert replied drolly.

Here, he kicked the monster in the stomach, making it cry out: “Abuse, abuse! God, you are triggered!”

Robert just socked her across the jaw for that. The monster shoved him into a fence, before slashing wildly with her scissors. Robert just barely managed to raise his blade in time to block the blow. He flipped behind the fence and slashed at the creature before shoving the tip of his sword into one of her eyes.

As the monster screamed in rage, Autumn pulled it away before crashing a fist into it.

“Goddess, even her screams are annoying…” Autumn muttered before slamming her fists into the creature’s stomach like she was on fire. Well, given her species Autumn probably was going to be in a few minutes if the new dimensional beast pushed her any further.

“You support the culture of hate, you’re a traitor to your gender! A traitor!”

“OH SHUT UP!” Autumn roared, temporarily going Nirik -judging by the flash of purple fire- as she tossed the dimensional beast head over shoulder, letting her crash into the earth, kicking up dust and cracking the ground.

“...maybe you cracked her skull,” Robert suggested offhand.

“Her skull was already cracked,” Autumn grumbled. “You said there are more women like her? Well, not sure if ‘women’ is the right phrase here. Maybe insufferable Tartarus beasts…”

“Sadly, you can’t fix stupid…”

“I can damn well try…” Autumn said before she let out a yelp as the dimensional beast rose again, with scissor blade in hand. “...you know there’s probably a crack I could make about running with scissors here!”

Before she could say anything more, Reversers swarmed the area. The insect-like foot soldiers chittered and chattered as they slashed and stuck at the two rangers. Autumn ran up a tree, before kicking herself off it, and slamming her fist into the earth sending several of the creatures flying. Autumn grabbed one, swinging it around toppling more reversers like dominos.

Meanwhile, Robert found himself fending off the maniac monster, just barely blocking their blade strikes.

“You’re quite the special snowflake aren’t you?” the monster said, as Robert dodged a scissor slash. “Thinking you can take me on all alone!”

“Oh, don’t worry, Bitch-Beast, soon as Autumn’s done with your mooks, I won’t be alone,” Robert said, kicking upwards and knocking the monster’s blades out of her hands. “Meanwhile, really? Special Snowflake? That’s so old hat.”

“Oh, keep telling yourself that, keep on mansplaining’ why I suck,” said the creature. “Just go on and empower yourself! You’re like all men!”

Robert leaped forwards, and locked his legs with her head, slashing at her. He then leaped off of her, sending an energy-infused slash at the monster before spinning and scoring another slash.

“#You suck,” Robert said. “I know plenty of feminists. Like Autumn said, you give them a bad rep.”

“Oh, keep on saying that, go to your safe space! Deny it all you want, soon we rise and overthrow your culture of oppression!”

“Oh for fu…” Robert grumbled. “Have you ever heard of the term broken record? Cause, guess what? You fit the term!”

“Oh, so you want to talk down to us?” the crazed dimensional beast asked. “Then let me give you a costume that exposes you for being the pig that you are!”

Her sewing needles covered the ranger, having given him no time to dodge. In a flash of light, he demorphed and was covered in new attire, a long trench coat with a condor emblazoned on the back.

“Perfection!” the beast shouted as she danced around. “Another masterful piece of attire!”

Autumn slammed a fist into her face. “Yeah, I’m sure you’re giving Rarity competition, you’ll corner the market.” she drawled.

Before she could pummel her any further, an energy slash knocked Autumn off balance and demorphed her. Gray stepped into view, smiling at the new dimensional beast.

“Come, Fashionbeasta,” he said. “You have plenty more chaos to create.”

“Get your hands off me, pig!” she grumbled. “But you are right, I’ve got plenty more creations that I’m ready to rock this town with!”

“Robert, Robs?” Autumn said, waving a hand in front of his face. “Come on now, speak to me!”

“Hello…” the black ranger purred. “Now, aren’t you a pretty thing? I mean, wow!”

“Yes, well…” Autumn giggled, playing with her mane nervously.

“No, seriously, you are!” the new Robert said wrapping his hands around Autumn from behind, before kissing the nape of her neck. Autumn shivered before she let out a yelp as the man’s hands moved upwards. Grabbing him, Autumn twisted his arm. “OWWWWWW!”

“Okay, not sure what’s happened to you, but hands! Hands,” Autumn lectured. “Okay, clearly that ‘Fashionbeasta’ did something to you. Like, wowza. Old you didn’t ask to get kicked in the balls, and oh trust me I’m tempted…”

“Hey, I’m not going to hurt you!” Robert said, fiddling with his coat. “I’m a ranger too, I just believe that all of me should be shared with the world. That’s all!”

Autumn facepalmed.

“Okay, we so need to have a little ‘chat’ with Fashionbeasta,” Autumn said. “Like, wow. Did she loosen all of your inhibitions?”

“Well, possibly,” Robert theorized. “Hell if I know. Maybe you’re right, maybe she did or maybe she didn’t. Maybe the world begged for this new me! Because I feel free! Fighting fit like a fox, really!”

“So… that’s a yes in that you’re going to help me?” Autumn asked in confusion.

“Well, duh! Of course I’m gonna help you, leave no fellow ranger in peril right? In fact, I’ll make a show of doing it! Yeah, time to make a show of saving the world! Hade ni ikuze! Right?”

“...and I’ll pretend to understand neighponiese,” Autumn said. “Just for you. Well, bright side I suppose. You’re not all bad, and hey, maybe you’ll exhibit a bit more enthusiasm when you morph!”

“Of course I’ll be enthusiastic!” Robert declared, punching the air. “Hello, superhero?”

Screams split the air, as both Autumn and Robert shared a nod and beat feet down into Ponyville proper. Everyone was seemingly dressed in costume, ranging from knights to police, to pirates, to… well, just about anything you could possibly imagine. Robert’s eyes widened as he saw a group of ponies dressed like various criminals tormenting a certain zebra.

“I was hoping for price cuts on pine nuts, not pirates!” Zecora said as she tried to get away from the roguish rampaging rapscallions. Robert dived in with a flying kick, flooring one of the thugs, before slamming a fist into another.

“At your service,” Robert bowed, kissing Zecora’s hand. “Okay, okay, I get it. You need a minute, but what can I say? When I make an entrance, I make an entrance, it’s go big or go home for me!”

“My my, by chance your advance at first glance seems to entrance!” Zecora blushed before a pony dressed up as a knight stepped between the two. “Now this knight doesn’t seem to think you’re quite alright! It gives me quite a fright!”

“Yeah, me too!” Robert said as he ducked a sword slash. “Oh, great, a literal white knight! And they say chivalry is dead!”

Roundhouse kicking the knight in the stomach, Robert fished around in his trenchcoat, only to find handcuffs. Cuffing the knight, he muttered: “...now, are you a mare or a stallion? One’s cool, the other’s gonna get kinda awkward…”

“Oh, don’t you know?” Autumn said backhanding one of the pirates. “Bisexuality is a thing. It’s kinda encouraged.”

“I’m not a homophobe, thank you!” Robert said, cuffing another of the pirates. “I’m actually pretty offended you implied me as such! Ussai, ba~ka!”

“And I’m pretty sure that was a phrase that just ruined your chances of a date with me!” Autumn decided, tossing a glance skywards.

“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll come around,” Robert said before winking at a blushing Zecora. “They always do!”

Autumn grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and dragged him off as more screams lit up the area. They had a job to do.

They followed the sounds of screams to Shining running wild on a motorbike he’d found… somewhere. Looking like a stereotypical delinquent, it didn’t take a genius to guess what had happened.

Robert and Autumn dived for cover as the mad motorcyclist drove on past, before tires squealed as he turned back to come at them again. “I’m tearing it up!” he called.

Robert groaned, and reached for his sidearm. “...mou, what is it? 2020? How old is this joke by now? What decade is it from?”

“Hey, don’t you insult my fashion sense shelf! Now, out of the way or I’ll be runnin’ you down!” Shining called gunning the engine.

Robert suppressed an even louder grown. He fired, popping the tire and sending the mad motorcyclist spinning end over end before Autumn caught him. She sent Robert a particularly nasty glare.

“You could have killed him! That was incredibly reckless!” she lectured, as he shrugged with a wily grin.

“Hey, I said I was going to do this with a sense of show, and so I did. Hade ni ikuze! Right? Mou!” Robert grumbled.

“Hey, maybe you’re not so bad eh Shelf?” Shining laughed. “You’ve got style!”

“Yeah, you’re definitely not getting that date.” Autumn decided. “Oh, where’s Sunset when you need her…? Oh, of course, she’s probably been turned into a love-sick sycophant.”

Autumn then turned her head, and saw her another and a bunch of other mares including Lily and Rose in a bistro now turned Maid Cafe. French maid costumes and all, complete with stockings. Robert’s eyes turned to hearts, with Shining’s soon to follow.

“...No, I take it back, that’s worse,” Autumn grumbled. “I thought Fashionbeasta was supposed to be ‘progressive’.”

“It’s a perfectly legitimate job…” Robert tried to point out.

“...one can only wonder what Fashionbeasta’s done to Vapor,” Autumn muttered to herself. “I’m not sure I want to know, honestly!”

“I see you’re all enjoying my newest creations~!” Fashionbeasta sing-songed as she popped out from behind a counter, and to Autumn’s great surprise none of the maids ran for it. Including Vapor who was now amongst them. Autumn’s jaw dropped.

“Well, hello there!” Sunset chimed in as she grabbed a napkin and began wiping the dimensional beast clean. “My, you’re quite the mess! All covered in hot oil and sweat! Has anyone cleaned you up at all?”

Lily grabbed a tablecloth and flung it in front of the monster, while Sunset pulled up a chair, and gently nudged the dimensional beast into it. As Rose began rubbing the creature’s shoulders, all the other rangers watched in what could only be described as abject disbelief.

“You gotta be kidding me… Like, you sure we’re seeing this right?” Shining muttered. “Then again, it is a maid’s job to service everybody! Hey, maybe I should…”

Autumn smacked him upside the head.

“Hey, what was that for, shelf?” Shining demanded.

“Uh, last I checked, you’ve got a marefriend…” she drawled.

“...well, she’s about to get several!” Robert harrumphed. “All impossibly pretty!”

“And this from the man who said he wasn’t into ponies…” Autumn muttered. “Wow, that outfit really did change you. And I thought it was the marijuana patches that…”

“Marijuana patches? What marijuana…” Robert wondered to himself before rolling up his sleeves. “...does she mean these? Those aren’t… Agh, never mind! Don’t we have a monster to fight?”

He morphed with a cry of “Take off, wings rise! Condor Ranger Power!” and charged into the bistro slashing Fashionbeasta’s table in half.

He was then bapped over the head by both Roseluck and Sunset who wielded paper fans with deadly accuracy.

“How rude! This monster is our customer, have you no class?” Sunset said shoving him into a chair, and then placing a table in front of him. “Guess it’s up to me to teach you proper etiquette.”

“Oh, you can teach me anything Senpai…” Robert purred, only to receive another whack for his troubles.

“And it starts by no flirting with the wait staff. We’re here to serve you, ‘master’, but we’re not here to date you,” Sunset said in the politest term she could muster. “I may be a ranger, but there’s always alternatives to violence. A little kindness always goes a long way, don’t you think?”

“W-Well, I mean, apparently it is one of the driving forces in Equestria so…” Robert stammered out.

Finally, Gray could hold his composure for no longer. He stepped out of the shadows, laughing up a storm. “I don’t believe it, Cozy’s plan has worked better than any of us could have hoped! You’re all so concerned with acting out your roles that you can’t even fight us!”

Shining and Autumn ran inside, ready to morph. Lily and Rose grabbed the morphers from their hands and quickly shoved them and Gray into chairs. These chairs found themselves at the same table as Robert.

“Now now, there will be no fighting…” Lily started.

“...because you are here to enjoy yourselves, take a load off Masters and Mistresses.” Rose finished, dusting off all four tablemates.

“...I don’t believe this,” Autumn said, slamming her head into the table with a groan. Sunset shoved a plate of cake in front of her at the very last moment, and Autumn’s mane was covered.

“Oops!” Sunset said with a little blush.

“Can’t time your plates, right eh Princess?” Shining cackled.

Gray meanwhile, was being pampered and petted by the maid staff, all swooning over him. A wine glass was in his hand, and why he didn’t just kill them all was anybody’s guess.

“Ooooh, such a strong man…” Rose purred. “All of that steel…”

“I bet he’s hard in every sense!” Lily agreed.

“Man, we’re reaching out to everyone! Robots, ponies, humans!” Vapor declared.

Sunset sighed at her two fellow workers’ idiocy.

“Hey wait, so we can’t flirt with them but they can flirt with us?” Shining asked. “Man, what a rip off!”

“This is so unprogressive, but… who cares?” Fashionbeasta decided with a shrug as both Vapor and Roseluck trimmed her toenails and gave her a spanking new polish. Gray nearly blew his oil pressure as, A, he realized he wasn’t getting their attention anymore and B, who he really was.

“Raaaaaaaaaagggggghhhh!” Gray said as he flipped the table over in a fit of rage. Snapping his fingers, Reversers swarmed out of the woodworks. “We are not here to be served, we are warriors of the Reverse Empire! We did not come here to eat, we came to conquer! Reversers, destroy them all!”

And Sunset had enough as well, apparently.

“Okay, I try so hard to teach you both proper etiquette, but no…” Sunset steamed before morphing and striking down all of the Reversers with a slash of fire. She sent Gray flying with a punch. “Okay, fine, you know what? You asked for it, you got it! I’m going to have to beat some manners into you all!”

“...I think she’s gone crazy…” Robert murmured as he and the other rangers morphed. Vapor needed some prompting, namely a tap on her morpher. However, all the same, the fight spilled back out into the streets, blades against blades as both monster and Ranger went to battle.

Sunset sent Fashionbeasta flying with a powerful kick, and whirled around to launch a magic blast at Gray sending him flying as well.

“...I think I’m in love.” Robert decided.

And Autumn thought it was time to see Rarity.

And so they did, finding themselves at Carousel Boutique. Rarity, upon seeing what had happened, was understandably infuriated. “Ooooooh, the nerve of this monster! I don’t know what I hate more about her, setting feminism back by a hundred years -at least!- or… well, this. Me, darlings, I have a belief. And that belief is the clothes should fit the person, and not the person fitting the clothes! Take Robert for example, he’s got a great thing going on. I love stallions in uniform, personally!”

“So, can you fix them?” Autumn asked. “I’m personally getting rather tired of all this. Robert flirting with every mare in sight, is…. Yeah, it’s starting to get on my nerves. I’m just waiting for when he starts flirting with you.”

“Oh, so do you and him have a ‘thing’?” Rarity inquired with a girlish giggle.

“No!” Autumn snorted.

“If you say so dearie,” Rarity remarked. “If I may, I should inquire why you’re so eager to get these four back to normal. I mean, all of Ponyville is going mad right outside my doorstep. Are you thinking I have a first-come, first-serve policy? Which, yes, in this instance is entirely true. I’m going to be overwhelmed here. ...Hmm, maybe I should contact Suri Polomare and a few of my other fashion-conscious friends. Going to need all the help I can get!”

“Rarity, please,” Autumn pleaded. “Robert’s your friend, don’t you want to see him back to normal?”

“Oh, you had to play the friendship card didn’t you?” Rarity sighed. “Fine, fine. I have a sneaking suspicion that all we need to do to snap back your friends back to normal is getting them to wear something more… familiar. A scrap of clothing will do, really!”

“I think this will be the only time that shouting: “Gentlemen, take off your clothes!” will be appropriate outside of sex!”

“Darling, please, don’t be crude,” Rarity said in a complete deadpan. “This is already weird enough as it is.”

“Mmmm, I dunno, just saying…” Autumn said. “Are you sure you and he don’t have a ‘thing’?”

Rarity facepalmed. She supposed she deserved that.

Then, another explosion. More ponies causing chaos, or the monster? One could only guess. Either way, Autumn knew she had a job to do. Rushing out, -to Rarity’s great confusion- it wasn’t long before she and the other Rangers arrived on the scene. Fashionbeasta and her agents were firing blasts everywhere, this way and that way, shouting: “Burn it all down! Show this culture of hatred that we won’t take it anymore!”

“Oh, we're not gonna take it… No, we ain't gonna take it… Oh, we're not gonna take it anymore!” Robert sang along in a mocking tone.

“We've got the right to choose it! There ain't no way we'll lose it, this is our life, and this is our song…” Shining joined in. “Hey, how’d you know this was my favorite song, eh shelf?”

“Are you mocking meeeeeeeee?” Fashionbeasta hissed out.

“No, we’d be paying you a compliment!” Robert drawled. “No mocking here!”

“Reversers, deal with them,” Fashionbeasta ordered as the bug creatures surged forwards. “I have to think up some new creations, ones which will fully bind these pigs to my whim!”

“Oh, so even you need to be sucked off?” Shining said as he split-kicked two of the mooks.

“I’ll get you, you and your little dog too!” Robert said slamming a Reverser into a lamppost. “I mean, that’s what I heard, right mate?”

Autumn snorted, in spite of herself. Well, she supposed New Robert could be funny. All the while, she grabbed a Reverser, lifted it up, and brought back down onto her knee with a sickening CRACK! Next, she kicked a reverser through a door, and the battle continued into a warehouse.

Autumn looked around her, all around her were rolls upon rolls of fabric stacked upon what seemed to be at least a mile of shelving. Of course it was a textile warehouse, oh how so fitting for today she grumbled. Autumn found herself dodging and spinning to avoid a barrage of sewing needles from Fashionbeasta.

“You’re the only one left, you know!” she laughed. “What do you think you’ll look good in, a firefighter’s costume? Hmm, how ironic, how perfectly ironic!”

“Careful, lady, or you might just find out that you’re gonna get burned,” Autumn said before grabbing a roll of fabric, and tossing it over the sewing machine-themed monster. She roared in rage and indignity as she frailed about, trying to pull the massive roll off of her. Autumn surged forwards, delivering a series of lightning-fast punches before grabbing Fashionbeasta and tossing her behind her.

Autumn found herself cartwheeling out of the way to avoid another storm of needles, before shoving a wheeled shelf towards Fashionbeasta, knocking her off balance. The monster recovered, and leaped towards Autumn, scissor blades in hand.

“You weren’t hugged enough as a child, were you?” Autumn deadpanned, slamming her elbow into the blades, bending them with her sheer kirin strength. She then elbowed Fashionbeasta in the face causing her to stagger. “Mama must have told you not to run with scissors. Turns out, it’s dangerous!”

At this, she grabbed the wrecked weapon, and sliced at Fashionbeasta with it. Meanwhile, the rest of the Rangers were finishing off the Reversers. Sunset was spanking the mooks, telling them to clean up their acts, Vapor was making them sneeze with her duster while Shining and Robert went to town on the insectoid creatures. Shining flipped behind a desk, and shoved it forwards tripping up several of the creatures while Robert?

He’d gone into a series of spins and flips that would do the Lupinrangers proud, gunning down the monsters, tallying them up with each Reverser downed. He fired blast after blast, before ducking behind a pillar like an old west gunfighter and spinning out out of cover as Shining tossed him his spare sidearm. Robert charged forwards, shooting them all down, before flipping and twisting in midair only to fire backwards into the mob. Landing, he blew dust off his pistols.

“See, told you I’d make a show of it!” Robert declared as all of the mooks went down in explosions. Gray, with a roar lunged out of the darkness blade in hand, but Robert tossed one of his guns aside and punched him in the stomach. Uniting his blade with his sidearm, he fired off several shots, scoring several headshots. Gray snarled, and sliced forwards, only for Robert to flip over him recovering his second gun. Gray spun around just in time, and deflected the shots with his blade, before sending an energy slash surging forwards. Downing Robert, he chuckled.

“..what was that about making a show of things?” Gray deadpanned. A roll of fabric was tossed at him, before he could strike the final blow.

“Get away from him, you ruffian!” Rarity said before helping Robert up.

“My guardian angel…” he said lovingly, Rarity blushing a bright red.

“Well, I suppose I should have guessed. Royal Guard and all, you would be a prime candidate to be one of the Rangers. I’m guessing you and the rest of Autumn’s friends are the team?” Rarity asked. “Well, explains why she was so urgent to get you all back to normal!”

“I feel pretty normal, in fact I’ve never felt more alive!” Shining said, knocking the shit out of a Reverser. Just then, Autumn came flying into the picture, bruised and battered.

“...Yes, well, something tells me that your friend would like you back to normal as soon as possible, so…” Rarity said, and with a series of teleports clad all four messed up Rangers in clothing that belonged to them alone. Robert, his condor jacket. Vapor, her sweatshirt. Sunset, her leather jacket, and finally Shining in his royal guard helm. And like a fog lifting, their minds became clear.

“...you gotta be kidding me,” Sunset said as she realized what she was wearing, in a mix of embarrassment and anger. Vapor’s reaction to her maid costume was… entirely different.

“Oh, I’m so keeping this. It’s cuuuuuuuuutttttteeee!” she squealed. Robert, for his part, tossed his guns aside in what looked to be a mix of horror and shock. Running over to Autumn, he helped her up while kicking Fashionbeasta aside.

“Yeah, I don’t know about you, but I think I know what time it is,” Autumn said.

“Oh yeah, though one question first,” Robert had to ask before turning back to Rarity. “How did you…?”

“You ran off in such a rush! I was worried, so I followed. Glad I did!” Rarity affimed. She saw both Fashionbeasta and Gray getting up. “Annnndd I really should be getting to cover right about now…”

With that, she quickly dashed behind some shelves as the battle began. She watched in amazement as the Rangers stood firm, ready to morph. As much as she mocked the outfits, even she had to admit this was kinda fun to watch in a corny superhero way.

“It’s Morphin’ Time!” Sunset called, the words coming naturally to her. “Take off, wings rise! Falcon Ranger Power!”

“Take off, wings rise! Swallow Ranger Power!” Shining barked.

“Take off, wings rise! Owl Ranger Power!” Autumn called for the second time that day. And also for the second time that day…

“Take off, wings rise. Condor Ranger Power,” said Robert in the most unenthusiastic way imaginable.

“Take off, wings rise! Swan Ranger Power!” Vapor chirped, and in an explosion of light and energy they morphed feeling a power rush through them.

“With the reach of a Falcon! Power Ranger Red!” Sunset lead.

“With the speed of a swallow! Power Ranger Blue!” Shining declared.

“With the strength of an owl! Power Ranger Yellow!” Autumn grinned.

“With the swiftness of a condor. Power Ranger Black.” Robert sighed, barely giving any effort into his pose.

“With the grace of a swan! Power Ranger White!” Vapor shouted, feeling much more excited for this role call than last time. As explosions erupted behind them, they shouted in unison: “Power Rangers, Sky Strike!”

Shouting battle cries, they charged into the fray going toe to toe with their opposition. Robert and Shining double-teamed Gray fighting fiercely. Neither was particularly pleased with having their minds messed with for the second time in a row, and they worked in frightening unison. Kicking him in the stomach, they watched Gray stagger before Robert leaped off Shining’s shoulders going into a dive before slashing Gray across the stomach. Kicking himself off the robot, he flipped behind Shining even as the blue ranger unloaded his pistols in a series of laser blasts.

Both rolled to the left or to the right as Gray slashed angrily at him before Robert sent a whirlwind towards Gray with his sword. As Gray was swept away, both Rangers took to the sky, wings extended slashing into his body again and again. Finally the winds died down, and both Rangers landed, sliding backwards on their boots. Gray launched missiles at Shining, but Robert came from the side slashing him across the chest making sparks fly.

Meanwhile, it was girls' night out as they took down Fashionbeasta. Every time the monster tried to get at them, one Ranger jumped away only for another to take her place. Autumn landed several solid blows, only to leap away as the monster swung at her. Sunset drew back the strings of the falcon summoner and fired a piercing arrow at the creature. Fashionbeasta staggered, only to quickly recover and fire a needle storm at her. Sunset rolled out of the way, and Vapor charged forwards, blade in hand and infused with energy. Striking the dimensional beast across the chest, she raised her blade and struck again.

“Your compliance puts the abusers in-” Fashionbeasta started but...

...Autumn cut her off with a punch. “Broken record…”

“God, you are triggered!

Finally, Autumn had enough, grabbing the monster by the neck. Her voice distorted as she went full Nirik for a time. “You know what that means? Like, do you actually know what it means? Let me give you an education! It’s meant to refer to those stricken with PTSD, and their ‘triggers’ give them flashbacks! So… instead of you reappropriating it for your nonsense... SHUT UP!”

She tossed the monster unceremoniously to the ground as the other Rangers joined her.

“Gawd, that felt good!” Autumn vented, the flames beginning to die away under her helm. “Now, let’s finish this bitch off! Sweet Mother Mercy, I think I’ve got a headache!”

The Rangers happily obliged. “Winged Victory Final Slash!”

They charged up their blades, before striking with a multicolored slash of energy striking down Fashionbeasta, but as ever… up she went like a knockoff Ultraman re-energized by her dimensional bug. Wings were scrambled, the rangers taking off to the sky.

Jet engines roared as the zords cracked the sound barrier with thunderous booms, flying into view. The rangers teleported inside their cockpits, machinery beeping and whirring to life. Autumn, almost immediately, went on the offensive. Firing off missiles from her craft to keep Fashionbeasta off balance, she watched as both Robert and Shining’s jets flew above her like she was King Kong or something. Fashionbeasta swiped at the air, trying desperately to knock them out of the skies.

Then, she let out a roar of pain hopping in place. You see, what Autumn had done was use her winch to grab a massive boulder and then she dropped it atop the dimension beast’s foot. Grabbing another, she went into a sharp turn, slamming her boulder and winch into the monster’s face like it was a massive frail. Climbing skywards, the boulder came down atop her head.

She was forced to pull away as Fashionbeasta began firing needles like missiles at her, Autumn snarling. She was really beginning to gain a special hatred for that attack. Then, from out of the clouds came both Vapor and Sunset, both launching missiles at the dimensional beast toppling her with an earthshaking thud.

“I have had enough of all of you!” Fashionbeasta roared. “You’re all just a bunch of SJWs cramping my style!”

“Does… does anyone know what that actually means?” Sunset had to ask, simply out of curiosity.

“Don’t ask, it’s an empty buzzword that’s long since lost any meaning. Presuming it ever had any…” Robert’s voice crackled over the comms, with a faint note of disgust. Pressing a button, he continued to fire lasers at the beast, swooping down low, engines howling as he climbed higher nicking her in the chin with his shots.

Fashionbeasta roared in indignity, and brought out her scissor blades again, nearly and neatly cleaving the jet in half had it not rocketed ahead at the last moment. She continued to slash at the air even as she was bombarded with laser fire, all the other zords converging on her. And then, they converged on themselves as they combined.

She saw them coming around for another pass and was forced to think fast. And so she did. Thrusting her hand forwards, the Phoenix Flier was soon wrapped up in massive threads by Fashionbeasta. It collided into the earth, ripping up the ground. As Sunset tried to coax the jet back into life, she cursed loudly. Next, she began firing the massive vehicle’s rear thrusters to try and burn away the textile, however, more wrapped themselves around the jet. Sunset sighed and just swore some more. Her head met her control console.

Autumn then got an idea as she saw the transformation controls. “Here’s hoping this works… Megazord mode, began transformation now!”

She took a little chip from her Morpher with the others following suit. On little screens came up five images of birds, before another button was pressed on each console initiating the transformation sequence. The falcon zord’s cockpit retracted into its body, even as black and white changed into legs. Masses of metal clanged together, a head popping out of the whole structure even as blue and yellow shifted to arms, bursting free of the fabrics. The megazord shone in the sun, and Fashionbeasta let out a scream of rage as the massive mecha marched forward with a mighty gilded sword in hand.

She spat fire, literally, but the megazord raised its shield as a wall of flame erupted into front of it. It charged out of the fire, slashing away at its opponent. Hell, it had actually absorbed the flames into the sword, and like the avenging archangel Micheal it struck again and again. Fashionbeasta stood very little of a chance. Finally, the megazord charged forwards for the final blow and then leaped into the air bringing the sword down. Fashionbeasta let out a final dying scream, before falling forwards and exploding in a truly magnificent fireball.

“Power Rangers… victory is ours!” Autumn said as the Megazord stood tall and proud in the setting sun.

Later that evening, Rarity found herself wandering through the Boutique in search of her roomie. Well, okay then. So he was a Ranger on the side. She could deal with that. Okay, so maybe asking him to model some of her stuff and work to drum up sales was a bit too much of a job for him right now. He deserved some time to himself, really! It was the least she could do for him.

Gently knocking on the door, she heard a yelp of surprise along with things crashing. Robert opened the door, with a gentle if not somewhat nervous smile. He looked as if he’d tossed his clothes on hastily. Out of the corner of her eyes, Rarity spotted what looked to be wrappings strewn out on the floor. Wow, that monster must have really hurt him, she thought.

“Yes?” Robert asked, somewhat confused, and noted the look on Rarity’s face. “Something wrong?”

“No, nothing’s wrong,” she replied quickly before bringing him into a gentle hug. “I just want to say, thank you.”

9: Vanishing Act

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The Rangers, at times, met up for lunch when they got the chance, which was admittedly not often but they still did. Of course, ponies did wonder what two royal guards, a farmer, Celestia’s disgraced personal student and a wonderbolt in training had in common. It wasn’t them all being different races, as that was normal for a land of friendship. Even if, admittedly both Robert and Autumn attracted the curious look or two.

“Okay, so here’s what I don’t get,” Sunset said over a hayburger, her face a mess and hardly looking like a lady. Then again, nobody had ever really excused her of such. “What’s Radiguet’s plans? I mean, as far as I can see his current monsters just seem to be assholes for the sake of being assholes. I mean, what’s the point of dressing everyone up in a ridiculous costume?”

Evidently, nobody had ever accused her of being subtle either.

“He’s trying to draw our attention away, that’s my best guess,” Shining theorized, in a low voice. “He wants to distract us, while he enacts some larger plot.”

“Well, I for one?” Vapor said through a mouthful of hayburger making even Sunset look a little green. “I say we thank him! I’m having the time of my life here, being a superhero.”

“Were you raised in a barn? Don’t you have any manners?” Sunset accused.

“Well, nopony back home in Stratusburg ever complained…” Vapor said.

“Stratusburg?” Shining asked in confusion. “...never heard of them.”

“Boondocks?” Robert mused and Autumn nodded.

“Yep, definitely boondocks!” she agreed.

“Boondocks?” Sunset and Shining asked in unison and confusion.

“Boondocks, you know…?” Robert trailed off making a little motion with his fingers like he was picking a guitar. “No, you don’t?”

Here, he and Autumn shared identical grins before Robert broke out into what had to be song.

“Ba na now now now now now now now,” Robert started off with an unusual look in his eyes, seemingly actually cheery for once. So it seemed even he wasn’t quite so above it all. Miming a banjo, he and Autumn played off one another.

“Da na nong nong nong nong nong nong nong!” Autumn continued, nobody apparently really getting what they were going for even if they did it anyways.

“Ba na now now now now now now now!’ Robert chimed back, with Autumn picking up.

“Da na nong nong nong nong nong nong nong!” Autumn said before the two broke down into giggles. Looking at the others' expressions, she said: “No, neither of you? Seriously?”

Shining facepalmed and muttered: “I’m surrounded by idiots…” to himself.

“You two need couple counseling or something?” Sunset deadpanned. “You’re both incredibly… incredibly… Gaaaaaagggh… I don’t know what you two are, but you’re something else.”

“Couples Counseling?” Autumn said. “...where’d you get…?”

“Autumn, baby, honey…” Robert deadpanned. “No no, it’s alright! We're in a safe place; we can be ourselves here!”

Vapor just burst out laughing at this, slapping her knee.

“There is a time and a place for weirdness, and that time is all of the time,” Autumn said with a sage little nod and a wily little grin. “But seriously, me dating him, much less marrying him? Eww, hell no.”

“I’m offended, like I seriously am,” Robert said in a deadpan drawl before quipping: “Well, guess you just haven’t figured out what I have to offer.”

“Well, yes I have but I’d rather let Rarity be surprised in that department…” Autumn drawled in return. “I mean, let’s face it. You’re already living with her, and you have spa dates with her. I can hear the wedding bells ringing already, all you have to do is invite me to the baby shower.”

“You’re reaching,” Robert replied though not without a blush. “She’s way out of my league anyways. She likes guys with big paychecks, and even nicer clothes.”

“Oh, I dunno,” Sunset joined in on the teasing. She’d swiftly soon regret it, as you’re about to see. “Rarity does like men in uniform…”

“It’s still beastility, though, thank you. I’d rather not have to arrest myself,” Robert said, still in that deadpan drawl he’d perfected so well.

“I mean, is it really beastility if they can consent?” Autumn returned. “Because, oh trust me, Rarity can certainly do that!”

If you looked closely, you could see Shining trying to stuff napkins up his now bloody nose.

“So you’re saying if a regular non-anthropomorphic pony could consent, I should screw them as well?” Robert questioned.

“...boy, we’re plumbing new depths this week aren’t we?” Sunset sighed.

“So you’re saying you want to ride a little pony?” Autumn asked with a wily grin. “Because, you know, if that’s your fetish I won’t judge…”

“...and here I was hoping to actually get to eat lunch…” Sunset uttered to herself looking skywards as if to question why oh why did she get landed with these two as teammates. “Annnnnnnnnnnyways, weren’t we talking about a certain someone’s plans?”

“Plans to screw little ponies?” Autumn and Robert teased her and Sunset gave a truly loud groan of suffering.

“...I suppose I set myself up for that one didn’t I?” she asked.

“Yeah, you kinda did,” Autumn agreed.

“Not helping,” Sunset sighed before she clapped her hands together. “Anyways, as we were saying and not as you were saying! Radiguet’s probably keeping us off balance right? Working from the shadows? Or… Is he testing us? Does he have some strict code of honor, and he’ll only battle us if we’re worthy opponents?”

“No no, it’s the former,” Shining put in. “He doesn’t see anyone as worth his time, he’s just that arrogant. He’s working on something, though what I can only guess! I’ve reached out to my contacts, there have been shipments of iridium stolen. On the exact same days we’ve had to deal with his monsters.”

“Iridium… Iridium…” Vapor searched. “Isn’t that the metal they add to other metals to make them harder?”

“Yeah, it is…” Robert mused. “To quote a certain movie series? I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”

“Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest little filly of all?” Cozy Glow asked as she did a twirl around her room.

“Do you mean in this castle, because if so that’s hardly a contest…” Gray said as he walked in. Cozy Glow tossed the mechanical life form a dirty look.

“Um, excuse you, privacy!?” she squawked indignantly. “What if I’d been changing?”

“I’m a robot and you’re a pony, I hardly think I would care about what I might see,” said Gray.

“Point,” Cozy conceded. “Guess I won’t ask you what dress looks best with what if I get invited to the Gala this year! Now, if you have any actual business…”

“Radiguet needs another monster to distract the rangers,” Gray replied. “It’s your turn.”

“Well, if that’s the case…” Cozy trailed off before she placed a hand to her chin in thought. “Anyways, I feel pretty jealous of all those ponies in their nice clothes and their nice mane styles. I think it’s time to even the score, don’t you think? Make me the only pony to be adored!”

“Or, you know, you could just get that Rarity pony to make you the prettiest filly alive. Put you on the cover of Glitz Girl,” Gray suggested. “There are perfectly logical ways to go about this!”

“Hello, villain?” Cozy chimed in. “I have to be petty, and oh by Boreas I feel petty today!”

The first thing that they heard were the screams. As the rangers rounded a corner, they heard the snap of a camera and a mad cackle. A crowd faded away into nothingness, as a monster pranced about happily. He could only be described as a walking camera.

“Oooooooooh, power rangers! Now, there’s a money shot for you! And with my new wide-angle lens, it’ll take me but a moment to line you up!” the monster, his name was Shutterbug but of course, said.

“Sorry, school picture day isn’t for another month!” Sunset drawled as she and the Rangers summoned their morphers. “Take off, wings rise! Falcon Ranger Power!”

“Take off, wings rise! Swallow Ranger Power!” Shining barked.

“Take off, wings rise! Owl Ranger Power!” Autumn called out

“Take off, wings rise. Condor Ranger Power,” said Robert, as ever, not bothering to even pretend to be excited.

“Take off, wings rise! Swan Ranger Power!” Vapor chimed putting on her best ‘superhero voice’ as power raced through them, and their uniforms appeared in flashes of light.

“With the reach of a Falcon! Power Ranger Red!” Sunset lead.

“With the speed of a swallow! Power Ranger Blue!” Shining declared.

“With the strength of an owl! Power Ranger Yellow!” Autumn grinned as she cracked her knuckles ready to deliver a beatdown.

“With the swiftness of a condor. Power Ranger Black.” Robert sighed, once again barely giving any effort into his pose.

“With the grace of a swan! Power Ranger White!” Vapor shouted, and as ever they called in unison: “Power Rangers, Sky Strike!”

“Man, do you ever stop with your screaming and morphing hooey?” Shutterbug asked. “You could drive a monster deaf! Probably already have at one point!”

He focused his lens, and Sunset realized what was about to happen as she motioned for the Rangers to roll to the left. Sure enough, not a moment too soon as the building behind them faded away. Sunset grit her teeth, this one was going to be tricky.

“So, which one are we labeling this guy, what category?” Robert asked as he slashed through the inevitable Reverser drones. “The asshole for being the sake of an asshole category?”

“What do you think?” Autumn asked as she split-kicked two Reversers. Sunset, nearby went into a spin, her sword generating so much wind and flame it sucked away the mooks in a pyronado.

Shining, meanwhile, ran alongside a wall before spinning off of it and drawing his sidearm. Firing several shots, he downed the insectoid creatures. Landing on his back, he quickly flipped himself up and combined his gun with his sword. Firing a powerful piercing beam, he downed another squadron of the mooks. Teleporting around the battlefield, he slashed and struck down assorted minions. He was then sent flying into a shop stall by a punch from Shutterbug.

“Now, smile for the camera…” the monster said before he was sent staggering by a series of laser blasts from Autumn, Vapor, and Sunset. Sunset charged in, her sword alight with fire as she struck him with a Burning Reign.

Spinning away to avoid a swipe from the monster, she threw up a shield just in time as the dimension blast fired an energy blast at her from his lens. Another bolt came, and it smashed through Sunset’s shield, the mare barely holding it back with her blade. Finally, she gave in, and thrust her blade upwards sending the energy blast skyrocketing.

Shining charged in, and tossed his royal guard’s shield. Like the world’s deadliest frisbee, it bounced off Shutterbug, before it boomeranged back to Shining’s grip. He simply roundhouse kicked it back towards the monster, the cycle repeating a few times until Shutterbug got wise. As the deadly discus came towards him, he snapped a photo, and into his album the weapon went.

“Okay, now that’s just cheating!” Shining muttered. “Oh, my boss is going to kill me…”

“How about I kill you first?” Shutterbug offered before he directed another energy blast Shining’s way. The stallion threw up a shield at the oncoming attack, and when Shutterbug tried to pour on the power? Shining threw up another shield and then another. Both Sunset and Robert leaped out from behind him. Sunset was firing an energy arrow from the Falcon Summoner, and Robert sending an arc of energy slicing towards the monster. The creature staggered, and both Rangers’ eyes widened under their helm as they realized just how much punishment he could take.

