> A Sparkle's Little Dusk II: The Shining Path > by Mister E-Nonymous > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Royal Princess Summit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Sparkle's Little Dusk II: The Shining Path Prologue: The Royal Princess Summit The Mane 6, Spike, and Dusk arrived at the Crystal Empire. A lot of things have happened since the Canterlot Wedding. The Crystal Empire returned along with King Sombra, Discord has began reforming, the Crystal Empire got picked to host the Equestria Games, Trixie has been corrupted and saved from the Alicorn Amulet, and Twilight became Equestria's newest princess. It's been three months after Twilight's coronation. The Mane 6, Spike, and Dusk walked towards the Crystal Castle, now that his uncle and aunt are now leading. Twilight was invited there to her first Princess Summit. Dusk was walking along side Twilight and Spike. "Hoo-wee! Your very first princess summit," Applejack announced. "You must be over the moon, Twilight." "Oh, I am excited," Twilight said. "But, to be honest, I'm a little nervous, too." "You're 'nervicited'!" said Pinkie Pie. "It's like you wanna jump up and down and yell '"YAY ME!!'" Pinkie jumped up when she shouted. But then she rolled up in a ball. "But you also wanna curl up in a teeny-tiny ball and hide at the same time!" She then rubbed Twilight's head. "We've all been there!" "I'm there almost every day," Fluttershy said. "You've got no reason to fret, Twi," Applejack said. "Everything's gonna be just..." "TWILIGHT!" Rarity shouted, interrupting Applejack and getting into Twilight's face. She then inspected Twilight's head, saying, "Oh, sorry, darling, but I just realized you're not wearing your crown. You haven't forgotten it back in Ponyville, have you?" "It's in my bag," Twilight said, pointing a hoof at Spike and Dusk, who had Twilight's bag. "Just feel a little self-conscious about wearing it. Haven't really gotten accustomed to these yet, either." Twilight unfolded her new wings. She then started flapping her wings, but she wasn't used to flying, and fell onto the ground. "I'm so glad I wasn't reborn as a pegasus," said Dusk. "I don't think I would get the feeling of having extra limbs growing from my back." "Yeah, I know what you mean, Dusk," Twilight said. "You were once human. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask Princess Luna since she was the one who connected your mind and your human parents mind, but what exactly does a human look like?" "It's... hard to describe," said Dusk. "Every human is different shape, size, even color. Nothing candy colored. Like your fur." "You're lucky that you don't have to do royal duties," said Twilight. "You are a princess now, Twilight," said Rarity. "Embrace your royal status! I'm telling you, if I had a crown like that, I would never take it off. Why, I'd sleep in the thing." That made Twilight smile assuredly. The Mane 6, Spike, and Dusk arrived in the throne room of the Crystal Palace. Crystal Royal Guards were playing a fanfare. The Mane 6, Spike, and Dusk were walking towards the throne, where Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were standing in front of. Twilight was looking around her, not use to the royal fanfare for her personally. But she wasn't watching where she was going, and she bumped into... no one other than Flash Sentry, who became a royal guard thanks to his training. Twilight and Flash blushed. Flash recovered and said, "Her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle!" Twilight and Cadance walked towards each other and nuzzled each other. Cadance then said, "Twilight! I haven't seen you since the coronation!" "We have so much to discuss," Princess Celestia said. "But it can wait until tomorrow. You all look tired from your journey. Now, off to bed, all of you." The Mane 6, Spike, and Dusk exited the throne room, and headed off to their guest beds. Dusk was rubbing his eyes, but got a little sad. "Is there something the matter, Dusk Shine?" Princess Luna asked. "Nothing really," Dusk replied. "You are not being honest with yourself, Dusk Shine," said Princess Luna. "Please, tell me what's bothering you." Dusk then sighed and said, "I'm... I'm just a little worried. Now that Mom's a princess, what will that mean for me? Will I be seen as a royal, too? I... I don't know if I'll be ready for royal duties when I grow up." Princess Luna chuckled and said, "It is nothing to worry about, Dusk Shine. Especially of one your age. You should enjoy being young as you can." "I agree with my sister," said Princess Celestia. "You don't have to grow up. Just enjoy being young as you can." "I... I guess that makes sense," Dusk said. "But, I'm not too sure that I would be okay with wings sprouting from my sides. Mom isn't use to the wings. I don't think I'll be either." "Don't worry, Dusk Shine," said Princess Celestia. "The Alicorn title must be earned to those who are worthy, and are given a test that'll prove you are worthy of an alicorn. But, it's usually the females that become alicorns in this Equestria." "Well, at least I don't have to worry about it," said Dusk. "And if my mom isn't use to her wings. They keep unfolding every time she tries to go to sleep. I could hear her complaining every night ever since she got them." "It'll take time for her to get use to them," said Princess Celestia. "In the meantime, you shall get your rest. Your mother has to prepare for an important summit." "Of course, Princess," Dusk said. He then turned towards the door and followed the Mane 6, mostly his mom and Spike, to the room where they'll be staying. In the middle of the night, guards were patrolling the halls of the Crystal Palace. Although, there was one pony in a cloak, roaming the halls without any of the guards seeing her. She snuck past the guards, and eventually made it to the room where Twilight, Spike, and Dusk were sleeping in. Although, Dusk was not in his bed. The mare in the cloak walked over towards the bedside table, and tried taking the crown in her red (I know it was light blue in the movie, but it was red in the other times that she was a unicorn) magical aura, almost knocking over the lamp, but she caught it, without waking Twilight and Spike. She then placed it back onto the table, and replaced Twilight's Element of Harmony crown with one that was almost exactly like it. She was about to leave when the sound of a toilet flushing caught her attention. Dusk came out of the bathroom and saw the pony with Twilight's crown. He went wide eyed and shouted, "Hey! What are you doing?!" Dusk shouting made Twilight and Spike wake up, seeing the intruder. She put Twilight's crown into the saddlebags under her cloak. "My crown! She's got my crown!" Twilight shouted. Then the intruder ran out of the room, being chased by Twilight, Dusk, and Spike. As they were chasing the intruder, Twilight called out, "Stop! Thief! She's stolen my crown!" That made the others gasp and help Twilight chase after the intruder. Twilight then teleported in front of the intruder, calling out, "Stop!" The pony charged up her horn, and teleported out of the way, leaving her cloak, and ending up behind Twilight, revealing who she was. Then she started running away from the group. The Mane 6, Dusk, and Spike continued their chase to catch her. Twilight was close enough, so she jumped on the intruder and tackled her, taking them into one room. As they landed, Twilight's crown fell out of the intruder's saddlebags, and ricocheted off the walls, and headed towards the mirror in the room, and it went through the mirror like it was water. That made the Mane 6 gasp. "What did you do with my crown?" Twilight asked, angrily. "Sorry this had to be this way..." the intruder said before teleporting in front of the mirror. "...princess." She then ran into the mirror. Leaving the Mane 6 and Dusk shocked and jaw dropped. "Who was that?" Fluttershy asked. > Chapter 1: Journey Into Another Dimension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Journey Into Another Dimension The Mane 6, Spike, and Dusk went into the throne room where Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were all waiting. The other princesses were wondering what was going on. "And did you see what the intruder looked like?" Princess Celestia asked. "I didn't get a good look at her," said Twilight. "I did," Dusk said. "I was the one who spotted her stealing the crown. She was... light orange. Her mane was red and yellow. Which is also the color of the sun Cutie Mark on her flanks." "Orange? Red and yellow mane and sun Cutie Mark?" Celestia asked. She then sighed and said, "I know who she is. Sunset Shimmer. A former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown." Spike pulled out the counterfeit crown and said, "She replaced Twilight's with this one." Celestia inspected the crown and said, "I suppose Sunset Shimmer thought you wouldn't notice right away that this was not yours. And by the time you did, it would be too late to go after your crown and Element of Harmony." "But I don't understand," Twilight said. "Where did she go? Where did she take the crown?" You'll soon know more about this place than even I do," said Princess Celestia. The Princesses led the Mane 6, Dusk, and Spike back into the room where the mirror is located. "This is no ordinary mirror," Princess Luna explained. "It is a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens once every thirty moons." Pinkie Pie placed her hoof on the mirror, saying, "Sparkly!" Princess Luna used her magic to move Pinkie's hoof away from the mirror, saying, "It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. But when Princess Cadance took over the Crystal Empire, we sent it here for her to watch over." Princess Celestia sighed and said, "I had always hoped that Sunset Shimmer would someday use it to return, to come back to Equestria seeking my guidance. Obviously, this is not what has happened." "Spike," Dusk said. "Mind if I see that fake crown?" Spike then showed Dusk the crown. Dusk inspected it and said, "Hey, wait. There's a small plate on it. And it has writing on it. It says, 'Property of... Canterlot High School?'" "Canterlot?" Rarity asked. "High School?" Twilight asked. "What in Equestria is a High School?" "I know what a High School is," said Dusk. "It's... let's just say it's a type of school. Preschool is a beginning school for toddlers. Then they move on to Elementary Schools, there it's kindergarten to eighth grade. Then they move on to high school. Ninth to twelfth grade. And it's their choice if they want to go to college after they graduate high school." "How would you know about it?" Princess Celestia asked. "I saw it on TV," said Dusk. "It's a human thing." "Twilight, you must use the mirror to go into this other world and retrieve your crown," said Princess Cadance. "Without it, the other Elements of Harmony have no power and Equestria is left without one of its most important means of defense." "Your crown does not belong in the place Sunset Shimmer now calls home," said Princess Luna. "And in her possession, your Element of Harmony will no doubt be used to bring harm to the inhabitants of this other realm. They will not have the power to defend themselves." "You understand the importance of your task?" Princess Celestia asked. Twilight's friends were a little shocked at the task. But Twilight replied with, "Of course." "Good," Princess Celestia said. "Then you must go at once." That made Twilight sigh, and walked towards the mirror. But her path was blocked off by Rainbow Dash. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" said Rainbow Dash. "She's going, we're going with her." Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie went by her sides. From left to right it was Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and a squeeing Pinkie Pie. "Right, girls?" "Oooh! I'm so 'nervicited'!" Pinkie announced. "You do realize that's not a real word, right?" Applejack asked. That made Twilight smile, knowing that her friends are gonna back her up. But that smile vanished when Princess Celestia said, "I'm afraid I can't let you go." "What?! Why not?!" asked Rainbow Dash. "Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world, creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back from Sunset Shimmer," Princess Celestia explained. "This is something Princess Twilight must do alone." "Time is of the essence," said Princess Luna. She then used her magic to show them a moon. "On the third day, when the moon reaches its peak in the night sky, the gateway will close. And once it does, it will be another thirty moons before you will be able to use it to return." Twilight walked towards the mirror, and slowly put her hoof into the mirror, but she pulled it back quickly. Twilight's friends were encouraging her. She looked back at Princess Celestia, who nodded. Then Twilight started walking through the mirror. Twilight's friends were worried. Especially Spike and Dusk. So they started running towards the mirror. "SPIKE! DUSK! NO!!" shouted the rest of the Mane 6. But they went into the mirror. Having Twilight, Dusk, and Spike go spiraling through the portal, stretched out. Then, they blacked out. Twilight was coming to, somewhere she had no idea where she was. Twilight groaned and looked around. She also heard a voice she knew all too well. "Uh, Twilight?" "Huh? Spike! You're not supposed to..." Twilight said, before she got a good look at Spike. "Spike? Are you a... dog?" "I... think so," Spike said, getting a good look at himself. He then said, "But I have no idea what you are!" Then Twilight looked at her hooves, only to find lavender skinned hands. Then she screamed. What she didn't know was Dusk was right behind her. And he was waking up. Dusk looked around. "Where am I?" Dusk asked. He then saw Twilight and Spike. "Mom? Spike?" He then looked at his body and said, "Hey! I'm a human again!" "Wait! This is what a human looks like?" Twilight asked. "Yeah," said Dusk, "but this skin color is way off. It's more of a pinkish tannish skin tone." He then started getting on two legs, but he was a little off balance. "Guess it's gonna take time for me to get use to walking on two legs again." Twilight looked at Spike, who responded with, "Well, he did say that humans were bipeds like dragons. So, you're gonna have to walk on two legs, Twi." Twilight was a little nervous. She then tried standing on two legs, losing her balance like Dusk was. She wasn't use to walking on two legs. "Now you know how I felt when I was first trying to walk as a pony," Dusk said. "The balance of a pony and the balance of a human are entirely different. Just take it one step at a time." He then looked at the building and said, "This... must be Canterlot High School. And... I believe that you might as well fit in while your here. You look like a high school student." "Well, I hope that this school will accept me," said Twilight. "But, what do we have to expect in a school of humans?" "From my experience from TV, classes are a lot more harder," said Dusk. "Biology, Algebra, and even having to study a foreign language." "Wow," said Twilight. "Sounds tougher than the classes schoolhouse foals have to take. And what is this... TV you spoke of?" "It's a human thing," said Dusk. "I don't think we'll have time to see any television on how much time we have." "Good point," said Twilight, trying to keep her balance. "We have to... find... my crown.. and get... back... to Equestria. I don't... want to spend... the rest of my life... in a body like this." "Look on the bright side," Spike said. "You don't have those pesky wings to worry about anymore." Twilight looked at Spike angrily as they were climbing the steps to the school. The three of them then reached the door and Twilight tried using her magic to open the door. Too bad humans don't have magic, and she walked up and her face slammed onto the door. "My magic! It isn't working!" Twilight proclaimed. "Did I forget to mention that humans have no control of magic, nor horns or wings?" Dusk asked. "You couldn't have told me sooner?" Twilight asked. She then felt her forehead for her horn, but nothing was there. "No horn? Seriously?" "Let's just go in," said Spike, using a paw to push the door open. Then the three of them headed inside. Twilight, Spike, and Dusk headed over to a High School Trophy Case to see if there were any other artifacts stolen from Equestria, until Twilight saw her reflection in the glass. Then the school bell went off, and a bunch of humans were walking around. Twilight and Dusk had to crawl. Dusk saw the other students of the high school. Then he saw two humans that caught his eyes. "Whoa," said Dusk. "What is it, Dusk?" Twilight asked. "I think we're in another dimension, not another world," said Dusk. "What makes you say that?" Twilight asked. "Because I saw two humans with a high resemblance to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon," Dusk said. Twilight looked at the students and saw a bunch of humans that did represent ponies from Ponyville. "Freaky," said Twilight. Then they tried crawling out of the crowd, but Twilight got flipped over by and banging her head on an open locker door. "Whoa. You okay?" That voice surprised Twilight. She looked up and saw a human version of Flash Sentry. He offered Twilight his hand. Twilight was unsure of the gesture, so she decided to put her left hand into the human Flash's hand, and he helped her back onto her feet. He then saw Dusk and Spike. "Isn't he a little young to be going to this school?" human Flash asked. "Oh, uh... Yeah, sorry about that," Twilight said. "He's... kinda my responsibility while my... parents are away." She gave off a nervous grin. "Let me guess," said the human Flash. "The school he was supposed to go to wasn't taking in new students?" "You have no idea," said Twilight, trying to hide the fact that she was a pony. "Huh. Your little brother sure has a big resemblance to you, doesn't he?" the human Flash asked. "Oh, uh, yeah," Twilight said nervously. "Of course he's my little brother. Why else would he be with me if he wasn't my little brother." She then laughed nervously and said, "Say, I need to... check the place out. I'll... talk to you later. C'mon, Dusk." She then pulled Dusk and headed down the hall. Spike followed them. The human Flash was a little confused, but then he shrugged his shoulders, and then went back to looking in his locker. Meanwhile, Twilight was pulling Dusk while walking down the hall. Dusk then pulled his hand away from Twilight, then he used his other hand to rub it. "Sorry, Dusk," Twilight said. "But that was..." "Weird seeing the guy you're dating as a human?" Dusk asked. "Whaaaat?" Twilight asked, nervously. "Flash and I aren't... I mean that he and I aren't..." The smug looks on Dusk and Spike wasn't helping Twilight in her case. "Anyway, we need to focus on finding my crown before Sunset does whatever she wants to do with it." Twilight, Dusk, and Spike walked all over the school to see more human versions of ponies from Ponyville. Cheerilee teaching one class, DJ Pon-3, Photo Finish, even the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "I have to use the restroom," Dusk said. "Okay, Dusk," Twilight said. Dusk went into the boys room with Twilight following, but Dusk stopped her saying, "Sorry, but this is the boys room. The girls room is over there." He then pointed towards the girls bathroom. She then looked at her body. "Uhh... how do I...?" Twilight asked. "I don't know how girls do it," said Dusk. "But, I think they just pull down their skirt or pants, and underwear, and just sit on the toilet." "Okay, Dusk," Twilight said. She then walked into the girls bathroom. Spike waited outside until both of them were done. While Twilight was in the girls bathroom, she got a good look at herself in the mirror. She then decided to go onto the toilet and do her business. Later, Twilight and Dusk were walking through the halls of the school until someone talking caught their attention. Twilight tried using her ears to listen in, but she didn't know that her ears were on the sides of her head instead of on top. Dusk pointed it out, and then Twilight pulled on her human ears, and then listen in on the conversation. "Oh, I'm really sorry. I-I just found it, and-and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it." "Well, I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you." Twilight, Dusk and Spike looked around a corner in the hall to see one girl picking on another girl. The butter yellow skinned girl with light pink hair then said in a hushed tone, "It... doesn't really belong to you, either." The red and yellow haired girl slammed her hands over the lockers with the butter yellow skinned girl in between her hands, asking, "Excuse me?!" "N-n-nothing..." the butter yellow skinned girl said, nervously, then sinking down. Twilight and Dusk got angry while Spike just growled like any other dog would. "That's what I thought," the red and yellow haired girl said. "It's as good as mine, and you know it. You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals." Twilight had had enough of that one girl treating the other girl like crud. She then stepped out of the corner and said to the first girl, angrily, "How dare you speak to her that way!" The other girl then turned around, giving Twilight an angry look, asking, "What did you say?" Twilight then walked towards the red and yellow haired girl, who did the same as Twilight. Twilight then said, "I said, 'How dare you speak to her that way!'" The red and yellow haired girl gave a smug smirk and said, "You must be new here. I can speak to anyone any way I want." She then walked down the hallway, intimidating another boy, making him close the locker with him inside. Twilight watched as Sunset went around the corner, but Dusk and Spike came up to Twilight and the butter yellow skinned girl. "I can't believe you did that!" said the butter yellow skinned girl. "I couldn't just stand there," Twilight replied. "Well, it's just that nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer," said the butter yellow skinned girl. "Sunset Shimmer!?" Twilight asked, looking back down the hall to see Sunset turning the corner. "You've heard of her?" the butter yellow skinned girl asked. "Sort of..." Twilight said. The girl inspected Twilight and said, "I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?" "Um... yes!" Twilight said, nervously. She then said, "Another... heh, school! My name's Twilight." She then pulled Dusk in and said, "And this is Dusk." Dusk smiled. "I'm... Fluttershy," the girl said quietly. It wasn't enough for Twilight and Dusk to hear. "Sorry, what was that?" Twilight asked. "It's Fluttershy!" she replied, even more quiet. "It sounds like you're saying Fluttershy," Twilight said, but the girl wasn't paying attention when she saw Spike while Twilight continued talking and said, "but how can that...?" "Oh, my goodness!" said the girl, then she slid down towards Spike, nearly tripping Twilight. "Who's this sweet little guy?" Twilight recovered and said, "That's Spike! My, uh... dog!" "Oh, he's so cute!" said the human Fluttershy, giving Spike a dog treat. "Go on, eat up, little pup!" Spike didn't know how to respond. So he took one bite out of the dog treat, and was amazed by it. He then ate the rest of the dog treat hole. "Oh, wouldn't ya just give anything to know what they're really thinking?" asked the human Fluttershy. "He usually just tells me," Twilight said, making Fluttershy confused. "Oh, w-what do you mean?" Fluttershy asked while Spike was using a paw to tell Twilight to cut it out. When Fluttershy turned her head back towards Spike, he responded with actual dog bark. "Oh, uh, nothing!" Twilight said before chuckling nervously. "Never mind. Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn't a crown, was it?" "How did you know?" human Fluttershy asked, confusedly. "Uh, lucky guess?" Twilight said, trying not to be suspicious. "Do you still have it?" "Mm-mm," human Fluttershy responded, shaking her head. "But you know what happened to it," said Twilight. Fluttershy nodded and said, "Mm-hmm. This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday." She then explained to Twilight and Dusk about the crown while she was trying to hand out flyers for the Canterlot Animal Shelter. "I have no idea how it got there. But I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia." "Principal Celestia? She's the ruler here?" Twilight asked. "You could say that," human Fluttershy said. "Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules." "Where is she now?" Twilight asked. "Probably in her office," said human Fluttershy. Twilight and Spike headed in one directions, before Twilight and Spike came walking back to her. "Where's the Principal's office?" Dusk asked. Fluttershy responded with pointing in the other direction. Twilight then started walking in the direction where the human Fluttershy was pointing. "Third door on your left," human Fluttershy responded. "Thank you!" Twilight said. "Oh, wait!" human Fluttershy said, getting their attention. "You're not really supposed to have pets on school grounds. Might wanna tuck him into your backpack. That's what I do." She turned her back to show off her backpack and saw a white kitten, a red bird and Angel Bunny in her backpack. "They just get so lonely when I'm in school all day." "Oh, okay! Thank you!" Twilight said. Then the school bell rang. "Oh, no! I'm late for class!" the human Fluttershy said before using her backpack to scoop up the animals, and rush down the hall. "That was pretty cool," Dusk said. "Let's get going." Twilight nodded and the three of them headed down the hall towards the Principal's office. "What exactly is a principal?" Twilight asked. "It's another word for headmaster or headmistress," said Dusk. "Or, in pony term, headstallion or headmare." "Oh, that makes sense," said Twilight. "Since this is a school. Let's get going. We got a lot of things to do before the portal closes." > Chapter 2: Running for Fall Formal Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Running for Fall Formal Princess Twilight, Spike and Dusk made it to the principal's office. But before going in, Dusk helped Twilight get Spike into the backpack that she was wearing. Twilight then knocked on the door. "Come in," came the voice of Princess Celestia. Which Twilight and Dusk knew that it was just the princess's counterpart of this dimension. Twilight and Dusk then walked in. Twilight immediately bowed, but Dusk stopped her. Principal Celestia then asked, "How may I help you?" She wasn't even paying attention because she was looking in a file. Spike peeked his head out of Twilight's backpack, and both of them gave each other a confused look. Twilight then set her backpack down and looked towards the principal. "My name's Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said. "I-I'm new here, and... Well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you." Principal Celestia looked up from the file she was looking at, and then she said, "Yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up in the front lawn. Were you interested in running for Princess of the Fall Formal this year?" "Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is... Well, the truth is I... You see, the crown is actually..." Twilight tried explaining. But something caught her attention. "Princess of the Fall Formal?" "It's Canterlot High's big Fall dance," Principal Celestia explained. She then noticed Dusk and asked, "Isn't he a little young to be coming here?" "Oh, sorry," Twilight said. "Dusk wasn't able to get into the school he was about to sign up for. And... my parents are out of town... and I can't just leave him alone." "I understand," said Principal Celestia. She then got a good look at Dusk, then back to Twilight, then back to Dusk. "Weird. He looks a lot like you. Genetics must work in a lot of different ways, doesn't it?" "Uh... yeah..." Twilight said before chuckling nervously. "Anyway, about this... Fall Formal." "Of course," said Principal Celestia. "Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them. She receives her crown at the Fall Formal." She showed Twilight and Dusk the photos of the previous Fall Former Princesses. All of them were Sunset Shimmer. Twilight hummed and said, "You asked me if I was interested in running for Princess. Can anyone run?" "Yes," said Principal Celestia. "You just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot. Was there anything else?" "Um, nope! That was it!" said Twilight. "Not even asking me to watch over this young man while you do whatever you gotta do?" Principal Celestia asked. "Oh, uh..." Twilight said. "I... don't know. Dusk and I are... kinda..." "I'll be fine," Dusk assured Twilight. "Do what you have to do." "Okay, Dusk," said Twilight. "Behave yourself." "Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open," said Principal Celestia. Then she closed the door with her and Dusk in the office. Twilight then walked down the hall. Spike poked his head out of Twilight's backpack and asked, "Twilight, why didn't ya just tell her the crown was yours and ask for it back?" "Oh, I was going to, but imagine if one of them showed up in Equestria saying they came from a place filled with tall, fleshy, two-legged creatures with these?" Twilight asked Spike, getting the attention of a student just roaming the halls. "We'd think they were crazy!" Twilight noticed the student, and him slowly walking away from her and Spike. "Hmm. You make a good point," said Spike. But then he thought of something. "Except for Dusk. Don't you remember? He said he came from a world similar to this world before he was reborn. What was his name before we changed it? Hankie? Hench?" "Henry," Twilight said. "His name was Henry. Although, I find it weird that the short for his name was Hank. Only one letter from the short name comes close to Henry. But, let's get back on topic. Looks like if I want my crown back, I'll have to become Princess of the Canterlot High Fall Formal. So that's what I'm gonna do!" She raised her arms and smiled widely. "And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" Spike asked. "I have no idea!" Twilight said, trying to keep her spirit up. Then the bell started ringing, and the students started roaming the halls. Principal Celestia was teaching Dusk things that any kid his age would be able to learn. Mathematics, spelling, and science that a 1st grader would learn. "Until you can get into an Elementary School, you can stay here and learn things here," said Principal Celestia. "It's not everything you'll be learning, but it's enough." "Thank you," Dusk said. Just then, his stomach growled. Principal Celestia smiled at him and asked, "Hungry, aren't we? Well, I might as well get you something to eat. What are you interested in?" "Well... all I can say is I can't eat meat," Dusk said. "Alright," said Principal Celestia. "I shall get you something to eat. My sister, and vice principal of the school, Luna, shall watch over you." Then coming in through the door was a human that resembles Princess Luna a lot. She then said, "So, this is the one who came with the new student who arrived here this morning." "Indeed, Luna," said Principal Celestia. "His name is Dusk Shine. You watch over him while I go get him something to eat." "Of course, sister," said Vice Principal Luna. "I shall watch over the young one while you are getting him some food." Principal Celestia nodded and walked out. Vice Principal Luna looked over at Dusk to see what he's doing. "Doing some school work from a younger grade, aren't you?" "Yeah," Dusk said. "Have to do something while I'm here." "I have seen that new student," Vice Principal Luna said. "Twilight Sparkle, was it?" She then tilted her head. "Funny. The two of you have quite the resemblance, don't you?" "Yeah," said Dusk. "Something about... genies? No that's not it. Gentles. No." "Genetics?" Vice Principal