The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening.

by Ganondorf8

Chapter 12: Dungeon Creator.

The Legend of Sunset Shimmer: Link's Awakening.
By Ganondorf8.
November 30, 2019.
Chapter 12: Dungeon Creator.

As I walked closer to the center of the quicksand pit, I felt myself slowly being dragged down into the depths below. In most situations, I wouldn't be doing anything like this and instead scrambling to get out before it was too late. But, this needed to be done as I needed the Angler Key in order to reach the next dungeon. Upon reaching the pit's center, I watched as everything quickly disappeared as I got pulled under, and for a moment, it felt like my life had ended. I had gone and drowned myself all because of needing a key. In that moment, time itself stopped and in my heart, I was scared to my very core.

I then awoke what felt like hours later (It had actually just been two minutes) and found myself in an underground tunnel. Princess Twilight did say that this was one possibility with the other being drowning in quicksand so I was happy that she was right. Looking around to see what became of the Angler Key, I looked down to see that it was at my feet. Despite what I had just endured, I'm glad it didn't break or anything. Still, one question remained unanswered. Where was I supposed to insert this into? I needed to go to the waterfall but I hadn't seen one on the island as far as I knew.

Picking up the key and placing it in my pocket, I was then attacked by two Pincers who were residing in holes on either side of me. I guessed they were here to take care of any leftovers provided any managed to get down here after the Lanmola had gotten its fill. Both monsters stretched as far as they could in an attempt to bite me, but luckily, I was just a bit too far out of their reach so I ignored them seeing as they couldn't do much at all, and I suspected I didn't need to defeat them in order to get out of here. I then felt a breeze coming from the left and looking in that direction, a flight of stairs indicated freedom, but surely there was more to this tunnel?

I took another look around by checking each wall and sure enough, the wall directly behind me had some rocks sticking out awkwardly. Someone had hidden something behind it though their efforts were shoddy at best. Had they taken their time, I doubted I would've seen anything and merely left none the wiser. Taking out a bomb, I placed it in front of the wall and stepped backwards (I didn't want to get caught in the blast) before it exploded revealing a hidden room. Entering this room, I found a Piece of Heart lying there without anything guarding it which did make me suspicious.

Rushing in and picking it up before something could go wrong, I felt the warmth of it revitalize me, and this was a good thing seeing I did take a lot of damage against the Lanmola by choosing to be reckless. Leaving the hidden room, I avoided the two Pincers and made my way over to the stairs before going up them and finding myself back outside. It didn't take long to figure out that I was opposite of that large group of cacti, and I could see that I could walk in-between them and reach the main area again. Rather than go that way, I walked south as I could see a path going that way.

Again, I had to deal with the humidity of the desert in addition to the Leevers that popped up from the sand. Even though I could attack them, I just allowed them to shuffle on by until they went under the sand. I then saw a narrow path which I took as why else have one in the first place if it wasn't going to go anywhere. Perhaps my curiosity blinded me for a moment or I thought it was a shortcut which would take me back to the desert's entrance, the path eventually stopped at a dead end with only a couple of boulders. Why even have them here if it meant nothing... or perhaps there was something.

Lifting up both boulders, one of them had a Secret Seashell which I happily took. "How many do I have now?"

"You should have six of them in total." Princess Twilight answered.

"That's not bad considering that I haven't exactly been going out of my way to collect them."

"I think you should make an effort to improve on that." Princess Twilight said as she landed on my hat. "The more of them you collect, the higher the probability of you acquiring the sword that Adagio mentioned back at the Seashell Mansion when we initially checked it out. In fact, I have reason to believe that there are additional rewards for collecting a certain amount so perhaps we should stop by on occasion. Plus, you might find something new since you have the Pegasus Boots."

"What about the Angler Key?"

"We need to find where it goes."

"Neither Princess Cadance or Flash Sentry gave me much in the way of hints."

Princess Twilight shook her head. "I agree about Flash Sentry since he has been cryptic this whole time, but I think Cadance did give us a hint even though she was restricted in what she could say. We know that we need to get behind a waterfall, right? The rivers we've seen on the island must originate from somewhere so if we were to follow one upstream, we'll find the source and the waterfall in question."

"Or we could ask Discord for his advice."

"That is an option."

Since I couldn't go any further, I had to make my way back to where I came from. Thanks to the Pegasus Boots, I dashed back to where all those cacti were and carefully weaved my way in-between them in hopes of not getting pricked by needles before continuing south, avoiding Leevers and Pokeys alike. At this point, I doubted there was anything else of value in the desert and the heat was really starting to get to me. (No wonder this place had all those skulls of ancient creatures) Leaving was my best bet so if any rewards lay buried, they would remain as such for eternity.

Leaving the Yarna Desert, my body temperature immediately dropped since I was no longer trudging through such humid conditions. No wonder no one in the Animal Village dared enter such a place. They couldn't stand the heat in addition the monsters but mainly the heat. I was about to head back to the village when the hooting I had now become so familiar with made me stand still and I looked up to see Flash Sentry and his owl companion land on a nearby tree. "You have succeeded in acquiring what you sought for." Flash Sentry said as he nodded his approval.

"Can you tell me where I need to go with the Angler Key."

"I shall answer this question."

"I'm all ears."

"The shape of the key shows a fish, swimming up a cascade of water."

I took out the key and looked at it. "Really? I can see the fish in the design but the 'cascade of water'?" I kept on staring at the key until I could see what Flash Sentry was talking about and it prompted me to groan under my breath.

"Go now to the mountain waterfall."

"You'll need to explain it a bit more than that."

"Then I shall." Flash Sentry said. "Beyond the ancient castle, you will find the waterfall that you seek, young lass. But, you cannot go north from the castle to reach it. You will need to go east of the swampland and past Mt. Tamaranch. Do not feel discouraged as you possess the means to access places much faster than before." He then whispered something to his companion and it hooted in response which made me wonder what he said. "A leap from the top and you will reach your goal."

"What does that even mean?"

"Once you see the waterfall for yourself, it will become clear."

With that, Flash Sentry and his companion took to the skies once again leaving me wondering just what he meant. On the one hand, I had a pretty good idea as to where the keyhole was which required the Angler Key, but it involved going back to a previous area and heading right to explore a new one. He was right about the fact that with my current inventory of items, I didn't have to backtrack completely. Still, I wasn't liking how it was necessary for progression. Sighing, I knew I couldn't do anything other than accept it for what it was. But, I was going to get there at my own pace and not what he probably assumed.

