Back In The Game

by TheKing2001

First published

After catching Flash cheating on her, Sunset’s friends hate him and Sunset vows to never date again. Rarity has other plans.

After catching Flash cheating on her, Sunset is a mixture of depressed and angry. An angry high schooler with access to alcohol is never good. Naturally, Sunset's friends hate their fellow high schooler, even Pinkie and Sunset vows to never date again until Rarity sets Sunset up with a friend of hers.

Chapter I

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I walked with probably the largest smile I had in ages.

“Hey Sunset!” Cloudkicker said with a grin as she and Tennis Match waved at me as I passed their locker. I was in the fencing club with Cloudkicker and the tennis team with Tennis Match. “Nice to see ya smiling girl.”

“You said it Cloudy!” Tennis fist bumped her friend as I smiled back.

“Thanks girls,” I said as I rounded the corner, waving at Miss Cheerilee and Octavia.

“Hey love!”


I paused next to the two as I opened my locker, trying to not eavesdrop as Octavia and Miss Cheerilee talked about class work. Mainly Octavia asking about being able to turn work in late so she can focus on music class.

“I don’t know about that one Octavia. I’ll let you know after school but focus on it in case please.”

“I understand,” Octavia sighed as Miss Cheerilee walked into her classroom and Octavia paused to squeeze my shoulder reassuringly. “Happy to see you love, stay strong. You do have me and Vinyl’s number love.”

Octavia tossed me a small mischievous smile as she walked away. Not many people know that Octavia of all people had a mischievous streak that could rival her girlfriend or Rainbow Dash or Lemon Zest.

I started unpacking my bag and getting ready for the day, doing my usual locker routine. Eat some hastily made breakfast I grabbed before I left, spray perfume on quickly and put my books in their spots.

“Hey,” I glanced back at Rainbow balancing a soccer ball on her head. “How’s it hanging?”

“Oh getting by. Some days are better than others, ya know?” I asked as Rainbow nodded sympathetically. I will admit, I never thought breaking up with Flash for the second time in my life would be this painful. He quickly became the most hated person in the school after news of him cheating on me spread around.

I don’t blame Derpy for it. The girl is a bit reclusive and he kissed her first after all. At least Flash was only into kissing in general even with me otherwise I’d have killed him. I did opt to leave Derpy’s identify out of it for her protection, not even telling Octavia or Lyra. It’s been three months and the girl still hugs me crying asking for forgiveness. Derpy is just such a lovable person and great personality it’s hard to ever be truly mad at her.

“Yeah,” Rainbow said as Rarity joined us. “Twilight and the others are in class waiting for us. You were almost late again.”

“Rainbow Dash caring about being late?” Rarity joked with a small smile, poking the rainbow haired girl’s side. “Who are you and what have you done with the real Rainbow Dash?”

“Don’t even start. Mom has been up my ass about my grades recently so don’t bring it up, kay?” Rainbow shook a fist with a frown.

“Here comes trouble,” Rarity glanced past as Rainbow clenched her fists as I looked behind me at Flash walking down the hall looking down as multiple classmates have him angry looks or turned their backs on him.

“Bitch,” Cloudchaser muttered as she hip checked him into a drinking fountain and some people snickered. A part of me hated finding it funny and a wanted to intervene while the other thought he got what he deserved. Even Wallflower and Trixie were smirking at the action in the corner of the hallway with Roseluck.

Let’s just say if Roseluck finds your suffering amusing, you really screwed up. I pointedly looked away as Flash shuffled past me. He had tried to speak to me a few times in the past but thankfully Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and the other girls had blocked him. Hell, even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon intervened when I was alone. The last time, Rainbow and Thunderlane had punched him in the jaw while Soarin, Fleetfoot and Spitfire watched coldly.

I listened quietly to the other students comments.


“What a prick.”

“Can’t believe he actually treated Sunset that way. Unbelievable.”

“Trixie hates you wholeheartedly.”

Flash disappeared into Miss Cheerilee’s room where even she gave him a disapproving look and he sat in his new spot in the back of the class. I will admit, I may have threatened him into sitting away from Derpy and not even looking at her.

The only person who knows it was Derpy was Applejack and that’s because she was there. She did promise to keep Derpy’s identify a secret too which I was grateful for. Applejack practically threw him out. I was just glad Big Mac didn’t find out otherwise the older brother most likely would have fed Flash to their pigs.

