The Kalos Challenge

by Riku006

Chapter 6: Omens of Change


That one word stood out among the low hum of machines within Ressel’s lab. It also fit perfectly with what he looked upon that snowy morning. Whilst the other humans of Snowbelle City slaved away with menial tasks under the harsh glare of their Pokémon overlords, here the young man sat in his laboratory gazing at the sentence that could finally change his life.

Subject Compatibility: 100%

A small smile emerging on his face, Ressel turned to face the large stasis tube leaning against the wall next to his workstation. Inside rested the woman Tethyles had delivered the other day, her very existence confirming his work was not in vain and his dream to move forward could finally be realised.

“Thank you.” Ressel whispered as he placed a hand on the glass, though little warmth towards the subject could be heard in his voice. “You are going to change everything.”

“Care to explain what you mean by that?”

With the tranquillity of the moment now ruined, Ressel turned his gaze to see Carver standing in the doorway once more. Again, the look of overconfident superiority adorned the bug type’s face, like he had Ressel backed into a corner of some kind. He groaned, mentally rolled his eyes at such stupidity.

“Merely that with the project now closer to completion, the Empire is also that much closer to absolute victory. I could explain to you the details but,” Ressel then turned in his chair back to the computer screen with a familiar smirk, “I’m unsure whether you’d understand any of it.”

Ressel waited for the half-baked response, for Carver to once again make a fool of himself ripe for the humiliating. But it never came. The only sound that could be heard was the closing of the laboratory doors. Looking back Ressel was surprised to see that the Karrablast had not only held his tongue, but had come inside and was now observing the stasis tube, the smug look still there.

“If I may ask,” Carver continued, not deigning to look at Ressel while addressing him. “Why would someone like you even offer to serve the Empire, and why would Her Grace even bother to show you, a human, mercy?”

Unsure of Carvers’ intentions, Ressel answered on the side of caution. “I imagine she saw the potential in this project, and is aware only I know how to ensure the viability and success of it. If I were killed, it would surely render this all worthless.”

“Well, you know the old saying; no one is irreplaceable.” The smirk that crossed Carvers’ insectoid features as he said that immediately put Ressel on edge. The scientist rose slowly from his seat and moved to one of the computers on the other side of the lab. Before his hands touched the keyboard, the human looked back to find Carvers’ gaze was still firmly set upon him. Slightly unnerved, Ressel turned to face him once more.

“Why are you here, Carver?” In response the bug type slowly crossed the distance, that unnerving smile still on full display. Ressel began backing up, only for the wall of his lab to meet his back within a few steps.

“Oh, I just wanted to figure out why your pathetic life has been spared for so long.” He stopped a foot from Ressel, eyes not drifting from the humans. “And from what I can gather, you just completed the part of this project that’s been giving you and Her Grace so much trouble, am I right?” Instinct forced the human to spare a quick glance at the subject, still safely floating in her tube unaware of the situation outside. Looking back, the smirk Carver wore became a lot more sinister.

“On behalf of the Empire, I’d like to thank you for your generous-”

Carver didn’t get to finish his monologue as he punted the diminutive bug clear across the lab before bolting for the computer by the tube. After a few quick keystrokes and smashing the screen for good measure, Ressel ran straight for the exit. Movement flickered out of the corner of his eye and the scientist ducked just as Carver launched through where his head would’ve been, the insects’ horn glowing from a technique. The bug slammed into the wall as Ressel bolted down the hallway.

Here’s hoping “Her Ladyship” isn’t as perceptive as she likes to believe, Ressel thought as he ran, weaving around corners and being thankful to Arceus that he hadn’t encountered anyone else just yet.

As if to answer him, a low buzzing noise rapidly grew louder and louder behind him. As he turned back to look, Ressel just managed to see a shockwave of a greenish tint with bug-like motes of light as it crashed into him, knocking the human down. Shaking his head, Ressel looked back up to see Carver running towards him, horn aglow once more and the confident smirk had been replaced with an expression of murderous rage. The Karrablast leapt into the air, his Fury Attack only missing due to the boy rolling to the wall of the hall. The Pokémon pulled his horn out of the floor and went to strike again, but Ressel caught him by the body and threw him back down the hall.

A small stinging pain stabbed into Ressels’ hand, and he looked down to see a gash on the bottom of his fist from where he smashed his screen. The moment of observation proved costly as this ache was replaced by a more searing inferno from his neck as arcs of electricity surged throughout his body. Collapsing to the floor, he gripped at the now burning collar encompassing his neck as two crimson-armoured Toxicroak guards stood in the hall corner before him, one of the poisonous amphibians holding a shock collar trigger.

