//------------------------------// // Spending time with the Mane 6 // Story: My Little Ninja Turtle (Part 1) // by MlpTmntDisneyKauane //------------------------------// After saving the CMCs of the 5 Kraangs, Mane 6 suggested that the turtles learn to adapt to their pony form, so each turtle decided to spend time with each of the Mane 6, Leo with Twilight, Mikey with PInkie, Donnie with Rarity and Raph didn't want to be with no one (But Rainbow Dash was there and he didn't know that) In Ponyville, Raph was watching some pegasus flying, seeing how they flap their wings and how they do flight maneuvers, seeing all this to learn to fly. "*Sigh* Ok Raph, you can do it, just flap wings." Said Raph to yourself. While Rainbow Dash was watching him on top of a cloud. Raph then kept his eyes closed, spread his wings and started flapping his wings slowly and then started flapping a little fast and hard, with those wing flaps, he soon left 1 cm from the ground, he was now flying (Almost). "Yes, I did it!" Raph celebrated. "*Smirk* Huh, nice start, now I wanna see if he can do flying tricks." Said Rainbow Dash. Raph saw some pegasus doing flying somersaults, he thought about doing that too. "Alright, let's do this." Raph said to yourself. He tries to make a move, but when he moved, he lost his balance, he climbed higher and directly fell flat on his face. "Oww, face down again!" Said Raph. Rainbow Dash was giggling with that. Raph gets up and shakes his head. "Alright, let's try it again." Raph tries the same thing he did with wings and tries to make another movement to do somersault, but he flies on his back, turns that were not somersaults and again he falls face down. And he kept trying again, again and again and Rainbow Dash just watched and laughed. In the 10th attempt, Raph now seemed to be flying straight and more tall. "Yeah, I'm flying!" But its success was short-lived, he soon loses his balance again. "Oh, maybe not." Raph starts to fall flying and hitting the trees until his mouth is full of leafs and he spit it, he was about to fall to the ground, when he landed on the ground, he started to fall rolling, he stops rotating and again as always, he falls face down on the floor, he soon started to groan in anger, and Rainbow who was laughing a lot, she breathes a little and stops laughing. "*Sigh* Better I really help this guy." She Said and flies out of the cloud she was in and flies over to Raph, who was getting up. "Hey Big Red." Rainbow greets Raph, and he didn't look happy to see Rainbow Dash. "Uuugh! What do you want Rain-dumb-ow?" He asked rudely. "Well, I couldn't help but notice that you have a little difficulty learning to fly, and when I say "little" I mean "a lot"." Rainbow answer joking. Raph just frowned. "Ugh ok, and what are you doing here? laugh of me?" He asked. "No, I already laugh enough on that cloud when I saw you fall flat on your face 10 times." Rainbow joked. "Ha ha, very funny." Raph is sarcasm. "But seriously now, I'm here to help you fly." Said Rainbow Dash. "I already told you, I don't need your help, I don't need the help of a pony." Raph replied rudely. "But what is your problem with ponies?" Rainbow asked. "If I explained why, you would never understand, cause you don't live in my world." Said Raph. "But what is the problem with ponies?" Rainbow asked again. "Ah, Forget this, never mind." Said Raph rudely. But then, Rainbow Dash Said: "*Sigh* Look Raphael, I know we started off on a left hoof when we first met, but I think your silly orange brother is right, I think we should put our differences aside and try to be friends. So, what's up?" Raph was thinking about what Rainbow Dash said, but what he just wanted was not to hit his face in the ground again when flying. "*Sigh* Fine, you teach me how to fly, but that doesn't mean we are friends now, we are not and we will never be." Said Raph still rude. "Fine, fine." Saind Rainbow Dash. "You're just going to teach me how to fly and that's it." Said Raph. "Okay" Said Rainbow frowned. "So, where do we start?" Raph asked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile at Carousel Boutique, Rarity created some dresses while singing with her mouth closed and Donnie just watched along with Sweetie Belle how Rarity uses her magic by levitating all the fabric and threads and