//------------------------------// // A Pet for an Evening // Story: A Pet for an Evening // by AliceLiz //------------------------------// Twilight looked around the familiar sight of Sunset’s bedroom. It was simple and functional, with only the necessary furniture. On the right wall, there was a bed with a nightstand next to it, the left wall had a dresser and a half filled bookcase, and the far wall held a desk below a window. There were two framed pictures on the dresser, one of Sunset with Celestia, her adoptive mom, and another of Twilight herself, smiling demurely. Twilight placed her sleeping bag and backpack at the foot of the bed. Sunset sat down on the bed, and Twilight took the desk chair. “I’ve been waiting so long to have this sleepover.” Sunset said as she stretched her arms above her head. Twilight averted her eyes from her best friend’s chest, a faint blush spreading across her face. “It’s not often mom goes out of town for the weekend. I’ve been really exited to have you all to myself like this.” Sunset said with a lascivious smile. Twilight giggled, then spoke in an exaggerated voice. “Oh, no. I sure hope the strong, sexy seductress doesn’t take advantage of my innocence and naivete.” She pushed her glasses up her face in a demure gesture and put on her best ‘innocent girl’ face. She was still learning the art of teasing, and she liked to think she was getting pretty good at it. “Oh, well see,” Sunset winked at her, reminding Twilight that no matter how much her teasing had improved, she was still no match for her fiery haired friend. She turned away to try to hide her blush, knowing that it was futile. “So, uhm… What are we going to do first?” Twilight tried to change the subject, realizing too late that it also served as the perfect setup if Sunset did have something special in mind. She was used to letting Sunset decide their activities — in fact she preferred it — and as a result, she had asked the question without considering the potential consequences. Sunset tapped a finger to her cheek, humming in thought. “How about we play a game?” her expression held barely contained excitement, causing alarm bells to start up in Twilight’s mind. “W-what kind of game?” Twilight did her best to hide her nervousness. She recognized the smile that spread over Sunset’s face, it was one that usually involved Twilight getting roped into something embarrassing for Sunset’s amusement. Like that time she lost a bet and had to be Sunset’s maid for a day. “You see, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to own a dog.” Sunset folded her legs, and put her hands on her knees. “I’ve played with Spike, of course. But that’s not the same as having a pet of your own.” Twilight cocked her head and gave Sunset a confused look. This only seemed to make Sunset smile wider still, her grin proudly showing her perfect teeth now. “So, “ Sunset continued, “I thought maybe you could be my little puppy for the day, so I get to experience what being a pet owner is like.” Sunset smiled at Twilight, a barely noticeable nervousness hiding behind the smile. Twilight gaped at her friend, her cheeks where burning, and her mind was spinning. It seemed so strange, and very embarrassing, and yet, a little exiting. “Wh-What do you m-mean?” Twilight asked, hesitantly. “Well, I was thinking I could throw a toy and have you fetch it, I-I could teach you tricks and give you treats. You know, That kind of thing.” Sunset answered. Her voice was faltering a little, a rare thing coming from someone who was usually so confident. “Uhm, I… I g-guess we could try it.” Twilight could feel her blush getting warmer. Sunset clapped her hands together. “Great, so first rule of being a dog, is that dogs don’t talk.” Twilight was about to object, but Sunset raised her hand up and continued. “But, if you have something you need to say, then you have permission to do so.” Sunset pulled a duffel bag out from under the bed and started rummaging inside it. “Permission to talk?” Twilight questioned the phrasing. To her shock, her exclamation was answered by a squirt of water in her face. “Bad puppy. Dogs don’t talk!” Sunset chided, the spray bottle she had pulled from her bag still pointing at Twilight. Twilight gaped, too shocked to say anything. Sunset’s expression changed to a warm smile. “Now, the next rule of being a dog, is that dogs walk on all fours.” She waited patiently for Twilight to move. The purple haired