> Castlevania: Magic of Friendship > by WiltedBloom2013 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Hidden Potentials > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Europe, 1797... One year after Alucard saved Richter from Dracula's Castle Scootaloo looked at her two friends with more uncertainty than ever before... It started as a normal day, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle were going over their plans to get their Cutie Marks. The three were going to try to get exploring Cutie Marks... but somehow entered a portal that took the three far away from Equestria... worlds away even. Scootaloo was looking around the Castle as the trio of fillies walked through it's eerily hallow halls, all the blood and torture devices that were hooked up. Sweetie Belle was at the front of the group, simply because she wanted to be, it was well lit in the castle after all. Apple Bloom was slightly behind Sweetie Belle, standing to Sweetie's left. Scootaloo was all the way in the back of the trio, she really didn't like this place. "Are we sure this place is safe?" Scootaloo asked after seeing another torture device in this strange castle, but both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle groaned before Sweetie Belle replied, "YES! WE ARE SURE SCOOTALOO! WE HAVE FOUND NOTHING BUT THESE DEVICES!" causing Scootaloo to step back with her ears down. The trio kept going farther, and they reached the castle keep before long... but Scootaloo dashed off towards the entrance of the castle, not wanting to continue anymore. Outside the castle walls... Scootaloo dashed and dashed... she didn't stop dashing until she unintentionally dashed right into a tree... oof... Where even was Scootaloo? This certainly wasn't Equestria but it also felt somewhat familiar, an odd familiar like... she is certain she's never been here yet... some part of her knows this place... it feels. She got off the ground, castle staring ominessly at her in the background and the moon shining its light on her. She trotted forwards, hoping to find some familiar faces. 50 some-odd minutes later and a walk that felt like hell. Okay, she had to admit she was probably not going to find any familiar faces... She already had gone through basically hell by walking this much, nearly being attacked by some bats along the way to this left behind shack... Scootaloo sat in the corner, staring a Rapier down but not picking it up considering it'd feel better as a weapon Rarity'd use... ... why is Scootaloo considering somepony having a weapon? And Rarity of all ponies? She looked around and found some old books, now, normally she isn't one to read but... this seemed like a good time. Using resources found within Castlevania, several people have come together to make what we consider an ultimate weapon we have dubbed "Fatal Wind" this special Rapier can attack much faster and if wielded by the right person, might even be useful for moving faster. Unforunately, we've lost a number of team members due to our trip into Castlevania and we can only hope that whoever reads this and finds Fatal Wind doesn't try to storm Castlevania alone. As Scootaloo finished reading the page she looked towards Fatal Wind and... picked it up. She felt as if her hooves could move faster than she could move previous and this effect stayed even with the rapier stored away. "So guess I'll be taking you Fatal Wind, might be fun using you." Scootaloo said aloud. Then... there was a knock knock. Back in Castlevania... Apple Bloom groaned, finally noticing that Scootaloo's gone, "Sweetie, Scoots bailed on us," she said plain and simple, causing Sweetie Belle to groan as well. "Great, just fantastic," Sweetie Belle said in mild annoyance. The duo were climbing a large stair case with an ominess clock tower in the background, the stair case had a fancy looking red carpet and the fillies climbed on regardless. At the top they found a room with many candles and a large table, a tall fanged creature standing before the fillies... Dracula Vlad Tepes. "Greetings, I have been expecting you two," Dracula said as he stepped closer to them, "I can sense something deep within you both," he added. Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked confused at that statement what did he mean by "something deep within you both" it just didn't make sense. But when the arrival of Dracula's right hand man, Death, Apple Bloom certainly felt... something... and by the sense of it... it wasn't nice. Death carries his iconic scythe as he looked at the fillies before pointing at Apple Bloom, "You there, come here," he said as Apple Bloom trotted over causiously, "W-what's up?" Apple Bloom said with a tinge of fear. Death said not much but took Apple Bloom from Sweetie Belle, leaving the unicorn with the castle's lord. Sweetie Belle looked at Dracula who simply lead her to thethrone room and had a seat where he drank a glass of wine before saying, "You and your friend have some potiental that needs to be coaxed out, Death took your friend to coax her's out, and I'll be the one to coax your's out." Back with Scootaloo... Scootaloo was roaming the streets of a ran-sacked town, what inhabiants are here looked at Scootaloo and ran inside, probably mistaking her for one of the many monsters that roam about outside the town. It wasn't long before Scootaloo found a tall bi-pedal creature in a blue outfit, "Excuse me, could you please tell me where I am?" Scootaloo asked the strange creature who immediately turned around holding... a cross almost ready to throw it... is it serious? "Uh... what are you doing?" Scootaloo asked the creature who just took a step back before another one of those creatures, except this time dressed in black with a white mane came out of hiding and put a limb in front of the blue clad one, "Calm Belmont, this creature means no harm," it, no, he said as the blue-clad one, Belmont, put the cross away. Much time passed as Scootaloo introduced herself and got to know both Belmont and the other creature. Firstly, she learned that Belmont's full name is Richter Belmont, and secondly she learned the name of the black-clad one, it being Alucard. Scootaloo also spent time explaining her situation, "So... you and two others ended up in front of my father's castle, which you explored until you got to the top floor where you ran away from it," Alucard summerized as Scootaloo nodded with a "that's right" at the same time. And so... an adventure unlike any Scootaloo had seen before starts... > Prologue 2: So what about Equestria? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile... in the world of Equestria... Discord had all the element bearers in one place, with "important" news to tell them. He gave them a brief summary of the last chapter... because... he could. None of the ponies thought he was serious even though he very much was. "Discord, how the hay are we supposed to believe that Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle ended up in a whole different world with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle apparently having some hidden potiental that needs coaxing out due to an entity literally called Death and a human with fangs?" Twilight asked giving Discord her most unamused face, however, Discord only gave her a chuckle in return. "Believe me or not, doesn't matter because I can simply do... this," Discord stated as he snapped opening a portal which acted more like one way glass, ponies could watch but not interact and sure enough, Sweetie Belle was with Dracula still, Apple Bloom with Death, even having a cool new cloak, and Scootaloo with the Fatal Wind rapier and still with Alucard as they approach the castle's entrance at a fast pace. "Okay, kinda hard to not believe that!" Rainbow Dash said as Twilight sighed. "Oh. My. Goodness! It'slikethecreatorwasdirectlyinspiredbyanotherstorytomakethisonebutmakeitbasedoffofacompletelydifferentseriesjustbecausetheycan!" Pinkie said at literally a million miles an hour. "What darling?" Rarity asked getting a lackluster "What?" as a response from the pink party pony. Fluttershy watched the portal in curiousity but also fear, "Couldn't Scootaloo have waited till the morning there to go into the big castle?" she asked being huddled next to Discord, who simply shakes his head no getting an unexpected glare from literally everypony, "What? I'm being realistic, waiting till morning would have been too long and even then, now that they are in the castle..." he paused as the portal showed the castle gates closing behind Scootaloo and Alucard, "They aren't leaving till they finish," he finished. And now... you're caught up to how Equestria is doing. Well... except AJ who still wants to believe that Apple Bloom isn't going to be a villain. > Chapter 1: The start of Castlevania > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area 1: Castle courtyard. Castlevania, Europe. Year:1797. Scootaloo and Alucard looked behind themselves as the gate closed, "Well, looked like we're here for good now," Scootaloo said as she turned back to the familiar sight of the giant castle looming over her, moon shining from what she identified as the top floor. Alucard looked up in agreence, "We should be careful, if I know my father, he'll have Death take my equipment again," Alucard said aloud, leaving Scootaloo confused as she asked "Hold it, why would your father kill you just to start you over? Wouldn't it be easier for him to just kill you and be done with it?" to which Alucard shook his head as he explained what happened the last time he wandered into this place to stop it. Castle entrance, 1796. Castlevania, Europe. Alucard walked into an area with many dead bodies on spears and spikes as he felt the familiar presence of Death, his father's right hand man "Alucard, you've come back..." Death said as Alucard nodded and replied with, "Death, so it's true, this really is my father's castle." Death laughed at Alucard's statement the area smelling of decay, "Yes it is, it is a shame you choose to side with those weakling humans, but I can't have you ruining everything, not at all," Death said as he raised a skeletal arm and all of Alucard's equipment flew off in red bubbles, made worse by the fact that Alucard's long sleep has stripped of his strength, making him the weakest he's ever been. And so he had to progress now not just to figure out why his father's castle was back but also to recover his lost equipment. Present day. Scootaloo listened to that story in awe, as the moved through these early rooms they found some easy monsters like big bear-wolf like creatures called Wargs... yep. Alucard noted how not on the castle's appearance, knowing all too well why the castle has changed... well... except for one thing... "That's a new painting, is that a friend of your's?" Alucard asked, pointing to the painting as it showed... SWEETIE BELLE?! "What the hay?! Why is there a painting how Sweetie Belle now?! That wasn't there before!" Scootaloo exclaimed aloud, basically giving Alucard all the information he needed as the continued down the hallway, eventually finding an exposed room where they stop. "Hey! Why'd we-" Scootaloo was interrupted by Alucard holding a limb out, soon Death, with Apple Bloom on his back for some reason, and Scootaloo knew the problem, "Apple Bloom? What are you doing?" Scootaloo asked, causing AB to glare at her, "Ya mean afta ya bailed on meh