//------------------------------// // Ninja Throw Down // Story: I Love Being a Rainboom // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// And so the two sides engaged in combat with several of the heroes going after the Foot Bots, Kraang Droids and their forces, while Splinter, Leo, Leonardo, Sunset Shimmer, and Princess Twilight engaged Ch'Rell, Subprime, and Bixolio. The two Mikey's were dodging blasts from Kraang droids, before jumping at two of them and wrapped their nunchucks around their blasters. They tugged the blasters in different directions making them blast at several other droids. “Oh, yeah!” the two party dudes cheered. Rainbow was running fast while dodging the blaster shots before twirling her spear weapon and started striking at two Foot Bots who were retaliating with their swords. “Come on, is that all you got?” Rainbow mocked the two robots. Four more joined in forcing Rainbow to back up and block their strikes with her spear, “Guess not.” “Hang on, Rainbow!” April called, as she slid in and used her tanto to swat the Foot Bots back before throwing her tessen and used her psychic power to maneuver her weapon around before cutting down the four robots. “Awesome!” Rainbow cheered, as the two girls high fived. Pinkie was bouncing around some Cowboy bots, resulting in one of them trying to punch her only to end up punching one of its fellow bots. “Miss me! Miss me! Now ya gotta kiss me!” Pinkie laughed. She was grabbed behind by a Biotroid who held her in place, “I didn't really mean it!” Three Cow Bots were ready to attack Pinkie, only for Applejack to jump onto the back of one and dug her claw blades into it shorting it out. The other two Cow Bots were distracted by this, giving the two Raphs enough time to jump them and stab them with their sais shorting them out too. “Thanks, guys. Now get this ape to let go!” Pinkie cried. “I'm on it!” Bandit scurried up the Biotroid's back, pulled out the Kraang commandeering it and tossed it away. Pinkie broke out of the robot apes grip and rejoined the fight. Rarity was using one of her sickles to cut down some Foot Bots, while projecting her diamond shield to protect her from the Kraang's laser blasts. “Someone do something about these lasers!” she cried, as she felt her shield wouldn't be able to take so many blasts at the same time. “I got you covered, Rares!” Pete flew around before shooting back at the Kraang droids. “Cowabunga!” Mondo called, as he skateboarded around the robots who tried to grab him only to bump into each other, “Oh, yeah, we are totally rockin'!” he was suddenly tripped off his board by a Foot Bot sending him crashing right into a Biotroid who grabbed him by the throat. “Help!” he wheezed. Leatherhead roared as he tackled the Boitroid making him let go of Mondo. The gator mutant helped Mondo up, “Are you alright?” “Fine now. Look out!” he alerted Leatherhead before they were almost blasted by one of the Walkers. Fugitoid and Mona were jumping around blasting at their enemies. When a Foot Bot was running for them, Shini launched her chain and hypno ball wrapping around its body. “You're up boys!” Shini called to the two Casey's. “Goongala!” they announced before bashing the Foot Bot with their hockey sticks. Rockwell was monkeying around bashing the heads of Kraang droids, while using his psychic waves to push some Foot Bots away. Slash charged in and swung his mace at several Cowboy Bots. The Donnie's were twirling their staffs around whacking and beating at some Kraang droids and Foot Bots. Keno was fighting two Foot Bots together, before tripping them off their feet. Twilight who had just took out three of the robot ninjas noticed some Biotroids aiming their butt cannons at her friends. “Look out!” Twilight used her magic to turn the robot apes butt cannons on each other causing them to blow themselves up. Up front Splinter was busy taking on Ch'Rell, the two Leo's were facing Subprime, and Sunset and Princess Twilight were dealing with Bixolio. As Splinter was dodging and flipping around to avoid Ch'Rell's blade stabs, he spoke, “When this is over I will make sure you are sent back to the stars where you were imprisoned!” “Foolish, rodent. The only one being sent anywhere will be you to the afterlife!” Ch'Rell answered, as he spun kick Splinter sending him rolling across the floor only to get back up, and resume fighting. The two Leo's crossed their swords against