“I’ve waited a long time for this, you filthy human!” Struggling through the pain, Ressel looked back towards Carver; his tiny limbs trying to wipe some of the boys’ blood from his face as he approached, his horn glowing for what Ressel assumed would be the final blow. “You’ve made a fool of me for the last time!”

“Quiet a bold thing to say, given you do such a good job of it yourself.”

At once, all three Pokémon froze in shock. Relief and exhaustion flooded Ressels’ body as the collar was deactivated, a blue glow now surrounding the trigger that floated away from the Toxicroak guards and beyond his vision. With some effort Ressel managed to prop himself up an elbow to see his apparent saviour.

Lady Tethyles.

“M-My Lady?” Carver stuttered in confusion as the two poison types bowed. “W-W-What are you-” He didn’t get to finish his question, as he joined the trigger in a levitated state while the powerful Gothitelle simply moved over to her human servant; looking over him as her eyes glowed blue. Despite their illuminated state, Ressel could track her eyes movements; first examining his injured hand, the shock collar and finally meeting his gaze, one he held firmly.

“What happened?” She asked, her tone all but demanding nothing short of the truth.

“The-The human filth…” Carver struggled, Tethyles’ telekinetic grip seemingly concentrated around the Karrablasts’ throat. “He… he tried to kill me a… and purge the research before escaping!”

Tethyles turned back to her floating insect, moving to look him right in the eye. “Then how is it that Ressel is injured and there are craters from where you’ve clearly launched attacks?”

“He… did it himself. Like I said… sabotage.”

Tethyles’ frown deepened. “Yet again you display your idiocy without prompt.” At Carvers’ confused expression, she sighed. “You think I would be foolish enough to bring a human servant into my employ without ensuring I would know if they were in trouble? I receive a psychic warning should he ever come to harm. How do you think I knew where to find you, and in such a short time?”

Had he not been mere minutes from death, Ressel might’ve enjoyed the talking down being delivered. Exhausted as he was and given his mistress’ fury, he could only watch as all the colour in the small blue bug type looked to drain away in fear.

“My-My Lady, I-” Any excuses Carver tried to sputter out were silenced as Tethyles tightened her grip around his throat. She then turned her attention to the two Toxicroak guards still kneeling in the hallway.

“Escort Ressel back to his lab.” Her tone permitted no argument, her glowing gaze more frozen than the surroundings of Snowbelle City. “Should he come to harm, you shall suffer the same fate.”

The last Ressel saw of Carver was the now terrified bug type look at him with undiluted fear as he and Tethyles disappeared in a flash of blue light.

\ \_(-o-)_/ /

The two Pokémon exited their teleport in a darkened expanse, though a light high above them flicked on as if detecting their presence. Upon arriving, Carver was finally freed, coughing and grasping for his neck as he tried to regain his breath.

“Do you know why I chose you as an assistant, Carver?” Tethyles asked, her voice cold and stare piercing. “At times, I too need to remind myself of the reason why. It wasn’t because of your intellect, but rather your decision to never question me. Such loyalty is greatly appreciated, especially during these trying times.” She moved to stand before him, tilting his gaze up to meet hers by way of Psychic.

“But do not think it’s escaped my notice that your ego has grown to an insufferable degree over the past few years, to the point where you have seen yourself as my right hand, and this was all before you allowed Project Ghetsis to undermine your usefulness.”

“But, Ressel’s a human!” Carver cried out, desperation flooding his voice. “He seeks to betray you! He doesn’t deserve your charity!”

“I’ve no doubt he will try in due time but, until he approaches that point, he’s more useful to me alive. Ressels’ project will turn the tide of the war while simultaneously solving our problems here in Snowbelle. In all honesty, Carver, the only one I’ve been charitable in keeping around is you. Despite your pitiful envy towards a human, I’ve kept you around because I developed a certain delight in watching your inane squabbling with Ressel. But alas, you’ve grown tiresome and untrustworthy.

“Furthermore, you tried to take the boys’ life. Something which belongs to me. But stealing from me isn’t the worst mistake you’ve made today.” With that she bent down to look him dead in the eye. “You took action on my behalf without my permission. I have no use nor patience for subordinates who take such reckless and potentially damaging actions in my name.”

“NO!” Carver bowed down before Tethyles, fearful tears forming in his yellow eyes. “Please, My Lady! Please give me a chance to redeem myself! I’ll do anything!” For a few moments an ominous silence filled the chamber, Tethyles merely standing back up and staring as the Karrablast prostrated himself before her.

