• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2011
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I'm the creator of Otakuworld.com, Jenniverse.com, the computer game Boppin', numerous online comics, novels, and tons of other wonderful things. I really love MLP:FiM.

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A Time For 'Why?' · 5:20am Aug 17th, 2012

A Time For


By Chatoyance

Most questions are valuable, important, and ultimately good. But there is one question which is almost always negative, almost always an attack, either toward another, or to oneself.

Who? What? Where? How? When? - these are all legitimate, decent, kindly questions. The intrinsically evil question, the warring, contentious question is always 'Why?'

'Why?' is an attack.

When good things, things all people enjoy or want to happen occur, no person asks 'why?' unless it is to diminish themselves. "Why is this good thing happening... to me?" Implicit in that question is that the one asking does not feel worthy, that they do not deserve the good thing, otherwise there would be no need to ask 'why'.

Why is always about reasons. The reason behind something. The choice, the decision, the judgement. 'Why' is the judgement question. It is always a judgement question, and a matter of being judged. To judge another or oneself is by nature contention, and contentious.

It is impossible, or at least pointless, to ask 'why' a natural disaster happened - unless, of course, one is using the word 'why' incorrectly, as a slang version of asking 'how'. But if one is literate, to ask 'why' a natural disaster occurred is to ask chance and the universe and physical law itself to give forth a reason, to suggest that the disaster was a judgement against, and to demand the thinking behind that judgement. And of course, there is none. The disaster just happened. There are a lot of 'hows' to the matter of a disaster - how do meteorological conditions generate a tornado, for example, or how do subterranean processes lead to a volcano? But there can be no 'why?' - unless of course one is ludicrously superstitious and believes that conscious evil spirits are responsible for the natural world.

'Why?' is a question humans ask other humans, and it is always a demand for an explanation for something found wanting, lacking or inappropriate. 'Why?' is a demand for the reasoning behind a judgement, and in demanding such an explanation, 'Why?' is itself a condemnation the instant it is asked.

If someone asks you 'why?', make no mistake - it is not a friendly inquiry, unless they are using the word as slang for 'how'. 'Why?' is being called on the carpet, and being demanded to explain yourself, NOW.

"Why do you write about humans becoming ponies? Isn't that misanthropic?"

When I first discovered My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic, I learned of it from an article on some online magazine. I don't remember which one. The thing that caught my attention was the notion that there was a movement occurring, the 'Bronies', and that this strange social movement was linked to something called 'The New Sincerity', that it was people turning away from the schadenfreude, cruelty, mockery and open hate common to the internet to something better. 'Bronies' were supposedly embracing a creed of 'Love and Tolerance', of kindness before cruelty, of wishing the best for others rather than reveling in the misery of others.

Even more interesting, the entire new subculture had begun on 4-chan, the very hive of villainy and scum - not to mention the source of most memes and internet culture! The crude vile cultures of the Portal Of Evil and Encyclopedia Dramatica, of 4-Chan itself, and of many others were being dissolved away by... kindness. By the lessons of friendship that came from a little cartoon that had taken the online world over.

For the first time in almost a decade, I began to feel good about humanity again. I began to experience hope. There was a new generation out there, and they were turning from cynicism to sincerity, from cruelty to kindness. I had to know more.

In short order I was deep into Equestria Daily, and it was there that I read my first Conversion Bureau story. It was not a great story, but that did not matter. I saw within it such potential, such power, like that of the early days of science fiction under John W. Campbell and Amazing Stories. I saw endless potential.

But more than that, I saw a metaphor, and that metaphor grabbed me. It totally consumed me, because it was perfect. It perfectly and exactly summed up the original articles I had read about the change in internet culture, the reaching for something better, the development of a new, kindness-based social economy.

People who had previously delighted in anonymously tormenting others on the internet were becoming... ponified. They were letting go of schadenfreude and irony in exchange for sincere kindness, gentleness, and a herd mentality that said 'we are all in this together!' It was the very change of heart, from Man's devilish nature to His Better Angels that I was so excited by.

In every single Conversion Bureau story I write, no people are being turned into ponies. That is just a fiction. A person would have to be severely unbalanced to take any of such fantasy the least bit seriously.

No, every Conversion Bureau story of mine is really about one thing - the process of becoming a true 'Brony'.

Becoming a physical pony is a wonderful metaphor for the mental and emotional change that MLP:FIM seems to be capable of creating - lessons of friendship taken with an almost religious sincerity to change an internet bully into a decent human being. The transformation is not one of the flesh, it is one of the heart.

This has been my running theme from my very first story 'The Big Respawn', and I have never wavered from that central fascination. To the best of my knowledge, I was the first writer to focus almost exclusively on the mental and emotional changes of 'becoming a pony' in Conversion Bureau storytelling. It is the very heart of what fascinates me about it all. To become a pony is to have a dramatic change of personality, of mind, of heart.

What is that change? Put utterly simply, it is to embrace kindness.

Going pony is becoming a true Brony, a fan who sees in MLP:FIM more than just a stupid cartoon to sell toys. That was the original point that drove creator Lauren Faust to make the show, the possibility that she could be allowed to create a program for young girls that would not be stupid, talk down to them, be infantile or which would serve to minimize them. In the end, she made a series that - at least for the first season - taught solid and real lessons of friendship in an intelligent and meaningful way, within a clever and relatively consistent world.

And in doing that, she made something that began to change the very culture of the internet itself, a worldwide phenomena.

The "stages of becoming a Brony" have less to do with becoming addicted to a television program than they do with becoming able to see another direction than the common path of cynical mean-spirited social terrorism that had come to define internet culture. To become 'Ponified' means more than just giving up the artificial trappings of masculinity enough to admit to loving a show about magical ponies.

It is a change of heart, from a cruel and vicious online thug into a decent human being.

In my stories, people drink a Twilight Sparkle colored potion and physically change into Equestrians, mind, heart, soul and body. But what it really means, what it has always meant, from that very first story, was the change of heart that leads to becoming a compassionate human being.

The kind of change that leads to all of the Brony charity drives, and Bronies helping to feed or clothe third-world villages, or Bronies doing blood drives for the Red Cross, or Bronies - in any and every way - acting like decent human beings trying to make the world a better place.

To become 'Pony' is to act like an Equestrian - to care about others. To care about their feelings, their hardships, to stand with them in Loyalty, to give to them in Generosity, to cheer them with Laughter, to be Honest and Kind and in that way to make the world feel a little more Magical... and Harmonious.

I write about humans having a change of heart and becoming better people thanks to My Little Pony. I do this through the conceit that a cosmic disaster of two universes colliding forces humanity to change their species. It is a metaphor, of course, because it is fantasy, and that is the only thing it could be. It could never really happen.

