Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar

by Blackdrag-rose

Year: Shore Problems

It didn't take Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora long to return to Sunrise Spring, after being unable to fully complete all of the sections of Molten Crater, something the siblings weren't used to since all of the realms they had visited during their first and second adventures had been able to be fully completed during their first visit, even though in the latter it was due to Ember convincing Moneybags to give them all the skills they needed right off the bat and them finding their way around all of the Headbash items. Once they appeared in front of the portal that would take them to Molten Crater, which they would do after they found Sgt. Byrd, whoever that was, the group turned to their left and headed over to the lake that rested in this realm and started to make their way over to the area that the last realm portal was in, as they were all convinced that the tower held a speedway portal, something they would do before leaving this area. As they did that, however, they discovered something interesting, that being the fact that one of the residents of the realms they had helped so far was in the castle area, standing below the hot air balloon, meaning that they had to be waiting for something to happen and, as it turned out, there was one more rope that didn't have someone below it, meaning that once the final realm was helped out they could leave Sunrise Spring if they really wanted to.

Instead of worrying about the castle and the hot air balloon, even though it was good to know about it and the fact that Sheila and the others were trying to help them out, the siblings and Elora jumped over to where the small bit of land the last realm portal was resting on and approached the Seal that was standing in front of it, as they were interested in hearing if he had anything to say before they headed to his realm.

"Yes, Bianca did it! The portal back home is working again!" the Seal said, speaking the moment they were near it, once more showing that the residents of the homeworlds and their realms believed that Bianca was the one behind the portals being reactivated, and in a sense they weren't wrong since it she had brought the eggs to the Forgotten Realms, despite the fact that her mentor was the one that commanded her to do so, "I can finally head to the beach! Maybe I'll see you guys there at some point."

Before the siblings or Elora could say anything the Seal hopped into the portal and headed to Seashell Shore, which was the name of the realm in question, to which the four of them waited for a few moments, just to give him time to head back to his realm, before passing through the portal themselves, as it was time to see what was waiting for them on the other side of the portal. It didn't take them long to reappear in the starting area for the realm, where they found that they were underwater and that they seemed to be in some sort of cavern, one that happened to have a seashell structure off in front of them, which did have what looked like a submarine lodged in the side of it, and there were some seaweed and seashells as well. Of course that was when Spyro, Spike, and Ember remembered something, Elora didn't have all of the enchantments that Spike had put on them a year ago, before they found themselves in Avalar thanks to the Professor messing with the portal they were using, to which they turned towards her for a moment, worried that she might end up running out of air before any of them could find a place to get above ground. Elora, as it turned out, was one step ahead of them as she tapped another button on her bracelet, this time retracting her wings into her armor, which were replaced by what appeared to be a pair of cylindrical tanks that had a tube connected to them, which were connected to a mask that covered her eyes and mouth, followed by a suit that reminded them of what Hunter had worn when they spotted him back in Aquaria Towers.

It was a scuba suit of some kind, and even came complete with covers for her hooves, though it really showed them that she had really prepared herself for whatever the future held for her, and that the Professor was able to provide her with a number of useful items that she had used so far, making them wonder what else it could do, before she nodded to them and they headed to the area that the first Seal was located in.

"Guys, you won't believe what happened!" the Seal said, even though they were sure that it wasn't the same one that had been talking to them outside the portal to this realm, as he was far too excited and worried about something else at the moment and not even remotely worried about the portal that let people visit this realm, "While I was gone, off to get some supplies for our relaxing day at the beach, my friends decided that it would be a good idea to borrow the Rhynoc's submarine... and then, while taking it for a joyride, they ended up crashing it into a pile of rocks, not to mention the hollow seashell that's behind me. The Rhynocs, oddly enough, failed to see the humor in what my friends had done and stuffed them in the jail that's to my right, but I'm not sure how to break them out of there."

"Leave it to us, we'll take out the Rhynocs and free your friends," Spyro replied, as he knew that the Rhynocs had to be in the middle of attacking this realm, just like they had been attacking the other realms they had visited so far, and the fact that they had a submarine meant that there had to be a really good reason for them to come here, though instead of even wondering why the Sorceress would have her forces attack this place she had the feeling it was like what Ripto did, just to force the residents of a realm or homeworld to submit to her will.

