The Muneris Pony

by Music Brush

First published

A new breed of pegasi comes to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration.

A new breed of pegasi has just arrived at Ponyvill with her griffon friend. What starts as a simple visit for one of the most popular celebrations in Equestria, the Summer Sun Celebration turns into the beginnings of a new life for young Night Wing, the Muneris Pegasus.

Chapter I: New Arrival

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The train screeched to a halt at the Ponyville train station just in time. The doors slide open and more ponies begin pouring out than in. Amongst the group of ponies exiting the train, a tall, black pegasus mare with long white hair trotted out with a confident smile on her face. Her grey eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she looked around with a mix of curiosity behind joy.

"So, this is Ponyville in Equestria, huh?" She asked with a relatively deep yet friendly voice.

"Yeah, this is the place," a female griffon with a raspy voice says as she exits the train as she pulled a wheel case behind her. Black fur covered her lion half while her eagle head shined white in the sunlight. "I've heard the griffons think it's lame." She stops next to the pegasus. "What does 'lame' even mean anyway, Night Wing?" She asked as she looked at the mare.

"I think it's something along the lines of 'boring' or something like that," Night answered with a shrug of her shoulders. "Though I don't understand how anyone could think this place is boring. I mean, look at all the happy ponies trotting around, Cora!" Night exclaimed as she gestured to all the colorful ponies in the station.

Even though the train station was simple and open air, it was filled with earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi alike. All of them with smiles on their faces as they greet their families and friends arriving or the few departing.

Neither Night Wing nor Cora spent any time in Ponyville, let alone Equestria. Night Wing was not born in this country. She was born on a small island just outside of the Equestrian border. Though she resembled a pegasus mare from Equestria, two distinct differences separated her from the Equestrian ponies. The first was the blue gem dawned on her forehead. The second was -

"Hey, mom! Look!" a young voice called out. Night looked over to find a filly earth pony pointing a hoof her way with excitement as a mare followed her hoof in curiosity. "That pegasus has no cutie mark!" The older mare took a double-take.

"Cutie mark?" Night Wing asked as she glanced at her form to see if something was wrong. Then she realized something. She glanced at her flanks before looking around at the other ponies around her. Most of the ponies, especially the older ones had different images on their flanks.

"That's odd," some ponies said aloud. "She's a mare. Where's her cutie mark?" others queried. "Don't stare," some parents told their foals.

Cora showed signs of discomfort at all the eyes staring at them. She could not help but notice that if it was not Night's lack of a 'cutie mark' the ponies kept staring at her.

"Is that a griffon?" some ponies queried to each other. "I've never seen a creature like that before," others observed.

"What's about a 'cutie mark'?" Cora asked as she looked around. "And why do they keep staring at me?"

"That's right!" Night exclaimed. "Equestrian ponies have special marks on their butts." Night looked at Cora. "And I assume griffons are rare in this part of the country."

"Well, the part about me makes sense," Cora observed as she glanced at Night's hindquarters. "But, why don't you have one of those 'cutie mark' things?"

"Maybe because Muneris aren't like Equestrians," Night observed as she started walking off. "After all, I am from a different country."

"An island is hardly worth calling a country," Cora observed as she followed Night with the case firmly in her claw.

"We still are independent from Equestria," Night explained with a smile.

"So, why are we here again?" Cora asked. "If we're independent, why come here at all?"

"To learn," Night answered. "The president would like to form a relationship with Equestria someday, and it'll help to have some residents learn everything we can." Night stopped to look at Cora with a smile. "Besides, with griffons being native to Equestria, this'll be like a return home to you."

"It's not a 'return home' if you've never been here before," Cora sighed. "You found me as an egg, remember?"

"Oh, right," Night observed as she scratched her chin with her right forehoof. "I wonder how a griffon egg managed to get all the way out there in the first place."

It was a complete mystery how Cora's egg got so far from Equestria. Night Wing found the gold nugget as a filly when she was outside playing in the sands on the beach. Gold had no real value in her homeland, but she kept it anyway. That is, until it hatched. Ever since then, Night Wing cared for Cora until they both reached adulthood. The two could not be separated and remain close friends to this day. So when Night Wing was assigned to visit Equestria, Cora jumped at the opportunity to join her friend.

"Anyway," Night said as she shook her head. "We came here to learn about this 'Summer Sun Celebration' so, let's get to it!"

Just as they left the train station, an expensive gold carriage pulled by two white stallion pegasi landed. A lavender unicorn mare hopped out with a purple and green baby dragon on her back. The mare politely thanked the stallions who pulled the carriage before trotting off.

"Wow!" Cora exclaimed. "She must be one important pony!" she observed with an excited smile. "Hey! Where are you going?!" Cora called to Night who trotted up to the stallions.

"Excuse me, sirs," Night called out as she approached. They looked at her with narrow brows. "Forgive me, but who was that mare you just dropped off?" she politely asked with a friendly smile. The stallions looked at her, taking note of her blank flanks with raised brows before snorting.

"That was Twilight Sparkle," one answered. "Princess Celestia's personal protege."

"She's here to make sure preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration are in order," the other added.

Night glanced at Twilight's direction with an excited smile. "Wow! The Princess' protege!" she exclaimed as Cora walked up.

"Night Wing, vex'gnai jura, what were you thinking?!" Cora protested.

Night shot Cora a sharp glair. "Watch your language, Cora!"

Cora always had a tough time holding her tongue in times of stress, so she took to using the Arish language, the primary language of the Muneris, whenever she cursed. Night Wing never liked it when Cora cursed in any language. Even if no one understood what Cora said, Night Wing did know the words, and she always voiced her displeasure.

"Sorry, but those guys look serious," Cora observed the stallions. "One wrong move and you could be pony food!" she whispered in protest.

"You know equines are vegetarians, right?" Night countered.

"You know what I mean!" Cora snarled.

Night rolled her eyes before smiling at the stallions. "Thank you," she said with a respectful bow of her head. The stallions inclined their heads before they turned to take off. "Well, if we could meet that Twilight Sparkle, I'm sure we could learn a lot about Equestria! The president will be so happy!" Night beamed in anticipation while Cora rolled her eyes with a smile.

"You're incredible, you know that?" Cora asked with a chuckle. Cora always took pleasure in Night's joyful demeanor and positive attitude.

"I guess it's why you stick around," Night observed as she rubbed the back of her hoof against her chest with a confident smile. Cora took Night in her claws and gave her a noogie, earning a fit of laughter from her equine friend. "Oh, stop it, Cora!" Night protested. After a few seconds, Cora relented and let Night go with a smile. Night straightened her mane with her foreleg and a smile. "Now, we need a place to stay for the night. Any place catching your eye?"

"I don't see anyplace," Cora observed as she looked left and right. "Just a bunch of small houses."

Suddenly, a streak of pink flashed passed them, causing a gust of wind to woosh past them and making their hair and feathers puff up. They stood there in shock for a few seconds before looking at each other.

"What the jura was that?" Cora asked as the gem on Night's forehead flashed blue and a comb appeared in front of her and landed in her hoof.

"I have no idea," Night answered as she started combing her mane and tail before passing the comb to Cora. "And, watch your language." Cora rolled her eyes as she took the item in her claw and straightened her feathers with it. When the two finished, it vanished. They looked up to see several ponies staring at them in shock and confusion.

"What are they staring at?" Cora asked as she leaned closer to her friend.

"We are strangers here," Night answered as she glanced back and forth. "It's probably the blank flank and griffon thing, like before."

"Excuse me," a male voice called from behind. The two looked back to find a yellow pegasus stallion with orange stripes smiling at them. "Did I just see you use magic?" he asked with a friendly smile.

"Why?" Cora asked. "Isn't magic common in Equestria?"

"For unicorns and alicorns, yes," the stallion answered. "But, you're a pegasus..." he stopped to notice Night's lack of a cutie mark, "... with no cutie mark," he observed. Night glanced at her flank.

"Oh, I'm a Muneris," Night explained with a smile.

"A moon-air-ee?" the stallion queried as he scratched his chin. "Wait, isn't that the breed of pegasi from the island outside the border?"

"That's the one," Night answered. "You know it?"

"Barely," the stallion answered. "I've been all over Equestria and learned a bit about other nations, but nothing major."

"Well, the gem on my forehead," Night began as she pointed to the blue stone under the tuft of hair on her head, "is what gives us Muneris our power. We're all born with one and they grant us each a unique ability. In my case, I can conjure up any object I please." She held up a hoof and made a mug appear. "Some of us can levitate things, teleport; It's all different." She smiles at the stallion as she makes the mug vanish.

"I see," the stallion observed with a smile. "That's really cool."