sewing. "Wow, I wish I could levitate something like that using just my horn" Said Donnie. "Tell me Sweetie Belle, when you were learning to use your horn was it difficult?" He asked to Sweetie Belle. "Well, it was for me, a lot." Sweetie Belle answer. "That's because you didn't know how to concentration darling, cause you know that levitation requires concentration and patience." Said Rarity. "I always thought it was just forcing my horn." Said Sweetie Belle frowned. "This too, but not too forced, only uses a lot when you need to carry something very heavy." Said Rarity. "So, I just need to concentrate and put a little force on the horn I'm going to levitate on?" Donnie asked. "Exactly, darling." Rarity answer. "Look, do you see that little roll of thread?" She asked to Donnie, pointing the roll of thread that was on a table away from her and Donnie. "Yes." Donnie answer. "I want you to bring it to me without leaving your place just using your magic, do you think you can do it?" Rarity asked. "Well ... I guess I can try." Said Donnie. "And remember, you need to focus on the object you want to levitate." Rarity reminds Donnie. "Right. Concentration, focus, patience and not exerting strength depending on the object, i think i get it. So, let's do this." Said Donnie. Donnie took a deep breath as he consented and looked at the thread roll, he closes his eyes and makes a little bit of force on the horn, he makes a little more force until they start to release little sparks on his horn, until a purple aura on his horn and the thread roll is levitated by him reaching for him. "Donnie, you did it!" Said Sweetie Belle. "I did it?" Donnie asked and opens one eye and then opens them all when he sees that he really did it. "Yeah, i did it, I levitated the roll! Huh, this is easy when there is a lot of concentration and focus." Said Donnie moving the roll. "Congratulations darling." Rarity congratulates Donnie. "Here's the roll that as you ordered, Rarity" Said Donnie. "Oh no, I didn't need this roll, that was just a test in levitation, and you did well, soon you'll also be levitating heavy things." Said Donnie. "Right." Said Donnie levitated his staff and moves it. "So what I need is concentration, focus, patience, strength..." Before Donnie continues to speak, he accidentally hits the staff on his head. "Ow, and a good object movement." Donnie joked. Rarity and Sweetie Belle giggle at what Donnie said. "Oh Donatello." Said Rarity smiling. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile at Sugarcube Corner, Mikey and Pinkie would only address each other, devouring various sweets and making challenges with sweets. "*laughs* Okay, now I want to see you put 15 cupcakes in your mouth." Mikey challeged Pinkie. "Huh, easy as pie." Said Pinkie puting 15 cupcakes in her mouth at the same time, chews them all and swallows them, Mikey get with white eyes (As he and his brothers always do when they are very surprised or scared). "Wow, Holy Chalupa!" Said he suprised. "*Laughs* Now it's my turn, I challenge you to throw that 3 pies up and away, doing two-legged somersaults, get to where the pies are going to fall and get them." Pinkie challeged Mikey. "Dude, you’re really hard on your challenge. I loved it, challenge accepted!" Mikey accepted the challege. Mikey takes the three pies and throws them far and high, and he gets up on two legs, but almost loses his balance, before he loses his balance, he jumps and stand up with his arms and jumps with his arms and comes back with two legs, but he trips over his own legs causing him to drop his jaw on the floor, and the 3 pies fell on him leaving him dirty with pie. "Oh, that's not exactly what I wanted." Said Pinkie. Mikey gets up, and rocks himself taking out the pies that were in it. "I can't understand, in my world I can walk on two legs very well, why can't I do it here?" Said Mikey feeling bad whith this. "Well, maybe because the ponies don't walk on two legs?" Said Pinkie. "But is it so difficult for a pony to stay on two legs?" Mikey asked. "Well, not for me, I can get on two legs without any problem, look." Said Pinkie and gets up on two legs. But then, a water-green unicorn called Lyra enters Sugarcube Corner. "Hey Pinkie, can you do me a favor by making 2 cakes for me and..." Before Lyra has finished speaking, she