//------------------------------// // Omake 1: Flash's Pranks of Retaliation // Story: Equestria Girls/Spider-man Book 1: Amazing // by Equestrian Defender //------------------------------// Flash looked at his chart, taking note of the five pictures of five of the Rainbooms. Next to said pictures were the pranks he was planning on hitting them with when they least expected. He had opted against pranking Fluttershy. Not only was she the one Rainboom who hadn't partaken in that prank, but she was also really sensitive and he didn't really want to make her cry. Plus he knew that all the other Rainbooms would more than likely castrate him if he did so, and he did want to start a family someday in the future.* With an evil smile, he looked over the pranks one more time and said "This... is gonna be fun." Unknown to him, all five of the Rainbooms he was targeting suddenly felt a chill go down their spines, though they weren't sure why. -Tuesday, May 9th- Target: Pinkie Pie "And then I said 'Cornflakes? Are you crazy?!'" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Pinkie, you've told us this story five hundred times already." "And, um, we still don't get it," Fluttershy added. Seemingly ignoring them, Pinkie Pie said "I gotta go wash my hands. You girls mind waiting for me?" With that, she walked into the girls bathroom, leaving the rest of the Rainbooms outside. "So Sunset," Applejack said. "Princess Twilight tell you if there's any other magical doodads we should look out for?" Sunset shook her head. "She's still looking, but she says she hasn't really found anything. It's almost like Starswirl didn't want anyone to know of this world or what he left over here." "I'm sure Pinkie Pie would come up with a thousand different things he might have sent over here," Rarity replied. "Speaking of which, what's taking her so long," Rainbow asked. "It's been three minutes! How long does it take for someone to wash their hands?" "Well Rainbow, some of us actually use this wonderful substance when we clean our hands. I believe it's called, soap?" "I use soap, Rarity," Rainbow answered, rolling her eyes. "But I don't take five minutes to wash my hands. Not unless they're covered in oil or grease and I have to use some special soap to get if off." "Well-" Whatever Rarity was about to say was cut off by the bathroom door being flung open, with Pinkie Pie walking out of it. And to their shock, the entirety of Pinkie Pie's front, along with a majority of her hair, was covered in a slimy dark red substance. Looking at them, she smiled as if nothing was wrong and said "I think something's up with the plumbing." Finding her voice, Rainbow asked "Pinkie, what the hell happened?!" "I don't know. I turned on the water but nothing came out. And then this weird gurgling sound came from the drain. I lean down to see if there's something clogging the drain, and the next thing I know I'm reenacting the bathroom scene from that movie with the creepy demon clown. What was it called again?" "IT," Fluttershy replied, still shocked at the story and whatever was covering Pinkie Pie. "Be thankful you didn't end up reenacting the sewer orgy." Everyone cringed at that. "What the hell was Stephen King smoking when he thought of that scene," Rainbow Dash asked. "And please tell me that isn't blood on you." At that moment Applejack sniffed it, then scooped some off and licked it, and proclaimed "Nope. It's jam." She tasted the jam on her fingers again and recoiled "Raspberry jam. Eeyuck!" Everyone was floored at that. "So let me see if I get this straight," Sunset started. "Somebody set up the pipes of that sink to blast you with raspberry jam, knowing that you would use that particular sink in that particular bathroom? Whoever did this is either super lucky, or has foresight and tactical skills that would put Patton to shame."* "Or they just overheard me say that I always like using that sink because the water temperature and pressure always stay steady," she added. "Yeah, but who-" Sunset then facepalmed. "I think I know who did this." "Who," the Rainbooms all asked. "Hey girl- what happened to Pinkie?" Everyone turned to see Flash, Thorax and Miles standing there. All of them seemed concerned, but Sunset wasn't fooled. She could see the barely contained laughter in there faces. Especially when Flash grinned and said "Jeez Pinkie. You look like you were in a bit of... a jam."