The Runaway... Ears?...

by Lulamoon-Crystal

First published

Dammit, Jazz’s ears escaped again

Just a random bunch of random I had in mind

Jazz’s ears escaped her head again. She hates it when this happens. Well, guess she’ll just need to look for them... again

Takes place a while before “Make Your Mark”

Where’d They Go?

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It was a peaceful morning in Maretime Bay’s salon, Mane Melody. Jazz was happily seated on a stool, near her hoof care stuff, just painting her last own hoof with a new design. It consisted of very dark blue as the base colour. On top, it had tiny twinkling stars scattered all around. Resembling the night sky. When she was done, she was proud of her work. She looked at it with a smile. Ready to take a picture of them with her phone.

Meanwhile, Pipp was on the stage, listening to a tune from her own phone. It was relating to an upcoming performance that she wanted to do with Jazz and Rocky. It was nearly finished, she just needed to make some finals touches.

“Hmmm...” She listened to two lines of that new song she was making. Then she listened to another version of the same two lines. Wondering which was better. She liked both of them so much! It was hard to decide. Luckily, a friend was nearby. She could ask for second thoughts. “Maybe I should ask Jazz, maybe she might have an idea.” She got off the stage and walked towards the spot Jazz was seated.

Jazz smiled as Pipp approached her. “Oh hello, Pipp! How’s the new song?” She asked cheerfully. Wondering what parts she will sing and such. It was certain to be great! Well, she had heard some of the lyrics and instrumental already. She loved it!

“So far it’s great! Oh! Jazz! I just love your new hooficure, by the way. It’s just so pretty! Anyway I...” Pipp then paused as she stared up at her friend.

“Oh, thanks Pipp! I’m glad you like... them?” Jazz said, as she noticed Pipp’s excited expression turn to confusion. “Uh... why are you looking at me like that?” Jazz turned her head slightly.

“Oh, uhh... Is it just me? Or... Your...” Pipp muttered under her breath. “You mane doesn’t look any different than usual so why can’t I see...” She mumbled under her breath.

“Pipp?” Jazz raised a brow in confusion, wondering what she was looking at. She noticed Pipp flutter upwards and look at Jazz’s mane from other angles. “Have I got something in my mane?” She asked, wondering what on earth Pipp was up to.

Pipp gently moved Jazz‘s forelock aside and had a good look, even poking in a few places. She gently moved it back to how it was. “N-No... It just looks like... well... your ears are gone...” Pipp pointed out. “Are they... under your mane? Interesting style, never saw a pony comb their mane to flattern their ears against their head... but I’m sure you can pull it off!”

Jazz was really puzzled as she sat there. Pipp’s wings made a slight breeze blow in her face. “I didn’t style my mane over top of my ears, Pipp. What?” Jazz cocked her head, did she hear correctly? She stared at Pipp with a blank stare, she blink a few times before she opened her mouth. “Pipp... did you actually just say... that my ears... like my actual two ears. themselves, are gone?” She paused, “Like, actually not visible on my head, gone?”

“Yes, Jazz!” Pipp exclaimed as Jazz slowly put her hoof on her own head. Jazz noticed that Pipp looked slightly creeped out. “They’re like, gone! I cannot see them!”

Pipp noticed Jazz’s expression slowly turn to terror as she touched the area where her ears would usually be. “My... my ears!” She frantically felt for them, patting the spot where they should be. “No!” She screeched, “Where are they!?” She exclaimed as she jumped off the stool and hurried to a mirror as fast as her legs could carry her over. She stared into the mirror, heavily breathing. “No! No! No! They’re gone! My ears they’re gone... Again!” She shouted as she turned her head to see the sides of her head in the mirror to confirm the fact that her ears were indeed gone as she ruffled her mane slightly with a hoof. “They are truely gone! Oh! I really thought this stopped happening!” She cried out loud.

Pipp approached Jazz to try and calm her down. “It-It’s okay Jazz!” She tried to not panic as she stroked her friend’s back, starting from the withers and to the rump. She could feel Jazz was hyperventilating. “I’m sure we can figure-“ Then a brick of realisation hit her, she took her hoof off her back and glared at her. “W-Wait- Did you say... again? Like, this... this is not the first time they vanished?”