The first thing they did was turn to their right and found a couple of glass vases resting off to the side, which Ember smashed in a matter of seconds so Cinder could pick the gems up, while Spyro, Spike, and Elora headed into the area that was in front of them, as there were a number of enemies that were scattered around the area that the submarine was in, foes they had to take down. There were a pair of Rhynocs that were wearing some scuba gear and seemed to be carrying a blaster of some kind, meaning that they were facing some Scuba Rhynocs, and there were a few Octopuses that didn't seem to like the fact that they were in this realm, revealing two of the enemies they had to worry about in a matter of seconds, but Spike was positive there were one or two more foes they hadn't discovered yet. This time around, as Spike and Spyro rushed through the water and charged into the foes that were in front of them, and were joined by Ember, they found that Elora didn't have the speed that they did and that there had to be some limitations to the scuba gear that she was using right now, causing Spike to wonder if there were any enchantments he could add to her armor to make it even better than it already was, which was hard to do since they didn't know what her armor was truly capable of. Even Elora seemed to understand that and focused on breaking the glass vases that were around them and let the siblings focus on avoiding the incoming attacks that their enemies sent at them and charged into their targets, scattering gems for her and the dragonflies to pick up, before Ember shattered a large seashell and found that it also had a gem inside it, informing her siblings of what they needed to keep an eye out for in the future, before she smashed a wooden blockade on the next structure they had to move through and then returned to what she had been doing.

With the first area cleared out, and all the enemies were taken care of, the group entered the seashell structure that was in front of them and found another Scuba Rhynoc that was blocking the way forward, so Spyro moved around for a few seconds, acting like a distraction as his foe tried to focus on him, opening a hole in his defenses so Elora could kick him in the back of his head. The Rhynoc crashed into the side of the building they were in and reverted back to his gem state, to which the group started to pick up the gems that were near them and, at the same time, swam up into the hollowed shell of the submarine, which didn't look like it could be piloted by someone, and made sure to pick up the gems that were inside it as well, before looking for the way out of the area. That wasn't hard for them to do, since there was a passage that curved upwards into an area that was above them, where the siblings swam up it and Elora followed after them, where they picked up some gems and burst out of the water as they reached the top of the surface, which was the moment they discovered that they were now in a small building of some kind and that they were allowed to walk above ground for some time, before having to go below the water again. Elora was the last one to come up from the passage, where she climbed out of the water and pulled the mask off for a moment, letting out all of the water that might have gotten inside her mask since she put it on while she was underwater, before she looked at the siblings, who were completely dry thanks to the enchantments that Spike had put on them and had refreshed a few days ago.

"Hm, the scuba gear is interesting, but let me try something," Spike commented, because while this part of the armor would allow Elora to swim underwater, for a limited amount of time thanks to the oxygen tanks that the Professor had put into the armor, he raised a claw for a moment and summoned his magic for a few seconds, where he etched the symbol of the Water Safety spell onto the upper right part of the chest piece, before stepping back to look at his handiwork, "There, now you should be able to swim in the water like we do, minus the charging ability of course."

"Really? That would make things easier." Elora said, as while she liked the scuba gear that the armor provided, so she could swim underwater and follow the siblings as they moved through the realm they were in, she had to admit that just having the same abilities that Spyro, Spike, and Ember had would make things that much easier for her, before she got up and dived back into the water for a moment.

Spyro and Ember had to chuckle for a moment, as Elora was eager to test the Water Safety spell out, just like they had done when Spike first used it on them, back when he first learned how to use the spell, to which they remained silent for a time as they waited for their friend to return to them while Spike stared at the water and seemed to watch what Elora was doing at the moment. When Elora returned to the chamber she revealed that the spell had worked, not that she was really expecting the spell to fail when she considered that Spike was the one that was casting the spell, meaning that, with the spell put on her armor, she was able to breath underwater and swim with some decent speed, even if that meant she was stuck with kicking and punching foes, instead of charging her opponents, and, as a bonus, she was also able to see what was around her as well, causing Spike to smile as she revealed that the spell worked as it was supposed to. Thanks to that she was able to retract the scuba gear into her armor and returned to the basic state, with no additional items out to get in the way, but they knew that she could press a button and call the wings back out if they were needed over the course of their adventure in this realm. Once Elora was done doing that, and her armor was back to normal, the four of them looked around the building and picked up the couple of gems they found, before heading for the opening so they could head out and continue their quest to recover the rest of the stolen eggs and restore order to this realm, by taking out all of the various Rhynocs that were scattered all over the place.