girl was still trying to comprehend exactly what was going on, but was brought out of her thoughts when Sunset cleared her throat. She quickly dropped out of the chair and got on her hands and knees, eying the spay bottle warily. “Good, girl.” Sunset cooed, she put the spray bottle on the floor next to her and started to root around her bag again. Twilight wondered how many things were in there, and by extension, how much she was in for with this ‘game’. Sunset pulled out a bag of chocolate candies, one of Twilight’s favorite brands. “You’re not going to make me eat those out of a bowl are you?” Twilight asked jokingly, making sure to give her much practiced ‘teasing face’. Sunset froze suddenly and her eyes locked on Twilight. “W-would you be willing to do that?” Sunset’s voice was a mix of disbelieving and hopeful. Twilight reeled. “No!” Sunset flinched at her forceful tone. “Okay, sorry. We won’t do that then.” Sunset gave Twilight an apologetic look, before returning her attention to opening the bag of chocolates. She took out one piece and held it in her outstretched hand and composed herself before speaking. “Come here, girl. I have a treat for you.” Twilight hesitantly started crawling along the soft carpet, toward her prize. She reached a hand out to take the treat, but Sunset closed her palm around the candy. “Ah ah aah~. Puppies don’t grab treats with their paws, do they?” She said in a voice that one would use when talking to a child. Or a pet for that matter. Twilight gave her a flat look and sat down on her knees. Eventually she relented under Sunset’s broad smile. I suppose I did agree to be her ‘pet’. And I guess it’s not too bad, she thought. She lowered her hand, and after Sunset opened her palm to reveal the treat once more, took it directly with her teeth, making sure to avoid touching Sunset’s hand. As she chewed the treat, She felt Sunset’s hand petting her hair. “Good girl. Hmm, I think you need a name don’t you?” Sunset cooed. “But, I already have a-” Twilight cut herself off when she realized her mistake and saw Sunset’s pursed lips and narrowed eyes, her arm subtly reaching for the spray bottle. “Uh, I mean… Woof?” Twilight stuck the landing, as it were, and was rewarded with a smile and more petting. “Hmm, what name would fit such a cute little puppy like you?” Sunset asked, causing Twilight to blush once again. “How about Twily? You like that one?” Twilight shook her head frantically, her face going slightly pale at the idea of her brother’s nickname for her being used like this. Sunset chuckled. “Very well, we can pick another one.” She hummed in though for a while, absentmindedly petting Twilight’s cheek. Twilight relished in being so close to the other girl, not to mention the affection she was being shown. “How about Sparkles? A cute little name for a cute little girl”. Twilight thought for a moment, then nodded. Sunset smiled brightly at her. “Well, Sparkles, let’s see what kind of tricks you can do.” Sunset stood up and walked past Twilight to the center of the room, stroking the still kneeling girls ponytail on the way. Sunset straightened up in her best ‘commanding’ pose. “Up!” She commanded. Twilight rose to all fours, and turned to face Sunset. Looking up at her like this made Twilight feel even more embarrassed about this whole situation. “Well, you have some basic training at least. What more can you do? How about ‘roll over!’” Twilight’s eyes widened at the sudden order. She looked at the carpeted floor next to her, and, deciding it looked soft enough, let herself flop to her side, ending on her back with her arms and legs sticking awkwardly into the air. Sunset beamed at her, “good girl, now, up again!” Twilight rolled herself back onto her hands and knees. Sunset tapped her finger to her chin in thought. “Play dead!” Twilight was blushing furiously at this point, she was sure that her whole face was red. She hesitated for a moment, then let her eyes roll up into her head, and her mouth fall open as her body ragdolled to the ground. She heard a gasp from Sunset and opened an eye to see her friend’s shocked expression, before it softened into a light chuckle. “Twilight. When I say ‘play dead’, I want something playfully silly, not soberingly distressing.” Twilight got up again, looking sheepish. She didn’t say anything though, simply waiting for Sunset to give another command. “Okay, let’s try it again. Play dead!” Sunset repeated her