//------------------------------// // 37 Artifacts Part 1 (Reemergence) // Story: Knowledge Brings Change // by hydra30 //------------------------------// The Carousel Boutique was bustling with activity as Coco, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle resumed their work after Twilight and Spike departed to check on the others’ progress. Rarity and Sweetie carefully arranged the completed dresses into padded boxes, to be transported to Canterlot, while Coco headed upstairs to the work room to finish the requests of Rarity's clientele (seeing as how her current return to the boutique was only temporary). While Sweetie Belle was amusing herself with thoughts of how the boxes were ridiculously large for something the size of the dresses she was folding being packed into them, no doubt to accommodate the extra padding Rarity insisted were necessary for her dresses’ survival on such a long venture that was the distance between Ponyville and Canterlot, Rarity was busy admiring each piece as she levitated them into boxes after Sweetie was finished folding it, the gleam of the Welkynd Stones dancing in her eyes. She let out a proud huff as she placed the lid over Cadance's bridal dress, thinking back to her previous attempts making wedding attire. 'What came over me back then bending over backwards to that brutal ruffian imposter’s demands? I may not have known she wasn't the real bride at the time, but I should know by now that my skills in fashion are second to none. Even if the critique is by a fair princess, I shouldn't second guess my work so easily." Her eyes trailed on to what was to be Twilight's Mare Of Honor dress as it was concealed by a lid, thinking of the time she and her friends put on their own fashion show, how disastrous the first attempt was, and why, and how similar the current events were. 'The wedding between Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, take two. And this time, not just me, but everyone will have an eye out for more than just the festivities.' Rarity could not help but shudder as she remembered Twilight sending Chrysalis out through the wedding hall window with the Thu'um. 'And this time, Twilight, we will do it right.' As the last dress was tucked away in its box, Rarity turned to her little sister. "Well, my contribution is complete, so I'm going to go find Twilight and Spike. We need to inform the Princesses that the dresses are ready." "What do you need me to do now, Sis?" asked Sweetie Belle, standing up from where she had been folding. "Oh, you have done quite enough, dear," said Rarity gratefully, "Why don't you go see how your friends are doing. We'll need to round them up when all is ready anyway, for you are the flower fillies after all." "Right," said Sweetie, getting up and trotting to the door, "Hey, maybe the other Crusaders and I can try that one idea before we go. I bet Granny Smith and Big Mac will be too busy to stop us this time." Excited at the idea of slipping into Sweet Apple Acres to try this forbidden activity, Sweetie Belle went outside to the dirt roads of Ponyville and took off at speeds only attainable through the CMC, and second only to Rainbow Dash. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, NETCH WRANGLERS, YAY!!!" Oblivious to her sister’s current antics, Rarity also exited her shop, beginning her search for Twilight and adorable little Spike. Since she knew Twilight was doing her whole checklist thing with the others, she figured the best way to track her down was to check in on Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow herself, and with Sugarcube Corner being closest of their places to her boutique, it made sense to check there first. Trotting along with her trademark grace, Rarity ventured into Ponyville towards the bakery that employed her bubbly friend. Along the way, she could not help but take in Ponyville's scenery with a nostalgic sigh. While priding herself a mare of high society, and feeling that wealthy atmospheres such as Canterlot were more her style, Rarity could not deny Ponyville had an appealing atmosphere of its own. It even had a sense of fashion of its own; what's it called, 'Rustic Chic'? Even the ponies of Ponyville, while lacking the poise of Canterlot, had their appeal. If only they wore clothing more often, and for other reasons other than necessity. Such as that one pony in the crowd. Rarity stared at a mare garbed in a traveling cloak mingling in the crowd, the dark color of the fabric in stark contrast to the vibrant coats of the ponies surrounding her. Rarity's nose wrinkled in disgust, her tongue poking out as she fought the urge to gag. While it was none of her business, and since this was obviously a newcomer to town (since she was wearing a travel cloak), Rarity could not suppress the urge to try and remedy this travesty against fashion. After all, she was already considering how she could make that cloak more appealing to the eye. Maybe this was an opportunity to reel in a new client. "Pardon me, miss," Rarity called demurely, turning into the crowd in pursuit of the cloaked figure. "Oh, do pardon me miss, but I am afraid I just can't keep quiet." Her delicate voice obviously registered to the traveler, for she halted in place, allowing Rarity to catch up and face her turned back. "You simply must let me apply some proper elegance to that cloak of yours. It does absolutely nothing for your posture, and the color is most horrid. Why, with some proper highlights, and maybe even a well placed gem here and there, I believe I could turn that monstrosity into the very definition of 'traveling with style'... Rarity halted her vocal interpretation of the travelers attire when she realized said traveler had yet to turn to face her, letting out a huff of annoyance at such shrewd behavior. "It is very rude not to face somepony when they speak to you, you know?" Still, the traveler didn't turn to face Rarity, in fact, her shoulders began shaking slightly, and Rarity noticed a light, but impertinent chuckling begin echoing through the air. "Well, such behavior, I never!" chided Rarity, pointing her nose skyward, turning to trot away, "If all I'm going to get for my courtesy is a disrespectful attitude, then I won't waste my time... Rarity halted as something seized her tail, turning around to see a crimson aura of unicorn magic gripping her elegantly curvy strands. "How dare you!" gasped Rarity, wiggling her hindquarters to try and dislodge her tail from the telekinesis. "Do you have any idea how long it takes me to curl my tail? I demand you unhoof me at once, you uncouth brute!" "Hmm, hmm, hmm, I see you haven't changed, miss 'unicorns must also have style.'" Rarity paused in her struggle. She knew that voice. How could she not? After all, a high society