//------------------------------// // Chapter 19: Deforestation part 1 // Story: Pokémon of harmony // by Firefoxino //------------------------------// It was at the third day of our stay at the camp that we finally departed, Celestia told us that there are more accidents happening in Baltimare, and while we couldn’t stop the Pokémon in time she said that it was clearly over our head this time. The Machamp woke up the day after the battle was over. His name was Muscley gave to him by a little pegasus filly from Manehattan. “When the world I knew became this one I wandered around to find once again a place to stay. I went to Manehattan because it reminded me of my former home, I helped around in construction jobs and heavy lifting it was there that I found Lily, she was the cutest smallest filly i have ever seen.” He said with a drawn out sigh.  “When the beast attacked I was out of town with the guys for a job, we returned minutes after the attack. I immediately checked on Lily and I couldn't find her in her house, so I think she should be around here with the survivors.” He said with sigh of relief. “Anyway I got really angry and went full Gigantamax on him.” “What is Gigantamax?” I asked confused.  “Gigantamax is what I did, I became really big and I am much stronger because of it, you need some kind of rock to do it or you can be one of the lucky ones that can do it naturally like me.” He explained. “Uh, interesting. So what will you do now?” I asked him. “I will help, my strength will be useful to rebuild the city.” He replied with a smile. I nodded, “Then I wish you the best of luck.”  After that we started moving again, the cart got damaged but fortunately not squished so we were able to patch it together and return on the road, Trixie says that we will have to venture north on some unknown mountaintop where a portal for Baltimare is located, so we will travel for a week instead of almost a month.  The first few days of travel went easily enough, we travelled, camped and trained. Thomas was then a powerhouse of energy and strength, he could slice rocks and shatter stones easily enough. As for myself I trained hard to refine my control, my telekinesis got to the point where I could use it instead of my hands and that opened a whole new opportunity to make magic tricks with Trixie. Trixie herself was changed after Manehattan, she could pull the cart for hours before even breaking a single sweat and she didn’t have any problem lifting that heavy brass cannon that she had inside the extradimensional space, I still don’t know when or where we will use it but she said the time will come. What changed more about her is her demeanour about this whole situation, she now actively encourage us to train, she even do so herself whenever she has the time to. It was the third day of our journey towards the mountains, we made camp at the base of the mountain chain and were preparing lunch. That’s it when we heard someone calling from help coming from the nearby woods. We stumbled up haphazardly and went out from the camp to find out where the sound came from. “Come on I think it came from over here!” I shouted to Thomas and Trixie, we were now a good five minutes away from the camp and yet we didn’t find the source of the voice. We arrived to a small valley hidden in the mountains and found there an earth pony, his leg was clearly broken and the hulking figure of a Slaking was looming over him, his usually bored features replaced by clear anger. Thomas acted immediately, he ran between the two and put a barrier up. “Stop! What are you doing?” He asked the Pokémon. The Slaking stopped for a second looking at Thomas curiously, he then started to point at the pony, he mimed that the pony had something under him. The pony, a unicorn stallion with a cream coat and a red long mane, started to sweat profusely but couldn't ran away. Thomas put his hands up and slowly lowered his barrier, the Slaking looked at him but otherwise did nothing.  The slaking calmed down and so we started questioning the stallion, “What did you take from him?” I asked. “I-I’m sorry!” He shouted in tears. “I was just so hungry I’m sorry!” He continued weeping showing a collections of berries that were hidden under his belly.  I sighed, “Listen Slaking, can’t you close one eye this time?” I asked him.  He grunted in annoyance. “Please, he was hungry, he didn’t mean anything by stealing your food.” I pleaded with him. He snorted again, shot a glare to the pony and then started to walk away. “That was close…” Thomas said. “Thank you!” The pony said trying to hug Thomas’s legs. “I thought I was goner there and there.” He said. “It was no problem really.” Thomas replied with a bit of embarrassment. “But you saved me! I must repay you somehow… Oh I know, whenever you pass from Baltimare let me know and I’ll treat you to a vacation in my hotel!” He said with glee. “Baltimare? You come from there?” I asked. “Indeed I do, my name is Glittering Hooves, I’m the owner of the Glitter Hotel in Baltimare.” He said swelling with pride. “How did you end up here?” Trixie asked joining the conversation. “Baltimare is very far from here.” He sighed, “I was looking for new ingredients for my kitchen, I found this weird archway in the woods and next thing I knew I found myself here.” He said, looking down. “Don’t worry, we are going there too, you can come with us for a while.” I offered. “Really?” He said lighting up. “Right Trixie?” I asked her. “Fine.” She sighed. “Come on, let’s go back and prepare dinner it is almost night.” She said. With that said, Thomas took the pony with him and we walked back to the cart, it was then a calm and cool night. The next day we resumed our journey and arrived to the feet of the mountain, from there we had to go around to find a passage for the cart.  