command, and Twilight gave a more dramatic performance, feigning being shot in the heart before falling to the carpeted floor — arms and legs in the air again — and giving an appropriately lengthy exhale to finish. Sunset gave a light applause, “much better.” She leaned down to fix Twilight’s glasses, which had gone askew during her last trick. “You deserve a some treats for doing so well.” Sunset sat down on the bed again, pulling a few more chocolates from the bag. “Hmm, I was thinking of giving you two… But I’m going to give you one less, for making me think I had actually killed you out of embarrassment,” Sunset teased. Twilight rolled her eyes, then took the offered treat. Delicious. “Okay, Sparkles. How about we play some fetch?” She pulled a small rubber ball from her bag and bounced it in one hand. Twilight tilted her head questioningly. “If you’re worried about the floor being to dirty, I vacuumed it last night, and I picked a ball that wouldn’t collect much dirt.” Twilight thought for a moment then shrugged her shoulders and nodded. She might not be a child anymore, but she could still tap into that part if her and ignore her sense of cleanliness from time to time. Might as well, seeing how much Sunset is enjoying this. Sunset smiled at her before throwing the ball to the far corner of the room. Twilight, crawled over towards it, but hesitated when she reached it. She looked over her shoulder, seeing her still smiling friend. Sunset nodded in encouragement. Twilight knew what Sunset wanted her to do. She was supposed to be a dog after all, and, while she wasn’t very fond of the idea, she reached her head down and bit into the ball. She found that it wasn’t as bad as she had expected. She made her way back to Sunset, and deposited the ball at her feet. Sunset reached for the ball with one hand, and scratched behind Twilight’s ear with the other, making Twilight’s lips tug into a smile. “Good girl. But if you get the ball back quicker next time, I might give you another treat.” Twilight gave Sunset a flat look augmented by a raised eyebrow. Sunset seemed completely immune though, and held out another piece of chocolate, tantalizingly out of reach. Twilight relented and Sunset threw the ball again. “Go on Sparkles. Get the ball!” She cheered. Twilight hobbled after the ball at a quicker pace this time, and didn’t hesitate to grab the ball with her teeth. Upon returning it to her ‘owner’ she received more praise, but no treat. “Do it a little faster this time, okay?” Sunset threw the ball one more time. “Go on girl, I know you can do it!” Twilight bounded after the ball, making sure not to hurt her knees. She was immensely grateful for the carpeted flooring. Once she got the ball back to Sunset, she finally got her promised treat. Somehow, it tasted quite a bit better than the first one. Sunset kept petting her while she ate her treat then looked at her palm in mock shock. “Oh, no! Some of the chocolate melted over my hand because I held it too long!” Twilight held back a giggle at Sunset’s over dramatic acting. But that urge disappeared in an instant when Sunset shoved the hand towards her face. “Why don’t you lick it clean for me Sparkles. You love chocolate after all.” Twilight blanched, and briefly wondered how many times Sunset could raise the bar of embarrassment before the day was over. She looked at Sunset, and saw the excitement in her face. Sunset was trying to hide it, but Twilight knew how to read her face better than most. She decided to relent, despite how awkward this situation was. Twilight leaned forward and drew her tongue over Sunset’s index finger, tasting the leftover chocolate, as well as Sunset’s skin. She looked up at Sunset’s face, her mouth was slightly open and she was breathing heavier than normal. Twilight focused on the chocolate covered fingers in front of her, redoubling her efforts. She slowed slightly when she heard the quiet but unmistakable sound of a moan coming from above her. Looking up, she saw Sunset’s head was tilted back, her eyes lidded and her mouth still open as another soft moan escaped. The sight caused Twilight to stop momentarily, catching Sunset’s attention. “Did I say you could stop?” Sunset snapped her attention to the girl on her knees in front of her, panting slightly. The intensity of her stare made Twilight resume her licking without hesitation. The fiery haired girl was clearly enjoying this, and deep down, Twilight felt