What Brensle does in DemiQuestria off page

by WiltedBloom2013

First published

A look into the life of Brensle... while he is off camera.

When one world is made. Alternates exist. One happens to be the world of DemiQuestria. Where a Princess named DemiCelestia moves the Sun and Moon. A certain Plusle comes and goes in this world and yet... what does he do when not with the others of the Mane, or well, Demi 6? Is he lazing about or is he actually going to go do something about the rising issues he may have unintentionally created?

Pre chapter 1-during chapter 4

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A plusle with purple instead of red and a divided sign in place of one of the pluses looks at a screen with a message from a old friend of his.

Greetings Brensle, it has been awhile. See I need help getting my top star pupil to make friends and I was wondering if you could help me. You'll meet her outside the castle. Signed, princess DemiCelestia.

A message from her of all ponies in that universe brings up... bad memories...

Brensle walked near a castle in a pony world. It'd been 20 years since he'd been a human drawing comics at his desk and he finally had a break to roam about. Then he heard something... the sounds of fighting.

He ran towards the castle's throne room where he saw the princesses in the room, the Celestia watching as the Luna turned into this universe's version of Nightmare Moon... as the moon turned bloody red.

He had decided to dub this version of Nightmare Moon as Bloody Moon. Brensle summoned his sword and started to run, ready to weaken Bloody Moon to put an end to her, at least tempterarily. The Celestia was confused by the rodentine creature ready to fight with a motherfucking weapon but she also knew she had... bigger fish to fry.

Brensle jumped as Bloody Moon ran to the side, avoiding his attack, while the Celestia went and grabbed the elements of harmony. Brensle attacked again and again while Bloody Moon kept dodging and even occusionally striking back in a counterattack.

The Celestia returned, elements in tow, as she started powering a beam to banish Bloody Moon away. Brensle approached and lent her some help, only intending to speed up the beam's charging but... his magic pen also powered up the beam itself...

When the beam fired, Bloody Moon, and by extention the Luna, were caught in the radius and... her screams of pure pain were not pretty... when the beam ended all that was left of the Luna was... ashes...

Brensle walked with DemiCelestia, the same Celestia he helped, knowing... he just helped murder an innocent pony... DemiCelestia used her magic to erase of records of the Luna, named DemiLuna, and said this, "Thou thank thee for the work thy hast given." Brensle understood what she said as he nodded and replied with," Oh it was nothing, just... me being me," however Brensle didn't notice it but... something was happening with his pen... it was weakening in this world...

He grabbed his pen, knowing the events of 20 years ago(for him), and drew up a portal leading right to...


Brensle stepped into Canterlot noticing the large amount of guards around the place, Man someone's being protective, he thought to himself as he watched by the door.

Moments later.

A pony, a unicorn to be specific, with her baby dragon on her back. "I swear you are so-" She said as Brensle interrupted with "Hey! What's your name? My name is Brensle!!" Before the unicorn screamed in fear, lifted a whole tree in her magic(somehow), and crushed him with it.

In DemiRarity's house/Boutiqe.

Brensle, who was finished playing with the make-up, looked towards the entrance where DemiRarity and DemiPie(As Brensle discerned her name from the others) who said that, and he quotes, "DemiTwi has invited you over even saying that she has the new DemiStation 4!" Which prompted DemiRarity(He'll mentally call her DemiRares) to get starry eyed at that, seems DemiRares is a bit of a gamer, Brensle could grow to like her. Though... Brensle couldn't shake the odd feeling he has, the feeling that his restful adventure where he got slammed by a tree and crushed by a two-story house... okay maybe it wasn't as restful as he expected.

Wait... he just realized... the Pinkie of the universe is saying the Twilight invited them all over for a party... oh no... but... who's going to attack?! Bloody Moon is dead so not her... he needs to solve this mystery! Brensle runs past DemiRares and DemiPie, worry clear in his eyes.

Brensle ran until he heard the scream of a pony.


He ran towards the scream and found... two of the same pony? Only difference between them was that the obviously fake one had blood dripping from their eyes and their yellow teeth had blood stained on it. Brensle put his paw out and summoned his sword ready to fight, he grabbed his pen and tried to generate a rope with it... only for it to do nothing? "What in Arceus's name? Why is my pen breaking right now? Ugh, nevermind, I have to fight this clearly a changeling!" Brensle stated as he ran and stabbed right through the changeling's head, taking it's whole ass brain out. He looked at the pony who, first gave him a hug for saving them, and proceeded to run away. "All in a day's work..." Brensle said as he started running again... he needed to find the elements and fast.

Brensle was deep in the Everfree, he knew he couldn't find the Element of Magic himself... he needed DemiTwi and her new friends... luckily he knew someone who could help him. He first wrote a letter to DemiTwi.