fashionista like Rarity would never forget when certain unpleasant events led to an entire day spent painstakingly utilizing all of one's talents (and one's own unicorn magic) restoring one's own well kept head of hair, after some ruffian transfigured it all into a lopsided mess of tangled green locks, interwoven with tree branches. Slowly, Rarity looked up from her bound tail, just in time for the cloaked individual to turn around to face her, lowering her hood. The grinning, cyan face of The Great and Powerful Trixie stared her down, her features no less smug than the last time Rarity had the misfortune of encountering her. "You?" Rarity's scowl deepened as she tried to turn to face the other unicorn, but only managed to get about halfway, due to her immobilized tail. "What, in Celestia's name, are you doing here?" Rather than getting a response, Rarity found herself hoisted up by the telekinesis gripping her tail, then flung over Trixie, head over fetlock, landing painfully in the dirt upon her back. "Umph!" Rarity grunted as the air was expelled from her lungs. Upon catching her breath, the first thing she noticed was Trixie's sneer as she looked down at her. Rarity's eye twitched. She wasn't one for confrontation, but this pony was starting to rub her the wrong way. "You know, Trixie suspected it would be easy to track down one of Twilight's misfits, even in this backwards community of Ponyville, you all stick out like a sore hoof." Trixie's sneer became almost hungry like. "But Trixie would never have expected one of you to just waltz up to Trixie, practically serving themselves up on a silver platter." Rarity's rage was reaching a boiling point. How dare this pompous braggart insult not only her, but her friends, and her town as well. "Alright! Enough is enough!" Rarity bolted to her hooves and pressed her forehead into Trixie's, their horns crossing like a pair of fencing blades. "You are treading on thin ice, Miss Trixie. Even an elegant lady such as myself has her limits, so if you insult my home, or my friends again, you might just find you have bitten off more than you can chew!" Trixie lowered her sneer into a smug smirk, subconsciously rubbing her hoof over the Alicorn Amulet clasped above the collar of her cloak. From what she had heard, it wasn't just Twilight who had been bestowed with these strange, otherworldly powers, but the rest of the members of her posse as well. It was time to see if the abilities of this amulet extended as far as the legend suggests. Still, why waste her time on guppies when there were bigger fish to fry? As much as Trixie would like for the amulet to assimilate this new power (as the reputation suggested it could) from any of Twilight's random friends, why not start with the very pony that was responsible for all her suffering right from the start? After all, her magic was boosted far past normal already, and this new magic Twilight supposedly possessed couldn't possibly match it, at least not before the Alicorn Amulet made it its own. And despite how strong they all had gotten, Twilight was obviously the one most talented in raw magical ability right from the start, so it was logical that these new talents boosts were already far greater potential that was housed within. And the perfect ticket to drawing out the source of Trixie's ire was right in front of her. "As much as Trixie would like to oblige your challenge, it's not you Trixie wants," she thrusted her forehead out, shoving Rarity off her. "Trixie wants Twilight Sparkle, and you are going to assist me." Rarity huffed steam out her nostrils, her thoughts drifting to how Twilight was hard at work helping with the preparations for the long overdue wedding of her brother. The last thing the poor dear needed was to be interrupted by this charlatan. "You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to help you accost Twilight in any way." Trixie snickered again. "Oh, but I am afraid you have no choice, little lady." Rarity growled at the tone Trixie said 'little lady' in. Like she was some foal that had to do what the grownups say."And just what are you going to do to make me?" Trixie's smile deepened as she lowered her horn, the shadow of her mane allowing the red glow of her eyes to be seen momentarily. Before Rarity knew it, a crimson beam of light washed over her, obscuring her vision and leaving her momentarily blind. When her eyes cleared, Rarity noticed a light weight over her withers, and when she looked down, her mind froze up. Her elegant form had been utterly defiled. Rarity was now clad in a Victory style dress, but its shape was where the beauty ended. The color scheme wasn't the least bit catching to the eye, what with the collar and frills of the skirt being a light violet, the rest patterned with zigzagging orange, green, and brown. Rarity's wrath was immediately washed away with terror as she beheld the sin of fashion now clinging to her body. Fashion was Rarity's passion, and no matter the circumstances, her mindset would always be focused on what made the world around her beautiful. And the attire Trixie just forced upon her... she wouldn't touch something like this with the Ponyville Schoolhouse flag pole, let alone wear it. So, she reacted in the only way a pony of her character would in a situation like this... ...she screamed. "AAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!" Rarity's shrieking drew the attention of whoever hadn't already noticed Rarity's face off with Trixie, causing the crowd around to thicken. Normally, the denizens of Ponyville wouldn't stand to see a member of their community assaulted so (especially with her prolonged absence) but something about Trixie had been off putting the moment she drew attention to herself, leaving the other ponies hesitant to react on Rarity's behalf. It was a good thing too, for it seemed that Trixie's motives were hostile. "YOU BEAST!" she screamed, examining the dress with terror. "Why, this shade of brown should only be used for accents..." She made to faint, but suddenly Pinkie stepped forth from the crowd and caught her with her back, a discarded overly large basket hat spilling its contents all over the flower sisters and their market stand. "I got you Rarity," she said, cradling the delirious unicorn, "I have a soothing pink that will fix you right up, stat." Trixie scowled as she saw her quarry being carted off. She hadn't meant to do that, after all, the prissy unicorn couldn't cough up Twilight's location unless she was awake. And she supposedly wielded the same powers as Twilight? 