Luna guessed. "Yeah," said Dusk. "Yes, of course," said Vice Principal Luna. "But, it is a rare occasion for that to happen. My sister and I once came across a woman that looks like my sister. That was a long time ago." "Like what? 10 to 15 years?" Dusk asked. "Not exactly," said Vice Principal Luna. "It was even longer than that. That is all I can tell you." In the school cafeteria, Twilight met up with the human Fluttershy for lunch. They were picking out their lunches as they were talking. "I know we've just met, but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something," Twilight said to Fluttershy. "Of course!" Fluttershy said. Twilight picked up a bowl of fruit salad with Fluttershy getting the same thing. Twilight then said, "I've decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal, and..." That made Fluttershy gasp and spill her fruit salad onto Twilight's shirt. Fluttershy was shocked and nervous about both things. Her spilling her fruit salad, and for Twilight wanting to run for Fall Former Princess. She then grabbed a bunch of napkins and said, "Oh! Oh, gosh! Sorry. It's just, oh, running for Fall Formal Princess is a really bad idea." Twilight and Fluttershy made it to the end of the lunch line, who the lunch lady, the human version of Granny Smith, gave them an apple each. Then Twilight asked, "Why?" "Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess, and when she wants something, she gets it!" Fluttershy explained. "She'll make life awful for anyone who stands in her way. Just ask the girl who ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling." "I have to try!" Twilight said as she and Fluttershy were walking down the cafeteria. "Oh, I don't think you understand," Fluttershy said to Twilight. "You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her..." She then pointed out to the other students, sitting in groups. "The Athletes. The Fashionistas. The Dramas. The Eco Kids. The Techies. The Rockers." Fluttershy pointed out the groups as they were passing by. "Why is everypony...?" Twilight said before Spike popped out of her backpack and smacked Twilight's head, then went back into the backpack. "Uh... everybody separated this way?" She then thought to herself. "Right. Dusk said that humans refer themselves as bodies instead of ponies. Luckily, I have a son that was born human before he died and ended up in Equestria." "Maybe it was different at your old school, but at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind," Fluttershy pointed out as she was sitting down at a table. "One thing that they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule the school until we graduate." Twilight sat at the same table on the other side so the two were face to face. "Not if I can help it!" Twilight said, raising a fist. She then chewed on the apple. But she didn't pick it up with her hand. Fluttershy was confused by what Twilight was doing. Twilight then grabbed the apple from her mouth and said, "So, uh, where would I find the head of the party planning committee?" Twilight, Spike, and Dusk, who Twilight picked up from the Principal's office, went into the school gym. Twilight was on a mission to find the head of the party planning committee. "Fluttershy said she'd probably be in here," Twilight said. "Party planning committee?" Dusk asked. "Wait a minute. If there's a human version of every pony in Equestria... I think I know who the head of the committee is." "Who do you think it is?" Twilight asked. "Who do you think would be able to throw a party this big?" Dusk asked. "Incoming!" Twilight, Dusk and Spike ducked and covered as rolls of streamers came falling down from above. They soon recovered and looked at the girl who gave the warning, and saw her throwing confetti everywhere. The girl was pink skinned with darker pink hair that looks like cotton candy. She was wearing a white shirt with purple outlines and a pink heart, a small blue vest with short sleeves, a pink skirt with two blue balloons and a single yellow balloon, and tall blue shoes. She then peeled off one of the blue balloons from her skirt, and started blowing into it, making it inflate. "Hi, my name's Twilight Sparkle and..." Twilight introduced herself before getting a good look at the girl. "Pinkie Pie?" The balloon deflated, blowing air into the human Pinkie Pie's face. She then grabbed Twilight, gasped, and asked, "Are you psychic?!" "Uh, no," Twilight said, nervously. "I don't think so. Unless of course that's something you can do here." "Eh, not usually," Pinkie Pie said. She then pulled out a yellow balloon. "Fluttershy said this is where I'd find the head of the Fall Formal planning committee," Twilight explained. "Fluttershy, huh?" Pinkie Pie asked, tying up the balloon and turning towards Twilight. "Don't let the whole 'shy' thing fool you. She can be a real meanie." "You two aren't friends?" Twilight asked. Pinkie then got into Twilight's face and asked, "Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh? Dance is day after tomorrow." "I'm brand new here," Twilight explained. "Oooh! I thought you didn't look familiar," Pinkie said, examining Twilight. "Though, now that I'm really lookin' at you... Do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one?" As Pinkie was asking and examining Twilight, Spike was acting like any other dog would, and tried to tear apart a balloon. "Uh, maybe?" Twilight asked, nervously. "Thought so," Pinkie said. She then held out a clipboard, saying, "Anyhoo, just need to fill this out and you are officially up for the coveted Princess of the Fall Formal crown." She then pulled out a pen from her hair and held it out for Twilight. Twilight then took the pen with her mouth. She then looked down at Dusk, who pointed at his hand, telling Twilight to take the pen in her hand. She did, but she didn't know how to write with her hand. She tried her best to write her name, but she didn't know how to write with her hand. When she finished, Pinkie took a look at it and said, "Wow! You have really bad handwriting. It's like you've never held a pen before." Twilight laughed nervously and asked, "Is it?" Just then, the doors to the gym opened up and a girl with a southern accent called out, "Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?" "Oh! Oh! Me, me-me-me, me, yeah, ha-ha, me!" Pinkie answered. The girl who called out earlier was the human version of Applejack. "Can you bring in the rest?" Applejack asked. Just then, a human version of Big Mac came in. But his skin was of a normal human instead of candy colored. "Eeyup," said the human Big Mac. Dusk pulled Twilight's hand, and she leaned down. Dusk whispered into Twilight's ear, "The skin color of Big Mac, that's the usual skin tone you would find on the humans from my world." "Good to know," Twilight whispered back. "Hey, I know you," said Applejack, getting Twilight's attention. "You do?" Twilight asked. "Sure. You're the new girl who gave Sunset Shimmer the what for today," said Applejack, before taking a drink from one of the bottles of apple cider. "Twilight Sparkle here is gonna run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal," Pinkie said, making Applejack do a spit take. Applejack then faced Twilight about that and said, "I'd think twice about that. Oh, sure, she'll probably approach you all friendly like..." She then used two balloons. One red heart shape balloon with Sunset's face, and one yellow with Twilight's face. Then she starts impersonating Sunset Shimmer. "I sure am lookin' forward to some friendly competition." Then she started impersonating Twilight. "That's so good to hear." Applejack then turned the red balloon, which had a thumb tack was taped to the back as Applejack said in her normal voice, "But then, here comes the backstabbin'." She then popped the yellow balloon. "About the only girl in this school you can trust less than Sunset Shimmer is Rainbow Dash." "Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked, confused. Behind her, Dusk and Spike, Pinkie Pie was bouncing around on an unusually large, inflated, yellow balloon. "She's the captain of, like, every team at Canterlot High," Pinkie said as she was bouncing on it. But then it popped from the pressure she was giving onto the balloon. "She's also the captain of sayin' she's gonna do somethin' for ya, and then turnin' around and not even botherin' to show up," Applejack complained. Twilight walked up to her and said, "Thanks for the advice, Applejack, but this is something I really need to do." "Huh, suit yourself," said Applejack. Then she realized something that Twilight said. "Hey, how'd you know my name is Applejack?" Dusk and Spike face palmed/pawed at that realization. "Um, I uh..." Twilight said, before laughing nervously. "Didn't you say?" "Nnnope," Big Mac answered while Pinkie was taking a drink from the fizzy apple cider. "Well, it sure was nice meeting you both," Twilight said as she, Dusk and Spike were about to leave. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you around." They headed out of the gym, leaving Applejack confused. Pinkie leaned towards Applejack and said, "That one's tryin' to hide a secret, but I am totally on to her." She then told Applejack in a whispering voice, "She's psychic!" "Uh-huh. If you say so," Applejack said, not believing Pinkie's antics. Then the sound of doors slamming open startled the two of them. From the open doors, there were Sunset Shimmer, and human versions of Snips and Snails right behind her. "This looks terrible!" Sunset complained. "There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons." Sunset popped a balloon in front of Pinkie. "Yeah, streamers!" Snips said, holding out some streamers. Then Snails came in, trying to squeeze a balloon, saying, "And fewer balloons!" He then fell over. Sunset then checked the apple cider and said, "Fizzy apple cider? Ugh! This is my coronation, not a hoedown." She held it up, by two fingers. "Well, now, it ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around," Applejack said. "Is that so?" Sunset confronted. "You country folk really aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you." She said that as she covered Applejack's face with the stetson she was wearing. Just then, the top of Applejack's hat opened up, her face was burning red, and she growled. "Obviously it's gonna be my coronation," Sunset said. "I'm running unopposed." "Not this time," Pinkie Pie said. She then held up the clipboard. "The new girl just signed up!" "What?!" Sunset asked, taking the clipboard out of Pinkie's hand, and read it. "I know. Her handwriting is really bad," Pinkie said. Sunset looked up from the clipboard and angrily asked herself, "Where is this Twilight Sparkle?" She saw Applejack and Pinkie Pie looking confused at Sunset's antics. Sunset laughed and said to Applejack and Pinkie Pie, "I'm looking forward to meeting the competition!" She, Snips and Snails started heading out of the gym, leaving Applejack and Pinkie Pie confused. Twilight and Dusk were walking down the halls of the school. Then they ended up in a dimmed hallway. Dusk got a little worried and held onto Twilight's hand. "It's okay, Dusk," Twilight said. "It's going to be okay." "Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier," came the voice of Sunset Shimmer from behind Twilight. Twilight and Dusk turned around and saw Sunset leaning on the lockers. Spike poked his head out of Twilight's backpack. Sunset then walked towards Twilight and said, "Shoulda known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupil here after my crown, along with her little dog, and a little boy, too." "It's my crown!" Twilight retaliated. "Whatever," Sunset said, waving a hand. "This is just a minor setback for me. You don't know the first thing about this place, and I already rule it." "If that's so, why do you even need my crown?" Twilight asked. "You went to an awful lot of trouble to switch it with the one that belongs here." "Pop quiz: what happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world?" Sunset asked. That made Twilight think about it, not finding any answer. "You don't know? Seriously?" Sunset laughed at Twilight. "And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student? Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria? Bit embarrassing that you were the best she could do." She waved her hand towards Twilight's back, but Spike popped his head out of Twilight's backpack, and tried biting Sunset's hand while growling. "Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your mutt. Hate for him to be... taken away from you." "Is that a threat?" Spike asked angrily. "Oh, of course not," said Sunset. She then looked at Dusk, who hid behind Twilight. "And I would also have this little one under a more careful watch. You might not want him to get lost in this place, would you?" "Stay away from Dusk!" Spike nearly shouted, before barking. "But I'd cut down on the chatter if I were you," Sunset said to Spike. "Don't want everyone to know you three don't belong here, now would you? You wanna be a princess here? Please. You don't know the first thing about fitting in." Sunset walked away from the three of them, leaving them in the dark hall. Sunset Shimmer walked down the halls, heading towards the gym. When she came towards the doors, she saw Snips and Snails walking out, all covered in streamers. Sunset then pulled the streamers off of Snips and Snails, making them spin like tops. "I want you to follow her," Sunset said as Snips and Snails were recovering from their spin. "Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me." "You got it, Sunset Shimmer," Snips said as he and Snails were saluting her. "When the crown and its power are mine, Twilight Sparkle will be sorry she ever set hoof into this world," Sunset monologued. "Not that she would've been much safer if she'd stayed in Equestria." "Yeah, in Equestria," Snips said, as he didn't know what she was talking about. "What are you still doing here?! Go!" Sunset commanded. Then they ran off. "And bring me that boy that's with Twilight constantly! Get him when he's alone!" Snips and Snails then started running off, following Sunset Shimmer's orders. > Chapter 3: Dusk Shine... Kidnapped > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Dusk Shine... Kidnapped Twilight and Dusk were walking down the school halls. Twilight saw a vending machine full of food, and tried opening it. Dusk stopped her. "It's not going to open," Dusk said. "This is a vending machine. You put money in it, select what you want by pushing a couple buttons, and the machine will drop it into the slot below, and you have to push the small door on the bottom, and reach in to get the snack you ordered." "And I'm guessing that bits and gems aren't going to work here?" Twilight asked. "Afraid not," Dusk said. Just then, a human version of Trixie Lulamoon came in, and approached the vending machine after Twilight and Dusk got out of the way. "Excuse me," Trixie said politely before Twilight and Dusk moved out of the way. "The Great and Powerful Trixie! ...Needs some peanut butter crackers." She inserted a coin into the coin slot of the vending machine and selected the snack she wanted. "Voilà!" She then grabbed them, and walked away. Twilight drooped her shoulders and arms, and said, "Sunset Shimmer is right. I don't know the first thing about this place." She then started walking down the halls, thinking of a plan. "If I'm gonna really fit in and win votes, we need to do some research." "Research?" Spike asked. "This place has a school," said Twilight. "I have to believe it's got a..." She then stopped at a door, and that door leads to the school... "library!" Then Twilight and Dusk went in. What they didn't know was that Snips and Snails were hiding behind the doors as Twilight and Dusk were walking in. Snips then asked, "Got your phone?" Snails held out his cell phone and asked, "Got yours?" Then they went in snickering, and sneaking through the library trying to get pictures of Twilight making a fool of herself. Then, eventually when Dusk is alone, take him to Sunset. Twilight and Dusk walked towards the center, where there were a bunch of computer desks in a circle. Dusk stopped Twilight and said, "Maybe you should stick to the books instead of the computers." "These are computers?" Twilight asked. "Wow, technology here is really advanced then back home." Then the human version of Cheerilee saw Twilight and Dusk and asked, "Is there anything you two are looking for?" She then looked at Dusk and said, "Oh, you two must be the new girl and her little brother. I heard that you couldn't get into an Elementary School here." She then looked up at Twilight and asked, "You mind if I watch over him while you're doing what you have to do in here?" "No thank you," Twilight said. "I'm perfectly fine with watching over him." Then the two of them headed off somewhere to look for books. Dusk then explained, "If you want to check the history of the school students, teachers and principals, you might as well start with the yearbooks." "What's a yearbook?" Twilight asked. "A book of what happened each school year," said Dusk. "Now, let's get..." They were interrupted when they heard music coming from the middle of the library. They saw the human versions of the Cutie Mark Crusaders dancing to some music with a speaker hooked up to the computer they were using. The music was stopped when Cheerilee pushed a button. "Uh, girls, what are you doing?" Cheerilee asked. "We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten," said the human Sweetie Belle. Then they turned the music back on, but Cheerilee stopped it and removed the speaker. "No! The school computers are for research purposes only," Cheerilee stated, then walked away with the speaker. "It's just as well, y'all," said Apple Bloom. "Some of the comments about our song were really awful. 'Epic fail'... 'Funniest thing I've ever seen'?!" "Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?" Sweetie Belle asked. Then the three of them ran out. "Uh, I don't know that that's what you should take from..." Twilight called out, but the crusaders were out of the library. She then groaned. "Some things never change," said Dusk, smiling. Especially at Sweetie Belle. "Yeah, I guess you're right," Twilight said. "C'mon. Let's get researching." Then she and Dusk headed upstairs to find some books. Snips and Snails were following, trying to get out of sight. Twilight and Dusk split off, trying to find some books. Dusk had a few books in his hands, but as he was about to grab one book, he was grabbed by someone behind him. "Hey! Lemme go!" Dusk called out. His mouth was then gagged and his eyes were covered by a blindfold. Then soundproof headphones were placed over his ears. "Let's get this boy to Sunset," said Snips. "She really wants the new girl to give up hope." "Yeah," said Snails. "Hopefully, this will make her give up." Snips and Snails took Dusk out of the school, and they handed Dusk over to Sunset Shimmer. She then took him and said, "Good. And do you have the photos of Twilight I need?" "Right here," said Snips, holding out his phone. He then pushed some buttons on his phone, along with Snails, and they both texted the footage they got from Twilight's day in the library. "Good," said Sunset Shimmer. "Now, to finally put a stop to Twilight Sparkle, once and for all." She then pulled Dusk and then tied his arms and legs together. She then took Dusk away to a location where Dusk wasn't able to see where he was going. Dusk was taken to an apartment building. Sunset Shimmer threw him onto the couch. She then removed the blindfold, gag and sound proof headphones from Dusk. He looked around in worry. "Where am I?" Dusk asked. He then saw Sunset Shimmer, giving him an evil grin. "What are you gonna do to me?!" "Oh, nothing to you, little colt," said Sunset Shimmer. "It's just that you aren't allowed to leave here until I get that crown that rightfully belongs to me." "It doesn't!" Dusk said. "You think your sister is going to stop me?" Sunset asked before scoffing. "You're even more delusional than Princess Celestia." She then turned her back towards Dusk. "Twilight isn't my sister," said Dusk. "She's my mom." That made Sunset freeze up. She then turned around to look at Dusk and asked, "Seriously?" "Yes," said Dusk. "Mom said that I became her biological son because of a pink and purple flower that sprayed her in the face." "Wait, Twilight found the Dying Wish Flower?" Sunset asked. She then got a good look at Dusk and asked, "You seemed to know a lot about human things. Were you human before...?" "Yes," said Dusk. "My name used to be Henry. My parents loved me a lot, but they had to leave the country for their jobs. So, they put me in the care of my aunt and my cousin. But, when I was there, they didn't treat me like a family member. They treated me like their personal slave. They made me clean up everything, leave me home alone, and barely feed me. My parents found out one day. The day I died. They would never trust Aunt Bonnie again. Even when she deleted all of my medical records." "That's... that's... too cruel," said Sunset. "What kind of heartless creature do that?" "I don't know," Dusk said. Sunset then turned around, not wanting Dusk to see her crying. Sunset then said, "You might as well get comfortable. You aren't leaving until I get that crown." "You can't do this!" Dusk said. "Mom earned the title of princess. It can't be made because you want to be princess. Everything must be earned." "You sound like Princess Celestia," said Sunset. "If I want something, I get it. So, don't try to talk me out of my plan. It's going to happen my way, and nothing is going to stop me." Dusk then looked around and asked, "If you're from Equestria, then how did you afford all of this stuff? And this place?" Sunset looked over towards Dusk and said, "Good question. You'd be surprised how much diamonds and gold bits are here then back in Equestria. I basically sold them, and got at least a thousand for each diamond and five hundred for each bit." "Wow," said Dusk. "You must be rich." "Meh, but I spent it all up getting this apartment, the furniture, the technology, and the cable," said Sunset. "Which reminds me, I have to pay the cable bill." She then turned the TV on. "Let's see what's appropriate for you." She then stopped at one channel and said, "That should be good enough for you. Might as well not be as cruel as that former aunt of yours. Even I don't have the cruelty to do that to a child." Sunset then walked towards the computer, so she could start editing the footage she got from Snips and Snails. Back at Canterlot High, Twilight and Spike were deep in the library, after school hours. Twilight was a little upset that Dusk wasn't with her and Spike. "Don't worry, Twilight," Spike said. "We'll find him. He couldn't have gone far." "I already checked the entire school, Spike," said Twilight. "Twice. He's nowhere in the school. I need to go out and find him." "No way, Twilight," said Spike. "We might not know if it's safe to leave the school. We don't even know what's out there?" "Oh, Spike," Twilight said. "You know that we can't leave without Dusk. Who knows if he'll be found before the portal closes. I need to go find him." "Twilight," Spike said. "You know that Dusk is resourceful, just like you. In fact, he might find a way back here." "I hope so, Spike," said Twilight. "I already lost him once for what the changelings did to me, my brother and Dusk, but this world is an entirely different world than Equestria. We don't know anyone here." "Technically we do, since this world has counterparts of everypony in Equestria," said Spike. Then he realized something. "Wait a minute. If there are human versions of our friends in this world, don't you think there's another us here?" Twilight went wide eyed and said, "I think you're right, Spike. But, I doubt there's a Dusk Shine here. He's my son in Equestria. If there's a Dusk Shine in this world, I doubt he'd be my son." "Yeah, you're probably right," Spike said. "He's probably an orphan in this world if his counterpart is in this world." "Hopefully, he'll be able to get a good family in this world," said Twilight. "As for our Dusk, we have to get him back, and win the election for Fall Formal Princess... whatever that is." Spike yawned and said, "C'mon. Let's get some sleep. I made us a bed for us to sleep tonight." Spike led Twilight through the library to the makeshift bed he made. In Sunset's apartment, she made sure that Dusk wasn't going anywhere by putting a pad lock on the door. She basically already posted her video of why Twilight shouldn't be voted on the school website. Before she went to bed, she made a makeshift bed on her sofa. "You're sleeping here," Sunset said. "Go to sleep." Dusk then got into his makeshift bed and Sunset turned off the lights. Both of them fell asleep. Hours later, Dusk heard the door to the apartment close. That woke him up. Dusk looked around for Sunset. Then he realized that Sunset didn't lock the door. That gave him the opportunity to get out of the apartment. He got his shoes on, and ran out. He looked around to see if there was any way to get back to the school. He came across an intersection and walked across. But as he almost cleared it, a girl on a dirt bike stopped at the intersection, making Dusk fall down on his back. "Whoa! Sorry, kid!" came the voice of Rainbow Dash. She took off her helmet and looked at Dusk. "Hey, wait a minute. Aren't you supposed to be with someone old enough to supervise you?" "I... uh..." Dusk said, thinking about how to respond. "I... I got separated from my big sister. She's supposed to watch over me while she comes up with a way to win Fall Formal Princess at Canterlot High before Sunset took me away from her and..." "Sunset Shimmer? She took you away from your sister?" the Human Rainbow Dash asked, starting to get angry. She then tossed Dusk a spare helmet and said, "Get on. I'll take you back to Canterlot High. Might as well keep you out of sight from Sunset and her two lackeys." Dusk put on the helmet, and got on Rainbow Dash's dirt bike, and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hang on tight, kid." She then revved her engine, and then took off towards Canterlot High. Rainbow Dash stopped at an intersection and hid from Sunset Shimmer, who was in front of the school's main entrance. She then drove past the front, making sure that Sunset didn't see Dusk, and went towards the student parking. "Here you go, kid," said Rainbow Dash. "Your sister must find a way to get the votes of the school. I would be willing to help out." "You would?" Dusk asked. "Yeah," said Rainbow Dash. "You might not know much about me, but I'm very reliable. Not as much as Applejack thought of me. She said that I wasn't reliable when I didn't show up for her bake sale when I was told it was moved to a different day. I can't believe she would lie to me about it." "Out of curiosity, who gave you the information about the bake sale date being moved?" Dusk asked. Rainbow Dash thought about it and said, "Well, it was Sunset who told me..." She then realized. She then got angry and said, "Oh, c'mon! Sunset Shimmer must've told me that just so she could end my friendship with Applejack. I better find Applejack and tell her what really happened. C'mon. Let's go. Stay close to me." Dusk held onto Rainbow's hand as the two of them went into the school. > Chapter 4: Helping Twilight Get the Crown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Helping Twilight Get the Crown Rainbow Dash and Dusk went down the hallways, also avoiding sight of Sunset, Snips and Snails. They basically made it to one room where they heard the voices of Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity. "Maybe she's the reason Rainbow Dash didn't show up for my bake sale!" "Didn't you ever ask Rainbow Dash why she didn't show up?" Rainbow Dash then walked into the classroom with Dusk just before Applejack answered. The girls looked over and saw Rainbow and Dusk coming in. "I was thinking about that," Rainbow Dash said. "Rainbow Dash?!" asked Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Twilight was about to say it, too, but she remembered and covered her mouth. "This little guy said that he was taken to Sunset Shimmer's apartment," said Rainbow Dash, putting a hand on Dusk's shoulder. "When I gave him a ride here, he asked who told me that the bake sale date got moved." "You were told that the day of the bake sale got moved?" Applejack asked. "That actually makes sense." "It even makes more sense since it was Sunset Shimmer who told me and my team," said Rainbow Dash. "I can't believe I believed her lies." Twilight walked up to Dusk, took a knee, and hugged Dusk. Twilight then said, "I was so worried, Dusk." "So, you're the girl who's wanting to go up against Sunset Shimmer for Fall Formal Princess, eh?" Rainbow asked Twilight. "Gotta say, I'd really love to see that happen. I'll totally help you out!" "Really?" Twilight asked. "Of course," said Rainbow Dash, before pulling out a soccer ball and keeping it up in the air. "All you gotta do is beat me in a game of one-on-one." "Uh... what?" Twilight asked. Twilight, Dusk and the human version of Twilight's friends went to the soccer field, Rainbow Dash was kicking some soccer balls into a goal. Dusk leaned towards Twilight. "Soccer isn't that hard," whispered Dusk. "All you have to do is kick the ball into the goal to score. You can't touch the ball with your hands unless you're a goalie. And in a one-on-one game, there is no goalie. Usually, it goes by the most points. But, I guess in a one-on-one, it depends on how many points you have to get." "Got it," Twilight said. She then walked out towards the middle of the field. "Alright, Twilight," Rainbow said, balancing the ball on her head. "First one to five points wins." She then let it fall in front of her, and then she kicked it towards the goal behind her, leaving a fire trail. "One-zip!" Twilight went through the one-on-one game, but she lost without gaining a single point. Twilight was laying on the ground, gasping aloud to get her breath back. Dusk and the girls surrounded Twilight to see if she was alright. Rainbow then said, "That's game!" "I... really thought you were gonna... pull it off there in the end!" Rarity said, before getting a nervous laugh. Rainbow Dash leaned down and asked, "So what's the plan? How can I help you be princess instead of Sunset Shimmer?" "But... I... lost!" Twilight said, gasping. "Of course you lost," said Rainbow Dash. "I'm awesome! But I'm not gonna help just anybody try and beat Sunset Shimmer. The Fall Formal Princess should be someone with heart and determination. You've proved that you've got 'em both!" Rainbow Dash playfully punched Twilight's right arm, who was really inspired by Rainbow's words. The girls cheered for Twilight. But what they didn't know was that the group was being watched, by Sunset, Snips and Snails. Snips and Snails took some pictures of Twilight when she was playing soccer. But Sunset was a little upset that Dusk got out of her apartment. "How did that little squirt get out of my apartment?" Sunset asked. "Never mind." She then looked down at Snips and Snails and said, "Get those photos ready." Snips and Snails nodded, then the three of them headed off somewhere. Twilight, Dusk and the human version of Twilight's friends all came up with a plan to win Fall Formal Princess. The girls performed in the cafeteria, making all of the students there wanting to vote for Twilight. While the girls were performing, Dusk was walking down the halls being supervised by Cheerilee. "Now, I know that your sister is getting a lot of votes in the Fall Formal Princess, but it's gonna be decided for tonight," said Cheerilee. "Now, we should work on math." "Okay," said Dusk. Just then, something caught his ears. He then looked up and asked, "Did you hear something?" Cheerilee heard something too. Then the two of them headed for the gym, and slowly cracked it open. They saw Snips and Snails trashing the place. "I wonder why Sunset asked us to trash the gym," Snails wondered. Cheerilee then got out her cell phone and recorded what was happening. "Just do it," said Snips. "Like Sunset said, we have to trash this place enough, and blame it on Twilight so Sunset will get the crown." "Alright," said Snails. "Boy, there is no way that Sunset's not going to get the crown if Twilight is disqualified." Cheerilee then stopped recording what was happening, and then she and Dusk headed towards the principal's office to show Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna about what has happened to the gym. As soon as Twilight found out that the dance was postponed, she had to think to herself. They eventually went to that world's version of Carousel Boutique. Twilight ran into a dressing room with Spike peeking his head out of Twilight's backpack. Dusk waited outside, but was pulled in by Twilight. Rarity came towards that dressing room and asked, "Everything okay in there?" "Yes!" Twilight called out. She then said to herself. "Only it's not okay. It's not okay at all! If I don't get my crown tonight, we won't be able to go back to Equestria for another thirty moons! Oh, what are we gonna do?" Spike and Dusk looked at each other, and then Spike said, "Hmm. We tell them the truth.Let them know what's really at stake if you don't get the crown tonight. They'll help us figure somethin' out." "But what if they won't?" Twilight asked. She then looked at herself in the mirror with Dusk behind her reflection. She then imagined that hers and Dusk's reflections were of them in their pony forms. "What if when they find out how different we really are...?" "Twilight, these girls rallied around you 'cause they saw what was in your heart," Spike said, putting a paw on Twilight's leg. "They aren't gonna feel any differently about you when they find out you're a pony princess in Equestria." "Spike's right," said Dusk. "I used to be a human before I went to Equestria, and if I might have met someone who was actually a pony on Earth before I went, I'd thought that person would have been crazy. But, they would need proof that they're from another world." "Like a talking dog that can be his or her witness?" Twilight asked, looking towards Spike. "Exactly," said Dusk and Spike in unison. Then they looked at each other, and said in unison, "Jinx." Twilight smiled at Spike and Dusk and said, "I'm glad you two followed me here." "Us too," said Spike. "Unless, of course, we get stuck here for another thirty moons." Twilight, Spike and Dusk then stepped out of the dressing room with the other five girls watching them. They were concerned about Twilight. Applejack then asked, "You okay?" "The Fall Formal isn't happening tonight," Twilight explained. "WHAT!?" Pinkie Pie shouted. "It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations," Twilight continued explaining. "WHAT?!?" Pinkie shouted again. "But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight," Twilight demanded. "Wha...!" Pinkie was about to shout until Applejack covered her mouth with her hand, giving her a deadpanned look. Twilight sighed and said, "You see..." "You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it, they don't work anymore, and you need them to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time!" Pinkie said in one entire breath before squeeing. That made Twilight, Dusk and Spike go jaw dropped and the sound of a mule came in. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason," Rainbow Dash said, deadpanned. "Nope, she's pretty much spot-on," Spike said, officially talking to the other girls for the first time. "He can talk!?" Rarity shouted, surprised by the talking dog. "Oh, yeah!" Spike said. "And back where I come from, I'm not even a dog! I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!" Pinkie Pie and Rarity were freaked out a bit by Spike talking. But Fluttershy pushed them out of her way, saying to Spike, "This is so amazing! Tell me, what are you thinking right now?" Fluttershy went to the floor, getting into Spike's face, making him confused, and Fluttershy giving him a huge smile. Spike then walked towards Rarity. "Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears!" Spike said, looking up at Rarity, making Rarity cry out. "Uh, maybe later." "But what about your brother, Dusk?" Applejack asked. "Actually, he's... not really my brother," said Twilight. "He's really my son." "That don't make sense," said Applejack. "It does if you get sprayed by a magical flower that makes you pregnant and the baby gains a soul from one who is seven or younger," said Twilight. "Dusk was originally human before he came to Equestria." "But not from this world," said Dusk. Twilight then asked Pinkie, "How did you know all that?" "Just a hunch," Pinkie said, shrugging her shoulders. "Wait a minute! Lemme get this straight. You two are ponies?" Applejack asked. "You're a princess?" Rarity asked. "You three are from another world?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight gulped, rubbed the back of her head and mumbled, "Mm-hmm." "That... is... awesome!" Rainbow shouted. Then the five of them surrounded Twilight, Dusk and Spike. Spike looked up at Twilight with a smug look, saying, "See? Told ya." Twilight was relieved that there are some people who can trust her. The girls, Spike and Dusk were in the school gym, examining the mess that Snips and Snails made. "I simply cannot believe they did all this!" Rarity said. "If I only had some kind of... party cannon that could decorate everything super fast!" Pinkie Pie said. Dusk snickered and said, "Funny she would say that. Since her other dimension self has one." Twilight chuckled at Dusk's comment and then said, "I know it seems impossible, but, maybe if we all work together?" "Now that's the kinda can-do spirit I'm lookin' for in a Fall Formal Princess!" said Applejack. "Let's do it, y'all!" "Absolutely!" Rarity said. "Rock on!" Rainbow Dash stated. "Yes, indeedily!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Yaaay!" Fluttershy whispered. All of them put their hands in as they were saying that. The girls looked at Twilight, and then she put her hand in, and then they threw their hands up into the air. Then they started cleaning up the gym for the Fall Formal. Twilight pulled out the push brooms Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie caught the push brooms that Twilight tossed towards them, but Fluttershy didn't have the effort, and let it bump her. As they were cleaning, other students were wanting to help out in cleaning the gym. Basically, everyone joined in on helping out. They all finished their cleaning, even Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna walking in. Principal Celestia then called out, "All right, everyone! Fall Formal is back on for this evening." That made all of the students there cheer. "So you'd better get out of here and start getting ready. Oh, and don't forget to cast your ballots for the Fall Formal Princess on your way out!" Then all of the students walked towards the hall, putting in their ballets for the Fall Formal Princess votes in the box for voting. The students were definitely voting for Twilight. Sunset was watching them all leave the gym from the supply closet. She then turned towards Snips and Snails and said, "You're lucky she was able to pull this off. Next time I ask you to make a mess of things, try to show a little restraint! I need this Formal to go on tonight just as much as she does." She then looked out of the door, giving an evil smile. > Chapter 5: The Big Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: The Big Night Twilight and the girls were preparing for the Fall Formal Dance. They all got prepared and headed out for the limo they rented. Rarity even made a little tuxedo for Dusk to wear. They eventually went to the school for the dance. As the girls, Spike and Dusk were walking up to the front door of the school, a car with lightning bolts came up. And the driver was Flash Sentry. "Uh, Twilight!" Flash called out. "Look, I know you said "no" about going to the Fall Formal with me, but would you reconsider and at least have one dance?" "I didn't say "no"!" Twilight tried explaining. "I mean, I did, but... I didn't mean no, to you. I was... Well, what I mean is... yes. I'd love to dance with you!" Both of them were blushing. Then they headed in until Flash bumped his head on the door. Twilight was worried for him, but he recovered. They eventually made it to the gym for the dance. Everyone was dancing to the music that Flash and his band was playing. Twilight was looking around while dancing. She then asked, "Anybody see Sunset Shimmer?" "Maybe she was too embarrassed to show!" said Rainbow Dash. "She's gotta know you won by a landslide!" "Maybe..." Twilight said, worried. Principal Celestia walked up on stage and told the student working the sound to turn down the music. He did, and then the rock band stopped playing, and headed off stage. Principal Celestia walked up to the microphone. "First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight," Principal Celestia announced. "You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown." Vice Principal Luna walked up onto the stage with a box. She opened it up, revealing Twilight's Element of Harmony. "The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is... Twilight Sparkle!" The crowd cheered. While the crowd was cheering, Snips and Snails snuck into the gym. Twilight walked up on stage as Principal Celestia took the crown from the box, and turned towards Twilight. "Congratulations, Twilight," Principal Celestia said to Twilight. The crown was then placed on Twilight's head. The human version of Twilight's friends were happy. But something didn't seem right. "TWILIGHT! HELP!" Spike voice caught Twilight's attention. She looked over and saw Snips carrying Spike and Snails pulling Dusk. Twilight and the girls chased the two trouble makers through the halls of Canterlot High. They basically went outside to where the portal was, but standing in front of the portal was Sunset Shimmer with a sledge hammer. "That's close enough!" said Sunset Shimmer. She then got it ready to swing at the portal. "Twilight!" Spike called out. "Help!" Dusk called out. They were then forced quiet. "Don't hurt them!" Twilight said, angrily. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," Sunset said. "I'm not a monster, Twilight." She then looked towards Snips and Snails, saying, "Let them go." Snips and Snails released Dusk and Spike, who ran towards Twilight. Sunset then said to Twilight, "You don't belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home." Sunset then held her position on swinging the sledge hammer, about to swing. "Sunset, wait!" Dusk called out. "You don't have to do this!" "I will do this, little boy!" Sunset shouted. "I've done everything on trying to be a princess! You don't know what it's like to be rejected from what you've wanted to gain! You don't know what it's like to be neglected, doing all the hard work, and expecting others to give you what you worked hard for!" "Don't you remember what I told you about my previous life?!" Dusk shouted. "My aunt and cousin treated me like a slave! My life was a lot worse than you thought yours was!" Sunset thought about that. She then sighed and said, "Okay. I get it. You had a tough life. But, I worked so hard to get what I want." "Maybe it's not what you want, but what you need," said Dusk. "You just needed some friends. That's what Princess Celestia was trying to tell you." "Princess Celestia?" asked the human versions of Twilight's friends. "We'll talk later," Twilight said. She then said to Sunset, "Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. You are not getting this crown!" Sunset then let go of the sledge hammer, saying, "Fine. You win." "You... are... so awesome!" Rainbow said to Twilight. "I can't believe you were gonna do that for us!" Applejack said, tipping her hat. "It's no wonder you're a real live princess!" Rarity said. That made Sunset Shimmer snap. "Oh, yes, she's so very special!" Sunset snapped. She then jumped on Twilight, trying to get the crown, which bounced near Spike. Sunset reached for the crown, but Twilight tried holding her back. Sunset was about to grab it, but Spike jumped on Sunset's head, and grabbed the crown, making a run for it. Sunset then said to Snips and Snails, "Grab him, you fools!" They then started chasing Spike, but were pushed aside by Sunset Shimmer. Spike headed for the door, trying to push it open, but it wouldn't budge. Sunset eventually cornered him, and Rainbow called out, "Spike! Spike!" Spike threw the crown towards Rainbow Dash with his mouth, and she caught it. Snips and Snails then tried getting the crown from Rainbow Dash. She then looked at Fluttershy, and said, "Fluttershy!" She then threw the crown to Fluttershy. Fluttershy saw Sunset, Snips and Snails running towards her, but Applejack lassoed Fluttershy out of the way, making her drop the crown, and it bounced on the ground, having Snips grab it. But then, Pinkie Pie reached over Snips, giving it to Applejack, who tossed it to Rarity, who tossed it to Twilight, who then threw it over her head, which was heading towards Dusk. But he was pushed out of the way by Sunset, who grabbed it. "I'll take that!" Sunset said as she grabbed it. "At last! More power than I could ever imagine!" She put the crown on her head. The crown then started glowing in a black and light blue aura. The magic then made a small beacon, surrounding Sunset Shimmer. The other students of Canterlot High were watching Sunset transform. Sunset basically transformed into a demoness with red skin and black and dark red leather wings, with a tail that matched her hair color and a red, yellow and black dress. She laughed evilly and fired two blasts, one at Snips and one at Snails. They turned into demons as well. "This is gonna be so cool!" Demon Snips said. Sunset then faced towards the school, scaring the students watching. She then said, "I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along." She growled and announced, "But let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal... to me!" She used her magic to crush the main entrance to the school. The students tried running away, but Sunset used her magic to put the students of Canterlot High in a trance. Sunset then said to Snips and Snails, "Round them up and bring them to the portal." She then looked at Twilight and her friends, saying, "Spoiler alert: I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school; I want Equestria! And with my own little teenage army behind me, I am going to get it!" "Sunset!" Dusk said. "You can't talk your way out of this, Dusk Shine!" Sunset said. "What exactly do you think you're going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing!" "Dusk and Twilight have us!" Rainbow announced. Twilight ran up to Dusk and hugged him. They were also smiling at Rainbow and the other girls for having their back. They ran up to the sides of Twilight and Dusk. Sunset growled, then gave an evil laugh and said, "Gee, the gang really is all back together again." She laughed again. "Now step aside! Twilight and Dusk have tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already! They need to be dealt with!" She then laughed evilly, summoned a fireball, and threw it towards Twilight and Dusk. The other five girls surrounded Twilight and Dusk, trying to shield them, or go down with them. Sunset laughed evilly at the explosion, but when the smoke cleared, the group was surrounded in a magenta aura. Sunset was surprised and said, "What!?" Twilight, Dusk and the girls inspected themselves, and saw that they were covered in a magical aura. Twilight was overjoyed by this and then said to Sunset, "The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it!" The group was gaining some pony ears and long pony tails connected to their hair. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Dusk gained wings. "Honesty! Kindness! Laughter! Generosity! Loyalty! Magic!" The magic was being drained from the crown and towards Twilight and the group. "Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!" Twilight, Dusk and the girls mad a heart shaped while holding hands, with Dusk in the middle. Then a rainbow laser headed towards Sunset Shimmer, making a rainbow twister, making her scream out, "No! What is happening?!" "Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!" Twilight called out. The magic also took away the power from Snips and Snails, and released the trans from the students. The group was laying on the ground, recovering from the blast. Spike came up to Twilight and licked her face. Twilight got up and hugged Spike. Dusk looked at himself and saw wings sprouting from his back. He then said, "Okay, that's weird." "What is it, Dusk?" Rarity asked. "Back in Equestria, I was just a normal unicorn," said Dusk. "No wings." "That is weird," Twilight said. Then she saw the crater where Sunset was. The group walked towards the crater and at the bottom was Sunset Shimmer, back in her normal human form. She was kneeling down, accepting her defeat. Twilight then said to her, "You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart." Sunset was crying, looked up at them and said, "I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know there was another way." "The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria," Twilight said, before looking at the ponified girls. "It's everywhere. You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours." "But... But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart," Sunset said, still crying. "I don't know the first thing about friendship." Twilight helped Sunset out of the crater and said, "I bet they can teach you." Twilight motioned a hand towards the girls. Spike stood on his hind legs, saying, "Those are my girls! Woo-hoo!" The students were surprised by Spike talking, and one of them asked, "Did that dog just talk? Whoa. Weird." Spike got a disbelieving face, then said, "Seriously? The talking dog is a weird thing about all this?" He was then picked up by Rarity. "I, for one, think you're adorable," Rarity said, scratching behind Spike's ear. "Oh, yeah," Spike said. Twilight was smiling at the group while Principal Celestia was walking in behind Twilight. She then said, "I believe this belongs to you." Twilight turned to see Principal Celestia holding Twilight's crown. She then took a knee and bowed. "A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight." "I do," Twilight said. The students then cheered for Twilight. Dusk then looked at Principal Celestia and asked, "You knew we were from another dimension, didn't you?" "Indeed," said Principal Celestia. "Me, and my sister. Of course, we had been assigned here to guard the portal. When the school was going to be built in front of the portal, Luna and I had to get a teaching degree, and we eventually became part of the faculty here." "How old are you?" Dusk asked. "You are the first person to ask that, Dusk Shine," said Principal Celestia. "My sister and I have been here for centuries. No one has ever asked us because of a special magic that our counterparts put on us." "Counterparts?" Twilight asked. "You've been to Equestria before?" "Indeed," said Principal Celestia. "But now, let's get back to what's important." The group had one last dance before it was time for Twilight, Spike and Dusk to leave back to Equestria. After the dance, they gave one last group hug. "You'll look out for her, won't you?" Twilight asked about Sunset. Sunset was looking out from the big hole in the school entrance. "Of course we will," Rarity said, before crossing her arms. "Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle." Vice Principal Luna then walked up to Sunset Shimmer with a trowel, which Sunset took, and Snips and Snails came in with cement and a wheel barrel full of bricks. Twilight then said, " I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies." "We better get going," Spike said. "I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much," Twilight said. She then sighed and turned around towards the portal with Spike and Dusk following. "That crown really does suit you, Princess Twilight," Spike said. "You know what, Spike? I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it," Twilight responded. "And the wings?" Spike asked. "I've been walking on two legs and picking things up with these!" Twilight said, waving her fingers. "Wings? I'm thrilled that's all I'll be dealing with back in Equestria!" "I just hope I won't have the wings," said Dusk. He then looked at the wings on his back. "I just hope I won't have that problem." "You won't know, Dusk," Twilight said. "Even if you become an alicorn back home, I'll be glad that I won't have to outlive you. C'mon. Let's go home." Then the three of them went through the portal. Just in time because the portal officially closed as soon as they stepped through. Pinkie ran up to the portal, trying to go through, but she bounced off the statue. She then said, "Oh, bummer!" On the other side of the portal, the rest of the Mane 6 and the princesses were waiting for Twilight, Dusk and Spike to return. The mirror started shimmering, and then Twilight stepped out. Back in her pony form, but standing on her hind legs. She then went down to all fours. "Twilight!" Fluttershy called out. "Ah, you're back!" Rainbow said, flying up to Twilight. Rarity rushed up to Twilight and said, "You've got your crown!" Pinkie Pie rushed to Twilight's side, hugged her and said, "I knew you could do it!" Applejack shed some tears and said, "Oh, we were so worried." Princess Celestia walked up to Applejack, still facing Twilight and asked, "Sunset Shimmer, is she alright?" Twilight looked towards the mirror and said, "I think she's gonna be fine. I left her in good hands." That made the rest of the Mane 6 confused, and Rainbow asked, "What are hands?" Then Spike and Dusk came out of the portal. Spike was happy to be back in his normal body. Dusk was back to his pony body, but when everypony looked at him, they had their jaws dropped. "What?" Dusk asked. "Uh... Dusk," Twilight said. "L-look on your back." Dusk looked behind him and saw that he had wings, and a Cutie Mark. The Mark looked like a meteor shower with the meteors looking like the sparkle from Twilight's Cutie Mark. "Wings?! And a Cutie Mark?!" Dusk asked. "Oh, boy." Princess Celestia smiled and said, "Looks like we have a new alicorn. And for the first time in Equestria, well, this Equestria, we have our very first male alicorn." "This... is going to get some time to get used to," said Dusk. He then yawned. "I just hope that these wings won't keep me up." "We'll... come up with something," said Twilight. They basically went back to the rooms they were staying in, and were getting ready for the Princess Summit. Things are gonna be interesting for everypony for now on. Especially everypony in Dusk's class. > Chapter 6: Dusk Shine, Equestria's First Male Alicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: Dusk Shine, Equestria's First Male Alicorn The Mane 6, Spike, and Dusk were on a train from the Crystal Empire to Ponyville. Dusk was trying to get his new wings to keep folded down, but they kept unfolding as he just got them down. The Mane 6 were watching Dusk struggling with his wings. Rarity then said, "Poor Dusk. He's not used to those wings." "Tell me about it," said Twilight. "Dusk and I haven't gotten much sleep for the past couple of days." "I guess wings is something you have to get used to," said Rainbow Dash. "Mostly because you weren't born with them. It'll take time for you two to get used to them. Having an extra pair of limbs grow out of you isn't exactly normal for creatures who didn't have them before." "I hear that a lot from my caterpillars," Fluttershy said. "But, I'm sure you and Dusk will be perfectly fine with those wings." "Things are going to get a lot more complicated for everyone in my family," Twilight said. "You saw Shining Armor's reaction when he saw Dusk with wings." Rainbow Dash was laughing while Pinkie Pie was giggling while rolling across the floor, to the side of one train, across the ceiling, down from the other wall, and continued giggling while rolling across the train car's high and low. Rainbow said while still laughing, "He... his mane went all messy and he passed out! It was... it was the most hilarious thing I saw a stallion do!" "I don't know how Mom and Dad will respond to all of this," said Twilight. "I'm sure that things will be alright with both of you, darling," Rarity said. "Aaaaaand..." Pinkie said, "We also have to get things ready for Dusk's cute-ceañera!" That caught Dusk's ears. He then asked, "What's that?" The girls looked over at Dusk, but Spike walked over towards Dusk, and he explained, "A cute-ceañera is a special party for young ponies who have gained their Cutie Marks. And your mark appeared at the same time you got your wings. A Sparkling Meteor Shower. That's way unique." "I can understand the mark, but why did I have to gain wings?" Dusk asked. "I can barely control them." Spike then thought of something and said, "Well, they did appear when you, Twilight and the human girls were absorbing the magic from Twilight's crown." "Says the dragon who ate dog treats," said Dusk, smirking at Spike. That made the Mane 6 laugh. "You ate dog treats?!" Rainbow asked, still laughing. "Hey, the portal turned me into a dog! I had a different digestive system!" Spike argued with his face turning red. "Well, I just hope that things will get better," said Twilight. "We got about a month before summer break is over. So, things might be a little different when you go back." "Yeah, especially with these," Dusk said, referring to his wings, which spread out with no control. "Aw, c'mon!" Spike put a claw to his chin and said, "Maybe we should try to keep this a secret until his official cute-ceañera." "I agree," said Rarity, walking up to Dusk with some fabrics. She then used her magic to make a cloak to cover Dusk's entire body, and keep Dusk's wings from flailing out. "This should hold until your cute-ceañera." "I hope so," said Dusk. "I don't know how grandma and grandpa are going to take it." "Probably a lot different than how Shining Armor took it," Fluttershy said. "Maybe... a little less... surprising to them." "I hope so, Fluttershy," said Twilight. "This is going to be an exciting event." A few days later, basically everypony in Ponyville arrived at the Golden Oaks Library for Dusk's cute-ceañera. Even the other princesses and Shining Armor showed up. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were standing by the door with Spoiled Rich. Filthy Rich had an important meeting out of town to go to, so he couldn't make it. Diamond Tiara was a little frustrated. "Why is everypony making such a big deal out of this?" Diamond Tiara asked. "So that colt became the very first male alicorn. Why is everypony getting a big deal out of this?" "Think about that, Diamond," Silver Spoon said. "And you could've been in a relationship with that colt," Spoiled Rich said in a demanding tone. "If you would have done so sooner, you would eventually have married him, become a royal, and we could get whatever we want. But no, you just let that one blank flank take that opportunity away from you." "I tried to get him to break up with Sweetie Belle," Diamond argued, "but all that got me was suspended from school for a month, and no chance of getting him to be mine." "Oh, maybe I can persuade a deal with Twilight Sparkle," said Spoiled Rich. "I bet I can convince her to have her son break up with that pathetic little filly, and eventually have you and Dusk betrothed." Diamond Tiara smirked, and nodded. Meanwhile, upstairs, Rarity was getting Dusk ready for his cute-ceañera. She combed his mane, and dressed him up in an outfit nearly identical to the outfit Shining Armor wore on his wedding. Even had wing holes. Twilight was watching. "Almost done, Dusk," Rarity said. "Just hold still a little longer." "If I had control of my wings, I would," said Dusk. "These wings are so annoying." "I'm sure that you'll get control of your wings, Dusk," Twilight said. "This isn't about your wings. It's about your Cutie Mark. Face it. You went across the stars, from one world to another." "I don't think it's just that," said Dusk. "Last night, I was looking at the stars, I could tell what constellations were out, and I could sense meteors going to pass by tonight at 10." "Really...?