Love takes many forms

by coolpony01

First published

A changeling by the name of Amber lives in a hive not known to Equestria. But after the events of the Canterlot invasion it becomes known. As the two nations become closer together in forming peace between each other she meets somepony

A changeling by the name of Amber lives in a hive not known to Equestria. But after the events of the Canterlot invasion it becomes known. As the two nations become closer together in forming peace between each other she meets somebody or rather some pony who she will grow close with. But will they grow closer.

Ch 1

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Hello my name is Amber I am a changeling. I have the body of a pony but I have no fur. Instead I have a thick black chitin that protects me from most weather types. I have natural swiss cheese holes in my legs. A curved magical horn, a long dark red mane and tail with holes in it. Dark red insectoid wings and dark red slanted eyes.

I am twenty years old. I live in the Malano hive, one of the great many changeling hives. Our queen is named Malavous. She is much taller than us. She has a long twisted and jagged horn, a light pink mane and tail with holes in it, light pink insectoid wings, and slanted light pink eyes. Our queen is very fair and just puts our needs before her own. The laws are also pretty fair too with only serious crimes being punished harshly.

This hive is actually far more democratic. She doesn’t have absolute power. Before laws are passed they must go through parliament. The queen can veto a law she sees as unjust but it can be overturned if at least 75% of the parliament votes a second time for the law to pass. She also doesn’t have total power when it comes to law enforcement, sure she can help to make some choices but our constitution limits her from being able to herself decide what type of punishment is given out for particular crimes.

It is a good thing that our hive is far more democratic than a tyrannical one like the one ruled by Queen Chrysalis. She is an absolute monarch and has absolute authority over the law and how it is enforced. She punishes any of the subjects that defy her very harshly. They’ll be locked up and forced into hard labor or they’ll be executed. In my hive executions are only carried out for the worst of crimes. But in Chrysalsis’s hive people can be executed for just speaking up against her tyranny.

Queen Chrysalsis even tried to take over a kingdom to the north known as Equestria She is one of the changelings who chooses to not only eat meat, grains, and crops but also love. She has a strong desure for power and since Equestria has love she wanted to gain that power for herself. She kidnapped one of the co-rulers of Equestria known as Princess Di Amore Cadenza and disguised hersel as the princess of love. Fortunately the real princess was rescued by Twilight Sparkle the sun princesse’s student. And the princess of love abd the stallion she was to wed Captain Shinning Armor of the Equestrian royal guard used their love to create a magical shield around Canterlot and repealed the swarm from Equestria.

I have no respect for Chrysalsis. Feeding off love is wrong just. And while we can it doesn’t mean we should. Changelings are still able to feel love and emotions. I do so why would I deprive someone of that?

Equestria went to war with Queen Chrysalsis and ger hive. I hear theu have troops searching beyond their borders for changelings. They wish to keep their country safe. I hope they don’t see us as a threat and attack because we had nothing to do with Chrysalsis and her hive and do not wish to go to war. We haven’t been at war in sixty years and we wish to keep that peace.

I am right now in our territory in large forests that surrounds our hive. I am a member of the hive guard. It is my job to stop people who are breaking the law and to protect others. I usually just stop minor crimes such as theft. Crime very fortuntaly isn’t much of a problem around this nation. This job is quite nice actually. The forest is very beautiful there’s so many shades of green. It’s also full of various wild flowers that smell of lavender as well as all sorts of beautiful animals.

As I went down the path I could see some people in the distance As I looked my eyes went wide as I recognized them as members of the royal guard. They must be looking for chaneglinsg I have to warn my hive. A green magical ora formed around my horn and with a poof I teleported away. When I was done I saw a male changeling with a dark green mane and tail with hotels in it and dark green slanted eyes. His name was captain Thorax Thunderstorm. “Captain I spotted members of the Equestrian guard within our southern border.” I alerted.

“Go make sure our citizens our citizens get to safety do not engage unless it is necessary.” He ordered. I obeyed with the upmost respect.