'No matters, there is more than one way to peel an apple.' Her face morphing into an aggressive scowl, Trixie turned to address the gathered crowd. "WHERE IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE?!" She seized a random vendor's stand, and with a flick of her new power, sent it hurdling skyward. "IF SOMEPONY DOESN'T TELL ME WHERE SHE IS, I AM GOING TO LEVEL THIS BACKWATER YOU CALL A HOME!" She revelled as they all backed away in fear.'That's right, Trixie knows how to keep her audience riveted." "HEY!" Trixie's brow furrowed as the pink one who had caught the drama queen separated from the crowd, her porcelain colored friend laying upon a pile of luggage behind her (wherever that had come from). "What's a Meanie McMean pants like you want with Twilight?" she growled, squinting her eyes. "She's super busy with the preparations for her brother's wedding." Trixie's scowl deepened. "I don't care if she's getting ready to throw Celestia herself a slumber party." Trixie turned and faced Pinkie Pie head-on, "Trixie has come here for one thing, and one thing only." She tilted her head down, the shadow of her bangs allowing a brief glimpse of the red aura coating her eyes. "To prove Trixie is the best magic user in Equestria, by putting Twilight Sparkle in her place." "HEY! What did Twilight ever do to you?" exclaimed Pinkie. "What did she do? WHAT DID TWILIGHT SPARKLE DO TO TRIXIE, YOU ASK?" Her eye twitching, Trixie pointed her horn upward, a vertical beam of red magic shooting up and extending out to form a huge rectangle. "She humiliated me." Trixie dropped her third person persona as memories of what her life had been like thus far came to the forefront of her mind, her spell reflecting them for all to see. "After she showed me up with that 'Ursa Minor' I became a laughing stock." The spell portrayed Trixie roaming Equestria's countryside, and everywhere, she was met with snickers and jeers, one time even having her precious stage cart vandalized with graffiti. "Once, Trixie's very presence would garner praise and admiration, now nopony would even give me the time of day." The image shifted to Trixie chiseling at rocks with a hammer. "I even had to take a job on a rock farm, just to earn a living. "A ROCK FARM!" Trixie stamped her front hooves, her spell shattering and showering her with sparkling red shards of magic. "And it was all that talentless upstart’s fault! And now I want revenge." The crazed look in this pony’s eyes sent chills down the spines of everypony in the crowd. "HEY! You're lucky a rock farm would take the likes of you!" Pinkie retaliated. Trixie scoffed. Whether or not this pink nuisance knew the whereabouts of Twilight Sparkle or not, her mouth was starting to get on her nerves; maybe it's time to shut her up... 'Permanently!' With a flash of Trixie's magic, a two-dimensional image of a vague arrow shape appeared before Pinkie's muzzle and tapped her nose, which then began to warp in shape slightly. "PINKIE!" Rarity had apparently recovered from the trauma of having been forced into such hideous attire just in time to see Trixie about to assault her friend with some kind of spell. "CEASE WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW, YOU BRUTE." Whether it was on impulse, or Rarity had more grit than most gave her credit for, but at that moment, Rarity fired a Lightning Bolt spell from her horn. The arc of electrical energy weaved through the air like an airborne serpent, hitting home in the center of Trixie's chest, knocking her off her hooves and back into the crowd, bowling several stunned ponies over like living pins. Rarity then brought her attention to Pinkie with the intention of making sure she was alright, only to gasp in shock, for Trixie’s spell hadn't been cancelled out, if anything, it had become several times worse. The once miniscule image of an arrow was now the size of a small house, towering over Pinkie's entire body, the tip pressed securely to her back. Then, the arrow lifted up, Pinkie being hoisted along from the contact, a 2d image of a trash can appearing beneath her in a puff of crimson mist. The lid of said trash can popped open, and, unceremoniously, Pinkie was dropped inside, the lid closing with a slam. "PINKIE!" Rarity hollered in worry, but she was simply helpless as the trash can vanished in another cloud of red mist, taking Pinkie along with it. Rage boiled within Rarity at the disappearance of her friend, she didn't know what became of her, but at the moment, the only thing on her mind,apart from Pinkie's wellbeing, was retribution for the one responsible. Growling, and with the edges of her vision tinted red, Rarity turned towards the direction where her destruction spell had thrown her advisory, the crowd of collapsed ponies still hiding her from view. Whether or not she cared if the innocent bystanders got caught in the crossfire, or if deep down she hoped they'd get out of the way in time, Rarity inhaled deeply, intending to unleash a Thu'um. Before she could pronounce even a syllable of the ancient language if the dragon's though, Rarity found herself plowed into by a rainbow blur, flung over the shoulder of a pegasus as the Ponyville market shrank beneath her as her abductor escalated higher into the sky. "What the...?" she shouted over the howling wind, looking over shoulder and spotting the prismatic mane of Rainbow. "Rainbow, what in the hay are you doing?!" "Getting us the hay away from that psychopath back there." Rainbow had watched the exchange between Rarity, Pinkie, and Trixie from her cloud perch, but was hesitant to intervene once she realized what was in Trixie's possession. "Are you out of your mind?" Rarity proclaimed, squirming to dislodge herself from Rainbow's shoulder, "That ruffian did something to Pinkie!" "I know," said Rainbow irritatedly, wrapping her foreleg around Rarity's backside to steady her struggling, ducking her head to try to keep from getting smacked by Rarity's elegantly curvy tail as it flapped in the wind rushing past them. "But we can't just attack her head on!" Rarity ceased her struggling and gave Rainbow Dash a deadpan look. To hear her headstrong friend, who had once charged in and kicked a dragon in the snout hard enough to make him sneeze, say something like that (and so out of the blue) suddenly put her on edge. "Rainbow, what is going on here?" "Something very bad," was Rainbow Dash's answer, her body shuddering slightly as an image of the Alicorn Amulet flashed through her mind, bringing with it the facts she had learned about the dark artifact from the history book still clutched in her leg, "We have to find Twilight, she'll know what to do. Last I heard she was heading to Fluttershy's." --- As the rainbow trail carried Rarity away, Trixie burst out of the mound of disoriented ponies in a flash of crimson magic, scattering them over the market square, the momentum only adding to their dizziness. She watched as they disappeared in the distance, carrying with it her only