Subprime's droid's blades, resulting in a stalemate, “This has gone on far enough, Subprime!” Leo shouted. “Wrong! It hasn't gone far enough! But you will!” Subprime pushed the two Leo's back, as Leonardo spoke. “You have no idea the horrors you brought by bringing our Shredder back here.” “We Kraang are all about horrors, stupid reptile!” Subprime laughed, as the two turtle leaders continued to strike back. Sunset was dodging hits from Bixolio's Outlaw droid, while Princess Twilight struck back with her weapon. “You missy's are barking up the wrong tree here!” Bixolio punched Princess Twilight away, only for Sunset to jump him from behind. “Not as much as you are!” Sunset replied, as she held on, until Bixolio reached behind and threw Sunset off him. As 03 Karai watched her father fight his sworn enemy, she was ready to assist, until she was kicked aside by her counterpart. “Haven't forgotten about me yet, have you?” Karai asked rhetorically. “I have not.” 03 Karai drew her sword, as did her young self. “So you blew the only chance I gave you.” Karai voiced disappointment. “I do anything for my father. Wouldn't you?” Karai frowned, “My father had honor, unlike some!” the two girls engaged in sword play. As the older ninjas and mutants were fighting the robots, the CMC were busy dodging laser shots, before Apple Bloom used her blade to slice off the legs of a nearby Foot Bot. “Ya'll, we gotta do something to even the playing field.” the young Apple noted. “Yeah, but what?” Scootaloo asked, as she stabbed a Kraang droid with her butterfly knives. Sweetie Belle who had just clawed a Foot Bot down with her finger nail blades looked around before spotting three of the Kraang Walkers stomping around trying to squash their friends or blast at them. She then saw Starlight was busy launching exploding arrows courtesy of the three mutant geniuses at several droids, and got an idea. “I got it,” she began, “Starlight!” Starlight looked to Sweetie Belle who motioned to the domes of the Walkers, “Go for the domes!” Starlight quickly caught on, “You got it!” she aimed an arrow right at the dome of a Walker and launched it. Upon contact the dome exploded exposing the Kraang piloting it. “Go for the other two!” Apple Bloom ordered, as Starlight took a shot at the domes of the other two Walkers. “Follow me!” Sweetie Belle led her friends up some stairs to a higher platform making them above the three Walkers. When the Walkers were right underneath them, Scootaloo called, “Jump!” The CMC each jumped onto the Walker, pulled the Kraang out and threw them off, “Hope it's easy to work these things.” Apple Bloom said, as she tried working the controls which ended up making the Walker stumble around, while Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were doing no better. The three stopped and concentrated and got their Walkers steady before moving them forward and started stepping on several robots. “What's with those Walkers?” Donatello asked. “Hey, guys!” Apple Bloom called from above. “Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked in surprise. “How's this?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Be careful, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity called from below. “We got this!” Scootaloo called back, as she blasted at several droids giving their friends some space. As the three villains faced their enemies, they looked ahead and saw more than half their battalion was beaten. Splinter seeing this kicked Shredder back before speaking. “See how your armies fall?” “And they will continue to fall as long as we remain strong.” Princess Twilight added, as she knocked Bixolio back, and the two Leo's kicked Subprime into the two. “Then let's fix that!” Subprime smirked. Bixolio turned to Ch'Rell, “Unleash the rest!” Ch'Rell clicked on a button on his gauntlet, and the walls opened up to reveal fresh new Foot Bots, Cowboy Bots, and Walkers. “Oh, shell.” Raphael groaned. “You gotta be kidding me.” Keno groaned. “And to make it better!” Subprime activated a switch, and suddenly a magnet appeared above them “A magnet?” Fugitoid gasped, “Oh, dear!” but realized he wasn't getting pulled up. Rather something else was. The girls geodes were pulled off their person and got stuck to the magnet above their heads, followed by the Turtles medallions. “No!” Mikey tried to grab his but couldn't reach in time. “That there magnet is very attracted to anything with