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't read the star charts, did you?" "No," said Dusk. "This could be very interesting," said Rarity. "Now, how about we get you downstairs. It's your party, Dusk." Dusk nodded, then the three of them headed downstairs. Everypony looked up and saw the first male alicorn coming down the stairs, followed by Twilight and Rarity. "A major change to Ponyville has come," said Princess Celestia. "Let's all acknowledge our newest alicorn." All of the ponies started applauding for Dusk. Dusk got a little shy when everypony was acknowledging him. Many of his classmates were congratulating him on not just getting his Cutie Mark, but becoming an alicorn as well. Sweetie Belle was excited most of all. Diamond Tiara and Spoiled Rich were a little peeved that the first male alicorn was dating Sweetie Belle. Spoiled Rich then walked over towards Twilight to try to convince Dusk to break up with Sweetie Belle. Twilight saw Spoiled Rich coming towards her. She walked up to Twilight and said, "Good day, Princess Twilight. "May I make a proposition?" "If it's about Dusk wanting to be in a relationship with your ill minded daughter instead of Sweetie Belle, forget it," Twilight said, deadpanned. "What?!" Spoiled Rich said, angrily. "That son of yours deserves the best instead of some useless filly." "Dusk can be with whoever he chooses," said Twilight. "He deserves what's best. And I'm gonna make sure he gets it, myself." "You don't know what's best for anything," said Spoiled Rich. "I don't know why you were chosen to be a princess, but I doubt you will be a good princess." Princess Celestia broke up the fight and said to Spoiled Rich, "Twilight Sparkle has been chosen to be a princess due to how much she cares. I knew she would be a princess. One of the best princesses Equestria will have." "And if you ever try to persuade me to tell my son to break a relationship, I won't do it," said Twilight. "Not even for all the bits in Equestria. What matters is making my friends and my family happy. And if you can't except that, then get out of my library." Spoiled Rich groaned in annoyance, walked towards the door and said, "Fine. But I'll have a talk with the school board about Dusk Shine no longer a student of the Ponyville Elementary School." "That's going to be a problem for you," said Princess Celestia. "I already told the rest of the school board and they are not going to let Dusk Shine go out of school. Not just because he's an alicorn, but ponies his age should be in school. If you do something like that, you'll be unemployed." Spoiled Rich groaned louder and said, "Diamond! We're leaving!" Diamond Tiara nodded as she and Silver Spoon left with Spoiled Rich. Cheerilee walked up to Dusk, Twilight and Princess Celestia. "Well, things will be interesting when school starts," said Cheerilee. "Now, just to let you know, Dusk, just because you're an alicorn does not mean you're getting special treatment." "I know, Miss Cheerilee," said Dusk. "Just... treat me like any other student." "That's good to hear," said Cheerilee, patting Dusk's head. "Now, I'm hoping to see you next month." "I'll make sure of it that Dusk gets good grades," said Twilight, putting her hoof around Dusk's shoulders. "Of course, Princess," said Cheerilee. Twilight groaned and said, "Still not used to that yet." "You'll get used to it, Twilight," said Princess Celestia. "Now then, let's have Dusk enjoy his party, shall we?" Dusk then wondered through the library for some games and sweets with Twilight and Celestia watching him. "They grow up so fast," said Twilight with a proud smile. "Yes, they do," said Princess Celestia. Later that night, Dusk was sent to bed. Twilight pulled the covers over him and kissed Dusk on the cheek. "Good night, Dusk," Twilight said. "Good night, Mom," Dusk said. He then yawned. "You've had a long day," said Twilight. "But it was worth it to see you having a good time." Dusk nodded and closed his eyes. Twilight closed the door, but then his wings flared open. Dusk looked towards his wings and shouted, "Aw, c'mon!" > Chapter 7: Plundervines and the Tree of Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Plundervines and the Tree of Harmony The Mane 6, Spike and Dusk went to the city of Canterlot. Twilight and Dusk had lessons in flying thanks to Rainbow Dash, but they were off balanced. But, they would get better if they did what Rainbow Dash taught them. Eventually, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie eventually had to get back to Ponyville. Right now, in the room they were staying at in Canterlot, Spike was checking off a list of things to do. "Check, check, check, check, and... check! Huh, whaddaya know? We're way ahead of schedule! I credit your extremely competent assistant." Twilight and Dusk were hovering over Spike and were coming down. They had a little trouble landing, but they recovered. Twilight then said, "So do I." "The Celebration isn't until the day after tomorrow," Spike said. "We could still fit in a quick trip to Ponyville and be back in plenty of time to finish off these last few things before the main event!" Twilight sighed and said, "That would be nice, Spike, but what if something else came up while we were gone?" She then started flapping her wings, worried about the things that might happen. "What if we were delayed getting back and I wasn't able to finish everything on that list? What if we lost the list on the way to Ponyville and then couldn't remember which things we'd done and which things we hadn't done, and then spent so much time trying to figure out what we hadn't done and what we had done, and we ruined the entire Celebration by not doing the one really important thing that we were supposed to do?!" She then banged her head on the ceiling and fell to the floor. "Are you okay, mom?" Dusk asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," Twilight said. "Ow..." "Uh... so that's a 'no' then?" Spike asked. Twilight got into Spike's face and said, "These are the first royal duties Princess Celestia has given me. I can't risk letting her down!" "And I'm sure you won't," came the voice of Princess Celestia. They looked towards the door and saw her coming in. "Your highness!" Spike said, bowing and getting onto his knees. Twilight and Dusk began to bow. "No need for that now, Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk," said Princess Celestia. Twilight and Dusk stood up and Twilight said, "Sorry." Princess Celestia giggled and said, "No need to apologize." "Sorry!" Twilight apologized again. That made Dusk snicker. "I must admit that it is wonderful to actually be looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration," Princess Celestia said. She headed towards the window to see Princess Luna raise the moon. "What do you mean?" asked Twilight. "For my subjects, it has always been a celebration of my defeat of Nightmare Moon," Princess Celestia said. "But for me..." She then sighed. "It was just a terrible reminder that I'd had to banish my own sister." "Guess it's hard to do such a difficult task," said Dusk. "Having to deal with a powerful villain is one thing. But if that villain is someone you love, especially a sibling, that's the most difficult thing you'd have to bare." "That is correct, Dusk Shine," said Princess Celestia. "I know your human parents didn't have any other children when you were there, but at least they get another shot at it. Too bad you wouldn't get the chance to meet the new baby." "Yeah," said Dusk. "But, I know that they're doing alright." Princess Celestia nodded and said, "But now it has become a wonderful reminder of her transformation back into Princess Luna, and our happy reunion. I am so pleased that you will be playing a role in the festivities. I know it must have been difficult to see your friends return to Ponyville without you two." "Maybe a little," Twilight said. "You may no longer be my student, Princess Twilight," said Princess Celestia, "but I hope you know that I will always be here if you need me. Just as I hope that you will always be there when I need you." She then nuzzled Twilight's cheek. Spike cleared his throat and said, "I think this guy needs you?" He held his arm out for the mail pony. "Uh, a message for Princess Twilight," said the mail pony. Twilight took the letter, and opened the top, and confetti came out of it. "A letter from Ponyville, I presume?" Princess Celestia asked. "Never mind. It's not important," said Twilight. She then turned to Spike. "Spike, where were we?" "About to call it a night?" Spike asked. "We should probably go over the checklist one more time," said Twilight. That made Dusk groan. "I knew you were gonna say that..." Spike said, pulling out the checklist. "I'm heading to bed," said Dusk. "I'll leave you to it," said Princess Celestia. She walked out of the room, heading towards her room. As she was walking out, a black vine sprouted from the stone floor, and grabbed Princess Celestia, making her gasp and yelp. The next morning, Dusk got out of the bed he was sleeping in. He looked at Twilight, who was sleeping at the desk. Dusk chuckled and headed towards the bathroom. He failed to notice that both the sun and the moon were up in the sky, making it day and night. He went into the bathroom, did his business, and went to the sink. As soon as he was washing his hooves, something from earlier caught his attention. Finally. Dusk finished washing his hooves, and ran towards a window, seeing both the day and night problem. He then shook Twilight and said, "Mom! Mom, wake up!" Twilight woke up, and looked down at Dusk, smiling. She yawned and said, "Good morning, Dusk. " "Mom, look outside!" Dusk said, pointing his left hoof out the window. Twilight looked out and gasped. She walked towards Spike to wake him up. In his sleep, he said, "Check-check-check-check-check-check..." "Spike!" Twilight shouted. That got Spike to wake up. "Ungh... What time is it?" Spike asked, a little groggy. "It's the middle of the night!" Twilight said. "But it could be morning. That's just it! I can't tell!" Spike looked out the window with Twilight and Dusk. He then said, "Whoa. That is weird." "Come on, you two, we have to find out what's going on," Twilight said. Then the three of them headed out. Things haven't been the best of news for Twilight, Spike and Dusk. The ponies of Canterlot were worried about what's going on with the sun and moon, both of the royal sisters have vanished, and since Princess Cadance has royal duties in Canterlot, Twilight was left in charge of the kingdom until Celestia and Luna were found. And to top it off, there was trouble going on in Ponyville. According to one royal guard, the Everfree Forest was invading Ponyville. Twilight, Dusk and Spike were heading towards the Train Station. Twilight was putting on her Element of Harmony Crown. Spike then asked, "Where are we going?!" "The Everfree Forest is... 'invading'," Twilight explained. "Whatever is going on, I'm sure we're going to need our friends and the Elements of Harmony to stop it! I just hope we haven't missed the train..." Spike was gasping. He was running short on breath. He then said, "Twilight? There is another way for us to get to Ponyville, remember?" "There is?" Twilight asked stopping on a bridge. He then fell off the bridge, but Twilight extended her right wing so Spike could catch it. "You and Dusk can fly!" Spike said. "Oh, right!" Twilight said. "Oh, boy," Dusk said. "I'm still not used to these wings." "Well, we don't have time to bicker, Dusk," Twilight said. "Let's get flying." Spike got on Twilight's back, then Twilight and Dusk started flapping their wings, flying all the way to Ponyville. "Oh, I'm not going to enjoy this," said Dusk. He followed Twilight in the air. It took them a while, but they made it to Ponyville. Spike wanted to take extra precautions, and pulled a seat belt, and buckled himself. Dusk noticed and asked, "A seat belt? Where did you get a seat belt?" Spike shrugged his shoulders to answer Dusk's question. "Almost there!" said Twilight. "Come on, you two, we need to get the Elements of Harmony and find the others!" She then dived in towards the library. "Incoming!" Spike shouted. Twilight then teleported into the library, without Spike. She came in, rolling, and landed in a pile of books, getting the attention of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Spike on the other hand hit the window. Dusk grabbed him before he could fall to the ground. "Oh, thank goodness!" Rarity said. "Oh, I hope you know we wouldn't normally go through your books without permission..." Fluttershy said before the door opened, having Spike and Dusk walk in. "Sweet ground!" Spike said before kissing the floor. "Sweet, sweet, wonderful ground!" "Okay, I get it! I need to work on my flying!" Twilight said, unamused. "I thought I'd be the one complaining," said Dusk. "But, it actually wasn't that bad." "I dunno if you've noticed, but the Everfree Forest is just a teeny-tiny bit out of control," Pinkie Pie said, before her tail twitched. She then ducked and a plundervine came in, hitting Rarity. "Guess it turned out you were missin' something here in Ponyville after all," Applejack said after closing the window on the vine. Rarity recovered and said, "But perhaps you already know what's causing all of this calamity. Has Princess Celestia sent you to dispel it posthaste?" "Not exactly," said Twilight. "Both princesses Celestia and Luna have gone missing!" Dusk said, making the other mares gasp. Twilight walked up to the case where the other five Elements of Harmony were. She then said, "I don't know who has taken them, but I've got a hunch we're going to need the Elements of Harmony to get them back." She put the Elements of Harmony around the necks of her friends. "Oh, yeah, just like old times," Rainbow Dash said. "A-boo-yah!" Pinkie said, doing a hoof bump with Twilight. "I told ya we'd always be connected by the Elements," said Applejack. She then sighed. "Now we just gotta figure out who to aim these bad boys at so we can get Celestia and Luna back and keep the rest of Equestria from becoming plant food! Any ideas?" Dusk walked towards the window, and took a look around. He then said, "I might have an idea who might have started this. Basically, it's chaos out there. You think he has something to do with this?" Twilight looked around town from inside the library and said, "I think you're on to something, Dusk. Half day, half night... strange weather patterns... out of control plants. You might be correct on this." The six mares, Spike and Dusk headed out towards the middle of Ponyville. Twilight used her magic to activate the Elements of Harmony. They were using them to summon the lord of chaos himself, Discord. What they weren't expecting was that Discord was in the shower. Discord noticed that he was being watch, and draped a towel over him, saying, "Now, Twilight, you know Princess Celestia said that you were to give me a heads up before you summon me with that little spell she gave you. In case you haven't noticed, I was in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower." "E-nough!" Twilight stated. "Release Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and stop the Everfree Forest from invading!" Discord chuckled, saying, "Why, whatever are you talking about?" He was also drying himself off and tossed it away. "Don't you play dumb with us, Discord!" Applejack stated. "We know you're the one behind all of this!" "Don't get me wrong," Discord said, swinging on a lamppost and using a camera. "I absolutely love what you've done with the place, but I couldn't possibly take responsibility." He then leaned towards Fluttershy. "I'm reformed, don't you remember?" Dusk was looking around at all of the chaos was going on. Along with the Mane 6 having an argument with Discord. Except for Fluttershy. He then noticed Zecora coming in with a wagon full of her stuff. "Hey! Is that Zecora coming in?!" Dusk said, getting the attention of the Mane 6, Spike and Discord. The Mane 6 ran over towards Zecora, helping her out. "From my home, I have had to flee! The forest has grown too wild, even for me!" Zecora explained in rhyme. "Any idea why all this is happenin'?" Applejack asked when a vine grabbed her hat. She quickly grabbed it and put it back on her head. "I'm afraid it is a mystery to me as well, but I may have something that, if combined with a spell..." Zecora said searching her stuff. She then pulled out a bottle with a purple liquid inside. "I do not dare to use it myself, the results would be tragic." Twilight then looked at her horn, then her wings. "Princess Twilight, you can turn the potion from purple to white. After a sip, you may see why the sky is day and night." Twilight then used her magic on the potion, turning the liquid from purple to white. Pinkie looked at the potion astonished. Twilight then drank the potion. "Doesn't seem to be worki..." Twilight said after drinking part of the potion, but then her eyes turned white. "What's happening?!" Dusk asked. "Relax, Dusk Shine, Twilight Sparkle is just fine," Zecora explained. "The potion let's the drinker see the past. For what has happened, it'll be explained at last." Twilight was struggling, mumbling and crying when seeing the past. Her eyes went back to normal. She saw all of her friends, Spike, Dusk and Discord looking at her. She then asked, "Why are you all looking at me like that?" "It's just... you were mumblin' to yourself..." Applejack said. "Ooh! And don't forget the uncontrollable sobbing!" Pinkie added. "We were really worried about you," Fluttershy said. Discord was on a vine, looking down at Twilight, saying, "I for one found it delightful. Sort of a one-pony theater piece, if you will. You should really consider taking it on the road." He held out a poster of Twilight, which was doing what Twilight was doing when she was seeing the past. "Did you find out whose rump we need to kick and where we can find them?" Rainbow Dash asked, doing a mid-air kick. "I saw something from a long time ago," Twilight explained. "But it didn't explain what's happening now." Zecora walked up to her with the potion and said, "Perhaps farther back still are the answers you seek. Another sip of the potion will give you a peek." Twilight picked up the bottle while Spike asked, "You sure about this?" Twilight then drank the potion, and her eyes went white, again. Discord was in a Hollywood Director's outfit with a camera, saying, "Oh, I do hope she breaks into a song this time!" Twilight was looking confused on what was happening. When she saw enough, she came back to reality. Spike and Dusk came up to Twilight. "So what did you find out?" Spike asked. "I still don't know what's happened to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, but I think I know why the Everfree Forest is acting this way," Twilight explained. "Something's happened to the Tree of Harmony." Discord was watching from a recliner, holding a bag of popcorn and wearing 3D glasses. "The tree of what now?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It's where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna found the Elements," Twilight explained. "I think it's in danger." "Well, all right then!" Applejack stated. "Let's go save a... tree." She then got confused and asked, "Uh... where is it exactly?" "I think it's in... there," Twilight said, pointing to where she thinks the Tree of Harmony is. The Mane 6, Spike and Dusk got a little worried that they have to go into the most dangerous forests in Equestria, which is currently even more dangerous due to the plundervines. "Ooh-hoo! I'm going to need more popcorn!" Discord said, breaking 4th wall. Things haven't been smooth sailing from there on. The Mane 6, Spike and Dusk headed into the Everfree Forest, Dusk staying very close to Twilight. But then they were all attacked by a cragadile. Then the girls thought it'd be best for Twilight, Dusk and Spike to go back to Ponyville. Twilight, Spike and Dusk went back to Ponyville, but Discord persuaded them to go back in and finish the job. Twilight, Dusk and Spike went back into the forest, and Spike climbed up a tree to see if the other girls found the tree, only to look back to see Twilight and Dusk being gassed by plundervines with venus fly trap heads. Spike went down to tell the other girls that Twilight and Dusk were in trouble. They basically went to help Twilight. As they went to the Tree of Harmony after Twilight recovered, they saw that the tree was covered in Plundervines. Twilight decided on one thing. To save the Tree of Harmony, the Mane 6 had to give up the Elements of Harmony. Basically, returning the Elements of Harmony to the Tree of Harmony had saved it, and got rid of the Plundervines. There were also two cocoons made of plundervines, and both of them dissolved, revealing Princesses Celestia and Luna. Twilight ran up to the princesses, and the three of them hugged. Princess Celestia then said, "We know how difficult it must have been for you to give up the Elements. It took great courage to relinquish them." Then the Tree of Harmony reacted. A flower bloomed, and came a box with six keyholes. The Princesses inspected it. "What's inside it? How am I supposed to open it?" Twilight asked. "Six locks, six keys," Princess Luna said. "I do not know where they are," said Princess Celestia. "But I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving alone." She was referring to her friends. But then the Tree of Harmony started reacting. "What's going on?!" Twilight asked. "I don't know... but it's a doozy!" said Pinkie Pie, her entire body shaking. Then a portal came out in front of the Element of Magic. Then from inside the portal something came out, and rolled on the ground. What came out of the portal was a black, alicorn filly, with a purple mane and tail, and her cutie mark was of a blue kite shaped shield, with a silver outline, and a lighter blue crescent moon. "An... alicorn... filly?!" Twilight asked. The Mane 6, the princesses, Spike and Dusk surrounded the filly, and inspected her. Princess Luna got her head in closer and said, "There is something familiar about this young filly, but I can't place my hoof on it." "Let's get this filly to the hospital and see what's going on with her," said Twilight. She then used her magic to place the black filly on her back. Then all of them headed out. Later at the hospital, the black alicorn filly was in a hospital bed, being watched over by the Mane 6, the Princesses, Spike and Dusk. "Are you sure you've seen this filly before, Luna?" Twilight asked. "I'm not sure," said Princess Luna. "But there's something about her that's awfully familiar." Then a popping noise came in, and Discord appeared over the sleeping filly. He then said, "Such an incredible discovery. But, this filly is extraordinary. I've checked this filly's mind, and she happens to come from an alternate Equestria." "An alternate Equestria?" Fluttershy asked. "Like when we went to an Equestria where everypony's gender was switched?" "No, but you're on the right track, Fluttershy," said Discord. "In the Equestria this little filly has come from, things have been... a little... dark." "What are you talking about?" Twilight asked. "This little filly's name is Nyx," said Discord. "She was actually created due to a ritual created by a cult who was all corrupted by a dark force." "This filly wasn't born like any other filly?" Dusk asked. "What makes her so special?" "The cult were trying to resurrect an evil figure to try and dethrone Celestia and Luna, and rule Equestria the way they believed what was right," said Discord. "And this filly came from that ritual?" asked Princess Celestia. "Who was this filly supposed to be?" "See for yourself," said Discord as he used his eagle talons to open one of Nyx's eyes. The ponies, minus Dusk, and Spike gasped at what they saw. The eyes of Nyx were turquoise, but the pupil was dagger shaped, and the whites of Nyx's eyes were actually a lighter color. "Nightmare Moon?!" everyone said except for Discord and Dusk. Discord let go of Nyx's eyelids. "Yes," said Discord. "But, this filly had an interesting life. She's not evil at all. The cult never got to make her who she was supposed to be that night when they cast the ritual." "So... she's not evil? At all?" Twilight asked. "Nope," Discord said. "In fact, it was you who raised her that way, Twilight Sparkle." "Me?!" Twilight exclaimed, but then Applejack and Fluttershy covered her mouth. But, that made the little black alicorn squirm. She was about to wake up. "Shoot..." Applejack whispered. "She's wakin' up." "Everypony, stand behind me," Princess Celestia stated. Then all of the ponies and Spike went behind Princess Celestia and Discord snapped his eagle talon, making him disappear. The filly then woke up, and looked around. She looked from her right, then to her left. She then noticed that the Princesses and the Mane 6 were in the room. "Princess Celestia?" asked the little alicorn filly, confused. "What happened? Why am I here?" She then noticed Twilight. "Tw-Twilight?" "I... I'm afraid... that you're... not in the same Equestria where you're from," Twilight said. "Wh-what?" Nyx asked. Twilight exhaled and said, "Let's... start from the beginning." > Chapter 8: The Newest Member of Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: The Newest Member of Equestria Days have passed ever since the incident with the Tree of Harmony. And with the new filly from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, had popped up, things have been interesting. Nyx had told the Mane 6, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Spike and Dusk about everything she's been through. Twilight was a little surprised by Nyx's story. In that Equestria, Nyx was founded by Twilight, taken to her library, got an outfit by Rarity, enchanted glasses to disguise Nyx's eyes, went to school, enjoyed it, became best friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, went in a play as Nightmare Moon, found out where she came from, and later, got turned into the real Nightmare Moon by the cult. But later, Nyx decided to be who she wanted to be and not what the cult wanted her to be. But not everypony was okay with Nyx after the events of what she did as Nightmare Moon. Apparently, in that Equestria, Granny Smith still blamed her for locking up Apple Bloom and her friends, when it was them who snuck into the castle that was specifically built for Nightmare Moon. And that Twilight let Nyx keep her old toy, Smarty Pants. And the rest of Twilight's family wasn't too fond on having her take care of Nyx. But, they decided to role with it. But Shining Armor was the most concerned out of the entire family, because he thought that Twilight was taking care of Nyx because she was under mind control. "That seems a little harsh, don'tcha think?" Twilight asked. "Indeed," said Nyx. She then yawned. Twilight looked towards the window. "I guess it is getting late, isn't it?" Twilight asked. "Head upstairs, and we'll head straight to bed." Dusk and Nyx nodded. So they headed upstairs. Nyx had her head down. Dusk then asked, "Are you okay?" "I... I really need to get back to my Equestria," said Nyx. "My Twilight is probably worried sick about me. She took care of me... reads stories to me... lets me go to school. What am I going to do?" "I'm sure there's a way to get you back to your world," said Dusk. "Hopefully." "But, there's another reason why I wanna get back home," said Nyx. "And what's that?" Dusk asked as they were passing one window on the second floor. Then a tomato splattered on the window. Dusk looked out the window to see protesting ponies throwing fruits, and some holding up torches. They were shouting things at or about Nyx. "Get out of here, Nightmare Moon!" "Go to Tartarus and never come back!" "You shouldn't have come here!" "Why didn't the princesses just send her to the moon?!" Nyx sighed and said, "That's why. Ponies of this Equestria only see me as Nightmare Moon. And I don't want to go down that path." She sighed again. "I hope that the princesses find me a way home." "That's enough!" came Twilight's voice from outside. Dusk and Nyx looked outside to see Twilight heading towards the protesters. "That little filly isn't evil! The other Princesses have already made a royal announcement that no harm should come to the filly currently known as Nyx! If you have a problem with that, then go speak with Princess Celestia herself." The ponies then left the area, still upset that Nyx was there, but they see her only as Nightmare Moon. Nyx was a little upset that she was in an alternate Equestria. Spike saw the two looking out the window. "Hey, are you two okay?" Spike asked. "Yeah," said Nyx. "I'm... I'm just..." Spike patted her shoulder. "Hey, hey, it's okay," said Spike. "I'm sure that we'll get you home." He then started gagging. Nyx then ducked right before Spike burped, having a letter come out of his emerald flames, hitting Dusk in the face. "Really?" Dusk asked. "Sorry," said Spike and Nyx in unison. Nyx then used her magic to pick up the letter, and give it to Spike. "Thanks," said Spike. He then unrolled the letter and started reading it. "Huh. Guess it's for you, Nyx." He then cleared his throat and started reading. "'Dear Nyx, the good news is we found the Equestria where you came from. The bad news is that... there is no way to send you back. With the help of Discord, he was able to find out that during the chaos of the Plundervines, magic was getting messed up. Including the Tree of Harmony. While the Twilight of the Equestria you were in was placing the Elements of Harmony on the Tree of Harmony, you seemed to be chased by those vines as well. But when you made contact with the Tree of Harmony as the last Element was being put on, your body and memories had been copied, and through random dimension, making you come to our dimension, making you stuck here in our Equestria. I'm sorry, Nyx. But, I'm afraid you're stuck here, and have to start your life over again. Signed, Princess Celestia.'" Nyx got upset when she heard that she was never going to go back to her Equestria. Spike and Dusk felt sorry for Nyx, and came in for a hug, which she took in. Twilight came in and saw Nyx upset. "What happened?" Twilight asked. Spike handed Twilight the letter, and she read it. "Oh. I'm so sorry, Nyx." Nyx ran up to Twilight, and cried into her chest. Twilight rubbed the back of Nyx's head and said, "It's okay. You might not be able to go back to your Equestria, but that doesn't mean you won't make a new home here." "I'm stuck here... and nopony home will notice..." Nyx said, still crying. Twilight picked her up and carried her to her room. "Why don't you come sleep with me in my bed?" Twilight asked. "Would that make you feel better?" Nyx nodded while her head was against Twilight's chest. Twilight then carried Nyx to her room, Spike followed. Dusk then went into his room. He was worried about Nyx. He climbed into his bed, and went to sleep. Hoping that Nyx would be alright the next day. Dusk went over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. He was talking with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo while Twilight and Nyx were waiting outside. "Are ya serious?!" Apple Bloom asked. "Ya sayin' ya want us to be friends with that filly?" "She's best friends with you in the Equestria she came from," said Dusk. "I just thought that you could be friends with her so she wouldn't be less home sick." "I don't know, Dusk," Sweetie Belle said, unsure. "You do realize that she looks like..." "Listen," said Dusk. "Nyx really needs some friends. She really needs some familiar faces that are friendly to her to make her feel at home. Please." Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo huddled in without Dusk. They were whispering something. They then turned around. "Alright, Dusk," said Apple Bloom. "We'll give it a shot. As long as she doesn't try anythin' funny. Bring her in." Dusk nodded and headed towards the door. He opened the door and called out, "Alright, Nyx. Come on in." Nyx stepped up the ramp and walked into the clubhouse. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were unsure of Nyx, but they're willing to give her a chance. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked up to Nyx. Nyx got a little nervous, even bit her lip. Apple Bloom asked, "Since ya are from a different Equestria, Ah assume ya know who we are." Nyx nodded in response. "So, how did ya meet us in the Equestria you came from?" "When we met, I had to wear a disguise," said Nyx. "Twilight had Rarity make me a vest to hide my wings, and Twilight gave me some enchanted glasses to make my eyes look normal. You came up to defend me from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon picking on me, just because I was so curious about the world around me. Even asking questions before recess." "I take it they didn't like you before you revealed yourself?" Scootaloo asked. "No," said Nyx. "They picked on me. They called me a nerd... a creep... a crybaby... even a blank flank." "Wait, you didn't have your Cutie Mark when... our other selves met you?" Sweetie Belle asked. "But how could..." Sweetie Belle looked at Nyx's Cutie Mark. It wasn't at all like Luna's Cutie Mark. "I thought your Cutie Mark would be a lot like Princess Luna's Cutie Mark." "No," said Nyx. "Let's just say that ruling Equestria wasn't really my talent. It's protecting my friends and family." "Oh, so that's why your Cutie Mark's a shield!" said Scootaloo. "But, how did you get the name Nyx?" "In my Equestria, I was found by Twilight with no memories of who I was or who I was supposed to be," said Nyx. "She gave me the name Nyx after a character in her favorite book..." "Nyx of the Night?!" Twilight asked, coming in. "Oh, that actually makes sense. Since the main character of the book has a black coat." "Anyway, Apple Bloom came in and pushed Diamond Tiara over to stop picking on me," Nyx continued. "Silver Spoon threatened to tell Cheerilee about Apple Bloom pushing Diamond Tiara, but Apple Bloom defended that she would tell Cheerilee that the two bullies were picking on me, with Twist as a witness." Scootaloo laughed, saying, "Oh ho... They... they got them there, didn't they?" "We actually had a lot of fun," said Nyx. "Even if we hadn't gotten our Cutie Marks. What matters was having fun." "Guess it was kinda hard for ya when ya had ta leave the group," said Apple Bloom with a sad voice. "Actually, I was still in," said Nyx. "Just because I got my Cutie Mark doesn't mean I can't help my friends get theirs." "That's... actually not a bad idea," said Twilight. "Your friendship doesn't end just because you have a Cutie Mark. You can still be friends whether or not you have your Cutie Marks." Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other and smiled. They nodded and Apple Bloom said, "Alright. Nyx, since ya are stayin' in our Equestria, we'd be happy ta have ya as an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader." Nyx smiled proudly and said, "Well, I guess since there's no way back to my Equestria, I might as well have fun with friends." Then the Crusaders came in for a group hug with Nyx. "We'll help ya out if ya are in any trouble," said Apple Bloom. "Especially if ya start school here." "She is... going to come to school, isn't she?" asked Dusk to Twilight. "Well, I might as well get her registered," said Twilight. "I doubt that most of the ponies in class will take it nicely, but she does have to go to school." Nyx smiled and nodded. She was glad that she started off in this Equestria by starting a friendship with familiar faces. Later that night, Twilight was putting the finishing touches on the new bed that she got Nyx. And to make a bigger surprise for Nyx, she decided to put her old doll, Smarty Pants, into the new bed. She was told by Nyx that the Twilight she grew up with gave Smarty Pants to Nyx due to how much she loved that doll, and who gave it to her. Dusk and Nyx were getting to know each other. Nyx was fascinated by Dusk's previous life. She thought that humans were just a myth. Guess the Twilight she grew up with didn't tell her about the mirror. They were talking while they were having a dinner composed of Celery Soup and Daffodil sandwiches. And Spike made those before he knew they were Nyx's favorite meal. After Nyx finished, she went up to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Twilight walked up to Dusk and asked, "How do you feel about Nyx staying with us?" "It's going to be a big change for all of us," said Dusk. "But, in the Equestria she's from, she's your daughter. Does that... kinda make her... my sister?" "I... guess it does," Twilight said. "But before we make it official, we might as well ask her when she's comfortable being here." Spike came up to them and said, "Well, I'm not too sure that I would want to be Nyx's brother. I say I'd make a better uncle." "Didn't Nyx mention that it was the Twilight of that world that hatched that Spike's egg?" Dusk asked. That made Twilight laugh. "He's right..." Twilight said, still laughing. "He's right. I was the one who hatched you, Spike. So that does make me your mother as well." "Aw, c'mon!" said Spike. He then left the kitchen, saying, "I'm going to bed." "Good idea," said Twilight. She then yawned. "It... is getting late. How about we turn in for the night?" Dusk nodded and the two of them headed upstairs. Dusk went into his bed, and thought what he was going to do with Nyx. Meanwhile, Twilight walked into the room she and Spike share, and in the new bed, she saw Nyx, sleeping in the bed she was given, and she was hugging the Smarty Pants doll. Twilight smiled, and then tucked in Nyx. She then headed towards her bed and went to sleep. > Chapter 9: Returning to School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: Returning to School It's been a week since Nyx had been friends with the Crusaders. Most ponies weren't too sure of Nyx. Ponies tried to protect Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo from Nyx. Good thing the Crusaders said that Nyx was with them. Ponies were shocked to see that one pony that they fear a lot is acting like a little filly. Which she was. Twilight was busy trying to understand what that box was that came from the Tree of Harmony. She had already registered Nyx into the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Twilight had her parents take Dusk and Nyx to school because she and Spike went to the Castle of the Two Sisters to find any more clues about the box. Velvet and Night Light weren't too sure about Twilight taking care of a filly that looks a lot like Nightmare Moon. But they weren't expecting that Nyx was acting like any normal filly would. Twilight had already gotten Nyx some school supplies. Nyx knew the way to the schoolhouse, so she and Dusk headed off to school. Dusk and Nyx arrived at the school. Cheerilee saw Dusk and Nyx coming up towards them. "Hello, Dusk," said Cheerilee. She then looked at Nyx. "You must be Nyx. Twilight has told me a lot about you. Is it true that you love learning new things?" Nyx nodded and said, "I really enjoy it. I have been learning a lot ever since I was founded by my Twilight in the other Equestria." "Well, that makes sense," said Cheerilee. "Alright, Dusk, you go take your seat. Nyx, you come up with me to the front of the class." The two of them nodded and headed in. Dusk went to his seat while Nyx stood in the front of the class. Most of the students were unsure of Nyx being in their class. But Diamond Tiara was giving Nyx a nasty glare. "Good morning, class," Cheerilee said to her students. "Good morning, Miss Cheerilee," said all of the students. "Okay, students, we have a new student," said Cheerilee. "Her name is Nyx. I know, to you, she looks like Nightmare Moon, but she isn't like her at all. So, treat her with kindness, not hatred." "Yes, Miss Cheerilee," said most of the students, which include Dusk, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Twist. Some students were unsure about Nyx. But Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they weren't too fond of having to be in the same school as Nightmare Moon. "Okay, Nyx," Cheerilee said to Nyx. "Go on and pick yourself an open desk." Nyx nodded, and headed over to an open desk. She chose the open desk right next to Apple Bloom, and in front of Dusk. Then Cheerilee started the lesson. The school bell rang, meaning all of the students could go out for recess. But the bell kept ringing... for five minutes. All of the students looked up at the bell tower of the school house and saw Pinkie Pie, banging her head on the inside of the bell. "What is Pinkie Pie doing up there?" asked Dusk. "I heard from Twilight that Pinkie was in charge of ringing the school bell," said Nyx. "She's doing it way too much." Cheerilee came outside to look up at the bell tower to see Pinkie banging her head on the inside of the bell. She then called out, "Pinkie Pie! I believe you've done enough ringing!" "Aww!" said Pinkie. "But I was just getting used to it!" She then slid down the side of the building like it was a fireman's pole. "I still don't know how she does that," Dusk said to Nyx. "In my Equestria, we just let it happen," said Nyx. "It's Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie." "Wow," said Cheerilee. "Your Equestria isn't that too far off from ours." "Yeah," said Nyx. "I'm gonna go play with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo." She then ran off to meet with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Dusk smiled as Nyx went to play with the Crusaders. Cheerilee looked over at Dusk and said, "I'm surprised at this. The two of you are starting to bond, aren't you?" "According to Nyx, she was adopted by her Twilight in her Equestria," said Dusk. "It's almost like we were meant to be siblings." "I'm sure that you'll get a lot used to her when she's here," said Cheerilee. "Yeah, I guess so," said Dusk. He and Cheerilee then heard Nyx shout out a little. They looked over towards Nyx and saw her pinned to the wall by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "Look at what we have here, Silver Spoon," said Diamond Tiara. "It's the great Nightmare Moon." "Oh, how the mighty have fallen," said Silver Spoon. "I can't believe we were once afraid of you." "At least it would be more easy to banish you to the moon where you belong," said Diamond Tiara. Nyx got angry and said, "I am not evil! I won't go down the path of darkness!" "Oh, yes you will eventually," said Diamond Tiara. "It all says on your..." Diamond Tiara stopped when she got a good look at Nyx's Cutie Mark. "Wait a minute, that's not your Cutie Mark. I thought it was supposed to be a blotch of purple with a light blue crescent moon." "That mark was based on Princess Luna's mark," said Nyx. "This one, I earned... and my talent is... protecting my friends and family." Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were confused by Nyx's statement. Diamond Tiara then said, "Just because you're a filly now, and you might have a different Cutie Mark, it doesn't mean you'll be any different then who you are meant to be." Nyx furrowed her brows, but then she was blocked by Dusk and the Crusaders. Dusk then asked, "What the heck are you doing?" "Why are you even defending this monster?!" Diamond snapped. "She's a monster. You should know this." "Princess Luna and Discord already looked into this filly's mind," said Dusk. "She is not evil. You don't treat ponies like that because they're different." That comment from Dusk made Nyx smile because somepony was sticking up for her. "Everypony is different, and nopony is perfect. Not even you." Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon gasped, and then Diamond Tiara said, "I am perfect! I was raised to be perfect!" "That's what you believe," said Dusk. "Let's go." Then he, Nyx and the Crusaders walked away from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Diamond Tiara then shouted, "Hey! Get back here! We're not finished here!" Cheerilee then came in behind Diamond Tiara and said, "Oh, I think you are." Diamond Tiara looked behind her and saw Cheerilee. Cheerilee pointed at the building, saying, "Inside. Now. You are staying after school. Both of you." That got Silver Spoon's attention. Both of them sighed and went into the schoolhouse. Dusk and Nyx arrived back at the Golden Oaks Library. They headed towards the table in the center of the room, and started working on their homework. Nyx was struggling to get her books out of her saddlebags. Dusk noticed it. "Nyx? Are you okay?" Dusk asked. "Yeah," said Nyx. "Why do you ask?" "I thought alicorns were stronger with magic than unicorns," said Dusk. "How are you struggling?" "Oh," said Nyx. "Remember when I said that when I was Nightmare Moon, I wanted to be a filly again? Princess Luna was the one who turned me back into a filly. But... it also costed me... most... of my magic. Now, I'm at the same magical power as Sweetie Belle." "Wow," said Velvet, walking into the room. "Are you sure that's what you wanted?" "It was the only way for me to stay with Twilight," said Nyx. "To me, she's the best mom in the world. Even though I always called her Twilight. I wasn't ready to call her mom yet." "Just like when I married into Night Light's family," said Velvet. "Night Light's mother wanted me to call her mom because she saw me like a real daughter. Not just a daughter-in-law." Nyx nodded and said, "You... actually told me that when showing me the family photo album." "And I guess you even saw me and Night Light moving into that one house when I was pregnant with Shining Armor?" asked Velvet. "Yes," said Nyx. "But, I was really weirded out by your silly mane cut." That made Velvet laugh and asked, "I guess the other me said that a lot of mare were wearing their manes in a bouffant back then?" Nyx nodded. "Well, I guess that makes sense. Now, you two work on your homework. I'll get started on dinner." Nyx leaned towards Dusk and said, "I thought Twilight's parents lived in Canterlot." "They did," Dusk said. "Since I came, they moved down here to Ponyville in case somepony needed to watch me while Mom was out." Nyx thought about it, nodded and said, "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. The Velvet and Night Light of my Equestria stayed in Canterlot." "Yeah," said Dusk. "I had a hard time adjusting to my new life here. I was once a human." "I know," said Nyx. "Twilight told me." She then thought about something and asked, "Were you really abused badly by your old aunt and cousin?" "Yeah," said Dusk. "They made me clean everything. Even during meals. Most days, when I was finished cleaning, my cousin already ate my plate of food, and he said to me exactly, 'You weren't eating it.'" "That's... that's horrible," Nyx said. "He knew that was your food, and it was saved for you. Why would anything so cruel do that?" "He was raised that way," said Dusk. "I'm just lucky to know that my parents sued Aunt Bonnie. She got sent to the state prison and my cousin Devon got sent to a boarding school for bad kids." Nyx turned and said, "Wish I could see Diamond Tiara be sent there." The door then opened, and in came Twilight and Spike. Twilight called out, "We're home!" Dusk and Nyx went from the table and went over towards Twilight. "Hey, Mom," Dusk said. "Pinkie told me what you did for Nyx today," said Twilight. "I'm so proud of you." "Thanks, Mom," said Dusk. He then noticed the book that Spike was holding. "What's that?" "It's a journal that me and my friends are going to start writing our own personal lessons in," said Twilight. "Things will be a little different from now on. Now that we are alicorns, and we have a filly living with us, things are going to be interesting." "I'm sure of it, Twilight," said Velvet as she was walking in with some snacks for Dusk and Nyx. "Thanks for watching them, Mom," Twilight said. "It was no problem, Twilight," said Velvet. She then looked at Nyx, smiled, and then looked back to Twilight. "I wasn't too sure on Nyx, but she is a sweet filly." "I know," said Twilight. "But, I'm sure that Nyx would be alright here. Hopefully, she'll want to feel like a part of this family." "Since I won't be able to go back to my own..." said Nyx, drooping her head. Twilight walked over towards Nyx and said, "I know you're homesick, Nyx... But there are a lot of things that you can do here. We would be honored to have you be a part of our family." Nyx smiled at Twilight, ran up to her, and hugged her. Nyx said, "Thank you." "You're welcome, Nyx," said Twilight. "Plus, we can basically have a matching number of boys and girls in the family." That made Nyx laugh. "Yeah, I guess so," said Nyx. "Who knows what will happen next?" Twilight nodded. She then checked on the homework the kids were doing. She smiled and said, "I'll have a letter written to Princess Celestia. I'm sure that the Princess will understand." "I do, Twilight," came the voice of Princess Celestia. She came into the library and said, "I was wondering when you would make it official, Twilight." "Princess Celestia!" Twilight said. "I've brought the official papers for you to sign for having Nyx under your care," said Princess Celestia. "Although, a lot of the nobles of Canterlot are unhappy of Nyx being a full citizen of Equestria. Some want her sent to the moon, some want her locked in Tartarus, and I heard only one threat for Nyx to immediate death." "What?!" Nyx shouted in fear. "It's okay, Nyx," Princess Celestia said, turning towards the filly. "I had made it perfectly clear that you shall not be punished for crimes you have not commit. You are just a filly. And it is wrong to harm a little filly." "She's right, Nyx," said Twilight. "Nopony is going to do something so severe to you. I can promise you that." Nyx smiled with tears in the corners of her eyes, and nuzzled Twilight's chest. Princess Celestia used her magic to bring a clipboard towards Twilight. Twilight then used her magic to write on the paper, which was an adoption form. "Thank you, Twilight," said Princess Celestia. "I'm sure that Nyx and Dusk will enjoy each other as brother and sister." Nyx looked over at Dusk and smiled. She walked over towards Dusk and said, "Guess I'm lucky to have another brother." "Since you were the sister of Spike in the other Equestria, right?" Dusk asked. "I still say I'd make a better uncle!" Spike's voice said from upstairs. "When did he go upstairs?" asked Dusk. That question made both of them shrug their shoulders. Dusk then said, "I've actually always wanted a sister." "Guess we got we wanted," said Nyx. Then both of their stomachs growled. They laughed and headed towards the table to eat their snacks. Twilight smiled. She then sighed. "I guess from now on, things will be a lot more interesting," Twilight thought. She saw Princess Celestia leave to head on home to Canterlot in her royal chariot. "And I won't let anything bad happen to them." > Chapter 10: Cutie Mark Crusader Sleepover at Twilight's! Yay! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: Cutie Mark Crusader Sleepover at Twilight's! Yay! Things have been going well for Twilight and her friends. Especially with Nyx. She's already getting over being lost in an alternate Equestria. Pinkie Pie had set up a party in the library, and not just for Nyx. Pinkie said it was a "National Random Holiday Party". Twilight had gotten used to Nyx when she moved in. Rainbow Dash then came in, saying, "Heya, Twilight! Aren't you excited that..." She was then cut off when Pinkie came down from the ceiling, blowing a party horn. "So glad you've finally made it!" said Twilight. Rainbow Dash was walking in confused about the party and asked, "What's everypony doing here?" "We're having a holiday party!" said Pinkie Pie. She then blew a party horn. "So what holiday would today be?" Rainbow asked, confused and looking at Applejack, dancing with a huge red cowboy hat with white apples all over it. "National Random Holiday Party Day! Woo-hoo!" Pinkie said, blowing another horn. "I've never heard of it either," Rarity said, walking up to Rainbow Dash. She then took a sip of the drink she had in her magic. "But the punch is quite tasty." Pinkie Pie leaned in and said, "You might say the secret ingredient is..." She then whispered loudly into Rainbow's ear. "...a secret!" Rainbow Dash turned her head towards Applejack and asked, "How come nopony bothered to invite me?" "I came to invite you personally, but it seems you were a speck too busy reading the last Daring Do book for the twelfth time," Applejack said with a deadpanned expression. Rainbow Dash then walked over towards Twilight who was holding the drinks with her magic, saying, "Yeah, well, in three months and twenty six more days, I'll be able to read the next one." She then took one cup of punch and drank it. "Oh, haven't you heard?" Twilight asked. "The release of the next book got pushed another two months." That made Rainbow Dash do a spit-take into Twilight's face. "Two more months?!" Rainbow shouted. She then started sweating. "I've been waiting so long already! I don't think I can take another two months! I'll never make it!" She then face planted on the floor. Fluttershy came in behind Rainbow Dash and said, "Yeah. I can vouch for that..." Pinkie then put a party hat on Rainbow's head. "Did they give a reason?" Rainbow asked. "The publisher just said author A.K. Yearling won't be able to finish the book for another two months," Twilight explained. She then levitated a platter full of cupcakes. "Cupcakes?" Rainbow Dash growled and said, "How could you possibly know that before me? I'm the series's biggest fan!' "I'm just as big a fan as you!" Twilight said. "In fact, I'm the one who first introduced you to the books, remember?" "Oh. Right," said Rainbow, remembering her time in the hospital. Dusk and Nyx were confused by the commotion. Nyx was eating a cupcake, and asked, "Do you know something about that?" "No," said Dusk. "It probably happened before this body was born." "I guess that makes sense," said Nyx. She then levitated another cupcake over and asked, "Cupcake?" "Thanks," said Dusk, taking it in his own magic, and eating it. "A.K. Yearling just might be my favorite author," Twilight said. "I know everything about her. Where she grew up, where she studied literature, where she wrote the first Daring Do book..." Rainbow got an idea and asked, "Where she lives?" "Uh... no, though I could probably find out somehow," Twilight said. She then wondered. "Why?" "Don't you get it?" Rainbow asked. "The new book is obviously delayed because she needs help dealing with whatever everyday nonsense is distracting her from spending her every living breathing second writing! So I– I mean, fans like me, can get to read the new book ASAP! Think about it! We could help her with her laundry, buy her groceries, cooking her meals, whatever! Now, who wouldn't appreciate that?" "Hmm, I don't know... what she probably wants most of all is respect for her privacy," Twilight said. Rainbow then wrapped her foreleg around Twilight and said, "She can always just say no." That made Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy nod their heads in agreement. "Mmh... I suppose you're right..." Twilight said, making Rainbow smile wide. "Of course I am," Rainbow said flying and winking. "So... how's about getting that address?" Twilight became grumpy and said, "Well, I'm just gonna have to ask my parents to watch over Dusk and Nyx since Spike is in Canterlot." "Oh, that reminds me," said Rarity. "I'm afraid that my parents are out for their own personal trip, and I can't leave Sweetie Belle all by herself." "Yeah," Applejack said. "Big Mac and Granny Smith are visitin' relatives. It's just me an Apple Bloom at home." "I guess we wouldn't mind having Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle here," said Twilight. "I guess that we can't leave Scootaloo out of it. We can't let the Cutie Mark Crusaders have one Crusader left out." "Good idea," said Dusk. "I'll go find them." He headed for the door and opened it. He then went wide eyed and said, "Never mind!" Then came in, crashing into Dusk, was Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They all went onto the other side of the library, and then got buried in books. Then the Crusaders and Dusk popped their heads out from the books. "Ah told ya ta slow down, Scoot!" Apple Bloom said. "It wasn't my fault!" Scootaloo argued. She then held out the handlebars of her scooter and said, "The handlebars on my scooter popped off!" Nyx turned to the bookshelf she was standing in front of and picked out one book with her magic. She then walked over towards the group, and handed Scootaloo the book. She then said, "This book has the answers on how to fix your scooter." Twilight was confused and asked, "How did you know that was there?" "Scootaloo did this back in the Equestria where I'm from," said Nyx. "Anyway," said Twilight. "Now that you girls are here, I might as well..." Twilight said, but was cut off by Scootaloo. "Yeah, whatever it is, I can't," said Scootaloo. "My parents are still out of town, and my aunts, Lofty and Holiday, are going out for their quilting business, so I need somepony to watch over me until they get back." "That's... actually a coincidence," said Twilight. "Basically, the six of us are going out of town, and I'm gonna have my parents watch over Dusk, Nyx, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. There's always room for one more." That made the girls gasp in excitement. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Nyx began to breathe in a huge whiff of air. Dusk then said, "Everypony, cover your ears." Which they all did. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SLEEPOVER AT THE LIBRARY! YAY!!" the four fillies shouted. That made the Mane 6 laugh at the Crusaders's group cheer. Especially with Nyx joining in. It had become the late evening with the girls and Dusk sleeping down in the main room of the library. Twilight and her friends left for their journey to find A.K. Yearling. Velvet had prepared s'mores for the fillies and Dusk to enjoy. Nyx really enjoyed the s'mores. "You seemed to enjoy the s'mores, Nyx," said Velvet. "Are they a favorite of yours?" "To tell you the truth," Nyx said. "This was my very first s'more." "Really?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Your whole life, you never had a s'more?" "I... I wasn't really born like any normal pony," Nyx said. "Ah just thought that ya were born from a unicorn and a bat pony," said Apple Bloom. "No way," said Nyx. "Although, with my eyes, I guess that would make sense. But, on my first sleepover in my Equestria, the Apple Bloom there thought that one of my parents was a unicorn when the other one is a pegasus. And I was wearing enchanted glasses that made my eyes look normal." "Enchanted glasses?" Dusk asked. "Oh, so none of the ponies would see you as Nightmare Moon. And the vest to hide your wings." "You wore a vest?" Scootaloo asked. "Oh, yeah. Alicorns don't pop out of nowhere. Anyway..." She then turned off the lights, and pulled a lit lantern and said, "It's time for ghost stories." "No offense, Scootaloo," Apple Bloom said. "But your ghost stories aren't that scary. Ah doubt that Nyx is afraid of them." That made Nyx snicker. Apple Bloom then asked, "What? You heard that before, too?" Nyx nodded. "It was actually said on my very first sleepover," said Nyx. That made the girls laugh. Dusk smiled. "Guess you've already done a lot of things with the Crusaders from your world," said Dusk. "Yeah," said Nyx. "We had a lot of fun. But there was also moments ruined by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I wasn't with you three in my Equestria when Babs Seed came to town." "Why weren't ya?" Apple Bloom asked. "I was helping Twist with her sweets for the parade," said Nyx. "After all, she was the one who pointed it out to Apple Bloom that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were picking on me on my first day of school in my Equestria." "So, nopony besides you and Twi knew ya were a filly Nightmare Moon before certain events?" Apple Bloom asked. "Well, there was one pony," said Nyx. "It was Rarity. She was the one who made me that vest to cover my wings." "That makes sense," said Sweetie Belle. "But why would Rarity help out?" "She didn't want to, but Twilight got her to help," said Nyx. "Although, it was a little irritating just to stay in the same spot while Rarity was designing something on me." "Tell me about it," Sweetie Belle said. "It's even worse when you have to go to the bathroom." "I had to when I was being fitted into that outfit I wore for my party when I got my Cutie Mark," said Dusk. "Luckily, the fitting wasn't on that day." Velvet chuckled and shook her head. She then said, "Alright, my little ponies, it's time for you all to go to bed. You got school in the morning." "Okay, grandma!" said Dusk and Nyx at the same time. Both of them looked at each other and laughed. "Now, for you three, I set up the sleeping bags upstairs in Twilight's room," said Velvet. "So, don't do anything to keep up anypony." "Okay," said Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Then they headed upstairs and followed Nyx. Twilight and her friends came back from their adventure. Applejack got Apple Bloom back to the farm, Rarity took Sweetie Belle back to the boutique, and Scootaloo's aunts came back from their quilting and picked her up. It was dark when the Mane 6 got home. Dusk and Nyx were happy to see that Twilight came back when they woke up. "So, what did you and your friends do to help A.K. Yearling?" Nyx asked. "Oh, it wasn't that much," said Twilight. "Just certain things. Nothing too much." Twilight then thought, "I can't let them find out that A.K. Yearling is Daring Do, and keep it a secret from anypony who doesn't know." Twilight then looked at the time and said, "Alright. It's time for school. Head on out." "Okay, Twilight," Nyx said. Then she and Dusk headed out. Twilight sighed and said, "Guess she doesn't feel comfortable on calling me Mom." She then thought about it and said, "Well, I guess it makes sense since she didn't call the Twilight of her Equestria 'Mom' either." She then shrugged her shoulders and said, "Hopefully, things will be different." > Chapter 11: The Flag Carrying Competition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: The Flag Carrying Competition Dusk, Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were coming out of the schoolhouse to get ready for a certain event. The head of the Equestria Games, Ms Harshwhinny, came in to give an announcement for a special competition. Nyx was a little excited to hear that they would be going to the Crystal Empire. "This is so exciting!" said Nyx. "I've always wanted to go to the Crystal Empire!" "Didn't you go to the Crystal Empire for the Princess Summit?" asked Dusk. "No," said Nyx. "They were afraid that I would trap them in a night eternal, or banish them to the moon." "I doubt you'd be the real Nightmare Moon," said Dusk. "I doubt there would be a Nightmare Moon without Luna's body and emotions." Nyx thought about it, nodded and said, "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. But, what are we going to do for the competition?" "I don't think we should be too worried about that," said Dusk. "According to Mom, we're going to be sitting up in the stands with the other Princesses during the Equestria Games." Then Miss Harshwhinny walked up towards them and said, "The Princesses are wanting all alicorns to be in a special spot for every Equestria Games." She then looked at Nyx and said, "You must be Nyx. I've heard that you are the newest Alicorn. Although, I find it weird because you look like..." "Nightmare Moon?" Nyx asked. "I get that a lot. But, I'm not going down that path. Especially when the Luna from my Equestria drained most of my magic and the unwanted memories out of me." "That would explain why you weren't so powerful when using magic," Dusk said. "Well, as long as you aren't a threat, you are welcome to the Equestria Games, sitting with the princesses," said Miss Harshwhinny. She then looked around and whispered into both of their ears, "Now, you might be favoring a certain group, but I am giving you two a job. You two are going to check out the competition, and make sure that nopony tries to get into somepony's head. If they do, let me know." "Yes, Ma'am," said the two alicorns, doing a salute. That made Miss Harshwhinny chuckle and say, "That's cute. I want you two to get on it." Dusk and Nyx nodded and headed on home to the Golden Oaks Library. Twilight, Spike, Dusk, Nyx, Velvet and Night Light were all enjoying a family dinner in the Golden Oaks Library. They were having Nyx's favorites, Celery Soup and Daffodil Sandwiches. "So, you two are going to be in charge of reporting rule breakers?" Twilight asked. "That's a huge responsibility for you two to do." "I know," said Nyx. "But, this is a huge responsibility. Not as much when my time as... you know who..." "Nightmare Moon?" asked Twilight, Velvet and Night Light. That made Nyx slouched down, almost about to roll into a ball. "Y-yeah," said Nyx. "Everypony in my Equestria knows about me. Even when some paparazzi ponies were trying to make me the head news and make ponies think I'm still a bad pony." Twilight reached her hoof over towards Nyx and said, "You are not a bad pony, Nyx. Ponies are just... not used to you yet. It'll just take time for ponies to get used to you." "I know," said Nyx. "When I was first introduced to the ponies of Ponyville, I wore a disguise. Rarity made me a vest that would hide my wings. She also gave me a headband with my mane held back." "What about the eyes?" asked Velvet. "Enchanted glasses," said Nyx. "At first, the Twilight of the Equestria I came from was going to use thick, black, rectangular glasses. But decided not to use them" "What happened?" asked Twilight. "We were with Rarity, so what do you think happened?" Nyx asked. "Let me guess," Twilight said, smirking. "She complained about it, and sent the Twilight of that Equestria to get a new pair in a certain color and design?" "She was gone for at least two hours," said Nyx. "She said that the pony working the stand wasn't organized." "Alright," said Night Light. "Well, we're going to help supervise the class on the way to the Crystal Empire, Velvet and I." "We need to keep an eye out for anypony that wants to ruin one groups performance," said Dusk. "I'm gonna get into the tub." "Alright, Dusk," said Twilight. She then used her magic and levitated Dusk's plate towards the sink. Dusk headed upstairs. For the next couple of days, Dusk and Nyx were watching the competition of the pony groups. So far, they saw that the Crusaders had the best performance. But then Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon went and got into Scootaloo's head. Scootaloo wanted to change the act with her trying to fly, but it was impossible because of her wings not grown in. At the moment, Dusk, Nyx, Velvet, Night Light, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were at the train station. They all have been waiting for the train to arrive. But Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were waiting for Scootaloo to come. But then she came to tell her friends that she wasn't going. On the train, Rainbow Dash was excited to see the Crusaders's routine, only to stop the train and take Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle back to Ponyville. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon mocked them as they were heading back. Dusk and Nyx glared at them because of what they did. Eventually, the rest of the passengers of the train made it to the Crystal Empire. "Wow," said Nyx, looking around. "So, this is the Crystal Empire. It's beautiful..." "You've never been to the Crystal Empire?" Night Light asked. "No," said Nyx. "When the Twilight in my Equestria went to the Princess Summit, I stayed with Sweetie Belle and her parents?" "Why not at Sweet Apple Acres?" Dusk asked. "Granny Smith doesn't trust me," said Nyx. "She accused me of foalnapping when Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo snuck into the castle that the 'Children of Nightmare' built for me. Although, as Nightmare Moon, I actually showed... mercy. Spell Nexus got..." "Wait... Spell Nexus?" Night Light asked. "He's the vice headstallion of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Why would he be involved with those bad ponies?" "It wasn't their fault," said Nyx. "They were corrupted from the darkness within the shreds of Nightmare Moon that were peeled from Princess Luna. The same shreds that made me. Spell Nexus was supposed to study them, but he got corrupted, and started spreading the darkness from pony to pony. He wasn't in control of his own actions." "Interesting," came the voice of Shining Armor. The group looked over towards the train station and saw Shining Armor and a few of his guards. Including Flash Sentry. "I had already set up rooms for you and your friends to stay in the castle, Dusk." He then looked at Nyx and said, in a certain tone, "You must be Nyx." Nyx rolled her eyes and said, "This happened to when I met you in the Equestria I came from. He thought I brainwashed Twilight and the rest of the family. I couldn't even if I wanted to. My magic is weak now." "And according to her, the paparazzi tried to write a headliner to make Nyx look like a villain," said Velvet. "But, trying to do that, one reporter, who was obsessed with getting the scoop, ruined the Hearth's Warming Pageant." "And that Shining Armor thought I purposely dropped a scaffolding on top of the stage," said Nyx. Shining Armor sighed and said, "Alright. I'll give you a chance. I'll take your stuff to the castle. Guards, escort the students to the arena where the Equestria Games are going to be held." "Yes, sir," said Flash Sentry. He and the guards escorted the fillies and colts towards the arena. But then, the sound of buzzing came in. The guards and the students looked towards the sound and saw Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "Alright, everypony!" Rainbow Dash announced. "Let's get to the arena!" Before the flag waving competition began, Dusk and Nyx went over towards Miss Harshwhinny to explain what happened during the tryouts. They explained everything. "Okay," said Miss Harshwhinny. "Thank you for letting me know. I shall let them know that they're disqualified." "Hang on," said Nyx. "I got a much better idea." She motioned a hoof so Harshwhinny would be able to hear what Nyx was going to whisper into her ear. Miss Harshwhinny smirked. "That's not a bad idea," said Miss Harshwhinny. "Let's do this." Then they walked over to the table where they would be judging the competition, and a lot of Crystal Ponies were watching. Basically, all of the groups in the Ponyville Schoolhouse were doing their flag waving performance. Then Harshwhinny called up the next group. "Next up, Cutie Mark Crusaders," said Miss Harshwhinny. The Cutie Mark Crusaders went up with their gear. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked up. They haven't been called up yet. "Saving the best for last," said Diamond Tiara. "Nice call." The Crusaders had their performance set up and Harshwhinny called out, "Now, begin." Miss Harshwhinny was jaw dropped by their performance. She then went back to her calm expression and said, "Thank you. Dismissed." Then the Crusaders then walked off the stage, and announced, "That's the last performance!" That made Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon go wide eyed. Then the two of them went up on stage, and Diamond Tiara called out, "Hey! What about us?! We didn't get to perform!" "Really?" asked Miss Harshwhinny. "Let's see." She then checked the list on the clipboard and said, "Oh, yes. Here are your names. On the disqualified list." "DISQUALIFIED?!?!" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon shouted. "If a group is caught interfering or manipulating another group's performance, then it is an automatic DQ and won't be performing," said Miss Harshwhinny. "It was announced to the groups two days ago." "What?!" asked Diamond Tiara. "No it wasn't!" Dusk flew over the stage and said, "Yes it was. You two were going for the fashionably late routine and didn't hear the rules. So, you aren't performing today." Diamond Tiara was getting angry. So angry, her face was turning red. Then she stomped off the stage with Silver spoon following. Basically, Miss Harshwhinny called out that the winning team was the Cutie Mark Crusaders. When Rainbow Dash said that the performance of the Cutie Mark Crusaders was acceptable, Miss Harshwhinny got excited and said that it was the most spectacular performance. Then Rainbow Dash reminded her of professionalism. Miss Harshwhinny calmed down, and thought of something to say, but when she couldn't find the words, she just walked off the stage. The Cutie Mark Crusaders got excited that they won the Flag Waving Competition, and will be waving the flag for Ponyville in the Equestria Games. The Cutie Mark Crusaders got permission from Princess Cadance to stay in the same room as Dusk and Nyx. Nyx was more comfortable that she was getting some time with the Cutie Mark Crusaders in this Equestria. Dusk walked over towards Nyx and asked, "You feel better that they're used to you?" "Yep," said Nyx. "Thank you, Dusk. Guess things are a lot different here it was in the Equestria I came from. For example, the Cadance in my Equestria was pregnant." "Really?" came the voice of Cadance. They looked towards the door and saw Princess Cadance standing there. "Well, we haven't thought about having a foal yet. But, I'm sure eventually, it'll happen." She looked at all of them and asked, "Does anypony want some snacks? I can bring you up some cookies." "Yes, please!" said all of them. Cadance chuckled, headed out of the room, and closed the door. A few seconds later, there was a noise coming from out the door. Dusk and the girls looked at the door and got worried. Then a bunch of masked ponies in full body disguises came rushing in, and grabbed all five of them. "No witnesses," said one of the ponies. It was a voice that Nyx recognized. "That... that voice... I..." Nyx said before she was knocked out. "Silence, monster," said that same pony. That pony then knocked out the rest of the foals. Then they were all put into a large sack, and taken out of the room, and headed towards the exit. But, that didn't go unnoticed. Cadance and Shining Armor saw the crime happening. "Guards!" Shining Armor shouted. "We got foalnappers!" But they were too late. The foalnappers made it out of the castle, and lost in the streets of the Crystal Empire. "This isn't good," said Cadance. "I gotta tell Twilight about what happened." "Those ponies are going to regret messing with my sister's kids," said Shining Armor. He then walked into the room where the foals were staying, and growled. "Whoever those ponies were, I'll make sure that they'll be punished." > Chapter 12: The Journey Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: The Journey Home Dusk awoke from his forced slumber. He looked around and saw that he and the girls were in a crate. He was the only one awake. He walked over towards Nyx, and tried waking her up. "Nyx? Nyx! Wake up!" Dusk said, trying to wake Nyx up. Nyx was starting to wake up. She mumbled, "...Five more minutes..." Dusk got nervous, and bit his lip. He then shouted, in the Royal Canterlot Voice, "WAKE UP, GIRLS!!" That made all four of the girls wake up. "AAAAHH!!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Mah ears!" The four of them had their ears covered. Then the looked around. Apple Bloom looked around and asked, "Where are we?" "Who put us in a crate?" Scootaloo asked. "Apple Bloom, can you get us out?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Ah'll try," said Apple Bloom. She then walked towards one side, and bucked the side of the crate, making the side of it fall over with some nails from the top coming down with the side. Then they all walked out of the crate and noticed that they were in a jungle. "Where are we?" asked Scootaloo. "This isn't the Everfree Forest," said Nyx. "I know, because the Everfree was gloomy." "It looks more like a jungle," said Dusk. "Be careful, girls. This place is very dangerous to those who aren't experienced. I never been in a jungle, but I know for a fact that some jungles are known for having lions, tigers and bears." "Oh my!" Sweetie Belle said, shaking. They all huddled together. "What are we going to do?" Scootaloo asked. "How are we gonna get back home from here?" "I'll go fly up to see where we are," Dusk said. He then started flapping his wings, and headed straight up. He looked around to see if there was some place to go. He then came back down and said, "I think we're in the Forbidden Jungle." "THE FORBIDDEN JUNGLE?!" asked the girls. "We need to get out of here," said Nyx, but then they were surrounded by cats. A tiger, a panther, a cheetah, a lynx, and a fluffy little white cat. The girls were scared by the cats and stood beside Dusk. "What do we do?!" asked Sweetie Belle. "We're gonna die!" Apple Bloom shouted. Then, five nets came down from the sky, and landed on all five cats. They all roared and hissed, trying to get out of the nets. "C'mon! This way!" came the voice of a mare. The girls looked towards the voice and saw a silhouette of a pegasus with a pith helmet hovering in the direction they were looking. They then started running towards the silhouette. But before they could get a good look at her, the mare then started flying away from them as she called out, "Follow me. I'll get you foals someplace safe." Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, at the Golden Oaks Library, Twilight was told about what happened to Dusk and Nyx. And she took it like any parent would if their children were taken. Crying, worried if they'll be safe. ... Just kidding. "RAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGH!!!" Twilight shouted, then burst into her rage shift. Her coat turned white, her eyes turned red, and her mane, tail and the feathers on her wings turned into fire. She then got into Shining Armor's face and shouted, "Why?! Why would anypony just go into the Crystal Palace and take my foals?!" "Twylie," Shining said, trying to calm her down, "we tried our best to stop the foalnappers, but we lost them when we saw them all on an unmarked train." Twilight was very angry. She then rushed upstairs, leaving behind fiery hoof prints and then came back down, flying, leaving a fiery trail in mid air. Spike and Shining Armor were shocked by Twilight's rage shift effects. Especially when she left a mid air fire trail with nothing there keeping the flame up. "I have never seen Twilight do that before," said Spike. "Must be a part of her alicorn magic," Shining said. Spike then grabbed a fire extinguisher, and put out the flames. "Where do you think she's going?" Spike asked. Shining just shrugged his shoulders. "Hopefully, Twylie knows what she's doing," Shining said. "Let's hope for the best that she finds those foals." Dusk, Nyx and the Crusaders followed the mare through the jungle, which eventually led to a hut. The five of them saw the pony who led them out of danger go inside the hut. They eventually went inside and saw the pony who led them out of danger. Dusk, Nyx, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were jaw dropped at their rescuer. They all shouted, "Daring Do?!" "That's right," said Daring Do. "All of the books you've read about me are all based on true events." "Then how does A.K. Yearling write about you?" Scootaloo asked. "Does she follow you around?" "No she doesn't," said Daring Do. She then took off her vest and pith helmet, and had on a completely different outfit. That made all five of them confused. Scootaloo then said, "Still doesn't clear anything up." "A.K. Yearling is just a cover name," she said. "I do the adventures, and then I write the stories, and then I sell them to the publisher as A.K. Yearling." She then removed the outfit, and went back to Daring Do. "Now, for my question, what are all of you doing out in the middle of the jungle?" "Miss Daring Do, my name is Dusk Shine," Dusk said. "Dusk Shine? The first male alicorn in Equestria?" Daring Do asked. "I heard of you. I still can't believe it." She then took a look at Nyx. "You must be Nyx. The supposed Nightmare Moon reincarnation from an alternate Equestria." "You heard about that?" Nyx asked. "Don't worry," said Daring Do. "I'll escort you all to your homes. Where do you all live?" "In Ponyville," said Apple Bloom. "Mah Granny basically found the town." "Alright," said Daring Do. "I better get you little ponies back to your families. I'll be happy to personally escort you to your homes. As long as you keep my inspiration for my books a secret. The only ones who also know my secret are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony." "Seriously?!" asked the Crusaders. "Well, that explains why Rainbow Dash was on the cover of the book that just came out," said Scootaloo. That made Daring Do laugh. "Alright," said Daring Do. She then put her A.K. Yearling disguise back on. "Let's go." Shining Armor, Spike, Velvet, Night Light, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were watching Twilight race through the sky, leaving behind a fire trail, going back and forth in different directions. "I never seen Twilight this upset before," Rarity said. "She's really mad," said Shining Armor. "If you had foals of your own, how would you feel if somepony took them away from you?" "Yeah, I guess I'd be pretty upset if I had a foal taken from me," said Rainbow Dash. "I'm going up to talk to her." Rainbow Dash was about to fly up to Twilight, but Applejack bit on her tail, preventing her from going up. She said with a mouthful, "Not when she's like that, sugarcube." "We should let her burn herself out," said Shining Armor. "Sooner or later, she'll calm down." "But she's an alicorn," said Spike. "Her magic is more powerful now, we don't know how long it'll last. It might take days for her to cool down." "Well, I'm going to cool her down," said Rainbow Dash. She then got her tail out of Applejack's bite, and flew off. But she headed in the opposite direction of where Twilight was heading." "Rainbow Dash!" Shining Armor called out. "You're going the wrong way!" They looked where Rainbow Dash was heading, and saw that she went into the Ponyville Weather Factory. "The weather factory? Why would she go there?" Fluttershy widened her eyes and said, "I think I know why." Twilight was still flying across the sky. But as she came back over Ponyville, she was dosed by a small bit of rain. She then fell down to the ground, screaming. But Rainbow Dash caught her. "Cool off, Twi," Rainbow Dash said, carrying Twilight down to the ground. That made Twilight angry. Rainbow chuckled and said, "Sorry, couldn't resist." "Rainbow Dash, why did you stop me?!" Twilight snapped. "I was looking for Dusk, Nyx and their friends!" "You were leaving fire trails across the sky!" Rainbow Dash said. Twilight looked around and saw the trails she left behind. Twilight sighed and said, "I'm sorry. But I'm just really worried about Dusk and Nyx." They were already on the ground. Twilight's parents and Shining Armor walked up to Twilight. "It's okay, Twilight," Velvet said. "You're not the first worried parent that has his or her foals separated from them." "Like the time Shining Armor stumbled upon that train to Neighagra Falls, and we had to get on the next train there to get him," said Night Light. "Or when you wandered into the royal library in the castle," Velvet added. "I'm sure that they'll show up. Perhaps there's somepony who can help them get home." Then the sound of the Friendship Express came in and stopped at the station. Twilight then said, "I don't think that anypony would be able to help Nyx. Whoever took them probably wanted Nyx dead... or hurt.. or worse... I'm just..." she was cut off by a voice from behind. "Hey, anypony over there lost some foals?!" The Mane 6, Spike, Night Light, Velvet and Shining Armor looked towards the voice and saw A.K. Yearling, Dusk, Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all running towards them. "Mom!" Dusk called out. "Twilight!" Nyx called out as well. The Mane 6 then ran over to the five foals. A.K. Yearling smiled that she got the five foals back home. "Dar... I mean, A.K. Yearling?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You found them?" "Yep," said A.K. Yearling. "I saw them come out of a crate in the Forbidden Jungle, and I thought I'd go and help them get back home." Night Light, Velvet and Shining Armor walked up to them. Velvet then got a good look at A.K. Yearling and said, "Your face looks familiar." "It... It does?" A.K. Yearling asked. Then she got a good look at Velvet. Then she looked at Velvet's Cutie Mark. She then asked, "Twilight Velvet? Wow. I haven't seen you since we graduated from college." "I don't remember you from college," said Velvet. "I'm sorry. You just look like somepony I know." A.K. Yearling looked around and then said, "Perhaps we should discuss this in private." "To the library," said Twilight. Then they all headed towards the Golden Oaks Library. As soon as they all got in, A.K. Yearling locked the door, and blinded all of the windows. As soon as it was clear, she then revealed herself as Daring Do. "Daring Do?!" Velvet, Night Light and Shining Armor exclaimed. "So... all those adventures in the books... that was you?" Velvet asked. That made Daring Do nod. "I just thought that the pony on the cover was just a coincidence to your appearance from when we were younger." "Yeah," said Daring Do. "I went off as a daring, adventuring treasure hunter. I donate the things that I found to the museum, but the pay isn't that much. That's why I got into writing my adventures into a book. At first, I thought I'd put in my real name for the author, but if I did that, then other ponies would risk their lives and go on dangerous quests. So, I decided to go to the publisher as a completely different pony. A.K. Yearling." "Daring Do, thank you for bringing back the kids," Twilight said. "But, that still doesn't explain who would foalnap them in the first place." "I'll try to find some leads to those ponies," said Daring Do. "But right now, I gotta get back to my hut. I gotta start on my next adventure." She then got back in her A.K. Yearling outfit, and then went out. "This... was an interesting day," said Shining Armor. "Well, I might as well get on the next train to the Crystal Empire. It's a good thing I brought back all the stuff the foals brought." "Thank you for that, Shining," said Twilight. "See you all next time," said Shining Armor. He then left, following Daring Do towards the train station. Twilight looked towards the foals and said, "You five must've had a hard journey. How about we all go out for dinner?" "Yeah!" said Dusk, Nyx and the Crusaders. Then all of the ponies in the Library headed towards a restaurant so they would be having dinner. > Chapter 13: Happy Birthday, Dusk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: Happy Birthday, Dusk Twilight and her friends, along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Nyx, were in a dark room lit up by a single candle. Twilight was having a meeting with them. "Alright, Twi," Rainbow said. "What did you want to talk to us about?" "I want to make this a surprise," said Twilight. "When Dusk was human, he had a tough life. Anyway, tomorrow is his birthday." "His birthday?!" Pinkie shouted excitedly, but then her mouth was covered by Applejack and Rarity. "Yeah," said Twilight. "But we have to keep this a secret from Dusk. But not to make it seem that we're ignoring him." She then looked back at Pinkie. "Not like when we were planning Pinkie's surprise party." "Good call," said Applejack. "To keep it much better than that, Ah suggest that we keep him occupied and not alone." "Nyx and I will keep Dusk busy while all of you set up the party at the library," said Twilight. "Pinkie Pie, Rarity, you two set up the decorations. Applejack, you bake some delicacies. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, you two carefully bring in the birthday cake from Sugarcube Corner. Ask for the Triple Chocolate Fudge Cake with Chocolate Chips." Twilight's friends nodded. Then Apple Bloom asked, "What do ya want us ta do, Twi?" "You three will go around Ponyville, inviting all of the good classmates in your class," Twilight explained. "Leave out any bullies from the class." "No Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon," said Sweetie Belle. "That's going to be no problem." "As long as they don't try to force their way in," said Scootaloo. "Better get some security for the party just in case there are some uninvited guests trying to sneak in," Nyx added. "Good call, Nyx," Twilight said. "Now, we better get things ready." Just then, the lights came on, revealing that all of them were in the basement of the Golden Oaks Library. All of them looked upstairs and saw Spike in some white pajamas with a matching night cap. "What's going on down there?" Spike asked. "It's 10:30 at night." "Hoowee... is it that late already?!" Applejack asked. "We should get these young fillies to bed." "Good thing Scootaloo's aunts are out of town," said Rainbow Dash. "I'm taking care of Scootaloo until they get back." Scootaloo got on Rainbow's back, and then all but Twilight, Spike and Nyx left. The three of them then went up to the room they shared. They all headed for bed, and then they would get started for Dusk's surprise party. The next morning, Dusk woke up from his bed. He stretched his forelegs and his wings. He looked around his room, and smiled. Ever since he was reborn, Twilight agreed to celebrate his birthday on the day he was born a human. And today was his birthday. He ran out of the bedroom and headed downstairs. Hopefully for him, his new family would set up something special for him. But when he went downstairs, there weren't any decorations set up. "Huh," said Dusk. "Maybe I'll check the kitchen." He then walked into the kitchen, but there wasn't anything there set up for his birthday either. "Nothing?" He then slouched down and sat on his rear. "Did... did they... forget...?" Dusk was about to shed some tears, but a voice came to his attention. The voice of Twilight. "Dusk! Are you down there?!" Dusk walked back into the main room of the Library, and looked up the stairs, and he saw Twilight, Spike and Nyx coming down. "There you are, Dusk. You in the mood for eating out?" "Oh... sure..." Dusk said, starting to perk up. "You three go on ahead," Spike said, waving a claw. "I'm just going to stay here and wait for some important packages." Twilight then used her wing to turn Dusk towards the door, giving Spike the opportunity to wink at Twilight, who replied with a wink as well. "Okay, Spike," said Twilight. "Those new library record books aren't going to show up if nopony is at the door. Let's go, you two." Twilight, Dusk and Nyx then headed out. Spike looked out the window to see the three alicorns going around the corner of another building. As soon as they were out of sight, Spike went into the kitchen, and headed for the door. He opened the door and said, "The coast is clear." Then Pinkie, Rarity, Velvet and Night Light walked in with decorations, party supplies and a couple gifts. "Alright," said Rarity. "Twilight is going to keep Dusk busy all day, so they won't be back until 5 o'clock in the afternoon." "I'm sure that Twilight and Nyx will keep Dusk occupied until the time comes," said Velvet. "She is very good at schedules." "Let's get this party started!" Pinkie shouted before stuffing all the decorations into her party cannon. She then fired it and had the wall decorations set up. "Well, at least you made enough space for me to do some decorating of my own," said Rarity. "I'll be setting up the tables for the snacks and the gifts for Dusk." "I knew you'd appreciate that," said Pinkie. Twilight had taken Dusk and Nyx towards a restaurant for some pancakes. They left right before Dusk saw the Crusaders handing out invitations to ponies in the same class as Dusk. They then headed out towards the bowling alley. They did some bowling. It was fun for Dusk. Twilight and Nyx decided to let Dusk win the game they were playing, so they wouldn't make Dusk feel bad for losing on his birthday. But as soon as they were about to leave the bowling alley, Twilight saw Applejack outside, pulling a cart full of apple sweets. Twilight then tried to distract Dusk by getting some lunch there. As soon as they finished, they decided to spend the rest of the day in the park. They had a lot of fun. Twilight did a lot of things she didn't do that much with Dusk and Nyx that she didn't do when she was a filly. Playing hide and seek, playing on the playground equipment, and even some cloud watching. Of course, Twilight had to put a stop to it when she spotted Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash carrying a birthday cake through the sky. "Well, I guess it's time we head on to the grocery store," Twilight said. "Good thinking, Twilight," Nyx said. "We're getting low on essential items at home." She then whispered into Twilight's ear. "I'm serious about that. We need more cereal, milk, and other stuff." "Thanks for the heads up, Nyx," Twilight said. "Let's go." Then the three of them headed towards the market area. Meanwhile, up in the sky, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy saw the three alicorns walking away from the park. Then both of them sighed in relief. "That was close," said Rainbow Dash. "Yes," Fluttershy replied. "We better get this cake to the party." They then flew the cake, quickly yet carefully, towards the Golden Oaks Library. It was about 4:59 PM, and everypony that was invited was there. Some ponies were parents of some of the fillies and colts. There was even the other three princesses and Shining Armor. Spike was looking out the window for Twilight, Dusk and Nyx. But then he went wide eyed and shouted, "They're coming! They're coming!" "Places, everypony!" Pinkie shouted before shutting off the lights. Outside, Twilight, Dusk and Nyx walked towards the library door. Twilight stopped and said, "Dusk, why don't you go on inside and relax. I'll get dinner started soon." "Okay, Mom," Dusk said. He then headed for the door. He was hoping that today, he would get some presents or a cake, but he didn't get any of that. But then, he opened the door and saw that it was dark. He looked around and called out, "Spike? Are you here?" Then the lights came on and everypony there called out, "SURPRISE!!!!!" That made Dusk jump back a little, seeing that all of his friends and their families were there. He looked back at the door and saw Twilight, Nyx, and some royal guards standing at the door. Twilight closed the door after she and Nyx walked in. "You... you set all this up... for me?" Dusk asked. "Of course," Twilight said. "We did all of those things just to have the party setup." "That's right!" said Pinkie. "We started this party late last night when you were sleeping. Now, let's get this party started." There was then a banging on the door. Twilight opened the door and saw Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Spoiled Rich at the door. "Spoiled Rich?" Twilight asked. "What brings you here?" "It appears that my Diamond Tiara and her friend, Silver Spoon, did not receive any invitations to this party for your son," said Spoiled Rich. "We demand to be let in." Apple Bloom then walked up and said, "Actually, we didn't invite them on purpose. They're the school bullies. They have been nothin' but mean ta everypony in class." "You don't get to talk, blank flank!" Diamond Tiara snapped at Apple Bloom. "Now, we must be here at this party!" "You have no right to talk to anypony like that," said Twilight. "You're not invited, so you're not getting in." "I will not let my daughter be talked to that way!" Spoiled Rich snapped. "And don't you think..." She was cut off when the door was slammed shut. She then growled and the three of them walked away, angry. Later that night, all of the guests went home. Twilight took Dusk up to his room and she put all the toys he got into the toy box. She then kissed Dusk on the head. "Did you enjoy today, Dusk?" Twilight asked. "I did, Mom," Dusk said, happily. "Thank you for setting this up." "You deserve it, Dusk," Twilight said. "Not after what you've been through in your previous life." Dusk smiled and snuggled into his bed. Twilight used her magic to tuck Dusk into his bed. She then turned off the lights, and headed out of the room. She then walked into the room she, Spike and Nyx slept in. Spike and Nyx were already asleep in their beds. She then went up to her bed. She looked out the window and looked out on the town. She then got herself covered up, and went to sleep. Meanwhile, outside, from behind the corner of a building, Spoiled Rich was looking at the library. She then turned towards a bunch of ponies, but their shadows were seen. "I thought I told you to get rid of Nightmare Moon!" Spoiled Rich shouted. "You know how much the boss wants her gone. Do you know what he will do to us if we don't pull this off? He'll send us all to Tartarus." She then sighed and said, "We'll come up with a new plan. We can't afford to mess up our plans again." The shadows nodded, and then they headed off somewhere. Spoiled Rich followed. This might not end well for a later time. > Chapter 14: Castle Clean Up and Power Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: Castle Clean Up and Power Ponies The Mane 6, Spike, Dusk and Nyx were all at the Ancient Castle of the Two Sisters, doing some clean up. Well, the Mane 6 were. Spike was reading the latest Power Ponies comic while Dusk and Nyx were doing their homework. Twilight didn't want to leave Nyx alone since there are ponies who want to get rid of her for good. As soon as Dusk and Nyx were done with their homework, the two of them and Spike went into the room where the Mane 6 were cleaning up. The three of them offered to help, but the Mane 6 were all good. They didn't need any help. So, Spike led Dusk and Nyx into another part of the castle. "Mane-iac breaks into the museum... okay, here we go," Spike said to himself. He then groaned and said, "What a surprise! Hum Drum is in the way again while the Power Ponies do all the work! I guess I know what that feels like..." "I'm sure things will be different," said Dusk. "In the super hero shows I watched when I was Henry, there were super heroes that didn't have any powers. And yet, they beat the super villains they fought." "Sure, but Hum Drum is always in the way," said Spike. "He never got the chance to be the hero. He's just a lame sidekick for the Power Ponies." He then turned the page, then he gasped. "Wait. What? How can that be the end?!" He then squinted his eyes, and saw a tiny inscription in the corner of the page. "What's... that?" He tried reading it. "'You can... retr-' What? 