First, I took a path that took me behind the Animal Village seeing as I never investigated it proper until now. Since the sun was beginning to set, I needed to make this quick before it got too dark to do much of anything. Dashing along, I smacked into a wall which featured another spot where someone had covered up an entrance with rocks. Taking out another bomb and placing it down, I stepped back and watched it explode revealing the obvious cave entrance. Heading inside, I could see certain obstacles which looked like I couldn't deal with them with my current items but perhaps I might come back here sometime.

Leaving the cave, I dashed west and found the Piece of Heart I saw when I first reached the Animal Village. Picking it up, I felt the warmth of it embrace me and when it wore off, I dashed back and then south before going around and eventually enter the village. The sun had now settled and everyone was heading inside including Starlight. I thought about following her but decided otherwise as perhaps some houses wouldn't allow someone like me to enter after sundown. I walked over to Granny Smith's home and walked inside where she was surprised to see me again.

"Hello again." Granny Smith said.

"Did you use that honeycomb?"

Granny Smith nodded. "I used a small portion of it but I'm savin' ta' rest fer when I need it. By the way, what brings yer to my kitchen at this hour? If you've got more honeycombs to give me, I'm afraid I can't accept none from ya."

"Can I stay here for the night?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Thank you."

"It's just... I hope y'all don't mind the smell of honeycomb wafting through my kitchen." Granny Smith said, pointing at what she was cooking. "Also, I tends to work mighty late so hopefully ya get plenty of sleep otherwise y'all be a might grumpy come tomorrow. By the way, I heard from one of the rabbits that sweet little Marin dealt with that walrus. Maybe now he ought to know not ta do somethin' like that in future. You know, Marin has always wanted someone to learn her special song, but no one ain't got a proper instrument and reckon it makes her a might upset."

"Like an ocarina?"

"That might do it."

"I don't mind the smell of honeycomb and I have been known to be a heavy sleeper."

"Reckon y'all will sleep well tonight."

The only drawback with sleeping in a place like what Granny Smith had was the lack of a proper place to sleep. I had no idea how she could sleep in this house assuming that she actually does but this was practically my best case scenario when it came to sleep without knowing everything about this village. At least I would get to see Granny Smith work on her dishes and perhaps I could learn something and teach it to Pinkie Pie provided she didn't already know it. Finding a corner of the house that wasn't caked in food or anything, I rested my back as best as possible and began watching.


"Release my friends right now!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"You dare try to command me?" Ganondorf asked.

"You're messing with the wrong girl here!"

"Among your friends, loyal one, you know me better than they do, but it seems your ignorance has been misplaced."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

Without doing a thing, Ganondorf merely smiled and Rainbow Dash suddenly found herself being squeezed by an unseen force. The pressure continued to increase with every passing second yet the Demon King didn't lift a finger or anything other than continuing to smile. Rainbow Dash at first panicked over what was happening and struggled desperately to break free but her efforts amounted to nothing as the force proved too strong. Eventually, she began screaming due to the pain being too much for her but the pressure kept going. Just when it looked like she would pass out, the pressure suddenly stopped and she slumped to the ground.

Ganondorf slammed his fist down onto the arm of his throne. "Do not think you are in control here! The only reason why any of you are still alive is because I will it to be. It is by my will and mine alone that you still breathe. Had none of you possess what I desire, I'd have killed you."

Rainbow Dash got back onto her feet as she breathed heavily after her ordeal only to be paralyzed again. "What do you want from us?"

"Your magic."

"Why? Rainbow Dash asked, tilting her head in confusion. "You've got more than enough magical power than all of us combined several times over. Why need our magic as you've got your own?"

Ganondorf laughed. "Because you children continue to grow stronger the more you use your magic. Such power is wasted on the likes of you and therefore deserves to be wielded by one who possesses power and knows how to use it. Someone...Like me. Besides... There is another reason behind my desire for your magic. In the world where the child comes from, the source of your magic, the Elements of Harmony, no longer exist. I need not explain any further unless you are too stupid to reach the conclusion."

"Sunset told us about the Elements of Harmony being destroyed."

"But... She did not tell you that the remnants housed within you and your friends are all that remain."

"It's not that big of a deal since Equestria can survive without the Elements."



"All will become clear in due time, loyal one." Ganondorf answered. He raised his hand and Rainbow Dash felt a little limp in response. "Why mention it to just only you? It is best that you and your friends find out together because then you can all suffer at the same time. Now... tell me... why do you claim to be loyal to your friends? Are you loyal? Such a bold claim to be sure but one that clearly is not accurate."

Rainbow Dash then reacted in the manner Ganondorf was expecting, that of sheer anger. "What!? Of course I'm loyal to my friends! Sure, I've made some mistakes but then who hasn't done that in their lives? Your mind tricks won't work on me! Ha! It shows how awesome I really am!"

"Those mistakes were far worse than you like to believe them to be."


Ganondorf laughed. "You have allowed your egotism to consume your soul, turning you into an avatar of annoyance, one your friends cannot stand. You claim to have rid yourself of this notion but it continues to linger even now. In fact, you would prefer to stoke this ego in order to further your own life. Do not think I do not know such things. I can read every thought within your mind. Nothing can be hidden from me. I also saw a special group you are enamoured with, a group that represents everything you love. Becoming a part of that group would be wonderous but it would mean abandoning your friends."

"I'd choose my friends!"

"Would you?"

"Um... Well... Yes, I would."

"Your response says otherwise, loyal one." Ganondorf said, his hand clenching into a fist momentarily before he unfurled it again. "These Wonderbolts... They are a special group whose name was adapted by your school as the Wondercolts. The Wonderbolts are an elite group who are dedicated to saving lives and performing for others. You aspire to become one of them but they have so far ignored everything about you. To them, you do not exist, but, you wish to change that. Becoming a Wonderbolt is your dream but it would mean leaving your friends behind as you would need to move away."

"It's not my fault they are based in a city miles away from Canterlot."

"You want to be a Wonderbolt but your loyalty condemns you to forever being unable to fulfill your desire."

"I'll get my chance."

Ganondorf shook his head. "No, you will not. Your loyalty is too strong and therefore you can never be a Wonderbolt. How unfortunate. Besides, there are other groups you wanted to be a part of but again, loyalty has prevented any of this from happening. Their presence deep within your mind serve as alternatives because the Wonderbolts will never work out for you, yet you feign ignorance and continue to believe you will join them. To become one of them, abandoning those friends is your only choice. You desire glory! You need it! Nothing else matter aside from this."

