Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 3

by TDR

Endor Girls, Part six

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 3

Endor Girls,
Part six

[Vice Principal Luna's office.]

Twilight should be mortified, in another life she probably would have been stricken dumb to be sitting where she was now, in the office of a scholastic disciplinarian. She might even be stuck in a logic loop about getting sent back to magical kindergarten.

In this time and place however, thanks to Rahs' answer to bullies, and her own disapproval of the school system at home, she spent more time in places like this than any one would have ever guessed for such a scholarly mare. As such neither she, nor Sunset, seemed all that impressed with Vice Principal Luna's angry rant, aside from being surprised at how long Luna could go without taking a breath.

The vice Principal had a very neat and orderly office with mostly darker wood furniture with most of the colors in muted purples and dark blues. There was also a cabinet full of mugs and another with little coffee cup things of multiple flavors and at least two devices on one counter called Keurigs.

“What were you two thinking?!?” Luna summarized, finally breathing.

“Don't look at me, she hit me first.” Sunset pointed out. “I'm the victim here.”

“Miss Shimmer I believe that like I believe my sister controls the moon.” Luna growled.

“Sun.” Twilight corrected.


“She controls the sun, not the moon, though to be technical if we only count here, since you're vice principal and she's principal and Luna is another name for moon and she's higher ranked then you she does control the moon.” Twilight explained.

Sunset snorted in amusement at that, as Luna looked completely confused, then angry.”How dare you speak to me that way. You're going to spend the rest of the school year in detention for this if I don't suspend you outright.”

“Why would I care, I'm not a student here.” Twilight stated flatly making Luna loose her rant again.

“What!? Then why are you trespassing on school property, and picking fights!?!” Luna demanded.

“She stole something from me and I was about to beat it out of her when you interrupted.” Twilight stated flatly.

“Pfft yeah right, you weren't even close to beating anything but your own face in with my fists.” Sunset snarked.

“Really wanna try again then, and see how you do?” Twilight growled.

“Oh bring it, I'll wipe the floor with you now that you can't sucker punch me!” Sunset snarled.

“SHUT UP!!” Luna bellowed knocking both of them out of their chairs to crash on the floor blown back from her voice.

Luna waited for the two to get back up clearly fuming.

It was at that point that Twilight noticed a couple of award on the wall. Both of them made Twilight flinch. One was a picture of Luna kneeling over what appeared to be a dead bear with a large bow of some kind. There was a plaque under it granting her first place in a hunting contest of some sort.

The second one made her want to fling her chair into a wall, or into Sunset. It was a picture of a large ax with a cap and gown and a graduation certificate framed under it.

“Fine.. what exactly did she steal then?” Luna frowned.

“I didn't steal...”


“A crown. It's gold, about this big.” Twilight moved her hands apart. “It has nine blue gems along the main band, a starburst patterned red gem as the main center piece above the band with connecting filigree. The girl I found Sunset yelling at said she turned it over to the Principal.”

“And why didn't you go to the police with this theft?” Luna narrowed her eyes.

“The what?” Twilight blinked.

“She means the guard, idiot.” Sunset rolled her eyes.

“Oh, well look at it this way, there's a giant dragon outside that's been there for at least an hour and I've not seen hide nor hair of any sort of 'police'.” Twilight explained. “Why would I think they could help with catching a thief?”

Luna sighed rubbing her temples.


Detective Shining Armor sighed as he drove down the road in his car, the police detective's blue light mounted atop of the car's roof flashing as he made his way through traffic taking note of the after math of the panic that had gripped the streets.

People around here were a flighty lot. Of course word about it being a student theatrical performance had calmed down the town as word of it spread almost as fast as the panic had.

He lifted a hand to wave at officers Flatfoot and Copper as he passed, the pair of them were taking a statement from Jet Set and clearly unamused by it.

Because he was the youngest detective on the force he often got the jobs no one else wanted to deal with. Hence why he was driving towards Canterlot high and the massive dragon sitting on the property. Despite dispatch being told it was actors and special effects, there were enough calls and panic that they needed to at least make an attempt to investigate, hence why Detective Armor was being sent.

“You need to go faster the readings are getting stronger!” His sister shouted from the back seat hunched over her laptop.

Of course this meant that his baby sister and her pets had to tag along or he never would have heard the end of it, or worse, she would have gone any way by herself.

“Engage ludicrous speed!!” Rahs ordered.

“I'm not going to go blazing through town just to get some where faster when there's not an emergency, it's dangerous with this much traffic.” Detective Armor sighed.

“Please, you have the blue lights out already.”Twilight pleaded.

“You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome.” Rahs called excitedly.

“No.” Detective Armor stated.

“Awww.” Twilight pouted

“MEDIOCRE!!” Rahs cawed.

“Bark!” Spike agreed.

Emperor Shining Armor was not in the slightest bit thrilled to be standing guard at the portal.

