//------------------------------// // Sewing The Seeds // Story: Rarity Gets Enslaved // by MagicS //------------------------------// My office was now crowded as Duke Terluff and the other slaves all stood together as we planned our next move. I already told Gertrude that we would be spreading the word to the other slaves that they should be prepared at the Grand Festival. And later today I would make a return trip to those dreadful stadiums beneath the castle with Duke Terluff so I could set things up with the slaves down there. Right at this moment however I was going to tell them all about the actual plan for the Grand Festival I had just recently come up with. “So are we really doing this? Cause this seems kind of nuts.” Or Gertrude could interrupt me right off the bat. “I mean, I’m impressed that you actually convinced this guy to join in on this.” She said, hooking her thumb at the nonplussed Duke Terluff. “But like… what are we doing?” I sighed. I did enjoy Gertrude and it was good to have a contrarian voice in these situations, less you not see a problem that could’ve been avoided, but I’d like it if she had some faith in me as well. “Gertrude, if you would let me speak first I’ll explain things to you. We’re all preparing for the Grand Festival as I’ve already told you. And I’ve now finally figured out just what we need to do at it.” I smiled and paused purposefully to let them register what I had said and stir up anticipation. “We are going to hold… a fashion show!” My proclamation was met with silence, raised eyebrows, and confused faces. I was a little disappointed at their reactions. Daylight Gleam slowly raised her hoof. “Yes, Daylight, you heard correctly. A fashion show.” I knew what she was going to ask. “Uhh...” Gertrude started. “And yes Gertrude, I am serious.” I narrowed my eyes at her and everyone else. “Allow me to explain.” “Please do.” Duke Terluff scratched his head in befuddlement as I was once more interrupted. “I’m a little concerned at this point that a fashion show is your grand plan.” I closed my eyes and rubbed them in annoyance before getting back to the task at hand. “Okay. As Duke Terluff told me, the King and High Priest only ever leave their private castle during the Grand Festival. At which point they’ll come down and engage with the other nobles and partake in things like plays and other events going on. Correct?” I asked Duke Terluff. He nodded. “That’s correct.” “Right. So what I plan to do is put on a large fashion show that they and the many other nobles will come see. I got this idea after I made the dress for the High Priest’s wife and he seemed to like it a good deal.” I smiled to myself this time, pleased with my success. “Anyways, at this fashion show we will have all of our allies there. All of the nobles who side and are sympathetic with us, all the slaves we’ve brought in, and any guards Duke Terluff can buy. Once I give the signal we shall peacefully subdue the King and High Priest along with any other antagonistic nobles and… that’s it.” I finished, shrugging. “That’s it?” Gertrude repeated. “Yes. That’s it.” I gave her a nervous smile. Now that I’ve said it all I feel a little embarrassed. “So I’m assuming these allies you’re talking about are the ones you still need to get on our side? Cause I’m pretty sure we don’t have any actual allies right now.” Daylight said with an inquisitive look on her face. “That’s right.” I answered. “We need to get everyone we can on our side before the Grand Festival. I’ve already talked with Duke Terluff about this too, once we’re done with our conversation here we can move on.” “Is everyone just going to take a coup like this sitting down?” Soleil asked. This time it was Duke Terluff who spoke up. “The King and High Priest are not exactly what one would call popular. But most nobles and trolls in general don’t really care, things are pleasant and stable and tradition has been bred into us so no one does anything. Most would be unaffected if the King was deposed, they’d just go on with their daily lives. If we force the King to renounce his power and already have a fair few nobles on our side everyone else will fall in line without a care in the world. Aside from a few who will also need to be imprisoned.” That last sentence from him brought a certain white-streaked troll to mind. “That’s not all that will be happening the day of the fashion show either.” I started again. “All of the slaves will break free and also join us at the palace grounds, giving us something of an impromptu army and further allowing us to subdue any resistance. We will all see to it that every slave in this castle knows what’s coming.” “If every slave stopped working and fought back at once they’d have a real difficult time of putting the rebellion down