> Deadly Nightshade > by EGO_ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Incredulous > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna's perspective: It is nighttime, our favorite time. We have sat down, posture straightened, as we use our horn to maintain thou's quill, that is lightly brushing against the paper with the black ink that is thick. Against the gentle pages, we write in a journal; ''Twilight, Have you ever noticed our emotions? Our feelings towards you? Nay, we have to say. You have not. Although, it is obnoxiously clear that we hold such affection. Your voice, much like honey. Your soft mane, we wish to touch ever so dearly. And your personality, which we are striken by. All of the traits that make you yourself, Twilight, are most ecstatic to the eyes of Equestria. And to our eyes the most. We have seen the world, far and wide. Kingdoms through the ages, beholding only myself and I, many creatures dancing in the nightly sky. But none has captured our heart like you do. We continuously wonder if we can ever be one as lovers do... But why do we feel a sense of guilt coursing through our veins? Perhaps it is shame? Or perhaps it is doubt? Only time shall tell... We just wish we can say all of this out loud without it backfiring or having the possibility of ruining our friendship.'' We sigh, placing the quill down, the glowing magic fading away from our alicorn horn. With our right hoove, we softly closes the journal, looking deeply into the starry sky that is peering through the window where the curtain remains still to the sides. "Could it be that were simply exaggerating ones emotions...?" We speak as if asking the night. "Tomorrow morning, a royal dinner will be held. Tia, oneself, Cadence, and Twilight shall be there...but...one is most nervous about it...about seeing ones dear Twilight..." Suddenly, out of nowhere, one hears a "ahem!" from behind. We quickly turn around, seeing a pale white princess standing there, snickering. "Dear sister!" One shouts out of surprise "How long have you been awake?! And how much of that did you hear?!" Tia only continues to snicker, giggling at one’s nervous antics. "Oh Luna, I'm so sorry to have eavesdrop. Were you talking to yourself?" Our cheeks begin to flush, dumbfounded by all of this. "N-No...I mean! Yes...!" "Correct me if I'm wrong, Luna, but did you nickname Twilight 'dear'?" We gulp, stuttering uncontrollably as anxiety raises in our chest. "Y-You heard th-that?" Tia only smiles and nods before exiting our personal room, shutting the door behind her, and leaving the room to become dark once again. "There is no way Tia knows..." We mumble, pacing the shadowy room. ~~~~ It was first thing in the morning. After our everlasting, and exhausting, events of looking out for ponies in their dreams, one will admit that were not yet ready for this royal dinner. Mostly due to the fact that one’s magical crush will be attending… “It will not be so bad…” One has never been the most talkative pony. Always a anxious mess in social gatherings, constantly running away to a totally different room in fear of judgement or rude comments from others. But Twilight Sparkle had made sure we feel comfortable. Twilight had always welcomed one with open arms, making socializing an easier task when with her. But on ones own? one freezes up, and it’s unbearable. Perhaps that is why no pony would ever want to be around oneself. The ponies of Equestria are so lively, so happy. We stand out in a crowd of ponies. It is truly a sore sight. Was it one’s lack of energy? Enthusiasm? Appearance? One is most definitely considered ‘different’ from the rest. The insecurity is disturbing ones backwards mind. But what is so disturbing is oneself among the ponies when they look at oneself. One supposes that nothing will ever change, no matter the progress of ‘development’. Okay, enough being depressed, Luna. We have a dinner to attend to. And it would be a disappointing shame if the ruler of the night sky should be late. Later that said morning, Tia and I stand at the sides outside of the castle entrance, waiting for Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight to arrive. The sun is bright, the weather hot. The heat feels like it is burning ones navy blue coat. How much longer til they show up? Thou looks up at Tia, who has not moved a muscle, nor has she stopped smiling. How does ones big sister do it? She just continues smiling, no worry in the world. One is truly envious of her ability to keep marching onwards like that… With a loud huff and a stomped hoof, we look forward once again, away from facing Tia. Finally, the fellow princesses come along with large smiles on their faces. “It has been a while, hasn’t it?” Tia asks Cadence and Twilight, to which all of them agree. “Thank you all for joining us for this spontaneous occasion!” Tia welcomes them into the castle, where a large table is met with different varieties of vegetarian food options. One makes sure to sit at the seat that has been placed the closest to Twilight, which makes our heart want to pound out of one’s own chest. Twilight had been trying not to seem so nervous, like oneself is doing. Cadence and Tia on the other hoof, look just fine, as the both of them have what seems to be a lovely chat. Twilight and oneself converse with each other the most. Twilight passionately spoke of all the light novels that she has read thus far. It has always been a treat to watch the beautiful pony babble on and on about what she loves, as she tends to get so lost in the sea of love for what she enjoys for her hobbies and interests. Beholding her eyes light up with fascination for knowledge is truly inspiring to us! One does take a bite of a piece of fruit, that had been Twilight’s favorite. With delight, we happily chew. “Mm!” “Do you like it, Luna?” Twilight eagerly asks one’s opinion. One does answer, “My, Twilight Sparkle. You didn’t lie to us when you told us that this was an excellent food choice!” Twilight let’s out a cute little giggle “Would