What they discovered, as they walked outside the building they had been in, were two of the large seashells in the area that was in front of them, though one of them started to move and Ember charged into it, quickly smashing the shell and revealing a Scuba Rhynoc that seemed to be in the middle of pretending to be a seashell, where Elora lashed out with a kick and struck him down. While they did that Spike smashed the other seashell, finding that there was only a gem inside it, while Spyro broke three straw baskets and collected the gems that landed on the ground, before they headed towards the wooden bridge that was nearby and a larger Rhynoc, who was dressed in a blue sailor uniform, that was in the middle of throwing metallic barrels down the rest of the bridge and let them collide with the wall that was to their right, meaning he was just trying to stop them from moving forward. Ember, seeing what was going on, hardened her body and stood at the end of the bridge, where the barrel struck her and exploded, dealing no damage to her thanks to her ability and also surprised the Sailor Rhynoc at the same time, though that didn't prevent her target from continuing to throw more of the barrels at her, where Elora jumped over each of them and rushed over to the end of the walkway, allowing her to loose a kick at the Rhynoc's face. As that foe fell down, and a gem fell as well, Spyro and Spike dived down into the water and found a few glass vases for them a break, a couple of scattered gems to pick up, a Scuba Rhynoc to take down, and one of the stolen eggs to collect, though their foe had no idea that they were there and allowed Spyro to take him out with a rather quick charge to the chest.

A few moments later the entire underwater area that they were in had no more items for them to pick up, so Spike grabbed the egg and pulled it over to where Ember and Elora were waiting, as Elora helped him drag the egg out of the water and gave him a chance to look it over, only to find that there was nothing wrong with the egg and quickly sent it off to the Dragon Realms, allowing them to move forward once more.

From there they jumped over the gap that was between them and the next part of the area that they needed to head through, which happened to have another seashell building that was being protected by one Sailor Rhynoc that was near the edge of the area and two more that were resting on ledges off to the right side of the area, but before the first one could even attack them Elora kicked him in the back of the head and let Ember finish him off with a quick burst of flame as Spyro and Spike joined them. Instead of letting the other two Sailor Rhynocs throw their barrels at them, and possibly hurt any of them in the process, Spike loosed a burst of Arcane Missiles into the air and struck both of his targets down in a matter of seconds, allowing Spyro to pick up the gems near the seashell building and smash the metallic vase that was over there as well. As it turned out the pair of Sailor Rhynocs were guarding a couple of straw baskets and a gem, which Spike picked up as Spyro smashed the wooden planks that happened to be blocking the way forward, where they found a pair of Scuba Rhynocs that were walking under some large seashells, something that the group looked at for a second, as it was amusing to see them do something like this, before they smashed the seashells and took down their foes. Once that was done they smashed the couple of metallic vases that were inside the building and then headed for the other opening, so they could see what else the realm had to offer them, where there were three more of the large seashells in the next area and two of them seemed to be moving.

As Spyro, Ember, and Elora rushed forward, to smash the seashells and take down the Scuba Rhynocs that were using them to hide themselves, Spike found a side path to their right and noticed that it might take them up to the top of the building they had just walked through, making him curious as to what one might find if they went down the path that he had just discovered. The others glanced at her for a moment, almost as if they were curious as to what he was doing right now, before he climbed up the steps and made his way to the highest point, where he jumped into the air and glided over to the hidden path that was behind him, only to find a circular area above the chamber that he and the others had passed through a few moments ago, to which he picked up the gems that were around it and then dropped down so he could return to his siblings and Elora. With that taken care of the group continued to move forward and discovered that one of the Sailor Rhynocs was in the middle of the path that would allow them to continue towards the end of the realm, so what Spyro did was charge into the metallic barrel that was coming their way and bounced it back to the Rhynoc, who was taken down by the explosion in a matter of seconds. From there they walked forward and found another Sailor Rhynoc to their left, where Elora kicked him in the back of the head and let Ember finish him off with a whack from her hardened tail, to which Spyro and Spike climbed up the ledges that were nearby and found one of the Scuba Rhynocs hiding under one of the large seashells, so they smashed it and then took him down with a charge.

