//------------------------------// // Return of the Shredder // Story: I Love Being a Rainboom // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// At Subprime and Bixolio's hideout, Bixolio was in shock at what Subprime just told him and did not look happy. “Have you gone plum loco?!” the outlaw shouted, “Bring back Ch'rell?! He's one of the most dangerous beings in the ten dimensions!” “If bringing him back means we'll finally be rid of those Turtles and Rainbooms, then it's a chance I'm willing to take!” Subprime argued. “You realize he's twice as deceitful as the two of us. And how do you know we can trust him?” Bixolio questioned. “Maybe we can't, which means we'll have to keep a very close eye on him,” Subprime replied, “Besides, I'm sure he'd be more than interested in having another chance to settle the score with the turtles of this dimension.” “I still think this is a bad idea, Subprime.” “Well, we don't exactly have too many options left now do we?” Bixolio sighed, “Good point.” Subprime smirked, “We just need to pinpoint the coordinates of the asteroid he was banished too.” “Before you try that I should warn you the problem of using the transmat portal.” “And what is that?” “Not only does it require a lot of power to open, but opening the portal will give off a signal to any of the turtles monitors. We'll just be sending them an invite to bust us!” Subprime snickered, “Which is why we're opening it at another location. Once we have Ch'rell we'll be back at our own lair in no time.” “If you're so sure about this.” “I am. Now let's get to work.” Subprime ordered. Later on, both rogue Utroms set up their transmat portal at an old power plant in New York, “All systems check?” Subprime asked his partner. “Ready.” Bixolio confirmed. “Locating target now,” Subprime typed some coordinates, and the computer pinpointed their targets exact location, “Found him.” “Starting portal now.” Bixolio said. “Come on, Ch'rell. We're all waiting for you.” Subprime his the switch and the transmat portal started powering up. When that happened, all over New York the power was being drained and all the city went dark. In the sewer, the ninjas and Rainbooms were busy relaxing in their own way, until the power went out, “What in tarnation?!” Applejack gasped. “What the shell?” Raphael looked around. “NO!” Mikey cried, as he, his counterpart, and Pinkie weeped before the TV. “And it was getting to the best part!” Pinkie cried. “Why does the universe want us to suffer?!” Michelangelo cried. Suddenly the power came back, as Donatello spoke, “Don't worry, we have back up generators.” “What could've caused this power surge?” Twilight wondered. “I don't know, but it's not just us,” Leonardo answered, while hanging up his phone, “Casey says it's all over the city. A whole black out.” “Did everyone forget to pay their electric bill?” Keno asked. “I don't think so,” Donnie answered, “Pop quiz, with our experiences what normally happens when a city wide blackout occurs?” “Uh...” Pinkie and Mikey tried to think but nothing came up. Princess Twilight spoke, “Something is usually getting powered up. Something big.” “And with our experiences, it's always been a transmat portal.” Leo added. “Wait, you don't think?” Shini wondered. Starlight spoke, “Subprime and Bixolio must've powered up their portal?” “But why?” Fluttershy asked. “They must be bringing something here again.” Donatello deduced. “It could be anything.” Rainbow said in concern. “Or anyone.” Fugitoid added. “What do we do?” Sweetie Belle asked. “We have to locate the source of where the power is being harnessed to.” Donnie explained. Master Splinter spoke to them, “Go now, and locate the source.” “Hai, sensei!” the groups headed out. Meanwhile back at the power plant, Subprime and Bixolio watched as something was beamed out of their side of the portal and in the center of the room. “Yes!” Subprime laughed, “Welcome back to earth...” Subprime's enthusiasm stopped when he saw a giant ice block appeared before them with the utrom outlaw frozen inside it, “Ch'rell?” The two shut the portal off and walked up to the ice block, “Great, he's frozen to death!” Bixolio grumbled, “What a waste!” “Not so fast,” Subprime stopped him from leaving, “There still may be a way to revive him.” “Well, we better move him fast, before the turtles and the Rainbooms show up.” Subprime nodded, as Bixolio's Bull android used his raw strength to pick the ice block up. Subprime went to the transmat portal and clicked on a button causing the portal to shrink down into a compact carry on form. The two escaped through a regular portable Kraang portal that disappeared. Outside the Turtle teams, the Rainbooms, and their allies arrived and scoped it out, “Anything, Donnie?” Leonardo asked. “I'm not picking up any trace now.” Donatello answered, while checking his scanner. “Neither am I.” Donnie added. “There's nothing here.” Dog Spike added. “We were too late.” Fluttershy sighed. “Oh, dear.” Rarity gasped. “Whatever Subprime and Bixolio did can't be good.” Applejack feared. “What do we do now?” April asked. “Let's head back to the lair and monitor from there.” Leonardo suggested. The groups nodded, and headed back. Later on back at Subprime and Bixolio's lair, Ch'rell after being plucked from the ice block was floating inside a regeneration chamber filled with liquid with some wires connected to him. The two rogues were monitoring him, until they saw movement. Ch'rell groaned, before finally his eyes opened up, “Wha-what happened? Where am I?” he looked around. “Well, nice of you to join us, Sleeping Beauty.” Subprime Shredder greeted him. “We was afraid we'd lost ya to the cold.” Bixolio Bull added. “What is this?” Ch'rell demanded, before spotting the figure that looked like Shredder, “Who are you to dare take the name of the Shredder... My name! In vain!” he growled. “The guy who saved your sorry tentacled butt.” “Same for me.” Bixolio added. “Who are you two?!” Ch'rell demanded. “Very well,” Subprime said, as his and