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    Rule 34 update coming soon...

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    MLP Rule 34 Update: January 2016 / Zootopia

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Merriwethering the Storm: Part 3 / Spike at Your Service Spoilers · 11:34pm Dec 30th, 2012

Let me start off by saying that Merriwether Williams can write decent stories.

Her ability to create scenarios fueled by confrontational characters was used to great effect in Hearth's Warming Eve.

If the series ever returns to Appleloosa, I'd love for Merriwether Williams to write it, since she already knows how to write dialogue for comidically-racist characters.

She'd be the ideal candidate to write an MLP homage to Blazing Saddles.

It wouldn't be the first time the series has referenced that film.

Applebloom and Babs could go with Applejack on a trip to Appleloosa.

When they arrive, they find out that Sheriff Silver Star has retired and been replaced by a zebra. Braeburn would feature prominently in the episode when he's promoted to deputy. He would attempt to get along with the new sheriff, in spite of their differences. The moral would be all about compromise and working together.

My point is, Merriwether can really shine as a writer when given new characters and rarely used locations. However, when she has an episode focusing on well-established characters and sets the story in Ponyville, that's when things get dicey.

Merriwether seems to have little consideration for character consistency. I'm not just talking about the character's in her stories when compared to other writers. I mean Merriwether isn't even consistent within the various episodes she's written. Her Spike-centered stories are great examples of this.

Spike is a psychological train wreck in the episodes penned by Merriwether Williams. At the end of Dragon Quest, Spike renounces his dragon heritage in order to be accepted by his pony overlords. The cycle of abuse begins anew when Spike abducts a baby phoenix and names the bird "Pee Wee," which is the same name the teenage dragons called Spike. They used the name as a slur to show their dominance over him. I can't imagine why Spike would choose to give his pet a name which symbolized the young dragon's social abuse. Spike then informs Pee Wee that he will teach his pet how "to be a pony."

Now that we're caught up, it's time to check out Spike at Your Service.

No more delays. Let's dive in, shall we? Spike looks as excited for this episode as I am.

As soon as I saw the writing credits, I knew we were in trouble.

Before we get into the plot, how about starting with something positive? I liked seeing the timber wolves again. I didn't mind them being CGI, as they tended to be pretty well integrated. Their movements in this episode were more intricate when compared to their original appearance.

I think the timber wolves are some of the coolest-looking creature designs in the MLP universe.

I was actually surprised when Applejack blasted the wolves to splinters.

It follows the Samurai Jack principle. You can dismember all the robots you want. As long as they bleed oil, it's fine. Or, in Applejack's case, elemental-based creatures who bleed sap.

Applejack ends up saving Spike's life, which leads us to the main problem I have with this episode: the story. To call the premise of Spike at Your Service a horrible cliche is an insult to horrible cliches. This plotline is so worn out, it has holes in it. The "indebted butler" story has its own lengthy TV Tropes page.

Hey Arnold summed up the absurdity of the situation quite nicely.

Arnold: "Grandpa, I have a problem."
Grandpa: "Let me guess — you saved some guy's life, and he's trying to make it up to you by being your slave."
— Hey Arnold!

Comically becoming the servant of the one who saves your life has been a hallmark of creatively bankrupt sitcoms for decades. I'm not saying it can never be done well, but it requires some serious lampshading of the material in order to be anything other than merely derivative. If you want to see an "indentured servant" story that pulls it off well, check out this episode of Phineas and Ferb.

As the song says, "The story is old. It's a 70's sitcom cliche."

What doesn't help matters is that Merriwether is telling this story without irony.

This episode also helps to further solidify Spike's role as a slave.

Since I'm here, I may as well touch on Spike the Dragon's "code."

Where did this code come from? None of the teenage dragons mentioned a code. Then again, they were willing to smash rare phoenix eggs, so I doubt they live by any code of nobility.

It's unlikely that Spike would've read about it in any books, since ponies know hardly anything about dragons. Something tells me Spike made up this dragon code.