you say I have good taste then?” Blushing at her teasing remark towards oneself, we answer once more. “Why, yes, of course! One hasn’t had the time for such healthier food preparations, considering one sleeps throughout the day. So, this was a nice surprise.” Twilight’s smile might as well be the death of oneself. Because when she looked into ones eyes without any hesitation, one knew right away that the two of us had potential to deepen our bond and connection. . . . > Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna's perspective: Later that day, the dinner is at an end. Tia and oneself had said goodbye to Cadence and Twilight. We had wished to rush to Twilight to quickly wrap ones hooves around her, pulling into a deep hug. But oneself remained silent, as for one did not want Twilight to feel uncomfortable. Twilight is so enchanting that one fears that oneself cannot be rid of the urges to hug or even kiss her. We can't even keep ones eyes off of Twilight when around her. These feelings are certainly suffocating... Today was, surprisingly, a good day today. One would expect drama or boredoms from dinners or fancy events. But because Twilight was there, sitting beside us, it made the dinner a little bit cozy and less awkward. That is what was good about it. ~~~~ “Twilight, Seeing you yesterday was such a fulfilling experience. Yes, perhaps one was eager to have more equality time with you. But nevertheless, one hadn't laughed that much in such a long time. How do you do it? Having the ability to make ponies feel like they're on top of the world. It certainly can't be easy, can it? We are total opposites, Twilight Sparkle. Yet, we find each other in our hearts.” We write in the secondary page of ones journal, again, being covered in the moonlight that is sparkling from outside. We had just finished watching over the sleeping Ponies dreams. All was well, and all is well. No horrific nightmares to fight against. One looks at the small alarm clock that is sitting beside ones comfortable bed. it's almost time for Tia to raise the sun. One yawns, feeling restless, much like one does every night after duty. But suddenly, before we can get into bed to finally sleep, something appears lot of thin air into ones lap. It was a scroll, nearly wrapped in a crimson red silk. On top of the silk pressed down a yellow waxed stamp seal with a horseshoe in the center. "Ah, what could this be?" One says while opening the scroll with our magic. It's a letter from Twilight! One does blush in anticipation. “Dear Princess Luna, Recently I have been gifted from your sister with the strong ability of the Pegasus. Flight! I haven't made much progress with my new power or even becoming a princess. It's a scary, but fascinating, new experience! Not for me, but for everypony! My good friend, Rainbow Dash, has been trying to teach me. But, she can be a little too bold for my learning tastes. If I may ask from you, in hopes you're not busy with your nightly duties, that you would help me learn how to take control of my wings and become a better flyer! Your honorable friend, Twilight Sparkle.” We smile wildly, becoming excited by the offer. One quickly summons ones quill, along with a fresh scroll, and begins to write down: “Dear Twilight Sparkle, One may not be too busy to teach you the flight of an Alicorn. With new abilities comes great rewards, as long as you are determined enough to overcome the obstacles of learning. For you, anything is possible. And for you, one shall gladly give you knowledge of your new wings. We shall see what happens once we meet. Let us greet each other first thing after we raise the moon, then we shall have the night all to ourselves, dear Twilight. One knows of a perfect spot that'll certainly make this the best flying practice ever. Yours, Princess Luna” One’s navy blue horn lights up, sending a scroll back to Twilight that is wrapped in a dark blue silk, much like the red silk. "We have never knew she wanted to do this!" One says out loud, overflown with giddiness, like a teen pony with a school crush. "Twilight asked us to help her!" One smiles and giggles, laying back into our bed, looking up at the ceiling. . . . > Practice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna's perspective: Before the sun came up, a beautiful lavender Alicorn had asked oneself to teach her to better herself into becoming a stronger, well trained, flyer. We cannot lie, one failed to see Twilight asking oneself for help with this particular task. But one is happy from the offer. Time with Twilight Sparkle would be a godsent from the heavens, anyways. And it's not like ponies have had any doubts or nightmares recently, so spending the night out with Twilight should be a promising experience. It was time. One had just finished raising the moon after Tia had said goodnight. One's dear sister doesn't know of oneself and Twilight's night together. One believes that it is best to avoid telling her all together. We stand at the edge of the balcony at the top of the castle, high off from the ground. One boldly grins, spreading ones navy blue wings, stepping off the balcony, and slowly cruising against the cold night's wind, feeling the gentle breeze on ones body. We hope no pony saw. This isn't something that thou would be allowed to do. To sneak out without alerting Tia or any of the royal guards. But the rush of feeling freedom, no longer bounded by such a busy schedule, feels great! Once we come to flying over Ponyville, one looks around, all the ponies are asleep. All of the lights in ponyville is no more for tonight. It’s like nature was holding it’s breath. We land, gracefully, feeling the wet grass against ones hooves. "So quiet, so peaceful." One does mumble to oneself as we begin to walk to Twilight's personal library. Ones hoovesteps echoes throughout the small little village, trotting along the path one has began walking on. Once we successfully made the trip to Twilight's library, she had immediately swung the door open, almost like she was