//------------------------------// // Dark Omens 1 // Story: Geeks of the Round Table: The Dark Invasion // by Gem Productions //------------------------------// The Pillar of Autumn stopped at a strange area of Fangea. “Alright! Let’s get this show on the road!” Bill Cipher said. Dimentio brought out a strange pointed pillar of obsidian, deep black with evil symbols etched into it. “ROITILOXPE RETSEU  ETSI EUQMUIMERG SECILIS ICSIVILBO EN!” Bill began to chant. As he was chanting, the obelisk began to glow. “Wait, I thought we needed all 8 candles to summon him,” Flowey said. “ We do, but not to issue the call. When we’re finished here today every villain in Fangea will be flocking here to answer," Bill said, then told Dimentio to get out the Dark Candles. Dimento, at Bill’s direction, placed them at four sides of the stone. Bill then chanted some more “TNUS ITAROM TE AIV TE AIV NI ECIPSER!” “When do we use the blood?” Flowey asked. “Not for this part,” Bill said. Then, with one last powerful word “EGUE!”, Bill threw his hands up. A beam of dark energy hit the wall of the strange, cavernous room they were in, and space shifted visibly as if Fangea itself was in pain. In Hotland, more specifically MTT Studios, all was chaos. “Hurry and get those cameras rolling! I simply must report to the people about this!” Mettaton said, as something colossal was forming in the sky, as Mettaton watched: A sort of alcove for something to fit into. Then all at once, the sun was hidden by thick cloud cover all across Fangea. Pit saw the clouds and the alcove. “Oh no… we need to gather more fighters!” he said, flying faster. He came to the Wii Fit stage, where Sonic, Wii Fit Trainer, Dark Pit, Lucas, Greninja, and Villager were fighting. “STOP THE MATCH!” he yelled. “Pit Stain?! What’s the deal?! I was winning!” Dark Pit said. “Look outside!” Pit said urgently. “Whoa! What is happening?” Sonic said, surprised. “Whatever it is, it doesn’t look good. We might need to help with whatever comes of this,” Wii Fit Trainer said, concerned. “In that case, I’m in,” Lucas said. “So am I... Hope Isabelle won’t mind,” Villager said. “C’mon! We gotta stop this guy! Whoever it is,” Sonic said. Immediately Palutena beamed up everyone except the two Pits. “Hey Pittoo, could you do me a favor? I need you to recruit the rest of Smash while I head outside Smash to recruit,” Pit said. “I told you not to call me that, now why start that now?!” Dark Pit said, angrily at Pit. “Just hurry! I will be outside Smash! And plus, I told you not to call me Pit Stain!” Pit said, flying away. Immediately Dark pit sighed and started recruiting others, including Robin, Chrom, Corrin, Lucina, Cloud, and Marth, as Pit headed for Super Mario. Frieza knew the signs but unlike most, he was not afraid. “So… It has begun… GINYU FORCE! We’re going somewhere. Prepare for launch immediately!” He ordered. “Of course Lord Frieza! Our undying allegiance is with you!” Ginyu said, obeying him, whilst Guldo, Recoome, Jeice, and Burter followed Suit. Then Frieza and the Ginyu Force flew toward the symbol, for they knew that those who had sent the summons were directly underneath. = “Does it hurt?” Bowser asked Ridley. Both of them had been marked during the first Dark Invasion as soldiers- generals- of the Darkness. Ridley looked as if he had suffered worse during his battles against Samus on Zebes, Tallon IV, Norion, The Pirate Homeworld, and SR-388, so he seemed to have shrugged it off as if it were nothing. Bowser admired him for that- right now, his mark was burning like HECK. Ridley roared his agreement. Then Lord Tirek’s face appeared on the monitor at the back of the hideout they were in. “Ah, Lord Tirek. Perhaps you know what to do since I can hardly take this pain on my shoulder!” Bowser said. “Yes… ROB told me about the sky, and I have a plan, but you may not like it. I need you to re-enlist in the forming army of darkness, act as though you were loyal but redirect all intelligence here,” Tirek directed. Ridley immediately flew straight to the symbol, trying to fit in as best as he could among all the villains going toward it. Bowser followed, taking Bowser’s airship and family with them. Fluttershy went back to her house after Derpy had dismissed the Mane 7 for the day, only to hear screaming coming from the upper floors. It sounded like Discord was in immense pain. Immediately Fluttershy ran to see what was the matter. She ran upstairs to find Discord writhing in pain. Upon seeing her, Discord cried out “GET TWILIGHT! HURRY!” Fluttershy ran to get her, but when they came back, Discord was unconscious. 