Once that was done the group got back together and then jumped over to the raised sections that were across from where the path forward was located, where they smashed a couple of straw baskets and a seashell, picking up the gems in the process, before leaping over to the other raised section, where one of Sheila's portals was located, though for now the four of them ignored that and smashed the pair of Scuba Rhynocs into the ground, after breaking their seashells and then taking both of them out.

With that done, and the area was cleared of gems and breakables, the group returned to the tunnel that would allow them to move forward, an underwater tunnel to be exact, so they dived into the pool and then swam through the passage that would allow them to reach a much larger cavern that had a giant golden seashell resting on one wall, though they had to focus on were the three Scuba Rhynocs that were blocking the way forward. What happened was that Spyro, Spike, and Ember charged into one of them each, before they even had a chance to fire at the group, leaving the way for Elora, even with her low speed, to punch and kick them once more, dropping three gems in the process, which was when the four of them focused on the cavern and did notice that there was also a large hole in the ceiling, giving them another area to explore once they reached the exit portal. As they truly entered the cavern they found another opening that looked like a portal, thanks to the swirling energy that was coming from it, but before doing anything else they headed out into the rest of the cavern and hunted down the couple of Octopuses that were in the way, were Spike and Elora took one out and left the other to Spyro and Ember, who also broke the wooden planks that blocked the way forward. What surprised them was the fact that there weren't that many more enemies in the area, rather the Octopuses were the last ones that they could see at the moment and ignored the scattered gems for now, as they found one of the Seals being grabbed by an Octopus, causing Ember to swim forward and slam her tail into their foe, releasing the Seal and dropping a gem.

There didn't seem to be anything else that they needed to worry about, since it didn't look like any additional items were dropped by the lone Octopus, so the group swam up to the Seal that was calming down, though he was happened to be holding onto a key of some kind, but they decided to see what he had to say to him before they started to hunt down all of the gems that were scattered throughout the area they were in.

"My plan worked like a charm! That Octopus had no idea that I took the jail key from him while he was busy shaking me for the last minute or two!" the Seal said, where he swam up the tunnel that was above them and unlocked the barred opening, freeing the Seals that had been taken prisoner by the Rhynocs, before handing over the key so the other side of the passage could be opened, before the siblings and Elora noticed that the exit portal was nearby and that it turned on once the Seal returned to where they were swimming, "Oh, before I forget, one of the Rhynocs had this egg in his lunch box, one that seemed to big for him to have anyway, so you guys can have it."

Ember frowned for a moment as she heard that, wondering why a Rhynoc would even have a dragon egg, as that was the egg the Seal produced for them to take, in a lunch box, but Spike made sure that the egg was fine and that no damage had been done to it, given what they just learned, before sending it to the Dragon Realms, which was followed by them turning around to collect all of the gems that were scattered throughout the area they were in. There were quite a number of gems and glass vases in the area, not to mention a few gems that rested in the passage that the Seals had been trapped in since their arrival, so it took them a few minutes to clear out the area of all the gems and everything breakable, and the moment that happened they headed towards the passage that brought them to this area and jumped out of the water so they could head somewhere else. The first portal that they headed for was the one that was the one that was connected to Sheila's realm and wherever else it was connected to, because they were curious as to what else was going on in Seashell Shore and if there was anything they could do to help Sheila out, just like they had done back in Sunny Villa, while hoping that it wouldn't be limited to her and Elora this time around. Thanks to the fact that all of the enemies had been taken out, and there were no more gems for them to pick up, the group was able to reach the portal in question and headed through it without wasting any time, so they could see what was on the other side and offer their friend their assistance, before even attempting to see what the other two portals had in store for them.

On the other side of the portal they found Sheila standing near one of the walls, just like they had seen earlier, when they were heading to her realm and the section of Sunny Villa that she was visiting to save the tower, though it was a few moments before she noticed that they were even there to begin with and turned to face them, once more with a smile on her face as she did so.

