• Published 19th Apr 2024
  • 144 Views, 1 Comments

Quantum Village - Kentavritsa

Telestia has been given a model of a Cottage. In the Cottage lives Twilight Sparkle with her Friend May Trotter and their Cat Penelope. This is where their Adventure begins.

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A Gymnastic Exercise: 6

Author's Note:

Parma Sparkle's POV

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“Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I walk down the stairs to the basement.

I’m so eager, to see what they prepared for us!” I ponder; as I continue down the flight of stairs, to the basement.

Of course, they had preserved the overall theme of our home. Why wouldn’t they? What’s the point of setting up an entirely new theme, just for the basement? Or, the gymnastic part of it, for that matter? I have no idea.

There is a small space, before I face the first door. Beyond the door, I find a long hall lined with doors on the right side. On the left side, I find but the one door, leading to the changing room. I open the door, step in and the door slides shut behind me.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I walk into the room.

There is a wooden bench on the right and left side respectively.

At the end of the wall, I have the shower and the little Girl’s room. There is the Mare’s room on the other side. Between these two doors, I can see the door, leading to the large Gymnastics room. It is large, Huge; almost as if they had intended this space to hold a fancy ball for a large crowd.

On my right, I have the treadmill; on my left, I find the Trampoline. On the far wall, I can see the door to the equipment, intended for our gymnastic exercises.

The distance is irrelevant, I still ignore the door to the equipment. I am not interested in the equipment, as I have no need for it right now.

It is the Trampoline; I am interested in, right now.

The trampoline is a Hexagonal surface with crystal clear membranes to enclose it for safety. Both of the one inside, and the once outside.

I walk up to the side of the Trampoline, extending my right hand. I feel the crystal clear membrane yielding, slipping aside as I am stepping in; slowly and reverently setting foot on the black Silicone, feeling its hard surface under my feet.

The black surface is cool and smooth, mate; as I step in; only to warm up under my feet, soon taking on the glossy and glittering quality.

“Boing, boing, boing..” is heard; as I jump up and down on the trampoline, I had been promised.

“Does it have to be warmed up, in order to activate?” I ponder; I had not been expecting this.

Yet, I guess it was not all that far out there; when I consider everything else, here. Like the Headset I had been given.

I feel the surface stretching, yielding to the force of my weight underfoot with each bounce; but I can not feel the effect of the bounce, on my chest. Not that I had all that large breasts. I am not old enough to have the bust to pride myself of. Had I been the girl, or woman; taking a special pride, in the size of my Breasts in the first place.

While I may view them, as a sign of growing up; but I am not hoping for them to be large, or any larger than they actually have to be. What’s the fun in that? I have no idea.

“Boing, boing, boing; boing, boing, boing; boing, boing, boing..” is heard, as I keep bouncing up and down.

This is fun!” I ponder, giggling to myself in the tight enclosure.

The space had been enclosed, for the safety of me inside; just as it is, for the safety of those who may be outside.

If I were to go too far from the center of the elastic surface of the trampoline, I would hit the hard surface of the floor; which I would not want to do, as I would make a hard impact. Painful, and not very fun at all. I could not even make myself wish this, on anyone else; even if I couldn’t make myself stop anyone, who were desiring the experience for themselves either. It just is not my place to judge, or make the decision for them.

I made the decision for myself, to explore the Trampoline; to enjoy the experience it is offering me, in the process.

“This is fun..”, I put forth; ”but maybe I did get a bit higher, than I had intended!” I ponder.

“Squeak!” is heard, as my feet hit the surface.

“Oh, oh!” I exclaim, as it hit home what I had just done.

I did not know, I could do that!” I ponder; as the soles of my feet stick to the surface underfoot, if just slightly.

“Squeak.. squeak..” is heard, as the sticky grip of the soles of my feet slowly, gradually slow down my bounces.

It isn’t, as if I had wanted to stop; but this would prove a quick and safe way to slow down, if and when I need to stop and step off of the Trampoline. Just as this could be both fun, and useful in other situations. Or, so I imagine

The question is, just how much control of the effect, I could have. Or, just how strong suction I could achieve. It is suction, not a sticky surface under the soles of my feet. As opposed to what one may have believed, or wanted it to be. Well; maybe, just maybe I could apply both or either. Could I? Or, couldn’t I?

Still, neat. Very convenient.

Since I did not want to stop, I try to jump higher. The suction vanishes, all of a sudden; thus I find myself able to jump higher, once more.

It isn’t, as if I were about to hit the ceiling; I had just found it a bit uncomfortable, jumping this high. Maybe I am new to this, but still. It just takes a while to get used to it.

“Boing, boing, boing..” is heard, as I keep bouncing up and down.

