Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans

by RainbowRaptorDash1

Episode 2: A Succumbing to Age Story

Let's see what's going on in the turtles' dimension. It seems that everyone’s in the Lair after Leo called them in.

"Leo, what's going on?" Adagio asked.

"Mikey! Pinkie Pie! Sonata! They're gone!" Leo panicked.

"WHAT?!" The Rainbooms, turtles, dazzlings, April, Casey, Karai and Shini gasped in complete shock.

"What do you mean 'gone?!'" Sunset asked, completely unnerved by the news.

"A dimension portal opened up and sucked them right in." Leo asnwered.

"If we're lucky, they just be in a dimension we know." Donnie added.

"C'mon, Donnie! Knowing them, they're in a different dimension!" Raph deadpanned.

"We'll definitely need to find help in case we run into trouble." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"Huh. Didn't expect ya to be alrigh' with gettin' help." Applejack noticed.

"Rainbow's right about this one, so we'll also need Princess Twilight's help." Twilight (Sci-Twi) agreed.

"Oh... I hope they're alright." Fluttershy worried.

"Darling, I'm sure Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata are alright." Rarity assured her timid friend.

"Still, we need to go now if we wanna find them." Aria said.

"We should still check Moo Mesa and Gotham." Leo told his friends.

Meanwhile in Crash's dimension/world, Crash and his friends were wondering through the jungle.

"This island is a pretty place to live." Pinkie noted.

"You got that right, Pinkie. But it still has plenty of adventures and obstacles." Crash agreed.

"Dude! I'm actually kinda jealous of you." Mikey admitted.

"Jealous? Of me? How?" Crash asked, confused.

"Because when you became a mutant, you didn't have to hide from the world for a second. While me, my bros and Master Splinter had to hide in the sewers for years." Mikey explained.

"C'mon, Mikey. I'm sure our world will accept mutants sooner or later. Or someday." Sonata said, trying to cheer up her silly turtle friend.

"Sonata's right mate." Crash agreed along with Aku Aku. "I agree as well."

"Who knows? Maybe they'll also accept aliens, too." Pinkie Pie added.

"Hope so. I always wanted to meet Traximus." Sonata agreed.

"That reminds me. Who's Traximus? I heard you say his name earlier." Crash mentioned.

"Traximus is a Triceraton, which is an alien that looks like a mutated triceratops." Mikey answered.

"Interesting. Anyway, I've been meaning to ask you three about something." Aku Aku tried to tell them, but was cut off by Pinkie.

"Maybe you can ask that later, because I spy with my little eye, a medium-sized mutant titan!" Pinkie said as she pointed to a titan that was scratching its back on a tree, looking like a hybrid of a bear and a boar.

"Hmm, that dude looks like a grizzly boar. That's it! His titan species will be known as Goar!" Mikey declared, which unfortunately was loud enough to attract the attention of the Goar, who growled at them. "Sorry."

Everyone then started dodging the Goar's strikes as they looked for a weak spot.

"This thing seems pretty slow." Sonata noticed.

"That's pretty much the weakness of some big guys, they lack speed." Pinkie responded in a "matter of fact" tone, before getting an idea. "Hey, Aku Aku, get ready to help me jack the Goar."

"Okay." Aku Aku answered as Pinkie put some sugar sprinkles in her hand, using her magic to light the sugar bomb in them.

"Wait for it... Wait for it..." Pinkie said to herself as she waited until the Goar was right in front of them. "Gotcha!" Pinkie shouted as she threw her sprinkles, making them explode right in the Goar's face, disorienting it long enough for the pink party ninja to get on top of it and put Aku Aku on its face, jacking the titan. "Any second now."

Any just like before, Pinkie's geode, Mikey's medallion and Sonata's throat began to glow, shooting a rainbow laser at the titan. When it dispersed, Aku Aku felt like the Goar was like Stalag and got off of its face.

"Ugh... Who lit the firecrackers? *Gasp!* I have a voice?!" The Goar titan gasped in surprise.

"Hey, you think you can help out and knock down this dead tree?" Mikey requested the Goar ally.

"Sure." He agreed as the Goar titan headbutted the dead tree, destroying it and clearing a path.

"You know, big guy, how would you like the name Pumbear?" Mikey suggested.

"I think I would like it." Pumbear agreed.

"You can stay with the other freed mutants near my place." Crash offered.