"You said you've been all over Equestria," Cora observed with a raised brow. "You special or somethin'?"

"Oh no," the stallion chuckled. "I'm just a humble pegasus who lives in little ol' Ponyville." He blinked. "Oh, I'm Blazing Feathers, by the way." He extended a hoof.

"I'm Night Wing," Night said as she bowed her head with a smile. "And this is my best friend, Cora." She pointed at the griffon who bowed too. Blazing held his hoof out with a smile.

"Um, why are you holding your hoof out like that?" Cora asked as she pointed a claw at Blazing's extended hoof.

"It's a hoof-shake," Blazing answered. "It's a form of greeting here in Equestria."

"Like this?" Night queried as she took his right hoof in her left and shook it.

"Close enough," Blazing chuckled. Cora followed suit. "Well, welcome to Ponyville!"

Suddenly, the skies were cleared out of all the clouds, catching the attention of the trio on the ground. "Wow!" Cora exclaimed. "That was ten seconds flat!" She looked at her wrist as if looking at a watch that was not there.

"That would be Rainbow Dash," Blazing explained. "She's the pegasus in charge of the weather in Ponyville." He stretched his wings out with a smirk. "She's gonna wanna burn off steam now!" He kicked off the ground and in a flash of fire, he flew off. "Catch ya later!" he called out as he flew away. Night and Cora stared at where he was with their jaws on the ground.

"Wow!" Cora exclaimed. Night looked at the ground where Blazing stood and took notice of the small flame left in his place. Four flames in the shape of horseshoes exactly where his hooves were. In a flash, a dome bowl appeared and Night placed it upside down over the fire to smother it out. "Was he a Muneris?"

"I don't think so," Night replied as she finished with the fire. "He didn't have a gem on his forehead and I swear there was that special mark on his butt."

"Staring at his yza, Night?" Cora asked with a smirk, earning a sharp glare from her friend for a couple of reasons this time. "Sorry," Cora chuckled. "Well, if he wasn't a Muneris, then how'd he create fire like that?"

"I remember learning about another rare breed of pegasus who have magic powers in their wings," Night observed. "It's mostly elemental, like fire or lightning, but I thought they were on the other side of the world."

"So, why is one here?" Cora asked.

"We're here, aren't we?" Night replied as she started to walk off.

"True," Cora agreed as she grabbed the case and followed.

"It's very possible that some settled this land and he's one of their descendants," Night observed. "Or maybe it's some kind of mutation." That statement earned a few sharp glares from the ponies around them. "I guess that was the wrong choice of words." Night observed as she continued.

The two toured the small town for a while, asking about places to stay and what the celebration was all about. As they walked through the streets, Night could sware she heard harmonic music coming from birds in the distance. "That's interesting," Cora observed.

"What, the singing birds?" Night asked as she stopped to look at her friend. "Birds sing all the time."

"Not like this," Cora countered. "Those birds are in perfect harmony, minus one. Like they're being conducted."

"Maybe they have something to do with the celebration tonight," Night observed. "Come on. We still need a place to stay."

After a bit more walking and asking around, they were interrupted by a pink earth pony with a big grin on her lips. "Hi there!" she cheered. "I'm Pinkie Pie and I'm throwing a party at the Golden Oak Library! You should come!"

Night blinked at the sudden appearance of this pony. "Um..."

"After all, you're new here just like that unicorn, so this party is perfect for you too!" Pinkie continued.

"What are you-" Cora began.

"C'mon!" Pinkie said as she poked her head from behind Cora's shoulder. "You two will have lots of fun there!"

"Um, Pinkie, is it?" Night asked in a state of confusion, but it was useless.

"Less talking, more walking!" Pinkie cheered as she began pushing the two toward a large tree being used as a building. Cora dropped the case behind them as they were pushed by the pink pony.

They soon arrived at the library and Pinkie quickly pushed them inside before closing the door behind them. "Quick! Turn off the lights and find a place to hide!" Pinkie dived behind a table in the middle of the room as the lights went out. Night made a flashlight appear in her hoof and turned it on to find a crowd of ponies gathered within the room. "Hey! Turn that light off!" Pinkie whispered.

Night looked at Cora, who looked frustrated about losing their case before they both shrugged and found a place to hide. Night turned the light off and made it vanish just in time for the door to open.

"Thank you, bye!" A mare's voice called out before the door slammed.

"Rude," a young male said.

"Sorry, Spike," the mare replied, "but I need to convince the princess about Nightmare Moon without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now, where's the light?"

Just then, the lights turned on and everyone in the room cried out "surprise!" at once. Night flinched at the sudden lights and sounds for a second before smiling at the joy in the room.

"Well, that's quite a greeting," Night observed as she stood from her hiding place. Cora stood next to her.

"Yeah," Cora said as she scratched the inside of her ear with her pinkie claw. "All this for that unicorn."

Night looked to find the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle being greeted by multiple ponies while looking annoyed.

"That's Twilight Sparkle," Night observed with a smile. "Maybe we can learn more about Equestria from her."

"What makes her so special?" Cora replied with a raised brow.

"She is the princess' protege, remember?" Night smiled at Cora. "She came to town on that fancy coach with those pegasi." Night began to make her way toward Twilight, who ran upstairs before Night could get close to her.

"Right," Cora sighed. "Well, you go talk to her while I go back to find our bag." Cora tried to get to the door to no avail with all the ponies enjoying the party. She rolled her eyes and eventually gave up. "Whatever. It's not as if these ponies are gonna steal an unattended bag left in the streets."

"Relax," Night chuckled as she stood next to her griffon friend. "Ponies are extremely nice in Equestria. I'm willing to bet somepony is trying to find the owner as we speak."

"What happened to talking to Twilight?" Cora asked.

"She went upstairs and I don't want to fight the crowd," Night answered with a smile. "Besides, this might be fun."

"You might be right," Cora submitted with a roll of her yellow eyes. She kept thinking about their case outside.

The door opened and a blue pegasus stallion with black hair came in with a friendly smile on his face and the wheelcase on his back. "Somepony lose a case?" Night smiled.

"See?" Night asked with a smile. "I told you someone would return it to us. Excuse me, that's ours." She waved at the stallion with a smile. The stallion smiled and started for the two.

"I bet griffons would've ransacked it by now," Cora observed with a relenting smile.

The stallion walked up and slid the case over his head onto the ground in front of him. "I heard Pinkie Pie was throwing a party for some newcomers and saw this on the road." Cora took the handle in her claw.

"Yeah," Night began, "we only just arrived earlier today, and that Pinkie Pie character just came out of nowhere and brought us here."

"Yeah, she does that," the stallion chuckled.

"Thanks for bringing the case to us," Cora said with a smile as she grabbed the handle of the case.

"Hey, a polite griffon," the pegasus observed. "Usually your kind would demand a bit for something like that." Cora raised her brow.

"I knew griffons were hard-heads, but I didn't know they were greedy," Cora observed. The stallion raised a confused brow.

"I'm Night Wing, and this is my friend, Cora," Night introduced herself to the stallion. "We're not from Equestria."

"You're a Muneris pony, right?" the stallion asked with a smile.

"You know my kind?" Night asked with a smile while Cora raised a brow.

"Oh yeah," he replied, "My dad used to travel a lot and told me about the island outside the border. I'm Zuro, by the way." He bowed. Night smiled and bowed back. "And your Equestrian is quite good. You have the accent right and everything."

"Something's different about this one," Cora whispered into Night's ear, earning a nudge from Night's right fore-elbow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Zuro," Night greeted with a friendly smile.

"Welp," Zuro stood tall with a smile. "I'm gonna join in the fun!" He rushed into the crowd.

"You know something was up with that one, right?" Cora asked Night as soon as Zuro vanished into the group.

"Zorumxu, Cora!" Night countered. "It's not our place to decide what's odd about the ponies here. Besides, he was kind enough to return our case to us."

"Yeah, but I bet we're missing some stuff," Cora said as she dove her head inside the case to search its contents. Night giggled at the griffon half-buried in the case. After a few minutes, Cora pulled her head out of the bag with a raised brow.

"Anything missing?" Night asked with a smile.

"No," Cora answered as she closed the case. "Not a single thing out of place."

"Come on," Night giggled. "Let's join the party and get to know everypony here."

The party lasted throughout the entire night. Every pony indulged in games, treats, drinks, and more until the early morning hours. The entire time, Cora kept the case in a tight grip to make sure they would not lose it again. Night Wing mingled with everyone she could to learn everything about the ponies while enjoying the fun. Many of the ponies could not help but notice Night's lack of a cutie mark, which she was happy to explain again and again. The more they mingled, the more the ponies accepted and welcomed the two.

