Marigolds and lavender

by mlpisinmybloodstream

First published

How did I get here??

Sunset Shimmer possibly has a one-sided crush on Twilight.
For context:
It’s set near the end of middle school and the main 7 are already friends just not close yet.
Does not include the actual canon stories.
(my first story..... is suck pls have mercy)


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while not doubting that overwhelming thoughts constantly haunted her the thought of how did I get here? and what did I do to deserve this?

When will it end?

What she did was suffer then mourn then earn her prize.
Her prize was a new life, new friends, but stuck with a fear of change.

But then again she compared her old life to her new one. so much that was different from how it was, instead of being selfish and protective of what she owned, she now had to be selfless and sharing.

Wait, what did she own? her pride, her talent, her knowledge, her willingness to keep going.
all of that and more but some not fully.

An element of the periodic table needs to have its shell complete of electrons, unlike noble gasses which need to find another element to share those electrons with to be full.

Noble gas?
Is that what she thought she was?


No, she wasn't higher, she was half empty and she needed a half-full. And so she did, she shared what she had and got what she needed now that bond is inseparable.

All things end.

The sequence of bad things ending is what creates good. stars die to make room for more good or bad in their standards. Now she made room for a solar system of other stars that weren't just her.

“I have you and that's all I ever needed.”


"ok man no need to ye-“


“What has him so pissed,” sunset said

“Idk maybe he needs to take a shit” rainbow dash replied.

“Oh that’s not oooh darling that’s not it.” rarity said hesitantly.

“Anyways I’m gonna go find twilight.”

“I thought she hated you.”

“ No one can hate me more than I already hate myself,” Sunset said kind of proudly.

“ oh darling no that’s not no.”

Sunset approached Twilight trying to seem less intimidating since she was at least 3 inches taller.

“ Oh dear, what do you want.“

“You.” sunset said snarky.

Twilight blushed in panic and crossed her arms in slight anger.

“ I’m kidding, we haven’t talked much since u fell on the track last semester and u know you lost some of your respect from others. I wanted to say sorry for making you fall.”

Twilight looked back in surprise and curiosity

“ What you didn’t make me fall. That ladybug did. You were just next to me”

“ I mean nvm yeah I kind of thought u wouldn’t be the type to blame a bug.”


"FUCK" sunset yelled

Once again stuck running on the blacktop track.

"This is your fault"


"I know it's just nice to have somewhat of a friend to make fun of." twilight said Mono toned.

"WERE FRIENDS???" Sunset said loud but not loud enough for the others to hear.

"Well, I mean Uh--- if u NEVER MIND." twilight shut down immediately.

" Nooo I want to be friends. '


" WE ARE NOT FLIRTING," both said in union

"Oh look at the little turtles," The baby-like pink-haired girl said.

"Ohh there are their parents," Twilight said.

"OH, WHERE ???" sunset said fast.

Twilight bonked the top of her head and said

“ THERE DUMBASS” Twilight screamed.

" STOP YELLING” Rarity BOOMED to get Twilight and Sunset to stop fighting.


" OH SHIT," SUNSET said loud and scared

"So scared, in fact, that she fell. She had been running so fast. Twilight was rolling down the small hill, trembling with fear."

Just barely missing the creek Sunset tried to get up but realized she was right on top of Twilight in a kind of odd position.

" I'm sorry," Sunset said.

"I know," Twilight spoke.

"Please look at me when you say that."

"You're still mad please don't be mad"

"oh shi- your bleeding"

"yeah you are too"

"no like bleed bleeding"

"oh yea"

twilight pulls Sunset's cut toward hers and checks her head for the gashing cut that bleed

"Damn take me out to dinner before u try and kiss me." sunset said flirty.

"I hate you."

'I love you too"

twilight jerked off her and turned away in gay panic.

" I'm sorry man forgive me"

"Fine, let's go to the nurse, ok you're bleeding a lot."

“Where are they,” Rainbow said.

“Nurse office” Rarity spoke.


“They fell at the creek darling”

“Are they gay?” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Most Likely, there was most definitely tension when they landed in such a position.” Rarity said.

“Y’all we should get going, everyone's leavening.” Apple Jack yelled

Soon after school twilight is walking away from the school, just about a block away, she hears screaming from around the corner. It’s the only sunset shimmer.