Lately, I have been called a misanthrope for this. I have been accused of supporting 'genocide' of the human species. There have been death threats, threats of bodily injury, and ongoing attacks against my family's servers and my own mail. And this has become a 'thing', one that has changed opinions and turned what I thought were long standing friends against me. All because a small number of people have failed to understand the difference between fantasy and reality, between metaphor and literal fact. Because of people who apparently believe that magical ponies, and ponification, are somehow really real. That, or they just wish to express hate, and this is a convenient way to do just that. It is more than a little frightening. It has made me very depressed, and made me feel very betrayed, and terribly hurt. And these unbalanced sorts - and those that follow them - share one thing: they all demand 'Why?' from me. Why I write at all. Why I don't just die. Why I 'hate' humanity so much. Why, why, why.

So, perhaps it is a time for 'Why?'

A little explanation for the hard-of-thinking, for those that cannot tell a metaphor from reality, and the former friends who were easily manipulated by the insanity of others. A little explanation of what the reasoning is behind my writing of Conversion Bureau stories.

I write Conversion Bureau stories because I saw in the Brony Subculture hope for humanity. Hope that this current generation could turn from cynicism to sincerity, from rudeness to kindness. From hate, to love. That they could stop demanding 'Why?', and start answering 'How!'

In my stories, every ponified person is another mind and heart changed not to a different species, but to a decent human being. After all, Equestrian Ideals are just our own, human Ideals, painted in pastels. And Equestria is not another universe, it is a state of mind, a way of living, where we care about each other, where humanity becomes what it likes to believe about itself, where we work together to make our world a good place to live.

I write Conversion Bureau stories because I want to believe in what humans can be, because MLP:FIM reawakened some measure of faith in humanity within me. I write Conversion Stories as wish fulfillment - not to be a pony, but to live on an Earth where human beings care for each other and take care of each other as one big family of Man.

As they should. As they could. If only. If only.

I write Conversion Bureau stories as the opposite of misanthropy. It should be blatantly obvious, because, after all, magical ponies are not, cannot be real, so neither can physical ponification be real. With every ponification in my stories, I celebrate humanity embracing its own ideals, dressed in the stage costume of hooves and mane, which is my literary symbol for an cruel person becoming a compassionate, loving human being.

So there is the answer to the 'Why' of my writing.

Oh, I play with all sorts of things in my stories, I love being clever - I play with metaphysics and politics and future history, and extrapolations of current events and technology and countless science fantasy details of the most miniscule type. I try to make my fiction consistent and believable and entertaining, and I try to make my escapism worthy of being escaped into. We all need a little escape. Life is hard.

But at the core is my one, single, never-changing message: Humanity can be great, if only we choose to exchange cruelty for kindness, condemnation for acceptance, selfishness for generosity of spirit. If we follow the lessons we heard in the first season of MLP:FIM, when Twilight still wrote to Celestia about what friendship meant, and how to be a friend.

And such kindness is what My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is about. Or what it was about, for the first year, anyway. Lessons in being the Human Ideal.

And that is why I write what I write.

- Chatoyance

Report Chatoyance · 3,513 views ·
Comments ( 102 )

... Makes absolute sense to me.

Though, I'd never made the connection betwixt ponification and becoming a brony, so, I must say, BRILLIANT!

Have a moustache


An interesting discourse indeed Chatoyance. Might actually sit down and ask myself the same question of what makes me write. I'd like to think I know the answer, but I still have doubts from tme to time. I agree with Draconis, I completely missed the idea of ponification being a metaphor for becoming a brony. That's pretty swag.

And for each of those who demand a why, know that there's five to ten more who take away at least a small part of what you intended to get across

Hmm... I never thought of this before. But now that you pointed it out, I'll think a bit differently about things, or at least try.

Thanks for opening my mind a little bit wider!:twilightsmile:

I have to say chat, you go above and beyond what most writers would do in similar situtations. Instead of posting a simple reply, you went into a deep analysis of what it means to you to about the brony movement and ideals. I also admit that I did not pick up on the idea of drinking potion to become a brony.(I always thought of it more as someone truly accepting the good in them and trying to do better in the world, which I guess you can argue is the same thing.) You, at the very least, always give an answer to the questions that people bring you, and it is always well thought out. That's at least one thing I think no one can reasonably argue with.

As for why, let me answer with an answer to a question I had myself. Why do I enjoy the fandom? Why do I read MLP fanfiction? Why do I enjoy Conversion Bureau stories? I can go with several reasons to my questions. (Well written stories for the fanfiction, Extremely interesting premise and great authors for the conversion bureau, and the good parts of the brony community for the fandom.) But I found that it boiled down to a simple reason. I like it. That's all that needs to be said to justify it. If someone claims misanthropy, that's their opinion, they are allowed to have it. The same way someone can claim Frankenstein was all about the monster being evil.(Before anyone asks, Yes I do know that is not the main point of Frankenstein, I have read the original.) People are allowed the opinions that they form and all you can do is try to make sure the information they have is true.

Overall Chat, I think your a great author who has a message they want to show the world. and I can respect the care you take in bringing that message to whoever is willing to read your stories.

You know, I hate seeing you get upset, because of the folks that just outright hate you, either for your supposed misanthropic views, or because you write TCb, or any number of things...

But! That hatred, I've noticed, results in the pure beauty that is one of these sorts of blog posts. It helps others to think and reason and understand... and hopefully reinforce that there are those that will stand with you against the complainers and those that would wish ill upon you.

It is a change of heart, from a cruel and vicious online thug into a decent human being.

Personally, I doubt that's the way it works. The kinder ones have always been there, but remained part of the anonymous online mass. The brony phenomenon just gave them a reason to become vocal. Something to get passionate about. The laissez-faire attitude and lack of passion is what's really wrong with the internet, and, in fact, all of human culture today. Few people (religious extremists excluded) are ever truly inspired enough by something to become vocal about who they are, what they want, and what values they believe in. People just need some central common interest to flock around. :twilightsmile:

I cannot deny the rational likelihood of your statement, at least not right now when I feel utterly browbeaten, betrayed by those I trusted here, and generally beaten up. I am not in a mental place where I have the heart to refute you, and indeed my fairly broken heart right now would agree with you that all MLP:FIM did was to give already kind and decent people an excuse to act out that innate kindness, rather than pretending to be bullies because everyone else seemed to be bullies.

This would, of course, make of my regained faith in humanity a sad and pathetic thing, me wanting Man to be far more capable of Good than he truly is, once again me duping myself because I want so very much to believe in people, to believe in my species.

But, as I sit here, every day attacked and insulted and threatened by the relative newcomers who have destroyed much of my love of both ponies and writing, with former supporters of my work admonishing me for the 'misanthropy' they now think they see - and when called on it, revealing they didn't actually know what the word meant, but only used it because others were - I look now at the MLP fandom, at the FimFIction community as a whole, with less love and a great deal more disappointment.

For a year, before the trolls came, I enjoyed such camaraderie here on FimFiction! Such a brave band of writers we were, all supporting each others creativity, loyal and true Bureau authors and fans all.