and Sweetie? Findin' mah real talent, ah see ya found someone ta befriend who will help ya not be such a buckin' chicken!" Apple Bloom remarked in anger causing Scootaloo to flinch. "Now calm down Apple Bloom, you can take your anger out later," Death said, prompting Apple Bloom to nod and return to glaring at Scootaloo. Alucard looked at Death with nothing but annoyence, "So, you've come back again, I assume this time you've put the work in to bring my father back instead of leaving it to Shaft?" He asked, to which Death nods and preforms the trick that stripped Alucard of his equipment... again... much to both his and Scootaloo's annoyence. Apple Bloom laughed as she and Death vanished, leaving Scootaloo and Alucard with too many questions and practically zero answers, "One of your friends?" "Yep, that was Apple Bloom... what was she doing with Death though? Something's fishy, very fishy." Equestria, Twilight's castle. Moments after Alucard's equipment was stolen. All six of the ponies in the room were staring in confused awe at what Apple Bloom just... let happen."So... are we not gonna talk bout what we just watch?" Applejack asked, to which she was met with either silence or murmurs... make your own choice here. Scootaloo, still with the Fatal Wind rapier unlike Alucard who has nothing, was leading the group as a skeleton with a sword, shield, and helmet got in the way, Scootaloo was too freightened to attack, where-as Alucard attacked by just... punching the thing which dropped a sword... fitting. Alucard picked it up and swung it, "Not good but it'll do, better than Red Rust anyways," he said not earning a glance from Scootaloo as she just knew "Don't question it." And they entered a room with a decadhedron in it... apparently called a save room, supposedly interacting with the decadhedron revitualizes the 1 who interacted with it. And so Scootaloo saved for the first time. > Chapter 2: What a chemical smell. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo awoke from the saved state feeling revitalized, "Celestia... that was weird," she said stretching her small wings noting how the decadhendion was not returning. Alucard nodded saying, "It usually is weird the first time you use it," swinging his sword again, as if getting a feel for it. Scootaloo and Alucard walked out the room but... Scootaloo had an odd feeling about a future encounter. Alucard jumped up several platforms which were hard for Scootaloo to reach because of her shorter height, at the top was a living suit of armor wielding an axe which it throws like a boomerang... and somehow Scootaloo knew what it was despite this being the first one she encountered, "It's an Axe Armor! How do I know that?" She said before Alucard attacked it when it dropped a chestplate that looks nothing like the one it wore. Alucard picked it up and put it on under his shirt as he said, "Not sure, maybe it's an effect of the save room, sometimes when I awaken from it I feel as if I know things that I didn't know before such as my next opponent or something similar but it usually relates with how I 'died' at that point," without a hint of worry. Then... Scootaloo racked her brain and remembered. Scootaloo lays on her hooves, injured and about to die... she had an artificial horn on her head as a giant bat charged Alucard and killed him, Scootaloo tried to reach Alucard as he exploded into blood before she died as well. "I remember... we were fighting a giant bat!" Scootaloo announced, "However both of us died during the fight which is probably how we ended up back at the save point," she added, giving Alucard time to think. "The bat was either just a Giant Bat, Bat Company, or Darkwing Bat," Alucard said as he grabbed a relic he called the Cube of Zoe... right next to an artificial horn which Scootaloo grabbed. The horn automatically placed itself on her head and she used it to attack with Fatal Wind... oh yeah, this was the good stuff. All the ponies (Except Pinkie Pie) were shocked at hearing what Scootaloo had said... she died but was restored at the save point? "No way, I refuse to believe that!" Twilight stated aloud only to be met by Pinkie Pie giggling and replying with, "Silly Twily! Of course it's true, how else do you except Scootaloo to have known the Axe Armor's name?" while also wearing a shirt with "Scootaloo rules" on it for some reason, the same shirt on Rainbow Dash oddly. "Come on Twi! Look at Scoots go!" Rainbow Dash said as Scootaloo and Alucard just finished fighting a literal floating eye ball which was called by Alucard "Peeking Eye"... fitting. "I mean, darling, you must admit that some of the things Scootaloo is doing is dangerous, I mean... she's jumping without looking as pits appear," Rarity commented on as Scootaloo did just that considering it was a new path before returning with a helmet on her head... a leather helmet... This isn't even going over how Fluttershy is with the fact that she's hiding behind her chair in fear due to the number of skeletons and monsters, "L-let me know when the monsters d-d-disappear..." the poor pegasus said as Scootaloo attacked a living painting next to a chemical station... the painting was of Apple Bloom... great. Alucard just burned the portrait by teleporting a small way and lifting his cape to shoot three fire balls at it. The ponies watch it an just get confused... again... except Pinkie Pie. "Can that human do magic? Ah thought humans couldn't do magic as Twilah said," Applejack asked to which Discord nodded, "Yes, magic in this universe is different from our magic, however. Our magic comes pretty much purely from the inside, unless you're a Sweetie Belle who was sent to a universe of dreams..." Sweetie Void suddenly sneezed, "Why do I feel like I was mentioned?" To which Classic Sonic shrugged. "...but the magic Alucard did use was a kind of magic outside of what is 'inside' for us, as his magic is because he's a half vampire-" "Woo! Go Scootaloo use that fire!" Pinkie interrupted Discord as he looked back and saw Scootaloo using her artificial horn to use Alucard's fire spell. "Maybe something's deeper than I first thought." Scootaloo was surprised as she used Hellfire... she was not expecting that, now all she needs is a cool cape to lift to shoot the fire balls from and it'll be complete, for now her horn will do. "Man, all these enemies are sure making this castle Tartarus to go through," Scootaloo said, well aware of her language and not feeling sorry for it as she smashed a vial containing... some pudding which Alucard picked up... how will pudding help exactly? Nevermind, no time to question it, the next room has some ominous smoke coming from it... "That's where the bat's located," Scootaloo announced as she stepped forward, she and Alucard had gone everywhere they can right now, they should have plenty of strength for this first boss... I mean... it's just a bat, how bad could it be? Bad enough to kill her and Alucard before. Alucard walked in first, with Scootaloo following behind... the sounds of bats nearby being clear. Not far into the room as the bats awoke and started circling into one spot forming a Giant Bat which Scootaloo attacked using Fatal Wind, greatly damaging it. "Woah, okay. Note to self: Never lose Fatal Wind," Scootaloo announced as she jumped to the side to avoid an attack from the Giant Bat who was prompted attacked by Alucard and yet this bat wasn't letting up the charge forcing Alucard to move to the side, "Yeah and this bat's relentless," Alucard added when the bat stopped it floated in place for a moment giving Scootaloo a chance to attack it followed by Alucard using Hellfire to damage the Giant Bat. The Giant Bat screeched at that, seemingly getting mad before it started spinning like a drill over Scootaloo's head, Scootaloo was lucky enough to notice the shadow and dodge out of the way of the first part, the drilling debris however... hit her a bit. "Okay, how was I expected to know debris would fly everywhere?" Scootaloo asked before Alucard attacked the bat who didn't react as much as before as if it get a tougher defense all of a sudden. "You weren't, that was why it got you, next time though, you'll know that there is debris," Alucard said as he jumped over the bat as it drilled towards him from the front before hitting the wall and drilling into it which also launches debris around however it isn't as deadly this time because... it doesn't exactly go anywhere. Scootaloo used Hellfire while the bat was drilling into the wall and that seemingly finished the bat off as the bat broke apart and eventually left just a container of rainbow-esch water which Alucard calls "Life ups" which was grabbed before they left the room to go to the next, seemingly leaving the Chemical Labs. There were many more paintings of ponies Scootaloo knew and she called this place the Memory Museum. Not long later and Scootaloo found a save point and saved yet again. > Chapter 3: A Sweet(ie) Death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle watched a screen with Dracula Vlad Tepes... noticing Dracula's anger, "They've made it too far!" he said in a fit of rage, but Sweetie Belle knew how to calm him down got ready to reply... and soon had her idea, "Worry bit, if Alucard is as bad as you say he is and Scootaloo ends up being as bad as she seems to be then we always have Death and Apple Bloom ready to attack," she said before taking a drink of a glass of blood wine(Why is Dracula giving that to a filly?!) as she stood up and enveloped her hoof in magic before slashing the air making a giant claw out of emerald magic aura slash the air. Sweetie Belle smirked at the effects of her training. She was getting stronger by the minute, so go little Scootaloo, take as long as you need, Sweetie Belle will be ready for you. Apple Bloom threw her new scythe towards a random human civilian... hitting dead on... it only took 50 attempts, about 100 less that it took her to learn how to summon scythes from thin air, which was 200 less than it took her to use the souls of the damned as weapons... so she's getting better... slowly. She heard Death say something about how "that pegasus beat Giant Bat" and she knew... Scootaloo was on her tail. Apple Bloom knew Scootaloo was on her tail. Apple Bloom knew, given a few hours which the various guardians should buy them, that she could become her very own Apple Death(luckily Sweetie Void wasn't coming here soon -Writer) if she wanted. Apple Bloom took her scythe and got ready to do her own trick with it, she twirled the scythe around before bringing it to the ground causing a shockwave that'll be certain to give Alucard and Scootaloo a hard time when they make it to her and Death. She'll certainly give Scootaloo a hard time. Sweetie Belle stood still as her body suddenly turned to bats and dashed forwards. When the bats finished, her body reformed... but Sweetie Belle is far from done learning new trick after new trick. She's already got hellfire, bat dash, her magic slash, her magic effect waves, and infernal darkness. Her next step will be transforming into her own version of the monster form but... Dracula says it'll come to her when she's hit enough. Makes sense. Sweetie Belle went back and had a seat, taking a drink from her still unfinished glass of blood wine. Dracula sat proud of Sweetie Belle, knowing she would eventually surpass him, both in power and in goals. Apple Bloom