It's quite sad, actually. After being compelled to abandon his dragon ancestry, Spike is plunged into an existential crisis. He yearns to reconnect with his roots by fabricating dragon traditions and history.

Spike zealously struggles to uphold his "dragon code;" possibly to show his racist friends that dragons have a set of morals. Even the song he sings to Applejack hints at his desire for acceptance amongst ponies.

"A dragon is the finest creature ever.
There's more to them than guarding treasure."

Spike strives to prove he's more than the equines' stereotype of a selfish, hoarding dragon. He's forced to suppress his natural instincts and conform to Equestrian ethics in order to keep his friends. Spike relinquishes his freedom to prove that dragons can be "noble." He pays the price for the avarice of his ancestors with self-sacrificing servitude.

Well, no. I guess that's not true, because once Applejack gets Twilight involved, we find out that the dragon code isn't something that Spike made up.

"Surly you know how important the dragon code is to a dragon?" Twilight said.

"I sure am starting to," Applejack replied, "and don't call me Shirley."

So, if the dragon code isn't something Spike just made up, why hasn't he become indebted before?

Rarity is disturbingly okay with owning indentured servants.

I guess that's another thing that the "DotMov" series predicted accurately.

Rainbow Dash was one of the highlights in Spike at Your Service. One of the most important revelations made this episode is the fact that fanfics are now canon.

Apparently, both Rainbow Dash and Applejack are writing stories. I'd love it if this was foreshadowing to a future episodes about fanfics.

I'll just leave this animation here.

I can't believe that the Element of Honesty can't be honest with Spike.

Throughout the whole episode, Applejack can't bring herself to tell Spike how she really feels. She sidesteps the issue, so as to avoid hurting his feelings. If everyone acted even remotely in character, we wouldn't have a story.

Just like in The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well, open communication is never the answer. What we need to solve our problem is a convoluted scheme and lies on top of lies!

I will say that it was nice to see the main six all have meaningful contributions in this episode. This level of unity between the Elements of Harmony has been lacking as of late.

Including as many of the mane six as possible into her stories is another thing Merriwether Williams does well.

Unfortunately, including them doesn't always mean they'll act in character.

Speaking of OOC, let's talk about Twilight in this episode.

Before anyone points it out in the comments, let me say that I'm well aware the person who put this image together made a spelling error. It's supposed to say "Run for you're live!"

Even though Twilight was horribly irresponsible throughout the episode, I'm going to give her a pass on ignoring Spike until the climax. However, what I can't excuse is her actions after the real timber wolves show up.

Twilight teleports right next to Spike, only to run for her life while leaving him behind. I understand that we needed to get Spike and Applejack alone for the climax of the episode, but the way they accomplished this makes Twilight look like a negligent guardian for Spike. Compare her actions in this episode to when she saved Spike from the hydra in Feeling Pinkie Keen.

I'm not going to lie. I got a little choked up watching Twilight risk her own life to save Spike.

Merriwether tried to put a bandage over Twilight's abandonment by having her give an excuse as to why she didn't go back.

"What happened to you guys back there?" Twilight said, "Thought you were right behind us."

Really? What were Twilight and the rest of Applejack's friends doing? Just standing around the apple orchards for several minutes while waiting for Spike and Applejack to appear? None of them, including the Element of Loyalty, went back to make sure Applejack and Spike made it out alive?

Twilight appeared right next to Spike and somehow managed to run off without him! I can't get over it.

This would've been such an easy fix, too. Have the timber wolves chase Applejack and Spike into a cave. A loud noise causes a cave in, separating Applejack and Spike from their friends. Applejack's hoof gets pinned beneath some rocks, so it's up to Spike to defend her while Twilight and company work desperately to clear away the rocks blocking the cave entrance. Done.

As it stands in the episode, Twilight and the rest of Applejack's friends all look like huge cowards who saved their own skins while leaving their friends to die.