I could see the foreign guards were scanning the land. I didn’t want them to see me and possibly risk a war so I used my magic and transformed myself into a bird and began to fly in the air in search of any civilians. As I flew I noticed some yonge teengaers taking a troll in the forest. I swopped down and turned myself into my true form. The kids looked a bit scared “We didn’t do anything.” They pleaded.

“I know Equestrian guards were spotted near here I am here to get you to safety.” I explained. The kids looked terrified I don’t blame them since Equestria doesn’t really trust changelings all that much.

A green ora formed around my horn as I teleported them to one of the safety shelters. “You must remain here for your safety and await further instructions.” I said.

I then teleported back to the forest and transformed myself back into a bird and began to transform myself back into a bird. I tried looking for more civilians that may need saving.

I could see their were pegasus ponies scouting the skies. I did my best to stay away from them. When one got near me I felt a sharp pain and flew away they must have changeling decetors with them. I then saw the pegasus ponies were heading in my direction shit they must have detected me. I flew as fast as I could but more pegasi guards began to pursue me and it became too much. I let out a scream of pain as my disguise came poff and I feel hard to the forest ground.

I then felt a magical ora pinn me to the ground. I could see one of the unicorn guards was preventing me from escaping. I then saw a higher up looking unicorn. He had purple and yellow armor. He had a moderate sapphire bleu, moderate cerulean, and dark phtalo blue mane and tail and moderna cerulean eyes. My eyes widened as I realized this was Captain Shinning Armor of the Equestrian royal guard. He had his eyes narrowed at me. “Please leave we mea n you know harm.” I spoke with genuine sincerity.

“Why would I trust a changeling?”Captain Shinning Armor stated with venom.

“We’re not with Queen Chrysalsis we had nothing to do with what she tried to do to your kingdom.” I spoke with truth.

“Why would I believe you your kind tried to take over my nation and enslave us. We will protect our foals and families from scum like you.” He stated.

I then felt mysel get telrotoed. I could see their were other members of the hive guard defending me.

“You’re within our territory. You can’t just come in our kingdom and harm one of our guards but we can resolve this peacefully there is no need for war.” A male hive gaurd said.

“Then if that is the case why would your kind come into our kingdom, kidnap royalty, and try to take our land and make us into slaves.” Captain Shinning Armor stated.

“What happened to your kingdom was done by Queen Chrsyalsis we are not affiliated with that hive. We are a part of Queen Malavous. We would have warned you if we knew and were even planning on revealing ourselves to Princess Celestia but Queen Chrsyalsis ruined that. We have also been at peace for 60 years and have no plans on breaking that peace.” A female hive gaurd said.

“Since the rulers of Equestria prevent us from causing unnecessary tensions with other nations we can try to make a peaceful agreement between our nations.” Captain Shinning Armor spoke in a formal yet begrudging tone.

“This is good I am glad that we can resolve this matter peacefully.” Captain Thorax said. I was taken to the infirmary abd very fortunately have no bad injuries. During the time my hive and Equestria began to resolve the matter with peace and diplomacy. I am very glad that our countries may finally learn to live harmoniously together who knows I may even get to know some Equestrians someday.

I am right now in my home. I live in a small apartment. I have electricity, air conditiongm heating, running water and all that stuff. I don’t really care about living in a big house. I am right now getting ready for bed. I am taking a shower. I need it after this rough day. The warm water helped to calm my mind. A green magical ora formed around my horn and then around a bottle of shampoo. I took off the lid and plopped some on my mane and tail. I used my magic to scrub iyt in making sure to get all the spots. I then leviated the the container of body wabh I opened the lid and plopped some on my body. I then used my magic to scrub it all over my body making sure to get all the spots. I then washed it off and stepped out of the shower I feel far more calm right now. I then dried my mane and tail fast along with my body. I then put deodorant combed my mane and tail and brushed my teeth.

I then went in my bedroom and went by the window and looked out of it. I can see other rental apartment complexes within my hive. I feel a bit of fear. “What if we end up going to war countless numbers of our citizens would die because of it.” I said fearfully.