"Nothing... Else... Matters..."

"Fulfill your dreams and allow your potential to blossom."

"Potential... Blossom..."

"And now, loyal one... Your magic belongs to me as you no longer have need of it."


I was fortunate that Granny Smith got tired a bit earlier than she claimed because had she stayed up really late, I'd have gone to sleep well past midnight and be an absolute wreck come the morning. But, she went to sleep a couple of hours before so I managed to get a good night's rest. Upon waking up the next day, I thanked her for allowing me to rest at her place and took my leave where I saw everyone had resumed what they were doing the other day. Spotting Starlight singing before a group of animals who were mesmerized by the spectacle, perhaps she could teach me the song she sang.

Last time I tried showing her the ocarina that I acquired from the Dream Shrine, she was quite critical of how I played it despite her saying otherwise. She didn't have to go and hide such a thing from me. In truth, I was only really good at playing a guitar. I mean, I've played the ocarina on my previous journeys (Including additional instruments because of being able to transform into other creatures) but compared to the guitar, I was nothing more than a novice. Then again, when I showed her my instrument, she was in a different mood so perhaps now she might have something different to say.

As I approached her, Starlight stopped singing. "Oh! Sunset Shimmer! I see that you made it back from the Yarna Desert."

"It was quite an adventure." I said.

"Well, as long as you aren't too reckless."

"I try not to be."

"As you can see, the animals of the village love hearing me sing my songs."

"They all seem to be completely enthralled by it."

"Oh yes!" Starlight then had a thought and I think I knew what it was. "Do you still have that ocarina of yours? If so, would you mind taking it out and showing me again? In fact, if you want to, you can accompany me as I sing."

I took out the ocarina from one of my pockets. "I still have it."

Starlight was beyond ecstatic. "Wonderful! Now, allow me to sing and then you repeat it on your ocarina. I can go as long as you like until you either repeat my song or you choose to give up and abandon the idea of playing an instrument so badly." I gave her a weird look and she immediately brushed it off. "Huh? I didn't say anything like that. Did I? No, I think you must be hearing things again. Anyway, feel free to get ready and let me know when we can begin. We even have ourselves an audience so they will get to experience this with their own eyes."

Again, she was insulting me and pretending otherwise, and like before, I couldn't confront her about it as she was likely to deny it. Placing the ocarina to my lips, I gave Starlight the signal for her to start singing. It was difficult for me at first to remember the exact pitches seeing this was an instrument I hadn't played for quite some time but after hearing her go through it at least twice, I began repeating the sequence on the ocarina. Starlight was so impressed, she joined in singing alongside me as we both performed an amazing duet. We were both in sync while the animals continued to watch and be in awe of what we were doing.

We kept going for a couple of minutes until we both stopped to which Starlight immediately began talking. "So, how do you like it, Sunset Shimmer? It's really touching isn't it? I put my heart and soul into singing this song and it keeps on getting better every time. Tell me, does my song stick in your mind?"

I nodded. "It most certainly does."

"I am so happy to hear that."

"The Ballad of the Wind Fish..."

"You've now learned my song, Sunset Shimmer."

"I'll always keep it my heart."

Starlight blushed. "Please don't ever forget this song... or me... In fact, you should play it whenever you want so that you can continue to keep it in your mind. Of course, I don't expect you to play it when you're busy doing your errands as you need to focus on those." She then began to giggle which I thought was cute. "Anyway, I'm going to stay here for a while and continue singing, but I will eventually go back to Mabe Village. By the way, did you know about other songs on the island?"

"I've heard rumours."

"Those rumours are true." Starlight said as she held my hands though I think she meant to hold the ocarina. "There is a strange fish who lives by the waterfall who can teach you a song but she can only be reached if you have the ability to swim like a fish. Then there is a famous frog singer... Well, famous to herself that is." She then let go of my hands when she saw what she was doing and quickly ignored it. "He was once famous for his singing but no one knows where to find him. I'm afraid I don't know where he is but perhaps Grandpa Ulrira might have an idea provided he can remember."

"That's good advice, Starlight."

"My name is Marin... But... You can call me Starlight if you prefer."

As she resumed singing to the animals and I walked away, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her overall. Starlight had been through so much throughout her life that seeing her here being happy... it made me wonder what her life would've been like had earlier parts changed. No... I wasn't thinking of going back in time to change anything. I know she's better now than she was before but still, what could have been. On a different note, she gave me some hints on where to learn additional songs. One was much easier than the other in terms of how to find it but perhaps I'll figure things out along the way.

"Are you okay, Sunset?" Princess Twilight asked.

I nodded. "I'll be fine."

"Starlight turned out well you know."

"She has you to thank for that."

"And you."


Princess Twilight nodded. "When I first took her on as my student, she reminded me so much of you despite a different upbringing. I wanted to make sure she would have the same opportunities that you were given with regards to second chances. Granted, I taught her differently what with dimensions separating you and me but it worked out. I told her about you without going into any specifics in case you didn't want her or anyone else to know what happened. You know, privacy reasons."

"Thanks, Twilight." I said as I smiled.

"Now, we have plenty of things to take care of." Princess Twilight said as she brandished a checklist. "What!? You know how I love having one of these around! I just happened to have made this one while you were asleep. I'm surprised you dozed off so early but then you were pretty exhausted from fighting that Lanmola. Anyway, here is what we can do aside from reaching the next dungeon. There is Zecora, visiting this Crazy Tracy, explore the rest of the Animal Village, go to Mt. Tamaranch, and visit the Seashell Mansion. Okay, that second-to-last option is more progression as we've got to go there at some point."

"Let's start with the rest of the Animal Village."

"You only have two houses left to explore."

"Works for me!" Leaving Starlight to her singing, I checked out one house only to discover that it was completely empty. No one had clearly lived here for some time and in retrospect, I could've rested here for the night instead of doing so at Granny Smith's place. "Well, this house is a complete bust!"

"I wouldn't be so sure." Princess Twilight said as she felt uneasy. "I can sense someone in here but they are invisible and my fairy magic can't reveal them. I'm not sure who or what they are, but they clearly don't want to be seen by anyone. I don't even know if they are friend or foe. Nothing you have can reveal someone or something that's invisible but maybe you'll come across an item later on that can do that. Let's hope the other house has someone living there."