Also, the way Spike defeated the timber wolf was pretty anticlimactic. He's a dragon! I thought for sure they'd make use of his fire.

Maybe incinerating the timber wolf would've been a little too traumatizing for a kids show, but Spike still could have blown a burst of fire at the timber wolf's feet to scare it away. I know Spike's only a baby dragon, but if ever there was a time where he needed to summon up all his firepower, this episode would've been the one to do it.

I guess Spike throwing a small rock to topple the giant beast was supposed to be symbolic of David and Goliath. If that's the case, then maybe they should have established that better.

How about this? Instead of saving his life from timber wolves, Spike crashes the balloon into Applejack's barn. Spike feels guilty and offers to work on the farm until the barn is fixed. After a few days, Spike begins to feel self-conscious about how small and weak he is compared to the athletic Apple family. Even Applebloom is able to work circles around him.

Big Mac teaches Spike that size and strength don't matter. What matters is doing the best you can with the tools you're given.

When the story is framed around that, then the David versus Goliath pay off at the end has a greater resonance.

(You have no idea how difficult it was to find a picture of Big Mac with Spike that wasn't explicit.)

And now for some scenes from the episode:

For those of you with a stinky feet fetish, your ship has come in.

Yet more evidence Trixie can use as to why wheels are untrustworthy.

Twilight and Rarity prepare for the kinkiest sex ever.

Inflation is now canon.

Frankly, I don't see the appeal.

We've talked about the plot and the ponies, but what about Spike? In my opinion, this episode did his character a disservice. In every other episode, Spike seems like a near-perfect assistant for Twilight. Occasionally he'll make a mistake, but he's nowhere near the bumbling buffoon he was made out to be in this episode.

Why did he have to mess up everything he touched in the first half of the episode? And why was he such a bad cook?

If you recall from the Owl's Well That Ends Well episode, Spike is an accomplished confectioner. He made a batch of his freshly-baked, homemade, triple-decker, nut-crazy, vanilla-creme cookies to share with his friends. Those desserts turned out just fine.

The episode A Bird in the Hoof showed us that Spike knows his way around the kitchen. Why else would the Cakes have him help prepare the food when they're hosting a party for Princess Celestia?

We even saw Spike's homemade cookies again in Merriwether's Dragon Quest episode.

Spike seems like a competent dragon to have around the kitchen, but who wants to bother with character consistency?

It'll be much funnier if he messes everything up!

Wait a minute...

Lives a life exiled from other members of his species...

Possesses an obscenely-long tongue...

Is comically inept at everything he does...

Contracts a "life debt" with the one who saves him...

Oh. My. Celestia. I just figured it out...

Spike is Jar Jar Binks.

Merriwether Williams, look what you've done. Look what you've done!

I'm sorry, Spike. I'm so sorry...

Report Bronystories · 5,429 views ·
Comments ( 67 )

Mm well I have to say this episode, was rather quite interesting.
I sense some Aj x Spike shipping.
But nevertheless, have you heard of the sypnosis for S3 Ep11? What do you think of it, Bronystories?

If this screenshot is any indication, it should be interesting. Caution! Spoilers.

SPIKE IS JAR JAR BINKS! OH DEAR GOD! You have outdone yourself this time Bronystories!

I agree with them.
Ugh.. what is my sister thinking?!

I'm not implying that Spike is Jar Jar in a general sense. I'm specifically talking about his portrayal in Merriwether Williams' episodes.

So, if Applejack saved Spike, does that make her App El Gin?

663627 I know, but that punchline made me fall off my chair. Mostly because it was something I was not expecting whatsoever.

Spike is Jar Jar Binks.


Damn you Merriwether Williams, damn you to the darkest pit in hell!!!!!!

Oh sweet Jesus, my head canon is fucked up now! Damn you Jar Jar, damn you to hell! :raritycry:

it's run for your life
not run for you're live......
your correction was wrong XD

Yeah, that's pretty much how I thought it would go down.