'You can... return...' Urgh!" He hit head with both of his hands. Then he got up. "I know I saw a magnifying glass laying around the last time I was here..." "Here," Dusk said, using his magic to hand Spike something. "Use this. This whistle that Rainbow Dash gave me for my birthday has many features. A compass, a weather thermometer, and a magnifying glass." "Wow," said Spike. "That is the coolest tool you have received for your birthday." Spike then took the whistle from Dusk, and pulled out the magnifying glass. He used it to read the inscription. "'You can return to the place you started when the Mane-iac is... defeated.'" "Huh?" Spike, Dusk and Nyx asked in unison. Spike continued reading the inscription. "'Take a closer look to join the adventure in this book'? What does that even mean?" Then the book started glowing. "Whoa! Cool!" "I don't like this," Dusk said. "This is freaky," Nyx added. The Mane 6 then walked in and Twilight called out, "Spike! What are you..." "Heeeeeelp!" Spike, Dusk and Nyx called out, as they were being sucked into the comic book. Twilight grabbed Nyx when she was about halfway into the comic book, but then she was pulled in and was grabbed by Rainbow Dash, who was anchored by Applejack, followed by Fluttershy, and then Rarity. But then they all got sucked in. And then Pinkie Pie jumped into the comic book, like she was doing a cannonball into a pool. Spike was coming to. He got up on his feet and looked around. He saw that he was in someplace that he has seen in his comic books. "Is this... Maretropolis?" Spike asked. He then looked over the edge of the building he was on, looking down at the city. His attention was taken by the voice of Applejack, who said, "Somepony wanna tell me what the hay is goin' on?" Spike looked at the Mane 6, and saw that they were in costumes. And not just any costumes. The outfits of the Power Ponies. "Holy new personas, ponies!" He looked at each of the Mane 6, and said who they were. Twilight was the... "Masked Matter-Horn!" Pinkie Pie was... "Fili-Second!" Rainbow Dash was... "Zapp!" Rarity was... "Radiance!" Applejack was... "Mistress Mare-velous!" And Fluttershy was... "Saddle Rager! You're the Power Ponies!" Twilight looked around and asked, "Where are Dusk and Nyx?" "Over here!" came Dusk's voice. The Mane 6 and Spike looked towards Dusk and Nyx. Dusk had on a mask with eye holes and a hole around his horn, a red and purple bodysuit with wing holes, a black belt with silver lightning bolts, and a golden lightning bolt for a logo on his chest. Nyx had on a black hooded cloak with a red button holding the cape around her and mask with eye holes, and had on a navy blue bodysuit. "Whoa!" Spike said. "You two are... Flash Light and Shadow Walker!" "Who?!" Dusk and Nyx asked, in confusion. "Flash Light and Shadow Walker are brother and sister," Spike explained. "They made their appearance in the 50th issue after their family died by a chemical explosion caused by Long Face. That chemical explosion not only took the lives of their parents, but gave the two foals crazy powers. They were taken in by Masked Matter-Horn, and she trained the two of them how to control their powers." "Cool," Dusk said. "But, why are we here?" Nyx asked. Spike was about to answer when an explosion from below their location came to their attention. They looked over the edge of the building and saw a bunch of ponies running away in fear. From the hole that took over the entrance of one building, out came a purple mare with a wild green mane. She looked up and noticed the Mane 6, Spike, Dusk and Nyx. "Power Ponies!" she laughed. "How kind of you to join us!" The Mane 6, Spike, Dusk and Nyx were confused by what the mare, Mane-iac, said. "Did she just call us... Power Ponies?" Applejack asked. "You're the... the superheroes from my comic book!" Spike said. "It somehow zapped us all in here!" "So somepony zap us back out!" Rainbow Dash said, angrily. "Spike, didn't the inscription say that we can only leave this place if we defeat the Mane-iac?" Dusk asked. "Oh, right, it did!" Spike said. "It said the way to get back to where we started was to defeat the Mane-iac! Your arch-nemesis!" "So, how do we do that?" Nyx asked. It did not end well for the Mane 6 turned Power Ponies. When they tried to stop the Mane-iac from stealing the Electro-Orb, it ended up in the hooves of Mane-iac and her henchponies. When they went to her secret lair to get the orb back, they were ambushed, and sprayed by some kind of hair spray that, not only prevents the Power Ponies from using their powers, but also paralyzes who it sprays. Now it was up to Spike, Dusk and Nyx to save the Mane 6 from the Mane-iac. "How are we going to get out of here now?" Nyx asked. "We... we can't..." Spike said, kneeling down. "They don't read the Power Ponies comic. They don't have enough experience using the powers that were given to them. And, would you know it, I was chosen to be the one pony that has no super powers." "Just because you don't have powers doesn't mean you're not a hero," said Dusk. "What matters is what's doing the right thing." "Wow," said Nyx. "Where did you get that from?" "I overheard it from a TV show when I was cleaning up things back in my world," Dusk said. He then looked over at Spike and said, "You know everything about the characters and their powers and abilities. What are our powers?" "Okay," said Spike. "Flash Light has the ability to manipulate light and electricity. He can even drain energy from any electrical device. And Shadow Walker has the ability to manipulate a pony's shadow, and teleport by walking into a shadow. She just needs to concentrate on a certain form of shade of where she needs to go." "Okay, that's a pretty cool super power," said Dusk. "It is," said Spike. "So, how do we get in?" "Usually, the hero goes in through the air vents," said Dusk. "Although, we have to go in really quietly so we don't attract attention to any of the bad guys." "Good call," said Spike. "Let's go." Spike, Dusk and Nyx then climbed up some garbage towards the air conditioning system, and went in. They carefully, yet quietly went in through the air vents to get inside the building. As soon as they were going in through the vents, they reached one opening which led to the highest walkway in the building. "The others also have superpowers," Spike said. "They probably already escaped." They eventually made it out of the air vent, and looked around. They saw that the Mane 6 were in a cage, frozen in place. "Or not!" Twilight attempted to move her left foreleg, but then one of Mane-iac's henchponies heard a timer, and sprayed the hairspray onto the Mane 6, making them incapable of moving. "Congratulations, Power Ponies!" Mane-iac laughed. "You shall live just long enough to see me fire... the instrument of your destruction!" She cackled as she revealed a ray gun that looks like a giant hairdryer. "Once the Electro-Orb has powered it up completely, this cannon will amplify the power of my mane one million times, expelling an energy blast that will cause everypony in Maretropolis's mane to grow wild!" She laughed again. "You will be my weapon's first victims, and there is nopony who can save you from this fate!" She gave off one last evil laugh. "Ahem. I don't mean to interrupt, but aren't you forgetting about somepony?" Fluttershy asked. "Hum Drum? Little guy? No superpowers whatsoever?" Mane-iac asked before she laughed. "He's utterly useless!" The timer that the henchpony was using went off, but before he could spray the Mane 6, Dusk and Nyx came in, and knocked him out. They then went out of sight. Mane-iac looked up and shouted, "What are you waiting for?! Spray them!" But she noticed that the henchpony was nowhere in sight. "What? Oh, drat. He must've went to use the restroom, again." Unbeknownst to her, Spike was using a red tarp, hooked one corner around the group, and then put another corner on the hook. Spike then ran up the stairs, and the hook and chain was connected to a heavy crate. He, Dusk and Nyx were pushing the crate over the railing of the walkway, making the henchponies being pulled by the tarp, and being hung up in the tarp like it was a fishing net for boats. Dusk and Nyx then pushed the spray can over, and it sprayed the rest of the henchponies, making them frozen stiff. That gave the Mane 6 time to get free. Rarity used Radiance's powers to free themselves. The Mane 6 then started using the Power Ponies's powers, except for Fluttershy, and took out the bad guys. Although, Fluttershy was too scared to even fight. After Fluttershy destroyed the machine, the Mane-iac's mane started wrapping itself around her. Then the group of heroes regrouped. Then a flash of light flashed, and they all vanished. They eventually made it back to the Castle of the Two Sisters. "That... was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said. "Dusk, Nyx, how did you two come up with all that?" Twilight asked. "We didn't," said Dusk. "It was all Spike." The Mane 6 looked over at Spike and asked, "Really?" "Yup," Spike said, crossing his arms. "Although, I'm wondering something," Nyx said. "Spike, where did you get that comic book?" "This one I got in Canterlot at the House of Enchanted Comics," Spike said. That made the Mane 6, Dusk and Nyx confused, and then they went to annoyed expressions. "Well, I didn't know it meant they were literally enchanted!" That made the rest of them laugh. Then they started heading out, leaving Spike behind. "I thought it just meant, like, the comics they sold there had really enchanting storylines! Hey, wait up! I'm an important part of this team, remember?!" After they all left, the comic book then lit up and vanished. Who knows where it headed? > Chapter 15: Assigned Royal Guard and a Foal's Field Trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: Assigned Royal Guard and a Foal's Field Trip It's been at least two weeks since the "Power Ponies" incident. And the Mane 6 had already went to the Equestria Games Tryouts. Although, Rainbow Dash was being torn apart when she had to choose between representing Ponyville with Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps, or representing Cloudsdale with the Wonderbolts. She made her decision after faking an injury and hearing the information from Soarin. She chose to stick with Ponyville, and the Wonderbolts apologized to Soarin about trying to replace him and leaving him on the injured list. Now that that's over, Twilight was cleaning up the library and keeping Dusk and Nyx with her so nopony would try to ponynap them again. Just then, Spike came in with a plate of nachos for all four of them. "Lunch is ser..." Spike was about to say, but then he had the urge to burp. He turned his head to is right, and belched out, and a scroll came from his emerald flames. "Whoa. Well, that's interesting." Twilight saw the scroll and picked it up with her magic. She unrolled it and started reading it. "Dear Twilight... After hearing what happened to Dusk, Nyx and their friends, I have decided to take drastic measures. Since we have a lot of new guards, I have decided to appoint one to guard you and your family. He will be arriving at your library right away. Hopefully, things will be more peacefully for all of you. Signed, Princess Celestia." "Wow," said Dusk. "They're assigning us a royal guard?" "That might make things a little better," Nyx added. "Who do you think Princess Celestia assigned?" Spike asked. "I don't know," said Twilight. "Hopefully, it's somepony who takes his job seriously. Like Spearhead, or somepony like him." Spike and Dusk smirked at each other and Dusk asked, "What about... Flash Sentry?" That made Twilight wide eyed, she then blushed and said, "Well, I don't think... I mean he is a rookie but... what I meant to say was..." "You like him, don't you?" Spike smirked. He then walked towards the door and looked out the window. "It's not like he's going to... Oh, look. It is Flash Sentry!" "What?!" Twilight said, rushing towards the window, pulling Spike out of the way. She looked out the window to see Flash Sentry, in his armor, and pulling a cart full of suitcases. "Oh, my gosh! She did assign Flash Sentry to be our family guard! Just give me a second!" She then rushed upstairs. Nyx, confused by what happened, walked towards the boys and asked, "What was that all about?" "You weren't told about what happened when your Twilight, Spike and the others were going to the Crystal Empire for the Princess Summit?" Spike asked. That got a shake from Nyx. "Well, when we went there, one of Princess Celestia's former pupils, Sunset Shimmer, tried to take Twilight's crown." "She got it, and took it to another dimension through a mirror portal, that opens up every 30 moons, to a dimension where there were humans instead of ponies," Dusk continued. "Their skin colors were even the same as their pony counterparts." "Except for Big Mac," said Spike. "Anyway, Twilight kinda got the attentions of one boy there. Flash Sentry." "So, Twilight has feelings for this Flash Sentry because of his human counterpart?" Nyx asked. "Exactly," said Spike and Dusk. Then the door was being knocked on. Spike went over to answer the door. "Spike, Dusk, Nyx, do not open the door!" Twilight called out. "Okay, Mom!" Dusk called out. He then looked towards the door and said, "Come in!" That made Spike and Nyx cover their mouths, trying to hold in some laughter. "What?! No!" Twilight shouted. "I should've been more specific!" Then the door opened, and in came Flash Sentry. He then said, "Hello. I'm here to protect this part of the royal family. I am glad to be able to protect this family." Twilight then came downstairs, trying to keep her composure. She then said, "Flash!" She smiled sheepishly. "I... I just wanted to say..." "It's okay, Princess Twilight," said Flash. "You don't have to worry. I was told what happened during the events before the Royal Princess Summit." "What!?" Twilight shouted. "How did you..." She then gave a deadpanned expression and looked at Spike and Dusk. They then whistled and walked away towards the kitchen. "Spike! Dusk!" She then chased the two of them through the library. That made Flash laugh and looked down at Nyx. "This is going to be an interesting job," Flash said. Nyx smiled at that and she and Flash looked back at Twilight chasing Spike and Dusk. A couple days since then, Twilight and Spike decided to take Dusk, Nyx, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo on a field trip to Rainbow Falls. Since the Ponyville Schoolhouse is being fumigated from flyders. Snails thought it was a good idea to bring a few to school that day. So, Twilight decided to take the foals on a trip. They decided to make it a camping trip at the area where the qualifiers were held for the Equestria Games. And of course, Flash Sentry tagged along. "And this... is where Rainbow Dash got Ponyville qualified for the Equestria Games," Twilight said. "Wow!" Scootaloo said, flapping her wings. "This is so cool! I can't believe that Rainbow Dash got Ponyville qualified for the Equestria Games in this very area!" "And look at the waterfalls!" Sweetie Belle said. "They look like Winsome Falls!" "It sure is amazing!" Apple Bloom added. "Ah hope that we won't be disturbed by anypony tryin' ta mess with Nyx." "Okay, everypony!" Twilight said. "Time to set up camp! We brought four tents. One tent for me, Spike, Dusk and Nyx, one for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, and one for Flash Sentry. We brought a spare tent in case one tent gets damaged." "Good call," said Flash Sentry. "It's better to be safe than sorry. Who knows what's out here?" "Huh?" Dusk heard something that caught his attention. He looked towards the cliff side and saw a bush, and it was shaking. He then called out, "Guys..." The others looked over at Dusk in confusion. Dusk then pointed a hoof at the bush, making the others look at it as well. Nyx got closer to Twilight, and then Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo surrounded her to keep guard. Flash Sentry walked over towards the bush, trying to keep caution of what could jump out of the bush. As he looked into the bush, he got confused. "That's... odd," said Flash Sentry. "What is it?" Dusk asked. "See for yourself," Flash said. Then the rest of the group looked into the bush, and saw three young earth ponies. And they gave off a very familiar resemblance to somepony they know. "Those... those fillies..." Twilight said. "They almost remind me of..." The three fillies in the bush opened their eyes and saw who was staring at them. Their attention was focused on Twilight. The three of them smiled, jumped out of the bush, and ran towards Twilight, saying, "Auntie Twilight!" The three fillies tackled Twilight, making her fall on her back. "I... don't know what's going on," Twilight said. "Wait, what?!" asked the red filly in confusion. "She doesn't recognize us?" asked the blue filly. "This is really weird," said the pink filly. "Who... who are you three?" asked Dusk. Then the three of them zoomed towards Dusk, saying their names. "I'm Cherry Pie!" said the red filly. "I'm Blueberry Pie!" said the blue filly. "And I'm Raspberry Pie!" said the pink filly. "And we're known as..." "The Tri-Pies!" the three of them said, posing. "Tri-Pies?!" Twilight asked. She then got a chill down her spine. She then asked, "You three wouldn't happen to be related to Pinkie Pie, would you?" "Of course we are!" said Cherry Pie. Then Blueberry Pie got up from under Cherry, having Cherry stand on her back. "And we're not just related to Pinkie Pie!" said Blueberry Pie. Raspberry Pie then came up from under Blueberry, making her stand on her back. "Pinkie Pie happens to be our mom!" said Raspberry Pie. All of the others were shocked by what the three fillies said. Dusk then asked, "But how is that possible?! Pinkie would have remembered you three. Even have pictures of you three." Twilight thought about it, putting her hoof to her chin. She then got an idea and then used her magic to scan the three fillies. She then gasped. "I don't believe it!" said Twilight. "These three fillies have some kind of magical energy. It's similar to the energy that brought Nyx here. Only these three also have chronological energy. Which means they didn't just come from an alternate Equestria, but also from an alternate time." "WHAT?!" shouted the Tri-Pies, jumping up in the air. Then the three of them started shedding tears, and sat there, having tears run down their faces. Just kidding. They ran around the area, shouting out like crazy. "Wow," Twilight said. "These three are a lot like Pinkie Pie when worried. Only three times more annoying." "One Pinkie Pie was enough for me," Nyx said. "But four of them? This is something that not even Equestria will be ready for!" "You're right, Nyx," Twilight said. "But, right now, we don't have a choice. We're going to have to bring them back to Ponyville with us when we go back home." She then looked over at Spike and said, "Spike, take a letter." "You got it, Twi!" Spike said. He then pulled out a quill and parchment, and was about to write what Twilight was going to say." "Dear Princess Celestia..." Two days later, Twilight, Spike, Dusk, Nyx, Flash, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Tri-Pies were on a train back to Ponyville. They eventually made it back to Ponyville and got off the train. The Tri-Pies looked around the place in wonder. "Ponyville... seems a lot different than we remember," Cherry Pie said. "Is it me, or does the town seem younger?" Blueberry Pie asked. "Well, I don't know," said Raspberry Pie. "But why not find out?" The three of them were about to rush off, but were stopped by Twilight's magic. "Alright, you three," Twilight said. "Remember, the three of you are in an alternate Equestria in an alternate time. You can't just..." Twilight was cut off when something tackled her from her right, making her lose her concentration from holding up the Tri-Pies. The pony who tackled her then spoke to Twilight. "Is it true, Twilight?!" The Pony that spoke was none other than Pinkie Pie. "Did you really find three fillies that happen to be my daughters from the future of an alternate Equestria?!" She was shaking Twilight as she was asking that question. "P-Pinkie?! How did you...?!" Twilight asked, shocked by Pinkie's antics. "Well, after you sent a letter to Princess Celestia about these fillies," Pinkie said, pointing at the Tri-Pies, "she informed me, and I really, really wanted to rush to Rainbow Falls immediately, but Princess Celestia prevented me from leaving until you all arrive in Ponyville! And when I saw the train come in just now, I just rushed right over here!" She then gave a big grin. Twilight then teleported out from under Pinkie, and back over to the group. She then said, "Well, Pinkie, now that you're here, I would like you to meet Cherry Pie, Blueberry Pie, and Raspberry Pie." Pinkie rushed towards the Tri-Pies and grabbed all of them in a big hug. She then said, "I'm so glad to meet you! I can't believe it! This is the best day of my life!" Just then, Mr and Mrs Cake, along with Pound and Pumpkin. Mrs Cake then said, "As soon as we heard the news, we couldn't just reject on leaving three fillies out on the streets of Ponyville without a parent. So, we decided to let the three of them stay with us and Pinkie. As long as they don't cause too much trouble." "That won't be a problem!" said Cherry Pie. "We can be responsible little fillies!" said Blueberry Pie. "As long as we get to have fun!" said Raspberry Pie. Pinkie put a hoof to her chin and asked, "Where have I heard that before?" Twilight gave her a deadpanned expression and replied with, "Really, Pinkie? Have you really forgotten about the time you cloned yourself?" That made Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx shudder. "That's a day I'm still trying to forget," said Dusk. "Yeah... not my best idea that day," Pinkie said, rubbing the back of her head. She then looked at the Tri-Pies. "Anyway, I already got you three some air mattresses you can use until we can get you some real beds. Won't that be fun?" "Yeah!" said the Tri-Pies. Then the four of them rushed off. Twilight then leaned towards the Cakes and said, "Hopefully, those three little fillies won't cause a ruckus like the Pinkie Clones did." "This... just might be a big mistake," said Dusk. "If Pinkie Pie gave birth to those three in their dimension, I'd hate to imagine the pain she went through," Nyx said. "Believe me when I said, it was really painful giving birth to one foal," Twilight said. "It really was giving birth to Dusk. But three foals, it would be three times more painful." Nyx looked over at Dusk and said, "Talk about they grow up so fast." "I know, right?" Twilight asked. Then the three of them laughed, making Spike join in as well. Later that night, at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie had set up the inflatable mattresses for the Tri-Pies. They even had pillows and sheets with the colors of the manes of the Tri-Pies. Dark red for Cherry Pie, Dark Blue for Blueberry Pie, and Magenta for Raspberry Pie. "Alright, my little Pies. Time for bed," Pinkie said, as she turned around to look at the Tri-Pies, but they weren't behind her. "Thank you!" came the voices of the Tri-Pies. Pinkie looked back towards the Mattresses and saw that the Tri-Pies were already in their beds. Pinkie smiled at their antics, and then kissed their foreheads. Right after she finished kissing them, the three fillies just fell asleep instantly, quietly snoring. Pinkie giggled, walked towards her own bed, and got in. She then said, "Silly fillies. I wonder who they got that from. 'Cause I have no idea." She then clapped her hooves and the lights went off. And just like that, Pinkie fell asleep, quietly snoring like the Tri-Pies. > Chapter 16: Magical Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: Magical Test The ponies who have attempted to get rid of Nyx tried going in to take her out once again. They didn't get the chance since they had a personal royal guard guarding the Sparkle Family. But they didn't see any sight of Flash Sentry. They had a feeling that now was their chance to go in and take Nyx, and they were going to take that chance. Only to be surprised at the sign on the door. The sign on the door said: "Out of town. Library closed for the week." "Oh, c'mon!" shouted one of the masked ponies. "Where could they have gone?!" It was dark in the city of Canterlot. Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx walked into a guest room in the castle. They headed off towards the beds in the room. "That... was a long trip," Twilight said, before yawning. "Right now, I just can't wait and get some sleep." "Twilight," Nyx called out, quietly. "Why are we here in Canterlot?" "Princess Celestia called us up here because she wants to run some tests on you, Nyx," Spike said. "They're just going to see if you're not going to grow up..." "To be Nightmare Moon?" Nyx asked, drooping her head. Twilight sighed and looked towards Nyx. "Nyx, I know you're worried, but you have to relax," Twilight said. "It's just going to be a test of who you really are. I'll make sure that nothing bad happens to you." Nyx thought about it. She then went into the bed she was going to sleep in, and fell asleep. Dusk looked over at Twilight and asked, "Are you sure she's going to be alright, Mom?" "This test will only be for making sure she doesn't grow up evil," Twilight said. "As soon as Nyx is tested, an announcement will be made to Equestria. If the test says that she won't grow up to be evil, then the ponies will not be able to harm her. And those who think otherwise and take actions against Nyx will be punished for attacking a member of the royal family." "Who's going to be testing Nyx?" Dusk asked. "That would be Spell Nexus," said Spike, heading into his bed. "I think that might be a little frightening for Nyx," Dusk said. "According to Nyx, in the Equestria she came from, the last time she was tested by Spell Nexus, she woke up as Nightmare Moon. And he was the leader of that cult." Twilight went wide eyed, rubbed the back of her neck and said, "Oh... right. She did say that, didn't she?" She then sighed and said, "Don't worry. We'll make sure that Nyx will not be punished." "I hope not," said Dusk. "For Nyx's sake." Nyx was somewhere in a dark void. She looked around to see if there was any way out. She was hoping to find some way to get out of that place. "Hello?" Nyx called out. "Is somepony there? Twilight? Spike? Dusk?" "Oh, they're not coming to save you now," came a voice that was familiar to Nyx. She even used that voice. She turned around to see a face she did not want to see again. Nightmare Moon. "No... No! It can't be!" Nyx said, backing up away from Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon cackled evilly and said, "Oh, yes, it is! You cannot escape your fate from me!" "N-no!" Nyx said, angrily. "A night eternal cannot happen without casualties! I won't be what you want!" "Oh, you really think that's a possibility for you, foal?" Nightmare Moon smirked. "Face it. You'll eventually be me." "No! I don't want to be like you ever again!" Nyx argued. "You don't have a choice! You are me!" Nightmare Moon said, looking down at Nyx. "But you can be a better pony than I was!" "Trust me..." Nyx said, giving Nightmare Moon a cold look. "I already am." Nightmare Moon softened her angry look, then smiled. She then said, "I... just wanted to make sure." Nightmare Moon was then surrounded by blue lights, and changed back into Princess Luna. She then spat out some fake teeth with fangs, and smiled down at Nyx. "Princess Luna?" Nyx asked. "Are you...?" "Yes, Nyx," said Princess Luna. "I am here to inspect your mind. You might have done things you didn't want to do, but you had made up for them by protecting your town." "I had to," Nyx said. "I made some mistakes, but it wasn't my fault. I wanted to stay with Twilight, but the Spell Nexus of the Equestria I came from didn't care of what I wanted. But it wasn't his fault." "The darkness that came from the shreds of Nightmare Moon was responsible for all of that," said Princess Luna. "Although, there is a bright side." "What's that?" Nyx asked. "If the ponies of that world haven't been corrupted you wouldn't exist," said Princess Luna. "And you are a good little filly, Nyx. No matter your appearance, or misdeeds." Nyx then looked back at her Cutie Mark. Nyx then said, "At least I didn't get the same Cutie Mark Nightmare Moon had. I got this one just for standing up for Equestria. I literally said..." "I know what you said, Nyx," Princess Luna said. "But there's a difference. The Cutie Mark of my darker self came from my special talent. But without me, there is no true Nightmare Moon. You make your own choice." Nyx smiled. She then said, "Well, I guess I have to wake up soon. I'm supposed to be tested in the morning." "You've already been tested," said Princess Luna. "My sister thought it would be best for you to be tested while you were asleep." "Wait, what?" Nyx asked. "I'm already being tested? In the middle of the night?" "Actually, it is already 7:30 in the morning," said Princess Luna. "But, you have nothing to worry about. You will receive no punishment from anypony in this world." Nyx smiled. She then started getting dizzy. She then asked, "What's happening?" "It would seem that it's time for you to wake up," said Princess Luna. "You shall be awoken..." Luna's last words were echoing as she was fading from Nyx's sight. Nyx was laying down on a pillow in the throne room. She was surrounded by Twilight, Spike, Dusk, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and a stallion that Nyx knew well from her Equestria, Spell Nexus. "Intriguing," said Spell Nexus. "This little filly is truly pure. It must be because of the pony who raised her. Isn't that right, Princess Twilight?" "It had to be," Twilight smiled. "She was raised by the Twilight from the Equestria she came from." Just then, Nyx was stirring. She yawned, and opened her eyes. She looked around and saw that she was in the throne room. "Is... is it over?" Nyx asked. "Yes, Nyx," Princess Celestia said. "The test is over. You are not, and never will be, evil. You're a good hearted filly, and we are happy to have you a part of the royal family." Nyx smiled at Princess Celestia's words. Her stomach then growled. She then blushed in embarrassment. "No need to be embarrassed, Nyx. We have arranged for you all to eat in the dining room for breakfast." "Breakfast sounds good right now," Dusk said. "I could go for some pancakes." Twilight rolled her eyes and said, "Alright, alright. Let's go." Then she, Spike, Dusk and Nyx headed on out of there, going towards the dining room. "Thank you for your assistance, Spell Nexus," said Princess Celestia. "Of course, Princess," said Spell Nexus. "I'm just glad we don't have to worry about any trouble from her." "Indeed," said Princess Celestia. "She is a good filly." She then headed out of the room following Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx. "Now, will you excuse me, I'm going to prepare some breakfast for our guests." Princess Luna yawned and said, "Well, I'm heading to bed. My night has been tiring, but even more when having to look into Nyx's mind." Spell Nexus smiled and headed out. In the dining room, Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx were having some breakfast with Princess Celestia. Dusk and Nyx were really enjoying the pancakes. "Wow," said Dusk. "These are the best pancakes I have ever tasted. Even before I came here." "I agree," said Nyx, before putting in another bite. She then spoke with her mouth full. "These are really good." "No talking with your mouth full, Nyx," said Twilight. She then used her magic to dab Nyx's mouth with a napkin. "It sure is a pleasure to serve you all breakfast," Princess Celestia said. "I do enjoy cooking for the pleasure of my special guests. Especially you, Twilight." "Thank you, Princess," said Twilight. They continued eating, but then the doors opened, and in came Blueblood. "Auntie, I