“Goodness no!” Jazz exclaimed, “This has been going on for as long as I can remember!” She exclaimed before sighing, “I used to always get teased and bullied for my ears... so I always checked they were on me before leaving the house... but now they are gone again! What do I do now!?” She was really freaking out as he voice cracked. “What do I do!? I can’t be seen like this! The bullies will- and then- Maybe some pegasi and unicorns might also- what do I do!?” Tears formed in her ears as she glared at her reflection.

“Jazz, Jazz, Jazz...” Pipp said to get her attention, petting her back “Have you figured out to get them to appear again? Like... do they turn invisible when you say or do anything specific? Or do they just shrink?” Maybe we can learn what it is and-“

“Oh!” Jazz whimpered out loud, “I just wish it were that simple!” Jazz loudly grumbled to herself as she looked at the ground and back at Pipp. “But no! They do not simply shrink or turn invisible!”

“What... what do they do then?” Pipp asked, looking up at her, concerned.

“Oh. It’s terrible: They pop off and run away! Like they just think that’s okay!” Jazz said like it was very normal but annoying thing.

“They... pop off and... run away?” Pipp was getting more and more puzzled, “Like, they grow legs and run away? How is that even possible!?”

Jazz nodded to confirm “Indeed! This... whatever this is has never, ever been heard of before! So when my parents took me to the doctors about it when I was a filly, I never got an answer! And I cannot!” Jazz was getting annoyed about her ears as she explained like it was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. “I cannot!” She repeated, “I literally cannot tell you how many examinations, theories and visits I had! Heck! I even tried wearing fake ones! But they vanish in the morning when my real ones return!”

“Wha?” Pipp stared at Jazz with a blank stare. She was the most confused she had ever been. Was this even real right now? It took a while for Pipp to gather herself. “O-okay... so... these uh... runaway ears are... well... unfortunate, sorry you have to go through this, Jazz! But I’m here to help. So, do you know how to call them back to you?”

Jazz sighed and shook her head, “No, I do not... if I fail to find them, then they always teleport on my head at 12 at night...”

“Well, seeing as you don’t want to wait till midnight. Guess we have to look for them!” Pipp smiled, “No one has opened a door or window since both of us got here. So they must be in the salon somewhere!”

Jazz took a breath in and out, “I guess you’re right, Pipp... let’s go look!”

Pipp flew around slowly and gently, looking for any sign of Jazz’s missing ears... which was pretty weird, but this was really happening... yep... this was real... Jazz rushed around, whimpering when each spot she looked didn’t have them. “C’mon, Leftie, Rightie! Where are you!?” She cried out.

Pipp looked at Jazz again, “You named them?”

Jazz whimpered as she looked under a chair, “Yes, in hope they will come to me one day when I call them!” She sighed as she got up, “They haven’t done this since the return of your magic!”

Pipp glared as Jazz hurried to a cupboard and looked inside. She was looking at her new friend in a whole new light. She would have never expected her to have... magic ears.

Soon, Rocky walked in from another room. Then he noticed Jazz looking under a cupboard and Pipp looking at places that would’ve too high up for Jazz to look. This was confusing him, judging by the look on their faces, whatever they were looking for was important. “Huh? What are you guys looking for? Is everything okay?” He was a bit concerned as her saw how worried Jazz was. He could have sworn her ears were gone, but shrugged it off.

“Oh,” Pipp flew down near him, “Jazz lost her ears...” She said casually.

“Oh okay- wait...” Rocky paused and stared at Pipp, “Jazz lost her... what?” Rocky asked, wondering if he heard her right. “Did you say she lost her ears?!” He was in shock and disbelief. “Oh no! Is she okay!?”

“Well... she’s kinda scared about being seen without them. So I’m helping...” Pipp responded with a smile.

“Oh wow... I didn’t know she needed prosthetic ears...” Rocky was a bit surprised that he didn’t notice. But he didn’t want to go into detail, even tho he was curious. He didn’t want to be responsible to bring up and traumatic memories of Jazz from whatever accident caused her ears to be destroyed. Assuming she wasn’t simply born with a disability that was related to not having ears.

“They’re not prosthetic, they are real!” Jazz hurried over. “And yes! They’re gone, they just pop off and ran away! First time they left me since the return of magic! Have you seen them?” She pointed to her head with a hoof as she stared at him with hope.

Rocky stared at where her ears usually were. So they were real. But what on earth was making them just come and go like that? Does it hurt when they just come off her head? And how to they run away without legs? This was hurting his brain a bit, how on earth was any of that possible!? Is Jazz even a pony? “Uh... Your ears just come and go... and they are not prosthethics? Okay... well... I don’t think I’ve seen-” He stared at Jazz’s head, then it started to process... He gasped as he remembered something “Oh... wait... oh... so that’s what those things were?”