Blazing saddles + mlp crossover would be awesome.

I agree with all of the inconsistent character development for Spike. changing it from another author is one thing, openly contradicting your own work is another. Spike must have seen that he was about to star in a Merriwether episode and taken retard pills before showing up.

She made such a point of him rejecting his dragon roots, only to have them feature prominently in this episode. From whom did he learn of the Dragon code - Basil isn't around anymore, and Garble and the others didn't seem likely to teach it to him. If he just read it in a book, he is likely just rigidly enforcing an ideal with no regard for its intent.

I did like Rainbow in this episode - she was so honest about the idea for her fic just comming to her, she likely doesn't see the parallels with her own life.

Another thing that grabbed my attention for this episode was when the Timber Wolves formed into the gestalt entity. As soon as I watched that I was reminded of another character from a hasbro series.

seibertron.com/images/toys/files/72/r_devastator017.jpg panelsonpages.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/g1.jpg

The Constructicon Combiner: Devastator.
For those who do not know Transformers Lore, Devastator forms when the 6 constructicons merge and transform together, forming a single hive minded gestalt entity.

Watching the Timber Wolves merge in a similar fashion feels like a tip of the hat to the older fanchise - even the colour of the magic of Everfree is similar.

I want to go on record as stating that I think the merged wolves should be known as a Dire Wolf

Everybody is over analyzing this a little too much :pinkiecrazy:, like the dragon code maybe every dragon makes there own code we simply don't have any info on that one way or the other. Applejack being infallible as the element of Honesty, seriously where did all these fics pop up about her being a lie detector or can't tell a single lie to spare someones feelings like when she was working the apple orchared all by herself or didn't win the rodeo, those were multiple times that shows her flawsr to help make her seem less like a mary sue. All the characters have shown flaws multiple times Pinkie isn't always happy or smiling, Rarity shows some greediness now and then.

Lets move on to Spike, yes they made him a little more clumsy then people would of liked but I don't think we've ever seen him really bake before or at least not pie:pinkiesick:, maybe he was blinded by his admiration for getting his life saved and his lack of having nothing to do drives him to rush things make mistakes and say that he'll serve Applejack.

All in all this was probably my favorite episode this season. showing that there not getting stagnant on there animating, cue different angles of the characters, obviously the wolfs, sure some of the animation was alittle wonky :rainbowlaugh: but there not afraid to try new things. The next part is a great balance of characters probably the best I've seen that wasn't a two part major villain or somthing.

In the end its a cartoon for children and there parents so everything I say is objective opinions :rainbowwild:
Edit: Your also missing a chance at spike ruling with iron claws manipulating them with back scratches and bellyrubs :ajsmug:
Can totally see spike as Jar Jar though if he ever started talking like him I'd turn off my computer and just walk to Alaska and live my life as a woodsman.

Oh dear, only a well done review of the episode could shed some light on the subject.
I didn't even consider about the episode to that certain extent.

I don't know what I'm typing right now.
But anyway, well done!

You have no idea how difficult it was to find a picture of Big Mac with Spike that wasn't explicit.

You have no idea how much that sentence made me love this fandom.

Anyway, in Applejack's defense, she does tell him it is all good and he can leave. Repeatedly. (Before and after the pig cleaning, and then later when Fluttershy suggests she just say that there is nothing that needs done). Spike freaks out every time.

The weird part about Spike's incompetence (to me anyway) is that it was so uneven. He completes several ridiculously impossible, Sisyphus style tasks (build an enormous tower of rocks, clean a pig till it sparkles, count every blade of grass in Sweet Apple Acres, defeat the Megazord-Timberwolf) with a speed and ability that amazes everyone. Then he picks up a mop and ... im canot legs o daer.
I think they missed an easy out with that one. Just have him be useless with tasks outside of his skill set.