DemiTwi! It is me! Brensle! Me and the princess need your help. Something is wrong! We do not have much time! Come to Canterlot! Fast! We need you!! Be careful of who you trust!

After he wrote that, he sent it away before writing a letter to DemiCelestia.

DemiCelestia, it's me, I need to tell you that I've sent a letter to DemiTwi to go to Canterlot. Unforunately I am not heading there... I will await DemiTwi and them at the old castle. Your old castle. That is where the elements are. Just trust what I say, if push comes to shove and you can't win, send DemiTwi and her friends to the castle to find the elements. Signed with love and hope, Brensle.

He sent the letter off to DemiCelestia as he turned to the direction of the old castle... he continues towards it.

During Chapter 5-during Chapter 8

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Brensle had finally found the castle, his next step was to keep the elements safe and out of the queen's hooves. He thought the lack of changelings throughout the forest was a good sign even commenting, "Man, the Chrysalis counterpart seems quiet similiar to Nightmare in terms of decision making... probably because she didn't account on a interdimensional Pokémon to stand in her way... hehehe." Of course he hadn't accounted for the queen to be heading right to his location at this moment.

Around 15 minutes later...

Brensle was watching, making sure no changeling was entering the building when he heard the sounds of hooves... no... not just any hooves... when he heard the sound of the queen's hooves. She was nearby.

Brensle gripped his sword well as the queen charged at him, he blocked it and jumped to the side, "Well, now I finally get to see the queen of these pathetic bugs, eh?" He remarked as the queen got her bearings.

"Well, well, I get to see... whatever you are... regardless you pose no threat to me or my plan," she said without even a hint of fear... Brensle knew that around now DemiTwi and her friends are working towards getting to the castle... and smirked. He doesn't lose easy.

An one sided battle later...

"How... could they be so strong?" Brensle said while panting.

"You foolish plusle can't stop me. Soon... every pony will be bowing down to me! Then... one by one. All killed! Oh! What a surprise! A group of ponies and two dragons huh?" The queen says looking at DemuTwi and friends... Brensle forced to watch as he had lost after what felt like eons... but he knew it wasn't over.

Brensle knew that even if the queen beat the Mane 6 of this world and even if she destroyed those little gems that are the elements... it was the friendship that these ponies made between themselves.

As the queen broke the elements, everyone was shocked... everyone except Brensle. DemiTwi looked hopeless... "It's over... I failed..." she said... but Brensle crawled over to her... and said the following statement, "No, you can not give up. You do not need those rocks. The elements are not destroyed. The spirits of the elements are not in the rocks but here in your friends," which gave DemiTwi a burst of new hope and bravery.

Brensle watched as the scene unfolded, DemiTwi and friends got their elements and Brensle had a bit of a celebration...

Brensle was up in a room the princess had made for him in the castle. Sunrise and him had spent some extra time at the old castle where the... ahem... unforunate demise of the Luna was... he was writing a log book of everything he encountered that was... different compared to other pony worlds.

"No mentions of Sunrise's sister for... obvious reasons I will refuse to say aloud," he said as he wrote the same line in the log book. He put the pencil down as he looked at an image of the original Mane 6... "sigh It sucks that very few people, or... well... ponies, in this world know about you 6 considering you six bore the first Elements of Harmony... but maybe it's for the best. No pony needs to know about the multiverse as extensively as I do... I mean... I am an immortal Plusle who's job is literally god slaying across the damn multiverse..." he said aloud while looking at the image...

"Now I need to summerize the bad happenstance that happened. So, first we had the changelings replace the 'Nightmare Moon' incident but it still worked to test the element bearers' friendship and harmony traits, the elements of harmony still came into effect after the queen broke the elements even if I had to... interfere a bit. And in the end, DemiTwi and friends still saved the day with minimal help from outside sources. But this now begs the question: what about king Sombra? Will he be replaced by his counterpart or not?" He asked himself before he finally hopped back into the bed(which was really fine) and went to sleep.

Brensle had spent several days helping ponies out after the changeling incident, allowing many ponies to get to know(and love) him... but then he recieved an emergent message from Manafetus so when he was alone he answered.

"What is it honey?" Brensle said looking at the hologram of Manafetus who had a serious face on.

"Well B-sle, you better hope you are needed here in this Equestria for a while because another one has aaked for your help in dealing with a demon named Wilter. Supposedly this demon has possessed a filly but there has been no evidence for that statement," Manafetus said getting a serious face from Brensle in return.

"So an easy job for once?"

"Easy compared to our usual, yeah. You should be able to do this by yourself, me and the others have something else we need to deal with."

"Alright, I'll tell you everything after I finish because after I beat the demon I'll need to rest a bit and let me tell you, this Equestria is probably my best bet but I need to spend some time with you again," Brensle said as Manafetus smiled like she was saying that it wasn't a problem if Brensle went back to DemiQuestria.

