Equestria Ninja Girls: Crash of the Titans

by RainbowRaptorDash1

Episode 14: Family Tree

Crash and his friends were riding in the Roadroller while using Aku Aku as a guide.

"Aku Aku, do you know where Uka Uka could be?" Crash asked his friend.

"We're closing in on him." Aku Aku answered as everyone saw a menacing looking tree.

"A tree?" Mikey wondered.

"Reminds me of the Creep and Snakeweed." Pinkie remembered.

"Make that Creepweed." Mikey added.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Dingodile said, feeling a chill up his spine, while nobody saw shadows lurking over them.

"Guys... Why is it so quiet?" Mikey asked as everyone noticed there wasn't even a single bird flying around the area.

"Forget that. Why is this place so desempty." Grihoga added.

"Heehee… Deserted and empty. Good one!" Pinkie giggled.

"Thank you! Heeheehee!" Grihoga said in gratitude.

"It's kinda creepy." Sonata admitted.

"Fluttershy once told me that in the jungle, areas that are quiet are a bad sign." Pinkie remembered.

"How come?" Crash asked.

"It usually means a predator's den is close by." Pinkie answered.

"Pink ninja right!" A tribal voice said in agreed as the heroes and titans were suddenly surrounded by blue tribal bunnies wearing voodoo masks. "If you enter Master Uka Uka territory, you enter Voodoo Bunny territory"

"Easy now, we're just passing by. We don't want any trouble." Crash bluffed, trying to get himself and his friends through without a fight, but a Voodoo Bunny saw right through that.

"Crash Bandicoot lie! Voodoo Bunnies know you want in Master Uka Uka lair!" The Voodoo Bunny responded in anger.

"So much for not wanting any trouble." Solava deadpanned.

"Got that right." Dingodile agreed.

"Master Uka Uka will reward tribe for capture!" The Voodoo Bunny said as he and the other minions started to attack the heroes with their spears, before their weapons were destroyed by Foxer throwing her feathers at them.

"Let's get out of here!" Crash said as he and his friends started to make a run for it.

"You not going anywhere!" The Voodoo Bunny said as he and the other enemies began to chant, summoning dark storm clouds above them. Then lightning bolts struck the ground ahead of the heroes, causing Armalion to stop.

"What in Sam hill?!" Armalion gasped.

"I should've known! These Voodoo Bunnies can somehow use voodoo magic!" Aku Aku said.

"Then we gotta blind 'em and beat 'em!" Skunture declared.

"Pinkie, give us a smoke cloud!" Crash ordered.

"You got it!" Pinkie agreed.

"A B see ya!" Mikey taunted the Voodoo Bunnies as he and Pinkie threw smoke bombs onto the ground, keeping the minions from seeing them escape.

"Hang on!" Crash said as Armalion rushed out, increasing the Roadroller's speed, but the escape didn't go unnoticed.

"After them!" A Voodoo Bunny ordered as they minions of Uka uka chased after them.

"Not good! They saw us anyway!" Stalag noticed.

"Get ready for a fight!" Crash said as the Voodoo Bunnies proved enough to catch up, swarming onto the Roadroller.

"We don't take hitchhikers." Mikey quipped as he swung to the top and kicked them off.

"Oh... Bunnies are usually very cute... Please forgive me!" Scorgomid begged as she whacked some of the Voodoo Bunnies with her tail, which lit itself on fire for some reason.

"Foxer, can I get a ride?" Sonata asked.

"Sure! Hop onto my back!" Foxer answered as Sonata did just that.

"Follow us, boys." Sonata taunted as she and Foxer took another path with multiple Voodoo Bunnies following them.

"My word! There are no more of those rabbits following us!" Orciamond noticed.

"But that means..." Micolda started in realization.

"All of their attention is fixed on Sonata!" Aku Aku finished.

"Strange little bunnies." Pinkie noted.

"Forget about that. We gotta catch up to Sonata and Foxer!" Crash said, making the two ninjas panic.

"GAH!!! You're right!" Mikey realized.

"AH!!! Uka Uka really wants to capture Sonata!" Pinkie added.

"Aku Aku, is there anything you can remember about Equestria and your brother? Anything at all." Crash requested.

"My memory of Equestria is still a little foggy, but it's returning slowing." Aku Aku answered.

"For now, we need to go after Sonata!" Pinkie shouted as they turned back, going after Sonata and Foxer.

Meanwhile with the aforementioned two heroes, Foxer stopped a bit see how many Voodoo Bunnies were chasing them, only to see all of them heading towards them, making both her and Sonata let out a scream of surprise.

"I knew some of them would follow us, but I didn't expect all of them!" Foxer admitted.

"Voodoo Bunnies capture Siren girl for Master Uka Uka!" A Voodoo Bunny said, leaving Sonata shocked by that.

"Uka Uka really is after me! But why?!" Sonata asked, completely scared.

"Not important." Foxer said as she started running so fast, Sonata had to hold on for dear life. When they entered a cave they found, the Voodoo Bunnies stopped.

"Huh?" The two wondered.

"They stopped following us." Foxer noticed.

"But why?" Sonata asked in confusion.

"FOOLS!" A voice yelled as two cages dropped, capturing Sonata and Foxer, with the voice revealing itself to be Uka Uka. "You idiots fell right into my trap!"

"What do you want from me, Uka Uka?" Sonata asked, not liking where this is going.