I do kind of wonder what Merriwether thinks of Spike. She's the only one who writes Spike episodes, and they're always kind of weird. Maybe she disapproves of his position on the show? It could be some sort of bizarre act of sabotage on her part, trying to deconstruct his relationship with the others.
I know if I actually got to be on the writing staff of a show like that, my first thought would probably be fucking shit up, because I am a wretched little thing.

663673 Forgive me for this, but I can't resist your comment about becomming a woodsman

This was literally my least favorite episode in the series.:eeyup:

Oh how I love that gif. :rainbowkiss:


The summary for keep calm and flutter on looks awesome


"I know if I actually got to be on the writing staff of a show like that, my first thought would probably be fucking shit up, because I am a wretched little thing."

You'd probably do something really off the wall, like introduce a sex change spell into the world.

Oh wait...

Wow, just wow. I was thinking all those things watching the episode. The incompetent Spike thing really, really irked me because it made no sense. That and the whole, hey you're a dragon, burn those wooden monsters to cinders, already!

I'd like to think Ash Ketchum was shouting at his television while watching this episode.

"Spike, you idiot!" Ash said, "Use flamethrower! It's super effective against Grass-types!"

Fucking JarJar... goddammit all to hell! *ahem* Excuse my initial language...

I feel so bad for Spike. Such a noble species, and yet, a simple slave to the ponies. True, in other mythologies, dragons CAN be uncaring, obsessive assholes who do terrible things that would make ponies faint (read up on Seathe the Scaleless experiments from Dark Souls for example). But some are good, guides, and still wonderfully mysterious creatures. Hell, it's why I write about Kirins and Longmas, as I hope for a future both species could exist that way... but I digress form the point.

I don't understand why Spike is treated the way he is, and it isn't ONLY Merriwether who does this. I realize that My Little Pony is hardly targeted towards young boys watching as well, but if they were watching they would feel being the only boy amongst mainly older girls be a bad thing? (Hypothetically speaking of course.)

I shan't rant very long, but this is where I see a disconnect from a "male-centered" shows, like Adventure Time, and older series, and "female-lead" series, like MLP or even the now dead iCarly (do NOT get me started on that show.. ) In AT, a girl introduced can be a princess, a scientist and buff and somewhat silly side-character. They can be anything, and yet, they are not bound by their gender and starting roles, as a Princess can fight, the scientist can defend herself, and Susan the Hooman can give Finn hope. In female lead shows (I'll use iCarly, but there are SO many more examples), guys are either: Goof-balls, means to an end that can be abused, and overall goals that can be easily disposed of when the episode ends. Nothing EVER fucking changes, and it pisses me off to no end.

Sad thing, is Spike seems to be used as all three at times. I am fully aware that there are other male characters, but let's be honest, I don't see Big Mac, or Mr. Carrot Cake being used to fill in for Spike except in VERY SPECIFIC instances (i.e. adult stuff, like dealing with rumors, and of course fatherhood). Maybe it is easier to use Spike in these very basic forms of roles, but I consider it lazy. Give him depth, make thing serious, or hell, HAVE HIM HANG WITH SOME COLTS FOR ONCE! Maybe, he can grow, and then, we can get an equal amount of growth for our... token male character (I hate using that term, but I did, so there!) I do like your other series on this topic, as well Bronystories... do forgive me for making this a "gender-stereotyping issue" in this response!

I see great potential for MLP, and shan't give up, do not misinterpret. I am perhaps, a tad bitter that things like this pop up from time to time. But I believe ranting is good for the soul, and honestly, I tend to dwell on the flaws of things I like more than the good, for some inexplicable reason.Maybe I am crazy, maybe it's because my OC is a burro/jackass... or maybe, through faults, the good stuff look better. Who the hell knows. I really need to write again though...

Oh, and yes, I watched iCarly, and other girl shows with my 10 year old sister when I visit, but even she noticed that Freddie and the other guys were being treated unfairly. I am training her well (or making her a cynic. I don't know)

I'm fine with keeping necromantic deadwood and fanfics, but lets just chalk up the rest of this episode to DIScontinuity. Who's with me?