did a gesture with her hooves and summoned beams from nothing, smirking. "Ah think Scootaloo is gonna really love mah tricks... if she ain't dyin' that is," she said as she accidently hit the ground with her scythe, creating a tree of bones that sticks around for a few moments, dropping an exploding skull as it vanishes. The hay? Ah can do that? Apple Bloom thought as she remembered the tree... before she smirked... oh... she'll definitely have the chance to be her own kind of Apple Death... Apple Bloom had a number of ideas she could use to create moves that'd make her so unique. Alucard will never see it coming. Of course not counting what Scootaloo can learn about it by dying. Scootaloo walked out the save room and started walking through Memory Museum with Alucard... finding a boss room oddly close to the previous one, albeit they can go another way... but why not handle another boss right now? Scootaloo walked into the boss room and saw Alucard on the ground on the verge of death, Apple Bloom and Death floating over him. "Alucard... ya were pathetically easy. Ah thought ya would be more of a challenge from what ah heard about ya," she said holding a scythe slashing Alucard who exploded into blood... Apple Bloom looked towards Scootaloo, who couldn't escape due to the shut door, and threw her scythe towards her. Then everything went black. "DON'T!" Scootaloo yelled, stopping Alucard from progressing into that room, "We are not ready for the fight in that room, from what I remember, Apple Bloom and Death await on the other side and as we are right now, we'd die without an ounce of effort on our part to defend ourselves," she added as Alucard started down the other path. "Then we go the other way and return when we're stronger," Alucard said on the path, finding several rooms with enemies and a relic called the Fairy Tome which allowed Alucard to identify the names of enemies upon hitting them... although it might not help much cause it'll just give Scootaloo more names to remember... which will cause strain on the poor filly's mind. A hallway... another hallway... another hallway... why are there so many back to back hallways? Seriously, they've gone through 5 back-to-back hallways, why are there 5 of these? "This is driving me insane! Why the hay are there five hallways back to back!!" Scootaloo yelled aloud in angry annoyence "The castle is a creature of chaos, it can take many incarnations," Alucard explained as he attacked an odd piece of floor, which showed another room that actually had a chest. Scootaloo used her artifical horn to open the chest and got... "A mask?" She asked as she stared at the odd mask. Alucard looked at the various books in the room to find whatever the mask is, finding the Sword card in the process. Scootaloo put her new mask in the bag she all of a sudden had... just because. Well... more accurrately, because it just doesn't seem useful right now, sure, it gives some defense but... Scootaloo might not need that right now. Scootaloo and Alucard kept going through room after room, even finding a few bonus Life ups, Alucard using a few of them to increase the amount of damage he can take... Scootaloo using just one and feeling stronger than before. She also broke a wall revealing... a salad? "Why was a salad in a wall?" She asked. Alucard chuckles at that. "Nobody knows, many report finding what is called 'wall food' but it depends on who you ask, many say they find the aptly named 'wall chicken' such as myself. Alucard used his sword to strike a wall... only to find a Wall Chicken... he will never understand his father's castle. As Scootaloo heard that he(Yes, in this universe Scootaloo is genderfluid.) thought long and hard as he put the wall salad into his bag. Scootaloo looked towards Alucard and nodded... finding a save room not long later and saving again... > Chapter 4: A tortured memory... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo awoke from the save point and immediately started racking her brain for a memory and it didn't take long for it to arrive. The fight had been going well, Alucard's weapon he found had helped out greatly against the double doppelgangers, but it wasn't enough... In a matter of moments, Alucard's doppleganger turned into a bat and rammed Alucard into a wall, damaging him greatly. Scootaloo's doppleganger used its rapier in a way she had never considered... a dash attack, catching her off guard and hurting her greatly, now both were on their last legs... having used their food earlier and not having any potions... Alucard's scream is heard before she saw a rapier pierce her head and the blackness of the void... Scootaloo looked at that memory... in fear... she and Alucard would have to fight two monsters at once... and the monsters look like them! The first chance when Scootaloo could, she would tell Alucard about the last death that happened! Scootaloo walked out of the room, watching as Alucard killed a Sword Armor which dropped a stronger sword(different from the one in the memory) which was called "Damascus Sword" by Alucard, supposedly it's stronger than the nearby weapons because of its rarity. Before they moved forward, Scootaloo had to say what she had to... "Alucard, we'll be fighting our own dopplegangers together, that damascus sword will help as you seemed to have had a different weapon in my memory of that fight and we had managed to do good in the fight. But we need to try and find more items around the castle... also, if it's alright, how do items in the castle heal our injuries?" Scootaloo asked that last question out of curiousity. Alucard racked his brain for a solid answer but he soon gave one, "Because Chaos hates things being unfair so it leaves potions and food around for explorers to heal themselves." And that got the conversation to shut up... at least... about food. Twilight's eye was twitching, "The food in that castle heals them..." She definitely wasn't taking the new discovery well... probably on the verge of a meltdown. Scootaloo used Fatal Wind against another armor enemy, this one wielding bombs... Bomber Armor? Scootaloo didn't know, but she did get lucky enough for a copper chestplate from it. Yeah. She equipped it and it didn't even show up on her but... well... she didn't care about it, she's had enough chaos this adventure. When Scootaloo and Alucard came to a crossroad, they split up, Scootaloo being a bit ready to deal with enemies on her own. Down Scootaloo's path, she had to fight a number of enemies ranging from Skeletons to Bomber Armors to some new enemies that looked like a giant flower that shot stone-like skulls... yeah, no. She attacked all the enemies in her path, making sure to get rid of the flower-like creature fast, but she didn't expect the flower to open up after getting hit where it shot some form of spore or seed. None of the enemies Scootaloo had to fight if you just knew how to dodge the attacks with ease. Shame it'll be getting harder with many eneries in the same room. At the end of the expedition, Scootaloo found a relic! He went and grabbed it, gaining a Dash Attack. She tried it out upon walking back into the previous room(Chaos respawns the enemies if she remembers Alucard saying) and tried it, moving an incredible distance and hurting the targetted monster a lot. Well... more than she usually does. She went back and started down the path Alucard had gone down, finding plenty of monsters regardless. As she pierced and killed monsters in a rush to find Alucard... she kept feeling as if she was getting stronger... like... it felt like her attacks were doing more damage and she was taking less damage... she remembered Alucard mentioned something like this before the last time she tried to fight the dopplegangers. Alucard swung his sword at another enemy, killing it and getting nothing. "Why do we fight these monsters if we don't get anything from some of them?" Scootaloo asked looking through a book she found at some point and nothing came up for some of the killed monsters. Alucard thought for a moment, "Well, sometimes when I kill a monster I feel stronger, as if I'm gaining a sort of 'experience point' from every kill," he said as he prepared to walk into the next room. Scootaloo sat dumbfounded for a moment, "Sounds like a video game," she said before she went into the next room as well. While she was reflecting, she had killed many enemies in her path and was still searching for Alucard... she did get a little distracted by some hidden rooms which had some Life ups and another object, one that looked like a heart, which she stored for now. Soon enough, Scootaloo found Alucard... breaking a candle and somehow getting a stopwatch from it... what? Scootaloo just assumed that the stopwatch is one of the "subweapons" Alucard mentioned last run... Celestia, all the deaths are causing her to sound insane... when she gets home, she'll have to partake in therapy because she'll really need it. Alucard put the stopwatch in his pocket as he looked back at Scootaloo, "The stopwatch might be helpful against the dopplegangers, now I need to collect hearts from the candles to make using it a bit more possible," he said as he started breaking all the candles, the lights not changing in brightness... this doesn't even surprise Scootaloo anymore... Scootaloo waited as Alucard went and got heart after heart before she finally entered the room, Alucard entering just as the door closes behind them. Portraits line the walls except for a big metal gate which opens, layer after layer... until it opens, revealing an interdimensional portal where the dopplegangers of Scootaloo and Alucard appear and fall to the ground. Luckily Alucard has the stopwatch, making this "fight" not even much of a fight. They took care of the Alucard doppleganger first, not having much issue and as the stopwatch's effect faded, all that was left was the Scootaloo doppleganger... and guesses if this is a hard fight? ... Well it ain't. Another stopwatch and that fight took less effort than the Giant Bat... because of course it would. Or so they'd think... no... after Scootaloo's doppleganger fell, both dopplegangers were merged together and now have full health... again... removing Alucard's subweapon and tossing it to the ground... Scootaloo rushes to pick it up and... something new occurs when she uses it... time is stopped, yes, but it doesn't last as long while dealing a sort of constant damage to all frozen enemies, albeit... she did end up slightly winded afterwards. Scootaloo used Hellfire to strike the mega dopple as Alucard swung his sword several times at it. Repeat this with the occusional stopwatch from Scootaloo and this fight was actually difficult. Another Life up(that they share) and Scootaloo presents the heart shaped object from before, which Alucard explained is a "Heart up" increasing the limit on the number of hearts you can hold. Good to know. They walked through the rest of this area and even found two more secret rooms on the way which held better armor(A new helmet for Scootaloo that doesn't terrify her soul), and a better weapon for Alucard(Makes sense they'd hide this after the dopplegangers). The eventually find a room with a very garden-like appearence, which Scootaloo calls The Ever Garden. They find more of the flower-like enemies(Called Stone Rose as Alucard cleared up) and some Manticores... off to a fun start already! They find many rooms with plants and even a flying suit of armor called "Flying Armor"(Real creative.) Its sword flies around it and sometimes charges towards the nearest hero. It didn't take long after that to find the save room and save again... ready for the challenges ahead. > Chapter 5: Thornweed galore! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo awoke from the save room and left it, ready to deal with the challenges ahead... until she runs right into a plant and takes damage. Alucard crouches down and cuts the plant with his sword, "Be careful, Thornweeds are usually everywhere in this castle," he says and he moves about cutting the Thornweeds down to size. Plants, none the less weeds, such an unexpected threat. Alucard and Scootaloo eventually reach an area neither can get to, as it's too high up. "Looks like we need some form of double jump or flight to get up there..." Alucard said as Scootaloo tried her wings... to little success. Well... at least there's a path to the right and a path down but the down path is blocked by a glowing door so... it probably needs some form of rare object to open it... hold up, "That door wasn't there when I entered before with my friends, well... I guess now they're ex-friends, did the castle add that after I bolted?" Scootaloo asked as Alucard nodded... great... as if this castle wasn't confusing enough as is. So Scootaloo and Alucard go to the right, immediately leaving the Ever Garden and entering... a library. "Great... Scoots has to trot through egghead territory..." Rainbow said with some minor annoyance, "Look at the bright side, Rainbow, at least Scootaloo isn't reading those books considering anything could be in them," Twilight retorted not even noticing that some of the books were alive and actively attacking Scootaloo and Alucard. "Ah'm more worried 'bout if Scoots'll be able ta fight Apple Bloom and Sweetie since they don't seem ta be on Scoots' side fer once," Applejack said as Scootaloo used a Dash Attack on a book. Fluttershy noticed Alucard doing some gestures and taking the souls of all nearby enemies... multiple times sometimes, "Alucard's powers are scary, I'm so glad he's not like his father or else that world was doomed," she noted before Discord said "Fluttershy, you realize Alucard has the same powers as his father right?" "Oh..." "Darling, I'm worried for Scootaloo, she needs to get out of the castle!" Rarity states but Discord shakes his head no, "Sorry, but this might be fate, for all we know all of the crusaders being sent there was preordained from the start so I won't get Scootaloo out, and she doesn't even need me as she always knows what's up next through those 'save points' so, let's just watch," obviously earning looks from everypony(except Pinkie Pie because of course). "You know Discord's right! It'll be our own little version of Lucar's 'A Sweetie Dreamland'" "What?" "Huh?" By this point Scootaloo was walking through a room with multiple destroyed bookshelves, right before jumping over a possessed book. Scootaloo and Alucard had split up again, Scootaloo opting to search the lower path which had lots, and that's not a joke, lots of Thornweeds and even some Corpseweeds. Luckily Scootaloo now knew how to use Soul Steal so the Thornweeds(He opted to calling them just Une) weren't a hassle... the Corpseweeds however... the head trapped in the Corpseweed shoot gunk towards Scootaloo and she either had to attack the gunk to destroy it or dodge it and the number of them makes dodging them perfectly difficult. Scootaloo had to slowly approach to ensure that they didn't give her too much issue. Eventually she did so and found... an empty room with a hole in the roof... you serious? Now to go through the Thornweeds and Corpseweeds again... One return trip and horde fight later. Scootaloo went upstairs as Alucard came back, a rare jewel(As Scootaloo assumes) in hand, "Now we can open enchanted doors like we saw earlier, did you find anything Scootaloo?" Alucard asked and Scootaloo just shook her head. They went back, using some potions that Alucard somehow had to get to full fighting condition("Corpseweeds are awful and I hate them" Scootaloo said), to the Ever Garden, and opening the enchanted door they saw earlier taking them to another new area... The Deep Caverns. As it's name suggests, these are some deep caves, probably going to the Earth's cores if they go deep enough. Alucard said how the last time he had to go deep below, he had to fight three bosses in specific(Well, not actually, two of them were technically optional.) Alucard entered a room with pillars, finding the guard dog Cerberus. It wasn't hard, all Alucard had to do was stand on a pillar and throw holy water, occasionally dropping down to slash at its faces sometimes... was that supposed to be hard? Alucard stepped into a massive room with many corpses throughout it... and he knew... it was Granfaloon, called Legion by some. Axes in Hand, Rehab's Frost in the other, Alucard was ready for this fight! Alucard stepped into what looked like an ordinary save room... but he knew better. He interacted with the save room and fought the Succubus without problems. Scootaloo(and the ponies) felt her eyes go wide at hearing those... Cerberus, guard dog of Tartarus has a counterpart, a collection of dead bodies called Granfaloon(or Legion), and a Succubus... if those stories told Scootaloo anything... it's be prepared for anything. Along the way... Scootaloo got lost. "Oh great... now where do I go from here?" She asked as Alucard had seemingly let her get lost.. She walked through the Deep Caverns, finding human like creatures that controlled ice that she'll call an Ice Elemental, probably not the right name but she is kinda lost right now. Scootaloo had a battle with the Ice Elemental only getting hit once by a big icicle, "Ow... note to self: Icicles hurt," she stated, knowing full well she was just stating the obvious. As Scootaloo went deeper in the caves, she eventually found a room with a keyhole shaped portal in it, stepping into it sends her to the... entrance? She cane tell she is in another warp room but... where is she now? She pressed a switch and opened a shortcut to the Chemical Lab, however she has no reason to return here for now so she goes back to the Deep Caverns through the Warp Room. Back in the Deep Caverns, she looks around for Alucard again, finding several rooms with rare stuff, some armor, some Life ups(of which she used half of her finds), some Heart ups, a new kind of drink that increases her magical energy which she called a Mana up. She knew that getting all of the things would be impossible for now, it's kinda been that way the entire castle, pathways the hide stuff(Most likely) that she can't reach yet without some form of enhancement like flight or teleporting... if only... maybe... her wish can come true. Scootaloo focused for a moment on the out of reach area and.... in a flash... her artificial horn teleported her! "Woah! Okay, I can get used to this!" She exclaimed happily! Now she could teleport without using Hellfire! If only se had a bit more range, if this platform was any farther away she would have had to struggle to get on the platform. We went and grabbed both the Life up and the one mysterious object. She just feels that it'll be important... for what? No idea, she just does. It took her a good solid minute to find Alucard who had found a boss room and was gathering hearts, now having the Knife subweapon. "Finally, took you long enough," Alucard said. "Sorry, I got a little lost. I did find a strange device but, nothing that particular," she responded as she attacked a candle that dropped some holy water. Picking it up and using some hearts to test it, the holy water created an extra tall flame with a line of fire(Not as tall as the base flame) in all of the the cardinal directions. "Sick!" She said, watching as the fire vanished. Before they entered the room, Scootaloo used the holy water to open a strange wall. Behind the wall was a new room with... a single switch. "Well, guess we should press the switch for whatever in this room," Alucard said as he stepped on the switch, pressing it and it revealed a chest which had... a new sword. It had a purple wing like hilt and a purple grip. Its blade had three triangles at the end. "I remember Button Mash talking about a sword that looks similiar to that from 'The Myth of Hilda,' if I remember it was called the 'Master Blade' or whatever," Scootaloo commented as Alucard put his old sword away and started using the "Master Blade." They went back to the boss room and enter the room. The ponies watched as Scootaloo and Alucard entered the boss room which was... a save room? "Oh... Scootaloo gets to save..." Fluttershy said looking up as Scootaloo interacted with the "Save Point" only for the portal to change screens to show Scootaloo in a completely destroyed Ponyville, no sign of Alucard. "So what is going on? This is weird," Twilight asked... only for Discord to shrug in response. Scootaloo walked around the streets of this destroyed Ponyville, not sure why she's here after saving. A little bit farther and she sees... corpses. Lots of pony corpses(This freaked the ponies watching out) the farther Scootaloo went, the more there were, and then Scootaloo reached an area with a big bubble of nothing it seemed, out of the bubble came an odd creature, it was basically a giant robot monkey with rocket launchers... and yet, in this place, Scootaloo knew what it was... Galleom. She didn't know why or how but she did. She started the fight by using her holy water which the Galleom has major problems dodging due to its large size, Galleom tries punching her but she dodges before it can. Scootaloo grabbed Fatal Wind in her magic and used it to attack the Galleom which... did more than she expected. The Galleom jumped and turned into what is basically a carriage as it dashed towards her... she dodged with a well placed teleport. "Goodness, this Galleom really doesn't want to let up, does it?" She said as she attacked it with holy water again, clearly getting it angry enough for it to stomp as it turned red, "It does have a short temper though," she said as she giggled... then came the unexpected rockets, the first three hit her as she attacked and busted the fourth before she landed on the ground and used Hellfire... but instead of shooting fire balls, she shot balls of darkness! The balls of darkness seem to have hurt the Galleom tons as it starts sparking almost as if it's short circuiting, one more attack from Fatal Wind and the Galleom explodes! Scootaloo awoke and grabbed the now in the room reward(A pair of artificial wings) as she gained a double jump. Walking out of the room and she finds a save room not far in which she saved for now... if that Galleom was bad... what can she expect of future battles? > Chapter 6: We are one and we are many... we are Legion. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo exited the save room and saw Alucard standing beside the door, leaning on the wall. "So what happened? You went and fought something and soon after it started, the leap stone and those wings appeared," Alucard asked as Scootaloo shook his head, not seeming to want to talk about it, "We should get going, we should head downwards to keep preparing for the fight against Apple Bloom and Death," Scootaloo said with a newfound chill that also had hints of... unfamiliarity. The group went a little deeper, finding another new area which Scootaloo called the Fiery Pits. As its name suggests... it's fiery and reminds Scootaloo of the pits of Tartarus. Scootaloo using her rapier to basically carelessly attack the monsters... okay, something is going on with Scootaloo. "Scootaloo, are you okay?" Alucard asked. "Never better," Scootaloo replied her voice not exactly making that clear. "I'm concerned, until now you were so innocent and child-like... what happened in that fight?" "You wanna know that bad? I saw death and decay. I saw Twilight's castle replaced by a bubble of nothing... I saw a rocket firing, punching, giant metal ape called a Galleom. There." She said in mild annoyance, "Now let's hurry. Apple Bloom and Death aren't going to wait forever." Scootaloo said as she kept walking... or well... trotting in her case. Scootaloo used her teleport to get onto a high up ledge, grabbing a Life up by doing so. Alucard was starting to be very concerned by this odd new persona that Scootaloo had become. All the ponies were watching in... moderate fear... "What happened to Scoots!?" Rainbow Dash asked... and yet... no pony, not even Pinkie, understood what had happened. When Pinkie doesn't even know what happened, that's when you know shit's gone to hell. "Could it be a part of the castle?" Twilight asked as Scootaloo killed a Great Armor(Which looked like a giant version of the Sword Armors), only getting silence as an answer... Scootaloo kept moving throughout the Tartarus-like area finding a fight against Cerberus that lasted literally two seconds... the ponies and Alucard being baffled... all of them really underestimated how powerful Cerberus would be. That or Scootaloo fought the Galleom way before she was supposed to. "Shame that Sweetie Void won't be able to help Scootaloo for around 200 years because she simply doesn't exist at this point..." "What?" "Huh?" "Ahem, Darlings, if Scootaloo is getting strong enough to the point that she can take on a boss by herself, why doesn't she and Alucard just go and take on Death and Apple Bloom?" Rarity asked. "They prolly ain't ready yet, Rares. Yes, they may have the strength but they may not have the equipment," Applejack responded, to which Rarity nodded in understanding, watching as Scootaloo breaks a wall open and obtained more wall salad. "And that isn't even c-considering the fact that t-there's still Dracula and Sweetie Belle..." Fluttershy added as Scootaloo broke a candle(why are there candles in a place filled with fire?) to get the axe subweapon, which is thrown in a downwards arc for Scootaloo, she grabs the holy water back and lets Alucard get the axe. Not even sure what's real or not anymore and Alucard casually destroys a wall and comes back to Scootaloo holding a sword he calls Rahab's Frost saying "This was better than that 'Master Blade' anyways" as they moved on. As the ponies watched there were a number of things that Scootaloo and Alucard did... mainly fight and defeat monsters to prepare for the eventual fight against Granfaloon/Legion. As this went through, Scootaloo just seemed relieved that the monsters were dying, more of those "Elemental" enemies(Scootaloo learned that they were called Shades and the ice ones were called Frozen Shades) which were called Burning Shades. It also wasn't long before an armor with a discus, a Discus Armor, was encountered and defeated, proving to deal much damage if you get hit by the discus but not much otherwise. Fight fight fight, kill kill kill. This story is filled with this bs ain't it? Well, trust that the number of monsters they fight is much larger than you read about. Anyways... Scootaloo killed one last Shade, a Poison Shade, and trotted past a picture of Sweetie Belle, slashing it in the process. Sweetie Belle watched that picture get slashed, through the screen Dracula had, with a sweat drop on her head... oh how she'd fucked up by underestimating how long Scootaloo'd survive. Alucard looked at the actions Scootaloo had done and by now had stopped asking questions... better to not question what he won't understand. A few minutes later and we have another split, Scootaloo starts trotting down one path automatically, "What, hey, let's plan who takes what path first," Alucard said but Scootaloo only turned and said, "I take this path, you take the other, if we run into a dead end, then we come back here and head down the other's path, got it?" Which caused Alucard to nod and walk down his path. Scootaloo's path was filled with monsters of various types... anyone seeing a pattern here? She fought and fought and fought. Each and every monster killed was relieving for her and she even got a drop from a Discus Armor which can replace her current armor(Which was the Copper Breastplate she had since the Memory Museum) for a huge boost to her defenses. She even found a room with a chest! However, upon closer inspection, the chest was actually a mimic to lure Scootaloo close... it died soon after that fatal error, dropping a big bag of money! There was a real chest in a room hidden by a wall though, that one having a slice of cake! And Scootaloo went through room after room, enemy after enemy, getting stronger with each experience point earned, just to be certain she'll be ready for whatever the boss of the Fiery Pits is. Because she does not consider Cerberus the boss because of how easily it fell. Albeit she also didn't exactly give it a chance to attack, just jumping straight in with a Dash Attack... oh well. After a number of rooms filled with enemies, Scootaloo found the boss room, "Heh, that's a first, My path led to the boss room," she said aloud and waited on Alucard by leaning against a wall, having plenty enough hearts to make it through the fight here. Scootaloo and Alucard enter the room and watch as the ball of dead bodies known as Granfaloon or Legion goes up and floats. Alucard starts chucking axes at Granfaloon, hurting each of its sections. Bodies fall off of it and Scootaloo deals with them by attacking with either Fatal Wind or Infernal Darkness and it isn't long before one of its laser firing tendrils is revealed, more work to get rid of each and every section only for Alucard to be caught off guard by a laser that wasn't even telegraphed! He landed on the ground, badly hurt as Scootaloo took it upon herself to attack Legion... Only for everything to go blindingly bright. Scootaloo reflected on the memory, knowing better than to get close to it this time. Alucard having made it, ready for the fight against Granfaloon. "We can't get close to Legion, we'll have to use our subweapons and magic to do damage," Scootaloo said, entering the boss room. As Scootaloo and Alucard entered the room, the first thing the ponies noticed was the large pit of faceless bodies... "Oh no! It's as if this is some grim foreshadowing to some super creepy boss monster!" Pinkie said she watch a part of the pit started to rise. "Is... are... is that a ball of corpses...?" Twilight asked as the "ball of corpses" rises up... in the air, despite none of the corpses making it having mouths, it speaks by saying, "More have come to join the collective. We are one... we are many... we are Legion!" "Ah don't think that's just a ball of corpses Twi..." Applejack said as Alucard threw an axe at Legion. "Oh... those poor people died just to become a part of a monster..." Fluttershy said while looking as one of the axes broke a section off causing lots of the faceless corpses to fall and come to life! "Uh... weren't those dead before?" Rainbow said as Scootaloo made sure the corpses died... again. "They should have been if they were corpses, goodness," Rarity replied with... mild digust that such a monster as Legion could even exist. Alucard crouched down and suddenly a group of spirits appeared and rushed towards segments of Legion, impressing Twilight despite her unease about Legion as a whole. Scootaloo's dash attack cleared out the second wave of corpses as she lit her horn to attempt that spell, Petra Spirit, only to be met with the usual result, Hellfire. At least some more fallen corpses were killed in the process. Alucard threw another axe as his Petra Spirits vanished, destroying more sections and even damage the core a little. Over this period, Legion started preparing a laser from a tendril... not that Scootaloo and Alucard didn't predict it and dodged with ease. More axes, more spirits, more corpses that Scootaloo destroys. "Soul Steal!" Scootaloo called out instinctively as small orb like objects went towards her, healing her and damaging the enemies... "Woah, I can do that? Actually, questions later, we have a Legion to kill," she added as she used another dash attack to clear out another wave of corpses. And Alucard has an idea, he throws the axe towards Scootaloo and she bucks the axe towards Legion, "What the hay, Alucard!?" Scootaloo announced as she hit more and more axes to Legion, each hit dealing plenty of damage. Alucard smirked at how well his idea worked, "Well well, that was the first time that happened. For a new trick, let's call it a 'Dual Crush,'" he said as Legion's core fell and burned away(to the ponies horror)... giving Scootaloo a smirk herself, "Then I guess we'll have to try many more methods of Dual Crushing involving different subweapons and who starts it," she replied. The next room had... the Soul of Wolf, "This is where Death hid my wolf form? Why?" Alucard asked as he turned towards Scootaloo equiping the nearby helmet. "No time to ask questions Alucard, does this wolf form of your's unlock anything?" Scootaloo asked, only getting a shake of Alucard's head, "Then all we have left to really do is either grind out enemies or go and fight Death and Apple Bloom," Scootaloo finished. "Let's go and finish what we started back in the museum, will you be able to fight an ex-friend?" Alucard asked, to which Scootaloo nods. They find a save room which takes them back to the entrance and from there they return to Memory Museum and save... Despite what Scootaloo had expected, fighting Death had been easy... Apple Bloom however... not as much. Her throwing her scythe and shooting giant skulls already were bad enough but through in the light beams and her bone trees and you've got a recipe for a bad time. Not counting the fact that Death uses his scythe in the same way(minus the bone trees) but with a bigger scythe... it was only a matter of time before Alucard died with Scootaloo following short after with a beheading... Scootaloo walked out to a familiar scene, Alucard swinging his sword against a Sword Armor. "Well, we ready finally?" Alucard asked as Scootaloo nods. "Before we go Alucard, you should know that Apple Bloom can summon giant skulls to chomp us, summon beams of light for some reason, throw her scythe, and summon trees of bone by hitting the ground with her scythe," Scootaloo said grabbing Fatal Wind, her Rapier since before she even met Alucard, and got ready... Apple Bloom and Death have to pay. Apple Bloom waited with Death as Scootaloo and Alucard entered, "Well well well, welcome Scootaloo and Alucard, ya'll finally arrived, now let's git started 'cause ah know ya'll won't listen," Apple Bloom said as some mini scythes started appearing from thin air, Alucard and Scootaloo split up, Alucard attacking Apple Bloom while Scootaloo attacks Death and, as expected, he entered his second phase not long after the fight started. Alucard backdashes as he throws an axe and hits Apple Bloom square on the head, before crouching and summoning a set of Petra Spirits, not expecting a second set to have joined his... Scootaloo has learned Petra Spirit... She's becoming one pretty broken little filly. The two sets of spirits attack Apple Bloom as the beams of light were summoned. Scootaloo was busy dodging all the mini scythes Apple Bloom was summoning, making sure Alucard is okay as well, accidently getting hit by a mini scythe, proving their hassling strength. When the attacks gave a moment of rest, which was rare, Scootaloo and Alucard grouped up and grabbed a serving of their respective wall food to heal up, Scootaloo attacking Apple Bloom after eating, seemingly causing her to fall down... beaten. "We... did it. Woo! We beat Death and Apple Bloom!!" Scootaloo entered a celebratory state as the odd device she picked up flashed and suddenly... Apple Bloom was gone. "That won't come back to haunt us... will it?" Scootaloo asked, to which Alucard shrugged. They exited the room, Alucard's equipment returned and Scootaloo's Aritifical Wings now give her five jumps(One extra jump per beaten boss it seems)... as they returned to the save point. > Chapter 7: The climb to the top and the fall of the Lord of Darkness! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Once every 100 years, when the faith in God is forgotten, Dracula will come back to life," a statement that proves ironic when considering the situations of our heroes. Christopher Belmont beat Dracula and still had to fight him again 15 years later. If Simon Belmont hadn't destroyed Dracula's remains seven years after his fight with the count, he would have died and Dracula would have been revived. 5 years after Richter beat Dracula, he was controlled by the dark priest Shaft to revive Dracula... if it wasn't for Alucard, Dracula would have come back and reigned terror on Europe yet again... and now, one year after Alucard defeated Dracula, it's back... with Scootaloo having to fight her friends, or well, ex-friends, to destroy Dracula's castle again yet again this century. Luckily the magic of friendship exists to reveal her hidden potential. Scootaloo and Alucard walked through the familiar hallways, through the Memory Museum and the Ever Garden, going up to the final location, one that Scootaloo has called The Hall of Torture. The hall way is filled with iron maidens, but Scootaloo doesn't pay them any mind, instead focusing on climbing the castle to get to the Top Floor. Some more secret areas and more equipment and Scootaloo has a dragon helm of her own. Each stair climbed leads them closer to Dracula and Sweetie Belle. In fact, there is only a few relics left to collect, namely, the Soul of Bat and Form of Mist for Alucard and at least one other for Scootaloo. And so Scootaloo and Alucard split up to find the missing relics. As Scootaloo walked down her path, she noticed just how different this area was from before. "So many staircases that are just missing, it seems," Scootaloo commented as she used three jumps to reach a higher platform, breaking a candle to get... feathers? She picked it up and it acted as other subweapons, replacing her current one with it, when she used it on the ground, she shot one to three feathers from her wing, in the air however, she shot 3 feathers exactly in a downward spread. "Heh, a unique subweapon just for me? Oh, Chaos, you really shouldn't have," Scootaloo said sarcastically as she picked up hold water again, not liking these feathers as they seem pretty useless. Scootaloo keeps going through her path even finding a Final Guard(A golden version of the Great Armor) which... was tedious to kill because it resists everything... luckily she has holy water, but it still takes forever just because of how much health this resistant thing has! After Scootaloo beat the Final Guard, she moved forward, finding a Familiar Card of her own, summoning a little cloud to shock her enemies. Such a wonder, ain't it? She kept going, finding a wall that could be broken and doing so to reveal a Life up with a Mana up. She eventually entered a room with another Doppelganger of her, this one clearly being stronger than the one from Memory Museum. It started the fight with a use of Hellfire followed by a teleportation behind Scootaloo and rapid attacks with the fake Fatal Wind(Which Scootaloo is dubbing Fatal Wend) catching Scootaloo way off guard. Luckily she has lots of extra health, right? Scootaloo's little cloud shocks the Doppelganger causing it's onslaught to end as Scootaloo retaliates by using Petra Spirit followed by Infernal Darkness which did loads of damage to the Doppelganger. Scootaloo even attacked with her Fatal Wind to deal damage in the hopes of causing the Doppelganger to just DIE! Several dash attacks later and the Doppelganger explodes into blood, some of it getting onto Scootaloo's coat and mane, and walks into the next room where she has to jump not once, not twice, but 6 times! At least when she's at the top, she finds her last relic... a stake made of oak... safe to say she was disappointed. Like, the hell was she expected to do with this? Oh well, she put it in her bag and started to just move on with her life. She went back down to where she and Alucard had split up originally. It took Alucard several minutes after Scootaloo got back to return to the split up point, bat and mist forms obtained. They continued through the Hall of Torture's main path until they reach... Area: Top Floor Year: 1797 One final save, and one final stairway. Scootaloo and Alucard climb up the stairway, ready to finish the adventure. Slowly going up the stairway, step by step. They reach the top and Scootaloo breaks a candle to summon... a BIG boomerang. It was time to fight the filly and the Lord of Darkness, Dracula. "Oh... darling I can't look!" Rarity exclaimed aloud as Sweetie Belle and Dracula were placed into view. All of the ponies(Except Pinkie and Rainbow Dash) were nervously watching the portal, even Discord was worried about this. "Come on Scoots! You got this! Show us and that betraying filly who's boss!" Rainbow Dash said. "Well well, you've arrived Scootaloo. I'll admit, watching you beat Apple Bloom and Death gave me a fright... but then Dracula assured me that Death losing is normal considering the fact that Death isn't like he used to be," The ponies heard Sweetie Belle say, her elegance having clearly gone off the charts as she is no wearing something you'd see at a fancy party. Scootaloo and Alucard weren't going to stall, "Say what you need and let's get this over," Alucard said, unaware of Sweetie Belle's strengths. "Be careful Alucard, Sweetie Belle, being a unicorn, has pretty extensive control of magic so she'll probably have many more ranged or magic based attacks compared to Dracula," Scootaloo whispered to Alucard who nodded. Sweetie Belle looked at the two and threw her glass, causing it to shatter on the floor, before standing up and teleporting onto the ground in front of Scootaloo and Alucard. Moments later, she surrounded her hoof in energy and did the giant slash!(To everyone except Dracula, Pinkie Pie, and Discord's surprise) That slash did a lot of damage, not really giving Scootaloo and Alucard a chance to dodge it. Scootaloo attacked Sweetie Belle from the side... only to not hit her? Just wonderful... Alucard attacked her head and then she reacts to being hit. So we can only attack her at the head, can we? Scootaloo asked herself before watching Sweetie Belle teleport to another location to use Hellfire. Scootaloo counterattacked by striking Sweetie Belle's head and it actually did damage. Good to know, Scootaloo thought. Scootaloo threw a giant boomerang and it hit Sweetie Belle twice, once forward and backwards, before Scootaloo was hit by Alucard being thrown towards her, "Pathetic, sure you both landed some lucky hits but... is this it? Where was the skill and agility that you had during previous fights?" Sweetie Belle said with a condescending tone. And Scootaloo wasn't having it, despite her weakened state due to being hit, she stood up and used her dash attack, hitting Sweetie Belle for a decent chunk of damage! Alucard got up and saw how winded Scootaloo was from taking damage and using her dash attack. Alucard tossed a cup of pudding from all the way back in Memory Museum, which Scootaloo ate and recovered from the pain. Alucard hit Sweetie Belle with an axe while Sweetie Belle was jumping, when she returned to the ground, she turned into lots of bats and dashed towards Scootaloo who hadn't seen it coming and got hit. Scootaloo waited for Sweetie Belle to reform before attacking her again, seemingly finishing this phase... though Alucard knew the fight wasn't over. Dracula tossed his glass as Sweetie Belle gathered lots of energy probably for a phase 2 preperation. Dracula fought very similiarly to Sweetie Belle but the attacks native to him are far more difficult. Hellfire has him sending three columes of three fireballs all at the same time, the bat dash was taller(mainly due to him being taller), the Infernal Darkness(Which Sweetie Belle didn't use) shot in three waves versus the singluar two balls that Alucard and Scootaloo did. And obviously he also only took damage if you hit his head. Just a lovely combonation. Dracula shot fireballs as Scootaloo attacks the ones that will immediately hurt her while Alucard uses his shield to block them entirely. Dracula had just a large opening to be attacked which Scootaloo and Alucard made use of. The attacking didn't last long as they got burned by a fire pillar coming from below. Both Alucard's Sword familiar and Scootaloo's cloud familiar attacked Dracula. "Celestia... Dracula is tough," Scootaloo said before watching Alucard turn into a bat and do a Wing Smash... and that made Scootaloo curious... what if... In a matter of moments after thinking, Scootaloo felt her body shifting and soon, when the effects ended, she looked and saw she had(somehow) turned into a bat without the Soul of Bat relic! She used this new-found ability to Wing Smash Dracula who also ended up looking defeated. Scootaloo returned to a pony form, her attire having changed upon transforming into a bat. She now effectively looks like a pony version of Alucard, "Woah, okay, this is fucking sick," She said. "No time to celebrate, Scootaloo, the fight isn't over," Alucard said. Sweetie Belle slowly rose from her fallen state and she, along with Dracula, transformed into a giant monster! Sweetie Belle's monsterous form looked like a cross of a Alicorn and a dragon, where as Dracula looked like a giant demon. Scootaloo and Alucard mutually agreed that they need to fight them seperately. Scootaloo chose to fight Sweetie Belle while Alucard fights Dracula. Sweetie Belle starts her fight off with using her magic to command the souls of the damned to home in and attack Scootaloo, luckily she dodges with ease. Scootaloo noticed something, despite this form's larger health, Scootaloo could attack it anywhere. Sweetie Belle charged a large beam of magic before launching it at Scootaloo who did get hit. Scootaloo got out one of her Wall Salads("This monster doesn't have to be so strong" Scootaloo commented) before she counterattacked with Petra Spirit. The spirits attacked Sweetie Belle, angering the