"Come on, everypony!" a voice called out. "It's time to watch the sunrise!" The ponies began leaving the building as Twilight came from upstairs with the baby dragon by her side. The unicorn did not look any less annoyed. In fact, she looked more concerned since the party began last evening.

Night ignored the concerned look on Twilight's face and instead looked up at the others with an excited smile. "Let's go with them!" she told Cora, who began to drag the case behind her. "Just leave the bag, we'll come back for it later."

"But-" Cora began to protest.

"It's not like we won't know where it is, and everypony will be gathered for the celebration," Night explained. Cora rolled her eyes and placed the bag in a corner by the staircase before following her friend.

At the town hall, every pony gathered around to watch the princess rise the sun with her magic. The Birds sang in harmony and the lights dimmed.

"This will be quite the experience," Night observed as Cora sat next to her at the back of the crowd.

"It's just the sunrise, what's so special about that?" Cora asked.


Cora blinked at the random shushing from the crows.

"Let's respect the event," Night whispered with a smile.

The birds chirped a regal melody as a spotlight shined on the balcony overhead. Night Wing and Cora watched along with the rest of the crowd only to find no one standing where the spotlight shined.

"Um, isn't this princess supposed to appear now?" Cora asked as she looked around. Night raised a brow at the confused ponies around them.

"She's gone!"

The crowd gasped in shock.

"That can't be good," Cora observed with a raised brow.

"Look!" Night cried out as she pointed at the balcony.

A cloud of purple smoke filled the area before taking the form of a black alicorn dawned with cyan armor. Her mane and tail flowed like smoke around her as stars sparkled within. She cackled over the crowd.

"Is that the princess?" Cora asked Night as she kept her eyes trained on the alicorn.

"No," Night stated sharply. "I can't believe it, but that's Nightmare Moon." She kept her voice quiet so no one would hear, but all the ponies were too focused on this new being before them to take notice of their conversation.

"That's just an old pony tale," Cora observed.

A crack of lightning filled the air in the building. "Stand back, you foals!" Everyone watched as Nightmare disappeared in a purple cloud that flew out the front door.

"Come back here!" a cyan pegasus with rainbow hair flew after the cloud.

"What should we do?" Cora asked Night as the two ran outside.

"What can we do?" Night replied. "That's the ancient alicorn of darkness."

"Then, let's get the vex'g out of here!" Cora protested.

"Cora! I'm not gonna tell you to hold your tongue again!" Night snarled. Cora only rolled her eyes. "Look, maybe we can find some information back at the library. Any information we can find at all might help get everything under control."

"Smart," Cora agreed. "We can grab our case and get on the next train to the coast."

"You two aren't gonna leave when things start getting exciting, are you?" Blazing asked as he came out of Town Hall behind them.

"You gonna stop us?" Cora asked.

"Nope," Blazing replied. "But, I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions. I saw several ponies heading back to the library already. We can follow and see what's up."

Cora looked at Night as if looking for approval. Night scratched her chin in thought. "Well, we were planning on going to the library anyway. If there's some way we can help at all, I want us to take that chance." Cora groaned.

"One of these days, you're gonna get yourself killed, Night," Cora protested.

"That's why I have you at my side, Cora," Night smiled as she nudged the griffon's shoulder.

Blazing led them back to the library, where they found a book already opened on a stand at the end of the room. "Looks like somepony's already been here." Night observed as she walked up to the book.

"What gave it away?" Cora retorted. "The mess of a party?"

"No, this book," Night corrected as she looked through the pages.

"What's that?" Blazing asked as he walked up.

"It's a book on something called 'The Elements of Harmony'," Night answered as she read the pages. "A source of power that was used by Princess Celestia a millennia ago to defeat Nightmare Moon."

"Any idea where to find them?" Cora asked as she walked up to Night's other side.

"No-" Night began. "... wait. There's something in here about an ancient castle in the Everfree Forest."

"Woah, no can do on that department," Blazing interjected. The two looked at him in curiosity. "The Everfree Forest is a dangerous place. I'm not taking some newcomers someplace where they could get seriously hurt or worse."

"We can handle ourselves," Cora protested.

"I'm sure, but-" Blazing began only to be interrupted by the book being closed. Both Blazing and Cora looked at Night who turned toward the door.

"A Muneris, a griffon, and an elemental pegasus," Night said. "Between the three of us, we can handle whatever comes our way in that forest."

"Are you sure about that?" Blazing asked. "I mean, I'm sure your ponies wouldn't like it if they learned something bad happened to you and I know the princess would not be happy with me for letting a couple of guests get hurt on her land."

"I'm sure," Night replied with a confident smile. "Let's go!"

The trio headed out of the library. "Blazing, you know this area, you take the lead!" Night ordered. Blazing smiled as he kicked off the ground.

"Follow me!"

Night and Cora took off after him and they flew toward the forest. However, by the time they got to the trees, the sun peaked over the horizon. The three stopped mid-flight to look around.

"Um, what just happened?" Cora asked as she looked at Blazing who wore a smile on his face.

"I guess we won't have to do anything after all," he observed. "If the sun is up, that means Princess Celestia's back and Nightmare Moon must be gone."

"Well, now what?" Cora asked Night. "I was actually starting to get excited instead of scared." Night only chuckled at her friend.

"Come on, let's go back to town," Night said as she turned back.

When they got back to Ponyville, everyone began filling the streets with smiles on their faces. Everyone mingled with each other as they talked about what was going on. Excitement for the return of the princess. The whole thing went on for several minutes before a large carriage landed in the streets. A white alicorn with flowing technicolored hair sat next to a blue alicorn with a bit of a frown on her face as she hung her head. These two had to be the princesses of Equestria. The whole town gathered around to greet Princess Celestia and her newly reformed little sister, Princess Luna. Night Wing stood beside her griffon friend staring at the new princess with intrigue; Almost in a hypnotic state. A nudge to the side pulled her out of her trance and she looked at Cora.

"You okay?" Cora asked. "You've been staring at that blue alicorn for a while.

"Sorry," Night smiled. "I read about how Equestria was ruled by two sisters, but I thought that was just some old pony tale or something."

"Yeah, who'd have thought it was all true," Cora observed as she glanced at the two regal sisters. "Omxlutopru."

"Incredible indeed," Night agreed as she smiled at the sisters.

"Now, can we find a place to crash?" Cora groaned. "We've been up all night and the train was the worst place to sleep." Night giggled.

"Of course," Night answered. "Let's go back to get our bag."

"Need a place to crash?" Blazing asked with a smile. Night and Cora looked at him with a smile of their own. "I have some room in my home. You two can use the spare room while you get settled."

"That's kind of you," Night said with a warm smile.

"Hey!" another familiar voice called out. The three looked to find Zuro running up with the case on his back. "You might be needing this!" He smiled as he handed it over to Cora.

"You went back to the library to get this?" Cora asked. "How'd you know it was there?"

"I went there earlier with some friends to find out what the hay was going on and saw it there," Zuro explained. "So, how long you plan on staying in Ponyville?"

"Not long-" Cora began.

"We were planning on just staying for the event, but this place is warming up on me," Night piped up. "Maybe we can settle down here?" she asked Cora with an eager smile.

"Seriously?" Cora asked. "We're here to build up relations, not build a home."

"And what better way to learn all we can than by living here?" Night countered. "This place is wonderful! Full of magic, friendly ponies, and excitement!" Night bounced in place at the thought of more adventures in Equestria.

"You call an ancient alicorn appearing out of nowhere, then vanishing without a trace exciting?" Cora retorted.

"So what if we missed everything?" Night asked. "We might run into more adventurous things the longer we stay here!"

"I could fill you in on the details," Zuro offered with a smile.

"Maybe later," Cora yawned. "Right now, I need a nap." The three others chuckled before following Blazing to his home.

Chapter II: Canterlot Magic

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Over the next few weeks, Night and Cora learned quite a bit about the history of Ponyville and the culture of this small town. How Ponyville was founded by the Apple family with the help of the Rich family through the making of something called Zap Apple Jam and starting the apple farm. Since Ponyville was founded by earth ponies, the residents have made it crucial to honor earth pony traditions in town. Such as a marathon to knock leaves out of trees in the fall season, or melting snow for spring.

Night Wing excitedly walked the streets with Cora by her side, both eager to learn more about Equestria. "Hey, what's that?" Cora's voice caught Night's attention. Night looked at Cora, who was pointing a claw at the clouds.

Rainbow Dash was flying through the clouds with another creature flying after her. "Isn't that Rainbow Dash?" Night asked.

"But, who's that with her?" Cora asked.

"It looks like another griffon," Night observed.

"Another griffon?!" Cora asked as she grabbed Night's shoulders. "We have to meet that griffon!"