Twilight slowed down just the tiniest bit.

“ Finally, anyways—“Sunset said panting

“ Did you need something?”

“Your number ;)” Sunny said flirting again

“ no”

“:(“ sunsets pouting face

“U already have my number somehow”

“ I know”

“Sorry I wanted to ask if you wanted to come over you know to make up for it by uh I don’t know having dinner

“Maybe “

“ Really?!!??!?!” Sunset said surprise


“oh :(“

“I'm kidding I’m really hungry and my family won’t be there for a while,” Twilight said.

“ Yay.”

Sunset started walking and pointing in the direction of her house.

“Wait are u making it”

“Maybe, would that be bad???” Sunset said.

“Depends if you’re good at cooking.”

“OF Course I am Twily.”

“Huh is that a nickname?”

“Yes, oh didn’t you not like it? :(“

“ No no I love it now I have to give you one,” Twilight said. “Hm, how about sunny.”

“ I love it,” Sunny said, quite happy with it.

“I love you.” twilight said under her breath as they walked up the stairs to Sunset’s apartment.

“ I’m sorry did you say something?”


“Oh ok :)” Sunset said, completely oblivious.


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Dark red shining blood on ground dripping from her head.

I wanted him to love me.

I used to think that when he hurt me it meant he loved me.

I wanted to be his daughter.

But he didn’t want me.

I was alone.

That feeling of loneliness didn’t defy the objects around me.

His hand was a object I was the target to him. I was a object to take his anger’s on.

I wish my mom was here.

It wasn’t a nightmare . Though it felt like it I remember waking up with the police and my mother around me.

So many white lights. And to many people talking and asking what happened, and if I’m ok.

I don’t like when people ask if I’m ok. I don’t want them to worry.

I never learned that it was ok to put your self first.

I was just a kid.

Your kid.

You hurt me

I hope you hurt just as much as I did.

I hope you feel guilty.

I hope it breaks you.

I pray you don’t find peace

I pray you don’t touch another child like that again.

The next time you see blood I hope, I pray it’s yours.

“ uh don’t be mad but uh” sunny said


“ I forgot my keys.”

“ idiot.”

Sunset looked at twilight with a sad disappointed look and teary eyes.

“ OH, I didn’t mean that please don’t cry.”

Sunset sat down on the stairs.

“ I know, I hope. It’s just that I wanted to make it up to you.”

“ Sunny it’s ok.”

“I’ll walk u home it’s cold and u shouldn’t be out here for much longer.”

“Neither should you,” Twilight said with a stern tone.

“But—“ cut off by Twilight's finger shushing her.

“I will stay here until your parents come.”


“ shush”

Twilight took a set right next to her.

About 29 minutes later sunset could tell twilight was freezing.

Sunset took off her jacket and moved it towards twilight.


“ girl I-“


For a while, they shared each other, glances each shared their embarrassment.

“This is gay,” Twilight said out of the blue.

“I agree,” said a random unidentified voice

“Hold up,” both said at the same time

“MOTHER????” Sunset screamed


“ But she looks nothing like you and she's–.” Twilight whispered to Sunset.

“I can hear you. Move out of the way I'm trying to get inside.”

Sunset's mother moved quickly into the house and left Sunset and twilight by themselves.
Sunset looked down in shame.

“ look I'm sorry for inviting your over”

“ Girl, it's okay. “

“No, it’s not I’ll take you home.”

Sunset pushes Twilight towards the stairs and forces her down, almost falling 8 times.

“GIRL” Twilight yelled.



“Wait where do you live?”

As soon she gave Sunset directions, Sunset grabbed Twilight in like a husband carrying his wife and RAN.

“GIRL PUT ME DOWN” Twilight screams, attaching herself more and more to Sunset.

“HEY GALS,” Pinkie screamed from the side.

“I think uh there in a rush pinkie,” Fluttershy said not knowing she was pointing out the obvious.

Leaving Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy in the dust they ran into Rarity forcing Apple Jack to come shopping with her.

“Oh hey, yall—” Applejack got cut off by the wind blowing off Sunset due to her running so fast.

“Darling uh, hold on why was she carrying her like that”

“I believe it's called homosexuals' Rarity.”

