> Three Werewolves, a Pony, a Seer and a Skepticist walk into Hogwarts... > by SamuelK28 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Death and Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even on the best of days Limestone was a less than happy filly. Today she was extremely unhappy. Why might you ask? Well, today she died or so she had worked out whilst floating around inside this black void of nothingness. And if she was not dead and this was all some sort of bizarre dream, well, that annoying little pink ball of madness of a sister of hers was going to wish she was. Limestone had told Pinkie time and time again throughout the winter that the quarry was off limits due to the risk of landslides and rockfalls from the excess rain they had had. And what had she done on the first day of spring, gone bouncing into the quarry like it was totally fine again. The last thing Limestone remembered was grabbing Pinkie by the scruff of her neck with her teeth and throwing her as far out of reach of the falling mud and rock as she could as the cliff finally gave way. And then she woke up here or rather nowhere to be precise. She had been floating aimlessly in the pitch black for what felt like hours, days, who knew, not like she could tell the time of day in here. Yet she was not that hungry so she guessed it could not have been that long. But then if she was dead, she would not need to eat, would she? Eugh, what a mess she was in. Surely there had to be some way out of here? She strained her eyes and neck muscles and tried to locate anything other than darkness. All she found was more darkness. Bucking brilliant. Guess she was stuck here for the foreseeable future, who knew, maybe forev… wait was that a speck of light? And then suddenly, the darkness was gone, replaced with blinding early morning sunshine. There was one major problem though. She was not on the ground. * Professor Pomona Sprout let out a hearty sigh as she finished potting the last of the baby Mandrakes ready for the new year. This year’s bunch had been particularly feisty and would certainly give her second years a challenge for sure. It had not helped that she had only two N.E.W.T level students helping her out this summer as well but both Daniel and Nicola had been amazing at helping her ensure the plants in all eight greenhouses were kept happy and now there were only several days left until the start of another school year. She was brought out of her daydream by Daniel tapping her on the shoulder and, after a quick inspection, their earmuffs were removed. Even if they were only seedlings, the mandrakes screams were still powerful enough to knock someone out for several hours and give them a splitting headache for several hours after that as well, so better to be safe than sorry. “You looked a little lost their professor, everything okay?” Daniel inquired, Nicola by his side looking equally as concerned. “Yes, absolutely fine. Just looking forward to having a few more pairs of hands to help around here my dear. Not to say your help is not appreciated, it is just that even with the three of us we are still barely getting by working flat out from dawn to dusk,” Professor Sprout admitted. “And this old witch certainly isn’t getting any younger.” “Understood professor,” Daniel replied. “Although, I would have hated to keep up with you in your prime. Me and Nicola combined still couldn’t keep up and pot as many as you did.” “Agreed. My back’s killing me,” Nicola added, stretching said back. Professor Sprout chuckled and let a smile adorn her face before she replied. “I suppose experience is just, if not even more important, as youthful vigour. Now, why don’t we take five and head to my cottage for some…” An almighty thump interrupted her from up above. “Good heavens, what was… is that a girl?” Professor Sprout exclaimed rushing to the entrance of greenhouse three where she came face first with an extremely startled barn owl. “HOO!” the owl exclaimed indignantly before depositing a letter into the professor’s hands and disappearing back off to the owlery for a good nap. Professor Sprout stared at the letter in total shock. URGENT: LATE ENTRY Limestone Pie, Via Professor Pomona Sprout, Greenhouse Three Roof, Hogwarts Castle, Scottish Highlands. Never in nearly twenty years of teaching had Professor Sprout ever heard of such a thing as a late entry, let alone one falling onto the roof of one of her greenhouses out of nowhere and giving her the shock of her life. Not only that, but Minerva always triple checked the book of admittance when preparing acceptance letters and would never have made a mistake, so just what in Garlick’s name was going on? “Well, that is peculiar,” Daniel mused peering over Professor Sprout’s shoulder to examine the letter in her hand. “Has that ever happened before?” “Not that I can recall. But should we be more concerned about the girl’s wellbeing and getting her off the roof?” Nicola queried peering over Professor Sprout’s other shoulder only to hear a loud thump from around the corner. “Never mind.” “I’ll fetch Madam Pomfrey,” Daniel stated bolting off into the castle as Professor Sprout and Nicola raced round the side of greenhouse three. Both came to an abrupt halt upon what they saw splayed out on the grass before them, a creature neither had ever seen before. It was like a cross between a centaur and a human. It had the facial features, arms and hands of a human being but had hooves instead of feet, ears atop it’s head and sported a rather short tail. The most striking and obvious difference though was that the new found creature was covered in bluish grey fur and had what looked like identical tattoos on both her hips. “What hit me?” Limestone groaned from the floor as she slowly came back to her senses and attempted to rise to her hooves, only to wince with pain and fall back on to her back. “Yeah, you know what, I think I’m just going to lay here for a while.” “That would probably be for the best, you’ve had a rather nasty fall my dear,” Professor Sprout commented cautiously approaching the strange creature. “Oh great, and now I’m delirious and seeing hairless, talking monsters to, just great. When I get home Pinkie is in so much trouble,” Limestone groused before wincing once more in pain. “Damn I ache, feels like I’ve more bruises than we have rocks on the rock farm back home.” “I assure you we are no illusions. Limestone Pie I presume. Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am Professor Pomona Sprout and this is one of my students Nicola Nickleby,” Professor Sprout responded kneeling on one side of the poor stricken girl as Nicola did likewise on the other side. Limestone stared at one and then the other before staring at her own newly acquired hands. In a flash she had come to her senses, risen to her hooves and pushed away the two weird creatures on either side of her. “What in Holder’s Boulder is going on?” she exclaimed backing up against the greenhouse. “Is this Tartarus? Am I dead? Are you demons come to torment me for all eternity? Yes, that must be it,” Limestone cackled wildly, looking around in a panic for an escape route only to stumble, in part due to not being used to standing on just two legs and in part due to sheer exhaustion. “Woah, easy there,” Professor Sprout cried catching the poor delirious girl. “I can assure you that you are perfectly safe Miss Pie but need to rest.” Limestone pushed her away and teetered on her now one pair of hooves. “Rest? Rest? How can I rest when I’ve died and then seemingly been reincarnated as some kind of mutant freak in a horrific nightmare world!” She chuckled like a loon before looking this way and that for any possible escape. Finding none and realising her situation was hopeless, Limestone let herself slide down the wall of the greenhouse, brought her knees into her chest and buried her head into them. “Bucking Pinkie Pie,” she grumbled. “Why couldn’t you just for once listen to me!” “Who’s Pinkie Pie,” Professor Sprout said calmly, sliding down next to the distraught girl and wrapping an arm around her to comfort her. “My sister,” Limestone replied lifting her head up and slamming the back of it against the greenhouse wall in frustration. Taking a deep breath, she decided no harm could come from telling this stranger what had happened. Heck, she was likely screwed anyway. “We lived on a rock farm, me, my three sisters and our parents. All earth ponies living a simple life. But one of my two younger sisters was a loose cannon, never listening and always doing as she pleases. We had a lot of rain last winter and our parents forbade us from going down into the quarry under the cliffs as they became unstable. Of course, as soon as spring arrived my sister ignored the warnings and the cliffs chose that exact moment to collapse.” “And you saved her?” Professor Sprout asked already knowing the answer. “Yeah, of course I did. She is my sister no matter how much she annoys me with her over enthusiasm and cheerful outlook on everything and I mean everything. Like, our area of Equestria is prone to rogue weather uncontrolled by the Pegasi and I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve had to drag her in from a freak storm where she’s happily singing and dancing in the rain like it’s just a gentle shower. And I won’t deny rock soup can get a bit tiresome at times. Her cupcakes were incredible even if our mother scolded her and sent her to her room for creating such colourful abominations and covering the entire kitchen in cake ingredients.” Limestone chuckled as tears started to cloud her vision. “Damnit Pinkie, why can I never stay mad at you, you pink buffoon.” “Because she’s family and family stick together no matter what,” Professor Sprout replied, pulling Limestone in a little closer. “Anyway, what happened next?” she gently nudged. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” Limestone responded with a massive yawn followed by a loud grumble from her stomach. Ignoring it she pressed on. “Haven’t the foggiest,” Limestone replied distantly still lost in thought about her sister. “I just floated around a deep void of nothingness for what felt like a long time, then I was suddenly falling and now I am being interrogated by a hairless monster in a garish outfit who I’ve only just met after mutating into a monster myself. I mean, just what are these things?” she finished holding up her right hand and examining it. “Those are hands my dear, I am sure you will get used to them in time,” Professor Sprout soothed. “I am guessing you were used to just hooves back home, weren’t you?” “Yeah,” Limestone responded. “Do you think there will be any chance I will ever get back home?” “Sadly, I cannot answer that question as I just do not know the answer to it. But if anyone knows of a way it will be the school’s headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Once we have had the school nurse check you over and got a good meal in you, I am sure he will want to have a talk with you and discuss such matters. And if it is not possible, we will be happy to have you at Hogwarts,” Professor Sprout stated truthfully passing Limestone her acceptance letter. Limestone took it, tore the envelope open and was surprised she could understand what was written on the two pages inside although now that she thought about it, she could understand what they were saying so she must have some inherent understanding of their language. Best not to dwell on it she thought as she examined the two pages of parchment within. The first congratulated her on being accepted whilst the second gave a list of the equipment she required. She groaned and threw her head back against the wall once more. “You do realise I have nothing but the fur on my skin, right? How would I ever be able to afford all this?” “Don’t worry about that, I shall sort it. Right now, let’s get you to the infirmary for that check-up, a good hearty meal and to get you some clothes to wear,” Professor Sprout said warmly helping Limestone to her feet. “But, but, I have no idea how the magic even works in this place or even how to use these things properly.” She gestured towards her hands. “Technicalities and as I already said, I’m sure you will get used to them soon,” Professor Sprout replied encouragingly. “Well, for all you know I could stomp my hoof and a blooming tree will come shooting out the ground.” Professor Sprout looked at her with an expression mixed between intrigue and concern. “I am only joking. Unlike Pegasi or unicorn magic, all us earth ponies have is resilience and a connection with the earth that makes us excellent farmers. See,” Limestone stomped her hoof to prove her point. A mighty crash reverberated behind her. “Buck, well, that’s definitely new and yet another thing I’m going to have learn,” she grumbled. Professor Sprout wasn’t paying her any attention, her attention instead occupied by the Cherry Blossom tree now protruding out of greenhouse three. This year’s already interesting contingent of 1st years just went up a whole another level. “Erm, sorry about that. I can ensure nothing like that has ever happened before,” Limestone sheepishly tried to explain. “Magnificent, truly magnificent,” the professor replied, lost in the wonder of the late seasonal bloom of the tree before her. “What in heavens is going on out here. First Daniel comes to tell me some cock and bull story about a girl falling out of the sky and then I hear an almighty… Oh my word she’s so cute!” a new voice squealed before its owner, a tall, lanky blonde-haired witch in a nurse’s uniform, raced over to Limestone and immediately started poking and prodding her with a stick. “Hmm, does that hurt? No, how about here.” “Yowch, quit it. Yes, that does and I would avoid doing it again if I was you,” Limestone grumbled taking an immediate dislike to the obnoxiously overbearing nurse that had suddenly appeared. She was most definitely not cute. “Hmm, well that’s a positive,” the nurse exclaimed, scribbling down some notes. “What is? Because it is definitely not you invading my personal space and causing me even more pain both physically and psychologically,” Limestone growled threateningly. “Your ribs are just heavily bruised but I don’t feel any breaks or fractures, especially as you seem to be breathing perfectly fine as well. Feisty little thing, aren’t you?” the nurse cooed ruffling Limestone’s hair as she did so. That was the final straw for Limestone and she gave the nurse a hefty kick to the shin. “Yow, she kicked me,” Kendra whimpered to Professor Sprout whilst hopping on one leg. Professor Sprout, shaking her head to clear it, ignored the older girl’s theatrics. “Kendra, where is Madam Pomfrey?” “Emergency at St Mungo’s. She was just about to do her inventory count before the beginning of the new school year, so they had the work experience girl sent back in her place to do it for her. At least this has brightened up my internship’s last day even if she is a little brat. Maybe I should bring out the rectal thermometer? Hey, what gives,” Kendra suddenly gasped as an array of vines roots shot out of the ground and ensnared her. Limestone simply whistled innocently. Professor Sprout rolled her eyes. “Release her immediately please and let her finish the examination.” “But she’s not even a real nurse!” Limestone countered with a glower at the Professor, only to swiftly back down. She’d learnt from her parents that talking back and arguing only led to harsher punishments. “Fine,” she griped, tapping her left hoof on the ground. The roots didn’t disperse. “Uh oh,” Limestone sheepishly admitted. “Let me guess, you don’t know how,” Professor Sprout sighed. “Possibly, but it’s her fault anyway for calling me cute and ruffling my mane,” Limestone argued as Professor Sprout contemplated just what spell might help in freeing Kendra. “Maybe if I try my other hoof?” She tapped her right hoof and another window of greenhouse three shattered as a branch shot threw it. “Or not,” Limestone winced upon causing more damage to the already heavily damaged greenhouse. “Maybe try touching the roots with your hand and commanding them?” Professor Sprout contemplated. “Hey, worth a shot. Worse thing that could happen would be the roots squeezing her to death and that’s a win in my eyes,” Limestone said malevolently as she approached the now squirming older girl. “Good point, I hadn’t thought of that. We better not… hey, what are you doing?” Professor Sprout exclaimed as Limestone placed a hand on the roots encasing Kendra. “Release,” she commanded and to her utmost surprise the roots glowed green and swiftly released the trainee nurse. “Huh, I was…” Limestone looked at the disapproving look on Professor Sprout’s face and quickly changed her mind on what she was about to say, “totally expecting that to…oof” she finished as Kendra socked her in the ribs at the precise location of her bruise causing her to double over in pain. “Oops, my fist slipped,” the older girl cheerfully quipped as she went back to work examining her patient. Bending down she whispered in Limestone’s ear, “Never mess with a medical professional, we know the precise points to make your pain a hundred-fold worse.” Professor Sprout thought about intervening then opted against it, she had more pressing matters to deal with, like the mess that was left of greenhouse three and the rapidly approaching contingent of teachers headed by Professor Snape. “Professor Sprout, what in blazes is going on out here?” The Potions professor droned angrily. “And why is there now a tree occupying the majority of greenhouse three?” “It’s a long story. First of all, I want to get our first new student of the year to the infirmary,” Professor Sprout sighed. “Have you hit your head? Today is the 28th August. There is still another three…” Professor Snape began only to be interrupted by Kendra. “All done, Professor. She has a lot of bruises from the fall and my fist slipping into her ribs but nothing a bit of Bruisewort Balm won’t solve. She certainly is either extremely lucky or resilient to fall from such a height without any major injuries. Oh, hello Professor Snape, didn’t…” “Miss Abbot, what is that?” Snape droned pointing at the somewhat naked furry abomination that Kendra was tending to. “That Severus, is our early arrival. Severus Snape meet Limestone Pie,” Professor Sprout introduced. Snape didn’t bother addressing the anthropomorphic horse-girl, instead turning to address a very elderly looking monster instead. “Albus, I reluctantly accepted the three werewolves this year and the psychological nutcase, but this, this is going too far. When did Hogwarts start allowing such abominations through its hallowed doors.” “When they receive an acceptance letter like all prospective students do and do this simply by stamping a hoof,” Professor Sprout deadpanned holding up Limestone’s letter and using it to highlight the giant tree now protruding from greenhouse three behind her.” Professor Snape turned and his right eye began to twitch. “She did this? Nope, you know what, you can deal with her. If she ends up in Slytherin I will have her expelled in the first week, same as I said of all the others.” And without another word he stormed off back towards the dungeons from whence he came. “Wow, he was an arsehole,” Limestone said bluntly as Kendra helped her to her feet. “I think we’ll get on fine as long as we’re nowhere near each other.” “He’s the Potions Professor,” Kendra hurriedly whispered in her ear. “You’ll unfortunately be seeing a lot of him over the course of the year I’m afraid. If you don’t end up in his house that is and expelled immediately.” “Well, damn, I’m not sure what would be worse,” Limestone grouched as the elderly monster approached her holding her acceptance letter along with another stern-faced female monster. “I am Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and this is Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. Welcome to Hogwarts.” He held out a hand for Limestone to shake which she proceeded to do with her own. “Kendra here will take you to the infirmary so you can recuperate and I’ll be along later to have a word. A truly spectacular entrance if I do say so myself,” he added with a mischievous glint in his eye as he took in the carnage behind Limestone. “Nothing a little bit of magic can’t fix though,” he added with a cheery smile pulling out a wooden stick and much to Limestone’s amazement fixing the exterior to the greenhouse in a matter of seconds aside from the obvious addition of a cherry tree in the middle of it. Turning Headmaster Dumbledore proceeded to address Professor Sprout, “Shall we inspect the damage inside?” And with that he was gone along with McGonagall and Sprout as Limestone stared after him mouth agape. Kendra chuckled. “Your face is a picture right now. Come on, get moving. I’d rather not have to carry you back to the infirmary.” And with that Limestone was ushered away to start a new and rather eventful life a long, long way away from her parent’s relatively peaceful rock farm (excluding Pinkie Pie of course). > Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early evening when Professor Sprout and Headmaster Dumbledore came to visit Limestone in the infirmary just as she was finishing dinner. After the morning’s crazy turn of events she had been slathered in foul smelling cream, forced into the most uncomfortable, itchiest and stale smelling hospital robes imaginable, taken to an empty bed, fed some lunch and then proceeded to doze off for the entirety of the afternoon until Kendra had “accidentally” pushed her out of said bed when awakening her for dinner. Pulling up a chair Dumbledore sat down next to her with Professor Sprout standing just behind. “So, I am guessing you have a lot of questions, your most pressing one being can you go back to your own world? I will come straight out and tell you the answer is no. In truth it is impossible that you are sitting here in front of me right now but you are. I would rate the chances of a creature doing what you have done as approximately a billion to one.” Limestone stared at this elderly monster for a moment in total bewilderment before she swallowed her mouthful of food and asked a second question, “And what exactly have I done?” “Well, from what I can gather from Professor Sprout and my own knowledge, the moment before the landslide hit you, a rift opened in your world for a fraction of a second transporting you into the space between worlds. Whilst in this space your molecular structure was altered, both physically and in your mind so that you can understand our language. Then you slipped out of another rift into our world. I had always dismissed theories on alternate universes as pure fantasy but I guess I was wrong on this occasion. Although, considering you would have to have the unlikely misfortune to fall into one of these rifts, survive the molecular reconfiguration process and then not only be lucky enough to find another rift to exit through but also not exit into a world with creatures that will tear you limb from limb, a billion to one occurrence as I stated. And you are that occurrence.” Limestone stared at this elderly monster somewhat lost and somewhat concerned for her safety. Dumbledore let out a great big guffaw. “You need not worry; we are not going to hurt you. Even though we do eat animals in our world, horses are usually off the menu, especially sentient ones. We humans usually stick to cows, chickens, pigs, and fish.” “Humans, so that’s what you are called,” Limestone nipped in before adding, “A bit easier than two legged hairless monsters.” Another guffaw from Dumbledore before Limestone continued, her dinner temporarily forgotten. “And so, what you are telling me is that there is zero chance I can go home and am stuck here for the remainder of my miserable life. Great,” she added sardonically with a role of her eyes. “So, what happens now and do I always have to wear these itchy, smelly clothes?” “I’m afraid clothes are mandatory in our world but Professor Sprout here will help you acquire some better ones tomorrow when she takes you shopping for supplies. Thankfully the damage inside the greenhouse was nowhere near as bad as we first feared so she should now be able to spare the time. Her interns can take care of the greenhouses for a few hours. I have also contacted our government who have set up a bank account for you and already deposited a grant for you to use for said supplies. It is not huge but should be more than enough to cover what you need. Now, how about you tell me a little more about the world you came from and in between I shall share some more information about ours,” Dumbledore explained. “I even brought desert too sweeten the deal,” he added revealing a trolley of confectionary treats next to Professor Sprout. “Sneaky old man but considering I’ve spent my entire life on a rock farm I doubt it will be that interesting,” Limestone retorted before finishing the last of her main course. “We shall see about that. Why don’t you start with the identical tattoos on your hips?” Dumbledore encouraged reaching for a chocolate éclair. “Tattoos? Oh, you mean my cutie marks. Sure, why not,” Limestone replied. And so, she explained to him how every young pony in Equestria receives a special mark on both their flanks that represents their special talent, then went on to talk about the four pony races and their unique magic that only when combined and working in harmony could benefit them all. She talked about their leader, Princess Celestia, and how she raises the sun and moon, her family and life on the farm and so on and so forth. Meanwhile Dumbledore in turn kept his word, explaining how not all humans had magic and those that did had to keep it secret from those that didn’t to stop panic and mayhem spreading across their world. He informed her of when the new term began, September 1st, and what subjects she would be taking. Out of all the subjects she would be studying, Limestone in particular didn’t like the sound of Flying lessons. On and on they went for what must have been a good hour until Limestone’s eyes once more began to droop and she dropped off into another deep sleep. * Like clockwork Limestone awoke at the crack of dawn the next morning and for a moment panicked at the sight of her strange surroundings in the morning gloom until she slowly remembered what had happened the previous day. “Oh, right,” she said sombrely suddenly feeling a peculiar stabbing pain in her chest upon realising she would receive no more wake-up calls from her sister, no matter how annoying they may have been. Or see Pinkie’s twin Marble giggling in the background at her sister’s antics. Or her parent’s disapproving gazes at whatever new chaos Pinkie had come up with since the previous day. Or read the latest letter from Maud to see how she was coping at college. Slowly Limestone sat up, brought her knees to her chest and, resting her head on them, cried. She had always found her family annoying but now that they were most likely gone forever, she could not help but miss them, a lot. Stupid bucking feelings, she hated them. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there reminiscing her previous life as the sun slowly rose and filled the infirmary with light and she hadn’t even heard someone approach until an arm pulled her in tight and she felt the weight of another person’s head atop her own. “There, there, let it all out,” Kendra soothed as Limestone felt the other girl’s tears drip into her hair. “I know how you feel.” “I-It’s stupid,” Limestone wept into Kendra’s chest. “I always wished to be an only child. Always found my siblings annoying and troublesome and never realised or thanked my parents for how much they did for us. So why do I feel like my chest is going to explode?” “Guilt I guess,” Kendra said distantly. “Like so many others before you, you thought you had all the time in the world to make amends with the ones closest to your heart and then suddenly you don’t. I was only seven when my aunt, uncle and eighteen-month-old cousin were murdered. The pain never goes away, in fact for me it only gets worse as I get older and truly understand what happened.” “I-I’m sorry,” Limestone sniffled. “W-would you like to talk about it?” “There was a civil war, some witches and wizards, pure bloods, don’t like witches or wizards with muggle blood and as such they turned on those who sympathised with them. My uncle fell in love and married a muggle. When the pure bloods made their big move, they were all killed along with many other young families. Nineteen wizarding families were hit in one night in 1981 and thirty-four people were murdered including fourteen children under two. If the family were pure-blooded but sympathised with half-bloods and muggle-borns, just their child was targeted for their insubordination, but if you had gone far enough to marry a muggle like my uncle had, the whole family was wiped out. My cousin Hannah would have been your age and just about to start her schooling at Hogwarts this year, yet I never even had the chance to get to know her properly,” Kendra finished. “Wow, that’s…” Limestone couldn’t find the words to describe such horrendous actions. “Despicable. Yeah, I know but you can either let yourself be lost in grief or make those you’ve lost proud with your actions. It’s why I’m striving to become a healer like my parents, so that I can save lives, not take them,” Kendra explained with a faraway gaze. “Do you understand?” “I think so. Thanks Kendra, I’ll make my family proud.” “Good girl,” Kendra said slowly releasing Limestone and ruffling her hair. “I hate you so much sometimes,” Limestone grumbled pushing Kendra of the bed. “Feelings mutual,” Kendra replied with a smug grin rising from the floor. “Now how about I go rustle us up some breakfast and then we can get ready for our shopping trip.” A look of alarm suddenly crossed Limestone’s face. “Wait, I thought Professor Sprout was taking me?” “Oh, she is, but that doesn’t stop me coming along to annoy you. Plus, I need some new supplies myself. Although mostly it is for the former,” Kendra stated, her grin somehow managing to grow even wider. “Correction, I just hate you,” Limestone deadpanned. * “Miss Abbot, really, I told you to find her some old robes from the school storage closet,” Professor Sprout admonished whilst trying desperately not to snicker at poor Limestone’s misfortune. “You told me this was all the school had,” Limestone bellowed whilst directing her best death glare at Kendra. It was kind of lost due to the fact she was wearing the frilliest pink dress and hat imaginable. The older girl had even adapted it so that Limestone’s short tail had room to poke through a small hole at the back. “Well, you were constantly complaining about how that old hospital robe was extremely smelly, itchy, and uncomfortable, and I thought those robes would be likewise, so I went home and found one of my old outfits,” Kendra explained, barely able to keep a straight face. “Thanks,” Limestone grumbled, still maintaining her death glare and wishing unthinkable horrors upon the older girl. “Well, that was extremely thoughtful of you, I think,” Professor Sprout stated. “Yeah, real thoughtful,” Limestone grumbled again. Her death glare was now in full I want to throw you into a meat grinder mode. “Anyway, haven’t we some shopping to do? Specifically, for some better clothes.” “I don’t know. I’m sure the whole school would love to see you in that dress at the sorting ceremony…YOW, that’s my bruised shin!” Kendra yelped leaping into the air and proceeding to hop around on one leg. “I know,” Limestone deadpanned unsympathetically. Professor Sprout rolled her eyes. “I’m beginning to wonder just which one of you is nearly an adult and which one is the new student. Kendra, please, we have a lot to do today so can you please show Miss Pie how to use floo powder.” “Please do. I’ve a lot of paperwork to do before the start of the new year and you are disturbing my peace,” Professor McGonagall droned not looking up from behind her desk. As only three fireplaces were connected to the external floo network in Hogwarts and the one in the infirmary only went to St Mungo’s, they were using the one in Minerva McGonagall’s office, much to the deputy headmistress’ displeasure. Kendra immediately stopped hopping about and took some of the floo powder from above the fireplace. “Of course. It is really simple. You just take a handful of floo powder, step into the fireplace and clearly state your destination whilst throwing the powder at your feet. Just remember to say your destination clearly or you may end up somewhere completely random or worse, parts of you could end up in several places at once. A very messy way to go. Now pay attention. DIAGON ALLEY,” she cried throwing the powder at her feet and disappearing in a puff of emerald green fire. “Erm, okay, what was that part about ending up in several places at once?” Limestone questioned turning to Professor Sprout who had a way to fake smile plastered across her face. “Nothing at all to worry about as long as your pronunciation is clear and you remain calm and don’t fidget. Also keep your eyes closed to keep the soot out of them and elbows tucked in. Go on, give it a go,” Professor Sprout pressed pushing Limestone towards the fireplace. The girl decided it would be best just to get it over with so grabbed a handful of the green powder, stepped into the fireplace, and shouted at the top of her lungs “DIAGON ALLEY.” “Huh, not bad for a first attempt,” Professor McGonagall commented, momentarily lifting her head from her paperwork. > You've got a Friend in me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I swear,” Limestone growled as Professor Sprout pushed open the door to Madam Malkin’s Robes for all Occasions, “If one more human dares to call me cute, sweet, adorable or any other such compliment, I am going to rip this dress off and throw it in the nearest bin.” Limestone’s astonishment at seeing a shopping street appear from behind a brick wall had been short lived as she found almost every occupant on the street staring at her, whispering behind her back to each other or telling Professor Sprout and Kendra how lovely she looked. It had been utter torture and extremely embarrassing for her. Even seeing the small pile of money in her newly acquired vault had done little to cheer her up and, as the party of three made their way to their second stop of the day, the girl had reached her limit. “Oh, so you changed your mind and don’t want an ice cream at the end of the day?” Kendra cooed behind her wickedly. “A shame really as Fortescue’s does the absolute best sundae’s anywhere.” Limestone had only ever had ice cream once, another one of Pinkie’s crazy kitchen experiments. It had been incredible. “Fine,” she growled through gritted teeth, placing her arms across her chest and pouting. Kendra could not help but let out another snicker. Limestone though refused the temptation to kick her again just in case she withdrew her ice cream offer. As the bell rung to announce their presence in the shop a small, plump witch rose from where she was reading Witches Wardrobe from behind a counter to greet them. “Pomona Sprout, well this is a surprise. What brings you to my humble shop? Shouldn’t you be preparing for the new year?” “I am thankfully well ahead due to some excellent interns this year, which I am extremely glad for as we have had the unusual occurrence of a late admittance. She is going to need a full wardrobe but if you could just get us the basics sorted today and sort out the rest to be delivered to Hogwarts, I would be deeply in your debt. Marlene Malkin, Limestone Pie,” Professor Sprout explained, introducing Limestone. Madam Malkin simply stared at the peculiar pouting half-horse girl in the pink dress. “Why don’t you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Limestone said testily. “Well, that is certainly something you don’t see very often. What is she, half-centaur?” Madam Malkin replied, directing her question at Professor Sprout. “It is complicated and I would rather not get into the details if you don’t mind,” Professor Sprout responded. “Say no more. Give me half an hour and I should have everything sorted for you,” Madam Malkin explained. “Come along child, we will soon have a set of school robes sorted for you.” “Fantastic, I cannot wait to get out of this dress,” Limestone grumbled following Madam Malkin deeper into the shop. * Madam Malkin had been somewhat surprised that Limestone had opted to wear her school uniform rather than the beautiful pink dress she had come in wearing upon departing her store but had decided, wisely, against questioning her latest customer’s decision. Whilst Limestone was being fitted Kendra had kindly gone and sourced all her first-year textbooks for her. In truth, Limestone believed Kendra had just gone and done it to watch her struggle under the weight of the eight hefty tomes. Limestone’s theory was somewhat proven by the look of surprise on Kendra’s face as Limestone easily carried the four heavy bags to their next destination, Trump’s Trunks and Bags, where she was able to buy a satchel to carry them in along with a trunk to store all her belongings in back at Hogwarts, not that there were many. After that there were stops at Ronan’s Magical Supermart, Potage’s Cauldron Shop and Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary, the latter of which led to an interesting discussion among the three witches about the differences in unicorn horns between this world and Limestone’s. As they exited the apothecary and started to make their way up the street to Wiseacre’s Wizarding Supplies, Kendra could not help but notice the queasy look on Limestone’s face as they passed Quality Quidditch Supplies. “Huh, that’s a new one. Never known a new student who doesn’t want to fly a broomstick before,” Kendra quipped. “I’m an earth pony, what do you expect?” Limestone grunted, swiftly moving on to their next destination before Kendra could press the matter further, or worse, make her even more nervous of her inevitable upcoming flying lessons. After picking up a set of brass scales and a brass telescope from Wiseacres, and then a stack of parchment and ink from Scribbulus Writing Implements, everyone opted for a breather with Kendra true to her word in buying Limestone an ice cream. Much to Kendra’s amusement, Limestone proceeded to wolf hers down only to then complain of brain freeze. “I did warn you not to eat it so quick,” Professor Sprout chided whilst eating hers at a much more serene pace. “Now, what is left. I think we just need to procure your wand from Ollivander’s. Oh, and a small lockbox for your vault key and other valuables would be useful to, so a stop of at Jebediah’s Jewellery is also required. And I suppose I shall allow a stop off at Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop if we have time.” “Oh, there definitely will be time, I’ll make sure of it,” Kendra informed through a mouthful of her butterbeer ice cream. “Miss Abbot, please don’t talk with your mouthful and is there anything else you require for the new school year?” Professor Sprout scolded. “Not that I’m aware of. I picked up the book on Spagyric you asked me to amongst one or two others and along with a few other necessary items like ink and parchment but otherwise, if I’ve forgotten anything I’ll just pick it up from Hogsmeade when I can,” Kendra informed her teacher as soon as she had finished her current mouthful of ice cream. “Very well, I suggest then that we finish our ice creams and get a move on. Although I rate my two interns highly, I am well aware of just how mischievous and unpredictable the plants in greenhouses seven and eight can be.” “As am I,” Kendra added through yet another mouthful of ice cream. Professor Sprout simply chose to ignore the girl’s bad manners and continue with finishing her own ice cream. It was just as they were finishing up and rising to their feet that a loud commotion came from down the street. “STOP, will someone stop that dog!” “Huh, I wonder what’s… WHAT IS THAT?” Kendra exclaimed as a giant lightning-fast ball of black fur came hurtling down the street barrelling past whoever or whatever was in its way. And then the thing abruptly stopped, turned, and stared directly at Limestone with two ginormous blood red eyes and, more importantly, a mouth full of extremely sharp teeth. That was of course the exact moment it chose to charge straight for her. Limestone didn’t even flinch. She just stood her ground and waited for the inevitable. And when it came, she punched it straight in the face. “Bad dog?” she said, unsure that was even the correct term as she shook her now somewhat aching fist. “What…is…that?” Kendra managed to force out of her mouth for the second time, still in shock at what had just transpired. “How the buck do I know?” Limestone grunted as the slightly dazed dog rose to its feet and attempted to give her the most pitiful look imaginable. “Hey, what are you doing, skat, go find your master,” Limestone commanded. “I think it has. Professor McGonagall will not be pleased,” Professor Sprout surmised. “Wait, what, no, no, no, I don’t want a…” Limestone began only for the so-called dog to clamp its teeth around her left leg. “Buck. Kendra, fancy giving me a hand?” “Nope,” Kendra replied looking at Professor Sprout for an explanation and then at the three gentlemen in suits who were forcing their way through the ever-growing crowd of onlookers. “Hello there, move aside, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Thank you.” “Barnaby Lee, well this is a surprise. I heard congratulations were in order but thought you were the new Houndmaster for the Pest Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,” Professor Sprout exclaimed. “Professor Sprout, a pleasure as always and thank you. All I am allowed to say is that my expertise was required for some business down Knockturn Alley. Unfortunately, that little puppy over there decided to apparate away and make a break for freedom before we could properly secure him,” Barnaby explained “That’s a puppy!” Kendra exclaimed examining the dog that was nearly as tall Limestone. Barnaby ignored her. “I now see the reason why it broke free. Sorry to intrude Miss but you haven’t had any links with death, especially recently per chance?” Limestone glowered at the newcomer but decided to humour him. “If you mean was I meant to die buried under a landslide but instead found myself slipping through time and space to a completely alien world, then yes, yes I have.” “Ah, well, congratulations then on your new pet. Irish Hellhounds have a penchant for choosing masters with a close relationship with death and muggles often mistake them for “The Grim”, an omen of death. From what you’ve just told me, you sound like the perfect master for him,” Barnaby explained, seemingly unfazed by Limestone’s peculiar story. “What if I don’t want a dog, can’t you just take it back from where it came from?” Limestone queried tersely. “Sadly, no. Although I would have preferred releasing him back into the wild, once an Irish Hellhound chooses its master, that’s it, they’re bonded for life and no matter what we try, it will always just hunt you down to be at your side. On the bright side, you’ve just acquired an extremely loyal and practically invincible eight-foot bodyguard, when fully grown, for life as his lifespan will now match yours,” Barnaby explained. “Wait, what?” Limestone practically exploded, her right eye starting to twitch. “ARE YOU TELLING ME I’M STUCK WITH BEING THIS THING’S CHEW TOY FOR POSSIBLY A HUNDRED YEARS?” “Erm, if you live that long, then yes, I guess so,” Barnaby said a little sheepishly. “Aside from when we require him for breeding programs in the future.” Kendra could not help but snigger at Limestone’s predicament and, as if on cue, the Hellhound stopped gnawing on Limestone’s leg and proceeded to apparate into her out stretched arms instead whilst giving the girl the most sorrowful look imaginable. Even with her earth pony genes the dog was heavy for Limestone. “Eugh, fine, you win,” Limestone grumbled reluctantly. The dog immediately gave her face a massive wet sloppy lick. “Eww, dog drool,” she grouched as Kendra doubled over with laughter. “If you really want to make me happy why don’t you go piss on her leg or something,” Limestone suggested in jest only to see the dog leap out of her arms and obey her every word much to Kendra’s displeasure. “Huh, maybe this will have some benefit,” Limestone commented as she gave her new dog a scratch behind the ear in thanks. Now, what are we going to call you?” The hellhound immediately gave her a toothy grin in reply. “Teeth, that’s a perfect name and suits you well,” Limestone immediately decided. Teeth howled with pleasure at his new name. “You seem to be getting on just fine, just a few other points before we leave you to it. Due to Teeth being a class four beast and a rare protected magical species, you will be required to get a licence for him. I shall fill out much of the paperwork for you when I get back to my office and forward the rest on via owl to Hogwarts for you to fill out. As you are under eighteen you will need to find an adult who will be responsible for ensuring Teeth does not get up to any mischief, including, but not limited to, maiming, throwing, chewing, scratching, sitting, or defecating on any individual,” Barnaby informed. Upon that last one, Kendra gave Limestone a very stern glare in reference to her now extremely wet and smelly right leg. Limestone simply decided to look in the opposite direction before remembering something and pulling a plastic card out of a pocket in her robes she passed it to Barnaby. “This wouldn’t help, would it?” Barnaby’s eyes widened and, having been so focused on Teeth, it was only now that he realised just who he was talking to. It took him a moment to regain his composure but once he did, he spoke sincerely. “So, the rumours going around the department were true, there is a sentient anthropomorphic pony going to Hogwarts this year. I honestly thought it was just another one of Dumbledore’s harmless pranks but I guess I was wrong. Forgive me Miss. And yes, as a foreign diplomat you are allowed special privileges including me being able to wave the need for an adult to support your licence application. It will also allow me to FastTrack the application as well. Now, I’ll also forward you some specific information surrounding your new pet that you may find helpful but overall, you’ll find he’s just like a normal dog, just a lot bigger and much clingier and more protective. Any questions?” he ended handing Limestone her foreign diplomat card back. “Yeah, I can see that and no, I don’t think so. And will you quit it,” Limestone grumbled as Teeth had now begun to start chewing on her right leg. She still was not quite sure what this whole Foreign Diplomat thing meant but it seemed to have some benefits at least. Teeth stopped and looked up at her imploringly. “And you can stop trying to look cute because it won’t work on me mister but I suppose we had better find you some better toys before I suggest playing with Kendra. Uh oh, no, no, that’s not what I…” Limestone never had the chance to finish her sentence. Kendra screamed as the oversized puppy barrelled into her and pinned her to the floor. Limestone ignored the older girl’s screams as Teeth began to wrestle with Kendra’s jacket, which might have been alright if the girl wasn’t still wearing it, and instead turned her attention once more to Barnaby. “Please tell me there is a good pet store around here?” * By sheer coincidence, the pet store was right across the street from Florian Fortescue’s. As the four of them entered the shop to the jingle of a bell, a rather bored looking young blonde witch only a few years older than Limestone greeted them from behind a counter in the extremely cramped shop. “Welcome to the Magical Menagerie, how can I be of service to you today,” the witch droned not looking up from her magazine. “Well Jasmine, that’s an extremely fine way to address your teacher now isn’t it,” Professor Sprout chided. The magazine was immediately placed under the counter as the girl bolted to attention. “Professor Sprout, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you to…” Jasmine finally noticed Teeth. “Daaaaaaaad,” she whined. “What is it Jasmine dear. I asked you not to disturb me unless it was an emergency,” A male voice replied irritably, the owner of which soon appeared from the depths of the shop. “My word girl, what are you doing under there? Come out this…” Jasmine reached up an arm from underneath the counter and pointed towards their new customers. As soon as the proprietor’s eyes caught sight of Teeth they nearly bulged out of his head in surprise. “Good Heavens, is that an Irish Hellhound I do see or are my eyes playing tricks on me?” he exclaimed removing a pair of spectacles from his nose and rubbing them with a rather grubby cloth from his trouser pocket before replacing them back upon the bridge of his nose. “I-I-Irish what?” Jasmine whimpered, refusing to reappear from underneath the counter. “Irish Hellhound my dear. They are exceptionally rare and a protected species, meaning that it is a very serious crime to take one from the wild. And considering I have not heard of there being any domesticated ones in the past fifty years, I must ask where you acquired this puppy Professor Sprout?” The proprietor questioned. “That’s a puppy!” Jasmine squeaked from under the counter. Limestone ignored her. “Well, we were having ice cream across the road and long story short, the dog found me, apparently escaped when the Department for Magical Creatures or whatever they’re called, were doing some business down Knockturn Alley. And before they could catch the darn thing it took a liking to me and now, well, I’m stuck with it,” Limestone replied lifting up her left leg which Teeth was once again chewing. “So, can you help me stop this or should I look elsewhere? Here, Barnaby even wrote me a quick note explaining everything and that his department of the Ministry of Magic would cover whatever we purchase.” The owner of the store simply stared at the anthropomorphic pony in front of him that was holding out a piece of parchment open mouthed, seemingly frozen to the spot. “You’re, you’re…” he managed to utter. “A pony, yes. That is also explained in the note if you just wouldn’t mind…” Limestone said tetchily, only to be cut of as Jasmine’s head popped up from behind the counter. “Pony? Did someone say… oh… my… word, she’s so cute!” Jasmine squealed leaping over the counter, totally forgetting about Teeth in the process. Five seconds later Limestone now not only had to contend with a giant puppy clamped around her right leg but a teenage girl clamped around her midriff. Limestone was about as pleased with the situation as a bear with a bees’ nest atop its head. Thankfully the girl’s father had at least managed to come out of his stupor and take the piece of parchment from her right hand. “Uh huh, uh huh, I see,” he pondered rubbing his chin deep in thought. “Well, this is certainly a peculiar situation and one I will only be too happy to help with. Jonathan Bright,” he held out his hand for Limestone to shake. “Limestone Pie. And I would shake your hand if I could move my arms right now. Any chance you could remove your daughter?” Limestone requested trying not to grind her teeth. “Jasmine,” Jonathan said sternly. “Is that how you believe a Ravenclaw should act?” Jasmine immediately let Limestone go and stared dejectedly down at the floor. “No, dad. It’s just… I mean…” lost for words, she simply gesticulated with her hands to the anthropomorphic pony next to her. “I know,” Jonathan sighed turning back to Limestone. “You must forgive her, she is equine mad, whether that be muggle, thestral, unicorn, Pegasus or, in your case, sentient and wants to be an equine vet when she’s older. Her grades might not be anywhere near the usual standard expected of a Ravenclaw but I doubt you would find anyone more knowledgeable on equines.” “Daaaaaad,” Jasmine whined in embarrassment. “Well, it is the truth little lady. It seems about the only way I have been able to keep you interested in Herbology is through ways such as what plants are poisonous to horses,” Professor Sprout admitted. Jasmine’s face went even redder. “Nonetheless, we’ve still several stops to make, including acquiring Miss Pie’s wand. So, if you wouldn’t mind,” Professor Sprout pressed. “Not at all, how about we start with dental hygiene and work our way from there?” Jonathan suggested. “Perfect,” Professor Sprout replied. “Wait,” Jasmine interrupted. “Did you say she’s getting a wand,” she squealed excitedly pointing at Limestone. “So that means she’s going to Hogwarts!” Limestone shuddered at the manic grin plastered across Jasmine’s face. At least she had her bodyguard to… oh for buck’s sake. Said bodyguard had just been bribed with a juicy bone and ear scratches. It was exactly as Jasmine’s father and Professor Sprout had said, nothing got between Jasmine and anything to do with equines and Limestone, unfortunately for her right now, was an equine. Limestone shuddered once more. No matter how big Hogwarts was this girl would find her wherever she tried to hide. > The Grim Reapony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nearly half past two when they finally made it out of the Magical Menagerie. In the end they bought so many things that they were forced to have Jonathan forward them onto Hogwarts. There were several cases of dog shampoo and toothpaste, countless brushes for Teeth’s fur and, well, teeth, nail clippers, extra-large poop sacks (much to Limestone’s disgust), more toys than Limestone could count (even if Teeth’s favourite one still seemed to be one of her legs), a magical collar that would grow with Teeth, identity tags, and finally numerous blankets. Other items they discussed and opted against included a bed as there wasn’t one big enough to accommodate him, bowls for food and water and food as Professor Sprout assured Limestone the castle could provide these. A lead was also swiftly dismissed after Teeth grabbed and obliterated several with his namesake. “Oof, I would not like to have to be the one to pay that bill,” Kendra winced as they reached Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382BC. “How much was it in the end again?” “127 galleons 7 sickles 3 knuts,” Limestone replied, for once in her miserable life somewhat pleased after finally getting away from that obsessive girl Jasmine who had poked and prodded her for much of the past hour. And just when all her bruises had healed from the day before to! “I am sure the DMC will manage and Teeth now has plenty to keep him entertained whilst you are in lessons,” Professor Sprout said a little irritably after being held up for so long. “And if not, he can go chase Minerva up a tree,” she added under her breath. “What was that last bit Professor? I didn’t quite catch it?” Kendra enquired as Limestone pushed open the door to their next destination. The smirk on her face told Professor Sprout she most certainly had. “Oh, um, I was just saying doesn’t Teeth look cute with his new favourite chew toy?” Professor Sprout spluttered as she reached down and took the dog by his new collar. Perfectly timed, a pitiful meow came from the squeaky cat clamped in Teeth’s jaws. “That he does. Come on Limestone. After that unexpected and long detour, I’m getting peckish. Shouldn’t take Olivander that long to…” Kendra began only for a male voice to interrupt her from inside the shop. “Good heavens!” “Ah buck,” Limestone swore as a black wooden box hurtled straight towards her face. Luckily, she was quick enough to duck only for the wand box to stop abruptly in mid-air and fall on her head. “Ow,” she grunted taking a hold of the box from atop her head as Kendra snickered behind her. “Even quicker than I could have hoped. Go on, don’t keep us in suspense, open it up.” Taking a deep breath and then slowly exhaling it Limestone lifted the lid of the box to examine just what was inside. “My, oh my. I never thought I would see the day when that wand finally found an owner,” the voice from inside the shop said mysteriously. “It’s been nearly sixty years since I made it.” Professor Sprout looked to the heavens. Please, for the love of Merlin, just let it be a normal wand. “I named it, Death’s Joke,” the voice went on as Limestone lifted the dark brown, almost black, wand from its box and was immediately illuminated in a shroud of black to highlight the wand’s acceptance of her as its new owner. Meanwhile, all the colour was draining from Professor Sprout’s face whilst Kendra was trying her utmost not to laugh at her head of house’s reaction. “One of my test wands when attempting to find the perfect wand core. Fir, thirteen inches exact, unyielding and with a thestral tail hair core,” the voice divulged. This time Kendra’s jaw joined Professor Sprout’s jaw in nearly hitting the floor. “My first and only successful thestral tail hair core wand. I instantly found the substance extremely unstable and practically impossible to utilise. I only succeeded here by combining it with a wood that will only ever choose decisive, focused, and strong of mind individuals who never question their beliefs or choices. This ensures that only those who have truly accepted their own death may wield it, thus why I doubted I would ever find it an owner, let alone one so young as you my dear. Garrick Ollivander by the way, proprietor of this shop,” the voice explained, its owner now revealing himself to be an extremely elderly looking gentleman with scraggly white hair and silvery eyes. Limestone rolled her eyes as she made her way properly into the shop. What was it with all the death omens today? Yeah, so she technically should have died yesterday if not for a one in a billion miracle but seriously did she need to be constantly reminded? Did she just reek of death or something? “But,” Ollivander stated. Oh great, just what she needed, a but. “Fir wands are extremely powerful, especially in the art of Transfiguration, and have an incredible knack of saving their owners from mortal peril and situations where death seems inevitable. My grandfather even labelled them “the survivors wand” and its combination with such a powerful core will, quite frankly, allow its wielder to escape any situation no matter how bleak it may be,” Ollivander disclosed, now standing right in front of Limestone and completely unperturbed by her unusual form. “And that’s a bad thing?” Limestone questioned with a look of confusion across her face. “Maybe or maybe not? For you see, young one, although the wielder of this wand may have accepted their death, whilst they are in possession of such a wand, they shall not find eternal rest, thus its name,” Ollivander concluded cryptically. “Huh?” Limestone responded totally perplexed by what Ollivander had just said. “What he’s saying is that the only person who can possess the wand you now hold is someone who has accepted their death and likely made peace that they are going to die very soon. This wand prevents its owner from dying, no matter how much they want to. Thus, an extremely cruel and twisted joke,” Kendra simplified sombrely. Limestone stared wide eyed at Kendra for a moment and then down at her newly acquired wand in her right hand. This was yet another fine mess her sister had got her into. * Ten minutes later and the peculiar four, of pony girl, giant puppy, teenager, and professor had departed Ollivander’s and were nearing their final two stops which thankfully were next door to each other. Professor Sprout had wanted to do nothing more than find Limestone an alternative wand but knew it was neither her nor the girl’s choice but the wand’s and if that wand had chosen Limestone, all she could do was ensure that she did her job correctly as an educator and teach the girl how to wield it properly and safely. “I still can’t believe Ollivander let you have such a powerful wand for a single galleon,” Kendra griped as they stopped outside Jebediah’s Jewellery shop. “I mean my own willow wand set my parents back seventeen galleons when they bought it for me!” “Old stock and was an experimental wand, thus heavily discounted,” Limestone replied flatly. Although the last thing Limestone wanted at this new school was to be immediately labelled the Grim Reapony or something similar, the wand had specifically chosen her for a reason and she had taken an immediate attraction to it. She couldn’t put words on why but the wand just felt right in her hand and she actually felt, dare she think it, excited about trying magic out with it in the near future. “Still seemed way too cheap in my eyes although I suppose it does wonderfully add to your whole aesthetic,” Kendra conceded as they entered the penultimate store on their trip. “Although, if I saw a midget of an anthropomorphic pony on my deathbed…” Teeth let out a low, menacing growl. Kendra gulped. “Understood,” and they continued up to the counter in silence. “Pomona Sprout, well this is a surprise!” a tall, slim, middle-aged man with chestnut brown hair exclaimed from behind the counter. “It has been too long. What can I do for you today?” “Hello Jebediah, I hope business is good. Miss Pie here needs a small lockbox for her vault key and any other valuables. Nothing to fancy,” Professor Sprout explained. “Ticking along as always. Thanks for asking and of course, but, if you don’t mind me asking, isn’t it a little late for student shopping? The new terms very nearly here,” Jebediah understandably queried. “Yes, well