Rarity Gets Enslaved

by MagicS


“How much longer is this going to take anyways?”

“Well darling, if you would just stop fidgeting we’d be done any moment. Now stop moving and keep your head facing forward.”

I sat behind Gertrude while taking a brush through her feathers, doing my best to tidy her up. It took far too long of me pestering her but she finally gave in and let me style her… not hair or mane. Fluttershy would probably know the right term but I really wasn’t sure. Anyways here I was now getting things in order. She had so many feathers out of place and errant fluffs it took forever but now I was almost done. Soon she would look like she just came out of a professional salon. I had her feathers all neat and preened. Not literally.

Her talons could use a bit of a filing but there wasn’t one around. And she might want to keep them that sharp.

But this was good! I was becoming friends with Gertrude and I’m sure now I could get to know the rest of her friends and actually liven things up around here. Just because we’re slaves doesn’t mean we have to be cynical about the whole affair.

That sounded better in my head.

Still though the fact of the matter is that there was no reason for us not to be friends and get along. We were already being forced to do this garbage work by the trolls, it didn’t make sense to make each other miserable or wallow about in the slave quarters ignoring and avoiding each other when we should be making the best of our time here. After all, this was our sanctuary and it should be a happy place. Even though we could be called on at any time, while we were in here it was our place to be free.

I wonder if the trolls would allow me to decorate?

“Ta-da! I’m finished!~” I said to Gertrude as I brushed the last of her feathers into place. “Now you go look in the mirror, I’m sure you’ll notice the difference immediately.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Gertrude said with a roll of her eyes as she got up and went to check herself out.

“Okay then!” I turned around to her other friends who had been sitting by watching. “Who’s next?” I said with an eager smile on my face.

Now I wasn’t exactly sure how styling a dragon worked so I ended up just scrubbing down both their scales with a heavy brush to get out all the grime and dirt. A quick bath later and they both positively sparkled! Although they told me that dragons prefer being dirty and roughing it I waved their concerns aside. Spikey-wikey certainly loved being clean and pampered after all. I’m sure these two will come to love it too.

The other griffons were much easier to deal with and it went a lot faster than with Gertrude since I had some experience now. Rarity you continue to impress yourself. There was also one hippogriff in her group of friends, a young lady who introduced herself as Soleil. What an absolutely lovely name. And this was interesting because touching her up and everything was like working on both a pony and a griffon at the same time. Soleil’s sky blue coat and yellow mane were a diamond no longer hidden in the rough when I was done with them. It was a great experience to get to style her.

Gertrude and her whole group of friends were looking positively lovely now and I would like to say that I was now friends with them as well. I’m not sure if they would totally agree with that statement but I’m still saying it!

“Trying to increase your popularity?” Daylight Gleam said as she walked up to me after watching my work with amusement.

“I do enjoy being the center of attention after all.” I replied without missing a bit.

“Heh, you’re a real character you know that.” She playfully nudged me in the shoulder.

“Really though I’m doing this for everyone.” I said more seriously to her. “I think it would be a great service to raise the spirits of everyone in here and try to get them all to be a little friendlier with each other.”

She shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t really mind but I don’t disagree.”

“Well not everyone enjoys being a lone wolf like you, darling.”

“You know I was never really a lone wolf until I first came here.”

We talked like that for a while longer. About nothing really, she mentioned being a semi-retired treasure hunter. I had no idea how one is a semi-retired one of those but I didn’t press the issue. I told her about my love of fashion and burgeoning business empire. Yes I am calling it an empire because soon it will be even grander. There will be a Rarity in Vanhoover, Las Pegasus, and Baltimare soon enough!

Getting off-topic again.

Daylight was a pleasant pony, she told me about some of the silly misadventures she and her two childhood friends had gotten into and why they became explorers and such in the first place. In return I told her about my lovely little sister.

Oh Sweetie Belle. I really do miss her but I am not going to be throwing anymore fusses over her again. I respect her maturity, she isn’t a baby anymore. On that note though I hope all is going well with Sassy and Coco too.

I know Twilight and everyone else well enough to know there’s no need to worry about them.

What would happen if the Cutie Map suddenly called me though? I hadn’t even thought of that. Well I’m sure it knows I’m currently indisposed. Somehow. I swear that thing has a mind of of its own.