I then calmed myself down and realized that was stupid since our nations were already making peaceful negotiations and Equestria and our hive are peaceful nations to begin with. I smiled at the thought that I may one day meet an Equestrian and feel asleep.

Ch 2

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The date is August 20 2005. Fortunately our two nations didn’t end up going to war. We managed to sign a peace treaty and I’ve even heard talks about possibly starting trade and exchanges of culture between our two nations. I am very glad that we have been able to keep the peace. It would be wrong to break a 60 year peace. War wouldn’t result in anything good and I highly doubt Princess Celestia would go to war with a country that hasn’t done anything bad to them. The fact that we are a race of one that had attacked Equestria doesn’t matter because we are not like them.

Princess Celestia is a very fair and wise pony. I highly doubt she would have any ill will against us. She was the pony that made it that no sentimental being could be killed, brought into slavery, or experimented for the basis of their species after all.

Of course ponies like Captain Shining Armor don’t really like us changelings and wish to see us punished over what some of the members of our species did. At least, not everyone from Equestria wishes for our blood to be spilled.

I am right now going to visit my brother Thornton. He has a dark red mane and tail with holes in it, dark red insectoid wings and dark green slanted eyes. He is a very nice person and I am glad to have him as my brother. He is a local Author and he writes a lot of scientific fictional stories they’re really good. Our parents didn’t approve of his career choice. Our family has a long line of working for the hive guard and they wanted both of us to do the same and continue the family tradition. I personally liked the idea of fighting crime and protecting the civilians so I chose to follow my parents' hoofsteps and joined the hive guard. My brother, on the other hoof, wasn’t really interested in joining the hive guard.

He was more interested in creativity and had quite the skill for writing and decided to become an author. I supported him because I knew this was what he wanted. Our parents went against us at every turn. They kept saying he would never make a decent income from such a career. They also said that being a member of the hive guard was an honor and saying there was no reason to deny such a job and that he should honor the family tradition. Our parents wouldn’t pay for his college if he didn’t join the hive guard but he didn’t care abd made the money to go to college and get the job he wanted. I scowled my parents for refusing to even help him with college just for choosing a different career. They told us it was because he was being “disrespectful” but I’d hardly call choosing one’s career disrespectful. I am still very proud of the person by brother turned out to be.

I am right now walking down the various pathways of the hive. It is full of various homes, shops, restaurants, schools, hospitals, everything you would expect from civilization. This hive is alive and colorful unlike the hive of Queen Chrysalsis. When I got there I let out a knock and heard my brother’s hoofsteps approach the door I went over to hug my brother. “I’m so happy to see you Thorn.” I said to my older brother.

“I’m happy to see you two A.” He said using that nickname he gave me. “Come inside I got dinner ready.” Thornton said.
“I like the sound of that.” I said while smiling.

“Oh you will, I made pad thai for dinner.” Thornton said. Pad thai is a noodle dish that many changelings commonly eat. It is very delicious.

“You’re right I do like the sound of that. And I think you’ll like that I made cupcakes for dessert.” I said.

He had such a cute face at that he does love sweets. He hugged me “Thank you sis.” He said thankfully.

I chuckled. “You’re welcome brother.” I said.

I then went and sat down with my brother before we ate we did a little prayer. “We thank the providence for this delicious meal and for our family and our lives.” We believe in a religion called the providence. It is a religion commonly practiced by changelings. We believe that our actions determine where we will end up in our deaths nothing more.

We began to eat our dinner. tThe pad tai noodles sweet flavor hit my tongue. “This is so good.” I said complimenting my brother for his cooking.

“Thank you sis. I put a lot of effort into making sure that our dinner would be delicious.” Thornton said.

“Well I should compliment you if you know how to cook after all.” I said. I always admired the skill of cooking and all the foods that the hive has to offer like pad tai and rice noodles.

“Well then I guess I’ll be complimenting your cupcakes.” Thornton said.

“Aww thanks bro.” I said thankful at the compliment.