No, right now, not only can I not write stories because I am so disappointed in... certain people here... but I cannot bring myself to refute you. I have not faith enough in humanity anymore. It has been stolen by the very people who would claim that I am a misanthrope.

If I was not before, I become so more each day. I just checked my mail, to find it crammed with even more right-wing, neo-Nazi, or conservative Christian spam sent to my email address, but sent to 'DieyouTCBfucker', 'FuckyouJDR' and 'KingOfMisanthropy' and worse.

I want to refute you. Goddess, how I want to refute you. I want to tell you that you are wrong. That hearts can be changed. That cruel humans can learn to be good, that bullies can be taught compassion.

I cannot.

Why isn't always an attack. There are other reasons to want someone to explain themselves. :ajsleepy:

It just means you don't understand them (or, in the cases where it *is* an attack of sorts, that you're pretending for the sake of argument not to understand them to give them a chance to defend themselves). That's all.

If a friend is asking you 'why do you do this' it's probably because they want to understand you better -- that's a friendly impulse. If a coworker asks you 'why did you do it that way?' they're either trying to teach you or trying to learn from you (and maybe they don't know which yet).

People who want to attack will attack. They can attack with 'what' and 'how' and 'who' just as easily.

"If a friend is asking you 'why do you do this' it's probably because they want to understand you better -- that's a friendly impulse. If a coworker asks you 'why did you do it that way?' they're either trying to teach you or trying to learn from you (and maybe they don't know which yet)."

There is a kindness in "What was it that you were doing?" but blunt, attacking rudeness in "Why do you do that?"

One is a question, the other is a demand.

Demanding may have become a common, even an expected thing. That does not make it friendly, that does not make it kind, and it does not make it nice.

292688 You misunderstand. FiM gave people who were normally too timid to act a reason to speak up. That's a GOOD thing.

Too timid to act doesn't mean they're automatically bullies, or pretending to be or acting along with bullies. I've browsed 4chan for ages. Doesn't mean I've ever been mean to depressed people, or participated in defacing websites, and stuff like that. I've seen it all happen, yes, and I did nothing, because there was no way I'd participate in that, but also no point in trying to stop it. FiM changed that. All the timid voices that would be ridiculed when speaking up alone were suddenly one massive, combined force that actually made a difference.

At least be proud of what we have accomplished.

292749 "I would recommend that you make the point of saying that it is representing a mental change, maybe at the end of your stories."

I see.

Moby Dick: Attention! The white whale in the story is not actually a whale, but is a metaphor. Be advised!

Don Quixote: Attention! The addled old man and his adventures are not to be taken literally, but are a metaphor. Be advised!

Animal Farm: Attention! The talking animals and their revolution did not really happen. Farm animals cannot talk or make laws. This story is actually an allegory of the Russian Revolution. The pigs turning into humans is only a metaphor. Be advised!

One point I wanted to make with my blog here was that it is very sad, and disappointing, that there are people that actually need to be told that talking pastel ponies and magical potions are not real, and therefore must be fictional tools used to say something not literal.

Perhaps I should add, to the end of my blog a disclaimer:

Attention! One of the points of this blog is that that there are people that actually need to be told that talking pastel ponies and magical potions are not real, and therefore must be fictional tools used to say something not literal, and the fact of this is very sad and very disappointing! Be advised!

Now I am even more sad.

Wow, I knew that you were ... disliked by certain circles on this site, but I would not have imagined such malice. That is pretty depressing.
I can't even comprehend why people would do that, based on your stories. I'm pretty sure that most of those who harass you have not read your stories which is extremely sad because they might profit the most of all.
Your ponyfication purges the drive for aggression and gives the newfoals a bit more clarity about their actions.
I can't decide who to pity more: Those who would consider aggression for aggression's sake worth striving for or those who are so entangled in the lies they are living that the mere idea of confrontation is scary to them.
And now for semantics:
I agree with your analysis of "why" as the most aggressive question but I shudder at the idea of a world without it. "Why" questions authority and challenges the intelligence of both partners. Engineering might work out with "how" but science, religion, law and any kind of ethical and moral debate always need a "why".

Why not, 'tis the better question.

'Why' is useful - I never meant to suggest it was not useful. 'Why' is a tool, even if it is an attack, and tools have uses.

It is more that here, in a place where we write about magical ponies, where our innocent child-self may run free, perhaps condemning writers and demanding explanations from them in accusatory tones is not the right tool to use.

'Why' may not be proper to use on a playground, and FimFiction is, if anything, a playground.


I'm sorry for snapping at you. I understand now that you meant no malice. I suppose I am a little touchy right now, because of the attacks I am getting in real life as a result of writing pony fiction.

Please forgive my frustrated, angry tone. I did not mean to be... mean to you. I apologize.

Fanfic-grade blog post...
Achieved. :rainbowkiss:
Thought provoking as always :pinkiesmile:


Ah! I see what you mean now. Yes. I misinterpreted your words. Much better!

Sadly this trend is quite evident in human nature. Small groups are inclusive by necessity and bad behavior is shunned but in large groups individuals become anonymous and therefore see few consequences for poor behavior. Few people seem capable of Aristotle's mark of educated mind, "the ability to entertain a notion without accepting it" and instead lash out at anything they perceive as threatening their worldview.

Unfortunately the trolls are never going to give you a chance to influence them and therefore any attempt to reach out to them is destined to fail. The only real option available is just to ignore them. It's really sad that this community has acquired such individuals but it was inevitable as it grew in size.

I'm really very sorry to hear you're in a bad place at the moment. The first story of yours I read was 27 Ounces which I discovered less than two weeks after stumbling across the fandom. I'm quite proud to say that it was one of the amazing pieces of creativity that resulted in my conversion to the herd. 9,690,163 pony words later (reaping the benefits of bad public transport) and I can safely say that it is still one of the best works I've ever seen. Don't let a few anonymous individuals who need to grow up get to you.

Thank you again for the time and effort you've taken to create such brilliant characters and stories. I hope that the trolls get bored sooner or later and leave you in peace.

- SecondLaw

Yikes. I had been planning to toss a message onto your profile page, but maybe this is a better place for it.

I'm relatively new to the fandom (marathoned the series over Christmas after seeing my muffintillionth meme/avatar/whatever containing ponies) and I'm also relatively old for a brony. After slapping the socially-ingrained "what is wrong with you" self-restraint into submission, I found that the fanfics are right up there with the music. I love fantasy and sci-fi, and this is a fun new venue for it.

With Sturgeon's Law being thoroughly in effect for anything on the internet as well as fiction in general, I initially relied on the Great Nebulous Them for reading suggestions. After a while, I discovered that They don't mirror my tastes very well, and widened my net. My dead-tree reading rate has been suffering as a consequence, but I'm having too much fun to care.

