//------------------------------// // Pups Save The Ninjas // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls & Paw Patrol to the Rescue // by AmethystMajesty25 //------------------------------// On a bright, sunny morning, the Rainbooms’ tour bus drove around New York City until it arrived outside of April’s house where April, Casey, Zach, Caitlyn, and the Turtles in their trench coat disguises were waiting. Sunset opened the door and greeted them, “Good morning, everyone.” The New Yorkers greeted the Rainbooms and the CMC as they went inside until Sunset closed the door to the bus and resumed driving. “So, where are we going?” Caitlyn asked. “We're going to Adventure Bay.” Pinkie smiled. “Adventure Bay?” April asked. “Where's that?” Leo added. “According to the GPS, it's a town that neighbors Canterlot,” Twilight informed. “In fact, it's very close to Camp Everfree.” “What's the occasion?” Casey asked. “We're going to perform at a parade in a festival!” Pinkie exclaimed, holding up an invitation on her phone. “But it's not just any festival, it's a festival for Paw Patrol Day. And yes, it's dedicated to the heroes of Adventure Bay known as the Paw Patrol.” “Who or what exactly is the Paw Patrol?” Raph asked. Applejack answered, “Ah don't know. We have never heard of them before.” “They must be pretty special if they've got a whole festival dedicated to them,” Donnie theorized. Pinkie added, “And an award ceremony for them.” “Well, we're not the only performers going to be there,” Rarity noted. “There might be other singers coming to Adventure Bay; like Countess Coloratura, Sapphire Shores, Maroon Star...” “And Luke Stars!” The CMC squealed, showing a picture of him in a magazine. “I love his songs!” Sweetie Belle gushed. “Me too!” Apple Bloom added, all giddy. “My favorite's 'A Pup Like Me'.” “I like 'You're My Perfect Friend',” Scootaloo said. “Sounds great,” Raph remarked, dryly. “I smell road trip!” Mikey cheered. Then, Spike went inside the bag and popped out to give Twilight his ball, waiting for her to play catch with him. “Spike, we'll play catch when we arrive at Adventure Bay.” Twilight answered. Spike sighed, “Fine.” While traveling on the road, the bus stopped suddenly and everyone was confused. Raph asked, “Uh, why did we just stop in the middle of the road?” “We're out of gas,” Sunset answered as everyone groaned in disappointment. Then, Caitlyn noticed something outside, “Actually, we're in luck. Look.” Everyone looked outside to see a gas station nearby as Sunset said, “Great, so who wants to push the bus to the gas station?” The Ninjas and Allies pushed the bus to the nearest gas station while Rarity stayed and sat comfortably inside the bus. After the teens pushed the bus to the gas station, everyone went inside to the concession store while Mikey, Casey, Rainbow, and Zach were sneaking up behind a sleeping Raph inside the bus. Mikey sprayed some whip cream on Raph’s hand, Casey and Zach drew on his face with markers, while Rainbow used a feather to lure Raph. After a minute, Raph planted the whip cream from his hand onto his face, waking up with a “Aaahh!” The four smiled with glee and quickly exited the bus. Raph saw his markered face in the bus mirror and chased after the pranksters, yelling, “You guys are SO dead!” But after they had left, a figure emerged from a nearby river and walked up to the bus, whipping out a switchblade. “Enjoy your ride, Tortugas and Rainbow Chicas,” the figure said. “For it will be your last!” After the quick gas station stop and minutes of traveling down the road, the bus was halfway towards the Adventure Bay bridge. Spike sat sleeping next to Twilight, when his nose picked up something that woke him up. He hopped off the seat and began sniffing around until he found the source. A squirrel had found it's way into the bus and was munching on some popcorn Mikey had spilled earlier. Spike growled and barked at the squirrel, which took off running with the dog chasing after it. The squirrel ran across Rarity's legs and Spike bumped into them, making her smear her lipstick. Rarity yelped then saw Spike chasing the squirrel. “Spike!” The squirrel climbed over the seats and jumped off the CMC's magazine as they were sighing at Luke Stars pictures, then yelped when Spike jumped past, ripping the picture. They gasped and yelled, “Spike!” Mikey was reading his comic book with Ice Cream Kitty when the squirrel and Spike pounced on his head, causing Ice Cream Kitty to cover Mikey's head “Spike!” Mikey hollered. Ice Cream Kitty angrily meowed, “Meow!” April was listening to her music on her phone as the squirrel ran underneath her seat while Spike jumped onto her lap to continued his chase. “Really Spike?” April asked. Donnie was working on some plans for a new vehicle in his blueprint until the squirrel and Spike jumped onto his head, causing him to rip his blueprint through his head. “Spike!” Donnie yelled. Zach and Caitlyn were playing their games on their phones until the squirrel ran beneath their seat and Spike ruined their game by jumping across from Zach’s head to Caitlyn’s. “Oh c'mon Spike?!” Caitlyn said. “Dang it! Our match ended in a draw. Thanks a lot, dude.” Zach added. Pinkie was ready to eat her piece of pie with frosting on top until the squirrel ran beneath her legs. “Ooh, a squirrel.” Pinkie cheered until Spike jumped onto her head and her pie, causing the pieces of pie to splatter all over herself. “Spike!” Pinkie shouted. Casey was modifying his taser when Spike knocked into him, causing him to electrocute himself. “Spike!” He said, vibrating. Applejack was strumming her bass until the squirrel and Spike leaped onto her hat, causing Applejack to break one of the strings of her bass. “What in tarnation?!” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash was playing cards with Chompy when Spike raced by, ruining their game. “Spike!” Rainbow yelled, angrily crossing her arms. Leo was meditating until the squirrel and Spike jumped onto his seat, ruining his concentration. “Huh?” Leo thought to himself, raising his eyebrow. The squirrel leaped onto Fluttershy’s lap, causing Spike to stop. “Spike? What are you doing?” Fluttershy asked. Spike didn't answer and ignored her as the squirrel jumped onto Raph’s head. “What the?” He heard a growl and turned just as Spike jumped on his face. “Spike!” He muffled, stumbling out of his seat as Spike tried to get the squirrel. “What's going on back there?” Sunset called, before Raph crashed into her, making her lose control of the bus. She shoved Raph off her. “Hang on everyone!” Sunset yelled as everyone in the bus screamed. As the the bus arrived at the bridge, Sunset pumped the brake, but discovered to her shock and horror. “Brakes aren't working!” The bus then drove straight towards the edge of the Adventure Bay Bridge. “I got this!” Pinkie threw a large cupcake out the window in the bus’s path. The bus ran over it and it stuck to the back wheel, but stayed stuck to the road and stretched out. Just as the front end went over the edge, the bus stopped and Sunset sighed. “Thanks, Pinkie!” "Super sticky frosting, never leave home without it,” Pinkie stated. Caitlyn asked, “So, how are we going to get out of here?” “Everyone, stay here while my brothers and I will pull the bus from behind.” Leo said, and everyone agreed. The Turtles exited the bus safely first. However, the bus suddenly fell and the Ninjas and Allies screamed. After that, the Turtles shot their grappling hooks on one of the ropes holding the bridge without the residents of Adventure Bay seeing their mutant forms. “Hold on, brothers! Keep pulling!” Leo shouted. “I'm trying!” Raph added. But as the Turtles continued to struggle pulling the bus, they were being reeled up. The ropes tangling the bus and the ropes holding their grappling hooks snapped, yanking the Turtles before the four were tied together by the snapped rope and they're hanging over the bridge along with the Rainbooms inside the bus. “Wow. Smooth plan you got there, Leo.” Donnie said as the rest of the Turtles frowned. Meanwhile, in a boat just below them, the captain heard them screaming and looked up. “Oh my, that's not good. That's not good at all.” The boat captain said, adjusting his glasses. He then shouted, “Good morning! Looks like you're in a particularly precarious predicament.” “Thanks for noticing that, Captain Obvious!" Raph shouted back. "But we need help over here!” Pinkie called, popping her head out the window. “Don't worry, I know just the team who can help you!” The boat captain stated and called the Paw Patrol. Meanwhile at Adventure Bay, a young boy was playing frisbee with six different puppies until his phone started ringing. “Ahoy Cap'n Turbot. What's up?” Cap'n Turbot called, “Ryder, we got a bus dangling on the bridge. There's people inside there.” “Don't worry Cap'n Turbot. No job is too big, no pup is too small,” Ryder stated and called his pups from his watch. “Paw Patrol to the Lookout!” “Ryder needs us!” The six puppies answered in unison and ran towards the lookout. While the Dalmatian was running towards the lookout, the frisbee was flying above him. He looked up until the Dalmatian tripped on a chew toy and landed on the frisbee. The Dalmatian screamed and the frisbee spun around, moving forward towards the lookout. “Marshall, look out!” The pups warned him. Marshall continued screaming while being spun around until he collided right into the other pups in the lookout, bowling them over into a heap. “Welp, I guess I went out for a spin. Get it?” Marshall joked. The puppies laughed as the elevator lifted them up to the top floor and they were all suited up into their suits inspired by everyday jobs, waiting for Ryder at the control room. The six puppies arrived at the control center and they stepped forward. The police pup shouted, “Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir!” “Thanks for hurrying, pups. A bus filled with people inside is dangling on the bridge, hanging by the ropes. Plus, four people are tangled by the ropes behind the bus as well. So for this mission I need, Chase. I need you to shut down the bridge and control the traffic.” Chase vowed, “Chase is on the case!” “Next is Zuma. I need you to keep the waterway clear.” The brown pup barked, “Let's dive in!” “Rubble, I need you to pull the ropes with the magnet from the crane of your vehicle.” Rubble nodded, “Rubble on the double!” “And Skye, in case the bus falls, I need you to catch it with the hook from your chopper.” Skye replied, “This pup's gotta fly!” “Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll!” Ryder and the Paw Patrol exited the lookout and went to their vehicles before heading out to the Adventure Bay Bridge. Cap'n