"Oh, hey guys, its good to see all of you again." Sheila said, her tone revealing that she was definitely happy to see all four of them again, even though she might be hoping that it was under better conditions or something, before she took a second to glance back at the opening that was behind her, no doubt thinking about the reason she had come to this realm in the first place, "I heard that some of my Seal friends are planning on taking down a Rhynoc fortress, and I'm on my way to lend them a foot, both because its the right thing to do and that i do enjoy fighting the various Rhynoc that are sent to the various realms."

"Maybe we can help you this time," Spyro commented, because the last two times they had tried to help Sheila it was only Elora that had been able to do that, thanks to the height of the jumps that he and his siblings couldn't do right now, so he, Spike, and Ember were hoping that they could help her out this time around, even if both of his siblings were being quiet as they waited to hear what Sheila had to say.

Instead of saying anything Sheila beckoned for them to follow her and all four of them followed her through the other opening that was behind her, and it wasn't long before they discovered a passage between two wooden walls that seemed to be leading them to the area that the fortress was located in, this time without any massive jumps that only Sheila and Elora could do, meaning all five of them could progress through the area. As they moved forward they discovered that there were two wooden platforms that needed to be traversed so they could reach the other bit of ground, and that the other side of the area had a circular shaped object that looked like a turret of some kind, one that loosed a cannonball at them when they got close to the area it was in. Ember hardened her body and jumped towards the projectile, where she struck the cannonball with her tail and sent it right back at the turret it came from, smashing the entire thing to pieces in a matter of seconds, allowing Spyro, Spike, and Elora to pick up the couple of gems that had been on the platforms, while Sheila stood there with a look of shock on her face, as she wasn't expecting that to happen at all. With that done Spyro took a step forward and charged into the Scuba Rhynoc that was in front of them as Spike smashed the crate that was to the right of their foe, before Sheila and Elora jumped up into the cavern that was to their left and found a passage that brought them to a dragon egg and a circular metallic chest, where Elora collected the egg as Sheila smashed the chest so Talon, who followed them up there, could collect the gems.

Spike took a moment to look over the egg when the pair returned, where he found that there was nothing wrong with it and then sent it back to the Dragon Realms, allowing them to progress forward and found three Seals standing next to a pair of straw baskets, though what was both interesting and worrying was that two of them happened to be carrying a box of explosives in their hands, meaning that they were going to blow up the fortress that was in the area beyond them, one that definitely had some defenses they would have to worry about.

"Hi Sheila, and friends. The Rhynocs built this fortress on our beach sometime ago," the explosionless Seal told them, where he beckoned to the square looking structure that was in the area behind him and his friends, giving the group a few seconds to notice that there were a number of turrets and Rhynocs that would defend the fortress before they were able to destroy the offending structure, before he turned and looked back at them, "so, since they have been attacking our realm since their arrival, we're going to blow their stupid fortress to smithereens! However, we need you and your friends to take out the turrets and open the way for us to blow the structure apart!"

"That shouldn't be too hard." Ember remarked, where she kept her Warrior's Armor up as she turned into the area that the fortress was located in, while at the same time her brothers stepped up beside her as Elora joined them, before Sheila did the same thing after a few seconds, as she was still surprised by what she was seeing, causing the Seals to raise their eyebrows for a moment, only to shrug as they fiddled with their explosives.

As the group marched forward the three turrets that were pointing in their direction loosed a cannonball towards the area they were standing in, three of them to be exact, and Spike was the first one to react as he quickly gathered his magic and loosed three powerful Arcane Missiles into the air in front of them, smashing into the cannonballs and blew all of his targets to pieces. Sheila was, once more, surprised by what she was seeing at the moment, but that didn't stop her from rushing forward and jumping to the highest area she could reach, where she struck down the Rhynoc that was up there as Elora found a way up there and punched another one in the face, showing the siblings that she and Sheila would take care of the enemies that were above the turrets. Ember was just fine with that as she rushed forward and struck the turret that was in front of her, smashing it to pieces in a matter of seconds, as Spyro rushed forward and charged into the weakened turrets that Spike struck with his magic, and it wasn't long before Sheila jumped into the air and rushed down to smash a few of them as well. Elora, out of the corner of her eye, noticed that the Seals that were watching them, to see what they were doing, where surprised by what they were seeing at the moment, as in they were surprised by the fact that the five of them were tearing down the defenses that the Rhynocs had set up since the fortress had been constructed, and it didn't take them long to smash all of the turrets that were around the fortress and take down all of the Rhynocs that were guarding the area.

