//------------------------------// // Clash of the Titans // Story: InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// Following their agreement with Hank, even though the sisters knew that Delsin and Reggie might have their own opinions on the matter, Adagio and her sisters focused on staying out of sight for the time being, because Hank needed time to convince Augustine that he could hand them over to her. The smoke Conduit had departed after their talk was over, which was when the ice holding his feet had disappeared, leaving them to come to a stop on one of the roofs that overlooked the majority of this part of Seattle, giving them a perfect view of Augustine's tower. Sure, allowing him to go back into the lion's den was a risky gamble, especially if he was telling the truth that he had escaped with his own power and their foe's mistake, but it was one the sisters were willing to take, because they were banking on Augustine's desire to keep her kind safe. Even if this plan failed, and Hank decided to betray them, it wasn't like this was their only way to get at their foe, because even with all of the electric fences that were around the outside of her tower the sisters knew it would be easy to get around them. Part of the reason they were trying to pull Augustine away from the tower was because it looked like half of the DUP, as in her full force that came with her to Seattle, was stationed in the area around the structure, meaning the forces they had already defeated had only dented her defenses and that there were more waiting for them. So let me get this straight: you're planning on trusting a convict to get at Augustine? Reggie asked, because Delsin had called him and waited for him to be away from the other officers before revealing their plan to his brother, who, while used to the powers that all four of them had access to, wasn't too keen on their plan depending on a criminal whose history told him that he couldn't be trusted, Are you guys insane?! He'll betray you the first chance he gets. "Look, our options are limited: either we strike at her tower, and cause a lot of property damage given her powers, or we draw her out to that odd island." Adagio replied, which was the truth, Augustine's concrete powers could do serious harm to the surrounding area and even places beyond them, since she and her sisters were her prime targets and that meant she'd be seeking to bring them down faster than anyone else, "At least this way we'll get her away from everything else, so if we do end up fighting her, as I'm hoping she'll listen to reason, we'll be able to do so without endangering innocents or having to worry about collateral damage." Well, you might want to know that during your rampage both Abigail and Eugene were caught, apparently both fought more than they could handle. Reggie said, something that angered Delsin, especially since he hadn't been there to help either of them take control of the areas that they had been in, while the sisters were surprised, meaning Augustine must have been there to deal with both Conduits, It's strange... the people actually voiced their desire to see the DUP leave the city, as if they weren't afraid of being labeled traitors or being arrested for hindering the organization's work, which just seemed to make Augustine sad. Either way, I'll leave you four to your madness. "So, not to ask the obvious, but... how are we getting to that island?" Delsin asked, taking a moment to close his phone as he stared out at the concrete structure in question, which appeared to be where they were planning on having their final showdown with Augustine, even though he was interested in why the sisters were so calm, "And why are you so calm? Our friends were captured!" "Because we've fought foes greater than the 'Concrete Queen', Delsin. And we are upset, but we'll free the others while we deal with Augustine." Aria stated, where she knew that if they had suffered this sort of outrage in the past, before she and her sisters became heroes of the people, they would have likely blown a fuse before going all out on whoever dared to do such a thing, but this time they were calmer than before, "Besides, we'll just use Adagio's ice walkway again, as she'll no doubt be expecting us to arrive by air, or some other direction only she can think of... once we're there we can free Fetch and Eugene before dealing with her." Delsin stood there for a moment before admitting defeat, because he figured that there was no arguing with Adagio, Aria, or Sonata on this matter, to which he decided to sit down and lean his back against one of the walls that were around the roof they were on, keeping them covered while they observed the DUP. None of them were sure what was on the small island of Augustine's, since it was away from the main parts of Seattle, even though everyone agreed that it had to be an area that she had prepared for a battle with all four of them, or maybe just the sisters. Delsin had come to realize that their foe really didn't care about him in the slightest, as all her foes seemed to be on Adagio and her sisters, which made sense when he thought about it, as they were just as strong as the stories said they were and, unless he was mistaken, they were hiding a great deal of the power they used while they were with Cole. He no longer factored into the fight, not in Augustine's eyes, a fact that meant he might be able to slip away from the battle and free the others, allowing the sisters to focus on their foe and bring an end to this madness, so they could free the city, liberate the people, and save his tribe. It was getting close to sunset by the time anything happened, where they found a helicopter landing on the prison island as Hank contacted them, leaving just a short message that it was time to make their move, and they departed from their