“So darling I was thinking,” Rarity began.

“Uh huh.”

“That maybe you should get yourself back out there, go on a date or two. Bounce back and be the strong Sunset Shimmer we all know you can be!” Rarity announced as she cracked her knuckles.

“I don’t know Rarity. I’m kinda not really into dating right now after Flash ruined my life. Kinda just floating through life at the moment, yanno?”

“Darling, you’re depressed,” Rarity said flatly. “I had to drive you home from a party Indigo attended because you got drunk off the owners beer and got kicked out. You also refused Indigo trying to take you home and I had to come get you. You also called her Flash. She was very worried about you in her own way.”

“I know. I cleaned the vomit out of your car, remember?” I said as Rarity grimaced while Rainbow watched us with a bored expression as she bounced her soccer ball.

“I know and uh I may have set you up on a date tonight,” Rarity admitted sheepishly as I spun around and glared at her as she shrunk back.

“You did what?”

“Set you up with a friend of mine. She goes to Crystal Prep. Nice girl, works with me often. She’s a bit shy but means well.”

“I can’t believe you Rarity. You know I just got out of a relationship!” I snapped as I realized people were watching and I gulped. “I get you’re trying to help but please just don’t. Now where is this date at?”

“That sushi restaurant on Third and Park Avenue you like. And I do apologize for my admittedly heavy handed approach but we are all worried for you darling. It’s time to get back in the game as they say!”

“What time is it at?” I asked with a sigh as Rainbow spun the ball on her finger.

“Nine pm,” Rarity said and squealed as she gave me an excited look. “Are you actually going darling?”

“Of course,” I said with a sigh. “It would be rude of me not to after you got her hopeful. What even is this chick’s name?”

“Coco, Coco Pommel.”

Chapter II

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I opened my front door, stepping in and sniffing the air slightly. My house always smelled like candles ever since I got roommates. I blame Rarity and Fluttershy for giving Lemon Zest the idea.

I forced myself to climb the stairs as I yawned. Today had admittedly been a bit long and don’t even get me started on my practices for the teams I’m one. Plus the clubs man my schedule is hectic.

“I’m home!” I called out as I passed four doors. One had a thundercloud engraved on it, the second with two dolphins, one with a muffin and the last with a pair of headphones. I sighed as I approached my room with my cutie mark on it, pushing it open.

“Yo!” Lemon Zest shouted as I slung my backpack to the ground.

“Yo,” I said as I dropped on my bed and offered a lazy wave. I will admit, ever since Thunderlane, Sea Swirl, Derpy and Lemon Zest became my roommates, life has been pretty interesting.

That was how I had caught Flash because the four of us decided to move in together plus saves on rent with four people putting money to it.

I didn’t know Sea Swirl that well because she had just taken Flash’s old room but she seemed nice. Originally his room had been used for storage after we started dating and then well, things happened evidently.

“Has she left her room yet?” I asked curiously as I laid out on my bed and jerked a thumb to Derpy’s room.

“Nah. Ain’t sure why,” Lemon shrugged as she flung herself on my bed as Indigo and Fluttershy looked in. I was a bit surprised the two were as good of friends as they were. “Oh Indigo is here too. She stopped by the say hi.”

“Hey,” Indigo punched me in the shoulder and I winced. She was stronger than she looked. “Heh, sorry.”

“It’s fine,” I grumbled and rubbed my shoulder.

“How’s it hanging my sista from another mista?” Lemon asked with her stereotypical grin as she spread her arms out.

“Oh ya know, being me and shit. Where’s the other one?” I asked as Indigo scouted out my closet and I raised an eyebrow.

“Work. She texted me earlier. Lyra came to check on Derpy and left an hour later.”

So that’s why Lyra had been missing from out art class. I wondered where she had gone primarily because I wasn’t being badgered about Equestria.

“Hi Fluttershy,” I said as I yawned again. “Why are you looking in my closest Indigo?”

“For your dress for your date tonight. Sunny Flare picked it out with Rarity. The two argued for hours what matches your eyes and hair,” Indigo commented as I narrowed my eyes and she gulped, avoiding my eyes.

“Why does Sunny Flare and you know about my date?” I asked suspiciously.

“First I heard of it,” Lemon Zest said instantly in a way that made me even more suspicious.

“Uh huh and Fluttershy?”

I focused my gaze on Fluttershy and she looked away quickly, playing with her hair and I raised an eyebrow.

