Starcraft: Warriors of Purity

by Xarmar13

Rebel: The Trump Card

Having Duke around to help with Mengsk’s revolution was met with some mixed feelings between Raynor, Kerrigan and Sweetie. Duke would most assuredly be a powerful ally to the Sons of Korhal and his Alpha Squadron were some of the best the Confederacy had to throw at their enemies. He was also the one who caused a lot of grief for Raynor and Sweetie back on Mar Sara with his unreasonable arrest of the Marshal and standing militia in favor of the Zerg having an easy time invading the colony. For Kerrigan, anyone who did the dirty work of the Confederacy was an ally to the men who tormented her physically and mentally when she was a child.

Thankfully, Duke usually kept his distance from the trio unless he had to tell them something important.

Kerrigan kept her promise to help Sweetie learn some psychic abilities to help her in combat. The first thing Kerrigan taught her was how to block her own thoughts from others. They practiced this by sparring with one another.

The two were equally matched when it came to hand-to-hand combat. However, Kerrigan was winning more matches than her because she had been reading Sweetie’s thoughts and acting in reaction to those thoughts. It took some time, but Sweetie had finally closed her mind to Kerrigan’s mind reading ability. Once she did that, Sweetie began to gain the upper hand against the trained ghost.

Another ability that Kerrigan taught her was telekinesis. Using her mind, she made a small, round device hover in front of her face. Knowing each component of the device beforehand, she was also able to mentally disassemble it and quickly reassemble it.

What interested Sweetie about her ability was that she was able to do it without a horn like unicorns would. Her level of precision and control was also amazing. It took Sweetie some time to grasp the basics of telekinesis, but she was eventually able to perform well enough to equal an average unicorn.

Kerrigan also mentioned that she had more powerful abilities, but she couldn’t access them because of the conditioning that the Ghost Program implanted into her.

Sweetie soon began to notice the Sons of Korhal scientists and engineers making unusual movements and discussing the implications of some sort of device that they were building using the designs that were taken from a Confederate installation on Mar Sara. According to the scientists, Mengsk believes that he had found the key to taking down the Confederacy by using the devices and that they had something to do with the Zerg. Sweetie frowned at that. She was hoping that she was not putting the pieces of this puzzle together correctly because if she was...

Sweetie shuddered at the thought at such an abominable act.

“Hey Sweetie,” a voice called out to her. Sweetie turned around to look behind her to see Raynor greeting her. “It ain’t nice to eavesdrop on someone’s conversation,” he said. Sweetie gave a sad smile. “So, whatcha find out?”

Sweetie led Raynor to a nearby empty room and locked the door. Hoping to keep their conversation private. “I think Mengsk may have stumbled on something that may bring down the Confederacy,” she began.

“Really? That’s great! We can finally take down those assholes who use the Zerg to control everyone through fear,” Raynor said.

Sweetie sadly shook her head. “I wish it were that simple,” she continued. “Those scientists were talking about some sort of device that Mengsk plans to use against the Confederacy and, from what I heard, the device has something to do with the Zerg. I hope I’m wrong about this, I really do. If I’m right, though, he intends to weaponize the Zerg against the Confederacy.” Raynor’s eyes became like dinner plates. “I fear that he may be planning to commit genocide to wipe out the Confederacy.”

Raynor shuddered at the thought of Mengsk becoming a madman to take down a government. “I hope you’re wrong about this too, darlin’. Any idea why he would do something like that?”

Sweetie shook her head. “I’m not sure at this point, but I only have a guess. I need some time to figure what kind of person he is before I jump to any conclusions.”

As if on cue, Sweetie’s and Raynor’s communicators started beeping, summoning the duo to the war room in their command center.

On the way, the duo ran into General Duke, much to their dismay. “So, General,” Raynor said with the most politeness he could muster, which by his opinion of the General was not much. “...any idea what this meetin’ is about?”

Ignoring Raynor’s tone the General responded. “Well, it probably has to do with the Confederacy sendin’ Delta Squadron to take care of the job my boys abandoned. Since losin’ Antiga would be a heavy blow to ‘em, The Confederacy likely sent Delta to clean up the mess your people made. They probably have a strike force near our main base ready to deal with us.”

This was news to the duo. They had no idea the Confederates were so close to their current location.

Sweetie, Raynor and Duke enter the war room to find Mengsk and Kerrigan already in attendance. The trio took their positions around the table in the middle of the war room.