Leaving the empty house, I walked up to and entered the final house only to be surprised at who was in here. "Who are you!? Why did you come in here?" I couldn't believe who I was looking at. Though she was a goat-human hybrid, (That was my best guess here) if I remembered her name correctly, I was staring at Chestnut Magnifico. Yeah, it was an unusual name and one filled with certain... connotations, she was portraying Daring Do when me and my friends visited that movie set one time. Huh... I was actually expecting Diamond Tiara given this goat character acted all proper but I never knew who I'd run into next.

"Um... Sorry for entering unannounced." I said.

"As you should be." Chestnut Magnifico said.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, it's pretty clear to me right away." Chestnut Magnifico looked like she was about to get mad but surprisingly, she remained calm, almost reserved. "You don't know the proper etiquette when dealing with a lady do you? It's clear as day on your face! But, I suppose you can be forgiven given you are a girl after all."

"Sorry about that."

"You didn't know any better."

"Anyway, I'm sorry for just coming in here." I said as I struggled to talk my way out of this conversation. "I thought no one was living in this house seeing as the previous one I entered was completely empty." I then noticed her pointing to an empty flower pot that was just sitting there on a desk next to her own. "Why are you pointing at that?"

Chestnut Magnifico sighed and I knew she was annoyed. "Look, this is just becoming a hassle for me. You should have brought flowers or something. Then I might be more inclined to talk with you. Not just any kind of flower will do. It needs to be a hibiscus, my personal favourite. Please leave my home immediately and do not return until you've figured out the proper etiquette I speak of."

Leaving her house without another word, that conversation was nothing short of awkward. I knew Chestnut Magnifico was quite the character given her status as an actress, but it seemed that in this world, she was even more difficult to be around provided you didn't have what she wanted. She needed a hibiscus... But where was I supposed to find one? It's not like they grew on trees or anything like that. (This was my attempt at sarcastic humour) Princess Twilight took the liberty of writing this information down on her checklist. She also told me that I still had a pineapple which was deemed very delicious.

There was nothing left for me to do in the Animal Village so I decided that my next destination would be the Seashell Mansion. It didn't really matter which direction I went because both would involve me backtracking. I eventually chose to use the warp because it was a recent development and I'd be stupid not to use the magic it possessed. Leaving the village by going south of Granny Smith's house and into the shallow water, I stepped onto the raised platform and I began spinning around many times before I suddenly disappeared and reappeared moments later outside of Mabe Village. Yes... I could definitely get used to this.

And that was when I realized... There was one more house in the Animal Village I didn't check. I slapped my forehead so hard out of sheer stupidity that it left a mark on my face. I felt absolutely humiliated but it wasn't a complete loss though. I could go back right now and see who lived there but I really wanted to move on with the adventure. I had to go back there eventually with a hibiscus for Chestnut Magnifico so that would be the perfect time to check that remaining house out. Still, how could I have forgotten something so obvious!? I really needed to pay better attention to my surroundings.

Heading to the right, I began the backtracking to the Seashell Mansion but unlike before, I had the Pegasus Boots so it wasn't going to take quite as long. In hindsight, I should've gone there before Animal Village as that would've saved some time. Oh well. I could attribute this as a learning experience. Dashing my way through Ukuku Prairie and ignoring the monsters as I didn't need to deal with them right now, I reached my destination only for four Boarblins to block my path. I attacked them all at once whilst avoiding their spears as best as I could only to get hit three times and each went down in two hits.

"That was aggressive for you, Sunset." Princess Twilight said.

"I don't normally do that kind of thing."

"It can actually be a useful tactic especially since it does surprise your enemies."

"I suppose I could use it a bit more often."

"Just don't go overboard otherwise you will get hurt a lot more." Princess Twilight then quickly changed the subject upon seeing something unusual and immediately flew over to it before calling out to me. "Sunset! Come take a look at this!" I walked to see what Her Highness had discovered and I couldn't believe it. "It's another warp tile symbol just like the previous two though this one isn't on a raised platform. Hmmm... Perhaps this was added much later? In any case, you now can warp directly to the Seashell Mansion whenever you want. You'd just need to concentrate and wish to be sent here."

"Guess I should've checked over here instead of leave after finishing up my business in the mansion."

"Neither of us knew."

I felt disappointed. "I'm glad I can now get around some parts of the island quicker, but I wish I had known about this sooner. In fact, I could've warped straight here instead of taking the long way when we were going to the Animal Village. I really need to pay more attention to my surroundings." I then noticed some shrubs to the right of the tile and felt that they were pretty suspicious. Cutting each of them down, a Secret Seashell appeared after cutting the last one. "Chalk one up for Sunset Shimmer!"

"Feeling better?"

I nodded. "Much better." Entering the Seashell Mansion, it was still as impressive as before despite nothing really changing. Looking around to see if Adagio were here, I didn't see her which made me wonder if she was busy waiting to see me at one of the fairy fountains scattered around the island. (I was surprised that I had only found one considering that by this time in my previous adventures, I had found at least two, maybe three) I called out. "Hello? I've come back with some more Secret Seashells in my possession."

As soon as I said that, Adagio Dazzle appeared before me once again, her radiant beauty and appearance stunning. "Welcome back to the Seashell Mansion, young one." Adagio said as she smiled at me. To be honest, seeing her smile felt really weird considering how antagonistic she was back in the world I called home. "Yes, I can sense that you have collected more shells than before, so let us see what happens when they are added to your total." She waved her hand and the green liquid began to rise upwards passing an engraving of a seashell on the wall but stopping just a little ways after it.

"What happened?"

"Though you are no where near close to getting the ultimate sword, you did collect enough seashells to receive a reward."

"Oh, so there are multiple rewards?"

"Take a closer look at where the green energy flows." Adagio then pointed at the same engraving I saw before but then raised her hand and I saw that there were four additional engravings of seashells. "Upon reaching each of these markers, you shall receive a treasure that will aid you on your journey. Now, please take your first reward." Clapping her hands together which caused the entire mansion to reverberate with magic, a gift-wrapped present appeared before dropping onto the ground below. Opening it up and seeing what was inside, I was surprised to see a Piece of Heart. Now that was a reward!

Picking it up, the familiar warmth embraced me and I my overall health should've increased by this point. "Are all of the rewards like this?" I asked as the Piece of Heart disappeared like all the other ones had done before.