“Oh yes, that thing Rainbow is.”

Finally arriving at Twilight's house Sunset put Twilight down and left in a matter of seconds.


“Um bye.”

A few months pass by and they never talk about what happened.

“She's been acting weird,” Twilight said to Rainbow Dash.

“Maybe because she's gay for you”


“Twilight, sit down people will hear us.”

“Oh yea”

“Anyways the way you act around her is also um u know.”

“ Uh, I don't know, ok.”

“Look, think about Twilight, how do you truly feel about her? I mean it seems you got really close.”


“GIRLS SIT DOWN CLASS IS STARTING.” the teacher screamed

I don't know who I am.

I knew who we were.

Who am I now?

I was never just me

Until now

With you

I've never been happier.


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I'm not your daughter

i'm different in every way

I was always better

You're nothing compared to me now



“What are they doing?” Applejack said

“Uh, fighting on something.” Rainbow replied

“GIRLS HERE RIGHT NOW.” Twilight yelled

Rainbow was about to retaliate since she doesn't like to be pushed around but twilight screaming and being mad was something that made her almost piss her pants.

“NO WE DON'T NEED THEM.” sunset yelled


“NO we dont.” Sunset said, starting to tear up.


Sunset looked around and noticed they were making a crowd.

“Listen, I don't want to tell you and I don't have to so I won't. Can we just forget it please.” sunset still in tears.

“We should go,” Applejack said.

“But–”Rainbow replay but was cut off.

“This is something that only she can fix.”

Sunset walks away at a faster pace than normal, with Twilight following

“HEY HEY SUNNY WAIT PLEASE.”Twilight yelled, not being able to catch up.

“ i lost her ..”


Close in person

But far in mind


About 3 days after that incident

“Listen sunset i won't force you to talk to her, but you both are seriously depressed without each other.” AppleJack said.

Sunset just stood there quite head looking down but Applejack could tell she was on the verge of tears.

Drown with me

No matter the obstacle

I want you here

I will fall with you

Please wouldn't you do the same?

“Twilight smile please” pinkie said sadly and was on the verge of begging.

“I want to talk to her but she probably won't want to.”

“Probably? That's not a no.” Come on try your both sad without each other is almost like your lovers." Pinkie said, raising her voice a bit.

“PINKIE” Twilight yelled in surprise but wanted to not deny it.

Sunset walks down a crowded hallway onto her next period. Twilight manages to catch her eye and she starts walking away again.


Sunset keeps walking forward not even daring to look back at her

The crowd starts to disassemble due to being near time to leave school. Soon there's no one left but them.

“Sunset please, I'm begging you just listen to me.’ Twilight said.

Sunset finally stops and turns back with tears in her eyes.

“What” she said with a breaking voice.” what could you possibly want from me.”

“your love” is what Twilight said internally.

“ I'm sorry I didn't know that you felt that way about it.” Twilight said crying as well.

“Twilight i-”

“I'm so sorry I don't want you to hate me.”

“I don't hate you.” “its just i don't know if i can explain how i feel about my family and what happened” sunset said trying to explain her thoughts

“I would have listened. I'll still listen no matter what you say I will understand.”

“ I'm sorry for pissing you off, this probably could have been avoided.”

“Are we going to be okay now?” twilight said

“ Yeah, I think so…. i really hope so.”

“ … they're good now right?” Rainbow said, hiding behind a corner with pinkie. With sunset and twilight being the person they're hiding from.

“ Yup, why are you hiding tho?”

“I'm scared of twilight”

“Why, she's so nice.”
“She yelled at me and she never actually yells so….”

“... PFF’

“>:( shush.”

“ We know you're there.” Sunset said

Rainbow and pinkie come forward, rainbow about to piss her pants again with pinkie hopping along.

“Girl chill.” pinkie said

“Twilight, say what you were going to say to Rainbow.” Sunset said

“Me yelling at you wasn't very nice of me, I'm sorry Rainbow.” twilight said with her arms behind her back and head down messing with the piece of trash on the ground.

“Uh its okay” rainbow said hesitating

“Girl chill, I'm not going to hurt you.”