waiting for us by the door all along. "Welcome, Princess Luna!" Twilight gives us a warm greeting, making us stop and stare in the doorway. “Is there something on my face?" "Ah!" We gulp, snapping back to reality, feeling a lump in the middle of one’s throat. "Please do pardon thou's rudeness, Twilight! We was just..." One quickly looks around, finding any excuse to make Twilight believe that oneself was not just entranced by Twilight's gorgeousness. "We was just looking at all of the books in your library! Quite a remarkable collection!” One falsely smiles, trying to make it sound believable. Twilight giggles, moving aside for us to set hoove into the room. "Then I'll move out of the way so you can see my books more thoroughly!" Once we step inside, Twilight shuts the door behind her. Books, books, and more books, all neatly surrounding the walls. "I made some tea that I think you might like, Princess Luna!" "Please, just Luna." "Okay, Luna. Do you like jasmine tea?" One gives a simple nod, admiring Twilight's dorky little smile aiming towards oneself. Truthfully, one never tried jasmine tea before. Twilight begins to pour two tea cups of the tea, the aroma filling the room with the warm scent. "I figured, before we head to the area you mentioned in your letter, that we would have some tea before leaving!" We both take a seat on Twilight’s couch, facing each other. One takes a sip of the tea, pressing ones lips firmly onto the small tea cup. "Thank you, Twilight, for the tea. One usually does drink tea before ones duty in the dream realm to help with relaxation. We usually stick with green tea with sugar added in it, but one does not mind trying out new flavors every once in a while.” One does watch as Twilight happily gulps down the rest of her tea, practically soaking up the sweet, floral flavor. Twilight and oneself had chatted for a few minutes before leaving for the flight lesson. We then leave into the atmospheric, shadowy, night. one then takes a notice that Twilight is so close to oneself that she is practically bumping into us on purpose. Our wings, and our bodies, hurled up together side by side. Twilight shivers, her body shaking. Something about her pressing up against oneself as we walk, and her little shivers from the nights cold fury, is making ones stomach twist and turn like a roller coaster. “It sure is cold out here” Twilight anxiously says Grinning, one tries to reassure the new princess “Cold nights in Equestria is fairly common.” Twilights shivers, her teeth chattering. She looks up at us, our eyes meeting. “So it’s always like this?” “Seeing how you are this cold, one supposes we can help you stay warm,” covering ones left wing over Twilights back, making sure ones full wing is completely covering the slightly shorter alicorn as we continue walking. With blush running across her face, Twilight sheepishly looks away, breaking our eye contact. “Luna, how far away is the place you wanted to go to?” “It is not too far, just a little further. This mentioned area one has spoken of is where our sister and oneself learned to fly.” We look down at Twilight, giving her a playful smirk. “Did we mention it is in the Everfree Forest?” “Oh, Luna. Do you think I’m scared of the forest?” “We shall see, dear Twilight.” ~~~~ Deep in the Everfree Forest, Twilight and oneself walk up something with a high drop off. “A cliff?!” Twilight exclaims, looking down from the edge to the ground. “Why, yes, of course.” Twilight looks behind her shoulder, staring at us for a few seconds before finally speaking up. “Are you sure, Luna? This could be dangerous! A safety hazard! What if I’m not ready for this?!” Twilight flops down into the grass, frantically covering her head with her arms. We slowly approach her from behind, gently placing ones hoove onto the back of her neck, sitting to the left of her. “Twilight, please listen.” Twilight doesn’t budge, nor does she look up at us with those perfect luminous eyes. We continue speaking, stroking the back of her neck. “You mustn’t be afflicted by fear of the unknown. Find your courage, and trust your wings.” Twilight lifts her head up, looking down at the bottom of the cliff once again. “I don’t know, Luna…it’s pretty high! What if I fall?!” “Then if you fall, we shall catch you.” Twilight’s eyes light up, hope glimmering in her pupils. “I believe you” She tells us in a hushed voice We whisper back with a proud smile “Good” Twilight rises to her hooves, exuding self-assurance, now standing. She steps back, positioning herself at the center of the cliff, lightly grazing her hoof against the grass and soil, readying herself. Her focus is palpable. You can almost taste her concentration. With swift movements, Twilight extends her wings, sprinting towards the edge at full speed, soaring into the night sky with her wings flapping in a calming rhythm. “You did it!” one exclaims, feeling proud of the younger alicorn as we carefully watch her in the air. One does watch in awe as Twilight effortlessly flies through the air, her mane flowing behind her like a comet's tail. What a beautiful sight indeed! Once Twilight is finished soaring amongst the wind, she lands perfectly by us. We closely lean one’s head towards Twilight, gently whispering in her ear. “Told you” Twilight shyly blushes “I know you did” One can tell we are getting a little closer, especially after tonight. “Would you…” Twilight pauses “Yes?” “Would you like to race?” One looks at Twilight, feeling a burst of laughter fill the hollowed night. “Ah haha! Race? Like an actual race?” Twilight takes a step back, her surprise evident as she comprehends the potential impropriety of her previous suggestion to the ruler of the night. “Only if you are comfortable, princess!” "Well, one has not experienced any thrills lately… However, it seems unlikely that one will in the near future..." Pausing briefly, we gaze at the celestial expanse of the nighttime galaxy, hoping for some form of response. Twilight tilts her head in need of an answer “Princess