A Dubious Welcome

by Maonyman

First published

Anon the veterinarian has to help Twilight recover from her injuries and then return home.

The instant she appears in this world, things go wrong for Twilight Sparkle. Fortunately, Anon the veterinarian is there to save her, and during the recovery process, they find they quite enjoy each other's company. Eventually Twilight wants to make her way back home and Anon has a decision to make.

Meanwhile Celestia, thinking Twilight is in danger, ventures to earth to rescue her, only to encounter dangers of her own. Princess Luna has to figure out how to rescue both of them without abandoning Equestrian rule.

CH1: Welcome to Earth

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"Oh for fuck's sake, don't I have ANY decent music anymore?"

Anon casually swiped a finger across his phone to skip yet another song. He had just left his veterinary clinic after getting called in at too-damn-early in the morning for a dog that had gotten outside and been hit by a car. Poor thing had had several broken bones and severe internal bleeding, but he'd done his best and what would come would come. By his estimate, the unlucky pup's chances of survival were about one in three.

Of course, he hadn't told the owner that.

It had been nearly a decade since he'd finished schooling and began his veterinary work, but giving bad news was still the hardest part of the job. He remembered them all, too.

Anon grimaced as the next song began playing and simply yanked out the audio cable to silence it since he was nearly home anyway.

It was a boring drive home from Podunk, the ironically named little town he called home. Whoever named it probably thought they were being clever, but nowadays all it really does is get them laughed at. Still, he liked the peace and quiet of living in such an out of the way town, especially with his house on the outskirts so he didn't have to--


There was a brilliant flash of light and abruptly a small deer was just standing in the road in front of him. His foot slammed down, the wheel jerked to the side, and the sporty sedan shuddered as various electronic systems struggled to compensate and keep the vehicle under control.

Anon caught a brief glimpse of purple as the deer bounced off his hood with a sickening crunch and tumbled over the roof of the car.

As he screeched to a halt, Anon sat briefly frozen in stunned silence, breathing heavily. Then he came to his senses, threw the shifter into park, grabbed his flashlight, flung open the door and rushed to the poor deer.

"Wait... The hell?"

He stopped and stared in confusion as he realized the crumpled body in the road was no deer but rather what seemed to be some sort of miniature horse with its back facing him. It was bright pink or purple in color, its indigo mane and tail were streaked with magenta and--no, it couldn't be... yes, those were actually wings!

Not quite believing his eyes, he stepped closer and squatted beside the body for a closer look, and sure enough, one wing was folded neatly against the creature's right side, the other twisted and crushed beneath its barrel. He looked up at its head and...

Was that a fucking horn?

Anon blinked, rubbed his eyes and leaned forward, but there was no mistaking it. Protruding through its mane at the top of the forehead was a small, spiraled horn that tapered nearly to a point, with a jagged flat edge about the size of a penny at the tip.

Suddenly, a bright mote of pink light sputtered out of that jagged tip with an electric crackle, startling Anon so badly he nearly fell backward.


For several seconds he could only stare in open amazement. Then the creature's ear twitched, its sides heaved, and he suddenly realized it was still alive. Shoving all other thoughts away in an instant, Anon snapped to attention, bent over the body, and rapidly diagnosed its condition:

Mare, approximately ten hands. Pulse slow but strong. Breathing steady, no bubbling or rasping. Unconscious, good pupil response. Horn broken, approximately one inch missing. Left forehoof bleeding profusely from frog. Left fore and hind legs, both tibia cleanly broken. Left wing dislocated, humerus badly broken, possibly shattered, no penetration. Right side covered in minor lacerations. Oddly discolored flank, likely bruised or flayed skin.

Anon hurried to fetch his heavily customized first aid kit from under the driver's seat then quickly turned the vehicle around so the headlights fell on the injured... Pegasus? Unicorn? Surely...

Fuck it, he could think about that later.

He had a life to save.

* * *

It's very unusual for a head wound to knock any creature unconscious for more than a minute. After working as quickly as possible for two or three, Anon was starting to get seriously worried when the mare finally began to stir and he breathed a small sigh of relief. Any longer and he'd have had to assume it had cerebral hemorrhaging, and that can spell death even on his operating table, nevermind on the side of the road with a damn first aid kit.

Still, despite his worrying, he had made good use of the extra time. He had bandaged the bleeding hoof, set simple splints on both broken legs, jerked the dislocated wing back into the joint, and he was just wrapping gauze around the creature's barrel to secure the injured wing when its eyes began to flutter open.

Anon immediately began to speak with a soft, friendly tone in an attempt to keep it calm.

"Whoa there, relax, girl. You're alright, I got you."

The words themselves were utterly useless, of course. All that mattered was his quiet soothing tone of voice. One ear twitched, then slowly swiveled to orient on him. That was good; the creature was listening. He was kneeling near its back where its hooves couldn't hit him if it began to flail in panic and far enough back that it couldn't see him in its peripheral vision.

It was important to keep up constant reassurance, so Anon continued to speak in a low, gentle tone, saying anything that came to mind.

"You sure came outta nowhere, didn't you, girl? Took quite a tumble, but I'd say you're pretty lucky all the same, 'cause I'm just the doctor you need."

The mare tried to lift its head and let out a pitiful little moan, its mouth working as it tried to whinny, then its legs shifted uncomfortably. Anon readied himself to jump back in a hurry. This was the critical moment: if the animal was going to panic, it was most likely to be now as the pain started to creep in through the shock and it tried to move its restrained legs.

Sure enough, when its left foreleg wouldn't move the way it wanted, the creature tensed up in fear, ears folding flat against its head.

"Eaaasy now, it's alright. Just a brace to help your legs heal, that's all. You can still walk on them, I promise, just relax and take it slow. You'll be okay."

Slowly, the animal relaxed again, its ear fixating on the calming sound of his voice, and Anon felt a great weight of tension lift from his shoulders.

"That's it, there's a good girl. Just relax, lay here for a moment. Give your body some time to wake up. You were out for a good couple of minutes so you must have had a pretty good knock on the head. I bet you feel awfully dizzy, huh? Maybe even a little sick. It's okay, girl, take as long as you need."

As he spoke, he gently worked the gauze binding under the creature's barrel and the mare shifted uneasily, letting out another groan that sounded even less like a whinny than its first attempt. Anon was beginning to worry it had cracked its jaw or bit through its tongue, but there was no way he could check while it was conscious, so he just finished the binding and continued talking, not caring or even really thinking about what he was saying.

"You sure are an odd looking mare, huh? Ain't a problem though, you're close enough to what I do know. I'll fix you up right, don't you worry, girl. No, I'm really just wondering where you live since I ain't never seen nothing like you 'round these parts before."

The creature struggled weakly to lift its head then gave up and stared blankly ahead. Its muzzle opened again and an odd sort of grunt and hiss came out, almost sounding like the word "quest."

Anon furrowed his brows in confusion. The hell kind of horse makes a noise like that?

He saw its tail flick in annoyance, then its side rose in a deliberately slow breath.


Anon fell very still.

There was a brief pause, the silence pierced only by the soft hum of his sedan. Then the creature took another slow breath and this time the words were unmistakable.

"I... live in... Equestria."

Refusing to believe what his senses were telling him, Anon numbly repeated the words he thought he had heard.

"Y... You live in E-Equestria?"

The animal immediately and distinctly nodded its head.

It had responded to his question.

It understood him.

Anon abruptly swayed crazily to the side as the very ground seemed to lurch beneath him. He caught himself with a hand as his throat made an inarticulate choking noise of pure shock and confusion. Slumping to one elbow, he just barely managed to hold himself on his side and stare dumbly at the back of the mare's head.

Surely he was dreaming?

Had he fallen asleep at the wheel?

Was he himself laying unconscious on the side of the road?

Or perhaps he had never even left his bed?

It felt like a very long time had passed when Anon's attention was forced back to the present. The mare was rapidly becoming more and more agitated and its whining and scrabbling movements slowly roused his deeply trained need to care for his patient.

He shook his head and rubbed his eyes, then pushed himself upright. As he came back to his senses, he realized the animal wasn't just whining, it was speaking again. Yes, its words were quite clear now and getting faster and louder as panic began to take hold.

"Oh, ow, that really... wait... What? W-Why can't I... My horn? Oh sweet Celestia, my horn! NO! What--how... no, WHERE? Doctor, help! Please, I... Oh, Tartarus, where is it? Doctor? Doctor, please! Where is the tip of my HORN!?"

It wailed in clear distress and struggled desperately to twist its weakened body around and search.

Anon took a brief moment to close his eyes and take one long, slow breath, forcing his mind into the focused calm he relied on to function in even the most bizarre and stressful medical operations. When he opened his eyes again, he saw his patient in the throes of a full panic.

Normally, it's not only impossible to calm a panicking horse, but outright dangerous. All your effort goes into avoiding panic in the first place and if things go wrong and the horse does panic, you simply step back, wait for it to calm down, then deal with any additional injuries it may have caused itself.

However, Anon realized the way he thought about this creature had shifted. This was no dumb horse that had spooked from a fallen leaf turning over too quickly. This was a thinking and speaking person, panicking due to complex emotional trauma and fear.

This wasn't an "it," this was a "her."

Anon, faced with the threat of an out-of-control patient, roughly shoved aside any thoughts about the absurdity of the situation and simply addressed her as if she were a human.

"I'm here," he said calmly, "Listen to me, please. It's going to be okay, we'll get your horn healed, but I need you to try and relax. You're going to hurt yourself if you keep struggling like that."

Her ears immediately turned back to focus on him and she whimpered faintly.

Hell... she really did understand him. A shiver ran up his spine and he struggled to keep his voice steady.

"Please, I can help, but I need you to keep calm. Here, try closing your eyes and focus on your breathing, it will help you relax. Count to ten every time you inhale and exhale. Everything will be alright, I promise."

Her eyes closed and he could clearly see her following his instructions to try and get her breathing under control. His concentration wavered as a fresh wave of confused astonishment swept over him. He felt like he should run away or slap himself awake or even just stand up and scream, "What in the hell is going on here?"

Then his eyes fell on her bandaged hoof and the sight of the blood soaking through the gauze sent an energizing jolt through him.

Dammit, he had an injured patient here! Time to freak out later, right now he needed to get that bleeding under control and get her home for a more thorough examination. God forbid if she had internal hemorrhaging...

He took another deep breath to steady himself, then quickly got up to fetch an old towel from the trunk of his car. When he returned to the mare and began to spread the towel on the ground behind her, she twisted her head to see him and her breath caught in her throat.

"W-What? You... You're not... Who are you? What are you?"

He could hear the panic edging into her voice again and he paused in his movements, giving her a chance to calm down before he touched her again.

"It's okay, don't worry. What matters now is you're hurt and I'm your doctor. Let's get you stabilized, then we can figure out the rest later, okay?"

She hesitated, shuddered slightly, then said, "O-Okay, but... can I see you first?"

"Of course."

Anon slowly moved around her head in a sort of shuffle, keeping to a low squat to avoid towering over her too much. At first the mare only watched his feet, then her eyes slid up his body and settled on his face. Even through the fear and confusion, Anon could clearly see the intelligent curiosity behind those eyes. Resisting another shiver, he gave her the best smile he could manage and her muzzle sort of twitched in a similar attempt.

Then the red stain on her bandage caught his eye again and his expression turned anxious.

"Now, I need to get you into my car so I can take you somewhere safe and treat you properly," he said as he gestured to the towel. "I've put splints on your legs but they won't hold under any real use, so try not to stand. Your other two legs seem to be uninjured, but I can't say for sure out in the field like this."

Realizing his words were coming out too quick and tense, Anon cut himself off and passed a hand over his eyes. When he spoke again, he sounded much more relaxed and controlled.

"Sorry. Point is, try not to move as I slide you onto the towel except to shift your body weight where I press. Don't bend your braced legs and especially don't move that wing I bound to your side."

Her eyes widened, "My wing, what? Why?"

He patted the air in a calming gesture and said, "Don't worry, it'll heal, but it could get worse if you move it. Now come on, we need to move--that bandage can only soak up so much blood."

Stepping around her again, he gently wiggled a hand under her head and slid the towel under it, then moved down and shimmied the towel under the rest of her body. She squeaked indignantly when he lifted her flank, but he ignored her protest and shoved the towel into place.

"Okay, I'm going to slide you a little closer to the car then lift you inside. Try not to flop around too much."

He was trying to hurry now and began dragging her before she even responded. She yelped in surprise or perhaps pain, but he shushed her as he wiggled his arms under her barrel. Half expecting to throw out his back, he braced himself and heaved--then stumbled to catch himself as she was far lighter than he'd expected, only forty or fifty pounds at most. Her sickly groan at the sudden movement made him wince and he took much greater care as he slid her onto the backseat of his car, then snatched up his first aid kit and jumped into the driver's seat.

"Alright, this is gonna feel weird 'cause of your head injury, but try not to move, okay?"

He began to ease the car forward, but the mare suddenly cried out, "W-Wait! My horn!"

The car lurched to a stop, and when he looked back, her face was contorted with fear and anxiety.

"Please, I need it! It can't heal without the missing piece!"

The effort exhausted her and she collapsed back onto the seat.

"Doctor, please... you have to find it... p-please..."

He didn't like delaying further, but surely the strange creature knew her body better than he did, and she'd been more distressed by her horn than anything else. With a little sigh, he stepped out, placed his flashlight on the ground so every little pebble cast a long, distinct shadow, then slowly swept the light across the road.

About a minute later--and just as he was about to give up--an odd glitter caught his eye on the side of the road. He stepped closer to get a better look and... yes, this had to be it. Scooping up the tiny purple cone, he ran back to the car and jumped in.

The creature began to speak as soon as he opened the door, but he cut her off, "Yes, I found it. Now shush and keep your head down, we've already taken too long."

Dropping the horn fragment into his shirt pocket, he eased the car forward and was soon flying down the road at well over the speed limit.

CH2: The Veterinarian

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Mere moments later, he was driving across his lawn to park directly in front of his porch. He stepped out to prop his front door open, then shimmied the mare into his arms again, kicking doors shut behind him as he carried her inside. Laying her carefully on the island counter in his kitchen, he roughly shoved the small decorative basket clattering to the floor, then wrapped the piece of horn in a paper towel and buried it in his freezer's ice tray.

She made a faint noise of distress as he left the room, but time was running short and he had to hurry to fetch his medical bag. Since he was the only skilled veterinarian in this part of the country, and since sometimes an animal would be more likely to die if they moved it than if he simply operated on it out in the field, he was careful to always keep a well-stocked medical bag at home in case such an emergency came in during off-hours. He returned less than a minute later and quickly spread the bag open on the counter beside her.

"Is all that... for your healing spell?" she said, eyeing him nervously.

He gave her an odd look as he quickly swabbed some topical anesthetic on her shoulder, saying, "Uh... not all of it, no. This is just my general kit so it has a bit of everything."

She relaxed slightly, "Oh good... only really powerful magic would need that much reagent... was worried my injuries might've been worse... than you were letting on."

It was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the strangeness of this creature so Anon moved as fast as he dared as he prepared a sedative injection.

"This might sting for a moment..."

Pinching her skin, he slid the needle deep into the thick muscle of her shoulder. She gasped and flinched, but soon relaxed as the sedative began to take effect. Anon immediately set to work even as the drug was kicking in, ignoring her increasingly incoherent mumbling and moving with the quick efficiency born of long years of practice. It was true she needed urgent treatment, but he also needed to keep his mind busy and distracted from the shock and bewilderment still lurking in the back of his head.

The bleeding hoof was the most urgent problem. He quickly applied a tourniquet, removed the bandage, and realized the deep gash on the frog was more of a violent tear than anything that could be called a cut. He cleaned and sterilized the wound, somewhat surprised by just how much of the gravel-like road dust had to be removed, then he used a thick suture and more stitches than usual to close the wound. It would be more painful during recovery, but it was necessary due to the pressures that would be exerted from walking on the frog, and the pain would discourage her from walking before it had healed enough.

Next he began cleaning and sterilizing the many small cuts and scrapes along her right side. This is when he realized the bruising on her flank was actually a little picture of a pink star with smaller white stars around it. At first he thought it was a tattoo, then he realized the fur itself was also colored. Anon decided to ignore that as a mystery for later.

He then examined the broken end of the horn, but was forced to admit he had no idea what to do there. It wasn't made of bone like a deer or sheep, nor was it keratin like a giraffe or rhino. The surface was somewhat similar to ivory, only it was even smoother and lacked any iridescent shimmer. Inside the horn was even stranger. There was an outer layer of porous sponge-like material that appeared to be some sort of flesh, but it was quite firm, like the gums of your teeth. However, the most bewildering part was the horn's inner core, which was entirely unlike anything he knew of. It was vaguely similar to thick optical cabling, but although the core was completely filled with a dim pink glow and did not leak, he nevertheless got the impression of a slow-flowing liquid like honey, rather than the instant transmission of light through fiber optics. He would have to learn more from her before he could reattach the broken tip, so, worried about antiseptic getting down into the spongy flesh, he simply cleaned the jagged end as delicately as he could, then loosely bandaged it if only to keep it clean.

Next he thoroughly examined both broken cannon bones and was amazed by how clean and straight the fractures were. Since the mare was much lighter than a normal horse, this meant she shouldn't need intramedullary reinforcement, which was a great relief to Anon. He replaced his quick and dirty splints with sturdy medical braces, then wrapped both legs with gauze. Later, he would check for swelling and probably switch to fiberglass casts. Hell, with fractures this clean she might even be able to walk in a day or two if she was very careful.

The wing, however, was another matter. It wasn't shattered as he'd originally feared, but it was still a compound fracture and would require at least some surgery to position the broken pieces properly. More importantly, he was forced to assume the wings were functional and that, crazy as it seemed, this mare could actually fly. That meant the bone needed to support her weight perpendicular to its length, so he had no choice but to reinforce the fracture with titanium implants. And to think, he had almost decided not to keep any rods here at home!

Anon checked he had all the supplies he needed, spent a few minutes making the kitchen area a little more suitable for surgery, took another brief moment to recollect himself, then he bent over the mare and made his incision.

* * *

Over an hour later, Anon leaned heavily against the kitchen counter and heaved a great, weary sigh. The surgery had gone remarkably well and, even after cleaning, sterilizing, and putting everything away, the sedative still hadn't worn off.

Anon eyed the small mare somewhat warily.

The intense shock of her first words had slowly faded into a persisting sense of awe and wonder. Some small part of his mind had suspected some sort of trick or that the horn and wings were prosthetic, but there was no doubting their legitimacy after his surgical operation.

He was looking at a real, live, intelligent, winged unicorn.

Suddenly realizing this was likely a once in a lifetime opportunity, he slowly straightened, approached the unconscious creature, and began to give it a thorough physical inspection. The first thing he did was pull back her lips, and he was relieved to see only herbivorous teeth, as a few legends claimed unicorns had been ferocious hunters. Upon prying open her jaw, he was surprised to find her lips, tongue, and throat were much more like those of a human than of a horse, which explained how she was capable of speech. Hopefully she would be able to explain how they spoke the same language.

He tried examining the base of the horn next, but it simply merged smoothly into her skull with no clear beginning or end. The spiral pattern along its length was not a recessed groove, as some art had depicted, but rather what appeared to simply be a colored stripe. However, upon closer inspection, he discovered there was actually a dense network of extremely fine pores contained only within the colored stripe, leaving most of the horn perfectly smooth. Another mystery for later, it seemed.

Next, he noticed her eyes were significantly larger than normal and faced much more toward the front rather than angling out to the side like a normal horse, which resulted in a shorter muzzle and rounder head overall. Anon wondered just what sort of evolutionary pressure had caused that, as front-facing eyes were almost exclusively found on predators, but her teeth were clearly those of an herbivore.

Moving on to her torso, he noticed that while her legs were relatively thick compared to her body, the hoof wall was not nearly as pronounced, and the frog was softer and less distinct than on a normal horse. He supposed that was due to her small size and weight, and perhaps her wings as well--the ability to fly, absurd as it seemed, would mean less need for the tough hooves required for long, hard galloping.

Next he massaged his fingers into her joints and quickly concluded that all the muscle groups were pretty much as expected, with the exception of the additional flight muscles around her barrel. These gave her barrel a more lean and toned appearance than the smooth belly he was used to seeing on equines, as well as a subtle increase in muscle mass just behind her shoulders which extended down toward her sternum. This bulk, he assumed, indicated her primary flight muscles responsible for the majority of the power behind each flap.

He hesitated only briefly before moving down and examining her hindquarters, deciding that even an intelligent horse was still only a horse, and that this was nothing more than a scientific and medical examination of a new, unknown animal species. There too, she was similar yet distinctly different from what he might expect. Her dock was significantly shorter than was normal for a horse, so most of her tail was only loosely hanging hair, and her genitals were even smaller than he had expected for her size, though otherwise they were entirely equine.

Finally, he turned to the strange image painted on her flank, dug his fingers into the fur, and even plucked one of the colored hairs, finding that not only did the pattern extend all the way to the root, it seemed to be embedded into the very skin.

Anon straightened and rubbed his chin, wondering what to do next. The sedative should begin to wear off before long and he didn't want the mare to wake up on an uncomfortable and cold countertop. If unicorns had gone undetected for so long even through this modern era, the mare must have some incredible ability for escaping and hiding, so he needed to do his best to ensure she woke up feeling safe and comfortable. However, just in case she still fled from him, he decided to take some precautionary measures.

First, he ran off to grab some assorted sterile containers which were not important enough to keep in his medical bag. Upon returning to his impromptu operating table, he set his phone to record a video and slipped it in his shirt pocket so the camera was peeking out, silently berating himself for not thinking of it earlier. It might not be that great a view, but at least he could still use both hands.

He decided there was just one more precaution he ought to take: he poured some raw oatmeal into a bowl, then placed a couple carrots and an apple inside as well, hoping the offering would help calm the mare if he had misjudged her sedation and she woke up before he finished.

As he prepared to take some medical samples, he realized there would surely be doubt and claims of trickery, so he checked his supplies and was relieved to find a small box of security labels designed to prevent tampering with medical specimens. He decided to take special care to keep any container he handled on camera until it was sealed and labeled.

Blood would be the most telling, so he drew a vial of that first--then realized he should take two samples of everything so he could refrigerate one to minimize cellular damage and freeze the other to maximize shelf life. Next he swabbed the inside of her mouth for saliva and tissue samples, then swabbed under her tail in the hopes of getting at least a small fecal sample which would help with dietary analysis. He briefly considered a pap smear but dismissed the idea. He could do it fairly quickly, but all the labeling had burned valuable time and he was getting quite worried about the mare waking up while he was still working. Instead, he examined her uninjured wing and gently plucked two of the smaller feathers that he hoped she wouldn't miss, then finally moved on to her most distinguishing feature: her horn.

First, he brought his phone up and made sure it got a nice, clear view of the inside of the broken tip, then he used a fresh scalpel blade to gently shave a tiny amount of dust off the surface of her horn, dropping the entire blade into the container to avoid contamination. It took Anon almost a full minute of deliberation before he decided to take samples of the horn's internal structure. He worried about doing permanent damage, but it was simply too unique to pass up such an incredible opportunity. After all, it was not every day you discovered an entirely new organ. He placed another fresh blade in his scalpel handle and, moving with the utmost of care, scraped out an incredibly small sliver of the fleshy sponge-like material, again dropping the entire blade with the sample into a container.

Finally, and with more care than he'd given anything in his life, he lifted yet another fresh blade and gently touched the oddly glowing jelly-like core of her horn.

CH3: Hey You, You're Finally Awake

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Twilight Sparkle groaned.

She was cold, tired, nauseous, drowsy, and uncomfortable, but more than anything else, she hurt. Every part of her body throbbed with pain and her head hurt worst of all. She could hardly think through the agony stabbing into her forehead.

However, to her surprise, the pain faded rapidly and it was only a few seconds before it settled into a dull, tolerable ache. She tentatively opened her eyes and found herself in what appeared to be some sort of kitchen. There was a bowl of food beside her and she could see a small collection of clear vials on the counter behind it. Two of them contained what looked suspiciously like her own fur so she leaned a little closer and... yes, that was definitely her fur, and two more seemed to contain vials of blood, presumably hers.

Clearly this was a collection of medical samples from her body for later study. She felt indignant and a little violated, of course, but on the other hoof she understood all too well the urge to study and analyze anything new and unusual.

But where was her doctor now? Her recollection was vague due to the shock and pain, but she could clearly remember that strange creature with its rich and oddly soothing voice. Her head still throbbing, she slowly turned to look behind her and--

"Oh... oh no, nonono..."

She scrambled upright with her two good hooves and twisted around to get a better look.

Her doctor was slumped back against the counter across from her, the charred remains of a precision scalpel still clenched in his right... er, claw? There were pale violet lines streaking along his foreleg up to his neck, his mouth hung loosely open, and his eyes were glowing a brilliant, solid white.

"Buck, buck, what did you do?"

But even as she asked, she realized what must have happened. Either not knowing the danger or believing himself safe, he must have tried to collect a sample of the pure magical essence in the core of her horn.

"Moon-blasted fool, even unicorns don't really understand..." she muttered nervously to herself. She slid toward the edge of the table and resisted the urge to look down, her uninjured wing spread wide for balance. It wasn't a long fall or anything, but in her injured state it was unlikely she would be able to get back up and try again before it was too late.

She took a deep breath to calm herself, reared up on her hind hooves with a wince of pain, then lunged forward. One forehoof thudded into the creature's chest and she let out a nervous whinny as she began to pitch sideways, but by desperately flapping her one wing, and with a bit of pressure from her injured foreleg, she managed to keep herself upright.

"Alright... phew... Tartarus, I hope this still works."

She stretched her neck out to touch the edge of her horn to the creature's head and concentrated as the magic began to flow. Sparks shot out of the broken tip, causing her to wince from the uncomfortable surge of raw energy and feel as if she were back in magic kindergarten again with no control over her magic, but she bore down on her focus, refusing to let such a simple spell go awry. After what seemed like ages, she finally felt a trickle of energy flow back into her horn as she absorbed the excess power that raged unchecked through the creature's mind.

"Ohhh..." the creature groaned, then abruptly, "The--FUCK!"

Something slammed into Twilight's barrel and she was thrown violently backward, only just catching herself before she slid off the far end of the table-thing she had woken up on. Thankfully she had landed on her uninjured side.

She heard him say, "Oh shit, s-sorry! I... god, I don't... w-what...?" and lifted her head to see him staring wide-eyed at the pink lines slowly fading from his foreleg.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay now." He looked up at her, his eyes wild and not quite able to focus on her. She continued, "Whatever you saw can't hurt you anymore."

"The fuck WAS that!?"

Twilight shook her head, then winced as her headache spiked from the motion and she felt a wave of nausea and weakness. She gave him a somewhat strained smile.

"I'll explain later. Right now I need you to get a hold of yourself. I am still your patient, right?"

The sound of her weak, shaky voice seemed to get his attention more than her actual words. He rubbed his face vigorously and took several deep breaths before looking up at her again with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry. Okay... good grief, and I just threw you aside?"

He leaned over her nervously, but she grinned and gave him a too-casual shrug.

"Eh, I landed on my good side."

He gave a dry chuckle at that, then carefully slid her back to the center of the table.

"I'm, uh..." he said hesitantly, "Well, I usually work with animals, so I'm not really used to patients that talk to me."

Twilight furrowed her brows in confusion and almost felt like being offended, but decided they could talk about that later. Her doctor was the last person she needed to be antagonizing right now.

"So you, uh... I assume you're dizzy, nauseous, headache, sleepy?" She carefully nodded her head and he continued, "Yes, well... you obviously have a concussion and normally I'd say you need to sleep it off immediately, but uh..."

He turned and fetched something from what appeared to be some sort of frozen container.

"Well, to be honest," he said as he turned back to her, "I've got no fuckin' clue what to do with this thing and I was hoping seeing as you can talk, maybe you could explain to me how this thing heals?"

Twilight looked down at what he held and gasped, tears springing to her eyes as she saw the broken fragment of her livelihood, her special talent, her dear and precious horn.

"Oh my... thank Celestia you found it! I... we hurried off so quick and.. y-you were so quiet I thought..."

She closed her eyes as she struggled not to cry from the intense relief. She had been trying so hard not to think about it, fearing it was lost forever but...

Twilight suddenly looked up and gave him a broad, teary-eyed smile, almost giggling at his comically confused expression.

"Thank you! Just... thank you so much! You have no idea how important it is and what this means to me and..." she trailed off as he glanced furtively at the top of her horn, "Um, r-right. Okay, just, uh... just make sure it's clean, line it up with my horn, and secure it in place. My body will do the rest. It is magical, after all.

He gave her an odd look before carefully cleaning both ends of the break.

She stopped him just before he set it in place and said, "Um, Doctor? The broken piece... w-well, the core is safe now. You can take a, um... a sample."

His face immediately twisted into a guilty cringe, but she touched his shoulder with a hoof to stop him from turning away.

"No, it's okay, I understand, really. I... I probably would have done the same thing in your hooves."

Looking down at the horn fragment in his hoof-paw-thing, he let out a weary sigh and slowly picked up another scalpel.

"You're certain?" he asked, looking up at her just before the knife touched the dim, lifeless material.

"I promise, Doctor. The energy comes from me, not the horn."

He nodded and, with even more precision than most unicorns could manage, scooped an incredibly tiny sliver of the core into a vial like the ones she had noticed earlier, scribbling a label onto a little sticker which he then placed across the cap and down the side of the bottle.

"Tamper-resistant labels?"

The question seemed to surprise him, but he nodded.

"I've been recording everything too," he said, gesturing to an odd device on his chest, "No way anyone would believe me otherwise," then as an afterthought he muttered, "Not quite sure I believe it myself..."

Twilight didn't respond as she needed to concentrate while he slowly pressed the broken fragment into place. She made a conscious effort and pushed the magic out, just like she had read, giving it the chance to reinvigorate the dead core and begin the healing process. In theory, her body should handle the rest from there.

She felt a small pang of sympathy and sadness for Fizzlepop and her permanent disfigurement. After all, she was the only reason Twilight had researched healing a broken horn in the first place, but unfortunately her research had revealed that a horn could only be repaired if it was still mostly intact. They had excavated an enormous area in and around the cave where Berrytwist had been injured as a filly, but eventually had been forced to concede that the missing piece of her horn was gone forever.

Her doctor securing the broken tip with some sort of adhesive bandage brought her back to the present and she relaxed as she felt the life slowly returning to her horn.

"Oh good, it actually worked..."

He frowned with sudden concern and she waved an exasperated hoof at his expression.

"Don't look at me like that, I've read all about it! I've just never actually known of it being done. It's not like horns break every day, you know."

"No, I don't know."

Surprised by his sharp tone, she glanced up at him then averted her gaze.

"Um... right, I suppose you wouldn't."

He stepped back and she struggled to sit up with her injured leg, feeling strangely abashed and unable to meet his eyes.

"Well..." he began in a low voice, "Since you're no longer dying and you haven't run away yet..." His tone suddenly became gentle and friendly, "How's about some introductions, eh?"

She looked up into his charming grin as he extended a hoof-paw toward her and said, "My name's Doctor Mous, but you can call me Anon."

Thinking this was some sort of greeting ritual, she slowly extended her hoof to mirror his own foreleg, then jumped in surprise when he grabbed it and gently moved it up and down.

"You seemed just as surprised as I was when you saw me, so I guess you don't know what I am either? Well, I'm a 'human,' a highly-evolved kind of ape or monkey."

She nodded awkwardly, then tried to respond in kind, "Um... W-Well, my name is Twilight. Twilight Sparkle, that is. I'm a unicorn... er, well, an alicorn princess, really. I'm a pony, like a pegasus or an earth pony... or I guess a normal unicorn. You know, without the wings. Somepony told me once we're descended from 'hore-says' but... well, I couldn't find a source for that anywhere, not even in the Canterlot Royal Library, and I mean, if it's not there, where would it be?"

She giggled nervously, then the room suddenly veered crazily and the human lurched forward to catch her before she could topple onto her side.

"Riiight, yeah, the concussion. That's, uh, that's kind of important. Here, come on."

His forelegs wrapped around her barrel and she let out a faint whinny of protest, but her head felt like it was rolling around without her and she didn't have the strength to resist. He slowly carried her into a dark room and gently laid her down in a bed that was bigger, warmer, and more comfy than anything she had ever felt in her life. She realized he was quietly speaking and tried to concentrate on his voice.

"I don't have a guest bed set up, so just sleep in my bed for now, okay? I'll wake you up in a few hours with water and a bit of food. You just relax and try not to think too hard so your brain can recover."

Twilight mumbled something that may have vaguely resembled words, then promptly fell asleep.

CH4: A Small Distraction

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As Anon pulled his blanket up to the mare's neck, he couldn't help but smile when she let out a contented little sigh and cutely wiggled the tip of her muzzle under a fetlock. Truth be told, he wasn't quite sure what to do with a patient that was actually sentient, but at least she seemed friendly.

Leaving the bedroom door ajar, he began putting the kitchen back to normal, restocking the medical bag and returning it to his office, sliding various kitchen items back into place, and setting the decorative basket in the middle of his now pristine island countertop.

Next he opened the freezer and began to rearrange the samples he had hastily placed inside, sliding them one by one into a neat row along the side of the freezer. However, the moment his fingers touched the vial containing the horn core sample, his mind was abruptly filled with warped visions of the disturbing hallucinations he had suffered earlier.

Anon recoiled violently, stumbling backwards and catching himself with an elbow on the counter, but the unsettling images left him as suddenly as they had appeared, leaving him impotent and slumped against the counter. his breath came in short ragged gasps as he watched the freezer door slowly swing shut with a muted thump.

He passed a hand over his face and muttered quietly to himself, "Gonna be fun trying to sleep tonight..."

Wishing nothing more than to forget the aimless terror that still clawed at his chest, he forced himself to take a deep breath and stand up straight. Then he glanced at the microwave clock and rolled his eyes--it wasn't even noon and he'd already been through at least three days' worth of stress!

Rubbing his throbbing elbow, he took a good long moment to calm himself down, then pulled out his phone and dialed his assistant at the clinic.

"Hey Sally, it's me. Listen, something came up and... yeah yeah, I'm fine, just, uh... do me a favor and apologize to Mary-Ann, would you? Yeah, with the calico. No, that's not for another week, it's just I was gonna check on that infected claw later today. Eh, probably not, but still. Yeah, 'course. Alright, thank ya much."

He hung up and let out a heavy sigh, intensely relived to know he wouldn't have to head in today. Well, so long as no more emergencies came in at least, but really, three in one day would just be silly. With one look at the freezer, he decided the samples were just fine the way they were. He grabbed a bagel, walked out into the living room, put on some soft music, and picked up the book he had started last night.

All he wanted right now was a good distraction.

CH5: Some Answers, Some Questions.

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"Hey, uh... Twilight Sparkle?"

A light tapping followed the soft words and Twilight reluctantly cracked open an eye. She briefly tensed in alarm, not recognizing where she was, then she relaxed when she saw the strange creature that had been taking care of her and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Morning, Doctor."

By the dim glow coming from the thick curtain she could see his own somewhat awkward grin as he approached, a small tray held in his forelegs.

"Well... afternoon, really. Been asleep for a good, oh... five or six hours, I'd say."

Her ears folded back and she began to mumble an apology, but he interrupted her with a low chuckle.

"You ain't done nothing wrong, girl. Your concussion does need the rest, after all. No, I just wanted to, uh... y'know, check my handiwork. 'Sides, I figured you could get some fluids while I'm at it."

He held up a small glass of water with a straw. Without thinking, she reflexively reached out with her telekinesis, but she felt only a brief fizzle of magic before the dull ache in her skull flared up angrily. She winced, releasing the unformed spell before her horn even had time to light up.

As the pain slowly faded, Twilight furrowed her brows in confusion. She wasn't really surprised that it hadn't worked, but it was odd that this simple spell failed when she had been able to save Anon before her horn was even mended. Was her horn core draining her of magic while it healed? Her books hadn't said anything about that, but it wasn't as if arcane biology was all that well understood... Most unicorns didn't put any more thought into their magic than it took to float stuff around, nevermind analyzing and recording how their magic worked in the first place.

Suddenly realizing Anon was watching her with a mildly alarmed expression, she came back to her senses and hurried to reassure him.

"Oh, s-sorry! I just, uh... I forgot it was broken, that's all. I'm okay, though."

Silently cocking an eyebrow, he held the glass up again and she awkwardly grabbed it with a fetlock. Just as she brought the straw to her muzzle, she suddenly realized just how vulnerable she really was.

She, Twilight Sparkle, an alicorn princess and wielder of the Element of Magic, was in an entirely unknown land with no magic from a broken horn, no flight from a broken wing, and no earth pony strength from two broken legs. Worse yet, she hadn't explained what she was doing to anypony aside from vaguely mentioning to Spike that she was testing a new portal spell and she'd be back soon. How long would it take him to realize something was wrong? Who would he tell once he did? What if nopony took him seriously?

Worst of all, she hadn't been able to predict where she would appear in this world, so how would anypony even find her when they got here!?

Who knows how long she might be trapped here!

A nervous flutter surged up inside her barrel and her fur stood on end as a tremor rattled up her spine. Anon grabbed her fetlock in both hoof-paws, catching the glass before it could fall and causing her to yelp in shock and alarm.

"Whoa, girl, shhhhh shh shh... It's alright."

Twilight stared wide-eyed and panting into the human's face, but he gave her a friendly smile and gently laid his paw on her neck.

"There now, it's okay. Look at me, there's a good girl."

She tried to focus on her breathing like he'd told her before, but the rapid heaving of her chest only made her feel even more anxious. Instead, she stared into Anon's face and tried to concentrate on his deep, reassuring voice.

"That's right, there ya go. Don't you worry, I got you. You're safe here."

He slid his paw up her neck to her cheek and Twilight covered it with her own hoof.

"Everything'll be alright. We'll get you through this, you'll see."

The leisurely pace of his words dragged against her racing mind, suppressing her panic until she was able to get her breathing under control again.

"Good... that's good, well done, girl."

His paw was so warm, so comforting, and his smile was just so kindly and understanding...

The last of her resolve crumbled as the various stresses and rapid-fire ups and downs of the last few hours overwhelmed her. Twilight closed her eyes, leaned into his gentle touch, and wept. She slumped forward and clung to the human, feeling more helpless and alone than ever before in her life, her body shaking with the force of her wretched sobs. His forelimb lay across her withers and awkwardly stroked her neck in an attempt to comfort her. The strange creature had done so much for her already... she tried to give him a little nuzzle to show him her gratitude.

Eventually her tears ran dry and she simply leaned against him, utterly exhausted but feeling much better for having released the pent up stress and anxiety.

Anon shifted uneasily and murmured, "So... you okay now?"

She choked out a weak laugh and pushed herself upright, saying, "No, probably not... but I'm better, thank you. And, um... sorry."

"That's alright," he said with a little shake of his head, "I just... didn't know what to do, that's all. Most of my patients can't even talk, nevermind break down sobbing."

"I guess we're both, uh... a little out of our element."

"Yeah... you, uh... you really ought to drink something, though. I mixed in some medicine that should help with the pain, too."

For the third time, he slowly held the glass of water out to her. Concentrating hard, she tried to simply push the straw around to face her, but although her horn flickered, she was unable to manage even that tiny spell. Letting out a little sigh, she resigned herself to relying on Anon to hold the glass and smiled gratefully at him as she leaned forward to grab the straw in her muzzle.

When she'd had her fill, he proceeded to check on her various injuries, and, after a few minutes, said everything was looking great.

"You might even be able to walk around if I replaced those braces with casts. Hell, I could do that right now if you feel up to it."

Her ears perked at that.

"Being able to walk does sound nice..."

Anon grinned, "Well come on, then." He reached toward her, then hesitated, looking abashed.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh... I was gonna carry you to my office, but since you're... well, intelligent, I didn't want to just grab you like other animals."

Twilight frowned at hearing that comparison again, then shrugged to herself and leaned toward him. He took that as permission and carefully lifted her in his forelegs, one against her chest, the other under her hindlegs and pinning her tail down.

"I'll move slowly, but let me know right away if you feel dizzy or nauseous."

As he carried her out of the bedroom and down a short hall, Twilight caught a glimpse out the window and was surprised by how similar the land looked to Equestria.

He carried her into his office, laid her down on a small couch by the window, and sat down in the most complicated chair Twilight had ever seen. The room was packed full of things across the various shelves and display cases throughout the room, mounted to the walls, and strewn across not one but two desks. There was a lot to look at and very little that she recognized. She was completely surrounded by otherworldly artifacts.

Needless to say, she was a bit overwhelmed.


Her attention snapped back to the human, then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to steady herself.

"Sorry, just a lot to take in."

"Ah, yeah, sorry. I keep a lot of stuff in here but I try to at least keep it tidy so it doesn't just look like clutter. Anyway, how do you feel?"

"Um... slow?"

He raised an eyebrow questioningly so she tried to elaborate, rubbing the side of her head with a hoof.

"I don't know... I haven't had any trouble remembering things and I'm not confused or anything. I just feel sort of slow and stupid. Does that make sense.?"

"Of course, that's from the concussion.

He got up and crouched in front of her, holding up one small part of his hoof-paw.

"Follow my finger with your eyes, please."

"Finger... so this is your 'fing,' then?"

She poked a hoof at the larger part of his paw and he looked confused for a moment, then he burst out laughing.

"Oh, right, you have hooves. Here, look:"

Still grinning, he raised his other paw and spread it wide, then used his finger to gesture as he spoke, either pointing to a specific place or circling a larger area.

"This is my hand at the end of my arm... what I guess you'd call a 'foreleg.' These are fingers and this is a thumb; notice it's angled differently. Then at the end of my leg--just leg, not hindleg--is my foot, or two feet. The small finger-things are called toes and they help me balance upright without a tail."

He hesitated for a moment, then looked abashed and said, "Uh... sorry, you got all that?"

Twilight blinked twice as she absorbed the sudden torrent of information, then she furrowed her brows in concentration and pointed with her hoof.

"Fingers, thumb, hand, arm, leg, foot and... oh, toes. Yep, I got it! Is anything else different?"

Anon looked a bit taken aback as he replied, "Uh, y-yeah but just... just small differences like cannon, fetlock, barrel, muzzle... I thought you said you felt slow and stupid?"

"Well yeah, I almost forgot the word for toes! That would've been so embarrassing."

Twilight smiled nervously, not sure why he was looking at her so weird, then he just shrugged his shoulders and held his finger up again. She watched his finger move around in six directions, then he held it still and had her turn her head left and right while keeping her eyes on his finger, and finally asked her to touch her hoof to various places on her body in rapid succession.

"Alright, I'll be honest... I'm a little out of my league here. You might be better off talking to a physician than a veterinarian like me.

"Why? What's wrong with talking to you?"

"Well," he said uncomfortably, "Mostly it's the fact that you're talking at all."

She must have looked as dismayed as she felt because he rolled his eyes and sighed, saying, "I don't mean it like that, girl. It's just that I treat animals, you see? Cats, dogs, farm animals, horses... occasionally stuff like birds or snakes, but not humans. Most of my patients aren't even intelligent enough to recognize themselves in a mirror, nevermind talk... or instantly memorize a bunch of new terminology for that matter."

Twilight's eyes widened, "So wait, all this time you thought I was just some dumb animal?"

Before she even had a chance to get upset about that, he was already shaking his head.

"No, I knew you were special from the moment you spoke and I've been pretty much treating you like a human, as... unbelievable as that might be."

His voice and expression had shifted into something like awe and Twilight suddenly jumped to a conclusion.

"Humans are the only intelligent species in this world, aren't they?"

She could almost watch his thoughts on his face as he processed the implications of her choice of words.

"In this world?"

Twilight gave him an almost apologetic smile and lowered her voice to a soft murmur.

"I did tell you I was from Equestria."

"...And that's another world, is it?"

She nodded slowly and was surprised to see his expression turn suddenly angry.

"Oh ok, so what," he said scornfully, "You're an alien, is that it? Where's your spaceship, huh?"

"What? N-No, I... you..."

He just glared at her stammering then abruptly stood up and muttered, "Should've fuckin' realized when you just happened to speak english..."

Twilight instinctively shrank back into the sofa and struggled to keep her fear under control as he towered over her. Had he always been so large? How had she never noticed?

"I... I'm sorry, I meant no offense!"

He snorted disdainfully and his hand flopped in a gesture she didn't understand. She forced herself to sit up again and made her voice plaintive, "Anon, please, I swear I never meant to upset you. I don't even know what I did!"

"Oh ya don't, do ya? Thought you'd just pull the wool over my eyes, easy as ya please?"

Twilight absently realized his accent was getting thicker in his anger and he was sounding more and more like Big McIntosh.

"But I... n-no, I was just going to explain--"

"No, fuck that. I ain't listenin' to any more of your lies. Good fuckin' job on that 'wing' though, had me completely fooled."

"W-What? Lies!? I haven't lied to you once!"

"Oh yeah? Then explain this!"

His hand seemed impossibly large as he reached down and grabbed at her horn. As confusion was replaced by cold terror, Twilight Sparkle did not think, she merely acted. Magic surged up inside her, a small spark shot out of her horn, and then it began to glow.

CH6: Magic

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Anon's abrupt rise to anger had surprised him nearly as much as it had Twilight. Her talk of other worlds had made him suspicious, of course, but he actually wasn't sure why that had made him so angry.

Thing is, a man tends to reconsider his priorities when his back is against the ceiling.

Yeah. He was floating.

The mare sat on the couch almost directly below him and he could only stare at her in confused awe--well, not so much at her as at her horn. It was surrounded by a bright magenta aura which gently undulated up to the tip and, more importantly, it perfectly matched the aura that engulfed his body.

However, even as he considered the implications of that realization, a spark suddenly shot from the mare's horn, she let out a yelp, and the aura around her horn flickered and died.


Anon only managed a surprised grunt before the side of his face thumped into the thick cushion of the couch. He was saved by his wild flailing which managed to slap the back of his office chair and twisted him slightly as he fell. Thus, rather than landing face first, his side struck the seat of the couch and his legs landed off-center from his torso, twisting his hips to the ground instead of slamming his weight down on his knees. All in all, the impact was thoroughly spread out across his body and no one part of him took the full force of the fall, so he suffered no major injuries.

That wasn't to say it didn't hurt.


Twilight gasped as his upper body slid off the couch and he slumped wearily to the floor.

"Oh my gosh," the mare said in a shaky voice, "I'm... Oh Anon, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

He leaned heavily on his elbow and struggled to keep his voice at least somewhat restrained as he said, "What the fuck just happened?"

"Um... y-you fell?"

Anon rolled his eyes.

"Yeah I noticed."

He slowly lifted himself to the couch and laid sideways against the back cushion. She looked a little confused but mostly just nervous as he glared at her.

"I mean what the fuck was holding me up there?"

She cringed and gave him a plaintive look, her ears folding flat against her head.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! I just--you were so angry a-and I got so scared when you reached for my horn--"

"So you were holding me up?"

She nodded and nervously rubbed her foreleg with a hoof.

"Y-Yes, with my magic, but I only meant to push you away--I was just so scared you would break my horn." Her voice gained an edge of desperation, "Please, Anon, I swear I never meant to hurt you!"

Anon rubbed his forehead with one hand. She seemed genuinely concerned, but her high, nervous voice was giving him a headache.

"Alright, alright! Just shut up a moment, let me think."

She started to apologize again, but he cut her off with a sharp gesture then closed his eyes and tried to concentrate.

That strange aura had to have come from her, that much was obvious. Not only had it looked the same as the one around her horn, but he had fallen the moment she yelped and the aura vanished. She had called it magic, but surely...

Anon impatiently brushed that thought aside for the moment. First and foremost he needed to get a hold of himself. The day had already been off to a bad start with that dog that would probably still die even after his best effort, but then he'd hit this mare, rushed like mad to save her life, had those horrid visions or whatever the hell they were... then his book had had such a disappointing ending, and finally all this shit!

Anon slumped deeper into the couch and spent several minutes just focusing on his breathing. During that time, the pain of his fall slowly faded to a dull ache that told him he'd probably still hurt in the morning, and the mare's anxious panting settled into a steady rhythm much like his own.

Eventually he felt reasonably in control again and he thought back to his angry outburst. Now that he was thinking clearly, he couldn't even see any reason to be angry at her. Sure, she might have been lying about the 'other world,' but he really should have simply sought proof or further clarification. Hell, for all he knew, she might have only meant 'world' in a figurative sense, but he'd instantly assumed she was simply lying.

It was almost as if he'd been waiting for an opportunity to explode.

Anon nearly groaned aloud as he realized what must have happened: he'd simply been overwhelmed by all the stress from today and had taken it out on her like some sort of teenage jackass. Damn that book for ruining his relaxation time, he should turn it into tinder!

He took another few calming breaths, then brought his thoughts back around to the matter at hand. There was no denying the fact that something very strange was happening here. He was still skeptical of her claims of other worlds and magic of course, but he'd just have to ask her to clarify. Maybe she had some sort of proof for him or he was simply misunderstanding her entirely. In any case, he would certainly need to apologize.

When he finally opened his eyes, Twilight was slumped against the back of the sofa much like he was, but she had been watching him warily and her ears flattened as soon as their eyes met. Aware that he had likely terrified her and badly damaged her trust in him, he made no movement, kept his voice low, and chose his words carefully.

"Twilight Sparkle, I want to apologize for my behavior."

From the way she tilted her head and furrowed her brows, he guessed that wasn't what she was expecting.

"I'm sorry for abusing your trust and frightening you when you've done nothing wrong. There's no excuse for what I did." He chanced giving her a sheepish grin and added, "Honestly, it's pretty unusual for me to lose control like that, but, well... it's been a pretty unusual day."

Her eyes widened as she seemed to finally process his words.

"Wait, so..." she said in a tiny voice, "You're not mad at me?"

Anon let out an incredulous snort of laughter. "Hell no! If anything, you should be mad at me."

"B-But I--you were so furious... a-and I still don't even know what I did!"

Watching her carefully in case she flinched away from him, he slowly reached out and lightly touched her hoof with his fingertips and said, "Listen... You didn't do anything wrong. What happened was my own fault and no one else's, alright? I let my stress get the better of me and you just happened to be the scapegoat for my frustration, that's all."

With a grimace, he withdrew his hand and turned away from her, dropping his gaze regretfully and adding, "It was a damn fool thing to do and I feel like shit for doing it... especially after what you've already been through today."

Twilight seemed oddly perplexed, rubbing her mane with a hoof and looking more confused than anything else. Anon was surprised to hear her voice was thick with emotion.

"I was just so worried... I thought I'd done something wrong."

"Huh? I figured you'd be angry... hell, or maybe just scared of me."

She looked up at him suddenly, eyes shining in the warm light of his office.

"I was scared of losing you!"

Anon could only shake his head in bewilderment at that and say, "Losing me? What? I don't follow--why would you give a damn about some old stranger like me? Especially after I was such a jerk."

"Because you... y-you're..."

She trailed off and averted her gaze, taking a long, slow breath in an attempt to suppress her tears.

"Anon, look at me," she said in a low, pained voice, "I have no friends, I have no power... hay, I can't even walk, and there's little hope of rescue for at least a few days, maybe even longer." As if expecting he might snap at her, she tentatively shuffled closer and laid her hoof on his forearm before continuing, "I wasn't sure what would happen when I came here, but I did expect I would have my normal abilities at the very least. But now..."

Whether she was trying to trust again or if she was simply allowing herself to be vulnerable, she leaned forward and laid her head on his shoulder, murmuring, "I'm totally helpless right now, Anon. If I alienated you... well, I might not survive long enough to BE rescued."

He'd been expecting her to be cautious or aloof or even angry, but this sincere relief and heartfelt appreciation had thrown him for a bit of a loop. Still, after a moment's hesitation, he slowly wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a sort of half hug.

"Hey... I ain't going nowhere, alright? You're too special to just turn aside like some mangy stray dog. Honestly, you could've been the meanest scary-est beast I ever did see and I'd still have tried to keep you around."

Twilight sniffled a bit, "R-Really?"

"Really. That's partly why I felt so shitty about that little stunt I pulled earlier. I'd never have forgiven myself if you... well, I dunno, spirited yourself away or something." He tried to give her a grin and a playful little jostle to cheer her up. "So relax! You don't gotta go nowhere 'till you decide to go, alright? You'll be welcome here anytime at all, promise."

"Well... okay. Thank you, Anon. You don't know how relieved I am to hear that." She looked up at him, her eyes slightly damp and added, "I really don't know what I would do without you right now."

Anon gently tapped her snout with a finger and couldn't help but smile at the way it made her snort and wiggle her muzzle.

"But you do have me. I'm just sorry I put a wedge between us with that assholery of mine. Look, I'll admit I don't quite understand what's going on here, but I can see plain enough that you need help and I'm glad to give it."

With a bit of a groan, he got to his feet and turned toward the mare, saying, "Anywho, enough moping around. How about we get you that cast, huh?"

"But... aren't you hurt?"

He waved away her concern with a casual flip of his hand. "Ah, I'm just sore, nothing serious. Take more than a fall onto this big fluffy couch to take me down. C'mon, up you get."

Ignoring the protest of both the mare and his aching back, he knelt and began carefully removing the bandage and splint from her foreleg. "Hmm... it's looking pretty good so far. Tell me if this hur--ah, yep, sorry." There was almost no swelling around the fracture but it was still extremely sensitive to pressure. Not that he was surprised--it hadn't even been twelve hours yet.

"So. Normally I wouldn't even let you try to walk for at least a couple of days, but you're awfully light and this here's about the cleanest damn break I ever seen, so I'm gonna give you a choice. And remember, casts are long term, so whatever you choose, you'll be stuck with it for a couple of weeks, alright? I'll probably be doing the same to your hind leg, too.

He sat back and gave her his most serious expression, but her own gaze was so clearly attentive it hardly even seemed necessary. "Option A: I wrap you up in a big plaster cast all the way from hoof to shoulder. It'll be big, ugly, heavy, awkward as hell to walk around in, and by the time you heal, your whole leg will be filthy with old sweat and matted fur... but in exchange, you'll be able to walk just as soon as it sets here in a few hours. Option B: I use--"

"Option B is fine."

Anon froze mid-word, then gave her a hard stare and said, "But you ain't even heard it yet."

She shrugged nonchalantly, "Isn't it obvious? A lighter, cleaner, easier cast, but I won't be able to walk for a couple more days, right? I'd rather that... if you don't mind carrying me around that is."

He hesitated another moment, then grinned and shrugged. This little mare was quick on the draw, no doubt about that.

"Alright then, fiberglass it is. Wait here and don't move that leg."

Most of what he needed was in his office already, but he had to fetch a large bowl of water for the resin. When he returned, he instructed her on how to position her limb for him and chuckled gently when she immediately moved as he asked, commenting, "Usually you'd be unconscious for this and an assistant would be holding the limb, but having you help out is pretty nice."

Being careful not to jostle the barely-healed fracture, he slid a foam stockinette over her foreleg, then began wrapping it in cotton padding. It was strange working with the unfamiliar shape of her body, but he kept to standard procedure and gave her fetlock joint some extra padding so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable.

Next was the cast itself. He donned a pair of exam gloves and wet the roll of fiberglass to activate the resin, then carefully began wrapping her leg, immobilizing the fetlock but leaving her hoof exposed and stopping just below the knee.

Twilight had been watching raptly the entire time, and as he began layering on a second roll of fiberglass, she said, "Fascinating... this is so much more efficient than the way earth ponies do it."

"Oh? How's that?"

"Well, it's just they have to do everything with their hooves or mouth. I still don't understand how they manage some of the things they do without magic, but those hands of yours... you may as well be a unicorn!"

Anon frowned as he began to mold the cast, sliding his hands up and down the cast to press it close and evenly distribute the pressure. Twilight eyed him sheepishly when he didn't respond.

"I'm sorry... I can stop talking about magic if it bothers you."

"Oh, no, it's not that. It's just..."

He trailed off, not wanting to just come out and say he didn't believe her right to her face. Then in a small voice, she asked, "Anon... can humans do magic? Or any creature, for that matter?"

Anon bit back his initial terse reply. This little mare was too perceptive!

After a brief pause, he let out a small sigh and tried to be a bit more tactful in his approach, saying, "Alright, look... what I think of as magic is either just clever slight of hand and props that trick you, or it's make-believe fantasy stuff like wizards and sorcerers. In other words, it's all fake. You're talking like magic is real, so how about you explain what you mean when you say magic so we're on the same page?"

He figured she'd be glad to talk about it, but instead she quailed at his suggestion.

"Just... explain magic? B-But there's so much! Where would I even start? I may as well try to explain nature, or color, or... I don't know, everything! How can I explain everything?"

"Whoa, easy girl! I ain't looking to get a college degree on the subject, I just want a basic idea of what you mean by the word.

If anything, that seemed to bewilder her further. Anon tried to smile patiently as he interrupted her stammering, "Here, maybe I can use your examples to show what I mean. Nature is all the stuff outside that nobody built, right? And color... color's just paints and pigments. You see? I ain't explaining color to a blind man, I'm just explaining it to you, and you know perfectly well what color is. That make sense?"

Twilight nodded, but she didn't seem any less agitated as she responded, "I know what you want, but I..." she shook her head helplessly, "Anon, you don't understand, magic is everything to me. It's my cutie mark, my field of study, what made me an alicorn in the first place... I mean I'm a unicorn whose special talent is magic itself. Like, all magic! It's my entire livelihood and I just..."

Her voice trailed off as Anon leaned closer and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Sounds to me like there ain't nobody more qualified to explain it."

She opened her mouth, then closed it again, momentarily at a loss for words. Then her expression hardened, she let out a determined snort, and she closed her eyes in concentration.

Several minutes later, the cast had nearly finished setting when she finally looked up at him again and said conclusively, "Magic is the direct and conscious manipulation of energy."

Anon sat on the floor before her and nodded soberly as he removed his gloves. "Nicely done. Very concise." Then he grinned and threw up his hands in a defeated shrug, "Unfortunately that doesn't sound like anything I've seen, so I guess there's no magic here."

Twilight returned his grin and rolled her eyes in mock irritation, "Well that was a waste of time."

He raised his hands higher, comically exaggerating his shrug, "At least you'll know what to say next time."

"Yeah... I guess you're right. Still, if you don't know anything about magic," she rolled onto her side and thrust her injured hindleg at him, "Then you'd better get to work while I explain."

He did bend over her leg and began unwrapping the bandages, but he interrupted her before she could begin explaining, saying, "Look girl, I don't mean to be rude but unless you can actually show me some magic, I ain't gonna believe it no matter how well you explain it."

"But I already showed you magic! Remember floating on the ceiling?"

"Well yeah, 'course, but I was a bit distracted at the time. I'm just saying you're asking me to believe in something I thought was a fantasy my whole life and--" He cut himself off suddenly and shook his head with a dry chuckle. "Oh for pity's sake, listen to me. Talking about fantasy stuff like it's make-believe nonsense... when I'm talking to a goddamn unicorn!"

Twilight quietly interjected, "Um, alicorn."

He barked out a laugh, then waved a hand magnanimously, "Alright, miss alicorn, I give up. Explain away."