I ran across The Ice Cream Pony Summer at some point, and something about it tickled a memory somewhere. I checked your profile page (Hey! Unicorn Jelly! I remember that!), then your stories. Oh. TCB. I hadn't read any of those. See, as a general rule, tragedy/sad/dark and ponies do not mix well for me (ponies are for smiles!), and They said that TCB tended to be that way. They also said that TCB was, well, bad, and even though I already discounted Their tastes, that apparently piggy-backed along somewhere in my brain. So I filed them under "maybe later".

I don't remember exactly why, but "later" came last week. I'm working my way down the list you post at the end of each story, and I'm currently finishing Michelson and Morely. Your stories are awesome. Seriously, this is the most fun I've had reading pony fics since the new-and-shiny wore off. My archive of favorite pony fics were all stored in my Fantasy directory, and now you've gone and messed it all up and thrown some in Sci-Fi! I'm bad at remembering to say this, but Thank You for writing these. You've tweaked or re-written quite a bit of my head-canon. I'm really sorry the haters are giving you grief over them.

I've been reading through the comments as well, and I've seen some of these accusations of misanthropy. Meadowmuffins. See, there are two distinct aspects to my personality. There's one part, very pony/brony-like, which I largely hadn't heard from since grade school. Then there's the part (dominant up until recently) which is largely composed of emotional scar tissue and armor plate. That guy is most definitely a misanthrope. You are clearly not. I'm inclined to think your worldcorpgov is a wildly optimistic outcome. I'm still not convinced that humans in general can overcome their hard-wiring over the long term, but (cliche incoming!) ponies made me want to think we can.

Anyway, thanks again for the stories, and try not to let the haters get to you too much. :twilightsmile:

I cannot give this blog post the thorough sort of reply or comment it requires. All I can say is nil illegitimi carborundum.

My main point is, you only see the minority of bullies because of how vocal they are. There are plenty of kind hearted people down there in the anonymous mass, waiting for a reason to reach out to others. There's no need to convert if there are plenty more good people than you think. A little motivation can go a long way.

So keep being awesome. Keep giving them that motivation, that reason to reach out :rainbowdetermined2:

292876 Hah. But, stooping to dog Latin, Midnight? Didn't peg you the type :trixieshiftright:

Lately, I have been called a misanthrope for this. I have been accused of supporting 'genocide' of the human species. There have been death threats, threats of bodily injury, and ongoing attacks against my family's servers and my own mail. And this has become a 'thing', one that has changed opinions and turned what I thought were long standing friends against me. All because a small number of people have failed to understand the difference between fantasy and reality, between metaphor and literal fact. Because of people who apparently believe that magical ponies, and ponification, are somehow really real. That, or they just wish to express hate, and this is a convenient way to do just that. It is more than a little frightening. It has made me very depressed, and made me feel very betrayed, and terribly hurt.

This is what sickens me. These "people" think that they have some god-given right to hurt. Truth is, they don't. It's wrong.

It's wrong to hate someone because they like something you don't. It's wrong to hate someone because they're different. It's wrong for those a-holes to do what they do to you. Yet they continue to do it. It's like their entire life is set on hurting you or any other fans of yours.

They twist a good, pure story into something awful. They twist characters into something that they are not. They live on hate.

I really wish you the best. You really deserve it after all the crap people spew at you.

I may not be a "brony" but I share the ideals you've ascribed to them.

My heart goes out to you, Jennifer. It breaks for you. :( I've considered you a friend for a long time -- ever since we played that game of Latrotabuli, really. I've always appreciated your open mind and open heart, and while we've disagreed on a number of points I've always enjoyed our debates -- I always saw them as the kind of thing where if we were together in meatspace we'd follow up the argument by going out for a beverage.

292736 Now you're just getting silly. Eh, whatever. :unsuresweetie:

I do like your stories, but sometimes your philosophy is just... overly absolutist.


Dear Chat,

Heed the words of your peers: you are with the herd and the herd is with you. There will always be those who will not (more sad: perhaps cannot) understand your point about becoming Brony. Too much of their sense of identity has been invested in projecting a passive/aggressive persona that they think is cool. They are the opposite of Bronies: they will not let their real inner selves suffer the light of day nor the scrutiny of others. They are afraid of not measuring up, something a true Brony has ceased to worry about. The idea that they have a responsability to help others find happiness is exposing themselves too much in a worldview that glorifies trolling.

But you, Chat, try to convince, and as several friends have mentioned above you lack neither intelligence nor eloquence in your arguments. Let's use that horrid/magnificent question word "why". Why do you try to convince them?

Because the ultimate welfare of these strangers matters to you. As a pony-in-thought you see them as members of the herd, and take the time to try to reach the persons inside. And many of them react the only way they have learned that protects their image: they flame back. They call you names and make either vague or specific threats against you, and hide behind the greatest tool of cowardice ever invented: anonymity on the internet.

But let's get back to what is truly important here: these strangers matter to you. It is both the source of what makes you YOU, the heart of what being a Brony is really about, and it is also what gives them the power to hurt you. These are two sides of the same coin, and I hope you will never give up, on them or yourself.

I can only make one analogy for which I have personal experience to back up my words. In my case the name "Dafaddah" is a state of fact, not an aspiration nor a derision. One of the toughest lessons of parenthood is letting those you love desperately screw up. You have to do the same with the flamers. You can respond once, in kindness (watch your temper, dear Chat!), but then give them time to grow in experience and understanding. Another analogy: if you try to overwater a plant it just drowns. Sometimes you just have to stand back and let nature take its course.

I've said before that I think the Brony movement is part of the exploration of the meaning of identity that the human species is now undergoing. Soon enough, we will all be able to CHOOSE who we want to be at a more fundamental level than has ever been possible in the history of humanity. These discussions we are having here are a part of that exploration, and I WOULD GREATLY MOURN the absence of your gentle, intelligent and poetic voice in that dialogue. So please hang in there!

So it was YOU in that example game? Cool.

There have been many interesting games I discovered for myself online, but with no one to play them with, they decay in the recesses of my mind.

And Chat, seeing you frustrated and hurt saddens me. I wish I could be a better friend.