Sunset reevaluated her earlier statement. This monster wasn’t going to just be tricky, he was going to be a right pain in the ass.

Starswirl worried. There was far too much violence in the world today. At the risk of sounding like one of those ponies, they needed an alternative. This much chaos risked attracting them, the scourges of the ice and the snow. The demons of the north.

Equestria could never suffer under their wraith ever again. His student. Clover the Clever had managed to banish them once. ...but the question was, could it be done again?

Personally, Starswirl didn’t want to find out.

The battle heated up, and now the Rangers were forced into a war on two fronts. Chase after Shutterbug, or deal with the giant-sized Reversers. Lovely, Sunset thought to herself.

One problem at a time, she told herself.

““Summon Zords, now scramble wings!” Sunset called as the roar of jet engines split the sky.

They could deal with Shutterbug later. Right now, they had more immediate problems.

“Megazord mode, began transformation now!” Sunset said, taking a little chip from her Morpher with the others following suit. Metal clanged toward, parts shifting and twisting as the zords came together.

The Reversers charged, and the massive mecha spun in a circle striking them all down. Another group charged forwards, before the Megazord brought out a naginata. It impaled one of the insectoid creatures, before tossing the body at the others. Firing its fists like rockets, the Megazord watched stoically as they went up in explosions.

Meanwhile, Shutterbug had managed to climb to the top of the tallest building he could find, and watched the fight. All was going according to plan. Sunset spotted him, and her eyes widened as she realized what he’d planned.

“One step ahead of us, this whole time…” Sunset thought in horror before she called out: “EVERYBODY JUMP!”

“What?” Vapor asked, blinking in confusion.

Sunset gestured wildly to the dimensional beast below. “ABANDON SHIP!”

“It’s technically a mecha…” Vapor wanted to point out.

“No time for semantics, now come on!” Sunset shouted, grabbing her by the arm as they all leaped out just in time, only to watch the mecha fade away. They now stood atop the same rooftop as Shutterbug, the monster cackling as the zord vanished into his photo album.

“Okay, now I’m really mad!” Sunset growled, drawing her sword as it crackled with an angry white-hot flame. “Just for that…”

Let it be said, Vapor loved being a superhero. She’d read plenty of comics, and she’d always dreamed of putting on a cape or a cowl. Her teachers called it a stupid dream, that she should set her sights a little lower. And yet, here and now, she had actual superpowers and was one of the idols of Cloudsdale, if not the entire nation. Nobody knew who she really was, so no glory in her personal life, but well secret identity and all.

She loved her life. That being said, some days were… well, more frustrating than others.

“Why are you doing this?” Vapor asked the monster she currently faced. “Why? What’s in it for you?”

“Same thing as you!” Shutterbug called, dodging a Burning Reign from Sunset and slamming his palm into her chest. She staggered, and Shutterbug kicked the mare backwards into Robert and Autumn’s arms.

“We are not the same!” Vapor cried, the White Ranger diving to the left to avoid a punch. Shining swung his sword, only for Shutterbug to catch the blade in his hands. Vapor and the others could only watch in horror as Shining faded away. It was only later the rangers would realize they’d been demorphed with this act.

“Oh, but aren’t we?” Shutterbug asked. “You seek fame and glory for your feats, if not irritably heroic ones and me? I seek fame for my famous photography skills!”

With another snap, away went Robert.. Autumn roared in rage as she slammed a fist into the monster’s chest, making him stagger. She shared a nod with Vapor, and together they shot the monster off the building with beams of energy from their side arms. All three rangers ran off the building to follow, extending their wings to glide down to the next rooftop where their opponent awaited.

“You’re a monster,” Vapor decided. “I never thought I’d say this about anyone, but I hate you. Those were my friends!”

“Friends are fleeting, photography lasts forever!” said Shutterbug in return. He fired an energy beam at the Rangers, only for Sunset’s horn to glow. The attack vanished into a miniature black hole.

The rooftop crumbled, as twin hands of concrete and steel erupted from below. They tried to capture Shutterbug, only for the monster to dive forwards. He tackled them into the new hole created by Sunset’s spell, and inside the building the battle progressed. Obviously, in such a confined space there was hardly any room to move and of course, mistakes were made.

Another snap of the camera, and away went Autumn. Now the party was down to two.

“Run, Vapor!” Sunset shouted, shoving herself in between both Shutterbug and her fellow mare.

“I won’t leave you!” Vapor cried, even as the dimensional beast lined up his shot.

“GO!” she shouted, and then…


While all this happened, Radiguet took advantage of the chaos. He needed to go shopping! You see, a man had his groceries and so did a monster.

To the diamond dog mines he went. Slashing down the guards, he directed a bolt of lightning towards another guard. There were only ashes left.

Coldly and methodically, he made his way towards the center of the mines. No witnesses were allowed to be left behind. Kicking open a cart, gemstones spilled out all across the cavern floor. But Radigeut was a very picky shopper. He didn’t want rubies nor did he want emeralds. Nor he did desire topaz or diamonds. No, what he needed was a geode.

He had plans, big plans and all of Equestria would tremble at his name.

Vapor’s mind was a blur, her body practically running on fumes as she tried to process all that she had seen today. She felt as if she was about to crash. So much for fun and games, right? No, Vapor Trail had gotten a very harsh reality check.

Because of her, her team was de… Vapor choked back a sob. No, she couldn’t say it. Saying it, even in her head, would acknowledge it and force it to be true. It couldn’t be! It simply couldn’t.

Vapor found herself crashing up against a tree, fighting back another sob. How could she have screwed up so badly? She reacted too slow, and now? Vapor’s sadness changed to frustration and rage, and she lashed out, slashing at the tree. With one clean strike, it toppled over like that of a domino, crashing to the earth.

“Wooooooooooowww,” said a voice, bitingly sarcastic. From out of the timberlands stepped Zen-Aku, an unreadable glint in his eyes. “You sure showed that tree, didn’t you?”

“What do you want?” Vapor mumbled. For another thing, why couldn’t she morph? No, she knew why. The morphers were connected in an intricate fashion. If even one of the other morphers was rendered inoperable, so were the others.

“You looked like you needed a friend, and given that this is the land of friendship…” Zen-Aku drawled. “Thought I might give it a shot!”

“Haha,” Vapor laughed sarcastically. “Now what is it you really want?”

“Oh well, I tried to be nice about it, but obviously that won’t work with you throwing your pity party…” Zen-Aku sighed to himself, the wolf tossing a glance skywards. “I’m going to be frank with you, clean up your act. Sunset wouldn’t want you throwing this party of one for yourself. None of your teammates would!”

“Yes, well, not sure it really matters at this point does it?” Vapor said, bitingly sarcastic.

“They’re not dead, not yet. Just trapped in Shutterbug’s infernal photo album. But, you know, if you want to keep on feeling sorry for yourself, go right ahead!” Zen-Aku retorted.

“You don’t know how I feel!”

“Like a whimpering pup,” Zen-Aku groaned. “Of course I don’t know how you feel, I’m not you. Not sure I want to be! But you can still save them if you get your ass in gear!” the wolf continued.

“Not sure I can…”

“Well, we can fix that can’t we?” Zen-Aku replied. “But I’m going to offer you a deal.”

Here, he drew his blade. Vapor’s eyes widened.

“You beat me, you can continue on your merry little way. If I beat you, you hear me out, deal? Better make up your mind fast, time’s running out!”

“Fine!” Vapor shouted and charged forwards with a battle cry sword in hand. She slashed, but Zen-Aku sidestepped. Another slash yielded the same result. A third and final slash Zen-Aku caught with his blade, and a simple twist of his crescent blade disarmed Vapor. He kicked her to the ground and held his sword at her throat.

“If that was even but a decade ago, you’d be dead at my feet and bleeding out, your blood beginning to pool,” Zen-Aku replied. “Thankfully, I’ve changed since even if all the same, I have no time for your bullshit. Neither do your teammates, for that matter!”

As he helped her up, Vapor asked: “Alright, then how do you suggest I save them?”

“With a bit of help,” said Twilight as she strode up, with her and the rest of the mane six wearing their Elements. Vapor’s eyes widened. “No, don’t worry, we don’t know who the rest of your team is. But Zen-Aku sought us out, as he apparently has a theory.”

“Well, one of us knows who the other Rangers are, but a lady’s allowed her secrets, correct?” Rarity thought to herself.

“Yes, gave poor Twilight quite the fright,” Zen-Aku said looking moderately embarrassed. “I have to work on that. But all the same, I have this feeling that the Elements could give your Sky Shift Morpher a temporary boost. A temporary one, but a boost nonetheless. What’s that old phrase, never look a gift horse in the mouth? Or a gift pony in this case!”

Nobody else seemed to appreciate his attempt at humor, save for Vapor who cracked a slight grin and Pinkie who giggled.

“I don’t know how long you would have after we do this, my best guess is five to ten minutes. Should be enough time for you to retrieve your friends!” Twilight theorized.

“Retrieve…?” Vapor had to question.

“They’re inside a roll of film,” Twilight said as if was the most obvious thing in the world. “Don’t you know how cameras work?”

“Twilight, we’ve talked about this dearie,” Rarity said. “Not everypony is as smart as you.”

Twilight flushed a bright red.

“Alright, if this turns me into She-Ra…” Vapor smiled. “I say bring it on! But what about Shutterbug’s army? He’s got plenty of Reversers standing between me and him, and I don’t want to waste my morph till I get to the big guy.”

“Relax, we’ll take care of them. You’ve helped protect our town for a few months now, and it’s time we return the favor!” Rarity decreed. Vapor forced back another sob, this time happy tears threatening to break.

As the Elements charged up, Vapor could do nothing but embrace their white light. And she felt a new power race through her. And she smiled, Shutterbug was in trouble now!


“Snap, snap, cheese!” Shutterbug laughed like a loon as he continued taking pictures for his new portfolio. In the streets, ponies collapsed as their souls floated away into his photo album. He slammed it shut, chuckling. “And they say a picture paints a thousand words. Well, mine must be painting a million! Such art, such still life!”

He was then kicked in the face and knocked backwards as Vapor rebounded off of his body, spreading her wings and floating to the concrete below. Like an avenging angel, her back was to the sun, looking more determined than ever to stop this madness.

“Actually, I’d say your photos are only worth one word. Crap,” Vapor remarked. “Just a personal opinion, art’s always been subjective but the majority vote is in. Your work sucks.”

“Ah, so the little pegasi returns for round two huh? Just to clean up her mess?” Shutterbug asked. He noticed Vapor’s flinching, and if he could, he might have grinned at the sight. “Oh, so guilt eating away at you? About how you failed to save your friends? So I have to ask, have you come to die? To join them?”

“No, I’ve come to stop you,” Vapor declared pointing right at him. “Don’t worry about your thugs, my friends are taking care of them. Something you could stand to learn a lot about, I think. Friendship does make the world go around, in case you missed the memo. Pretty sure you did, yeah…”

“Overrated, but do you really think you’re going to stop me?” Shutterbug asked. “You lost before, and that was with a full team. What makes you think you’re going to win this time? Let me pontificate upon your sorry state. You're only second rate! One snap and one flash, and you’re out of the fight!”

“You’ll have to catch me first!” Vapor said, blowing a raspberry driving the dimensional beast into a furious indignant rage. Vapor, for her part, had spotted a nearby warehouse and thinking fast flew into it. But she had to reach it first, and the now enraged monster was snapping photos left and right.

Taking cover behind a wagon, she heard a snap and then the wagon shimmered before vanishing into thin air. Vapor ran for cover again, but this time decided to kick a barrel towards the dimensional beast nearly toppling him due to simply how top heavy he was. She kicked another barrel towards him, but with a SNAP! her improvised ammunition vanished into nothingness.

Vapor panted and sweated, terrified beyond all measure. She had a plan, but she needed to reach that warehouse before she could even put it into action. And this camera hog was not letting her at any cost. “Come on Vapes, you’re a wonderbolt in training. You passed Spitfire’s drills, you can handle this idiot! Your friends are counting on you! Just gotta…”

An idea came to her like a bolt of lightning.

“Hey, get back here before I lose the light! I want to get your good side, you’re bound to be a money shot!”

And then he found himself caught up in a whirlwind, sent flying with barrels impacting him right and left. Vapor took her chance, and ran into the warehouse kicking up dust and dirt in her wake.

The warehouse was mostly empty, long and the floor covered with dirt. Nowhere near as much cover as she would have liked. But it was still manageable for her purposes. Hiding behind a shipping crate, she heard the dimensional beast’s distinctive cackle and her breath caught in her throat. “Oh white ranger, come out come out wherever you are… You’re graceful like a swan, elegant! You’ll be worth a lot to me!”

“Oh, I’m sure…” Vapor whispered as she looked skywards and spotted a long chain hanging from the ceiling.

“Time for a before and after shot!” Shutterbug called, before he snapped his photo. Vapor scrambled just as her cover faded away. He, as he lined up another shot, called out: “Stand still! Hope you’re ready, cause my focus is all on you now…”

Then, Vapor came from above, swinging like Tarzan as she kicked the monster in the face again making him stagger. Swinging to a pile of container crates, she vanished into the darkness. The dimensional beast swore, at this rate he was going to run out of film before he got her! Snapping several more photos, the containers vanished. But Vapor was nowhere to be found. Quickly checking his portfolio, the monster’s eyes widened. No White Ranger!

Then barrels bombarded him from above, clattering and crashing all around him.

Vapor leaped down off a ledge, grabbing onto him and riding the monster like she was in a rodeo. The dimensional beast thrashed and frailed, attempting to throw her off like he was a bucking bronco. Eventually, he succeeded and Vapor extended her wings as she skidded to a halt in the dirt below.

“You’re persistent, I’ll give you that. But time’s almost up for you. I’m going to be going for the wide angle shot!” Shutterbug called, and Vapor rolled to the left as he snapped a photo. She rebounded off a wall, only for the monster to reach out, grab her and slam her into the dirt. “Watch the birdie!”

The air rippled and it roiled as thunder cracked before a jagged bolt of lightning came down, striking the monster dead on target as if he were a magnet. Vapor took her chance, and swept her foot, knocking the creature off balance and he slammed into the dirt. Never mess with a pegasus, she told herself. Really, those who could control the weather were not ponies to mess with.

The monster recovered, and it slashed at her, and Vapor let out a scream of pain. Her pristine white fur was now matted with red blood, the sleeve of her uniform torn wide open. She clutched her arm in pain, fighting through the searing hurt. Okay, kid gloves were off then. Time to take this up a level.

“You want a good shot, right? An action pose?” Vapor remarked, flicking her wrist to unveil her morpher, now glowing with the colors of the rainbow. “Well, think fast, as you’re about to get one! Harmonic Power now!”

Shutterbug was sent flying backwards by the sheer power being thrown around as Vapor morphed. When the smoke cleared, out stepped a new pink Ranger. In some ways, Vapor mused, the costume resembled the famous White Tiger Ranger right down to the gilded gold details on the helmet. But it had its own identity as well, a fine mix of pink and white, topped off with a little skirt. Bit girly, yeah, but the pink Harmony Squadron Ranger was ready for action.

“WHAT!?!” Shutterbug roared before he was bombarded as Vapor came upon him, delivering a series of lightning fast punches to his stomach. She only had about five minutes before this power ran out, so she intended to use that time well.

“Ta-da…” Vapor drawled, before she grabbed ahold of the monster by the arm, and ran up along a wall before landing atop the creature. Locking her legs around its lens, she began to squeeze. Vapor let go at the last moment, before flipping off the monster, landing in front of it. It tried to snap a photo, but to his surprise…

“You cracked my lens!” he roared in rage.

“That’s not all that’s gonna get cracked…” Vapor said as she lined up another punch. She had to recover Shutterbug’s roll of film, but that would be no easy task. She had to wait for the perfect opening.

Spinning and flipping in midair as she dodged energy blasts from the monster, Vapor went for her sidearm. She fired off a pink beam of energy only for the monster to knock it out of the air with a swipe from his arm. He launched a series of film rolls, tightening them around Vapor, but she began to pull herself away, ripping and tearing at the seams. She, with her back to the monster, kicked him in the face to break herself free. The film tore, the monster screaming in rage at the indignity of it all.

Vapor scrambled away, before striking a pose with her arms spread wide almost as if she was flying. She winked at him from under her helmet.

“Where’d you get that power?” the dimensional beast demanded to know, Shutterbug truly furious beyond all reasoning.

“Didn’t you get the memo? Friendship,” Vapor chimed. “Does you wonders! Do you believe in the magic of friendship, because I sure do…”

“Oh shut up!” Shutterbug roared, charging forwards at her only for Vapor to cartwheel to the side before spinning low and slashing at his legs with a small Chinese-style sword. Next, she implanted the blade into his foot. As Shutterbug hopped around in pain, Vapor pulled the blade away before she slashed at him horizontally and then across before spinning away with the grace of a swan.

No, the grace of a phoenix as like the legendary bird itself, she rose from the ashes and became stronger than ever before!

“Pink Phoenix power, brah, gotta love it.” Vapor said, flashing the monster a peace sign. Raising her blade, she made a ‘come forth’ gesture with her hand. And the monster met her challenge, drawing a sword of his own before the blades met. Sparks flew, as Vapor struggled to fend him off. She hadn’t had the proper training that some of the other rangers had. All she knew how to do was gymnastics and how to fly.

And fly she did, leaping backwards and extending her wings as she flew atop a ledge, kicking the remaining barrels down towards Shutterbug. Taking a running leap off this ledge, she jumped to another, before firing her side arm at the monster. Shutterbug unleashed another roll of film and pulled her back down to earth. Tugging, he pulled an angel from the heavens. Vapor kicked at his face wildly, and struggled to free herself.

She chopped at the film with a hand, letting the remaining film fall away as she cut it in half. The monster launched more energy blasts at her, and Vapor sliced them out of the air with her dao. She could feel the power starting to leave her, the mare now panting and sweating. She had to finish this up fast.

Letting out a battle cry, she charged forwards and leaped over another energy blast. Landing behind Shutterbug just as he turned on a dime, she spun and kicked dirt and dust into his face. Vapor then slashed at the monster, only for the dimensional beast to chop her dao in half. The shattered blade fell to the earth.

“So what you going to do now?” Shutterbug taunted, stepping forwards with a distinct air of renewed confidence. “Birdie’s been relieved of her talons!”

“Has she?” Vapor said, summoning a long spear, and jabbing at the creature. She shoved the blade into his chest, before lifting upwards and tossing him over her head. As she did so, Vapor spun and kicked him into a shipping crate. “Mhmm, might want to rethink that…”

As the monster charged forwards with a roar, Vapor readied her final attack. Getting into a Ryu like pose, she launched not a Shoryuken but a brilliant pink energy blast. “Harmony Bomber!”

The monster was nearly eviscerated by the full power of the elements of harmony, and he crashed through the shipping container. As this happened, his roll of film popped free and landed in Vapor’s hands just as she finally demorphed.

“NO!” the monster shouted as he struggled to stand. Vapor gave him a wily grin, and pulled the film open. All the souls trapped inside were now let free, and quickly began returning to their proper bodies. Vapor nearly collapsed to the dirt, her energy spent but feeling a great sense of relief. She’d done it, she’d saved everyone. But who was going to save her?

The question was soon answered as a wall of flame erupted between her and Shutterbug, Sunset teleporting in a red column of light. She put her hand on an exhausted Vapor’s shoulder. “Rest now, we’ll take it from here.”

Before Vapor slipped into unconsciousness, she saw her fellow Rangers morph.

“With the reach of a Falcon! Power Ranger Red!” Sunset lead, raising her sword up high.

“With the speed of a swallow! Power Ranger Blue!” Shining declared, spinning a blaster pistol in his hand.

“With the strength of an owl! Power Ranger Yellow!” Autumn grinned, charging up her gauntlet.

“With the swiftness of a condor, Power Ranger Black,” Robert said, with barely masked fury bubbling to the surface. Nobody, and I mean nobody touched his comrades. As explosions of multicolored smoke erupted behind them, they stated in symphony: “Power Rangers, Sky Strike!”

Shutterbug staggered, the flames crackling in front of him. Sunset, personally, was amazed he could still stand with the major league beatdown he’d just been handed. Oh well, they could fix that!

Letting out battle cries, they charged forwards through the fire and towards the monster only to be blasted into a wall by an eruption of energy.

Radiguet stepped into view. “It seems, once again, I must take matters into my own hands,” he said in a tone of false boredom, only barely disguising his excitement. “Bring it!”

He drew his sword and charged forwards.

“Oh boy…” Sunset said as the rangers fanned out to avoid a wide sweeping slash from the blue-skinned villain.

“For too long, I’ve been sitting on the sidelines watching plan after plan fail!” Radiguet declared as another slash of energy knocked the Rangers to their feet. “No longer! Today, you die!”

Throwing out his hand, he blasted the four Rangers out a window, and started to advance. The weakened Shutterbug reached out to grab him.

“Thank you… Master, you saved me!” he breathed out.

“Don’t think of this as that,” Radiguet replied as he raised his sword. “I just came to PUNISH you for your failure myself!

With that, he struck the monster down.

The Rangers could only watch in horror.

“His own man… Just like that,” Shining breathed out in shock. “He… has he no mercy?”

The leader of the Reverse Empire smashed through the wall, sneering. “Well, I always found that sort of thing overrated. Gotta keep the troops in line, of course. Show them what happens if they fail, correct?”

“That’s not leadership,” Shining said. “That’s tyranny!”

“Whatever works, right?” Radiguet asked with a small shrug as the Rangers engaged him, with Shining and Robert holding back his blade with their own.

“Alright, you blue-skinned smurf, you asked for it!” Shining growled before he turned to Robert. “How do you know how to use that thing anyways? You’re a beat cop!”

“Sword, baton, all the same right?” Robert shrugged as Sunset leaped forwards and slashed right through Radiguet. Shining groaned, staring at his wingmate.

“NO, they're not!” He shouted in disbelief. Sunset pulled away from Radiguet, sheathing her sword as she snapped her fingers. There was the roar of an engine as the Striker Buggy changed to it’s cannon form, Sunset catching it in midair.

She spun, cannon still in hand as Radiguet sent an energy slash her way. Then, Autumn rushed to her side to help her fire the massive weapon. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Fire!”

The massive energy burst rocketed Radiguet’s way, and he never had the chance to dodge. He staggered back, hoping to hold the attack back but it looked as if that would not be. Finally, he dived to the left as the blast sheathed the roof off the warehouse.

Radiguet roared in rage, and his form shifted from a man in somewhat silly looking armor to that of a monster, a nightmarish cross between that of a fish and a bat. He lashed out, grabbing all of the rangers in whips of red lightning as flames erupted all across the battlefield. “Now, face my full fury, unbound! Die, Rangers and let your legacy end here!”

Before he could strike the final blow, a wall of magic was thrown up between him and the Rangers. Twilight teleported in, as both Rarity and Rainbow helped the other rangers up.

“Ah, the teacher’s pet!” Radiguet mocked as he returned to his normal shape. “Yep, you’re definitely Celestia’s little student. I can sense your magic all over her.”

“Leave, now. You've overstayed your welcome, ‘My Lord’,” Twilight said, though her confidence was an obvious facade. If you listened closely, you could hear the quiver of blood curdled terror. “Your reign is not recognized.”

“Yeah, what she said!” Rainbow proclaimed.

“Get lost, you ruffian!” Rarity added in.

Radiguet clutched his side in pain, Sunset’s blade actually having struck clean and true. “This is not a retreat, and don’t mistake this for mercy Rangers. We shall continue our battle another day! Because make no mistake, you are still nothing compared to me…”

With that, and a crack of lightning, he was gone. Sunset waited, and she waited. Surely, they would have to have a mecha battle with Shutterbug right? But he never grew. She let out a sigh of relief, before rushing to Vapor’s side. The other Rangers followed, and Vapor awoke with a groan.

“Uuuuugh, is he gone? Last thing I remember was…” Vapor moaned weakly, as Sunset helped her up.

“You did good girl, you never gave up on yourself,” Sunset said, though Vapor would never correct her. Lest Sunset lose her faith in her swan. “You came back for us, you stopped that monster all by yourself!”

“Yeah, remind me never to do that again. Ooooooh goddess, I think my aches have aches!” Vapor groaned. “What do you think Autumn, spa date? Just you and me?”

Autumn burst out laughing. “Oh yeah. Whatever you want Vapes, Mystic Mother knows you’ve earned it after today. Man, you kicked ass! Where can I get one of those extra Ranger forms?”

“You… you were watching me? The whole time?” Vapor’s eyes widened in shock.

“Of course we were, duh!” Autumn said clapping her on the back. “Even when we were trapped, we saw everything.”

“Everything?” Vapor asked nervously. “Even…?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Autumn said. “Important thing is? You came back for us, that’s all that matters.”

Vapor broke out into a cry, and Autumn embraced her. Nothing was going to tear them apart. Nothing.

10: Road Rage

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Robert, personally, didn’t like change.

Now maybe that made him sound like some sort of stubborn fool, but then again maybe he was!

He’d been happy living his life in NewTech City, really.

And then things upended themselves so fast, and now he was in Ponyland with actual Power Ranger powers.

Living with a fashionista and working as a royal guard at that.

And he wasn’t sure what to think of it.

Make no mistake, he wasn’t exactly a stranger to change. Things had changed for him before, such as moving to America when he was a young lad. Though he’d never quite lost the accent really. Not that he minded, allowed him to connect to his heritage, even if it meant he’d had to fend off boys all throughout high school.

Then there was the other thing, really.

He frowned, wondering what the others would think if they knew?

Internal insecurities aside, he would learn to deal.

He always would.

“So, been forced to model anything yet?” Sunset asked with a cackle as the group dealt with a seemingly random attack by the Reverse Empire. Or maybe there was some purpose to it, and Robert had just forgotten.

With several burning slashes, down went the soldiers.

“Bet you’d look good in a dress!” Vapor teased lightly, backhanding another of the Reversers.

“Oh, pretty sure I could work it,” Robert remarked, taking the joke in stride as he slid along the ground cutting off several Reversers at the knees. As he did so, Shining’s shield flew over his head downing two more mooks, and it bounced off their heads like a pinball before returning to his hand. “I got the figure for it!”

“Personally, I’d pay good bits to see Autumn in a dress…” Vapor mused. “Bet she could pull it off.

Robert and Shining shared a look, not for the first time wondering if there was something there.

“Awwww please, no dresses for this mare,” Autumn said knocking around one of her opponents, slamming them headfirst into a wall, and noogieing another before throwing them into the mud. It splattered all over her suit, not that Autumn seemed to actually mind tackling another of the bug-like creatures into the mud. “Just jeans and some old shirts thank you! Let’s think practically here. I tried a dress once, and guess what? I could barely move! And oh, let’s not even get into the shoes! Lady stilts, hello! Like friggin’ safety hazards!”

As Autumn ranted, Sunset turned her head back to Robert.

“But we’ve gotten away from the main question, haven’t we?” she asked with surely a grin under that helmet of hers. “Dress or no dress? Have you modeled, or no?”

“We all have our little secrets, Shimmer,” Robert said, lightning cracking in the sky above as he leaped forwards like a dark knight of justice, rain pouring down on his charcoal helmet.

“So I’m going to take that as a yes, then?” Sunset said, spinning her sword steam hissing off the blade where the rain hit it.

“Oh hush!” Robert snorted.

He felt dirty all over, like a thousand showers would never clean him.

Thank god for self-cleaning suits.

But a fight in the rain and the mud, even when he demorphed he was tracking muddy boots all over the Carousel Boutique’s normally pristine floors.

Rarity was going to have a fit.

Tossing his jacket aside, not caring where it fell, he put his boots next to the door.

Robert shuddered, bracing himself against the doorway. That joke about the dress hit harder than it should have. They didn’t know. How could they? It wasn’t like he’d ever told anyone!

Finding a new change of clothes, he picked up his jacket and tossed it in a hamper. That way, at least Rarity wouldn’t completely kill him. Grabbing a mop, the mud was soon nothing but a memory.

Slipping into a chair, he picked up a book and began to read. One of Rarity’s romance novels, it was trashy literature and no objective reviewer would ever call it a work of art but it helped to get his mind off things.

Flipping through the pages absentmindedly, he snorted at the thought of someone like Sunset, or hell Charlie, finding him with this kind of thing in his hand.

Oh well, it could be worse.

It could be Fifty Shades.

He’d rather kill himself before touching that… abomination. He’d had debates about that book in college, actually. Usually revolving around whether Christian Gray should be on a watch list or was just misunderstood.

Guess where his opinions fell?


He always said, even today, he’d arrest Christian if he ever saw him on the street.

Ah, never let the appetite of the lonely housewife die!

He shuddered, briefly, at the realization that Rarity could be considered a lonely housewife.

Wait, wife?

That was an interesting thought!

Well, he assumed she was married. No mare that beautiful wasn’t!

Flipping on a radio, he let the soft soothing tones wash the stress away. Of course it was a romantic song, the appetites of the lonely housewives craved those too! He wouldn’t be surprised if Rarity had a whole playlist of such things.

The song told of one’s heart being an egg, and then taking flight like a bird. To love and cherish your love, and tell her all about your crazy dreams. Personally, it was a bit too sappy for Robert’s tastes.

It was the kind of thing you’d hear play at some high school prom or something. Just gave him bad memories of his own prom, really. Namely, him sitting in a corner and trying to pretend not to be inspecting a plant.

Turns out, nobody wanted to date the straight-laced, snarky type.

Who knew right?

Washing away the bad memories, he turned his attention back to the book. Probably would have ended up adapted as some Lifetime movie, if it already had been. The lead was running from her abusive husband, maybe there was a kid involved. He didn’t really care enough to pay attention. He knew how it ended though, with her ending up with some soft, sweet caring man. That’s how it always ended really.

If only the real world was always so kind.

A few days later, he was back on business. Robert groaned as he leaned up against his spear, implanted in the ground like King Arthur’s sword.

What had Sunset done to warrant a house arrest anyways? Despite his snarky comments that implied otherwise, he doubted it was sneaking one too many cookies from the cookie jar and getting caught doing so.

Personally, he didn’t trust her. He knew Shining didn’t trust her, and if the Captain of the Royal Guard didn’t trust this mare why should he? He could see it in Shining’s eyes, as much as he tried to hide it. There were the small glances of suspicion, and how Shining tried to put as much distance between him and her in the middle of a fight.

Which really begged the question, what the hell had happened?

He wasn’t so bubble-brained to believe that either of them would start magically trusting her with their lives. At least, not until she proved herself worthy.

What a bloody mess, and she was team leader? Yeah, sure, Vapor and Autumn seemed to be giving her a chance, but it was only a matter of time until things went sour and the whole team fractured.

It was tradition, yeah, that reds got to lead. Even he knew that much. But he personally thought the all business Shining was better suited for the job at hand. He didn’t like the stallion, largely due to being way too similar to himself, but he was the Captain of the Guard. That sorta spoke for his qualifications.

But apparently, this Princess Celestia in all of her infinite wisdom decided Sunset should be the leader. Why?

Actually, now that he thought of it, whenever Sunset spoke about the Princess of the Sun, it was that nice mix of both reverence and bitterness.

(Of course, Robert didn’t know that bitterness was directed towards herself, but let’s be fair here. He could only make a proper judgement of Sunset with what little information he actually had about her.)

His fellow guard was a young, fresh out of the academy type. Wide-eyed and idealistic, really. Guy named Flash Sentry.

Pleasant fellow, maybe a bit dim, but the kind Robert just couldn’t bring himself to hate. Hell, honestly? Robert would gladly, if he could, give him the morpher and be done with it. Flash would probably be a bit more enthusiastic about the whole shebang really.


Pushing that traitorous thought aside, he reprimanded himself. He had the morpher, he had the powers, and he had a duty to perform. No matter how much it pissed him off to do all the posing and join in on the roll calls.

Seeing the radiant smile on Rarity’s face though? Maybe it made it all slightly worth it.

He had connections now. A reason to defend Ponyville. An actual friend, and maybe an adoptive sister in Autumn Blaze. Yeah, sure she was pretty in that rugged, exotic way, but despite what the other rangers thought, dating her was simply out of the question.

Besides, dating in-house always ended badly, and he was half-certain -like everyone else- that she had a thing for Vapor. And that Vapor felt the same, and both were too stupid to admit it.

Yes, he was Team Autumn. So sue him! He’d been Team Jacob back in high school, right up until Meyer ruined him. Of course, damn that traitorous mare Sunset Shimmer for thinking Vapor and Zen-Aku were ‘involved’.

One interaction together and she was already shipping the two.

Mind, it wasn’t like Rarity was any better. She said the two were simply meant to be.

And so here he was caught in the middle of a shipping war. What next, was he going to go out and buy the shirts?


Another monster, another day.

Robert wasn’t even sure what this one was based on, wait was it supposed to be some sort of traffic light?

Well, that was kinda appropriate he supposed, given it seemed to induce road rage with whoever it blasted.

Oh hell. Yep, here it came!

A red bolt of energy shot towards him, leaving Robert with no time to dodge. Leaving Sunset with no time to…

Wait, Sunset?

He realized what had happened.

The mare had shoved him aside, tackling him to the ground and now was flying off into a redline -hehe- rage at the monster. Flames flew everywhere, sparks catching as Sunset slashed away at his hide.

Oh hell.

Yeah, this was going to be ugly.

Shining, recognizing the danger, was soon involved in a three-way brawl trying to subdue Sunset. He tossed his shield, and Sunset ducked as the shield rebounded off the wall with a loud clang! of metal and flew back towards the Road Beast, for lack of a better name.

It ducked, and returned to Shining’s hand, even as he restrained Sunset with chains of magic. This, of course, left him wide open from a bolt of yellow energy from the dimensional beast.

Shining moved like sludge, the effects obvious. The beast cackled, before firing a green beam at him and the stallion in shock sped up only to crash into a wall.

Vapor came in for a flying dive kick, white wings erupting from her suit like some sort of avenging angel. She kicked the monster in the ‘face’ or at least what passed for a face with this guy. Repeatedly. The monster stumbled back, and an angry Shining shot him with laser bolts.

Robert tossed the Captain of the Guard his sidearm, but again Shining was shot with a yellow beam of light. Not just him, but his shots came out slow as sludge allowing the monster to easily evade them. He side-stepped every one, and finger flicked Shining away.

Sunset broke her chains with Shining presumably unconscious and tossed Vapor to the side as she wailed on the monster.

“Alright, that’s enough!” Autumn thundered, grabbing Sunset by the waist and pulling her away before she could seriously hurt anyone. But Sunset actually flipped in her grasp and landed behind her, Autumn standing in stunned shock.

“Alright, if you’re not with me,” Sunset screamed, crackling with angry magic. “You’re against me!”

Robert looked at the monster, and then back at Sunset. He had a choice to make.

The answer was obvious.

Locking blades with Sunset, he slammed an elbow into her helmet cracking the opaque visor before slamming his elbow into her gut. She doubled over, before Autumn knocked her out with a neck chop.

“Come on, let’s get her to Starswirl. He’ll know what to do,” Autumn said, casting a glance to the fleeing dimensional beast. “We’ll worry about him later...”

Starswirl said, that while tricky to undo, the dimensional beast’s spell was hardly permanent.

With a bit of time, Sunset should be back to normal.

Meanwhile, Robert himself didn’t know what to think.

She didn’t have to take that blast for him, and yet she did it anyways.

Maybe there was more to her than meets the eye.

However, this didn’t change the fact that until Starswirl worked his magic, well they were down one ranger. The villains would soon be taking advantage of this.

That meant he’d have to work extra hard to protect Ponyville. No, they would have to work extra hard.

Robert’s fists pounded against the punching bag, a thunderstorm of noise. While he certainly wasn’t any Arnold Schwarzenegger, he considered himself fairly fit. He was lean, a bit like a panther but taught with muscle. Poised to strike. Almost like a real condor.

Great, he was referring to himself in bird terms. They were already starting to get to him.

Somehow though, he thought with a smile, he didn’t actually mind the thought of that.

He’d spent only a month or two with these idiots, and yet he’d already lay down his life to protect him. It had nothing to do with his sworn oath to protect the people, it was simply the fact that ponies had a funny way of working their way inside your heart. They looked so sweet, so innocent like Ewoks really. Maybe less annoying.

Maybe. He still wasn’t sure about the pink one and her annoying tendency to burst into song every other day.

Cute, but maybe a bit cataphonic really. He could already feel the headache.

His fists thundered, his arms like piledrivers as they pounded themselves into the punching bag. It flew off and away, ripped from its chain, and smashed itself against the wall probably cracking it.

“Oooooh, now I see why you’re so fierce in battle,” Rarity complimented, and Robert nearly jumped. He hadn’t even heard her come in. “You’re going to give Autumn a run for her money!”

Robert dabbed away at his sweaty brow, laughing. “Oh, I don’t think anyone’s ever going to give her a run for her money.”

“She is a mountain of a mare, yes,” Rarity agreed with a nod, before wrinkling her nose. “Oh Celestia, you stink!”

Robert sniffed his tank -black, of course- and recoiled. Oh wow, he did.

“Shower?” he asked.

“Only if you’re offering dear…” Rarity said seductively.

Robert sputtered out denials, while Rarity laughed her head off.

Robert, again, found himself drawn to the books. Okay, so he was a bit of a bookworm, but late nights at the police headquarters found himself wanting for a release of some sort. And it was either this, or, ahem, actually releasing himself. Paperwork could only keep one occupied for so long.

Yeah, that was one thing he didn’t miss!

“Falling for the Omega,” Rarity read off the cover, which depicted two very muscled men -because of course it did- looking sorta sweaty. “C.W. Gray. Huh, didn’t know you were into this sort of thing. Of course, this does explain why I saw some of my novels laying out on the kitchen table a few days ago…”

Robert flushed.

“Oh, you saw that?”

“Oh yes, dearie,” Rarity smirked. “I didn’t want to say anything, buuuuuuuuuuttt… I’m curious now though, what’s the attraction?”

“They’re… wholesome,” Robert thought quickly. “Like, that’s the worst you could say about this kind of thing really. Bit mushy, but really they’re harmless. They’re escapist.”

“And I bet you spend long lonely nights thinking about how you’d want someone to love, am I right?” Rarity said, placing a hand to his cheek. “I have to say, I’m impressed, it takes a real man to allow himself to read what’s basically traditionally feminine literature…”

Robert’s breath caught in his throat, did she know? How could she…? No, she couldn’t have. He’d been careful about it.

“Oh well, can’t say I blame you,” Rarity said filing at her nails, Robert desperately trying not to stare at her bust. He thought he was doing quite well, actually. “I mean, we all want someone to love, myself included…”

“You mean you’re not…” Robert started.

Rarity giggled. “Oh, of course not! I’ve always been a working mare, I’ve had a business to run. No real time to worry about such frivolous things, alas. It’s a shame, but it’s something I’ve learned to live with!”

“You should treat yourself,” Robert suggested, looking up from his book to meet her face. “Go out on a date with someone!”

“Oh, are you offering?” Rarity teased. Robert gaped, only increasing her laughter. Forcing his blush down, he continued.

“...Pretty sure there’s stallions lining up around the block, or mares if you’re into them. Not judging.” he remarked.