roof with all the haste they could muster, finding Hank on a pier, along with Reggie standing nearby. "Look, I know I said that I wanted no part in this, but I can help you get close without revealing yourselves." Reggie said, to which he gestured behind him and they found a boat waiting, one that was large enough for all of them to stand in while also looking like it didn't produce a lot of noise, before he focused on them again, "Now listen, we're going to have a short window to get you guys in, as the local police have detected an unregistered boat near the northern island and are planning on investigating... once the DUP turns their focus on that, even for a short time, we'll have our window to get you close to one of the platforms. From there, it's all up to you to free Augustine's captives." The others nodded their heads for a moment as they climbed onto the boat, where Reggie waited for a few moments, as he wanted to make sure his report was correct, and as soon as the DUP turned their attention on the north he powered up the boat before slipping into the underside of the structure, right up into an area that happened to have a Core Relay. "Okay, now she's taunting us... she knows I can drain these and set one up as a trap." Delsin remarked, showing that he had learned quite a lot since the start of this adventure, though at the same time some bits of concrete lifted up and forced his hands into a cuffed position, sealing them as Augustine floated down to their position using a small concrete disc. "Henry, you made great time and delivered to me my prize." Augustine said, where she pulled out a set of keys and tossed them to Hank, who caught them without delay but, instead of moving like the other Conduit wanted, he remained still for a time and focused on what was going to happen next, "Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk... Cole's infamous right hands, the Conduits who possess powers beyond anything anyone has ever seen, who suddenly disappeared right after the Beast was brought down. You were shockingly easy to draw out... it's almost a disappointment." "Actually, we should be saying the same to you. I figured it would take more than a simple ploy to pull you outside your tower." Adagio countered, because Augustine, for the most part, had seemed like a reasonable foe for them to face, or at least in terms of opponents they had faced on this planet, and it was easy to tell that the lady was either displeased with her words or she didn't care, "Also, we know you kidnapped Hank's daughter and have been holding her captive, to force him to comply with your demands... our allies have already liberated her from your grasp and are taking her someplace safe, so you can't use her again." Augustine raised her eyebrow for a moment as she tapped her earpiece, allowing her to get in touch with the soldiers that were assigned to watch Hank's daughter, only to be surprised when she learned that the group had been knocked out and the asset had been freed. "Yeah, we figured out your ploy rather easily." Aria commented, though this reminded her of when they faced Kessler, as he had been surprised to discover their tricks and plans, especially when they derailed his strategies, and it was easy to see that Augustine was starting to feel what he had felt before his demise. "It's amusing that you think you have won, especially when I control the entire board." Augustine said, showing them that she was focused on her own plans and that, even with everything they had done so far, she still believed that she was in full control of how things, to which she snapped her fingers and several snipers emerged from the furthest platform that was behind her. "How cute. Ka... me..." Sonata replied, where she took a step forward, putting herself between her group and the couple of enemies in front of them, while shifting her stance and moving her hands so she could perform the technique she and her sisters had picked up from training with Rainbow and Applejack, causing the DUP to freeze as they noticed energy starting to build between her hands, "ha... me..." When she let out the 'haaa' Sonata fired the beam and caused the DUP to hit the deck, even though her target was one of the support pillars and blasted it to pieces, though with that done she formed some wind gusts and carried her group up to the upper level of the island, where they found Fetch and Eugene floating in a spiraling concrete prison. Adagio quickly made sure that Reggie was far away from this place, in fact he was back at the pier, getting as far as he could so he didn't get involved in whatever might come next, allowing them to break the prison with ease, as she and her sisters used their Ki to destroy Augustine's prison. As Fetch and Eugene landed on the ground, and Delsin and Hank ran up to make sure the pair were alright, that was when the ground shuddered and the sisters turned to look at the western end of the massive concrete structure their foe had set up after setting up her headquarters. Several new support pillars quickly burst out of the ground around the side they were on, while the rest of the structure buckled and broke away as Augustine used her power to transform it into a massive concrete titan, which had a humanoid shape to it. Such a thing told them that she must have spent years mastering her abilities, pushing them to the absolute limit, giving her the power to stand before any threat that might challenge her desires and plans, though this was something she could only use when they were far away from cities, otherwise the collateral damage would be blamed on her. "Okay, she has a Concrete Titan form... we might be in danger." Delsin remarked, because with all of the powers that he and the others had he was sure that Augustine might have the advantage, meaning it might have been better to