Fading Suns: A New World

by David Silver

103 - An Accounting

"Well, there I was." Chrysalis was pacing back and forth on the map, still cat sized, though that made her larger than the small landmarks of the map. "About to meet with my agent." She rolled her eyes. "A little whelp of a pony that figured he had impressed a filly."

Twilight glanced to the others who nodded in return. "That was the fight that first injured you, right?"

She snorted angrily at that. "It was your insipid little dragon that did that. When did you start to allow him to play with such things?" A brow rose. "Are you trying to get in with the humans? Clever, showing them we can play their games."

"Let's stick to the facts," reminded Twilight in firm tones. "So you got into the fight with Spike, Laud, and Bon Bon. You were injured and subdued."

"And put in a box," fumed Chrysalis, throwing a tiny tantrum with her hooves stomping on the table in an impotent display. "The nerve... They took me to the humans to offer me up to them."

Twilight took a slow breath. "You badly injured one of them and they needed to be shown we could police our own."

"Or they'd police it for you," taunted Chrysalis with a smirk. "Poor ponies, under such pressure."

"We're getting off topic." She tapped a hoof on the table. "So, you were brought to the humans?"

"I could hear them talking. You were there." She pointed at Thorax who had been quietly listening. "We had a nice little chat... Then you abandoned me."

"I did not!" he squeaked in alarm. "I just went to talk to the other changeling. I thought you were safe!"

Chrysalis turned her eyes onto Starlight. "I am starting to believe everycreature thought that, until I wasn't..."

"Thorax left," prompted Twilight. "And then?"

"And then I walked out of my little prison and they jumped on me!"

Starlight cringed back a step. "That's basically what happened," she agreed with a shake of her head. "I didn't see her do anything to provoke them. One of them shouted, and they were all attacking."

Bon Bon leaned forward. "One little question. That was a clever ploy, playing dead like that... Did you pass out?"

"I will not dignify that with an answer." Chrysalis turned away from Bon Bon. "Before they could take me to be 'cleaned', which I imagine has something to do with fire, I made my daring escape. She brought me here." Chrysalis pointed at Bon Bon without looking at her. "After being mumbled over by a human for what felt like forever. What was that all about?"

Bon Bon looked back towards her midsection. "He was doing a little human magic, for an expecting mare. It had nothing to do with this, in the end."

Twilight inclined her head. "They had magic specifically for mares? That seems--"

"--No! That would be... odd." She sat down on her haunches and raised a hoof. "We're all alive. Their healing magic works on ponies the same as it works on humans. Besides, what's in there is at least half human."

Starlight's ears danced, one more focused on Chrysalis, the other on Bon Bon. "Be that as it may, I think... that ends the story?"

Twilight nodded. "Was Gregor part of the attack? He has made himself to be a human of peace."

Bon Bon was swift to reply, "I still think he is. His guards acted without his order, and he was upset. Not as upset as he should have been... but upset still. He was especially upset about how it made Starlight sad, and he didn't like my rubbing his hypocrisy in his face. I don't think he meant for it to happen."

Chrysalis puffed herself up, a hoof at her chest. "A proper ruler accepts responsibility for the actions of their subordinates."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You're short on those, your highness." The sarcasm in her voice was thick as she looked to the others. "I need to know why. Why did they attack? Are humans... just that violent? Laud hasn't... attacked anycreature that wasn't already mid-attacking us. Which is the exception, Laud, or Gregor's guards? We need to know."

But such an answer was not there for them to easily grab.

"Your words have dire importance," noted the floating head with a face of dour seriousness. "You understand this, correct?"

"Of course." Gregor tipped his own head faintly. "They are capable--"

"They would willingly parlay with demons. Capable of wretched magic and eager--"

"They can turn dark towards the light," cut in Gregor, his hopeful mien fading. "They are creatures of light itself."

"They are seductive witches that have taken hold of you." The face faded from view, but the voice could still be heard, "You are lost to us. We will pray for your soul."

The connection ended, a green light turning red even as Gregor implored for reason that wasn't being offered to him. "By the Pancreator..." He sank against the device, his strength fleeing him a moment. He had been cast aside, as good as excommunicated. His life was over.

His precious children's lives were over for being his. That world and its strange and wonderful inhabitants, would be attacked... "Amalthea give me strength." He righted himself with a slow breath. "Now is not the time for self-pity. There is too much that requires my hands." He turned in place, pivoting with a flutter of his robes. "I am on my own."

He marched from his room. "Gather everyone to the primary chapel. An emergency is at hand." His soldiers saluted and took off at a run as he strode purposefully.

The chapel had a pulpit where he had stood many times. It felt less comforting that day. Still, it was where he had to be and he moved towards it even as others began to filter in, taking seats and watching him. They knew he would have words for them, but none could know which words those would be.