Spike is now Jar Jar Binks? WHY!!!!!!! :fluttercry:
At least now he'll become the Dragon Abassador, only to be killed my Snails when he succums to the Dark Side-I mean Dark Magic.


When I saw Spike messing up the kitchen, I thought the exact same thing. Drove me nuts because he's never, ever been so ridiculously incompetent before.

Honestly, this episode needs to be 20% more thought out and the characters 100% less OOC. Yeah, the whole thing seemed to fall flat for me. I think one of the worst parts was when Spike first told Twilight about Applejack saving his life and she's just like, "Yeah, OK, whatevs." Yes, I do understand that she's supposed to be really absorbed in that book, but still, I think she'd register what she'd heard after a second or two. :facehoof:


Those deserts turned out just fine.

Oh, did they now?

663792 Sometimes I wonder why I follow you... Then I read one of your comment :rainbowlaugh:

Actually, I'd probably find a way to include graphic mutilation in a show for little girls. Like, maybe have Applejack repeatedly shred her enemies into scattered, flopping limbs.:pinkiecrazy:

I meant more like ...

Assuming she watches the weird way that the other characters treat Spike, and it bothers her.

She can't write an episode in which Spike comes right out and says, "I'm tired of you bitches messing with my goddamn head. Fuck off. I can't be your little brother one moment and your pin cushion the next. I'm not a chef or a pony. I'm goddamn dragon. I will be here thousands of years after you're dead, I will literally eat the bones of your grandchildren and someday my breath will eclipse the sun over your pathetic villages!" So, instead, she plays at the edges. It is up to the viewer to notice things like the Peewee-bit (I never noticed that before), the cycle of kidnapping, the way his competence is entirely dictated by plot, his slavish dedication to the ponies who "own" him; how he is a "psychological trainwreck" as you put it.
Basically, I wonder if she isn't trying to get people irritated in the way you are. Or maybe she's just a shitty writer? That's why I said I'd like to know what she thinks.

The one thing I was bothered with (that you didn't mention was) Fluttershy. Her saying "If she needed help, I think she would realise it" felt awkward and really out of place. Rest of her lines were weird too, in my opinion.

All in all, dragon code explained the whole "I want to obey you and technically be your slave" thing well if only this had been hinted at in previous episodes. I can't say it was the best episode of S3 but it wasn't that bad.


Plot revealing


I hope the episode will be called "Bubble Butt'


I have to admit, when I was watching the episode I was thinking "The characters seem a little off, Spike is an amazing cook, and why didn't Twilight absolutely thrash those timberwolves? Then I check up on your blog with a nagging suspicion, and I realize, Merriweather.

Though I do have one question, why do you keep posting images of the blue fairy whenever you mention her? I don't get the joke at all.

God damnit... Now I can't look at Spike the same way ever again..... Oh Jar Jar will haunt me to my grave :raritydespair:

663922 The Blue fairy is called Merriwether (Merryweather) and comprises a third of the trio of good fairies along with Flora and Fauna. She cames from the 1959 Disney Film Sleeping Beauty.

Actually, I think all of you may be missing the overarching troll of this episode. Seeing as how fanfics are now canon, perhaps we were seeing what Dash was actually writing as filler in her fic.
This being said, I personally would compare this episode to the movie Eragon. Standalone, you could probably bear to watch this episode if you had never seen the rest of the series and it would rate at about a C overall. You maybe could have gotten away with this in the first season. In fact, it would have allowed for a great deal of background development for Spike, thereby making him an even stronger character. But like Eragon, you are dealing with an established character and fan base and they ballsed it up, HORRIBLY!