this is an exceptional case,” Professor Sprout replied, gesturing towards Limestone, who, alongside Kendra, had moved on to peering into several of the different display cases, with the former providing information on the many different stones contained within them. “My, my, that’s something you don’t see every day. What is she, a crossbreed?” “Close enough. You likely wouldn’t believe me if I told you the full story anyway,” Professor Sprout informed the clerk. “Now, about that lockbox?” “Of course. Just give me a moment. I have a selection in the cupboard back…” “What are these?” Limestone suddenly interrupted, pointing at an item in one of the cases that had a big red and white SALE sign in it. Jebediah’s salesman routine kicked in and he paused in his current task to divert and entertain the young girl. “That young Miss is a beautiful black sapphire set. In fact…” Jebediah started to explain only for Limestone to cut him off. “No, no, I know natural black sapphire when I see it, I did grow up on a rock farm. What I mean is, what are earrings?” Kendra stared in shock at Limestone. “You don’t know what earrings are? Right, then we are buying this set with that beautiful bracelet, necklace, and pendant as well.” “Wait, what? I was only browsing Kendra. Even at the reduced price I cannot afford it,” Limestone argued. “Nonsense, that’s what rich friends are for,” Kendra insisted. “Besides, it will add to your whole Grim Reaper look. Would you mind if we look at the items before purchasing Jeb?” Limestone was unsure how to react to Kendra’s words as a mixture of emotions flooded through her leaving her in a daze as Jebediah removed and then placed the items onto the counter for them to inspect. “There, what do you think? I think it suits you,” Kendra stated snapping Limestone out of her daze. “Huh?” Limestone quipped, having not even noticed the older girl placing the necklace and pendant around her neck. “The necklace, silly, what do you think?” Kendra repeated holding up a mirror for Limestone’s benefit. For one of the few times in her life, Limestone was lost for words. For a minute she just stared into the mirror and her attention drifted to the pendant now resting on her chest and took it in her right hand. “It’s beautiful,” Limestone said, her eyes lost in the stone’s shimmering beauty. “We’ll take it Jeb,” Kendra informed Jebediah with a ginormous smile. * “Seriously, were there no other colours but black,” Limestone griped in reference to her new lock box as they left the jewellery store and headed next door. “Nope,” Kendra replied in an instant. All to quickly for Limestone’s liking but the girl felt like she could not press further due to her new friend’s overwhelming generosity. “Now buck up, we’ve got a ton of sweets to purchase.” “I think you’re forgetting something,” Limestone deadpanned pointing to the “no pets” sign on the sweetshop door. “I’m not that fussed anyway. We’ll just wait here for you.” “Not that fussed! Not that fussed!! What child is not that fussed over sweets?” Kendra exclaimed in disbelief. “Me,” Limestone responded, raising an arm and stroking Teeth’s back much to the dog’s enjoyment. “Well, we shall see about that. I like a challenge.” And with that Kendra was gone. * Professor Minerva McGonagall was just finishing the last of the large stack of paperwork on her desk when her fireplace glowed green once more. “At last, took them…” she stopped mid-sentence and stared at the giant black dog that had just appeared with Miss Pie. Teeth stared back at her and instantly smelled something he detested, cat. “GRRRR,” the dog growled dropping his chew toy and preparing to pounce. In a flash Professor McGonagall was on her feet, wand drawn. “Move an inch from that spot and you will remain as a piece of furniture for the whole first term. Miss Pie, care to explain?” Teeth slumped onto his rump and then slid onto his belly as he stuck his tongue out at the cat lady. He had only wanted a little bit of fun and wouldn’t have chewed on her… much. Limestone glowered at the Deputy Headmistress. “He’s only a playful puppy so lay off.” “That thing is still only a puppy. Oh no, please tell me that is not what I think it is?” Professor McGonagall asked, already dreading the answer. Perfectly timed, Teeth chose that precise moment to try and catch Professor McGonagall unawares by apparating onto her desk, only to find McGonagall’s wand under his chin. “Think carefully. Do you really want to see who is faster? Your jaws or my wand. I can assure you it will not end well for you,” McGonagall warned the dog. “Hey, has Teeth laid his teeth into old Mrs Miser… Oooh, looks like I arrived at just the right moment,” Kendra said as she walked out of the fireplace. “Teeth, get down boy or you’ll get me in trouble and you wouldn’t want that now, would you?” Limestone commanded, trying to get her new dog under control. Reluctantly Teeth turned, jumped down of the desk and returned to his mistress but only after cocking a leg and marking McGonagall in the face. “He didn’t,” Kendra exclaimed trying desperately to control the laughter bubbling up inside of her and failing miserably. “He did,” Limestone groaned attempting to hide herself in embarrassment in her hands as Teeth affectionately rubbed himself against her legs. No cat loving human was going to get the better of him! * “Not bad,” Limestone quipped sat up on her bed. “That’s an acid lollipop, it should have burnt through your tongue!” Kendra exclaimed in disbelief sat opposite her. “Well, it didn’t, so now it’s your turn. Truth or dare?” Limestone retorted. Limestone had never had a sleepover before, despite Pinkie’s best efforts to persuade her otherwise, but she’d found that Kendra was somehow even more persuasive than her sister! To be honest, she still owed the older girl for her extremely generous gift, that and she’d threatened to break her arm if she didn’t and force her to drink the vilest medicine known to wizard kind, Skele-Gro. Considering the look on Kendra’s face as they made a hasty retreat as far from Professor McGonagall as possible whilst she was distracted by Professor Sprout, Limestone was certain Kendra meant what she said. So, reluctantly, she’d allowed Kendra to drag her to the prefects’ bathroom, which, Kendra had explained, was one of the perks of having the school’s matron for a godmother. Dare Limestone admit she may have enjoyed the pampering session that followed and was now sitting on her bed in the infirmary with curlers in her hair, nails polished, ears freshly pierced and a mud mask on her face as they played truth or dare. “Dare,” Kendra replied smugly. “Try and take Teeth’s bone from him.” “Wait, I thought we agreed the dares were just sweets?” Kendra enquired looking down of the end of the bed at Teeth enraptured by said bone. She really did not fancy trying to take that bone from him. Limestone shrugged her shoulders. “I never agreed to anything. Would you prefer truth?” “Fine, truth.” “Why are you being so nice to me?” Kendra simply stared at Limestone for a while before eventually muttering under her breath as a distant expression adorned her face, “Because I know how it feels to be alone.” “Understood,” Limestone responded before doing something she had never done before, she actually reached across and hugged the older girl. “Thanks, just never tell anyone about this or I will show you just how powerful earth pony hooves are. I don’t do emotions.” Kendra smiled warmly in reply as she reciprocated the hug. “It’ll be our little secret.” * Limestone awoke the next morning to something tapping her face. “Five more minutes Pinkie,” she groaned ignoring the wake-up call. “I think not and I am certainly not this Pinkie fellow,” a stern voice replied. Limestone’s eyes shot open and slowly looked up to see Professor McGonagall standing at her bedside. She attempted to whistle for Teeth hoping he would d be able to apparate her to safety. “I’m afraid if you are calling for your dog, he is currently tied up at the moment so that he cannot get in the way of our study session,” Professor McGonagall informed. “S-study session?” “Yes, I wish to test your understanding of our language, your writing ability, and also simple mental arithmetic through a series of tests,” Professor McGonagall explained. “Mental arith… oh no, you don’t mean math?” Limestone griped, every last ounce of happiness she may have felt the night before swiftly evaporating. “I do. We have had one to many accidents over the years due to students not knowing the correct amount to pour into a potion for an example, thus a basic grasp of numbers is essential for all students at Hogwarts. We have two and a half days to get you to that level, so I suggest you tidy this mess you made last night swiftly otherwise there will be no time for breakfast before your first test,” Professor McGonagall said sternly, referring to the abundance of sweet wrappers that covered both Limestone’s bed and the floor around it. “Hey, where’s Kendra?” “Just went to fetch your breakfast before helping you tidy up the mess we made last night. After that, I’ll be heading off I’m afraid but I’ll see you in a few days at the sorting ceremony. Here’s hoping you get placed in Hufflepuff. Although I am sure Teeth wouldn’t mind Gryffindor, apparently their common room is where all the students’ pet cats like to hang out for some strange reason,” Kendra interjected, appearing through the infirmary doorway with a tray of food and then directing her gaze towards Professor McGonagall. “If she does, that mutt of hers will most be certainly be staying in the stable with the Thestrals and I’ll be placing an apparition prevention spell around the common room to prevent him from entering even if he howls the whole place down and none of us are able to get any sleep,” Professor McGonagall stated firmly, pointing her wand in the direction of Teeth, who, as she had declared, had his legs and mouth bound with rope. “Well, if that hat dares put me in your stuffy house, I’ll have Teeth deal with it in retaliation and then join him in the stables or break into Hufflepuff, because that’s about the only house that wants me,” Limestone declared boldly. Kendra could not help but let out a snicker at the blasé and blunt response. “Oh, you would fit right in and considering Hufflepuff are supposed to have a connection with the earth, I think it’s obvious where you will end up so don’t worry about it, especially when you’ve got to get through all these tests old Mrs Miser has planned for you over the next few days first.” “Miss Abbot, might I kindly remind you that I am standing right here and that unless you wish to be the volunteer in our Transfiguration lessons for the entire first term, I suggest you apologise this minute, especially as I will also be the one writing out your reference for future job applications at the end of the year,” Professor McGonagall snapped back at Kendra. Kendra shrugged her shoulders as she placed the tray of food on Limestone’s lap and began clearing up the array of empty sweet wrappers. “Already got a job planned.” “And what might that be?” “I’ll be taking her on as my apprentice as agreed by Headmaster Dumbledore this morning, but only if she knuckles down, gets the required grades, and, most importantly, improves that attitude of hers,” a strict voice said entering the conversation. Kendra froze in the middle of picking up the sweet wrappers. “Yes, Madam Pomfrey and I’m extremely sorry Professor McGonagall, I should know better than to insult my elders,” she said turning and giving Professor McGonagall a curtsy. “And, about you meeting the required grades, I am sure you will have enough time to get your things together tomorrow. Today, I am sure Professor McGonagall will not mind giving you a recap of last year’s Transfiguration curriculum as it is by far your weakest subject,” Madam Pomfrey went on. A devilish smile crossed Professor McGonagall’s face. “Of course not Poppy. I have several old written exams she can sit and we can then evaluate her weaknesses from there.” “Excellent, now if you don’t mind, I am going to enjoy my final day of freedom with a walk around the lake before I have to do the last-minute checks tomorrow before the students return Sunday,” Madam Pomfrey explained, proceeding to disappear into her office. Kendra was now totally frozen, the pile of sweet wrappers forgotten about in her hand. “I suggest you go get some breakfast yourself because you’re in for a long hard day,” Professor McGonagall informed Kendra coldly. > A Lack of Context > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limestone winced as she massaged her right wrist whilst getting ready for the traditional Start-of-Term feast. Thankfully, she had passed everything Professor McGonagall had thrown at her and even surprised the deputy headmistress with her maths knowledge. It wasn’t like she wasn’t any good at maths, she just found it difficult was all due to the levels of concentration it required. Her reading ability meanwhile had been described as “adequate and satisfactory for now” but overall, it was her writing that had been the sticking point. She had thus spent much of the past two days making her handwriting legible, finding the task extremely difficult with her newly acquired appendages. To be brutally honest, even when using her mouth back in Equestria her writing had been abysmal, why in the few cases she had been required to write a letter she had always persuaded one of her sisters to do it for her. As such, by lunchtime today when old Mrs Miser had finally declared her writing was “just about legible” her wrist was cramping so bad that Madam Pomfrey had had to apply some ointment to it to ease the pain and for several hours it seemed to work until she had gone for a shower and now it was full on aching again. “Wrist still giving you problems? Would you like me to go find Madam Pomfrey in the hall?” Professor McGonagall said with just a hint of sympathy Limestone thought. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine,” Limestone responded testily. “Suit yourself. Are you ready then? Trunk packed and ready for the elves to transport it?” “Yes, Professor McGonagall. Even brushed Teeth’s fur and teeth,” Limestone stated with just a hint of pride etched in her voice at her accomplishment. Sat a little way away looking somewhat bored Teeth chose that moment to show off his perfectly glistening white teeth as Professor McGonagall glanced his way. He had now learnt that the cat lady was a worthy opponent that required stealth, cunning and skill to conquer, not just brute strength. “Yes, they look wonderful. I guess he will be coming with you?” Professor McGonagall said looking less than pleased with the idea. “Well, unless you would prefer him apparating into the middle of the ceremony and causing a huge scene,” Limestone responded. Professor McGonagall looked somehow even less happy with that possibility. “Fine, just keep the brute under control. One hair out of line and I will have him banished from the castle and the sooner the better I say, especially as I swear I found my own personal chambers smelling of dog urine last night.” “His name is Teeth, not brute nor mutt nor thing or anything else, it is Teeth,” Limestone growled. “And he was with me all evening, so stop imagining things. Now, are we ready to go?” “Follow me,” and without another word Professor McGonagall turned and headed for the exit. Limestone whistled and Teeth immediately came trotting to her side as they followed Professor McGonagall in silence for nearly ten minutes as they crossed the castle until she was pushed into a small, dimly lit, empty chamber. “I shall be back shortly,” Professor McGonagall said sharply before slamming the door behind her and departing. Limestone looked around her surroundings, there was nothing of note aside the torches lighting the room, so she decided her only real option was to find a quiet corner to sit down in and wait whilst giving Teeth’s head a good scratch. “My, my, what do we have here, isn’t she a peculiar one,” a hollow sounding voice suddenly echoed throughout the chamber. Limestone looked up from staring at the floor to see a gaggle of ghosts staring back at her. “Sorry, I’m not that bored,” she said flatly looking up to the ceiling. “Rude to, probably destined for Slytherin,” the initial ghost responded. “I should certainly think not!” one of the other ghosts objected. “The feelings mutual. Professor Snape has already threatened to expel me if I end up in his house,” Limestone countered, grudgingly ending up involved in the discussion. “I should think so to,” the second ghost exclaimed. Limestone ignored him. “Whilst Professor McGonagall has threatened to banish my puppy from the castle if I end up in her house.” “Oh, you poor thing!” A female ghost this time. “He seems like an extremely well-behaved Hellhound for such a young age.” Limestone turned her attention onto the female ghost. “I know right! Just because she’s an old cranky, crazy cat lady and he might have peed on her a touch when they first met, it’s just not fair. And I know I won’t get into Ravenclaw either, I’m not that level of smart. Heck, my writing is barely legible, emphasis on the barely.” “A true shame,” the female ghost said sympathetically. “But there is still Hufflepuff, the house of patience, loyalty and dedication.” “Humph, don’t think you can dump the rude little street urchin into my house,” the first ghost interjected. “I wasn’t trying to; I was just saying…” the female ghost countered. “Well don’t and what’s so funny?” the first ghost exclaimed, scowling at Limestone. It was only now that Limestone acknowledged the four ghosts in front of her. The nearest to her was a squat chubby fellow, then there were two more males, one with his head practically hanging of and another wrapped in chains and covered in something Limestone hoped was not blood. The final ghost, the sole female one, resembled a beautiful young lady who sported a single dark patch on her chest that Limestone was certain was not just blood but the lady’s own blood. Limestone felt it best not to ask about it. “It’s just that I’m sure if you looked up patience in the Equestrian dictionary back home you would find the definition dealing with Pinkie Pie on a daily basis. Ah fuck it, now you stupid ghosts have brought a tear to my eye. Why do I miss that energetic furball so much? She was the most annoying, reckless, foolhardy, crazy sister anypony could ever have asked for and I wished almost every day she would just disappear and now that I will probably never see her again, I bucking miss her loads,” Limestone ranted, not really directing the last of her words at any of the ghosts in particular. The scowl on the chubby fellow’s face softened. “Because she’s family and no matter how much they drive us mad, family stick together. Just look at us four, a monk, a nearly headless nobleman and a lady and her murderer. Even Peeves, who drives us all mad from time to time we still all love and respect him dearly. Would you mind telling me though why you won’t be seeing your sister again? Did something happen to her?” “It’s a long story that I’d rather not get into but she didn’t listen to our parents and I then had to save her from a landslide and ended up in an entirely different world because of it,” Limestone griped. “Heck, that’s why I’m probably so freaking nervous right now, because if I don’t get into Hufflepuff I’ve frankly nowhere else to go! Even if Teeth is great company. Erm, why are you two staring at me like that, it’s kind of unnerving.” The chubby ghost shook his head and managed to regain his composure. “That is because my dear, the most loyal and dedicated thing one can do is to sacrifice oneself for one they hold dearly to thy heart. The hat will have no problem in sorting you into Hufflepuff.” “You really mean that?” Limestone replied, wiping away the tears from her eyes. The chubby ghost never got the opportunity to reply as just then the sound of footsteps and voices could be heard in several directions and a moment later the door to the small chamber opened, with Professor McGonagall stepping in with the rest of the first years. “Here, what are you ghosts doing here?” Professor McGonagall said disapprovingly. “Causing havoc, no doubt. Well, off with you now. I need to prepare our new students for the upcoming ceremony without you distracting them,” she finished, shooing the ghosts away. Limestone took the opportunity to shuffle away into a dark corner with Teeth so as not to draw attention to herself, for now at least. As they floated away through the wall, the chubby and female ghosts waved goodbye to her and she did likewise to be polite just as Professor McGonagall began to address the crowd of nervous newbies. “Welcome to Hogwarts. Before you may take your seats in the Great Hall and enjoy the start-of-term-banquet you will need to be sorted into one of four prestigious houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. These have produced some of the finest witches and wizards in the world although it is not just because off this that this ceremony is of such importance. Whilst you are here your house will be like your family. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room. Each house is attempting to win the House Cup by collecting the most points from their triumphs throughout the year, a truly great honour. Beware though that rule-breaking will not be tolerated and will lose your house points. Due to this being an exceptional year I will reiterate that once more, rule-breaking will not be tolerated and will lose your house points. Furthermore, despite this being one of the lowest intakes of students in the history of Hogwarts, due to these exceptional circumstances we will be taking a strict zero-tolerance policy on any bullying and anyone found guilty of such an act could very well face immediate expulsion. This is your sole warning. Finally, to add to the peculiarities of this year, we have also been blessed with an anthropomorphic pony girl from another dimension. I would strongly advise not angering her as a rogue Irish Hellhound puppy has taken a liking to her and I would hate for one you to end up as his chew toy as it would involve an extremely large amount of paperwork for me.” The few murmurs that had started to circulate abruptly ceased. Shit, Limestone thought. So much for keeping a low profile. “Ya what. Have you bashed yer head mam,” a boy with a thick accent eventually asked what was on the minds of the entire crowd. Limestone sighed and stepped out of the shadows with Teeth at her side. “No, she hasn’t.” The response was mixed. Half the girls squealed at how cute she was, the other half screamed in terror upon seeing Teeth. Most the boys just stared wide eyed in disbelief at what they were seeing but a few were intrigued and thought the giant puppy was “awesome,” “cool,” and “wicked”. Oh, and there was one tanned girl with a cerise mohawk, her face covered in scars and one eye unfocused and clouded, that weirdly did not say a single word and instead just gave Limestone a look that sent shivers down her spine. “Order, order. As long as you don’t provoke the puppy directly or by harming its mistress, you will be absolutely fine,” Professor McGonagall reassured the crowd. “That’s a puppy!” one boy with ginger hair exclaimed. “Yeah, my family keeps an eye on one of the Hellhound colonies back in Ireland. Some of the adults are nearly ten feet tall and they went freaking crazy recently when one of their pups disappeared or more accurately was dognapped. Fecking animal traffickers. Well, at least we know where it ended up,” the first boy with the strong accent explained to one side of him. The ginger haired boy’s eyes widened. “Did you say ten feet?” he replied, the fear in his voice clear for everyone to hear. “Yeah, although that’s rare, more like eight feet maybe nine at a push.” The ginger haired boy simply stared at him looking like he was about to pass out in fright as two other girls on the edge of the throng of students entered the conversation. Both had their hair cut short, one brown, one black, and both looked unkempt and scraggly looking, especially for such a special, once in a lifetime occasion. “Cool, can we fight him?” Most the room, including Limestone, stared at the two girls as if they were mad. Professor McGonagall closed her eyes and let out a long, deep sigh. Twenty-eight students that would feel like dealing with fifty-six. This was going to be a long seven years. “No, you two may certainly not fight with the puppy. I do not need the three of you crashing through the wall into the Great Hall and scaring the rest of the student population half to death before you have even started your schooling here. Do I make myself clear?” The two girls sulked and grumbled in unison, “Yes Professor McGonagall.” “Excellent. Now, if there are no further interruptions or questions, good luck to every one of you in whichever house you are sorted into. You have a few minutes, so I suggest you tidy yourselves up before the ceremony begins, you two especially.” Professor McGonagall pointed at the two girls who had just spoken before finishing of her speech. I will be back shortly to bring you in,” Professor McGonagall finished, departing the chamber. Limestone retreated to her dark corner with Teeth, thankful that most her peers had opted to wisely avoid her for now. It had also helped that someone else had almost immediately taken the spotlight away from her once Professor McGonagall had left. Some boy called Harry Potter. Unfortunately, the two scruffy girls were not to be disheartened or put off by Professor McGonagall’s words. “I’m Susan,” the brown-haired one said. “And I’m Leanne,” the black-haired one said. Teeth growled in response. “You are agitating my puppy and you heard what old Mrs Miser said. She has already threatened to banish Teeth to the stables if I end up in Gryffindor, so scram,” Limestone said harshly through gritted teeth. The two girls snickered. “That’s a great nickname for her and yeah, she threatened to do the same to us if we chased any of the cats in the castle when she visited our families during the summer,” Leanne informed Limestone. “Yeah, don’t pay attention to her. She is tremendously discriminatory towards canines,” Susan added. “What?” Limestone replied lifting her right eyebrow in curiosity only for the door to reopen and Professor McGonagall to return. “We are ready for you now, come along please.” And with that they were all shepherded into a sort of line and then ushered from the waiting chamber back into the hallway and from there into a cavernous hall. Limestone barely even took in her surroundings due to the odd looks and murmurings she was getting from the seated students of the older years on the four tables that were laid out, one for each house. “My word, would you look at her, what a freak.” “What is that? We definitely haven’t covered that in Care of Magical Creatures.” “I know they were a little short on numbers this year due to the incident but this is ridiculous.” “Are they really just letting anything into Hogwarts now?” “Is that a horse?” “I wonder if that girl’s a little horse?” And so on and so forth. Limestone opted to just zone out and ignore them all until she reached the front of the hall with the rest of her year mates. It was here that a fifth table had been set up on a stage parallel to the others where all the staff now sat awaiting the ceremony. Limestone and her peers found themselves waiting just in front of this stage, where a moth ridden hat sat on a pedestal was the focus of everyone’s attention. And then to all the first years aside Limestone’s surprise, the hat began to sing. The fact the hat didn’t make her even flinch told her instantly that she had spent way too long in the company of her sister and her peculiarities. It actually had a pretty decent voice, for a hat, she thought and she listened intently to its informative and quirky little tune until it finally came to its inevitable conclusion and a huge round of applause reverberated around the hall. Once that finally subsided, Professor McGonagall stepped forward and unfurled a scroll in her right hand before addressing the first years once more. “We shall be going in surname alphabetical order starting with Bones, Susan. Don’t feel shy, just go up, take a seat on the stool and put on the hat. It will determine which house you belong in after a short period.” Susan wasn’t fazed in the slightest and bounded up to the stool without any inkling of fear. What amazed Limestone was that every student on three out of four of the tables had stood up and given the strange girl a standing ovation. There was obviously something she was missing. “Hufflepuff!” the hat cried to huge cheers from one of the tables as the other two continued to politely clap as Susan made her way to the table of her new house. As the silence once more overcame the hall, Professor McGonagall said the second name on her list, “Boot, Terrance” another standing ovation erupted around the hall. This was all very strange Limestone thought. Were they going to do this for every new student? And why wasn’t one of the houses participating? “Ravenclaw!” the hat cried this time to huge cheers from the Ravenclaw table as the other two politely clapped Terrance of stage. As the hall fell silent once again, Professor McGonagall read of the third name from her list. “Brown, Lavender,” and this time the biggest standing ovation of the lot broke out as a rather nervous looking girl made her way onto the stage and put the sorting hat on. Still the fourth table refused to participate. “Quiet please,” Professor McGonagall had to insist as the din went on. “Let the hat think please.” Slowly and reluctantly the hall quietened to the level of whispers and murmurs between individual groups of friends until the hat bellowed, “Gryffindor!” and a cacophony of noise exploded from the Gryffindor table even if Professor McGonagall looked less than pleased. Limestone was also pretty sure she saw the girl apologise to the professor as she went past her. This was getting stranger by the minute. It took several minutes for the hall to finally settle after this latest placement and allow Professor McGonagall to ask for the next name to come up to the stage. “Bulstrode, Millicent.” Utter silence gripped the hall. This really freaked Limestone out and Millicent did not seem at all happy with her reception but ignored it and continued up to the stage. A minute later the hat roared “Slytherin!” The one table that had so far remained silent roared with delight as they welcomed their first new housemate. The level of tension in the air was growing by the minute. Michel Corner was up next and the applause returned once more before he was sorted into Ravenclaw. It disappeared in an instant when Vincent Crabbe’s name was read out and Limestone was not in the slightest bit surprised when the squat boy was sorted into Slytherin. And then came Tracey Davies. Limestone honestly thought a brawl might break out as boos reverberated around the hall alongside calls of “Judas,” “Traitor,” “Snake,” and many more unsavoury terms. “Order, order. If you do not stop this harassment, I shall be forced to…” McGonagall tried only for an older Ravenclaw to interrupt her from the back of the hall. “What? Punish us for making a stand. This should be one of the proudest days of my life seeing my younger brother sorted into his Hogwarts House and instead I’m forced to watch the sons and daughters of the ones who murdered innocent children like him. I can just about ignore them,” he pointed a finger initially towards the Slytherin table and then slowly manoeuvred it in Tracey’s direction, “But her, her I cannot forgive for what her family has done.” The boy proceeded to spit on the floor before turning and heading for the exit. “I’d rather go hungry than eat in her presence.” And with that concluding statement the doors to the hall slammed shut behind him. And then one by one others stood up and followed the boy’s lead. Limestone looked up to the stage at the elderly headmaster who looked concerned but did nothing to stop them until eventually the door slammed behind the final one and that all to uneasy silence once more fell upon the hall. “Would anyone else prefer to eat in their dormitory?” Headmaster Dumbledore eventually asked rising from his seat. “We legally cannot allow you, our students, to go hungry, so food will be sent to the dorms for those that have sadly decided to leave us. Might I just remind any others who do opt to leave us that here at Hogwarts we are all about unity and inclusivity, attempting to mend the broken bridges of the past to unify Britain’s broken magical community for a brighter future. As, if we do not attempt to learn from the mistakes of our past and reunite our wizarding community, these same mistakes will only happen again in the future and I think we all know what that will lead to.” A few others who had begun to shuffle in their seats remained seated. After several minutes without anyone else moving, Headmaster Dumbledore signalled to Professor McGonagall to continue and sat back down. It was to no surprise when a shellshocked Tracey was placed in Slytherin to a muted celebration and, with Dumbledore having quelled the unrest for now, the next ten students were all sorted without any further interruptions. Three each went to the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tables while two boys went to Hufflepuff and a girl and a boy to Slytherin, the latter two unsurprisingly to a few whispers from amongst the other tables. That left just eleven more students left to sort and Limestone started to feel just a little twitch of nervousness as the Ms began, knowing it would not be long now until she was called forth to take her turn with the hat. “Malfoy, Draco,” Professor McGonagall instructed to a round of grumbling and discontent from the Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables. Thankfully, with the staunchest rebels back in their common rooms, and Headmaster Dumbledore’s words still fresh in the remaining students’ minds, no one opted to disrupt the ceremony further with a proper objection, much to Limestone’s relief. The tension in the air was still incredibly thick and, looking over, she felt the Slytherin house especially were just waiting for one of the other tables to say something so they could start an argument. Once the boy was, to no real surprise, deposited into Slytherin practically before the hat had even touched his head, it was that other weird girl Leanne’s turn. Limestone was less than pleased when she was placed alongside her friend in Hufflepuff. Now she was facing the prospect of expulsion, sleeping in a stable, being totally out of her depth, or having to make peace and get along with a couple of weirdos. “Please, just let there be another girl I can spend all my time with,” Limestone muttered under her breath as Theodore Nott was called to the stage. Again, another quick decision from the hat as Theodore was despatched into Slytherin. And then McGonagall was into the Ps. Now Limestone found her heart was racing and her hands were clammy. Thankfully, she was at least not up first, that honour fell to Pansy Parkinson. When she rapidly joined Theodore in Slytherin though, Limestone knew, with only a further six other children around her, her time was almost certainly up. “Pie, Limestone,” And there it was. Taking a deep breath, she edged her way onto the stage, blocking out the whispering and murmuring that, to no great surprise, was going on behind her. The glowers from both Professors McGonagall and Snape were harder to ignore and put her even further on edge as she reached out and picked up the…” “HUFFLEPUFF,” the hat bellowed. Wait, what? She had barely even touched it, let alone got it anywhere near her head and already it had told her where to go. “YES, WE GOT THE HELLHOUND! SWEET!” Susan roared from the Hufflepuff table receiving Professor McGonagall’s stern glower in return along with a punch to the arm from Leanne as well. “Ow, that hurt. Okay, okay no need to give me that look. Woo, we got the pony girl, yay,” she cried a lot less enthusiastically. “Well, that was unusual, but nothing more so than the past couple of days. Move along now my dear,” McGonagall instructed flatly. Limestone, still in a sort of daze, headed off to the Hufflepuff table with a whistle to Teeth to join her. Grudgingly, Limestone forced herself into the gap Susan had made for her on the long bench she was sat on, with Leanne on her other side. It was as she sat down that she heard a voice from the Slytherin table behind her. “About right, another freak for the zoo.” Limestone ignored them, although Susan turned and looked like she was about to strike a retort back only to be silenced as the next name was called. “Potter, Harry,” The round of applause was back and this time somehow even louder even with less people as cheers and table drumming accompanied the clapping before the three tables began chanting “The boy who lived,” over and over in unison. Limestone really needed some context. “Quiet please,” McGonagall requested as Harry took his seat and placed the hat upon his head. The biggest cheer of the night erupted when the hat exclaimed “GRYFFINDOR!” It took a while for the commotion to die down but just when Limestone thought things could not get any more bizarre, the next name was called out. “Prewett, Scoti.” Limestone found herself dragged to her feet as the clapping began once again but this time much more reserved and civil. She even noticed a few of the teachers standing up and applauding the girl, who was the same one with cerise hair she had seen earlier. The girl seemed totally unfazed by all the attention and simply repeated what all those before her had done by picking up the hat and placing it upon her head. The clapping immediately ceased. “The girl who survived the Cruciatus Curse thirty-six times. I have waited a long time to meet you. Now, where to place you? Hmm, yes, I know the house of Snakes is a no but of the other three, what would best suit thee? Your courage and bravery know no bounds, that I can be sure of. And your promise as a seer would make you an idol fit in the house of the eagle. Even so, I feel that for you, the silent recluse, what you need most is a new family to call your own and what better place to find it than in the house of the badger with pony and wolf, where new friends and fun times await. Yes, HUFFLEPUFF!” the hat eventually concluded to a massive round of applause. The girl meanwhile just shrugged her shoulders and headed to the Hufflepuff table. Limestone closed her eyes and slumped back onto the bench. She really should have specified what type of girl she wanted to spend her time with. Now she was stuck with two weirdos and likely a mentally unstable recluse for the next seven years of her life. If she ever, somehow, got back home, she would pulverise her sister for the chaos she was putting her through. And then that snarky snake just had to go and open his fat mouth again behind her. “Wow, now the collection is truly complete. Hufflepuff truly is the retards house,” he chorused to a round of laughter from his peers Limestone opted to ignore the jibe, the two girls either side of her on the other hoof, did not. “Oh, so you think we’re a joke, do you?” Leanne replied coldly. Limestone looked to her left and had to blink twice. The girl was suddenly covered in fur and her now bulging muscles were attempting to burst through her clothes. “Erm, Susan, what’s…” Limestone stopped in her tracks upon seeing the girl on her other side going through a similar transformation except rather than black fur, hers was a creamy brown. Teeth let out a low growl from the floor but the two girls ignored him as they walked past and instead approached the boy Draco on Slytherin’s table who suddenly looked like he was about to piss himself in fear. “Let us give you a little tip snake face,” Leanne said ominously appearing on one side of the boy. “Never,” Susan began from the other side. “Ever,” Leanne added the next word. “Fuck,” “With,” “LYCANS,” both girls finished simultaneously slamming their hairy fists down upon the hefty wooden table and turning it into a pile of firewood. Limestone stared in amazement as the girls came back, Susan giving Scoti a high five as she sat down. “What, no high five for me?” Leanne quipped, looking a little saddened. “What the buck are lycans?” Limestone blurted in response. Leanne didn’t have the opportunity to reply as a mighty cheer erupted around the room for the two girl’s actions. “Order, order,” Dumbledore commanded once more trying to regain control. Eventually the cheering ceased. “Thank you, girls, for a demonstration of your strength, although next time please try not to take it out on the furnishings or other students. Now, I do believe we have four more students who have been waiting patiently to be sorted.” > A Lot of Context > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the end, none of the final four students ended up in Hufflepuff, leaving them with just the six new students and Limestone wondering how her current situation could get any worse. Ravenclaw also ended up with six new additions whilst Gryffindor received seven and Slytherin, much to the other houses displeasure, received the most with nine. As the last student took his place in Slytherin, Dumbledore arose and addressed everyone for a third time. “Alright, settle down everyone. That was most certainly one of the more interesting sorting ceremonies we have had in a while and I am sure you are all desperate for something to eat. But, before that, a few announcements. A reminder that the forest in the grounds is strictly out of bounds and full of dangerous creatures such as giant spiders, wolves and the like that will eat you if they find you in their domain.” Limestone’s eye twitched. “Great, just great,” she muttered to herself whilst internally telling herself to stop wondering how things could get any worse as they always, somehow or other, could. “Secondly, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death,” the headmaster went on. Oh, for buck’s sake. So, the danger wasn’t just outside the castle, it was inside to. Nice to know. “Thirdly, as you might have just noticed, several of our latest acquisitions suffer from lycanthropy. Now, I understand a few of you will be worried but I can assure you that we have put in place rigorous safety measures to prevent any accidents from occurring.” Okay, she had no idea what lycanthropy was but it didn’t sound good and she was sharing her dorm with two girls who had it. What next, was this all a sham and the real initiation was being thrown into the lake with her feet submerged in concrete blocks? “Lastly…” Here it came, Limestone thought to herself. “As you are all aware from the letters we sent out over the summer, this is a particularly difficult year for the school and as such we have taken the decision to insert a zero-tolerance to bullying policy. Anyone found breaching this will be immediately expelled and their wand snapped in two with no option of an appeal. Take this as your one and only warning.” Limestone couldn’t help but notice the elderly headmaster directing his gaze towards the Slytherin table upon finishing this final point. “Now, without further ado, Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you and enjoy the feast,” Dumbledore exclaimed as he sat back down to a huge cheer from the students as the empty dishes in front of them had become laden with food. Looking behind her, Limestone was also astonished to see four massive bowls had appeared in front of Teeth, who had quite happily tucked in to whatever he had been given. She swiftly turned back, the dog’s manners, or rather lack of them, starting to make her queasy. Also, if she didn’t act quickly, she was pretty sure the two girls either side of her would eat everything that was available and if not them, Scoti, who, despite her punitive size, had already managed to acquire a plate laden with delicacies. Thankfully, the two Lycans and many others on the table did not seem overly fond of vegetables and thus Limestone found it quite easy to fill her plate with what she wanted. To begin with everyone was too busy eating to say anything but as the food started to dwindle, Limestone felt it was time to get some answers. “Okay, now that we’re all fed, although I’m not sure I want to know, would one of you three like to fill me in on like everything that just happened?” Limestone pressed. “What exactly do you mean? Wait, are you really from another dimension?” Susan responded. “I thought Professor McGonagall had already covered that,” Limestone deadpanned in reply. Susan was about to enquire further when she felt a tap on her shoulder from her other side. “Huh, what do you want Scoti. Oh, a letter for her, okay. Here, no idea what it says but maybe it will answer some of your questions, who knows?” Susan stated passing Limestone the letter. Inside was a piece of parchment with four questions and answers on. Why the clapping and cheers for some and not others? Twenty years or so ago a war broke out as a nefarious wizard who now only goes by He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named gained enough support and power to attempt to topple the Ministry of Magic, our government, and form a new order solely run by pure-bloods, with muggle-borns and those with mixed heritage either killed or enslaved as second class citizens. The clapping was in support of those whose families opposed and fought against such tyranny whilst those whose families supported He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named were shunned for their families prior actions. Isn’t that a little unfair on children who weren’t even born at the time? He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and his followers murdered many good muggles and wizards in their eleven years of tyranny and committed countless atrocities. My entire family aside my aunt Molly were wiped out and I was kidnapped and brutally tortured by one of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named’s top generals, Bellatrix Lestrange, during the greatest atrocity to ever hit wizarding kind worldwide in 1981. I was one year old and you shall see more of the scars I bare in due time. Thus, it is not that easy for many of us to forget the past and forgive those families involved. What was this great atrocity of 1981? On Halloween night in 1981 Voldemort and his followers targeted nineteen wizarding families that had defied them and prevented them from taking control of the Ministry for Magic for eleven long years, specifically those with one year old children for some unknown reason. Such information on the location of these families and the age of their children were obtained over several months by a traitor in the Ministry, Oswald Davies, who himself had fallen in love with a muggle and had then proceeded to marry and have a daughter with her, Tracey. To protect his own family, he selfishly put others at risk as this information was pivotal to the attack that night that led to the deaths of thirty-four people, including fourteen one-year olds, whilst other families’ lives were changed forever. That girl you saw apologise to Professor McGonagall when leaving the stage survived the vicious attack to her but is now a werewolf. The only good thing to come out of this night was the fall of He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named himself, somehow defeated by a mere infant called Harry Potter. Still, his body was never recovered and there are fears he may one day return to seek revenge on Britain’s magical community. What Happened to Voldemort’s Followers? Some escaped and went on the run, others were imprisoned, whilst some avoided jail altogether by saying they had been under a mind control curse. You will likely have other questions, specifically to do with lycans and werewolves. The answers you seek for these can be found on your right and left. Scoti “Wow, that summed it up pretty well,” Susan commented having read the parchment herself over Limestone’s shoulder. “Did she just have this on her? That’s creepy,” Leanne commented having read the parchment over Limestone’s other shoulder. “Wait, didn’t the sorting hat say she was a seer?” Susan queried. “What’s a seer?” Limestone asked. “Someone who can predict and see the future through a variety of methods, such as dreams,” Leanne answered for her. “So, you’re telling me she had a dream as me and foretold what I wanted to know?” Limestone scoffed disbelievingly. “Sounds plausible to me. Why don’t we just, hey, where has she gone?” Susan said looking slightly worried that the girl on her right had slipped away unnoticed whilst she was reading the parchment she had passed onto Limestone. A small yip of delight from behind them caught their attention and they turned to see the most peculiar of sights, a well-fed dog laying on his back in a food coma whilst a petite girl gave him belly rubs with one hand. Meanwhile, in the other hand she held a sign that said, Yes, yes I did. “Clever girl,” Susan praised. “Agreed,” Leanne added. “Are neither of you going to question where she got the sign?” Both lycans shrugged their shoulders and stared at Limestone with blank expressions. Limestone’s head hit her hands. The bottom of the lake with concrete shoes was looking like the better option right now. And just like that Headmaster Dumbledore’s voice boomed round the hall once more. Limestone prayed for a miracle to get her out of this situation. “I hope you all enjoyed the main course but saved room for pudding because it will be on its way shortly. But first, several more announcements from staff. From Mr Filch the caretaker, a reminder that magic should not be used between classes in the corridors and that no one is to harass his cat Mrs Norris.” Limestone noticed that neither Leanne nor Susan looked particularly pleased at the last piece of that statement. To be fair, considering his reaction to Professor McGonagall, it was going to be incredibly hard for her to stop Teeth from chasing the cat if he ever caught sight of her. “Next, on behalf of Madam Hooch our flying instructor,” Dumbledore went on. “Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch or their head of house for more information. Thirdly, from Professor Sprout, please do not be alarmed by the giant cherry tree growing out of greenhouse three. Now, without further ado, I feel it is time for some dessert. Alka, Fidmong, Whomp.” And just like that an amazing array of puddings appeared on the tables, replacing the meagre remains of the main course. Limestone though wasn’t paying any attention, instead trying to desperately hide her head further in her hands. Why had he felt the need to bring that up? “Hey, you going to stand there like a can of dog food or are you going to grab some cake before Scoti eats them all, because, no joke, she’s just about taken a piece of everything available.” Limestone looked up to see Scoti holding up another sign whilst she was face deep in cake, just because I can’t speak doesn’t mean I can’t eat. And that was when, amongst all the other scars on her face, Limestone caught sight of the one that curved across the front of Scoti’s neck. “Oh, I didn’t realise you couldn’t actually…” Don’t worry about it. “Seriously, where are you getting all these signs.” Magic Limestone rolled her eyes and sat back down between Susan and Leanne. “So, when one of you are done devouring dessert, mind telling me what lycans and werewolves are?” “Sure,” Susan replied spitting cake everywhere. At this point Limestone was hoping they could not lose house points for table manners, otherwise they were in a lot of trouble. “Lycanthropy is usually a permanent disease passed on from werewolf to human through biting, if the human is unlucky enough to survive that is,” Leanne began after swallowing a large mouthful of chocolate fudge cake. “Unlucky?” Limestone queried filling her plate with an assortment of sweet treats. “Yes, you see what lycanthropy does is every full moon the infected host will transform into a mindless beast. Imagine a full-grown Teeth on two legs but untrainable, and that attacks everything around it, friends, family, doesn’t matter, and the worst part about it is the person knows exactly what they are doing but has no control over it. They are simply a passenger as the werewolf takes control for several nights a month,” Leanne explained. Limestone froze in the middle of picking up a slice of cheesecake while trying not to let the panic rising inside of her to seep out onto her face. “Don’t worry,” Susan’s muffled voice said through a mouthful of fudge cake. She paused momentarily as she swallowed the cake and then continued. “We’re naturally born werewolves or lycans as we prefer to be known. My dad’s a werewolf and both of Leanne’s parents are werewolves. Because of this we have greater control over our transformations, letting us transform whenever we like, although the current stage of the moon cycle determines how much effort we must put in and control we have. The closer we are to a full moon, the easier it us for us to transform…” “But also the harder it is for us to maintain control and not allow our full beast side out, at which point you should definitely run,” Leanne informed. “Thanks,” Limestone deadpanned sitting down with her selection of desserts, “I’ll make a note of that.” “You needn’t worry though, there’s a potion that will help us, and Lavender, maintain control during full moons,” Susan explained. “Yeah, it basically just makes us oversized sleepy dogs,” Leanne added with a giggle. “Plus, as lycans, we also have some freaky bonus powers, like the power to control werewolves, although we’re still discovering and learning about them.” “Why am I not in the slightest bit reassured by that?” Limestone griped in reply. “Seriously, everything is going to be fine and we are going to have a great time this year, just you wait and see. Plus, even the slightest nibble on anyone and our wands will be snapped in two and we’ll be expelled. And neither of us want that,” Susan explained. “I’ll remind you of that when you’re about to rip my head off,” Limestone grumbled. “I doubt that will ever happen and even if we do get out of control, you have your guard dog to protect you,” Leanne commented. “You mean that guard dog?” Limestone said pointing at Teeth laying on his back in a food coma. “Fat lot of good he would be right now.” As if to challenge her point, Teeth proceeded to let out a mighty fart that made Limestone cough. “Oh, Sweet Celestia, just what have you been eating, that’s foul.” Leanne and Susan both snickered in response as the sound of footsteps approached and before Limestone knew what was happening, she was in a headlock and being noogied. “There’s me little sis from another dimension. So happy to see you placed in the best house.” “Hi Kendra,” Limestone sighed forcing herself out of the headlock. “What do you want?” “What do you mean by that?” Kendra replied with a half-hearted attempt at looking aghast at Limestone’s enquiry. “I’ve only known you for several days and yet I already know precisely when you want something, so spill it,” Limestone responded before taking a mouthful of her cheesecake. The girl next to Kendra tittered. Kendra chose to ignore her. “Well, I was just talking to my dormmate Bree here and several other girls from the upper years and they don’t believe me that you caused a full-size cherry tree to grow out of greenhouse three. So, I was wondering…” “No,” Limestone cut in firmly. “Pretty please?” Kendra pleaded. “No. For one I don’t even know how that happened and secondly, I don’t want to get in anymore trouble,” Limestone clarified as the other three first-year girls on her table stared at her in disbelief. “Did you really manage to destroy one of the greenhouses with a cherry tree?” Leanne queried. “Of course she couldn’t,” Susan argued. “Oh, she did but I doubt anyone will believe… hey, what are you doing?” Kendra exclaimed as Limestone stood up and poked the older girl’s nose with a finger. Bree and the three first year girls were all now staring at Kendra’s face in astonishment. “Huh, I am really surprised that worked,” Limestone commented as she sat back down and continued devouring her dessert. “What worked? Why are you all staring at me and why is my vision clouded by green?” Kendra asked nervously. “Erm, well, you know how you wanted her to prove she can magically grow plants, well, she…” Leanne stumbled unsure how to finish her sentence. “Grew a plant out of your nose,” Susan finished bluntly. Kendra’s eyes widened. “She what?” “Yeah, don’t ask me to reverse it because like before I have no idea how,” Limestone mumbled through a mouthful of cheesecake, joining in with her new dormmates terrible table manners. “Go see Madam Pomfrey, I’m sure she probably has something for it.” Kendra stared at the back of Limestone’s head lost for words as she reached up and felt the green stalk that now extended from her nose with her right hand. “Wow, I’ve never seen anyone ever make Kendra speechless before,” Bree commented with a giggle. “Come on, let’s go show everyone the proof, then see if Madam Pomfrey has a cure.” Kendra was in too much of a daze to refuse being pulled away by her friend. “By Kendra. Thanks for stopping by,” Limestone said without any remorse for what she had done as she returned to finishing the remains of her dessert. For a short while after that peace reigned all around the table. It was only as the first years finished their desserts that a nervous voice piped up across the table from the girls. “So, one of you is a mentally and physically traumatised seer who can’t speak, one of you is a pony from another dimension with the power to grow plants at will and has a hellhound for a pet, and the other two are werewolves.” “Lycans,” Leanne corrected him. “Right, Lycans. Anything else we have missed?” the boy asked tentatively. “Well, I also don’t know my father other than he’s a werewolf and a rapist scumbag,” Susan stated casually. “Oh, and that I only have one family member, my aunt Amelia, left alive now after my mother passed away,” The boy was left speechless by this. Limestone wondered if she should tell him about her uber powerful wand, probably best not to she thought. “I’ve eaten human before, only once though. Parents fed it to me accidentally when Voldemort sent some idiot low level wizards to kill me during their massive attack. I was too young to remember what it tasted like though,” Leanne commented nonchalantly. The boy, and the one beside him, both looked like they were about to drop dead with fear. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to eat you, hopefully. Well, I’m ninety nine percent sure I won’t,” Leanne tried poorly to reassure the two boys with a smile that revealed some unnervingly sharp teeth. Thankfully, and to everyone’s relief, the awkward conversation was brought to an abrupt halt by Professor Dumbledore’s booming voice from the front of the hall one final time. “I see we have all had our fill of sweets, so now it is time for us all to retire for a good night’s rest before lessons begin bright and early in the morning. First years, prefects will guide you to houses and your heads of house will meet you in your common rooms to pass you your timetables before bed and answer any lingering questions you may have. Lastly, a further reminder not to prank or provoke other students. We have already had one situation this evening that Madam Pomfrey is currently now having to deal with in the infirmary.” Dumbledore’s eyes, along with the entire contingent of first year Hufflepuffs, fell on Limestone, who just shrugged her shoulders in response. All she had done was do as Kendra had asked and prove she could grow plants with the touch of a hoof or finger. Kendra had not explicitly told her where to grow that plant so her nose was as good a place as any in Limestone’s eyes. “Now, before we all retire for the evening, let us all sing the school song to our own favourite tune. For those new to the school or who may have forgotten the words from last year, you will find the lyrics in front of you. Let us begin,” Dumbledore finished, preparing to start the song. Limestone looked at the lyrics that had magically appeared in front of her, shook her head and sat back in her chair. Yeah, not happening. “A reminder as well that anyone found not singing will be made to sing the whole thing in front of the school afterwards. I’m looking at you Severus,” the headmaster swiftly added to a round of groans and grumbles throughout the hall. “And now, without further ado, let us sing. Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy…” Limestone picked up the sheet of lyrics and reluctantly joined in the dreadful din that reverberated around the hall. > Who ya Gonna Call? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wow, for a pony, you sure have a wonderful singing voice,” Leanne commented as they followed one of the Hufflepuff prefects out of the hall. “One more word about my singing and werewolf or not I am sending you to the infirmary,” Limestone threatened. “Ooh, that sounds like a challenge. What is wrong, singing not fit in with your tough girl look?” Susan nipped in as they started down a long windy staircase. “Please, don’t encourage her. At least not until we are out of this narrow staircase and I don’t end up as collateral damage,” one of the boys pleaded from further down. “No promises,” Susan said while directing a wry smile towards Limestone. “Especially as her guard dog is currently out of commission.” Said dog would have still been in the Great Hall if not for Scoti effortlessly picking him up and carrying him on her right shoulder whilst barely breaking a sweat, much to the rest of the first year Hufflepuff’s surprise. The dog was bigger than the pint-sized girl on four legs, let alone two! “Can we please all just get to bed without murdering each other. I mean, seven years might be a stretch, seven days even, with you three, but I am sure you can all at least survive until bed time on the first night,” the second boy chipped in. Limestone still had not bothered to learn the names of either of them. “Fine,” Limestone grumbled reluctantly, realising she had no real choice. If she got expelled, goodness knows where they would send her and she did not want to push her luck and find out. “As I stated, no promises. I personally think one with such a wonderful singing voice should be given a makeover to better suit such talent and tonight before bed could be a fantastic opportunity to do so,” Susan pressed only to receive a tap on the back of the head from Leanne coming down the stairs behind her. “Drop it. I’m fully fed, tired and want my bed. The last thing I need is you two keeping me awake while destroying our dorm on our very first night. I’m sure there will come a time and place where we can have a good old-fashioned wrestle but tonight is definitely not that night unless you want me to bathe you with the sweetest smelling soap I can find,” Leanne stated firmly. “You wouldn’t dare,” Susan countered. “Try me. Your aunt gave me ten bottles of shampoo and shower gel of smells you detest the most, because she knows fully well how you like to take things too far,” Leanne explained. “She didn’t,” Susan retorted looking aghast momentarily before a crestfallen look of acceptance crossed her face. “Actually, that is exactly something she would do, the wretch. Can I at least have an arm wrestle with the seer before bed?” Leanne rolled her eyes but couldn’t deny how hard the past year and a half for Susan had been since her mum passed away and she had been forced to move from being Leanne’s next-door neighbour of nearly seven years to go live in the Bones ancestral home in a practical prison cell, even if Leanne had been allowed to visit after Susan had thrown a massive temper tantrum. After that Susan’s aunt had rapidly learnt that Leanne was an integral part in controlling her niece’s lycan side. “If she agrees fine. But if you lose, you are heading straight for the bathtub,” Leanne relinquished. “Sweet. And when I win, it will be you heading for the tub,” Susan countered with a sudden spring in her step. “Wait, what, I never agreed to that?” Leanne argued as they reached the bottom of the stairs. “To late. Hey Scoti, want to make a bet?” Susan stated, squeezing past her housemates to reach the girl at the front of the queue. Leanne looked up at the ceiling hoping for a miracle. * “Whoa, this is nice,” Susan exclaimed with a broad smile as she pulled herself out of the tunnel that had led from the entrance to their common room. “I wouldn’t know,” Limestone grouched just behind her. “All I’ve got is a face full of arse.” “Sorry grouchy pants,” Susan responded cheekily moving to one side and allowing Limestone to manoeuvre out of the tunnel and assess her surroundings. She was in a large, low-ceilinged circular room decorated with all kinds of flora, magical and non-magical. Small circular windows were situated high up in the walls whilst comfy looking sofas were dotted all over the place and the portrait of a cheery, portly witch hung above a cosy fireplace. “Hmm, could use more rocks but otherwise it will do,” Limestone surmised before she was captured in a massive hug. “So happy to have you with us and the same goes for all of you,” Professor Sprout exclaimed whilst slowly releasing the stunned Limestone. “And the same goes for all of you. My name is Professor Pomona Sprout, teacher of Herbology and head of Hufflepuff house here at Hogwarts. I like to think of my house as the most inclusive here at Hogwarts, judging students on their actions rather than who they are, what they are or where they come from. Yes, we may be the subject of a few cruel jokes because we don’t win much but what you will find in this house is family that shall stand beside you for the rest of your lives and be willing to help you no questions asked when you need it. Now, if none of you have any questions, please collect a timetable from the table over there and then Miss Fairweather here will show you to your dorm where your trunks have already been brought in for you. Miss Prewett, I have yours in my hand as you have an extra class scheduled for Friday afternoon.” The six first years proceeded to pick up a timetable from the desk as Scoti went straight over to Professor Sprout to collect hers. “Oh, and one more thing,” Professor Sprout announced. “You may notice that there are numerous free periods on your timetables. I expect you all to use these periods to study diligently with one another either in here or in the library. There will be exams at the end of your first year and I expect none of you to fail. I am the only current head of house to never have a single student resit a year and that is a proud record I intend to keep. You are all highly intelligent students in your own ways and I am ecstatic to have each and every one of you as additions to my house, so please, don’t let me down. I will see you all in the Great Hall tomorrow morning to collect you for your first Herbology lesson so that you do not get lost. Would not want you late for your very first lesson now, would we?” And, without waiting for a response, she turned and departed the common room for her own quarters. “Okay, everyone got a timetable? Great, then follow me,” Miss Fairweather instructed, turning and heading for a tunnel across the way not bothering to look behind her to see if anyone was keeping up. Limestone pocketed the timetable with barely a glance and fell into step with her year mates, Susan and Leanne excitedly chittering to each other about their lessons next to her. “The Hufflepuff common room is the most secure of all the common rooms and the only one of the house common rooms never to be breached by outsiders since Hogwarts was founded. Even in the unlikely event a non-Hufflepuff was able to remember the intricate system of knocks and breach the common room, the dorms are designed like a badger sett and infused with magical defences. This means that it is a maze down here and unless you know precisely where you are going, it is extremely easy to get lost, especially for you first years as our youngest members dorms are located at the heart of the sett for protection purposes,” Miss Fairweather explained like a tour guide as she moved swiftly down one corridor, then of down a side passage to the left, then back right twice and so on and so forth. Limestone had no idea how she would ever find her way out of her dorm in the morning! “Do not worry though as until you are accustomed to finding your dorm, we prefects will be happy to assist guiding you from and to your dorm every morning and evening. Just don’t leave anything you require for the day behind,” the prefect continued before stopping at a dead-end corridor. Two heavy looking oak circular doors sat on either side. “Boys to the left as girls are always right. And don’t try to enter each other’s dorms unless you like flying without… hey, what did I just…” she never finished as Susan placed her hand on the boy’s door and immediately went shooting backwards into the rest of the first years. “Cool!” Susan exclaimed, untangling herself from the mass of limbs that now covered the floor. “I want to do that again.” “Oh no you don’t or no arm wrestling before bed,” Leanne said firmly grasping her friend’s wrist as she pulled herself up. “But, but,” Susan looked at her pitifully. “Seriously? The puppy dog look. You know fully well that does not work on other canines. And don’t you even think about exploring down here, who knows how many students have been lost over the years?” Leanne retorted sternly. “No one has died, although one first year did go mad after getting lost for more than a week and ended up killing themselves by jumping of the astronomy tower thinking they were a Thestral. His mangled corpse of a ghost now floats between the two first year dorms constantly wailing and moaning in his never-ending quest to find a way out of the sett,” the prefect informed them. The first year’s reactions to this were mixed as they finished picking themselves up of the floor. The boys, understandably, looked terrified, Leanne looked concerned, Limestone annoyed, Susan ecstatic, and Scoti’s face was just unreadable. Everyone’s faces became looks of confusion though when the prefect doubled over with laughter. “Your faces,” she finally managed to wheeze. “Got you all good. Now, in all seriousness, please do not explore the sett as although it would take us no more than several hours to find you, it is a waste of everybody’s time and effort to do so and Professor Sprout would in return have you tidying up the greenhouses for a week after classes. Furthermore, please do not try to activate any of the defences or you will face the same punishment and more than likely time in the infirmary to.” “Wait, so is there or is there not a ghost?” Susan enquired looking disappointed at the fact the ghost might not be real. “Only our house ghost the Fat Friar and he doesn’t come down here. Your dorms are totally ghost…” The door to the girl’s dorm opened and two ghostly pale figures stepped out moaning and wailing whilst rattling chains in their hands. The boys and the prefect screamed as a ghostly hand slowly pointed at Limestone. “WE WANT THAT ONE!” the ghosts bellowed. Everyone took a hasty step back as Leanne gave Limestone a gentle nudge forward. The pony girl gave the Lycan a scathing glance in return before turning to face the ghosts. “Yeah, and why do you… wait a minute,” Limestone said, finally getting a good look at the two ghosts in the dim torchlight of the hall. A second later she found a bucket of putrid smelling slime dumped on her head. “Got you,” Kendra chuckled before racing of down the hall with Bree right behind her. “BREEEEEE, I WILL BE TELLING SPROUT ABOUT THIS. THIS IS NOT HOW PREFECTS SHOULD BE ACTING,” Miss Fairweather bellowed down the hallway. “Oh, don’t worry, it looks like someone has woken up after their after-dinner nap. Do you want to play boy?” Limestone said emotionlessly as she removed the bucket from her head and held out a scrap of cloth for Teeth to sniff. Find and play boy, find and play.” Teeth apparated away and seconds later a scream reverberated down the tunnel followed by “LIMEY CALL HIM OFF, CALL HIM OFF, PLEEAAAAASE CALL HIM OFF.” Limestone though ignored Kendra’s please for mercy and instead headed for what she guessed was the bathroom for a nice long shower before bed. * “How? How is she so strong?” “Doesn’t matter, it’s bath time for you.” “No, please, anything but that!” Limestone emerged from the bathroom half an hour later to see Scoti with a massive smile on her face and an equally massive stack of coins by her side. Across from her sat a dejected and disconsolate looking Susan. “Should have thought about that before you challenged a seer to a bet,” she heard Leanne state before witnessing the girl grasp Susan in a headlock and then drag her away to the second bathroom that occupied their dorm room. “Let me guess, you whooped her arse at arm wrestling,” Limestone said frankly as she made her way over to her trunk at the end of a massive bed and foraged for some fresh pyjamas. Five times, even tried to cheat the last time and still lost, Scoti replied with a sign. “Fair play. Night Scoti,” Limestone said politely as she finished getting dressed and jumped into the softest bed she had ever come across. In an instant Limestone found herself drifting off to a sleep so deep that even when the inevitable howling began in the bathroom, she did not awaken. > Herbology 101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the following morning over breakfast when Limestone got a good look at her timetable over a piece of toast and jam. Overall, she had eight classes. Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms and Flying all began today whilst History of Magic, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA) and Astronomy began tomorrow. She was least looking forward to Flying obviously while the late-night Astronomy class was going to be interesting to say the least. She had never once been up that late back on the rock farm. Their motto had always been early to bed, early to rise and this morning had been a great example of this. She had been up an hour earlier than Scoti and both she and the other girl had had to wake up the two lycans, who it was clear, were not morning animals. The prefect from the night before, whose name they now knew was Maddie, had come to collect them just before 8am and she had been forced to sort the state both Leanne and Susan were in, even if the latter’s short hair remained a frizzy mess from her unwanted bath the night before. Both girls were now devouring an enormous and entirely meat-based breakfast across from Limestone with cups of tremendously strong coffee. Neither girls table manners had improved overnight and both continued to eat, well, like wolves. At least this meant Limestone was able to avoid any awkward small talk and eat her breakfast in peace. That was until she received a gentle tap on her shoulder. “Oh, hi Kendra, nice accessory,” Limestone deadpanned. “Get this damn dog of my arm,” Kendra grumbled with clear dark circles under her eyes. Clamped onto her left arm with his namesake, was Teeth. “Teeth, breakfast,” Limestone said, pushing two heavy laden bowls of food out from under the table. Teeth immediately let go, fell to the ground, and started on his breakfast. “Thanks for keeping him entertained last night, hope he wasn’t too much of a handful,” Limestone said cheekily as she turned back to begin on a bowl of cereal. Kendra’s right eye twitched before a manic grin crossed her face. “Not at all Limey,” she said ruffling Limestone’s hair. “Hope you enjoyed your slime shower and you have a great first day. Oh, you’ve your first Flying lesson today and at the same time I have a free period, how coincidental, I will have to come and watch, along with a few friends.” Limestone coughed and spluttered on her cereal. “Really, there is no need. I’m sure you have much better things to be getting on with.” “Nonsense. I also want to catch the youngest ever witch or wizard to pass their broomstick flying aptitude test in action,” Kendra argued turning to Scoti next to her. “I’ve heard great things about you and I’m sure Melody will find a spot on the quidditch team for you. Where do you play? I’m a Beater myself but sadly am having to step away this year due to other priorities.” Beater, Scoti replied not even turning to acknowledge the older girl as she continued with her breakfast. “You don’t say,” Kendra replied examining the pint-sized girl in front of her. “Wait, don’t tell me…” Scoti paused in eating her breakfast and slowly pulled back a sleeve of her robes too show of the biceps on her right arm. She then proceeded to make a slicing motion across the scar on her neck while holding a finger to her lips. “The Falmouth Falcons U18’s infamous Slytherin Slayer. I have got to go.” And just like that, Kendra was gone. Limestone was not sure what unnerved her more, the sudden departure of her annoying self-appointed older sister, the countless scars that covered Scoti’s arm, or the fact that both Susan and Leanne had paused in the annihilation of their breakfasts. “No way,” Susan muttered. “Seriously?” Leanne questioned. Scoti once more placed her finger to her lips. “Would one of you like to enlighten the pony from another dimension? For starters, what the buck is Quidditch?” Limestone interjected testily. “Oh, sorry Limestone, or should that be Limey?” Susan teased in response. Limestone’s eyes turned to slits as she picked up an apple and crushed it to pulp in her right hand. “That answer your question. Now spill.” “Okay, okay, Limey, no need to get so angsty. Quidditch is the number one magical sport. Played on broomsticks, on occasions it can result in serious injuries although nothing that magic cannot heal and usually such injuries only occur in professional matches. Well anyway, each of the five biggest teams in the United Kingdom and Ireland, one for each country, have an under-eighteen’s team that compete in a summer tournament at the start of August. It draws big crowds and is a great way for these teams to scout future possible players, with each team having picked their pool of players from trials at the start of July, the only rule being they must be eighteen or under at the start of the tournament,” Susan explained. “Okay, and I’m guessing this Slayer person is a player for one of these teams?” Limestone asked trying to keep up. “Actually, no. They play for a sixth team that do not host trials, the Falmouth Falcons. Instead, they send scouts to acquire certain players from these other clubs’ trials who may be good but don’t always fit with these clubs’ morals. The Falcons on the other hand have no problems with players with questionable ethics, their club motto even is Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads,” Susan went on. “All they ask in return is that all their players wear masks and never reveal who they actually are either during or after the tournament.” “Why?” Limestone queried. “Who knows? Possibly to prevent other teams from pinching any of the more decent ones who can be persuaded from playing dirty? Stealing players happens a lot in professional quidditch as galleons talk. Or it could be to avoid any serious repercussions from significant, high standing families unhappy with their style of play. The latter applies to the Slytherin Slayer and the Falcons U18s are notorious for being disqualified. Up until two years ago they had never made it to the final of the tournament before. This year they won their third title on the bounce. You want to know how?” Susan asked “Of course,” Limestone replied impatiently. “There are two players on either side called Beaters and it is their job to protect their fellow players from magical flying balls called Bludgers with clubs and possibly redirect these Bludgers towards the opposition. The Slytherin Slayer has not only mastered pin point accuracy through what must have been hours and hours of training, they are also able to hit these Bludgers with enough force to not just break but pulverise bones as they demonstrated on their debut. Despite being frowned upon, a Beater injuring all the opposing players is not an illegal method of ensuring victory. Interestingly, the Slayer only severely injures players whose family have links to Slytherin House or who sided with the pure-bloods during the wizarding war, thus the nickname. Most others are just given a rather nasty concussion or have their brooms so badly damaged they are forced to land and cannot continue,” Susan concluded. “And no one has tried to injure her in retaliation?” Limestone quizzed. “Of course, but the Slayer’s broom handling is incredible and as such no opposing Beater has ever managed to hit them with a Bludger,” Susan answered. “Also, as no one knows their true identity, nobody could possibly sabotage them of the pitch.” “I see,” Limestone said deep in thought as she went back to her cereal. Quidditch sounded like a truly bizarre game and one she most certainly would not be getting involved in. “So, are you the Slytherin Slayer?” Susan whispered across the table to Scoti who had quietly gone back to her breakfast and was now nearly finished. There was no response, not even a sign this time. Susan was about to press the matter further but was interrupted by Professor Sprout approaching the table. “I am glad to see you all made it to breakfast despite the antics of a certain few last night. I can assure you they have been given a stern talking to this morning although I must condone… my, what is that awfully pungent aroma?” The Herbology Professor enquired. Susan instantly forgot what she was about to do as her cheeks went bright red in embarrassment and she tried to hide her face behind her hands. Leanne on the other hand could not help but let out a snort of laughter, sending her mouthful of breakfast everywhere. This earnt her both a condescending look and a further question from Professor Sprout. “And what might I ask is so funny?” “Sorry Professor. It’s just, Susan couldn’t beat Scoti at arm wrestling last night so she received the bath of shame. I think that is a combination of vanilla and strawberry body wash with mint tea tree oil shampoo. That is also why her hair is so frizzy this morning,” Leanne answered for her friend as she guzzled down the final mouthfuls of her breakfast. “I smell revolting,” Susan mumbled through her hands. “I see,” Professor Sprout replied ignoring Susan’s murmurings and instead glancing over at Scoti, who had just finished the remains of her breakfast and in return gave her a warm, but somewhat unnerving, smile. At that point Professor Sprout was reminded of an old muggle saying, it is always the quiet ones you have got to watch out for. She certainly would need to keep an eye on all her female first years this year, that was for sure. “Anyway, I just wanted to come by and inform you all that we will be heading out in a couple of minutes, so please finish your breakfasts and meet me by the entrance, thank you.” “Wow, I think she was so put off by Susan’s luxurious fragrance, she forgot to tell you off for sending Teeth after Kendra last night,” Leanne exclaimed once Professor Sprout was gone. “Well, it is definitely something,” Limestone replied taking a banana from the fruit bowl in the centre of the table. “Still, could have been worse.” “How, how could this be any worse?” Susan griped still hiding her face behind her hands. “I could have given Leanne a bottle of Teeth’s dog shampoo.” Limestone said emotionlessly taking a bite out of the banana. “And Leanne just stole the last of your breakfast.” Susan removed her hands and stared down at her now empty plate, then at Leanne whose mouth was full of food. “What? I was still hungry and you were busy moping. You win some, you lose some,” Leanne spluttered spitting out half chewed up food all over Susan as she did so. Susan leapt at her friend and the two girls went rolling onto the floor in a tangle of limbs. “I believe you owe me a galleon,” Limestone said with a smirk turning to Scoti. Damn, even I didn’t see that happening before lunch. Double or nothing? Scoti suggested holding aloft a single galleon “Thanks, but I know to quit when I’m ahead, especially when up against a seer,” Limestone replied pocketing the galleon in her robes. Fair play, Scoti responded as the two girls admired the scrap that was taking place on the floor on the other side of the table. “They’re really going at each other, aren’t they?” Limestone commented as the two girls continued fighting for dominance. Werewolves. What did you expect, a pillow fight? “Good point,” Limestone noted. “Also, remind me if I ever get invited to a fancy shindig, never to invite one of them as my plus one.” Absolutely, Scoti stated as Leanne grabbed the fruit bowl from the table and smashed it over Susan’s head. The girl teetered dizzily for a second on her feet before collapsing in a heap on the floor. “Oops. Too far?” Leanne winced, turning to her other two dormmates, one eye barely open and looking like she had been attacked by a wild animal, which, technically, she had. “Just a touch,” Limestone said sarcastically. “The furry mittens and muzzle are a nice touch though.” “Oh shit,” Leanne said as her hands, sorry paws, came to rest on her muzzle. “First morning, first morning. You had better have a good reason for knocking out your dormmate Miss Moon,” Professor Sprout’s scathing voice cut through the throng of students that had gathered to watch the fight. “Just a friendly bit of sparring professor, nothing you need to worry… why is the room spinning,” Susan argued groggily from the floor, somehow managing to prevent her breakfast from coming back up. “Just look at the both of you, an embarrassment to our house. You are lucky it is the first morning otherwise I would be deducting points from the both of you, but that will still be detention for both of you after classes in the greenhouses later today and that is me being lenient. Take this as your one warning, fighting, even play fighting, will not be tolerated except on the playing fields and with a member of staff in attendance to prevent it from getting out of hand, understood?” Professor Sprout said sternly. “Yes, Professor Sprout,” Leanne said glumly, turning to face her irate head of house still in partial wolf form. “Good, now get yourself and Miss Bones to the infirmary. I’m sure an older student will be happy to give you directions. As for the rest of you, classes are about to start so chop chop, hurry on along. Unless you want to also be helping in the greenhouses later today,” Professor Sprout said taking charge. The crowd quickly dispersed, not wanting to anger the usually mild mannered Herbology Professor any further. As Leanne and Susan went off to try and locate the infirmary, Limestone and Scoti fell into step behind their still clearly infuriated head of house who kept muttering under her breath a mixture of sayings including “First morning” “Unbelievable” and “Those two will be the death of me.” Thankfully, by the time they had reached the greenhouses, Professor Sprout seemed to have calmed herself down. After a quick head count to ensure everyone aside Leanne and Susan were present, she addressed the latest additions to Hogwarts outside one of the many greenhouses that adorned the back of the castle. “For those of you not in Hufflepuff, I am Professor Pomona Sprout, Herbology Professor here at Hogwarts. Many of you right now are probably wondering how plants can have anything to do with magic? Well, there are two main answers to this question, the first of which I shall provide you with, the second I shall ask from you once we are inside. So, think carefully. The first major role plants have in magic is that there are many plants out there with magical properties of their own and these properties can be placed on a scale, from extremely helpful, like Dittany, to extremely dangerous, like Venomous Tentacula. It is for this reason why you are only permitted in the greenhouse behind me during your first year as all the other greenhouses contain dangerous specimens that are way above your current level. Your first year is all about gaining the knowledge from your core text book to be able to take care of each of the plants covered inside, along with what they are used for. Over time, as your confidence and skill blossoms, we will then look at tackling some more difficult specimens in the other greenhouses in your later years. Thus, this is why if any of you attempts to gain access to any of the other greenhouses this year, you will be immediately expelled, as your safety is paramount and I would not want any of you to come to any harm, understood?” “Yes, Professor Sprout,” The students answered as one. “Excellent. There is your one warning, I hope you heed it.” And with that Professor Sprout turned, and, taking a ring of many keys from her belt, unlocked the greenhouse. “There are seven tables, four students to each although there will now be two tables with only three due to two of my students ending up in the infirmary this morning,” Professor Sprout finished with a clear edge to her voice. In the end, Limestone and Scoti ended up on a table with the two Gryffindor girls, Hermione and the third werewolf, Lavender, who both sported pale complexions and long frizzy brown hair. In the middle of the table sat four white plants. “Limestone and this is Scoti,” Limestone said introducing herself and her housemate. “She speaks using signs, don’t ask. Hermione and Lavender, correct?” “Yes, a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Hermione replied a little to pompously for Limestone’s liking. Lavender on the other hand just gave a timid nod in reply. “Okay, settle down please,” Professor Sprout ordered from the front of the greenhouse. “Now, before we begin with your first lesson properly, who believes they can answer my question from outside. What is the second major role plants have in magic?” Hermione’s hand immediately shot into the air. “Yes, Miss Granger isn’t it.” “Potions ingredients professor, such as what we have on the table here…” “Very good, ten points to Gryffindor and apologies to cut you off, I just didn’t want you spoiling this week’s lessons for everyone. For you see, in front of you are four plants that play a vital part in a variety of potions. Three of these are three of the sixteen variations of Asphodel. Although these variations can be used interchangeably in potions, certain variations seem to work better in some potions than others do. Furthermore, Asphodel is a very pernickety plant and every variation has its own particular set of needs. Thus, your objectives across this week’s lessons are the following,” Professor Sprout informed, picking up a stick from the desk at the front of the classroom and using it to point at a blackboard that she had already set up. 1) Figure out which three of the four plants are variations of Asphodel and what these variations are. 2) Figure out what the mystery fourth plant is. 3) Discover what potion each form of Asphodel is best used for. 4) Discover what the mystery plant is used for. 5) Work out a specific care routine for each form of Asphodel. 6) Work out a specific care routine for the mystery plant. 7) Note any further pertinent information. “I expect you to work together on your tables to answer these questions. Maybe you work in teams of two and target a question each per lesson and then share your findings between each other after class. Or maybe you target a question each over two lessons and then target five and six in pairs, or tackle every question together, the choice is yours. You will be applying what you learn practically next week. Good luck, you may begin.” A cacophony of noise started up as the groups of first years discussed how they were going to tackle the problems laid out before them. “Well, I believe I can answer the second question straight away,” Hermione said smugly. “Go on,” Limestone nudged, the girl’s attitude was already getting on her nerves. “Examine the stems of each of the plants and tell me what you see,” she replied cryptically. Limestone rolled her eyes but decided to play along with Lavender and Scoti. To her annoyance, Hermione was right. Although from afar the plants looked almost identical, a closer inspection revealed that one of the middle ones had a pure black stem and leaves whereas the other three were just a very dark green. “Well spotted,” Limestone noted pointing to the mystery plant. “I’m guessing you know what it is?” “Moly,” Hermione stated. “It has enormously powerful healing properties either consumed on its own to counteract enchantments or as part of the Wiggenweld Potion, a generic healing potion that is used to cure many minor ailments or to provide a short time boost in a person’s strength and stamina,” she explained, pushing her copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi across the table for Limestone and Scoti to examine. After several minutes, Limestone pushed the book back to Hermione. “Brilliant, that’s a third of our work sorted for the week in under five minutes. All we need to do now is put those answers down on parchment and then discuss how we would take care of this plant. It doesn’t seem to have any specific requirements so that shouldn’t take long. A bit of sunlight, some water and fertiliser, job done. I wonder why Professor Sprout has given us the entire week for this assignment, seems a bit much.” “Maybe because others might not have such a keen eye as I, or bothered to read their textbook before coming to class, as you certainly haven’t done otherwise you would be aware that the chapter on Asphodel is nearly fifty pages long and that out of the different types, the white types are exceptionally difficult to distinguish between,” Hermione informed with a patronising look on her face. Limestone was really starting to dislike Hermione’s attitude but also could not deny the girl was clearly intelligent and that she would be pivotal for them to successfully complete their work for the week. Thus, she bit her tongue and took a quill in her hand and began writing the questions from the board down on a piece of parchment. She needed to get the other girl on her side and quickly, no point beating around the rock pile as her dad used to say to her. “Apologies for being so naïve but let me put this to you bluntly. We can waste time arguing or we can get on with the work at hand. I may not be the brightest rock here but you can be sure I’ll chip in and work hard, because I’m a Pie and that’s what we do. And I can vouch for Scoti, I know she will give her… hey where did you get that pillow, no, you cannot take a nap,” Limestone ended with surprise, grabbing the pillow of Scoti in the process. But you and the Egghead have got everything covered and plants are boring, Scoti groused. Hermione was staring at Scoti, her rational mind scrambled by the appearance of the pillow and then the sign seemingly out of nowhere. “Magic,” Limestone tried to reassure the Gryffindor girl before turning back to Scoti. “As for you, might I remind you Professor Sprout is our head of house and I feel she would be less than pleased if you were to take a nap in her class.” “No, I would not be at all pleased. Unless you would prefer to join your dormmates after classes finish this afternoon,” Professor Sprout scolded as she came across to see how they were getting on. Scoti pouted in silence as Limestone gave their teacher a breakdown of how they were getting on. “Good, thanks to Hermione. She has been amazing. Thanks to her we have already managed to single out the anomaly, name it and figure out its uses,” Limestone admitted causing Hermione to blush across the table. “I was just about to help her decipher a care plan whilst Lavender and Scoti start on figuring out the variants of asphodel, when someone thought they could skive of.” She directed a stern glare in Scoti’s direction and earnt a stuck-out tongue in return. Professor Sprout looked impressed as she looked over their first two answers. “Impressive, I had not expected anyone to figure out the anomaly so quickly. I feel another twenty points are necessary for Gryffindor and for your honesty Miss Pie, five to Hufflepuff,” she stated, handing back the piece of parchment to Limestone. “As for you,” Professor Sprout pointed to Scoti, “I will be keeping a close eye on you so don’t even think about napping in class again or I will have you in a week of detention,” she said sternly. Scoti slumped in her chair further but took out her own copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi and began comparing the asphodels in the book to the nearest one to her on the table. Lavender then proceeded to pick the plant up and come round the table to assist her grouchy classmate. “Well, it seems like you have everything under control here. Excellent job the both of you,” Professor Sprout commended before moving onto the next table. “Shall we begin then?” Limestone stated opening the small, several pages long second chapter of her book entitled How to care for your Magical Plants. “Thanks,” Hermione practically whispered from across the table as she opened her own copy to the same chapter. “I’ve never had anyone be so nice to me before.” “Don’t mention it. Hard work deserves reward my family always says,” Limestone grunted, trying to concentrate on her reading. “If you like, I could help you. I’ve read this chapter twice already,” Hermione offered, rising from her seat. Of course she had, Limestone thought to herself. “Fine,” she grumbled with forced enthusiasm. Being lectured by a know it all was the very last thing Limestone wanted but sometimes in life you just had to grin and bear things you did not like so as not to hurt another person’s, or pony’s, feelings, a trait she had had lots of experience of with Pinkie. And dare she admit that on occasions she may, just may, have enjoyed her sister’s latest harebrain plan, such as the whole cupcake escapade. A smile slowly creeped its way across Limestone’s lips as Hermione began explaining the six things all plants need, even magical ones. > Transfiguration Trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall, despite Lavender and herself constantly having to keep Scoti awake and focused, Limestone’s Herbology lesson was an overall success, with her and Hermione perfecting a care routine for Moly whilst Lavender managed to successfully identify the first variation of Asphodel and that it was this variation that attributed to the most powerful of Wiggenweld Potions. Afterwards, much to Scoti’s ire, they had opted to head to the library as a group and complete the homework Professor Sprout had set them, which was to make a spectrum of ten magical plants from most helpful to most dangerous and to explain their choices and their locations on the spectrum. Limestone had managed to get Scoti through the period by promising they would stop of at the Great Hall for a snack if she completed her homework. And thus, the group of four now found themselves heading to Transfiguration, a lesson Limestone was fearing for totally different reasons to Flying. She heard Susan and Leanne before she saw them standing outside the classroom. “I can’t believe you got us detention on the very first day,” Limestone heard Susan grumble. “Me,” Leanne replied incredulously. “If I remember correctly, it was you who attacked me.” “You stole my breakfast,” Susan retorted. “It was barely more than a mouthful and you are well aware of pack law, you snooze you lose,” Leanne argued. “That was your fault. You were the one who practically drowned me in those foul-smelling odours last night,” Susan snapped back. “And you were the one who took on Scoti at arm wrestling and lost five times!” Leanne retaliated, unwilling to back down and not noticing Limestone, Scoti and the two Gryffindor girls approaching. “You two still bickering? Nice shiner by the way Leanne,” Limestone commented cutting into the conversation. “Oh, and this is Hermione and…” “LAVENDER,” both Leanne and Susan squealed as one, immediately forgetting their squabble and embracing their fellow werewolf in a massive hug. Lavender, who usually looked like she could die of fright at any moment, perked up a little as her fellow lycanthropy sufferers embraced her. “What’s it like in old Mrs Miser’s house?” Susan enquired as she and Leanne slowly let the other girl go. “Horrible,” Lavender squeaked in reply, quickly deducing just who her friends were talking about. “I already feel like she has constantly got an eye on me, the wench. And there are cats everywhere and I mean everywhere in our common room, although I have managed to keep them out of our dorm so far, the beasts. You should see the scratches and bites they have given me just since last night. I am terrified to go back in… oh no,” she abruptly cut of, her face going pale as she stared beyond Limestone at something. “Professor McGonagall, are you spying on us?” Limestone said without turning around and in a low threatening tone. Realising the jig was up Professor McGonagall transfigured herself back into her human form and approached the pack of girls. Susan started to growl at the deputy headmistress and Limestone had to quickly clamp a hand on the furry muzzle that had started to form on her friend’s face. “Seriously, do you want a second detention or worse,” Limestone chided turning to their Transfiguration professor with a forced smile. “Professor, everything alright? “Miss Granger, Miss Brown, I would strongly advise you seek any further friends from the boys’ dorm in your own house, although if you must socialise with other girls your own age, might I suggest Ravenclaw or Slytherin? You both seem like smart, sensible girls and trust me when I say these four are only going to get you into trouble, as they already have done themselves,” Professor McGonagall said coldly not waiting for a response as she opened the door to the classroom and went inside. Wow, what a rude fucking bitch, Scoti stated with a sign to everyone’s shock at the girl’s brazenness. “Miss Prewett, that’ll be detention after classes are finished today,” Professor McGonagall’s voice echoed from the classroom. “And Miss Pie, you can join her, because I am sure your mutt will do something stupid sooner rather than later.” Limestone gave Scoti her best death glare. “Thanks.” Scoti shrugged her shoulders, her sign now replaced by another one, How? “Don’t know, don’t care. Just get in there before she decides to give us detention for the whole term,” Limestone groused pushing Scoti forward with her left hand whilst dragging Susan forward by the muzzle with her right. * “Hmm,” Professor McGonagall said as she finished checking of the final student on her register. “Two missing. I wonder where Mr Potter and Mr Weasley have got to?” A timid knock came upon the door. “Enter,” Professor McGonagall ordered sharply. “Sorry Professor, we got lost,” a timid voice belonging to the dark-haired boy with glasses who had received the rapturous applause the previous night stated peering nervously around the door. “Well perhaps you should get a map. Hurry up now and take a seat so we may begin,” Professor McGonagall replied sternly and the two boys rushed to the last two seats available right at the front of the class. “If that was one of us, she would have had us in detention or deducted our house points,” Limestone heard Susan whisper to Scoti behind her. “Favouritism at its finest.” Limestone knew those two sitting next to each other was going to be trouble but Susan had taken the seat she was going to sit in whilst she had been distracted momentarily by Leanne and thus, she had ended up at the very front of the class with Hermione. And of course, Professor McGonagall had only gone and heard Susan. “Something you wish to say Miss Bones?” the Transfiguration professor said more as a demand than a question. “No Miss, nothing at all, maybe you need your hearing checked. You know, they do say it starts to deteriorate as you get older,” Susan replied insolently to a silent chuckle from Scoti next to her. Limestone’s head hit her desk. She didn’t. Professor McGonagall scowled at Susan. “Ten points from Hufflepuff for your insolence. I would have you in detention with your delinquent friends as well but I saw the spectacle you put on this morning at breakfast and know you are already in enough trouble with your head of house right now. Still, if you continue in such a manner, I will be having words with your head of house at lunch and I’m sure she would be only too happy to have help in the greenhouses for the entire first week, understood.” “Yes professor, absolutely professor, although it would still beat sitting here and listening to you. Maybe that is the real reason your own house’s students couldn’t be bothered to turn up on time,” Susan replied not backing down as Scoti continued to snicker silently next to her. “That will be another ten points and detention for the entire first week either with myself or Professor Sprout. Still like to continue? I am sure your aunt would love to know how insolent and impudent her niece has been on her very first day?” Professor McGonagall said coldly. That finally did the trick as Susan’s eyes widened for a split second in fear. It was all the advantage Professor McGonagall needed. “That’s what I thought,” Professor McGonagall said, pressing home her advantage and, not waiting for a response from Susan, she returned to the front of the classroom as the girl slumped glumly in her seat. “Now, would anyone else like to join Miss Bones in a week-long detention or shall we begin today’s lesson?” Silence greeted her in response. “That is what I thought,” Professor McGonagall said turning to the blackboard behind her. “Now, many of you will be looking forward to practicing with your wands. Well, I am sorry to say this, but this is something that shall not be happening for a while in Transfiguration. Transfiguration is an extremely complex science that requires substantial theoretical knowledge to perform even the most basic of spells successfully. Today I shall be introducing you to the four types of transfiguration before later in the week moving briefly onto Gamp’s Law and the five exceptions, although this is more advanced level and will be revisited in depth in your later years, specifically at N.E.W.T level. Next week, we shall be moving onto the transfiguration formula and alphabet. Only once I feel you have mastered these will we move on to turning matches into needles. Now, does anyone know the four types of transfiguration magic?” To Limestone it was no great surprise when Hermione immediately stuck her hand in the air. “Yes, Miss Granger,” Professor McGonagall asked, looking pleased it was one of her house’s students who had raised their hand. “Conjuration, untransfiguration, vanishment and transformation, which can be divided into three sub-categories, human transfiguration, switching and trans-species transformation.” Hermione replied confidently. Professor McGonagall was taken aback for a moment by Hermione’s knowledge but swiftly regained her composure to praise the girl. “That is correct. Very well done. Fifteen points to Gryffindor.” Hermione beamed at her head of house’s praise as Professor McGonagall began to explain the four types. “Now, conjuration and vanishment are both more advanced forms of magic and can be viewed as opposites of each other. Conjuration is the art of bringing things into being temporarily or in other words, transfiguring an object from thin air for a limited amount of time and generally is the hardest form of transfiguration alongside human transfiguration. There are one or two exceptions to this though, for example, raw elements and certain animal species. It is also the form of transfiguration with the most restrictions placed upon it and I shall talk more about these when I go over Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration later in the week. For the most part though it is not an area you need to worry about unless you continue studying Transfiguration at N.E.W.T level in years six and seven. Vanishment on the other hand…” she paused as Scoti, of all people, stuck her hand into the air. “Miss Prewett, is there something I can help you with?” Would you like a demonstration? Scoti asked with a sign. “Miss Prewett, I have no idea where you got that from but the suggestion a mere eleven-year-old can cast more than Incendio in terms of conjuration is quite preposterous,” Professor McGonagall said dismissively. Oh, I have no idea what my magic is, I just call it magic. I think it and it materialises for as long as I need it, Scoti explained. “Really?” Professor McGonagall said disbelievingly. Yep, although nothing bigger than me, Scoti went on. And it never lasts more than an hour at most. Professor McGonagall had had enough. “Miss Prewett, I strongly suggest you stop wasting my time before you end up joining your friend in a week’s worth of detention.” Scoti just shrugged her shoulders and went back to doodling on her parchment. “Right, now where were we,” Professor McGonagall said irritably, her mood somehow even more sour than when the lesson had begun. And that was when something proceeded to land atop her head. Everyone in the class’s eyes widened aside Scoti’s, who was still doodling on her parchment. Limestone’s head may have also hit her desk for the second time in the lesson. “Professor, there’s a chicken atop your head,” the ginger haired boy that had been late with Harry Potter exclaimed. “Thank you, Ronald. Now, does one of you wish to inform me how a chicken has come to be atop my head?” Professor McGonagall said calmly but with a clear undertone that highlighted her patience was starting to wear extremely thin as she removed the chicken from her head. The chicken took one look at Professor McGonagall before proceeding to breathe fire into her face and then, to her astonishment, it vanished right in front of her eyes as if it had never been there to begin with. The first thing Professor McGonagall saw as the chicken disappeared and left her with two scorched eyebrows was Scoti holding up yet another sign. Magic > A Charming Conundrum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the chicken incident Professor McGonagall had decided to forego her original lesson plan and instead set her first years a reading assignment in absolute silence on the four types of transfiguration for the next hour before setting the class a thousand-word essay for their homework on the differences between the types due by next Monday. Scoti, unsurprisingly, had dozed off on her textbook and, like her desk mate, had been rewarded with a full week of detention. By the time lunch came around it was not just Scoti’s brain that was frazzled as the students hastily made for the exit. “That was excruciating,” Limestone exclaimed as she exited the classroom. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so bored in my life.” “Says the girl who grew up on a rock farm,” Leanne retorted. “I mean, what even is a rock farm? How can you farm rocks?” “With tools,” Limestone grunted as her stomach let out a ginormous growl. “Uh oh, somepony is clearly hangry,” Leanne tittered. “Anyone got a bag of oats?” Susan and Lavender both let out giggles next to her. “No, I am not… what the, Scoti you get this confounded thing of me or so help me I’ll drown you in the nearest toilet. You and Susan are already on thin ice after….mmhf,” Limestone never finished as the oat bag that had had appeared on her face was replaced with duct tape. That’s better, Scoti exclaimed as roars of laughter broke out all around. Even Hermione could not help but let out a snort of amusement at Limestone’s predicament. Limestone slowly removed the tape. “You little minx, when I get my hands on you, I’ll shove your wand where the sun doesn’t shine.” “Ooh, naughty,” Susan remarked. Limestone’s face started to turn red. “Are you kidding me, you can blush through your fur. I did not think you could get any cuter,” Susan practically exploded with glee, totally entranced by Limestone’s face that was growing redder by the second. “I AM NOT CUTE,” Limestone retorted angrily. This only proceeded to make her look even cuter. “Out of ten, who here thinks the anthropomorphic pony is a twelve on the cuteness scale,” Susan asked smugly. Everyone within ear shot raised one of their hands. Limestone socked Susan in the stomach. “Nice one,” Susan wheezed, dropping to the floor. “Anyone else want to call me cute?” Limestone growled. Several hands slowly started to lower. “That’s what I thought.” “Miss Pie, thank you for giving me the perfect reason for your detention this afternoon,” Professor McGonagall’s voice suddenly boomed throughout the hallway. “Ah buck,” Limestone lamented, turning to face the professor with a forced smile. “Hello professor, did one of us forget something? Or do something else wrong?” She had to really dig deep to prevent herself from sarcastically suggesting, like breathing the same air as you. “On the contrary. I wanted to commend you and Miss Moon on your hard work today, even if you did have to silently ask Miss Granger for help on several occasions. Keep up the hard work the both of you and I might, just might, have to alter my opinion of you two, especially if you can somehow reign in the other two,” Professor McGonagall responded, pausing to glower in both Susan and then Scoti’s direction before adding, “The both of you should take note of your friends’ behaviour in class today and strive to act more like them. It may only be the start of your first year but it is very easy to fall behind in your studies at any point in your educational journey and to then catch up often proves impossible for many, even the smartest of students. Understood?” Yes Professor. “Yes Professor.” Professor McGonagall examined Scoti and Susan for a moment to see if they were being serious or not. “Very well, we shall see over time if you heed my warning or not but hopefully your head of house can ensure you do. For now, I shall let you be as I have just spotted Professor Quirrell who I need to talk to about a matter of some urgency. But before I go, Miss Pie, if He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named was ever to infiltrate the school I am quite sure that we would all be safe as he would instantly drop dead upon seeing you from a cuteness overload that would be just too much for his cold dark heart.” And with that last statement ingrained on everyone’s minds, Professor McGonagall patted Limestone on the head and departed, leaving the cluster of first years in stunned silence. Limestone’s face now resembled a cherry and her right eye was twitching uncontrollably as she internally battled a whole array of emotions. Out of everyone else, it was Lavender who recovered first. “What just happened? Did she really just dish out praise and then crack a joke?” “Yes and yes,” Leanne replied. “Congratulations Limey, you got punished, praised, and roasted by Professor McGonagall all in under five minutes. And that look you’re pulling right now is just making you look even more adora…” Limestone socked Leanne in the stomach and stormed off to lunch. “Definitely hangry,” Leanne wheezed doubling over. “Damn does she pack a punch.” * The four girls were just finishing lunch in the Great Hall when the inevitable happened. “Hello girls, how was Transfiguration?” Professor Sprout said without even trying to hide her irritation. “Because I have just spent most of my lunch having a delightful conversation with Professor McGonagall on four delinquents who, in one day, have fought and hit each other, tried to fall asleep in both their lessons, talked back to and been extremely rude to their teachers, and have all ended up with at least one detention if not a whole week’s worth after just two lessons. So, would one of you kindly like to explain what went on in your Transfiguration lesson? You know what, I don’t want to hear it. I understand kids will be kids but there is a time and a place for it. Miss Moon and Miss Pie, I expect to see both of you after your Flying lesson this afternoon outside the greenhouses, no excuses. As for you two, rather than a week of detention, Professor McGonagall has kindly offered to run a remedial class every Monday for all students across all years who are struggling with Transfiguration. Your attendance shall be mandatory for the entire year. Even one missed class and Susan, I shall be sending a letter home to your aunt, whilst for you Scoti your broomstick shall be confiscated and your medical exemption certificate revoked until further notice. Have I made myself clear?” “Yes, Professor Sprout,” three girls chorused as one after swallowing the last parts of their lunches. Crystal Scoti replied with a sign, not lifting her head from where she had slammed it into the table. “Good, then get to Charms and I do not want to hear even one more word about you four for the rest of the term. If you ever have excess energy and time to burn, come find me down at the greenhouses, there is always something to do and all help is appreciated, or go find Hagrid and he will happily watch over you if you insist with fighting each other.” On this last point Professor Sprout’s eyes specifically targeted Susan and Leanne as all four girls rose sluggishly from their seats and unenthusiastically began to make their way out of the Great Hall. Professor Sprout had certainly laid down the law but just as the first-year girls were exiting their head of house still had one more surprise up her sleeve. “Oh, Limestone, I nearly forgot. Kendra found the pink dress she loaned you in the infirmary. As it is obviously way too small for her, she thought you might like to keep it as you do not have a whole lot of other clothes to wear yet and it did look super cute on you,” Professor Sprout hollered for everyone in the hall to hear. “I am sure your dormmates would love to see you in it even if you are not too keen on pink. Remember, what happens in your dorm, stays in your dorm.” Limestone’s face dropped like, well, a stone as she witnessed a devilish smile wrap its way around Professor Sprout’s face. Even if she wasn’t the brightest rock in the field, it was crystal clear to Limestone that not only had her head of house forgotten nothing but that she must also be vastly experienced in dealing with trouble making students from her time at Hogwarts teaching. Simply put, you either behaved and towed the line or Professor Sprout and the other teachers would ensure you dare not even think about putting a foot wrong in future! * The journey to Charms was a solemn one for the most part. Limestone was trying to keep quiet in the hope her friends would forget about the dress and as such she would be able to quietly dispose of it when they returned to their dorm that evening. She could see though that her troubles paled in comparison to Susan who was ghostly pale and looked about as frightening as a new born puppy after the mention of her aunt once more. Limestone had absolutely no clue what hold Susan’s aunt had on her but it must be serious for the girl to have undergone such a drastic change in personality. On the plus side, by the time they reached classroom 99 on the first floor of the South Tower Leanne had managed to perk her friend up, even if only a little. As for Scoti, she seemed even more distant than usual and quite content to be left to her own thoughts, so Limestone had just left her to it. Upon entering the classroom, the tension that had hung in the air ever since they had left the Great Hall was abruptly shattered by a jolly little man ushering them in to take their seats. After several further minutes and a few more last-minute arrivals, the Professor introduced himself. “For those of you not in Ravenclaw, I am Professor Flitwick, Charms Master here at Hogwarts. I am sure you will all be mighty relieved that unlike your Transfiguration class before lunch, Charms will be mostly practical based in lessons this year with the theoretical side being covered in homework assignments. The main purpose of your first year in Charms is to ensure that you can perform the basics by the end of year through correct wand movements and pronunciation whilst building a solid relationship with your wand. Before you begin attempting your first spell though, I would like to examine each of your wands whilst you note down the follow…” Professor Flitwick stopped mid-sentence as a cold shiver befell him. Afterwards he proceeded to look around the room for something. Limestone groaned as his gaze eventually settled on her and he started making his way over to her. “Miss Pie, I’m guessing this is your wand?” Flitwick half-asked already knowing the answer as he picked up Limestone’s wand. He immediately dropped it back onto the table again, eyes going wide. “You poor girl,” he muttered, barely loud enough for Limestone to catch what he was saying as a tear slipped down his cheek. “For one so young to accept death is unheard of and should never have been allowed to happen. I can only hope that during your time here at Hogwarts you will be able to fill the void that lays within your heart. Be wary of your wand Miss Pie for although it is powerful, due to their difficulty to work with very little is known about thestral tail hair cores and the magic they are capable of.” And with those words of advice Professor Flitwick turned and addressed the entire class. “I shall come over and examine each of your wands individually. In the meantime, please copy the five pieces of vital information down from the board and then open your Standard Book of Spells and begin one of your two reading assignments for this week on the Wand-Lighting Charm and Wand-Extinguishing Charm, thank you. Ah, Miss Prewett, it is good to see you again and from what I have heard you gave Professor McGonagall an almighty surprise.” Hi Professor Flitwick. Thanks for the book. The piece on conjuration really intrigued me and look, MAGIC!!! I can talk to people and it’s all thanks to you, Scoti replied with a huge smile on her face. Professor Flitwick returned the smile with one of his own. “You are welcome, although according to Professor McGonagall’s account you were totally oblivious to what conjuration was.” She was rude to me and my friends and didn’t believe I could cast such magic, so I may have feigned ignorance, Scoti replied guiltily before the sign was swiftly replaced by another one. Uh oh, busted. Professor Flitwick chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry, your secret is safe with me but I feel you will have to come clean sooner rather than later. Overall, I am more impressed by the fact that you managed to master conjuration non-verbally, and without a wand, in three months.” Thanks Professor. At least you appreciate all the hard work I put in these past several months. “I certainly do. What you have done is unheard of and, quite frankly, incredible. Have you managed anything else with your wand yet?” I’ve