Luna?” “Okay, Twilight. Let us race through the dead of night!” Twilight and oneself stand tall at the edge of the cliff, our bodies almost dangling over. If it is a race that dear Twilight wants, then it is a race that she shall get! “Go!” Twilight blurts out, taking on the role as the lead flyer. “Ah! Right!” One exclaims, unprepared for the sudden take off. The wind rushes past ones face as one pushes oneself to fly faster. We soar through the starlit sky, our wings beating like a drum. The moon shines brightly above us. As Twilight and oneself race through the night, one can feel the adrenaline coursing through one’s veins. The thrill of the competition fuels ones every move, pushing one to fly higher. Twilight's determination is evident in her eyes, her gaze hyper fixated ahead. We twist and turn through the night, going around obstacles that come our way. The moonlight illuminates our path, guiding us through the darkness. The sound of our large wings in unison fills the air. With every passing moment, the race becomes more intense. Twilight and oneself push to our limits, each determined to outdo the other. The night sky becomes a blur as we fly at breakneck speed, the muscles in our bodies tense. With one final burst of energy, one surges forward, overtaking Twilight in a breathtaking display of speed. One hadn't flown like this in years! It almost feels addicting to have so much adrenaline bursting through ones royal veins! “You won!” Twilight happily squeals towards oneself, with a smile of admiration on her cute face. We land back onto the cliff, taking our time to catch our breaths. "Amazing!" Twilight says, her voice filled with cheer. “You’re definitely the ruler of the night!” One does smile back at her, grateful for the exhilarating time. The night air is filled with a sense of camaraderie. “You were pretty great yourself, Twilight Sparkle. You are such a fast learner!” “No, no, no! You, Luna, you’re the pony who won! I think you should leave all the gratitude from me to you!” Sitting down onto the ground, one feels ones own body rest and relax from the effort of the race. “You’re too kind, Dear Twilight—“ Getting cut off, one feels a tight grip around one’s body, being abruptly interrupted, embracing us into her arms, accompanied by the fragrance of her perfume. The air becomes charged with an electric energy, crackling with anticipation. It's as if time itself had paused. As Twilight's ethereal touch caresses ones coat, a shiver runs down ones spine, awakening every nerve ending. The fragrance of her perfume dances. It's a delicate blend of floral notes, with hints of jasmine and rose, similar to the tea we had. Ones body relaxes, surrendering to the embrace of Twilight, knowing that in her presence, there is solace and comfort. It's a moment to cherish, a moment that will forever be etched in the depths of ones soul. In this moment, as Twilight's embrace and fragrance envelop our body, one is transported to a realm where dreams and reality intertwine. It's a moment of pure magic. Twilight reminds oneself that one is never truly alone, even after an eternity of drowning isolation. Tonight was truly fantastic… . . . > Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna’s perspective: Once, one’s ignorance was bliss. Knowing all, and knowing nothing, at the same time. There was something about relationships. Romance had made our stomach turn inside out, refusing any offer, any love proposal, from these stallions who we never even knew. All of the foolish suitors annoyed us with their lame love gimmicks, handing flowers and chocolate covered sweets to oneself, like conversing with a filly. Celestia, on the other hoof, bathed in the ‘beauty’ of gifts from the male ponies. Whatever was the appeal to the stallions? Tia always told one that one was just hard to impress, making up excuses for one’s lack of interest. One had always hated the stallions who came and go in the castle, in and out of Celestia’s sacred bed chambers during my routine of the night. Tia always thought we was stubbornly oblivious about the fact she took interest in some of the stallions. Like it or not, it’s true. One had always stood alone, filled with anger, wanting love. One has never met any pony who made one truly in love before. Until a certain pony. And recently, one has made a self discovery. The reason, all along, for one’s dead interest in male ponies, is that one prefers more feminine ponies in this world. Ponies who are mares, instead of stallions. Isn’t that completely and utterly clearly? One can’t believe it took us so many moons to figure it out. These feelings have always been buried somewhere inside oneself. With this newfound understanding, we feel a sense of liberation. No longer do we have to pretend to be interested in the advances of male ponies, no longer does one have to force oneself to fit into a mold that was never meant for us. We can now embrace our true self, our true desires. The thought of being with Twilight, of sharing our love with she who understands us, excites us in a way that we never thought possible. And as we embark on this new journey of self-discovery and acceptance, we feel a sense of peace and contentment that we have never experienced before. Love, in its truest form, knows no boundaries or limitations. And we are ready to embrace it wholeheartedly. ~~~~ Two compassionate bodies danced together in the moonlight, shadows merging together. Hooves tightly squeeze around ones soulful waist, pulling us closer. Humming moans fill the dark room, leaving nothing but hollowed breath. The two intertwined ponies conveyed their longing and desire for one another through a romantic intimacy, the bed sheet damp with arousal. Shortness of breath from ones climax remained incessantly, on and on. Thoughts of a lavender princess swallowed us whole. How she would softly whimper at our kisses down her curvy neck, how she would behave when getting her alone in a room, destined for a impactful moment between us. These thoughts, and urges, were