“Fine we all knew,” Indigo threw her hands up and sighed. “Sunny became Coco’s friend after the friendship games and found out Rarity already knew her. Coco hasn’t dated anyone since freshman year. Nice girl really.”

“Suri really didn’t deserve to know her,” Lemon scoffed as she crossed her arms and Indigo pulled out a red dress that I completely forget I owned. I hadn’t worn it in fuck, ages.

“She chose that?” I asked in surprise as Indigo threw it at me. “I completely forgot this. It was my Fall Formal dress freshman year.”

“Well put it on,” Lemon waved a hand as she pulled her phone out of her shirt and I raised an eyebrow. “Well?”

“A little privacy would be nice maybe?” I suggested flatly as the other two yanked her off my bed and dragged her out of my room, Fluttershy shutting my door quietly with a blush as I stood up. “Might as well I guess. First impressions are important even if I don’t plan on ever dating her.”

I pulled my shirt off as I tossed it into my laundry basket, my boots and jeans following shortly as I glanced in the mirror.

“Wow I look good,” I mused with a faint as I stepped into the dress. I had kinda forgotten how well this dress had fitted me. “You can come in now!”

The three walked in after a second of muffled talking with wide eyes.

“Damn!” Indigo let out a low whistle as Fluttershy zipped up the back of my dress. “I’d hit if I was gay.”

“Thanks,” I shrugged and accepted the compliment. “I will admit, I forgot how good I look in this dress.”

“You do,” Fluttershy agreed as she stepped back and the three examined me. “What did Rarity say about shoes?”

“I swear to god,” I warned as I held up a finger. “You got me fucked up if you try to ⅚put me in heels or anything like that, I will not in any circumstances wear that again. I did in the Dance Magic song and it almost killed my ankles.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy said as she rubbed her chin. “Rarity and Sunny both have uh work! So they can’t be here. How does some black boots sound? You have a closet full of shoes and boots after all.”

“For a pony, you really act like a woman,” Lemon noted as she set her headphones down.

“Haha,” I laughed flatly as Fluttershy handed me a pair of boots. “Thanks.”

I plopped down on my bed and tugged one on and started tying it.

“Are they really at work?” I asked dryly as I went to the other boot and pulled it on. “Or are they presumably helping Coco get ready considering they both know her and you all helped set this up?”

“Maybe they are,” Indigo admitted after a moment and rubbed the back of her head. “I think we’re done girls. Was there anything else on Rarity and Sunny’s list?”

“Makeup!” Lemon said with a grin.

I groaned as I was dragged away to the bathroom.

There was no getting out of this one I suspected so I might as well go with it.

Chapter III

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I threw my cigarette out onto the ground as I crushed under my boot, sighing as I sprayed some more perfume on to cover up the smell of smoke, slipping the bottle back into my purse.

Rarity would kill me if she saw me smoking right now. Something about the smoke ruining my clothes or whatever but it’s a habit at this point ever since I got here.

“Uhm hi. Sunset Shimmer?”

I looked up from my phone and froze, making eye contact with a beautiful cream girl holding a grey purse with two tone blue hair in a white shirt with a red tie along with a light purple skirt with knee high purple and red boots, light blue eyes staring back at me as she brushed some blue hair aside out of her eyes.

“Yeah that’s me. Coco Pommel?” I asked as she nodded.

“Yes, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you,” Coco said as I smiled back.

“From Rarity?” I asked as Coco nodded again with a smile.

“Yes. She’s a good friend of mine,” Coco admitted as she looked me up and down. “You look very nice.”

“Thanks. You as well,” I answered as I rubbed the back of my head. “Wanna go inside, get dinner and get to know each other?”

Coco’s face brightened immediately and I will admit, she looked pretty. Especially her warm smile she was sending my way as I opened the door to the restaurant.

“Thank you,” Coco said as she walked past me and I followed her inside.

“We have a reservation. Should be under Sunset,” I said as the lady at the register nodded. Originally we were going to a sushi restaurant I loved but well, apparently there was some robbery while I was at school and it’s a crime scene now. So while I saw it a way out, Rarity insisted on me going to a restaurant she likes.

“Right this way,” the woman said as Coco and I followed as I jumped as Coco slipped her hand in mine.

“Is this ok-”

“It’s fine,” I reassured Coco quietly. Her hand was soft, surprisingly considering Rarity said she was into making clothes and sewing which seemed like pretty physical work.

