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Merc the Jerk

Merc's fic guide: by Bookplayer: Is there kicking and/or punching? [Yes/No] Have you considered adding kicking and/or punching? [Yes/No] Have you considered adding more kicking and/or punching?

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I've done some thinking... and I kinda like Rarijack. (I just realized I spammed a lot of images in this one! Too late now--we're going live!) · 3:29pm Aug 20th, 2013

Well hey there viewers. I didn't see you there—was readin' Fredrich Nietzsche and shit while crashing on a totally rad seat by the firepla--

Cancel that last thought. It's too damn hot for even talking about fireplaces. P-plus I don't even own one...

This flower's wiltin', I do declare

So, I suppose to get the business out of the way, and continue to the fun (for me) part, I'll simply state that the next chapter of The Laughing Shadow is coming along simply swimmingly. Just shy of 3k, which, considering I write like molasses, ain't too shabby. However, as I'm writing it, it's taking a turn away from what I had planned, and has deviated to Romantic territory, hence the blogpost. Time for some topic music that doesn't go along too much with what I'm typing, but I'm sure would fit the mood if I got serious for once in my life:

Say hello to one of the few good things that came out of Ass Effect 3. Bioware used to be good. Then they shipped Dragon age 2

Normally that doesn't happen too much with me—usually I just write according to small outlines I made for myself. However, I think I've figured out something:

RariJack is totally my OTP. As such, I write like a gosh-dang (language, sry) sap for them.

I used to not have the true pairing problem—I was able to just sort of run with pairings as needed for a fic. After some thought, though, (either I'm tired, or thought and though really look weird together) I've decided its my favorite, followed by SpaRity and AppleDash.

So here we go, top 3 reasons why I like the ship. I do countdowns like this because unless it's face-to-face, or on someone else's blogpost where they're at least fairly serious, I argue and debate in a style I call 'lazy boxing.' I just kind of swat at things that come too close and don't put much thought into my replies, due to the short-lived nature of threads around here. I shoot from the hip and just type away like I am now. Click click click goes the keyboard. Ring ring ring goes my phone. Dry dry dry is my beverage. From the moment I shipped them I fell.

1) They're alpha as fuck.

“But Merc,” you're beginning to ask. “Isn't Rarity a girly, over-emotional character? Don't you hate that archetype with the fury of one thousand suns?”

Yes, actually. But here's the thing. Rarity's overly dramatic sometimes, but she's not a girly character.

Yeah, yeah, alright. Hear me out before you give me that damn look.

She likes girly things like dresses and looking nice and shit, but at the same time, she's like Applejack in several ways that the other mane six aren't: She's stubborn, innovative and practical, with long-term goals and, as shown in a few episodes, as much of a work ethic and drive as AJ in her own way—getting things done is the antithesis of girly. That's womanly (and masculine) behavior, not childish and girly. Put aside the toys and come join the adults.

Well, sorry that I respect women that do their thing with zeal infinitely more than lame beta chicks. Onii-chan ain't got time for your kawii desu-ass.

2)It gives you the most to work with out of almost all the inner mane 6 ships.

Sort of a meta example, sure. But it's something to watch out for anyway, boyo. Want AJ's comments on how crappy an art gallery is? Better have Rarity dragging her along. Want the tailor out camping and suffering a panic attack from the bugs? Better be because Applejack wanted to do it.* It opens up whole new adventures for the characters to experience together—it's plot bunnies on meth, as easy as it is to get dialogue to set up for them. Which brings me to my next totally-rad-truly, truly, truly outrageous marker.

*Ok, the Sweetie Belle clause in this example works too, but only because that girl tags along with Applebloom and the second worst pony ever.

3)Character evolution, bay-bee.

To throw myself into traffic for a second, I'll point to two of the works I'm most proud of here. The Heistverse collab I'm part of and The Laughing Shadow. Both have Applejack as at least a fairly main focus. Both have her in serious relationships. Both are in-character. Yet both take her different ways. To really sum up the differences in an almost painful quickness, Heistverse Jack is a lot more aggressive, more stern, and more bull-headed, thanks to her relationship with Dash, whereas TLS Jack is a bit more passive, held in check and even-minded, thanks to Rarity's more ladylike influence. Neither is better, of course, but I feel that Rarity's influence can really expand AJ's character far beyond what she normally is in a way that other ships just can't do.

Well. I guess that concludes my list. You all can go back to what you were do--WAIT WHAT'S THIS?!

Reasons: Hyper Turbo Special Edition:

Oh shiiiiii---

4)Humanized Applejack in dresses, thanks to Rarity wanting her to wear one

HNNNNNG. Ok, that's all the ones I found with AJ in a dress--man there is a lot of porn of her out there. Also is annoying how I'm one of the few that headcanon's her black. Oh well, have a couple more because I'm in a giving mood.

And lastly: The top reason Rarijack is totally tits:

5)Beauty and the Beast was in the top 3 didney movies ever. This is the MLP version of didney's Beauty and the Beast, only the Beast is less of a Beast except for when she's, like, kicking the shit out of a face that needs its shit kicked in with kicks.

And sometimes punches too.

Also: Less castles, curses, and cockblocking Cogsworth.

Don't you dare look so innocent, you asshole. All Lumiere wanted to do was get it on with a broom in his horrific, candle-y body, and you wouldn't let him for fear of a fire hazard.

In conclusion, you never use 'in conclusion' in your finishing statement because it looks tacky. Thank you.

Report Merc the Jerk · 836 views ·
Comments ( 10 )
#1 · Aug 20th, 2013 · · ·

Yes, RariJack is amazing. :raritystarry::ajsmug:


You know, sometimes the jokes in your blog posts are better than the ones in your story.

I don't know about number 2. Twinkie promises to unravel the secrets of the universe by means of scientific analysis of the eldritch monstrosity that is Pinkie Pie. :twilightsmile::pinkiecrazy:
Mind you, this is coming from someone who really doesn't have a pony OTP. And who genuinely likes Scootaloo. I suppose our opinions are bound to diverge.

I'd love to see your views on the other ships in the fandom, including the ones you like and the ones you really hate.

Inb4 you say Pinkie can't be shipped. :pinkiehappy:

I'd say it's because when I use jokes in stories, I have to think about what's funny to the characters involved, not what's funny to me. What I vomit onto here is just me rollin'.

Well, that was just as interesting and entertaining and I figured it would be. I agree, on pretty much all counts.

Dean. From the Iron Giant! Awesome to find people who know that movie!

Love the RariJack and the AppleDashes :yay:

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