"Calm down," Night chuckled. "We can go say high."

"Don't bother," a familiar voice said from behind. The two looked to find Pinkie Pie lounging at a table while sipping a smoothie through a straw. "Gilda's a grump. She popped my balloons, and told me to 'buzz off'."

"Well, that's not very friendly," Night observed.

"We should still try," Cora interjected before kicking off the ground and flying up to the clouds.

"Cora, wait!" Night took off after her.

Cora got to the cloud Rainbow sat on with the griffon. "Hey," Cora said as she landed on the cloud.

"Cora?" Rainbow smiled at the black griffon. "Awesome! Now I have two griffons to hang with! But, where's Night Wing?"

"Right here," Night called as she hovered over the cloud.

"Hey, Night," Rainbow smiled. "Night, Cora, this is my gal pal, Gilda." She pointed at the brown griffon with white feathers. "She's a griffon like you, Cora." Cora smiled at the other griffon.

"Hi," Cora greeted with an excited smile.

"S'up," Gilda carelessly said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Wow, another griffon!" Cora observed as she looked Gilda over. Gilda raised a brow at Cora.

"What are you starin' at, dude?" Gilda asked.

"I'm sorry, I've just never seen another griffon before," Cora explained. Gilda only looked confused.

"Hey, Night, why don't you sit down and take a load off?" Rainbow offered.

"I can't," Night replied as she hovered over the cloud. Rainbow Dash raised a brow at Night. "Watch." Night let herself fall on the cloud, only to fall straight through it. Rainbow gasped and dove over the cloud to find Night smiling at her as she moved back above the cloud. "Only some Muneris can interact with clouds." Night explained.

"Moon-air-ee?" Gilda asked with a raised brow. "Sounds lame." Cora raised a brow at Gilda.

"Night Wing! Cora!" A voice grabbed their attention. The four looked over the edge of the cloud to find Twilight with Spike at her side on the streets.

"I wonder what they want," Night observed. "Let's go find out." She smiled at Cora.

"But -" Cora began to protest as she looked at Gilda.

"We can talk with Gilda later," Night interjected. "Twilight needs us for something." Cora groaned as she hung her head.

"Maybe we can chat later?" Cora asked Gilda and Rainbow.

"Yeah," Rainbow smiled.

"Whatever," Gilda groaned. "Hey, Dash? Want another race?"

"Huh! You're on!" Rainbow readied to pounce.

"On your mark," Gilda got in the same pose. "Get set. Go!" Both took off, destroying the cloud in the process. Cora gasped as she quickly caught herself in mid-air.

"Come on, Cora," Night softly smiled. "Let's see what Twilight wants." She began to descend back to earth with Cora behind her. The two landed in front of Twilight. Night wore a warm smile on her face while Cora kept glancing at where Gilda flew off. "Hey, Twilight. What's up?"

"Well, I've been writing to Princess Celestia every week since I moved to Ponyville," Twilight began.

"And today, one came for you," Spike interjected as he held up a scroll.

"Wait, what?" Cora asked as she looked at Spike.

"For me?" Night asked as Spike unrolled the scroll and cleared his voice with an "eh em."

"Dear Twilight Sparkle," Spike began. "You mentioned in one of your letters that a Muneris -"

"It's pronounced "moon-air-ee", Spike," Cora interjected.

"Moon-air-ee," Spike corrected himself with a bit of a roll of his eyes. "... who came to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration. I would like you to personally extend an invitation to Night Wing to come here to Canterlot this afternoon." Night Wing blinked as Cora's jaw dropped to the ground.

"The princess wants me to come to the capital?!" Night gasped.

"I know, right?" Twilight beamed.

"Eh em," Spike continued. "I, Princess Celestia, would like to meet with Night Wing to discuss the reasons for her visit to Equestria."

"This is amazing!" Night cheered as she grabbed Cora's cheeks. "We get to talk to the princess!"

"I don't know about that," Twilight interjected. "The letter mentions you by name. She didn't say anything about Cora." Both Cora and Night looked at Twilight. "It's probably better that you go alone, Night." Twilight suggested with a sheepish smile.

"I don't go anywhere without Cora," Night countered.

"But -" Twilight began.

"Where she goes, I go," Cora stated firmly. "I've never left Night's side in the twenty years I've known her, and I'm not about to start now."

"Come on, Cora," Night began as she spread her wings. "Let's go!" She kicked off the ground and Cora followed after her.

"Wait!" Twilight called out in vain. "There's more to the letter! And Celestia only mentioned Night!" Night and Cora were already in flight, heading straight for the mountain north of Ponyville.

After flying for a while, Night and Cora entered the city of Canterlot. Everything was bright, shiny, and full of magic. Like Ponyville, Canterlot was full of all three pony kinds. However, where Ponyville was dominated by earth ponies, Canterlot was dominated by unicorns. As they flew, they noticed all the streets were full of unicorns dressed in fancy clothes and holding their chings up high with their eyes closed.

"This place is incredible!" Night cheered as they flew through the streets.

"I don't know," Cora observed. "Canterlot has a lot of shine to it, but Ponyville had something special." Night giggled as they flew through the streets together.

The duo flew around the streets for most of the morning to take in the sights. They stopped now and again for a quick snack or to explore some of the stores before they made their way toward the castle at the heart of the city. Everything appeared clean and properly maintained. Unicorns everywhere used their magic to operate the city from the carriages to the lights on the rooves. They landed at the main gates and took a moment to admire the castle.

"That's a big castle," Cora observed.

"It's the home of the Princess of Equestria," Night said. "Only the best for the best."

"Then, why doesn't the president live in a castle, like that?" Cora asked.

"Different nation, different leadership rules," Night chimed as she began trotting to the gates.

"Halt!" A pair of wings blocked her path. "Who goes there?!" Night looked up at the pegasus guards at the gate.

"Oh," Night smiled. "This is Cora, and I am Night Wing." Night introduced themselves to the guards as Cora stood next to her with a smile.

"S'up?" Cora said.

"Night Wing?" One of the guards queried. "Princess Celestia's expecting you." The guards lowered their wings. Night and Cora began to walk past them before one of the guards held a hoof up. "But the griffon stays here."

"Where Night goes, I go," Cora countered.

"Sirs, Cora is my oldest and closest friend," Night interjected. "She hasn't left my side for years. If she doesn't go in, then either Celestia must come out or we need to think of another time to get together." The guards looked at each other before looking back at the two.

"Wait here," one said before heading into the gates. They looked through the gates to find him talking to a white unicorn stallion with blue hair and purple armor.

"That must be the captain," Night observed.

The unicorn inclined his head and walked with the pegasus back to the gate while removing his helmet. His blue mane waved over his face and down his shoulder. Night smiled at his good looks. "Night Wing and Cora?" The two bowed their heads. "I am Captain Shining Armor." He introduced himself. "Please, come with me." He turned back to the gate as he put his helmet back on.

"Both of us?" Cora asked. Shining only looked back with a sharp look in his eye.

"Both of you." He said before continuing. Night and Cora followed after him with smiles on their faces. They passed through the courtyard into the grand entrance of the castle. "This way," Shining said as he walked through the halls. Night and Cora followed close behind. They approached a large set of double doors and Shining stopped. "Beyond these doors is the throne room." Night and Cora smiled as they began to walk to the doors before Shining held a hoof up. "One thing before I let you in." They looked at each other before looking at Shining, who removed his helmet again and smiled at them. "If I know Princess Celestia, she'll be very pleased that you two refused to leave each other's side. If there's one thing she values more than anything, it's friendship. She sent my sister to Ponyville to study that very thing."

"Your sister?" Night asked. "You mean, Twilight Sparkle?"

"You better get in there," he said with a warm smile. "And next time you see Twilight, tell her I said 'hi'."

Night and Cora smiled at each other before they walked into the doors, which were opened by unicorn magic coming from two guards within the room. Inside, colorful lights from stained-glass windows flooded the room. Each window was decorated with an image of the history of Equestria. Images of strange creatures playing with pony puppets, or giant centaurs dominating the land.

"Ynysu!" Cora stated as she admired the artistic beauty of the room.

"Amazing, indeed!" Night agreed.

At the end of the room stood a grand throne. Atop the throne sat a regal white mare with a horn behind her golden crown and a set of wings splayed open. A purple, diamond-shaped gem sat on the front of the crown behind her unicorn horn. Her technicolored mane and tail flowed behind her as if carried by water in the wind. She finished writing in a scroll before rolling it up and making it vanish with her magic before smiling at the two guests entering the room.

"You must be Night Wing and Cora," she said with a warm smile. Both Night and Cora bowed low to the point their noses touched the floor. Celestia stood up and walked to them. "Twilight mentioned you in her letters." Night looked up.