She giggled, "It's okay, Anon. You're not the first creature I've met that hasn't ever seen magic before, so I understand if it's hard for you to believe. I should at least be able to show you something small to prove myself."

"Okay, what do you need?"

"Well, magic gets exponentially more difficult with size, weight, and distance, so I need something small and light..." She peered around the room while Anon struggled to comprehend the ramifications of a horse that understood exponential growth, then her eyes settled on his medical bag and she exclaimed, "Aha! Could you tear off a small piece of this bandage material? That should do nicely."

He nodded, and when he placed the tuft of gauze in her outstretched hoof, she lifted it to her face and furrowed her brows in concentration. Immediately, both her horn and the fabric were engulfed in the same pink aura that had held him earlier and the cotton floated up and hovered near the tip of her horn.

For a moment, Anon could only stare at it stupidly. Then he waved his hand around it to check for strings and, finding none, poked it with his finger. When it didn't move, he prodded it harder and Twilight winced as the aura flickered slightly.

"Um, Anon? Injured horn, remember?"

"Oh... sorry, I didn't realize."

He poked it again and she giggled, then the aura suddenly reached out toward his finger with an amoebic tendril.


He reflexively yanked his hand back, but, as if she'd been expecting that very reaction, Twilight casually hooked his wrist with her fetlock, smiling patiently.

"It's okay, Anon. It's just me."

Slowly, she drew his hand close again, and he felt a slight tingle as the magic surrounded the tip of his finger. The sensation grew to a subtle pressure as the aura shifted and tried to lift his finger. Curious, he tried to resist the movement, but the aura simply relaxed and Twilight rolled her eyes with a grin.

"I'm not giving myself a headache just to prove a point, Anon. I'm lucky I can do even this much after sparking out a moment ago."

"But what is it?"

"Telekinesis. It's the most basic spell and every unicorn can cast it to some degree."

Anon gently tugged his finger free from the glow and stared at her. "No, I mean... what is it? What's it made of, how does it work, how can you control it... I just don't understand."

She gave him a wry smile, "I thought you didn't want to get a college degree on the subject?"

"But I... y-you..."

"Sure I could spend the next few weeks explaining harmonic thoughts, fundamental elements, and the various essences of energy," she giggled lightly, "but unless you plan on growing a horn in the near future, there isn't much point."

Anon simply stared at her until she laughed again and gestured to her hindleg, saying, "If you please, Doctor? Look, I promise I'll show you more magic as my horn heals. Deal?"

"Uh... more magic?"

"Of course! I did say that was the most basic of spells, and not even a very good showing of it. Wait until my horn heals, then I'll really show you the good stuff."

Even as willing as he had been moments earlier, Anon was having real trouble believing what he had just seen. Still, after he lightly shook himself as if to settle his thoughts, he bent over her hindleg and got to work on her cast.

CH7: So Many Questions

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Twilight kept quiet as Anon molded the cast around her hindleg, guessing from his expression that he needed a moment to process what had just happened. Actually, she was mostly just trying not to giggle at his reaction. She always did enjoy the first time a creature gets to see magic, and although she regretted she couldn't give him a proper demonstration in her crippled state, she was eagerly looking forward to his face the first time he saw her teleport.

Of course, she was also looking forward to not feeling so defenseless. He'd frightened her with that angry outburst, and although his apology had seemed heartfelt, she still felt a little wary. He'd seemed genuinely upset with himself for what happened, so she was willing to give him a second chance, but she'd definitely have to be more careful around him until she was in better condition.

She was pulled from her thoughts as Anon sat back with an air of satisfaction and let out a little sigh, saying, "Alrighty, all done."

"Thank you, Anon."

"Ah, just doing my job," he said modestly as he removed the odd hand-shoes he wore and tossed them into a bin near his desk. "Now you'll want to spend most of the next twenty-four hours with those casts raised up on pillows to avoid swelling. Feeling itchy or sore under the cast is okay, but tell me right away if you feel a persistent burning sensation or if your hooves start going numb."

"Um... is that likely?"

"Oh no, not at all," he said with a dismissive wave of one hand, "Especially not with such clean and simple fractures. It's just in case, y'know? Now your wing on the other hand... that's another story."

His tone made her ears flop down with concern, "Is it that bad? I will be able to fly again, right?"

"Uh, well..." her breath caught at his uncertain tone but he quickly continued, "I mean, probably? It's just I ain't exactly an expert on winged equines, y'know?"

"Oh... Still, I'd like to know: just how bad is it, Doctor?"

"Not too bad, really. My best guess is you should be back to yourself within a month."

Twilight shook her head stubbornly as he finished putting away his materials and sat beside her on the couch.

"I'm not looking for reassurance, Anon, I want to understand my injuries. Please."

He stared at her for a long moment, then slowly nodded. "I suppose you do have the right to ask. Well, your wing was dislocated and had a moderately severe compound fracture in the largest bone, the first from your barrel. While you were unconscious, I surgically realigned the pieces and reinforced the fracture with lightweight titanium rods. It'll take longer to heal but it's a lot more likely to support your weight once it does heal."

He gestured at her other injuries as he continued, "You already know about the fractured legs and horn of course, but that bandaged hoof had a nasty gash through the frog as well. I used stronger suture than normal so it'll be pretty sore once the pain meds wear off, but it should be able to take your weight if you're careful."

There was a slight pause as he stroked his chin in thought, then shrugged. "I think that's everything. None of the scrapes along your side were anything serious and I haven't noticed any symptoms of internal injuries aside from your concussion, and I guess that wasn't as severe as I thought based on the way you're talking and acting now."

Twilight lowered her gaze as she took in the information. She'd learned the basics of earth pony medicine more out of curiosity than any real need, but it meant she understood most of what he was saying--though the "titanium rods" he mentioned were unfamiliar.

She was a bit surprised when Anon laid a comforting hand on her fetlock and she looked up to see him smiling gently down at her.

"Hey, it could have been a lot worse, y'know. Getting hit by a car like that could've easily killed you."

Figuring he must have thought she looked upset, she gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Oh, I'm okay, don't worry! I'll always be okay now so long as my horn is whole." She faltered as she tried to imagine what kind of beast could have injured her so severely in a single blow. "All the same, I think I'll stay inside until I have my magic back... i-if you don't mind, of course. I don't think I'd stand a chance if I was attacked by another one of those 'car' beasts."

"Attacked?" Anon looked briefly confused, then let out an awkward half-chuckle and said, "A car ain't a wild beast, Twilight. It's just a big hunk of metal that rolled into you at about... oh, I dunno, forty or fifty miles an hour? I was going sixty before I slammed on the brakes." He grimaced suddenly and averted his gaze, "And for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I tried to swerve out of the way, I really did, but I only had like a second to react before I ran into you."

It took her a moment to register what he was saying, then she couldn't help but fold her ears down and cringe away.

"Wait... You did this to me?"

Anon held up his hands, looking taken aback.

"Whoa, hey, it was an accident! I was just driving home, minding my own business, then you appeared in the middle of the road in front of me! Just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that's all."

Twilight forced herself to stay calm and think about this rationally. If he had attacked her on purpose and meant to hurt her, he wouldn't have gone to all the trouble of healing her... right?

After one more brief pause, she let out a little sigh and looked sheepishly up at him, "Well I guess I can't blame you for that. I am the one who popped in front of you after all."

He visibly relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. Dunno what I'd do if you blamed or resented me for all this.

She let out a nervous giggle, "To tell the truth, I don't know what I'd do about it either."

Anon shot her a sour look and muttered, "I guess you'd drop me from the ceiling, huh?"

"Oh! B-But I... that was--"

He grinned suddenly and cut her off with a wave of a hand, "Relax I'm only teasing," Then he sobered again and averted his gaze. "Seriously though, I didn't mean to frighten you... didn't think about how big and scary I must seem to you."

At that she couldn't help but be reminded of how he'd angrily reached out at her and the memory made her want to turn tail and run away, but she stopped herself. She had already decided to give him a second chance, so why was she allowing this uncomfortable wall to build up between them? If she was going to be stuck with this strange creature, she certainly didn't want them both stepping on eggshells around each other. Wasn't she the Princess of Friendship? If anypony could befriend this human, it was her!

She took a short breath to collect herself, then slid across the couch to sit directly beside him and met his surprised look with a friendly smile, "Hey, cheer up, okay? I already forgave you, so stop moping!"

He furrowed his brows as if unsure he was hearing her correctly, so she tried again in a more plaintive voice, "I mean it, Anon. Look, unless I'm not nearly as good a judge of character as I think I am, you're just a friendly doctor who's under a little too much stress right now. The last thing you need is some weird pony acting grumpy and suspicious when you're just trying to help, right?"

If anything, he seemed more confused than ever. "I... guess. But why the sudden change of heart?"

She shrugged casually and twisted around a bit to face him better. "It's not that sudden, really. I've been doing a lot of thinking and it just doesn't make sense any other way. I'm completely helpless right now and you're just being nice and trying to help when you could have taken advantage of my weakness. If that doesn't make you a good person, I don't know what does."

That seemed to surprise him, but instead of seeming pleased, he rubbed the back of his head and hesitantly said, "Well... I mean that's nice of you and all, but... I did take those samples while you were unconscious."

Twilight had actually forgotten about that, but after a brief moment's thought, she dismissed it with a wave of her hoof. "If you were going to sell them or something it'd be different, but they were obviously medical samples intended for scientific analysis, so I don't think I'll fault you for that. Honestly, I'd probably do the same thing to you, given the opportunity. I am a scientist, after all."

"You... You're a scientist? Hor--uh, ponies have scientists?"

"Of course we do! Obviously magic is my preferred field of study, but I've learned at least the basics of almost every branch of science out there." She folded her ears back with a sheepish smile and added, "I tend to get a little obsessed whenever I find a new subject until Spike or Starlight wrenches me back to what I'm supposed to be working on."

"I see..." He trailed off and looked surprisingly thoughtful.

"Why? Is there something wrong with that?"

He glanced up sharply, "What? No no, not at all! It's just... surprising, that's all. You're not at all what I expected."

"Uh, what did you expect, then? Aren't I entirely unfamiliar to you?"

"Well... I dunno, I guess I figured you'd just be a horse that could talk. Well, that or the mystical unicorns from our legends."

Twilight sat bolt upright at that. "Wait what? You have your own legends of unicorns? That... that's incredible! Oh my gosh, can you tell me any of those legends? Are there any historical documents I can see? Ooh, what about any artwork or maybe references to first hand--"

"Whoa, easy!" He raised his hands defensively, chuckling gently, "Here, I'll pull the Wikipedia page or something, alright?"

Before she could ask what he meant, he moved to the odd chair at his desk and reached down to his side. Suddenly a black rectangle she'd thought was merely part of the wall lit up with an image of rolling hills of grass and a clear blue sky. Twilight gasped and leaned as close as she could without falling from the sofa. "Ooh, what is that? It's so detailed... and I never knew scrying pools could be mounted vertically!"

"Uh..." Anon turned back to the image before looking at her again, "You mean my desktop wallpaper?"

"Desktop... wallpaper?"

She glanced at his desk and the wall of the room, then jumped when he suddenly burst out laughing.

"S-Sorry! You're just so human-like, then you said you're a scientist and I... oh lord."

Anon looked down and shook his head, then continued once he composed himself.

"Alright well, if you don't know about computers then... oh hell, where do I even start?"

He stared as if he actually wanted her to answer, but just as she was about to speak he laid his head in one hand and began to laugh weakly again.

"Hooey! Now I know how you felt when I asked you to explain magic!"

"So... are these 'com-pewters' very complicated, then?"

"Oh they aren't even the half of it. Do you even know what electricity is?" At her blank expression he grinned and waved a hand at her, "Yeah, see? Exactly."

Twilight flattened her ears, unsure if she was being mocked and starting to get a little annoyed.

"Yeah well, you didn't even know what telekinesis was and even unicorn foals can do that!"

"Peace, Twilight," Anon said as he held up his hands in a placating gesture, "It's just that I'm only now realizing just how much I have to explain."

"And I've spent my whole LIFE studying magic and that--y-you... ugh!"

She turned away sharply, forcing herself to take a deep breath before she said something she would regret. Second chance or no, she definitely didn't want to make him angry again. Anon surprised her, however, by suddenly shifting to a soft and apologetic tone with not a trace of mirth.

"Hey now, I didn't mean to upset you, really. I'm sure magic is just as complicated, maybe even more so, and if I was in your home--I think you called it Equestria? Well, I'm sure I'd be stupider than a foal there."

"More stupid..." she corrected absent-mindedly before realizing it might annoy him, but Anon merely smiled.

"Yep, more stupid than a foal. But look, if I went to Equestria knowing fuck-all about magic like I do now, and tried wandering around without your help, how quickly do you think I'd run into trouble?"

Twilight's immediate thought was of course the deadly Everfree Forest, but as she thought about it, she realized having absolutely no understanding of magic turned all sorts of mundane objects and creatures into serious threats. Just walking about Ponyville could be hazardous... buck that, even standing and doing nothing in the middle of somepony's house could get him in trouble!

"Well... okay, point taken. Magic is just a curiosity here, but where I'm from it's a crucial piece of almost everything we do. Are you saying these 'com-pewters' are just as important?"

"Computer," he corrected gently, "As in 'computations,' and... no. Computers are important, yes, but they're powered by electricity, and it's electricity that's unintuitive and potentially dangerous if you don't know anything about it."

She nodded and glanced warily around the room as if even now she might be at risk, "Alright, what do I need to know?"

Anon opened his mouth to speak, then shut it again, looking suddenly uncertain.

"What's wrong?"

"Well... it's just a veterinarian isn't exactly the best person to explain electricity, that's all. Here, just... just hold your questions for a moment, okay? I'm gonna pull up something to help me explain."

Twilight nodded and watched as he turned and shuffled with some things on his desk. Suddenly the brilliant image before him turned white and he made some odd clacking noises with his hands. She tried to peer around to see what was making the noise, but he stopped before she could get a good look.

"Alright, here: electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and motion of... of matter that has a property of electric... oh for fuck's sake, Wikipedia, this isn't helpful at all! Maybe if I just google what is electricity..."

Twilight was nearly bursting with questions, but she managed to hold her tongue while Anon continued to mutter under his breath, the odd rectangle flashing into colors and occasionally panning across some strange image. Finally, Anon made a noise of disgust and brought the image of grassy hills back up with a loud slap on his desk.

"Fuck it. Everything I can find is way more technical stuff than you need for now. Even the most basic stuff keeps going on about atoms and fundamental forces and shit. Yes, yes," he interrupted as she opened her muzzle, "I know you're a scientist, but you can learn the technical stuff later. For now I just want you to know how to not die, alright?"

Twilight simply nodded and he continued briskly, "Alright. Electricity is a kind of power created far away and brought here through metal strings that we call wires when they're small and cables when they're big and thick. It always wants to flow into the ground and it will happily flow through YOU to get there."

He suddenly stood and pulled aside the curtains over his window, pointing with a finger.

"See those wood poles with black lines connecting them at the top? Those lines are cables carrying very strong electricity, what we call high voltage electricity. Touching the cables will probably kill you but the poles themselves are safe, they just hold the cables up out of reach."

Replacing the curtain, he then knelt over by the wall, never stopping in his explanation.

"Just outside my house, the high voltage gets transformed into weaker, safer electricity called low voltage and is sent to these power outlets. Don't ever poke something into these little slits or you can get shocked--that's what we call when electricity flows through you and hurts you. Low voltage usually won't kill you but it'll still hurt."

His hand wrapped around a black cord leading out of the outlet.

"This wire goes to that lamp over there which uses electricity to make light. If I pull out the wire," and the room abruptly dimmed so the only light came from the edges of the curtain, "Now the lamp has no electricity and can't make light. I plug it back in and the light comes back."

Twilight held up a hoof to stop him. "Okay okay, wait. So all I really need to know is don't touch the big cables outside or poke the little outlets inside?"

Anon hesitated, still kneeling by the wall, then grinned sheepishly and shrugged.

"Yeah, guess so. I mean, there's a hell of a lot more to understand if you want to actually do anything with electricity, but if you never bother with it, then yeah... just don't touch electric stuff."

She gave him a little smile in return and said, "Well maybe we should just leave it at that for now."

"Really?" He looked surprised and sat back in his chair, "I figured you'd be dying to know all about it."

"Oh I am, don't get me wrong! It's just, um... w-well..." She averted her gaze and shuffled her hooves a bit, "Where can I... you know, relieve myself?"

"Oh! Uh..." Anon hesitated, then stood, "Here, I'll take you outside."

"What? Outside!?"

Twilight couldn't keep the dismay from her voice and Anon froze, a confused look on his face.

"Uh... yeah?"

She tried to control herself but the mere thought of doing her business outside like some filthy animal was simply too much to bear.

"You're joking right? All this crazy-looking advanced civilization and you're telling me you don't have toilets?"

For a moment, Anon simply stared at her, dumbfounded. Then he plopped back down in his chair and barked out an incredulous laugh.

"Hell, but you're full of surprises! Yeah, yeah, 'course I got a bathroom, just... well, I figured you'd be used to the outdoors."

She gave him a pointed stare. "I am not an animal, Anon."

"Oh, I'm figuring that out." He rubbed the back of his neck, then shrugged helplessly, "Look, no offense, but you do look an awful lot like a horse, and that is an animal."

Twilight's ears folded back as she tried not to sound too snippy, saying, "Well, I'm not a horse, alright? I'm a PONY and I live in a castle with multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, and even it's own entire library, nevermind basic plumbing."

Anon raised his eyebrows at the mention of the library, then his expression turned somber and he lowered his gaze.

"Well, Twilight... I think I owe you an apology," then he gave her a wry grin and added, "Another apology, that is. See, I've been thinking you were just some sort of strange talking horse, but if you've got buildings, libraries, scientists... Hell the fact that you know what a toilet is speaks volumes by itself." He raised his hands in a defeated gesture and continued, "I've been waiting for some concrete proof of this 'Equestria,' but I can't deny it any longer. You're obviously intelligent, civilized, and come from some sort of modern society, so... well, if I've been condescending or offended you, I'm truly sorry."

Twilight squirmed in her seat and tried to smile but it came out more like a grimace. "I'm glad you understand, and I appreciate that you can so openly admit to a mistake, but can you please bring me to the toilet now?"

His startled expression as he hopped to his feet almost made Twilight giggle.

"Oh, right! Here, up you get. You could probably walk if you're real careful, but this'll be faster."

He scooped her up and whisked her rapidly down the hallway and into the bathroom, then set her down on the tiled floor and took an awkward step back, gesturing at an odd white chair in the corner of the room.

"That's the toilet there. I'm guessing it ain't what ponies are used to but--"

"Yeah, I'll figure it out, thanks," Twilight interrupted with a dismissive wave of a hoof.

A few minutes later, Twilight's hooves fumbled with the round doorknob until Anon cracked the door open and asked if she was done.

"Yes. Actually it wasn't too different from what we have in Equestria. It's hard to move around in these casts, though."

As if to prove her point, she waddled awkwardly into the hallway and smiled sheepishly up at him.

"So, um... what now?"

"Don't rightly know. You hungry or sleepy?" When she shook her head, he turned to face down the hall and said, "Well, I guess we could watch some TV. That oughta keep you occupied a good long while."

Rather than ask what he meant, Twilight figured she'd find out in a moment and simply leaned into his arms as he knelt to pick her up.

At the end of the hallway, Twilight couldn't help but gawk as they entered a large room with a high, vaulted ceiling. Everything was brightly lit by a soft glow cast from the huge frosted-glass window dominating one wall, and though there was not much furniture, it was carefully arranged to keep any one spot from seeming too barren.

She was distracted by Anon's quiet chuckle and turned to see him watching her reaction, "You like it, then?"

"O-Oh yes, it's very nice! This architecture is unlike anything I've ever seen."

"Heh, thanks. It's called 'modern' design but I like to think of it as just being clean and open more than anything else. Anyway, shuffle over to the couch and I'll find something for us to watch."

Twilight slid from his arms and was trying to get comfortable when she suddenly heard another voice and snapped her head up to the source. On the far wall was another one of those strange scrying rectangles like Anon had used in his office, showing a pile of thin brown objects on a table. Without taking her eyes from the scene, she leaned closer to Anon to ask what she was looking at when the image abruptly shifted to show the same pile from a different angle, causing her to gasp.

"What? B-But... How!?" Astonished, she turned to Anon, who was looking quite amused, "You can't change where you're scrying in the middle of a spell! You just can't!"

Anon's smile faltered and he furrowed his brow in confusion, "Uh... not what I expected, but okay."

He began to explain how a TV was an electronic display that showed recorded videos of things that had already happened, but Twilight was soon distracted as the scene shifted to some complicated mechanism handling tall columns of brown material. The other voice began to explain what was happening and, though she didn't understand many of the words, Twilight eventually realized she was watching an incredibly complex manufacturing process which turned wood and something called "graph-fight" into a writing implement that looked far more convenient than the ink and quill she was used to.

As soon as the process finished, the TV abruptly went silent and Twilight turned wide eyes on the human beside her.

"What was THAT?"

"That," Anon said with a small smile, "was 'How It's Made,' a show that explains how various seemingly simple things are made in large enough quantities to supply all the people that use them."

"And that was how 'pen-sills' are made? What is 'graph-fight'? What was moving all that stuff? How is it so precise? And what... ohmygosh." Twilight cut off abruptly and stared down at the floor, whispering very faintly, "I've never had so many questions in my life..."

Anon laid a hand on her forehoof and she slowly turned back to him, eyes still very wide.

"Trust me, I know how you feel," he said, squeezing her hoof reassuringly, "But try not to get bogged down in the details. There's more knowledge out there than you or I could learn in a hundred lifetimes." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly before continuing, "I could spend the rest of the evening trying to explain all your questions in detail, or I can simply say that graphite is a mineral that's soft enough to leave a mark if you rub it on paper, most of the moving things you saw were powered by electricity or hydraulics, and they're so precise because they were very, very carefully designed and manufactured." He raised his hands in another shrug, "That's all you really need to know."

Twilight was silent for a moment, then quietly asked, "Can I watch another?"

Anon grinned and gave her hoof a pat, then lifted a small device in his other hand. The TV shifted to a sort of chart or table filled with exotic writing and Anon made a pleased exclamation, "Ooh, you lucked out! This channel's showing nothing but 'How It's Made' for the next several hours. Must be a marathon."

With a squee of delight, Twilight settled herself more comfortably, but she frowned when the TV switched back to some strange image of a large human gesturing emphatically as more writing slid around the TV and flashed brightly.

"What is this?"

Anon waved a hand dismissively, "Ignore this bit, it's just a commercial."

"Um... Okay, I guess."

He let out a little sigh and added, "It's complicated to explain but basically there's a short burst of useless nonsense every few minutes when you're watching a TV show. Here, look:"

Abruptly the TV blared out some obnoxious music with a voice shouting, "FOR THE ALL NEW DODGE RAM TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED WITH EXTENDED CAB AND--"

It cut off just as suddenly and Twilight turned back to Anon, her ears folded flat, "And some humans watch this?"

"Not really," Anon said with a shrug, "Pretty much everyone just tunes it out or mutes it like I have."

"Then why--"

"Like I said, it's complicated to explain. Not really worth the effort either, so really, just ignore it. Look, that was the last commercial and How It's Made is back now."

Twilight needed no more encouragement than that and eagerly turned her attention back to the TV as it began to speak again.

"No bathroom's complete without one, and any parent will tell you that no teenager can survive without one. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, how do they make you after all?"

Anon rolled his eyes, "Forgot about their silly intros..."

* * *

Over the next few hours, between the show itself and the infinite questions she tried to cram into each commercial break, Twilight Sparkle learned more about the human world than she'd have ever guessed there was to learn. More than anything else, she was astounded by the sheer number of humans there were. She was still raving about it as Anon carried her into the kitchen.

"I mean, Manehatten has almost as many ponies as all the rest of Equestria combined, and yet even a SMALL human city has more people than that!

Anon grinned wearily at her, "Yep, that's why all those factories make so many of everything."

"But how do you send it everywhere? You said I'd have to gallop for a long time to get to the closest city, but there must be hundreds or even thousands of such cities!"

"Remind me tomorrow, I'll find a video that explains shipping containers. It's even more bonkers than you'd think."

"What, you can't summarize it like all the other things you explained so concisely?"

"Uh, I guess I can try. Here..."

He set her down in one of the tall dining chairs, then Twilight held her tongue so he could concentrate as he turned away and grabbed two little brown packets out of his pantry.

"Okay, imagine there's a really popular type of cart that's really good at holding one specific kind of box, so everyone stores stuff in boxes just like that so the carts that everyone else uses can move them around really easily, everyone sharing the same system instead of trying to come up with a new system of their own."

As he spoke, he emptied the sweet-smelling packets into a bowl and poured some milk into it, then stuck the bowl into a strange cabinet that had a little built-in window, which began to glow and hum softly.

"All these carts gather to unload onto a boat specifically designed to hold a big stack of this one particular kind of box and nothing else. That way you can move a whole bunch of boxes across the sea no matter what's inside them. With me so far?"

Twilight nodded, her mouth beginning to water at the aroma coming from the humming cabinet.

Anon paused a moment and pulled out what she had learned was some sort of pocket computer which he used to double check facts as he explained things. He'd tried to show her how it worked but gave up when she spent an entire commercial break simply trying to understand how thin it was. After a moment, Anon looked up again and his grin was a bit concerning.

"Now imagine each box is as big as this entire kitchen."

She blinked a couple of times as she tried to picture even one box that large, nevermind a stack of them.

"Now imagine a ship that can carry about twenty thousand of those boxes."

Her muzzle scrunched with effort as she tried to imagine how insanely huge such a boat must be.

"Now imagine there are about fifty thousand of those ships world-wide."

Twilight finally slumped against the table, her ears drooping in stunned disbelief, "No way! Where would you even keep them!?"

With a smirk, Anon held up the little device which showed a picture of a large docking port covered with what must have been thousands of long-rectangular colored boxes and half a dozen boats stacked high with even more of the boxes.

"Okay, but this doesn't really prove...."

She trailed off as Anon manipulated the image to zoom in on a minuscule black speck beside one of the boxes, and Twilight realized the speck was actually a human.

"Oh Tartarus..."

A loud beep made Twilight jump so badly she nearly fell out of her chair, smacking her muzzle with her cast in her haste to cover her dirty mouth, "Sorry-Princess-I-won't-do-it-again-I-didn't-mean-it-I-swear-I'm-not--"

Anon howled with laughter, clutching his belly as he leaned heavily on the table.

"H-Hey, it's not funny! Anoooon!"

She batted as his shoulder with a hoof in a pathetic attempt to make him stop. He merely waved her hoof away and shuffled over to the strange cabinet, wiping away tears of laughter. Twilight tried to cross her hooves and pout as he removed the steaming bowl, but the smell nearly had her drooling as he set it down in front of her.

She immediately bent to lap some of it up when Anon's hand wrapped around her muzzle and her head jerked back with instinctual panic, "Hey! Don't--"

"I know, sorry!" He quickly stepped away and raised his hands defensively, "But I had to stop you 'cause that's really really hot. Like, instantly burn-the-hell-out-of-your-mouth kind of hot."

She frowned down at the bowl and swallowed a build-up of saliva. "But it smells so good..."

"Yeah, I know. Here, maybe this will help."

He grabbed another brown packet, dumped it into a bowl, and gave it to her dry. In this form she was able to recognize it as oats and happily munched away, commenting on how unusually sweet it was. By the time she finished that, the first bowl had cooled down enough for her to tentatively lap some up and her eyes widened at the wondrous flavor.

"Anon, this is amazing! It's like Granny Smith boiled them in cider or something!"

"Heh, glad you like it."

Twilight saw all he was eating was a banana and a bagel, but when she commented on it, he only shrugged.

"I had a big lunch while you were sleeping, I'll be fine."

"Oh... well, alright." He gave her a questioning look and she bobbed her head uncertainly, adding, "Just making sure you're eating alright. Didn't want to steal your dinner, that's all."

That earned her a warm smile and he reached out to stroke the soft fur at the top of her neck.

"It's nice of you to worry, but I'm alright, honest. There's plenty of food here, I'm just not very hungry."

Twilight was only half listening as she closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. Anon automatically responded as if she were a pet, scratching more firmly at her mane and neck. Twilight shivered as she let out a little moan of delight, then his hand abruptly pulled away and she had to catch herself on the table to avoid falling over.

"Hey... why'd you stop?" She turned to him with a hopeful smile, then her expression turned more serious when she noticed how uncomfortable he looked, "Anon? What's wrong?"

He shuffled awkwardly in his chair and refused to meet her eye, "I... I was treating you like an animal again. Sorry."

Twilight wasn't sure what to say to that and there was a moment of uncomfortable silence, then in a very quiet voice she asked, "Can you do it again?"

Anon looked slowly up at her and she smiled shyly.

"I, um... it felt really nice, that's all."

She turned away so he was looking at her mane and waited.

And waited.

Then just as she was starting to think he'd simply ignore her, she felt his fingers lightly brush her neck. The anticipation immediately made her shudder and he drew his hand back again, but she leaned toward him so eagerly that she began to fall sideways. Her startled yelp was cut short as he caught her by the neck and shoulder. There was a brief moment of hesitation, then Twilight began twisting her head around to scrub her own neck against his palm. He took the hint and began rubbing with an open hand, then dug in with his fingers when she pressed more firmly against him.

As a veterinarian, Anon was no stranger to giving scritches, but not even a professionally groomed and luxuriously pampered long-haired kitty compared to a unicorn's velvety fluff. He'd been too distracted to notice when he had carried her around, but now he could see that her fur was much thicker and longer than he'd thought, and he couldn't resist tracing her fingers over her marvelously soft coat, through the delicate hairs of her mane, and around the downy fur of her cheek and the ear that kept twitching and flicking with the slightest touch.

Meanwhile, Twilight had quickly determined that human fingers were the greatest thing in all of Equestria--or rather, in earth. In all EVERYwhere. She was practically purring with pleasure as she squirmed against Anon's supportive arm, eyes half-lidded in sheer bliss at the utter sense of comfort and relaxation that flowed out from his touch. He seemed to have an instinctive sense for just the right amount of pressure to dig through her fur and soften the tense muscles underneath without ever hurting her, even around her sensitive ear. Oh Celestia, that ear...

It was a long time before either of them thought to stop, but eventually Anon's arm began to tire of supporting her. He gently pushed her upright again and they both sat there in awkward silence, staring anywhere but at each other. Anon eventually broke the spell.

"So," he said.


"That was..."


"Not bad weird."

"N-No, not at all," she agreed.

"Felt... nice."

"Really nice."

"Yeah." he agreed.

They both fell silent again. Twilight snuck a sidelong glance at Anon and caught him watching her out of the corner of his eye. They both immediately looked away and pretended not to notice.

Twilight lifted a fetlock to her muzzle to suppress a giggle. A slow grin spread over Anon's face which quickly turned into a soft chuckle. The tension abruptly evaporated from the room and they both burst out laughing.

"Alright, alright," Anon said with a grin and a shake of his head, "Come on, let's find you someplace to sleep."


"I know, you probably don't feel sleepy, but trust me, your body needs the rest."

"Oh... okay."

Twilight pouted slightly, but allowed herself to be picked up and carried to the guest bedroom. It was still a mess as he'd only spent a few minutes cleaning the room while she'd slept that morning, but at least the sheets were clean and tidy. She looked about at the dusty boxes around her and flicked a tail disdainfully.

"I'd rather steal your bed again..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just for tonight, I'll clean this place up proper tomorrow. You might be here a while after all, right? C'mon, up you get."

He helped her into the unusually tall bed and, since he was already there, helped her slide under the covers and pulled them up to her neck. Finally, he stepped back and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"Uh... you good?"

"Yeah. Um, thanks."


He took another step back.


Twilight giggled and flicked a hoof at him.

"Good night, Anon."

"Yeah," he said, turning off the light, "Good night, Twilight."

CH8: Celestia

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Princess Celestia gave a warm and motherly smile as the last pony was gently escorted out of the throne room. His issue had been relatively minor, but the stallion had been exceedingly grateful when she solved it so quickly. He stopped just outside the chamber and she happily returned his parting wave as the great doors slowly swung shut.

Celestia immediately slumped to the side with a deep and weary sigh. On the one hoof, she treasured her weekly open court sessions as one of the few methods to stay in touch with her subjects, but on the other hoof, some of those ponies were awfully tedious to satisfy.

One of her guards approached the side of her throne in a formal trot, the crisp click of his hooves echoing around her royal hall.

"Princess, that was the last one."

"Yes, Silver Spear. Thank you."

He leaned closer and lowered his voice, "Your sister told me she has a surprise waiting for you."

Celestia's ears perked up a bit and he leaned even closer, whispering conspiratorially into her ear, "A surprise that starts with 'e' and rhymes with 'lair'."

She rolled an eye at him with a wry grin, "And you both must feel ever so sly and clever for that, no?"

The guard immediately snapped to attention and saluted with one hoof.

"Yes, Princess! Of course, Princess!"

Celestia let out a bright peal of laughter as she slipped daintily to her hooves.

"Stop it, you silly colt."

"As you command!"

She rolled her eyes and wrapped a wing around his withers, nudging him forward.

"Oh do behave, Silver. You are delaying my sister's delightful gift!"

The stallion finally broke into a wide grin, relaxing his charade as he turned down one of the throne room's back passageways. Celestia followed in peaceful silence until a gentle voice called out from a side hall.

"Um, Princess? A moment, please?"

She slowed and smiled warmly at the meek unicorn mare.

"Good evening, Serenity. Could it possibly wait until morning? I suspect my sister is hiding an eclair from me."

"Oh, of course! Goodness, that sounds much more important than this stuffy old paperwork."

They both giggled and Celestia broke into a graceful trot to catch up with her guard. As they passed the open kitchen door, there was a friendly call and Celestia held up a wing in greeting.

"Hello, Dough Mortar! And shall I thank you in advance for my eclair?"

There was only a husky chuckle in reply and Celestia followed Silver Spear around the corner and into the private dining hall. Princess Luna was sitting casually at the large empty table and smiled as they approached.

"Ah, my sister! Did the weekly whining go well?"

Celestia huffed and glared at her with mock severity.

"Princess Luna, you must learn to respect the open court! It is of vital importance and the veritable backbone of our civilized culture. Why, without it, there may as well not even be a Canterlot!"

Luna somberly bowed her head, her eyes twinkling with suppressed humor.

"Of course, dear sister, you are correct. I hereby vow to forever hold such respect as is appropriate for such a critical function of our government." There was a beat of silence, then she smirked and added, "So there was a lot of whining today, then?"

The Princess of the Sun slumped into the adjacent seat with a heavy groan. "You have no idea. What kind of a grown mare cannot handle one single chicken? And I had two pegasi brothers trying to claim the same cloud, but for Tartarus' sake, the cloud was barely big enough to stand on, nevermind own! Oh, and do not even get me started on that old stallion that insists his donkey neighbor is casting 'dark and mysterious magic' and that 'ponykind will forever suffer' if I do not take 'urgent and decisive action'."

"Brewing a balding potion, I presume?"

"Of course he was."

They stared at each other for a moment, then they both burst out laughing and Luna wrapped a comforting tendril of magic about her sister's shoulders as they struggled to regain their composure. Celestia let out a wistful sigh and stifled one last chuckle behind a fetlock.

"Our silly little ponies... Goodness, remember the kinds of problems we used to have?"

"Indeed, sister, how could I forget?"

"Angry chimera attacks..."

"Failed spells destroying buildings..."

"Blatant racism toward earth ponies..."

"Rampant plagues with the strangest symptoms..."

They fell into a somber silence in remembrance of those dark and hateful times. Then Celestia broke the spell with another light giggle.

"And here I must deal with complaints about a chicken. ONE chicken."

Luna suppressed a giggle of her own and got that glint in her eye that Celestia knew only too well.

"Yes, well, originally I had thought to help you unwind after such an onerous and stressful day... but now I believe I will dedicate this to the blessing that is a boring and uneventful life."

And with a casual flick of her horn, the illusion spell dissolved and revealed two multicolored eclairs sitting not a horn's length from Celestia's muzzle.

"Oh... do my old eyes deceive me?"

"They most surely do not!" The night mare clopped her hooves excitedly and exclaimed, "For I have procured... Zap Apple Eclairs!"

Celestia stared dumbfounded at her sister as her eyes began to glisten.

"My dearest sister... do you know how long it has been?"

Luna hesitated, her ears folded back uncertainly. She had been expecting delight or even ecstasy, but this reaction was quite unexpected.

"Well... no, I do not." She averted her gaze and muttered, "It has been over a thousand moons for me."

Her tears flowing freely now, Celestia gently tugged at Luna's muzzle with her magic until their eyes met again.

"It has been as long for me, too."

Luna blinked twice in surprise, then with a breathless, "Oh..." she slumped toward her sister and extended a wing about her withers. Celestia responded in kind, and it was a long moment before either Princess was able to speak again. When they finally broke the embrace, Celestia lifted her eclair and held it up to Luna's muzzle with a smile, her eyes still damp with budding tears.

"Like old times, dear sister."

Luna returned the smile and lifted her own eclair to Celestia's lips.

"And new times to come."

Suddenly, a bright burst of green flame startled them both and a letter fluttered gently to the table between them. They both smiled patiently and set the eclairs down again as Celestia unfurled Twilight's letter and began to read.

At the first sentence, her smile vanished and turned to a hard stare.

Seconds later, her magic began to waver with emotion and she was forced to set the letter down upon the table.

Concerned by her reaction, Luna leaned over to read as well.

"Dear Princess Celestia, this is actually Spike writing to you, but I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do! Twilight said she was trying a new spell and said she'd be back within the hour, but that was this morning and I'm scared that something went wrong. She made this weird blue circle on the wall and stepped into it and then she and the circle disapp-ared. Plea-e, ca- yo-ou he--p."

His claw had obviously been shaking as he wrote and the last few words were barely recognizable. For a brief moment, both princesses could only stare at each other in utter horror. Then their horns glowed in unison and they teleported away, the zap apple eclairs left forgotten on their little decorative plates.

CH9: The Portal

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Starlight jumped with a startled yelp as the Royal Canterlot Voice reverberated throughout the castle. She immediately teleported to Spike's room, seized him unceremoniously in her magic, and teleported them both into the wide castle foyer. Seeing both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looking so serious was concerning enough already, but then she noticed Spike was crying uncontrollably and felt a cold pit of fear settle in her barrel.

"Yes! Uh, Princesses, w-what--"

Celestia interrupted her, "Has Twilight torn a dimension gate?"

Starlight's eyes widened in horror and a chill ran down her spine, "What!? No! I mean, buck, I would hope not! S-She doesn't always--"

Luna cut her off and said, "Spike, control thyself, you must help Us."

When his pathetic sobbing continued unabated, she reared up and slammed both hooves down before him.


The little dragon jerked his head up at her in shock, hiccuped once, then fell utterly still and silent.

"Thank you, and We apologize little one, but We must have thy help this instant. Where did Twilight create the blue circle you mentioned in the letter?"

Spike pointed silently to a nearby door and Starlight gasped.

"S-She couldn't have..."

Even as she whispered those words, both Princesses teleported into the room, not even wasting the time it would take to walk the short distance. Starlight immediately teleported in behind them and started to ask what was going on, but Celestia shushed her and she and Luna both closed their eyes, horns glowing faintly.

They must have been trying to detect the portal, because Celestia abruptly opened her eyes and said, "Here, sister," as she faced toward the far wall. Now that they knew where it was, it was obvious the little cleared out space was just the right size for such a portal.

"Then that must mean--" Luna broke off, choking on a little sob.

"Yes..." Celestia murmured sadly, "I, too, had hoped we would not find it."

Starlight had no doubt now. Twilight had summoned the ancient magic to tear a hole in the material plane and stepped through the unpredictable void into another world. How could she without even warning her? Where had she even gone!?

Celestia let out a little sigh and turned to Luna, "Help me search for her, sister. Together we may penetrate the veil more easily."

At this the little unicorn could not help but cry out, "No, wait! You can't both follow--"

Luna cut her off with a flick of a wing and Celestia gave her a tight smile. "Be calm, little one. We are simply casting a spell to detect if... well, if there is even any point in attempting a rescue."

She frowned in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"If she's dead, Starlight," Luna said bluntly.

"O-Oh, right..."

"Indeed," Celestia added, "In some dimensions, a pony may perish even before their first breath. Now please, no more interruptions for time is short."

Even Starlight Glimmer knew better than to ignore a direct order from Princess Celestia, and she backed away with her ears folded meekly against her skull.

Luna brought the tip of her horn up until it almost touched the tip of Celestia's horn, and both sisters closed their eyes in concentration as their horns began to glow. Their two auras mixed into a blinding white in the center of the point between their two horn tips. It was mere seconds before they broke the spell and Luna's expression had shifted into one of utter horror while Celestia simply stared, a grim set to her muzzle.

Starlight felt her body go cold as she realized that could only mean something terrible had happened and tears began to prick her eyes.

Then Princess Celestia spoke in a low and sorrowful voice, "You know what I must do."

Princess Luna stepped back as if struck, shaking her head in denial.

"No..." she whispered, then again with more force, "No! Sister, y-you can't... We can't! Please, We'll go instead! Let Us go! Tia, please!"

Princess Celestia merely stared at her with old and weary eyes.

"She is my pupil, Luna. I must go."

At those gentle words, Luna abruptly sat down, her voice dropping to a pitiful whisper, "Please don't leave me..."

Princess Celestia's own voice began to quaver with emotion, "Sister, I beg you, do not make this more difficult than it already is. You know what must be done and time may be critical!"

Princess Luna just stared for a moment, tears streaming silently down her cheeks, then her features hardened and both Princesses stood facing each other with an air of ritual, formally spreading their wings as if they were before a crowd. Princess Celestia took one breath to steady her trembling, then spoke with an authority both awesome and terrible, her voice echoing with an eerie reverberation that was felt as much as it was heard.

"Alicorn Luna, Princess of the Night, Defender of Dreams, Mare in the Moon: by the ancient power of the Sun and Moon, I name thee Princess of Equestria. Do thou accept?"

Starlight's hoof flew to her muzzle to suppress a gasp as Luna tried to respond.

"By th--"

She swallowed hard and tried again, her voice no more than a whisper.

"By the ancient power of the Sun and Moon... I accept."

Both mares solemnly bowed their heads and delicately touched their horns together. Starlight's fur abruptly stood on end and her horn began to spark of its own accord.

Then Celestia dimmed.

It was as if she had been standing in sunlight but had just passed into shadow, her brilliant iridescent coat fading into an ordinary, pale pink color. Perhaps even more tragically, the ghostly breeze billowing in her long, flowing mane and tail grew steadily weaker until finally her mane simply sat across her neck like... just ordinary hair, now.

And Luna glowed.

Her navy blue coat began to shine with an almost metallic luster of deepest indigo, breathtakingly beautiful as it shimmered with infinite scintillations, yet it was almost dull when compared to the resplendence of her magnificent mane, which now blazed from within with an unseeable light of purest majesty.

It made no sense, but that was the closest Starlight could ever come to describing what she saw in that ethereal mane. Then she realized Princess Luna wasn't merely shining--she was being shone on. The sun now bathed her in its heavenly light no matter the time or place, giving her coat a subtle radiance through any roof or shadow... Just as it used to do for Celestia.

Only then did Starlight Glimmer realize the full significance of their little ceremony. No longer was the throne split in two; Princess Luna now wielded all the power of both the Sun and the Moon combined.

Both mares folded their wings and Celestia let out a wistful sigh, flicking her inert mane with a hoof and saying, "Well sister, it seems you have well and truly bested me now."

Princess Luna's breath caught in her throat, then she tried again, her voice thick and husky, "Yet all I can think is... once again I am truly the little sister."

"Yes, it is strange to think I am aging again after so long."

Then Celestia shook herself and cast a few spells in quick succession. Most of her mane and tail sloughed away and fizzled into nothing, leaving her with a normal and manageable length of hair, then her coat flickered with what Starlight recognized as multiple magical wards.

Finally, and with such a casual flick that Starlight was awed by the power and skill in that horn, Celestia tore into the void and that accursed blue circle appeared upon the wall.

The two sisters exchanged a quick hug and Princess Luna said, "I love you, Tia."

Celestia took a step back and smiled in her kind and motherly way, "I'll see you soon, Lulu."

Then she was gone.

Starlight Glimmer choked with sudden emotion and marveled that Princess Luna could stand there so stoic and calm. There was a heavy silence until she found her voice.

"S-So Twilight's still alive?"

Princess Luna nodded silently and Starlight swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Will Prin... W-Will Celestia be okay?"

"Our life force is bonded from long ago. I will know if something happens to her."

For a moment she thought that was all Princess Luna would say, then she sighed and admitted, "I do not know, Starlight Glimmer. I know she is in the same world as Twilight and I know she has not immediately suffered any harm. I do not know how dangerous that world is, but there must be some threat as the spell to return to your natural world is much easier than the spell to leave it."

"So... Twilight should've been able to return at the first sign of trouble."

"Indeed. Something on that world has prevented Twilight Sparkle from returning and, although she does not yet equal myself or my sister in magical prowess... she is close. Whatever has restrained Twilight may well be capable of restraining my sister as well."

Starlight was silent for a long moment, then she asked in a very quiet voice, "What if you feel Celestia... feel something happen? What will you do?"

Princess Luna took a deep breath and tilted her head toward the ceiling.

"I do not know, my little pony."

CH10: Welcome to Earth, Again

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When Celestia appeared in the sunny plains, she was instantly on high alert.

It took mere seconds for a skilled unicorn to summon a return portal, so whatever had stopped Twilight from returning must have either moved incredibly fast, seemed totally innocuous until it was too late, or was able to suppress magic to some degree. So, with ears perked, hind legs slightly bent, wings loose and ready, and horn nearly buzzing with energy primed to release, Celestia stood tense and silent for a long time.

She did not at all trust the innocent sounds of nature around her, but after several minutes passed with no movement save for the insects and a small bird taking flight nearby, she relaxed marginally and began to explore her immediate surroundings. She was in a wide savanna covered with dry, brown grass and sparsely populated with odd trees that had many branches but no leaves save for along the very top.

It was a shame she had not the time to cast more protective spells. Her wards should absorb the bulk of any serious injury, but anything more powerful would take time to cast and, now that she was here, she didn't want to risk dropping her guard for that long. However, she did risk a very quick spell that allowed her to feel when a creature was watching her from behind where she could not see.

Some movement in the distance caught her attention and, though she couldn't be sure through the vegetation, Celestia thought they were distinctly equine in shape. That wasn't very unexpected--the first dimension explorers had been surprised to find creatures in other worlds were quite similar to their own. Nature tended toward certain designs, it seemed.

She turned and began heading toward the equines, still wary of this world but unwilling to immediately assume every creature she saw was hostile. So long as she kept her guard up, there should be little risk. As she approached, she saw they were closer to wild deer than to ponies, with a single black stripe running along their side.

Then she noticed the two tall horns on their heads and stopped dead in her tracks.

If these creatures could use magic, that raised the stakes significantly. They would be a great help if they were friendly... but also a major threat if they were hostile, as even weak magic users could overpower an alicorn in large enough numbers. Was that what happened to Twilight?

While she was still trying to decide whether she should risk approaching them, the entire herd abruptly bolted, all of them galloping away as fast as they could move. The fact that she saw no reason for them to run only made Celestia more nervous.

She turned and began to trot away, too anxious to walk but not wanting to make too much noise. There were more trees in this area, not dense enough to form a true canopy, but she was uncomfortable with any restriction at all to her airspace right now and headed for a broad clearing just ahead.

As she passed under one of the last trees before the clearing, her ears twitched at a faint rustle above her. There was a burst of yellow movement in the corner of her eye and her wings flung out more from instinct than any conscious effort. A great weight collided with her left wing and bounced over her back, leaving a bright line of pain across her withers. Even as she jerked her head around, her horn only just beginning to glow, the beast managed to twist in the air, land upright, and instantly launch itself at her throat.

Then it abruptly stopped and floated in mid-air within Celestia's magical grasp. Flailing wildly, it let out a deep, crackling roar and struggled to reach her with its claws, then her horn pulsed once and it fell limp. She casually tossed the unconscious beast aside and primed herself for a followup attack from its allies.

But all was still.

The alicorn waited a moment longer, but as the silence continued, she eventually decided any allies would have attacked while she was distracted with the first, so it must have been solitary.

She took a deep breath, shook herself a bit, and peered over her shoulder at the red gash in her back. Even with her ward, it had managed to slice surprisingly deep into her skin and she was thankful she'd insisted on refreshing her knowledge of medical magic every few decades, cleaning the wound and staunching the blood with relative ease.

Figuring it was unlikely a solitary predator would share its territory with another, she decided to take the time and cast a real spell, something that would protect her more effectively than a simple ward to absorb kinetic force. She was severely limited by the lack of reagents, but after scouring her memory, she eventually settled on a complex regenerative spell. It was quite tricky to cast, but it needed no extra materials, would greatly accelerate her healing, and wore off very slowly over the course of about a week.

A few moments later, she watched with satisfaction as the long cut rapidly stitched itself shut, scabbing over before her eyes. It did not stop the pain, of course, and larger injuries would still take hours or even days to heal, but at least it would no longer require conscious effort on her part.

Feeling a little more confident with that spell in place, she finally turned back to her attacker and floated its limp form up to get a better look. It was an enormous cat-like creature with golden yellow fur and a dense pattern of irregular black which was obviously quite an effective camouflage. It had a stocky build and heavy paws covered with thick fur to dampen their noise.

Floating the beast along beside her, she continued trotting into the clearing and immediately took to the air, aiming for one of the tiny clouds in the sky. When it did not appear to be getting any closer, Celestia was dismayed to realize the cloud was actually far larger and more distant than she had thought.

Shrugging to herself, she decided the middle of the sky would do just as well, turned the beast so it faced away from her, and woke it from its magical sleep. Almost instantly, it began to flail again and Celestia had to harden her telekinetic grip to keep it from twisting too much.

"Can you understand me?"

Its ears swiveled back on her and it let out a low growl. Celestia dropped the beast a few feet and caught it again, adding a note of command to her voice.

"Let's try that again. Answer me."

It growled again but Celestia thought it sounded a bit uncertain now. When it tried to twist its head around to look at the source of the sound, she hovered around in front of it. She had to steel her magic against its sudden attempt to claw at her face.

"That was not wise."

Her magic pressed firmly into its throat, cutting its roar off into a weak mewling whimper, but still, the beast only glared at her and bared its teeth. Celestia sighed and floated the mindless creature back to the ground.

There had been no intelligence in those eyes.

She watched it sprint away until it faded into the brush, then turned in a slow circle, examining the landscape around her. There was a hard line off in the distance, far too straight to be made by wild animals. It might simply be a geographic feature, but if it was a path, then it must lead to some sort of civilization.

Celestia angled a glide toward the line, keeping relatively low to reduce the distance from which she would be visible, just in case. Hopefully these creatures, whatever they were, would be compatible with one of her various language spells and willing to communicate. Perhaps she could even barter magical services in exchange for information or hospitality.

There was a flash of light from a distant bush.

Something ricocheted off the base of her horn and her head exploded with pain. Her wings folded like paper and she plummeted down, bouncing off a tree branch before thudding heavily to the ground.

Dazed, disoriented, and blinded with searing agony, she struggled to stand, to open her eyes, even just to breathe as she heard the faraway roar of some strange monster, but her body felt distant and it took all her will simply to remain conscious.

She should really be more afraid, but in that moment, Celestia worried only for her dear sister. Would Luna be okay without her? ...Yes, she was strong. She will be a good Princess. And Twilight, is this what happened to her precious student?

Seized by an urgent desire to lay eyes upon whatever monstrosity had defeated her so easily, Celestia tried again to open her eyes, and was almost surprised when she succeeded. She lifted her head with a great effort and stared dumbly at the bark of the tree beside her. She had tried to open her eyes before, hadn't she?

Then her head cleared a bit more and she almost slapped a hoof to her muzzle. Of course, her regeneration spell! It was working better than she expected and she might now have a real chance of fighting back or escaping. That was good, as the roaring sound was becoming quite loud and Celestia knew she could wait no longer.

She began to struggle to her hooves, then cried out in pain as her foreleg buckled underneath her. Dismayed, she could only stare at the unnatural angle in her cannon bone, shocked by her lame state. Her wards should have prevented such an impact!

Then, with mounting horror, Celestia saw the hard kink in her leg grow thicker before her very eyes as the regeneration spell forced her body to repair a bone that was not properly set. She immediately flopped onto her side and tried to push the bone straight with her other hoof, but it had already began to stiffen with new bone growth. Tartarus, this regeneration was too strong!

In desperation she slapped her hoof against the trunk of the tree in an attempt to shatter the new bone, but the flash of pain that lanced up her foreleg nearly made her lose consciousness again.

Abruptly, the monster came roaring around the tree and Celestia stared in amazement as three dark-skinned ape-like creatures leapt from the back of some sort of large metallic vehicle. From the way the others deferred to him it was obvious which one was the leader and, with as much dignity as she could muster, Celestia stood on her three unbroken legs to face him.

He immediately gestured at her, barking a command in a strange language, and one of the other creatures raised a device in one hand and pointed it at her head. Fortunately, a magical shield spell was one of the simplest of spells and Celestia hardly even needed to think before casting it.

Agony lanced through her skull as her horn fizzled and a golden spark shot out from the damaged base where she had been struck out of the air. All three creatures leapt back with cries of alarm and the device made a sound like thunder, startling the one that held it.

By the time the pain faded enough for Celestia to see clearly again, their leader was scowling as he strode purposefully toward her and lifted a similar device of his own. She stumbled as she tried to take a step back, eyes going wide and ears flattening against her skull.

"N-No, wait! I didn't mean--"

Celestia felt a burst of pressure and pain.

Then she felt nothing.

CH11: Decisions, Decisions

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Princess Luna needed some time to think, so she decided to fly herself back to Canterlot instead of teleporting straight there, yet only moments after she left Twilight's castle, she felt the first twinge of pain through the faint connection to her sister. It was a minor injury, no more than a ripple in her great pool of life force, and it was not long before the damage was healed. Still, it worried Luna as she rode a thermal updraft into the clouds. Celestia was a formidable spellcaster and well able to handle herself, so the fact that something had even managed to touch her was concerning.

Then Luna shook her head. Most likely Tia had simply not taken things seriously enough at first and some creature had gotten the jump on her. She would be more vigilant now, surely. Yes, she believed in her sister. Twilight Sparkle was in danger and Celestia would do anything to save her beloved pupil.

Even if that meant abandoning--

Luna fiercely cut off that thought and bucked whatever remained. Envy had led her into the living nightmare in the first place and she would die before she let that happen again! With the full power of the combined throne, it was unlikely Equestria would ever recover if she succumbed to the darkness now. She hadn't felt so much as a hint of that evil since Twilight Sparkle and her friends had saved her, yet she still rigorously avoided even the slightest whisper of a thought that could lead down that regretful path.

In an attempt to distract herself, Luna dropped into a steep dive and flattened out just above the treetops, whipping around protruding branches at considerable speed. She used to spend a lot of time practicing her aerial agility and was pleased to see her performance had not deteriorated too badly. It had been too long since she really put any effort into exercise and her wings were already beginning to feel the strain of her exertions, but she continued flapping to maintain her velocity, pressing on with the intent of exploring her physical limits.

Then abruptly, Celestia's life force suffered a jolt of such severity that Luna cried aloud in fear and alarm. She flared her wings, turned in a sharp angle, and her hooves slammed into the ground in the space between some trees.

The ancient spell was vague at the best of times and since Tia had gone through that portal it had faded to a distant echo of its usual strength, but Luna concentrated on what remained of the link between them. When the injury began to heal almost immediately, Luna let out a little sigh of relief. Celestia had always been skilled with healing magic and indeed, had she not ascended all those centuries ago, she likely would have become a doctor.

Luna waited a few moments for Tia to regain her strength before she decided to move on, but just as Luna spread her wings to take flight again, she froze in horror.

Her connection to Celestia had vanished.

Cold fear gripped her heart as she checked again, but there was nothing there.

Luna gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and poured every ounce of her will into seeking out her sister. She tried to ignore the tears budding in her eyes as her horn began to glow faintly, re-energizing the old spell and pushing the ancient magic to its limit.

Then she felt the faintest tremor across the void, a mere echo of the strength that had been there just moments before, yet even in that weakened state, there was no mistaking it.

Her sister was alive.

Luna nearly collapsed with relief, then she straightened with determination and seized the tremulous connection in her magic, charging her horn to tear a portal of her own.

She would NOT lose her sister!

However, before she could finish casting, she felt the distant spark of life begin to grow stronger and hesitated. Celestia was not only alive, she was healing.

Tartarus, she had been healing before, she could still be in danger! Luna resumed focusing on the spell anyway.

Yet if she was healing, surely that meant she had defeated the monster, right? Her condition was so poor it was unlikely she could escape, so if any creature was still a threat, it would have already... well, she wouldn't be healing.

Luna stood paralyzed with indecision, horn illuminating the trees with the spell all but finished, torn between loyalty to her subjects and love of her sister.

A small voice in the back of her mind asked, "What would Celestia do?"

With a roar of frustration, Luna broke the spell and energy burst from her horn in an aimless explosion of magic, then Luna slumped, her head hung low.

Celestia loved her and she loved Twilight, but she loved Equestria more than both, and she had trusted Luna to rule in her stead. Now was not the time to abandon her little ponies. Luna slowly spread her wings, almost dreading to return now. Then she frowned and shook her head. Celestia was healing, was she not? Healing well, in fact. Perhaps things may yet turn out alright in the end. She must remain hopeful and trust in her sisters capabilities. After all, that must have been a tremendous foe she just vanquished! She must ask Celestia to describe the battle when she returned!

She leapt into the air with a powerful downstroke and hurried on to Canterlot.

Yes, she believed in her sister. She had to.

To do otherwise would only drive her mad.
* * *

When Luna arrived at their castle, she was able to explain things to one of the guard captains so there was at least somepony in a position of authority that knew the situation, but it was late enough that few ponies were awake to hear her news. She had actually worried he would be suspicious of her, but the glow of the sun about her gave credence to her words.

After that, she made her way to her chambers, but although she already felt worn after the stresses of the evening, she had not even been awake half a day yet and knew she would not be able to go to sleep yet. She found herself wondering how she could possibly continue if something really did happen to Celestia, and also how she would ever manage handling both day and night tasks. Then she quailed as she thought of a dozen other problems, realizing just how many things she had to do alone now.

Fortunately, there did not exist a better distraction than the infinite oddities of the dream realm, so Luna threw herself at the sleeping minds of her subjects and worked harder that night than she ever had in recent memory. Through it all, she never released her hold on the link to her sister, watching it gain strength and trying not to imagine it snuffing out entirely.

Hours later, when she finally collapsed into bed, it certainly seemed like her sister's health had improved, but Luna's final thoughts before she slept were still full of concern.

Celestia really should have healed more than that.

