//------------------------------// // Keep Calm and Frigoris On, Part 1 // Story: Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3 // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 3 By TDR Keep Calm and Frigoris On, Part 1 [Sweet Apple Acres, morning] “Alright we want every pony back out there. Celestia is raising the sun early to aid in the search. Pegasi we want that storm fully moved out. Ground forces move out now, teams of six two pair of each pony type in each, we have mapped the quadrants to explore. Anything hostile is to be dealt with as quickly as possible and the search is to continue. If you cannot drive off the wild life you are authorized to remove it. We are missing an Element of Harmony and one of the Sparkles. We do not need to tell you why that is problem. Now go.” Luna bellowed. The Guards took off as ordered and Luna turned to look back to her sister. “We will head back to let the court we left know of the situation and then we shall return to aide in the search.” Luna yawned.” Spike keep me informed if there is any sign.” Luna offered before taking to the air to do a last fly over before heading back up towards the castle, once she was clear of the forests edge there was a flash of light as she teleported back up to Canterlot. Will do princess.” Spike nodded trying not to yawn along with the night princess as he huddled in his puffy coat, warmer area around the farm or not, it was still cold. Princess Celestia stood by the tall crystal spire of the Apple's new barn. Spike looked tired but with all the stress and excitement of the night he was still wired. The CMC were much the same way , though neither Sweetiebelle nor Scootaloo could keep their eyes open past four am and were put to bed in the farm house. Applebloom had nodded off once or twice leaning against Spike, but the moment any one tried to move her she fought tooth and hoof to stay put. Granted it was only Spike that was keeping her upright at the moment. Granny Smith sat in her rocker on the porch still holding her grand pappys gun and still awake as well. “They have been missing for nine hours.” Spike offered. “I am aware.” Princess Celestia noted with a bit of sadness. It had taken several hours to get the troops to mobilize and get down here, her sister had teleported herself and a small contingent of guards almost immediately. By time they got there, there was no sign of any threat. The guards had secured the area and were waiting to search in mass until there was light. A few smaller groups had gone in though with the storm there was no trail to follow, though they did find Rahs' coat, the lack of damage and position over a branch made it clear it was removed rather that lost. The Princess of the Sun's horn glowed brightly, the moon lowering and the sun being guided up over the horizon. The solar object had barely reached it's zenith when there was a cry from the woods and several forms emerged from the treeline. A very tired looking navy blue figure strode out of the woods flanked by a number of guards. Rahs looked like Tartarus. The moon dog was clawed up with several deep bite marks and one of his ears was ragged, there wasn't much left of his pants to speak of either, only the belt and a swath of the leg material wrapped tight around one ankle. Over one shoulder he carried the limp orange furred form of Applejack. She was muddy and her fur seemed to have been mussed up, though she didn't have any visible wounds on her. Rahs approached the farm house slowing as he spotted Spike and the Apples, though he came to a dead stop, his ears flattening to his head as he saw Celestia. “BORK!” Rahs called out. “Of course I called her. It's SOP for crap like this.” Spike rolled his eyes glancing up at Celestia curiously. “Why?” “ Woof.” Rahs sighed as Spike's eyes widened. He glanced down at Applebloom as she rushed over to check on Applejack though Rahs kept her lifted above her much to the tired fillies annoyance. He turned his head and caught one of the guard's eyes, flicking his ears. The guard nodded moving forward with another to pull the protesting foal away. “Git offa me that's mai sister he's got, is she okay lemmi go!” Applebloom flailed. “Bark.” Rahs offered snapping Spike out of his shocked expression. “He says she's fine, just tired.” Spike added. “ Princess I think we're good now, I'll send you a message later about what happened.” Celestia blinked glancing to Spike then back up to Rahs and Applejack before walking closer. “ Are you certain, this is the second time such a thing has happened there certainly must be more than....” Celestia froze staring at Rahs as the moon dog backed up away from her. She looked confused a moment before her focus turned fully to Applejack laying over his shoulder. She might not have noticed at first, but it wasn't just that the farm