“Huh?” Pipp responded. “What do you mean? Did you see them?”

“You found them!?” Jazz smiled.

“Yeah... I saw some turquoise ear-shaped things on the ground...” He responded, “I thought it was some of the junk the raccoons left behind from their party last night...” He responded, looking nervous. Last night, some raccoon and other critters had a party in their salon while no pony was around. Because somepony forgot to close the window! He was so horrified at the situation.

“Oh, okay,” Jazz responded. Sighing in relief as she headed towards the rubbish bin. “Thanks!”

“Uh... Jazz... I kinda... took out the trash already...” He responded nervously.

Jazz froze and turned around. Face turning into horror, “You what!?” She shrieked at Rocky, “This can’t be happening!”
She cried as she quickly grabbed a straw hat to hide her lack of ears before rushing outside. “I can’t have our customers see me like this!” She cried.

“I.... what’s even going on?” Rocky was confused.

“I am as puzzled as you...” Pipp responded.

As fast as she could, Jazz hurried to the large dumpster bin and shoved it open. Only to gasp in horror. Waves of sadness and disbelief rushed through her as she saw that... she was too late. It was empty. “No...” She looked around, to see no sign of them. They must be heading to the big dumpster, meaning they will get destroyed. “No! No! My ears! They were in here...” She said quietly, quiet enough, so no pony heard her. Well, on the bright side, if they are destroyed, it means prosthetic ones won’t... just be replaced by her real ones every midnight. Hopefully.

Jazz left the dumpster open as she turned around. Her head hung low as got ready to slowly walk back to the salon. “Why me?” She sighed, knowing that she finally lost her ears for good. She tried not to cry as she took a few steps before noticing a small cardboard box moving slowly. “What?” She questioned as she slowly moved towards it. After rolling her eyes, the pulled the box away. Revealing her two turquoise ears, now sentient. “Aha!” she exclaimed. Before, they started to run away, using two thin legs made of magic. “Get back here!” She shouted.

As she ran after them, her hat blew off. “No! Don’t let anyone see you!” She shouted as they went down the Main Street. Sunny gasped in shock as she watched Jazz run past her smoothie stand. Was she just chasing her ears? Sunny had to have a second take as she watched in shock at a grown mare running around a table. Chasing something that should very much be stuck to her head permanently.

This was not something she expected to witness this morning... She wasn’t the only witness, either. Zipp, Hitch and Izzy were chatting and drinking smoothies, well, they were before they noticed Jazz. Zipp was watching Jazz in a mix of confusion and terror. Hitch was watching her with shock and concern. Izzy was also concerned, and confused. “Are her ears supposed to come off like that?” She asked as Jazz ran circles around the table.

As quick as a rabbit, ears jumped on top of the table that the trio was on. Without thinking, Jazz, now dizzy, jumped on the edge. Sending the three pony’s smoothies into the air like a catapult. Jazz gasped in shock before two of the three smoothies splattered all over her, in her mane and on her fur. They were so chunky, slimy and gross. She was now all sticky. She groaned in disgust as she got up. Shaking her head to get the excess smoothie off.

“I’m so sorry!” She groaned as she stared at the three ponies. Hitch was just concerned while Izzy was snickering a bit at the sight of Jazz. The annoyed one was Zipp. She had her forelegs crossed, staring at Jazz. As a plus, one of the three smoothies ended up splatted all over her. The cup was perfectly laid on her head like a hat, while the straw was perfectly balanced on her muzzle. Plus she growled slightly.

Jazz gasped as she saw the ears runnng away. She gasped in shock and chased after them, not wanting any pony else to see!

Sunny walked over with three more smoothies for the trio that didn’t get to drink theirs. “Oh no... I thought that was cured when magic returned! What caused it?” She wondered as she hoped Jazz would catch them soon. Sure their shenanigans were funny, but she could soon hurt or embarrass herself. Also, no pegasi or unicorn knew about this. So it was no doubt she was gonna become a laughing stock again by any of them that thought it was funny. Or even worse, thought their ‘earth ponies are dumb’ theory is true.

“Yeah... poor Jazz...” Hitch worried, “I just hope no pony bullies her for it again...”