“Anything?” She asked, her cold tone unchanged. At Carvers’ hasty nodding, a smile spread itself across the Gothitelles’ features. “Very well, Carver. But be warned; this will be your last chance.”

“Oh, thank you My Lady!” Carver called out with unabashed relief. “You shall not regret this. I will not let you down, I promise.”

It was only then he noticed her smile, and a chill swept over him as she looked off into the darkness. “Oh, Kerberos?” At her call, the sound of a clawed quadruped echoed throughout the chamber. Looking behind him, Carvers’ eyes widened in fear as the notorious Houndoom soldier entered the edge of the light, a smile matching the cruelty of Tethyles’ adorning his muzzle.

“Yes, My Lady?” He answered, and Carver suddenly began noticing more shadows moving towards the light, similar in shape but smaller.

“I do hope you and your pack enjoy the morsel I’ve brought you. Please don’t hold back.”

“Of course, My Lady. Though…” Kerberos’ chuckling head swung left and right looking to the increasing number of Houndour that were now forming a circle around Carver and Tethyles. “Given the portion size, I don’t think there’ll be enough to go ‘round.”

“I trust you’ll come up with something.”

“My… My Lady…?” Carver finally spoke up, dread the primary emotion present in his voice.

“Your task, Carver, is to escape this room with your life. Should you succeed, all shall be forgiven. But in case you don’t, I thank you for your contributions to the Empire.”


The last Tethyles saw of Carver before engaging the teleporter in her necklace was his panicked face, his tiny limbs reaching for her, and the large pack of Houndour charging forward with drooling fangs agape.

\ \_(-o-)_/ /

No sooner had Ressel sat back down in his laboratory that Lady Tethyles blinked into the room in a burst of blue light. Her eyes shifted to his injured hand, which he was beginning to wrap in bandages.

“Ressel,” she began, and the tone told Ressel nothing short of honesty would be tolerated. “I would like to know whether Carvers’… poor decision have impacted Project Ghetsis in any way.” The young man nodded and shifted over to an undamaged computer screen, bringing up the project files.

The blank project files.

He made the effort to search the computer thoroughly, even sifting through the hard drives very code to add to the display. “Re-Regrettably, My Lady,” Ressel replied, being sure to convey a measure of shakiness in his voice and keeping his eyes wide with fear. “It would seem that Carvers’ attacks must have corrupted the system. I… can’t find the files anywhere…”

Tethyles was a Pokémon who, more often than not Ressel had observed, had considerable control over her emotions. So, it was slightly unnerving to see one of her eyes twitch at this news, followed by a very terse “What?”

“But there is still hope for the project, My Lady.” He quickly went on. “Before Carver came in here, I had just finished a complete compatibility check for our little volunteer. She was more resistant to the initial tests than any other subject, and her DNA shows no symptoms of rejection as the others had. In short, My Lady, this woman is fully compatible for the next stage of Project Ghetsis.”

Tethyles simply looked to the unconscious woman, who had no idea what she had survived earlier, before returning her stare to Ressel. “And the missing files that would aid us in this task?”

“The files are not completely lost to us. I have another copy of them, right here.” Ressel emphasised his point with a finger tapping his temple. “I have worked on this long enough to know the stages from memory alone, and I’m confident I can finish this without the files we lost.”

“The files you lost.” Tethyles corrected, closing the distance between the two.

“The files Carver lost.” Ressel countered. “Regardless of his blunder, we are ready to proceed to the next stage. To that end…” Ressel then moved over to the desk where he had been running the tests before this fiasco and collected a tablet from it before handing it to the Gothitelle. “These are the DNA samples I will require for the next stage. I would also suggest that, for future test subjects, we utilise prisoners of war or rowdier prisoners. Their strong will could be the key to a viable turnover of success for this project.”

Tethyles just listened, looking over the list he had prepared. A moment of silence reigned between the two as Ressel fought the natural urge to panic. He had borne witness to Tethyles’ cruelty before, and knew that if he misspoke at this critical moment, he could easily be joining the foolish Karrablast in whatever punishment he now likely suffered through.

Finally, she met his focussed gaze with one of her own. “Quite the powerful list you have here.”

“I merely wish for the success of this project, My Lady.”

At this, the Pokémon smiled. “As do I. Though I do wonder how smashing a computer screen with your fist is beneficial to this project.” Ressel struggled desperately to keep the shock off of his face as Tethyles handed the tablet back to him. “A commendable strategy; ensuring your survival by making yourself vital to this projects’ success, even more so than before. I will ensure you get your samples and I expect you to bring Ghetsis to fruition.