“ Uh I KNOW THAT…. I think


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“So um sunset I wanted to ask…. I don't wanna sound mean and please don't be mad…. Um but what were u and twilight fighting about?.... If u dont mind telling me….. U don't have to tho.” Fluttershy said hesitant but more than usual

“ It's ok, it's stuff I should have told her earlier, it was just hard to say.” Sunset replied

“ Um if you don't mind, uh saying what it was?”

“Oh it's nothing, just some trauma with my father.”

“ That sounds… not good. Maybe explain in detail….. U dont have to if you don't want to.”

“ Uhh idk if i can explain it very well. I'll try tho”


“Uh so my father was abusive.????”

“Why does that sound like you're questioning it?”

“.. i can't tell if he was abusive or a borderline murder.” Sunset said, still questioning herself.

“ He what…..”

“Yeah so like he almost killed me when i was five”

“... why”

“I don't know if he was mad about something, but he hit me bare first on my five-year skull.”

“ ….. How did you even survive?”

“They caught him because my mother was screaming.”

“ that's not good”

“Yeah I lost so much blood that they could have changed my blood type.”

“I- u need therapy”

“ Nah, that cost money.”


Two knocks is what sunset heard right before her; she had an internal mental breakdown.

“Hello?” sunset said to a man who looked oddly similar to her but beat up and bruised as well as barely overcoming hangover

“Hi?????” sunset said

“Is this… him? Now he shows when I'm able to speak about all he's done?” sunset said in her own mind to keep from possible dying again

“Are you sunset”? The barely standing man said.

“Depends who you are,” she said, not hiding her anger.

“Uh i think uh i'm your father”

“My fathers a coward and killer, I don't think he has the balls to show his face again.”

“ …” her dad stays still and speechless

She knew he was definitely her dad, the same bright teal eyes and red hair she was simply teasing him to get her payback. Though it would never be enough to truly find justice.

“I'm sorry sunset…”

“...” she stayed quiet staring into his eyes with a glare that says it all “Fuck off” she said still staring now standing like a soilder ready to fight .

“... ok mija i'll go”

“MIJA? ESTA PENDO CALLING ME NAMES THAT'S NO LONGER APPLY” she said after she shut the door.

“ Sunset?” her mom came from behind her rubbing her eyes from being woken up.

“ MA! lo siento por despertar” ( MOM! I'm sorry for waking you up.) sunset said speaking spanish

“ Whatever, go to bed.”

I fought through all of that

Just for you to come back.

I'm happy you're desperate

Now i get to show you

What you did to me.

And you won't ever get your happy ending.




Twilight and Sunset were screaming.

“They're back to their daily antics.” Rarity said

“Yup” Applejack replied

“They seem even closer now… almost like they're dating…” Rarity said

“They might as well be tho im not such if they're both into girls.”

“ I'm aware sunset is but twilight seems to be shut down about the topic.” Rarity said, questioning herself.

“Let's test it.”


“ uh put them two lovers in a situation where they have no other option to idk be gay together” Applejack said

“perhaps a party… u know get some creepy guy flirting with twilight since sunset is very protective..”

“ That sounds fanfictiony… IT'S PERFECT.”

“ I know darling, I'm awesome.” “Now we all go together then we pretend to get lost and just leave them together.” though it would be quite frightening, I suppose we could also go for not just for them.”

“ You'll be screaming more than just eeks.” Applejack said

“ What are you suggesting? ;)”


“SUNSETTTTTTTT” Sunsets mom yelled for her.

“UH COMING” Sunset said, barely clothed correctly.

Sunset finally made it to her dining room.

“WHY ARE U NOT READY” Sunsets mom said

“ I WASN'T BUT NOW I AM” Sunset said




“BUT UR YELLING?” sunset yelled

“your to late ur gonna have to walk to school”




Sunset ran out the door and accidentally slammed it then immediately opened it again to apologize for slamming the door so her ass wouldn't get kicked by her mother.

“HAI TWILI YYY” Sunset screamed exactly a foot away from twilight

“Hi sunny..”

“Sunset got really close to twilight's face smiling waiting for reaction (preferably a kiss PERHAPS) instead she was met with a hand to her face pushing her away along with the rosy cheeked twilight.

“Ow '' Sunset shimmer whimpered quietly.