not had much spare time but have tried several spells in the company of at least one of my servants as you instructed. The results have been peculiar, Scoti replied. “Oh, how so?” Professor Flitwick enquired, only now noticing the girl’s wand. His eyes widened once more as he picked up the extremely long dogwood wand and examined it. In all his years teaching, never had Professor Flitwick seen such a mismatch and not just by the size of the wand in comparison to its owner. Dogwood wands were notorious for refusing to perform non-verbal spells, something that was going to prove very tricky considering the wand’s owner. Throw in dogwood’s natural affinity for mischief and dragon heartstring’s preference for flamboyant magic and being somewhat temperamental and accident prone, to say the next five years were going to be a challenge was a serious understatement. “Let me guess, you couldn’t resist buying a copy of Curses and Counter Curses?” Professor Flitwick said with a resigned sigh. Scoti looked at the Charms’ professor guiltily once more. Maybe but I swear I didn’t practice even one of them. In fact, I haven’t even had time to look at the book since I bought it. “So, what happened then?” Professor Flitwick asked calmly. Let me show you. Scoti took her wand back of Professor Flitwick and after a minute or so a light briefly flickered at its tip before going out again. “Marvelous, you are very close to mastering Lumos,” Professor Flitwick praised looking proudly at Scoti. That’s just it. I wasn’t casting Lumos, I was trying to cast Nox. My wand casts the total opposite of what I want it to. I found this out when I tried casting Incendio and my wand ended up firing a flood of water out instead. Professor Flitwick had no response. > Play Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “May I get everyone’s attention please,” Professor Flitwick called from the front of the classroom. “Due to some unusually interesting wands and the greater class size this year, it has taken me longer than anticipated to get around and examine everyone’s wand. This unfortunately means we shall not have time to start our first spell today.” As expected, a round of groans erupted from the first years. “Settle down please. On the plus side, most of you have either completed or nearly completed this week’s theoretical homework assignment. Anyone who has yet to finish their set of questions on the History of Charms chapter in your textbook, please do so by next Monday’s lesson when I shall be collecting them in from everyone. Also, to make up for this disappointment, I am letting you have an extra ten-minute break before your next class.” As expected, a round of cheers erupted from the first years. “I thought that would be your reaction. So, without further ado, class dismissed.” “I can’t believe you chewed on your wand,” Limestone jested as the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor girls made their way out of the classroom. “What?” Susan replied indignantly. “I’m part canine. Chewing on sticks is something we love to do.” “Personally, I’m more concerned about the fact her wand could spontaneously combust,” Lavender chipped in. “Only if it gets bored and let’s be honest her wand is never going to get bored being around her,” Leanne reassured. “You make a very good point,” Lavender agreed. “Hey… actually, yeah, boredom isn’t my thing,” Susan admitted. “He didn’t say much about your wand, did he?” “Oh, not really, just that he hoped it could instil some confidence and courage in me, along with unlocking my raw potential,” Lavender responded distantly. “Well, you could certainly use the courage to stand up to those bastard cats, that’s for sure,” Susan argued. “And what, have Professor McGonagall expel me. You know very well we are all on very thin ice. Even the smallest slip up and I have no doubt McGonagall will try and have me on the first train home no matter how hard my parents plead my case,” Lavender retorted. “I-I simply cannot let them down.” Susan’s face dropped. “I know how you feel. Old Mrs Miser has already threatened to send a letter home to my aunt if I step out of line one more time, the wretch. And as you are well aware, my aunt Amelia is a lot less accepting of my condition. Heck, the only reason I feel she hasn’t tried to disown me yet is because I’m the last family she has and she promised my mother she would look after me.” “I was meaning to ask whether you had managed to fix things with your aunt after the whole locking you in a prison cell incident but it seems they have only got worse,” Lavender said with genuine concern for her friend’s predicament “You can say that again Lav. To say she has me on a tight leash is an understatement but at least I managed to get her to allow Leanne to be tutored with me,” Susan informed her friend. “You broke out of the cellar she was keeping you in and threatened to go on an absolute rampage if one of the servants didn’t invite me over,” Leanne said unimpressed. “Well, it worked didn’t it,” Susan replied with a toothy grin. “Only because I kept you out of trouble for a whole day! She was astonished when she came home to find us passed out in your room but quite happy to pay the extra for my tuition as well after that I must admit,” Leanne explained to the rest of their group of misfits. “See, it all worked out in the end,” Susan stated smugly. “You mean, aside the seven broken windows, almost blowing up your home twice and turning the lawn into a mud pit on countless occasions,” Leanne deadpanned. “And that’s only a fraction of the mischief I had to try and cover up for her.” “Hey, you enjoyed the wrestling as much as I did, even if we did have to suffer in the bathtub afterwards. And who was the one who woke up my aunt by howling at the moon?” Susan countered causing Leanne’s cheeks to flush red. “You two sound as bad as each other. No wonder you got a wand as loyal as its owner through good times and bad Leanne,” Lavender commented. “You two are stuck to each other like glue.” Leanne’s face dropped while Susan guiltily looked away. “Oh, Merlin’s beard, that actually happened, didn’t it?” “Nope,” Susan replied way too quickly. “Tell me, you have to tell me,” Lavender pleaded. “Nope, nothing happened,” Susan replied adamantly placing her arms across her chest. “And we definitely weren’t in werewolf form and had to have all our fur shaved off by one of Susan’s servants before her aunt returned home for Christmas.” “LEAAAANE,” Susan whined as Lavender barely managed to keep herself standing upright, she was laughing that much. Leanne shrugged her shoulders. “She’s my other best friend, she deserved to know, especially after you threw me into that toolshed with the pots of glue in it.” “At least you two didn’t wake up covered in sparkly pink glitter one morning,” Limestone interjected. Susan immediately stopped looking mortified and stared at Limestone intrigued. “Like to elaborate?” “You know what, I would very much like to know more about you Limestone myself. I mean, not to sound rude, but I do find it a little weird that we just seem to have totally accepted an anthropomorphic talking horse from another dimension like it is normal,” Leanne added with an inquisitive look on her face. Limestone raised her right eyebrow. “Three of you are part monster dog, Scoti is, well, unique, and Hermione seems to be a child genius, I think I fit in perfectly thank you. As for my home life, I already told you. I grew up on a rock farm with my four sisters and my parents, which was, for the most part, a quiet life up until one of my younger twin sisters got her cutie mark.” “Ooh, what’s that?” Susan queried. “Is that your butt tattoo? I noticed it this morning as we got ready for class but felt uncomfortable asking about it.” “Of course you noticed that. Now, Limestone, care to explain. Do you really have a tattoo?” Leanne enquired. “I have absolutely no idea what that is. A cutie mark is a coming-of-age moment for every young foal. It appears as a picture on a pony’s flank when they discover their special talent. As you can probably guess, most my families are rock based, all aside one of my younger sisters who received three brightly coloured balloons. Her talent is in event management or more specifically, parties.” “That doesn’t sound that bad,” Leanne interjected. “Not that bad! I could give you a whole book and more on the chaos she’s caused over the last two years but on this specific occasion she decided to wake me up on my tenth birthday by throwing a glitter bomb into my bedroom that promptly exploded and covered the entire room, me included, in pink sparkly glitter. I was still finding pieces of glitter right up until…” Limestone paused mid-sentence and let out a roar of frustration before proceeding. “Damnit Pinkie, why do I miss you so much? It has not even been a week!” Leanne and Susan looked at each other uncertainly, both unsure whether to ask the obvious question that was lingering on their minds. In the end it was Hermione who bulldozed her way into the conversation. “What happened?” “She never paid attention or listened to anyone and her recklessness ended up with me buried under a landslide, costing me the life I once knew. And instead of a peaceful afterlife, I had to be the unlucky one in a billion winner who wins a one-way trip to another dimension,” Limestone rambled. “So, you would rather be dead than be here with us?” Hermione replied, sounding a little hurt. “No, that is not what I meant,” Limestone said, trying to defend her previous statement. “It is just, this is totally the opposite of my, usually, quiet, peaceful and sheltered life on my parents’ farm. If these things aren’t hard enough to contend with,” she gestured with her newly acquired hands, “I have now got to struggle with studying at a bizarre magic school, death omens, a hellhound and strange new earth pony magic whilst learning how to act like a normal filly, sorry girl, my age. And all this while being constantly reminded of the family I’ll never see again. I’m trying, I really am Kendra, but my head is all over… huh, hey, stop that, I don’t do… oh come on, you to, fine,” Limestone protested as Hermione followed by Leanne wrapped their arms around her. It did not take long for Lavender and Scoti to follow suit as Limestone pouted silently in the middle of the group hug. “BUNDLE!” Susan suddenly screamed as the last of Limestone’s newly found friends launched themselves into the group hug. “Oh, for buck’s sake,” Limestone grouched before she was buried underneath a mass of bodies and began to wonder how the situation could get any worse. “Don’t worry Limey, we’re always here for you,” Susan quipped from the top of the pile. That’s how. “And we’ve got Flying next! What could be more fun than learning to fly a broomstick?” Susan went on. Anything, absolutely anything. Even Transfiguration sounded more appealing than holding on for dear life on a thin piece of wood high above the safety of the ground, Limestone thought. “Oof,” Limestone suddenly grunted as she felt an extra weight on top of her before something black, wet, and slobbery licked her face. “Oh, isn’t that sweet. Teeth came to cheer you up. Who’s a good boy?” Susan commented attempting to pet the hellhound. Teeth growled and latched his teeth onto the girl’s arm before dragging her away. “Oh no, it seems that Teeth has latched himself onto my arm and is dragging me outside. Don’t worry Limey, I’ll play with him for you,” Susan said calmly as Teeth continued to drag her away. Leanne forced her way out of the pile and yelled, “Don’t even think about it. You heard what old Mrs Miser said last night…” she stopped mid-sentence; Susan was already gone. * Professor McGonagall was just taking a breather in her office with a cup of her favourite tea before continuing with her next batch of paperwork when the entire castle shook. She did not even flinch as she rose from her chair and headed for the window. “Oh dear, sorry professor. Miss Bones said the hellhound needed exercising and asked me to supervise. I didn’t realise it would get this out of hand,” Hagrid admitted guiltily from below. “Dear me, where did that acromantula come from? Sorry Minerva, got to go.” As Hagrid raced off Professor McGonagall processed the anarchy below her. The playing fields had been reduced to nothing more than a dessert with the odd glint of green the only indication of what it once was, while all around she saw the battered looking brickwork that had obviously abruptly stopped something thrown at it, the castle only saved from total demolition by the magic protecting it and even that had not been enough in some places. Closing her eyes, Minerva McGonagall shut the window, took a deep breath, and waved her wand. Soothing music instantly flooded the room as she went back to her tea, ignoring the stifled screams and occasional muffled crash from outside. * “WHAT IS THAT?” Limestone cried as she raced out of the castle. Which one? The acromantula, werewolf, hellhound or giant three headed dog? Scoti requested. “LOOK OUT!” Leanne cried pulling Limestone and Hermione down with her as the acromantula flew narrowly over their heads before smashing into a thousand pieces on the wall behind them. Seconds later they were all covered in spider gunk. “I…am…going...to…kill…her,” Leanne said as her eyes went from blue to red in the blink of an eye and her clothes started to become strained as her muscles bulged underneath them. “Oh no you don’t,” Hagrid interjected, grabbing the girl from behind and lifting her off the ground. “This has got way out of hand already without adding another werewolf to the mix. I should have known and prepared for this happening.” “What do you mean by that?” Limestone pressed; her attention now focused on the half-giant. “Hellhounds have a natural instinct to investigate the surrounding area of any new home and will proceed to acquire the biggest threats for that area in one place and fight them. This is done as both a way to mark their supremacy over these possible threats and to ensure they can deal with them and that they pose no actual threat to either their master or the rest of the pack,” Hagrid explained, still holding onto a struggling Leanne who was quickly realising that even with her added Lycan strength, she wasn’t getting out of Hagrid’s grip. “Wait, are you telling me there are giant spiders living near the school? And that thing!” Ron whimpered, pointing at the three headed dog that was currently getting irate as Teeth kept apparating out of its reach whilst darting in to strike at its ankles. Ron, and the rest of the first year Gryffindor boys, had followed the girls to the playing fields. “Hey, Fluffy has a name and is the sweetest bundle of fur once you get to know him. Plus, the spiders live in the forest so you have no need to worry as long as you heed Headmaster Dumbledore’s warning from the opening ceremony. Only nine students have disappeared without a trace in the past fifty years so I assure you, you are all perfectly safe at Hogwarts,” Hagrid attempted to reassure the pale faced and clearly terrified boy as Fluffy let out a howl of pain and collapsed onto his side. “Hey you brute, stop harassing Fluffy, what has he ever done to you?” Hagrid bellowed angrily as he dropped Leanne and raced over to face a snarling Teeth who didn’t look happy at having his play time interrupted. The hellhound launched himself at Hagrid. The half-giant stood his ground. Everyone watching, that included a group of fifth years that none of the first years had yet asked about, stared in disbelief as Hagrid reached out and grabbed the hellhound by the neck. Teeth’s eyes opened in alarm before Hagrid released him and he fell to the ground fast asleep and snoring loudly. “O-o-oh th-th-thank y-you Ha-Hagrid,” a timid voice said from behind Fluffy, whose three heads were whining pitifully as he lay on his side. “Tha-that br-brute appeared in my classroom and pr-proceeded to dr-drag me out he-here and ha-have me fight for m-my life.” “I am terribly sorry Professor Quirrell. Mad thing must have for some reason seen you as a threat and as such wanted to assert his dominance over you. No idea why,” Hagrid apologised. “O-oh well, no ha-harm done. I-if you don’t mi-mind I’ll be taking my cl-class and he-heading back to my cla-classroom now,” Professor Quirrell stammered nervously appearing from behind Fluffy looking awfully dishevelled, his clothes torn and cuts and abrasions littering his body. Remarkably, a turban still sat perfectly atop his head. “Alright professor, although I would strongly suggest you get those cuts looked at by Madam Pomfrey,” Hagrid said as he walked over and began fussing over Fluffy. “O-of course. I will vi-visit her after classes finish for the d-day,” Quirrell stuttered. “Damn, is the fun over?” Susan’s voice echoed as she appeared in full Lycan form before Professor Quirrell and Hagrid. Professor Quirrell looked like he was about to piss himself and then drop dead in fear. “LOOKOUT!” Limestone suddenly cried as her hold on Leanne finally faltered and the second lycan came charging across the field. A grin spread across Susan’s face before Hagrid once again stepped in and astonished everyone once more as he slapped Leanne around the muzzle. “Sit,” Hagrid ordered. Leanne growled and bared her fangs at him in response. Hagrid slapped her around the muzzle for the second time. “Sit,” he ordered once more. Leanne looked up, still someway shorter than the half-giant, and snarled defiantly. Hagrid picked her up and proceeded to slam Leanne into the ground. “I told you to sit milady. I expect you to do so in future.” The crowd of spectators looked on at a total loss as to what had just transpired. Even Professor Quirrell was dumbstruck as a semi-conscious Leanne groaned from the ground. “As for you Miss Bones,” Hagrid said firmly. “No need to say anymore. I know an alpha when I see one,” Susan replied as her bones cracked, popped, and slowly reformed as she returned to her human form. The crowd of onlookers watched on utterly transfixed with a mixture of intrigue and revulsion at the whole process. Susan grimaced as the transformation finished. “Damn, why do I always forget how painful that is?” “Not here you silly girl!” Hagrid roared, quickly throwing his coat over the naked girl. “Oh yeah. That as well,” Susan added, her cheeks going red in embarrassment. “Thanks Hagrid sir.” “You’re welcome. Now come along, I’ve some old robes in my hut you can use until you can get back to your dorm,” Hagrid said warmly before throwing Leanne over his shoulder. A mighty whistle later and Fluffy gingerly rose to his feet and followed Hogwarts’ Keeper of the Keys. The battle for supremacy and ultimate rule over Hogwarts was over, and an unexpected champion had emerged… for now. > Falling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Right class, I want you to position yourselves on the left-hand side of your broomsticks and…” “WAIT, wait for us,” Susan cried racing across the training field with Leanne in hot pursuit, the latter still pulling on her loaned robe and a tie in her hand. Madam Hooch raised an eyebrow. “Miss Bones, Miss Moon, I was unsure if you would be joining us after the commotion you both caused. Good thing I brought a couple of extra brooms just in case. Join the end of the line please.” Susan gave their Flying instructor a thumbs-up as she doubled over panting heavily after sprinting full speed to make it to her first Flying lesson in time. “Sorry Madam Hooch. Susan absolutely insisted she wasn’t going to miss her first Flying lesson. I had barely got my senses back and she had already thrown on her robes and was pelting for the door of Hagrid’s hut,” Leanne wheezed, taking deep breaths between almost every word. “I can see that,” Madam Hooch said scathingly as she scrutinised the unkempt nature of both girls. “If either of you come to one of my lessons looking so scruffy again, I will be deducting points from Hufflepuff, understood?” “Yes, Madam Hooch,” Leanne replied with a curtsy before pulling Susan away so that she didn’t cost their house points by infuriating their teacher further. “Now, where was I. Oh yes, position yourself on the left-hand side of your broomsticks, then reach out with your right hand and say, with feeling, up. Not until I feel you have mastered command of your broom will you be allowed to even attempt to fly it. If you need any inspiration, watch Scoti,” Madam Hooch instructed. Limestone looked down the line of students to see Scoti at the head, who, without even a command, saw her broom shoot into her outstretched right hand. Limestone wished it could be that easy. Honestly, Limestone wasn’t sure if she wanted it to be that easy but she had now realised that she was going to have to fly a broomstick at some point and thus there was no point prolonging the inevitable. Limestone reached out with her right hand. “UP,” she commanded. Nothing happened. Hermione next to her wasn’t having much more luck although Harry on the other side of Hermione had somehow succeeded on his first try, the lucky git, Limestone thought as she returned to her own broom. “UP,” she said forcefully for the second time. Still nothing, Hermione’s broom was now at least moving whilst Susan had managed to get her broom halfway of the ground. “UP,” Limestone tried for the third time. Not even a flicker. “Give it a bit more feeling Miss Pie. Well done Miss Bones. Excellent work Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy. I suppose that is one way to get your broom up Mr Weasley,” Madam Hooch commented. “UP,” Limestone tried for the fourth time. The broom refused to budge from the ground. By now a third of the class had their brooms in their hands and over two thirds had their brooms at least halfway of the ground. Limestone’s frustration was beginning to get the better of her. “Listen here you bucking piece of firewood. I don’t want to learn to fly and you don’t want to listen to me but if you don’t start listening to me, I’m going to have a very nice and toasty fire this evening in my dorm,” she said with a stomp of her right hoof. Illuminous Green lines shot out along the broomstick. “Uh oh,” Limestone muttered under her breath as a tree shot out of the ground and sent her hurtling into the sky. “BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK,” she screamed hanging onto a branch for dear life until eventually the tree stopped growing. Ever so slowly Limestone opened her eyes and looked down. She regretted her decision immediately as she realised just how far the ground was away from her. On the plus side, her broom had finally listened to her command. “Awesome, she really can grow trees instantly!” Susan quipped, looking up from where she had taken evasive action to avoid being caught in the tree as well. “Miss Pie, just stay where you are and don’t panic. I will be up to help you…” Madam Hooch began before turning her attention elsewhere. “Mr Longbottom, just what do you think you are doing? Get back down here this instant!” Limestone could not see from her position in the tree as a commotion erupted from below. “What’s going on down there?” Limestone yelled, not daring to move from where she was currently gripping what had been her broom and what was now part of a very large tree. And then she saw a boy on a broomstick heading straight for her. “I am never trying to fly again,” Limestone grumbled to herself as the boy crashed into her and sent them both tumbling out of the tree. * Limestone groaned as something hard slammed into her ribs. “See, absolutely fine,” a voice she recognised only to well pierced the fog that clouded her mind. “She’s barely conscious, her head is covered in blood, and her arm is hanging by a thread. Not to mention the kick to the ribs you just gave her. I’d hardly call that “absolutely fine”, another voice criticised. “Pfft, I’ve already bandaged her head wound, now to solve one and three. Wakey wakey, Limey.” Pain suddenly coursed through Limestone’s body and she awakened with a jolt. “BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK,” she screamed, head, ribs and, most of all, left shoulder pounding. “Could that not have waited until we got her into the infirmary?” Hermione’s voice scolded again in the background. “Oh, most definitely but this was more fun for me,” Kendra openly admitted. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t…” Limestone’s cheeks started to go red again. “Why are you topless?” “Wow, you can blush through your fur? I think you just broke the cuteness meter Limey,” Kendra teased mercilessly. “Strike two,” Limestone growled before wincing with pain. “Oof, why is everything spinning? Wait, how the buck did I get here? Last thing I remember, I’m actually not sure. Can someone please just tell me what is going on? And why do I hurt so much? Wait, I am going to kill him. Let me at him. That bucking idiot, where is he? WHERE IS HE?” Limestone roared trying to rise to her feet only to find one of her arms in a makeshift sling. “What the?” “Dislocated shoulder, along with a very nasty bang to the head. I used what I had available to me,” Kendra stated seriously. “You’ve likely also got a concussion and a massive headache so be a good little pony and…” Limestone threw up her lunch all over Kendra. “Lovely. Hey, don’t you dare fall unconscious on me again, you hear me Limey,” Kendra stated before proceeding to slap her adopted younger sister-from-another-dimension. Limestone’s eyes shot open once more. “Yow, you slapped me. What was that for and why are you topless and covered in vomit?” she enquired looking dazed and confused. “Wait, where am I?” Kendra rolled her eyes. Madam Hooch could not get back with that stretcher soon enough. “And am I hallucinating or did that blonde haired brat from Slytherin just take off on a broomstick over there?” “Harry, what do you think you are doing? You heard what Madam Hooch said and besides you don’t even know…” Limestone heard Hermione chastise her housemate. “Idiot, don’t come crying to me when you fall off and break every bone in your body.” “BREE,” Kendra cried not taking her eyes of Limestone. “What’s going on back there?” “Erm, nothing, nothing for you to worry…” “GO HARRY!” “YOU CAN DO IT HARRY!” “Okay, so maybe several of the first years got into an argument when my back was turned. I think one stole something of another one,” Bree waffled. “GET TO THE POINT!” Kendra demanded, her focus still on Limestone. “One took of with the item in question before I realised what was happening and then Harry Potter went after him. Oh, thank heavens. As I stated, nothing for you to worry about. Me and Nicola have everything covered.” “You better. You know precisely what Madam Hooch will do to us if she finds out any of the first years have been up on a broomstick.” “Can I go back to sleep yet?” Limestone asked irritably. “Do you want another slap?” Kendra retorted. “No.” “Then there’s your answer. Oh, for fucks sake. Are you quite done throwing up on me?” Kendra groused as Limestone threw up the pitiful remains of her lunch. “Damnit, any sign of that stretcher…” “HARRY, HARRY POTTER,” Professor McGonagall’s voice suddenly echoed across the training fields. Covered in sick and with only a bra to cover her modesty, the last thing Kendra needed right now was an inquisition by the deputy headmistress as to what had transpired. “Bree, deal with her. Throw the boy to the wolves for all I care. Just leave me in peace please,” she said curtly. She gave Limestone another slap. “What did I say about falling asleep?” Limestone glowered at her. “Just be grateful I am seeing three of you right now otherwise I would so be retaliating to that.” “Well, you shouldn’t have disobeyed your nurse then. And at least I gave you a warning, more than you did when you threw up on me. “I threw up on you? I never did anything of the sort,” Limestone contested with a mixture of indignity and confusion. “Wait, why are you half naked and covered in sick?” The sound of hurrying footsteps in the background could not have come any sooner for Kendra. * “I can’t believe that idiot has actually been given a place on the quidditch team,” Hermione griped for the umpteenth time. Limestone rolled her eyes as she took another sip of vegetable soup. Right now, she was wondering if detention would have been the better option over her splitting headache and Hermione’s constant whining about how, instead of being punished by Professor McGonagall for his reckless actions, Harry had been rewarded with a position on Gryffindor’s quidditch team. “Give it a rest Hermione,” Leanne barked. “The last thing Limestone wants right now is you whining in her ear. I bet she has got a big enough headache as it is.” Hermione glowered at Leanne but said no more on the subject. “How you feeling anyway?” “How do you think?” Limestone replied sarcastically. “My head feels like someone is constantly hammering at it with a pickaxe, these stitches feel weird and I’ve also got to have my left arm in a sling for up to a week! At least that numbskull Neville had the decency to come and apologise, even if he was practically pissing himself in fear as he did so,” she added grumpily. “Wow, so you didn’t viciously maim him then?” Leanne replied in surprise. “I wanted to but it was a little difficult in my current condition,” Limestone grumbled. “Was tempted to set Teeth on him but ultimately decided it wasn’t worth the inevitable punishment so just gave him my best scowl and told him “It’s fine, don’t worry about it”. He scarpered after that.” Leanne gave a little chuckle. “Fair enough. On the bright side, at least you got out of detention. Professor Sprout said I could go once I told her which type of dittany the four plants on the table were. It took me nearly two hours and didn’t help that one of them was actually moly!” she complained. “It took Hermione probably a minute to distinguish which one was moly. She just examined the stems,” Limestone responded. “Although, we were told one was an imposter. Professor Sprout must have still been angry at you for fighting Susan at breakfast.” “Thanks for letting me know what I already now know after two painstakingly long hours of research and staring at four practically identical plants,” Leanne deadpanned. “Well at least you didn’t have to re-read that whole section on the four types of transfiguration whilst answering no fewer than five sheets of questions. My wrist is killing me,” Susan interjected. “Be grateful it was only one afternoon. I had to suffer for two and a half days almost nonstop until old Mrs Miser declared my writing passable yesterday,” Limestone countered. “Damn, you must have really pissed her off,” Susan replied. “Yeah, literally,” Limestone replied. Susan didn’t get a chance to press the matter further as Hermione got her point in first. “Well, maybe if you lot hadn’t decided to fight with each other, be rude to Professor McGonagall and turn the training fields into a desert, all on your first day, none of you would have had to suffer. As for you Limestone, your handwriting needs the work and that is putting it politely.” “She stole my breakfast!” Susan argued in response while pointing at Leanne. And Professor McGonacow was rude to me first, Scoti interjected. Leanne shrugged her shoulders. “Fair point. Still, that extra bacon was worth it,” she admitted receiving a stuck-out tongue from Susan in response. “That’s a little harsh, especially as I am sure she only worked me so hard because Teeth pissed in her face when they first met last week.” All eyes turned on Limestone. “So that’s what you meant by literally,” Susan quipped. “No wonder she got you writing lines for two and a half days!” “If all you five are going to do is stand around and bicker, then you can say your goodbyes and leave. This is the infirmary not your common room,” Madam Pomfrey suddenly said curtly as she came across to check up on one of the four students who had already managed to find themselves in the infirmary on the very first day of the new school year. “Okay, okay, we can take a hint,” Susan replied rising from her seat. “Have a good evening and hopefully see you tomorrow in class.” Ditto, Scoti added from the end of the bed. “Get well soon,” Hermione and Leanne added in unison. “And I hope you enjoy the flowers,” Lavender finished, pointing at the beautiful small collection of wildflowers she had picked from around the castle grounds for Limestone. “Yes, they’re lovely,” Limestone admitted reluctantly before stopping her friends in their tracks. “Wait, before you go, I never got the chance to ask why Susan is wearing Kendra’s old pink dress?” Susan tried to ignore her friend and continued to make her exit. Leanne though, was not so forgiving. “Funny story that. We went back to our dorm with the help of a wonderful third year called Cedric after Flying lessons to change out of the horribly smelly robes Hagrid had loaned us and, well, somehow whilst Susan was in the shower, all her spare robes mysteriously disappeared. An absolute travesty, I must say,” Leanne began to explain with a clear look of guilt written across her face. “They did not. I know you bribed Teeth and then gave all my robes to him to apparate to goodness knows where in the castle with them,” Susan contradicted, pausing in her hasty exit. “I was sure Professor McGonagall was going to deduct our house points when I turned up in this to detention but all she did was snicker when she thought I wouldn’t notice. I’m not sure what’s worse!” “I have no idea what you mean. Me and Scoti had nothing to do with your robes disappearing. You probably just misplaced them somewhere,” Leanne clearly lied. “I’m sure they will turn up again tomorrow.” “Oh sure, after I’ve been totally embarrassed in front of the whole school!” Susan exclaimed angrily. “Well, you chose to go to dinner dressed in that,” Leanne retorted with a snigger. “ENOUGH, out with the lot of you now and back to your common before curfew comes into force,” Madam Pomfrey cut in while giving her best impersonation of a dragon. “SUSAN, you are aware that dress has a tail hole, right?” Limestone called after her friends as they bolted out of the infirmary. Susan froze in the doorway. Fur quickly started to grow on her hands. “Uh oh, werewolves out of the bag. Time to run,” Limestone heard Leanne utter on the other side of the door. “I’M GOING TO TEAR THE BOTH OF YOU TO SHREDS AND FEED YOU TO THAT DAMN HELLHOUND,” Susan roared before the door slammed shut behind her. Limestone could not help but let a smile drift across her lips along with a stifled giggle. A second later and something large, black and furry landed across her lap along with a large pile of robes. “Oh, for goodness’ sake, not him now as well,” Madam Pomfrey chastised as Teeth looked up at her imploringly. “Fine, you can stay, but off the bed.” To her surprise, the great big dog gave his mistress’ face a large soppy lick and then leapt of the bed, curled up into a void of darkness and with a great big yawn went to sleep. “Thanks Teeth, I love you to,” Limestone grumbled wiping the dog drool of her face as Madam Pomfrey moved Susan’s robes to the chair she had been occupying only minutes earlier. Limestone would get them back to Susan in the morning. Right now, she wanted nothing more but to join Teeth in the land of nod. “Oh no you don’t. First you need to take your medicine. Skele-Gro will not only help your joint repair itself quicker, it will also strengthen the joint minimising the risk of you dislocating your shoulder again in future,” Madam Pomfrey explained thrusting a beaker of smoking yellow liquid into Limestone’s chest. “Eugh, isn’t my regenerative Earth pony magic enough?” Limestone argued. “If you prefer, I could strap you down and force feed you it?” Madam Pomfrey said emotionlessly. Limestone downed the beaker of foul looking liquid. It was probably the biggest mistake of her life thus far. > Powerful Potions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limestone almost wished she had remained in the infirmary the next morning. History of Magic didn’t exactly fill her with much excitement and as soon as she got into the classroom, saw their teacher was a ghost and heard his monotonous drone, she was fast asleep as were the majority of her peers. Thankfully, and not really to any great surprise, Hermione seemed unaffected by Professor Binns sleep inducing monotonous droll and thus Limestone and her friends spent their free period in the library learning about the Gargoyle Strike of 1911. Afterwards, the newly formed group of friends stopped off at the Great Hall for some nourishment before heading down to the dungeons for their first Potions lesson. “I heard the Potions professor is a seriously mean fellow,” Susan said, breaking the eerie silence that had fallen upon the group as they descended into the dank and dreary depths of the dungeons. “You don’t know the half of it. When I first got here, he refused to acknowledge me and then told Headmaster Dumbledore that if I ended up in his house, he would have me expelled. Said he would do the same with, and I quote, “the three werewolves and the psychological nutcase”,” Limestone explained solemnly. Wow, what an arsehole. If he wants a psychological nutcase, I’ll give him a psychological nutcase, Scoti replied indignantly as they came to the bottom of the staircase and entered the dungeons proper. Limestone groaned. “Please don’t. We’ve already angered two professors just by existing, the last thing we need to do is continue getting on Professor Sprout’s bad side. The only reason I feel we escaped punishment for yesterday afternoon’s mess was because she adored the new addition to the training fields and could not punish Susan as the fight took place on the training fields and was supervised.” “That and the fact she was putting all her effort into not laughing at Susan’s new attire. Even gave her five house points for raising her fellow housemates’ spirits,” Leanne added, much to Susan’s embarrassment. “Don’t remind me,” Susan griped. “She even made me pose so she could take photos! I’m just thankful my spare school uniforms mysteriously returned this morning.” “Well, she didn’t force you to pose, you could have just refused,” Leanne argued. “She threatened to ban fighting on Hogwarts grounds entirely and as we’re not allowed outside the grounds, that would mean no fighting until we got back to mine for Christmas! And that would hurt you just as much as me,” Susan argued back. Taken aback by her friend’s words, Leanne stopped in her tracks. “Wait, you mean to tell me you posed for those photos for me? Despite…” she swiftly shut her mouth before she said to much but the damage had already been done. “Despite what?” Susan growled. “Nothing, nothing at all,” Leanne squeaked. “I knew it!” Susan said accusingly while pointing a finger at her best friend. “You did hide all my clothes along with not telling me I was showing of my backside to half the school!” Leanne in return pointed a finger at Scoti who returned the accusation with a look of mock surprise. “It was Scoti’s idea. She saw the dress on Limestone’s bed and coerced me into bribing Teeth with dog biscuits,” Leanne claimed. Susan glowered at Leanne before turning to Scoti. She’s lying, Scoti countered. I wanted her to tear all your other clothes to shreds so you would be forced to wear the dress for a week. By the time Susan had finished reading the second sign, Scoti was already in the safety of their next classroom. * To no real surprise and despite Scoti’s best efforts, Susan ended up finding a way to sit next to her in their first Potions lesson. The class had barely settled in before the door to the classroom slammed open and a broody looking man with dark hair strolled in and announced himself. “There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. And no, you shall not need your cauldrons today, this will be your theory lesson for the week not that it will do many of you much good.” Professor Snape paused deliberately at that moment and glanced in the direction of Limestone and her friends. “Potions making is a complex and extremely difficult skill to master but for those few who do possess the predisposition, I can teach you everything. If you possess the knack you can go from curing boils in your first year to potions in your later years that mimic love, force others to tell you the truth and place those you despise in a never-ending sleep.” He spat the last words out as his eyes specifically focused on Limestone. Limestone gave her best sneer in return. “But before all that you need to understand the ten critical steps that apply to every potion. Horse girl, let us see if there are any brains in that head of yours. Think you could enlighten us with one,” Snape said with a sneer of his own as the Slytherins in the room stifled their sniggers. Limestone’s sneer gave way to a look of shock, in part at being called out and in part at just how rude Professor Snape had been to her. But she was not about to be outdone and took a stab in the dark. “Following our textbooks,” she replied. Snape’s sneer somehow became even sourer. Limestone had clearly struck a nerve. “I suppose that answer is passable for an ass, although the correct answer is in fact following the recipe.” Hermione watched in awe as Limestone lifted her hoof mere centimetres of the ground before slamming it back down again and causing a crack in the stone floor. Hermione could easily guess who her friend wanted to be stamping her hoof on at that moment in time. Instead, she ground her teeth together and forced out an apology instead. “Of course, sir. And sorry, sir, I will be more vigilant in keeping to the correct terminology in future, sir.” “See that you do,” Snape replied before turning his attention to Susan. “How about you dog? Care to enlighten us with another answer?” Susan’s left eye twitched and Scoti had to grab hold of the other girl’s right arm to stop Susan then and there getting expelled for attacking a teacher. Susan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Well, I am waiting? Or should I ask dog two and…” “It was not until the fourteenth century that a set list of critical steps for all potions was devised by the skilled alchemist Nicolas Flamel. The first two of these are ensuring your equipment is not only clean but functioning correctly to as the number one cause of a poor-quality potion is unaligned and inaccurate scales. That good enough for you Professor Snake?” Susan interrupted smugly. The class fell silent and even Professor Snape was taken by surprise for a split-second but it did not take him long to regain his dour demeanour. “I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks, although that will be five points from Hufflepuff for your insolence,” Snape droned, turning his attention to his next victim. Scoti watched as part of their desk shattered under Susan’s furry grip. On the plus side, at least her friend no longer wanted to disembowel her. “Miss Prewett, eyes up front,” Snape snapped sharply, “And tell me another of the critical steps.” Scoti shrugged her shoulders and held up a sign. Sorry sir, my focus over the summer was on non-verbal spells “No excuses and I will not accept such responses in my class. Either speak up or stay silent and face punishment for your insolence,” Snape barked cruelly. Scoti gestured to the scar across her neck and then proceeded to mouth words as she gestured her incapability to do as Snape had requested. “No excuses. Twenty points from Hufflepuff,” Snape rattled cruelly. Scoti momentarily held her teacher’s gaze before slowly lowering her head in defeat. That was too much for Susan but before she could retaliate Scoti gave her arm a squeeze and a not so reassuring look, considering the tears that Susan could clearly see bubbling in the other girl’s eyes. Snape meanwhile had moved on to his next victim. “Ah, I see we have a celebrity in our midst. Mr Potter, care to enlighten us with your knowledge of the ten vital steps to any potion?” Harry looked a little taken aback by the request but quickly recovered to stutter, “c-correct ingredients sir.” Snape glowered at the boy for a moment before his attention was redirected to Ron sat next to him who was trying to stifle a giggle. “Mr Weasley, that will be five points from Gryffindor for your insolence unless you can name me the remaining six steps that have yet to be mentioned.” Ron stopped giggling and stared at the Potions professor mouth agape. “I will take that as a no. That will be a further five points for your lack of preparation,” Snape droned before turning to the weasel faced Slytherin boy. “Mr Malfoy, care to enlighten Mr Weasley with the final six steps.” “Yes sir. They would be, timing, ageing, stirring techniques, bottling, using the correct incantation and most importantly, competence in your own ability and skill,” Malfoy rattled off as if straight from a textbook. In fact, all the Slytherin first years had been slipped several pages of parchment by their head of house on Sunday evening and told strictly to memorise the information or face the prospect of not only dishonouring their prestigious house but severe punishment as well. Professor Snape did not accept even the smallest failure in his students. “Excellent, ten points to Slytherin,” Snape droned with a malevolent smirk across his face. “Now, in case you didn’t catch all of those you have five minutes to copy them all of the blackboard behind me.” He paused and tapped his wand against said blackboard causing all ten steps to reveal themselves. “What you will notice is there is no explanation provided as to why each step is so vital to the potions process. For those who wish to excel in this class, this is something I expect you to do of your own accord in your free time. For those who don’t, don’t come crying to me when you fail your end of year theoretical exam, for it is only those who are truly dedicated who will succeed in this class. Well, what are you waiting for. You have five minutes. I suggest you start writing.” The scribbling of pens hitting parchment filled the room as Snape retired to a chair behind his desk only for a series of loud bangs to make him immediately jump out of it. A moment later and a bucket, appearing from seemingly nowhere, fell atop his head. The smell that radiated from it was pungent and as their professor removed the bucket it became clear to the students what the brown substance Professor Snape was now covered in was. The weirdest thing was, that, as quickly as the bucket had appeared, it, and its contents, had disappeared, the only evidence of what had happened happening being the pungent stench of dragon dung that now clung to Professor Snape. “I have no idea what just transpired but I don’t want to know, nor do I care. All I want is for whichever one of you who was behind this tomfoolery to come forward and accept their rightful punishment immediately,” Snape said coldly. Silence engulfed the room. “Fine then, have it your way. Everyone shall be required to report back here after lessons finish for the day to write “I shall not prank my professors and must at all times respect their authority,” one hundred times each. You have two minutes left,” Snape said heartlessly. “What!” Draco cried indignantly standing up and pointing a finger at Scoti. “I bet it was her. She was the one claiming to Professor McGonagall she could perform conjur something or other yesterday before a fire breathing chicken appeared and then disappeared in the blink of an eye!” Scoti simply gave him a blank emotionless look in return. “You mean conjuration. Mr Malfoy, usually I would severely discipline such an outburst, but on this occasion, I shall forgive you. Miss Prewett, care to defend yourself?” Snape said, slithering towards his prey like, well, a snake. Scoti said nothing. “Nothing to say in your defence. Well then…” Scoti suddenly raised her hand and pointed to something behind Snape at the exact same moment Snape drew his wand and pointed it at the beast. Teeth growled, red eyes aflame like the fiery pits of hell. “Horse girl, I strongly recommend you call of your attack dog before I turn him into sliced cheese,” Snape said cautiously. Limestone ignored him. Sod causing more trouble she thought, this twat deserved it. “Miss Pie, you heard what I said. Even the slightest graze and I will have you expelled,” Snape said, as a single line of sweat dripped down his forehead. “Oh, now you remember my name. Leave her in peace and go back to teaching the lesson, then he will happily take a nap at my feet. And unless you want us to report the name calling and discrimination to Professor Sprout, I strongly suggest this ends here professor,” Limestone said brazenly causing Hermione to stare at her open mouthed in absolute shock. Professor Snape scowled at Limestone for several seconds before a timely growl behind him saw him lower his wand and head back to the blackboard and tap it clear. “If you had not finished copying that down, tough, it is time to move on and I feel a demonstration is in order.” He highlighted to the twelve bottles on his desk. “Unfortunately, I cannot force any of you to drink these as some may very well kill you whilst others will only cause you mild inconvenience. Even so, that rule does not apply to your pets. Miss Pie, please come up to the front of the class and bring that beast with you,” Snape sneered singling Limestone out once more. Limestone looked to the ceiling. One way or another the Potions professor was determined to make the next five years of her life, at least, a living Tartarus for her and her friends. “Well, might as well get this over with,” she muttered under her breath as she pushed herself to her feet with her good arm. Placing two fingers in her mouth, Limestone let out a sharp whistle. In an instant Teeth was by her side as she made her way to the front of the classroom. “If you would please pick one and make your hellhound drink it. Do not worry, as far as I am aware he is immune to all deadly poisons and I have several antidotes on hand if required anyway. Treat it as a test and a learning experience, for one day in the future you may very well be in a situation where choosing the correct potion to drink decides whether you live or die,” Snape explained, clearly enjoying the cruelty he was inflicting. “Well boy, this is another fine mess we have got ourselves into,” Limestone muttered to a confused looking Teeth as she examined her options. Two minutes later and she still had no clue what any of them were or what would cause Teeth the least or no harm. She had at least excluded two, a blood red one and a black one, as both gave her chills just looking at them but that still left her with ten, including four that were orange and another that was totally clear that, even from only knowing Professor Snape for less than a week, Limestone knew may be a double bluff. “Time is ticking my dear. We do not have all day,” Snape harried. Limestone shook her head. This was ridiculous. How was she supposed to know what was safe for Teeth to drink? Surely at least one of the orange ones must be safe but which one? She, really, really, wanted to scream as loud as she could at that moment in time. “Choose or I shall do it for you,” Snape snapped. Limestone threw caution to the wind and grabbed a pale-yellow bottle from the end of the line. “Teeth boy, if this goes wrong, I want you to know that I will happily go find you the biggest bone in the kitchens to say sorry. Now please, open wide,” she said, reaching out and giving the fur on her dog’s head a ruffle. Teeth obediently obliged, his brain sparking into life at the word “bone,” and opened his mouth wide as Limestone poured the yellow liquid into it. Limestone waited anxiously, preparing herself for the worst. Nothing happened, aside Teeth giving her a funny look. She let out a massive sigh of relief just as Teeth abruptly rolled onto his back and started laughing uncontrollably. Limestone stared at her dog unsure what to do. “Congratulations,” Professor Snape droned over the top of the laughing. “You just gave your beast laughing potion. It will wear of in an hour or two at most, probably less, I have never tested it on a hellhound before. It is a complex potion that I teach sixth years to brew and used as an effective defence against the banshee, a creature you will learn more about in Defence Against the Dark Arts this year. The only side effect is a bout of melancholy after the laughing subsides that should, to my displeasure, pass by the very latest dinner this evening. For now, Silencio,” Snape cast, pulling out his wand. Teeth continued laughing but no sound came from his mouth. “And I hope you were all writing what I said down,” Snape concluded as Limestone got down on one knee, wrapped her right arm around her pet and consoled him as he continued laughing uncontrollably. “I am so, so sorry boy. The mean nasty man made me do it but I promise I will never let him force me to give you anything again and I will go down to the kitchens myself tonight and see if I can find you the biggest bone imaginable.” Teeth was awfully confused over what was going on and the strange noise that was coming out of his throat but if it got him cuddles and a bone with one of the two people he adored most in this world, he didn’t care. He forced out his tongue and gave his distressed mistress a comforting lick that seemed to do her the world of good. Limestone forced a smile onto her face for Teeth. “Dear Merlin, that’s unnerving,” Susan jibed from her seat, receiving a scowl in return from Limestone. “Much better, thought you were going soft there for a moment Limey.” “Miss Bones, if you’re going to continue to disrupt the lesson, you can come up next,” Snape said in his unforgiving monotonous drawl. Susan suddenly looked a little alarmed. “But sir, I don’t have a pet.” “You are the pet. Or are you not aware that werewolves, like hellhounds, have a natural immunity to deadly poisons from your monthly intake of wolfsbane potion. Now, get up here or you can come back when classes are over for the day and write a thousand-word essay on each of the potions up here,” Snape said unforgivingly. Susan took a deep breath and rose to her feet. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming, and before you say anything, wolfsbane is the tenth potion from left to right, you can tell by the misty blue smoke emitting from it. And no, I would rather risk death than drink that when I do not have to so I will take the clear liquid one,” Susan said confidently as she passed Limestone and Teeth on her way to the front, grabbed the bottle of clear liquid and downed it in one swift motion. “Huh, water. I was sure that was going to be a double bluff,” she said, looking a little confused. “Miss Bones, please tell us your deepest, darkest, secret,” Snape said with a devilish smile. Susan stared at her professor as if he had grown another head. “Are you mad? For one I have a plush unicorn named Mr Snuggles that I sleep nude with every night as without him I have terrible nightmares and often end up marking or destroying the bed I am sleeping in. Secondly, I’ve a terrible habit of catching fleas. Thirdly…” Susan cupped a hand over her mouth as her cheeks turned red and the entire room burst out laughing. “Veritaserum, the most powerful truth serum known to wizarding kind that seemingly is also powerful enough to work on werewolves. A mere few drops of this potion will have you spilling out even your innermost of secrets. Regrettably, it is strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic so I must legally provide you with this antidote immediately,” Snape informed his class while passing Susan a small bottle with a pale blue liquid inside. “And how do I know this isn’t some trick,” Susan queried, her embarrassment turning to anger. “Hey Susan, what do you think of Professor Snape?” One of her peers suddenly cried out. Susan downed the supposed antidote before her mouth could respond. “Huh,” Snape said showing just the faintest hint of disappointment. “If you were expecting a bigger reaction, you have obviously never tasted wolfsbane potion before. What you passed me there may have been disgusting but compared to wolfsbane it was like a prime steak. Now, may I return to my seat please sir?” Susan requested curtly upon realising the potion she had just drunk really was the antidote. “I guess you may as long as you take those two with you,” Snape grumbled pointing at Limestone and Teeth. “Come on you crazy mutts, back to your seat,” Susan said as she grabbed both by the scruffs of their necks before dragging them back to Limestone’s seat. “Oh, and Miss Bones, I suppose ten points to Hufflepuff for your knowledge. That is indeed wolfsbane potion, used to curb lycanthropic tendencies during the full moon. We will come back to both wolfsbane potion and veritaserum theoretically later in this year. Right now, let me see? Ah, Mr Weasley and Mr Longbottom, I see you both brought your pets to class, so why don’t you put them to good use?” Both Ron and Neville rose apprehensively to their feet and started to slowly make their way to the front of the classroom. “GET A MOVE ON WE DO NOT HAVE ALL DAY!” Snape roared and both boys hurriedly made their way forwards. Neither had any clue which of the potions to choose. “So, erm, any clue?” Ron asked the other boy. Neville shook his head. “Sod it, I guess if in doubt, go for the one you know,” Ron said, his hand drifting towards the bottle of wolfsbane potion, only to be distracted as a hand tapped him on his shoulder and handed him a small torn piece of parchment.” “Miss Prewett, I have no clue when you snuck out of your seat but I suggest you return there immediately unless you want a detention.” “Sir, is it true wolfsbane potion is deadly to non-werewolves,” Ron suddenly squeaked going very pale as he finished reading the piece of parchment Scoti had handed him. He had possibly nearly killed his pet! Snape did not look at all pleased that Ron had found this information out. “Yes,” he droned without further explanation. “As for you Miss Prewett, for your impu… stop, don’t drink that you silly girl!” he suddenly exclaimed but too late as Scoti downed the ominous looking black potion, gave her classmates several spectacular looking expressions and then collapsed onto the floor, unmoving. “Snape’s killed her!” Someone shouted before a tidal wave of screams erupted across the classroom. “Settle down, settle down,” Snape instructed, trying, and failing, to regain order. “I SAID SETTLE DOWN. THE NEXT STUDENT TO EVEN COUGH WILL RECEIVE QUADRUPLE HOMEWORK FOR THE ENTIRE FIRST TERM,” his voice suddenly boomed causing the Potions lab to instantly fall into a deathly silence. “That is better. Miss Prewett is not dead, she has merely consumed draught of living death, an extremely powerful sleeping potion that makes the consumer appear as if they are dead. As long as you can administer wiggenweld potion to the affected person then they will almost certainly reawaken and be absolutely fine, although its effectiveness is time dependent and there are cases of people who have never reawakened and eventually died in their sleep,” Snape finished to a round of horrified looks. He rolled his eyes and moved across to Miss Prewett’s unmoving body. “Weasley and Longbottom, if you want a reprieve, help get her upright so I can administer the antidote.” Both boys rapidly did as they were told and a moment later Snape had forced open Scoti’s mouth and poured the green liquid down her throat. “There. Rest her up against my desk and she should be awake by the end of the lesson. As for the rest of you, who feels they may be able to identify the remaining eight potions on my desk?” > Defence Against Kittens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After spending a further ten or so minutes on having an introduction to some of the potions they would encounter during their time at Hogwarts and a few they most certainly would not, like the extremely poisonous blood red Baneberry potion and highly volatile Fire-Breathing Potion that could melt the flesh of their bones, Professor Snape had moved onto the Cure for Boils. This he had informed them would be their first attempt at brewing a potion on Friday and that he expected them to come prepared as it would be a closed book attempt with the person you are sitting next to. After that he had reluctantly dismissed them aside Scoti who he wanted a word with. Scoti though had already woken up from her nap and made her escape with Teeth, who had easily shrugged of the laughing potion he had ingested in record time. “Testing your ability and skill my arse,” Susan groused as they neared the top of the stairway out of the dungeons. “He just wants to see us suffer.” “For possibly the first time since I have met you, I have to agree with you Susan,” Limestone replied. “I also would not be surprised if his own house’s students mysteriously pass with flying colours as well. I mean, did you not notice how the Slytherin students seemed surprisingly well equipped for today’s lesson?” Leanne supplemented. “Like they knew what was coming,” Limestone replied contemplating the idea. “Exactly.” “And that surprises you? The guy is the embodiment of the house he leads. He slithers in the darkness, waiting for his moment to strike and utilise the small bit of power he has,” Susan interjected, acting as if speaking about their Potions professor offended her. “Fair point. Anyone want to get some fresh air now we are finally out of those stuffy dungeons?” Leanne asked, trying to move the conversation onto more light-hearted matters. “Or would you rather go hug Mr Snuggles?” she directed towards Susan. “Just don’t get to close to me, I don’t want to catch your fleas, again,” she teased playfully. Even Limestone could not withhold a snicker at those jibes as Susan went red in the face. “It was two times!” She squeaked in embarrassment causing Limestone to let out a snort of laughter. “You know your as cute as Limestone when you are embarrassed. Muzzles showing by the way,” Leanne commented with a cheeky smile as she poked her friend’s now extended nose. Susan’s hands immediately went to her furry face. “Damnit, you know that happens when you get me flustered.” “Why do you think I did it? Hey look, Scoti and Teeth are waiting for us over there,” Leanne stated, wandering over to meet her other new friend. “Snape was not pleased you skipped out on class. Told me to tell you that he expects you back in the Potions lab after classes are finished for the stunt you pulled. Just what were you thinking? You could have killed yourself you fool,” Leanne finished angrily. Saving Ron’s rat. Seer remember, I knew exactly what I was doing don’t you worry. And no chance. If he wants me, he will have to hunt me down, Scoti stated defiantly. Now what was that about some fresh air? “Oh no, you are not just shrugging this of that easily. Do you want Snape to expel you?” Leanne replied sternly. Expel me? He doesn’t have the balls to even try. Only Headmaster Dumbledore has that power and he is well aware of the implications that could cause. Leanne looked to the heavens. “Why don’t we all just go get some fresh air before lunch?” Sounds good to me! “I suppose so but don’t think you can skive of in the sun Limestone, we have an exam to prepare for. Or were you deliberately trying to sneak away from me at the end of our lesson?” Hermione’s stern voice echoed out into the cavernous hallway they were now in. “Crap,” Limestone muttered under her breath. “No Hermione, we were in a rush to find Scoti is all, who, as you can see, we found.” “Excellent. Then I suggest we start our studying with getting to know the correct ingredients before moving on…” Limestone zoned out and just nodded along aimlessly. * To Limestone’s credit, she kept respectable pace with Hermione’s seemingly insatiable appetite for knowledge and this was in spite of Scoti’s attempts to distract them with all manner of death-defying stunts on her broomstick. Afterwards, they refuelled themselves at lunch where they all found themselves to engrossed with eating as much as possible to even contemplate discussing how their second day had gone so far. Thankfully, this time there was no interruption from Professor Sprout and the Hufflepuff first-year girls made it to DADA in peace. “We-we-welcome to de-de-defence a-a-against the d-d-dark arts,” Professor Quirrell stammered from the front of the classroom, losing both the attention and respect of half the class in the process. “T-t-today we will b-be looking at the M-M-Ministry’s three cl-cl-classifications of cr-cr-creatures and…” And even before the end of the second sentence, he had lost the other half of the class. As Quirrell continued stammering away, the class spent the next fifty minutes doing whatever they could to not fall asleep, from doodling on their parchment to whispering and giggling with each other. Even Hermione had trouble understanding what Professor Quirrell was babbling about and opted to instead teach herself from her textbook. Meanwhile, on Limestone’s other side, Scoti had fallen asleep after conjuring a pair of glasses that made her appear awake. Limestone herself tried desperately to follow Professor Quirrell but it was just impossible to follow or pay him any respect with those constant stammers and she was thankful in the end when Hermione stepped in and ran her own mini lesson with Limestone and Lavender. “Thank goodness that is over,” Susan exclaimed as soon as they made it out of the classroom. “Until Thursday morning,” Leanne informed her. “Uh, don’t remind me. That was worse than History. Professor Qu-Qu-Quirrell couldn’t protect himself from a newborn kitten, let alone anything truly dangerous,” Susan argued. “I suppose though, between him and Professor Binns they might bore He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named to death if he was ever to return.” After Limey paralyses him with her cuteness, Scoti added. This earned a round of laughter from everyone aside Limestone, although even she could not help but jest with her friends. “It is nice to know that your friends’ plan to save themselves from the most dangerous threat imaginable is by using you as a shield,” she deadpanned looking less than amused by the prospect. This resulted in even more laughter. “At least we see you as a valuable asset,” Susan quipped as she got control of herself. “Thanks,” Limestone said sardonically. “And it is really nice that you see me as a friend Limey,” Susan added with her trademark cheeky smile. “Fine. I give up, you can call me that,” Limestone grumbled. Susan cackled like a loon. “I knew you would see it my way in the end Limey. More importantly, on a serious note, we’ve absolutely no hope of getting anywhere in that class with him teaching it. I mean, did anyone even note down what the homework assignment was, if there was one?” This was greeted by a shrug of shoulders. Even Hermione looked flummoxed. “See, my point exactly. Not that I care much but as you are all aware my aunt not only has me on a very short leash that she will only be too happy to choke me with if my grades are not to her liking but is also the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Thus, failing DADA is the equivalent of a death sentence for me,” Susan explained, her smile having evaporated and been replaced with a nervous expression. “But what can we do?” Leanne asked the question that was on all her friends’ minds. We could hire a tutor? Leanne looked at Scoti for a moment, unsure if she was being serious, before finally replying, “I mean, we could, but two problems. One, where would we find anyone to take on the role, and secondly, how would we pay for it?” Seriously, I’m the last of two well established magical families and have two mansions and a further fourteen properties under my name just to start. I don’t think money will be an issue. “Woah, I knew you were rich but I didn’t know you were that rich,” Susan commented what everyone else was thinking. Yeah, well, when the entire both sides of your family are slaughtered and they have no one else left to hand over their assets to, you end up super rich. That and the two thousand galleons a month the Ministry compensate me with for the damages their incompetence caused. The group of girls stopped and stared at her. It was Susan who spoke first. “Damn. That’s insane.” Maybe so, but no amount of money can bring back my family or stop the nightmares, Scoti replied with a distant expression across her face as her right hand began to shake involuntarily “Understood,” Leanne said placing a hand on the other girl’s shoulder. “I know we have only just met, but if you ever wish to tell us anything with your signs, we will be happy to read,” she added kindly. Thanks, but I’ve got enough shrinks on my back already, Scoti replied curtly. Leanne took the hint and decided to move the discussion along as she removed her hand from Scoti’s shoulder. “Anyway, even if we do now have the funds to do so, do we even know anyone who could tutor us?” “Don’t look at me, muggle born remember,” Hermione stated. Lavender meanwhile shook her head after a long hard think. “What about Mr Lupin? He has likely not got much to do right now as we are here. Plus, he has always been extremely nice and helpful to us,” Susan suggested. “That may be so, but I am not sure the teachers would be happy having yet another werewolf at the school. I mean, he has openly admitted to us that the only reason the Ministry put up with him is because they feel it takes a werewolf to know a werewolf and he is happy being paid pittance as long as they supply him with wolfsbane potion and let him crash in his tiny office,” Leanne explained. “Fair point. Sadly, he is the only person I can think of aside my aunt and I would rather suffer with whatever that drivel was back there than ask her to tutor us. And besides, she would be too busy with her job to have any time for us anyway,” Susan responded dejectedly, out of options. “We could still send Mr Lupin a letter to see if he knows of anyone,” Leanne offered to cheer her friend up. “Unless anyone else has any suggestions?” I would also send out a letter to my Ministry assigned bodyguard as well but most the people he used to work with are either dead or in the insane asylum ward of St Mungo’s. Plus, he’s a total killjoy and never wants me to have any fun. Leanne’s right eyebrow raised in a mix of surprise and intrigue. “You have a Ministry assigned bodyguard?” Obviously not here as Hogwarts is probably the safest place in the wizarding world according to him. But when I am home, yes. Moody his name is and damn does it suit him. “Moody? As in Alastor Moody, possibly the most famous and skilled auror to ever live,” Leanne said in total astonishment. Yeah, although I prefer cantankerous old bastard who never lets me have any fun, Scoti stated, looking like she very much regretted bringing his name up. Cannot believe my parents made him my godfather, what in dragon dung were they thinking? Guy knows about as much about kids as a death eater does morals, she ranted, rapidly firing out one sign after another. It was obvious to Leanne that Scoti and her godfather did not always see eye to eye and she thought it best they avoided contacting him if they could. “Well, we will definitely keep him in mind but let’s contact Mr Lupin first and see what he says.” “Awesome! We’ve got a free period now so how about we head to the library and write that letter. Anyone got an owl we can borrow to send it?” Everyone looked at Scoti. What? Why are you all looking at me for? “Well, you are the richest of all of us,” Susan said bluntly. “That and the fact the McKinnon’s are well known for being some of the best owl breeders in the country,” Leanne said a little more tactfully. Oh, I see how it is. When you need something, call on the rich friend. “Pretty much,” Susan said with a smirk across her face. Fine, but Francesca won’t deliver anything long distance without a good hearty meal beforehand. The smirk fell off Susan’s face. “Let me guess, you want me to feed her?” Scoti gave her friend a devilish smirk of her own in return. Why, how nice of you to offer. * Dear Mr Lupin, We hope you are well since our last session. As for us, me and Leanne are settling in well at Hogwarts and were both placed in Hufflepuff! Unfortunately, Lavender was placed in Gryffindor but no matter what we will always be friends and in only a few days we have added three new members to our little pack, Scoti Prewett, who you have almost certainly heard of, Hermione, a muggle born, and Limestone, an anthropomorphic horse girl from another dimension who is the cutest thing you could ever imagine. Anyway, the reason I am contacting you today is that sadly our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell, is, well, to put it simply, we all feel a private tutor on the subject would be more beneficial to our education. Unfortunately, despite having the means to hire one thanks to Scoti, between us we have hit a dead end in trying to think of a suitable candidate for the job and were hoping you might know of someone who could help. We did consider asking you but know you must have your hands full at the Ministry. Plus, we are unsure Headmaster Dumbledore would be willing to allow another werewolf into the grounds. Thank you for reading my letter and we do so hope you can suggest someone to assist with our current predicament, yours sincerely, Susan Melissa Fanny Bones “One of your middle names is Fanny?” Leanne commented with a snicker. “And now you know why I never told you. It was my grandmother’s name. She was murdered less than a month before I was born,” Susan said solemnly. “And you already know who Melissa was.” Leanne stopped snickering immediately as a look of regret crossed her face. Susan held up a hand to stop her best friend saying what she was about to say. “Don’t, just don’t. You know very well words are meaningless and won’t bring either of them back, so just drop it, okay?” “Understood,” Leanne replied with a nod of her head. “Personally, I’m surprised with how tactful you have been,” Limestone said while scrutinising the letter over Susan’s shoulder and looking particularly displeased at the “cute” part. “I expected, To Mr Lupin, we are having a wonderful time causing chaos at Hogwarts and have already made enemies of most the professors for one reason or another along with several powerful allies, an extremely smart muggle born, an anthropomorphic horse that can grow trees at will and an orphaned seer with more money than sense. My personal highlight so far was fighting a giant three headed dog, a hellhound and an acromantula. Anyhow, our Defence Against the Dark arts teacher is extremely lame and has a terrible stutter meaning nobody can understand what he’s mumbling. Can you hook us up with someone better who can teach has how to blow stuff up with magic? Pretty Please, your bestie, Susan.” Leanne tried cupping a hand over her mouth but even that couldn’t stop her snort of laughter as Susan glowered at Limestone. “Some of us actually had an education my dear,” she said snootily before being unable to hold it in anymore herself as the laughter she had tried to bury inside of her burst out. “Oh my word, that was perfect Limestone but I don’t think Mr Lupin would have agreed,” she eventually wheezed. “Well, you never know. If he hears about how much you have been struggling in your first few days at Hogwarts, he might be more forceful about coming here and teaching us himself so that he can also keep an eye on you, Leanne and Lavender personally,” Limestone commented, half joking. Leanne and Susan stared at Limestone as a lightbulb came on in both their heads. “That is a brilliant idea!” Susan said with a massive grin across her face as she screwed up the letter she had just written, threw it into a nearby bin and grabbed another peace of parchment to start writing it all over again. “For once I would have to agree. He would be perfect for the job to tutor us. Scoti would pay him more than the Ministry and the castle would offer him better living accommodation than his cupboard of an office,” Leanne stated. “Wait, what, I was only joking!” Limestone interjected. “To late,” Susan stated as she scribbled away with mad fervour. * Dear Mr Lupin, we hope you are well after our last session. As for us, it has been an up and down few days. Although we have made several new wonderful friends, we have, as you expected, experienced significant discrimination and this has left us all feeling dispirited and disheartened, even at this early stage of our education. To our shock, surprise and horror, it is the professors who have been the worst and who lack understanding of our condition and needs. The Potions professor, Professor Snape, has openly admitted to wanting us expelled, called me dog, and forced me to take an unknown and possibly dangerous potion that turned out to be veritaserum. Poor Lavender is a nervous wreck, her common room is filled with cats and her head of house, Deputy Headmistress Professor McGonagall, refuses to do anything to help as they constantly scratch and bite her. Meanwhile, me and Leanne have been unfairly punished for sparring at breakfast and our head of house, Professor Sprout, is also angry at me for wrestling an acromantula, hellhound and giant three headed dog in the grounds yesterday. Meanwhile, Professor Binns History lessons send us to sleep and Professor Quirrell stutters so badly it is like he is speaking another language and thus we are now also seeking a private tutor for the subject after only one lesson! Our friend Scoti has graciously offered to cover the cost if we can find someone for the job. It is for these reasons that I am contacting you now. Is there any way you may be able to assist us? It just feels like there are no adults here who understands our condition and needs or, quite frankly, give a shit about how difficult it can be to manage and control. I eagerly await your response and thank you once more for always being there for us, yours sincerely, Susan Melissa Fanny Bones > An Argument of Astronomical Preportions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are we nearly there yet?” Susan griped as they continued up the long set of spiral stairs to the Astronomy classroom. “I swear, if you ask that question one more time, I’ll throw you off the top of the Astronomy tower,” Leanne said tetchily in reply. A wide grin appeared across Susan’s face “Ooh, that sounds like fun. Be a good test of my lycanthropy to see just how strong my bones are.” Leanne’s head met her right forehand. “Only you could possibly think being chucked off an incredibly tall building was a good thing.” “Well, someone has to,” Susan countered as they reached the top of the staircase they were on and saw their destination was in sight. “Finally!” she exclaimed. Their teacher was waiting for them in the doorway. “Further up than you thought?” she said with an amused smile. “Yes professor. Sorry for being slightly late, is it much further to the top from here?” Leanne replied politely for everyone. “Oh, the classroom is only about halfway up the tower, although students are not permitted to go any further except for lessons,” Professor Sinistra replied. “Halfway!” Susan wheezed, suddenly going very pale. “Yes, this is why you shall be collected from your common rooms at eleven thirty tonight so that we have no repeats of such tardiness. Now, take your seats and, like your peers, consider the question on the board whilst I wait for the final few stragglers to arrive. And just like that, here they come,” the Astronomy professor said, turning her attention to the last batch of first year students who had just reached the top of the staircase. Limestone and her friends took their seats and pondered the question on the board as they prepared themselves for the upcoming lesson. What does Astronomy have to do with magic? She raised her right hand into the air. Professor Sinistra looked confused for a moment and then asked, “Yes, Miss Pie.” “I’m just wondering how I answer that question because as far as I’ve been made aware, your Astronomy is a lot different to mine back home?” “How so?” Professor Sinistra enquired looking intrigued. “Well, for a start, our ruler Princess Celestia raises both the sun and moon with her alicorn magic, the latter of which imprisons her sister, the former raiser of the moon who was corrupted by the darkness and solitude of the night. The stars back home in Equestria are thus a representation of our dreams, shining beacons of light and hope to force back this darkness and prevent it from corrupting anypony else,” Limestone explained. “So, for us back in Equestria, Astronomy has everything to do with magic and the two are closely intertwined. What, why are you all looking at me like that?” Professor Sinistra coughed and cleared her throat before replying. “Yes, Headmaster Dumbledore had warned me that I might find your version of Astronomy different and unique to our own. Your leader must be an incredibly powerful being to control the skies. Here though our Earth orbits the sun due to its gravitational pull, more muggle science than actual magic, although we to believe in the magic of the stars. That branch of magic is called Astrology and uses the position of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars to predict the future or provide insight into a person’s life, something I am sure Miss Prewett next to you can inform you more about if you so wish. Five points to Hufflepuff for your insightful answer. Now, who would like to give their answer next. Miss Granger, you seem eager, go ahead.” “It is often theorised that the position of the stars and moon in relation to the Earth can affect a magician’s ability in terms of power and the level of magic they can cast and control, yet no solid evidence of this has ever been proven,” Hermione explained proudly. “Another excellent answer. Five points to Gryffindor. Master Malfoy, I see you sniggering at the back there, maybe you would like to suggest another answer?” Professor Sinistra asked with a stern glare at the misbehaving boy. “Although a little outdated, the position of the stars can be used for navigation, something my father taught me a little bit about on a camping trip several years ago. For example, if you can locate the north star, you know that direction must be north,” Draco replied smugly. “Correct, although not exactly linked with magic, witches and wizards of old would utilise the stars to locate magical settlements hidden away from prying muggle eyes. Even though magical and muggle developments have seen its use become somewhat redundant, it still comes in handy if you ever make a mistake when apparating or travelling by floo powder,” Professor Sinistra explained. “Now, would anyone else like to have a guess?” There was a shaking of heads around the room before one of the Ravenclaw boys nervously raised his hand. “Yes, Master Boot, would you like to say something?” Professor Sinistra encouraged. “Would timing be an answer? As in relation to the fact certain potions can only be brewed at certain times or ingredients picked at certain times,” the boy suggested looking a little unsure of himself. “An outstanding answer Mr Boot, that will be ten points to Ravenclaw for your knowledge. There are certain spells, rituals and potions that will only work when cast at certain times of a month or year, or when ingredients are picked, for example, at the time of a full moon. Meanwhile, in Herbology, certain plants will only bloom at night and some only when the stars are aligned in a certain way. We will discuss and go into depth more on the topic of Astronomy’s importance to the magical community after Christmas but first I shall be focusing on providing you with a basic knowledge of the major stars, constellations, and planets. For the first month or so we shall be studying star charts, learning the names of important stars and constellations before applying this knowledge practically in our late-night classes. Over the course of your time here at Hogwarts you will even learn how to make your own star charts but for now I would like you all to look in the gap under your desks, there should be enough for one star chart per pair,” Professor Sinestra explained, turning to a diagram that was pinned to a blackboard at the front of the classroom. “Overall, there are eighty-eight known constellations. Today we shall be going over some of the easiest ones that you can find in the night sky and then attempting to locate them in the practical half of our lesson tonight. First up is the Big and Little Dipper, the latter of which is essential to navigation as it encompasses the North Star in its handle. You have five minutes to find them both on your star charts. If you need assistance, a diagram of both is pinned to the blackboard behind me. Good luck!” * “Wow, that was intense,” Susan said as they departed the Astronomy classroom. “Who knew there were so many stars out there!” “Just be grateful you aree not from another dimension with a totally different layout. It was just lucky I sat next to Scoti, she seemed to know everything Professor Sinestra was talking about,” Limestone responded. No worries. I’ve been studying Astrology since I discovered I was a seer when I was six. Now, I’m going to go fetch Francesca, you alright collecting her dinner from the kitchen. Just say Scoti sent you to collect Francesca’s dinner and the house elves will know what you mean. “I totally forgot about the letter. Guess I had better get a move on. You coming with me Leanne? Lavender?” Susan said not waiting for a reply as she hurried on down the staircase. “I guess that means me and Hermione are with you Scoti?” Limestone said as she watched the three werewolves scamper away. “We can recap what we learnt in today’s lesson on the way,” Hermione suggested. “Oh joy,” Limestone replied, looking the absolute opposite of overjoyed with the idea as they began the descent down the Astronomy tower. * Susan was concerned. As a natural born werewolf, she should not be concerned but the giant and rather smelly dead fish in her hand that was nearly as long as she was tall combined with the look Scoti had given her earlier had Susan feeling just a touch uneasy as they made their way onto the training fields. Her unease was solidified as her eyes fell upon the bird that rested on Scoti’s left arm. “THAT’S NOT A BIRD, THAT’S A MINIATURE BEAR WITH WINGS!” Susan exclaimed preparing to throw the giant fish she was carrying onto the ground. “Hoo,” the giant owl replied while eyeing up the pike Susan was carrying. “And what is it with you and oversized things? First your wand, now your pet, what next?” Leanne stated. “Trust me, you do not want to ask that question,” Limestone replied. “That owl is incredibly strong.” You called me pipsqueak. Just be grateful I didn’t have Francesca leave you on top of the owlery until she came back from delivering the letter. Anyway, this is Francesca, a Blakiston’s Fish Owl, the largest known species of owl in existence. As far as I am aware it was my great grandfather who brought them over to Scotland from Japan many years ago after hearing about how they were the only known species of owl capable of flying not just extremely long distances but with heavy loads as well, Scoti explained with a series of cards. “Okay, thanks for the History lesson. Now, what should I do with the fish? Throw it on the ground for her?” Oh no, Francesca may be getting on years but she still needs enrichment. “Enrich…what?” Susan said looking confused. Make it challenging for her. Scoti brought a whistle to her lips and blew it. Francesca immediately shot high into the air before divebombing straight for Susan. A smile adorned Susan’s lips as the unease she had been feeling vanished in an instant. * “That all you got you oversized budgie!” Susan taunted as Francesca tried again to pry the pike away from her. Francesca let out a hoot of indignation before attempting to pry the fish from Susan’s grip once more. The battle had been raging for several minutes and yet another set of Susan’s school clothes were only fit for the bin. At this rate she would be out of robes by the end of the first week. Francesca had scratched, clawed, pecked, bit and everything in-between to acquire her dinner but so far, Susan had refused to yield. Failing with her latest attempt, Francesca broke away once more and shot high into the sky preparing for another dive bomb as an all to recognisable voice echoed across the playing fields. “Who or rather what is that thing and why is that dog fighting it with an oversized fish?” Professor Snape exclaimed coming up behind the gaggle of first year girls. “And you should be aware Miss Prewett that there is nowhere in this castle you can possibly hide from me so congratulations, you just doubled your detention.” Scoti tapped Limestone on the shoulder and gestured with her head at the angry professor behind them. “Why do I have to deal with him?” Limestone griped. Would you rather deal with Francesca? “Fine,” Limestone grumbled turning around to face Professor Snape. “That is Scoti’s owl Francesca sir. Susan is currently feeding him.” “Hey, yowch, what the, you crafty thing, that was sneaky, extra sneaky.” Susan suddenly exclaimed to a round of guffaws. “Huh, what happened?” Limestone said turning to Leanne. “Oh, Francesca fooled Susan. She made it look liked she was diving for the fish again but this time she diverted at the last second and pecked Susan on the butt causing her to drop the fish in surprise. Before Susan knew what was going on Francesca was up in the tree enjoying her dinner,” Leanne explained. Why do you think I didn’t want to feed her myself? She’s incredibly smart and learnt every trick imaginable to get her dinner one way or another. Give her half an hour to an hour and she will be ready to send that letter, Scoti added with several signs before continuing to ignore Professor Snape as she went over to the giant oak tree Limestone had grown the day before, sat down with her back against it, and pulled out a book on Astrology that she then began to read. “I know you are not deaf so you will come with me this instant or so help me I shall be pressing the matter with Professor Sprout!” Snape roared angrily about to head over and drag the girl down to the dungeons. “And what might I ask has she done this time?” Professor Sprout asked with a heavy sigh as she waltzed across the training fields. “And do I even want to ask why you have ruined a second perfectly good set of robes Miss Bones? And why is there a giant owl eating an equally giant fish in that tree over there? Did it have something to do with all that commotion a minute ago?” It was Leanne who replied. “I can answer the first of those questions for you professor. Scoti got out of her seat in class when she shouldn’t have to stop Ron killing his rat with wolfsbane potion and downed a vial of draught of living death to stop Neville giving it to his toad. I am sure she would have explained her reasons for getting out of her seat and not been so reckless had Professor Snape not banned her from using non-verbal communication in class,” she finished earning a deadly looking scowl from Professor Snape in return. Professor Sprout practically exploded. “YOU DID WHAT!” “Even docked Hufflepuff twenty points because she couldn’t and nearly made her cry,” Susan added coming over. Professor Sprout’s right hand tensed and for a moment all five girls in attendance thought she might slap Snape. “You are a cruel and heartless man Severus Snape. I have no idea what Albus sees in you,” she eventually said coldly, her eyes firing daggers at her colleague. “Well, someone has to teach these children that the world isn’t all rainbows and unicorns Pomona and I guess that responsibility falls to me,” Snape countered. “Goodness knows that buffoon Quirrell won’t.” “I see, still brooding because you didn’t get the Defence Against the Dark Arts position again?” Professor Sprout replied flatly. “Quirinus is a highly intelligent individual and more than qualified for the position,” she added defending her colleague. “The guy has been afraid of his own shadow ever since he returned from his European excursion and can barely speak a comprehensible sentence. You, horse girl, what did you think of your Defence Against the Dark Arts Class,” Snape demanded pointing to Limestone. “Honestly, we had absolutely no idea what he was prattling on about for fifty minutes and are now seeking a tutor for the subject. And need I remind you it is Miss Pie or would you like Teeth visiting you in the middle of the night?” Limestone replied sharply. Professor Snape ignored the last part. “See what I mean. The guy is a joke and we all know how poor recent Defence Against the Dark Arts grades at this school have been. Most the teachers since I came to this school have either never bothered to show up or been totally inept like Quirrell. We have absolutely no idea if or when He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named may return but I for one plan to ensure my students are ready if that time ever arises. Now stand aside, that girl has a destiny with quill, ink and parchment.” Professor Sprout only proceeded to further block Snape’s path from Scoti. “I shall not. There is a fine line between preparing our students and bullying Severus and it is clear to me that you have crossed it, seemingly having a vendetta against my first-year girls because of factors outside of their control. Thus, you will back down this instant and refer any future disciplinary issues with my girls to me so that I may deal with them myself, understood?” The two sparring professors locked eyes as an uneasy silence gripped the training fields, the only sound the distant tearing of meat as Francesca dived further into her dinner. It was over a minute later before Snape turned and stormed back off to the dungeons muttering all manner of curses under his breath. In Limestone’s mind it was almost certain that even if the Potions professor couldn’t punish them directly, he would still find ways within their lessons to do so. As Limestone pondered the ramifications of Professor Sprout’s intervention, the Herbology professor herself was letting let out a huge sigh of relief only to swiftly find herself being squeezed to death. “Susan, inside strength please!” Professor Sprout wheezed as the werewolf hoisted her into the air in a bear hug. “Sorry, sorry!” Susan said sheepishly lowering Professor Sprout to the ground and attempting to dust down her dirt-stained clothes. “It’s just no adult aside Mr Lupin and my mother have ever defended me before and I just got a little over excited is all.” “I can see that. Would you mind putting away your tail? Professor Sprout requested politely as she removed her overcoat. “W-what?” Susan looked over her shoulder at her fiercely wagging tail. Her cheeks burned red as she turned back to Professor Sprout. “I-I can’t,” she murmured burying her head in her hands. Professor Sprout looked at Susan curiously for a moment before Leanne stepped in. “It’s a werewolf thing. For some unknown reason our tails seem to have a mind of their own. It is highly annoying especially as when they do appear they have a maddening habit of trying to make us chase and catch them, which overall is an extremely bad move on our part. Susan, I wouldn’t if I were you,” Leanne warned as Susan’s creamy brown tail started to tickle her human nose. “I’m trying, I really am but, oh sod it,” a muzzle slowly formed on her face and she began chasing her tail round and round in circles much to everyone in attendance, which now also included a fair few older students who had been intrigued by the commotion Susan and Francesca had caused, stayed on for the battle of wills between Sprout and Snape and now were quite content with the concluding act of a werewolf chasing its own tail. “Excuse me a moment. This happens more often than you think,” Leanne admitted to Professor Sprout as she walked over to Susan, timed her moment to perfection, plucked the other werewolf high into the air by the scruff of her neck and then slapped her hard across the face. “Better?” “Better, thanks Leanne,” Susan admitted as her tail began to recede and disappear having had its fill of mischief for now. “What are you all looking at? You have had your show now scat before I give you an encore entitled Whichever one of you is the slowest becomes my dinner,” Leanne boomed with a lick of her extremely sharp canines. Every spectator bolted for the safety of the castle in absolute terror. Well, all except one. “Little help?” Limestone asked, attempting pointlessly to try and shake the unexpectedly strong girl that had clamped herself onto her off. “Jasmine, I need time to talk to my students in peace please, would you mind?” Professor Sprout instructed politely but firmly, as in it wasn’t actually a question rather an order. “But…but…Professor Kettleburn’s first homework assignment was for us all to write a page of parchment on our favourite magical creature and why. I have got all her statistics from the summer but Limestone is not in a book so how else am I meant to get the rest of the information I need from her other than by kidnapping and interviewing her,” Jasmine argued refusing to back down. “Wait, what was that last part?” Limestone enquired eyes wide. Professor Sprout looked to the heavens. “You can have half an hour after dinner, understood?” the Hufflepuff head of house said decisively. “Did she just say she planned to kidnap me?” Jasmine slowly let the other girl go. “Thanks Professor Sprout,” she said before skipping away. “Is no one going to pay any attention to me?” “That girl scares even me and I’m a werewolf,” Susan admitted with a shudder as Professor Sprout threw her overcoat over her. “Thanks Professor, I was starting to get chilly there.” “You’re welcome. The last thing we need is anymore of the school getting a glimpse of your posterior.” “Posteri… what?” Susan replied looking confused. “What Professor Sprout means is that you just showed of your naked arse to the other half of the school,” Limestone cut in gruffly. “Which I think is a lot less worrying than another student plotting to kidnap you.” As Susan’s face went bright red once more Professor Sprout finally acknowledged Limestone. “Trust me Jasmine’s harmless as long as you don’t harm a hair on a horse’s head and as you are technically a horse, you have nothing to worry about,” Professor Sprout explained. “Aside being kidnapped,” Limestone grumbled under her breath not in the slightest bit reassured or happy with her head of house’s response. Professor Sprout opted to just ignore the pouting pony again and addressed the first-year girls as a collective. “I feel that we all got off on the wrong foot or in Limestone’s case, hoof. It is a lovely early autumn day so shall we take a seat on the grass in a circle and start afresh in a minute to get to know one another better. Yes, you two as well,” she added gesturing towards Hermione and Lavender. “You are their friends now whether you like it or not, so I will apologise in advance for the trouble my miscreants will most certainly drag you into over the next seven years. I am just thankful they have your intelligence Miss Granger to help drag them back out of it in future.” “HEY, are you calling me dumb?” Susan exploded. “No, just a reckless idiot who does not think before acting and thus in the space of ten minutes fought a giant owl, showed half the school her arse for the second time in as many days and finished the spectacle off by chasing her own tail,” Professor Sprout deadpanned not even looking at Susan as she spoke. Leanne let out a snort of amusement. “I can’t believe that out of everything that has happened today, you being roasted by Professor Sprout is the most surprising.” Susan looked like she wanted to interject but Professor Sprout cut her off. “Enough. For once in your Hogwarts tenure do as you are told and sit like a good little girl whilst I go and mend the bridges I stupidly broke before I had even built.” And without another word she made her way over to Scoti as Susan joined Limestone in a pouting contest much to the other three girl’s amusement. “Hello Scoti, I wish to apologise for my actions yesterday. Although I was upset at what had transpired between you and Professor McGonagall, I should not have allowed my loyalty to my friend cloud my judgement and should have instead sought your side to the story as well so that I could make a balanced and fair decision on the matter,” Professor Sprout said regretfully. “But I am trying to right that wrong now. So, are you willing to give me a second chance and join us to have your voice heard?” she asked hopefully. Throughout Professor Sprout’s entire speech Scoti had continued to read her book. Slowly she closed it and a sign appeared in front of her. You promise never to even threaten to take my broom away from me again? “That depends. Have you really learnt conjuration in just three short months?” Professor Sprout enquired. A scowl appeared on Scoti’s face. He Promised! “Something like that was never going to stay secret for long my dear even if Minerva did not believe you initially. Might I ask how you managed it though as conjuration is an incredible feat for an adult to accomplish, let alone one so young,” Professor Sprout enquired. I’ve always wanted to speak and when I stumbled upon incendio and conjuration in the book of spells Professor Flitwick gave me, I was hooked. I bought every textbook on conjuration I could and studied relentlessly in-between quidditch and ballet practice until one day in the middle of August I woke up and nearly scared one of my housemaids half to death. Ever since then the only limitations I have had are the size and duration of the items I conjure. They are never permanent, Scoti explained with several signs. “Yes, Professor Flitwick informed me you were unable to conjure anything bigger than you are or for longer than an hour but that still does not diminish from what you have accomplished and I can assure you that if that is your one request then so be it, I will never allow any professor to confiscate your broom as long as I remain at this school as your reward for such hard work. You have my word,” Professor Sprout informed her student. Do I still have to go to remedial classes? Scoti asked, trying to press home her advantage. “Yes. You still conjured a fire breathing chicken onto your teacher’s head. Furthermore, I also do not wish to see such a talent for transfiguration magic to go to waste. Now, shall we join the others?” Scoti wanted nothing more than to return to her book but internally knew she had little choice in the matter, so took the proffered hand and headed for a group psychiatry session with her friends. > Friendship Therapy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Excellent. Now, as you are already aware, I am Professor Sprout, long term Herbology Professor here at the school and for some of you, your head of house. I have decided to host this session so that I can get to know you all a little better and to understand any concerns you may have from your first few days at the school. Who would like to go first?” To everyone’s surprise it was Lavender’s hand who shot into the air. “Yes, Miss Brown, go ahead,” Professor Sprout encouraged. “C-can y-you get Professor McGonagall to prevent the cats in our common room from constantly attacking me. I am covered in scratches and bites, terrified to return to my dorm and barely had any sleep the past two nights,” Lavender blurted with a wild look in her eyes as she rolled up the sleeves of her robe to reveal an array of claw marks and bites. “And that is only a few of them. The worst thing is if I retaliate Professor McGonagall will almost certainly blame me and have me expelled. I am at my wits end.” “And have you tried talking to Professor McGonagall?” Professor Sprout replied, unable to keep the concern out of her voice. “Talking? She doesn’t want anything to do with me. What good would that do?” Lavender exclaimed. “I knew I shouldn’t have said anything,” she added, preparing to rise to her feet only for Susan to grab a hold of her left arm and pull her back to the ground. “Thank you, Susan. You are going nowhere young Miss. Those bites and scratches need seeing to and you need a good rest. So, after we are done here, Susan is going to take you straight to the infirmary while I go and sort the matter with Minerva. And if she refuses to do anything about it, screw tradition, I will get another bed set up in my girls’ dorm for you,” Professor Sprout said resolutely. “Y-y-you would do that for me?” Lavender replied in absolute shock. “B-but you barely know me? Heck, most people don’t want to know me,” she admitted while staring forlornly at a patch of earth in front of her. “Are you not a Hogwarts student? Because it does not matter what house a student is in to me. If you are a student at this school, you are my responsibility no matter what house you are in. Does that answer your question and are you satisfied with that resolution?” “Yes, Professor Sprout, and thank you, thank you very much,” Lavender replied with a broad smile across her face. “Wonderful. You have a beautiful smile and I never want to see it disappear from your face again. Now, is there anything else you wish to share with the group?” Professor Sprout asked. “Just thank you to you all, especially to my new found non-werewolf friends for accepting me for who I am rather than what I am. I was terrified coming here and stupidly thought even Leanne and Susan would not want me hanging around with them. I never imagined that after my first day I would have five amazing friends to hang out and joke around with. It is honestly the best thing to ever happen to me and I know with all of you to help me, werewolf or not, I can succeed at Hogwarts and make my parents proud,” Lavender choked, tears of joy welling in her eyes. Both Susan and Leanne gripped Lavender tightly in a hug from either side. “We would never leave you behind Lav, never,” Susan reassured her friend. “Yo-you mean that?” Lavender queried. “You are part of our pack and you know what that means, don’t you?” Leanne nipped in. “We’re family,” Lavender sniffled, wiping away her tears with a tissue aptly supplied by Scoti. “Seriously, can we cut it with all the mushy stuff, you lot are going to make me barf,” Limestone interjected grumpily. “D’aw, does the stoney poney woney’s cold dead heart actually feel something,” Susan teased. “Shut it, Susan,” Limestone snapped back before muttering under her breath, “I just don’t like seeing Lavender cry is all.” “And why might that be?” Professor Sprout enquired next to her. “Ah shit, I forgot you were sat so close,” Limestone cursed as she felt Professor Sprout’s intense stare attempting to pierce its way into her soul. “Nope, not happening, I’m out,” Limestone added defensively trying to rise to her hooves only to discover Professor Sprout had a surprisingly firm grip on her right arm. “I cannot make you stay and talk but the same goes for that I cannot be certain you will not discover a semi-dangerous plant under your bed tonight. If you get what I mean,” Professor Sprout said nonchalantly. Limestone shivered before returning her rump to the ground. Unless she wanted to wake up being slowly digested by an extremely large carnivorous plant tomorrow, or worse, she had better get her turn of touchy feely crap over and done with as quickly as possible. “My name’s Limestone, or Limey as some of you like to call me,” she glowered in Susan’s direction. “And I am from a rock farm in another dimension populated by sentient horses where the only social company I had for the first eleven years of my life were my four sisters and my parents. You want any more information, Professor Sprout gets one question and you lot get one question, that is it, understood?” “That seems fair, for now. As such, I use my question to ask you why you found Lavender crying so upsetting?” “I did not find it upsetting,” Limestone argued. “Lavender just reminds me a lot of my youngest sister who also has a nervous disposition is all. Thus, seeing her cry stung a little bit. Nothing to get your tail in a twist. And, before you ask, no I do not see Lavender solely as a friend to fill the void left by my sister. We are friends because we are both grafters who try as hard as we possibly can no matter what stands before us. That good enough for you?” “I suppose that answer shall suffice for now but I still feel there is something else you are not telling me,” Professor Sprout replied. “Girls, what would you like to ask your friend?” “Huh, you know, that is a good question. I think we have already quizzed her on most the things we wanted to know over the past two days such as where she grew up, what it is like being a pony and her butt tattoos.” “Cutie mark,” Limestone cut in. “Sorry,” Leanne apologised. “But yeah, I got nothing. Susan, you got…” she stopped mid-sentence staring at the sign that had appeared in Scoti’s hand. What’s your greatest fear? “I have no idea how you thought of that but it’s perfect,” Leanne praised. Seer, was the only response she got. “Yeah, well, I am sorry to disappoint you but I don’t fear anything,” Limestone replied stone faced. Leanne turned to Susan. “She’s lying,” Susan said emotionlessly while still holding onto Lavender. “The nose and ears never lie. I say she either answers the question or tells us which one of us she would rather kiss?” Leanne turned back to Limestone. “So, care to tell us the truth or would you rather answer Susan’s question?” Limestone grit her teeth together. “I told you the truth. I fear nothing.” “And I told you I could hear your heart beat ever so slightly faster and smell the nervousness on you. Plus, your denial only further proves you are lying,” Susan explained looking highly amused by her friend’s awkwardness. Limestone scowled at Susan before turning her head away and pouting once more. “Loneliness. Now can we please just drop it and move on.” “Ah, and the knut drops. You are overprotective of the ones you love because you fear losing them, how interesting,” Professor Sprout commented while stroking her chin. “I said, drop it,” Limestone said flatly. “I stuck to my half of the agreement and answered both your questions, so you stick to yours and move onto someone else or I’m leaving,” she added. “Fair enough, but I assure you we shall be having words on the matter at a later point,” Professor Sprout said firmly. “I have also yet to ask you if you have any concerns from your first few days at the school?” “I can assure you, we won’t,” Limestone retorted. “As for concerns, four. Firstly, several of the professors are being arseholes to us based on what we are rather than what we do, although I would have to give credit to Professor McGonagall for admitting she was wrong about me and Leanne. Secondly, I am worried that Professor Snape is going to make Potions a living hell for us and thirdly, who here agrees that Professor Binns could teach Defence Against the Dark Arts better than Professor Quirrell.” All six girls raised their hands, even Hermione much to Professor Sprout’s surprise. “Miss Granger, even you?” she queried disbelievingly. “I am afraid so professor. I could barely understand a word he was saying so ended up having a study session from the first few chapters of our textbook with Lavender and Limestone,” Hermione admitted guiltily. “And we have enough theoretical lessons as it is. Surely you must be aware how restless werewolves can get?” Susan chipped in. “How many games of tic tac toe did we end up scratching into the desk in the end Leanne?” “Enough that there wasn’t any more room to play any and we had to move onto who could draw the funniest picture of Professor Quirrell just to try and stop ourselves having another play fight or being punished for taking a nap in class, not that he would have noticed with how caught up in himself he was,” Leanne confessed. “I mean, Scoti put on the most obvious fake glasses with eyes on imaginable and still managed to sleep through the entire lesson without him noticing.” Professor Sprout stared at the gaggle of girls wide eyed, astonished with how brazen and honest they were being. “I see, hence why you are now seeking a tutor for the subject. Might I ask if you had anyone particular in mind?” “We were planning to send a letter to Mr Lupin asking if he could possibly help us or at the very least knew someone who might be able to,” Leanne replied honestly. Professor Sprout shook her head. “I am afraid that will not work girls. For one, we had enough trouble getting approval for you three to attend the school and as such it is just not a feasible option right now. Furthermore, last I read in the Daily Prophet he had been temporarily reassigned to assist with some rogue werewolves causing trouble near Aberystwyth and therefore would be to busy to assist you anyway. Any other options?” “Ahh, well there is one but…” NO “Scoti has godfather issues,” Leanne finished. “Oh, and who’s her godfather?” Professor Sprout enquired. Don’t you dare tell her. “Alastor Moody,” Leanne said ignoring Scoti’s warning. We’re doomed. Professor Sprout’s eyes widened. “Your godfather is Alastor Moody?” And current legal guardian and Ministry assigned bodyguard, yes. It was the only way I could get out of the carnage of my aunt’s place, Scoti informed her head of house reluctantly. “Well, that sounds perfect then. Why don’t you write a letter to him?” Scoti let out a deep sigh. Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. “Excellent. Then we shall await his response on the matter before deciding on our next course of action. Limestone, as for your other concerns, if any of you ever have an issue with a member of staff, come speak to me immediately and I shall determine if further action needs to be taken. No matter what they do or say, do not retaliate. Is that clear?” “Yes, Professor Sprout,” everyone replied as one aside Scoti who gave Professor Sprout a thumbs up. “I am glad that is settled. Now Limestone, didn’t you have one more concern you wanted to raise?” Professor Sprout asked politely. “Oh yeah, those two are either totally insane or absolute morons, I’m currently unsure which,” Limestone replied pointing at Susan then Scoti. “In Susan’s case, I would say both,” Leanne remarked with a chuckle earning her a glower from her best friend. If you think I’m insane, just you wait, was all Scoti stated in her defence. “Okay, okay, you have had your fun. Does anyone else have anymore concerns to raise or has Limestone managed to cover them for everyone?” Everyone looked blankly at one another for a moment. “I will take that as she has. Well, if you think of anything else, please feel free to come and find me in the greenhouses to talk about it. Now, if I am not mistaken, four of you still need to introduce yourselves. Scoti, would you like to start?” My name is Scoti Alaw Prewett, last in line of both the McKinnon and Prewett households, although I do still have a sole surviving aunt on my father’s side. I currently live with my godfather in the Prewett ancestral home although lived with my aunt, uncle and seven cousins until I was six. I like magic, quidditch and ballet and dislike adults and nightmares. That good enough? Susan sniggered. And what might I ask is so funny? “Imagining you in a pink tutu,” Susan tittered. Okay then, let me give you a demonstration. You land one hit on me in sixty seconds and I will give you ten galleons. No punishment either, just give it your best shot. Susan rose to her feet. “Oh, that sounds like fun.” Susan lunged forward towards Scoti without warning in an attempt to take the other girl by surprise. Scoti pretended to yawn before sliding effortlessly under Susan’s wild lunge grabbing her arm in the process. Everyone in attendance winced as they heard the snapping of bone. Shit, sorry, habit. Please don’t be mad. To everyone’s surprise, Susan laughed. “Totally worth it for ten galleons, Feel your head.” Scoti proceeded to do just that and was astonished to discover the smallest of cuts on her forehead. It was only then she noticed the single claw protruding from a finger on Susan’s left hand. Scoti clapped and bowed to her worthy opponent. A bet is a bet, I will get you the galleons as soon as you are out of the infirmary. Although, Teeth might be less forgiving about giving me a scratch. A low, menacing growl echoed behind Susan. “Teeth, this is not your fight, come here or no dinner!” Limestone’s voice suddenly boomed across the training fields. Teeth whined pitifully and tried to give his mistress the puppy dog eyes but Limestone wasn’t buying them for one second. “I’m waiting.” Teeth begrudgingly headed to his mistress’ side. “Right, I am sorry to cut things short as I know we did not get around to three of you but I think it is about time I got back to the greenhouses and two of you need to visit Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary as soon as possible. Scoti also needs to write that letter to her godfather and I need to find time this evening to speak to Professor McGonagall. Consequently, unless you have any further urgent matters that require my attention, I shall be making my leave,” Professor Sprout announced rising to her feet. “Just thanks professor for sparing some time talking and listening to us. We truly do appreciate it as we know how busy you must be,” Leanne said on behalf of the group as she rose to her own feet. “It is fine my dear and part of my job. Susan, can you also tell Madam Pomfrey that I want a full medical examination done on Lavender please, thank you.” “Yes, Professor Sprout,” Susan replied cradling her broken left arm. “I will get them both to the infirmary for you,” Leanne stated taking charge. “Thank you, Miss Moon. Now, I really must be off,” Professor Sprout said as she turned and hurried away back to the greenhouses. “Come on you two, let us get this ear bending over with. Hermione and Limestone, why don’t you two help Scoti with that letter?” Leanne instructed. “Of course, and then we can get on with our Astronomy homework in preparation for tonight,” Hermione replied. Limestone let out an almighty groan. “You know what, my left shoulder is starting to ache. Think I may go with the werewolves and have Madam Pomfrey check it over again.” Hermione looked towards Susan. “Lying.” “Some friend you are,” Limestone grumbled returning to her now trademark pout. “You’re welcome!” Susan called back jovially as she Lavender and Leanne departed across the training fields back to the castle. I’ll be fine doing the letter by myself Hermione if you want to help Limestone get up to speed with her Astronomy. I know she was really struggling in the lesson and would really appreciate the help, Scoti stated wickedly. “Oh, come on. You to!” Limestone exclaimed. That’s for calling me an insane moron, Scoti responded with a devilish smirk across her face. Limestone flopped onto her back on the grass and stared up at the beautiful blue sky above. “Who needs enemies when you’ve got friends.” > Unwanted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was gone half six by the time Limestone, Hermione and Scoti made it into the Great Hall for dinner. They had not even made it to the doorway before they heard the commotion going on inside. “Pomona, you are one to speak. Two days and your first years are running riot around the school fighting anything they can,” Professor McGonagall’s voice echoed from inside. “At least I listen to my students and try to resolve such issues instead of just ignoring them and hoping they go away,” Professor Sprout snapped back. “A head of house is supposed to be someone the students can come to in times of need. Poor Lavender is terrified of you.” Limestone, Hermione and Scoti hurried inside. Despite the hall still being relatively full with dinner goers, no attempt was being made either to eat said dinners or make small talk with fellow housemates. Instead, everyone’s attention had turned to the front of the hall where a full-blown row had erupted between two of the most senior professors. “How dare you question my methods. I am perfectly capable of looking after my students thank you very much,” Professor McGonagall roared back. “Really? Then I am sure the medical Madam Pomfrey has conducted has not found anything amiss with her jittery nature, the heavy bags under her eyes and all the peculiar scratch and bite marks that cover her body,” Professor Sprout retaliated. “How long they been going at it like this?” Limestone asked Leanne, locating the other girl on the Hufflepuff table. “Nearly five minutes. Professor Sprout came storming in eyes ablaze and went straight to Professor McGonagall stating that they needed to have a talk about Lavender. Professor McGonagall did not look at all pleased at having her dinner interrupted and immediately put herself on the back foot by asking what Lavender had done wrong. It has just been going back and forth and getting louder and louder ever since. I am wondering how long it will be before Headmaster Dumbledore steps in,” Leanne explained. “I am sure the girl is fine and just seeking attention,” they heard Professor McGonagall retort before seeing Professor Sprout rise from her chair. “I can assure you she is not and if you are not going to listen to the advice of a long-time friend and instead be blinded by your own outdated, stereotypical, and prejudicial views, you leave me no choice. Headmaster Dumbledore I make a formal request for Lavender Brown to be removed from the Gryffindor dormitory and placed within the Hufflepuff dormitory on safety and wellbeing grounds,” Professor Sprout announced causing gasps of shock and hushed and uneasy murmurs to break out amongst the students in the hall. “What! To even suggest such a thing is an insult to me and my capabilities not only as a head of house but as deputy headmistress,” Professor McGonagall exclaimed. “I understand and I am sorry Minerva. My loyalty to you as a friend has never waivered and I have tried to settle this matter amicably but your hot headedness and arrogance…” “Don’t give me that dragon dung, you just didn’t get as many students this year as you would like so decided to take mine,” Professor McGonagall interjected angrily as she rose to her own feet and towered over the shorter woman. “Ladies, this is neither the time nor the place. As the only member of staff allowed to see a student’s medical records aside the school’s matron, I shall visit Madam Pomfrey and make my decision after dinner. For now, can we please settle down and enjoy the remainder of our dinners in peace,” Headmaster Dumbledore cut in from the head of the table, not looking the least bit concerned with two of his staff members arguing. An awkward silence hung in the air as Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout continued to stare one another down. It was Professor Sprout who eventually backed down. “Fine,” Professor Sprout said gruffly turning and walking away. “I shall visit the kitchens myself and get something to take back to the greenhouses. I will expect to see you later Albus to hear your decision on the matter.” And with that she departed, every student in the hall trying, and