“Yeah... there’s gotta be a cure somewhere!” Added Zipp

Hard to catch

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Jazz gasped as she spotted her ears jump into some flowers at Dahlia’s flower stand. She was standing around watering them, not noticing the dislocated ears running around. All Jazz needed to do was near over and grab the ears without Dahlia noticing. It would be just terrible if Dahlia saw her earless state again. “Guys, c’mon, it’s not time for hide and seek!” Jazz whimpered. She looked at the pots and bouquets of flowers, all neatly organised on the stand. “Where’d you go?” Jazz was careful to not be too rough as she gently shifted some around to search for her ears.

It wasn’t long before Dahlia noticed her, “Oh!” She exclaimed as she went towards Jazz. Soon noticing that Jazz’s ears were gone. It actually brought back a few memories of when she was younger. “Oh my...” She said softly, remembering the times she would get bullied as a filly when her ears went missing. Honestly, Dahlia had forgotten Jazz’s ears went missing as often as they did. They hadn't run away since magic retuned, so she assumed that fixed them up.

Dahlia gasped as she saw something jump into some of her pots from the side of her eyes. That must have been one of the ears! Well, hopefully. “Jazz! I think I saw one jump into that one!” She called out softly to get Jazz’s attention and point her the right way.

“Thanks Dahlia!” Jazz happily hurried to the pot she pointed at. Only to step on the end of a rake, causing the stick part to strike her right in the face. Jazz stepped back in shock about the impact. “Ouch!”

“Ooooh. Are you okay, Jazz?” Dahlia asked, deeply concerned. She had no idea where the rake came from. She certainly did not put a rake there.

Jazz rubbed her forehead, where the rake slammed. “Y-yeah, I’m fine...” Jazz stepped forward again, making the same mistake. “Ouch!” She learned from this and went around the rake to the pot. She softly pushed the flowers aside to see her missing ear laying there. Gently grabbing it in her hoof, she sighed. “You’re in big trouble... okay, where is your twin... wha?” She noticed the ear in her hoof was now glowing. Soon a bee was seemly teleported near it.

“Did you just teleport?... a bee!? You have magic!?” She asked it, not noticing more bees nearby until she heard buzzing. “Hmmm?” She soon gasped, seeing the swarm, but not noticing her ear jump out from her hoof. “Yikes!” She cried as the bees started to chase her.

Jazz was running in circles, trying to get away from the bees. She jumped over another pony. The bees ignored them. All Dahlia could do was watch in shock and worry. As much as Jazz didn’t want to get stung, running wasn’t enough. Before she knew it, the bees surrounded her and attacked.

“Oh! Ouch!” Dahlia cringed as she heard Jazz get beaten up by bees. She looked back at where the ear had been dropped. “Why are you two so mean to her?” She asked it. “Jazz?” She worried as the bees flew away, leaving behind said pony with a mess of stings on her body.

“Ow...” Jazz looked at herself, “Oh dear...” She stormed back angrily to scold the single ear. “Hey you!” She exclaimed in the spot it was, only to find it was gone. Again. She groaned and placed a hoof on her head. “Where’d it go, now?” She sighed. “Ow...” she groaned, getting a headache.

“Okay, caught that!” Posey was nearby laughing, “Oh, your ears are gone. Again!? Have you seriously not sorted that out yet? Wow!” She exclaimed.

Jazz was visibly hurt... She looked down with a sigh, deciding to ignore her rude remark. “Have you at least... happened to see where they have gone?” She asked nicely.

“Hmmph... well... I may have seen them running that way....” Posey scoffed

“Really? Thank you, Posey!” Jazz smiled as she ran towards the street Posey pointed towards. She hurried ahead, getting hit by a water balloon along the way. It hit her right in the face. She stood there in shock as freezing cold water dripped from her muzzle. At first she thought it was the ears that threw it.

They did teleport a bunch of bees to attack her, so no doubt that sudden water balloon came from them!

“Oh. Sorry Dazz...” A nearby foal said, getting her name wrong. “I meant to throw that at him,” The foal said as he pointed at another foal with a water gun. He quickly dodged a water balloon and squirted at the filly that threw it.

“Oh, it’s actually, Jazz. But that’s alright!” Jazz smiled at the colt that apologised. “Have fun!” She smiled as she trotted off. Soon she saw her ears dancing in the middle of the street.