*** Sunset rolled her eyes, her suspicions confirmed."Real funny, Flash." Flash grinned, taking a bow. "Thank you. Thank you. You're too kind." All the other Rainbooms were shocked at this revelation. Pinkie finally broke the silence and asked "That was you?!" He nodded. "Yes it was, Pinkie. And you were only the first." Looking at the Rainbooms he asked "You didn't really think I was just going to let your little air horn confetti pie prank go, did you? I had to spend three hours last night getting glitter out of my hair. I still didn't get all of it." To emphasize his point, he tilted his head to the side and ruffled his hair, and a few specks of glitter fell out. He fixed the other Rainbooms with a glare and added "Nobody. Messes. With. My. Hair." Rainbow yawned, sounding actually bored. "Oh please. This whole bit of you announcing you're gonna prank us is lame. It just reeks of amateurism." "Actually I think that's raspberries," Pinkie said, wiping the jam off her face with a wet washcloth (with Miles asking where she got the washcloth and Flash simply saying "It's Pinkie Pie. Don't question it.") She then smiled at Flash and added "That was actually a pretty good prank. Didn't know you had it in you." "There's a lot you don't know about me, Pinkamena," Flash replied. Looking at Rainbow Dash, he continued "Oh, that's the beauty of it. You may know I'm coming, but you'll never know who I'll prank next." Shooting Fluttershy a glance he said "Except you, Fluttershy. You're safe." As the shy girl breathed a sigh of relief, Rarity asked "Um, why is she safe when we have to face... whatever practical joke you'll be planning?" "Because she wasn't part of that prank. And because I'm pretty sure you'd take turns killing me if I did prank her and ended up making her cry." "I'd probably stomp on your manhood so hard you wouldn't be able to have kids," Applejack added. Everyone looked at her with shocked faces, to which she asked "Did I say that out loud?" "Yes. Remind me never to make you angry," Miles stated, his face a little pale. Thorax was wincing and covering his manhood after imagining her actually doing that. "Anyway," Flash said, getting their attention. "You'll never see my pranks coming. They could occur anytime, anywhere. The good news is that since I just got Pinkie and I'm not getting Fluttershy, that only leaves you four," he finished by pointing to Sunset, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. "Oh yeah?" Rainbow Dash shot him a glare of defiance and said "I'm the number one prankster in the whole school, the Queen of Pranks. You won't be able to touch me." To their shock, Flash burst out laughing. "Oh man, that was good. You're a funny girl, Rainbow Dash. I'm gonna make your's extra special." The bell rung at that moment, and he said "Well, that's the bell. See you girls later." He flashed them an evil smile before he walked away, and the four girls who were still targets felt an involuntary shiver go down their spines. "What the hell did we create," Sunset asked aloud. "A monster," Fluttershy replied. "Girls, relax," Rainbow assured them. "He's all talk. He's just trying to scare us." "I don't know, Rainbow," Applejack replied. "He sounded quite serious," Rarity added. "Well I'm not scared," Rainbow said with the utmost confidence. "If he thinks he's gonna get me, the Prank Queen of CHS, then he's clearly lost his mind." "Wait, I thought I was the Prank Queen," Pinkie asked. "You're the Prank Princess. We talked about this." "Oh yeah. Sorry." They walked to their next class after that, with four of the girls trying to ignore the uneasy feeling they had of their impending humiliation. Target: Applejack The school day was over and Applejack was headed for her locker, Rarity right behind her. "So, did anything happen to you today," she asked. Rarity shook her head negative. "No. Nothing prank-related at least. Do you think perhaps Rainbow Dash was correct in saying that Flash was only trying to frighten us?" Applejack shook her head as they reached her locker. "Nah. I got this gut feeling that something's gonna happen." Putting in the combination, she opened the door and said "I just don't- ARRGHHH!!!!" Her sentence was cut off by the sudden massive avalanche of Red Delicious that poured out of her locker, knocking her to the ground and burying her. Concerned, Rarity asked "Applejack? Dear? Are you alright?" From underneath the pile she heard Applejack groggily say "Oh sweet, wonderful apples; why have you betrayed me?" Rarity sighed before she noticed a note taped inside her locker. Pulling it out she read: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.*** Signed, Flash Sentry. P.S. Two down, three to go. Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be sleeping tonight with all the windows locked tight, Rarity mused internally, before helping Applejack up from the pile of apples. -Wednesday, May 10th- Target: Rarity All of the Rainbooms except for Rarity were standing outside the Girl's Locker Rooms, having finished Gym Class for the day. They were waiting because Rarity was still in the Locker Rooms taking a shower, no doubt planning on taking advantage of the full ten minutes that Coach Spitfire gave them at the end of class to clean up. "I swear with the amount of time she spends in the shower you'd think she were a mermaid," Sunset groaned, playing a game on her phone while she was bored out of her mind. "Do mermaids exist in your world," Fluttershy asked, curious. She shrugged. "There's been stories and legends about ponies living in the sea with fish tails and flippers, but nothing concrete." The door opened, getting their attention, only for Wallflower Blush to walk out, smiling as she walked away. Rainbow Dash immediately sat up and asked "Hey, isn't she friends with Miles and Flash?" A sort of answer to her question came to her when they all heard Rarity's shrill scream coming from inside the Locker Room. The Rainbooms all but knocked the door off its hinges and raced in to find Rarity (Relax people, she's fully dressed. The author is not one of those who believes in using these characters for fanservice.)... ...whose long corkscrew hair, instead of being its usual purple color, was now the deepest shade of emerald green. Being her usual over-dramatic self, she hysterically yelled "Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the! WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!"**** Sunset immediately grabbed her bottle of shampoo, noticing a note wrapped around it. She read aloud: Hope you enjoyed the prank. It's a bit of a hair-raiser, if I do say so myself.*** Warm regards, Flash Sentry P.S. Don't worry, Rarity. Twilight designed that dye to be temporary. It'll fade away back to your real color in about an hour. I'm not that cruel. P.S.S. Three down, two to go. You scared yet, RD? "He got Twilight and..." Sunset paused, struggling to remember the green-haired girl's name. "Wallflower Blush," Fluttershy supplied, rolling her eyes. "Seriously, Sunset. She's been in your English class since the start of the year." "There's twenty-eight people in that class besides us, and she's never really made herself known or tried to talk to me," she replied. "Anyway, Wallflower and Twilight are in on this too. Which makes sense since Flash, Miles, and Thorax can't get in here." "Well, I guess there's some good news, Rarity," Rainbow stated, who had been reading the name over Sunset's shoulder. "Just give it an hour and..." The words died in her throat as she looked to see Rarity sprawled out and sobbing on her fainting couch, it somehow appearing in the locker room despite it not being there before. "Honestly I'd ask how she got it in here and where she got it from," Sunset stated. "But I gave up trying to figure this stuff out when I met Pinkie Pie." Applejack was gently rubbing Rarity's back to calm her, while looking at Sunset and Rainbow. "You do realize one of you two are next, right? And I'd hate to say it, but he's gonna get you girls." Rainbow's eyes widened a fraction of an inch. "Okay, now I'm a little scared." Sunset nodded. "He got Pinkie in the bathroom, got Applejack at her locker, and he got Rarity in the locker room. Is there anywhere he can't get us?" "Well I'd like to see him try and get me at practice today. Good luck trying to get me when I'm surrounded by the team." At that moment her phone buzzed a text alert. Checking it, she was shocked at who it came from. "It's from Flash." Everyone's eyes widened. "Don't read it," Pinkie exclaimed. "I've seen how this movie goes. You answer it and you get cursed!" Rainbow rolled her eyes and replied "That is the last time we let you watch horror movies." She pulled up the text and read aloud "'You really shouldn't tempt fate like that, Rainbow.'" Everyone's eyes widened even further. "HOW THE HELL DID HE KNOW WHAT I JUST SAID," Rainbow asked, now really scared. Sunset looked around, and noticed a pair of feet sticking out from under one of the bathroom stalls. She banged on the door and asked "Who's in there?!" The door opened to reveal a blue haired girl with very familiar shades, holding her phone which was on an active call. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger," she said with her hands raised. "He gave me fifty bucks to listen in on you girls." Rainbow took her phone and said "Okay Sentry, let me make something clear. I ain't scared of you. You wanna go? Then let's go!" There was a pause, before Flash's voice came on the phone. "Challenge accepted." and the call ended. "RD, are you nuts," Applejack proclaimed. "You pretty much just gave him the green light to prank you next!" Giving Vinyl back her phone, she said "Like what? What could he possibly do to me at practice? Wallflower can't get in here because only the team's allowed in here during practice. Coach Spitfire has eyes like a hawk. If he tries anything and she sees him, she'll nail him with detention till the end of the year. What's the worst that could happen?" Sunset facepalmed. "You. Are. SCREWED." Target: Rainbow Dash Deciding to play it safe for her team, Rainbow Dash quickly got changed and walked onto the field to look for anything out of place. To her surprise there