"Thank you. There's more up ahead and be careful about a special one further down." Pumbear warned Crash and the others, catching Sonata's attention.

"Special one?" Sonata wondered out loud as Pumbear walked off into the forest on all fours.

"Come on, guys. We won't any progress standing around." Crash urged as he and his friends snuck up ahead and found 3 more Goars up ahead and a mess of Ratnicians.

"No way we can handle all those in a straight fight." Mikey admitted.

"You three jack those Goars, I'll draw their attention." Crash told the ninja trio.

"Okay, but be careful." Sonata said to Crash in concern.

"Don't worry, I'll help protect him from attacks." Aku Aku assured Sonata and her friends.

Then the Ratnicians were caught off guard as Crash came spinning at them, knocking a few unconscious.

"Get him!" A random Ratnician ordered.

Aku Aku appeared in front of Crash, summoning a green mojo barrier around him and the bandicoot hero as Crash was attacked, giving Mikey and the girls the chance to sneak up on the Goars.

Mikey, Pinkie and Sonata hid up in the trees, and when the perfected opportunity presented itself, the pink party ninja jumped onto the Goars and jacked it, the titan's bodies temporary becoming her own, followed by Pinkie coming up with an idea. "Mikey, Sonata, Crash, Aku Aku, you'll wanna cover your ears!" Pinkie requested her friends, who didn't know why she asked that, but covered their ears anyway, even though Aku Aku didn't have any limbs or ears, as Pinkie took in a deep breath. "RRRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!" Pinkie-Goar gave a loud, thunderous and earth-shattering roar, freezing all of the ratnicians and the other two Goars dead in their tracks, completely unnerved in absolute fear and terror, allowing Mikey and Sonata to jack the other two, but got a little woozy to the experience.

"This is going to take some getting use to." Sonata-Goar noted.

"Best do it quickly." Mikey-Goar said as he, Sonata-Goar, Pinkie-Goar and Crash took down the rest of the ratnicians, who were still frozen in fear from that roar.

"And off the Goars we go!" Pinkie said cheerfully as the ninja trio disconnected form the Goars.

"You’re right, Sonata. That is going to take some getting use to." Mikey said in agreement with what Sonata said earlier.

"Yeah. So, what was it you wanted to ask, Aku Aku?" Sonata said to Aku Aku.

"I've been meaning to ask, what was that magic you used to jack those mutants, and how did you get it?" Aku Aku asked.

"You silly mask! That's Equestrian Magic, straight from Equestria!" Pinkie answered with a smile.

"Me and my sisters were originally from there, because we were sirens." Sonata explained.

"Aku Aku, you've been actually strange ever since you heard that. What's wrong?" Crash asked in concern for his friend.

"Something familiar about Equestria, but I can't remember." Aku Aku answered, just as confused as the others.

"Whaddya mean by that?" Mikey asked, when Sonata had a revolution, giving a gasp. "Aku Aku... Are you... Actually... From Equestria?" Sonata asked the voodoo mask.

"I remember I know someone from Equestria, but I don't think I was a native." Aku Aku answered.

"So much for that theory." Pinkie deadpanned.

"Wait a minute dude..." Mikey realized.

"What is it, Mikey?" Crash asked the ninja turtle.

"I've been to Equestria more than once, and I met a lot of creatures. Aku Aku, do you know Princess Celestia, or sister, Luna or a zebra named Zecora? Or any of the pillars; Starswirl the Bearded, Flash Magnus, Rockhoof, Mistmane, Somnambula, or Mage Meadowbrook?" Mikey asked, but when he said Meadowbrook's name, Aku Aku remembered his friend.

"I remember! I traveled to Equestria and befriended a healer name Meadowbrook. I remember the good times we had. And I remember my brother using a spell to take my memories away. All those memories of my good friend... Gone." Aku Aku realized in sadness, heartbroken as his friends looked at him with sympathy.

“Crikey!…” Crash uttered, feeling incredibly sorry for his friend.

"Well dude, she and her other pillar friends sent themselves along with a dark pony known as the Pony of Shadows into the limbo in order to seal that bad dude. But me, my bros managed to bring them back, save Stygian by freeing him from the Pony of Shadows, so Mage Meadow is still alive and young." Mikey explained with a smile on his face, making Aku Aku smile with great happiness and relief.