leads to Twilight's whereabouts thus far. A slight buzzing brought her attention to her chest, she watched as the residual energy from that electrical attack she had been struck with danced around the Alicorn Amulet. The arches extended outwards, weave and intertwining to form the projection of an appendage with five digits, the tips resembling wispy flames, while the palm resembled a swirl pattern. The image was then absorbed by the Alicorn Amulet, and Trixie closed her eyes blissfully as new arcane knowledge flooded her mind. "Destruction spell, huh?" Trixie murmured to herself as she mulled over the new spells in her arsenal. "Well, there's plenty of equivalents to them here in Equestria, the only difference is that they are way easier to cast. Although..." Trixie's sinister smirk returned as her eyes fell upon the town's ponies who were just now recovering from her smacking into them. "They may be my ticket to luring out Twilight Sparkle." Just as ponies were getting back to their hooves, several screamed in pain as arcs of electricity danced between their bodies, twitching in agony as a Chain Lightning spell was channeled into the crowd. --- Rainbow Dash was homing in on Fluttershy's cottage, having remembered that Twilight was to check on the progress of her bird choir after she had finished talking to her about her progress with the Sonic Rainboom. She landed on the bridge spanning the small creek surrounding the tiny dwelling with all the grace of an impacting meteorite, her hooves wearing grooves into the cobblestone as she skidded to a stop on the front lawn, the sudden cease in momentum sending poor Rarity flying off Rainbow's shoulder, where she landed upon the grass with a loud thud. "Umph!" she grunted, her head spinning. "Rainbow, honestly!" Rarity exclaimed as she scrambled to her hooves, scraping grass out of her well kept mane, "Couldn't you land more gracefully, at least while carrying passengers?" Rainbow didn't respond, instead rushing up to Fluttershy's front door, hoof raised in preparation to knock. Before she could, her ears twitched, and when Rarity repeated the motion, found the soothing sound of several birds chirping in unison resounding throughout the area. Following the noise around the bend, Rarity and Rainbow found Fluttershy hovering before a multi-tiered perch, housing several birds, all singing as Fluttershy directed them with a foreleg. "Alright, everyone, we're doing great," she commented to her feathered friends. "Keep this up and we'll be prepared for the ceremony in no time." "FLUTTERSHY!" The sudden sound of two voices calling her name sent the timid pegasus up onto the nearest tree limb, where she clung for dear life, trembling like a leaf. After regaining enough of her senses to look down, Fluttershy noticed two things. First, her birds had scattered at the sudden sound, second, she saw Rarity and Rainbow galloping up to the trunk of the tree she had taken refuge in, calming as she realized they must have been who called out to her. Though, that left her slightly peeved. "Girls, was that really necessary?" asked Fluttershy as she drifted down to meet her friends, "You practically scared the feathers off me and my bird..." Fluttershy suddenly found herself gripped by the shoulders by Rainbow. "Fluttershy, we need to find Twilight! Is she here?" Fluttershy blinked at the frantic expression on Rainbow's face, if there was one thing she knew about her childhood friend, it was that she never got this riled up unless it's serious. "She... she was here earlier, but she left for Sweet Apple Acres..." Just as that left her muzzle, Fluttershy soon found herself draped over Rainbow's back, and before she could voice a protest, she suddenly found Rarity on top of her back as well. Then, with seemingly little effort, Rainbow took to the sky, the weight of two mares atop her back. Fluttershy could only watch as her cottage shrunk below her, fighting to rein in her fear as she climbed higher into the sky. "Huh, wh... what's going on?" she timidly asked her neighbor on Rainbow's back. "There's trouble, darling," answered Rarity, her mane sloshing in the wind. Before Fluttershy would inquire further, a fireball sailed into the air from Ponyville in the distance, impacting the Ponyville tower and knocking the brass bell from the structure, impacting the ground with a metallic clank. "OH MY!" eeped Fluttershy. "That's why we need to find Twilight, posthaste!" said Rarity urgently. --- Back at the cottage, a trio of rabbits were getting back to their feet, having been blown over by Rainbow's frantic departure. "AHEM!" All three looked up as a fourth bunny snapped his paw impatiently, finding Angel Bunny lounging on a bunny size chair, his reclined position obviously having spared him from meeting the dirt, like his fellows. He started drumming his right paw in the armrest, arching an eyebrow expectantly. Immediately getting the message, all three rabbits resumed what they were doing before getting blasted by wind; one of them fanning Angel with an oak leaf and the other two massaging his feet. Angel Bunny sighed and put his paws behind his head, enjoying his pampering. --- Once again Rainbow Dash sped over the landscape, this time with two passengers on her back. Before long, the multiple apple trees that made up the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres appeared below. It was around this time that it occurred to Fluttershy that she should probably alert her two friends about the current change to their apple farming friends home. "Uh, Rainbow..." she started, her meek voice barley audible over the wind generated by Rainbow's speed. "Not now, Flutters, we need to find Twilight." Applejack's barn soon became visible in the distance, Rainbow beating her wings faster as their goal came in sight. "It's just..." Fluttershy continued, grabbing hooffuls of Rarity's (admittedly hideous) dress for support, "There's something about Sweet Apple Acres that you should know about." "What is it, darling?" asked Rarity. Before Fluttershy could respond, a great, bulbous shape emerged from the trees, right in Rainbow Dash's path. "AAAAAGGGHHHH!" "RAINBOW, WATCH OUT!" It was too late. Rainbow Dash impacted the airborne shape with enough force that it and the three ponies were sent end over end over the rest of the orchard, smacking into the front of the Apple family's barn with a resounding crash. The mass fell to the ground, first the hulking object, which landed on its back, six tendrils sprawling out in different directions, followed by three delirious ponies plopping down upon it's inflated blue belly one after the other. "Ugh!" all three groaned in unison. "Ow!" mumbled Rainbow as she struggled to get to her hooves, a task she found difficult with the uneven