The Gift of a Changeling

by Kentavritsa

Accepting the Request: 4


I had walked up to the door of Miss Myne's suite, where she is eagerly awaiting me; opening the door as per her request, stepping into the cloaking room quietly.


As I step into her living room, she is sitting in the middle seat of her cinematic sofa, enjoying the Sparkle Cola she specified to be available.

“Greetings, Miss Myne!” I prompt, greeting my Lady.

“Greetings, Lady Rarity!” she responds, first now looking in my direction and promptly recognize me as Lady Rarity.

“I hope you will be enjoying my services, for as long as you have me by your side!” I put forth; with a smile creeping onto my face.

“I know!” she declares; “Thank you, Lady Rarity!” she then adds.

“You are quite welcome, Miss Myne!” I respond.

“Now, if you could lead me to the bed room!” she suggests.

“Certainly, Miss Myne!” I respond, as I start to walk over towards her bed room.

She quietly follows me, like an obedient little puppy. It is rather cute, if I could say so myself.

I lift up my right arm and extend the right hand towards the plaque; pressing the palm of the hand onto it and spreads my fingers wide in order to open the door, for the both of us. Once the door slides up I enter the room with her in tow, before the door quietly slides shut just as she had cleared the threshold.

The light shines upon us from overhead, like bright stars on the sky at night.

I continue towards the wardrobe on the right, promptly opening the doors to show her the clothes at her disposal.

“Oh!” she exclaims.


“Oh!” I exclaim; as she is opening the doors to my wardrobe, so that I can see the clothes I have available.

“What do you think of the options available, as Day Wear clothes?” she inquires; “As you notice, these are available in white and Black!” she now explains; “I hope these will be to your likings!” she exclaims; “But alas; just call me Rarity, please!” she concludes.

“Okay, Rarity; then you may call me Myne, please!” I respond, still gawking over the available options she had just presented me with.

“You will just have to undress, or disrobe; before you can put them on, Myne!” she reminds me, with a snicker.

“Oh, yes..” I respond; “but off course!” I continue.

With that, I start to unbutton my blouse from the button just under my collar and continue all the way down to the very last button. Stopping only momentarily, before I pull the blouse off of me.

She pulls the blouse out of my hands, putting it onto a hanger and hangs it up in the wardrobe.

While she is busy with my blouse; I slip in my fingers under the rip of the skirt, pulling it down and step out of it before she is snatching it right out of my hands.

Just as with my blouse, she is hanging up the skirt on the right side of the blouse.

I repeat the process with my panties, only for Rarity to snatch them out of my hands before I really notice it.

Now I slip my socks off of my feet right and left, only for her to snatch these too and dispose of them into the wardrobe

She is standing behind me now, undoing the lock on my brassiere; before she is pulling it off of me, slipping it out of the way.

“Time to dress you up for the day!” she points out, as she is extracting a pair of mate black Silicone panties she is handing over to me; “These should be your size!” she now declares.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered panties; lifting my right and left foot in turn, stepping into the panties.

Once I had pulled the panties up, all the way; I am affording the panties a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice, in order to achieve the ever-so elusive fit.

“There, how does it feel?” she inquires; “Nice and snug?” she continues.

“Yes, Thank you for asking!” I respond.

“Here, the daytime top for your comfort!” she offers, as she is offering me the next garment.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered garment; before I pull it down over my head.

Once the top is in place; I afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

“There, how does it feel?” she inquires.

“Snug, yet quite comfortable all the same!” I respond.

“This should be perfectly you, Myne!” she suggests, as she is offering me the right full-length toe-stocking.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered Silicone white stocking.

With the right stocking in my hands, I lift my foot up and slide it into the open and eager sleeve of the stocking; feeling the sleek, slippery and smooth surface swallowing my foot whole and quite eagerly. As my foot slide all the way down I feel my toes slide into their respective positions, before I can place the foot on the floor. Rarity is handing me the second, left stocking and I repeat the process; only to find myself standing comfortably on my own too Silicone covered feet.

“A bit tight, I guess; but otherwise quite comfortable, even if it was a bit odd to feel the slippery wet inner surface of the stockings!” I put forth.

Rarity is looking at my feet, critically; before she is lifting up her gaze to look me in the eye; “These stockings are perfectly you!” she then offers.

“When you put it like that, I guess they are; almost makes us look like sisters, wouldn't you say?” I suggest.

“Then you need the matching pair of gloves too!” she points out, handing me the right glove she had just extracted from the wardrobe.

“The same glossy Silicone white!” I observe.

I accept the proffered glove, slipping my right hand into it; pulling it all the way up to my shoulder, feeling my fingers sliding in as if guided by someone.

Rarity is extracting the left glove as I am slipping the right glove on; then I repeat the process of slipping the second glove on, completing the set.

“Elegant..” Rarity suggests, lifting up her right hand; “if you lift up your hand?” she then suggests.

“Yes..” I respond, finding myself mirroring her movement before I had even realized it.

“Ooh!” I exclaim, as my eyes follow the smooth skin of my now Silicone white arm.

“For the day, I would suggest a blouse and skirt!” she offers, as she is handing me the black skirt she had just extracted from the wardrobe.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered skirt; lifting my right and left foot in order, stepping into the skirt and pulling it up.

I only afford the skirt a few tentative tugs; once, twice and thrice.

“Since you are fully dressed, follow me out of the room!” she now suggests.

“Of course!” I respond, following her towards the door.

She is lifting her right arm and extends the palm of her right hand onto the plaque; only spreading her fingers wide in order to open the door, stepping out of the bed room with me in tow. The door quietly slides shut behind me, as I had cleared the threshold. She continues to the middle of the living room, indicating for me to stand before the screen and face it.

“Ooh!” I exclaim, as I see my image on the screen before me.


Is that what I am looking like now?” I ponder; eyes wide open and my mouth stuck in a silent gasp forming an oh.

What I see before me, feels as if she is an entirely different woman. It isn't just the change in clothes; but her stance and her figure as well, from where I stand.

She is wearing the knee-long, tight skirt and her pretty blouse with full-length sleeves just as I remember what I had just put on. I just can't quite reconcile with the difference in the appearance of the girl before me and my self-image I had as I was booking this suite before I arrived.

She is stepping up to me, extending her right arm, then extending her index-finger. I feel the tip of her index-finger lightly touching my upper lip in a slow and gentle motion as she is closing my mouth.

“How adorable!” she snickers quietly, to herself.

As she is closing my mouth, I realize how my eyes closes as well in the process. I blink; once, twice and thrice before I am catching up to myself. Finally, I am shaking my head as I am getting back to myself.

“Maybe a bottle of Sparkle Cola would do you some good!” she suggests.

“Yes; thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I walk over to the sofa.

As tight as the skirt may be, it is not directly restricting my movements in the least; largely do to the highly elastic nature of the Silicone, used to produced the ensemble I am currently wearing. While it may be a bit on the tight side, for my current sensibilities; but I still do find these clothes quite comfortable to wear, partially due to just how well they do follow my movement without restricting me. Something I had not been prepared for.

Once I reach the sofa, I plop down into the middle seat; before I am opening the hidden fridge, extracting the Sparkle Cola as she had just suggested.


“Aah..” I exclaim, as I had just emptied the bottle of Sparkle Cola; “exactly what I needed!” I ponder.

“Exactly what you needed!” she suggests.

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