//------------------------------// // 80 - Beachside Fun // Story: Perchance to Dream // by David Silver //------------------------------// It was time to put all thoughts of ponies aside, aside of the two that were doing their best to not be ponies, they were alright. Hot fried chicken and cold deli sliced sandwich meat for sandwiches were in easy supply, along with a variety of drinks and any number of family members that were eager to make small talk while trying subtly (not that subtly) to dredge out the details of my life. "So," started my father in that tone that told me clearly he wanted to ask something awkward. "You and those other two girls. You live together?" "We are not a gay commune," I said with a finger twirl. "Trixie tries to be," declared my round friend as she sank down beside us. "Happy performers get better reactions, or so she is told." Dad guffawed at the innocence displayed. "Was that a joke at my expense?" But Trixie was looking genuinely confused. He backed off the topic. Starlight waved from closer to the water. "Come on, who goes to a beach to not go in the water?" That sounded more fun than awkward questions and I stood up. From up there I could see most of the adults were happy just lazing in the sun. I was not. Maybe I could blame it on Equestria, but moving felt like a better idea. "Are you joining us?" I asked father, knowing he'd likely turn it down, but it was polite to ask. He did not surprise me and I got to walking briskly across the soft but uncomfortably hot sand. I heard Trixie laugh beside me as she caught up. "She will come with you two. That looks like fun." Tod waved excitedly, already half in the water. "Hey, Trix, wanna play?" Trixie rolled her eyes. "Why is it she seems to draw the young male fans? Such is the price of stardom." She wandered towards Tod, accepting his invitation. That left me with Starlight, who looked quite amused. "Trixie is going to get stomped, let's not be witnesses to it." She grabbed for a hand and pulled me towards the water. "C'mon." "Hold yer horses." I pulled back to stop her and moved at my own pace. The water lapped at my toes, quite cold compared to the heated sand that was touching them just a moment ago. It wasn't a bad cold per se, but I wanted to get used to it. We waded out until it reached our midsections when Starlight suddenly stopped and reached down. She came back up with a shell. "Look what I found." She rubbed over its rough surface with her fingers as she turned it about slowly. "I never saw one of these in their 'natural' environment." I stepped in closer to give it a look. It wasn't anything like those picture perfect models they had for sale at gift stores. It had pits and grooves and many imperfections that made it... real in a sense. "That's a nice one. Do you plan to keep it?" "Nah." She let it drop right back into the water. "This outfit doesn't exactly come with pockets, and humans don't get those built-in for Celestia Knows Why reason. So, you any good at swimming?" The thought immediately came to me. "Are you? I mean... like that?" She lifted her shoulders. "Only one way to find out." "Yes, in a pool, not in the ocean!" I said a little louder than I first intended. "Seriously, you could get hurt." She gave me a shove. "Well, at least one of us should enjoy it, mother." I huffed at the barb. "You are a friend, and I don't want you to be hurt." "Yeah yeah, I get that, and I'll be good, promise, but really, go on. I want to see how different your swimming is from mine." She meant human swimming, but, again, I could not imagine the not-clear waters of the sea were ideal for the purpose. Still, who was I to deny that harmless request? I did know how to swim, and I proved it by dunking beneath the gently rolling waves and cutting through the chilly depths of the water. It had been quite a while since last I swam. It came back easily, and I remembered why I used to like it. The feel of moving around the depths was relaxing in a way and I did just that for a while, losing track of everything but the movements needed to keep moving. Swimming takes the entire body moving in harmony to do right, and I felt that. My lungs started to complain that I was not a sea creature and I started for the surface. I felt the water flow free as my head broke the top and hit air. I drew in a greedy gulp of air as the rest of me began to tread water gently to keep me from sinking back. That was when I noticed I was much further from the beach than I had originally intended. How had I swum so far, so fast? I peered at the beach, which I felt sure was still the same beach, but I was far enough out to make figuring out which people were which difficult. My heart began to hammer in fear. I was far past any depths I had gone before. I felt something nudge against my left hip and I'm not afraid to admit I might have squealed in terror. It nudged again. Whatever it was, it wasn't sharp. If it was an attack, it was a very ineffective one. I tried to calm myself. For all I knew, it was a bit of sea trash bumping up against me that I was freaking out about. I reached cautiously for it and whatever it was nudged right up against my hand. It was alive. It was alive and nuzzling my palm. It felt furry. Was I being rescued by a seal? Seals didn't do that, right? A seal would rather bite me than be that