Adagio shook her head. "You will receive different rewards depending on how many Secret Seashells you bring here. If I am to be brutally honest with you, young one, I did not expect you to have received this first reward. From what I saw of your previous visit, you were struggling to find the shells hidden across the island. I shall therefore provide some hints on where they might be hidden but only if this is something you want."

"I think I do need such hints."

"Very well... I shall provide two such hints for you."

"I'm ready."

Adagio clapped her hands together before closing her eyes. "A Secret Seashell can be found where a large lazy animal once rested. It seems this animal has an infatuation with a young girl but she can no longer speak with him. Perhaps if he were to hear something familiar to the girl?" She paused momentarily before continuing on. "Another Secret Seashell is hidden inside of a cave that forms a tail but one needs the power of the explosion in order to find a hidden chamber not normally seen."

"I think I understand that."

"If you do not then your fairy shall remind you." Adagio then turned to Princess Twilight. "Please continue to watch over this young one, sweet fairy. She will continue needing guidance in the trials that lay ahead." She turned back to me again. "Please come back again when you have collected more seashells. Also, feel free to visit me at any fairy fountain you come across, or perhaps you may find my hidden fountain."

Before I had a chance to ask what she meant about that last part, she disappeared leaving me to ponder over her hints. I immediately knew what she meant about the lazy animal as that was the walrus who blocked the entrance to the Yarna Desert. He wanted to hear Starlight again but she couldn't do so anymore... She did teach me her song so perhaps that would be enough to get him excited? As for hint number two... I believed Princess Twilight brought it to my attention way back when we were going through the Tail Cave. But to backtrack all that was wasn't my idea of fun especially since it was way out of my way. Hmmm... I'd need to think this one over a little.

Leaving the Seashell Mansion, I asked Princess Twilight to show me her checklist and she obliged. So far, I had finished with the mansion for now, finished with the Animal Village despite needing to go back there for now two reasons, and that was pretty much it. I could see what Zecora wanted but then there was Crazy Tracy who actually lived not that far away and she might prove interesting. Oh, and Mt. Tamaranch was also an option though Princess Twilight did say I'd have to explore it eventually for story progression. I had no idea how long I would be visiting Zecora as she probably had a momentous task for me so seeing Crazy Tracey made sense.

Walking on to the warp tile, I had to concentrate on where I wanted to go otherwise it would be a random location. Focusing on Mabe Village as hard as I could, I began spinning around many times before I disappeared and then reappeared moments later back outside of Mabe Village. As much as I loved teleporting around, I only had three warp points available and they all concentrated on a small section. Finding more would get me to other areas so once again I needed to pay attention to my surroundings. On a side note, my health was at peak condition thanks to the Piece of Heart so I didn't need to grind for any hearts. (I did need to grind for rupees though)

"Okay, where do we go from here, Twilight?"

"According to what I remember from the map in the library, we need to go north as that will take us to all the places we need to visit." Princess Twilight answered. "You should take this opportunity and explores area you've not yet seen. I know it means going out of your intended path but you never know what you might find when doing so. Besides, I'm curious as to what we haven't seen."

"I knew there was another ulterior motive."

"Never turn away the chance for knowledge, Sunset."

"Well... Since you are curious and all... Sure, why not."


Walking off of the raised platform, I quickly avoided a Flying Octorok which had taken notice of me, but it quickly went off in the opposite direction most likely due to it having a short attention span. Looking around, the only direction I had yet to go was north, and there was a boulder in the way which made sense now. It was to stop me from reaching this area too early and thus going out of sequence, a kind of taboo with video games. I had the Power Bracelet now so I could come and go as I pleased without any consequence. Walking up some stairs before reaching the boulder, I picked it up and tossed it aside before continuing north.

I was then immediately attacked by a Zombie which rose up from the ground much to my surprise. It had been a while since I last saw this particular monster but then I was merely observing it from a distance. Now I had to fight my way through as I remember Her Highness saying they constantly respawned. One swing of my sword eliminated the Zombie yet another rose up to replace it which was quickly cut down with a sword swing. Then a third appeared in the same spot and I quickly knew that this was utterly pointless. Fighting the undead would merely exhaust me until they would eventually feed on my flesh or whatever it was they did around here.

Continuing north, I avoided Zombies as they continued popping out from the ground but eventually they stopped appearing and I relaxed knowing I had evaded them. Going back this way was going to be bothersome as I'd be assaulted by Zombies even though they weren't strong. What was also unfortunate was that they left nothing behind upon being defeated and because I needed more rupees in order to buy that bow from Aria, fighting the undead just wasn't worth the effort. I needed more treasure chests to open and not just the ones inside of dungeons to rake in the cash as it were.

"Look to your right, Sunset."

"What for?"

"This is where the Graveyard is."

I looked right and sure enough, there were gravestones everywhere. Not only that, there were also actual ghosts flying around the graves as though they were either protecting them or the area in general. The only thing separating where I was standing and the actual graveyard was a fence. "Strange that Zecora doesn't have her home here seeing as she was carrying around that shovel and her appearance did suggest to me that she worked in a place like this."

"Her house is near here from what I remember but not right next door."

"What about those ghosts?"

"Those are called Ghinis, the spirits of the graveyard." Princess Twilight answered. "There are actually two types of Ghinis even though they both look the same. One is what you can see flying around the graves. These can be defeated after attacking them many times with your sword or other attacking items. The other kind of Ghini appear when you touch a grave and this is where it become more dangerous. This version of the Ghini is invincible! Period! Nothing can defeat them with one really weird exception. The first kind of Ghini can remove the rest upon being defeated as it acts like an anchor of sorts."

"I take it this is the only place we'll see them."


"Do you think there could be something hidden in the graveyard?"

Princess Twilight shrugged. "I don't know to be honest. I mean, you could take a quick look for yourself but it's best to know for certain if there is something there before trying to go and find whatever it is. By the way, there is a special version of the Ghini known as the Giant Ghini. It's basically a giant sized version who can hit you a lot more easily and also takes more hits to defeat in turn, but it's rare to find one. In fact, you could potentially never encounter one on this whole journey but it wouldn't be an actual loss. How they appear is something I don't know either."

"I think we should skip the graveyard for now."

"Good idea."

"You're not afraid of ghosts are you?"

"No, but then we don't have to explore someplace if there's nothing of value."