failing, not to stare at the clearly aggravated Herbology professor. “Well, that was something,” Limestone stated as one of the doors to the Great Hall slammed shut. “You can say that again,” Leanne commented. “What do you think the odds are Lavender ends up in our dorm?” “Cannot say. Professor Sprout seemed pretty upset but then Professor McGonagall seemed adamant she had done nothing wrong. One thing that I can be sure of though is that I am glad I am not Headmaster Dumbledore. Whatever decision he makes won’t be a popular one.” * Headmaster Dumbledore read over the report in his hands and proceeded to let out a massive sigh. It made for grim reading. “What would you advise me to do Poppy? There is no way the girl can continue to stay in such conditions, that is clear. But I cannot exactly banish every cat from the castle and if I transfer her to Hufflepuff, Minerva will be furious that I have undermined her authority.” “That, unfortunately, is a decision only you can make. Minerva I feel has technically done nothing wrong but there can also be no denying that she alongside Severus strongly opposed allowing the werewolves into Hogwarts this year. Although understandable, I fear that these discriminatory views were imprinted on Lavender during Minerva’s visit over the summer. Thus, when Lavender was placed into Gryffindor, she felt unable to raise her troubles with the common room’s occupants with the one person she should be able to,” Madam Pomfrey divulged before taking a sip of tea from the cup on the desk in front of her. She had been waiting for the headmaster’s visit all evening and as soon as he had appeared she had wordlessly led him into her office and sat him down on the other side of a desk covered in paperwork for the awkward conversation they were currently having over a cup of tea. “And do you feel this bond can be mended?” Dumbledore enquired. “No,” the school matron replied flatly. “Remember how Minerva reacted after discovering Remus was a werewolf? She was furious that you had gone behind her back and endangered the entire school for the benefit of one student. And even if she were to drastically alter her views, I fear the damage has already been done and the bond to broken to be fixed. Lavender is absolutely petrified of her. To leave her in such an environment could not only be physically disastrous but mentally to.” “So, your verdict as a medical professional would be to remove her from such an environment?” Dumbledore queried. “I feel that our duty first and foremost is to the care of our students and in this case the best option would be for Lavender to be around those who not only understand her condition better but know what it is like to be an outcast,” Madam Pomfrey explained. “I understand. Is Lavender awake?” “She is still eating dinner as far as I am aware.” “Then may I speak with her?” “As long as I am present and you do not stress her out. She is extremely tense right now fearing she will be reprimanded for speaking out,” Madam Pomfrey explained. Dumbledore rose from his seat and finished his last mouthful of tea. “Understood.” The headmaster hadn’t even made it to the door to the office before he heard the commotion brewing on the other side. “Leave now or both of us will regret it,” he heard Susan Bones practically snarl. “Miss Bones, I highly suggest you calm down and move aside. I have every right to visit one of my students in the infirmary,” he heard Minerva reply calmly. “Yeah, no. She doesn’t want to see you. Just being here has sent her cowering under her bed cover. So, I will ask politely one final time, leave, or regret it,” the girl replied coldly. “That’ll be quite enough,” Dumbledore announced opening the door to Madam Pomfrey’s office. “Albus, I just wanted to have a word with the girl, make her see sense,” Minerva implored to her superior. “I feel like I am being persecuted for something that is not my fault. I cannot exactly control the actions of the cats in my common room and you know it.” “Well maybe if you weren’t such a werewolf hating bitch, Lavender, yes Lavender, that is her name not “the girl”, might have consoled in you and you might have realised just how difficult our lives have been through no fault of our own,” Susan ranted, her head now resembling that of a wolf. “Susan, please, I understand you wish to protect your friend but please calm down and let me deal with this,” Dumbledore pleaded. “No, I have had it up to here with werewolf hating pricks like her. Do you think any of us want to be like this? The only family I have left thinks I am an abomination, Lavender is terrified that one day she will kill her own parents, while Leanne fears every full moon that her parents will end up in Azkaban. Yet we are supposed to act like everything is fine and put on a brave face otherwise the Ministry will deem us a risk and lock us up in Azkaban. We are eleven, mere children, but do the Ministry care, not in the slightest. They act like they are trying to crush the stigmatism surrounding werewolves but in reality it is all a sham to make themselves look good and cover up their massive fuck up. The sooner they have a reason to lock us all in a pitch-black cell and throw away the key, the better in their eyes. All I want is to at least enjoy a small proportion of my pitiful existence with the ones I love until that day arrives. Is that too much to ask?” Susan wailed, tears streaming down her face as she collapsed onto her knees. A pair of heavily bandaged arms soon wrapped themselves comfortingly around the distraught girl. Professor McGonagall meanwhile looked on stone-faced as Lavender consoled her friend. “Miss Brown, I shall leave the decision up to you but please think it over carefully this evening. Remember that the sorting hat placed you in Gryffindor for a reason and I believe that reason was so that you could forge your own destiny rather than remain in your friends’ shadows. I will not lie, it will not be easy as you have already realised. For one, it will take a lot to convince me that the risk of having you here is a worthwhile one and secondly, I cannot stop the cats from hating you in the common room. Although, this might help, it did a certain Remus Lupin who for years baffled me as to why the cats despised him so much.” She threw a small bag on the ground in front of Lavender. “It’s catnip, use it wisely and when you run out, please do come find me for some more rather than suffering in silence,” she instructed emotionlessly before turning to leave now that she had said what she had wanted to say. “And remember that you still have a friend in Gryffindor that will miss you dearly if you defect,” she added over her shoulder heading for the door until something hit her on the back. It was the bag of catnip. “I see,” she uttered turning to pick it up. “Are you truly sure my dear? There is no going back from this decision or the shockwaves it is likely to cause.” “Am I sure?” Lavender cackled like a loon. “Am I sure? YES, I AM SURE. Like Susan, I am done with people like you. In less than an hour Professor Sprout made more effort to get to know me than you have done in the past two days, which is simply to stalk me and criticise my choice of friends. To top it all off, you then have the nerve to come here, reduce one of my best friends to tears, admit you hate me and then try to bribe and blackmail me to return to Gryffindor before leaving without even letting me reply,” Lavender raged, eyes burning and her whole body starting to shake. “Well, have I got a response for you, GET FUCKED and pray you are never near me on a full moon.” She stormed back to her bed, grabbed her robe that was resting on the end of it and proceeded to tear the Gryffindor badge of it before ripping it in half with her mouth and spitting the half in her mouth onto the floor before stamping on it repeatedly with her foot until the room started to spin. “Woah, easy there Lav,” Susan said rushing to catch her distressed friend with her good arm. “To much?” Lavender asked before letting out a massive yawn. “Nah, perfect. I always wondered if you had that natural werewolf fire somewhere inside of you although it often does take a lot out of us so why don’t I…” Lavender was already fast asleep. Susan lowered her gently onto the bed before turning to Professor McGonagall. “You need to leave, now.” To Susan’s surprise it wasn’t her who uttered those words, rather Madam Pomfrey coming up behind her. Professor McGonagall paid neither of them any attention as she stood motionless by the doorway staring at the disregarded Gryffindor crest on the floor. “Come Minerva, let us have a talk over a cup of tea and some biscuits,” Dumbledore offered politely walking over. Professor McGonagall did not wait for him. Instead, she turned and left without a single word. * Meanwhile, in the Great Hall, Limestone had her own problem to contend with. To no surprise, Jasmine had found her before she had been able to sneak away after dinner and thus a rather tiresome conversation surrounding the history of Equestria and the species of ponies that populated the country had begun. This inevitably had led to a discussion surrounding the different types of magic each species of pony possessed and how, through working together, the country had grown and developed. The interview had ended with a more in-depth explanation of Earth pony magic, something which seemed to enthral Jasmine. “Okay, well your thirty minutes are up so I’m retiring to my dorm for the evening for a nap before Astronomy,” Limestone stated rising to her hooves. “Wait, please, just one more question,” Jasmine pleaded. Limestone rolled her eyes. “Fine, but just the one,” she grumbled reluctantly. “You stated that a pony’s role in society is predominantly predetermined at birth by their species,” Jasmine began. “Yes, that is generally the case. What’s your point?” Limestone interrupted gruffly. “Well, what if you say, do not want to be a rock farming Earth pony but, I do not know, a baker instead? I guess my question is, in Equestria is there any way to avoid your species determined destiny?” “Shit, I totally forgot to mention cutie marks,” Limestone grumbled. “Cutie marks?” Jasmine asked looking confused. “Simply put, it reflects a pony’s individuality. It is a mark that appears on a pony’s flank when they discover their special talent. For example, one of my sisters got hers in event management or party planning, something that has absolutely nothing to do with rock farming,” Limestone explained. Jasmine’s eyes lit up. “Have you got one?” It was at that precise moment Limestone realised she had royally fucked up. “Yes,” she replied preparing to bolt. “May I see it. I want a photo for the report,” Jasmine replied with that crazed expression in her eyes that Limestone now knew only to well. “How about I give you a photo tomorrow at breakfast?” Limestone offered trying to find a solution. “It’s on my hip and I’m not going to… HEY, what are you doing?” Jasmine leapt across the table at her. “Come on just a quick look,” she pleaded barrelling Limestone onto her back and trying desperately to pull down her skirt. Scoti and Leanne tried desperately and failed miserably to stifle their giggles as Limestone tried frantically to fend Jasmine of with one arm. “Are you two just going to let her undress me or actually do something useful and get her of me?” Limestone cried. “Pretty please, just one quick glimpse?” Jasmine pleaded once more, still trying to pull down Limestone’s skirt. “What part of no do you not understand?” Limestone griped, refusing to give up despite her obvious disadvantage. And then, all of a sudden, the other girl’s weight was gone from on top of her. “You could at least buy her a drink first before trying to pull her skirt off,” Kendra quipped, restraining Jasmine in a bear hug. “Good thing Professor Sprout asked me to oversee the interview. Limestone said she would give you a photo tomorrow, take the offer or I will be having a word with Professor Flitwick about your actions just now. I am sure he will have no issue in having you confined to your common room outside of lessons for the entire first term for such disgraceful behaviour.” She let Jasmine go. “Now apologise and be on your way back to the Ravenclaw common room,” she ordered. Jasmine stared at the ground before muttering glumly, “I’m sorry Limestone, I just got a bit overexcited is all and really wanted to see your cutie mark. It was wrong of me to act the way I did and I hope you can forgive me. Thank you once more for agreeing to the interview. I’ll be on my way… huh. OH MERLIN’S BEARD, IT’S BEAUTIFUL,” Jasmine practically screamed staring at the photo Scoti had just handed to her. “Can I keep it?” Scoti nodded. I’ve got copies. Jasmine squealed with delight. Limestone looked concerned. “When did you take that? And why didn’t you produce it earlier.” Scoti shrugged her shoulders. When you were getting changed yesterday morning. Thought it might come in useful. And we were enjoying the show. Limestone glowered at her friend. “Right, you mean you had a bet with Leanne over whether Jasmine would be able to get my skirt of or not.” Maybe. “Definitely more like,” Limestone muttered under her breath as she turned to Jasmine. “Just don’t try it again,” she grumbled. The other girl gave Limestone a massive hug much to Limestone’s discomfort and displeasure, and her friends’ delight. A cough from Kendra made Jasmine slowly release her grip. “No matter what, I shall make you mine,” Jasmine whispered into Limestone’s ear before gathering up her things and skipping away with a cheery smile across her face. A look of horror crept across Limestone’s face. “Huh, I think you might have a stalker Limey Wimey,” Kendra teased mercilessly. “She’s worse than my sister!” Limestone whimpered realising she might have a new greatest fear. * Dear Mr Moody Pants, How have things been since I left? I hope you haven’t been terrorising the servants again or I will have my new friend’s hellhound teach you a thing or two about manners you ungrateful and paranoid old coot. You know very well how difficult it is to get even half-decent staff these days. On a more pressing matter, our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is about as useful as your wooden peg leg against incendio and speaks total gibberish. I tried to warn them that you are an equally sized buzzkill who never lets me have any fun, although I may have avoided telling them about waking up on my eighth birthday to find myself being slowly constricted by a giant snake or the time you drugged my dinner and I woke up in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night and then had to try and find my way back home, to name but a few but they wouldn’t listen. So, I have now, begrudgingly, been forced to formally request your services for the position of private tutor for Defence Against the Dark Arts for all six of us, of which pay would be discussed upon your arrival at Hogwarts. Please politely decline, I really like my new friends and would like them, and the castle, all to remain intact until the end of the year, and instead provide me with some alternative options. Yours sincerely, Scoti. Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody smiled as he finished re-reading the letter his goddaughter had sent him before scrunching it into a ball and throwing it into the fire that he sat beside in an armchair. “I wondered how long it would be before you requested my services Scoti. I promised your parents that I would protect and look after you if anything ever happened to them and that is exactly what I plan to do. So do not fear dear, Alastor will ensure you and your friends will be prepared for the Dark Lord’s inevitable return.” He cackled wildly as he rose to his feet. “Do not worry Francesca about taking a return letter, I think I will accept the offer in person.” He fed the owl several of her favourite owl treats before dismissing her and proceeding to grab a large, overfilled rucksack that had been propped up next to the armchair and lugging it onto his back. Alastor Moody was on his way to Hogwarts. > Bump in the Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last thing Limestone expected when falling asleep at half one in the morning was to wake up in pitch darkness. But that is exactly what happened and it was not because she needed to pee. Teeth was growling at the foot of her bed. “What is it boy?” she whispered before she just caught sight of a small spark of blue. “Teeth?” she enquired nervously manoeuvring her legs round to the edge of the bed. It was only thanks to her sister’s antics back on the farm that Limestone managed to react fast enough to dodge the first bolt of blue magic that headed her way. As the second headed in her direction she somehow managed to roll to one side, only to find herself rolling straight into someone’s legs in the darkness. “Ah horse apples,” Limestone groaned raising her hands in surrender only for the inevitable not to arrive and the pair of legs to suddenly disappear. “Just what the buck is going on?” she exclaimed. “Move even an inch and I’ll rip your throat out,” Leanne snarled somewhere of to her left. “Scoti, you could have informed me one of your housemates is a werewolf. Leanne Moon If I’m not mistaken,” the intruder said calmly from somewhere within the darkness as Limestone slowly picked herself up of the floor. “How do you know my name?” Leanne snarled back. “Tell me this instant… huh, Scoti, what do you mean it’s okay? He’s your godfather. Well, what the fuck is he doing breaking into our dorm at four in the morning? What do you mean I tried to warn you?” “I was simply providing you with your first lesson. A reminder Scoti that you were the one that contacted me for my services,” the intruder attempted to interject whilst not seeming at all alarmed with the werewolf pinning him to the ground. “I was merely gaining a better insight into what I would be working…” “Shut it you,” Leanne snarled but she reluctantly released her pray due to Scoti’s insistence. “That’s better,” Moody sighed rising to his feet before waving his wand. The room immediately filled with light as the torches dotted all around it ignited. “Eugh, it’s too early for this,” Limestone groaned, throwing herself back under her duvet cover. “Scoti, see to it Teeth’s okay and wake me when it’s time for breakfast” she added from underneath the covers. Despite’s Limestone’s disappearing act, Moody had still managed to catch a good glimpse of her. “My, she is a curious thing. I had heard rumours there was an anthropomorphic pony girl from another dimension studying at Hogwarts this year but won’t deny I was sceptical that they were actually true. As for your hellhound, do not fear, I only struck him with the freezing charm. His innate resistance to magical attacks will ensure he will be fine soon enough,” he explained. “He had better be as otherwise you will be getting at least one black eye if not two, something that will also be the case if you don’t shut up and let me get back to sleep,” Limestone retorted from underneath her duvet. “Feisty to. You have chosen some good allies Scoti my dear. Mind filling me in on the rest?” “We’ve got more company,” Leanne cut in tilting her head to one side and sniffing the air. “Susan, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout.” The lump under the duvet cover groaned once more as the door to the first-year girls dormitory started to open. “Miss Bones if this turns out to be a prank of some kind, you’ll be in serious…” they heard Professor Sprout chastise before she was abruptly cut herself off. “I believe that’s a steak dinner you owe…” Susan paused and stared long and hard at Alastor Moody. “I thought that scent was faintly familiar but I still can’t quite place where I’ve seen…” she paused once more as her eyes went wide. “I thought I might encounter you here. You have your mother’s eyes Susan,” Moody said solemnly. “Why were you at my mother’s funeral?” Susan replied bluntly. “Classified,” Moody retorted. “Classified? Classified? What do you mean classified?” Susan snapped angrily. “And why did you just stand off in the distance and then disappear when I saw you? I thought I was imagining things!” “Again, classified. As in I cannot say,” Moody replied emotionlessly. “Cannot or will not?” Susan queried. “A bit of both,” Moody responded looking disinterested. Susan turned to Scoti. “You were right Scoti, he is a cantankerous old bastard. I think I would rather take my chances with quivering Quirrell.” Told you so. “Now, if you do not mind, I’m going to join Limestone in the land of nod,” Susan stated flatly before adding, “The infirmary mattresses are like slabs of stone.” “Fat chance of that happening with all of you chittering away like birds,” the lump under the duvet commented once more as Susan headed towards her bed. “Has your aunt ever shown you your mother’s will?” Moody called. Susan froze in her footsteps. “What are you rambling on about now?” she blurted impatiently, not bothering to turn back and look at Moody as she addressed him. “There was no need for me to. My aunt told me she sorted everything with my mother before she passed away.” “So, I guess not.” Moody pulled an envelope out of his pocket and passed it to Leanne. “There are many things that I cannot say but that does not mean you cannot read some of them. Well done to you all for a satisfactory first attempt at dealing with an unexpected intruder. Your lessons will only get harder from here. Professor Sprout, shall we have a talk in the common room.” And with that he hobbled away and past the still stunned and speechless Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout out into the hallway. Susan meanwhile grudgingly came across to take the letter from Leanne’s hand. The envelope had been addressed to Moody and was clearly in her mother’s handwriting. Inside were several pieces of parchment. 12/12/1989 Dear Alastor, I am afraid to say that my health continues to deteriorate and I fear that this Christmas will be my last. I understand why you have never visited these past ten years despite me constantly telling you in my letters that what happened was not your fault but I beg of you now to please look after Susan when I am gone. You are the only one I can trust with her safety and fear what my sister will do to her if she gains custody. I see the way she looks at Susan whenever she visits, as a monster rather than an innocent child with a flare for mischief. She thinks I am too ill to notice but I am not and that is why I send you this copy of my last will and testament, so that no matter what she tries, you can and will still gain custody of Susan when I am gone. Have a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year Alastor, Melissa Margaret Bones Tears started to stream down Susan’s face as she moved on to her mother’s will. Much of it confused her but her eyes widened as she came across a section on the third page. Guardianship In terms of my daughter, Susan Melissa Fanny Bones, I appoint her godfather and my long-term friend, Alastor Thomas Moody, as her sole guardian until her eighteenth birthday. In the event he is uncapable of fulfilling this duty, I assign her care to Samuel Henry Moon and his wife, Lyra Jennifer Moon. For Susan’s safety, under no circumstances should her care ever fall under my sister, Amelia Susan Bones. Susan closed her eyes and took several deep breaths as fur started to cover her arms and legs. “What, what is it?” Leanne exclaimed before she to caught sight of what Susan was reading. “Holy shit. How was this ever overlooked?” “I’ll let you have one guess and here’s a hint, it’s the same reason why my mum sent a copy to Moody in the first place,” Susan snarled opening her now blood red eyes. “That fucking bitch. Mark my words she is going to pay for this.” * “Let me get straight to the point. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named could return at any time or possibly another even greater threat we don’t even know about yet. As such we need to ensure that the mistakes of our past are not repeated and the next generation are prepared for when the inevitable arises,” Moody said bluntly as he rigorously examined and inspected the seat Professor Sprout had offered to him in the Hufflepuff Common Room before sitting on it. “So, I have my two goddaughters, the pony and the other werewolf, who else?” “Alastor,” Professor Sprout said kindly but with a firm undertone. “They are merely children and need time to learn and grow.” “We do not have that luxury. It has been nearly ten years. Until I see his corpse, his return is a ticking time bomb and the Ministry are in no shape to handle yet another war. They also have to many employees who were to closely associated with the Dark Lord for my liking. It is like a house of cards. As soon as you take one of the bottom ones away the whole house collapses and that will be exactly what happens with the Ministry. I know it is unfair but it is the responsibility of the few to protect the many and unfortunately many of the few we had last time are now unable to protect us anymore,” Moody argued. Professor Sprout didn’t have any response to this so just continued to sit and listen as Moody went on. “Thus, we must prepare a new few for the bleakest outcome and hope it does not come to be rather than just sweep the threat under the rug and believe it will never happen,” Moody finished throwing a signed piece of paper onto the table. “That is why you will let me tutor these six children. I already have permission from Miss Moon’s parents just in case and do not need it for Scoti, Susan and the pony. Therefore, I ask you once more, who are the other two?” Professor Sprout closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh as she rubbed the bridge of her nose whilst thinking over what Alastor Moody had just said. Although she could not deny that the man seemed extremely paranoid, there was some reasoning and logic behind what he said. Plus, she had no doubt that he would not only be an excellent tutor but also be able to assist in burning of some of that extra energy the Lycans seemed to have. “Five,” she finally uttered. “You may have all my first-year girls for your experiment and that is it. That is as long as you gain permission from Susan’s aunt and Lavender Brown’s parents.” “Five? I only saw four beds in there just now?” Moody questioned. “Long story. All you need to know is that Lavender was originally placed in Gryffindor and has not got on well with Minerva. She is currently in the infirmary recovering.” “Ah, say no more,” Moody replied. “She’s the final werewolf, isn’t she?” “Yes, that she is.” “I shall contact her parents first thing in the morning.” “And Amelia,” Professor Sprout reminded. “Amelia Bones has had her fun claiming to be Susan’s rightful guardian. I feel the time has come for me to intervene. A more pressing matter is where will my quarters be? I would be more than happy to bunk in the sett if there is room. I am well aware of the head of house quarters that you have never utilised,” Moody suggested. “So that is why she was looking so distressed when I came after you. You can have the head of house quarters here if you tell me what was in that envelope Alastor,” Professor Sprout responded craftily. Alastor smiled. “Her mother’s last will and testament that clearly states that not only am I her rightful legal guardian but that her aunt was never to be entrusted with such a responsibility in any situation.” Professor Sprout’s eyes widened and she rose to her feet. “Seriously, you are only now coming out with this information!” “I have my reasons,” Moody replied cryptically. “I see,” Professor Sprout said less than pleased with Moody’s response but also realising she would be getting nothing more from the extremely tight-lipped man. He had told her what he had wanted to and would reveal nothing more, that she was certain. “Well, I had better go check to see she took the news okay.” “No need to my dear, they are all sleeping soundly. She’s got a wonder for a best friend who managed to calm her down and then they both went and lay on Susan’s bed. Exhausted as they were from the night’s proceedings, they fell asleep almost immediately. I simply extinguished the torches and let them be,” Madam Pomfrey explained appearing on the scene. “If I am not needed for anything else I shall be going back to bed for a few hours,” she added with a yawn. “Oh, thank you Poppy,” Professor Sprout said appreciatively. “And no, you’ve already done more than enough. Hope you manage to catch up on some of the sleep you have missed.” “Me to, see you later Pomona.” And with those final few words the school matron departed as Professor Sprout turned her attention back to Alastor Moody. “Right then, I guess I had better show you where your new quarters are.” > Sleeping Cutey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limestone awoke with a bump as Teeth dragged her from her bed onto the hard cold stone floor of her dorm room. “For buck’s sake Teeth, couldn’t you have just gone to breakfast by yourself?” she grumbled before a second later finding herself in the Great Hall and staring up at a way to bright blue sky above. Thankfully the unbearably bright light was swiftly eclipsed by a swarm of black fur as two blood red eyes stared inquiringly down at her. “Was it really necessary to apparate me here in my pyjamas?” Limestone queried as Teeth began to nudge her with his head. Teeth gave an ear piercingly loud bark in reply causing Limestone to let out an almighty groan that was instantly cut off as Teeth gave her face an almighty lick. “Okay, okay, you’ve made your point,” Limestone groused forcing herself into a sitting position whilst rubbing her eyes as she adjusted to the sudden change in lighting and tried to gain her bearings. “Pony girl, what is the meaning of this debauchery?” Professor Snape suddenly droned behind her. Limestone closed her eyes. Of all the professors she had to apparate at the feet of it just had to be him. “I apologise sir, late night for a variety of reasons and as such I was trying to catch up on my sleep but Teeth was unwilling to have a late breakfast. Did not even give me a chance to get dressed before he apparated me here,” Limestone explained truthfully finishing with a yawn. “So, if you don’t mind, I am going to have some breakfast before heading back to bed for several hours until History. Unless you would rather get between a hellhound and its breakfast.” On cue, Teeth glowered at Snape and flashed his canines with a menacing growl. “I really don’t mind which, play fighting is good enrichment for Teeth,” Limestone concluded, too tired to give a bucking shit what Snape thought right now. Snape did mind, he minded a lot. But with Professor Sprout’s words still fresh in his mind from the previous afternoon and the fact that he wasn’t about to be an accomplice in the destruction of the Great Hall over something so silly as denying a dog its breakfast, he wisely chose to perform a tactical retreat. “I see. Unlike some of your dormmates, I am not hellbent on destroying the castle at every opportunity. Be aware though that I shall be bringing the matter to the attention of Professor Sprout in due course. Such indecency must not go unpunished. Lastly, you need to gain greater control over that hellhound of yours. Actually, don’t, even Professor Sprout can’t save you if it attacks anyone.” “He will only attack in self-defence of its owner. Thus, Severus, might I enquire as to what you have done this time to antagonise Teeth?” A voice the Potions professor knew only to well interjected from behind him. “Hello Professor Sprout. He was trying to prevent Teeth from having his breakfast due to my attire,” Limestone replied with yet another yawn. Professor Sprout looked past her colleague and examined Limestone’s attire, a smirk slowly forming on her face. “I see nothing wrong with pony pyjamas on a pony at breakfast.” Limestone closed her eyes and groaned. She was so tired she had totally forgotten it was Kendra who had sourced her nightwear for her. On the bright side, at least her pyjamas were not one of the horrifying pink pairs the older girl had chosen for her with either bunny rabbits or hearts on them. A camera suddenly flashed somewhere of to her right. Limestone instantly opened her eyes wide and stared at Kendra who had a massive grin plastered across her face. “That’s a definite keeper,” Kendra stated mercilessly. Scrap that, there definitely was no bright side to this situation. “Miss Abbot, unless you want me to confiscate that camera, I expect there to be copies posted on the Hufflepuff noticeboard in the common room and on the first years’ noticeboard just outside the Great Hall by the end of the day. Such unique breakfast attire should be shared and admired by all I feel,” Professor Sprout commanded. “Of course, professor. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Kendra replied ruthlessly. Limestone’s cheeks went bright red as she tried to bury her head in her hands. “May I have my breakfast yet?” she said through them in a muffled tone. “Certainly, my dear and do not pay attention to what Severus just said. Training a puppy is hard enough, a hellhound puppy on the other hand is on a whole another level, especially when it comes to meal times,” Professor Sprout explained kindly as she helped Limestone to her feet. “You are doing a fine job so far and it clearly shows from the affection he gives you in return.” Perfectly timed Teeth gave a bark of agreement to both those statement. “Thanks professor. You are still going to post those photos publicly though, aren’t you?” Limestone deadpanned. “Of course. Next time though might I suggest coming to breakfast with the pink ones with hearts on if you are looking to truly standout from the crowd,” Professor Sprout said wickedly causing Kendra to chuckle in amusement in the background Limestone quickly made herself scarce before the two of them conspired to have her do an entire photoshoot with the collection of pyjamas Kendra had chosen for her. * It did not take Limestone long to notice that, along with her fellow first-years, Professor McGonagall was absent from breakfast, much to her relief. The last thing she needed was the Transfiguration Professor seeing her in her pyjamas. She was getting enough curious looks and glances her way as it is. Thankfully, she did not have to wait long for her peers’ attention to be drawn elsewhere as one of the doors to the Great Hall slammed open and a girl with extremely long black hair and a trolley loaded with papers appeared. “HOGWARTS HAWK SPECIAL EDITION. CIVIL WAR IN GRYFFINDOR. 1st YEAR STUDENT BECOMES FIRST EVER IN HOGWARTS HISTORY TO DEFECT TO ANOTHER HOUSE,” she bellowed. The hall fell silent, but only for a second before a rush of students charged towards the girl. Limestone just took another sip of her fruit juice and returned to finishing her breakfast in peace at last. * By the time Limestone returned to her dorm with an extremely well-fed hellhound who now wanted to do nothing more than nap himself, an extra bed had already appeared in the corner of the room next to Susan’s. Limestone though was more interested in her own bed and asleep practically before she had even hit the mattress. To Limestone’s relief she managed to sleep soundly for an hour and a half until she was awoken by a loud commotion and something heavy landing atop her. “Guess who?” Lavender tittered from atop her. “Was that entirely necessary?” Limestone groaned opening her eyes. Lavender flicked her nose. “Yes. Tag your it,” she snickered before jumping off the bed. Limestone rolled over and prepared to go back to sleep only for her mattress to start tilting. “Buck, I hate werewolves,” she grumbled before rolling out of her bed onto the cold stone floor with a thump, something that was becoming a way to regular occurrence in her eyes. This time though Limestone had managed to drag her quilt with her and refused to be defeated in her quest for sleep. That was until she heard Susan cry the single deadliest word in existence in Limestone’s eyes. “BUNDLE!” “Correction; I really hate werewolves,” Limestone grouched as she tried to ignore her mattress and dormmates falling atop her, another aspect of her new life that was seemingly occurring on all to regular basis. * It was shortly after eleven when Limestone found herself back in the Great Hall, only this time with her dormmates and properly dressed in school uniform. Even so, she still found herself the subject of stares, glances and hushed whispers of the occupants of the other tables. Although, for once, it wasn’t her they were actually talking about, rather the girl she was sat next to. Copies of the school newspaper still littered the tables clearly informing their classmates of Lavender’s defection from Gryffindor. Being an anthropomorphic pony in a world surrounded by hairless apes, Limestone had quickly learnt to deal with and ignore being the centre of attention. One thing she was still getting used to though was how complicated friendships could be and when she saw Hermione eventually come over to discuss the matter with them, well, even Limestone would have found it difficult to deny that she didn’t feel something upon seeing not only her friend’s tear-stained face but the hurt and harrowed look in her eyes. “I thought for the first time in my life I actually had some friends,” she said distantly upon reaching the table across from Lavender. “What do you mean? We are friends,” Susan quipped in response a little confused. “Friends don’t abandon friends and leave them all alone,” Hermione stated slamming a copy of the Hogwarts Hawk down upon the table. An awkward silence descended upon the hall. “I’m sorry. I-I-I…” Lavender tried, staring glumly at the table. “Don’t bother. I know exactly why you defected you traitorous scum. Because you wanted to be with your friends and I wasn’t good enough for you,” Hermione exploded angrily. “Hey, now that’s uncalled for!” Susan barked back rising to her feet only to find Lavender tugging on her arm. “Sit down, please,” Lavender pleaded. Once Susan had reluctantly done so Lavender turned her attention back to Hermione and forced herself to look the other girl in the eyes. “I wish things could have been different, I really do, but I need to do what is right for me. Can’t we still be friends?” she held out her hand for Hermione to shake. Hermione lowered her eyes to the table. “I think Professor McGonagall was right. You lot are trouble and as such I feel it would best to stick to making friends in my own house in future. Good day.” And with that she turned and stormed out of the hall head held high despite the clear pain that was etched across her face. The uneasy silence returned as the remaining five friends all looked at one another unsure what to do next. “Okay, I am totally new to this friendship malarky but shouldn’t we go after her?” Limestone eventually suggested, a strange and peculiar new sensation having overtaken her stomach. “Probably best to just let her cool off. I am sure Hermione will come around and see sense soon enough,” Leanne stated before swiftly returning to her mammoth plate of sausages and bacon upon noticing Susan eyeing it up out of the corner of her eye. Limestone stared at the door to the Great Hall. Leanne was right. There was no way she could reason with Hermione right now. Annoyingly for her though, that also meant this queasy feeling in her stomach was unlikely to be leaving anytime soon. Letting out a deep sigh, Limestone opted to try and distract herself from the unsettling feeling that had overtaken her by watching Susan’s disastrous attempts to try and pilfer a piece of bacon or a sausage from Leanne’s plate having already finished her mountainous breakfast platter. It did little to help. * Despite Leanne’s reassurance, Hermione did not see sense for their remaining lessons of the day. She sat as faraway from them as possible in both History and Transfiguration, the latter of which was surprisingly taken by Headmaster Dumbledore due to Professor McGonagall not feeling well. Herbology was even worse. Hermione simply grabbed one of the variations of Asphodel they had yet to discover and moved as far away from Limestone, Scoti and Lavender as she possibly could before working silently on her own throughout the entire lesson. By the end of the lesson, the tension in the air could have been cut with a knife and Limestone was not surprised in the slightest when Professor Sprout asked them all to stay behind after class along with Susan and Leanne. The disharmony and animosity in their group was clear for anyone else to see and in stark contrast to the cohesion demonstrated on Monday. “I guess you are all aware why I asked you to stay behind,” Professor Sprout said politely. “Not really professor. I feel the level of work I completed was more than sufficient,” Hermione retorted feigning a look of surprise. She knew very well why Professor Sprout had intervened and asked them all to stay behind. “Hermione, even after just two lessons I cannot fault either the amount of effort you put into your studies or the amount of work you complete. In fact, I would already class you as one of the most gifted students I have ever seen, especially considering your muggle heritage,” Professor Sprout explained. “The reason I asked you to stay behind is because I can clearly see something has happened between you and your friends…” Professor Sprout stopped in surprise as Hermione raised her hand. “Yes?” she said giving Hermione the go ahead to speak. “Sorry to interrupt professor but I think you have been misinformed. I have no friends, nor do I need any friends. I am quite happy being on my own. Now, unless there is anything else you wish to discuss, I plan to spend the next several hours in the library reading up on Gamp’s law before dinner,” Hermione said curtly. Professor Sprout placed her arms across her chest. “You cannot fool me that easily but I also cannot force you to talk either, even if I can see you are clearly hurting. Just be aware that you can almost always find me around the greenhouses if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to.” “Thank you, professor, but I am sure I can rely on my own head of house if I ever have a concern that needs addressing,” Hermione replied with what was a clear jibe at her former friends and the Herbology professor. Professor Sprout did not fall for the bait. “Understood. Just one final note before you go. Please be aware that a fair few of my classes will involve group work and no matter what is going on outside of this greenhouse, inside it I expect you to work together and cooperate with your classmates to successfully complete the tasks I set for you. To make it easier for you I shall assign Limestone as your dedicated study partner for this year and although unorthodox, I reserve the right at the end of the year to mark you down if I feel your teamwork and social skills have not improved. Do I make myself clear?” Hermione stared at Professor Sprout mouth agape and looking like she wanted to argue with her professor but she managed to bite her tongue and reply, “Crystal clear Professor Sprout. In fact, we are also paired in Potions and still need to do some preparation I feel for that. We could continue that tonight I suppose.” “Wait what?” Limestone interjected alarmed as Hermione gave her a merciless sideways glance that sent shivers down her spine. “That sounds wonderful. Of you go now,” Professor Sprout exclaimed while directing a look at Leanne, Susan, Scoti and Lavender that clearly told them not to move. She wanted to gather as much information on the “Hermione” situation as possible. Unfortunately for poor Limestone, this meant yet another gruelling two-hour study session with Hermione. In fact, this one was even worse as the other girl now clearly despised her for something she had played no part in and had little patience for any mistakes she made. Furthermore, any attempts at conversation were either ignored or quickly shot down. Leanne had definitely been right earlier but the questions now were; how long could Hermione hold a grudge? And, how could they help her calm down and see sense? Limestone was still pondering these questions as she neared the Great Hall for dinner and saw a cluster of her fellow first years gathered around their noticeboard. It took only a second for her to realise just what they were all gawking at. There, pinned right in the middle of the board, was the photo of her in her pyjamas with a message underneath it: We understand you must be extremely hungry first thing in the morning but please remember to get dressed before coming to breakfast otherwise you shall be photographed and shamed – Professor Sprout. * Dinner might have been extremely embarrassing for Limestone with her friends being only too happy to tease her over the picture despite having already had a giggle at her nightwear when they had first seen it, but at least it had provided a distraction from the troubles with Hermione. Afterwards, Limestone had been only too happy to sneak away from her friends with Teeth and have an early night to catch up on the sleep she had missed the night before. Unfortunately for her, her friends had other ideas and not long after she had drifted of to sleep, she found herself awakened from her slumber for the fourth time that day as Susan slammed a pillow into her face. “Wakey wakey, Limey wimey. We took a wrong turn on our way back and found a cupboard full of pillows. Whose fortress do you want to be a part of? Mine and Scoti’s or Leanne and Laven…” Susan froze as something grabbed her leg and proceeded to throw her out of Limestone’s bed. “Teeth’s,” Limestone groused reaching into a draw next to her bed where she kept a few dog treats. She threw Teeth one as Susan went barrelling into Scoti’s and her own fort. “YES, WE WIN!” Leanne declared. “No fair, outside interference!” Susan groaned from atop the pile of pillows that, until a moment ago, had made up the fort she and Scoti had built. The only sign of the other girl was one solitary arm sticking out from amongst the pile. Limestone meanwhile had picked up her pillow and slammed it atop her head in a futile attempt to block out all the noise her friends were making and get back to sleep. “Okay then. TICKLE ATTACK!” Leanne announced launching herself at her best friend. A cacophony of uncontrollable laughter filled the air. “Mercy, mercy!” Susan pleaded desperately. “Do you admit defeat, surrender and swear your allegiance to the Lycanthropy Legion?” Leanne demanded rather than asked as she continued to relentlessly torture her best friend. “Anything. Just please stop. I can’t take any more,” Susan wailed in between fits of uncontrollable laughter. Leanne immediately ceased with her tickle torture. “Excellent, then come underling, we have a fortress to infiltrate and a princess to rescue from the monster hound of doom!” “Eugh, what are they going on about… wait, monster hound of doom?” Limestone queried slowly peeking out from under her pillow. The most horrific sight imaginable greeted her. * At the same time as one princess was supposedly being rescued, high up in a nearby tower another princess was sat up in her bed reading a book still awaiting her saviour. A single candle on her nightstand fought back the ever-growing darkness of the night and illuminated a single tear that graced her right cheek. > Fireworks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limestone awoke the following morning at her standard time of half past five, rolled out of her bed and headed to the toilet. As she washed her hands she stared in the mirror and her eyes widened, any remnants of sleep swiftly evaporating. A gorgeous looking princess slathered in makeup and in a beautiful pink dress stared back at her. “Oh right,” Limestone deadpanned as memories came flooding back of the night before. “So that happened,” she sighed splashing water onto her face to wash the makeup of. It did not come off. She tried again. Still, it did not come off. She began to desperately scrub her face. Nothing. And that was when another memory from the night before thrust itself to the forefront of Limestone’s mind, one of Scoti and Susan snickering at something the former held in her hand. Limestone closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to quell the boiling rage that was bubbling inside of her. It did not work. * Scoti awoke with a start as the door to the bathroom she had wisely opted to hide out in shattered. “She’s pissed. Really pissed,” a naked Susan groaned from where she now resided on the bathroom floor after just being utilised as a makeshift battering ram. Considering the door had been fifteen-centimetre-thick solid oak, it had hurt, a lot. “It’s bath time!” A voice cackled from the doorway of the bathroom. Scoti looked up from the bathtub where she had made her makeshift bed and gulped nervously at the wild look in Limestone’s eyes. Will you accept an apology for applying twenty-four-hour magical makeup to your face? She pleaded already knowing the answer. “No,” Limestone replied coldly. * Alastor Moody opened the door to the Hufflepuff first year girls’ dormitory and peeked his head around the door. He was a touch surprised to see that the candles had already been lit. Maybe his actions the morning prior had had a bigger impact than he expected. “Morning Mr Moody. If you are wondering why we are already up, Susan and Scoti decided to use twenty-four-hour magical makeup on Limestone last night. She did not take it well when she woke up this morn and proceeded to use Susan as a makeshift battering ram too break into the bathroom Scoti had locked herself in to give her a bath. I do not think Limestone has drowned Scoti, yet,” Leanne explained from where she was reading a book in her bed. Moody knew he should intervene so walked over to the bathroom that was now missing a door and, diverting his eyes, called through the open doorway. “Miss Pie, I shall give you and your friends thirty more minutes to get ready and meet me in the common room for your second lesson, understood?” “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” Limestone replied politely. “Excellent. Now, I shall just repair this door and be on my way,” Moody stated pulling his wand from his tatty leather jacket and doing just that before turning and preparing to leave. Leanne and Lavender looked on in astonishment. “Are you not going to stop her?” Leanne queried as Moody headed back to the door to their dorm. “What happens in your dorms stays in your dorms,” Moody replied emotionlessly without even turning his head back to look at Leanne as he spoke. “Besides, she won’t kill her, and Scoti sometimes needs to be reminded that her actions have consequences. As for Susan, even in human form werewolves are extremely resilient. I doubt she will have suffered anything more than a few bruises.” “Scoti did the same to you in the past, didn’t she?” Leanne retorted in return. “That information is classified,” Moody droned exiting the dorm before Leanne could push the matter any further. “Totally did,” Leanne grumbled setting her book to one side and rising from her bed to get ready for their next DADA lesson. She had already figured out that there would almost certainly be no breakfast until after the lesson had finished so the sooner they began, the sooner she could eat. * At a quarter to seven a rather motley group of five girls stood on the training fields awaiting further instructions from their teacher, Scoti still blowing bubbles from her earlier drowning, sorry, bath at the hands of Limestone. “Listen up because I shall not be repeating this,” Moody boomed opposite the girls. “Every week from now on I expect you to meet me here at six am sharp.” Groans erupted from Limestone and her friends. Moody chose to ignore them. “Tardiness shall not be accepted no matter what may be the reason. You shall also only be released for breakfast when I say so.” More groans, Susan enviously eyeing up the massive bowl of food Teeth was currently devouring a little way away. Moody chose once more to ignore them. “Afterwards, if there is any remaining time, I expect you to utilise it wisely completing that week’s assignment on a chosen dangerous creature in the library. You shall all be receiving a further textbook in the mail today to assist with this task.” Even more groans. “Furthermore, you can forget about your free period on Tuesday afternoons. Yep, you guessed it, more groans. “Now that we have that covered let us move on. To simplify for you, I am here to prepare you for the future by teaching you how you can defend yourself against both dark creatures and charms, which will require three key components, defensive and offensive magic, combat training and knowledge of your opponent. The first two will be my responsibility, the third will be down to you and how much extracurricular studying you do. Moving on, this year our main focus shall be defensive magic. This will include mostly protective enchantments that have a variety of effects from concealment to shielding yourself from a magical attack. We shall begin though with something easy. Vermillious,” he cried pointing his wand into the air. A stream of red shot high into the sky before exploding and showering the early morning sky in red. It did not go unnoticed by Limestone that three of her friends winced at the loud noise. “Ah, so that’s why you had me put those on Teeth,” she exclaimed referring to the peculiar fluffy pink ear muffs Teeth currently sported. Her dog had not flinched even a little and contentedly continued finishing off his breakfast. “Good observation Miss Pie. And might you also like to inform us of a circumstance where such a spell might prove useful,” Moody replied. “I am guessing the most obvious would be to inform others of your location in an emergency,” Limestone suggested. “The loud noise it emits might also be a deterrent for certain creatures such as werewolves.” “Perfect, and excellent observational skills. Now, I shall repeat it one more time and then it shall be up to you all. Pay particular attention to my wand movement and pronunciation of the spell. Plus, remember that the sooner I see progress, the sooner you can eat. That motivation should keep you concentrated on the task at hand,” Moody stated before manoeuvring his wand once more and crying, “Vermillious.” * “Well, that is a surprise. Outstanding work from all of you,” Moody bellowed. In only an hour, all five girls had managed to successfully cast the spell. True, Scoti’s sparks were green, Limestone’s were more an ominous dark red than bright red, and Susan’s liked to perform several loop de loops in the sky before exploding, but overall Moody could not have been happier with how their first lesson had gone so far. “Does this mean I can have breakfast now?” Susan asked as her stomach emitted a very loud grumble. “Vermillious” Moody cast pointing his wand directly at Susan. Susan had no time to react as the spell hit her square in the chest. Scoti slammed her head into her right hand. Leanne and Lavender looked shocked as Limestone cackled only to be hit herself a moment later by the same spell. To be fair to both girls, neither even flinched despite the small hole in their clothes and clear smell of burning in the air. “That bucking hurt. You had better have had a good reason for that,” Limestone groused glowering at Moody. A second bolt hit her, this time without any warning. Again, she did not flinch. “Certainly. Spell resistance is another vital skill you must learn and Vermillious can also double as a...” Moody paused as a bolt of red magic headed his way. He easily blocked it and sent one back in Susan’s direction. “Nice try but you will have to do a lot better to catch me of guard. Where was I? Ah yes, Vermillious can also double as an offensive spell. It will not cause major damage and some species, such as werewolves, may have some form of natural resistance to certain spells but I feel it is a smart starting point for raising your pain thresholds. So, form a circle and let us begin.” The girls reluctantly did just that. “You may begin,” Moody instructed. “Begin what?” Lavender queried before going wide eyed as Limestone to her right was hit by a bolt of green magic. “Oh, it is on,” Limestone cackled like a deranged lunatic. Lavender watched on in horror as bolts of red magic, and a few green, started flying all around her. Even Leanne was letting loose at will and it was one of her misdirected bolts that caught Lavender in the shoulder. Lavender cried out in pain. The chaos ceased in an instant. “Not cool Leanne, not cool,” Susan chastised, her robes for the third time that week now little more than rags. Agreed,Scoti stated looking just as dishevelled. “For once I would have to agree with those two. She did absolutely nothing to you,” Limestone chipped in with a disapproving look at Leanne. “What! I didn’t mean to hit her; it was an accident. And you three started…” Leanne never finished her defence as she was sent flying by a massive explosion of red magic. Scoti, Limestone and Susan all stared at Lavender in disbelief. Lavender stared back at them with an equally disbelieving look. “It was self defence I swear!” the girl exclaimed before letting out another yelp of pain and leaping into the air. A raw red wound had appeared on her right knee. Scoti, Limestone and Susan turned their attention back to Leanne. “It wasn’t me?” Leanne clearly lied before rolling out of the way as another blast of red magic hurtled her way. “Oh, it is on,” Leanne cried leaping to her feet, “Bring it!” Lavender hollered in return, adrenaline coursing through her body. “It is always the timid ones you need to watch out for,” Moody muttered under his breath whilst quietly observing the developing situation, which now also saw a very angry pony chasing his goddaughters across the training fields after a double surprise attack. “ENOUGH,” he shouted just as Leanne and Lavender both fired at each other simultaneously. Both girls ended up on their backs in a daze whilst across the training fields Scoti and Susan had been ensnared by branches of the tree Limestone had magically grown several days prior and lifted of the ground. Limestone herself was just preparing to seek her revenge when Moody called out to her. “Miss Pie, that includes you to. Release them immediately.” Limestone turned with a look of thunder but quickly realised she was out gunned so stomped a hoof on the ground. The tree immediately released its prisoners. Susan landed with a thump whilst Scoti was caught by Teeth. “Good boy Teeth,” Limestone announced as Moody directed his own disapproving glare upon her. “You never said I had to lower them to the ground first,” Limestone clarified. “I suppose not,” Moody stated solemnly. “Listen up all of you. I have been impressed with your progress today and as such you have completed today’s objectives sooner than I anticipated. Therefore, you are free to go. Please head back to your dorm and clean yourselves up before breakfast. Then head to the library. This week’s essay should be an easy one for most of you. A minimum of two pages of parchment on werewolves please. I will allow you to choose the title and focus of your essay. Finally, although you should be proud of your efforts today, do not let your early success go to your heads. This was a simple starter spell. There will be a lot harder and tougher challenges to come. Class dismissed.” And with that Moody turned and headed back to the castle, not waiting to see if any of the girls had any questions to ask him, or even bothering to see if Leanne and Lavender were okay. “Scoti, I’m starting to wonder if this was a bad idea,” Limestone asked her friend as the adrenaline from the mock battle began to wear off and be replaced with sharp pangs of pain across her body. I tried to warn you. > Going Quackers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the morning passed peacefully enough. After a hearty breakfast the five girls cracked on with their essays in the library, each taking a unique stance to the task. Whilst Limestone chose the obvious route and entitled her essay Why werewolves are a class five beast, Leanne chose a more political approach surrounding the stigma associated with werewolves and whether it was justified or not. Lavender chose a similar route but whereas Leanne’s was a more balanced argument, Lavender’s was a heavily biased piece on how such derogatory views were unfair and unfounded. Susan’s essay meanwhile was a brazen attack on the Ministry and how their recent attempts to integrate werewolves back into magical society were all a sham and failing badly leading to an even greater divide between werewolves and the rest of magical society. Scoti meanwhile had entitled her essay So, you’ve befriended a werewolf: The dos and don’ts of having a werewolf for a friend and taken a totally satirical approach to her assignment. For example, she wrote: During the night of the full moon, even if your friend has taken wolfsbane potion you should ensure they are safely and securely contained. Yes, your friend may look cute as a werewolf, but do not attempt in anyway to communicate or play with them during this period. Your werewolf friend is not a dog and treating them as such is a sure-fire way to get yourself killed or to also become a sufferer of lycanthropy. On the other hand, if your friend breaches containment and comes after you, do use their canine instincts against them by throwing sticks and toys as far away from you as possible to distract them. Squeaky toys are especially useful in this