“Well I should compliment you. You have quite the skill for baking after all.” It was true I did have a skill for baking. I used to bake for the school’s fundraising events and I did quite a good job at that. I even considered getting a job at baking once but then I realized I could instead make it into a hobby because my real passion was law enforcement.

“Thank you brother to be honest I bake because not many places around here hive nice found like they used to.” I said.

“Yeah quite a lot of places have food that doesn’t quite taste the same it is why I don’t really go out to eat very often.” Thornton said.

“Hey we gotta give people some credit there’s still some good restaurants around here like the golden leaf.” I said as a marvelous example of fine dining.
“Yes that is a great restaurant and we should be grateful that we have wonderful things like that.” Thornton said.

“Oh I am grateful for all the good things we have we’d be nothing but ungrateful assholes if we weren’t.” I said.

“It is unfoturnat that some people are like that.” Thornton said.

“Yes it is rather annoying that we have to deal with people like that.” I said.

“Yes it is but wile we may have to deal with those assholes we musn’t forget all the good things we still have.” Thornton said.

“Yes you’re right while there are many bad things in this world there are also good.” I said.

“It is nice knowing that the world isn’t completely full of trash.” My older brother said.

“Yes we are quite lucky that we have things in this world to value such as each other.” I said.

“Yes we are very lucky to have each other family and love are some of the many blessings of life after all.” My older brother said.

“Yes you are right blessings such as love and family are what bring worth and meaning to live after all.” I said.

“Yes we musn’t forget the passions of life.” Thornton said.

“Yes we have to remember what life is like and while it may have some bad things all the good things in life are what make it worth it.” I said.

I enjoyed being ankle to have dinner with my brother we had a pleasant time and I was able to catch up with him.

Afterwards we began to eat the cupcakes

“Amber, these are really good, you did an excellent job.” My brother complimented.

“Well I did make homemade frosting after all.” I said.

“Aww thank you sis.” He said delighted and grateful.

“Well I wanted to make the moment last after all.” I said while smiling.

“You know we could make the moment last more by watching a funny movie” He offered. I smiled at him.

We picked Shitstorm. It is this movue that is about a bunch of teenage changelings who wanted to act crazy for the night and have a bit of fun. They decided to go swimming in a place they weren’t allowed drunk some beer things that teenagers tend to do. Eventually the hive gaurd showed up and the kids had to run for it. The hive guard kept catchiung them down but they wouldn’t give up. Eventually one of the teenagers took one for the team and distrated the police so everyone else could get away. He was in jail for a week since he didn’t say the names of the other teengaers but they all learned their lesson and realized that whole they can have fun there has to be limits.

After that it was time for me to go home. I went and gave my brother a hug thank him for the meal and he thanked me for the cupcakes and I left with the feeling of enjoyment knowing I have such a wonderful family and who knows once things change I may even make a friend that isn’t another changeling for once.

Ch 3

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The date is December 10, 2005. Our hive and Equestrian have been able to keep the peace and improve relationships. This is going to be maintained by civilians from both sides volunteering to travel to the other nation to learn of their culture and way of life. This way we can make sure our relationships are remaining peaceful.

This just started a few weeks ago and a few Equestrian civilians have already gone here, and things have been going smoothly not very many bumps in the road to that. There are still however quite some many ponies that don’t really trust the changelings and there’s some of us changelings who view ponies as selfish or weak. But nothing too rough. I am glad that our nations are right now having peaceful relationships that will last.

I am right now in patrol in the forests. My job is to make sure that everyone follows the laws set forth and remain safe. I could see the beautiful white snow. I find snow to be quite beautiful since it shines and sparkles and fills the world with a sense of comfort. It is very quiet right now since all the animals are hibernating for the winter. I find it to be very calming and peaceful.

As I walked, I was shocked to find a pony. She was a pegasus pony with a pale light grayish gold coat, a long wavy pink mane and tail, moderate cyan gorgeous eyes, and three green butterflies with pink wings for a cutie mark. I know who this mare is this is Fluttershy the element of kindness known for her compassion towards all creatures. She was there during the Canterlot invasion she didn’t notice that something was off about Chrysalis which isn’t a surprise since changelings are very good at being manipulative. Something that makes me feel guilt over.