Picking up and tossing another boulder, I glanced to my left and could see Trixie's hut on the other side of two holes which needed the Roc's Feather. At least I knew that I could easily make my way back to her from this direction rather than go through the Mysterious Forest. I don't think I even need to explore that forest again for the duration of this journey. An unfortunate aspect but one I won't complain about since it means not needing to waste my time exploring it for nothing in return. Continuing north, I came to a fork in the road with one path leading towards two boulders and the other heading right towards a rather unpleasant area.

I pointed to the right. "What about that area?"

"That is known as the Tabahl Wasteland."

"Anything of interest about it?"

"It's a deserted part of Koholint Island where darkness is always looming over it."

"Sounds cheerful."

Princess Twilight rolled her eyes. "Sarcasm aside, there's no hidden treasures or anything like that in this wasteland. In fact, the only reason you would explore it is to cut through the island from the mountains to the graveyard further south. Oh, and do you remember that Crow with the Golden Leaf you encountered back at the castle?"

I nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"They are everywhere in Tabahl Wasteland." Princess Twilight urged me to look at the top of the scary looking tree and I did upon which I saw a large assortment of Crows. "Given how tricky it is to attack them, you'd be a sitting duck if you were to go through there."

"And what about to the left?"

"To the left beyond those two boulders is a place called Manbo's Pond."

"Who's Manbo?"

"According to island legend, Manbo is some kind of deity who resides somewhere on the island though only the chosen ones can find her." Princess Twilight answered. "Not much is known about her because apparently the people don't bother keeping good records so my own knowledge is limited. Oh, and don't ask how I know this information. It's something I can't even explain. Anyway, Manbo's Pond serves as a historical site for the people and they believe that she blessed the pond with her magic. Again, the lack of records means my explanation could possibly be wrong."

"Guess it's something else that's beyond us."

"It can't be helped."

Heading to the left, I picked up and tossed a boulder and got a better look at seeing Manbo's Pond. It wasn't really much of a pond as it was a puddle of water. I meant no disrespect here but he could've had something bigger maybe? Then again, he might have been a reserved deity who didn't like anything fancy. On the positive side, this area was familiar as I recognized where I acquired the Piece of Heart that was situated in the middle of so many holes. I was happy at the fact that certain areas were now coming together thus reducing my overall confusion when it came to directions.

To the right of the pond was a house that clearly looked out of place especially with the dreariness of the wasteland to the right. Still, it was a pleasant sight to see given how the only other house was a hollowed out tree. Entering the house, I was taken aback by how there was a heart motif present. There was a heart pattern on the floor and two heart-shaped trees at the back which looked like they had been raised with love and care. In front of me sitting on what looked like a chair or a very large pillow was someone I haven't met in Equestria but I do recall seeing her in my last adventure.

"Is that Sugar Belle?" I whispered to Princess Twilight.

"Indeed it is." Princess Twilight whispered back.

"Is it true that she married Big Macintosh?"

Princess Twilight nodded as she continued whispering. "After so many disasters including their attempts at proposing to each other, they both tied the knot about a few weeks ago over at Sweet Apple Acres. Theirs was a love that endured incredible hardship as well as craziness thanks in large part to Discord but it all worked out for them. Sugar Belle was so happy that day according to Applejack and while I couldn't be there in person due to other commitments, I wished her and Big Mac all the best. Starlight wished she could've attended the wedding but she was needed at the school to go over some paperwork."

"Not many marriages happening in Equestria huh?"

"It's quite strange."

"I'd better talk to Sugar Belle before she thinks we're saying bad stuff about her." I whispered. I then walked up to her and spoke in my normal sounding voice. "Um... This is a nice place you have here." That was my means of saying hello!? Yeesh! I needed to do way better than that."

"Well hi there, big girl!" Sugar Belle. It sounded like she was trying to entice me with her choice of words but that thought quickly past when she started talking seriously. "I didn't think anyone would come around here again what with so many monsters lurking around. You must have taken a multitude of beatings making your way here." She leaned forward and began looking me over before leaning back. "Yep! You've got a few scars here and there as a result of getting hurt so much. You coming here is a blessing in disguise... For you. I should introduce myself because you look confused with my words. I am Crazy Tracy."

"About your name..."

"I'm not crazy."

"Okay, so why call yourself that?"

"It gives me some extra pizzazz I feel."

"Um... Okay?"

Sugar Belle adjusted the bow in her hair and then pointed to a photo of Trixie but it was in black and white and looked rather old. "Years ago, I used to be the apprentice of the witch who lives not far from here. She taught me everything she knew and when I graduated, she said I had a terrific future when it came to using healing potions. My master used to make healing potions but her eyesight isn't as strong as it used to be so now she makes specialty potions. You've got one of those potions right now." Sugar Belle sniffed before giving me an okay sign whilst winking. "Yep! I can smell Magic Powder on you."

"She mentioned you when I spoke with her."

"Glad to hear that." Sugar Belle then grabbed a bottle that was next to her and presented it to me. "Now, allow me to give you the pitch for what I have to offer for you. It might sound weird at first but it'll make sense once you've thought about it. I've got a little secret for sale that'll pump you up. All I ask is for 28 rupees."

"What kind of secret?"

"The contents of this bottle I'm holding."

"Normally, I'd have deemed you questionable." I said as I reached into my wallet. "But, I was told about you from a few other people apart from the Witch and they recommended me to try your service." Handing over the rupees to Sugar Belle who then placed them into her own pocket, I stood still and waited to see what she was going to do. "Well? I'm ready to receive this secret."

"Judging from how tense you are... You really could do with it." Sugar Belle stood up, uncorked the bottle, and poured a bit of the content into her hand. "All right! Come over here and I'll rub it on you!" I took a step forward and she began rubbing her hand all over my body. She made sure not to be inappropriate which I was appreciate of given how she was applying it personally rather than having me simply drink the contents. After a couple of minutes, Sugar Belle sat back down before wiping her hand with a towel. "There! I've applied my own secret medicine on you. How do you feel?"

"Despite feeling a bit clammy from the liquid, I feel fine."

"Right now, it won't do anything, but if you were to lose all heart, it will kick in."

"In other words... If I were to die?"

Sugar Belle nodded. "You got it! This medicine will only work once so if you want to apply more, you need to come back and see me when you've gone and used it. If you're too far away to reach me, I did take the liberty of hiding a couple of bottles containing my secret medicine in a shrine and a tower. But, this was before both places became infested with horrible creatures so hopefully none of them used the medicine on themselves. Remember that if you've still got my protection when you find either of these additional bottles, you cannot apply them onto yourself so you'd be forced to leave them behind."

"That makes sense."