pony was a bit ruffled, her fur was actually longer. Rahs took another step back and seemed ready to run his ears flat to his head. Celestia took note of the wounds on Rahs, they were not closing properly, that didn't make sense, the last time she had seen him with wounds like that was after he fought..... “Rahs put her down.” Celestia ordered. Rahs narrowed his eyes and stepped back further. “I will not ask again. Put her down.” Rahs this time turned to break into a run. Celestia's horn flared and the moon dog was stopped in his tracks lifted into the air. She tilted him nearly upside down so he flailed reflexively and plucked Applejack from his grip, bringing the sleeping mare closer to examine her. The first thing she noticed was that the farm mare was larger than she last recalled. Not quite as big as her brother but she was decidedly bigger. The second thing she noticed was that the mares ears had gotten longer and more pointed, and that there were two glowing dots of light above the tips of each. The third thing was that the mare was drawing in the magic that Celestia used to keep her floating there. Celestia's eyes widened in fear. “CLEAR THE AREA !” Celestia's voice boomed in the RCV. “ All guards fall back to Ponyville. I want the whole town cordoned off with no one in or out of the town. I want every pony who has had any contact with Applejack or any member of the Apple family in the last month isolated from the others and kept under lock down. Halt all shipments to and from the town of anything. I want everything within five miles of the town in full DR5 contagion lock down!” The guards were trained well and scattered, gathering the others who had come back from the forest at the noise. Celestia flinched, her magic opening the mares mouth spotting the fangs, her own ears drooping. “Oh Applejack … I'm so sorry...” The heat around the solar princess flared as she set down the sleeping pony in the grass, her horn blazing brightly as she prepared to cast. Suddenly her face was filled with blue fur as Rahs broke free of her grip and slammed into Celestia , his fore head pressed to hers as his amber eyes stared into the princesses pink ones. A low throaty growl left his bared fangs as his claws gripped the regalia around her neck forcing her back. “Rahs....” Celestia stated digging in her hooves to prevent herself from being pushed back. “Stand down.” “You first.” Celestia frowned her magic grabbing the moon dog again and yanking him away from her. Rahs flailed and clawed at the magic only for Celestia to pour on more power and fling him away towards the Apple's swimming pond at the edge of the eastern orchard. The water hadn't frozen and he would be fine even if she missed. She turned her attention back to Applejack sparing a glance to Granny Smith and the flailing Applebloom still held by a guard. She would need to check them all was well, there was no telling how far this had spread. The home might need to be burned as well. Granny wouldn't like that, but the risk was too great. She looked back at the sleeping Applejack her horn flaring again before she dumped power into her spell and brought down a blast of solar fire from the sky to destroy the body fully. There was a scream from the younger sister and looks of horror from the others present. Celestia frowned ceasing the attack, the area was blackened to ash, the dirt under the spot glassed, save a small circle of green grass with a orange mare still sleeping on it. The purple shield over Applejack winked out. “What the buck is going on here!?” Twilight Sparkle demanded, storming up with the rest of the Element Bearers as well as the older brother of Applejack. “SHE TRIED TO KILL MAI SISTER!!” Applebloom screamed. Twilight and the others looked to Celestia with a mix of confusion and anger at the statement. Before Celestia could explain she was hit in the side by a soaking wet blue furred missile and actually sent sprawling. “BORK!” Rahs snapped. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looked more confused at the mention of a journal. Twilight looked shocked, than mad as Celestia again flung Rahs away from her. Her horn flared as she gathered up a coil of chain from near the barn ripping it from the plow and wrapping it around Rahs sun welding a few links together where it wouldn't burn the moon dog before dropping him aside. “Princess. Stop.” Twilight ordered. “There is too much at stake here Twilight, you don't under stand what is happening, but I have seen this before...” “Terry Cairn” Twilight said flatly. “Oh...” Celestia trailed off recalling her former captain and his bid to escape her. “So you do know. Then you know why I need to end this as quickly as possible. I cannot let the scourge that was the witch wolves run loose again, particularly not when there are so many more innocent ponies