She turned and saw me “Oh hello there.” The mare said politely.

“Hello there madame.” I say politely but formally. I am on duty after all.

“It’s nice to see you. I’m so happy that I get to learn about the changelings. I don’t think your species is evil and I wish to prevent any tensions between our countries by showing everyone that there is no reason to fear the changelings of the other hives.” Fluttershy said.

“I am grateful that you hold no ill will towards our kind. I too want peace between our nations, and I am happy to see that some ponies agree with me to.” I said letting my guard down somewhat and talking more from my heart then I should.

This mare seems nice maybe I can get to know her it would be nice to learn about Equestrian culture. And I wouldn’t mind teaching her about the culture of the hive.

She smiled. “If you don’t mind me asking what’s your name? See I just got here and you’re the first changeling I’ve met.” She said openly.

“I’m Amber.” I replied.

“Well Amber if you aren’t busy after work I am staying by the Golden Inn. Maybe I can tell you about Equestrian culture and I’d love to hear more about changeling culture.” She said seemingly excited by the idea.

“I wouldn’t mind that.” I said and I couldn’t help but form a smile.

Ch 4

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The date is December 31 2002. It has been three weeks since I’ve met Fluttershy. I have to admit that I’ve gotten to know her. She has a love for nature, animals, helping people in need, and equality. I like her personality and think she’s a very good being. Fluttershy was a bit shy around me at first but I noticed it was because she seemed shy around all the new people she meets.

She’s told me about Equestrian culture. There’s a lot of wonderful things like their holidays the most famous of them being Hearth’s Warming of course. They don’t believe in the idea of eating meat or fish as they see all live as sacred and I respect and even admire that. They also believe in things like laughter, kindness, honesty, loyalty, and generosity. They also heavily believe they should help one another in order to create a better Equestria. Though there are some things I don’t agree with. There are still bad parts of the culture and some ponies that seemed to be very speciest toward non ponies and half ponies. Believing that certain rights and privileges belong only to the true ponies. There are also some aspects of Equestrian culture that are very xenophobic towards immigrants. They tend to not appreciate their culture norms and thus certain ponies try to stop other cultures from spreading. Some of the ponies can also be very homophobic. When Equestria was first founded it was forbidden to even be considered homosexual and it was punished by death. Things have fortunately changed since then. It is no longer legal to execute, arrest, imporison, or force anyone to change their sexuality but people still face discrimination in public services rights and aren’t allowed to marry or adopt. I find such actions to be disgusting. It's been illegal to discriminate against anyone for pointless matters such as homosexuality here for a long time and I happen to be a lesbian.

I’m not gonna lie, my culture also has some ugly parts. Our culture has some homophobic roots as well. Changelings used to also be executed for doing any actions with the same sex, however, we weren’t nearly as strict as Equestria was about that and only executed for actions not thoughts. It was still wrong however to execute people based on the beliefs of a religion or at least part of the beliefs of the religion I agree and am a part of most of it just not the discriminatory parts. Fortunately those laws were revoked many centuries ago. Many changelings also believed in using military tactics that were questionable and a bit wrong. There also used to be a lot of speciesism towards non-changelings. As well as xenophobia towards anyone not from the hive however those things ended centuries ago. When our queen stopped the tyranny of her mother Queen Mavos. So not all of our culture was good but we still have many good aspects of culture. We believe strongly in doing good for others and being good to our families and friends. We also now heavily enjoy learning about the culture of other countries to get closer together. It is actually a common practice in most hives to not feed off love on penalty of imprisonment for a number of years depending on the severity. So us changelings are different then some Equestrians think and we’re proud of our accomplishments.

I just woke up. I am off duty today. I plan on having a little lunch with Fluttershy at this place called veggie wraps. They have great varieties of wraps with delicious sauces. I knew the restaurant was perfect since Fluttershy was a vegetarian. She doesn’t believe in the idea of eating meat like most ponies and I don’t want to offend her. She is however alright with other creatures eating meat.