"Your majesty, it is an honor to make your acquaintance." Night said with a smile.

"Qurxinu di Equestria," Celestia replied. Both Night and Cora blinked.

"You know Arish?!" Cora asked.

"A little bit," Celestia smiled. "After all, I am the Princess of Equestria. It is my responsibility to know as much as I need to greet dignitaries of other nations."

"Vex'gnai xiar!" Cora exclaimed with a smile. The sound of a whip cracking in the air made Cora yelp and leap into the air before she rubbed her tush with a glare toward Night. Night watched Cora with a furrowed brow as her tail swished back and forth.

"Qu ixeba ngu blomxuzaz bluzumxu!" Night stated sharply.

"It's quite alright, Night," Celestia giggled.

"But, Your Highness, her language is unacceptable, especially in the presence of royalty," Night protested. Celestia held up a hoof with closed eyes and a warm smile.

"It's all right," Celestia assured. Night blushed as she bowed her head. Celestia smiled at the two as Cora softly landed while rubbing her red tush. "I've arranged for tea in the west wing," Celestia said warmly as she began walking. "Please join me. You can tell me about the nature of your visit on the way. What brought you to Equestria?"

"We heard about your Summer Sun Celebration," Night began as she followed Celestia.

"So the president wanted somepony to come learn about it," Cora added as she walked alongside Night. The two continued back and forth talking about what brought them to Ponyville as they followed Celestia, who listened attentively. As they finished their story, they entered a large room brightly lit by the sun bleeding through the stained-glass windows. At the center of the room stood a round table with four chairs around it. Atop the table sat a full kettle of tea with four cups at each chair.

"That sounds like quite the introduction to our country," Celestia observed with a warm smile as she offered a chair to each of her guests. "Please, have a seat." The two took their offered seats with a smile.

"Who's the fourth seat for?" Cora asked as she sat down.

"My sister, Luna will be joining us in a minute," Celestia answered as she took her seat. "I must say, I am intrigued about how you two met. To find a griffon egg out on your humble island. That's very unusual." Celestia took the third seat and began to pour the tea with her golden magic. "Good thing Night Wing found you."

"What are griffons like in Equestria?" Cora excitedly asked.

"Well, apart from you, I haven't met a griffon in many moons," Celestia explained. "back then, I knew griffons to be quite the friendly race. They had quite a respectable leader." Cora smiled at the explanation. "But, that was many moons ago. Things might've changed since then." The smile faded from Cora's face.

"Maybe we can to the griffon homeland later?" Night suggested with a warm smile. Cora's wings opened as a smile formed on her face again. Night smiled at Celestia. "Where do griffons live in Equestria?"

"They reside in Griffonstone," a voice answered from the door. They all looked to find a blue alicorn walking in with a bit of a tired look on her face. Night smiled at the second alicorn she saw in Ponyville. Princess Luna's looked slightly taller than before and her mane stretched beyond her shoulders now.

"Welcome, little sister," Celestia smiled warmly.

"Morning, big sister," Luna replied with a yawn.

"Please, join us," Celestia offered the fourth chair as she poured a cup for the younger alicorn. Luna sat on the empty chair and took a sip from her cup.

"As I said, griffons reside in Griffonstone," Luna explained. "But, if you're looking for a warm welcome, I would expect no such thing."

"Why?" Night asked as Cora looked concerned.

"Ever since I was freed from," Luna paused to shutter, "... Being Nightmare Moon." She took a breath. "I've been in charge of maintaining all dreams in Equestria. To ensure peaceful nights."

"What does that have to do with griffons?" Cora asked.

"The dreams of griffons are still under my domain," Luna answered. "All they dream about is gold. And they don't like sharing."

"That doesn't mean anything," Cora countered. "Just because they have greedy dreams, that doesn't mean they're evil or anything like that."

"It's good to have hope," Celestia piped up. "Just be cautious."

"I need to at least try," Cora stated firmly.

"We'll worry about meeting griffons later, Cora," Night interjected as she rubbed a hoof along her friend's shoulder.

"As long as you two remain together, there is very little you can't overcome," Celestia smiled.

"So, you're a Muneris Pony," Luna observed. "You even lack a cutie mark." Night glanced at her blank flank before looking back at the princess of the night.

"Legend has it that long ago, a group of pegasi sought power," Celestia began, gaining Night's full attention. "So, they made a deal with an ancient spirit. They would gain magic for a price."

"I'm familiar with the legend," Night interjected. Celestia and Luna watched Night as she scratched her chin with a hoof. "It's unclear what the price was. That knowledge has been lost for thousands of moons."

"It's reasonable to assume that the price was your cutie marks," Celestia suggested.

"But, it's just an old mare's tale," Night countered. "A bedtime story for little foals. It doesn't mean anything."

"Why so quick to brush it off, Night Wing?" Luna asked.

"We've always been without cutie marks," Night answered. "There are no records of any Muneris having ever had a cutie mark. Ever."

"For a thousand years," Celestia piped up, "the truth of when I was forced to banish my little sister to the moon was only remembered as a legend." Celestia sighed as Luna hung her head in shame.

"I will never forgive myself for what I did," Luna mumbled under her breath. Celestia rubbed Luna's back with a hoof.

"My point is, there are many truths that have been forgotten to time," Celestia explained. "Spirits of chaos, ancient empires, evil beings." Night watched Celestia intently. "Even I have forgotten numerous things."

"That's kinda hard to believe," Cora piped up with a raised brow.

"Cora, zorumxu," Night stated firmly.

"I'm just pointing out the obvious," Cora countered. "The leader of all of Equestria, who's over a thousand years old -" another whip-cracking sound makes Cora yelp.

"It's fine, Night," Celestia stated. "You would think that an alicorn's knowledge is everlasting, but even we have forgotten many things over the years." Night looked at Celestia as Cora glared at Night while tending to her red tush. "And it's sad to know that many more things will be forgotten over time. I fear the day may come that my subjects may be separated by fear and myths of war and tragedy." Celestia let out a sorrowful sigh. Night and Cora watched the regal alicorn with some concern. After a moment of silence, Celestia looked up with a warm smile. "But, we need not concern ourselves with matters such as this. Perhaps, here in Equestria, you may find the answers to this mystery."

"Wait," Cora interjected. "If the answers are here in Equestria, how come you don't know them?"

"Muneris ponies are not native to Equestria," Luna answered. "At least, not since before my sister and I became alicorns. We have had no reason to seek answers to the Muneris' past."

"It'd be worth finding answers while we learn about your country," Night observed with a smile.

"Why don't we look up the history of the whole world while we're at it?" Cora sighed. "Seriously, we came here to learn about Equestria, where the griffons live, and now we're gonna try to learn about your history too?"

"Why not, Cora?" Night excitedly asked. "Even if we don't find all the answers, it'll be a wonderful experience for both of us!"

Cora rolled her eyes before letting out a chuckle. "Well, I guess it won't be so bad as long as I'm with you!" Cora pulled Night into a hug and ruffled her mane in a noogie. Night laughed in protest.

"Cora, xuyzu!" Night protested.

"Make me stop!" Cora chuckled as she continued.

"I'll whip your tush again!" Night stated through her fits of laughter. That got Cora to let her go. Celestia giggled.

"Reminds me of when we were fillies," Celestia smiled at Luna, who only blushed at the thought. Celestia giggled before smiling at Night and Cora. "It has been an honor meeting you two."

"We done already?" Cora asked.

"I do have some duties to tend to before I turn things over to my sister for the night," Celestia explained. "I'd be happy to make arrangements to take you back to Ponyville."

"That would be much appreciated, Your Highness," Night bowed her head. Celestia warmly smiled.

"In that case, follow me," Celestia and Luna stood up. Night and Cora followed suit.

"I'll prepare myself for the night," Luna stated before turning to the door.

"Be well, sister," Celestia chimed at the younger alicorn before planting a tender kiss on her forehead. Luna blushed as she turned away with a huff.

"Not in front of our guests," Luna muttered under her breath as she walked away. Celestia smiled at Night and Cora.

"This way, please," Celestia guided them through the halls out to the castle courtyard where Shining Armor stood at the ready by a large carriage. Night and Cora admired the expensive, golden craft of it. The purple cushions inside shined against the glair of the sun. Diomands glistened at every corner.

"Everything is ready for the journey, Your Highness," Shining chimed.

"Thank you, Shining Armor," Celestia beamed at the captain of the guard before smiling at Night and Cora. "This will take you straight to the Golden Oak Library in Ponyville."

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble, Your Highness," Night politely protested.

"Are you kidding?!" Cora countered as she darted around the carriage to get a closer view of every corner. "This thing is vex'gnai epic!"