new. One had never felt such delightful heat in ones navy blue body. As we continued to dance, our movements became more urgent and fervent, our navy and purple bodies moving in perfect harmony as we explore the depths of desires. The moonlight was a glow, highlighting the curves and contours of the two bodies as we moved together in a sensual rhythm. Our hearts beat as one, our souls entwined in a passionate embrace that transcended the physical realm. With each touch, each caress, the pony and oneself felt a deep connection that went beyond words. As we had reached the peak of their passion, our bodies trembled with ecstasy, cries of pleasure echoing through the room. In that moment, the pony and oneself were lost in each other, consumed by intensity. And as we lay entwined in each other's arms, our bodies still shaking with the aftershocks of their lovemaking, we knew that they had found something truly special in each other. A bond that would endure through space, a love that would never fade. But that was only a dream made up from ones desperate mindset. With a sudden jolt, we raise out of bed, panting from that indescribable dream. With a groan, one says "That was definitely something..." One aggressively grabs the pillow behind our heads with our hoof, hitting our face into the pillow as we slowly process the dream. . . . > Susceptibility > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna’s perspective: It was a whole week later, after Twilight and one’s flying practice, that one has not seen any of Twilight since then. Yes, a few letters that we had exchanged with the light and dark purple pony, where we talk about what happened in our days/nights. But it doesn’t feel the same as seeing our dear twilight, who is so beautiful and so strong. There is a loud roaring in our head, like a tyrant on judgment day. It was after we had raised the fluorescent moon, Tia had babbled, too quickly, on and on about a large party that is being celebrated for the first time. We had practically gagged at the idea of a social gathering, having the anxious urge to hurl oneself out of the highest window in the whole entire castle. Being around so many overly frenzied ponies made one feel faint. One does suppose that being on something we had created from our magic has made one so used to being alone that the idea of it was frightening. With an eye roll, one had said to Celestia, in an annoyed tone, “Tia, you’re very aware of our overstimulation towards such a thing. And what is worse is that you, dear sister, hosted it at night, where we would automatically have to attend.” “Oh, Luna. I think you’re just shy!” Turning our head, feeling insulted, we retort, “Ugh…One is unequivocally not this ‘shy’ word you speak of…” Tia brushes off our concerns with a dismissive hoof. She sees our reluctance as mere reservation, a character trait that can be easily overcome. “Oh, sister. Cheer up! Maybe you’ll have fun? I think you will!” “Tia…” One hisses out a groan, bothered by our sisters spirited attitude. Our sister never even consider questioning oneself, who is the queen of the night, the embodiment of the everlasting night, if it was okay if I could be off for the night to go to this foolish party! And what did ones dear sister mean about our ‘shy’ behavior?! Ones blood is on fire, boiling! We wish sister would listen to what we want! We groan in frustration, feeling offended by sister's lack of understanding! She never even bothered to ask if it was acceptable for! Tia had said, with a bright and cheery smile, “I just want to help you get out there, make new friends! You need to be active, Luna.” “It won’t help, nothing will help!” Our reply, rude Tia looked shocked at our outburst, panic filling the castle walls. “Luna, what are you saying?” “We have been banished to the moon for 1,000 years!” We shout, anxiety increases with each word that escapes from our grasps. It just came out. Whatever were we thinking? “Celestia, you know this already! The very idea of mingling with others, engaging in mindless small talk and forced pleasantries, is enough to make us cry! How can she expect us to partake in such frivolous festivities? The pressure from being free from the chained shackles from the moon, the horrors of a new era of this world! Everything! It has made oneself feel out of place with every pony! We cannot be like you!” Sister snaps at us, sending shivers down one’s spine. “Luna, I am trying my best too! And you didn’t seem so upset when you snuck out one night last week, did you?!” If you aren’t the most social pony, then what were you doing flying to ponyville?!” “We were doing something private! That is something that does not involve you!” “Since when did you make a friend?!” One does scoff “You are saying oneself cannot form a bond?!” “Not with an attitude like that, no!” “Do not act like mother, just because you are older than us! And don’t act like you’re smarter because we are not caught up with time! Stop becoming over protective!” Then breaks Tia. Tia falls completely silent, after the mention of our parent. She takes a few step back, completely shocked by our heartbreaking words. “Now, if you’ll excuse us!” We turn around, so fast you can barely watch without getting a headache, heading straight to one’s room with smoking coming out of one’s ears. Salty ocean tasting tears swell up in one’s deep blue-green eyes, making it difficult to see. We find solace in the darknesses gentleness, a reminder of the tranquility that still exists amidst the chaos. As we navigate through the shadows, we cling to the hope that someday, Tia will come to see things from our point of view. Until then, we continue to forge our own path, guided by the light of the moon and the strength of our convictions. The journey may be difficult, but we are determined to persevere, knowing that our unique perspective is a gift that should not be overlooked. It is true, one has found it uneasy to adjust to such modern world. But It’s been 1,000, of course it has! Tia doesn’t