regardless of how our part goes.” Daylight said to herself as she rubbed her chin. “How are you going to let every slave know when they need to revolt?” Cinder asked me. “We’ll tell everyone to revolt on the day of the fashion show, as long as the King and High Priest and most of the nobles are already at the castle grounds nobody will know what’s going on until its too late. Depending on when exactly during the day we hold the fashion show we can tell the slaves when the time is right.” I answered. “I know it’s not the most precise way of handling things but we don’t really have a way of communicating with each other long-distance and most of us are going to be at the fashion show.” “Besides-” I continued. “I know some ponies that are held down in the fighting pits and I trust in them being able to coordinate things when the time comes.” There was more silence as everyone looked around again, trading glances, seeing what each other thought, before Gertrude finally just gave an exaggerated sigh and shrugged. “Meh, works for me. Let’s do it.” A lovely and sparkling smile broke out across my face. “Wonderful! Everyone else feel the same?” I was greeted with a variety of noncommittal shrugs and whatevers. Good enough for me! “Excellent, alright everyone, the six of us are going back to the slave quarters and spreading the word about this. Duke Terluff has already gotten permission for us to come and go from there as we please.” I said to my fellow slaves before addressing Terluff. “Meanwhile I want you to start bribing any guards you can, just so long as we know they’ll listen to you and not the King. And later today we’ll head down to the stadiums to meet with the slaves down there. Everyone got that?” Again, shrugs. Not the most enthusiastic group. I sighed. “I’m going to take that as a yes. Now let’s get moving.” It was good that Gertrude was so well known and had spent a lot of time as a slave in this castle, otherwise I don’t think we’d have gotten far when it came to convincing the other slaves of anything. I’m certain we’d just be ignored or told to buzz off or laughed at if we told anyone our plans. But Gertrude got everyone to listen to us and take things seriously. The six of us were back in our old sleeping quarters and currently talking to an assembly of all the other slaves that were here at the moment and not out working. After this we’ll be heading out to the farms to reach those slaves. “Are you nuts?” I was getting a little tired of hearing that and variations of it though. “Yeah I know it sounds crazy too but I really think we should give it a shot, I think Rarity’s got the right of things.” Gertrude spoke up in my defense to the garishly lime-green pony that asked that. “It doesn’t just sound crazy it sounds dangerous.” A portly griffon said, which got many mumbles of agreement. “Well yeah maybe a little.” Gertrude admitted, tilting the beret I made for her. “But it’s worth it don’t you think? I mean do we all really wanna be stuck here forever? It’s risky but I’d rather try and fight back and get out of here than just do nothing. Are you all saying you’d rather just live in these slave quarters for the rest of your lives?” That got a wave of ashamed and downtrodden looks to wash over the gathered slaves. Many looked between each other as if hoping for some backup or to be validated. But there was just silence as they couldn’t deny or ignore what Getrude had said. “But like, what are we actually doing?” Another pony slave asked. “You just said that you were gonna start some revolution during the Grand Festival. What are we going to do?” “Hopefully you don’t have to really do anything.” I said. “Just stop whatever work you’re doing and leave the castle to come down to the grounds.” “What about the overseers? What about the keys for anyone who’s still locked in here.” The griffon who spoke up earlier asked. It was good that I actually did have an answer to this. “The trolls won’t have as much manpower in the castle during the Grand Festival, as Duke Terluff told me most will be participating in the festivities themselves. And as for the keys Duke Terluff will use his connections to either acquire them or have guards simply come here and forcefully open the slave quarters up.” There were more mumbles throughout the crowd of slaves as they mulled things over. It seems they were more happy knowing they at least didn’t have to really do anything themselves. And that there was far less danger than they initially thought. “If every slave rises up and revolts at once the trolls can’t really do anything.” Daylight said. “They rely on our labor, even if things go south at the Grand Festival what are they gonna do? They can’t just stop having us work at the farms or the quarry altogether or anything like that. You all