"Cora!!" Night barked as Celestia giggled.

"It's no trouble, honestly." Celestia warmly said. Night looked at the princess and bowed respectfully.

"Forgive my outburst, Your Highness," Night stated softly.

"Night," Celestia began as she placed a hoof on Night's shoulder, getting the young mare to look up at her. Celestia only smiled warmly at her. "I'm not so easily offended by words, even if they're in another language. All I ask is that you hold onto your friendship." Night inclined her head with a soft smile.

"I will," Night affirmed.

"As if that's a tall order!" Cora cheered as she pulled Night into a tight hug. "You'd have to use some kinda curse to tear us apart!" Cora proceeded to give Night a noogie. "Right, Night?!"

"Cora!" Night protested through a fit of laughter. Celestia giggled.

"I look forward to the next time you visit," Celestia chimed. Both Night and Cora stopped the struggle and bowed respectfully at the alicorn.

"It's our pleasure, Your Highness," Night stated.

"Until we meet again," Celestia beamed as she gestured to the carriage. Shining Armor opened the door with his magic. Night and Cora stepped inside and as soon as Shining closed the door, it took off toward Ponyville.

The return flight to Ponyville was considerably faster than their flight to Canterlot. Perhaps the tea gave them plenty of energy for the trip. They landed just outside the Golden Oak Library and the door opened for them. Night exited the carriage as Cora followed behind her. The carriage took off as soon as they were clear and they turned to the library just as the door slammed open with a frazzled-looking Twilight staring at them with wide eyes before the door slammed back in her face.


Night and Cora flinched at the sight.

"How'd it go?!" Twilight frantically asked as she opened the door. A large red lump now sat on her forehead.

"Twilight, you got a lump on your head," Cora pointed out. "Oh, and that Shining Armor guy says 'hi'."

"Did she like you?!" Twilight continued as if nothing was said. "Did you make a good impression?! Is she going to throw you in the dungeon before she comes to take me back to magic kindergarten?!"

"Twilight! Calm down!" Spike's voice called as he walked around her. "Sorry about that. She's been like this ever since you left."

"What's her problem?" Cora asked as she raised a brow at the lavender unicorn.

"Oh, she tends to freak out like this when it comes to matters involving the princess," Spike explained. "I try to keep her calm, but sometimes I don't know."

"You really care about the princess, don't you?" Night asked as she stepped forward with a smile.

"Seriously?!" Twilight asked with a stomp of her hoof. "She's only my teacher! My mentor! The one mare who taught me everything I know about magic! The ruler of all of Equestria!"

"This one's a few feathers short of a wing," Cora whispered into Night's ear, earning a very sharp glare from the Muneris. Cora raised her claws as if to say "Forget I said anything" as she took a few steps back.

"Hey!" a familiar voice called from behind. Night and Cora looked to see Blazing trotting up with a smile. "I heard you two got invited to the castle. That must've been exciting!"

"I'll say!" Cora agreed. "We're gonna have to go back there sometime to explore Canterlot more!" Blazing chuckled.

"Yeah, that city is quite the sight, isn't it?" Blazing observed as he looked up at the structure on the side of the mountain to the north.

"Have you been there?" Night asked.

"Yeah, I lived there for a while," Blazing answered. "My mother lives there now."

"You should take us to meet her sometime," Night suggested.

"I'm sure she'd love that," Blazing smiled. "She loves meeting new ponies, or creatures."

"Woah, slow down!" Cora interjected. "We've already got enough on our plate."

"We can manage, Cora," Night smiled.

"Making big plans?" Blazing asked.

"Only learning the entire history of the whole world," Cora joked.

"Well, we came to learn about Equestria," Night began, "we'd like to go to Griffonstone, and Celestia suggested we could learn about Muneris history here."

"Wow!" Blazing exclaimed. "That is a tall order!" Blazing chuckled. "Well, I'm sure there is no shortage of ponies who'd be willing to help you out on your journey."

"And we won't turn anypony down," Night smiled.

The entire time the three talked with each other, none of them noticed that Twilight was still rambling on about Princess Celestia and all the crazy possibilities that could happen. Blazing looked at Twilight with a smirk.

"Hey! Twilight!" Blazing called out. "Take a chill pill and read a book! Everything's fine!"

Twilight blinked at the sound of Blazing's voice before she tucked in her chin with a blush. "Sorry."

Chapter III: Cold Stone

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"Wow!" Cora exclaimed as she and Night Wing walked out of Sugar Cube Corner. "That Gilda was quite the grouch."

"Based on what I've heard," Night began, "Gilda was more of an isolated incident." The two walked down the street side-by-side. "Blazing and Zuro say they've met a few griffons over the years and they all seem to be pretty nice."

"Maybe we should find out for ourselves?" Cora suggested.

"You mean, you wanna go to Griffonstone, huh?" Night asked with a smile.

"Why the jura not?" Cora smiled. Night shot her a glare before Cora raised her claws in defense. "Sorry, I got carried away." Night smiled at her friend.

"Alright, I'll begin making plans for the trip," Night declared, putting a large smile on the griffon's beak.

"Yrlokjd!" Cora chirped. Night giggled as she began trotting off toward the house.

Both Blazing Feathers and Zuro pitched in to offer Night and Cora a place to live while they stayed in Equestria. Blazing had quite a large sum of savings over his years of service to Princess Celestia and Zuro inherited a fortune from his father. However, that is all the information Night or Cora could get out of the two pegasi. Zuro was very cryptic about his origins, and Blazing was sworn to secrecy. Because of their financial freedoms, both Blazing and Zuro had their own houses in Ponyville. Outwardly, both houses looked like any other house in the humble town. However, one of them had a unique decore within.

"I still say we should've stayed at Zuro's house," Cora stated as she and Night walked up to Blazing's house. "His place is xiar!"

"I don't understand how you find all that black and green appealing," Night countered as she approached the door.

"Talking about our best friend, Zuro?" a familiar voice called out. Night and Cora looked up to find Blazing trotting up with a smile. "His house is pretty cool, isn't it?"

"You know it!" Cora chirped as she smiled at Blazing.

"Oh please, Night interjected as Blazing opened the door. "That black and green scheme is just... weird."

"It used to be only his bedroom that was decorated like that," Blazing began as he let the girls in before him. "He said it reminded him of home."

"Is he one of those changelings I've heard about?" Night queried. She noted a faint twitch in Blazing's eye.

"Changelings?" Cora asked.

"A race of equines," Blazing began, "Well, not quite. They have very similar features to equines only, they appear more buglike."

"Sounds cool," Cora smiled.

"Except, they change their appearance," Night interjected. "They can take on any form they choose at will. It makes them ideal spies and criminals."

"A bit harsh," Blazing stated.

"I'm just stating facts," Night countered. "Shapeshifting is a power that can be too easily abused."

"You speak as if you've had experience," Blazing observed. Night opened her mouth to speak before Blazing piped up. "No need to explain. I understand the concern. But, any power can be abused. I've seen it a thousand times. From something as simple as a manager at a store to as high as royalty."

"True, but shapeshifters can be anyone," Night countered as she walked to the spare room. "If there's even the slightest hint of someone being different, that could easily be a sign of an imposter."

"Lighten up, Night," Cora interjected. Night shot Cora a side-eye as she rounded a corner. When Night was out of sight, Blazing stepped closer to Cora.

"Did something happen to her?" he whispered. Cora only looked at him with a furrowed brow before following Night around the corner. "Sorry I asked," Blazing said as he went to the kitchen.

Inside the guest room, Night stared out the window staring at nothing as Cora stepped up behind her friend. "You okay?" Cora asked softly.

"I'm fine," Night answered without hesitation. Cora rubbed her claw on Night's back.

"You know you can-"

"Cora," Night interjected sharply. After a minute of silence, Night looked at Cora. "I appreciate your concern. But, don't push it." Cora only pulled the mare into a hug.

"You know I want nothing more than for you to be happy," Cora said softly. "I don't care how bad things were or will be, I'll always be there for you." Night leaned into her friend's warm embrace. After a minute, Night looked up with a smile.

"Now, I promised you a trip to Griffonstone," Night said, which put a big smile on the griffon's beak. "Then, go pack a lunch for us so we don't have to spend more than we have to." Cora stood tall and saluted.

"Yes ma'am!" Cora stated firmly, earning a giggle from the mare before Cora rushed out.

Cora found Blazing in the kitchen making himself a sandwich. "So, what's the plan?" Blazing asked as Cora started rummaging through the cabinets.

"We're going to Griffonstone!" Cora chirped. Blazing looked at her.