understand our way of thinking, nor does she appreciate it. The moon is the only light we know… . . . > Mother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna’s perspective: It was clear who the favorite was, leaving one out to be painted as the villain everywhere we had went. Tia was always the center of attention. Over the years, waiting for something to change, one had enough of the torment while they all basked in her precious glory. Not only with our subjects, but with our parents, Tia was the favorite. Our parents adored her, like a trophy from a contest. One was scarlet with rage, envy overtaking us. One’s anger, heat. One’s sadness, a river. The topic of our parents was such a crucial matter. Especially our mother, who made sure that one did know her disgusting feelings towards oneself. Nothing about our mothers treatment towards us was never considered ‘good parenting’ by any means. Sadness is a drug. It takes you away from reality, making you see it in a new way. And mother made sure to introduce us to that drug. One was caught in an ocean of fear, the aggressive waves, being a gust of abuse that crashed against me. How did mother expect one to never fight back? As a filly, one would kick and scream and frail around when getting close to anyone, especially the Mother Mary she demon! That mare, one has never trusted. Mother had always favored Celestia over oneself. She also took her stress on me, in secret, when no pony was around. One understood her role as Equestria’s then ruler. But did it really mean she had to take her emotions out on her younger filly? Happiness is always shallow; sadness, always deep. Wherever was the room to smile at? We longed for a sense of belonging, a feeling of being loved and appreciated for who we were. The favoritism that Tia received only served to deepen the divide between us, creating a rift that seemed impossible to bridge. We yearned for a sense of equality, for a chance to shine in our own right, without constantly being overshadowed by Tia's radiance. Despite the challenges we faced, we knew that we had to find a way to break free from the chains of favoritism and abuse that bound us. We needed to find our own voice, to stand up for ourselves and demand the respect that we deserved. We needed to find the strength within ourselves to overcome the darkness that threatened to consume us. After all these eternal years, we can still recall the screams of our mothers voice. Her broken, pathetic, wining about how one cannot do anything correctly. The memories broke us into sobs. How could some pony be so cold to their filly? Being around that monster me one feel insecure, as if nothing we done was ever truly worth it. Ones jealousy towards our dear sister remains constant, in control of ones mind, terrorizing and destroying our relationship. Ones envy to be like our dear sister, in the spotlight, loved and adored by many out there. At least, that was how Nightmare Moon was formed. She is our hate, our rage, our self loathing. . . . > Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna’s perspective: After many hours of hiding away in our dark room, a small sticky note that is stuck to many other notes slowly glides under the slit of the door underneath. Ones ears perk up, our attention caught by the sudden object. Leaping off of our bed from laying down, we proceed to look down at the note, reading word from word; “My little sister, Luna, was it Twilight who you saw? Then a fluffy blue quill slides under the door, it rolls on the floor past one. Letting out a deep, long, sigh, we write; “ That may be possible. Please stop asking, Tia” One slides the notepad back under the doorway. ”You can tell me, Luna. I’m your big sister, we can talk to each other. We pass the notepad back and forth under the door ”Fine, if we are being completely honest. One feels a great deal of affection towards your faithful student. Our connection has deepened, making our thoughts about the pony unavoidable. Is this what love feels like? Once we slid the notepad back under, seconds and minutes pass. All one can hear is the faint softness of Tia’s breathing behind the door. But after moments of waiting, the sound of hoofs slowly walk away from the door. Tia doesn’t like what I told her… “Oh no…” We can feel the weight of her disappointment in our words, the heaviness of it settling in the air between us. We never meant to cause her any discomfort, but the truth had to be spoken. The bond Twilight and oneself share is undeniable, but is it truly love? Or is it simply a deep connection forged through shared experiences and mutual respect? As I sit in silence on the floor, contemplating the implications of my confession, I can't help but feel a sense of regret creeping in. We knew we should have shut our mouths, before it was too late… While my words may have caused temporary discomfort, they also have the potential to deepen Tia and one’s understanding of each other. Perhaps this moment of vulnerability will strengthen our bond, rather than weaken it. And perhaps things will go back to normal in a few days. Tonight wasn’t going as one thought it would… ~~~~ It is now the night of the party. We have a bad feeling about this. We can painfully feel our eyes sting from lack of sleep. Ones fight with Tia took our energy out of us, leaving us only with self hate and disgust for oneself and how one feels. And now, with tension between Tia and oneself, we have to be out there in a crowd of happy ponies. We had the most difficult sleep in our life, overthinking and becoming paranoid throughout our slumber about the party and Tia’s fear about our own feelings for Twilight. The deafening roar in our mind grows louder, drowning out the sounds of the festivities below. It is as if the weight of the world rests upon our shoulders, the burden of being the queen of the night. Stepping out of one’s shadow-filled room, our anxiety intensifies. The castle is adorned with vibrant decorations, the air filled with the sound of laughter and