“But mark my words, Ressel. The moment this project is proven viable on the battlefield, I will have you transcribe every detail in regards to the process, and then you will be nothing more than what you were before.” A nod to the window caused Ressel to look out from it, and see the other humans toiling away in the frigid courtyard below. “Or perhaps, I could have you join in Carvers’ punishment, so that you too learn the price for crossing me.”

“…I understand, My Lady.” Ressel muttered, the frustration simmering away just beneath the surface.

As Tethyles smiled a blue light popped into the room, revealing an Abra wearing a red sash trimmed with gold and holding a scroll in its hand. “My apologies for the intrusion, Lady Tethyles,” the smaller psychic type greeted the two. “But I bring you a message from the Citadel.”

The Citadel? Ressel wondered as Tethyles floated the scroll over and opened it. The Abra merely stood and waited patiently until that small smile of superiority returned to Tethyles’ features.

“Inform Lord Yveltal that we shall attend.” She then handed the scroll back to the messenger, now wearing a confused expression but nodding nonetheless and disappearing in another flash.

“Ressel,” she went on, not bothering to face the young researcher and instead devoting her attention to the unconscious test subject. “It seems you might need to transcribe the process earlier than planned. Construct a concise but simplistic summary of the project thus far, as well as its projected outcome and output once fully implemented.”

“May I ask why, My Lady?”

Tethyles turned back to him, her confidence restored. “A meeting of the Triumvirate has been called, and unless you wish to meet Kerberos and his colleagues, I’d recommend you act quickly. You have three days.” With a hand placed on her necklace she disappeared once more, leaving Ressel alone with his unsociable test subject.

“Astounding.” He groaned.

\ \_(-o-)_/ /

“Merriweather, you’re going to be late.” Gloriosa chided her Floette daughter as she handed her a few leaf-wrapped berries and nudged her out of their family shelter. “I’m sure Miss Winona wouldn’t appreciate you being late twice in one week.”

“But I miss Flora.” The young fairy type shot back. “When is she coming back?”

The Florges sighed. “I’m not sure, but there’s nothing we can do about that now. She’ll come back when she’s ready.” A frown fell upon Merriweather’s face at the answer, but it was countered by Gloriosa giving her a hug. “She’ll be fine Merri, and I imagine she wouldn’t want you following her example and getting into trouble, would she?”

“No.” Came the timid response.

Gloriosa gave her daughter a quick peck on the head. “Now go on. You don’t want Miss Winona inflating and flying away, right?” This brought a small laugh to the young ones’ face and, after a tight hug, she floated off further into the village towards a shelter where a group of younger Pokémon were gathered around a Wigglytuff. The smile at seeing her daughter happy faded as Gloriosas’ thoughts turned to her other daughter, and she stared aimlessly into the sky. Flora… I hope to Arceus that you’re okay… And that I made the right choice.

A rustling of the long grass brought her out of her reverie, as stepping through was none other than Mewtwo.

“We need to talk.” His telepathic message was said more as a statement than asking for permission. Knowing this was coming at some point, Gloriosa merely nodded and got up, floating behind Mewtwo towards his cave. Some of the other villagers gave the two a knowing look, while others pointedly focussed on other tasks. Gloriosa didn’t blame them. Many considered her Mewtwos’ right hand, and despite their working relationship there were times they disagreed on what was best for the village. This is one of those times, I guess.

Once safely away from prying eyes and ears, Mewtwo turned to face her, though she had seen his intense expression enough times to not be as phased by it than others. Sighing, he crossed his arms as his long tail flicked.

“This is about Flora, isn’t it?” She asked before he could begin.

“Correct.” He kept his tone calm and controlled, as per usual. “Why did you do it?”

“Do what?” She shot back, keeping her posture and voice just as under control as his. “I agreed with your decision that she remain in the cave.”

“Then would you care to explain where she is right now?”

“…With Celestia.”


“You did say she wasn’t to leave the village without either your or my permission. I gave her mine.”

“That still doesn’t answer my question.”

That stopped her for a moment. She understood where Mewtwo was coming from. He merely wanted to keep her, and all within the village for that matter, safe. So why did she let Flora go? Her mental search for answers brought her back to the night before last, when she caught Flora out in the village.

“Uh… Hi Mum.” Flora said sheepishly just outside the family shelter, looking back at her angered mother. Gloriosas’ glare could put most Flamethrowers to shame such was its intensity; a trait she had seemingly picked up from Mewtwo.

“Flora, what are you doing?” The question was asked calmly and slowly, yet the simmering anger and disappointment was clear to hear in her voice.