"Thank you so much, my friend. After we take care of Cortex and his plan, I going back to Equestria to see Mage Meadowbrook again." Aku Aku said in gratitude.

"That's a great to hear, Aku Aku! Glad we could help!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

"Hey everyone, look! A baby fox!" Sonata called out as she pointed out as the heroes and voodoo mask saw a baby fox hopping and sniffing between brushes.

"Aww!!!" The ninja trio and Crash gushed in unison.

"Aren't you cute." Sonata doted at the baby fox as they then saw it hop towards a strange looking brush and sniff it. Only Sonata was able to notice something off, seeing a clawed hand raise from inside the brush, it seemed hesitant, but it grabbed the baby fox and showed its true form to everyone, catching them completely off guard. It as a big bipedal fox with pink-purple parrot feathers on its head and back. The fox then noticed the heroes and put down the baby fox, with it running away. The fox plucked a feather from its back, with another growing back in its place, and threw that feather at them, only for that projectile to be blocked by Sonata's tonfas. She noticed it was stuck in her one of her tonfas as saw how sharp it was. "I'll get this titan." Sonata simply said as she charged forward to the fox/parrot hybrid mutant, leaving Mikey, Pinkie, Crash and Aku Aku confused.

"Dudes, what just happened?" Mikey asked, completely lost.

"No clue, but look at Sonata!" Pinkie pointed out as everyone saw Sonata dodging those feather throws and put her palm on the titan's forehead, causing a blinding light to shine out of both of them, making the other heroes and Aku Aku close their eyes. And when the light faded, they saw something strange, Sonata wasn't on the titan, yet the titan looked completely different. Its fur was light arctic blue, with its hands and feet moderate persian blue, its feathers and tribal markings on its wrists and ankles were brilliant cerulean, having grayish violet-colored eyes.

"Thanks for helping me snap out of it. Besides, I love the makeover you did for me, it really brings out what I am on the inside." The fox/parrot hybrid said in gratitude, looking at herself.

"No problem." Sonata replied.

"If you're wondering what I am, I'm a Snipe, a mutant half-fox, half-parrot, stealthy and deadly. But no crackers." The Snipe titan informed the heroes.

"Hmm... Ooh! You'll need a name!" Mikey said as was about to declare a name, but was cut off by Sonata.

"How about, Foxer?" Sonata suggested.

"Ooh! I love that name! I think you and I are gonna be great friends!" Foxer said in excitement.

"Same here!" Sonata agreed as she and her new friend Foxer hugged each other.

"Hey, we got to get moving. If you want to come and help, that'd be great." Mikey said.

"Please." Sonata pleaded.

"Of course, silly! What're friends for?" Foxer rhetorically asked as Mikey, Pinkie, Sonata and Crash cheered in pure joy and excitement with her joining the party to stop Dr. Cortex and save Coco.

"Hey Foxer, do you have any ideas what Cortex is doing or where he's going?" Mikey asked.

"Last I heard, he was heading to some kind of temple. Luckily, I know where that is, so let's go! Oh, and Sonata, you can ride on me if you want." Foxer said to Sonata, who seemed unsure of that.

"Really? Are you sure you're okay with that?" Sonata asked.

"Of course! Friends help each other out!" Foxer answered with a toothy smile, as Sonata got onto her neck.

"Okay, but if you're not feeling comfortable, I'll get off and travel by foot." Sonata said to her friend.

"No problem." Foxer agreed as she and all of her new friends continued on their journey.

Meanwhile at the temple Foxer mentioned, Dr. Cortex and Uka Uka were draining a strange liquid with Coco still captured.

"That's right. Drain every last drop." Dr. Cortex said with a smile.

"You think your going to win, Cortex? Crash and my new friends are on their way right now!" Coco told Dr. Cortex.

"Oh, but they'll be in for a surprise once they see what I cooked up." Dr. Cortex responded with a devious grin before noticing Uka Uka staring into space. "What's wrong now, Uka Uka?”

"That turtle, and those two girls. Something about them is familiar, and I'm sensing mutants joining their side, especially that scaredy-Snipe." Uka Uka answered, much to Cortex's shock.

"What?! They’re turning our mutants on us?! How is that possible?!" Dr. Cortex asked, still caught off guard by the discovery.