I hoped to soon be able to talk freely with every other slave like this. Especially if I can convince Gertrude to pay her kindness forward and act nicer to the other slaves. And next time I have to go out and work at the farms or the quarry maybe I can make some friends with the male slaves, maybe one of them knows Captain Anchor and the rest of his crew and I can contact them again? That would really put my heart at ease as well. I don’t think the trolls will mind me doing all this either, if we’re happier we’ll be more productive and less likely to complain or refuse to work wont we?

Wait, the way I say that makes me sound like I’ve been conned into keeping up slave productivity. I promise it’s not like that.

Also I have not given up on getting out of here, I am simply realizing that I can not leave so easily. It is an unfortunate reality that I may be stuck in this castle for a while longer. However I have kept an open mind and I do agree with the friend I made down in the fighting pits that not all the trolls are so bad, they just have a rotten leadership and regime that seeps down to the rest. Hopefully there are a number of good trolls sympathetic to the slaves in higher places. And if not maybe I can convince them to be.

Somehow. If I ever get the chance to really spend a lot of time with them instead of just offering them drinks at a party.

“Daylight, do you think if I keep doing my work without a fuss the trolls will let me redecorate the slave quarters? I can already picture what I would do with the flowers.” I asked her.

She raised an eyebrow at me. “Uh, doubtful. They make sure we’re well taken care of but that’s about it.”

“Hm. Next time one of the ladies comes in to see how things are I’ll ask her anyways.”

“You do that.” She said ambivalently. I don’t think the décor was a big deal to her. As impossible of a thought as that was to me.

And what would you know but just as I was wondering about getting to know higher ranked trolls better and speaking about improving things here did opportunity come knocking.

It was just like before. The same female troll came into our room and started scanning over the slaves. But this time there were no others with her and her eyes solely came to rest on me. I had no idea what to expect as she came marching through the beds and other slaves. Did I do something wrong? Did she have some sort of job for me? I couldn’t imagine what they might specifically want me for. Well if they knew how great I was with fashion and how stylish I was I could think of a few things but they didn’t know that. So I stood there, trying not to look worried as I met her eyes and waited for her to come and get me.

“Did you do anything back at the party?” Daylight whispered to me.

“Not that I can recall.” I said back to her through clenched teeth.

Finally the troll’s big plodding steps brought her right before me. I looked up at her work weary face with those beady, yellow eyes.

“Is there anything I can do for you, darling?” I asked as innocently and normally as possible.

She beckoned me with one finger. “You’ve been asked for by Duke Terluff. You’ll be his personal attendant for the next week. And perhaps again if he feels you do a good job. Now come, pony.”

My eyes widened, I looked over at Daylight Gleam who was similarly shocked. But she merely shrugged at me when I gave her a questioning look. The other slaves as well were a mix of confusion and surprise. Gertrude had come out of the bath and was giving me a grin, I don’t know if she was happy for me or if there was something I was missing. I didn’t know anything about this “Duke Terluff”. I haven’t even met him!

“A-Alright.” However it’s not like I could say anything else. Our female troll overseer turned to leave and I followed her out the door. I was aware of all the eyes of the other slaves on me as I left.

She didn’t say anything more as we walked together, me following behind her at a fast pace to keep up as thoughts raced through my mind. Truly the silence from her was a plus as I didn’t really feel like starting a conversation. I was intrigued but worried at the same time. Thanks to the sheer size of the castle I had a long time to gather my thoughts and wits about me. It took a good thirty minutes of walking, climbing stairs, and passing guards and checkpoints but we eventually reached a portion of the castle I hadn’t been at since my first day of cleaning with Daylight.

The difference between this part of the castle and where the slave quarters were located was like night and day. The whole castle was relatively nice and well taken care of but this part where the nobles lived was like the best parts of Canterlot Castle. Everything was so polished and bright even with the lack of good weather outside. There were numerous statues of what I assumed were past troll leaders or other historical figures, stained-glass windows that rose up the entirety of the wall, fountains whose waters ran across the floor in streams carved into the stone, and all manner of plants and flowers. I will say that this was the closest I came to being impressed with the trolls sense of style.

I say closest because the fact was that it was just constantly the same thing everywhere in this part of the castle. There is such a thing as too much and if you don’t change things up a little bit it gets stale.

We ended up going higher up in the castle than I’ve ever been before. We passed Duke Tulepule’s large suite a while ago and it made me wonder if this Duke Terluff was more powerful and influential than the average Duke. Or it could just be that there were that many Dukes living inside the castle and where they had their residence’s didn’t matter at all.

I was getting a little tired of walking up so many stairs though so I hope we were close.

And I hope Duke Terluff was nicer than the average troll. But I wasn’t holding my breath for that one.