We slide across from each other into a booth, us both looking at each other.

“Would you like an appetizer?” The women asked as she set menus in front of us.

“Up to you,” I said and Coco squeezed my hand.

“The mozzarella sticks are amazing here. Trust me,” Coco reassured me as the waiter nodded before walking away.

“So Crystal Prep?” I asked curiously as Coco nodded. She did that a lot I noticed.

“Yeah. Mom and dad wanted me to have the best education. I wanted to go to Canterlot High but well, they said no. Crystal Prep is well, awful but ever since Dean Cadence became the principal it’s slowly but surely getting better. It’s nice to finally meet you,” Coco said as she smiled at me.

“You’ve been waiting for this?” I asked as she let out an mhm. “So you’ve seen me before?”

“At the Games. I personally didn’t want to go but Suri was on the team so she said I had to go to watch her. I will admit, I was secretly cheering you and your team on. Especially Rarity. I was there when that whole world ending thing almost happened,” Coco explained as she rolled her hand. “You were pretty cool. I had a lot of questions for Rarity after. She could only answer a few.”

“Yeah that kinda thing happens to us a lot,” I chuckled as Coco gave a soft laugh that was admittedly cute. “So are you here to ask questions or-”

“No,” Coco answered hastily and shook her head. “I uh decided to get out into the dating game. I can’t really remember my last relationship. And Sunny Flare and Rarity both suggested you. I will admit, I didn’t know you just got out of a relationship so I may have yelled at them for this.”

“You don’t seem the yelling type,” I noted as Coco blushed. The waiter quietly placed a plate of mozzarella sticks in between us as she winked at me, throwing me a reassuring grin before walking away.

Coco picked one up and ripped it in half, offering me one as I accepted it with a small smile. I will admit, she was right about them being pretty damn good.

“I may not have yelled but I did strongly say I disapproved. That said, you do seem like a lovely girl,” Coco coughed into her fist and blushed harder. “I’m interested in knowing the real Sunset Shimmer, not the flying girl from two and half months ago.”

“Sounds good,” I chuckled as she looked expectantly at me. “I can’t really answer many magic questions in this public place for safety reasons but I’m an open book. I spent a good few years here. I like painting and science. Baking is pretty fun too.”

“I like science. It’s a good class but my best class is math. Use a lot of it when I sew,” Coco said as the waiter returned. The two of us ordered water and the young man nodded before walking away again. “I’m sorry if I talk too much.”

“No, you’re perfectly fine,” I reassured her and subconsciously patted her hand. “Trust me. If Rarity trusts you, I do too. She’s said a few things but we both know how secretive Rarity gets.”

“Oh yes I know,” Coco giggled behind her hand. “She pointedly refused to answer any of my questions about you. It’s a shame what happened to the sushi place we were going too. I go there fairly often.”

“Me too,” I chuckled as I gave a quick glance at the menu. I should probably thank Rarity for helping me find a place that had vegetarian options. “It’s a good place. Crazy how I’ve never noticed you there.”

“Suri didn’t like it much,” Coco said sadly as she looked at her own menu. “But she got expelled for theft so I don’t have to deal with her anymore.”

I faintly remember Rarity pointing out Suri during the Games. If memory serves me right, Suri competed against Pinkie and Fluttershy in the baking competition. No surprise she and her other Crystal Prep student failed. Pinkie and Fluttershy were a powerhouse when it came to baking.

“That’s good,” I said finally as she nodded with a small smile. “Live with your parents?”

“Not anymore. I live a few blocks away from them in an apartment building near CPA,” Coco answered as I lifted a hand.

“If you’re eighteen and live by yourself, why don’t you just switch schools yourself. Nopony can really stop you,” I said as she shrugged.

“Graduation is in about six months so I don’t really see the point especially since Dean Cadence is working really hard to make that school better. Plus, I have friends now there with Sunny Flare and a few others.”

“Makes sense,” I conceded as our waiter returned. “You can order first, Coco.”

“No you can. I insist.”

“No you first.”

We both looked at each other before we both laughed quietly. We both ordered, me opting for a vegetarian chicken parmigiana and Coco going for a baked potato with fries.

“Hey, there’s a bowling alley down the street. Wanna go see what kinda trouble we can get into?” I asked suddenly as Coco paused before smiling.

“I think I’d like that a lot if it means I get to spend more time with you.”

