Tomorrow War

by Battwell

Peace In Our Time (Part 2)

Twilight and the others appeared in what appeared to be an abandoned building thanks to Twilight's teleportation spell. Twilight fell to her haunches in exhaustion, her breathing was heavy and she had sweat falling down her face. Rainbow quickly shot up into the air and looked around frantically for anymore Ultron robots.

Shadow got to his feet, dusting himself off as Sonic got to one knee and rubbed his head with his hand. Peter rubbed the back of his head as he got to his feet, using his Spider-Sense to see if there was any sign of danger near them. He picked up nothing.

Tony's suit retracted back into his Arc Reactor as he stood up, "Everyone in one piece?" He asked his friends to make sure that they were all okay.

Sonic groaned as he got to his feet, "Yeah.....but I don't feel like it."

Twilight exhaled as she got off of her haunches and turned to Tony, "I'll need a minute, but I'll be fine."

Peter smiled at Twilight behind his mask, "Nice goin', Twilight."

Twilight smiled sheepishly as Rainbow landed next to the Alicorn mare, "Yeah, good job saving our flanks back there, Twi!" The rainbow maned Pegasus complimented as she slapped Twilight's back.

Shadow crossed his arms, "Now that the present danger has passed, I'd like to know where we are exactly."

Tony nodded as his gauntlet formed over his left hand. A holographic projection appeared on the gauntlet as Tony tried to reach J.A.R.V.I.S. He had no luck as the holographic projection disappeared, causing Tony to sigh.

"No good. I can't reach J.A.R.V.I.S. We're on our own."

Shadow closed his eyes as he spoke, "Then that doesn't leave us with a lot of options. Without J.A.R.V.I.S, we have no connection to the other members of the team."

"We could try searching for clues in this building? It probably won't tell us anything, but it's a start." Parker suggested to his friends.

Sonic shrugged, "It couldn't hurt to look around."

"It's a start, at least." Twilight added.

Tony nodded in agreement, "Alright, everybody fan out and search for anything that could tell us where we are!"

Everyone nodded in response and spread out to look for clues as to where they are.

Shadow used his strength to move a fallen piece of the ceiling out of his path. Once the path was clear, he continued forward, seeing all sorts of folders and documents laid out all over the floor. He took notice of the S.H.I.E.L.D emblem on the face of the folders.

Rainbow flapped her wings in the air, looking around as Twilight lifted a piece of debris with her magic. She tossed the debris out of her way and saw a piece of graffiti art on the wall.

Twilight raised a confused eyebrow as Rainbow Dash flew over to her side and gave the art the same confused look as Twilight did.

"Is that....Cap's shield?" Rainbow asked.

Sonic approached a table that was covered in dust and rubble. He cleared the table with his hands and saw a computer on the table.

He turned his head, "HEY GUYS! CHECK THIS OUT!"

They all made their way over to Sonic as the blue Hedgehog turned his sights to the computer.

"You think it still works?" Peter asked.

Tony made his way to the front of the group to get a better look at the computer, "Only one way to find out."

Tony then pressed the on button and surprisingly, the computer turned on to everyone's surprise.

"Sunova bitch." Tony muttered as a video began to play on the screen.

The screen showed Nick Fury, who had seen better days. He had cuts and bruises all over his face and he looked like he was fighting to stay alive.

"S.H.I.E.L.D Agent, this is Nick Fury! They're gone! The Avengers are gone! He killed them right in front of me! Ultron tore Tony Stark's head from his body and made me watch! The battle is lost! He has the Infinity Stones, all six of them! He has control of S.H.I.E.L.D's nanites, he's using them to convert humans into cybernetic hybrids and killing the rest! If you're seeing this then you somehow got away from all this!

"I need you to keep the fight going! Do not give up! As long as we have hope, then Ultron hasn't beaten us! We cannot let Ultron take our hope away from us! I believe in you! Keep fighting the good fight and remember, keep fighting, no matter what. And to anyone else watching this, find the Resistance and seek shelter with them. Good luck, and good bye."

As Nick closed his eye, the video ended.

To say that everyone was shocked would be an understatement. Fury's final message had hit home for all of the, especially Tony. To think that Ultron, HIS creation, was capable of this was a horrific thought.

It was then that Peter took a step back as he took off his mask. The horror in his eyes, that was something that Twilight would never unsee. Tears were swelling in his eyes as he turned around.

"I have to find MJ!"

He was about to take off, but was stopped by Tony, who quickly activated his suit and flew in front of him to stop him from leaving the building.

"Peter! Peter, you can't!" Tony shouted as Peter struggled in Tony's hold.

"LET ME GO! I HAVE TO FIND HER! M-MAYBE SHE SURVIVED! MAYBE MILES SURVIVED!" Peter shouted in hysterics, trying to get past Iron Man.