don’t have to worry about any sort of big punishment. Rarity is taking all the risk here. And the few of us who will be standing right there with her. You don’t need to worry so much.” I shot my good friend a smile as thanks for her support. “It’s like Daylight says.” I said. “I don’t want to put anyone in danger, I’m going to be front and center for this and I’ll shoulder all the blame even if it fails.” “But we definitely won’t fail.” Gertrude said as she put an arm over my shoulders. It was good to see she decided to give this her all now that she’s made her decision. Even if she is just putting on a show to try and convince the others, which I suspect is what she’s doing. There was an air of trepidation among the slaves but it was quickly broken by the portly griffon. “I guess… if Gertrude says it’s good then that’s good enough for me too.” The rest of the griffons nodded and grunted in agreement. The other slaves also seemed to relax and be put at ease. It was like that trepidation had been replaced with a wave of relief. Now it seemed everyone was content to follow what Gertrude and I were saying, even if they may not have been totally on board their worries were still assuaged. Yes, I did believe I could count on them for when the time came. “We’ll be returning here periodically until the time comes to keep you updated on how things are proceeding and when exactly things are going down.” I said and then made a quick bow. “I thank you all for believing in us. I know we can do this together.” “You wanna do what now?” The troll who watched over the apple orchards asked me as I told him I wanted to talk to and meet with all the slaves currently working out on the grounds. “I’m aware everyone is quite busy but this is also important. I just need to talk with the slaves and I don’t wish to be bothered by anyone else while I do it.” I showed him the seal of Duke Terluff that I had brought with me. “As you can see I have been granted the authority to do this by Duke Terluff.” The troll scratched his head for a bit, looking worried. “Well… okay.” He finally said. “But there’s a lot of work to be done so please don’t take up too much of their time.” “I wouldn’t dream of it.” I wondered if he got the sarcasm as I walked down the rows of apple trees. “That seal really comes in handy.” Soleil said from behind me. “Truly, we’re lucky Terluff is a Duke and not a lower-ranked noble.” Daylight Gleam said. I could only smile and voice my appreciation to Duke Terluff in my head. While most of the nobles now knew me well and would allow me to do, well, pretty much anything lest they lose my favor the average troll and worker here in the castle was still unfamiliar with me. So the seal really came in handy in getting around situations like this. I may have been “Lady Rarity” at the parties and events of nobles but down here I was just seen as another slave still. And it would’ve been even more odd and suspicious if Duke Terluff accompanied us here himself so his seal would have to do. Now we could talk with the slaves who were working, and hopefully spread the word to a good deal of the male slaves that were down here. I’d also really like to see if Tyluck was working out here today. “Same old, same old huh?” Cinder asked with Spine as always quietly following behind her. “Yes, I want you girls to all do just what we did up in the slave quarters.” I said. “This will be especially important since it’ll be our first chance to spread the word to the male slaves.” I stopped for a second as a thought crossed my mind. “Also if you could ask any male slaves if they know any sailors who recently came in I’d appreciate that, I’d like to learn what happened to the kind ponies who were originally accompanying me on this journey.” I already knew what happened with one of them and I planned to see him shortly. “You got it.” Soleil said, giving me a salute. “Thank you.” I smiled at my friends. “Now if you could take care of things here there’s someone in particular I’m going to go looking for.” Daylight raised an eyebrow but didn’t question me about it. “Sure I guess. Go right ahead.” “Thank you, darling.” I waved goodbye to them all and let them get started on talking with the working slaves while I sought out Tyluck. The orchard was just like how I remembered it, an endless expanse of trees all in tidy rows that covered this part of the castle grounds. The soil and weather looked just as ugly and unwelcoming for fruit but that apparently was no problem. I wonder if I went further into the grounds I’d start seeing sprouts of corn shooting up from where I had planted all of them. Or maybe it was still too early for that. Either way for now my head endlessly went back and forth as I looked down each row of trees for the first troll friend I had