“Stallions dear,” Rarity said. “Mares are nice, but they’re just not… me. Now Twilight though, well, I think it’s safe to say what side of the fence she leans towards! Goodness knows I’ve caught her staring at Applejack a few times…”

“Oh don’t tell me, I’m going to have to go out and buy Team Applejack shirts now aren’t I?” Robert deadpanned.

“No need, I’m already stitching some!” Rarity beamed and Robert groaned.

“Gods, I swear you’re more of an actual Princess of Love than the actual Princess of Love!” he muttered.

“I do try dear,” Rarity smirked. “So about this book of yours, should I point you to the local book club? I know you and Twilight, and probably Princess Cadence as well can probably quibble over who should end up with who, and who has the best romance…”

Robert snorted. Yeah, that was probably pretty accurate as to what he’d think what would end up happening.

“So tell me,” Rarity said sliding up to him. “What was life like for you before you became a Ranger? You were a beat cop, right? Working the mean streets of… NewTech City was it?”

“I see Shining’s been gossiping…” Robert said with a wry smile. “It was… interesting. Certainly never dull. Last night before I became a ranger? Ran into a prostitute, a pony prostitute. Took me a minute to work out what I was seeing, like I was sure someone had spiked me something. Okay, yeah, I was aware magic existed after everything that happened in Briarwood while I was still just a young lad, but it’s a bit of a step up to suddenly start believing in anthro bat-winged ponies busking on street corners like some demented Barbie doll.”

“I see,” Rarity mused before the bell rang, and she shouted: “Coming!”

Her usual greeting -”Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic and unique!”- followed as she greeted a mare with a bionic leg. Steampunk, really, with bronze gears ticking away, and steam hissing from the joints.

As the two mares chatted away, Robert noted how… confident the amputee was in herself. He actually envied her. Despite her body being the way it was, she never let that stop her.

He wished he could have been so brave, as even several years ago he was a bit less confident to show off who he was. Or rather, who she was, back when his name wasn’t Robert but Rowena.

For years, he’d felt himself a prisoner until one very special late-night binge of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power -Charlie’s suggestion- kinda gave him a slap in the face. Perfuma was Transgender. Not a word he’d heard before, or rather she’d heard before at the time.

But it stuck with her, and several months and some late-night readings later he could finally admit it. He was a guy, or rather he wanted to be. Gender reassignment treatments followed, and now even not fully transitioned -he still had those annoying breasts he kept under wrap- he felt a lot more confident in himself.

It’d been quite a shock to Charlie, though she supported him. It was even more of a shock to the station, but nobody said anything. At least, not with Charlie glowering at them. Nobody wanted to mess with the woman who could morph into a Red Ranger.

Oh, he was crying again, wasn’t he? Damn estrogen…

He wished he could be so brave to carry himself the way Kerfuffle did. She said she had a bionic leg, and showed it off. She said, yeah I’m amputated, what of it? He wished he could say: “Say yeah, I’m trans, what of it?” and walk freely with evidence of that on display.

He was such a failure at supporting his own community, he didn’t even have a Pride flag anywhere on his outfits. God, what they must have thought of him. He was such a coward.

He knew better, the logical part of him said this was Equestria AKA the land of acceptance.

So if that was the case, why couldn’t he say what he was?

He didn’t register the hug until a few moments later.

“Why…?” he whispered.

“I don’t know why, but you looked like you needed a hug,” Rarity said kindly.

“Gods, I’m such a wreck, breaking down like this in front of one of your customers,” Robert whispered.

“It’s okay dearie,” Rarity continued to reassure, letting his head bury itself in her shoulder. “We all need a good cry now and again, nothing to be ashamed of.”

Maybe one day he’d tell her.

Maybe one day…

Rarity knew something was up with Robert, and she knew exactly what. She was a fashion designer, she was paid to be observant and notice little details.

Robert’s slender figure, him being short. The patches, and the bandages which were definitely not bandages.

She could guess why he hid his status.

He didn’t need to, this wasn’t Canterlot but she’d respect his privacy.

When he wanted to tell her, she’d be waiting and ready to listen.

Ranger Black was needed, the hero not the over emotional mess.

Flying over Ponyville, and landing atop a roof, he drew his blade. The sun glinted off the steel of his weapon. And he charged.

Fighting had always been so liberating.

There was only one thing to think about, and that was surviving.

His mind was free.

His worries could be put aside for a time.

He came upon the Reversers like a hurricane, and thundered through them.

They flew like bowling pins.

With the swiftness of a condor, Power Ranger Black.

That was him right now. Not the beat cop, not the royal guard, not Rarity’s overemotional roommate.

He was one of the heroes Ponyville admired, and he couldn’t let their perception of that slip.

He understood that much about being a Ranger. They were the Superman and Batman and Shazam and Captain Americas of the real world. They couldn’t be seen as anything less than perfect.

He had the original Rangers to blame, being dedicated heroes in and out of the suit.

Made one wonder what they’d think of him, someone who didn’t even want these powers -was steadfastly against it actually- and got them anyways?

Ah, no matter! To battle, and have at thee!

Robert collapsed in bed, exhausted. It had only been some Reversers, but they came fast and furious. The Reverse Empire was pressing home their advantage, it was only a matter of time before the dimensional beast appeared again.

“Long day?” Rarity said sympathetically, sitting herself down beside him.

“Like you wouldn’t believe…” he groaned.

“Well, I’m sure the mighty Ranger Black wouldn’t object to a massage…” Rarity suggested, and Robert’s breath caught in his throat as he realized.

He remembered now.

The spa ponies, Aloe and Lotus. They must have seen…

“It’s okay, they’re discreet,” Rarity said pulling Robert in for a hug. “They wouldn’t say a word.”

“You mean…?” Robert whispered.

“I’ve known for a while now, actually,” Rarity said softly. “You don’t have to keep any secrets from me. Now, you don’t have to shout it to the world, it’s your right, but just know you have a friend here.”

She tied a familiar-looking flag, with pinks, whites, and pastel blues around his arm like a bandage. She pulled him close, whispering: “It’s okay…”

“God, we’re all broken people aren’t we?” Robert laughed bitterly. “Sunset’s… well, Sunset with her major hero complex. Autumn’s got some marked bitterness towards her own village, from what I can tell, and then there’s me. It’s like only Vapor and Shining are the stable ones!”

“Maybe…” Rarity theorized. “You were chosen for a reason. Maybe the powers came to you for a purpose, to help you work through your issues somehow? I can only guess, and maybe I’m dreadfully wrong but it’s a nice thought isn’t it?”

Robert looked at his morpher.

“Maybe…” he mused. “After all, if I hadn’t gotten these powers I wouldn’t have made such wonderful friends!”

“You’re still not doing the posing are you?” Rarity smirked.

“Oh hell no, bit too camp for me!” Robert laughed falling back onto his sheets, the springs squeaking beneath his weight. “Let the others prance about all they want, and look like idiots. But someone’s got to be the grounded one here! Like…”

“Not even for me?” Rarity fluttered her eyelashes teasingly.

“Well, I, uh…” Robert said with a little stammer. “I mean, if you want me to act like that, how can I say no?”

“Mhmm, I thought so. I knew there was a showman in you, go on admit it,” Rarity commented.

“Yeah, no there really isn’t,” Robert drawled. “All that posing? It seems like a good way to get shot! Best we skip the theatrics, and get right down to business!”

“I dunno, you’re saving the world,” Rarity said. “Might as well have a bit of fun with it eh?”

Speaking of saving the world, the time soon came again.

This time, Robert was ready. No fear, no hesitation. He’d gone through gender reassignment.

After that? Some idiot that looked like a stoplight was a piece of cake!

“Take off, wings rise! Condor Ranger Power.”

Halloween Special: Witch of the Dimensions

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A cool autumn chill was in the air, brisk and yet somehow welcoming, the sound of ravens screeching somewhere in the distance. The moon was just rising over Ponyville, lights still illuminating the town, just like every other evening.

But on a second look, things were clearly not like ‘every other evening’. Witches, ghouls and other unspeakable monster roamed the streets, dragging themselves from door to door, all while hollowed-out pumpkins illuminated the slowly dimming evening.

It was unmistakable for any Equestrian, it was Nightmare Night!

“...so glad I finally have a night off,” Robert muttered, finding himself hanging up small glowing pumpkins around Carousel Boutique. “Sunset’s not under house arrest for the night, meaning I don’t have to sit around in the cold weather in that armor. The least they could do is make that crap good all year round, because I’ve been freezing my arse off for the past few days!”

Drawing his coat closer to himself, he began humming ‘This is Halloween’ under his breath.

“Oh dear, Shining’s not a slave driver,” Rarity remarked. “And I’m sure if you put in a request, you’ll get warmer armor! Shining did make sure you’re delivered a steady supply of testosterone supplements after all!”

“Maybe!” Robert said, backflipping off the step ladder before grabbing a fake gravestone and shoving it into the ground in front of him. “Hey, I thought these were supposed to have gone up weeks ago!”

“Oh well, business has picked up lately, I couldn’t find the time to actually decorate!” Rarity laughed sheepishly. “Between designing a costume for myself, one for my sister and taking commissions, a mare such as myself rarely has time to focus on… other matters. Oh! I just remembered, the Boutique should be playing a steady soundtrack of Nightmare Night related music, and it seems…”

“I got it!” Robert said rushing back inside before giving the boombox Rarity had set up a good solid kick, before it began blaring Marilyn Manson’s take on Halloween.

Rarity frowned knowing exactly who had chosen that song, before sighing: “Oh well, no accounting for taste I suppose…”

“Charlie loved Manson, so sue me!” Robert commented.

“I should, on account of lack of good taste!” Rarity sniped back.

“I dunno, I kinda like it! Jammin’, really,” Sunset commented as she walked in, leather jacket zipped up tight to protect her from the autumn chill. Flipping a few bits towards Rarity, she was handed a bag, presumably her costume contained within. “I dunno Rares, you should treat yourself! You’ve been up to your flanks in commissions, you should enjoy yourself for once! Nightmare Night’s a night for partying, and trust me that’s what this mare intends to do!”

“Excuse you, I am treating myself. My sister wants me to go trick or treating with her, and that’s what I shall do!” Rarity told her with a sniff.

“That still doesn’t sound like anything that you yourself want. More like something your sister wants,” Sunset pointed out.

“Exactly, and I, as her dearly beloved big sister…” Rarity started.

“Oh, honey, you’re missing out!” Sunset laughed into a mirror, as she began painting fake blood on her fur. “These halls of yours, they’re covered in cobwebs! Pretty sure you should get to clearing them out sometime!”

“Excuse you, I can ‘clear out the cobwebs’ any time I like!” Rarity returned.

“Keep telling yourself that dear,” Sunset snarked, Robert watching the exchange like a tennis match.

“I mean, I could chaperone Sweetie if you want…” he said bravely before Rarity turned to glare at him.

“NO!” Rarity barked. “I’m quite sure you would make a great chaperone, but I am not going to ditch my little sister just to ‘clean out some hallowed halls’.”

“You can say ‘present yourself’. It’s not that hard…” Sunset drawled.

“Excuse you, I am a lady! I shall not!” Rarity told her.

“Whatevs,” Sunset shrugged. “But suit yourself. Because trust me, a sexy zombie and a sexy witch duo? Between us, I’m pretty sure we’d have hands all over us! Go on Rarity, bewitch someone to your whims!”

“...how can a zombie be sexy, I’m pretty sure they’re dead by definition.” Robert pondered.

“Oh, so you want to find out?” Sunset said flirtatiously, turning to him.

“No thanks,” Robert drawled, in complete deadpan. “I’m not into necrophilia.”

“Suit yourself,” Sunset shrugged. “Because trust me, you’re missing out!”

“Do you have any standards?” Rarity asked. “Because you’re…”

“Presenting myself like a common whorse?” Sunset snarked. “Is that the phrase you’re looking for?”

“Ladies, please, you’re both pretty…” Robert drawled, going unheard.

“Why I never! I’m never going to stoop to your level!” Rarity shouted back at Sunset.

Eventually, even this got boring for Robert and he decided he was going to help Sweetie into her costume.

“What’s with my sister and that mare down there?” Sweetie asked innocently. “They don’t seem to like each other very much.”

Robert laughed as he did her makeup.

“Understatement of the century there…” he mused.

“So… What are the two going on about? And what’s a whorse?” She returned, tilting her head slightly in the process.

“...oh, Rarity’s really gonna kill her now…” Robert sighed. “Then she really will be a zombie!”

“Well, zombies are cool. As long as they don’t start going for your head,” it came back with a smirk. “But, really, what’s a whorse? You still haven’t answered me.”

“You’ll learn when you’re older,” Robert said simply, slipping a different shirt over his head. On it, read Team Jacob. He’d opted to go as the ‘teenage idiot who didn’t know any better’ this year. Well, it was a valid costume! Perfectly valid!

“But I wanna know now! I’m old enough to know! I’m practically an adult anyway!” Sweetie huffed back, crossing her arms with a pout.

“...oh, to be a kid again,” Robert muttered to himself really not wanting to be the one to explain this one. “Damn it, Shimmer! If you keep this up, I’m going to start disliking you for another reason! And I just got over my hatred of you for being a criminal!”

“Hello? I’m waiting! And if you don’t want to tell me, I’ll just get another adult to tell me! And then I’m gonna let Rarity know you told me about it. But if you tell me now, I won’t!” A devious smile crept across her little princess lips.

“...this is extortion.” Robert panicked, beads of sweat trailing down his face.

“No! It’s negotiation! Rarity told me all about it!” It came back, confidently.

“...Oh motherclucker…” Robert sighed. “Of course she did!”

“Why do I get the feeling several years from now, she’s going to be a nightmare in board room meetings?” he thought.

“Oh, uh, look at the time!” Robert thought fast, hurrying her down the stairs. “We don’t want to be late, do we? Trick or treating is starting in just a few minutes, and don’t you want to beat all the other fillies to the good candy?”

...though to be honest, Robert wasn’t entirely convinced Sweetie was a filly. More like a little demon in filly’s clothing.

“Don’t think this is over! We're gonna talk about this later!” She hissed back at him, with such a conviction in her voice that it almost let a cold shower run down his back.

“...what was that all about?” Rarity asked, peering over Robert’s shoulder.

“Nothing. Just negotiations,” Sweetie returned, in the most sweetly and innocent voice one could imagine.

“...blame Sunset,” Robert sighed. “You know what I said about gladly chaperoning your sister?”

“Yes?” Rarity asked.

“...I take it back. I take it all back!” Robert admitted.

“You’re barely wearing a costume, by the way,” Rarity remarked towards her roommate.

“I am so!” Robert refuted, gesturing down towards himself. “Like, I’m the teenage boy who didn’t know any better! It’s a perfectly valid costume!”

“...this is because you didn’t put in your order in time, isn’t it?” Rarity surmised.

“Noooooo...” Robert said a little too quickly to actually be even anywhere near believable.

“Maybe he was a teenage boy who didn’t know any better?” Sweetie quickly added as well, smirking playfully at him. “Who knows.”

Sunset cackled long and hard as she walked on by.

“Oh, she pegged you good!” the bacon-haired mare remarked with a wily grin. “Filly after my own heart!”

“I’m sure…” Robert drawled, before muttering to her: “Considering you’re to blame for my current situation anyways…”

“What, moi?” Sunset asked innocently.

“You know what you did…” the black ranger sighed tiredly in return, having a distinct feeling a long night of pain and humiliation was in front of him. This was exactly why he hated this holiday.

“Not sure I do, but I’ll accept the blame anyways! I’ll take it as a compliment!” Sunset remarked with another laugh.

“...yeah sure, you’ll be laughing out of your butt when Rarity finds out what you did!” Robert whispered back to her. “Then we’ll see who has the last laugh!”

Meanwhile, on the other end of town, a giant pumpkin house had seemingly popped up overnight. The holes cut inside it, illuminating the surrounding street like street lamps, while almost having a hypnotic pull to it. It was truly a sight to behold!

Standing at its door, a pony, covered by a pale white witch mask, as well as a witches hat and long cloak that covered her body was waiting, looking longingly down at the fillies passing by. All, while not moving a single muscle, just standing there.

“Uhm… Lady…” A trembling voice spoke up next to her, the pony immediately spinning her head around, before slightly tilting it.

“Oh, hello little one! What brings you here on such a… Delicious night like this?” She returned with a slight cackle, her head moving around a bit, but her eyes staying on the foal the entire time.

The white foal with brown spots, dressed up as a pirate took a step back and awkwardly returned: “Candy?”

“Uhhh! Of course! Of course! Of course! What else would one ask for on this delicious night?” she eagerly returned, nodding her head in the process. “You are here for your treat! Oh! I love treats! They are so… Mhhhm!”

The foal just looked at her with his eye, not covered by his eyepatch, and was just about to say something else, when she once again started rambling: “Ohhh! You’re the first one today! Oh, how I love the visiting foals and fillies each year! They fill me with so much joy. Come inside, come inside! Since you are the first one to come to my humble shack, you deserve a special price! As much candy as your body can carry!”

Without even waiting for an answer, the mare already was pushing the filly inside, something Pipsqueak didn’t put up much of a resistance, his thoughts far too clouded by the promise of all the candy he could carry. He didn’t even notice the door falling shut behind him on its own as she led him through the dimly lit corridors of the house.

“Not much further! We’re almost there!” The mare chuckled, before shoving him into her living room, or, how it looked right now, her candy vault. Cauldrons, upon cauldrons of candy, were piled up all across the room. “Take whatever you want, little one!”

Pipsqueak’s jaw almost dropped to the floor, as his eye jumped from one cauldron to the next. “That… That is all mine?”

“As much as you can carry! You can even take a little bite first. It will make this allllllll the sweeter,” the mare returned, holding out a small cookie with magic, her head tilting slightly in the process.

Without a second thought, Pipsqueak munched down on the cookie, before dashing to one of the cauldrons and starting shoveling its contents into his bag. All the while the mare looked on from the background, eyes fixated on the filly, her entire body perfectly locked in place in her current position.

Pip had almost filled his back to the brim when he felt his arms slowing down. At first, he didn’t think much of it and continued to shove, but quickly, it just grew worse. Within seconds, his hands had almost completely stopped and his eyelids were getting heavier by the moment.

“Awwww, tired?” The mare suddenly whispered into his ear, a cold, unnerving undertone in her voice. He could only nod weakly, a gleeful laugh ringing through his head. “Goooooooood! Very good! Now, that you had your treat, it’s time for the trick! Welcome to my graveyard of dreams!”

Her clawed hand digging into his shoulders, as everything for him went black. The last thing he heard, her maniacal laugh.

In her realm, Luna shifted the change in the power dynamics. Her eyes widened, feeling this force encroach itself into her lands. It was cold, it was uncaring, and it felt incredibly… Luna didn’t know how to describe it, other than it just felt wrong. It was like her own powers, but twisted. It wasn’t exactly like Nightmare Moon’s powers, but in some ways similar.

It couldn’t be.

And yet it could.

Luna had heard the legends of course, what the Neighponiese called a baku. The devourer of dreams.

It had another name though, something far more ancient and almost unspoken.

She, with a flurry, flew from her bed and descended into the world of dreams.

Her realm, as soon as she entered it, she noticed the difference. It felt so twisted, so dead inside. Fog covered the world, and strange creatures howled in the night. Dead trees laced the pathways, gnarled and twisting in the winds.

Buildings were all around her, but lay abandoned. Gone were the usual bubbles of ponies dreams, bright and welcoming. Instead before her, lay a ghost town.

“I know you’re there,” she whispered before calling with hardened eyes: “Come out! Show yourself, baku!”

Skeletons and ghouls rose up from the ground, but Luna quickly took them all down.

“I don’t have time for your minions, I’ve come to speak to you! Stop playing games!” Luna snapped, and with a wave of her hand, cleared away some of the fog.

A sharp cackle split the air, and something flew past the moon, a mare on a broomstick before she vanished from sight. The fog seemed to grow closer, wrapping itself all around Luna like a vice.

A voice rang out through the mist.

“Oh Luna dear, you didn’t have to get all dressed up for me…” the mare said. No, not a mare, Luna reminded herself. A monster. “You know, if you wanted to talk, we could just set a date!”

“So, you’re back,” Luna said. “And here I thought I’d have seen the last of you after I banished you from my realm the first time…”

“Oh dear,” the mare said, still dressed in her witch’s attire sans mask. Beneath it, a horribly scarred face, scorched by magical fire. “You should have realized. I always come back. Nightmare Night is my domain after all. Not yours.”

“Funny that, it’s not you that the holiday is named after…” Luna returned keeping a watchful eye on the mare.

“Yes, but I’m sure Giranbo’s Night doesn’t quite have the same ring to it!” said the mare, a shadow of her true monstrous form visible in the moonlight. A twisted semblance of a tapir. “Not that ponies would know who I am. Not after you banished me from the history books.”

“They don’t need to know,” Luna returned. “Not really. You’re not worth immortalizing. I will stop you, you know.”

“How? Weak as you are, and don’t think I haven’t noticed you’re not back up to full strength yet, you don’t stand a chance,” Giranbo said. “My domain encroaches on yours, you can feel it sapping your strength. What, did you think the whole ghost town you see before you is just for show? I’m taking over! Out with the old, in with the new. It’s my house now!”

“I will stop you.” Luna repeated, firmer this time.

“Blah blah blah, enough with the hero talk!” Giranbo replied, mockingly. “If you had the ability, you’d have done it already!”

“Let me correct that error then!” Luna said lunging forwards, fist drawn back.

“...really, good old fisticuffs?” Giranbo asked, catching the blow with her wrist. “...I thought you were supposed to be a master sorceress? Ooops, my bad! But if you want to turn this into a martial arts movie…”

Giranbo kneed her in the stomach, Luna coughing from the force of the blow before she teleported behind the monster. Giranbo spun, catching the kick between her wrists.

“Oh, we wouldn’t want to damage your pretty little horseshoes now would we?” Giranbo remarked, the two exchanging more blows, with the monster of a mare blocking every one of them. “Royal regalia is so hard to replace, and I’m pretty sure the knowledge on how to forge this stuff was lost over 1000 years ago! You do have royal tailors for this, don’t you? Or are they too afraid of pissing off the big bad Nightmare Moon?”

“SHUT UP!” Luna roared, still sore from that incident.

“Oh, did I touch a nerve?” Giranbo mocked, taking a step back to avoid the kick, Luna again attempting to buck her in the face. “You know, you really have only yourself to blame. If you hadn’t gotten yourself trapped in the moon after going completely cray cray for crayola, I wouldn’t even be here!”

“Wha…?” Luna gasped.

“Oh please, don’t play dumb. I know you’re more intelligent than that…” Giranbo said in a tone of faux-sweetness. “Don’t insult my intelligence by making me explain it to you.”

And Luna just knew she was correct, if she hadn’t been banished inside the moon, this monstrosity wouldn’t have returned.

“Times have changed though,” Luna said, eyes narrowed. “I’m no longer the only force on this planet you have to worry about!”

“Oh, you mean the Power Rangers?” Giranbo said. “I know of them. I’ve been at this for years, every Halloween since your banishment. They haven’t caught me yet, hell they don’t even know I exist. Oh, I don’t doubt you’ll soon be off to tell them, but let them come. I’ve got a special trick just in mind for them! Let’s see how they fight me inside my own domain!”

And with that, Luna found herself thrown out of the dream realm and back into her bed…


“...her spooky voice might work better if she wasn’t dressed like that. Just sayin’.” said a certain dragon on Mayor Madison Mare’s clown costume.

Robert had a different thought on it.

“And here I thought being the non-ironic clown was a dead horse genre!” he commented before facepalming as he remembered who he was talking to. “...no offense intended.”

“Sour Grapes.” Sunset replied.

“...eh?” Robert asked, turning to look at her.

“That’s what I think your pony name should be,” Sunset continued. “Sour Grapes. Given you’re… well, you know. So sour. The joke writes itself!”

“Haha, I’m very amused.” Robert drawled.

“Oh, lighten up dearie,” Rarity said to him. “Just let her be, annoying as Sunset may be, she does have a point. Nightmare Night is a time to enjoy yourself!”

“I am enjoying myself. I’m snarking at the nonsense!” Robert said. “I’m way too old for this anyways.”

“And yet you’re in a costume…” Rarity mused.

“Yeah, one that I threw together in five minutes just so I wouldn’t stand out.” Robert returned.

“Too late for that I’m afraid…” Sunset tittered.

Zecora, dressed as a witch with spiders in her mane and a long black cloak covering her, had foals and fillies at her heel, leading them through the spooky streets. A thin mist had started to descend, giving an eerie atmosphere.

“Listen close, my little dears, I'll tell you where you got your fears of Nightmare Night, so dark and scary. Of Nightmare Moon, who makes you wary,” she told as she blew a green mist into the air, a hellish horse beginning to descend upon the crowd. “Every year, we put on a disguise, to save ourselves from her searching eyes…”

“Guess who she’ll be finding then, eh Rob?” Sweetie said, elbowing a certain Black Ranger.

And then the hellish horse opened her jaws wide before exploding into green smoke.

“But Nightmare Moon wants just one thing: to gobble up ponies in one quick swing!” Zecora continued. “Hungrily, she soars the sky. If she sees nopony, she passes by. So if she comes and all is clear, Equestria is safe another year!”

“...you’ve got some weird bedtime stories, you know that right?” Robert said to Sunset, who was shivering a little. Maybe not from the cold.

“Wolf in your grandma’s nightdress?” Sunset snarked back at him.

Speaking of wolves, Scootaloo walked by dressed as one. “Hey, just asking? If we wear costumes to hide from Nightmare Moon, so she won't gobble us up, how come we still need to give her some of our candy? Seems a bit like extortion doesn’t it?”

“It’s to keep us safe kid!” Sunset answered before Zecora could. “If we don’t give her our candy, she gobbles us up!”

Robert could be distinctly seen rolling his eyes.

“Exactly, Scoots!” Sweetie squeaked. “Don’t you know? If she gets candy to eat, she doesn’t eat…” she gulped a little. “Us!”

“Still feels like extortion!” Scootaloo commented.

“Oooooh, you’re just going to make yourself Nightmare Moon’s first target then…” Sweetie Belle squeaked out nervously, cuddling close to her older sister.

“There there dear, I won’t let her eat you…” Rarity whispered calmly.

“...harmful to minors, much? Come on Sweets, don’t tell me you believe that old folk tale!” Scootaloo scoffed. “Besides, didn’t you hear, the Elements of Harmony purified her!”

“Or did they....?” Sunset asked, Scootaloo watching in shock. She couldn’t believe this grown mare was going along with this, she should know better! “How do we know they destroyed Nightmare Moon? She could have been split off from Princess Luna! She could be waiting, watching, lurking out there… in the dark!”

“Oh, grow up!” Scootaloo muttered. “Besides, we’ve got a lot of houses to hit tonight, and I ain’t going to wait around for you while you freak out over bedtime stories! Nightmare Moon’s just a legend now!”

“...I dunno, legends have a finicky habit of coming true these days…” Sunset mused, casting a glance around her. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted a strange house, shaped like a pumpkin. Seemed to be pretty popular with the kids, judging by the line of fillies and foals walking up to it. Strange thing is, Sunset had never seen it before…

“Don’t you have a club to hit or something?” Robert asked.

“And leave these fillies all alone to face Nightmare Moon?” Sunset asked.

“...you just want the candy, don’t you?” Robert surmised.

“Hey guys!” came a chipper voice, Vapor walking up and dressed as…

“Vapor!” Sunset squawked seeing her costume, which was little more than her ranger suit sans helmet. She whispered to her, her voice barely over a hiss: “Are you trying to expose your identity?”

“Hey, way I figure it, this is the perfect night to dress like this! It’s Nightmare Night, everyone just thinks I’m in a costume!” Vapor said, her tone a low whisper to her fellow Rangers. “They have no way to know I’m going as myself!”

Robert’s palm met his face.

“Lame costume, by the way,” Vapor said, passing him by. “It’s like you’re not even trying.”

“I’m not. I’m only playing chaperone,” Robert said. “I’m too old for this!”

Vapor looked at him like he’d just spoken heresy.

“Too old for candy, too old for dressing up! Never!” she said, apparently personally affronted. “Man, you’re not enthusiastic about anything are you?”

“Like I said, his pony name should be Sour Grapes!” Sunset mocked.

“Oh, it should!” Vapor agreed, slapping her knee as she laughed long and hard.

“I hate you all.” Robert groaned, Rarity patting his shoulder sympathetically.

“I know you mean love!” Sunset chimed in before turning towards Twilight, who was passing them by again. “Ooooooh, cool costume Twilight! Starswirl the Bearded, right?”

“FINALLY! Someone gets it!” Twilight cried triumphantly.

“You even got the number of bells right!” Sunset continued, giddily and acting like a little schoolfilly.

“You have no idea how many ponies thought I was something else tonight!” Twilight said in an exasperated tone. “Like, how do you literally get this wrong? He’s literally walking amongst us again!”

“...I honestly thought she was someone’s grandpa.” Vapor remarked as Twilight’s eyebrow twitched.

“...You sure you’re not a country singer, Miss Twilight?” Sweetie asked.

“Uuuuuuuuughh…” Twilight groaned, long and loud. “See what I mean?”

“Hey, anyone seen Shining?” Vapor asked, peering around.

“Well, last I saw him? He was dressed up as this freakish bat clown mix thing. He was with his marefriend, who by the way was dressed as a succubus and, well! I think we can do the math for ourselves!” Sunset laughed. “Lucky bastard!”

“Language…” Rarity corrected her, not really sure why she should bother.

“OKAY!” Robert shouted, blushing. “There’s some things I don’t ever need to know about my boss! That’s one of them!”

“Well, someone’s getting their cobwebs cleaned tonight it seems!” Sunset said with a wily, perverted grin towards Rarity.

“Oh, hush!” she harrumphed. “Honestly! There are children present!”

“...do I want to know?” Vapor asked leaning towards Robert.

“No, you really don’t…” Robert sighed.

“Why would anyone need their cobwebs cleaned? It’s Nightmare Night, it’s supposed to look spooky!” Sweetie said innocently and it took all of Sunset’s strength not to burst out laughing. Robert meanwhile, glared at the mare. “...wait, does this have anything to do with my earlier question? Which you still haven’t answered by the way!”

“What earlier question?” Rarity asked of Robert, not sure she really wanted to know.

“I plead the Fifth!” Robert quickly said.

“Robert…” Rarity asked suspiciously, now really curious.

“Oh, uh, Robert was telling me about whorses and…” Sweetie Belle said, innocently. Face of an angel, mind of a demon. Sunset finally lost it, and nearly fell over laughing, the witch.

“Was he now?” Rarity glared at the unfortunate black ranger.

“Hey, Sunset said it first, Sweetie just overheard it!” Robert said quickly.

“Hey, nice work throwing me under the bus!” Sunset said, offended and glaring at him.

“You have no one but yourself to blame,” Robert glared back at her.

“Seriously, what am I missing here?” Sweetie asked. “What’s a-”

“I’ll tell you when you’re older!” Rarity said quickly, glaring at both Sunset and Robert.

“Someone’s in the doghouse…” Vapor remarked.

“Oh let’s just…” Sunset said. “Let’s just keep going, we’ve got plenty more houses left to hit!”

“I knew it was about the candy!” Robert exclaimed triumphantly.

“No, I just don’t want to get gobbled up by Nightmare Moon!” Sunset replied with a small squeak.

“Hmm, maybe you should break off from the rest of us, go ahead with Robert and Vapor before you do any more damage…” Rarity commented towards her.

“Man, you suck you know that right? But fine!” Sunset said with a sigh. “Just sayin’ though. She was going to learn about that word eventually, you’d be surprised at how many fillies pick up curse words at an early age!”

“...why do I get the feeling you’re talking about yourself?” Rarity said, almost snidely towards Sunset.

“Maybe you should be pleading the fifth, eh Sunny?” Robert told the Red Ranger, in a snarky tone.

“Come on guys, less of you two flirting with each other and of us grabbing-” Vapor started.

“We’re not flirting!” her two fellow Rangers shouted, looking at each other in revulsion.

“Oh, fine! Whatevs, just stop being snarky with each other and have some fun!” Vapor said grabbing them by the arm and dragging them off. “Oooooooh, I have an idea! I just remembered! Forget the candy!”

“But what if I wanted the candy…?” Sunset whined.

“We’ll get some later! I just remembered, the Apple family has their corn maze out tonight, they’ve been working on it all year and I want to see it!” Vapor shouted excitedly. “Come on you guys! There’s a huuuuuuuuge line, and I don’t want to get stuck in the back!”

“...I can’t decide who’s more of a little filly, you or her!” Robert said looking between the two mares.

In any event, the two did eventually get into the maze, and quickly found themselves lost. The mist had turned into almost a fog, and Sunset lit up her horn bathing the path in front of them in a magical glow.

A bitingly chilly wind rushed through a nearby tree, making the branches let out a loud creak and the threesome shiver. Bats squeaked as they took to the skies, the moon shining through the fog like a beacon.

Screams came from somewhere deeper in the maze, and eerie groans and howls echoed from somewhere up ahead. Sunset knew it was all fake, but a part of her found itself drawing closer to Vapor, huddling within her wings. Or maybe she was just that cold. Pegasi feathers were surprisingly nice and warm, after all.

Robert drew his coat closer to himself, shivering a little. You could see his breath come out in small clouds, he knew it was supposed to be a cool night but this cold weather seemed to come upon them all too quickly! Weren’t the weather pegasi -something he still hadn’t gotten over by the way- supposed to keep it from getting too cool?

Then, something moved behind them, and letting out a battle cry he threw a kick.

“Congrats, you decapitated a scarecrow,” Sunset deadpanned as the straw dummy, dressed like a zombie, fell backwards now headless. “Bet you’re feeling really proud of yourself…”

“It could have been a dimensional beast!” Robert replied. “You never know!”

“I think this maze is starting to get to us…” Sunset observed. “Come on, let’s get out of here!”

Meanwhile, the three girls just came back from one of the many houses of Ponyville, enough spoils not to start tricking, just enough. Rarity was waiting for them a bit down the road. “So, how big was your reward?”

“Pretty damn poor actually! Just a few pieces of candy corn! I said we should play a trick on them. Something, like throwing some eggs at the house, or even better, making it look like his house is about to be blown away so he squeals like a pig, but these two here were being too nice.” Scootaloo cackled.

“Scootaloo…” Rarity tittered.

“Oh, come on granny! That’d be hilarious! You can’t deny that!” She grinned back, a devious smirk on her face.

“I don’t think it would be, no,” Rarity said sternly. “I could tell your aunts, you know.”

“Oh! You’re no fun! Rainbow would have totes helped me! Still so unfair that she didn’t have time for me,” Scootaloo grumbled, kicking a rock down the road as she did so.

“Hehe, seems not even you can’t escape my big sis’s authority,” Sweetie smugly whispered into her ear.

“Oh, shut it!”

A thunder crack and a yelp was heard in the distance.

“Sometimes I wonder about that mare…” Rarity mused hearing Rainbow’s distinctive cackle. “Is she really the best mare to idolize?”

“Better than you, lame granny! Rainbow’s so awesome! She is fast! Brave! And at least one-hundred-twenty percent cooler than you!” It came back from the orange filly, an excited spark in her eyes.

“If you say so… I personally, think that I can be cool. I’m an established business mare, ponies come from miles around to bask in my très magnifique outfits!” Rarity said in reply, casting a glance towards that odd pumpkin house. How queer, she’d never seen it before tonight. “And Scootaloo doesn’t know it, but she’d think I’m even cooler if she knew I knew who the Power Rangers are. And I know she idolizes them!”

“Awwww, leave Rares alone,” Apple Bloom said, dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein. “Lay off her, eh?”

“Ugh… Fine,” Scootaloo huffed back in return. “Rainbow is still way, waaaaaaaay cooler!”

“Not as cool as my big sis!” Apple Bloom said.

“Or mine!” Sweetie squeaked.

“Thank you, dear,” Rarity said, adjusting her witch’s hat.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re wrong, and so on, but can we get back to candy hunting now? We didn’t have much luck until now. The ponies here are being way too stingy! I want to have at least enough to hold me over till Hearth's Warming!” Scootaloo said gleefully

“I think we should slow down,” Rarity warned. “I don’t want you to get a tummy ache, that’s all!”

She only got judging looks in return.

“Man, you’re lame,” Scootaloo said. “That’s half of the fun!”

“I fail to see what’s so ‘fun’ about it…” Rarity remarked.

“See? Lame!”

“Fine then! Why don’t we go to Fluttershy’s and see what she has to say about it?” Rarity asked.

“...okay, that’s just super lame.” Scootaloo groaned audibly. “Besides, doesn’t she just hide under the bed until morning on Nightmare Night?”

“We’ll see,” Rarity smiled secretly, apparently knowing something they didn’t.

As they made their way to Fluttershy’s cottage, Scootaloo groaned again.

“This is just punishment isn’t it?” she asked. “Like, I’m sorry okay? I won’t call you granny again! ...okay, I won’t call you… that name, after that time!”

Rarity just knocked on the front door, gently and from inside came a call of: “Coming!”

“Nightmare Night, give us something sweet to bite!” all three fillies chorused on instinct, though not really expecting much.

The door slowly creaked open, revealing a seemingly empty cabinet behind it, only for something to step out from behind the door. A mare, dressed in a white, filthy gown, with a long, black mane hanging down to her waist emerged. Two blue eyes stared at them from beyond her hairy curtains.

Within the blink of an eye, three loud screeches echoed through the night and the three Cutie Mark Crusaders had jumped behind Fluttershy’s fence, carefully looking through the holes in it.

“Oh my… Did I scare you three?” Futtershy’s unmistakably timid voice asked, having ducked back behind her own door as well.

“Wait, FLUTTERSHY?” Scootaloo’s jaw dropped. Nervously, Apple Bloom and Sweetie peeked their heads out from behind the fence and saw that yes, it was the butter-yellow mare.

“Hello!” she said, waving at the trio.

“...Okay, uh, wow. Like I wasn’t expecting that!” Scootaloo said. “So, uh… Happy Nightmare Night I guess?”

“Do you three want candy?” Fluttershy asked. “I mean, I assume that’s what you’re here for, right? Just don’t eat too much, otherwise you’ll get a stomach ache!”

“...even you?” Apple Bloom sighed and muttered.

“By the way, dearie, you know who lives in that pumpkin house?” Rarity asked. “It apparently just popped up overnight! I’ve never seen it before, I was going to ask Pinkie but…”

“Hmm, yes, it’s really quite strange!” Fluttershy said. “I was going to go offer them a welcoming basket of fruit but I got so swept up in preparations that I must have forgotten!”

“I didn’t even know you were going to dress up tonight!” Sweetie said. “I thought you were just going to hide under the bed!”

“Sweetie!” Rarity chided.

“No, it’s quite alright!” Fluttershy said. “I was, until I stumbled across an idea! A movie actually, and I realized I could be so scary, nopony else would scare me!”

“...well, points for the unexpected I guess!” Apple Bloom admitted.

“Just… be careful tonight okay?” Fluttershy warned, pressing her fingers together nervously. “There’s a strange chill in the air, a wrong type of chill. I heard Princess Luna herself was supposed to make an appearance, and yet her not doing so? It has me worried. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but…”

“Oh, don’t worry, we will!” Scootaloo said. “I think our haul’s almost done anyways, as soon as we hit that pumpkin house I think we should be done!”