CH12: The Morning After

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Anon let out a strangled yelp and bolted upright. There were beads of sweat dripping down his neck and he was panting heavily.

That was the third time he had tried to sleep that night. There was never any memory of the terrors that plagued him, only a lingering sense of horror and existential dread.

He dropped his face into his hands and let out a ragged breath, then tiredly rubbed his eyes. Glancing out the window, he groaned at the first hints of light peeking over the horizon. No point even trying to sleep again.

With a weary sigh, he slid from his bed and slowly began his morning routine. As he was getting dressed, he abruptly remembered the mysterious unicorn and was gripped by a terrible fear that she had left him during the night. Flinging on his bathrobe, he hurried down the hall to the guest bedroom and cracked open the door as quietly as he could manage.

Even in the dim light, there was no mistaking the pile of purple pony among the pillows.

Anon quietly let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, feeling a little foolish and silently chiding himself for panicking as he gently closed the door. Trying to regain a sense of normalcy, he returned to his routine and thought about what to do now that he'd woken up so early. Then he grinned to himself. What else but cook her his specialty for breakfast? Hopefully her digestive track was similar to other equines... Wasn't like he had anything else to go by after all.

Beginning to feel a little more awake as he got the blood flowing, he hurried to finish shaving and changing out of his pajamas before heading out into the kitchen.
* * *

With an exaggerated flourish that, of course, no one else was there to appreciate, Anon stood back to admire his handiwork: two beautiful plates of blueberry french toast, just like granddad used to make.

He poured two glasses of apple juice, fetched a small syringe of medicine, piled everything onto a wide tray, and swept down the hall to the guest bedroom. With a gentle tap on the door, he kept his voice to a low murmur as he entered.


There was a faint groan as he approached the bed and set the tray down on one of the nearby boxes.

"I, uh... I made some breakfast."


She started to move beneath the covers, then froze with a wince and sucked her teeth against the pain.

"Oh, and I got some pain medicine too! Good stuff, stronger and faster acting than what I gave you yesterday.

Twilight moaned softly, then cracked an eye open and whispered, "Please?"

Anon grimaced, "That bad, huh? Alright, here."

He slid the curtains back to let in the dawn light, then hurried to prep the syringe and drew her uninjured foreleg out from under the covers.

"Now this is gonna sting a bit because it's an injection, but it'll work a lot faster and better this way, okay?"

Twilight gave a tiny nod as he swabbed the crook of her foreleg's knee with alcohol and felt for her blood vessels.

"Alright, you ready? 3... 2... 1..."

With practiced ease, he slipped the needle smoothly under her skin and into the vein. Her ears flipped straight back and a shiver ran up her barrel, but she took a slow breath and kept herself under control.

"Good girl... almost done."

Just as swiftly, he drew the needle and pressed a cotton swab over the tiny wound, quickly securing it with a small bandage.

"There. That should start kicking in in just a couple of minutes."

Twilight nickered appreciatively, then looked up and murmured, "Thank you. The food... um, it smells really good."

Anon chuckled quietly, "Well, think you could sit up and eat or do you want to wait until the medicine kicks in?"

Twilight winced, then slowly started to push herself upright and Anon quickly reached out to support her injured foreleg.

"Ooh... this sucks."

"The first couple days are the worst, yeah. It'll hurt a little less every day though, promise." He gave her a wink, "And it'll hurt a lot less when that medicine kicks in. Seriously, that's good stuff... not as good as morphine of course, but just about."

Once she was sitting upright, Twilight took a slow breath, then asked, "If morphine is so good, why not give me some of that?"

Anon chuckled as he slid the tray closer to the bed and said, "Morphine is one of the most powerful painkillers we know of, but it carries some hefty risks with that strength. The stuff I just gave you is a bit weaker but a whole lot safer."

"Ah... I suppose it'd be like using Zensalve's Stitch for a simple paper cut."


"Oh, sorry," she said quickly, "Um, it's a powerful healing spell that can close huge and complex wounds without so much as a scar, but it's very difficult to cast and when it goes wrong..." a shudder went down her back.

Anon quickly turned back to the plates of food, "Right, changing topic now; you ever had anything like this back in Equestria?"

"Um... soggy bread?" Twilight said with an uncertain smile.

Anon grinned as he sliced her a piece, making sure she got plenty of the syrup and blueberries, then said, "It's called french toast. Here, just try it."

He held up the fork, but instead of leaning forward to take a bite, Twilight only furrowed her brow and stared at it. She winced as a spark ran up the length of her horn, then abruptly both her horn and the fork lit up with her glowing magic and the fork pulled itself from his hand. It floated up to let Twilight take a bite, then drifted back down to the plate with a soft clink.

Twilight let out a soft moan of delight, her ears flopping lazily back as she savored the mouthful, then she glanced at Anon, hurriedly swallowed, and burst out laughing.

"Quit staring, Anon!" She said as she playfully bat at his shoulder with a hoof, "You've seen this spell before!"

Anon turned away awkwardly and busied himself with his own food, "Right, 'course. I just, uh... forgot. Not used to it."

He felt her hoof on his knee and glanced back to see her smiling warmly at him. She said softly, "I understand, Anon. You're not the first creature I've introduced to unicorn magic after all. Though I think you're the first I've introduced to any magic at all."

He returned her smile and they ate in companionable silence for a few moments. French toast had always been his favorite, especially after granddad passed away, so he was pleased to see Twilight so obviously enjoying her meal.

However, once she had eaten a few bites, she set her fork down again and looked up at him. "It must be strange," she said wistfully, "Going from thinking magic doesn't even exist to meeting a unicorn... and of all the unicorns to meet, too! Gosh, I can't wait to show you my full power."

Anon swallowed his mouthful and grinned nervously, "Uh, just how powerful we talkin' here? I don't need to warn the military about any upcoming explosions, do I?"

Twilight bubbled with laughter, "Oh no, most of arcane study is learning how not to explode! For all the time I've spent learning new spells, I've probably spent five times as long learning to control their energy. Here, let's see if I'm healed enough for something a bit more complicated..."

She closed her eyes and lowered her horn as if to aim at him and Anon couldn't help but lean back a bit, but all that happened was their two forks began to glow. They floated up and halted a few inches in front of her muzzle, then snapped into an upright position, perfectly parallel and only a millimeter apart.

Anon though that was impressive enough already, but then one fork abruptly flipped upside down and passed its tines through the empty spaces of the other fork, slowly twirling around the other so the prongs slid repeatedly in and out of each other. Then there was the faintest ring of metal as one fork brushed the other and Twilight immediately clicked her tongue in annoyance, lowering the forks back to their plates.

"Still need to heal some more, I guess," she muttered, "Sloppy letting them touch like that..."

"Wha... sloppy? Hell, I doubt I could do that with my own fingers! And with your eyes closed?"

She blushed and looked down with a bashful smile, "I've just had a lot of practice, that's all." She delicately ate another piece of toast, then continued a bit awkwardly, "Using magic is, uh... well it's all about precision and control, really. Technically I still have just as much magic as before my injury, but if I tried to use a powerful spell right now I might just blow the tip of my horn right off."

"That can happen?"

Twilight quirked her muzzle to one side, then said, "Not normally, no, but studies do suggest there is an increase in pressure inside a unicorn's horn proportional to the strength of the spell, so with a damaged horn... maybe?" She shrugged her shoulders, "We don't really understand the biology of unicorn magic very well. I'm the first one to really try and study it since Starswirl the Bearded disappeared."


"Is it?"

"Well, it's just that we've had a lot of trouble understanding exactly how our own bodies work, too." He shrugged his own shoulders in response, "I guess I thought magic would make it easier to figure that kind of stuff out."

Twilight frowned and asked a bit sharply, "Anon, how can you guess what magic can do when you didn't even know it existed until yesterday?"

He held up his hands in mock defense with a sheepish smile, "Whoa, hey, I'm not claiming to actually know anything about it! I'm just going by our silly fantasies, that's all. Magic is usually just some mysterious power that can do basically anything for the sake of the story."

She turned back to her plate. "I see."

Anon put his hands down and spoke more seriously, "I didn't mean to offend you, I just don't--"

"It's fine!" she interrupted, then she rubbed her forehead and took a deep breath. After a moment, she tried again more gently, "Sorry, Anon. It's okay, really. I'm just... still adjusting, that's all."

"That's alright. We're both adjusting to this, I think."

They ate in silence for a while, then when Twilight had finished her last bite, she arched her neck and stretched both hooves above her head.

"Gosh... that medicine you gave me really is good."

Anon gestured at her with his fork, "It is, but still, be careful. You have to go easy on those injured legs or they won't heal properly, and now they won't hurt to let you know you're pushing them too hard."

"I guess that makes sense. Can I walk on them yet, though?"

"Not really. Only very short distances and only being really careful, but I have an idea about that. You'll need to be able to get around without my help today, after all."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"I have some work to do at the clinic so I'll be leaving soon, should be back in about six or seven hours."

Twilight hesitated, "Um... how long is an hour?"

The question caught Anon off guard, but he supposed it made sense that they would have different units of measurement where she came from, so he shrugged it off and simply said, "From one sunrise to the next is twenty-four hours, so I'll be gone for about a quarter of the day."

"Oh, that's not so bad, I guess."

"Don't worry, you'll be okay. Wait here a moment, okay?"

Twilight nodded and Anon scooped their plates onto the tray, then carried it out to the kitchen, leaving it on the counter to deal with later. Then he fetched a little stool on wheels from the garage and brought it into the guest bedroom.

"There we go. Think you could roll around on this?"

Twilight leaned forward to inspect it, then nodded, "I think so, yes."

"See if you can use it without my help, then. Avoid using your injured legs, but if you must put weight on them, always use both of them together."

Her horn glowed and Anon had to resist the urge to gawk again as the blanket lifted itself away from her as if it was alive. Then she shuffled toward the side of the bed and carefully slid down onto the stool. There was a little shelf under the seat for holding tools and such which turned out to be a convenient place to rest her injured hind leg, and she stretched the other hind leg behind her and pushed herself around a bit, then spun in place to smile at him.

"It's a little awkward, but it should be fine."

"Good, I'll follow you to the living room, then."

"Oh! Um, okay."

She shuffled into a more secure position, then pushed off toward the door, occasionally flapping her uninjured wing to keep herself from spinning. It was actually working rather well, but when she rolled from the carpeted bedroom to the hardwood floor of the hallway, she let out a startled whinny at the suddenly reduced friction and nearly crashed into the wall.

Anon lurched forward to stop her, but she caught herself against the wall with her good forehoof and he relaxed as she grinned sheepishly over her shoulder at him.

"Works a little too well out here."

"Heh... probably should have warned you of that."

"Oh no," she said quickly, "I should have been paying better attention, that's all. It's obvious I'd roll better out here."

"Everything's obvious in hindsight."

She giggled, "Touché"

They made it to the living room without further incident, but when she tried to climb onto the couch, the stool kept rolling out from under her. Anon stepped forward to help her, but she waved him away with a hoof and glared down at the stool until her magic enveloped the wheels and locked them in place, allowing her to switch seats with ease.

"Handy, that magic."

Twilight grinned as she settled onto the couch, "Oh you haven't seen anything, yet."

"Well, until your horn heals, care to talk about some of the other spells you know?

"And spoil the surprise?" she snorts, "You'll just have to wait and see."

Anon let out a mournful sigh as he slumped onto the couch beside her, crossing his arms, hunching his back, and curling his lip in an exaggerated pout.

Twilight rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Oh Sweet Celestia, if you're gonna mope about it, then fine, I'll show you ONE new spell, okay?"

He glanced at her and raised an eyebrow, but kept his arms crossed. Twilight took a deep breath and closed her eyes as her horn began to glow.

"This spell is called..."

There was a gentle tingling around his lips and he began to wonder just what he'd gotten himself into, when abruptly the corners of his mouth were jerked up into a goofy grin.

"A happy spell!"

Anon burst out laughing and waved his hands in front of his face as if brushing away a fly. Twilight raised both hooves in triumph.


Still chuckling, Anon reached over and quickly tickled her belly, saying, "More like a silly spell!"


He jerked his hand back as her hooves flew down to protect her underside.

"Why you...! I'll show you a silly spell!"

Her horn began to glow again and, despite her broad grin, Anon couldn't help but flinch as he felt the tingling about his throat... but nothing happened. He felt around his neck, checked his reflection with his phone, even took a deep breath a bit nervously, but he couldn't tell what she'd done. Finally, he just gave up and asked her.

"aLrIgHt, wHaT dId YoU... hUh?"

His voice had come out in a ridiculous warble, as if the pitch was bouncing up and down by over an octave several times a second. Twilight immediately dissolved into helpless giggles.

"hEy, pUt iT bAcK! tWiLiGhT! i hAvE tO lEaVe FoR wOrK sOoN!"

This only made her laugh harder and she flopped onto the arm of the chair, weakly waving a hoof in his direction.

"tWiLiGhT sPaRkLe, yOu uNdO tHiS sPeLL tHiS INSTANT!"

Unfortunately, his warbling caused his sentence to end on an absurdly high squeak that even he couldn't help but grin at. Twilight slapped the cushion with a hoof, laughing so hard now that she hardly made any sound at all.

"aLrIgHt FiNe." Anon stood and loomed menacingly over the defenseless mare. "yOu AsKeD fOr tHiS."

Twilight peeked one eye open just in time to see his claw-shaped hands descending toward her. Her eyes widened in fear and her horn flickered once, but she was in no state to cast any magic now. This time she was utterly at his mercy.

Anon's face split into a wicked grin and she let out a high-pitched squeal as his hands latched onto her vulnerable belly, her legs flailing helplessly against his arms.

Then he relentlessly, mercilessly, almost violently began to tickle her.

The little pony squeaked and shook and gasped at his touch, his fingertips wiggling incessantly through the fur around her barrel, all of it made even worse by her own squirming as his hands slid freely around her torso. Anon couldn't help but laugh as well, and he let it out as a crazed and maniacal guffaw that warbled unnaturally thanks to her spell, bouncing around the walls and forming a cacophony of different voices all overlapping with each other in complete chaos.

Then, without warning, he abruptly shut his mouth and lifted his hands. Twilight lay trembling beneath him as the deranged echoes of his mad laughter faded until her heaving gasps were the only sound remaining.

Anon leaned down very close to her, his expression deadly serious.

"WiLL YoU uNdO yOuR sPeLL nOw?"

Twilight hiccuped a weak giggle and Anon tried not to grin at his own voice, then gave in and broke into a wide, grimacing smile, lifting both hands up like claws.

"oR sHaLL i cOnTiNuE?"

"N-No!" she panted with a terrified shake of her head, "Sweet Celestia, p-please... no more!"

Anon waited a moment for her to get her breath back, then her horn glowed briefly and made a sort of pop as she released the spell.

"Ahh... much better. Thank you, Twilight."

"You really are a monster..."

He smirked and shrugged in resignation, "Shame to play my trump card so soon, but you did ask for it."

In response she stuck out her tongue at him. Anon shook his head with a chuckle, then stood up.

"Well, much as I'd love to keep torturing you, I do need to leave soon, so before I go..."

He fetched a tablet and stylus from a nearby table, set it up to cast to his TV, then sat down again and gestured for Twilight to watch him, but she hesitated and stared nervously at his hands.

"Alright, alright, I promise I won't tickle you again."

After a brief moment she edged a little closer, then Anon added in an ominous tone, "Not unless you really deserve it."

Twilight froze with a little squeak, then she started when Anon burst into laughter. "Good gravy, you'd think I was threatening to whip you! Come on, girl, relax. It's okay."

He reached out and she immediately flinched away, but he only set a gentle hand on the back of her neck.

Twilight panted, "I... y-you don't..."

"Shh, it's alright. I ain't gonna bite. You're safe."

His hand slowly stroked down her mane, then came to rest on her withers and gave her shoulder a little squeeze. They sat like that for a moment, Anon gently massaging her back while she took several long, slow breaths, then she gave him a timid smile.

"Okay, I... I'm better now."

"You sure?"

"Well... you did promise not to, um... tickle me again. Right?"

She looked hopefully up at him but he waggled a finger in response.

"Only if you deserve it."

She frowned momentarily, then let out a resigned sigh, "Fine. I guess."


In a burst of spontaneity, Anon suddenly scooted over so he was sitting right up next to her, then wrapped his arm around her shoulders and held the tablet up so it was almost right in front of her face.


Her ears folded down and her cheeks turned bright pink, but Anon simply continued as if nothing was wrong.

"Alright, so while I'm gone you can use this stylus to do stuff with this tablet and it'll show up on the big screen there.

He wasn't quite sure why he'd moved so close to her, but it was a little late for second thoughts now. Still, at least she wasn't struggling and did seem to be paying attention, even if her ears were still pressed firmly down. He'd just sort of acted without thinking and hadn't even thought how badly this could have gone, but she actually seemed to be taking it rather well.

"Touch this button on the side first to turn it on, then you can touch either this symbol called Netflix or this one called Youtube to watch videos to learn stuff or just for fun."

"...Okay, but what should I watch?"

She began to relax a little and Anon couldn't help but smile.

"Anything you want, really. If you touch this little magnifying glass symbol to search for stuff, touch this mic symbol here to use speech-to-text since you can't type - 'how it's made' - and see? now there's a bunch of clips from the show we were watching last night."

"O-Oh!" Now her ears perked up eagerly, "I'd like that."

"Well then, just touch whatever picture looks interesting, then touch this little triangle in the corner if you want to go back and try a different one." He grinned and gave her a little squeeze with his arm. "But you don't have to just stick to that one show, there's lots of other interesting things to watch."


A hoof pressed into his thigh as Twilight twisted around to stare at him, her eyes bright with excitement. Then just as quickly, she lowered her gaze and pulled back slightly. "Um," she said, slowly lifting the hoof from his leg, "What else is there like How It's Made?"

That little move had even surprised him a bit, and indeed maybe his expression had been what made her back off so suddenly, but he decided not to press the issue and gestured back to the tablet again.

"See this area along the side? These are 'channels' that all have their own unique style of video. I like watching stuff like How It's Made too, so most of them are sorta along the same lines. Just stay away from that one."

Twilight let out a defiant snort and said, "Well now I have to try it!"

Anon only chuckled and shook his head, saying, "It's not like it's a secret or anything, it's just full of silly memes that barely even make sense to me, nevermind someone--"

"What are memes?"

"--who doesn't even know what a meme is."


He snorted with laughter, "Sorry girl, you walked right into that one."

She turned away with a "Hmph!" and Anon patted the side of her neck with the hand he still had draped around her shoulders.

"Oh yeah! Something else I wanted to do, gimme one sec."

He leaned forward and pulled up the tablet again, backing out to the home screen, and added a widget that would let her quick-dial his phone via wi-fi calling. Twilight was trying to pout, but she was too fascinated by the technology to be too serious about it, and he could tell she was just itching to know what he was doing.

"There we go. This is just in case something happens and you need to contact me, you can touch this symbol to call my phone..."

Twilight jumped as his pocket suddenly began to vibrate against her hindquarters and he quickly canceled the call.

"...And that will let us talk even while I'm away. Don't do it unless it's really urgent though, okay?"

"W-Well alright... but what was that buzzing!?"

"Sorry, should'a warned you before I made it go off. That's just how my phone alerts me that someone is trying to contact me."

Twilight shifted awkwardly and her ears began to fold down, but all she said was, "Okay."

Anon raised an eyebrow at her, "You... are okay, right? You got all that?"

Twilight closed her eyes and took one slow breath, then looked up at him and nodded seriously.

"I got it."

"Alright, one last thing."

She snorted at him as he removed his watch and held it out for her.

"Last thing, I promise. Do you have clocks in Equestria? Okay good, I'm still not sure just how much I need to explain... Anyways, I'll be back when the shorter hand is pointed roughly here, okay?"

"Okay. See you later, Anon."

He nodded and began to head for the door, then hesitated in the hallway.

"And if you get hungry or thirsty, the--"

Twilight interrupted him with a surprisingly sarcastic sounding neigh, then she giggled and waved a hoof at him.

"Oh, go on! I'm a clever mare, I'll be alright."

Anon blinked in surprise, then chuckled gently, grabbed his keys and wallet off the end table, and finally left the house.

CH13: Twilight Online

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For the first hour or so, Twilight was content with How It's Made. What they explained directly was already fascinating enough, but she was also able to learn a lot about the human world in general from things they said in passing and by reading between the lines.

For example, the video about copper which started off by saying humans had been making tools out of copper for at least ten thousand years. Even Princess Luna's banishment to the moon a thousand years ago seemed like an absurdly long time, but ten times further back? She kept needing to start videos over again because she would get distracted by these kinds of thoughts and stop listening.

A short while into her marathon, Twilight got her first glimpse into the humans' industrialization of living creatures when she learned they cultivated silkworms by the thousand in order to make some sort of luxury cloth. Then the show casually explained that the pupae were boiled alive so the cocoon could be used intact.

Twilight shifted uneasily where she sat and muttered, "Well... they are only insects after all..."

She shrugged to herself and continued watching for a while, and eventually came across a video about farming shrimp. Within the first few moments of the video, she learned that humans carefully cultivated thousands, maybe millions of these small crustaceans, simply to eat them later. Twilight shuddered as she realized that meant humans must be omnivores.

Yet as she continued to watch, it was obvious the shrimp were well taken care of, given a stress-free life, and got a perfectly balanced diet.

"These shrimp do have a pretty ideal life... until the end, at least."

Spike had always told her it was weird to talk to herself, but... well, he wasn't here now, was he? Besides, it helped her keep her thoughts in line.

"Maybe they have no choice? If eating other creatures is necessary to have a healthy diet, I suppose this is a good way to do it."

Once the shrimp episode was finished, she considered asking the tablet device about human nutrition, but decided to stick with How It's Made for now.

Then, just a few clips later, she stumbled onto hot dogs.

The introduction was innocuous enough, but as soon as it got to the processing plant, the narrator calmly explained that it was made of a mix of different meats, and although she didn't know what pork and beef was, there was no mistaking "chicken." Especially when the words were accompanied by the sight of hundreds, maybe thousands of mutilated carcasses being dumped into a large vat for processing.

If she hadn't been so horrified she might have stopped the video then and there but, too stunned to react, she simply watched in morbid fascination as that enormous mass of quivering flesh was mashed into a sort of paste, coming out looking more like wet clay than anything else. Oddly, that made the rest of the video almost bearable as the stuff looked far enough removed from any sort of animal that she could almost forget what it really was. Almost.

She finished the video feeling deeply uneasy and a little nauseous, but took a moment to collect herself and ultimately came to the same conclusion she had made from the shrimp video.

"They say variety is the spice of life... I guess I can't expect them to only ever eat shrimp."

She shuddered and quickly returned to the list of videos, but the mere image for the next video clearly showed strips of meat hanging on large racks, and that was just too much for her. With a convulsive shudder, Twilight backed out of the search results, closed her eyes, and took several deep breaths.

Once she had regained control of herself, she stared at the device and tried to decide what to do next. She was tempted by the "channels" Anon had pointed out earlier, but after a moment's consideration, she decided the most useful thing she could do with her time was to learn to read this strange lettering that she kept seeing everywhere.

She tapped the mic symbol Anon had showed her earlier and spoke clearly at the device, "How to read the human language."

It seemed to work, but after watching the beginning of the first few videos, she realized they all seemed to be about subtle body language clues. That might be useful, sure, but it wasn't what she wanted right now.

"Hmm... how about 'how to read for foals'?"

Just the images showed her that was wrong.

"Right, of course it wouldn't be 'foals.' Um... 'how to read for young humans'?"

That was a bit better, but more importantly one of the videos soon mentioned the word "children," so Twilight immediately backed out and tried again.

"How to read for children."

Jackpot. The first video was obviously an instructional video for very young humans and was quite tedious and boring to sit through, but it still gave her what she needed. After all, she already understood Anon's language--somehow--so all she really needed were the grammatical rules and which symbols humans used for which verbal sounds.

Unfortunately that plan quickly backfired once she learned that humans apparently used some ridiculous writing method where each symbol represents a whole group of sounds. That meant even the most basic of rules had countless exceptions and confusing overlaps. Not even the dragons' writing system was so convoluted!

Still, she soon learned yet another valuable term: alphabet. She couldn't help but giggle at such an odd name for your species' phonetics, but nevertheless it, along with a bit of experimenting with the search results, was the key to unlocking the videos she really needed. Now, instead of tediously simple videos designed for foals, she found more concise videos aimed at humans who spoke and wrote in other languages... though the very fact that not all humans spoke the same language was in itself a bit of a shock to her. Fortunately this "english" seemed to be one of the more common ones, so she set about learning it with a will.

Working out the needlessly complex and seemingly arbitrary laws of the english alphabet--Twilight giggled again at the silly name--quickly proved much more difficult than she initially expected. Still, this wasn't the first new phonetic system she'd learned.

By the Sun and Moon, she would make sense of this "i before e" rule or die trying!

* * *

Some time later, Twilight sat back with a satisfied smirk. Without so much as a glance at her meticulous notes or the faintest thought of falling back on voice-to-text yet again, she had successfully typed out her first complete sentence using the tablet's "keyboard."

"My name is Twilight Sparkle," it read.

With a dramatic swoop of the stylus, she pressed the "search" button and... well, of course the results were meaningless and unrelated.

"But still! SUCCESS!"

She could even understand some of the video titles! Once she had stumbled onto a video that simply read along with a bit of text on screen, she had improved dramatically, and she finally felt proficient enough to be useful, even if she was still slow.

Now it was time to unlock the full potential of these computers Anon had given her. Last night she had watched Anon ask questions on his phone, but he'd never needed to watch a lengthy video, so clearly there was a way to read the answers you needed. As she slowly tapped out her next search result, she once again silently praised whatever wizard of this world had allowed for this tablet device to make spelling suggestions. She was also starting to learn the "rules" of the search function as well, and was getting better at writing questions that gave her the results she wanted.

The back of her tablet said "samsung," so she tried "how to search on a samsung tablet" and was pleased to see a video titled "Samsung Galaxy Tab for beginners." The device looked slightly different from the one she was holding, but when she tried out the things it explained, most everything worked the way she expected. Thus, Twilight finally learned how to back out to the tablet's home screen for the first time... something Anon had forgotten to show her. Good thing she'd never needed to use that emergency contact he'd set up!

With a start, Twilight suddenly realized how low the sun was getting in the window and looked around for the watch he had left her.

He would be getting home soon!

Almost frantically she turned back to the tablet... then relaxed and giggled at her own silliness.

"It isn't as if I'm doing anything I shouldn't... why, Anon specifically said I could look up anything I wanted!"

Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had done something naughty and set the tablet down instead. Besides, she was now realizing how hungry she felt and probably wouldn't be able to focus on starting a new project anyway. Hunger in the middle of a project she was already obsessing over was a minor nuisance at most, but hunger at the start of a new project was an unbearable distraction--a fact that Spike frequently used to his advantage.

"Oh Spike... I do hope you knew to send for help..."

She cut off that train of thought before it began to depress her and rolled her little stool into Anon's kitchen. At first she was just going to munch on some fruit he had left out, but then she hesitated.

"He did make breakfast... maybe I should make him dinner?"

She didn't think he expected it, but it seemed like a good way to thank him for his hospitality. Sure she would be using his own supplies to make him a gift, but it was the thought that counted, right?

She quickly scanned through Anon's pantry and refrigerator--a machine which she would definitely be looking up later--and tried to find something she could cook reasonably quickly. Using her wonderful newfound skill of "reading," she was delighted to find a box of pasta noodles and a jar of pre-mixed sauce in his pantry. After a slight struggle, she managed to wrestle the jar open and the smell that wafted out immediately reminded her of something her dam used to make. All that was missing was...

"Ooooh, YES!"

Right there in the refrigerator door was a beautiful little jar of hibiscus flowers. She had always loved hibiscus pasta as a filly, and she immediately began to salivate at the thought of the subtle sweet and tart flavor complimenting the tomatoes and noodles.

With some effort, she climbed from her stool to the island counter which Anon had used as his makeshift surgical table for a better vantage point. Then she focused her magic, and the entire kitchen came to life.

Cabinets flapped and drawers slapped as she sought out what she needed. Water and noodles flowed into one pot, ingredients to the other, and burners flashed into life. A spoon started smoothly circling to stir sauce and syrupy hibiscus simultaneously.

It was a wonderfully intricate dance of ingredients and utensils with her at the center. Everything was going beautifully.

That is, until her forehead exploded with blinding pain.


With a momentus effort of will, she managed to hold the magic just long enough to send everything clattering to the countertop instead of the floor, then she flopped onto her side with a pitiful whine, wrapping a fetlock around the base of her horn.


Clamping her muzzle tight against the desperate whimpering she couldn't seem to stop, she curled into a little ball, one hind leg kicking feebly at the air. She laid there for what felt like ages, head pounding furiously against the inside of her skull, hardly even aware of the tears leaking past her eyelids.

But, eventually, the pain began to fade and Twilight slowly regained her sense of self. She cracked open her eyes, sniffled a bit, then gingerly sat up and wiped her snout with a fetlock as she blinked away the tears.

Almost afraid of what she would see, she turned back to the stove... and let out a huge sigh of relief when she saw the noodles had only just begun to soften. It must have only seemed like such a long time because of the pain.

Twilight waited a bit for the noodles to boil and for the throbbing to die down some more, then very carefully tried a very tiny amount of magic to twist the knobs on the stove and lower the heat to simmer. She let out a sigh of relief when she felt only a faint echo of the agony she felt before. That meant she'd only strained the core, not damaged it further.

"Stupid... risky... should have known better..."

But she knew why she did it. She hadn't forgotten her injury, oh no. Never for a single instant could she forget what had happened to her dear and precious horn. No, she'd simply missed feeling like a powerful unicorn and gotten careless after spending the whole day floating that little stylus around.

It had certainly been fun for a little while, but she could have easily undone all the healing so far with that one stupid little moment of self-satisfaction. The mere thought of going without so much as a telekinesis spell for even one more day made her shudder.

Then, as she began to gently massage her forehead, she head a noise outside and glanced out the kitchen window to see Anon climbing out of a sleek grey vehicle. He could obviously see her in the window so she awkwardly raised a hoof in greeting, then carefully climbed down onto her little stool.

Why did she feel so nervous all of the sudden?

Trying to ignore the fluttering in her barrel, she rolled over to the foyer just in time to see Anon open the door and greeted him with a timid smile.

"Welcome home! I made dinner. Well, you can see that--or smell it, I guess--but I just wanted to, um... to show my appreciation. For you. For what you've done for me, I mean."

As she spoke, Anon dumped some things onto a little end table near the door, walked over and closed the kitchen curtains, slumped wearily against the counter, and stared down at her with a slight frown. Twilight couldn't help but droop her ears at this lackluster greeting, but she tried to hold onto her smile.

"Obviously you're tired, so that's good! Uh, not that you're tired, I mean. That's bad. But, um... well if you're tired then it's good I made dinner! Right?"

Anon barely even seemed to hear her, he just stared for a few more seconds, then pushed himself upright again and walked slowly toward her. Twilight was really starting to worry she'd done something wrong now and had to resist the urge to back away as he approached.

Yet Anon only walked past her, running his hand gently across her head and down her mane. Somehow, with that simple contact, Twilight immediately knew she'd done nothing wrong. So... was his gloomy mood because something happened at work?

She watched Anon walk out to the living room, then glanced at her food still simmering on the stove and let out a little sigh. Her rumbling tummy would have to wait. With a twist of a hoof, she dropped the stove to its lowest heat, then wheeled down the hall and saw Anon slump onto the couch, not seeming to notice her notes sprawled across the coffee table.

She rolled closer, climbed onto the couch, and sat awkwardly apart from him for a moment, simply watching his profile as he stared numbly at the floor. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what might be wrong and how she could help. She knew he was a veterinarian and that he had gone into the clinic for something important, and he didn't look angry, just very sad and tired.

Actually, he looked like he was grieving.

Everything clicked into place and, almost without thinking, Twilight lurched forward to wrap a hoof around his shoulders, gently laid her cast across his belly, and tucked her muzzle up under his jaw. He twitched in surprise and tried to look down at her, but that only made his chin press into her snout and Twilight responded with a little nuzzle.


"One of my closest friends works with animals too."

She drew back her head so she could meet his eyes.

"I'll never forget the first time she... lost one."

He looked away sharply and she felt his body go rigid.

"Is that what happened? You couldn't save them?"

Anon crushed his eyes shut and said nothing, then he gave one tiny nod of his head.

For a moment, they just sat there, utterly still and silent. Then all at once something seemed to collapse within Anon and he slumped forward with a deep and weary sigh. She leaned across his chest to hug him properly and he slowly wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her mane as his breathing grew ragged.

The first time Fluttershy had lost one of her sick animal friends, she had become so depressed it had taken weeks of comforting before she was herself again. She doubted this was the first time it had happened to Anon, but she tried to imagine what it must be like to go through something like that, then come home to this big empty house in the middle of nowhere with no one to comfort you.

Twilight hugged him tighter.

CH14: Dinner

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When was the last time someone had held him like this?

Anon hadn't been able to fly down to visit his parents last holiday season, but even the year before that he couldn't remember getting anything more than a quick farewell hug.

There had been that girl when he was a college freshman, but that was over a decade ago... Had it really been that long? He couldn't even remember her name anymore.

He was trying not to think about the puppy breathing its last breath in his arms or the unsettling way its still-warm body flopped limply as he set it down again. He tried not to hear the sound of the owner's sobbing in his head. He tried to forget the things they said in reflexive anger. He didn't want to remember all the other times the same thing had happened, either. But he remembered them all.

Anon felt his chest tighten and he struggled to control his breathing. Twilight's gentle breath was hot against his ear and it sent a shiver down his spine. He inhaled deeply in an attempt to steady himself and his head was filled with the faintly musty scent of her mane. It reminded him of a used book store he used to visit. The building had been so densely packed with shelves of old books that it muffled all sound and was dead silent even when it was full of people. It had always been a deeply calming place to him.

The pony shifted her weight slightly and began kneading the back of his neck without releasing her embrace. She was much stronger than he expected and the smooth edge of her rounded hoof felt amazing as it rolled across the base of his skull and down his spine.

When she moved to his shoulder, he let out an involuntary groan and sagged deeper into her warm hug. Her hips pressed into his thigh as she supported his weight without any apparent effort and continued to massage his upper back. He began to rub her withers to return the favor, but she flicked an ear at his face and puffed out a tiny snort, so he simply relaxed into her. The tension rapidly eased from his torso and her comforting aroma lulled his mind.

Yesterday he'd been woken up early by that emergency at the clinic, and last night he'd hardly slept thanks to those strange nightmares.

It was no surprise, then, that he began to doze off in her embrace.

* * *


Something struck the side of his head and Anon reeled back against the sofa, blinking in confusion at the startled mare on his lap.

"The fuck?"

"I could say the same!"

"W-What happened!?"

"I don't know!" Twilight exclaimed, "You were practically asleep, but then you just started screaming in my ear!" She huffed angrily, then hunched her shoulders and added in a more subdued tone, "I, uh, kinda panicked and smacked you in the face, so... sorry."

Anon rubbed his temples and took a deep breath before responding.

"No no, it's fine... Must have been another one of those damn night terrors--"

"Night terrors?" Twilight interrupted, abruptly becoming very serious, "What kind? How long have you had them?"

"Uh, well... I can never remember them, I just wake up feeling... I dunno, this sense of impending doom or something."

"But when did they start, Anon?"

Her intense expression made him hesitate.

"Uh... just last night?"

Twilight dropped her head in her hooves and let out a low groan, "Oh for Luna's sake..." When she looked up again, she almost looked like she was about to cry. "Anon, I'm so sorry."

"Huh? Why? What's wrong?"

She leaned a little closer and laid a hoof on his shoulder, her eyes glistening in the setting sunlight.

"When I... yesterday... well, the magic--" She took a deep breath, then tried again in a steadier voice, "Look, after you took those medical samples, do you remember when I woke up?"

"Well sure, I..." He trailed off with a frown as he realized he couldn't actually remember her doing so.

"You tried to sample my horn and..."

"The next thing I remember is freaking out and throwing you off me."

Twilight nodded somberly and explained, "When you touched the core of my horn, some of the raw stuff of magic poured into your body, overwhelming your mind with who knows what. You're lucky the pain woke me up so quickly because without a horn to focus and contain the energy, it could have fried your brain before long."

"So, what, the nightmares are some kinda magical brain damage?"

She shook her head, "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure the pain woke me up more or less immediately, so it was only in your body for a moment, not long enough to cause any real damage. Thing is, raw magic like that tends to give you... visions, especially when asleep. Nopony has ever been able to remember them after waking, but they always leave behind a horrible sort of existential dread."

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

"So no," she continued, "I doubt your brain is actually damaged... I think it means a little bit of the energy is still stuck in there, and that means, well," She grimaced and choked on the words, "That my spell... f-failed."

She bit her lip, then shook her head and hurried on before Anon could respond, "And that means I failed a spell so simple that it could hardly even be called a spell! I mean, the core of a unicorn's horn naturally absorbs magical energy all on its own, so I basically just had to touch you with my horn and relax and the power should flow right back into me, but apparently even that is too much for me right now!"

A note of hysteria entered her voice.

"I guess that means I really am just a useless broken pony with no magic and no f-friends who doesn't even deserve to be called p-princess anymore, n-nevermind--"

A startled little squeak escaped her as Anon hugged her to his chest and planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head. She looked up at him in surprise and he returned her gaze with a warm smile.

"From what I gather, if you hadn't done as well as you did, I'd already be long dead. So you saved my life even with your broken horn."

Her muzzle was starting to turn pink, "W-W-Well I..."

"Now I don't know much about magic, but I'll bet me waking up and throwing you back cut you off before you were quite done, yeah?"

She stared up at him with wide eyes, "Um, maybe, b-but--"

"So if you could almost do it with my dumb ass interrupting you, a broken horn, and a damn concussion to boot... well, I'd bet my left kidney you'll do just fine if you try again right now. Besides, you do have a friend." He tapped her snout with a fingertip and said, "Me."

Her muzzle snapped shut and her blush deepened as she averted her gaze. Anon felt something swell within him, but before he could think about it, Twilight looked up at him again with a smile.

"I... you're right. Thank you, Anon. I don't know what came over me."

He stroked his fingers through her mane and she shivered slightly at his touch.

"It's alright, I understand. You have a lot on your mind right now, but it'll be okay, you'll see."

"You really think I should try again?"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll do great."

She puffed out her cheeks nervously, then nodded, "Alright, but... later. I need to rest my horn for a bit since I kinda sparked out again while making dinner," Then she gasped and said, "Oh my gosh, I forgot about dinner!"

Scrambling off his lap and onto her little stool, she wheeled toward the kitchen as fast as she could manage. Chuckling, Anon slowly got up and followed, hearing her cry, "Oh thank Celestia," as he approached. Once he rounded the corner, she looked up and said, "I think it's okay. The noodles might be a bit overcooked, but I lowered the heat before I went out there with you so it shouldn't be too bad."

On the stove were two pots, one with noodles and another with spaghetti sauce, but something about the smell caught him off guard. "Is this, uh... your own recipe?" He asked cautiously.

"Mmhmm! Well, kind of. I don't know exactly what's in that pre-mixed jar of sauce, but it smells like the kind of sauce my dam always used as the base for hibiscus pasta, so I think it'll work."

She gestured at the empty jar of spaghetti sauce, but Anon was distracted by the empty jar of hibiscus flowers beside it. He let out an incredulous laugh.

"Hibiscus flowers... in spaghetti?"

"Oh, so you don't... okay."

At her dejected tone, he turned back to see her forlorn expression and any trace of humor was instantly wiped from his face.

"When I saw the flowers, I just... It was my favorite as a filly, so..."

Feeling like a total jackass, Anon quickly knelt beside her stool and laid a hand on her neck.

"Hey, it's okay! I've just never heard of it before so it caught me off guard, that's all."

Her ears perked up a bit, "So... you don't mind?"

"If it was your favorite then I'm sure it'll taste great."

Considering how vastly different their palettes may be, he wasn't at all certain of that, but he'd be damned if he was gonna make her feel bad for making him dinner now. Hoping to reassure her, he piled plenty of pasta on a pair of plates, added some silverware, and gestured for her to follow him into the living room.

As she scooted along behind him, she asked, "Don't you have a dining room?"

Anon chuckled dryly as he thought about the long-disused lump of dust that was once his dining table and said, "I don't have guests very often so it's been ages since I touched any of that stuff. I doubt it's clean."


"Yeah, I usually just eat on the couch or at my desk and watch a movie or something."

As they approached the couch, Anon saw the papers spread across the coffee table which he'd been too distracted to notice earlier and gave Twilight a questioning look once they were both seated.

"Sorry, they're just some notes I took while I was learning to read your language.

Anon nodded as he absentmindedly twirled his fork, still a bit hesitant to try the strange pasta.

"Ah, good idea. How far along have you gotten?"

"Well," she said with a shy flop of her ears, "I'm still pretty slow and make a lot of spelling mistakes, but I've been able to work out every word I tried after a moment, and I'm getting better at writing sentences."

"Hey, that's pretty good!" Anon said supportively, "How long have you been studying our language, then?"

"Um, well, I watched a lot of How It's Made first, so maybe... half the time you were gone?"

Anon froze with his fork halfway to his mouth.

"What, you mean just today?"

"Well, I had no way to learn anything yesterday."

Anon blinked in confusion, "Are you telling me you've never read or written any english before today?"

"Um... no? How could I have?"

"You didn't, I dunno, study us humans before you came here or something?"

"Huh? No, I didn't even know what humans were before yesterday." With a confused stare, she added, "I did say I came from another world, Anon."

He did remember her saying that but he hadn't really taken it seriously then. Now after all that he'd seen of her...

Anon slowly leaned back into the couch and simply stared at her as he suffered yet another major revelation about the strange creature he had befriended... and what that meant for the universe.

Twilight shifted uneasily and asked, "Um, are you okay?"

Instead of answering, Anon asked, "So by another world, you mean... a whole different planet?"

"Well, I don't know what a 'planet' is, but Equestria is a whole other place with different land, different creatures, different sun and moon--"

She cut off suddenly and leaned toward him, setting a hoof on his thigh.

"Anon, what's wrong? Please, you're starting to worry me."

"I'm f-fine, just..."

He rubbed his face with both hands and took a deep breath. After a moment of silence, he tried again.

"Look, when you told me 'another world,' after my initial assholery where I tried to grab your horn, I just assumed you meant it... metaphorically or something. Like, rural Japan feels like a different world, but it's still a place here on Earth. I figured you must come from some hidden land we never discovered because of magic or whatever, underground or in the sky or in the ocean or... something."

He expected her to smirk, roll her eyes, or maybe even get angry. Instead her expression was oddly tender and she leaned forward to lay a hoof on his arm.

"Does that mean you thought this world was the only one with life? In all existence?" At his nod, her gentle smile almost seemed to become pitying, "Oh Anon, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how cold and lonely that must have felt."

Her grin widened and she sat back, waving her hooves in a grandiose gesture, "But no, you are not alone. There are hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of worlds out there, all teeming with life, totally unique and full of strange sights nopony has ever even imagined."

A lifetime of habit made it hard to accept what she said, but he'd been forced to loosen up significantly over the past two days, and now, somehow, it was harder to refute her. He just wanted to trust her.

Distracted by the implications of this new information, he lifted his fork to his mouth mindlessly, as if on autopilot. The cranberry-like flavor of the hibiscus was so entirely different from what he expected of spaghetti sauce that it jolted him out of his reverie and he almost gagged at the unexpected flavor which, normally so pleasant in teas, now seemed more akin to the sickeningly sweet smell of rotting fruit.

When she saw his reaction, Twilight let out a deep sigh and said, "Oh... well, I understand. I suppose my pony tastes are just too different from yours."

"I-It just surprised me, that's all."

He immediately tried a second bite and, now that he knew what to expect, the flavor was simply unusual rather than sickening.

"No, it's okay Anon, you don't have to pretend for me. We are entirely different species after all, it's a wonder our tastes are even this similar."

She was putting on a brave face and her voice was strong and steady, but Anon could see the tip of her tail twitching with distress, so he swallowed and smiled reassuringly.

"I mean it Twilight, really. Look, have you ever had a sip of something you thought was one drink but was actually something completely different? Like, you were expecting milk but then you tasted orange juice and it freaks you out so bad it winds up tasting terrible?"

"Once or twice, sure, but--"

"My first bite was just like that. I was distracted thinking about what you'd just said and stuck some food in my mouth without thinking, so I was expecting normal human spaghetti."

"Oh," her ears perked up slightly, "So... how is it?"

He nodded in pleasant surprise, "Actually pretty good, now that I'm expecting it. The tangy flavor compliments the tomato sauce pretty well, and while it being this sweet is definitely strange to me, it does kind of work with the pasta."

Lowering her gaze shyly she murmured, "You're not just saying that to make me feel better? Promise?"

He nodded, "Cross my heart and hope to die."

The phrase seemed to startle her so he hastily added, "Sorry. Just a saying people use, I don't actually hope I'll die."


After that, Twilight seemed to be lost in thought for a while, so he resumed eating in silence. Whether it was because he was getting used to it or simply because he really wanted to make Twilight feel better, the more he ate of the strange spaghetti, the better it seemed to taste. By the time he reached his last bite he was thoroughly enjoying the meal, and in fact, even decided to go get seconds. This seemed to genuinely surprise Twilight and she looked much more cheerful and relaxed when he returned with more. Anon guessed she had still suspected him of only pretending to enjoy it to spare her feelings.

When she finished her own plate, Anon took it from her and tucked it under his own mostly-empty one, then gestured at her notes still spread across the coffee table and said, "So, wanna show off what you've learned while I finish?"

"Oh! Sure, um..."

She grabbed the tablet awkwardly in her hooves and floated the little stylus over, scooted closer to sit right next to him so he could see the screen, then slowly typed out the words, "I am Twilight Sparkle, an alicorn Princess of Equestria."

After re-reading what she typed to make sure it was correct, she looked up at him with such an adorable little grin across her muzzle that Anon couldn't help but laugh and give her some scritches under her chin.

"Very impressive, miss Twilight Sparkle."

Her ears flopped down bashfully, "I can barely even write at a foal's pace."

"Hey, that's nothing to shake a stick at. It'd probably take me days to learn a new alphabet like that, even if it was my own language."

Twilight stifled a giggle and said, "Oh stop, it's not that impressive."

"Sure is!" Anon insisted, "And yesterday when you rattled off those body parts I named like it was nothing? You are crazy smart, Twilight. Smarter than most humans, I reckon."

Blushing furiously now, she turned back to the tablet and focused on practicing her typing some more while Anon ate the last few bites of his pasta, fighting to keep a self-satisfied smirk off his face. Once finished, he set the dishes on the coffee table then sat back and laid a hand across Twilight's withers.

"So anyway... about those night terrors?"

She looked blank for a second, then her face lit up, "Oh right! Yeah, my horn should be fine now, it's not like it's a difficult spell."

"Great, 'cause I'm exhausted and would love to get some real sleep tonight. What do you need me to do?"

"Oh, you don't have to do anything, you can just lean back and relax."

She looked down at her hoof and it glowed with her horn for a couple of seconds, then stopped. At his questioning glance she only muttered, "Um, just checking," and took a couple of deep breaths. Then she lurched forward, lifted a hindleg across his thighs, and sat down straddling his lap, laying her hooves on his shoulders for balance.


"I know, don't worry," She reassured him with a smile, "I'm keeping my weight off my injured leg."

"That's not--"

She tapped his lips with the frog of her hoof and said, "Hush and let me concentrate, Anon. It's a simple spell but I still need to focus."

Anon reluctantly fell silent, trying to ignore the heat in his cheeks and ears, realizing he must be almost as pink as she was right now. He also had to try very hard not to think about the last time a girl had straddled his lap like this, or things might get really awkward between them.

Twilight closed her eyes and slowly leaned toward him, and he followed the movement of her horn until he felt its cool surface gently rest against his forehead. He lowered his gaze and watched her as her horn cast a faint illumination across her features. Her face was so close he could see each individual hair in the ultra-fine fur of her muzzle, which was only an inch or two from his face. It was so quiet that he could hear the faint whisper of her breath as it brushed across his lips. How he could hear that over the blood pounding like thunder in his ears, he had no idea.

Seconds later, he was distracted by the most unusual sort of releasing sensation. It was like a headache abruptly fading away even though there hadn't been any pain, or like taking the weight off a weary joint, except it was his brain instead of bone. In any case, it was intensely satisfying in a way he hadn't even realized he needed. He let out a little sigh and slumped forward under the powerful sense of relief.

His nose very gently touched the warm and fuzzy tip of her snout.

This contact seemed to electrify them both and instantly both man and unicorn were sitting bolt upright, eyes wide, bodies tense, mouths slightly agape, each staring at the other.

"S-Sorry I--"

"Well t-that's--"

"Good job, I guess--"

"I'll just scoot--

Twilight flopped onto the couch beside him and Anon abruptly stood, grabbing the dirty plates from the coffee table and walking them into the kitchen. The harsher and brighter light in there made his eyes burn and he suddenly became aware of the depth of his exhaustion. He had had at best six hours of sleep over the past two nights combined and it was catching up to him with a vengeance.

With an enormous yawn, he dumped the plates unceremoniously into the sink and shuffled back out to the living room where he found Twilight watching him from the couch.

"Right, well... thanks. Barely slept at all last night so I'm a go do that now. Y'know where your room is so--" He stopped mid-sentence and let out a deep and weary groan, "Ah shit, forgot to clean out the junk..."

Twilight grimaced and wiggled her nose distastefully, "Ugh... are you sure I can't just sleep in your bed again?"

Anon's lips twitched into an embarrassed grimace and her tone became pleading, "Oh, I'm sorry! I know it's kind of awkward but I just kept sneezing so much from all the dust last night... plus your bed is so much warmer, and it's an awfully large bed after all--"

"Okay fine!" Anon cried, weakly throwing up his hands, "Feel like I'm already half asleep just standing here, not gonna try an' argue with--"

Another yawn interrupted him and he simply turned around, waving his hand for her to follow.

He found himself digging through a drawer to find some pajama pants with no memory of having walked to the bedroom. Seemingly an instant later he was reaching out from under the covers to turn off the bedside lamp.

His last waking thought was that of a fluffy warmth enveloping his side.

CH15: Morning Troubles

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"Princess Luna?"


The alicorn wrenched her eyes around to see a lavender unicorn in the signature dark grey armor of her night guard.

"Ah, good evening, Bastion."

Her captain grimaced, "My apologies, Mistress, but it is morning."

"Yet the sky is still dark?"

She saw him wince and sat upright in alarm, "There is an emergency?"

"No, Princess... You must raise the sun."


Her eyes widened as her drowsy mind recalled the events of the previous night. Instantly she lowered her head and focused on the distant connection to her sister's life force, and a faint cry escaped her muzzle as she felt how weak and tremulous it had become.

The guard laid a hoof on her fetlock, quailing at her fearful glance, "Princess Luna, what is wrong?"

"My sister... so weak..."

"She didn't heal any further?"

"Or was injured anew as I slept... something must be preventing her return just as it did Twilight!"

Bastion looked at her firmly and said, "Mistress, I think she would not return even if she could, not until she has found Princess Twilight."

Luna bit her lip, wishing she could argue, then she let out a long sigh. "Alas, I cannot deny your words, but oh Bastion, if she were lost to me... I am so frightened."

His expression softened as she looked up at him again. "As am I, but I am here for you, my Princess," then he hastily added, "T-That is, we are all here for you. Silver Spear and I made sure all the castle staff understand."

"Thank you, dear friend. Silver was the first pony I spoke to upon my return last night, and I am glad to know he did not waste the night."

She caught the slight tension in Bastion's brow and clicked her tongue in disapproval.

"Discard such jealous thoughts, my Bastion, for you know better. I was simply uncertain whether he would react appropriately. Never have I felt such doubt for you."

His muzzle colored slightly as he stammered out, "I... of course. T-Thank you, Mistress."

Even distressed as she was, she couldn't help but smile when he became flustered like that.

"Now, I assume Silver Spear is ready for me?"

"Yes, in fact he is waiting in the hall. Serenity is also expecting you at your earliest convenience."

Luna resisted the urge to grimace and nodded somberly. Obviously her night staff could not remain with her throughout the day as well. She would have to rely on Celestia's staff to help her while her own rested. But then... when was she expected to rest?

Ever perceptive to her worries, Bastion quietly added, "Nopony is expecting you to do everything single-hoofedly, Princess. The day staff only await your presence to begin reducing and reorganizing responsibilities normally shared between you both as much as possible."

She smiled sadly and gently cupped his cheek with a tendril of magic, saying, "You know me so well. I will miss having you by my side today, Bastion."

He returned her smile, then politely backed away as usual when she became too friendly with him. She did respect his attempts to keep their relationship formal, but she also yearned for somepony she could confide in and seek comfort from other than her sister, and Bastion was one of the few ponies she felt truly comfortable with. Perhaps one day she would find out just how far his loyalty would go.

"Thank you, Princess," Bastion said formally, interrupting her thoughts, "But I am confident Silver Spear and Serenity will be of more use to you than me, as I am completely ignorant of the daytime routine."

Luna nodded and adopted his more formal tone, "Very well. You may retire to your quarters, Captain. Please tell Silver Spear to remain outside for now."

"Yes, Mistress."

The stallion saluted and Luna watched as he exited in a smart trot. She slid from her bed and stretched her forelegs out before her, wings slowly spreading to their full extend, then she relaxed with a little wiggle to help loosen the joints.

Finally, she turned reluctantly toward the window.

"My dear sister... I pray this privilege shall never again be required of me."

Her eyes closed, her horn glowed, and her mane and tail billowed in a fresh gust of ethereal wind as her magic expanded out into the sky. The moon immediately greeted her with its subtle embrace and she was happy to respond in kind. There was a hint of concern among the vague sensations that represented its glacial emotions, but Luna reassured it that all was well as she laid the silvery sphere to rest.

She then cast her magic around the horizon until she encountered the sun and formally requested it to rise.

Celestia did not talk of the sun very often, possibly thinking it to be a sore subject, but Luna did recall she once mentioned that the sun was more willful than the moon and could even be a bit forward at times, so she was prepared for a bit of stubbornness or animosity. However, the moment the sun realized she was not Celestia, she was startled by an intense wave of contempt followed quickly by greed and hunger. Almost immediately, she felt a terrible wrath ignite within her chest and her mane began to spark with the first hints of flame.

Princess Luna merely rolled her eyes.

Then from her flowed a deluge of arcane power which exploded into the sky as she focused the full force of her might upon the petulant orb, seizing it like a mewling kitten caught by the scruff of its neck. She was the wielder of the ancient power of the sun bestowed upon Equestria in eons past, and she made it eminently clear which of them was the master and which was the tool. Her will poured forth in an irresistible torrent of almighty authority, and the sun, cowed into submission, rose obediently into the sky. Not until it reached its peak did she release the spell and turn stiffly away from the window.

Then she let out a long sigh of disappointment. That meant the sun would likely never be the peaceful companion she had found in the moon. Was that why Celestia always doted on that insufferable pigeon, Philomena?

Luna grimaced at herself.

It seemed that fiery wrath still lingered within her, despite her instant and overwhelming response to the sun's attack. It was true there were countless ponies awaiting her presence, but if she appeared before them in this short tempered state, it would surely do more harm than good.

Thus, she decided to take a moment to calm down, and nothing helped her relax like a good preening, so she hopped up onto her bed again, curled up on one side, and began methodically nuzzling her wing. It had only been a couple days since her last preen, but her strenuous flight through the treetops the night before had been quite unusual for her, and her wings had become noticeably ruffled. Yet even if they had already been immaculate, she still would have gone through the motions for the sake of her sanity.

The faint echo of Celestia's once tremulous life force still needled at the back of her mind. She dared not release the connection, but she tried not to think about it as she gently stroked her coverts and felt the tension leave her withers.

As she moved along the edge of her wing, she began to reminisce about her ascension and the first time she had felt her glorious wings. Her sister had been born a pegasus and almost seemed to take them for granted, but Luna had not felt the joy of flight until she was a mare and, even centuries later, still delighted in the experience.

A twist of her neck brought one of her secondaries back into line, and Luna wondered if perhaps she took her magic for granted just as Celestia did her wings. Certainly she never neglected her studies--indeed, she generally considered herself to be the superior spellcaster, with the exception of healing magic, for which Tia had a natural talent.

She stretched her neck to give her primaries a few delicate licks, then she carefully folded the wing and rolled around to her other side, starting the whole process again.

Luna decided that no, her sister likely respected and enjoyed her wings just as much as she did, but Celestia had so much more responsibility she simply didn't have as much time for pegasi practice. Besides, it wasn't as if she could see all the times Tia preened her own wings in the privacy of her bedroom, just as she herself was doing even now. Tia's feathers were always clean, her flight was even and steady, and her air control smooth and efficient.

Luna was still the better spellcaster though. Slightly better. Mostly.

With a final tender caress of her muzzle Luna spread both wings to inspect her work. Satisfied, she gave a powerful downward stroke and reveled in the precision with which she lifted her body. Hovering sideways off the bed, she dropped onto her hooves and casually donned her regalia, then finally exited her bedroom door.

CH16: Arno

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Celestia let out a low groan.

The fact that she was even still alive came as a bit of a surprise. She struggled to open an eye and saw only darkness, but seconds later a bag was yanked from her head and she had to squint against a painfully bright light. Her vision slowly came into focus, but beyond her circle of light was pitch black and impenetrable.

She startled as a sharp voice barked out of the darkness, "Uyangiqonda?"


Even if her muzzle hadn't been so stiff, the word would have died in her parched throat, and she broke off with a weak cough. A plume of water abruptly flew at her from the darkness and slammed into her face, making her gasp in surprise and immediately choke on some of the water which inevitably made it down her throat.

Almost before she got her sputtering under control, the sharp voice spoke again, "Uyangiqonda? Ingaba uyadiqonda? ...Verstaan jy my?"

"I-I don't... what? Who are you?"

"Ag, of course it would be English, the garbage. Well at least Jabu was not lying."

An ape-like face leaned into the light, similar to the ones who had attacked her but with apricot colored skin.

"I am called Arno. What are you called?"

"My n-name..." It was still terribly difficult to speak, but she swallowed hard and tried again, "I am P... Um, Celestia, from Equestri--"

She broke off in another fit of coughing that burned horribly in her throat. Without thinking, she instinctively tried a small healing spell. Fresh waves of pain stabbed into her forehead as sparks shot from the hole in the base of her horn.

Arno jerked back with an angry shout and something slammed into the side of her head. Through her dazed confusion she could hear distant shouting and was vaguely aware of something firmly gripping her head. Just as the fog began to lift from her senses, one of the creatures placed a primitive saw against the base of her horn.

"Nnn... No!"

The first cut rattled her skull and filled her with icy dread.

"W-Wait, please--"

The second cut penetrated the outer shell and filled her with burning agony.

"You d-don't... don't underssss..."

The third cut bit deep into the flesh of her horn and she could barely even gasp.