"Are you sure about that?" Blazing asked. "Griffonstone is in pretty bad shape and the griffons there aren't much better." Cora looked at him after gathering some supplies to make a few meals. Blazing blinked. "Oh, right. You haven't been to Griffonstone."

"You have?" Cora countered.

"I have," Blazing inclined his head. "I was excited the first time because I heard how proud and majestic griffons are."

"What was it like?" Cora excitedly asked.

"I think you should find out for yourself," Blazing answered as he took his humble meal out of the kitchen while munching on it. Cora watched him leave and blinked a few times.

"Could griffons really be as bad as Gilda?" Cora asked herself. She looked at the supplies she gathered. "Sure they can't all be that bad, right?"

Cora eventually broke from her trans and began making a few meals for a trip. After everything was bagged individually, she carried her bounty back to the guest room where she lay them on the bed before going to grab their travel bag.

"Okay, I got the food ready," Cora explained as she pulled out the bag.

"And thank you Twilight for this transcript," Night replied as she looked over a sheet of paper in her hoof. "Looks like there's a train headed toward Griffonstone tomorrow morning." Cora smiled at the news.

"Well, I packed enough for a whole day," Cora exclaimed. Night smiled at Cora as she set the sheet down.

The next day, the train came to a halt and the doors slid open. Outside of a few griffons, Night and Cora were the only ones to exit the train. The sight that greeted them took them both by surprise. Everything within the city, if you could call it a city, was in a state of disrepair and crumbling decay. Even the train station was falling apart. All the houses and buildings had chunks missing everywhere. Any place that could be a store was closed down. All the griffons simply brushed past everyone else without a care.

Night and Cora looked around the place with wide eyes. They looked at each other in disbelief.

"Well," Night began, "if there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that first impressions are almost always wrong." Cora inclined her head.

"Yeah," Cora said. "I want to see everything we can here."

With that, Night and Cora began walking through the streets. The interior of the city was in no better condition than the outskirts. Everything was falling apart, even the statues that appeared to be the most important. The griffons within were no better either. Most of the citizens wore a frown or a scowl.

"Excuse me," Cora called out to a griffon, who seemingly took no notice of her approach. Cora narrowed her brows. "Could you tell me how this city got so bad?" The griffon looked up.

"You got any bits?" he replied.

"For what?" Cora countered.

"No bits, no story," the griffon replied as he looked away while resting his cheek on his claw. Cora looked at Night.

"Let's try someone else," Night suggested.

"But," Cora began to protest.

"If all griffons are gonna ask for bits for everything," Night interjected, "and I suspect they will, we won't be able to get much out of them. We can't give bits away for every little thing."

"We can always get more bits later," Cora continued to protest.

"Cora, I know you want to learn what you can about this place," Night countered, "but, we have to play it smart, not fast." Cora pouted at being shut down. "Come on. This place has to have someone willing to talk, or even a library or something."

"Okay," Cora sighed as she hung her head before she looked at the griffon. "Hey, where's the library?" He held out a claw.

"If you wanna know, you gotta cough up the bits," he snarled. Cora growled and took a step forward before Night shoved her down the road.

"Cora!" Night huffed. "We're not gonna get into it here!"

It took a little bit of an effort, but Cora did calm down enough to walk beside her friend. As they walked down the road, they looked left and right to see the same thing at every corner. Closed stores, crumbling buildings, and grumpy griffons. Any time they asked a question, the only response was "you got bits?"

They trekked the streets for what felt like hours before a voice that sounded more friendly than any other they heard all day called out "Excuse me, do you need help?" Night and Cora looked back to find a female griffon with a golden coat and a friendly smile.

"You're offering to help?" Cora asked with a raised brow. "How much you askin'?"

"Cora!" Night huffed.

"Oh no, it's okay," the griffon countered with a soft chuckle. "I understand your concerns. Not all us griffons are as cold-shouldered." She raised a claw to her chest. "I'm Goldie."

"High, Goldie," Night offered with a smile. "I'm Night Wing and this is my friend Cora."

"Nice to meet you," Goldie inclined her head. "I haven't seen you before," she observed as she looked at Cora.

"I'm not from Griffonstone," Cora replied.

"Oh, really?" Goldie replied.

"I found her egg as a filly," Night explained.

"You were lost as an egg?" Goldie queried. "Oh, my stars! That's awful! Griffons may be harsh, but they'd still never abandon their eggs." She scratched her chin. Cora perked up at this before Goldie glanced at Night. "Is something wrong with you, Night? You have no cutie mark." Goldie pointed at Night's flank.

"I'm not from Equestria," Night explained. Night and Cora explained their backstory of where Muneris come from and where Night found Cora's egg. They finished with the reason why they were in Griffonstone.

"Oh my!" Goldie exclaimed. "You're lucky to be alive, Cora. Next to bits, or anything gold, griffon eggs are very precious to us. Especially when we don't let greed rule our lives."

"I imagine the golden shells have something to do with it," Cora observed.

"Actually, that's not too far from the truth," Goldie interjected. "Because griffon eggs are gold, there are those who often try to steal them for a quick profit."

"Do griffons try selling them off?" Cora asked.

"Cora, she did say that griffon eggs are precious to them," Night countered. "I highly doubt they'd sell them off."

"Well, there are rare occasions," Goldie piped up. "Rare, but not unheard of. You'd have to find a griffon whose soul interest is bits." Goldie glanced at another griffon passing by before looking at Cora. "The only reason I can think of for you to have been so far from griffons is because you were either stolen or sold." Cora snorted.

"I wasn't expecting to find family here, but I never thought I'd hear something like that," Cora huffed.

"Cora, don't be like that," Night said softly as she rubbed her hoof on Cora's back. "Besides, if something like that didn't happen, I never would've found you."

"Don't misread me, Night," Cora countered. "I'm not upset about that part of it at all. I'm glad you found me back then, but it's still not easy hearing that my parents might've sold me as an egg for a few bits."

"A griffon egg's worth at least a hundred bits!" a griffon carelessly shouted out as he passed. Goldie glared at the passing griffon as Night and Cora scoffed.

"I'm sorry about that," Goldie softly said.

"Never mind that," Cora waved a claw before looking at Night. "I guess we know why everything looks like dzod."

"Cora -" Night began with a glare.

"Oh, spare me the lecture," Cora huffed as she turned away.

"Dzod?" Goldie asked with a raised brow.

"I am not translating that," Night exclaimed sharply.

"Oh," Goldie said as she realized the intent behind the word. "Okay." Cora planted her rump on the ground against a dead tree.

"So, Goldie," Night piped up. "You're definitely not like the other griffons around here. Why are you here? If you don't mind my asking."

"Not at all," Goldie smiled. "I'm here visiting family. I live in Fillydephia. I needed to get away from the negativity, so I left as soon as I was old enough. But, my parents never wanted to leave, so I drop by every so often to visit them. They may be grouchy, but they're good griffons."

"Well, that makes sense," Night observed. "And, I've heard griffons were proud creatures. Was that ever true?"

"Once upon a time," Goldie sighed. "Long ago, there was Kind Grover. He led griffons into an age of pride with the Idol of Boreas. That idol became the source of our pride and majesty. But, then it was stolen from King Guto by a monster called, Arimaspi. Ever since then, we've lost all sense of our pride. Most griffons are cold and greedy anymore."

"I see," Night exclaimed as she looked around. The sound of a train whistle filled the air.

"Well, unless you intend on flying home or staying for a week, I suggest you catch the train," Goldie said. "The train only comes to Griffonstone twice a day and only one day a week."

"That's a very odd schedule," Cora piped up.

"A commune to Griffonstone is in small demand," Goldie replied.

"So, if we don't take the train now, we have to wait a week or fly all the way back to Ponyville?" Night asked.

"If you miss the train, there's a town west of here," Goldie explained. "Thirty minutes as the crow flies."

"Well, then we better scat," Cora said as she stood up. "I've had enough of this place."

"Are you sure, Cora?" Night asked.

"I'm sure," Cora replied as she began walking back toward the station. "Thanks for the info, Goldie. I do hope we meet again someday."

"It was my pleasure," Goldie smiled at Night. "At least you made one friend in Griffonstone."

"And that's always a plus in my book," Night smiled. "Thank you for talking with us."

"Hurry up before you miss the train," Goldie urged. Night turned to follow Cora.

Night and Cora did everything they could to avoid the other griffons as they made their way to the station. As they arrived, the whistle blew again, signaling the train's imminent departure. They quickly boarded the train just in time for the doors to close behind them and the train began moving.

Night and Cora found an empty seat and sat next to each other. Both remained silent for a few minutes before Night looked at Cora. "You okay, Cora?" Night softly asked.

"I'll be fine," Cora answered. "It was hard hearing all that stuff, but I'll be fine." Night pulled Cora into a warm hug.

