//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Into The Forest // Story: R.O.S.E // by Madforce Entertainment //------------------------------// It was a beautiful morning at Beacon, and the students were in the Dining Hall. There was talking and laughter among friends. Sunset was sitting by herself, eating cereal. Just then, a girl wearing a cowgirl hat walked up to her. “Pardon, is this seat taken?” She asked with a Southern accent.  “Nope, it’s free,” Replied Sunset. The girl sat down next to her. Sunset looked up at her. She had green eyes and blond hair which was tied up in a ponytail. “Wait, Applejack?” She asked in surprise.   “Sunset Shimmer? Applejack asked, just as surprised. Well, I’ll be. I haven’t seen you since…” The girl pauses for a moment. “So what have you been up to since then?” The two girls then continued their conversation while eating their breakfast. Across the Hall, Cardin saw Applejack sitting with Sunset. He looked around at his goons with an arrogant smirk. “Watch this, boys,” He said in a boastful, smarmy voice. “I’m about to get a gal.” He stands up and walks over to Applejack and Sunset’s table.  “Oh no,” Sunset said, putting her hand on her forehead as she saw Cardin heading toward them. “What’s wrong?” Asked Applejack. “Hey, there,” Cardin said, leaning in close to Applejack and putting on what he thought was his most suave smile. “What’s a girl like you sitting next to an animal like that?” He asked, thinking he was God's gift to the world. He put his hand on her shoulder.  “I’m giving you the count of 3 to take your hand off my shoulder before I break your arm in 3 different places,” She said in a threatening tone. “Oh, come on. A girl like you, and a guy like me? We’ll be unstoppable,” He went on. “1”. “Think about it, a girl like you needs a man like me in your life.”  “2.” “Look, let's face it, anything you got, I can handle it,” He said with a grin. Applejack gave him an overly sweet smile. “Listen, big boy, a gal like me,” she said, “You can’t handle it. 3.” She grabbed his hand, squeezing hard, and a clicking sound could be heard, as Cardin's face scrunched up in pain. “Now, run along back to your little boy band,” she said in a cold voice. She let go of his hand, and he retreated to his goons, clutching his aching hand. “That was fun to watch,” said Sunset with a satisfied smile. “Yep, it was fun, but now my hand smells like a pretentious jerk,” Applejack replied jokingly. The two girls laughed heartily. Meanwhile, Onyx was in the middle of his morning ritual. At that moment, Weiss walked up to him. “We need to talk,” she said in a no-nonsense tone. “What about?” He asked nonchalantly. “About this whole team system. I don’t know how it works. But if we end up on the same team, we need to designate who will be the leader,” Weiss explained. “Weiss, we'll cross that bridge if we come to it,” Onyx replied. “You might be right. But as you know, the Schnee family and the Shinra family never work together,” She said, before turning, about to leave. “Regardless of whoever’s on your team, your attitude won’t make you a team leader,” He said to his cousin. Weiss was insulted by what Onyx said. She turned on her heel to face him again, scowling angrily. “Where do you get the audacity to talk to me like that?!” She snapped. “Oh wait, I forgot. Shinra pride is so hard to control isn’t it?” She finished mockingly.  Onix was not intimidated. “You know, sometimes I pity you, being a Schnee, considering it’s your arrogance that makes you think the world revolves around you. But guess what. It doesn't. And without a word of a lie, if your Dust Company went under tomorrow, the only ones shedding a tear over it will be you Shenee’s. Crying pathetically over the loss of all your precious wealth, which you conned, stole and cheated out of the hands of good people,” He said with a determined look. Weiss gasped before she twisted into a furious scowl. “How dare you!” She yelled, using every one of her wills to restrain herself from slapping him across the face. “We Schnee’s built our company on pride and honour!”  “You know, it’s ironic you chose a snowflake as your company’s emblem,” Onyx went on, unfazed by Weiss’s outburst, “considering you’re all full of nothing but hot air.” He and Weiss were now standing within arms reach of each other, and leaning forward so their faces were mere inches apart, as they glared into each other's eyes. But then, the two of them, in unison, straightened themselves up. “Stay out of my way,” Weiss said simply. “Will do,” Onyx said with a nod, “Just don’t go breaking a nail.”  Weiss then turned and walked away, muttering under her breath as she did so. “Moron.” As he watched her leave, Onyx also muttered under his breath. “Bitch.”  Meanwhile, Eclipse had just finished reading a comic. “Hmm, now I just need the next volume,” he said to himself. Blake then looked over at Eclipse. “Do you have a plan?” She asked.  “I’m just going to wing it,” Eclipse replied with a shrug. “I think that might be the best idea,” Blake agreed. “Considering we don't know how the process goes.” Just then, there was an announcement over the school's PA system. “Attention all first-year students. The Initiation Test will begin in 1 hour. Can all candidates please proceed to the locker room?” Everyone in the dining hall made their way to the locker room. Once there, Onyx saw Ruby and Yang, who were talking about teams. He also saw Weiss, who was attempting to recruit a girl with long red hair who looked familiar to him. He equipped himself with his hunter outfit. It consisted of black shoes, black pants, a black jacket with red lining, and a single shoulder pad on his right shoulder. On both hands, he wore a pair of dark red gauntlets, with thick grey cuffs, which had slots for small chambers filled with Dust. His weapon was a curved bayonet, which was in his holster. On the back of his jacket was his emblem, which looked like a half-white, half-black face, with the white half smiling, and the black half giving a jagged smile.   Sunset finished getting changed into her huntress outfit; it was based on a Chinese female fighting style outfit, with a red and yellow finish. The top was mostly red with gold lining, with her shoulders and arms exposed, except for red sweatbands on her wrists. She also wore black pants, and black and gold boots that shows her toes and heels. She then tied a golden sash around her waist. She had tied her hair into a Chinese-style hairball. Then she placed her weapon on her back, behind her right shoulder, which was in travel mode. Eclipse was in his hunter outfit. He was already dressed in his fighting gear, which consisted of padded white boots, violet baggy pants, an indigo tank top, and a white hood over his head, with his tiger ears sticking out of the top. On his right shoulder was a tattoo of his emblem, which looked like a red circle, with the two halves of his scizor blades overlapping, with another line between them, forming the shape of a capital A, standing for Anarchy, which was covered by a long, jagged scar. He wore the two halves of his scissor blades at his sides. Ruby then looks up and sees Onyx in his outfit. “You're looking sharp,” She said with a smile. “Thanks, I've been working on this for a very long time,” Onyx replied. At that moment, there was another announcement. “Can all new candidates make their way to BeaconCliffs,” The announcement then ended “Show time,” he said with a small smirk. He started to make his way out when he bumped into someone. “Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” He explained apologetically.  “No, it’s fine, I…” said a girl's voice, before pausing, and then continuing in a surprised tone as she stared up at him. “Onyx?” Onyx also looked down at the girl with wide eyes as he recognised her. She had short lime green hair, tanned skin, and deep red eyes. She wore brown boots, brown leggings over white pants, and a green halter top, with a white tank top over it which crisscrossed over her shoulders. “Emerald?!” He exclaimed. The two of them just stared at each other, before the girl stuttered, “I...I gotta go.” She quickly walked away. “Do you know her?” Asked Ruby. “I did, a long time ago,” Onyx replied simply. Ruby could tell that this subject was a sensitive one for Onix to talk about, so she didn’t press any further. He would tell her in his own time. “Let’s go, they’re not going to wait for us,” She said. Onyx and Ruby then made their way out of the locker room and toward the cliffs. The new students all stood in a row along the cliff which overlooked the vast forest. They stood on square panels, which were all marked with the emblem of the Kingdom of Vale.  Professor Salem and Professor Goodwitch stood in front of them all, as Professor Salem gave a speech to the new students. “For years, you have all trained for this day. Behind me is the Emerald Forest. To the northern side of the Forest are Ruins. Inside those ruins are relics. All you need to do is retrieve one relic each, and you must bring the relic back to Beacon before the day’s end. Failure to do so will result in the end of your studentship here at Beacon. Now, I know there is confusion about the teaming. Allow me to put an end to it. Your teams will be decided by chance the moment you make eye contact with anyone in the Forest. They will be with you for the duration of your stay here at Beacon.” The students all looked at each other in apprehension. “Now, ready yourselves. You will now be launched into the Emerald Forest,” Said Professor Goodwitch. The students nodded and got into their positions. “Umm, sorry, did you say launched into the Emerald Forest?” Asked Jaune with a worried tone. “Yes, Mr Arc,” Replied Professor Salem. “I don’t have a parachute,” Said Jaune. “We didn’t give out any parachutes,” Replied Salem. “How are we supposed to land?” Asked Jaune, sounding even more scared.  “You will use a landing strategy,” Explained Salem, with an edge of impatience in her voice. “What’s a landing strategy?” He asked again. Onyx rolled his eyes at the blond boy’s antics. As Jaune continued to ask questions, one by one, the students were being catapulted into the Forest. “Here, Jaune, use this before you hit the ground,” Onyx said, giving him a small cylindrical object. “What’s this?” Jaune asked. “It’s an anti-grav grande, just push the button and throw it at the ground, and it will slow you down,” Explained Onyx. “Good luck,” Ruby said before she too was catapulted. “Anything else I need to know?” Asked Jaune again. “Put your head between your legs,” said Onyx, before he was also catapulted. “Wait, whaaaaaaa?!” Screamed Jaune in terror as he was also catapulted. “Now, we will see where they land,” Said Professor Goodwitch, as she and Professor Salem looked out over the great forest that lay out before them. “Yes, we shall now observe, and let fate be decided,” Agreed Professor Salem. To Be Continued...