now than there were last time.” “You didn't seem to have any issue with Rahs.”Twilight demanded. “I had him under twenty four hour a day watch, I kept the thieves he mauled in solitary isolation for three years before I let them go to any sort of trial just to make sure. When I was certain he was not a witch wolf I relaxed. I was prepared to wipe your whole block out of existence if I saw even a sign he could spread this.” Celestia stated. “They are all supposed to be dead and gone Twilight. If the one in the Empire had gotten to any of you I would have been ready to do the same, but the only one he injured was Rahs, who still showed no signs of infection. “ “Princess.” Twilight stated. “I bore witness to groups of no more than two of them wipe out whole towns, rip through battalions and when we finally killed them, three more would pop up, and attack. Just when we thought we had killed them all, more showed up. This went on for years Twilight, years. More lives were lost in the time after the Equestrian Civil war than during it. We finally found out they were infecting others, spreading it when several of my Guards became the monsters. I tracked down each one personally after that was discovered. They didn't come back from my magic. …. One more regrettable death to save who knows how many others.” Celestia stated. “I'm not going to let you kill Applejack.” Twilight growled. There were sounds of agreement from the others, if hesitant at the idea of going against Celestia. “No I expect not. She is your friend. But it is not as if I am allowing that choice in this instance. That sort of loyalty has caused more suffering in instances like this before.” Celestia's horn flared and Twilight vanished with a flash of light. [Crystal Empire train station.] A bright flash of light and a pop announced the arrival of a purple unicorn who landed with a thud in the snow just beyond the shield wall. To those Crystal ponies who had missed the light and her appearance, Twilight Sparkle made sure every one knew she was there by the loud string of profanity she let out. [Sweet Apple Acres.] Celestia looked at the others, noting the anger among them, though the moment one stepped forward, Big Mac in fact, she stopped them. A massive wall of flames erupted between her and the rest of the farm, the circle of flame roaring hundreds of feet into the sky, the heated updraft designed to blow even flying creatures off course. With the world sealed off Celestia turned back to Applejack, the mare hadn't moved, her chest rising and falling still as she slumbered. “Again I am sorry for this Applejack. I wish you peace in your next life.” Celestia's horn flared again. “So … you ever wonder what would happen if I dragon mailed you to yourself?” Celestia paused, and looked back as Spike strode through the firewall, his coat turning to ash as he passed through the heat, unbothered by the flames. “Spike...” “Cause you know, I figure it will either fizzle out or maybe just maybe it will drop you into a nonstop loop of agony as you're burned alive forever and ever with no way out and no way to be rescued.” “Spike....”Celestia's ear twitched a little. “But you know what? If you try again kill my filly friends sister in front of her and her family like you're threatening, we're gonna find out together right here and now.” Spike stated flatly letting a flicker of green flame dance along his teeth as he narrowed his eyes at the larger figure. ”Wanna see who's faster on the draw?” “Spike I don't want to do this but if Applejack infects any one...” Celestia frowned. “Yeah I get it. It's a nightmare scenario. A TPK. A wipe. I've run a few games like that, every DM has. Not to punish the players... well not most of the time, but to see what they can do.” “This is hardly a game.” “I mean I ran one game with a zombie outbreak. But a lot of the zombies didn't even know they were infected and it resisted any kinds of detection. I even threw in a Zombie t-rex cause who doesn't like an old fashion dinosaur zombie?” Spike continued glaring at her, but ignoring her attempts to interrupt. “Are you going some where with this Spike Or is this going to remain a mexicolt standoff. Because I am more than willing to risk your threat if it saves every pony from another outbreak of witch wolves.” “See that's what I was thinking too. And I set up a way for the players to turn the town to ash in order to save the surrounding countryside from the infected in the town. But you see in my game the players didn't try to escape or burn the place to the ground... though they did blow up an inn and that's kinda been their trademark move since in every other town they've been to. The thing is they did stuff I didn't expect. They noticed things and put them together and found the source of the plague. They met and fought a boss who by all