assault the tower, where her powers would have been restricted, only to find that the sisters stepped forward, "Um, girls, I'm not saying this is a bad idea, but... challenging that thing, and whatever powers it has, is a really bad idea." "Not really, we fought in the Tournament of Power... this is nothing." Adagio said, though at the same time she glanced at her sisters and they nodded, because if Augustine was going to show them her full power it was only right that they do the same thing, hence why their blue pendants started to glow. Delsin watched as the sisters separated from each other, standing a fair bit away from each other, before their brilliant blue auras wrapped around them again, only this time they were engulfed in what had to be their own powers, which just so happened to form pillars that reached into the skies above them. He and the others discovered that the pillars were only there for a few seconds, though as they broke apart and disappeared everyone could see the sisters in all their glory, as they were now floating in the air in front of where Fetch and Eugene had been imprisoned. In that moment they found that the sisters now had a pair of translucent wings, which looked like the fins of a fish, growing out of their backs, or at least it looked like it, while their eyes had gained blue mist emitting from them and their sclera had turned blue as well, a sign of their full power. There was also a more drastic change to the sisters, as their tails had been transformed into odd fish styled tails that were covered in scales, while also being colored darker than what their bodies were, before Delsin noticed that the water below them seemed to ripple with their energy. In that moment he realized something, there were only a few stories of the sisters utilizing a form of sorts that made them far stronger than their so called 'base forms' and that this had to be what had been seen by those who seem them fight in the past, meaning they had been holding back the entire time he knew them. As he considered that, however, the sisters made their move as Adagio raised her right hand, the water rippling as spears made of ice burst out of several locations, all piercing the arms and legs of the Concrete Titan before freezing them so Augustine couldn't move. Aria launched a few large fireballs at their foe as she flew around the area, each one packing far more power than anything she had used in the past, and when they struck her target's chest and backside Delsin was sure that the concrete might be melting, or the markings were just extensive, despite what their foe's body was made of. Augustine was having a hard time dealing with just the constant fireballs, weakening her construct's armor as time went by, and the ice spears that were formed out of thin air, as Adagio was now flying around the titan, opposite of her sister, while drawing moisture from the air to form her attacks or just freeze the titan in place. Sonata, on the other hand, waited for a time before summoning the power of the wind itself by forming a serpent dragon around her as she rushed at the titan's chest, where she pierced it's weakened defenses, grabbed a surprised Augustine in the process, and pulled her outside the back of the construct, before landing near him and the others as it fell to pieces before their eyes. "You know, we were told that fighting you was a bad idea... now we all know why." Hank commented, as he knew Adagio and her sisters were incredibly strong, because even Augustine had been worried about the mere thought of fighting the trio, if it came to that anyway, but even he was surprised to find that the DUP's leader was unable to touch them. "So, can we talk peacefully, or do we have to go another round?" Adagio asked, as she was interested in ending this fight before anyone got seriously hurt, namely Augustine or the rest of the Conduits that were nearby, though before anyone could say anything her phone went off and she found that it was Zeke's number, for a voice call, "Zeke, what's going on? Has something happened?" You bet something's happened: we just got word that the government launched a nuke, and it's heading right for Seattle. Zeke stated, where his tone informed them that this was a major event, the people in charge of everything were fearful of their power, of their return, and were hoping to get rid of them, Augustine, the new Conduits, and most of the DUP with one attack, even if it cost the lives of so many innocent people. As the others paled, due to the thought of what might happen if the nuke actually hit the city, the sisters felt a familiar presence in the air and turned towards the south, where they could see a missile coming towards the city, though in that moment a voice rang out for all to hear. "Hakai!" a voice stated, where Delsin and the others watched as the missile, which they were only now becoming aware of, was seized by some sort of force, one Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were far more familiar with, before it broke apart before their very eyes, as if it was somehow dissolving without detonating it's payload, until there was nothing left as a figure floated down nearby, "I take it that missile was a bad thing for the city?" "You saved Seattle, Rainbow." Aria said, where the others looked up and saw Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle looking down at them, with only a few recognizing the attire they were wearing and what it meant for them, not to mention what the sisters had said previously, "So, Augustine..." Augustine promptly surrendered to the sisters, because if they had allies that could take care of a nuke it meant that she really stood no chance of beating them, though she could only wonder what in the future the immediate future held for her, the DUP, the world, and the rest of the Conduits.