don't have time to eat with you," Blueblood said, unbeknownst to who else was in the room. "I have a lot of things to do and..." He then noticed that Twilight, Spike, Dusk and Nyx were in the room with Princess Celestia. He was especially looking at Nyx. He got angry and asked, "What is that monster doing here?!" Nyx shied away from Blueblood and got closer to Twilight. Princess Celestia then said, "Nyx is no monster. We have tested her, and she shows no sign of being evil." "You seriously don't believe that, do you?!" Blueblood snapped. "She's Nightmare Moon! The evidence is clear in her eyes! She must be punished!" "No," said Princess Celestia. "Nyx is now a member of the royal family. Any offense against her is offense against the royal family." "You're crazy to let her be a part of this family!" said Prince Blueblood. "One of these days, I know that monster will doom us all. Especially with that all powerful magic within her." "Her magic has been drained to a minimal level, before she arrived here," said Princess Celestia. "It'll take years for her magic to be as powerful as it used to be." "You can't be serious?!" Blueblood snapped. "I will not stand for..." "Any negativity against Nyx one more time, and I have no choice but to remove your royal status, and banish you from Canterlot," Princess Celestia said. "WHAT?!" Blueblood snapped. "You can't just...!" "I do have the power to do so," said Princess Celestia. "I will not allow any harm to come to Nyx." Blueblood growled, and then he stomped out of the room and closed the doors behind him. Nyx then went back to her seat, and continued eating her breakfast. But she was still worried about Blueblood's behavior. "Don't worry, Nyx," Twilight said. "Blueblood got the warning. No harm will come to you." "Hopefully, everypony will get the gist when Princess Celestia makes the announcement," said Dusk. "I hope so, too," said Spike. "Oh, don't worry about that," said Princess Celestia. "Everypony will be assured about the news, and the consequences." Prince Blueblood angrily walked into his quarters and slammed the door behind him. He then said, "Why do they even bother?! Am I the only one who's not being tricked by Nightmare Moon's deception?! I will show them that Nightmare Moon is not a filly, but a monster!" He then looked out of his window. "Nightmare Moon must be punished for her crimes. For good. And I know those ponies will do better next time. I know that mare, Spoiled Rich from Ponyville, agrees with me." > Chapter 17: Cheese Sandwich > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17: Cheese Sandwich Pinkie Pie arose from her bed and the first thing she saw was her calendar. On today's schedule, the day was marked "Rainbow Dash's Birthday". She smiled widely, and headed over towards the area where the Tri-Pies were sleeping in their individual mattresses. They were all snoring, with Cherry inhaling, Blueberry exhaling, and Raspberry humming. Pinkie giggled at their antics, and went over to wake them up. "Up and at 'em, girls!" Pinkie said. "It's time to get up! We got a party to plan for Rainbow Dash!" Then the Tri-Pies got up and smiled. They jumped out of their beds and landed in front of Pinkie Pie, standing in attention. That made Pinkie Pie giggle. "Okay. Now, today is Dashie's birthday, and we must make this extra super-duper special! Okay girls?!" "Yes, Mom!" the Tri-Pies said in unison. "Good," Pinkie said. "You three are going to be a big part on helping out on Dashie's birthday party. Let's go!" Pinkie then rushed out. The Tri-Pies took a look at the calendar. Raspberry Pie leaned towards her sisters and asked, "Should we tell Mom that on this day, Dad comes to town?" Cherry and Blueberry thought about it, then just shook their heads, saying, "Nah." Then all three of them laughed and headed downstairs. Pinkie had prepared breakfast for the Tri-Pies and they all discussed on what they were going to plan for Rainbow Dash. Planning to make this the best party ever for her. Dusk, Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were walking through the streets of Ponyville. Scootaloo was holding a comic book in her hooves. A Power Ponies comic book. "Seriously?" Scootaloo asked. "You two, Spike, Twilight and her friends all got sucked into a Power Ponies comic book and got to be characters in there?" "Yep," said Nyx. "But it was way more intense than I thought it was going to be." "Yeah, especially when Fluttershy became a hulking beast," said Dusk. "I don't know who's scarier, Fluttershy as Saddle Rager, or the Hulk." "The what?" Apple Bloom asked. "The Hulk is a fictional character from my old world," said Dusk. "He was once a scientist named Bruce Banner, exposed to high level Gamma Radiation. And whenever he gets mad, he gets really big, really muscular, and his skin turns green. And the more angrier he gets, the stronger he gets. The military thinks he's dangerous and wants him taken down, but really, he's a hero, trying to help people." "Yeesh," said Sweetie Belle. "At least his heart is in the right place. Too bad nobody else saw it." "Well, people outside the military saw it," said Dusk. Then they looked around the place. "Wow. Pinkie and the Tri-Pies have done very well on planning this party!" "Well, at least the Tri-Pies aren't like the Pinkie Clones," said Scootaloo. Then all five of them shuddered. Sweetie Belle noticed Nyx shiver as well and asked, "Wait, you saw that, too?" "I saw it right after I got changed back into this size," Nyx said. She looked around and saw the decorations. She then saw Pinkie Pie, sad and alone. "Hey, what's Pinkie Pie doing over there?" The others looked towards Pinkie and were confused. "That's... odd," said Dusk. Then the five of them headed over towards Pinkie, who didn't hear them coming. "Hey, Pinkie? What's wrong? I thought you were going to plan Rainbow Dash's party." Pinkie looked towards Dusk, Nyx and the Crusaders, who were looking at her confusedly. Pinkie then responded with a fake happy tone, "Oh, nothing's wrong. I just came here to... to..." She wasn't fooling the five of them. She then sighed and said, "A new party pony has come to Ponyville, and is doing a better job than I am. He... even got everypony to help him out instead of me." The five of them looked over and saw a new pony in town. "Are you kidding me?!" Dusk asked. "There's a pony version of him?" "Of who?" Sweetie Belle asked. "In my world, there's a famous musician that looks like him. Al Yankovic was his name," said Dusk. "He enjoyed making parodies of different songs, ridiculous music videos, an even dressing up in ridiculous outfits." "Wow," said Scootaloo. "He sounds as weird as Pinkie." "No argument here," said Pinkie. "Well, his stage name is 'Weird Al' Yankovic," said Dusk. "And that pony over there looks like him from head to hoof. I'd be surprised if he had the same voice." "Come on, everypony!" came the voice of Cheese Sandwich. He was rolling through town on a giant wheel of cheese. "Let's continue decorating the town!" "Are you kidding me?" Dusk asked. "His voice, too?" "Wow," said Sweetie Belle. "What are the odds?" "I... I have to go somewhere," Pinkie said. She then started running away, without zooming like she usually does. Dusk, Nyx an the Crusaders were worried about Pinkie Pie. "Ah hope Pinkie Pie is gonna be okay," Apple Bloom said. "She seems to be down a lot." "She's just afraid of being replaced," came the voice of Cherry Pie. Dusk, Nyx and the CMC saw the Tri-Pies walking towards them. "She was really looking forward to planning Rainbow Dash's party," said Blueberry. "But things will get better later," said Raspberry. "Okay," said Nyx. "But, how do you know all of this?" "I get that they're from the future in an alternate Equestria," Dusk said, "but how much do you know about this day?" "Our father told us about this day," said Raspberry. She then pulled a picture out of her mane and said, "Here's a family photo when the three of us were babies." The group took a look at the photo and were surprised on who was in there. "Cheese Sandwich is your father?!" Dusk, Nyx and the Crusaders asked in unison. The Tri-Pies responded by nodding vigorously. "Wow," said Nyx. "You three must've been hard to handle when you were babies." "You got that right," said Cherry. "One baby is fine. Twins are troubling. And triplets are extremely difficult." Nyx whispered into Dusk's ear, "Just be glad you were the only pony that Twilight gave birth to at the time." Dusk smirked and nodded. "So, when are ya going to tell Pinkie that he's yer pa?" Apple Bloom asked. "Maybe tonight, before we go to bed," the Tri-Pies said in unison, and smirking. Dusk, Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders rolled their eyes, smiled and shook their heads. Dusk then said, "Hopefully, things will get better." Later that day, Pinkie had challenged Cheese Sandwich to a Goof Off. Which made it more difficult for Pinkie to make Rainbow Dash smile, since she was the judge. Pinkie had forfeited just because she wasn't making Rainbow Dash smile. But, when Pinkie Pie was about to leave, hoping that the Cakes would take care of the Tri-Pies, Cheese Sandwich, the rest of the Mane 6, Dusk, Nyx, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Tri-Pies were there. But then Cheese Sandwich started explaining something he kept from Pinkie all day. Then the two of them started planning the party together, making the party the best party Rainbow Dash had. But later that night, Pinkie was given Cheese's rubber chicken, Boneless. But when Cheese Sandwich left, Pinkie made a joke, saying that she never got his name. But then the others reminded her, angrily. But then, she and the Tri-Pies went into her bedroom in Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie was about to tuck the three of them into bed, but then they said something first. "Mom, there's something else you need to know about Cheese Sandwich," said Cherry Pie. "What is it, girls?" Pinkie asked. "Show her, Raspberry," Blueberry said. "Okay," said Raspberry. She then pulled the baby picture of the Tri-Pies from her mane, and showed it to her. Pinkie was surprised at what she saw. "Cheese Sandwich is your father?!" Pinkie shouted very quietly. That made the Tri-Pies nod. "Wow. That would be something I would have to look forward to." "You have no idea," said the Tri-Pies in unison. "Well, I should see him again sometime," said Pinkie Pie. "If I knew where he lived." "He doesn't live anywhere yet," said Cherry. "He's always travelling," said Blueberry. "It'll be a while until he settles down somewhere," said Raspberry. "Well, okay," said Pinkie, kissing the three of them on the head. "Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon. Good night girls." "Night, mom!" said the Tri-Pies in unison. Then the three of them got into their beds, and fell asleep. Pinkie then got into her own bed, and went to sleep. > Chapter 18: The Equestria Games > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18: The Equestria Games The ponies representing Ponyville were on a train to the Crystal Empire for the Friendship Games. Twilight, Dusk and Nyx had already went ahead towards the Crystal Empire for some preparations of the Equestria Games. He was unloading a purple duffel bag, and he put it onto a luggage cart. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were getting nervous about presenting the Ponyville Flag. Spike thought of a surefire technique for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to do well in the flag carrying. He told them to count to ten if they get nervous. But then he was taken by two crystal guard ponies. They rushed him towards the Crystal Palace where he was placed in front of Twilight, Dusk, Nyx and Cadance. He fell in front of them. Twilight was worried and asked, "Spike! Are you all right?" Both of the guards got worried, and one of them said, "A thousand pardons, O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious." Spike got up, looked at the guards and asked, "Huh? Who the what now?" "Thanks for bringing Spike to us," Cadance said to the guards. Then they walked away. She then wrapped a foreleg around Spike and said, "It's okay, Spike. We'll have our hoofponies go back for your bags." The four alicorns started heading into the Crystal Palace with Spike following. Still confused about what Cadance said, he asked, "Uh, can they hang back a second and tell me what's going on first?" Dusk and Nyx were walking into the room they were staying in, and the two of them were having a conversation. "Seriously?" Dusk asked. "The Cadance of your world was pregnant?" "Yep," Nyx said. "I was looking forward to seeing that baby." She then sighed. "I wished I could have been there." Dusk pulled her in for a hug and said, "It'll be okay, Nyx. You might not be able to see what happens in your Equestria, but I can tell you this. Things have been a lot more interesting ever since we've been here. We met Daring Do. We found the future daughters of Pinkie Pie. I really appreciate you being my sister." Nyx smiled, and rubbed her cheek against Dusk's, saying, "Thank you, Dusk. I'm glad to have a brother like you." Then the two of them headed out of the room. They headed down the halls of the Crystal Palace, and headed out. Right as they left the palace, they were greeted by Princess Luna. "Princess Luna?" Dusk asked. "There you two are," said Princess Luna. "Your mother, Princess Twilight, was going to wait for you, but she was needed to guide Spike towards the stage where he has to light the torch to start the games." "Whoa," said Dusk. "Lucky." "Wait, you've been to the Equestria Games?" Nyx asked. "No," said Dusk. "We had something similar to that in my world. The Olympic Games. Many athletes from all over the world compete in these games for their country." "How many countries are their in your world?" Nyx asked. "According to Dusk's original family, almost 200," said Princess Luna. "Wow," said Nyx. "That's a lot of countries." "And yet, it is my sister and I that rotate the sun and moon around the world we walk," said Princess Luna as she was leading the two foals towards the arena. The alicorns and the dignitaries were all put into a certain spot in the arena. The Equestria Games went off a little disturbing. Especially for Spike's perspective. He was nervous that so many ponies and griffons were going to watch him light up the torch. He couldn't even blow a single flame. Twilight secretly used her magic to light the flame for Spike. He then thought he could ignite something with his mind. He was a little upset when he heard that it was Twilight who lit it for him. Then Spike tried redeeming himself by singing the anthem to the winning team of the aerial relay. Too bad he didn't know it was the anthem to Cloudsdale, and he did terrible for that. Dusk and Nyx went in to check on Spike after Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo left. They saw that Spike was packing up stuff for tomorrow. "Spike?" Nyx asked. "Are you okay?" "Just leave me alone," Spike said. "I have packing to do." "We don't have to leave first thing in the morning, Spike," Dusk said. "So you messed up. Everyone makes mistakes. Humans, ponies, even dragons." "Like the time when Pinkie Pie wanted me to turn Fluttershy into a tree," Nyx said. "She wouldn't stop bugging me until I did it. Twilight undid it, and calmed me down." "And there's that time I got sick and my magic hit the lamp in my room," Dusk said. Spike chuckled and said, "That was funny. The lamp was singing and dancing all over the library." He then sighed. "But, it might not be enough for me to come back out. What if I mess up again?" "Don't worry, Spike," Dusk said. "Everything will be okay." "Spike?" Twilight's voice called out. She walked into the room and saw Spike, Dusk and Nyx in the room. "Oh, I was wondering where you two were. Trying to lighten up Spike's mood?" "We're trying our best, Twilight," Nyx said. "Well, I'll handle it from here," said Twilight. "You two head on up back to the booth. I'll meet you there." Making their way out of the room. They headed towards the stadium. As they were about to go towards their seats, they were stopped by Blueblood when he got in their way. Dusk groaned and said, "What do you want, Blueblood?" "That's Prince Blueblood," he said, a bit grouchy. He then looked at the two of them. He looked at Dusk and said, "You can enter. But she can't." He pointed at Nyx, making her a little upset. "No way," said Dusk. "She's my sister. She was invited to attend the games, too." "Not on my list," said Prince Blueblood. "What's going on here?" came a voice from behind Blueblood. Dusk and Nyx looked behind Blueblood and saw Princess Cadance walking towards them. "Blueblood, what are you doing to my nephew and niece?" "Stay out of this, Cadance," said Prince Blueblood. "I will not allow a monster to...." "Call Nyx a monster again, and I will make sure that you'll lose your royal status," Cadance said, angrily. "Dusk, Nyx, let's get you to your seats." Dusk and Nyx walked passed Blueblood and headed towards their seats. Blueblood walked away from the seats, went down the hall, and quietly said, "This isn't over, Nightmare Moon. I'll make sure that you get what you truly deserve." Spike had officially gotten better. During the archery competition, one of the archers tripped and shot an ice arrow into a cloud right above the stadium. Many of the pegasi tried to prevent it from crashing into the stadium. Spike jumped on many pegasi, and blue a huge burst of fire into the frozen cloud, making it go into a lot of rain. The ponies were impressed by Spike's action, they decided to let him light the fireworks at the end of the event. And later that night, Twilight tucked Dusk and Nyx into their beds in the room they were staying. "Good night, you two," Twilight said to them. Nyx yawned and said, "Good night... Twilight..." She dozed off. Twilight kissed her on the forehead and looked towards Dusk. "Mom," Dusk said. "Nyx is worried that she'll never be accepted here. Especially by the dignitaries." "Yes, I suppose that's true," said Twilight. "But, they are too snotty to see the truth in Nyx. I'm sure that they'll be able to accept her as a real pony and not as Nightmare Moon." Twilight looked over at Nyx and said, "She deserves love, not hatred." Dusk smiled and said, "No way we're going to let naysayers hurt Nyx. Hopefully, Nyx will be accepted by all of the ponies soon." "I hope so, too," Twilight said before kissing Dusk's forehead. "Now get some sleep. We're going back home to Ponyville." "Okay, Mom," Dusk said. He yawned and then snuggled up into his bed. Twilight turned the lights off and headed towards his bed. Hopefully, things might be better. > Chapter 19: Tirek on the Rise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19: Tirek on the Rise Twilight arrived back at the library, worried about something. She looked around the library for Dusk and Nyx. Then she ran upstairs to see if the two were upstairs. They weren't up there and came right back downstairs. "Oh, where could those two be?" Twilight asked, worried. "Hoo!" Twilight looked towards her pet owl, Owlowiscious, who was flying towards her with a piece of paper in his talons. He dropped it and Twilight caught it. She unrolled the paper and saw that it was a note from Dusk. "Hey, Mom... Nyx and I are with Grandma and Grandpa. They want to do something with us if it's okay with you." Twilight smiled and headed out of the library, heading towards the guest house that her parents were staying at. She walked in and saw Dusk, Nyx, Velvet and Night Light. The four of them looked towards the door and saw Twilight. "Oh, I see you got Dusk's note," Velvet said. "Yeah, well... something's come up," Twilight said. "What's coming to bring Equestria's end this time?" Dusk said, deadpanned. "What?" Twilight said, trying to hide the fact that troubles coming. "There's nothing wrong... It's just..." Dusk and Nyx gave Twilight a deadpanned look. Dusk then said, "Chrysalis and the Changelings. King Sombra." "Discord. Trixie and the Alicorn Amulet," Nyx added. "Sunset Shimmer. And the Plundervines." Twilight started sweating, trying to hide her worried look with a grin, but then she gave up. She then said, "Alright. A threat to Equestria has escaped from Tartarus when Cerberus came to Ponyville." "What threat?" Velvet and Night Light asked. "He's known as Lord Tirek," Twilight said. "Tirek?! The magic stealing centaur?!" Nyx asked. "You know about him?" Twilight asked. "I read the rest of that book after I changed back to a filly," Nyx said. "Including Lord Tirek." "Oh, boy," Twilight said. "Well, he's coming to steal all of the magic of Equestria and then destroy it." "Wait," Dusk said. "Nyx was made by the shreds of Nightmare Moon and magic. What would happen if Nyx's magic was taken from her?" Everypony in the room thought about it, but then got worried. Twilight then said, "That would mean... she... wouldn't... be... alive..." Nyx got worried and asked, "What.... what will we do?" "Obviously, we need to get Nyx away from Lord Tirek as far as possible," said Twilight. "I don't know how we're going to do that." "Well, Velvet and I are planning for a zeppelin cruise," Night Light said. "We'd be happy to bring Dusk and Nyx with us to keep away from this threat." "Thank you," Twilight said, her worrying starting to fade. "I just hope that Tirek doesn't come after the two of them." Basically, Tirek got into Discord's head and was using him to gather up ponies for Tirek to steal their magic. Dusk, Nyx, Velvet and Night Light were about to enter the zeppelin and they got on. Velvet and Night Light got Dusk and Nyx in the room where they're staying. Dusk and Nyx looked out the window to see if there was any sign of Tirek. "So, how powerful can Tirek get?" Dusk asked. "For sucking up the magic of a unicorn, the strength of an earth pony, and the flight of a pegasus, he'll be as powerful as the princesses," Nyx explained. "Once he gets enough magic, he'll go after the princesses. And when he steals the magic from them, nothing can stop him." Dusk sighed and said, "I hope that Mom can stop him." "I hope so, too," said Nyx. Velvet and Night Light walked over towards them and Velvet said, "I know that Twilight will be able to stop this villain just like the others she faced. Discord, the Changelings, King Sombra and..." She then bit her lip and looked at Nyx. "N-no offense, Nyx, but..." "I know," Nyx said. "I just hope that everything goes back to normal until we get back to Ponyville." "Alright, you two," Night Light said. "Our first stop is at Neighagra Falls." "Neighagra Falls?" Dusk asked. "Almost sounds like Niagara Falls back in the world I'm from." "Seriously?" Velvet asked. "How many places in your world have names similar to places in Equestria?" "From what I heard," Dusk said, "Manehattan here is Manhattan on Earth. Las Pegasus, Las Vegas. Canterlot, Camelot. Trottingham, Nottingham. And Yakyakistan, in my world, there's a country called Pakistan." "Wow," said Night Light. "What are the odds?" "I know, right?" Dusk asked. "Alright, we'll arrive in Neighagra Falls by morning," said Velvet. "So, everypony, let's get some sleep." "Okay," Dusk and Nyx said in unison. "Just so you know, this room we have only has two beds," said Night Light. "That means you two have to share the same bed." Dusk and Nyx looked at each other, then they shrugged their shoulders. The two of them then got into the bed. Dusk laid on the left side of the bed while Nyx took the right. They fell asleep soon after. Dusk woke up and looked around. He saw that the room was still dark from outside. He looked out the window and saw that it was still night time. But then he looked at the clock in the room. The clock said that it was 7:30. "Wait, what?" Dusk asked. The others groaned and woke up. "Dusk, honey," Velvet said. "It's still night time. Go back to sleep." "Well, everypony is supposed to be up by now," said Dusk. "It's 7:30." That made the others fully wake up. Then they all looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:30, then they looked out the window. "That's weird," said Nyx. "I don't think Celestia and Luna are that lazy." Then they saw the moon go down, and the sun coming up, squiggling. "O... kay... that was weirder." "Well, we should head on out," said Night Light. "Let's get some breakfast." The zeppelin was docked at a dock by Neighagra Falls. Dusk, Nyx, Velvet and Night Light got off to enjoy some breakfast at a diner. They ate outside, enjoying the nice day. "This was a good idea," said Nyx. "Yeah," said Velvet. "This was. At least you two are far away from that awful monster. We don't want you two to lose your magic, and have Nyx... rest in peace." Nyx sighed. She then said, "Twilight meant everything to me. Both in this Equestria and the Equestria I came from." "I'm sure that things will get better," Velvet said. "Maybe in an hour, we can do something relaxing." "I doubt that going over the falls in a barrel is relaxing for foals their age," Night Light said. That made Dusk and Nyx go wide eyed. "What is she, a daredevil?" Dusk asked. That made both Night Light and Velvet laugh. Velvet than said, "You'll get used to it. Now, the zeppelin doesn't leave for three and a half ours, so we'll have time to do things. Now, let's go explore." After they did their activities, Dusk, Nyx, Night Light and Velvet headed back to the zeppelin. They were ready to continue their cruise. "Alright, you two," said Velvet. "Let's get going." "Not... so... fast..." came a voice they all knew. They looked ahead and saw Prince Blueblood, cutting off their path from the zeppelin. "Blueblood?" Dusk asked. "Listen, we don't have time for this. We gotta get back to the zeppelin." "For the protection of Equestria, Nightmare Moon must be imprisoned," Blueblood stated. "No!" Nyx shouted. "I am not who you think I am!" "You are exactly who I know you are!" Blueblood shouted back. Then the group of masked ponies came in and surrounded the four, standing along side Blueblood. Dusk gasped and said, "This is the same group of ponies that ponynapped us before!" He looked towards Blueblood and asked, "You're a part of it?" "You're looking at the founder of this group," said Blueblood. "Nightmare Moon must be imprisoned in Tartarus for her crimes against Equestria." "Not so fast!" came a voice from outside the group of masked ponies. The ponies looked towards the voice and saw a Crystal Pony standing there. "Who are you?" asked Blueblood. "Let's just say I'm somepony who has proof of you trying to end the life of a young pony," said the Crystal Pony. "And I had it sent to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and then she'll deliver it to Princess Celestia, and you'll be taken down." "And Princess Celestia made her announcement very clear," Dusk said, defending Nyx. "If any harm comes to any member of the Royal Family from an Equestrian citizen, which also goes for Nyx, since she's a member of the royal family, the ones who harmed that member shall be thrown in the Canterlot Dungeon." "I will not allow a monster be a part of the Royal Family!" Blueblood shouted. "She must die!" He pulled out a dagger. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" said one of the masked ponies. "You said that Nightmare Moon will be banished, not killed." "Same difference!" Blueblood shouted. "It's time to end her once and for all." That last comment made the masked ponies angry at each other, removed their masks, and then charged at Blueblood. The Mane 6 have defeated Tirek. But, it came with a price. Both the Golden Oaks Library and the guest house have been destroyed by a blast by Tirek when he was trying to get the alicorn magic from Twilight. But the box that the Mane 6 opened did something spectacular. The box went to a remote part of Ponyville, buried itself into the ground, and sprouted a crystal castle. Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadance arrived to see the castle that came to Ponyville. Everypony was impressed. But then a bunch of ponies from out of town came towards the castle. Princess Celestia walked up to the group of ponies and asked, "What is the meaning of this?" The group of ponies opened up and showed a tied up Prince Blueblood, along with Dusk, Nyx, Velvet and Night Light. One of the ponies then said, "Princess Celestia, I have some dire news for you. Prince Blueblood was planning on getting rid of the filly formerly known as Nightmare Moon. We thought he meant to put her in Tartarus or banish her to the moon. But instead, he was planning on killing her." Princess Celestia walked over towards Blueblood and asked, "Is this true?" "No, no!" Blueblood said. "These ponies are lying!" "I can confirm that Blueblood is the one lying," Night Light said. Dusk, Nyx and Velvet nodded. Princess Celestia sighed and said, "Blueblood, I don't know what has gotten into you. But you are no longer welcome into any royal kingdom in Equestria. I hereby strip you of your royal status." "WHAT?!" Blueblood shouted. "No, no, nononono!" She then looked towards Nyx and said, "Curse you, Nightmare Moon! I shall have my revenge on you!" Discord teleported in and said, "Pardon me for my betrayal, Princesses, but I would like to redeem myself, by taking this naughty brat to a place where he'll never be able to escape from." Princess Celestia smiled and said, "He's all yours, Discord." Discord smiled and then he snapped his eagle talon, and both him and Blueblood vanished in a flash of light. Dusk and Nyx looked at the Castle and Dusk asked, "Mom? When did this castle arrive?" "Just now, Dusk," Twilight said. She then sighed. "Although, we are going to have to live here from now on. When trying to get my magic... Tirek... destroyed the library." That made Dusk, Nyx, Velvet and Night Light gasp in shock. Nyx then looked towards the town and said, "My whole life was in the Golden Oaks Library. I can't believe it's gone." Twilight walked towards Dusk and Nyx, pulled them in for a wing hug and said, "I know, you guys. I know." She then sighed. "Well, let's make the best of it." The Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Tri-Pies walked up to Dusk and Nyx, and gave them a comforting group hug. The next day, Dusk woke up from his bed in his new room of the new Castle of Friendship. He sighed and walked out of the room, and walked down the halls of the Castle. He came into the Library of the Castle and saw Twilight, Spike and Nyx in there, unpacking some books. "Oh, good morning, Dusk," Twilight said, noticing him. "Not used to waking up in this castle?" "It's just like when I woke up at Zecora's the first time," Dusk said. "And the first time I slept in the library. It'll... just take time for me to get used to." "I know, buddy," Spike said, walking up to Dusk. "Things will get better. I promise." "I know," said Dusk. "But it won't be..." His mind wondered when he saw something and asked, "Is that the mirror that leads to Canterlot High?" Twilight turned towards the mirror and said, "Yup. Princess Celestia had Princes Cadance ship it to here since you, me and Spike were the last ones to use it." "Wow," said Dusk. Nyx walked over towards the mirror, and placed her hoof on the glass. But since the portal wasn't open, the mirror didn't shimmer. "Are you sure this is a portal?" Nyx asked, tilting her head. "This mirror only opens every thirty moons," Twilight said. "Now, how about we take a break from unpacking, go out, and get some breakfast." "Sounds good," Dusk said. He looked out the window and wondered, "I wonder who that pony is who helped us out." "I don't know, Dusk," Twilight said. "But, whoever that pony was, he was a good pony." Elsewhere, the pony that helped out Dusk, Nyx, Night Light and Velvet was walking through some mountain areas. When he looked around, he smiled and transformed. It was the changeling that saw Dusk going back into Canterlot to save the wedding. He then flapped his wings, and flew off somewhere. THE END...?