“Tell me, Sonata; Do you remember the plan Adagio told you about that led to your encounter with those pillars?” Uka Uka asked, catching the siren ninja completely off guard.

“What?! How did you know about that!?” Sonata asked in complete shock.

“I was the one who gave your sister the plan, and that lead to you and your sisters getting banished! I was the one who lead your amulets' destruction! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Uka Uka answered with a diabolical laugh as Sonata couldn't believe it what she heard. All of the suffering she and her sisters endured, was all because of this mask! This discovery left Sonata's blood boiling as she started to growl with the red aura oozing out of her fiercely. “Yes... That's it... Let your anger consume you!!!” Uka Uka said as he sent out a powerful blast of dark mojo toward Sonata and Foxer, taking control of them. But something was happening to Sonata, she was changing... Changing into something else, while Foxer seemed to have grown bigger and fiercer. “Now there's only one thing left to do... Wait for Crash and his friends.”

Meanwhile, with Crash and his friends, they entered the tree, when suddenly, Pinkie's Geodo and Mikey’s Medallion were glowing brightly, like they were giving them a warning.

“Ooh... My Pinkie Sense isn't acting up, but I already have shivers down my spine.” Pinkie shivered.

“Me too. And I think whatever it is, I think I need to change my shell because of it.” Mikey agreed as the Roadroller started to slow down.

“Easy, Armalion. Let's take it slow.” Crash said to the RhinoRoller.

“Alrigh' but Ah don't think we'll go straight the whole time.” Armalion pointed out.

“Arma's right about that. At some point, we'll have to start going up.” Grihoga agreed.

“I know, mates. Uka Uka’s lab has gotta be at the top somewhere.” Crash said.

“Let's take it slow. First we find Sonata, then we head to the lab.” Mikey listed before Aku Aku paled in realization of something.

“Oh no...” Aku Aku dreaded.

“What is it?” Pinkie asked.

“I think... Uka Uka captured Sonata and Foxer and taken them to his lab!” Aku Aku answered.

“WHAT?!” Mikey and Pinkie gasped in complete shock and fear.

“Now I'm mad.” Crash growled.

“Grr... Me too.” Dingodile said in agreement.

“Calm down everyone, we can't let anger or fear get the best of us! We need to think positive!” Grihoga advised.

“Uh, guys? Is it just me, or am I seeing big mutant bat titans hanging on those inner branches upside down?” Skunture asked as everyone looked to where Skunture was pointing, and saw mutant titans that looked like the combination of a Bat and a Switchblade. The bat mutants woke up and noticed them.

“Watch out dudes! Here comes the Battlers!” Mikey yelled as the Battlers let out a horrible sonic screech.

“My ears!” Pinkie groaned as she covered her ears.

“GAH!!! Just what we needed, more Wingnuts!” Mikey deadpanned as he remembered the mutated form of April’s father.

“They still making that comic?” Dingodile asked.

“They have that in this world too?!” Mikey gasped in surprised.

“Grihoga, give us a better concert.” Crash said as Grihoga gave a stunning growl, but only managed to stun one.

“Oopsie, forget that I need to roar to stun all enemies, but this should be enough.” Grihoga said as she looked on the bright side, before Mikey's Medallion and Pinkie's Geode began to glow, covering the stunned Battler. When the light faded, the Battler had luminous vivid orange fur, brilliant yellow stripes, pale apple green leather on its wings, dark gold nails, and marigold-orange tribal tattoos on its fur and wings.

“My head...” The Battler groaned before she gasped as the Battler ally realized it could speak, before swinging her wings back, summoning whirlwinds that stunned the rest of the titans. “You guys okay?”

“Yeah, we are thanks to you mate.” Crash said in gratitude.

“You can call me Batlado. And just so you know, I’m a girl. Now where are those idiot sisters of mine?” Batlado wondered.

“I knew it. I was totally gonna name you Batlado.” Mikey lied, but Pinkie saw right through it.

“Again, no you weren’t, silly. But whaddya mean sisters?” Pinkie asked in confusion.

“I guess that’ll wait. Thanks for saving me. I’ll help you get to Uka Uka.” Batlado said.

“Any chance you know where our friend is?” Mikey asked.

“Somehow, I know exactly where they are, because I’m sensing a familiar captured snipe with your friend in Uka Uka’s lab.” Batlado answered.

“Lead the way.” Crash said.

“You’ll have to watch your step though, ‘cause it’s a long way down.” Batlado warned them.

“Right. Crabusk, Scorgomid... Mask forms.” Crash told the two giants for their safety.

“You got it, buddy!” Crabusk agreed.

“Okay.” Scorgomid replied as the two giants turned into their mask forms, as the heroes continued on.

“We gotta be waking into a trap.” Dingodile said.

“My brother would do that.” Aku Aku agreed.

“Don’t we always get into traps?” Crash rhetorically asked.

“I know me and my bros do.” Mikey answered.

“Me and my friends too.” Pinkie added.

“It doesn't matter, though. Our friend needs our help and we're going to help her.” Crash declared.

“Indeedy!” Pinkie agreed.

“Booyahkasha!!!” Mikey let out his battle cry.

If Uka Uka is gonna do what I think he’s gonna do to Sonata, this could spell disaster for us all.” Aku Aku thought in worry and concern for the siren ninja as he and everyone else went deeper and higher into the tree.

To be Continued…