A tear came down the sunsets cheek.

Twilight quickly grabbed her face with both her hands to make sure she didn't hurt the sunset too badly. Unfortunately for them, almost everyone in their friends group was looking.

“JUST KISS ALREADY” they all said in unison.

“NOO” twilight and sunset yelled back

Why am I holding back? If I want her so badly, why don't I just go for it. The more this goes on the more it hurts. But what if I have to move on? What if she finds someone else.


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“SUNSET GET OUT HERE.” a small girl with glasses yelled.


The bacon colored hair girl attempts to put on clothes just as fast enough to not accidentally put her shirt on backwards.

Following the yelling outside, sunset's mother yells for her to come down leaving her neighbors concerned for whoever is named Sunset.


“NO.” twilight yelled from outside.

Soon after sunset starts a fake cry yelling, leaving her beloved best friend (possibly soon to be more) speechless.

“Omg she doesn't know the difference between real crying and fake.” sunset says to herself.



Sunset finally got her shoes and jacket on with her somewhat fixed hair down stairs and into her kitchen.”

“Mija you need to learn how to manage your time better.” the lovely bacon haired girl's mother said.

“I know i know”

“Here, eat this.” Sunsets mother shoved food toward her face.

“But the part–”

“I know you'll still be hungry tho”


“I know you, you don't eat much unless I force you. I'm not gonna let you starve.” sunsets mother proclaimed.


Sunset's mother just shoved a piece of food into her mouth, Leading to the sunset somewhat choking.

“KW Ninja.” sunsets choked.

“Eat and then go.”

Soon after her mother spoon fed her several bites of food without her consent, sunset ran off to the door for her best friend (soon to possibly be more;)).

“ I'M HERE BELOVED.” sunset yelled

“OMG NO. people are gonna think were-”

“Dating? I don't see anything wrong with that.” Sunset gave Twilight a smirky face.


“Not wanting to denying it i see;)”

“Shush lets go .”

Both “friends” (LOVERS;)) show up to their friend pinkie pie's house to “party”

“ OMG THEY'RE HERE GET READY GALS FOR OPERATION “QUEER”. Pinkie announced to her close friends.``

“When did we agree on that name?” Rainbow dash responded.

“We didn't.” Applejack added.

“It works tho.” Rarity stated.

“Um girls, how many people are going to be here and who is gonna fake harass twilight. Fluttershy added.

“I'm not sure, probably a big amount tho i think pinkie invited other people from other schools.” Applejack responded.

“ SHUT THERE COMING,” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“STAND BY TROOPS” Pinke also yelled but even louder than rainbow.

“Calm down girl” sunset said


“You have an ex?” sunset said very confused

“... perhaps… it was a stupid mistake i made and he was a lil bish but idk.. It never became more than just holding hands.” Twilight stuttered multiple times.

“I had no idea…”

“ You'll be there to protect me right? If he shows up right? Please…”


“Girl” twilight said with a lil smirk under her hand laughing causing sunset, put her hand behind her back, scrunched up a bit and turned red.

“HEY YALL” Pinkie greeted them by peeking her her head through the door with a face like >:3

“Hey Pinkie are y'all ready?” sunset said.


Both girls enter a somewhat full room of people and start looking for any of their other friends.

“Hey there's applejack” Twilight pointed out.

“Oh yeah.”

“With Rarity… doing um”

“They're making out dude.” Sunset started very out there.

“Um, perhaps we won't go over there..”


Both girls slowly backed away back into the main room that started to fill up more. 2 hours go by and both girls start to get more and more bored. THEN JUST WHEN YOU WOULD TOTALLY LEAST EXPECT IT a man with green hair appears into the crowd.
“Omg Sunset hide me”


Twilight quickly grabbed sunset and started to head towards the door.

“Girl what's happening?”

“My ex is here.”

“I'm still very surprised you have an ex.” sunset said




“Hey twilight…” The green haired man said

“Timber.” Twilight said with her head down.

“ tf is happening.” Sunset added.

“Who is this twilight your girlfriend?” timber remarked

“No!’ twilight said very offended

“Sure don't act like the break up was all my fault, you're the one who came out.”

“I-” YOU CHEATED ON ME! Don't try and put any of this on me.”

