//------------------------------// // Interbellum: The Tal'darim // Story: Starcraft: Warriors of Purity // by Xarmar13 //------------------------------// Leading a mission was an experience that Lyra was still getting used to. She usually followed the orders of one of the other Protoss leaders or Bon Bon. The only time she had been a mission leader was during the operation to kill the fledgling Overmind that the UED controlled. Even then, she still had some assistance from Zeratul and Vorazun. This would be the first time she would be leading a mission alone. Her mission was to investigate the activities of a renegade Protoss tribe called the Tal’darim. Sources had informed the Protoss that the Tal’darim were operating near one of the Protoss colonies and spreading Terrazine among the colonists, likely for the sake of converting more followers. Lyra was accompanied by a small fleet of ships to improve their odds of success should the Tal’darim prove to be more dangerous than anticipated. Upon arrival at the colony, the representative greeted Lyra with the usual ‘En Taro Adun’ greeting before getting down to business. The colonial leader had received reports of colonists roaming the streets trying to communicate with figures that were not there. The Observers had also reported that there were no hidden figures for the colonists to communicate with. Speaking with non-existent figures was highly unusual behavior for a Protoss since they were never alone thanks to the Khala. Examination of one of the afflicted colonists revealed that they had recently been exposed to Terrazine. Since Terrazine was not normally sought by Protoss, they came to the conclusion that there were some Tal’darim Protoss exposing the colonists to the chemical. Suspecting trouble, they contacted Shakuras to request assistance. The Tal’darim were known to be highly skilled warriors who hone those skills more often than the other tribes. Their culture was also known to be the most deviated from the others due to their inherent brutality. If there was one form of order that the Tal’darim do respect, it was their Chain of Ascension. With the info from the Protoss Magistrate obtained, Lyra and the group accompanying her began investigating the various structures and homes looking for more information. Some of the citizens were too terrified to speak about them for fear of getting assassinated. Eventually, their search leads them to a facility that appeared similar to the one on Aiur when she first arrived. As they prepared themselves to enter the facility to explore, a pair of Protoss jumped down and ambushed the group, killing the two unfortunate Zealots before they even knew what was going on. Unlike the Khalai, who normally wore gold colored armor and wielded blue psi blades, or the Nerazim, who normally wore cloaks to protect them from the desert environment of Shakuras, these Protoss wore black and red armor with crimson crystals embedded. Lyra raised her energy shields and charged at the attackers. The attackers responded in kind to strike her down. Lyra vanished in front of them, leaving the two confused for a moment. That was all the time Lyra needed as she appeared behind them and swept the leg of one attacker and caused him to fall back. Lyra had her warp blade pointed upward as the attacker landed on it. She followed up by pulling the blade upward through his head before hurling his fading body at the other attacker who was stunned from the impact. Not missing a beat, she charged past the stunned attacker and decapitated him before he even realized what she was doing. As the fight was going on, a third figure was watching from above them in the shadows, analyzing the movements of the unusual creature. He couldn’t help but be impressed by her ruthless efficiency. Looking at her allies, it was obvious that they were stunned by her actions as well. He decided that he would observe her for a little longer before he decided whether or not she would be useful for his plans. The remainder of the group prepared themselves as they entered the facility to engage the rest of the Tal’darim within. It wasn’t long before they encountered their next set of enemies. While the Zealots distracted them, Lyra shadowstepped behind the enemies and cut them down. The process repeated itself a few times as the group moved through the facility, Some of the Zealots were getting annoyed that Lyra had been stepping in to take out the enemies herself since they were seeking their own honor. Eventually, their path split in two directions and they decided to split up. Lyra took the less fussy Zealots with her while the rest took the other path. Lyra was determined to not allow the rest of her allies to die on her watch and she was already saddened when she lost two of them to that ambush. Their search soon led Lyra’s group to the atrium where the Terrazine was stored. Remembering what happened last time, she was careful not to disturb the contents of the Terrazine canisters. Looking around the area, she saw a number of Tal’darim Zealots had discovered them. They deployed their blades and charged after Lyra and the Zealots that came with her. With a single shadowstep, Lyra reappeared behind the attackers and kicked the lagging member forward and into some of the other enemies. Those who were too slow to get up were immediately cut down by Lyra. Unfortunately, her allies didn’t fare nearly as well as she did because they were taken down by the numerous Tal’darim warriors who preferred to deal with the easier enemies first. Enraged by their tactics, Lyra charged past the enemies with her Storm Charge, which destroyed their shields, before cutting through her weakened enemies. Realizing how dangerous she was, the Tal’darim Zealots tried to attack her at once, only for her to create numerous illusory copies of herself. When the Zealots attacked the fakes, psionic electricity assaulted their shields and shorted them out, leaving Lyra free to ricochet herself from enemy to enemy and cutting them down. Once the facility was cleared of enemies, Lyra let down her guard...which was a big mistake. A figure appeared behind her and slammed his focuser at the back of her head. Unable to maintain consciousness, Lyra’s vision quickly turned black. Waking up with a headache and a sense of deja vu, Lyra opened her eyes to take in her surroundings. Once again she was in a stasis cell. This time, however, she was being transported in a Protoss ship with an unusual design. Instead of the colors of gold, brass, and blue around her, she witnessed shades of black and red around her. Remembering the color design of the Tal’darim armor, Lyra realized that she had been captured by the enemy. If her body wasn’t in stasis, it would be tensing up as she was left to ponder the fate that was in store for her. One of the Tal’darim had taken notice of Lyra’s conscious state and approached her cell. “About time you woke up,” he said impatiently. “We are almost to Slayn and I still have to discuss something with you.” The Protoss speaking to her had pale skin that could only be seen from the top of his head. His eyes were as red as his jewelry. The rest of his body was covered in an obsidian-colored armor with crimson jewels. His focusers were the same color as his armor while also carrying the appearance of scissor-like crab claws. He was also wearing a crimson robe that only showed beneath his armor. “I would like your assistance with a certain...project...of mine,” he continued. “By the way, you are free to speak in there.” Lyra narrowed her eyes at the Protoss. “If it involves the other tribes or spreading Terrazine then the answer is a flat out no.” “I don’t think you’re in any position to be deciding what I can and can’t ask of you. Regardless, right now I am taking you back to my homeworld of Slayn. Whether I turn you in to the Highlord or keep you as my servant will depend on your choice.” “And what part will allow me to return to my friends?” “That will depend on whether or not you’re strong enough to earn your freedom. Though I do hope that you will accept my proposal, a greater part of me hopes that you won’t so that I can see you suffer at the hands of Ma’lash.” Lyra rolled her eyes. “Fine, I accept. What do you want me to do? And can I get the name of my benefactor?” she said dryly. The Protoss expressed a brief moment of disappointment before he spoke, “As you may or may not know, the Tal’darim treat their so called ‘Chain of Ascension’ as some sacred rite of personal advancement. I think of it as a little game that my people play to fool themselves into thinking that they have a chance at becoming Xel’naga. I have enough influence over some key members that I can integrate you into our society as a Zealot to participate in the Chain. It will be up to you to climb the ranks. And since I’m feeling generous at the moment, let me give you some advice; Consume as much Terrazine as you can to enhance your power or you will never get the opportunity to leave. Once you are the same rank as me, a First Ascendant, then I will allow you to return to your friends until the time comes for me to execute my ultimate plan. There is a certain First Ascendant that I want you to eliminate to make my future plans easier for me.” Lyra raised an eyebrow to let him know that he still hadn’t answered her other question. He picked up on it quickly and chuckled. “Fine...you may call me Alarak.”