Celestia knew what would happen next and no longer had the will to stop it. So instead, she embraced it. Clenching her muzzle against the blinding pain, she pressed as much magical energy as she could muster into her mutilated horn. Then the saw cut a fourth time and all chaos broke loose.

An unfathomable amount of raw arcane power burst from the core of her horn, flowed into the metal saw, shot up the creature's limb like lightning, and coalesced about its head with an ominous golden aura. There was a brief look of terror in his face and Celestia felt a pang of regret for its suffering. Then its eyes filled with white, growing brighter and brighter until they outshone the lamp. He tried to scream, but all that came out of his mouth was more light.

The body--for by this point it was already dead--slowly rose a short distance into the air as its very skin began to glow from within. Celestia turned away and saw about half a dozen other creatures all staring at the unfortunate scene in shock and horror.

All except Arno.

He stared right at her.

A pulse of wild magic exploded outward in a wave of distorted iridescence, flowing over everyone and everything in the room as the lifeless body crumpled to the ground. Each of the creatures stumbled back with various cries as they felt a tiny echo of the psychological horror the creature had experienced before its death. Celestia merely relaxed and allowed her aching horn to reabsorb any magic that reached her.

There were a few seconds of stunned silence and Arno met her gaze again.

A woman screamed, "Jou bliksem!"

Arno raised his hand in alarm and Celestia tried to turn toward the shout. Then a club smashed into her skull and everything went black. Again.

* * *

Next time she woke, she found herself lying on a simple bed with a wide bowl of oats and carrots nearby, which was nice. She was also bound with so much rope that she could barely wiggle a hoof, which was less nice. They were kind enough to leave her head free but her horn had been bound with a crude metal shackle. By crossing her eyes she was just able to see it had a crudely welded on stub of metal that stuck straight into the wound at the base of her horn. That would prevent her horn from healing properly no matter how long her regeneration spell worked at it.

For the first time in centuries, Celestia felt a twinge of real fear in her chest.

She tried to twist around to look at her body, but something tugged uncomfortably at her neck.

"I would not do that if I were you."

The quiet voice startled her and she whipped her head around toward the source, but the tugging quickly became painful and she froze in fear. Arno slowly walked into view and knelt a short distance away, watching her.

"My people... they think you are a demon. They say you are here to punish us and I am wrong to keep you."

"I... I'm just looking for my... well, my student."

"Student? Another like you?" Celestia nodded and he looked down thoughtfully. "What will you do when you find this student?"

"Take us both home."

"No punishing?"

"No... I never meant any harm. What happened earlier was... I tried to stop it."

"Kaya would wish you tried harder. I think maybe she loved Mandla. Certainly they were fucking at least." Arno paused as if expecting her to comment, but she simply waited for him to continue. "Well, where is home, then? Where has your kind been all this time?"

"That's... complicated."

"Eish, probably no time then."

Something about his smirk made her uneasy but she tried to ignore it as she said, "May I ask you something?"

He rolled his eyes and gestured at her, which she assumed meant to continue.

"I was... attacked in the air before I had even met one of your species... why such hostility without even an attempt at negotiation?"

Arno burst out in derisive laughter and her ears flattened in annoyance. He muttered something under his breath before finally responding, "Jabu was out hunting for rhinos and brought me you instead. There is no negotiation in a hunt, domkop. But then he arrives and swears up and down that you spoke before he shot you in the face. I sigh, thinking you dead and now we'll never know."

He raised his forelimbs and feigned shock, "Then a miracle, you make a noise! I yank the bag from your head, and the wound on your head closes before my very eyes. Then I remember Jabu said you spoke, so I ask if you understand, and you respond in this ukubhebhana language, so I ask your name... and what do you do? You spit fire or light or something! So we cut off your horn." He shrugged with terrifying indifference, "Mandla paid for that and you did not, but then I think of how you healed..."

Celestia was starting to feel oddly tired deep in her bones and was surprised to find herself panting.

"So I do a little experiment. Kaya angered me in striking you without orders, so I have her restrained and give her a little cut. Nothing serious but ek sê, she screams like hell. Then I give you a little cut, gather some blood, pour it on Kaya's cut... then she is well! So boer maak 'n plan."

It was rapidly becoming difficult to keep her eyes open. Celestia thought that was probably a bad thing and she should probably be worried, but she was just so very tired. Seeing her eyelids flicker, Arno grinned and reached around her head as he continued.

"I think maybe I need some more experiments first, but if I am right, then you will make me far more rich than any rhino."

A large jug slid into sight and a tube clamped to the edge was dribbling a pulsating stream of thick red syrup. The flow grew stronger as Celestia realized it was her own blood.

"Of course," Arno continued in a too-casual tone, "Twenty liters is a bit much for some little experiments, but I must draw that much so you become too weak to kill any more of my men."

The edges of her vision begin to fade but her gaze remained fixated on that little tube as her life flowed out of her.

"But do not worry, my little poplap. I am a forgiving man and will not kill you for that."

Celestia's head slowly sank onto the bed and Arno patted her cheek.

"No... you are much more valuable to me alive."

CH17: Serenity

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As Princess Luna stepped out into the hall, a pale grey stallion bowed low before her, his golden helmet gleaming in the window's dawn light.

"Good morning, Princess Luna. I am at your service."

She raised an eyebrow at him, "Come now, Silver Spear, you know there is no need to be so formal with me."

He straightened with a sheepish smile, "Right, sorry... I don't know, it just seemed appropriate this time.

"Perhaps, but surely we two can still be friendly with each other, no? Now then, what is the plan today. I must admit to being ignorant of my sister's daytime routine."

He nodded as they turned and trotted down the hallway, "Your staff anticipated that and have already begun making arrangements to condense and simplify the numerous tasks normally shared by you both. Serenity's expecting you and she can explain better than I."

Luna tried to suppress a nervous flutter in her barrel at the mention of her sister's assistant. She and Serenity hadn't talked much as, despite her soft voice and Celestia's praise for her, she found herself oddly intimidated by the little mare. As Celestia's second in command, she was largely responsible for what tasks were delegated to lesser royalty, and which were deemed worthy of the Princess's limited time. She may very well be the only pony to understand the inner workings of Equestria's palace better than even Celestia herself. Faced now with the prospect of taking command of that administration--even if only temporarily--Luna was beginning to feel more than a little anxious and fervently hoped she would work as well with Serenity as her sister had done.

Silver Spear stopped near a door that was already ajar and gave Luna a quick salute, then he tapped lightly with a hoof and swung the door open without waiting for a response. There was a muffled, "Oh!" and the pale green mare poked her head out from behind a pile of paperwork upon her desk, her glasses slightly askew and her cyan mane tied back in a messy bun held together with two quills. (https://derpibooru.org/images/3176071)

"Morning, Princess! One moment, I was just working on some last minute adjustments to today's schedule."

Her horn glowed turquoise as she shuffled through one pile, quickly selected one parchment, tossed the rest onto a completely different pile, then trotted past Luna and down the hall, evidently expecting her to follow. Luna hadn't expected Serenity to be in such a rush, but perhaps she had spent too long preening and now they were in a hurry.

Indeed, she began speaking without preamble the moment Luna caught up with her, "First you are needed in the grand council for the monthly nobility address, which coincidentally serves as the perfect time to explain your new position to the nobles at large. Even a small shift in power tends to make them antsy, and this definitely is not a small shift, but since everypony knows you already, hopefully it won't be too much trouble."

Luna hadn't even considered that. Of course the aristocrats needed to know they had a new ruler, at least for now.

"Next, we'll meet with the cabinet and delegate what tasks we can onto the lesser royalty. The extra work will annoy them, but they'll live. Blueblood will probably fuss, but just offer him another half a percent or so and that should shut him up."

Her voice was quite gentle, even soothing, but she spoke with the concise precision of a well-rehearsed speech, and Luna, somewhat daunted by the rapid stream of information, already found herself struggling to keep up with the conversation.

"Half a percent?" She asked.

Serenity didn't even hesitate in her response, "Tithes from his region. His lands already tithe more than almost anypony else's but he always wants more. It's the easiest way to shut him up and we don't have time for anything more nuanced. We can deal with his ponies' complaints later. Now after that, the cabinet will vote on a few new policies I've put together which should help streamline both your responsibilities and those of your staff--especially me--but of course you get the final say."

"Er, policies?"

"We'll go over them before the vote, Princess. I have been working with castle staff for several hours already to reschedule and reassign a hoofful of tasks to get you some extra sleep this morning."

Luna was so incredulous she almost stumbled in surprise, "That was extra sleep?"

"Not much, I admit, but morning has never been more than a few minutes late, so there was only so much we could do. Tomorrow you will unfortunately need to be present for the security audit in the courtyard well before dawn, but the day after that you can sleep until sunrise again."

"But what of the dreamrealm?"

"In time we may be able to find somepony to cover that role in your place, but for now, everypony will simply have to handle their own night terrors. There is simply no way for you to both rule the day and guard the night simultaneously."

Stunned by this abrupt loss of her favorite way to relax as well as what was, in her eyes, the best way to gain her subjects' trust and adoration, Princess Luna was at a loss for words.

Serenity, whether oblivious to her shock or simply unconcerned, continued speaking as if nothing had happened, "After the cabinet vote there are a few small meetings with the guild masters, and the first ambassadors should be arriving by mid-afternoon to congratulate you on your further ascension."

Luna's head was beginning to spin and the day had hardly even begun.


"Mmhmm. I'm sorry but the idea of a 'temporary' ruling is simply too strange. Trying to explain the truth to the general public and the nobles would undoubtedly cause significant confusion and maybe even panic, and to be frank most of the nobles will consider the unfortunate circumstances of your ascension as mostly insignificant compared to the opportunities they will see in you."


Serenity nodded grimly, "Even the smallest shift in power is an opportunity to change things how they want, and again, this is far from a small shift. Most of them will very likely try to take advantage of your inexperience to gain more power, more land, more wealth--hay, even just a bit of honor or your favor is valuable."

Luna abruptly sat down.

The little unicorn took a few more steps before she noticed, "Um, Princess?" she said with a concerned glance over her shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes, I... I only need a moment. It is just happening so fast..."

She rubbed her muzzle with a hoof as Serenity turned around and returned to her.

"I am not used to even half as much activity... we have hardly even begun and already my mind is whirling."

The unicorn stepped closer and gently said, "That's why I'm here, Princess Luna. The rest of your staff, too. No one pony could rule all of Equestria alone, not even Celestia after a thousand years of practice."

Luna winced at the omission of her sister's former title as the little mare moved closer still and peered up at her with bright cerulean eyes. "You just focus on the bigger picture and let us worry about the nitty gritty, okay?"

The princess took a deep breath, then shook her head with an exasperated sigh.

"How can I possibly make a decision when I can hardly keep up even with you!?"

Serenity responded with a kindly smile, "Nopony expects you to be perfect on your first day, Princess. The aristocracy may try to take advantage of that, but we staff know their ways and will shield you from most of their manipulations."

Scooting a bit closer, she sat down directly in front of Luna.

"Look, if you're ever unsure what to do next, just smile and nod, okay? We'll smooth over the rest until you get your bearings."

She stretched upward to nuzzle Luna under her chin.

"Don't worry, Princess, your staff is here to help you.

* * *

That advice turned out to be Princess Luna's saving grace during the tumultuous blur of empty faces and nonsense words that flowed past her throughout the day. Serenity spoke so much through all of it that it seemed to Luna she hardly even had time to breathe. If she was not flooding Luna with more information, she was consulting with other ranking staff as they brought news or giving orders to various underlings.

Yet even with that ceaseless exchange happening, the little mare guided her from place to place with unerring accuracy, leading her to a cabinet room, a banquet hall, a chamber, courtyard, balcony... some rooms Luna didn't even know were there. At each location nobles smiled or frowned at requests and assignments, council members spoke for or ranted against this or that, votes were cast and policies rejected or approved, all of it seemingly with no apparent input needed from the Princess.

And why would anypony ask for her approval anyway? Every time she had tried to focus on the inexorable tide of speeches, it made even less sense than her previous attempt. She could not even form a coherent sentence about any of the dozens of topics and locations discussed, nevermind an informed opinion.

She did not know what she did not know and had no way of figuring out how to figure out where to start figuring out all the things she needed to figure out.

The very government that made Equestria work was utterly incomprehensible to her.

So she smiled, and she nodded, and she stamped whatever form Serenity slid in front of her, feeling as if she were a mere leaf in the wind blown about by forces far, far beyond her comprehension.

Then, finally, at the end of yet another session which seemed to Luna completely identical to the previous one, she abruptly found herself standing alone with Serenity in a quiet hall.

"Are... Are we finally done?"

Clearly exhausted, Serenity nodded and said, "For today, Princess, yes."

Luna dropped to her rump with an explosive sigh of relief. Serenity grinned sympathetically, "It's a lot to take in, I know. For what it's worth, I think you handled yourself well today."

Luna nodded graciously at the compliment, but couldn't resist a bitter smile, "I appear to have acquired a great deal of power and yet almost no freedom nor choices within my control."

The unicorn let out an awkward giggle, then furrowed her brows when Luna's expression remained serious.

"...Princess, you made several very important decisions today. You hoofstamped quite a few policy changes which will help smooth over this shift of power, you allowed several major motions to pass without veto, and the Guild of Lilacs is in your debt after you forgave them their little... shall we say, 'miscalculation,' and they are valuable allies to have."

Luna gaped at her supposed efficacy as leader, "B-But I did no such thing! I merely watched while everypony else made those decisions for me!"

The unicorn stared blankly at Luna for a moment, then looked down and calmly shuffled her papers.

"I see."

This deadpan response caught Luna off guard, giving Serenity ample time to put her notes into her saddlebag with deliberate care, then slowly sit down before her.

"Princess, something you must understand is that, on the whole, this government is largely self-sustaining. Were it not for your hoofstamp of approval, this palace could function with no princess at all for quite some time."

Luna couldn't help but scoff at this confirmation of her suspicions, "Then what, pray tell, is the reason for ferreting me around to smile at empty, greedy faces and stamp parchments all day?"

Serenity flicked an ear in annoyance, but responded calmly, "Because without you, each pony within the council would try to pull Equestria in a different direction, and together we would go nowhere. You are the compass which keeps us focused. It is your vision of Equestria that we aim for, nopony else."

"Yet at no point today did anypony ask me for my opinion on any decision, or even check if I had understood what decision was being made in the first place, not even you!"

The mare let out a short sigh, peering at Luna with something dangerously close to contempt, "Princess, if you wish to have an active influence on the policies, activities, and legal ramifications of your ruling council... well, you will need to be active with your influence."

Luna flushed with indignation, "Was it not you who said my staff would help me while I learn? Did you yourself not say to merely smile and nod if I am lost and that you would handle the rest?"

"Yes, of course, but that was supposed to be a backup, I didn't mean you should only do that! Every time you do so, somepony else has to make the decision for you--and that somepony is usually me."

She hesitated briefly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face, then her features hardened.

"If you choose to spend the entire day smiling and nodding, then you have no right to complain about not making any choices."

"No right!?"

Infuriated by her impetuous tone, the alicorn leapt to her hooves, swelling ominously before the little mare, whose only reaction was to set her jaw and straighten with determined resolve. The princess stood there glaring down at her sister's most trusted advisor sitting obstinately unmoved in the face of what must have been a terrifying sight to behold... and she hesitated.

Dislike them all she might, she could not deny that Serenity's words rang true. She had not dared to interrupt proceedings to ask what was happening, and she had never revealed to Serenity just how little of her copious explanations were being understood. Whether out of pride or fear she did not know, but she had spent the entire day simply playing along and pretending to understand what was happening.

Luna inhaled sharply, then let out a long sigh, deflating as the righteous anger drained away in an instant, leaving her feeling cold and empty inside. When she finally broke the ensuing silence, her voice was little more than a whisper.

"How, then?"

She looked up to meet the unicorn's gaze again.

"How am I to do anything when I do not understand the first thing about what is happening?"

Serenity's posture had visibly softened and she replied quietly, "That is exactly why I am here, Princess. At any moment, no matter what is happening, simply ask, and I will explain."

"Yet every time I look to you, you are already busy talking with somepony else."

"You take precedence, Princess. You will always be my first priority. All of Equestria can wait if you but need a moment to think." Serenity risked a little smirk, "But you do have to tell me you need that moment in the first place."

Luna quirked her muzzle and said, "But I know so little of the workings of this palace, I know not how to even phrase my question. How can I put everyone and everything on hold simply to ask... I do not even know what?"

"You don't need to worry about phrasing or terminology or any of that. Think of me as your translator--I'll turn whatever you say into something that the rest of the staff can work with. But when you neither ask nor tell me anything, well..." She gave Luna a weary grin, "Didn't you wonder why I am so exhausted? I've been making nearly every decision that normally you would be making. It is necessary until you're used to everything, and I am deeply honored to do it, but it is quite a lot of additional work, research, and stress on top of my already considerable workload."

Luna suppressed her growing feelings of shame and guilt as she realized just how hard Serenity was working on her behalf. Of course, it had been obvious throughout the day that she was doing a great deal of work, but only now could Luna appreciate the full expanse of her efforts.

This one little soft-spoken mare was attempting to run the entire palace--the entire nation--all by herself.

Luna sat awkwardly for a moment, then she huffed a short sigh and straightened, spreading her wings in the tradition of formal address.

"It seems I owe you an apology, Ms. Serenity."

Her eyes widened, "Princess, that's really not--"

"I misjudged you. I underappreciated you. I very nearly fired you, and for no other reason than my injured pride. I did not wish to hear I had made a mistake, and sought to shift my blame unto you. I have wronged you, and I beg your forgiveness."

The little mare seemed too stunned to respond, so the princess relaxed her wings and lowered her head with a warm smile.

"And I also thank you, Serenity, truly. I am deeply grateful for all you do, for I would be well and truly lost without your guidance. I am honored to have such a loyal and hard-working mare by my side."

Serenity flushed and, for the first time that day, her stoicism briefly faltered.

"Princess, p-please... the honor is mine. A-And of course I forgive you. Of course."

Luna reached out with a wingtip and gently brushed the mare's cheek.

"Listen well, Serenity: If there is anything you wish, anything at all I can do to compensate you for this tremendous effort you are putting forth, please tell me. Merely ask and it is yours."

Serenity's muzzle darkened further and her eyes had begun to glisten, but she lifted her chin and struggled to keep her voice steady as she proudly said, "My only wish is to see Equestria prosper under your rule. Will that be all, Princess?"

Luna withdrew her wing and slowly straightened again.

"I suppose if there is truly nothing more you desire... then yes, you are dismissed."

Serenity immediately twirled around and trotted away without another word, but Luna thought she heard a sniffle as she rounded the corner. She let out a long sigh of relief.

Perhaps the two of them would work well together after all.

CH18: Some Friendly Company

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"Nice save."

Luna startled and whirled around on the spot, exclaiming, "Silver Spear! By the stars, you are quiet. How long have you been there?"

The stallion's only response was a wry grin, then he gestured down the hall and said, "Captain Bastion is waiting just around the corner near your bedchambers as usual. May I be dismissed?"

"Oh. Yes, of course. Thank you for your service today."

He gave her a somewhat lazy salute and trotted away, but just as he reached the far corner of the hall, he glanced back at her and said, "And hey... good job today." Then he trotted away without waiting for a response.

He always did act a little odd for his station.

Luna shrugged to herself and trotted briskly in the opposite direction, breaking into a grin at the sight of her appointed captain of the night guard.

"Evening Mistress!" He snapped into a perfect salute, "Preliminary reports--"

"Cease, I beg you. I have had quite enough of formalities for today and for tonight. Do you have any pressing duties?"

"Er, well no, I..."

He trailed off as she flowed past him into the room, gesturing behind her with a wing for him to follow. She had flopped to the floor in an ungainly heap before he had even shut the door.

Immediately his lavender muzzle slid into view, face full of concern, "Princess Luna!? Are you okay? I assumed today would be tiring, but..."

She gave him a smile as she rolled lazily onto her side and said, "I am quite alright, Bastion. I think I may need to vent once I gather my thoughts, but for now all I require is your company."

Her horn glowed as she removed her regalia and piled it haphazardly beside her bed, then shifted her magic to tug gently at his own helmet.

"Please, I am weary of expensive formal-wear and brightly polished armor."

Bastion hesitated, "But my Princess, I am duty-bound to guard--"

"Then you are dismissed."

He froze mid-word and stared at her in shock, and she grinned up at him from the floor.

"That would free you of your duty, would it not? Come, doff your armor and sit with me. Tonight I wish for nothing more than to talk with a trusted friend."

Still he hesitated, "If... If I am dismissed then I should fetch a new guard to take over my duties, only then will I be free to--"

"Yes, yes, your dedication is quite commendable. Now get over here before I strip you myself."

His muzzle darkened as he stammered, "Uh, y-yes Mistress. Right away."

He leaned his spear on the wall beside the door and, looking slightly abashed, began to unbuckle his armored saddle with the cerulean glow of his magic.

"So, uh... how did it go today?"

Luna sighed, "Poorly. I suppose it went well enough from the other nobles' perspective, but from my point of view it was quite an embarrassing display."

Bastion slowly removed his helmet and shook his head so that his navy blue mane fell loosely to one side, revealing a brilliant electric blue stripe normally hidden by the helmet.


He froze halfway through placing his helmet upon his saddle on the ground.

"I do not think I have ever seen you without your helmet. I never knew your mane was anything but navy."

"That would be proper for my position, yes," he said as he resumed removing his armor.

"I think I prefer this over the mohawk."

He delicately adjusted the position of his helmet, one ear flicking as he awkwardly avoided her gaze, "Then I apologize for not revealing it earlier."

Luna let out a little huff, "Oh come now, my Bastion. I have spent the entire day surrounded by regal officials and pompous nobles and rich guild leaders and all their proper procedures and rules and regulations. What I would like more than anything else right now is a friend, and I have none better than you. Spare me the formalities for this one night, I beg you."

Her final plea seemed to startle him and he looked up at her with a crease in his brow, "Princess please, you need only ask! Begging is entirely unbecoming."

Luna's voice grew more pitiful, "But you are still doing it! Please, Bastion, can we forget our ranks just for tonight?"

"I... am not sure I can--"

Cutting him off with a short sigh, she stood and slowly approached him as she said, "My friend, you have always been there for me when I needed your strength and stoicism beside me, but right now I need only your companionship." He opened his muzzle to respond but she continued over him, "I realize it is unorthodox, but you must understand I have nopony else now. You are not merely my closest friend, you are my only friend. I have many ponies supporting me, to be sure, but I have very few I feel any real connection with, and without my sister..."

Trailing off as her thoughts returned once again to Celestia's peril, she grimaced and turned away. She was surprised, then, to feel Bastion gently touch her shoulder with a hoof.

"Come on, Pr... Luna. Let's sit and talk."

He stepped around her and sat near where she had been laying earlier, and she, pleasantly surprised he had come around, flopped onto her side next to him.

"Thank you, Bastion. I just... I am so worried. I do not know what I would do without her."

"You are handling yourself quite well, I would say."

"On the outside perhaps, but inside I feel I am being torn in two."

He quirked his head in a silent question.

"Half of me knows my responsibilities lie here, particularly with two of Equestria's princesses in some other dimension, but..."

"But the other half wants to fly out and save your sister yourself before anything else happens."

Luna sighed and reluctantly nodded.

"Tia herself would scold me for leaving our little ponies even as I rescued her, yet still I want to go. She has stopped healing and may even be weakening again."

He started at this latest news and said, "She is getting worse?"

"Maybe. It is hard to tell, but she is wasting away, I think. At the very least she is getting no better. She cannot possibly save Twilight in this condition and I am afraid you are right that she would not leave without her."

Luna hesitated briefly before continuing in a quavering voice, "I fear at any moment her life force may vanish... Oh Bastion, I do not think I could take it. I fear I would lose all hope, all control... and I fear the living nightmare."

"No," Bastion said instantly, surprising Luna with his firm tone, "It is not possible. The beast is gone from within you. The Elements blasted that menace from you entirely, I am certain of it."

"But... Bastion, I fear she remains, lurking, waiting. If I lost control now, with the additional power I now wield, I fear not even the Elements could stop her... and even if they could, Twilight is not here to lead them!" Her voice began to crack, "Do you know, when the nightmare had control, I was still in there? I... I could see everything she did and I screamed for her to s-stop, but was powerless against her will."

"It sounds horrifying."

"It was. My own mind was a prison, my body no longer my own. But the worst part is it still felt like me! It felt like I was the one attacking my sister, sneering at Twilight, destroying the elements..."

"She destroyed the Elements?"

"Yes. Did you never notice they changed form?"

"I just assumed it was from their magic taking a new owner."

"Only in part... They reformed after I destroyed them."

"No. Stop that. Listen to me now, Luna."

Startled, she looked up into his eyes, blurred slightly through the threatening tears.

"You did not destroy them. You did none of those things. The nightmare did them. You are not her, and she is not you." He leaned forward, staring at her with such fervor as she had never seen before. "You are stronger than her, infinitely stronger, because she was alone. You have so many ponies behind you, supporting you, trusting you, loving you."

"But what if--"

He waved a hoof, cutting her off for the first time she could remember.

"I have watched you for years now and, save for today, I have been by your side nearly every waking moment of your life. I know you almost as well as Celestia herself does--maybe even better, as she is not present for your every minor concern as I am."

He leaned closer still, his eyes burning with intensity.

"In all that time, not once has there been even the slightest hint of the Nightmare returning."

He lurched forward and took hold of her hooves.

"Luna, my Princess, Mistress of the Night... You are healed. You are whole. You are safe."

Entirely taken aback, reeling from this new side of Bastion--and not at all displeased by it--she felt her eyes brim over and pulled him into a hug, burying her face in his mane as she choked back a sob.

They held each other for some time, and as she slowly regained control of herself she found she quite enjoyed holding him like this. She had not realized how much she wanted it. Yet she knew she must be careful. She had already pushed him well outside his comfort zone, she knew, and any more pushing could do more harm than good.

So, as much as she was loath to do so, she slowly released him, he did the same, and they both relaxed to their prior positions--though he was noticeably closer than he had been before.

"Thank you, Bastion. I... needed that."

"It is my pleasure, Luna."

Hearing him say her name felt different now, too. Was she imagining that extra inflection in his voice?

She decided to change the subject and said, "However, I am still conflicted about Tia... I do not think I can bear another day of waiting anxiously without doing anything, but I feel there is nothing I can do."

After a brief hesitation, he cautiously asked, "Is there nopony else you could send?

She gave a short frustrated sigh, "This creature has already defeated Twilight AND Celestia. Who, exactly, could possibly qualify for a rescue mission now, save for me?"

He shrugged and she was about to brush the idea away, but then, realizing that there was now time to spare for preparation, it did allow for a few other candidates.

"Actually, with the right kind of assistance..."

"What do you mean?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

"I have an idea, Bastion. Please remain here for now. If I have not returned by quarter night, you may don your gear and return to your duties."

"Uh, y-yes, of course Mistress."

She eyed him playfully, "I thought I told you to drop the formalities."

"Right, sorry Mis--uh, sorry Luna."

"Let us just make it a rule for the future: so long as you are not wearing your armor in my presence, you may speak casually and be at ease."

"Ah... so I take it this is to become a regular occurrence?"

"I would like that, yes."

Bastion hesitated for a moment, his tail flicking nervously, then he nodded.

"Okay. I will do this for you."

"Thank you, my Bastion. I will be gone a short while."

The glow of sunlight about her abruptly intensified to a blinding flash, and when it faded, she was gone.

CH19: Backup to the Backup

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Starlight Glimmer was pouring over a dusty tome found near the cursed portal site when she once again heard the Royal Canterlot Voice ringing through the castle.


With a startled yelp, the tome flopped to the ground and she hastily righted it before teleporting into the foyer.

"Y-Yes Princess! What is it? Is she back? Is Twilight back!?"

Luna peered down at her with a somber expression and said, "No, little one. I fear my sister is in trouble now, too."

"What!? How?"

She shuddered to imagine the creature that could defeat even Celestia herself.

"I do not know. The connection of our life force is a vague and imprecise spell, albeit an extremely hardy one.

Starlight stared at her, half shocked by the news, half mesmerized by the iridescent shimmer of her billowing mane. Then she realized Luna was politely waiting for her to regain her composure and shook her head in an attempt to snap out of it.

"Oh, um, sorry. So... what do you need me for?"

"Because I need your help."

"My help!?"

She tried to suppress it, but a snort of incredulous laughter snuck out before she got control.

Luna only smiled in response and said, "Yes, Starlight Glimmer. I want you to save Celestia."

There was a beat of silence. Then she gave Princess Luna a wry grin.

"Oookay, yeah, very funny."

Princess Luna merely stared at her.

"I-It's a joke, right? You're joking."

"No, Starlight."

"What do you mean, no?"

"I am completely serious."


She stared up at the glorious image of her princess staring down at her, and tried to come to grips with the conflicting thoughts going through her head.

"No, no no no, you're actually serious!"

The Princess nodded gravely, and Starlight's voice began to take on a note of hysteria.

"Something got Twilight, then got Celestia, and you want ME to stop it? What am I supposed to do about it!? You're a whole order of magnitude stronger than me, you could probably disintegrate whatever is out there, a-and I'm just me! I-I can't--"

"Starlight!" Princess Luna barked, startling her into silence. "I am not sending you empty hooved. You will have more abilities and more power by combining the effects of multiple artifacts not permitted to most ponies." She glanced away and added quietly, "As for me... I may not leave Equestria unguarded and without a leader. I must stay."

"You... but I..."

"Do not sell yourself so short, little one," The Princess said gently, "With Twilight's ascension to alicorn, you are very likely the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria, and certainly within the top few. We shall bolster that strength and make you even greater still."

Princess Luna straightened proudly, seeming to swell before her.

"With the true power of the throne at my disposal, I may command certain forces on your behalf. Combined with the right amulets and preparatory spells, you will become nearly as powerful as me."

The walls reverberated with the echos of her voice, and Starlight, who was feeling very meek in her awestruck daze, could not help but feel a bit of pride herself.

"You will go forth into that strange world. You will strike down the monster, whatever it may be. You will bring my sister and her pupil, your own mentor, home. We begin preparations at once. Come!"

Her horn glowed like the sun as she teleported them both to the Canterlot palace.

Spike stirred slightly from his nap, then mumbled something and turned over.

* * *

Starlight shivered as yet another wave of cold washed over her.

"Are you s-sure this is r-really necessary?"

Princess Luna paused in the ritual, holding the seemingly empty bowl above Starlight's head.

"I am sorry, little one, but yes. Once finished, you will possess nearly unlimited magical energy for the duration of one day. We cannot have you sparking out, now, can we?"

Starlight sighed, "N-No, I suppose not."

The Princess's horn flashed a dim cyan color, then she poured yet more freezing air out of the bowl and across Starlight's back.

"I think we are almost done, however, and this is the last artifact we will be using."

"Oh, b-but I was just s-starting t-t-to enjoy m-myself."

Another burst of cold poured over her back and then, just as Starlight was certain she would pass out from the cold, Princess Luna gave the signal, "Now, Starlight! Now is the time!"

She stumbled forward and thrust her horn into the jelly-like mass on the pedestal. It had been cold when she touched it earlier, but now it felt warm. Actually, was it getting warmer? Yes, it was definitely getting quite warm. Hot now, painfully hot. She reflexively tried to pull out, but her horn seemed glued in place. It was burning now, but her voice was silent, her hooves locked to the ground.

Then abruptly, liquid fire rushed out from her horn, flowing through her in an instant. She gasped and collapsed to the ground, her horn finally released from the strange jelly artifact.

Princess Luna's face immediately filled her vision.

"Art thou alright? Er, ahem--Are you okay, Starlight? Did it work?"


Her body felt strange, like it was too small for her mind. A spark shot out of her horn and Princess Luna casually brushed it aside with a flick of her magic, looking suddenly excited.

"That is a good sign!"


She was being crushed inside her own skull. The pressure had to be released and there was only one way out. Princess Luna's head moved out of the way just as a blast of light burst out of Starlight's horn. The world now seemed unnaturally bright, everything was white-washed, and... she was floating?

She was vaguely aware of the Princess shouting something below her, but the rushing in her ears drowned her out. Suddenly she heard Princess Luna's impossibly loud voice seemingly coming from inside her own head.

"Starlight, remember! You must stem the flow! It will feel impossible, but it will fade quickly if you hold on! Do not let it run free!"

She struggled to follow the command, but the pressure was immense and the world was growing brighter still.


The Royal Canterlot Voice triggered the deeply ingrained instinct to obey your Princess and a guttural scream tore from her throat as she seized the flow of energy, halting it in its tracks. She slumped to the ground and the brightness faded, but the pressure was unimaginable--her head would explode!

"Hold Starlight! Just a few seconds!"

Seconds? She'd been here hours already. Her skull was splitting with the forces inside her, yet somehow she held. Every ounce of her being was focused in the tip of her horn, feeling like an ant before a waterfall, yet she refused to budge, holding back the inexorable tide.

Then it was gone.

Her head whipped back as the pressure vanished in an instant and she fell heavily onto her rump. She began to slump sideways until Princess Luna cradled her in her magic, helping her sit straight. Starlight looked up to see a broad smile across her muzzle.

"Well done, very well done! I was becoming quite concerned, but you have pulled it off!"

"Never... again..."

Princess Luna nodded as she gently released Starlight, and although she was still panting from the effort, she could feel the Princess was right: her horn practically buzzed with potential energy, far more than Starlight had ever felt before. Cautiously, she reached out to float a small stone nearby. It rose exactly as she expected. No rocketing away, no explosion of wild magic, no glowing eyes.

"Oh good..." Starlight murmured, "The Ring of Laminus is working."

"Indeed! You are very nearly ready. You need only cast the protective spells now."

Starlight nodded and focused her magic, giving herself every ward she could think of: burning, freezing, piercing, crushing, sapping, blasting, all of them. She even had a ward against sneezing. Next was a neat little spell which allowed you to charge a piece of jewelry--an earring in this case--so that whenever the wearer loses consciousness, a small yet powerful shield of both stealth and protection gets projected around her.

Finally, following the spell's instructions very carefully and keeping Princess Luna's advice in mind, she attempted a regeneration spell which was easily the most convoluted piece of magic she had ever attempted. Neither were surprised when the first attempt failed and, undeterred, she tried it again. This time it seemed to work, but when she tested it with a small nick on her hoof, it only bled like normal.

Rather than try the same thing a third time, she went over the instructions again with Princess Luna's help, searching for anything she had missed. Eventually they found one tiny harmonic thread she had overlooked, and felt ready to try again.

This time, the little cut healed instantly.

"Yes! Haha, take that Twilight! She could never get that bucking spell to work!"

"Indeed, well done. It is phenomenally tricky. Of course, Tia would likely make it look as simple as telekinesis, as she did with all healing magic."

"Wait, really? Then why is she... er, I mean--"

"That is why I am so worried for her, Starlight. She was healing for a time, then simply... stopped. Then her condition began to slowly deteriorate. I fear she is wasting away.

Starlight shuffled her hooves in anticipation. She was anxious, yes, but also quite looking forward to utilizing all this power she had acquired.

"Well, then what are we waiting for? I'm gonna go save me a pair of princesses!"

"Do not forget the spells we went over!"

"Oh don't worry, Princess, I got them. One for Celestia, one for Twilight, and one to contact you."

"I only hope they will be within range."

"I'm sure they will. I mean, the spell reaches twice the size of all Equestria after all!"

That seemed to amuse the Princess and she said, "Equestria is only a small fraction of this world, Starlight. There is still much beyond our borders, beyond even the griffons and dragons."

Luna smiled down at her then, a genuine smile that filled her with joy and pride that she could help her Princess.

Then the alicorn lowered her horn, focused briefly, and with a yank of her head, she ripped open the fabric of the world, summoning that ominous blue portal. Princess Luna stood before it for a moment, clearly yearning to enter it herself, but finally, she stepped aside to let Starlight pass.

As the unicorn approached the portal, she twitched her withers to activate the magical saddle so she floated gently above the ground. She preferred flying herself around with her magic, but she would need her horn free for other spells, and this was faster in any case.

"Good luck, my little pony."

Starlight smirked, "I don't believe in luck."

Princess Luna lowered her head and looked her in the eye.

"Well then believe in yourself. I certainly do."

Starlight beamed at her Princess, then she slowly floated through the portal.

CH20: The Third Day

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Twilight Sparkle hadn't meant to cuddle with him. Really, she hadn't. She only wanted to sleep away from the dust and musty scents of that long disused spare room. It was mere circumstance that led her to this. She hadn't had a choice.

Yes, that was it. No choice at all.

You see, Anon slept in "shorts" as he called them, with no shirt, with only a light sheet, and with the ceiling fan turned on high. Had he not been so deliriously sleepy, she would have asked him for an extra blanket like he'd given her that first time she slept here, but he had barely been conscious enough to stand, nevermind answer questions.

She had tried to just go to sleep anyway, but soon found herself shivering even despite her fur coat. She'd been just thinking of fetching the blanket from the dusty room when Anon had shifted and brushed her side with this shoulder, and she was surprised to feel he was warm--very warm. In fact, his bare skin was just shy of too hot, like a heated water pouch you put under your pillow. It felt amazing after shivering for so long

She immediately flipped onto her side and snuggled up close beside him, laying her head on his chest and wrapping a hoof around his belly. Then she realized exactly what she was doing. But anypony could see she hadn't meant to be like this, right? It's not like she was that kind of mare! This was pure necessity, nothing more. It was cold and he was warm. That's all.

Twilight stubbornly repeated these thoughts to herself as she drifted in and out of sleep throughout the night. Anon would shift periodically and Twilight would be stirred awake as her hooves were shoved around and she was forced to reposition.

Then, at some point in the night, Anon rolled over, stirring Twilight awake again, only this time he snaked his arm around her belly and pulled her backwards into his chest. Her ears flipped straight back and she tensed with the unfamiliar touch, but as his warmth enveloped her and he settled into a comfortable curve around her, she decided maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

He felt... safe.

So after a moment of hesitation, she slowly relaxed into his embrace, pressing her head back until it tucked under his chin, his neck and jaw forming a perfect curve against the back of her skull.

She hadn't meant to do this, really. Plus he was so dead tired he probably wouldn't even stir if she wiggled free, so she could stop whenever she wanted.

But she didn't.

Still feeling very alone and very vulnerable, she secretly welcome the embrace, enjoying the cozy warmth and sense of safety emanating from his body.

Anon did not move again for the rest of the night.

* * *

When Twilight next woke, it was to the sound of a groggy groan right into her ear, which reflexively flicked at the noise.


Anon's body tensed around her, then he began to slowly withdraw the arm he'd wrapped around her. Her giggle made him jerk with surprise.

"S-Sorry, I didn't--"

"It's fine, Anon."

She tilted her head back until she was looking upside down at Anon, her muzzle just inches from his face.

"It was cold and you were warm, that's all."

She almost believed it too.

He stared at her, clearly confused, his breath warm against her muzzle. Unfortunately, it also smelled absolutely rancid. She jerked her head away from his face, wrinkling her snout in reflex.

"Ugh! What the--"

"Oops, sorry! Morning breath."

Anon quickly rolled away from her and she turned just in time to see the bathroom door close. The suddenly cold air ran a chill up her back. With a small sigh she sat up and flipped the sheets away with a twitch of her magic. Then, abruptly remembering her horn's injured state, she excitedly began to test its limits to see how much more it had healed overnight.

First she began levitating things around the room, starting with small and light objects like the alarm clock, then moving up to heavier objects like the whole nightstand, and finally culminating with lifting the entire bed with her atop it. She was able to hold the bed aloft for at least ten seconds before she began to feel the strain and gently lowered it back into place.

Almost giddy with excitement now, she began to really put her horn through its paces. First she cast a shield spell and was pleased to see it was solid and sturdy. Next she cast a come to life spell on the bed sheet, and it danced happily around her, reflecting her own mood until she released the spell. Then she tried a transmorphing spell on the pillow and it became a pillow shaped lump of stone, sinking deep into the soft mattress until she returned it to its previous form.

She'd finally felt a bit of strain at that last casting, but it hadn't surprised her. That was a lot of magic!

Not able to leap from the bed and prance around like she wanted, she instead clopped her hooves together happily, her hind legs twitching eagerly. After a bit of rest she might even try teleporting!

She turned around and--Anon was staring at her, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"O-Oh, hi! Um, good morning?"

He just stared absently at her for a moment, then quietly mumbled, "The... pillow?"

She let out a little sigh of relief. If he'd only seen the pillow then she could still show off the other spells. She wanted to see his reaction!

With a happy giggle, she shuffled to the edge of the bed and lowered herself cautiously to the ground as she said, "Just testing how well my horn has healed with some basic transmorphegry, nothing to gawk about."

Still stunned, he watched her lower herself to the ground, then finally gave his head a little shake, smiled down at her, and said, "Well it certainly looks better."

"Oh?" She hadn't realized it had ever looked different. Then she suddenly cried out, "Oh, Anon!"

He jumped at her sudden exclamation, "What!?"

"I should have been taking notes!" she said, horrified, "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I forgot... I have to record my findings. Anon, do you have any idea how rare a broken horn is?"

Bemused now, he shook his head as he turned to rummage in a nearby drawer.

"Extremely, that's how rare! And it's NEVER been broken by anypony who was really dedicated to science, so we have almost no information on the healing process at all. It's an almost entirely unknown field that I can fill with information! AND I DIDN'T TAKE NOTES! Omigosh Celestia would be furious if she knew! I know she loves heal--"

"Twilight!" His stern voice cut through her mounting panic, "Get a hold of yourself. Here's a pencil and a pocket notebook. It's all still fresh in your memory, right? Write down all the notes you need."

She took a great breath, then slowly let it out. "Sorry. You're right. I can still do this."

"That's right, you got this. But be quick about it, you have until I finish getting ready--about half an hour."

"Why, what happens then?"

He grinned slyly at her, "You'll see." Then he grabbed some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom again.

Twilight wasted no time on his mysterious statements and immediately got to work writing down all she could think of. She recorded what she remembered of the brief time before Anon had replaced her horn: how she'd managed that simple absorption spell--if it could even be called a spell--before the broken tip had been replaced. She noted that the previously known advice of 'pushing' the magic energy into the dead horn piece was accurate, and went into greater detail describing the process.

She documented the healing process so far, including every object she could remember levitating, as well as her accidental spark-outs. They may be embarrassing, but it's still good data! She also wrote that she'd managed to float Anon for a brief period almost immediately after her horn had begun to heal, describing how the spell had 'popped' free of her horn, as if her magic had slipped free of her grasp, accompanied by a sharp stab of hot pain.

She then took notes on what had happened to Anon when he tried to touch the pure magical essence in the core of her horn, his recovery process, and the after effects he had suffered.

Finally, she recalled Anon's own description of the core when she'd asked about it in between episodes of How It's Made--how he'd compared it to "fiber optics," whatever that was, and to a thick, viscous fluid.

She was lost in thought tapping the pencil gently against her muzzle, trying to think of anything else to include, when Anon finally exited the bathroom, fully dressed and looking very clean and handsome.

Twilight did a mental double take. Handsome?

"Alright, Twi, today I'm gonna bring you to my clinic."

"...W-Wait, what?"

"You're healing well, you're friendly, you're fucking brilliant, and I want to introduce you to my assistant Sally. We can also run some tests on those samples I took--another day or two and the refrigerated ones might not be any good any more."

"Oh! We can test that inner core piece you took and I can add that to my notes here too!"

He grinned down at her, then knelt before her, saying, "You really shouldn't be walking yet. C'mon, I'll bring you to your stool."

Twilight sighed but she knew he was right, and she had chosen this over the hard plaster cast after all. She leaned toward him as he picked her up like he'd done yesterday, but Twilight felt much more comfortable now than she had before.

She was really starting to like and trust this human, she thought, and it seemed like he felt the same in return. That made her feel warm inside, just as she felt warm outside in his arms. She'd done it: she'd set out to befriend this strange creature, and that's exactly what she had done. This friendship felt a little strange, a little different, but Twilight brushed it off. He was an entirely new species in a new world, and there was a bit of a power dynamic at play. Of course it felt strange.

Anon set her down on the stool. She smiled up at him and said, "Thank you."

He nodded and began to turn away, but she grabbed his hand in her magic, making him turn back and look at his hand, then up at her.

"I mean it, Anon. Thank you for everything. Considering the dubious welcome I got when I arrived here, I couldn't ask for a better caretaker. You saved my life and kept me sane these past couple of days. I'm deeply in your debt and I won't ever forget it."

As she spoke, he'd slowly knelt before her, his surprise shifting to a somber expression. When she finished, he smiled gently and said, "The pleasure is all mine, Princess. The mere fact that you came here to me of all the people in the world is already more than enough repayment for me simply doing what was right." Then he stood up and winked, "But if you're offering favors, I certainly won't decline."

She only giggled in response, then rolled along behind him into the living room.

CH21: Her Pulse

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Celestia drifted in and out of consciousness as the valve controlling her blood flow was periodically opened and closed. She was dimly aware of activity around her, of excited voices, of shouting in a language she didn't recognize. It was hard to tell how much time had passed. An hour? A day? A week? No, her spell would have worn off by then.

Would any pony even be able to find her?

Every now and then they poured a mixture of water and grain down her throat and she did her best to swallow properly, but her weakness proved too much and she inevitably wound up coughing some of it up as they poured too quick. Then they would get angry and she'd feel the life leaving her once again.

This all repeated a few times before Celestia realized that she was slowly gaining strength. Each time they came to open the valve again, she felt a little stronger than last time.

They must be underestimating how much blood to draw, and she was healing more of it than they were letting out. And despite the shaft now pressing painfully hard into her horn struggling to heal around it, she found herself regaining some limited control of her magic. Not nearly enough to escape--she would at least need to teleport for that--but maybe enough for some tricks. If only she still had the power of the Sun on her side!

The first moment she could risk it, she cast a simple illusion spell that would make her seem worse than she was, hoping they would not notice her gaining strength. It was several more shifts before she dared casting any more magic, but finally, she had an opportunity.

She focused for several seconds first, building as much power as she could muster into her frail and pain-struck horn, before finally letting it go in a silent pulse, a ripple across the ether.

The effort drained her and she felt her consciousness slipping away again, but she hoped Twilight Sparkle was close enough to feel her cry for help.

CH22: Received

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Anon was beginning to wonder if this was too much for the little mare as she stared out the car window, a non-stop stream of words flowing from her muzzle.

"And that barn looks just like the one at Sweet Apple Acres! Oh my gosh, Anon, there are so many similarities, this simply can't be a coincidence. Didn't you mention your people had legends of unicorns and pegasi? And we even speak the same language! I didn't cast a language spell, you know. This is just too much for chance, there must be a connection between our worlds... but what, and how, and WHY? What possible connection could there be? Would Celestia know? She is over a thousand years old after all, but who knows how far back I would need to go to find answers. Ooh, and there's a grain silo! I learned about those on the you tube!"

He had long since stopped trying to get a word in, and if anything, she got even more excited as they entered Podunk and approached his clinic on the edge of town. Even as he parked his car and turned it off, she was still going.

"And I don't know if you noticed this, but I am uncannily similar to the animal you call a horse. Is there a connection there too? I even found the word pony mentioned a couple of times on the internet, but I couldn't figure out the distinction. Do you know what's the difference? But I mean, they're still so very different from me--the horses, I mean. If we share an ancestor, it must be a very distant one. Or does Equestria's magic speed up our evolution? But then Celestia would look pretty different from us other ponies. But wait, she does! She actually looks a little closer to your horses! Anon, that must be it!"

She stared at him, eyes wide at her latest revelation, and Anon seized his opportunity.

"Alright, alright, you can solve the mysteries of the universe some other time. Didn't you notice we stopped? We're here, it's time to introduce you to my clinic."

She gasped and all but squealed, "I get to meet another human! Omigosh I'm so excited! You said her name is Sally?"

"That's right, but we need to be careful about this. Remember how hard it was for me to believe at first? That's gonna be true of most humans, I think. I'm gonna bring you around the back entrance and have you wait in my office where no one can see you, then I'll bring Sally in to meet you, okay?"

"Oh, um, okay. I'm not in danger, am I?"

"No, no, not at all. This is a small town and we all know each other pretty well. I don't think anybody here would fly off their rocker and attack you. We'll just have to deal with some... disbelief, that's all. Anyways, come on, I'll carry you inside."

Anon exited and hurried around to the passenger side so he could pick her up, then, hoping no one was looking out the window at that particular moment, shifted Twilight awkwardly onto one arm so he could fish out his keys and unlock the back door. Twilight grunted awkwardly at his fumbling and he got a face full of mane in the process, but he managed to get the door open and sneak her into his office, where he set her down in an office chair similar to the one he had at home.

"Okay, now just... Uh, everything alright?"

Twilight looked paler than he'd ever seen her and was staring wide eyed into empty space, then slowly turned to face him.

"Anon... I felt somepony."

"Uh, what?"

"I felt magic. Actual magic cast by somepony else."

"So there's more of you? I figured you weren't the only one."

Twilight looked stricken, "Anon you don't understand, I was alone! Nopony knew I was here. I didn't tell anypony where I was going, not even Spike. I didn't expect rescue for days, maybe weeks! But somepony is HERE!"

"Oh, so... you're leaving now?"

She shook her head, "No... it was very faint. They must be an incredible distance away. There's no way to predict specifically where in the world the portal will spit you out, only which world you are going to. Whoever came to rescue me could be literally anywhere on Earth."

"Doctor Mous? Is that you?"

There was a knock on the door, then it opened abruptly and all three of them froze, staring at each other.

Anon very carefully broke the silence, "Sally... please do not panic. This is Twilight. Yes, that is a horn. She is a unicorn, a real one, like the legends. Twilight, say hi."

The little mare glanced nervously at him before making eye contact with Sally again and giving her a timid smile.

"Um, hello Sally."

Sally opened her mouth to respond, then promptly fainted.

Anon rushed to catch her before her head hit the floor, then gently laid her down, already quieting Twilight's anxious murmuring, "She's okay, Twilight, just fainted. She'll come around shortly."

"Um, okay. But... Anon! I have to find them. I have to!"

"Twilight, relax and think about this. They're here to rescue you, right? So they should have... spells or whatever to find you, right? You don't need to find them, you don't have any way to do so, and you're not really in a good state to travel anyway. Don't you agree the best thing to do is wait for them to come to you?"

He could tell she didn't like it, but she slowly nodded and slumped back into his chair.

"I suppose you're right. I should at least send a return pulse, though."

She closed her eyes and her horn glowed as usual, then glowed brighter, then abruptly went dark again, with nothing seeming to happen.

Anon furrowed his brow, "Did it, uh... fail?"

"Huh?" Twilight said, looking confused, then she grinned, "Oh no, it was a pulse of magic, like a sound wave through the air that only magical beings can hear."



"Welcome back, Sally."

"Oh... oh Lord Almighty it's still here."

Sally pinched herself and winced, looked up at Twilight horn, and pinched herself again.

"I can assure you I am very real, Sally." Twilight smiled, "And friendly, I promise! I got hurt but Anon has been healing me at home, and I'm finally well enough to come visit his work."

Sally slowly climbed to her feet, then cautiously reached out, her hand trembling slightly. Twilight, still smiling kindly, slowly reached out as well and touched Sally's hand, which jerked back as if bitten, then slowly extended again and took hold of Twilight's hoof.

"Amazing... what else is true?"


"Of the legends? You're a unicorn, so what can unicorns actually do? Aside from talk, I mean."

"Well I can do magic, that seemed to throw Anon for a loop."


In response, Twilight's horn glowed and her notebook slowly floated up between them. Sally gasped, then, as if trying to surprise them, quickly whipped her hands all around the notebook, clearly checking for strings. Anon chuckled.


She turned haughtily toward him, "No, I very well am not! Just what in heaven's name is going on here?"

Anon took a deep breath, then began to summarize the events of the last two days.

CH23: Some Urgent News

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Twilight listened patiently to his recital, noting how he left out his night terrors and the... situation this morning. By the end of it, Sally had backed slowly into the hall and sat in a chair at a station opposite his office door.

"Show me more. Um, please."

"More what?"

"More magic. Twilight, I think it was? Please show me more magic."

Twilight had been waiting for exactly such an opportunity and looked eagerly over at Anon.

"Okay, remember I said I was gonna show you better spells than simple telekinesis? Well hold onto your tail because I'm going to try some real magic now."

Anon looked a bit uncertain, but he nodded and said, "Okay, I trust you."

That made her smile, then she said, "First, you remember I said telekinesis gets exponentially more difficult with size and distance?"

Anon glanced over at Sally and chuckled, "Oh I remember. Yes, Sally, she understands exponential growth. That and a whole lot more. Honestly I think this little mare is even smarter than us."

Twilight's ears folded down in embarrassment and she tried to suppress a blush as she continued, "Well... thank you. But, um, watch this!"

She concentrated on the second chair in the little alcove where Sally sat and floated it up slowly so as not to startle the woman, then sent it flying down the hall, halting near the opposite wall, then flying back and setting down right where she'd picked it up. Sally stared wide-eyed at the chair and Anon let out a low whistle. She smirked at him.

"Next, a transmorphing spell, which is what you accidentally saw this morning, Anon."

She focused on the energy and harmony she felt in the chair, then on the energy and harmony she wanted, then finally on the connection from one to the other and felt the magic flow. Abruptly, the chair shrank into a tea kettle.

Anon and Sally were both equally amazed at that, and Twilight couldn't help but giggle at their dumbfounded expressions as she reversed the spell, morphing the kettle back into the original chair.

"Now for the good stuff: here's a come-to-life spell."

Focusing intensely, she imbued the chair with some of her own magic, taking care to induce only the harmonic threads she wanted it to have so it would behave properly. That was the primary danger of this spell, as they really did act as if they had free will, not simply as puppets, so a poorly cast spell could make for a very dangerous object. She nailed it though, of course, having practiced extensively since she was young, and the chair hopped forward without the glow of her horn.

Anon jumped up from his seat and Sally suppressed a yelp, gathering up her legs as if a mouse had scurried beneath her. Twilight burst out laughing.

"It's okay! It obeys me and I can stop it at any time. Come here and greet Anon, chair."

It obediently waddled over, its metal legs bending in ways that were normally impossible to give it the ability to move around, stopped directly in front of Anon, and gave him a shallow but slow and courteous bow.

"And now Sally..."

It turned around and approached Sally who eyed it with obvious trepidation, but it kept its distance and gave her a little curtsy--or at least, as close to a curtsy as it was capable of giving. Then Twilight waved a hoof in dismissal and it returned to where it started so Twilight could nullify the spell.

"And finally... Anon, I've been looking forward to showing you this spell since the day I arrived."

She was taking a gamble and desperately hoped her horn would hold up, but if it worked, the looks on their faces would be well worth it. Twilight took a steadying breath, closed her eyes, and focused her power. She felt the harmonic frequencies build up around her body and tethered them to the spot she wanted to travel to, then let the magic flow.

With a small pop, she teleported to the floor directly in front of her chair.

This time Sally did shriek and Anon abruptly collapsed back into his seat, staring at her with pure awe. Her horn had barely even tickled, so she decided to try it one more time. She turned to Anon with a huge grin.

"Want to try it?"

His eyes widened even further as his breath caught in his throat. A moment passed, then he puffed out his cheeks before nodding once.

"Okay. Just don't move too much. A little is okay, but more movement makes it more difficult and I don't want to strain my horn.

Of course he immediately froze solid and tried not to so much as twitch an eyelid, just like everypony did the first time they heard that. Twilight giggled and focused her magic, this time directing it toward Anon's body and, tethering it to the intended destination, she cast the spell.

Anon disappeared with a faint pop and reappeared about a second later sitting in the chair she had just teleported out of. She heard Sally whimper quietly and Anon, breathing heavily now, looked around wildly before his eyes settled on her again.

"What... wh-what did I just see?"

"Ether!" Twilight exclaimed happily, "When you teleport, you travel through the ether. It looks strange, I know, but it's harmless. I thought about warning you, but there's really no way to describe it."

He nodded and said, "It was like... like I could see nothing. Not like I couldn't see, but that I was actually seeing the physical manifestation of nothing."

Twilight tapped her muzzle with a hoof, "That's... actually a really good analogy! I'll have to remember it when I get back home. Actually--" And she quickly jotted it down in her notebook.

"My word, she can even write?"

It seemed Sally had finally found her voice again and Anon chuckled at her incredulous tone.

"Yep, and she learned how to do it in a single day."

Sally shook her head in pure wonder.

"I think I need to go and process this. Alone."

He nodded, "I understand. It was quite a shock for me too. Take all the time you need, we'll be here."

She walked somewhat unsteadily down the hall and around the corner. Twilight turned excitedly to Anon.

"So? What do you think? Pretty neat, huh!"

"No girl, it's not neat," he muttered quietly. Her face fell and his immediately split into a wide grin. "This is so far beyond neat I don't even have the words for it!"

"O-Oh! So you did like it?"

"Twilight, this is incredible. You just proved matter transmission is actually possible. I have to understand it. I have to."

She shuffled uneasily, "Um, Anon, you can't do magic. You don't have a horn so there's no way to harness it."

"Then how do I get one?"

Twilight's unease grew, "You, um... can't? Not as far as I know, at least. There's never been any record of a creature born without magic that gained the ability later in life."

"Then I'll be the first," he said with fire in his eyes. His fervor was making her feel strange. It was a bit scary, but a bit exciting, too.

"I... I don't even know where we would begin."

Anon gave her a smile like she'd never seen before, endearing and kind and hopeful and caring all rolled into one.

"...But I would be willing to try. It would be a truly monumental discovery."

"Thank you, Twi. That's all I ask is we try."

"Uh... Doc?" Sally's nervous voice echoed up the hallway," Y'all might wanna see this!"

Something in her tone said this was serious, so Twilight immediately hopped up into his arms and they rushed down the hall to find Sally glued to the television screen. Anon slowly approached and turned to face the screen. Twilight gasped.

There on the screen was Starlight Glimmer, enveloped by a powerful shield bubble and floating above a large city, a tall square clock tower below her, shouting out with a magically amplified voice so that everyone far below her could hear.

"I am seeking another of my kind! I know they have sustained serious injuries, so I refuse to trust any of you. I can and will remain here through the night. You will bring them to me before high noon tomorrow, or I will unleash the full might of Equestria on you all!"

And as proof of her overwhelming power, she blasted her horn at the top of the tower, disintegrating it instantly and causing a chorus of gasps and cries from the people below. Then, just as casually, she reverted the damage, recreating the tower exactly as it had been before.

"Oh no... Starlight..."

The screen switched to another camera and zoomed into her, and now Twilight could clearly see that she was adorned with multiple legendary artifacts, two of which could only be accessed by an alicorn princess, so she must have Celestia's permission to do this.

"They?" Anon asked.

Twilight looked up at him, her chain of thought broken.


"She said 'they' and 'them' instead of 'her' or 'she.' What could that mean?"

"Oh, I... don't know. Maybe she's being vague on purpose?"

Anon rubbed his face with both hands, then lowered them and said, "In any case, we need to get moving."


He pointed at the clock tower visible below Starlight Glimmer.