“Be safe!” Fluttershy said as the foursome walked off, before she felt arms encircle her, and a warm breathy voice asking her to come back to bed. “Okay, I’m coming…”

Vinyl grinned before she slammed the door shut.

The four descended back into town, unaware of what was about to happen.

“...wow, they’re all lining up, aren’t they?” Apple Bloom noted of the pumpkin house, and the line of children leading up to it. “Must be some really good candy!”

“Oooooh, can we go?” Sweetie Belle begged. “Pllleaasssseee?”

Something in the back of Rarity’s mind told her not to, that this house was wrong. It was a wrong thing.

But looking at her little sister’s pleading face… How could she say no?

“Shall we?” she smiled.

“Yay!” the trio cheered.

Luna flew through the dream world, horrified by the sights before her. Foals and fillies laying prone on the ground, not responding to anything.

Mists flew from their heads, and Luna knew what they were. Their dreams, their desires. Their worst fears, and at this she flew into a rage. Her blood boiled, and her eyes darkened, briefly sharpening into slits.

She watched as the gathered dreams floated into the mouth of a giant monstrosity, and that was really the only way to describe it. It was wrong, it was a wrong thing. It looked like a stitched together mass of flesh, muscles and bones, with a glowing blue mouth in the middle of it's tapir-like head.

This had gone far enough, she decided right then and there. It was time to contact the Rangers.

And so she pulled them from their beds, their couches, and even from the maze, summoning the shadows to take them…

Finally the shadows released her, Sunset realized as she found herself inside Luna’s personal chambers.

At the other end of the room was Luna herself, looking haggard, sickly. She couldn’t help it, a gasp escaped from her throat.

“Lady Luna!” Shining shouted, tossing his bat-mask aside, revealing the clown make-up painted into his fur. “What’s happened to you? Tell me who’s done this!”

“...by the Mystic Mother…” Autumn whispered, looking near tears in her mummy costume.

“Giranbo…” Luna whispered weakly, the shadows seeming to grow darker at the mention of the name. It was a foul word, spat from her mouth and full of wretched hatred. The lights flickered, and a cold chill gripped the room. “None of you would know the name, it was banished from the history books. By my hand. She exists in every universe, and yet none of them. A multiversal singularity.”

“What is she?” Autumn dared to ask.

“A monster,” Luna spat before coughing weakly. “Even now, she’s encroaching on my territory. She used to come every Nightmare Night, before I was banished to the moon. And now, she’s returned in my absence. She takes…”

Luna coughed again, before that cough turned into a wet sob.

“Who does she take?” Sunset asked frantically. “WHO?”

“Oh no…” Robert realized. “Don’t tell me. Sweetie Belle!”

“Yes, correct. She takes children,” Luna said. “How did you…?”

“For as long as I’ve been alive, there’s been cold case files in the Newtech City Police Department. Probably every other city as well. Every Halloween night, in a different city, no predicting which… children, just a few every year, vanish. Then their bodies, the very next morning… they turn up, dumped like yesterday’s trash. At first, we all thought it was just random, but then… someone started putting the pieces together,” Robert explained, his voice barely masking his rage. “Nobody’s ever been able to figure out who’s been doing this, and knowing what I know now…? I’m not surprised. Because if all of this is supernatural in origin…”

The whole room stared at him in wide-eyed horror, just barely able to process.

“Shining, tell me it’s not true. It can’t be!” Sunset said to the Royal Guard.

“No, Robert’s right. I’ve been working on this case as well, and it’s happened here as well. Every Nightmare Night! We thought about shutting the holiday down, just in case…”

“Well then you should have!” Sunset raged, her mane sparking with embers.

“And if we did, we’d alert the killer that something’s wrong! They’d vanish into the winds, never to be seen again!” Shining shouted back at her. “So we’ve had no choice but to investigate them, and hopefully find a lead as to their identity.”

“...looks like you got one…” Autumn muttered.

“But it gets worse,” Luna explained. “She doesn’t just kill you. She takes your hopes, your dreams, and even your worst nightmares and gobbles them up. She’s a glutton. If I had the power, I’d go after her myself. Hell, I tried already. But I’m still weak, my full powers haven’t returned yet.”

“That’s why you need us…” Sunset realized before slamming a fist into her palm. “Well, let’s go.”

“What, are you crazy?” Autumn shouted at her, Vapor sobbing quietly in the background. On instinct, the kirin wrapped an arm around her. “You heard Luna! We’d be facing her in her own realm! It’s almost suicide!”

“Look!” Sunset snapped, fighting back tears as she shoved her teammate up against a wall. “I’ve made a lot of crappy mistakes in my life, but let me make up for some of them! I… I want to redeem myself, show Princess Celesta that she didn’t make a mistake not banishing me! I want to live up to what she believes me to be!”

She released Autumn, looking at the floor.

“So please, let me do this… I want to do something good with my life. There’s a reason I became a Ranger. Because… it’s probably the only thing I can do right! If I can’t save ponies, then what good am I?”

“Oh Sunset…” Shining whispered before putting a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll be with you every step of the way, you know. This doesn’t just affect you. It affects all of us.”

“Then let’s do this,” Sunset said, her gaze hardening as she wiped away her tears.

“Be warned, you’re entering her realm now,” Luna said as her horn glowed. “She’ll be at her most powerful.”

“She’s just another monster,” Sunset grinned cockily, her old fire back. “Haven’t you heard, blowing up giant monsters is what we do best! Ready?”

“Ready!” the others said.

“Good. Take Off! Wings Rise!”

And as they morphed, they descended into darkness...

Sunset honestly didn’t know what to expect. Maybe Giranbo’s realm was supposed to look more twisted, like something out of an H.P. Lovecraft novel? Instead, it looked relatively normal. Relatively.

It was still a ghost town after all…

Mist covered the streets, and an ill wind blew through the air. The moon was like a demented jack-o-lantern, devoid of it’s usual comforting presence. And a voice cut through the night air. Sunset recognized the song of course, her mother used to sing it to her. But the voice that sung it was definitely not her mother.

“Follow, sweet children, I'll show thee the way
Through all the pain and the sorrows
Weep not, poor children, for life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions…”

“...what the hell?” Robert wondered aloud.

“It’s Luna’s Lullaby,” Sunset told him as the voice continued to sing, echoing down from a house upon the hill. “But Giranbo, she’s singing it now! Probably her way of flipping Princess Luna off.”

“Come, little children, I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come, little children, the time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows…”

“I fail to see how that’s supposed to be comforting,” Robert said before snarking: “It sounds like the song of a serial killer. Or a pedophile. And this is supposed to be a lullaby? Give me Goodnight Moon any day.”

“The children love coming to the world of dreams,” came a voice, from somewhere nearby. “And who am I to stop them?”

“Giranbo…” Sunset hissed out, her mane crackling.

“Correct!” the mare laughed. “I’m guessing you’re Luna’s Dream Team? Her Power Pukes? Her Fearsome Fivesome? You want me to grab my autograph book?”

“Show yourself!” Sunset demanded drawing her sword. “And give those children back!”

“They gave themselves to me willingly,” Giranbo said, and finally Sunset saw her, atop the roof of a parking garage. “Why should I?”

Sunset teleported to her, slashing at the mare only for her blade to pass right through the witch.

“Oh honey, you may want to put that thing down! You’re going to take someone’s eye out, you know!” Giranbo laughed. Laser blasts flew through her, and there stood Robert, his opaque mask now no longer tinted, showing a look of unadulterated fury on his face. In his hands was his sidearm, gripped tightly.

“You shouldn’t play with guns!” Giranbo said, on him in the blink of an eye and soon grasping him by the throat. “It’s dangerous, you know!”

“And you shouldn’t keep your eyes off me!” Sunset said, running her blade through the witch.

The witch screamed in pain, and dropped Robert as he flew to the ground below, wings extended. Sunset pulled her blade away, the tip covered in green blood.

“Just… just for that,” Giranbo hissed. “You’ll die, slowly, and painfully, facing your worst nightmares till they drive you insane! I was going to let all of you pretties go you know, but… well! You changed my mind!”

She rushed towards Sunset, who vanished in a flash of light, before she was atop her and kicked Giranbo through the floor. The dust and smoke cleared, and out came a fireball rushing towards the yellow mare, Giranbo cackling in delight. “How about a little fire, scarecrow?”

The mare backflipped off the roof, and landed next to her team as the whole top portion of the building exploded in a cataclysmic ball of flame.

Then, from out of the eruption came the witch on a broomstick. She snapped her fingers, and the world shifted.

Groaning in pain, Sunset picked herself out of the dirt as she realized where she was now. In a playground, with bodies of familiar foals and fillies all around them.

“Pipsqueak?” she asked, shaking him and going to another filly. “Twist?”

She tried every one of them, attempting to rouse them. “Scootaloo? Wake up!”

But no such luck.

“Sweetie?” Sunset cried desperately. “Apple Bloom?”

“Ah, I see you’ve found my trophy room,” came Giranbo’s voice as the other rangers picked themselves out of the dirt. “My graveyard of dreams, if you will. It’s really quite a pity, most of them won’t achieve their dreams in their lifetimes, so all the better for me to have them! They won’t go to waste that way!”

Sunset roared, leading the team into battle as they charged the witch.

“They should still deserve the chance to try!” Sunset snarled, her horn alight. With a battle cry, she shoved her now glowing sword into the ground, and the earth turned to magma. Giranbo shrieked as her cloak caught fire, her legs burned and scorched before she finally managed to teleport away.

Atop an apartment block she wound up, Sunset directing her team to fire upon the witch. Giranbo soared down at them, dodging and weaving between the laser blasts.

“And you deserve the chance to FRY!” Giranbo snarled, tossing another fireball at them. Sunset waved her hand, and it split in half, the two fireballs flying past her and her team.

“Oooooh, you are a clever one. I can see why you’re the leader!” Giranbo complemented before looking around her at the now ruined playground. “Oh, but look. You’ve gone and made a mess of my house! Now we can’t have that, can we?”

Shadowy hands reached out and grasped each and every Ranger, squeezing them tight.

“Now, all I have to do is watch and wait,” Giranbo commented as she took up knitting, the needles creating some demented sweater, Sunset supposed. “It’ll only be a matter of time before your life leaves you. Now adult’s dreams aren’t quite as tasty, but what’s the phrase? Oh yes, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!”

Shining had enough, calling down lightning and zapping the hands to dust.

“She seems desperate, why’s she fighting so hard?” Sunset asked.

“Because! Think about it,” Shining pointed out. “This is the one night of the year she can come to our world, and her time’s running short! As soon as the clock strikes midnight, she’ll be trapped in her dimension for another year!”

“So you figured it out huh?” Giranbo remarked, confirming it for them. “Well, aren’t you clever? It still won’t be enough to stop me! I have all the power in the world here, and you are nothing!”

“You’re insane…” Shining growled.

“Oh, I thought I was a Pisces!” Giranbo commented.

The shadows formed into shapes, and all of the foot soldiers of Rangers past or future faced them. Putties, Tenga Warriors. Piranhatrons, Craterites!

“...really? All the power in the world and this is what you choose to send up against us?” Sunset asked. “Man you’re dumb!”

Cutting down a Krybot, she slashed her way through Batlings and Hidiacs before spinning around to roast some Chillers in a wall of flame.

An energy blast, in the shape of the Royal Armada’s insignia rushed towards her before Autumn smashed through it with a powerful punch. Shining and Robert shot down the two Armada guards who’d created it.

Vivix and Tronics fell, by sword or gun.

But the soldiers just seemed to keep coming, it was like there was no end to them! Lord Drakkon’s Mastodon Sentries arrived, firing upon the Rangers forcing them to cover. They didn’t get a chance to breathe as Spanish conquistador-like troops, faced by the Dino Fury Rangers, forced them back out into the open, with all of the grunts swarming them.

“Who’s laughing now, huh, my pretties?” Giranbo cackled. “Like my minions? I’ve recently added a couple, what do you think? Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!”

“This is getting ridiculous!” Shining shouted as Tengas dogpiled him. And then it hit him. Wait, this was a dream world so that meant… “Everyone, dream big! These are our dreams as well!”

Giranbo’s eyes widened in horror as all five rangers grew to the size of a Megazord, throwing the grunts off of them.

“Powered up for more…” Sunset grinned under her helmet before Giranbo roared in rage, growing in size and resuming her monster form. “...uuuugh, just when I thought you couldn’t get any uglier! You know, I’m pretty sure there’s some makeup for that. Just saying! If you’re really that desperate for a date…”

“SHUT UP!” Giranbo thundered charging towards her, a blade extending itself from her arm.

Sunset readied herself, fists raised in a fighting position, ready to dodge out of the way, just in time. And when Giranbo was just in front of her, she did just that, only to be headbutted by the monster, knocking the air out of her lungs in the process. A swift slash sparking across her back a moment later. And before she even knew what had hit her, when the monster in front of her simply vanished.

“Hahaha, dreaming big. Yeah, that’s good!” Giranbo said appearing in front of her again. “I’ll be sure to swallow your dreams up for dessert! They’ll make a nice after dinner meal!”

Her moment of stupidity was quickly repaid as Robert shot her in the face with his sidearm.

“Yeah, word of advice?” the Black Ranger commented. “Best not to gloat. Now you’re going to give me my little sister back!”

“You have a sister?” Giranbo asked, locking blades with him. “Oooooh, who did I take? Tell me, tell me!”

Robert spun, and kicked the kaiju in the stomach before slashing her across the chest with a vertical strike.

“Oooooh, keeping quiet are you?” Giranbo mocked. “Don’t worry, I’ll pry it out of you eventually…”

The two clashed blades again and again, before the witch yawned. “Oh, I’m getting bored with you. Time to end this.”

Stabbing him in the stomach, Robert cried out in pain. Giranbo threw back her head and laughed, only to be slammed into a hillside as both Autumn and Shining leaped out of nowhere, kicking her square in the face.

“DAMN YOU!” Giranbo roared.

“Five against one,” Shining said, helping Robert up and healing his wound. “Doesn’t seem all that fair, does it?”

“No…” Giranbo grinned before she glowed purple and then a veritable army of clones stood before them. “It doesn’t!”

“Me and my big mouth…” Shining groaned.

“You wanna get nuts?” Sunset asked before she grinned. “Fine, let’s get nuts!”

“Well, if you want to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight…” One of the Giranbos returned.

Without another word, Sunset jammed her fingers into the ground below and started to pull up. The sound of the earth groaning and cracking echoed across the entire battlefield. With a loud roar, she pulled a large piece of the ground out from it, several buildings on it collapsing and raining down. But she wasn’t particularly bothered by this and simply started to spin around her own axis, before launching the giant piece of debris at the monsters, like an oversized discus.

Not even Giranbo had expected this and just stared at the incoming projectile, letting herself get swept off her feet as she was buried under mountains of rocks and buildings.

“Well, what do you idiots think you’re doing?” one of the clones called. “Get her!”

Several of her clones rushed forwards, arm blades extended before Shining teleported in the middle of them. Jumping, he split-kicked two of them before grabbing another by the side of her head and slamming it into the side of a building.

Another clone slashed him across the side, before Autumn knocked it away with a punch.

“...I mean, come on, does she really think these idiots can stop us? Heelllllllooooooo! We beat up foot soldiers daily!” the kirin said before her flames erupted burning away the remaining clones.

The original Giranbo pulled herself out of the wreckage, charging forwards. Sunset ripped an apartment block out of the ground, before she picked it up, and tossed it at her. But this proved to be a waste of time, as the witch just cut in two.

“Now, here you go again. You say, you want your freedom… Well, who am I to keep you down?” Giranbo sang tackling Sunset to the earth, the ground rocking and quaking beneath their weight.

Sunset rolled, pinning the witch beneath her, before Giranbo headbutted her again. Her visor cracked, even as she staggered away. And then she was consumed by flame, the monster breathing fire at her.

Sunset staggered away, her costume covered in scorch marks before Giranbo sped towards her at lightning speed.

Autumn wasn’t having any of that, and tackled her through another building, explosions erupting around them. The kirin began punching her over, and over, each time angier than before.

Giranbo cackled, before her form shifted. In front of Autumn, a nirik, whose flames died away to reveal an earthy grey kirin, with a bush-green mane.

“You’re doing it again, Autumn!” the kirin told her. “Endangering your people!”

“No, I’m sorry Rain Shine!” Autumn whispered, clutching her head and whimpering. “I didn’t mean to!”

Giranbo shapeshifted back to her usual form and punched her.

“You’re so easily used,” she tutted. “I can read your mind, I know exactly what you fear most. All of you!”

She strode towards Robert, shapeshifting again to a man, bleeding and wearing a police officer’s uniform.

“You put me in the hospital! It was your fault you know!” the man lectured, and Robert, who was holding his sidearm dropped it in horror and disgust.

Vapor tried to rush the witch, only for her form to shift to Zen-Aku.

“Look at you, so reckless! Here you are, getting your team in trouble again!” he said. “I don’t know why I ever put my faith in you!”

“No, I’m sorry, please…” Vapor whispered.

Sunset had finally had enough, and rushed Giranbo, blade drawn. And for her, Giranbo had a special surprise in store.

“Oh Sunset,” she said in the form of Princess Celestia. “Look at you. You’re trying so hard to prove yourself. Why? It’s not like I’ll ever take you back. You disgraced yourself! I don’t know why I ever took you on as a student! You always have been and will be an evil monster! You disgust me-”

Any further rantings were cut off as Sunset punched her in the face.

“No…” Sunset growled. “You don’t get to do that. I know Celestia hates me. She probably will for a long time to come. But I’m not going to stop trying. I will make her smile at me again! Just you watch. I will burn bright one day soon! And as for you? You’re dust!”

“You can’t even stop me!” Giranbo said. “You’re in my world, remember?”

And then the clock struck 12.


“No…” Giranbo whispered, realizing what this meant.


Luna appeared, towering over her and back at full strength. Her moon cut through the mist, shining bright over the city. Little by little, Luna watched with a warm smile as the foals and fillies began to wake once again. Turning back to Giranbo, she bared her fangs.

“Welcome to my world, bitch.” Luna said, before Giranbo was turned to dust with a scream as a bright light filled the air…

Back in Ponyville, the strange pumpkin house started to follow suit, slowly withering away until not even the dust in the wind was left. Where it had once stood, a large group of foals laid knocked out in the grass.

“...man, can’t we ever have a normal holiday?” Sunset asked, groaning in pain. Yeah, her whole body ached. “I mean, I shudder to think what Hearth’s Warming is going to be like!”

“Don’t even go there!” Robert warned. “For all you know, we might end up facing the Krampus! You probably just jinxed us!”

A large crowd had formed around where the fence had been, composed of parents and older siblings, now eagerly rushing towards them. Within seconds, the entire field had been filled with loud sighs of relief and countless hugs.

It was in this mess, Sweetie felt herself pulled up and pressed against something warm. “Oh, thank Luna, you’re alright!”

“What… Where… Who?” The filly groaned, her eyes slowly opening again.

“Oh Mystic Mother, don’t you ever scare me like that again!” Rarity sobbed holding her close. “I mean, Luna told me what was going on and I… I was beside myself with worry! If the Rangers hadn’t saved you…”

“I’m never letting you go out of my sight ever again!” Robert added, holding his adoptive sister close.

Meanwhile, Pipsqueak had different things to say.

“Cor Blimey! Princess Luna, is that you?” he asked, eyes widened in shock and amazement. “You saved us! Did you see that, mates? She saved us! Princess Luna saved us!”

“Oh, I… uh…” Luna stammered as Pipsqueak barreled into her, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. “Tis nothing. It’s what anyone would have done.”

“Yeah, but you did it! You’re awesome! Top of the morning to you, Princess!” Pipsqueak said. “I’m… I’m your biggest fan by the way, can you sign something for me? Like, wow!”

Nearby, Scootaloo embraced her aunts and Apple Bloom, her sister.

The nightmare was finally over, Luna realized. Giranbo was finally dead. At least, this universe’s incarnation of her. She was still out there, worlds away. But she had faith that someone in the next universe that stumbled across her would deal with her.

Nightmares only lasted until the dawn of a brand new day after all.

12: The Suckage is Major

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After the -well, frankly- disaster that was Nightmare Night, or Halloween night or whatever they called it, Sunset had honestly been hoping for a -relatively- quiet month. That was not to be.

Wedding bells rang as November blew in with multi-colored leaves.

“Mares and gentleponies, we are gathered here today…”

Sunset had mostly tuned out the officiant’s speech, it didn’t really matter. All she wanted was this to be over with. The worst part was, she wasn’t even going to get to enjoy the cake!

“....this is truly a historic occasion,” the priest continued. “The marriage of Equestria and Earth, the joining of the mystical and the mortal realm. These two lovely young people, they have gathered us here today for a long honored union that the gods will surely praise. And today, they take their first steps into a larger world!”

Sunset heard a sob, and briefly cast a glance to see Vapor dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief.

The ranger readied herself, any minute now…

“When I met you,” her groom said. “I’d only just arrived in Equestria, I was clueless about the world around me. It was a land of mystic and magic and I was just a cop from NewTech City. But you and your friends, they took me in and they accepted me! They didn’t need to, but they gave me a secondary home, and it is an honor and a pleasure to become your wife.”

Sunset fidgeted, wanting to get this dress off. She could at least wear a coat, it was chilly. ...did they really have to do an outdoor wedding? She’d protested of course, saying it didn’t really matter but… Vapor and Autumn disagreed. It was a beautiful day, and they should take advantage of it!

“Robert Willaims,” she finally spoke, seeing the priest was looking at her worriedly. Well, he wasn’t actually a priest but a certain old warlock. “When we first met, I was a… well, I was a bitch. I still am actually, but you’re helping me work through my issues. I thought I didn’t need friends, but you proved me wrong. You and the rest! And now, here we are, yay, about to take the next step of our lives together!”

“You may kiss the bride,” said Starswirl. “I happily pronounce you husband and mare!”

They kissed, fully expecting what was to happen next to, well, happen! But it never did, and suddenly Shining checked his morpher as it beeped out a familiar pattern. He swore profusely, having heard what the stallion at the other end of the line had to say.

“Alright, pack it up ponies,” Shining said. “He didn’t go for it. He attacked the church. The Valleys, they were renewing their vows and he went after them instead. The guard managed to chase the Beast off, but the damage has been done I’m afraid!”

Alright, explanations are in order. Lately, another Dimensional Beast had been on the attack, going after wedded couples on their day of joy, and sucking them dry. He only appeared, and I mean only appeared on wedding days. Themed after a vacuum, he had Ponyville in an uproar. So, the team had decided the best defense was a good offense and staged a wedding.

Sunset sighed before tearing off the dress exposing her regular clothes underneath. Vapor looked faintly horrified, seeing the admittedly beautiful clothes ruined.

“....well, if that doesn't beat it all!” Robert groaned falling against a nearby planter’s pot, made out of cut stone. Multicolored flowers sprang out of it. “I was holding out hopes that this would work, but… Damn and blast!”

“Clearly we need a re-think,” Starswirl admitted stroking his beard.

“Clearly,” Sunset drawled. “I… I just don’t get it! We set up everything, went through the proper channels! We put out advertisements and everything! Everyone from here to Rambling Rock Ridge, basically, knew we were getting married!”

“...I’m not sure either of you sold it hard enough to be honest,” Vapor mused. “You talked about how deeply in love you were, sure, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes to be honest.”

“It fooled you didn’t it?” Sunset remarked, noticing Vapor’s still tear stained cheeks. “Your makeup is ruined by the way.”

“Yeah, but…” Vapor sighed. “Look, weddings, fake or not just get me all emotional! Every girl dreams of getting married!”

“Not me,” Sunset clarified.

“...so maybe it should have been me up on the aisle,” Vapor went on. “No, not just me! Someone I deeply care about as well!”

“You deeply care about me!” Robert muttered.

“Eh, not that kind of deeply,” Vapor shook her head. “...Maybe if Sky was here… Or, oh yeah! Maybe if the guy behind Godly Ramen was here… Or hell, just some Godly Ramen in general!”

“You can’t marry noodles,” Sunset deadpanned.

“These noodles you can!” Vapor said before taking a long, and probably deliberate slurp with an… interesting look on her face. It was kinda disturbing actually!

“Bet your boyfriend is pretty lucky, Vapes!” said a voice clearly directed to the White Ranger, and Sunset nearly jumped out of her fur as the fucking Princess of Love walked up. She looked radiant as always, it had to be a Princess thing. Sunset didn’t know why they all had to look so gorgeous, give her a leather jacket any day and she’d be happy over a dress.

She continued to speak. “But yeah, sorry, I can tell you exactly why that little ploy of yours wasn’t going to work. Simply put, Vapor was right, neither of you could sell the ‘love’ angle correctly. I mean, I can believe you’re good friends, but dating? Yeah, no. You guys failed utterly at making anyone believe you’re anything beyond ‘just good friends’. Points for effort, but you just failed to stick the landing, as it were. That’s neither of your faults but honestly? There’s really only one way you’re going to attract that beast!”

“Which is?” Shining asked, getting a sinking feeling in his stomach.

Cadence grinned. “You marry me!”

Sunset’s jaw dropped.

Cozy Glow stormed out of the Castle of Villainy or whatever His Highness was calling it nowadays.

Once again, one of her plans wasn’t being taken seriously.

“Sucking up all of the love in Ponyville?” Radiguet had laughed in her face. “How is that supposed to conquer the world? It won’t even conquer one town!”

She grimaced, that… man didn’t really know how ponies worked did he? Love was one of the most important aspects of their culture, probably even more than friendship! It was a higher evolution of friendship itself! You take that away, their resolve crumbled.

“This is your last chance,” he went on to add. “You screw this up, and it’s out the door with you!”

Fine then! This plan had to work, it would work! She’d make sure of it.

It really was a foolproof plan, here was a couple so obviously in love it was almost sickening, Sunset mused to herself.

Love had never really been her ‘thing’ but she could see this was going to work. That is, unless the monster was smart enough to suddenly question ‘why now?’ with only so much but simply a small announcement in the papers. Princess weddings were a really big deal! And the wedding of the Princess of Love was probably the biggest deal of all!

And cue the stunned little sister.

“...what do you mean you’re getting married?” Twilight gaped at her brother. “You should have told me! Like, I would have gladly helped you with… well, everything! Cadence is like a sister to me!”

“We’re not really getting married, Twily,” Shining explained. “It’s just to fool the Dimensional Beast. Nothing more!”

“Rats!” Twilight muttered before looking her brother dead in the eye. “But when you get married for real, you’re telling me in person okay? I don’t want to hear about it via a letter or an ad in the paper agreed?”

“Relax Twily, we’d never leave you out of this,” Shining chuckled at her. “Not in a million years. This may be just an act, but I promise you, when we really do get married? Nothing, not rain or snow is going to stop Cadence from becoming my bride. Not even Radiguet if he’s still around!”

“The nerve of that man!” Cadence practically fumed. “Why, having no room for love in his heart. He’s truly a horrible monster! Love is the most powerful force in the world! And he’s trying to stop it! Just for that, if he appears, and I hope he does, I’ll be kicking his flank myself!”

“You’ll be beating him… well, I don’t suppose you can beat him black and blue, he’s already halfway there,” Shining joked. “He looks like a smurf! A demented warped smurf!”

“...I’d skip the beating and straight to the banishing bit. I’d probably take a cue from my auntie. Bang, zoom, straight to the moon!” Cadence grumbled before sighing to herself sorta sadly.

“It is a bit of a shame really, isn’t it? That this wedding isn’t for real,” Cadence continued, slipping into Shining’s arms. She spoke with a wistful ‘if only’ type of tone. “I’d love to marry you, we’d have this big ceremony in Canterlot with all of our friends and family, yes even Blueblood, and it’d be truly a perfect day…”

Shining kissed her cheek.

“One day…” he mused. “One day… Till then, we have this! Consider it practice for the real deal!”

“Yeah…” Cadence smiled with a loving look in her eyes, before gently shoving him off. “Now go, shoo! Don’t you know it’s bad luck to see a bride before her wedding day?”

“I think the only ones who are about to be finding themselves struck with some bad luck will be Radiguet and his monster!” Shining smirked.

“You can deal with them, my knight in shining… well, I don’t think it’s armor anymore is it?” Cadence teased, giggling. “More like shining spandex!”

“It’s not…” Shining sighed. “...yeah, it’s spandex, explaining what it really is? Yeah, it would take too long!”

“They won’t know what hit them!” Cadence agreed. “By the way, what do you think your new name would be? Or mine? Would it be Shining Mi Amore, or Cadence Armor? ...yeah, Shining Mi Amore sounds better, I should think! Cadence Armor doesn’t sound all too different from my current name!”

Laughing, she wiped a tear from her eye.

“Besides, I’ve always worn the pants in this relationship anyways!” she went on. “Oooooooh, yeah, this creature won’t know what hit it. Between the two of us, I think we can take on the world!”

“That’s the way it’s always been,” Shining smiled, gently interlacing his fingers with her own and grasping her hand. Kissing her cheek, he said: “That’s what it’ll always be, till the end of time.”

“Oh Shiny…” Cadence said with a little wistful sigh, giving him a loving look. Kissing him passionately, she let him go after a minute or so. “You always somehow know exactly what to say!”

Pressing her forehead to his gently, their horns crackling with magic, she said: “Now go get them!”

Shoving him out the door, Shining was met with Sunset.

“It is a bit of a shame really, I’ll agree with Lovebutt,” Sunset sighed. “You two do look so happy together. Hell, maybe after this you should just elope!”

“...since when are you playing shipper, I thought that was my marefriend’s job?” Shining asked, surprised.

“Okay, yeah, it is, but dear Mystic Mother, you looked like someone had killed your kitten,” Sunset said. “As a friend, I can’t just see you looking so mopey. Plus, as your team leader I can’t see it either, you being so down in the dumps? It affects the team dynamics, I’d rather you be worried about the monsters than you moping about your marefriend.”

“So you’re just being practical,” Shining commented.

“No, I’m just being your best bud,” Sunset said slinging an arm around him. “If it means I miss the hen night, eh, I’ll deal. I can party my flank off any day. Buuuuuut seeing you look so stupidly sad is just… well, it’s sad. My advice, marry that mare. For real!”

“I’l… I’ll think about it,” Shining mused. “But yeah, right now I’ll be worried about the Vacuum Beast.”

“That’s the spirit!” Sunset grinned, clapping a hand to his back.

Soon after that, Cadence found herself being fitted.

“Alas, this isn’t my best work, as it’s so short notice but…” Rarity said, fiddling with a dress she’d put together for Cadence. “But this isn’t a real wedding so… I suppose it’s excusable! Ideally, I’d love to do my all, give you the wedding dress to end all dresses but… well!”

“You did perfectly fine work,” the Princess reassured, spinning, her dress a dark blue with a chrysanthemum in her mane. It was ruffled, almost resembling a flamenco dress in some regards. Okay, yeah if you looked closely you could tell it was thrown together quickly but Rarity had clearly given as much as she could give under short notice. “I may have to employ you for the real thing!”

“Ohhhhhh, that would be wonderful!” Rarity squealed, clapping her hands together excitedly. Realizing how she must have looked to her customer, she quickly composed herself. “I mean, yes, that would be quite a fine thing. Simply marvelous. It would be my honor and my pleasure.”

“I may drop a hint that you designed this one as well,” Cadence smiled gratefully. “It’s the least you’d deserve after taking time out of your life to help us with this plan!”

“No! You really shouldn’t!” Rarity laughed nervously. “I was just doing my duty as a citizen of Equestria. Believe you me, I want that monster stopped just as much as… well, probably not just as much as you dear, but he still needs to go! Trying to exterminate love, how so uncouth of him! What a terrible person he must be, to live life with no love for love!”

Sunset, behind her in a fitting room, winced slightly.

Cadence noticed the mare’s uncomfortable shift of her hooves, and sent her a sympathetic look.

“I mean, nobody has to get married…” Cadence said. “I know, it’s odd coming from me of all ponies, but you don’t actually have to fall in love. It’s a joy and a pleasure, but it’s not strictly necessary.”

Sunset peeked out of the curtains and smiled at the Princess.

“...oh, you mean…?” Rarity realized and a look made its way to her face. “...oh wow, now I feel terrible. I’ve heard of Aromanticism and I’ve tried to be understanding about it, and yet here I am, trash-talking ponies who are like that! ...oh, you must think me horrible!”

“It’s a simple mistake, that’s all,” Cadence said. “What’s important is that you acknowledge and understand your mistake, and you move forwards from it. That’s all!”

“Yes…” Rarity nodded. “It was a foolish mistake on my part, and I won’t make it ever again!”

She then turned her gaze back to Sunset.

“Darling, are you done in there? You’ve been taking an awfully long time…” she pondered. “Chop chop! Time is not on our side I’m afraid!”

“Coming!” Sunset shouted, before striding out in what was basically a cocktail dress. Rarity clapped her hands together.

“Marvelous!” she proclaimed. “Simply marvelous!”

“Black is always in season,” Sunset grinned. “My only regrets are that there’s no hen night, and I probably won’t be able to savor the cake! Damn Dimensional Beasts! Just for that, I’m probably blasting him with the Striker Cannon myself!”

“Not if I get to him first!” Cadence grumbled. “He’s forcing me to do a whole fake wedding, when I only want to marry my Shiny for real!”

“Oh, okay then! Whoever blows him up first? The one who doesn’t, they buy drinks for the rest of us!” Sunset grinned. “Be warned, you are going to regret challenging me to this! I blow up monsters for a living and all!”

“We’ll see!” Cadence laughed.

Meanwhile, Rarity had other concerns. Prying a cup of ramen out of Vapor’s hands, she glared harshly at her. “Honestly, you’re going to get broth all over your nice dress!”

“...my noodles…” Vapor whined, and tried to reach for them only for Rarity to swat her hand away.

“You’ll get them back after the wedding’s over!” Rarity glared. “Honestly, they’re not even that nutritious…”

“But they’re a godsend!” Vapor proclaimed. “They’re even called Godly Ramen!”

“Ramen’s ramen,” Rarity said with a shrug. “It’s all the same to me.”

With a sigh, she set the noodles well out of Vapor’s reach before wiping a bead of sweat off her brow.

“...good grief, I knew this is only ‘for the cameras’ and all, but honestly! This is exhausting!” Rarity mused to herself. “I dread the day I’ll have to do a real wedding!”

Robert strode into the kitchen, in a nicely pressed suit, and gave her a comforting smile. “You could hire some assistants, just a suggestion. You don’t have to do it all alone! Nobody would blame you!”

“...but I’m one of the best fashionistas in the land,” Rarity argued. “Only I know how to properly dress a pony!”

“So, you just do the designs. You know how a pony’s attire should look,” Robert said. “Get some other ponies to help out just with the fittings! I’d help even, not really something I know a lot about, but I can probably pick it up on the fly. I do know how to get someone into a dress.”

“You, why would you…” Rarity said before she remembered, flushing a bright red. “Oh, right.”

“Not something I’ve ever been eager to do again, but I still remember how!” Robert chuckled. “Trust me, I think between the two of us? I think we’ve got this. Robert and Rarity!”

“No no dearie, Rarity and Robert. My name goes first, always.”

“...yeah, I suppose it does.”

Cadence, unlike Sunset, wasn't inclined to get a cold from the November chill, so she’d rented a church. It wasn’t exactly the world’s best church, but as Churches of Megan went? It was nice enough. Plus, no Elvis Impersonators! (Robert had half-jokingly suggested that and Cadence had nearly banished him to the moon instead! No spangled jumpsuits would be anywhere near her wedding, fake or no!)

“Dearly beloved,” Starswirl read. “We are gathered here today for a union long in waiting. Princess Cadence Mi Amore and Captain Shining Armor have joined us under the Mystic Mother’s sun to come together as husband and wife.”

Vapor blew her nose loudly.

“...it’s fake, you do know that right?” Sunset pointed out. “It’s basically like watching a wedding on a movie, they’re all acting!”

“But that…” Vapor blew her nose again, her makeup starting to run. “But that doesn’t make it any less real! And look at them, can you honestly tell me that for them, this is fake?”

Sunset glanced at the two, and saw the equal amounts of love in their eyes. Not even she could deny it.

“Cadence, when I met you, I was but a teenager. Scraggly really, and a bit stupid. Like, I don’t even know what you saw in me, but… you fell in love with me anyways. I don’t know if it was because I was related to Twily, or something else but… here we are today! You’ve been with me since thick and thin. My entire life has been marked by change. From when I was a kid to when I was an adult, things were always changing. From a foal dreaming of being a hero, to a simple rank and file member of the Royal Guard, to the Captain! And now I’m a hero. And you’ve been with me… well, pretty much every step of the way. You’re the one pony I can count on above all else, I don’t even trust my men as much as I do you. I love you Cadence, and I’d be honored to be your husband.”

And then Cadence said her vows. “At first, I admit, I didn’t think you were worth my time. You were just Twilight’s brother. But time and again, you proved to be a good man. Twilight wanted to be a ballerina once, remember? I remember taking her to so many classes, but on her big day, she froze. Then, she saw you. You cheered her on, actually you’d often danced with her. You got up and danced with her, and honestly? That’s when I knew there was something different about you, compared to the other stallions I’d met over the years. Your drive, your determination to do right, and be with your family through thick and thin? That is what made me fall in love with you, and I’d be honored to be your wife.”

The whole church thundered with applause as they exchanged rings, several mares and not just Vapor had been crying.

Pressing their horns together, the two kissed. And that’s when all hell broke loose.

The doors of the church exploded, splinters flying even as Sunset, Rarity and Twilight threw up shields to protect the guests. Sunset then wept up a wall of water, a miniature tsunami really, washing Reverser mooks even as the Vacuum Beast leaped over the tidal wave.

It was basically a walking shop vac, the kind you’d probably rent from a store. It bore tubes for limbs, and was bright red, ironically like a heart. It didn’t speak, not really. It roared with the sound of a deafening vacuum’s engine.

“GET EVERYONE OUT!” Shining echoed over the sounds of the monster, using magic to enhance his voice. “NOW!”

Guards like Flash Sentry ushered ponies out, as Starswirl teleported them away. Robert directed everything, gesturing them to exits.

Sunset dodged a swing from the monster, attempting to suck her close to steal any love she might have had. Her knee shot up, nailing the creature in the groin. Slamming her fists into the creature, they blazed with light. Cartwheeling backwards, she joined her team.

“And here I thought the earth didn’t start shaking till after the wedding!” Autumn drawled before tossing a church pew at the creature, only to watch as it was swatted aside. The creature barreled forwards, smashing her through a wall and out onto the front lawn.

Dusting herself off, Autumn let out a yelp as she dodged a swing from the creature. Reversers swarmed her position.

From the trees, Cozy watched the proceedings. Well, this was going better than she’d actually expected! Sure, the others weren’t going to help her, but she didn’t need them! Her latest monster would suck the entirety of Ponyville dry.

Love wasn’t just in the romantic sense after all… With Ponyville, the town that championed friendship and acceptance to all sucked dry? The rest of Equestria would fall easily, demoralized!

And then she could establish herself as the local regient! She’d finally have all that she wanted. Love, power, glory! And nobody, not even the Rangers could stop her.

Radiguet simply didn’t understand. To stop the Rangers, you had to strike at their heart. Forget blowing them sky high with idiotic plans or going to the battlefield yourself! You just had to perform some simple acts of sabotage!

