> King Spike > by Norwegian boy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was just another day on the planet Equis and in the dragon kingdom, a lonely farmer was harvesting his crops. After putting the last basket on his wagon, he wiped away the sweat on his forehead. “Man, who knew being a farmer could be so tiring.” He then strap himself on his wagon and was about hauled it to his house when the wind started to pick up. “What the hell?” He looked around. “Where is that wind coming from?” He got his answer as soon as does words left his mouth. Flying above him was a giant black dragon with red scale. “Is that?” The farmer just watch as the giant dragon flew towards the capital. “That’s was sir Drake.” He said while staring at the dragon with admiration. The black dragon flew towards the capital and the closer he got he could see that nothing had chance, it was the same dragon castle and town. Once he was over the town he stated to descend towards the market place, as he got closer he body started to glow, and he got smaller. When was just a few feet from the ground he did a flip and landed on his feet. “I never get tired of doing that.” He said to himself with a smile on his face. Drake then look around and saw that the dragons around him had stop what they were doing to look at him in awe and he knew why, because of his reputation. Drake was probably the most famous dragon in the entire dragon kingdom, he had been in many battles in his life time and he has also save the kind and queen once given him the title of sir, he hated begging this famous. All he wanted when he was young was to join the army and protect the ones he loved, not get special treatment. He just ignored them and walk towards the castle. Once Drake reached the gate of the castle the guard the salute him which he just ignored as he opened the doors and walk in. Once he had walk in, one of the young guard couldn’t help but stare at the doors. “Do you know who that was?” He ask the other guard who was much older. “Of course, I know, that was sir Drake one of the most bravest dragons in the entire kingdom, he is also one of king and queens personal guards, the dragon knights. Every dragon knows that.” The young guard couldn’t help but smile. “I can’t believe we got to meet him.” The older guard just rolled his eyes. Once inside the castle, Drake was meet by one of the maids. She bowed. “It’s good to see you again sir Drake, the queen is wait for you.” “Good to see you again Rilda, how is the kids.” They started to walk. “They are a handful as always, but I love them.” Drake couldn’t help but smile. “That’s good to hear.” They finally arrived at their destination, a door with the royal seal on. “Here we are, the queen is inside.” “Thank you Rilda.” She bowed and walk off. Once she was gone Drake couldn’t help but stare at the door, he let out a heavy sighed. “I wish that I didn’t have to see her like this.” Drake knock on the door. “Come in.” Drake opened the door and walk inn. Inside the bedroom was giant bed and in the bad lay a dragoness, she was red with light green scales. Normally you would see a queen in her royal outfits but not this time, she was lying her sleepwear because she was sick. Drake walk over to the bed and went down on one knee. “Queen Garnet.” Garnet just rolled her eyes. “I wish you would stop doing that, we have known each other since we were kids.” Drake stood up with a smirk on his face. “That might be true but are still my queen.” Garnet couldn’t help but smirk too. “How are you feeling?” He asked her while taking a seat on a chair that near the bed. “Good, considering I don’t have long to live.” She look into his eyes. “You know why you are here, right?” Drake nodded. “You want me to bring the prince back.” “No Drake, I want you to bring my son back. I haven’t seen him since he was born eighteen years ago, and I want to spend my last month with him, I want to get to know my son before I die. Is that too much to ask?” She asked with tears in her eyes. “No, it isn’t.” He got up. “Don’t worry my queen, I will bring your son back.” Then Garnet handed him a scroll. “This is for Celestia, something tells me that he will be confused, and she is the only one who can explain it, it’s in this letter.” Drake took the scroll and headed for the door. “Sir Drake.” He stop and turned around. “Don’t force him, I want him to come at his own free will. Is that understood? And to make it clear, that’s an order.” “Yes, your majesty.” He then walk out the door. Once out in the hall Drake started to walk towards the training area to gather the rest of the dragon knights so he could tell them about their mission. Once Drake arrived at the training area he could see three dragons, two males and one female. One of the males was sitting in the corner mediating, he was red, and his scales was black, his name was Diner, and he was Drake’s little brother, one of them. Diner nodded in the direction of his brother and Drake nodded back. Then it was the twins Nallir and Zaldren, Nallir was a female dragon and she was blue with yellow scales. Then it was her twin brother, Zaldren which was yellow with blue scales. Yes, they are twins. They were currently circling each other ready to attack, then they launch at each other looking hands with each other trying to overpower each other, Drake couldn’t help but rolled his eyes of their behaviour. Drake walk over to his brother. “I see that they are at it again.” Diner nodded. “How many times have they done this since I left?” Diner just shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea, I lost count.” Then they heard a thump and crying. “I give up, I give up.” Drake look over to the twins and saw that Nallir had her elder brother in arm lock. Drake could only shock his head by their behaviour. “Let your brother go Nallir, we have a mission.” The female dragon look up from her brother. “Drake, when did you arrived?” She ask the dragon as she got of her brother. “Just now.” He watch as Zaldren got up while rubbing his arm. “Why do you two do this? You are just going to end up hurting each other.” He asked Nallir. Nallir look offended by what Drake said. “Hey, don’t look at me, it was my idiot brother that started it all this time. Now that I think about, he always picks a fight with me.” Drake look over to the brother who just shrugged his shoulders which made Drake roll his eyes. “Well, you two can stop now. As I said, we have a mission, were heading to Equestria.” That got the attention to all the three dragons. “You don’t mean…” “That’s right, were are bring home prince Spike." > Chapter 1: Prince Spike (Edit) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three gigantic dragon flew over the land towards Equestria. Their mission, to bring home prince Spike. Their destination, a peaceful little town called Ponyville where the prince lived with his caretake a pony named Twilight Sparkle. "I can't believe were going to pony land, I hate ponies." Drake and Nallir look over to Zaldren with a deadpan look. "We know already, you have told us this a thousand times." Nallir told her brother with annoyance. "The only problem for me is that I had to hear it since childhood." Zaldren just rolled his eyes over what his sister said. "And I still stand for it." He then look at his leader with narrow eyes. "Why do I have to go on this mission when you know that I don't like them?" "If I had left you two alone in capital then you would probably have started an argument, my brother can handle things there while we are gone." Zaldren just snorted. "Maybe, I just hate them so much. They act like they are the superior race, they arrived to this land long after the dragon, griffin, zebra and the panthers and now they act like they better than us. I blame most these elements of harmony," He snorted again. "friends is magic, what a lot of crap. These ponies has never been to war, in war kindness, laughter, honesty and laughter doesn't apply, the only thing that work there is loyalty." The two other dragons hate to admit it, Zaldren have a point. The ponies had never been to war before and most of the elements would be useless in a war. He was right but they would never tell him that. Drake decided to scout ahead, and he saw the town. "We are approaching Ponyville, let's land outside so we don't scare the ponies who lives there." The twins nodded in agreement. On Sweet Apple acres lived the Applejack, the most honest pony in Equestria. She was busy bulling a cart filled with apples back to her house. As she walk her ears perk up, she could hear something that sounded like wing beat, giant wing beat. "That can't be Rainbow, can't it?" She tried to find out where the sound were coming from and it was coming from the Everfree forest. "No, it's not her. Dash would never fly into the forest and back, she isn't that dumb." She was certain that is was not Dash, it sounded bigger. Applejack was about to look towards the forest when three giant figure flew right over knocking her hat off her head. "Wow nelly." She just watch as the three dragons flew towards Ponyville. "I wonder what's going on." She picked up her hat. "I have to find out what those dragon are doing." She started to drag the wagon towards the house, in double time. It didn't take long before Drake they saw the town, so they started to fly towards the ground, when they were a few meter from the from the ground, they started to glow and then they shrunk into more normal size, they landed on the ground. "We walk from here." And with that said, the three dragon started to walk towards the town. The ponies of Ponyville had a normal day, they would wake up and go with their lives. But they didn't expect that three dragon would walk through their town, one can say they were surprised. The ponies in the town had never see a full grown dragon before, the only dragon they had seen was Spike and he was just a teenager. Some of the ponies look at the dragon with awe while other look terrified of them. "Look at them, they are acting like they haven't seen a dragon before." Said Zaldren while they were walking through town. "Of course, they haven't. They only dragon they have seen is the young pince and he's a young dragon." Nallir told her brother who just crossed her arms. "And that idiot who decided to take a nap just outside this town." "Would you two cut it out," Drake told the siblings. "we are here." They had reached their destination, a giant tree in the middle of Ponyville, Golden Oak library. Drake turned around to face the siblings. "No pony gets inside, expect Celestia, understood?" They both nodded. "Good." Drake then walk in while the siblings took their position by the door. Once Drake was inside the first thing he saw was books, a lot of books stacked beside each other on shelves. There was hundreds books, but he have seen more in the royal library in the castle. He didn't seen any dragon or pony. "Hello? Is there someone here?" Drake asked.. "One second." Said a voice that was male, and Drake knew who it belong to, it was the prince, and he was right. He heard a door closed and then he saw a purple dragon with green scales step into the room who was at least eighteen years old, he was holding a tea set in his hands? "Welcome to the Golden Oak library, what can I..." that was all Spike could say when he saw the dragon in the room. Drake went down on one knee. "My prince." Spike dropped the tea seat on the floor, and it shattered. Then a new voice spoke up. "Spike, what did you break this time?" The voice was female. Drake saw a purple unicorn walking down the stairs, he recognise her as Twilight Sparkle, the one who Celestia gave Spike's egg too. She then saw what he had drop on the floor. "Spike, how did you managed to drop my tea set on the floor?" She scolded him. Drake decided to speak up. "Don't talk to the young prince like that, it was my fault that he drop it." He said while getting up. Twilight notice Drake for the first time. "Who are you and what do you mean by prince?" She asked him. "My name is Drake and I have come her by order by queen Garnet to bring back prince Spike to the dragon kingdom, if he wants to." Both Spike and Twilight was stunned when they heard that, they didn't know what was going on right now. Twilight was the first one speak. "Prince Spike? What are you talking about?" She look at her assistant. "Your royal Spike?" Spike blinked a few times before answering. "No, I don't think so." He shook his head. "I don't even know this dragon." Twilight walk over to Drake with fury in her eyes. "How dare you come here and tell him lies like that?" She said with anger in her voice. Drake wasn't affected at all and he expect this, he took out a scroll from his jacket and handed it to Twilight. "Here, send this to princess Celestia and she will explain it all." Twilight studied the scroll and saw a royal seal on it, it belonged to the royal dragon family. "Fine." She took the scroll and handed it to Spike. "Send it to the princess and she will sort this out." Spike took the scroll and used his fire to send it. Drake just watch what happened and he was disgusted by what he saw. "You use the prince to send your letter to the princess? Can't you do it yourself?" He asked Twilight. "Of course, I can but why do it when I have Spike to do it for me?" Drake couldn't help but question her logic. "So, he is your servant?" Twilight was offended by that. "He is not my servant, he is my assistant, he does everything I ask him." "That dose sound like a servant to me." Twilight pointed a finger at him. "You listen to me, when princess Celestia arrive and proves you wrong I want to out of my library and my town." Drake couldn't help but question her, again. "Your town? You're from Canterlot and the only reason you came to Ponyville is that Celestia told you to, then you stayed so you could study friendship." Twilight was shocked of what he said, how did he know all that?"How... how do you know all this?" "Celestia gave you the prince egg, off course we kept an eye on you." Right now, Twilight was furious. This dragon was not only lying he was spying on her and Spike, she was about to tell him to get out when the door to the library open and Celestia step in. "I came as fast I could sir Drake." She said as soon as she entered. Drake bowed a little. "Don't worry about it." Then Twilight walk over to Celestia. "Princess, can you tell this dragon that Spike is not a prince." Celestia closed her eyes. "I'm afraid that it's true Twilight," She opened them and look at Spike who hadn't said a word for a while. "Spike is the prince of king Rock Crusher and queen Garnet. Twilight had trouble believing in her mentor at the moment. "What? Why didn't you tell me?" "Because I promised them not to." Celestia let out a sighed. "I will tell you later Twilight but right now I need you to leave." Twilight eyes widen when she heard that. "Why?" "Because this conversation dosen't concern you Twilight Sparkle." Drake told her. Twilight look at Drake with anger in her eyes. "Dosen't concern me? I have raised Spike since I hatch him from an egg, so don't you dare..." Then Celestia cut her off. "That's enough Twilight." Twilight was shocked by what her mentor just said. "I promise you that I will tell you what this about but not right now, me and sir Drake have to talk to Spike alone, is that understood?" "No, I don't understand, I have the right now know..." That was all Twilight could say before she disappeared, Celestia look at Drake who's eyes were glowing. "There, she is gone." He said s his eyes went back to normal. "Did you just teleport her outside?" Celestia asked him. "Yes, she didn't listen, so I did what was necessary just be glad I didn't kill her." The dragon told her. Celestia placed a hand over her eyes. "Yes, I am glad you didn't kill her." She said with relief in her voice. They then look at Spike who had watch the whole thing in silence. Spike didn't know right now what to believe, there was a dragon who is telling him that he is a princes and that his parent is the ruler of dragon kingdom. He had so many question but there was one question he wanted the answer for and that was, why did his parents give his egg to Celestia. He was brought out of his thoughts by Celestia. "Spike, I understand that you have many question." "You can say that again, but there's one thing I want to know, why did my parents give my egg to you?" Celestia didn't know what to say so Drake decided to speak. "If you let me, I can tell you that my prince." "Don't call me that." Spike snap at him. Drake waited a minute before continued. "You parents gave you egg to Celestia to protect you Spike." "To protect me? From whom?" "Your uncle." Spike was even more confused. "My uncle? I don't understand." "If you let me I will explain." Spike just nodded. "You see Spike, your father have a little brother and he has always been jealous of him because he never could be king and when your parents decided to have children... let's just say your uncle didn't take that news very well." "You said children, does that mean I have siblings?" Drake let out a heavy sighed. "Not anymore. You see Spike, your sibling died before they were born." Spike's eyes widen when he heard that. "They were kill by a deadly toxin before they were hatch." Right now, Spike was horrified of what he just heard. He look at Celestia and she just nodded in agreement. "Who... who kill them?" He asked them in a shaky voice. Drake let out another sighed. "It was your uncle, dragon named Joserth." "Why? Why did he do it? Why did he kill them?" "Because he's a jealous jackass who has always been jealous of your father because he was the older brother, Joserth wants the throne for himself and he will do everything in his power to obtain it and that includes killing young dragons that isn't born yet." Drake was now breathing very heavy, he look at Celestia. "Can you take over? I need to calm down a bit." Celestia just nodded and Drake was over other end of the library. Celestia saw that Spike was in shock and she couldn't blame him. "Look Spike, your parents decide to hide that your mother was pregnant with you and before someone could get to you, they gave your egg to me in secret. You know the rest." Spike look down on the ground. "And know they want me to come back?" Celestia let out a sighed. "Only your mother, your father died a year ago." That got Spike to look up. "My father is dead?" Celestia nodded. "Then why did they came now?" Celestia was about to say the reason but Drake beat her to it. "Because your mother is dying and she only have about a month left, all she wants to is spend time with you before she dies." Spike wasn't sure what to believe right now, he had always wonder where he came from and now he found out that his father is dead, and his mother was dying. This was too much for the young dragon. Spike placed both hands on his head. "I don't know what to believe anymore." Celestia and Drake couldn't help but feel bad for him, he got a lot of information in the last ten minutes. It couldn't be easy for him. Then the door open and in walked Nallir. "I hate to interrupt you all, but we have a problem outside. Twilight Sparkle has gather her friends and they are trying to force their way inn." She told them. "Are they causing any trouble?" Drake asked her. "Not yet but the peagsus with rainbow colour hair is getting aggressive, my brother is about to attack her." Celestia couldn't help but shake her head. "Thank you Nallir, I will be right out to deal with it." She told the dragoness who just nodded and walk out. Celestia then look at confusing dragon, she bent down and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Spike, I don't expect you to believe any of this but if you chose to travel to Wiacaster with sir Drake I will not stop you just remember to send me a letter so I can talk to Twilight, something tells me she is going to overreact if you do travel with sir Drake." Spike couldn't help but chuckle of that last part. Celestia then got up and walk out to deal with what was going outside, leaving Spike alone with Drake. It was a moment of silence before Drake spoke. "Look Spike, I'm not here to force you to come, your mother told me not to do. You are your own dragon and if you don't want to come then I will respect that but just remember that your mother is dying, and she just want to spend time with you before her time is up." "And when she gone I will become king and that's something I don't want to." "Yes and no." Spike look at Drake with confusion. "If you chose not to come then your uncle will be become king and I hate to think what that egotistic bastard will do with the dragon kingdom, he would probably start a war with Equestria and the other countries." Spike was terrified when he heard that. "It may sound like I'm trying to scare you to come but that's not the case, it's your decision. Me and twins will be camping just outside Ponyville by a rive for twenty eight days, if you don't show up then we will leave." He place a hand on his chest and bowed, then he walk out leaving Spike alone with his thoughts. When Drake step outside he saw that Zaldren was arguing with blue pegasus and Twilight Sparkle was talking with Celestia. Drake look at Nallir who was just watching. "What happened?" He asked her. "After you teleport Twilight Sparkle outside, she demanded to be let inside again but we said no. She tried to teleport, but we stop her with our own magic, she didn't like that. Then she got the rest of her friends and then my brother started to argue with the pegasus who calls herself Rainbow Dash, I think they are about to kill each other." Drake nodded, he decided to stop it, so he walk over to them. "What do you mean we can't enter the library?" Dash shouted at Zaldren. "Are you deaf or something? I already told you that we were given the order only to let princess Celestia enter and you don't look like her at all, none of your friends doesn't look at her and I don't care that you are the element of loyalty, you can take that loyalty and stick up your ass." Right now, Dash was furious right about to attach Zaldren when she flew backwards a little and landed on the ground. "Hey, who did that." Walking towards Zaldren was Drake and his eyes was glowing. "Do you have dead wish?" She got up and was about to attack again. Then Celestia spoke up. "Enough Rainbow Dash, are you trying to start a war?" That got everpony around them to stop dead in their track. "Sir Drake here one of the most important dragon in the dragon kingdom and the queen personally body guard, if you attack him then he can decided if that is act of war so don't you dare attack him." Dash didn't believe it. "You expect me to believe that?" She then flew towards Drake who was calm as he was ready for anything, but Dash didn't get far as a she was stop by Celestia's magic and then she was thrown away, landing on the ground, again. Celestia walk towards Dash who was still on the ground and she was furious, Dash was terrified right now. "I told you not to attack him and you still did, what's wrong with you?" She stop and look down on the terrified pegasus who was shaking in fear. "You are going to leave right now, or I will have you arrested for disobeying an order, nod if you understand." Dash nodded. "Good, now leave." Celestia pointed a finger at the town and Dash got up flew as fast as she could, home. Celestia took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Unbelievable." She look over to Drake. "Are you done talking to Spike?" She asked him. Drake nodded. "Yes, I think he's still thinking about what we said, and I can't say I blame him, we dropped a lot on him in five minutes. We are going to camp not far from Ponyville for a while in case he want's to leave with us." Celestia nodded in agreement. "Nallir, Zaldren. We are leaving." All three of them started to walk. Once they were gone Celestia look at Twilight and she could see hat her student wasn't happy. "I want to know what does dragons want and why one of them called Spike a prince." That shocked her friends. "Wait a minute Twilight, your weren't joking?" Said Rarity. Twilight look at her friend with furry in her eyes which scared Rarity. "Why would I be joking? There are some dragons here that want to take Spike away from me." Celestia couldn't believe what she was hearing, she knew hearing that Spike was a prince would affect Twilight but not like this. "Bbbut, how is Spike a prince?" Fluttershy asked in her normal shy voice. "He is not a prince and he is not going anywhere, I won't let him leave, I forbit it." That was the last straw, Celestia had enough. "You forbit it?" Right about now, Twilight could fell a lot of magic building up right behind her, she turned around very slowly, and she could see her teacher was trembling, she was very angry. "You ignorant little brat, I let you stay in Ponyville so you can learn about friendship and this is what you have learn? How to make Spike your little slave?" Celestia walk to Twilight so they were face to face. "Twilight Sparkle, by my power of one of the rulers of Equestria you are going to let Spike leave with Drake and the others if he wants to and if I find out you tried to stop him in anyway, you and I going to have a problem. Nod if you understand." Twilight nodded. "Good. And if you all want to know why Spike is a prince, that's because he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom and his mother is dying, that's why they are here." Celestia used her magic to teleport away. Twilight friends was in utter shock by the information they just hear. Pinkie was the first one to speak. "I can't believe that Spike is a prince." She then got a big smile on her face. "I'm going throw him the biggest party I have ever thrown." Then Twilight then gave her a look that made her smile disappeared. "No party?" "You are not going to throw him a party because he not a prince." Then Fluttershy spoke up. "But, didn't you hear what princess Celestia said? He is a prince." "I don't care what she said, I won't allowed Spike to leave." Then Rarity crossed her arms. "You won't let him leave? What's the matter with you Twilight? Why are you so naive?" "I'm not naïve, Spike doesn't belong with some dragons, he belongs with me." Twilight half shout. Rarity and the others couldn't believe what they were hearing. "He belongs with you? Spike isn't an object you can control, he is his own dragon, and he can do whatever he wants." The others agreed with Rarity. Twilight wasn't happy right now. "Which side are you girls on? I thought you were my friends." "We are your friends Twilight but right now you are acting very strange, your acting like you need Spike in your life, and you won't let him leave." Twilight let out a frustrating huff. "I don't need to listen to this, I'm going to tell Spike that he can't leave." She then walk home. Rarity and the others was very confused right now. "What just happened?" Asked Applejack. Rarity answered her. "I don't know Applejack, but something tells me it won't end well for Twilight." Her friends thought the same thing. Once Twilight entered the library she couldn't see Spike anywhere. "Spike?" She didn't get any answer. "Where are you?" Still no answer. She knew where he was, in his room so she headed there. Once there she knock on the door. "Spike, open the door, I know your in there." The door didn't open, and she still didn't get any answered. 'I don't care what they say, Spike is no prince, and he is not leaving.' She placed a hand on the door and then her horn glowed, then a sealed appeared on the door. 'Try and get out now.' She thought for herself with a smile on her face. "I want to know what the hell is wrong with you Rainbow Dash." After Celestia had jelled at Dash, the blue pegasus had flown home trying to get away from the princess wrath, it didn't work. Not long after Dash had gotten home Celestia had showed up at her door step and she wasn't happy. "I said not to attack sir Drake and yet you still did it, I want to know why." Right now, Dash was curled up into a corn with Celestia towering over her and she really have to change her underwear right now. "Twilight said that some dragons was here to kidnap Spike, so I thought..." Celestia cut her off. "You thought what? To ignore my order? I could lock you up in the dungeons if I wanted to, we are lucky that Drake didn't took offence of your little stunt." Celestia pointed a finger. "Tomorrow, you are going to find sir Drake and you are going to apologize to him, do I make myself clear?" Dash nodded like crazy. "Good." Celestia took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "I'm heading back to the castle to calm myself down and I want you and your friends to stay away from Twilight for a few days, until she calm herself down. Is that clear?" Dash was to afraid to answer so she nodded again. Celestia was happy with that. The next day. Along the river the runs past Ponyville stood three tents and sitting by a campfire was Drake who was making breakfast for his friends, then Nallir open her tent and came out in a t-shirt and some panties. "Dame, it's been a while since I have sleep in a tent." She said while starching her body, then she scratched her butt. "I have forgotten how much I hated it. Drake couldn't help but smirk as he stirred in saucepan with a spoon. "I'm surprised you didn't shared a tent with your brother." The female dragon couldn't hep but snort. "Oh please, I shared a room with him for fifty years, I'm not doing that again." Then they heard some movement from Zaldren tent. "Would you to shut up? I'm trying to sleep." "Sleep? The sun is up and it's almost time to eat breakfast, why would want to sleep now?" Nallir asked her brother. "Because I can, we aren't at the castle now so the rules we have to follow there doesn't matter here." He answered her. Then Drake spoke. "He has a point." Nallir then pointed a finger at her leader. "Don't you dare take his side." "I'm not taking his site, I'm just saying that he has a point." He said in calm voice as he keep on stirring their breakfast. Then Zaldren spoke up again. "And beside, we don't know who long we will be out here. We don't know if the prince will even come." Then Nallir happened to look in the direction of Ponyville. "You might get back to the castle sooner than you thought brother." Drake was curious why Nallir said that, so he look in the direction she was looking, and boy was he surprised when he saw who was walking towards them. Then Zaldren poked his head out from tent opening. "What the hell are you... you got to be kidding me." Zaldren and the others saw none other then Spike walking towards them with a backpack on his back. Then Nallir realised something "Oh crap, I'm in my underwear." She then ran to her tent and shut the opening. Zaldren just had an annoyed look on him. "Well, there goes that vacation." He disappeared into his tent. "I guess I can get dress." Drake couldn't help but chuckle of the behaviour off his fellow dragons. He then stop making the breakfast to great Spike as he entered their camp. Drake placed a hand on his chest and bowed a little. "Prince Spike." Spike stop in front of him. "Even if that right or wrong, I don't think I ever will get used to that." Drake couldn't help but smile. "I guess not. I can see you decided to come with us to the dragon kingdom." Spike nodded. "Yes, I want to find out for myself if I am really a prince or not and the only place I can find the answer is there and besides, after what Twilight did last night I don't want to be with her at the moment." Drake was a little intrigued. "Might I ask what she did." "She placed a sealed on my door, she locked me in my room." That made Drake sick but before he could say anything... "She did what?" Then Zaldren came out from his tent fully dressed and he was very angry. "That pony dare to lock our prince in his room? I'm going to teach her a lesson she will never forget." He was about to fly off when Drake stop him. "Don't you dare try and stop me Drake." "I know your angry right now Zaldren but teaching Twilight Sparke a lesson this is not the answer." "Then what should I do? Nothing?" Zaldren shout at his leader. "Yes, you are just going to make thing worst and besides, I think the prince has already send a letter to princess Celestia." Drake look over to Spike. "Please tell me you did that." Spike nodded. "Of course, I did right before I left and she answered me right away, she is probably at the library right now talking or yelling at Twilight." Zaldren managed to calm himself down. "Alright, it looks like our prince have solved this, then I guess I can let her live." Then his sister spoke up from her tent. "Hallelujah, my brother can us that brain of his." "Shut up Nallir." Nallir just laugh of her brother. "I guess I can pack up and take down my tent." He decided to do that. Spike, who had watch the whole scenario, spoke up. "Are they always like that?" He asked Drake. Drake just smiled. "Yes, they are twins after all. Is okay with that we eat breakfast before we leave? We haven't eaten yet." Spike didn't mind at all, he had eaten already. After the three dragon had eaten breakfast and put away their tents, they were ready to leave. They ask Spike to step away so they could transform, then their eyes started to glow and before Spike knew it, they were at least ten feet taller than they were before which Spike thought was awesome, Spike wanted to learn how to do that. Then Drake bent down so Spike cold ride on him and with that, they all took flight and where headed towards their capital, Wiacaster. > Chapter 2: Denial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you mean I can’t go after him?” After Twilight found out that Spike had snuck out of the library by climbing out the window in his room, she was furious. Twilight couldn’t believe that he would leave like that, then Celestia arrived and managed to stop the unicorn who was about to take the train to the capital the dragon kingdom to bring Spike home. “Are you deaf or something, I said you are not allowed to go after Spike. He left on his own free will and there are nothing you can do.” Twilight couldn’t believe what she was hearing, Spike just left her. “How dare he just leave like that.” She said with anger in her voice. Somehow, Celestia knew she would say that. “I don’t know what has happened to you Twilight but have change over years. When I gave you the task to hatch Spike’s egg, I didn’t think you would do but then your magic went out of control and you hatch him. So, I decided to let you raise him, that was a mistake.” Twilight was taken back a little of what her teacher said. “I have look the other way for years now because I thought you did the right thing, that was a mistake, I should never have given you Spike in the first place.” Twilight was now devastated. “If you want to go and get Spike back then I won’t stop but if you do, I guarantee you will be arrested.” Celestia didn’t let Twilight respond as she walk out. Once outside Celestia let out a heavy sighed. “What did I do wrong?” She mumbled to herself. When king Rock Crush and queen Garnet gave her Spike’s egg, they told her that they trusted her judgement and that she would find a pony who could raise Spike properly. Celestia thought that Twilight could raise Spike with the love he need but that was not the case, Twilight didn’t take care of Spike, he took care of her. “You majesty?” Celestia was brought out of her own thoughts by one of the guards that was with her. “Are you alright?” He asked her. Celestia shook her head. “No, I’m not alright. My conversation with Twilight didn’t help at all, she was to stubborn to listen to me.” “Oh, are we heading back to the castle?” “No, I have to talk to Twilight’s friends. She is not dragging them to Wiacaster so they can be arrested too.” She then started to walk towards town, the two guard that was with her followed her. Sugarcube corner, the most famous place in Ponyville. Many ponies all over Equestria come to this place just to taste what they make their and it’s the hangout to Twilight’s friends, Applejack, Rairty, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. They are currently talking about what happened yesterday, with Twilight and Spike. “I still can’t believe that Spike is a prince.” Said Fluttershy in her normal shy voice. “I hear ya Shy, but still can’t believe that Twilight was in denial the whole time. I can understand that it was big shock to her but come on, she talked like she owned him.” Said Applejack. “I agreed with you Applejack, it was like she didn’t want to hear the truth.” Said Rarity, who look over to the party pony. “What do you think about what happened yesterday Pinkie?” The pink pony had her arms on the table and was resting her head on them. “I really wanted to throw Spike a party yesterday.” All her friends gave her a blank stare when she said that. Then Dash slap a hand on her face. “Pinkie, we are talking about what happened yesterday, that Spike is a prince, and that Twilight was in denial the whole time.” Pinkie look up. “Oh, right. Yeah, I think that Twilight acted a little weird yesterday.” Dash couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Then Applejack look over to her blue friend. “Why are you rolling your eyes for? You almost got princess Celestia in trouble because of your short temper.” Dash slam a hand on the table which scared everyone. “How was I supposed to know that this Drake was an important dragon.” Dash argued. “Princess Celestia told you that before you launched yourself at him, didn’t you hear that?” Applejack argued back. While they were arguing, Celestia was approaching Dash from behind. “No AJ, I didn’t hear her say anything, maybe she should speak a little louder so one can hear…” “Oh really?” All the colour from Dash’s face disappeared when she heard Celestia talk, she turned her head very slowly around and saw that Celestia was looking at her with an angry expression. “I should talk a little louder, huh?” Dash swallowed a big lump that suddenly appear in her throat. “if you didn’t hear me yesterday Rainbow Dash, just how loud should I shout? Maybe so loud that I could blow your eardrums.” She leaned down so they were face to face. “Should I do it right now?” She said with an evil smile. Dash started to sweat. “No, that won’t be necessary.” Dash have to change her underwear right now. Then Celestia started to ‘pout’. “Aw, that’s to bad.” Then Celestia lifted Dash up wit her magic. “Did you at least apologize to sir Drake today?” “Nnno. I tried to find him by flying around this morning, but I only found an abandoned camp.” Celestia look after any signed of lying, she didn’t find any. “I believe you Rainbow Dash but that doesn’t mean you are off the hook, when you get the chance you are going to apologize to sir Drake, do I make myself clear?” Dash nodded like crazy. “Good.” She released Dash from her magic grip and look at the rest of Twilight’s friends. “I have come here to warn you that Twilight is headed to Wiacaster, the capital of the dragon kingdom to bring Spike back.” Twilight’s friends wasn’t surprised by that all. “We kind of figured that out but why did you come here to say this princess?” Rarity asked her. “Because I don’t want you five to travel with her, there’s a big change that Twilight will be arrested when she arrived at Wiacaster and I don’t want you five to be arrested to. I know I can’t order you to not go with her, but I hope you don’t do.” Rarity and the other glance at each other with worried in their eyes, they all loved Twilight but at the same time, she didn’t act like herself yesterday. They weren’t completely sure what to do. Then Rarity spoke again. “If it okay with you princess, may we ask you some question about what happened yesterday?” Celestia nodded her head. “You might.” “Right.” Rarity took a deep breath. “Is Spike really a the prince of the king and queen?” Celestia nodded her head again. “That he is.” “Then why did they give Spike away?” That was one question Celestia didn’t want to answer. “They did that to protect him.” Rarity and the others was confused. “Long before Spike was even born, queen Garnet had four other children, but they were killed before they were even born.” That shocked everyone one of them. “They were killed by some extreme deadly poison.” Fluttershy placed both hands over mouth and was she also not trying to cry. “Who would do something that horrible?” The other wonder the same thing. Celestia look went from calm to angry very fast. “Spike’s uncle, a dragon by the name of Joserth. I hate that bastard.” The girls thought that this Joserth had to be an evil dragon if Celestia hate him. “He have been jealous of Spike’s father ever since they were born and he will do everything in his power to get what he want, even kill dragons who isn’t born yet.” Rarity and the others was now sick in the stomach, Pinkie’s fluffy hair was not fluffy anymore. Celestia took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, it’s been a while since she had been so angry. Then Applejack decided to ask a different question. “What about princess Luna, did you tell her about Spike?” “Not at first, I wanted her to get used to how Equestria was now before I told her. So yes, she know.” Celestia said in her normal calm voice. She then look back the library. “Look, I only came her to tell you what Twilight is planning to do, and I really hope that you five don’t travel with her because if you do,” She look back at them. “I will not help you at all.” They were a little shocked when they heard that. “Twilight is the one who will get you all arrested and I told her I will not help her.” She then turned around. “I know that you five usually listen to Twilight but in this case, I really hope that you don’t.” She then spread her wings and took off towards Canterlot, the two guard that were with her flew after her. The girls just sat there, think over what Celestia told them. Should they come with Twilight to Wiacaster, yes or no? they believe what Celestia said, if they went they would probably get arrested thanks to Twilight and that was something they didn’t want to. This was probably one of the toughest decision they ever had to do. When they were think, Twilight was walking towards them with her bag. “There you all are, I want to girls to pack your bags, we are going to Wiacaster to get Spike back.” They didn’t answer her. “Didn’t you girls hear me?” Applejack was the first to speak. “We heard you Twilight and I’m not going.” Twilight eyes widen when she heard that, she didn’t expected to hear that. She recovered fast. “What did you say?” she said with some anger in her voice. Applejack stood up. “I said I’m not going with you to get Spike back, he left by his on free will and you can not make him come back. I don’t know why you want him back so badly, but I refused to be a part of it.” She tossed some bits on the table and walk off, back to her farm. Then Dash stood up. “I don’t really say this very often, but I agreed with AJ on this, I’m not coming with you Twilight.” Before Twilight could say anything, Dash had flown off, she look at the rest of her friends, but they said the same thing as AJ and Dash as they walk off. “Fine, I don’t need your help, I will get back Spike by myself.” She then started to walk towards the train station. “I don’t care who has him, he is coming home with me.” > Chapter 3: Spike's Mother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right now, Spike was on top of the world, literally. He was sitting on Drake’s back who had change into his giant dragon form so he could transport the you prince home and Spike enjoying every moment of it. He had never flown, and this was probably the greats moment in his life. Nallir and her brother was flying alongside Drake in their normal form, Nallir couldn’t help but giggle when she saw Spike’s smile, it look like he was enjoying himself. “Just look at the young prince, he looks so happy.” She couldn’t help but think how cute it was. Zaldren look to his left without moving his head. “It doesn’t look like he had flown before.” Then Drake spoke. “Would you to stop it, you are not allowed to talk telepathic to each other while the prince is nearby.” Spike started to panic a little when he heard Drake in his head. “What was that? I could hear you in my head.” “This is how we speak when we are in our giant dragon from my prince if we tried and talk with our mouth we just growls, it’s very difficult to talk like that.” Spike didn’t know if Drake was joking or not. “It looks like we are almost at the capital.” Spike look ahead and he saw a city that was protected by a large wall and the city probably twice as large as Canterlot, maybe even larger. He then saw a castle that was probably bigger than Celestia’s castle. He could also saw some farms that just outside the wall. “You know that dragons are going to talk when they see you fly over the city, right?” Zaldren told Drake. “I’m fully aware of that and we will deal with it when the times comes.” Once they entered the city, Spike could see many dragons that stop to look up at them which made him a little nervous. Whether he is the prince or not, he couldn’t help but feel nervous. Then they finally reached the castle and they decided to land in the backyard, considering that was the only place Drake could land in his form. The twins landed first and then Drake, he blew up gust of wind on landing which made every dragon hold on for dear life. Then Drake bent down so Spike could jump down. Once Spike was on the ground, Drake change back to his normal size. Then Spike saw a new dragon that was standing not far from them, the dragon was male, his scales was a mix of grey and white, he had some red on his forehead, on his head and arms. He was wearing a pair of pants and a shirt. The dragon bowed when she saw Spike. “Prince Spike, my name is Tomias and it’s an honour to meet you.” Spike didn’t say anything he just start at Tomias in awe which made him a little nervous. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked Drake. “I think that the young prince is just excited to see a different dragon.” Drake said with a smile. Tomias couldn’t help but smile himself. “I understand how he fell.” Then Zaldren walk past them mumbling something that didn’t hear, he also didn’t look happy. “What’s wrong with him?” Tomias asked Nallir. “He’s just a little grumpy that his ‘vacation’ was cut short.” Tomias couldn’t help but roll his eyes of his fellow dragon. “Why am I not surprised.” He then notice that Spike was looking down at the ground, probably feeling bad that it was his fault. “Don’t feel bad prince Spike, it’s just how Zaldren act at times, tomorrow he forget all about it.” It made Spike fell a little better. “I hope so.” Then Drake placed a hand on Spike’s shoulder. “Let’s us find your mother, she is eager to see you.” Drake then look at Tomias. “Are the others back yet?” Tomias had to think for second. “Not Raldrin, she will be back tomorrow, Pethayrth came back after you left yesterday.” Then Nallir walked past them. “I better find my brother before he does something stupid.” Drake and Tomias couldn’t help but laugh while Spike didn’t understand what was so funny. Then Drake spoke. “If you follow me Spike, I will lead you to your mother room.” He and Spike started to walk. Spike became very nervous right now, he was going to meet his mother for the first time in eighteen years and he didn’t know what to fell right now. He felt so many emotions running through him right now, he felt glad that he finally could see his mother but at the same time he felt anger towards her, she did give his egg away even she did it to protect him. Just what would he say to her? “Here we are.” Spike was brought out of his thought, just how long had they been walking? He look around and saw that they were standing in front of a double door with two dragon guards guarding it, they both saluted when they saw Drake and Spike. “At ease.” They lowered their hands. “I’m here with the prince and we are here to see the queen, you may leave.” The guards saluted again and left. Then Spike was there, in front of the door to the room where is mother was and he was still nervous. Should he go and hug her? Shout at her for giving him away? No, she did that to protect him, but he couldn’t help but fell anger for that, not towards her but his uncle. If it wasn’t for him he could have been living with his parents Spike took a deep breath, he then grabbed the door handle and walk in. Spike peak his head inside and he saw a dragoness lying on the bed, she was red with light green scales, she was wearing some sleeping clothes, she was currently look through some paper. “I swear, these nobles are some greedy bastards, I’m dying and the still managed to make my life a misery.” She tossed the papers on the floor and buried her face in her hands. “Sometimes I wonder why I bother.” She then happened to look at the door, seeing spike looking at her with curiosity made her cover her mouth with her hands. “My baby boy, how you have grown.” He was her soon, that was something Spike had to get used to if it was true. Spike step inside and closed the door but he didn’t walk to the bed, he just stood there, and the queen understood why. “Let me guess, you are still not sure if I’m your mother or not.” Spike just nodded. “Let’s see if we can change that, did Celestia ever show you a picture of your egg?” Spike nodded again. “Good, let’s see here.” The queen leaned over to her night desk and open a drawer, she then pick up a photo frame. “Here, take a look at this picture.” She handed it to Spike who walk over to it and took it. “That was taken the day I gave birth to your egg.” In the picture Spike could see the queen and a male dragon who he presume was the king, he look like Spike but bigger. The queen was lying a hospital bed while the king was sitting by her side, having arm around her, in the middle Spike could see his egg, they look so happy. “Why?” Spike look up at the queen with tears in his eyes. “Why did you give me away? Why couldn’t I just stay here?” She was about to answer. “I know the reason, Drake told me, but I want to hear it from you.” The queen nodded in understanding. “That’s fair, I gave you to Celestia to protect you from your uncle, Joserth.” She said his name with hatred. “That bastard murder your sibling before they were hatched and I wasn’t going to let him kill you to, giving you to Celestia was the most difficult decision I ever had to do.” Spike could hear that she regret the whole thing. Spike look back at the photo. “You gave me away to protect me from my uncle,” He look up at her. “is he really that evil that he would kill dragons who aren’t born yet?” The queen nodded. “He has always been jealous of your father so yes, he would kill to get what he want and the is throne of the dragon kingdom, I’m pretty sure he would go to war against the other races so he could rule over the entire planet.” That made Spike shutter in fear. “And now you’re dying and if I don’t stay he might get the throne.” The queen let out a sad sighed. “Yes, I can’t force you to stay but I really want you to, I want to get to know my son I haven’t seen in eighteen years.” She said with tears in her eyes which was fair to Spike, he couldn’t say no to her now. “I have to think about it.” He told while giving her the picture back. The queen took it. “I understand, I have made sure that you have a room, Drake will show you where it is.” Spike nodded and walked out. When he had closed the door, the queen look out of the window. “I will not let you take him away from me Joserth, I will died before that happened.” When Spike step out of the room he could see Drake standing by the door. “How did it go?” He asked Spike. “Good, I guess. I’m just so confused right now.” Drake nodded in understanding. “A loot was thrown at you in these two days, it can be a little overwhelming. Let me show you…” “Oh, my lord, the prince is so cute.” Drake and Spike look at where the voice were coming from and to their right stood a female dragon and she was white, even her scales was white, she was also wearing a white dress. Drake couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he saw who it was. “For pet sake Pethayrth, you can’t say that about the prince.” The dragon knows and Pethayrth just crossed her arms. “And why not? Is there’s a law that says that?” Drake just shook his head. “No, it’s not.” He look at Spike. “Prince Spike, let me introduce you to Pethayrth, a dragon knight and a healer, she helps your mother at times.” Pethayrth then bowed. “My prince.” Drake rolled his eyes again. “I still don’t understand you can act like a filly one moment then be serious the next.” Pethayrth stood up and shrugged her shoulders. “it’s a gift.” Drake just shook his head. “I’m not going to answer that. Why don’t you show the young prince to his room while I’ll go and check on Zaldren, I just hope he hasn’t broken anything.” Drake told her. Pethayrth mouth fell open. “Why do I have to do it?” Drake look at her with narrow eyes. “Because I said so.” Before she could answer, Drake had teleport away. Pethayrth let out a defeating sighed. “Will the prince follow me.” She started to walk in the opposite direction Spike arrived, he followed her. The walk was in silence until Spike spoke. “So, what’s a Dragon knight?” He asked Pethayrth who stop, so did Spike. The dragoness was a little surprised. “You don’t know?” She asked Spike who just shook his head. “Oh, right. I guess you don’t, I guess those who live in Equestria don’t know about us.” She said with a blush on her face. “The Dragon knights are the royal family personal bodyguards, we sworn an oath to protect them with our life.” “So, your almost like a normal guard?” Pethayrth nodded her head from side to side. “You can say that, we are guards, but we don’t follow their rulers and we don’t wear armor. I’m a Dragon knight but I’m not wearing armor.” She said while looking down on her dress. “I can’t stand wearing armor, I prefer to wear a dress, they are way more comfortable.” Spike couldn’t help but think that Pethayrth acted like Rarity, which made him smile. “Anyway, we have actually arrived at your room.” Pethayrth gestured her hand to a door which a the royal seal on, and then the door open and a dragoness walk out, who was a maid, she was pink, literally. The dragoness was startled when she saw Pethayrth and Spike. “Pethayrth, I didn’t see you there, you scared me.” She said while placing a hand on her chest while trying to calm herself.. “I’m sorry Rilda, I didn’t mean it, I’m just showing the young prince to his room.” Rilda blink in confusion. “The young prince?” She then notice Spike. “Oh, my goodness,” She then bowed. “I’m so sorry my prince, I didn’t see you there.” Spike wasn’t entirely sure what to do now, the only one who has ever bowed to him was Drake, he didn’t know what to then and not know. Luckily for him Pethayrth notice. “Stand up Rilda, you’re embarrassing the prince, he isn’t used to this royal stuff.” Rilda got up pretty fast. “I’m so sorry my prince I didn’t know.” Pethayrth couldn’t hep but smile. “I’m guessing you just finish cleaning his room.” Rilda nodded her head. “That I am, if you will excuse me, I have more work to do.” She then left. “She seems nice.” Said Spike after she left. “That she is, Rilda had been working her for five years. Now, let’s see your room.” Pethayrth open the door and walked in, Spike followed her. Once Spike was inside he couldn’t see anything special with it, it had a bed, a night stand and a closet. “Your mother said not to do anything special with your room, you can do whatever you want with the room if you chose to stay here. I will leave a guard at the door and all you have to do is ask and he will do as you say, is there something you want now?” She asked him. Spike walked over to the bed and placed his backpack on the bed. “No, I’m good.” “Alright then, I will take me leave, just remember to ask.” She bowed and walked out the door closing it. Spike climbed up in the bed and notice that it was very soft. “Wow, it softer then my bed back in the library.” That brought back the memory who Twilight acted yesterday and he couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with her, he laid down on his back and started up at the ceiling. He let out sighed. “I still can’t believe I’m a prince.” He then smiled and he didn’t know why. Little did Spike know that a purple unicorn was sitting on a train, she was on her way to Wiacaster to bring him home. “Don’t worry Spike, I won’t let them have you.” > Chapter 4: First Day as Prince > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a new day in Wiacaster, and Spike was still lying in his bed that was given to him yesterday. He had just been lying most of yesterday and all night in darkness, not moved a muscle since yesterday. He have played the event of what happened yesterday in his mind what felt like a million time, he is the son of the queen of the dragon kingdom. He have heard it from Celestia, Drake and his own mother and still can’t believe it. “I guess I am her son.” He said with a sighed. Spike thoughts was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. “Prince Spike,” it was Rilda. “is okay for me to enter?” “Yes.” The door open and Rilda stuck her head inn. “I can see that you’re up and” She enter the room. “are you in the same clothes as yesterday?” It was a little difficult to see considering it was dark but thanks to her dragon eyes, she managed to see. Spike just gave her a nod. “Might telling me why you haven’t changed your clothes?” She asked Spike as she walk over to the window to pull away the curtain to let the sun inn. “I didn’t get much sleep last night, I just lay down on the bed and I let me thoughts wander through the night, I think I only sleep two hours.” “That’s not healthy.” Said Rilda as she let the sunshine into the room which blinded them both for a moment. “If you were told that you were the son of the queen you would probably do the same.” Rilda couldn’t help but smile of what he said. “You have a point there.” She then open the window and turn to face him. “Anyway, you probably know already but my name is Rilda and the queen has assigned me to be your personal maid, if you want that is.” Spike used his arms to lift his upper body so he could see her better. “My mother asked you to be my personal maid?” Rilda nodded. “That’s right, I will do your laundry, if you want me to buy something for you in the city, I will do it, but I draw the line when it comes to anything sexually.” She said that last part with a stern tone. Spike actually blushed. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare to ask you that.” Rilda couldn’t help but giggle of Spike’s reaction. “That’s good to hear. So, is okay for me to be your maid?” Spike just gave her a nod. “Great,” She clap her hands together. “why don’t you take a shower while I will get you some new clothes, your mother has invited you to eat breakfast with her.” Then Spike’s stomach made some noise. “Breakfast sounds good.” He said with a blush on his face. Rilda just giggled again. “Yes, it does. The bathroom is through the door on your left.” Spike look to his left and there was a door there, how did he miss that? “Just take your shower and I will find something for you to wear.” Spike nodded his head and jump out if the bed, he then walk to the bathroom to take a shower. Once Spike was in the bathroom, Rilda walk over to the closet to get some clothes for Spike, she took out some fancy clothes that was prepare for him. She decided to fold them up and then she walk over to the bathroom door so Spike could dress himself. Rilda open the door a little and she could hear the water running. “Prince Spike, I’m just going to leave your new clothes by the door.” She told him. “Okay.” Was the answer she got so she placed his clothes by the door and closed it. Rilda then walk over to his bed to clean his bed, but it wasn’t that bad considering he didn’t use it, at all. All she could do now was to wait until he was done in the bathroom. In the meantime at Spike’s mother room, queen Garnet was getting ready to have breakfast with her soon. The queen was currently lying in her bed while Pethayrth was standing over her and her hands was glowing. “Would you hurry it up Pethayrth, I don’t want to be late for breakfast with my soon.” Garnet said while squirming in her bed. Pethayrth couldn’t help but groan. “For the last time my queen, you need to lay still so my magic can work, I don’t know how many times I have told you that.” Garnet couldn’t help but groan herself. “And stop acting like a baby every time I do this, my magic is the only thing that’s delaying your disease.” Garnet sighed. “I know Pethayrth and I’m grateful for that, I just don’t want to miss breakfast with my soon, it’s been eighteen years.” Then some tears appeared in her eyes. “I regret every day for given him to Celestia, I know I did that to protect him and all that, but it doesn’t make it any better.” She look over at Pethayrth. “Promise me something Pethayrth, when you get children don’t send them away like I did.” Pethayrth nodded. “Don’t worry my queen, I have no intention doing that.” She then stop using her magic. “There, that should do it, just get up slowly.” Garnet nodded as she moved her body the edge of the bed, very slowly. She then stood up and then she started to wobble a little. “Are you okay my queen?” Pethayrth asked as she help Garnet stabilize herself. “Yes, it’s been a while since I have been standing on my own two feet. Now, help me get dress, I can’t have breakfast in my underwear.” Said Garnet as she walk to her closet. Pethayrth just watch as her queen walk over to the closet, she wonder when she became her personal maid. “I didn’t sign up for this.” She mumbled to herself. Unfortunately, Garnet heard her. “Oh stop whining and help me.” Pethayrth just groan as she decided to help her queen. Spike just stood in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, he had put on the clothes that Rilda had chosen for him, and he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. The clothes was silver with some white rings around his neck and the end of his sleeves. Once he was done looking at himself in the mirror he headed for the door. Rilda was standing by the door to the room waiting for Spike to get dressed, she couldn’t help but wonder if the clothes did fit him, her sister Anil did make them out of a photo, and she know that can be a hard to do. But she was confident in her sister ability. Then the door open and Spike walk out and Rilda could see that the outfit was perfect for him. “Just look at you, you look like a price.” She said with a smile on her face. Spike tried to straighten out his jacket. “I may look like a prince, but I don’t feel like one. Does that sound stupide?” He asked Rilda. “I guess it does, but I wouldn’t know, I’m not royal. Now come on, your mother is probably waiting for you.” Rilda said while walking to the door. Spike followed her and he really hope that he would feel like a prince, soon. > Chapter 5: Twilight Arrives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was walking through the castle with Rilda, their destination was the dining room so Spike could have breakfast with his mother. While they were walking Spike notice that the guards saluted him and the maidens bowed to him, some of them though he was cut. It all still felt so unreal for him, he has accepted that he is the son of Garnet and a prince, but part of him still didn’t believe it. Once they reached their destination which was a door and guard was standing by it, the guard open the door so Spike and Rilda could enter. The dining room was huge, there was room for at least twenty guest, it was bigger than Celestia’s dining room, Spike couldn’t understand why was the point in having such a large dining room. Royalty, that was the answer he had. Spike and Rilda was to the other side of the room, Spike sat down on one of the chairs, Rilda was about to help him with the chair but he want to do it himself so she let him. Rilda was about to collect the food when he doors to the dining room open and the queen walk in with Pethayrth right behind her. “Would you slow down your majesty?” Said Pethayrth with worried in her voice. “No, I don’t want to miss a single minute with my son and beside, I’m hungry.” Pethayrth couldn’t help but groan of the queen’s words. “Oh stop being a baby.” ‘I wish I could say the same for you.’ Pethayrth thought about that the queen. Garnet took the seat opposite of Spike, she gave her son a warming a smile which made him smile back at her, he couldn’t help but feel warm inside him of her smile. Pethayrth stood behind the queen. Then Garnet notice that the food hadn’t arrived. “Haven’t the chef’s been here yet?” She asked Rilda. “I was about to go and see your majesty.” Rilda then walk to the closet door, which led to the kitchen, she open it and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving only three dragons alone. Then Garnet decided to ask Spike something. “So, did you sleep well in your new bed?” Spike didn’t know why but he just look down on the table in shame. “I didn’t get much sleep, I just keep staring up at ceiling wondering if this a dream or not,” he look up at his mother with some tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s so unreal for me.” Garnet couldn’t help but feel bad for her son so she got up and walk over to him and gave him a hug, he return the hug. Pethayrth wanted to stop her but decided not to. “It’s okay Spike, you have every right to be sceptical about this so I want to tell you a little story, I had trouble believing that your father was a prince.” Spike managed to stop crying to look at his mother. “Really?” He said between sniffs. Garnet let go of her son and stood up. “That I did.” She walk back to her chair and sat down. “it all began when I was at your age…” Then Rilda came back with two plates in her hands and she saw that Spike had cried. “Did I miss something?” She asked them as she placed the plates in front of Spike and his mother. “I think the queen was about to tell us how she meet the king.” Said Petayrth. That made Rilda to groan. “Not that story, I have already heard it from my bother.” She said while standing behind Spike. Spike was confused. “Your brother?” he asked Rilda. Rilda nodded. “Yes, Drake is my brother and he punch your father in the face when they were young when they went to school.” Spike look at his mother with curiosity. “Really?” Garnet nodded. “Yes, it’s true. We were young, Drake and your father had a crush on me and when I decided to go out with your father instead of Drake, he got jealous and punched your father in the face and then they got in a brawl.” Spike had to know who won. “Who won the brawl?” “They never got to finish it, the principal came and broke them up, both of them got detention.” Spike couldn’t help but laugh a little. “My father the king got detention?” He asked with a smile, he didn’t know why. “He wasn’t king back then, only a prince but yes, he got detention.” “But, what about his parents? Didn’t they, you know, get him out from detention?” Garnet just shook her head. “Nope, they decided detention was a good lesson for him.” Spike couldn’t help but laugh of the whole thing, even Petayrth couldn’t contain her laughter. Garnet was just glad that his son was laughing. While Spike and his mother continued their breakfast, a certain purple unicorn had finally arrived at Wiacaster train station. “Man, that was the longest twenty two hours of my life.” Said Twilight while stretching her body. “Sleeping on a train is not very pleasant at all. Well, time to find Spike and bring him home.” She then started to walk towards the castle. While walking through the street of Wiacaster, Twilight couldn’t help but marvel of it all. The city had to be twice as large as Canterlot, she many shops at almost every street corner but what got her interest was the population. She saw dragons, ponies, griffons and even some changelings, walking around, laughing, and smiling to each other. She couldn’t believe that so many species lived together in one place. While Twilight walk through the crowed, two dragon guard notice her. “Is that her?” Asked the first guard. “I think so, the captain said to look after a purple unicorn with black hair with purple stripe and if he saw her we are supposed to escort her to the castle.” Said the second guard. They walk after her. Twilight continued to walk until the guard caught up to her. “Excuse me.” Twilight stop to turn around and she saw tow guard. “Are you Twilight Sparkle?” Twilight became a little nervous right now, she didn’t know what they wanted with her. “Yes?” “We have been ordered by queen Garnet to escort you to the castle.” Said the first guard. Twilight couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when she heard that. “Why?” “She just want to talk you, that’s all.” Said the same guard. Twilight just smirked. “I see what’s going on.” Both guard gave each other a confusing look when they heard that. “You do?” Said the second guard. “Yes, your acting all nice and when we arrived at the castle the queen will arrest me.” Now the guards was even more confused. “Why would the queen arrest you?” Asked the first guard. “Because she want Spike to herself but I won’t let her.” Before the guards could react, Twilight’s horn glowed and she shoot a beam from her hand which hit the first guard, he was taken by surprised by the blast that he lost his balance, he then fell on the ground which gave Twilight the opportunity to run. “Are you okay?” Asked the second guard as he help his fellow guard up. “Yes, she just took me by surprised, after her.” The second guard nodded. “Right, I’ll take to the sky.” He spread his wings and flew after while the other guard ran after Twilight. Twilight ran through the crowd trying to get away from the guard that was pursuing her, they may have said the truth but she didn’t believe them at all. The queen didn’t want to talk, she just wanted to lock her up so she could keep Spike to herself but Twilight wasn’t going to let that happened. Twilight could see that castle coming closer but suddenly she felt something wrap around her and she fell face first to the ground, scaring some of the of those who was watching. “What’s going on? I can’t move.” Twilight look down and saw that some black rings was wrap around her legs and arms, she tried to use her magic but nothing happened. “My magic, it’s not working.” Then a new voice spoke up. “Of course you can’t,” Twilight look up and saw a female dragon that was black walking towards, her eyes were glowing. “that’s my anti magic rings, even your teacher couldn’t break those rings.” The dragoness bent down in front of Twilight. “So, your Celestia student. I can’t say I’m impressed, running away from queen Garnet’s guards, I thought you were smarter than that.” Then her eyes stop glowing and Twilight could see a pair of red eyes staring into her soul. Then the two guard arrived. “Raldrin, your back.” Said the second guard when he landed. The dragon named Raldrin stood up. “Yes, I just arrived and then I saw a pony running from the queen’s guards. What did she do?” She asked the guard. The first guard spoke up. “We just said that we were supposed to escort her to the castle by the queen’s order, then she said that the queen would arrest her when we arrived at the castle because the queen wanted prince Spike to herself, then she attack us.” Raldrin look down at Twilight. “Really?” “It’s true, she just want to take Spike from me but I won’t…” That was all Twilight could say, Raldrin’s eyes glowed putting the unicorn to sleep. “That’s enough of you.” She then look at the guard. “Take her back to the castle and put her in a cell, she attack a guard and that’s a crime. I’m heading to the castle to inform the queen.” Both guard saluted as Raldrin started to walk towards the castle. “Something tells me her majesty isn’t going to be happy when she hears about this.” > Chapter 6: Twilight in Jail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was enjoying his breakfast with his mother and it wasn’t so bad as he thought, he found out that she was a kind ruler so was his father. Spike’s father king Rock Crusher, he really wanted to know where he was but now was not the time. He had trouble comprehend that his mother was over five hundred years old, to be honest he didn’t know how old dragons could get, they could be up to a thousand years old. Spike almost fainted when he heard that, almost. Garnet happily listen to spike’s story of his time in Ponyville, she knew what has happened since Celestia gave her egg to Twilight but right now she didn’t care, she was happy to hear it from her son. Some of his story made her sadder then happy, she was glad that he enjoy his time but he sounded so naïve, he didn’t understand that some of his friends took advantage of him. Rarity used him as pincushion and Pinkie scaring him almost all the time. There was one thing she didn’t understand and that was his love for a comic called Power Ponies, Garnet couldn’t understand why someone would read a comic. Maybe she was too old to understand. Their breakfast was interrupted when the door to the dining room open and a black dragoness walk in. She was wearing a pair of black pants, a black t-shirt and a black jacket. ‘She must really love black.’ Spike thought to himself when he saw her. “Hey Raldrin, your back.” Said Pethayrth with a smile on her face but that disappeared pretty quick when she saw her friend facial expressions, she wasn’t happy. Raldrin walk over to Garnet and then whispered something in her ear, Garnet wasn't happy by the news she got. “Please tell me that you’re joking Raldrin.” Raldrin took a step back. “I’m afraid not my queen.” Garnet couldn’t help but groan. “I was hoping that this would be a nice day, next time I’m not going to jinx it. Help me up.” Raldrin and Pethayrth help up their queen from her seat. Spike had just watched the whole thing. “Is there something wrong mother?” It didn’t fell wrong when he called her mother. “Apparently a certain unicorn had gotten herself arrest by attacking my guards.” Garnet wasn’t about to lie to his son, he’s been lied to for eighteen years and that’s enough. Spike know who she was talking about and somehow he wasn’t surprised at all, Twilight has been acting weird ever since she had heard that Spike was a prince, it was like she didn’t want to lose him. “Can I talk to her?” The room became quiet when he said that, they didn’t expect to him to say that. “Not now, let me talk to her first. Is that okay with you?” Spike just nodded. “Good, follow me Pethayrth we are heading to the dungeon.” With that said, they left the room. Once they were in the hallway Garnet couldn’t help but smile. “Did you hear Pethayrth? He called me mother.” The queen couldn’t be happier. Pethayrth was just happy for her queen. Back in the dining room, Spike keep looking at Raldrin who finally notice him. “So, this it the young prince.” She then bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you prince Spike, my name is Raldrin and I’m a dragon knight.” Spike wasn’t sure what t say, he was still getting use that other dragons bowed to him. “Nice to meet you?” Raldrin had a smile on her face as she got up, she then walk out of the room. Rilda just rolled her eyes of Raldrin behaviour. “You have to excuse her behaviour prince Spike, she is always like that.” “Don’t worry, I wasn’t offended.” Rilda was relieved when he heard that. “Good, why don’t you finish up your breakfast.” Spike look down on his plate and saw that he had eaten half of his food, he then realized he wasn’t hungry anymore. His hunger kind of disappeared when he heard what Twilight had done. Spike pushed away his food. “You can take it away, I’m not hungry anymore.” Rilda was a little surprised. “Are you sure?” Spike nodded. “Alright then, let me take it away.” She pick up his plated and disappeared into the kitchen. Spike just hope that Twilight was okay. “Oh, my head.” In another part of the castle, Twilight had finally woken up from her nap. Somehow she had a splitting headache and she was lying on a floor, a stone floor. Twilight managed to sit up while rubbing her head, she then look around and saw that she was in jail. Twilight got up and walk over to the bars and poke her head out, she could see that she was in a dungeon and not far from her sat a dragon behind a desk. He had his legs on the desk while reading the newspaper. “Hey, you behind the desk.” The dragon didn’t answer her. “Let me out, I don’t belong her.” The dragon still didn’t answer her. Frustrate that the dragon didn’t answer she took a few steps back and notice that she was wearing a collar. “What’s this?” She was about to touch it. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” That the dragon spoke took her by surprised but she didn’t stop, when she touched the collar she felt electricity flowing through her body, she scream as she fell on the floor. “Told you.” Said the guard. “What the hell is this? Why did I get shocked?” The guard let out a sighed. “That collar around your neck is a anti magic collar, the collar stop you for using your magic, even Celestia couldn’t use her magic if she were wearing that. it’s also meant to give you a shock if you try and remove it, only the one who gave you that collar can remove it.” Twilight didn’t believe him. “Do you take me for a fool?” She then tried to use her magic, nothing happened. “My magic, it’s gone. What did you dragons do with my magic.” Twilight then hear the guard let out another sighed. “We haven’t done anything to it, it’s a collar, you idiot.” Twilight was about shout at him but then the door to the dungeon, that got the guard to stand up and salute. “Queen Garnet.” In walked five dragons, one was a dragon Twilight had seen in papers before, queen Garnet. Then there was a dragoness in a white dress, the two guards that attack her and the dragoness that capture her. Garnet walk over to Twilight’s cell. “So, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia’s personal student we finally meet.” She then look at her up and down. “You have some nerve. Attacking my guards in public.” Twilight walk over to the bars and grabbed two of them with her hands. “I only did that self defence, they attack me first.” Garnet wasn’t sure why she was lying or not. “Is that so.” She look over to her guards. “Is what she is saying true? Did you two attack her first?” She asked the guards. The guard Twilight attack step forward. “That’s not true your highness, we happened to see her while she was walking through town, we asked her if she were Twilight Sparkle, when she said yes we told her that we had been ordered to escort her to the castle, she then started to say that she knew what’s going on, she then said that she would get arrest when she arrived at the castle. Then she fired a beam at me and ran off, we were lucky that Raldrin was there to stop her.” Garnet look at the other guard who confirmed what his fellow guard said. “It’s all a lie.” Garnet just ignore Twilight. “Raldrin, are they telling the truth?” “I would say that, I didn’t see Twilight attack the guards but I saw her running away from them so I stop her with my magic, which had to admit was pretty easy.” “No, it wasn’t like that, they…” “SILENCE.” Garnet shout made Twilight quite. “This morning I got a letter from Celestia that you were on your way to bring my son back with you so I order the guard to bring you to the castle so we could speak like adults but I can see that’s impossible, because I’m looking at a delusional unicorn who can’t tell the truth. We have witnesses that you attack first and it’s a crime to attack my guards, which means two weeks in jail but since you are Celestia’s student and that you have taken care of my son for eighteen year, one week in jail. If you will excuse me, I have to write a letter to Celestia, something tells she is going to be so proud of you.” Garnet then walk towards the door and every dragon followed her, expect the guard behind the desk.. “No, you can’t write a letter, YOU CAN’T” They didn’t listen to Twilight’s yelling. “What are you yelling about? I think you got lucky,” Said the guard as he sat back down in the chair and started to read again. “just shut up and let me read.” Celestia had just finished her breakfast with her sister and was now heading to her room so she could prepare her day, which was talking to ponies who wanted to talk with her. Sometimes she wonder why she bother to do it, only nobles comes to the castle to ask for money, none of the common ponies wanted her help. Then all off sudden a scroll appeared right in front of her, she managed to catch it her right hand, it was a letter from queen Garnet. “Oh no, please don’t tell me she went to Wiacaster to bring Spike back.” She said to herself as she open the scroll, she then read the scroll and she wasn’t happy by what she read. “Damn it Twilight, I told you not to go. I have to talk to my sister.” She then turned around and started to walk to Luna’s room. Once there Luna’s guard saluted for her, Celestia walk to the door and knock a few times. “Come in.” Celestia open the door and walk in. Once inside her sister room she could see Luna siting by her desk, she was brushing her hair. “Sister, is there something you want?” Luna asked her big sister. “Yes, I have to travel to Wiacaster, Twilight got herself arrested.” Celestia told her sister. Luna stopped brushing her hair, she placed the brush on her desk and turned around to face her big sister. “Didn’t you tell Twilight Sparkle not to go there?” Celestia nodded. “That I did but it didn’t work, she managed to get arrested by attacking Garnet’s guards.” Luna couldn’t help but raise an eye brown when she heard that. “That doesn’t sound like Twilight Sparkle I know.” Celestia didn’t know why she frowned. “No it doesn’t, I just need you to watch over the castle while I travel to Wiacaster and talk to Garnet, I will also have a talk with Twilight, she has some explaining to do.” Luna nodded. “Sure, I can do that for. Do you want me to tell Twilight’s parents and friends of what she did?” Celestia shook her head. “No, she is my student, I will tell them when I get back.” Luna nodded again. “Alright then but don’t tell me you are going by train?” “No, I have teleporting spell for that but it will take a loot of magic so I will return back tomorrow.” “Try not to kill Twilight.” Luna told her sister. Celestia turned around and walk out of her sister room. “I can promise that.” > Chapter 7: Celestia Arrives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was your normal day for a guard in city of Wiacaster, just walking around the garden patrolling. A lonesome guard was doing just day. “Man, this was not what I had in mind when decided to become a guard.” He mumbled to himself. Then all off sudden the guard could fell magical surge coming from nor far from him. “Huh, that’s weird.” He decided to investigate. Once he got closed to the entrance to the castle he could feel the magic getting strong and then in a blinding light, which made him covert his eyes with his hand, Celestia appeared. Celestia collapse right on the ground while breathing heavily. “I hate this spell.” “Princess Celestia.” The alicorn look up at the guard. “We have been expecting you.” Celestia managed to stand up. “Yes, I got a letter that my student managed to herself arrested by attacking queen Garnet guards.” The guard nodded. “That’s correct, we have been order to escort you to the queens room but something tells me that you want to talk to your student first.” Celestia wiped off some dust that she had gotten on her clothes. “Yes, she have some explain to do.” The guard nodded. “Very well, follow me.” He started to walk towards the castle and Celestia followed him. The two guards that was guarding the entrance to the castle gave her a look that said that they didn’t want her here, she couldn’t blame them. The guard who was responsible for the prison was enjoying his newspaper, then I he spotted something he didn’t like. “Crap, the rent is going up.” He look up from the paper and look over to the cell where Twilight was, she was currently trying to talk but nothing came out from her mouth. “What do you think about that?” He asked the unicorn who still couldn’t talk. “Yeah,” He went back to the newspaper. “I think it suck to.” Then the door to the prison open, the guard look up again and he saw Celestia walk in with another guard right behind her. The prison guard couldn’t help but think how entertaining this would be. Celestia walk over to the desk where the prison guard was sitting. “I would like to talk to my student.” She then look over to her cell and saw that Twilight was talking but nothing came out from her mouth. “What’s going on?” She asked the guard. The prison guard look over to the cell. “Ever since they brought her in she just keep on talking that the prince belong to her and she wanted to talk to him, it was so annoying that I placed a silence spell on her cell,” He went back to newspaper. “she is still talking but at least I don’t have to listen to her.” Celestia nodded in understanding while the other guard couldn’t help but smirk, he thought it was funny. “Can I still talk to her?” Celestia asked the guard. “Yes, just walk over to her cell and I will remove the spell but we have to be here.” Celestia didn’t mind that as she walk over to Twilight’s cell with an angry expression, it didn’t look like her student was afraid that she was there, she look happy but that was going to change. The guard removed the spell and they could hear Twilight again. “I’m so glad you’re her princess Celestia, you have to get me out from here so I can bring Spike home.” Celestia was in shock when she heard that, Twilight talk like she owned Spike. “Bring him home? Your talking like you own him.” Twilight just nodded. “Yes, I own him, I have owned him since I hatched him.” Celestia was in lost for words while the two guards just want to beat the living crap out of her, no one were allowed to talk about their prince like that. “Just get me out of this cell so me and Spike can go…” That was the last straw for Celestia. “JUST SHUT THE HELL UP TWILIGHT.” Celestia is usually calm but right now she was furious, she wasn’t going to let Twilight speak any more and for the unicorn, Celestia had never yelled at her before. “I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you but you have to stop, Spike dosen’t belong to you, he came here by his own free will and you are not allowed to just take him away, that’s called kidnaping.” Twilight was about to speak but Celestia wasn’t going to let her. “Don’t you dear question me Twilight, I had enough of you right now, your acting like a naive little girl and I want to know why.” Celestia was breathing heavily, it’s been while since she have been this angry at anyone. “I’m not naïve, Spike doesn’t belong here he belongs with me.” Then it dawn on Celestia, she knew now why Twilight was acting like this. “You’re afraid, afraid of losing Spike. You had him for so long that you don’t want to lose him.” Twilight wasn’t convinced. “That’s ridiculous, I’m not afraid of losing him, I never lost him in the first place.” Celestia eye started to twitch. “Stop being in denial and admit that you are afraid of losing Spike.” Twilight had to take a few step back right now, Celestia look furious. “When I gave you Spike’s, I hope that you could teach him, take care of him, I realised now that was a mistake. You never took care of him he took care of you, he cooks for you, you make him clean the library, you just boss him around like a little slave.” Celestia look into Twilight’s eyes with a look that made her blood freeze. “I should never have given you Spike’s egg in the first place.” Those words crushed Twilight soul, she never thought that Celestia would say those word to her. “Until you understand that Spike’s is not yours, you are no longer my student and you’re not allowed to enter castle anymore.” She then took a step back. “I will not help you get out of this prison, you can stay here and think about what you did.” She then walk over to the guard who’s mouth hang open. “I’m ready to talk to queen Garnet.” The guard who had brought Celestia was still in shock over what just happened, he managed to nod his head as he walk out, Celestia followed him. Twilight was lost for words and utter crushed, she had never seen Celestia this angry before, ever. But Celestia was right, she was afraid to lost Spike. Twilight never thought about it before but she had treated Spike like her own personal slave when she should have taken care of him. Spike did everything for her, cook, clean the library, fetching books for her, he did everything for her and she let him. Twilight just sank to the floor in shame. The guard who was guarding her was still staring at the door. “Wow, I think you got of way to easy there unicorn.” He look over to Twilight’s cell and she didn’t say anything, she was quiet. “Did you lose your will to speak?” He asked her as he walk over to cell and boy was he surprised when he saw her just sitting on the floor, looking very sad. “I guess Celestia’s word hit hard.” Twilight just gave a weak nod. “Well, as long as you don't speak, I don’t really care.” He went back to the desk to read the newspaper. Celestia walk after the guard, they were on their way to queen Garnet room and Celestia didn’t have the foggiest idea what to say to her, Celestia couldn’t imagen what Garnet thought about Twilight right now or her. She took a deep breath and knock on the door. “Come in Celestia.” The princess actually started to sweat as she open the door and walk in. Once inside Celestia saw Garnet sitting in her bed, her face was facing the window, Celestia closed the door. Then the silence came, no one them said a word. Then Garnet spoke. “Eighteen years ago I gave you Spike’s egg to protect him and it was the most difficult decision I had ever make, I hope that you could give him to someone that would care for him but instead of you gave him to a pony who is delusional.” Garnet look at Celestia and she wasn’t happy. “Explain yourself.” “I really don’t know what happen, when I saw Twilight hatch Spike’s egg I thought that she would care for him.” “You thought wrong.” Garnet snap at her. “When she arrived she said that my guards attack her first but I’m pretty sure she attack first considering we had witnesses and my guards said it, she then ran from them. I want to talk to her but apparently I wanted to arrest her, what do you teach your student?” Garnet asked Celestia. “She is afraid.” Garnet raised an eyebrow of what Celestia said. “Do you mean she is afraid to lose Spike?” Celestia nodded. "Spike doesn’t belong to her.” “I’m fully aware of that but according to her she have owned him since he was hatch.” Garnet had to restrain herself not to jump out of the bed, run down to the prison and strangle Twilight. “I regret handing you Spike’s egg, you said that he would be safe from Joserth but instead you gave him to a unicorn who was not fit to take care of him. Spike told what he has done to her over the years, he cook for her, he cleans the library for her, he buy grocery for her, he act like a servant for her and you did nothing to stop her. It was one thing to read that in your letters but hearing him say what Twilight made him do, that was heart breaking.” Garnet look back to the window. “You can stay here for the night but in the morning I want you gone. Talk to one of the guard and he can show you where you can sleep.” Celestia bowed. “Thank you, is possible I can talk to Spike? I think he will be glad to see me.” She asked Garnet as she stood up. Garnet didn’t answer right away. “If you want to, I’m not going to stop you. Now, leave.” Celestia didn’t hesitate to leave the room. Once outside she closed the room and then she could breath, that went better than she expected. Then a voice spoke up. “I see that you are still alive.” The voice scared her, it was the same guard that have escorted her. “Are you still here? Shouldn’t you go back to your post?” She asked him. The guard couldn’t help but snort. “Oh please, this is the most fun I had in years, all I do is patrol the garden, is so boring.” The last part was said with whining. Celestia was sure what to think about this guard. “Yes, it can be boring at times. It is possible you can show me to prince Spike room.” That got the guard to freeze up, he had no idea which room the price was in. Lucky for him someone ells knew. “Don’t worry Fredi, I will show her.” Celestia and the guard look in the direction of the voice and it was Tombias. The guard saluted. “Tomias, sir.” Tombias held up a hand. “At ease soldier, you can go back to your patrol.” The guard did as he was told, crushing while he walk, he didn’t want to go back patrolling the garden. “I do apologize about Fredi, he doesn’t take his job seriously at times.” Tomias told Celestia. The sun princes just smiled. “Don’t worry about it, I know how he fell. You said that you can show me where prince Spike’s room is.” Tomias nodded. “Yes, follow me.” He started to walk and Celestia followed him. “It’s been a while since you have been here Celestia, how’s life threating you?” Celestia let out a heavy sighed. “For the moment, not good. Twilight acting like she own Spike and coming here just to bring him home, then she just attack queen Garnet guards, I don’t even know why she did that.” “She thought that the queen would arrest her when she arrived at the castle.” Tombias told her. “Yes, I heard that from the queen but I still don’t believe it.” Celestia then started to massage her head to prevent a headache. “I’m not looking forward to explain this to her parents, they are going to yell at me.” She wasn’t looking forward to that. They eventually stop. “And here we are.” Tomias told Celestia as the stop by a door. Celestia look down the corridor and saw that hadn’t walk far from the Garnet toom. “Her highness wanted to be close to the prince.” Celestia nodded in understating. It took a minute before Celestia knock on the door, she didn’t know why. “Come in.” Said Spike’s voice so Celestia entered. Once inside she saw Spike sitting in his bed, he was currently reading a something, probably one of his comics. Celestia didn’t understand why he like them, she had tried to read some of them herself but it wasn’t her thing. Spike look up from his comic and smiled when he saw who it was. “Princess Celestia.” He got of his bed and ran over to her to give her a hug. Celestia happily return the hug. “It’s good to see you Spike, or should I say prince Spike.” Spike let go of her. “It still sounds weird when others are calling me a prince.” Celestia could help but agree with him. “I know what you mean Spike,” They walk over to the bed to sit down on. “I had trouble with that when I was younger.” “Really?” Spike asked her as they sat down, Celestia just gave him a nod. “That’s sounds weird.” “It’s true, when I found out that my parents was the rulers of Equestria I actually passed out and that’s the truth.” “I found that hard to believe.” Celestia just shrugged her shoulder. “I happen, Luna took it better than me, she just started to jump up and down like a little girl would do.” Celestia then smiled. “I was kind of jealous of her back then.” “I have trouble seeing you jealous.” Spike said with a tease in his voice. Celestia just huffed and look away. “Well, it happened.” She look over to spike and saw that he had trouble keeping his laughter so she just started to laugh herself, it felt good to laugh. “I have to ask Spike, have you talk to Twilight yet?” Spike mod went from happy to sombre when he got that question. “Not yet, mom said she wanted to talk to her first.” He let out a sad sighed. “I don’t understand why she have behave so strange these two days.” “She is afraid to lose you.” Spike look at Celestia with confusion. “I had a talk with her when I got here and I understood why she was acting so strange, she was afraid to lose you.” Spike couldn’t help but frown. “That’s just stupid, she can’t expect me to stay with her forever.” “That’s what’s she believe.” Spike was again confused. “Let me explain, when Twilight managed to hatch your egg by using her magic, that went out of control, I thought she could take care of you, I was wrong. At first she did managed to take care of you but as time went on and you got bigger, the roles changes, you started to take care of her. You did everything she asked you to do, do her laundry, cook for her, bring her books, you did everything because you were so naïve that you didn’t realized it.” Spike look hurt when she said he was naïve. “I’m not trying to hurt your feelings Spike but that’s the truth and deep inside you know it.” Spike look down on the floor. “Your right, somehow I knew it and I didn’t do anything about it.” Then Celestia saw some tears falling on the floor, she didn’t expect Spike to cry. “I’m really pathetic.” Celestia placed an arm around him to try and comfort him. “Your not pathetic Spike, I think you just wanted to help Twilight the best you could.” She then frowned. “I still wish she could do stuff herself not relying on you all the time.” Spike felt a little better and Celestia decided to ask him another question. “How is to be living here, like a prince?” Spike wiped away the tears. “It’s okay, a small part of me still have trouble believing it’s real.” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle a little. “I have to know something princess,” “Spike, you can just call me Celestia now. The whole princess seams a little stupide now considering you are a prince now.” Spike nodded. “Alright then Celestia, I want to know who is the pony who was spying on me and Twilight.” Celestia tilted her head to the side in confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean Spike. “When Drake came he said that he keep an eye on her, considering I’m the only dragon in Ponyville that means you had a pony to do it, I want to know who that was.” Celestia was speechless, she didn’t expect Spike to figure that out. “How did you figure that out?” “I had a loot of time to think about it last night, I didn’t get much sleep.” He told her with some embarrassment in his voce, Celestia was just impressed. “I guess you have the right to know, it was a pony named Steel and lets just say that he’s good when it comes to blending in with others.” Spike just nodded, again. He decided to ask another question. “Since you are here, I’m guessing that Luna have to raise the sun and the moon by herself, right?” Celestia then leaned in and whispered. “Let me tell you something Spike,” She then look around the room to see if there was anyone around. “me and my sister is not actually lowering/raising the sun and the moon, it’s all a gimmick.” Spike couldn’t help but laugh. “Your kidding, right?” He saw that Celestia was kidding. “But, I have seen you raise the sun.” “it’s not actually a spell, my horn just glow.” Spike was lost for word right now, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “How? Why?” Celestia let out a sighed. “It happened after our parent left and left my and my sister in charge of Equestria. One day I was just out walking just when the sun was about to rise, I was cold so I used a spell on my to make myself warmer, some ponies saw me use the spell while the sun rises and they started to say that I raised the sun. I tired to stop them but it was to late and before I knew it, me and my sister raised the sun and moon when ponies were around.” “So, you have lied to them all these years?” Celestia just nodded of Spike’s question. “That’s not very nice.” “I’m not proud of it, nor are my sister, I think we kept the lei alive just because we didn’t want to disappoint the ponies in Equestria.” Celestia then let out a yawn. “I would love to talk more Spike but the spell I used to get here took a lot of magic and I’m a little tired, I’m going to find a room and try and get some rest.” Celestia then stood up. “We can talk more tomorrow before I have to go back, dose that sound good to you?” Spike gave her a nod. “Good.” She then walk to the door. “See you tomorrow Spike.” She then left, leaving Spike along. Spike then lay in his bed, he couldn’t believe that Celestia and Luna had been lying for so long, I guess he could understand why. He then let out a heavy sighed, there was one thing he didn’t look forward to and that was talking to Twilight. > Chapter 8: The Dragon Knights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of day went good for Spike, he spent most of the time with his mother and he enjoyed it. When night started to come, Spike decided to explore the castle by himself but that was a mistake, he eventually got lost. “Where am I?” He had no idea. Spike could ask someone but there wasn’t anyone around, no guards or maids around. He was about to head back the way he came from when he heard something, it heard like someone was fighting. Spike’s curiosity got the better of him so he decided to follow the sound. It didn’t take long before he arrived at a place that look like a training ground that was almost as large as the garden in Celestia’s castle, there he saw six dragons, he recognized five of them. There was Drake who was punching and kicking a punching bag, Tomias was using a bow and arrow, Nallir was flying around the place, at least he thought it was her, she was flying so fast that Spike had trouble seeing who it was. Nallir brother Zaldren was using a spear, then there was Raldrin who was practicing her magic which look pretty powerful. Then there was the dragon he didn’t recognise, he had red and his scales was black, he almost look like Drake, which was black and had red scales, Spike figured out that they had to be brothers, he was currently sitting in a corner meditating. They had to be the dragon knights that Pethayrth mention, he didn’t see her which was weird. He was brought out of his thoughts when Drake spoke up “Prince spike.” Drake was walking towards him. “What are you doing here?” Drake asked him as he stop by him. Spike’s cheeks became red. “I wanted to explore the castle by my own,” He then look down on the ground in shame. “but I got lost and then I ended up here.” He then look around the room. “What is this place?” He asked Drake. Drake spread out his arms. “This is the dragon knights private training room, this were we train to get stronger so we can protect the royal family.” Spike couldn’t help but think how cool that was. “If you want to I can tell you about them.” Spike just smiled. “Sure.” Drake couldn’t help but smile himself. “First of we have myself, I’m the leader of the dragon knights, I’m all round fighter and I’m the strongest when it comes to magic, I’m probably stronger than Celestia but that’s a story for another time.” A dragon that is stronger than Celestia? Spike wanted to hear that story. “Then we have Raldrin, she is my second in command and her magic is almost as strong as mine.” Somehow Spike believe him when he saw Raldrin fired beam from her mouth destroying a giant rock. “Tomias is a master with the bow and when it comes to the twins, Nallir is probably the fast dragon in the entire kingdom.” Spike was amazed by that. “I wouldn't say that.” Spike was taken off guard when Nallir just appeared right in front them. “I haven’t raced every dragon in the kingdom so I can’t say that I’m the fastest.” Spike couldn’t help but think how modest she was, the opposite of Dash. “Just how fast are you?” Spike asked her. Nallir rubbed her neck. “I can break the sound barrier.” Spike’s eyes widen when he heard that, the only one he know who can do that is Rainbow Dash. “Really?” Nallir nodded. “Yeah, I did when I was young, about three hundred years ago.” Spike’s mind was blown. “Don’t tell that to Rainbow Dash, she going to be so jealous and probably challenge you to a race.” “Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty and she has the biggest ego in Equestria, not a good combination if you ask me.” Nallir then started to stretch her body. “Don’t worry young prince, I have no intention to challenge her or accept her challenge if she challenge me.” She then went back to her flying faster than Spike could blink. Drake couldn’t help but chuckle of Nallir behaviour. “I’m sorry about that Spike, she is like that sometimes.” Spike didn’t mind. “When it comes to her brother Zaldren, he probably one of the best when comes to handling a spear.” They watch was Zaldren used the spear as a master. “What about the dragon in the corner that is meditating?” Drake smiled. “That’s my little brother. Hey Diner, come and say hey to the young prince.” Diner got up and started to walk towards them, while he was walking towards them Spike notice that Diner didn’t open his eyes, he wonder why. Diner stop right in front of them, he then placed a hand on his chest and bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you prince Spike.” “Why are your eyes closed?” Spike didn’t know. “That’s because I’m blind.” Diner answered him. Spike started to panic when he heard that. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” Then to Spike’s surprised, Diner just smiled. “Don’t worry about it prince Spike, your aren’t the first one to ask me that question.” Spike felt a little relief. “I still feel bad for asking you that out of the blue. But, how did you walk over here? You doge many obstacles on your way here.” “I use my other senses to see, just like a bat, I also use my magic sometimes.” Spike was amazed by what he heard. “That’s so cool.” Diner just smirked. “I haven’t heard that one before. If you both excuse me, I’m heading to my room to meditate, it’s a little to noise here.” He then walk out the door. Drake just started at the door. “You have to excuse my brother, he doesn’t talk much.” Spike didn’t mind. “Why don’t I escort you back to your room.” “Yes, that would be great.” Spike then let out a big yawn. “I’m starting to get tired.” So they walk out of the room. While Drake and Spike walk back to his room, Spike decided to ask Drake something. “So Drake, do you have any more family? I know that Rilda is your sister and Diner is your bother. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” ”Don’t worry, I want to answer. I have three younger brothers and four younger sisters.” Spike wasn’t sure if he heard right. “Did you just say you have seven siblings?” Drake nodded. “Why? How?” Drake couldn’t help but laugh a little of Spike’s reaction. “You can blame my parents for that, they always wanted a big family. Maybe they went a little overboard.” Spike couldn’t help but wonder who his parents is. Spike couldn’t help but wonder who his parent is. “Hey Drake, what about Pethayrth? Why wasn’t she in the room, don’t she trainer with you and the others?” “She is healer, not a fighter. She can fight but isn’t that good.” Drake answered him. “I guess that makes sense.” Once they arrived at Spike’s room, Drake headed to his own room, Spike open the door and walk inn. Once inside Spike closed the door and headed to his bed, he climb on it and fell face first. “What a day.” He then fell asleep. A little later that night, in a different part of the castle, Celestia poked her head out from the door to the room she was using, she was looking to see if anyone was around. After she had used her teleport spell to the royal castle in Wiacaster, she had spent most of the day in her room to regain her magic. Right now she was sneaking around the castle halls to a special room, when she got there she was ready to knock but she never got the change. “Just get in her Celestia, I still don’t understand why you sneak around every time you visit the castle.” Said the voice on the other side of the door, which was male. Celestia just rolled her eyes as she walk in, once inside she saw Drake lying on his back in his bed. “I wish you could stop sneaking around when you are here, they know we are a couple.” He told her while she was closing the door, he also could see that she was wearing a white nightdress. “I know that but it’s still embarrassing that have to make fun of use.” She walk over to the bed and slip under the duvet, she then snuggled on his chest. “I have missed you.” He kissed her forehead. “I have missed you too.” He then put his arms around her so she was more comfortable. In another part of the kingdom in a secret location sat a lonely dragon in his office, he was currently looking out of his window seeing the sun setting. He felt at peace in this moment but then someone knock on the door. “Come in.” He said in a gruff voice. The door open and another dragon walk inn. “My lord.” The dragon said while getting down on one knee. “Report.” “Our spy at the castle has confirmed that the young prince has return, should we take care of the queen now?” There was a moment of silence. “No, we stick to the plan. We wait, let them bond before we kill her.” Said the lord. The other dragon got up and bowed. “As you wish.” He then left the room.’ The lord then smiled. “So, my nephew has return, I can’t wait to crush him.” > Chapter 9: Spike and Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was new day in the dragon kingdom and Spike was sleeping peacefully in his bed, that was until the sun shined through his window and right in face. “Stupide sun, I want to sleep more.” He tried to cover himself but notice that he wasn’t sleep under his duvet. “What the…?” He then sat up and notice that he had sleep in his clothes, again. “Not again, Rilda is going to be mad at me.” Then someone knock on the door. “Why would I be mad at you prince Spike?” It was Rilda. “Can I come inn?” Spike didn’t answer right away. “Yes, you can come inn.” The door open and Rilda walk inn and she wasn’t too happy when she saw Spike sitting on the bed with the clothes he was wearing yesterday. “Really prince Spike? You sleep with your clothes again?” She said while placing her hands on her hips. “Hey, this time I have a good excuse, I was so tried last night that I fell asleep right away.” Rilda then crossed her arms. “And who’s fault is that?” Spike look down on the bed in shame. “Mine.” He mumbled to himself. Now Rilda felt bad. “Well, it’s in the past, let’s look to the future. Your mother had invited you to breakfast.” She said while walking to the closet to get some new clothes for Spike. “I don’t understand why she invite me, I would have come either way.” He said while getting of his bed. “She is doing that because she trying to be a good mother, remember, she lost eighteen years.” Spike felt like jerk now. “Hey, is possible I can invite Celestia?” Rilda was silence for a second before answering. “I guess so, I don’t see any harm in it, I think your mother will be okay with that.” She said while picking out clothes for Spike, she then heard that the young prince went into the bathroom. “I really hope that she’s okay with it.” She mumble to herself. In another part of the castle, Drake had just woken up and notice that someone was hugging him, he look down and saw that Celestia had cuddle up against his chest, she was sleeping peacefully. Drake couldn’t help but feel bad that he had to wake up sleeping beauty from her sleep. “Celestia, time to wake up.” It didn’t work, she didn’t move at all so Drake decided to pop her nose, that got her to move but she didn’t wake up. “For pet sake Celestia, wake up.” She then snuggled even more into Drake. “Five more minutes.” Drake couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “It’s already morning and I would really want to get up and have some breakfast.” That made Celestia to open her eyes which made Drake to look into her eyes. “Did anyone tell you have very beautiful eyes?” Celestia kissed his cheek. “What a charmer.” Drake just smiled. “I try.” Then someone knock on the door. “Hey, love birds.” It was Raldrin. “Prince Spike has invited Celestia to breakfast so pry yourself of Drake and get your butt in gear.” They then heard her walk away. Celestia and Drake just started at the door. “Why do she have to be so direct?” Celestia asked Drake. Drake just chuckle. “I don’t know, it’s what’s makes her so special.” Celestia decided to get out of bed. “Special isn’t the word I would use.” Once her feet touch the floor she realised something. “Oh crap, I forgot to wear a bathrobe.” She look down on her nightdress. “I can’t walk out like this.” “Don’t worry, you can use one of mine, there are in the clothes.” Celestia wasted no time heading to his closet to get one, when she but the bathrobe one she notice it was a little bigger than her but at the moment she didn’t care, she then head out the door to her own room to get dressed so she could have breakfast with Spike and his mother leaving Drake alone. He just started at door. “Wow, ungrateful.” He was about to get up when Celestia came back and ran over to him to give him a kiss on the cheeks as a thanks, she then ran back out. Drake couldn’t help but smile. Once Drake had gotten dressed, he headed to the cafeteria where the guard eat to get some breakfast. He could see that the rest of dragon knights was already there, even Pethayrth was there which Drake thought was strange considering she eat by herself, he decided to ignore it and find some food. After getting food he sat down with others at their table, he was going to take a bit of the steak he had when notice all of them was staring at him, Pethayrth had big smile on her face. Well, not everyone, Diner just keep on eating his breakfast. “What?” He was clueless why they started at him. Pethayrth spoke up first. “Don’t give us that crap, what happened with you and Celestia yesterday?” Drake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Seriously? What are you guys, kids? Nothing happened, she just stayed over in my bed, that’s it.” He then went back to his food ignoring them all. Pehayrth leaned back in her chair and started to pout. “Your no fun.” Then Nallir spoke. “What did you expect Pehayrth, Drake isn’t the funny type.” Drake wasn’t offended. “Let’s talk about what happened yesterday with Raldrin, I heard that you meet Celestia’s student.” Raldrin stop eating to look at her friend. “Really? You ask about that now, why didn’t you ask yesterday?” She asked Nallir. “We didn’t see until the evening and even then you were busy with your magic, it was a little difficult to ask you yesterday.” Nallir answered her. Raldrin went back to her food. “There isn't much to tell, she wasn’t very smart considering she attack one of the guard yesterday. I mean, she is supposed to be Celestia’s personal student, she should be smarter.” Then Tomias spoke up. “She isn’t Celestia’s student anymore.” That got everyone to look at him. “You guys don’t know?” All six shock their heads. “I heard it from the guard that watches over her that Celestia said she wasn’t her student anymore, probably a punishment for what she did.” None of them expect to hear that. “Wow, I didn’t think Celestia had in her.” Said Raldrin while the others agreed. When it came to the breakfast with Spike, his mother and Celestia, none of the talk. There was a tension between Celestia and Spike’s mother which made Spike regret inviting Celestia, he didn’t want here to be any bad blood between them. After they were done, Spike decided to walk with Celestia to the garden where she was going to use her spell. Rilda was following them from a distance. “I’m sorry about breakfast Celestia, I didn’t know my mother was mad at you.” Celestia just waved it off. “Don’t worry about it Spike, as you said you didn’t know.” Spike look down on the ground. “But still…” Celestia stop, she then look at Spike. “Listen to me Spike, you were just nice nothing more and I appreciated that.” That made Spike smile. When the got to the garden, Celestia got ready. “Well, this has been fun but it’s time for me to head back to Canterlot. Are you going to talk Twilight?” “Yeah, when you had left.” Then started to rub his arm. “I just hope she won’t act like when I left.” Celestia placed a hand on his arm. “Don’t worry, I had a talk with her yesterday and I’m pretty sure I managed to talk some sense in her.” Celestia then took a few step back. “Well, it was good to see you again Spike but it’s time for me to leave. Until next tme.” Celestia’s horn started to glow and then she was gone leaving Spike and Rilda alone. Then Rilda spoke up. “Well, are you ready to talk to Twilight young prince?” Spike let out s sighed. “As ready I can be.” They both headed towards the prison. Twilight on the other hand had just woken up from a rough, she look up at the celling and saw that she wasn’t in her own bed. “That’s right, I got arrest yesterday.” She remember everything that happened yesterday, that she attack the some guards, a dragoness managed to talk to her, acting like a child before queen Garnet and princess Celestia, the one with Celestia hurt the most. Twilight pulled her legs over the edge to bed and rube her face with both hands. “What a jerk I was yesterday.” “That you were.” That voice scared Twilight, she didn’t expected anyone to be in the same, it was probably a guard that was watching over her, she then notice some food and a cup on a plate by the door to her cell, it was bread and some water, she got up to get it. “I’m surprised that I got food, considering how I acted yesterday.” She said while looking at the guard who was the same as yesterday, he was reading the newspaper. “Were not heartlets, you may have insulted our queen but are still going to feed you.” Twilight couldn’t help but smile, it was a small smile but a smile. She went back to her bed to eat her food. Outside the prison stood spike and Rilda, Spike was just staring at the door, he was nervous and he didn’t know why. “Are you nervous young prince?” Rilda’s voice snap Spike back. “Yes and I don’t know why.” “Maybe it’s because you don’t know what to say, she have taken care of you for eighteen years.” That made sense to Spike. “Do you want me to talk to her first?” Spike thought about it. “That’s not a bad idea. Yeah, you can do that.” Rilda bowed and then she entered the prison. The guard that was guarding near the prison was a little worried when he saw that Rilda was about to talk to Twilight first. “I’m not sure that was wise prince Spike.” The guard told him. Spike just gave the guard a confusing look. “What do you mean?” The guard was surprised when heard that Spike didn’t know. “You mean Rilda hasn’t told you?” Spike was still confused. “Told me what?” “Rilda was once a Dragon knight.” Spike didn’t expect to hear that. “But she gave it up about five years ago and became a maid.” “Why did she quit?” Spike asked the guard. The guard just shrugged his shoulder. “Don’t know, I only think the queen, sir Drake and the others know the reason. And Rilda of course.” Spike couldn’t help but wonder why Rilda gave up being a Dragon knight. Twilight was just sitting on her bed eating her food and drink her water from the cup, it wasn’t the food she was used to but it was still food and she wasn’t about to complain. Then the door open and Twilight could heard someone walk in, she could see who it was. “I would like to speak to the prisoner.” Twilight could hear that the person was female. “Sure, she is in cell three.” That was the guard. Then Twilight heard footsteps and they were coming towards her cell, she then saw a pink dragoness in maidens outfit and she didn’t look happy, at all. “So, your Celestia student.” She then studied Twilight. “Can’t say that I am impressed, getting yourself arrest by attacking the queens guards, telling her majesty that you own her son, despicable.” Twilight just look away in shame. Rilda took few step closer. “Now, listen here Twilight Sparkle, the prince is on the other side of the door and he want to talk to you.” Twilight wasn’t sure if that a good idea. “I don’t like but I won’t question his decision, if you even try and tell him that he belongs to you or if you try and grabbed him,” Rilda’s gaze became very dark which made Twilight back away in fear. “I will snap that horn right off and use it as a toothpick, nod if you understand me.” Twilight nodded her head like crazy. “Good,” Rilda took a few step back. “I will go and get the prince.” Rilda walk off and Twilight needed a new set off underwear. Spike entered the prison and walk over to Twilight’s cell, Rilda stood by the door, he could see her sitting on her bed looking down on the ground, she was probably thinking. “Hey Twilight.” The unicorn look up at Spike and a small smile appeared on her face when she saw him. “Hey Spike, I can see your doing well.” Spike smiled. “Yes, it’s been an experience living as a prince.” “I guess it has.” Then the silence came, none of them knew what to say to each other, then Twilight spoke up. “I’m sorry Spike, I’m sorry that I tried to stop you for leaving.” “Why did you do it?” He asked her. Twilight let out a sighed. “I guess I was affair that you was going to leave me, you have been living with me for eighteen years after all.” “You had to know that I was going to leave eventually, right?” Twilight look down on the ground again. “And that’s scared me. I also was used that you were doing things for me,” She look at him again with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry Spike that I took advantage of you all these years.” Right now Spike just want to hug Twilight but he knew he couldn’t and it broke his heart. “Please Twilight, don’t cry, I guess I’m to blame too.” Those words surprised everyone in the in the room especially Twilight, she didn’t expect to hear Spike say that. “Don’t say that Spike, I’m the one who took advantage of you.” Then Spike snap at her. “I know that Twilight but I was the one who was naïve, not you.” Then Twilight stood up. “That was the problem Spike, you were naïve and I took advantage of that.” Twilight sank on to the floor. “I was supposed to take care off you but in the end you took care of me. Celestia was right, she should never have given me your egg in the first place.” She got up and walk to bed to lie down. “I’m sorry for all the pain I put you through.” She just pull the blanket over herself. Spike decided to leave her alone. Spike and Rilda was walking back to his room in silence. Spike couldn’t help but feel bad for Twilight, it was like she was punishing herself. Then Rilda voice brought him out of his thoughts. “Are you okay prince Spike?” Spike let out a sighed. “Not really, I fell bad for Twilight and why does it fell like this my fault.” Rilda stopped and place her hands on his shoulders. “It’s not your fault that Twilight acted the way she did yesterday or the time she took care of you, it’s her own fault. She let it happened, she and princess Celestia, the princess should have done something.” “Maybe, but why does it feel like it’s my fault? Is because she took care of me these eighteen years?” He asked Rilda. “Maybe, but you should not blame yourself young prince. Twilight did it, not you.” Spike knew she was right but it didn’t help. > Chapter 10: A Mother's Anger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was your typical day in the Canterlot castle until in flash and Celestia appeared in the garden, face first on the grass. “I really hate this spell.” She mumbled to herself as she laid there. The guards who was nearby rushed over to Celestia to help her up. “Are you okay princess Celestia?” Asked one of the guards as he help her up. “I’m just a little tired, the spell takes a look of magic.” She told the guards while rubbing her head. “Did you have a fun time in Wiacaster?” Celestia and guard looks in the directions to the entrance of the castle, it was Luna who was walking towards them. “Or did you have some fun with Drake?” She asked with some tease in her voice, she also had amusing look on her face. Celestia gave her sister an annoying look. “I regret telling you about him.” She said to her sister while getting up, with some help from her guards. Luna just smiled. “You did and now I can tease you for it, how did it go with Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked her sister. “She thought she owned Spike.” Luna wasn’t sure if she heard right. “Did you just say that Twilight thought she owned Spike?” Celestia nodded. “Why…? Why would she believe that?” “She was afraid of losing him so she denial everything, I was lucky to talk some sense into her.” Luna started to rub her face with her hand. “How long is she going to stay in jail?” Luna asked her sister. “A week.” Celestia let out a tiring sighed. “Can we talk about this another time? I want to head to my room and rest. I’m very tired. I have to explain things to Twilight’s parents and her friends tomorrow and that’s not something I’m looking forward to.” She went to bed. After a good night rest Celestia had recover her magic, she had a shower, eat breakfast and was ready to talk to Twilight’s parents, she was really not looking forward to that. Celestia was now standing outside the house of Twilight Velvet and her husband Night Light, she knew they had a son but she wasn’t sure if he was there. She walk to the door and knock. It didn’t take long before the door open. “Yes?” The one to open the door was Twilight’s brother, Celestia remember his name was Shining Armor, she thinks, Twilight had mention him a few times. He was unicorn with white fur and his hair was blue with some light blue stripes. He was wearing a jacket with some pants. Shining’s eyes widen when he saw who it was. “Princess Celestia? What are you doing here?” Celestia nodded her head . “Hello Shining Armor, I was hoping to talk to you and your parents, if they are home.” It took a few seconds before Shining could answer. “Why… Why do you want to talk to us?” He asked her. “It’s about your sister Twilight.” “Twily? What about her?” Shining asked with some curiosity. “Is possible we can talk inside?” Shining didn’t react at once. “Yes, off course. Please step inside.” He step aside so Celestia could walk inside, he then notice how big she was and the only thing he could think of was, wow. As soon as Shining closed the door they heard a female voice. “Who is a the door Shining?” That was probably Twilight’s mother Velvet. “I’m not sure if you would believe me if I told you mother, you should come and see for yourself.” “Don’t tell me you brought another mare from a bar with you home again, I’m getting sick of it.” That made Shining groan while Celestia gave him a intrigued look, she couldn’t help but wonder what Twilight’s brother does. “I don’t bring every mare with me here and no, this is no mare I pick up at a bar, it’s princess Celestia.” There was silence for a second. “Do you really expect me to believe that?” They heard footsteps. “Why would princess Celestia come her?” A mare with grey fur walk into the hallway, she also had white hair with some purple strips. “There’s no reason for her to come…” That was all she could say when she spotted Celestia, Velvet’s mouth fell open. “Princess Celestia?” She then went down on her knees and bowed. “I’m so sorry that I thought you were one of my son’s sluts.” Shining just rolled his eyes of what he’s mother said. “That’s it, I’m moving out.” He mumbled to himself as he walk past his mother. Shining was embarrass by his mother and so was Celestia, she never like it when ponies bowed the way Velvet did. “Please, stand up. I’m here to talk about your daughter.” Velvet look up. “Twilight? What about her?” She asked while getting up. “I would like to talk about her with your family.” Velvet became a little nervous. “Alright, follow me.” She walk to the living room and Celestia followed her. Once Celestia she could see Shining sitting a chair while a blue unicorn with dark blue hair was sitting in the couch reading the newspaper, it had to be Night Light. The living room was pretty normal, two chair, couch, pictures on the walls. Velvet walk over to Night. “Honey, we have a very special guest.” Night look over the paper with intriguing and he almost had a heart attack when he saw who it was. “Princess Celestia.” Night was very quick to get up but Celestia held up a hand to stop him. “Please, you don’t have to bow, I’m here to talk about your daughter.” Night look over at his wife in confusion, she just nodded. “Alright, please sit down.” Celestia sat down in the chair while Night and velvet took the couch. Celestia wasn’t sure how to begin, she decided to just to get it out of the way. “I have come to tell you all that yesterday Twilight travelled to Wiacaster where she got herself arrested.” Twilight’s family wasn’t sure if the heard right. “I’m sorry princess, did you just say that Twilight got arrest? In Wiacaster?” Velvet asked the princess who gave her a nod. “You are lying, my daughter would never be that stupid.” The Night spoke up. “I have to agree with my wife on this.” “If you all let me explain.” They did. In the next teen minutes Celestia tod Twilight’s family everything, Spike was the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom, how they gave his egg to Celestia eighteen years ago and how Twilight handle the news. The reaction was mix, Shining was mad at Twilight for what she did but he had also trouble understanding that Spike was a prince. Night was angry but not as angry as his wife, Velvet was trembling with anger, she couldn’t believe that her daughter would act like that. “That little brat, when she comes back I’m going to drag her by her ear back here and ground her for the rest of her life.” She then slammed both hands on the table scaring everypony in the room. “I did not raise her like a hogger, she is in so much trouble.” Night place a hand on his wife shoulder to try and clam her down. “I understand that you are angry Velvet, but right now there’s nothing we can do.” Velvet managed to calm down a little. “Your right, a week in jail are good enough punishment for now but when she get back, I’m going to have a long talk with her.Princess, I want you to alert me right away when Twilight is back so I can have a talk with her." Celestia would do that. Celestia was actually a little afraid now, she didn’t expect Velvet to be this mad but she don’t blame her. then Celestia told them she had to leave, she had to travel to Ponyville to talk to Twilight’s friends. The family thank the princess for telling what happened to Twilight and then Celestia left. Once outside, Celestia decided to take the train to Ponyville, talking to Twilight’s family was more exhausting than she thought. The guards who was escorting her, followed her. Once she arrived at Ponyville train station, she decided to head to Applejack farm, considering she had no idea where Twilight’s friends were, so decided to see the farmer first. Luckily for her, Applejack was at the farm and she would happily gather the rest of her friends, Celestia told her to meet outside the library. Celestia hadn’t to wait long, Applejack managed to gather her friends pretty fast. Celestia was surprised by the elements reaction when she had told them what had happened to Twilight, none of the was surprised at all, they all had expect that Twilight would get in trouble considering how she had acted before she left but there was one thing they didn’t like and that was that Twilight thought she owned Spike. Spike was his own dragon and if he wanted to stay there, then it was his choice. Celestia had to talk to one pony so she headed for one of the houses that was not far from the library. Once she arrived at the house she told her guard to wait outside, they did as she walk inn. “Steel?” Once inside she couldn’t see anyone there, but then she heard movement. “About time you got here.” Walking to the living room was a unicorn with white fur, his mane and tail was grey, he had a bag slung over his shoulder. “I was starting to think you had forgotten me.” “I apologize Steel, these past days has been hectic.” Steel snorted. “For two years I have been watching Twilight and Spike while reporting back to you for what Twilight has done, she left two days ago and I really thought you would come and get me then. I guess I was wrong.” Celestia felt bad. “I do apologize Steel, it was never my…” Steel cut her off. “Whatever, can you please take me back to jail? I’m getting sick of being here, that pink pony is getting on my nerves.” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle, she knew that pinkie could be a little bothersome at times. “Do you really want to back to jail?” Steel just gave her a bored look. “Yes.” He then walk out of the house. Celestia just started at the door. “I don’t understand you at Steel.” She then walk out. > Chapter 11: A Day in Wiacaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s been six days since spike arrived in the city of Wiacaster and he was bored, he was glad that he could spend time with his mother and explored the castle but that was the only thing he could do. Spike wasn’t allowed to go outside and explore, his mother didn’t want him to, he kind of understand why but it didn’t help. Now he’s just lying in his bed staring at the ceiling. “You can’t keep your soon lock up in the castle my queen, he is allowed to go outside.” Drake was currently at the queen’s room trying to convince her to let Spike take a walk through the city. “I know Drake, but I can’t help but worry, what if someone tries to kidnap him concerning that Joserth had a spy in Ponyville.” Garnet look at scroll that Celestia had send her a few days ago and the queen had a point, if Joserth had spy’s in Ponyville then he has them in Wiacaster. “Then let Tomias and Rilda to go with him, you know that those two can protect him.” Garnet couldn’t help but admit that he was right, those two could protect her soon. “Alright Drake, I’ll let him go outside IF Tomias and Rilda are with him. Just remember to but on some civilian clothes, the last thing I want is them to draw to much attention.” Drake bowed. “I will make it happened.” And then he left her room. Spike was very excited right now while he was waiting in the main hall, his mother has finally let him go outside, sure Tombias and Rilda had to go with him, but he didn’t care, he could finally see the city. Some the guards that was guarding the main door to the castle couldn’t help but think that the young prince look kind of silly now, he was literally jumping up and down while waiting for Tomias and Rilda, the maids who was there just thought I was adorable. Spike could finally see Tomias and Rilda walking towards him, and they were both wearing ‘normal clothes’ as was Spike, none of them had a problem escorting Spike around the city. “Can you two hurry up? I want to explore the city as much as I can before nightfall.” Tomias couldn’t help but roll his eyes of Spike’s behavior while Rilda just giggle. “Patience young prince, er have all day to explore Wiacaster.” Spike stop being so jumpy. “I know that and that’s why I want to go now.” Before Tomias and Rilda could say anything. Spike had already disappeared out the door that led outside. Tomias just started at the door. “Why did I agree to this?” He asked himself. “Drake asked us and are you really going to say no to this?” Tomias sighed. “No, I weren’t.” He started to walk. “Let’s catch up with him before he get lost or worst.” Rilda followed him, there was no way she was going to let some kidnap Spike. Once outside in an alleyway near the castle two dragons was watching as the doors open and Spike with two dragons walk out. “Hey, we got movement.” Said the first one. The second one look at three. “It’s look like out spy in the castle was right, they are going out.” He then look at his partners. “Should we kill the prince?” The first one look at his partner as he had gone mad. “Are you crazy? Our orders is to follow them from a distance and see what they do, if we killed the prince now lord Joserth would kill us, is that what you want?” His partner just shook his head. “That was I thought, come on.” They followed Spike and the others. Spike, Tomias and Rilda walk through the busy street of the city and Spike wanted to take it all inn, he couldn’t believe that dragons, ponies and griffons lived in the same city, he could even see some Changeling and they look friendly. Then Rilda spoke up. “So, what do you want to do first Spike?” She couldn’t call him prince, the queens order. “I was hoping to by some comics, do they even sell does here?” He asked them both. “Rilda’s bothers do.” Said Tomias who look over to the dragoness who had unhappy look on her face. “You just had to bring him up, huh?” Rilda said with some anger in her voice. “What? Don’t tell me you’re not talking to each other, are you?” “No, that’s not the point…” That was all Rilda could say before Spike stood in front of her with a big smile on his face. “Can we go to his store? I really want to buy some comics.” He also had puppy dogs eyes. Rilda really didn’t want to talk to her little brother, but Spike’s face made her submit, she let out a defeating sighed. “Fine, follow me.” They started to walk future into the city while two dragoons followed them from a distance. Spike was standing in front of a shop and it name was Tales of Time, he could see different comics books in the window, and he had a big smile that could rival Pinkie. Before Rilda could speak, Spike had already entered her brother store. “Spike is like as little child that can’t wait to open his presents, he remind me of my children, it’s kind of scary.” That thought made her shiver. “Are you sure you want to do this? You don’t have to talk to your brother?” Tomias asked her. Rilda let out a sighed. “I don’t want to talk to Azzo but I promise the queen that I would watch her son.” She just started at the shop a few seconds before she walk inn. “Wow, they really don't like each other.” Said Tomias to himself before following Rilda into the store. Once inside the store they saw shelves on shelves with comics books. ”Holly crap, your brother sure likes comics books.” Said Tomias as he look around the store, he wasn’t a big fan of comics, he was more a book type. Rilda just had a bored look on her face. “Yes.” That was all she could say about it. Rilda then saw Spike looking through some of them with a big smile on his face. “At least Spike is having fun.” Tomias look over at Spike and couldn’t help but smile himself when he saw him. “That he does.” Tomias then walk over to the counter took look for Rilda’s brother but he couldn’t see him. “Hello? Is there someone here?” Tomias then heard some noise in the backroom. “Hold on a minute, I just have to put away some boxes.” They then heard some movement and then a green dragon with red scales step into the shop. “Welcome to my shop the Tales of Time, the only comic shop in…” Then the dragon saw Rilda. “I’ll be damn, is not my big sister Rilda.” He then got a goofy grin. “If I remember correctly, you said that you would never set foot in my shop.” “And I meant it, but something came up and I had to visit.” Rilda look over to Spike who was looking through some comics. Azzo crossed his arms and look at Spike. “I can see that, but he doesn’t look yours.” Azzo then notice Tomias. “Wait a minute,” He pointed a finger at Tombias. “you’re a dragon knight which means…” Before Azzo could finish his sentence, Rilda had run over to him and placed both hands over his mouth to shut him up. “I know what you’re going to say, and I suggest you don’t. Now, I’m going to remove my hands and you are going to shut up.” Azzo removed her hands himself. “Oh, for fuck’s sake Rilda, the entire city has been talking ever since Drake flew over Wiacaster in his giant dragon form six days ago. And besides, I was only guessing that kid over there was the queens soon, you just confirm it.” He told her while looking at Spike. Rilda hate to admit it, but Azzo was right, Rilda he just guessed and she hope that her brother could keep his mouth shut. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” Rilda believe him. Then Spike came over to counter with some comics in his hands and a smile on hi face. “This shop is amazing, I have never seen so many different comics books in one place.” He then held up a comic that read ‘The Dragon Knight.’ “What’s this? I haven’t heard about it before.” Tombias and Rilda was also a little curious of what kind of comic Spike was holding up, on the front page was a drawing of a dragoness that was in armor. Azzo couldn’t help but smile. “That is my own comic I have created, The Dragon Knight is about a dragon knight named Yrass who get blame for killing the king and when she gets out of prison she goes after those who framed her and every other evil with the help of a magic armor.” Spike thought that was awesome. Rilda look at her brother. “Didn’t you base this comic on Drake? I can swear you mention it once.” Azzo shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe, but Yrass is female, and he’s not.” Spike didn’t care. “I’ll take five of them and some Power Ponies.” He placed all the comics on the counter. Azzo started to count how much. ‘The Power Ponies, I still can’t believe that ponies managed to create something this good, who knew.’ He thought to himself as works. “All right, that will be 250 bits but since you’re with my sister, let’s say 230.” Spike happily place the money he got from his mother on the counter, Azzo placed the comics in a bag and handed it to Spike who happily took it. “Happy to do business with you.” Spike then headed out from the shop, Tomias followed him while Rilda stay behind. “So, that’s the queens son, who knew.” Then Rilda gave her brother a look that told him to shut up. “Don’t worry sis, I’m not going to say anything, you know that the queen can’t keep it a secret forever. “The queen knows that Azzo, she isn’t ready to tell the kingdom yet.” Azzo crossed his arms. “I bet, just old is the kid?” “His eighteen.” That made Azzo to whistle. “Wow, she has held him a secret that long. I’m not sure if the people is going to like that.” Rilda let out a sighed. “Yes, I worried about that to.” She said while looking out of the window where Spike was reading on of his comics, she then look at her brother. “Are you still coming to dinner at mom’s place next week?” She asked him. “Of course, I am, if don’t show up mom is probably going to going to drag me there, with my ear.” That made the two sidling shiver in fear. Then they said goodbye to each other, Rilda want out while Azzo got back to work. Once Rilda was outside she asked spike where he wanted to go next, he told them he wanted to head to a bookstore to by a book for Twilight, with that sorted out they started to walk towards the nearest bookstore. Little did they know a black unicorn with white hair/tail was watching them. “So, Spike is a prince is this Equestria, no wonder I couldn’t find him in Ponyville. Interesting.” The unicorn then disappeared into the crowd. Once Spike had bought a book for Twilight, the history of the dragons, they decided to get something to eat a café. They were sitting outside in the fine weather and Spike was enjoying his food, which was gems, and his day was just awesome. He was finally allowed to leave the castle and so happy that Wiacaster had a comic shop. After a while Spike had to use the bathroom which leaved Tomias and Rilda alone. Tomias took a sip from his cup. “So, have you notice them?” He asked Rilda. The dragoness took a sip from her own cup. “If you mean those two that has been following us since the castle? Then yes.” She took another sip from her coffee. “Do you want to handle them?” Tomias placed his cup on the table. “Yes, it’s my duty to protect him.” He got up and walk towards the café. While Tomias walk inn, Spike walk out. “Where is Tomias going?” He asked Rilda. “He just had to go to the bathroom.” Rilda didn’t like to lie to him but right now it was necessary. In an alleyway not far from the café Spike was eating where two dragons that had been following him since he had left the castle. “Where do think Tomias is going?” Asked one of the dragons. The second one gave the other one a blank look. “How the hell should I know? Bathroom?” They decided to keep watching. Tomias on the other hand did not go to the bathroom, he headed out the back door of the café, he then ran down the alleyway a little, so they didn’t see him, when he was far enough, he took to the sky. Tomias flew over the city, and he made sure that the two dragons didn’t see him, he landed in the same alleyway and then he made his way towards them. When he was right behind them, he approached them very carefully. “Just how long do we have to follow them?” Asked one of them. “Lord Joserth told us to follow Spike wherever he goes.” Tomias knew it, it was Joserth who had sent them. “Well, you two are not going to follow the young prince anymore today.” Before the two dragons could react, Tomias placed his hands on both of their head and made them fell asleep. “Take a nap.” Once they were on the ground sleeping, Tomias look over to the café and saw that Spike had no notice what had happened, the last thing Spike need to know was that someone was following him. Tomias look down on the sleeping dragons on the ground and he was wondering how he was going to get them back to the castle, he couldn’t take them there himself, that would attract attention. He then saw two guard walking past them and he got them to drag the sleeping dragons to the castle, they did that. Tomias then headed back to the café while wondering just what Joserth was planning. > Chapter 12: The Truth About Joserth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was currently lying in her bed in her cell with her hands behind her head staring at the celling, there wasn’t much to do when one is in prison, and she was bored out of her mind. Usually, she have a book she could read but not now, she was just happy they let her out of her cell so she could go to the bathroom and take a shower when she need it. Then all off sudden the door to the prison open and that got Twilight to get up of her bed and walk to bars to see what was happing, she could see some guard caring two dragon who was unconscious and both of them was wearing a collar around their necks, just like hers. The dragon who was on guard, which was the same as before, look up from the newspaper and raised an eyebrow when he saw the two dragons. “What do we have here?” He asked the guard as he put down the paper. “These two was following the young prince and Tombias managed to catch them, he told us to bring them here and place them in jail.” Said one of the guards. The jail keeper nodded his head. “Alright, I can only keep them for twenty four hours and then I have to let them go.” “We know and it’s enough time for the queen to talk to them, she wasn’t happy when she heard about this.” The same guard answered. The jail keeper let out a sighed. “Just placed them in one of the free cells, it doesn’t matter which one.” The guard nodded and they carried them over to the cell. Twilight watch as the guard carried the unconscious dragon to their cell, she wanted to ask the guards how Spike was doing but she didn’t want to anger the guards, considering what happened last time. Twilight just watch as the guard placed the two dragons in different cells, they then closed the door and locked them, then they left without saying anything to Twilight. Twilight just look at the two unconscious dragons wondering what they wanted with Spike, they weren’t going to kidnap him, if that was the case, they would have done it already. They were probably following him for a reason but what. “What’s on your mind unicorn?” The jail keeper voice scared her, she didn’t expect him to talk. “I guess I frighten you unicorn.” Twilight look at guard. “Yes.” She then look back at dragons they brought in. “If you don’t mind me asking, who are those two?” She asked the guard. The guard sat down behind the desk. “I don’t know who they are, but I know that they work for prince Spike’s uncle, Joserth.” Twilight had no idea who Joserth was. “How’s that?” She asked the guard. “Like I said, Joserth is prince Spike’s uncle and he’s a jealous bastard who want’s the throne, he even kill his own brother to get it.” Twilight was horrified when she heard that. “He kill his own brother over the throne to the dragon kingdom? That’s just despicable.” The guard agree with Twilight on that. Then a new voice spoke up. “It’s not despicable, it was necessary.” It was one of the dragons that brought in, they were waking up. “Lord Joserth it the true ruler of the dragon kingdom and he will lead us into glory.” Said the dragon who was closet to Twilight. Those words made the guard to frown. “If you mean go to war against the ponies, griffon and the rest? That’s not glory.” Twilight was terrified when she heard that this Joserth would go to war against Equestria, she know that her home doesn’t have the largest military force. Sure, they have princess Celestia and princess Luna to protect them, but could they do that against an army of dragons? She didn’t know. “Hey, Twilight Sparkle, the one who raised the prince.” That got Twilight back to reality. “How do you know my name?” She asked them. The dragon had an amusing smile on him. “Celestia wasn’t the only one who had a spy in Ponyville, lord Joserth knew that the queen gave the Spike’s egg to Celestia.” Then the other dragon spoke. “What the hell are you doing? You can’t tell her that, lord Joserth would kill us.” The first one look at his companion. “Does it really matter? Lord Joserth is the true ruler, and he will win in the end and…” That was all he could say. “Alright, that’s enough of you.” Twilight look over at the guard and saw that he’s eyes were glowing, he had probably cast the same spell he did on her when she first arrived. “Don’t listen to them Twilight Sparkle, the citizens of the dragon kingdom would never accept Joserth as their king, they know he kill his own brother and…” Twilight didn’t listen anymore, she was horrified when she heard that Joserth kill his own brother. Who in their right mind would kill their own flesh and blood? A monster, that’s who. Twilight just sat on the floor, she hadn’t said anything since she heard that Joserth kill his own brother, the former king of the dragon kingdom. She had no idea how long she had been sitting on the floor, not moving at all. The guard who there was starting to get worried about her, he had brought her some food, but she hadn’t touched it. The guard was about to say something to her when the door to the dungeon open and Drake walk inn, the guard got up to saluted. “The queen is here to talk to the prisons, she doesn’t want Twilight to hear anything.” Said Drake as he placed a silence spell on Twilight’s cell, he then notice that she was just sitting there, not moving. “What’s wrong with her?” Drake asked the guard. “I think she shut down when I mention that Joserth killed the king, something I shouldn’t have done.” Said the jail keeper as he walk over to his desk and sat down. Drake knows the felling, he didn’t talk to anyone for a while when he heard the news but right now, he had to protect the queen. Once the silence spell was placed on Twilight cell, the queen came in to ‘talk’ to the two dragons, it didn’t go well. Both of the refused to answer her question, the only thing they said was that Joserth was their true ruler and not her, or Spike. After around five minutes the queen had enough and decided it was pointless to talk to them. She was about to leave when she saw the state Twilight was in, Drake told her was had happened to her. “I see. But a silence spell on the prisoners and open Twilight Sparkle’s cell, that an order.” Drake cast the spell while the guard for the prison open the door, the queen walk in and sat down in front of the unicorn. “Twilight Sparkle?” She got no responded. Then the queen did something that took every dragon of guard, she slap Twilight in the face, that got her back. “Why did you that?” She asked the queen while rubbing her cheek. “Because you were out and since you didn’t answer me when I said your name, I thought slapping you in the face would work, and it did.” The queen said with a smile while Drake and the others couldn’t help but laugh, Twilight didn’t think it was funny. “I heard that you shut yourself out when you heard what happened to my husband.” Twilight nodded her head. “I know how you feel, I didn’t talk to anyone for two weeks but then I told myself I couldn’t act like this, it would only make it worse.” Twilight wasn’t sure if that would work for her. “Look Twilight, I know that murder is not common in Equestria but in the dragon kingdom, it is.” That didn’t help. “Look, don’t feel bad for my husbands dead, you didn’t know him.” She was about to get up. “Oh, if my son comes to visit you, don’t you dear talk about his father death, I will tell him when the time is right.” Garnet got up and walk out of her cell, the guard closed the door and lock it. Once the queen and Drake was outside the prison. “Drake, there’s a spy in the castle and I want you to find him/her by any means necessary. Is that’s understood?” Drake nodded his head. “Yes, my queen.” With that Garnet went back to her room to write a letter to Celestia. Queen Garnet talk with Twilight didn’t help the unicorn that much, she know that she didn’t know the king, but it didn’t help that she felt bad for him. All her life Twilight was taught that friends is magic, it seems that doesn’t work everywhere. The rest of the day Twilight just sat on her bed, looking down on the floor. She was felling a little better after the queen talk to her, but she couldn’t get the dragons word out of her mind, Joserth kill spike’s father. Just what kind of monster would do that. Twilight thoughts was interrupted by the door to the prison open, in walk Rilda who walk to the guard behind the desk. “Is there’s a silence spell on the two prisoners?” She asked him. The guard gave her a nod. “Yes, I placed one on each of the cells considering they won’t shut up.” Rilda nodded and then walk to Twilight cell. “The young prince want to talk to, so I suggests you don’t talk about what you heard from those two.” She said while giving the two dragons a look that could kill. “Or you and I are going to have a problem.” She said to Twilight. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell.” Rilda was happy by that. Rilda then walk to the entrance so Spike could come in, Twilight watch as Spike walk in with a smile on his face, that made her happy. She also notice a book under his arm, was that for her? “Hey Twilight, how are you doing?” he asked her once he was at her cell. “I’m doing fine but it’s a little boring here, I don’t have anything to read.” She said with some annoyance in her voice. Spike couldn’t help but laugh of what she said. “I thought so, so I bought you this book for you.” He showed her the boot and it read; dragon culture. “Now you have something to read on your last day here.” Twilight got up and walk to the bars to take the book. “Thanks Spike, I appreciate this.” She said with some tears in her eyes. “I guess your mother let you out of the castle.” She said while looking over the book. “Yes, got to see most of the city and I got to by some new comics in a story by the name of Tales of Time and it’s own is Rilda’s little brother.” Rilda just frowned. Then an awkward silence came. “I guess your going to stay here when I go back to Ponyville?” Twilight asked Spike. Spike nodded. “Yes, don’t get me wrong I loved the time we had in Ponyville but I never felt at home there. But here, I do feel at home. The only problem I have is that I will become king on day, I’m not sure I will be ready for that.” King. That’s the only thing Twilight was worried about, when he becomes king, his life will be in danger thanks to his uncle and Twilight couldn’t help but worried about that. “Are you sure you want to become king? That’s a lot of responsible.” She really hope that he didn’t want to become king. “I know that but if I don’t then my uncle will take the throne and then he will probably go to war against Eqauestria, do you want that?” Twilight was shocked when she heard that, she didn’t know that Joserth would go to war, he is more dangerous then she thought. “And besides, it’s kind of my birth right and I can’t run away from it.” That made them both to laugh. “Well Spike, if you chose to stay here then you have my blessing.” Twilight walk over to her bed. “Now, if you will excuse me, I have some reading to do.” She told Spike as she sat down on the bed to read her new book. Spike just smile. “Great, I have to go, my mother has invited my to dinner and I don’t want to be late.” They said goodbye to each other, and Twilight just watch as Spike exited the prison, she really hope that nothing bed would happened to him, only the future would tell. Back in Equestria, Celestia had finished her duty and were now sitting in her room by her desk reading a book while drinking a cup of tea. “Nothing can ruined this moment.” AS soon as those words eft her mouth, a scroll landed in her lap. “Next time I’m going to keep my mouth shut.” She told herself as she picked up the scroll, it was from queen Garnet. Celestia took a sip from her tea as she read what was on the scroll and then she spit it out. “That fucking bastard, how dear he use one the ponies in Equestria.” She got up and headed to her sister room with the scroll in her hand. Once Celestia reached Luna’s room, she went straight in. “Luna, are you inn here?” She didn’t saw her sister but then she heard the water running, Luna was in the shower, so she deiced to wait on the bed. It didn’t take long before Luna came out from the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and her hair was rap in a towel, she saw her sister sitting on her bed. “Tia, what do I owe this visit?” She asked her sister while walking over to her desk, she then took of the towel and started to groom her hair with a brush. Celestia got of her sister bed. “I got a letter from queen Garnet, and I thought you should read it.” She walk over to her sister and gave her the letter. “Just try and control yourself when you read it.” Luna took the letter. “I’m not sure why you said that.” She then read the letter and boy was she angry now. “That fucking bastard, I’m going to kill him.” She said while getting up. “Luna, try and calm down?” Celestia told her sister. “Calm down? Joserth used a pony in Equestria to spy on Twilight and Spike for two years, I want to kill him.” Luna said with anger in her voice. “Believe me Luna, I know how you feel but right now in want to find out who this pony is and I was hoping you could go into their dreams and find out who the spy is.” Luna was breathing heavily. “It would be my pleasure. But what should we do if this pony have left Ponyville?” Luna asked a good question. “Then we will find the spy and make him/she pay for their crime.” Luna nodded in agreement, there was no way this spy was going to get away with this. > Chapter 13: A Mother's Wrath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna look into everypony dreams in Ponyville but she didn’t find the spy, there was even one dream she want to forget and that’s Pinkie, that pony has some issues. After Ponyvvile Luna searched the rest of Equestria and she managed to find the spy, he was in Manehattan. Once Celestia was awake, Luna told her sister where the spy was and Celestia headed to the big city with some guard to catch him. Luna told Celestia that the spy who name was Wild Ace, he was a yellow pegasus pony with green hair and he plan to leave Equestria with a boat. When Celestia arrived in Manehattan she sealed the port and managed to capture him, he gave up pretty fast when he saw Celestia. Wild Ace told Celestia that he had lost his job and he was desperate for money, then one night a dragon came to visit him, and the dragon told him that if he spied on Twilight and Spike, he would get paid, so he did. Celestia felt bad for wild Ace but that doesn’t help that he broke the law, he was arrested. Twilight on the other hand had no idea what was happening in Equestria, she was waiting to get released from jail. It’s been one week since she was arrested by attacking queen Garnet’s guards just out of jealousy, not her smartest move. Twilight was waiting on her bed when the door to the prison open and in walk Raldrin, she walk over to the guard on the job who was the same as before. “I’m guessing you’re her for Twilight.” The guard asked Raldrin. “Yes, I’m going to escort her to the train station.” The guard got up and walk over to Twilight’s cell, he then unlock the door. “Move it unicorn.” Twilight wasn’t about to protest, she grab the book Spike had bought her and walk out of her cell. “Let’s get the collar of.” The guard placed a finger on the collar and pored some magic into it, then he removed it, he then gave her back her bad and she placed it on her shoulder, she then put the book in the bag, then Raldrin lead her to the door. Once they got to the main hall, where the exit was, Twilight could see the queen, Spike and bunch of guards. The queen walk over to the unicorn. “If you ever come back here while I’m still the queen, I will throw your ass in jail right away, is that understood?” Garnet whispered to Twilight how just nodded. “Good, now get the hell out of my castle.” Raldrin escorted Twilight towards the exit, she said goodbye to Spike, he just waved at her which was fine with her. Dragon and unicorn walk in silence through the street of Wiacaster. When they arrived at the train station, Twilight decided to speak. “Raldrin, was it?” The dragoness didn’t answer. “I know that I can’t ask you for anything but I was hoping you could ensure me that you will protect Spike.” Some tears started to appeared in her eyes. “He’s like a little brother to me which I used for years.” She placed both hands over her eyes. Raldrin couldn’t help but feel bad for Twilight, she had heard about her breakdown when she heard about what that bastard Joserth did to his brother. “Will you stop crying.” Twilight did her best, she whipped away some tears with her sleeve. “You don’t have to ask me to protect prince Spike, it’s my duty and I take my duty seriously, I would give up my life for him.” Those words made Twilight relax. Then the train arrived. “There’s your train Twilight Sparkle and the prince has made sure that you have your own cabin to stay in, that’s mean you have your own bed.” Twilight was glad to hear that, last time she didn’t have any bed to sleep on. Twilight entered the train and then she was on her way back to Equestria, a train ride that would take 22 hours, she was not looking forward to that. When the train finally arrived at Ponyville train station, a purple unicorn step off. “Ugh, I thought having your own cabin with a bed would help on the journey, it didn’t.” Twilight started to rub her head, she felt sluggish. “I think I will head home and try and rest.” She started to walk home. While walking through the street of Ponyville, Twilight saw Applejack walking towards her. “Howdy Twilight, I can see your back.” Twilight managed to smile. “Yes, I got out yesterday and I just arrived.” Applejack nodded her head. “Good, good. I have only one question, what the hell were you thinking? Talking like you own Spike, then you managed to get yourself arrest. What went throught your head that day?” “I wasn’t think Applejack, princess Celestia managed to snap me out of it, I was afraid of losing Spike.” “Afraid of losing Spike? Twilight he’s not yours.” Twilight let out a tiring sighed. “I know, alright. Look, can we talk about this another time? I’m tired and I want to lay down for a few days, I also need to think.” Applejack could see that Twilight was in no shape to talk. “Fine, we can talk about this later. I will tell the girls to leave you alone until you’re ready.” Twilight smiled. “Thanks Applejack.” She then headed home. The next morning, Twilight was sleeping peacefully in her own bed, the prison bed was hard and uncomfortable so it was good to sleep in her own bed. Then someone started to knock on the door hard enough hat she heard from her room. “Spike, answer the door.” The knocking didn’t stop. “SPIKE?” Then she remembered. “That’s right, Spike is in Wiacaster.” She sat up and started to tub the fatigue out of her eyes. “I guess I have to see for myself who it is.” She got out of the bed to get dress. The knocking keep on as Twilight was down the stairs. “Alright already, I hope Applejack told the girls that I wanted to relax.” She walk over to the door and open it. “What…” the words die din her mouth when she saw who it was. “Mom?” She said with fear in her voice. One the other side stood a very angry Velvet Sparkle. “Don’t you mom me, I want to know what the hell you were think when you got yourself arrest by attacking the queen of the dragon kingdom’s guards.” She said while walking in which made Twilight back up in fear, she had never seen her mother this angry before. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t drag you back to Canterlot by your ear?” Twilight then hit her back into the wall. “I don’t have reason, if you want to take me back to Canterlot then do it.” Velvet’s anger fade away a little when she heard that. “Where did this come from?” She asked her daughter. “I had a lot of think about when I was in jail and I should have never traveled to Wiacaster in the first place, I should never have acted the way I did.” Twilight look down in the floor in shame. “I just feel bad for the way I threated Spike.” Velvet didn’t like that Twilight got arrest but it sounded it was good for her. “When you hatched Spike and princess Celestia said that you should take care of him, I was against it.” That got Twilight to look up at her mother with shock. “I thought you was to young to take care of him but princess Celestia insisted and I was furious at her, she acted like she knew you better than I did but there wasn’t much I could do, she was the ruler after all and I was right after all, you should never had gotten Spike.” Twilight look down on the floor. “As much as I want to drag your sorry ass back to Canterlot and ground you for the rest of you life, it think that one week you spend in jail was more enough punishment.” Twilight thought so too. “But,” twilight didn’t like the sound of that. “if I find out that you have done something like this again, then I will ground you for life. Good it?” Twilight nodded. “Good, I’m going to head back to Canterlot and I really hope you have learn your lesson, Spike is not yours to own.” Velvet then walk out the door and used her magic to slam it, leaving Twilight alone. While Twilight was getting yelled at by her mother, Applejack and the others was sitting by a table outside Sugarcube corner. The girls was talking but Dash, she was busy looking through todays newspaper. “Dash.” The pegasus look up and at Rarity. “Did you listen?” She asked her friend. Dash went back to the paper. “Not really.” Rarity rolled her eyes of her friend answer. All they talk about was about Spike and what Twilight had done, she was getting tired of it. Then Dash saw something in the paper she never expect to see. “You got to be kidding me.” That got the attention her friends. “is there something wrong Dash.” Fluttershy asked her friend. “You could say that, yesterday a pegasus by the name of Wild Ace was arrested for treason.” Her friends had a hard time believing in that. “Give me that.” Applejack snap the newspaper from Dash and started to read it. “Holly molly, she’s right. It says here that this Wild Ace had been spying on somepony for over two years.” That got the rest to gasp in shock, Fluttershy and Rarity placed both hands over their mouth while Pinkie’s hair became flat and dark. They never thought that pony would do that. Dash on the other hand. “I knew him.” Her friends look at her. “When I started at a weather pony her in Ponyville, Wild Ace was my mentor, he taught me everything, I ow him everything.” She couldn’t believe that her mentor would do this. “Do you know why he would do such a thing?” Rarity asked Dash. Dash shook her head. “No. I know for past few years that he had money trouble but I never thought he would spy on somepony. Does it say who he did it for?” She asked Applejack. “Yeah, Spike’s uncle, Joserth and I’m guessing he was spying on Spike.” The girls was terrified when they heard that, just what was it this Joserth wanted. They really hope that Spike was safe. > Chapter 14: Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s been a few days since Twilight got released from jail and she was glad for that, not her conversation with her mother, Twilight thought her mother would kill her. She was now currently walking towards Sugarcube corner and the reason for that? She had promise Applejack that she would explain to her friends why she went to Wiacaster to bring spike back, she wasn’t really looking forward to this. As she got closer she could see her friends sitting by a table outside, probably enjoying Celestia’s sun. As Twilight got closer she could hear them talking. “I really hope that nothing is going to happened to Spike, considering that there was spy in Ponyville.” Said a concern Fluttershy. “I know what you mean Fluttershy, it’s concerning.” Said Rarity. Twilight knew what they were talking about but what she notice was that Rainbow Dash was quiet, the blue pegasus had arms on the table and her head was lying in them, she look sad. Pinkie was the first one to notice Twilight. “Hey, it’s the jailbird.” Twilight flinched when she heard that, Pinkie was almost right, she isn’t a jailbird anymore. “Pinkie, that wasn’t very nice.” Rarity scolded her friend. “I expect that Rainbow Dash, not you.” Pinkie pointed at Dash. “She’s not in any condition to say that so I thought I would.” Dash didn’t even bother to yell at Pinkie. “What’s wrong with her?” Twilight asked Applejack as she sat down on a chair by the table. “Did you hear about the spy in Ponyville?” AJ asked her unicorn friend. Twilight nodded. “Yes, I heard it from some dragons while I was in jail. What about it?” “Rainbow knew the spy, his name is Wild Ace and he was her mentor when she started as weather pony here.” Rainbow then let out sad sighed. “I can’t believe he would do it, I knew him as an honorable pony.” Twilight felt bad for her friend. “I’m sorry to hear that Dash.” Dash gave her friend a small smile. “Thanks Twilight.” Dash then sat up. “Now, care to explain your action?” All eyes were now on Twilight who felt very small right now. “Right, the reason for my behavior was that I was afraid of losing Spike.” Twilight watch her friends take in what she told them and their reaction was the same, they weren’t surprised at all. It was like they knew what she was going to say. Then Rarity spoke up. “You know that Spike isn’t yours, right? I remember telling you that when Drake and the others arrived.” Twilight didn’t want to be remember of that part. “I know Rarity, princess Celestia managed to talk some sense into me and then she decided that I not her student anymore, as punishment.” That got her friends to react, they never thought that princess Celestia would do that to her. “Are you okay with that?” Asked Fluttershy. To their surprised, Twilight smiled. “Yes, I deserved it and I don’t mind.” Her friends was proud at her, they were glad that she was so calm about it. “What about Spike? Is her okay?” Asked Rarity. Twilight became a little worried. “To be honest, I’m worried. One my last day in jail I heard from some dragon that Spike’s uncle killed his own brother, just to get the throne.” “That shocked her friends. “Oh my Celestia, first he murders Spike’s siblings and then his own brother. What kind of monster is this Joserth?” Said Fluttershy while trying to hold her tears. “What do you mean by Spike’s Siblings?” That was the first time Twilight had heard about that. “You mean, you don’t know?” Asked Rarity. Twilight was lost. “Know what? Can one of you tell me what happened to Spike’s siblings.” “Princess Celestia told us they were murder before they were hatched from their eggs.” Rarity told her. Twilight felt like throwing up, first this Joserth kills dragons that aren’t born yet and then his own brother. Fluttershy asked a very good question, what kind of monster is he? Then Twilight thought that Spike would be next but if he was, he would be dead already so why isn’t he? She then shook her head, she couldn’t think like that, Spike had dragon that could protect him. She hope that was enough. Back in the town of Wiacaster Drake was standing in front of a mirror, he was trying on different outfits for his diner with her family, Drake really didn’t want to go, not because of his mother but his younger siblings. He got along with Rilda, Diner and Anil, but the rest? Not so much. They kind of lost contact with each other after their father died in battle fifty years ago, their mother took it the worst. She loved him with all her heart and she was heartbroken when she got the news, his younger siblings, Azzo, Bymrum, Naryth, Anil blame Drake but not Tydha. Drake look into the mirror and saw himself then it change into his father, an older version of himself. His parents was shocked at first to see that Drake look like his father when he was born, but it didn’t last long. Drake grew up listing to his father tall stories that he was a dragon knight and that made Drake want to be one himself, so he trained for years until he became one and it the happiest day of his life, his parents was proud of him, his siblings was proud of him but it didn’t last. Drake took one last look at himself and let out a sad sighed. “Time to have dinner with the family.” He told himself while putting on a jacket. Then a voice came from the living room. “Your probably the only dragon I know of that are nervous about eating dinner with family.” Drake just rolled his eyes as he walk out of his room. When Drake arrived in the living room he saw Tomias sitting on the couch with his legs on the table reading a book. “Remind me again why we are roommates?” He asked his fellow dragon knight. “You said that the rent was too high and you needed a roommate.” Tomias told him. Drake nodded. “Right, Well, I’m of to have dinner with my family, don’t wait up.” He then walk to the door. “Got it dad.” Drake just rolled his eyes again. It didn’t take long before Drake arrived at his mother house, it was fast when you have wings. Drake just started at the house, he had so many memories from this house, good and bad, most good. He play hide and seek with his siblings, they fought a loot and their mother had to break them up, good times. He took one deep breath was to the door and open it. Once inside Drake could smell something good, it was his mother cooking, it was some sort of meat, she always knew what they wanted. “Well, well. Who do we have here?” Drake look in the direction of the voice and standing in the entrance to the living room was a black dragon with blue scales. “I didn’t think you would show up.” “Hello Bymrum.” Bymrum was the youngest of Drake’s siblings, he was a farmer and lived just outside Wiacaster. “As you can see I showed up.” Bymrum wasn’t too happy by that. “Damn, that means I lost the bet.” He then disappeared into the living room. Drake just started at him with disappointment, every time there’s family dinner his siblings will beat on if he’s coming or not, he hated it. Drake step into the kitchen and standing by the stove was an old dragoness who was pink with blue scales, she was currently stirring in a hug pot. “Hey mom.” The older dragoness stop what she was doing and look at her son with a smile. “Drake, it’s so good to see you.” She walk over to him and gave him a hug, Drake return it. “How are you doing?” She asked him as they broke the hug. “I’m good.” He told her with a fake smile, it wasn’t going so good considering he had to find a spy in the castle. His mother still smiled as when went back to her food. “That’s good to hear.” Drake knew that is mother saw through his lie but she didn’t say it. “Have you seen princess Celestia lately?” “Yes, I saw her a week ago.” His mother nodded. “That’s good, I think that you two a cute couple.” Drake just want to died right now, he always hated when his mother started this conversation. “I still don’t understand why you two won’t get married.” “It’s not going to work mom, she is a princess in Equestria and I’m am dragon knight.” His mother just waved her hand. “Details, details. At least you can give me some grandchildren, Rilda is the only one of you that have kids.” Then she saw Drake started to look in drawers. “What are you looking for?” She asked him. “A knife so I can end this torture.” Drake’s mother only rolled her eyes of her son behavior. “Stop being a baby, get you tail in the dining room, dinner is almost ready.” Drake didn’t hesitated at all as he disappeared, his mother just shook her head. “Kids.” She went back to her pot. When Drake arrived at dining room, he could see Azzo sitting there reading one of his comics. “Azzo.” Said Drake as she sat down by the table. “Drake.” Said Azzo while not looking up from his comics. Then a new voice spoke up. “What the hell are you doing here?” Drake and Azzo look at the entrance to the dining room and saw a blue dragon with red scales, it was Naryth, she was the youngest after Rilda. Like Azzo, she owned her own store but unlike her younger brother, she sold antiques. Drake just gave his sister a blank look. “I’m here for dinner.” “Hell no, I told you last time that you’re not invited and…” That was all she could say as Rilda came in and smack her on the head. “What the hell Rilda?” She asked her older sister while rubbing the back of her head. “You might have told Drake not to show up last time and I told you shut up, he has every right to be here.” Rilda told her as she sat down by the table. Naryth didn’t like that her older sister hit her in the head or that she defend Drake. “He has right to be here? Are you kidding me? Not after her did, he…” Before Naryth could finish her sentence, Rilda got up and was right in her face. “Don’t you dear to finish that sentence, it was not Drake’s fault our father died and you know it so shut up.” Naryth wanted to say something but Rilda’s eyes said otherwise. “Fine.” She sat down by the table and crossed her arms in anger. Then a new female voice spoke up. “I can see that something never change.” Walking into the room was a female dragon, she was yellow with white scales. “You see that you still blame Drake, Naryth.” She the dragoness as she sat down at table, on Drake’s side. “Kiss my ass Tydha.” Tydha just smiled. “Tempting, but I’m already dating someone ells. Thanks for the offer.” Tydha was a report for the local newspaper, Morning Star Daily. Bymrum was about to sit down but they didn’t get very far because their mother slammed the pot on the table, hard. “You ungrateful little brat, why do you do this every time? All I want is a normal family dinner but no, you have to ruined it every time by blaming Drake for something he didn’t do.” Said their mother while looking at Naryth. “But mom…” Her mother cut her off. “Don’t you mom me, it’s not Drake’s fault that your father is dead, it’s his own fault.” The entire room became quite, none of the siblings knew that. “I promised your father not to say anything but if it stop this bickering, then I will break that promise.” The siblings waited for her mother to continue. “Drake wasn’t the only who convince your father to go to war, it was your father.” All of the was shocked when they heard that. “I have no idea how you got the idea that Drake was the one who was responsible Naryth but it wasn’t his fault, your father want on his own free will.” Their mother let go of the pot. “I can’t do this anymore, this is the last family diner and I don’t want to see anyone of you here, ever again. Eat and leave.” Then she left. The siblings didn’t know how to think after hearing that their father went to war on his own free will, Azzo, Bymrum, Naryth and Anil had always blame Drake and they didn’t know why. Maybe they knew and it was easier to blame Drake? They weren’t so sure anymore. Then Drake stood up. “Where are you going?” Rilda asked her brother. “What does it look like, I’m leaving. Naryth kind of ruined my appetited and it looks like mom is in bad mood.” He then left. Rilda gave Naryth a disappointing look. “Nice work Naryth, your ignorance might have broke up this family for good.” Rilda didn’t want her sister to feel bad but right now she didn’t care. Once Drake was outside, he remember that he should talk to Tydha about something, not wanting to be here anymore he decided to wait outside Tydha house. Drake didn’t have to wait long before Tydha landed outside her own house and she was a little surprised to see her brother waiting for her there. “There has to be something important if you are waiting for me outside my own house.” She told her brother. “You can say that. I need you to come to the castle tomorrow, the queen asked me to get a report and since I know one.” He told her. Tydha nodded. “Sure, I’m guessing this has something to with you and the twins flying over the city bout week ago, maybe her son.” Drake’s eyes widen when he heard that. “How the hell did you know that?” Tydha snorted. “Oh please, I’m a reporter, a very good one and beside, when a dragon knight flies over the city it usually important.” Drake was speechless, he knew that his siter was good but this? “Also, yes I can come to the castle tomorrow, I have to talk to my boss first but I don’t think I don’t mind. I’m guessing that the queen is going to make it official?” Drake managed to cover from the shock. “Yes, she wanted the kingdom to know she have a son.” Tydha starched her arms over her head. “I can understand that.” She walk to her house. “See you tomorrow.” She then disappeared into her house. Drake just shook his head as he started to head home, he always forget how good Tydha really is. > Chapter 15: The Reporter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a new day in Wiacaster and Spike was walking towards his mother room, why? He and his mother was going to be interviewing by Drake’s sister Tydha , who was a reporter. Garnet had a talk with Spike the other day and ask him if he wanted to let the citizens of the dragon kingdom that her son had return and why he was going in the first place, Spike didn’t mind. Spike was a little nervous right now, when they were done everyone would know that he is a prince, he’s life would change, again. Once he was outside his mother room, he knock on the door. “Come in.” He open the door and walk in. Once inside Spike could see his mother sitting I her bed reading a book, she look up from and saw her son. “You don’t have to knock on the door when you want to enter, you can just walk in.” She told Spike. Spike walk over to a chair by his mother night table and sat down by it. “I know but I didn’t want to disturb you.” Garnet couldn’t help but smile of how kind her son was. “What are you reading?” He asked her. Garnet just threw the book on the floor. “Just some romance story that’s not suitable for kids. So, are you nervous?” The queen asked her son who just nodded. “I understand, it’s not easy to get interviewed. Just relax and be yourself.” Spike would try. “So, this reporter. Do you trust her?” Spike asked his mother. Garnet didn’t hesitated. “Yes. Tydha is an honest reporter who write the truth and beside, she is Drake, Diner and Rilda’s younger sister.” Spike remember that Drake has seven siblings, just why? “I just hope that the citizen of the kingdom will accept me, they don’t know I even exist.” Garnet could hear that her son was nervous. “I am pretty sure they will if not, they are going to have a problem with me.” Spike couldn’t help but smile, she cared for him. Outside the castle stood Tydha, her camera was hanging around her neck and she had a bag hanging on her shoulder. “It’s been a while since I have been here.” She mumble to herself. She then walk up the stairs. Once at the top she was meet by a giant door and two guard that was standing guard, they gave the dragoness a suspicion look. “My name is Tydha and I’m a reporter from Morning Star Daily and I’m here to interview the queen, and her son.” She mumbled that last part. The guards didn’t react at first but they eventually open the doors for Tydha, she walk in. “I have had warmer welcome than this.” She said to herself as the guard watch her as she walk in. Once inside Tydha was welcome with a giant hall. ‘I still don’t understand why everything in this castle has to be so big, one can be lost in her.’ She thought to herself as she look around, there wasn’t many there, just some guards. Then Tydha saw someone she recognize, her sister Rilda entering the hall. “Tydha, I’m glad you could come.” Said Rilda with a smile as she walk towards her little sister. Tydha had normal looking face on her. “Yes, where is the queen and the prince? I would like to interview them, my boss isn’t very patience at the moment.” Rilda just giggle at little. “Let’s me guess, he was excited when he heard that Drake approached you about this, right?” “You can say that again.” Tydha then rubbed her forehead. “Can you take me to them?” Rilda just gave her sister a nod and then they walk to the queen’s room. Once the sisters was outside the queen’s room, Rilda knock on the door. “Come in.” Said the queen. Rilda poked her head in. “My queen, Tydha is here.” “Good, let her in.” Rilda disappeared and in walk dragoness Spike hadn’t seen before. Tydha closed the door and bowed. “Queen Garnet, is an honor.” She stood up and saw Spike. “and this must be the prince.” She bowed again. Garnet just rolled her eyes of what Tydha did. “For pet sake Tydha, stop bowing already and let’s get this interview going.” Tydha smiled as she stood up. “If you say so.” She then open her bag that was hanging on her shoulder, she took out a writing pad and a pen. Alright, let’s get the obviously out of the away, for over eighteen years you have never mention that you have five children, why hide this?” Garnet was excepting that. “That’s a fair question.” She let out a sighed. “The reason I keep Spike a secret is because I didn’t want him to die like the rest of my children, they died before they were hatched and there was no way I was going to let that happened to him.” Then tears appeared in her eyes. “I have lost enough.” Tydha just nodded as she wrote in her pad. Spike just watch as Tydha asked his mother a question that was difficult to answer. “How dare you.” Both dragoness was surprised by what Spike just said. “You can’t just ask my mother a question like that, have you no heart?” He started to become a little angry. Tydha didn’t show any emotion. “Heart? Not really, I am a report after all.” Garnet saw that her son was getting angry. “Spike calm down, it’s okay.” “Okay?” Spike got of his chair. “She just asked you a question that was disrespectful, she made you cry for fuck sake.” Garnet didn’t like that her son was swearing. “Spike, watch your mouth.” Spike stomp his foot. “No, she didn’t care about how you would react at all when she asked you what happened to your children, she didn’t care at all.” Garnet wanted to yell at her son but she didn’t get the change. “Your son is right my queen, I should not have mention your children and for that I apologize.” She then bowed. Spike and his mother was surprised that Tydha said that. “It’s okay Tydha, no harm done.” Spike couldn’t believe how calm his mother was, it was like she didn’t care at all anymore. Tydha straighten up. “Why don’t I ask you some other questions. “What do you expect…” After about twenty minutes Tydha was done with the interview, she had also taken some picture of Spike, some of them were with his mother. “I think have everything I need,” She then stood up. “I will head back and tell my boss about this, tomorrow this will be in the paper.” She then bowed and walk out of the room. Spike said nothing as he jump of the chair and walk out, he was still made at Tydha after what she asked his mother. Once outside he just started to walk, he didn’t care where he was going. Then all off sudden he crashed into someone which made him fall on his butt. Spike look up and saw a red dragon in armor looking down on him. “I am so sorry my prince, I didn’t see you there. Here, let me help you up.” The dragon help Spike up. “Again, I am so sorry.” The dragon then bowed. Spike dusted of some dust on his clothes. “It’s okay. Who are you?” He asked the dragon as he look at him. The dragon got up. “Where are my manners, my name is Mideos and I’m captain of your mother’s guards here in the castle.” He told Spike. That made sense to Spike. “So, why haven’t I seen you before? I have been here over a week.” “Yes, I have been on vacation for last two weeks and I just got back to work which reminds me I HAVE work to do.” He then bowed again. “If you will excuse me prince Spike.” He then left leaving Spike alone. Spike just watch as he walk, he then deiced to head to his room. While the queen and the prince was getting interview, Drake and the rest of the Dragon knight, expect Pethayrth, was searching the castle for the spy. They were currently looking through the rooms of the guards, Drake and Tomias was looking through one room. Drake flip a bed in frustration. “Damn it, another dead end.” He let out a frustrating sighed. “Did you really it would be this easy to find this spy?” Said Tomias as he look through a closet. “Of course not.” Drake turned around to face his fellow dragon. “I promise the queen to find this spy and I don’t intend to let her down.” Tomias couldn’t help but feel sorry for Drake, he have been a Dragon knight for over 300 hundred years and he took it very seriously. As long as Tomias can remember he have never let the royal family down, expect the one time the king was poison, Drake was part of the Knight’s that was there. Then a guard appeared in the entrance to the room they were searching. “Sir Drake, Tomias, the twins has found the spy.” Both dragons gave each other a surprised look before they ran out. Once they arrived they saw the twins holding Fredi by both arms, he look horrified. Tomias was the first one to speak. “Fredi is the spy?” Fredi started to panic. “What? No, I have no idea what’s going on.” Then Raldrin came out of his room, she was holding papers, a pen and a magic power that they used to send letters with. “Then how do you explain these?” She asked him. Fredi look at the stuff. “That’s not mine, I would never spy on the queen or the prince, someone planted them in my room.” He tried to break free but the twins was too strong for him. Then Zaldren started to twist his arm. “Do you expect us to believe that?” Fredi cry out in pain. Drake didn’t like what Zaldren was doing to Fredi. “Stop that.” Zaldren did that. “Take him to a interrogate room where I and my brother can question him.” The twins nodded and started to walk with Fredi. Once they were gone, Raldrin spoke. “Do you think it’s Fredi?” She asked Drake. Drake didn’t answer right away. “I don’t know but I am going to find out.” Fredi was currently sitting in one of the interrogate room they had in the castle and he was terrified, he had no idea how the pen and paper with magic powder had ended up in his room. Off all the queen’s guards Fredi is the newest, he had been a guard for one year. Sure, he had been placed in the garden and it was a boring place to patrol but he would never betray the royal family, he hates Joserth. Then the door open and in walk Drake and his brother Diner, Fredi tense up and started to sweat. The brothers sat down in two chair on the opposite of the table that Fredi was sitting by, both of them look at the guard and he started to sweat even more. Hen Drake spoke up. “Care to explain yourself Fredi.” Fredi had trouble finding the right words. “Iiiii have no idea how those things came from, they are not mine, I would never spy on the queen or the prince. You have to believe me.” Drake said nothing and Diner just listen to him talk. “Then how did Raldrin find the pen and paper in your room?” He said while placing the paper on the table. “There are written details about prince Spike after he arrived at the castle on them, how do you explain that?” “I don’t know.” Fredi look at the paper. “That’s not even my handwriting, someone planted them there.” He was near crying. Drake didn’t believe him and was about to jump over the table to beat the truth out of him when diner spoke. “He is not lying.” Drake look over to his younger brother. “He is speaking with fear in his voice, which means he’s not lying.” “Are you sure?” Drake asked his brother. Diner nodded. “Yes, if he was lying I could tell and you know it.” Drake did believe his brother. Ever since Diner was little he has learn to listen to other talk, how their heart acted when they spoke, he was a walking lie detector. Drake look at Fredi again who tents up again. “I am going to trust my brother on this.” Fredi could breathe easy again. “But,” There always a but. “we still have to find our spy and we have found ours.” Diner and Fredi wasn’t sure if they heard right. “WHAT? I thought you just said you believe your brother that I wasn’t the spy.” Drake nodded. “Then why are you saying I am the spy.” That was a good point. “Let me ask you something Fredi, are you loyal to the royal family?” Fredi didn’t answer right away. “Of course I am, I don’t want that asshole Joserth to get the throne, I hate him.” Drake look over to his brother who nodded his head. “Alright.” He look back at Fredi. “Listen Fredi, I am not saying you are the spy but we still need to find him/she.” Fredi was lost but Diner knew what his brother was talking about. “You want Fredi to act like the spy so we can catch the real one, Right?” Drake just smiled. “That’s right, the real spy planet the stuff in Fredi’s room so we would think that Fredi is the spy, we are going to play his/she’s game and by doing this he/she have to let down his/she guard. Are you up for it Fredi?” Fredi was entirely sure, he wanted to find the really spy but there was one question he wanted to ask. “Am I fired?” The brother was surprised of that question. “I want to know if get to keep my job, I like being a guard, even that I have to patrol the guard all the time.” “Of course you can keep your job as a guard as soon as we have found and arrest the spy you can come back. But, we have no idea how long it would take.” Drake told him. “Where would I go? For all we know Joserth can have spies all over the kingdom.” Fredi made a good point, he couldn’t just hide in the dragon kingdom. Then Drake got an idea. “You don’t have to hide the kingdom, you can hide in Equestria.” Fredi and Diner gave him questionable look. “Here is what we are going to do, we let the twins escort you to the train station so you can ‘go to jail’, but on the way there you beak lose and surprised the twins knocking them out and escape. Then flee to Equestria and hide there.” That wasn’t a bad idea. “Just where in Equestria should I hide?” Fredi asked Drake. Drake just smiled. “The old castle in the Everfree forest.” Fredi wasn’t sure he heard right. “You want me to hide in one of the most dangerous forest in Equestria and in the old castle there?” Drake nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it.” He slammed his head in the table. “I hope that the queen and princess Celestia thinks it’s okay.” He said while groaning. Then Diner spoke up. “Who should we tell about this?” He asked his brother. “The Dragon knight and the queen, with princess Celestia.” With that sorted out they decided to set this plan in motion. Drake went to tell the queen while Diner told the rest of the Dragon knights, Garnet approved of the plan and she also would let Celestia know of the plan, with that the twins escorted Fredi out to the train station to escort him to the prison. One the train Fredi managed to ‘overpower’ the twins and escape, he then flew to Equestria to hide there. > Chapter 16: The Dragon at the Castle in the Everfree Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was sitting in her room by her desk, thinking. Ever since Garnet had send her the letter that there was a spy in Ponyville, she decided to have a another look at the letter and she had discovered that Joserth might have had a spy in the castle, a guard. The thought that there was a spy in the castle made Celestia sick, she is normally a calm ruler but at the moment she felt rage towards Joserth and that he dear to bribe one of guards, she wanted to put her hands around that bastard neck and strangle him. Celestia was so angry that she didn’t notice a letter appeared din front of her or that someone knock on the door. “Sister, are you in here?” It was Luna. The princess of the night open the door and saw that her sister was sitting by her desk, Luna then saw the anger in her eyes and somehow she knew who she was angry at. Luna walked in and placed a hand on her sister shoulder which brought the sun princess back. Celestia blinked a few time. “Luna, when did you arrived?” She asked her younger sister. “Just now, I can see that you are angry, is it Joserth?” Luna was hoping she was right. Celestia rubbed her eyes with both hands. “Yes, I just found out that he had a spy in the castle while Twilight was my student, probably to spy on Spike.” Luna was now furious. “That fucking bastard, doesn’t he ever stop?” Luna then notice an unopened letter on her sister desk. “You have got a letter.” Celestia had no idea what her sister was talking about but she understood when she saw the letter on her desk. “When did I get that.” She picked it up. “It must be from queen Garnet.” She open it up and started to read it. “it looks like we are going to a have a visitor, one her guard is falsely accused of being the spy in the castle, he ‘escape’ and he is going to hide in our old castle, they want our help.” She put down the letter. “I say we help her.” Luna nodded in agreement. “I agree, but who is this guard?” She asked her sister. “His name is Fredi, I meet him once, he is a guard that patrol the garden at the castle.” Celestia then stood up. “We can talk about this later, right now I want to find out who the spy was in this castle.” She then headed out the door and Luna followed her, she was not going to miss this. The sisters walk towards the captain’s room in the castle, if Celestia was going to find any answer it was there. Celestia open the door very hard, the door slammed against the wall scaring the pony there. “Princess Celestia?” The pony was a male pegasus, grey fur with white hair, he was currently wearing the normal solar armor. “Is there a reason you are trying to destroy my door?” He asked Celestia as he started to pick up the paper he lost on the floor. The sister walk in and Luna closed the door. “Yes, I need your help Sky Scraper, I think there was a spy in the castle and I need the paper od guard or maids that quit the day of Summer Sun celebration two years ago.” Sky Scraper stop he was doing and look at Celestia as she has gone made. “Are you telling me there was a spy in this castle?” Celestia nodded. “For how long?” “Around eighteen years.” Now Sky knew she was mad. “I assure you princess Celestia, if there was a spy here for eighteen years I would have known. But, I can find try and find the papers of ponies that quit two years ago.” He then walk over to file cabin and open the top drawer. “Let’s see here.” It didn’t take long before he found what he was looking for. “Here we are.” He pull up a file folder. “There was on guard that quit that day,” He open the folder. “his name is Steel Strike, he is an earth pony.” Sky handed Celestia the folder. Celestia took the folder and open it, she saw the picture of a brown earth pony with black mane. “Steel Striker, he became a guard the day after I Twilight hatch Spike from his egg and the eighteen years he was a guard he was posted not far from Twilight’s room in the castle.” She then look at Sky. “Did you know him?” She asked him. Sky nodded. “Yes, he was your averaged guard and he could be promoted many time but he never did, he want to be a normal guard.” The Luna spoke up. “It says that he quit the day after I came back, that sounds suspicious to me.” Celestia hummed. “Maybe, do you know where he went after he quit.” She asked the captain. Sky had to think for a moment. “I know he left Canterlot but I have no idea where he is now, he hasn’t contact me.” The sister gave each other a worried look. “Thank you for your help captain.” Celestia placed the folder on the table, then they left. Sky just saluted. After their visit to the captain, the sister walk towards Celestia’s room. There was no way they could find Steel Strike, he could be anywhere, he was probably not in Equestria anymore and therefor it would be impossible to find him. Even Luna couldn’t find him, here dream magic could only work in Equestria. The had to give to in finding him for now, all they could do was to help queen Garnet and that means help Fredi. Luna volunteered to help him and Celestia was happy that her sister wanted to do it. Night had arrived in Equestria and Fredi had finally arrived at old castle in Everfree forest, he landed in front of the castle. “Drake wants to me hide here?” He look at the castle and it look like it haven’t been used in century. Fredi had read the story about how Luna became jealous at her sister and that she became Nightmare Moon and that she got imprison in the moon. “I guess sisterly love doesn’t solve everything.” He then walk into the castle. Once inside he could see sign of battle, there was scorch marks on the floor, walls and ceiling. “Wow, it must been quit the battle.” He mumbled to himself. But, someone heard him. “That it was.” The new voice scared the crap out of Fredi, he turned around and there stood princess Luna. “It was here I became Nightmare Moon and where I tried to kill my own sister, not my proudest moment.” She then let out a sad sighed while Fredi wondered if he should say something or not. “Anyway.” Never mind. “I have brought you some supplies for your time hiding here and a sleeping bag.” She handed him a backpack and sleeping bag, he gladly took them. “I will check up on you for time to time, to see if you need anything.” That made Fredi smiled. “Thanks, for helping me.” Luna also smiled. “You are welcome Fredi. Now, if you will excuse me, I have night court which is SO boring.” She said with whiny voice which made Fedi snicker a little. Luna teleported away leaving Fredi alone in his new home, he really hope that he wouldn’t have to stay here long. “Well, time to find a room to sleep in.” He walk further into the castle. > Chapter 17: Ember > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was new day in the dragon kingdom and the citizen of the different town woke up with a shocking news in the paper, queen Garnet had a son by the name of Spike. Most the citizen welcomed him but there was those who was angry at the queen for lying to them, then they read she send him away to protect him, she didn’t want him to die like the others. They weren’t that angry after reading that. There was one who want to take advantage that the queen had a soon and that was lord Torch, he was a giant green dragon with two horns on his and one of the most powerful dragon in the entire kingdom. He was currently wearing a fancy suit that made sure that his wings was free. “Come along Ember, we mustn’t let the queen wait.” He told his daughter. Ember was a young dragoness, she was blue with light blue scales, she also had horns on her head. Torch and his daughter was currently walking towards the castle with soldiers, for protection. Torch had arranged a meeting with the queen, he wanted to have his daughter to marry Spike so he could part of the royal family as father in law. Ember on the other hand didn’t want to meet prince Spike, for all she knew he could be a spoiled brat. “Do I have to? I would rather stay at home and read then meet this prince Spike.” Ember was wearing a beautiful blue dress that father insisted that she use, she hate to wear a dress. “Now, now Ember. We have to show our appreciation to our queen, she have gotten her son back.” Ember didn’t like what her father was talking about, he was always scheming and this time it had to involve the royal family and her. She didn’t like it at all. Once they arrived at the castle, Torch told the guard why he and his daughter was there, they let him in but his guards had to wait outside, they did. To their surprised Drake was waiting for them in the main hall. “Lord Torch, Ember. I’m here to escort you to the queen.” Both of them bowed. “But first, I want to talk to your father Ember, alone.” Ember was a little worried when she heard that but she nodded and left the hall. Once they were alone Troch spoke up. “So, what do you want to talk to me about?” He asked Drake. Drake walk up to Troch so they were face to face, he then started to speak in a threatening voice. “I don’t know why you are here Torch but I know your game, you probably want something from the queen.” Then Drake’s eyes started to glow red. “If I hear that you have insulted her or something in that direction, I will find you and kill you. Are we clear?” This is not the first time Torch has been threaten by Drake, the last time was when Troch tried to be king by dating queen Garnet right after her husband died, Drake was furious when he found out and he couldn’t believe that Torch would take advance of a mourning widow. And the worst part, Drake never made empty threats. Torch managed to swallow that big lump he had in his throat. “Crystal clear.” He knew better then get on Drake’s bad side. Drakes eyes stop glowing, he then smiled. “Good. Now, let’s find your daughter, the queen is waiting.” Drake started to walk towards the queen room. Torch on the other hand had trouble walking, his legs was like jelly right now. Once they were at the queen’s room, Drake open it so Torch and his daughter could walk in. Garnet was lying in her bed staring out of the window, there wasn’t much to do when one couldn’t walk. “Lord torch and his daughter is here my queen.” Drake told her. Garnet look over at Torch with hatred in her eyes, she hadn’t forgiven him for trying to marry her right after her husband had died. “Torch.” She said with venom in her voice. Garnet’s eyes soften when she saw Ember. “It’s nice to see you again Ember.” She said with a smile on her face. Torch and his daughter bowed. “My queen, is so good to see you again.” Garnet just rolled her eyes of what he said. “Just get to the point Torch considering you didn’t write in your letter why you wanted to meet me.” Torch stood up and cleared his throat. “Yes, but I would like to talk alone with you.” Garnet didn’t like that. “I’m guessing you want my son to keep your daughter company.” Torch just gave her a creepy smile. Garnet just rolled her eyes, again. She knew where this was going and she didn’t like it, but she was going to play along for now. “Very well. Drake, tell one of the guards to escort Ember to my son, he is in the throne room.” Drake just nodded and walk out to find a guard. “My I ask why your son in the throne room.” Said Torch. “He’s there because he wanted to try and sit on his father throne, he wanted to try and feel like a ruler, Torch.” Garnet said that last part with some force which made Troch a little nervous, she might be sick but she is still very scary. Then Drake came back with guard who was to escort Ember to Spike, the young dragoness didn’t want to but right she didn’t have a choice, she had to listen to her father and she hated it. Once Ember had left there was only the queen, Drake and Torch left which confused Torch. “I thought we would talk in private, my queen.” Garnet just smiled. “Don’t you know what the dragon knights job is? To protect me.” Torch look over to Drake who was also smiling, this was not going to be easy. Spike on the other hand had no idea what was going on in his mother room, he was busy testing his father chair in the throne room, it wasn’t going well. “How did my father sit on this? This cushion is too hard, my butt would go numb after sitting on it for too long.” He said while rubbing his butt on the cushion. Rilda, who was with him, just watch and she was also wondering if he was telling the truth about the chair. “Is it really that bad my prince?” She asked Spike. Spike jump off the chair. “Just sit on it and you will find out.” He told Rilda while pointing at the chair. Rilda became a little nervous. “I can’t do that, this chair belongs to your father.” She told him while holding up her hands, she didn’t want to sit on the king’s chair. “My father isn’t around so he can’t actually be mad at you.” Rilda had to adimet that Spike had a point there. “Just do it Rilda, I don’t want to command you to do it.” Rilda appreciated that Spike said but still, she really didn’t want to sit on the king’s chair, just to find out it was painful to sit on. Spike was still waiting for her to do it and eventually she gave up, she was up the chair and sat down on it. It felt wrong to sit on the king’s chair but she knew what Spike meant, it wasn’t good to sit on. “You are right my prince, isn’t that good to sit on.” She told him while trying to get comfortable, it wasn’t easy. “I’m guessing that you don’t want a throne that is this bad to sit on.” She said to Spike. “Hell no, I don’t want a chair that is that bad.” Rilda couldn’t help but smile of what he said, but she didn’t like that he swear. Then the doors to the throne room open and a guard walk in, Rilda got of the chair very fast. “Excuse me prince Spike, I need to speak to Rilda.” Spike and Rilda gave each other a confusing look as Rilda walk over to the guard. “I’m sorry to interrupt you both but the queen ask me to find you, she wanted princes spike to keep lord Torch company until they are done talking.” Rilda wasn’t too happy when she heard torch’s name, she hated that bastard for what he tried to do right after the king died, she didn’t hate Ember. “Where is she?” The guard step aside and there stood Ember, she didn’t want to be here that’s for sure. “Young Ember, I’m guessing that your father wanted you to be here.” She said while bowing. Ember couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Yes, I rather be at home and read.” Rilda couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yes, let me just ask the prince if want’s to hang out with you until your father is done talking.” She then walk back to Spike. Ember’s curiosity took over, a part of her wanted to see who the queen’s son really was. She poked her head into the throne room and saw Rilda talk to a purple dragon with green spikes, he had to be older than her, or so she thought. To be honest, Ember thought it was some fat ugly dragon but the prince, she couldn’t help but think that he was kind of cute and he didn’t look like a creep. “My mom wants me to what?” Spike wasn’t too thrilled to hear that his mother wanted him to keep a dragoness he didn’t know company until her meeting with this Torch guy was over. “I can understand that you are a little upset my princes but I assure you that Ember is a kind girl, you have nothing to worried about.” Rilda assured him. Spike didn’t entirely believe her, for all he knew this Ember could be a totally bitch on the other hand he didn’t want to disappoint him mother by saying no. Spike then took a deep breathed and look towards the doors and there he saw the most beautiful dragoness he had ever seen, she blue like the sky and her dress made her even more beautiful, Rarity had nothing on this dragoness. Rilda was a little surprised to see the young prince blush, she didn’t think he would fall for ember this fast, she didn’t think he would fall for at all. But it was very adorable. Ember on the other hand thought it was funny that Spike blushed when he saw her, she just giggle. “You can leave us.” Rilda told the guard who saluted and left leaving the three dragons alone. “Why don’t we take a walk through the garden on this fine day.” Spike and Ember agreed. Spike and ember was walking side by side through the garden while Rilda was walking behind them, none of them knew what to say. Spike wanted to say something but every time he look over at ember he couldn’t help but blush, he felt like an idiot. Rilda could see that it was awkward between them and she hope it wasn’t, she wanted Spike to have someone special one day and maybe Ember would that one. Then ember spoke up. “So, what is it like to be a prince?” She asked Spike. Spike, who was in his own thoughts was complete taken off guard by Ember’s question. “Huh? What?” He didn’t hear her which made Rilda to place a hand on her face, she then shock her head. She couldn’t believe that he didn’t listen to her. “I asked you, what is like to be a prince?” She asked an again. Spike didn’t answer right away. “Well, sometimes when I wake up I still think it’s a dream. I never thought I would be the prince of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom.” Ember could understand him, she would probably react like he did. “To be honest, it’s kind of boring.” She didn’t expect him to say that. “I spend most of my time on the castle and I have only been out once.” “That’s because your mother don’t want to lose you prince Spike.” Rilda told him. Spike look at her with some annoyance. “I know that but that doesn’t mean I have to like been lock up in the castle every day.” Rilda had to give him that, she would probably feel the same. Then ember spoke again. “So, you don’t have to do royal stuff?” Spike shock his head. “No, my mother do that stuff and beside, I’m not sure if I am cut out to do that stuff, sound boring.” That made Ember laugh. Drake on the other hand was not laughing, for the last five minutes he have to hear Torch try and convince the queen that her son should marry his daughter. Drake just wanted to toss him out of the door with his head first, so his face would hit the dirt first. “To hell with your idea Torch, I am not going to force my son to marry Ember and besides, I don’t think she would like it either.” Garnet told him. “My daughter does whatever I tell her and I don’t see what’s the problem, I am one of the most powerful lords in the kingdom, I have connections.” Torch told the queen. “Oh, you have connections alright, shady connections.” Torch didn’t expect her to know that and Garnet saw that. “What? You really didn’t think I would know? I might be sick and I can’t leave me bed but that doesn’t mean I know things, just like you I have eyes and ears all over this city. I am also done with this conversation. Drake, show him out.” That made Drake smile. “With pleasure.” He walk over to Torch and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Time for you to go.” Torch wasn’t to happy how did went. “You will regret this queen Garnet.” “Oh, I regret this meeting. Now, get out.” Garnet told him while pointing at the door. Drake then lead Torch and he wasn’t happy at all, he didn’t want this to end like this. One way or another, his daughter would marry the prince and he would take advance of that, that’s for sure. When it came to Spike and Ember, it didn’t go so well. They tried to make conversations but it go so well, they had no idea what they would talk about. They tried to get to know each other but they didn’t know what to talk about. Then a guard came to get Ember, her father was leaving so meant she had to do. She waved goodbye to Spike and he waved back at her, letting out a sad sighed. Spike then notice Rilda was giving him a disappointing look. “What?” She walk up to him. “You know that you just missed your change to get to know a very nice dragoness, you know that right?” She told him while stopping beside him. Spike look down on the ground. “I know that but I didn’t know what to say to her.” He look at the door she walk through. “I wanted to tell her that she was the most beautiful girl had ever seen since Rarity, and I blew it.” He then started to walk, he just wanted to get to his room lie down on his bed. Rilda couldn’t help but feel sorry for the young prince, but maybe they would meet again and it would work out of them. > Chapter 18: Twilight and the Girls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a new day and Twilight woke up doing what she usually does. “Spike, can you make some bre…” Then she remember. “Right, Spike isn’t her.” She took her pillow and placed it over her face. “It’s been over a week and I still think that he is here.” She then took the pillow of and look at the celling. “I miss him.” She said while sharing some tears. It’s been five days since Twilight came back from Wiacaster where she tried to bring Spike back to Ponyville, she didn’t succeed which was okay with her. She didn’t want to admit at the time but princess Celestia was right, she had been dependent on Spike and she was afraid to lost him. But now, she didn’t mind that he wasn’t around anymore but she did miss, a lot. “Right, this no time to feel sorry for myself, time to get up and start the day.” She got up from bed and headed to the bathroom. There was one thing she missed the most about Spike and that was his cooking, he could make plain old sandwich and make it taste good. Twilight on the other hand wasn’t a good cook, she managed to burn her cereal, she had no idea how she did that. Twilight eventually just made some sandwich. “I really need to learn how to make breakfast.” She said to herself as she walk to the main room with a plate with her food and a glass of milk. Twilight was about to sit down to eat when someone knock on the door. “Now what?” She placed the plate and glass on the table and walk over to the door, she got a shock when she open the door and saw who was on the other side. “Princess Celestia?” That’s right, one of the rulers of Equestria was on a visit. “What are you doing here?” “Hello Twilight Sparkle, I thought I would come for a visit, to see how you doing now that Spike is gone.” She said in her normal calm voice. Twilight didn’t expect this, normally the princess would send a letter trough Spike and then she would panic and right now, she was in panic mode. “Ppppppprinces, why didn’t you send me a…” Celestia held up a hand to cut Twilight off. “I didn’t send you a letter because I knew you would panic, like you are doing know. Take a deep breath and calm down, you are not in trouble, I just wanted to see how you are doing, that’s all.” Twilight took a few breaths and managed to calm down. “Can I come in?” Twilight step aside so the princess could walk in. “Thank you.” As Twilight closed the door she saw two guards who took their position outside the library. Twilight then went back to her food. “I hope it’s okay for you that I eat, I haven’t had breakfast yet.” She then sat down and started to eat. Celestia didn’t mind. “Don’t worry, it’s okay.” Twilight just started to eat. “As I said, I am here to see how you are doing now that Spike is in Wiacaster.” Twilight didn’t say anything, she just at her food. “Considering you won’t answer me, I guessing no.” Her former student just keep on eating. “Alright, let me ask you another question, why did you travel to Wiacaster when I told you not to do it?” Twilight just look away. “Our relationship with the dragons are fragile and you traveling there to try and bring Spike back didn’t help at all, so I will ask again, why did you travel to…” That was all she could say. Twilight stop eating and stood up. “I was afraid of losing Spike, alright.” Celestia was taken off guard, she never thought that Twilight would interrupt her. “You were right, I was afraid that Spike would leave me, I have been relying on him for so long that I didn’t want him to leave, is that what you wanted to hear?” Celestia said nothing, she just starred at Twilight which she didn’t like. “You know, I never had the gust to tell you something, I was always to afraid but right now I don’t care, I always hated that you stare at ponies like you do now. It look lime you judging others and I hated it.” Twilight thought that Celestia would be mad but to her surprised, the princess just smiled. “Well now, I didn’t think you would talk to me like that and I am impressed that you did, I didn’t think you had in you.” Celestia then walk towards the door. “I have to get back to Canterlot and just so you know, you are still not my student.” She then stop before the door. “And one more thing, leaner how to cook and try not burn down the kitchen.” She then left. Twilight just stared at the door, she then frowned and went back to her breakfast. In another part of Ponyville, in Carousel Boutique sat Rarity by the kitchen table with a cup of coffee with she was stirred with while looking out the window. Rarity was wondering how spike was doing now that he was a prince, they hadn’t received a letter from him yet, he was probably busy with whatever he was doing. She couldn’t help but miss him. Rarity was so deep in thoughts that she didn’t notice her sister Sweetie Belle entering the kitchen. “Rarity, I am ready for school.” She said while placing her schoolbag by one oof the chair, Sweetie Belle then notice that Rarity didn’t answer her. “Rarity?” She then walk over to her big sister nudge her a little which brought Rarity back. “Huh?” Rarity blink a few times and then she notice her sister standing beside her. “Sweetie, when did you arrived?” “Just now, are you alright?” Sweetie Belle asked her sister, she was a little worried. “Yes, I’m fine.” Said Rarity with a fake smile, her sister didn’t buy it. Rarity smiled disappeared. “No, I am not fine. I’m just worried about Spike, it’s been almost two weeks since he left and he hasn’t written to us, I just want to know that he’s okay.” Sweetie Belle nodded her head in understanding, she also missed Spike. “I can’t still believe that he is a prince.” When Sweetie first heard from Rarity that Spike was a prince she didn’t believe her, at all. But then she heard it from the rest of her friends and it had to be true. Rarity just giggle of what her sister said. “Yes, I didn’t believe it at first but then I hear ii from princess Celestia.” She then let out a sad sighed. “I just hope his okay.” Sweetie tried to think of something that would ease her mind. “I think he’s okay, he has a lot of guards that tis protecting him and he has there Dragon kings, they are also protecting him.” What Sweetie Belle said made sense, there was many guards that was protecting him and only an idiot would try and harm him. Rarity then gave her sister a hug. “Thanks Sweetie Belle, I actually fell better now.” Sweetie Belle was happy that she could help her sister. Rarity might feel better but not everyone, Pinkie was one of those ponies. Ever since she found out that Spike was a prince she have wanted to throw him the biggest party she could but there was sone problem, Spike was to far away and there was a change that she couldn’t thanks to all the guards that was protecting him. Mrs. Cake told Pinkie that she had to be patience, she would eventually be allowed to throw Spike a party. Pinkie knew she was right but there was one thing Pinkie wasn’t good at and that was wait. When it came to the rest of Twilight friends, Applejack and Fluttershy didn’t mind that Spike was gone, they supported his decision to travel to the dragon kingdom and meet his mother. When it came to Rainbow Dash, she actually didn’t care. All she cared about was when she had to apologize to Drake for attacking him, she really didn’t want to do that. Rainbow Dash doesn’t apologize to anyone, only her friends. But, if she didn’t apologize then she would be in trouble with princess Celestia and that was something she really didn’t want to. Rainbow could fake it all, just say apologize but she didn’t mean it, that could work. In the royal dragon castle, Rilda arrived at work and was ready to wake up Spike, she stood outside his door and knock. “Prince Spike, it’s time to wake up.” She didn’t get any answer so she open the door and stuck her head in and boy was she surprised when she saw that his bed was empty. “What the…?” She then heard someone walk towards her and saw that it was a guard. “Excuse me, have you seen prince Spike?” She asked the guard. The guard shook his head. “No, I just arrived but I heard from one of the guard in the dining hall that he saw the prince walking towards the kitchen, maybe he’s there.” He told Rilda. Rilda thanked the guard and headed to the kitchen. When Rilda arrived at the kitchen she saw that kitchen staff was busy with making breakfast for the staff in the castle, then she notice Spike standing in the corner making something by the stove. Rilda walk over to the head chef, who was female. “Excuse me, what is the prince doing?” Rilda asked her while looking at Spike. The head chef look at the prince. “Prince Spike arrived around teen minutes ago and ask if he could make breakfast for his mother and I said yes, I wasn’t about to say no to him.” Rilda was surprised to hear that, she was more surprised that Spike was up so early, up to now she had to wake him up so hearing that he was up early was really a surprised. Rilda walk over to Spike and asked if she could help him but he said no, he wanted to make breakfast to him mother by himself and he told her not to say anything, it was a surprised. He was making pancakes. Garnet was surmised that her son had made breakfast for her and she loved the pancakes he had made her, they were the best she ever had. > Chapter 19: Night Trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another week went for Spike as the new prince of the dragons and considering he didn’t have to do anything, he felt exhausted when night arrived, he didn’t know why. Not every day was exhausting, he spend more time with his mother, they started to play games together. Spike was currently with his mother in her bedroom playing chess and he was winning. “And that’s checkmate.” Spike had managed to trap Garnet’s king, again. Garnet was siting in her bed while her son was also sitting in the bed. Garnet look at the gameboard in disbelief, she was over four hundred years old and her son, who was only eighteen years old managed to beat her in chess, for the tenth time. “How is this possible? How can you be so good at chess?” She asked her son. Spike just smiled. “Twilight, she taught me how to play.” His smiled disappeared and he became sad after he said that. Garnet knew what was wrong. “You miss Twilight, don’t you?” Spike just nodded. The queen let out a sighed, she didn’t like to see her son like this. “Tell you what, why don’t you send a letter to Twilight and her friends and invited them to the castle.” She didn’t want them to come but she really didn’t want to see her son sad. Spike look at his mother. “Really?” Garnet smiled and gave him a nod which made Spike to hug her. “Thanks you, you’re the best mother a boy can have.” Garnet hug her son back. “I try.” Spike then let go of her and jump out of the bed, he then ran out the door, he had to plan. Garnet just giggled of her son enthusiasm. As soon as Spike had left, Rilda enter Garnet’s room. “Why is the prince in such a hurry?” She asked the queen while looking at the door. “I said that he could invited Twilight’s and her friends, I think he is going to his room to plan.” Rilda nodded in understanding. “Can you help him Rilda?” Garnet asked the maid. Rilda bowed. “I would be my pleasure.” Rilda then notice the chessboard, she could see what had happened. “I can see that young prince won again.” She had trouble containing her laughter. Garnet look at the chessboard and she just wanted to throw into the wall. “Yes, I had no idea he was this good. I guess Twilight Sparkle is good for something.” She really didn’t like the purple unicorn. Rilda then decided to put away chessboard. “If I remember correctly, you said to Twilight that if she ever came back while you were queen you would throw her back in jail.” “And I meant it but I will make exception this time, I don’t want to see my son sad.” Garnet look down at her hands. “What kind of mother would I be if I made my son sad?” Rilda stood up with the chessboard in her hands. “I know how you feel my queen, I have made my children sad more time then I can count.” Garnet look at Rilda “How are you two children doing? I haven’t seen them for a while.” “They are as energetic as ever. Navire, he is trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Camry, she is still in school, I don’t think she like it there but she has to, whether she like it or not.” Rilda then smiled. “And I love them with all my heart and that will never change.” Then her expression became more serious. “But, if the ever take Joserth side they will be grounded for the rest of my life.” Garnet could see that Rilda was serious and it scared her. “Well, I better go and help the young prince.” She then left. Garnet just started at the door and she was a little afraid, she forget that Rilda could be very scary when she is angry. In the mess hall sat Drake and his brother Diner, they were eating. The real reason they were there? To try and find the spy. It’s been over a week since Fredi as ‘caught and escape’ and they still had no idea who the real spy was. “Anything?” Drake asked his brother, Diner just shook his head. “Damn it, this like finding a needle in a bloody hay sake.” Diner couldn’t help but worry about his brother, he was possessed in finding the spy, he didn’t want to let the queen down. Then a green dragon walk over to them. “Sir Drake.” Said the dragon while saluting. Drake just gave the guard a blank look. “is there something you want Jedra?” He asked in a hostile tone. The dragon Jedra became a little afraid. “I just wanted to know what happened to Fredi, where is he?” Diner saw that his brother was in no condition to answer. “As far as we know, he is hiding somewhere in Equestria and before you ask, no, we can’t go there and look for him. I am pretty sure that princess Celestia and princess Luna wouldn’t approve it.” Jedra just nodded his head and walk away. “I hate lying.” Said Diner when Jedra was gone. “Me to brother, but we have to so we can find the real spy.” Drake then rubbed his eyes, he then yawned. “When did you have a good night sleep?” Diner asked his big brother. “I have no idea, a week?” Diner was worried about his brother mental state. “Brother, you need rest.” “I sleep when I’m dead.” Drake told his brother with a yawn. Diner placed a hand on his shoulder. “Go home and try and get some sleep, me and the others can handle things here.” Drake had to admit it, sleep sounded good right about now. “Alright, I’ll head home and try and get some sleep but I want you to come and get me if anything happened, got it?” His bother nodded. “Good.” Drake got up and headed home. The night had arrived and Spike was lying in his bed with a smile on his face, after he got back to his room he had started to plan what to do when Twilight and the other arrived, if they could. Rilda had help him and she told him that she knew someone who could deliver their invitation, now he had to wait. Later that night when everyone in the castle was sleeping, except the guards, a dark shadow was flying towards the castle. The shadow flew towards the queens window, the shadow used his claws in the wall so he wouldn’t fall. The shadow look into the window to see if he woke up Garnet, she was still sleeping with made the shadow smile. He then took out a crystal from his pocket on his jacket and used it to deactivated the spell on the window, he then open the window and got in. Once inside the room the shadow used his dragon eyes to see in the dark, he could see the queen lying in her bed sleeping peacefully. He walk over to her with a smile. ‘It’s nothing personal queen Garnet, it’s just business.’ He then took out something from his jacket and walk over to the bed. In another part of the castle was Diner, he was walking through the halls of the castle, why? He had trouble sleeping and that was because he was blind, it’s a little difficult to know when it’s day and night. Diner then notice he was right in front of prince Spike room, which means he was near his mother and something was wrong there, he could fell someone there. Diner ran towards the queen’s bedroom and there was a guard standing there, the guard saw Diner running towards him not understanding why. Before the guard could ask, Diner open the door. “What are you doing to the queen?” The guard had no idea what was going on, then he look into the room and he was horrified what he saw. Standing over the queen was a dragon he hadn’t seen before and he was holding a syringe to the queen’s neck, when the dragon saw Diner and the guard he jump out the window and started to fly. Diner look at the guard. “Lock down the castle, no one gets in or out. Protect the prince and get my brother.” Before the guard could reply, Diner flew after the culprit. It took a few second before the guard reacted, a dragon had just killed the queen. > Chapter 20: Death Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s was night and two dragons was flying over the city of Wiacaster, one was a Dragon knight and the other was the dragon who had murder the queen. “There’s no escape so just give up.” Said Diner to the murder. Diner might not be the fasted dragon, or the strongest, but there was one thing he had and that was good sight. Sight isn’t what one would say about a blind dragon but Diner was different, since he could do magic he trained so he could use magic to see and thanks to that he can see better than the rest of the Dragon knights. The murder look over his shoulder. “Why did it have to be him?” He then flew backwards and fired away a beam from his mouth, Diner saw the attack and managed to dodge it with ease. “Shit.” He then turned around and flew faster. Diner notice that the murder picked up his speed so he did the same, but there was nowhere the murder could hide thanks to his sight. Then the murder decided to fly towards the ground, maybe he could lose Diner in the street. Once there he started to fly between the buildings but it didn’t work, Diner was right behind him. “Fuck.” Then the murder almost flew right in to a wall. “Crap.” Right before he flew up, Diner tackle him from behind and into the ground. Diner pined the murder to the ground. “Why? Why did you kill the queen?” He asked the murder. The dragon just look up Diner with a grin. “I was just business.” Diner then felt magic on the dragon’s back and then he died. Diner just look over the body, he had no idea what just happened. Two guards was standing in front of a house, this house was the home to Drake and Tomias and they were terrified, they had to tell Drake was had happened to queen Garnet and they were not looking forward to Drake’s reaction. “You tell him.” Said guard number 1 to number 2. Guard number 2 eyes widen. “Why me? Why can’t you tell him?” He asked his fellow guard. “Because I want to live.” Said the first guard. “I want to live to so you can tell him, you have been a guard the longest and I have just started, I have a bright future ahead of me.” The first guard look at the second guard with narrow eyes. “Are you serious? It’s only six months difference, that doesn’t make me the older guard. Now, go and knock on the fucking door.” He told his fellow guard while pointing at the door. The second guard swallowed the big lump he had in his throat as he walk to the door and knock on it, then they had to wait. They waited but no one answered, so the second guard knock again and this time they could hear movement inside, one of them was up. When the door open the two guards saw a very unhappy Drake. “This is the first good night I had in a week so it better a very good reason why you two are knocking on my door at 3 am.” He was very angry. Both guards was very nervous, they really didn’t want to tell Drake what happened but they had to. “We are here to tell you that the queen has been murdered.” Said the first guard. The guard watch as Drake rubbed his face. “If this is some kind of sick joke, I am not amused by it.” Both guards gave each other a concern look and Drake saw it. “Oh my… you’re not joking.” He was awake now. The guard that knock shook his head. “No sir Drake, your brother ask to get you, he probably chasing the culprit now.” Drake’s face became white. “No.” He disappeared back into the house. “Tomias, wake the fuck up. Someone has murder the queen.” He shouted. The guards heard movement in the house and it didn’t take long before Drake and Tomias came out fully dressed, they then flew towards the castle as fast as they could. Spike was sleeping peacefully in his bed not knowing what had happened to his mother, but then the door open and two guards walk in, waking him. “What…?” Spike sat up and rub his eyes, he then saw a guard walk over to his window, looking through it. “What’s going on?” He asked no one in particular. “The prince is security.” Said the guard by the window to his fellow guard by the door. Spike was still half sleep so he had no idea why two guard was in his room. “What’s going and why are you in my room?” He asked the guard who didn’t answer him. “I asked you two a question so answer me.” They didn’t want to but they had to. “There has been an incident with your mother.” Said the guard by the door. That woke Spike. “What?” He got up. “I want to see her.” The guard by the door block is path. “I am sorry my prince but we have been order to keep you here.” Spike didn’t like to be trap, it was Twilight all over again. “You are going to move and that’s an order.” Both guards gave each other a worried look, it was the captain that gave them the order and it was the prince who had more power than him, the guard step aside so Spike could pass. Spike walk towards his mother room and he saw more guards than usual in the hallway, something was wrong. Once he reached her room Spike was shocked, her mother was lying in her bed and she wasn’t moving, he could see Pethayrth standing over his mother and her hands was glowing. When he saw his mother he feared the most. “Mom?” That got every dragon around to look at him. “No, MOTHER.” He tired to tun to her but was stop by Raldrin. “Let me go.” He tried to get loose but Raldrin was to strong. “I can’t let go in my prince.” She told Spike while holding him back. Spike keep struggling, he wanted to get to his mother. “I said let me go.” He said with tears in his eyes. Raldrin look at the guards that was watching. “Can someone please take the prince back to his room?” Two guard walk over to Spike and grabbed him, they had to drag him back while he was kicking, screaming and crying at the same time. Raldrin just watch at his reaction, it was heartbreaking. “Pethayrth.” She look over to her fellow dragon. “Please tell me you could save her.” Pethayrth collapse on the ground, she was breathing heavily. “No, I don’t know what kind of poison that was used on her and I don’t have a spell that can counter it.” Raldrin feared the worst. “Don’t tell me…” Pethayrth look at her friend with tears in her eyes. “The queen is dead.” Raldrin had a dreadful look on her face. Drake and Tomias had finally arrived at the castle with one of the guard, Drake told the other to get his sister Rilda, something told him they need her to calm prince Spike down. “What