"Please drop by again, big girl!"

Waving me goodbye, Sugar Belle went back to doing what she did before I entered her home, namely staring up at the ceiling. She was serious when she said she hadn't received many customers as of late. She was so bored that she had resorted to counting tiles on the ceiling. Leaving her house, I looked over my body and saw that her medicine had seeped into my body leaving me looking normal. I had no reason to doubt her abilities so hopefully this medicine would save me from dying, and considering how often I took damage, I felt that I would have need of her services more often than not.

Now I needed to make my way to Zecora's place, and if I remembered correctly, her house was to the right of the Moblin's Lair. I just couldn't remember where the lair in question was as it had been a long time since I was last over that way. This is why having an actual map on my person instead of having to rely on sheer memory was important. Sighing, I decided to keep going north and hoped it would take me to where I needed to go. Picking up a boulder and tossing it aside, I cut across a bit of the land only to find myself in the Tabahl Wasteland. It was definitely miserable looking and the darkness overlooking everything really made it uneasy.

Crows were perched in the trees and while they weren't all that threatening, I didn't want to provoke them in case they all decided to come after me. It was weird being in an area like this seeing as it would make for an ideal location of a great evil. Instead, it was merely a deserted region of the island that served no purpose other than connecting two other places to one another. Of course, I had no intention of staying here for very long. Walking north and passing by a scary tree (I could swear that its eyes were looking at me), a Crow swooped down and attempted to attack me.

Raising my shield, I deflected its attack and responded by swinging my sword. Despite it getting hit by my blade, it continued attacking me thinking it could win, but it eventually was defeated and left behind a blue rupee which I picked up. Continuing onward, I soon left the wasteland and the sky immediately cleared up but then a couple of holes appeared before me, each containing a Pincer, and both lunged at me only to come up short due to their limited attack range. Ignoring them, I kept going until a sign revealed that Zecora's Shack was to the right and upon looking in that direction, I saw her place, and it had clearly seen better days.

"So this is where she lives."

"You have to give credit to Zecora for knowing how to get around the island." Princess Twilight said.

"Twilight... Look at that!" I said as I pointed upwards.

Her Highness looked up and we could both see the Wind Fish Egg. It was still quite a ways away but this was the closest we had gotten to it. "I'm going to assume that you need to take all eight Instruments of the Sirens up there."

"But I don't even know how to activate them."

"So all the egg serves right now is a landmark."

I nodded. "At least we can reach it if we continued going north, but right now we should pay Zecora a visit." I then noticed something in the ground beyond her place so I walked up to it and was surprised to see another warp tile. "Really? I can warp directly to Zecora's? I'm not complaining mind you as another warp point is always a good thing but why did it have to be here of all places?" Stepping on it, I quickly stepped back off before it would warp me away from where I wanted to be. "Hmmm... This will get me places but there are still areas which require me to walk to them rather than warp."

"Nothing is ever easy, Sunset."

I sighed. "I know."

Walking back down, to the left, and entering Zecora's place, the interior of her home was just as bad as the outside. Bricks of various shapes and colours comprised the walls which did explain why the outside looked like someone had stacked pieces together in hopes they would fit. Stones, pieces of wood, what looked like a table, a box of tools, mud, and other little tidbits brought everything together in such an awkward way. How could Zecora live like this? The only light source was a single lantern which was located next to Zecora, who clearly appeared oblivious to her surroundings.

"Ah, you have finally come at last." Zecora said. "I know we're going to have such a blast."

"So what kind of favour did you need me for?"

"You remember? Good. I was hoping you would."

"And there she goes with the rhyming." I said to myself.

"I wish to show you something interesting." Zecora then pointed to the table like structure that took up most of the room. Upon a second glance at it, it wasn't so much of a table but rather a platform which a groove embedded into it which something could be slotted into it. I couldn't explain it but something about it seemed... Mysterious. "You've been poking into some of the ruins on this island, I can tell. You have in your possession treasures from them that are surely quite swell. Now this is where things get really exciting so I truly hope with my fun you'll be trying."

She then presented me with a stone slab that featured a picture of a room before handing it over to me. "Um... What's this?" I then took a closer look and was shocked. "I recognize this room from a dungeon I was previously in!" The room in question was from the Tail Cave but why did Zecora have it? "You need to tell me what this is all about!"

"And so I shall, my dear pal." Zecora then picked up another slab and presented it to me. On this one was another room from a dungeon I had been to. The room this time? The entrance of the Key Cavern. "This has been a project most dear to me, and when you've seen it for yourself, you shall see. I make little chambers based on those dungeons. How do I do this you ask? I'm afraid explaining it would be too monumental a task. Put some chambers into the slab back there and it turns into a real dungeon. Like I said, how it works is too complicated so it's best not to inquire."

"You can make your own custom dungeons?"

Zecora nodded. "Indeed I can. Now please put your mind at rest for I need your help in putting this to the test. I want to know about the dungeons you've seen. I want to know where you have been. I can take what you tell me and create new chambers as a result. With a few chambers in hand, basic ideas are what will come though not grand. More pieces will result in more complicated places but that involves going to future dungeons you've not yet encountered. With what you currently have with you, can you complete my challenges?"

"Yeah, I can give it a try."

"Once you have finished arranging a dungeon, you must then make your way through it."

"I knew there'd be a catch."

"Nothing is simple."

"What about you?"

Zecora sighed. "I am no designer nor an adventurer so this is something I cannot do which is why I must leave things up to you. Do not think you are doing this for free as I shall reward you if you can impress me. Whenever you find a chamber stone, give it to me and it shall be turned into a chamber which can be used in order to add a new room. Now, allow me to provide a series of chambers that I created based on experiences you've already seen."

I had no idea how she managed to do that considering she had never once followed me but I wasn't about to question any of it. Zecora turned around and began fiddling about with something, and while I tried seeing what she was doing, I couldn't make it out so I was left guessing. She turned back around a few moments later before handing over a series of chambers before ushering me over to the stone slab. Despite some initial hesitation given how this all came out of nowhere, I walked up to the stone slab and a menu appeared before me showcasing numerous dungeon ideas which could be created.

"Twilight... What am I supposed to do?" I whispered.

Princess Twilight took a closer look. "According to this menu, there are four difficulty levels but you can only access the first one. I guess it's to prevent you from being completely overwhelmed by the concept. I suspect there will be additional challenges in this first category seeing as it looks so bare. but for now, you should just focus on what Zecora has given you to work with." Her Highness began reading a description on the menu to herself before turning to face me. "You need to finish this dungeon that Zecora started making by putting in the remaining rooms that go right to the end."