“W-Well I… You see…” Flora stumbled over her words, each argument no doubt dying on her tongue. After a while, she simply sighed and looking pleadingly back at her mother. “I was saying goodbye to Evin.”

“Goodbye?” Gloriosa echoed, despite having a fair idea as to where she was going with this.

Flora took in a long, steadying breath. “Yes. I’m going with Celestia. I’m going to help her… and find Leon.”

This surprised the Florges, as her stern expression softened slightly. “Leon? Flora, he left years ago. No one knows where he is. There’s no guarantee you’ll even find him if you go with Celestia.”

“Mum-” Flora tried, but Gloriosa went on as she closed the distance between them.

“And what if Celestia isn’t there to protect you? There is a war going on outside this village and I don’t want you getting hurt. Mewtwo keeps all of us safe here-”

“Mum!” Flora tried again, this time gaining the Florges’ attention. Gloriosa, shocked by the volume of Floras’ voice, quickly whipped her head around to see if her yell had woken anyone. Thankfully, apart from the shifting of positions, no one else seemed to hear the outburst. She looked back and landed before her daughter, who wore a rare expression of anger herself. “Mum, I know you and Mewtwo want what’s best for me, for all of us. But this place… It feels like a cage. I don’t want to be safe if it means I never get to see the world, while there’s still a world left to see.

“Plus,” she looked her mother in the eye, the anger melting away. "'A promise is a promise. To break a promise is one of the worst things you can do, but keeping one shows how kind and strong you can be.' You taught us that, remember?” Gloriosa sat stunned for a moment. Years before, whenever she had made her daughters a promise, she would always stress how vital it was to keep it, no matter what stood in your way. “When Leon left, Evin was really sad. I promised him I’d bring Leon back one day. Please Mum. If I don’t leave now, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to keep this promise.” Gloriosa simply held Floras’ gaze, the two falling into a long silence before bringing her daughter into a tight embrace.

Gloriosa returned to the present, seeing Mewtwo still waiting patiently for an answer. A sliver of empathy was hidden within his gaze, and she discovered why when a tear rolled down her cheek into the bouquet of red flowers surrounding her neck. Wiping her eyes, she returned his stare; full of emotion, yet firm and unbreaking.

“Because… Because I can’t hide her forever. We can’t protect Flora forever, Mewtwo. As a parent, I can only prepare her for what lies ahead.” She shook her head with a small chuckle. “Somehow, I forgot that, and it was Flora that reminded me of that lesson.

Her gaze hardened as she closed the distance towards the powerful psychic type. “Everyone values the protection you offer us Mewtwo, Flora included. But her dreams were always going to take her beyond this village, and I highly doubt nothing short of Arceus himself would keep Flora from leaving. She promised to find Leon and bring him home.”

Mewtwos’ expression softened before a cynical eyebrow raised at the mention of Leon; a look Gloriosa had rarely, if ever, seen from the village leader. “As I recall, he abandoned us.”

“I know,” she sighed, a small wave of weariness washing over her now the heavier aspects of the conversation seemed behind them. “But you know how she is about promises. There’s nothing we can do about it now.”

Mewtwo finally uncrossed his arms, his shoulders sagging before looking at her once more with a more vulnerable look; something only she would ever see. “And if this brings the wrath of the Empire on top of us?”

Gloriosa simply smiled and placed a petite white hand on Mewtwos’ shoulder. “Then it’s a good thing we have you protecting us.” To this Mewtwo sighed, but soon placed one of his hands over the one on his shoulder and smiled himself.


The shout from the caves’ entrance shattered the tender moment between the two, and Mewtwos’ stoic expression rehardened as he moved to head outside, Gloriosas’ gaze tracking him. “What is it, Archimedes?

“We’ve got something of a situation. You’d better take a look at this.” The Noctowl replied, flying out of sight with his leader following him past the cave mouth.

Blasted owl, Gloriosa thought to herself before exiting the cave. But as she re-entered the sunlight, she bumped into something. Looking up, she began growing concerned, as Mewtwos’ normally stern visage was gone. In its place was a look of sheer, unfiltered shock. She looked down and soon saw why.

Standing at the base of the caves’ hill, surrounded by the denizens of the village, was a human. Despite the age that was displayed by the grizzly grey beard he bore, this man stood tall and unfazed at the sheer number of Pokémon around him. His eyes were hidden by an old hat with a faded logo Gloriosa had never seen before, and his hands were thrust into the pockets of his dusty red trench coat. On his shoulder sat a Pikachu, from her best guess probably as old as the man was, but he was smiling as he met Mewtwos’ gaze.

“Hey there Mewtwo. Been a long time.”