I went to the shower and then hopped in. The warm water soothed me and gave me a sense of comfort. A green magical ora formed around my horn and I levitated a bottle of shampoo. I opened the lid and put some of it on my mane and tail. I then used my magic to scrub it in making sure to get all the spots. I then put the bottle away and proceeded to levitate a bottle of body wash. I plopped it on my body and began to scrub. The scrubbing sensation filled me with a sense of comfort. I then stepped out of the shower. I feel far more refreshed now. I then washed my hooves with soap and water, put on deodorant, combed my hair and brushed my teeth.

I then began to consume my breakfast. It was rice noodles with eggs. It was very delicious. When I was done with that I did the chores around the house for the morning since I was off and then headed off to meet up with Fluttershy. I could see a lot of hallways as I trotted down and out of my apartment. I saw a buzz of activity. Many changelings are walking to and fro. I could see some young foals headed off to school. Some people headed to work and others to do their morning shopping. It is nice to live in a place with such color. I will always remain thankful for what I have. I then headed off to the restaurant.

“Hello Amber.” Fluttershy said in a quiet voice but with a smile on her face.

“Hello Fluttershy you look quite lovely today.” I complemented.

She blushed at that and I couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you Amber, you look lovely today as well.” Fluttershy said.

“Excuse me but can I get you a table?” The changeling waiter said.

“Oh yes please.” I spoke in a polite tone.

The waiter then brought us to a table. “What can I get you to drink?” He spoke politely.

“I’d like one cherry coke please.” I said. I love cherry coke. Have since I was a foal.

“And I’d like a glass of lemonade please.” Fluttershy asked with a polite tone.

“Alright then I’ll be back with your drinks.” He said.

“So how has your day been Fluttershy?” I asked.

“Oh my day was quite lovely actually I was finally able to get a pet friogn I named him Buggy Eye I’ll enjoy being able to take care of him.” Fluttershy seemed excited by that and there was a spark in her eyes when discussing it. I’m not surprised she does have a love for animals after all.

A frigon is a frog like creature but it’s not an amphibian and they only come in the color black. They are native to many changeling hives including Queen Chrysalis's. Fluttershy probably wishes to learn of other animals she’s never heard of before.
“Well I’m glad your day was nice.” I spoke with a smile.

“Yes my day was indeed quite lovely. How was your day by any chance.” Fluttershy asked me

“Oh my day was quite calm and relaxing. I spent my morning at home. I was able to get done with my chores for the day while being able to listen to some music.” I said with a smile.’

“Well I’m glad your day was lovely.” Fluttershy spoke.

“Here are your drinks.” We turned to see the waiter give us our drinks.

“Oh why thank you gentleman.” Fluttershy said with politeness.

“Yes, we'll be very happy to get a nice drink.” I said thankfully as it is of the providence after all.

“Alright, thank you, are you ready to order yet?” He asked.

“Oh I would like the spicy tai veggie wrap please.” I asked.

“And I would like the tangy infailian wrap please.” Fluttershy asked.

“I’ll make sure to get that for you.” The waiter said.

“So Fluttershy how have you been doing throughout your time here?” I asked curiously.

“Oh I love this place, the changelings here are very nice and I find a lot of the parts about the culture to be beautiful.” Fluttershy spoke with a passion and I could see a glow in her eyes.

“That’s good I’m glad that you’re enjoying yourself here. I don’t wish for you to deal with any problems.” I say knowing the fact that some of the changelings can be very prejudice.

“And I don’t wish for any changelings to deal with any problems in Equestria.” Fluttershy said recongizing the fact that I feel guilty about the fact that some of my kind are species when she reminded me that all species have groups like that.

“I am sure the changelings that come to your land would only have to deal with little things. I highly doubt Princess Celestia would allow anything serious to occur, especially since it would cause international conflict.” I said.