merriment downstairs. It is a stark contrast to the serene atmosphere we have always cherished. With a heavy sigh, we reluctantly make our way towards the festivities. The presence of the hyperactive ponies still makes us feel dizzy, but we try to push past our discomfort. As we step into the crowd, we force a smile upon our face, determined to make the best of this situation, regardless of our nervousness. Suddenly, letting out a gasp of relief, and also surprise, we see our beloved Twilight with her friends, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash! Finally, some pony we know! Walking further into the room filled with balloons and decorations and cake, Twilight and oneself make eye contact from across the room. Twilight smiles, running up to one. "Luna!" Twilight clashes into us, hugging us so tightly that we can't see straight. In the background, Two cotton candy colored ponies can we seem laughing and giggling their heads off at Twilight's burst of energy towards us. "Twilight, it is so good to see you!" One says, feeling the weight on our shoulders let loose a little. Twilight lets go of oneself, although, one would prefer to be pressed together once again. "How have you been?" Twilight asks "I'm so sorry we haven't seen each other in a week, I've been so busy with a friendship job that I haven't found time to do other things!" "No worries, Twilight. One has been okay, just busy with my tasks as well, ruling the night, protecting the ponies in their dreams." One does smile, trying to hide ones fear of being too social. ''Why don't we catch up with your friends over there?'' One asks the gorgeous purple mare, pointing a hoof towards the pastel ponies. "Okay!" Twilight exclaims. She and oneself walk to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, they speak in a loud mannered voice, practically shouting. But one does suppose that they're just excited about the party. "Greetings, ponies. Are you all having fun?'' "AAAHHH! NIGHTMARE MOON!'' Pinkie Pie screams in ones face before running away in false terror. "Pinkie! She's a changed pony!" Twilight tries to defend us, but her words fall on deaf ears as Pinkie Pie continues to run away. As Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and I observe the pink pony disappear into another room, away from the ongoing party, Rainbow Dash takes it upon herself to check on Pinkie Pie. She swiftly flies off into the room where Pinkie had sought refuge. In the distance, there stands Tia. Her regal and royal essence practically bouncing off the walls of the castle for all the ponies to witness. Tia stands tall, attempting not to make it so obvious that she is watching every move that we make. We let out a sigh, tears streaming down our face. Doubts begin to creep in, and we express our regret to Twilight, questioning the wisdom of attending this gathering. "We are apologetic, Twilight. We never meant to scare any pony..." Twilight shakes her purple head and, using her magic, hands us a neon red plastic cup filled with grape juice. She reassures us by saying "I'm glad you came, Luna!" We reflect on the fact that while Nightmare Moon may be a thing of the past, the fear and apprehension from other ponies still linger. However, Twilight counters this notion. "Even if it were true," she places her hoof around ours "Twilight..." "You shouldn't concern yourself with what others think. Just be true to yourself, Luna! I will always support you." One does feel a surge of gratitude towards Twilight for her unwavering support and understanding. Her words resonate deeply within us, reminding us of the importance of staying true to ourselves, even in the face of doubt. As we take a sip of the grape juice, its sweet and comforting taste fills our senses, providing a momentary respite from the chaos and uncertainty of the party. One does find solace in Twilight's presence, knowing that we have a friend who will always stand by our side. With renewed determination, one wipes away ones tears and decide to follow Rainbow Dash into the room where Pinkie Pie had fled. As we enter, we find Rainbow Dash comforting Pinkie, who is still visibly shaken by her outburst. We approach the pony cautiously, offering a gentle smile. "Pinkie pie, one shall not hurt you. One is no longer the mare in the moon. We are Luna once again, forever changed." We explain that we understand her fear and that it is okay to be scared sometimes. We share our own experiences of overcoming fear and finding strength within ourselves. Pinkie's eyes widen with surprise and gratitude, and she slowly begins to calm down. "Yeah! You tell her, Luna!" Rainbow Dash pumps her hoof and encourages oneself. "Let's go back to partying" Twilight says to the three of us. We spend the rest of the evening together, talking and laughing, creating a safe space where Pinkie can express her emotions without judgment. As the night draws to a close, we realize that attending the gathering was not a mistake after all. It provided an opportunity for growth, understanding, and the strengthening of friendships. We feel a sense of pride in ourselves for facing our doubts head-on and for being there for Pinkie when she needed us the most. Walking towards Twilight is, where she is neatly placing carrots and chopped up potatoes onto a dinning plate, we approach her. "Twilight" Twilight turns to face us, "Luna! How are you feeling?" "Gladly better! One just wanted to thank you for your unwavering support and guidance. We realize that true friendship is not about pretending to be someone we're not, but rather about embracing our true selves and supporting each other through the ups and downs of life" Twilight smiles with happy tears in her eyes while munching on a carrot. "You're the strongest pony I have ever met, Luna. I'm so happy I can help you in any way that I can!” And as the night unfolds, one finds ourselves slowly letting go of our reservations. One does engage in conversations, share laughter, and even dance under the moonlit sky. The deafening roar