The Fightin' Dragon

by Phantom-Dragon

The Plan To Get Spike Back

“What do you mean, 'don't tell Twilight?' How can we not tell Twilight at this time of Spike Crisis?!!!” Thorax panicked. “By opening that Dimensional Doorway and losing the book, you’ve lost all possible chances of getting Spike back! And now he’s trapped in another world, full of who-knows-what that can kill, eat him, and RIP HIM TO SHREDS!!! That and he still hasn’t finished telling me the concept about Guys’ Night.”

“Oh don’t be such a worry bug!” Trixie replied.

“Where have we heard that before?” Starlight asked.

After sending a quick glare to silence Starlight, Trixie resumed, “Well this time, you don’t have to worry, because I, being the Great and Powerful Trixie that I am, have come up with a plan!”

“Do we even dare to ask?” Starlight grumbled.

Ignoring Starlight's sarcasm, Trixie shed some lights on the layout of her plans, with her horn, to show a table, with two plastic My Little Pony dolls of herself and Starlight, "So here's the plan. The three of us will-"

“Why am I a jelly bean?” Thorax asked, when he took notice of a green jelly bean, sitting in between the two pony dolls.

“I didn’t have time to scale everything down to the last details," Trixie quickly explained. "So pay attention!” With that, Trixie resumed explaining, while conjuring a stick to direct her friends' attentions.

“Thorax will pretend to be Spike, so no pony will even know he’s missing," She explained, while swapping the jelly bean, with a mini-dragon figure. "Meanwhile, me and Glim-Glam here will work on finding a spell to get Spike back!”

"And what about Twilight?" Starlight asked.

"I'm glad you asked, Glim-Glam," Trixie smiled, as she levitated a Twilight Sparkle doll, and placed her further away from the others. "Twilight won't be coming back for a couple of days or two, which gives us some times to bring Spike back, before she even knows he is missing."

"But what happens when she comes back?" Thorax asked. "I'm sure she'll know something is up when she finds Spike is missing and not in his nice warm bed, where he should be!"

"Good point, Thorax! Good point." Trixie replied. "But just in case she does comes back, and Spike's not here yet, then we'll have you to pass off as Spike," Trixie smirked.

"WHAT?!!" Thorax exclaimed, horrified. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I know I'm a changeling and all, and I'm your friend now, but if you're asking me to take my friend's place, then I'm crossing-"

"Ah-no, no, no, no, no," Trixie silenced, putting a hoof to Thorax's mouth to shut him up. "You're not taking his place," She began. "You're taking his place, temporarily. You're his substitute."

"Oh yeah, like that's any better," Starlight frowned.

"Trust me, the Great and Powerful Trixie's plan is fool-proof! Trixie never fails!" Trixie smirked, before she frowned. "But on the slight chance that it does fail, then...."

“On the slight chance,” Starlight muttered. “Look! I’ll run the numbers, if you please.” With that, Starlight conjured an abacus, which she used to calculate, before her answer was magically conjured up as a piece of paper. Upon reading the written content, Starlight was horrified.

"What? What is it?" Thorax asked.

"Oh, well," Starlight quickly zapped the paper away, before she started to sweat a storm. "It's not exactly good news. I mean, it's just numbers and all, and the odds of-" Thorax and Trixie were clearly not buying it.

Finally caving in, Starlight confessed, “There’s a 99.99999999999% chance Spike will be a dead dragon if he stays in this possible hostile alien environment, given to his slightly helpless condition, any longer, by the time we find him.”

“WHAT?!” Thorax shouted. "SPIKE'S GOING TO DIE??!!!"

Starlight smiled sheepishly, "Between yes and no, I'm picking......maybe?"

There was an awkward silence, before Thorax hyperventilated, "OH NO! MY BUDDY'S GOING TO DIE!!!"

"Thorax! Calm down!" Starlight shouted, only for Thorax to ignore her, as he continues to panic.


At last, Trixie had enough, as she fired a rock at Thorax, knocking him back to his senses.

"Calm down!" Trixie shouted. "Let's take a deep breath, and calm down!" With that, the three all did as Trixie said, before the blue unicorn resumes, "Now. Starlight said there's a 99.99999999% chance that we won't save Spike. Which means, there's a 1.11111111111111% chance that we'll find and rescue Spike, in one piece!" The blue unicorn stated proudly, much to her friends' grievances.

"Your math is really blowing my mind, Trixie," Starlight grumbled in sarcasm at Trixie's bad math.

"Oh yeah sure," Thorax grumbled. "I fail to see how that doesn't blow up in your face, like what just happened earlier!"

"You're not good at looking the glass half-full, are ya?" Trixie asked.

"Well forgive me, if I withhold my enthusiasm," Thorax replied.

"Come on, Thorax," Starlight spoke. "At least give us all a chance. And by then, we'll have Spike home before Twilight or anyone else even knew what happened."

Thorax looked at the two unicorns, and had a look of distrust on his face. They're all friends and all, but even he knew they've made mistakes one time too many. Nevertheless, they have had their shares of fixing their mistakes.

With a reluctant sigh, Thorax replied, "I don't like this plan. But I do want Spike home, as soon as possible," He frowned. "I just hope you girls know what you're doing."

"Don't worry, Thor," Starlight replied. "We'll have Spike home, before you can say Chrysalis!"

"Chrysalis," He muttered.

"I don't think she means literally," Trixie spoke, earning an angry stare from the changeling king. "But don't worry! We'll get Spike back! In the meantime, you just do your part of the plan!"

With a sigh, Thorax's whole body was coated in a flash of light, before he walked away in his Spike disguise, while speaking in his normal voice, "When this whole thing blows over, I really need to get away from you ponies for an alone time."


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Spike screamed, as he finds himself, coming out the other end of the portal, and in the new world. Floating at his side was the spell book that Starlight was studying, containing the spell that got him into this mess.