made here. There were plenty of slaves out and in them doing what I once had to do, it made me feel grateful for what I had now and made the desire for me to help them all grow even bigger. I knew my friends were taking care of things here and I didn’t see Tyluck so maybe he was somewhere else. Well, time to take a bit of a long walk. The dreadful looking rock quarry was just as I remembered it. And the slaves who broke their backs from the difficult work required in were much as I remembered as well. It was a sad place and one I was very happy to know would be changing after we finished things here. There were some troll overseers and workers managing things right now but I didn’t see Tyluck just yet. “Oh, where is he?” I walked to a different part of the quarry’s edge and looked down inside. And there he was. With a pickaxe in hand he was working along two pony slaves to smash up larger rocks down on one of the various levels of the quarry. Grabbing a hardhat from one of the racks up here I made my way down to speak to him. “Tyluck!” I called out when I had reached him. He stiffened in surprise and recognition of my voice and turned around to see me walking towards him. “Rarity? What are you doing down here? I haven’t seen you in ages, I thought maybe you had...” He trailed off, whatever he might have worried about what happened to me clouding his head. “No, no, not at all. I took what you showed me close to heart.” The other two slaves were now watching us with a puzzled expression. “Thanks to you I’ve actually had quite the fortunate turn of events here, that’s why you haven’t seen me working or anything.” “I see, that’s good.” A smile broke out across his weary face. A smile I was more than happy to match but one that quickly became a frown. “But… what are you doing down in here?” His feet shuffled about for a second before he responded. “I requested it. I didn’t like the idea of just herding slaves around and watching them work while they did nothing, I couldn’t really stomach it anymore after meeting you.” I had given him a hug before I even realized it. “Please, this is embarrassing...” I could only imagine how uncomfortable this was for him but I couldn’t care less. Let the other baffled slaves look on too. Finally after far too long I broke the hug. “Tyluck, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that and see you again.” “I’m happy to see you too. And I’m glad to hear things have been going well for you, but why are you down here now?” He asked, his head tilted in confusion. I gave him my most confident smirk and tossed my mane back. Yes I did have to do that, it was part of my style. “Tyluck. You once told me that everyone here was a slave to some degree. Would you like to change that?” Three times now I’ve been down here and I don’t like it any better. Duke Terluff and I made our way through the dungeonesque basement of one of the stadiums where he assured me not only Birdseed and Harlequin Black resided but also poor Captain Anchor (I was going to learn his real name again and remember it this time). We passed by numerous other slaves again, just like when I first came here with Tyluck, only now I didn’t look at them sadly but was instead filled with resolution. Once I met with the others that would be the final seed in my plan. My friends down here would spread the word to the other fighters and things would be getting ready for the Grand Festival on all fronts. Finally we reached the cell and ponies I had been looking for. I broke from Duke Terluff’s side and quickly ran up to the bars, throwing myself against them. “Captain!” He was there with Birdseed and Harlequin Black, the three of them all sitting together. When he saw and heard me he shot up in surprise and also rushed over to the bars. “Miss Rarity! Are you alright?” He asked. I couldn’t help but break out laughing. “Am I okay?” I said between bouts of laughter. “Darling, I should be asking you that. You’re the one behind bars you know?” “It was our duty to take you here safely but everything went wrong right from the start.” The Captain sighed and shook his head. “I’m glad it seems like you’re doing alright.” “I’m doing more than alright. I came down here today to see how you were doing, and also to discuss some things with the three of you.” I looked over his shoulder at the other two who had walked up as well. “The guards won’t be bothering us while we’re down here so take as long as you want.” Duke Terluff said from behind me. Captain Anchor shot him a dirty look that I did not miss, I’d have to do something about that. “Thank you, Duke.” I said. “Now Captain, how long have you been down here? And what about the rest of the crew?” “Not too long.” The Captain frowned. “I just got sick of doing their work up there, I wouldn’t stand