3!!! 2!!! 1, GO!!!!! “You’re coming with me!” Whoever must have broken the window and knocked out Discord said. He was a strange person, a young Koopa, riding some sort of smiling, one-propellor vehicle. His name, from what Twilight could recall, was Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr. grabbed Discord and made for his clown car, only for Twilight to blast him away from Discord. “Nopony, or anything for that matter, touches my FRIENDS!” Fluttershy said, throwing the young Prince into a closet, but then finding a wind-up toy at her feet, that proceeded to attack her. Another toy attacked Twilight. “Sorry, chaos buddy, but my papa needs you for some plan of his and Mr. Tirek’s.” Bowser Jr said, flying away with Discord in the Clown Car. Immediately Twilight flew straight up to him and stopped him before he could escape. “What exactly do you need Discord for? What is going on with him, and why are you taking him without asking?” Twilight asked him, keeping the Clown Car suspended in mid-air. “Because papa said he needed to talk to a robot, and I don’t know, but papa’s having the same problem!” Bowser Jr. said, seeing his chance and flying away. GAME!!!!! “He’s gone,” Twilight said. “I should’ve stayed with him, and brought him to you...” Fluttershy said. “No, Fluttershy… He knew he’d weigh you down, so that way he knew you could’ve got to me faster, and Bowser Jr. wouldn’t be chasing you,” Twilight said. “Actually, I don’t think he knew about Bowser Jr. He wanted help with this burning mark on his shoulder,” Fluttershy explained. “Maybe Discord knew… whatever’s happening to the sky is probably something Discord knew about, and he knew that something was coming” Twilight replied. “We searched all of Equestria, and still no sign of the princess,” A member of the Equestria Royal Guard said to Celestia as he returned to the Canterlot Royal Castle. “Where could she be? We’ve been relying on the Fangean moon for 5 days now. I'm fine with her having a hobby, but not when it interferes with her royal duties,” Celestia observed. “And I haven’t heard from Palutena in all that time… What is going on?” “Aunt Celestia, look at the sky,” Cadance said nervously. “I know, Cadance. It’s been sunny for 5 days.” Celestia said. “That’s not it, Your Highness, look at the clouds!” Cadance said. Celestia looked out the window and saw the partial seal in the clouds. “This… Guards! Open Tartarus! I want to see which inmate did this!” Celestia said, walking off, leaving Cadance in the throne room. Then a letter appeared, and she read it. As she read it, she realized it was from Twilight. “Dear Princess Celestia: It appears that the rumors you have dismissed are indeed true. In this letter are pictures of that of the legendary Green Knight that has recently appeared. While you may be in denial of this, a pony by the name of Derpy Hooves has caught these pictures. Your faithful student: Twilight Sparkle.” “Lord Beerus, surely you see what is happening, do you not?” Whis said. “No, and I don’t care. You woke me up,” Beerus said grumpily, Then his staff started to glow. “Whis, can you get that for me?” Beerus said. Then he grabbed the staff and yelled into it. “I’m not available right now. Come again never!” Then the staff levitated in front of Beerus and projected an image of Grand Zeno. “! GRAND ZENO, SIRE!” Beerus, frightened, got up and bowed, accidentally taking a chunk out of his table. “I have an assignment for you,” Zeno said. “You are to do everything in your power to assist the green-clad hero. Is that understood?” “OF COURSE, SIRE. I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN IN THE SLIGHTEST!” Beerus said. “Well, that’s a pleasant change of attitude,” Whis said jokingly. “I believe that your brother should also assist us in this matter, after all, The Green-Clad Knight will need as much help as he can get,” The Grand Priest said, entering the call as well. “Yay! Two Destroyers actually get to help one another not building an arena!” Zeno said, happily.