I'll add the missing 'S.' :twilightblush:

Edit: Fixed! :pinkiehappy:

663609 I always kept my mouth shit about a lot of Equestria's ways. But, seeing this picture again and knowing how young and still somewhat new by our country's laws are, I laughed out loud the first time and with Sleepless in Ponyville's Sweetie Belle scenes, Applebloom in general even in this episode, that children are still considered more property in Equestria and barely have any laws protecting them from abuse like child labor.

In short, in our history, children never had rights, they had LESS rights than your pet cat or bird! Seeing the synopsis for that episode where Spike convinces the mane 6 to let him take care of their pets, and seeing the CMC in that sleigh... I laughed kinda hard at the notion the CMC fall under the possible category by their elders as being pets xD
"Here Spike, while you're at it please take Sweetie Belle too. Be sure to bath her twice a day and brush her mane and tail 100 strokes each, every time before bed and after waking. Careful, she's still not fully house trained so you may want to avoid giving her water before bed."

Synopsis. It's like some fanfiction's summaries: You don't know what you're really in for till you open up the page!

i dont know if it is a good thing Spike is Jar Jar. he's like one of my favorite Star Wars characters.

Son, you just blew my mind :twilightoops:

It would take a good hour to write up my response to this. It's mostly due to the fact that, outside of the fact I've seriously read better 30 minute challenge fics than what was done in this episode, I still very much enjoyed it. I actually liked that AJ for the first time in awhile, wasn't her usually blunt honest self like how she disregarded RD's feelings in that Best Pet episode, I know there were at least 2 more moments of bluntness but they allude me at the moment.

Discord's lesson to AJ must of had some effect on her, because her bluntness has toned down a lot. Sometimes a lie is easier to take. AJ has done a lot of pussyhoofing around stuff she obviously feels uncomfortable with. Countless times throughout Spike At Your Service, Applejack had tried talking sense into Spike in that her way is that it's just what any friend would do for a friend in her mind. I really love AJ's part in this episode. All too many wanted to say she had Spike doing horribly impossible chores, or cruel tasks. I beg to differ. Though, that counting blades of grass all over Sweet Apple Acres hit her right in the gut when Spike actually *did* do *exactly* as she told him to do. I'll never forget that look on her face, she felt really bad about herself there more than just the disbelief that he managed to execute such a seemingly impossible task.


Spike's Dragon Code... I *almost* fully accepted it. I mean, use ones' imagination and it could of been any number of months or years since Dragon Quest. I'll agree that we share a similar feel for Spike on his made belief code. Twilight talking about it though as if even the audience should of always known about it is what really bothered me. But, this show time skips a LOT. Look at all the friendshipping we missed out on between S1 and S2 feels. Back on subject though, while similar, your view on Spike's code, mines is a bit more open to the idea. It is possible that while ponies, average ponies, know near nothing about Dragons, is it not possible that Spike could of written a letter to the Princess or Twilight for that matter, asking Celestia if she knew of any information on Dragons?

I did a frown rather than a smile when he popped his Dragon Code. It's got a child's writing all over it in crayon... I'll avoid copypasting what I thought of this from the post I made on EQD in the episode chat Saturday post. Instead I'll say that it was mostly, I like to think that Spike, while having sucha horrid time accepting that for at least the dragons he's met, that out there, there is a dragon clan of Noble Dragons. He has a really wild imagination, as that one diamond dog Sparity episode showed. That he vowed to become a dragon that not only he could be proud of being, but to show that there are more to just being a greedy jerky dragon that eats ponies.

I still scream at what the hell the staff is thinking these days with some of their endings. It could be that budget is too low and eventually Hasbro will just let reruns drive the HUB once they feel investing in the show is no longer necessary once they reach a nice quota on toys sold. I LOVED Wonderbolt Academy. I LOVE Lightning Dust, she's seriously RD S1&2 without being tied down to her goals by friendships and saving the world and all. But that ending makes me wanna slap a bitch or three as to why they allowed someone so awesome to just stand by and watch 5 ponies plummet to their deaths like that knowing she could of caught up with Dash and done some amazing stunt together to save her friends and learn a lesson of what it means between being talented and being plain reckless.

