Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans

by RainbowRaptorDash1

Episode 6: Don't Eat the Yellow Brick Load

While Mikey and the girls were scouting the area…

“I can't believe these guys don't have any security built in case we snuck in.” Sonata said in disbelief.

“Either Cortex is underestimating us big time, or one of his henchmen is in charge here and really dumb.” Mikey guessed.

“He wouldn't be the first to underestimate us.” Pinkie pointed out.

“HELP!” A voice cried out, making the trio spot a Dingo/Crocodile hybrid dangling on a cliff.

“Hey! Are you alright, big guy?” Sonata asked in concern.

“Yeah, I need help! The ground collapsed on me as I was walking! I'm losing my grip!” The mutant hybrid panicked.

“We'll help you up. Hang on!” Mikey punned.

“Not funny!” The mutant replied, unamused.

“Sorry, poor choice of words.” Mikey apologized as the trio struggled to lift him up.

“Aaaaannnddd… Up you go!” Pinkie said as she and her friends got Dingodile lifted up and away from the cliff.

“Thanks, mates. I owe you one.” The hybrid said in gratitude.

“No problem. Anything broken?” Mikey asked.

“Maybe only me pride… Nah, probably not. Any other than that, I’m perfectly fine.” The mutant answered.

“I'm Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie introduced herself.

“I'm Michelangelo, but call me Mikey.” Mikey added.

“And I'm Sonata Dusk.” Sonata finished.

“Odd names, but I heard of odder things. Me name’s Dingodile.” Dingodile introduced himself.

“Gah! I was totally gonna call him Dingodile!” Mikey complained.

“No you weren’t, silly!” Pinkie countered.

“Hey, maybe you can help us. We’re trying to find a fast path through here.” Sonata requested.

“There's a shortcut by the waterfall that'll take you through an abandoned town. Stay out of sight of the hillbilly koalas and you'll be fine.” Dingodile answered.

“Wow! Thanks a lot!” Sonata said in gratitude as she gave Dingodile a great big hug, joined by Pinkie and Mikey, confusing the mutant.

“Wha-What are ya doing?!” Dingodile stuttered, making Pinkie giggle.

“It's called a hug. It's what friends do.” Pinkie answered.

“F-F-Friends?!” Dingodile asked in shock.

“Yeah, dude. There's no reason for us to fight.” Mikey said with a peace sign, before Dingodile found all this strange, but amazing, before his watch went off.

“Crikey! My shift is about to start again! I got go. Later!” Dingodile said.

“See you soon, Dingodile!” Sonata replied.

What is this feelin’? I don’t understand…” Dingodile thought as he left.

“We better go, too. Crash will be back any second.” Mikey said.

“What is the difference between a crocodile and a alligator anyway?” Sonata wondered.

“I actually know, but we're in a hurry.” Pinkie said.

“You’re right!” Sonata agreed as they went back and met up with Crash, Aku Aku and the mutant titans.

“Guys, you got anything useful?” Crash asked.

“We got a path to sneak through the site.” Mikey answered.

“We should probably leave a titan with the carriage.” Sonata suggested.

“I’ll do it.” Stalag answered.

“Alright, let's get moving.” Sonata said as everyone moved through the secret path, Crash came to decision.

“Guys, I kinda forgot to tell you three about Cortex's personal lackeys.” Crash mentioned.

“Oh, who are they, dude?” Mikey asked.

“N. Gin is Cortex's machine expert. He's probably at some factory creating some of weapons we've been seeing.” Crash started.

“Such a waste of talent.” Mikey deadpanned.

“Just like Staxter Bockman.” Pinkie noted.

“Then there's Tiny Tiger, but he's about as dangerous as a mouse.” Crash continued.

“Does Cortex just mutant animals at random?” Sonata asked.

“Dunno about that, mate.” Crash answered.

“But what do you mean as dangerous as a mouse, if this guy's a tiger mutant? And why is his name 'Tiny?'” Pinkie asked.

“He's harmless. The TNT I deal with is more than him.” Crash answered.

“You’re a licensed demolition expert?” Sonata wondered.

“Not exactly, mate. I just run into TNT a lot and get stuck in situations against them.” Crash explained as the trio looked at Aku Aku with skepticism.

“He's serious. Trust me.” Aku Aku said.

“Anyhoo, about Cortex's last henchman...” Crash started.

“Who is it?!” The ninja trio asked, getting antsy from suspense.

“It's a dingo/crocodile hybrid mutant... Named Dingodile.” Crash finished, causing a dead silence in the air.

“WHAT?!” The goofy ninjas yelled out in shock.

“You guys okay?” Crash asked.

“We just helped him from falling a few minutes ago.” Mikey explained.

“He didn't seem evil. A little overweight, but not evil.” Sonata added.

“You what?!” Aku Aku gasped.

“No way! But then again, we did have a retired Dingodile as an ally in finding the Quantum Masks.” Crash remembered.

“Oh, right. I remember that.” Aku Aku agreed.

“Multiversal Counterpart?” Mikey asked, unimpressed.

“Yeah, how'd you know?” Crash asked in confusing.

“Happened to me and my bros.” Mikey explained.

“Anyone else wondering how our scream didn't alert any security?” Pinkie pointed out, causing another dead silence.

“Me and the other mutant titans found the security system and shut it down.” Foxer answered.

“That's good news.” Crash said in relief, before Sonata noticed something. “Yeah, but there is a really strange mutant up ahead.” Sonata pointed out as everyone saw a giant black elephant mutant titan with spikes all over it.