“You’re probably right Princess Celestia has always been a fair leader.” Fluttershy said with some of the worry going away.
“That is good you are very lucky to have such a wonderful princess who clearly cares about Equestria and her citizens.” I said admiringly.

“Oh she does care about us, she's always done what she can to protect her citizens and ensure that we are all treated equally.” Fluttershy spoke with a spark.

“That is good, she reminds me of my queen. She also cares very deeply about our citizens being treated fairly.” I said.

“And that’s a good thing leaders should help their people, not themselves.” Fluttershy spoke.

“We are very lucky that we have leaders that put our best interests at heart.” I said.

“Oh why yes. I’m very glad we don’t have leaders like Queen Chrysalis.” Fluttershy spoke with disdain and slight fear at that tyrant’s name.

“That tyrant queen is a disgrace to the changelings. I’m sorry for what Queen Chrysalis and her swarm did to you and your people.” I said feeling a bit of guilt.

“Don’t apologize for something you weren’t responsible for.” Fluttershy said to me.

“I know it’s just… you didn’t deserve what that monster put you through.” I said.

“Yes that is true we didn’t deserve that and the fact that you care about what happened proves you’re not a bad person and shouldn’t have to feel sorry for something you didn’t take part in.” Fluttershy said to me.

“You do make an excellent point.” I replied.

“I know which is why I want you to at least try and stop feeling guilty about other changelings actions.” Fluttershy said to me.

“Alright I’ll try.” I said.

That made her smile warmly “Perfect!” She said aloud. She then hushed herself and blushed a little. “Good now perhaps we can talk about something else.” Fluttershy said.

“Good idea, so how have you been doing at your job at that animal shelter?” I asked my friend.

“Oh, I’ve been able to take care of all the animals there. I just don’t understand why some people mistreat them.” Fluttershy spoke a little sad at that last part.

“Me either. Mistreating animals is just wrong.” I said.

“It is wrong but still some people do it.” Fluttershy said.

“I’ve never understood that about other people.” I said.

“Me either people shouldn’t just commit such horrible deeds.” Fluttershy said.

“Well I’ll never do evil deeds like that. It’s just not okay.” I said.

“Me either, well at least it’s nice knowing that there’s some people that wouldn’t commit such evil deeds.” Fluttershy said with a spark of some sort towards me.

“I won’t lie I’m a sinner no one’s perfect but I’d still never commit such atrocities.” I said.

“And that’s a good thing no one should commit actions like those.” Fluttershy spoke with a passion towards good deeds.

“You’re right it’s wrong to do that and that’s why we need to not commit such evil deeds and instead commit good deeds.” I said with a passion towards that of harmony.

We then saw the waiter come with our lunches. “Here you are gentle mares.” He said politely.

The waiter then trotted off and we began to eat our delicious meal. The spicy delicious taste hit my tongue.

“This place really does have the best veggie wraps. You people really know how to prepare delicious food.” Fluttershy complemented with interests towards our culture.

“Thank you. I'm sure the food back home is quite delicious as well. Though you’re right, our people really do know how to prepare good food.” I said with a pleasant smile at the thought.

“Oh you’d probably love some of our desserts especially our apple pies from zap apple trees.” She said,

“I’ve heard of that particular apple. I've never had it before but I wouldn’t mind trying.” I said.

“Perhaps I can bring some with me when I next visit.” Fluttershy offered.

“Oh I’d love that but I want it to be your choice.” I said with delight and care.

“Amber, you were nice enough to bake that oreo cake. I think it would be fine if I got you one.” Fluttershy said.

“Alright I’m sure I will enjoy it. I mean everyone loves sweets.” I said.

“Very true I’ve always had a sweet tooth myself. I've already tried your ice cream flavors. I never thought that ice cream could have spicy flavors.” Fluttershy said with delight.

“Yes, our spicy ice cream really is a treat.” I said with delight at the thought.

“Well, I’m friends with an earth pony named Pinkie Pie. She runs a sweet shop and is really good at her job. You'd like her.” Fluttershy said, smiling at the thought of her friend.