monsterous filly "ARGH! SUCH INSOLENCE FROM THE LIKES OF YOU SCOOTALOO!" She yelled as she started breathing fire like a dragon disrupting Alucard's dodging as well as making Scootaloo a little toasty. Scootaloo looked at Alucard, and smirked... she wanted to use this Dual Crush. Scootaloo held her hoof out and Alucard grabbed it, both Alucard and Scootaloo held fives boomerangs each and threw them in random directions, some hitting Sweetie Belle and Dracula, and when the boomrangs returned to the respective users they both grew to massive size and got thrown at the respective opponent dealing 4 big blows. The attack ended and the next thing was Dracula leaping and trying to crush Alucard and Scootaloo... only to be hit and die. This leaves just Sweetie Belle to defeat. "THIS FIGHT IS NOT GOING TO BE YOUR'S TO WIN!! I AM SWEETIE BELLE! THE LADY OF DARKNESS!!" Sweetie screamed, getting hit by Alucard's sword dealing... minor damage? "Great, seems she raised her defense, well... this will take a good while," Alucard announced. "No, let me handle Sweetie Belle... alone," Scootaloo said, getting in front of Sweetie Belle, Fatal Wind in her magic. Alucard nodded and got out of the way. "Does Scoots have a death wish or something?!" Rainbow Dash said as Scootaloo used a Dash Attack to hurt Sweetie Belle. "Rainbow-" "No! Twilight, look at her! She has to fight a monsterous version of her ex-friend... for what reason?!" Rainbow interrupted Twilight, "For once in this adventure, I don't think she can handle the threat alone and we've watched her fight literal demons!" she added. Discord laughed, knowing full well that Scootaloo could handle it, even making an account on the new "Chaosnet" that had proped up, he expected that Chaosnet would be very helpful in the future for a certain filly to recrute heroes from across the omniverse. No telling if he'd be around for that day though, maybe Twilight would have to tell him in the afterlife if his expectation was right or not. "At this point, I'd be more surprised if Scootaloo lost!" Pinkie Pie said with a million ideas for a party for Scootaloo's "defeated the dark lord and your ex-friend" party. All while the ponies watched as Scootaloo threw several boomerangs and attacked with Infernal Darkness, all dealing minor damage. "Are we ignoring the fact that she's having to fight a monsterous version of my sister that's taking very small amounts of damage? Specifically the small amounts of damage part?" Rarity commented as Scootaloo launched a boomerang at Sweetie Belle. "Couldn't Scootaloo resolve this with peace instead of fighting?" Fluttershy asked as Sweetie Belle shot a conjoined ball of armors at Scootaloo, who dodged it by then had to defeat the armors that fell out of the ball. The tricks Sweetie Belle has were getting on Scootaloo's nerves. Scootaloo considered just destroying Sweetie Belle... but she held back. Scootaloo is not like Sweetie Belle and Dracula. Scootaloo looked Sweetie Belle in the eyes... those eyes, once a happy emerald, now a demonic red... that coat, what a sweet ivory, now a scaly and sickly green, her mane is all that's even Sweetie Belle anymore... Scootaloo had to land a finishing blow, she gripped her Rapier... no... it isn't just her Rapier, it's Fatal Wind, a rapier that chose her as its wielder... hard, and applied plenty of holy magic onto it as she Dash Attacked... finishing Sweetie Belle off... a single tear drops from Scootaloo's eye as Sweetie Belle went back to looking like her old filly self... Like what happened with Apple Bloom, the device Scootaloo picked up glowed and soon... Sweetie Belle was gone. Area: Outside Castlevania Year: 1797 Scootaloo and Alucard watched as the castle cumbled, "Scootaloo, are you okay after all that?" Alucard asked as Scootaloo nodded, "Yeah, I just... need some time to think... we... didn't have a choice anyways," the filly replied, "Alucard... let's stay in touch somehow even after I go home," she added, which Alucard agreed too... and soon Scootaloo's body was glowing a brillent white... "Guess... this is goodbye for now Alucard, if we see each other again... just call me Scoots," Scootaloo said as she vanished without a trace... "Bye Scootaloo, I'll miss you." Area: Chaotic Realm Year: 1797 Sweetie Belle awoke from her defeat, staring at the shifting location she sat in, "So ya finally arrived, eh Sweetie?" the familiar voice of Apple Bloom rang out, and as Sweetie Belle turned to her... she saw a sight she didn't expect, "Is all of this... for me?" She asked staring at the still incomplete castle and demons, Apple Bloom nodded in response. "Oooh Scootalooooo, be ready for my own assult soon... be ready... FOR CASTLEMANIA!" > Intermission 1: Back home, Scootaloo learning to be "normal" again. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Scootaloo awoke, she was still in her Alucard-like attire, and she was in the Ponyville hospital... why? Scootaloo got out of the bed, startling the doctor entering the room, "Are you sure you are okay to leave? Princess Twilight hasn't come to check on you," he said, but Scootaloo nodded and left the hospital. Area: Ponyville Year: 1797 One day after the events at Castlevania. Scootaloo looked around Ponyville, appearently Pinkie had made a party and Twilight spent some time working on a way to allow Alucard to come along, and he himself brought Richter and Maria, a girl in a green outfit who Scootaloo didn't really get to meet, and they were partaking in a game where the player had to throw a boomerang in a precise way to defeat the targets. "Ah, Scootaloo, I heard you were in the hospital but I wasn't expecting you out so soon," Alucard said, to which Scootaloo shrugged, "Eh, it mainly feels as though I just had a bad dream but clearly it wasn't judging by... all of this," she said, gesturing to everything, especially the "Memory Museum Gallery" which showed everything Scootaloo and Alucard fought in perfect detail... leave it to Pinkie to do literally everything in her power to make a party pixel perfect. And yet the first thing Scootaloo did was go to the Memory Museum Gallery. There were neat little discriptions for all the enemies and even a sign at the beginning that said the building was staying... just wonderful. All the boss monsters(including that damn Galleom) were also paired with a picture of Scootaloo(and usually Alucard) in a epic Brawl(Lol, brawl reference)... there was even a "Wall Salad" in a intentional hole in the wall. Pinkie(and Ponyville) went all out it seems... then again... did you expect any differently? One of the games Scootaloo tried was a video game adaptation of her adventure, Button Mash was having many problems and yet Scootaloo, having lived through the adventure, beat the game easily. And safe to say but some of the bosses in the game did give Button a bit of a fright. Another thing Scootaloo did was watch Maria Renard partake in a simulated battle against Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo smirked as all the people who hadn't seen monsterous Sweetie Belle saw the demon in all of her evil glory. Also, obviously Rainbow tried to beat it... emphasis on tried, she lost the moment Sweetie Belle slashed with her magic claw. 5 days after the party. Area: Ponyville schoolhouse. Year:1797 Scootaloo was in class again and found she had a hard time doing anything but focusing on the lecture. Guess she did get something from Castlevania, even if her classmates were wary of her bringing a rapier to school... Twilight (luckily) vouched and said that, so long as she didn't bring the rapier out until the end of the day(or there is a monster attack), Scootaloo could have the rapier at school. Twilight immediatedly was praised by Fatal Wind who Scootaloo just kinda realized that a rapier had a personality. The class went great (even if all the students kept asking for Scootaloo to talk about her adventures in Castlevania) and yet... class was unusally quiet. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were too scared to mess with Scootaloo now, and with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom go-Celestia knows where... it just seemed so quiet. Area: Everfree Forest Year:1797 Apple Bloom trotted through the forest looking for a certain witch calling herself Estella Moon. "Witch! Come out! Yer services are required!" Apple Bloom called out. A hut seemingly appeared from nowhere, and Apple Bloom knew. It was a invisibility hex. Apple Bloom entered the hut and looked right at Estella Moon, the black coated pony in a blue varient of the normal witch attire standing over a cauldron with a number of ingredients, "What does a filly like you require of me?" She asked not showing signs of surprise or even anything other than a calm chill. "Ah'm not just a filly, ah am the lady of death and... ah have a job fer ya." Apple Bloom replied swinging her cloak to the side, showing a picture of a potions room, "Mah friend is getting a specialized castle made right now and we need ponies ta help us git rid of somepony we don't need in our way," she added. Estella Moon thought about it for a moment, before shaking her head, "Sorry filly, I'm not a fighter so I'll come to your castle but I will not fight this pony you oppose," she said. Area: Hell Year: 1797 Apple Bloom walked down these streets of an unfamiliar world, finding a school where a demon was pushing another, "Take that you pathetic pacifist demon!" The pusher said as the pushed ran into the school. "Howdy, would ya be Fabricator?" Apple Bloom asked, causing the pusher to turn towards her. "Depends, who's asking?" "Apple Bloom, lady of death, ah heard 'bout yer murder sprees across other worlds, a bet ya wouldn't mind helpin' meh and mah friend with a little nuisence we know will be in our castle." "Heh, well... what kind of price are you willing to pay for a demon of my skill?" Fabricator asked, snaping and turning into their cloaked Diamond Tiara form, eyes hidden ubder a veil of shadow. "Ya will have plenty of victims when we get the castle inta the Equestria we need it in," Apple Bloom replied, "One price, ya cannot murder the mane 6, leave 'em fer meh and the castle's lady," she added. "Heh, sounds good. I accept your little deal," Fabricator said as they returned to the chaotic realm... one more to recruit. Area: ??? Year: 1797 Apple Bloom was on the verge of pulling her mane out with how stubborn this one pony was being, "I am not accepting your deal, I will not let myself be a lesser villain to the big bad, plus, the Chaotic Elements of Evil have already offered me a job," Golden Crafter said, making Apple Bloom pull at her mane. "Alright, can ah at least use yer likeness fer paintings?" Apple Bloom asked, clearly tired of Golden Crafter by now. Golden Crafter nodded. Area: Ponyville Year: 1797 8 days later. Scootaloo sat in class, listening to Ms. Cheerilee's lecture when she had a strange and sudden feeling. All of her classmates felt it too. Dread. Ms Cheerilee looked out the classroom window and saw, "Strange, when did that other castle exist?" She said, prompting Scootaloo to jump from her seat and look outside.. the moon shining from behind the castle despite it being the middle of the day. Sweetie Belle has returned. All of Scootaloo's classmates looked through the window, fear clear on their faces as they saw a walking pony skeleton. Scootaloo rushed to her locker, getting her weapon