situation and will ensure you escape and avoid the last thing you ever see being your insides on the outside of your body. Other highlights included sections on fleas, a werewolf’s appetite, and a lycanthropy sufferers’ natural affinity for fighting and destruction amongst other topics. Leanne had simply taken one glance at her friend’s report, closed her eyes and shaken her head in disbelief. Susan meanwhile had read Scoti’s essay stone-faced before lowering it onto the desk and uttering one word “Run.” Scoti though had been prepared and immediately distracted the other girl with one of Teeth’s spare toys, a squeaky duck, thus immediately proving one of the points she had made. Susan was still being amused by the toy as they departed lunch, even if its head was now hanging by a thread. As the poor decimated duck gave another horrifically painful quack, Leanne closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and decided to approach the matter head on. “Do you not think you’ve killed that poor thing enough yet?” “What do you mean? Quackers is perfectly fine,” Susan objected. Quackers chose that precise moment to lose his head entirely. As it bounced across the floor Leanne gave her best friend a knowing look. “Fine,” Susan grumbled picking Quackers head up of the floor and throwing the entire toy into a conveniently placed bin in the entranceway of their Charms classroom. “I am glad to see you found something else to chew on aside your wand Miss Bones and I do hope you can continue to restrain yourself,” Flitwick praised from the front of the classroom. “Oh, don’t worry sir, I’ve plenty of spare chew toys for Teeth she can utilise or even better, a dental bone,” Limestone jested. Even Leanne couldn’t withhold a snicker at that last bit. “True,” she murmured under her breath earning a glare from Susan in return. Flitwick overlooked the clear jibe. “That would be much appreciated Miss Pie. Just as long as she isn’t causing any further unnecessary damage to her wand that could cause it to malfunction, I am satisfied.” “My wand is perfectly fine, look,” she pulled it from her robes and before Flitwick could intervene gave it a swish and a flick and cried “Lumos”. A speck of light flickered for a moment at the tip of Susan’s wand before going out. “A decent first attempt,” Professor Flitwick commented, “but please do not attempt any new spells in future without my clearance, understood,” he added politely but with a firm undertone. Susan took the hint. “Understood and apologies sir. I just wanted to prove them wrong is all.” “That is all well and good but without proper preparation even the simplest of spells can go array. Miss Granger, you look eager. Mind informing us what could happen if you take this charm for granted and do not maintain concentration when casting Lumos?” Hermione was only too happy to reply smugly from where she was already sat near the front of the classroom. “Although a simple spell to cast, the light created by the Wand-Lighting Charm is fire and therefore the caster’s utmost concentration is necessary to prevent both their wand and any nearby flammable objects catching fire.” “An excellent explanation. Ten points to Gryffindor and I hope you all took heed of what Miss Granger said. Fire magic, however miniscule it may seem, should not be trifled with. Now girls, would you kindly take your seats so I may proceed with today’s lesson,” Flitwick instructed. The Hufflepuff girls proceeded to do just that as Hermione returned to totally blanking them even though she ended up sat next to Limestone once again as that was the last free seat in the classroom. “Right then, I am aware a few of you have already had success with the Vermillious charm in your Defence Against the Dark Arts tutoring session with Alastor Moody this morning but for most of you here, this will be your very first attempt at a spell. Lumos is an extremely useful spell to know and a very simple one to cast due to being easy to pronounce and requiring simplistic wand movement. Just remember what Miss Granger said and remain focused when casting it. I would prefer not to have to put out any unnecessary fires if we can help it,” Professor Flitwick explained to his class. “Now, watch me closely, Lumos,” he cast with a swish and flick of his wand. The tip of his want lighted up immediately to oohs and aahs from the class. “And to extinguish the light, Nox,” he cast with another swish and flick of his wand. The light at the tip of his wand disappeared. “Do not worry if you cannot cast it straightway, patience is the key when learning new spells and over time you will discover it gets easier even with more complex ones. Now, go ahead and try for yourselves. You will find a picture of the required movement in your textbooks and if you would like another demonstration just put up your hand and I shall come over and assist when I can.” * “Hmm, I was afraid of this,” Flitwick said deep in thought. Limestone did not bother lifting her head up of the table as she replied, “And what is that supposed to mean?” For the past ninety minutes she had watched as all her friends and a fair proportion of her fellow classmates had had at least some success in casting the spell. Both Scoti and Hermione had mastered both Lumos and Nox over the course of the lesson. Susan meanwhile had managed to make her wand tip light up for a full thirty seconds, although her wand could not decide on one colour, the light at its tip varying between every colour of the rainbow. Professor Flitwick had told Susan that although peculiar, it was possibly the wand acting of its own accord to prevent boredom. Leanne was currently struggling to make her wand stay lit for more than a few seconds, whilst Lavender had been the biggest surprise of all, although she now seemed unable to extinguish the tremendously bright light at the tip of her wand. “Tell me, did you have any trouble with Vermillious?” Flitwick queried. “Not particularly, although the red sparks I produced were a lot darker than my friends. Why?” Limestone questioned back. “Intriguing. As I informed you the other day, almost nothing is known of thestral tail hair cores due to their difficulty to work with so this is a new experience for both me and you. In fact, I am only aware of one other thestral tail hair core wand and that is an extremely powerful wand of legend,” Flitwick explained. “But what I do know is that wand cores often mimic the personalities of the creatures they come from. Unicorns for example are the epitome of goodness in the world and thus it is almost impossible to corrupt such wands with the dark arts whilst dragon heartstring wands are notoriously powerful and temperamental. Thestrals sadly though are an enigma. Due to their appearance, carnivorous diet, and relationship with death and darkness, they are often seen as omens of misfortune and aggression in the magical community and ranked as “dangerous” by the Ministry of Magic. In fact, this opinion could not be more wrong. Thestrals are actually incredibly smart and docile creatures that can be easily befriended and tamed by those who are able to see them. They will also only attack someone in self-defence.” “So, what you’re getting at is that you can’t be sure how a thestral tail hair core wand will react due to differences between how the animal itself is perceived by the magical community and how it actually behaves?” Limestone queried trying to keep up with her Professor’s complicated explanation. “Precisely. If you were to go by the creature’s appearance, diet and preference for dark habitats, you would naturally associate such a wand made with their tail hair to have an affinity for the dark arts but this would in turn contradict how they generally behave. It also does not help that all known branches of dark magic are inherently evil otherwise we may have been able to make some educated guesses at what magic your new wand would be best suited for. Instead, I am afraid to say we have little choice and are left with only a single option, trial, and error,” Flitwick went on placing a hardback notebook down on the table. “What’s this for?” Limestone asked already dreading the answer. “I would like for you to keep a journal of all the spells you attempt to cast this year, the result and why you think that result occurred. I will review the journal at the end of the year and not only will it form part of your overall grade, it shall also assist me in ensuring that your practical assessment does not put you at an unfair disadvantage. Now, do you think you can tell me why your wand allowed you to cast Vermillious and not Lumos?” Limestone closed her eyes and thought long and hard about the question. When she slowly lifted her head of the desk and shook it from side to side, Flitwick decided to try an alternative approach to the question. “What were you thinking when you cast Vermillious? Or more simply, what reason did you have for casting the spell?” “Self-defence,” Limestone replied without hesitation. “Very good. And what were you thinking when you were attempting to cast Lumos?” Flitwick asked politely. “Not really anything aside lighting the…” Limestone began only for two massive boulders to come crashing against each other in her mind. Her eyes opened wide and she grabbed her wand. Taking a deep breath she steadied herself then cried “Lumos” as she made the necessary motion with her wand. A blinding flash of light appeared at its tip and Flitwick had to take evasive action to avoid being blinded. “Incredible,” Flitwick murmured, shielding his eyes with his right arm as a smile drifted across his face. “I think you’ve actually managed to cast Lumos Solem, a much more powerful and difficult version of the spell that I usually teach to sixth year students,” he explained. “Mind putting it out before you blind someone?” Limestone made the necessary motion and said firmly, “Nox.” The light immediately went out. Flitwick removed his arm. “If anyone was blinded by that spell, please inform me immediately so that I can have you escorted to Madam Pomfrey.” To his utmost relief, nobody else had suffered any ill effects from Limestone’s attempt at Lumos and he had managed to raise his arm up quick enough to prevent being blinded himself. “Excellent. Now, care to explain to your classmates how you managed to cast such a powerful variant of Lumos Miss Pie.” “Not particularly but by the sounds of it, I don’t think I have a choice. I realised from what you said that thestrals are not fond of light so instead of focusing on trying to make light with my wand, I focused on envisaging a situation where the spell would be required for self-defence as that had worked earlier for Vermillious.” “Outstanding. Twenty points to Hufflepuff and I hope you all have taken a mental note of what Miss Pie just said. Every wand core bares a piece of that particular animal’s personality and soul within it, and thus your wand will often mirror their behaviours which may present problems when casting certain spells as Miss Pie just discovered. This is why you need to not just get to know your wand but the animal from which your core is derived from so that when such a problem arises, you have a way to counter it. Take this as an early assignment of next week’s homework. I expect each of you to write me a piece on your wand’s core and the animal it is from, including aspects such as their strengths, weaknesses, and general behaviour. As well as this, I would like all of you to continue practicing Lumos and Nox before your next lesson and lastly a reminder that your sheet of questions for this week’s homework is due Monday. Now, unless there are any questions or you require me to assist putting the light out on your wand,” Flitwick glanced over at Lavender. “Class dismissed.” > Falling 2: Extreme Falling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limestone had always believed her arch nemesis to be her pink menace of a sister, until now. She had desperately hoped she might have been able to get out of her Flying lesson due to her shoulder. Alas, Madam Hooch had clearly seen through her excuse and told her firmly that: “There is no point putting it off. You will need to learn to fly a broomstick one day, might as well be today.” Limestone sighed and glowered down at the reluctant piece of firewood as Madam Hooch addressed the entire class. “We shall be continuing where we left off on Monday. Once everyone has summoned their broom, Scoti will demonstrate for you how to firstly mount your broom, then the proper method for taking off, and finally, how to successfully land your broom. Please listen to my instructions very carefully as I would prefer to have no more accidents and it is very easy to twist or break an ankle if you do not land your broom in the correct manner.” Great, Limestone thought to herself, already ninety percent sure she was going to come out of this lesson with a broken ankle to go with her dislocated shoulder, or worse. “Secondly, any more disobedience, no matter how minimal, and I do not care who you may be or what your heads of house have to say on the matter, I shall have Dumbledore expel you.” Madam Hooch paused upon finishing that statement and directed a stern glare towards both Harry and Draco. “Now, without further ado, summon your brooms please.” Limestone closed her eyes and prayed for a miracle as she reached out with her right hand and barked “UP” Something slapped into her right hand. It couldn’t be? Limestone thought to herself. Slowly she dared to open one of her eyes. Her broomstick now resided in her right hand. “Outstanding improvement Miss Pie. Five points to Hufflepuff,” Madam Hooch praised. Limestone stared at the broomstick in disbelief, until she remembered that this was only the first of three hurdles she had to conquer today. “Oh, you sneaky piece of kindling,” she muttered under her breath. * Despite their previous lesson being cut short, in ten minutes everyone in the class had managed not only to summon their brooms but mount them to. So far, the lesson had gone as well as could be expected but Madam Hooch, and most of the class, knew the most difficult part was yet to come. “Before we can have you flying at altitude, we need to first not only address how to take-off but how to land as well. A crash landing a few feet of the ground is a lot less painful than one when coming in from a hundred feet in the air,” Madam Hooch explained from the head of the long line of students along with Scoti. “And that is if you are lucky enough to survive. Anyway, the whole process is simple enough to be done in three steps and hopefully you shall all have them both mastered by the end of this lesson so that we can then have you apply this knowledge to your first proper attempt at flying next week.” Limestone did not like the sound of either of those things. She fully expected to be in a full body cast by this time next week. “Now, step one,” Madam Hooch boomed from the end of the line of students. “To take off you need to kick off hard from the ground.” Limestone watched as Scoti proceeded to do just that and hovered perfectly in the air. “Step two, hover for thirty seconds and gain total control of your broomstick. Step three, ensure you have a good grip of your broom and then lean forward slightly. Your broom will naturally move towards the ground. Ensure your legs are bent so that they can absorb the impact and there you are. Take off and landing perfected.” Scoti had made it look so easy but Limestone wasn’t fooled. She took a deep breath and was about to attempt to kick herself of the ground when she heard a cry of excitement to her right followed by Madam Hooch’s booming voice once more. “Miss Bones, get back down here right now.” Susan looked down sheepishly from where she now hovered on her broomstick at least twenty feet in the air. “Erm, I would love to but I’m a little unsure how? Do I just tilt it like this?” “NOT THAT MUCH,” Madam Hooch screamed as Susan’s broom came shooting out of the sky at breakneck speed. “WHEEEEEEEEE,” Susan cried before crashing into the ground and leaving a small crater in her wake. To everyone’s astonishment Susan was immediately back to her feet and laughing like a loon. “That was fun!” she exclaimed. And before anybody could stop Susan, she had grabbed her broom and taken off once more. Only this time, Scoti was ready to intercept her and guide her straight back down to the ground safely. “Spoil sport,” Susan grumbled as Madam Hooch approached and held out her hand expectantly. Susan reluctantly handed her back the broomstick. “That shall be ten points from Hufflepuff for your recklessness and you shall spend the remainder of the lesson sitting silently over there on the grass watching your peers. Just be grateful I am feeling lenient today otherwise me and you would be seeing what jobs Filch needs help with after we are finished here. Do I make myself clear?” Madam Hooch said sternly. Susan’s shoulders slumped. “Perfectly,” she grumbled mutinously before heading off to the designated spot Madam Hooch had pointed out and dropping to the ground in a massive sulk. Madam Hooch let out an exasperated breath and then turned her attention back to the rest of her patiently waiting class. “And that warning goes for all of you. Mistakes happen but when they do, I expect you to keep calm and listen to me. Now, shall we continue?” Limestone turned her attention back to the broom between her legs and took a deep breath to steady herself again. She gripped the piece of wood hard and kicked off the ground hard as instructed. It had not clicked in Limestone’s mind that she was an earth pony with exceptional strength in her legs. “SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT,” she screamed as she went soaring into the air like the red sparks she had been firing off earlier in the day. When her broom eventually came to a stop Limestone was now in line with the tip of the Astronomy tower. “Ah buck,” she groused gripping onto the broom for dear life. Once more she had forgotten her own strength. SNAP She looked down and realised she had been holding on so tightly she had snapped the broom in half. “Well, this is going to hurt a lot.” Limestone closed her eyes and once more welcomed death as she fell from the sky. * Hagrid had just been having a spot of late lunch, a thermos of tea and some stoat sandwiches, outside the compact wooden shack that he called his home, when something extremely odd happened. Barbera, one of the school’s thestrals, darted from the forest, paused momentarily to turn and look at him, then powered off high into the sky. Hagrid stared at the spot where Barbera had taken off from speechless, a half-eaten stoat sandwich in his hand. Several seconds passed as his mind processed what had just occurred. “Bloody Hell,” he swore rising hurriedly to his feet and dumping the stoat sandwich back onto the plate that rested on a tree stump he was using as a makeshift table. “Come back here you daft thing!” * Limestone was sure she was dead this time. There was absolutely no way this creature that had just plucked her out of the air with its teeth could exist in the real world. It was surely some unholy winged demon come to drag her to the underworld for being a grumpy bitch most her life. She still had no regrets and would soon put whoever oversaw the underworld in their place. As she contemplated this the winged demon suddenly dipped sharply in the sky and she heard a bark from above. Looking up, she caught sight of Teeth clinging onto the creature’s head, the hellhound looking a touch concerned for once. Either the hellhound had come to rescue her from death’s embrace or this winged nightmare was in fact a real creature. And then Scoti appeared on her broomstick to her left. “Oh joy,” Limestone said sardonically. She had been somewhat hoping that the chaos that was now her life was over and she could enjoy a peaceful afterlife. No such luck. Crap, perhaps she was dead and these two had come to haunt her for all eternity. That would be the absolute worst thing imaginable. Are you okay? Yeah no, she was most definitely still alive. Limestone raised her right eyebrow and glowered at Scoti whilst gesturing wildly with her arms to highlight the situation she was currently in. Forget I asked, Scoti replied tersely. Limestone let out a heavy sigh. “Sorry. As you can imagine, I am a touch more pissed off than normal.” Nah, I’d class this as normal behaviour for you. “Did I say I was sorry, I meant go buck yourself,” Limestone retorted. You are aware thestrals are carnivores, right? “That’s nice to know. Wonder if it would like a starter before the main course?” Scoti’s eyes narrowed. That was a short joke, wasn’t it? Limestone looked back at her friend with a feigned expression of shock. “Whatever gave you that idea?” You’re a right bitch sometimes, you know that right? Scoti stated bluntly. “I think you mean all the time,” Limestone replied flatly before attempting to redirect the conversation back onto the more pressing matter at hand. “Now, no matter how lovely this conversation has been, I do believe we have the more important task of getting me and Teeth back on solid ground.” Teeth gave a nervous yip from his perch atop the thestral’s head. Scoti’s eyes went wide as she noticed the hellhound for the first time. How? “Not sure, he fell on the thing’s head just before you appeared,” Limestone informed her friend. “So, what’s your plan to get us down from here?” Scoti suddenly looked a little sheepish. “You don’t have one, do you?” Limestone said flatly. Kind of. I was sent to ensure you are okay and don’t become a pony pancake whilst Madam Hooch fetches Professor Kettleburn. “So, your plan is to stall for reinforcements and hope they have a way to get me away from this thing?” In short, yes. I don’t want to get any closer in case I spook the poor thing and it drops you. Although, we could try that and see if Teeth or I are quick enough to catch you? “That sounds like an even worse plan than waiting and… hey, what are you doing now?” Limestone exclaimed as the thestral began to descend. Huh, looks like you might be in luck. I think it has decided to land. “Why do you look somewhat disappointed by that? Were you seriously hoping I fell to my doom?” Limestone exclaimed. Maybe, was all Scoti had to say in reply. * Much to Limestone’s relief it was not long until the thestral landed. Her relief was short lived though as the thestral did not seem at all in the mood to let her go. Instead, it prepared to trot away towards the dark and foreboding forest they had specifically been told not to venture into with her still in its mouth. Considering what Scoti had told her earlier, Limestone could only guess that she was dinner and about to be devoured alive by a whole herd of the winged demons. Suddenly, falling to her doom wasn’t looking like such a bad option. Thankfully, even if Scoti didn’t seem that bothered about saving her from her inevitably brutal demise, several others did. Especially, one extremely angry hellhound. “GRRRRRRRRRRRRR,” Teeth growled threateningly apparating in front of the thestral. For a fraction of a second the thestral was distracted, dropping Limestone to the ground as it instinctively reared onto its hind legs to defend itself from attack. Limestone took her chance and bolted. The thestral, upon realising what it had done, immediately attempted to go after its prey. Teeth though was in no mood to let this strange creature get anywhere near his mistress again and blocked its path as Limestone attempted to get to safety. But then the thestral let out a mournful wail and Limestone froze in her tracks. “Teeth, to my side,” she instructed turning and looking into the creature’s pupilless milk white eyes. Teeth turned and looked at Limestone confused but reluctantly obeyed his mistress’ request and fell in step at Limestone’s side. Limestone took another deep breath. “I hope I am right and we’re not both about to become demon chow,” she said emotionlessly whilst closing her eyes. And then, to both her own and Scoti’s astonishment, she let out a peculiar assortment of noises. The thestral’s ears perked up and a moment later, it replied. Limestone could barely believe her ears when she understood everything it said. “She wasn’t trying to eat me,” Limestone announced opening her eyes and turning to Scoti. “She’s grieving the poor thing. She took her eyes of her foal for a moment recently and it disappeared. Sensed I was in danger through my wand I think and hoped I might be a young thestral that could fill the void in her heart created by her foal’s disappearance.” Scoti couldn’t manage a response and for once in her life it wasn’t because she couldn’t speak. “LIMEY, there you… woah, so that really was a thestral we saw in the sky.” Susan on the other hand had plenty of words to say as she raced across the field towards Limestone. The thestral let out a few whinnies of distress and Limestone held up her hand to stop Susan. “Susan, stop, you’re scaring her,” Limestone stated before she once more let out a series of peculiar noises. The thestral listened intently and then replied again. Susan stared at Scoti. “Is she…” Yes, Scoti responded. “Well, I suppose they are both horses so it kind of makes some sense,” Susan replied as Hagrid was next on the scene. “My word, well that is a peculiar sight. Suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised, they are both horses after all,” Hagrid stated as he neared the two girls. “I literally just said…” Susan began only to be cut off as the rest of the first years appeared on the scene. “Merlin’s beard, now she is talking gibberish to thin air! That girl is completely loco if you ask me,” Ron exclaimed. “Well, no one is asking for your opinion you ginger haired idiot. She is talking to a species of magical horse known as a thestral. Only those who have both witnessed and accepted death can see them. If you like, I’m sure we could quite easily assist our classmates in being able to see them. Your mother seems to have enough kids, I am sure she won’t miss one,” Leanne absolutely roasted as her right hand became a furry paw with four extremely sharp claws. Ron’s face went extremely pale. “Wow, did she just?” Susan exclaimed stunned by her usually level headed friend’s reaction. Absolutely roast Ron. Yes, yes, she did. “Miss Moon,” Hagrid stated sternly. Leanne rolled her eyes. “What? I’m fed up with my peers viewing me and my friends as lunatics.” “And threatening to murder a fellow student would help in that matter how?” Hagrid enquired. Leanne shrugged her shoulders. “One less idiot to ridicule us. And might stop the rest being so brazen and openly stating such nonsense in front of our faces.” Hagrid’s face met one of his great big massive hands as to no real surprise Leanne’s classmates took several steps back from her. The blonde-haired idiot from Slytherin though just could not help opening his big fat mouth and whispering to the brute of a boy next to him. “Further evidence for my father and the school governors to have these mentally unstable retards ejected from the…” A clump of mud hit him square in the face. Draco stepped back in shock as he swiped the mud of his face and spat some from his mouth. “Hey you big oaf one of them just…” he paused as the ground began to shake and a boy to his left raised his right hand and pointed towards the forest in the distance. “Theodore, just what are you pointing at?” Draco said indignantly as Hagrid removed his hand and turned his attention in the direction of the disturbance. “What now?” Hagrid groused. “Oh, oh my. Students stay behind me and remain calm. They will not hurt you as long as you don’t threaten them,” he bellowed. “What won’t hurt us? Theodore, stop gaping and… wait, are there more of those so called thestral things coming?” Draco exclaimed. “My father will definitely be hearing about this you great oaf. Threatening and physically assaulting other students, and now apparently forming an army of invisible demon horses, I shall simply not stand…” An armchair fell out of the sky onto him. Scoti looked away guiltily. Hagrid though was not paying the boy any attention, his focus solely on the incoming herd of thestrals that, as far as he was aware, had never ventured out of the shelter of the forest during daylight hours, until now. Gradually though his focus shifted to the anthropomorphic pony girl who was currently feeding a thestral one of Teeth’s dog biscuits, much to the hellhound’s ire. Limestone turned and glowered back at Hagrid. “Why are you staring at me for? She was the one who called for her friends.” > Blistering Boils > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thankfully for Limestone, once she had been introduced to the thestrals and they had been ushered off back to the forest by Professor Kettleburn and Hagrid, with Barbera giving her one final nuzzle and telling her to simply ask if she ever needed their assistance, the remainder of Thursday passed relatively peacefully. That is if you can regard one of Hermione’s study sessions as normal and not unorthodox torture. The girl was adamant they be aptly prepared for both Herbology and Potions the following day meaning that Limestone had not made it to dinner until nearly eight o’clock. On the plus side, this had made their final Herbology lesson of the week the following morning extremely easy. Their group had completed all seven tasks set out for them for the week halfway through the lesson, much to Professor Sprout’s delight, and avoided extra homework over the weekend in the process. Much to Limestone’s relief, Hermione had disappeared after Herbology allowing her to retire to the library and make a start on her thestral essay as her fellow housemates frantically tried to cram ahead of their Potions test. Limestone had already made a mental note not to sit anywhere near Scoti and Susan today if she valued her life. She doubted even her wand, a supposed master at skirting disaster, could save her from whatever chaos those two would inevitably end up causing if she sat anywhere even remotely close to them. Soon enough Limestone and her dormmates were making the trek down to the dungeons. An eerie and uncomfortable silence had fallen upon them as they begrudgingly descended the long windy staircase and Limestone had noticed that even Susan was looking nervous. None of them seemed able, or wanted, to start a conversation. The silence continued until they inevitably reached their destination, Limestone immediately noticing, unsurprisingly, that Hermione was already waiting for her at a desk near the front of the classroom. She had barely even stepped into the classroom though before Snape pounced on her. “I am glad to see that beast is not with you today, Miss Pie.” “His name is Teeth. And if you don’t want me to whistle for him, you will remember that,” Limestone retorted fiercely. The frown on Snape’s face intensified into a scowl but he refused to be drawn into yet another argument with one of these pathetic excuses Hufflepuff classed as students. “Anyway, onto a more important matter. Regrettably there has been a change of plan. You shall now be partnering Miss Moon today whilst Miss Brown shall partner Miss Granger. I am sure the two of them have a lot of catching up to do,” he droned without a shred of remorse. Hermione looked less than pleased with that declaration but, knowing it was pointless to do so, opted not to object. Instead, she simply chose to continue ignoring Lavender’s very existence. Limestone looked to the ceiling. Of course he would pull a stunt like this. “Fine sir, but might I…” “You may not, so take your seat before I start deducting house points from Hufflepuff,” Snape snapped. “Your head of house might have forbidden me from giving you heavier punishments but I am still quite able to deduct points from Hufflepuff,” Professor Snape added testily. “And in future look at me when you address me. Such insolence shall not be tolerated in my classroom.” Limestone bowed her head in submission before looking directly at Professor Snape and replying through gritted teeth, “Yes, sir. Of course, sir.” And with that she went and sat next to Leanne, only pausing momentarily to whisper in Lavender’s ear, “Sorry.” To be fair, considering who was sitting at the desk to Limestone’s left, she felt Lavender may have got the better deal even if Hermione refused to acknowledge Lavender’s very existence. “Alright, I believe that is everyone. I have already set out all the ingredients you require on your desks. Be warned that failure and cheating of any kind shall be met with the harshest of punishments. You have an hour,” Professor Snape droned from the front of the class before returning to his desk to do some marking. After that there was a flurry of activity as pairs of first years either began their first attempt at a potion or were found to be totally out of their depth and thus tried to catch a glimpse of what their neighbours were doing. Snape though was instantly onto this tactic. The Potions professor paused his marking for a moment. “Maybe I did not make myself clear enough. Cheating will result in twenty points each from your house and a week of detention where you shall write “I shall revise and not cheat in exams,” repeatedly for two hours each evening. Is that clear enough for you all?” Those attempting to catch a glimpse of what their neighbours were doing immediately stopped and redirected their attentions back to the pile of ingredients in front of them, hoping for a miracle. Limestone and Leanne were thankfully in the first category, although even they were struggling to distinguish just which fangs on the table were snake fangs. It took them five minutes but eventually they had pinpointed what they believed to be the correct type of fangs and after ten minutes their cauldron was steadily brewing the first half of the potion. A loud explosion of too Limestone’s left did not surprise her in the slightest. In fact, she was more surprised it had not happened sooner and chose to ignore it as Snape lambasted her friends without lifting his head up from his paperwork. “Why am I not surprised it is you two who are the first to fail. I suppose if you require medical attention, you have my permission to head to the infirmary.” “No, sir, I think we’re all good,” Susan replied before breaking out into a coughing fit as black smoke continued to rise at an alarming rate from the cauldron she and Scoti were using. Professor Snape lifted his head up from his marking and raised a questioning eyebrow in Scoti and Susan’s direction. The former’s face was covered in black ash and she was staring blankly and unfocused ahead of her. Her wand meanwhile hovered over the smoking cauldron. “Fine. Did I mention that if I am unsure about the effectiveness of your potion from its visual appearance alone, I may have to test it. I suppose that is one benefit of having werewolves at the school. Their resilience and regenerative abilities make them useful lab rats,” Snape said wickedly before returning to his marking Susan finished coughing and gulped nervously as she glanced down through the smoke at the bubbling black monstrosity that was currently her potion. And then Scoti slipped a piece of paper across the desk to her. Don’t worry, I have a plan. Susan gulped once more. She was definitely doomed. Limestone had also caught a glimpse of the piece of paper and, despite being unable to catch what it said, likewise was feeling a certain sensation of dread building up in her stomach. A feeling she had barely known existed before ending up in this lunatics’ asylum of a school. Fear. * Whilst their potion was brewing the first half of their mixture, Leanne and Limestone ensured they were prepared for the second part by distinguishing which were the correct quills to use along with setting aside the horned slugs. Many of the pairs of students seemed to be faring okay, likely having studied astutely due to fearing the possible ramifications of failure. Some though, most notably Scoti and Susan, were clearly struggling for one reason or another Limestone noticed as she risked a quick glance around the room whilst waiting for the concoction in Leanne’s cauldron to boil. Once the concoction started to bubble and spit to indicate it was ready, they added the horned slugs and carefully removed the cauldron from the fire before adding the porcupine quills, something that two Gryffindor boys had clearly forgotten to do if Snape’s yelling from across the room was anything to go by. In spite of the rather distracting acrid green smog from the boys failed attempt, Limestone and Leanne completed their potion without any real issues arising and with time spare. This though did leave them waiting anxiously for Snape’s verdict. After more than five excruciating minutes of waiting the Potions professor finally called a halt to the exam. “Time,” Snape droned. “Cease what you are doing and I shall come round and assess your work. I am not expecting much from your first attempt but hopefully you will at least be able to take some small piece of knowledge away with you today that will assist you next week when we attempt this potion again. I know Mr Longbottom certainly has. Right, without further delay, why don’t we start with our celebrity?” Limestone watched as Snape rose from his chair with a clipboard in his hands and marched across to Harry and Ron. Ron looked terrified but Harry held his ground. Snape assessed the ingredients left on the desk and then assessed the boys’ attempt which was emitting red smoke. “How many horned slugs and snake fangs did you add?” He said sharply looking up from the cauldron unimpressed. “Three and five, sir. I thought we should have added four and six but we were only supplied with three and…” Harry replied. “Then why did you not ask for more?” Snape cut in brusquely. “Why didn’t you supply us with the correct amount to begin with?” Harry retorted. Ron sniggered next to Harry until Snape gave him a look that immediately silenced him. “Congratulations Mr Potter, I shall see you and Mr Weasley back here after lunch to try again. Next time trust your judgement not somebody else’s. Grade: Dreadful. Let us see if little Miss know-it-all and the traitor fared better,” Snape said flatly moving on before Harry could argue some more, making a note on his clipboard as he did so Snape stared down at Hermione’s perfect potion and the pristine pink smoke radiating from it and made a note on his clipboard. “Acceptable. An outstanding attempt Miss Granger but this task was as much about your ability to work as a team as it was about perfecting the potion on your first attempt. I clearly noticed you did everything yourself and refused to let Miss Brown assist at any point despite her best efforts. In fact, you refused to even acknowledge her offers to help. Despite what you might think, you do not know everything and need to learn to listen to and work with your peers,” Snape explained noting the result onto his clipboard. Hermione stared at the Potions Professor with a look of thunder but dared not be rude to a teacher. “Is there something you wish to say?” Snape droned emotionlessly clearly seeing the fury behind Hermione’s eyes. “No, sir. Sorry, sir. I shall try to do what you wish in future, sir,” Hermione replied through clenched teeth. “See that you do,” Snape responded before moving onto his next pair of victims. Limestone continued to watch as Snape went from one pair to another brutally nitpicking at the minutest of details. The potion is the wrong shade of blue, to unstable, smells wrong, smoke is to reddish pink, clearly left it to boil for too long before adding the horned slugs, and so on and so forth. The few pairs of students he did save positive comments for all solely came from his own house and only they received a grade higher than acceptable where applicable. And then, there were just two pairs left. “Okay,” Limestone spat as Snape approached. “What’s wrong with ours?” “Already fearing failure I see,” Snape droned emotionlessly reaching Limestone and Leanne’s desk. “I fear nothing,” Limestone snapped back. “And if I did, it certainly wouldn’t be a corrupt and biased teacher.” “Ten points from Hufflepuff. Would you like to make it more?” Snape responded. Limestone had a lot more to say but forced herself to lower her head in surrender. “No.” “That is another five points for not looking at me when speaking to me. Now, no, what?” Snape said mercilessly. “No, Professor Snape. Sorry for my insolence, Professor Snape,” Limestone forced herself to say as she lifted her head up and locked eyes with the Potions Professor. “Good. And anymore insolence from you today and next time it will be one hundred points from your house. Try explaining that to Professor Sprout. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes, Professor Snape. Crystal,” Limestone replied. “Excellent. Now, let us examine this potion of yours.” Professor Snape looked over and into the cauldron. “Hmm, not bad, although it is a shade darker than I would like. Everything else though seems to be in order. I suggest you use a touch more magic next time. Acceptable.” Limestone was taken aback to have received what she would class as praise from the Potions professor. She was swiftly brought back to reality though by Professor Snape’s stern voice of to her left. “What in the Dark Lord’s name is this monstrosity. You absolute muppets. And there I thought for a moment mutt you might have had some brains. Clearly not if you cannot even tell chizpurfle fangs from snake…” BOOM! Limestone stared in horror as her friend’s cauldron exploded and covered Snape’s face with its putrid green contents. * “THAT WAS YOUR PLAN!” Susan exploded as she, alongside Scoti, apparated to some unknown location in the castle with Teeth’s assistance. It looked to her like they were in another part of the dungeons. Hey, all I slipped in was Magic Ice to cause a smoke screen so that the classroom would have to be evacuated. How was I to know it would cause the potion to explode. And at the precise moment Snape was examining it to, Scoti retorted. “That’s the whole point, you couldn’t be sure what was going to happen,” Susan lambasted. “Still, I suppose it was pretty funny,” she added with a chuckle. “Even if he is going to kill us when he finds us.” IF he finds us. “Yeah, no. I mean, there is surely no hiding place in this castle that Snape doesn’t know about,” Susan said despondently, resigned to her inevitable fate at Snape’s hands. You’re almost certainly right but he still can’t get us in our dorm, Scoti responded with a wide grin. “Maybe so, but he’ll just send Professor Sprout after us instead,” Susan griped. And then we tell her it was an honest mistake and that Snape purposefully set us up with the wrong ingredients so that he could intentionally poison you, Scoti described her master plan. Susan stood still and pondered Scoti’s plan for a moment. “That actually might work,” she finally admitted. “I just wish you were as good at Potions as you are at wangling your way out of trouble so we could have avoided this whole mess to begin with.” Scoti shrugged her shoulders. Why should I put any effort into a subject where the teacher absolutely hates me? What’s your excuse? “The same. Lycanthropy doesn’t help either, can really mess with your concentration at times,” Susan replied. Fair enough, Scoti stated handing Teeth a dog biscuit and then proceeding to hand one to Susan as well. “Thanks,” Susan said snapping the biscuit in half with her teeth and proceeding to eat half of it before continuing. “Are we going to be using Teeth to get back to our dormitory or walk?” I would rather not risk apparating again. Apparating with one extra person is fine but any more can be extremely risky. I don’t think we’re far from our dorm anyway. How was the biscuit by the way? Susan looked at Scoti cynically. “I know the risks. You don’t need to change the subject. Still would have rather chanced losing a limb or landing on top of the Astronomy tower than facing Snape after what happened.” Can’t deny that. I suggest we get a move on then whilst we have the advantage. “Agreed.” She sniffed the air. “Come on, the dorm is this way.” And with that the two girls continued their retreat to their dormitory. * “Why does it have to be me?” Limestone groused as they entered the Great Hall for lunch. “Because you were sat closest to them and got the best view of what happened,” Leanne retorted. “Not by choice,” Limestone countered. “Well, tough,” Leanne said brutally before adding a little more sympathetically, “And you need not worry, me and Lavender will be right beside you.” “Eugh, fine,” Limestone grumbled conceding defeat and opting to stride straight to Professor Sprout at the teachers table at the front of the hall. “What is it this time?” Professor Sprout said with a heavy sigh before Limestone could say a word. “Did Scoti and Susan blow up the Potions lab? Or send Professor Snape to the infirmary? Please tell me he has not been force feeding Susan potions again.” Limestone stared at her head of house somewhat taken aback. Professor Sprout had come very close to the truth. Limestone coughed to regather her composure. “Well actually…” The door to the Great Hall burst open and Professor Snape strode in, his face covered in boils. “To answer your questions, just Susan’s cauldron, yes, and he was planning to until Susan’s cauldron spectacularly exploded. I had to take evasive action just to avoid being decapitated by a wayward piece of metal. Oh, and Scoti and Susan are currently missing. We think Teeth apparated them somewhere but cannot be certain. For all we know, they may have been blown to smithereens.” Limestone was unsure Professor Sprout had heard her considering she was staring wide-eyed at her colleague but eventually she coughed and replied. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Leave it with me and I will sort the matter. If I require any further information from you, I will come and find you.” Limestone was only too happy to sneak off and have her lunch. As she made her way to her seat, she saw an exasperated Kendra being pushed aside as Snape refused to be stopped from reporting his latest reason why the first-year girls in Hufflepuff should not be allowed to study at Hogwarts to Professor Sprout. This was even though the boils on his face made it extremely difficult for him to talk and even harder for anyone to understand what he was saying. Limestone should have been eating but, like many of the students, could not take her eyes of the bizarre confrontation at the front of the hall. That was until Teeth landed atop her. * Professor Sprout pushed the trolley dolly ahead of her whilst whistling a cheery tune. Upon reaching her destination she knocked sharply on the door. “Friend or Foe?” Susan barked from the other side. “That depends,” Professor Sprout replied. “Although, if you don’t open this door and tell me the truth and nothing but the truth, then I know two other first year girls who would be more than happy with a little more lunch.” The door opened a pinch and a blue eye peeked through the gap. “Did you say lunch?” Susan queried before her stomach let out an ominous growl. “Of course. I still owe you a steak dinner as an apology for not believing you the other night.” Professor Sprout lifted the lid from a plate on the dolly that was laden with steak. Susan began to drool. “I understand lycanthropes don’t really care for anything aside meat so I felt a mountain of steak would suffice. But, alas, if you don’t allow me in and tell me…” The door opened before Professor Sprout had even finished her sentence. Susan darted for the plate of steak but Professor Sprout was quicker and froze the girl in her tracks with a wave of her wand and then followed it up with a wave of a disapproving finger at the lycan. “Truth first. And if even one little detail is missed out or fabricated in anyway, I shall make you watch as your friends devour every last morsel. Do I make myself clear?” Professor Sprout released Susan from her magical grip and the girl rapidly nodded her head only for Scoti to try and pull her back into their dorm. It was a futile endeavour. Nothing could get between a werewolf and food. “So, it is like this, “Susan began shrugging off her friend. “For our first potion attempt we had to work in pairs to make a cure for boils from memory and without the aid of our textbook. We may not have studied as hard as we should have for the test but still thought we were prepared enough. My aunt made me read over the cure for boils numerous times during the summer. Extremely tedious. Anyway, unfortunately, we got a little confused as Professor Snape did not just leave the ingredients we needed on our desk but numerous others as well in an attempt to make us fail. Combined with Scoti’s wand backfiring on her by the halfway point our potion was, well, not looking so good and Snape then threatened to poison me with it if he deemed the finished product unacceptable by the end of the lesson. Fearing for my safety, Scoti slipped in some magical ice into our potion whilst Professor Snape was distracted marking our classmates’ attempts to create a smokescreen so we could make our escape. Instead, nothing happened, or so we thought until the entire thing exploded at precisely the wrong moment. It was an accident I swear Professor and Scoti was only trying to help me…” Professor Sprout stopped Susan with a raised hand and then proceeded to speak herself. “So, in a nutshell, what you are telling me is Snape repeatedly ignored safety protocols and endangered the wellbeing of his students on multiple occasions.” Susan stared at Professor Sprout in stunned silence for a while as her brain processed precisely what her professor had said. Finally, she uttered, “Are you not mad?” “Heavens no, I’m furious,” Professor Sprout replied. “When I get my hands on Severus, he’s going to wish your potion did more than give him a few nasty boils. You will though have to spend the rest of today and the weekend with me in the greenhouses to ensure he does not try something but I am sure he will have calmed down by next week. Now, before I go and pay him a visit, is there any further information you can provide me with from your Potions lesson today, specifically to do with the actions of your professor.” Susan was a lycan. An apex predator that was practically invincible. Yet the look in Professor Sprout’s eyes had even her quaking and she dared not question the fact that she and Scoti could, quite as easily, remain in their dormitory until Monday if needs be. “Erm, well…” Susan stuttered. “Go on,” Professor Sprout said in a tone that oozed more venom than that of a venomous tentacular. “He deliberately didn’t give enough of some ingredients to Harry and Ron in Gryffindor, switched Lavender and Limestone around last minute so that the former had to pair up with Hermione purely for his own sick pleasure, and was extremely biased marking the results unfairly giving only Slytherin students high marks,” Susan blurted in one breath. “I see. Anything else?” He did threaten to take 100 points from Hufflepuff at one point after Limestone twice approached him about the matters Susan just brought up, Scoti stated upon seeing her friend gasping for breath, “Did he now. Well, thank you to the both of you. You have both been most helpful. I will meet you both in the common room in an hour. Scoti, your lunch is on the bottom of the dolly along with some refreshments for the two of you, enjoy.” And with that, Professor Sprout turned and departed back down the hallway. I would not like to be in Snape’s shoes right now, Scoti quipped turning to Susan as a shiver ran down her spine. Her eyes widened as she took in the grotesque and gruesome sight that greeted her. And there goes my appetite, she added as a shredded piece of steak landed in her hair. > Falling 3: A Bumpy Ride > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limestone awoke with a bump and groggily opened her eyes expecting that she had simply rolled out of bed after a bad dream. It did not take her long to realise that, one, the soft spongy ground under her was not the cold hard stone dormitory floor, and two, there was way too much light for this to be her dormitory. She looked up to see Scoti staring down at her. Good, you’re awake. “Scoti, just what the buck is going on? And where are we?” The training fields. It is time you learned how to fly a broom without causing absolute carnage. Limestone closed her eyes and groaned. * “You know, you could have just pushed me out of bed to wake me up and then let me get dressed first?” Limestone groused with a shiver several minutes later, now, reluctantly, on her hooves. She was currently sporting the horrifying pink pyjamas with red hearts on them whilst the early morning sun was doing little to help keep her warm. And would you have come willingly? “Not a chance.” There you go then. “Right, then can we at least get this over with as quickly and painfully as possible so that I can try and enjoy the rest of my weekend.” Of course. Scoti gestured towards two brooms lying on the ground. First up, summon your broom and mount it as you’ve done previously. This time though, don’t kick off from the ground so hard. Limestone raised her right eyebrow in response to that last piece of information but said nothing to prevent another argument and delay the inevitable any further. Instead, she walked over to the broom Scoti pointed to that was hers and swiftly summoned and mounted it. Then she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and nudged herself of the ground with a hoof. Limestone opened her eyes to find she was hovering only a few metres of the ground. A sign flashed in front of her eyes. See, not so hard, was it? “Can I get down now?” Go ahead. Let’s see how good you are at landing. Limestone leaned forward but just a touch to much and ended up going head over flank and landing on her back with a thud on the grass, the broom still held tightly within her grip. A light sprinkling of rain started to fall on her face. Great, that was the last thing she needed right now. Well, I suppose that is one way to land a broom, Scoti taunted dangling something in front of Limestone’s face. Limestone immediately felt around her chest. Pretty necklace. Where you get it from? “Give it back,” Limestone growled. You’ll have to catch me first. And with that Scoti was gone. “Crap,” Limestone grumbled forcing herself up from the ground. She dusted herself off and let her mind process the current situation. The sensible option would be to head back to the dorm, get changed and head to breakfast before reporting Scoti’s actions to Professor Sprout. But she couldn’t be sure Professor Sprout wasn’t involved somehow and besides, she had her own stubborn pride to think about. “Having fun?” A voice Limestone knew only to well chorused across the training fields. Well, that solved that conundrum for Limestone as Professor Sprout continued talking to her. “Scoti asked me before she left for Divination yesterday afternoon if she could give you some help with your flying after the troubling first week you have had on a broomstick. Wait, why are you still in your pyjamas?” “She dragged me out of bed whilst I was still asleep and woke me up by throwing me on the ground out here. Oh, and now she has stolen my necklace and is refusing to give it back unless I catch her up there.” Professor Sprout let out an audible sigh, noticing an open crate a little way away. “I did tell her no funny business and that it was your decision the little minx. Still, my voice isn’t loud enough to call her back so I guess if you want your necklace back, you shall just have to go up there and get it. I would advise taking this though, it seems as if our mischievous minx has also released some Bludgers.” Professor Sprout handed Limestone a club. Limestone glowered at her head of house as she took the club. “You know what, I’m not even going to ask.” “Probably best you don’t. If anything comes hurtling towards you up there, hit it with the bat first and ask questions later.” “Thanks for the advice, it was extremely reassuring,” Limestone said sarcastically before pushing herself off the ground with enough force that she found herself now ten metres or more off the ground. “I’m going to say this once and once only. Give me back what is mine or when I catch you, and it shall be when not if, I’ll…” Limestone paused as a solid round lump of metal came hurtling towards. She barely had time to raise the club Professor Sprout had given her and deflect the Bludger away from her. The recoil though still sent her spinning out of control and Limestone was quite glad she had not had any breakfast yet as she was certain it would have come back up again. “Eugh,” Limestone groaned still in a daze. “I am guessing that was a Bludger. Scoti is in for a world of hurt when I get my hooves on…” she stopped mid-sentence as the Bludger cannoned towards her once more. “Buck this.” Limestone threw the bat away not caring who or what was below her and waited for the unavoidable to happen. * Meanwhile, just as Limestone was taking off, another student was approaching Professor Sprout from below. “Hello Melody, what brings you out here this early in the morning?” Professor Sprout enquired turning her attention away from Limestone for a moment to face a tall, lanky, pale faced girl with purple eyes and jet-black hair that sported purple highlights. “Hi Professor, have you seen Scoti anywhere. She asked me to meet her here. Said she had a friend of hers who might be interested in the Quidditch team this year,” Melody replied. “I see, still not had much interest then?” Professor Sprout enquired. “I’ve got two rookie second year Chasers to marshal as well as a rookie third year who fancies himself as a Seeker. Add Scoti to that mix and I am still missing another Beater and a Goalkeeper. To be honest, I am shocked I have managed to muster that many volunteers after last year’s debacle but still, unless I can fulfil those last two slots with anyone, absolutely anyone, even a cardboard cutout will do, we’re going to suffer an even worse fate and embarrassment than the record losses we suffered last season,” Melody explained. “You don’t mean.” “Yes, the house of loyalty and friendship will become the first house ever unable to field a Quidditch team in Hogwarts history,” Melody said bluntly. “We’ll be even more of a laughing stock than we are already.” A grave look crossed Professor Sprout’s face before a loud thump nearby saw her turn her gaze upwards. “Good Heavens, what was that?” “It looks like a Beater’s bat,” Melody stated before she to turned her gaze upwards. An extraordinary sight greeted them both through the early morning drizzle. A Bludger bearing down on a girl high in the sky and then, rather than being knocked off her broom as they expected, she caught it through a combination of her torso and right hand, and proceeded to throw it at breakneck speed at a speck in the distance. “Woah,” Melody summarised. “Scoti wasn’t joking. Who is that?” “That would be Limestone Pie.” “The horse girl from another dimension?” “Yes, so don’t get your hopes up. She’s very nearly seriously injured herself in both her flying lessons so far and has tried several times to have me remove her from the class on the basis that “Earth ponies don’t fly, Pegasi do,” Professor Sprout explained. “On top of her distaste for flying, this is the first time she has properly ridden a broom and she also has no idea what Quidditch is or any interest in it.” Melody stared expressionlessly back at her head of house momentarily before speaking. “Still beats a cardboard cutout or having the ignominy of being the first house ever to be unable to field a quidditch team due to lack of interest. I wonder what Professor McGonagall would have to say about that?” she finished with a wry smirk. “We shall talk to her but I will not force one of my students to do anything they do not wish to,” Professor Sprout said not taking her eyes of Limestone in the sky for a second. “Let us hope for a miracle.” * “GET BACK HERE WITH MY NECKLACE YOU MENACE. I know you can hear me. You’re half-blind and mute not…” Limestone paused as one of the Bludgers attempted to take her head off and she only just managed to duck in time. The game of cat and mouse had been going on for over ten minutes. Scoti was by far the more skilled and experienced flyer but Limestone’s sheer persistence and stubbornness had meant she had refused to give up the chase despite the chances she would retrieve her necklace being slim at best. The only way she had managed to keep within a respectable distance of her friend was through catching and throwing several more Bludgers that had forced Scoti to take evasive action to avoid them. Limestone also knew that just one direct hit to either Scoti or her broom would be enough to force Scoti to land, one way or another. It was just a matter of time and patience, although Limestone was also well aware her hands were already bearing a heavy toll after only catching the Bludgers four times. Limestone waited for the Bludger to circle back towards her and then caught sight of the second one hurtling towards her from the other direction. “Ah, Tartarus,” she swore kicking her broom to reluctantly make it go faster. “I’m going to regret this; I just know it.” Limestone attempted a Sloth Grip Roll (not that she even knew what that was at the time) as the Bludgers looked destined to sail into one another overhead. Unfortunately for Limestone they narrowly avoided one another and, despite one heading off after Scoti, the other circled back round to finish her from behind “Shit,” Limestone grumbled hanging upside down and running out of options. She dared not let go of the broom with her hands in case she fell but also had no idea how to right herself. “Yep, I’m definitely regretting it,” Limestone groused tapping her foot against her broom and continuing her pursuit of Scoti, except she was now upside down and had a magical flying cannonball in hot pursuit of her. And, of course, the rain was getting heavier. * “Damn, she really doesn’t know when to quit, does she?” Melody quipped from down below. “I like that kind of spirit.” Professor Sprout chuckled. “I knew you would.” “Still not going to offer me any assistance in recruiting her?” Melody pressed, pushing her luck a little. “I hardly think that will be necessary,” Professor Sprout replied without taking her eyes of the spectacle in the sky and instead pointing to the blip in the distance that was Scoti. “There is our miracle.” A smile slowly spread across Melody’s face as she realised what her head of house meant. Scoti would ensure they got their Keeper by hook or by crook. * Limestone knew her task was now hopeless. Being upside down meant she dared not take her hands of the broom but still she refused to be beaten and continued chasing Scoti, recklessly picking up the pace until suddenly, Scoti stopped dead ahead in front of the tree Limestone had grown last week and smashed one of the Bludgers straight back at the anthropomorphic pony. Limestone had no time to think. She gripped the broom tightly with her legs and let go with her hands. Down below Melody and Professor Sprout looked on open mouthed as Limestone caught the Bludger and hurtled it back at Scoti with every ounce of strength she had whilst somehow managing to maintain her grip on the broom with her legs. And even that seemed to not be enough as Scoti almost disinterestedly raised her Beater’s bat at lightning speed and repelled the Bludger. Or so she thought. Instead, her overconfidence was her undoing as the bat shattered and the Bludger cannoned into her stomach sending Scoti flying of her broom and into the tree behind her before falling motionless towards the ground. “YES, FINALLY!” Limestone roared in celebration before it slowly dawned on her what she had done. “Shit, shit,” she chorused, gripping her broom and desperately trying, and failing, to fly after Scoti’s lifeless falling body. To Limestone’s utmost relief out of nowhere someone came and caught Scoti on another broomstick in the nick of time and carried her safely to where Professor Sprout was waiting on the ground. Devoid of pressure Limestone managed to force herself right side up before the mysterious broom rider appeared at her side. “Melody Song. Hufflepuff’s Quidditch captain. Nice to meet you Limestone. Need any assistance getting down?” “Thanks, but I think I am getting the hang of this broom now,” Limestone replied leaning forward slightly. The newcomer stayed by her side as she carefully started a slow descent to the ground. “Is Scoti okay? I didn’t mean to hurt her that much but that wretch needs to be taught a lesson or two. I mean, just look at me. She dragged me out of my bed, stole my property and then forced me to come after her on this death trap. I can’t wait to get back to Earth. Sorry, I’m ranting, but that minx has really riled me.” Melody chuckled. “No problem. I was wondering what was with the pyjamas but thought it must be something to do with Scoti. She certainly is a mischievous little scamp for sure. You should see the damage she’s done to me in training in the past. Fifty-seven new bruises I think was the record… oops, now I’m ranting.” Limestone looked at the newcomer intrigued. Melody let out a heavy sigh. “We have both been on the same Quidditch team for several years. Just don’t tell anyone please as it’s kind of a big secret.” “So, it is true then. Scoti really is this so called Slytherin Slayer,” Limestone responded. “Ah, so you’ve heard of her exploits then.” “Yes, through our friend Susan although I wasn’t absolutely sure it was her. She flatly refused to admit it and Professor Sprout interrupted us before Susan could press the matter further. The topic hasn’t come up since and I kind of forgot about it until you brought it up just now.” Limestone informed Melody. “So, what’s your problem then? From what I gathered from Susan, those who play for the Falmouth Falcons are psychotic nutjobs more intent on maiming people than actually playing the game.” Melody cackled like a loon. “I like you and we’ve more in common than you think.” Limestone raised a questioning eyebrow at that statement. A stream of fire poured from Melody’s mouth. Limestone’s eyes widened. “Element of Earth meet Element of Fire. And considering I’m from a dysfunctional muggle family you can imagine how many problems that caused in my early life. Mum never knew who my father was and after my eighteenth count of arson and third trip to a correctional facility by the age of nine she had had enough. She disappeared and two years later Headmaster Dumbledore visited where I was being held, told me I had an ancient and very rare gift, then brought me here. After my first year they persuaded Scoti to let me crash at her place. Bizarrely, despite being younger than me, Scoti was the one who got me into Quidditch and onto the Falcons. Although I have gained greater control of my pyromaniac urges over the past few years, part of the reason for this is the Falcons and the fact they are quite happy for me using my natural fire magic. And even without using underhanded tricks, I’ve still somehow managed to end up as the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain this year,” Melody waffled. Even though Limestone was nearly within touching distance of solid ground once again, she brought her broomstick to a shuddering halt and her eyes turned to daggers. “The answer is no. I have no idea why you would want me to participate in something I have very little knowledge about or interest in but the answer is N O, NO. Riding a stick in the sky is bad enough without demented cannon balls trying to take my head off every ten seconds thank you very much.” “Wow, you’re an observant one, aren’t you. Okay, it is like this. I am desperate. More than desperate to be frank. Our team was woeful last year and everyone on it aside me either quit to avoid further humiliation or to focus on more important things, or were in their final year at Hogwarts. If I don’t find a Beater and a Goalkeeper from somewhere, anywhere, we’re going to become the first team in Hogwarts history to be unable to field a Quidditch team and in the process become even more of a laughing stock than last year. And we broke a one-hundred-year-old record for biggest defeat twice!” Melody pleaded. “Wow, you’re really selling it to me,” Limestone said sardonically. “Fine, then if not for me, do it for Scoti. She would be heartbroken if we were unable to form a team and had to default our matches,” Melody persisted. “You mean the same girl who dragged me from my bed in my pyjamas, tricked me into believing this was an extracurricular flying lesson when in fact it was an audition for something she knew I wouldn’t go for no matter what, and even had the audacity to steal from me. Why in Celestia’s name would I give a damn about her feelings after what she’s done?” “She taught you to fly in double quick time didn’t she and you’ve done several things I’ve never seen anyone else manage to do,” Melody argued. “Like what?” “For a start catch a Bludger. The speed at which those things not only travel but can change trajectory should make such a feat impossible. They haven’t even bothered to right a rule about catching and throwing one at an opposition because even suggesting to do such a thing would be ludicrous. Yet you managed to do it multiple times over ten minutes. Just imagine the benefit of having a Keeper who can redirect Bludgers towards the opposition? It would be like having an extra Beater and there’s nought Madam Hooch could do about it as there is no law against it,” Melody explained. “That’s great and all but still not interested. No way I could catch those things on a regular basis anyway,” Limestone interjected holding up her right hand that was covered in friction burns. “We’ll get you some gloves,” Melody blurted in desperation. “Please, just think about it for a moment. You also have extraordinary upper body strength that would provide us with a huge passing range when starting counter attacks and even managed to hit Scoti with a Bludger, something I’ve never witnessed before.” “I told you my answer is NO and nothing will change my mind. I’m an Earth Pony not a Pegasus,” Limestone said brusquely preparing to continue her descent to the ground as the rain continued to drench her. Melody was running out of ideas and time. “How about if we got you your Flying certificate so you no longer need to take Flying lessons.” Limestone paused in her preparations and thought over this offer carefully. “Hardly worth it considering I would still have to get on a death stick to train for your team at least once or twice a week and if I must ride one of these twigs, I would much prefer to do it in a setting where there are no flying canon balls,” Limestone didn’t wait for a response instead finishing her descent to the ground with a bump but managing just about to stay on her hooves. In a flash Scoti was in Limestone’s face despite Professor Sprout’s best efforts to force her to remain seated. Limestone found her stolen necklace shoved into her chest before a sign appeared a hair’s breadth from her face. It took her a moment to decipher what was written on it due to its proximity. What do you want? “Pardon?” To agree to join the team. What do you want? Scoti simplified. “What I want is to keep my hooves firmly on the ground along with some peace and quiet. Is that to much to… why are you smirking at me?” Limestone replied curtly. Oh nothing. Just thinking ahead to next summer and where you shall be staying once school’s out. I am sure my aunt will be willing to put you up at her place, especially now a few of her sons have moved out. She still has four sons and a daughter staying at home with her though and you would have to share a room with Ginny most likely, so I’m not sure how peaceful you would find it especially as the twins are always causing mayhem. “Get to the point,” Limestone interrupted placing her arms across her chest whilst directing an intense glare her friend’s way. Well, I’ve got two big empty mansions with only me, Moody and Melody occupying them along with several servants. You could have your own bedroom away from everyone else if you wished, servants serving on you hand and hoof. Both family estates also have old mines on them that you would be free to explore if you so wish. All I ask is a tiny favour in return. The smirk on Scoti’s face widened. Limestone’s eyes turned to slits. “I hardly call being pelted with cannonballs whilst hovering in the air on a twig on a weekly basis a tiny favour.” I can think of a lot worse. If you need convincing, maybe I should introduce you to the twins? I am sure five minutes with them would have you seeing things differently. Plus, I even bought you a top-of-the-line broom to make things easier for you. Would not want your broom spontaneously falling from the sky mid-match due to a magical mishap, would we? Limestone raised a questioning eyebrow at her friend and then rolled her eyes in defeat. “I am not sure which option sounds worse but you’re not going to quit pestering me until I say yes, are you?” Nope. “Then just answer this question for me, why me?” Because you have both incredible upper body strength and perception of your surroundings. Thus, I thought you would make a great Beater with a little bit of coaching flying wise. Turns out you’re an even better Keeper. Don’t worry about your hands, I’ll get you the best gloves money can buy. “That and we’ve exhausted every other option. Hasn’t helped Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape have barred the werewolves from participating on the grounds that they would have an unfair advantage.” Limestone jumped as Melody landed next to her and handed Scoti her broom back. “Trust me when I say I wouldn’t be trying to persuade you so hard if I had any realistic alternatives. But I don’t. I’ve exhausted every other possible avenue and am down to desperation and the bottom oof the barrel. But, and this is a big but, what I told you up there was the honest truth. With some training you could be an excellent Quidditch Keeper,” Melody explained. Limestone redirected her glare towards Melody. Melody held up her hands in surrender. “I know, I know, you want nothing to do with flying a broomstick but just give Quidditch a shot and who knows, you might even like it.” “I doubt it,” Limestone said flatly. “But, I guess I’ve little choice in the matter. Scoti will only get what she wants in the end no matter what I do so why delay the inevitable.” A wide smile crossed Melody’s face. “You mean it? You’re in?” “As long as I can get some peace and quiet during the holidays, you have my word.” Limestone turned back to Scoti and held out her hand. Scoti took it in a second and shook it vigorously with a smile that equalled Mellody’s. Limestone was already regretting her decision. > A New Week > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Why am I not surprised?” Madam Pomfrey said with a disapproving scowl as she opened the door to her office and discovered just who had interrupted her breakfast. “The feelings mutual,” Limestone replied with an equally ferocious scowl. Professor Sprout ignored Limestone’s retort. “Apologies to disturb you so early Poppy, Scoti was assisting Limestone with her flying and introducing her to the game of Quidditch…” “Quidditch! You cannot be serious Pomona. To introduce such promising young witches to such a barbaric blood sport is not just cruel, it is pure evil. I have already had a stern word with Minerva about recruiting a certain first year that shall remain nameless and am pressing the matter with Albus to have a rule passed that prevents first-years from being allowed to participate. If I cannot have it banned, I can at least do my duty as the school matron and protect our youngest students,” Madam Pomfrey ranted. Professor Sprout let out a heavy sigh. “We have been over this many times in staff meetings Poppy. First-years are only considered for the Quidditch team in exceptional circumstances and in such cases the school has the added responsibility of ensuring their safety, most notably in ensuring the correct equipment is worn to prevent serious injury. Unfortunately, during this session several unexpected things happened that I was unable to prepare for.” “Like what?” Madam Pomfrey said scathingly. “Limestone here not only caught a Bludger several times, she also threw it hard enough to break a Beater’s bat and may have potentially cracked one of Scoti’s ribs. The force also sent Scoti crashing into a tree and she has a nasty great bruise on her back,” Professor Sprout explained. I told you, I’m fine, Scoti grumbled looking less than pleased at having been frogmarched to the infirmary. “Are you a trained medical professional?” Madam Pomfrey queried emotionlessly. Scoti glowered back at the matron in reply. No. “Then go and sit on that bed over there whilst I inspect Miss Pie’s hands. Miss Song, please ensure she does not try to sneak away,” Madam Pomfrey said firmly. The glower on Scoti’s face intensified but she was swiftly ushered away by Melody as Madam Pomfrey redirected her attention to stubborn brat number two. “Come on, I don’t have all day,” she said sharply. Reluctantly Limestone showed Madam Pomfrey her palms. The school matron was not the least bit pleased with what she saw and tutted disapprovingly before stating her diagnosis. “I will need to apply some burn cream and wrap them in bandages. You shall also have to remain here for the whole day so I can monitor you as you will be unable to use your hands and due to the unfortunate burning sensation side effect the cream can cause.” “That sounds lovely,” Limestone replied sarcastically. “Yes, well maybe next time you will think before catching a ball travelling at sixty miles an hour,” Madam Pomfrey reprimanded unsympathetically before pausing in her tirade and staring for a while at Professor Sprout. She then let out a mighty sigh of resignation. “Just please tell me you will be buying her sufficient equipment, especially gloves, for when she plays Quidditch in future.” “Of course. Scoti has generously decided to finance our Quidditch team this year and supply us with top-of-the-line equipment,” Professor Sprout explained. “I suppose that is at least something, but I doubt it will have much impact on the annihilations we’ve been suffering in recent years,” Madam Pomfrey replied. “Have you even managed to form a team this year?” A sheepish look formed across Professor Sprout’s face. “What have you done,” Madam Pomfrey demanded to know with a look of thunder. “Our whole team is first, second and third years aside Melody and we still don’t have a second Beater,” Professor Sprout admitted. Madam Pomfrey began to rub her temple with her hands. “I wish I had not asked. Those poor kids are going to get slaughtered.” “HEY, one of them is right here you know,” Limestone interjected testily. “But it is nice to know what you think; will make our victories all the more sweeter when we prove you wrong.” “I highly doubt that considering you have barely been in our world a week and have had more flying accidents in that time than most students have in their entire first-year.” “And I no doubt expect there will be a fair few more by the end of the year,” Limestone stated honestly. “But I’m as tough as a diamond and will do my utmost to honour my part of the deal I made with Scoti.” Madam Pomfrey turned her look of thunder back on Professor Sprout. “I see. It’s like that is it.” “Limestone just needed a little persuasion is all,” Professor Sprout said cryptically. “Scoti kindly offered a room in her home to Limestone during the school holidays in return for her participation. Wait, where are you going?” “To get the burn cream before I hear anything else I regret,” Madam Pomfrey replied flatly. * Limestone spent the entirety of Saturday either in an uneasy sleep, due to the burning pain the cream caused, or trying to distract herself from the pain by watching the raging storm that had evolved outside through a window. Due to her hands, there was little else she could do and understandably, it was not an experience Limestone would like to repeat anytime in the future. By Sunday morning though Limestone’s hands had healed nicely to Madam Pomfrey’s delight and she was discharged on the promise that she would at least try to avoid any further need for the matron’s services in the immediate future. The way Madam Pomfrey had spoke to her though, Limestone was certain the school’s nurse expected her to be back in no more than a week for one thing or another. Limestone had to confess, even she didn’t expect it to be that long considering her dormmates penchant for chaos and anarchy. At least Sunday gave her some respite. Limestone found Hermione in the Library and, even if her friend was still not really talking to her, the peace and quiet was exactly what she needed as she stubbornly ploughed through her remaining homework for the week. Her hope for a single day where nothing crazy happened though was shattered as she approached the doors to the Great Hall on her way to dinner and overheard a commotion from inside. Opening one of the heavy oak doors, the last thing Limestone expected to see was a deer being chased by a mud monster heading straight towards her. “Teeth,” Limestone growled ominously. The mud monster stopped in its tracks as the startled deer scampered past Limestone in its bid for freedom. “Bath time.” Limestone’s stomach gave a loud growl of its own. “After dinner,” Limestone clarified finding her dog’s collar under all the mud and dragging him to the Hufflepuff table. * With his stomach full and loyalty unyielding, Teeth, unlike another canine Limestone knew, had offered no resistance to his bath, and ended up falling asleep in the tub as his Mistress cursed constantly whilst trying to separate his long shaggy coat from the muck it was encased in. It was nearly ten by the time Limestone got to bed and thus it was unsurprising she was up later than usual the following morning. Even so, she was still awake, washed and dressed by seven whilst the usual three were still entrenched in their duvets. As far as Limestone was concerned though, it wasn’t her problem if they were late for breakfast or class and besides, she had Teeth to consider. And when it came to food, the only thing getting in her wolfhound’s way was her, and he had already shown to Limestone that she was nothing more than a minor nuisance. So, she left the task of waking up her dormmates to Scoti and departed for breakfast before Teeth, currently sporting a large pink bow almost certainly courtesy of Scoti, apparated or dragged her to the Great Hall. Scoti joined Limestone shortly but refused to disclose how she had come across the black eye she now sported. By the time the rest of their dormmates joined them both Scoti and Limestone were nearly finished with their breakfasts. “I’m going to kill her!” As soon as soon as Limestone heard Susan utter those words she turned and looked at Scoti expectantly. Scoti ignored her and continued finishing her breakfast. That was until Susan came and dragged her out of her seat with a furry arm and a look of fury. Limestone decided it was better to not get involved and returned to the remnants of her own breakfast. “Miss Bones, what is the meaning of this?” Limestone heard Professor Sprout exclaim from the front of the hall as she hastily made her way over. “This little wretch decided to wake us up with itching powder this morning. We’ve all been in the shower for nearly an hour and are still itching,” Susan griped scratching the back of her neck with her free arm. “As far as I am concerned, Scoti was simply ensuring you didn’t oversleep and miss classes this morning. Maybe you should look at investing in an alarm clock in future because I know if you ever missed a Herbology lesson from oversleeping there would be a lot more to contend with than a bit of itching powder. So, I suggest you let your friend go and have some breakfast before it is too late. You wouldn’t want to go to class hungry now, would you?” Professor Sprout said sternly. Susan’s stomach rumbled as she stared at Professor Sprout slack jawed. “But…” she tried to argue but her stomach rumbled expectantly once more. “No, mam.” She lowered Scoti back to her seat before settling in next to her friend and loading a plate with bacon and sausages. “Excellent, now do either of you two have…” Professor Sprout paused in what she was about to say as Lavender poured a jug of milk over Scoti’s head. Susan couldn’t help but let out a snort of laughter as Lavender turned and thrust the jug into the chest of a stunned Professor Sprout. “I thought her cereal looked a little dry. Just trying to be an equally good friend,” Lavender said cheerily before taking her place at the table next to Limestone. Professor Sprout meanwhile was left holding the jug utterly speechless. Even she had not expected that! Leanne took her seat next to Lavender with an equal look of shock at her friend. “Where did that come from?” “What? My hair is going to be itchy for days because of her! Oops. Week in the greenhouses,” Lavender said guiltily not even bothering to turn and look her head of house face to face. “You know what. This time I am just going to class it as kids being kids. You’re a sensible girl Lavender and I am sure my leniency and words will not fall on deaf ears. Take heed all of you that although a prank might seem harmless, you need to understand when enough is enough. I have seen to many friendships damaged beyond repair after a simple prank escalates into a lot worse. You’ve all had your fun now shake hands and call it a draw whilst remembering in future to keep such actions within your dormitory please,” Professor Sprout said sternly as with a wave of her wand she removed the milk that now stained Scoti’s robes. “Thank you, professor. I shall certainly heed your words as long as Scoti does,” Lavender said in surprise at getting away so lightly with her retaliation as she offered her hand out across the table to Scoti. “Friends?” Of Course. Nice payback by the way, Scoti replied with a smirk as she took Lavender’s hand in her own scar covered one. The smile on Professor Sprout’s face though did not last long as the owl post chose that moment to arrive and a ginormous parcel fell atop Limestone. Oh, that’ll be the Keeper gear I ordered for you, Scoti quipped as Limestone picked herself and the hefty box up off the floor. > The Satsuma Situation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thankfully for Limestone, Herbology was a lot more peaceful than breakfast as Professor Sprout took them to the Herbology classroom to give them a lesson on the six things all plants need to thrive. She had then spent the free period afterwards in the library with Hermione prepping for Wednesday’s lesson on the consequences of using magic on plants, both positive and negative. She caught up with her dormmates again outside the Great Hall at morning break. “Hey Limey, where you been?” Susan pounced. “In the library with Hermione. Yourselves?” “Seriously? I thought she still hates our guts over the whole Lavender abandoning her thing,” Susan said bluntly. “Oh, she does. But it was nice to have a bit of peace and quiet for five minutes to think when doing my homework,” Limestone explained. Susan chuckled. “True that. The storm finally passed and Scoti was desperate for a ride on her broomstick. We went out with her with the intention of taking in some fresh air whilst doing our Herbology homework and ended up engrossed by Scoti’s flying for most of the period.” “Point proven,” Limestone stated matter-of-factly. “To be fair, it was worth it for such an exhilarating bit of stunt flying. And we were only watching!” Leanne informed her friend. “Try using that as an excuse on Wednesday afternoon,” Limestone retorted. “Still have plenty of time to get it done as long as some people don’t distract us in future. What are you do…” “Fetch,” Limestone said mercilessly as she picked a satsuma out of a bowl of fruit placed on the Hufflepuff table and threw it to the far end of the Great Hall. Leanne looked at Limestone unimpressed. “You really think that was going to…” “BALL!” Susan exclaimed racing after the satsuma. Leanne closed her eyes. “Dammit,” she muttered under her breath before cannoning after Susan. Limestone smiled wickedly. “Yeah, good luck with that.” She paused and turned to the last of her new found werewolf friends. “Didn’t fancy joining them, Lavender?” “Huh, what’s that?” “Never mind. Let me guess, nervous about Trans…” she paused upon hearing a mighty crash at the far end of the hall. Lavender didn’t need to hear the last part of the sentence to know what Limestone was talking about. “Is it that obvious?” she replied paying no attention to her two other friends laying waste to the teacher’s table at the far end of the hall for a frigging satsuma. “Yes, yes it is. You know I’m not much of a talker but considering those two have fleas for brains and Scoti’s an absolute lunatic with the common sense of a two-year-old.” Limestone stepped back and pulled Lavender with her as Scoti raced by atop Teeth with the satsuma in her hand, Leanne and Susan in hot pursuit. “Point proven. I guess what I am saying is, the most sane and sensible friend you can talk to is a talking anthropomorphic pony. In other words, welcome to the insane asylum.” Limestone gave her friend a smirk. Lavender stared at Limestone in stunned silence and then broke down in fits of giggles. “That was horrific,” she managed too eventually eek out. “But true.” A loud crash echoed from just outside the Great Hall. Lavender grimaced. “That’s almost certainly going to hurt.” “I honestly doubt it. Probably racing up to Transfiguration as we speak and giving old Mrs Miser yet another reason to hate us,” Limestone replied flatly. “Oh, most definitely. You know Professor Sprout tried to take me to afternoon tea with McGonacow on Saturday.” “And how did that go?” “I joined Susan and Scoti in the greenhouses instead,” Lavender said curtly. “The only time I would like to see her again is on a full moon. Sadly, that is not an option.” “Unfortunately not. I suppose I can at least understand the reasoning behind her actions unlike Snape but her behaviour towards you has been out of order,” Limestone stated momentarily pausing to take a bite out of an apple. “Thanks for your support. Means a lot. It feels like my whole life I have just been trying to prove people wrong and then when I finally got the chance to come here, I just thought things would be different and everyone would be more accepting, which, for the most part, they have been. I understand that lycanthropy is difficult for everyone to deal with and I get it that people are afraid but like McGonacow they don’t take a moment to think about how I feel. A terrified little girl who fears every month will be the one she finally kills someone and ends up locked away in Azkaban through no fault of her own. For the first time in my life these past few days I have felt like a normal girl and that I have found my place with a group of friends who accept me for who I am rather than what I am. I-I don’t want to lose that Limey,” Lavender finished as her lips quivered and tears came to her eyes. “Ah hell,” Limestone exclaimed before throwing her apple on the table and wrapping her arms around Lavender. Lavender didn’t need a second invitation. She pressed her head into Limestone’s chest and wept. Limestone had little clue what to do next so simply stroked Lavender’s hair gently and let her friend get her emotions out ahead of Transfiguration before uttering softly, “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” * The two girls were halfway up the staircase to the Transfiguration classroom on the first floor when they heard the almighty crash. Lavender and Limestone looked at one another, both immediately thinking the same thing. They raced up to the top of the staircase and along the corridor to where a crowd of their peers had now formed. “I knew it. Trouble with a capital T the lot of you,” they heard Professor McGonagall scold. Gradually the two girls forced their way through the crowd and into the classroom. Limestone’s eyes instantly locked onto the shattered window and then onto two of her friends grappling on the floor, correction, a former desk that now littered the floor. Limestone did not get a chance to assess the situation further as a judgemental voice addressed her from the direction of the front of the classroom. “Ah, good. Will you two see to your unruly friends please so that we may start the lesson?” Professor McGonagall said with a disapproving scowl to match the tone of her voice. “I think they have already caused enough damage for one day but don’t seem willing to listen to me despite having already lost Hufflepuff thirty points for their actions.” Limestone rolled her eyes and trotted over to her two wrestling friends. It was only up close that she realised it was Leanne, and not Susan as she had initially thought, who was grappling with Scoti. “Leanne?” she uttered a touch surprised as she yanked the half wolf girl off Scoti. “Then where’s Susan?” “She threw her out the window!” Leanne stated angrily. That’s not true! She jumped out of her own accord, Scoti claimed, now sporting two black eyes, and looking like a panda bear. “After you deliberately dangled that blasted satsuma in front of her,” Leanne argued, trying, and failing, to wrestle herself out of Limestone’s iron grip. “You didn’t,” Lavender exclaimed cupping a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. “She’s going to be so pissed.” “Miss Brown, language,” Professor McGonagall admonished. “Or would you like me to deduct more points from Hufflepuff.” The group of friends ignored their teacher’s remarks. “And she slammed me through a desk,” Leanne continued to argue. After you leapt at me! “After you threw Susan out the window!” “ENOUGH!” Limestone cried exasperated. “Next thing you will be saying is it was my fault for throwing that blasted satsuma in the first place.” “Well, now you mention… Hey what are you…” Leanne never finished what she was about to say as Limestone lifted her friend out of the first-floor window and dropped her to the ground below. “There. Now, do you wish to join her to finish your argument?” Limestone asked turning to Scoti, her extremely thin patience pushed beyond breaking point. Scoti rapidly shook her head, for once unable to muster a sign in reply. “I thought as much.” Limestone held out her hand expectantly and Scoti deposited the satsuma into it. “Now sit over there before I change my mind,” she added firmly gesturing to a desk. Scoti hurried away. She would never have admitted it but the wild and deranged look in Limestone’s eyes had unsettled her greatly. Still, she had had her fun and Limestone had even provided her with a bonus at the end of it! Plus, she was certain she could conjure some more mischief during her Transfiguration lesson. “Miss Pie, while I should not condone such means, thank you for getting your friends under control so that we may start the lesson,” Professor McGonagall praised as she repaired the window and desk with her wand. Limestone simply nodded in response as she took her seat next to Scoti, something that Scoti was less than happy about. She knew Limestone would be on her in a second if she tried anything! * Susan spat out a mouthful of earth as she forced her head out of the shallow grave Teeth had dug, dragged her to and then buried her in. “Damn mutt,” Susan growled. “When I get out of…” she spluttered as Teeth cocked his leg and sprayed her in the face before waltzing off as something else fell from the sky and landed with a thump nearby. “Leanne? Is that you? Help me would…” she stopped mid-sentence realising it was futile and proceeded to watch helpless as Teeth hurled her best friend into a second shallow grave and began burying her to. Interestingly, Susan was starting to get a craving for roasted hellhound. * My head hurts, Scoti lamented as they left Transfiguration over an hour and a half later. “You’re not the only one,” Lavender replied looking equally frazzled. “Don’t look at me! I have no clue what she was going on about,” Limestone exclaimed as both her friends turned towards her for assistance. “I got about as far as transfiguration has its own language and then I was lost. I think I am definitely going to need to join Scoti in the remedial class after Flying today,” Limestone admitted whilst staring at the several sheets of squiggles Professor McGonagall had given, and expected, them to decipher by next Monday’s lesson. Simply looking at it was giving her a headache. “Same,” Lavender grumbled. “Personally, I think she gets a sick thrill from subjecting children to unorthodox torture.” “That wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.” Can we just forget that ever happened for a short while and enjoy our lunch? Scoti interjected testily. “I think you are forgetting one thing. Actually, two,” Limestone stated matter-of-factly. A guilty look crossed Scoti’s face. Nope, definitely not forgetting anything. Limestone’s eyes became slits. “Why do I suddenly have the feeling you know more than you are letting on. I mean, Susan I can believe, but Leanne, she would never skip class. Furthermore, I doubt Susan would have taken being tricked to jump out a windo… hey, where do you think you’re going?” Lunch. And just like that Scoti was gone. Limestone turned to Lavender with a sigh of resignation. “What do you think she’s done this time?” “Haven’t the foggiest but whatever it is she’s absolutely terrified. My senses are nowhere near as good as Susan’s or Leanne’s but even I could smell it on her,” Lavender informed. “Fleeing the scene of the crime?” Limestone queried. “Almost certainly. Where shall we begin looking for clues.” “I guess the most obvious place to start would be where Susan and Leanne fell,” Limestone deduced. “Come on, no time like the present.” * “Well, something is going on,” Lavender exclaimed pointing to the crowd of individuals that had gathered near the spot where they believed their friends had fallen. “BARK BARK, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,” “Oh no.” Limestone’s head hit the palm of her hand. “Wasn’t that…” “Teeth. Yes, yes it was,” Limestone finished for Lavender. “And didn’t we see Scoti ride out of the Great Hall…” “On Teeth. Yes, yes we did.” “And yet he was nowhere to be seen when we entered the Transfiguration classroom.” “Most likely as Professor McGonagall wouldn’t allow him into her classroom,” Limestone reasoned. “So Scoti purposefully found a way to get Susan out of the…” Lavender was cut off once more by a stern and absolutely livid voice that made both girls freeze. “WOULD ONE OF YOU STOP GAWKING AND EITHER GIVE ME A HAND OR FIND THE HORSE GIRL!” Limestone wanted to do nothing more than turnaround and walk in the opposite direction but she forced herself forward and pushed her way through the crowd. “I’m here professor,” Limestone said flatly. “What’s going…” she stopped mid-sentence and groaned as she caught sight of Teeth standing guard over two freshly dug graves. Protruding from these graves were the heads of her two missing friends. “Hi Limey, mind helping us out?” Susan chuckled nervously. “Teeth,” Limestone said coldly. The hellhound didn’t even bother looking up at his mistress. He knew that tone. His mistress was unhappy with him and his shenanigans. And thus, he chose to conduct a tactical retreat until she had calmed down a bit. “Blooming coward,” Limestone groused as she watched her dog dissaparate in a plume of black smoke. “Oh well, done my part.” And with a shrug of her shoulders Limestone turned… “Hey, Limey, where you going?” Susan called out anxiously. “Aren’t you going to help us out of here?” “Sorry, it’s lunchtime,” Limestone replied emotionlessly pushing her way back through the crowd and leaving a stunned Professor McGonagall and Lavender behind. “But if you insist.” Limestone stamped her right hoof on the ground. > Susan's weakness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the doors to the Great Hall opened, the usual bubbles of chatter surrounding the students’ days thus far ended abruptly. “The mud monsters are back!” somebody cried accompanied by several screams of terror from younger students. About the only one in the hall who didn’t pay the two moving piles of muck any notice at all was Limestone. Scoti and Teeth had already vanished by the time Limestone had casually trotted into the hall after fulfilling Susan’s request. The two piles of sludge stopped as they reached Limestone and placed themselves either side of their friend but refused to sit down “I got you free did I not?” Limestone said unfazed before consuming another mouthful of salad. “And we just wanted to thank you for doing so,” Susan said in a forced cheery tone. “By all means, go ahead. Keeping a hellhound puppy entertained is no easy feat and I am happy to accept all the help I can get,” Limestone replied still, seemingly, unfazed. “And next time I might not be around too free you until the following morning. Or maybe he would prefer a new chew toy?” Susan faltered momentarily and scowled at Limestone. “Bring it on. He just got the jump on us was…” “Enough Susan. Let us just grab a few bits and get back to the dorm for a shower,” Leanne interrupted. “Pfft, nah. I’m fine the way I am,” Susan said sliding in next to Limestone and grabbing a sausage roll with her extremely dirty hands. “You might be fine with the way you are but I am most certainly not. Just what in phoenix fire have you two been up to this morning?” Professor Sprout’s scathing voice cut into the conversation. “Probably better not to ask,” Limestone replied. “It’s a long story.” “And you can hardly speak. We got buried alive by a hellhound and then shot over ten foot into the air by a geyser of mud. What is your excuse professor?” Susan stated rudely with her mouth full of sausage roll. “Miss Moon, kindly escort your friend back to your dormitory for a bath and ensure you use the strongest smelling soap you can find. Perhaps that and an empty stomach will improve her manners,” Professor Sprout said coldly. Susan’s head slammed against the table. “Fuck,” she grumbled. “Is it to late to say I am sorry?” “Yes, yes, it is.” * “Do they have to stare?” Susan griped in embarrassment as they continued on their way to Charms. “Like, I get it, I smell like a fruity abomination, you don’t need to remind me.” She shovelled another load of Teeth’s dog biscuits into her mouth from the box she held in her left hand. Personally, Limestone wasn’t sure what was getting her friend more attention, the smell she was emitting or the fact she was happily eating dog food. It was probably a combination of the two and Leanne seemed only too happy to highlight this fact. “Or that you’re eating dog food.” “It was the only thing I could easily find to eat in our dorm as you tried to hurry me out the door,” Susan griped some more. “Maybe if someone’s mutt hadn’t lost me my lunch, I wouldn’t have been forced to resort to a box of said mutt’s biscuits.” “How is any of this my fault?” Limestone countered. “Who threw that blasted satsuma in the first place. Who’s mutt… hey, what the, get of me you great big furball,” Susan exclaimed as Teeth suddenly landed on her. Teeth barked indignantly and attempted to wrestle his biscuits off Susan. Susan whacked the dog’s muzzle and tried to shake him off her back. “Hey, this is the least you owe me after burying me alive and losing me my lunch.” Teeth wasn’t accepting any excuses and continued trying to wrestle his biscuits away from Susan. Limestone sighed. “Teeth, down boy.” Teeth grudgingly obeyed but still flashed his teeth and growled at Susan as he fell into step at Limestone’s side. Susan retaliated by throwing a biscuit and sticking her tongue out at him. “Those two are as bad as each other,” Leanne snickered. “If we didn’t have Charms and that I know the two of them would end up decimating them, I would let them settle their differences on the training fields. Don’t think Madam Hooch would take to kindly to having to take our Flying class in a mud bath either,” Limestone replied. “Oh, you’re just scared I might actually hurt your precious puppy,” Susan teased throwing another biscuit at Teeth. Teeth was ready this time though and caught the biscuit in his seemingly bottomless maw, shattering it into a thousand pieces. It was plainly obvious to all who Teeth was envisaging the biscuit to be. “If you are not careful, that biscuit could well end up becoming your leg and I really would not like to have to explain to Professor Sprout at dinner why Teeth Is gnawing on your severed leg,” Limestone said testily. Leanne let out another snicker as Susan thought over her next retort. “I’d like to see him try,” she eventually said throwing the last few biscuits into her mouth and crumpling the box to smithereens. Teeth whined pitifully at seeing all his precious treats being scoffed by another. Limestone gave her pet’s shaggy coat a good scratch to cheer him up and passed him a piece of jerky from her robe. Susan looked on enviously. “Want a piece? Shame I’ve only one left,” Limestone said handing said piece to Leanne. Susan stared at her friend wide eyed. “You promise no more mischief for the rest of the day,” Leanne instructed firmly. Susan nodded, her tongue having slid out of her mouth in anticipation. Leanne threw her friend the scrap before turning to Limestone. “I cannot believe it has taken me this long to discover how easy it is to keep her under control.” * The three of them and Teeth made it to Charms just in the nick of time. “Glad to see you three made it. Intriguing aroma Miss Bones, clementine and rosewood if I’m not mistaken,” Professor Flitwick commented as they came through the door. Susan blushed in embarrassment. “Yes sir, thank you sir,” she said swiftly taking one of the few empty seats remaining next to Scoti and giving the other girl a devilish smile. Leanne tapped Susan on the back of her head as she squeezed in next to her. “Remember your promise,” she whispered. Limestone meanwhile went to sit next to Lavender who had saved her a space as Teeth laid down in front of Professor Flitwick’s desk, let out a massive yawn, and then dozed off. “I see you got Susan that bath,” Lavender tittered as Limestone sat down next to her. Limestone didn’t get the chance to reply as Professor Flitwick began the lesson. “Okay class, settle down. Today we shall be continuing our practice of Lumos and Nox,” the Charms professor informed the class before demonstrating both once more to his students. “As before I shall be circling the classroom so if you require any assistance feel free to stick up your hand and I will come over. Any questions?” There were none. “Excellent. Then off you go.” Limestone was certainly more of a doer than a thinker but she was also a rational mare and never one to rush into something blindly and unprepared for the consequences this could potentially cause. Thus, she pulled out a quill and the journal Professor Flitwick had given her during the previous lesson and made some notes. 1) Thestrals prefer dark, shady environments. 2) Thus, a wand with their tail hair is reluctant to perform light spells. 3) A way around this is to perform the spell in defence as thestrals will naturally offer protection to anyone they view as family or a friend. 4) Unfortunately, this only allowed her to perform the more powerful Lumos Solem variant that produces such a powerful blast of light it blinds everyone in close proximity including the caster. 5) So, how could she perform a dimmer version of Lumos just for light? Limestone stared at the fifth point and pondered the question for several minutes. She came away with nothing and eventually growled with frustration. All she wanted was a poxy bit of light at the tip of her wand and she couldn’t even do that! “Having trouble again Miss Pie?” Limestone jumped. So lost in her thoughts she hadn’t even noticed Professor Flitwick approach. “Just trying to think of a way to perform Lumos without blinding myself and half the class,” Limestone admitted. Professor Flitwick stroked his beard. “A challenging conundrum for sure and one I see you have been researching.” He glanced down at the several pieces of parchment that formed the essay Limestone had written for her homework. “But perhaps rather than focusing on what your wand won’t cast, we should focus on what it can. Hmm, let me see.” Professor Flitwick picked up Limestone’s Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 and flicked through it before placing it on the table. “Oh, this is a fun one.” He placed the book onto the table and went back to his desk before returning to Limestone with several plates. “The softening charm, Spongify, is a simplistic spell that can turn even the hardest objects soft and springy for several hours,” Professor Flitwick explained before making an S with his wand and calling “Spongify” Limestone watched on in astonishment as Professor Flitwick took the plate he had directed the spell at from the table and dropped it to the floor. Despite being told what the spell did, Limestone was sure she was about to hear the plate shatter into a thousand pieces. Instead, it bounced of the floor and back into Professor Flitwick’s right hand. He handed the plate to her. “Okay, this is just freaky,” Limestone said squeezing the now squishy plate. Professor Flitwick smiled. “Would you like to try for yourself?” Limestone shrugged her shoulders and put the plate back down. “Sure, why not. Beats blinding everyone. Thanks professor.” “No problem. Now, it seems as if your neighbour needs my assistance,” Professor Flitwick stated moving over to where Lavender had once more ignited her wand but once more was struggling to extinguish it. Limestone meanwhile took a plate from the stack and began her new assignment. * It was about an hour into the lesson when Limestone, who had so far only managed to make one small edge of her plate spongy, smelt the smoke. “SIR,” she heard Susan cry. “YOU PROMISED!” Limestone heard Leanne exclaim. “Hey it was an accid…” Susan didn’t get any further as a stream of water hit her in the face. Limestone watched on as the torrent of water slowly subsided as Flitwick approached the commotion. “Miss Prewett, I think that is enough,” he stated reaching Limestone’s three friends. “Seriously, how many washes do I need in one day?” Susan groused as the water finally subsided. You were the one who set my robes on fire. I was just putting them out, Scoti argued. “As I told Leanne, it was an accident. My wand tip just brushed your sleeve. I accept though that it was my fault for being careless sir and await your decision on further punishment,” Susan confessed honestly dropping her wand onto her desk and raising her hands in surrender. Wait, what? “I promised Leanne no more mischief today and I intend to keep my promise. Our friendship is too important to me to risk over some silly revenge prank,” Susan stated firmly. Leanne, also soaked to the bone, stared at Susan lost for words. Limestone did similar from across the classroom. “I admire your honesty and feel we can just mark it down as a learning experience. Just let me dry you two off.” Professor Flitwick waved his wand once more and a strong wind blew the two girls at least a little drier than they had previously been. Limestone didn’t catch what Professor Flitwick said next as Lavender drew her attention away. “Well, that was unexpected. Do you know what she got in return for that promise?” “Beef jerky.” “Totally worth it,” Lavender surmised taking a plate from the stack. “Mind if I have a go. Repeatedly igniting and extinguishing a light at the tip of my wand is getting a little tiresome.” “Feel free. It’s trickier than it…” “Spongify,” Their desk collapsed into a spongy heap. “Oops, I see what you mean,” Lavender surmised sheepishly. Limestone stared at wobbly mess that was now their desk. “Seriously? I’ve been at this spell non-stop for the past hour and only managed to soften the tiniest fraction of a plate. And then you come along and do this!” Limestone gestured wildly with her hands at the mess her friend had caused. Lavender shrugged her shoulders. “Beginner’s luck?” Limestone just shook her head in disbelief and began collecting up her things from the lump of jelly their desk had become. > Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thankfully, Limestone’s and Lavender’s desk had been an easy fix for Professor Flitwick who, rather than be annoyed at what Lavender had done, had been impressed with Lavender’s ability to cast the spell successfully so quickly and on such a large object. Despite Limestone’s best attempts to return to attempting Spongify afterwards, maintaining her focus and concentration seemed nigh on impossible due to one after another of her peers following in Susan’s footsteps and losing their concentration resulting in one mishap or another. By the time he had dealt with the sixth minor fire in under half an hour Professor Flitwick had had enough and let the class go ten minutes early again. It became clear to Limestone as she and Lavender left that Leanne had still not forgiven Susan for her actions earlier. “Oh, come on Leanne, you know me well enough to know that if I say it was an accident, it was an accident,” Susan pleaded. “When have I ever broken a promise to you?” Limestone and Lavender both caught the wink from Leanne who refused to reply to her best friend’s pleas. “Hey, I saw that. Well, I guess if you’re not going to talk to me, you’ll have no reservations if I have a rematch with Teeth,” Susan said with a wicked grin. “We’ll try not to…” “You dare and you will find your bed in a thousand pieces when you get back to the dorm tonight,” Leanne interrupted and threatened. Susan’s smirk grew wider as she threw an arm around her friend and pulled her in for a hug. “I knew the silent treatment couldn’t last,” she said giving her friend’s cheek a playful lick. Leanne’s eyes went wide as her cheeks burned red. Susan let out a snort of laughter. “Damn, guess I couldn’t keep my promise after all.” * “Where did you get that?” the ginger haired twit from Gryffindor queried as Limestone mounted the broom Scoti had bought for her. “She bought it for me,” Limestone replied tersely pointing at Scoti. “And I hardly think such a reaction is justified considering your friend has one to.” “Yeah, but it’s a top-of-the-line model and Harry’s a Quidditch prodigy whereas you’re a…” Limestone cracked her knuckles. “I would suggest choosing your next words very, very carefully.” Ron gulped and said no more. “That’s what I thought. Anyone else like to question my broom or flying ability?” Everyone looked away. Even the troublesome blonde-haired brat from Slytherin had nothing to say for a change, although it did not pass Limestone’s attention that he glanced apprehensively in Teeth’s direction, the hellhound currently spread out on the grass enjoying the early autumn sunshine. “No, good,” Limestone said flatly and pushing gently of the ground. Madam Hooch had divided them into their houses for their first flight, or what was supposed to be their first flight in Limestone’s case, and had decided to start with Hufflepuff. Limestone could only presume she wanted to get the more troublesome students out the way first. “Outstanding Miss Pie. I see that private session with Scoti did you the world of good. Miss Bones, you are leaning just a touch too much to the left. That’s it, perfect. Mr McMillan and Mr Finch-Fletchley excellent.” Madam Hooch paused and counted the students that were with her and then spoke to everyone. “Alright, stay just in front of me and do one lap around the training fields then come into land. Understood?” “Yes, professor,” the Hufflepuffs said as one. And a moment later they were in the air. There were a few nervous moments but to Limestone’s surprise they all completed the assigned task without incident, much to Madam Hooch’s relief. Even more astonishing was the fact that, despite a few close calls, all their peers also managed to successfully complete their first flight leaving a broad smile on Madam Hooch’s face as she brought the Ravenclaws in to land. “Excellent all of you. Now, next lesson I shall be setting up an obstacle course and timing you all. These times will help me distinguish the more confident fliers from the more cautious ones. Due to the size of the class this year, I have decided to split the class in half. The more confident fliers shall be under the tutelage of Miss Prewett here whilst I shall focus my attention on those who need a little more encouragement and guidance. It is not the most ideal situation, I know, but it was either this or cutting your Flying lessons to one a week. And be warned, those of you who end up with Miss Prewett, don’t think you can take it easy or not listen to her instructions and guidance because she is a fellow first year student. She is an accomplished and extremely gifted flier who has already demonstrated her talent by passing her broomstick flying aptitude test at such a young age. Any disrespect shown towards her shall lead to serious repercussions including deferring your broomstick flying aptitude test until your second year. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes, Madam Hooch,” most of the class replied aside several Slytherins who muttered mutinously under their breaths. Madam Hooch glowered at them but took no further action as she proceeded to dismiss the class. After depositing her broom back into the broom shed, Limestone joined her dormmates and headed for their next destination. “But I don’t want to!” Susan griped as she was pulled along against her will by Leanne. “Transfiguration sucks.” “Well, to bad. We’ve a whole lesson to catch up on thanks to a certain someone and a hellhound. And considering they are all joining us, it must have been an extra difficult lesson.” Susan groaned and tried to dig her heels into the dirt. “Stop being so stubborn,” Leanne lamented. Do you want a letter sent home to your aunt?” “Pfft, what’s she going to do. She’s not even my real guardian the witch. Hey, what are you doing. Put me down!” “Nope. If I must learn the Transfiguration alphabet then so do you. Now, quit your struggling or I will see if Scoti has any more of that itching powder left,” Limestone said ominously as she lifted Susan’s feet from under her. Susan froze and opted to simply place her arms across her chest and pout as she was carried unceremoniously to her extracurricular Transfiguration class by Leanne and Limestone, earning a fair few more peculiar looks along the way. “I am not even going to ask and instead just be grateful you got her here,” Professor McGonagall said as Leanne and Limestone came barrelling into the classroom, a prostrate Susan swinging side to side between them. They deposited her onto a bench and then waited until Susan picked herself up before placing themselves either side of her. “Hey, what is this?” Susan exclaimed. “Just ensuring you don’t even think about skiving off,” Leanne stated flatly. Susan groaned and slammed her head against the table. A moment later a cough saw her lift it ever so slightly. The sight that greeted her only made her feel ten times worse. “Today’s homework. You shall find the alphabet on the board and if you need assistance, I suggest you read the corresponding chapter in your textbook,” Professor McGonagall barked. “Enjoy.” And with that she left them to their work. Susan’s brain took in the thick wad of parchment and imploded. She let out another groan and hoped her friends would just let her die peacefully here. No such luck as her so-called best friend gave her an almighty slap to the back of the head. “Earth to Susan,” Leanne cackled. “Was that fucking necessary,” Susan swore rubbing the back of her head as she lifted it from the table. “Oh, most definitely,” Leanne cackled once more. “Now, where shall we… why do you suddenly look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Susan was staring intently at the page of squiggles. A tear suddenly slipped down her cheek. “Su, you okay?” Leanne enquired concerned. Susan sniffled and forced out a laugh. “Yeah, fine. Totally fine. Nothing wrong at all.” “Then why are you shaking.” “Shaking? Who’s shaking? I’m not shaking,” Susan clearly lied wiping the tear from her cheek. “Su, you know you are the worst liar ever so could you please just fill me in before I force it out of you one way or another,” Leanne pushed. “There is nothing to tell you, so can we please just get on with translating the spells,” Susan snapped back. “Wait, these are spells?” Leanne said confused looking at her sheet of gobbledygook. “Yeah, it clearly says so at the top of the sheet.” She pointed to a piece of gobbledygook at the top of the sheet. “Spells in this column, translation in this common,” Susan said testily before a cold shiver ran down her spine. “Miss Bones, might I enquire where you learnt to read transfiguration?” Professor McGonagall’s voice droned having overheard the conversation as she had walked away and immediately returned, her interest piqued by the girl’s knowledge. “It is neither a common language nor an easy one to learn, let alone master, especially at such a young age.” Susan glowered at the Transfiguration professor. “You know it is rude to listen in on people’s conversations.” “Say no more.” Another shiver ran down Susan’s spine as a smile, yes, a smile, crept onto Professor McGonagall’s face. “Like mother, like daughter, although I hope it is not just your mother’s temperament you’ve inherited.” And with that she walked off to go help a group of fifth years. “What did she mean by that?” Leanne questioned confused. Limestone let out a heavy sigh. “Professor McGonagall taught Susan’s mother when she was at Hogwarts and passed on some of that knowledge to Susan. Our homework jogged a happy yet painful memory for her.” Leanne stared across at Limestone. “How did you work that out?” “I listened,” Limestone replied bluntly. “Eugh, fine. It was a wet summer’s day when I was six and my mum taught me a supposed secret code she had learnt during her time as an auror. I was always enraptured by stories of her past kicking evil magicians’ butts and she would always use this to her advantage to make me behave. There, you both happy now,” Susan explained moodily as she dipped a quill in some ink and began translating the spells only for Leanne to pull her into a bone crushing hug. “Is that really necessary?” “Yes, yes, it is,” Leanne replied resting her head atop her friends. “You know you can’t hide anything from me, especially how much you miss her,” Susan sighed as her hand faltered on the page of parchment and the quill snapped in her grip as fur began to cover her hand. Not lifting her head up from her work, she mumbled, “I know but it doesn’t make it any easier to talk about her.” “And I won’t push you to, just know that I’ll be here when you’re ready to,” Leanne said softly as she slowly released her best friend. “And that is why you’re my best friend,” Susan responded as she reached into a pocket of her robes and pulled out another quill.