Turbot saw the pups coming and called back up to the Ninjas, Rainbooms, CMC, and Allies. “Don’t worry everyone! Help is on the way!” “Help? What help?” Applejack asked. Leo squinted his eyes and saw Ryder and the Paw Patrol coming. “I think the sailor meant that help.” He said, pointing to them. Fluttershy gasped, “Are those… puppies?” Spike popped his head out of the bag and said, “Wait, what?” As they arrived, Ryder called his pups over the com-link, “Alright, pups. Let's work together out there.” Chase pulled his vehicle over and barked, "Ruff, traffic cones!" It brought out safety cones, blocking the traffic. “Traffic's cleared.” As for Zuma, he planted buoys on the water from his vehicle, circling around the dangling bus. “Waterway clear.” Then, Rubble used the magnet on his crane and attached it to the bus. “Chase, help Rubble pull the bus back up with your winch,” Ryder said. “You got it, Ryder,” Chase barked “Ruff, winch!” His vehicle launched a cable that hooked onto the bus as he and Rubble began pulling the it back onto the bridge. “Are we actually being rescued by puppies?” Donnie asked. “Looks like it,” April said. Ryder called Skye over the com-link, “Skye, help Chase and Rubble pull the bus from falling.” “I'm on it, Ryder!” Skye flew in and helped as well by using the hook on her chopper while the Rainbooms saw Skye helping. Rainbow said, “This is the weirdest rescue we've ever been in." Skye, Rubble, and Chase moved the bus back on the bridge and the Ninjas were all safe. Soon the Turtles cut themselves free and the Rainbooms safely exited the bus. “Is everyone okay?” Ryder asked. Mikey replied, “We're good! Thanks for the save back there.” The pups and Ryder gasped, seeing the Turtles exposed. Ryder asked, surprising him, “Whoa! You guys are actual turtles?" The Turtles looked worried until Marshall said, “That's pawesome!” Skye gasped when she saw the Rainbooms. “Oh my gosh! You're the Rainbooms! I'm a huge fan! I know all of your songs!" “Uh, nice to meet you?” Rainbow said, a bit weirded out. “Skye! The name's Skye!” The pup yipped and did a flip. “Aww, you're so cute.” Fluttershy smiled and hugged Skye. “Don't worry about our friend. She loves animals.” Sunset informed Skye. Skye giggled, “I noticed.” “So who are all of you?” Zach asked. “I'm Ryder, and this is the Paw Patrol!” Ryder introduced, motioning to the pups. “Chase, Rocky, Marshall, Zuma, Rubble, and you already met Skye.” “You're the Paw Patrol?” Rainbow asked. “We sure are!” Rubble confirmed. “Cool!” The CMC said. Donnie whispered Twilight, “Wow. Those pups can really talk. I thought Spike and Lucky Shot were the only dogs who can do that.” “Yeah. I thought so too,” Twilight replied. “So, who are you guys?” Zuma asked. “I'm Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo,” Leo introduced. “And those are our friends, April, Casey, Zach, and Caitlyn.” “And this is my pet, Chompy.” Raph introduced the little, alien turtle to the Paw Patrol. “I'm Apple Bloom,” Apple Bloom chimed in. “And these are my friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.” “I'm Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset added. “That's Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle.” “And I'm Spike,” Spike hopped out of Twilight's bag. “Nice to meet you all,” Ryder said. “How did you all crash?” Rubble asked. Raph blurted out, "It was all Spike's fault!" Pointing down at the dog. "He was chasing a squirrel then jumped on my face and made me crash into Sunset while she was driving!" “He also ruined our magazine of Luke Stars!” Sweetie Belle held up the ripped book. “Spike ruined my comic book!” Mikey held up the comic book with ice cream residue. “He ruined my blueprint!” Donnie held up the ripped blueprint. “He ruined our match!” Zach and Caitlyn answered in unison. “He ruined my pie! And now it's covered in paw prints.” Pinkie frowned, holding up her ruined, delicious pie. “The string of my bass is broken because of Spike.” Applejack held up her bass with its broken string. “Spike ruined my game of goldfish with Chompy.” Rainbow answered. “And I feel twitchy.” Casey said, feeling twitchy after being electrocuted. Spike looked down in guilt. And to add to it, the squirrel hopped out of the bus and blew a raspberry at him before scurrying away. “Other than that,” Sunset broke in, seeing how upset Spike looked. “The brakes weren't working.” Rocky looked under the bus. “Well there's the problem, the brake line's been cut.” “What?!” The girls asked in confusion. “How is that possible?” Donnie asked. “Ah checked it this morning,” Applejack said. “It was working fine.” “Well don't worry, I can fix it,” Rocky stated. “Hey, in the meantime why don't we show you around Adventure Bay,” Skye asked excitedly. “I mean if you want too?” “I guess we could since we're here already,” Sunset said, and everyone agreed. “Just let us grab our disguises first,” Leo added, as he and his brothers put on their trench coats and hats. “Gotta remain incognito,” Mikey noted. The Paw Patrol guided the Ninjas to Adventure Bay for a tour. However, a familiar mutant fish creature surfaced from the water. And he did not look happy. “My plan for revenge, foiled by those pesky perritos!” He growled. “But there are other ways to get rid of those annoying Turtles, Rainbooms, and perritos!” Then he swam on and followed after the Ninjas.