"Because that's Big Ben. She's across an ocean and almost halfway around the world. If we want to get there within twelve hours or so, we need to haul ass to the nearest city and get a plane asap. News should spread quickly so hopefully we'll get special treatment when we get there."

He turned, "Sally, take some pictures of me and Twilight. You'll need proof to explain why I've left so suddenly, and I may be gone for a while." Sally nodded and pulled out her smartphone, and Anon continued, "You can do most of the day-to-day veterinary work, it's only emergencies that are a problem, so I'll try to send a temporary vet from the city to cover that. Until then, if anything comes in, just focus on stabilizing. You have first aid training, fall back on that. It's similar enough to hold you over. The new vet will probably take a couple of days to arrive."

She was snapping pictures left and right as Anon headed out the door, Twilight limping along behind him.

"Oh, and one last picture that would be very hard to photoshop:" Then he abruptly picked her up as he had a dozen times before, but this time it caught her off guard and she was already on edge, so her horn let out a little spark.

"Ah, good idea, Twi. Can you do some magic on camera? Sally, take a video."

Twilight was feeling quite anxious from all the hurrying now, but she focused as best she could and carefully lifted Anon and herself off the ground.


Startled, Anon let Twilight slip and she instinctively spread her wings to catch her fall. Unfortunately one wing was still tightly bound to her side so only one wing extended and made her spin as she fell.

She landed with a soft 'whumpf!' onto something soft and she looked around, startled. Sally had dove forward and got her body beneath Twilight's, breaking her fall at the expense of some scrapes from the concrete.

"Oh... my gosh, thank you so much. H-Here..."

She shimmied off Sally's chest and, as she carefully got to her feet, Twilight cast a relatively simple healing spell on her, clotting the blood flow and jumping the healing process forward by about a day, then another spell to repair the tear she'd gotten in her work clothes, the fibers writhing like worms as they stitched themselves back together.

Sally looked over herself, then back up at Twilight, pure wonder in her face, and Twilight smiled sheepishly.

"Least I could do, really." She glanced up at Anon who was staring horrified at her, and her eyes widened, "Oh no, Anon please don't feel bad! I really should have warned you before I did that."

"I... I could have broken everything again..."

"But you didn't, okay? Everything's alright. Nothing happened, so there's no reason to feel bad. Come on, you said we need to hurry, right?"

Anon pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath, then nodded, "Yes, we do. Into the car, Twi."

She waved back at Sally as she shuffled toward the car, "Goodbye, Sally! I hope we meet again."

Sally waved slowly, still somewhat disbelieving. Twilight smiled and reached out with her magic to hold the woman's hand, causing her to jump again, then stare wide-eyed down at her hand. Twilight gave the hand a gentle caress, then slid the magic away as if letting go rather than simply dissipating it like usual.

Anon picked her up and placed her in the car, then hurried around to the driver's seat and started the engine. Twilight turned back to look at Sally as they left the parking lot.

She was still staring at her hand.

CH24: Prince

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Princess Luna watched as Starlight vanished into the portal, still yearning to go through herself instead, but there was no point wasting time on useless fantasies. She could not leave, and that was that.

Besides, Starlight was now more than capable of defending herself, and she did have quite a knack for being... persuasive. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more her confidence in Starlight grew. After all, it had been a very long time since any one pony wielded so many enchantments simultaneously. What could possibly stand a chance now?

Bounding out of that dank dungeon where the artifacts were kept, she soared gracefully into the sky and aimed directly for her bedchambers. As she glided silently toward the balcony, she tried to keep her hopes in check. The plan she and Starlight had concocted was a good one, but it was far from foalproof, and she knew better than to assume all would go well. Still, at least she would have some limited communication this time. The spell was one way only so she couldn't respond, but having some idea of what was going on over there would be a tremendous help for her nerves. She was looking forward to receiving Starlight's first report.

Her mood lightened further as she alighted on her balcony and Bastion immediately came out to greet her, still without armor just as she had asked.

"Greetings, Mistr--" He hastily corrected himself, shuffling his hooves awkwardly, "Er, welcome back, Luna. Did your plan go well? And, uh, will you tell me what that plan actually is?"

His use of her name caused a giddy flutter in her barrel that did little to help control her blossoming mood. She even smiled as she fluttered her wings to settle the feathers before folding up.

"It has gone well so far, at the very least. We will see how it plays out over the course of a day. I have sent Starlight Glimmer to rescue both Celestia and Twilight."

She found herself suppressing a giggle at his confused expression and he slowly said, "Uh... Starlight Glimmer? Isn't she... uh, Mistress, no offense, but I am not sure--"

Unable to withstand it any longer, laughter bubbled up from her chest before she could control herself again.

"I did not send her unprotected! Starlight is one of our most powerful unicorns, true, but I have further bolstered that strength to launch her well beyond the power of Twilight, or yes, even Celestia as she is now."

"Oh! Y-Yes, okay, that makes more sense. I--"

"You were trying to think of a tactful way to say it was a bad idea, were you not?"

She grinned at his awkwardness and walked past him into the bedroom proper.

"Fear not, my Bastion. Why, with all the enchantments and amulets adorning her body, she would have been a decent match even for me."

Starlight's voice abruptly filled her mind and she closed her eyes to listen, silencing Bastion with one raised hoof.

"Princess Luna! I ported in near a large city of the local population. They have not attacked and seem deceptively harmless for now, panicked even, but because of how quickly you said Celestia was overpowered, I remain vigilant against the slightest threat. Also, as you feared, the detection spell was not able to pick up either Twilight or Celestia. Fortunately these creatures do seem to understand me and I have commanded them to bring them to me or face the threat of an overwhelming magical attack, just as you suggested. I will send another message the moment anything changes."

Luna lowered her hoof and grinned at Bastion's confused expression, explaining, "One of the spells we prepared Starlight with allows her to send verbal messages to me telepathically. I cannot send anything back due to the inherent instability of targeting another dimension, but she can target me within her home dimension with relative ease."

"I see. And...?"

"We are not off to a great start, I must admit, but it is acceptable. I have every faith in Starlight Glimmer."

Bastion nodded and took a cautious step closer, "I can tell, you seem... quite pleased with yourself."

She nodded and lowered herself to the floor, crossing her hooves before her.

"Indeed I am, Bastion. I feel hopeful again for the first time since Celestia was injured. It has been quite a nerve-wracking couple of days, and I find myself far more relieved than I expected to have a plan that I can feel confident about."

She tilted her head up and let out a little sigh.

"To tell the truth, I am having a hard time containing myself."

"Yes, you are positively radiant tonight."

Her ears perked even as his flopped down and he took an awkward step back.

"Er, forgive me Mistress, I misspoke."

She tilted her head and gave him a little pout.

"Oh, it was a mistake? So you do not actually think I am beautiful?"

"What? No! Uh, I-I mean--"

She giggled again and gently tugged at his hoof with her magic, her buoyant mood giving her courage she typically lacked.

"Peace, Bastion. I am only teasing. Will you please come and sit with me, as before?"

With a somewhat surprised expression, he replied, "Of course, your word is my command."

"No, dear one." She raised a hoof as he stepped forward and he halted, his brows furrowed in confusion. "This is not an order. I want you to do this of your own accord. If you wish for a command, let it be that you must refuse if you are not comfortable accepting my request."

He hesitated, clearly uncertain, and she began to wonder what his choice would be. But, eventually, he stepped forward again and lowered himself to the floor beside her, just as she hoped he would.

"I..." He trailed off and avoided her gaze until she gently prompted him.

"Yes? Is there something you would like to say?"

Still refusing to look at her and with a muzzle beginning to darken, he murmured, "I... do enjoy our time together like this."

Perhaps it was her recent discovery of her feelings for him, or perhaps it was the giddy hope burgeoning within her, but she felt her bosom swell at his words. Before she quite knew what she was doing, she had reached out and placed a hoof over top of his, startling his attention back to her.

"Bastion... I think it is time we stop pretending and be honest with each other."

His eyes widened and he stammered, "H-How do you mean? I have never been dishonest, my Princess, I swear it!"

She rolled her eyes playfully and squeezed his hoof.

"I know you have feelings for me. It has been clear for some time. Do you deny it?"

His muzzle opened as if to respond, but it simply hung there silently, a dumbstruck expression on his face. Luna meanwhile felt as if she were on fire. Her entire body churned with emotions and she noticed absently that her voice had begun to quaver.

"If I am wrong, please tell me now."

She eased up on his hoof and waited for him to collect himself and respond, but he only stared at her, clearly stunned by the turn of events.

After a brief silence, she decided to continue, "Because if I am right..." She inched forward and extended her neck toward him, her expression half teasing, half wistful. "I would like to say the feeling is mutual."

He inhaled sharply and his eyes widened. His muzzle closed, opened, then closed again, and she held her breath in anticipation, waiting for what felt like ages.

Then, barely above a whisper, he asked, "You... really feel that way? For me?"

She slowly nodded her head and a look of sheer wonder spread across his face.

"Luna, my Princess... I have always loved you."

Despite guessing it already, and despite fervently hoping for just such a response, still her chest lurched and her breath caught at his gentle words. Then, as if something had burst inside him, words poured out of him like a cascading waterfall.

"I loved you from afar as everypony loves our princesses, of course, but even as a colt, I held you above all others. You were the reason I joined the guard in the first place. I signed up for night duty at my first opportunity simply to get closer to you. I climbed the ranks, motivated only by my desire to see you. Then, when Captain Sternhart retired... I could not believe it when you chose me as your new Captain."

His eyes practically shone as he recalled the memory, "I worried I might find you were not what I'd hoped, but you were everything I'd hoped for and more! From that first night, I loved you, and with every passing night I have only loved you more. But I never..."

He shook himself as something approaching awe crossed his face, "Never in my wildest dreams did I expect it to be reciprocated. Neigh, never in my dreams, where you might see it! I didn't dare even hope--"

Luna could bear it no longer. Feeling as though her chest might explode, she lurched forward in one swift motion and cut him off mid-word with a small kiss. Instantly stunned into silence, he stared at her with muzzle slightly parted, eyes glistening with emotion, and Luna smiled.

"My Bastion, you cannot know how pleased I am to hear you speak thusly."

He had slowly leaned back, his face still seeming a bit dumbstruck, but she spied a blush darkening his grey muzzle.

"I know not when it began, but at some point I realized my long standing adoration for you had grown into more than mere respect or friendship. Sternhart was a great captain of course, but he was always so coarse and impersonal. But you..."

She gestured toward him with a hoof, "You were always so polite, so strictly formal, and yet still it felt... tender, somehow. I quickly became addicted to you. I loved seeing you on duty, so sharp and determined. I loved hearing your reports, so concise and yet caring. I loved the rare glimpse of you off-duty, still so proper and attentive even when you were at ease."

Now her own eyes were glistening with an excess of emotion and the fluttering in her barrel grew to an almost sickening level.

"And then earlier this evening... Bastion, I felt a fire within me. Not ignited in that moment, but revealed, like a flame previously hidden that now burst forth. I could not bear to withstand it for even one night. I cannot resist it. My Bastion, I love you."

His awestruck face dissolved into a grin of pure joy and relief and Luna felt her muzzle mirror his. They moved as one, coming together into a tight embrace, joyous with release and infinitely tender.

Amazed by this fervor within her, she spread her wings and gently floated them both onto the bed, flipping onto her back as she set down. Bastion stared down at her as if not quite believing she was real, then slowly lowered his head onto her chest and she wrapped her hooves around him.

They held each other for a long time then, silently taking comfort in each others' embrace, and may have done more, but abruptly Luna bolted upright and raised her hoof, just as she had done the first time Starlight messaged her, trusting Bastion to understand what was happening.

"Princess Luna! I confess this happened just before my previous report, but I wanted to wait for any more incidents before reporting it. I felt an ether pulse, followed by another which felt different a few moments later. I have thought it over and the only thing that makes sense is that one was Twilight and the other was Celestia. I don't know why they can send that pulse but don't just return home, but I intend to find out. I will update again soon."

Luna lowered her hoof and turned to Bastion, surprised to find her eyes damp.

"Oh, Bastion! They are both alive!"

"She found them!?"

"Well, no... but she felt them!"

And as explanation, she let out a gentle pulse of her own, causing his horn to flicker dimly. He beamed at her, then almost immediately sobered, looking puzzled.

"If they can pulse, why can they not return?"

Luna shook her head, "I do not know, and neither does Starlight Glimmer, but surely they have good reason. Reasons which I expect to hear from their own snout before long!"

And she crushed him in her embrace again.

* * *

It was a long time before either were concerned with conversation again, but eventually Bastion finally pulled free and asked, "Mistress, what becomes of me now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if this is... truly real," He smiled sheepishly at her before continuing, "Then what of my position? Surely I must be considered emotionally compromised? And I do not want to spend even a single day apart, now. I am not sure I could bear it."

She hummed softly, "Well, I imagine whatever I desire to happen will happen."

"Uh... and what is it you desire?"

His sudden wariness made her grin and she nuzzled his ear affectionately.

"Bastion, I want you by my side tomorrow. I want to know I can rely on you as I have done these past years. I do not wish to be separated any more than you do."

"I... well, I cannot do that as Captain of the Night Guard."


He just looked confused now," Then... what will happen?"

"Well, I imagine I will need to find somepony else to be captain."

The shock that crossed his face made her burst out with laughter.

"You are not being replaced, dearheart, you are being promoted!"

"O-Oh. Then... Silver Spear?"

"Oh no, he is Tia's favored guard. Nothing romantic, I am certain--indeed my sister has not had much interest in such affairs for some times--but they are certainly very close friends. I could not replace him, no."

His brow furrowed, "Then... what? Surely there is no higher position than his?"

"Oh Bastion... must I really say it so plainly?"

She gently released him and sat up, and he mirrored her actions so that they sat facing each other.

"It may have been mere moments since our love was expressed openly, but we have both felt this way for years now. As such, I feel no shame for 'rushing' into this, as some ponies might say."

She bowed her head low, pointing her horn at his chest as was tradition, not able to see his face but smiling as she guessed his expression once he realized what she was doing. Her throat suddenly felt tight as she voiced what she had been yearning to ask.

"Bastion, my love, I beg your hoof in marriage."

He gasped and she felt the shift of weight as he reeled from her question.

"B-But... you're a Princess!"

She hummed without looking up.

"...How long since a Princess has married?"

"Aside from Cadance? Not since I was young."

"But Luna... you truly mean to make me a... a Prince?"

She did not even answer, simply waiting for his response. There was a long silence punctuated only by their breathing.

Then she felt the bed shift again as he lowered his head to hers, and she felt a jolt as his horn touched hers. That jolt of the pure magical essence inside their horns beginning to harmonize. That jolt which she had only ever shared with her sister.

To call it a tingle would be an understatement. It was as if his horn was brushing her soul, and her soul was what tingled. She knew he felt the same as their two horns buzzed against one another.

Slowly, they lifted their heads, careful to maintain contact, their horns sliding smoothly across each other, until their heads were high enough that she could look into his eyes.

Then, his eyes glistening in the moonlight, Bastion replied, "Luna, my love... I wish for nothing more than to be yours."

The buzzing of their horns shifted ever so slightly, then slowly synchronized with the other, their harmonies joining and now vibrating as one. The ancient binding ritual of love complete, they pulled their horns apart, then immediately lurched into each other's embrace once again.

Luna looked up at the ceiling, her eyes damp with joy, and she thought to herself that Celestia had no choice but to return now.

She would need a maid of honor!

CH25: Driving

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Anon was starting to get a little worried. They had been driving for over half an hour and Twilight hadn't said a word, just stared out the window at the landscape passing by. Compared to the infectious excitement of her previous car ride, it was a startling change of pace.

They still had at least an hour of driving ahead of them and Anon wanted to break the silence, but couldn't think of anything decent to say. Somehow playing music just didn't feel appropriate. So they were just rolling along in silence down the seemingly endless twisting mountain road.

Anon tried to puzzle it out in his head. This should be a happy moment, right? Twilight had been worrying about when rescue would come since the first day she arrived, and now that day had come. Why, then, did the silence feel so damn oppressive? Why did Twilight look so glum?

Finally, Anon gave up trying to think of something more tactful to say and simply took the blunt approach.

"Twilight, what's wrong?"

She jerked her head around as if startled, "Huh? What?"

Anon gave her a brief glance and the far-away look in her eyes was not reassuring.

"Something's wrong and I don't know what. Will you tell me what's on your mind, please?"


She stared down at the floorboards for a minute, then sighed.

"It's just that I spent all this time anxious for somepony to come rescue me, and now that it's actually happening, I..."

"You don't want to go?"

"No, I do, I just... I don't know. I guess I just wasn't expecting it so soon."

Anon gave her a sidelong glance, noting the way her tail was flicking nervously.

"Was there... something you needed to do?"

She slumped in her seat a little.

"No, not really, I guess."

The silence stretched on for a few moments.

"It's just..." Her voice fell almost to a whisper, "I'll miss you."

Anon took a deep breath, then found his own voice was a bit husky too.

"Yeah... I'll miss you too."

He heard her sniff a little and reached out to touch her hoof.

"Do you think... maybe you'll visit again someday?"

"I don't know," she said wistfully, "I can't exactly choose where I will appear."

He looked surprised at her, then returned his gaze to the road.

"So you were just... hoping for the best when you came here?"

"Pretty much, yeah." She nervously fluttered her good wing. "I guess I was just overconfident. I didn't think there would be any problem what with all my powers."

"But if you come back again, you'll be more prepared, right? You'll know what to expect."

He saw her shake her head out of the corner of his eye.

"It's not that simple. I've been studying your world a lot these past few days, and there's such an amazing variety of places... what if I appeared in a jungle around dangerous predators, or in the middle of your Pacific Ocean, or on a freezing glacier?"

"But your spells...?"

"Oh sure, they'd protect me somewhat, but I'd still be stuck in the middle of nowhere with no idea how to get to civilization. I'd have to teleport over and over again and hope to find something useful, and you can only teleport so far in an unfamiliar location."

"I see."

They both sat in silence for a moment.

"Well... what if... what if I came to visit you, instead?"

She leaned forward to give him a hard stare.

"And how exactly are you planning to do that with no magic?"

Anon swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Uh, well... I could, y'know... come back with you."

Twilight opened her mouth as if to reply, then closed it and sat back in her seat again.

"I mean, only if you want to, of course. I would never want to impose," the words poured out in a nervous rush. "It just seems like it would be interesting, that's all. I trust you but I still can't quite wrap my head around there being other worlds, and I would love to visit yours, if you--"


His mouth snapped shut and he stared at her in shock.

Then he jerked his eyes back to the road and veered back into his lane.

"Y-You mean--"

"I would like that very much, Anon."

He felt his chest swell with hope and an uncontrollable grin spread across his face.

"You really mean it? Twilight I--Thank you. I'm honored."

She leaned over and wrapped her hooves possessively around his arm, resting her cheek on his shoulder.

"No, Anon, the honor is mine. It would be wonderful to show you my world and introduce you to my friends. I think you will really like them."

He tilted his head and pressed his own cheek against the top of her head, feeling her ear flick as it was squished slightly into his neck.

"I'm looking forward to it."

After a moment, she slowly released him and pulled away.

"So, um... where are we going, anyway?" she said a bit awkwardly.

"Huh? Oh, to the nearest major city, Asheville. That's the nearest airport, at least as far as I know."


"Yeah. Your friend Starlight is across the ocean so we will need to fly there and--"

"Oh! Humans can fly too?"

Her surprised expression made him grin.

"Not naturally, no. What, you haven't learned about planes yet?" She shook her head and he continued, "It's a big machine that can carry a bunch of people and flies through the air at incredible speed, several times faster than we are traveling right now."

"Oh wow. What kind of mechanism flaps the machine's wings?"

He chuckled at that, then said, "It doesn't flap like a bird--or an alicorn, for that matter. Planes have rigid wings that are shaped in such a way that when the air travels over them they generate lift. Get it moving fast enough and it creates enough lift to carry a lot of weight."

"But if it doesn't flap--"

"The speed comes from something called a jet engine. You remember how I was explaining how a car engine uses lots of tiny explosions to make a turning force?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well, a jet engine uses a turbine to create what is essentially one steady on-going explosion that never ends in order to--"

"Wouldn't that just be called a fire?"

Anon hesitated, caught a bit off guard by the question, then shook his head and said, "A fire burns slowly, like wood. This is burning jet fuel mixed with air, which burns far, far faster. That's why we call it explosive."

Twilight shook her head stubbornly, "A fast fire is still a fire, though!"

"Not really. The difference is an explosive fuel burns fast enough to create a shockwave. That's when the expansion of heat and energy expands so rapidly it creates a sort of pulse through the air which can be felt and sometimes even seen."

She perked up at that, "Oh, so it's like a rainboom!"

At Anon's confused glance, she giggled and continued, "Pegasi and alicorns emit constant magical energy while flying. The faster they fly--or the heavier the load they're carrying--the more energy is required to stay airborne. Once you reach a certain point, so much energy is emitted that it begins to pile up on itself and form a sort of barrier of resistance, making it much more difficult to go any faster."

She raised a hoof conspiratorially, "However, under extraordinary circumstances, a pegasus with enough raw magical power can break through this 'barrier' and cause a sudden overflow of magical energy, which manifests as a rainbow-colored pulse through the air perpendicular to the direction of travel."

She grinned at his stunned expression, "Not only is it an impressive sight to behold, but it is also very efficient because once you pass that threshold, all that extra resistance disappears and you can abruptly fly much, much faster while simultaneously using less energy."

"That..." Anon shook his head, dumbfounded.

Twilight looked confused, "What is it?"

He gave her an amazed look, "What you just described almost perfectly mirrors an effect we have called a sonic boom. The only significant difference is instead of a visual explosion, breaking the sound barrier creates an audible explosion, a constant roar of sound."

"So that's yet another parallel between our worlds!" She touched his hand excitedly and said, "Anon, I can't believe this is a coincidence anymore. There's simply too much in common. I haven't even mentioned how similar the landscape and vegetation is. There has to be a connection!"

"Well, do you have any theories?"

Her fervor faded a little as she replied, "Well, no... but I intend to ask Princess Celestia as soon as I get home! If anypony would know, it's her."

"Who is she?"

"Princess Celestia? Oh my gosh, she's amazing! She's princess of the sun and ruler over all of Equestria. Her sister Princess Luna rules over the night, but Princess Celestia rules during the day, which means she handles most of the bureaucratic stuff."

Twilight lowered her voice a bit and Anon glanced over to see a faint blush on her muzzle.

"She is also my personal mentor and means more to me than anything, even my close friends. She realized my magical potential as a filly and took me under her wing, and she's the one who made me into an alicorn."

"Wait, made you an alicorn?"

Twilight nodded soberly, "I was foaled a unicorn. Once I had proven myself, Celestia took me into some... I don't know, special dimension or something, I still don't fully understand it. But in that place she gave me my alicorn powers."

Her voice shifted into something approaching awe.

"I already owed her so much, and then she gave me so much more than I could have ever hoped for. I would do anything for her. Anything."

She fell silent and Anon waited patiently. He enjoyed learning about her past and her homeworld, but she seemed like she needed a moment to herself and Anon was not about to interrupt that.

Abruptly, she looked up again, "Oh, sorry. Um, got a little sidetracked there... what were we talking about before?"

Anon merely laughed.

"Hell if I know."

CH26: More Driving

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As they approached what Anon called a major highway, Twilight was becoming increasingly distracted by the strange sights she saw out the windshield. At first, simply seeing other cars was strange enough, but then they turned onto the highway, a larger road that was packed full of cars all moving very quickly, and Twilight felt the anxiety building.

"Oh my gosh... Anon, how do you manage it?"

He furrowed his brows in confusion, "Manage what?"

"This!" She gestured all around with her hooves, "All of this! There's so much happening so quickly and yet you--along with every other human on this road--are just casually zooming around, sometimes less than a pony's length apart. How are you so calm!?"

"Oh, that." He shrugged nonchalantly, "Ninety percent of everything I'm doing has just become automatic and subconscious after so much time spent driving."

"Wait, so you aren't even thinking about what you're doing?"

He shrugged again, "I mean, a part of me is, I suppose. It just doesn't require constant attention anymore. I can focus on things that are less consistent, like the behavior of the other drivers."

Twilight nodded thoughtfully, "Oh okay, I get it now. It's sorta like flying... I don't have to concentrate on the exact position and angle of my wings anymore like when I first got them, I just do it without thinking."

"Exactly. What was that like, anyway?"


Anon lightly tapped her wing with a finger.

"Getting wings after being born without them."

"Oh, it was incredible. So much freedom and open space... I never felt jealous of pegasi when I was a unicorn, but now I think they have it better."

"I mean, obviously being able to fly was wonderful and all, but I mean like... did you already know how to move them? What were the muscles like? Did you gain some bulk or bone mass to compensate? Or maybe lose bone mass to be lighter and easier to fly?"

Twilight's eyes went wide, then she let out a squee, "Omigosh, I forgot you're a scientist too! Nopony else has ever been interested like that!"

She beamed at him for a moment, then, abruptly realizing she was just gawking, shook her head and coughed awkwardly.

"Um, right. It was, uh... well, yes I gained muscle mass. My barrel grew more lean and my lower chest in particular seemed to swell significantly. This isn't just floof, you know." She poked her chest with a hoof, showing just how firm it was underneath. "I guess that's where the power for the main downstroke comes from, attached to my pkaedn."

"Uh, your what now?"

Twilight hesitated, then giggled, "Right, sorry, different names. I think your people call it a sterdom?"

"Oh, the sternum! Where your ribs connect at the front, right?"

"Thaaat's right, sternum. Ugh, hate it when I get a term wrong. But yes, that's where the bulk of my new muscle mass grew. I did gain some in the sides of my barrel, too."

She rubbed her side with a hoof, tracing a line down her side, not noticing Anon's attention on her.

"I think it attaches down here? Or maybe the, um... the tendon reaches all the way to my hips here."

The car suddenly lurched sideways again, and Twilight looked up, alarmed.

"Okay, what is that? It's happened twice now--I thought you were controlling this thing?"

Anon grinned sheepishly, "That's, uh... that's just me not paying attention when I should be watching the road."

"Oh!" Her ears folded back and she twisted to sit normally again, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be distracting you so much."

"N-No, it's alright. I just can't be looking, is all. Eyes up here."

Anon was beginning to blush but Twilight decided not to tease him about it. At least, not for now.

"Okay, well, to answer your other questions: I weigh about the same as before I got my wings, so I guess that means I lost bone mass or else I'd weigh more. Weight isn't that important for flight though.

"No? Oh, because magic?"

Twilight nodded, "Mmhmm. That's why pegasi emit magical energy like I was saying earlier. Anyway, the most difficult question.. it's hard to explain it, but when I came back from Celestia's realm or whatever, I didn't even really have to think about moving my wings, I just sorta... did."

"So you immediately learned the new neural pathways?"

Now she shook her head, "Not even that, it was as if there was nothing new to learn, as if I'd had the muscles all along and simply never used them. It was easy, natural. It only took a little practice to get used to them and fly straight and true."

Anon rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Interesting... So either the magic instantly taught you how to use your wings, or the knowledge was always there inside you, just waiting to be... I dunno, activated or something."

"I hadn't thought of it that way. Are you implying pegasi instincts are in all ponies, just waiting to be unlocked?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Not like I know anything about your world or the magic in it. It's just an intriguing thought."

"It certainly is..."

They trailed off into silence for a bit, and Twilight turned back out toward the window. She felt a lot better now though.

Twilight jumped as Anon abruptly said, "Oh! Shit, I need to call ahead. Might just get arrested if I showed up with you without warning."

He whipped out his phone and, glancing rapidly back and forth from the road to his phone, began fiddling with an app she didn't recognize. She leaned over for a better look, but even slowed by his split attention, he went too fast for her to make out the words in time. Then he brought the phone up to the side of his head and, a few seconds later, began to speak.

"Hi, um... I'm going to need to speak to a manager, or maybe even someone above him. Yes, of course it's important. Well, you know that pony on the TV? Well... I have the other one she's looking for. No, I am not kidding. Yes, I'll hold."

Anon went silent and she gave him a questioning look, but he just shook his head and looked back at the road, so she waited in silence.

Suddenly, he spoke again, "Hi, my name is Doctor Anon Y. Mous. I am currently headed your way with the other pony in my car. Yes, really. No, I am not. I'll text you a picture if you want, just give me your cell phone number. What? No. No no, I've been taking care of her, she was injured."

Twilight smirked at him leaving out he was the one who injured her.

"Obviously, that's why I'm calling. Yes, as soon as possible, of course. Yes. Uh, thirty or forty-five minutes? I'm on twenty-six coming up on Weaverville right now. A silver Honda Accord hybrid. Yessir. I understand. Oh, don't worry about that, you'll see when I arrive. Thank you, sir."

Then he lowered the phone and let out a deep breath. "Phew. I wasn't sure how well that was gonna go, but he seemed open minded at least. He'll be waiting with armed guards when we arrive. Said if I'm lying I'll be arrested on the spot, but if I'm telling the truth--which obviously I am--we'll be escorted straight onto a private jet leaving for the UK shortly."

"Um, yay? I think?"

Anon chuckled, "Yes, it's good. Private jets are, well, private, so nobody to freak out about you, and jet planes are some of the fastest we've build, so we should get there with plenty of time to spare."

"Okay. Wow, this is getting serious."

"Well," Anon said with a wry grin, "She did threaten to blow up Big Ben."

"I... don't think she really would. Starlight can be manipulative but she isn't cruel or evil." Then she added under her breath, "Not anymore, at least."

She fell silent and Anon gave her a sidelong glance, "Wanna talk about it?"

Twilight hesitated, then shrugged, "I mean, she only brainwashed an entire town then, after I freed them, escaped and went back in time to undo all my friendships as revenge and nearly destroyed all of Equestria. No biggie. We're good friends now."

Anon chuckled, "Alright, fine, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"Huh? But I just did."

Anon rolled his eyes, "Come on, Twi. I may not know magic, but you really expect me to believe in time travel?"

Twilight felt confused and even a little hurt, now.

"But... it's true." Her voice seemed very small, "When she... she showed me these other timelines. Horrible, terrible places. My friends and I have saved Equestria several times, and without us..."

She shuddered, then wiped a tear from her face and took a quick breath.

"But no matter. It didn't really happen, that was all an alternate timeline. We're here now, and here is what counts."

Anon just sat there quietly for a long while.

"Um... Anon? Are you okay?"

He let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry, Twilight, I just cannot believe you. Not without proof. Time travel is... it's too much."

She tried to keep herself from sounding too bitter. "Well, I can't prove it. I already used the spell--wasted it on something stupid. It only works once for each pony. I don't know why."

"How about you send me back, then?"

She let out an exasperated sigh, "That's not how it works. The spell sends the caster back, not something the caster targets."


There was a brief pause, then Anon continued, "I'm... sorry. About what happened."

"I thought you said you didn't believe me."

He bobbled his head in a sort of uncertain gesture, "I mean, obviously you believe it happened, and it seemed to be traumatic. So you have my sympathy."

Twilight looked at him curiously.

"Well... thank you. But it's okay now. Starlight and I have long since made up. I think she was just lonely."

"Seems a bit of an overreaction to being lonely."

"Well she's also quite possibly the most powerful unicorn in Equestria today."

Anon nodded his head, "I suppose it makes sense that she'd be the one to send after you."

"She still isn't a match for an alicorn. That's probably why she was wearing all those artifacts."


"Yeah, like the saddle that's letting her fly, and the horn ring which, if I had to guess, is there to dampen out a power-boosting spell so she can still control herself with ease." Twilight smiled sheepishly, "It, uh... took some adjusting to get used to all the power of an alicorn."

Abruptly she realized she hadn't looked out the window for a while, and saw that the density and size of the buildings had increased dramatically.

"Oh... is this the city?"

Anon nodded, "Asheville. The airport is on the opposite end of town, so we still have a ways to go, and we're not stopping to visit anything, but feel free to enjoy the sights as we travel through downtown."


She fell silent and, after a moment, Anon touched her hoof again.

"You alright?"

Twilight hesitated, then turned back to look at him.

"Promise me we'll be okay?"

Anon furrowed his brows and Twilight clarified, "I just... everything's happening so fast all of the sudden, and this is a strange world where I don't understand anything. I'm not used to not knowing what's going on."

She looked down at his hand and placed her other hoof over top of it.

"But I trust you. If you say everything will be okay, I'll believe you."

Anon took a deep breath.

"I'm in unfamiliar territory too, Twi. I can't promise everything will go perfectly smoothly."

He glanced at her again, and she wished he could just stay there and look into her eyes instead of turning back to the road.

"But I will do everything within my power to get you home safely. That I can promise."

Twilight nodded slowly, then, realizing he couldn't see her, said in a small voice, "Okay, Anon."

CH27: Overture

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Anon had been expecting to see a manager and a couple of basic security guards at most as he pulled up to the airport terminal. He was surprised, then, to see a full squadron of police officers in swat gear flanking not one but three important looking officials. He let out a low whistle.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"They're not playing around, these guys. We need to be careful, choose our words carefully."

"O-Oh. We're okay though, right?"

One officer stepped out in front of the vehicle with his hand held out, Anon slowed to a halt directly in front of him, and the rest of the police rapidly surrounded the vehicle.

"I hope so, Twi."

One of the swat officers--the squad leader, based on the way the others deferred to him--approached his door and yanked on the handle. When the door didn't open, he rapped sharply on the glass with the reinforced knuckle of his glove, his shouts muffled somewhat by the glass, but still impressively loud.


Anon gulped, then glanced at Twi.

"Just follow their orders and everything will be okay."

Twilight nodded, then jumped when the officer barked out again.


Anon hurriedly pushed the unlock button on the dashboard, then sat facing straight forward, hands at ten and two o'clock on the steering wheel. All four doors opened almost simultaneously and two officers reached in around them to unbuckle their seatbelts, then stepped back as multiple rifles were raised toward them both. A small crowd was beginning to form at a respectful distance.

The squad leader spoke again, no longer shouting but still just as sharp and stern, "The pony will remain where she is without moving. You will slowly exit the vehicle, holding both hands out in front of you, then turn and face the vehicle with both hands held behind your head."

Anon slowly did as directed.

"This... really isn't necessary, sir."

"The UK pony has already showed overwhelming offensive force when she destroyed Big Ben. We cannot take any chances!"

"B-But she put it right back!" Twilight cried.

The guards on her side of the vehicle tensed and tightened their grip on the weapons. Twilight's ears folded down and her lip trembled.

"She's just worried about me!"

Anon heard one of the officials mutter, "By God, it really can speak."

The squad leader hesitated, clearly affected by Twilight's manner, then said in a slightly gentler voice, "We are only following orders. So long as you follow mine, you are in no danger."

Anon saw him gesture out of the corner of his eye, and one of the other guards immediately approached and roughly patted him down. He removed Anon's wallet and phone, throwing them onto the car seat, but Anon carried nothing else except his keys, which were still hanging in the ignition.

"Now, remain where you are. You, pony," and Twilight twitched nervously, "Slowly turn right and step out of the vehicle, then turn around, face the vehicle, and sit down."

She did so, and Anon tried to give her a reassuring smile as she turned around. After a brief pause, the squad leader made the same gesture to the guard standing nearest Twilight. The man hesitated uncertainly, then stepped forward and patted her down somewhat awkwardly. Twilight sniffed, her ears still folded flat.

The middle official of the three rolled his eyes and said, "Alright Jacobs, that's quite enough. If she were a threat I think she would have done something by now."

The squad leader bristled, "You cannot interfere with official police--"

The man interrupted him with a scoff, "Yes yes, we're all very impressed. Now tell your men to stand down. I've had enough of this charade."

There was a tense silence, then Officer Jacobs let out a grunt and gestured sharply. All the guards relaxed almost perfectly in unison, taking a step back and lowering their weapons with a chorus of clicks as they engaged their weapons' safeties.

The middle official glanced at Anon and said, "You can put your arms down, son."

Anon slowly did so as the man turned to Twilight next. "My apologies for such an ignoble welcome. I am Peter Brooke. This is Daren Allswinger and Elizabeth--"


"...And Lizzy Warner. What is your name, little pony?"

She sniffed, then quietly said, "T-Twilight Sparkle."

Peter smiled, then whirled around on his heel.

"Come then, Ms. Sparkle, Dr. Mous. We have a plane to catch."

Anon glanced nervously at Officer Jacobs, who rolled his eyes and waved a hand in dismissal. He immediately hurried around the car, knelt beside Twilight, and pulled her into a hug.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Y-You?"


They both stood and followed Peter into the airport proper. Lizzy and Daren fell into step beside them, and the police squad arranged themselves in a broad U shape at the rear. The now sizeable crowd of onlookers babbled excitedly as they moved in the same general direction.

Peter sighed and glanced over his shoulder at Daren, "Get rid of them, would you?"

Daren nodded, then muttered into a small radio Anon hadn't noticed strapped to his shoulder. Immediately, Officer Jacobs barked an order and half the squad peeled off to hound the crowd into dispersing. Peter let out an exaggerated sigh of relief.

"Sir," Anon said," If I may, Uh..."

"Yes? What is it?"

"Well, I don't mean to be rude, but, well... who are you? All of you."

"Ah, yes. Lizzy?"

The woman stepped closer and said in a small but chipper voice, "Think of us as your protectors! We're here to ensure that you," she gestured at Twilight, "Get back home safely, and that you," and she turned to Anon, "Are not taken advantage of."

"Okay, but who are you?"

She clicked her tongue, "We are representatives of an international organization known as Overture. We specialize in offering assistance to those in... unusual circumstances, such as yourselves."

Anon eyed her suspiciously. More likely they wanted to take advantage of him themselves.

"What kind of assistance? And just how often do you provide this assistance?"

"Fairly. Our customers include those in need of disappearing, those in need of protection, or simply those seeking adventure, and many others. You could say we specialize in being versatile."

Twilight nodded, seeming unsurprised, "My friends and I do something similar back home. Ponies will find themselves in a strange situation nopony else has ever encountered and some or all of us will be summoned to help them--whoever the Tree of Harmony decides is best suited for the job."

Anon noticed the intensity with which the three of them listened to her words. They weren't just interested, they seemed eager, almost hungry for her information.

"No idea how it knows who to send," Twilight continued, "But it hasn't been wrong yet. Even if sometimes the choice doesn't seem to make sense at first, it always seems to work out in the end."

Peter turned his head and asked, "And how many are in your organization?"

"Oh, just the six of us. Spike and Starlight help out a bit on the side, but it's mostly just us six."

"And how wide an area do you cover?"

"All of Equestria, and then some. We've been sent to help the Crystal Empire, the Dragon Lands... we've even been sent to Griffonstone and Yakyakistan."

That brought Anon up short.

"Wait, did you say 'dragon lands'?"

Twilight giggled at his expression, "Don't worry, they're peaceful now. The Dragon Lord Ember is a friend of ponykind and keeps the rest of the dragons in check with the Bloodstone Scepter."

Daren spoke for the first time, his voice rich and deep.

"What'd you do before when they weren't so peaceful?"

Twilight's ear twitched, "Avoided them, mostly. My friends and I once tried to get a dragon that was too close to Ponyville to go someplace else, and we nearly failed until Fluttershy stepped in."

Anon was getting increasingly uncomfortable with how much interest these three were showing in Equestria. He wanted to warn Twilight somehow, but couldn't think of any way that wouldn't be seen by either Daren or Lizzy, and all those guns behind him were making him nervous. He didn't want to risk upsetting these people, so instead he settled for an attempt to change the subject.

"Twilight, you never did explain why you came here in the first place? What was it about Earth that drew you in?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing in particular. I was just experimenting with a new spell I found."

"A Spell?"

Peter all but pounced on the words and Anon suppressed a wince. He had been hoping to avoid any mention of magic.

"Yeah," Twilight said blithely, "An interdimensional portal. There were plenty of warnings along with it, but I did some simple tests to make sure this world was at least lived in, not some barren desolate place that would kill me instantly."

"I... don't suppose I could see this portal?"

Anon clenched his jaw as Twilight hesitated.

"Well, I guess I could, but I really wanted to wait until we reached Starlight."

Peter stopped and turned around, bringing their whole entourage to a halt in the middle of the airport.

"It just sounds so fascinating, that's all. I'm sure you've figured out by now that we humans don't have any magic, so something like a portal to another dimension is beyond our wildest dreams. I can't even imagine what it would look like."

Anon let out a low hiss in an attempt to get Twilight's attention, but either she didn't hear it or didn't pay it any mind."

"Well... I suppose I could just show you what it looks like. I'll just close it again right away."


She looked up at him, mouth open, but Peter quickly said, "Oh yes, please, and I'm honored you would consider it for me. I can't imagine it's easy."

Twilight shrugged her shoulders and said, "The first one was hard, the one to come here, but the one to return home is a lot easier to cast. Here, see?"

And before Anon could react, her horn glowed and she jerked her horn in a sort of J-hook shape. A blue dot appeared before her, then with an electric crackle it rapidly expanded until it was about as tall as her and half as wide. Its edge was a darker shade of blue and seemed to shift and morph as if it were made of flames, and an eerie hum or rumble seemed to emanate from the thing.

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Peter's sharp snap of a finger. Daren instantly leapt forward and, to Anon and Twilight's amazement, dove headfirst through the portal. Twilight gasped and lurched forward as if to follow him, but Officer Jacobs shoved her to the side and rushed toward the portal as well.


She jerked her horn back and the edges of the portal abruptly snapped shut with an odd sort of "pomf" sound, leaving Jacobs to stumble in empty air.

Anon froze with uncertainty, but Twilight whirled around to glare at Peter.

"You foal! Do you have any idea what you've done!?"

Peter smiled smugly, "Why yes, I believe my organization just made first contact with another livable world."

Anon's mind raced, trying to see the best way out of this. There could be no trust going forward, but at the same time they couldn't risk offending these people either. The last thing he needed was some sort of showdown between a swat team and Twilight's barely recovered magic.

Twilight shook her head angrily, her tail lashing in distress.

"You don't understand! Magic is uniquely dangerous in ways you can't even comprehend! He could easily already be dead!"

Peter only chuckled lightly. "Oh, Daren can handle himself. He's got quite the array of equipment at his disposal."

Anon realized Twilight probably didn't even realize how much danger they were in and touched her shoulder to get her attention.

"They'll understand soon enough, Twi. What happens next is their own fault. Let's just get to Starlight and deal with this mess later, okay?"

Twilight stared up at him, her expression suspicious, confused, hurt.

"Were you in on this too?" She asked shrilly, "Was this your goal from the very start!?"

Anon's eyes widened in horror, "What? No! No no, God no. I have nothing to do with these people, I swear. I've never heard of Overture before in my life!"

Twilight was slowly backing away from him, "An easy lie to tell if you've already been playing me this whole time!"

Anon gaped at her, momentarily at a loss for words. He'd never anticipated she'd react like this.

Peter began, "Well, what if--"

"SHUT UP!" Twilight screamed, her horn sparking ominously, "You stay the buck out of this!"

A dozen rifles all raised in unison, but Peter jerked his hand urgently and they slowly lowered again. Then he and Lizzy backed away several steps without a word.

Anon took a steadying breath. He had to win her back at any cost.

"Twilight..." She turned to stare at him, her pupils small and fearful, "Please. I would never abuse your trust like this. You know I wouldn't."

She didn't respond, just stood there, her breathing coming in quick, short bursts.

He tried again, "Think about it. I've had plenty of opportunities to do something if I wanted, but I haven't. I've done nothing but help you. I just want to be your friend."

He felt his own breath catch in his throat as Twilight's ears flip-flopped uncertainly.

"Please," he begged, "Don't let them drive us apart. I can't... I can't lose you. Not now..."

His vision began to blur. She looked around her nervously, then stared up at him, her mouth hanging open. They stood like that for what felt like several minutes, then Twilight straightened and took a step toward him, her expression neutral, unreadable.

"Hold out your hand, Anon."

He did so immediately, without hesitation. She took another step closer and lowered her glowing horn to touch his palm.

"This is going to feel... weird. Just don't move."

Anon nodded, but still couldn't help but jerk with surprise when her horn suddenly sunk into his skin. It didn't stab him, rather it simply dipped into his skin like it was the surface of a lake. There was no pain--instead, an icy sensation shot up his arm, as if cold water was flowing through his veins. He gasped as the feeling reached his neck and a metallic taste flooded his mouth. Then it reached his head and his thoughts turned sluggish, his vision blurred, and his body suddenly felt far away, like he was drifting off to sleep.

He was dimly aware of Twilight speaking, but although he could hear her clearly, he could not make out the words. They were nonsense to him.

Without warning, the cold sensation abruptly yanked from his head, rushing back down his arm and vanishing completely as Twilight lifted her horn from his hand. Anon swayed unsteadily then slumped to his knees as Twilight stepped closer and he saw there were tears in her eyes.


"Wh... W-What did you do?"

He held one hand to his head, trying to get his bearings again.

Twilight stepped closer still and murmured, "I, um... I checked for how you felt about me. To see if... well, if you really cared."

He stared at her, vision beginning to clear the but the brain fog still heavy on his mind.

"And...? What did you see?"

Her eyes shimmered up at him.

"I... you..."

"Um, Miss Twilight?"

She jerked her head as if surprised to find anybody else was present.

Lizzy was squatting off to the side and looking anxious.

"Hi! Um, sorry. It's just that... well, we really need to catch that plane. It's leaving very soon."

Twilight stared at her, not seeming to process her words. Anon wasn't doing much better.

"I know, I know," she said apologetically, "You two were having a moment. I'm really sorry for interrupting. You'll have plenty of time to talk on the plane, though! We just, we really need to go. Like, right now."

Twilight turned back to Anon.

"Do we...?"

Anon still felt like his head was mush, but he furrowed his brow and focused on what was happening around him.

"Y...Yes. We need to get to Starlight, don't we?"

Twilight nodded in return and they both stood. Lizzy beamed at them, clasping her hands together in front of her chest.

"Great! Come on, it's just through that gate over there, number nine."

Twilight stayed very close to Anon's side as they walked the rest of the way, Peter and the guards following from a distance and the curious onlookers backing away nervously as they approached the gate terminal. The airport staff didn't even bother checking their info and they walked straight through and onto the plane.

Twilight suddenly stopped and turned around.

"You. Stay."

Peter halted abruptly.

Lizzy made an odd sound in her throat, "Um, y-you can't just order--"

"No no, it's fine, Liz."

He peered down at the pony, then smiled with practiced warmth.

"Be seeing you, Twilight Sparkle."

The flight attendant closed the hatch, separating the three of them from the rest of the group, then turned around and faced them.

"If you would please take a seat and fasten your seatbelts, we will begin taxiing any moment."

Anon took his first real look at the interior of the plane. It was of moderate size but very fancy, with dark leather first class seating and at least two private booths that he could see. He helped Twilight into a seat and spent over a minute trying to figure out a way to attach the seatbelt that worked for her. Eventually she just secured herself with her magic instead.

Lizzy, seeming a little awkward, had seated herself a fair distance away and was staring out the window back toward the airport. Anon leaned back in his chair and smiled pleasantly at Twilight, his mind finally starting to feel like it was clearing up.

Then he sat up abruptly, "Shit! I forgot about the replacement vet!"

Without even bothering to turn from the window, Lizzy said, "One's already on the way to Podunk, don't worry."

Anon leaned back again.

"Oh, okay. Phew. Thanks, I guess."

"That's what we do."

CH28: Flight

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Twilight was in a pickle, no doubt about that.

She sat in the big comfy chair as the plane slowly rolled around, staring out the window but not really seeing. All her thoughts were turned inward, and there were any number of things on her mind.

First, there was Daren and his near suicidal plunge into her portal. Why had he done it? Were they really that desperate to make contact? She wondered where the return portal had spit him out, and hoped it was someplace where he didn't cause too much trouble. Or... find too much trouble himself. Okay yeah, he was probably already dead.

Twilight shuddered and tried not to think about it. Nothing she could have done, really.

Then there was Peter's smug satisfaction about the whole thing, as if he knew something she didn't. But how could he? At best he could assume she had powers similar to what Starlight had shown, but there was no way for him to have known about the portal... right? And what did he mean "Be seeing you"? Was he headed to the same place?

And then there was Lizzy, who seemed so nice and friendly, but was supposedly from the same organization. What was her motive? Twilight shook her head, unsure what to even think about her.

But still, that wasn't what was really bothering her. She glanced at Anon, then hastily looked away when she saw he was already watching her.


He loved her.

There was no doubting it. The spell she had cast had revealed his emotion for her. He likely wasn't even fully aware of it himself yet, but she knew better. Problem was, what to do about it? For once she was well and truly out of her league. She had never been able to find a book that explained love! And even if she had, it would have been for somepony who was in love themselves, not somepony who was loved and needed to let the other party down gently!

She would, of course, wait until the last moment. No sense breaking his heart when they would still be together for quite some time. But then... when was the last moment? Yesterday she would have said just before walking through the portal home, but now she'd promised to bring him with her.

So... what, then? Let him down in Equestria? Hope he would be too distracted? Maybe encourage him to find somepony else?

It wasn't like she didn't want him to be happy, after all. She just didn't think she could reciprocate. Like, come on, loving an ape? What would everypony think!?

...Of course, Fluttershy wouldn't mind, and Pinkie would just be happy for her. Rarity would probably just be excited to design some new clothes for them... Dash wouldn't care, obviously, and Spike would hardly know what to think. Starlight might tease her... and Applejack might find it a bit hard to swallow. And Celestia? Oh dear, what would Celestia think? She never knew what was going on in the Princess's head even in the best of times.

Twilight shook her head again, silently chiding herself. What was she doing, planning all this out? It wasn't as if she loved him back. He had become a good friend, yes, and she might be suffering a bit of captor's syndrome... even if he hadn't meant to become her captor. And in the car, she had been really upset to think about losing him... But just because he was a friend! Right?

The plane came to a gentle halt.

Twilight looked back to Anon again and this time he was staring out the window instead.

There was definitely a sort of... fondness, she supposed. And this friendship certainly felt different from any others. Probably just because he was a strange species though...

Twilight resisted the urge to groan. Ponyfeathers, how does a mare know if she's in love?

Maybe she could ask Starlight?

She almost giggled aloud at that thought. No, Starlight wouldn't know anything about this. After all, she still hadn't made a move on Sunburst, and anypony could see they were made for each other.

Celestia, then?

Oh no, definitely not. What if she disapproved!?

She heard a whirring noise, low at first, then steadily growing in intensity. Probably the "turbines" Anon had been explaining earlier. He really was quite good at explaining things. Maybe she would have him teach in Ponyville. He'd need something to do with his days, after all. What could he teach though? Certainly nothing magic related--

As the whirring grew to a roar, the plane abruptly lurched forward, pulling Twilight out of her rear-facing seat.


Her magic "seatbelt" kept her secure, but the sensation had still surprised her. She looked out the window and saw they had already accelerated to an impressive speed. Then her barrel lurched as the plane tilted upward and the ground rapidly fell away below them, causing her unbound wing to partially unfurl in an instinctive response to the sight.

She heard Anon chuckle and felt her muzzle turn warm with embarrassment.

"S-Shut up! I didn't know what to expect!"

Anon shrugged his shoulders, still grinning, "I did explain about planes earlier."

"Yeah, well, you didn't say it would feel like this."

She swayed slightly as her stomach began to feel queasy.

"Whoa, hey... You alright?" Anon said, his face full of concern.

"Just... feeling a bit sick, that's all."

Without hesitation, Anon unbuckled his seatbelt and knelt by her side, despite the plane still rising.

"Look out the window, Twi. Focus on the ground, on the clouds, anything out there that's moving."

She did so, trying not to think about how close he was beside her.

"It's motion sickness," he said apologetically, " A real fun side effect some people experience when traveling in vehicles. Your inner ear is telling your brain that you're moving, but your eyes say you're stationary. The contradiction confuses your mind and makes you feel queasy."

"I never felt this in the car..."

"You could always see out a window there. Here you were only looking at the cabin. See, are you feeling better now, staring out the window?"

"Y-Yeah... I think it's fading."

Anon placed a hand on her withers and gently rubbed her neck.

"Good, I'd hate to have you puke in here."

"Uh, sir?" The flight attendant finally noticed what he was doing, "Sir, you must remain seated during take-off!"

Anon waved a hand as if to brush away a fly, "Ah, leave me alone. She was feeling sick and I'm obviously fine here."

"But sir!"

"What are you gonna do, tell the pilot to turn around so you can throw me off the plane? Get outta my hair."

The flight attendant frowned and crossed her arms, but said nothing else.

Twilight giggled, "Doctor Anon doesn't need the rules, huh?"

He waggled a finger at her, "Oh don't get me wrong, I'm all for rules and procedures. You oughta see my checklists back at the clinic. But no, right now, you're more important."

"Oh gosh, you use checklists too! I use them for everything!"

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "Well, I mean, they're certainly handy, but I don't use them nearly as much as I should."

Twilight laid a hoof on his forearm and exclaimed, "I can help with that!"

He chuckled and said, "Maybe you can."

Through the entire ascent, he never left her side, somehow knowing that rubbing her withers was helping to suppress her queasiness. Eventually the plane leveled out again and Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as the "fasten seatbelts" sign went dim.

The flight attendant unbuckled, stood up, and said sarcastically, "You are now free to walk about the cabin."

Lizzy immediately stood and walked to the back of the plane, disappearing behind a small door. Twilight took a short breath, then turned to Anon.

"What do you plan to do once you reach Equestria?"

The question seemed to catch him off guard.

"Uh... well Twi, to tell the truth, I don't rightly know. It just feels like the right thing to do."

She bit her lip awkwardly, "And, um... are you really sure you want to go?"

He looked sharply at her, his brow deeply furrowed. After several seconds of tense silence, he finally said, "...I would like it very much, but I don't want to be a burden. If you've changed your mind, I won't push. It's your prerogative."

His words were neutral enough, but Twilight saw the concern and disappointment lurking behind his eyes. He might not push, sure, but he would be devastated. Twilight suppressed the urge to sigh.

"No, Anon, don't worry. If you want to go, I am more than happy to bring you along."

His eyes lit up again with an infectious excitement, and she couldn't resist a smile in return.

"I just wanted to make sure you really thought it through. If you go with me, you probably won't ever come back. Don't you have friends or family or something?"

Anon slowly shook his head, the joy slowly draining from his face.

"I'm friendly with a few people, sure, but not really close to anyone, and I rarely talk to what's left of my small family. I wonder if they'll even noticed I'm missing come Christmas time."

Then he beamed again, "But what an opportunity! I mean, it's not every day you get the chance to explore a whole new world!"

"Ha! Right? That's exactly why I jumped on this portal spell as soon as I found it!"

"And good thing you did, too, or we would never have met, and what a tragedy that would be!"

He grinned at her and she tried to return the smile, but her mind was racing again. She'd hoped to convince him he actually wanted to stay. With him still coming with her, she was stuck in the same predicament.

Something must have shown on her face, because his joyous expression dimmed somewhat and he said, "You... do want me to come, right? You're not just saying yes to make me feel better?"

"No no, I do."


"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Anon stared blankly at her and she hastily added, "Uh, i-it's a Pinkie Promise. Better than a normal promise, you know?"

She grinned sheepishly, silently berating herself for using such a silly expression. Then Anon barked out a short laugh.

"I like it! Better than our 'hope to die' nonsense."

Twilight suddenly remembered the previous day, "Hey yeah... you did say that, back when you ate my spaghetti. It surprised me because it was so similar to our own promise, but the rhyme ended differently." She tapped a hoof on the armrest, "It's yet another way our worlds are similar but not quite identical. Gosh, I can't wait to talk to Princess Celestia about all this."

She heard a sound behind them and Lizzy walked back up the isle to sit a few rows away, then pulled out her phone and inserted some earbuds. Anon turned back to her and lowered his voice.

"So, what's up with her, you think?"

Twilight shrugged her shoulders, dropping her own voice to match, "She seems nice enough. Not like that other jerk. He was so... so..."

"Pretentious? Arrogant? Snobby?"

"Yes. All of the above."

Anon quirked his mouth to the side, then added, "I don't trust her."

"Who, Lizzy?"

"Yeah. They're part of the same organization after all."

"Oh... yeah, I guess that's true."

They fell silent for a moment, then Anon looked up again.

"You want to go into one of those private booths back there? Should be safe from nosy ears."

Twilight looked over her shoulder, then nodded, climbing out of her chair as Anon stood up and stretched his legs.

"Ohhhh man, I was squatting for too long."

Twilight giggled as she trotted down the aisle and examined the door to the booth.

"Um... where's the handle?"

"Oh, it's just this little notch."

He put his finger on the tiny, faint indentation on one side of the door. Twilight whinnied.

"That's it!?"

Anon chuckled as he stepped past her into the tiny room.

"That's it. Don't need much for a simple thing like this."

Twilight followed him inside and saw there were two large comfy chairs inside, even nicer than the ones they were just using.

Abruptly the flight attendant appeared at the door.

"Uh, sir," she said in a stern tone, "You're here for business class seats, not first class."

Anon rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, we're literally the only ones here!"

"That doesn't matter. You cannot simply take a seat above your class simply because it is empty."

Anon opened his mouth again but Twilight tapped his chin with a quick burst of magic to shut him up. Then she sat down and gave the lady her most pitiful face, with wide eyes, flopped down ears, and even a little twitch to the muzzle.

"B-But miss, it's scary out there! I... I'm not used to this... this thing. Plane, I think?" She tilted her head sideways a bit, letting her ears flop loosely. "I just thought... it seems so cozy in here. Please miss, we're not hurting anyone... isn't there anything you can do?"

The woman took a step back, her lips parting slightly, then, eyes glittering slightly in the light, she stammered, "I... N-No, of course. Please, go right ahead. It's just company policy, but screw them. They don't pay me enough anyways."

Twilight brightened a little, but kept her ears folded down.

"You... You mean it? It's really okay?"

"Y-Yeah, sure. Just... don't tell my boss alright?"

Twilight perked her ears and beamed up at the lady, "Oh, thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! We won't be any trouble, I promise. What's your name, miss?"

She seemed surprised by the question, but quietly replied, "Um, Jayna."

"Jayna... what a pretty name! I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle. I won't forget you, Jayna."

Blushing now, she took a step back and turned away without another word, but Twilight thought she heard a sniff as she walked away down the isle.

She turned back to Anon, her muzzle set in a smug grin. Anon suppressed a laugh, shaking his head as he slid the door shut.

"Weaponized cute. Now I've seen it all."

Twilight scrambled up onto one of the cushy chairs, still smiling with smug self-satisfaction.

"No creature can resist our wily charms!"

He plopped down in the chair opposite her and sighed, "No... No, I guess they can't."

Twilight's smile faded at the peculiar tone of his voice. She really shouldn't tease him now that she knew how he felt. Should she say something now that they were alone? ...No, she decided. She would wait until he brought it up himself.

Anon suddenly looked up at her again and said, "So! We've got a few hours to kill--how about you tell me about your friends? That way I'll already sorta know what to expect when I meet them."

Twilight nodded, glad for the change of subject.

"Okay, sure! First, I think you'll like Fluttershy the most, since she works with animals like you do..."