I'm doing it again aren't I? Point is, while the story was shit, I honestly believe this deserves a standing ovation for showing that the animation staff and VA's can make even the shittiest, passive-aggressive writing talking smack about fanfiction writers, story and still make it decently fun and enjoyable.

Things I can't stand: 1) Granny being an idiot storing eggs in impossible to reach, hazardous places. 2) Twilight ignoring her practically son/babybrother when he's trying to be serious about his code and wanting her to put up more of a struggle of not letting him go. That hurt like hell and I believe I called her a bitch when I first watched that scene. 3) Bitch doesn't even bother to stick to her own continuity of Spike being a stay at home man slave that CAN cook and clean. 4) Leaving AJ and Spike behind and both RD and TWILIGHT ran away without even so much as LOOKING BACK ONCE. 5) The whole David and Goliath anticlimactic ending.

I will disagree with you on one major thing however, despite how easily they were portrayed to being taken down so easily in this episode, timber-wolves are *VERY* much a threat, far more so than a Hydra in a few ways. As someone who's been up close to real wolves and studied animals most my younger days, timber-wolves are much more agile and possess more brains than all 5 heads of a Hydra or manticore combined. Though, safe to say they'd be done if they met a full grown manticore. They hunt in packs, seeing only three leads me to believe these are just strays than anything. They can pounce really fast at short distances and don't hesitate to sink those fangs into a pony's neck or whatever part they can if even just to buy a few seconds for another to pounce in and deliver a bigger hit to take down their meals.

Timber-wolves are ravenous, and being eldritch like creatures that can reanimate themselves quickly and gather more strength from the woods abundant life energy, it'd be ok to believe that one does not simply wait till they can see a timber-wolf before doing the instinctual thing and RUN AWAY! You saw how AJ almost ended up being wolf chow had it not been for a conveniently placed pony sized hole in that tree.

Now, that still doesn't excuse the abandoning your friends bit though... I wasn't trying to even come close to making an excuse for bad writing. Just that as a fantasy creature, they deserve some respect. The Looney Tunes gags were alright to a point. But those things are fast, hunt in packs, and likely have been known to eat ponies of all race and size. Just my two bits on that.

EDIT: Holy crap... maybe I should of just copy pasted some of those eqd posts instead... HOW DO I WRITE THIS MUCH AND WHY?!
EDIT2: Just barely a minute under one hour to write all this when I posted it lols
EDIT3: I like how I never touched on the part I drifted away from of how AJ was once again playing in the role of the Element of Loyalty this episode xD

Hey Bronystories, loved the blog (though I can't tell if you're overreacting or joking about Spike being a slave to his pony overlords). But something you always seem to do that's a little pet peeve of mine is how you say 'this is now canon.' Just for future reference, making something 'canon' means it actually happened in the show's continuity. I think you mean to say 'they made a reference to it.' And yes, I do think they made a reference to fanfiction in this episode. Can't say the same about the apple.mov 'reference' from the last one.

On a side note, how come you associate Merriwether with the blue fairy?

This episode was like a lot of today's braggadocious rap-songs. It was so bad it was funny. :applejackconfused::applejackunsure:

Rainbow Dash basically said her novel's premise was self-insert Wonderbolts fanfiction

664548 Eh, you're right on both ends about this. But the other things (apple.mov, pinkie watches paint dry) well, that's for you to decide.

664358 The blue fairy is from the old Disney classic Sleeping Beauty. She is one of three fairy god-mothers who protect the young Princess Aurora, her name is Merriweather.

It would be so sweet if this series had more creatures like the Timberwolves. Going for a much darker fantasy feel like that I think they striving for. I would love to hear your views on some of the other writers works. :heart:

On one hand I want to say you are over analyzing these episode,but on the other hand it makes too much fucking sense:applejackconfused:

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