“ILl show you what you missed out on.”

Timber pushed sunset away from twilight and grabbed her hand making her wrist turn red.

“Hey what the fuck do you think your doing?” Sunset yelled to Timber.

“Go away u lil slut.”


Sunset grabs timber by the wrist to face her making twilight tear up a bit and timber almost pisses his pants while being completely unaware of the fact they are making a scene.
“DUDE GET OF.” Timber yells



Timber tries to break through, unfortunately seceding and tries to hit sunset in the head to make sure she doesn't try to intervene again.


Sunset quickly throws a punch after being hit once and almost makes a fatal blow to Timbers head making him fall back onto the ground while Twilight just watches in fear.

“UGHSJH MY FUCken face.” Timber said with his nose bleeding.

Sunset grabs Twilight just gentle enough to not hurt her and they run out the door.



Both end up in a somewhat nearby park,

“Omg omg we're in trouble.” Twilight said,

“he probably won't be able to get up so i think we're fine.”

“Omg u punched him omg he fell hard OMG OMG DID U BREAK HIS NOSE?.”

“Perhaps I don't know, but what matters is that they are not there anymore.” Sunset tried to say as calmly as she could to get twilight to stop painicing.

Both sat on the bench in their favorite park that just so happened to be a decent distance away from the party both just sitting there quietly creating tension between the girls.

“Sunset..” Twilight was hoping

“Hm?” Sunset responded

“i - um wanted to ask..”

“I like you twilight..” sunset said as fast as she could hoping twilight couldn't comprehend it.

Twilight just sat there unresponsive.
“I'm sorry that was out of nowhere but when your ex said you came out i wondered if he meant like um.. It made me think I had a chance.. i know it's stupid but i really like you, ur always on my mind, not a day goes by where you're not. I could never love someone else as much as I love you.”

“Sunset..” Twilight tried to make out.

“I'm sorry it's so stupid.”

“I have never heard words so passionate and heartfelt in my entire life.”


“ What I mean to say is I love you too.” Twilight mustered out

Sunsets jaw dropped in surprise

“Omg your bleeding” Twilight said


“Your head there's blood.”


Twilight grabs sunset with both her hands closer to her face to get a better look at her injury.

“Omg if u wanna kiss u dont gotta cover it up.”

“ shut up” Twilight said

“Make m-” Sunset said teasingly

Right then Twilight pulls Sunset in, both connecting and consenting to the kiss.

“Omg im gay dawg…” Sunset says after they both release

“Yeah..” Twilight says kind of giggling at her

“Wait, so does this make us official or…” Sunset questioned.

“If you want to be ...”

“YES” sunset said out loud, grabbing both of Twilight's hands.

Both lovers look at eachother in the eyes, falling more in love. Then twilight forced sunset to come home with her so she could bandage head injury and possible have a sleepover since Twilight didn't feel completely safe.

“ HEY GALLS!” Pinkie screamed across the park from both Sunset and Twilight.

“ Howdy y'all” apple jack said, accompanying pinkie along with rarity.

“ So uh what happened at the party?” rarity asked very concerned.

“Um..” both LOVERS just stood speechless

“OH OH I KNOW, Twilight's ex showed up and forced himself onto her and the sunset got made and they fought. THEN THEY RAN OUT TO GET AWAY AND THEN THEY GOT TO THE PARK-.” Pinkie said out of breath near the end of her sentence.

“Wait how did you know we were at the park?’ Sunset asked, scared for her life.

“Oh cause I followed you silly.” Pinkie reasoned very happily.

“UM” Twilight said, sweating VERY nervously.

“ OH AND THEN THEY KISS :3 OK DONE!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Oh darlings I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!” Rarity said

“WHAT?” the bacon haired and bi colored flag haired girls yelled.

“Oh yeah we knew something was going on with yall for a while.” Applejack claimed

“Dam that's rough” Sunset said in defeat

“Yall are so queer but y'all are cute together soooo.” Rarity said

“ tbh i thought i would be more nervous about this.” Twilight replied

“So is it official?” Pinkie said.

“Yes.” Sunset said very bluntly.

Noon hits and all girls split up leaving applejack and rarity behind.