I then looked at the design. "Is... Is that Moldorm at the end!?"

"It is."

"But, I defeated it already!" I exclaimed in a whisper. "How could it be back?"

Princess Twilight comforted me and I quickly calmed down. "The Moldorm you defeated was the original one, Sunset. The one in this Creator Dungeon is merely a replica, a duplicate that behaves like the original but is merely used as a means of overcoming this challenge. According to this, you need to have a stop along the way for the treasure chest, exits need to connect with other exits, and you need a path that goes straight to where Moldorm is. A simple enough objective."

"So I take these chambers and put them down into this?"

"Yes, but certain rooms must be in place and can't be removed."

"How many rooms do I have?"

"You've been through three dungeons so you do have plenty to work with." Princess Twilight answered. She then looked at what chambers I had at my disposal before coming to a surprising conclusion. "But, it looks like not all chambers from those dungeons are in this batch Zecora has given you to work with. Perhaps she will give you some later on and you might find some at the Item Shop and the Trendy Game Shop. How difficult it will be depends on what you want out of it."

"It looks like there are certain restrictions in place when it comes to some rooms, but for others, I can do whatever I want with it." I said. I then began combing through the different rooms to see which ones would be best suited for this dungeon. "No wonder Zecora needed someone to try this thing out. You needed to have been there and experienced these places to better appreciate them." Cycling through each room, I was reminded of when I went through them initially. Some rooms were memorable while others were best left forgotten. "Oh! I can even put in rooms with treasure chests!"

From what I gathered of this, the final treasure chest opened would contain the Nightmare's Key. Any other chest opened before that would contain rupees or small keys depending on the current situation. Grabbing some chambers, I placed them down before checking to see how it looked. Some looked perfect while others appeared completely wrong. As I switched a couple out for others, it became apparent that not every chamber could connect with one another. I had to think of this as me exploring this creation which was going to be the case according to Zecora.

As I continued moving rooms in and out, I discovered that I could fight multiple replicas of the Nightmares in the same dungeon. While that would be interesting as well as be a test of my skills, it would also be time consuming not to mention increase the overall difficulty. No... I think having just one of them was enough for my liking. Due to not having many rooms on hand, I was forced to use at least one room which had a locked door and one that had a door which would unlock upon solving a puzzle. After spending about ten minutes switching rooms around and genuinely having fun, I finally stepped back to view my work.

"Are you finished, Sunset?"

I nodded. "I think I get the basic idea of what has to be done here. Granted, when I first heard what Zecora said about this Creator Dungeon, I wasn't thrilled about it because it meant having to endure through some pretty mean challenges. But, I have the ability to determine the difficulty and it was fun mixing and matching different dungeons together. Had we come here much later, I'd have had more options. Having to fight Moldorm again isn't my idea of fun but I'm a lot stronger now than back then so I should have little trouble defeating it for the second time."

"As long as you're confident with it."

"I think this will work."

"Then I think we need to let Zecora know we're ready unless there's another way to get this started."

Suddenly, there was a bright light and the next thing I knew, I was standing in the entrance room of the dungeon I had created. This was the entrance room of the Tail Cave, but beyond this room were rooms from other dungeons. I just needed to remember which rooms I used in making this thing. If there was one negative to doing this for Zecora, it had to do with me not truly progressing and that this was nothing more than a remix of the past. I had no intention of completing all of Zecora's challenges otherwise I'd be here practically forever, but perhaps I'd complete enough challenges to satisfy her.

Heading to the left first, I entered the room that became before Slime Eye back in Key Cavern. Unlike before, there was a mere locked door as opposed to the Nightmare Lock but without a key, I couldn't progress in this direction but perhaps I could change that. I remembered this room dropped a small key that ultimately went unused. Perhaps I would get another key and it could be used to unlock the door before me. I also learned something else about these chambers... they were accurate with monster placement. Case in point, this room had the same number of Keese scattered about.

Stepping on a conveyor belt, I allowed myself to be moved about via each one, defeating all the Keese easily which caused a treasure chest to materialize which was different as originally, the key dropped down from above. Opening the chest, I took out a key which I immediately used to unlock the door ahead and entered a room from the Bottle Grotto. To my left was a Vacuum Mouth and I immediately remember which room this was. Walking away from it as it began sucking up several more Keese, I waited for it to stop before walking up and opening another chest which contained a single green rupee... Seriously!?

"One measly rupee!?"

"It's better than nothing."

"I suppose so."

"Zecora should reward you a lot better than this chest did."

Entering the next room, everything went dark which reminded me of how much I hated it before. Since I knew that meant lighting up some torches, I waited for the Spark to move away from me before I took out the bag containing my Magic Powder and sprinkled it on both torches, lighting them up and unlocking both doors. Heading left into another dark room, I had to quickly remember what was unique about this room. The answer came in the form of the two Boos who were haunting it. Princess Twilight was still correct about only two of them existed since these two were in fact replicas of the originals so I wasn't about to question her accuracy.

Lighting both torches (I was beginning to run out of Magic Powder again), the two Boos turned away in fear which allowed me to defeat both with one sword swing each. This caused another chest to appear which contained another green rupee when I opened it. Grumbling to myself, I went back to the previous room and across to the other one which was another room taken from the Tail Cave. This one I remembered was quite easy given the simplicity behind it. Defeating the Red Gel in a single hit, the Hardhat Beetle slowly made its way around the abyss before I knocked it into there with a couple of sword whacks.

Walking around and activating the switch caused yet another chest to appear. If what the description said was true, the final chest would contain the Knightmare Key, and upon opening it up, that was what was inside. I could ignore the room to the south (I actually forgot which chamber I placed there) since it didn't really do anything and I personally wanted to get this over with because of wanting to get to the actual next dungeon. Walking right and entering the next room, two Stalfos popped up and attacked though a couple of sword strikes defeated them both easily. Aside from that, there was nothing else of interest.

"Ready to face Moldorm again?" Princess Twilight asked. "You don't need to be afraid of it."

"I'm not afraid, just annoyed that I have to fight it again."

"It will go much better this time around, trust me."

"At least I have that medicine in case things suddenly go south."

"While true, you don't need to be reckless, Sunset."

"Let's get this over with." I said as I approached the door and unlocked it with the Nightmare Key.

To Be Continued.