CH29: An Annoucement

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"Princess Luna!"

Luna jerked awake from her dozing to find Bastion laying beside her, just watching her. He smiled as she looked at him, then the voice called out again inside her head, and she realized it was Starlight Glimmer.

"I have a longer report for you this time, so I'll wait a moment before continuing, in case you need to wrap something up first."

"Oh, how thoughtful," Luna said.


"Starlight. She says she has a longer report, so she's giving me a moment to free myself. Unnecessary in this instance, but appreciated all the same."

"Huh. From what I heard about her, I would not expect such behavior."

"Nor I. It seems her time with Twilight has treated her well."

They waited in silence for a brief moment, the Luna raised her hoof to indicate Starlight had begun her report.

"Okay, hopefully that was enough time. So, I made contact with the humans--that's what the local intelligent species is called. They are like apes walking upright and always clothed. Very strange. Somehow we speak the same language... but anyway, that's not important. What is important, is that Twilight is on the way here!"

Luna gasped softly, then smiled at Bastion's questioning glance so he didn't think something was wrong.

"My human contact--his name is Arthur--said they received word from another nation that a 'purple pony with a horn like mine' has been found, and is on the way as we speak. She should be here in a couple of hours."

Then her tone sobered somewhat.

"Unfortunately, there is still no word about Celestia. Arthur says she is likely somewhere not friendly to the UK--that is what they call their nation--and since I know she is too far for my detection spell, he gave me a few other places to try next. As soon as I am with Twilight, she and I will begin exploring to find her as quickly as possible."

She hesitated a moment before continuing.

"These humans... I don't think they are what hurt Celestia. They seem friendly, helpful, and very interested in me, actually. I am still suspicious of their good behavior just in case, but if they can help, and with Twilight beside me, I expect to find Celestia within a day. I will update you when Twilight arrives, or if anything changes!"

Luna sighed, then looked up at Bastion, feeling bittersweet.

"Twilight has been found and is on her way to reunite with Starlight, but there is still no word about Celestia.

Bastion let out a small sigh, then said, "And what do you feel of her?"

Luna closed her eyes and concentrated, then she gasped, hope glowing within her.

"She is healing!"

Bastion's ears perked, "Oh?"

"Yes! Slowly, to be sure, but she has most definitely gained strength since this morning."

"That's good to hear."

Luna abruptly sat up, "Oh! What time is it? I do not wish to be late in retiring the sun."

"You are right on time, Mistress," Bastion said with a chuckle, "I was just thinking of reminding you."

Luna sighed with relief, then shot him a glance.

"I thought I said enough with the titles?"

He merely grinned.

"But you are my mistress, now."

Luna opened her mouth, then closed it, feeling her muzzle grow warm.

She turned toward the window as a distraction and looked up toward the sky. As before, she extended her ethereal magic upward, reaching toward the fiery sphere. This time, she took no chances. The very instant she made contact, she stamped it into obedience, and indeed it was good that she had, for it had immediately begun to swell up indignantly, clearly still seething about its earlier treatment. But she was master of the sky now, and it was compelled to obey as she ordered it down, down, down to the horizon.

Once safely tucked away beyond the reach of Equestria, she cast her awareness around until she felt her oldest friend, the moon. It awoke slowly, sending her a sensation that she had come to equate roughly to a yawn. However this time, as its awareness focused on her, it realized something was wrong and it insisted on an explanation before it would rise.

She could, of course, simply command it to move as she had done the Sun, but this was no petulant flame misbehaving out of spite, but rather an old friend taking a moment to check on her well-being. So she indulged the silvery orb, composing her thoughts into the broad concepts and emotions that comprised the celestial language.

She explained about her sister's student's absence, her sister seeking after the student and getting lost and hurt, and a search to recover them both. Then continued on to explain how her sister had passed command of the Sun onto her before departing.

At this, she felt for the first time a hot fury boil up inside her old friend, but the moon quickly reassured her it was merely angry at the Sun's behavior, not directed at her. Clearly they did not get along. Perhaps that is why they were always so far apart on the horizon, and why, try as they might, Celestia and Luna had never been able to raise them both simultaneously.

Nevertheless, the moon seemed satisfied with her explanation. It sent her an intense wave of hope and reassurance for which she expressed her gratitude, then it obediently climbed into the sky, only a moment or two later than normal.

She turned back to Bastion and caught him staring with something akin to awe on his face.

"W-What?" she said with a chuckle, "Why do you stare?"

He blushed and snapped his muzzle shut before replying, "You... it's just that you are so beautiful and majestic. I cannot... cannot quite believe that I--"


She brushed his lips with her magic as she approached.

"I understand, my Bastion. I was not born an alicorn, you know. It may have been a great many moons since that day, but my memory of it remains quite clear, and I remember well the overwhelming sense of awe you feel now. You are feeling the same as I felt on that fateful day."

His eyes widened, "Surely you do not mean to say that I will become--"

"Neigh, dearest, let not your hopes rise quite that high. It may well be possible, but I can make no promises for that is a matter to discuss with the other alicorns. We do not lightly take another into our ranks."

"But... forgive me mistress, but how can I be... uh," he gulped awkwardly, "Well, crown prince... as an ordinary unicorn?"

"We have several princes already, do we not? Royalty is one thing, but alicorn is quite another. With it comes more power and more responsibilities than most ponies will ever realize. To wit, you are not even aware of the battle I just waged against the sun, nor the careful diplomacy I employed with the moon."

"What? B-Battle!?"

"Indeed. It is quite ornery and does not take kindly to orders. It has no choice but to obey if I am stern enough, but it is no easy feat to wrangle it thus, and one which I must repeat twice daily. Likewise, Princess Cadance and Princess Twilight have their own struggles beyond the scope of ordinary ponies."

She shook her head gently and added, "Neigh, my Bastion. Do not wish so quickly for your wings. They are not entirely a blessing."

Abruptly her muzzle split in a yawn and she smacked her lips as it finished.

"Come now, dearheart."

She lifted her regalia in her magic and Bastion gave her a confused look.

"Do we have somewhere to be?"

Donning her silvery shoes, she smiled patiently, "Not necessarily, but we should let Serenity know of our situation. She will need to plan around it. Also, surely you are as hungry as I? We will pay Serenity a visit, then sup, then sleep, for I was woken after a mere nap this morning and am already weary, and additionally I must be up early on the morrow."

Bastion nodded and trotted over to his own armor, donning it quickly and turning to give her a snappy salute.

"Then I am honored to be your guard for one more night, Princess."

She rolled her eyes and grinned, "Oh do not be so serious."

* * *

"Are you SERIOUS!?"

Serenity all but fell out of her chair in astonishment.

"You have been Princess for one day and you already want to make a new prince? No. Out of the question. Completely impossible. Do you have ANY idea how much turmoil this would cause among the other royals?"

Princess Luna frowned. This was not how she imagined the conversation would go.

"Are you denying me, Serenity?"

Her voice was quiet, but it carried a great weight as silence fell across the room.

After a brief pause, Serenity took a sharp breath and said, "Princess, I wish nothing more than for you to be happy, and I believe you when you say that you and Captain Bastion have loved each other for years."

She sat before Luna and raised both hooves almost as if pleading.

"But you have to understand how momentous this would be, right? Royals would be infuriated, especially the princes! I have nothing but respect for Captain Bastion, but you must realize how much it would offend the princes to be abruptly equal to a mere guard captain?"

"Why should I care if they are offended?"


Her eyes widened in shock and she seemed momentarily at a loss for words. Luna quickly amended herself.

"Forgive me, Serenity. Please remember my ignorance of these matters. I know next to nothing of the aristocracy or the bureaucratic effects they have. I am not doubting their anger would be disastrous, I merely ask in what way it would affect the palace and Equestria at large."

The little mare pressed a hoof against the side of her head, her brow furrowing in distress.

"Serenity, look at me."

Her eyes darted up to meet her own, and Luna lowered her head, smiling apologetically.

"I will not marry Bastion at this time if it is that much trouble. I will not force your hoof in this matter. I merely wish to understand why I should not do so now. Please do not stress yourself over this decision, for I will defer to your judgement and wait until such time as you say it is right to do so, even if it be years hence." She quirked her mouth in a bit of a smirk, "Though obviously I would prefer it to be slightly sooner than that."

Serenity let out a tense giggle, then passed both hooves across her face and took a long, slow breath before responding.

"Thank you, Princess. I cannot even begin to explain how terrible an idea it is to wed you right now. We would be up all night discussing it. Just... please trust me when I say it cannot be now. Wait at least a week or two, and preferably a couple of months first. Your rule needs to stabilize before you go upheaving the royals so drastically."

Luna suddenly shook her head and laughed.

"What are we saying? My sister will return shortly--this rule of mine is only temporary!"

Serenity made an O shape with her mouth.

"Right. I had nearly forgotten among all the talk with other royals of it being permanent. I was attempting to avoid them getting too upset at all the changes."

"So, then... let us assume that my sister resumes her rule tomorrow evening, which I am hopeful will be the case. When, then, may Bastion and I make our announcement?"

"Well... I'd still suggest giving it a week or two just to be safe, but pretty much the moment you return her half of the throne, I suppose it would be okay."

Luna nodded, "Very well. In three days, then, provided that Celestia has returned to the throne by then. Acceptable?"

Serenity hesitated, then nodded, "I'll... I guess I'll make some preparations."

"Thank you. And I apologize for the scare."

The mare held a hoof to her chest as if in pain, then giggled.

"And I thought working under Celestia was tough!"

CH30: A Princess

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A painful lurch.

Celestia let out a low groan, and was immediately smacked on the muzzle.

She felt acceleration and struggled to open her eyes, but there was only darkness. From the bumpiness of the ride, she guessed she was being carried by something large. Perhaps even that strange metal monster she saw before. Even if not though, it was good to know she was thinking a little more clearly.

They had not yet caught on to her improving condition, though she was still in very bad shape, she knew. After all, they had not stopped draining her blood periodically, they just weren't doing it quite enough to keep up with her regeneration.

She wiggled her head a bit and was disappointed to feel her horn scrape bare metal. That meant it was uncovered, so the glow of her magic would be obvious. Then she was smacked again, harder, and a voice barked at her.

"Thula futhi uthule, nja!"

"Myeke," Arno's voice said quietly, then she felt his hand on her side.

She twitched with disgust.

"There is another of your kind blowing up buildings across the other side of the planet. Balance me why it attacks, and what can it do."

Celestia coughed, but said nothing.


His hand suddenly gripped the base of her horn, yanking her head roughly to the side.


Her forehead exploded in pain as he jammed the metal locking bar into the still healing flesh of her horn.

"I will not kill you, domkop, but I will still make you hurt if I am kwaai. You gav why do they come?"

"I... I can't..."

The pain seared hotter into her skull.


She screamed.

"I am a princess!"

His hand abruptly released her and the pain slowly began to fade.

"Izzit? So you are important to your people, yes?"

She curled into herself to try and rub her horn with a hoof, but she was tied too securely to reach.


It was not the most pain she had ever been in, but it was close. After all, she had had quite a few mishaps during her thousand years of ruling Equestria alone. Still, she had never been quite this helpless before.

After a moment of silence, Arno's sharp voice made her flinch, "Lekker! Boer maak 'n plan. You gav what can she do?"

"I--what?" She said, utterly bewildered.

"Ag, how do you say... I will make a plan. You can tell me what can she do to us. Tell me now."

Celestia was well and truly afraid of this man now, and the throbbing in her forehead made it hard to concentrate. Right now all she wanted was to avoid more pain.

"Who... ah, describe her."

"Describe, what is this word?"

"Nnnn... tell me what she looks like"

"Purple coat and hairs. Smaller than you, horn is shorter, and she flies."

Celestia jerked in astonishment, "T-Twilight!?"

"Ah, you gav her then. Tell me, what can she do?"

For the first time since she came to Earth, Celestia smiled, though he could not see it through the sack over her head.

"Spit fire and... and lightning from her horn... instantly move from one place... to..."

She trailed off with a gasp as she was already becoming exhausted.

"Yes? And? Speak, now!"

Celestia cringed as he placed a threatening hand on her horn.

"From one place to another! A-And make things float around her, make... ugh, make protective shields... all faster than you can move an arm."

She let out a coarse, croaking laugh.

"If she finds you... there is nothing you can do to stop her."

Arno scoffed as he released her, and she felt her lifeblood begin to flow out of her once again.

"We will see about that."

CH31: Perfectly Logical

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"Alright, give that a try," Anon said, "Go slow, and stop the very instant you feel pain."

He held his breath as Twilight cautiously lifted her hoof from the cushion, but amazingly, she was able to pick it up and even hold it outstretched toward him.

"And no pain? Not even a twinge?"

"No, nothing. That's good, right?"

Anon chuckled, sounding almost nervous.

"It's better than good, Twi. It's fuckin' incredible. I can't feel even a trace of that hairline fracture, you don't hurt even from the knock test, and you're supporting your own limb's weight all within a few days of the injury." He shook his head in disbelief and continued, "Either your magic's doing a real number on you, or you ponies heal a good deal faster than anything I'm used to."

Twilight giggled and wiggled her hind leg, and he bent over that one in turn. As he removed the cast, Twilight lowered her voice and said, "So, what are we going to do about... her?"

Anon glanced over his shoulder at the airplane cabin door, in the direction that Lizzy sat.

"I don't know. I'm sure she'll have friends waiting for us when we arrive. I can only hope either you can get us past them, or they play nice until we get back with Starlight."

"And then all three of us can hop through the portal, easy peasy. I can even make it up in the air and float us into it, so they definitely can't reach."

"Good thinking."

Twilight sighed, then shook her head sadly.

"What was he thinking, Anon?"

He didn't even have to ask who, she could only mean Daren.

"Probably that he'd find something worth exploiting and a way to bring it back to Earth."

"But who knows where my portal spat him out! He could have dropped right into a manticore's den, for all I know!"

Anon laid a hand on her back, hating to see her like this.

"Twi... It wasn't your fault."

She looked up at him, eyes glistening.

"I mean it. It wasn't your fault. They tricked you into opening that portal, and then he jumped through with no warning. You barely closed it in time to stop the second guy. You did everything you could."

With a little sniff, she nodded and averted her gaze, "I just... I don't want to hurt any creature, even indirectly. I hate using my magic for harm."

Lifting both hooves, she stared at her forelimbs as if they were someone else's.

"Every time me and my friends save Equestria, I always try to do it peacefully first... That's actually worked a couple of times, too." Her hooves plopped back onto the seat cushion and she continued glumly, "But most of the time, we have to pull out our elements and blast them with the raw arcane power they control. And every time, I hate it."

There was a brief silence, then she amended herself.

"Well, except for Tirek. I really did want to kill him for a while there. That was..." She shuddered, "Intense."

Anon glanced up at her as he unwound the cushioning gauze from around her hind leg.

"Want to talk about it?"

She let out a long sigh and said, "No, not really."

"Okay, Twilight."

She grinned sardonically, "Don't sound so disappointed."

He shrugged in response.

"What can I say? I like to hear stories about your adventures. Everything about them sounds fascinating."

"Yes, well, maybe wait until we get to Equestria to hear the rest. Then my friends can back me up and I don't have to dry out my throat talking so much!"

Anon chuckled and slid the foam stockinet off her hoof.

"Alright, just like before, tell me if you feel even the slightest twinge of pain."

"Yep, got it, doc."

Anon took one finger and lightly touched where he knew the fracture had been, and was once again amazed at how smooth the area felt. He rubbed gently, watching her face for any change in her expression, then pressed with a bit more force, sliding his fingers all the way around her leg, making her giggle nervously as he crossed her inner thigh. He grinned at her.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna tickle you again."

Twilight stuck out her tongue at him and he quickly tapped it with the tip of his finger.


She immediately began licking her fetlock and Anon gave her a funny look.

"My finger is gross but your fur isn't?"

"I know where my fur has been!"

Anon laughed and resumed his work. He used both hands to pinch on either side of the fracture and applied a tiny amount of shear force to the area, pushing with one hand and pulling with the other. He very slowly increased the pressure up to a safe maximum to which he was trained, then began knocking on her bone with a knuckle, gently at first, then with progressively more force.

When she passed that too, he finally straightened again and shook his head in wonder anew.

"It's as if it was never even broken in the first place. You don't even have a thicker outgrowth of bone mass like normal. It's just... whole again."

He eyed her wing curiously and Twilight, catching his glance, wiggled her good wing excitedly.

"I suppose there's no harm in checking..." he muttered to himself.

Twilight's eyes lit up as Anon laid his hands on her bound wing.

"You think I can fly again!?"

"Whoa there, pony. I'm only checking. That fracture in your wing was a lot dirtier than your legs, so I don't expect much, but with how fast your legs healed, I can't ignore the possibility."

He carefully unwound the bandage from her barrel and disengaged the brace from around her wing, taking care to roll everything up again so he could reapply it without much trouble.

"Now Twi, it is very important you do not move this wing except exactly as I say, okay? Normally you would be unconscious for this."

Twilight nodded, but added, "Just be careful at the joint... I'm ticklish there too, okay?"

Anon grinned, then nodded seriously as he began his examination. This time there was clear bone outgrowth, but it was much less pronounced than he'd been expecting. It also only seemed to be present on the two worst fracture points, not on the three cleaner ones. The four pieces of shattered bone certainly felt solid now, but Anon began the tedious test procedure once again. He made it all the way to the knock test before Twilight let out a little whinny.

"Ah, I was afraid of--"

"No no!" She interjected quickly, "That wasn't pain! It was just--the knocking kept reverberating down my spine. Felt really weird is all."

Anon gave her his most serious expression, "Twilight, even the slightest bit of pain could result in the bone snapping the moment it takes your weight. You must not cut corners here."

Her ears flattened determinately, "I mean it, Anon! There was no pain at all, just that weird reverberation."

He leaned closer and peered into her eyes.

"Pinkie Promise?"

She inhaled sharply, clearly surprised he remembered her 'stronger' promise, then nodded.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Then she added in an undertone, "Literally hope to fly this time..."

Anon chuckled, then nodded.

"Okay, Twi. I believe you. One final test."

Gripping her wing in both hands, he tried to actually bend it laterally as if it was taking her weight for flight. He started off extremely gentle as usual, worried about doing any damage, but Twilight said nothing so he began steadily increasing pressure. Twilight shuffled her other wing a bit.

"Still okay?"


He slowly increased the pressure to the point that his arms began to shake, then released her with an explosive exhalation of breath.

"By God, girl. I can't explain it, but you're fuckin' healed."

She gasped, tears springing to her eyes.

"Really!? You mean it! I... I had hoped, but was trying to keep my expectations low."

"Really, Twi. I officially release you as my patient."

Twilight leapt up and wrapped both hooves around his neck and extended both wings around his shoulders, squeezing him in a unique double hug that felt amazingly cozy.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

He wrapped his arms around her barrel and pressed his face into her mane, somewhat surprised to find himself enjoying the sensation--enjoying it a lot. He inhaled deeply and they pressed closer together as her wings curled further across his back and up the back of his head.


She shifted slightly, pulling back her head without releasing him and looking into his eyes with a somewhat nervous smile.

"I... I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I can't thank you enough."

Anon stared into her eyes, so close he could count the eyelashes, and found himself utterly lost for words.

She held his gaze for a few more seconds, eyes shining in the light, then she blinked, shook her head lightly, and began to withdraw her limbs. He leaned back again, feeling somewhat dazed.

"Alright, well," she said, "Time for the ultimate test, right?"

He nodded dumbly and she spread her wings to their full extent. They were the same color as her coat, but they shimmered with an iridescent quality not present anywhere else on her body. They were fascinating and beautiful to see.

Twilight let out a little cough. He jerked his attention back to her, blinking and smiling sheepishly.

"S-Sorry, what?"

"I'm going to hover here, so I need you to back up against the wall. It looks like there should be just barely enough room."

Dutifully sliding backwards, he gave her a thumbs up and she took a deep breath. Then she leapt into the air and--promptly landed square on her hooves.


She looked down at her hooves, then back up to Anon, looking totally bewildered. Anon burst out laughing.

"W-What's so funny? It's not funny!"

Looking a little hurt now, Twilight folded her wings away and Anon struggled to get his laughter under control.

"Sorry! Sorry, it's just I just remembered... lower air pressure! The cabin must not have thick enough air for you to fly normally. But you were just like... THUNK!"

And he mimed her leaping and dropping abruptly to the floor as he suppressed another giggle fit. Twilight frowned, then spread her wings again.

"Well, I'll just have to try harder, then."

"Careful, you--"

But she wasn't listening to him now. Her wings beat furiously, ruffling his shirt and blowing back his hair as she cycled the limited amount of air within the small room faster and faster.

She remained firmly on the ground.

"What? Why!?"

Anon shook his head, still grinning but most of his mirth expended.

"Probably something to do with the limited airspace."

Just then, there was a knocking at the door. Anon shared a glance with Twilight, then slowly opened it.

"Hello, would you--" Jayna saw Twilight and gasped, "Oh my...!"

Twilight hurriedly folded her wings away, saying, "Sorry! I didn't mean to--"

"No no, they're beautiful!"

Twilight hesitated, wings half folded, "Oh. Um, thank you. They're... actually kinda matted right now. I need a good preen after so long in the bandage."

Jayna smiled at Twilight, then stepped to the side and gestured to a cart behind her.

"Do you want any in-flight snacks or drinks? Business class snacks?" She smirked at Twilight as she emphasized the word.

"Um... what do you have?"

Jayna held out a small menu and Anon reached for it, "Here, I'll order."

Twilight's magic snatched the menu out from his hands and she waved him away with a hoof.

"Nuh uh, I want to do it!"

He slowly sat back down again as Twilight began studying the menu.

"Well, while she's reading that, I'll have a fruit bowl and some apple juice."

"Of course, sir."

Then, after a couple of moments' silence, Twilight looked up and said, "Can I get a blueberry bagel and a slice of pumpkin pie?"

Jayna nodded again, "Absolutely! Any drink?"

"Oh. Um, just water."

"Just a moment."

She turned around and fussed with the cart for a moment and Anon glanced at Twilight.

"Preening? How does that work without a beak?"

Twilight giggled, "Couldn't wait to ask that one, huh?" He shook his head with a grin and she continued, "It's not that different really, I just use my teeth and tongue instead of a beak."

"Why not just use your magic?"

"Well where's the fun in that?"


Twilight nodded happily, "Preening is very calming and relaxing. I'm honestly looking forward to a good preen, it's been too long."

Jayna turned back around and handed out their food, then slid the door shut with a polite smile, and they began to munch away.

Anon swallowed a bit of fruit then looked up at Twilight and said, "Do you want any help preening?"

Her eyes widened and she quickly averted her gaze, muzzle reddening slightly, "It's, um... it's kind of personal."

"Oh!" Anon waved his hands quickly, "Sorry, I didn't know. Forget I asked!"

"W-Well..." Twilight shuffled her hooves awkwardly as her muzzle darkened further, "I wouldn't exactly mind having some help."

Anon raised his eyebrows and her ears folded back as she quickly added, "It's just a lot more relaxing when somepony else is doing it, that's all. Being able to just lay there and relax, not think about what you're doing with the feathers... besides, I'm sure you'll be faster because of your fingers."

Anon resisted the urge to smirk, "I see. Perfectly logical."


They both hesitated.

"M-Maybe after we finish eating."

"Yeah" Anon agreed.

They munched on their food in awkward silence for several minutes. Then Anon sighed and said, "Ah, screw it, I'm not really hungry."

He stood up, crossed the tiny room, then sat down beside Twilight, earning a surprised squeak from her. The chair was intended for one, but it was large and cushy enough that both of them kinda fit if they scrunched together a little. Twilight shuffled around and laid across his lap, her ears folded down in embarrassment, and Anon scooted back deeper into the seat to give her more room.

"Just, um..." she said nervously, "Just run your fingers from top to bottom, tugging each feather lightly to see if it's loose, then smooth out the vanes and straighten the feather relative to the wing."

"Okay, sure. Simple."

"Yes. Just do it like a hundred times," she said with a giggle.

Anon smiled, then placed both hands on her wing, which shivered lightly at his touch. He began methodically working his way down the wing, going left to right, then top to bottom, just as if he were reading, beginning with the downy soft feathers along the top ridge.

Twilight initially tried to continue eating her bagel while he worked, but clearly she was having trouble focusing on her magic and, after a couple of bites, she gave up trying to hold it steady enough to eat. She set the bagel down and simply closed her eyes to revel in the sensation. Her head sunk slowly down and down until it was eventually tucked in against his side, her snout pressed into the side of his hip.

It was then Anon knew that he loved her.

The hug from earlier had been lurking in the back of his mind, and now, with her curled up around him and trusting him to this intimate task, he realized he wanted nothing more than to just stay like this with her forever.

Problem was, she hadn't made any moves on him. Not even a hint of attraction. The hug had simply been her showing her gratitude. After all, she'd already explained that ponies were much more touchy-feely than humans... and letting him preen her was certainly nice and trusting of her, but hardly proof of returned love. She had had solid enough reasons for it after all.

He thought back to earlier and... no, there was nothing, really. There had been that little nose brush last night, but that was clearly an accident, and she had been cuddling him this morning, but it made perfect sense--he did keep the bedroom quite cold after all, and he doubted she knew where the spare blankets were.

Nevermind that--they were completely different species! Of course she didn't love him, and how in the hell could he love her? But he looked down at her, splayed across his lap and curled around both sides of his torso, and his chest burned with the need to care for and protect this mare.

...This mare who wielded fantastical powers and was literally royalty and probably had no use for him whatsoever. What could he possibly offer her? He couldn't even offer his skills as veterinarian since she mentioned they have healing spells.

Anon let out a low sigh. There was nothing for it. He'd just have to brace for her inevitable rejection.

It was only logical.

CH32: London

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As Twilight regained consciousness, the first thing she noticed was Anon's scent. She took a deep breath and let it fill her head, then began to stretch her limbs contentedly. That meant twisting onto her side in Anon's lap and curling all four legs around his torso, forelegs on his left, hindlegs on his right, her head resting on the armrest.



Cracking an eye open, she saw Anon looming over her, seeming massive from her perspective. She smiled up at him.


And she hooked her legs behind his torso and pulled herself closer to his belly, lowering her head to his side again.

"Eh heh... Twilight, you need to wake up."

She dug her muzzle deeper between his side and the armrest.

"Girl, don't make me tickle you again."

Her ear shot upright, then she began to slowly untangle herself from his body, scooting away from his torso and rolling onto her belly. She let out a huge yawn, then looked up at Anon with a little pout.

"Was that really necessary?"


He tapped her snout with a finger, sending a burst of tingles all through her face that made her want to sneeze, but not quite strong enough to actually do it. She scrunched and wiggled her muzzle to try and dismiss the sensation, and Anon grinned at her.

"Because we're about to land. It's time to meet Starlight."

Her eyes widened and her ears perked up, "Oh my gosh! It's happening!"

She slid to the floor, feeling suddenly anxious for some reason. It made it hard for her to stand still, so she trotted in place to burn off some of the nerves.

Anon leaned forward and placed a steadying hand on her withers.



"It's gonna be alright."

He met her gaze with a smile and rubbed her shoulder, "Starlight will be thrilled to see you, and you'll be home soon, okay?"

She sat down and leaned into his touch.

"Just sit back and relax. Everything will be fine."

Twilight took a deep breath, then smiled sheepishly. "Thanks, Anon. I... needed that."

He nodded and she turned around to hop up into the opposing seat.

"You're really good at that, you know?"

"At what?"

Twilight shuffled her hooves, "I'm always panicking over little things for no reason. My friends even call it 'Twilighting'."

"They made you into a verb?"

"Yes!" She slumped forward, plopping onto her belly in the large chair and saying, "It's so embarrassing, but I just can't help it. I just... I always have so much to think about, my mind trots away from me, you know?"

Then she raised her head and met Anon's gaze again.

"But you... it's like you can see it coming and reach out to stop it almost before it even happens. You've done that several times now." She looked down and tapped her hooves together, "I, um... I really appreciate it."

Anon didn't respond immediately, so she flicked her eyes back up to him and noticed his cheeks had turned faintly pink. He inhaled sharply as she met his gaze and stammered, "W-Well, I mean... It's no problem, really. Just trying to help, is all."

She gave him a little smirk and said, "I'm only saying 'thank you,' Anon. What's got you so flustered?"

He opened his mouth as if to respond, then abruptly looked away. At that moment, the "fasten seatbelts" sign came on and Twilight jumped slightly as a cool, relaxed voice came from somewhere above her.

"Howdy folks, this here's your Captain speaking. A very good evening to my three passengers, and especially to you, little miss pony. We're on approach to London City Airport, about three minutes from touchdown. Please remain seated with your seatbelts on until the 'fasten seatbelt' light turns off, 'cause it's a mite choppy out there tonight. Once safely on the ground, it's a short taxi to the terminal, then I'll be waiting by the hatch to see you off. Stay warm out there, and thank you for flying with Overt Airways."

Twilight concentrated on the strange words and was pretty sure she got it all pieced together. The bit about the seatbelts she definitely understood, so she quickly focused her magic until the harmonic threads condensed into solid form and shaped it into a long cord, then she bound each side to the back of the chair.

Not a moment too soon, for the plane then lurched and she was shoved sideways into the armrest.

Anon grinned, "Heh... just a 'mite choppy', huh?" Twilight giggled nervously, then Anon added, "Look out the window, Twi, like before. Wouldn't want you getting sick now."

She did so, and she gasped to see the ground so close and whizzing by at such an incredible speed, far faster than she had ever flown herself.

"Oh wow... You know, Rainbow Dash can--" She was cut off by another sickening lurch. "A-Actually, it can wait."

Scooting over as far as her bindings would allow, she leaned closer to the window so it filled more of her vision. They were really getting quite close now, and Twilight saw a river snake rapidly through the city. Then the plane quickly dropped the remaining distance and there was an odd shriek as they contacted the ground. Twilight began to shuffle nervously at how fast they were still going, but suddenly she felt herself being pulled out of her chair with tremendous force. Hastily, she reinforced the bonds between her cords and the back of the chair.

The pull eased off mere moments later, and Twilight looked outside again to see them gliding slowly over the ground, pivoting slowly toward a large, tall building. In the distance she saw enormous metal vehicles rolling around, and abruptly realized that she must be in one just like them.

"Oh wow..." Anon hummed inquisitively and she clarified, "I just--I couldn't see this plane as we entered, so I had no idea what we were really riding in. Now I see the other planes rolling around and they're all so much larger than I expected." She turned back to him, "And these enormous vehicles... how do they fly?"

Anon chuckled and said, "Well I mean, you saw how fast we were going when we landed, right? The faster the air flows over the wings, the more lift they generate. Get going fast enough, and you lift an enormous amount of weight."

"Yeah, you said that before, but how? Why do they create lift at all?"

"Oh." Anon rubbed his chin for a moment, "Well, some folk say there's this effect where, because the top of the wing curves more than the bottom, the air moves faster there and thus has lower pressure than the slower air on the underside of the wing, so that creates lift. But then, I've also heard that's a myth and it's just because of the angle of the wing. Maybe it's a bit of both?" He grinned and shrugged, "I dunno, I'm just a lowly vet, not an aeronautical engineer."

Twilight looked down at her own wings.

"Fascinating... I wonder if there's a similar effect in faster pegasi's wings."

"Eh, I'd be surprised. Bird wings operate in a completely different way, even very fast falcons and such."

"I suppose you're right."

The plane came to a gentle halt, and the 'fasten seatbelts' light went dark again. Twilight flicked her horn and her bond to the magic coils snapped, causing them to dissipate almost instantly, then she hopped down off the chair and followed Anon out of the cabin. Twilight saw the flight attendant standing in a little alcove off to the side and raised one wing in farewell.

"Goodbye, Jayna!"

The woman looked a little surprised, then slowly waved back at her. Then Twilight paused for a moment.

"Anon, pass me that wad of bandages."

He looked confused, but did as she asked. She lifted it in her magic, causing the woman's eyes to widen with astonishment. Then she focused on the bandages briefly, using a bit of transmography as well as some simple shaping and binding, then finally a pigment spell, and gave it one last look over.

It had become a decent imitation of her own figure as a hoof-sized plush.

She floated the little doll over to Jayna who, looking bewildered, slowly held out a hand for it. Twilight set the figure down in her palm, then waved a hoof and resumed walking down the aisle, suppressing a giggle.

She kind of liked being such an oddity around these people.

As they approached the hatch through which they had originally entered, Twilight saw a grizzled old man in a crisp uniform standing beside it. His face was pockmarked and wrinkled, but he smiled brightly as they approached, and the happy expression seemed to take a few years off his age.

"Evening, miss pony. It was an honor to fly for you."

She smiled at him as they passed.

"Thank you very much. It was a fascinating voyage."

He beamed down at her, then they exited the plane, Anon in the lead and Lizzy following quietly behind her.

As they walked down the tunnel, Twilight realized there was some commotion happening on the other end. It grew louder as she approached the entrance into the airport terminal. Then she stepped through the doorway.

An explosion of sound struck her as an enormous crowd burst into cheers and applause. The terminal was absolutely packed with humans, a thin path through the crowd kept clear by short metal fences and dozens of police officers.

Twilight's ears folded down in embarrassment as she realized they were cheering for her.

"A-Anon...? Anon!" She had to yell to get his attention. "Why are they so happy to see me!?"

He shrugged and said loudly, "Maybe you became famous while we were in the air!"

Lizzy stepped forward and shouted, "They're excited to see a real, live unicorn!"


"Right, yes, sorry!"

She looked around at all the people, feeling like she was back at her coronation as princess. In fact...

She gauged the spacious interior of this enormous building and nodded to herself.

"Anon! What is this place called?"

"What, the airport?"

"No, the city!"

"Oh, London! Why?"

Rather than answer, Twilight spread her wings wide and a sudden hush fell over the crowd. She leapt into the air, flapping powerfully, muzzle breaking into a huge grin as she surged skyward, finally free of the ground once again.

There was a brief moment of almost total silence.

Then the crowd roared with cheers anew as Twilight soared gracefully above them. She swooped into a standstill and hovered in place, horn glowing faintly as she magically amplified her voice.

"Humans of London!"

The cheers halted almost instantly.

"As Princess of Equestria, I, Twilight Sparkle, thank you all for such a warm welcome."

She had to pause as the crowd roared again, then quickly quieted, awaiting her next words.

"I will be leaving this world soon, but I hope to return someday. When that time comes, I will always remember London as a kind and welcoming place!"

She swung her head in a dramatic gesture and beams of light burst from her horn in all directions, spreading out rapidly, then dissolving into glittering sparkles that wafted gently down before dissipating into nothing before it reached the crowd.

A simple spell, but pretty and effective nonetheless. The crowd erupted once more, and Twilight glided slowly back down to the ground beside Anon, who beamed at her as she approached.

"Nice speech, your majesty."

She blushed and waved a hoof at him, "Well I couldn't just say nothing!"

"No, apparently not!"

Lizzy leaned forward and said, "That was very sweet, Princess, but please, let's get going now. These guards won't wait all day."

Twilight nodded and the three of them began walking down the path that cut through the crowd. A sea of faces screamed at her as they passed and she caught snippets of words shouted at her here and there.

"You're beautiful!"

"Why are you here!?"

"Go away!"

"Thank you!"

"Just one feather?"

"Heal my baby, please!"

That last one caught her attention and she turned to see a haggard looking woman with a baby in a stroller. A hush fell on the nearby crowd as Twilight turned to face her.

"What's wrong with your baby?"

The woman, stunned almost to tears that she actually got a response, stammered her reply.

"H-He barely eats... vomits everything, never cries... he is wasting away. P-Please, I'm begging you..."

Twilight's ears folded back. That didn't sound like anything she was familiar with, but she couldn't just walk away now. She took a step forward and several nearby guards collected around her, spreading a gap in the makeshift fence and shoving the crowd roughly back, giving her some space with the stroller.

Twilight reared and placed her forehooves on the edge of the stroller, partially extending her wings for balance, and lowered her horn to the tiny human. Her horn flickered as she carefully began to read the harmonies she felt within. They were... odd, but surprisingly similar to what she might expect from a foal.

Then she noticed something strange in the baby's gut. The appendix, she thought it was called? It seemed to hiss or buzz angrily in her mind. Her horn glowed as she reached out toward it and carefully, almost tenderly, she eased the sickened organ with a calming spell, then mended it with some simple healing magic. The angry sensation seemed to fade.

Twilight hoped that was it, because she could detect nothing else.

Slowly, she retreated from the stroller and looked up at the woman who had tears streaming down her face, "Um... his, uh, appendix, I think it's called? It should be healed now."

The woman's eyes widened with pure shock and awe.

"The... The d-doctors said it was his appendix, but they couldn't do a-anything!" She collapsed to the ground, sobbing openly now. "Th-Thank you! Thank you s-so much!"

Twilight smiled awkwardly, then backed into the open aisle once again. The crowd seemed oddly subdued after that, almost reverent as their little party moved toward the exit.

Then Twilight gasped.

There, standing just outside in a wide clearing made by even more guards, was Starlight Glimmer, a golden shield glittering around her.

Time seemed to slow as she lurched into a canter.

Her magic flung open the doors and Starlight's head snapped up.

Her own eyes widening, she too broke into a canter.

The mares collided in the middle in a tight embrace and the crowd exploded once more.

Twilight cried, "You don't know how glad I am to see another pony!"

"I'm just glad you're okay!" Starlight shouted in reply. Then she looked around, her horn glowed, and a soundproof bubble popped into existence around them. Twilight's ears rang in the abrupt silence.

"Twilight... I have to tell you something."

Twilight looked back over her shoulder to see Anon stumbling backward, having been shoved aside by the spell.

"O-Oh, let him in, too!"

Starlight looked surprised, but Twilight insisted, and Starlight gestured at Anon to enter. He tentatively touched the bubble with a finger, then, when it passed through, slowly inserted his arm, then finally stepped through completely.

"Oh wow," he said, "Completely soundproof?"

"Yep. Now Twilight, listen... and, uh, maybe sit down first."

Something in her tone made Twilight nervous and she lowered cautiously to the ground.

"What is it, Starlight?"

She sighed and haltingly said, "I... am not the, uh... the first one to come looking for you."

"What? Who else?"


Twilight's head snapped back in surprise.

"Really? Princess Celestia herself? How come I never heard anything about her?"

Starlight winced and said, "Because she's gone missing, Twilight. Princess Luna felt her get injured. She's hurt, Twi. Hurt bad."

Twilight swayed as the blood drained from her face.

"Celestia... hurt? But... But how?"

"We don't know. All we know is she is hurt, she isn't healing, and she's very far away. Almost as far as you were from me, when you sent that pulse. That was her pulse you felt, Twi. I never sent one."

"Oh no..."

"But Twilight, that isn't even the worst part."


"She gave up her power."


"She gave the throne to Luna before she left. She's just a normal alicorn now, like you or Cadance."

"Y-You mean she's mortal!?"

Starlight nodded grimly and Twilight began to fidget nervously.

"She's mortal, and she's hurt, and she's lost somewhere on this planet? Tartarus, Starlight, we have to find her! We have to!"

"Yes. As soon as I met with you, that was the plan."

"B-But... where to start?"

Anon finally spoke, "You know..."

Both mares turned to stare at him as if surprised to find him there.

"As much as I hate to say it, Overture might still be of some use. They clearly have connections. They could probably fly us just about anywhere."

"But Anon, fly us where?"

"Why don't you try that pulse thing again? Do a few of them in a pattern, or... I dunno, can you 'pulse' words? Even one word? Try to tell Celestia you need to know where she is."

Starlight gasped, "Twilight!"


"Anchor's Note!"

Twilight's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. Anon just said, "Uh, what?"

"An oooold spell," Twilight said, "But it's exactly what we need! It lets you send an image you hold in your head across the ether just like a pulse. It takes a huge amount of power though, so almost nopony can even do it anymore."

"But I have unlimited power!"

"You do?"

Twilight gasped.

"You didn't!

"I did! Well, we did. Luna did it to me."

"The condensed ether gel?"


"Oh my goodness, we have so little research on that! What was it like? Were the descriptions accurate? How--"

"Twilight!" Anon said sharply.

She jerked her gaze to him, then nodded slowly.

"Sorry, you're right. Another time."

Starlight giggled, "Ooh, he's cracking the whip, huh?"

"Oh hush," Twilight said, rolling her eyes, "He's been very helpful, I'll have you know. Now, can you cast the spell?"

Starlight nodded, "I just need to know what image to send."

Anon said, "How about an image of a written word?"

Twilight grinned, "Great idea, Anon. Here, Starlight:"

She whipped out her little notepad, flipped to a blank page, then scribbled something out in a strange, flowing, circular script Anon had never seen before.

"What is that?" He asked.

"Hmm? Oh, this is Equestrian, our own writing system. Maybe I'll teach it to you one day--it's much more efficient than your silly 'alphabet'."

She held the notepad up to Starlight, who nodded and said, "Okay, I'll send it now."

Starlight closed her eyes and lowered her head in deep concentration. Her horn began to glow, then overglow as the excess magic began to spill out.


"I know, I know!"

Starlight gritted her teeth, and the excess slowly faded back into a normal glow again. Then Starlight raised her head high.


A silent explosion of iridescence rippled out from her horn, and Twilight's mind was filled with a bright and clear image of Starlight holding the notebook with the message, "Where are you?" and seeing herself sitting in the background.

"It worked!"

Starlight relaxed and panted, "Oh good... Wow, that was... harder than I expected... even with all these enchantments..."

"Now what?" Anon asked.

"That's a good question," Twilight said, "If Celestia is hurt, how can she get a message back to us?"

"We'll just have to hope she thinks of something," Starlight said, "In the meantime, we need someplace to wait."

There was a hollow thumping noise and all three of them jumped, then turned to see Lizzy tapping on the bubble with a knuckle. After glancing at Twilight to confirm it was okay, Starlight's horn flickered and abruptly the woman's knuckle passed straight through, causing her to jump with surprise. Anon waved her inside.

Once she got over the surprise and they introduced her to Starlight, she said, "Okay, well, you can't just sit here in front of the airport all day. What are you doing to do now?"

Anon said, "Think you could get us someplace to stay for a bit?"

"What? Why?" Lizzy said, furrowing her brows.

"Because there's a third pony somewhere on Earth, and they are waiting for a response to find her."

Lizzy's eyes widened, "A third...? Y-Yes, of course, right away. Let me make a phone call and I'll see what I can do."

CH33: Response

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Celestia was barely holding on to consciousness while the blood continued to drain out of her when the image flashed through her mind.

She gasped with astonishment.

Starlight and Twilight both? And Twilight was okay! Her dear and precious student was safe! She nearly choked with relief, then she took several deep breaths.

This was it. This was her chance. Now, before she lost consciousness entirely. Her body may be weak, but her mind was strong, her will like iron.

She was going to need that iron.

Very carefully, with the bare minimum amount of glow, she burned a small hole in the sack near one eye, a twinge of pain lancing through her forehead. She was in the back of a large metal vehicle, Arno seated just beside her head, staring forward, not paying attention to her. He probably thought she was already unconscious.

It was early dusk, still reasonably bright, so her glow would be less noticeable... but not bright enough to cover this. They were going to see it.

It was the only way.

Most ponies who knew of Anchor's Note only ever thought to send something they saw, but Celestia knew better. She had known Stout Anchor himself. Fantastic magician, a prodigy for his time. She could still remember his cutie mark--a unicorn's glowing horn. What better cutie mark for a unicorn wizard? She had even considered making him an alicorn until his... accident. Of course, Twilight had that much potential too, but--

She cut herself off. She was getting distracted. The important part was, what most ponies didn't realize is you didn't have to send what you could see, you could send any mental image you could conceive of.

Celestia crafted her mental image very carefully.

First, the landscape she had ported into as the backdrop, with its odd trees, the double horned equine species, and the cat-like beast all visible. This would form the background. Then, fading into the foreground, her best impression of where she was now based on what she could see through the window, along with what she could remember of what the vehicle looked like. Finally, front and center, was Arno's face, clear as day, a dark and ominous aura about his head.

She held this image in her mind for several seconds, drilling herself on its various points, etching it into her skull. She would need to keep it clear even through the pain.

Her body was weakening, her vision fading. She could not wait any longer.

It was time.

Her horn began to glow as she charged the spell. Instantly, her head exploded with white-hot agony, but she gritted her teeth and bore down on her focus. She refused to succumb to the pain. This spell could not fail. Everything depended on it. This was her time to shine, her one chance to show what she was made of. Countless centuries of practice, all culminating in this moment.

Arno looked down in surprise.


Her horn grew brighter, the pain grew hotter. Arno's face contorted with emotion.



It didn't matter.

The image was everything.

The image was the only thing inside her head.

That, and pain.

Every ounce of her focus poured into her mutilated horn.

She heard screaming.

It was hers.

The image burst out of her with its iridescent explosion, rippling the canvas of the vehicle, such was its force, her only hope tearing away across the ether.

Her body fell limp as she instantly passed out.

CH34: Information

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Twilight gasped.

She turned to Starlight, bewildered by what she saw.

"The notebook, Twi! Quickly!"

She fumbled it up and turned to an empty page. Starlight yanked it from her grip and rapidly tore out six pages, arranging them into a larger rectangle and bonding them together in an instant. Then she touched her horn to the center and color began to flow out from the tip of her horn.

A sinister face manifested around her horn, followed by the odd landscape and vehicle they had seen. Twilight watched the image take form, impressed by Starlight's control. She wondered how much of that was the artifacts and how much was pure talent. Either way, she swelled with pride for her student.

Finally, the image reached the edges of the paper and Starlight stepped back, nodding with satisfaction.

"Phew. No bucking way I could describe all this without a picture."

"Yeah... and what a picture, too. I didn't even know the spell could do that. Good job capturing it."

Starlight's ear twitched, then she turned to Anon, floating the image toward him.

"This make any sense to you?"

Anon looked at it, then quirked his lips and said, "looks like somewhere in Africa, but beyond that, no clue."

He looked up at Lizzy, who was still talking rapidly into her phone in another language.

"Hey, Overture girl. Lizzy, I think?"

She glanced at him and muttered at the phone.

"Yes, Doctor Mous?"

"Think your people could find this?"

He held out the paper and Lizzy, eyes going wide, immediately snapped a picture and began texting it to someone.

"I think so. Looks like maybe South Africa. We have agents there, I'll check with them."

Then she began speaking in her language again, still on the phone with whoever she had been talking to.

"Starlight?" Anon asked.

She glanced up, still seeming a little wary of him, "Uh, yeah? What's up?"

"You said you have unlimited power. How far could you teleport us?"

"Hmm... Pretty far, if I knew where to go."

He turned to Twilight and said, "We'll need to go about as far as we just flew. Do you have units of measurement to explain that to her?"

"Oh. Well... Starlight, what's the furthest you've teleported before?"

"Uh, from Ponyville to the Crystal Empire. Once. And I missed."

Twilight resisted the urge to smirk as she thought about why Starlight might go to the Crystal Empire.

"With all your enchantments, do you think you could go three or four times as far?"

"F-Four times...? Tartarus, Twi, you don't ask for much, do you? Let me experiment a bit. I haven't tried teleporting with these artifacts yet."

She kicked off gently into the air and floated there for a second, then vanished with a little pop. All three of them winced as their ears were instantly assaulted by the overwhelming noise of the crowd still surrounding them, nearly forgotten. Twilight immediately cast her own bubble, breathing a sigh of relief at the renewed silence.

"Goodness, that's so nice," Lizzy said.


Twilight didn't say anything more, still not trusting Lizzy. Then Starlight reappeared, looking a bit haggard.

"No. Hay no. That's just too bucking far. I could maybe teleport half that distance, but even then I'll be worn out and need to rest for a few hours, especially if I was bringing you two with me."

Anon frowned, "I thought you said that artifact gave you infinite power?"

Twilight shook her head, "It's not that simple. That's just her magical energy store, which prevents her from what we call 'sparking out,' where your horn sparks and your magic just abruptly cuts out."

"Like when you dropped me from the ceiling?" he said with a teasing smile.

Starlight made an incredulous noise in her throat, "You dropped him from the ceiling!?"


"Pfft!" She raised a hoof to her muzzle to suppress her laughter.

"ANYWAYS. It also takes a lot of focus to cast spells of great power, and you only have so much willpower to go around. Getting unlimited willpower is a whole other kind of tricky."

"Oh. So she only kinda sorta has infinite power."

"Yeah," Starlight added, having gotten her mirth under control, "Think of it more as a specific large amount of power, but infinite times. You can't dump infinite power into a single spell, after all."

Lizzy looked up from her phone and said, "Anon? We're narrowing down the location. It's definitely in South Africa, probably northern Kwa-Zulu Natal. It's the most likely area to have acacia trees, leopards, antelopes, and known poachers all in the same area."

"Poachers?" Anon asked, "What do they have to do with anything?"

"We're fairly confident the face in the image is Arno Mthembu, infamous in southern Africa. He's a wily one... He'd be smart enough to know not to kill her outright, to know he has something special and to keep her alive so he can continue harvesting... stuff. It'd be more profitable than just killing her."

Twilight shuddered at the thought, "That... That's horrible!"

Anon nodded, "Poachers are disgusting people."

Starlight looked like she might be sick, "I guess I was wrong..."

"About what?" Twilight asked.

"I told Princess Luna I didn't think it was humans who hurt Celestia." Then she gasped, "Princess Luna! I told her I'd update when you arrived!"

Twilight gasped in return, "You can contact Princess Luna!?"

"Yes! Only one way though, she can't send messages back."

"Ohhh, because of the homeworld stability."

"Exactly. Look, don't bother me for a few moments, okay? I gotta concentrate to do it."


Starlight closed her eyes and her horn began to glow dimly.

Lizzy spoke again, "This is actually good news. If Arno has your other pony, then the local authorities will be more than happy to cooperate--they want him captured just as bad as you want your friend back."

Twilight jumped as Anon suddenly leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Don't let Lizzy leave the bubble."

She frowned, but nodded, her horn flashing once as she tweaked the spell. Anon straightened and faced Lizzy, who looked concerned by their sudden secrecy.

"Lizzy, I'm going to be frank with you. We don't trust you, or Overture in general. You lost that privilege when Peter manipulated Twilight into making that portal." He stepped closer to her, knowing he himself was not much of a threat, but knowing the two ponies behind him absolutely were. "You are trapped in here with us. Tell me, who is Overture, what do you do, and how do you have so many connections?"

"Wait!" Twilight cried, then her brow furrowed in concentration. Her horn pulsed with silvery light, then it beamed straight at Lizzy's throat.

Lizzy flinched, then when nothing seemed to happen, asked, "What did you just do to me?"

"You cannot lie."


"It's a spell that prevents you from lying. The spell to force you to tell the truth requires rare and exotic reagents, but preventing you from lying is much easier."

Anon frowned, "Uh, what's the difference?"

Twilight huffed impatiently, "The difference is a truth spell compels you to answer truthfully whether you want to share or not. This spell, Lizzy doesn't have to answer, but if she does, and she tries to lie, her throat will tighten up on her."

"I see."

Lizzy, looking nervous now, had backed up against the side of the bubble, finding it to be quite firm to her touch, "N-Now hang on, I've been nothing but helpful--"

She gagged abruptly and her eyes widened.

"You were saying?" Anon said with a grin.

"Ugh! Okay, fine, I have been helping you--I really do want to help you get home--but I've also been sharing intel with my superiors, anything I can learn about you ponies, which isn't exactly to your best interest."

"Why not?"

"Don't play dumb, Doctor Mous. We're an international corporation, why do you think? If they can make a profit off of this, they will." She hesitated, then added, "I'm only telling you this because I know we're private and I honestly really like you two, but... I have to follow orders, you know? Just--please don't give away where you got this info."

"Aren't they going to know it came from you anyways?"

"They'll suspect, but they can't prove anything unless you tell them. So, y'know, don't."

Anon looked down at Twilight and shrugged.

"I guess we can handle that."

"Thank you."

Twilight stepped forward and asked, "Why do you want to help us so bad? What do you have in mind for us?"

Lizzy sighed and said, "Okay. Look, we don't have any specific plans to--"

She choked again and a look of frustration passed over her face"

"Alright, dammit! We do have a couple of specific plans, but they're only for hypothetical scenarios we think might be possible. We don't know much about you or your magic, so we're kind of flying blind, but all our plans revolve around me getting you to trust Overture, or, failing that, at least to trust me."

"Then why tell us all this?"

"Because Overture is really not that bad, and they have a lot of reach. More than you know. More than I even know, I think, and I'm no rookie."

Anon looked skeptical, "Uh, just how much reach are we talking? If they want us to trust them, then they can pull some major strings for us, right?"

"'Can' and 'will' are very different."

Anon folded his arms and said, "You didn't answer the question."

She hesitated, then said, "They have headquarters around the globe and agents spread out everywhere worth noting."

Anon let out a low whistle, "And you do... what, exactly?"

"We, uh..." She gulped nervously, "Look, I can't lie, but I really don't want to go into details. You have no idea how much trouble I would be in if they found out. Is it enough to say that we watch for unique events?"

Anon looked down at Twilight, who shrugged her shoulders and quirked her lips in a sort of 'meh' face. He looked back up and silently raised an eyebrow, waiting for more.

Lizzy glanced nervously between them, then sat down suddenly, muttering, "I... I really can't say much, but I suppose..." She took a slow deep breath as if bracing herself, then looked up and said, "We aren't just a corporation. We're more of an agency like the CIA or MI6, only... international. We deal with things other agencies can't, things they don't even know about."

Anon scoffed, "What, like aliens? Area 51 shit?"

Lizzy just stared at him.

His sarcastic smirk evaporated, "You... can't mean actual aliens, right?"

She glanced significantly at Twilight and back.

Anon rested a hand on his forehead.

"Great, we're dealing with the fucking Men In Black. Women In Black," he hastily corrected.

Twilight shuffled her hooves nervously, "Something doesn't feel right."

Anon nodded and set a comforting hand on the back of her head, then looked back at Lizzy.

"What if we refuse to cooperate?"

Lizzy sucked in a breath and said, "You don't want to do that."

"But what if we do?"

"You... will be convinced to cooperate."

Anon removed his hand, much to Twilight's chagrin, and then gestured at both her and Starlight.

"You're gonna threaten these two? Do you have any idea what they're capable of!?"

"No, but we intend to find out."

"I don't think you'll enjoy what you find."

Twilight looked nervously up at Anon, "Anon, I told you, I don't like--"

"I know, Twi. But from what I've seen, she wouldn't mind at all," he said, jerking a thumb towards Starlight, who was just opening her eyes again and seemed amused to find herself being discussed.

"Wouldn't mind what?"

"Overture isn't giving us a choice," Anon said sardonically, "Either we cooperate, or they make us cooperate."

"Now hang on," Lizzy said, "I don't mean anything cruel or--" Her voice cut off abruptly and she slapped her thigh angrily, "Oh for God's sake! I mean for as long as possible, alright? Anything like that would be our absolute last resort. We are already trying to make ourselves useful to you so you will work with us, then we would try flattery or even gifts, then gentle coercion, then maybe more serious coercion, then, and ONLY then, would we try anything that could be construed as harmful to you."

Anon shook his head, almost amused.

"You really think you could do anything at all to these girls? Twilight has already shown me some amazing abilities beyond what you even think is possible--"

"And we have resources at our disposal which you do not even think are possible."

They both stared fiercely at each other for a moment, then Lizzy relaxed and sighed.

"Look, I'm trying to help you, really I am. Twilight said I don't have to answer. I wouldn't be telling you all of this otherwise. We're on the same--" She swallowed uncomfortably, then quickly continued, "Okay, well, mostly the same side. I do still report to my superiors and if they take charge I will have to obey, but they have deferred the task to me, and will continue to trust it to me until they believe it necessary to step in. Particularly after Peter bungled your trust so badly. Like I said, our goal is to make you trust us."

Twilight took a step forward, "And how do we know you weren't ordered to give away just enough info to make it seem like you're on our side?"

Very deliberately, she replied, "I was not ordered to do any such thing. It was not even suggested to me. This is entirely my own decision and of my own initiative."

"...Well, I guess that settles that."

Lizzy crossed her arms smugly. Then she raised her eyebrows and pulled out her phone again.

"Ah, we have confirmation. She is definitely in the northern Kwa-Zulu Natal area. We'll make contact with the local authorities and alert them to the situation." She looked up at Anon again, "We should get moving. We can take the same jet we just left, it should still be available for our use."

She stood up but Twilight raised a hoof, "Hold on there, filly. I still don't understand why you've taken such risk to tell us so much. It just isn't logical."

The woman hesitated, then shrugged.

"I like you. Does everything have to be logical?"

Twilight lashed her tail in annoyance and opened her mouth to retort, but was interrupted by Starlight's snort of laughter.

"Maybe not to you, but to Twilight here--"

"You hush!"

She tossed a spark of magic at Starlight who casually brushed it aside and giggled, but her laughs died away when she saw Twilight's worried expression.

"Fine," Twilight said, "The lie-less spell does protect us somewhat, and we do need you in any case. Celestia is counting on us. You're right, we should go." She looked at the crowd all around and said, "Uh, won't they think it weird to exit the airport then immediately go back inside and leave? Especially after I just did that greeting announcement..."

Starlight shrugged, "Eh, they all saw me waiting here for you, and they heard my announcement yesterday. Obviously you were just meeting up with me. And besides, buck them, who cares? Celestia is more important."

Twilight blinked, "Right. Yes, she is. Come on, let's go. Brace yourselves..."

And with a flick of the horn, the bubble dissipated.

They were surprised to find the crowd relatively quiet. There was definitely a general hubbub about the place, but not the raucous cheering they were expecting.

Anon muttered, "I guess we got boring."

Starlight grinned, "I can fix that if you want."

"Just no disintegrating buildings this time, yeah?"

"Ah, that was just for show, I wouldn't have actually done that." Then she added in an undertone, "Probably."

Twilight shuffled her hooves uncomfortably, not liking any delay now that they were decided, "We really should be going..."

Starlight snorted, "I don't think one short moment is going to make or break saving Celestia. Come on! You look like you could use some lightening up. How about that lightshow we did for Yakyakistan?"

Twilight sighed, then looked up with a wry grin and said, "No, let's give them the Crystal Celebration."

"Oooh... but, here? Are you sure?"

She shrugged, "Why not? We've proven it's harmless and it wears off quickly.

"Uh... what's harmless?" Anon asked nervously.

Twilight merely winked at him, "You'll see."

Then she spread her wings wide and a hush fell over the crowd. As one, Starlight and Twilight leapt into the air, swirling around each other in a spiral, leaving a trail of glittering light behind them.

"People of London, we bid you farewell!"

"But before we do, here is a harmless little gift!

"Don't worry, it'll wear off soon!"

A nervous mutter went up among the crowd, but there were a few whoops of excitement, too. Their voices normal again, Starlight murmured, "Ready?" And Twilight nodded, "Ready."

Then they focused on the love and friendship they felt for each other, letting it envelop them like a blanket, warming them from the inside. They floated slowly closer together, smiling kindly at one another, and Twilight felt the magic begin to take hold. Starlight's horn began to glow with a unique iridescence, and she knew hers was doing the same.