“Ah... ha!” She dashed towards them. Getting very annoyed, only for them to teleport a random pegasus pony carrying a box. Which Jazz had no time to avoid. So she crashed into him, sending his box flying. It opened up midair. Revealing sacks of flour, which all broke open either as they flew in the air or on impact on the ground. Kind of sending a large cloud of flour around, like dust from an explosion. The flour covered Jazz and the other pony. She got up quickly, stretching a hoof out to the pony she crashed into. “I-I’m so sorry! I...” She whimpered as the tall pegasus stallion glared at her, getting up by himself. He growled before slapping her hoof and walking away.

“Jealous of my flour, I bet...” he muttered under his breath. “My poor tasty flour...” He added as he walked away.

Jazz looked at her hoof he slapped. It didn’t hurt, more felt like a high-hoof. Except it wasn’t. “Sorry...” She said softly as she him leave. Shaking her tail to remove the flour from it, she also wiped the stuff from her face. “Oh no... My ears are still gone, aren’t they?” She looked around to see ponies staring at her.

“Is it just me... or is that earth pony... missing his ears?” A pegasus asked her unicorn friend, who nodded in advance. She heard ponies discuss her missing ears and the flour incident as a crowd gathered around her.

“Oh no... now they know!” Jazz cried out in horror and sadness. Her heart dropped as she stared at all the ponies. Some pointed and laughed, while some took pictures.

It wasn’t long before Jazz located her ears again. She was chasing them just out of town, getting angrier. “Get back here, you stupid things!” She exclaimed as she gave chase. Annoyed, she hurriedly chased them up a hill, sweating a bit as she reached the top. Stopping under the cool shade of a tree. “Please... stop this...” She whined, tears forming in her eyes. One of them went up to her. “I don’t understand why you hate me so much!” Her voice cracked as she took a step back, with worry. “You’re not gonna hurt me, right?” She asked it nicely.

Jazz put her hoof towards it and let it jump on. “So... are you gonna be a good ear and... well... be where you’re supposed to be?” She asked it. The ear stayed there, not moving at all. Jazz had a sigh of relief as she calmed down and felt the cool, relaxing breeze up against her.

It was gentle, she could still here the ruffling of the leaves from the tree above her. It was a few seconds before any words were spoken. “Look. I know you just want to run around and have fun. But you cannot do this anymore! I have a job and well... some unicorn and pegasi have just moved in not long ago. Some don’t even trust each other yet! Also, they are just learning about magic! They don’t know about you guys. It’s best we introduce you to each other when it’s all calmed down... Okay?” She looked at it apologetically, “It’s just well... ears popping off one’s head is so unusual, other ponies are gonna be freaked out by it. Somone’s gonna get hurt, and we don’t want that, right?”

The ear jumped up and down. “I cannot understand what you’re trying to tell me...” Jazz looked at it confused. “What is it, little fella?” She asked curiously, hoping she could understand what it was trying to say. But soon enough something small, hard and round hit her right in the head. “Ow! What was that?” She looked up at the branches of the tree she was under. Just to see her other ear jumping up and down on the branches of the apple tree. Loosening the apples. Another hit her on the muzzle as she looked out. “Ouch!”

As she exclaimed in pain, the other ear jumped out from her hoof and started to run. “You set me up! Hey!” She exclaimed as she chased after it. The other ear soon joined it, running away from Jazz. They ran a circle around the tree before going to the edge of the hill. Each one pulling on each end of a string, making it, so Jazz tripped over. She went rolling down the hill, the ears teleported to create a ramp out of a plank and a rock. Jazz ended up flying from the plank, into the air.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!” She cried in fear.

The same pegasus stallion from before was walking with a unicorn. The unicorn was carrying- dragging- a huge, heavy cactus plant in a pot in her magic. “Ugh... this is one heavy plant...” She responded.

“Careful with it.” The pegasus responded, rudely. “I’ve carefully raised it from a seed... when I was 1 year old...”

“Likely story...” Grunted the unicorn, “I doubt you even knew what a cactus was yet! Also, do cacti really come from seeds?”

“What do you know?” Scoffed the stallion

“Well, Sir. I am part of... wait... do you hear... screaming?” She asked as she looked around. Before she knew it, a teal blur ripped the cactus right out of her magic aura, crashing nearby.

The stallion cried out loud, “Nooo! Mr. Sprinkle MCFluffyBottoms!” He gasped as he saw Jazz get up off the broken cactus, covered in spikes. He ignored Jazz who was apologising as she got off the cactus. He mourned it as he sat near it, no one noticed Jazz backed away as he cried dramatically. He then faced the unicorn, “You weren’t careful! I’ll tell your manager, and you’ll get fired! Are you listening!?”