“I know you’re all concerned about the Confederate strike force, but first we have a grave matter to discuss. It seems our data discs didn’t contain weapon designs after all,” Mengsk said. He turned his head toward Kerrigan, motioning for her to continue.

“You all know about the Confederate Ghost Program,” Kerrigan began. “Those running it have found that the Zerg are attuned to the psychic emanations of Ghosts.”

“So the Zerg are here for you darlin’?” Raynor chuckles followed by a sarcastic remark, “This keeps gettin’ better and better.”

Kerrigan rolls her eyes and continues. “There’s been a lot of secret Confederate research surrounding Ghosts and the Zerg. What we found was a small but critical piece of the puzzle: designed for a Transplanar Psionic Waveform Emitter. They emit the neural imprint of a Ghost, but on a much larger scale. These things reach across worlds.”

Mengsk continued from there. “The Confederacy tested these emitters on fringe worlds such as Chau Sara and Mar Sara.” Sweetie’s and Raynor’s eyes became like dinner plates. “We have all been victims of some Confederate weapons test. Over a generation ago, The Confederacy used nuclear weapons to rid themselves of their rivals to establish dominance in the sector and they are using the Zerg to do the same, except in this case, they could use the Zerg to improve their image by making themselves look like heroes for coming in and destroying the Zerg. It’s time The Confederacy paid for its crimes.

“And I know just the way. Lieutenant Kerrigan will plant an emitter in the middle of the base camp of the Confederate strike force. Once it’s in place, we will make our escape. Now get moving.” With that, Mengsk left the war room with a trio of concerned officers.

Sweetie was the first to recover. “Does he understand what he wants us to do?”

Kerrigan walked into the middle of an outpost to the north of the main base. She noticed Michael Liberty entering an SCV. She also noticed the Psi Emitter next to the SCV. Once the SCV was fully activated, the unit picked up the psi emitter and approached Kerrigan. “She’s all ready to go,” Liberty said.

Kerrigan was filled with uncertainty to the ethicality of Mengsk’s plan. She opened her communicator to voice her concerns to the rebel leader, who dismissed them by implying that her past was clouding her judgement.

As they were talking, the outposts came under attack by the Confederate strike force. Kerrigan ordered the starport and science facility in the outpost to lift off and fly to the main base. The buildings engaged their main thrusters and retracted their landing gear, then made their way to the main base. Kerrigan and Liberty also retreated to the main base.
While this was happening, Sweetie ordered the base’s entry points to be protected by Bunkers filled with Marines and Missile Turrets to be installed near the Bunkers to keep watch for Wraiths.

Earlier, a tech specialist hacked into the strike force database and stole the schematics for Siege Tanks: tanks that can transform into artillery and can be used for quickly blasting away structures or defending the base from ground units. The schematics for the Science Vessel and the necessary Science Facility were also obtained. While without normal weaponry, the floating Science Vessel comes with a number of features. One being a defensive matrix to increase the protections on any unit. Another being a spray to infect others with a radioactive substance that will rot away internal organs. Yet another ability being to fire an electromagnetic missile that shorts out power generators and give psychics a painful headache completely drains their energy. Rumor has it that it can also short out Protoss shields.

Sweetie also ordered a few Siege Tanks to defend the base. Her defensive suggestions were working since any sniping siege tanks were blown apart by the defending siege tanks and cloaking wraiths were shot down by well-placed missile turrets.

Sweetie orders for the construction of a few Factories and expands them with Machine Shops. The Factories construct a number of Goliaths and Siege Tanks for her plan to create chaos in the middle of the Confederate base. She also orders a Science Vessel to follow behind the future attack group. Sweetie notices that the northeast bridge from their base has a route to the heart of the enemy base while also being the least defended.

With the group ready, Sweetie, Kerrigan and Liberty exit the base with the mechanical attack group. The Science Vessel revealed cloaked Wraiths while the Goliaths shot them down and the group mowed down any ground forces that tried to stop them.

Upon entering the base, the Siege Tanks transformed by planting their anchors into the ground and the double barrel atop the tank transforms into an artillery cannon. The tanks and Goliaths effectively draw the attention of a large number of Delta Squadron troops, including an imposing Battlecruiser patrolling the area. Sweetie locked down the Battlecruiser while Kerrigan and Liberty snuck past the chaos and arrived on a good place to plant the Psi Emitter.

With the emitter in place, the Ghosts and Liberty retreat to the main base to prepare for evacuation..

Kerrigan hoped to never have to pull a stunt like siccing the Zerg on others again.

Sweetie knew better than to harbor that hope.