Then they came together in a hug, Twilight tucking her head over Starlight's shoulder and angling her head back so that their horns came close, but did not quite touch. That was the hard part--they had to get close enough together to trigger the reaction but could not touch or it would rapidly overpower them. But, they had practiced the motion extensively in preparation for the Crystal Empire's most recent celebration, and those ponies had been very surprised when someone other than their prince and princess had managed the feat.

Their magic began to resonate, rapidly compounding on itself and causing a chain reaction until there was a soft "whump" and a wave of the purest harmony exploded outwards in a shimmering ripple. The crowd let out a cry of surprised confusion as it passed over them, and Twilight grinned.

It felt strange, she knew, but also wonderful.

She and Starlight released each other and looked down. The humans were all staring at each other, their murmur slowly growing into an excited fervor. Someone cheered, and like a dam bursting, everyone instantly took up the cry, their crystalline bodies glittering in the dimming sunlight.

The ponies glided slowly back to the ground, smiling at Anon, who was staring at his own translucent limbs in awe.

"But... how?"

"It's magic, Anon."

"We don't have to explain it!"

CH35: A Cheerful Moment

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Anon felt good.

He thought maybe he should be confused, or shocked, or maybe even scared, but all he felt was happiness. His heart was bursting with it. He looked down at the little ponies as they trotted cheerfully through the airport terminal, and was consumed with affection for them. From Lizzy's expression, he guess she was feeling similarly.

He stared at his arms again. Stare through them.

It was a distorted view, to be sure, but he could see right into the crystalline facets of his arm and out the other side, as if his skin was glass and his body was filled with nothing but clear water.

He suddenly realized he was babbling.

"...just no explanation for it! It must have turned everything, every cell in our bodies, into some perfectly translucent yet still completely functional version of itself. Otherwise there would be a refractory index between the different organs within us and we wouldn't appear transparent but rather like a glassy skin sack filled with partially transparent yet still visible organs! Oh my Lord how I wish I was back at the lab right now."

He looked up again at the ponies, who were grinning to each other and had their ears cocked back toward him as they trotted forward.

"Twilight, promise me you'll do this to me again one day when I have lab equipment and can analyze the cells? I just hope the translucence isn't so strong that I can't see the cells at all! I can still see myself after all, so the cells must be visible to some degree, not totally transparent..."

Starlight laughed and waved a hoof at Twilight, "I can see why you like this one, he reminds me of you!"

Twilight blushed and said, "Well, he's helped me out a lot too."

Anon continued as if they hadn't even spoken.

"...and the emotion! My God, Twilight, I've never felt so wonderful, and it's all thanks to you. What even is this feeling? It's like adoration and compassion and understanding all rolled up into one. Twi, I think I love you. Starlight too now, maybe. This is incredible. I've never felt anything like it. Lizzy, what do you think?"

The woman was staring at the ponies with a look of wonder on her face and seemed surprised to be addressed, "W-What? Oh yes, it's, um... wow. It's... I don't have the words. I think I might be emotionally compromised for my mission but I don't care. I... I want to help you three, however I can."

Starlight bumped Twilight's hips as they trotted along and said, "Think we might have gone a little overboard?"

Twilight giggled, blushing furiously, and replied, "N-No, I don't think so. It only amplifies positive feelings that were already there, you know that."

Starlight leaned closer and murmured something Anon couldn't make out, but Twilight nodded quickly, her blush intensifying further, then Starlight looked over her shoulder and winked at him.


"Oh, nothing!" She said with a smirk, turning to face forward again.

They walked through the terminal gate with a friendly nod to the similarly joyous crystalline airport staff beside the gate, and once again approached the jet they had so recently departed.

"Well howdy, miss pony!" The old pilot said cheerfully, "You're returned! And you have a friend now! Why, that's just lovely. I never did get yer name, and what's her's now, too?"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is Starlight Glimmer."

"Well then, Twilight and Starlight, glad to have you on board. Settle in for a wait though, 'cause we gotta go through refueling and pre-flight inspection before we can go anywhere. Y'all got a good half hour ahead a you at least."

They continued into the main cabin, settling back into their original seats, Starlight sitting beside Twilight. The flight attendant Jayna was waving enthusiastically at Twilight, holding up her little doll with a broad smile.

"Gosh, Twilight," Anon said with an air of wonder, "You should'a just done this to begin with, get everyone on our side right from the get go."

Her ears flopped down with embarrassment, "Well... it takes two unicorns, of course. And honestly, this is all a little much. More than I expected, at least."

"I sure don't mind!"

She giggled, "I bet you don't."

Starlight flung a hoof around Twilight's shoulders and said, "She doesn't mind either, she just doesn't know what to do with all this affection." She got a mischievous glint in her eye and added, "So what did you say earlier, about the emotion?"

"Starlight Glimmer!"

Twilight batted at her with a hoof, blushing once again.

"Whaaat, I just like hearing him fawn over us, that's all!"

Anon turned to Lizzy and said, "So anyway, how's it going, with your contacts in Kuwah-whatever?"

Lizzy grinned, "It's Kwa-Zulu Natal, and it's going well, from what I can tell. The authorities are eager to get on Arno's tail, and we will be meeting one of our agents in the airport where we land."

"And will you be staying with us?"

Lizzy hesitated, then at Anon's questioning eyebrow she said, "I mean, probably? I haven't gotten any orders yet so I can't say for sure. But failing any new orders to the contrary coming in, I'll be right behind you every step of the way."

"Will you warn us if new orders come in?"

"If I can," she said with a reassuring smile.

Anon nodded, "I guess that'll have to be good enough."

CH36: Princess in Charge

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It was the dead of morning when Princess Luna was finally roused by the voice in her head. She let out a groan and stretched, then, abruptly realizing what was happening, focused on the words she could hear.

"...under the protection of a human named Anon. He seems a good sort. I have slowly come to trust the humans more and more, and have even been on the ground with Twilight, under the protection of their human guards. Twilight seems to trust them even more than I do. Actually, I think she's developed a sort of fondness for the human Anon. They seem very close."

"Anyways, we have also made contact with a human organization of some sort which appears to have the resources to help us. They seem to be something similar to Celestia's new changeling guard patrol, blending in with the people to do their thing in secrecy. I'm not entirely sure they're trustworthy, but we do need the humans' help, so we're playing nice for now."

Starlight's voice shifted and she spoke more cautiously.

"As for Celestia, I have good news and bad news. Good news is we were able to make contact by casting Anchor's Note, and Celestia sent a response. We now know approximately where she is, which should be close enough for me to hone in the rest of the way. Hopefully we get there before my power wears thin."

She paused for a second as if bracing for what she was about to say.

"The bad news is, it was indeed humans who hurt her. Poachers, they are called, humans who seemingly hunt wild creatures and harvest their bodies to sell pieces for money."

Luna shuddered in disgust as Starlight paused, probably to shudder as well.

"But, they appear to be outlaws. These humans speak of the local authorities wanting to capture these poachers, so I believe they are a minority and most humans are safe to be around."

"So, in summary, Twilight is safe, we've made contact with Celestia, and we'll soon be on the way to save her. That should put a spring in your step, yeah? Talk to you soon, Princess."

A spring in her step? She could hardly contain herself!

"Bastion? Bastion!"

The unicorn popped up instantly, looking around on high alert as if he hadn't even been asleep.

"Yes, Princess! What's wrong, what is it?"

"They have made contact with Celestia!"

Bastion stared at her, then slowly relaxed with a small smile.

"Oh. Okay, that's good."

She stared at him, "Well goodness, calm down, control yourself!"

He looked confused for a moment, then grinned sheepishly and said, "Sorry, I just... I thought from the sound of your voice that something was wrong. It is wonderful and I am very happy for you."

Luna smiled to think that he was still taking her protection so seriously.

"It is wonderful indeed! I tried to have faith in Starlight Glimmer, and it seems to have paid off."

"You did load her up with some of the most powerful enchantments and artifacts known to Equestria. I'd have been more surprised if she failed."

Luna nodded and let out a happy little sigh, "What time is it, dearest? Do you know?"

"Still quite early, mistress. I believe you have some time before the security audit."

She rolled toward him with a soft giggle.

"I intend to make good use of that time."

* * *

As Princess Luna stepped out of her bedchambers, she found Silver Spear waiting for her, as expected.

"Morning, Princess. Shall we?"

"Hold, Captain."

He stopped mid-turn and looked to her again.

"Something wrong?"

"Not at all, I merely wish to have Captain Bastion by my side today, if it is alright with you."

Silver Spear furrowed his brow in confusion, "You're... dismissing me?" He sounded a little hurt.

"Neigh, my dear Captain! You are Celestia's favored and I would not dream of scorning you. I am merely giving you a day off, that is all." She lowered her head conspiratorially and added, "I expect my sister to return on the morrow, and then everything shall return to normal."

"I see. Very well, then."

He snapped into a crisp salute and turned sharply away, but Luna held up a hoof to stop him.

"Silver Spear, please! Do not be like that. I meant no offense, I swear it. In truth, I believed to be doing you a favor! After all, how often do guard captains receive a day of respite?"

"...Rarely," he admitted.

"Precisely. You are a fantastic captain and I have naught but respect for you, my good stallion. You have more than earned a day of rest, and Bastion is a capable substitute. Besides, yesterday was..." she looked away uncomfortably, "Distressing."

He quirked his muzzle to the side, then shrugged with a wry grin, "And nopony helps you relax like Bastion, it's true."

Luna's expression tightened, "Careful, Silver. I tolerate your overly relaxed attitude for my sister's sake only."

He hesitated, then bowed his head, "Apologies, my Princess. That was out of line."

"Forgiven. You are, in any case, correct. But I truly do wish you to enjoy a day off. Please do not sulk away thinking yourself scorned, for it was never my intent."

"Very well, Princess. I thank you for the reprieve, and wish you a pleasant morning."

Then he gave his usual more casual salute and trotted away, whistling a merry tune. She turned around to see Bastion exiting her bathing room.

"Feeling better, my dear?"

He blushed slightly, but answered coolly enough, "Never better, mistress."

"Come then! We must not keep Serenity, nor the morning patrol, waiting. I intend to improve upon yesterday's pitiful performance."

Quickly donning his gear with a skillful burst of magic, he trotted up beside her. His armored saddle was still slightly crooked and her horn glowed as she slightly adjusted its position, then she gave Bastion a nuzzle before stepping out into the hall once more.

* * *

"Remember, Princess, this audit is hardly more than a formality."

As expected, Serenity had been speaking almost non-stop since Luna arrived at her office. She was behaving exactly as she had the previous day, without any apparent change after their little discussion.

"It is almost unheard of for any of the guards to be even slightly out of form, so you do not really even need to know what to look for, just act like you're inspecting them, then nod and move on to the next. We can be in and out within minutes if you really want."

Luna nodded, focusing hard to keep up with her steady stream of information.

"After that, we can go have a bite to eat, during which you can raise the sun, then it's off to the council chambers for the usual gathering of parliament. The courtyard is just through here, Princess."

Luna stepped through the arch and was surprised to see only a hoofful of guards standing in a row before her.

"That is all?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I guess I just expected there to be more of them."

"Oh, this is just our cadre of senior officers," Serenity said, "They each do their own inspections of their respective units."

"I see. And how far does this chain extend?"

"I never bother with more than the officers, so I do not know."

Bastion quietly interjected, "If I may, Princess?"

"Of course, Captain."

He straightened proudly before reciting, "You have two captains, myself and Captain Spear. Together, we oversee a company of two dozen officers, each of whom presides over a platoon of four sergeants, and finally each sergeant commands a squad of eight guards." He paused for a moment, then added, "That's just over seven hundred and fifty guards kept in line by just under a hundred sergeants commanded by two dozen officers led by myself and/or Captain Spear, as needed."

Her brow had furrowed with concentration and she repeated, "Two captains, two dozen officers, four sergeants each, eight guards each. I believe I can remember that. Who are these four, then?"

"These are our four senior officers, who assist us captains in watching over the other officers. In order: Officer Candy, Officer Order, Officer Pride, and Officer Swear."

Princess Luna approached the first in line.

"What is your full name, Officer?"

"Sweets Candy, Princess!"

She looked to her side, "And the rest of you?"

"Object Order, Princess!"

"Mystic Pride, Princess!"

"Solemn Swear, Princess!"

Princess Luna stared at each in turn for a moment, then took a step back and said, "At ease, stallions."

They each relaxed, shaking their legs or stretching their necks as they loosened up.

Serenity stepped forward, "Good enough. Now today's menu--"

"I am not finished, Serenity."

"O-Oh! Sorry, please continue."

The officers hesitated as the Princess stepped forward again.

"I like to see how my guards really stand, not how they pretend to stand when ordered to look pretty. You, Pride," and she turned toward Officer Pride, "Wipe that sneer off your snout. I do not care what your name is, nor for your seniority. You shall show me respect or be reprimanded."

He immediately assumed a neutral expression and she turned toward Officer Candy.

"And you, Candy. Why can you not seem to stop moving? Are you a hyperactive foal too pent up with energy to control yourself? Be still!"

The stallion froze where he stood, looking mildly shocked. She glanced at the other two.

"Order, Swear, you two are better, but I do not like your lazy bearing. Are you not senior officers of the Royal Guard? At all times, you should be an example to which all other guards look up to. Yes, even now, seemingly alone in the courtyard. Who is to say your subordinates do not watch us from behind closed windows? Your position is a great honor and an even greater responsibility--always treat it as such!"

They each straightened where they stood, assuming something in-between their overly relaxed selves and the uptight stiffness they began in. Luna's wings rustled faintly, then she lowered her head with a small smile, her voice softening.

"Much better. Do not be mistaken by my severity, for on the whole I am impressed, but there is always room for improvement. Perhaps you believe Captain Spear's relaxed stature gives you permission to behave similarly, but it does not. He is favored by my sister and she prefers him to be relaxed. You four do not have such privilege. I expect better of you from this moment onward."

She straightened and stepped back with a short nod, "You are dismissed."

They snapped into simultaneous salutes and chanted, "Yes, Princess!" before trotting away in a crisp single file formation. Serenity slowly stepped forward again, but only when Luna turned to her did she speak.

"Are you ready for breakfast now?"

Her voice was cool, but her twitching tail betrayed her surprise. Princess Luna allowed herself a small smile of self-satisfaction.

"Yes, I believe I am."

* * *

Luna reassured her old friend that her sister would be okay as she laid the moon to rest, then forced the sun to rise almost without effort, not much caring what it had to say on the matter. When she reopened her eyes, she found Bastion and Serenity both staring at her.


They shook themselves and Serenity let out a little cough, "Well, your mane, Princess. It's just... um..."

"It's mesmerizing," Bastion finished.

"Really? Is it not just the same as always?"

Bastion furrowed his brows in confusion, "Uh... no?"

"How so?"

Serenity tilted her head and said, "Do you really not know?"

"Know what?"

Instead of answering she clopped her hooves and, when a random pony trotted up, she muttered an order at him and he galloped away. Princess Luna watched him go, then turned back to Serenity.


"Please wait a moment, Princess."

Luna looked down and picked at her plate grumpily. A few moments later, two ponies trotted up carrying a full-length mirror and set it up nearby.

"Please, Princess. Come and see," Serenity said softly.

A little confused now, Princess Luna stood and walked slowly over to the mirror. She almost did not recognize the pony she saw.

Her coat had taken on a lustrous metallic sheen with hints of scarlet tinting her usual violet, and she appeared bathed in sunlight, though she was far from any window. More than that, her mane seemed to shine from within, as if it were a window to another realm filled with liquid indigo, flowing with the waves of an ethereal sea.

She stared in amazement, then furrowed her brow in concentration, casting her celestial magic out into the void. Instantly, her mane and tail began to undulate in complex patterns, and it seemed to somehow grow deeper and richer in color. She looked over her shoulder at her tail, bringing it close to her face, and it filled her vision with an impossibly rich landscape of swirling magenta, violet, and indigo.

Her muzzle parted slightly in amazement, she turned back to Serenity and Bastion, "I am... more?"

She peered back again, this time at her gleaming coat, and twisted to better examine its iridescent shimmer in the light.

"Yes, I see now," she said, looking back up to them, "The full power of the throne has enhanced me beyond what I had originally expected. It is strange how such effects did not seem to occur with Tia while I was... erm, away. Not from what I have read, at least."

Serenity shuffled her hooves awkwardly, "Well... she did, at first. She stored away the excess in one of the royal artifacts, keeping just enough to command the moon. She told me once that she did not enjoy wielding your power."

Luna made a soft noise of surprised indignation, "Nor I hers! Why did you not show me this artifact at once?"

Serenity sighed quietly, "Because I believed it better for the populace that you appeared greater. Think about it, Princess. Everypony thinks Celestia is in danger, possibly gone forever, and that you have taken over. You are loved, but you are not known."

She smiled apologetically, "We knew Celestia. Everypony did. She has ruled us for countless generations. Losing her is... well, it is a massive blow. I thought maybe if you appeared greater than Celestia ever was, it would help restore some of that faith. As best as I can tell, that has proven correct."

"I... see." Luna sat down again and stared at her hooves, then said slowly, "You know... I was always jealous of her, when we were young. I was forever in her shadow, always destined for second place. Our parents, they loved me, yes, but they loved her more. They doted on her like she was a gift from the very stars. Perhaps she was. But I was merely their filly--loved, yes, but not worshiped or adored."

She did not look up. She did not want to see the expressions on their faces.

"Then we ascended as one, and I thought now... now I can prove myself! But as time went on, Tia took on more and more responsibility. She was good at it, and the ponies loved her for it; I could not deny it. But that did not stop the jealousy."

She chuckled humorlessly.

"Of course, everypony knows what happened next. The jealousy consumed me and the nightmare was born. During our imprisonment on the moon, I was... not exactly present. I had faded to a distant dark corner of my mind, imprisoned by the rage and envy that possessed me still. Not until Twilight and her friends banished that nightmare could I wake up."

A tear trailed down her muzzle and tickled her snout. She did not react.

"And yet still, I found myself beneath her. I was determined not to allow jealousy into my heart, but I could not ignore the fact that not much had changed. If anything, I had fallen further as, like you said, she has had a thousand moons to get to know everypony."

Finally, she looked up and saw Serenity and Bastion were both staring at her, wide eyed and amazed. Her muzzle broke into a shaky smile.

"Now, I have finally bested her... and yet I would surrender it all just to have her here beside me once again."

She fell silent, her mane billowing slowly out behind her, and the other two ponies shared a glance. Eventually Bastion found his voice and said, "But... Mistress, she will be beside you soon, right? Starlight is on her way to save her."

Luna nodded, looking down at her hooves again.

"Oh yes, and I am quite relieved by their success so far... but there is ever that nagging doubt, that worry in the back of my mind. Even now, I feel my connection to her, and every moment I fear it snuffing out. Perhaps these 'poachers' learn of Starlight's approach and react in fear? Perhaps Starlight fumbles the attack and Tia is caught in the cross beam?"

Serenity sighed and stood, walking around her chair to stand beside Luna.

"Princess, forgive me, but you are being ridiculous."

Luna's head jerked up and she met Serenity's hard and fearless eyes.

"You have a plan, the plan is going well, and now you have both Starlight and Twilight working together to save Celestia from... what was it again? Hairless apes, you said?" Serenity rolled her eyes, "What will they do, hit her with a banana? This rescue mission has practically already succeeded, and you bucking well know it."

She reared and set her hooves on the side of Luna's chair, bringing her face up close.

"I need you to get a hold of yourself, and I need you to do it now. You have a palace to run... and I have a schedule to keep."

They stared at each other for a long moment. Luna was tempted to blast this little mare right to the moon herself. However, once again, she had to admit the words rang true. She was indeed being ridiculous. There was little need to worry, and even if there was, worrying would accomplish nothing except destroy her mental well being. Besides, had she not told Bastion that she intended to do better today?

Luna strengthened her resolve and steeled herself against the fears and doubts that nagged her, then nodded once.

"Very well, Serenity. Let us proceed."

* * *

"The aforementioned hearing is not entirely irrelevant, however, for its implications are of note to both the Guild of Rose and the House of Blueblood. As such, we, the pursuant members of the esteemed Maison de Lis, do hereby renounce any such allegations as put forthwith over the course of this hearing, summarily refuting them wholly and completely!"

The aristocrat took his seat again, to various mutterings across the parliament. Princess Luna had listened attentively to every word... yet she was still lost.


The mare turned instantly away from the other noble mid-word and focused on her.

"Yes, Princess?"

"I am sorry, but I am confused once again."

"No need to apologize, this is a complex hearing. Bastion, did you follow? I really should finish with Sir Pants here."

Bastion nodded solemnly as Luna turned to him instead. As it turned out, he apparently had a knack for this sort of thing.

"It was a lot of words, but ultimately a simple concept. The hearing he mentioned hints at the fact that the Guild of Rose and the House of Blueblood have done similar things in the past. Then he goes on to say that he, as a representative of Fleur de Lis' family, denies all accusations."

Luna furrowed her brow.

"If they deny the accusations, why bring up the hearing at all? It is irrelevant if they are innocent."

"Exactly, mistress. You would be wise to question him on that."


Again she broke off to turn back to Luna.

"May I ask him why he bothered to bring up the hearing in the first place? He is so adamant they are innocent... if they did not do it, then the hearing should have nothing to do with them, correct?"

Serenity's eyes widened, "Oh! Yes, you certainly can."

She abruptly stood and the noblepony beside her scowled that she was ignoring him. Then he glanced at Luna and, seeing her watching him, quickly controlled his expression and turned attentively toward Serenity as she began to speak.

"Esteemed representative of the Maison de Lis: Your Princess asks you what is your intended purpose in referring back to such a hearing, if you so clearly refute the claims at hoof? Surely if you are as pure and virtuous as you profess, such a hearing would have no relevance to your case whatsoever? And yet you and yours appear incredibly well versed in its intricacies, to the point of suspected obsession!"

"Now see here," he replied hotly, "We must defend our honor, mustn't we? The Maison de Lis is an extraordinarily respected and deeply connected name! We and ours have only researched this topic as it is relevant to your accusations!"

Several nobles hopped to their hooves and a general ruckus broke out that drowned out the rest of his words. Serenity and her other officials immediately began trying to regain control of the chamber, and Luna used this opportunity to lean over and interrogate Bastion further.

"Am I correct in thinking his response was a rearing response, extremely suspicious and lacking any real defense?"

"That would be correct, yes. His only real retort was to try and turn it around on you. That's the reason for the general outrage, because you are not actually the one who made the accusation, you are only investigating an accusation which was made against them by the Guild of Blossoms."

He frowned with displeasure.

"This is my first time observing parliament directly and I must say I am surprised by what I find. I expected them to be more subtle and harder to read. Instead, they are like open books, and simply use lots of big words to waste time getting to the point."

Luna stifled a giggle, "You sound almost disappointed."

His ear twitched, "Well, I suppose I am."

"Hmm. In any case, would you consider his words a personal attack?"

"I would indeed."

"And that would be sufficient reason for me to be done with this nonsense?"

"If you were sufficiently offended, yes."

Luna needed no more encouragement.


The Royal Canterlot Voice echoed throughout the chamber, instantly bringing everypony to full attention and total silence. She toned it down a bit for the rest of her statement.

"Eugene de Lis. I am dismayed by your lack of respect for this due process, that you might think to lash out at me, as if I were the one accusing you and yours. If you were of your wits, you would know that I had nothing to do with these accusations and am merely investigating an accusation made against you by another party."

He began to sputter indignantly, but her voice rang out over top of him.

"As such, it is clear to me that you have become emotionally compromised during this debate, and not only does such emotion cloud your judgement, but the only reasons for it to arise are either fear or stupidity!"

Now the whole parliament began to mutter, but a few ponies stomped their hooves and somepony cried out, "Hear hear!"

"Therefore, I refuse to participate any further in this foalish game you wish to play! I decree you and yours guilty, on the grounds that you are incapable of debating with a level head, and must therefore be emotionally compromised by your own guilt!"

She stood abruptly, raising her voice further over the growing noise.

"I no longer care for whether you are truly guilty! I refuse to be treated in this disrespectful manner, and the penalty for such a crime is comparatively minor for an estate such as yours! Be grateful that I do not raise it further for the satisfaction of my own ire! SILENCE!"

The rising clamor died away in an instant and she snorted with satisfaction.

"I have made my decision. Perhaps in the future you will think twice before disrespecting me or this parliament in such a disgraceful manner. Now begone, all of you! I grow weary of these proceedings. This hearing is adjourned!"

Eugene de Lis' bewildered sputtering was drowned out by the sound of dozens of nobleponies collecting their papers and leaving the chamber. She glowered at him as they slowly left until, finally, he bowed his head, ears hung low, and began gathering his own belongings.

Only then did she turn and look at Serenity, and she found the mare beaming at her.


Serenity shook her head, still smiling broadly.

"Nothing! That was just... well, it was completely against procedure and nothing like Celestia's hearings, but by Tartarus it was SO satisfying to witness."

"Was it?"

"Mmhmm! You have no idea how long the Maison de Lis has gotten away with tripe like this. I've been hoping to knock them down a peg or two for moons!"

Bastion nodded and said, "Yeah, Silver Spear talks about them a lot. They've manipulated their way out of a good hoofful of penalties they really ought to have suffered."

"Oh, is that why you have such grasp of these procedures? You and Captain Spear talk about them a lot?"

He hesitated, then rocked his head in a gesture of uncertainty, "Partially, I suppose, but more it is just my own fascination. The higher in the ranks I climbed, the more I was able to witness the inner workings of this palace, and the more interesting it became to me. I have done considerable research in my personal time."

Luna reached out with a wing and lifted his chin, "Pretty and clever. I think I will keep you."

Bastion opened his mouth as if to reply, then closed it and blushed.

Serenity giggled and said, "Also, as if that was not satisfying enough, you have stood up for yourself in front of the parliament, which I am very glad to see."

"You are?"

"Yes! I have been worried they would trot all over you, but now they will think twice before even raising a hoof in your presence. You cannot let them control you, even for a moment. After yesterday I worried you would be a... well, frankly, a pushover, so I am very happy to see that is not the case."

The Princess raised her head proudly, then abruptly broke down into giggles, "In truth, Serenity, I cared little for his offense at all! I was merely seeking the quickest way to end the proceedings."

Serenity blinked twice in surprise, then broke into a broad grin. "At least you can think on your hooves, then. Anywho, that was the last one for today."

"Was it really?" Luna looked around in surprise, "Is it not still early in the day?"

Serenity shrugged, "True, it's only mid-afternoon, but today was a short one. Tomorrow is more busy and will probably go late again like yesterday."

She laid a hoof on Luna's fetlock and said, "You handled yourself well today, Princess."

Luna snorted, but Serenity pressed her hoof harder.

"I mean it! You are trotting all over the standard procedures, yes, but sometimes that's a good thing. I will definitely be suggesting some changes to Celestia's methods based on how you handled things today."

She gaped at Serenity, "You will?"

The little mare nodded happily, "I'm serious. You came across like you have weeks of experience, not a mere day and a half. The difference from yesterday to today is quite impressive."

Luna shuffled her hooves, feeling a bit awkward, "I just... didn't want to smile and nod at everything again. And besides, most of the credit goes to you and Bastion. I would be lost without you two."

The captain shook his head with a click of his tongue and Serenity nodded in agreement toward him.

"He and I only had minor roles here. It was you who pulled the strings today. We merely helped you understand how to pull them."

"Yes, well, um... alright, very well. I still think I fumbled some things, but I shall take your word for it. Perhaps tomorrow I can do better still." Then she touched her chin thoughtfully, "Well, if Celestia lets me continue ruling for another day or two. I find I quite enjoyed it today."

* * *

Luna stepped into her bedchambers and haphazardly tossed her regalia to the floor, much to Bastion's amusement.

"Do you hate them or something?"

"Oh no, they are quite nice, really. I just prefer my hooves, and I cannot exactly discard them like that when I am out and about."

"Princess, you can do literally anything you want to do."

She let out a sigh, "Yes, technically you are correct, but you know full well there would be consequences for a great number of things I might do. The consequences for trotting about barehoof may be comparatively minor, but they are not non-existent."

"Hey, you might just start a new fashion trend."

She laughed, "What a strange trend that would be! Hello, everypony, let us stop wearing horseshoes! Voila! Art."

Bastion snorted with laughter and Luna giggled as well.

"Princess Luna!"

She jumped as Starlight's voice abruptly filled her head. She raised a hoof, but by now Bastion could already recognize what was happening.

"Twilight and Anon are asleep, and so is the Overture human, I think, but I just had to tell somepony... I felt Celestia!"

Luna gasped and tears sprung to her eyes.

"Yes, the detection spell worked! It is faint, too faint to reliably tell the direction, but I can already tell it's getting stronger. We are almost there, Princess!"

Then her voice lost some of its vigor.

"Unfortunately, I think the ritual is finally wearing off. It has been nearly a full day after all, so I'm not exactly surprised, but still, it's a bit disappointing. I was looking forward to blasting a poacher-sized hole in the side of whatever disgusting hideout they are using to hide Celestia."

Luna could almost hear the shrug in her voice.

"But whatever. I can still handle things with my own power, especially with Twilight by my side. Besides, the artifacts still have power! The Ring of Laminus still enhances my control, and the Pegasaddle is working great! Hey, can I keep these? No no, I'm just foaling around. Anyway, those poachers don't stand a chance. Next report soon, I hope!"

Luna beamed at Bastion, "She has detected Celestia! They are getting close!"

"That's great!"

He stepped closer and wrapped a hoof around her neck, surprising her with such forward behavior, but she quickly responded to the embrace.

"Serenity was right, you know. You really did great out there today."

"You weren't so bad yourself. I had no idea you were so well versed in the inner workings of our palace--I'd have brought you along yesterday if I had known!"

He responded with a little peck on the cheek.

She turned her head to give him a proper kiss.

This went on to become a very enjoyable evening.

CH37: Flying and Talking

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"Twiii... Twiiiliiight..."

Twilight groaned as a hoof prodded her side. Starlight Glimmer's sing-song voice did not encourage her to wake, but the hoof was insistent.

"C'mon Twi, really. We're getting close."

She let out a sigh, then reluctantly cracked an eye open. Starlight's face was inches from her own and she rolled her eyes at it.

"But are we landing yet?"

"Well, no... I just wanted to talk a bit."

Twilight sighed again and slowly pulled herself upright, "Alright, let's hear it. What's on your mind?"

Starlight looked around conspiratorially as if she were giving away a big secret.

"Okay, so hear me out," she said in a hushed tone, "I know this might sound crazy, but... I think that human fancies you."

Twilight blinked at her.

"I know I know, it's weird, but like, the way he was watching you before he fell asleep, and earlier after the crystal celebration he was rambling and he--"


"...Yeah, Twi?"

"I know."

Starlight's ear flicked as her expression went blank, then she giggled nervously, "Oh okay, well then, I guess, uh... s-sorry for disturbing your nap! I'll just, uh, go back over here..."

Twilight gave her a tolerant smile, "It's alright, Glim. I'm up now, may as well stay and talk."

She instantly hopped up beside Twilight and put her hooves on the armrest excitedly, barely able to keep her voice constrained, "Omigosh, so it's true then!?"

"That he loves me? Oh, without a doubt."

"Oooh, actual love, huh? So what's he like, then? Have you... you know..."

She tapped her hooves together meaningfully and Twilight batted at her with a hoof.

"Ew, no!"

"Oh come on, 'ew'? Really?"

"Starlight, he's not even a pony!"

She winked and said slyly, "Exactly! Aren't you a little curious? Just a little? Don't you lie, I see that blush!"

Twilight laid her head in her hooves, but couldn't resist an embarrassed smile at her teasing.

"Oh, get your mind out of the manure. Is this all you woke me up for?"

Starlight let out a wistful sigh, "Alright fine, but we're coming back to this!"

"Yes, I'm sure you will."

"Ooh, naughty," She said with a mischievous grin.


"Hey, you said it. Anyway--" Her horn glowed briefly and she nodded, "We're getting really close to Celestia. Princess Luna and I used some bits of mane from Celestia's hairbrush and the Compass of Rosemary to tune my harmonics to her, so I can detect her from pretty far away now."

"Pretty far? How do you know we're close, then?"

"Oh, I first detected her a while ago, but now it's strong enough that I can clearly make out a direction."


"Yep! She's..." Starlight's horn glowed again, and she raised a hoof to point to the left of the cockpit, "That-a-way."

Twilight scoffed, "You could just be pointing anywhere."

Starlight lowered her hoof and pouted, "Aw, come on, Twi. I wouldn't joke about this. I love Celestia, too. We all do."

Twilight sighed, "I know... I'm just nervous, that's all."

Straightening with a confident grin, Starlight said, "Well don't be! With the two of us working together? Please, those poachers don't stand a chance."

"Don't underestimate them, Starlight," Twilight said, raising a hoof in warning, "I've done a lot of research on these humans and they can be incredibly dangerous."

"Uh, really?" She glanced at Anon, who was slumped over and drooling onto his arm, "Are you sure?"

"Well, they aren't strong, they aren't fast, they don't have magic, they can't fly--"

"Exactly, so what's the problem?"

"...So think about it. If they aren't fast or strong or anything else, how'd they become the dominant species on this planet? They're on top and it's not even close."

"Uh... hmm..." Starlight tapped her hoof thoughtfully, but Twilight continued anyway.

"Weapons, Starlight. Look at their forelimbs--arms, they're called. They are perfectly designed for grabbing and throwing things. Ancient humans created spears not unlike our Royal Guard, except instead of needing to charge, they could just throw the spear."

"Uh, why would anypony just throw away their weapon?"

"Because they can throw hard, fast, and most important, accurately. But that's not all... That's just the ancient humans. These modern ones... they have handheld machines they call a 'firearm'."

Twilight closed her eyes and shuddered as she recalled the video she had watched.

"They harness the energy of a small explosion to propel bits of metal at unbelievable speed. I guarantee you the poachers use them to hunt, so that's probably what we're going up against."

"Just how fast are we talking?"

Twilight quirked her mouth and said, "So fast it's hard to even describe. Many times faster than any pegasus has ever flown. If they were standing on the opposite end of the castle from you, it would strike you before your horn could even begin to glow, nevermind getting a shield up."

Starlight shook her head incredulously, "That's... come on, Twi, that's not even possible. The air resistance alone--"

"The bits of metal are shaped specifically to cut through the air. Trust me, Starlight. I've seen them in action."

"Tartarus, you have?"

Starlight looked shocked and Twilight winced. She didn't particularly feel like spending the next few hours explaining how the internet worked to Starlight.

"Not in person, but let's just say the humans have something like a scrying pool, and I used it to watch other humans practice with these firearms. Believe me when I say they are frighteningly fast."

Starlight puffed out her cheeks nervously then let the air out in a whoosh.

"Wow. Okay, um... That basically completely ruins what I was going to do when we got there. I hope you have a better plan."

Twilight sighed, "That's what I was thinking about when I dozed off. I was hoping you might have some ideas."

"Hmm..." She raised a hoof to her chin, "Invisibility?"

"No, you know that only works within the spell's dome. We wouldn't be able to move."

"Oh, duh. Hmm, what about illusion magic?"

"Very tricky... we're good, but I don't know if we're that good. I wouldn't bet Celestia's life on it, at least."

"Yeah, you're right," Starlight thumped her hoof on the armrest, "Damn, if only the ritual hadn't worn off!"

"Oh? And what would you have done if you had unlimited power?"

"Uh, a blanket stasis spell, obviously."

Twilight nodded, pleased by Starlight's quick thinking, "Yes, that certainly would work."

"Maybe if the place is small enough, together we can make one large enough to be useful?"

"It would need to be large enough to guarantee none outside of it could aim a firearm at her."


They fell silent for a time.

"Couldn't we just tell Celestia we've arrived and have her teleport out to us?"

Twilight waved a hoof dismissively, "If she was capable of teleporting, you really think she'd still be with the poachers?"

"But she sent out Anchor's Note! A good one, too. That's not an easy spell."

"True," Twilight admitted, "I was thinking about that... It doesn't really make sense. If she were capable of that much power, surely she could escape herself, or at least make a return portal, right?"

"Well, I can at least say why she wouldn't make a return portal."


Starlight poked her in the chest, "Because you're still here. She's not leaving without you, Twi."

Her eyes widened, "But she's in danger!"

"For all she knew, so are you!"

Twilight quirked her muzzle awkwardly, "...Buck, you're right. But what about the rest? Why doesn't she escape?"

"She was badly injured. Very badly. Princess Luna feared for her life--probably still does, honestly."

Twilight remembered her own injuries and a cold fear settled in her barrel, "You don't think... her horn?"

Starlight blanched, "Buck, I hope not..."

They both fell silent at that horrible thought. The Princess losing her horn? Unimaginable.

"Can't be," Starlight finally said, "She cast Anchor's Note, right?"

Twilight grimaced, "That's no guarantee... We don't know exactly what a broken horn is capable of. It's possible she could manage one last big spell, then... no more."

Starlight shuddered at the thought and they fell silent again. Eventually Twilight couldn't hold it in any longer.

"That's what happened to me."

"What did?" She asked nervously.

"A broken horn."


Twilight nodded soberly, "Hit my head, broke the tip. Anon found it, healed me up. That's why I trust him."

"But... it looks flawless!"

She nodded again, "Yes, the literature seems to be a bit off on that front. A day after it was reattached, I could already cast telekinesis, and the day after that, I could handle more complex spells. By the third day, I was basically healed."

Starlight's eyes widened, "That is so much faster than anypony believed!"

"Exactly. My guess is it has to do with how soon it was reattached, or how powerful my magic is."

Her pupil seemed more shaken by this news than she'd expected and decided to wait until she spoke again to continue. Starlight spent several long moments just staring at her hooves, her tail twitching anxiously.

"What..." Starlight finally said, then she gulped and tried again, "What did you... I mean, what was it, y'know... what did it feel like?"

Twilight winced at the memory, "Worse than I ever thought possible. I only broke off the very tip, yet even with nearly all of my horn intact, I could barely control even the simplest spells at first."

"I can't even imagine... and you, the Element of Magic!"

Twilight nodded, her throat tightening at the mere thought of it. She could still remember the suffocating helplessness. Magic was everything to her, everything she knew--even her special talent itself was magic.

Without a horn, she was nothing.

Her vision began to blur as the tears threatened to spill over. Starlight immediately leaned over and hugged her.

"Hey, hey, relax. You're okay now, Twi. It's okay."


"Really. Everything's okay. You're safe, you're healed."

Twilight cleared her throat, "You're right. T-Thanks."

Starlight just squeezed her tighter.

There was a soft ding and Twilight saw the seatbelts light turn on, and the captain's calm southern drawl played out of a dozen speakers throughout the cabin.

"Howdy, this here's your Captain speaking. We're on approach to Newcastle Municipal Airport and will be touching down in about eight minutes. It's a calm, clear night out, so I don't expect much bouncing around, but some turbulence is always possible, so please remain seated with your seatbelts on until the 'fasten seatbelt' light turns off. Stay cool out there, and thank you for flying with Overt Airways."

They straightened in their seat as his voice cut out and Jayna approached them.

"Um, miss pony? We'll be landing soon, so... Oh, are you okay?"

Twilight sniffed, then nodded with a weak smile, "Y-Yeah, don't worry. Just bad memories, that's all."

"Oh, I'm sorry... do you need anything? Some water? Tissues?"

Starlight grinned and said, "Nope!" then her horn glowed and Twilight squeaked as her magic enveloped her muzzle and dissipated the excess mucus in an instant. "We're all good!" She finished cheerfully.

The woman's eyes had gone wide and she took a nervous step back. "My God. Um... Wow, okay."

"It's alright Jayna, don't be scared, please. She should have warned you first..."

She shot her pupil a glare, but Starlight only giggled, "But the look on her face! Come ooon, it was funny!"

Twilight sighed and looked back to Jayna, "Sorry. She's a bit of a troublemaker sometimes."

The lady smiled nervously, then said, "W-Well, in any case, you should buckle in. We will be landing shortly."

"Okay, thank you, Jayna. I'll wake Anon and tell him, too."

She nodded and walked down the cabin to where Lizzy sat several rows back. After she left, Twilight glared at Starlight, who merely rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Oh, don't give me that look."

"Starlight Glimmer, you cannot just go throwing your magic around with creatures that don't understand it."

She looked indignant, "What's the big deal? So they get a little startled, big whoop."

"The 'big deal' is that it could cause irreparable harm to interspecies relations! Just imagine if you visited Yakyakistan and behaved like this. It could jeopardize their trust of all ponies!"

Now Starlight just looked confused, "What does Yakyakistan have to do with anything?"

Twilight slapped a hoof to her forehead, "Uugh, it's an example, obviously."

"Alright alright, jeez. I'm sorry. Calm down."


Anon jerked awake, looking around wildly, then his eyes settled on Twilight.

"W-Whoa, hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing!" Twilight snapped over her shoulder at him. She was glaring at Starlight, wings partially spread, ears folded back, and tail twitching anxiously. After a brief moment's hesitation, Anon stood to hurry over.

Twilight immediately turned to him, "Anon, sit back down. We're about to land."

He ignored her and came over to sit down beside them. She frowned and leaned back in her seat.

"Twilight... what's going on?"

"I told you, nothing. I'm scolding my pupil, that's all."

"She's, uh, just worried about Celestia," Starlight said with an awkward grin.

Anon nodded and turned toward Twilight in his seat, "Twi..."


"Listen. You're anxious and kinda freaking out a little. You need to breathe."

She crossed her forelegs.

"I'm fine. I'm just frustrated at our lack of plan about Celestia."

Now Starlight leaned closer and set a hoof on her shoulder, "Twilight, please. We're going to be okay."

She did not respond.

"You don't need to worry yourself," Anon said in his most calming voice, "We'll talk it out and work through this together, alright?"

"Yeah yeah, I know." Twilight sighed, "I guess I'm just nervous, that's all."

"So am I, Twi," Starlight said quietly.

Anon reached out and gently held her hoof, "I know how important she is to you, but getting angry isn't going to help anyone, least of all Celestia."

"Yeah," Starlight added, "Being angry just makes you stupid. Ask me how I know."

Twilight couldn't help but smirk at that.

"Just remember we're here for you. You have a lot of help on your side."

"Plus the element of surprise!" Starlight added.

"Exactly," Anon said softly, "There's a lot in our favor, even without a plan. But I know you love your plans, so we'll work together to make a good one before we do anything, alright?"

"I..." She felt her lip tremble, "I'm just scared of losing her... I don't know what I'd do..."

Anon gave her hoof a squeeze, "Everything will be okay. You'll see."

Starlight nodded and leaned closer, wrapping a hoof around her withers.

"But what if you're wrong, Anon?" Twilight looked up into his eyes and was surprised to find him so close. "What if something does go wrong?"

With an insistent little hoof tap, Starlight said, "Twilight, you've always been great under pressure. Sure, you freak out in the time leading up to when anything happens, but as soon as the hooves hit the hay, you're under control and know just what to do."

She turned to look at Starlight now, who was just as close on her other side.


Starlight nodded and gave her a sheepish smile, "I've always been a little jealous of it, if I'm honest. Sometimes I kinda panic and break down if things don't go to plan."

Twilight thought back to all the times she had saved Equestria, and had to admit Starlight had a point. Every time she faced off against some big evil threat, it was like all her worries faded away and everything suddenly seemed so obvious and straightforward. There was no question what needed to be done, so she just did it.

Anon squeezed her hoof and she turned back to him again, "You'll be fine, don't worry. You both have incredible abilities, great and powerful magic that--"

Starlight abruptly snorted with laughter, hastily muffling it with her hooves, and Twilight couldn't help but giggle a bit. Anon stopped mid-sentence, looking very confused.

"S-Sorry Anon," Twilight said with a smirk, "You made an accidental reference to somepony back home."

"Ah. Care to explain?"

Starlight giggled and said, "Friend of mine named Trixie... she used to have a stage show and she always introduced herself with this big dramatic 'The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie!'"

It was a decent impression and it make Twilight giggle again.

Anon chuckled too and said, "Well, I don't know how 'great and powerful' she is compared to you two, but I'll bet you two are more than a match for Arno and his ragtag team of misfits."

Twilight's grin faded as she was reminded of the topic at hoof, and she looked down with a little sigh, "Well... I hope you're right. Sorry for snapping at you, Glim."

Starlight gave her a little nuzzle, "Hey, it'll take more than that to get rid of me!"

Twilight let out a low laugh, then glanced at Anon. He had been staring at her snout and turned away awkwardly, leaning back in his seat.

She looked down thoughtfully. What was she going to do about him? She couldn't just ignore his feelings for her, they would have to be addressed sooner or later. Ears folding back with determination, she thought, well why not sooner, then?


The plane lurched and she was suddenly reminded that they were coming in for a landing.

"What is it, Twi?"

"Um... nevermind."

He glanced at her, one eyebrow raised.

"I, uh... it's not important. It can wait."

Twilight leaned back in her chair and stared out the window, just as she had done for the first landing. It was no less intimidating to rush over the ground at such an incredible speed, and her wings began to rustle as she resisted the instinctive urge to spread them wide and catch her in the air.

The landing was uneventful overall, if a little more bumpy than before as they slowed to a halt at the end of the runway. As soon as they had taxied into position, Twilight went over to Jayna and reached up to give her a hug.

"I was glad to see you again."

The woman hesitated, then slowly returned the embrace, "M-Me too. Thank you for the figure."

It was a small thing, perhaps, but it made Twilight happy. They separated and Twilight gave her one last smile, then trotted down the aisle back to Starlight, Anon and LIzzy waiting near the hatch.

"Well, Twilight and Starlight," the Captain said as they approached, "I don't rightly know if I'll be seeing y'all again, but if'n I don't, it's been a real honor and a privilege."

"The honor is mine, captain. Thank you again for a smooth flight."

He tipped an imaginary hat and they slowly exited the plane. This time, as they walked out into the significantly smaller terminal, there were no enthusiastic crowds awaiting them. In fact, there hardly seemed to be anyone at all in the small brick building. The few staff members stared bewildered at their little party. Lizzy frowned.

"He was supposed to meet us here..."

"Who?" asked Anon.

"The local Overture agent, of course."

"Oh, right." He looked around, "Well, it's not like he could have gotten lost."

Twilight giggled, "It's so small compared to the massive structure in London. It's almost cute."

Lizzy nodded, "Newcastle is the largest city in this part of the country, but that's still not very big. There just isn't much air traffic this far south."

"And Newcastle is in, uh, Kwa-Zulu... Natal, I think it was?"

"...Yes, that is correct."

Anon grinned and said, "Memory's on point as usual, Twi."

She looked down, embarrassed, "She did say it twice, after all."

"Oh be proud of yourself, Twi!" Starlight said with a pat on the withers.

"Alright, alright, fine."

They both giggled, then turned as a tan skinned human hurried up to them, somewhat out of breath.

"Ah! Hello, I am Mpho. I will be your contact and translator. Come, we received your picture and have a couple hours driving to do."

Twilight held up a hoof.

"Wait a moment... Starlight, you can tell where she is now, right? Why don't we just teleport there and bring her back?"

Anon raised his hands, "Whoa there, girl. Unless you think a couple of hours is gonna make or break this little operation, you should really stay with us. What if your Celestia needs my medical attention?"

"Uh, I'd be bringing her right back to you."

"And also," Lizzy added, "We want to capture Arno Mthembu and bring him to justice."

Mpho nodded enthusiastically, "He and his men are thought to have killed at least a dozen of our precious rhinos in recent years. If you ponies can help, we will be deeply in your debt."

"Well... I guess. But let's hurry, then."

Mpho nodded, "Follow me," he said, and headed off at a brisk walk, she and Starlight trotting along behind him.

"Starlight, can you sense anything about her state of being, or just the location?"

"Just the location. We could try another pulse?"

"No, I don't want to risk her trying to send another if she's injured."

Starlight nodded as they left the building and approached a large vehicle with an open back.

"Hop in," Mpho said as he rushed around and jumped into the driver's seat.

Twilight smiled despite herself as they climbed into the back of the vehicle, "Ever been in a car yet?"

Starlight shook her head, then jumped as the engine roared into life, her eyes going wide.

"What! Where--"

Twilight laid a hoof on hers and said over the sound of the engine, "It's okay. That's just the sound this vehicle makes."

It lurched and began to roll backward, then reversed direction and accelerated rapidly. The wind soon made any further conversation impractical and they settled in for the ride.

CH38: Targets

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It was a long and monotonous drive through the hot and dusty landscape.

At first it had been fairly interesting, thanks to the unique nature around them. The image that Celestia had sent them had hinted at an exotic foreign world, but seeing it firsthoof was much more impressive. The trees were so unusual, with their odd leaf-less lower branches and wide, flat tops, and she saw a herd of the "antelopes," as Anon had called them, running off in the distance. He said they didn't have any magic but she still wondered about those horns. Perhaps there was latent magic lurking in the background of Earth's creatures.

Despite the vibration of the "pickup truck" disrupting her concentration and making her quill-writing a bit sloppy, Twilight had added a copious amount of notes to her little notepad. It was more than halfway full now, and she was excited to go over it back at the castle. She wondered what Fluttershy would think of the wild creatures she had learned about here? Apparently some humans kept bunnies as pets too! Nothing like Angel, though, these were just wild and dumb animals, as far as she could tell, no real intelligence. In fact, all the animals of Earth seemed unusually stupid compared to the ones she was familiar with. Maybe that was why the humans didn't mind treating them so poorly.

She cut off that train of thought before it started to bother her. Who was she to judge another species' culture and habits, anyway? Dragons and griffons hunted for food too, after all. They just didn't industrialize--

Nope, not going there. She put her hoof down and refused to think about that. She looked around for a distraction and saw Starlight in the middle of checking her locator spell, then she leaned her head through the window in the back of the cabin to give Mpho some more precise directions as they got closer. She had done that a couple of times now.

"Can you tell how far we are!?" She shouted over the wind.

Starlight shook her head and yelled back, "Hard to say for sure, but we're still a ways off, I think!"

Twilight nodded and sat back again, not eager to continue shouting back and forth at each other. Her gaze continued to wander and she noticed there was another truck following behind them now, but she shrugged it off. It's not like going down the same road was suspicious behavior.

However, more trucks began to slowly trickle in, and by the fourth one, Twilight was getting very uncomfortable. She scooted around to the front of the pickup truck bed and leaned her head through the window.

"U-Uh, are we being followed?"

Mpho looked over his shoulder at her with an eyebrow raised, then smiled reassuringly.

"Do not fear, pony. They are friends, more of my people. We are not facing Arno's camp just with our one little truck. There will be more trucks coming, soon there will be a dozen, maybe more."

"Oh. O-Okay."

She felt silly for worrying now and pulled her head out of the window, trying to ignore the heat growing in her muzzle.

True enough, over the next hour or so, about a dozen more trucks smoothly merged one by one behind them, forming a formidable sized raiding party.

The ride dragged on, becoming monotonous, and Twilight found herself zoning out. As she did so, her thoughts drifted onto Anon, and she bit her lip nervously. She really needed to decide what to do about him. The landing had interrupted her just as she was about to bring it up with him, but maybe that had been for the best--what would she even say? Somehow just telling him to forget it felt wrong. She did care about him, after all, and did not want to hurt him.

Maybe she could just wait until he made a move. That's what all the fillies do when they know a colt is crushing on them, right? This was kind of a unique situation though.

Unbidden, Starlight's comments popped into her head, "Aren't you curious? Just a little?"

She turned to look through the rear window and caught Anon watching her again. This time, he held her gaze, and for some reason this made her blush and turn away, her ears folding down shyly. Then she caught Glimmer's eye and saw her smirk, which only made her blush harder.

Why was she getting so flustered anyway?

Sure, it was flattering to know he cared so deeply for her, but that was no reason to feel so embarrassed. Her tail was flicking nervously and she just couldn't help it. Blasted thing had a mind of its own sometimes. And it didn't help that she knew this was all going to earn her even more teasing from Starlight later.

She turned to watch the landscape slide by and tried not to think about Anon watching her backside. Her head unconsciously began to turn as if to look over her shoulder, then she caught herself and faced forward again. So what if he stared? If he liked what he saw, then what was the harm? It wasn't as if she was upset about it. She was just... worried about needing to turn him down eventually. After all, a pony and a human? Ridiculous.

Still, her wings shuffled a bit as she repositioned onto her side. It was more comfortable, that was all. The fact that it accentuated the curve of her hips was purely coincidental.

She realized she was still blushing.

Eventually, Starlight leaned through the window for the last time, and Mpho brought the vehicle to a stop. The rest of the convoy roared up around them, vehicles grinding to a halt all around.

"What is it?" Twilight asked her as she withdrew her head.

Starlight's muzzle had a grim set to it, "We're nearly there. Celestia is very close. I think she might be just behind those hills in the distance there."

A man jumped out of a nearby vehicle and jogged up, speaking quickly in a foreign language to Mpho. He must have informed the man that they were here, because he immediately twirled around and began shouting orders at the other men who were exiting the other vehicles.

He turned back and said something to Mpho, who then turned to Starlight and said, "Can you show us precisely where?"

She shook her head, "Not yet, we need to get closer. But I'm pretty sure they would hear our vehicles approaching."

A quick exchange later, Mpho said, "Arno and his men likely already know we are here. It would be foolish of him not to have scouts watching for approaching vehicles. Time is now of the essence."

Twilight gasped, "B-But, the element of surprise!"

Lizzy patted the air in a calming gesture, just like Anon sometimes did.

"Don't worry, Twilight. It takes time for even a small outfit like theirs to get up and leave. There's no way they've already packed up and left."

Twilight shuffled her hooves nervously, but Starlight laid a hoof on her withers, an odd sort of gleam in her eye.

"C'mon, Twi. Let's pay them a little visit."

Lizzy's eyes widened, "What? N-No, you have to wait for--"

Starlight glared at her, "If they can't escape, then Celestia is in even more danger than ever. We need her out of there NOW. Besides, your people need to know what they're up against, right? We can protect ourselves. We'll get Celestia, get out, and get you some much needed intel in just a few short moments. Then you all swarm the place."

Lizzy frowned, folding her arms as Starlight continued, then sighed and shook her head.

"I doubt we could stop you if we tried. Go on then, magical unicorns. Do your thing."

Starlight grinned and said, "Only one unicorn here, lady. Ready, Princess?"

She said the last word with a bit of playful sarcasm and Twilight rolled her eyes, responding similarly, "Yes, my faithful student. I am ready."

They both giggled--mostly due to nerves--then their horns glowed in unison, preparatory shields appearing around them both. Starlight prepared the teleportation spell, then waited while Twilight attuned to her. It was tricky, teleporting together like this, but they were no novices. They popped into the ether.

Almost immediately, they reappeared around the back of a small complex of buildings. They looked around quickly, nervously, but there was nobody there to see them.

Starlight's horn flickered and she let out a nervous puff of air.

"Phew, lucky aim. Alright, Twi. Right behind this wall, I think. Here we go..."

They repeated the teleportation process, and a brief moment later, they popped into a dimly lit room. Twilight couldn't make out much so soon after the bright sunlight outside--stupid, she should have compensated for that--but luckily from the sounds around her it didn't seem like anyone had noticed their presence yet. As their eyes adjusted to the dark, they realized why--they had appeared in a small side room which seemed to be used as a sort of storage and holding area, filled with boxes and tubs of various supplies and equipment.

Together, they slowly moved toward the empty doorway and leaned their heads out into the room beyond.

It was dark in that room, save for one spot right in the middle. One bright lamp hung from the ceiling, it's light poured out and drew their gaze down.

Twilight's chest sunk with horror.

Celestia was strewn across a wide circular table, her labored breathing sounding rough in her throat even from this distance, her hooves tied together with one foreleg bent at an unnatural angle. Her wings were picked almost raw, barely more than pale white appendages now, feeble and pathetic looking. Her beautiful mane and tail had been roughly hacked off, leaving only a few inches of straggly hairs behind, and there was a bright red tube attached to her foreleg, slowly pouring her blood out into a barrel.

But that wasn't what Twilight was staring at.

Twilight's eyes were frozen on Celestia's horn.

Celestia's horn where it laid on the table.

It had been broken off, violently shattered at the base, the mutilated stump on Celestia's forehead pulsing and sparking pathetically.

In their stunned horror, both ponies had stepped out into the room, unconsciously trying to get closer to help their Princess.

There was a yelp of surprise from one of the humans, then a general clamor as everybody leapt to attention.

Twilight hardly even noticed the growing commotion.

She realized she was crying--with horror or anguish or rage, she could not tell.

All she could see was the horn.

She screamed.

Starlight screamed.

They both reared as one, their horns bursting into blinding light. The room all but exploded with the primal energy of their raw magic. In the glow of their horns, they saw humans rushing about.


Twilight took aim.

CH39: The Monster

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Anon was just climbing back into the truck when he felt his chest tighten with aimless fear. Some unnatural force exploded in the distance, and an agonized scream echoed faintly on the wind.

He blanched and grabbed Mpho by the arm.

"Get me in there, NOW."

The man nodded and he punched the gas, tires crunching in the dirt and rocks. Anon did not even know what to do, he just knew that Twilight needed him. He looked back to see the rest of the convoy leaping into vehicles and hurrying to catch up.

Then he noticed a pistol in the center console.

After what felt like a long time, he ignored it. Tempting as it may be, he was not trained in its use and he knew that made him just as likely to accidentally hit Twilight as anyone else. But he had to get in there. He had to help her somehow.

"Quickly, quickly..." he muttered absently as they flew around the hill Starlight had mentioned.

They easily spotted the small outpost not even a tenth of a mile away. The rest of the convoy roared up around them, men leaning out windows, rifles at the ready, and together they rolled up to the building, vehicles rapidly surrounding the place. Dozens of men leapt out of the vehicles and Anon joined them, still having no idea what to do, yet unable to stay still.

Then, as one, they hesitated.

There was an eerie silence and a strange chill in the air.

Everyone looked around at the other, not sure what they felt and not wanting to be the first to go and find out.

Then a wall exploded.

Every rifle was instantly raised and aimed at the fading dust. There was a long, tense silence. Then, finally, Anon saw there was a shape moving in the dust. A large floating shape... and it glowed.

"Mpho! Tell them to hold their fire!"

The man shouted in his language and the others hesitated, rifles wobbling uncertainly.

Then a lumpy white mass silhouetted by Twilight's lavender glow floated gently out of the dust, Twilight and Starlight walking slowly behind her. As the dust settled, Anon recognized the floating mass as a pony.

Then he saw Twilight and Glimmer both dripping with blood.

Anon yelled hoarsely and ran up to Twilight, but a burst of magic punched him in the chest, forcing him to stop.

"I'm fine, Anon."

He blinked.

"It's not my blood."

His own blood ran cold, "...W-What?"

He could only stare dumbly as they slowly walked past him. The large white pony shaped lump--Celestia, he realized--floated up and into the bed of the truck. Only then did Anon notice the long white cone floating along beside her.

"Oh god..."

He stumbled forward to Twilight and saw that she was trembling.

"Twilight, I-I'm so sorry. It she...?"

"She's alive."