The unicorn took her eyes off from her phone. “Oh, I got a text from my boss. Gotta go!” She teleported away.

“Get back here!!” The stallion shouted as Jazz watched from a distance, feeling horrible. Even if it wasn’t her own fault. Soon, the stallion sighed, “I only had this cactus for three days...” He then stormed off, “Just my luck!”

Jazz sadly looking at the broken cactus left behind. Maybe she can make it up for him? “Oh dear. I hope he likes cookies... Maybe I can make some. That cactus seemed important to him...” She wondered. Then she heard her ears making raspberry noises nearby. Despite not having tongues.

The ears were jumping up and down again, they ran around Jazz, making her a little dizzy. Then she saw them further away. Standing on the patch of grass seemingly about a few feet in away from her, Jazz growled as she walked towards them. “Okay. I am so tired of you both! This is seriously getting out of hoof!” She marched towards them. “You never were this much of a pain!” She scolded, ignoring the mud she stepped in. But then in a few steps her legs were stuck in place. She paused as she tried to left a leg.

“What? Wait? Wait, I can’t move?” She looked down in confusion. Her legs felt wet and gooey. Also, she seemed to have been slowly getting lower and lower... The wet mud creeping up her legs. Her eyes turned wide in horror. “Wait- no! I’m sinking! Help!” She cried, the mud was halfway up her legs no. “Help!” She cried, “Somepony! Help!” She was crying now, the mud reaching the belly, “Please! I don’t wanna die!” She called out, The ears jumped onto her head, unnoticed by Jazz who was in distress.

She was crying, frantically trying to to get free, only to keep sinking. Jazz believed she was going to die... Okay, maybe not die. Just be all muddy and humiliated. The mud would take ages to get out her tail and mane. Her heart was beating radically as her breathing became heavier. “Help!” She cried. Soon enough the mud was up to her chest, where it stopped.

“I’m sinking!” Jazz cried, not realising she had stopped, “Is any pony out there!?” She whimpered before staring at the distance. She didn’t seem to notice she was not going down any lower. Until she looked at her chest, she could see not moving going any deeper, and it didn’t seem the mud was going any higher. She took some breathes as she processed this.

“I-I stopped?” Jazz sighed in relief. Her legs felt heavy under all that mud. She groaned a bit as she walked out from the deep mud. Jazz groaned. “What now? I’m hurt, muddy, wet and smelly! What else do you want!?” She cried, unaware that the ears were not where she could see them. Jazz looked down at her muddy, wet body. Tail, hooves, belly, torso were all covered and dripping with mud.

“Yuck!” Jazz shook her hind leg. Then gasped, realising she was basically only on a grassy, solid patch of a large muddy ditch. She groaned, then noticed a few rocks through. Hoping she could climb over rocks and use them a stepping stones to not get anymore muddy, she started climbing over a rock. It was slippery, she laid on her belly and climbed with all four hooves. But she managed to get on top of the round rock.

There was was another rock near it. She just needed to jump on. But that was easily said than done. It was a bit too far to grab, so she needed to jump. Her legs shook as she stood up on the rock she was on currently, but she stepped forward and got ready to jump. After a few breaths, she did the leap.

To her horror, as stood as she landed, she slipped on her tummy. Then helplessly slid down. She scrambled up, but ended slipping as she stood on top. Face planting straight into the mud below.

Jazz who was now bruised and muddy. Wet mud soaked her all over as she walked towards town. Hanging her head in shame. She felt like she was just about to start crying. Soon she stopped in her tracks, glancing at the town. Soon she looked at herself. Muddy fur and mane. She kicked her hind leg, mud dropped down it. “Ugh... I can’t go into town looking like... this!”

Patches of dried mud covered her legs, plus belly. Her tail was absolutely brown as a result. Hairs were stuck together as a result, making her tail more stiff. Even her mane was filled with mud, she even could have sworn she felt something crawling in there. Jazz just wanted to go home and have a bath. But she needed to get through town to get to her house!

“Hey Jazz!” A voice shouted, making her jump out from her skin. Whoever that was scared the heck out of her!

“Yikes!” She jumped up.

“Oh!” Did I scare you?” Izzy said apologetically with a slight smile.

“It’s fine Izzy. I just had a long day...” Jazz sniffled a bit and wiped her tears, rubbing more mud on her face.