“Squeak.. squeak.. squeak.. squeak..” is heard, as I tentatively try to assert my control of the suction.

“Squeak!” is heard, as my feet hit the surface of the trampoline.

I find myself bouncing slightly for a moment, but the suction holds. I let go, then walk out of the confines of the trampoline with a wide grin on my face.

“What happened?” Telestia inquires; “Was it as fun, as you had expected.

“Fun?” I inquire, giggling in amusement; “It sure was!” I confirm; “Maybe you should try it out, for yourself?” I incite.

I watch my sister entering the enclosure of the Trampoline, before she starts to jump up and down; finding herself bouncing.

“Fun, fun, fun…” she exclaims.

“Boing, boing, boing..” is heard, as she is jumping up and down.

Does she wear the same ultra short toe socks I am wearing?” I ponder; “If so; let’s see, how she reacts!” I ponder.

“Stop!!” I exclaim.

“Squeak!!” is heard, as the soles of her feet hits the surface of the trampoline, only for her to find herself to be firmly stuck on the floor.

“Yes, you do wear the same socks as I am wearing!” I proclaim.

“What?” she exclaim, as she tries to jump up, again.

“The Suction..” I respond; “that proves that you wear the same socks!” I explain.

This is exactly when Twilight steps into the room, ogling us from the point where she had just entered the room.

“What happened?” Telestia inquires.

“This!” Twilight responds, as she is gripping the floor with her right fore-hoof; “I just had not expected you to get quite this strong a grip..” she explains, letting go of the floor.

“This is natural tactile magic all Ponies have!” she points out.

“It’s a kind of Magic, that permits me to emulate the grip you have in your hands!” she elaborates, with a grin.

“That, that, that..” Telestia stutters; “is cool!” she concludes; it is just eerie, scary; "when you are exposed to it the first time, when you are not prepared for it!” she then points out.

“It is natural, but since you haven’t experienced it until now; I guess I can see, how it is an unsettling experience!” Twilight concedes.

“Has May been exposed to this, yet?” I inquire; “If not, you may consider preparing her!” I conclude.

“I am not comfortable, excluding her, from this!” Telestia puts forth; “if we can share it with her; we have to give her the option to use it, or not!” she concludes.

“Oh..” Twilight exclaims; “May, there is something you need to be aware of!” she continues.

“Yes, Twilight..” May responds; “what is it?” she inquires.

“I need you to try out a pair of your ultra short toe stockings; before you join us in the Gymnasium, downstairs!” Twilight points out.

“Oh, okay!” May responds.

May soon slip the socks onto her feet; before she walks down the flight of stairs, entering the Gymnasium.

“We just discovered something..” I exclaim; “and Twilight just explained it, to us!” I conclude.

“By the way, May; do you want to try the Trampoline, too?” Telestia inquires.

“Sounds like fun; I guess I just have to try it out, while I am here!” May concedes.

“Not everyone, lucky enough to have a real Trampoline at home, in their own basement!” Telestia proposes.

“No, I guess not…” May responds, as she is entering the enclosure of the Trampoline.

“Boing, boing, boing..” is heard, as May tentatively starts to jump up and down.

“I could get used to this..” May exclaims, after a moment bouncing up and down.

At least, I think she is wearing her top!” I ponder, as I am observing May enjoying her time with the Trampoline.

“How high can I jump?” May inquires.

“Just as high, as you are comfortable with!” Twilight points out; “This is supposed to be fun; not Scary, or uncomfortable by any means!” she elaborates.

“Ah, okay!” May responds; “I am sure, I could jump a bit higher!” she points out.

“Uhm; you are wearing your top, May?” Telestia inquires.

“Yes, but of course!” May responds; “Why?” she then inquires.

“Just a precaution, for use of the Trampoline!” Twilight suggests, snickering.

“Oh, okay!” May responds.

“Stop!!” Telestia exclaims.

“Squeak!!” is heard, just as May’s feet hit the surface of the trampoline.

“What just happened?” May inquires.

“Tactile Magic happened!” Telestia suggests.

“Tactile Magic?” May inquires; as the soles of her feet still cling firmly to the floor, as if she had been glued to the floor.

“Permits your hooves..” Twilight begins; “erm, feet to grab hold of surfaces on contact!” she continues; “just as you are currently experiencing!” she suggests.

“Wait, what?” May inquires.

“The fact that the surface is smooth, is no hindrance!” Twilight points out.

“Just like with Industrial, high grade suction cups!” Telestia concedes, while she couldn’t help herself, giggling.

“I guess this is something one just has to get used to?” I inquire; “You should be able to control it, by yourself with practice!” I suggest.

“Then I would walk under the Ceiling, just like a Fly?” she inquires, giggling.

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Are you aware that you're not using semicolons or commas the way people use them in English?

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