a warmth at being able to make Sunset happy like this. She couldn’t hold back a faint smile. Sunset’s hand had been cleaned of all chocolate for well over a minute when she finally drew back her hand. “That’s enough, Sparkles. You did very well,” she cooed, taking a few breaths to recover. She wiped her hand on the bed sheets as she spoke, “so, how about we go for a walk?” Twilight stayed silent, waiting for Sunset to elaborate. Then felt herself blush, yet again when Sunset pulled out a collar and leash from her duffel bag. Twilight barely noticed her mouth opening in shock, she was too focused on the collar that Sunset was holding up in front of her. It was a red leather collar with a gold metal link in the front for the leash to attach to. It was decorated with a few gold stars and a gold buckle. Twilight couldn’t help but notice it was decorated with Sunset’s colors. The red and blond haired girl presented a tag hanging from the metal link for her to read. Sparkles If found, return to Sunset Shimmer Twilight was frozen in shock. She put more planning into this than I gave her credit for, right down to picking my pet name, and having it engraved on a collar, Twilight thought. After a moment she realized that Sunset was waiting for a response. She looked almost pleading at this point, like she was expecting Twilight to back out and shout at her for going to far. And while a part of Twilight thought that course of action made sense, it was small part of her. A very small part, while another slightly larger part was curious to see where this would go, and a much bigger part just wanted to be close to Sunset, to make her happy and to not disappoint her. She might even give me more treats! Twilight shocked even herself with that particular thought. Seeing that Sunset was still waiting for Twilight to make a move, she gave a small smile and nodded. Sunset beamed at her and then sat on the floor in front of ‘Sparkles’, reaching around her neck with the collar. It felt soft on Twilight’s skin as Sunset slid it in place. Twilight felt the collar tighten around her as Sunset buckled it shut. Sunset squeezed two fingers in between the collar and Twilight’s neck, making sure it wasn’t too tight. Twilight couldn’t help but shudder at the feeling, but it wasn’t a bad shudder though. This felt kinda… nice. “You okay?” Sunset asked. Sparkles gave her a smile and a nod. “Good, then let’s just attach the leash, and we can go exploring the house.” Sparkles sat patiently while Sunset attached the leash. Sparkles smiled as she noticed Sunset pocketing the bag of chocolates before standing up. “Okay, let’s go.” Sunset said as she gave the leash a light tug. Sparkles scrambled to get next to Sunset. “We’ll avoid the kitchen and bathroom. I don’t want you to hurt your knees on the tiled floors.” Sparkles gave her ‘owner’ a thankful smile, and they started off down the hall. Sparkles kept walking forward to the stairs, until she felt a tug on her leash. Turning her head, she saw Sunset opening the door to the guest bedroom. “Come here, girl. I’m not going to show you mom’s room, but we can go In here.” Sunset said, leading Twilight into the scarcely furnished room. “This is where Aunt Luna usually sleeps when she’s visiting.” Sunset led her pet around the room, making sure they kept walking while she talked. “It was going to be my room at first, but I asked mom if I could have the other one. It has a much better view.” Sparkles couldn’t see much out of said view from her low vantage point, but she could see the branches of a tree that had grown next to the window. Sunset led Sparkles back into the hall and down the stairs to the living room, and took a couple of laps around the sofas and coffee table before leading Sparkles to the back door. “I don’t suppose you’d be alright going into the back yard? The fence should make sure no one sees us, but if you don’t feel comfortable, we can skip it.” Sunset said, in a voice somewhere between sympathetic and hopeful. Twilight thought it over. The fence did cover the whole back yard, and it was pretty tall. “Uhm, your neighbors don’t have trampolines do they?” Twilight asked tentatively, a faint smile on her lips. “Not that I know of.” Sunset responded, giggling slightly. Twilight gave it a bit more thought, then smiled up at her friend. “Alright, but let’s not linger there, okay?” Twilight saw Sunset’s face light up, and felt a warmth growing in her chest. This