“Seems like you had a very rough day...” Izzy glanced at Jazz, “You must be right. Pipp will freak with her new friend and employee looks like this! Don’t worry! I know what will get you Jazzed up!”

“Jazzed up?” Questioned Jazz.

“Yep!” Izzy responded, cheerfully, “Get it? Jazzed up?”

“No, I mean-“ Jazz’s question was soon interrupted.

“Let’s go!” Izzy exclaimed as she pulled Jazz towards the Brighthouse in her magic. When Izzy bounced happily, so did Jazz in her magic.

Jazzed Up

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Izzy hummed as she pulled Jazz towards the bathroom with a big smile on her face. “First, we need to make you squeaky clean!” She sang as she opened the bathroom doors. Izzy quickly placed Jazz into the bathtub before closing the doors. Soon she turned on the shower head using levitation to hold the shower head above Jazz as it rained water upon her. Heaps of mud and small bugs were already running off her and racing to the drain.

Jazz felt a little weird on why Izzy was washing her instead of her washing herself. She was capable. “Thanks Izzy. But I think I can shower by myself. I’ll let you know when I’m done, so you can continue your... Jazzing Jazz up...” She said gratefuly.

“Actually, Jazz... just relax! I know you had a long day! You’ll love this!” She used levitation to undo Jazz’s mane and take off her sash thing. She rinsed the mud off and put it in the sink, filling it with soapy water to clean later.

“Well... okay!” Jazz sat down, a bit confused, but happy as water rinsed the mud from her body, with nice, warm water. As this happed, Izzy sung a catchy tune as rubber ducks floated in the air. Sparkling as they squeaked to the tune. Jazz watched them in awe. Izzy was so kind. This so so sweet and kinda fun. Soon some other bath toys joined the duck. Consisting of an octopus, fish, dolphin and even a boat. Also dancing to the tune, soon a rubber duck floated around Jazz, squeaking as it landed in the water next to her. Joined by boat and dolphin. The dolphin did flips and dives just like a real one, as the duck ‘swam’ around her.

Soon some scrubbing brushes, moving to the tune of the song, floated towards her. She giggled a bit as the dolphin playfully squirted her muzzle. Soon the brushes started to scrub soap against her body creating a lot of shiny, colourful bubbles. A relaxed sigh came out of her mouth, the brushes felt so good against her fur!

Soon a shampoo bottle joined in as it was was squirted through her mane and tail. Soon they were rubbed in with Izzy’s levitation magic, making her mane nice and soapy. Jazz relaxed in the crystal-clear, bubbly bath water with a relaxed smile. It smelt so nice, and the song was so sweet and catchy. She never heard it before, she’ll ask Izzy where it was from after the bath.

Once the scrubbing brushes were finished putting soap in each area of Jazz, except for the eyes. She was rinsed down before being scrubbed again for extra measure. Once the second scrubbing was done, she was rinsed off and the song ended. Izzy put the ducks, brushes, soap and suck back in their locations before smiling.

“So, how was it?” Izzy smiled happily.

“It was... cute, Izzy! That was so catchy, where’d you learn it?”

“Oh!” Izzy smiled, “Lost of parents do it to their children back in Bridlewood. Well, minus the levitation of course! That’s just my special take on it!”

“I loved it!” Jazz exclaimed.

“Alright! Now time to finish Jazzing you up!” She drained the bath and pulled Jazz out the water. Standing her up on the ground. Izzy used two mane-dryers to dry Jazz off quickly. Once she was dried, she admired her glossy coat, tail and made. Shining in the light, and silky to the touch.

In the bedroom, Jazz was seated on a wooded chair. Izzy went thought drawers near her bed and Jazz looked around. “So you guys all sleep in the same room?” She questioned.

“Oh yeah!” Izzy exclaimed happily. “It’s so much fun! It’s oike having a sleepover but every night!”

“I guess you can look at it that way...” Jazz responded. She thought it was kinder sweet how they each had an area and how different they were to eachother. Soon enough Izzy went up to her with a purple perfume bottle. One of Pipp’s recent perfumes.

“Pipp gave me this. I love the smell! I tried drinking it tho, but Pipp told me that’s not a good idea...” Izzy looked at it and sprayed it into Jazz’s face. Making her cough and wipe her eyes.

“You okay?”

“Y-yeah,” Jazz looked back at her, “You don’t usually spray it at the face... like that...”