close to a human, right? I didn't know that much about oceanic life, but there was something furry and soft saying hello to my hand. Everything suddenly went dark. Whatever it was had wrapped itself around me and gave a powerful yank, submerging me with barely time for a squeak. Why hadn't I worn goggles? That would have helped just then. Trying to see was fruitless, and painful. Whatever it was, it held close to my thrashing form, furry form pressed close to mine before its lips found mine. I felt its tongue. I was being french kissed by some monster that would drown me. It was insane, and it was happening. I kept my lips closed tight and tried to push it away, but it was stronger than I was. My lungs were screaming. All that effort was not helping with holding my breath and I had barely started to breathe when it all happened. It squeezed me tight and I finally opened my mouth just a little. I was not rewarded with slimy monster tongue. Sweet air came instead. Whatever it was, it was somehow breathing air into me through our kiss. My thrashing died a little. Was I being rescued by a mermaid instead of a seal? That was... I just didn't know. A lot of 'can't be's had already happened in the last few months. I reached out in the darkness, feeling whatever was holding me instead of fighting it. That shape... Its upper portion was that of a pony, I felt sure of it. Its arms ended in hooves that rested on my back, holding me close to it. It didn't seem to mind my exploration, so I kept going, noticing that it stopped being a pony right around the hips. There were no hind legs. It had a powerful tail instead with a fin at the end. My touching it seemed to prompt it to slap against my hand lightly as if I had tickled it. I'd found a pony, a sea pony. Sea ponies were a thing? It was hard to argue the evidence in front of me. The sea pony seemed to notice that I had stopped thrashing and its grip loosened a little. It nuzzled against me, still feeding me air through our enduring kiss. Whoever they were, they were affectionate at least. That did not make it that much less scary. They nudged my lips closed with their own and pulled back, leaving me to hold my breath a moment as they did... something. I still couldn't see. A slimy wetness descended over my head and I could feel dryness. I opened my eyes and saw my head was engulfed in a bubble. I had been given a magical air bubble... "Wow." I could see out of it clearly and beheld the soft greens and blues of the sea pony. I felt sure she was a she. I blamed that on my pony side. "Thank you." "You're very welcome," she spoke back, bowing in a soft of bending, floating as she was. "Land ponies should not swim this far away from land." "I got a little careless," I admitted as I looked her over. She was everything a mermaid should be, if you were a pony. The pony side of me seemed to agree with her easily. "But I'm not a pony." "Not a regular one," she easily agreed. "But I'm not a regular one either. I can feel it in you. You are a pony, tell me I'm wrong." I couldn't do that, at least without lying. "I'm a little pony." She clopped her hooves together. "I knew it. I'm so glad to run into another. It gets very lonely... Why did you swim so far away? Were you looking for me? That's very nice of you." I pointed up at my magic bubble. "How long will this last, and how is the air not getting stale?" She tilted her head as if that were a silly question. "Until you go back to land. You should be safe. It's tricky making those, but they last." She circled me then with all the agility of a dolphin. "You smell like a stallion, sound like a mare. Which are you?" Oh boy. "A little of either, assume mare." "Oh that's good... I get shy around stallions... but you were scared and lost and I couldn't just leave you." She came up behind me and hugged me. "My name's Wave Bell. What's yours?" Opportunity suddenly flashed in my mind. Wave Bell was not a known creature. I could rescue her without inciting any negative backlash from the government. Heck, if she never touched land, she was, at worst, teasing nautical laws and not actually an illegal immigrant just yet. Removing her would break no laws. "I'm Linda, and I think we could get you home." Her face brightened. "You mean besides the ocean?" "Your ocean, instead of this one," I corrected. "I need a dry place, do you have one of those?" She reached out a hoof towards me. "This way." As soon as I took hold of it, she began to swim in powerful waves of her tail. She made my swimming seem clumsy in comparison as we descended deeper into the water. I hoped quietly as we went that my family wasn't freaking out in whole new ways about my absence. I'd be back, after taking care of a little foreign diplomacy, or so I planned. The water got darker as we descended much further than I had any right to go. I wondered if the pressure would cause problems, but the bubble didn't get any smaller, and I didn't feel dizzy or otherwise impeded. Well, my ears did start to get plugged up, so there was some pressure involved. A big yawn cleared that up, popping loudly as it equalized. "How far is it?" "Not much further," She promised as she turned and grabbed me with both hooves. "I keep forgetting land ponies don't do so well this far. Hold on." She clung tightly as her tail propelled us both into the depths.