“I'm very surprised the plan worked but i have a question” Rarity asked


“I'm like 99% sure we didn't choose timber to carry out our plan.”


“Um yea it was supposed to be a Microchip.”


“We probably could have avoided the fight from happening…”

“ Well it worked out so i guess it's ok.”

“Thanks to you I could have never become the person I am today.”

My love for you goes beyond words. No matter what challenges me, I know what comes after will be rewarding. My past is broken but I have learned to accept it as it is since I would be here with you if I hadn't made those mistakes. As Long as I'm with you I know the world will keep spinning.

“ All thanks to you twilight.”

Seed? (epilogue)

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“Girl that party was live last night” Rainbow dash said in the back of Twilight's car heading towards CHS.

“Yeaaa” Twilight replied.


Twilight instead goes faster and runs over a middle aged man with red hair and looks alot like her beloved girlfriend Sunset. As well as a weed haired boy assisting the old man across the road.

“OMG DID YOU NOT SEE HIM?” Rainbow dash yelled

“Girl that was my ex.”

“oh” Rainbow dash fell back into her seat and got comfortable again.

“Wait, what about the old man tho?” Rainbow dash added by getting slightly up off her seat again

“Girl dont worry about it, that was sunsets father.” Twilight said concerningly calm.

“Oh” Rainbow Dash once again fell back into her seat and got comfortable.


“Ok cool.” Sunset said not all were concerned after Rainbow dash told her and the others about what happened.

“real” Twilight replied

'Wtf girl she just killed somebody and fled the scene u aren't at all concerned about them?’
Applejack said, trying to comprehend what just happened.

“ no not all i mean they deserved it tho.” Sunset said still not caring.

“ ok ok i get that but how do you know she won't get caught?” Applejack said

“ uh um magic girl powers?” Sunset replied

“Omg dude we barely got them this summer you're already gonna use them against people?”

“ yup.” Both sunset and twilight nod their head.

“Dude we don't even have those types of powers for that”

“Twilight holds them hostage while I use their trauma to keep them quiet.” sunset replied very fast

“Omg u planned this out..” Rarity adds, now scared of her friends instead of the cops. “ this was intentional wasn't it?”

“ Nuh it just so happened to be both of them at the same time” Twilight answers.

“ Dashy, Flutters come outside and help me hide the bodies :3” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Ok hold on, I have to get the shovel, chainsaw, morphine and illegal plants .” Fluttershy said calm as can be and happily skipped along to fetch the tools needed to hide the evidence along with Rainbow by her side.

“Omg this group is full of murders.” Applejack said starting to hover over to her girlfriend to make sure they had an escape plan.

“Perhaps we should go..” Rarity said, trying to keep her composure.

“ Aw but pinkie was gonna make cupcakes for us” Twilight said while sitting next to her lover and grabbing her hand lovingly.

“ um i don-” Rarity tried to say but was cut off by Rainbow screaming in the distance.

“ NO PLEASE” Rainbow screamed.

“AW COME ON YOUR NEEDED FOR THE CUPCAKES.” Pinkie replied with a scary laugh.

“AHHHHHHHHH” Rainbow ran for her life.

“Omg i wanna go home.” Applejack said.

“U will stay for cupcakes' ' Fluttershy appeared behind her like the girl from the shining.

“AOHGHSUW” Rarity screamed.

“OK OK WELL STAY.” Applejack pleaded.

“ Omg ur right these are so good.” Applejack said.

“Yuppie home made with special ingredients.” pinkie said happily

“Hey where's Rainbow…?” Rarity added

“Oh she's um busy” flutters tried to cover up her disappearance

“ Oh, I think she would love these. I mean their rainbow after all.” Rarity said a little let down.

“Wefuibfiewad” a voice from behind them squealed.

“I'm here.” rainbow dash said out of breath. “i was getting ingredients but it seems like ur fine without them… so i went to the market my ex works at for no reason… wow wow and you're eating without me.”

“Yup seems like we did.” pinkie answered

“ I wasted my power for no reason then..”

“Yup I guess you did.”

“You chased me… you scared the shiz out of me, I'm traumatized”

“Oh well we all make sacrifices…”

“And if you didnt we would have to sacrifice you to the gods of the underworld.” fluttershy said quietly disappointed.