really is making her happy, isn’t it? She thought. Sunset opened the backyard door and led Sparkles onto the grass. It felt soft under Sparkles’ hands. They took a few laps out there, Sunset urging Sparkles to move faster with each one, until she was able to manage a decent pace. Sparkles’ embarrassment was all but gone by now. They then went back inside, and Sunset led Sparkles to the living room sofa. Sparkles noticed her clothes were stained with grass, but it didn’t bother her like it usually would. “So did you have fun, Sparkles?” Sunset asked. “Woof” Sparkles responded. Sunset laughed and took off Sparkles’ leash. She left the collar in place, though, and Sparkles couldn’t help but feel a little happy that she did. I’m liking this a lot more than I would have expected, Sparkles thought as she absentmindedly stroked her collar with one hand. Sunset sat down on the sofa and tapped her lap. “Come here girl,” she commanded. Sparkles obeyed, and sat in front of her ‘owner’ again. “It’s time for your treats. You did great during our little walk.” Sunset pulled out a piece of chocolate from the bag in her pocket and Sparkles ate it up with gusto as soon as it was in reach. She didn’t even bother to avoid getting spit on Sunset’s hand. After finishing her treat, she leaned in and nuzzled Sunset’s leg, without really thinking. Sunset’s breath caught in her throat, and she started stroking Sparkles’ hair. After a few moments she took out another treat, “and this one is for being such a good sport and running laps with me outside.” Sparkles could swear each treat was better than the last. Sunset started stroking her cheek. Sparkles closed her eyes and leaned into Sunset’s hand, relishing the affectionate touch. “You’ve been such a good girl today, Sparkles.” Sparkles, in a burst of pride and enthusiasm, sprung forward, placing her hands on Sunset’s shoulders, and started licking her face, all the while holding back her laughter. Sunset’s laughter, meanwhile, rang through the house. “Down, girl!” she managed between her laughter. Sparkles backed off — as ordered — panting a little, but unable to keep a smile off her face. Sunset wiped her face clean with the sleeve of her shirt. “You seem a little worn out after all this excitement. Why don’t you take a nap?” Sunset tapped the space next to her on the sofa. “Jump up here and put your head in my lap.” Twilight was barely fazed this time, this was feeling rather natural at this point. Sunset’s commands were starting to become easier to accept, pleasant even, to have an ‘owner’ like this. She jumped up onto the couch, and curled up with her head in Sunset’s lap. Sunset took out her hair tie, letting Sparkles’ hair flow freely. She then stroked Sparkles from the back of her head and down her spine, again and again. “You were wonderful today, Twilight. I’m proud of you for being willing to play with me like this.” Twilight felt wave of joy at the praise, and was then a bit surprised that Sunset had stopped using her pet name. I guess that means were done now? “I had a good time too, even if it was really embarrassing at first. “By the way,” Twilight gave her friend a teasing smile. ““You do realize that chocolate is a terrible treat to give to dogs, right?” Sunset giggled. “True, but I don’t think you would have played along if I had brought a pack of actual dog treats to feed you.” Now it was Twilight’s turn to giggle. “You know,” Sunset said while absentmindedly stroking Twilight’s hair. “I’ve had followers and goons that I ordered around before. But this, having you as a beloved pet like this? It was so different. It felt wonderful.” Sunset gave Twilight an awkward little hug for emphasis. Twilight didn’t know how to respond at first. She wasn’t used to people pouring out their emotions to her, and certainly not Sunset. “I had a wonderful time too. I might even want to do this again some time.” Sunset chuckled, leaning back and going back to petting Twilight’s hair. “I think owning a real dog isn’t really for me. But I’d love to play with Sparkles from time to time.” Twilight giggled. Without another word, she snuggled closer to Sunset, causing the other girl to hold her tight while still petting her. Twilight couldn’t remember feeling so comfortable and safe ever before, and she felt like she her bond with Sunset had become stronger, and more intimate. She couldn’t wait to see what more her friend would rope her into in the future.