for it anymore and got sent down here. Probably wouldn’t have gone so well if it wasn’t for this fellow here.” He nodded back at Harlequin Black. “As for the rest of the crew I haven’t seen them since, they’re probably still working up in the castle.” As he finished up he took another look at Duke Terluff and held his gaze on him for a while. “You’ve made some strange friends by the look of it.” “Miss Rarity seems the sort who is quite good at making friends.” Harlequin Black spoke up from the back, coming up and smiling by the side of the Captain. “I pegged her as the kind from before I even met her, Captain Anchor.” Wait, what? His name actually is Anchor? Hah! I impress myself in ways I don’t even intend! “So why are you down here again? I’m getting kind of bored of the touching reunion.” Birdseed said as he idly scratched his nose. I shot him an annoyed look but I suppose that it was about time to get down to business. “Well I might as well put this as plainly and simply as possible. I’m staging a revolution.” I told them. Captain Anchor’s eyes widened in surprise, Birdseed sneezed and started hacking up a lung, and Harlequin Black just stood there smiling as always. I guess their reactions were fair but a little more confidence would’ve been appreciated. “You’re what?!” Captain Anchor asked in shock. “Duke Terluff and I are going to overthrow the troll leaders and free the slaves.” I said, smiling. “Simple as that. I came down here because I wanted to fill you all in on it and get your help. And truly, you don’t need to be so shocked or worried, we do have an actual plan and I have other friends who have already helped get the ball rolling.” “I’m sorry it’s just… a surprise. I haven’t seen you in a while and then you come down here with a troll Duke and tell me this? It’s a lot to take in.” He held his head as if a headache was coming on. “I don’t really believe it myself.” Birdseed cynically said. “Believe it or not you two, it’s happening.” I reassured them. “During the upcoming Grand Fesival we’re going to take down the King and High Priest.” “And what is our part in this?” Harlequin Black asked. You know maybe I’m just being funny but that ever-present smile on his face gave me the suspicion that he already knew what I was going to tell them but was still asking for the benefit of the others. “I want the three of you to let the other slaves in here know what the plan is, get everyone ready for the big day when it arrives and then break out of here. Then you’ll all come charging up to the castle grounds. Now I don’t think you’ll need to fight or anything, but I’m hoping your appearance will dissuade any who think of supporting the King as well as showing that their system has just collapsed and it’s a full on revolution and not some minor conflict that can just be brushed aside.” I told them. “You’ll be joined by other slaves in the castle as well. And speaking of that I did have another little job that you might have to do.” “I’m listening.” Captain Anchor said although I wasn’t sure how sold he was on this idea of rebellion yet. “Duke Terluff will establish the timetable for sure after we have our part fully planned but I want some of you to go through the castle right before I start things off at the Grand Festival and gather up and direct all the slaves in there to the grounds.” I said. “So the fighters down here will already be free and can just run out on their own at the right time?” Birdseed asked. “Yes, I trust in you all to have things prepared.” “You’ve literally only met me twice.” Birdseed huffed in annoyance. “And I can tell you’re someone capable who also wants to get out of here. Is that correct?” I icily responded to him. “Just ignore him, Miss Rarity. He’s always in a bad mood.” Harlequin Black said, giving me a wink. “You can rest assured that things down here and in the castle will go swimmingly. I’ll start spreading the word and then once you have the timing down just come back here and tell us.” “Thank you.” I gave each of them a smile. Even Birdseed. “Well, I’m glad you’re all okay. Duke Terluff and I need to return now and set things up on our end. And you won’t have to worry about the guards on the big day either.” I gave the typical pleasantries to the three ponies in the cell and Duke Terluff and I made our way out of the stadium basement and slowly back to the castle and his residence. Hopefully with the connections made with some of the male slaves at this castle I could find the rest of Captain Anchor’s crew as well and make sure they were okay. Things were still in a risky stage right now and Duke Terluff and I really needed to actually get the fashion show authorized and set at an exact time and day. But now things were rolling our way, and I would make sure it all worked out.