Bixolio's chest's opened up and out popped the two. “What is this?” Ch'rell asked in confusion. “Yeah, we're utroms like you.” Bixolio answered. “Not me anymore,” Subprime answered, before speaking to the criminal, “Do you recognize me, Ch'rell?” Ch'rell squinted at Subprime while focusing on the tone of his voice and everything. Suddenly it dawned on him and he gasped, “Knight!” he frowned. “Yes, and no. Once upon a time I was Knight, but now I go by Kraang Subprime.” "Subprime?” Ch'rell asked before turning to the other, “And you are...” “Bixolio, Ch'rell.” “Ah, yes. I remember you too. How long has it been?” “A lifetime.” Bixolio replied. “You've been away from home for so long, Ch'rell. A lot has happened.” Subprime said. “Such as?” “Get comfortable, because there's a lot to tell you.” Bixolio said, as Ch'rell listened closely. After a long explanation, Ch'rell was up to date on everything, “And here we are today.” Subprime finished. “Fascinating,” Ch'rell began, “That deranged scientist was able to conquer so much of our home dimension, and enslave so many of our people. And yet you eventually joined him willingly?” “What can I say? I love to be on the winning side.” Ch'rell turned to Bixolio, “And you have been hiding out in another dimension to escape capture as well?” “Yes,” Bixolio confirmed, “Although the dimension I wound up in wasn't my ideal choice, beggars couldn't be choosers.” “And moreso, there are other turtles in the ten dimensions?!” Ch'rell growled while gritting his teeth. “I'm afraid so, pal,” Subprime sighed, “They've been nothing but a thorn in our sides for so long. Always foiling every scheme we've come up with to conquer earth and other worlds.” Ch'rell pondered, before speaking, “It appears we have common cause the three of us, yes?” “Of course,” Bixolio agreed, “Hence why Subprime suggested we beam you back to earth.” “With our brains and planning combined we can take out both sets of turtles together and leave this dimension for you, while we return back to ours and take it for our own,” Subprime added, “What do you say?” Before Ch'Rell could answered, the entrance to their lair exploded open, and entering were two Foot Soldiers, and walking inside was none other than the Karai of this dimension. She squinted at the two, before spotting her 'father' in the regeneration tank, “What, how did she get in here?” Bixolio asked in shock. Ch'rell spoke, “Boys, may I present to you, my loyal daughter, Karai.” Karai approached and spoke, “I have gone to great lengths to keep vigil over my father since his banishment, but then hours ago he disappeared from our tracer. We tracked his signal here. How is this possible?!” she confronted the two rogues. “That's enough, Karai!” Ch'rell ordered her. Karai looked at her father in confused, “Father?” “You will treat my associates with the same respect as you have always given me.” he continued. “Father, I don't understand.” “May I present to you some old acquaintances of mine. Kraang Subprime and Bixolio.” “Howdy.” Bixolio greeted. “But father, these are utrom.” Karai reminded him. “Wrong, lady!” Subprime shouted. Ch'rell spoke, “Let's just say I was not the only one the utrom have done wrong too,” he smirked, “They have done me a favor by bringing me back here to earth to deal with some loose ends.” “You mean?” Karai asked not liking where this was headed. “Yes. It's time for me to deal with my enemies here for the last time.” “And in return, he shall help us in defeating our own enemies.” Subprime added, as he clicked o a remote and appearing on several screens surrounding them were the turtles and Rainbooms fighting in various battles they've been involved in both in their own dimension and the one they're currently in. “More turtles?” Karai gasped. “Oh, yeah. And if you think your turtles were a pain in the high horse, these varmints are just as worse.” Bixolio added. Ch'rell watched the turtles, but suddenly focused on the Rainbooms fighting just like the turtles, and using powers unlike anything he's ever seen. “What are these... girls?” he demanded, “How do they know how to fight like this?” “Ch'rell, let me introduce you to another bunch of meddling fools called The Rainbooms.” Subprime said. “But these are just children.” Karai voiced her skepticism. “That's we thought too when we first met them,” Bixolio said, “We learned the hard way they're not a group to underestimate.” “I must know everything about these girls,” Ch'rell said, “But first I think it's time the city got reacquainted with its most generous citizen.” he snickered. “Agreed. But we're gonna need to get you some new clothes.” Subprime motioned to Ch'rell's state. The next day, the turtles and Rainbooms were up and about with both Donnies at the computer monitor, “A whole night of scanning and we didn't find any trace of more portal activity.” Donnie sighed. “Look on the bright side, D,” Michelangelo began, “Something's bound to turn up sooner or later.” “It always does.” Sunset Shimmer admitted. As the news came on, the reporter began, “The City of New York is proud to welcome back one of it's most generous of benefactors whose helped the city more times than anyone can count. You heard it right folks, Oroku Saki has returned.” “HUH?!” the group asked in shock as they gathered around the TV. They saw standing with the city's mayor at a podium outside city hall was Ch'rell under the guise of Oroku Saki wearing a business suit. “Thank you, thank you,” Oroku Saki thanked the applauding citizens, “It's so good to be back.” he smiled. Splinter and his turtles were in complete shock at the sight of their old arch enemy, while the Rainbooms, their friends, and their turtles were surprised to see the real Ch'rell in his human disguise. After some silence, Rarity broke the ice, “Well, far be it from me to ever compliment an enemy. But I have to say this Oroku Saki is by far more handsome than the one from our dimension.” she noticed her friends giving her dry looks, and she responded with a sheepish laugh.