“A person who can bake yeah I’d be up for that plus she’s the element of laughter she must be one fun person.” I said.

“Oh, she is, she's very open minded and accepting.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, this is great I look forward to the idea of possibly befriending some of your friends.” I said.

“Yes, making friends is a wonderful thing.” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah, everyone should make friends. I should’ve been doing that more in high school.” I said.

“Hey, it’s alright, I wasn’t super good at making friends in high school either. I was really shy but I grew out of that overtime.” I said.

“Yeah, I was like that too, it's good to know that we got better over the years.” I said gratefully at the thought of finally making friends outside of high school.

“Well now that we’re more sociable I’m sure we’ll make lots of friends. Some of my friends are nice enough and I’m sure some of your friends will like me.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, they will, they're very open and accepting towards everyone.” I said proudly of my friends.

“Well, that’s good everyone should be accepting though unfortunately not everyone is.” Fluttershy spoke sadly.

“Oh, I know but that’s no reason for them to be punished. I’ve always believed that people should be punished for their actions rather than their thoughts.” I said.

“And you’d be right about that it doesn’t make sense to punish someone for having different ideas that’s just… wrong.” Fluttershy said.

“Fortunately, most nations don’t have unjust laws like that anymore.” I spoke.

“Yes, that's a good thing people should be allowed to have whatever view they want even if it’s wrong so long as they don’t do anything bad it doesn’t matter.” Fluttershy said.

“And you’re absolutely right it’s a shame there are nations that punish people over simply being different.” I said with a saddened tone.

“Yes it’s very stupid and wrong to punish people over having certain ideas.” Fluttershy said in disgust and a saddened expression.

“It is wrong that people do that for power or they feel their way is the true way. I just can’t respect people like that.” I said.

“Oh me too, I’d never respect people who take things too far.” Fluttershy said.

“And we shouldn’t because while those people don’t respect us they still expect us to respect them.” I said.

“Yes, that's just… wrong.” Fluttershy said.

“Yes it is and I admire your determination to speak your truth.” I said admiring her.

“Oh well thank you.” Fluttershy said a little flustered.

“Well you are brave. You always stand up for what you believe in and do the right thing. I wish there were more people like you.” I said.

“Oh why thank you but I’ve never really considered myself to be the brave type.” Fluttershy said.

“Fluttershy you and your friends defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord two of the most dangerous villains in history. I think that proves you’re brave.” I said.

“You do make a good point though during those times I was…terrified.” Fluttershy admitted.

“Fluttershy of course you were anyone would be but that’s not what courage is, courage is remaining strong even when you’re scared. You shouldn’t look down on yourself for having fear over something so natural.” Fluttershy said.

“Yes I shouldn’t look down at myself for that reason, it's just my parents always told me that I need to be braver.” Fluttershy said.

“Don’t listen to them, they shouldn’t treat you like that.” I said with genuine belief and joy.

“I know I.. don’t really talk to them anymore.” Fluttershy said.

“That’s good you don’t need toxic people.” I said.
“I know that’s why I decided to leave after high school. I needed to live my own life.” Fluttershy spoke while smiling.

“I’m proud of you for that.” I spoke in praise.

“I am too. I'm just glad I didn’t do what they wanted and go into weather production.” Fluttershy said.

“Wait, that's stupid you’re an amazing animal carer.” I said in a compliment.

“Yes I know unfortunately they viewed that sort of career as weak.” Fluttershy said feeling hurt by what they thought.

“Ouch that’s…wrong.” I said.

“Yes it was…wrong I’m just glad you didn’t go through the same thing.” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah, fortunately the career I wanted was the one my parents wanted for me so I didn’t have to worry about that.” I said.

“Well that’s good. Though I won’t lie, I can tell that if your parents didn’t agree with the career choice you wanted you still would’ve chosen what you wanted rather than what they wanted.” Fluttershy spoke in praise towards my determination.

I looked at her with genuine appreciation towards the praise and joys and support she gives towards all the things that I do. I can tell she is going to be a good friend.