“Whoa! That's a big mutant!” Pinkie gasped.

“Hmm... I think I'll call that big guy's titan species, the Shellephant!” Mikey declared, as the aforementioned Shellephant gave out a sad trumpet.

“We gotta find a way to get him outta there!” Sonata said.

“We will. But let's go big. Sonata, wanna go Rhinoroller?” Crash asked.

“Hmm... Maybe I should let Pinkie have the honors.” Sonata suggested, making Pinkie gasp in excitement.

“REALLY?!” Pinkie asked.

"Why not? Since Armalion's like Applejack, and Applejack's one of your best friends." Sonata explained with a smile.

"YAY ME!" Pinkie cheered.

"But... How about you wait till we're down there fighting Koo-alas." Mikey pointed out, making Sonata and Crash realize that this transformation could be explosive.

"Mikey's right." Crash agreed.

"Yeah, might wanna wait on that." Sonata added.

"Aww..." Pinkie pouted.

Meanwhile with the Koo-alas...

"Man, wasn't easy wrangling this thing, but we got 'er." A Koo-ala said, before Crash performed his Swornardrang move to knock out a handful of them. "Oi! Mates, it's that bandicoot and his buddies!"

"Okay, Pinkie. Go time!" Mikey told Pinkie, exciting her.

"Yahoo! I always wanted to say this." Pinkie said as she put on the RhinoRoller mask, causing a bright light to shine around her. And when it faded, in Pinkie's place was a anthro human-sized RhinoRoller, with blonde hair on her head. "AH'M GOIN' TA ROLL ALL OVER YA!!!" The combination, Pinkion, roared as she turned into a rolling boulder, knocking out multiple Koo-alas. "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!"

Meanwhile, Sonata was picking the lock on the cage as the carnage continued behind her. "Easy, girl. You're going to be free." Sonata assured while a Koo-ala was sneaking up behind her with a chicken leg in his hand, before he was knocked unconscious by a feather dart, courtesy of Foxer the Snipe. "I don't think so." Foxer taunted, making Sonata smiled as she was glad to have great friends, before finally cracking the lock.

"Got it. BE FREE!" Sonata told the Shellephant, before the large titan stood up, and used its strength... Somehow making the cage tear apart and fly away from each other, as the Shellephant let out a loud trumpet, thrashing around in an absolute rage!

"Incoming!" Foxer called out, helping Sonata dodge the blow.

"Okay, might not have thought that through." Sonata admitted.

"I can handle this." Pinkie assured as she rolled into her ball form and charged into the Shellephant. "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!" Pinkion shouted as the Shellephant caught her at first, but Pinkion still kept spinning. "WWRRRRYYYYYYYY!!! MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!" Pinkion roared as the blow connected, sending the Shellephant back a bit and Pinkion into the air above it, falling down. "MUDA!!!!!" Pinkion finished as she hit the Shellephant right on the noggin, stunning it completely, allowing Crash to jack it quickly before it snapped out of it.

"Everyone okay?" Crash asked as Pinkion took off the RhinoRoller mask, turning back into Pinkie.

"Ya know, I think I had enough rolling for one day." Pinkie said in dizziness.

"I think that's a smart choice..." Grihoga agreed as she let out an exasperated exhale, falling onto her back.

"Hey guys, look what I found." Mikey called out, showing the others that he found a shed full of TNT.

"Are ya thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Crash asked his friends with a mischievious smile.

"Already five steps way ahead of you." Pinkie answered as she and Sonata started grabbing a lot of TNT sticks.

"Hmm... Something tells me we're gonna need more than TNT, but it could work." Aku Aku said, unsure of the plan. But while they were working, Mikey's medallion, Pinkie's geode, and Sonata's throat glowed, shooting the Shellephant with the rainbow laser. After that, Aku Aku and Crash got off of it.

"Finally free from that scientist's control. Wait... What the fudge?! I'm talkin'! Alright!" The Shellephant cheered with a fist pump.

"Well, big guy. Feeling any better?" Sonata asked.

"Much better now thanks to you. But that Dr. Cortex... Where's that little twerp?" Shellephant asked, ready to kick some Cortex butt.

"There's no time for that now, because we could your help." Aku Aku responded.

"Hmm, how would you like the name, Crabusk?" Mikey asked.

"Huh, Crab and Tusk... I like that. Oh, and by the way siren girl, I'm a guy." Crabusk told Sonata.

"Okay, that's twice this happened today." Sonata realized with a facepalm.

Meanwhile at the hideout, Dingodile rushed up to Tiny. "Sorry I'm late. I had a little incident near a cliff and..."

"Forget about that! Crash and his fwiends got the Shewwephant to join their side!" Tiny said, catching the hybrid's attention.

"WHAT?!" Dingodile gasped as he looked at the monitor, seeing that it was true. The Shellephant titan has sided with the heroes.

"Not only that, they stole a bunch of dynamite from the nearby shed." Tiny added as Dingodile stared in sorrow at Mikey and the girls, the very people who were kind to him. Tiny noticed his sadness. "Huh? Something wrong with you, Dingo?" Tiny asked, making Dingodile snap out of it.

"Oi... Nothing. It's nothing." Dingodile answered.

"Alright. Once they arrive, maybe we can discuss things. Reach some kind of agreement." Tiny said, hoping things wouldn't have to get ugly.

"And if they continue to destroy everything?" Dingodile asked with worry.

"...Then we're gonna have to eat their faces." Tiny sadly said as he left.

And when Dingodile was sure he was alone, he fell to his knees. "What am I gonna do…?"

To be Continued…