Truthfully I was getting a little more agitated again as we continued our walk. Although this seems like the perfect opportunity to make some friends and connections in high places I was sick of being pulled around by these trolls and forced into whatever work and situation they wanted. Not only did I want to help every other slave but I certainly had the obligation to at least save Captain Anchor and his crew. And yet here I am about to become some personal maid or whatever for a troll while they’re likely in the rock quarry or something breaking their backs!

I was happy to not have to be doing hard labor but it just made me feel guilty too.

As we finished climbing up one flight of stairs; instead of turning to go up the next one my troll guide turned the other way and walked down a new hallway. Perhaps this was the level Duke Terluff lived on? I looked past the troll to see what was ahead and saw a rather fancy looking door. It was huge, taking up almost the entirety of the wall at the end of the hallway, and was painted white with golden vines all across it. There were also two troll guards flanking it that wore full plate armor. Well even if I can fault their style I can’t fault the trolls love of extravagance.

My slaver walked up to the doorway with me at her heels. But before opening it she looked down at me.

“Remember, do not speak unless directly spoken to. And be on your best behavior. You should probably have realized it by now but causing a problem here would be worse for you than normal, pony.”

I didn’t gulp. I didn’t want to show any fear or worry to her. So I simply nodded.

The great door was pulled open and I walked into a new domain. It was a wide circular room with the same kind of artwork and architecture (as expected) as I had seen in the rest of this area of the castle, but at the far end from where we walked in there was a large double staircase leading to a secondary level that had three doors along it. Without another word my guide walked towards the stairs and I followed. There were two other trolls in the room, a pair in expensive looking tuxedos standing to the left of us. One of them raised an eyebrow at me and I can’t help but feel that there was a look of disgust on his face.

Again I didn’t show it but that did increase my worry by a bit.

They didn’t say anything either or attempt to stop us so we continued on up the stairs to the center door. This time instead of simply opening the door the overseer knocked first.

Almost immediately a yell sounded from within. “Enter!”

She opened up the door but didn’t go in, simply holding it open for me and beckoning me inside. I suppose this is where we parted ways.

Looking as dignified as possible I marched into the room, head held high, no fear on my face, eyes half closed to give an air of indifference and calmness. The effect isn’t as good without the eye shadow or curled eyelashes but still.

Immediately though I noticed a few differences about this suite than what I had normally come to expect from trolls.

The décor was… off. Flowers and bouquets haphazardly stuck in vases with no style or pattern to them, the floor was marble tile that had seemingly random squares painted gold and silver, a large painting of a fire-breathing dragon was hung up along the back wall and the furniture was relatively plain compared to what I had seen from the higher ranks of troll nobility. Normally I would consider such a room supremely ugly and the decorator a complete hack but after everything else in this castle the strangeness was a welcome change. At least it had personality and uniqueness. Even if it was quite improperly utilized.

There were several doors leading to other rooms or closets maybe. And as I stepped further in I noticed an opening in the wall to my left, leading to a far larger living room with multiple couches and chairs and a brick fireplace built into the wall.

To my right I heard some plodding footsteps. Looking and steadying myself to prepare for the encounter with the Duke I saw a closed door that the sound was coming from. With a click and a creak the knob was turned and the door opened.

My eyes widened in surprise. “You!”

“Heh.” The troll with the bald spot between his eyes amusedly let out a small laugh. “For all the class you like to appear to have you’re rather impolite when greeting such a high noble aren’t you?”

I stiffened. Now, my annoyance at this troll from the other night was still there. But I was quite aware he was intentionally egging me on and teasing me and that combined with my lack of desire to end up thrown in a dungeon made me swallow any snarky or sarcastic comments I wanted to throw back at him. So instead I stood up straight and put back on my most regal of faces possible without proper mane and facial treatment.

“My apologies, it is a pleasure to meet you again.”

“I bet.” He said, rolling his eyes. “No need for that here, I didn’t call for you because I wanted some boring statue around.”

I frowned. “You must be Duke Terluff then?”

“The very same.” He answered. “Surprised?”

I bit my lip as I looked at him with that amused smirk on his face. “Not entirely. It makes sense now that I think about it.”

He nodded slightly. “You’re new, had anyone told you that some nobles grab their own personal slaves?”

“Yes, my friend had told me that. And at the party I saw an older griffon accompanying some trolls. I imagine that’s what he was.” I told him. “So that’s what I am to be now? Your maid or whatnot? Being at your beck and call and doing whatever you ask of me.” I couldn’t help but let a small amount of indignation into my voice.