"It's just as I thought, those three have Equestrian magic within them, a kind of mojo I hoped to never sense again." Uka Uka responded, clearly not happy about it.

"That's the magic Aku Aku went all weird on." Coco noticed.

"My brother didn't tell you? Oh, that's right. He couldn't after what I did!" Uka Uka mocked with a laugh, making Coco mad.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR FRIEND?!" Coco demanded, wanting to know what happened.

"A thousand years ago, my brother was good friends with an Equestrian Healer named Mage Meadowbrook. After he defeated me, I preformed a spell on him that robbed him of all memories about his friend." Uka Uka explained, making Coco's eyes shrink in horror. "Imagine, all those good times they had, every happy days and fun adventures... Gone!" Uka Uka mocked more as Coco lunged at Uka Uka, only for her restraints to stop her.

"Now that's truly villainous, making someone forget precious memories, much less your own brother. No wonder you’re the mask of evil, Uka Uka." Dr. Cortex said, truly impressed with Uka Uka's vile deed.

"Unfortunately, if Equestrian magic is here, my feeble brother has a chance to regain all of the memories that I erased about Equestria, if he hasn't remembered already." Uka Uka said, realizing the danger of the situation.

"You better hope I stay locked, cause I'm going make you pay!" Coco said, completely furious.

"Try it and I'll wipe your memories." Uka Uka threatened, making Coco's expression of rage turn to fear.

"No more witty comments? Good." Uka Uka said, but thought about Sonata again. "But that blue girl... Something's telling me she's from Equestria."

"Seriously? She's a pony?" Dr. Cortex deadpanned.

"No. I have a feeling that she's one of those three sirens that were banished by Mage Meadowbrook, Starswirl and those other pillars. Even with the plan I gave them, they still failed." Uka Uka responded, much to Cortex's confusion.

"Then why is she fighting against... Wait, three? Where are the other two?" Cortex stopped himself, asking a different question.

"Probably back in the world they were banished into." Uka Uka guessed.

"Back to my first question: Why is she fighting against us?" Dr. Cortex asked.

"Beats me. But one thing is for sure, I won't tolerate betrayal. So let's make sure she suffers painfully." Uka Uka told Cortex in a malicious tone.

"Of course, Uka Uka. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Dr. Cortex agreed with a maniacal laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Uka Uka joined in with his own evil laugh.

Back with the heroes, they came across tree bridges, cliff ledges, tree branches and bouncing mushrooms. They then reached a tunnel below a tree trunk, guarded by a group of Ratnicians.

"We can take them easily." Mikey said, cockily as he was about to head in there, but was blocked by Crash's Bokken Sword.

"Let's have a little fun with them. Foxer, when we get them in the air, nail them. Pinkie, when I start spinning, throw a smoke bomb." Crash said as he told everyone his plan, before jumping down to the Ratnicians.

"It's the bandicoot!" A Ratnician said

"Well, mates, here comes the bandicoot swornado." Crash said as he began his swornado attack, spinning like a twister, hitting ratnicians and signaling Pinkie to throw a smoke bomb, obscuring all of the ratnicians' line of sight. Then the ninja trio and Crash knocked the ratnicians into the air, signaling Foxer to throw his feathers at them. Foxer aimed carefully at them, and threw two handfuls of sharp feathers at all of the ratnicians, knocking them out cold from the sharp feather explosions.

"Dude! Awesome aiming!" Mikey complimented.

"They must be as sharp as kunai knives!" Pinkie added.

"Thanks. I'm not a Snipe for nothing. C'mon! The path to the temple is through this tunnel." Foxer informed them as Sonata climbed off of her neck and got back onto the ground.

"You can head back to Crash's place if you want. This is our fight, after all." Sonata offered to Foxer.

"Really? And leave my best buds behind?! No way! I'm coming with ya, and that's that! Besides, I don't think I'll get controlled by Cortex anytime soon." Foxer said with a confidant smile.

"YAY!!! I was hoping you'd say that!" Sonata cheered.

"And I think Foxer is right, because, Sonata, whatever you did that freed her seems to cast some sort of mojo protection that keeps her from being controlled by dark mojo." Aku Aku explained.

"That's awesome, dudes!" Mikey said in excitement.

"Yippee!!!" Pinkie cheerfully agreed.

"C'mon mates, let's go." Crash declared as he and his friends went into the tunnel, heading into the next area.

To be continued...