and armor before rushing towards the new castle. > Chapter 8: Hybridized Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area: Biology Labs Year: 1797 An hour before Scootaloo notices Castlemania. Twilight was trapped, her friends imprisoned with her in this castle basement. "So what next lady of death?" The odd version of Diamond Tiara asked Apple Bloom, "Get meh the six syringes on that table," she said as she pointed at a table with her scythe in hoof earning a look of confusion, "What's in the syringes?" The Diamond Tiara asks. "Just give meh the syringes!" Apple Bloom asserted as the definitely not filly handed Apple Bloom the syringes, Twilight noticed the syringes had labels... on one of them, it was what Twilight knew as the Giant Bat. There was also syringes with a wolf-like creature, a book, a Golem, a ghost(why?), and another more... unknown... monster. The one of Giant Bat was injected into Fluttershy and suddenly she looked more like her "Flutterbat" appearence, though... much more in pain. One by one each pony was injected until Twilight was left... all of her friends... hybridized with monsters and in so much pain... Then it was Twilight's turn. The only syringe left was the one with the book on the label and she was injected but... oddly... there was no pain like she expected. She looked as her wings had become more like book pages and her magic changed, the bindings were removed and the first thing Twilight did... was run away, to the exit! To Scootaloo! Area: Castle Courtyard Year: 1797 Present day. Scootaloo enters the castle courtyard and sees a very bruised and... different Twilight. "Twilight? You alright?" Scootaloo asked as she carefully approached Twilight, Fatal Wind in her magic. Twilight rose and coughed out some paper, "Argh... remind me to never run through monster filled castles again..." she said before turning to Scootaloo, "Oh! Scootaloo! Listen, the others are still in this castle with monsters DNA hybridized into their own! You need to go and save them!" she added in a hurry. "Calm down Twilight, I'll save them, anything else I should be aware of?" Scootaloo asked as Twilight nodded. "Yes, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle have recruited a demon and a pony to their cause, though the pony just looked to be there for whatever Apple Bloom had offered her," Twilight replied. Scootaloo nodding and starting to go deeper in the castle... but then, "Wait! I know I said remind me to not run through monster filled castles but... could you bring me with you?" Twilight asked before Scootaloo begrudgingly sighed and nodded. And so they started through the castle. Scootaloo kept a careful eye on the presence of Apple Bloom, never know where she'll show up but the appearence of a save room, which in this castle forgoes the usual interaction point in favor of a wall panel, seems to imply that Apple Bloom isn't taking Scootaloo's equipment which also implies that the castle has much stronger monsters. Just wonderful. Twilight touched the save point and a green glow surrounded her, healing her bruises but not her hybridization. She was stuck with it... great. Scootaloo soon followed and saved at the same save point. "Oh boy... you got used to the feeling of activating save points?" Twilight asked as Scootaloo nodded. When the two left the save room they ran into an immediate problem... a door that had no switch to open it. "How in Celestia's name are we supposed to open this door?" Scootaloo said as Twilight, nearly instinctfully, approached the door and started lighting her horn, opening the door with a new spell she just knew. "... Guess that works," Scootaloo said, ignoring the obvious oddity that exists in that. They walked through the door. Area: Ominous Garden Year: 1797 Walking through the door to a greenhouse-like area was ominous... the many portraits in the area didn't help. And while Scootaloo could navigate the area perfectly... Twilight couldn't and many of the paths are blocked with more switchless doors. "It's almost like they wanted you to give up or be stuck in the first room," Twilight commented making Scootaloo chuckle a little. How stupid they must have been. Moving through the Ominous Garden proved to have several fruits, both literally and figuratively, mainly a relic which allows Scootaloo to slide as a form of attack and mobility. And it wasn't long before they found a boss door. Scootaloo entering while Twilight was forced to watch from outside. Scootaloo trotted into a room full of painting of both ponies she knew and were unfamiliar with, luckily she had a Fairy Tome from Alucard back at the party. The paintings suddenly started shaking as they started flying and started forming the shape of a giant unicorn... it was time for Scootaloo to face her first custom made demon... Portrait Pony. Because of Portrait Pony's sheer size, it can't easily move around as a copy of one of the ponies in the paintings jumped out, this pony being Trixie Lulamoon with the Alicorn Amulet. Scootaloo had to jump and slide to get close to Trixie and attack her, and the amulet broke in... two... hits... damn, these things aren't as durable as the originals? Pathetic. Scootaloo tried to approach Portrait Pony again but another painting pony attacked, this one being unfamiliar to Scootaloo but a quick attack gave her its name, Golden Crafter. Wonderful. One more quick destruction of a painting pony and she returns to trying to approach Portrait Pony. Before she gets double teamed by more painting ponies, "Damn, this thing really doesn't want me near it, does it?" Scootaloo said... before realizing, "Wait a moment..." Scootaloo stepped backwards from Portrait Pony and fired some Hellfires, did it deal much damage? No. Did it summon painting ponies? Also no. Scootaloo looked around, finding several candles... if attacking from a distance works and yet fire doesn't hurt the Portrait Pony much... maybe... When Scootaloo breaks a candle, she gets... the axe! Exactly what she was after! She picked up the axe, got to a safe distance as close as possible to Portrait Pony... and threw it! It hit Portrait Pony causing the collection of paintings to scream in the many voices that make the portraits ponies. After that attack, the painting pobies start spawning even without Scootaloo being close and getting close to Portrait Pony makes it worse. A quick Soul Steal proves it's a HP thing. The higher Portrait Pony's HP, the less painting ponies spawn in general. Well... shit. Another painting Golden Crafter spawned at shot a knife right at Scootaloo's side which was dodged with a lucky duck. The painting pony was swiftly destroyed. This was not picture day, so it was time to try and destroy the Portrait Pony. A quick Dash Attack proved Scootaloo's Fatal Wind wasn't going to be helpful in damaging this thing. It may have a weakspot though. But first, fighting another Trixie to get rid of the annoyence that is her boosted magic. Attacking the painting Trixie herself does next to no damage so...good to know. Another two hits to the amulet and back to trying to defeat Portrait Pony. Scootaloo jumped 4 times and threw an axe, hitting the horn causing the Portrait Pony to scream louder than before, "Good to know, the horns the weak spot," Scootaloo spoke to herself and she fell down and had to slide damage a painting Sombra to get rid of it because other damages did nothing. She still had to jump high up to attack at full effectiveness. Each hit caused the painting ponies to increase in frequency and even strength! She was even having to fight painting versions of Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom(even if they are less durable than the real thing) and destroyed more and more of the Portrait Pony's health. More and more... more and more... and she missed to be hit by a painting pony's attack. Scootaloo coughed out some blood from her injuries, causing her to have to eat one of her food items to heal. "Damn... this enemy is really difficult now... how in tartarus am I expected to win here?" she asked as she destroyed 5 painting ponies in one fell swoop. The Portrait Pony looked to be barely stable from all the attacks it took. The paintings all look slashed and damaged... and Scootaloo couldn't handle it... she used Infernal Darkness and Petra Spirit at once creating a new spell. Five dark entities appeared in the air and quickly dashed towards Portrait Pony, destroying its hooves in a fell swoop. Scootaloo approached the Portrait Pony... and stabbed through its head. Twilight sat outside as Scootaloo exited the boss room, a butterfly key in her magic grip. "You... you beat that portrait beast?" Twilight said, both hopeful and scared. "If I didn't, I'd be dead right now," Scootaloo said matter of factly, "Anyways, we now need to find the door or doors that this key opens," she added. Twilight knew... just the butterfly on the key gave it away... a fight with Fluttershy was close. For now, Scootaloo and Twilight needed to explore, opening new doors and pathways before finding a new area locked by a butterfly door. Area: Fluttershy's room Year: 1797 Scootaloo and Twilight entered the room, Apple Bloom was floating high up, "My my, ya'll finally showed yer faces here? How'd ya enjoy Portrait Pony ya chicken?" Apple Bloom asked with a laugh, not even giving a chance to reply, "Nah, ah know ya didn't... but ah bet ya don't know what ah did with the ponies that didn't run off, just know, the once kind Fluttershy... is very much after yer death now Scoots," Apple Bloom said as she vanished, leaving a pained and hybridized Fluttershy, her giant bat wings opening before she did the drill move that Giant Bat did. Luckily Scootaloo knew this attack by heart and dodged with ease... only to be caught off guard when the attack changed direction. Twilight coughed out a page, it read as follows, "Yep, she's still in pain as when I saw her last. When I see that vile little filly again, I'll make her regret ever touching me and my friends!" she quickly reached for the page and hid it. She is starting to hate this cough, now the pages are showing her inner thoughts... Scootaloo landed a strike on Fluttershy, causing her to actually bleed. Twilight noticed something, that slight amount of blood drawn seems to have changed something in Fluttershy... she was hesitating. "Scootaloo! Stop hurting Fluttershy!" She announced causing Scootaloo to stop attacking Fluttershy, who tried attacking with a swarm of bats... albeit hesitately which caused the bats to be less coordinated and thus, easy to dodge. Scootaloo was confused by after another rather easy to dodge attack and she finally realized that Fluttershy wasn't wanting to fight. Five more really easy attacks and Fluttershy fell on the ground... out cold. Twilight approached Fluttershy and used a spell she didn't think she knew on instinct. Fluttershy's face eased up and yet she still had the bat wings(although they weren't giant anymore.) "I think she's okay now, but... what did you do?" Scootaloo asked as Twilight shrugged. "I don't really know... I just kinda... followed my instincts," Twilight said as they both trotted out of the room... Area: Ominous Garden Year: 1797 Upon leaving Fluttershy's room, Scootaloo and Twilight noticed many new paths but looking behind themselves showed that the butterfly door was gone. Oh well. Scootaloo and Twilight go to a nearby save room and save.