We found said passage in the form of a narrow tunnel, moist with water which could be hears flowing beneath us, this made the tunnel full of moss at the entrance. Inside the dark tunnel we found many Pokémon going around their daily lives, we made some small talk with some of them even if they couldn’t speak back. After an hour we reached the peak of the mountain and found the archway. “This is weird…” Glittering Hooves said. “I don’t remember coming out of this thing…” “That’s normal.” Trixie started. “You entered an archway without a magically attuned item or without casting a spell to anchor yourself to the other one, the archway simply transported you to this one but with a margin of error, you were lucky, you could have reappeared underground or up in the air.” She explained. Glittering immediately blanched and gulped audibly. “A-and now it is safe?” He said fearfully. “But of course, The Great and Powerful Trixie is here after all!” She replied striking a pose. “Oh thank goodness.” He said visibly reassured. I rolled my eyes, thomas did the same.  “You are just jealous of my fame.” Trixie said in our minds. “Suuuuure.” We replied in unison, this time Trixie rolled her eyes. I looked around a bit and noticed that there was someone else with us on the cliff, a tall bipedal bird with green feathers for body and white ones for its wings. A Xatu was looking into the void unmoving, I got curious and walked to it as silently as possible, but it was all for naught for the instant I got near enough the Xatu started to talk. “The darkness is spilling out, when the world of light becomes the reign of the outcast then everything will be lost.” He said. “What do you mean?” I asked him now worried, I knew xatu could make premonitions and I didn’t like what he just said. “A great darkness loom, a power that changed and ended much with nary a thought. The outcast will arrive, far from the light, now he will cast his shadow upon a world of light making it his, for his only ambition is to be him.” The xatu continued, he then opened his wings and he disappeared in a teleport. “What was that?” I asked myself.  “Anne! We are moving come on!” Thomas shouted to me. “Coming!” I shouted back running to the cart, I hopped inside and promised myself to talk about what the xatu said with Thomas and Trixie later when we will make camp. It was later that evening that we finally stopped, we were not too far from the city and we decided to not walk into the darkness to arrive a bit earlier.  “Thomas,” I started making him look at me from staring at the flames of our campfire. “I encountered a xatu on the cliff this noon, it told me a prophecy that something is coming casting a shadow, putting this world of light into his darkness. What do you think is happening?” “I don’t really know, we know that Discord is the cause of this shift so maybe the xatu was talking about him?” He replied. I shook my head. “No, he never said anything about being mad or crazy, and it would be strange to describe such a being without those two.” I told him. “Then I don’t know, I’m not the thinker here, I just punch things in the face you know?” He said with a smile. I punched him in his arm, “Stop it you fool, you are as brilliant as I am.” I said with a little laugh.  He laughed at that too, then we resumed looking into the hypnotizing flames, after a minute or so I started to look around, “Where’s Trixie?” I asked not noticing her at the camp, Glistening Hoof on the other hand was sleeping soundly into his sleeping bag. “I-” “HELP!” We heard screaming in our minds. We immediately shot up looking around but it was too dark. “Trixie? Where are you?” I asked her.  “In the forest, a giant plant got me north from the camp I-” And immediately went silent. “THOMAS!” I screamed. “I got it.” He said with resolution, he grabbed Glistening sleeping form and put him into the cart locking him inside, without even waking him up. We then ran into the forest searching for our lost friend. When we got deeper into the forest we were attacked by multiple branches, vines and leaves, all of them were easily deflected by Thomas although they slowed us down considerably, we continued on with me using my telekinesis and Thomas his new blades. We then arrived to a much deeper part of the forest where the vegetation was so thick it looked like the Everfree. In the deepest part where not even the light of the moon could pass through we saw a beautiful pink flower blooming, in the center of it Trixie was bound and unconscious.  “I see you found me…” A voice spoke up from the darkness around us.  “Who are you? Show yourself!” Thomas shouted. “As you wish, meal.” The voice said with malice and venom dripping from its words. From the darkness we saw a new pink flower litting up with a bioluminescent light, a green four legged body stood over us towering us both, the Pokémon had a deep green crest on its head, and hundreds of leaves of various colours coming out of its body, its yellow eyes locked on us. “You shall be my darlings new meal!” She shouted in our faces breathing out a purple cloud, I was picked up by Thomas and was thrown away from the incoming attack but unfortunately he wasn’t quick enough to avoid it himself and in seconds he fell on the ground unconscious as well. “Just one of you got hit uh? No matter, some action before a meal will make it much more satisfying.” She said walking forward making the ground tremble.  I readied myself for a very difficult battle.