happened?” Drake asked the guard that was meeting them. The guard had trouble speaking. “I… I… him, he… he… killed the queen.” Drake wanted to strangle the guard but Tomias walk over to the guard and placed hand on his shoulder. “Calm down and tell us what happened.” The guard managed to calm down. “I was standing guard by the queen’s room and then I saw Diner running towards me, he then open the door to her room and standing over the queen was a dragon and he had a syringe to her neck, then culprit flew out the window. Diner then told me to lock down the castle and protect the prince, he then flew after the culprit.” Drake didn’t wanted to strangle the guard anymore, he wanted to kill the dragon who kill queen Garnet. “Where is my brother?” As soon as those word left his mouth, Diner walk in with a dragon on his back. “Diner, you got him.” “Not exactly .” Diner dump the culprit in the ground. “He’s dead, took his own life. I also felt some kind of magic on his back, magic I didn’t recognize.” Drake walk over to the dead body, he then turned him around and lifted his clothes. “No, it can’t be.” Drake fell right on his ass and it look like he had seen a ghost. The other dragon that was there had no idea what happened to Drake so they took a look at the culprit’s back and in it was a skull with a dagger right through the skull. “Death magic.” > Chapter 21: A Voice From the Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of all the dragons who heard Drake say, ‘death magic,’ Raldrin was the only who knew what he was talking about. “Death magic? Please tell me your joking Drake.” Said the dragoness. Diner and the others was just confused. “Can one of you please tell us what death magic is?” Asked Diner. Drake was still in shock so Raldrin decided to explain. “Death magic is a type of magic that is forbidden and the only dragon I know of that knows death magic it is Drake former master, Kinar.” Tomias and the other had heard that name, he was former Dragon knight and one of the best, he had save the former king and queen many times. Then Tomias spoke. “Isn’t he dead?” Drake got up. “He should be considering he died one hundred years ago.” One hundred years ago was one of the bloodies battle in dragon history, they were at war with the griffons, many were life’s were lost on both sides and Drake’s master Kinar was killed in battle but they never found his body, so they assumed he was dead. Drake look at the guards. “Take the body to Pethayrth room, maybe she can find out if this death magic is real.” Both guards saluted, they then took the body and headed to Pethayrth room. Drake then look at Raldrin. “How is prince Spike doing?” He asked her. Raldrin shook her head. “Not good, he saw his mother body and he didn’t take it well.” The others couldn’t imagen how the prince was doing right now, seeing your mother dead body, it could change a dragon. “Should we talk to him?” Asked Raldrin. “No, I think she can do it.” Said Drake as he look at the entrance, the others also look at the entrance and there stood Rilda. Rilda was flying as fast as she could over the house in Wiacaster, her destination, the castle. After a guard had told her that the queen had died, Rilda hurry up to get dressed, grabbed some crystals, tell the guard to be there when her children woke up, then fly as fast she could to the young prince. Rilda really hope that something didn’t happened to Spike, losing his mother was a pain she knew too well, she had lost her father and she mourned a very long time before she got over it. Rilda landed in front of the castles door and saw that it was open, there was some guards standing by the doors and they didn’t stop her as she walk in, they didn’t dare. When Rilda entered the main hall she saw her two brothers, Raldrin and some guards, she then heard Drake speak. “No, I think she can do it.” I guess he meant her. “Where is prince Spike?” He asked them all. Raldrin pointed at the hallway. “In his room.” Rilda said nothing as she walk past them and towards Spike’s room. Once Rilda was gone, Drake spoke up. “I believe that our prince is in good hands.” He then started to walk. “Now I have to write a letter to Celestia and let her know what happened.” He was gone. Rilda arrived at Spike’s room and she could see two guards standing there, guarding his room. “Let me in, I need to see the prince.” The guards didn’t move. “I’m sorry Rilda but we were told not to let anyone in, not even you.” Said one of the guards. Then Rilda grabbed both of them and pulled them close to her face. “Listen and listen closely, Spike just lost his mother and he need someone to talk to him. Now, if you two don’t let me in you two will end up in the hospital with every bone in your body broken. Do I make myself clear?” Both guards was terrified, the had forgotten that Rilda could be very terrifying. They decided to let her enter Spike’s room. The first Rilda saw was darkness, the curtains blocking out the moon. Rilda then heard crying and it was coming from behind the bed, she walk there and saw Spike, he was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, he legs was up against his chest and his arms was wrap around them, he was also crying. Rilda got down and gave Spike a hug, he happily return it because he need a hug. Both dragons had no idea how long they hug but Spike had finally managed to calm down a little. “Why? Why did she had to die like this?” He said between tears. “Why Rilda?” “I really don’t know Spike, I wish I knew but I don’t.” She then took out two crystals from pocket, one was pink and the other was red. “Here, this is from you parents.” She handed them to Spike. Spike took them. “Crystals?” He was confused. Rilda nodded. “This are recording crystals, you can record messages into the for so other can listen to them later, your parents made one each. The red one is from your father while the pink one is from your mother, I was instruct to give them to you when they died, a task I wish I never had to do but here we are.” She then stood up. “I will give you privacy while you listen to them, you only have to press them into your hand and they will play. I will back later.” She then left the room leaving spike alone. Spike really wanted her to stay but he was now more interested in the crystals he got from Rilda, he decide to listen to his mother crystal first. He took the pink one and squish it with is hand, his mother voice came out from it. “My dear Spike if you are listing to this message which means I am gone, you have almost been in the castle for three weeks and it have been my best weeks in a very long time, I am so happy to have a son like you.” There was a moment of silence before she counited. “The reason that I record this message is that you have to stay strong, I will die one way or another and I wish I could be there when you become king, but that’s not going to happened.” He then heard her sighed. “I wish I could be there to comfort you when you are feeling down, but I can’t and that makes me sad.” Silence again. “My last words to you is that you can’t let you uncle to became king, he is a greedy bastard and he will go to war against the other races and you are the only one who can stop him.” “Than for the pressure mom.” Spike mumble to himself. “And remember that your mother will always love you and I will be with you in your heart and remember to be your own king. Also remember that I will always love you.” Then the message was down. Spike shed a tear but this time it was out of happiness. Then it was his father crystal, the one he was most curious about, considering he had never meet his father. “My dear son,” His voice was gruff. “if you are hearing this that means I am dead and for that I’m sorry. I wish I could be there when you return home but I guess that’s not my fate, you see, my brother has always been jealous of me because I am the older brother. He always wanted to be king and therefore I have a feeling he will try and kill me so I’m recording this.” Spike can’t believe that his uncle would kill his own brother for the throne. “I have watch you grow up through the letters that Celestia send me and I’m glad you have grown up to be a fine dragon, but I am not so happy by the way Twilight Sparkle is threating you, she is always commanding you to do stuff for her, can’t she do things herself?” His father sounded a little frustrated which made Spike smirk a little. “Anyway, I will leave you with these words when you became king, trust your heart and never let anger cloud your judgment. If you let anger take over, then you are not a true king. I love you, my son.” Then the message was over. Spike started to cry again but this time it was out of joy, he may not have know his father but he cared for him and so did his mother. Spike as happy and lucky to have such wonderful parents. Celestia was sleeping peacefully in her own bed when a scroll appeared right approved her head and landed right in her face, it woke her up. “What the…?” She slowly open her eyes and look at the scroll in front of her. “Who send that at…” She look at the clock and it was a few minutes over 4 am, she sat up and took the scroll, she open it and started to read it with tired eyes. Her eyes widen and she was awoken when she saw what was written in the scroll. “You got to be kidding me.” She got up from her bed. “I have to talk to my sister.” She fetch at bathrobe from her closet, she put it on and went to find Luna. The night princess was sitting in the throne room, she was trying not to fall asleep from boredom. She didn’t understand why they had to have a night court, ponies are usually asleep at night, she had a few visitors but that was days ago. Luna let out a yawn and was about to fell asleep when the doors to the throne room open with a bang, that scared Luna. “I wasn’t asleep.” She said with a high pitched voice as she sat up. Luna then saw that it was her sister and she didn’t look happy, at all. “Tia, what’s wrong?” Celestia walk over to her little sister and handed her the scroll. “Read this.” Luna did. When Luna was done reading, she was furious times 10. “THAT BASTARD, I’M GOING TO KILL HIM.” Her voice shook the entire castle, the guards that was working wonder what just happened. Some ponies in Canterlot woke up by Luna’s shouting. Celestia had to cover her ears thanks to her sister yelling. “Luna, you need to calm down.” Luna didn’t want to calm down. “Hell no, I will not calm down, I want to kill Joserth. He murder Spike’s mother for fuck sake.” Fire was actually coming out of her eyes, by pure fury. Celestia placed both hands on her sister’s shoulders. “I understand that you are angry Luna, I am also angry.” She hope that Luna would calm down. Luna raised an eyebrow when she heard that. “You don’t look angry at all.” Celestia’s face change to calm to angry very fast. “Oh believe me,” Luna became very afraid when she saw her sister’s expression change, it was now pure anger. “I am, but we can’t be angry now.” She managed to calm herself down. “Spike need us and anger is not the way to help him.” Luna didn’t want to admit, but Celestia was right. “Fine.” She look at the doors. “Guards.” A night guard came in. “Get me captain Shadow.” The guard saluted and disappeared. It didn’t take long before a female bat pony with purple hair/tail appeared, she saluted. “Is there something I can do for princess Luna?” She asked the princess. “Yes, me and my sister are heading to Wiacaster, get ready our private train.” “At once your highness.” The sister’s watch as Shadow disappeared. “That’s taken care of, I guess I have to go and pack.” Luna look over at her sister. “What about you? Are you going back to sleep?” Celestia shook her head. “No, I’m also going to pack, we have a long journey ahead of us.” Luna watch as her sister walk out of the throne room. “That we have.” She hope that Spike was okay. > Chapter 22: The Next Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was rising over the dragon kingdom and the city of Wiacaster, dragons was waking up to do their daily routine but there was one who had been awake a while and that’s Spike. Spike had been awake ever since he saw his mother lying in her bed, dead. He tried go back to sleep, but no avail. Spike look at his window and saw sun shine through it, it was a beautiful morning, not for Spike. He have lost his mother, he had lost a father he never meet or known. He felt anger and hatred towards the dragon who did this to him, his uncle. Why would someone do this? Kill his own family? It made Spike sick. Anger, Spike had to listen to his father words, don’t let anger cloud his judgment which wasn’t easy at the moment, all Spike wanted was to kill his uncle. Joserth, that made Spike’s blood boil. As he saw it, he didn’t have any uncle, his uncle was a murder and he didn’t want anything to do with him. Spike took one deep breath, it was about time he step up and became the king his parents wants him to be, a kind ruler. He was going to make sure that his ex uncle never became king. Spike got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom, it was time he step up and became a real dragon. After the he showered, he got dressed, it was time to act like a king. Spike open the door and saw some guard standing here, guarding his room. The all reacted when he open the door. “My prince, you are not allowed to leave your room.” Said one of them. Somehow, Spike knew they would say that. “I am prince and I order you to stand aside.” All of guards was shocked to hear him say that and they didn’t know what to do. They had to obey him but Drake told them that the prince was to stay in his room, should they listen to the prince or Drake? Then a new voice spoke up. “You heard the prince, step aside.” They all look in the direction of the voice and it was captain Mideos. All off the guards saluted. “Captain Mideos, sir. We were order by sir Drake to keep the prince in his room.” The captain nodded his head. “I see. There is only one problem, Drake and the others are supposed to take order from the royal family and so are you, right now prince Spike is the only one left and that mean you have to listen to him.” All four guards didn’t know what to and the captain saw that. “You got to be kidding me.” He mumble to himself as he tried not to lose his patience, he lost it. “IF YOU WONT LISTEN TO HIM THEN YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME, LET THE PRINCE GO.” That got the guards to react, they left and Mideos couldn’t believe how he’s guards acted. “Unbelievable.” He then bowed to Spike. “I do apologize for my guards my prince, I didn’t believe they would act like that.” “It’s ok, I’m not offence or anything. I’m just a little shocked that they didn’t listen to me.” Mideos stop up. “You are to humble my prince.” He then look in the direction of the queen’s room. “I’m guessing this is Drake’s work, I think he’s taking your mother’s death a little too seriously. But that’s no excuse to lock you in your room, so let’s find out what his problem is.” Spike thought that was a good idea, they both decide to find Drake. Spike and Mideos didn’t have to walk far to find Drake, he was standing outside the queen’s room, he didn’t even notice that they arrived. Then Mideos spoke up. “Drake, we need talk.” That got Drake to look in their direction and his eyes widen when he that Spike was there. “What the…? I told the guards not to let the princes out of his room.” He look at two guards that was standing by the door. “Take the princes back to his room.” Both guards walk towards Spike and he was about to say something when Mideos step in front of him. “Stand down, both of you.” Both guards hesitated. “THAT IS A DIRECT ORDER FROM YOUR CAPTAIN.” That got them to stop. Drake on the other hand wasn’t too happy right now. “What are you doing Mideos? You can’t just…” Mideos cut him off. “What am I doing? Maybe you should ask yourself that question, I just found out that you made the prince a prisoner in his own castle by posting guards outside his room and not letting him out.” Midoes explained to him. “We did that to protect him.” Drake was getting annoyed. “To protect him? By locking him in his room? You don’t have the authority to do that,” He then pointed at Spike. “as prince you have to listen to him, we all do. That’s the law.” Then Raldrin step out of the queen’s room. “What’s going on here?” She then saw Spike. “What’s the prince doing here? I told guard to keep him in his room.” That got Midoes attention. “Wait, you made him a prison in his own room?” He asked Raldrin. “Of course I did, I saw his mother lying in her bed, I didn’t want him to see her. I also did it to protect him.” The dragoness told Midoes. Midoes couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Again with the protect part, you can’t make a prison of him.” Then three dragons started to argued. Spike just watch as three grown up dragons argued, he thought that grown up dragons was wiser than this, he thought wrong. There was one question, what should he do? Should he let them argue or say something? He had no idea. Maybe he should say something, considering they were acting like children. They keep on arguing and Spike had enough. “WOULD YOU THREE SHUT THE HELL UP.” That shut them up, they saw that Spike wasn’t too happy. “What’s wrong with you three? Why are you bickering like children when my mother is lying her bed dead? Aren’t you supposed to get ready for her funeral?” All dragons that was standing there was astounded by Spike, they never thought he would act like a king already. “And since my mother is dead I am now in charge here, that’s what she taught me, does anyone of you have any objection?” None of them said anything, they didn’t dare. “Good. All of you leave, I want to say good bye to my mother.” He then walk in to her room. Drake and Raldrin was still in shock while Midoes was smiling, that is a king he would follow to the end of the world. When Spike entered his mother room he saw Pethayrth. Her upper body was resting on the bed, she was also breathing heavily. “Pethayrth?” The nurse look up at Spike with tears in her eyes. “My prince, IIIII couldn’t save her. I failed her.” Then the dragoness fell on the floor while covering her eyes, still crying. Spike did the only thing he could think off, he walk over to Pethayrth and gave her a hug, she return the hug. Spike wanted to say something but he had no idea what, what could he say to make her feel better? “Pethayrth, I think my mother would say that you shouldn’t blame yourself.” Was that the right thing to say? “But I did fail her, I couldn’t heal her.” It didn’t help. Then Spike look at the door. “Guards.” Two dragon guards enter. “Can you two take Pethayrth back to her room? I think she need some rest.” Both of them nodded, they then picked up the dragoness, who was too weak to protest, they then carried her out of the room leaving Spike alone with his mother. The young prince look over at the bed, his mother was lying with her eyes closet and her hands was lying on her chest. Spike was over to the bed and placed a hand on her arm. “Mom, I swear I will be a king you will be proud of and I will make my so called uncle pay for what he did to you and my father, I promise.” He gave her one last kiss, he walk out of the room. Once Spike entered the hallway he saw that only Midoes and some guards was there. “Where is Drake and Raldrin?” He asked the captain. “I think Drake went to speak to his brother, I have no idea where Raldrin is.” The captain answered. Spike nodded. “Can someone get Rilda? I want her to take care of my mother funeral.” One of the guards saluted and then he went to find Rilda. “What happened now?” Spike asked the captain. “Well, we make sure your mother is buried, of course. We send out invitation to the different nation, I think Drake has already send one to princess Celestia and her sister, they will probably arrive tomorrow. After the funeral we make preparation to make you king.” Midoes explained to him. “I have to become king right after the funeral?” Spike couldn’t help but question what Midoes said, it didn’t make sense to him. “I know it sounds strange but that has always been the chase when royalty has died, the next in line always become the next ruler after their funeral.” Spike didn’t like it but he didn’t want to argue. “Fine, it doesn’t sound like I have a choice.” Let then let out a sighed. “I need some air, I’m heading to the garden.” He started to walk and one of the guard followed him, he didn’t argue. Drake was walking towards his brother room, after they had brought the dragon who murder the queen, Diner had vanished. Drake knew that his brother felt responsible for the queen’s death. When Drake arrived at his brother room, he could see he was packing his stuff. “What are you doing?” He asked his brother. Diner didn’t stop. “What does it look I’m doing? I’m packing my stuff, I failed as a Dragon knight so I’m leaving.” Drake walked in and gabbed his brother hand. “Would you stop? You didn’t fail, I did.” Diner couldn’t help but question what his brother said. “How can this be your fault? I’m the one who reacted to late, I should have heard the intruder earlier then the queen would have been alive.” He said with regret in his voice. Drake let go of his brother hand. “That’s true, maybe she could be alive if you were fast but this wouldn’t have happened if my spells was weak, I’m the one who placed them on her window. It’s my fault she is dead, not yours.” “Again, how can this be your fault? The culprit had a anti magic crystal, it fell out of his pocket when they were carrying him to you, Remember? I showed it to you.” Drake remember. “I doesn’t matter how strong your magic was, he would have gotten in either way.” Diner clenches his fist. “I fail the queen and the prince, it’s my fault he lost his mother.” Drake wasn’t sure he could say anything to his brother that would make him feel better, but maybe another dragon could. “Then let’s ask him.” Diner look at his brother. “Let’s ask the prince if you really failed him and if he hats your.” Diner didn’t want to, all he could think of how much prince Spike hated him. But maybe, just maybe he could have some of his honor back. “Alright, let’s talk to the prince.” They both decided to find Spike. Spike had managed to find the garden, he sat down on one of the benches, the guard gave some space. The last twelve hours had been hell for Spike, at least he thought it had been twelve hours. He had no idea. Seeing his mother lying in her bed, dead. Being lock up in his room, seeing grown up dragons fight like children. It’s been interesting and horrifying at the same time. Spike let out a tiring sighed, something told him things would only get worse. Spike then happened to look to his right and he saw Drake and Diner walking toward him, Diner look sad? Spike had no idea why. Both stop in front of him and bowed. “My prince, how are you doing?” Drake asked him. “I have been better. Is there something you two want?” He asked them. Both stop up. “Yes.” Drake pushed his brother forward. “Diner has something to say to you.” Spike look over to Diner who had trouble coming up with the right words, he decided to just say it right out. “I am so sorry my prince.” He went down on his knees, he then placed his upper body on the ground. “I am so sorry that I failed you, if I had been faster your mother would have been alive right now, I failed as a Dragon knight.” He then started to cry. “I don’t deserve to be a Dragon knight.” Spike look over to Drake to confirm that his brother was serious or not, but Drake had the same shock look on him. Spike had to say something. “Diner, look at me.” The blind dragon did that. “I’m not mad at you for not saving my mother.” Diner didn’t expect to hear that. “But I…” Spike held up a hand to stop him. “As I said I’m not mad at you for not saving my mother, the one I’m mad at his my so called uncle. I’m pretty sure that it was him that gave the order, which is a little difficult to confirm now.” He was right. “What we have to be is strong and not let my mother dead do stupid decision, like you are doing now. You can’t blame yourself, you did your best and I’m pretty sure that my mother would have been proud of you. I know I am.” None of the dragons didn’t expect to hear that. “You managed to catch the killer.” “But, he took his own life.” Diner told him. That was news for Spike. “I didn’t know that. Look,” Spike stood up. “As I said before, I don’t blame you, I don’t blame any of the Dragon knights. Yes, you didn’t managed to save my mother.” Spike then realized what he just said so he took a few seconds to gather his thoughts. “I am really not good at this. You don’t have to quit but maybe you should take a few days off, to gather your thoughts. The last few hours has been exhausted for us all, especially me.” He then look at Drake. “Has the invitations to my mothers funeral be send to the other country yet?” He asked Drake. “Not yet my prince, I was going to do it after I had talk to my brother.” Drake told Spike. The young prince nodded. “Do it, the sooner we bury her the better.” Drake left. Spike walk over to Diner. “please, don’t blame yourself, because I don’t.” Then Spike and the guard left leaving Diner alone. He decided to listen to Spike, to take some time of so he could gather his thoughts. For the rest of the day. Spike keep to his room for the most part, he went to the dining room to get some food. Spike found out that Raldrin had gone to the Dragon knights training room, she wanted to let out some anger, he wasn’t about to stop her. The twins didn’t came to castle at all, they were still in shock. Tomias decided to help Pethayrth, she was still trying to heal the queen, it wasn’t pretty. Spike now had to wait to be king. > Chapter 23: Royalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Equestria, Celestia and Luna was standing by their own personal train with some guards, they were ready to travel to Dragon kingdom. Luna was making sure that all their luggage was brought on board the train while Celestia was talking to Raven Inkwell, their personal assistant. “Alright Raven, while we are gone you are in charge and don’t worry, we’ll be back in around eight days.” Celestia whish that they would be back sooner but they had to stay for the funeral and Spike’s coronation. Raven nodded her head in understanding. “I understand princess, when do you want me to send the letter to Twilight and her friends? About Spike’s mother.” Celestia had to think for a moment. “Garnet’s funeral should be in three days, send it in four days.” Raven would do that. “Do you have any questions?” Raven adjusted her glasses. “Yes, how many guard are you taking?” “Teen, captain Sky Scraper, captain Shadow. Eight guards, four of mine and four of Luna’s” Raven wrote that down on some piece of paper. “Are you sure you can handle things while I’m gone? It can be hectic sometimes.” Raven gave Celestia a assuring smile. “Don’t worry princess, this is not the first time I have been in charge of the castle and your duties.” Celestia couldn’t help but smile, Raven has help her more than once. She should have more faith in her. “That you have.” She then saw that all their luggage’s was on board. “I guess it’s time for us to leave.” She then gave Raven a hug which took the earth pony off guard. “Take care of the castle Raven.” Raven had trouble finding her words, considering she was blushing. “Ssssure.” Then Celestia let her go. “What about Fredi, should I even tell him?” She asked once she stop blushing Celestia thought for a moment. “I think will leave that to you.” Raven wasn’t too happy to hear that. “So, no pressure then.” She said with annoyances in her voice. Then Luna Spoke. “Sister, we are ready to departure.” She said while the guards was stepping on board. “Alright Luna, see you in eight to ten days Raven.” Said Celestia as she entered the train wagon, then the locomotive started to move and they were on their way to the dragon kingdom. Up far north, not far from the Equestria border was the most dazzling kingdom which the populations was crystal ponies, the crystal empire. The ponies there had lived in peace for centuries and hadn’t been in a war for over 2000 years, the royal family had made sure of that. Inside the giant crystal castle, which was the home of the currently ruler, the staff was busy with their daily routine and the guards was guarding the place. There was one ponies that didn’t do his duty and the was captain of the guard, Shield. He was currently running through the halls of the castle to his destination, queen Umbra’s room. Once he got there he open the door and saw that she wasn’t there, Shield then heard the water running so he ran over to the bathroom and went in. The others guards had no idea what was happening, but then they heard; “WHAT THE HELL SHIELD? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM?” Now they knew. Shield step out of the queen’s room with a red face, he was more red then a tomato. “Did you seriously walk into her majesty bathroom while she was showring?” Asked one of the guards that was standing guard near her room, Shield just gave the guard an angry look which made the guard giggle. Then door open and standing in the doorway was a very angry and wet Umbra, she had a towel wrapped around her, her breast was keeping it up. “Shield, you better have a VERY good reason for bursting into my bathroom while I was in the shower since I told you not to disturb me.” She wanted to strangle him right now. Shield just handed her a letter he had in his hand. “I’m so sorry my queen but I got this letter from sir Drake.” She was now curious. “Sir Drake?” Shield nodded, she snap the letter from him. “If he wrote us a letter then it had to be important, have you read it yet?” She asked her captain who just shook his head. “Good.” She open the it and started to read, once she was done her face became grim. “The nerve of that bastard.” She said while crumbling the letter, she was again furious. Shield back away a little. “ Your highness?” He asked her in a scared voice. Umbra managed to calm down, a little. “Shield, get my private train ready, queen Garnet has been murder which means I have a funeral to attend.” Shield couldn’t believe what he heard. “Queen Garnet is dead? How?” He asked Umbra. “It doesn’t say but I’m guessing it’s Joserth work, that jealous bastard.” That made sense to Shield. “Get some guards to accompany me to Wiacaster, you’re in charge while I’m gone.” Shield just saluted and left to do what she said. Umbra took one more look at the letter. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that crazy bastard would go to war just get the throne.” Umbra then disappeared into her room to get dressed. Deep in the water far from the town of Manehattan was the city of Atlantis where over time ponies had adapted to live under water, they were the rulers of the sea. For years they have lived in peace with the upper world and the sea ponies hope that it would last forever. It was your normal day in Atlantis except for captain of the guard, Clialla. She was a blue pony with white hair/tail and she was wearing her guard uniform, swimming around the reave just outside the city, she was searching for someone. “Would you please stop hiding from me princess Sannan, your mother want to leave to Wiacaster as soon as possible.” She said while looking around for the princess. Not far from the captain was the princess, she had pink fur and her hair/tail was golden, was hiding behind a rock and she didn’t want to be found. The young was only fourteen and there was one thing she hated more than anything, that was traveling to the surface. The surface had so many scary thing while the ocean was calm and she knew what was in it, she didn’t want to leave. Sannan was sitting behind the rock with her legs up to her chest and her arms was wrap around them, her eyes was closed to and she hope that she invisible. “Found you.” Sanna open her eyes and look up, there was Clialla looking down at her with a smile on her face. “Did you really think you would hide from me?” The princess didn’t think, she just swam to get away. “”Hey, get back here.” The captain swam after. Sanna swam as fast as she could but it was no use, the captain was to fast and Sanna could feel a pair of hands around her arms. “Let go of me, I don’t want to go.” She said while trying to get free, it didn’t work because the captain was to strong. Clialla held the princess in her grasp. “What wrong with you princess, what do you mean you don’t want to go?” The captain asked. Sanna gave up trying to fight the captain. “The surface, I don’t want to go there, I like the ocean.” She then started to cry. “I hate mother for forcing me to go, I DON’T WANT TO.” She screamed that last part. Captain Clialla new how she felt, she didn’t want to leave the ocean the first time either, her captain had to force her. “I know how you feel princess, I was scared of the surface my first time but I assure you, there’s nothing scary up there.“ She said in a clam tone. Sanna just look away. “Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I want to go. “Well, you have to. Now let’s headed back, your mother is worried about you.” Sanna doubted that, her mother didn’t care about her but she her meaning was pointless, her mother never listen to her. She just swam back with the captain, Sanna didn’t look forward to her first meeting with the surface and dragons. In another part of the planet, high up in the mountains was the kingdom of the griffons and their ruler king Zephyrus was standing by the window in his room, looking at his kingdom. A kingdom he inherited from his father when he died and Zephyrus was a strict ruler, if you broke his rulers you would be punished. Then someone knock on his door. “Enter.” In walk another griffon and he was wearing armor, he saluted. “What is it captain?” Zephyrus asked the griffon. “You majesty, I have received a letter from sir Drake.” Zephyrus was intrigued as the captain walk over to him and gave him the letter, the king open the letter and couldn’t help but laugh. “I can see that Joserth has made his move and it’s about time.” He then tore the letter apart. “We are not going to Garnet’s funeral, you may go.” The captain saluted and left, Zephyrus then look out the window again and smiled. “So, it’s has begun, I don’t feel sorry for her son.” The king look out his window and smiled. “I’m looking forward for what is going to happened.” In another place of the plant was the Zebra empire who was most famous for their potion making then begin warriors, and they didn’t mind. In the royal palace lived the royal family, king Omban and queen Nishi with their soon, prince Khaba. Prince Khaba had black fur with white stripes like his father but his mane and tail was golden like his mother. The young prince was currently in the local lab in the palace with royal shaman, mixing potions. “Now remember my prince, a few drops is more then enough.” Said the shaman to Khaba. Khaba was holding a vial and was trying to pour some green stuff into another vial that one the table, he stuck out his tung as he tried to not to pour everything in the vial, he managed to get some drops into it and he was pleased with himself. Then all off sudden liquid became yellow and then it started to bubble and before they knew, it explode in the prince face. Khaba couldn’t help but hung his head in shame. “Not again, I guess I never be as good as my mother.” He said with sadness in his voice. Khaba felt a hand on his shoulder, it was the shaman Sanni. “Don’t worry about it my prince, it took your mother years before she was any good, you just got to have patience.” It didn’t help with Khaba’s mood, he still felt like a failure. “Why don’t do and clean up your face while I clean up the mess you made.” Khaba said nothing as he walk over to the sink. As Sanni started to clean up, the door open and queen Nishi walk in. the queen fur was golden as her mane and tail, it was like she shined like the sun. Sanni was too busy to notice. “Sanni.” The queens voice scared him so much that he dropped some bottles on the floor, they shattered. “I’m sorry Sanni, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She said as Sanni started to clen up the mess. “Don’t worry about my queen, the bottles was empty.” He said with a smile as he cleaned it up. Nishi nodded her head, she then saw her son who was washing his face. “Khaba.” Her son didn’t answer her, she wonder why. “What’s wrong with my son Sanni?” She asked the shaman. Sanni look over to the prince. “I think his sad that he messed up a formula, it blew up in his face.” Nishi understand, being a shaman isn’t easy. She walk over to her son and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright my son?” She asked him. Khaba didn’t answer her right away. “No mother, I’m not alright.” He turn to face her and Nishi heart broke, her son was crying. “I can’t make a damn sleep potion without it blowing up in my face, I’m a failure.” Nishi did the only thing she could think of and that was to give her son a hug and try and comfort him, he return the hug. “You’re not a failure Khaba, everyone makes mistakes, even I did.” Khaba sniff a few times. “You expect me to believe that? Your perfect, you don’t do mistakes.” Before Nishi could answer her son, Sanni spoke. “That’s not true my princes, you mother made many mistakes when she was at your ages. I should know, I was there.” Nishi look over at her old teacher with annoyance. “We don’t need to hear about my past Sanni.” The shaman just smirked. “Now for the reason I’m here.” She let go of her son. “We have to travel to Wiacaster for a funeral, queen Gaia has passed away.” Khaba wasn’t too happy to hear that. “Do I have to? I don’t like funerals.” He said in a sad tone. Nishi patted her soon on her head. “I know you don’t like them, I don’t either but it’s our duty to show our respect when royal dies.” It didn’t help her soon mood. “There one up side, her soon is the same age as you, maybe you could be friends with him.” Maybe. “Now, head to your room and get packing.” Khaba decided to do as his mother told him, he headed to his room. Once the prince was gone, Sanni spoke. “I can’t believe queen Garnet is dead, I’m guessing it’s Joserth work.” Nishi didn’t answer right away. “Probably, but the letter didn’t say. I guess we have to find out when we get there.” She look over to Sanni. “I also want you to come Sanni.” The shaman bowed. “I would be an honor my queen.” He then exit the room. Nishi let out a heavy sighed. “I really hope there will be no war.” Deep in the jungle far south was the kingdom of the panthers, a proud warrior race who live for combat. They usually fight with their claws and fist but there was some exceptions, those who wanted to fight with weapons, like swords and spear. The panther king was kind ruler by the name of Kuro and he believe in never to lie to his people, he was black from head to top, even his hair was black and that made him a feared fighter, in the dark. King Kuro was now standing on a balcony looking over the courtyard where his captain was training the new recruits, captain Nox was a red panther with a scar over his right eye that went all the way down to his mouth and he’s best warrior in the kingdom, the only one who could beat Nox and that was Drake. The king look as Nox tried to explain how a fighter should stand when, it didn’t go well. “For the last time recut, you supposed to stand with your fight closer together not so far appeared that anyone can kick you in the balls.” He told one of the recut, Kuro couldn’t help but chuckle, the captain took his job seriously. Then a maiden open the door to the balcony and step out. “I’m sorry to interrupt to your majesty, but you got a letter from sir Drake." The maid handed the letter to Kuro, he took it, open it and read it, he didn’t like what was written. “I’ can’t believe he did it, that coward.” The king look over at the maid. “Get ready my personal train, I’m heading to Wiacaster.” The maid bowed. “Right away my king.” She then left. Kuro let out a sad sighed, he knew that Joserth would something but not this. I feel bad for prince Spike. He look over the courtyard and he could see that Nox was still yelling at the recut. “Captain Nox, stop yelling at the poor recut and gather some guard, were heading to Wiacaster.” Nox saluted. “Right away my king.” Kuro nodded as he headed inside the palace to pack. Once the king was gone, Nox look at the recut with narrow eyes. “You got of easy but don’t think this is over.” He then headed inside the palace himself. Once Nox was gone, the recut fell on the ground and passed out, he was just glad it was over. > Chapter 24: The Funeral part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was walking through her private train wagon to her sister room, they were on their way to the funeral of queen Garnet, something they didn’t look forward to. Celestia past some of her sister’s guards as she reached her sister room, she was about to knock when the wagon jump a little, she then heard a thumb. “Son of a bitch.” Luna was up and she didn’t sound happy. Celestia wanted to open the door and see if her sister was okay, but there was also a risk, Luna had never been a morning pony. She decided to ask from her side of the door, were it was safe. Celestia knock on the door, very carefully. “Luna, is everything alright in there?” She asked her sister. Luna didn’t answer right away. “No, I feel out of the bloody bed.” Celestia then heard her sister cursed more. “Is there something you want?” Luna asked her big sister. “I just wanted to let you know that we will be arriving at Wiacaster station in 2 hours, I thought you wanted some breakfast.” “Breakfast sounds nice, just let me take a shower and I will join you.” Celestia agreed to that. Celestia was sitting in the diner cart with some of their guards, eating breakfast. Why are guards sitting in the same cart as the princess you wonder? Celestia and her sister isn’t heartless and they don’t mind that their guards are eating breakfast with them. Celestia was happily eating her pancakes when the door to the cart open and her sister walk in, Luna may have taken a shoer but she was still in a bad mood. The night princess walk over to her sister table and sat down. “I hate sleeping on a train.” She said while placing her head on the table. Celestia wasn’t too happy by Luna’s behavior. “For pete sake Luna, sit like a proper princess.” She scolded her sister. Luna didn’t care. “No offence Celestia, but you can take that proper carp and stuff it where the sun doesn’t shine.” Luna look up at her sister with anger in her eyes. “You know that I hate sleeping at night and going to a funeral, so do me a favor and leave me alone.” Celestia just rolled her eyes off her sister behavior, she had forgotten how her sister can act like a child sometimes. Celestia wonder sometimes how they can be related. Luna then notice a chef preparing food, so she decided to head over there and get some breakfast. The sisters didn’t talk much the rest of the trip, they were more focus on the funeral. Spike on the other hand was standing in the main hall with Rilda on his left side and Drake on his right, he had to great the other royals who was invited to the funeral and it was something he really didn’t want to. Spike had never been to a funeral before and the first one was to his own mother, he just want to go back to his room hide there but that was something his mother would never allow, he need to be strong for her and the kingdom. Spike as looking down on the floor, not noticing that someone was entering the castle. “Prince Spike.” That was Rilda who spoke, she as standing beside him, and it brought Spike back to the real world. “Queen Umbra of the Crystal kingdom has arrived.” Spike look in the direction of the door and saw a female pony with grey fur and black hair that was moving, walking towards him and she had at last teen guards with her. Spike could swear he had seen her somewhere before, but where? That was the question. She stop in front of him and bowed. “It’s an honor to meet you prince Spike and I wish it was under better circumstances.” She said while standing up. Spike just stared at her which made her little uncomfortable, then he remember. “I remember you, you were at the grand galloping gala three years ago, I saw you from Twilight’s balcony.” The entire room was quiet, no one knew how to respond to that. Then Umbra spoke. “Yyyes, I was that the gala three years ago and it was pretty boring.” She then crossed her arms. “I still don’t understand how Celestia can make them so boring.” The guards couldn’t believe what she just said, Rilda was just giggling while Drake just shook his head. “Anyway, we are glad you are her queen Umbra. We have prepared a room for but your guards have to live without guards, one our guards will show your room.” Said Drake. Umbra nodded her head. “That’s great.” She look over at guard that was standing beside her, it was a black mare in armor. “This is sergeant Emerald and she is charge of mine guards.” Emerald just saluted. While Spike was greeting guest, a very annoyed Raldrin was standing by the river which flows through Wiacaster, she had to wait for sea ponies who was swimming to the funeral. “I can’t believe I have to wait for her.” She mumble to herself. the guards that was with her didn’t dare to say anything, Raldrin could be scary at times. Raldrin then notice movement in the water, the sea ponies had arrived. “Look alive dragons, queen Nithia is here.” The guard stood ready. Raldrin watch as the sea ponies emerge from the river, the first one she could see was Clialla, captain of the guards. Then the queen herself, Nithia. She had a dark blue fur with gold hair/tail, then came her daughter, princess Sannan. Then some guards. Raldrin then notice that the princess was unhappy, Raldrin guessed that the princess didn’t want to be here. Then the queen spoke up. “Raldrin, it’s been too long. How have you been?” Nithia asked with a smile on her face. Raldrin just gave her a blank look. “I can see you haven’t change since we last meet.” She said in her normal tone. Nithia just tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Why would I change?” Raldrin just rolled her eyes. “Never mind, I’m here to escort you and your guards to the castle. Let’s move it.” Nithia just nodded her head as she, her daughter and guards followed Raldrin and the dragon guards. Once Raldrin and the others arrived at the castle, Nithia and Sannan could for the first time see what Spike look like. Spike was a green and purple dragon and he was at least eighteen years old, it couldn’t have been easy to lose your mother that young. Sannan also thought that Spike was kind of cut, but she would never admit it. Back at Celestia and Luna’s train, they had finally arrived at the train station and once they step off the train, they could see Tombias there. “Princess Celestia, princess Luna. I would like to welcome you both to Wiacaster.” He said with smile and his arms was spread out. Celestia bowed. “It’s a pleasure to see you again Tombias.” She got up. “Are we the first one to arrive?” She asked him Tombias shook his head. “No, king Kuro arrived around half an hour ago. Queen Umbra arrived after him and I’m pretty sure queen Nithia has arrived.” He watch as the guards took the luggage of the train. “You have to move your train, the zebras are probably coming soon.” Celestia nodded and gave instructions to the train conductor to park the train with the others, he would make sure it was done. After the sea ponies had great Spike, Celestia and Luna arrived and that was two faces Spike wanted to see. Once Spike saw the sister he ran over to them and gave them a hug, he didn’t care if that was the right thing to do, he just wanted to do it, the sisters gladly return Spike’s hugs. Once Celestia and Luna had left, Spike had to wait a little long for the zebras to come. Once they arrived Spike could see them for the first time, they weren’t so frightening as Kuro. The king look kind of like Zecora but the color was different, he was a mix of black and red, the queen was gold? Spike didn’t expect to see that. Spike then notice that they had a soon who had black fur with white stripes but the one who caught his eyes was the zebra that was walking behind them, he kind of look like Zecora, Spike had to ask about that later. Night had arrived in the dragon kingdom and Celestia was walking through the halls of the castle, she was heading to Spike’s room, she wanted to see how he was doing. Once she arrived at Spike’s room, she could see two guards standing guard. “I would like to talk to prince Spike, is he at his room?” Celestia asked the guards. Both guards look at each other, they were a little nervous. “Yes, but he didn’t want to be disturbed.” Said one of the guards. Celestia understand why Spike wanted to be left alone. “That is understandable, but right now I think he need a friend to talk to and I’m the closest he has as to a friend.” What Celestia said made sense, he needed a friend so the guards let her in. Celestia knock on the door before she open it. The first thing Celestia saw in Spike’s room was darkness and she heard crying, which had to be Spike. She walked in and closed the door. “Spike?” He didn’t answer, he just cried. Celestia used her magic to bring light into his room and saw Spike sitting in a corner of his room, he had his legs up to his chest, he arms was wrapped around his legs and he was crying. “Spike, was wrong?” Celestia asked as she walk up to him and sat down. To Celestia surprised, Spike wrapped his arms around her and cried into her arm. “I miss my mom, I miss her so much.” Celestia couldn’t help but feel bad for him, he knew his mother for three weeks and then she was taken from him and it was way too early. Celestia let him cry, long into the night when he finally fell asleep. > Chapter 25: The Funeral part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was sleeping peacefully in his bed when the sun shined through his window and right into his face, the prince didn’t like it so he turned around. Spike tried to go back to sleep but it felt like someone was breathing on him, Spike open his eyes and look right at Celestia, she was sleep on her side. The sight of the sun princess scared Spike a little, he sat up and was about to wake Celesta up but then he notices something, she was sucking her thumb. Spike just started at Celestia, lying in his bed sucking her thumb, what should he do? Should he wake her or let her sleep? Should he tell Celestia that she is sucking her thumb in her sleep? Spike had no idea. Celestia then started to move which means she was waking up, she then open her eyes. “Morning Spike.” She then sat up and let out yawn while stretching her upper body. “I guess I feel asleep in your bed, I hope you don’t mind.” Spike didn’t mind, he wasn’t sure what to say and Celestia saw that. “Spike, is there something wrong?” She asked him. Celestia scared Spike a little. “No, no. Well… there is one thing.” Should he say it? “Did you know that you were sucking your thumb, while you were sleeping?” He did. Celestia’s eyes widen and her face became red from top to bottom, she then buried her face in her hands with embarrassment. “Oh no, I can’t believe I still do that.” She then let out a groan. “I did it when I was a kid and it stuck with me.” Celestia removed her hands to look at Spike. “Please don’t tell Luna, she would tease me for the rest of my life if she found out.” Spike gave her an assuring smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” Maybe not now, maybe later. Celestia was glad to hear it. “Good.” She then deiced to ask about yesterday. “Are you feeling any better?” She hope he was. Spike look down on the bed. “Not really, I just miss her so much which is weird, I barely knew her.” Spike then felt a hand on his shoulder, Celestia was smiling. “There is nothing wrong with that, you knew her for three weeks and that’s more than enough and beside, you will be king in a few days.” Spike couldn’t help but groan when he heard that he would be king soon. “You had to mention the whole king thing, I wasn’t even think about that.” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle. “Thank by the way, for being there when I need some comfort.” Celestia smiled again. “You are more than welcome Spike. Well,” She then got out of the bed. “I better get back to my room. I need to change my clothes.” She look down on her dress. “The funeral isn’t until tomorrow and I’m not wearing this dress today.” Celestia was about to walk to the door when someone knocked. “Prince Spike?” It was Rilda. “Are you up yet, is it safe for me to come in?” Spike look at Celestia with a nervous gaze, the sun princess just nodded. “Yes, you can come in.” The door open and Rilda walk in. “I really hope you haven’t sleep in your clothes again, I’m getting tired of…” She stopped talking when she saw Celestia, she didn’t expect to see her in Spike’s room. “Oh, princess Celestia, what a pleasant surprised. What are you doing in prince Spike room?” She asked the sun princess. Celestia decide to tell the truth. “Spike just needed some comfort yesterday and then I ended up sleeping in the same bed with him, I was just about to leave.” She then walk past Rilda and exit the room. Rilda just started at the door and then at Spike, she couldn’t help but wonder what really happened. “Nothing happened yesterday, I just missed my mom and Celestia stayed to comfort me.” Spike in somewhat sad tone, Rilda decided to trust him. “If you say so.” She then walk over to his dresser. “Why don’t you take a shower, it’s almost time for breakfast and if you remember, you have invited the others rulers to breakfast.” Spike remember that he did that yesterday and then his stomach made some noise, he was hungry. In another part of the cast was Nithia as she had just left her own room and was heading to her daughter’s room, which was right beside hers. Nithia approached the two guard that was standing by the door. “Is my daughter still in her room?” She asked the guards. The two guards saluted. “Yes my queen, she hasn’t left her room yet.” Said one of the guards. Nithia nodded her head as she knock on the door. “Sannan, are you up yet?” Her daughter didn’t answer her. “Prince Spike has invited us to breakfast and I don’t want to disappoint him.” Still no answer. “Are there Sannan?” The queen the heard movement. “I don’t want to eat breakfast with you so go away.” Nithia was shocked that her daughter said that. “Excuse me? You don’t want to eat breakfast with me?” She was a little hurt. “You open this door right now.” Back to silence. “Sannan?” The queen tried to open the door but it was lock. “I said open this door.” Nithia then heard a door open and closed. “Are you ignoring me by hiding in the bathroom?” No answer and the queen had enough. “You will open this door right now or I break it down.” She said with some force in her voice. The two guards wanted to say something but they didn’t want to anger their queen even more. “You are terrible mother.” The three sea pony look in the direction of the voice and standing not far from them was queen Nishi with her arms crossed and she had a disappointing look on her face, she didn’t like how Nithia was acting. Two guards was standing behind her. Queen Nithia just gave Nishi a blank look. “Oh great, it’s you.” She said with some anger in her voice. “What do you want?” Nithia asked her fellow queen. “I was on my way to the dining room to eat breakfast when I heard you yelling at your daughter, you can’t talk to her like that.” For some reason, Nithia just got a little more angry. “She is my daughter and I can talk to her the way I want.” Nishi couldn’t believe what she just heard. “Are you even listing yourself right now? ‘She is my daughter and I can talk to her the way I want?’ I would never say that to my son and you shouldn’t talk about your daughter that way.” Nishi walk over to Nithia so they were face to face. “If we weren’t allies, I would smack you in the face. You doesn’t deserve to be a mother.” She then walk off and her guards followed her giving Nithia an angry look. Nithia was speechless, no one had ever talk to her the way Nishi had, she didn’t know how to feel. She was angry they way Nishi talk to her, she was also a little sad because she was right, she was a terrible mother. “Is she right? Am I a terrible mother?” She asked her two guards who gave each other a worried look, they didn’t know if they should answer her or not. Nithia could be scary when she was angry. Then one of the guards dared to speak. “My queen, I would say you are a terrible mother but you can’t talk to the princess they way you did. It’s not right.” The other guards eyes widen he couldn’t believe what his fellow guard said what he said. The queen look at the guard who spoke. “What’s your name?” She asked him. “it’s Kirri you majesty.” Said the yellow sea pony guard, he hope he wasn’t in trouble. To their surprised, Nithia smiled. “You like to say what’s on your mind, don’t you?” Kirri nodded his head. “I like that.” She then look at her daughter door. “I’m going to get some breakfast but I will return with some food for my daughter, can you two tell her that I want to talk to her, if she want to.” Both guard told her that they would, the Nithia walk off to get some food. Spike arrived at the dining hall and saw that only two had arrived, Luna and Umbra, they were sitting on each side of the table, near where Spike would sit. They were eating and talking at the same time. Both of them looking in Spike’s direction when they heard the door open. Luna was the first one to speak. “Hey, it’s prince Spike.” She said in a teasing tone, Spike just gave her an annoying look. So did Rilda, who was standing behind the prince. “All joke to the side, why did my sister enter her room this morning with the clothes she had on her yesterday?” Luna asked Spike. “She sleep in the same bed as me,” He look down on the ground. “I was crying and she stay with me the night to comfort me.” Luna and Umbra didn’t expect to hear that, but they were glad that Spike told them. Luna felt bad for teasing him. Spike went over and sat down by the end of the table, where his mother or father would sit, it didn’t feel right. While Spike was eating, the rest of the royals arrived. They didn’t talk that much, they were think about the funeral which was tomorrow. Later that day. Spike was sitting on a bench in the garden behind the castle, he told Rilda he wanted to be alone for a while. Rilda respected his whish but he had to have a guard that could watch him from afar, Spike didn’t mind that as long as the guard didn’t bother him. Spike just watch the flowers that was in the garden, he did this sometimes when he lived in Ponyville, just be lost in his own thoughts. Then a new voce spoke. “I can see that you don’t want to be here either.” The new voice scared Spike a little, he was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice someone walk up to him. Spike look to his left and saw Nithia’s daughter standing not far from him, he had forgotten her name. “Is okay for me to sit beside you?” She asked Spike who just nodded his head. “Thanks.” She sat down beside him on the bench. “I needed to get out of the castle and away from my mom.” She then frowned. “I REALLY don’t want to be here, I hate the surface.” Spike had managed to read about the sea ponies, the live underwater, not far from Manehattana and they usually trade with the ponies there. Other than that, he knew nothing about them only that they don’t interact much with ponies on the surface. Spike then notice her mother walking towards them. “Speak of the devil.” “Sannan, can we talk?” The queen asked once she reached them. “You never gave me an answer." Sannan didn’t look at her mother. “That’s because I don’t want to talk to.” She said with some anger in her voice. “Sannan, I REALLY want to talk to you, just the two off use.” Nithia really hope that her daughter listen to her. Sannan let out annoying groan, she knew that her mother wouldn’t leave her alone until she talk to her. “Fine,” She got up. “let’s go to my room and talk.” They both left leaving Spike alone and he couldn’t help but be jealous of Sannan, she may have a rocky relationship with her mother, but she as alive, that was something. Then Spike remember that his mother funeral was tomorrow and he didn’t want to say anything, it wasn’t because he wanted to, he didn’t know what to say. Spike just sat at the bench until the night arrived, he then headed inside to get some sleep. Then the day arrived, queen Garnet funeral. The funeral was held at the local graveyard and almost the whole town was there to pay there respect to their fallen queen, Spike thought it was nice. The coffin was carried by six of the dragon knight, the only one who didn’t carried it was Pethayrth. They offer Pethayrth to carried the coffin but she said no, she couldn’t save the queen so she saw her self not worthy to carry it. All those who were there was dressed in black, like they should. Once the coffin was lowered into the hole, the priest said some words, that the queen would find peace in the afterlife. Then it was time for the other to say something, Drake was up first. The leader of the Dragon knights said that he had know the queen since they were children and that she also had a kind heart when she was young, she was a kind queen. The other royals said the same as Drake, mostly the same. It was almost time for tossing the dirt on the coffin but before that, Spike and the other had to tosse roses on the coffin. After the roses, Spike threw some dirt and said his last goodbye to his mother. He couldn’t hold back the tears. Lucky for him, Celestia was there to comfort him. > Chapter 26: King Spike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was sitting on chair in a corner in one of the room in the dragon castle, looking down on the floor. It was another dining room. It was after the funeral and the kitchen staff had prepare a feast for Celestia and the others royals, Spike didn’t understand why, they had just buried his mother. Spike look over the room and saw the other talking to each other, some of them was even laughing, he couldn’t understand what was so funny. Spike look down on the floor again, he just wanted this day to end. Spike didn’t even notice Amber walking towards him. “Hey Spike.” The dragon prince almost jump out of his own skin. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Spike managed to give her a smile. “You scared me a little but don’t worry, I’m not made or anything.” I was really hard for him to smile at moment. Amber smiled to. “I’m glad to hear that.” Then her face became sad. “I’m sorry about your mother.” Spike look down on the floor again, he knew that Amber was trying to be nice. “I know how you fell, I have also lost my mother.” Spike look up at her, he was shocked to hear that. “I’m sorry to hear that.” He told her, Amber just smiled. “How long ago?” He would understand if she didn’t want to answer him, he did ask a personal question. “About two years ago.” Ambre then look over to her father who was talking to some dragons, they look wealthy, probably rich dragons. “After my mother died, my father change. He only focused on work and ignores me.” Spike felt bad for Anber, it can’t be easy having a father that ignores her. Spike was about to ask her what her father did, but he didn’t get the change. “Spike.” That voice was Celestia’s and she didn’t sound happy, Amber and Spike saw her and Luna walking towards them, Celestia didn’t look happy. “Why did you do it?” She asked him as the sister stop by him, Spike had no idea what she was talking about. “Why did you tell Luna that I do what I did?” Spike was still clueless. “You know what I am talking about.” She said while showing him her thumb. Now Spike understood. “I didn’t tell her, I swear.” He hope she believe him. “Don’t lie to me Spike.” She didn’t believe Spike. Luna, who was watching, decided to speak. “Would you calm down Tia, Spike didn’t tell me that you sucked on your thumb. I figured it out myself.” Celestia could be so dense sometimes. Celestia look at her sister. “What are you talking about?” She was clueless. Luna couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Really? Don’t you remember when we were young?” Celestia had no odea what her sister was talking about. “Dear Faust, you are so dense.” Luna decided to explain it. “When we were young we used to have a lot of sleepovers and you used to suck your thumb every time we sleep in the same room, but when you sleep in your own bed alone, you didn’t suck your thumb. When you told me you spend the night in Spike’s room, I but two and two together.” Celestia’s face was now red as a tomato, she couldn’t believe she had forgotten that. Celestia then buried her face into her hands in shame, she felt so stupid. She removed them and looked at Spike. “I am so sorry Spike, I had forget what I did as a child.” She then bowed. “I am truly sorry.” She then stood up. “If you all will excuse me, I’m going to find something to drink and get drunk.” Before Spike could say anything, Celestia left. Luna could help but smile as her big sister left. “That sister of my.” She then look over at the two young dragons. “So, what are you two talking about?” She was curious. “We were just talking about how we both have lost out mothers.” Amber told Luna. Luna placed a hand over mouth in shock when she heard that. “I didn’t know you had lost your mother Amber, I’m sorry to hear that.” She really hope that she hadn’t upset her. Amber just smiled. “You don’t have to apologize princess Luna, my mother wouldn’t me to be sad.” That’s one way to look at it. While Spike, Amber and Luna talk, Celestia had found a bottle of wind and she wanted to drink it all. She was busy drinking when a voice spoke up. “What are you doing?” Celestia look to her left and saw Drake standing by her with a confused look on his face. Celestia stop drinking. “What does it look like? I’m trying to get drunk.” That confused Drake even more. “Okay…? Why are you trying to get drunk?” He was curious. Celestia let out a sighed. “I just want to forget something.” She went back to the bottle, she took a large sip. “And drink will solve that?” Drake asked Celestia who just shrugged her shoulders. “If that help. Anyway, we need to talk so can you stop drink for two minutes?” Celestia did that. Drake had trouble find the words for this conversation. “This is not easy to say, so I’m just going to say it right out, I think…” Celestia knew what he was going to say so she interrupted him. “You want to break up, right?” Drake wasn’t confused anymore, he was now in shock that Celestia knew. “You pick a strange day to talk about it, you know that, right?” She had a point. Drake stretched his arms out to the side. “Who know when we would get a change to do it, we leave too far apart and we barely see each other. That’s the part why I want to break up, I don’t think this will work.” Celestia couldn’t help but wonder who it took them 3 years before they realized this, this relationship does not work. “I hope you’re not angry.” Celestia just smiled and gave Drake a small kiss on the cheek. “No, I’m not angry and I think this break up is a good idea.” Drake was relieved. “That’s good to hear. Now I just have to tell my mother, she hope that we could make grandchildren.” Celestia couldn’t help but question that last part Drake. “Doesn’t she already have grandchildren’s?” Rilda should have two. Drake’s arms fell down and he rolled his eyes. “Two isn’t enough for my mother, she once told me she wanted twenty.” He then shuddered. “Sometimes I don’t know what goes through her head.” His face then became white. “I’m not looking forward to telling her that we break up.” Celestia was glad that she wants the one who had to do it, she had meet Drake’s mother once, she was scary. Back in Ponyville, the ponies there had no idea what was happening in Wiacaster and that Spike was almost king. There was one pony who wonder what was happening with Spike and that was Twilight, she has wonder that ever since she arrived back home from her trip to Wiacaster. The purple unicorn was currently lying on her sofa and looking up at the celling, she couldn’t help but wonder what Spike was doing right now. Twilight let out a sad sighed, she wished she had never went to Wiacaster to bring Spike back home, he wasn’t hers and he could do whatever he wanted. Twilight let out a yawn and was about to fall asleep when she heard a crash outside. “I guess Derpy is here with the mail.” She got up and walk over to the door. Twilight open the door and saw a grey pegasus with her head first in one of the bushes in front of the library, the rest of her body stuck out of the bush. Twilight wonder how Derpy is still alive, it was a mystery, like Pinkie. “Are you okay Derpy?” She asked the pegasus. “Yeah, I had worse crashes than this.” Somehow, Twilight believe her. She then help Derpy out of the bush. “Thanks Twilight.” Said Derpy as she sat on the ground and rub her head. “Don’t mention it.” Derpy just look up at Twilight with a smile, her eyes was still weird. “I’m guessing you’re here because you have mail for me, right?” Twilight asked the mail mare. “Right.” Derpy started to look through here postbag and she found Twilight’s letter. “It’s from Canterlot.” She handed the envelop to Twilight who took it. There was only two ponies who could send Twilight a letter that was from Canterlot, her mother and princess Celestia. Twilight look at the envelop but she didn’t recognize the hand writing, it was not from her mother or the princess. “Well, I have more letters to deliver, see you around Twilight.” Derpy got up and flew off, in zigzag. Twilight didn’t pay much attention to Derpy, she as more focus on the envelop, just who send it? She flip the envelop and saw that something was written on the back of it, ‘Twilight, open this only with your friends.’ No name, Twilight was now very curious. Twilight lock the door to the library and ran towards Sugarcube corner, she hope that all her friends was there. Twilight was in luck as she walk through the door to Sugarcube corner, all her friends was sitting by a table. AJ and Dash was having an arm wrestling competition, which wasn’t unusual. Rarity and Fluttershy was talking with each other and Pinkie was doing her own thing, eating cake. Rarity was the first one to notice her fellow unicorn. “Twilight, dear, why don’t you…” The words died in her mouth when she saw that Twilight was sweating and breathing heavily. “Twilight did you run here?” Rarity asked her as the purple unicorn walk over to their table. Twilight tried to calm down a little. “Yes, I got a letter that wrote that I had to read with you girls, so I ran here.” She said while sitting down. As Twilight sat down, AJ won the arm wrestling competition, knocking Dash down on the floor. “Then read it, don’t hold us in suspense.” Said AJ while Dash got up, glaring daggers at her friend for beating her, AJ just ignored her. Twilight nodded, she opened the envelop and started to read the letter that was inside; Dear Twilight and friends, I was told to write a letter to you when it had been four days. Princess Celestia and princess Luna are now in Wiacaster for queen Garnet funeral.” Everyone of them gasped when they heard that, they couldn’t help but wonder how she died. Twilight continued to read. “According to the letter princess Celestia got from sir Drake, she was murdered by an assassin who injected her with poison. If you are wondering who is responsible, they believe that is Spike’s uncle Joserth. They don’t have any proof that it was him, but that something he would do.” There was more but Twilight didn’t want to read anymore, she actually started to cry. The other couldn’t hold back their tears, even Dash and AJ shared some tears. The Fluttershy said something. “If the queen is dead, does that mean that Spike is now king?” Fluttershy was right, Spike was now king of the dragon empire. Nothing major happened for the rest of the day, but then two days later, it was time. Spike was standing in his room, he was looking into the mirror that was hanging on the wall and there was a stranger looking back at him. Spike was wearing a pair of black boots with white pants, on his upper body he was wearing a black jacket with some red with a belt buckle around his waist, the only thing was missing was a crown. Yes, it was the day Spike would become king of the dragon kingdom, a duty his parents had before him and now it was his turn. Spike let out a heavy sighed, he REALLY didn’t want to do this but he had to, if he didn’t then his uncle would be king and that’s something Spike didn’t want to happened. Spike tried to straighten is jacket when there was someone who knock on the door. “Come in.” Said Spike. The door open and Celestia walk in, she was wearing a beautiful white dress. “Hello Spike, I wanted to check up on you.” She then saw Spike’s outfit. “Look at you, you look like king.” She said as she walk over to him, she then notice that he uncomfortable. “Is something wrong?” She asked him. Spike turned around to face her. “Yes, everything is wrong. This is wrong…” He said while pointing as himself. “I shouldn’t be king, I don’t think I should be king, at all. I hardly knew my mother, I don’t know my father but here I am, to be the next king, something I’m not prepared for, at all.” He let out a heavy sighed as he look down on the floor. “I just want to wake up from this nightmare.” Then some tears feel on the floor. Celestia placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know how you feel Spike, I felt the same way when I became princess and I would love to say to that it get’s better over time but that would be a lie. All you have to do is rule your way, that’s all you can do.” Somehow, Spike felt a little better. “Now, let’s going, your coronations awaits.” Spike couldn’t help but groan as Celestia pushed him out of the room. Spike sat on his father chair in the throne room and like last time, it was uncomfortable. The first thing he would after he was king and that’s getting a new, he wanted a comfortable chair. Spike look around the room and saw that all the royal was there, some of the most important dragons was also here, the rich one, Spike hated those. Then the orchestra to play and in walk Drake with Spike’s crown in his arms, the young dragons mind went blank when he saw the crown, it was really happening. When Spike came back to the real world, he felt something on his head, it had happened. Then he heard Drake. “I give you all, king Spike.” In a house in another part of Wiacaster stood Joserth, looking out of the window, watching the sun go down. Then someone knock on the door. “Come in.” Said Joserth. In walk a male dragon. “It’s official my lord, your nephew is now king.” That made Joserth smiled. “Good, you can leave now.” The dragon bowed and walked out, closing the door. “Soon, the throne will be mine.” He said with a evil smile. > Chapter 27: The Royal Ball part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike walk into his room, he walk over to his bed and fell face first, his crown fell of his head, he was dead tired. For the past 30 days has been like hell for Spike, to be the ruler for an entire kingdom was not easy, it was exhausting. He had to sign paper, listen to others because they needed something for him, mostly rich assholes. Spike managed to help some, there was a male dragon who had lost his home to the bank because he had lost his job and he couldn’t pay the rent, so Spike managed to get him a new job at the local post office, it wasn’t glamorous job but the dragon was grateful, it felt good to help others. Spike then remember what happened on his second day as king. Spike was sitting on his bed, he was waiting for Drake, Diner, Raldrin and captain Mideos to arrive. The four dragons wanted to talk to him so Spike told them to meet him at his room, it didn’t take long before they knock on the door and entered. What they told him was that Fredi wasn’t the spy but someone had made it so, it was Joserth work but they didn’t have any proof. Then there was the whole lying part, Spike had to act that he didn’t knew anything and the was something he didn’t like, he hate lying to others, he could thank AJ for that. Then Drake showed Spike a room that was deep in the castle, they called the crystal room and inside was a giant purple crystal. Drake told Spike that the crystal could cast a giant barrier around the city, protecting it from those who want to invade and it was royal who could active the crystal. Spike didn’t believe him that only royal could activate the crystal, he was proven wrong when he touch it, the crystal glowed when he did. Spike hoped that he never had to used it. And the next 30 days was very boring. Spike let out a tired sighed. “I don’t envy my parents.” He then let out a big yawn. “I need some sleep.” Then someone knock on the door which made him groan in frustration. “King Spike,” It was Rilda. “are you in your room?” King Spike, that was something he wasn’t used to yet, Spike wasn’t sure if he ever would get used to being king. He then heard Rilda open the door. “Why are you lying on your bed?” She asked him as she walk in. “You try being a king for a month, then you know why I’m lying on my bed.” Then turned around so he was lying on his back. “Was there something you wanted? Considering you just walk into my room.” She said with some annoyance in his voice. “Yes. I understand that being a king can be tiring,” She had no idea. “but for the next two weeks you can relax a little, it’s time for the royal ball.” Spike sat up. “The royal what now….?” “The royal ball, it’s an event that’s held once a year in this castle and it’s in two weeks.” Spike blinked few time before speaking. “Oh yeah, I remember Celestia talking about the royal ball a few time, I think she went to it a few time to.” Rilda nodded her head. “That’s right. And here’s the best part for you, you can decide who gets invited and you can also decide the decoration.” Spike like that. “and here,” She handed him a piece of paper that was on a clipboard she had. “this is the guest list. Chose who you want to invited.” Spike happily took the paper and started to read it, he recognize most of the names, but there was one he couldn’t believe was on it. “You got to be kidding me, why is he on the list?” He said with some venom in his voice. Rilda wasn’t sure what was wrong. “Is there something wrong my king?” She asked him, which in responded he gave her a look that said, ‘don’t call me king.’ “Right, I meant Spike.” Spike wanted Rilda to call him by his name when they were alone, she usually forget it. Back to the list. “Yes, there is something wrong. Why is Blueblood on this list?” Spike was a little angry right now. Rilda on the other hand, was a little confused. “I don’t see why not, he’s a prince.” Spike couldn’t help but snort. “He isn’t a prince, he’s a lord who think he’s a prince, there’s nothing royal about him. He’s not invited.” Rilda took out a pen and wrote something on the clipboard. “Alright, I have crossed him of the list. Is there someone you want to invited?” Spike just gave her a smile, he knew who he wanted to invited to the royal ball. > Chapter 28: The Royal Ball part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a new day in Wiacaster and Rilda was walking towards the local post office, she had some letters to deliver. Well, Rilda wasn’t the one to do it, Spike wanted a mail dragon to do it and lucky for him, Rilda’s husband work at the post office, he was the dragon in charge. Rilda had arrived at Wiacaster post office. Once inside, Rilda saw her husband Alress working behind the counter, sorting letters. He had his back to her, so he didn’t notice his wife enter. Rilda walk over to the counter and knock on it to get his attention. Alress stop what he was doing to turn around, he was happy to see Rilda. “Well, this is a surprised. What does my beautiful wife doing here?” He asked with a smile on his face. “I would love to give you a kiss but I’m kind of busy right now, there are so many letters I have to sort out.” He told her looking at the letters in his hand. “That’s okay. I was hoping to borrow one of your mail carriers.” Said Rilda. Alress stop what he was doing to look at his wife with some confusion .”Okay… do you need to send some letters?” Rilda held up twelve letters. “Yes, they are from our king, and I was hoping to use someone you trust.” Alress was in shock, he would never believe that king Spike would send letters by using the post office. “Why use the post office? I heard that the former king and queen used magic fire to send letters.” Rilda nodded her head. “That is true but the king didn’t want to, he said and I quote; ‘sending these letters by using the post office is the right way’.” It sound a little dumb, but she wasn’t about to question king Spike’s order, even how dumb it sounds. “Also, these letters I have with me is for his friends in Equestria, it’s for the royal ball.” They could send them by magic fire, but Spike didn’t want to do. It took a few seconds before Alress spoke. “I guess that makes sense? So, he want to use one of my mail carriers?” “Well, he didn’t know of this place until I told him that you work here.” Rilda told her husband. Alress blink a few times. “Alright then.” He look at a door. “AZEOS, GET YOU LAZY BUTT IN HERE, NOW.” He shouted. It didn’t took long before Rilda her movement in another room, then the door open and in walk a dark blue dragon, with light blue scales, he was wearing a post office outfit. The dragon saluted. “My wife have some letters for you to deliver that’s from king Spike, so you better do your job properly.” Said Alress while pointing at his wife. “Azeos is one of my best mail carrier, he will get the letters to their destination.” Alress went back to whatever he was doing before Rilda walk in. Azros walk over to Rilda and stood in front of her. “Mail carrier Azros, at your service.” He said while saluting. Rilda wasn’t sure how to respond. “He takes his job very seriously.” Azros told his wife while sorting letters. Rilda managed to find her voice. “Right. I have twelve letters that need to be delivered in Equestria, five to Canterlot and the rest to Ponyville, it’s for the royal ball.” Rilda handed Azros the letters and he look them over. “Okay, two is for the castle, which should be easy, and I can find the others.” He then notice the last letter. “What the…? The Everfree forest? The king want me to deliver a letter to the Everfree forest? Why?” He wasn’t too happy that he had to travel into one of the most dangerous forest on the planet. “One of the king’s friends live there.” Rilda told him. Azros REALLY didn’t want to travel into the Everfree forest, he had heard some nasty stories about that place, and I could not understand how someone could live there. “Alright, if I change into giant form, I should be in Cantrlot in a few hours.” He had to do it, it was his job. That made Rilda smile. “Great, here’s the money.” The maid placed a bag of coins on the counter. She said goodbye to her husband and left. Azros just started at the door. “I guess I should get going.” He headed to the back to get ready. Azros flew towards Canterlot as a giant dragon, he was on a mission and that was to deliver the letters from king Spike. Working for the post office might not be the most glorious job on the world but Azros took his job very seriously. After some more flying, Azros could finally see the city of Canterlot so he change back to normal dragon, he didn’t want to scare the ponies there. He decided to land just outside the city, he then walk to the castle. Azros had arrived at the castle, and he couldn’t help but stare at it and the only thing he could think odd that it was very shine, why was it shiny? He like the castle in Wiacaster, it look old and normal but this? It actually hurt his eyes. Azros had to rub his eyes for staring at the castle to long, he then walk to the castle main door. Azros saw that the doors was closed and there was two guards standing guard, why was the doors closed? He wonder. The two guards pointed their spears at him, not a very warm welcome. “The castle is closed so you can go back to your own country dragon.” Said one of the guard. Azros wasn’t about to leave. “I’m here to deliver a letter to princess Celestia and princess Luna, so please open the doors.” He really hope they would listen. “I’m sorry, but by the order of prince Blueblood, the doors will be closed. Azros couldn’t help but question what he heard, when did this Blueblood get to be in charge? The dragon thought that the princesses was in charge. Azros was about to ask one more time when the doors open and out came Celestia, she was a little confused, that’s for sure. “Mind telling me why the doors to the castle is closed? They should be open.” She asked the two guards as she walk out. “Prince Blueblood told us to close them, he didn’t want anypony to disturb him while he was taking a nap.” Said the same guard that told Azrus that the doors was closed. Celestia shook her head in disappointment. “Why am I not surprised. Well, the doors stay open, and Blueblood don’t get to give order in this castle. Only me and my sister, got it?” She told the guards with a little anger in her eyes, they saluted and said ‘yes princess’ at the same time. “That’s good to hear.” Celestia said with a smile, she then notice the dragon. “Oh, hello. I’m guessing your from Wiacaster and by the looks of your clothes, I’m guessing you are here to deliver something. Right?” Azros stood up straight. “Yes. My name is Azros and I’m here to deliver at letter to you and your sister from king Spike.” He went for his bag that was hanging around his shoulder, he open it and took out an envelope which he handed it to Celestia. “Here you go.” Celestia gladly took the envelope. “Thank you.” She open it and read the letter, she then smiled when she saw the handwriting, it was from Spike and an invitation to the royal ball. She look at Azros. “I can deliver the envelope to my sister for you, if you want.” “No, it’s my duty to deliver them and I take my job very seriously.” He said in a determine voice. Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Very well, my sister is having some lunch at the moment, let me show you the way to our dining room.” Celestia started to walk and Azros followed her. Luna was sitting in the dining room, eating her breakfast while reading the newspaper and she couldn’t understand why she do eat here. The night princess want’s to eat her breakfast in her room like a normal pony but no, her sister insisted she had to eat in the dining room. Luna loved her sister but sometimes she could be a pain in her butt. Luna was about to take a sip from her glass of milk when the door open, scaring her in the progress and spiling milk on her sweater. “Son of a bitch.” She said while taking some paper to wipe the milk off. “This better be important sister.” Luna said with some anger in her voice. “How did you know it was me?” Said Celestia with some curiosity in her voice. “Call it a hunch. Now, what do you want?” She look over at her sister which she saw a mail dragon standing with her. “What the hell do you want?” She asked the dragon. Azros walk over to the night princess and handed her the envelope. “A letter from king Spike.” He told. Luna took the envelope and placed it on the table. “I’ll read it later. Now, leave and let me eat in peace.” She went back to her food. Azros said nothing, he had a job to do so he left. Celestia decide to scold her sister. “That wasn’t very nice.” At the moment, Luna didn’t care. “Whatever. Let me eat in peace.” She told her sister as she took a bite of her food. Celestia just shook her head at her sister behavior and left. After Azros left the castle, he had to ask the ponies in Canterlot, considering he had no idea where Twilight Velvet lived and one thing was for sure, he didn’t like the ponies in Canterlot. Every pony he talk to just left with their nose up in the air, it was like he wasn’t worthy to talk to them, the dragon just want to punch them. Then Azros ran into a unicorn stallion and his wife who happily showed him where Twilight Velvet lived, he was glad that were at least one helpful soul in Canterlot. Azros landed in front of Velvet’s home and it didn’t look that fancy like the rest of the houses in the city, he just hope that they were friendly then most of the ponies in this city. He walk to the door and knock. “One moment.” The voice was female which means it had to be Velvet. The door open and out step a female unicorn with grey fur, she was wearing a sweater with apron. Velvet became a little wary when she saw Azros. “Can I help you?” She asked him. “Twilight Velvet?” She nodded her head. “I have a letter to you from king Spike.” He handed her an envelope, which she took. “I also have a letter for Night Light and Shining Armor.” “My husband and son is out right now, but I can hand them the letters when they come back.” She told him while looking at the envelope. Azros wanted to deliver the letters to them in person but he had to go to Ponyville and get home before it got dark. “Very well.” He handed Velvet two more envelopes. “Make sure they get them.” Velvet just gave him an assuring smile, Azros then left. “A letter from Spike, I wonder what he wants.” She told herself as she went back inside. Azros had one stop before he could return home and that was Ponyville, there was also a letter to a Zecora who lived in the Everfree forest. Who in their right mind want to live in the Everfree? The most dangerous place in Equestria, one can wonder. When Azros saw that there was a farm near Everfree, which he assumed was Sweet apples acres, he decide to deliver the letter to Applejack and then ask for direction to Zecora. The dragon landed in front of the door to the main house, he walk to the door and knock, it didn’t take long before the door open and out came a orange mare with a cowboy hat on her head. The mare became a little nervous when she saw the dragon. “Can I help you?” She asked the dragon. “Applejack?” She nodded her head. “I have a letter to from king Spike.” He took the envelopes from his bag and handed it to Applejack. Applejack was a little hesitated. “Just what is it that Spike want?” “it’s an invitation to the royal ball, it’s held once a year, I don’t know what it says in the letter, I’m just here to deliver.” Azros told Applejack. AJ wasn’t sure why she didn’t trust this dragon, Spike wouldn’t do her any harm, she happily took the envelopes. “Great. You don’t happen to know where Zecora is living?” He asked her. “I have a letter to her to.” Applejack didn’t expect to hear that. “Spike has invited Zecora?” Azros just nodded. “I didn’t think they were that closed.” She placed the envelope inside her jacket, she could read it later. “Sure, I can show you where she lives. Follow me.” She closed the door and started to walk towards the Everfree, Azros followed her. Zecora had just gathered the ingredients and when she return home, she was surprised to see a dragon mail carrier and Applejack waiting for her. She was even more surprised to get an invitation to a ball from Spike, she wasn’t sure if she even wanted to go but lucky, she had a week to answer. Once Azros left the forest with Applejack, he headed to Ponyville to deliver the last letters. King Spike’s friends was weird, that was Azros thought when he meet them. Fluttershy became scared when she open the door and saw Azros, she slammed the door in his face and didn’t want to open the door, she was afraid of dragons, which hurt him. Azros couldn’t understand why she was afraid of him, she didn’t know him and she couldn’t know if he was dangerous or not, he just left the letter in her mailbox. Rainbow Dash didn’t care about the letter, she just wanted to race a dragon. Azros wasn’t there to race, he had a job to do. Dash look like she was insulted, she took the letter and flew off, cursing. Azros just shook his head. Rarity was pretty normal, the only thing issue Azros had with her was that she wanted to make him a new mail suit. Azros had to say no, the one he was wearing was stander and his boss would probably fire him if he got a new one, or she made some changes to the one he was wearing. Then there was Pinkie which was probably the most crazies ponies he had ever meet, she wouldn’t shut up. She keep talking about throwing him a party because he delivered a letter to her, a ‘thank you for delivering a letter party,’ which Azros thought was pointless. He just pointed at the wall and said that something was there, Pinkie look with a smile which gave Azros the change to leave the letter and leave, he just wanted to get away from this pony. Azros landed in front of his last addressee, Golden Oka library, home of Twilight Sparkle. Azros hope that she as normal, unlike some of the others. The dragon thought about knocking on the door but this is a library after all, he just walk in the front door. The first thing Azros saw was books which made sense, it’s a library after all. “Anyone home?” She had to be home, considering the door was unlock, Azros wanted to be sure. Then a female voice spoke up. “One moment.” It didn’t take long before Azros heard footsteps and in walk a purple unicorn, who was a little surprised to see a dragon in the library, who happened to be a mail dragon. “Can I help you?” She asked the dragon. “I have a letter for Twilight Sparkle.” Azros found the envelope and presented it to Twilight. “it’s from king Spike.” Twilight mind started to panic when she heard it was from Spike, why would he send her a letter? Was it to lure her to Wiacaster so he could punished her for what he did? No, that’s just stupide. Maybe it was one of the Dragon knights that wanted revenge for what she did? Maybe he just wanted to be nice She didn’t know and she didn’t want to find out. “I don’t want it, you can take it back and tell Spike that I appreciate generosity.” She told the dragon as she took a few steps back. Azros had no idea what Twilight meant and he didn’t care, he was here to do a job. “I don’t know what you have against our king and I really don’t care, I’m here to deliver a letter to you and your friends, it’s an invitation to the royal ball in two weeks. If you are going or not is not, that's my concern.” He placed the envelope on the table and left, he closed the door. Twilight just started at the letter, an invitation to the royal ball? Did she even want to go? She didn’t know. > Chapter 29: The Royal Ball part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you mean you’re not going?” It’s been a day since Twilight and her friends got their invitation to the royal ball and all have accepted the invitation, expect Twilight and Fluttershy. Ever since she got the envelope she just sat on her couch and look at it, lying on the table, she hasn’t open it. All Twilight could think off was that she didn’t deserve to go, not after what she did and said about Spike. “Yes Rarity, I said I’m not going to the ball.” Said Twilight who was sitting on a chair by the table in Rarity’s kitchen, she was staring at the cup of tea that was in front of her on the table. “Why is that so hard to believe.” She said while looking up at her friend. Rarity was sitting on the other side of the table with a cup of tea on her hand, she still couldn’t believe what she heard. “I heard what you said Twilight but I still have trouble understating why.” Twilight told her the reason which Rarity thought was just stupid. Twilight started to rub her forehead. “Have