However his smile only grew a little wider. “We’ll see. I have only rented you out from your normal duties for the next week. So many things I think might be amusing turn out to be a disappointment.”

At that I let out a small huff of anger, my eyes narrowing. “So I’m just a source of amusement for you? Is that how you feel about all the slaves?”

“It’s dreadfully boring in this castle.” He answered simply while walking further into the main room and taking a seat at the central table. “Besides I did need a new attendant, my previous one unfortunately passed away last month.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” My anger slightly gave way to a bit of sympathy, both for the old attendant and the Duke.

“He was old, it was just his time. A peaceful passing in his sleep at least.” Duke Terluff said while he motioned for me to also take a seat at the table with him. “He wasn’t a slave either. You’ll be the first slave I make my personal attendant. And no, I wouldn’t say you’d be doing much maid work. You don’t look the type anyways.”

“Well, thank you.” I said icily as I took up the offered seat.

“You should thank me. I know I’m saving you from quite a bit of work.” He had me. That same teasing smile was on his face as he said that.

Despite my pride I didn’t fight him on the issue. But I did roll my eyes, I felt I at least had to do that. “Yes. Thank you.”

“Good, good. I’d prefer us to have a nice and friendly relationship. Hopefully after the week is up we’ve both had a good time and I’ll extend your service.”

If I could come up with a phrase for how he’s speaking to me and what about I would say it’s “polite condescension”. He obviously is doing it on purpose too. I don’t know if that makes him better or worse than the trolls who just sneer at slaves or don’t care about us at all.

“So what exactly will my work entail?” I asked.

“General things, busywork mostly I would say.” He shrugged. “You will keep track of my schedule, accompany me and act as my secretary while I’m working and meeting with others, take notes and memos when directed, greet guests for any parties I host. Your station will be a bit above the other slaves and the servants I employ, I will have you direct their duties as well. And perhaps most importantly you will also help my wife with anything she needs or asks of you.”

“Oh, you’re married?” I said with honest delight in my eyes. “That’s lovely. And I really mean it, I’m quite the romantic.”

“Good luck of romance here.” The Duke said. He stood up and went to a cabinet that rested along the back wall underneath the dragon painting and picked up a picture frame. “Here, my wife.” He handed it to me.

They seemed quite lovey-dovey in the photo I thought as I held it in my magic, affectionately holding one another with wide and genuine smiles on their faces. I found myself smiling and “Awwing” at the adorableness of it. His wife was a bit larger than most female trolls but hardly of the same size as that one troll I had seen at the party.

“Try to embarrass me less, I just wanted you to see a picture of her so you’d recognize her.” He said as he quickly plucked the photo out of my magic, the slightest amount of red on his face.

My my, so the Duke has a bit of a weakspot for his wife. How sweet!

“Well anyways, there’s no work for you today. I want you to spend the rest of the day acquainting yourself with my home. Your quarters are attached past the kitchen and laundry through the living room there.” He said, pointing at the next room over with the fireplace. I suppose somewhere in there is another hallway leading to the kitchen. “It would be good for you to come to know my home like the back of your hand. Or hoof in your case I guess.”

I gave him a flat and unamused look. “Thank you for the elaboration.”

“Heh.” He chuckled at my reaction. “You can go to your room for now, there are leftover work logs and notes from your predecessor, it would be best to read them.” He got up from his chair again and went back to the door he originally came through. “I have much to do now, I’ll be in my office.”

“I shall see you later then, sir.” I said politely, already acting my part.

He seemed to get that it was a joke though. Chuckling more as he opened up the door to his office and retreating inside.

“Well then.” I looked around the “house” of Duke Terluff again. “Hm, I should have asked him why he decorated it in such a way.”

Besides that I had no more to do other than what was suggested. Namely exploring the rest of the home and finding where everything is. My first stop was of course my own new room, which was surprisingly luxurious on its own. A large bed (which made sense since it was previously for a troll) my own furniture, desk, cabinets, and most importantly!~

My own shower!

Still this wasn’t the time to just ogle it all and laze about; as much as I wanted it to be. I assumed anything work related would be in the desk drawers so I got to snooping through it. I hope anything personal was removed, I wouldn’t want to peak at something like that.

It was hours later after getting to know the place when I had retired for the night and already slid under the covers that I had suddenly remembered Duke Terluff saying his previous servant had passed away in his sleep. I sincerely hope this isn’t the same bed.