is shocked when she sees Pinkie walking on two legs, and then shock becomes excitement. "I knew it! ponies are evolving into human beings, my theories have come true! Bon Bon!" Lyra scream and runs out of Sugarcube Corner. "Bon Bon! The ponies are turning into humans!" She scream calling your friend. And Mikey and Pinkie were just confused. "Uuuumm, what's wrong with that unicorn?" Mikey asked confused. "I have no idea." Pinkie answered also confused. "Anyway, you can also walk and run with two legs?" Mikey asked. "Check this out." Said Pinkie and she starts walking on both legs and then runs on two legs, when she stops running, she returns to four legs. "Wow, did you happen to learn by yourself?" Mikey asked. "No, it was actually Spike who taught me, because you know, he's a dragon and walks on two legs." Pinkie explained. "But how can I walk on two legs, even though I am a pony?" Mikey asked. "Well, Spike said that just need a lot of balance with your legs." Pinkie answered. "A lot of balance, right? I think I can do it." Said Mikey Mikey then again stands on two legs, he almost loses his balance, but he overcomes his balance and manages to stand on two legs. "Yeah, i did it!" Mikey celebrated. "Okay, Mikey, now let's try the challenge again, but this time ..." Pinkie takes 4 pies. "It will be 4 pies. CATCH!" Said Pinkie throws the 4 pies and Mikey successfully does 2 somersaults and he takes 3 pies, two with two arms and one with one of his legs, but when he sees one last pie falling, he manages to catch it with his tail. "Woow, nice job, Mikelangelo." Pinkie congratulates Minkey. "Thank you." Mikey thanked and smiled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally at the Twilight castle, Twilight, Spike and Leo leave the castle, Leo already knew how to levitate his Katanas. "Thanks for teaching me to levitate, Twilight." Leo thanked Twilight. "You're welcome Leo, but now there's one more thing that you need to learn now." Said Twilight. "Yeah I know, fly." Said Leo spreading his wings. "Just a warning, Leo: try not to fall flat on your face, when Twilight was learning to fly, she fell flat on her face many times." Spike joked while Twilight frowns, but Leo also think this funny, but keeps his laugh inside. "But don't worry, I bet you will do well." Twilight guaranteed. "So, let's go to the first lesson." She said. In the first lesson, Twilight flew while explaining the wing moviments that Leo needs to fly, so Twilight lands on the front of Leo. "And when you land, you need to keep your wings straight, so that you don't fall too fast or too slow." Twilight explained to Leo. "Okay, i guess i get it." Said Leo. "Okay, so let's do this." Said Twilight. Leo spreads his wings, and in his first flight one he almost falls but no, he flies a little higher almost losing his balance, and Twilight flew with him, Leo was almost losing his balance. "Oh, what did you say before? Wings left and right?" Leo asked while he trying to balance. "No, this is for when you want to change direction, to keep still in the air you just need-" Before Twilight finished explaining, Leo soon starts to fall while he scream. "To keep flapping your wings in the air!" She finished explaining screaming for Leo to hear. Leo tries to do what Twilight said, but only spins while screaming and ended up falling to the ground, Twilight couldn't resist that funny fall and giggled. "Hehe, just like the first Twilight flight. I mean, almost." Said Spike. Leo gets up and Twilight helps him. "Are you okay?" She asked to Leo. "Oww, I think so." Leo answered. But then, Leo and Twilight heard a male laugh, so they thought it was Spike. "Spike, this is not funny." Said Twilight to Spike. "It's not me, I don't laugh like that." Said Spike. "So who laughed?" She asked. Leo and Twilight hear that same laugh again, Leo now seemed to know who was laughing, and he frowned. "I guess I know who it is." Said Leo still frowned. Leo and Twilight look up and it was Raph on top of a cloud laughing along with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (but Fluttershy is not laughing) and Rainbow also started laughing along with Raph. And Leo and Twilight just saw it fronwing. "Very funny you two." Said Leo in sarcasm. "Really funny" Said Twilight also in sarcasm. "Look who's talking, Twilight, you