Their fate was, in part, in his hands. He would not sully Amalthea's hands with handling that responsibility incorrectly. "My children, ye faithful. It has been an honor and privilege to serve alongside you all. I will not mince words. I have been cast out. This is now your last chance to join the others. Speak loudly your disapproval, and I will not prevent your leaving. Wherever you walk, may the Pancreator shine warmly."

A bishop stood. "Your leniency with the creatures of this world is clear to any with eyes to see it." He turned and marched from the room with stiff formality, his resignation clear.

The bishop had been the first, but would not be the last. Their loyalty put to the true test, only half of those who had remained at the first opportunity to leave remained at the second. Those willing to stand beside a man that had been cast out of the church they had been sworn to serve.

Their choice meant that they were also cast out, worse in some ways. They had chosen to stand beside a heretic, and there would be no mercy shown to them.

The ponies of Ponyville would see small craft fleeing into the sky, but would have no idea of the import of it.

"That planet is in need of cleansing," informed the holographic form of a priest. "If you value your lives and souls, you should depart."

The merchants' leader stroked his chin softly. "They already caught the demon and it was put to bloody death on our doorstep. It's rare to stop in any harbor that offers up justice that fast. What are you going on about?"

The holo-priest shook his head, hands placed together in prayer. "The infection goes far deeper than any one demon. Trust not the word of Gregor, priest no longer."

"Bloody hell--"

"Language," chastised the priest. "We trust you will depart?"

"Let me talk with my crew and I'll get back to you." Without waiting for a reply, he cut the call. "Damned pissants think they can tell me what language to use on my ship." He reached over and depressed a button. "Get up here, yesterday!"

"On the way," called a female in reply.

He had decisions to make and plans to form.

"How're you feeling?" Spike was peeking in from the door of the small hospital room, a window open wide to allow in bright sun and a gentle breeze. "Better, I hope?"

Laud smiled at the sighting of his student. "Better. Come. What... foul poison that thing used has me restricted to bed, but I am awake, and coherent." When Spike was close enough, he reached for the smaller dragon's shoulder. "You did well. You fought against a true demon and lived to tell the tale. You showed no hesitation despite this, but kept your wits sharp and close at hand. My heart swells with pride."

Spike's smile was not as wide as he would have liked. "I couldn't protect you."

"You can't protect everyone." His hand fell back to the bed. "I am a warrior, as are you. We were there to protect others, and we did this. If you could have... I don't doubt you would have." He took a slow breath, mildly labored as it was. "Has she been delivered?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah!" He bobbed his head. "In a big metal box." He outlined the cube in his hands. "All done. You just rest up. I'm on the case." He put a hand over his heart. "What is a squire for?"

"Many things." He was quiet for a time. "You have... wet your blade." When Spike's hand fell to the hilt of his sword, a faint smirk overtook Laud's lips. "How does it feel?"

"I... I'm not sure." His hands fell bonelessly. "It was so easy... to just stab her, to hurt her."

"Did it frighten you?"

Spike glanced away and back, shuffling in place. "No! A little..." He held up two fingers close together.

"It should," assured Laud. "Life is the ultimate gift we are given, and taken away so easily. See that your blade never takes it unjustly. Remember the weight of your power, but do not hesitate in its use when the need should rise. Others will be counting on you to wield the power of a knight in hands that know right from wrong."

Spike's hands came together, fingers worrying against one another. There was his mentor, his sponsor to be a knight and become a minor noble and a warrior. To be more than 'a kid'. Hurt and weak, but speaking heavy words. "I'm... not sure I felt like a hero."

"We have a job." His lifted his shoulders, a slow motion. "We're not heroes, just doing our job."

"Yeah..." He set his hand on Laud's, wrapping his fingers around his mentor's. "Get better soon, alright?"

Laud's laughter shattered the heavy pall over the room. "I'm sounding like I'm twice as old as I am. Spike, this world has changed me. Maybe for the better." He returned the squeeze. "When I came here, I was just a damn kid, looking for fun, and danger. Now I'm giving you this advice as if I've seen everything... I haven't. Spike... We all get scared sometimes. Knowing it just means you're becoming a real man."

"Dragon," corrected Spike with a raised finger.

"A man of a dragon," allowed Laud. "Now go, walk with your head held high. You did a great job and I won't hear a word to the contrary."

"Oh!" Spike hopped back and pointed out the window towards Twilight's castle. "Bon Bon's alright, just so you know."

"I was the only one injured. A bittersweet announcement. Better that than the alternative... Tell me." He pointed to Spike. "Are all the females of this world ready to fight like she-lions?"

Spike considered the females he knew. There was Princess Celestia, and Twilight, and Twilight's Mom, all bold ponies. There was Applejack and Rainbow Dash and Rarity and... Well, maybe less Fluttershy? "Yeah... most of 'em." He brought his hands together. "But they're full of love too."