He slumped to his knees beside her, wanting nothing more than to reach out and hug her.

"That... that's good, right?"

Twilight nodded slowly, then abruptly sat down, her eyes far away.

The other pony, Starlight, turned toward her, tilted her horn, and with a glow, the blood covering them both slowly dissipated into the breeze. Anon gave her a look of intense gratitude for that, then slowly reached out toward Twilight. She jumped as he gently touched her withers, wings unfurling slightly, the whites of her eyes beginning to show.

"Twilight... what happened?"

She could only close her eyes and shake her head.

Instead Starlight answered coldly, "I'm afraid you won't be taking Arno into custody."

"W-What!?" Mpho sputtered.

"There isn't anything left of him to take."

Mpho looked stricken and muttered, "Udoti..."

Twilight voice was almost a whisper.

"I... killed him."

Anon's grip on her withers tightened.

"I killed him, Anon. I wanted to kill him. It was easy to do it."

She turned to stare up at him, tears trickling silently down her face.

"Am I a m-monster?"

Without hesitation he leaned forward and wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"No... no no, of course not. Shhhh, it's okay."

She shuddered and buried her face in his shoulder.

Lizzy, whose face had gone ghostly white, finally managed to find her voice, "W-What do you mean, 'there isn't anything left'?"

Starlight shot her a dark look, "I mean he was blasted with pure unfiltered magical energy and his body was disintegrated into ash."

"A-Ash?" Her voice took on a note of terror, "You... You fucking melted him!?"

She took a nervous step back, glancing fearfully at Starlight's horn. The unicorn scoffed disdainfully.

"Relax, lady. I'm not about to 'melt' you too."

"Starlight..." Twilight's voice was shaky but the note of warning was unmistakable. Starlight rolled her eyes in response, then floated the long white cone over to him.

"Come on, Anon. You healed Twilight, now work your magic on Celestia."

Twilight jerked upright.

"Yes! Oh Tartarus, Anon, please!"

He nodded somberly as he plucked the horn out of the air and eyed the jagged end of the horn critically.

"There's some material missing..."

Standing and turning toward the truck where Celestia lay, he called out to no one in particular, "I need a first aid kit, now!" Then he hopped up into the bed of the truck and knelt beside the trembling white pony, taking stock of her condition.

Mare, approximately fourteen hands. Pulse weak and fluttering. Breathing labored, ragged, light wheezing. Unconscious, delayed pupil response. Horn shattered off at the base, probable concussion. Both wings featherless and covered in small sores and bruises. Small puncture wound near subclavian vein, severe bruising. Left forehoof broken and healed at a sharp angle without being set. Severe blood loss. Hypothermic."

Somebody held a first aid kit out to him and he grabbed it without even looking at them, eyeing its contents critically.

Adhesive bandages, two inch gauze pads, a gauze wrap, medical tape, antibiotic ointment, a thermal blanket, some single-use alcohol wipes, eye wash saline with cup, a few wooden tongue depressors, plastic tweezers, vinyl gloves, and an ammonia capsule.

A decent kit, all told, but there was one thing he needed that would never be in a simple kit like this.

"She's dangerously low on blood... what she really needs is a saline injection."

He was mostly muttering to himself, so Lizzy's answering voice surprised him a bit.

"We might be able to make that happen. Do you need anything else?"

He stared at her for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Clean water, preferably hot without scalding but cold is better than none. A table to work on. A razor blade or ideally a scalpel. Powerful painkillers and horse sedative in case she wakes." He glanced back at Celestia and added grimly, "A hammer, chisel, and small hacksaw--a bone saw, if you can find one. She might never walk right again on that hoof but I'll do my damndest to make sure she does."

Without waiting for a response, he turned back to the pony, pulled on the vinyl gloves, and began some basic first aid.

First thing was to pull out the thin metallic heat blanket and tuck it around her barrel as best he could, hoping to trap in some of her body heat and help compensate for missing so much blood. Then he examined the base of her horn and let out a low whistle.

It appeared to have been shattered off by some violent force such as a heavy hammer, but oddly, all the shards seemed to point away from the center. Nevertheless, he used the plastic tweezers and alcohol wipes to remove debris, clean and sanitize both halves of the horn, then made copious use of the adhesive bandages to hold the larger shards in place.

When he felt he could do no more cleaning, he carefully aligned the jagged ends of the horn and pressed it firmly into place. Attaching it with a few bandages, he then aligned three tongue depressors like splints and secured them with some medical tape. Finally, he used up the entire gauze roll to wrap it up tight, giving her a thick white knob at the base of her horn, plus a good portion of the medical tape to attach the gauze firmly to both ends.

Next was that ugly puncture wound, but when he focused his attention on it, he was surprised to see the bruise had faded and the puncture was already scabbing over. Her wings looked better too, the sores and bruises faded significantly. He checked her pulse again and found it steady and strong.


"What?" Asked Lizzy.

"She's recovering remarkably well, that's all. Even faster than Twilight did."

He hopped off the bed of the truck and turned, opening his mouth to tell Twilight that Celestia would be okay, but Twilight was not there, nor was Starlight. He scanned the vicinity, but their distinctive purple coats were nowhere to be found.

A cold feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.

"For what it's worth..."

He turned around to see Lizzy holding a pistol ready but not quite aimed at him yet.

"...I really am sorry."

His hands made it halfway up before someone grabbed him from behind in a horrendously tight choke hold. He flailed instinctively, but his medical knowledge already knew it was too late. That was enough force to get all the way through to the carotid artery.

Already his vision was beginning to dim.

Just a few more seconds and his struggling ceased entirely.

CH40: No Worries

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Princess Luna woke gently as her alarm spell buzzed at her horn, stretching out her forelegs with a huge yawn. It was a bit surprising not to have been woken by Starlight's voice in her head, but she paid little heed to that. She was much more surprised by what she felt.

"B-Bastion! She is healing!"

He woke with a start from what was clearly a deep slumber.

"W-Who? What, huh?"

Luna turned to him, her wings half extended in her excitement, "Celestia! Her condition has improved dramatically... Starlight and Twilight must have reached her!"

He smiled groggily and mumbled, "Tha... that's great, Miss..." Then he slumped over again, out like a snuffed candle.

She batted at him playfully with a hoof, "Oh do wake up." When he only groaned, she bent down and nuzzled his chest, "Where is my bright-eyed and ever-vigilant captain of the guard?"

His lavender muzzle darkened slightly as he rolled his head to the side and peered at her with one eye.

"You're the one who kept me up so late..."

"Ah, yes." She felt her own muzzle grow warm and turned away with an embarrassed smile, "I suppose I may have gotten... carried away."

Bastion chuckled and said with a yawn, "Not that I'm complaining, of course." He pushed himself upright and she met his gaze, returning his smile and wrapping him up in a wing.

"Oh, but this is wonderful news, is it not? Finally my sister will be safe beside me once again."

He nodded, then tapped his muzzle with a hoof, "Honestly, I'm a bit surprised she isn't here already. Didn't you say the spell to return is very easy?"

She pondered that herself, "Hmm, yes, you are right. Perhaps they have only just found her moments ago, and they are still wrapping up their ordeal."

He looked intrigued at that, "You think they may have found something worth staying for?"

"It is entirely possible," She raised a hoof in a grand gesture, "The dimension gate is dangerous, yes, but beyond it lays fantastical lands beyond thy wildest imagination!" She giggled, "I'm sure Twilight is beside herself with curiosity now that Celestia is safe."

Bastion nodded and grinned.

"I hope she will return home soon."

* * *

Princess Luna walked slowly down the hall, Bastion and Serenity to either side, the latter providing a near ceaseless stream of information, as had become the norm.

"You did well in that inspection. I think the Guild of Ivy likes you--certainly Sir Ivy himself does--which will come in quite handy later, I think. They are not as powerful as the Guild of Lilacs, but no slouch for sure, and having both on your side will do wonders for your council policies. Anyway, I think you'll enjoy the chamber hearing we're headed to next. It's a simple procedure, so nothing to worry about, really. Just don't forget what I told you about the Charming family."

"That they will do anything for a couple of roses?"

Serenity hesitated, "Um, no Princess, that--"

"I am being facetious, Serenity. I remember."

"Ah. Well, good. In that case your role should be obvious once the hearing begins."

Bastion stepped ahead slightly and turned to peer at them.

"Mistress? If I may interrupt?"

Serenity paused, looking only slightly disturbed by the interjection.

"Yes, Bastion?"

He seemed to immediately regret speaking up, "Er, well... forgive me, but I just thought... it is nearly midday now."

"Your point?"

His ears folded back and he quietly asked, "Why has Celestia not returned yet?"

Luna stopped in the middle of the hallway, her brow furrowing.

"That... hmm."

Focusing on the ancient connection, her worries were eased somewhat. Her sister was still healing, and had improved significantly even since last she checked. She shrugged casually.

"It is strange, no doubt, but she is still healing well, so I am not unduly worried. When she returns, we will see what she has been up to." She resumed walking and the other two immediately met her pace, "So long as she is healing, I shall not worry. I have learned these past few days that naught will come of worry except misery."

She smiled fondly before continuing, "Likely there is something in that world which either she or Twilight insist on studying."

Bastion nodded, seeming relieved to be put at ease, "Yes, you're right. They do both love to study, don't they?"

Luna giggled, "That they do. Celestia chose her pupil well."

"That reminds me..." Bastion said, his muzzle pursed in thought, "I realized the other day that you have never taken on a pupil. Is there a reason for that?"

She grimaced, "Yes, and a simple one. No potential pupils are awake at night."

"Oh, right," he said somberly, "I apologize for bringing it up."

"No matter." She raised her head proudly and said, "In time I may find a suitable pupil, but as it is, I am quite content with my role as Guardian of the Night." There was a moment of awkward silence, then she added, "Granted, I am not said guardian at this very moment, but, well, you understand."

"Yes, Mistress."

With that, Luna glanced at Serenity, and that was all the mare needed to resume her endless lecture.

* * *

It was supper before Luna had time to consider the matter seriously again, and there was nothing for it.

Either Celestia should have returned by now, or Starlight should have reported in again. She could not conceive of any sane reason why neither had happened yet, and try as she might, she could not help but worry more and more with each passing moment.

Eventually Bastion, ever perceptive to her mental state, picked up on her unease.

"Mistress, are you well?"

She stared up at him from across the ornate table, "It is Celestia. I cannot stop thinking about her."

He grimaced, "Yes, I figured it might be that."

"I simply cannot imagine anything that could have made her willingly stay this long once all were safe.

Bastion did not reply, simply waiting for her to continue. She did so in a quiet undertone, as if scared to say it too loudly.

"I cannot help but think something has happened to one of the other two."

He winced and said, "Starlight or Twilight?" Luna nodded and he lightly tapped the table with a hoof, "You already know that worrying about the unknown does you no good."

"Yes, I know, but--"

"So instead, focus on what you know for sure."

Another interruption. He was becoming bold with those. She did not really mind, though. Not from him, at least. He usually had good reason for doing so.

"Like what, dearest?"

"Well," he began cautiously, "If either of them were fatally injured beyond hope, she would have returned, so they must not be that badly hurt."

Now it was her turn to grimace, "That is hardly comforting."

"But it is not nothing, Mistress. Further, if Twilight were hurt, Starlight could report on it."

Luna slumped in her seat, "So you are saying that Starlight is the one in trouble?"

"That does seem the most likely scenario. Not optimal, I admit, but given the choice between the three..."


She gaped at him and he raised his hooves in defense, "I don't mean I want her to be hurt, not at all! But if I was forced to choose, I certainly would not have chosen Celestia or Princess Twilight."

He lowered his hooves and held her gaze.

"And neither, I think, would you."

"I would not choose any!"

He sighed, "It is a mental exercise. Just imagine you are helpless and have no choice but to pick one to be hurt. Tell me, would you choose your sister? Would you choose her favored pupil?"

She stared at him in horror, unable to answer.

"I thought not," Then he rolled his eyes and added, "Quit glaring at me like that, I am only speaking logically."

She dropped her gaze to her plate, "I am not sure I like this logic."

"Nor do I, Luna."

She looked up again at his use of her name, and he gave her a tender smile, "I am simply trying to help ease your mind. You know from your connection that Celestia is well. We have just concluded through logic that Twilight is most likely well. We can also say with near certainty that Starlight is not beyond hope of help."

Luna's lip trembled, "But it is I who sent her in, Bastion! Do you not see? Any injury she sustains is my own fault, and I--"


He barked it like a command, startling her so much that she was instantly silenced.

"It is not your fault. Starlight agreed as well, hay, was even eager to do it, you said so yourself. She knew the risks when she entered the portal, and you did all you could to prepare her for them. Do not allow yourself to feel this way. It will only bring you harm."

She nodded at his words, but responded coldly.

"Very well, Bastion. But do not think to take such a tone with me again."

He returned her gaze steadily, undeterred.

"I will do and say anything I must to prevent you from thinking such thoughts. I refuse to allow you to suffer the Tantabus again. If you dislike that, dismiss me now."

They glared icily at each other for a long moment.

Finally, Luna wilted under his determined stare, "You... how did you know?"

"About the Tantabus?" He hesitated before saying, "I would rather not say, Mistress. Please."

She frowned at that, but his gaze was such that she was unable to resist.

"Very well, my Bastion. I will not command you to divulge this secret. However, know that I am unhappy to do so."

His gaze softened and he smiled apologetically, "I know, love. Forgive me. Please believe me that it is for the best this way."

Her ear flicked, "You do usually know what is best for me."

They fell silent and Luna picked idly at her plate, having lost her appetite. A few moments later, Bastion finally spoke again.


She looked up and was surprised to find Bastion looking worried himself.



His words died in his throat and he averted his gaze. She began to grow concerned.

"What is it, Bastion?"

He took a deep breath before responding, "I just... I fear I have overstepped my bounds. The very last thing I wish to do is offend you. If I have done so, please tell me."

She pondered that for a moment, then shook her head. "Do not worry. I am, in truth, quite pleased that you are willing to stand your ground for what you believe in, even against me." He looked up at her, eyes shining and she added, "You are yet stronger than I knew, my Bastion, and I am glad to see it."

His muzzle broke into a weak smile, "Then I am glad, too. At this point, I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

Reaching out with a tendril of magic, she gently brushed his cheek.

"Worry not, love, for I am not leaving."

Unbidden, her thoughts turned to his aging. Celestia had spoken of partners during the centuries that Luna was imprisoned. Her memories had always sounded so bittersweet and tinged with loss. Luna played with Bastion's mane and stroked the back of his head.

She knew all too well how limited a time they had together. There was no time for petty grudges over spoken words.

"No... I will not be leaving you."

CH41: New Friend

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Anon groaned and cracked an eye open, a bit surprised to still be alive. He was slumped over in the bed of one of the trucks, his hands tied roughly behind his back. Celestia lay beside him, so they must have just quickly tossed him in after knocking him out. He'd have only been unconscious for a minute or so after all.

His head still felt sluggish and he struggled in vain against the ropes digging into his wrists behind his back.

"Nuh uh uh, Doctor Mous."

Anon immediately recognized Peter's voice.


His voice came out in a hoarse croak and a violent coughing fit prevented him from saying more. Peter casually leaned against the side of the truck and smirked.

"You didn't really think I'd just walk away from all this, did you?"

"W-Where is... Twilight?"

Peter shrugged and said, "In one of the other trucks, I assume. Your notes about her anesthetic response proved quite useful."

"...My notes?"

"Oh yes," he said, his smirk growing wider, "And the samples you took of her were invaluable. Particularly, her blood. Thank you very much for that."

With dawning horror, he realized they must have raided his home and his clinic.

"S-Sally? Is she...?"

"Who? Oh, the woman at the clinic?" He waved a hand dismissively, "Don't worry about her. We aren't monsters, Anon, we just sent her home. Confused her a bit, perhaps, but no more."

A man jogged up and spoke quickly in a language Anon didn't recognize. Peter nodded and the man jogged away again.

"Time to go, Anon. Get comfortable."

"W-Where are we going?"

Peter's grin vanished, "Somewhere we can keep these things under control. They just killed at least a dozen men and women in mere minutes, and the remains are... disturbing, to say the least."

He glanced at Celestia, his face contorting in something like disgust.

"We can't risk letting that sort of power roam free in the world."

"They were about to leave!"

Peter sneered at that, "So they say. How are we supposed to know where their portal leads, or even what spell they were truly casting?" He shook his head grimly, "No no no, we are not taking any chances."

Anon instantly thought back to Daren jumping through the portal.

"You just want to use them!"

Peter's smirk returned, "Well, you know. May as well see what use they can be while we have them, right?"


"Hero, more likely, once this footage gets out. Charred skeletons? Exploding walls? Ponies splattered with human gore? Oh yes, the people need to know the truth."

Anon could only gape in horror as Peter pushed himself upright and turned.

"Best behave on the drive back, Doctor Mous. Wouldn't want any accidents to happen on the way, would we?"

Then he walked away without a backwards glance, leaving Anon all but shaking with frustration.

They were so close! How could this have happened!? Worse, how could he have been so stupid as to leave his notes where anyone could get them? Nevermind that, trusting Overture had been the real mistake. But what choice had they had?

He cast about wildly, twisting around in the back of the truck, trying to figure out which one held Twilight and her friend Starlight, but it was useless. They were probably unconscious in the truck bed like Celestia, impossible to see without peering over the edge of the truck.

He turned to Celestia and jerked with surprise--she was glaring at him with one cold eye.

Anon looked around nervously, but no one had noticed his reaction, so he carefully lowered himself onto his side, bringing his head closer to hers.


Her eye narrowed and Anon grimaced. She would be suspicious of any human, and justifiably so.

"I... I am a friend of Twilight's."

Her eye widened momentarily, then leered at him again.

"Prove it," she said in a low, cold hiss.

Anon took a nervous breath and whispered, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, your pupil, with five close friends in her home in Ponyville. She only named Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash so far."

He paused, but the eye still peered at him suspiciously.

"Basic information. Tell me something personal."

"Uh..." He cast about in his memory for something suitable. What could possibly qualify?

Then he had it: "Her mother used to make hibiscus spaghetti. It was her favorite meal."

Her breath caught at that.

"A-And your name?"

"Anon. Doctor Anon Y. Mous."


She seemed to roll the word around in her mouth as she said it, as if testing how it felt.

"Very well."

Her eyes crossed, then widened and even teared up a little.

"My horn! I-I thought... how?"

"I reattached it. Twilight broke the tip of her horn off too--"



He waited anxiously for a few moments, but when no one came, he slowly let out his breath.

"You have to be quiet! Don't let them realize you're conscious, whatever you do."

"But Twilight--"

"Her horn is fine! I was gonna say, I helped her heal it, and it's all fine now. I simply did the same thing for you."

Celestia took a steadying breath, then asked, "And what is it that you did, exactly?"

"Cleaned it, reattached it, made sure as much of it was in the right place as possible."

He shuffled uncomfortably, trying to get his arm to stop digging into his side so painfully.

"There was some material missing from yours, but it's mostly all there, so hopefully it'll be enough. Twilight also did something herself after I reattached the tip of hers."

"Yes, reenergizing the core. I have already done so and I pray it will be enough. I thought it better to cast my note at the expense of my horn and be saved, but having faced the reality of being hornless..." Her eyes scrunched up and her voice fell until it was almost too faint to hear, "I think I'd rather be dead."

He didn't know what to say to that.

Celestia suddenly slumped and closed her eye as two men approached and, glancing unconcernedly at Anon as they passed, jumped into the truck, the engine roaring into life. Anon slid closer to Celestia as she opened her eyes again in fear, speaking almost directly into her ear.

"It's okay, don't worry. It's just the sound this vehicle makes.

"I-I know, it's just..." She shuddered, "Bad memories."

The truck began rolling and the ride almost immediately became uncomfortably bumpy. After a particularly nasty bump caused Celestia to knock her head against the side of the truck bed, they decided to huddle together for mutual safety. With some shuffling around, they eventually settled on a yin-yang sort of shape, with Celestia resting her head on his lap, and he resting his head on her side near her wing. It wasn't very comfortable since both of them were bound with rope, but it was better than a concussion.

At first Anon worried about the men in the truck seeing them like that, but when he sat up to check on them, the single passenger seemed to have fallen asleep--despite all the bumps--and he was fairly sure the driver wouldn't be able to see this low in his rear-view mirror. He breathed a sigh of relief at that.

With little else to do, Anon then focused on Celestia's body and was amazed to see her wings almost completely healed already, even spotting traces of new feathers growing in. He curled forward to get closer to her head, a position he could only hold for a few moments at a time, and spoke as loudly as he dared.

"How are you healing so quickly? Twilight was fast but not nearly this speed."

She turned her own head to bring her mouth closer to his ear, "Regeneration spell, slow decaying. Should last a few more days yet."

He gawked. A regeneration spell?

Of course--Twilight had said something about Celestia making healing spells look easy. He glanced up at her horn and she nodded in response.

"Already it has begun to revive. It will not be long before I am returned to power." She looked around at the landscape passing swiftly by, "I only hope it will not be too late to help."

Anon laid back down onto his side and Celestia relaxed, both of them flopping back into the yin-yang again. They remained like that for maybe half an hour before Celestia raised her head again, Anon curling up to meet her.

"Do you know what happened to Twilight?"

He nodded toward the other trucks, "Probably the same situation as us, in another truck. Only, they've knocked her unconscious."

She shook her head, "I mean at first. Why did she not return to Equestria?"

"Oh," Anon grimaced, "When she first appeared in this world, she popped up right in front of my vehicle while I was already traveling at speed, so I... accidentally hit her, injuring her pretty badly." He felt her tense beneath him and quickly continued, "Fortunately, I am a medical doctor and was able to get her fixed up, and she is perfectly well now, horn and all. Even her wing healed nicely."

"Her wing?"

Anon tapped Celestia's humerus bone with the side of his head, "She broke that bone pretty badly. I had to surgically realign and reinforce it. But she's good as new, now."

Celestia's lip quivered as she smiled at him.

"Then I thank you, Anon, truly. You cannot imagine how much she means to Equestria... and to me."

She curled her neck and strained toward him until her muzzle brushed his nose, then she collapsed back onto his thighs with an explosive sigh.

Anon slowly laid back down again.

Just how important was his little pony friend?

CH42: Infiltration

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Starlight groaned. A rock was digging painfully into her side and she tried to roll off it, but her body was weak and slow to respond. Her head ached terribly too, making it hard to concentrate.

Not being able to move was a bad thing, right?

She struggled to lift a fetlock and rub her eyes, then blearily cracked an eye open. The world was blurred by dazzling sunlight and her hoof flopped useless back to the ground.


With what seemed like a momentous effort, she rolled onto her belly. Vague memories flitted through her mind. Anon tending to Celestia's horn. A sharp prick in the neck. Twilight being carried away. Then she was here, alone, in the dirt, in the blazing sun. She looked up and squinted into the sky.

What the hay was going on?

At least her head didn't seem to weigh a ton anymore. In fact, she seemed to be rapidly gaining strength.

Oh, duh, it's the regeneration spell! It must be helping to flush her system and rejuvenate her. She gave a silent prayer of thanks to Princess Luna for helping her get through that casting.

Squinting up at the sun again, she realized it had moved a significant distance from what she last remembered. That meant she must have been out for a long while.

Oh horseapples, Princess Luna must be worried sick! Once her mind cleared fully, she would have to send a report ASAP.

One mystery remained though: why was she lying in the dirt in the middle of nowhere? What had happened to Anon, and Twilight, and Overture in general? Why had they left her behind?

She pondered this as the world slowly came back into focus, then abruptly, she noticed the faint aura surrounding her. She stared at it in confusion for a long moment before she finally remembered the jewelry hanging from her ear. It was the enchantment doing exactly what it was meant to do: hiding and protecting her, keeping her safe from all but the most powerful of magical creatures.

The humans must have been awfully disappointed when she vanished right from under their noses! She grinned with satisfaction, but her joy was short-lived. They still had Twilight, and probably Anon and Celestia, too.

Beginning to feel almost herself again she groggily got to her hooves and looked around. There wasn't much to see. She really was in the middle of nowhere. The only things in sight were trees and the dusty remains of Arno's hideout.

The aura surrounding her was beginning to fizzle out now that she had regained her consciousness, but that was easily remedied. One invisibility dome spell later and she had all the time in the world to think in safety.

She cast around for Celestia and found she was not terribly far, but still further than she could easily teleport without wearing herself out. Then she cast around for Twilight and she was just as far and in the same direction. Okay, so Overture had them both. Probably Anon, too.

Well, it was a start.

Feeling much better now, she decided it was time to put Princess Luna's worries to rest, if only partially. Focusing her magic, she reached out for her home, then pressed the words into the connection, trusting to the spell they had set up to deliver them the rest of the way. Gosh, she hoped the spell had been working--she had no way to confirm Princess Luna had actually been receiving her reports.

"Princess Luna! I'm so sorry for the long delay since my last report, I'm sure it had you worried. First, the good news: We found and rescued Celestia. She was in pretty bad shape, but Twilight and I carried her out and Anon began tending to her wounds. Problem is, while I was watching Anon tend to her, I was knocked unconscious by some sort of stinger the humans used against us. The earring's charm protected me, but by the time I awoke, Twilight, Celestia, Anon, and all the rest of the humans were gone--I'm all alone now in the middle of a savanna near where we found Celestia. I have to thank you for helping me with that regeneration spell--I'd probably still be out for half a day or more without it. I do still feel Celestia and Twilight, but they're too far for a simple teleport, so I'll have to rely on the pegasaddle to carry me for a while. Don't worry Princess, I won't make the mistake of trusting these 'Overture' humans again. I do still trust Anon though--Twilight probed him and he's definitely on our side. Anyway, busy night ahead of me. I'll update soon, okay?"

Satisfied, she released the spell, then focused her magic again, renewing her various wards of protection, and adding a simple light-bending spell that made her appear as just a smudge of color from behind her. It wasn't perfect invisibility, but it was enough to pass a cursory inspection, and true invisibility was nigh impossible on the move.

Then, her muzzle forming a hard, determined line, she twitched her withers to activate the saddle, then set off toward the sun.

* * *

It was dusk by the time Starlight found the compound. A low, unassuming brick of concrete, it wasn't particularly impressive, but Starlight knew better than to underestimate these humans now.

She and Twilight had eviscerated Arno and his crew with ease, but they had been consumed with rage at the time and had actually been lucky that the unrestrained magic hadn't simply blown the two of them up right alongside Arno.

Starlight shuddered at the memories and turned her mind to something else.

She let out a magic pulse and got one back almost immediately, but only the one. That told her one of them was conscious and capable of magic. Probably Twilight, now that she thought of it. She'd mentioned her horn had healed surprisingly quick, but even so she doubted Celestia's was already capable of a pulse. Celestia's insane gift for healing magic wasn't much use when it was her own horn that needed healing.

Starlight shook herself. She needed to focus--her best friend's life could be at stake! ...Well, okay, second best friend. Sorry Twi, turns out Trixie can do just one or two things that you can't.

Suppressing a blush now, she forced herself to focus on the task at hand. She needed a plan of action.


Get in, get Twilight, get Celestia, maybe get Anon, get out.

Yep, easy.

She took a deep breath. Here goes...

* * *

The inside of the compound was a sterile, austere place. Bare concrete hallways lined with plain steel doors with strange, exotic writing on a little plaque in the center. Fortunately the door handles, though strange compared to the latches she was used to back home, were not hard to figure out. Some of them had odd little mechanisms that required her to magically manipulate some tiny pieces inside the device before the door would open, but none of the doors held her up for more than a minute or so.

Of course, she wasn't just opening doors willy-nilly. Before she even touched a door, she would cast clairvoyance and take a peek inside. All the humans would see is a faint shimmer in the air where her line of sight originated, and so far none had even noticed her smudgy outline when she tucked up close to the wall to let a human pass, nevermind a tiny floating bit of shimmery air. The plain, solid colored walls helped significantly with hiding her--even a simple stripe painted on the wall would have made her much easier to spot. Instead she merely had to avoid standing in front of a door or sign, and she was nearly invisible.

Good thing too, as the place was bustling with activity. Humans shuffled around endlessly, popping in and out of doors, jabbering in their foreign tongue as they passed, pointing at a clipboard, or a small glowing device, or even just at each other. None of it made any sense and she quickly learned to ignore the humans beyond what little effort it took to avoid them.

Starlight tried to follow her horn toward Celestia or Twilight, but it was hopeless. It would just as often point into a solid wall as down a hallway, so convoluted were the paths within the complex. She peered into room after room after room only to find storage, or a meeting, or once two humans violently making out in a dark closet. She'd desperately wanted to prank them in some way, but figured saving half the princesses of Equestria probably took precedence.

Then suddenly, one of the multitude of voices passing by caught her ear. She knew that voice.

She turned around to see Lizzy and another human walking swiftly toward her. She dodged aside and slid up close to the wall as she'd done a dozen times before, but this time, she turned and followed the pair of humans. She couldn't quite make out their words since they were facing away from her, but she thought she heard Twilight's name at least once. The humans wove their way down hall after hall after hall, but finally, they turned into a doorway. Starlight lunged through the door as it was being swung shut, her tail just barely pulling through in time, and tumbled into the corner of the room, curling up defensively in case anyone noticed her.

She was in a small conference room alone with the two humans. Lizzy and the man sat down and Starlight sat up straighter to try and see the device they were looking at. Then suddenly the man spoke.

"It's ridiculous. Just hours ago she was near death, and now she's healthy as a--well, as a horse. Her body is learning to reject the anesthetic and I guarantee she'll be awake before long no matter how much we pump into her. We have to figure out how to restrain her, and we have to figure it out now."

Lizzy sighed and rubbed her brow, "If you had just fucking stayed out of this, I already had them in the palm of my hand, Peter! They trusted me, but no, you just had to butt in and--"

"I won't take any lip from you, missy," Peter said harshly, "Just because HQ promoted you to lead doesn't mean you get to talk back to me."

"We're equal rank now, jackass. I can say whatever I fucking want to you. And I'm saying you've completely bungled this when I already had it under control! Why did you tranquilize them!? You saw that other one disappear as soon as she went down--who knows where she is now!"

"We'll deal with her when she shows her face."

Now who could turn down an invitation like that?

Starlight hopped into the chair beside him and, with a flick of her horn, dissolved her light-bending spell. Lizzy, who had been facing that direction, immediately leapt up with a shriek, startling Peter into looking behind him. He, too, leapt out of his chair, stumbling over backwards and falling gracelessly to the floor. Starlight smiled pleasantly.

"Looking for me?"

Peter lunged for the door but Starlight's magic seized it and secured it firmly in place, effectively welding it to the frame. He yanked on the lever once, twice, then stopped and turned slowly to face her.

"Alright," he said, slowly raising his hands, "You got us. What do you want?"

Starlight pretended to think about it, tapping her muzzle with a hoof.

"Hmm... What do I want..." She brightened suddenly, "Oh! I want you all to go rut yourself with a serrated knife!"

She leapt out of her chair and approached Lizzy threateningly.

"Where. Are. They."

Lizzy backed up against the wall, hands held up.

"W-Wait, I never--"

Starlight reared and slammed both her hooves on either side of Lizzy's head, her horn sparking ominously.


Suddenly she heard a click behind her and, nerves already on edge, immediately projected a shield spell around herself. An instant later there was a horrendously loud BANG and she winced as her horn twinged with the strain of absorbing a massive blow. She whipped around to see Peter holding something in his outstretched hand, pointed at her. It flashed, there was another BANG, and her shield took another hit.

Was this the firearm Twilight had mentioned? She scoffed--this was nothing!

She took a step toward Peter and his eyes widened as there was another BANG. She grinned wickedly and said, "You're going to have to do better than that."

Suddenly the door rattled and she heard a voice shout, "What's going on in there!?"

He immediately shouted, "IT'S PETER, MAXIMUM BACKUP, WE'RE--GAKK" His voice was cut off as Starlight punched him in the throat with a burst of magic, but the damage had already been done. Immediately there was a chorus of shouts from outside the room and Starlight knew her cover had been blown.

"Tartarus..." With another burst of magic she threw Peter against the back wall so hard that his skull left a red smear as he slumped to the ground and she whirled on Lizzy.

"Where are Twilight and Celestia? NOW!"

Lizzy slowly held up her hands, looking surprisingly calm.

"Second floor, Twilight's in the south east corner, room B502; Celestia's in the south west corner, room B548. Anon is in B503 right next to Twilight, if you're interested."

Starlight squinted suspiciously, trying to ignore the growing clamor outside the door and trusting to her weld spell to hold for now.

"That was... too easy. What are you playing at?"

Lizzy shrugged, "I wasn't lying earlier. I like you ponies. And since it looks like you knocked Peter out cold--maybe even killed him--we're alone. So, I'm helping."

Starlight slowly sat down, though she kept her shield spell up.

"...How badly do you want to help?"

Lizzy shrugged again, "I'll do anything I can, provided it doesn't cost me my job here. No offense but the pay here is fantastic."

Starlight hopped up again and approached Lizzy, who took a hesitant step back.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Yet."

"W-What are you--"

"I need you to picture one of their cells clearly in your mind," she said as she drew near, looking up into Lizzy's face, "I'm going to take us there."



"They're video recorded. I'd be seen."

Starlight frowned, "Do you want to help or not?"

Lizzy folded her arms, "I told you, I'll do everything I can without getting fired. Video evidence of helping you wouldn't just get me fired, it'd probably get me thrown in prison."

"Uuuugh, fine. There's another way, but you're not gonna like it."

Lizzy looked hesitant, "O-kay... what is it?"

In response, Starlight jabbed her horn into Lizzy's gut.

She gasped in horror, but Starlight's magic poured into her body as she probed her way up and into Lizzy's mind. It was a deeply unpleasant feeling, she knew, but there was no other way to get the locations of their cells without learning to read human maps and signs and all that, and there just wasn't time. The banging on the door was getting louder and her weld spell wouldn't hold up forever.

Starlight drew forth Lizzy's memories of the compound they were in and searched for memories containing Twilight, Celestia, and--after a moment's hesitation--Anon, too. Starlight noted the locations firmly in her mind, then slowly withdrew from Lizzy's body.

The woman slumped heavily to the floor, wheezing and shivering with the after effects of the spell. Starlight grimaced--Twilight had always had a subtler touch with that spell, but she didn't really have time for finesse. She leaned down and peered into Lizzy's half-lidded eyes.

"Sorry about that, but don't worry, the effects should fade soon. Thanks for your help, Lizzy."

"Any... time..."

Starlight smirked, then cast her light-bending spell again. Just for laughs she released her weld spell just before another loud thump and the door was flung open as a huge man stumbled wildly into the room and crashed into the table, knocking it over and sending chairs flying. She suppressed a giggle as she focused her magic and teleported out of the room.

Starlight reappeared in an empty hallway save for two doors, each guarded by a solitary human. They looked up, startled by the pop noise she had made, but neither of them noticed the slightly blurry patch of floor between them. Then her horn pulsed twice and both humans slumped to the ground, snoring loudly.

She used clairvoyance again to peer into a room and saw Anon pounding angrily on a huge mirror. Well, may as well start somewhere, she figured. She withdrew back to herself, focused her magic on the little bits inside the door, twisted the lever, and stepped inside.

CH43: Threats

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Anon was pissed.

Not because of his kidnapping, or Overture's betrayal, or the separation from Twilight, or even from being held captive like this.

He was just fucking bored.


He pounded yet again on what he knew damn well was a one-way glass.


His fist still ached from the last time he had pounded a few times, but he punched the glass again anyway.


With a roll of his eyes, he turned around and slumped against the glass, folding his arms grumpily. If all they were gonna do was make him sit here alone in a cell forever, why even bother taking him too? They had Celestia, they had Twilight... what the hell did they want him for? Were they just having a giggle watching him about to piss himself just for something to do?

He paced around the completely bare, plain, empty white room.

How long had he even been here? He'd fallen asleep for who knows how long--probably about ten minutes thanks to the horrendously uncomfortable hard concrete floor. He'd been here a while that's for sure, and he was fucking sick of being here. At least prison cells had a bed and a toilet to entertain yourself--he had jack shit. There weren't even tiles to count.

Suddenly remembering a trick he'd seen once in the movies, he went up to the one-way glass and cupped his hands around his eyes. If he could make it dark enough on this side of the glass, then... Yes! He could just barely make out a wide table surrounded by a dozen or so chairs and a sort of control panel thing right up against the glass.

The room was other wise completely empty. No one was even watching him.

He'd been pounding and yelling at an empty room.

"For fuck's sake..."

There was a faint click from the lock of his door and he whipped around, saying, "Oh, FINALLY!" He didn't even care what they were here for, just so long as it wasn't more nothing.

The door opened. Then it shut again. That was it.


"Oh, right!"

Anon jumped as, for the second time that week, a purple pony abruptly materialized directly in front of him.

"FFFF--Oh. It's you."

Starlight Glimmer glared at him, "That's it? 'It's you'? Geez, how about a buckin' thank you, huh? I'm about to save your sorry hide!"

Anon grinned despite himself, "Alright alright, thank you. You want some scritches as a reward?"

He reached out and rubbed her ear and she jerked in surprise.

"H-Hey! Don't--hnnng..." Her eyes glazed over for a second or two, then she shook herself and hurriedly stepped back, her tail twitching rapidly. "S-Stop that! We need to get out of here."

Anon grinned, his mood improving rapidly upon seeing one of his new pony friends again, "I'm all ears. What's your plan?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Get you, get the others, get out."

"That's it?"

"Worked so far, yeah?"

He had to give her that.

"Alright, then let's go."

She nodded and her horn began to glow, "This is gonna feel a little weird."

Anon shrugged, "I've teleported before."

Her muzzle split into a wicked grin, "Oh this isn't teleportation."

And before he could reply, her horn flashed and the room spun crazily, he lost all sense of balance, and the ground rushed up to meet him. However, instead of a face-plant into concrete, he abruptly found himself standing before Starlight, her body towering over him.

"What the--you shrank me!?"

"Yep! Now get up here, we need to move."

Dropping to her belly, she extended a forehoof half as tall as he was to give him a ledge to hop up on. He ignored it.

"Why the hell did you shrink me!?"

She rolled her eyes again, "So I can carry you around, duh."

"You couldn't carry me before?"

"What do I look like, an earth pony? Besides, you wouldn't fit in my light-bending spell. Now quit bitching and hurry up, they're already on my tail!"

Grumbling all the while, Anon lifted himself up onto her hoof, then scrambled up her side and sat at the base of her mane, wrapping some tufts of hair around his arms to secure himself.

"Great! Now..."

Her horn flickered and the world around them gained a sort of hazy texture. She opened the door a crack, slipped out, then shut it behind her.

They heard a shout down the hallway and both of them tensed, but the man simply sprinted right past them and around a corner, hardly giving his sleeping comrades a second glance.

"What was that about?" Anon asked.

"Hay if I know. They've been running around the whole time I've been sneaking around, but that was crazy even for this place. But whatever, look, Twilight should be in this cell right next to you, Lizzy told me where you all were."


"Mmhmm. I guess she really did want to help."

Anon wasn't so sure about that, but he held his tongue as Starlight approached the adjacent door. She cast some sort of spell, then gasped.

"She's not in there!"

"Oh, what a surprise. You seriously trusted Lizzy?"

Starlight glared back at him, "Don't give me shit, Anon. I didn't just ask her, I pulled it straight out of her memories. Twilight's been moved since Lizzy last saw her."

"Alright alright, fine. Celestia then?"

"I guess. We can find Twilight afterwards."

She trotted down the hall, turned around a corner, and froze, Anon leaning around her neck to see what stopped her.

Just down the hall were at least a dozen armed men standing near an open door in a defensive formation. One of them--the leader, probably--gestured urgently at the others.

Starlight's horn flashed and she whispered, "Anon, I think that's where Celestia is!"

"Well then what are you waiting for? Do something!"

She shook her head and stepped back nervously, "Do what!? I can't take on that many at once!"

Then Celestia's voice reverberated clear as day down the hall.

"I am only going to ask this one more time. Where is Twilight Sparkle?"

The leader murmured into a radio on his shoulder, then raised his voice to say, "There's nowhere for you to go--just surrender and this doesn't have to get messy."

Starlight inched closer, her horn glowing dimly, and Anon hissed, "What are you doing?"

She stopped and turned toward him, a nervous grimace on her face, "I dunno, a distraction, maybe?"

The former princess stepped into the hall and Anon gaped at her transformation. Her mane was still short but no longer patchy, her wings were fully feathered again, her broken leg had been restored to its normal function, and her coat gleamed with a healthy sheen. She also glittered with a golden protective shield surrounding her.

Then Celestia spoke again in a voice filled with contempt, "You cannot stop me. My horn is healed, my magic restored. Only my patience protects you now. Take me to Twilight immediately or I will tear this place apart to find her."

One of the men, clearly terrified, accidentally shot at her, the gunfire surprising him as much as it did everyone else in the hall. The bullet traveled about an inch past her barrier, then stopped and plinked harmlessly to the floor.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" The leader shouted, but it was too late.

Celestia dropped into a battle pose, her horn flaring, and immediately four of the men dropped unconscious to the floor. Starlight leapt to her aid, grabbing two of the men and slamming them into the wall. If she was surprised by the assistance, Celestia didn't show it as she whirled on the leader and her magic lifted him into the air. Starlight's horn pulsed and the two she held collapsed to the ground as well.

The others, uncertain without new orders, took a step back, eyeing their defeated comrades nervously.

Celestia's voice flowed throughout the hall, deep and resonant, "Now then, let's try this again."

The leader grunted as the magic surrounding him intensified about his throat.

"Where. Is. Twilight."

"Right here, pony."

Peter's voice echoed down from the far end of the hall. Celestia dropped the abruptly unconscious guard leader and turned, and Anon saw Peter slowly advancing on her from within a veritable phalanx of guards. Each one wielded an odd sort of energy shield that overlapped with its neighbor, joining to become a larger shield, the lot of them uniting to form a solid dome-shaped barrier around them. At its center was Peter... holding a barely-conscious Twilight by the horn, a pistol held to her head.

Anon gasped, and Starlight began slowly sneaking forward, silently weaving around the seemingly paralyzed guards behind Celestia.

"It's over, pony," Peter said coldly, "If that horn of yours so much as flickers, all I have to do is twitch my finger and your precious Twilight Sparkle dies instantly."

Celestia merely laughed--a cold and cruel laugh that sounded unnatural coming from such a holy looking figure. It made the hair on Anon's neck stand on end.

"Twilight is the one thing preventing me from obliterating you and this entire facility with a single magical burst, and you threaten to kill her?" Celestia began to slowly approach, her voice falling to a low, ominous growl, "Believe me, you do not want to know what happens if she dies."

Peter scoffed, "Oh, spare me the empty threats. You wouldn't dare risk her life, and we both know it. Now how about you stop right there and put on this horn ring nice and easy, and nobody--or pony--has to get hurt."

Celestia did halt, but then the air around her seemed to swirl ominously. Anon held his breath as Starlight snuck past her side and slowly inched closer to the wall of shields. He didn't know what she had in mind, but he hoped it was something good.

Celestia spoke in a low, dark tone, "There are fates far worse than death awaiting you if she comes to harm, human. Let her go, and I will limit your suffering to a single lifetime."

In response, Peter yanked her head up and jammed the pistol firmly into her skull, though his breathing had quickened considerably.

"I'm warning you, pony!" He shouted, his voice creeping higher, "Back down immediately or your precious Twilight dies! I'm giving you to the count of three!"

Celestia's eyes narrowed and the ominous swirling grew worse, though her horn remained dark. Starlight's hoof tentatively poked at the lower left corner of the shield, finding it to be quite solid.


Anon looked back and saw a dark aura had begun to grow around Celestia's head, though her horn still did not glow. He abruptly found himself staring into the inexplicable oblivion that he'd observed when Twilight teleported him, then they were inside the shield wall, Starlight crouched in between two of the guards.


Anon leaned around Starlight's head to stare terrified and awe-struck at Celestia, who now glowed ominously with a sinister darkness that writhed and warped around her. Starlight's horn began to glow.

Peter seemed to hesitate for a moment. Then he cried out.


And all hell broke loose.

CH44: Hatred and Love

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Twilight Sparkle, who was not quite as unconscious as she seemed, summoned what little willpower she could and yanked her head roughly downward. Her ultra smooth horn easily slipped free of Peter's nervously sweaty palm and she slumped to the ground.

Starlight Glimmer, meanwhile, cast a shield spell centered around the weapon Peter held, containing the explosion to a small sphere around his hand, which began to burn immediately.

Peter would have screamed in pain at that, except that at the same moment writhing tentacles of a deep and unholy blackness whipped out toward him from the aura surrounding Celestia, piercing the energy shield with an electric crackle and tossing men roughly to either side in their haste to reach their target. They coiled about Peter's limbs and neck, lifting him into the air as he made an inarticulate choking noise of pure shock and terror. Then the aura which surrounded Celestia snapped forward and slammed into his chest with such force that it threw him backward down the hall, skidding across the floor.

Anon stared in morbid fascination as the demonic blackness slowly sunk into Peter's skin, leaving nasty purple bruises where it had gripped his throat and wrists which he assumed were mirrored on the man's legs and chest. The man let out a moan, then convulsed violently, his whole body going taut. An unearthly howl emanated from his throat, echoing with a chorus of screams as if hours of suffering had been condensed into a single instant. The horrid sound slowly faded and he curled into the fetal position, trembling and whimpering as his guards looked on in terrified confusion.

Then his trembling eased and he slowly relaxed, lifting his head and looking around as if unsure of where he was. His eyes locked onto Celestia and he recoiled violently, his weakened body scrabbling against the floor in a meager attempt to escape.

Twilight Sparkle, who had watched the whole thing in horror, slowly turned back to her mentor and, fighting the drug still clouding her mind and making it hard to think straight, slowly put the words together.

"What... did you do... to him?

Celestia looked down as if startled to see Twilight there, then her eyes tightened and her muzzle formed a grim line.

"All the suffering he has caused throughout his life was done back to him in equal measure. This short moment likely felt like several years from his perspective. He has only himself to blame for how severe his punishment was."

She looked up at Peter, still trying to wriggle his feeble body away from her.

"This treatment will repeat at regular intervals from this point forward. Any suffering you cause in the meantime will be returned to you, stretched out to last for what feels like ages." Her voice fell to a low murmur, "I suggest you learn to minimize the pain that you cause."

Peter did not respond--he could not. His mouth moved soundlessly as he slowly backed away from her, eyes wide and wild looking. Celestia sneered, then her horn glowed and she tossed him roughly further down the hall.

"Now begone from my sight, else I contrive a more fitting end for you!"

He flailed through the air, thudded onto all fours, and immediately scrambled down the hall and around a corner. Celestia eyed the other guards menacingly.

"I said BEGONE!"

A wave of golden magic burst from her horn, passing harmlessly through Starlight Glimmer and Anon, but roughly shoving all the guards several feet down the hall. They stumbled as one, then turned without hesitation and sprinted down the hall after their fallen leader.

Twilight stared in shock at her beloved mentor, stunned by this dark and vehement side of the delicate princess she loved so dearly. Celestia's gaze slowly fell to Twilight, and her eyes narrowed.

"Do not think to judge me, Twilight Sparkle. I have encountered far worse than scum such as this in eons past. You are not the first alicorn to save Equestria from imminent destruction."


"Starlight Glimmer," she interrupted, "Come forth and reveal yourself. I know you are here."

Seeming somewhat reluctant, Starlight stepped a little closer and her horn twitched as she dissolved the light-bending illusion surrounding her. Celestia's eyes flashed at the sight of Anon on her back.

"What is this, a pet? Get rid of it immediately. I have had quite enough of these... humans."

Twilight flinched at the bitter hatred in her voice. Starlight jerked her horn again and abruptly Anon was standing over her, back to normal height, Starlight standing between his legs. She quickly scooted out from under him and turned around, backing slowly toward Celestia, who stared at him.

"Oh, it's you. I suppose I owe you my thanks. But it is time we return to Equestria. I suggest you leave, too. Now."

Anon winced, looked to Twilight, then shrugged weakly and took a step backward.

"N-No..." Twilight whispered.

Celestia's ear flicked, then with a casual twitch of her horn, she ripped a hole in the fabric of space and a blue oval appeared on the wall nearby.

"Come, Twilight. We are leaving."

Twilight Sparkle did not move. She stared at Anon and he stared back at her. Celestia frowned down at her.

"My faithful student, I came here with the sole purpose of returning you to Equestria, and that is precisely what I intend to do. Enter the portal, Twilight."



Twilight whirled around, "No!" And she blasted the portal with disruptive magic, causing it to collapse into itself and vanish with a faint pop.

Celestia sighed and immediately summoned another portal with no apparent effort, "Twilight, what is this foolishness? Come home this instant."

Twilight gazed fiercely up into her mentor's eyes, "You're wrong about them!" And once again she blasted the portal away.

Celestia's nostrils flared as she summoned yet another portal and said in a tight voice, "We can discuss this at length, in Equestria. Now enter the portal!"

"Not until you listen to me!"

This time Celestia intercepted Twilight's blast in a brilliant flash of light.

"We can talk all you like back in your castle! Now get in the portal!"

"But I love him!"

Everything fell still.

A long silence hung in the air.

Twilight herself seemed surprised by her own words.

Celestia stared at her incredulously and said, "You... you love this human?"

Twilight tried to hold her defiant pose, but her mind was reeling. Had she really just said that?

But it was true, she realized.

She did love him.

Twilight Sparkle slumped to the ground, sitting heavily on her rump and staring down at her hooves, no longer able to hold Celestia's gaze. Her voice was little more than a whisper.

"I... I do."

She shut her eyes against the tears.

"I can't leave him, Princess. I just... I can't."

There was a long moment of silence. So long that Twilight thought it might go on forever. Then she felt that all too familiar pressure on her chin. She allowed Celestia's magic to slowly lift her gaze back up to meet hers. To her surprise, Celestia's expression was soft, tender, and almost seemed to be filled with wonder. There was no anger in her eyes.

"Then, my faithful student, perhaps I have judged these creatures too soon."

Celestia twitched her horn and the portal dissolved into mist. Twilight could hardly believe it. She was actually going to listen! Princess Celestia was going to listen to what she had to say!

It was at that moment that Overture reinforcements sprinted around the corner of the hallway.

Twilight leapt to her hooves as a dozen rifles raised in unison, but Celestia merely rolled her eyes. With a single pulse of her magic, every weapon dissolved into mist and Twilight could only stare in awe at the speed and precision of the spell. The Overture squad stumbled to a halt, staring down at their hands with confused exclamations.

Then Celestia's horn pulsed and a wall materialized between them, seemingly just as solid as any other. The hallway simply ended with them now. These humans were so powerless against Celestia that Twilight almost wanted to laugh.

"Now then," Celestia said calmly, as if nothing had happened, "Let us talk about your human lover, hmm?"

Twilight blushed furiously and caught Anon's startled glance as well.

"O-Oh, he's not my lover!"

"No?" She turned to Anon with a smirk, "Then you do not love her back?"

"What? No! Er, I mean, yes! I... I love her too."

Celestia peered at them with a gleam in her eye, "Then what is the problem?"

Twilight shuffled her hooves awkwardly and Anon let out a little cough.

"Um... we, uh..."

"We never said it."

"T-To each other."

"Not... not yet."

Celestia giggled, "Oh my! Well, we certainly do have a lot to discuss then, do we not?"

She lowered her head to Twilight's level and smiled gently at her.

"But how about we discuss it in Equestria?"

Twilight inhaled sharply, "Y-You mean...?"

Celestia nodded, "He may join us."

Twilight turned to Anon with a huge grin, then faltered as she looked back to Celestia.

"But... you still hate them, don't you? I... I wanted to introduce you to good humans. London, maybe."

"There will be time enough for that, Twilight. There is more to the dimensional rift than you know."

Twilight furrowed her brow at that, but Celestia didn't give her time to ask any questions, casually ripping another portal into the void right where the others had been.

"Now then, Twilight. Please step through the portal. You have my word that Anon will be right behind you, but I came here to see you home safely, so I must insist on you stepping through first."

She looked up into Celestia's kindly face and nodded. She felt like jumping for joy and collapsing into sobs all at once, but she somehow managed to control herself and get to her hooves. Anon was beaming beside her and Starlight was wearing her biggest smirk, but she didn't care.

Twilight Sparkle took two small steps forward, hesitated briefly, then took a deep breath and jumped through the portal to Equestria.

CH45: Epilogue

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* * * THREE DAYS LATER * * *

"Well, Princess," Serenity said, "I think it's fair to say you've really come into your own, now."

Luna raised an eyebrow at her as they walked slowly down the hall, "Oh?"

"Well, you've handled the last three hearings with ease, parliament is still chattering about how you caught the Guild of Lotus red-hoofed mid-procession yesterday, you've straightened up the guards when I didn't even think they could be more straight, and even the royals seem content with your decision to marry Prince Bastion."

The Princess allowed herself a small self-satisfied grin.

"Yes, well... I have my sister to thank, in part."

"Right. Her guidance has been invaluable. The two of you make a formidable pair now, with your duties shared as they are, even if the nobles have had to shift their schedules later in the day to work with you."

"Indeed. She handles the squabbling rabble while I stay here and do all the real work!"

There was a beat of silence, followed by an awkward cough from Serenity. Luna lowered her gaze to the little unicorn.

"It was a joke, dear Serenity."

"O-Oh! Ha! Hahaha!"

Luna rolled her eyes and flapped a puff of wind at the mare, ruffling her already unkempt mane.

"Do not worry yourself. I have naught but the utmost respect for my sister and her duties. Indeed, I am consistently impressed by the skill and cleverness with which she handles herself around such a varied crowd. At least when I am with the nobles, they are somewhat predictable!"

Now Serenity did giggle, "Yes, well, a little birdie told me she's just as impressed with you. I think you two would do well to share more stories about what goes on in your day to day."

Luna eyed the mare coolly, "I think I can handle my sister quite well enough, but thank you, Serenity."

The unicorn bowed her head at the subtle rebuke, "Very well. We are all done, so if I may be excused?"

"Of course, Serenity. Tomorrow when you are done with Celestia, meet me in the dining hall before parliament, please."

"Yes, Princess. Good night."

The mare trotted happily off toward her bedchambers and Luna turned toward her own bedchambers where Bastion was waiting for her.

"Evening," he said calmly, his decorative royal helm gleaming as he approached.

She raised a hoof in mock pain, "Alas, you dazzle me with thy armor! Begone with this wretched regalia!"

He laughed and tossed his helm casually to the ground as he trotted up to give her a nuzzle. She nickered happily at the now familiar contact and they turned to exit her room and walk slowly down the hall.

"So," he began, "Captain Pride is doing well in his new position."

"Oh good. I was worried his ego would get the better of him after his promotion from officer."

"As was I, but I made sure he understood the significant responsibility his position holds, and that he would show it the respect it deserves. He was a good officer, and makes for a good captain too. You chose well."

"I am glad. It was a tough call between him and Officer Order, but as you commented in your report, Pride is simply more understanding of his subordinate's needs."

"Indeed," Bastion said, nodding happily. "Officer Joust, on the other hoof, has not taken well to his new position."


Bastion quirked his muzzle, "I mean, he performs his duties and commands his platoon well enough, but he just seems... unsatisfied."

"Why is that?"

"I am not sure. That is why I mention it--perhaps you could talk to him? You do have a way of stirring up the guards' fervor for their position. Maybe he will have a little more self-respect if you help him feel he deserves it."

"And does he deserve it?" Luna asked with a smirk.

"Oh, absolutely. He is a fantastic officer when he puts his mind to it, and I suspect would even make a suitable replacement for Captain Spear when he decides to retire."

"Oh ho ho! You would have him skip Officers Order, Candy, and Swear?"

"I would indeed," Bastion said firmly, "He is a stalwart soldier and has the utmost respect for his position. He reminds me a lot of myself, to tell you the truth. He is just... inexplicably unhappy. So--"

"Never fear, my Bastion, I will have a chat with him."

"Thank you, mistress."

She nipped his ear playfully, "I told you to stop calling me that! You are a Prince now, my Bastion. Behave!"

He laughed, then suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway. She turned back to him, but he nudged her onward.

"Go on, Princess. Your sister awaits, and I will not intrude."

She smiled, gave him a little nuzzle, then turned and stepped through the door into the private dining hall. Princess Celestia was having a quiet conversation with Captain Spear, but as soon as she entered, he grinned at her and gave her a casual salute before trotting out of the room without a word. Princess Luna approached the broad table and slid into the seat beside Celestia, who greeted her warmly.

"Ah, my dear sister! How did the princes take the news?"

"Well enough. Goldenheart is a trifle annoyed, I suspect, but he will recover soon enough."

"That old curmudgeon," Celestia rolled her eyes, "The slightest change and he's grumpy for days. Nevermind him."

"I suppose you're right, of course. You usually are."

Celestia accepted the compliment with a bow of her head.

"And how is our newest subject?" Luna asked.

"You mean our resident human? Oh, he is behaving himself quite well after our little... chat. And he is still conducting experiments with Twilight. I must admit they are a match made in haven if ever there was one."

"That they are. And no word of the missing human?"

"The one Twilight said leapt through her portal?" Celestia shook her head sadly, "No, nothing. He could be anywhere, dead or alive. We may never know."

Luna bobbled her head, "I am not so sure... I have this niggling feeling he shall turn up eventually."

At that moment, Luna's stomach let out an audible grumble and she smiled sheepishly, "Ah, it appears my body is upset I skipped lunch. Do you know how much longer for the food?"

Celestia's lips quivered in her telltale way when she is suppressing a smile, "Oh, well... I believe it will arrive any... second!"

As she said the last word, her horn twitched and the illusion spell dissolved, revealing two small plates of rainbow colored pastries.

Luna gasped, "You didn't!"

"I did," Celestia replied smugly.

She eagerly lifted her Zap Apple Eclair to Celestia's muzzle, who likewise did the same for Luna.

"In memory and celebration!" Celestia cried.

"And may we--" Luna began.

A burst of green flame interrupted her and she groaned loudly.

"Oh fie! Not now, surely!?"

Celestia giggled at Luna's reaction as she set the pastry down and unfolded the letter.

Her smile faded slowly as she read, and her expression had turned dark indeed by the time she passed the letter to Luna, who lifted it with some trepidation.

"Dear Princess Celestia... I have good news and bad news. The good news is we have finally succeeded! Yes, that's right, Anon successfully cast a spell, real magic of his own! The bad news... um, well, he can only seem to cast magic like... like what King Sombra had. Black and green and crystals and all that. We're not sure why yet, but... well, I thought you should know. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Luna gently set the letter down and frowned at Celestia.

"So... the human has dark magic."

Celestia nodded somberly, "I wondered how it would manifest. This could have serious repercussions."

"Very serious. We will have to watch him closely."


They sat in silence for a brief moment. Then Luna straightened in her chair.

"But I believe those repercussions can wait a moment, yes?"

She lifted her eclair again, and Celestia grinned as she lifted her own to Luna's muzzle.

"Yes, dear sister, I believe they can."

Then, finally, they each took a delicate bite of Zap Apple Eclair.

It was even better than they had remembered.