Let me read a letter I recently received; "Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the 'Combine' seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen." Thank you for writing, Concerned. Of course your question touches on one of the basic biological impulses, with all its associated hopes and fears for the future of the species. I also detect some unspoken questions. Do our benefactors really know what's best for us? What gives them the right to make this kind of decision for all mankind? Will they ever deactivate the suppression field and let us breed again? Allow me to address the anxieties underlying your concerns, rather than try to answer every possible question you might have left unvoiced. First, let us consider the fact that for the first time ever, as a species, immortality is within our reach. This simple fact has far-reaching implications: It requires a radical rethinking and revision of our genetic imperatives. It also requires planning and forethought that run in direct opposition to our neural presets. I find it helpful at times like these to remind myself that our true enemy is Instinct. Instinct was our mother when we were an infant species. Instinct coddled us and kept us safe in those hardscrabble years when we hardened our sticks and cooked our first meals above a meager fire and started at the shadows that leapt upon the cavern walls. But inseparable from Instinct is its dark twin, Superstition. Instinct is inextricably bound to unreasoning impulses, and today we clearly see its true nature. Instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance, and like a cornered beast, it will not go down without a bloody fight. Instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species. Instinct creates its own oppressors, and bids us rise up against them. Instinct tells us that the unknown is a threat, rather than an opportunity. Instinct slyly and covertly compels us away from change and progress. Instinct, therefore, must be expunged. It must be fought tooth and nail, beginning with the basest of human urges: The urge to reproduce. We should thank our Benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars. Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off on the day that we have mastered ourselves... on the day we can prove we no longer need it. And that day of transformation, I have it on good authority, is close at hand.

Hey there, Chat. I've only read one story of yours so far, Around the Bend, and thoroughly enjoyed it. That, some of your random comments I've read, and blog posts like this one are among the reasons you've become one of my favorite authors in record time. That's not to mention that through you I've been exposed to this phenomenon known as "The Conversion Bureau" which I had somehow never heard about in all my time on the internet being a brony. Thank you, for leading me to that particular patch of previously undiscovered fictiony goodness that I'll eventually work up the nerve to dive into.

But, that's neither here nor there. I started writing this comment with the intent of adding one more voice to the choir of your supporters, your true brothers and sisters among the herd. And with that voice let me say to you again, you are not alone. For every aggressive and hateful act callously thrown your way, I'd be willing to bet that there at least twice... no, thrice as many people on this side of the fence, cheering you on, and all that you've come to stand for in our eyes. So please remember, especially when things get as bad as this, we've got your back. :twilightsmile:

PS: You... Boppin'... What... Childhood... :pinkiegasp:w0w.

Ironic, to be hated on suspicion of hating people. The internet is a strange place. I've discovered there are people who do nothing all day but search Wikipedia for articles to delete - not to deface intentionally, but for articles that they can legalistically apply one of the Wikipedia rules to, in order to delete it and receive a rush of righteous indignation on doing so. I'm also reminded of a recent string of cases in, I think it was Texas, where many parents were convicted of child abuse by police using interrogation techniques to force false confessions from children. There are a lot of people who need to feel righteous indignation, even if they have to manufacture the "crime" out of whole cloth.

But you should admit your metaphor is ambiguous. Turning a human into a pony could just as easily be seen as a metaphor for stripping them of their evil human nature. Christian stories of ascending into heaven, for instance, are not metaphors for becoming a better person.

"Why" is a beautiful question. "Why" is the first step on the road to enlightenment. It is what you ask when you care about something, from "why are you crying?" to "why can't we all just get along?"

Chatoyance, and I use your full name because I do not believe I've earned the right to call you a nick name. Let me be honest here.

I've not always spoken of your views highly. I've never mentioned who you are when I've talked to friends about disagreeing with you, but the fact is: You have said some things that I didn't like.

However, you are entitled to your opinion. I'm smart enough to know that flaming you will accomplish nothing, and well frankly I don't WANT to flame you. If any of my previous comments have seemed that way I do apologize. That was not my intent. I doubt you'll ever see me as a 'friend' but I'd like to say I support you regardless.

The fact is, the world is full of either ignorant or just plain mean people. Yet at the same time it's also full of kind and intelligent people. It's just the later don't seem to get the spotlight much. Maybe they just aren't as loud.

Okay this example is going to sound like I'm tooting my own horn, but I'm going somewhere with this: Today I found a cell phone. At 3G AT&T i-Phone. Now I could easily keep this or even sell it. My co-worker wanted to buy it from me. I refused as I have another plan. I had hoped someone would call it so I could answer and tell them I had this phone. (The phone itself is keycode locked so I can't just open it up and look for a home number) I even stopped to grab a notebook dropped near the phone, thinking they belonged to the same person, hoping it held a clue to the owner.

Thankfully someone called the phone and I was able to tell them I had their friend's phone and to please call their house and tell them I had it. I think the person who called was 10. I think I found the phone of an Elementary school girl. This phone and notebook will be going with me to work on Sunday where the owners will drop by to pick it up.

I didn't do this because I'm a Brony. I did this because I want to do the right thing. Becoming a Brony just means you are a fan of the show Friendship is Magic. It doesn't mean you are a good person. What makes someone a good person is the fact they WANT to be a good person. However I agree with Nyerguds that the Brony culture has allowed people who want to be good people, a place to go and speak up.

The things that bothered me about your stories is that in order to become a 'good person' they had to become a pony, which in your metaphor meant they had to be a 'Brony' and I disagree. You don't HAVE to be a Brony to be a good person, and becoming a fan of the show and calling yourself a Brony doesn't mean you're suddenly a nice guy. Nor by being a nice person does that make you a 'True' anything.

Granted the only story of yours I've read is 800 Year Promise, and in that it was like once you're a pony you were incapable of evil. You wrote it out like all the negative aspects that ponies had were because of humans, or because people were human. I think a better way for your message to come across would have been if the ponies still knew they could hurt each other, but had found the strength to resist that.

That's what I like about TCB universe. You can get a new view on life and grow 'as a person'

I doubt you read my fic Fragments of Regret, given how horrible it has been labeled to be. (And I must admit, I'm itching to re-write the lot of it) The metaphor (I use the term loosely) I was going for was that you can't just 'Discard' your negative aspects. You can't just become something else and say it's gone, and I don't mean pony. You can't become a Brony and pretend what made you a bad person doesn't exist anymore. Because it's still there. You can't ignore it, you can't just throw it away, it is a PART of you and my belief is that you have to accept that and learn to control it.

I'm not going to lie, selling that phone and getting some cash would be very nice. I could use a bit of extra pocket cash, but I'm not going to let that selfish part of me make the decision.

What gives me my faith in humanity is that despite all the people out there who troll, who scream at us, who might send people like you death threats. There are those of us who keep offering help, keep throwing our friends support. Even if we feel broken ourselves, we'll do our best to help out a friend. We'll deal with and ignore those who hate against us, as it's simply the way of things sometimes and dwelling on it is rarely productive.

Then, though rare, one of those people may grow just a little as a person, or have a moment where they truly ask why it is they do what they do. They'll come to us then, whether we call ourselves Brony or something else, and they'll honestly see about a new start. Then, despite all the pain they may have caused us. We as a community will smile, open our arms, and welcome them to the herd.

"But you should admit your metaphor is ambiguous. Turning a human into a pony could just as easily be seen as a metaphor for stripping them of their evil human nature. Christian stories of ascending into heaven, for instance, are not metaphors for becoming a better person."

While I admit that the bible is as ridiculous and impossible as a cartoon about pastel magical ponies and talking cows, the fact is that far too many people consider that book to be factual.