"I don't know how I'd react to hearing something like that," Night observed as Cora leaned into her embrace. They remained in each other's embrace for a few minutes before Cora lifted her head to smile at Night.

"Thank you for being there for me," Cora offered with a single tear sliding down her cheek.

"And I always will be," Night replied as she made a rag appear to wipe away the tear.

The train made several stops along the way, making the trip feel longer than it was. Earth Ponies, pegasi, and unicorns boarded and departed the train at every stop. All the while, neither Night nor Cora said a word. Finally, the train arrived at Ponyville, where Night and Cora departed. They were warmly greeted by the ponies as they left the station. "Welcome back," or "I hope you had a nice trip," or even "You guys back so soon?"

"Hey guys," Zuro called out. Night and Cora looked up at him. "I heard you two took a trip to Griffonstone. Was it nice?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," Cora huffed as she passed him.

"That bad, huh?" Zuro asked Night.

"It was, erm, hard," Night explained.

"Say no more," Zuro said as he raised a hoof. "I've heard enough about Griffonstone to know how much of a ditch they're in." He looked at Cora who kept watching anything else going on around them. "Hey, I'm sure things'll get better before too long." That got Cora to glance at him. "No guarantees, but nothing's truly set in stone. I've heard countless stories of nations starting one way before doing a full one-eighty within a single generation. Who knows? Griffonstone could become the best place to live in all of Equestria someday."

"After what I just witnessed, I find that hard to believe," Cora retorted.

"Cora, you know Muneris history isn't the prettiest," Night interjected. "There is evidence to suggest Muneris were actually quite cruel almost a millennia ago."

"Really?" Zuro asked.

"Some historians believe it had something to do with a surge of dark magical energy at the time," Night continued. "Come to think of it, that is roughly around the time Nightmare Moon appeared."

"Interesting," Zuro observed as he scratched his chin. "Maybe Muneris ponies have some kind of absorbing ability? It could explain that dark age of your history."

"I have heard of some Muneris with direct absorbing abilities," Night explained. "But, I'm not sure about it being something really common or passive."

"I never thought griffons could be a bunch of greedy grumps, Night," Cora piped up. "Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it's not real." Cora turned to face them. "Like that Sinerum who tried to fuse with a Muneris to gain power."

"Now, that is a pony tale," Night rolled her eyes as Zuro perked up.

"Sinerum?" Zuro queried.

"A scary story of an equine similar to Muneris," Night began, "only these guys are more like what you'd call earth ponies. They have no horns, wings, or cutie marks."

"Do they have the gems on their foreheads too?" Zuro asked.

"Hold on," Cora piped up, "If you already knew about Muneris, why don't you know about the Sinerum?"

"Because they're not real, Cora," Night interjected. "It's just a story.

"Now, wait a minute," Zuro stepped forward. "Why wouldn't they exist? Are you saying that there can't possibly be others like you that don't have wings?" Night rolled her eyes.

"Of course they do," a familiar female voice caught their attention. They all looked up to see Twilight trotting up with a saddlebag full of books. "Muneris are magical pegasi. There's more information about them than the others because their home is closest to Equestria."

"You mean, you actually know about other races like the Muneris?" Cora asked. Twilight pulled out a book about world history.

"This book has information on all the known races of the world, both factual and myth," Twilight beamed as she gleefully explained. "Did you know there are more than just three kinds of equines?!"

"Well, duh," Cora rolled her eyes. "Night's standing right here, ya know?"

"I mean outside of earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, and Muneris," Twilight countered. "Far away, atop Mount Aris, once stood the great kingdom, Hippogriffia! Home of the Hippogriffs! A race of creatures that are half pony and half eagle!"

"Sounds fasc-" Cora sarcastically began before she stopped herself. "Actually, that sounds kinda cool!" Night smiled at the new-found spark in Cora's face.

"Oh, I'd be happy to share everything I know with you!" Twilight beamed at Cora.

"Sounds like you're in for a long night, Night," Zuro chuckled as Cora followed Twilight with a bounce in her step.

"As long as it helps get her mind off Griffonstone, I'm all for it," Night observed as she followed Twilight and Cora.


Back in Griffonstone, just finished dinner with her parents. Goldie lounged in her seat rubbing her belly. The food in Griffonstone was not nearly as good as the meals she enjoyed in Fillydelphia, but she did not have the heart to reject her mother's cooking.

"That was good," Goldie fibbed. "As always, mom."

"Glad you liked it, Goldie," Goldie's mother sarcastically replied as she tossed a dirty plate into the broken-down sink. Goldie watched her mother with a false smile. The old griffon's sarcastic response made her wonder if she knew Goldie did not care for her cooking, but she never pressed the issue.

"Who cares?" Goldie's father scoffed as he turned a page of the newspaper he held in his claws. "Everyone knows the food here sucks." a loud gong filled the air, followed by a clear "Ow!" from the old male. "Except for yours, dear," he groaned as he rubbed the back of his head. She nodded with a "humph" as she walked away with the pan in her claw.

Goldie fought the urge to laugh as she watched her grumpy parents with a smile. She stretched out as she stood up. "Well, I better get going," Goldie said.

"Is it that time already?" the mother carelessly queried. "It's not like we don't want you to stay here longer."

"Or, you could just stay in Equestria," the father groaned. "It's obvious you like it better over there."

Goldie walked up and embraced her father tightly. "I may love it in Equestria, but you're my parents. I could never just ignore you." Both of the older griffons smiled at their daughter when they thought no one was looking. They would never admit it, but they loved it when Goldie came to visit them every month.

"You could at least bring us some grand-griffons next time you come over," her mother groaned as she shook the smile off her face. "Maybe they'll stick around longer."

"Maybe someday, Mom," Goldie replied as she went to hug her mother too. "I'll be back again soon," Goldie declared as she turned to the door, which was hanging by a single hinge.

"Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!" Goldie called out as she left the crumbling house. Goldie had no intention of staying in Griffonstone for a whole week. Whenever she came to visit her family, she always made plans to take the train to town and spend a bit of time with her parents before flying off to the closest town with more available trains.

Goldie kicked off the ground and flew into the air. The cool air blew passed her feathers as she flew towards the sunset. She few for several long minutes before she could see the next town in the distance. She began to descend towards the town before something caught her attention.


Goldie stopped mid-flight to look around the immediate area. Soon enough, she spotted a white earth pony stallion with black hair waving his forehooves in the air. She dove down and landed in front of him with a thud.

"What's wrong?!" Goldie asked as she glanced left and right. "Are you okay?" She blinked when she noticed a red gem sparkle through his mane as he grinned at her.

"I am now," he said with a menacing voice as he grabbed her head in his forehooves and pulled her in. His gem glowed bright red as it came into contact with her forehead. Goldie's eyes shot open wide as she tried to scream out, only no sound escaped her beak.

The gem was as cold as ice to the touch. She tried to resist, but her efforts were in vain. With every passing second, her strength faded. Her claws trembled and weakened before falling to the ground as her whole body slowly followed suit. Soon enough, her body fell to the ground with a heavy thud. It was only a few seconds but, to her, it felt like an eternity.

Goldie lay on the ground panting in sheer exhaustion as she watched the earth pony stand tall. He took in a deep breath through his nose before letting out a heavy sigh through his smiling lips. "Finally!" he declared. "The speed of a griffon is mine!"

"Wha-" Goldie huffed. "What did you do to me?" She could barely get the words out. The stallion glanced at her with a snarl.

"Oh yeah," he sighed. "I already forgot you were here." He brushed some dust off his shoulder with a hoof before cracking a half-smile at her. "Don't worry. You'll live." He turned his back to her. "You might even recover half your strength by the time the sun rises tomorrow. That is if the animals don't get you first!" Goldie noticed the stallion had no cutie mark on his flank just before a flash of green flames engulfed his body. In a second, a white griffon stood in his place. "The shapeshifting power of a changeling with the speed of a griffon! Soon, it'll all be mine!" He stretched his open wide as he crouched to the ground. "Not even all the alicorns in Equestria!" He kicked off the ground to take flight, kicking chunks of dirt out of the ground after him.

Goldie lay there for several long minutes with no strength. Finally, she felt her limbs twitch. She took in a breath and used everything she could to push herself off the ground. It felt like she was fighting against the tallest mountain in the world. She managed to get onto her feet and started walking. Her legs trembled with every step. Her heart pounded in her chest. Despite the fear coursing through her body, she could feel her strength slowly return with every step. If only she could fly, but her wings refused to move from her sides. They could not even stay folded against her body. They just dragged along the dirt at her sides.

Goldie would have to try to fly later. Right now, she had one mission that was more important than anything else in the world. She had to get to town before sunset.