also laughed when Leonardo fall." Said Rainbow Dash. "Did you laugh?" Leo asked and Twilight blushes with shame. "Yes... sorry." She apologizes. "Look, I have to admit that it was little funny." Fluttershy admits and giggles. "Yeah, but not so funny than when Raph fell flat on his face 10 times trying to flying." Rainbow Dash mocks and Raph frowned. "Really Raph? And are you laughing at me for that?" Said Leo dryly. "Yeah, but the difference is that I was learning alone, but when Dash taught me just once, I was already flying." Said Raph. "Yeah, he flies very well in the first lesson, better than in the first lesson of Twilight and Leonardo." Rainbow mocks. "Hey!" Twilight and Leo complained. Rainbow Dash and Raph start laughing again, but soon stopped when something or someone lifted their tails. "What the!?" Raph asked confused, and the same something or someone was levitating two little ropes that tied Raph and Rainbow's wings. "Hey! My wings!" Rainbow complained, and then that something or someone that levitated them both by the tail took them both out of the cloud. And Raph knew exactly what was going to happen. "Uh oh." He said. So their tails are no longer levitated and they fall flat on their face. "Oh my goodness." Said Fluttershy worried. And Leo, Twilight and Spike started laughing while the two tied-up pegasus just frowning, until they noticed more someone else laughing besides Leo, Twilight and Spike, were also Rarity and Donnie who had just arrived, Donnie soon stopped laughing to speak. "Oh I'm sorry, but I had thought that you two needed a good reason to laugh now." Donnie mocks to Raph and Rainbow. "Wait, did you do this to us?" Rainbow asked. "Yes ma'am" Donnie answer smirking. "Argh Donnie, I should right now and slap you in the face!" Said Raph angry. "I doubt you do that" Donnie mocked. "Oh yeah?!" Raph asked still angry, he gets up and goes towards Donnie to slap him, but then, Donnie uses his magic and levitates Raph leaving him freeze in the same place, Raph tried to free himself from the levitation but still remained in the same place while Donnie just smirk. "You can't levitate me forever, Donnie, I’m still going to slap you." Raph warned. "I don't think so." Donnie boasted. "Hey guys." Said Pinkie and Mikey who have just arrived accompanied with Applejack who was carrying a few glasses of apple cider for everyone. "Hey everypony, who wants the famous apple cider from the Apple family?" Applejack asked. "Ah, I wanna!" Said Rainbow who quickly picks up a apple cider from the Applejack hoof. The girls came for take an apple cider, the ponies turtles were interested in trying one of those apple ciders, until Donnie dropped Raph from levitation, and Raph slapped him in the face when he dropped him. "I told you I was going to slap you." Said Raph who then walks over to pick up an apple cider while Donnie puts his hoof where Raph slapped it. Mikey and Pinkie were already drinking their apple ciders and finished. "Uh, this is sweet and delicious." Said Mikey who is loving the apple cider. "Yeah, yummy, very good again, Applejack." Pinkie praises Applejack. "Thanks, Sugar cube." Applejack thanked. Raph takes an apple cider and before he drinks it, he touches his tongue to the apple cider, and as soon as he touches his tongue, his eyes lit up and he drank his apple cider quickly. "Wow, Mikey is right, this is sweet and delicious." Said he. "I know, right? The Applejack family is famous for its delicious apple foods." Said Rainbow. "And my family is also famous for having founded Ponyville." Applejack explained. "Really? Was it thanks to your family that Ponyville was created?" Donnie asked. "Yep." Applejack answered. "Yeah, interesting and stuff, but I'm not in the mood to learn history now." Said Raph. "Yeah, now we just want your famous apple cider." Rainbow agreed. Raph and Rainbow tap their glasses of apple cider and drink it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it was night, the Mane 5 were sleeping in their houses and the pony turtles as he had no other place to sleep, so they went to sleep in the Twilight castle that had many rooms. Twilight was walking down the hall finishing turning off all the castle lights, but then, she hears someone groaning and complaining coming from the room where Leo slept, she