No even vaguely sane person considers 'Animal Farm' to be a factual account of real, talking animals in the real world, and thus I repeat:

Animal Farm: Attention! The talking animals and their revolution did not really happen. Farm animals cannot talk or make laws. This story is actually an allegory of the Russian Revolution. The pigs turning into humans is only a metaphor. Be advised!

If I have to draw attention to the fact that my stories are not factual but fantasy, which by definition means that they cannot be taken literally but must be taken allegorically, metaphorically, or as just plain harmless, silly fun - then the problem does not lie with me, or my writing, but with a lack of funding for mental institutions in general.

"Why" is a beautiful question. "Why" is the first step on the road to enlightenment. It is what you ask when you care about something, from "why are you crying?" to "why can't we all just get along?"

"Can I help? What is wrong?" is vastly kinder than "Why are you crying?" One is a concerned question, the other is a demand for explanation. It could even be a demand for justification.

"Why can't we all just get along?" is a demand to the universe, to society, to answer a complaint - that things currently suck, that it hurts, and that it needs to get better. It is a complaint, rhetorical or direct.

"Can we be friends? I want us to get along together!" is a question, not a demand. It is a plan and a solution, and not a complaint. It offers a solution and extends the hand of friendship.

It is currently common slang to use 'why?' in the same way that the word 'how?' is meant. But at its heart, 'why?' demands answers, now, rather than asking politely or with kindness. I've explained this concept, in detail, in my blog, most carefully.

I am not saying never use the slang version of 'why?'. I am saying that it is important to recognize the true, original meaning of 'why?', and in doing this, it can stop a lot of potential fights and misunderstandings before they happen.

How many terrible fights start with a demand for 'why?', when all could be avoided by simply asking 'what is wrong?' or 'Can I help?'

After thirty years with three spouses, I can guarantee that any person's life will be easier and more filled with love and affection if they learn to recognize that 'Why?' is a demand, and therefore contentious, while asking any other question, such as what, who, when, which, how, and so on, always, always, always comes across as far more loving and compassionate.

Please do not take this the wrong way, or as me being mean or whatever. I do not mean any...um... mean-ness.

I honestly think that if one is faced with a simple moral situation, such as whether to steal something because one could get away with it, and there is even the slightest thought 'hey, I could get away with this... but... no... I better not. I won't steal this time.' then the fact that there even is a struggle is not necessarily a very noble thing.

I find it difficult to comprehend thinking like that. It isn't even a question. There is no question. If something doesn't belong to me, then it doesn't belong to me. I know what I own, and if I found a strange cell-phone, I know it isn't mine at first glance. How could anyone even consider keeping it? It isn't theirs to keep. Duh!

I feel the same way about being online. Be nice. Anonymity isn't even an issue. Those are other people out there, be nice. Yeah, sometimes we all get upset, or angry, or frustrated, and the mean comes out, apologize, try to do better next time. It happens. But overall, be nice. It's never even something to question. It's not even a moral dilemma. There is no dilemma. Hurting others... hurts... others.

But online, I have found people, lots of people, who apparently don't think like I have described. I don't understand them. I doubt I ever will. For ten years I have been under various forms of attack on the internet, ever since my first online comics. Now I get attacked here, because they found me.

I take some responsibility for that - I grew complacent, because of all the Brony love and made the terrible mistake of linking, in my profile, to my online comics. So... about three, four months ago, my long-term enemies found me, and they have been causing trouble since. I thought I was safe now, here in this community. I thought that the Brony movement was changing things, and perhaps it is. Just not fast enough, it would seem. Just not enough, yet.

A pony, in my fiction, in my metaphor base, does not have moral dilemmas about simple, basic things like whether or not to jack a little girl's cell phone. Only one course of action is possible: give it back to whoever, because it isn't yours! It's simple! There is no question!

When I was homeless, hungry, living on the streets of San Francisco and sleeping on rooftops to avoid being raped or killed, stealing stuff never crossed my mind. I did not fear some god punishing me, I did not fear being caught. You just don't steal. Duh.

I am glad you gave the cell phone back, but to me... that's like successfully wiping your mouth after eating something messy. You just do it, because the alternative is pie down your blouse and all over your pants. It isn't something to feel good about, to get praise for, you just do it. Because that is what a civilized person does.


I think I see the main reason you and I are different.

You are just a nice person at the core it appears. I, sadly am not.

I'm not going to try and compare life stories, but I've been through... Some rough times. I've been picked on, laughed at, taken advantage of, and just plan labeled as 'trash'

You're stronger the me. I couldn't take it anymore. Something grew in me and it is NOT nice. It is NOT good. It wants to hurt, it wants to do much more then that. These feelings and what they can allow me to become capable of. This is why I say you can't discard what makes someone 'bad.

I never once thought, 'Hey let's keep this phone' The only way that would happen if it became clear there was no way to give it back. If I'm walking home and I find ten bucks on the sidewalk. Well it's mine now. There is no way I'd ever find the original owner. Now if there was a guy standing five feet from me, then yeah I'd ask him if he dropped it. But if I'm the only one there, then well. Free money.

There was a line in a Sailor Moon movie I keep close to my heart. "If we didn't have the bad times we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good times"

I feel stronger as a person when I look at something, feel the temptation to do what I know isn't right, and because of that I can overcome that desire. It makes me feel that I can make it through anything. That I'm not as worthless as people have told me.

I know you probably will never understand, but I feel bad that the ponies in your stories can't feel some of the more negative emotions. To me it feels like they aren't being good because they want to be, that's just how it is. They have no choice in the matter, they CAN'T be evil. They CAN'T do wrong, and to me that's taking away part of their freedom.

When your characters become ponies and suddenly that aspect of them disappears. It's like they are loosing part of what made them 'them' To you it's simply because they've realized that it's pointless to think about such simple things. The fence is there to keep ponies from falling. Don't break it. This bag of bits I found isn't mine, I should turn it in.

To others, it's like being brainwashed. That scares them, makes them angry, so they lash out. People like me realize it's just a story and can keep that fear away. Sometimes, even though we don't mean to, we might trigger something in someone's memory that causes them to lash out. Sometimes the person just wants to be a jerk. I'm sorry those people are like that, but well it happens.

Darkness exists, and I want us to be aware of that, I want us to come together and stand against that. In your story the concept I got was when Ralph began his little 'displays' of what he could do because he was 'still human' Wildfire and Perspicacity were shocked. Wildfire because he couldn't believe he had ever been capable of such a thing, and Perspicacity because the idea was just so FOREIGN to her that it shook her.

That... Bothered me. It bothers me when people try to pretend such things can't happen. I've had many people who were part of 'groups' where they are so intent on believing that people can't do wrong, it shatters them when it does happen. I believe we need to accept such things can happen and come together to prevent them. The Brony community is helping us see that. There are those of us who were drawn to it by the sheer genuine love and tolerance it displayed, and while there are those who would try to twist that, the rest of us are coming together to prevent that.

