//------------------------------// // Smooching // Story: The time twilight didn't choose a mare, and the fans don't want it! // by legendary_Jelly //------------------------------// "And then she laughed, applejack she laughed, in my face!" Rarity said through applejack's tear soaked withers. "There, there, suger cube, it's going to be all right, Twilight was always one to be reckoned with, it's not your fault." Applejack says as she rubs rarities back in an attempt to console her, which isn't working. " Oh, but it iiisss, it was that corny song I said, I knew I shouldn't have gone with that approach." "Hey just be glad you didn't go with the egghead approach" Rainbowdash adds with a shiver, "I don't even wanna know what I meant." "Rarity," Fluttershy chimed in "If it makes you feel better, Rainbowdash and pinkie pie didn't get Twilight either, although I wonder what cheese thinks of this? " She directed the question to pinkie pie who is in the corner, sulking as much as Pinkie can sulk. "Sigh" (and pinky said the word sigh) " he's ok with it, not that it's was going to happen anyway. Cheese loves a party, and as you know... three's a party...."