in our mind begins to fade, replaced by the joyous cacophony of the celebration. Once the grand celebration is over, Twilight and oneself find each other alone outside of the castle. "Phew! That was a lot of fun. But I think I ate too much cake!" Twilight cutely giggles "Too many sweets lead to irreversible headaches for oneself." "You don't have a sweet tooth?" "Well, no, not really. But Tia certainly does!" Twilight and oneself laugh at the idea of Celestia stuffing herself with too much cake and sweets and candy, icing all over her face and coat. One had never knew Twilight would laugh at such a thing, especially towards her old mentor/teacher. One would think Twilight would gasp, offended by the playful, yet crude, joke. "The moon is so beautiful" Twilight adds, finished laughing "Did you make it yourself?" "Hmm, yes, we did. It was when we were a filly." With a look at ones own crescent moon cutie mark, we say, "That was the night one had received our cutie mark." Looking back at Twilight, the Alicorn pony seems in awe. We explain further, "After summoning all ones magical abilities to craft the moon, one had to learn how to raise it." "How intriguing! Did you also create the stars?" Twilight inquires. "Yes, indeed. The moon, stars, everything. Tia only made the clouds and the sun, one made the whole galaxy." Twilight's eyes widen in awe as she takes in the magnitude of my powers “That's so incredible! To think that you have control over such vast celestial bodies!” One nods, a sense of pride swelling within oneself “It is a responsibility one has carried since we were young. Creating and maintaining the balance of the night sky is a duty we take seriously." Twilight's curiosity continues to pique as she asks, “But why did you choose the moon and the night? What drew you to them?" We pause for a moment, reflecting on the past "The night has always held a certain allure for me. Its quiet serenity, the way it allows for introspection and reflection. It is a time when dreams are born and secrets are whispered. We very much wanted to capture that essence and share it with the world." Twilight's eyes sparkle with understanding “So, the moon and the stars are not just celestial bodies to you. They represent something deeper, something magical." We smile, appreciating Twilight’s insight “"Exactly. They are symbols of hope, mystery, and the beauty that can be found in the darkness. They remind ponies that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.” As we stand there, bathed in the soft glow of the moon, a sense of tranquility washes over us. The grand celebration may have ended, but in this moment, Twilight and I find solace in each other's company and the beauty of the night sky. "I'm grateful to have witnessed your creation, Luna.” Twilight says softly, breaking the silence. "It's a reminder of the incredible magic that exists in Equestria." We grin softly, feeling a sense of connection with each other. "It’s nice to have shared this moment with you, Dear Twilight. It's not often that I find someone who truly understands the significance of the night." We continue to gaze at the moon, its gentle glow casting a peaceful aura around us. In this moment, Twilight and I find solace and a deeper appreciation for the magic that surrounds us. And as the night stretches on, we know that we are not alone, for the moon and the stars are always there, watching over us. Suddenly, the softest touch on ones right hoof remains still. Looking down, we can clearly see the purple alicorns hoof resting on top of ours. Crimson blush sways like the tide against one’s embarrassed face, feeling heat rising in one’s navy shoulders. The cute lavender pony nuzzles her face into my neck, the both of us taking in the pleasure of being so close together. What a beautiful pony Twilight is. Her progress she has made, her tasks she has faced. She had been graced with her new wings, like the pegasi. One does believe that we admire the alicorn. A delicate tenderness, akin to a feather, emerges, bestowing a fresh sensation upon one's lips that have been thoroughly examined. One quivers and shivers as a tingling sensation engulfs and submerges ones entire body. It’s impact was profound. The touch of those soft lips left an indelible mark on ones soul, awakening a dormant passion that had long been suppressed. As the kiss dissipated into the ether, a bittersweet longing filled the air. It was as if she had whispered promises of love and desire, only to retreat into the shadows, leaving me yearning for more. The taste of that ephemeral kiss lingered on my lips, a tantalizing reminder of the enchantment that had transpired. The delicate tenderness of that kiss had exposed the depths of ones emotions, leaving me raw and exposed. It was as if the twilight had peeled back the layers of my heart, revealing the hidden desires and vulnerabilities that lay within. The tingling sensation that had engulfed my body awakened all of one’s nerves. It was a reminder of the power of connection, of the ability of a single touch to ignite a fire within. “Ahh I’m so sorry!” Twilight apologies, quickly taking a step backwards, breaking the sweet kiss off between us. “Wh-What?” One does ask Twilight, wishing she hadn’t stopped. “I had caught up in the moment!” The purple alicorn frantically looks away while explaining, both of our heart beats racing from the adrenaline rush of the quick and fleeting kiss. Twilight’s words hang in the air, leaving a sense of unease between us. The confusion on one’s own face slowly transforms into a mix of pain and heartache. Was this kiss all a mistake to Twilight? “Impulses!” Twilight says, way too loudly. “What?” Our voice shakes, feeling hurt by what is taking place. “I was acting on my impulses! I’m really, truly, sorry Luna! Maybe I should just leave you alone…” And just like that, Twilight leaves us here, standing outside on the stairs of the castle. We never wanted her to stop, or to leave… Was it ACTUALLY a mistake on Twilight’s end? Her impulse? . . .