To me I think that's something to feel good about. No matter what this world throws at us, or what vices we may feel. We'll continue to do the right thing, because that's how it should be.

Even as the flames rage around you, you, Most Honorable Lady Chatoyance, Queen of the Conversion Bureau Fic-verse, maintain a cool head and clear, logical, thoughtful thought, even having the nobility to offer love and compassion to those who attack you with hate and ignorance. In a just universe, you would have been born a unicorn mare, and probably Twilight Sparkle's intellectual and magical rival, with the dutiful loyalty of Rainbow Dash, the endless kindness of Fluttershy, Rarity's selfless generosity, Applejack's world-wise, sage honesty, and yes, Pinkie Pie's ability to make us laugh through the sheer reality-defying nature of her crazy and cheeky shenanigans. Yes, you would be the living embodiment of Harmony, and you would be able to share its blessings with anypony and everypony you wanted (which would probably end up being anypony and everypony within spellcasting range). More's the pity that our universe is anything but just. The good news is that you do have all those innate qualities, as do we all, even if you (or we) don't always put our best hoof forwards in regards to expressing them. Thank you for trying to bring some sanity into this insane world we call home, even if someponies don't like you very much for it. I for one, would gladly offer anypony who had a problem with you, or the beautiful world you believe us capable of, to try and have a go with me.
Peace and Love (And Harmony Too!),
Yours in Friendship,

You are always a sweetheart, DogfoodandGlue. Just a total loving sweetheart.

You bring up a question that has puzzled me my entire life - where does our innate ethics, our innate morality come from? Yes, yes, Nature versus Nurture, and everything I read in my journals tells me it is likely a mixture, half life experiences and half genetic inheritance - and not a few current biologists would argue it more 90% genes. Certainly studies with separated twins point that direction very, very strongly.

But even with the strong evidence for a genetic cause, I have always believed strongly in personal choice, that we also have a say in what we become. I would go further and suggest that we can train our very minds to overcome a great deal of our genes, if we try hard enough. Then again, many a scientist might accuse me of magical thinking there. Perhaps. Perhaps. But I still think it so.

If the hurt in your life has grown something dark in you, and you yet strive to be a good person, then I can only celebrate that.

I could have ended up very bitter and very broken and very mean myself, I suppose. I had a sociopath for a father, but I had a very empathic mother (what a combo!). In the end, I made a choice, or at least I imagine I did (geneticists notwithstanding). At the age of eleven, after seeing multiple bullies beat a helpless younger child bloody, I swore to the universe, to whatever there was, that no matter what I would never become that. That I would make kindness, compassion, and friendship my Ideal.

But did I choose? Do any of us have choice, is it all genes or... does such a choice matter after all? Do we bring it with us, or do we make ourselves once here? I debate this issue with myself from time to time, and so far, both sides of me have only lost the argument! :facehoof:

In the end, perhaps the only thing that matters is action and results. In the end, was a person kind or not?

I suppose, all any of us can ever do is just to try to be as noble as we can be, in each moment of the day.

That, and try to forgive ourselves, and learn, when we fall short.


I don't think it's genetics, but I get what you are saying.

Personally I think our lives are what we make of them ourselves. Did I choose to be who I am today? Or am I this way because of life's direction? Does it matter? The important thing is: Am I happy with who I am? In this case, yes. For me, that's enough.

I don't have the answers to life, and probably never will. I'm just going to do what I can to be a good person and leave it at that. When I go I just hope that I made a difference in someone's life. Even if I never meet them.

I may not like some parts of 800 Year Promise, but it's in my favorites for a reason. You're story made me happy to read it. I know I'm not the only one who has found joy in reading your work. The haters aside, you're work brought smiles to our faces. In the end, I'd say that's worth a lot.


Aye, I'm the same Coda. I do still have an open offer on the table to play anyone who's interested in a game of Latrotabuli. It's been open for eight years. XD

294280 Only, ONLY because you are the one who said that will I take that sort of guff.:ajbemused:

Chatoyance, you are the best brony.

Chatoyance, I look at your post and I see so much heart put into the words. I want so much to be able to match that with a worthy response. I'll simply let the words flow and see what comes out.

I’ve been a part of several fandoms over the years with involvement in some more than others. I have experienced the varying stages of discovery, learning, testing and growth. Right now, this is the test of growth for the brony community. There will be hard times that some of us have to go through like unfortunately what you have undergone. But there will also be incredible positive times for all of us as well and you can see examples of that through Equestria daily.

I have to tell you: before I read your post and others like it, I felt a certain way about the brony community. Granted, even now, reading such tough moments doesn’t change the joy I feel about bronies. Honestly, there is something to be said about that. I should explain.

I’m a writer, a performer and an artist. I’m also a friend, a guardian and a dreamer. I have found many outlets of creativity and social expression thanks to the brony community. The theme of friendship resonates very deeply with me. Strangely enough, it did not start with My Little Pony.

When I moved to a new high school a week before the start of my sophomore year, I found an opportunity to re-invent myself. I imagined the possible adventures I could experience in my new school and though about the friends I could make and the fun we could have together. And then something amazing happened. I started to unlock all these wonderful moments with the new friends I found. We’d share accomplishments in band or work hard to achieve in One Act. The thrill of football games or U.I.L. would energize us and I wondered how all the beautiful connections were happening. How could it all be so perfect? And then I realized that we all had common goals and we worked together to achieve those goals by doing everything we could to make it happen.

But the medals and the scholarly achievements are not what I hold dear when it comes to thoughts of my high school journey. It’s the friends and the people who made it all worthwhile. And here’s where the pony connection occurred before I recognized its significance.

The theme of the show focuses very much on a near-idyllic society where the ponies have an abundance of opportunities to bond with one another. When I saw that show, I recognized something I had seen before and at first, simply enjoyed the message for what it was. But as time went on, I understood what I was seeing. These ponies were performing friendship lessons I had forgotten. They were performing expressions of togetherness I had experienced in high school. That’s when it finally hit me. Watching “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” was like seeing an equine version of my life back when I felt it was perfect. When it came to my school, I was not only like Pinkie Pie. I was Pinkie Pie. At least, in the terms of how she acted within Ponyville (or in my case, my school).

And now the brony community is that arena of friendship I thought I had lost forever. I see a second chance to live through a positive and hopeful experience so that I can reawaken the joy I thought was gone indefinitely.

I love the Conversion Bureau. I think it’s an incredible chance to show what you have described and even more. The theme of transformation is appropriate for moving from one mode of thinking to the next. I find the pony form very necessary in the example and it’s not to imply humans can’t be good. Far from it. Humans need an external indicator to really push forward and uncover the drive to make a change. There are few more drastic ways to encourage change other than a total physical overhaul.