"PETE, THEY'RE GONE!" Peter began to cease struggling as Tony wrapped his arms around the distraught hero, "They're gone," Tony said softly as Peter cried into his chest, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

Twilight looked like she was also about to have a meltdown. Sonic, seeing this, quickly zoomed over and engulfed the mare in a tight hug. Twilight whimpered and cried into the azure Hedgehog's chest as Sonic stroked her mane with his hand. Rainbow also had tears in her eyes but held them back, not wanting to cry in front of her friends.

Shadow bowed his head in remembrance, standing in silence with his arms folded and his eyes closed. The way Peter felt about Mary Jane and Miles reminded the Ultimate Lifeform of how he felt about Maria. A stray tear fell from his eye, but nobody noticed.

After a few minutes, Peter had finally calmed down and broke away from the hug.

"I-I'm sorry, Tony." Peter apologized.

Tony's mask retracted and he gave Peter a kind smile, "Don't worry about it, kid. In fact, I should be the one apologizing to you."

Peter looked confused, "Why?"

Tony sighed, "Because all of this, is MY fault."

Rainbow flew up into Tony's face, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! How is this your fault?"

"Because I created Ultron. All of this is my fault."

Sonic let go of Twilight and walked up to the billionaire, "Let me stop you right there, Tony. Did you kill billions of people?" Tony shook his head, "Did you tell Ultron to wipe out humanity?" Again, Tony shook his head, "Then this isn't your fault. These were Ultron's actions, HIS choices, not yours."

Twilight sniffled and gave Tony a kind smile, "None of us blame you for what happened, Tony."

Shadow opened his eyes and moved towards Stark, "You are not at fault for this, Stark. Not in this or any other dimension, you just wanted to protect the world, no one can fault you for that. This is Ultron's fault, and he is going to pay for what he's done."

Tony chuckled and smiled at his friends, "Wow. I...uh, I'm not good with all this mushy stuff, sooooo--"

Peter slapped Tony's back, "We know. You don't need to say anything."

Sonic folded his arms and glanced at Twilight, who gave the Hedgehog a kind smile. Sonic smiled back, a blush on both of their cheeks. They both looked away as their cheeks became a rose like color.

Sonic shook his head and turned to Tony, "So, what do we do now?"

Tony looked around at the heroes around him and gave them all a determined look, "Now, we find this Resistance, shut Ultron down, and find a way home."

Iron Man landed on the ground with a loud thump, the ground beneath him cracking slightly as the others landed behind him, Twilight held Sonic and Shadow with her magic and set them down as Peter landed next to the black Hedgehog. Rainbow landed next to Twilight and smirked at the Alicorn.

Spidey walked up to Tony, "You sure this is where they were last seen?"

Tony nodded, "By triangulating all of their last known sightings with that old S.H.I.E.L.D computer, all of their sightings were near this exact location."

"So, where are they?" Sonic asked.

Tony knelt down, "My best guess...." He then opened his palm and blasted the ground with a Repulsor Blast, revealing a secret bunker, "Is beneath us."

The group slowly made their way through the man made subway system, keeping up their guard just in case their were any Ultron drones nearby.

"How much farther?" Twilight asked.

Shadow turned back to the Alicorn, "Hopefully not much farther."

Rainbow's eyes then suddenly widened, "Guys! Look ahead! I see light!"

"That must be the Resistance base!" Tony added as they all made their way towards the light.

The closer they got to the light, the more something didn't sit right with Peter.

"Something doesn't feel right." Peter muttered.

They eventually reached the light and entered the base.

But a horrific sight awaited them all.

Hundreds and hundreds of dead bodies sat before them. Blood and gore sprayed all over the walls, limbs of the Resistance members detached from their bodies. Twilight and Rainbow immediately threw up at the sight before them while Shadow, Sonic, Spider-Man, and Iron Man all stared daggers at the sight before them.

Once they finished throwing up, Twilight and Rainbow looked on in horror.

"T-The Resistance..." Twilight muttered.

It was then that a malicious voice caught everyone's attention, "Dead."

They all looked up and glared hatefully at the source of the voice.

Ultron Supreme.

"And you'll be joining them soon enough."

Ultron floated downwards from the hole in the ceiling with a smile on his face. Suddenly, several Ultron Sentry's and Ultron Slayers crashed through the walls and surrounded the heroes. The heroes snarled at the A.I floating above them.

Ultron smiled evilly as his faceplate slide over his face, "My legion. You see the infestation of organic filth that stands before you?"

An energy sword formed in Ultron's right hand thanks to the nanotech surrounding his body. He then pointed it at the heroes as his eyes glowed.

"Cleanse it."