surface beneath her. "What... what did I hit?" "I... haven't the foggiest clue, dear," said Rarity, also struggling to stand. "OH MY GOODNESS!" The sudden shout from Fluttershy brought Rainbow Dash and Rarity's attention forward, where it seemed that it was actually Fluttershy who regained her bearings first, and was now hovering a little bit to the left, inspecting the lumpy platform they were standing upon. "ARE YOU OKAY?" "Don't fret, darling, we're fine," said Rarity. "Um, not to be rude, but I wasn't talking to you girls." Fluttershy suddenly zipped behind Rarity and Rainbow and gently shoved them forward. They both landed on their chests, their hindquarters pointing skyward. Not appreciating being shoved to the dirt in such an undignified manner, again, (especially from her petite pegasus companion) Rarity stood up and glared at said pegasus. "Fluttershy, what is the meaning of this? It's so unlike you to behave so rudely." Fluttershy continued to hover around the perch she and Rainbow had been pushed off, seemingly examining it for damage. Rarity was rather miffed at such apathy for her wellbeing, but just as she was about to protest further, the entire mass before them suddenly lurched, reaching up with six whip-like tendrils. Rarity froze, Rainbow mimicking her as they both witnessed what they now realized was some form of creature flipped off of what apparently was its back, and began to slowly elevate itself in mid air of its own volition. Rarity and Rainbow could only stare as the shadow of the airborne beast loomed over them. 'BOOLMP' "What... what in Equestria is one of these things doing here?" asked Rarity. The great Bull Netch hovered over the two dumbstruck ponies. They had no clue as to why a creature native to Morrowind was right before their eyes, an entire dimension away. Of course, it didn't occur to them that it might not have taken too kindly to Rainbow Dash plowing into it until it tilted its head down towards them, and while it lacked facial features, it's posture told them it was far from happy. Especially when it lifted up a tendril and whipped the tip towards its own head, seemingly to point out the Rainbow Dash-shaped bruise on what was its equivalent of a forehead, almost as if saying "Look what you did?" While Rainbow Dash wasn't one to back down from a fight, what both she and Rarity had in common at this point was that they were well aware that it was unwise to face a Bull Netch. Besides being unbelievably strong, they could spew a poisonous mist that can cause paralysis in seconds. It didn't take much imagination to figure out what those tendrils could do to a paralyzed pony. From the looks of things, this Bull Netch was about to do just that. "Oh, you poor thing!" gasped Fluttershy, noticing the bruise herself and fluttering up to nuzzle the Bull Netch's head with her cheek, as well as gently massaging its carapace with her for hooves. 'BOOLMP' 'BOOLMP' 'BOOLMP' The deep sound produced by the Bull Netch resounded throughout the orchard and reverberated in their teeth. "There there, Terrance," cooed Fluttershy comfortingly, seemingly able to understand the bass groaning, "My friends and I didn't mean to plow into you." 'BOOLMP' 'BOOLMP' "Oh, that must sting." Fluttershy lifted off of the Bull Netch named Terrance, gently hovering before the bruise, rubbing her hooves together. "Don't worry, I will fix you up in no time." Stretching out her foreleg, Fluttershy produced a twinkling golden star that bathed Terrance in a soft, yellow light. In a matter of seconds, the large bruise faded away to reveal the normal color of a Bull Netch's carapace. 'BOOLMP' 'BOOLMP' "Oh, it's not a problem, Terrance," said Fluttershy, flying to the ground and touching down between Rainbow Dash and Rarity, "And we're sorry to have disturbed you." 'BOOLMP' The Bull Netch produced a final resounding call before drifting off into the orchard, and before it vanished into the trees, Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy caught a glimpse of multiple other Bull Netches, as well as a smaller shape resembling a large, four limbed jellyfish, floating aloft on a bulbous blue sack that made up the top portion of its body; which could only be the female version of a Netch, a Betty Netch. "What in Equestria are those things doing here?" Rarity mumbled, still frozen in place from shock. Fluttershy smiled and was about to go into a detailed description of why Netches were now a valuable livestock of Sweet Apple Acres, when suddenly... "Who cares why the living balloon animals are here!" Rainbow suddenly snapped, "We have to find Twilight. That psychopath is still running amok in Ponyville..." "WHAT IN ALL THINGS OATS AND APPLES IS GOING ON HERE!" Applejack's country twang sounded off. "And who in tarnation chucked a boulder at the barn?" Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy turned to see their farmpony friend rounding the bend, followed by Big Mac, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and... "TWILIGHT!" All three called out upon seeing their friend bringing up the rear of Applejack's entourage, Spike situated on her back, a checklist trailing behind both of them. They immediately charged her, surrounding her from all sides with frantic expressions. "Girls, what are you doing here?" she asked in confusion, "We all have responsibilities for Shining and Cadance's wedding, it's very important that we each get them done, posthaste." "Twilight, as much as I hate to say it, something more pressing has come up," said Rarity hurriedly. "Yeah, you need to come to Ponyville, ASAP!" said Rainbow Dash, "It's an emergency!" Twilight blinked and turned her attention to Fluttershy, expecting her to add her two bits as well. "I actually have no idea what this is about," she said with a shrug. "I was at home working with my bird choir when Rainbow suddenly scooped me up and flew here. She was in such a hurry she smacked us all into poor Terrance..." "Y'ALL HURT TERRANCE!?" The sudden exclamation from Granny Smith was so loud that it stopped Rarity and Rainbow from continuing the explanation, especially Rainbow, who suddenly found herself yanked by the neck with Granny's walking cane (which none could remember her having when she first arrived on the scene) and into Granny's scowling face. "Listen here, little missy," she growled, her eyes narrow, "That big galoot is one of the best pest wranglers we got. If you so much as scratched him I will tan your hide." "Eeyup!" said Big Mac with a scowl as deep as his grandma's. "Easy, Mrs. Smith," said Fluttershy, gently prying her cane off Rainbow's neck. "Terrance is fine, I tended to him myself." Granny Smith didn't look entirely convinced, but if anypony knew animal care, it was this girl. And it was calming to see