Cozy was willing to play the long game, Radiguet wanted results instantly. That, alas, is why he’d always lose in the end. He simply just didn’t have the patience for a good plan. Neither of those two idiots did.

Let the Rangers think they were all-powerful. She had big plans for them.

Big plans!

The little filly cackled as she rubbed her hands together. They didn’t even know half of what she had in store. Radiguet didn’t. Gray didn’t. The Rangers most certainly didn’t! But oh boy would they be surprised when she unveiled the true genius in her plan.

Radiguet would be groveling at her feet. He’d be sorry for doubting her. All of Equestria would be. Now, all she had to do was sit back and watch the fireworks!

Sunset flipped in her dress, landing on the grass and dodging a slash from one of the Reversers. Spinning, she summoned her sword and slashed another down. Calling for the Falcon Summoner, she fired off several shots from it.

And then she heard the roar, and her face met vacuum as she felt her energy begin to go. It sucked away at her, and try as she might she couldn’t rip it away. She was beginning to feel limp, actually…

And then from out of nowhere, came Robert leaping off a refreshments table with fist drawn back. Slamming his fist into the monster, he watched it stagger and release Sunset, knees a bit wobbly.

“...nobody touches my wife.” he said.

“We weren’t even officially married!” Sunset laughed.

“Oh, but a man can dream…” the Black Ranger teased her.

“Don’t let Rarity hear that…” Sunset said with a wag of her finger before she yelped and ducked to avoid a sword slash.

Spinning away, she back-handed another Reverser before tackling the one who’d tried to decapitate her.

“...she’s so going to ruin Rarity’s dress, and then where will we be?” Robert muttered, side-stepping a Reverser’s sword. Grabbing it by the arm, he twisted it with a sickening crack sound. Sunset leaped into his arms, and he spun her as she summoned their respective sidearms to her grip, blasting any Reverser in sight.

For Cadence, she was battling like in she was a dance whirling around like a ballerina with elegant poise and grace tossing magic blasts right and left. Writhing out of the way of the Vacuum Beast, she shoved it backwards with a thrust from her palm.

The battle progressed back into the church with Sunset and Cadence sharing a look before they set about clearing the room. Sunset grabbed a mook and did a spinning head scissor bringing it to the ground before watching in awe at what happened next.

Cadence was spinning an incense burner around like it was a frail. Using it to crack some skulls, she continued spinning it to use it as a makeshift shield against enemy swords. Finally, the Princess of Love let it fly and it slammed straight into the Vacuum Beast’s head.

“...ouch, I thought you were supposed to be the ‘nice’ Princess,” Sunset said, wincing yet slightly turned on.

“Didn’t you hear?” Cadence asked. “Love hurts!”

Sunset let out a cry of ‘duck!’ before Cadence dived to the floor to avoid a roundhouse kick from the Red Ranger, watching her hoof slam into another Reverser.

“...and that’s me barely breaking a sweat!” Sunset grinned, cracking her knuckles. “By and by, Lovebutt? If you and Shining are ever up for a threesome…”

“Don’t get too ahead of yourself, Sunny,” Cadence grinned.

“But it’s still an option right?” Sunset said backflipping behind a church pew, and shoving it forwards, knocking more mooks to the floor.

“...hmmm, let me see if I can convince Shiny, okay?” Cadence said spinning and blasting another Reverser. “It’ll be tricky, but I think I can squeeze you in!”

“Oh, there will be plenty of squeezing!” Sunset cackled, pulling the rug -literally- out from underneath a group of Reversers. A great wind filled the room and suddenly the two mares realized. An ill wind blew them off their hooves, the dimensional beast striking back with a vengeance.

“...right, enough of this. He’s so going down!” Sunset decided calling for her morpher in a flash of light.

“Not if I get to him first!” Cadence said, with a look in the beast’s direction. “He ruined my wedding!”

“I thought this was only a fake one,” Sunset commented as the other Rangers joined her.

“I’m beginning to reconsider…” Cadence mused taking a step back as she knew the Rangers’ morphs tended to be explosive by all accounts.

Watching them go through their transformation, or rather watching her husband go through his transformation? It did things to Cadence she could barely even describe. Here he was, not just a knight in shining armor but a real life superhero! And she could always count on him to be there for her.

“With the speed of a swallow! Power Ranger Blue!” Shining proclaimed, drawing his sword as it shone in the evening sun.

The others went through their respective poses, and suddenly Cadence got an idea.

“Hey, can just anyone join?” Cadence asked. “Because I dunno, I watched a lot of Magical Filly shows when I was a kid, the ones from Neighpon? And they were pretty fun…”

“...well, uh…” Shining said scratching his head. He shrugged. “I mean…”

“Oh, let me do this! Our first venture as husband and wife!” Cadence said, practically bouncing in place from excitement.

“I say let her, this ought to be good!” Sunset grinned.

“My heart’s in it! Princess of Love, coming at you!” Cadence grinned doing a little curtsy. “You’re all going to love the justice I’m going to bring down upon you~!”

“Right… anyways…” Shining coughed, clearing his throat as the Vacuum Beast let out another roar. A great gust of wind blew them all back out of the church, sprawling them across the lawn.

It was a lot harder to land a blow on the monster than you might have expected. Between avoiding the monster sucking them dry, or just plain blowing them away, it was next to impossible to land a blow on the beast.

Finally, Cadence had enough, raising the ground beneath it and tossing the monster into the treeline. It fought back with equal gusto, and brought gusts of wind that Cadence could only brace against. She swore it was going to drive her deaf at this rate!

“Hey, suck on this!” Sunset called, bowstrings drawn back before she let arrows fly. The monster staggered, and Cadence spun summoning a sword to her hands. Robert blinked, realizing it was his sword she’d stolen from him and he was now without a weapon.

“Hey, you could have at least taken Autumn’s…” he muttered. “Not like she ever uses it anyways!”

Together, Cadence and Shining struck slashing into the monster’s hide. It roared in pain, but the humiliation wasn’t over yet.

Sunset was doing as promised, and leaping at the monster with the massive Striker Cannon in hand. “From me to you, the Great Bazooka of Love!” Sunset called, aiming the cannon square at the monster. “And after this, I'm going to be drinking the hot milk of victory!”

All of this was said with a wily grin under her helm.

“...oh sure, if it was a guy we’d all get complaints of compensating for something,” Robert muttered with a roll of his eyes as he watched her blow the creature away. “But when a mare does it…”

And then up the monster went, growing to the size of a mountain.

But nobody needed to bother summoning their mecha, as Cadence grasped Shining’s hand with her horn sparking to life. “Well, I’ve heard you like to suck away a pony’s love. The very thing that makes them live for each and every day. Their friendships, their crushes, the ability to care for their husbands, wives, and partners! I hate that. You’re an abomination without a heart. And I actually pity you because of that. But now it’s time for you to go.”

Shining’s horn glowed as well, and together they seemed to glow as bright as the sun before up went the monster, the explosion actually resembling a heart.

“...huh, second time in a few weeks a Princess just saved our butts,” Autumn mused. “Do I discern a trend?”

“I hope so!” Sunset said, taking off her helmet to watch as the now husband and wife duo kissed. “Like, wow! ...I wonder if we can get her a morpher.”

“Hush, you’re spoiling the moment!” Vapor shushed her.

And it was indeed a great moment.

“...relax okay?” Sunset said to a nervous Shining, helping him into his carriage. Unlike a traditional horse and buggy, this was powered by a crackling orb of magic. “While you’re gone on your honeymoon, we can hold down the fort. So we’re one Ranger down, no biggie! I can carry the weight!”

“Or rather your ego can,” Shining teased. “I’m going to miss you.”

“Oh, so you do care!” Sunset laughed. “You and your wife, you have fun okay? And hey, if you’re ever feeling like you need some extra ‘fun’, well!”

Shining made an odd strangled sound, somewhat like a squawk but not really. Sunset laughed her head off.

“...you’re insatiable, you know that right?” Shining groaned knowing Sunset was probably teasing him. Probably.

“I dunno… I can kinda get behind the idea…” Cadence mused, rubbing her chin in thought and seemingly appraising Sunset with a glance.

“...as long as one of you gets behind me!” Sunset laughed. “Either you or Lovebutt, I’m not picky!”

“...you really don’t have an ounce of shame do you?” Shining said with a deadpan look.

“Meh,” Sunset shrugged. “I just like to enjoy life while I can! But really, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You and your wife, just enjoy your honeymoon okay? Any monsters show up, well, we’ve got them covered! Now hurry up, you don’t want to get to your hotel late!”

Making a ‘hurry along’ motion with her hands, she basically shoved the two of them inside the carriage and slammed the door. She basically kicked it into life, and watched it slowly trundle down the lane.

“Well, off into the sunset they go,” Sunset smiled. “Bit of a cliche, bit corny, but sometimes the cliches work I guess!”

“...they make a very sweet couple, don’t they?” Rarity remarked. “Oh, one day, I’d be so happy to be swept off my feet by a dashing Prince… Oh well, maybe someday. A mare can dream right?”

And Robert didn’t know why he had that odd sensation in his gut…

Cozy had been thrown out of the castle in disgrace.

Her plan was clearly a failure, at least to Radiguet.

“We did warn you! Screw this plan up, and you’re out of the castle! So, in the words of a great author, so long and thanks for all of the fish!” Radiguet had cackled, as he picked her up by the scruff of her neck and tossed her bodily out the front gate. He cackled as she landed in the mud outside, her dress now ruined. His thugs jeered her, laughing from the windows. Oh, how the mighty had fallen! “I wish I could say I’m going to miss you, but I think not! Honestly, how did you expect to beat the Princess of Love at her own game, huh? You’re so astoundingly stupid it simply astounds me! You’ve failed me one time too often, you’ve got a lot to learn about the villain game. Go see Queen Chrysalis, maybe she can teach you! But I certainly don’t want you around! Let me pontificate upon your sorry state, and so for your information, I'll reiterate, you're only second rate!”

The gates slammed shut with a loud thud! And then up came the drawbridge. Cozy pulled herself out of her disgrace, and sighed. Well, it was to be expected. Radiguet would never be able to understand her game, nor did she really want him to.

So, slowly but surely she trudged through the forest as lightning flashed above. This was a setback, but she could rise above it. She had another plot going on, one Radiguet wasn’t even aware of. And boy neither he nor the Rangers would ever see it coming! The wheels were already in motion, and if that failed… well, she’d go from there!

“Tossed you out, huh?” a voice said in her mind, as cold as the winter's bane, and yet Cozy welcomed it.

“Yes, well, we both knew it was coming!” she remarked. “But not to worry, I’ve got other plans. We’ve got other plans. Don’t we… Lord Zephyrus?”

13: No Serial Killers Here!

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Right from the moment he woke up, Shining knew today was going to be different. He wasn’t sure why, but he just had that sort of feeling.

Honestly? He was still on that sort of high he’d been on since last week, he was married now! Every morning was a joy, waking up to his still slumbering wife, arms still wrapped around her and occasionally clothes still tossed aside from the previous night’s lovemaking. Alas, as much as he always wanted to, he couldn’t stay wrapped in her arms forever, trapped in that moment. He was the Captain of the Royal Guard and a Prince -a Prince now! That was going to take some getting used to, being Captain had been weird enough- of Equestria meaning he had responsibilities.

“Mhmmmm, come back to bed Shiny…” Cadence murmured as he stole away from her arms. She rolled over onto her chest, tugging the covers closer to her nude form.

He briefly considered taking her up on her offer, but alas the day ahead of him didn’t allow such frivolities. So, he dressed himself, and quickly prepared some blueberry pancakes dashed with whipped cream -his wife’s favorite, obviously! Wife! He’d never thought he’d say that!- before grabbing his armor. Carefully, piece by piece he put it on, with each part being handled delicately like you would a lover.

Leaving a handwritten note behind, he opened the front door of Cadence’s… well, house wouldn’t be the right word. It was more like a classic Prench château really! Guards had been posted around every inch, clad not in gold but in silver with tourmaline detailings.

They saluted as he passed them by, before saluting again as in a flash of light appeared the great warlock himself, Starswirl.

“I assume your new marriage is treating you well, Prince Armor?” Starswirl greeted, like that of a grandfather asking how the lives of his grandchildren were going.

“Incredibly!” Shining said, albeit confused why Starswirl was even here. “I never thought I’d actually be married to Cadence, but… here I am! It’s amazing, it’s like I’m high on cocaine but better. And you know… not needing to arrest myself and oh dear I’m rambling.”

“No, it’s fine. Young love is an incredible thing, it reminds me of the time when…” Starswirl trailed off stroking his beard. Sighing sadly, he said: “...I suppose it doesn’t really matter now does it? In any event, I have something that you and Sunset must undergo. A trial, for the two of you!”

“A trial?” Shining questioned.

“Yes, quite!” Starswirl said with a nod as he took him aside, out of earshot. “A trial. The bond between Red and Blue, as I understand it, is an important one. It must be kept up regularly, as the leader and the second in command must function under any kind of pressure, regularly. So that is why I am sending the two of you on a little retreat, a test of your abilities!”

“But what about…?” Shining pondered, looking towards his, his, guards.

“Don’t you worry none,” Starswirl reassured. “I have an idea of how to handle them. Temporarily, I shall be placing a rising star in charge. I believe he needs the experience, and I know this shall help bring out his full potential.”

“...alright, who did you put in charge?” Shining asked.

“A young lad, Flash Sentry,” Starswirl said and Shining’s brain briefly screeched to a grinding halt. Flash!?! ...well, admittedly the kid wasn’t terrible and he believed in justice and the letter of the law so… “He’s eager, and willing to learn the tools of the trade. He has potential, I just believe he needs that extra push.”

“Well, I can’t exactly argue that he’s a terrible choice, because I do see the spark in him. I’d just wish he’d had a bit of extra tutoring before you put him on the spot.”

“Sometimes,” Starswirl said with a smile. “We rise best to the challenge when put under pressure!”

And so it was, he and Sunset found themselves transported to a strange world perhaps even more fantastical than Equestria itself. Life and energy filled the air, dragons racing through the sky. An endless expanse of blue skies stretched before them, clear as only a fairytale could provide. Mountains raised themselves off in the distance, growing taller than you could ever think possible and the lands were impossibly green. A world of wonder, Starswirl had called it, something only books could dream up.

Starswirl’s portal closed up behind him, folding shut like a book. In his hands, he held a strange device, almost like a magician’s wand but a brilliant burning orange with emerald green highlights. He then tossed it impossibly far, but a twinkle in the distance. “Your task is simple! That item I have just tossed, Ton amour brûlant, has been enchanted with a spell. As soon as you locate it, it shall transport you back home. Be warned, your path is long and treacherous and Ton amour brûlant shall most certainly be guarded! Best wishes to the both of you, I however cannot stay. A wizard goes where he is needed, and Ponyville is now down two Rangers to defend it so I shall be on the team in your stead. Safe travels, and may Faust and the Mystic Mother be with you!”

And just like that, he was gone.

“...well, I’ve always wanted to go hiking, I suppose!” Sunset said, keeping her chin up. “Never was allowed to go camping when I was a filly. One of the many pleasures I’ve missed while under Celestia’s intense schooling!”

“Princess Celestia.” Shining corrected out of habit.

“I’ll call her Princess again when I feel I’m worthy to do that,” Sunset sighed, rubbing the back of her head with her hand, running her fingers through her mane. “Until then… She’s just my ex-teacher and I’m her horrible failure of a student. How the mighty shall fall! But maybe one day, I’ll be worthy of her love again. Until then…”

“I’m sure she’s proud of you again already,” Shining reassured.

“...keep telling me that, and maybe I’ll start to believe it!” Sunset scoffed, rather bitterly before looking towards the deep forest ahead of them. Grabbing a stick, she melded it into a proper hiking tool with her magic. “Now let’s get moving, it looks like paradise now sure, but who knows what happens after darkness falls?”

The two strode across the fields and into the forest, not really sure what to expect. For that matter, they didn’t know what was currently going on back home. They had no doubt Starswirl and the rest of their team could handle any threats, but… it just felt wrong leaving them behind like that.

Best not to think about it!

“...so, you didn’t have a great childhood did you?” Shining said. “No camping trips, nothing like Nightmare Night apparently either, given what Robert and Vapor said to me.”

“Nah, wasn’t really my thing! Believe it or not, before I was, well, all this,” Sunset said, gesturing to herself in an exaggerated manner. “I wasn’t the ball of fun I am today! I was focused on my studies, I wanted to be like Starswirl, or Celestia. A truly great sorceress. Too much ambition, too little free-wheeling! Maybe if I’d made actual friends at the time, I wouldn’t have grown up to be such a power hungry brat. Hindsight’s 2020 right?”

Again, another bitter laugh, and Shining suddenly felt the urge to give the mare a hug. And he did, clutching her in a side hug.

“...don’t tell my wife I did that, okay?” Shining asked, flushing a beet red.

“Hahahah, oh if I had my way we’d be doing more than ‘just’ hugging!” Sunset laughed. “Like, loving, touching, squeezing. The whole deal, the whole nine yards. Because good grief you two are… wow, you got blessed.”

“Can… can you not do that?” Shining asked.

“Sorry. Force of habit,” Sunset admitted.

“What is it with you and sex, anyways?” Shining had to ask. He had his own theories, but it would be nice to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.

“Sex is fun? Who doesn’t like sex?” Sunset remarked, strange bubbles in the air as they walked through the mystical forest. “I mean, you like sex. You’re ought to, given who you married. It’s not exactly Forelock Hooves levels of deduction. Me, I guess I’m just making up for years spent in a convent basically. Alas, spending too much time with your nose in a book does wonders for your social life!”

“...I just hope my little sister doesn’t turn out like you,” Shining said with a laugh. “As fun as you are, I’m not entirely sure I’m behind the idea of my sister flirting with anyone and everyone. Not that I’m sure she would, given she’s just only recently learning how to make friends but you get my point!”

“Well, it’s a short walk from friendship to casually banging to romance!” Sunset laughed but shrugged. “But yeah, I get your point. You’re a good brother Shining Armor. I haven’t met your sister only but a few times, but she looks up to you. Like, probably even more than she does to Celestia, which it must be said, is saying quite a bit! It’s actually a shame you can’t tell her who you moonlight as, like she’d be over the moon!”

“Secret identities and all!” Shining said. “...though I’m beginning to feel ours are the worst kept secrets in the world. Like, someone’s bound to have seen us change, and you do know how ponies in this town love to talk…”

“You want to threaten them or something?” Sunset grinned. “Because I hear that works wonders!”

“Heavens no! That’d be an abuse of power!” Shining glared back at her.

“...I swear, you’re way too easy to tease,” Sunset laughed.

“For a bonding mission, we’re doing more bitching at each other than actually bonding!” Shining observed.

“...I’m pretty sure that’s par for the course really!” Sunset teased. “Heard of the Red Oni, Blue Oni thing? Well, meet the Red Ranger, Blue Ranger thing.”

“I… actually haven’t.” Shining admitted.

“...oh, right, I’m not surprised. You don’t spend as much time with your head stuck in a book as I ever did. Or still do actually, when you’re under house arrest, one has nothing but time…” Sunset sighed.

“For what it’s worth, I am sorry that is how you’ve been treated,” Shining apologized. “I shall endeavor to correct that mistake! Grievous error on all of our parts really, I think you’ve paid for your crimes.”

“...maybe,” Sunset shrugged, again running a hand through her mane nervously.

“You’re a better mare than when we started out,” Shining said, reassuringly. “I don’t actually distrust you like I did when we first started. Strange how facing danger together changes a relationship.”

“Yes, strange indeed!” Sunset grinned before their laughter filled the forest.

“And just for the record?” Shining corrected her. “I actually do put my nose in a book from time to time.”

“Comic books hardly count!” Sunset snorted.

“‘Cuse you, but the Mysterious Adventures of the Mare Do Well is just as riveting as anything Daring Do goes though!” Shining replied. “I was on the edge of my seat with the last issue! Imagine, the Metropolitan Marvel broken!”

And then something roared in the background, Shining and Sunset stopping in their tracks.

“...and if I don’t shut up, I might be the broken one…” Shining whispered, lighting up his horn and scanning the forest. Something was moving about in the undergrowth, going unseen in the darkened thickets. One hand was ready to go for his blade, and with a flick of the wrist he could easily summon his morpher.

“...yeah, here’s the stuff they don’t put in the travel brochure,” Sunset mused. “Come to Paradise, where you most certainly won’t get eaten alive!”

She cracked a grin.

“Bet that would do wonders for the tourist industry!”

She wondered how the rest of her team was getting along. Surely they were doing better… right?

For the record, Flash Sentry was in, just a bit, over his head. Not one single member of the guard listened to him! He tried barking orders but…

“Face front!” he said, not all too confidently. “Till Prince Armor gets back from his super secret mission, I am your Captain and your commanding officer!”

“Secret mission?” one of his fellow guards mocked. “More like an all exclusive love getaway! He’s lapsing in his duties, with him and the Princess of Love and their little concubines sneaking off for a sexication!”

“P-Prince Armor would never do that!” Flash stuttered out, only encouraging more laughter. “He is a loyal countryman! He would never leave his fellow troops, his nation, high and dry!”

“You don’t sound like you believe that,” said the mocking guard, named Platinum Sabaton. He was from a rich family, probably shoved off to boot camp because he’d been an embarrassment somehow. “Where’s that confidence, Sentry? If you truly believed your own words, you’d sound sure of them!”

“That’s it, several laps around the base, march!” Flash spat out, though not really with the force required to make them listen.

“Then you should join us!” another guard, Steeltoe commented. “You’re not our captain, you’re just someone picked in his stead while Shining sexes up his wife!”

“That’s enough!” Flash barked, suddenly finding his confidence. “I can handle slights against my own character, but not against our precious captain! Sabaton, Steeltoe, five laps around the base! Now march! Move those hooves!”

He blew his whistle sharply several times to emphasize his point. Flash took a hint of pride at the looks on Steel and Platinum’s faces.

Grumbling the two walked off, and Flash nodded to himself, assured in the fact that -maybe- he had this.

“...wow,” said an older guard, going grey in his mane. Flash recognized him as one of those who’d been tasked with guarding Sunset’s home. But he swore he’d seen him somewhere else before. He just wasn’t sure where. “Didn’t know you had it in you, Sentry.”

“I… I guess they just touched a nerve, I suppose…” Flash murmured. “I’m really not sure what came over me!”

“Agh, the new recruits have yet to really have an ounce of respect drilled into them, it’s rare you see them listen at first,” the older guard admitted. “Wet around the ears! Give them time, and proper marches, and they learn but at this stage…”

“You’re Colossal Pillar, Prince Armor’s predecessor!” Flash realized in a gasp, snapping his fingers in recognition as it finally hit him. “Oh my Mystic Mother, like wow! You’re a legend! I… I need to shake your hand!”

After that was over and done with, Flash was beaming and whispering: “...I’ll never wash this hand again…”

“Walk with me kid,” Colossal said striding towards a nearby vending machine. Slotting some coins in, he waited till two drinks tumbled out. Popping one open, he began drinking. “You’ve got potential, both me and Starswirl recognize this.”

“You… you and Starswirl? Wha…?” Flash whispered. “You’re joking!”

“I never joke,” Colossal said. “I helped him set this whole thing up. Shining’s off, in actuality, to give two Rangers proper training, help them forge their bond a bit more.”

“...he only gets even more amazing…” Flash whispered. “Training the Power Rangers!”

“Stick with me kid, focus!” Colossal said, snapping his fingers. “Yes, yes I know it’s amazing but your mind needs to be in the here and now, not focusing on whatever Shining’s doing. That’s the only way you’re going to earn their respect.”

“...the other guards, right…” Flash sighed.

“We chose you, out of all the other candidates because we saw the potential in you. Your love for justice, the law. They’re admirable qualities perfect for the next generation of guards, even if in a year we’re at peace again. You are the ideal guard!” Colossal said poking his protege in the chest. “Don’t prove us wrong eh?”

“YES SIR!” Flash’s hand shot up on instinct, saluting the older stallion.

“Good, there’s hope for you yet, now…” Colossal’s eyes widened before he shoved the young guard to the ground. “DUCK KID!”

And then, the vending machine spouted arms and legs before twin horns erupted from it, a new Dimensional Beast born and ready to wreak havoc. It cackled, red eyes glowing as it marched forwards, shooting coins like bullets. Flash grabbed his shield, battered by tiny silver coins. It was even dented, and then the beast fired an actual can like a shotgun at him. His helmet went flying, and the can beaned him in the head.

“...oh mamma mia, anyone see the number of that chariot that hit me…?” Flash groaned out, before he was slammed into a wall by Colossal, chains of magic holding him in place. “WHAT THE?”

Then he saw the look in the elder unicorn’s eyes, or the lack of it. His eyes were totally blank, devoid of emotion. It was like he was a slave to someone else’s whims. No, not someone, Flash realized getting angry. Something. The Dimensional Beast, it must have… Oh god, how many ponies had drunk from that one machine?

...apparently quite a few, given the zombified minions beginning to gather. Oh crap.

Eventually, Flash managed to break himself free from Colossal’s chains, socking him across the face. Muttering apologies, he worked out his situation. It wasn’t a good one.

Grabbing his shield, Flash honestly wasn’t sure what he could do. It wasn’t like he could harm his fellow pony, they were just brainwashed. It wasn’t like they were those reverser things! “Oh boy, you’ve really stepped in it this time, eh Sentry? Like, wow! Not what I expected to be dealing with when I woke up this morning. Okay, how would Shining… woah!”

He dodged a slash from the Vending Machine Beast’s claws, and without his shield he suspected he would have been ripped open. “Okay, focus Sentry! They’re not your main problem here! It’s that thing!”

What he wouldn’t give to have Ranger powers!

“...so what would Prince Shining, okay still getting used to that, do here? Think, Sentry, think!”

He had to keep these guys away from everyone else, Mystic Mother only knew what that Beast would have them do. Gripping his sword, he sliced down two trees, blocking the ‘zombies’ paths.

The dimensional beast just slashed through the obstruction with his massive claws.

“...right.” Flash said before he was forced to hold his shield up as once again the monster shot cans at him like missles. He imagined he only had a minute or so before the cans smashed his shield to pieces. And then, like an angel came the Yellow Owl Ranger, teleporting in before smashing through the cans with a flurry of punches.

Colossal tried to rush her, only to be gently thrown to the ground.

“Sorry we’re late,” she said, helping him up. “You alright, Captain Sentry?”

“Yeah, though the Captain title is something I’m going to have to get used to,” Flash admitted. “Not that I’ll be keeping it after today, imagine! Me being the first Captain of the Guard who got practically his whole squad brainwashed!”

“Eh, happens to the best of us,” the Yellow Ranger said as White and Black arrived soon afterwards. “I for one, am tired of the monsters with this as their gimmick. Really sick and tired!”

Grumbling more to herself, the Yellow Ranger turned to Flash. “You, get out of here. It’s too dangerous.”

“No,” Flash stated firmly. “He got my mentor under his thrall. I’m going to get him back.”

Shoving his shield forwards, he blocked a huge number of coins that otherwise would have ripped into skin drawing blood. But the problem was, there were way too many ponies under the Vending Machine Beast’s sway to worry about. They couldn’t even get to their master!

“Nice sentiment, but…” the Yellow Ranger said. “But you’ve got to get to hornhead first!”

“...anyone got a plan?” the White Ranger asked. “I’d shoot the guy, but I’m too worried about hitting one of his minions! ...oh, why couldn’t he just use reversers like all the rest?”

“I’ve got a plan, it’s something I’ve never tried before, but…” the Yellow Ranger trailed off. “It’s worth a shot. I’ve got a horn under his helmet, so I’ve got magic right?”

And just like that, after a few moments of agonizing painful nothing, they found themselves on the other side of town…

Gray allowed himself a rare smile as he overlooked Canterlot. All was going according to plan. The Rangers could never harm innocent civilians.

Today would be a surefire victory, all of his calculations pointed towards it.

Now, he had to soften them up for the final blow. Snapping his fingers, reversers swarmed past him and down into the streets below.

“...well, that was…” The Yellow Ranger said. “Well, guess that proves us kirins are related to unicorns! Oh, if Queen Rain Shine could see me now!”

Her voice turned bitter towards the end, though she tried to hide it well enough Flash supposed. He wouldn’t press, it wasn’t his secret to tell. Okay, yeah he’d always been curious about who lurked beneath the helmets but he wasn’t going to actually think about their identities too hard.

“...out of the frying pan, into the fire though,” she went on as from the rooftops came familiar insectoid forms. Chittering, the reversers leaped into the streets ready for battle. The Yellow Ranger charged up her gauntlet, Flash had forgotten what it had been called. The Bird Bomber or something like that. “Good! At least they’re something I can hit!”

Smashing through the bug-like creatures, she was like a hurricane. Flash pulled out his sword, and fought back to back with the White Ranger who… was eating noodles? Yeah, even as she sliced apart the insectoids, her faceplate had retracted just enough to allow her to slurp up the noodles.

“Is this really the time?” he had to ask.

“Of course it’s the time!” the swan-themed heroine exclaimed. “It’s always the time for Godly Ramen!”

“...fair enough,” Flash conceded, though why that voice sounded so familiar nagged at him. “The recipe really is that good!”

“Preach it!” the White Ranger said tossing the empty cup into a nearby trash can. Then, she dunked said trash can over a reverser’s head. She uttered: “...you pretty much belong in there anyways.”

Flash just settled for striking another down with his sword. Going into a flying tackle, he slammed another of the bugs through a storefront window, flowers flying everywhere. He bashed the monster upside the head with his shield before whirling on his hoof to block a sword slash from another reverser. Kneeing it in the stomach, he slammed his shield into the monster’s head.

“...where’s a can of Raid when you need it?” the guard mused to himself. Nearby, the Yellow Ranger had grabbed another reverser in a chokehold and slammed the bug into the pavement, before whirling around to kick another in the stomach.

Flash spun, slicing down another reverser. He was panting and sweating, already exhausted. “Is this what the Rangers have to put up with, day in and day out? Mystic Mother, their suits must stink! ...well, they’re certainly more fit than I am!”

He could see they would easily get overwhelmed unless he didn’t do something. And then he saw the whistle hanging around his neck. Of course!

He blew, and guards came running, and Flash barked orders. “Box those bugs in, get them out of here! The Rangers need to save their strength for the real threat!”

With pikes, his fellow Royal Guards began pushing the reversers away. Flash held the whistle in his hands with no small amount of awe. Did he do that? Did he just save the Power Rangers’ bacon?

“Oh wow…” He thought to himself actually feeling kinda faint. “I can’t believe I did that… Colossus, watch me! I will help the Rangers save the city!”

Back with Sunset and Shining, they had problems with their own.

“...and here I was dismissing the wolves in the nightdresses…” Sunset uttered with storybook monsters on every side, with fangs and claws.

They were easily cut down, turning into scraps of paper on defeat but the storybook facade had faded away, replaced with a world of apparently rotting pages chewed away by woodlice. Trees were now beginning to die all around them, the fantasy replaced by a nightmare.

“...what’s that old story from Arthurian myth, something something about a Fisher King?” Shining mused before he snapped his finger in memory. “Oh wait! Now I remember. In Arthurian legend, the Fisher King is the last in a long bloodline charged with keeping the Holy Grail. As within, so without. Light begets plenty, darkness begets famine. The land of the Fisher King always reflects what kind of ruler he is. If he’s a bad one…”

He gestured out to the land before him which was rapidly beginning to turn back to normal.

“We’re basically dealing with something similar. We had to remove the infection, cut it out and lo and behold…”

“Prosperity returns!” Sunset realized before they looked upwards to an impossibly tall mountain where something twinkled at the top. Ton amour brûlant, no doubt! It seemed to be about the only brilliant thing about the mountain, as it seemed to be falling under the same curse that the rest of the land had found itself under. This blight threatened to destroy their only way home.

“...you think this is part of the test?” Sunset wondered.

“Doubtful,” Shining shook his head. “I don’t think Starswirl would knowingly put a world in danger. This is just plain bad luck!”

“From recovering an ancient artifact to dealing with a plague! Man, talk about a booby prize…” Sunset grumbled.

Sharing a nod, both Rangers morphed in flashes of light taking to the skies…

Speaking of false kings, the new Dimensional Beast threatened to summon the wendigos the longer he kept this up. With his ‘subjects’ under his control, the more pain and suffering he caused, the more the ideals of friendship fell away.

Not that Gray knew any of this, of course, as he’d never bothered to study Equestria’s legends.

He did know he was in a duel against the Black Ranger though.

“Call off your monster,” he thundered.

“And why,” Gray answered drolly. “...would I do that?”

“Because,” the Black Ranger said, slashing at him again. “You’re not going to like the alternative.”

Flash watched their duel from the streets below, seeing the two match blades on a rooftop.

“Man…” Flash said sliding back against a wall in exhaustion. “I wish that was me. But here I am, the screw-up who got pretty much his entire squad brainwashed because he failed to notice a vending machine was actually a dimensional beast!”

“Is that really your fault?” a voice asked and Flash looked up in shock.

“S-Starswirl?” Flash stammered out. “I-I’m sorry, but… I failed you. I’m not the stallion you must have thought I was. Look around, actually can’t you feel the weather getting colder? Because of my foolishness, I’m about to bring the wendigos down upon us!”

“What’s that phrase that the young ones like to use today…? Oh yes, grow up!” Starswirl said before pulling him upwards with a hand. “Buck up young stallion. None of this is your fault. It’s only Gray’s. Wiser men than you have been fooled by monsters, your entire squad failed to notice that a certain vending machine was a dimensional beast. I failed to notice, if anything I am the stallion you should lay the blame at. I was so busy with other matters that I failed to notice a new dimensional bug.”

“You couldn’t have possibly noticed, like you said you had your hands tied with other matters!” Flash argued.

“But I should have noticed,” Starswirl said humbly. “But I suppose it doesn’t matter whose fault it is does it?”

“No… No, it doesn’t. We have to stop this situation from getting any more out of control!” Flash agreed.

“Agreed,” Starswirl nodded before looking him directly in the eye. “So, I ask, what will you do about it?”

At the top of the mountain, Sunset and Shining found themselves a rotting temple and on a plinth, was the item they’d been searching for. The thing Starswirl had called Ton amour brûlant.

Sunset reached out for it, only to hear a roar. Both she and Shining were blown through a wall by a massive fireball. From out of the gloom came a familiar shape, roaring in rage. Impossibly tall but pure white like a heavenly weapon, Titanus the Ultrazord. Except… something was drastically wrong.

His eyes were normally a friendly, warm shade of red. Now though, they burned a bloody crimson. Dark vines covered his body, like an infection. It seemed whatever blight had came on this land had now infected the mightiest of dinosaurs.

“...you gotta be kidding me.” Sunset groaned. Clearly, Titanus had been intended as part of the original test, but Starswirl hadn’t predicted for this to happen! It had all gone horribly wrong. “See, Faust hates me!”

“This… could be a problem,” Shining admitted. “I know purification spells, but… Well, I need to prepare them properly!”

“Then I’ll guard you!” Sunset said, throwing up a shield all around them. Titanus continued blasting, fireballs reigning down on the two Rangers but all the while Shining began to draw a runic circle.

It seemed to be going pretty well, at least up until the moment when a howl split the air. One last wolf leaped out of the shadows, dressed in a hooded cloak. Little Red Riding Hood herself.

“...you know, any other time, I’d think that’s kinda metal, but today…?” Sunset grumbled. “I am sick to death of wolves!”

The wolf began slashing into the shield, and cracks began to show.

“I’m not going to be able to keep this shield up much longer!” Sunset called.

“Do you trust me?” Shining asked.

“Of course I trust you,” Sunset said. “You’re my partner.”

“Then I need you to finish the purification spell,” Shining ordered.

“Wha… why me?” Sunset asked.

“You’ve read plenty of books, more than me actually!” Shining replied even as the corrupted Titanus continued bombarding them. “I know you know what this spell is!”

“But what are you going to do?” Sunset asked.

“Buy you some time! I am a Captain of the Royal Guard, and a Prince of Equestria, and as such, it is my duty to defend my subjects,” Shining said as he drew his blade. “And that includes you. We may not have started on the best of terms, but from one Ranger to another? We stick together.”

With that he charged out of the shield, the Red Riding Hood-themed wolf slashing at him with massive claws. Shining dodged a slash, before whirling around with a runic sigil glowing in his palm.

A fireball from Titanus ripped through the air, coming his way. The sigil in his palm glowed, and it split in half destroying the ruins around him. But Shining was left unharmed, and went back to work on dealing with the real monster. Blocking the wolf’s claws with his sword, he kneed the monster in the chest before spinning away. Leaping upwards, his sword glowed with blue flame as Shining called out: “BURNING REIGN!”

Slashing downwards, he burned the monster away in a flash of fire, leaving only embers. And it was then Sunset finished the spell, and slammed her hand into the earth as a wave of pure cleansing energy washed out from the runic sigils, glowing white.

Titanus, along with the rest of the infected lands were caught up in the wave and cleansed of all darkness. The vines and wood-rot were replaced by green as far as the eye could see, and Titanus glowed white before fading away. In Sunset’s hand appeared only a small book, reading: Zyuren Kyouruu Fantasy with a familiar zord on the cover.

“...why am I not surprised?” she wondered aloud before tossing the book aside, having had enough of this fairytale world.

Walking up to Shining, the two looked at the item which had been the cause of so much misery for them.

“Together?” she asked.

“Together.” Shining said with a nod before they reached out and grabbed Ton amour brûlant as the world went white...

Back in ‘our’ world, the fight against the Vending Machine Beast was still ongoing. But it was about to come to an end, as the Rangers and Flash fought their way to him.

“Look at you, you’re exhausted!” Gray laughed, and it was true, because after fighting their way past reversers and other minions, the group was beyond tired. “I can calculate that in just a few swift strokes, the end will come for you.”

“Bottom of the ninth boys,” the Yellow Ranger said. “Anyone got any last ditch crazy plans?”

“...good thing we excel at crazy,” the White Ranger said. “Just give me a minute to stop and catch my breath!”

“I calculate a 0000.3% chance of you actually succeeding,” Gray said. “Lay down your swords, and I promise the end will come swiftly.”

“Yeah, well… Never tell me the odds,” Flash said, before tossing his sword directly at the Dimensional Beast. It spun over and over even as it flew directly towards the monster. “One: evil rascals... Two: shall feel Equestria’s love... Three: It's already decided, so there's no point in arguing!”

His sword struck straight and true, hitting the monster in the actual dimensional bug that had latched onto it. Gray roared in rage, and slashed at Flash only for his blade to meet another’s.

“Surprise!” the Blue Ranger said before whirling around and running Gray through with his blade.’

“You did a good job, Captain Sentry,” said he to Flash. “But we’ll take it from here.”

“Thank you Rangers!” Flash said frantically, barely able to believe his ears. A Ranger, an actual Power Ranger, thanking him of all ponies! Yep, he could officially die happy now.

The robot sparked, before deciding it was best to retreat and repair himself. Oh well, it wasn’t like the other Rangers would be able to stand against the Beast once he grew. And grew he did, only to meet the Falcon and Swallow zords’ lasers.

Shining and Sunset had leaped into their cockpits, keeping the monster off balance with laser fire.