checks and sees that Leo was really groaning and complaining about not being able to sleep because of of their wings that were not closed. (Exactly like when Twilight was in the Crystal Empire and couldn't sleep because of the wings) "Aargh! I can't ... Sleep!" Leo complained while he turns on the bed trying to close his wings, but they open again. "Just trying to get comfortable!" He complained again and pushing his wings trying to close them and covers himself and sleeps thinking that now the problem of the wings was already solved. But suddenly, his wings spread again, taking Leo's blanket off him and then falling on him covering him all over, and he still groaned. Twilight after your giggle, enter the room to help Leo. "Difficult with the wings?" Twilight asked joking. "Hey Twilight, yes I am." Leo answer. "Yeah, I also had this same problem with wings in sleeping exactly like you, but you soon get the hang of it, but for now..." Said Twilight while she uses her magic to take Leo's mask that he took off when he was sleeping and she ties the mask over his wings, keeping them closed. "That should keep your wings closed tonight." Said Twilight. "Thank you Twilight." Leo thanked. "You're welcome." Said Twilight. Twilight thought about chatting little with Leo "So, what do you and your brothers do in your world? You never said for sure." She asked. "Well, actually, we save our city against various enemies like some thieves, from the Clan Foot, and from the Kraangs, like today when we saved the fillies from the Kraangs." Leo talked. "Yeah, the four of you really do a good job saving everyone, betting that the humans in your world say that." Twilight talked. "Huh, I really wanted them to say that." Said Leo. "What do you mean? Don't they say that?" Twilight asked. "Actually, no human in our world knows that my brothers and I exist, only April and Casey and some of our enemies too who are human" Leo explained. "But why? Why don't they know the four of you?" Twilight asked again. "Well, remember when I said that my brothers and I in our world are mutant turtles?" Leo asked. "Yes I remember, and I admit that I thought that was weird." Twilight answered. "So, in our world, some humans are afraid of us, they treat us with freaks, they call us monsters, which is why me and my brothers and my father Splinter live our entire lives hidden from humans." Leo explained feeling sad. Twilight is very sorry for Leo and she feeling sad for him. "Oh Leo, I never imagined how you lived like this, I feel very sorry for that." Said Twilight. "But it's okay when you get used to being judged and treated badly by others." Leo answer still feeling bad with this. "But not the way things should be for you and your family, you all deserve more than that, humans should stop just judging you by appearance and start to see better what you do for them." Twilight talked. "I know, but we have sometimes tried to talk to they, but as soon as we get close to them they run away for us, Mikey still tried but it's always the same thing. Not only that, in our world there are also humans that capture mutants to study us, or keep us in captivity, or even worse ... kill us." Leo explained. Twilight really didn't know what else to say after hearing these things that humans in his world do to creatures like him, so she just extended her hoof on Leo's shoulder to say him one more thing. "Look, I don't know how or when, but I hope that one day humans will accept someone like you and your family, as well as April and Casey accept you all, that they understand something I believe in." Twilight talked. "And what you believe?" Leo asked. "That we are all the same. It doesn't matter what you are or what world you are, because we are all the same." Twilight talked. Leo felt better after what Twilight said. "Thank you so much for that, Twilight, did you help me so much." Leo thanked. "Well, that's what a Princess of Frienship does, and that's what friends are for, they help others." Said Twilight. "Are we friends?" Leo asked. "Well, what do you think?" Twilight asked back. "Well ... It's great to have a friend from another world." Leo answer. "The same for me." Said Twilight smiling. "So, good night Leo." She said. "Good night Twilight." Said Leo. Twilight leaves the room and Leo goes back to sleep peacefully.