Brensle turned the communicator off and draw a portal before jumping in.

When Brensle finally stopped seeing the gradient of traveling through dimensions, he saw he was near the Everfree with Applejack pacing around the entrance. Brensle immediately ran into the Everfree finding an unnessessary amount of wilted plantlife and timberwolf bodies... wait... timberwolf bodies? Aren't timberwolves impossible to kill?

Oh well... as Brensle went deep into the Everfree he eventually found a huge pile of timberwolf bodies(as well of 4 specific fillies) and in the center of it all... Apple Bloom... except her bow was a bloody red with several tears in it, "Oh howdy there, what are ya doing here?" She asked as Brensle shook his head...

This... wasn't right. That filly has an emence amount of Demon Energy... that isn't a filly... that must be Wilter! Brensle thought as he summoned his sword gaining a "look of surprise" from the demon possessed filly, "I know who you are, you aren't Apple Bloom, you are Wilter, a demon for me to fight," he said as the demon laughed it off, pretending it wasn't just called out. That didn't deter Brensle though, he started gathering light at the end of his paw before shooting it at the demon possessed filly causing it to reveal its real form.

It had a much more washed out color pallet than Apple Bloom while keeping the red bow. Wilter's eyes have this ominess black selcra while their pupils and eyes in general were nothing more than glowing red pupils. "Well well, so you know so much do you? Well, I'm not willing to let a prey get away... you may call me Wilter or Apple Bloom.EXE if you may even if it's just a tinsy bit of good manners," it said as it got ready to battle... the fight didn't even last one second.

It wasn't even a moment after that that Brensle found himself inside... Rarity's boutique with Sweetie Belle whistling in front of him, "Sweetie Belle?" He said cautiously as he approached the clearly dead yet somehow alive filly. As Brensle approached, Sweetie Belle's mane went from pink and purple to grim grays and her horn revealed itself to be snapped and bleeding... and Sweetie's eye... they were gouged clean out. Brensle watched as Sweetie Soul(as he called her) started charging her magic to fire a beam at him, her expressionless face giving Brensle a sense of actual dread he hasn't felt in 35 years... or was it 30 years? Eh, he lost track.

Brensle dodged almost every beam fired at him(a cheap shot got him) and soon he was out of the illusion boutique in front of Wilter who had made the sky turn into a bunch of static, "WHY AREN'T YOU DEAD YET?!" Wilter said, their crystalized bow shining in the non-existance light. Brensle chuckled as Wilter teleported Brensle again, this time Brensle stared directly at an undead Scootaloo whose wings have been ripped off and made into sharp bony weapons of flight. Scootaloo, like Sweetie, had her eyes gouged out and her expression was null, though Scootaloo mainly tries to kill Brensle through dashing towards him with her wings out... man, Wilter really is a stupid demon aren't they?

Brensle jumped over a flying Scootaloo and watched as Wilter appeared again in front of him, "Man, you don't give up, do you?" he said to Wilter who looked more irritated than last time, "ARGH! YOU ARE ANNOYING ME TO HELL YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Wilter said screaming aloud but yet again this exchange didn't really last that long before Brensle was looking at both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who were connected by stitches on one of their forehooves each! Both were also missing one eye while Diamond Tiara's white streak is blood red now and Silver Spoon's glasses were broken in half.

They attempted to kill Brensle by crushing... they didn't even get to touch him once. Next Brensle looked at Wilter now surrounded by all of the souls(the undead ponies) willing to assist them. Applejack came to Brensle's aid though and bucked Sweetie Soul away while saying, "What in tarnations?!"

The following moments were basically just Brensle and Applejack undoing the murders Wilter had caused but before Brensle could finish the job, Wilter ran into the Space-Time Rift, Brensle chased after them but not long after the chase started... Brensle felt himself being glitched out of the Space-Time Rift... Wilter still running and soon... Brensle was gone. Wilter sighed in relief, "Finally... now, where to go?"

It was early in the morning, most of DemiQuestria was asleep and he was busy thinking about why Wilter was here in this world and where in Arceus' name they went because he searched all of DemiVille and Canterlot not finding them. Brensle had thought about that day... the baking... Comet! Right, he knew Comet had something to eventually do with Wilter but what was it!?

Brensle wrote the information down in the log book before looking out a window with princess Sunrise, just in time to see a Sonic Rainboom. He watched the scene with a smile.

"Well... That's a happy ending!" Brensle said to Sunrise who simply giggled. "It sure is Brensle. My student did not only find the magic of friendship. But the magic of love." She said to him and Brensle looked in his log book... Wilter would be dealt with but... it isn't Brensle's biggest concern.