It spewed out coins to try and knock the two little jets out of the air, but the zords only climbed higher. Then, from out of the clouds they came again, around for another pass. Launching missiles at the monster, it’s hide was peppered in explosions.

Swooping low, the swallow zord’s wings slashed into the monster’s legs.

“...we can’t have this battle, not here anyways!” Sunset’s voice crackled over Shining’s comms. “Follow my lead!”

She fired a cable at the monster, and Shining soon mirrored her motion before they pulled the monster out of Canterlot, dragging it behind their jets. The cables creaked and groaned, but otherwise showed no signs of breaking away. Until they did, Sunset and Shining deliberately snapping them as the monster tumbled into a forest below.

The Vending Machine Beast pulled itself up into the foothills before eyeing Canterlot, nestled precariously on the side of a mountain. It advanced, only for Sunset and Shining to spot where it was going.

“No, I don’t think so…” Shining said as he and Sunset fired another set of missiles at the monster. It staggered back, falling on its rear with a mighty crash! The falcon and swallow soared high above his head, even as the beast’s horns crackled with electricity.

Realizing what was about to happen, the zords flew even as the skies crackled with light. Electricity erupted from the dimensional beast’s twin horns, attempting to rip them from the skies.

A screech split the sky, and a boulder was dropped upon the massive monster’s feet. The Owl Zord soared on by, tilting itself in a salute with the Condor and Swan soon joining it. The other rangers had gathered their strength and now all five were in the air.

As the vending machine beast danced around in pain, clutching its foot, the zords combined. Swooping back up into the clouds, as ever the falcon zord sent out a signal for the others to converge on its location, it’s wings retracting into its body. The condor and swan zords wings folded up into their bodies even as their tail fins turned a full 180 degrees. Their cockpits began to move upwards, metal clanking as the massive parts shifted and twisted. Finally, the owl and the swallow began to detach parts with their cockpits folding up into their bodies, accompanied by hisses of steam. Now the massive jet rocketed towards it’s target, all five Rangers in a huge shared cockpit.

The beast was peppered with laserfire, even as demonic lightning danced all around the Phoenix Flier. The massive jet screeched out a warning, flying closer and rocketing overhead as it came around for another pass. The painted ‘eyes’ on its nose seemed to narrow as it narrowed in on it’s target.

Tilting on its side, the massive jet sliced through the air avoiding another thunderbolt. Firing lasers again, the Rangers watched as the Dimensional Beast roared in pain. Its eyes narrowed in anger and it rushed the Phoenix Flier, attempting to grab it and rip it out of the skies. The jet pulled upwards, way out of the monster’s grip.

Circling back downwards, the jet rocketed past the beast before flying around Mount Canter with missiles at the ready. And then the beast struck, launching soda cans like rockets at his target.

The jet was forced to turn, even as it fired. The missile missed the dimensional beast by a mile, an explosion erupting behind it. And the beast slashed at the air, and knocked the Phoenix Flier out of the skies. It collided with Mount Canter, smashing through it and then into the foothills, its body smoking.

The jet’s engines tried to cough and wheeze back to life, even as the Vending Machine Beast approached. It pulled them out of the ground, and began to squeeze. Metal creaked and groaned as the insides of the cockpit sparked. Finally, the engines roared back to life and the dimensional beast got a face full of flame as the Phoenix Flier rocketed away.

The rangers, inside their jet heard the roar of rage and saw the beast spit out coins from its mouth. The many, and I do mean many coins slashed through the air, and it was doubtful the Flier’s armor would survive another bashing. And then the coin barrage hit, driving the Flier once again to ground. Inside a mountain of coins it lay, and inside the mountain the Rangers now in very deep trouble.

“...Death by coins,” Shining sighed. “What a dignified way to go!”

And then, lightning from heaven. Starswirl summoned the bolt from the blue and at once, healing magic passed over the Flier’s systems. And it erupted from the mountain, before shifting forms and then the Sky Strike Megazord stood at the ready.

The mecha marched forwards, firing its fists like rockets. Upcutting the Vending Machine Beast, the fists returned to their rightful place locking themselves back in with hisses of steam. More barrages of coins came as soon as the beast regained its footing. But this time, the rangers were ready, summoning the mecha’s shield. Like a knight, it stood its ground against the battering.

And then, it surged forwards on hisses of steam, propelled forwards by miniature rockets on the mecha’s back.

Slamming into the beast, it watched it topple to the ground through emotionless optics. The beast was swift to recover, slashing at the mecha, the Megazord sidestepping its claws. And then came the lightning, and the megazord staggered from the shocks.

“Rerouting systems… engaging firewalls!” Robert said pressing a few buttons on his control panel. And finally the lightning was no longer a worry, simply bouncing off the mecha. And then out came a frail, the massive weapon spun around in truly intimidating fashion. And the mecha continued spinning it, before it wrapped the chains around the dimensional beast’s arm. With a tug, the megazord pulled it forwards and socked the creature across the jaw.

Releasing the monster, the Megazord exchanged its frail for a naginata, the lance-like weapon gripped in both hands. Thrusted forwards again and again, it nipped at the Vending Machine Beast’s hide. Slashing downwards, the mecha struck like, ironically, lightning.

Tossing the massive weapon aside, it was time to go for the final blow. Summoning the sword, it crackled with flames, the fire licking at the blade.

“Blazing Final Strike!” cried the rangers as down came the blade, slicing straight through the monster’s hide and cutting it in two. Or… at least that was the intent as the monster spat more coins knocking the blade out of the mecha’s hands. And up came the mecha’s shield as the battery continued.

And then the mecha split apart, reforming behind the monster as the Phoenix Flier once more. The massive craft soared upwards, before down it came in a loop and blazing like the sun. And up went the monster in an explosion. Victory was theirs.

Starswirl smiled at the Rangers.

“I see all went well!” he said to Sunset and Shining.

“...yeah, it did actually, though…” here she leaned in to whisper about what they had encountered in that other realm.

“I… see, this does not bode well,” said Starswirl, once again stroking his beard. “Though, thankfully I know an order of knights who might be able to help. Looks like this old man must bundle up for a trip up north!”

“...do you have any idea what he’s talking about?” Sunset asked of her friend.

“Not a clue!” Shining laughed, and eventually when he returned to his home for the night he found Cadence waiting for him. Though, devoid of any real royal regalia. Or anything else actually.

“...I think my knight’s earned his royal reward, hmm?” Cadence licked her lips.

Shining knew he’d be sore in the morning. A true tragedy indeed!

14: Cooking Up Trouble

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“Careful Vapes,” Autumn gently chided, watching her friend slurp away at her noodles over lunch. “You wouldn’t want to ruin that carefully guarded Wonderbolts figure would you?”

“Relax, I know what I’m doing,” Vapor chuckled her hooves propped up on a table. “Maybe it’ll all go to my butt, I hear certain stallions are into that sort of thing anyways.”

“Look, I’m just sayin’,” Autumn replied, holding her hands up defensively. “If you stop fitting into that suit of yours, it’s your own fault.”

“Like I said, To. The. Butt.” Vapor replied simply.

“...hmmm,” Autumn muttered to herself. “...I wonder, does your figure show up in spandex? Like, will we see a bit of pudge once we’re in our suits? Or does it magically all just vanish? Because I gotta wonder!”

“I just know Sunset has a secret,” Vapor replied, pointing her chopsticks at Autumn. “Like, there is no way she keeps her figure that good without some sort of secret. Some… some magical trick. I’m kinda envious, actually!”

She patted her belly and adjusted in her chair showing she did have a bit of pudge to her now.

“Like, she is a model. She has a model’s figure, does she not?” Vapor went on, her friend answering with a small nod. She then gave a little despaired sigh. “And me, I’m just average, maybe putting on a few pounds.”

“What’d I say,” Autumn shrugged, with what was probably a smug look. “All of those noodles are ruining your figure!”

“Hey, don’t insult the Godly Ramen! It’s heaven-sent,” Vapor retorted before doing a little burp. “‘Sides, not all of us can have a figure gifted from Faust anyways!”

“Ladies,” Shining nodded curtly as the two argued, his armor still reflecting that new shine. It had been changed since his marriage to Cadence, to reflect who he was guarding.

Wooooooooooooow, you are whipped,” Vapor observed with a little laugh. “Cadence has stamped herself all over your armor, hasn’t she? She might as well have branded you with a cattle prod saying: “You belong to me!” Has she given you a tattoo saying ‘property of Cadence’ yet?”

Autumn, in spite of herself, couldn't resist a snort.

“Well, I…” Shining stuttered. “...she, uh…”

Vapor descended into giggles. “Well, I guess that answers that question doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, Robert and a few of my other trusted men are being reassigned as well,” Shining elaborated. “So we all get fancy smancy new duds. Flash’s words, not mine. Mares love a stallion in uniform. Also his words.”

“Well, if Princess Cadence is any indication…” Vapor trailed off with a slight smirk.

“Hey, uh, anyone get the feeling we’re being watched?” Autumn asked, looking into the crowds of passing ponies. While she watched, she was unconsciously rubbing the spot on her arm where her morpher normally was. Like she was ready to summon it at a moment’s notice.

“Oh no…” Vapor groaned out spotting a familiar face in the crowd. “Not him…”

“Not him?” Shining asked curiously as a stallion emerged from the crowd, not exactly a leader in hygiene with a scruffy face.

“H-Hey, Lady Vapor,” the stallion stammered out nervously, adjusting his glasses.

“Lady Vapor?” Autumn teased, with a grin. “Now you didn’t tell us that you were royalty!”

“I’m not,” Vapor returned in a flat, unamused tone shifting nervously in her seat. “Now what do you want, Quick Study? Make it quick please.”

In the background, Autumn snorted at the pun before gaining a concerned look. Vapor liked everyone as far as she could tell. So what was up with this dude?

“I...I just wanted to ask if you wanted to see the newest additions to my collection, that’s all? If you like,” the stallion asked, shifting his hooves nervously. “I think you’d like them.”

“Alright, I’ll bite,” Shining said, noticing the expression on his fellow Ranger’s face and shifting in front of her slightly. He placed himself between her and Quick protectively. “What kind of collection, action figures? I know some ponies collect bottle caps. Rare human realm stuff?”

“Noodle cups!” Quick Study elaborated, his tone a cheery chirp.

“...Noodle cups?” Shining asked, slowly in confusion. Vapor groaned in the background.

“Y-Yeah, see?” Quick Study asked fishing a few apparently rare cups out of his shoulder bag and placing them on the table. He pointed to one. “Like this one here, it was only released in Salt Lick City for about a few months, see? This one, it comes from a place called AusTAILia.”

“Oh for Celestia’s sake,” Vapor sighed using her hooves to knock the cups off the table into the dirt. “I told you, I love noodles but not that much! I just end up throwing the cups away most of the time.”

Quick Study looked horror-struck, whether at this new knowledge or what happened to his precious cups. Honestly, Vapor didn’t care either way.

“But… But…” he stammered as he recovered his cups, cleaning them with a soft cloth. “These cups are rare! And you love noodles, so why don’t you love them with me?”

“You have an obsession,” Vapor commented. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m just not that interested.”

Then Quick grabbed onto her arm, not roughly but still against her will. “Please, come with me. I promise you’ll be interested. Look, I’ll clean myself up, look my best. Will that make you happy?”

“Dude, not even you smelling of Godly Ramen would make me come with you.” Vapor said, looking about ready to kick him in the shin.

“Hey, buddy, why don’t you clear off?” Autumn said, cracking her neck in warning. “Vapes doesn’t want you here, so how about you go on and scat? Before I make you? I’m pretty sure tossing you into the Lost Temple of Tlatelolco is lookin’ pretty tempting right about now.”

“Move,” Shining added, his spear unfurling in his hands extending to its full length. He was wearing his most fearsome glare. One that promised pain if he was ignored. “Or you will be moved.”

Quick apparently got the message, and released Vapor before nervously scampering off into the crowd with a: “M-Maybe next time, huh?”

“What an asshole,” Autumn breathed. “No, more like what a serious creep.”

“Agreed. Guys like him…” Shining rubbed his temples. “They’re usually on some sort of watchlist.”

“How long has this been going on Vapes?” Autumn interrogated, slamming a hand on the table. “Guy acts like he knows you!”

“He’s… yeah, he’s shown up a few times,” Vapor admitted, pressing her fingers together nervously. “N-Not at where I work or anything, but he’s tried to talk to me while I’ve been out on runs or when I’m collecting the mail.”

“Okay, see, watchlist,” Shining replied. “That’s literally the definition of a stalker Vapor.”

“He’s… harmless, right?” Vapor stammered nervously, not sounding entirely sure of her own words. “Like, all he wants is to show me his noodle cup collection.”

“No, he wants to claim you for himself,” Shining gently instructed. “He just won’t stop at showing you his noodle cups. He’s already stalking you.”

Then, he sighed.

“Listen, if you want, I can spare a few guards,” the Blue Ranger explained. “They’ll be out of sight, you won’t even see them. But if that creep tries anything, they’ll be there.”

“I’ll still know they’re there though,” Vapor muttered. “It’s like I won’t have any privacy.”

“Better that than having to worry about that guy,” Autumn pointed out. “Look, Shining’s got a point here. Just… think on it okay?”

“I…” Vapor started before seeing her friends’ pleading faces. “Sure.”

Quick Study’s mind swirled with venomous violent thoughts. Again and again she rejected him. What was it? Was he not worthy enough? All he wanted was to show her what he could do!

“I just want to make noodles with her, the best noodles!” he thought.

It was a noble goal right? To share in their love of delicious quick cooked spicy goodness. They could attend speed-eating competitions together, now there was an idea! They would get down to the last noodle, slurp it together and their mouths would connect in a kiss!

But no, she didn’t want him! Why? What was it he didn’t have to offer? Was he too scruffy? He could clean up a bit, shave some. Did he not smell like ramen enough? Was he simply not the mastermind behind Godly Ramen?

Yeah, that was it! She loved only one man, the man who had created Godly Ramen! Well! If he could create a new craze of noodles, one to surpass Godly Ramen then maybe she would love him!

Now there was an idea! He just needed some marketing, some promoting! He knew how to cook noodles, he could come up with his own recipe! Nothing could stop noodles! Then they’d be stirring the pot together, making the best of broth.

“Forget Godly Ramen!” the incel stallion thought. “I will create Ramen from the Titans themselves! Okay, yeah no, that’s a lame ass name. It needs work, I’ll workshop it.”

Punching the air in his own genius, he wasn’t really looking where he was going. Down a dark alleyway his path took him, and into dangerous territory. ...not that I think any of us would care if he got shanked right?

But from out of the shadows came thuggish ponies.

“Oh… okay, I don’t want any trouble,” Quick Study said, adjusting his glasses. “Look, I don’t have any money. So maybe if you just let me go we can all forget about this, huh?”

“Too late, you’re on our turf now,” one of the gang members said, kicking him in the stomach. Several of Quick’s ‘rare gems’ flew from his pack. “You got trouble!”

“No no no no no no no…” Quick tried to salvage his cups, now dirty with muck and mud. “Don’t you see what you’ve done, you ruined them!”

“They’re just empty noodle cups, you dingbat,” the second of the two thugs laughed. “You can just get more, you really should have thrown these away! Ramen noodle cups, who collects these anyways? What a joke!”

“I… I…” Quick Study said before he was shoved up against a wall, a razor blade pointed to his throat. “Oh please no! Don’t kill me! I’m too young to die, I haven’t explored every type of ramen there is! I’m still a virgin!”

“And you’ll die a virgin, shyguy,” said the first thug, the one pointing a blade to his throat. “Honestly, who collects ramen noodle cups anyways? What a joke!”

Then, from out of the shadows boomed a voice as two glowing red eyes peered out of the darkness.

“Everyone has their life goals,” said the voice as of all things ramen noodles wrapped themselves around the thugs and began choking them to death. “Please respect them. Itadakimasu.”

“Eh…?” asked Quick as a walking, living ramen cup stepped out of the shadows. “Who… who are you?”

“I am The God of Ramen, creator of a certain batch of noodles,” greeted the creature with a respectful bow. “And I have heard your pleas.”

“The God of Ramen?” Quick gaped. “My… my pleas?”

“It’s a noodle goal, to impress a girl,” said the creature, noodles pouring out of his head like strands of hair. They were hot, steamy and dripping with fresh broth. “Let me help you achieve it, young sir! I shall give you the gift of broth! All of my knowledge, it will be passed down to you.”

“All… all of your knowledge?” Quick asked, in a stammer still unable to believe what had just happened. “Really? But… but why? What’d I do to deserve this honor?”

“You want to impress my greatest customer,” the God of Ramen said. If common sense was in play, Quick would have realized he was anything but. He would have spotted the dimensional bug hidden within the strands. “It’s only fair I help you do that. Now what say you?”

Quick grinned taking the outstretched hand. “Let’s get cooking, Sensei!”

For her part, Vapor rarely thought about the stallion. She’d honestly tried to put him out of her mind. He was a creep sure, but not really something for her to worry about. She could kick his ass if he tried anything.

‘Sides, she had more important things to worry about. Like maneuvers and actual real-life monsters. Ponies in jumpsuits rocketed overhead through cloudless skies, going into complex series of tricks as they tucked in their wings and let their spirits soar.

“Mhmmm…” Vapor muttered to herself as she looked herself in the mirror, turning slightly. She’d found it a bit harder to fit into her suit this morning. “...maybe Autumn’s right? Maybe all of these noodles are going to my stomach. I’m not… flabby right?”

“I mean, you’re still not a bad-looking mare,” said another one of the members of her flight squadron, this bubbly but slightly ditzy mare called Angel Wings. “Pleasantly plump at worst.”

“Still…” Vapor murmured to herself. “Maybe I need to move up a size?”

“You worry too much!” Angel said sweetly as they walked out of the locker rooms. “You don’t have to conform to any one body type, you don’t have to be a model really. Honestly, I don’t think looking paper-thin is too healthy anyways…”

“‘Sides,” another of her squadron, Lightning Dust grinned lavisciously. “It’s gone down all to your butt anyways. Guys love that!”

“Ewwwwww,” Angel blushed. “Really, Dust?”

“Just speakin’ my mind!” Lightning shrugged before spotting someone spying on them. “Okay, I’ll bite, who’s that guy?”

Vapor followed her gaze and groaned. “Oh no…”

“H-Hey Vapor,” said the pegasus, his wings tucked into his side shyly. “I just wanted to ask you, I’m starting my own business. I need a bit of hired help, if… if you don’t mind?”

“No means no, Quick Study,” Vapor replied firmly, putting her hoof down. “For someone with a name like yours, you sure don’t learn fast!”

“But I’ve got a great new recipe!” Quick stammered out. “It’s going to be big, huge, you really should get in on this!”

“And what would the fine print be?” Vapor remarked, crossing her arms. “That I’d have to date you to get paid?”

“Who is this guy?” Lightning whispered.

“Nobody important,” Vapor whispered back before looking back at Quick. “I’m sorry, but you really shouldn’t be here anyways. This is our practice space, it’s dangerous for civilians. Any number of things could happen to you here!”

“A-Are you threatening me?” Quick Study stammered out nervously.

“No, just giving you a warning,” Vapor said kindly, if not still firmly. “Like, there could be someone crashing and I don’t want to see two ponies in the hospital if they land on you. So please, leave. Remove yourself from the base or you will be removed.”

“Do I need to go get the Captain?” Lightning Dust asked. “I mean, I’m sure she’d loooovve to deal with some creep. Put him in a full-body wing and hoof cast drinking through a straw!”

“I… Okay, yeah I get the message,” Quick said dejectedly, giving Lightning a dirty look. “I’ll leave.”

“Incel…” Lightning uttered in disgust as she watched him fly off.

“Lightning!” Angel gasped. “Be nice!”

“What, I’m sorry, but he is!” Lightning crossed her arms and ‘harrumphed’. “Just speakin’ my mind, free country and all that.”

Vapor just giggled.

Honestly, she really did try to put him out of her mind. She really did try, I swear! But in the back of her mind, Quick Study’s words nagged at her. Like, what did he mean by starting up his own business?

...what, was he starting a publishing company for books by pick-up artists?

Perish the thought!

“Alright dear, something’s been bothering you. I know how to read a pony, and you dearie are stressed,” Rarity sighed over lunch, the mare sipping her green tea. The two mares met up every so often, not something Vapor would have ever expected but it had come to pass.

Maybe it was due to the fact that they shared a few common multi-colored friends.

“Do you need a trip to the Ponyville Day Spa?” Rarity inquired, after another sip. “Like, you’re fidgeting in your seat even now. You are not a calm mare.”

Okay, oh… uh… so she was. She’d been caught apparently.

“I… yeah, this week’s been weird for me. Wild lately,” Vapor admitted, rubbing her temples. “Okay, so you caught me. Busted! Was I really that obvious?”

“Darling, the only time I’ve seen a mare more fidgety was Fluttershy before a photoshoot, back during her brief stint as a model,” Rarity deadpanned, lowering her sunglasses to look Vapor in the eye. “Alright, is it your training regiment? Has Spitfire been running you a bit too ragged? Or did you get landed with a squad that just wasn’t the right fit for you?”

“Oh, if it were only that,” Vapor sighed. “If it were my squad, I’d go to the Captain. Not sure this is something she can handle though, even if she works as a threat to boot a certain creep off base.”

“Aaaaaaaah, I see,” Rarity realized, with a little nod of the head. “Autumn mentioned this, something about a… stalker? I didn’t catch the name. Poor girl’s worried sick over you though.”

“I mean, I can handle myself!” Vapor replied. “I’m not some poor defenseless mare who needs to be saved by a knight in shining armor. Give me a break!”

“But I would note you carry a taser in your handbag, not to mention a canister of pepper spray,” Rarity replied. “You’re rattled.”

“Well, wouldn’t you be?” Vapor replied, pointedly.

“Well, I dunno, I got a big strong man with superpowers at my beck and call,” Rarity trailed off, possibly indulging in some personal fantasy by the way her eyes glazed over. She quickly shook herself back to sense. “But I digress. You’re quite right, I would be worried even if I did have superpowers.”

“Shining thinks I need a personal guard,” Vapor replied, somewhat worriedly. “Do you think he’s right?”

“Well, it can’t hurt,” Rarity admitted with a shrug. “Buuuuuuuuuut, I can imagine having guys watching your every move can be a bit… disconcerting. No privacy!”

“That’s what I said!” Vapor agreed with a little nod.

“But Shining’s probably right, this guy sounds dangerous,” Rarity replied. “Even if you do have you know what on your side, it wouldn’t hurt to have some backup just in case.”

“Ah, but that’s the thing,” Vapor scoffed. “Shining is being a worrywart. I do have you know what on my side, a whole team of you know whats. I don’t need guards watching my every move!”

Then before they could say anything else, the sounds of commotion reached their ears. On a nearby viewing globe was a commercial.

“Heeeellllloo Equestria, are you tired of having nothing to eat on short notice?” a voice said, as a tired office drone looked to be trudging into the lunchroom. His tummy rumbled, and he searched through his bag to find natta. “Are you needing a quick ready to eat meal, and on the cheap? But are you wanting something actually fulfilling unlike other brands?”

In the commercial, there was a series of ponies nodding.

“Then I present to you Vapor Ramen!” in popped Quick Study, in a lab coat along with a dancing noodle cup creature smiling happily. Vapor and Rarity looked at the image, then at each other, and then back at the image even as a stallion ‘ate’ the noodles and was sent to Cloud Nine apparently. Complete with little angels. “It’s heavenly.”

Vapor’s fist was shaking, her voice a low growl as she uttered: “I am seriously going to kill him.”

“More to the point…” Rarity observed the ramen cup creature. “Isn’t that a…?”

“A dimensional beast,” Vapor nodded in a faint horror before amending her previous statement. “I’m going to kill them both. Slowly, painfully.”

Thankfully, this time the monster wasn’t hard to find given he seemed to have taken over the Godly Ramen headquarters. Actually, come to think of it, Vapor recognized the Beast. He looked so sickeningly like the company’s mascot she should have seen it before.

“A monster making ramen,” Sunset deadpanned as the group teleported outside the headquarters in Manehatten. “How novel. What will they do next, wash and dry our clothes?”

“Teach our kids?” Shining deadpanned in equal suggestion. “Mow our lawns? There’s big business there. I should say, the outside of Cadence’s chateau looks horrible right now. The lawn does need cutting. Maybe I should think about hiring.”

“Sure, they start mowing your lawns and cutting your grass, but what next?” Sunset returned her voice still dry as a bone. “They’ll be cutting you down before you know it!”

“All jokes aside, I can’t believe any of us didn’t notice,” Shining uttered as they marched into the lobby with all eyes on them. “A dimensional beast right under our very noses!”

“Yes, well, stranger things have happened I imagine…” Vapor mused. “I’ll give him credit, he played us good. But that’s not what makes me so mad. No, what pisses me off is he just had to ally with that creep Quick Study and make money off my image! I mean, he could have at least given me a cut of the profits!”

“Apparently Quick Study is not a fast learner,” Sunset mused. “All evidence seems to point to that, really.”

“As we’ve noticed,” Shining acknowledged. “Not sure the Wonderbolts would like having one of their members on especially fattening foods. Just saying.”

“Actually, Godly Ramen is well known for its nutritional value and being -relatively- low in calories,” Vapor said, making everyone give her a weird look. “...what, I know this stuff! Though it has been forever tainted for me.”

“‘Sides,” Autumn put in. “I’ve seen Soarin’ advertising certain brands of pie. That stuff is hugely fattening. Yum!”

She patted her belly.

“I can’t believe we’re arguing about nutritional value while we’re about to go fight a monster,” Vapor mused over the ridiculousness of the situation. “A very dumb, stupid-ass themed monster but still. A monster!”

“Heeeeeeeeey, has anyone else noticed that…” Shining looked around at the employees, apparently gazing at them with blank-eyed stares. “Like, this is all creepy to the rest of you right?”

“Now that you mention it…” Sunset admitted following his gaze, and waving a hand in front of one of the ponies’ faces. No reaction.

“Ah! So you’ve finally noticed my slaves!” called out the dimensional beast from an upper level. His face wasn’t so friendly anymore. “Rangers, you’ve come to die.”

“I assume by slaves you don’t mean the regular corporate drones slaving to the grind,” Vapor deadpanned.

“Oh no, my plan was sound. I was to lie in wait in the shadows,” explained the dimensional beast as he looked down at the rangers from his perch. “Sell my product. These guys, they were just a dry run. A trial. But the populace of Equestria? They ate my product up, literally!”

He burst out into a laughing fit as a slow dawning horror came over the rangers realizing just how many ponies bought Godly Ramen.

“It’s the perfect broth…” Vapor whispered. “Of evil.”

From the shadows, Cozy watched clutching a plushie tightly with an evil grin on her face. A demonic look, really. And those idiots thought that she couldn’t cut the mustard! Well, golly, who had basically all of Equestria under her control now? Gee willikers, this plan was a gas!

“I’d dare say I cooked up the perfect plan!” the Noodle Beast laughed, as in his office a certain stallion watched nervously. ...nope, Vapor wasn’t going to date him now was she?

“Get them!” the monster snapped his fingers as the noodle zombies closed in, eyes still glassy and mouths drooling. “Now rangers, you wouldn’t dare harm civilians would you?”

“Damn it, he’s right!” Shining thought frantically.

“Nooooooooooooo!” Vapor shouted, throwing her head to the sky in dramatic fashion. “Noodles, why have you betrayed me so?”

Rage overtook her, and so she flew up to the dimensional beast with gun and sword in hand ready to face him.

“Brave aren’t you?” the beast commented.

“You ruined my favorite meal,” Vapor said furiously. “You tainted it.”

She slashed furiously into his side, before flying away even as the monster drew a massive knife to use as a sword. Pulling out her pistol, she fired several shots into the creature’s hide.

The dimensional beast pulled out a fork, launching it like a trident ready to impale Vapor. She slashed at it, knocking it aside with her own blade.

The creature slashed at her again, but she rolled to the left and fired several more shots into his hide.

“Oh, I’m never buying from you again!” Vapor hissed. “I’m leaving you so many bad reviews!”

Then, her weapons were pulled from her hands as noodles lashed out like tendrils or like angry tentacles from a bad hentai anime.

They wrapped themselves around her neck, attempting to choke her.

“Don’t eat too fast,” the monster remarked as she gasped for air. “Otherwise you may just choke!”

Then Shining and Autumn leaped up to join their teammate. Shining slashed through several of the noodles with his sword, while Autumn cut through some more with a good old-fashioned karate chop!

Then came Black and Red, now all five Rangers assembled and now all five rangers primed to die as even more noodles wrapped themselves around the team. Electricity rushed through their bodies, their suits sparking as they screamed out in pain.

“Now here’s some really fried food!” the Noodle Beast laughed.

Vapor, through her pain, managed to muster up enough strength to pull out her laser pistol and she saw that Shining had as well. They fired, creating twin streams of energy smashing the monster through a wall, it crumpling beneath his weight.

The noodles turned to ash as they hit the floor, the rangers pulling their somewhat scorched selves out.

“And it’s not even cooked right…” Sunset uttered as she looked at the ashes.

With a roar, the Noodle Beast emerged with knife and fork in hand crying: “I’m going to make a meal out of all of you!”

The rangers dived and ducked slashes from the makeshift weapons, sometimes getting hit but not often.

Sunset and Shining held back the monster’s blade with their own swords, Autumn leaping in for a powerful right cross.

The monster slashed at her as she cartwheeled away before throwing his fork like a trident again. Robert leaped into the air, slashing the ‘weapon’ in two with his sword.

The Noodle Beast thrust out his hand, wrapping the black ranger in noodles and pumping him full of more electricity. Sunset suffered the same fate, sinking to her knees only for Shining to slash the monster with a call of: “Burning Reign!” and his sword encased in flame.

“You’re overdone,” he called. “It’s time we throw this meal out to the trash.”

All five rangers pulled out their sidearms, calling out: “Chroma Fury!” as five streams converged into one rainbow blast of light. The monster, and the dimensional bug which had given it life were incinerated.

As she holstered her gun, spinning it like an old west gunfighter might have, Sunset said: “Power Rangers… victory is ours!”

“Well, that was…” Vapor searched for the right word, unsure of exactly how to describe such an experience. She did eventually manage to settle on one word though. “Weird.”

“So your favorite fast-food company turned out to be run by a literal monster,” Autumn commented, all five of them demorphed. “...that’s not something you can say every day.”

“Yeah, there’s a lot to unpack there,” Vapor admitted. “Wild, innit?”

“So, I guess lesson learned?” Sunset commented with an awkward shrug. “Always check the fine print and make sure whoever you’re buying from isn’t a literal monster?”

“Yeeeeeeeeeep…” Vapor replied with a little nod.

“Hey Vapes, I’m sorry,” stuttered out a familiar and unwelcome voice. Vapor whirled on her hoof to see, yep you guessed it walking up to her. “I… I didn’t know it would get this far, honest! I just wanted you to see what I could do!”

Her reaction was immediate, flooring him with a punch to the jaw.

“Oh, I’ve seen,” Vapor growled to the now cowering Quick Study. Autumn gave a low, impressed whistle in the background. “Go take a hike.”

Quick Study couldn’t quite get out of there fast enough.

Meanwhile, Cozy steamed like a good broth hiding behind a lamp post.

“Well, that plan was a wash wasn’t it?” she sighed as she crept into an alleyway vanishing into shadow. “Awwww phooey. Well, gee golly, I honestly thought it would work!”

“You honestly couldn’t be faulted,” said that voice in her mind, as cold as the Winter’s bane. “The rangers were just too powerful this time.”

“Agreed, Lord Zephyrus,” Cozy admitted. “I think, for now, we sit back and wait. Let whatever Radiguet has in mind bear fruit. He’s an imbecile so whatever it is, it can’t be all that swell.”

“They don’t know, do they?” Zephyrus rumbled inside her head. “What he really is?”

“Eh?” Cozy asked, confused.

“Oh, nothing. Don’t mind me. It was just the rumblings of an old man. Musings,” he trailed off. “But yes, we should just watch and wait now. Bide our time and then we strike.”

“I’m glad I met you, My Lord,” Cozy replied. “You’re a true friend, and an even better inspiration!”

“I aim to please,” he replied. “Me and my brothers.”

“The ponies were foolish to forget about you,” Cozy grinned. “That folly will come back to bite them. You’ve faded into myth and legend, ghost stories to be told around a campfire. It’s honestly hilarious in a way. Oh well, what can we do?”

As Cozy walked, a cold chill filled the alleyway and Zephyrus chuckled inside her mind. “Yes, what indeed?”

15: Road to Nowhere

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The earth shook as giants battled. Another day, another scheme.

“Hey, I gotta say…” Vapor remarked as Reversers, now the size of mountains swarmed their mecha. “We’re pretty gay aren’t we? Like, gay as the day as long.”

“You mean gay as in gay gay or pretty happy gay?” Robert said even as the massive sword of the Megazord sliced through flesh. “Because, I’m straight and I’m not happy.”

“You’re almost never happy.” Sunset deadpanned.

“I’m a very hard to please man, I accept that,” Robert conceded, pressing a button and making the megazord slug a Reverser in the face. It toppled over, with a mighty Ka-Crash! as the ground shook. “But Vapor, your point?”

“I mean gay gay. Because… really, we fight monsters in spandex. Tight spandex, like super tight. That’s pretty gay right?” Vapor shrugged at her console, the Megazord taking a running jump over a bridge. “Like, have none of you noticed the looks the gay and bisexual ponies of Ponyville give us? I mean… hello, awakenings! I’d like to think we’re responsible for a few of those.”

“Pffft yeah, point!” Autumn agreed with a nod and a chuckle. “Like, I’m not blind!”

“So us being pretty gay confirmed?” Vapor questioned.

“Oh yeah, gay as hell,” Autumn nodded as she tugged at her suit. “Like you’re not kidding about the tight spandex…”

“It’s not spandex…” Robert muttered, going apparently unheard.

“Oh my Celestia guys!” Sunset babbled grabbing Vapor and Autumn by the shoulders and pointing. “Like hello! Giant monsters!”

“Oh right…” the two uttered as they saw Reversers charge at them, their mecha swinging its saber in a finishing move.

“Hey, by the way… you guys know what today is?” Vapor asked as the mooks went up in explosions. “I swear I’m forgetting something…”

“The 16th, why?” Robert shrugged as he apparently didn’t notice the stricken, horrified look that passed over his teammate’s muzzle. Her helmet retracted to show it. “It’s not one of those weird holidays you get off the internet today is it?”

“No…” Vapor said in a tone that he couldn’t quite place. “It’s nothing…”

“Met you when I was a lil' nappy head boy and I never put down my alto saxophone, yeah… Buckjumpin' down on the boulevard… I couldn't wait to blow my own horn…”

Robert rolled back in his chair, earbuds resting to the side with a faint song playing from them. His phone rang, a distant buzz and almost if by pure instinct his hand shot out to pick it up.


He was pleasantly surprised by who was on the other end.

“Hey Rob, you free? I kinda need your help on a case, need an extra eye or two. If you can, bring your ranger friends. I know one of them has a badge right?”

“Well, armor, but same thing I suppose. Alright, I’ll bite, what do you need my help on?” he questioned, before his tone took a teasing light. “...unless you’re just looking for an excuse to see me. You could just come through the portal, we could make it a date!”

“Ha, you wish! There’s this mysterious rash of murders lately, I’m stumped. I… yeah, it’s embarrassing to admit that, but you’re the detective not me.”

“No, you’re just the shoot first type of gal,” Robert deadpanned, a chuckle on the other end of the line. “But why me? Don’t you have a whole team of assorted colors to back you up?”

“They’re working on something over on Andresia, helping a few refugees. I would have gone, but SPD’s been swamped lately and they needed someone to help work a few cases,” Charlie said, and Robert could see the shrug of her shoulders in his mind’s eye. “So guess who got drafted?”

“And now you’re drafting me,” the Black Ranger drawled. “Alright, so why do you need Shining?”

“Three heads are better than two, right?”

“Admit it, you need a substitute Ranger squad and just having me alone doesn’t do that for you. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I’m plenty competent.”

“Look, I’ll explain when you get here. Just bring help.”

With that, she hung up and with that Robert soon found himself bringing Shining to his side of the globe. With Flash Sentry in tow.

“And this is what you gave up?” Shining let out a low whistle as he gazed up at the massive vaulted ceilings of SPD Earth Base, sun shining in through massive glass windows. He was under disguise, as was Flash. Though perhaps they didn’t need to be, given the myriad of species passing them by.

“Oh trust me, this kinda thing just simply wasn’t me,” Robert mused. “The space aliens, the weirder than normal cases… Way too stressful. That’s always been Charlie’s thing, not mine.”

“Coward.” Shining stuck out his tongue childishly.

“I… I dunno, I kinda agree with Robert,” Flash said, eying a many-tendriled being with one too many eyes. “Better to take things slow right?”

Shining gave his fellow Ranger an inquiring look, to which Robert mouthed in turn: “Hey, Charlie said she needed an extra hand or two and he volunteered. Wanted to see how I used to live. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth right? Emphasis on the ‘horse’ bit in this case I suppose.”

“Who’s the guy in the armor…?” Flash wondered as a purple-hued knight passed them on by. He gave a gruff little noise as he shoved Flash aside, the pegasus apparently in his way. “Looks pretty sick right? Rude though!”

“I dunno, something about him looks a bit familiar though I don’t know why. Mhmm, maybe it’ll come to me later,” Robert shrugged before gesturing to follow. “Come on, Charlie’s waiting for us.”

They should have paid more attention, honestly, as residents of Pine Ridge, Utah knew him to be the now infamous warrior Void Knight. “...That sporix beast is around here somewhere, my readings can’t be wrong. Odd however one ending up this far. I should have sent Boomtower, perhaps. Coming personally is a bit of a risk. But then, a leader never sends his minions to do things he can’t do himself and Boomtower’s circuits are fried I think. So, it looks like it’s up to me!”


As it happened, Charlie’s problem went a bit like this. She’d traced the murders to a particular bus line and with a bit of digging found the victims had always gotten on one particular bus.

She and Shining would follow in her car, meaning Robert and Flash would be on the bus trip to nowhere. A ride to hell.

“Alright, deep breaths. Sure you’ve been basically put right in the firing line, but… well, it’s nothing you can’t handle. As soon as you see the murderer make his move… You rush in and cuff him,” Robert thought before looking around at the crowded bus. “Assuming he makes one, a bit of a crowd right?”

“So, you think our guy is going to do something?” Flash whispered to him, surprisingly calm for such a tense situation. “It’s pretty crowded right?”

“Yeeeeah, way too many eyes,” Robert mused, sparing a glance out the window where for a moment he spotted Charlie’s old AMC Hornet. He’d given her crap about it for years, calling it a lemon. Her father’s car or no, it was still utter trash. Then again, in some ways it was a bit less conspicuous than any of SPD’s vehicles. Certainly a bit better than a jeep with their logo on it and a lightbar to boot! “Even sticking a knife in someone’s back would draw attention.”

“My guess is they’ll wait till the last ride of the evening, which… yeah, we’re going to be on this bus for a while won’t we?” Flash swallowed nervously. “Thank goodness I brought my wallet.”

“At least we don’t look like cops,” Robert muttered, thanking Zordon or whatever deity was listening for a good change of clothes. Though for all the good that would do, as they’d probably stick out like a sore thumb the longer they were on this bus. “I think we should get off soon. Probably in a few stops or so...”