rights should have destroyed the low level players. But they used tricks, trapped the body snatching big bad in a inverted circle of protection from evil and killed him, ten levels before they should have been able to, it was awesome.” “Spike.....” “The point is did you ever think to investigate the why of this? Why there were so many witch wolves? If you could save those infected?” Spike asked. “ How many angles did you look at the problem from?” “Sixty three died in Canterlot when I tried to do that. Some pony made a mistake and got infected and it spread. It is why the north face only has a large park on it and no buildings. I had to destroy a whole district to contain the outbreak. Nothing was discovered.” Celestia let her ears droop. “Ouch harsh. So tell me this did you use all your resources?” “Of course. I tried to help them all before it was found to be useless. All I could offer was a painless death to stop the spread.” “Did you have a moon dog helping you? This sounds like magic and Rahs eats magic..” “No but...” “Did you have a Twilight Sparkle? A pony you've stated yourself is beyond gifted in all things magic?”Spike continued. “Spike, you know...” “Did you have the Element's of Harmony? Something that we've seen has cleansed a taint from Nightmare Moon and returned your sister? For that matter did you have your sister? The very creator of both the witch wolves and the moon dogs?” “.....” “What about Sombra? Or Soloman's notes and books? What about a good half dozen plus gods that owe favors that we can call on for aid? Did Ascepius even exist back then? The goddess of healing? What about your school and all the gifted ponies in it Moon Dancer, Minuette, Twinkle Shine, Lyra, Lemon Hearts, you think they wouldn't try to help with all they've done?! Did you have any of that when you first looked into this?” Spike shouted, the little dragon pointing a claw up at Celestia. “No.... I did not.”Celestia stared at Spike for a moment. “Well?” Spike demanded. “I am tempted to offer you a position as an adviser to the court.” Celestia stated simply. “That's not an answer.”Spike huffed. Celesita's horn faded, the glow dying out, the fire wall dropping as she stared at Spike. The large white alicorn turned away from Applejack, her horn lighting up again to break the chains holding Rahs. The moon dog moved quickly placing himself between Celestia and Applejack. He looked a little surprised when the solar mare tossed him the coat he had left behind on a tree branch. Spike nodded and moved quickly to catch Applebloom before she ran over to Applejack again. Another flare of the alicorn's horn along with a pop of white light and a pissed off Twilight appeared again before the Solar Princess. “YOU!” Twilight growled. “Applejack is fine for now Twilight. Spike convinced me to hold off. I am putting you in charge of the research to help her. I want her quarantined from every other pony and I want to make sure that no one else has been infected. Ponyville shall be in lock down as well. Keep mind you must be wary of every bit of blood, every drop of saliva, even her excrement as it was never known what exactly caused the spread. I will put any resource you need in your hooves for this and I will call in any favor from other gods I have if you think it will help. But if even one more pony shows signs of this Twilight, even one. I will be forced to purge Ponyville. I will not allow this to spread again, do you understand?” Princess Celestia demanded. “Yes. I do.” Twilight let out a sigh her eyes steeled against the Princesses' gaze. “I will give you what ever time you think you need, but I want daily progress reports. If you can find out how to stop the spread of this, I will consider lifting the quarantine, if you can cure it that would be even better. Aside from Gods however no one will enter or leave this town. Any who try will be stopped under the DR5 contagion rules. Make sure they all know that in town Twilight.” “What does that mean?” Rarity asked. “If any one tries to leave and refuses to turn back the Guard is authorized to kill them.” Pinkie Pie explained deflating. “I truly hope that you will be successful in this Twilight. I do not wish for the alternative, but I will do it if I need to.” Celestia stated sadly. “I don't like it. But I understand.” Twilight stated. “I am sorry..... is there anything you need right now that I can get you?” Celestia offered a bit softer. Twilight let out a sigh as her mind raced. “Any book that you can get written by Solomon, no matter how simple it seems. A full range of sensors including an earth pony MP scanner. And.....” Twilight trailed off with a frown. “And what? I did say I would get you anything you think would help, what is it?” Celestia asked. “I need Discord.” Twilight explained. “Done.” Celestia answered with no hesitation.