you forgotten what I did a month ago?” “Yes, I remember.” She took a sip from her tea. “You traveled to Wiacaster to take Spike home, lucky princess Celestia managed to talk some sense into you.” She placed the cup on the table. “I still can’t believe you did that.” Twilight gave her friend an annoying stare. “I know already, you have mention it for a month now. It’s not funny anymore.” Rarity just smiled. Twilight decide to change the topic. “What about Fluttershy? Do you think you can convince her?” Rarity just shook her head. “No and to honest, I’m not sure if I can. I know she wants to go but traveling to a land where dragons rules, that is going to be hard for her. Even if it’s for Spike.” Twilight knew what Rarity meant, Fluttershy have been afraid of dragons for long time. They thought she would get over her fear after incident on the mountain. “But there’s still six days left until we have to answer.” Rarity look into Twilight’s eyes. “I really hope you will go, for Spike.” Twilight really wanted to go. “Spike isn’t the only problem. Princess Celestia and my parents is probably invited and I really don’t want to face them, they were very angry at me, especially my mother.” She slammed her head on the table. “She can be very scary when she angry.” A chill went through Twilight’s spine. “Aren’t you overreacting a little? I have meet your mother and she look like anormal pony to me.” “She act calm around ponies, it’s just an act.” Rarity couldn’t help but roll her eyes, she still think that Twilight is overreacting. “Anyway.” Twilight lifted her head of the table. “I better head home, I have some think to do.” She stood up. “Thanks for the tea and I will see you later.” She then headed for the door. “Take care Twilight and I hope you accepted Spike’s invitation.” Twilight waved goodbye as she disappeared out the door. Rarity just stared at the door with a somber look, she hope that her friend would go. “Now,” She stood up. “I just have to try and convince Fluttershy to go.” That wouldn’t be easy. It was two days before the royal ball and four ponies was standing by Ponyville train station, they were waiting for their train to take them to Wiacaster and a certain pink pony couldn’t stay still. The pink pony was jumping up and down with a big smile on her face and it starting to annoy her friends. “Pinkie, would you please stop jumping up and down, it’s starting to get very bothersome.” Said Rarity to her friend. It didn’t help, she kept hopping. “I can’t help myself, were going to a party and we can see Spike again.” Rarity just shook her head. “It’s like the Grand Galloping gala all over again.” She really didn’t hope that would happened, that was one night she wanted to forget. Then the impatient one decided to ask a question. “Where is Twilight and Applejack? If we miss the train because of those two…” Said Dash who was sitting on one of her suitcase, she had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot. “Twilight left yesterday and I have no idea where Applejack is or what she is doing.” Said Rarity. Then Fluttershy spoke up. “Twilight left yesterday day? Why.” She asked Rarity. “She said she wasn’t ready to face her family or princess Celestia so decided to take the train yesterday, she should be arriving in Wiacaster at any time now.” Rarity told her friend. And right one cue, a train stop at Wiacaster train station and a very tired purple unicorn step off the train. “I think I will never get used to this train ride, 22 hours is a long time on a train.” She rubbed her eyes with both hands. “Even with bed.” She grabbed her luggage. “I wonder who is going to meet me here.” She said to herself. Twilight was about to start walking when a female voice spoke up. “Well, well. What do we have here?” Twilight actually froze. “Twilight Sparkle, the pony who tried to kidnap prince Spike, who is now king.” Twilight slowly moved her head in the direction of the voice and standing not far from her was Raldrin, she had a big smile on her face. “You know, I didn’t believe that you would arrived three days earlier than the others, I guess I was wrong.” She then walk over to Twilight and look directly into her eyes. “Are you going to try and kidnap king Spike this time?” She asked the unicorn who just shook her head, she had no intension do that. “Good.” She step back a little. “Now, if you will follow me and I will lead you to the hotel where you will be staying.” She turned around and started to walk, Twilight followed her. While Twilight had to deal with Raldrin, her friends had to wait for the train and Applejack. When Applejack arrived, all of them was surprised that a unicorn stallion with grey fur, red mane/tail who was walking beside her. Even Zecora was curious. When they both stop by the girls, Rarity decided to ask a question. “Applejack, why are Abyssal Shield with you?” I you all are wondering who Abyssal Shield, he is one of the guards that keep the peace in Ponyville. “If you really want to know Rarity, he’s my date for the royal ball.” Eight eyes widen, they didn’t know that Applejack was dating somepony. “Why do you all look so surprised? On the invitation it said that we were allowed to bring a date and he’s my.” All of her friends was still in shock, until Dash spoke. “Wait, how long have you two been dating?” They didn’t know. “Around two months.” Said Applejack. “And why haven’t you told us?” Dash asked a good question. “I didn’t tell you because of her.” Said Applejack while pointing at Rarity. “The last thing I needed was her to make a big deal of it and tell the entire town, like she always does.” Rarity had a reputation for spreading gossip. Rarity placed a hand on her chest. “I would never do that.” Her friends gave her a look that said that they didn’t believe her. “Alright, you don’t have to look at me like that. I might gossip from time to time, but I would never do that to a friend and you all know that.” She had a point. “Whether you had said anything or not, me and Abyssal agree to not tell anyone, not until we were ready.” Abyssal nodded in agreement. Every one of her friend was in shock, not that Applejack didn’t said anything to them. No, they were in shock that she had managed to keep it a secret for two months. Zecora was also in shock which was a little difficult to tell, conserding she had a hood on her head. Then Rarity spoke. “Well, I have to say that I’m a little hurt that you didn’t tell us, but I’m more impressed that you managed to hide it for us for two months. You usually have a hard time holding a secret.” That was right. Applejack just shrugged her shoulders. “There’s a loot you don’t know about me, I can keep secrets if I want to.” Her friends was speechless. “Can we drop that I have a date to the ball and focus on more important things, like that.” AJ pointed at the luggage’s behind Rarity, which was a least two meter high. “Do you really need all that stuff Rarity?” Applejack asked her. Even Abyssal thought it was overkill. Rarity look over her luggage. “Of course I do, a lady need her clothes and makeup.” Applejack slap a hand on her face, she couldn’t believe Rarity said that. “We are going to be there a week, you don’t need that much luggage for that and beside, there’s no way the princesses are going to let you bring that much luggage.” As soon Applejack said those words, they all heard a train whistle, Celestia and Luna’s personal train was arriving. When the train stop at the station, Luna step off to greet them. “Twilight Sparkle friends, please board the train so we can departure, we have a long train ride.” She then notice two meter high luggage mountain. “Who does this belong to?” She asked while pointing at the luggage. “That would be me.” Said Rarity. “I’m sorry miss Bell but you have to leave some it behind, we don’t have room for all that luggage.” He told Rarity who was devastated. “Told you.” Said Applejack with a smug look on her face as she walk past her friend. Abyssal wasn’t entire sure what just happened, he hasn’t meet Applejack’s friends before so he wasn’t sure what to believe. He eventually followed Applejack on the train. Luna didn’t notice the other's enter the cart, she was too busy with Rarity’s luggage. “You can’t be serious princess Luna, I need all my luggage.” Rarity really didn’t want to get ride of some of her luggage. Luna walk over to her with a serious look on her face which made Rarity back up in fear. “We are only going to be gone a week and you don’t need all that luggage, either you get rid of some of it or you’re not coming at all. That’s final.” Rarity could see that was no way she could win this. “Fine, I will get ride of some my luggage.” She said in a defeated tone. “Just give me a minute.” Rarity walk over to her luggage and managed to find two suitcases, one with some clothes and one with some personal stuff, she teleported the rest back to her house. She then entered the cart with Luna right behind her, then the train was on its way to Wiacaster. > Chapter 30: The Royal Ball part 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia and Luna’s private train was still on its way to Wiacaster and the royal ball. It was early morning and most of the ponies on the train was still in their beds, sleeping. In one of the room was Rainbow Dash and she was sleeping in her bed, but then a pink pony rose from the floor ready to prank her friend. Pinkie decided to try and poke Dash’s nose, the rainbow color pegasus just moved her nose a little and turned around, which upset Pinkie. Then Pinkie got an idea, she took out a signal horn from her mane and placed it near Dash, Pinkie then put a finger in her ear and pressed the button so it made a loud sound that scared Dash so much that she flew up into the roof and hit her head. As soon as Dash landed on the ground with hard thumb, Pinkie started to roll on the floor laughing like a mad pony. “WHAT THE HELL PINKIE, ARE YOU TRYING TO SCARE ME TO DEATH?” Dash asked screaming. It didn’t help, Pinkie was still laughing. “How did I end up sharing a room with you?” She asked while rubbing her aching head. Pinkie managed to control herself. “It’s your own fault, you’re the one who had to threaten Applejack’s date.” Dash now remember. Flashback Yesterday, a 1 hour into the train ride. Applejack was talking with Rarity and Fluttershy while Pinkie was off doing her own thing. Abyssal was sitting by one of the windows, looking out as they passed by the landscape. Then Dash sat down on the other side of the table, she then study him. Abyssal look at her. “Is there something I can help you with?” He asked her. She look at him for a few second before she started to talk. “So, you and Applejack. For how long?” Abyssal raised an eyebrow. “Why do you ask?” He couldn’t feel like he was interrogated. “Just answer the question.” Dash started to get a little impatient. Abyssal felt like had to answer so he decided to do it. “If you really want to know, I meet Applejack two month ago. A pony tried to steal some apples from and I stop him, after that we talk and that we started to date. End of story.” Dash then got up and placed both hands on the table. She then leaned forward. “Listen pal, AJ is my friend and if I find out that you broke her heart, I will brake both of your legs.” Dash said in her most threatening voice she could managed. Abyssal wasn’t sure what he heard. “Did you just threaten me?” Dash just keep looking at him with a threating look. “You know that I’m guard, right?” Dash just smiled. “And I’m the element of honestly and you can’t arrest me because your not working right now.” Dash loved to see that Abyssal’s eyes widen, she was right. Then a new voice spoke. “Maybe he can’t arrest you, but I can.” Dash frozen when she heard that, she look behind her and saw that one of Luna’s guards stop up from the seat behind them, it was Shadow, captain for the Lunar guard. Shadow walk over to Dash’s and stood before her. “He might not be working now but I am and I have no problem arresting you.” She said while crossing her arms, she also didn’t look happy. Dash stood up to look tough, it didn’t work. “And where are you going to put me? The baggage cart?” Shadow smiled. “Not a bad idea, I can place you there for the rest of the trip and when we reach Wiacaster, I can place you in one of the cells at the castle.” Shadow then grabbed Dash’s arm. “Let’s go.” Before they could leave. Then Applejack notice what was going on with Dash, so she got up and walk towards them. “What’s going on?” Applejack asked them as she approached them. Shadow spoke up. “Your friend Rainbow Dash just threatened Abyssal and I’m arresting her.” Applejack gave her friend a disbelief look. “Seriously Dash? Why do you always do this? Why do you have to meddle in our life? You did it with Flutterhy and now you’re doing it with my life, why?” Dash open her mouth to speak but AJ cut her off by holding up a hand. “You know what? I don’t want to know. Go ahead, arrest her, I don’t care.” Shadow was about to drag Dash away. “Oh come on, I was just looking out for you, we don’t know if Abyssal is going to break your heart or not.” I sounded like Dash was begging which was weird, she never beg. Applejack had enough so she slap Dash in the face. “I don’t need your protection, I can look out for myself.” As much as AJ wanted to see Dash get arrested, maybe it was a little to harsh. “Captain Shadow, do you really have to arrested her?” She asked the bat pony. Shadow thought for a second. “No, not really. Do you have another way we can punished her? She did threated a guard.” Applejack had an idea and her evil smiled made Dash worried. “Pinkie.” Then out of nowhere. “Yes?” The pink pony appeared, scaring Shadow. “what the hell…? Where did you come from?” Shadow asked the pink pony. Pinkie just pointed where Rarity and Fluttershy sat. “From over there?” Shadow had no idea what just happened while Dash knew what Applejack had in mind. End of Flashback “Right.” Dash then stood up. “I guess this is my fault.” She was about to get some clothes when someone knock on the door. “What in all that is holly are you two doing in there?” It was Luna. “Nothing princess Luna, it’s just Pinkie being Pinkie.” Dash told her. There was a moment of silence. “Well, stop that and get some breakfast. We well be arriving at Wiacaster train station in 90 minutes.” She then left. Dash and Pinkie decided to get some breakfast. After all had eaten, they headed to their room to pack. Once the train arrived at Wiacaster all of them was marveled by the city, it was way bigger than Ponyville and Canterlot, it had to be bigger than both of them combine. Then they saw a dragon silver dragon walking towards them. “Princess Celestia, princess Luna. Welcome to Wiacaster.” Said the dragon while bowing. “You don’t have to do that Tomias.” Celestia told the dragon. Tombias stood up. “If you say so.” He said with a smile on his face. Celestia then turned to the rest. “Twilight friends and family, this Tomias and he’s a dragon knight.” Everyone waved at him. Well, almost everyone. Dash was her usual self. Not impressed. “I’m guessing you are here to escort us to the hotel?” Tombias nodded. “That I am, if you all…” He stop talking when he saw Fluttershy hiding behind Rarity. “Have I done something wrong?” He asked them. Celestia had no idea what he was talking about, but then she saw the problem. “For pet’s sake, he’s not dangerous Fluttershy. You can’t judge a dragon by his looks, if you want back to Ponyville I’m happy to teleport you there.” Now Fluttershy was even more afraid. Rarity had to do something. “I will talk to her.” She told Celestia. Rarity then leaded Fluttershy away from the others, she then told the scared pegasus something, which they didn’t hear and when they came back Fluttershy didn’t look that afraid anymore. The shy pegasus walk over to Tomias. “I’m sorry that I hided from you or insulted you, I’m afraid of dragons.” She said in her usual timid voice. Tomias nodded in understanding. “I can understand being afraid, but you shouldn’t judge all dragons, not all of us are scary.” Fluttershy knew that he was right, but it wasn’t easy. “Now, if you all will follow me.” He then started to walk towards the castle and the ponies followed him. > Chapter 31: The Royal Ball part 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As ponies, one zebra and a dragon, walked through the city of Wiacaster, Twilight’s parents and friends couldn’t help but marvel at what they saw. There were ponies, dragons, griffons and even some changelings walking in the street. They were talking to each other, laughing with each other, some of the look like they were in love with each other. This was something they never had seen in Equestria. Then Rarity spoke. “I’m amazed by how many species that lives here.” Tomias, who was walking in front, smiled. “We welcome everyone to this city, it doesn’t matter who you are, everyone can live here.” He then look over at Celestia. “I’m surprised that Equestria doesn’t welcome other species.” He said with a smile. Celestia was just annoyed. “Were working on it.” Tomias just smiled. They finally arrived at the hotel, Antiquity. “Alright, this is the hotel you will be staying and I will back tomorrow to escort you all to the castle.” Said Tomias as he gestured to the hotel with his hand. Everyone nodded their head while Rarity was in shock, she didn’t expect this. “What do you mean we have to stay in a hotel? I thought we were staying in the castle.” Tomias had no idea what she was talking about. “It stood in our invitation that we were staying in the castle. It look like Tomias had some explain to do. “Yes, you are staying in the castle but that’s after the ball. No one is staying in the castle before the ball, it’s always been like that.” Tomias told her. Before Rarity could protest, Applejack spoke up. “Did you read the invitation at all?” She asked Rarity who look a little unsure. “That was what I thought so I brought my invitation.” She went to her pocket in her jacket and took out her invitation, she then gave it to Rarity. “Read it.” The unicorn took it and read it, after she had read the paper, she just gave it back to Applejack and headed into the hotel in silence. “That was I thought.” AJ then walk in after her, the rest followed her. Velvet and the two princesses and their guards didn’t go in right away. “Tomias, did my daughter arrived yesterday?” Velvet asked the dragon. Tomias blink a few times before answering. “That she did, she probably in her room.” Velvet thanked him and headed inside. Then Tomias spoke. “Well, I have to head back to the castle, I will return tomorrow to escort you all to ball.” He then bowed and started to walk. Celestia decided to head inside while Luna couldn’t help but stare at Tomias butt as hew walk off, Celestia notice that. “For fuck sake Luna, you know you’re not his type.” Luna let out a sad sighed. “I know and it’s sad, he’s one handsome dragon.” Luna then walk through the doors to the hotel, he guards followed her. Celestia just rolled her eyes of her sister behavior and followed her, with guards. Once inside the ponies got their keys to their rooms, they had to share a room and they didn’t mind. Pinkie and Dash, Rarity and Shy, Applejack had to share a room with Twilight. Shining and Abyssal decided to share a room. Twilight’s parents shared a room so did the sisters. Zecora got a room for herself. Applejack was walking towards Twilight’s and she really hope that her friend would let her in, there wasn’t any more rooms for her, she hope that Twilight was in a good mood. “Wait a minute Applejack.” The farmer stop right in her track when Velvet spoke up. “I want to talk to my daughter first.” Said Velvet as she walk past Applejack who said nothing, she wasn’t about to stop the angry mother. Applejack watch as Velvet walk over to Twilight’s door. Velvet knock on the door. “Open up Twilight, I know you’re in there.” She didn’t get an answer. “The receptionist told me that you haven’t left your room today and I can wait all day.” She could but not Applejack. Velvet then heard movement. “What do you want?” Asked Twilight her mother from behind the door. Velvet could hear that her daughter was afraid. “I just want to talk, nothing more. I promise not to yell at you.” She didn’t have to wait long before the door open. “Thank you.” She said as she walk in. Velvet heard that Twilight closed the door, she walk over to the bed that was closed to the door and sat down. “What do you want to talk about?” Twilight asked her mother. Velvet crossed her arms. “I want to know why you didn’t take the train with us today, I get the feeling that you don’t want to see me or princess Celestia. Is that right?” Twilight just nodded her head. “Is it because of my last visit?” Twilight nodded her head again which made Velvet let out a sighed. “You only have yourself to blame for that, you wanted to kidnap Spike from his mother.” Twilight look down in shame so Velvet sat down beside her and rap an arm around her. “Look, I’m not mad at you, I’m just very disappointed at you. I did not raise you to go and kidnap others.” Twilight still look down. “I know and I regret what I did, I still don’t understand why Spike invited me to the royal ball.” She then pulled her leas up to her chest and hug them. “I don’t deserves it, he should hate me.” She then started to cry. Now Velvet felt bad for her daughter, she didn’t want Twilight to cry. “Twilight, I don’t think Spike hates you. If he did, he wouldn’t have invited you in the first place.” Then Twilight got up from the bed which scared her mother. “He should hate me, I treated him horrible for years and when I found out he had left on his own free will I decided to deny the whole thing.” She said while walking around the floor. “And then I decided to come here and bring him home against his will, I’m a horrible pony.” Twilight then broke down on the floor and started to cry again, so Velvet did the only thing she could, she went over to her daughter and gave her a hug. Velvet could only comfort her daughter. Applejack was just sitting on her luggage, reading a book she had brought with her, waiting. That was all she could do, wait. AJ wasn’t about to walk into the room and interrupt Twilight and her mother talking, she knew better than that. Applejack then heard the door open and out walk Velvet who had a sad face on her. “Is Twilight, ok?” Applejack asked the elderly mare. Velvet closed the door very carefully. “Twilight had a lot of emotion build up inside her and she just let them all out, she is currently sleeping and I appreciate if you don’t wake her.” AJ just gave her a nod which made her smile. “Thank you. I’m going to have a talk with princess Celestia, there is something she need to know.” Applejack just watch as Velvet walk off, she couldn’t help but wonder what they were going to talk about. Applejack got up. “Oh well, that’s not my concern.” She then grabbed her luggage and headed to her room, she open the door very carefully so she wouldn’t wake up Twilight. Later that day, Rarity decided to drag Fluttershy from their room and to the street of Wiacaster, the unicorn wanted to visit a clothing shop that she had read about in a magazine, the Crafty Cloak. The Crafty Cloak was one of the most famous clothing in the dragon kingdom and Rarity had always wanted to visit the store, and now she had the chance. “Can you slow down Rarity, it feels like your pulling my arm off.” Said the shy pegasus as was following her friend who was holding her hand and dragging her alone. Rarity didn’t listen to her friend, she just keep going until they arrived at the store. “Here we are, the Crafty Cloak. I have read about this store so many times and I always wanted to…” She stop talking when she saw a black dress in the window. “Oh my, look at this dress Fluttershy, it’s magnific.” She said while walking to the window. Fluttershy look at the dress and it didn’t look that special, she didn’t know what to say so she said what she thought Rarity would hear. “It’s nice?” “It’s more than nice, just look at the seaming on this dress, Zinnoa knew what shew was doing.” Fluttershy had no idea who this Zinnoa was. “Come on.” Rarity grabbed her friends hand and dragged her into the shop. Once the row mares was inside the shop, they saw many more dresses and other clothes. Rarity felt like she was in haven. “Look at all this, Zinnoa is a genius and was wired is that’s I’m not jealous.” Fluttershy was surprised to hear Rarity say that. Rarity walk over to the counter only to see that no one was there. “Hello?” She hope that Zinnoa was here. The two mares heard some noise from the backroom. “One moment. Why don’t you finish up this order and I will attend to the customer.” They then heard movement and out from the backroom walk a purple dragoness, she was wearing a white t-shirt with some jeans. “Welcome, my name is Zinnoa and this is my shop the Crafty Cloak.” The dragon then saw the ponies. “And I don’t know yow two which I am assuming that you’re not from this city, am I right?” Rarity was just smiling while Shy was hiding behind her friend. “Were from Ponyville and were here for the Royal ball.” When Rarity mention the Royal ball, that got Zinnoa’s attention. “That Royal ball you say, are you here to buy some dresses for the ball?” She asked the ponies. Rarity shook her head. “Oh no, I couldn’t afford the dresses here. I made the ones we are going to wear.” Zinnoa the smiled. “A fellow dressmaker, I’m guessing you made some beautiful dresses.” Rarity felt like heart was about to explode. “If you are going to the ball then you probably are going to see some of my work there. Also, what’s wrong with your friend?” Rarity was a little confused. “Why is she hiding behind you? I know I’m a dragon but I’m not that scary.” Zinnoa was a little hurt. Rarity look behind her and saw that Zinnoa was right, Fluttershy was hiding behind her. “For pet sake, would you stop being so afraid Fluttershy. Your embarrassing me and yourself. I thought you learn something when we meet Tomias.” Flutthersy couldn’t help but tremble in fear, she felt bad but she couldn’t help it. Then Zinnoa spoke up. “Don’t worry about it, I’m not offend. She is not the first one to hide in fear when they saw me, many ponies does that, mostly kids.” Rarity was glad to hear that but she was still a little embarrassed by Fluttershy, but she should have know that that the shy pegasus would get afraid, that one was on herself. “Anyway, how do you two know Tomias? He’s a Dragon knight.” “He escort us from the train station this morning, we were invited by king Spike.” Said Rarity with some pride in her voice. Zinnoa couldn’t help but be impressed when she heard that. “You were invited by the king himself? Your joking, right?” Rarity was about to tell Zinnoa about Spike when Fluttershy spoke up. “Your not going to tell her about Spike, are you?” She asked her friend. Rarity faced the pegasus. “Why not? I don’t see any harm in that.” Zinnoa knew what they were talking about. “If you are talking about that king Spike was in Equestria since before he was born, we already know about that, it was in the newspaper a while ago.” Both ponies didn’t expect to hear that. “Let’s forget about that and let’s back to the reason why you two are here.” Yes, the reason Rarity wanted to come to Zinnoa’s shop. The first reason was that she wanted to have Zinnoa’s autograph, which she got. The second reason was that Rarity wanted to get some advice to become a better dress maker, so they spend most of the day talking about that. Fluttershy just look at some clothes while they did that. Then they day had come, the Royal ball. Twilight and her friends was wearing the dresses that Rarity made for them at the Grand Galloping gala, they had only used them once so why not. The dress Rarity had made for Zecora was white with a golden belt, she also had some rings around her left arm and a golden tiara on her head. Twilight and Applejack were in their room getting ready, the unicorn was sitting on her bed putting on her shoe when she notice that Applejack placed her hat on the bed and that she didn’t have her hair in a ponytail. “Your not going to wear your hat?” Twilight asked her friend. AJ shook her head. “Nah, it would be inappropriate to wear it at the castle. But, if I find out somepony have touched my hat, I will break both of their legs.” AJ said some force that Twilight actually became afraid, she knew how much AJ’s hat meant to her. Once they were dress, they headed for the lobby with their luggage. Once Twilight and AJ entered the lobby, they could see that they were the last one there. Celestia was wearing a yellow dress with suns on it and Luna was wearing a black dress with moons on it. Velvet was wearing a black dress while the stallions was wearing a black tuxedo. When Abyssal told how beautiful she was, she just blushed like crazy. Then Celestia spoke up. “Listen up everypony, I have something I want to say before Tomias arrives.” Everyone listen to her. “I want you all to be on your best behavior, the last thing I need is for you all to embarrass Equestria, that goes double for you six.” She said while looking at Twilight and her friends. “The Gala has two rooms, one is for the public and the other one is for the VIP and you need an invitation to get in there, which you have.” They did know that. “When you meet king Spike, I don’t want you to call him by any nick names you gave him while he was living in Ponyville, you will address him as king Spike. Is that understood?” Everypony nodded their heads. “Good. And one more thing,” She then look at Dash became very nervous by the look Celestia gave her. “if you think for one moment I have forgotten what you did when Drake and the others arrived in Ponyville, then you are wrong. You still owe Drake an apology and you are going to give him one. GOT IT?” Dash nodded her head like crazy. “Don’t let it be a bad apology be a bad one because I will make sure it’s a proper one.” Tomias arrived right after Celestia was done talking, all of them brought their luggage with them and then they were on their way to the castle. > Chapter 32: The Royal Ball part 6 (Redux) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and the others was standing in front of the dragon castle and they couldn’t help but marvel at it, it had to be twice the size of the castle in Canterlot. Even Dash was impressed and she has a big ego. Celestia and Luna wasn’t impressed, they had seen it before. As they walk up the stairs they couldn’t help but notice the guest that was walking with them, they didn’t look royal or important, they look like citizen. “What’s going on? I thought this was a private ball?” Dash asked Tomias. “No, everyone can enter the ball but they have to be invited by the king to enter the throne room.” Tomias look over to Dash. “Didn’t princess Celestia tell you that?” Dash could fell a pair of eyes drill into her neck, Celestia wasn’t happy. “Maybe?” Dash had to swallow that big lump she had in her throat. Once they arrived at the top of the stairs, all of the ponies saw that the gate was open and two guards was standing guard, Twilight became very nervous when she saw the two guards, it was same guards she attack when she tried to bring back Spike. Both guard saluted when they saw Tomias and the ponies, they keep an eye on Twilight to make sure she didn’t do anything this time. The unicorn just hide behind Applejack, the farmer was a little confused. Once they entered the castle they saw a dragon sitting on a chair near the door, he kind of look like Drake but he’s eyes were closed. “Tomias, I can see that you have arrived with the king guest.” He then look them over. “Why is almost everyone of them so nervous?” He asked them. Everyone was surprised, not the princess, they knew what Diner meant. “How did you know we are nervous?” Rarity asked the dragon. Before the dragon could answer, Tomias spoke up. “If you let me explain, Diner here can use magic to ‘see’ the heartbeat of every living thing.” The ponies was impressed. “I use magic because I’m blind, I have been blind all live life.” Now they felt bad and Diner ‘saw’ that. “I don’t need your sympathy, the only thing I want know is.” Diner then point at Pinkie. “What’s wrong with this one?” Everyone look at the party pony. “Why does your heartbeat sound like a bouncing ball? Every heartbeat should be normal but your is not, why not?” Every pony and dragon was now looking at Pinkie who was clueless. “Why are you all looking at me? I don’t know.” Diner eyes started to twitch. Rarity decided to say something to Diner. “Try and not think about too much darling, if you do you might go crazy. Just ask Twilight.” The purple unicorn blushed. “She’s right, just accept.” That wasn’t the answer Diner wanted. Celestia then decided to change the subject. “Diner, do you know where your brother is?” The blind dragon let out a sighed. “Yeah, is in the throne room with the king.” Celestia was happy to hear that. “Good.” She then grabbed Dash’s arm. “You still ow him an apology.” She then started to walk towards the throne room and Dash could only tag along. The others deiced to follow, they wanted to see Spike. Luna was the only one left with their luggage. The princess of the night look over at Tomias. “What about our guards? Do they have to protect us tonight or can they just relax?” She asked him. “That’s up to them. If you will excuse me, I have some patrolling to do.” He then bowed and walk off. Luna then turned to their guards. “If you all want to work tonight, I’m not going to stop you but it’s your choice. Just remember to have one of you to protect our luggage.” The guards look at each other, then Shadow spoke up. “We have talk about and we agree to just relax, there are enough guards in castle.” Luna nodded her head, that was fine with her. Luna decided to find her sister to try and stop her while their guards headed for another part of the castle with their luggage. Dash was led by Celestia through the hall of the castle and she was embarrassed, all the guards was looking at them. “Princess Celestia, is possible you can let go? I promises I won’t run away.” She said to the princess. Celestia didn’t listen. “After that stunt you did two months ago, not a change. Also, I heard from Twilight that you can be reckless at times so I’m not taking any chances.” Dash hate to admit but Celestia had a point, she could be reckless, a loot. “Where here.” Dash saw a giant door that open and standing on each side was the two dragons she saw around two months ago. On the left was a dragoness, she was blue and had yellow scales, the male was yellow with blue scales, she got in an argument with the male one. Now that had a closer look at them, they kind of look a like each other. Twins? Then Celestia spoke up. “Nallir, Zaldren, I can see that it’s you two who are guarding the throne this evening.” Nallir was wearing blue dress while Zaldren was wearing a tuxedo and a tie. Zaldren frowned. “Yes, we drew straws and we got two that was the shortest.” He then crossed his arms. “I swear, I think I’m cursed or something.” Nallir just rolled her eyes by her brother behavior. “Would you shut up with the straw already, it’s bad enough that you are wearing a tie with your tuxedo and not a bowtie.” She wonder how she could handle her brother whining for the last 200 years. Zaldren look at his sister with annoyance. “I have said it before and I will say it again, bowtie does not look good with a tuxedo, a bowtie is not cool.” Celestia had to do something or the twins would start fighting, she has seen it before and it’s not pretty. “Can one you tell me if Drake is in the throne room.” The siblings decided to stop fighting. “Yes, he’s standing bedside the king, so is Rilda.” Zaldren told her, Celestia thank him and walk in with Dash right behind her, she didn’t have a choice. “That pegasus look familiar.” Said Zaldren as he watch them walk in. Nallir was looking at some paper. “She should, it’s the same pegasus you argued with when we visited Ponyville two months ago. Rainbow Dash” That’s right, Zaldren almost hit that one. Once Dash entered the throne room she could see a bunch of royalty, she couldn’t see any decorations on the wall or celling, it look normal and she actually like it. She couldn’t help but wonder how Rarity would react, she hope she wouldn’t pass out. Spike was sitting on his throne and he was bored, he knew this ball would be tedious but all he has done was sit on his ass and great the guest. Spike knew how Celestia feel when she hosted the grand galloping gala. Spike couldn’t help but yawn a little and then he happened to look towards the entrance to the room and he wasn’t sure what he saw, it look like Celestia was holding Dash’s hand and they were walking towards him? No, they are walking towards Drake who was standing on spike’s left. Drake was a little confused, he saw Celestia walk in with Dash right behind her. The dragon knew why they were walking towards him but he couldn’t understand why it look like Celestia was on a mission. When Celestia and Dash was in front of Drake, the princess spoke. “Sir Drake, I think Rainbow Dash has something to say to you.” Celestia pulled Dash’s arm which made the Pegasus stand in front of Drake. “Say it.” Celestia demanded it. Dash had to rube her wrist from Celestia’s pulling her. “I know.” Dash took a deep breath, she didn’t like but she had to do it. “I’m sorry I tried to attack you two months ago.” Dash as actually relieved to say that. Drake was dumbstruck, he had no words for this. To him it look like Celestia forced Dash to say that but it didn’t, Dash said it by her own free will. “I appreciate you apologize rainbow Dash but I don’t accept it.” This time it was Dash’s time to be dumbstruck, even Celestia was lost for words. Spike was also lost for words and so was Rilda, who was standing on Spike’s right. Dash managed to find the words, in a way. “Why…? Why… why not? I attack you out of pure anger.” Drake nodded his head. “That you did but was mostly my fault, I could have handled the situation a little better, I might have acted wrong when I went to bring king Spike home to his mother so maybe I’m the one who should apologize.” He then bowed. “Rainbow Dash, I apologize for my behavior when we first meet.” Dash’s mouth almost fell to the floor, she had waited over a month to apologize to Drake and then she is the one who are getting an apologize, she didn’t expect this. There was one pony who was more shock the Dash and that was Celestia, was Drake right? Was it his fault? When she thinks about it, Drake did act a little out of character. He usually are calm and collected but not they day he came to Ponyville, maybe he didn’t want to fail queen Garnet’s order. Drake then got up and look at Celestia with disappointment. “And you.” Celestia actually froze. “Why did you drag Rainbow Dash here against her will, something tells me that she wanted to apologize to me.” Celestia didn’t know but she actually blushed. “Well, I wanted to make sure she did apologize the right way. I have heard from Twilight that Rainbow Dash can be brash at times.” Dash wasn’t about to argue with that, she was brash at time. Drake spoke again. “By doing that, everyone ells is looking at you.” Celestia look around and saw that Drake was right, they were look at her and she could see that they were judging her. Celestia felt like an idiot. “Is this what you want them to see you as a ruler that just commands the ponies of Equestria to do what you say?” Drake didn’t like to do this but he wasn’t too happy how Celestia had acted. Celestia really felt like an idiot now, this was not here. “Your right Drake.” To Dash surprised, Celestia bowed. “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, I shouldn’t have drag you her against your will.” Dash didn’t know what to think right now, she never thought that Celestia would apologize to her. “if you all will excuse me, I’m going to find the alcohol.” The princess of the sun just walk off to the nearest table. While Celestia decided to get drunk, her sister and the others had arrived. Then pinkie spoke. “So, this is a royal ball. I kind of like it.” Twilight and her friends look over at the party pony, they never thought she would say that, considering she love balloons and decorations. Pinkie saw that her friends gave her a look. “What? Is so wrong for me to like that is ‘normal’?” They weren’t sure what to say, Pinkie just rolled her eyes. “I’m going to find something to eat, I will say hello to Spike later.” She then walk over to nearest table. Twilight and the other was still in shock until Rarity spoke up. “Well, I didn’t see that coming.” None of them did. Then it was AJ’s turn. “I’m more surprised that you didn’t pass out when you saw this place.” She aid to Rarity. The fashion diva just frowned. “I might like a little more flare to this event but sometimes I like it simple.” AJ felt like her brain was to explode, this was too much for her. Then Velvet spoke up. “Would you two just stop whatever you are doing and let’s go and saw hello to Spike, can you all do that without bickering?” AJ and Rarity nodded their heads. So, they walk over to greet Spike. Luna deiced to find her sister and stop her for drink all the alcohol. While Twilight and the others said hello to Spike, Pinkie was busy with eating cake and it was good. It wasn’t as good as the Cake’s made, but it was eatable. While the party pony was eating, two female noble dragons was walking towards and they weren’t too happy of what they saw. Then one of them spoke. “Excuse me.” Pinkie stop eating to look at them, she was a little confused. “Just what are you doing?” The dragon asked the pink pony. Pinkie blink a few times, she had no idea why the dragon asked her that. “I’m eating cake?” Yes, she answered with a question. The dragoness just frowned. “I know you’re eating cake, what I want to know why are you here, in the throne room? Only those who get a special invitation are allowed to be here and I hardly believe that a pony like you are allowed to be here, which means you had too snuck in.” Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. “I didn’t snuck in, I went through the main door with my friends.” That just frustrated the dragoness even more. “Liar, no one like you could have been invited by the king, you have no manners.” The other female noble agree while Pinkie didn’t understand why she was scolded. Maybe if she tried to explain that she knew Spike they wouldn’t scold her, but before Pinkie could do that or the noble could scold her more… A new voice spoke up. “Is there a problem here?” Coming up behind Pinkie was… “Lady Raldrin, can you do us all a favor and throw this pony out of the throne room, there is no way she was invited by king Spike.” The dragoness said with disgust in her voice. Pinkie just rolled her eyes, she had enough of this dragon and decided to go and say hello to Spike. The pink pony just ate the rest of her cake and walk over to Spike. The dragoness didn’t like that. “Hey, were are you going?” Pinkie just ignored her. “Can’t you do something lady Raldrin?” The noble asked. “Even if I wanted to, I can’t. That’s Pinkie Pink and the king invited her and her friends from Ponyville, they are his friends when he lived there. They are his personal guest, VIP.” The two dragoness mouths feel open, they wanted to believe what they just heard. “THEY DID WHAT?” All three dragoness look over at Spike and he didn’t look happy, Pinkie must had told him what happened to him. They then watch as Rilda tried and calm Spike down, somehow it work but he gave them a look that he wasn’t happy with them. Raldrin was a little surprised of that, she thought that Spike would throw them out. “Well, that happened.” She look over to the noble dragons. “I suggest you two should watch what you say from now on, I don’t think the king would be as nice next time.” She then left leaving the two dragoness very confused. After Zecora had talk with Spike, she moved to the other hall to get something to eat. Zecora was sitting alone and watching others have fun, she couldn’t help but wonder why Spike invited her to the Royal ball. She wasn’t that special and she didn’t know Spike as much as Twilight and the others, Zecora felt like she didn’t belong here. There was one thing that Zecora like and that was to see other zebras, it reminded her of home, which she missed at times but there was one person she didn’t want to see. “Zecora?” A male voice made Zecora freeze up, she look at the direction of the voice and it was the one zebra she didn’t want to see, her father. “Is there something I can help you with Sanni?” Zecora asked with hatred in her voice. Sanni flinched. “Would you please call me dad or father, I am your father after all.” Zecora frowned. “Since when? Ever since mother died you stop being my father and became my master, you pushed me in potion making and it was the worst days of my life.” Sanni sat down on the other side of the table. “I did that so you would take over my position as potion maker at the castle, I wanted you to take over when I retired.” Zecora look at her father with hatred. “That was your dream but did you ever consider my dream?” Sinni wanted to answer but Zecora didn’t let him. “NO. All you cared about was your dream and not mine and that’s why I left, I decided to follow my dream and that’s was to travel to Equestria and help the ponies there, which have done many times. It’s was your dream to make me the next potion make at the castle, not mine.” Sanni knew that Zecora was right, it was his dream, not his. But there was a problem, he was to pride to admit it. Ever since Zecora’s mother died Sanni became to obsessed in training Zecora that he lost focus, he did regret it eventually. Then a new voice spoke up. “That’s not very nice thing to say to your father Zecora.” Both zebras was surprised that it was queen Nishi who spoke. Zecora wasn’t to happy that the queen decided to intervene. “No offence your highness, this does not concern you, this is a family matter and your not part of this family.” Zecora said with some force in her voice. “I think this concern me, I have know Sanni for year and I think him as family and you should not talk to your father like…” Zecora had enough. “WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP.” She shout as she got up and slammed both her hands on the table, taking Sanni and the queen of guard, they didn’t expect Zecora do that. “What the hell do you know about my father? Ever since my mother died he ignore me, he only did what he thought was best for me, he never stop and ask me what I wanted. I lost both my parents the day my mother died, I left because I couldn’t take it anymore.” She then look into Sanni’s eyes with hatred. “Your not my father, he died a long time ago.” Zecora then stormed out of the room leaving everyone in the room wondering one thing, what just happened. Sanni then got up and look at the queen. “What were you thinking? This was probably me best change to talk to my daughter and you had to ruined it, I know you want me and my daughter to make up but as she said, this doesn’t concern you and now she hates me even more.” Sanni let out a heavy sighed. “You know what? I quit, I don’t want to be the royal shaman anymore.” Before the queen could say anything, Sanni left. Other than the event with Zecora, her father and queen Nishi, the rest of the night went without a hitch, Twilight and the others talk with each other, with some of the other guests. Abyssal and Dash dance a little to the music that was playing, some of the dragon even ask the others to a dance. Everyone accepted a dance, except Fluttershy, she was to afraid. Luna managed to stop her sister for drink all the alcohol. The ball eventually ended so Spike’s guest went to their room in the castle to get some sleep, they could hang out with Spike the next day.