It wasn't just that his little sister and baby brother were running around in an unknown world trying to find a thief of unknown power and skill, who managed to steal the Element of magic from under the noses of an entire force of Guards, Gods, and his siblings themselves. It wasn't even that a large crowd had gathered and he needed to stay on guard to make sure none of them messed with the portal.

No, what annoyed him right now was Rahs was hamming it up for the cameras and the little glowing rectangles every creature here seemed to have.

Even worse was when the ones with the cameras found out he was responding to them taking pictures.

“YES, NOW SHOW ME FIERCE!! YES, YES, GOOD, GOOD, WORK DE MAGICS YOU GREAT BEAST!!” One of them hollered taking a good hundred or more pictures of Rahs posing.

Distracted as he was with the people, it can be forgiven that he missed the little corgi that slipped behind him and into the portal.

“Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash. Look look!” Fluttershy squeed as she ran up on a chromatic haired blue skinned girl who was bouncing a ball on her knee in the gym.

Dash blinked and looked back, somewhat surprised to see Fluttershy show up after what the quiet mare had said about her. Of course seeing the rather put out looking dog clutched in her arms had it all make sense.

“I've seen a mutt before, what do you want?” Dash snapped going back to her ball.

“Wow, rude much monkey?” Spike snorted.

Dash blinked and looked back again.”What did you say?”

“You heard me, first I get dog napped by this girl, then she runs me across the school to show someone, and then that monkey insults me by calling me a mutt. Clearly she thinks you're important for some reason if she wanted to show you something and you blow her off.” Spike snapped. “ Jerk monkey is more like it.”

“Hey! What do you know, you....,you... talking dog?” Dash blinked, her brain catching up with her.

“I know you're Rainbow Dash, you and Fluttershy here probably came from some place call Cloudsdale or whatever this worlds equivalent is before you moved into this town. You're the sporty type, where she likes animals, and you probably have a lot of dreams about flying.” Spike lists.

“Wah...” Dash blinked.

“He knew about Angel Bunny as soon as I told him my name.” Fluttershy added.

“Somethings don't change. Any way you're also friends with some one named Applejack who's a farmer, Rarity, who likes sewing and fashion, and a Pinkie Pie, who can't exactly be described.” Spike listed.

“What.. I mean no, why would I care what those bastards think of me.” Dash snorts.

“Did they dress up as a super hero to screw with you?” Spike asked.

“What? No that would be stupid, they just betrayed some of my secrets and blew me off....” Dash stated before slapping her forehead with a hand. “ I'm arguing with a dog.”

“Dragon.” Spike corrected.

“What?” Dash and Shy asked.

“I'm a dragon.... okay look, that's not the important bit, a girl named Sunset Shimmer stole something from my sister, and, as is her style lately, rather than simply confront the thief with laws and facts she blind sided her and decked her.” Spike stated.

“Wow... I'd like to have seen that. What kind of dog is she that she could smack that harpy around?” Dash pondered.

“She's not a dog, she's one of … what ever you guys are, any way Vice Principal Luna snatched them both up and drug them off somewhere. Fluttershy says to her office, but I came up with an idea upon finding out that this world has equivalents of things from my world. “

“Wait, your world?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ha good one. Alien talking dogs.... what, are you here to probe our cows?” dash cackled.

“No those are the Grays, King Kaz asked them to stop doing that no matter how many of the cows seemed to like it. I'm from another dimension too, not outer space. You guys are like a mirror verse of weird bipedal things.” Spike explained.

“And I'm expected to believe that?” Dash snorted.

“Wow, just as stubborn here. Look I'm a talking dog, and there's a massive dragon outside!” Spike stated.

“Yeah well, while I don't get you, cause Fluttershy doesn't do pranks, the dragon outside is just the theater nerds doing something. It's a fake like with lights or stage illusions or something.” Dash waved off.

“Illusions don't smash the sidewalk and knock over a big … box cylinder wagon thingy on the road.” Spike shouted.

“Errr... I was wondering why the cement mixer had fallen over.” Dash frowned.

“Okay look, I don't know if this is gonna help, but I need to get you two, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie together. I've got a bad feeling about this and I want to hedge my bets.” Spike stated. “ Where are the others?”

[ The Crystal Empire. ]

In a way Celestia was quite happy that she didn't have to explain anything. She had just been starting to explain when everything exploded.

Granted she was less happy with the glare she was getting from Cadence as half of the crystal palace was now rubble.

Paying for the damages was going to eat into her cake budget something fierce.

To be fair however Celestia never did figure out what had happened to the previous god of dragons before Bleu, she and Luna were always at odds with him, as were many of the other gods, as Forgescale had a tendency to enjoy meat rather than gems.

And if that meat could plead for it's life and scream as he ate it, so much the better.

It seemed Starswirl had not been bragging when he stated he defeated Forgescale.


The gargantuan red dragon standing in the remains of half the crystal palace roaring into the night and lighting the sky on fire with his breath was proof the old coot wasn't all talk and rudeness.

Forgescale, the Dragon God of volcanoes, pain, strength, and dragons had returned to Equss.

Princess Celestia smiled.

This was going to be fun.