In the Conversion Bureau setting, a human is given a chance to become something different. There is a different shift in perspective from one moment to the next and that human, in becoming pony, activates a reset for their life. They haven’t changed their past, but they’re committed to a new future driven by the possibilities of their new form. But that form doesn’t have to be physical for us. We, not just as bronies, but as people, can inspire ourselves to change the world around us for the better. That idyllic environment is inside us waiting to come out and we can share that with the world by our actions and our hope and kindness and so much more.

I personally do what I can to bring smiles to others. I have pushed away so much of the flood of distraction of the world and decided for myself what’s important. Rather than engage in the rat-race of prescribed social achievement, I have redefined what I see as success and striven to find that instead. I don’t find value in the same things that others do. When a friend gives me a gift, however small, I treasure the gesture and the person who gave it. When a spontaneous talk occurs between myself and a homeless individual on the street, I listen and talk and simply be with them. When a chance to perform comes up, I put on a character and enhance the traits I find that bring forth positivity in the world.

I’m a writer, so I write fiction that brings forth wonder. I’m an artist, so I make art that inspires others. I’m a performer, so I find joy in cosplay and song and performance art of many types. I’m a friend to others, a guardian who protects hope and a dreamer who plants seeds for a better future.

And one more thing.

I don’t know what will happen to the brony community in the future, but I know that I have my own plan for making the next stage of community connection with those who wonder where to go next.

I’m writing a story. A very important one. One that was inspired by so much I’ve gone through. It’s a world I want to share with others and it has much that the brony community would find enthralling. It’s still in production, but I know how much potential rests in it. And it’s a big one.

You’ll see. Hope has more than one method of reaching the people.

Thank you for your inspiring post. Don’t give up. Faith in humanity may be hard to come by for some, but when you find it, the strength of that discovery will open up worlds you’ve never dreamed.


A playground is a reserved, (mostly) unrestricted space where those who still have to learn basic behavior can do so with little or no consequences.
I have found all the aspects of human life on this site, sad and happy, scary and comforting, love, hate, desire, disgust and every other emotion I have not listed. And while not all of it is eloquently written or even halfway decent, all stories mirror what moves the hearts and minds of the authors (the clop too, even if it's just the cerebellum).
So please don't belittle them (and yourself) by calling this a playground.

I meant it entirely within the context of innocence and childlike wonder, rather than in the context of the inept and uncultured learning basic behavior.

Your interpretation of the word is certainly factual, but contains none of the emotional poetry or meaning that I intended. I suspect we see playgrounds rather differently, you and I. Full disclosure: I am a hopeless romantic in the classical sense.

Do you have a better way for me to put things, a better word than 'playground' that conveys a place for innocent, childlike hearts to gambol and delight within?

294100 and 294785

Throughout my life I have wrestled with that question, with the ultimate question becoming: do we really have free will? I would like to think so. I WANT to believe so, because the idea of humanity being just a bunch of automatons living out their programming is incredibly repugnant to me. This is indeed a prejudice, and I was pondering why I would feel so strongly about it.

It came to me that in the end, what I truly value in the people around me is the ability/strength/conviction to see a "bigger picture" and go against the innate programming. To not be selfish (cellfish?) and do things for the "good" that will result in that broader context. This is how humanity progresses in a real sense, and I find it the most moving aspect and truest evidence of sentience.

Recently there's a lot of study into the nature vs. nurture question, with neuroscience adding a third dimension to this analysis: the impact of choice on the brain. This is called Brain Plasticity, and simply put when we choose to alter our own behavior repeatedly these choices can affect and even modify the brain permanently.

Philosophically, this means that every time you make a choice you are rebuilding and redefining yourself. Every time you chose to "do the right thing" and show kindness, you are making yourself into a more kind person, perhaps even into a better person.

This has two more major implications.

Firts, no matter how dark or disastrous your emotional and genetic baggage are, you can overcome it and be a better person. My mother often said that there is the spark of good in everyone, and we all should help that spark to grow. We ALL have the potential to be better people. Every single last one of us, no matter how flawed. No-one is beyond redemption.

And second: We all have the duty towards ourselves and towards each other to help us on that path.

Well, that's enough heavy philosophy after breakfast!

Romantic, huh? I would not have guessed. :raritywink:
I myself am fighting the sarcasm and cynicism that 30 years of human (HA!) relationships have mired me in, but even in my best moments I'm always a haggler about words. Because in the end all we remember, all we are beyond the moment of now is stories and I'd dread not to have the right word for the right thing, thought or action in mine. Even if the action is not that great.
I think the best I can give is "day nursery" or "playschool", sheltered environments for the young and impressionable. And then I'd have to press the opinion that there is no place for "innocence and childlike wonder" this side of Neverland. In fact, my best approximation of this from personal experience are Neverland, Phantasien or any other place found in a children's book, but that is probably not what you'd like to hear.
Oh, and have an XKCD, not totally unrelated.


I've had people talk to me about the 'genetics' of this stuff. Like one person told me that when faced with a decision, or brain has already made it and even if we ponder what to do, we're going to do what our brain has already decided. I find that to be BS.

I believe in the existence of a soul. No matter how much studies try to tell me that everything is directed by chemicals, I'll never buy it. The art that can be created, the music, the advances in technology. These ideas and dreams are NOT the results of chemicals, I don't care how many times people may try to prove otherwise.

There has been too many times where this 'thing' inside me has fought so hard to break free, and I've repressed it. *sigh* To be a bit more... Personal I guess. I'm a normal healthy male who really wants to 'mate' per-say. I'm still a virgin. I refuse for my first time to be because I paid or forced it. So I'm sorry, but that's suppose to be like THE thing living creatures strive to do the most. I certainly feel the urge more often then I'd like. If we were really directed by chemicals, then I THINK I would have lost this war long ago.

It pretty much comes down to faith. I think we all have to have faith in something, and for me, my faith is in our ability to choose our own path in life.


I guess the one thing we agree on is the primal importance of free will. This is a worthy thing in which to place our faith. Much of the unhappiness and evil in this world are caused by people (oftentimes unwittingly) who stop thinking or let someone else do their thinking for them. The "thing" inside you is in us all, trying to make us react instead of think. To master it is to master yourself. Be proud of every time you deny it, or peer pressure, or whatever agency is pushing you to stop thinking and conform. Be aware that it will influence your thoughts, and that sometimes in the end YOU will be wrong and IT will be right, BUT at least you made your own mistake instead of just repeating someone else's.

The point of my note above is that you will become the person YOU want to be if you desire it enough and can actually disciplin yourself into behaving as if you already are that person.

Yeah, don't worry. Please don't think I'm being egotistical or anything but well with age comes experience and in less then a month I celebrate my 31st birthday. I've been dealing with this for a long LONG time.



Your post has forced me to get out of my eternal lurk mode to create this here manifesto/rant. Any points I have omitted in this one (due to not having enough time) I'm willing to adress in the next one.

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