wasn't anything that really stood out. Sure, there were a large flock of pigeons perched on the bleachers and a couple of them on the field, but other than that everything looked normal. Until some of the pigeons landed on the field and started pecking at something on the ground. Walking over, she saw they were actually eating- "Breadcrumbs," she asked. "That's Flash's big prank? Leave a bunch of breadcrumbs on the field to attract a bunch of dumb birds onto the field? What kind of lame ass prank is-" SPLAT! The words died in her throat as something wet and smelly landed on her shoulder. She slowly looked at her shoulder, and saw a nice white splatter of pigeon gunk. "Ew." She looked up to get a look at the pigeon that pooped on her, and saw that the pigeons were now all flying, circling above her. Realization struck her, as did a few more blobs of pigeon gunk that landed on her, that THIS was Flash's prank. Realizing that there was no real way to escape it, she simply looked up to the sky at the massive flock and yelled "BRING IT ON!!!!!" Hey, you said to bring it. And I brought it. Better flock to the shower, Prank Queen.*** Your friend, Flash Sentry. P.S. Be a pal and tell Sunset her number's up. Rainbow growled, crumpling up the note she found in her locker and tossing it in the trashcan. She pulled out her phone and dialed Sunset's number. "He got me, Sunset." "There's a shocker," Sunset replied. "What'd he do?" "Let's just say I took 52 showers and I still smell like pigeon crap." There was a brief pause before she said "I'm not even gonna ask. But wait, if he got you then that means-" "You're next, Sunset. He made it very clear in the note." There was a muffled curse on the other end before Sunset replied "That's just perfect. I'll see you at school tomorrow." "See you." She hung up and said "Okay. Shower 53, here we go..." -Thursday, May 11th- Target: Sunset Shimmer Sunset Shimmer bolted into the music room, closing the door behind her and breathing a sigh of relief. "You're safe," Sunset replied, breathing a sigh of relief. "You're safe, Sunset. He can't get you here." The entire day Sunset was constantly looking over her shoulder, jumping at shadows and every loud noise she heard. So far today though, she hadn't been pranked. There was nothing in her locker, nobody swapped out her shampoo, and she brought a bottle of hand sanitizer from home so she didn't get hit by a "jam"med up sink. Plus, nobody was allowed on the sports field until all the pigeon crap got cleaned up (not that Flash was getting nailed for that since all the bread crumbs were eaten and... well it was just pigeon crap. Stuff comes out with some water.) That still hadn't helped with the rampant paranoia running through Sunset's mind. Which was why she decided to eat lunch in the Music Room today, and have Pinkie Pie grab her lunch from her locker. The door opened and Sunset tensed, only to relax when she saw the familiar pink hair of her good friend. "Hi Sunset," Pinkie said, handing the girl her lunchbox. "Here's your lunch." "Thank you," Sunset replied, taking the box. She then noticed the can in her hands and asked "What's that?" She took a sip from it, and replied "Some sort of new soda. Don't worry, it's caffeine free." "It any good?" She nodded. "It's fruit punch flavor, and it's really good. I've drank about half of it already." "Cool." Sunset opened her lunchbox... ...and froze when she saw the note inside. Carefully picking it up, she read: Time for you to face the music, Sunny. Your ex-boyfriend, Flash Sentry. P.S. Tell Pinkie Pie she should really lay off the ENERGY DRINKS. Sunset's blood ran cold as she took the can from Pinkie, noticing the wrapper was peeling off and finished the job. Sure enough, the wrapper was fake. And Pinkie Pie had actually been drinking a Fruit Punch flavored Nitro-Cola!***** Seeing the now shuddering, vibrating, and bouncing Pinkie Pie, Sunset could only say one thing. "FLASH, YOU FOOL! WHAT'VE YOU DONE!???!!!!" "Okay, maybe getting Pinkie an energy drink was a bit much," Flash admitted. A very tired and exhausted Sunset Shimmer looked at him. "A bit much? She was bouncing off the walls like a Looney Tunes character. I had to spend my whole lunch period trying to stop her from getting out into the rest of the school. You're lucky Applejack had some rope in her backpack." "Okay, okay. Maybe I was out of line." He laughed and added "But hey, it was funny." She tried to glare, but couldn't and ended up laughing. "She managed to sing every Post Crush song she could think of before she crashed. She's currently snoozing away in study hall." He nodded. "See? All is well." Sunset shrugged. "Yeah, I guess." She then fixed him with a serious look, and said "But know this: The girls and I will get back at you, and ALL of your accomplices. And it will hurt. A lot." Flash smirked. "Looking forward to it."