I walked up the steps of Coco’s apartment building before stopping at a door as Coco and I stood quietly. Coco had practically kicked my ass at bowling, which impressed me a lot. I never really cared about it before but it was pretty fun.

“I had a lot of fun tonight,” Coco admitted as I nodded. As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. It did feel nice to spend time with her. “Thanks Sunset.”

“Anytime,” I said as Coco rummaged through her purse before grabbing my hand, writing some numbers on my hand in black marker.

“It’s my phone number. Give me a call sometime if you uh wanna go out on another date sometime. I wanna see you again,” Coco said as she brushed some hair aside with a blush. I gave a nod as I took the marker and grabbed her own hand, writing my number on her hand.

“Now you have mine so uh text me or call me sometime,” I said with a smirk as Coco patted my hand before hugging me for a few seconds before stepping back.

I watched as Coco unlocked her front door, us waving as she disappeared inside.

I stood still for a few moments for walking down the stairs happier than I have been in a while.

Chapter IV

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I flopped back on my bed, staring at the TV in boredom. There wasn’t really any good movies on or well, none that I haven’t seen a trillion times.

Not like I could watch anything or sleep considering the loud music coming from the room next door loud enough to make the whole house shake.

“Lemon Zest!” I listened to Thunderlane shout as I smirked. “Turn down the freaking music, I swear you’re trying to get the police called on us again for noise complaints. You know how much our neighbors are assholes!”

I gave a quiet laugh as Thunderlane walked past before pausing and sticking his head in the doorway.

“Hey Sunset. How did the date go?”

“Not gonna lie, surprisingly well. Coco is a pretty nice girl and pretty too. I hate that Rarity knows my type,” I grumbled in mock anger as Thunderlane laughed. “Anyways, who knows. Maybe there will be more in the future. It’s complicated ya know? Sorting out getting cheated on and trying to figure out when the right time to date after is. It’s just a lot to take in.”

“Felt that one. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go get Lemon Zest to shut hee music off before the police get called and our eardrums explode,” Thunderlane rolled his eyes and I smirked.

“Yeah yeah go get your girlfriend,” I teased as he shot me a look.

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“I know. I just like teasing you about it,” I snickered as he groaned.

“You’re insufferable somedays, you know that?” Thunderlane asked dryly as I shrugged.

“Oh I know. But you all still love me anyways, even Sea Swirl and I barely know the lady,” I answered with a smug grin.

“Ah yes. Nothing but love from all of us,” Thunderlane commented sarcastically as I threw a pillow at him and he hastily continued walking down the hall.

I picked up my phone after it vibrated for a few seconds before opening my phone. I’m not entirely used to others making the first move, that’s usually my thing but apparently Coco works differently. Or Rarity stole her phone which is pretty likely.

“Hey,” I said as I kicked my door shut and listened to it lock.

“Hey,” Coco said as I listened to what sounded like a washer in the background. “It’s not too soon to call, right?”

I paused and stared at the clock. To be fair, I was just talking to Thunderlane about not knowing when it was too soon to start talking to someone else. But Coco lived alone so she probably didn’t have anyone other than her friends to talk to about it, especially since I consider Thunderlane family at this point.

“Nah it’s not. How’s your night going?”

“Pretty good. You?” Coco asked as I heard a faint slamming sound. “Sorry, I’m doing laundry right now.”

“S’all good. We all gotta do that at one point, right? I’m okay, just listening to Thunderlane and Lemon Zest go back and forth about music volume right now.”

“Who is Thunderlane?” Coco asked curiously as I watched Ray sunbathing on his rock in the tank.

“One of my roommates. Got four of em. Lemon Zest who you presumably know, Thunderlane, Sea Swirl and Derpy but Derpy only comes out for showers, food, bathroom or to open the front door when guests are here to see her,” I answered and sighed, placing my hands behind my head.

If Rarity knew who I caught Flash with, she’d be way more worried about Derpy than me. Hell, I was worried I’d come home one day and find the girl dead in her room. At least she had Lyra who consistently came to see her with Bon Bon occasionally tagging along.

“I’ll be at your school for a few weeks starting tomorrow,” Coco said casually as I propped my head up.

“Transferring over?”

“Nah. Dean Cadence wants a few of us to see what Canterlot High life is like and vice versa. She picked me, Sunny, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Indigo, Lemon Zest, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and Moondancer to come with. Lemon, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine and Indigo were super excited to come over.”