her again after so long. Letting out a calming breath, Granny Smith stared at all the ponies now standing before her family's barn. "So what is all the hubbub about?" she asked. Rarity and Rainbow once again opened their mouths to speak, when.. "Hey Twilight, isn't this from the library?" The small voice brought everypony’s attention to Spike, who had leapt from Twilight's back and was now holding a thick, black bound book. Twilight inhaled deeply and galloped over to her assistant, clasping the book in her magic and bringing it to her face to inspect it. "Dark Magic Users Throughout Equestrian History?!" she practically screamed. "These are extremely difficult to come by! I had to jump through so many hoops just to convince the librarian in Canterlot to let me relocate it to the Golden Oak!" She flipped it open and examined the card inside, "And it's not even been checked out!" She showed and looked over at the assembly nearby. "Alright, which one of you removed this from the library and didn't even bother to check it out?" "I did," replied Rainbow, "But..." "Do you have any idea what would happen if this had been damaged!" Twilight exclaimed, her eyes twitching. "This book is probably worth more than all the gems in the Diamond Dog Caverns." "TWILIGHT, WILL YOU FORGET ABOUT THE BUCKING BOOK!" Twilight clamped her mouth shut; as abrasive as Rainbow Dash can be, she was never one for foul language. Big Mac gasped and clamped his hooves over Apple Bloom's ears, who was slightly chuckling at a grown mare using such language. "Why, I never." Despite the situation, Rarity always had an eye and ear for etiquette. But Rainbow took the initiative and continued. "Ponyville is in trouble." Everyone but Rarity gasped. "What kind of trouble?" asked Applejack, who had been focused on the large dent in the barn where Terrance had impacted it. The answer for all of them came in the form of an airborne fireball that suddenly sailed overhead from the direction of Ponyville. They all looked up as it passed overhead, disappearing over the horizon, a loud whooshing sound echoing in its wake. "What in tarnation is that?" inquired Granny Smith. "Them folks up in town setting off fireworks for some reason?" She turned to her eldest granddaughter. "I thought you said that the wedding wasn't until you and your gal pals was ready?" Applejack opened her mouth to say she didn't know what was going on, but Twilight got the first words in before her. "That was no firework," she said, staring in the direction where the flame had disappeared. "That was a Fireball Spell." Just as she said that, a clap of thunder echoed through the trees, and when everyone turned, they saw a tendril of electricity flying into the sky. "Now a Lightning Bolt spell?" inquired Twilight. She looked to the gathered ponies, then looked down at Spike that stood at her side. Seeing as the only ponies who had access to the Destruction class spells of Nirn, and with all of them gathered here, save one, Twilight immediately drew up a conclusion to what was going on. "Why is Pinkie throwing out Destruction Spells willy nilly?" she asked. "I know she can be random, but we all agreed that Destruction Magic was too dangerous to use in public, maybe even more so than our current skill with the Thu'um. Is she using it to add fanfares to the wedding invitations?" "This ain't Pinkie's doing!" said Rainbow Dash, both she and Rarity swallowing a lump of worry down their throats, for they were still unsure of their party-loving friend’s fate. "This is that loud mouth Trixie's doing." "TRIXIE?!" Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, and Twilight gasped at the same time. Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac stood at the side, scratching their heads. "Are we missing something here?" asked Granny. "Eeyup," droned Big Mac. "What's that showoff doing here?" asked Applejack, a slight edge to her voice as she twitched her legs, remembering the feeling of being hog-tied by her own lasso. "Her actions led to that poor Ursa Minor being woken up," said Fluttershy, growing slightly 'peeved' now that she was in the loop on what all the fuss is about. "Now she comes barging into town, disrupting our preparations for the wedding." "Indeed, darling," said Rarity, angrily flourishing the dress still clinging to her body, "And she had the gall to throw this hideous thing on me when I refused to tell her where Twilight is." "She's here for Twilight?" gasped Fluttershy, her eyes widening in worry. "Apparently, she blames her for all the ridicule she suffered after Twilight one upped her," said Rainbow, "But that's not the worst of it. She has the..." "And why, oh why, did you stop me from confronting her, Rainbow," continued Rarity, putting her muzzle to Rainbow Dash's. "After what she did, I believe it was more than warranted to retaliate." "Rarity, she has..." Rainbow tried to explain, but was interrupted again. "If those spells were cast by Trixie, how is she doing it?" inquired Twilight, remembering how the performer could indeed cast fireworks and lightning when she last saw her, but, being the Element of Magic, she could tell those weren’t knockoffs, but genuine Destruction Spells from Nirn. "Only we know how to cast those spells, and even if Trixie did know them, Nirn spells are fueled by magika, not Equestrian magic, and we're the only ones who have it." "BECAUSE!" shouted Rainbow Dash, finally fed up with her explanation being disrupted. She clasped the book in Twilight's magic and flung it in the mulberry unicorn's face, giving her an eyeful of the picture printed on the cover. "She has this!" Rainbow finally said, pointing to the ornament trinket the sinister pony on the cover wore. While everyone else was completely clueless to the meaning behind Rainbow's explanation, Twilight's eyes widened in fear as she took in the depiction of the black necklace. "The Alicorn Amulet?" she finally breathed out. "Yes!" Confirmed Rainbow Dash, "That loud mouth has the Alicorn Amulet!" "The what now?" asked Applejack, trotting over and taking the book to glance at the cover, Rarity walking up next to her to look as well. "Hoowee, that is one ugly neck piece." "Oh, I agree, darling," said Rarity, "Indeed, Trixie was wearing this ghastly thing. What a waste of a perfectly good ruby." Twilight was deaf to all this. Her mind was dragging her back in time. To where she was a filly, studying under Princess Celestia. To when she was allowed to study the darker portions of Equestria's history. And how a just hoofful of evil amulets almost led to its destruction. 'The final Alicorn Amulet, wielded by Princess Blood Diamond,' she contemplated silently. 