//------------------------------// // Morning: Part 1 // Story: Spike's Kingdom // by Guardian Dragon //------------------------------// Princess Luna returns to the balcony from the dream realms; she is infuriated that her sister could potentially provoke war and lose her sovereignty due to the raiding of the Dragon Eggs several years ago. The idea of unborn Dragons becoming lifeless due to unfortunate magic misfires from young Unicorns at the School For Gifted Unicorns causes Luna to become grief-stricken; she imagines many families in mourning daily and yearly due to the unimaginable events. Princess Luna doesn't want to believe that Spike is the sole survivor of the invasion; she hopes that others are out there in Equestria, living life with purpose. Princess Luna leaves her room and strolls in the corridors of Canterlot Castle with her eyes shut; she contemplates the next course of action while, at some point, asking her sister how her school procures Spike's Dragon Egg. She inadvertently collides with her sister, Celestia, causing the two to stumble back; Princess Celestia was trotting with her eyes closed, probably contemplating due to Twilight and Rarity's behavior. Princess Celestia smiles elegantly at her sister and wants to help her; she's enthusiastic about Luna's findings with Spike within the dream realms last night. Princess Luna gazes at her sister and detects no deceit, dishonesty, malice, or wickedness; she's honorable, respectful, and loving. Princess Luna comprehends her sister would only attack when necessary due to unfortunate inconveniences regarding the safety of her continent; Luna shouldn't misjudge Celestia's rationales unless she, in secret, conspired a small army to compile Dragon Eggs away from the nest. However, there is the suspense of Queen Chrysalis disguising herself as Celestia while her Changelings transform into the Royal Guards to frame Celestia's name and reputation. "Luna, what's wrong?" Princess Celestia asks with concern and love for her sister; she wonders if it regards the likelihood of Dragon Lord Spike and his first day governing a nation. Princess Luna hears the words emitted by her sister; she sounds genuine, with no amount of fraud within her tone. "She's herself, not some pony demented to ravage families for voracious desires; also, Spike wanted me to ask her the question." Princess Celestia reads Luna's body language and determines an eerie distraught unlike any other; she hopes Spike is well as Dragon Lord and not getting bullied due to his size and sensibility. "I spoke with Spike, and he shared some insight, especially something horrendous beyond cognition." "Please elaborate on the info Spike shared with you, Luna; I need to access the information to write a letter addressing the qualities of ruling a nation into prosperity." The expression registered on Celestia's face; the worry of someone she cares for, loves, and honors are more than enough validation to ensure that Celestia is not the culprit who commenced the raiding. "We must discuss privately, Celestia; the walls have ears," Princess Luna nudges her head to the left, exposing the eyes of the lurking Draqonecuus' eyes who are witnessing the meeting. "Discord!" Princess Celestia's voice booms in the halls, stunning the Draqonecuus; she temporarily has no forbearance for Discord's pranks and shenanigans. "Oh, my apologies, Princesses of Equestria," Discord formally addresses their titles than names, which is very peculiar to Celestia and Luna; they believe something is amiss with the Draqonecuus. "Discord, what business you inquire with my sister?" "Oh, Luna, you with the formalities; I have an announcement to make with Princess Celestia regarding my position in Equestria," Discord chuckles in delight; he can't wait to embrace the new servitude with the Dragon Lord in the Dragon Lands. "We'll discuss after a private affair with Luna regarding Spike's case as Dragon Lord; afterward, I have an assignment for you to achieve," Princess Celestia responds, hoping to satisfy the Draqonecuus in playing a little waiting game. "Will I be informed of Spike's status or cast aside as duties are beyond my clarification?" Discord asks; he wants to experiment with the conviction Princess Celestia still upholds despite his unfortunate regress when he worked with Lord Tirek. "The topic of discussion is classified; only those with leadership qualities may obtain the knowledge contributed by Luna from learning Spike's situation within the dream realms," Princess Celestia calmly replies, softening the blow so that Discord doesn't become offended. Discord smirks; he perceives that Princess Celestia has the conviction that he would manipulate Spike, allowing him to be polluted with power and dominion since he is the Lord of Chaos. "Very well, Celestia," Discord imagines the reactions he'll address to the sisters after their conference meeting; he's thinking about taking Rarity's comfort couch and eating popcorn, to their dismay. Princess Celestia and Luna trot to a different room in Canterlot Castle; the two sisters cast a