“Won’t we risk our guy killing someone?” Flash questioned.

“Not in this crowd,” Robert reminded Flash, the stallion conceding his point with a nod. “Plus, the thing is, we’ll stick out like sore thumbs if we’re on here all day.”

“Yeeeeeeaaaaah…” Flash admitted.

They were coming up to a tunnel, and all went black before a scream split the air as light returned. There was a man on the floor, foaming at the mouth and starting to dissolve.

“What the bloody hell?” Robert shouted, taking a few steps back in shock. “Did anyone see what happened?”

“Who died and put you in charge?” a man in a business suit demanded angrily, though if you looked closely his eyes seemed to be shining with fear. Behind him, other bus goers whispered nervously.

“Detective Robert Williams, NewTech City Police Department,” the Black Ranger flashed his badge. “Now I’ll ask again, did anyone see what happened?”

“I… I dunno, one minute we were in that tunnel and the next…” an older woman stammered out nervously before dabbing at her eyes. “Oh, this is horrible!”

Robert nodded, texting Charlie. The game was afoot.

“It happened when we went into that tunnel right?” the businessman guessed. “Maybe someone slipped this poor bastard something?”

“It’d have to be a hell of a poison…” another man muttered, trying not to step in the goo. “Are we sure aliens aren’t involved? Some new-fangled bio-weapon?”

Mutters ran up and down the length of the bus, some in agreement and others in uncertainty even as the vehicle turned a corner.

“Whoa whoa, okay, let’s not play the alien card until we know what’s going on here okay?” Robert started, his eyes narrowed. “Stow the speciesism.”

“I’m just saying, every year the Earth is attacked by aliens,” the businessman agreed with the second man. “Would it surprise you they’re trying something different instead of the giant monsters?”

More mutters of agreement.

“What’s your name?” Robert asked.

“Riley Sterling, of Riley Sterling Incorporated,” the man introduced himself, with a greasy hand and a greasy smile. “Why, what’s it to you?”

“Just marking you for potential hate crimes,” Robert drawled. “My ex-partner was an alien, so do me a favor and shut up.”

He looked around the bus, daring anyone else to say anything.

“Okay, good. Maybe now clearer heads can prevail,” Flash said. “I’ll ask what my partner asked. Did anyone see anything strange? Anyone strange?”

“No, sorry,” said the older woman. “Your accent is interesting though, young man, I don’t think I’ve heard it’s kind anywhere before. It’s a good kind of interesting. Are you from out of town?”

“Yeah, I… I guess you could say that?” Flash rubbed his head, running a hand through his ‘hair’ nervously. “I’m from very far out of town.”

“Oooooh, are you an alien?” the old woman inquired in a friendly way.

Before Flash could answer, Riley echoed her question but in a far more suspicious manner. “Indeed, are you?”

Robert swallowed nervously, this going unseen. This could get really ugly really fast if he wasn’t careful. His hands went to his phone, texting another message to Charlie about what was going on.

In her car, the message popped up on her phone with Shining handling it.

“Things are getting tense on that bus,” the stallion muttered to his fellow Ranger. “Robert’s playing with fire. Attitudes are starting to turn worrisome.”

“That’s an understatement, I’m guessing,” Charlie said, keeping a safe distance from the Greyhound even as she tailed it. “You worried he’s going to get lynched?”

“I can’t say,” Shining shook his head nervously before noticing her tone. “...you sound like this isn’t the first time.”

“Yes, well, people aren’t always accepting of those different from them,” Charlie sighed, running a hand through her hair. “You’d think with aliens on Earth we’d start to get more accepting, but even now gender is such a hot button issue…”

“You mean…” Shining swallowed feeling a bit sick. “Oh, Celestia.”

“Yeeeeeah, Robert’s never exactly advertised the fact that he’s Trans, never gone to Pride Parades or any of that,” Charlie sighed again. “I think him breaking up one too many riots scared him off that. It’s hard to say, sometimes I don’t know what goes on in that head of his. I’m his partner, I’ve known him for years. Since High School honestly. I still can’t get inside his head at times.”

“That really worries me then, as I’d hoped to be able to understand him a bit better,” Shining mused. “But if you can’t all the time, I wonder how that bodes well for me?”

“Look, you don’t have to understand him all the time, just some of the time,” Charlie reassured the stallion with a kind look. “Just enough of the time. Don’t worry.”

There came a thud, and Charlie’s eyes widened as a massive armored figure landed on her hood. His fearsome blade rested on his shoulder. “But you should be worried… Just not about your partner. But about me!”

The Red Ranger slammed hard on the brakes, throwing Void Knight off the car before he implanted his sword in the ground to stop himself. Pulling it out of the earth, he raised it and readied for battle.

“Now tell me where the sporix is, and I’ll promise I’ll make this quick for you humans!”

“Boy, did you pick the wrong day to deal with me,” Charlie said as red energy began to swarm all around her. “SPD: EMERGENCY!”

“Take Off, Wings Rise!” Shining called as he too morphed with his blade ready to meet the Void Knight’s.

Their swords met in a flash of sparks, before Shining flipped over the villain as Charlie went for her rifle. Void Knight raised his shield to block the shots, before charging forwards with a roar.

Meanwhile... After all guests had left, museums often took upon a different quality. Mysterious, eerie once all lights went out.

It was perfect for a thief in the night.

Radiguet swiped the geode, smashing through the glass to recover his prize. But he would not go unopposed.

“There are plenty of dinosaur bones around me,” the villain said, apparently to himself before revealing he was speaking to someone. “Plenty enough to be feasibly called a graveyard really. I’m sure nobody will mind a few more, or notice them even!”

He whirled around, lightning arcing from his fingertips.

“Your humor needs work, my old nemesis,” Starswirl said, his horn glowing as a shield enveloped him. “You won’t be winning any awards, I’m certain. There’s a comedy night here in Ponyville, from what I’m told. Perhaps you could visit, learn a thing or two.”

Radiguet drew his sword, and advanced on the old wizard with fangs bared.

“And you’re such an expert on humor,” he commented. “I’m sure.”

“I like to consider myself enlightened. I know how to share a joke or two,” Starswirl said side-stepping the swing before wrapping Radiguet in his magic. With a wave of his hand, he threw him into a wall as a silvery aura enveloped the madman. “It’s one of my many talents.”

“Along with humility, I’m sure,” Radiguet said as more lightning arced from his fingers. “I’ve got a shopping list on me, why don’t you go to some other supermarket? You’re not a Kyle, are you? So entitled to getting what you want?”

“I am afraid,” Starswirl said, again his silvery shield surrounding him. “That your terminology confuses me. You’re barely speaking Ponish, what you have to say I’m afraid passes over my head.”

“Aaaaagh, never mind. Here’s a word I’m sure you do understand,” Radiguet snarled, adding on more power to his attacks. “DIE!”

Starswirl’s shield shattered, and he slid back on the marble floor.

“Your language is so eloquent,” Starswirl said, his horn lighting up as gravity around his opponent grew only heavier. “I’m quite sure your particular form of poetry would be enough to fill a book. Perhaps two.”

Despite the difficulty, Radiguet still charged forwards calling upon all of his strength. “Your rangers don’t know who I am, do they? You haven’t told them. I thought nothing was supposed to be a secret. No knowledge forbidden!”

“They’ll learn when the time is right,” Starswirl replied, his horn still glowing and crackling with energy. “Or perhaps they’ll never need to, perhaps I shall end your threat here and now.”

“Oh yes, I’m sure,” Radiguet chuckled, powering through magic blasts. “You couldn’t kill me then, what makes you think you can kill me now?”

“Do not be so foolish as to underestimate me, to mistake my age for weakness,” Starswirl replied, the ground around his opponent rippling like liquid and threatening to swallow him up. “I am an Archmage of Equestria, a servant of the Fires of Life. I wield the magicks of old, you shall not pass.”

Even as he said this, Radiguet was falling into the earth as it threatened to drown him like a tidal wave. However, a hand shot up and shot lightning bringing pieces of the roof down around Starswirl.

He was forced to cut off his spell, dodge the falling stones. Then, the old warlock’s hands lit up as he swayed his arms in a circular motion. That battle of theirs progressed into another room, a blast of fire nearly knocking Radiguet off his feet.

Starswirl’s horn glowed as he brought life to the lifeless, with a tyrannosaur skeleton attempting to swallow his archfoe in its jaws. Indeed, Radiguet was nearly bitten in half, had a blast of energy not utterly demolished the skeleton with ancient bones crashing all around the room.

“Until the next time, old wizard,” Radiguet laughed, his opponent collapsing to the ground from sheer magic exhaustion. “I thought age was supposed to bring wisdom. Apparently, it brings other things too! Try to keep up with me… hopefully, you won’t break your hip! Take my advice, retire to an old folks home, I hear they play shuffleboard every week. Better use of your time.”

Back in NewTech, the battle continued onto a construction site. Shining and Charlie slid down a massive pile of gravel, with a certain knight running after them in pursuit.

Blades met again, Shining holding back the warrior’s sword with his own. The blades met again and again, each fighter equally skilled.

Shining rolled out of the way to avoid a slash, before meeting the knight’s blade with his own. Charlie raised her rifle, firing on the eerily ranger-like soldier with Shining rolling out of the way. Void Knight had raised his shield to block the blasts, only for a certain blue ranger to kick him in the stomach making him stagger.

With a roar, the dark warrior charged after Shining chasing him into a maze of pipes. Charlie peeked out from behind a stack, firing her rifle at him.

Again, Void Knight raised his shield to block the attacks before Shining ran him through with his sword slashing from the side in an ambush. With a snarl, Void Knight soon bashed him with his shield, before tossing his sword aside and throwing Shining into Charlie with his now free hand.

“Don’t lie to me Rangers, I know there’s a sporix beast here,” Void Knight said calmly, even as Charlie continued firing upon him with his shield blocking every shot. He had retrieved his sword, gripping it tightly in his calm rage. “Don’t think you can hide it from me. In fact, I doubt you’ll soon be able to. Didn’t you hear, they grow!”

“But there isn’t one here. In fact, I think you’ve been hit too many times on the head in that armor. The only thing that might come close to one of those things would be…” Charlie trailed off even as the realization hit her. “Oh no. Robert!”

Before she could do anything else, however, Void Knight swung his sword, and an arc of energy slashed through her suit demorphing her and Shining.

“Now, onto business…” the dark knight said, barely sparing them a glance. “I have no patience for foolish heroics. Or being lied to.”

The bus had passed through another tunnel, and someone else lay dead and dissolving before Flash’s very eyes.

“Again, another man dies!” snarled Riley reaching forwards to grab Robert by the collar of his shirt. “Because of your inaction!”

“Hey, mate, you think I did this?” Robert said, trying to fight his own temper. “You think I killed him?”

“You might as well have stuck the knife in his back for all of the good you did!” Riley snapped. “What kind of detective do you think you are anyways? If you were a competent one, you would have solved this mystery by now!”

“Ease up, woah!” Flash tried to pry the man off his fellow royal guard. “This isn’t his fault, it’s the killer’s.”

“Back off!” Riley shoved him to the floor. “This is between him and me.”

“How about you back off?” Robert asked, reaching into his jacket pocket for some pepper spray. “Or do you want me to spray this into your eyes? Now you will put me down, or I’ll have you arrested for assaulting a police officer. How will your company like that?”

He’d noted the fear in the man’s eyes, and felt himself gently lowered to the floor.

“Now… now let’s not get ahead of ourselves eh?” Riley stammered out in fear, appropriately cowed for the time being. “Alright, I admit I lost my temper there but something’s going on. Can you feel it? We’ll pass through another tunnel you know, I don’t want to die!”

“Neither do I,” Robert said. “I’ll try to work this out before then.”

“Yeah, you’d better…” Riley snarled.

Robert eyed the driver, he hadn’t gotten up at all during this. He looked around the bus corridor. He was beginning to wonder if someone was really who they said they were.

“How many of you are regulars?” Flash suddenly piped up, and at the confused looks he continued with: “This isn’t the first time a murder has happened on this bus, in fact that’s why we’re here. This bus is a regular crime scene apparently. How many of you are regulars?”

Nobody raised their hand except for a few and were now eyed warily.

“What, do you really think someone will cop to being here for the last murder?” Riley asked. “How do we know you’re not trying to throw suspicion off yourself?”

“E-Excuse me?” Flash stammered, Robert moving to protect him sensing the change in mood.

“How do we know you’re not a regular yourself?” Riley accused, pointing directly at him. “You ride this bus every time, but in a different shape! You’re both awfully convenient now that I think about it, coming here to solve a murder. It’s like you knew there’d be one today!”

Now in a more rational state of mind, people would obviously know this to be bunk. But people had seen death today and they needed an explanation. So obviously fearful eyes began looking at a stranger.

“Oh, come off it!” Robert said. “That’s a load of nonsense and you know! We’re just good cops, and we know that this bus route is a regular crime scene as my partner said. It wouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination to guess someone might die today.”

“And yet you’ve been here longer than any of us!” Riley pointed out. “I saw you two sitting on this bus the moment I got on! You two could have been waiting for the perfect opportunity!”

“To what, kill you?” Flash asked.

“For all I know, I could be next!” Riley said. “But shut me up, and you’ll make me a martyr!”

“Oh be reasonable, lad,” said the old woman. “They may be just as they said, good cops trying to catch the real killer!”

Some seemed to agree with her, but not all. Most of the bus seemed to be on Riley’s side.

“Y-Yeah, what she said…” Flash stammered out nervously.

“She said you ‘might be as you said’. Emphasis on might…” Riley said as the bus began to enclose in on them. “For all I know, you might be the real killer. Both of you could be working together. You and your partner. Partner in crime that is!”

“Oh boy…” Flash swallowed.

“Now let’s not point fingers, throw conjecture,” Robert tried to reason. “We’re here to catch a killer.”

“Too late…” Riley said as they began to close in. “We already found ours…”

To make matters worse, the next time the bus passed through the crowd another person was dead. This time, the older woman. Screams rose up, fearful shouts turning to angry roars.

“See!” Riley snarled. “It’s them, it has to be them!”

None of the angry mob noticed someone new had joined them. In the front of the bus, behind them was Void Knight.

“How humans are quick to turn on their fellows,” the knight observed, the air crackling with the after-effects of teleportation. “Look at you, fighting amongst yourselves while a hidden threat awaits. I fought Rangers to get here, to find my prize.”

“You mean your friends?” Riley asked, while Flash took notice of something else. You’d think the driver during all of this commotion would have done something. But no, instead he stayed in his seat eyes on the road.

“What the… I gotta have a look at this,” Flash thought before swallowing nervously. “But between me and the driver is… well, oh boy. In for a penny, in for a pound right?”

He ran for it, and then slid under everyone before grabbing the driver even as the man melted like ooze in his hands.

“What the hell?”

And then the air was filled with a burst of laughter. The entire bus seemed to shake, creak and groan even as it drove itself. Finally, Flash and everyone else seemed to realize.

“You’re no sporix beast!” Void Knight shouted before demanding its true identity. “Who are you? What are you?”

“YoUr DeAtH!”

The bus’s wheel turned, heading right for the highway. It sped along the road, picking up an unnatural speed.

“I hAd HopEd To KiLl yoU aLL onE aT A tImE bUt All At OnCe wiLL dO!”

It wouldn’t make the next turn, both Flash and Robert knew. It intended to smash through the concrete barrier and send them all plunging over the side.

“I fEeD!”

Then, came probably the most beautiful sight Robert had ever seen. A familiar red ride, smashing into the side of the ‘bus’ in an attempt to force it into a turn.

Charlie, at the wheel, was guiding the bus back into place and grinding her vehicle up against the side. Robert raced to a window and threw it open in a flash and let out a thunderous cry: “Charlie, it’s the bus! The bus is a dimensional beast! It’s the real killer, not anyone human! You’ve got to stop this bus!”

“Oh, don’t worry, I got an idea,” Charlie said before saying to Shining: “Take the wheel!”

“But… but I don’t even know how to drive!”

“Figure it out!” Charlie snapped before aiming her rifle. One shot popped one tire, and then another shot popped another.

The bus was skidding to a halt, bare axles screeching along the pavement as Void Knight, angry at his attempted murderer shoved his sword through the engine.

“Everybody out!” Robert shouted as the ‘bus’ coughed and sputtered to a halt while belching smoke in tall black clouds.

Now three rangers and a dark knight stood against its real form, the monstrous machine screeching angrily like a demon out of hell.

“Just this once, I shall ally with rangers,” Void Knight declared, gripping his sword tightly. “I do not take creatures trying to kill me lightly. I don’t care about who else was caught up in this, I only care for that thing’s death.”

“Trust me, Lady Justice doesn’t take kindly to his kind of work…” Robert said before he and Shining slashed forwards with a cry of: “Winged Double Slash!”

Two arcs of energy, one black and one blue impacted the Bus Dimensional Beast. Then, Void Knight launched his attack with the moon seemingly at his back. Two slashes forming a purple ‘X’ shape ripped through the monster.

Finally, a blast from Charlie’s rifle busted a hole through the creature and down he went in an explosion. His dimensional bug had been incinerated by Void Knight’s attack.

“Do not mistake this for a regular thing rangers, I shall not help you like this again,” Void Knight bowed his head. “There was supposed to be a sporix beast here, I see I have been tricked and mistook that pretender for what I sought. Until the next time…”

“Who was he…?” Flash asked as he walked up, Robert demorphing. “And more importantly… what in Celestia and Luna’s name happened here?”

“Honestly?” Robert replied, wondering the same thing himself. “I’m not sure.”

Far away, Vapor had a trip of her own to make. Stratusburg beckoned, and to be precise so did an old friend.
In front of her was only cold stone, and on it a message. Even as she lay flowers on the ground, it still called to her.

“Sky Stinger: loving friend and taken from us far too song. May your wings fly on forever.”

Vapor kissed the rose she left in front of his grave, once she had been a shy mare. But after her friend’s death from a rare strain of the feather flu she decided to take up his personality. To honor him. It was the only right thing to do.

When she returned to Ponyville, Sunset looked at her curiously. “Is something wrong?”

“No…” Vapor said in a hollow tone. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s just fine.”

16: Then and Now

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It started with a letter, and honestly, Robert wasn’t even sure how it had made it all the way here. Equestrian magic really was a funny old thing like that.

“Dear ______ Williams, you are cordially invited to…” the man read to himself, making a noise of distaste at the deadname. Apparently, the reunion planning committee hadn’t quite gotten the memo.

“Well, if I do go, they’re going to be in for a shock…” Robert thought to himself with a chuckle. It was a bit of a fantasy, he would admit, striding into his high school with all eyes widened in shock. “...should I? Or is it the fantasies of a schoolboy? Entirely childish.”

“Ooooooh, mail call?” Rarity walked by, taking some of it out of his hands. “Bills, ugh more bills and oooooh what’s this about a high school reunion?”

She waved the letter in front of his face, grinning like the cat who got the cream.

“You didn’t tell me that this was coming up soon!”

“Slipped my mind,” Robert lied. Really, he’d known what sort of reaction his housemate would have. “Swear to god.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow, giving him her patented ‘don’t lie to me dear’ look. “Yes, well I’m sure this jogged your memory now, didn’t it? I understand why you might be… hesitant dear. But I say you should go.”

“You mean go and expose myself to so many questions? Yeah sure, hey it’s your old pal ______ except not really. I’m a guy now so, surprise!” Robert deadpanned. “...yeah, fuck that. I mean, it’s a cliche to show up to your reunion and brag about how much better you are than everyone else, how much of a success you’ve become but that’s completely childish. I wasn’t the school loser or anything like that.”

Rarity was still giving him a ‘look’. “I’m not saying you’d be bragging or anything. As I said, I understand why you’d be hesitant to say the least but you can’t run from this. Your classmates… they have a right to know. Besides, think of the memories Robert,” she booped him on the nose. “Surely you want to relive a few heartfelt memories from school, correct? I doubt they were all that terrible.”

“...well no, I suppose some of them were pretty good,” Robert sighed as he leaned back in his chair. Running a hand through his hair, he paused to think. “It’s just… Well, the whole thing kinda gives me the quivers. And not the super excited quivers. Because I know who will be there and I’m really not sure I want to deal with her.”

Rarity thought about it for a moment before her eyes widened in realization. “Ah, let me guess, ex-girlfriend? ...Boyfriend?”

“Oh, if it were only that. You remember the type of girl in high school right? The one who made it miserable for the rest of us? Yeah, that one,” Robert remarked. “And I’m not looking forward to having to deal with her.”

“Maybe she’s… changed?” Rarity said hopefully, her housemate snorting.

“Oh no, trust me, I know this woman. I doubt she’s changed in years. Bet you bits that she’s still the same spiteful bitch that she was in high school,” Robert sighed, thinking back…


“No, no, no, no! Haven’t you cheered properly in your life yet?!” came a familiar complaint.

______ sighed to herself, wondering why she hadn’t just kicked her off the Squad yet.

With that condescending tone of voice, that superiority complex of hers, well it wasn’t all too surprising she was nursing a headache basically every other day. Enter Terry Rivera.

“...would you mind, kindly, Terry, to let me give the orders?” ______ sighed to herself, holding up a pom-pom covered-hand. “I’m the captain here, not you.”

“Not for long , ______ so just you wait,” Terry just did a hair toss. “Everyone knows that you can’t lead the cheer squad. You simply can’t cut it. It’s a privilege only given to ladies like moi.”

“Well, if you don’t consider me a lady like you, well I’ll take that as a compliment,” ______ drawled. “Honestly, the day you’re put in charge, well that’s probably the day I jump off a roof.”

______ thought of Terry as a shrew personally, a real pain in her ass. “Maybe you should, that way if you break your legs I could be in charge.”

Case in point.

“Well, that just gives me ample reason not to,” ______ said to her rival before clapping his hands together. “Alright people, can we just take it from the top?”

She pressed a button on a nearby radio, as a beat began playing from it.

“Yeah, yeah, do we rock? Yeah, yeah! Take it to the top? Yeah, yeah! Are we gonna stop?
No way!” the chant started, several of his fellow cheerleaders doing a series of cartwheels as ______ was raised above the rest. The chanting continued, with great fever. “We've got razzmatazz! Pep, punch, and pizzazz! Hey, you - You've been had!”

Though ______ was doing a good job of leading the team, Terry just felt disgusted on the inside, as she forced her smile. Deep down, she knew that she was the one who was supposed to be leading this squad; not some wannabe loser like ______. She just had to hope that somewhere down the line, she would choke and then she would take his place.

“Keep it going all the way, we won’t ever give you way! Fight, fight, fight, fight, All the way through day to night!” ______ said as she rallied the rest of the cheer squad. It seemed that her words were starting to get through, as the team of cheer squadmates were much livelier than usual, and hitting their moves with immaculate timing and accuracy. Let's get physical! Get down, get hard, get mean! Let's get physical, and beat that other team!”

“Alright, take five everyone,” ______ said to her team, wiping the sweat from her brow. Going for her water bottle, she scanned the room with an intense gaze. “Good job, though Rockwaller, your timing is a bit off. Work on it!”

She sighed, taking a sip of his water. Something was still missing from the whole cheer, though what exactly he wasn’t sure.

“So, ______, good work. For today anyhow.”

“Could you try a little harder to disguise your ambitions? That’s the reason nobody likes you Terry. You’re so blatantly obvious, you’re a walking cliche,” ______ drawled, trying to suppress the flinch. Why? Why didn’t she like that name? Why did it feel so… wrong to her? “Like this isn't a High School Musical.”

Terry just scoffed loudly. “Well, it should be! That way, I could be the star, and you’d be the wannabe backup dancer!” She pushed ______ hard on the forehead, making her stumble backwards a few paces. “I. Am. The. Star. Here. Not you!”

She threw her arms backwards and leered ferociously, or what she probably thought was ferociously at her. She honestly looked about as dangerous as a kitten, ______ thought. Maybe she was constipated? That explained Terry’s expression.

“Well then,” ______ said, her tone an eternal deadpan. “Better hope you don’t burn out and fade away then!”


“Terry Rivera, I haven’t thought about her in years honestly,” Robert said. “Think I’ve been trying not to actually. Blocked her from my mind like a bad dream. Yeah, that’s pretty accurate. A nightmare.”

“She sounds like it,” Autumn remarked from outside the changing room, where inside Robert was trying on a nice suit. Specialty-ordered, to hide the curves. “And yet you’re going back into the proverbial lion’s den anyways, facing her like some greek hero? To slay the dragon?”

“Please, let’s not use the greek hero comparison. They all died horrible deaths, which is a real confidence booster really,” Robert drawled, adjusting his tie. He peeked his head out from behind the drapes. “You don’t have to come, you know.”

“I know, but as your self-appointed sister I am anyways. Moral support. Charlie’s coming too, right? Or is she involved in a case?” Autumn asked.

“No no, she said she’s coming,” Robert said, back inside behind the curtains and pulling on his pants. “Honestly, I think she’s been looking forward to this more than I’ve been. She’s going to be the nerd showing up everyone at this reunion.”

“...wait, she was that girl?” Autumn replied. “The one everyone overlooked?”

“Oh yeah, did you think she was always this badass?” Robert said. “Nope, she used to be pretty mousy actually.”

“Badass huh? You sure you two never dated? I mean, the way you talk about her…” Autumn said.

“Nope, never even considered the possibility,” Robert said a little too quickly honestly as he stepped out looking nice and sharp. Autumn applauded a little and no his soul didn’t feel any lighter no sir! “...you know, I think I may actually enjoy this.”

“Annnnnd there he is! I was starting to get worried, hearing you so nervous! I wondered where the real you was…”


“So, who's the real you huh?” Charlie asked, ______ halting in her tracks. “I mean, it’s pretty obvious that you’re hiding something. You sure you haven’t considered…”

“...really Charlie, do we have to talk about this?” ______ said, whirling around to face her. “I’m fine, I’m me. Look, this whole thing’s thrown me for a loop, that’s all. Plus, I’ve got so much else on my mind as it is…”

“You mean Terry threatening to drive you slowly insane?” Charlie remarked, grabbing her things from her locker. “I know you’ve said it, but she’s such a walking cliche. It’s… well, no words really. No words to describe her. It’s…”

“Oh, how do I even begin to explain Terry Rivera?” ______ deadpanned. “That, basically. Oh, Terry Rivera is flawless! She has two Fendi purses, and a silver Lexus! The whole nine yards. Walking! Cliche!”

“Is her hair insured for ten thousand dollars, does she do car commercials… in Japan?” Charlie teased.

“And she’s still just as stuck up as ever. No wonder she dropped out of the cheer squad…” ______ folded his(?) arms. “Honestly, did us a favour, that. Heh. Only favour she’ll ever do us, really.”

“Oh right, I heard about that. Said she was too good for you losers, or something,” Charlie replied before she paused. “...oh hear that? It’s the sound of the losers and the simps bowing down before her queenliness. Her godliness. ...we live in Mean Girls.”

Both turned to see exactly that. The girl who they thought would never get any more posh and snobby was just that. Now, it looked like her face had a series of plastic surgery operations done on it, and it looked like she was one of those dolls that little girls liked to play with; the ones that were exceptionally sexualised to look pretty.

And the whole school bowed before her might. No, some of them were literally bowing.

“Somebody shoot me, I don’t want to live anymore,” Charlie muttered. “You think she can’t get any worse, and… hello!”

“I keep pinching myself, and hoping I’ll wake up and discover this is all a bad dream but… nope, it’s real. And it’s bloody awful,” ______ said to herself. “I swear her face is completely plastic.”

“Yes, yes! That’s right! Gaze upon me, boys and girls! It’s me! Your true queen of the school!” She giggled as giddy as, well, a schoolgirl. She stretched her arms into the air with triumph over her accomplishment.

“...that’s it, we’re skiving,” ______ decided, Charlie nervously nodding along. “Come on, it’s not like anyone will notice. They’re so enamored with Her anyways. Their new goddess.”


“You’re kidding, bro,” Autumn said, wide-eyed in stark disbelief. “You’re making that up.”

“Okay, maybe I exaggerated just a bit. But that’s what it felt like sometimes,” Robert admitted as the limo pulled up to the school, music echoing out from inside the gym. “Least nobody broke out into musical numbers praising their new goddess. All hail the Church of Terry Rivera!”

Outside Equestria, Autumn didn’t look quite so magical. From Kirin to a completely normal woman, albeit with interestingly curly red hair. If you looked a little too close, you would swear that it was impossibly beautiful. Like it was just that too well-kept, especially for someone who smelled of the farm.

“So Chesterfield High School huh? This is what made you, well you?” Autumn said. “Shaped your thoughts, gave you some exciting adventures and turned a normal cheer captain into someone completely awesome sauce?”

“No, I think it was just a living nightmare. Purgatory basically,” Robert said, fiddling with his tie perhaps a bit self-consciously. “All those movies about how cool it is? They’re propaganda pieces basically. They lie to you.”

Whispers were coming from all around him, wondering exactly who he was.

“I don’t think they’ve worked it out yet, who you are,” Charlie remarked, having ditched the police uniform for a far nicer dress. She was rocking the power suit. “Hey, you think when we stride in, the song will be fittingly appropriate for two badasses walking back into their kingdom?”

“Our kingdom?” Robert snorted.

“Well, I can dream, right? Just imagine it, everyone fawning over us as Chesterfield’s two alumni come home. Return to the nest to roost!” Charlie imagined, possibly drooling a little.

“...you’re unusually dramatic tonight,” Robert observed, his voice still a deadpan. Autumn giggled as they strode into the renovated gym.

And if a little bit of Autumn’s remaining Equestrian magic kicked in and the DJ began playing ‘Make a Man out of You’, well that was her secret, wasn’t it?

Robert didn’t know whether or not to chuckle over the choice of song, but he still appreciated the effort that Autumn was going through for his benefit. He just decided to shrug and play it cool as he walked towards the centre of the gym, ready for the dance ahead.

For as much as he had loathed some of his time in high school, most of the rest of his time was filled with fond memories. And as he looked around at the many faces dancing around him, all sorts of fond nostalgia rushed into his head. One such was a particular memory from the cafeteria…


Ah yes, the cafeteria. That usual stomping ground where students would come after the gruelling morning sessions of high school. The time for students to unwind as they tucked into some food, while gossiping over various topics.

For ______, he didn’t have much to talk about, but he did have Charlie by his side. That at least gave him someone to talk with. As the two waited in line to get their food, the two of them were already having a chat with each other.

“I tell you what. Math is going to be the end of me,” said ______ as he was served his lunch. “All this talk about algebra and tangents, I swear, exam day is not gonna be friendly.”

“End me…” Charlie muttered in agreement. “The devil’s work!”

“No, I’m pretty sure that the devil himself spat algebra out of hell. Even Satan has standards,” said ______. He was now wearing some fairly masculine clothing, and by itself this was fairly innocent though nobody else seemed to have picked up on what he was hinting at. Or if they did, nobody said a word. “Like fairly certain.”

“Hey! Look who it is!” Came the voice of one of the girls that ______ actually liked to see. With flowing blonde locks and a loose blue shirt, it was none other than Laura Silverlips; ______’s first female friend, but not the last. Behind her were a pair of other girls, one with brunette hair and another with black hair. They were Louise Summerleaf and Samantha Snowpetal respectively.

“Hi,” ______ waved at the three girls as they joined him(?) around the table. “How’d morning periods go?”

“Oh my god, the sub’s such a hardass…” Louise muttered. “Said my skirt was too short!”

“But it is too short,” Laura pointed out. “You’re brave! Oh my god, you’re such a slut!”

“I mean, most of this stuff we might not even need to remember!” Charlie commented. “I mean, half of the time, I’m convinced that some of this stuff is only gonna be on the test for the sake of the test!”
“Well, that’s just how school likes to dole it out sometimes.” Samantha propped her elbows on the table and looked into ______’s eyes. “Oh well. At least it’s keeping us busy; instead of those schools that like to drag it on and stagger our learning.”

“Yeah. It’s a shame that we can’t be in the same class together, because something tells me that if we’re together, it’d make these classes a whole lot easier.”______smiled at his friends; his girl posse. “That and, well, we’d be able to share in each other’s pain.”

Laughter filled the table. While school was suffering, ______ knew with friends like these he could manage it.


“I swear you look so familiar,” said someone from beside him. “Not sure why, but I swear I’ve seen you somewhere before. You’re not in the yearbook are you?”

“Oh, I am. I’m sure if you look long enough, you’ll find me,” Robert said cryptically, in an amused tone enjoying some fruit punch. “Trust me, I was pretty memorable. Still am, actually.”

“OH MY GOD, CHARLIE IS THAT YOU?” Lauren shouted as she ran up, embracing the woman in a hug. “Daaaamn girl, what happened to you? You’ve gone and changed on us while we weren’t looking. You’ve gone from, forgive me, not to just straight up hot!”

“Yeah, what she said,” Louise agreed, both of the two having aged gracefully like fine wines. “So where’s the Captain? Did you two end up marrying after all? Is she staying home being the housewife? I… I haven’t seen her, which is weird right? Like… you’d think the captain would be here to greet the squad?”

“Oh, they’re here,” Charlie chuckled, not wanting to spoil the surprise. The girl squad looked confused while she smirked. Penny in the air…

“...holy shit,” Samantha whispered as it hit her, Robert giving a nervous little wave. “...well, house husband then?”

“Not even married, I mean I’m flattered that you thought we went that way but was never even a consideration,” Robert said, though again it was a little too quickly. “So apologies for dashing your dreams.”

“So who then? That cute red-head we saw with you walking in?” Louise guessed. “Like whoever it is, I totally ship you with them!”

“I’m honestly surprised you braved this at all, like it was a huge step to come out to your former school like this,” Laura said. “I’m proud of you captain.”

“Not sure what I was expecting, honestly. Maybe more… pizzazz I guess? Like several faintings?” Robert shrugged. “Honestly, expectation… reality. That meme, really. It’s honestly shockingly mundane.”

“Well if you want, I can go find a megaphone…” Charlie chuckled, her shoulders shaking with laughter. “Shout it all to the heavens.”

“Now, now, no need to be drastic…” Robert stammered, courage suddenly leaving him.

“Hey, relax, nobody’s going to judge,” Louise said. “You’re still the school idol, as you were then and as you are now. Honestly, everyone I know was looking forward to seeing you here.”

“School idol huh?” Autumn said with a wily grin as she passed. “...now why didn’t you tell me about that huh? Talk about underselling your importance!”

“Unde… underselling?” Robert muttered. “I mean… I guess it was sorta implied? Honestly, I didn’t really think I was the school idol. Like eh. I guess I didn’t think about it all that much.”

“Dude, cheer captain. Cheer captain. Like, hello?” Louise said. “It was definitely implied!”

“So where’s Queen Bitch?” Robert asked. “Like, I’m honestly bloody surprised she hasn’t made a show of herself and thrown herself at the nearest man. Which, given my rotten luck, would probably be me, so hello irony!”

A few noises of disgust were made at this idea.

“...really Rob?” Louise asked. “Ooooh, Rob. I like that! But seriously you had to give me that image?”

Laura shuddered in turn. “Thanks for the nightmares! I have to go cleanse my brain now, thank you very much.”

“But seriously,” Louise said. “She’s… around, though why you even want to go looking for her is beyond me.”

“Solely curiosity, I suppose. That, and if I know where she is, I can be on the other side of the building,” Robert said. That being said, as he spoke he felt… weirdly wrong about badmouthing a former classmate, even if it was Terry.

Maybe it was the fact that he’d grown up, and matured a bit more. Maybe, well, from his perspective petty school rivalries seemed so far away now…

“Like… if you see her coming, warn me so I can vacate the area,” he went on. “Honestly, quite frankly I practically had to be dragged out here just because I knew Terry would be here. Not the whole gender change thing, I could’ve cared less what you thought of me-” lies! “-but dealing with her might require me to muster up more courage than I actually have.”

“Chillax, okay?” Samantha said, gently shoving him off. “Don’t worry about Miss Thing. You, well you’re here to enjoy yourself. So stop acting like a stick in the mud. Stop being tense. If Drama Queen tries to start something, don’t worry we’ll have your back. So go on, have fun Captain!”

“Right…” Robert said with a nod as he made his way into the crowds. Now that the secret was out, people greeted him with pleasant surprise.

“Robert!” Gloriosa Daisy, the head of the school’s gardening club said. “...That is your name isn’t it? Now, I mean?”

Gloriosa had always disapproved of him, though honestly why he’d never worked out. She’d been the nicest girl in school and she never hated anyone. Anyone but him that is.

Even now, in her eyes, he could feel the disapproval. The distaste. A paranoid part of him said it was for obvious reasons but then… Well, Gloriosa had never been like that. Judging people for their life choices.

“Gloriosa,” he said curtly. “Your father’s camp going well?”

“I’m running it now, actually. I got this,” she said politely, though her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes with him. “I heard someone got assigned to SPD, was it? Honestly, it shocked the whole school when we heard. You, a detective! We… Well, a few of us thought that you’d keep the whole cheer thing going. Become a champion, win a few awards.”

“Realistically, I knew I’d never be able to keep that going,” Robert sighed. “It was nice while it lasted but… well, honestly I had to move on with my life. Do something of note, do some actual good in the world.”

“Awwww, and you’ve always been such a cynic! Nice to know there is a heart buried somewhere deep down in there!” Autumn teased.

The man rolled his eyes fondly.

“That, and he wanted to be next to me,” Charlie said. “Said I needed protection, even if I technically outrank him and can kick his sorry ass to the mat any day of the week. And they say chivalry is dead!”

“So romantic…” Gloriosa chuckled.

“...wait, why does everyone think we’re going to end up a couple?” Charlie asked, and her friend simply shrugged. “Sorry, but me and Rob? We’re tight but we’re not like that.”

She pursed her lips, and there was an odd… look in her eyes. Something that he couldn’t quite place.

That’s it, he needed to go clear his head.

Finding the nearest bathroom, Robert turned on the faucet and began splashing his face with water.

“...what the hell’s going on with me? This is all getting incredibly strange, disorienting really.”

“Well,” came the creak of a door, and then a slam. “It’s been a few years since you came here, everything’s changed. Not just the school, but people as well probably.”

Autumn was standing over his shoulder, a comforting hand placed on it.

“Oh, I think I saw that Terry girl as well. Hard to miss her, she looked… really out of place. It wasn’t that everyone was avoiding her, because you think they would if she was as bad as you say,” the kirin went on. “It’s actually pretty crazy, she just seems plain not wanting to be here. Like, at all.”

Robert sighed as he leaned up against the wall. “Okay, that is weird, from what I… remember… she…” he paused. “From what I remember she had everyone waiting on her hand and foot.”

He sighed.

“From what I remember…” he repeated as if something had just only now occurred to him.

“Walking! Cliche!”

“Oh, how do I even begin to explain…”

“I. Am. The. Star. Here. Not you!”

The thing is… the owners of those voices had been completely wrong.

Now he could see. It hadn’t been Terry who’d been the Queen Bitch of the school.

“...it was me. I was the walking cliche…”

A bitter chuckle. Oh bloody hell, no wonder things had been weird all night. Funny what a few years of maturity afforded you, along with a decent amount of perspective.

Now he could see why things had never quite worked out between him and Charlie, why she’d taken that extra almost sadistic pleasure throwing him to the mat. Why Gloriosa could never quite meet his eyes.