With all of that done, and they were sure that there weren't any defenses or enemies they had missed, the group took a moment to regroup near the area that the Seals were in and watched as they rushed forward and headed through the now opened front door, where they watched as the explosives were placed and the Seals, except for one, rushed out as the entire fortress exploded... revealing that the Seal that had remained inside had survived, interestingly enough, and he simply waited for the five of them to approach him.

"Wow, I can't believe that I survived that explosion! And the egg I found is safe as well!" the Seal exclaimed, showing that he was excited by what he had just witnessed, before he pulled out the egg that he had found and revealed that it was one of the missing dragon eggs, something that he placed in front of them and hopped over to the area that both of his friends were waiting in, leaving the group to their devices.

With the fortress taken out, and all of the Rhynocs had been defeated as well, the group quickly picked up all of the scattered gems that were laying around the area, as well as smashing the straw baskets that they had ignored earlier, but once that was done they found there was nothing else they really needed to do in this section of Seashell Shore, so they headed back to the portal and bid Sheila farewell, allowing her to relax or do whatever they wanted as they started to make their way to the next portal they planned on heading through. It didn't take the four of them that long to return to the main part of the realm, outside the portal that had allowed them to meet up with Sheila, before they headed back over to the area that the path that would take them to the exit portal was located in, as they could either head through the portal in the side of the cavern wall or head through the hole in the ceiling and see what was up there. Spyro took a couple of seconds to think about little they knew about the two areas, before heading through the portal that was in the side of the cavern, so they could see what was on the other side and find the eggs that were resting somewhere in that section of this realm, based on what they had seen so far. What the group quickly discovered, as soon as they appeared on the other side of the portal, was that the four of them were at the start of what looked like a passage or tunnel that only had a single path and nothing else, and there just so happened to be a Seal swimming in front of them, to which they swam up to him to see what was going on this time around.

"Oh, hello. I heard you guys were looking for dragon eggs, and I used to have one, but, well," the Seal said, to which he beckoned to the tunnel that was behind him for a moment, causing the group to look at it for a second, as they had no idea what it was, other than a passage that would take them somewhere else, before they glanced back to the Seal as he started to tell them something else about the situation, "I decided to use it to test our ultra-high-speed-super-fluidity tunnel... the good news is that it made it to the end of the tunnel, without a scratch I might add, but the bad news is that there is no way to get it back now... not without swimming down the tunnel and reaching the end anyway."

Ember raised her eyebrow for a moment before swimming up to the opening that was behind the Seal, where she made sure to harden her entire body before rushing forward, leaving her brothers and Elora behind to hold down the fort for a time, as she was going to tackle the challenge that was being presented to them and, as she started to swim down the tunnel, she was going to smash all of the Rhynocs that might be in her way. There were also mines in the tunnel, which was rather interesting and didn't do anything to her thanks to her Warrior's Armor being active, so she focused on using the current to direct her as she smashed into all of the Scuba Rhynocs that were hanging out in the tunnel, who weren't even bothered by the stream at all. Ember found that none of her enemies even attempting to attack her, rather they were surprised that she was even there as she crashed into each of them, clearing the way forward as she kept an eye out for the missing egg that the Seal had sent down the tunnel, as she wanted to claim that and then get out of here before she yelled at the Seal for doing that to one of their eggs. She was sure that Spyro was likely having some words with the Seal while she was doing this, or maybe Spike was the one doing that, so she focused her mind on her task and not on what her siblings or Elora might be doing at the moment, even though none of the mines really slowed her down and none of the enemies even hindered her process. Interesting enough it didn't take her all that long to reach the end of the tunnel and locate the missing egg that had been sent down this way, where she landed near it and noticed that it was perfectly fine, just like the Seal had informed them, to which she picked it up and found that the stream seemed to stop, allowing her to make her way back to her siblings and Elora without having to worry about any obstacles.