silencing ring spell to repel anyone from listening to their conversation, including an intrusive Draqonecuus. "Sister, Spike required you to answer a pivotal question regarding his birth," Princess Luna addresses the situation with a requirement. "Well, what is it? What does Spike want to know, Luna?" Princess Luna inhales deeply despite Celestia showcasing no evil intentions, even knowing the possibilities of the Dragon Egg raid could expose her as a demon. "Spike's query," Princess Luna heavily sighs, since she expressed the disheartening damages caused by the Dragon Egg raid and the probable deaths that followed. "How did your school acquire his Dragon Egg?" Princess Celestia comprehends the emotional distress her sister spewed is quite the quandary; due to having no recollection of the eggs taken for the young Unicorns' entry exams. Celestia closes her eyes, stretching her memories to the day of Twilight's entrance exam and days prior. "Celestia," Princess Luna is optimistic about any intel her sister could transfer in the next few moments; she hopes to follow up with Spike in his dreams later tonight, describing her discoveries and demonstrating her sister's innocence. "The School For Gifted Unicorns probably received Spike's Dragon Egg during an extracting expedition to locate eggs of different species across the lands of Equestria; it's possible that Spike's family may have abandoned their egg within our lands and have forgotten about it. If you ask if I went with the journey, the answer is no, I was attending the Canterlot Hospital to read a story to the young, sick foals." Princess Luna's eyes widen in fright; she's silent since she's aware of Spike's story, the Dragon Egg raid; the pieces don't correlate to Celestia's explanation. "Luna, what's wrong?" Princess Celestia is worried about her sister's condition when she reveals the probability of her school receiving Spike's Dragon Egg. "Celestia..," Princess Luna held back her tears when she heard Celestia mentioning an expedition; then anger arose. "Spike told me there was a raiding in the Dragon Lands!" "A WHAT?!" Princess Celestia is mesmerized to hear the awful revelation. "WHAT KIND OF A RAIDING?!" "Spike told me that a Pony Princess led a regiment and took Dragon Eggs away from the Dragon Lands!" Princess Luna huffs after clamoring in rage. Princess Celestia starts tearing up. "Lu-Lu-Luna..," Princess Celestia stutters with her emotions running rampant. She starts panting and frowning. "Luna.., I-I-I..," Celestia shuts her eyes and breathes heavily. "I would never..," She places her right hoof near her chest, acting like she's swearing an oath. "I would never commence an evil ploy such as that... I love all creation and the beauty; the world offers..," Princess Celestia collapses. "I would never desecrate life..!" She bursts into tears and cries her heart out. Princess Luna observes in horror and feels heartbroken for placing her sister through profound despair; it embodies her innocence since no evil creature would demonstrate this extensive sentiment. "Celestia.., I'm-" Celestia interrupts Luna's apology. "I never; I would never; I would never; I would never; I would never; I would never; I would never; I would never ever, ever, EVER strip families of their loved ones, Luna!" Princess Celestia hyperventilates, with her sadness becoming erratic. "You have to believe me! I would never jeopardize any family to endure the horrendous hardship of losing an unborn child!" Princess Celestia holds her sister closer, meeting eye-to-eye, showing the severity of her innocence. "I'm sorry," Princess Luna pulls Celestia into a loving embrace, softly cooing her sister while she continues to cry her eyes out. "It has to be Queen Chrysalis; I doubt Princess Cadance would be heartless to commit a sinful deed." After half an hour, Princess Luna releases her hold on Celestia; she takes a few minutes to recover from the outburst of sadness. Princess Celestia declares an investigation to uncover the truths of her school's knowledge about Spike's Dragon Egg and the potential of others she's unaware of. Princess Luna informs Celestia about reporting to Spike and discussing other leads to locate other Dragons within Equestria. Discord is outside the room, smoking candy cigarettes, waiting until the conference meeting concludes to alarm Princess Celestia about his new purposes in life, being the Ambassador for all Dragons, working alongside Spike, and elevating him to become a better leader than soon-to-be, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Princess Luna leaves the room and hovers away while Princess Celestia sits on a cushion, drying her tears as her eyes are red. "Celestia..?" Discord is keen about Celestia's condition since he believes Luna spoke something so devastating it caused Celestia to cry. "Let's talk, Discord," Princess Celestia is ready for a quick session with Discord to begin her investigation by reading the record book of the School for Gifted Unicorns. She wants to help Luna answer questions about the raiders that took the Dragon Eggs.