magic in them.” Bixolio explained, “I mean, did ya'll really think we'd not be prepared for that?” “We thought of everything!”Subprime laughed, “And now we can destroy you annoying Turtles and Rainbooms once and for all!” “Wrong!” Ch'Rell replied, as he stepped forward ahead of the two, “Now 'I' can destroy our enemies!” Both Subprime ad Bixolio were outraged by their partners words, “What do yah mean you get to destroy them?!” Ch'Rell continued, “The Turtles are mine and mine alone to destroy! You and Bixlio can have these Rainbooms!” “That wasn't part of our agreement!” Bixolio argued. “We're supposed to destroy our enemies together!" Subprime added. “Silence!” Ch'Rell shouted, “I and I alone will destroy the Turtles! And I share that honor with none!” As they argued, the turtles and their friends were surprised, “Wow, bad guys turning on each other.” Mikey said. “Well, this wasn't surprising.” Donnie admitted. “Especially since this is our Shredder we're dealing with.” Leonardo noted. “But we brought you back! You owe us for that!” Subprime argued with Ch'Rell, only for the Shredder to knock both Subprime and Bixolio aside. “I am the Shredder! I owe no one!” Ch'Rell bellowed. “You backstabbing, two timing, scumbag!” Subprime shouted and growled, before smirking, “But the joke's on you, Ch'rell!” “We knew you couldn't be trusted, so we came up with a contingency plan. By puttin' a virus in your droid!” Bixolio added, before pushing a button and Ch'rell's droid sparked with electricity, as the evil Utrom yelled as if in pain.” Suddenly the electricity stopped, and Ch'Rell laughed evilly, “Fools! I anticipated your plans and upgraded my suit with an antivirus! It can't be shut down! Yours on the other hand... can!” he pushed a button on his gauntlet and both Subprime and Bixolio's droids started sparking. The Kraang and Utrom quickly ejected from their droids as they blew up into pieces. “Ah, Kraang!” Subprime grumbled. “Fingle fangle!” Bixolio grumbled. Ch'Rell turned to the ninjas and Rainbooms, “Now, come and face your doom! For none of you will leave here ALIVE!!!” he laughed. The groups armed themselves, as they prepared for round two. Princess Twilight spoke up, “If we're going down...” “Then we're going down fighting.” Leonardo finished. Before they could engage, suddenly multiple triangular blue portals appeared all around them, “What is this?!” Ch'Rell demanded. They looked and saw coming out of the portals were a battalion of Utrom droids with the entire council leading them. Following them were Traximus, Zeno, 03 Traximus, 03 Leatherhead, and the Justice Force. “The Utrom!” Sunset gasped. “Traximus! Zeno!” Fluttershy cheered. “Leatherhead!” Pinkie cheered, as Gator Leatherhead looked at his Croc counterpart in awe. Mortu, Queen, Bishop and the rest of the council approached, as Mortu addressed the Shredder, “Ch'Rell!” “Mortu, my old friend,” Shredder chuckled, “And I see you brought the rest of the council.” “Your evil has gone on long enough, Ch'Rell!” Queen warned him. “Give yourself up now, while you can.” Rook ordered. Ch'Rell laughed, “If you think I am going to stand down when I have my greatest enemies right where I want them, then you are all fools!” “We'll see who's the fool!” Bishop whipped out an Utrom rocket launcher and fired at several Kraang Walkers making them blow and crumble. “Let's go!” Silver Sentry ordered his team who went on the attack. “It's ninja time!” The 03 Turtles announced, as they all charged in for round two. The Justice Force were using their individual abilities to take out several of the robots, while Ananda noticed the CMC still piloting the Walkers, “Not bad piloting, girls.” “Thanks.” Apple Bloom answered. The two Leatherheads were clobbering Biotroids, as 03 Leatherhead spoke to his counterpart, “I am truly honored to meet an alternate version of myself.” “I feel the same way.” Leatherhead admitted. The three Triceraton warriors were taking down the Cowboy robots, as Traximus spoke to his counterpart, “Ah the glory days of combat. Back when it was enjoyable to fight along side your comrades.” “Instead of fighting for an unjust vendetta or cause.” 