'It has finally resurfaced? After all these years?' Her mind was running a mile a minute, going over what she knew of Trixie and the Alicorn Amulet alike; her personality, the amulet’s functions, including it’s deadliest technique. "Rarity, Rainbow?" she murmured, her small voice somehow enough to gain everyone's attention, "Did either of you use Destruction Spells on Trixie while she was wearing the Alicorn Amulet?" "That would be her," said Rainbow, pointing at Rarity with a glare. "And now, because of that, Trixie now has access to Destruction Spells." "How is that my fault?" asked Rarity with a frown. "How could an ugly necklace give her..." Before she could finish, Twilight's horn glowed and several tendrils of white light emerged from the book, which latched onto the temples of everyone, save Twilight. It was a variant of the spell that allows ponies to enter books physically, but rather than pulling them in, it drew the knowledge contained within the book out and implanted it within a pony’s mind. Twilight figured this was a better solution then a verbal explanation, for what she knew about the Alicorn Amulet, she suspected time was of the essence. Steadily, a trickle of information flowed from the book and into all present, the majority of it centered around Princess Blood Diamond and coup she campaigned against Equestria, just when the nation was taking its first breath, plus all that was relevant to the Alicorn Amulet, the dark creation Blood Diamond crafted from Princess Celestia's very blood to act as the wayward princess’s trump card, but only succeeded in turning her and her remaining followers into loose cannons that rampaged without reason until they were finally vanquished. As the last bit of the first chapter of Dark Magic Users Throughout Equestrian History flowed into her friends' minds Twilight ended the spell and let them each snap out of it, panting slightly from exertion. There was a momentary pause. "Land's sake," mumbled Applejack, her hat drooping with her ears as everything the book contained about the Alicorn Amulet settled in her mind. "That thing, it's pure evil." "Duplication!" Rarity half screamed, "That amulet has the ability to duplicate any type of magic used against it! And I cast a Destruction Spell at Trixie!" She covered her head with her forhooves, "Of all the things that could have happened, this is the... worst... possible...thing!" "And it corrupts its wearer!" gasped Fluttershy, "The more Trixie uses it, the more it will corrupt her!" "Golly!" said Granny Smith, her teeth plopping out as her jaw fell open. "I've seen a lot in my life, but a necklace forged from the Princess’s blood? That takes the cake." "Eeyup." said Big Mac. "What do we do?" asked Apple Bloom, her pupils narrowing in fear. "That crazy mare is attacking our home, and she has an evil artifact." "Everyone calm down!" shouted Twilight, having finally caught her breath. "It's true, the Alicorn Amulet is one of the most powerful artifacts known to Equestria, but we have access to its weakness. The Elements of Harmony; the amulets didn't stand a chance against them before, I doubt that's not the case now." Twilight silently swallowed a bitter lump in her throat, despite the zeal in her voice. Despite the whole Ursa Minor thing, Twilight had nothing against Trixie, and historically speaking, when an Alicorn Amulet is destroyed by the Elements, it took the bearer with it. But Trixie was a threat, and just as with Chrysalis, Twilight was willing to do whatever it takes to neutralize that threat. Plus, on a more personal note, she was disrupting the wedding preparations. "Spike." Her dragon assistant was beside her in a blink. "We need to start composing a letter to the princess. We'll inform her of the situation, and request the Elements be sent from Canterlot." "Aye aye," he said. Twilight made to go seek out parchment and quill, but noticed that Rainbow Dash and Rarity had uneasy looks about them, looks that told her something was seriously wrong. "Girls, is there a problem?" Rarity and Rainbow exchanged glances before Rarity spoke up, "There might be a slight hiccup with your plan to use the Elements, darling." One explanation of what happened at the market found everyone who wasn't already aware shaking in rage and terror. "THAT MISERABLE SIDEWINDER DID WHAT TO PINKIE?!" bellowed Applejack. "Just, poof?" mumbled Fluttershy, tears of fear and worry streaking her yellow face. "Oh, now I am mighty ticked!" said Granny Smith, "Nopony messes with friends of the Apples." She began trotting down the path with all the ferocity of a glacier. "I have half a mind to give that young lady a stern talking to." "Eenope," said Big Mac, pulling her back, "You all heard, that pony has a wicked trinket that's messing with her head." "But what can we do?" asked Apple Bloom, her small frame trembling with fear and worry, "Pinkie is one of the best ponies around, and that nasty Trixie up and poofed her. We can’t just do nothing, we gotta get her back somehow." "Without her, we can't use the Elements," said Spike, worry evident in his voice, "According to that book, they were the only thing the princesses could use to stop them. We won't stand a chance without them." "Why don't you all use these fancy new voices of yours?" suggested Granny Smith, looking at Applejack. "Send her to the core of the planet, like you all did that boulder." "Rarity already proved that that amulet can duplicate even our new abilities," said Rainbow, "If Trixie gets ahold of the Thu'um, there will be no stopping her." "Then what do we do?" asked Fluttershy. "That is what we came here to figure out," said Rarity. Turning to Twilight, she continued. "Darling, I hate to put so much pressure on you, but Rainbow Dash and I were hoping you could come up with a plan." "Yeah, you know magic better than anypony," said Rainbow, hovering over to Twilight. "Any ideas on how we can stop Trixie and get Pinkie back?" Twilight was only half listening. Her intellectual mind was already analyzing the problems at hoof, simultaneously looking at them from multiple angles. Her first focus was Pinkie, for no matter the circumstances, her friend's well-being came first. And it was fortunate that she felt she had already broken it down significantly. "I think I know how to retrieve Pinkie." "REALLY!" they all exclaimed excitedly, then Twilight explained her hypothesis on what Trixie's spell had done to Pinkie, and how it could be undone. "So she didn't disappear?" exclaimed Rarity. "She was just 'displaced'!" "Yes," confirmed Twilight. "But... but the method you described sounds like it might take a while," said Fluttershy, looking frantically in the direction of Ponyville. "Trixie could level Ponyville by the time we got her back." "Yes, which is why we must confront her first." Twilight began pacing in front of them, her mind racing. Any magical ability