“Not like I could blame either of them…”

“Rob…? You okay?” Autumn asked, concerned. “You’ve been awfully quiet for a while now.”

He explained, and his self-appointed sister winced.

“Yeah, uh… I got nothing. I really got nothing,” the kirin said. “Okay, uh whoof that’s a lot to unpack isn’t it?”

“Guess I’d tried to block it all out, make myself the victim just to feel better about who I’d been,” Robert said, rubbing his forehead before another bitter chuckle forced itself out. “How do I even begin to explain _____ Williams huh? Well, she was a bitch. She owned two Fendi purses and a silver Lexus. That’s me, I’m the plastic one.”

“...guess there’s only one thing to do right? Reunions are where you show how much better you’ve become, right?” Autumn said, pointedly.

“Well, she’s got me there!”


Finding Terry had been easy enough. Getting up the courage to talk to his favorite victim was another.

“So, I guess you couldn’t find a date for tonight?” he said, to break the ice.

“Not really, I don’t think anyone cared enough,” Terry said. “Probably didn’t want to be uninvited to any parties.”

Robert winced. Yeeeeah, that probably would have been something he would have done. But that was then, this was now.

“I dunno, I would have taken you,” he said, Terry giving him a weird look. It was like she was trying to work out who he was, why he seemed so vaguely familiar. “Fuck the popular opinion, right?”

“You’re a brave man. There was this girl who used to go here, a real petty bitch. You probably heard them whispering about her inside right? ______, you remember her right?”

“Oh yes I do…” Robert thought to himself. “Well, I’m sure like everyone else she’s grown up, moved on. Life happens. We can’t stay static in one place forever, as people we grow and change. I’m sure even she did.”

“Mhmm, maybe,” Terry said. “Don’t know, don’t really particularly care. I’ve been trying to block her from my mind all night.”

“Yeah, me too. Maybe I should have stopped earlier.”

“But you honestly think she’s changed?” Terry asked. “...wow, you have more faith in humanity than I do. I left the cheer squad because of her, you know. Thought I could make something of it before Queen Bitch came along.”

Robert winced, now feeling really guilty as the memories returned. He sucked in a breath, thinking about what to say before finally replying.

“I’ve seen the ugly side of people, plenty, but I’ve seen some of the best in them lately as well. So you never know. Anyways, this is a reunion yeah? You’re supposed to remember the good times as well as the bad, and I’m pretty sure high school wasn’t all that terrible for you was it?”

And here, at his words, Terry actually smiled. ...wow, it could light up a room.

“Thanks, you know what? I think you’re right, it wasn’t all bad. So let’s see what I can remember, huh? Be seeing you,” she said, before walking off.

“Be seeing you too…”

“...well, that plan was a wash, and this one as well,” Radiguet said, rewatching old failures. “You know, a lot of these plans have been failures and you know why? Because it comes in assorted colors and has 10 legs!”

Gray wisely said nothing.

“And I know why! I created Rangers, if not accidentally and I accept my failure. But now I think I know how to stop them. You put out fires by choking them out, cutting off their oxygen with another inferno. Do you see where I’m going with this?” the tyrant asked.

Gray did, though he wasn’t sure if he liked it.

“You need a Ranger… to stop a Ranger,” Radiguet chuckled, rubbing his hands together with a cackle. “Call your kid in. I know, I know, I’ve tried to forget about him, but right now? I think they’re the solution to all of our problems!”

“You mean…” Gray sat up.

“Oh yes, I do. Now, what’s their number again?”

“No need,” said a voice as a dark-haired, undeniably gorgeous person walked in. “I’d heard you’d been having such terrible luck and I decided to pop by just to see why. Heard you’d dismissed a general right? No way that’s not going to come back and bite you.”

Staci grinned, dressed in royal adornments. “Because you’ve made such a mess of things, you and father… well! Allow me to rectify it. With my all-powerful and crushing darkness, I’ll snuff those Rangers' lights right out!”

17: A New Player

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“Oh, boy… Jeez, this is heavy,” Vapor said, a thick crate in her hands. “This is the last time I accept an errand from Rarity. Goddess, who knew cloth could weigh so much?”

She was basically stumbling about, ponies shouting at her as she accidentally got in front of them unable to really see over the box. Shouting apologies at the crowd, Vapor continued her trek back from the post office all the way to the Carousel Boutique.

Not helping was how blazing hot it was out today, the sun beating down with the fury of an inferno.

“Okay, uh… whoof, I need to stop and take a break. Think I’m about to keel over actually…” Vapor muttered as she sat the crate down, and parked herself at a noodle cart.

“Those are fattening for you, just so you know,” said a stallion(?) who’d parked himself at the cart as well. “Wonderbolts should be concerned about their figure.”

“Jeez, talk about going straight for the jugular,” Vapor said. “If you’re trying to make friends, might want to reconsider your approach.”

“I value honesty in my relationships,” said the stallion. “But forgive me, I apologize. That was rude of me. Staci Geargrinder, and you?”

“Vapor Trail,” Vapor said, taking note of his appearance. He was a pretty boy, not helped by his outfit which wouldn’t have looked out of place amongst Canterlot nobility. “...wow, you’re far from home.”

“Yeah,” Staci chuckled. “I guess I am. I supposed I wanted to come down here, see how the other half lived. My father disapproves of course, but then he disapproves of a lot of things I do.”

“Ah, so it’s like that is it?” Vapor said, before slurping up some of her noodles. “Yeah, I getcha. My parents… well, I know what that’s like. They weren’t exactly approving of me becoming a Wonderbolt really…”

“Because you’re a mare?” Staci asked. “That’s backwards thinking. Equestria is run by Princesses, correct. It’s a literal monarchy.”

“Thankfully, no that’s not it. My parents being sexist, I mean,” Vapor quickly clarified. “They’re just worried. I was… really a bit clumsy as a child, always ending up at the doctor’s and… oh, I realize how that sounds!”

“Yes, it does sound fairly suspect,” Staci nodded, as the stallion replied with a: “I assume by your embarrassment, that it’s not the case?”

“No, they’re not abusive, no. Worrywarts, yes. They didn’t exactly think I could make the cut, y’know?” Vapor elaborated to him. “Worried that I’d crash into a cliffside or something, or maybe my fellow ‘Bolts. But I’m here, I’m wearing the uniform so clearly I proved them wrong eh-heh-heh right?”

“Parents should always be looking out for their children,” said Staci. “Supporting their dreams.”

“Mhmmm, and I could have had any job in the world but I chose this one for a… reason,” Vapor paused, somewhat hesitant as a smiling blue stallion appeared in her mind’s eye. “I could have taken any career, but this is the one I want. This one.”

“I assume you’ve got a point to prove?” Staci asked.

“Yeah, I do. And… I swear there’s something about you, I don’t know what it is. Are you an idol or something?” Vapor asked. “A magician?”

“No, as I said I wanted to see how the other side lives. My father is… fairly important,” Staci paused, seeming hesitant. “Important enough so that he doesn’t always have time for me.”

“That’s a shame… Hey, just curious but do you need somewhere to stay while you’re in town? The hotels are usually pretty packed this time of year, and well, I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea about Ponyville or anything. I don’t want you to feel as if we’re turning you away or anything,” Vapor said. “Rejecting you.”

“You’re too kind,” Staci said. “Too… too kind but… No, I can’t accept. I’ve got my own arrangements and I doubt I’ll be staying long anyways. In and out!”

“Well, all the same, I don’t feel right about you not getting the best of impressions of Ponyville.”

“Who said anything about bad impressions? Your town, it’s not a bad place. Quaint, really,” Staci said. “You should be proud of having such a thriving little town. I assume, of course, that the recent monster attacks have done nothing to hurt it.”

“Well, housing’s pretty cheap if that’s what you mean,” Vapor giggled. “But no, we’re a hardy folk. We’ve been here for ages, and I don’t think an invading empire is going to just drive us out.”

“You’re determined,” Staci said. It was something about the way he spoke, like he didn’t consider himself a part of them. Maybe it was because he was from a different walk of life, Vapor mused. “That’s something to be admired.”

“That or we’re just stubborn,” Vapor replied. “And maybe a bit insane.”

“Insanity and stubbornness often go hand in hand. Still, as I said you should be proud of yourselves,” Staci went on. “You’re… how do you say, a rare breed? That doesn’t sound like I’m comparing you to pets, does it?”

Vapor giggled some more. “No, I get what you mean. I’m not from here, from Ponyville I mean but I’ve noticed how different they are compared to the rest of Equestria. They built this town from the ground up, and it shows. They’re hardy and I like that. No, we’re hardy. I keep forgetting that I’m a part of this town sometimes. Eh-heh-heh. By the way, I never caught why you were here…?”

“Business, really. A terrible, irritable business that I soon hope is over and done with,” Staci sighed. “Wish me the best of luck?”

“Of cour-” Vapor said, before something beeped. “Crap, now of all times. Listen, I got to deal with something. If you don’t mind, can you go take that box down to the Boutique? You can’t miss it. I’m sorry to dump this on you, but something just came up!”

Staci smiled. “I understand.”

As Vapor dashed off, he added: “More than you know…”

“...what the hell?” Vapor asked, as she morphed in a flash of light to meet a familiar foe’s blade. The Noodle Beast, alive again it seemed.

Hot steaming broth was launched towards her, as Shining threw up a shield in front of her. Autumn leaped out from behind it, fist drawn back with a gauntlet wrapping around it.

“BIRD BOMBER!” the kirin thundered, slamming the weapon into the earth as jagged black spikes erupted from the ground with the noodle monster forced back. “Careful now, don’t let your noodles go too overcooked otherwise they’ll be inedible.”

Autumn sparked with red and blue flame, tossing it towards the monster.

A bus horn honked, and yet another supposedly-dead dimensional beast charged out of the treeline.

It smashed through flames, and through the rangers themselves actually as both Autumn and Shining tumbled down a hillside. Rolling down a steep, dirty hill, they fell into a quarry. Vapor was running down that same hill, still fighting her old foe.

Noodles erupted from the dimensional beast’s hand, wrapping around her sword and attempting to pull it away from her.

Vapor thought fast, going for her sidearm and shooting the beast square in the forehead. As it tumbled down the hill, Vapor gave chase.

Another honk of a bus horn, and she saw Sunset and Robert racing past her as the bus beast shifted to its vehicle form. Growling practically demonically, the massive vehicle raced down the hillside.

Sunset summoned a portal, sucking the bus inside as it raced out the other end smacking headlong into a pile of dirt.

Not that Vapor could pay attention to this for too long, given she had her own problems.

The noodle beast was leaping towards her, massive knife and fork in hand with a mad gleam in his eyes.

Except… no. There was nothing at all in his eyes, no emotion or anything. She was facing a lifeless spectre of the past, brought back to haunt her.

Even as she dodged the creature’s attacks, Reversers sprung up from the ground swarming her. Vapor flew up over the monsters, before shooting back down with gales rushing behind her.

The insectoid monsters went flying, and any who didn’t as Vapor flew back upwards were soon scorched by thunderbolts.

However, the noodle beast was still standing, and more noodles flew towards her in an attempt to ensnare and entangle her.

Sunset just lobbed a fireball at him.

With a roar, the bus beast came up from behind and Sunset rolled out of the way landing face-first in the dirt.

“Okay, that one’s really starting to annoy me…” Sunset said as both Shining and Vapor helped her up. “Time to stop it’s engines. This route’s coming to a permanent close. Striker Cannon!”

A certain dune buggy raced from atop a hill, shifting and morphing into that truly massive cannon.

“Watch your step when getting off the bus, otherwise you may trip and fall!” Sunset reminded gently, letting the monster have it. “3, 2, 1, fire!”

As the bus raced towards her, pure energy smashed into it and up it went in a fireball. The noodle beast had been caught in the blast as well, and went flying into a quarry wall. Earth crumbled all around it, burying the beast.

Just in time for Sunset to leap forwards, sword in hand calling out: “Burning Reign!”

And down the monster went only for gunfire to nip at Sunset’s hooves. Atop a hill stood a hooded figure, holding a dark bird-themed weapon that resembled the head of a vulture.

“Okay, I thought we were the ones who had the monopoly on birbs,” Vapor remarked. “Is someone muscling in on our territory?”

“Bold of you to assume you ever had any territory, Rangers,” said the cloaked figure, twisting the hand crank on their gun. Surprisingly funky music came out of the weapon, before it was fired twice. “Let’s see if you can keep pace with this dance okay?”

Two energy balls rushed towards the Rangers, both shifting into again familiar forms.

The camera and sewing machine beasts lived again.

“And we’re not dressed for picture day,” Vapor remarked as the hooded figure rushed off. “I’m not even in my nice clothes! I’m really only in my work boots. Mind, they’re definitely enough to just walk all over these guys. You know, again. Honestly, I’ve never liked zombie movies. They’re so overdone right?”

“And yet,” Sunset said, summoning up walls to hide from the camera beast’s gaze. “We’re living one! Now smile for the birdie!”

Waving her hand, she directed a meteorite towards the camera beast, smashing it’s lens.

“Oh well, at least this time this one’s managed to shut up,” Robert said, a sewing needle tossed like a spear at him. “I don’t know if I could stand feminism being shot back another couple of hundred years.”

Needles shot towards him like hundreds of senbon. He let out a sigh, having truly had enough of this day.

Pressing a button on his morpher, a roar filled the sky and down came his zord firing lasers at the two monsters. Explosions erupted from all around as the creatures were bombarded.

The condor zord came around for another pass, this time joined by the swan after Vapor got the same idea.

Black and white rushed towards the resurrected monsters, twin missiles rushing towards them.

Magnificent explosions erupted from their wakes, as the earth shook. Vapor coughed and sputtered even as the dust began to clear. “...okay, I think I speak for all of us when I’m asking… What the hell is going on? Like… what was that?”

“I don’t know, but…” Sunset mused, taking off her helmet and rubbing her chin in thought. “But I’m willing to bet whatever it is, that person with the bird gun knows a thing or two about it. Looks like we’re in for the long haul on this one.”

“Great… My mane’s ruined, my stylist is going to kill me!” Vapor sighed. “How do I explain I got it ruined by fighting monsters? Hooooow?”

The week went on, Vapor not really sure what to expect next. Mind, she at least could keep her mind off the increasing weirdness thanks to a new friend.

“Staci!” she said, hugging the stallion as she walked into Carousel Boutique “You look handsome today.”

“Beautiful actually, I’d rather you not use anything masculine for me today,” Staci said, the mare wearing a wristband going from pink to black to blue. “Apologies, I should have mentioned this before.”

“I… OH! I see, apologies,” Vapor said, realizing. “My bad.”

“No, as I said the blame lies with me,” Staci said, even as Rarity fussed with their hair. “You look exhausted, by the way.”

“Yeah, it’s, uh, been a bit of a week,” Vapor said, quickly thinking up a lie. “Wonderbolt training and all, well yeah it’s been pretty exhausting.”

“Oh, look at your mane. It’s all frizzy. Damn this heat,” Rarity said, making an expression of distaste as she walked back over to Vapor. “It’s so hard to keep everything neat. Oooooh, this may require a bit of extra TLC just to get it back into a presentable state.”

“Y-Yeah, the heat…” Vapor said.

“Just you park yourself right there, I’ll be with you in a minute, okay dear?” Rarity said to Vapor before turning back to Staci. “Right now, this one needs my tender loving attention.”

“Take your time, I’m all too happy to spend time with Vapor here. She’s… nice,” Staci said, though still sounding unsure of what exactly to make of her. “Maybe a bit scatterbrained, but nice.”

“Yes, she is such a dear, isn’t she?” Rarity said, running a hair straightener through Staci’s gorgeous black locks. “Oh, it’s such a shame that a certain someone has yet to notice her but, well them’s the breaks!”

“A-A certain some… Rarity!” Vapor gaped, aghast. “A-Are you shipping me with someone?”

“Ooops, did I say that aloud? My mistake!” Rarity flushed, as Staci descended into a giggle fit. “Oh, yes well, what’s a mare to do?”

“Not ship her friends?” Vapor drawled. “Really! Alright, I suppose I’ll bite, who do you ‘ship’ me with?”

“Oh, no-one…” Rarity trailed off, suddenly finding herself at a loss for words.

“It’s the kirin,” Staci put in. “I’ve heard her commenting about how much of a lovely couple you two make. I know, I know, it’s distasteful and frankly childish but I’m inclined-”

“Please don’t say you’re inclined to agree,” Vapor replied, her face going bright red as her white fur became stained with crimson. “I don’t think I could live down the humiliation. This, right here? It’s just making me want to melt away into a puddle of goo!”

Staci giggled. “If you say so.”

“Honestly, yeah I suppose Autumn’s cute but she’s not really my type. There was this… guy once, and I do mean once,” Vapor said, her voice somewhat shaky. “It… didn’t really work out.”

“Oh? Do tell,” Rarity said, still brushing Staci’s mane. “Did you let him get away from you?”

“Something like that,” Vapor refused to elaborate. “I suppose you’re right, I should have told him when I had the chance. But hindsight’s a funny thing like that I suppose. Yes, a funny old thing…”

“I’m sure you’ll meet him again one day,” Staci reassured. “Then you can tell him.”

“Maybe,” Vapor lied. “...oh wow, we’re really failing a certain test aren’t we? And here I thought us mares would be better than that!”

“I blame Rarity,” Staci put in.

“So do I,” Vapor agreed. “Motion carried, motion passed!”

“Oh stop, no need to gang up on me!” Rarity sputtered. “You two are too much! You caught me by surprise, a straight up ambush!”

Both Staci and Vapor shared a look, and snorted in unison. Of course, the peace couldn’t last. Indeed, later that very same day, Vapor once again found herself fighting for her life.

Again, monsters returned from the grave and the whole team found themselves caught deep in a quagmire. Fighting deep within the wilds of the Everfree Forest.

Vapor, for her part, traded laser fire with that same cloaked figure from before. Flipping out of the way of one shot, she spun and fired off a few shots of her own. The figure ducked behind a tree, even as laser shots scarred the trunk.

A gun peered out from behind safety, firing rapid fire shots at Vapor as she ducked behind a boulder. From nearby, deeper in the forest, you could hear the clash and clatter of the other rangers' swords.

Vapor took a calculated risk, leaping out from behind the boulder with pistol gripped tightly. The cloaked figure took a run for it, lasers nipping at their heels.

Another duck behind a tree and Vapor fired a powerful shot smashing right through the trunk. The cloaked figure dived out, still firing their gun as Vapor whirled behind cover.

“Who are you?” the light-colored mare shouted.

“Why don’t you find out?” her opponent called back. “Unless you’re too much of a coward to come and chase me?”

“Ooooooh, you’re really pushing my buttons today aren’t you?” Vapor retorted, fluffing up in anger. “Fine then, you want to be chased? Tag! I’m it!”

The cloaked figure took a run for it.

“Come back here, I’ve still got plenty of questions for you!” her rival shouted at her. “Like who are you, and what’s your role in relation to the Reverse Empire?”

“I’m just a hired hand, nothing more and nothing less. Not really much more you need to know.” said the figure.

Vapor continued chasing after them, even as they threw off their cloak in her face. Vapor pulled it off, only to be met with a familiar sight. Someone that, indeed, shouldn’t be there.

“Staci…?” Vapor stammered out in shock. “What are you… no, it couldn’t be. YOU?”

Staci chuckled, holding up a familiarly yet oddly bird-themed gun with a dirty, almost rusted appearance. She pointed it at Vapor, firing off a few shots which the pegasus had to prance about to dodge, resembling the worst case of hotfoot ever recorded.

“Remember, this is honestly nothing personal. You’re just in my way,” Staci said, the mare now spinning the crank on her gun. “If it was up to me, I’d leave you alone. But, well, father wants you gone and so therefore I must obey. Alas, the choice has been made for me. What a mad banquet of darkness I find myself in. Allow me to snuff your life out quickly, as a mercy. For now it is morphin’ time.”

She fired the gun, the shot flying around Vapor’s head even as she dived and the shot circled back around to Staci. Slamming into her chest, dark energy erupted from the ball and burbled around Staci like a cocoon, before the woman burst forth.

She wore a twisted parody of a ranger costume, purple as the evening sky with a white scarf flapping in the wind. Making a series of complex dramatic gestures, the ‘ranger’ proclaimed: “The darkened talon, slashing through the night sky. Vulkhan Ranger.”

The newly anointed ranger snapped her fingers, an explosion erupting behind her as the flames twisted and distorted into kanji. They read: ダークタロン:バルカンレンジャー

“What the buck?” Vapor thought, rather overwhelmed by all this. She wasn’t sure what to be more stunned at, Staci being a ranger or her whole presentation. All of the gesturing and the posing and just… the kanji. Just the kanji.

Then her confusion turned to panic as the dark ranger came up upon her like a storm, a fist nearly shattering her helmet. A knee was shoved into her gut and Vapor staggered back before realizing she had to dodge as shots went wild from Vulkhan’s gun.

More shots and Vapor raised her blade to deflect them, to guard against the rapid fire.

“You say it isn’t personal,” the pegasus said, racing up a tree before pushing herself off it into a diving kick. Staci rolled, firing more shots that raced by Vapor’s head. Rage and hurt was coursing through the white mare, feeling as if she’d been taken for a fool. “Sure feels like it.”

Staci waved her arm, firing as her shots bent through the air with Vapor ducking under them and tackling the ranger to the earth.

Staci grabbed her by the helmet with her hands, headbutting her as she scrambled away. Vapor staggered about, in a daze only for shots to rip through her suit demorphing her.

“It’s not, believe me. I’m only doing what I have to. It brings me no pleasure to kill you. Honestly, the whole concept of violence is appalling to me. And yet, I must partake in it, showcase my dark powers all to an uncaring world which is against me,” Staci said, kicking Vapor into a tree. “If my father wishes it, then I must become a devil!”

She raised her gun for the killing shot, before explosions erupted all around her with sparks flying as Shining and Sunset raced out from the trees -horns glowing- with Autumn and Robert not far behind.

Autumn lashed out, drawing back her fist and flooring Staci with one punch sending her flying. Racing to Vapor’s side, the kirin hurriedly helped her up.

“I see you fought my monsters, defeated them yet again as I expected you would. I’m not surprised, they’re not them. Not really. Just cheap copies, knock-offs of the real thing,” Staci rambled on, continuing to pontificate like a mad god to the masses. “Now you must fight me. I promise it will be much more difficult. Those were the tech demos. Now you see the real game.”

“Good grief…” Sunset muttered, as the rangers went for their sidearms. “Can you just shut up for a minute? If you won’t, then I think I know just how to make you. Chroma Fury!”

Four laser streams converged into one ala Ghostbusters, and she thought that was that when an explosion erupted. But leaping, flipping out of the fire was Vulkhan before one after the other kicking each Ranger in the face.

Landing on the ground, Staci was resting her gun on her shoulder. She was probably smirking behind the opaque black of her visor.

“If you want me, come and catch me!” Staci said before dashing off into the forest.

Vapor knew it was a trap, but right now she was too ticked off to really care. Remorphing, she raced after the dark ranger, her wings extending as she raced through the trees. Tucking them in at appropriate intervals, she darted through the woodland.

Staci was leaping from branch to branch, and at one point, she twisted in mid-air firing back at Vapor, with gun/morpher clutched tightly in her hand.

“You’re angry I didn’t disclose my identity to you, who I really was. The Princess of the Reverse Empire,” Staci said, Vapor darting behind a tree to avoid the gunfire. “I knew you’d treat me differently if I did. Like I was an enemy. I apologize, I should have been upfront with you from the start. I just wanted to get to know you better.”

“Why do you want to get to know the person you’re supposed to be killing?” Vapor asked, whipping out her sidearm blasting shots out of the air. Meeting laser fire with her own. “I don’t get it!”

“I wanted to see why my father hates you all so. Why he’s so intent on wiping you from the earth,” Staci replied. “I wanted to get inside your heads, see your side of things.”

“Yeah, what’d you learn?” Vapor said, throwing a kick which Staci easily dodged.

“That you are a curious species, you ponies. That you’re… very driven. Very kind. Like I said, I don’t enjoy any of this. If… if circumstances were different, I perhaps would want to be friends with you. But alas, I can’t. I’d rather not set myself up for tragedy the day I finally do end your life.”

Staci kicked dust into Vapor’s face, only for the pegasus to blow it and her away with gusts of wind from her wings.

Shot met shot, laser smashing into laser. Vapor punched, only for Staci to catch it and twist her arm. The pony let out a scream of pain, clutching her arm as her weapon landed on the forest floor.

“I apologize, I’m drawing things out,” Staci said. “You’re a good fighter, Vapor Trail. Almost as good as I am but… Now it’s over. DARKNESS BAYONET!”

A blade erupted from her weapon, as Staci charged forth to impale the pony upon it. Then, a shield of magic erupted between her and Vapor, with the blade shattering upon impact.

“Haven’t you learned, Vapes,” Sunset asked, as she stepped into view. “We do everything as a team, and that includes taking down chunni nutjobs.”

“Tough talk, but can you really follow up on that statement?” Staci asked. “Allow me to show you my power. POWER BLASTER!”

Her gun morphed into a familiar weapon, which upon firing scythed a beam through the forest. Trees tumbled all around the Rangers, as Staci attempted to incinerate them. Attempted, as Sunset and Shining quickly threw up shields around their team forming twin domes.

“Well, if that’s your defense…” Staci said, firing again. One shot shattered one dome, and another shattered the second. “Time for a gold rush!”

Her weapon shifted again, into the gold zeo ranger’s staff as Staci became a blur of motion racing towards the Rangers who all fell to the ground groaning in pain.

Staci stood over their broken forms, resting her gun upon her shoulders.

“How is she…?” Shining asked, clenching his fist as he struggled to stand. “That’s impossible!”

“Improbable, but not impossible as clearly she has the ability to summon old ranger weapons.”

“Radiguet can tap into the morphing grid, as you well know. He created your powers, if only by accident and he created mine,” said Staci. “He just gave mine a little extra boost, that’s all. I represent all Rangers. Or at least, I represent the many ways they can destroy their enemies. I am the perfect assassin, if not a reluctant one.”

“Just stop talking…” Sunset muttered. “If you’re going to kill us, get it over with.”

“Very well then…” Staci sighed, her gun shifting forms yet again. “Z-Rex Blaster.”

She fired, with an orb of crackling energy racing towards them. Something dark jumped in front of the attack, holding it back as moonlight raced through the treetops. The orb shattered, fire rushing around the new arrival before being swallowed up by his blade.

Zen-Aku slashed the air, an ornate red blade held out to his side as yellow eyes gleamed in the moonlight.

“It seems, once again, I must intervene in affairs,” the wolf muttered, his blade still sparking with embers. “Forgive me for being so late.”

Vapor smiled weakly. “What’s to forgive?”

Staci shifted her weapon into the Quantum Defender in sword mode, locking blades with the Duke Org.

“What are you, a ghost?” Staci asked.

“A remnant,” Zen-Aku corrected. “I stay as long as I am needed. And I am needed to guard the Animarium until time comes again for a proper team of rangers to defend it. I stay because I need to atone for my own ills. I stay because I am a knight. Now, do yourself a favor and give up.”

“Don’t get in my way,” Staci practically snapped, the two still locking blades grinding them together in an ugly sound. “This isn’t your fight!”

“Did you not hear me? It is always my fight, for as long as evil like you exists. Spout off whatever excuses you want, I don’t intend on listening,” the wolf said. “Your words mean nothing to me!”

He twisted his blade, and Staci’s weapon went flying out of her hands.

“Now. Remove yourself or you will be removed,” Zen-Aku said. “This is your only warning.”

Staci just retrieved her weapon, back in its original gun form and fired in a panic. The shots missed wildly.

“There is no honor in fighting an inferior opponent,” the Duke Org. “But as I must… I shall end this quickly. Blazing Storm Slash!”

His sword ignited, ripping through the air as a hot knife would through butter. Staci had teleported away long before the attack could hit her.

Zen-Aku chuckled, observing this. “A wise decision.”

Helping the other rangers up, he sighed. “It seems our enemy moves against us yet again. He has learned from his failures, and sends a powerful opponent against you. Now you face yourselves.”

“Whoopee…” Sunset muttered.

Vapor looked incredibly flustered as the former villain helped her up. Forcing the blush down, she spoke. “Just… just why though? She seems… incredibly sad fighting us, and yet no matter what I said, she seemed intent on following her father’s orders.”

“Father?” Robert said, before looking disgusted. “...what do you mean… Oh, ewwwww, wait does that mean Radiguet reproduced? Bloody hell!”

All the rangers looked incredibly ill at the idea.

“Oh, okay, yuck. I didn’t need that image in my head, thank you!” Sunset said. “Brain bleach, please! Someone, anyone!”

“Bloody Nora, I’m sorry I said it. Ewwww, soon as you’re done with it,” Robert went on. “Pass it to me!”

“I’m half tempted not to, after you put that idea all in our heads you sicko!” Sunset shot back. “Gee, thanks a lot!”

“I need to be cleansed…” Vapor thought to herself, looking up at Zen. “...will you help me?”

She soon let out a little ‘eep’, realizing she’d said that aloud. The Duke Org chuckled.

“Now that is a very thirsty mare. Like, seriously. Not sure what she sees in him, but well that’s love I guess. Love is blind, love is weird,” Sunset thought to herself. “And thank Celestia that I shall never have to experience it because if I have to end up dating a massive wolf then clearly it’s overrated!”

“Wraaaaaagh!” Vapor let out a cry, her sword attempting to bite into Zen-Aku’s own. “I was so stupid! Stupid! I should have seen Staci for what they were!”

“You are not to blame,” the Duke Org said. “You had no idea, nor any of us for that matter, that the enemy would send someone of your own species against you.”

“Assuming that they’re even a pony,” Vapor replied. “For all we know, that’s another lie.”

“Perhaps, perhaps not,” Zen-Aku said, pulling away from her before their blades locked again. “Honestly, I suppose it doesn’t really matter what they are. Only what you do with them going forwards.”

“Like delivering a good solid punch to the face? I’d be down for that,” Vapor said. All around them, the ruins of an ancient city from a civilization long since lost to the sands of time. “I assume that’s what you meant, right?”

“That’s your decision,” Zen Aku said, the two circling each other with both waiting for another chance to strike. “Honestly, young Vapor, whatever you want to do is your decision. However, if I may?”

“I mean, considering you’re probably going to say whatever this is anyways… No matter what I say to try and stop you? Go ahead,” Vapor shrugged. “Alright, what is it? Out with it.”

“You yourself said that Staci seems sad, indeed reluctant even. Find out why,” Zen-Aku advised, rushing forwards and again Vapor’s blade met his own. “Battles aren’t just won with violence, after all.”

“Coming from the guy who’s curbstomped pretty much every opponent he’s come across in one to two blows,” Vapor remarked. “Yeah, funny that.”

“You get my point though, I assume?” Zen said. “I only go for violence nowadays as a last resort. Make no mistake, I’d be foolish to assume that all fights I’d be able to talk my way out of, but there’s always this chance that blood may never need to be shed.”

“You were a monster once. What changed?” Vapor said. “I mean… you’ve gone from the very sort of monster you’re instructing me to fight to an actual knight. What… just what happened to you?”

“I met a man,” Zen-Aku said. “I rubbed off on him, and he rubbed off on me. We complimented each other. I learned a sense of honor and justice, or perhaps inherited it. That would be more accurate.”

“Inherited… how did you ‘inherit’ a sense of justice?” Vapor asked, still dueling.

“It’s a long and very complicated story, perhaps I should tell it to you sometime,” Zen-Aku said. “In any event, here I am instructing the next generation of heroes. You’re part of a long legacy, I hope you know that.”

“Oh, I realized that when Staci began beating us all down with past ranger weapons,” Vapor deadpanned as she broke away from him. “I… it’s humbling, I guess you might say to be overpowered by someone like that.”

“I suppose that’s one way of looking at it,” Zen-Aku said. “I myself know the feeling.”

“You?” Vapor laughed, resting herself up against a tree. “You? But you’re… well, no offence, but you’re probably the most dangerous guy alive from what I’ve seen.”

“I used to think that, but arrogance was one of my many failings. Never think you’re the most powerful there is, someone will always show up to prove you wrong,” Zen-Aku replied. “Such as it were.”

“Yeah, amen to that. I started off so wide-eyed, so… excited I guess to be a superhero. Time and time again, I’m starting to realize just what that entails,” Vapor said. “It’s… I’m just beginning to wonder, when does it end?”

“Honestly? Truthfully, it probably never will. There will always be another opponent, another evil. Lesser or greater, it doesn’t matter. There will always be another fight, another war to win,” Zen-Aku sighed. “Thankfully, there’s always someone rising up to meet it. It’s our responsibility, however, to make sure that they’re prepared for the long roads ahead.”

“Meaning…” Vapor realized.

“Yes. Meaning that someday, you’ll probably be in the same position that I am now. Teaching someone that needs it,” Zen-Aku said. “So, taking in all of this, what do you intend to do now?”

“I suppose… find Staci,” Vapor decided. “And make sure this war doesn’t go on for any longer.”

And at this, Zen-Aku chuckled. “Something tells me you won’t have long to wait.”

Indeed, his words were soon proven correct a few days later. Zords danced in the sky above as another old foe was revived.

Wings scythed through the air, lasers firing. Vapor left them to it, she had more important matters to attend to.

“Again, we fight,” Staci said as she twisted her weapon’s hand crank and energy washed over her as she morphed. “Again, we do this dance.”

Both rangers leaped over the side into a quarry as the swallow zord rushed right over just where they’d been standing a few seconds prior. It climbed high into the sky in an arc, as a truly monstrous jet chased after it.

Both rangers were sliding down a hill, and once they hit level ground again, the guns came out. Vapor spun and flipped in a complex dance, avoiding Staci’s gunfire.

The mare raced around her, gusts of wind stirred up by her wings. Vapor kicked and kicked and kicked at Staci, the dark ranger holding up her arms defensively.

Finally, she’d had enough and fired several shots into Vapor knocking her back to earth. But the mare wouldn’t give up, kicking quarry dust into Staci’s face before pulling her to the ground in an attempted leglock.

Staci managed to pull herself free and Vapor chased after her, shots meeting in mid-air. Another zord rocketed overhead, Sunset in her falcon cutting a blazing path through the sky.

The jet dimensional beast let out a truly massive roar, firing twin rockets at the zord.

“I didn’t manage to kill you before, allow me to rectify that mistake,” said Staci, running towards her into a sidekick. Vapor let out a cry of pain as she slammed into a rock. She yelped, and then spun to safety as Staci flew into another kick. “Please, don’t resist. It’ll be better on you this way.”

“You expect me to take my own death lying down?” Vapor asked, catching a third kick in her hands before shoving upwards as Staci flipped backwards to safety. “Please. And honestly, I don’t know why we even have to do this. Surely there’s another way.”

“You don’t know my father,” Staci said, in resigned acceptance of her fate. “If I don’t kill you now, the punishment will be incredibly severe.”

“And living through the domination of all ponykind is an alternative? You’ve said it yourself, you like us!” Vapor said, catching a punch before slamming her own fist into Staci’s helmet. “As a species!”

“Yes, that may be true, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have to die,” Staci replied, firing off a wildfire series of shots. “None of you are allowed to live, for the Reverse Empire must take back what is rightfully theirs.”

She summoned the Z-Rex Blaster again, firing off a powerful shot that nearly floored her. Vapor leaped over it, punching the dark ranger square in the face.

“And?” Vapor asked.

“And what?”

“And what of you?” Vapor pressed. “Say you do kill us, say you do see the Reverse Empire return to prominence. What of you?”

“I will be put into a position of power alongside my father, as is my reward,” Staci said. “That’s the only ending for me. The only ending I want.”

“You don’t sound like you want that sort of thing. That ending, as you know, requires you to kill us all. Your first friends!” Vapor said, slashing at Staci with her sword as the mare moved out of the way.

“Don’t call yourself my friend! You’re not!” Staci said, firing her gun only for Vapor to keep deflecting shots with her sword. “You’re not!”

“I beg to differ. Despite all that you’ve done, I have and always will… consider you my friend,” Vapor said, shooting the gun out of Staci’s hands. “So please, let me help you!”

Thunder cracked as Gray teleported in, sword in hand and slashing Vapor across the stomach. One strike demorphed her.

“That’s enough out of you,” the mechanical monstrosity said. “Stay away from her.”

“Never…” Vapor said, gripping the dirt as she pulled herself up. “She’s my friend, and I refuse to let you have her!”

“I know what’s best for her, you’re barely even a concern,” Gray said, kicking the mare square in the jaw. “Unfortunately, it seems that Staci was too incompetant to deal with you. I, on the other hand, know exactly how to deal with you.”

“I think not!” Robert shouted as he leaped down from his sword, sword drawn. “You want to touch her, you have to go through me first. Now I don’t pretend to understand this whole Staci deal, but I understand plenty about you.”

“Very well then, if we must. Raise thy sword! Come, Black Ranger!” Gray shouted as he charged at Robert. “You, again, interfere with my work! Why do you persist?”

“I dunno, I guess I like to meddle, really. Meddle meddle meddle!” Robert said, locking blades with him briefly, before pulling away. He kicked Gray square in the stomach, knocking him back. “Really, it’s my life’s work making sure that your life’s work fails. Falls flat on its face!”

“The reluctant ranger… you’ve grown into quite the little hero haven’t you?” Gray said, the two circling each other like lions before the kill. “I remember you hating this job at first.”

“I still do, but I think I hate you even more,” Robert said, leaping forth into a downwards slash. Gray stepped back, and backtracked even more as the black ranger slashed at him again. “Personally, if you were to go and deactivate tomorrow, that’d make my job much easier. I’d be over the moon really.”

“Unfortunately, the day I deactivate is a day you’ll never see,” Gray replied, missiles popping up from his wrist. They fired, and Robert was blasted into the lake. “Indeed, I don’t think you’ll be seeing tomorrow at all.”

Robert leaped out of the water, shouting: “Wanna bet? Striker Cannon, now!”

The buggy drove off a cliff and shifted into cannon form in his hands. As Robert lined up his shot, there came a scream of fear from Vapor. Gray, in one swift motion, had shoved Staci in front of him just to take the impact.

Staci flew back, limbs flailing and demorphing in a flash of purple energy. Gray chuckled. “Oh well, it seems you’ll be losing that bet.”

“Bastard!” Robert shouted at him, even as Gray hoisted Staci over his shoulder and teleported away.

Helping Vapor up, Robert steamed. As if he didn’t hate that scrap pile to be enough…

Staci awoke in a daze, vaguely remembering all that had happened. She let out a sob as she remembered Vapor’s terrified face. Her begging Gray not to do it.

Another sob, and the tears came falling fast now. Damn it, why did she even… Why did that damn pony even care so much?

She wasn’t worth saving. Staci knew that she was only just a cog in the Reverse Empire’s war machine, and… a terrible friend. A killer.

And yet… Staci clenched a fist. Vapor seemed so dead-set on saving her. Why? Why? WHY!?!

It wasn’t like she had anything to offer her…

To the world.

No, she’d just do her duty. That was what she was expected to do. She would kill the rangers, and make sure that her father saw his empire returned to glory. That was her purpose. That was why she’d been given her powers.

Because that was who she was. The darkened talon, slashing through the night sky. Vulkhan.