03 Traximus put in. “These are the better days.” Zeno said as he dropped his hammer down on four Cowbot bots. As the Turtles and Rainbooms fought through the Foot Bots and Kraang, Subprime and Bixolio watched from the side, while glancing back at Ch'Rell who was fighting against Mortu and Splinter. “Betray us will you?” Subprime asked bitterly. He looked to Bixolio who looked curious. Subprime nodded, and Bixolio threw another switch deactivating the magnet above them. The geodes and medallions dropped from the ceiling, and the Rainbooms and Turtles grabbed their respective one. “How'd the magnet get deactivated?” Applejack wondered. Leo and Sunset noticed Subprime looking at them before nodding. The two smirked, as Leo spoke, “Alright, team, let's give it all we got!” the Turtles and Rainbooms tapped into their magics and plowed through the robots giving the alternate turtles a path to help Splinter fight the Shredder. The Master and his sons fought Ch'Rell, as Leonardo spoke, “Betraying your partners was a big mistake.” “And it might come back to bite you.” Donatello added, as he whacked at Ch'Rell with his bo-staff. “Fool!” Ch'Rell bellowed, before knocking them back, “I don't need anyone!” As the two Karai's continued to fight, 03 Karai overheard that feeling betrayed, as Karai knocked her adult self back, “Sounds like someone who really loves you.” she said in sarcasm. As Ch'Rell fought each of the turtles knocking them back, he engaged Leonardo, “We wouldn't be standing here as enemies if you had just taken my offer years ago.” “I would never side with you!” Leonardo answered, as he started striking Ch'Rell with his swords, as the evil Utrom used his exosuits twin blade gauntlet to block as many of the strikes, before the hands shirting into finger finger blasters and started shooting at the turtle leader. Leonardo was deflecting the shots with his swords, only for Ch'Rell to dash forward and punch Leonardo in the chest making him crash into a wall cracking it. Ch'Rell spoke, as he stepped closer with his blades ready, “Any last words before I put you out of your miserable existence?” Leonardo looked up at Ch'Rell with a determined look and answered, “Booyakasha!” This however threw Ch'Rell into confusion, “What? Booyakasha?” in response he was slammed from both sides from Raph and Mikey's shells. “In you're dumb face, Shred-Head!” Raph called, as he and Mikey flipped over to Leonardo's side and helped him up. Donnie and Leo joined in fighting Ch'Rell before knocking him back before regrouping with their counterparts. The eight turtles stood together facing down Ch'Rell. “You may be able to handle four turtles, but how about eight?” Leo asked. “Feelin' lucky, punk?” Michelangelo asked. “The eight of you are all beneath me!” Ch'Rell answered. “Eight maybe!” came Applejack's voice as she jumped in and swiped her claw glove across Ch'Rell's Shredder droid torso putting scratches in it. “But how about sixteen?!” Sunset asked, as she slid in and fought Ch'Rell hand to hand before jumping back and threw an exploding kunai at him distorting him. Raphael and Rainbow Dash sped forward and slugged Ch'Rell knocking him onto his back, but the droid got back up. He saw all eight turtles, the Rainbooms, and Princess Twilight Sparkle ready to face him together. Rook called out, “Donnie, over here!” Donnie went to the Utrom, while his brothers and the Rainbooms held Ch'Rell off. “What's up?” “You still have your portal ray with you?” Rook asked. “Always?” “Let me take a look.” “Ok.” Donnie handed her the ray. “If I can make a few adjustments I can send Ch'Rell back to the asteroid he was banished too.” Rook began working. “Hope you can do it fast.” Donnie said. “Done!” Rook handed it to the turtle. “Alright,” Donnie aimed it at Ch'Rell, “Need to keep steady.” “Look out!” Rook called, as a Cowboy bot tackled the two making Donnie drop the ray that slid across the floor. “The portal ray!” Donnie cried, as he tried to grab it, only for it to keep getting knocked away by the robot enemies, “Come on!” he shouted, as it was kicked further away from him. The ray rolled right into the two Karai's, as Karai spoke, “Donatello's portal ray!” she ran to grab it, only for her adult self to knock her away and grabbed it, “Karai, I'm giving you one last chance. Be the person Leonardo and I know you are. Do the right thing!” Adult Karai looked at the ray and at her father pondering on what to do. The turtle teams and Rainbooms continued to fight Shredder who's armor pecks opened up revealing missiles that launched right at them. They dodged the missiles, as Leo thre ninja stars his way. Ch'Rell swatted the stars away, before Sunset threw more kunai his