“Huh, Principal Celestia didn’t mention that at all recently. Strange but I’m here for it. Wonder if I get picked to go to CPA, that’d be kinda cool,” I mused and scratched my neck. “How did the others take it? Like Sour and Sugarcoat?”

“They took it how they take everything. With a shrug and a oh cool,” Coco answered. “Minuette is super excited to see Twilight again.”

“I didn’t think Twilight had any friends at CPA,” I commented as Coco snorted. “What?”

“They weren’t exactly friends because Twilight didn’t understand they wanted to be. I always saw them trying to get Twilight out to hang out but well, CPA is competitive and most people think others are out to take advantage of each other. Which is usually pretty accurate but Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and Moondancer are pretty nice girls. Especially Minuette and Twinkleshine. Lemon Hearts is nice but serious and Moondancer gets grumpy.”

“Sounds like a uh lovely group,” I muttered uncertaintly. “I knew Minuette and the others back home somewhat.”


“Yeah I’ll be sure to tell you more about it tomorrow. I’ll meet you near the Wondercolt statue tomorrow morning.”

“I look forward to it.”


I gave a yawn as I shut the door of my car, walking along the green grass of my school as I faintly made out six girls talking next to the statue along with Coco.

“Hey,” I said as I got closer.

“Hello dearie,” Sunny Flare smiled warmly as she handed me a coffee. “It’s nice to see you again under much more friendly circumstances.”

“Likewise,” I said as I gratefully accepted the coffee. “It’s good to see you all again my friends. Where are the other girls?”

“Rainbow Dash and the others are talking to princess. Something about warning your classmates because-” Sour started as Sugarcoat cut her off.

“Because of the distrust the Wondercolts still harbor for Shadowbolts after the Games,” Sugarcoat said bluntly as she adjusted her glasses.

“Hey Coco,” I grinned at the girl next to me as I shrugged. “And yeah, the classmates here can be uh spiteful and can hold a grudge for months. Believe me, I know first hand how far they can go at times.”

“Hi Sunset,” Coco said casually as she hugged my side and I froze before hugging back with one arm. “I will admit, I don’t they will like us much here. Our school was awful to them for years.”

“Except you,” Indigo shot back as she grinned. “Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and Moondancer are already inside with uh some mint girl that we competed against at the games.”

“Oh that’s Lyra,” I said dismissively with a hand wave as I sipped my coffee. “She’s somewhat harmless. She really hated me for the longest though so we used to have a strained friendship after the battle of the bands.”

“The what?” Sour Sweet asked as I looked her up and down, taking in her purple hoodie and black skirt.

“I’ll tell you later. Surprised you all aren’t wearing your uniforms,” I noted as Sunny shrugged.

“Blending in dearie. Dean Cadence is currently trying to remove the uniforms and allow us to wear what we want but the school board and some parents are pushing back.”

“Becaue they’re a bunch of cunts!” Indigo chimed in as Sunny glared at her.


“Yeah yeah,” Indigo waved a hand dismissively as she patted my shoulder. “And it’s nice to see you too. You still owe me a motorcycle race without plants attacking from your world.”

“We can do that later. Why the heck would this place hate you? You’re awesome and a flying magical bad ass!” Lemon said with a grin as she finally took her head phones off.

“Later,” I said as I stared at the ground with a guilty expression. “It’s uh complicated. Really, really complicated. But uh class starts soon, so we should get inside and see who goes where.”

The others nodded as I led them up the steps, idly noting Coco next to me.

“Would it be weird to ask to hold your hand?” Coco asked I opened the door and paused.

“Uh no?” I decided and sighed. “It’s uh fine. Just don’t let Flash see, don’t want him getting his feelings hurt. It may be over between us but I don’t want to seem like I’m trying intentionally to hurt him. God knows he and the school is doing that for him already.”


Coco looked around curiously before grabbing my hand and I blushed faintly before smiling.

“What’s up my slutty bitches!?” Lyra shouted as she walked up with a bright red Bon Bon.


“And that would be Lyra,” I explained as I squeezed Coco’s hand subconsciously as the Shadowbolts stared at Lyra in stunned silence.

“I honestly have no words,” Sunny whispered.

“Welcome to the club,” Sugarcoat whispered back as she smoothed down her blue dress.

I hope she doesn’t always greet me like that. At least she doesn’t call me the coolest pony girl in town anymore.

Thank Celestia for minor miracles.