“Oh!” Izzy then sprayed it a bit more the correct way, making Jazz smell nice! Soon she went back and grabbed a nice sweater. “I can’t do much about all those bruises, but you can hide them with this!” It was a light pink sweater with yellow edges. On the front was a teal hoofprint, with yellow wings beside it and a yellow crown above it. “I leaned knitting a few months ago! I knitted some sweaters when Pipp had the grand opening of Mane Melody. I made one for you, Pipp and Rocky!” She then sighed, “But... things happened... but here’s yours!” She said with energy as she put the sweater on Jazz.

“Wow, it’s so cute Izzy. I love it!” She exclaimed as she looked at it. “I’m sure Pipp and Rocky will love theirs too!” She exclaimed.

“Yeah...I didn’t really think about making the wing holes for Rocky or Pipp... Pipp said that Rocky doesn’t like wearing things that cover up his wings. So I didn’t really give yours to you, in case Rocky felt sad... But when it was raining last week, and his umbrella blew away in the wind, I gave him one I made to keep! So he’ll be fine now.”

“That’s a shame...” Jazz nodded. “But that’s so sweet, giving him your umbrella!”

Izzy then grabbed a brush that was decorated will all sorts of jewels. She started to brush Jazz’s mane gently, Jazz enjoyed the sensation. But then she realised something. Surely Izzy would have discovered her missing ears by now... espically since she was chasing near her earlier when she was drinking a smoothie. So why hasn’t she said anything? But she soon shrugged it off. Izzy didn’t seem to be the type of pony to judge somepony by appearance. Even if it was about lacking something that every other pony had, like ears that behaved.

Izzy was humming as she combed Jazz’s mane happily. Soon she grabbed two sparkly hair ties and started to tug at Jazz’s mane slightly. Jazz didn’t mined, she was excited to see what kind of style Izzy was going to do to her mane. After a bit of tugging and pulling. Izzy exclaimed happily. “All done!” Soon she levitated a big mirror and put it in front of Jazz wh gasped in awe.

Her mane was now styled in twin braids, hanging down one side of her neck. Her forelock mostly remained the same but without any of it joining her back mane. It was also curled in a nice way. Then Jazz noticed than in the two braids were hairpins with a jewel on it, evenly distributed down each braid.

“That’s gorgeous!” Jazz exclaimed happily. Soon she realised that her ears were back on her head. As a result her smile grew wide. Izzy hummed as she put Jazz’s, now clean and thoroughly washed sash back on her body. Jazz didn’t notice as she wanted to exclaim in joy from her ears being back, but didn’t want to explain the context of her ears to Izzy.

But that’s was soon brought up anyway. “Oh yeah! Sunny told me about your ears. That does not sound very fun! But when I found you. They were there, which means you’re whole again!”

“Oh wow! They actually listened to me!? Thanks for the makeover, Izzy!” Jazz looked at Izzy with glee. Ignoring the fact Sunny told her. She was more grateful that Izzy wasn’t treating it like it was something funny.

“Aww,” Izzy smiled as she put a hoof around Jazz, “You’re really welcome, Jazz! I am glad you liked my makeover today!”

At the salon, Pipp smiled as a customer left. Soon after, the doors opened, revealing very happy pony. “Oh, hey Jazz? What’s up?” She questioned, she then noticed the knitted sweater. “Seems you saw Izzy today and she gave you the sweater she made! Plus a makeover.” She gasped as she noticed the ears. “And you found your ears!”

Jazz smiled proudly as she walked a few steps forward, kicking the door shut. She nodded. “Yeah! You should have seen the bath song! It was magical! Literally!”

“But getting my ears back was really painful... I was hit with a rake, stung by bees, covered in flour, crashed into a cactus and sunk in mud... They finally did listen but... I never want to chase them again!” Jazz glanced at a mirror briefly. Then gasped as her ears literally vanished in clouds of poof. She groaned loudly.

“Jazz?” Pipp grew concerned as she looked at her. She then collapsed on her face in exhaustion. “Jazz! Are you okay?”

“Pipp?...” Jazz asked, weak and muffled.

“Yes, Jazz?” Pipp replied.

“They’re gone again. Aren’t they?”

“Uh well... yeah...”

Jazz then sighed, “Pipp.” She cried.


“I give up...” Jazz groaned loudly as Pipp petted her head. Poor thing was crying a bit as a result of whatever happened out there...

“Don’t worry Jazz,” Pipp smiled, “We’ll get through this...”