way. “You can try to throw whatever you have at me, but I will come out on top. I am inevitable!” Ch'Rell declared. “You are a sad miserable soul, Ch'Rell.” Rarity said in disappointment. “What?” “You betray your partners and just about anyone associated with you.” Fluttershy said. “If you actually conquered this planet, who are you gonna share all this with?” Rainbow questioned him. “I am the Shredder! Earth is mine! And I do not like to share!” Ch'Rell announced. “And that's your problem.” Leo said. “You want everything for yourself.” Twilight said. “And how can anything be good if you can't even share it with others?” Pinkie asked. “Power and vengeance may give you strength,” Princess Twilight said, “But it's the Friendship we've forged together with our groups and our new friends from this world that makes us stronger than you could ever comprehend!” “That is why you will never defeat us!” Sunset declared. Ch'Rell growled, as his cockpit opened up to reveal him, “Then I shall see to it you all fall together!” before he could strike a blast was shot behind him creating a portal that started pulling him in, “What?! No!” “A portal?” Donatello asked. “And look where it's headed.” Michelangelo noticed it was the same frozen asteroid Ch'Rell was banished to. “No! Not again!” Ch”Rell cried. The two Leo's, Princess Twilight, and Sunset Shimmer ran forward and delivered a four way kick, “Booyakasha!” the kicked Ch'Rell into the portal. “NOOOO!!!!” he cried as he disappeared into the portal that closed up. As Ch'Rell landed on the asteroid, the bumps he kept hitting damaged his suit until it crashed on the frozen ground damaged beyond repair or mobility. Ch'Rell was ejected out of the suit and looked around growling. “I will have my revenge... IF IT TAKES A MILLENIA!” Back on earth in the underground base, all the robots and walkers were destroyed, and the Kraang were captured. “We did it!” Fluttershy cheered, as they all cheered along. “But who opened the portal?” Donnie asked, until Karai cleared her throat. They looked over seeing teenage Karai motioned to her adult counterpart, “Karai?” Leonardo asked. “She really did it?” April asked. Adult Karai spoke up, “My father is once again imprisoned on the asteroid among the stars. Though he may not be here, at least he is alive and where I can monitor him. We all get what we want.” “Best of both worlds, I guess.” Mikey shrugged. Leo spoke, “Thank you, Karai. I know this couldn't be easy for you.” Adult Karai sighed, “Perhaps this just wasn't the time for my father to have his revenge.” “Nor should it ever be.” Rainbow said. “I do pray should our paths cross again it won't be on these terms,” Adult Karai said, “I'm sure you can all see yourselves out.” the ninjas nodded, as the woman started walking away. “Wait!” Karai called to her counterpart who stopped and looked at her, “I take back what I said, you definitely are my counterpart.” Adult Karai smiled, as she left the base. As everyone was catching their breath, Subprime and Bixolio were waddling away, “When we get back to Dimension X, we'll put together a new plan and...” Subprime was cut off as the two looked up to see the Utrom Council and Utrom droids aiming their blasters at them. “Oh, kraang!” Subprime crossed his tentacles. Soon all the Kraang were rounded up and Subprime and Bixolio were cuffed and gagged, “We Utroms owe you our eternal gratitude.” Queen told the 03 Turtles. “Because of all of you we finally have both Bixolio and Subprime apprehended.” Bishop added. “Keep a close eye on those varmints.” Applejack warned them. “Yeah, you never know when they'll try to make an escape.” Pinkie added. “We shall do all we can.” Rook promised. The droids took the prisoners through a portal back to Dimension X. Silver Sentry spoke to the ninjas, “You all fought valiantly, like true heroes and teams.” “Naturally.” Rarity replied with a smile. Splinter spoke, “I am proud to have seen how strong your friendship and teamwork is.” “Thank you, sensei.” the Turtles and Rainbooms thanked him. “So we all know what happens next, right?” Casey asked. “Celebration time!” Shini cheered. “Pizza party!” Mikey cheered. “Alright!” Pinkie jumped. “Awesome!” Rainbow pumped a fist. “Hey!” Came the CMC who were still piloting the Walkers, “Can we keep them?” Apple Bloom asked. “No!” Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow responded. “Oh, man!” the three crossed their arms.