When she arrived at the start of the area, and the door closed behind her once she was through it, she presented the egg to Spike and the others, allowing her brother to glance at the egg for a moment before using her Teleportation Breath to send it to the Dragon Realms, while the Seal made a comment about submarines needing to be egg-shaped, to which the four of them rolled their heads and headed back through the portal that was near them. Once they were on the other side of the portal, and were back in the end area of the realm, before they headed up through the opening in the ceiling and found a path of ground that circled around the enclosed area that was up there, where they picked up a couple of gems after pulling themselves out of the water. The moment all of the gems were picked up the group headed for the big opening that contained another portal, one that would allow them to head to a third section of this realm, to which they walked through it and waited to see what the new area they found was like, and what they needed to do to find the sixth and final egg that had to be resting in this realm. It didn't take them long to arrive in the other section that this realm had, nor did it take them long to spot a Seal that was standing near the edge of the walkway that they were on, and there was a vehicle of some kind resting behind him, one that looked like something that someone could sit on and use the controls to ride around the rest of the area.

"Boy am I glad that you guys are here, because we were challenged to a naval battle by Bluto the Rhynoc," the Seal told them, where he gestured to the vehicle that was near him for a moment, indicating that it wasn't going to be used to ride around the area and collect things, rather it was going to be used to do battle with someone that was a member of the forces that were currently attacking this realm, even if they had taken care of the majority of their enemies, "its our speed boat versus his nuclear submarine, an incredibly powerful piece of machinery... if we win, and beat him, we'll get the dragon egg that he's guarding, but if he wins we have to submit to the Sorceress, and none of us want that."

Spyro frowned when he heard that, and he could tell that Spike, Ember, and Elora were annoyed by what they were just told, before he hopped onto the speed boat and stared at the controls for a moment, where he gripped them and had the vehicle move forward, as he was going to break whoever Bluto was and put an end to the Sorceress' attempts to take over this realm. His siblings and Elora followed after him, jumping on the bits of earth that he had to drive by and quickly took down the pair of Scuba Rhynocs that were standing in Spyro's way, by charging them into the ground, as it appeared that Bluto was going to cheat to get what he wanted, something that wasn't going to happen while they were around. As such they allowed Spyro to enter the area that his foe was waiting in, where they found a mechanical shark that seemed to be the submarine that Bluto was controlling, but, as it turned out, both of them had to collect crates of ammunition that were dropped into the pool that they would be fighting in, and when either of them did that they could turn around and fire a missile at their foe, where Spyro decided not to do that immediately as he drove around the area and smashed all of the crates that he could get his claws on, robbing Bluto of the ammunition that rested inside them, even though he was sure that his foe had a few missiles in stock already, instead of starting with nothing. Spyro found that he was right in the next couple of seconds, as Bluto fired a missile at him without picking up any crates, so he turned around and fired one of his own missiles at the incoming attack, cancelling it out, before loosing another one that struck the side of the submarine that his foe was using.

Bluto, interestingly enough, had to pause every now and them to repair some part of his submarine, something that Spyro took advantage of and blasted the shark submarine over and over again, before eventually causing it to blow up and caused his foe to land nearby with a sad look on his face, even though he did remain true to his word and delivered an egg to Spyro, which was the last dragon egg that had to be inside this realm. With that done he let Spike, Ember, and Elora take a moment to explore the area and locate the rest of the scattered gems that rested in this realm, which included a number of glass vases and straw baskets that were around this area, before eventually coming back together as they discovered that all of the gems had been collected. From there Spyro returned the speed boat to the Seal as he regrouped with the rest of the group, where they found that the Seal was amazed by what they had been able to do, since this was apparently the first time Bluto had been bested in battle, before they bid the Seal farewell and headed through the portal that was near him, so they could return to the area the exit portal was located in. Once they returned to that part of the realm they made sure that there were no more gems scattered around the rest of the realm, something that Sparx, Talon, and Cinder confirmed after buzzing around for a few moments, indicating that they had collected everything that could be found in Seashell Shore, be they eggs or gems.

With that done Spyro, Spike, Ember, and Elora headed through the exit portal that would take them back to Sunrise Spring, as it was time for them to see what the tower portal had to offer them and then, once they were done with that area, they could focus on the hot air balloon and see what the rest of the Forgotten Realms had to offer them as they restored order to the realms the Sorceress was currently attacking.