used against the Alicorn Amulet would give Trixie access to it, so using the abilities from Nirn was out of the question. Only one Destruction Spell was used on Trixie, and from the looks of things, now all of the Destruction class was at her disposal. If the same thing applied to the Thu'um... Twilight didn't want to imagine what would happen. She especially wasn't fond of the thought of a Trixie version of Alduin. "Without Pinkie the Elements are off the table. The logical solution would be to confront Trixie with other magical artifacts. I could write to Celestia requesting some be sent to Ponyville from the Canterlot vault, but the same problem with Pinkie applies, it would take too long. What we need are combat focused artifacts that are already close at hoof...' Twilight popped out of her musing as an idea came to her, but it brought no comfort. "Something the matter, sugarcube?" asked Applejack, not liking the look on her face. "Did y'all come up with somethin'?" Twilight didn't answer, she just trotted over to the barn, threw its doors open with magic, and entered. "Darling, whatever is the matter?" asked Rarity as she and the others followed Twilight into the barn. "I realize this is quite the daunting task, but we need to... WAAAAHAHA!" As Rarity wailed, Rainbow and the others bumped into her flank as they all stood transfixed at the sight. Twilight stood before a large, lopsided statue that was roughly egg shaped, sporting pincers, tendrils and multiple eyes. They all recognized it. "Please... please tell me that isn't what I think it is," moaned Spike. "You all guessed it," said Applejack as she approached. "It's a shrine to old Hermaeus Mora." The ponies and dragon dragon could only stare. "AJ, are you out of your mind?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Don't you remember what happens when you worship a Daedra?" asked Rarity. "I know, it makes them stronger," said Applejack, taking off her hat and placing it over her chest. "And I am mighty sorry, but it was my family's only solution." "Solution to what?" asked Rainbow. "That is a long story," said Fluttershy in Applejack's defense, "And we have more pressing matters to attend to." They begrudgingly agreed that Trixie with the Alicorn Amulet was indeed more cause for alarm than the Apple family practicing Daedra worship. Twilight was placing Dark Magic Users Throughout Equestrian History at the base of the Shrine, obviously in the form of an offering. "Alright you, I know you are already aware of what is happening, and I am fairly certain you know what I have in mind." She prodded her offering. "If you have what we need, accept this rare Equestrian manuscript and help us." Twilight's friends exchanged looks. "You really gonna ask 'him' for help?" asked Applejack, not entirely on board with trusting Hermaeus Mora with the rest of her family. "I don't see any other way," said Twilight bitterly. "The only thing not susceptible to the Alicorn Amulet’s duplication ability is other magical artifacts." "And you believe Hermaeus Mora has such artifacts?" Asked Rarity. "My predecessor, the Dragonborn, collected a cornucopia of artifacts during her travels over the region of Skyrim," explained Twilight, "She left the Elder Scroll in Apocrypha for Hermaeus Mora to watch over, I'm hoping that isn't the only..." Before Twilight could finish, a tendril shot out of the Black Book showcased on the Shrine and wrapped around her form, her eyes dilating as she stiffened up. And she wasn't the only one, identical tendrils also shot out and wrapped around Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack. Spike and Fluttershy gasped as they tried to pry the appendages off their friends, but Big Mac pulled them off. "Don't y'all fret," reassured Granny Smith. "The Old Woodland Man is just having a little chat with their souls." "You mean... they are in Apocrypha?" asked Spike. "Eeyup." said Big Mac. The tendrils retracted into the book, Twilight and the others wobbling as they regained their senses. But that wasn’t the only thing they had gained. They all gawked at what Rainbow Dash held in her hoof. An elegant dark staff was held in her hoof, its head depicting a three sided arch, one side resembling a smiling face, another one a sad face, and the last one an angry face, a gathering of red light shining between them like the flame of a torch. "Wow, that's one fancy walking cane," said Granny, peering at the Wabbajack with interest. Fluttershy and Spike's reactions weren't so positive. "Twilight, is that what I think it is?" asked Spike. "Yes, Spike," she said, also eyeing the weapon. "The Wabbajack, the personal artifact of Sheogorath himself." "Do..." Fluttershy gulped as she recalled the effects that staff's magic had. "Do we really want to go that far?" "I have a plan," said Twilight, "And if it works, nopony will be hurt." She looked at Rainbow. "You think you can pull off your part, Rainbow?" "Aw yeah!" said Rainbow with bravado, twirling the Wabbajack excitedly. "Oh my," mumbled Rarity as she cradled a small object in her hooves. "I must say, for an artifact crafted for such a vulgar task, it sure is elegant." "Just be careful not to lose it," commented Rainbow as she eyed the small object. "It's the only one Twilight requested that wasn't on hoof, or tentacle, so our Daedra friend had to borrow it." "Well, it's about time that Nocturnal got a taste of her own medicine." Rarity held a cylindrical object made of what appeared to be brass, a prong ending in blunt rectangular teeth at one end, and a cyan and black orb of crystal at the other. "Do you know what to do with it?" asked Twilight. "Don't worry, darling, I will play my part," said Rarity. "Good," said Twilight, turning to Applejack, who was also cradling an artifact. "Now Applejack, you need to know what I have in mind for..." But she, and everyone else, noticed that Applejack appeared to be staring at her artifact like she wanted nothing more than to chuck it out of her hooves, but was afraid to do so. "Youngin, you okay?" asked Granny, concerned for her grandchild, but even she whistled when she saw what she held. "Sweet Celestia, that be the fanciest weapon I dun ever laid eyes on." Applejack apparently hadn't noticed her grandma, but looked up at Twilight. "Twi?" Twilight walked up to Applejack with as reassuring a look as she could muster. "Does this... this thing really do what Hermaeus Mora says it does?" Twilight nodded, "Hermaeus Mora is a lot of things, but he's not a liar. You can take to heart that what he said about that thing’s capabilities is accurate." Applejack trembled. "But don't worry, " Twilight reassured. "It's only to be used as a last resort." "What does it do?" asked Apple Bloom as she examined the golden bow in Applejack's hooves.